Monthly Archives: January 2023

Fun activities kindergarten: Kindergarten activities and learning games

Опубликовано: January 3, 2023 в 5:35 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Kindergarten activities and learning games

Looking for some fun games and activities for kindergarten students to keep little ones occupied — and learning — at home? Check these out!

  1. Create a personalized placemat

    Writing activity: This activity will help your kindergartner build reading and writing skills.

  2. Sorting beans

    Math activity: By sorting and categorizing beans, your kindergartner will begin to build math and problem-solving skills.

  3. Amazing bubbles

    Science activity: This fun activity engages your child’s curiosity and builds observation skills, which will become important as your child studies science.

  4. Telling tales

    Reading activity: By sharing family stories, you will reinforce an understanding of family and how things are similar or different from generation to generation. This provides a building block for studying social studies.

  5. Making hieroglyphics

    History activity: By delving into the art of ancient Egypt, you’ll be giving your child a glimpse of art history.

  6. Letters in clay

    Writing activity: Forming letters out of clay is a fun and easy art project that gives kids a hands-on feel for learning handwriting.

  7. Create a name book

    Reading activity: Using a computer and a camera, your kindergartner can learn basic computer skills by making this name book. Once the book is complete, they can read it over and over, and practice their reading skills.

  8. Make a personalized bookmark

    Writing activity: This easy project will help your child begin to learn the letters of the alphabet, and how to spell her name.

  9. Make music in a kitchen Band

    Math activity: Banging pots and pans, and beating on an oatmeal tin can teach the basics of finding the musical beat.

  10. Counting coins

    Math activity: By counting pennies, nickels and dimes, your child will learn how to count by ones, fives, and 10s.

  11. Make a story map

    Reading activity: Have your child make a story map to sequence the beginning, middle and end of a story.

  12. Shape walk

    Math activity: Go outside with your child and look for shapes.

  13. The “scents” of smell

    Science activity: Have your child explore the sense of smell by having her guess different scents.

  14. Letter collage

    Reading activity: In this activity your child explores letter sounds by making a collage.

  15. Word family flip book

    Reading activity: Have your child create this fun flip book to practice reading.

  16. Make your own wrapping Paper

    Art activity: Try printmaking to make your own wrapping paper!

  17. Fruit fractions

    Math activity: Here’s a clever and tasty way to review fractions with your child.

  18. Make a storytelling board

    Reading activity: In this activity your child acts out a story with a hand-made storyboard.

  19. Living things and nonliving objects

    Science activity: Have your child find living things and nonliving objects.

  20. Name puzzle

    Writing activity: In this activity your child makes a puzzle that helps her spell and recognize her name.

1000+ Engaging Kindergarten Activities for Learning & Play

Kindergarten activities are magical because they combine curiosity and learning with play.  Kids Activities Blog has the best math, science, reading (& pre-reading), phonics, STEM, sight words, worksheets, activity sheets, coloring pages and more for Kindergartners.

Embrace your Kindergartner’s curiosity through learning and play. In fact, most Kindergarten activities for kids ARE learning games which lead to education through playful exploration.

Kindergartners learn through play!

Kindergarten Learning Games & Activities

What age do kids go to Kindergarten?

Generally, most schools have Kindergarten programs for kids between the age of 4-6. Often Kindergarten students may be separated by age into classrooms like Kindergarten 4 or Kindergarten 5.

Kindergartners who are 6 usually turn that age during the school year and most school districts in the US require that students must attend Kindergarten before they turn 7.

The average age of Kindergarten students in the US is 5.

Kindergarten Activities & Age

Here is the deal. Every single kid has a unique learning path and matures at a different pace. That is what makes Kindergartners so amazing. They are learning different things within the SAME activity or lesson or game.

While these activities have been chosen age-appropriate for 4-6 year olds, they may be used for kids younger and older as well. We try to keep almost every Kindergarten activity play-based which opens up its age range to literally 1-101 with modifications!

Kindergarten Class Activities

Almost any Kindergarten activity can be adapted for a group of children in a classroom setting. Simple games like hangman, charades, bingo, puzzles are fun with more than one student present. Scroll below to see many less traditional options that can be modified to include a group of Kindergartners.

Hands-On Kindergarten Learning

We have talked about how kids ages 4-6 learn best through play, but what might be overlooked is how a Kindergartner defines play. Anything that holds their attention and is fun would qualify! Keep kids playfully learning with hands-on activities that put them INTO the fun.

Intuitively we realize that Kindergarten age students have a hard time “sitting still” because they crave engagement with everything around them. Instead of squashing that, let’s leverage it for their education!

Homeschooling Kindergarten

One out of my three boys were homeschooled for Kindergarten. It wasn’t because I set out to homeschool Kindergarten, he just didn’t seem ready to go when he was 5. So we worked on an informal “curriculum” at home which consisted of many of the things that are published here on Kids Activities Blog and by the time the new school year rolled around, he was ready for first grade instead of Kindergarten (based on the school’s placement testing).

Is My Kid Ready for Kindergarten?

I learned not to be afraid to trust my gut when it came to this question. Kids Activities Blog has a really good Kindergarten skills checklist that you can go through and make sure that you aren’t pushing him/her into something before they are ready.

Kindergarten Distance Learning Resources

Ack! One of the biggest parts of Kindergarten learning is the invisible impact of socialization – students interacting & students interacting with teachers (sometimes for the first time outside the home). The ability for an entire class to play a coordinated game outside, or listen quietly to one another talk once called on, or stand in a line as instructed, or lay on a mat while listening to the teacher read aloud without poking your mat mate! We could go on and on with scenarios in which Kindergarten classrooms are key in the full education of Kindergarten students.

And then there are good reasons why these things can’t happen “normally” which introduces distance learning. One of the biggest things that parents and caregivers can do to optimize distance learning at this level is to make sure the child is getting enough play. The activities that we have here at Kids Activities Blog will make your job easier! One downside to kids being on the other end of a screen for school is that their hands-on PLAY time gets cut. Don’t discount their playtime with you or siblings either…it is all important right now while we get through this season and try to make the best out of the situation.

Here are the Kindergarten Activities [keep scrolling]…

Fun games in kindergarten – Kindergarten and child

This article contains fun games in kindergarten. The games were prepared by Natalya Prishchepenok, a methodologist at the Kirov Children’s and Children’s Educational Institution. Illustration by Anna Lukyanova.

Kindergarten fun game “Guess the syllable”

This is an active fun game that can be played in the kindergarten on a walk or in the gym. The main thing is that the players have a flat surface under their feet. nine0003

Any fun game in kindergarten is not just for fun, it sets a number of developmental goals and objectives.

The purpose of the fun game “Guess the syllable” is to train children’s attention, ability to listen and take actions only after they understand what is being said. Also during this fun game in kindergarten, children get acquainted with new words and concepts. Each time, giving the teams words, the teacher should ask the children if they know the meaning of a particular word, and if not, introduce the children to an unfamiliar concept. nine0003

A line is drawn on the floor or on the ground, along which the players stand. Up to twenty people can play, divided into two teams. You need to stand up as follows: the toe of one leg is at the line, the second leg is slightly behind.

The task of the team members having heard his word, which the leader will say, cross the line and hit someone from the other team. Then everything is repeated from the beginning.

Words can be different, meaning that each time both pairs of words begin with the same syllables. Each pair of words can be repeated five or six times. The host pronounces the word, deliberately stretching the first syllable to give the game intrigue and interest the children. Before each change of words, the leader agrees with the teams who will have which word. nine0003

Examples of word pairs: cow – crown, butterfly – grandmother, camel – helicopter, plane – scooter, cheburek – Cheburashka, transition – pass, dam – carpenter, change – break, desert – emptiness, ball – scarf, mittens –

Fun game for kindergarten “Dandelions”

Fun game “Dandelions” is held in kindergarten to develop children’s coordination, develop attention.

Up to twenty people can participate in the fun game “Dandelions”. All children stand in a circle. The right palm is raised up, and the index finger of the left hand is placed on the neighbor’s open palm. nine0003

The facilitator says that everyone is now becoming a dandelion, and dandelions have this feature: when the sun is shining, their flowers are open, and if it starts to rain, all the flowers are closed. The left hand of all the players symbolizes the bee, which must be sure to quickly fly away from the flower when it closes so that it does not close in a dandelion.

If the leader says: “Sun”, all palms are open, and the “bee” fingers of each are on the palm of the player on the left. When the host says: “Rain”, everyone should close their palms and try to simultaneously catch the neighbor’s finger with their right palm, and quickly remove their finger from the neighbor’s palm on the left to prevent him from catching it. nine0003

This fun game always brings excitement. You can also play it for the winner: each time those who are caught leave the circle.

Fun game for kindergarten “What do you take with you?”

This fun game can be played standing or sitting in a circle. The leader tells each player where he is going. The player must say which item he will take. The subject must begin with the same letter as the place where the player is going. For example:

– You go to the cinema and take with you …

— Envelope.

– You go to the theater and take with you …

– Cake.

Anyone who cannot name a word starting with the corresponding letter is out of the game.

Second option. The players throw the ball to each other, saying where to go. The one to whom the ball was thrown catches it and says that he takes it with him. Then he throws the ball to the next player.

For example:

– You go to school and take with you …

– Chocolate.

— You go to kindergarten and take with you…

– Bag.

This fun game for kindergarten always brings joy to the children.

A modification of this fun kindergarten game is the Knock-Knock-Knock Train game.

Fun game for kindergarten “Tuk-tuk-tuk”

All players stand in a circle. The host goes in a circle with the words: “Tuk-tuk-tuk, the engine makes a cheerful sound!”. After that, the train stops in front of someone and the host announces: “Station …”, pronouncing the name of the city. The one in front of whom the train stopped says: “I take with me …”, naming an object whose name begins with the same letter as the name of the station. He then joins the train, becoming a trailer, and they continue to walk in circles together. This continues until all participants in the game join the train..

Fun game for kindergarten “A walk in the zoo”

Children are divided into two teams. Each team has the task of pulling out a figurine of an animal from a box or bag and depicting it in such a way that the other team guesses what kind of animal it is. You can show animals individually. When showing, you need to depict the characteristic features of animals.

A variant of this fun game is the animal relay race. Teams pull animals out of the bag at the same time and, at the command of the host, move to the finish line in the same way as these animals move. Sounds cannot be produced. nine0003

Animal examples: frog, hare, cat, deer, horse, bear, snake, fox, tortoise, squirrel, chicken.

Variant of the game: one team, having taken an animal out of the bag, depicts how it moves, and the second team, having guessed this animal, voices it, imitating the voice of the animal. This game can also be paired and individual.

Fun game for kindergarten “Singing Zoo”

The game develops creativity.

Task – sing (grunt, croak, hum, etc.) a famous song in the voice of an animal. nine0003

The task can be executed individually or by commands. The animal, with the voice of which the children will sing, can be pulled out of the bag, as in previous games – in the form of a toy.

Fun game for kindergarten “Chorus from the Zoo”

The game develops attention, the ability to hear. Everyone is divided into groups of three. Everyone in the group thinks of some kind of animal (or the leader whispers the names of animals in everyone’s ear). Then, at the signal of the host, all together in a trio loudly make sounds with which the hidden animal “talks”. Everyone else guesses which animals were guessed. And so each group in turn. nine0003

A more complex version – the sounds are made not by one group, but by several.

Fun game for kindergarten “Logic chain”

The game develops logical thinking, creative imagination, enriches vocabulary. In the game, children learn to build sentences, argue their point of view.

Both two teams and children divided into pairs can play.

Each team makes a chain of objects, and the other team explains how these objects are sequentially connected to each other. Then the teams change. The same process occurs in pairs. The explanation may be similar to a logically built story, or it may be based solely on the description and parameters of objects. For example, a toy dog ​​is made of the same material as a toy apple – plastic. The car is the same color as the apple – red. The doll is also plastic, and her dress is red. The cube is square, like the body of the typewriter. nine0003

There may be a creative logical explanation. For example: on the table there are a toy dog, an apple, a car, a doll, a cube lined up in a row. The explanation can be, for example, this: the owner of the dog loves to eat apples and always takes them with him when he walks the dog. Apples are brought to the store by a car. And next to the store that sells apples, there is a toy store that sells dolls and blocks.

Do not limit children with any rules and algorithms for finding a logical connection between objects, let them think for themselves. This game will also be a little diagnostic – during it you can see how children think, who has more figurative thinking, and who has practical. nine0003

Fun game for kindergarten “Find the object”

The purpose of the game is to study or repeat letters, enrich vocabulary, develop the ability to act quickly on a task.

Can be played indoors and outdoors.

Task within a certain time to find in the kindergarten for a group or in the area objects whose names begin with the letter that the host calls. Everyone must either bring an item or go up to it and show it to the host, naming this item. nine0003

Fun game for kindergarten “Guess the details”

Task – Guess the object by one of its details drawn in the picture or presented in the photograph.

You can play both in teams and individually. The game develops observation, attention and imaginative thinking.

Examples of items:

Bicycle (you can show the handlebar)

Skis (ski bindings)

Hat with earflaps (ears)

Watermelon (watermelon tail)

Cat (tail)

Car (headlight, wheel or steering wheel)

Moon (lunar craters)

House (roof, chimney, porch)

Elevator (buttons)

Computer (mouse)


Lock (keyhole)

Key (key beard)

Skates (skate blades)

Boots (laces)

Shoes (heels)

Boots (zipper).

Fun game for kindergarten “Fly away – stay”

This game is also suitable for direct educational activities in the educational area “The World Around”.

The task of children is to guess which birds are wintering and which are migratory, waving their hands like wings, when the host calls the birds that fly away to warm countries for the winter, that is, migratory birds, and stay in place, nothing doing, if the host calls the birds that stay with us for the winter, that is, not migratory. You can also show the children pictures of birds. nine0003

Examples of birds: sparrow, crow, swan, duck, black grouse, partridge, thrush, dove, parrot, rook, hen, oriole, penguin (because it doesn’t fly at all, it can bring a fun animation to the game).

Fun game for kindergarten “Whose portrait?”

The game develops attention, observation, the ability to act in a team.

Task — each of the teams (there can be 3-5 people in a team) needs to find out the portrait of which literary hero is in front of them by one of the details shown to them. The team that correctly guesses more portraits in one minute wins. The task can be completed individually. You can draw portraits and their elements yourself or use real objects. As an option, you can simultaneously offer children these works so that they compare characters and books. nine0003

Examples of literary characters and elements of their portraits: Pinocchio – cap, nose; Malvina – blue hair with a bow; Karabas-Barabas – beard; Chicken Ryaba – a golden egg; Chippolino – green onion feathers; Cinderella – shoe, pumpkin; Puss in Boots – boots; Harry Potter – wand, glasses; Little Red Riding Hood – hat, basket.

Fun game for kindergarten “News”

The presenter plays the role of the presenter of a TV news program. All children stand in a circle. The presenter says: “Dear viewers! Look at the news from the city (names the city). In this city today, everyone … (names some action). All other players perform this action. For example, dancing, jumping and so on. The leader evaluates the quality of the task and chooses the one who liked him more than the others. This person becomes the new leader. It is desirable that as many players as possible be the hosts. nine0003

More complicated: the action can match the name of the city from which the news is “displayed”.

Fun game for kindergarten “Pieces”

The game develops attention, the ability to divide words into syllables and compose words from syllables, vocabulary replenishment.

Task – two or more teams of children (there can be from three to five people in a team) are given a set of words cut into syllables. The task of the teams is to add as many words as possible from the proposed sets of syllables – “pieces of words” in five minutes. You can also play individually. nine0003

Cheerful game for kindergarten “A cheerful start”

The game develops thinking, memory; With the help of this game, children replenish their active vocabulary. You can play in teams and individually.

Task – get a card with a sound “image” of laughter from the “Funny bag”: “Ha-ha”, “Hee-hee”, “Ho-ho”, “He-he” and, having laughed appropriately, say as many words as possible that start with that syllable. The winner is the participant who, in one minute, remembers more words that begin with the corresponding syllable. nine0003

Fun game for kindergarten “Who can count faster”

This fun game develops attention, thinking, mathematical skills, reaction speed, and the ability to count to ten.

Teams of 10 people participate. Each person is assigned a number that can be written on a card and attached to the player. Players stand one after another in a column so that the numbers go in order.

The leader calls the numbers of the players, they run to the line with the flags, run around the flags and come back. The team in which the player runs faster than the players of the other teams wins. nine0003

An advanced version for children who can count to ten.

The host first sets an arithmetic example within ten. Children solve it, get an answer. The person whose number matches the answer of the example is running.

Option for children who can count within a hundred.

The host calls two-digit numbers, the players run in twos, those whose numbers are included in the named number. Also, the presenter can set examples, where the answer is two-digit numbers. nine0003

Fun game for kindergarten “Drive”

All children sit on chairs and pretend to drive a car, saying all the words in chorus: “We are driving, we are driving a car, how fast the tires are rushing! Suddenly we saw a sign! Explain what to do? As?”.

After these words, the facilitator shows the children some kind of road sign, one of those that are studied in the classes on the rules of the road in kindergarten. Children explain who and what should do, if there is this sign.

In this game, it is very convenient to use the educational games “Road Signs”, “Laws of Streets and Roads”, “ABC of Safety” and demonstration materials “Observe traffic rules”, “Signs on the roads”. nine0003

Two teams can participate in this game: one is “drivers” and the other is “pedestrians”. It’s great if the kindergarten has a specially equipped area for learning the rules of the road, then the game can take place there.

Fun game for kindergarten “Getting Together”

The game develops attention, the ability to hear others, to act in a team.

Everyone stands in a circle, the host passes behind the circle and in each ear, so that others do not hear, calls some literary or cartoon character. There should be so many options for heroes that they make up several groups of three to five people. nine0003

Then the facilitator explains that all the same characters should get together in a group, but without naming themselves, but by saying some phrases that they say in a literary work. Alternatively, you can say these phrases in the ear of the players, but this will slow down the pace of the game.

For example:

Wolf from the cartoon “Just you wait!” – the phrase “Well, hare, wait a minute!”.

Cat Matroskin from the work “Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat” – the phrases “Moustache, paws and tail – these are my documents!”, “And I can even use a typewriter … And embroider with a cross.” nine0003

Little jackdaw from the same place – the phrase “Who’s there?”.

Cat Leopold – the phrase “Let’s live together!”.

Fox Alice from the fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio” – the phrase “Poor Pinocchio!”.

Winnie the Pooh from the fairy tale “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all” – the phrases “Who visits in the morning, he acts wisely!”, “These are the wrong bees!”, “Both of them, and you can without bread.”

Piglet from the same work – the phrase “It seems it’s going to rain!”.

Donkey Eeyore – the phrase “And it goes in and out, it comes out great!”. nine0003

Each character’s phrases may be different.

The task of the players is to understand that these phrases also belong to their hero and unite into a group. When all the same heroes unite, they must say one of their phrases in unison.

Fun game for kindergarten “Let’s go, let’s go”

The game develops attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements.

All children sit or stand in a circle, clapping their knees, say: “Let’s go, let’s go…”, against this background, the leader periodically names some part of the body. Everyone should take her hand. For example: “Let’s go, let’s go … Nose! Let’s go, let’s go … Heel! Let’s go, let’s go … Ear! Let’s go, let’s go … Neighbor’s ear! nine0003

The facilitator deliberately confuses the children by not doing what he says.

The task of children is not to get confused by carefully listening to the leader. The children’s mistakes and the host’s witty comments make this game especially fun.

Fun game for kindergarten “Forbidden Number”

The game is designed for children who already know how to count to one hundred. The game develops attention. All players stand in a circle.

Task – count to one hundred, without naming the agreed figure and those numbers where this figure is included. For example, the number four. Instead of saying this number, you need to perform some action: clap your hands, jump, sit down. Every time you play this game, you can “prohibit” some other number and do a different action. nine0003

Those who make a mistake are out of the game. So the most attentive will remain in the circle.

NOTE. Children’s sports equipment at low prices in the specialized store “Kindergarten” –

Funny games for children – Kindergarten and child

The article provides a description of more than 30 funny games for children. The author is a methodologist Natalia PRISHCHEPENOK.

Funny game for kids MORE WORDS

Purpose: development of figurative and associative thinking; vocabulary replenishment.

Participants: two teams.

Task: to the given word, think of as many words related to this concept as possible. The team that comes up with the most correct words wins.

For example, the words “forest” and “field” are given.

Corresponding association words

  • Forest: forester, trees, glade, mushrooms, mushroom pickers, berries, grass. nine0008
  • Field: grass, strawberries, cows, shepherd, tractor, arable land, etc.

The teacher can prepare in advance cards with images corresponding to the given concepts. In this case, children can choose among the different images they need and voice the name of what is drawn in the picture.

Funny game for children UNUSUAL RELAY

Purpose: development of coordination.

Participants: two teams. nine0003

Task: Complete the relay distance in some unusual way.

For example: back to front, left side forward with side steps, right side forward with side steps, back to front together, holding a book on his head, closing his left eye, closing his right eye, on all fours, jumping in huge jumps, squatting, moving as if on skis, moving as if on skates, in flippers, in very large felt boots, with a huge soft toy in their hands, with gymnastic sticks in their hands, which represent ski sticks. nine0008

The main thing is to explain to children correctly and in detail each mode of transportation.

Funny game for children POETRY COUNT

Purpose: development of attention, thinking; strengthening the ability to count.

Task: Read famous nursery rhymes while counting.

For example, in this way:

Ours – one, Tanya – two, loudly – three, crying – four!
Dropped – five, into the river – six, the ball – seven. nine0008
Hush – eight, Tanechka – nine, don’t cry – ten,
Don’t drown – eleven, in the river – twelve, the ball – thirteen!

Before reading and counting, the teacher with the children repeats separately – a poem, separately – an account.

You can read both individually and in chorus, in teams, and in turn, one word and one number.

For this game, you can use other short poems, in particular, A. Barto from the cycle “Toys”, A. Usachev and other authors known to children. nine0003

Funny game for children CHANGE OF NUMBERS

Purpose: development of attention, speed of reaction, consolidation of knowledge of numbers.

Task: have time to take a seat.

All children stand in a circle so that their shoulders touch each other. The driver stands in the center of the circle. All are calculated in numerical order. The driver has number 0. The driver announces which numbers are changing places, and while they are changing, he tries to quickly take one of the vacant places. If he succeeds, he takes the number of the one who did not have time to take a seat, and he becomes the leader with the number 0.

Funny game for children MOUSE WITHOUT MINK

Purpose: development of speed of reaction, coordination.

Task: run away from the cat.

Participants stand in pairs facing each other, hold hands and raise them at shoulder level or above their heads, forming a “mink”. Two drivers are selected – Mouse and Cat (Cat). The mouse runs away from the cat, she can run into the hole. The one to whom the Mouse turned out to face in the mink becomes the Mouse and must leave the mink, running away from the Cat. If the Cat catches the Mouse, they switch roles. nine0003

Funny game for children SHORE AND Stream

Purpose: development of reaction speed, dexterity, coordination.

Task: correctly jump into the stream or onto the bank.

If the game is played indoors, on the floor, two ropes are laid out in parallel at a distance of one meter from each other. If the game takes place on the street, two parallel lines are drawn. It will be a stream and banks.

All children stand at the beginning of this fun game on the banks. At the command of the host “Stream!” children jump into the stream. At the command “Shore” – they jump ashore. The host gives commands very quickly and randomly. Those who make mistakes are out of the game. The most attentive player who never makes a mistake wins. nine0003

Funny game for children SUN, MOON, PLANETS AND COMET

Purpose: development of reaction speed, dexterity, coordination.

Task: perform actions correctly.

All children stand in groups of three, holding hands. Between themselves, they agree on who will be the Sun, who will be the Moon, and who will be the planet.

One of the children is a comet. He is on the playing field alone. The leader loudly calls the Sun, the Moon or the planets, or says two names at once. Those whom he named should change places and again stand in threes. The comet at this time is trying to get up to someone in a circle. You can’t kick out the Comet. The one who did not have enough space becomes the new Comet and the game continues again. The leader can change not one person, but two, and all at once. nine0003

Funny game for children FOREHEAD, CHEEK, KNEES

Purpose: development of speed of reaction, attention, coordination, listening skills.

Task: perform the task correctly.

You can play both standing in a circle and sitting at a table. The host calls and at the same time points to his forehead, cheek and knees. Children should do what he said. The facilitator can confuse children by saying one thing and pointing to another. Children shouldn’t make mistakes. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. nine0003

Funny game for children DANCE MARATHON

Purpose: development of artistic abilities, sense of rhythm, plasticity.

Task: dance according to the leader’s wishes.

The teacher plays a cheerful rhythmic melody, the children begin to dance, and the teacher tells them in what way they should dance.

For example: imitating the movements of monkeys; using skittles in the dance; copying the movements of a football player; like primitive hunters; depicting a boiling kettle; imitating the movements of a weightlifter; portraying penguins; squatting down; standing on one leg; depicting an airplane; imitating the movements of a skier; pretending to be a butterfly; imitating the gait and habits of a bear; pretending to be a fan; as if in a dream; depicting the movements of a marathon runner. nine0008

Funny game for children FUN QUESTIONS

Purpose: development of the ability to think outside the box; updating the experience and knowledge of children.

Participants: individuals and teams.

Task: Answer the presenter’s questions correctly.

The teacher asks questions, the children answer. The first person to answer the most questions correctly wins. For each correct answer to the question, the answerer can be given a token. nine0003


1. Why did the Wolf eat Grandmother in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, but not in “Well, wait a minute”? (Answer: because there is no Grandmother in “Just you wait”).

2. How many fingers are on two hands? What about ten hands? (Answer: 10 and 50)

3. How many eyes do two dogs have? What about two octopuses? (Answer: 4 and 4).

4. Boil one egg for 5 minutes. How many minutes will five eggs boil? nine0008 (Answer: 5 minutes).

5. Three horses galloped 3 kilometers. How many kilometers did each horse ride? (Answer: three kilometers).

6. What tastes better: 2 teaspoons of sugar or 4 tablespoons? (Answer: the same. The taste does not depend on the volume or quantity).

7. The houses on the street are numbered from 1 to 22. How many times does the number 2 appear in the numbers? (Answer: 6 times).

Funny game for children REALIZED PICTURE

Purpose: development of attention, acting skills, empathy.

Participants: two teams.

Task: to represent from the team members the plot of a picture prepared and given to the teams by the educator. Image accuracy is evaluated.

A more complicated version of the game – the picture can be animated and convey what the characters depicted on it say. You can also invite the children to come up with what happened to the characters in the picture before the moment that is shown in it, and what will happen after. nine0003

Funny game for kids ONE, TWO, THREE – GO RIGHT!

Purpose: development of speed of reaction, coordination.

Task: correctly match actions with words.

All children walk in a circle, and the leader – a teacher or a child – counts. If he says: “One!”, everyone goes in the same direction as they went. If he says: “Two!” everyone should turn around and walk in the opposite direction. If – “Three!”, Start moving in jumps. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. nine0003

Funny game for kids ATTENTION!

Purpose: development of attention, speed of reaction, coordination, ability to listen to the task.

Task: correctly match actions with words.

All players line up. The leader – a teacher or a child – gives all the children a task. You can complete the task only if, before voicing the task, the leader says: “Attention!”. If this word is not present, the task is not necessary to perform. Those who make a mistake are out of the game. You can play with two teams. In this case, the team that has more attentive players by the end of the game wins. nine0003

Sample tasks: Attention! Hands to the side! Hands up! Attention! Let’s bounce! Etc.

Funny game for children MAGIC WAND

Purpose: development of creative abilities, acting skills, attention, coordination.

Task: , taking an ordinary wand in turn, turn it into some object and perform actions corresponding to this object with it. All other participants in the game must guess what kind of item was shown. nine0003

Funny game for children UNUSUAL ALPHABET

Purpose: development of creative abilities, non-standard thinking; consolidation of knowledge of letters, properties of various materials.

Participants: individuals and teams.

Task: fold the letters of the Russian alphabet from improvised materials. You can also add numbers from unusual materials.

Fun game for kids0006 Purpose:

development of non-standard thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment.

Task: name the word that the presenter said “back to front”. You need to start with simple words: cat, dream, forest. Then you can gradually complicate the game.

A variant of the game is to ask children to find and say words that are read the same way both forward and backward. In this way, you can introduce children to the concept of a palindrome.

Funny game for kids CONTINUE THE WORD

Purpose: development of thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment.

Task: continue the word, the beginning of which was said by the presenter.

For example: steam… (…move,…carry), self… (…flight,…stall), tele… (…visor,…background), colo… (…juice,…knock), transfer… (…gate , … pinwheel, … nose, … move), auto … (… sink, … beads), electric … (… fireplace, … garland, … pump), great … (… grandfather, … grandmother), from … (… screw, … kaz, … start, … wind), kara … (… ndash, … s, … belly), short … (… bka, … on, … va), voro … (… tnik, … that, … nka, … on , … beat), shu … (… ba, … m, … tka), but … (… whose, … that, … ha, … juice, … l), glue … (… ver, … th, … yonka, … tka). nine0008

You can also play in teams. In this case, the beginning of the word comes up and says one team, the second – continues it. Then the teams change.

Funny game for children BALLS WITH NUMBERS

Purpose: development of thinking, attention, oral counting skills.

Task: solve an example. All players stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the players, saying a simple addition or subtraction action. The one who got the ball in his hands gives an answer and sets the following example by throwing the ball to another player. nine0003

The second version of this fun game: the teacher calls a number or a number and throws the ball. The person who catches the ball must name the number or number one less. Called numbers and numbers should not go one after another.

Funny game for children BALLS WITH LETTERS

Purpose: development of thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment.

Task: find the word.

All players stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the players, pronouncing any letter of the Russian alphabet. The child who caught the ball must say a word (noun) that begins with this letter and throw the ball to the next player, calling another letter. nine0003

A complicated version of this fun game: the one who named the word throws the ball to another player with the question: “What is he doing?” or “What?”. The one who catches the ball answers the question and throws the ball to the next player, naming a new letter.

For example: P – bird – flies, T – TV – shows, C – sun – shines.

Funny game for children BALLS WITH PROFESSIONS

Purpose: development of thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment.

Task: identify what a person does.

All players stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the players, calling any profession. The one who caught the ball must say a verb denoting an action suitable for this profession, and, in turn, throws the ball to the next player, naming a new profession.

For example:

1 player: Pilot

2 player: Flies. Seller

3 player: Sells. Teacher, etc.

Funny game for children FABULOUS POUCH

Purpose: development of thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment.

Task: come up with a fairy tale.

All players sit in a circle. The teacher starts a fairy tale by taking an item out of the bag. Then he passes the Fairy Pouch to the next player. He, in turn, takes out an object from the bag and continues to tell the tale. Everyone can add one suggestion. If it is difficult for children to begin to compose an interesting story, you can invite them to answer the questions: “Who? With whom? Where? Why?”. nine0003

The items in the Fairy Bag can be very different: small toys (for example, from kinder surprises or made from plastisol), pocket calendars, stationery, plastic teaspoons, key chains, cubes.

The teacher helps the children during the game, asks them leading questions, helps to make the story interesting.

You can first tell the children about the “Animation of Objects” technique, proposed by the Italian storyteller Gianni Rodari to children whom he taught to compose fairy tales. nine0003

NOTE. Magic bags at low prices in the specialized store “Kindergarten” –

Funny game for children I GIVE YOU

Purpose: development of creative, acting abilities of children; activation of life experience.

Participants: two teams.

Task: depict an object.

In turn, each team draws an object that it will give to the other team. The team that was given a gift must guess what they were given. nine0003

As an option, it is possible to determine in advance on which holiday the gift will be given, thus making a closer connection between the game and the life and experience of children.

Funny game for children LEARN BY PARTS

Purpose: development of mental abilities, ability to classify; activation of life experience.

Participants: two teams.

Task: to learn in parts.

Screen required to play. The teams are on opposite sides of the screen. One of the teams from behind the screen shows some object in parts. For example, a doll. First, a piece of the dress is shown. If the team guessed what it was the first time, it gets five points. If there is no answer, for example, doll hair is shown. Then, if the object is still not guessed, the handle and leg of the doll. Thus, each time the team has the opportunity to earn one point less. Then the teams change. nine0003

Items can be very different and unexpected, the main thing is to show them from more difficult to guess fragments to simpler ones.

Funny game for children DRAWING

Purpose: development of creativity, coordination, imagination.

Participants: two teams.

Task: guess what the participants from the other team “drawn”.

The players of each team take turns drawing different objects in the air with a brush or pencil. The opposing team guesses what their opponents drew. For each correctly guessed drawing, the guessing team is awarded a point. After that, the teams change. nine0003

Funny game for children LETTER FROM…

Purpose: development of creative abilities, imagination; vocabulary replenishment; development of thinking.

Task: tell what kind of letter a toy could write to children.

Complicated version: a letter from some object or concept: weather, color, wood, table, pencil, paints, scarf, mittens, skates, skis.

Funny game for kids POINT OF VIEW

Purpose: development of creative abilities, imagination; vocabulary replenishment; development of figurative and divergent thinking.

Task: describe an object from different points of view.

For example: car – from the point of view of father, mother, the road along which it goes; a cat that sleeps on or under it; rain that drips from above.

Kashu – from the point of view of the cook who cooks it; the child who eats it; pots in which porridge is boiled; plates into which it is poured; a person who is hungry; a well-fed person. nine0008

Funny game for children MATRYOSHKA WORD

Purpose: development of thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment; strengthening the ability to read.

Participants: team.

Task: to find other words in the words written on the cards that seem to be “hidden” inside. For each word found, the team receives a point.

Examples of words: draw, deer, gingerbread man, aquarium, swallow, angle, heel, sand, cake, success, hammock, tip, peak, eight, vegetables, dragonfly, scarf, joke, screen. nine0008

Funny game for children WORD PICTURE

Purpose: development of creativity, imagination, empathy; vocabulary replenishment; development of figurative and divergent thinking.

Participants: individuals and teams.

Task: to convey in expanded sentences the concept, a short phrase that the presenter offers.

For example: He was delighted – He laughed, his eyes sparkled, he jumped for joy and began to jump and jump around the table, shouting loudly and joyfully. nine0008

Opposite task: Express in one word a colorful description of the manifestation of feelings that the facilitator offers.

For example: His brows furrowed, he slammed his fist on the table, threw the stool aside and shouted menacingly – He got angry.

Funny game for children АХ AND ОХ

Purpose: development of a sense of empathy, the ability to intotone.

Participants: two teams.

Task: to convey with interjections and intonationally emotional state, given by the moderator. One team performs the task, the second tries to determine the voiced emotion. nine0003

Funny game for kindergarten RHYMS

Purpose: development of creativity, imagination, empathy, vocabulary replenishment.

Task: come up with rhymes for the proposed words.

Before playing this fun game, the teacher tells the children that words that have the same last three or four letters are considered rhymes.

Examples of words for selecting rhymes: task, day, juice, friend, book, hungry, row, neighbor, pillow, night, fairy tale, kitten, spring, summer, puddle, knee, flower, dot. nine0008

Subsequently, mono with the children to play a fun game “Burime”, inviting them to compose quatrains based on the proposed rhymes.

Funny game for kids WHAT AM I DOING?

Purpose: development of creative abilities, imagination, acting abilities, coordination, activation of the life experience of the players.

Participants: individually or in two teams.

Task: show some action so that others can guess what it is. The action can be invented by the players themselves, and the leader can offer. nine0003

Examples of actions: Peel and eat an orange, drink a cup of very hot tea, wash a window, eat a candy, peel and cut an onion, eat a lemon wedge, make a phone call, cross a puddle, comb and braid your hair, jump rope, go skiing, spin a hoop, make and eat a sausage and butter sandwich, peel a hard-boiled egg, peel a soft-boiled egg, lace up your boots, put on a fur coat, watch football on TV.

Funny game for kids FEEL THE DIFFERENCE

Purpose: development of creativity, imagination, coordination and empathy.

Task: show the nuances of different actions so that the actions differ from each other.

The host calls the action, the children perform. The facilitator can tell the children how one action differs from another.

Action examples: smile/laugh/grin/giggle/chuckle, talk/whisper/grumble/shout/mumble, walk/stomp/strike/march/flutter, jump/jump/bounce/jump/jump/jump/bounce, sing/ sing/scream/purr. nine0008

Alternatively, you can ask the children to rank the actions: from the calmest to the most active and stormy, and vice versa.

Funny game for kids DRAW!

Purpose: development of creative abilities, imaginative thinking.

Participants: individuals and teams.

Task: complete the picture, including an object or character already drawn or pasted on a piece of paper into the plot.

Funny game for children PAINTED NAME

Purpose: development of creative abilities, imagination, imaginative thinking.

Task: draw your name the way the child feels it.

After this game, you can introduce children to what their names mean, talk with children about whether they know why or in honor of whom they were named that way, what other names are in their family.

Complicated task – draw the names of your family members, your last name.

Funny game for kids WHAT DID YOU GET? nine0336

Purpose: development of creative abilities, imaginative thinking, coordination.

Participants: two or more teams.

Task: draw an object blindfolded with the whole team, drawing individual details of the picture in turn.

After the drawing is done, the other teams have to figure out what their opponents did.

Funny game for kids SAME AND OPPOSITE

Goal: replenishment of children’s vocabulary; development of speech, figurative thinking.

Participants: individuals and teams.

Task: for each leading word spoken, come up with as many synonyms and antonyms as possible. For each invented word, the person who came up with it gets one point.

Words can also be invented by the teams themselves. In this case, one team says the word, the second – its synonym and antonym. Then the teams change.

Funny game for kids LIKE IN A FAIRY TALE

Purpose: enrichment of children’s vocabulary; development of figurative thinking.

Participants: individuals and teams.

Task: find epithets for nouns that are used in Russian folklore and Russian folk tales.

This game is best played after studying the relevant topic in Direct Learning Activities (DLL) classes or after reading Russian folk epics, fairy tales, listening to Russian folk songs. You can talk with children about why the people awarded this or that phenomenon, object or person with such epithets; to what else can one choose the same definitions. nine0003

Examples: good fellow, golden wheat, fine day, clear field, clear eyes, silky hair, black eyes, scarlet lips, white birch, burning tears, wild little head, red sun, ruddy apple, dark forces, faithful friend, a fierce enemy, a sharp look, a tasty piece, a dense forest, dear mother.

Funny game for children CHANG THE LETTER

Purpose: vocabulary replenishment; development of speech, thinking; strengthening the ability to read simple words. nine0003

Participants: individually or as a team.

Task: by changing one letter in a word, get a new word from it (children are offered simple words made up of cards with letters).

For example: cat-mouth, rome-rice, rice-fox, forest-lion, lac-bow, bow-beetle, hour-tea, hour-bass, tea-paradise, genus-year, bass-buck, tank -side, house-com, ox-shaft, ball-sword.

The second version of this fun kindergarten game is to make a chain of three words.

For example: chalk-mol-goal, shield-whale-cat, bass-bis-rice, fox-forest-lion, gam-gaz-las.

The third, more difficult version of the game is to make new words by changing one letter in four-letter words.

For example: dad-paw, mom-frame, mountain-time.

Day care apex nc: THE Top 10 Daycares in Apex, NC

Опубликовано: January 3, 2023 в 5:35 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

THE Top 10 Daycares in Apex, NC

Daycares in Apex, NC


Welcome to St. Mary Magdalene Preschool. We offer full and half-day preschool for 3’s and 4’s during a traditional school year. Our goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment where young children canlearn and explore. We believe that a basic understanding of the beauty of God’s creation and of his unending love and forgiveness for all people helps to set young children on a positive path for friendships, behavior, and knowledge of their own self-worth.
Weekly activities in the preschool classrooms include arts and crafts, music, movement, alphabet and number activities, science and sensory activities, dramatic play, block play, writing activities, and manipulative toys such as puzzles and peg boards. In both the 3 year old and 4 year old programs, there is significant emphasis placed on social skills and language skills.
The Preschool program at STMM follows the curriculum guidelines developed by the Diocese of Raleigh. Classroom teachers use the teaching methods and activities that they have found to be most effective with their age group as they address each of the curriculum standards set forth by the diocese. The Diocesan Curriculum for Early Childhood Programs includes activities and skills for each developmental area in which children learn and grow. These areas include spiritual, social, emotional, cognitive, language and physical motor skills.
We are accredited by AdvancEd, part of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools….


The Goddard School of Apex in North Carolina was established in 2005 to serve the families living in the community. It provides a safe, healthy and stimulating environment suitable for children’s growth anddevelopment. It also provides educational activities that foster the children’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. The Goddard School offers programs for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, junior kindergarten, kindergarten and school-age children.


Twice As Nice Tots in Apex, North Carolina seeks to provide a nurturing, high quality, safe and fun learning environment that is fit for the child’s overall growth and development. It is a Child Care providerthat can accommodate a certain number of children….


Offering care for kids from 6 weeks to 12 years old, THE GROWING YEARS LEARNING CENTER is an organization in Apex, NC that features a loving and warm atmosphere. They provide age-appropriate activities andvarious interesting programs that offer utmost importance to the children’s well-being and safety. This child care facility also assists in the student’s developmental and emotional needs….


A Plus Preschool is a private, academic Christian preschool located at 1003 River Dee Court, Apex, North Carolina. It offers a Christ-centered, developmentally appropriate curriculum that ensures children intheir care will be ready for kindergarten. A Plus Preschool’s program is carefully designed to meet the growth and developmental needs of children, nurturing their strengths and skills for future success.


Play N Learn Services LLC offers full-time and center-based child care and early learning programs designed for young children. The facility serves the residents of Apex, NC and nearby communities. Play N LearnServices LLC operates on weekdays and is open from 6:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M….


We prepare your child for a lifetime of learning! When your child joins us for their early education, you can feel confident that we’re going to make their experience as rich and rewarding as possible. Annualassessments are one way we make sure we’re helping your child meet their academic and social-emotional milestones or make up for interrupted learning. Plus, they give teachers and families focused insight on your child’s strengths and areas for growth.


Welcome to a place filled with warmth and light, smiles and laughter, fun and fitness, love and learning. Our school offers an engaging, nurturing environment for every child, during the most critical earlyyears, starting in infancy. By adhering to high standards, we help mold inquisitive, confident kids, who are socially, physically, and academically prepared for school. As a 21st century preschool, our STEAM curriculum brings the world into every classroom. Integrated, hands-on learning experiences in Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math provide a foundation to ensure children are prepared to navigate a changing world. As they grow, your children will need to be makers and thinkers, and that’s why this approach ensures that they thrive and develop the necessary skills to embark on their future. This school of today will prepare your child for the world of tomorrow….


Our teachers and caregivers are trained, ready, and eager to help spark lightbulb moments for your child. We invite you to visit and see our Balanced Learning approach in action!

Showing 1 – 9 of 9

FAQs for finding daycares in Apex

In 2022 what type of daycare can I find near me in Apex, NC?

There are a variety of daycares in Apex, NC providing full time and part-time care. Some daycares are facility-based and some are in-home daycares operated out of a person’s home. They can also vary in the degree of education and curriculum they offer. Additionally, some daycares offer bilingual programs for parents that want to immerse their children in multiple languages.

How can I find a daycare near me in Apex, NC?

If you are looking for daycare options near you, start several months in advance of when you need care for your child. has 233 in Apex, NC as of December 2022 and you can filter daycares by distance from Apex or your zip code. From there, you can then compare daycare rates, parent reviews, view their specific services, see their hours of operation and contact them through the website for further information or to request an appointment.

What questions should I ask a daycare provider before signing up?

As you visit daycare facilities in Apex, NC, you should ask the providers what their hours are so you can be prepared to adjust your schedule for drop-off and pick-up. Ask what items you are responsible for bringing for your child and what items you may be required to provide that will be shared among other children or the daycare staff. Also, make sure to check directly with the business for information about their local licensing and credentials in Apex, NC.

Daycares Near Apex

Daycare in Cary, NC

Daycare in New Hill, NC

Daycare in Holly Springs, NC

Daycare in Morrisville, NC

Daycare in Moncure, NC

Daycare in Fuquay Varina, NC

Daycare in Raleigh, NC

Daycare in Willow Spring, NC

Daycare in Carrboro, NC

Daycare in Garner, NC

Daycare in Angier, NC

Daycare in Durham, NC

Daycare in Chapel Hill, NC

Daycare in Pittsboro, NC

Daycare in Buies Creek, NC

Daycare in Knightdale, NC

Daycare in Kipling, NC

Daycare in Sanford, NC

Daycare in Clayton, NC

Daycare in Coats, NC

Daycare in Norwood, NC

Daycare in Summerfield, NC

Daycare in Rockingham, NC

Daycare in Red Oak, NC

Daycare in Gibsonville, NC

Daycare in Littleton, NC

Daycare in Elon, NC

Daycare in Micro, NC

Daycare in Lillington, NC

Daycare in Spring Hope, NC

Daycare in Norman, NC

Daycare in Granite Quarry, NC

Daycare in Woodleaf, NC

Daycare in Asheboro, NC

Daycare in Danbury, NC

Daycare in Calypso, NC

Daycare in New London, NC

Daycare in Cordova, NC

Daycare in Lemon Springs, NC

Daycare in Vanceboro, NC

Related Services in Apex, NC

24 Hour Child CarePart Time Child CareBilingual Child CareIn Home Child CareAfter School Transportation

Additional Daycare Articles

Beat the stress of paying for child care with this expert adviceBaby shoe sizes: What you need to knowNanny contracts: Everything parents need to put in writingA holiday bonus guide for your caregivers23 easy DIY Halloween costumes for kids

Additional Daycare Resources

All Apex CareNorth Carolina Daycare

Stella Lowery Small Day Care Home Home Preschool – Apex, NC 27539

Daycare in Apex, NC

Stella Lowery Small Day Care Home is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Apex. The director has programs for children as young as 0 to as old as 12. Contact Stella Lowery Small Day Care Home to learn more about availability, rates, and pricing.

WeeCare allows you to quickly find the perfect childcare provider. As soon as you sign up, we assign you a Dedicated Care Manager who can be your #1 point of contact for all things WeeCare! From there, you can use our app to easily find childcare, directly message providers, and tour WeeCares. Need a little extra help finding childcare? Connect with our Dedicated Care Managers to match and enroll with your perfect provider straight away.

Weekly Tuition Packages

Stella Lowery Small Day Care Home is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Apex, as well as the larger Raleigh-Durham metro area.

WeeCare lists childcare providers that are recommended by parents and have active state licenses
that are in
good standing. Our mission is to make finding safe and affordable childcare options accessible to

Our parent-loved app not only helps families pay tuition and stay up-to-date with what their kiddos
are achieving, but it was also built to help providers streamline their businesses so they have more
time to do what they love!

For more information, please contact:
[email protected]

Apex, NC

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WeeCare lists childcare providers that are recommended by parents and have active state licenses
that are in
good standing. Our mission is to make finding safe and affordable childcare options accessible to

Our parent-loved app not only helps families pay tuition and stay up-to-date with what their kiddos
are achieving, but it was also built to help providers streamline their businesses so they have more
time to do what they love!

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[email protected]

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Projects – Kindergarten on Lobnenskaya



The kindergarten for 250 children, located on the territory of the Dmitrovsky Park residential complex, organically fits into the surrounding buildings: the volumes designed according to the principle of “Lego blocks” enliven the yard, hiding a cozy and at the same time thoughtful and functional space within the residential complex. All the conditions necessary for an interesting and safe pastime of children are arranged on the territory of the site – here are a variety of playgrounds, and an unusual improvement solution with raised green volumes, themed MAFs designed in the Lego style.

The architectural language of the kindergarten was inspired by Lego bricks: thus, each group cell is a separate brick connected to others, which creates a complex volume that contributes to the diversity of planning solutions and the emergence of interesting play spaces for children. The complex form is complemented by laconic facades: their simplicity plays on the contrast, emphasizing the unusual architectural solution, but at the same time not overloading it. The entrance groups located under the massive canopies seem to “tighten”, and the backlight turns them into bright spots, emphasized by the consoles.

The white-yellow color scheme of the facades of the building is restrained and at the same time harmoniously fits into the concept of a preschool institution.

Kindercare center grove: Center Grove KinderCare | Daycare, Preschool & Early Education in Greenwood, IN

Опубликовано: January 3, 2023 в 5:07 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Center Grove KinderCare | Daycare, Preschool & Early Education in Greenwood, IN

  • Center Grove KinderCare Programs
  • Our Teachers
  • Family Stories
  • FAQs


We’re so proud!

Nationally only 10% of daycares are accredited – nearly 100% of our learning centers are. That’s a big difference,
and that means KinderCare kids are getting the very best. Here’s why.


What Learning Looks Like

Our talented early-childhood teachers set kids down the path toward becoming lifelong learners in a positive, safe, and nurturing environment.

Center Grove KinderCare Programs

Infant Programs (6 weeks–1 year)

Leaving your baby in someone else’s care is a big step. Everyone at our
centers—most importantly, our naturally gifted infant teachers—will work with
you to make sure the transition goes smoothly. When you step into our infant
classroom, you’ll see how much we want your infant to feel safe, loved, and
ready to explore their world.

Toddler Programs (1–2 Years)

Everything in our toddler classroom is designed for little explorers. That’s
because a lot is going on at this age. When your child is wandering all over the
place, that means they’re learning and discovering new things every day. We’ll
help them explore their interests (and find new ones!) as they play and learn.

Discovery Preschool Programs (2–3 Years)

This age is filled with so much wonder and curiosity. That’s why we offer a ton
of books and toys and bring artwork down to kids eye level. Children in
discovery preschool also begin to learn how we all work together in a
classroom. Simple math and science, pretend play, and group play help them
get used to a more structured school setting.

Preschool Programs (3–4 Years)

This age is all about expression, when kids really start to form their own ideas
about what they want to play and how they want to create. Every day in our
preschool classroom, your child will explore science experiments, create
artwork, and play pretend—all the skills needed for their big next step:

Prekindergarten Programs (4–5 Years)

When you walk into one of our pre-K classrooms, you’ll see artwork and
writing displayed around the room. Labels are everywhere to help kids connect
letters with words. You’ll also see pictures on the walls that reflect the families
in our community. Your child will also deepen their knowledge in language,
math, science, Spanish, and social skills.

Before- and After-School Programs (5–12 Years)

You can count on us to provide reliable care for your school-ager while you’re
at work, with safe transportation from our center to your child’s school and
back! Whether your child wants to start a drama club, build a volcano, or
create a comic book, they will have a place to follow their dreams. Your child
will start and end the day with a whole lot of fun!

School Break Programs (preschool, prekindergarten, and school-age)

Winter break, spring break, summer break—when school’s out (but you still need to work), you
can count on KinderCare to provide a safe and supportive learning environment that’s focused
on fun. We welcome children ages 5–12 during school break times and make sure they have a
sensational, screen-free experience they won’t forget.

Participating Child Care Aware Center

KinderCare partners with Child Care Aware® of America to offer fee assistance for
Active Duty military families and flexible support to fit their needs when care at a Child
Development Center on the installation is not available.

Learning Adventures – Enrichment Program

Cooking Academy™ (3 – 12 Years)

In Cooking Academy, kids learn new recipes from cultures around the world and
develop a healthy relationship with food. They’ll whip up everything from Southwest
rainbow lettuce wraps to pumpkin muffins, building their skills in STEM, communication,
and more along the way. And yes—little chefs get to eat their culinary creations!

Music Explorers™ (2 – 4 Years)

KinderCare families are already giving a standing ovation to our newest Learning
Adventures program: Music Explorers! Kids will learn to sing, move, listen, play
instruments, and even create their own tunes. Our original curriculum blends math,
science, social studies, literacy, and mindfulness (think yoga!) for a uniquely KinderCare
way of learning the foundations of music.

Phonics Adventures® (2 – 4 Years)

Learning how to read is a whole lot of fun at KinderCare! We help kids grow to love
books and words (and get ready for kindergarten) in our Phonics Adventures program.
From discovering the basics of vowels to practicing poetry, kids learn all about letters
and sounds in small-group lessons made just for their age group. (Bonus: Kids who
attend our phonics program are more prepared than their peers for school—and we
have the data to prove it.)

Our Teachers

We’re the only company in early childhood education to select teachers based on natural talent. Being a great educator isn’t enough though.
KinderCare teachers are also amazing listeners, nurturers, boo-boo fixers, and smile-makers. Put more simply,
we love our teachers and your child will, too.

Meet just a few of our amazing KinderCare teachers!


An Artist’s Heart

“My classroom is full of art!” says Mary Annthipie-Bane, an award-winning early childhood educator at KinderCare. Art and creative expression, she says, help children discover who they really are.

We put our best-in-class teachers in a best-in-class workplace. We’re so proud to have been named one of Gallup’s 37 winners of the Great Workplace Award.
When you put great teachers in an engaging center, your children will experience
an amazing place to learn and grow.

Family Stories

Don’t take our word for it. Hear what our families have to say about our amazing center!

  • My daughter began attending Center Grove KinderCare in September of 2012 at the age of 18 months. She has a developmental delay that primarily consists of physical development, so I was concerned with other childcare centers that they would use that to keep her out of an age appropriate program. This center has been wonderful from day one. The director and teachers show every day their genuine care and concern for our daughter. They do a wonderful job of working with Abby and her abilities and are eager to learn from her physical and occupational therapists the best ways to help her progress.
    Then, in January of this year, Abby began having health problems and we learned that she would need major surgery and was away from the center for several weeks. The director and teacher would call to check on her and see how she was doing while she was away and it was obvious that everyone was happy to see her come back. I still call to check on her at least once a day, sometimes more, and I am never made to feel like I am bothering anyone. I love that they give me details about her day, how she is eating, sleeping, acting, and more. I feel that everyone here really cares about my daughter and it’s obvious that she loves them. I highly recommend Center Grove KinderCare!

    Susan – KinderCare Parent
  • My daughter has been with this KinderCare since June of 2012. I absolutely love her teachers! They always tell me how much they enjoy my daughter. I also called once a day to see how she was doing. I haven’t done that in months, as I know she is well taken care of!

    Jen W. – KinderCare Parent

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Who Are KinderCare Families?

They hail from hundreds of cities across the country from countless backgrounds, and proudly represent every walk in life. What our families have in common,
though, is the want to give their children the best start in life. We are so proud to be their partner in parenting.

Hear from just a few of our amazing KinderCare families.

A Globe-Trotting Family Finds A

Home in Houston

Four young children, four different passports, two languages, two full-time jobs…oh, and a few triathlons thrown in for good measure.
Meet the globe-trotting Colettas—a family on the go.

Frequently Asked Questions

What accreditations does KinderCare have?

We are your trusted caregiver. Our centers are state-licensed and regularly inspected to make sure everything meets or exceeds standards, including child-to-teacher ratios and safe facilities. Our centers aren’t just licensed—most are accredited, too! Find out more.

Do you offer part-time schedules at Center Grove KinderCare?

Everybody’s schedule is different. We’re happy to offer quality, affordable part-time and full-time childcare. Drop-in care may also be available. Reach out to your Center Director to learn more.

How does naptime work at Center Grove KinderCare?

Our teachers meet every child’s needs during naptime. Our teachers know how to get babies to nap. In fact, they are pros at getting children of any age to nap. Visit our article on “10 Ways We Help Kids Get a Great Daycare Nap” to learn more.

Do you support alternative diets?

We strive to be as inclusive as possible. To that point, we provide a vegetarian option at mealtime, take care to not serve common allergens and can adapt menus based on your child’s food sensitivities. If your child has additional needs, we’ll work with you to figure out a plan.

Are meals included in tuition? Can I choose to send my child with lunch?

We provide nutritious meals and snacks developed by a registered dietician to meet the needs of rapidly growing bodies and minds. If your child has special dietary requirements and you would prefer to bring in their lunch, please make arrangements with the center director.

Does my child need to be potty-trained?

Every child begins toilet learning at a different age. Until your child shows an interest in toilet learning, we’ll provide diaper changes on an as-needed basis. When your child shows an interest, we’ll discuss how to work together to encourage toilet learning.

Daycares in Center Grove Community School Corporation, IN

KinderCare has partnered with Center Grove Community School Corporation families for more than 50 years to provide award-winning early education programs and high-quality childcare in Center Grove Community School Corporation, IN.

Whether you are looking for a preschool in Center Grove Community School Corporation, a trusted part-time or full-time daycare provider, or educational before- or after-school programs, KinderCare offers fun and learning at an affordable price.

  1. Center Grove KinderCare

    (317) 882-7775

    980 S State Road 135

    Distance from address: 2.82 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  2. Greenwood KinderCare

    (317) 885-5900

    3438 Smith Valley Rd

    Distance from address: 2. 97 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  3. Country Woods KinderCare

    (317) 882-4955

    25 Country Woods Dr

    Distance from address: 5.19 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  4. Madison KinderCare

    (317) 881-5673

    8829 Madison Ave

    Distance from address: 6. 31 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  5. Franklin Township KinderCare

    (317) 881-7800

    8020 Nuckols Ln

    Distance from address: 8.72 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  6. Beech Grove KinderCare

    (317) 787-7343

    52 N 18th Ave
    Beech Grove

    Distance from address: 11. 67 miles

    Ages: 1 year to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  7. Edwards Drive KinderCare

    (317) 268-6346

    1002 Edwards Dr

    Distance from address: 12.61 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  8. Whitcomb KinderCare

    (317) 247-1195

    1034 N Whitcomb Ave

    Distance from address: 14. 96 miles

    Ages: 1 year to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

Kindergartens 📌 in Zelenaya Roshcha – phone numbers, addresses, reviews – Krasnoyarsk

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      • How to find the best kindergartens in Zelenaya Roshcha?



        There are 28 kindergartens in Zelenaya Roshcha on the website.
        Use the filters to find the services you need, compare ratings and real customer reviews.

      • What is the average rating for kindergartens in Zelenaya Roshcha?
 users left 7 reviews, the average rating is 3.24 out of 5.

        The most positive ratings are from: Vita Kids, Fairytale Castle, No. 292, Kolobok.

      • Which kindergartens are open 24/7?

        There is one 24-hour establishment in Zelenaya Grove – Vita Kids.

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