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Play and piaget: What are the stages of play? Jean Piaget’s Theory of Play!

Опубликовано: March 31, 2021 в 11:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

What are the stages of play? Jean Piaget’s Theory of Play!

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How can a theory published in 1936 still help you to understand your children and how to encourage them through their cognitive development? 

While Jean Piaget’s Theory of Play is closing in on its one-hundredth anniversary, it is still used in education and psychology to understand the stages of children’s development. 

And I can help you to understand your child’s development so that you can support their play in a way that helps them grow.  

What Is Play?

When you think of play, you probably think of a boy pushing cars or a girl digging in the sand, but what is play really? 

Play is any activity this is not required that you do just for your self-enjoyment. The reward with play is the play itself.  So anything you do for fun. 

Why Is Play Important?

“Play is the work of childhood. ” 

That’s the famous quote, but who said it? That’s right, Jean Piaget. 

I know you might’ve thought it was Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers said, “ Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.” 

Wait, didn’t Maria Montessori say something like that? 

She sure did. She said, “ Play is the work of the child.” 

I could give you many more examples of famous child psychologists and education experts saying the child’s work is play. 

Because play is that important. Unfortunately, in today’s society and lifestyles, there is not enough time for children to play. 

Play is important to promote healthy child development.  It is so important that the United Nations has recognized that play is the basic human right of every child.

Play helps children develop in their brains’ cognitive, social, physical, and emotional areas. 

Play allows children to use their creativity and imagination to strengthen their physical bodies and brain.  

During play, children get to take on roles of adults like playing family or playing restaurant.  They also get to conquer their fears and deal with any difficulties they are facing in their life. 

It also helps them to build problem-solving skills and develop resiliency that will help them well into their adult life. 

How Much Should Children Play?

In today’s world, it often feels like there’s no time for downtime for anyone, including children.

 Between parents working, after-school activities, and homework finding time for children to have some downtime can feel like an impossible juggling act. 

Some studies suggest that children should get 3 hours a day of outdoor play.   But children should get regular play throughout their day, not just in one long session.

Piaget’s Stages of Play: How Piaget Developed the Theory

At the beginning of his career, Jean Piaget was developing questions for a French version of the English intelligence test. He became fascinated with why children gave the wrong answers to the questions and what their logic was behind it. 

He started thinking that these answers showcased the difference between adult thinking and child thinking.  During his time, children were more viewed as small adults, so the idea that children and adults thought differently was revolutionary. 

 Once he had his children, he started making observations of how they grew and how they played. 

Piaget developed his theory using his observations of his children and developed a theory of cognitive development that focused on the stages of play that children go through. 

The Stages of Cognitive Development are found in Jean Piaget’s research.

Piaget’s research led him to build his theory on four stages of cognitive development based on how children play, including the sensorimotor stage, the pre-operational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operational stage. 

The stages are broken down by age from birth to 2 years,  2 to 7 years, and 7 to 11 years at 11 through adult.  

1. The sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years)

The sensorimotor stage of Jean Piaget’s theory spans from birth to 2 years.  during this stage, children learn through their five senses and movement and exploring their environment.

A good way to encourage development during this time is by giving children sensory play with sensory bins with different textures and playing with different activities that make different sounds. 

It is important to provide children with a rich environment full of objects they can interact with that incorporate all of their senses. 

Things you can give your child: 

  •  Different textures and fabrics: Corduroy, velvet,  denim,  papers, sandpaper, and bubble wrap
  • Things that make different sounds:  whistles, bells. toys that click
  • Things of different shapes and sizes: foam blocks with a variety of shapes 
  • A space that encourages movement:  Pikler triangle, baby gyms, and tummy time mats 


The preoperational stage (2 to 7 years)

The preoperational stage of Jean Piaget’s theory spans from 2 to 7 years. 

This stage begins when your child starts talking and communicating more, but they are still unable to put ideas together logically.  During this time, children start doing parallel play which means that they’re playing next to children but not really with them.

Also, during this stage, children have difficulty seeing things from other people’s points of view.  Children start playing more pretend games and role-playing games.   

In this stage, it is important that your child continue to learn through real-world experiences but is also given the opportunity for pretend play.

Things that will help your child through the preoperational stage :

  • Dolls including lottie dolls, Peg dolls, and baby dolls
  •  Action figures
  •  Dress-up clothes
  •  Small world toys ( items to build their small worlds, including animal figurines, dolls, dollhouses, and furniture)
  • Building blocks and construction set
  • Crayons, markers, pens, pencils, and paper to draw with
  • Picture books and some board books while they are still young toddlers

 3. The concrete operational stage (7 to 11 years)

The concrete operational stage lasts between the ages of 7 years old and 11 years old, according to Jean Piaget’s theory. 

Your child will start building logical thought and be able to understand the laws of conservation,   where the same thing can be different shapes and be the same amount.    For example,  they will be able to understand a cup of water is the same amount if it’s in a tall thin glass or a short, stout glass. 

At this age, children become expert problem solvers and want to understand how the world works around them. 

Things you can give your child to help them develop during the  concrete operational stage:

  • Logic games like Mancala and chess
  • STEM toys (mechanical building sets)
  • Science kits
  • Hobbies that create something like  woodworking or sewing or crocheting
  • Number games
  • Models to build ( airplane models,  doll houses, and  car models) 
  •  Legos and Lego sets 


The formal operational stage (11 to adult)

The formal operational stage Jean Piaget’s theory from around 11 or 12 years old through adulthood. 

During the formal operational stage,  children and adolescents begin to understand abstract thought and can manipulate ideas in their heads. 

They will also be able to do more complicated math and think creatively, and they can understand more complicated scientific ideas. They also can understand hypothetical scenarios and questions. 

Things to help your child develop during the formal operational stage: 

  • Rubik’s cubes 
  • Chess
  • Games that involve strategy and thought
  • Sudoku puzzles
  • A multitude of books on different subjects
  • Also, taking classes on hobbies and deep-diving into hobbies

What are the key elements of Piaget’s theory?

Piaget’s theory consists of the four stages of cognitive development that always happen in the same order, are never skipped, and slowly transition into the next stage.  

The stages are: 

  • The sensorimotor stage (0-2 years old) 
  • The preoperational stage  (2-7 years old)
  • The concrete operational stage (7-11 years old)  
  • The formal operational stage (11-adulthood) 

What is schema, according to Piaget? 

Frederic Bartlett was the first to use the idea of schemas in his theory on learning, but it was Piaget who would first use the term schema. 

For Piaget, a schema is a process of learning new knowledge and the category to which knowledge belongs.  He believed that schemas were constantly evolving as people took in new knowledge. 

According to Piaget, a common example of a schema would be a child’s understanding of a dog.  To a small child, a dog has fur, four legs, teeth, and a tail; when she sees a cat, she may also call it a dog because it checks all the same boxes.   

It’s not uncommon for small children to call all animals they encounter a puppy.  As they are corrected and learn more about different animals, their idea of what a puppy is changing to be a more specific definition.   

Piaget’s four types of play & What they mean for a child’s development

According to Piaget, children play in 4 ways, functional, constructive, fantasy, and games with rules.   These types of play occur at different stages of development. 

Piaget believed that the way children play shows their cognitive development level.   

Functional play

Functional play is more physical, like running, sliding, jumping, dumping out a box of toys, and experimenting with the world through their senses. 

This type of play is prevalent during the sensorimotor stage between 0-2.  This stage of play ends between the ages of 2 and 4. 

From here, children will move from just moving blocks around and tossing them to stacking them and starting constructive play. 

Constructive play

During this play stage, children want to play with toys and other objects to accomplish a goal.  For example, using blocks to build a tower.  

Children tend to play this way between the ages of 3-7.   Eventually, they will start mixing in some fantasy play with their constructive play.  

Instead of building a tower, they might use blocks to build a little town and drive cars around their block buildings on imaginary roadways. 

Symbolic/fantasy play

During the fantasy or symbolic stage of play. Children play make-believe games and role-playing games.  

These games can be fantasy-themed like princesses and knights or role-playing games like a teacher, police officer, or mom and dad.  

The best way to support and encourage your child during this play stage is to give them dress-up clothes and play pretend with them. Often they will want to tell you what to do during the game. 

This stage can start around 3-4 years of age and last through 11 or 12 years old.

Games with rules 

The last stage of play is games with rules.  During this type of play, children play games with friends with preset rules like tag or hide and seek. 

This can also include board games and video games.  

During this stage, children understand how to follow the rules, and if someone breaks the rules, there are consequences in the game. They understand ideas like cooperation and like being competitive. 

These games usually begin around the age of 7 and continue through adulthood. 

When choosing toys for your child, you want to consider the stage of development they are in and the kind of play they do in that stage. 

For example, you wouldn’t buy a board game for an 18-month-old, but playing it with your 7-year-old could be fun for both of you. 

You want to choose the toys that best help your child develop in their stage.  

You can learn more about my recommendations on toys here in my gift guides, which are based on cognitive development and theories of play. 


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Developmental Stages of Play – Piaget — My Teaching Cupboard

Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist in the early 1900s. He created theories of cognitive development based on his observational studies of children. The theories of Piaget reinforce the idea that children learn through play.

In this blog post you will discover Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development and how these relate to his developmental stages of play.

Piaget devised a series of developmental stages of play. We can observe them throughout his four stages of cognitive development.

Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development proposes 4 stages.

  • Sensorimotor stage: birth to 2 years

  • Preoperational stage: ages 2 to 7

  • Concrete operational stage: ages 7 to 11

  • Formal operational stage: ages 12 and up

If you would like to learn more about Jean Piaget and his theories on cognitive development in children, check out THIS BLOG POST: Stages of Development–Piaget

“According to Piaget, children engage in types of play that reflect their level of cognitive development: functional play, constructive play, symbolic/fantasy play, and games with rules.”

— Johnson, Christie & Wardle 2005

Sensorimotor Stage

The name of the first stage (sensorimotor) gives you a clue about how children learn in those first two years of life. Right from birth, babies use their senses to learn about their world.

Exploratory play through the five senses is the primary type of play you will see at this stage. Young children in this stage are focused on two things:

  1. their own bodies

  2. external objects.

You will notice babies and toddlers in the sensorimotor stage are focused on repeated patterns of movement or sound. They spend their time sucking, shaking, banging and babbling.

Piaget observed babies from around 6 months onwards organised their knowledge conceptually. At first babies might not understand a specific toy, but as they look, feel, and touch it, they start to form a concept of the toy in their minds. As they learn more about the properties of objects and how they can be manipulated, they begin to understand the effects of play on their environment.

Preoperational Stage

The next stage of cognitive development is the preoperational stage. You will observe children in this stage are learning to associate objects with words and the way they use and represent objects has no real adult logic behind it.

Piaget noticed children in this stage use imaginative play to represent objects, and they build their conceptual knowledge through pretending and dramatic play.

At around 4 years of age, they become more interested in social interactions and start to enjoy structured games with rules. In the preoperational stage, their thinking is still dominated by intuition rather than logic though.

Concrete Operational Stage

As children move through the concrete operational stage, Piaget noticed logical thinking emerges. Hands-on games with rules become extremely effective learning tools to use with children in this stage of development.

Initially, rules provide the structure and repetition sought after by their development of logical thinking. Gradually, the children in the concrete operational stage become more focused on the social aspects of play. They play in order to seek connection and acceptance by the group.

Formal Operational Stage

By the formal operations stage, children are developing the ability to reason and think hypothetically. Abstract concepts such as the future, justice and values are engaging and easily understood by children in the formal operations stage.

The children in this stage of cognitive development desire more competitive games and games with more complex rules. Piaget observed children in this stage also needed less direction from adults, as they are more capable of thinking independently.

Piaget’s Four Developmental Stages of Play

Piaget suggested the stages of cognitive development occur in a particular order. Children will not skip a stage but progressively move through each one. He also believed the stages of play to be progressive, with visible changes in children’s play as they pass through each stage.

According to Piaget, children engage in types of play that reflect their level of cognitive development. Play is children’s work.

Through play

  • children develop cognitive skills and learn new information

  • they learn and practice social skills

  • children develop effective communication skills

  • they learn self-regulation skills

  • children develop the ability to resolve conflicts

  • they work on problem-solving skills

  • children learn to cooperate with others

  • they learn about themselves and their place in the world

  • children explore roles, interests, skills, and relationships

Play is how children explore and learn about their world.

Piaget’s Functional Play

Any repetitive action that the child finds enjoyable is functional play.

Functional play is the first type of play children experience. It begins with babies in the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. When babies learn to control their bodies and objects, they experience functional play.

Babies play through repetitive actions, like shaking a rattle, splashing in the bath, or repeatedly dropping toys from their highchair. These basic actions become play when the child deliberately engages in the activity for pleasure (Frost, 1992).

As children develop cognitively, their simple, repetitive actions become more and more complex and coordinated. Functional play is not exclusive to the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development.

Children can observe and enjoy functional play throughout their entire childhood. Whenever children discover and practice new motor skills like sliding, climbing, stacking, jumping, and bouncing, they are taking part in functional play.

Piaget’s Constructive Play

When children manipulate objects to create something, they are taking part in constructive play.

Constructive play is often seen in the classroom through hands-on inquiry type pedagogies.

In constructive play, children develop their conceptual knowledge by posing questions, testing ideas, and gathering information. Through their experimentation with learning materials they plan, explore, and discover.

Constructive play allows children to make sense of their world.

In constructive play, children also develop

As educators, we should encourage this type of play because it lays the foundation for academic, social, and emotional success.

Young children prefer constructive play. When given a choice of play activities, preschool children choose constructive play more than 50% of the time (Rubin, Fein, & Vandenberg 1983).

Piaget saw constructive play as a transition from functional to symbolic play. It allows children to manipulate and control their environment and gives children a sense of accomplishment.

The key to promoting constructive play in your classroom is to provide your children with age appropriate and inspiring learning materials. The children should be able to use these materials in an organised, goal-oriented way so that they can make something new with them.

Constructive Play Investigation Areas

Because constructive play is driven by children’s interactions with their environment (Chaille 2008), designing an appropriate learning environment will take the constructive play in your classroom to a new level.

Try adding new and novel materials like loose parts to your investigation areas to spark interest and invite children to explore the materials in new ways.

Integrate your investigation areas and repurpose the materials you offer the children in your class.

  • combine the woodwork bench with the art area

  • add some math manipulatives or loose parts to your literacy area

  • add the science table to your blocks area

  • use the veranda or outdoor space by taking indoor materials and resource outside

  • bring outdoor materials and resources inside the classroom

  • set up the collage trolley in the playground

  • add a tray of Lego to a picnic blanket under a tree.

Constructive Play in the Playground

Water play troughs and sandpits are staples in most early childhood playgrounds. They are excellent invitations for children to take part in constructive play.

Other areas you might like to consider adding to your outdoor space are

  • water tables

  • woodwork benches

  • art easels and paints

  • outdoor mats or tables with baskets of blocks puzzles, Lego and other traditional classroom materials.

A large garden for children to work and play in also encourages a variety of constructive play.

Piaget’s Symbolic/Fantasy Play

Symbolic/Fantasy play is role playing or make-believe play.

Symbolic play is the ability of children to use objects, actions, or ideas to represent other objects, actions, or ideas. Classroom dramatic play areas and small world setups are the perfect learning experience to foster symbolic/fantasy play.

Symbolic/fantasy play is widely considered the most sophisticated play activity during the preschool and kindergarten years. Symbolic play encourages the development of social skills, academic abilities, early literacy concepts, and behavioural self-regulation (Leong & Bodrova 2015).

Symbolic/fantasy play can be seen in children as young as 18 months of age. You may have seen toddlers engaging in pretend play when they use objects to represent something else like driving a car by moving a pretend steering wheel or using a block of wood as a cell phone. Drinking from an empty cup or pretending to feed a doll are also examples of symbolic play.

As children develop through Piaget’s cognitive developmental stages, their play includes fantasy and drama. Preschoolers enjoy role play and often include social norms in their pretend play. As their role-plays and imagination become more sophisticated, socialization becomes an important part of their play.

You will notice these children will start to designate roles to themselves and to others. They will begin to include sequential steps and organised plans in their imaginative play.

Dramatic play is vital to cognitive development and should be a vital component of your classroom. It provides the opportunity for children to explore various roles and social rules that they may not otherwise have the chance to explore in the real world.

Dramatic play helps children to move away from their egocentric thinking. Through symbolic or fantasy play, children will learn skills in negotiation, cooperation, listening, sharing, taking turns, and respecting others’ feelings, thoughts, ideas, and physical space.

Symbolic play is also a prerequisite to literacy and numeracy. When we write letters and numbers, we are using symbols for what we want to convey. When children are engaged in symbolic play, they are practicing these very concepts.

Researchers have found that a child who follows a sequence when playing (stirring milk and then feeding the doll) will also be able to manage syntax in language (“I need paper and crayons”).

Children will also be developing their cognitive skills when they use their imagination and take part in symbolic or fantasy play. New neural pathways are created whenever a child learns how to think creatively.

The development of creative thinking skills help children to become effective problem solvers. Creative thinking skills are also vital for bringing new perspectives into our world.

Piaget’s Games With Rules Play

Any play which has imposed rules to be followed by the players is games with rules play.

This is the last type of play documented by Piaget. To successfully take part in this type of play, children must first have the cognitive ability to understand and remember the rules.

These games will also require children to self-regulate. They will need to control their own desires and needs in order to follow the rules of the game.

Children are usually first introduced to games with rules at school. Games like Tiggy, Cat and Mouse or Duck-Duck-Goose are always classroom favourites. These class games are often a child’s first introduction to games with rules play.

Board games and card games are other types of games with rules. Through these games, children develop an understanding of cooperation and competition.

Games with rules are often characterised by logic and order, and as children mature, they can develop method and planning in their game playing (Frost 2004).

“By initiating their own games with rules, children learn the need for rules, how to negotiate with each other, and fairness so that the game is enjoyable for everyone. Team sports and board games are games that have very specific rules and encourage the development of strategy. Electronic games are designed to target children at different stages of development and often encourage the practice and mastery of new skills through challenging tasks and fantasy.”

— Frost 2001

Piaget’s theories about learning strongly suggest we should focus on creating engaging learning environments which provide opportunities for children to experiment and interact with the world around them.

Educators need to provide interactive, hands-on learning experiences so children can progress through Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and meet their cognitive developmental milestones. For children to construct new knowledge and mental models of understanding, we must carefully plan and provide purposeful play experiences for our students.

Play experiences which encompass

You will find many resources HERE to help you create engaging learning environments and provide interactive, hands-on learning experiences.

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Psychology Behind Learning Through Play

Outdoor Learning and Play

Learning through play, appears to be a simple notion, but has profound meaning.

It helps children make sense of the world around them through discovery, allowing them to develop cognitively, socially, emotionally and physically.

The importance of play has been studied by various psychologists and scientists for over a century.

Jean Piaget (1962) was the first psychologist to make the systematic study of children’s cognitive development. 

Piaget viewed play as integral to the development of intelligence in children. His theory of play argues that as the child matures, their environment and play should encourage further cognitive and language development.

 ‘In play a child is always above his average age, above his daily behaviour, in play, it’s as though he were a head taller than himself.’ (Lev Vygostsky 1978)

Guided play and children’s development

Both child-led play and guided play have a fundamental role in children’s development. In child-led play, children have full independence and true autonomy.

Alternatively, through guided play teachers can deliver games, activities or a setting for children to play and target specific areas of development.  

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In both cases, children should be actively engaged and have fun whilst participating.

All activities should be child-centred. 

Indoor Play Vs Outdoor Play

Now that we have established the importance of play and learning, many recent studies have revealed that indoor play can be disadvantageous to children’s growth. 

Research by Burdette and Whittaker in 2005 discovered, that outdoor imaginary play encourages the brain to mature at a considerably faster rate, than those children who play indoors.

This results in better language development and more sociable children, who are generally happier. 

Health Benefits of Outdoor Play

When it comes to playtime, many parents and teachers frequently worry about children picking up germs which may result in them becoming unwell, consequently choosing indoor play instead.

This is a common misconception and in fact, recent research by Epstein (2001) has found that playing indoors has a higher probability of encouraging Asthma than playing outdoors.

Many studies have shown that outdoor play can enhance the immune system.

In fact, research suggests that children from rural areas, or those children who spend a lot of time engaging in outdoor play have the best overall general health.

Playing outdoors increases children’s Vitamin D levels, provided by the sun. Vitamin D is fundamental to children’s overall health as it encourages; a better mood, increased energy levels, and improved memory.

Outdoor learning experiences through play can work hand in hand with the curriculum. Through play, children are encouraged to makes sense of the ‘real world’ and put into practise the concepts and skills that they have acquired in the classroom. This in turn better equips them for the future. 

At Pentagon Play, all our products are created with the vision of encouraging children’s growth. We offer specific products to target different areas of development. We also understand the importance of free play and have products to help children use their active imagination, whilst having true independence.

For additional information on how we can support you to select the finest play equipment for your school, please Contact Us for free specialist advice.

Our Playground Consultants will work with your school to design a playground environment that suits your children and schools needs. Contact Us for free, expert advice.

Kay Hamid



The Play Theories of Parten and Piaget

There are two different “stages of play” theories commonly discussed in child development. For caregivers of infants and toddlers, understanding the theory behind stages of play helps identify what a child is learning. Caregivers can create better learning environments to support a child’s development.

Table of Contents

  1. Parten’s 6 Stages of Play Theory
    • Unoccupied Play
    • Solitary Play
    • Spectator/Onlooker Play
    • Parallel Play
    • Associative Play
    • Social/Cooperative Play
  2. Piaget’s 4 Stages of Play Theory
  3. How Parents and Educators Can Encourage Play
  4. How Accurate are Stages of Play Theories?

Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development includes four stages of play: functional play, constructive play, symbolic/fantasy play, and games with rules. 

Mildred Parten Newhall‘s social stages of play theory (known as Parten’s Stages of Play) covers play progression for children from newborn to age six. This theory has six stages: unoccupied play, solitary play, spectator/onlooker play, parallel play, associative play, and social/cooperative play. 

Parten’s 6 Stages of Play Theory

Mildred Parten Newhall’s play theory was part of her dissertation in 1929. Through observing young children, Parten Newhall created a framework for understanding how children’s play becomes more complex as they age.

Of course, when I say complex, I do not mean to diminish the incredible brain development of infants and toddlers. Their play may seem simple, but they are actually soaking in all the information about the world around them that they will then apply to more complex play.

Infants and young toddlers are focused on their own sensory experiences. As they grow, their play becomes more social and interactive with peers.

#1 Unoccupied Play | Birth to 3 Months

Unoccupied play is when infants play, seemingly without purpose or needing interaction from others. While very young children are dependent on caregivers, they are alone and exploring the world around them using their senses during unoccupied play. 

“Unoccupied” refers to playing alone without obvious objectives, not that they aren’t playing and learning.

·Example: A baby doing tummy time, clenching and unclenching a blanket, looking out, and turning their head towards sounds in the environment.

·Nature Play Example: Taking tummy time outdoors. A baby can feel the sun’s warmth, reach past the blanket to brush their hand across the grass, observe the shadows as clouds move, and hear the sounds of nature.

#2 Solitary Play | 3 Month to 2 1/2 Years

Solitary play is when children play alone with no particular goal except to explore objects, the environment, and the impact they can have on objects and the environment. Simple loose parts play (aka object play) is a crucial part of solitary play. 

Children are motivated to explore objects and toys that interest them. This type of play is essential because it gives toddlers a chance to understand how their bodies and the things in their environments function.

·Example: A toddler exploring a themed treasure basket of loose parts.

·Nature Play Example: A toddler filling and pouring a pail of water over and over again.

#3 Spectator Play | 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 Years

Spectator/Onlooker play is when children watch other children as they play nearby. While playing, children may interact for a moment and then step out to merely observe. At this age, children will begin practicing entering and exiting group play.

During this stage of play, a child may seem to be “lonely” or “isolated.” Caregivers should appreciate that a child learns and observes lots of information while watching others. What they learned can be used in their own play later. Aren’t humans just incredible social beings?

·Example: …when a child watches a YouTube video of another child doing a toy unboxing. JUST KIDDING. That is not part of the recommendation on screen time for toddlers. A real example is an older toddler walking through a classroom and pausing to watch as children play in the block center.

·Nature Play Example: An older toddler at a playground climbing to the top of a playset and observing while others play.

#4 Parallel Play | 3 1/2 to 4 Years

Parallel play is when two children play side-by-side, often with the same materials. The children may engage in a short conversation or onlooker play. One child may mimic the words or behaviors of the other. 

To caregivers, it may appear that the children are not playing together. In reality, children are collecting information from one another and building social skills. Parallel play becomes a safe way to practice entering more complex play.

·Example: Two children sitting together at the table with their own paper and paint. One child says, “A mess!” The other child repeats the words and continues painting.

·Nature Play Example: Two children digging in a sandbox together, each with their own shovels. 

#5 Associative Play | 4 to 4 1/2 Years

Associative play is when children begin interacting more while playing but are still focused on their own goals and interests. The interactions, collaboration, and sharing of materials are more complex than parallel play. Still, each child focuses on their own interests and motivations.

·Example: Two children taking blocks from the same bin but building their own structures. Each child talks aloud about what they are creating and may respond to one another.

·Nature Play Example: Two children each climbing a hill and running back down it. They are both laughing and mimicking each other’s screams. Sometimes they run together; sometimes, each child runs on their own.

#6 Cooperative Play | 4 1/2 Years and Up

Cooperative/social play is when children’s play becomes the most complex and interactive. In this stage of play, children build social bonds and establish more exclusive friendships. Children practice collaborating and communicating. Children get to take turns practicing leadership roles.

·Example: Superhero play or playing house

·Nature Play Example: A group of children building a snowman together or digging the world’s deepest hole

Stages of Play Theory | Piaget & Parten PDF

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Piaget’s 4 Stages of Play Theory

Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development has four stages of play: functional play, constructive play, symbolic/fantasy play, and games with rules. 

The four stages of play shouldn’t be confused with Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development. The stages of play are part of how children learn about the world as they move through the stages of cognitive development.  

Like with Parten’s theory, these stages progress through early childhood. A child will build play skills as they move through each stage but still partake in earlier stages. 

Functional play is when very young children explore objects using their senses. Functional play is classic object/loose parts play, where a child is using all their senses to understand an object fully.

Constructive play is when children take those objects they have explored and start to use them with purpose. Instead of mouthing or gathering markers, a child begins to draw with them. Instead of banging or throwing blocks, a child starts to stack and build.

Symbolic/fantasy play is when children incorporate objects into pretend play. Imaginative activities can be as simple as using a block as a phone. More complex symbolic play includes role-playing. Children can move beyond concrete thinking and can use their imagination to expand their play.

“Games with rules” is when children can understand and follow different types of rules. “Games with rules” is often part of group play but can also be part of solitary play. The rules are used as guidelines on moving forward with an activity.

How Parents and Educators can Encourage Play

Parents and early childhood educators can support children’s play by providing developmentally appropriate toys and materials, plus plenty of opportunities for open-ended play. 

During conversations, caregivers can use open-ended questions such as:

  • “What would happen if you…?”
  • “What could you do next?”

How Accurate are Stages of Play Theories?

Play is essential to learning. That part is absolutely accurate.

That being said…

For students of the field of child development, we have based so much of our knowledge and practice on theorists. And in my experience, Piaget’s and Parten’s stages of play can both be observed in children.

But that being said…

The American education system is based on a minimal part of the global human experience. There is simply not enough cultural diversity in the studies of these child development theorists. For example, Piaget (a white man) developed much of his cognitive theory while observing his own children. And Parten Newhall (a white woman but serious credit for that doctoral dissertation in the 1920s!) was completing one-minute observations of children playing.

Play is important. Knowing the theory behind stages of play will make you a more in-tune caregiver. You’re not wrong if you ask your own open-ended question of these theories.

I hope you’re all along for the ride while I start deconstructing all the child development knowledge I spent ten years building up.

More recent posts

Play – Piaget Stages Of Development, Children, and Therapy

Activity that is not required, but is enjoyed.

While the term “play” may refer to an extremely varied range of activities, certain broad, defining characteristics have been noted. Perhaps the most basic one is that play is something that is not required. Although the enjoyment derived from it may be needed emotionally, no single play activity itself is necessary for survival. Thus, play is referred to as “autotelic”—it is engaged in for its own sake, with the reward inherent in the activity itself. Nevertheless, in spite of its detachment from survival and financial gain, play is engaged in wholeheartedly. During the time allotted to play, it commands a person’s entire attention.

Play takes place in a realm divorced from ordinary reality and governed by its own rules, which may be more complex and absolute than those of many “serious” activities. It is also bound in terms of both time and space. The period during which one engages in play has time limits: it begins, proceeds, and inevitably ends when one returns to “real life. ” Play is also set apart in space—a person generally goes somewhere special (even if it is only the “play room” or the “playground”) to engage in play. The relationship between play and tension has also been noted. While tension is not absent from play itself, the ultimate result is the reduction of tension and conflict. Based on this feature, play has often been viewed as a “safety valve” for the harmless discharge of tensions and conflicts.

In children, play is a necessary vehicle for normal physical, social, and cognitive development. The well known early 20th-century American psychologist G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924) viewed the evolution of children’s play as recapitulating the evolution of the human species. Individually, play develops in stages that correspond to a child’s social and cognitive development. Initially, a child’s play is solitary in nature. Next comes parallel play, where children are in each others’ company but playing independently. Socially, the final stage is cooperative play, which consists of organized activities characterized by social roles.

Jean Piaget formulated a series of developmental stages of play that corresponded to the successive stages in his influential theory of cognitive development in children. The sensorimotor stage (birth to approximately two years old), when children are focused on gaining mastery of their own bodies and external objects, is characterized by “practice play” consisting of repeated patterns of movement or sound, such as sucking, shaking, banging, babbling, and, eventually, “peekaboo” games in which objects are made to repeatedly disappear and reappear. As children learn more about the properties of objects and learn how to manipulate them, they begin to monitor the effects of play on their environment, and their relationship with that environment becomes increasingly systematic.

The preoperational stage (ages 2-7 years) is marked by the ability to master symbolic functions, including the association of objects with words, and the transition from an egocentric focus to an awareness that events have causes outside themselves. At this stage, children begin to engage in make-believe games marked by the use of objects for purposes other than their intended function. Between the ages of 4 and 7, when their thinking is still dominated by intuition rather than logic, children first become interested in games characterized by rules, structure, and social interaction. As they move through the concrete operational stage (ages 7-11), during which categorizing activities and the earliest logical operations occur, the types of rules governing their play and the reasons for following them change. At first, rules are centered on the sensorimotor aspects of play and largely provide structure and repetition. Gradually, they become more focused on the social aspects of play and are connected with acceptance by the group. By the fourth, or formal operations stage (ages 12 and higher), with the gradual emergence of a mature ability to reason, competitive games and games with codes of rules begin to predominate.

While other psychologists have proposed schemes that vary from this one theory, there is general agreement on its broad outlines. Some additional categorizations of children’s play that have been proposed include diversive play, composed of aimless activities that serve as a diversion when a child is bored; mimetic play, which is repetitious, structured, and symbolic; and cathartic play, which is therapeutic in nature.

One of the first to use play in therapy with children was Hermine Hug-Hellmuth in 1921, following Freud’s work with “Little Hans,” a five-year-old boy with a phobia. British psychoanalyst Melanie Klein used play as a source to a child’s unconscious from which she could make interpretations, starting in 1919. Just as adults used free association to communicate about their unconscious and talk to communicate about their feelings, theorists reasoned that children communicate through their natural play what they cannot yet verbalize. Play therapy was used by Anna Freud to help children develop a closer connection to the therapist. A more structured approach came about in the 1930s with David Levy using play therapy to help children work through and re-enact stressful situations to release them. In keeping with Carl Rogers’ non-directive play work in the 1940s, Virginia

These Columbian girls are engaged in cooperative play, the final stage of playing activities. (AP/Wide World Photos. Reproduced with permission.)

Axline used non-directive play to allow a child to freely be himself or herself, working toward self-realization. By the 1960s, schools had introduced guidance and counseling services. A number of counselors, including Garry Landreth urged in writings that school counselors incorporate play therapy to meet the developmental needs of all children. The International Association for Play Therapy formed in 1982 and now has 3,300 members worldwide. Play therapy has grown in its applications, expanding to include adults and families and into hospitals as well. The therapy usually occurs in a playroom, specially designed for children and furnished with toys and equipment to facilitate children’s play.

Dolinar, Kathleen J. Learning Through Play: Curriculum and Activities for the Inclusive Classroom. Albany, NY: Delmar, 1994.

Gil, Eliana Play in Family Therapy. New York: Guilford Press, 1994.

Landreth, Garry L. Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship Muncie, Indiana: Accelerated Development Inc., 1991.

Moyles, Janet R. The Excellence of Play. Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1994.

Hughes, Fergus P. Children, Play, and Development. Boston Allyn and Bacon, 1991.

The Importance of Constructive Play

One of my favorite activities as a young child growing up on a farm in the beautiful border country between England and Wales was to go outside after the frequent heavy rains we often experienced (or even while it was raining) to dig and build little ditches, channels, aqueducts, tunnels, diversions, and dams for all the runoff. I also loved creating fantastic marble shoots with my peers at school using several sets of unit blocks. I remember some of these block creations were so high that they touched the classroom ceiling! Both these activities involved constructive play. In this article I argue that, while constructive play is often viewed as secondary to both physical and symbolic/fantasy play, it is critically important for young children, and should be encouraged and supported both in the classroom and on the playground.

Piaget’s Stages of Play

According to Piaget, children engage in types of play that reflect their level of cognitive development: functional play, constructive play, symbolic/fantasy play, and games with rules (Johnson, Christie & Wardle 2005).

  • ­Functional play is the use of bodily movements, with or without objects, such as running and jumping, sliding, gathering and dumping, manipulating and stacking objects, and informal games without rules.
  • ­Constructive play uses objects—blocks, Legos, Tinkertoys, or different materials (sand, modeling clay, paint, blocks)—in an organized, goal-oriented way to make something.
  • ­Symbolic/Fantasy play is role playing or make-believe play, such as pretending to be a baby, firefighter, superhero, or monster, and make believe actions, such as driving a car by moving a pretend steering wheel, or using a block of wood as a cell phone.
  • ­Games with rules are games with peers that are controlled by pre-established rules, such as tag, Mother-May-I, checkers, Duck-Duck-Goose, and so on.

Piaget also viewed these forms of play as progressive, or cumulative, beginning with functional play (i.e. an infant playing with a rattle) and progressing to games with rules. But, because a game with rules requires someone to make sure players adhere to these rules—usually an adult—it is often not included within the framework of free play. And, while functional play is the kind of play encouraged in most outdoor playgrounds (swinging, sliding, riding tricycles, running, and climbing), symbolic/fantasy play is viewed by many experts as the highest level of play in the preschool and kindergarten years (Leong & Bodrova 2015). Early childhood scholars believe that symbolic/fantasy play develops children’s social skills, basic mathematical abilities, early literacy concepts, and behavioral self-regulation. Unfortunately some have even called it mature play (Leong & Bodrova, 2015). Thus constructive play is often left out of the discussion regarding the critical importance of play, or is simply viewed as a bridge between functional play and the supposedly more desirable and sophisticated symbolic/fantasy play.

Constructive Play is what Young Children Do

With the current focus on early childhood standards, assessment of young children’s progress, and early childhood academic activities, early childhood educators continually have to justify the use of play in the curriculum. Often this justification is that play prepares children for later academic, social, and emotional successes (Leong & Bodrova 2015). But, while constructive play teaches children to be flexible thinkers (Bruner 1972), and develops a sense of control and self-esteem by encouraging children to control their environment (Chaille 2008), I believe the main value of constructive play is that it enables children to be children: to do what children need to do and want to do!

In fact, research shows that when given a choice of free play activities, constructive play is chosen more than 50% of the time by preschool children (Rubin, Fein, & Vandenberg 1983), and for preschool children, constructive play was also their favorite outdoor activity (Ihn 1998). Further, constructive play is wonderful for children who may not be quite ready to move on to symbolic/fantasy play: many boys, children with delayed or slow language development, those whose social development may be immature, and children with certain disabilities.

Constructive play allows children to manipulate and control their environment

Constructivist Learning

I often enjoy playing with my 4-year-old grandson, Isaac. When he visits us at our home, he loves to play with the set of unit blocks that we acquired for our own children. He loves to make patterns on the floor, matching up different size blocks, and placing blocks of the same shape and size together. But recently everything changed: he decided his goal now was to place all the blocks on end, and to see how high he could build them! He even tried constructing these structures on a gymnastics mat (which happened to be on the floor) until he discovered that this did not provide the needed stability.

Isaac’s goal had changed because his view of the world had changed as a result of his cognitive development. Our understanding of constructive play comes from the constructivist view of development and learning (Chaille 2008). This approach to early childhood education is about responding to children who are, by nature, exploring, discovering, and theory building in everything they do. It is a theory that believes children construct knowledge through interactions between their own ideas and experiences in the social and physical world. Thus, learning from a constructivist perspective is intrinsic, because children continually try to make sense of their world, which is what Isaac was doing.

​Hands-on exploration allows children to make sense of their world.

Encouraging Constructive Play

The most important thing in encouraging constructive play for young children is to understand the value of this kind of play, in and of itself, and not to view it as preparation for future academic success and development, or as a bridge to symbolic/fantasy play. Children should be encouraged and supported to fully enjoy, explore, and appreciate constructive play. Further, enough time every day needs to be provided for all kinds of play, and constructive play should be encouraged inside, in transition areas (i.e. porches or decks), and on the playground. This begins by providing a vast array of stimulating materials such as:

  • ­ Unit and hollow blocks
  • ­ A woodworking area
  • ­ A variety of puzzles
  • ­ Mosaic tiles and patterns
  • ­ Milk crates, boxes, and other cubes
  • ­ Clean pieces of wood of different sizes, shapes, and strengths
  • ­ Sticks and stones, leaves, bark, and other natural materials
  • ­ Sand and sand toys
  • ­ Water and water toys
  • ­ Clay, play dough, and other modeling materials
  • ­ Paints, brushes and easels, chalk, crayons, stencils, drawing tools, and other art materials
  • ­ Car tires (bias and clean)
  • ­ Wagons and tools to move sand, dirt, and other materials (Wardle 2000).


Because constructive play is driven by children’s interactions with their environment (Chaille 2008), changing the environment encourages all sorts of constructive play. Adding new and novel materials to indoor learning centers is one way to increase constructive play indoors; another is to integrate materials across learning centers: the woodwork bench with the art area, the science and block area, the literacy area with the math manipulatives, and so on. Finally, taking materials outside and bringing materials into the classroom from the playground, are additional ways to increase constructive play.

​Providing inspiring materials is key to promoting constructive play.


Well-designed water play areas and sandboxes encourage constructive play because so much can be done using these very flexible materials (Ihn 1998). A hardtop area within the playground or transition area between the classroom and playground encourages play with unit and hollow blocks, water tables, woodwork benches, art easels and paints, and other traditional classroom materials. A large garden also encourages a variety of constructive play.

However, children also need to be encouraged to use traditional classroom materials and equipment in novel and innovative ways outside, such as painting on the sidewalk or fence, making garden signs and building birdhouses on the workbench, and building higher and bigger with blocks. In general, outdoor play is louder, takes up more space, uses more—and often different—materials, and is messier than indoor play(Johnson, Christie & Wardle 2005).


Constructive play is what young children do naturally. While other forms of play can be justified as preparing children for later academic and life successes, constructive play should be encouraged and supported because it lets children simply be children. This, many believe, is the best possible preparation for later achievements. Providing adequate time each day for play, and continually changing, combining, and adding new and more complex materials, both indoors and on the playground, are the best ways to support constructive play.


Bruner, J. (1972). The nature and uses of immaturity. American Psychologist, 27, 687-708.

Chaille, C. (2008). Constructivism across the curriculum in early childhood classrooms. Big ideas as inspiration. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Ihn, H. (1998). Analysis of preschool children’s equipment choices and play behaviors in outdoor environments. Early Childhood News, 10(4), 20-25.

Johnson, J. E., Christie, J. F., & Wardle, F. (2005). Play, development, and early education. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Leong, D. L. & Bodrova, E. (2015). Assessing and scaffolding make-believe play. In Bohart, H., Charner, K., & Koraleck, D. (Eds.), Spotlight on young children: Exploring play (pp 26-36). Washington, DC: NAEYC

Rubin, K., Fein, G., & Vandenberg, B. (1983). Play. In E. Hetherington (Ed.) & P. Mussen (Series Ed.,), Handbook of child psychology: Vol.4. Socialization, personality, and social development (pp. 693-774). New York: Wiley.

Wardle, F. (2000). Supporting constructive play in the wild: Guidelines for learning outdoors. Child Care Information Exchange (May), pp 26-29.

Self-concept of the child


Development of the self-concept.
Subjective Self.
Objective Self
Defining oneself at an early age.

Try an experiment. Before reading further, write 20 answers to the question “Who am I?” Then look at the list and think about what you wrote. My answers are:

  • I am a consistent, analytical person.
  • I love certainty and feel uncomfortable in situations of uncertainty.
  • I am a persistent, purposeful person who finishes what he started.
  • I am not greedy about money and time.
  • I play many roles: wife, mother, stepmother, grandmother, daughter, sister, singer, board member.
  • I have many close female friends.
  • I am much taller than average and sometimes clumsy.
  • I don’t fit the traditional idea of ​​femininity.

My list, and perhaps yours, contains information about my appearance, the roles I play, and my qualities, attitudes, and self-image. These are all aspects of my self-concept – my self-schema, in Piaget’s words.

For each of us, the self-concept serves as a kind of filter of experience, influencing our choices and determining our reactions to other people. Our ideas about gender role form a significant part of the self-concept. Because these beliefs and attitudes about ourselves are so important to our personality and therefore our behavior, it is important to understand how they are formed.

Our ideas about the emergence of a sense of self in a child are strongly influenced by the theories of Freud and Piaget, since each of them believed that at the beginning of life the child does not have a sense of separateness. Freud pointed to the symbolic relationship between a mother and a small child, in which two beings are united together as if they were one. He believed that at first the baby is not aware of himself as a being separate from his mother, only gradually the child understands that he is special. This representation was studied by Margaret Mahler (Mahler, 1977), a well-known theorist of the psychoanalytic orientation, who suggested that the child has a “psychological birth” a few months after the biological birth.

Even more influential than the theories of Freud or Piaget, however, was the work of the American psychologist William James (James, 1890, 1892), who made an important distinction between two aspects of the self, called I and Mine. The aspect of the Self, often referred to as the subjective Self , refers to the inner feeling “I am”, “I exist”. Aspect of Moe, sometimes referred to as objective self, covers a set of properties or qualities that are objectively known or inherent in a person: this includes physical characteristics, temperament and social skills. It is the aspect of My that is the Self-concept – a set of ideas or beliefs of each of us about our own qualities. However, it is our Self that determines the Self-concept and has beliefs and ideas about itself. So when we describe ourselves to someone else or answer the question “Who am I?” as I asked you at the beginning of this article, you are describing Mine, but it is your Self that is doing the description.

This division, originally proposed by James, can be found in most modern works devoted to the study of the formation of feelings of oneself , although modern researchers and theorists use different names for these two aspects. For example, Michael Lewis (Lewis, 1991, 1994) in his writings refers to Self as the mechanism of self and Mine as the self-image. Robbie Case (Case, 1991) makes a similar distinction between the categories of Implied Self (I) and of the described I (Mine). In the following, I will use the terms subjective self and objective self, as I consider them to be the clearest of the available alternatives.

Subjective Self

Most self-development students today would challenge Freud’s assertion of a primary symbolic relationship between infant and parent in which the infant does not yet have a sense of separation (Harter, 1998). It is now generally accepted that the child has some primitive sense of separateness from birth. In the first months, the baby’s task is to coordinate the various sources of information he has about his own actions or their influence. In particular, in the first year of life, the infant is aware of himself as a figure capable of organizing events around him. The joy that a child experiences when he manages to make hanging toys move or to make a sound by pressing a toy with a squeaker is proof that the child has a feeling of himself as a doer. Albert Bandura develops his theory in the same vein, believing that the foundations of the feeling of self-efficacy are formed in the first year of life, when the baby realizes that he can control certain events in the world around him.

This feeling of self-efficacy or control is noted not only in relation to inanimate objects, but to a much greater extent it is expressed in the relationship of the child with adults who react to his behavior in quite predictable ways: smile in response to the smile of an infant, with a funny facial expression react to his tricks, changing diapers or giving food, observing a certain ritual, play hide and seek. Of course, in most cases, these events are not “caused” by the child – it is the parents who often initiate the game or certain behavior. But these actions contain myriads of repeating sequences in which the parent responds / reacts with some predictable behavior to a certain action of the child. From the child’s point of view, it was he who “made” some event happen – thus, the child begins to feel his effectiveness and strength, that is, to feel yourself.

Piaget also believed that the decisive element in the development of the subjective self is the understanding of the permanence of objects by about 9 or 12 months. Once the baby begins to understand that mom and dad continue to exist even when they are out of sight, he understands, at least on an elementary level, that he exists independently.

Objective Self

The second important step for the child is to understand that he, too, object in the world and therefore has certain qualities and properties, such as gender, size, name, as well as qualities such as shyness or courage, dexterity or clumsiness. It is this self-awareness that is the hallmark of the concept of Mine.

The study of self-awareness. When does a child really develop such self-awareness? This question is difficult to answer, although the results of several different strategies indicate that the age of 15-18 months is a transitional period in this respect. The most widely used strategies for studying the interaction of a child with a mirror. First, the child is placed in front of a mirror and simply observed for his behavior. Most children aged 9-12 months will look at their own reflection, make faces or try to communicate with the “baby in the mirror”. After a certain period of time, the experimenter, pretending to wipe the child’s face with a handkerchief, puts a stain on the child’s nose with lipstick, and then again allows him to look in the mirror. The conclusion about the presence of self-recognition and, thus, self-awareness of the child is made on the basis of his further behavior: whether the child touches a spot on his nose or on the “nose” of the reflection in the mirror.

The results of one of Lewis’s studies using this technique are shown in the figure. As you can see, none of the 9-12 month old children in this study touched their nose. But by 21 months, three-quarters of children showed self-recognition at this level. The figure also shows how often children refer to themselves by their first names when they are shown a picture of themselves, which is another very common technique for measuring self-awareness. You can see that this step in development occurs almost at the same time as self-recognition in the mirror. Both events occur around the middle of the second year of life (Bullock & Lutkenhaus, 1990).

As soon as a child develops self-awareness, a whole range of manifestations of his behavior changes. The child begins to insist on independent performance of actions and demonstrates a new possessive attitude towards toys or other objects that are dear to him (“mine!”). Knowing these features allows you to understand a lot about the behavior of the legendary “intolerable two-year-olds. ” In a literal sense, the result of the emergence of self-awareness in children is that they become self-willed.

Recognition of oneself in a mirror and use of one’s own name occur almost at the same time

Another consequence of the emergence of self-awareness in a child is the expression of such emotions as embarrassment, pride, or shame. These emotions are usually observed in children only towards the end of the second year of life, probably because they all involve some aspect of self-esteem that requires at least a minimal level of self-awareness to emerge (Lewis et al., 1989; 1992). According to Lewis, the emergence of emotions such as shame or pride occurs as a result of becoming aware of certain standards of behavior and comparing oneself with these standards – a developmental step that also occurs at the end of the second year of life. For example, only at this age do children begin to use the word “dirty” to describe themselves or some object, believing that they evaluate themselves or others in relation to a certain standard. A child experiences a sense of shame if, in his opinion, he does not meet the standard, while pride, on the contrary, arises when the child is able to meet the standard, for example, to build such a high tower of cubes as the teacher asks, it is enough to wash his hands ” clean,” etc. One aspect of development in general is this: after age 2, children are increasingly seeking the approval of adults, using their reaction as a signal that they have reached (or not) a certain standard or lived up to expectations. By school age, children already internalize these standards and expectations and become more autonomous in their judgments (Schaffer, 1996), in addition, the rules and norms of behavior dictated by parents are assimilated, as a result of which children can regulate their emotional manifestations and behavior.

Defining oneself at an early age.

Having reached the initial level of self-awareness, a preschool child begins to define “who I am” by studying his qualities and social roles. A two-year-old child not only knows his name, perhaps he can also tell if he is a boy or a girl, small or big. By about age 5 or 7, a child can give a fairly complete description of himself across a range of dimensions. For example, Susan Harter (Harter, 1987; 1990; Harter & Pike, 1984) found that children of this age have a clear idea of ​​their competence in various specific areas: in solving puzzles, in the ability to count, in those knowledge and skills that are acquired in kindergarten, in climbing trees, in the ability to jump rope and the ability to make friends.

By the second year of life, children begin to realize themselves as participants in a social game, learn to interact with other people. Case (Case, 1991) indicates that the child is beginning to form an understanding of his own role in life “scenarios”. Therefore, in some situations, he begins to think of himself as a “helper”; in other situations, when he, for example, advises another child what to do, he feels like a “boss”. You can already see this clearly by watching
role-playing game of preschoolers, in which specific roles are immediately distributed: “I will be a dad, and you will be a mom” or “I am a teacher”. Understanding one’s role in the totality of family roles is part of the same process of self-determination. The child is aware that he has sisters, brothers, father, mother, etc.

All this is a great advance in the child’s awareness. However, he is still aware of his I as a set of specific qualities. For example, each facet of the self-concept of a preschool child seems separate and resembles a list: “I can run well”; “I don’t like to play with dolls”; “I live in a big house”; “I have blue eyes” (Harter, 1998). These individual aspects of the self-schema have not yet coalesced into a global sense of self-worth (Harter, 1987; 1990; Harter & Pike, 1984). Kids this age don’t say “I’m a terrible person” or “I really like myself.” The perception of oneself is closely related to the specific environment and specific tasks.

The self-concept of a preschool child is also specific in other aspects: he tends to focus on the external characteristics of himself – is he a boy or a girl, how does he look, what and with whom does he play, where does he live, what does he do well to do and what not to do, rather than on more enduring inner qualities. This pattern has obvious parallels with the patterns of cognitive development characteristic of the same age: it is at these years that children’s attention is focused on the external signs of objects, and not on their permanent qualities (this is most clearly manifested in solving conservation problems, for example, when a child thinks, that the number of coins in a row increased because you stretched this row in length, or there was more water when it was poured into a taller thin glass).

Read further: Self-concept at school age.

Read also:

What is a role-playing game?
Features of the role-playing game in preschool age.

Game theory f. Piaget

demanded from child psychologists
practical advice
related to learning and
children, which made them turn to
game research,
mainly as a means of learning and
techniques. Explanations received in them
The results were taken from a variety of
theories available in
disposal, mainly from neo-Freudian ones.
On the other hand, psychologists who study
normal development, mostly
were describing
facts and their classification.

psychologist Stern divided the games into
and collective, which have their own
Individual play includes
improvement of physical activity,
for example,
running and jumping, mastering properties
objects in creative and destructive
transformation of objects and people through
kind of transformation. Collective game
is imitation and struggle.

child psychologist, Charlotte Buehler,
game into a functional one, using
child’s apparatus, fantasy game and play
with a deception of feelings, a passive game (such as
browsing books) and playing
construction. Titles
games in this classification, as well as
games in terms of enjoyment, which
the child receives thanks to his
activity and pleasure
“to be
cause”, in fact, is the essence
similar concepts.

of this series of theories is psychology
development of J. Piaget (1896-1980), professor
University of Geneva and Director
Rousseau Institute. Since childhood, interested
zoology and studying
snails, he started from the age of 10
publish your research.
His biological background and interest
to philosophy, especially to the theory of knowledge,
led Piaget to study the mental
development of children. He believed that logical
analysis of “knowledge” can
be clarified by information about how children
are learning
think logically. To analyze the received
and search for the causes of children’s activities in
age he uses (especially in his
research) logical and mathematical

Piaget’s play is closely related to his point
for the development of mental abilities.
postulated the existence of two
processes that he considered fundamental
for everything organic
development, namely, assimilation and
accommodation. Most
a simple example of assimilation is food. Food
in the process of eating and becomes part of
Accommodation is regulation
organism with the outside world, such as
change of direction for
to avoid obstacles, or cut
eyes in bright light. Both processes
and accommodation, complement and
into each other. If the pieces of food that
need to learn
large, then the animal has to
wider mouth. A series of
and chemical processes that
it to the type of food received (accommodation),
at the same time what is already being digested.

uses the terms assimilation and
in a broader sense for
and to
mental processes. Assimilation
applies to any
the process by which the body converts
information received in the process
turning it into part of the body’s knowledge.
as it should be, “assimilated”. Accommodation
any device that an organism
carry out in relation to the environment
the world to assimilate (assimilate)
information. intellectual development
is due to the long
active interaction of assimilation
and accommodations. mental adjustment
takes place when these two processes
each other. In the other case, dominating
either accommodation or assimilation.
When accommodation prevails, we
imitation. When playing, it is observed
pure assimilation that changes
information according to individual
needs. play and imitation
are part of the integral development
thinking and, therefore, pass
through the same stages

distinguishes four main periods in
development, each of which is subdivided
for a number of sub-periods. From birth to
18 months – sensorimotor
(sensory-motor) period. AT
According to Piaget’s point of view,
during this period, the child begins with chaotic
impressions from different
sense organs,
which he still cannot separate from
of your own
reactions to them. During this period
he is gradually getting
coordination and necessary fitness
for perception and manipulation
objects in space, time, and
also for
determining meaningful relationships between them.

next big period, period of development
thoughts at the age of 2 to 7-8 years, these
are repeated again symbolically and
verbally. Starting from a simple
ability to imagine
missing objects, the child learns
entire object classes and relationships
between them. But he still can’t see
them aloof. This “egocentrism”
not a manifestation
selfishness, and the consequence
forced attention to only one
developments. This makes it impossible for the logical
thinking, because it implies
ability to return to compound
parts of the causal
chains and see their relationship with
different points of view. At this stage
baby not
can group objects based on
their general characteristics.
He classifies “syncretically”,
comparing one thing with another
there is something in each of them that attracts him
The reasons for the action are explained as follows.
in the same way:
the ball flies because it is red and towards it
rope tied.

quantity, quality, time, space
and the reasons are on the dological
If two equal vessels are filled
the same
liquid to the same level, and
the contents of one of them are then poured
into two other similar vessels,
then a small child will
deny that the amount of liquid in
two vessels
equal to the amount of liquid in one
vessel, because
only one attracts his attention
the height of the water level in the vessels. He is not yet
mentally trace in your imagination
all operations in reverse order
fluid transfusion
into two vessels.

On the
third, main stage of development, in
11-12 year old child
gradually becomes reversible
operations, but only in specific,
familiar and understandable situations. FROM
child’s attention is “de-centered”.
Reverse thought operations
initially carried out at the level
allowing you to see the connection as a property,
pertaining to the whole class. Only in youth
age, these operations become
abstracted from all
specific content elements,
which allows you to build formal,
logical, evidence
interrelationships of facts.

On the
each stage, concepts develop with
experience, through interaction and
assimilation and accommodation. But one
not enough. There are internal
development at each stage, in part
from the stage of maturation of the central nervous
and partly due to knowledge
physical and social environment.
It is important that interaction with others
performances, and later
and their interchangeability, make
individual to look at things from different
points of view. it
essential to the ability to see
brain teaser
relationships and contradictions.

The game
begins in the sensorimotor period.
This view of Piaget is based on
detailed observations
for the development of their three children and
inventive experiments with them,
conducted between 1925 and 1929
d. According to Piaget, a newborn baby
does not perceive the world as permanent
objects that exist in space
and time
regardless of his own
Judging by the difference in the reactions of the child,
the bottle that disappeared from his field of vision,
lost forever. The child is watching
light until it hits
his field
vision, and stops responding immediately
as soon as
it disappears. When, a little later, the child
sucking movements, while continuing
a visible reason to look at the point at
which disappeared
the spectacle that interests him, then this is not yet
game because it is a continuation
enjoyment of feeding
or observation.
The child’s behavior is now out of
reflexes. In a circular reaction between
and responses include new elements,
but the activity of the child remains all
still repeating
what he did before. Piaget calls
it is “reproductive assimilation” –
performing a previously available action.
Such repetition
“for the sake of repetition” is a precursor

sensorimotor development is inadequate
in terms of individual reflexes,
develop with experience.
Some coordination between individual
receptors and movements exist
from the moment of birth, and many reflexes,
in a newborn, rather, are replaced,
combined with later arbitrary
movements. However, in such cases
some interaction is required
between receiving and assimilating information.
Random “attempts” to blow bubbles,
wave your fist
etc., which is characteristic of all normal
most likely related to this
(Anokhin P.K., 1964, in English. lang.).

Piaget does not need to invent
momentum for the game as he considers
as an aspect of assimilation, i.e. repetition
achievements in order to adapt
and fastenings. By the fourth month of life
looking and touching become
coordinated and the child learns
what if you push a suspended toy,
then she
will wobble or rattle. One day
this action will be repeated again
and again. it
already a game. “Functional” pleasure
and “pleasure
cause” are generated by repetition
actions as soon as they have been worked out in
successful milestones in
sensorimotor period. In the process of searching
toys, learning
open lids, baby 7-12 months
makes opening lids and doors
into an exciting game. Randomly received
it will repeat almost like a ritual.
The game is already
not only by repeating successful actions,
repetition with variations. However, only
12-18 months the child begins to actively
By this time, various
opportunities for coordinated action
with items.
This allows the child to distinguish
from the object to which they are directed,
gives rise to a systematic study
and search
new. At the last stage of the sensorimotor
period, actions become possible
in the absence of items and related
with them symbolism,
pretense, imagination.

play or play—imagination characterizes
period of figurative thinking at the age
2 to 7 years old. Piaget’s point of view on this
period is based
on his observations of arbitrary
children’s conversations and answers to
questions, as well as later
experiments to study the formation
children have the concepts of number, space,
quantities, etc. Initial thinking
takes the form of substitution actions,
which belong to the late
sensorimotor period of development.
A knotted rag depicts
small child.
Actions applied to one subject,
transferred to his deputy. By
Piaget, imagination is the result
to the missing object. His
presentation without completed obvious
movements is the basis of imagination.
At the initial stage, these internalized
actions replace the object of it
symbol, later they act as signs,
or defining an object. Language is
socially limited set of signs-words,
which the
helps this process, but does not determine

game, or game-imagination has such
function in the development of figurative thinking,
practical game of sensorimotor
period. it
is pure assimilation, and it consistently
and organizes thinking on the basis of already
learned images and symbols, for example,
question for fun ask and
telling stories for fun
tell them.
The symbolic game also serves to
and consolidation of emotional experience
child. All the important things that happen
in Game. But what happens in reality
in the game, because there is no desire
To her. However, the special nature of children’s
imagination games develop from
process of children’s intellectual
at this stage, with his egocentric
and individual character of images
and the characters it uses. In
“figurative” period role-playing game
everything becomes
more complex and organized. FROM
knowledge about the physical and social environment
going on
transition to more accurate reproduction
reality. The game is increasingly
and mental activity
become more
constructive and close to
reality. At the same time, the child
increasing social adaptation,
and he resorts to less distorted
reality. Ages 8 to 11
symbols change after interaction
with others, thanks to which understanding and
the use of symbols becomes
more logical and objective. The game
now controlled by the collective
discipline and laws of honor, and thus
Thus, games with rules replace
symbolic game-imagination of the early
period. Although games with rules are socially
and gradually develop into adults
they still show rather
rather than adjusting to reality.

Piaget gives play a purely biological
the function of active repetition and cognition,
“internally digest” new situations
and experience.
This theory allows consistently
describe development
successful activity from pushing
rattles to play out plots and
rugby game
and chess. But there are some here
difficulties. Some of them are related to
Piaget’s approach, which
focuses more on what
be a logical structure of thinking
children based on their mistakes than on the selection
conditions under which errors are made.
methods designed to uncover
sequence of actions leading
mistakes or correct decisions, and
supply us
specific, undeniable
data. But they don’t give accurate information.
about specific
factors influencing the received data,
for which they are often criticized.

that play is pure assimilation,
allows us to predict what the child
will beat any kind of activity,
which he mastered, and the game will
distort reality
according to needs
child. But limits are not specified
such distortion may be
influence of experience
this age level. For example,
does it happen at all well
and a reasonably informed 5 year old
child. Statistical accuracy
surveyed children and the percentage of those who
specific logical error, counting
outcome options,
obtained through systematic
changeable options for solving the problem,
– this is
what characterizes research
Piaget. But attempts
translate his research into traditional
experimental form often
in relation to his theory. For example, in
and overall American children achieve
relevant stages of thinking before
the age that Piaget describes
for Swiss
children. However, although Piaget establishes
certain age at which
acquired certain cognitive
operations, it also implies
that they are determined by both age and maturation.
Such a difficult concept as specific
weight, talented
5-6-year-old children learned relatively
short time using specially
training course. Children loaded things
different materials, different sizes
and weight into water, weighed the volume of water,
displaced by these
objects, etc. Thus, they
studied the concept on specific experiments.
These 5 year olds
the children were clearly not on the “prelogical”
thinking. It can be argued that
factor in this case was
a period of time,
in which the children learned
it’s a concept, not a sequence
stages of development of logical thinking.

Piaget’s theories are composed of three main
background. His theory means
that intellectual development takes place
in a sequence that can
be accelerated or slowed down
but cannot change on its own
experience; this sequence is not
line, but has a number of stages, each of
must be completed before
will join the next educational
and finally this sequence can be
explain by describing the types used
operations. There is evidence that
some concepts are given to children
comparatively easier,
than others. However, it was shown
that this fact is due not only to
the need to apply
certain logical operations, but
also depends on the
specific experience
which children of this age acquire
in our society.
The number of elements in the problem in the larger
than the logical operations included in it,
can be a major obstacle
for her right
solutions. For example, Piaget found
that 5-year-old children are not capable of exactly
sequence of colored beads
chain or order
dressing the doll. But if the quantity
beads reduce to seven, then the younger ones
children cope
with a task.

thus, the number of elements, not the requirement
follow the sequence
should form the main
difficulty. A significant part of the described
phenomena is beyond doubt, but all
more evidence is needed
to finally answer the question
about being explained
whether they are best based
theories of development of logical structures
individual, or in terms of gradual
changes in perception and adjustment
to information. If Piaget is right, what
factors did not determine intellectual
development, they also determine the development

distinguishes between the game
already learned actions and repetition
actions in order to comprehend them, which
includes the function of adapting to
In the game, on the contrary, reality adapts
to own
the needs of the child. In your form
assimilation game ends at the end
period of figurative thinking, when

Presentation for the master class and the master class itself “Development of logical thinking with the help of LEGO construction”.

| Related presentation:

Good afternoon dear colleagues!

I am glad to see you at the master class. And what will today’s master class be about, I would like you to reason and try (slide) to guess using the images on the slides. Quite right, the topic of this master class is: (slide) “The development of logical thinking with the help of LEGO construction.”

The purpose of the master class is presented on the slide. (slide)

First, I want to ask you what does the constructor develop?

Yes, that’s right: the designer encourages both the head and hands to work equally, while the two hemispheres of the brain work, which affects the comprehensive development of the child. (slide) Stimulates the development of speech, creativity, fantasies. The child does not notice that he is mastering the mental count, the composition of the number, he is performing simple arithmetic operations. (slide)

Every child is a born constructor, inventor and explorer. These tasks laid down by nature are especially quickly realized and improved in constructive activity. (slide)

A unique phenomenon in the world of games for children all over the world, allowing everyone to easily communicate in one universal language – the language of the game, is the designer. (slide)

Today I bring to your attention several types of construction kits that I use in my work with children. For this I will need helpers. I ask you, dear colleagues, to come to the tables.

We’ll find out later what they can do.

(slide) Lego has long been a legendary brand and still an ordinary miracle: children’s interest in it has not faded for many decades – since its appearance in Denmark in 1949. From that day until now, Lego has never changed its motto (slide) “Play with pleasure”.

The secret is that Lego (LEGO) penetrated the most secret nooks and crannies of the child’s soul and knows everything about it – about its features and dreams; creative impulses and fantasies; about the game and learning through it; about what is not always available to adults and is so generously open to children.

Adults understand how important it is to develop a child from a tender age with the best and most exciting toys in the world. (slide)

A child from the cradle learns the structural properties of parts. Having learned to roll over on his tummy, he will begin to explore the world around him. Offer him a constructor, and when he touches objects, pick them up, twist, turn and stack cubes one on top of the other. You can help him with these words, “I twist, I want to put,” then he will succeed.

From simple cubes, the child gradually moves to constructors, consisting of simple geometric shapes. (slide) Here, for example, are large cubes. Where the children of the first junior group roll the ball along the track, (slide) and having changed the goals and objectives for the children of the middle group, we built a ship from the same LEGO set and went on a trip around the world.

In my work I use different types of teaching children how to design (slide) you see them on the screen.

LEGO construction set encourages the development of children’s research and creativity, as well as the ability to observe and experiment.

The guys and I examined the details: size, shape, color, what they are made of, tested them experimentally for strength and buoyancy. (slide) Determined the name of each form: brick, cube, beak, slide, etc. After joint experiments with the designer, the children began to play with Lego more often, moreover, they used it not only as an independent game, (slide) but also as a way to complement role-playing games. From the details of the LEGO constructor, children create (slide) a fence on the farm, a playground as in the territory of a kindergarten, their own house and a road to the kindergarten. One of the favorite types of Lego construction for children is the performance of work on a given topic, when, for example, (slide) after reading fiction, the children are invited to “build” a fairy tale: characters (animals, people) or the place where the action takes place (forest , house).

On the one hand, the child is passionate about creative cognitive play, on the other hand, the use of a new form of play that promotes all-round development (slide) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the TEMP program. Develop, develop and develop again.

The designer plays a big role in preparing for school. (slide) It contributes to the formation, the ability to learn, to achieve results, to gain new knowledge about the world around us, to lay the first prerequisites for educational activities.

Children and I actively participate in various (slide) competitions and festivals at different levels. Here, for example, participation in the regional LEGO-festival “City of the Future”, where children embodied their dreams and ideas. (slide) It has become a tradition in our kindergarten to hold LEGO competitions, together with parents, where game motivation is aimed at helping an adult and creating an object with his own hands.

.(slide) With the use of LEGO constructors, children independently acquire knowledge when solving practical problems or problems requiring the integration of knowledge of various subject areas. you see them on the screen. So subsequently, the project activity makes it possible to educate the doer, and not the performer, to develop the volitional qualities of the individual and the skills of partnership interaction. (slide)

Nothing makes us adults so happy as the smile of our children! Children experience special joy when they study in the LEGO “Skillful Hands” circle (slide), where children have an unlimited opportunity to invent buildings, designs, showing curiosity, ingenuity, ingenuity. Creating a circle in kindergarten, we tried to make it a place of endless children’s delight and creativity. And we did it. (slide)

As a result of my work, I noted that children have a higher interest in constructive activities. The guys are actively constructing, they are ready to fantasize (slide) and create on any topic, they are not afraid to create something new, the phrases: “I don’t know how” or “How to do it?” began to sound less and less. Already during the discussion of the upcoming new building, many children offer design options; in the very process of activity, communication between the guys becomes more productive and respectful towards each other.

Dear colleagues, let’s see what my assistants did? I take the first volume designer. You use this constructor every day in your work, what is it called? (volumetric)

(slide) We use this type of LEGO on the plane as an unusual mosaic, which allows us to consolidate the ability of children to navigate on the plane. (Tangram, split pictures, mosaics, puzzles, Columbus Egg, etc.).

(slide) Our kindergarten is equipped with educational kits, the child independently assembles not only the model, but also the launch scheme in motion. This constructor is called LEGO-WEDO (motor, tilt sensor, parts of the designer, computer for launching).

(slide) And here are some other models we collect from this constructor.

Dear colleagues! Was there anything new for you to use in your work? What impression did my master class make on you? I ask my assistants to go through and evaluate the master class by building turrets. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION.

The role of argumentation in the intellectual development of children

Argumentation as a necessary skill, which is formed in the process of teaching rhetoric, contributes to the intellectual development of the child – the transition from simple fantasy through egocentric attitudes to an objective position in solving the problem. The theoretical basis of this hypothesis was the ideas of J. Piaget, the studies of A.N. Perret-Clermont, T. Zittun, B. Schwartz and others, as well as the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky, Elkonin–Davydov’s theory of developmental learning, P.Ya. Gal’perin’s theory of the formation of mental actions, G.A. Zuckerman. The study was conducted at the Moscow Children’s School of Arts. M.A. Balakirev. It was attended by children aged 9-12 years. The egocentric and objective statements of children in rhetoric classes were analyzed. These positions are correlated with the quality and consistency of the use of arguments from the point of view of the rhetorical theory of argumentation. The study made it possible to reveal how decentralization occurs in the process of discussion, i.e. the transition of the child from an egocentric position to the consideration of the problem on the basis of objective criteria.

Our study was devoted to identifying effective ways and means of developing the argumentation of children in rhetoric classes in order to form in them the persuasiveness of a demonstrative statement. The relevance of this topic is due to the practical interest of the educational system in the problems of introducing discussion methods into the educational process. Teaching argumentation to children aged 10–12 years in a rhetoric course helps to increase communicative competence associated with the formation of the ability to convince and prove. Argumentation as a means of coordinating one’s own point of view and the opponent’s point of view also stimulates the intellectual development of children: the clash of positions of the participants in the discussion regarding the topic of discussion contributes to the transition from simple fantasizing through egocentric attitudes to an objective position in discussing the problem.

Argumentation in our study was considered in two aspects: psychological and rhetorical. In the rhetorical aspect, the objectivity of the child’s arguments is determined by the knowledge and use of logical rules and patterns of using arguments in the discussion. The psychological aspect of argumentation is manifested in the process of an organized discussion environment in rhetoric lessons, the student is regularly placed in a situation where it is necessary to prove his own point of view, which entails decentration, i.e. the ability to correlate his point of view with the point of view of another person and look for reasons for evidence for one statement or the other.

Decentration occurs in a child in a situation of aggravation of the contradiction between his own point of view and the position of the opponent, i.e. in situations of socio-cognitive conflict. From this, a research hypothesis was formed, according to which argumentation, the need for which arises as a result of the contradiction between one’s own position and the position of an opponent or group, contributes to the intellectual development of the child – the transition in argumentation from simple fantasizing through egocentric attitudes to an objective position in understanding the problem under discussion and to its reasonable solution .

To test the hypothesis, the following tasks were set: to analyze the existing methods of teaching rhetoric; to study the organization of a joint dialogue in the process of teaching rhetoric; explore theoretical approaches to the study of argumentation as a form of social interaction in the educational process; develop a program for the development of argumentation in the course of teaching rhetoric; identify criteria for analyzing the obtained experimental data.

The scientific and methodological basis of the study was the sociocognitive approach to understanding the intellectual development of the child. The scientific basis of this approach was two methodological sources. The first source is the ideas of J. Piaget on the role of cooperation in the intellectual development of the child, as well as the studies of A.N. Perret-Clermont, T. Zittun, B. Schwartz and others, which present a neo-Piagiist approach to the study of the child’s intellectual development. The second source is the cultural-historical theory of L. S. Vygotsky, Elkonin–Davydov’s theory of developmental learning, P.Ya. Gal’perin’s theory of the formation of mental actions, G.A. Zuckerman.

The sociocognitive approach originates in the studies of J. Piaget, J.G. Mida and L.S. Vygotsky. One of the main questions that was raised in these three theories is: what is the specificity of the mental development of the child and its difference from other types of development? Although from different points of view, these three scientific approaches substantiate the hypothesis that social interactions play a crucial role in the development of a child’s thinking.

J.G. Mead, a representative of the Chicago school of sociology, argued that the psyche arises from the interaction of organic individuals in the social matrix. It is a form of participation in the interpersonal (i.e., social) process, the result of accepting the positions of others in relation to one’s own behavior [4].

In the cultural-historical theory of L. S. Vygotsky considers the environment not as a condition, but as a source of development [5]. L.S. Vygotsky wrote that “…behind all the higher functions and their relation are genetically social relations, real relations between people”[1, p. 51–64].

In the Geneva School of Genetic Psychology, the child’s relationship with the social environment is divided into relationships with adults and relationships with peers. Only in relations with peers, that is, in equal interaction between peers, J. Piaget saw the reason for the intellectual development of the child [14].

Piaget argued that in the course of a joint discussion, an objective position in reasoning is formed in children, i.e. in the process of cooperation in the intellectual development of the child, egocentric attitudes are overcome. He wrote about cooperation as follows: “From an intellectual point of view, it is she (cooperation) that is most suitable for shaping behavior that fosters a critical spirit, objectivity and discursive reflection” [12, p. 263]. Relationships of cooperation become available to the child by the age of seven.

From this arose one of the key questions in the post-Piagisian period of the existence of the Geneva school: what plays a decisive role in cognitive development – logical-mathematical experience leading to the emergence of logical structures or social interaction, during which a socio-cognitive conflict arises and is resolved? A.N. Perret-Clermont, a representative of the interactionist concept of the development of intelligence, formulated this question as follows: “Can social interactions stimulate the intellectual development of a child?” [Cit. according to: 4].

Other representatives of the interactionist approach V. Duaz and G. Mooney as well as A.N. Perret-Clermont point to the crucial role of social interactions in the development of intelligence. In one of the works of A.N. Perret-Clermont wrote that the main reason for cognitive development lies in the form of interactions that ensures the clash of individuals with different points of view on how to solve problems. Thus, the child compares his point of view with the opinion of an opponent or group, and as a result, a sociocognitive conflict arises, the solution of which leads to inter-individual coordination and the development of the child’s intellect [5].

Based on experiments on the conservation of liquid A.N. Perret-Clermont formulated the following thesis: “In some phases of development, the joint action of several individuals, which requires the resolution of the conflict between their different concentrations, leads to the construction (construction) of new coordinations in the individual” [5, p. 47].

A.N. Perret-Clermont’s experiments on fluid conservation and length showed the importance of studying how, in the process of collectively solving conservation problems, children argue their own position. The argumentation that the child uses in the course of the experiment can act as a criterion for the child’s intellectual development, on the one hand, and as a means of coordinating his own point of view and that of his opponent, on the other hand. It has been experimentally proven that one child’s arguments about the amount of liquid affect the nature and quality of the other child’s arguments. At the same time, the most important stimulating mechanism is collective activity, where argumentation contributes to the decentralization of the child’s position regarding the amount of fluid. The mechanisms and causal factors of the child’s transition from one position to another have become the main task of further study of argumentation [5].

Based on many years of research by N. Müller-Mirza and A.N. Perret-Clermont wrote the book “Argumentation and education” (2009). In it, the authors posed the following questions: how and when is it possible to carry out training using argumentation? Is the argumentation applicable in the study of all school subjects? how can the faculty of reasoning be enduring? What psychological problems arise in a dispute with others? How to analyze the arguments presented by students?

N. Müller-Mirza and A. N. Perret-Clermont argue that the ability to argue must be given the opportunity to improve in the process of child development. To carry out this activity and master the methods of assessing the child’s abilities, teachers must have special social skills and have a special pedagogical education [11].

Many years of work have resulted in theoretical research and experimental development by T. Zittun, M. Grossen, F. Archidiacono, R. Rommetveit, R. Marro, M.L. Schubauer-Leoni, B. Schwartz, who opened up new perspectives in the study of the socially developing learning environment and the possibility of using reasoning in teaching children. These works also present advanced teaching methods for using discussion forms of interaction in learning, developed on the basis of argumentation.

B. Schwartz, one of the authors of the special training program Kishurim, identified the specific role of argumentation in learning processes and opened a new direction in education, which is characterized by the introduction of argumentative practices in the education of children. The Kishurim program, implemented since 1998, promotes the development of argumentation and dialogic thinking among students in secondary schools [4].

Scientific views of A.N. Perret-Clermont can be compared with the works of G.A. Zuckerman in the field of discussion forms of interaction in the educational process. “Educational discussion,” notes G.A. Zuckerman, is a means of identifying, polarizing the individual sides of the contradiction in the points of view, the opinions of the participants in the discussion with the aim of subsequent coordination of different points of view for joint coordination of action” [10, p. 170].

The course “Philosophy for Children”, created under the guidance of Professor M. Lipman, is also an important methodological resource in the development of argumentation programs. The specified program forms the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts, listen to other participants, give arguments, weigh the solidity of the arguments and look for contradictions. This program was developed in the studies of N.S. Yulina, A.A. Margolis, S.D. Kovaleva, M.V. Telegina, E.A. Kondratieff [2; 3; 6; eight; 9].

Below we present a fragment of a study on a training program designed to develop the skill of argumentation in a training course in rhetoric. The purpose of this training course is the formation of argumentation as the ability to take into account the point of view of the opponent in the discussion. Within the framework of the training course, an attempt is made to synthesize the theoretical foundations of rhetoric, argumentation and debatable forms of joint work in the classroom. The program consists of three parts – diagnostic, training and control.

The study was conducted at the Children’s School of Arts (DSHI) named after. M.A. Balakirev. The sample consisted of two groups of subjects: the experimental group – 14 students of the Children’s School of Art. M.A. Balakirev at the age of 10–12, who were trained according to the experimental teaching methodology; control group – 14 students of the Children’s Art School named after. M.A. Balakirev at the age of 10–12 years old, who passed the preliminary diagnostic stage and the control stage.

The debate method was used in the study.

Debate is a role-playing game, which is a form of discussion that is conducted in accordance with clear rules. The teams participating in the debate consider a pre-selected controversial topic from opposing points of view.

According to the research hypothesis, two units of analysis were used in processing the results of the experiment: the egocentric position and the objective position.

Egocentric position. It is characterized by operating with fictitious facts, fantasizing, monologue. From the point of view of the logical foundations of argumentation, the basic laws are violated: there is a loss of the thesis, a shift in the thesis, i.e., frequent proof of the opponent’s thesis, tautological explanations (a circle in the argument), the use of false facts as arguments, etc.

Objective position. It is characterized by a focus on understanding the points of view of opponents, the scientific foundations of the subject of discussion, a focus on discussion (not only to express, but also to listen, and respond), criticality to the positions put forward by opponents, observance of the rules and regulations of the discussion, ethics in relation to the interlocutor. This position is characterized by the use of multiple arguments, expressed in logic, consistency, predictability and tolerance.

The transition from an egocentric to an objective position in the children’s reasoning was assessed on the basis of an analysis of the students’ statements. In each of the two types of positions, structural elements of analysis were distinguished, characterized by a certain set of speech units that refer a reasoned statement to a certain type of position in statements.

Figure 1 shows the structural elements of the analysis of the subjects’ reasoning, where the scores reflect the level of mastery of the skill of argumentation and the dynamics of decentration. At the same time, it is assumed that the higher the level of mastering the argumentation, the higher the dynamics of decentration.

Table 1

Argument analysis parameters

Structural element

Structural unit


Argumentation structure

Use of singular argumentation. Justification of one thesis is carried out with the help of one argument


Use of multiple arguments Substantiation of the thesis is carried out using more than one argument


Use of complex argumentation. Argument containing more than one argument


Argument specificity

Arguments are succinct and concise


Belonging to the thesis. No bias on arguments not related to thesis



Social orientation of argumentation. Arguments reflect the state of the problem in a general perspective. Reasoning is carried out from a public position


Consistency of the relationship between thesis and arguments

Thesis persistence. The thesis remains the same throughout the proof. No substitution of the thesis by another thesis


Arguments are not identical to the thesis. Arguments substantiate the thesis, not repeat it


The thesis to be proved follows from the grounds. Reasons are sufficient to put forward a hypothesis


Logical literacy of the use of arguments according to one of the methods of argumentation

Argument with an example. Introduction of one or more examples to support generalization


Argument by analogy. Transition from one specific case to another


Argument with reference to authority. Link to informed sources.


Argument about causes. Reliance on objective examples, conclusions based only on cases from personal experience are excluded


Emotional coloring of argumentation

Lack of emotional exaggeration of the state of the problem. Lack of subjectivism in explaining the problem


Consistency of concepts among themselves within the argumentation

Using a single set of concepts for each idea. There is a connection between arguments, and between arguments and thesis


Credibility of argumentation

Arguments correspond to reality (true). Absence of fictitious, false facts in reasoning


Thus, the utterances of the children received after practical classes were evaluated by the experimenter in accordance with the above criteria. A scoring system with an uneven distribution of points reflects the level of difficulty in mastering a certain aspect of the argument.

Analysis of the results of the study revealed significant shifts in the argumentation of the subjects of the experimental group. At the control stage, the reasoning of many subjects was dominated by an objective position, the arguments in evidence-based statements corresponded to both truth and logical literacy. On the contrary, in the reasoning of the subjects of the control group, no dynamics of transition from an egocentric position to an objective one was found.

Comparison of the results obtained in the experimental and control groups is presented in Table. 2.

Table 2

Results of the experiment in the experimental and control groups







Diagnostic step

Teaching stage

Cont. stage
















Expert. group (number of children)
















































Control group (number of children)












* – debate topic number; EP – egocentric position prevails in the argument; PP – an intermediate position in the argument; OP – an objective position in the argument.

Three fragments of discussions in the experimental group are discussed below. These fragments reflect the dynamics of the transition from an egocentric position to an objective one.

Fragment No. 1 (preliminary diagnostic stage).

The topic of the debate is “The Case of the Unfair Grading”. The point of the discussion was to evaluate the actions of a history teacher who gave a low grade to a student who, in the teacher’s opinion, did not retell a paragraph from the textbook close enough to the text, although the student cited many historical facts on the topic that were not included in the content of the paragraph. The children’s opinions were divided into two poles: one group supported the thesis “The teacher’s actions were correct” (hereinafter “+”) and the other argued that the history teacher was wrong (hereinafter “-“).

Here is a dialogue between Anton (9 years old) and Sveta (11 years old).

Anton (“-“; speech No. 1). Of course the teacher is wrong. He had no right to do so, because he must have found fault with this student. It happens often. The student knows the topic, but the teacher asks him incorrectly, somehow in his own way.

Light (“+”). And then how do you know how to answer correctly? Maybe retelling by paragraph is the right way?

Anton (“-“; speech No. 2). The paragraphs are boring, they are not even interesting to look at. I tried to read a story yesterday at recess. I read two lines and thought: “Boring.” If we read them, then at night, in order to fall asleep faster. And I usually play computer games in the evening before going to bed, I have no time to read. Therefore, it is more interesting for me to spend time in front of the computer.

Light (“+”). And what should be paragraphs in textbooks?

Anton (“-”; speech No. 3). Such that they do not put twos and threes.

Light (“+”). Explain, I don’t understand what you mean.

Anton (“-“; speech No. 4). Well, for example, such that there is little text, a lot of pictures, like in comics, because I love comics, it is interesting for me to read them. I would love these tutorials.

Anton’s statements can be schematically represented as follows.

Speech #1


The teacher is wrong


He must have been picking on this student. The teacher asked him incorrectly

Speech #2


Paragraphs are boring


I was reading a story yesterday and I was bored

Argument 2

Such textbooks are only for evening reading to fall asleep


I have no time to read


I play computer games in the evening


Therefore, it is more interesting for me to spend time in front of the computer

Speech #3


Paragraphs should contain little text and many pictures, as in comics


I love comics, I’m interested in reading them

This dialogue reflects Anton’s stable argumentation on the issue of the fairness of knowledge assessment from the point of view of personal interest. He evaluates the situation from the position of his preferences and his own experience of relations with teachers. The leading questions of the opponent (Svet) about the possibility of creating knowledge assessment standards do not change Anton’s point of view. A stable egocentric position is associated with logical errors in the use of argumentation. Indicative in this regard is speech No. 2, where the substitution of the thesis takes place. Anton begins the statement with the statement that the paragraphs are boring, then a “breakdown” occurs in the chain of arguments: the arguments turn out to be somewhat distant in meaning from each other, since a new thesis appears in the middle of the speech. This leads to an incorrect conclusion, which cannot support the original thesis: a personal preference for computer games before studying does not explain the “boring” paragraph in the textbook, since this argument cannot confirm the opinion of the majority of students.

Fragment No. 2 (learning stage).

The theme of the debate is “City ecology – the task of every citizen or special organizations?”. The children were divided into two groups. One supports the thesis “Ecology of the city is the task of every inhabitant” (hereinafter “+”), and the other argues that ecology is the task of special organizations (hereinafter “-”).

Artur (“+”; speech No. 1). I believe that the ecology of the city is the task of every resident, because sometimes special organizations may not see the garbage that a person leaves in fence bars, under benches and in other hard-to-reach places. It’s easier for me, passing by, to take out and throw out this wrapper, rather than wait for special people with their equipment. Therefore, I think that people should deal with garbage, it’s easier that way.

Masha (“-”). And how do you know, maybe a person will be able to create such a perfect technique that garbage collection will be possible even in hard-to-reach places?

Artur (“+”; speech No. 2). Wrappers are thrown every day, polluting rivers, lakes, air. No super technology is enough.

Vla d (“-”). Then how can each individual person be able to deal so well with such great pollution on his own?

Artur (“+”; speech No. 3). I believe that if the government starts to create special organizations, purchase equipment, build buildings for these organizations, hire workers, then in 20 years the country will either go bankrupt, or they will stop treating, teaching and protecting people, since all funds will go to the maintenance of such organizations . Eventually people will lose their jobs. Wouldn’t it be better to entrust each person with the duty to preserve nature?

Masha (“-”). But people are different, there are responsible, and there are those who do not care. Do not you think so?

Artur (“+”; speech No. 4). I do not think so. All my friends throw garbage in a bucket.

Arthur’s statements can be schematically represented as follows.

Speech #1


Ecology of the city is the task of every inhabitant


It’s easier for me to throw it myself than to call specialists

Speech #2


Special equipment will never be able to cope with pollution


The environment is being polluted at a very rapid pace

Speech #3


It is better to place on man the duty to preserve nature


Maintenance of special organizations would rather ruin the government than clean up the environment

Speech #4


All people responsible


My friends are throwing garbage in a bucket

This example shows that the student’s position is unstable. Initially, in speech #1, the problem is considered from the personal position of the student. Then (speech No. 2) the student comes to the conclusion that it makes no sense to consider the issue subjectively, since what is convenient for one may be unacceptable for others. Further, the problem is considered from the point of view of the state, which embodies society as a whole. However, in the last statement (speech No. 4), Arthur again, as it were, closes the chain of argumentation within the boundaries of his environment (“all my friends are responsible people, therefore, all people are responsible”). Thus, here we observe an intermediate position in the student’s argument.

Fragment No. 3 (control stage).

The topic of the debate is “What is more important, mercy or justice?”. The question was put before the children: what is more important in a person’s life – mercy or justice?

Here is a dialogue between Alice (10 years old; “+”, mercy) and Matvey (10 years old; “-”, justice).

A l i s a (“+”; speech No. 1). Mercy is more important than justice. Mercy is formed from two words: “sweet” and “heart”. Sweet means kind, means it knows how to forgive. A person must be able to forgive.

Matvey (“-”). Why is it necessary to forgive if, for example, guilt is proven? If the driver is to blame for the accident, then – to jail.

A l i s a (“+”; speech No. 2). A person needs mercy to help those who are in trouble. Even in justice there is mercy. There are cases in the law when the punishment for criminals is mitigated, because they may have done something not on purpose or confessed to the crime themselves.

Matvey (“-“). Yes, I agree. But this does not mean forgiving the offender. Mercy cannot replace justice.

A l i s a (“+”; speech no. 3). Justice is something people have invented. As far as I know, each country has its own law and punishes the same crimes differently. And wars occur because of justice, because everyone has their own justice. Here Napoleon believed that Russia should be conquered. Fair? From his side, yes. But for Russia, no.

Matvey (“-“). Napoleon attacked Russia, it was not fair. Where is the justice?

A l i s a (“+”; speech No. 4). I believe that justice is like a point of view. Everyone has her own. And mercy, as I have already said, is kindness, which does not have a point of view, kindness is one, there is no other. Even the English poet Alexander Pope said: “In matters of faith and hope, people differ, but all mankind is united in mercy.”

Alice’s statements can be schematically represented as follows.

Speech #1


Mercy is more important


A person must be able to forgive

Speech #2


A person needs mercy to help someone who is in trouble


Even in justice there is a place for mercy


There are cases in the law when the punishment for criminals is mitigated

Speech #3


Justice is a human invention


Wars are about justice, because everyone has their own justice


Napoleon believed that Russia should be conquered, this is his justice

Speech #4


In mercy, kindness is one, there are no points of view in it


Alexander Pope said: “In matters of faith and hope, people differ, but all mankind is united in mercy”

In the last fragment, Alice’s statements are correlated with the objective position according to the following characteristics:

1. Almost all of Alice’s arguments are based on reliable examples (speech No. 1, speech No. 3, speech No. 4). Achieving objectivity in the examples given is a difficult task for the child. Most often, children use examples from personal experience, the experience of people they know, there are frequent cases of fantasizing, citing false facts as arguments.

2. Alice’s arguments are meaningfully related to each other. In speech #2 and in speech #3, the last arguments logically continue the previous ones.

3. Alice used facts in her argument, as evidenced by speech No. 2, speech No. 3, speech No. 4. Before participating in the discussion, she carried out work on the selection of information to prove her position. In this process, students develop an interest in research.

Thus, the study carried out a qualitative analysis of students’ statements during all three stages of the experiment. The main hypothesis of the study, according to which reasoning contributes to the intellectual development of the child – the transition from simple fantasizing through egocentric attitudes to an objective position in solving the problem, was confirmed. After evaluating the students’ statements in accordance with the analysis criteria at the control stage, we determined the argumentation of 11 children as a manifestation of an objective position. In the control group, the dynamics of the transition to an objective position was not observed.

The key concept for the analysis of the transition from an egocentric position to an objective one is the initially particular nature of the evidence, which can be briefly described as follows: “it is more convenient for me if it is so.” Decentration occurs in the process of refutation by opponents of the speaker’s initial arguments. The transitional moment here is a refuting question or counterargument of the opponent. A group of students asking questions acts as a mechanism that starts the process of shifting the position and objectifying the child’s thinking. Observing the process of using arguments by children from the point of view of rhetoric and oratory, we can say that students only manage to formulate an argument logically correctly when they reach the level of an objective position in their own reasoning.

Thus, this study contributes to the solution of an urgent psychological and pedagogical problem – the search for effective means of developing the child’s speech and thinking.


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1.2 Game theory. The game as a means of developing the creative abilities of a person

The game as a means of developing the creative abilities of a person

course work

By the end of the 20th century, there were so many concepts of the game and in such a variety that they can be systematized in a certain way. The basis can be, for example, the leading factors on which this or that theorist relies in explaining the origin and functions of the game.

We received the following groups of game theories:

1. Theories that comprehend the game based mainly on biological (biopsychological) factors.

2. Theories based on psychological factors.

3. Theories that give a sociological, mainly socio-psychological interpretation of the game.

4.Synthetic theories that take into account various factors.

The beginning of the development of game theory is usually associated with the names of such thinkers as F. Schiller, G. Spencer, W. Wundt. Developing their philosophical, psychological and mainly aesthetic views, they incidentally, only in a few positions, also touched on the game as one of the most common phenomena of life, linking the origin of the game with the origin of art.

For F. Schiller, the game is rather a pleasure associated with a manifestation of excess vitality free from external need: “The subject of the impulse to play, presented in the general scheme, can be called a living image, a concept that serves to designate all the aesthetic properties of the phenomenon, in a word, everything that in the broadest sense of the word is called beauty. For Schiller, play is an aesthetic activity. An excess of forces, free from external needs, is only a condition for the emergence of aesthetic pleasure, which, according to Schiller, is delivered by the game. F. Schiller’s introduction of pleasure as a common feature for aesthetic and play activities influenced the further development of the problems of play.

According to Spencer, play is a form of exercise that is “enjoyable” and therefore, according to the universal psychological law of pleasure, is good for the organism. In his opinion, higher animals and man, due to their better adaptability, have an excess of energy not spent on physical existence. All organs of animals and humans are purely expedient and serve either survival or procreation. Because of this, they instinctively require constant training. However, not all organs are used at once. The conclusion follows from this: if the desire for energy discharge does not meet with an external reason for real activity, then an imitation of this activity arises, from which, the author claims, the game in all its forms occurs. The game usually reproduces those actions that are especially important for saving the life of the individual. The main instincts are manifested in the game: “whatever the game, its pleasure lies in winning a victory, in triumph over the enemy … This victory is tantamount to success in the struggle for existence and finds satisfaction in winning a chess game, for lack of a more rude victory properties “Spencer G. Foundations of psychology. SPb., 1897. S. 412. . In the realization of instincts, Spencer establishes the nature of the game as a game-competition, a game-competition. The physiology of the game extends to art: the game is the training of “lower” abilities; aesthetic activity – “higher” (hearing, vision), gymnastics of the nervous system, hygiene of the mind. G. Spencer does not devote too much space to the game and does not specifically deal with the creation of game theory. He expresses his views on the game in this way: “The activities called games are connected with aesthetic activities by one common feature, namely, that neither one nor the other helps in any direct way the processes that serve for life” Spencer G Foundations of psychology. SPb., 1897. S. 412. . For Spencer, the difference between play and aesthetic activity lies only in the fact that the lower abilities find expression in play, while the higher ones find expression in aesthetic activity. The above statements did not have the character of a systematic exposition of the theory of the game. They laid; only the tradition of considering the nature of the game in the context of the emergence of aesthetic activity. According to Spencer, play is biologically utterly useless and pointless, it occurs where serious life is not needed or cannot take place. The reason for the game, according to Spencer, is the accumulation of vital energy that has remained unused; this energy seeks its outlet, if only in aimless activity, such as play.

W. Wundt came closest to understanding the emergence of the game. However, he is also inclined to consider pleasure as the source of play. “Play is the child of labor,” he wrote. – There is not a single game that would not have a prototype in one of the forms of serious work, which always precedes it both in time and in essence. The necessity of existence compels man to work. And in it he gradually learns to appreciate the activity of his forces as a source of pleasure. The game, – continues Wundt, – eliminates the useful goal of labor and, therefore, makes the goal of this most pleasant result that accompanies labor ”Wundt Wilhelm. Ethics. – St. Petersburg, 1887. .

If G. Spencer, considering the game, included the game of man – in biological; aspect, Wundt includes it in the socio-historical aspect. A game for a person is such a recreation of human activity, in which its social, actually human essence is distinguished from it – its tasks and norms of relations between people. The game is multidimensional, it organically combines and coexists value, emotional-volitional, intellectual and effective “dimensions” realized through game activity, game consciousness and game relations.

Next, we will consider the concept of V. Stern’s game. Defining the game, Stern writes: “Free activity, which is an end in itself – this is how it must be defined if we want to characterize the existing at; game state of mind. This activity is an end in itself, that is, it is completely content with itself, it is not directed to any goals that lie outside it. The goal of the game in the mind of the player is reached and exhausted when the game is over “Stern V. Psychology of early childhood up to the age of six, 1922, p. 167.. Stern sees the specificity of the game in the absence of an external goal of the game and in a specific relationship to reality; fantasy, which, in terms of relations to reality, is intermediate forms between a complete confusion of subjective and objective realities and a complete consciousness of appearance, illusion.

From the point of view of the concept of gestalt, K. Koffka develops his idea of ​​the game. He assigns an extremely large place to the game in the children’s picture of the world, “the world of the child.” “Even when a child does not play, his attitude to the world is still different in a playful way” Koffka K. Fundamentals of psychological development. M. -L., 1934.. The world of a child, according to Koffka, is similar to the world of a “primitive person” in that it does not distinguish between living and non-living things, the mystical nature of perception. An illusion is inherent in a child when handling some thing as long as it is in his children’s world. If he encounters this thing in the world of adults, he treats it completely differently – for him it is already a different thing.The structure of the world of adults is expanding more and more, and gradually what was a full-fledged world for the child becomes only a game.Koffka analyzes the game as a manifestation of a special, qualitative of the child’s unique world, and not from the point of view of assimilation of the norms of the adult world, preparation for adult life, and the like, consequently makes the world of the child at play as an independent phenomenon the subject of consideration.0009

According to J. Piaget, play is a form of creativity, but creativity with a specific purpose. The game serves to restore the balance of the object with the environment, it is a kind of self-organizing dynamic mechanism that allows the subject to adapt to the changing conditions of existence. In this case, a leading reflection occurs in the game. In the conditional world of the game, a person learns to navigate and overcome the difficulties prepared for him in the world of reality. “A game is a kind of preparation for possible forms of behavior at a given level, not involving their immediate practical use.” Piaget’s concept is about the strategic importance of the game. Based on the fact that intelligence is formed on the basis of initial skills, Piaget believes that by analogy one can trace the evolution of the game, starting with the simplest forms, up to creative games, which are ultimately formed in art, science, i.e. trace the development of creativity. According to Piaget, the game manifests itself at each subsequent stage of human development, while new forms absorb the previous ones:

1) game-exercise – leads to the formation of the most complex skills; 2) symbolic game – contributes to the formation of the semiotic function and the processes of replacing reality with signs and symbols, thereby creating the basis of artistic activity;

3) game with rules – allows competition and rivalry.

Each of these categories of games reflects the level of intellectual development of the individual. Faced with any situation, the organism resorts to one of three forms of behavior: a) instinct; b) acquired automatism or habit; c) intelligence. Behavior can combine elements of all three forms. Piaget believes that there are no special differences between the mechanism used by the intellect to find a solution and the mechanisms of the game. J. Piaget introduces new meanings into the traditional understanding of the signs of the game and gives them a unified interpretation.

· Criterion of the game’s self-goal , its “disinterest”. We are talking about a very common assertion that work does not have a goal contained in the activity as such, while the goal of the game lies in itself. Piaget recognizes the validity of this criterion, but seeks to clarify and rethink it. He notes that any game is deeply “interested”, in the sense that the player is interested in the result. In addition, in a number of games, the result may be financially more profitable than work.

· Pleasure criterion . Play is an activity for pleasure; work is for the good, regardless of the pleasure. Noting the importance of this criterion, Piaget refers to the opinion of E. Claparede, who saw in the game a direct, and in the work only an indirect realization of a desire or need, and, in addition, to Z. Freud with his distinction in human activity between the principle of pleasure and the principle of reality. Piaget believes that the pleasure principle and the reality principle are quite consistent with the pleasure derived from assimilation. Piaget also notes that there are games that represent a symbolic reproduction of events that are unpleasant and painful for a person. This proves the primacy of pure assimilation in the game (in the form of a repetition-event) and the secondary nature of pleasure. Playful pleasure, Piaget argues, is the affective expression of this assimilation. Considering other criteria of the game – its arbitrariness in contrast to the duty of work, non-conflict in contrast to the same work, Piaget interprets them from the point of view of the principle of assimilation, which is the source of the feeling of freedom that arises in the playing person and the way out of the grip of duties imposed from outside. Piaget’s general conclusion is that activity becomes playful depending on the internal orientation of the individual. The general criterion of the game is the dominant assimilation – the adaptation of reality to the subject, the victory of the Self over the world, the desire to repeat the usual patterns and the resulting feelings of freedom, completeness, mastery. This point of view – a personal attitude as the only criterion for the specificity of gaming activity – has become widespread.

Gradually conquered the world at the beginning of the 20th century. Freudianism could not but be reflected in game theory. As you know, the need to penetrate “beyond pleasure” arose in Z. Freud in connection with the analysis of traumatic neurosis. Having established that in traumatic neuroses the nature of sleep and dreams, in which the wish-fulfillment tendency is usually expressed, is disturbed and deviated from their goals, Freud concludes: “I propose to leave the dark and gloomy theme of traumatic neurosis and turn to the study of the work of the mental apparatus and its normal, the earliest activities. I mean the play of children” Freud 3. Beyond the pleasure principle. M., 1912. S. 43. . However, due to the general nature of Freudianism, its ancestor failed to draw a joyful picture. Having critically commented on various concepts of play, Freud expounds his ideas on the basis of observing the play of a one and a half year old child: “… we are approaching the assertion that, under the dominance of the pleasure principle, there are means and ways to make unpleasant in itself an object of memory and mental processing” Freud 3. Beyond the pleasure principle. M. , 1912. S. 47. . Freud interprets the motives and results of such “mental processing” in the traditional way for himself: the child seeks to move from a primitive experience of the situation to an active transfer of unpleasant experiences to a friend into the game and thus “revenge” on the one whom this latter replaces. Ultimately, Freud comes to the conclusion that the dreams of traumatic neurotics and the child’s tendency to play are of the same nature: the tendency to compulsive reproduction.

The game, in the concept of Bern, is considered as a way of self-realization of the individual, as the structure of his behavior, as the basis of communication and interpersonal communication. In Berne’s theory, play appears on two levels: play as an intersubjectivity, an integral analog of a way of life and a way of acting; the game as a psychoanalytic toolkit, a way and method of “pulling out” the subconscious and, consequently, a remedy. In this capacity, the psychoanalytic game is an analogue of business games and a tool for group psychoanalysis. “It should be remembered,” E. Bern points out, “that the concept of a game is scientific. The game is not just a habit, behavior or reaction, but a specific sequence of operations, each of which is expected to have a specific response: the first move (or strike) is the response; the second move is the answer; the third move is the answer; checkmate “Bern E. Transactional analysis and psychotherapy, St. Petersburg., 1992, p. 200 . The first of the levels of the game we have indicated, Berne makes the basis of his concept of life scenarios and transactional (in some publications – transactional) analysis. The second – in the practice of diagnostics and psychotherapy, carried out in individual or group psychoanalysis, in training scenarios and in psychotraining classes. Bernov’s game theory is fundamentally different from the traditional local understanding of the game as a particular kind of activity. The game is not an exercise or an experiment, not just a defense mechanism used from time to time. The game is a way of life hiding in other forms of a person’s life activity. Each person, as Bern demonstrates, plays constantly, in overwhelming cases – unconsciously, realizing his idea of ​​himself, of those around him, of the goals and meanings of existence. Berne abandons the traditional notion of play as an activity for profit or pleasure. The motives of the game are much deeper, and the outcome is more tragic. The game can be a human drama with a fatal outcome, destroy a person, bring misfortune to loved ones, represent

public danger; in the end, even war in the context of proposals for the interpretation of the game is sinister, but also a game. Thus, the game is a form of realization of the life scenario, and the scenario is the gradual unfolding of the life plan, which is formed in early childhood, primarily under the influence of parents, although not only. Scenario analysis is a way to understand the game that this or that person is playing at this or that period of his life. The goal of Berne’s concept: to understand the game you play, its hidden motives and possible consequences for the subject and his environment means to demystify personal life, and even destroy your habitual, comfortable inner image. It is no coincidence that Berne claims that the ultimate goal of his theoretical concept and psychoanalytic play practice is to teach a person to play less; seek genuine sincerity, human intimacy, mutual understanding.

A large number of studies are related to the analysis of opportunities to use the game to understand the child, for his education, adaptation, therapy. In some papers, an attempt is made to theoretically analyze the game. The child uses play, writes Erickson, “to compensate for failure, suffering and frustration, especially those associated with technically and culturally limited use of language” Eric G. Erickson. Childhood and society. – Ed. 2nd, St. Petersburg, 1996. .

Play is important for a child because it gives him the opportunity to express feelings and desires that cannot be expressed outside of play. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the child can express any feelings in the game without fear of sin or danger, which are associated with the expression of these feelings outside the game, and, secondly, with the fact that the game provides rich non-verbal means of expression. , closer and more natural to the child than speech. Play is the natural language of children. The child gives meaning to his play. Of particular value to the child in this regard is a dramatic or role-playing game: Erickson points out that such a game is the most natural autotherapeutic measure for a child. With the help of the game, he resolves his internal conflicts.

In Soviet psychology, play has been studied since the 1930s, and psychologists have tried to understand children’s play based on “peculiarities of the relationship between the individual and the environment” Basov M.Ya. General foundations of pedology, M.-L., 1931. . M.Ya.Basov, analyzing the objective conditions of the child’s existence, indicates that they are characterized by the child’s lack of duties, since his existence is provided by the parents. This leads to freedom in the relationship with the environment. This freedom determines the main feature of the game.

P.P. Blonsky, considering the game “the main type of activity of a preschooler, during which he exercises his strength, expands his orientation, assimilates social experience, reproducing and creatively combining the phenomena of the surrounding life” Blonsky P.P. Pedology. M., 1999. , at the same time, he believed that the term “game” combined a variety of activities:0009


The problem of creating a theory of children’s play was first raised in our psychology by LS Vygotsky. “The game is the fulfillment of desires, but not individual desires, but generalized affects” Vygotsky L.S. Play and its role in the psychological development of the child. Questions of psychology, 1966, N6. . The game creates a zone of proximal development of the child. Vygotsky singles out an imaginary situation as the central moment of the game. This imaginary determines the consciousness of the playing child.

In recent years, research has been carried out on the game related to its pedagogical use. The game itself is understood as “an adult-organized form of preparing a child for a future life in human society” Karpova C.N., Lysyuk L.G. Game and moral development of preschool children. M., 1986 . In the study by S.N. Karpova and L.G. Lysyuk, the influence of the game on the moral development of the child is considered. The game, from the point of view of the authors, is essential for moral development because the game provides the development of the necessary prerequisites for the formation of moral regulation of behavior, and because in the game the child learns the moral relations that exist in society.

From the point of view of Karpova and Lysyuk, the true appropriation of moral relations in plot-role relations is impossible.

In order for the moral content to really become a guide in the child’s behavior, it must be included in the performance of real tasks, in solving which the child will act on his own behalf, and not from the position that he performs in the game. In this regard, the authors form a hypothesis about the different influence of two game plans on the moral development of a preschooler: “The plot-role relations mainly determine the development of a preschooler’s ability to single out and better understand those aspects of their relationships with other children that are regulated by moral norms. Relationships about the game mainly contribute to the appropriation of moral relations by children and the formation of appropriate motives in them. Mastering the research related to the concept of the game, makes it possible to formulate a number of provisions that characterize it. They are as follows :

– the game acts as a valuable and independent activity in which the process itself is important, not the result;

– play is a free activity that is not determined by urgent practical needs and cannot be mechanically imposed from outside by someone else’s will;

– the game is the doubling of reality, the creation of a “parallel world”, the mutual imposition of real and imaginary reality;

– the game acts as an active form of simulation of real life situations, but since the game world is virtual, these situations can be easily varied in the game, including, they can be played with a fantastic change in the main parameters of reality.

We have seen a variety of concepts of children’s play, many scientists have been solving this problem, but there is no unequivocal answer, as it happens in science.

Workshop “Perspectives and opportunities for LEGO design in the framework of the integration of the system of preschool, general and additional education” a kindergarten of the combined type “Rainbow”, a structural subdivision of the kindergarten “Solnyshko”) with the support of the Nizhny Tagil branch of the State Autonomous Educational Institution DPO “Institute for the Development of Education”, a workshop was held

« Perspectives and possibilities of LEGO-construction within the framework of the integration of the system of preschool, general and additional education» .

It was attended by 54 people, including heads and teachers of educational organizations in the cities of Verkhnyaya and Nizhnyaya Salda, representatives of educational authorities, NTF IRO and the parent community.

At the opening of the seminar, the participants and guests were greeted by the head of the Department of Education of the city district Nizhnyaya Salda Terekhova Rimma Viktorovna, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Scientific and Technical Faculty of the State Autonomous Educational Institution DPO “IRO” Osipova Marina Borisovna, director of the MDOUDSKV “Rainbow” Bazarova Anna Mikhailovna and director of the MOU Gymnasium Storozhkova Tatyana Aleksandrovna .

The idea of ​​making LEGO building a process that can be guided and expand the content of children’s building activities through the use of new generation building sets, as well as by involving parents in joint technical and communicative creativity, formed the basis of the workshop. By assembling the designer, the child not only develops fine motor skills, imagination and abstract thinking, he learns to fantasize, invent and tell stories, logically express his thoughts, arguing and proving his own position, enriching vocabulary and personal socio-cultural experience. And with what pleasure he plays with the resulting objects, figures, images …

Play becomes a road to learning, and it’s no coincidence that the name of the Danish company that produces the world’s most popular Lego constructor is translated as “Play easy” or “Play with pleasure”.

The well-known words of J. Piaget “In constructing, the child acts like an architect erecting a building of his own potential” can be considered the epigraph of this event.

Presenting the experience of the structural unit of the kindergarten “Solnyshko”, its head, Zorikhina Natalya Viktorovna, emphasized that designing is one of the favorite activities of children, in which their interests, hobbies and potentialities are revealed. Lego pedagogy today is one of the well-known and widespread pedagogical systems that use three-dimensional models of the real world and a subject-play environment for teaching and developing a child. The relevance of LEGO technology has increased in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, because it allows the integration of all educational areas (“Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, etc. ).

The first part of the seminar is initially focused on getting to know the educational practice of preschool educational institutions. All events within the framework of the seminar were held in the Design Center , , created for the effective organization of educational and leisure activities on design as an important part of the modern educational environment of the kindergarten “Solnyshko”, aimed at the comprehensive development of the child’s personality in various activities through the use of design technology.

Participants of the seminar attended two classes: “Animals of the Lego Country” (middle group, Tsepova Tatyana Evgenievna) and “Lunar Transport” (preparatory group, Uglova Natalya Georgievna). Then the experience of the work of the kindergarten “Solnyshko” in this direction was presented: the topic of the speech was Tsepova T.E. – “Construction as a way to develop spatial imagination in younger preschoolers”,
a Uglovoi N.G. – “Designing is a tool for the comprehensive development of personal qualities and abilities of a preschooler. ” The introduction of new approaches into practice that ensure the full development of preschoolers within the framework of the main general educational program of preschool education was presented by O.V.

About their satisfaction with the level of educational services, about the close attention of the staff of the preschool educational institution “Solnyshko” to increasing the competence of parents in raising and educating children, developing their intellectual and creative potential through LEGO design, as well as the degree of involvement in educational interaction, the parents of pupils spoke .

The result of the mini-discussion “Designing in preschool educational institutions: a tribute to fashion or a requirement of the time?” there was a unity of understanding that the use of LEGO – technology in creating a modern educational environment in a preschool educational institution with the aim of educating a socially active, comprehensively developed personality of a child is a hot topic in the system of preschool education and is inextricably linked with all types of children’s activities: play, research, labor, communicative etc.

The logical continuation was the presentation of Lego construction in the lower grades of the Gymnasium. In the speech “Lego construction: engineering thinking, controlled fantasy and educational effects” Osipova M.B. drew the attention of the seminar participants to the fact that the growing up of a child is a tense, intense and creative work that is done as a joint work or cooperation with adults in the “multi-age space”. The priority goal of modern education is to prepare such a person who could not only successfully adapt to constant, cardinal and regularly occurring changes / serious changes in the world around him, but also effectively develop in these conditions.

Of course, both the teacher and the student, as well as the technologies for organizing the educational process and educational interaction, must change. E effective T technology O learning and T creative process, as well as from the result obtained)!

The formation of the foundations and the development of engineering thinking in MOAG takes place from the early grades in the logic of the student’s development, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, established gymnasium traditions and the experience of teachers on the basis of an integral system of educational EVENTS (training courses implemented according to the curriculum, and activities carried out in the MOAG and outside it, within the framework of basic and additional education, during school and vacation time).

In order for an educational organization to become effective, it must constantly develop, introduce new technologies, set and solve new tasks, and implement new projects, one of which is Lego Studio.

The participants of the seminar with great interest, together with students of the 2nd grade and Zayats Ulyana Alexandrovna, “opened” one of the pages of the course “Lego stories: creating a fairy-tale world”, getting acquainted with the fairy tale about the kingdom of the dragon, the good fairy and princess Isabel and having been protected results of group project activities.

Master class “Lego construction: a dialogue of creative practices as a condition for the development of technical and creative abilities of younger schoolchildren”, where Zayats U.A. using the example of her own activities, presented the experience of the MOU Gymnasium of the Nizhnyaya Salda urban district in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education, became a bright culmination of the workshop.

Daycare muscle shoals al: Child Care Centers and Preschools in Muscle Shoals AL

Опубликовано: March 30, 2021 в 11:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Child Care Centers and Preschools in Muscle Shoals AL

Child development centers in Muscle Shoals vary in size as well as in scope. While some offer progressive curriculums and the latest advancements for preschools, others are more intimate daycare centers that take a more relaxed approach to childcare.
Whatever your priorities, finding the right daycare center for your child is important. We’ve made the seemingly overwhelming task easier by collecting basic information such as size, location, and licensing information for child development centers in Muscle Shoals into a single location.
Simply click on the links below to learn more about Muscle Shoals childcare centers that are dedicated to providing families with safe, quality childcare.
You can also read reviews about various childcare providers to learn more about which is the right choice for your family. We always welcome comments and corrections, to better the browsing experience on our site.

You may also want to check out 3 family child care providers and group home daycare in Muscle Shoals Home Daycare.

Prestigious Childcare of the Shoals

Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 762-5630

We are a State licensed facility that offers a friendly, educational and nurturing environment for preschool, pre-K and those entering kindergarten within North Alabama. Prestigious Childcare of the Shoals encourages early learning and the developmen …


Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 678-6003

We at Mars Hill realize the importance of the positive approach toward learning in the early childhood years. Bible stories are taught daily. The children learn that God loves them; that Jesus is the child’s best friend and that teachers love them. …


Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 381-8311

We are so glad that you have visited our website today. Highland Park is a congregation of the Lord’s people who are committed to worshiping God in spirit and truth and who aim to encourage one another in love. We are also dedicated to carr …


Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 320-7401

EKKLESIA PRESCHOOL & CDC #3 is a Day Care Centers in MUSCLE SHOALS AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 WKS Through 6 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Muscle Shoals, AL 35561 | (256) 814-1116

GUARDIAN LIL ANGEL II is a Day Care Centers in MUSCLE SHOALS AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 2 1/2 YRS Through 12 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 381-9379

JOHNSON’S DAY CARE & CRADLE CARE is a Day Care Centers in MUSCLE SHOALS AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 3 WKS Through 11 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 314-1116

JUST KIDS CHILDCARE/LEARNING CENTER is a Day Care Centers in Muscle Shoals AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 WKS Through 12 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 446-0048

KIDS DEPOT LEARNING CENTER is a Day Care Centers in Muscle Shoals AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 WKS Through 12 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 383-2498

NEW DESTINY LEARNING CENTER is a Day Care Centers in MUSCLE SHOALS AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 WKS Through 12 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Muscle Shoals, AL 35662 | (256) 331-5245

NORTHWEST SHOALS COMMUNITY COLLEGE is a Day Care Centers in MUSCLE SHOALS AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 2 1/2 YRS Through 5 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 383-2498

NEW DESTINY MINISTRIES CHURCH is a Day Care Centers in MUSCLE SHOALS AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of N/A. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 | (256) 386-0028

SUMMIT KIDS DAY CARE is a Day Care Centers in MUSCLE SHOALS AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 WKS Through 13 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

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Daycares in Muscle Shoals AL

Daycares and Preschools




Colbert County


Muscle Shoals

Highland Baptist Church

Highland Baptist Church is a child care center in Florence, AL. Please email us for more information.

St. Joseph Catholic Church

St. Joseph Catholic Church is a child care center in Florence, AL. To learn more about us, please send us an email.

Prestigious Childcare of The Shoals

Prestigious Childcare of The Shoals is a family child care provider in Muscle Shoal, AL. Prestigious Childcare of The Shoals cares for children as…

First Free Will Baptist Church

First Free Will Baptist Church is a child care center in Florence, AL. To learn more about us, please send us an email.

Kilby Child Development Center

Kilby Child Development Center is a child care center in Florence, AL. Please email us for more information.

Victory Christian Fellowship Church

Victory Christian Fellowship Church is a child care center in Florence, AL. To learn more about us, please send us an email.

First United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church is a child care center in Florence, AL. Please email us for more information.

Kids Club Early Care & Education Academy

Kids Club Early Care & Education Academy is a child care center in Florence, AL. At Kids Club Early Care & Education Academy, we enroll children as. ..

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Other Daycares near Muscle Shoals AL

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Little Miracle Child Care Center

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Day Spring Church

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Solid Rock Christian Church

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Handy Head Start

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Living Spirit Church

Living Spirit Church is a child care center in Florence, AL. Contact us to schedule a tour and discover for yourself all Living Spirit Church has to…

1 Step At A Time Day Care

1 Step At A Time Day Care is a family child care provider in Florence, AL. 1 Step At A Time Day Care cares for children as young as 6 weeks through…

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many daycares are there in Muscle Shoals?

There are 10 daycares in Muscle Shoals, based on CareLuLu data. This includes 3 home-based programs and 7 centers.

How much does daycare cost in Muscle Shoals?

The cost of daycare in Muscle Shoals is $424 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.

How many daycares accept infants in Muscle Shoals?

Based on CareLuLu data, 3 daycares care for infants (as well as toddlers). This includes 2 home-based programs and 1 centers.

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    services to Amazon and are independent employers. Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner that relates to Amazon s tools, systems, or work areas and therefore As a delivery associate, you ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

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  • Attention Evening Work Caregivers

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    Senior Helpers-Huntsville

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    Senior Helpers is the first national in-home care company to be recognized as a Great Place to Work as a leading senior care provider! Senior Helpers was founded in 2002 with a vision to help seniors age with dignity. Senior Helpers culture is based on solid core values, recognition of achievements, and respect. Satisfaction As a Senior Helpers Caregiver, you experience the privilege of giving back to your community with every shift you complete.

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    Childcare Network, Inc.

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    Right at Home Decatur

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    The Personal Care Assistant performs light housekeeping tasks that will facilitate the client s self-care at home. Six months experience as a Personal Care Assistant in health care (in homes or facilities) and successful completion of a State approved Nurse Aide or Personal Care Assistant course. The Personal Care Assistant should not contact the physician directly, but rather refer all questions The Personal Care Assistant is responsible for documentation of service provided, using the Client Care Record. Assisting with self-administered simple urine tests for sugar acetone or albumin (Personal Care Assistant may not interpret results)

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  • Amazon DSP Driver – Starting at $17.25/hr

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    Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner As a delivery associate, you’ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) provide contracted delivery services to Amazon and are independent employers. DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

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    Personal Care Assistant Job in Huntsville, AL

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    Performs patient-specific activities that are taught by a Right at Home staff. Performs personal care activities that assist the patient with activities of daily living. Right at Home, In-Home Care & Assistance, is seeking to hire CNA’s, Caregivers, and Companions to join a dynamic care team providing clinical expertise in-home.

    Entry Level

    $10-13 hourly

    25d ago

    25d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Direct Support Professional

    Help at Home

    Direct Support Professional Job in Athens, AL

    Opens new tab

    As a Direct Support Professional, you will: New caregivers as well as previous caregivers who have not worked for Help at Home since prior to 1/1/2021 will be Help at Home is hiring caregivers in your community TODAY! Caregivers who are transferring from an organization within the Help at Home, LLC portfolio of companies are not eligible to receive the bonus. Become a Help at Home Hero TODAY!

    Entry Level

    $22k-33k yearly est.

    2d ago


    2d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Attention Evening Work Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Day Care Worker Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab


    You can pass a drug Screen

    You can pass a background test

    You have reliable car

    You have valid driver license

    You have valid car insurance

    [Job Duties ]


    Light house keeping

    monitor fall risk

    Preparing Dinner

    Medication reminder

    Assistance with personal care

    [8am-8pm / 8pm-8am shifts]

    ***Flexible hours***

    Part-time / Full-time
    – Are you the caregiver that enjoys the flexibility that night shifts bring?


    *Want to skip ahead of the line? Give us a call at 256-426-6546 to get started!
    Powered by JazzHR
    qtirj QY9nu

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    $18k-28k yearly est.

    28d ago

    28d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Home Health Aide and/or Personal Care Assistant

    Right at Home Northeast Ms

    Personal Care Assistant Job in Corinth, MS

    Opens new tab

    We have a great work culture at Right at Home and look for people with a similar mindset: We believe that our Home Health Aides (HHA) and/or Personal Care Assistants (PCA) are the heart of our business. In this role, we stand prepared to equip you with the right personal protective equipment (PPE) and are ready to assist as you care for our vulnerable population of seniors and adults with disabilities.

    Entry Level

    $17k-23k yearly est.

    29d ago

    29d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Amazon DSP – Driver – Training Provided

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    services to Amazon and are independent employers. Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner that relates to Amazon s tools, systems, or work areas and therefore As a delivery associate, you ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    19d ago

    19d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Weekend Day Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Day Care Attendant Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab


    •You can not pass a drug screen

    •You can not pass a background check

    •You don’t have reliable transportation

    •You don’t have a valid driver license

    [Evening Shifts]

    ***Flexible hours***

    Part-time / Full-time

    •Activities of daily living


    •Medication reminder

    •Light housekeeping

    •Light personal care

    Home assistance – Provide light housekeeping, run errands or provide transportation if needed. Accompany clients to appointments . Prepare meals, purchase food and provide personal assistance with general living needs. Personal services could include toileting, bathing, feeding and grooming.

    Companionship – Provide companionship and conversation by stimulating, encouraging and assisting an individual.


    High school diploma preferred.

    Must be able to complete a Criminal Background report.

    Ability to lift up to 25 pounds at a time

    Ability to reach, bend, kneel and stand for (sometimes) a long period of time

    Give us a call to fast forward the hiring process!

    Powered by JazzHR
    au LWhyCoyn

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    High School Diploma Preferred

    $18k-26k yearly est.

    32d ago

    32d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Morning and Afternoon Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab

    Who is Seniors Prefer Homecare: A Day in the Life of a Caregiver:

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    40d ago

    40d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Home Health Aide and/or Personal Care Assistant

    Right at Home Northeast Ms

    Personal Care Assistant Job in Baldwyn, MS

    Opens new tab

    We have a great work culture at Right at Home and look for people with a similar mindset: We believe that our Home Health Aides (HHA) and/or Personal Care Assistants (PCA) are the heart of our business. In this role, we stand prepared to equip you with the right personal protective equipment (PPE) and are ready to assist as you care for our vulnerable population of seniors and adults with disabilities.

    Entry Level

    $17k-23k yearly est.

    45d ago

    45d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Amazon DSP – Delivery Driver

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    services to Amazon and are independent employers. Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner that relates to Amazon s tools, systems, or work areas and therefore As a delivery associate, you ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    19d ago

    19d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Attention Night Time Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab

    – Are you the caregiver that enjoys the flexibility that night shifts bring?

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    4d ago


    4d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Delivery Driver – Amazon DSP – No Experience Needed

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner As a delivery associate, you’ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) provide contracted delivery services to Amazon and are independent employers. DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    8d ago

    8d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Caregiver All Shifts

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab

    Seniors Prefer Homecare (SPH) specializes in offering exceptional care to each client in all stages of life!

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    43d ago

    43d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Delivery Driver – Amazon DSP – No Experience Needed

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    services to Amazon and are independent employers. Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner that relates to Amazon s tools, systems, or work areas and therefore As a delivery associate, you ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    19d ago

    19d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Attention Night Time Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab

    – Are you the caregiver that enjoys the flexibility that night shifts bring?

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    10d ago

    10d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Amazon DSP – Delivery Driver

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner As a delivery associate, you’ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) provide contracted delivery services to Amazon and are independent employers. DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    8d ago

    8d ago

    Opens new tab

  • NEW Night Owl Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab


    You can pass a drug Screen

    You can pass a background test

    You have reliable car

    You have valid driver license

    You have valid car insurance

    [Job Duties ]


    Light house keeping

    monitor fall risk

    Preparing Dinner

    Medication reminder

    Assistance with personal care

    [8am-8pm / 8pm-8am shifts]

    ***Flexible hours***

    Part-time / Full-time
    – Are you the caregiver that enjoys the flexibility that night shifts bring?


    *Want to skip ahead of the line? Give us a call at 256-426-6546 to get started!
    Powered by JazzHR

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    17d ago

    17d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Amazon DSP Driver – at least $17.25/hr, Speedway, TN, DTN8

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    services to Amazon and are independent employers. Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner that relates to Amazon s tools, systems, or work areas and therefore As a delivery associate, you ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    19d ago

    19d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Attention Night Owl Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab


    You can pass a drug Screen

    You can pass a background test

    You have reliable car

    You have valid driver license

    You have valid car insurance

    [Job Duties ]


    Light house keeping

    monitor fall risk

    Preparing Dinner

    Medication reminder

    Assistance with personal care

    [8am-8pm / 8pm-8am shifts]

    ***Flexible hours***

    Part-time / Full-time
    – Are you the caregiver that enjoys the flexibility that night shifts bring?


    *Want to skip ahead of the line? Give us a call at 256-426-6546 to get started!
    Powered by JazzHR

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    28d ago

    28d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Amazon DSP Driver – at least $17.25/hr, Speedway, TN, DTN8

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner As a delivery associate, you’ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) provide contracted delivery services to Amazon and are independent employers. DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    8d ago

    8d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Attention Night Owl Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab


    You can pass a drug Screen

    You can pass a background test

    You have reliable car

    You have valid driver license

    You have valid car insurance

    [Job Duties ]


    Light house keeping

    monitor fall risk

    Preparing Dinner

    Medication reminder

    Assistance with personal care

    [8am-8pm / 8pm-8am shifts]

    ***Flexible hours***

    Part-time / Full-time
    – Are you the caregiver that enjoys the flexibility that night shifts bring?


    *Want to skip ahead of the line? Give us a call at 256-426-6546 to get started!
    Powered by JazzHR

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    32d ago

    32d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Amazon DSP – Package Delivery Driver

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    services to Amazon and are independent employers. Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner that relates to Amazon s tools, systems, or work areas and therefore As a delivery associate, you ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    19d ago

    19d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Amazon DSP – Package Delivery Driver

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner As a delivery associate, you’ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) provide contracted delivery services to Amazon and are independent employers. DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    8d ago

    8d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Calling ALL Night Owl Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab

    – Are you the caregiver that enjoys the flexibility that night shifts bring?

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    32d ago

    32d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Amazon DSP – Driver – Training Provided

    Amazon DSP Driver

    Direct Support Professional Job in Middleton, TN

    Opens new tab

    Interact with Amazon customers and the public in a professional and positive manner As a delivery associate, you’ll drive an Amazon-branded van, stay active, work independently, and be part of a motivated team that safely delivers Amazon packages to customers in your community every day. Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) are looking for delivery associates (drivers) to help deliver packages to customers. Drive an Amazon-branded vehicle delivering packages to your community Delivery Service Partners (DSPs) provide contracted delivery services to Amazon and are independent employers. DSPs are independent businesses that partner with Amazon to deliver packages.

    Entry Level

    $17.3 hourly

    8d ago

    8d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Attention Night Owl Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab


    You can pass a drug Screen

    You can pass a background test

    You have reliable car

    You have valid driver license

    You have valid car insurance

    [Job Duties ]


    Light house keeping

    monitor fall risk

    Preparing Dinner

    Medication reminder

    Assistance with personal care

    [8am-8pm / 8pm-8am shifts]

    ***Flexible hours***

    Part-time / Full-time
    – Are you the caregiver that enjoys the flexibility that night shifts bring?


    *Want to skip ahead of the line? Give us a call at 256-426-6546 to get started!
    Powered by JazzHR

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    34d ago

    34d ago

    Opens new tab

  • Attention Night Owl Caregivers

    Seniors Prefer Homecare

    Family Caregiver Job in Huntsville, AL

    Opens new tab


    You can pass a drug Screen

    You can pass a background test

    You have reliable car

    You have valid driver license

    You have valid car insurance

    [Job Duties ]


    Light house keeping

    monitor fall risk

    Preparing Dinner

    Medication reminder

    Assistance with personal care

    [8am-8pm / 8pm-8am shifts]

    ***Flexible hours***

    Part-time / Full-time
    – Are you the caregiver that enjoys the flexibility that night shifts bring?


    *Want to skip ahead of the line? Give us a call at 256-426-6546 to get started!
    Powered by JazzHR

    Full Time

    Part Time

    Entry Level

    $18k-25k yearly est.

    40d ago

    40d ago

    Opens new tab

How much does a Daycare Provider Assistant earn in Muscle Shoals, AL?

The average daycare provider assistant in Muscle Shoals, AL earns between $14,000 and $35,000 annually. This compares to the national average daycare provider assistant range of $20,000 to $44,000.



10 %




90 %

What is the job market like for daycare provider assistants in Muscle Shoals, AL?

The job market is good for daycare provider assistants in Muscle Shoals, AL. The number of daycare provider assistant jobs have grown by 65% in the last year. Right now there are currently 51 daycare provider assistant jobs available in Muscle Shoals, AL.

Active Daycare Provider Assistants Job Openings By Month

Year   Month   Number of Daycare Provider Assistant Jobs  
2022 May 51
2022 April 57
2022 March 62
2022 February 28
2022 January 58
2021 December 18
2021 November 28
2021 October 27
2021 September 19
2021 August 47
2021 July 16
2021 June 42
2021 May 31
2021 April 36

You can compare the number of available jobs in Muscle Shoals to the number of daycare provider assistant jobs in surrounding cities.

Active Daycare Provider Assistant Jobs In Nearby Cities

Nearby City   Jobs In Nearby City   Jobs in Muscle Shoals   Difference  
Florence, AL 22 51 29

Job type you want

Full Time

Part Time



All Daycare Provider Assistant Jobs

Jobs In Muscle Shoals, AL

Find Available Babysitters Near Muscle Shoals, AL

Last-minute, school and tutoring, date nights—find the right babysitters for you.

Get started:

I need a babysitter

  • On a regular schedule
  • On occasion
  • -or-
  • See Babysitters

Available babysitters in Muscle Shoals, AL

  • 2 years paid experience
  • 5 miles


I am the oldest of 3 siblings, so I have a natural instinct to care for the younger ones around me. At my current age, having little ones of my own isn’t an option so surround myself by other little ones daily just keeps my heart warm!

  • 4 years paid experience
  • 4 miles


Hi!! I am a UAB graduate and I’ve been babysitting since i was about 15 or 16!! I have two little cousins I used to keep on a regular basis, and I worked in a church nursery!! I also babysat for other various families. I love children, and can do lots of fun activities with them!!!

  • 1 year paid experience
  • 14 miles


My name is Anna, and I absolutely adore kids and babies ! I have been babysitting for a year now. I have had experience/ babysitter with special needs kids, infants/toddlers and kids . I I also have niece and nephews that live with me that I help raise with my parents.

  • 1 year paid experience
  • 8 miles


Hello, my name is Miranda, I am 18 years old and have been babysitting for one year now. It is absolutely my passion for babysitting. I love watching the children I am caring for grow with every day. I have cared for girls and boys ages 3 months old to 10 years olds. I have ensured the children who …

  • 6 years paid experience
  • < 1 mile


Hey everyone! My name is Alex and I’m looking to babysit/nanny while I have the time! I’ll be a senior nursing student at UNA come the fall. I’ve been babysitting for a few years now and a love getting to know and hangout with kids! I’m fairly flexible with my schedule so please reach out if needed . ..

More babysitters in Muscle Shoals

More babysitters in Muscle Shoals 

Find the sitter you need:

  • Date night babysitters
  • Daytime babysitters
  • Last-minute care
  • Mother’s helpers
  • Newborn care
  • Infant care
  • CPR training
  • First aid training

School help

  • Before-school care in Muscle Shoals
  • After-school care in Muscle Shoals
  • Tutoring in Muscle Shoals
  • Hybrid learning assistance in Muscle Shoals
  • eLearning assistance in Muscle Shoals
  • Homeschool help in Muscle Shoals

More care options

  • Nannies in Muscle Shoals
  • Child care in Muscle Shoals
  • Special needs care in Muscle Shoals
  • Companion care in Muscle Shoals
  • Pet sitters in Muscle Shoals

Babysitting FAQs

The national typical hourly rate of babysitters in 2022 is $17. 50 per hour. Rates can vary based on your babysitter’s experience, certifications, and travel expenses. When calculating the cost of child care, you should also account for the number of children they’ll care for and additional responsibilities like household tasks or homework help. Learn more about how to set competitive rates for attracting the best babysitters.

The best way to find babysitters near you is to post a job detailing your needs on Sittercity, which will be shared with our community of available babysitters. We’ll notify you when sitters apply to your job, and from there you can proceed with interviews, background checks, and reference checks so you can find the perfect fit for your family.

You can find experienced and passionate babysitters near you to provide the best care for your child, either in-home or virtually. Babysitters can help families with managing strict schedules, transportation to activities, homework help, last-minute coverage, date nights, and more. Whatever occasion you’re looking to find a babysitter for, including full-time, part-time, or last-minute care, you can count on Sittercity for finding passionate and experienced babysitters.

Families find trustworthy babysitters on Sittercity who are passionate about providing safe and enriching care for their children. Many babysitters report they are First Aid and CPR certified to provide the best care for your family. Babysitters have the option to complete regular background checks, and you can easily request a recent background check if they don’t have one or it is not recent. Families can also request to see professional references!

Our dedicated team also champions safety across our platform every day. Babysitters go through an identity verification process with Berbix when registering an account. Some additional safety measures include Family Watchdog screening, sitter reviews, and secure messaging.

Babysitters and nannies share the same primary responsibility of providing safe and enriching care for your child, but there are a few differences between them. Babysitters are typically hired for occasional work on an irregular schedule. If you’re looking for last-minute care for date night, or the occasional few hours after school, a babysitter is a great option.

Nannies, on the other hand, are more commonly associated with regular work, whether full or part-time, offering daily or consistent care to a particular family. There are also several different types of nannies, including au pairs, house managers, doulas, live-in, and overnight nannies.

Identifying the type and frequency of child care you’ll need is the best way to decide whether a babysitter or nanny is a better fit for your family.

Babysitters on Sittercity love providing enriching experiences for your children, and sharing their passions with them. They’re happy to participate in outdoor activities like sports, or indoor activities like music, baking, tutoring help, and art. Wherever your child’s interests lie, babysitters on Sittercity are prepared to engage them in a nurturing way.

Day Care Centers Site

More and more in today’s world both parents have employment and need suitable day care centers for their children. These early stages in a child’s life are very important to their growth and development. Choosing a good child day care center is vital, one where the adult won’t just plunk your children down in front of a soap opera all day and feed them Top Ramen. You should look for day care centers that provide learning programs and playtime for your child, along with a safe and healthy environment. 

There are many different types of day care centers, ranging from basic nurseries to preschools that will provide more of a learning environment for your children. Some day care centers specialize in a specific age range, while others are more open. When you’re contemplating placing your child in a specific day care center, you should visit each one with your child. In this way, you can see how your child reacts to the other children who are there and to the caregiver. You want your child to be happy and comfortable.

While some day care centers provide a greater variety of activities than others, any good day care center is going to encourage positive interaction among all of the children. They will also have rules that promote good behavior, learning, manners, and child development. You certainly don’t want to have to worry that your child is going to develop bad habits from day care.

Our Most Recent Additions to the Child Care Provider Directory

Wee Care Three

809 Coldwater Rd
Murray, KY 42071
Phone Number: (270) 759-5425
Providing the child care and day care services:Day Care Center / Nursery, Child Care Provider


While you don’t need to go overboard in choosing suitable day care centers, you should approach the subject seriously and with thought. Your child is going to be spending a good-sized portion of his or her life in day cares and you want to make sure it is going to be a positive experience. Family is the most important thing in the world and you should make sure that your children are your first priority.
When you are considering a day care center, you should look at where it is located and how much it costs. There’s not much sense in putting your son or daughter in daycare so that you can work full time and spending most of what you earn on the day care center’s tuitions and your travel expenses. If that’s the case, you might as well stay home with your child. However, if you do truly need the money, there are usually plenty of day care services available and it shouldn’t be too difficult to find one close by that is reasonably priced. 

Different Kinds of Child day Care Centers

While child day care centers are common, there is such a huge demand for this service that there are now quite a variety of options available other than basic day care. These include the following:

  • Home child care or family childcare
  • Child care services
  • Preschool
  • Nursery

Home child care tends to be the most popular option because it is generally more affordable and a smaller environment. While some day care centers are quite large and can provide better early childhood education, it is also more difficult for each child to receive personal attention. Day care centers that are based out of someone’s home are usually more personal and your child can receive more care and nurturing. Most parents want their children to be receiving love and affection, the care that they themselves would give them. They don’t want a day care business that is merely going to make sure that their child is still alive and adequately healthy.

Home child care providers are also more adaptable, generally speaking. This means that if your child likes a certain song sung to them before they take their nap each day, the home care provider is more likely to be willing to do that than someone in a larger day care facility. Most adult home child care providers are parents themselves, making them better able to understand and love your child.

Other Things to Think About

One of the first steps you should take after picking out a family day care center that you think will be suitable for your child is do a little investigating. This can involve talking to the parents of the other children that use the child day care center to see what they think about it. You should also always check to make sure the child care service you are considering is legally licensed to operate in your state. Licensing officials check criminal records and ensure that the child care provider has emergency response training and a safe and healthy environment for the children.
As mentioned earlier, it is a good idea to visit the child day care center that you are considering. You should do this at least a couple of times, and try to go at different times of the day so that you can get a better idea of what kind of schedule they have. This will help you to see how your own child would fit in.
If you are having difficulties finding the appropriate child care environment for your son or daughter, there are some other options. Some people get family and friends to help out, while others hire a nanny. Adult nannies are a good option because they ensure that your child receives personal attention and quality child care. However, this also means that your child will not receive as much social interaction since he or she won’t have other children to play with like in a family day care center.

No matter what option you decide to go with, make sure that you know who you are leaving your child with.  Meet them, get to know them, and let your child do the same. Do some research on the internet to make sure that no one has had negative experiences with the day care center you are considering. Check to make sure that they are legally licensed. Once you have done all of this, you can feel more confident and secure in knowing that you have chosen the right day care center for your child.

Switching Day Care Centers

Choosing Another Child Care Provider

So you want to switch day care providers for your kids but you don’t know where to start or what to choose among the plethora of options out there in this world. It is fittingly one of the most important decisions of a young parent’s journey due to the fact that a child’s first formative years up until the age of six is critical. It is important for parents to not just consider the monetary impact of these choices but also the emotional, intellectual, and social future impacts the choice of a day care provider will have on their kids in the long term future. So let’s discuss some general tips to consider for the parent and the child to consider when one is looking to switch day care providers within a short time frame.

First, you must consider the cost of attending some of the more prestigious and rigorous day care provider centers in your area. In some areas, let’s face the reality that the more money per month per child spent; the better the facilities and the educational value experience offered for your child. Things such as using smart boards and I Pad’s to enhance the learning experience is a very real possibility in these places. However, if a parent is budget conscious they can still afford this experience but it would mean cutting back on all or most non-necessity spending. This would include curbing your eating out habits as well as any leisure entertainment or travel activity and place that money instead into your child’s future day care home. If an expensive day care sees that you are making an effort to keep up with the payments; then they will be more willing to work with you and not let your child leave that place. For a child going to this environment, they need to consider whether or not they will fit into this environment, things like playtime, feeding time, and individual care of the staff- is it received well by the child? These will make the difference between choosing these ones or a cheaper alternative. Cheaper is not all bad if the quality and availability of care is there for your child in the first place.

Secondly, you need to consider your travel times and distance of day care relative to your work and other important places like the hospital, grocery store, bank, and places that you frequent on a daily basis. Is it near enough that you can get to your child should he/she become ill or need special attention so that the day care center can contact you and arrange a meeting with you the same day if needed.

Furthermore, you need to consider the overall cleanliness and friendliness of the day care center provider. Do not underestimate a clean environment for your kid to play and learn in with other kids. Your kid will enjoy making new friends in a clean and safe environment. Plus you as a parent will enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your child will not be being home any unwanted germs and diseases into your house. Parents must also consider if there is a dispute over payment and care; how does the management and staff deal with such requests? If there is a lackadaisical approach to your core issues; then that is a bad prelude of things to come concerning your child’s care. Your child will probably feel like he/she is being neglected or not fed on time and will start to complain to you ever so slightly that something is not right. When they do, do not hesitate to take them out of that day care center and find another one immediately.

In a recessionary economy, it is okay and permissible for both parents and kids to demand the best care for their dollar. Make your day care dollar stretch by reading all of the material and brochures and visiting every day center on your list until you find that perfect fit for your child. It’s out there; it is just waiting on you to find it!

Child Care Options for Low Income Families

One of the most frustrating aspects of being a working citizen is not having the ability to afford childcare. The majority of day care facilities charge as much as $300 per week for each child. That amount is difficult for middle-class citizens to pay. Low-income families cannot fathom paying such an expense. Luckily, the government and the various states have developed programs that help low-income families get the childcare they deserve. The following is some information on those programs:

Extended Day Program

The extended day program can assist low-income working parents during the regular school year. Many school districts offer this program. The school keeps children before and after school hours for a small monthly fee. A parent can drop a child off as early as 7:00 a.m. and pick the child up as late as 6:00 p.m. This program is excellent for low-income workers with daytime weekday jobs. The cost is approximately $150 per month for before and after school. The weekly rate is approximately $37.50, which is extremely competitive.

The attendants participate in various activities with the children before and after school. They help the children with their homework so that the parents have less stress when they come home from work. They give the children a full breakfast in the morning program and a snack in the evening program. Parents can opt to pay for the morning program only, the evening program only, or both programs. The evening program is the more expensive of the two because it lasts so many hours after the school releases the children. The evening program is $100 while the morning program is $52.

The Child Care Assistance Program

CCAP is a special program that provides childcare assistance to certain low-income families. People who are collecting TANF are automatically eligible to receive this assistance. Teenage parents who are working on obtaining their educations are also eligible for CCAP. Those who are not collecting TANF can still qualify if they are pursuing education that will improve their work skills and job opportunities. Parents can apply for CCAP assistance with the Department of Children & Family Services. The financial guidelines for qualification are along the lines of a $3,000 per month income threshold for a four-person family. The applicant must have proof of income, social security cards, birth certificates, and immunization records for all children. Application processing can take up to 30 days.

Head Start

Head start is a program for children between the ages of three and five. The program provides childcare services and medical services to the children who qualify. It is funded by the Administration of Children’s Services. The Head Start program covers childcare from 7 a. m. to 5 p.m. Teachers work with the children to fine-tune their social and developmental skills. Those who are interested in the program may apply online. Applicants go on a waitlist until there is an available slot in the program. It is best for an interested person to complete an application as quickly as possible since the wait may be extended.

Child Care Voucher Program

The Child Care Voucher Program is in effect in many states throughout the United States. It provides a subsidy of up to 95 percent of childcare cost to low-income families. Subsidy recipients will choose an eligible provider from the list of licensed providers. They may also select a relative or an in-home provider. The Child Care Voucher Program covers the childcare from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday. This is known as the traditional childcare period. However, the program also covers non-traditional times for parents who work odd shifts. It covers nights, weekends, and evenings.

A wide variety of options is available for low-income childcare. Many stay-at-home moms also run small day care businesses in which they discount their services. There is a way to make working and taking care of your children affordable.

Technical Assistance – Don’t Be In The Dark About Child Care 

Below you can find an overview of technical assistance resources available to child care programs statewide. If you’re a child care provider interested in becoming licensed, then we can assist you in the process! Through one-on-one communication, we will help connect you to local resources, such as your regional Child Care Quality Enhancement Agency. For assistance, you can email or call (866) 711-4025 toll-free.

DHR Licensing

DHR’s Office of Child Care Licensing will provide a packet of information to child care centers interested in obtaining a DHR license, which includes a copy of the Minimum Standards for Day Care Centers and Nighttime Centers and an application for a DHR license. The office is available to answer questions and provide clarification on the licensing process and DHR Child Care Consultants can provide Minimum Standards training upon request. Contact: (334) 242-1425 or (866) 528-1694 or by email at [email protected]

Training & Technical Assistance

DHR’s Regional Quality Enhancement Agencies provide a variety of trainings to staff and directors of child care centers, including training for child care staff to obtain the required 12-clock hours of training in child care and development listed in the Minimum Standards for Day Care Centers and Nighttime Centers. Often the agencies will post a training calendar online, but you can also request one.

  • Child Care Central – Huntsville serves Colbert, Cullman, Franklin, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Morgan, and Winston County. Contact: (256) 551-7016
  • Child Care Central – Talladega serves Calhoun, Clay, Cleburne, Coosa, Etowah, Randolph, St. Clair, and Talladega County. Contact: (256) 362-3852
  • Child Development Resources – Tuscaloosa serves Bibb, Choctaw, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Marengo, Marion, Perry, Pickens, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa County. Contact: (205) 348-2650 or (800) 791-5437
  • Childcare Resources – Birmingham serves Blount, Jefferson, Shelby, and Walker County. Contact: (205) 945-0018 or (800) 822-2734
  • Child Care Resource Center – Opelika serves Chambers, Lee, Macon, Russell, and Tallapoosa County. Contact: (334) 749-8400 or (800) 238-0872
  • Childcare Resource Network – Fort Payne serves Cherokee, DeKalb, Jackson, and Marshall County. Contact (256) 845-8238
  • Family Guidance Center of Alabama – Dothan serves Barbour, Coffee, Covington, Crenshaw, Dale, Geneva,   Henry, Houston, and Pike County. Contact: (334) 712-7777
  • Family Guidance Center of Alabama – Montgomery serves Autauga, Bullock, Butler, Chilton, Dallas, Elmore, Lowndes, Montgomery, and Wilcox County. Contact: (334) 270-4100 ext. 289
  • Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services – Mobile serves Baldwin, Clark, Conecuh, Escambia, Mobile, Monroe, and Washington County. Contact: (251) 473-1060 or (800) 276-2134

Alabama Department of Public Health’s Healthy Child Care Alabama provides a variety of free health & safety classes to licensed and exempt child care centers statewide, including free First Aid & CPR training. There are 12 regional Nurse Health Consultants available to provide the trainings. Click here to access their contact information.

UCP Child Care Enhancement with a Purpose provides specialized training and technical assistance to child care providers caring for children with special needs. Contact: (256) 859-4900 or by email at [email protected]

Lending Libraries  

DHR’s Regional Quality Enhancement Agencies have lending libraries with resources for child care centers, including books, videos, and other classroom resources.

  • Child Care Central – Huntsville has a resource center in Huntsville, Muscle Shoals, North Tanner, and Hanceville. Contact: Huntsville center at (256) 551-7016, Muscle Shoals center at (256) 375-4974, North Tanner center at (256) 282-9453, and Hanceville center at (256) 375-4974
  • Child Care Central – Talladega has a resource center in Calhoun, Talladega, Anniston, and Gadsden. Contact: Talladega center at (256) 362-1390, Anniston center at (256) 835-3151, and Gadsden center at (256) 439-6800
  • Childcare Resources – Birmingham has an Early Learning Resource Library and Van. Contact: Betty Abbott at (205) 945-0018 ext. 315
  • Child Care Resource Center – Opelika has a lending library/resource room. Contact: Belinda Paul by phone at (334) 749-8400 or by email at [email protected]
  • Childcare Resource Network – Fort Payne has a lending library in Fort Payne and Guntersville. Contact: Fort Payne library at (256) 845-8238 and Guntersville library at (256) 582-8806
  • Family Guidance Center of Alabama – Dothan has a resource lending library. Contact: (334) 712-7777 or (800) 290-0933
  • Family Guidance Center of Alabama – Montgomery has a resource lending library. Contact: (334) 270-4100 or (800) 499-6597
  • Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services – Mobile has The Resource Place. Contact: (251) 473-1060 or (800)276-2134


T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® ALABAMA provides scholarships to staff working in licensed child care centers to assist them in obtaining a CDA (Child Development Associate), Associate Degree in Child Development and Early Care and Education, or Bachelor Degree in Child Development and Early Care and Education. Contact: (866) 711-4025 or by email at [email protected]

Leadership in Child Care Scholarship program provides financial assistance to qualified child care professionals working in child care centers to obtain a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential, Short-Term Certificate, Certificate, or Associate in Applied Science/Technology Degree in Child Development/Early Care and Education studies from an institution in the Alabama Community College System. Contact: Virginia Frazer by phone at (334) 293-4552 or by email at [email protected]



We strengthen the children’s tongue or about the benefits of articulatory gymnastics.

Our children now talk less, they listen more and look at TV screens and monitors. And talking in early childhood is very useful! Not only speech develops, but also the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks are strengthened. For the organs of articulation, training is just as important as for the legs and arms. In a sedentary child, the muscles are weak and sluggish. They always start talking with a baby with the sounds: “ah-ah”, “oo-oo”, “ay”, “agu”, “ghouls-ghouls”, “poke-poke-poke”. These first sound complexes are the first articulatory gymnastics. It is not for nothing that the child is also allowed to lick various objects: toys, spoons, saucers, chew rubber nipples, teethers. This strengthens the muscles of the jaw, cheeks, tongue (when licking, the upper rise of the tongue is formed). Most modern kids by the age of five have “porridge in the mouth”, because the tongue “dangles”, the cheeks are sunken, and the lips are tense and a little spastic. Simple exercises will help strengthen or relax the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Here are a few simple exercises.

Lip exercises.

If the baby’s lips are clamped, tense, the best exercise is

“Smile”. You just need to stretch your lips in a smile, you can with the sound: “ee-ee” and hold for 3-5 seconds, while the teeth are on top of each other in the position “Fence”.

“Tube” — lips are stretched forward, it is possible with the sound “uuuuuu”, while the movement of the lips forward is developed and fixed. You can accompany the exercise with a poem:

The little elephant’s proboscis is pulling,

He’s about to get a banana,

Fold the lips into a tube

And show the little elephant.

And then alternately

“Smile” – “Tube ” with the sounds “iu-iu-iu”. This strengthens the lateral muscles of the mouth, it is important that the shoulders and neck are not tense.

To strengthen the circular muscle of the mouth and activate the upper lip, it is good to do the exercise

Exercises for the cheeks.

“Cheeks frozen” — rub the cheeks with circular movements of the fingers, knead the muscles of the cheeks.

“Hamster” – alternately inflate and deflate the cheeks, alternate tension-relaxation, accompany the exercise with a poem: we will help.

Nut or Candy »we imitate with the tongue that we are sucking a candy, resting the tongue alternately on the left, then on the right cheek. This exercise is good for strengthening the buccal muscle and in the future for setting the sound [p] . When using a poem, you can also fix the orientation in space – right-left:

Squirrel clicks nuts,

Thoroughly, without haste,

We rest the tongue

Left, right, on the barrel.

Language exercises.

Exercises for strengthening and relaxing the muscles of the tongue are perhaps the most important in speech therapy practice, since the tongue is involved in the production of many sounds. If the child’s tongue is tense, then the best exercise to relax is “We will punish the naughty tongue.” To do this, you need to open your mouth, stick out your tongue and, slapping it with your lips, move it forward and backward with the sound: “pah-pah-pah”. It is also good to bite the tip of the tongue with the teeth with the sound: “ta-ta-ta”.

To strengthen a flaccid, weakly muscled tongue, use the following exercises:

“Shovel” – holding a tense tongue spread on the lower lip for a count of five. At the same time, it is important that the mouth is wide open, the lips are in a smile, the lower lip does not support the tongue and that it does not deviate to the side.

“Needle” – keeping the tongue sharp. You should open your mouth, stretch the sharp tongue forward, the lips are slightly stretched, the tongue does not bend up or down. Hold the pose for a count of five.

“Watch” – this exercise develops the mobility of the tongue, and also teaches how to sharpen it. Open your mouth, stick out the tongue and swing it from side to side from the right corner of the lips to the left, while the tongue should not bend and touch the lips, it is important to ensure that the lower jaw remains motionless.

“Swing” – an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the tongue for the upper lift. At the top of the tongue, we form many sounds: [p], [p’], [l], [l’], [d], [d’], [t], [t’], [w], [g], [u], [ h]. Usually sonorous and hissing sounds are absent in the child’s speech, the reason for this may be weakened muscles of the tongue. The essence of the “Swing” exercise is to lift the tongue up and down with your mouth open, imitating the movements of a swing. At the same time, the accuracy and activity of the tip of the tongue develops, the ability to quickly change its position, it is necessary to ensure that the lower jaw and lips remain motionless, the tongue is wide, and the lower lip does not help support the tongue. You can also use a nursery rhyme:

Above the oak, above the spruce

On the swing we took off

“Delicious Jam” – the exercise is aimed at strengthening and upper lifting the tip of the tongue. This exercise is good to use when preparing for the production of the sound [w], , since the movement of the front of the tongue forward and upward is close to the shape of the cup, which the tongue acquires when pronouncing this sound. At the same time, it is important to ensure that only the tongue works, so that the lower lip and jaw do not help it, the tongue should remain wide, and its lateral edges touch the corners of the lips.

Tongue Brush – this exercise is aimed at activating the tip of the tongue, both for the upper lift and its flexibility in the lower position. We imitate brushing the teeth with the tongue, while the mouth is wide open, the lower jaw is motionless, the tongue should be wide and move from the bottom up. First, brush the lower teeth on one side and the other, then from the molars to the center of the upper teeth on both sides, it is important that the tip of the tongue reaches the gums. The exercise is useful when staging sounds [w], [p], [l], [u].

“Malyar” – movements with the tip of the tongue across the palate, as if we are painting the “ceiling” in the mouth, the mouth is wide open. The exercise strengthens the muscles of the tongue for the upper lift, it is especially good to use when setting the sound [r].

“Pussy laps milk” — moving the tongue back and forth, when moving into the oral cavity, the lateral edges of the tongue are slightly bent, as if forming a ladle. This exercise trains the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, strengthens its lateral muscles, stretches the hyoid ligament (bridle).

“Horse” – clicking the tongue like a horse. The exercise stretches the hyoid ligament well, strengthens the upper rise of the tongue, and is used when setting the sound [p]. It is very important that the mouth is open and the lower jaw remains motionless.

“Woodpecker” is one of the important exercises for setting the sound [r]. The mouth is wide open, tapping the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth along the alveoli with the sound: “d-d-d-d”. The sound [d], in general, is fundamental for setting [p], as it helps to keep the tongue up for a long time. First we pronounce “d-d-d” in slow motion, then we speed up the pace and pronounce it more intensely and clearly. When performing this exercise, it is very important to ensure that the mouth is open all the time, only the tongue works, the lower jaw is motionless, the lips are in a smile, the tip of the tongue should not tuck in, and the nature of the sound should be in the form of a clear blow, not squelching. This is one of the most difficult exercises, so it should be performed after fixing all of the above. Since it is necessary that the muscles of the mouth and lips are well strengthened, the mouth must be able to stay open for a long time motionless, the tongue can easily rise upwards, the lower jaw should stand in one place and not interfere.

All these simple exercises can be started with the baby from the age of 1 in a playful way, imitating the movements of various objects and animals, accompanied by songs, nursery rhymes, claps. At the same time, it is important to first show the movement yourself, so that the child fixes it visually. So, you can have fun and usefully spend time with your beloved child, and by the age of five have good sound pronunciation of even the most complex groups of sounds, because articulatory gymnastics is one of the most important components of speech therapy work.

30 best diction exercises

A person is not born with the ability to speak, much less to do it correctly and clearly. If a child has problems with the pronunciation of individual sounds, articulation gymnastics can help him. This is a set of exercises aimed at correcting these difficulties. In what cases is it sufficient, and when is a more serious approach required? What exercises of articulation gymnastics can you do at home yourself? Speech therapist Olesya Yugova tells.

Olesya Yugova, speech therapist, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

What is articulation gymnastics

Children of the first years of life very often distort sounds that are difficult to pronounce, because their speech organs are still developing. There are practically no babies who immediately speak perfectly clearly.

For a clear pronunciation of sounds, correct articulatory motility is necessary, that is, the coordinated activity of the organs of the speech apparatus. If there are any problems in articulatory motor skills, they will always be reflected in sound pronunciation.

When talking, we use about a hundred muscles, including the muscles of the neck, chest, face, tongue, soft palate. Many more neurons are used to control all these muscles than walking and running. Articulatory gymnastics is aimed at those organs in which there are muscles: tongue, lips (circular muscle of the mouth), facial muscles. But first of all, it is intended for the language. The tongue is the main organ of speech, and the development and strengthening of its muscles will help to pronounce all sounds more accurately and clearly.

Types of articulatory gymnastics

Such gymnastics can be active and passive. Most often, when talking about articulatory gymnastics, they mean its active form : the one that the child performs on his own. It is suitable in cases where articulatory motility is not impaired, but simply needs to be improved and practiced for individual movements.

But there are also more serious situations, such as dysarthria, when the pronunciation side of speech is impaired as a result of damage to the nervous system, and the mobility of the speech organs is limited. In this case, it is extremely difficult or impossible for children to perform such gymnastics on their own. After all, their speech organs are not ready for this.

passive gymnastics is used here: an adult with his own hands or with the help of devices – probes, spatulas, brushes – performs the movements and postures that we would like to receive. For example, very often children with motor disorders cannot lift their tongue up. Naturally, in this case, they cannot clearly pronounce the sounds that require this movement. And by itself, this problem is unlikely to disappear, serious work is needed on this.

I would also like to dwell on such a problem as a short hyoid frenulum. It can also be the cause of limited tongue mobility. It can be stretched a little through exercises, but if it is too short, then to normalize the sound pronunciation, it remains only to cut it.

What gymnastics does your child need? Pay attention to the following signs:

  • the child cannot stick out and fix the tongue on request,

  • can only partially stick it out and quickly pulls it back, ,

  • when the tongue is raised, the lower jaw rises along with it,

  • The sticky tongue begins to tremble or deviate to the side,

  • There is abundant salivation,

  • The child frantically pronounces several groups of sounds at once (hissing, whistling, sonorous),

  • violated the pronunciation not only agreed, not only the pronunciation of the agreement, not only the agreements were pronounced but also vowel sounds (the pronunciation is averaged, there is no clear difference between the sounds).

If several of the listed signs are observed, then, most likely, the child, in addition to consulting a specialist, needs passive gymnastics and speech therapy massage. In combination, they will prepare the baby’s speech apparatus for active articulatory gymnastics, make it possible to produce sounds.

It is better to learn about passive gymnastics from a speech therapist during a consultation. The fact is that violations can be different, there are no universal exercises that would suit everyone. Only a specialist can explain which methods will be most effective in each case.

General principles of articulation gymnastics

Regularity. This means that there will be more benefit from daily five-minute classes than from hourly gymnastics once a week.

Play uniform . Articulation gymnastics can be not only useful, but also a fun activity for the baby.

Visibility. The more analyzers (sight, hearing, touch) are connected when performing exercises, the more effective gymnastics. How to achieve visibility? You can use a mirror in which the child will see his reflection. The adult himself, sitting opposite the baby, can act as a model for performing movements. Use pictures, videos with other children doing this gymnastics. Find out by experience what suits your child more, what motivates him more.

Convenience. Gymnastics should be done in a comfortable position: the back is relaxed, the hands lie calmly, the head has support. The child should be comfortable.

Gradual complication. Try the easiest exercises first, gradually increasing the difficulty. Each time, enter no more than one new exercise, and only if all the previous ones have already been worked out well.

Appropriateness . If the child copes with all the exercises very easily, it is worth considering whether he needs this gymnastics at all. After all, the main task of these exercises is to learn how to do what is not very good at the moment.

Correct attitude. It should not be regarded as a panacea, it is only one of the methods.

Gymnastics techniques

You can easily master these active gymnastics exercises, aimed at statics or dynamics. Each pose is held for 5-7 seconds, repeated several times.

Pipe. Lips should be folded into a tube and pulled forward as far as possible.

Fence. We explain that you need to smile in such a way as to show your teeth.

Alternating exercises “Pipe” and “Fence” .

Rabbit. It is necessary to lift the upper lip to slightly open the incisors.

“Evil Horse” . It is necessary to depict the snorting of a horse. Forcefully exhale air through the mouth without opening it. At the same time, the lips will begin to vibrate.

Piglet. It is necessary to stretch the lips with a tube, and then with closed lips rotate in a circle in different directions.

Horse. The child should click his tongue, sounding the clatter of hooves.

“Fungus”. The tongue is firmly applied (attached to the palate) and held in this position.

Accordion . Keeping the tongue in the “fungus” position, you need to open / close your mouth several times.

Pop the balloon. The cheeks are puffed out, then the child should tap them lightly to release the air.

Hamster. First, both cheeks are inflated, then the right and left alternately.

Fish. The cheeks are retracted and held in this position.

Spatula. The relaxed tongue should be placed on the lower lip (not protruding).

Needle. Narrow tongue protrudes as far as possible.

Watch. Open your mouth slightly and alternately touch the left and right corners of your mouth with the tip of your tongue.

Cup. With your mouth wide open, hold the tongue up.

Focus. Raise the tongue to the “cup” position and gently blow on the tip of the nose. You can put a piece of cotton on the tip of your nose.

Tasty jam. The upper lip is licked with a wide tongue (you can lick real jam).

Painter. We draw the tongue across the sky in the direction from front to back (from the teeth to the throat). You can tell the child that the tongue is a paint brush that paints the sky.

“Brushing your teeth” . The tip of the tongue should be drawn along the upper and then along the lower teeth from one edge to the other.

Monkey. Open your mouth slightly and place your tongue between your lower lip and lower teeth. The lips are close together.

Bulldog. From the “monkey” position, move the tongue to a position between the upper lip and upper teeth. Lips close.

Circle. Mouth closed. The tongue moves from the inside, smoothly outlining a circle with the tip of the tongue.

“Sail”. The end of the tongue rests on the upper teeth and is held in this position.

Swing. The mouth opens and the tongue moves up and down alternately.

“Drummer”. Smile, open your mouth, put your tongue behind your upper teeth, loudly, distinctly, repeat many times: “D-D-D-”. Gradually speed up the pace, do not bring your teeth together.

Knead dough. The tongue rests on the lower lip (as in the “scapula”), while the mouth opens and closes, the lips slap on the tongue.

“Let’s bite the tongue.” Smile, open your mouth, bite the tip and center of your tongue.

“Where’s the candy?”. It is necessary to tightly close the mouth, with the tip of the tongue pressing first on one, then on the other cheek from the inside.

“Turkey” (“Chatterbox”). Smile, show teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on the upper lip and make quick movements with the tip of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear the tongue from the upper lip.

“Steamboat is humming”. When smiling, you need to bite your tongue and pronounce “y” for a long time.

Do these exercises regularly, but without making them a chore for the child, and you will definitely see progress! And do not forget about other methods of speech development.

See also:

Why is it so important to read aloud to a child

How to teach a child to pronounce complex sounds without the help of a speech therapist

13 classic games for the development of speech com

development tips

Muscle weakness – treatment, symptoms, causes, diagnosis

The causes of muscle weakness are many and there are a wide range of conditions that can cause muscle weakness. These can be both well-known diseases and rather rare conditions. Muscle weakness can be reversible and persistent. However, in most cases, muscle weakness can be treated with exercise, physiotherapy, and acupuncture.

Muscle weakness is a fairly common complaint, but the word weakness has a wide range of meanings, including fatigue, decreased muscle strength, and the inability of the muscles to work at all. There is an even wider range of possible causes.

The term muscle weakness can be used to describe several different conditions.

Primary or true muscle weakness

This muscle weakness manifests itself as an inability to perform the movement that a person wants to perform with the muscles on the first try. There is an objective decrease in muscle strength and strength does not increase regardless of effort. That is, the muscle does not work properly – this is abnormal.

When this type of muscle weakness occurs, the muscles appear to have fallen asleep, smaller in volume. This can happen, for example, after a stroke. The same visual picture occurs with muscular dystrophy. Both conditions lead to weakening of the muscles that cannot perform the usual load. And this is a real change in muscle strength.

Muscle fatigue

Fatigue is sometimes called asthenia. This is the feeling of tiredness or exhaustion that a person feels when the muscles are used. The muscles don’t really get weaker, they can still do their job, but doing muscle work takes a lot of effort. This type of muscle weakness is often seen in people with chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, depression, and chronic heart, lung, and kidney disease. This may be due to a decrease in the rate at which the muscles can receive the required amount of energy.

Muscle fatigue

In some cases, muscle fatigue mainly has increased fatigue – the muscle starts to work, but quickly gets tired and takes more time to restore function. Fatigue is often associated with muscle fatigue, but this is most noticeable in rare conditions such as myasthenia gravis and myotonic dystrophy.

The difference between these three types of muscle weakness is often not obvious and a patient may have more than one type of weakness at once. Also, one kind of weakness can alternate with another kind of weakness. But with a careful approach to diagnosis, the doctor manages to determine the main type of muscle weakness, since certain diseases are characterized by one or another type of muscle weakness.

The main causes of muscle weakness

Lack of adequate physical activity – inactive (sedentary) lifestyle.

Lack of muscle exercise is one of the most common causes of muscle weakness. If the muscles are not used, then the muscle fibers in the muscles are partly replaced by fat. And over time, the muscles weaken: the muscles become less dense and more flabby. And although muscle fibers do not lose their strength, but their number decreases, and they are not reduced as effectively. And the person feels that they have become smaller in volume. When you try to perform certain movements, fatigue sets in faster. The condition is reversible with reasonable regular exercise. But as we age, this condition becomes more pronounced.

Maximum muscle strength and a short period of recovery after exercise is observed at the age of 20-30 years. That is why most great athletes achieve high results at this age. However, strengthening muscles through regular exercise can be done at any age. Many successful distance runners have been in their 40s. Muscle tolerance during a long activity, such as a marathon, remains high for longer than during a powerful, short burst of activity, such as a sprint.

It is always good when a person has sufficient physical activity at any age. However, recovery from muscle and tendon injuries is slower with age. At whatever age a person decides to improve their physical fitness, a reasonable training regimen is important. And it is better to coordinate training with a specialist (instructor or exercise therapy doctor).


As we age, muscles lose strength and mass and become weaker. While most people accept this as a natural consequence of age – especially if the age is decent, however, the inability to do what was possible at a younger age often brings discomfort. However, exercise is still beneficial in old age, and safe exercise can increase muscle strength. But the recovery time after an injury is much longer in old age, as involutional changes in metabolism occur and bone fragility increases.


Infections and diseases are among the most common causes of temporary muscle fatigue. This occurs due to inflammatory processes in the muscles. And sometimes, even if the infectious disease has regressed, the restoration of muscle strength can take a long period of time. Sometimes this can cause chronic fatigue syndrome. Any disease with fever and inflammation of the muscles can be a trigger for chronic fatigue syndrome. However, some diseases are more likely to cause this syndrome. These include the flu, Epstein-Barr virus, HIV, Lyme disease, and hepatitis C. Other less common causes are tuberculosis, malaria, syphilis, polio, and dengue fever.


During and immediately after pregnancy, high levels of steroids in the blood, combined with iron deficiency, can cause muscle fatigue. This is a completely normal muscle reaction to pregnancy, however, certain gymnastics can and should be carried out, but significant physical exertion should be excluded. In addition, in pregnant women, due to a violation of biomechanics, pain in the lower back often occurs.

Chronic diseases

Many chronic diseases cause muscle weakness. In some cases, this is due to a reduction in the flow of blood and nutrients to the muscles.

Peripheral vascular disease is caused by narrowing of the arteries, usually due to cholesterol deposits, and is triggered by poor diet and smoking. The supply of blood to the muscles is reduced, and this becomes especially noticeable during exercise, when the blood flow cannot cope with the needs of the muscles. Pain is often more characteristic of peripheral vascular disease than muscle weakness.

Diabetes – This disease can lead to muscle weakness and loss of fitness. High blood sugar puts the muscles at a disadvantage, their functioning is impaired. In addition, as diabetes progresses, there is a disturbance in the structure of the peripheral nerves (polyneuropathy), which in turn impairs the normal innervation of the muscles and leads to muscle weakness. In addition to the nerves, diabetes causes damage to the arteries, which also leads to poor blood supply to the muscles and weakness. Heart disease, especially heart failure, can lead to impaired blood supply to the muscles due to a decrease in myocardial contractility and actively working muscles do not receive enough blood (oxygen and nutrients) at the peak of the load and this can lead to rapid muscle fatigue.

Chronic lung diseases , such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), reduce the body’s ability to consume oxygen. Muscles require a fast supply of oxygen from the blood, especially during exercise. Decreased oxygen consumption leads to muscle fatigue. Over time, chronic lung disease can lead to muscle atrophy, although this mostly happens in advanced cases when blood oxygen levels begin to drop.

Chronic kidney disease can lead to an imbalance of minerals and salts in the body, and may also affect the level of calcium and vitamin D. Kidney disease also causes the accumulation of toxic substances (toxins) in the blood, as a violation of the excretory function of the kidneys reduces their excretion from the body. These changes can lead to both true muscle weakness and muscle fatigue.

Anemia – is a lack of red blood cells. There are many causes of anemia, including poor nutrition, blood loss, pregnancy, genetic diseases, infections, and cancer. This reduces the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to the muscles in order for the muscles to contract fully. Anemia often develops rather slowly, so that by the time of diagnosis, muscle weakness and shortness of breath are already noted.

Diseases of the central nervous system

Anxiety: general fatigue can be caused by anxiety. This is due to the increased activity of the adrenaline system in the body.

Depression: general fatigue can also be caused by depression.

Anxiety and depression are conditions that tend to cause feelings of tiredness and “fatigue” rather than true weakness.

Chronic pain – general effect on energy levels can lead to muscle weakness. As with anxiety, chronic pain stimulates the release of chemicals (hormones) in the body that respond to pain and injury. These chemicals lead to feelings of tiredness or fatigue. With chronic pain, muscle weakness can also occur, as the muscles cannot be used due to pain and discomfort.

Muscle injuries due to trauma

There are many factors that lead to direct muscle damage. The most obvious are injuries or injuries such as sports injuries, sprains and dislocations. Performing exercises without “warming up” and stretching the muscles is a common cause of muscle damage. With any muscle injury, bleeding occurs from damaged muscle fibers within the muscle, followed by swelling and inflammation. This makes the muscles less strong and also painful when performing movements. The main symptom is localized pain, but later on weakness may appear.


Many medicines can cause muscle weakness and muscle damage as a side effect or allergic reaction. It usually starts out as fatigue. But damage can progress if medication is not stopped. The most commonly reported medications are statins, some antibiotics (including ciprofloxacin and penicillin), and anti-inflammatory pain medications (such as naproxen and diclofenac).

Long-term use of oral steroids also causes muscle weakness and atrophy. This is an expected side effect of steroids with long-term use and therefore doctors try to reduce the duration of steroid use. Less commonly used medications that can cause muscle weakness and muscle damage include:

  • Certain cardiac drugs (eg amiodarone).
  • Chemotherapy drugs.
  • HIV drugs.
  • Interferons.
  • Medicines used to treat overactive thyroid.

Other substances.

Long-term use of alcohol can lead to weakness of the shoulder and hip muscles.

Smoking can indirectly weaken muscles. Smoking causes narrowing of the arteries, which leads to peripheral vascular disease.

Cocaine abuse causes marked muscle weakness, as do other drugs.

Sleep disorders

Problems that disrupt or reduce the duration of sleep, leading to muscle fatigue, muscle fatigue. These disorders may include: insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, restless leg syndrome, shift work, and having young children who stay awake at night.

Other causes of muscle weakness

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

This condition is sometimes associated with some viral infections such as Epstein-Barr virus and influenza, but the genesis of this condition is not fully understood. Muscles are not inflamed, but get tired very quickly. Patients often feel the need for greater effort to perform muscle activities that they previously performed easily.

In chronic fatigue syndrome, muscles that are not collapsed and may have normal strength when tested. This is reassuring, as it means that the chances of recovery and full functional recovery are very high. CFS also causes psychological fatigue when performing intellectual activities, such as long reading and communication also becomes tiring. Patients often show signs of depression and sleep disturbances.


This condition is similar in symptoms to chronic fatigue syndrome. However, in fibromyalgia, the muscles become tender to the touch and tire very quickly. Muscles in fibromyalgia do not collapse and remain strong on formal muscle testing. Patients tend to complain more of pain than fatigue or weakness.

Thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism)

In this condition, the lack of thyroid hormones leads to general fatigue. And if hypothyroidism is not treated, then muscle degeneration and hypotrophy may develop over time. Such changes can be serious and in some cases irreversible. Hypothyroidism is a common disease, but, as a rule, with timely selection of treatment, muscle problems can be avoided.

Lack of fluid in the body (dehydration) and electrolyte imbalance.

Problems with the normal balance of salts in the body, including as a result of dehydration, can cause muscle fatigue. Muscle problems can only be very serious in extreme cases, such as dehydration during a marathon. Muscles work worse when there is an imbalance of electrolytes in the blood.

Diseases accompanied by muscle inflammation

Inflammatory muscle diseases typically develop in the elderly and include both polymyalgia and polymyositis and dermatomyositis. Some of these conditions are well corrected by taking steroids (which have to be taken for many months before the therapeutic effect appears). Unfortunately, long-term use of steroids themselves can cause muscle loss and weakness.

Systemic inflammatory diseases such as SLE and rheumatoid arthritis often cause muscle weakness. In a small percentage of cases, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle weakness and fatigue may be the only symptoms of the disease for a significant amount of time.


Cancer and other cancers can cause direct muscle damage, but having cancer anywhere in the body can also cause generalized muscle fatigue. In the advanced stages of cancer, body weight loss also leads to true muscle weakness. Muscle weakness is usually not the first sign of cancer and occurs more often in the later stages of cancer.

Neurological conditions resulting in muscle damage .

Diseases affecting the nerves usually result in true muscle weakness. This is because if the nerve of the muscle fiber stops working properly, the muscle fiber cannot contract and, as a result of the lack of movement, the muscle will atrophy. Neurological diseases: Muscle weakness can be caused by cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and cerebral hemorrhages or spinal cord injuries. Muscles that become partially or completely paralyzed lose their normal strength and eventually atrophy. In some cases, muscle changes are significant and recovery is very slow or function cannot be restored.

Diseases of the spine: when the nerves are damaged (compressed at the exit of the spine by a herniation, protrusion or osteophyte), muscle weakness may occur. When a nerve is compressed, conduction and motor disturbances occur in the zone of innervation of the root, and muscle weakness develops only in muscles innervated by certain nerves that have undergone compression

Other nervous diseases :

Multiple sclerosis – caused by damage to nerves in the brain and spinal cord and can lead to sudden paralysis. With multiple sclerosis, partial restoration of functions is possible with adequate treatment.

Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute autoimmune inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy, manifested by flaccid paresis, sensory disturbances, autonomic disorders, caused by a viral infection

Parkinson’s disease: this is a progressive disease of the central nervous system, both the motor sphere and the intellectual and emotional sphere. It mainly affects people over the age of 60 and in addition to muscle weakness, Parkinson’s patients experience tremors and muscle stiffness. They often have difficulty starting and stopping movement, and are often depressed.

Rare causes of muscle weakness

Genetic diseases affecting muscles

Muscular dystrophies – hereditary diseases that affect muscles are quite rare. The most famous such disease is Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This disease occurs in children and leads to a gradual loss of muscle strength.

Some rare muscular dystrophies may debut in adulthood, including Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome, and Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy syndrome. They also cause a gradual loss of muscle strength and often these conditions can lead to disability and wheelchair confinement.

Sarcoidosis – is a rare disease in which clusters of cells (granulomas) form in the skin, lungs, and soft tissues, including muscles. The condition may heal on its own after a few years.

Amyloidosis – is also a rare disease in which there is an accumulation (deposits) of an abnormal protein (amyloid) throughout the body, including in the muscles and kidneys.

Other rare causes: Direct muscle damage can occur in rare hereditary metabolic diseases. Examples include: glycogen storage diseases and, even more rarely, mitochondrial diseases, which occur when the energy systems within muscle cells do not work properly.

Myotonic dystrophy – is a rare genetic muscle disease in which the muscles tire quickly. Myotonic dystrophy is passed on from generation to generation, and, as a rule, with each subsequent generation, the manifestations of the disease become more pronounced.

Motor neuron disease is a progressive nerve disease that affects all parts of the body. Most forms of motor neuron disease begin in the distal extremities and gradually involve all the muscles of the body. The disease progresses over months or years, and patients rapidly develop severe muscle weakness and muscle atrophy.

Motor neuron disease is most common in men over 50, but there have been many notable exceptions to this rule, including famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. There are many different forms of motor neuron disease, but no successful treatment has yet been developed.

Myasthenia gravis: – is a rare muscle disease in which the muscles tire quickly and take a long time to recover from contractile function. Muscle dysfunction may be so severe that patients cannot even hold their eyelids and speech becomes slurred.

Poisons – poisonous substances also often cause muscle weakness and paralysis due to the effect on the nerves. Examples are phosphates and botulinum toxin. In case of exposure to phosphates, weakness and paralysis may be persistent.

Addison’s disease

Addison’s disease is a rare disorder in which the adrenal glands become underactive, leading to a lack of steroids in the blood and an imbalance of blood electrolytes. The disease usually develops gradually. Patients may notice a change in skin color (tanning) due to skin pigmentation. There may be weight loss. Muscle fatigue can be mild and is often an early symptom. The disease is often difficult to diagnose and special examinations are required to diagnose this disease. Other rare hormonal causes of muscle weakness include acromegaly (an overproduction of growth hormone), an underactive pituitary gland (hypopituitarism), and severe vitamin D deficiency.

Diagnosis of muscle weakness and treatment

If you have muscle weakness, you should consult a doctor who will be primarily interested in answering the following questions:

  • How did muscle weakness appear and when?
  • Is there any dynamics of muscle weakness, both increase and decrease?
  • Has there been a change in general well-being, weight loss, or recent travel abroad?
  • What medications is the patient taking and has anyone in the patient’s family had muscle problems?

The physician will also need to examine the patient to determine which muscles are affected by weakness and whether the patient has actual or suspected muscle weakness. The doctor will check to see if there are signs of the muscles becoming softer to the touch (which could be a sign of inflammation) or if the muscles are tiring too quickly.

The doctor should then check the nerve conduction to determine if there is a conduction disorder from the nerves to the muscles. In addition, the doctor may need to check the central nervous system, including balance and coordination, and may order laboratory tests to determine changes in hormone levels, electrolytes, and other indicators.

If this does not allow determining the cause of muscle weakness, then other diagnostic methods can be prescribed:

  • Neurophysiological studies (ENMG, EMG).
  • Muscle biopsy to determine the presence of morphological changes in the muscles
  • Scanning tissues using CT (MSCT) or MRI in parts of the body that can affect muscle strength and function.

The combination of medical history, symptoms, physical examination data and the results of laboratory and instrumental research methods allows in most cases to find out the true cause of muscle weakness and determine the necessary treatment tactics. Depending on the genesis of muscle weakness (infectious, traumatic, neurological, metabolic drug, etc.), the treatment should be pathogenetic. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

33 useful wall bars exercises to show to children

Even the most useful thing in the world will be just decoration if you don’t know how to use it correctly. Let’s talk about the best exercises of varying difficulty that your children can perform on the Swedish wall.

Even simple climbing on the Swedish wall helps relieve stress, get rid of muscle clamps that appear from sitting still at a desk.
or in front of a computer. Regular exercises that the child performs on the wall stimulate his immunity, as well as
development of physical and intellectual abilities. Separately, it is worth mentioning that climbing up and down the stairs strengthens the arch of the foot, which prevents flat feet.

Depending on the purpose for which it is used, the wall will become a strength or stretching trainer, an excuse for morning exercises, or a way to relax before bed. The main thing is to show the child (you can by personal example) how to use it with benefit and pleasure.

Nuance: all the walls are useful, but the more modern and safe option is installed in your house, the calmer you are for a child, even a small one and not prepared for serious training. If, however, complete with a wall you get a variety of shells: rope ladders, ropes, rings, horizontal bars, slides, swings – it will be more fun and interesting for a child to do exercises.

On our website you can buy an excellent Swedish wall for a child, which will meet all safety standards and requirements, while it will perfectly fit into your apartment, will look appropriate and aesthetically pleasing.

Morning Exercises

  • Mini Pull-ups : rest your feet on the base of the wall, place your arms on the bar at shoulder level and straighten them completely. Then we pull ourselves close to it, while the grip can be changed, for example, put your hands narrower or wider, grab the crossbars not from above, but from below – this will help to use all the small muscles of the hands. We perform mini-pull-ups 10-15 times.
  • Foot warm-up : stand on the lower bar, hold hands at a comfortable height. We cross our feet for a minute, as when walking in place. Then we move the feet forward / backward – from toes to heels.
  • Inclinations to the wall : put your left hand on the bar of the Swedish wall at shoulder level or slightly lower and stand sideways to it. Then we tilt the body to the left, while trying to reach the crossbars with a straight right hand, but we do not turn the body. We perform 10 times, and then repeat 10 more times – already for the right side of the body.
  • Bar Squats : Stand with your feet on the bottom step of the wall bar, grab the bar at chest level with your hands and squat 10-15 times.

Before and after morning exercises, invite the child to hang on the crossbar or horizontal bar (if any) for at least 20-30 seconds. The exercise seems simple and even boring, because you do not need to do anything – but it is one of the most useful for straightening the spine, as well as strengthening the muscles of the back, shoulders and arms. Gradually increase the length of the hang. The ability to hold out for 5 minutes is aerobatics!

Exercises for a healthy back and good posture

Children sit at their desks a lot, not controlling the correct position of the back. In addition, a “duty” tilt to the screen of a tablet or smartphone can lead to muscle clamps in the neck and even to a curvature of the spine. The Swedish wall of the house is the key to a healthy back.

  • Stand with your back to the wall, breathe evenly and calmly, focus on how each bar touches your back.
  • We hang on the crossbar, which is convenient in height, for a minute. If it takes longer, great!
  • Hanging on the rings (if any) – this kind of hang adds variety to the usual training program and involves muscles that do not work when hanging on a fixed bar.
  • We carry out the bar. To do this, we cling our legs to the first or second crossbar, put our hands on the floor or on the mat – and stand still for at least 20-30 seconds. Correct execution technique is important:
    make sure that the child’s lower back does not bend down, and the pelvis does not go up. The correct plank is straight.
  • We hang facing the Swedish wall and tear off the pelvis and straight legs from it. We fix the “vertical boat” for 1-2 seconds, then return to the starting position. We repeat 5-7 times.
  • We stand facing the wall, put our feet near the lower crossbar, grab our hands at waist level or slightly lower. Then we lean forward, taking the body and pelvis back, and keeping the back straight. We fix the position at the extreme point for 2-3 seconds, then return to the original vertical position. We repeat 5-7 times.

Strength Exercises

Home workouts on the Swedish wall can be a backup option and an alternative to sports sections in case of self-isolation, quarantine at school, or a break for the holidays. And, of course, regular exercise at home will improve your child’s physical education scores over time.

  • We stand with our backs to the Swedish wall. Grab a bar high enough so that your feet don’t touch the floor and hang on your hands. Slowly, without jerking, we raise the legs bent at the knees perpendicular to the body. We repeat 10-15 times.
  • The starting position is the same, we raise straight legs 8-10 times.
  • The starting position is the same, in turn we pull the knees to the opposite shoulders. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.
  • The starting position is the same, in turn we raise the legs straight legs to the sides – 10-15 times on each side.
  • We turn to face the wall, grab our hands high, hang down and then bend both legs at the knees, trying to touch the buttocks. We repeat 10-15 times.
  • We stand with the right side against the wall, put the straight right leg on the crossbar at the level of the pelvis or slightly lower (the higher the crossbar, the higher the load, so choose the height taking into account the physical fitness of the child). We squat on the left leg 5-7 times. Then we turn left side and squat on the right leg. It is important to properly distribute the load: it should not lie on the knee joints, so make sure that the child keeps his back straight and while squatting, the pelvis is pulled back, and the knee does not go far forward.
  • We do lunges: we stand with our backs to the Swedish wall, we step with our right foot far forward (the angle at the knee is 90 degrees), then we make a lunge with our left foot. Repeat 5-7 times on each leg.
  • We lay down on the mat perpendicular to the wall, fasten the legs to the lower bar, perform 10-15 twists for the press.

Endurance exercises

  • For children up to 3-4 years old: ascent to the very top of the Swedish wall, then descent. We repeat 3-5 times.
  • For children 4-6 years old: climb to the very top of the rope ladder (if available), then descend. We repeat 3-5 times.
  • For children over 7 years: rope climb (if available). We repeat 1-2 times.

Exercises for the development of flexibility

  • We stand facing the Swedish wall at a distance of an outstretched leg, put the right foot on the crossbar and lean towards it with the body. We repeat 3-5 times. We perform in 2 sets: first with a round back, then with a straight one.
  • We perform the “pendulum”: we hang on our hands with our backs to the wall, we swing our legs from side to side, while holding them together. The amplitude should not be large. Make sure that the movements of the child are not sharp, impetuous.
  • We make a “bridge”: we stand with our backs to the Swedish wall at a distance of 2 steps, grab the bar with one hand, “step” lower with the other – and so on until the stretch is enough. Do not rush to perform a full-fledged bridge, wait until the child’s muscles are stretched and strengthened, and he himself will not experience fear, hanging in an unusual position for himself.
  • We stand at arm’s length facing the wall and grab the crossbar with both hands. Legs together. Keeping your arms straight, lean forward, then bend your legs slightly in turn.

Game exercises for the smallest

  • “Monkey is naughty” : hang on the crossbar, hold with both hands for 10-15 seconds, then “step” (let go of one or the other hand for a while, while the parent insures against fall). Repeat “steps” 3-4 times for each hand.
  • “The clock is ticking” : we perform the “pendulum” exercise – we swing slightly from side to side, holding with both hands. Legs together and straight.
  • “The fish swims” : hang on the crossbar or horizontal bar (if any) and make rotational movements with the legs. 2-3 circles clockwise, then 2-3 circles – against it.
  • Grass Grows : hang on the bar and pull up to it (at the same time, the parent insures and slightly pushes the child up). We repeat 2-3 times.
  • Roly-Poly is training : doing squats near the Swedish wall. We stand facing her, holding our hands at waist level. We repeat 5-6 times.
  • “Cosmonaut climbs into a rocket” : climb the rope ladder. We repeat 1-2 times.
  • “Pirates Attack” : Climb up the rope (with the help of a parent) or swing on it, holding on tightly with your hands.
  • “Swallow flies” : stand with your feet on the lower crossbar facing the Swedish wall. Keep your hands at chest level. Raise your head up, arch your back and take your straight right leg back as far as possible. We fix the position for 1-2 seconds, then raise the left leg.

On our site you can buy an excellent Swedish wall for a child, which will meet all safety standards and requirements, while it will perfectly fit into your apartment, will look appropriate and aesthetically pleasing.


When working with a child on the Swedish wall, follow simple rules.

  1. Consult your pediatrician before purchasing a wall bar and before starting home workouts. Even such a useful sports simulator has contraindications.
  2. Be sure to warm up before doing the exercises: perform rotational movements of the head, shoulders, arms, hands. Rotate your feet. Get up on your toes and get down. Make 2-3 tilts of the body in each direction.
  3. Take care of a soft landing: lay a high-quality, dense mat near the wall bars.
  4. Complicate the exercises and increase the number of approaches gradually. At the same time, follow the correct technique for performing the exercise.
  5. Finish your workouts with a little stretching (see section above) otherwise your child will have sore muscles the next day and will not want to repeat the “unpleasant” experience.
  6. Do not force! There will be little benefit from exercises “through I don’t want to”.
  7. Do not exercise immediately after eating. Wait at least 30-40 minutes.
  8. Do not exercise on the Swedish wall if the child is overexcited: concentration will decrease and the risk of injury will increase.
  9. Stop exercising if you feel unwell.
  10. Insure your child: a baby up to 4-5 years old – all the time, an older child – on difficult exercises and when climbing to a height.

Read 👀 online 📲 Jormundur

14. The sin of fatherhood

Once upon a time there lived a glorious warrior in the northern coastal kingdom. His ancestors were not distinguished by blue blood, but belonged to one of the eminent Norwegian families. By his mature years, the inhabitants of Nidaros, which is at the mouth of the Nida, a brave and enterprising husband was elected a hövding, that is, a local leader. The ruler disposed of the affairs of his people according to his mind and conscience, he taxed the tillers, fishermen, hunters and cattle breeders, and with the proceeds he built a prosperous city in his fjord.

When Jarl Hladir, to whom Nidaros also belongs, set out on a campaign, Hövding removed his shield and ax from the wall. The warrior handled weapons as skillfully as with trading letters and laws, therefore he was valued no less in raids than on land. But it was scary for the heading to leave his native Nidaros to bond proteges. Many landowners looked at his tall house and wide courtyard, where many thralls worked.

In the raids, the leader became so rich that he desired to see in his possessions a noble, reasonable wife who would look after the household in his absence. Then the handsome and not yet old heading began to search all over Hladir for a worthy party. And the jarl there, very conveniently, had an older sister, the beautiful Guthrum, in the care of. The late father, sung by the sagas, did not have time to marry her off, and in the family the poor thing began to be called an old maid behind her back.

Having wooed Guthrum, the ruler of Nidaros immediately received a turn from the gate. It was not for nothing that the Jarl’s sister was called the obstinate proud woman, because the hövding, who fell in love in earnest, sought her hand for almost a year. When either common sense or a warm heart made the ice melt, the young people played such a wedding, which had not happened in all of Hladir.

Guthrum, not getting younger with age, began to dream of a child. The jarl also remembered his sister, every time he spoke with his brother and relative about the future heir. But how passionately he disliked heading his wife, time passed, but it was not possible to conceive.

There lived a seer near Trondheims Fjord, who was not exactly famous for his divination, but out of curiosity and hopelessness, the people went to him, repaying him with food and rarely with coins. The prophetess built himself a modest dugout on a picturesque quiet coast, where he scattered bones and runes on a large flat stone in front of gullible guests and, by and large, did not know grief and poverty. And yet life from day to day became not a joy, but a burden. Petty human worries and superstitions hardened the heart, participation was replaced by contempt, but more than all fortune tellers, he was disappointed in himself. How truthfully he did not guess people’s thoughts and how he did not grimace, the spirits of nature, and even more so the aces, never spoke to him – they were not even a light breath of a candle.

When the seer was almost convinced that he was deaf to the words of the gods and seriously doubted their existence, there was a persistent knock on the door of the dugout. On the advice of his people, Hövding came to the fortune-teller for the last help. He promised him a generous reward and honorable friendship, if only Guthrum would finally become heavy. Listening to the entreaties, tears and promises, the seer fell into deep thought. If the wife has not been able to bear it by any means, giving heading hope is only a test of time. The sorcerer spread the bones and gave the petitioner the whole truth as if in spirit. Guthrum is barren, but it’s not too late to find a second wife, younger and good if she has a child from her first husband.

At first, fierce anger overcame the warrior: he did not want to hear about Guthrum’s betrayal. Month after month, the couple did not unstick from each other, trying to conceive, but the seer did wait for his own, and the leader’s hands dropped. At the instigation of the sorcerer, he got married a second time, bringing a divorced young woman with a baby in a basket into the house. Guthrum could not stand the betrayal, and soon the jarl took his sister to the old father’s house.

Days passed, the head of the gloomy heading gradually turned gray, and the second wife carelessly nursed the child, slowly informing about the new heir. Then the seer again heard a knock in his dugout. The warrior shed tears more bitterly than before: his beloved Guthrum left him, and the jarl and the townspeople say that their chosen one is as fruitful as a field in the middle of a fierce winter. Spreading out the runes, the prophet became thoughtful and proposed the following scenario: the heading will call a young combatant, better than a father of many children, to his chambers, and lie down with him and his wife on the same bed. Then the wife will become pregnant from someone else’s seed, and the legal husband will be considered the father.

The warrior was more angry than before: the doors flew out of their hinges when he left the dugout. But there was nothing to be done: having clenched his teeth, the heading carried out the order exactly, and bought the silence of the combatant with a high rank and a donated share of the land. In the spring, the leader went on a long campaign, and when he returned, he exclaimed with joy, because his young wife with a round belly was walking. Until she was born, the future father decided not to leave Nidaros, and until winter the family lived happily ever after.

Good luck also came to the seer, for whom the benefactor rebuilt a large stone house and brought thralls there, plus puffy tyrs to boot. On the sacred holiday of Yule, when the frosts were so bitter that the banks of the fjord were covered with a crust of ice, the wife of the hövding went into labor. The midwives clapped their hands and sang songs, because an old belief promises great happiness and good luck to a child born on Yule. Father, with the nearest bondsmen and retinue, hastened to feast, and in the crowded house from dawn to dusk cider was poured and sagas sounded. After a sleepless night, the sun rose, but the children’s squeak from the passage did not reach.

While the owner was warding off a severe hangover with another glass of mash, a sad shooting gallery descended on his drinking buddies. When the last sheet in the house was saturated with blood, with an inconceivable effort, the mother vomited the child out of herself, but it was already dead. It was rumored that in front of the midwives the woman in labor cursed both the negligent husband and the vigilante who dishonored her, only her grief passed along with bodily wounds, and the scars on the heart of the hövding did not heal.

For the third time the seer heard a faint knock at his door. The daughter of his second wife was already growing up, and the steward took two children from friendly families for upbringing, who became brave devoted warriors under his command, but none of them was a real heir. The jarl and his companions laughed at him, the spouses despised him, and the leader himself was ready to drown himself in a bowl of ale.

The soothsayer did not scatter runes and bones. Everything that there is a human will, they have tried. Only the will of the gods remained, but wise over the years, he remained deaf to them. The two men were silent for a long time, sitting at the wide stone table. What is the purpose of someone like him, the seer asked himself, why did the aces give him such a worthless life? The soothsayer gave himself the answer: he swore to hevding to search until, by hook or by crook, he finds a way to prolong his family.

As soon as the petitioner left, the sorcerer ordered the thralls to collect food for seven days in advance and deliver the cart to the mountains on the nearby Fosen Peninsula. There he settled in a deep dark cave near a waterfall, where he warmed himself only with skins and bread mash. He spent many days and nights in pitch darkness, without making a fire, listening to the measured sound of water and his own echo. He devoted all his time to meditation and prayer to the Ases. If the ears do not listen to the gods, and the eyes do not see, then let him become deaf from the roar of the waterfall and blind from the eternal darkness.

The clock was flowing along with drops crashing to the ground. After some eternity, the hermit lost track of time, his body was overcome by weakness and aches. It seemed that even outside the cave the whole world had dissolved into an impenetrable abyss. The blind man ceased to feel his flesh, even to think of himself as a bodily entity, dissociated from the unified mind of being. He was afraid of what lies beyond the world of the living. Rushed to the exit, but did not find it.

Then, in a mad turmoil of feelings, the sorcerer heard voices. Hundreds, maybe thousands of women whispered incoherently: the ear snatched fragmentary phrases from the choir, but the mind did not catch the essence. It seemed that during the painful years of silence, the words fell like a waterfall on the soothsayer, and he screamed, begging the spirits to take pity.

The voices faded into one, loud and clear. Trembling and disintegrating with multiple echoes, he turned to the petitioner with the question: who speaks with the goddess? But the witch no longer knew who he was. The voice said: the seer has only to be born and fulfill his destiny. And it is to bring heading not one, but a great many descendants.

Then the soul of the petitioner rejoiced: what should he do? The goddess ordered to gather a large army and sail south with it. There to fight – a lot and mercilessly, taking captives as slaves, but even more willing – to kill for the glory of the gods. Losing men must be put on fire, because they do not honor the aesir and are not worthy to bear their will in Midgard. The seer will bring a bloody harvest of babies and small children to the goddess, so that she becomes their mother. Hövding and his people will recompense the loss of their wives by becoming the fathers of new offspring. Only when the sacrifice is sufficient, the leader will return home with the long-awaited heir.

But how long will the Normans fight in foreign lands? How many ears of corn must be cut in a bloody harvest? A whole field, the goddess replied. And even it will not be enough if the seer does not lay down fate for a just cause.

The voice asked the last question: is the petitioner ready to bear this burden? The witch doubted. In the soul, animal fear argued with the greatest pride: at last the gods despised him, chose him for a great cause!

The answer was obvious. The servant of the Ases came out of the cave no longer as a peasant fortune-teller, but as a personal priest of the hövding, with whom he went on the next campaign. The mentor’s passion and unyielding faith turned his soldiers into fierce reapers of the goddess. The ruler of Nidaros disappeared in raids more and more often, he brought more and more good things, and soon the troops under his command began to be feared and glorified throughout Hladir.

Then Hövding’s brother-in-law, who wrested power over Norway from the hands of his rivals, named his sister’s husband Jarl. Soon Guthrum saw dressed matchmakers with gifts from the windows of her parents’ house. The husband rebuilt their old nest even more beautiful and spacious, and the household could not wait for the rightful mistress to return to them. Yes, and the Jarl himself yearned with all his heart for the one he wanted to make a mother and loved more than life.

Guthrum loved him too. But only the kind and wise warrior he was many years ago. The beautiful Guthrum preferred the life of an old maid in a decaying house, like herself, to the child-killer and rapist. Gundred had no choice but to continue his eternal campaign.

In those days the Jarl could not have imagined how far the path would lead him. And the army of the Hladir Vikings found themselves in the very heart of Al-Andalus, where, along with murmuring fountains, secret conspiracies flowed from mouth to mouth. They met, like rivers flowing into the sea, under the shadow of the caliph’s reception hall. Al-Hakam spoke with his subjects and overseas guests in the bright daylight falling from the large barred windows on the east side. The walls of the huge hall in blue, burgundy and gold are entirely lined with mosaics and gold, all kinds of ornaments intertwined with the ligature of the lines of the Koran. Rare valuable gifts from all over the world were also adapted as decorations. In the corners, Greek amphorae rise on stone pedestals, the floor is covered with finely woven carpets, flowers, sheathed trophy weapons and other curiosities are hung.

Under a canopy of a stone portico, surrounded by marble columns and a balustrade on the sides, al-Hakam sits on a throne. Everything around him shines with gold and silks. The throne itself is not a massive armchair of northern kings, but a soft wide sofa with comfortable pillows. The frame of the sofa is forged from gilded ribbed metal, the footboard is closed to the floor and smoothly passes into a completely straight back and armrests. At the head of the metal is drawn out in a pyramid, and strict lines give way to sinuous ones.

The Caliph’s first morning visitor was his wife, who returned to her eternal appearance of Jafar wrapped in dark clothes. Al-Hakam received Subh reluctantly and yawned widely, but her determination was unshakable.

“My husband, the jarl, and his people whom you sheltered with such cordiality are not who they say they are,” Aurora’s voice rang out against the spacious walls of the hall. “My sources have reported in detail the atrocities of these barbarians in Galicia.

– What are you doing? – the ruler propped his bearded cheek with his fist, looking askance at the pecking guards-spearmen. Christians got what they deserved. Have you forgotten how they treat us and the Jews?

– Gundred mows down peaceful peasants indiscriminately! The priest of Lundvar advised him to put to the sword not only adult men, but all children – even babies! These shaitans rape widows so that they give birth to sons, but women are so heartbroken that they do not want such a life!

Al-Hakam straightened up on his throne, his guards opened their eyes, staring at Subh.

— Probably, your unknown sources embellish the truth. ..

— The Prophet taught us to take care of widows, since they have been deprived of their husbands and fathers. Spare and love children as if they were your own. My husband, you anger Allah! Aurora’s brown eyes flashed above the black mask.

“Wait, isn’t that ugly eunuch that Gundred gave us telling you lies? al-Hakam perked up.

— So you don’t believe me? – the woman proudly looked at the stone faces of her husband and his servants. — Let it. I’ll be back very soon, and you won’t like my evidence.

Having risen with the first roosters, Lundvar allowed himself to take a nap for a couple of hours. Although the luxurious chambers of the Alcazar are conducive to relaxation and pleasure, the priest listened to the rattling of every thread in the web of rumors and conspiracies with which he entwined himself. Very soon, the search led to two guards of the royal casemates. He invited them to the tower, reserved by Jafar especially for Gundred and his retinue. Having passed the numerous nooks and crannies of the fortress, the Saracens, with the permission of the gatekeepers, set foot on the territory of the caliph’s guests. The jarl himself and his warriors slept peacefully after drinking at the tournament. Passing the snoring bodies with broken dishes and leftovers scattered around them, the Moors entered the bedroom of Lundvar, bright and tidy.

The priest looked up from the large window, behind which the edge of the city opens from a height and the area in front of the tower, where the guards scurry around. First of all, the scammers were promised a generous payment in order to untie their tongues. Since the case, apparently, concerned the Normans, the Arabs told that a fair-haired northern woman had dropped in on them the day before. She chatted, made her drunk, and even stole the keys from innocent guards. She also asked with interest where the prisoner given by Jarl Jafar was being held.

Enlisting support, Lundvar ordered the caliph’s servants to wait for their reward. The picture of events began to take shape. The priest suspected that Korrian had not been allowed to die of hunger and thirst by his berserker friends, but it was Thordis and no other. There is a conspiracy with a traitor! The servant of the Aesir put on his robes, his hand rested on a snake-headed staff, and the high doors of the chambers swung open, letting the owner into the corridors of the tower.

A couple of awakened Normans sobered up quickly when Lundvar told everyone to get everyone up and call for an urgent meeting in the great hall on the first floor. The castle slaves also came running, hastily cleaning up all the bedlam and opening the shutters. Before the drunken stench had faded, the priest appeared before a crowd of sleepy, rumpled bastards.

– Which of you has seen Thordis or know where she might be? Lundvar asked loudly. The Vikings closed their eyes, silently exchanging glances. — What about Toki and Esbern? Think drunk! – slowly walked along the gathering, the staff beat off an alarming knock.

— What did they do wrong? shouted one of the warriors.

– I’m afraid all three have conspired with the traitor Korrian. Yesterday, during the fighting, they entered the prison to rescue him. Of course, they knew that if they failed, the caliph would behead us all.

The whispers in the crowd turned into an indignant hubbub. Anger and bewilderment flashed across their faces.

– Thordis challenged Korrian! They fought for real!

– I saw the guys at the tournament! They feasted with everyone!

Returning to the middle of the hall, Lundvar stood in a confident stance. The iron-tipped shaft hit the floor, shutting up chatty mouths.

— It looks like the time has come to open your eyes. We have long suspected, but it is now clear that Thordis is not Gundred’s real daughter. The rootless girl lied to us in order to ingratiate ourselves and overthrow the Jarl when the opportunity presented itself. And then kill. The priest waited until the turbulent feelings of the bewildered soldiers subsided along with the hubbub. “That whore messed with Corrian’s head. Yes, he cursed himself for his connection with her, even wanted to kill her, but this does not detract from the severity of betrayal! Thordis gets mixed up with both Esbern and Toki. I won’t be surprised if soon the guards of the caliph deceived by the conspirators line up on our doorstep.

The dissatisfaction of the northerners turned into such a deafening uproar that, unable to stand it, Gundred, wearing only trousers, went down to his subordinates from his bedroom. The jarl looked shabby and confused, and a half-naked Berber woman darted from behind, hurried to join the other servants. Seeing the commander, the Vikings fell silent, and Lundvar took the opportunity to continue broadcasting.

— Close the doors and windows to the tower immediately with bolts! No one comes out until we decide what to do next. Don’t release slaves!

Without thinking twice, the soldiers crowding at the main entrance locked it with a heavy ironed bar. Alcazar’s servants screamed in alarm at the crash of the falling bolt, sandwiched between barbarians speaking in an unfamiliar language. The shutters of the windows also slammed tightly, hiding from the eyes of the Moors who had time to alarm.

Shaking off sleep, the barefoot Gundred threateningly jumped up to the priest, the damask glove jerked someone else’s hand until it crunched.

— And now that even my privates are aware, will you let the old jarl know what is going on? growled the Norman. “And what kind of yolasweiner is everyone staring at me like that!”

Malik al-Safar, as usual, met the day in his room under the roof of one of the buildings of the Alcazar, where the lancet viewing window overlooks the picturesque palm alleys of the castle. The light of the winter sun fell directly on a large desk with many lockers. There the ambassador kept business correspondence and not only. The Ambassador was busy at work in his quarters when the shuffling of his pen was interrupted by the eerie creaking of the door hinges. Malik almost rolled off his chair when he saw a crowd of guards dressed in black with their faces covered, who burst into the chambers without asking or warning.

The Moor hurried to push all the drawers where he had raked up the old letters along with those that were not yet dry, a frail body with a huge head due to the multi-layered turban blocked the table like a priceless treasury. But the brigands knew their business, and the spy was easily flung back onto the carpet in the middle of the room as the door slammed behind the last soldier to enter.

– Jafar? Malik rose to his knees, staring blankly at the uninvited guest. “Take the trouble to explain what those damned Iblises are doing!”

The Guardians at this time took the opportunity to turn upside down all the currently open drawers of the table, deep and full of hidden treasures, like Aladdin’s cave. Malik was about to rush at the vandals with a knife, but a pair of strong henchmen of the Khajib painfully twisted the man on the floor.

“Calm down.” Subh stepped closer, looming over the ambassador in all the elegance of her small, slender figure in male clothes. – I’m taking the papers. Don’t complain about being rude – you wouldn’t give it away without permission. Prove your honesty – you get everything back.

Having torn out the drawers with the meat, the soldiers began to take the letters straight into them. The rest of the belongings savages raked into the bag, like garbage.

– But I don’t understand. Malik wailed in a voice trembling with anger and fear. “I am a servant of the Caliph!” What did I do wrong? How many years faithfully…

— Quiet. Subh held out her hand with a sharp movement, brown eyes bulging menacingly. “Tell that to al-Hakam himself. And for one thing about his tender friendship with the Norwegian Jarl.

When the last note left the room among hundreds of them, Subh went to the exit, waving to the guards to drag the prisoner after her.

– Aurora! The Caliph’s wife turned nervously at the call, standing in the doorway. “Have you forgotten about all those letters from the Basque country from your parents that I had such a hard time finding?”

— No, Malik. Subh paused, staring blankly at the floor. – You will have to spend time in the casemates. Then we’ll find out what you know about Gundred.

Al-Hakam’s wife knew that in the middle of the day in calm weather, her husband liked to sit on the terrace by the pool with water lilies under the shade of cypress trees. A couple of armchairs and a chess table were brought to the water, as well as wine and a few dishes more for pleasure than for a hearty meal. The holder of the Alcazar library, where no less than 400 thousand volumes were collected, chose several amusing books for the lord, and, if he guessed well, by the evening he could expect a generous reward. The loneliness of the caliph was brightened up by the guests of the castle, the Cordoba nobility, overseas visitors and petitioners of all stripes with urgent state issues. But sometimes al-Hakam devotes the pre-dinner hours to exclusively pleasant leisure and communication with his harem.

So, Subh caught her husband at a game of chess with one of the khurams, a black Egyptian in yellow and gold clothes. The men were distracted from the game when two escorts dragged Malik with the sleeves of his robe torn. The ambassador trembled in indignation, and the blood drained from his face.

“That means you haven’t abandoned your idea,” the Caliph sighed, gesturing for khurama to pour wine into the cup. In the pool, a colorful fish jumped out of the water to flop back down.

— I had a feeling that this slave had mellowed with the barbarians. Subh took out a small folded note from her belt. “I had to re-read a whole mountain, but we found this thing that Malik did not say a word about!

The Moor tensed in the hands of the escorts, his neck stretched out, trying to guess what the hajib had passed on to the ruler.

– Most Serene King of Time, I…

– Be quiet! the woman hissed at the prisoner, while her husband unfolded the note. – You will still be allowed to fawn.

The Caliph peered at the small lines for a long time with blind eyes, and the letter passed to the more vigilant Egyptian, who read the most important aloud.

— Guards of Bishop Rosendo Menendez… Children were killed before our very eyes, we will tear them to pieces and devour them… The deceased cried out to a certain Mormo… Continue reading, sire? Somehow creepy.

— Malik, is this news from Compostela? Al-Hakam’s face changed from interested to seriously indignant. – How old is it, and why don’t I know?

The spy swallowed with a dry throat. Sweat dripped from under the turban.

— I swear, my lord, not out of malice… I foolishly thought that you would not believe…

— Or I was afraid to harm such a profitable deal with the Norwegians. interrupted a frowning Subh. “The devil is following these thugs all over Galicia!”

“I beg your pardon, sir, but let’s talk sensibly,” Malik found the strength to gather his courage. “You, who waged wars on two fronts in Damascus and Al-Andalus, are well aware of human cruelty. What horrors do not happen in troubled times. Remember what our blood enemies, the Abbisids, did to overthrow the old caliph. Remember the deeds of the Christians and the rulers of León: their persecution of Jews and Moors, which for centuries brought to Spain only the light of science and streams of money. These unbelievers, filled with envy and malice, brought down the wrath of the Almighty on their heads! They, and not the Norwegians, he justly punishes. For each will be rewarded according to his deeds and his faith.

Aurora clicked her tongue. Still, it was worth putting an executioner in casemates to this talker. Al-Hakam’s eyes sparkled. Over the years of marriage, a woman has learned well what this means.

“Hmm, there is probably truth in the words of the slave,” the caliph waved his hand away before the wife opened her mouth with another indignation. “I don’t like that you withheld the letter, Malik. Maybe your privileges will be transferred to someone else. And yet, I do not see any unforgivable sins for the Norwegians.

– O king of time, please think how much good the alliance with Norway will bring to the Caliphate! Let them beat our enemies in the north, but if Gundred convinces Jarl Hakon and then Harald Blue-tooth himself not to attack our shores, but to conduct trade and military affairs together, the Umayyads will receive unprecedented power! – Malik was out of breath from passionate speeches, his face reddened from the rush of blood.

A fish jumped out of the water onto the edge of the pool. The animal thrashed to the ground in its death throes, trying to slide back until it ran out of air. Subh felt the complete confusion that covered her yesterday, when the blow of Thordis showed what all the training really cost. The Caliph’s wife was trained in the use of a dagger by the best masters, but if you make a mistake for a moment, you will be thrown from the top to the very bottom. Even such a vile trick as the gift of persuasion without any help from the truth destroys the most grandiose plans and works.

Subh suddenly had a thought. Yielding to inspiration, the hand pulled the black mask down. Approximate al-Hakam knew well who Jafar really was, only no one’s eyes, except for the lord, dared to see the face of the first woman in the caliphate. To tear off a turban was akin to clothes that hide nakedness from male lust. But al-Hakam’s anger changed the moment he saw a swelling on his wife’s tender lips, blue from gore. Such beatings are worn by slaves who have been guilty or who have refused the guards an unsolicited caress.

— Who dared to do this to you?! jumping up, al-Hakam touched the chessboard, and the pieces fell to the floor. “Hide your face now!”

“Sorry, husband, but you didn’t listen,” Subh turned to Malik, not a single muscle trembled, but the spy clearly read a triumphant smile in her eyes. “I warned you that you wouldn’t like it.”

Having scooped up a handful of figures scattered at his feet, khuram finally turned his attention to the dying fish. A caring hand released a sluggishly fluttering body into the pool, it deftly darted into the depths, and soon there was no trace of a red spark in a greenish pool.

Lundvar ordered the squad to tightly reinforce all the tower windows, and close the front doors with a barricade, but in such a way that it could be easily dismantled if necessary. The northerners tied up the castle servants, leaving them to sit under the wall, while a crowd of excited warriors rushed through all the floors, throwing furniture and decorations into the trash. Everyone was on edge from a heavy hangover and bad news, in which it was hard to believe. At first, Lundvar led the vandals, but later left a couple of people in charge and retired to the top floor.

Gundred rushed about the priest’s quarters, now rushing to the window, now moving away with bitter curses. The only witnesses to the Jarl’s mental anguish were a couple of casemate guards: they, sitting on the edge of the bed, fell silent like church mice. Through the wooden lattice, Gundred watched as the armed men of al-Hakam with bows, spears and swords were drawn to the tower. Behind the even, dense rows, a handful of dignitaries could be seen, and the caliph himself among them. He sat on a chair, waiting for the commanders to finish building their squads. From time to time, trumpets hummed in his ears, and from each piercing call, the ruler of Nidaros trembled. When the bedroom door creaked, he turned with a jerk. Lundvar took a step into his chambers, as a full mug flew into his bald head, breaking against the wall.

— Damn… — the snarling jarl began to walk from side to side, like a bear in a cage. – Get out of my sight!

– I am not your enemy. Lundvar calmly slammed the doors behind him. “You have lost your guard, Gundred. Just look at what’s going on under your nose while you feast and fuss over your daughter.

– Don’t you dare talk about her! the jarl threatened with his finger, bulging his bloodshot eyes.

— Forgive me, but I cannot remain idle while a good half of the army has rallied against you. Can’t you see how much you were mistaken?

Unable to bear the very presence of the priest, the jarl rushed to the table, where he left the opened amphora of wine. Squeezing the narrow neck, Gundred threw back his head, and crimson trickles shone in his beard. Just then, a large boulder hit the window bars, making everyone in the room alert. Creeping up, the commander saw below Malik, who had come out ahead of the crowd and raised his palms to his mouth.

– Gundred! Caliph demands to immediately unlock the doors to the tower! the ambassador shouted in Norwegian at the top of his lungs. “Give him your priest Lundvar!” He doesn’t want to listen to me, I’m sorry!

The Jarl burst into a malevolent bass laugh.

“Another traitor,” the priest grabbed his armpit and disarmed one of the Saracens, the crooked blade dangerously squeezing the seething jugular veins. “I will deal with everything, Gundred. You can get up, goof, not your friend will die.

— And… there won’t be any reward, I understand? the Arab mumbled, tearing his butt off the bed.

Lundvar mentally prayed to the gods for patience:

— Well, you will. She’s upstairs.

Al-Hakam remained unanswered, and Malik felt with his back how the eyes of the Caliph, blazing with hatred, were ready to burn a through hole in him. Silence hung for a minute, broken by the whistle of the wind and the fuss of the Normans on the first floor. And then someone of their guards roared, pointing with his hand at the tower bell tower, surrounded by a long balcony. In the shadow of one of the high lancet arches, looking in all directions of the world, a man appeared, pushed outward by a push in the back. Seeing their confused brother, the Moors raised an indignant hubbub.

— Brothers, they are asking for an explanation! the keeper of the casemates shouted loudly to his comrades below, and his voice echoed.

The Caliph did not immediately come up with an answer: he and his advisers did not in any way assume that one of the troops could be in captivity among the pagans. Just in case, al-Hakam ordered that the head of the coward be cut off as soon as the tower was taken.

– Lundvar! Finally, the lord spoke through the mouth of Malik. – If you hear, you are accused of encroaching on the honor of the Caliph’s wife! She was beaten and she pointed at you!

– He doesn’t know any wife! answered the screamer on the balcony, glancing briefly behind him.

– If Lundvar doesn’t come out, they will set fire to the tower!

“What a cowardly worm,” Subh whispered without restraint, hiding behind the backs of the nobles.

The woman’s hand was squeezed by someone else’s, cold and wet. Behind his shoulder, a man was found in dark closed clothes, which are worn by the personal guards of the Caliph’s wife. She recognized Corrian’s warm brown eyes at once.

— They promise to consider your terms! – issued the guard of the casemates, now and then turning to the teller in the shadow of the bell tower. But they have their own! Give them the traitors: the jarl’s daughter and her two accomplices! Otherwise, do not wait for negotiations!

Al-Hakam laughed nervously, throwing back his head. Just as suddenly, the commander of the guard was ordered to take the doors by storm and take out the window shutters in order to smoke out the shaitans to one and all. The dignitaries intervened in the conversation: there are captive slaves inside, and it would be bad to leave them to their own devices without trying to save them. Subh squeezed between the elders and whispered something to her husband, leaning close to her ear. Al-Hakam scratched his curly beard in thought, and his fingers clicked loudly, attracting the attention of his subjects.

The priest with the hostage stepped up to the very entrance to the balcony, observing a strange sight on the ground. Two tall figures stepped out of the crowd of Arabs and moved towards the closed doors of the tower. From the light and dark blond hair let go, Lundvar guessed Esbern and Toki. Although the damned Moors did not give up Thordis, they nevertheless made a big concession, which was a surprise.

The fellow conspirators stopped at the tower doors, bulky, almost like gates. After waiting for a minute, the Normans heard the creak of a rising bolt, the groan of iron hinges and the rumble of clumsy doors, between which a dark gap appeared. Without opening the doors completely, the Vikings left a narrow passage for the brothers, and Toki and Esbern sank into the stuffy twilight. Inside, a good two dozen warriors waited with raised swords and axes in case the enemy stormed. But the Moors stood as if rooted to the spot, so that the gates immediately closed behind those who entered. The Vikings moved the two heaps into one barricade under the door. Esbern and Toki were taken into the ring not by yesterday’s brothers in arms, but by embittered enemies, eager for explanations. Seeing the new captives, the gagged slaves mooed pleadingly in an attempt to attract attention.

– Where’s Thordis, guys? one of the Vikings asked.

On the balcony, meanwhile, a conversation began between two disgraced servants of the caliph: a traitor guard and a deceived ambassador. Al-Hakam was curious how the northerners still see the situation, who managed to bribe the faithful guards of the Alcazar.

— Why does the jarl think his daughter is a traitor? shouted Malik in a hoarse voice.

“I can’t say, but yesterday during the tournament in our casemates there was a girl very similar to her,” the Arab easily admitted. “She put us to sleep with some kind of potion and took all the keys. And she also asked about the prisoner, it seems, donated by the jarl. The man leaned back, listening to something. – Yes! The bunch, by the way, returned to the guard post! Lund… that is to say, I think there was a traitor in the castle too. And he must still be among you!

Caliph grimaced in annoyance, scratching the arm of his chair. Subh involuntarily clicked:

– So we believed you!

“This is…” the sentry looked behind him again. “They’re asking me to tell you they still need Thordis!” And you can tell her: the jarl has already given the order to cut the throats of Toki and Esbern, so let him hurry!

A loud thud of hooves reached the negotiators from nowhere. Reflected on the walls and paved areas of the castle, the fractional sound multiplied many times, as if a whole cavalry detachment was advancing. The Moors looked around, but the silhouettes of the riders were nowhere to be seen. Unable to stand it, Lundvar released the captive guard to rush to the archway, which opens a view of the fortress wall.

Exposing his bald patch to the gusty wind, the priest was stunned for a moment, his eyes fixed on a growing black dot in the distance. Soon the Caliph’s people below were almost deafened by the clatter above their heads. Dozens of eyes tensely rushed to the edge of the gray sky between the high wall and the top of the tower. Then the ringing of horseshoes abruptly stopped, and a black shadow jumped out from the wall like a bird, hovering in an unthinkable flight. The onlookers gasped as a huge black horse with a rider on its back jumped as far as the best Arabian horse could not. Stretching from head to tail, the beast jumped over the balcony parapet and fell straight at the Saracen standing there, who fell down in fear with a piercing cry. Thordis jumped off her saddle, stepping into the bell tower.

— It looks like we have a lot of questions for each other, but Lundvar?

The priest jumped out onto the balcony like a hare and a moment later he emerged from another archway, dropping deep into the flight of stairs. Soon, several Normans with bared axes poured into the bell tower. Shaking his head, the freed Arab raised his thrown dagger, ready to clear his conscience in battle with the enemy. Thordis’ ax clanged as it slipped from its buttonhole. The northerners, who exchanged glances, rushed at the deserter with a cry, but the horse’s head poking out of the opening forced her to step back. Fire burned in the red eyes of the demon, and the kelpie snorted at the enemies so that columns of smoke from infernal cauldrons poured out of the nostrils.

Downstairs, one of the Vikings yelled an order from Lundvar to kill Toki and Esbern immediately. Before the conspirators had time to raise their weapons, a wall of enemies moved towards them. Companions were thrown to the doors and immediately thrown back from the powerful push of the battering ram outside. Chips flew from the window shutters. With a furious cry, the Moors began to storm the tower. The comrades did not know what was going on behind the walls, but it seems that Thordis got involved in a notable squabble. In it, they can not hold out even a couple of extra minutes.

Esbern retreated to the bound hostages: some managed to jump to their feet, leaning against the wall. Watching the rear, the partners threw all their strength and skills into a desperate defense, but they knew that they could not repel all the blows. It seemed that the ceiling was about to burst from the onslaught of dozens of husbands. There was a loud roar somewhere in the depths. Raising their heads, Esbern and Toki saw how the Norman formation seemed to break through a gale of gale-force wind from the side of the stairs. The warriors fell as if they had been cut down, and from above they were crushed by the hooves of a black-colored horse, who arranged a real bloody feast.

The horse began to scatter their husbands, rearing up, crushing everyone on the floor, sharp teeth biting through even thick leather armor. In the first minutes, the warriors could only scream, while the beast rushed between them throughout the hall, like a madman. Toki and Esbern shielded the captives, though their own hearts sank with fear. The northerners almost climbed the wall, escaping from the legs and teeth of the monster. Jets of blood and pieces of bodies flew in all directions. The horse threw up and bit into helpless people on the fly, swallowing bitten off flesh and whole limbs.

A deep ax blow to the side ripped a heart-rending neigh out of the kelpie’s mouth. The surviving daredevils immediately rushed at the steed, plunging blades into the legs and croup. Realizing that the stallion Thordis was about to be slaughtered, her followers moved on to a larger number of the enemy.

Upstairs, the yarlica barely kept up with the attacks of the three rivals who strove to take the shrew into the ring. Thordis now jumped out onto the balcony, then suddenly appeared in one of the four openings to stealthily rush past the superior husbands, leaving a burning cutting wound. Only the sighs and roars of the maiden and the clang of weapons, multiplied many times by the design of the tower, reached the curious caliph.

The sentry, who put his dagger in front of him, did not move, miraculously managing to watch how yesterday’s laughter circled the Normans, dodging blows and diving under their arms. After confusing and separating the enemies, Thordis with a running start pushed one shoulder to the balcony: helplessly waving her arms, the poor fellow leaned over the parapet, and the yarlitsa helped him go on a long flight.

She dealt with another warrior even more spectacularly. From the back, with a loop, she threw a rope from the bell around someone else’s neck, and while the Viking removed the tight noose, she cut through the spine, throwing it out after the friend. The retinue of the Caliph turned away from the chilling sight of the gallows flailing his legs. Only al-Hakam, Subh, and Korrian followed the agony of the pagan, short-lived with a broken neck: his soul flew off with the final chime of the bell.

Thordis, covered in blood, froze for a moment in the balcony opening when a third enemy lay in wait for her from behind. Hiding the weapon, he grabbed the woman’s neck with his bare hands and would have unscrewed his head like a chicken, if he had not buckled under the ribs from the blade. The guard barely dodged, not expecting an instant response from the wounded man. The ax cut through the air like a heavy pendulum, long and heavy, as if made for a giant. The bleeding daredevil was enough for a couple of sweeping attacks, when the Moor and Yarlitsa jumped at once from two sides, and the last enemy was stabbed to death.

The Saracen, who met his eyes with burning bright eyes, without further ado threw the dagger at his feet. Not so much out of gratitude, but out of indifference, the warrior spared the hostage: a really important meeting awaited her down the stairs. Trembling with impatience and Lundvar, who squeezed between the wall and the open door, avoiding death under the hooves of a horse rushing along the corridor.

Down to the floor, Thordis did not find a soul there. The legs boldly walked to the distant rooms, but only the yarlitsa wanted to look into one, as behind her back someone hit her spine with force.

The maiden spun around, staggering, Lundwar’s staff aimed at her shoulder. At the last moment, the hands intercepted the carved snake, and then the priest turned the mechanism on the shaft, tearing out an unbearable cry from the lips of others. From the pommel, piercing into the chest and collarbone, long sharp needles jumped out. Although the wounds were not deep, with a reverse jerk, the sorcerer tore the flesh even more, bringing down the opponent to her knees.

“Don’t get up,” the out of breath man put the mace upright, his stooped back straightened with an effort. “The poison on the needles will immobilize your muscles. You can’t fight.

While clutching her bleeding chest, Thordis began to shake as though she were in a fever. With great difficulty, the staccato moans formed into a weak plea:

“Why… are you so persistent… to kill me?” What will my death give you?

– Time. Lundvar stepped closer, the door to the room closed under the pressure of his palm. You may be strong, but you are very dumb. There is no need for a redneck to know her miserable origin, but so be it: I will tell you out of the kindness of my soul. Jarl Gundred believes that you are his illegitimate daughter. I could, like everyone else, call it the nonsense of an old fool, however … I myself hammered this idea into his head.

The priest’s footsteps made every beat of Thordis’s heart more painful. The poison poured through the veins like ice metal.

— You see, for many years we have all tried our best to give Gundred what he wants. Heir. The old man’s mouth twisted into a smile, but his eyes remained eerily calm. And now the prophecy has been fulfilled. — the rod resoundingly hit the floor a step away from the warrior. “Of course, I know that there is not a drop of jarl in your dirty blood!” But I checked. I tested you in all honesty.

Thordis laughed soundlessly, her rising trembling masking misplaced amusement. Well, an unequal fight by proxy is the most honest approach.

– What’s funny, you really didn’t blunder. I found boyfriends to match myself: one monster and rapist, the second child-killer, just as touched by the mind. ..

– Please… don’t kill them, – Thordis barely realized that she was falling on her side, sliding down the wall.

— Why the hell did they surrender to you! For a moment, impotent rage prevailed over cold reason. “Korrian, let it be known, took care of the Jarl’s wife while he was on the same bed with them!” Toki tore apart a dozen small children, covered himself in blood from head to toe! But he could refuse. But no! Do you know why? – on the verge of unconsciousness, it seemed to Yarlitsa that behind the back of Lundvar, who was leaning towards her, the door was quietly opened ajar, as if a draft was walking or someone curious was eavesdropping. “Because Gundred needs an heir. Because hundreds died for the sake of the heir. And I, too… will die. the priest carefully peered into the fading girl’s face, looking for an answer to the question he alone knew. But apparently not by your hand.

— So prove… that I am not an heiress… a coward.

The decrepit body of Lundvar stretched out like a string, the mace soared up, and with a battle roar, the servant of the aesir imagined how he was pinning the impostor to the ground. But the cry was cut off by a heart-rending wheeze, and in the back of the prostrate northerner Thordis saw an ax so familiar that the mere sight of the hilt spread heat in her palms. Fuzzy visions rushed before my eyes: someone dismantled the hollow shaft, taking out a tiny vial, caring hands raised their heads to pour a couple of bitter drops into their mouths. Then, still in turbidity, the body let go of paralysis, and the maiden stirred, rising with difficulty. Lundvar at his feet whispered something helplessly, spitting blood on his robes. As Thordis left, a weak hand took hold of her boot.

— From the very beginning… I… always knew. It’s you. As Mormo said…

On the verge of death, Lundvar was seized by the same feeling as many years ago in the cave: animal fear and happiness of the now fulfilled destiny. He was grateful even to the killer for a step that he himself would never have taken.

Thordis stumbled in the doorway of the room, holding on to the doorposts. An abandoned ax lay on the floor ahead, in a pool of blood. Gundred, in a shirt soaked with sweat and scarlet splashes, sat exhausted on a chair with an amphora of wine, dragging weak hands to the floor. Such a worthless old hawker the girl did not expect to see her jarl.

– Gundred.

“No,” the gray-haired head rose, the damask glove lay on the mighty bare chest. – Father. – the jarl sniffed up tears that seemed to be rolling, or maybe he was limp from drinking. – My daughter, I’m sorry that I was cold with you.

– No scenes! – the yarlitsa grimaced, staggering in the opening. “I am not your daughter. Last mind lost? I invented everything to ward off your geeks and not die along with everyone else on this damn Aros!

“So your story is…” shaggy eyebrows drew together on the bridge of the nose, distrust was indicated in watery eyes.

– On the go, I remembered the story of one aunt from our area! I’ve thought of something…” Thordis insisted. “Petra, my stupid mother, kept frightening me in my childhood with that walking beauty who, in her youth, was knocked up by madhus, a northerner. She was kicked out of her father’s house, and, it seems, she ran away with some tramp. She taught me not to wander before the wedding, so I remembered! Even her name is Sylvester.

Gundred straightened up in his chair, as if stung, his eyes rounded like coppers.

– Strong … vestra. Yes, yes, I kept wondering who you look like. Why are you so familiar to me … There was a girl just about twenty years ago. It’s not like that on the face – you took after me as a breed – but the character, habits … I remember that she was given to me, but she threw such a curse at my back that it was imprinted in my memory for the rest of my life. The jarl raised his hand, his finger pointing invitingly at Thordis. “She is your mother, not Petra. Therefore, she was angry that she cursed her, a fugitive, for the rest of her life. But you knew, you should have felt your superiority over this rabble! You are my northern blood. Their fierce winds broke like ears of corn, but you are more flexible, your will is stronger!

– Shut your fucking mouth! – the yarlitsa rushed to the abandoned ax, the palms, not without difficulty, raised the handle with a formidable clang. – I will cut off your black tongue and household to boot! What have you done! Do you understand that?!

Gundred’s gaze darted around like a blissful one. Inhaling the air with a whistle, the Jarl clung to the amphora in his hearts, his greasy uncombed hair covered his face.

– I have always despised you! With a snarl, Thordis tried to raise her axe, but her hands dangled like whips. “I have come to end you and Lundvar, how can you not understand!” And, you hear, I will never be your daughter, never!

For a minute, the painful silence was broken only by drops of blood flowing into a puddle and the screams of those fighting underfoot. With a crash, the maiden dropped the weapon from her trembling hands.

“Even if you are not my own…” Gundred smashed the empty vessel with a sharp throw, his legs straightened out with a jerk, overturning the chair. – Don’t care about that! We are father and daughter – this is and will be in my heart. I know, I believe that you are mine! From now on, I don’t need anything else: I have found everything in you! Finish me if you can’t forgive. I love you.

Thordis turned away, unable to watch the hateful face of the monster called her father writhe in the storm of suppressed feelings. The cold heart sank somewhere in the stomach, and from the poison the fetters of stupor did not sleep to the end. The girl was dying to see Corrian, Esbern and Toki alive, and especially her horse, whose name she never learned.

“Gundred,” Thordis swallowed her saliva as she stepped back towards the door. “Take everyone who is ready to serve you, your henchman, if he is still alive, get into a longship and sail away from these parts. To Norway – yes, anywhere! – but if your footprint remains on this earth or one hair falls from the head of a Galician … I swear I will follow you everywhere. I will not leave until I have slaughtered all your brethren, and I will send your head to the king as a warning.

When al-Hakam, screwing up his eyes from the midday sun coming out from behind the clouds, made out the figures of Gundred with raised hands and Thordis behind him on the top of the tower, the detachments were ordered to retreat. Yarlitsa came out victoriously to the inhabitants of the Alcazar – through the main entrance, leading a fairly wounded lame horse behind her. Esbern and Toki led the captives free. The Vikings, under the supervision of the guards, were told to surrender their weapons and prepare to sail, taking care of those who could not go.

After the bloodbath arranged by the kelpies, the Normans did not even think of resisting, but only wanted to get out as soon as possible, although not all of them. Malik, who had inspected the situation faster than others, told the lord that part of the northerners was ready to break away from the jarl’s army. With this, al-Hakam called Thordis, Esbern and Toki to him, starting such a speech. The jarl’s daughter may remain in Cordoba with all the pagans who wish to unite with the Moors under the new commander. Thordis will take command of a detachment of mercenaries and, if he wishes, will serve the caliphate for a fair pay, protection and shelter, and if he wants, he will immediately leave.

It was clear from Korrian’s eyes, which now and then turned to Subh, that he had made his decision firmly. Too much at once fell upon the yarlitsa for such a hasty answer, and, barely standing on shaky legs, she listened to the Caliph’s sweet promises with difficulty. Already at sunset, with her hand and chest bandaged, Thordis entered the waters of the Guadalquivir knee-deep, holding on to the wounded horse’s back.

After exchanging parting caresses with the mistress, the kelpie slowly plunged into the river, causing bloody circles to rise to the surface. For several long quiet minutes, no longer the heiress of the jarl, but a simple Spaniard without family or tribe, she simply stood in the cold running water, and nature roared around gracefully, filling her heart with calm. In the bend of the river, blue, white and red sails against the background of the leaden sky, a Viking flotilla appeared, slowly following the flow towards the ocean. On the decks of ships that had held a good hundred sailors at the very beginning of the campaign, handfuls of small dark figures now freely roamed around. The oars were raised, and the ships glided slowly in front of the frozen Thordis until they entered another bend, where they were lost behind the trunks of the dense southern forest.

With her boots bogged down in the mud, the maiden unhurriedly got out onto the shore, and already on the approach her raised eyes collided with Toki and Esbern sitting on large stones. The men stood up, wordlessly greeting their savior. No one had the strength to smile, but the joy of meeting was reflected in the sparkle of their eyes. Thordis thought that for the first time since Petra’s death, she had taken responsibility for someone and perhaps found friends among those who were her captive enemies.

“Thordis, we’ve thought about the caliph’s suggestion and talked to the other guys left in Cordova,” Esbern began.

“Not to say that everyone is ready to call you a commander and take an oath of allegiance,” Toka picked up the story of his friend, “But they are waiting for a conversation with you and want to listen to the conditions.

— The two of us will gladly become mercenaries under your command. I’m sure Corrian does too. You are capable of it, believe me. We feel in you the strength to guide people and the courage to stand up for them like a mountain. Make up your mind, Thordis.

Women’s fingers traced the grooves of the runes on the cool metal of the axe. All her seventeen years, Thordis knew for sure who she was and who she would never become. Now she was offered to choose her fate.

Gymnastics that a mother can do with her baby on her own

In this article we will try to describe those exercises that a mother can independently carry out for her child at home without much difficulty and “risk to life”. Also, these exercises can be carried out between courses of professional massage.

Before carrying out any professional or independent massage, gymnastics, it would be optimal if the child is examined by a pediatrician, neurologist and orthopedist. Specialists will confirm the absence of contraindications, as well as suggest which areas should be emphasized when performing a massage.

Nevertheless, it should be understood that self-study with the baby, despite the undoubted benefits, will not replace professional massage courses for the child.

Gymnastic exercises for children of the first year of life are best done together with massage, and finish with aqua gymnastics.

Conditions, contraindications

During massage and gymnastics, educational toys can be used to attract the child’s attention, but there should not be too many of them.

All gymnastic exercises are divided into active and passive. Active exercises are those that a person performs on his own, passive, in other words, when they wave your arm and leg, and you lie down, bored. In children’s wellness massage and gymnastics, both types of exercises are used.

Gymnastics for children from 0 to 3 months

The optimal age at which it is recommended to start a course of massage and gymnastics is discussed in the article “general principles of massage”. Massage and gymnastics in children of the first year of life

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are very important for babies of this age. They contribute to the development of the respiratory muscles, the physiological abilities of the respiratory system, its reserve capabilities, and serve as a prevention of respiratory diseases.

Starting position: the child is in the arms of the mother, facing her. Produce rhythmic pressure with the palm on the back of the child, moving the palm from the neck to the waist.

Starting position: the child lies on his back. Alternate abduction of the handles to the side and up, starting from three months, this exercise can be performed simultaneously with two handles.

Reflex exercises

Infants have a certain physiological feature of the nervous system – the presence of unconditioned reflexes that appear and disappear at a certain time.

Thus, in infants, a special group of exercises can be distinguished. These are reflex exercises. They are based on the special evoking of certain unconditioned reflexes.

Naturally, no one will cause the Moro reflex as a charge (a loud blow on the surface on which the child lies, while he makes a “hugging” movement).

But some of them, such as the Babinski reflex (special stroking of the foot) or the support reflex, are very useful as developmental exercises.

The number of repetitions of reflex exercises during the lesson 1-2 times.

The exercise is based on the Babinski reflex.

Starting position: the child lies on the tummy.

Apply pressure on the sole at the base of the fingers – the child reflexively bends the fingers, then draw along the inner edge of the foot to the heel and the outer edge to the little finger – the sole is unbent. The movement is performed by the thumb of an adult. Repeat 1-2 times. Important! When performing the exercise, the child’s leg is always fixed at the ankle joint (not at the fingers).

Of the reflex exercises at this age, reflex crawling, reflex support and reflex walking are also performed. These exercises are usually carried out at the end of the lesson.

Reflex crawling

This exercise is based on the Bauer crawling reflex.

Starting position: on the stomach. The palm of an adult is placed under the stacks of the child, so that the child can rest against it with slightly bent legs. The child pushes and straightens, moving forward. Repeat 1-2 times. Important! Do not forget to leave a free place where the baby will make this movement (so as not to hit his head).

Reflex support and walking

Starting position: the child is in a vertical position, the adult’s hands are in the armpits of the child. The child should be allowed to fully rest their feet on the surface of the table. Slightly tilt the child’s torso forward, and he will reflexively take a few steps.

Laying on the stomach is useful, this is also an exercise for the child, based on a protective reflex (the baby raises and turns his head to the side). In the “on the stomach” position, the muscle tone of the extensor muscles is stimulated, the muscles of the abdomen are toned, the work of the intestines is stimulated – the removal of “gaziks” is facilitated, and is the prevention of constipation.

Laying on the stomach is recommended daily, starting from 30 seconds and up to 15-20 minutes in the first months of life.

Passive exercises

Sliding steps – “stomp”

Starting position: on the back. The leg is bent at the knee and hip joints, the foot rests on the table, the foot is glided along the table surface.

Skating in the fetal position.

Starting position: the child lies on his back. The legs are bent, brought to the tummy, the head is also bent, the chin is brought to the chest. The baby is “rolled” in this position on the back. As a rule, children really like this exercise.

Active exercises

Various bright, sounding toys are used, which are shown to the child at a distance of 25-30 cm, thus stimulating eye tracking of the object, auditory concentration, and an attempt to grab the object.

Gymnastics for children 3-4 months old

In order to avoid repetition, we will add descriptions of new elements of gymnastics to the above exercises.

Breathing exercises

Starting position: on the back. Simultaneous movement of the hands up and down, circular movements of the handles are added.

Boxing exercise

Starting position: on the back. Arms bent at the elbows alternately straighten them. The movements are like boxing. Important! The handles are fixed at the wrist joints to prevent sprains.

Half-turns and turns from back to stomach and back

Starting position: on the back. With one hand, the shins of the child are clasped from below, the index finger of the other hand of the adult is put into the palm of the baby, the remaining fingers cover his hand. Then, slightly straightening the child’s legs, you should turn his pelvis, after which the child turns his head and shoulder girdle. Similarly, make turns in both directions.

Exercises on the ball

Starting from 3 months, you can introduce a new type of activity – exercises on the ball. For these exercises, you will need a ball with a diameter of 50-60 cm, slightly deflated.

Swinging on the ball promotes the development of coordination, the vestibular apparatus, promotes toning of the abdominal muscles, back, legs.

The baby is placed on the ball in different ways: on the back, on the tummy, in turn on the sides.

Swings are carried out with support on the legs, with the legs raised.

It is important not to forget to securely fix the child on the ball.

Gymnastics for children 4-6 months

Unconditioned reflexes gradually fade away, so the proportion of passive-active exercises increases. It also increases the number of repetitions of the same exercise.

Passive exercises are carried out – flexion and extension in large joints.

Circular movements in the hip joints, with obligatory fixation of the child’s knees with your own hands.

Simultaneous flexion – extension of the legs.

Starting position: on the back. Grab the child’s legs at the bottom of the lower leg from behind, holding the feet. Bend the legs in all joints, slightly pressing them to the stomach (the child’s knees should be spread apart), then straighten the baby’s legs.

Connection of opposite and similar knee-elbow.

The range of exercises on the ball is expanding.

At this age, many children sway on the ball with interest, lifting the toy from the surface.

On the ball in the position on the back, you can rock the baby with a slight “sit down” when the legs reach the support.

From 5 months you can rock the baby on its side with repulsion from the support surface.

Gymnastics for children 6-9 months

The following exercises are added to the exercises already described:

Breathing exercises are done on the back, on the side, start doing them while sitting.

Simultaneous and alternate abduction of the arms to the sides, upwards, clasping movements with the arms.

All leg exercises are performed: “stomping”, sliding steps, circular movements of the legs, alternate flexion-extension.

A new exercise is introduced: the bicycle.

Starting position: on the back. With the child’s legs bent at the hip and knee joints, circular movements are performed, reminiscent of the movement of the legs while riding a bicycle.

In the sitting position (in the tailor’s position, when the feet are connected or in Turkish), the child is swayed, using a toy, sipping is stimulated.

Try to encourage your baby to actively turn from back to stomach and vice versa.

Useful exercise aimed at developing crawling skills. During this period of time, you can help the child by substituting your palm as a support.

Exercises for the development of walking are performed: stepping from foot to foot is stimulated, while the adult first supports the child’s armpits, and, subsequently, by the hands of both hands.

In exercises on the ball: you can use the swing on it in a sitting position.

Gymnastics for children 9-12 months

Exercises are performed in a variety of positions: lying, sitting, standing.

At this age, they try to encourage them to perform certain exercises with the words: “sit down, lie down, take the toy from the front, from behind.”

Exercises with objects are used: squatting with a stick, exercises for hands with rings.

While exercising on the ball, you can also jump on it: on the buttocks, on the legs.

At this fertile age for exercise with a child, the more imagination the better.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the remarkable folk wisdom: the hour will strike and everything will come. Therefore, it is always necessary to measure the load with the physiological readiness of the child to accept certain exercises, do not get too ahead of the natural course of events – put the child in pillows at 3 months or force him to walk when he is just trying to learn to stand with support. Try to find for the child (and yourself) the optimal time, the rhythm of classes.

Kindercare in columbus ohio: Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Columbus, OH

Опубликовано: March 29, 2021 в 11:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Columbus, OH

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    3885 Berry Leaf Ln

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  14. Reynoldsburg KinderCare

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    6601 Bartlett Rd

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    6477 Centennial Dr

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    4705 Avery Rd

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  26. Taylor Woods KinderCare

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  30. Polaris Parkway KinderCare

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    Tuition & Openings

  31. Lewis Center KinderCare

    (740) 549-0264

    96 Neverland Dr
    Lewis Center

    Distance from address: 13.72 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

Kimberly Parkway KinderCare | Daycare, Preschool & Early Education in Columbus, OH

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Kimberly Parkway KinderCare

Welcome to Kimberly Parkway KinderCare

Welcome to Kimberly Parkway KinderCare in Columbus, OH! It’s our honor to support all of the children who are trusted to our care. With a team full of amazingly dedicated teachers and a program designed to support your child’s development in every dimension, our center fully prepares kids for school and beyond. We build a warm, welcoming, and supportive classroom for children of all abilities, backgrounds, and experiences.

  • Kimberly Parkway KinderCare Programs
  • Our Teachers
  • Family Stories
  • FAQs


We’re so proud!

Nationally only 10% of daycares are accredited – nearly 100% of our learning centers are. That’s a big difference,
and that means KinderCare kids are getting the very best. Here’s why.


What Learning Looks Like

Our talented early-childhood teachers set kids down the path toward becoming lifelong learners in a positive, safe, and nurturing environment.

Kimberly Parkway KinderCare Programs

Infant Programs (6 weeks–1 year)

Leaving your baby in someone else’s care is a big step. Everyone at our
centers—most importantly, our naturally gifted infant teachers—will work with
you to make sure the transition goes smoothly. When you step into our infant
classroom, you’ll see how much we want your infant to feel safe, loved, and
ready to explore their world.

Toddler Programs (1–2 Years)

Everything in our toddler classroom is designed for little explorers. That’s
because a lot is going on at this age. When your child is wandering all over the
place, that means they’re learning and discovering new things every day. We’ll
help them explore their interests (and find new ones!) as they play and learn.

Discovery Preschool Programs (2–3 Years)

This age is filled with so much wonder and curiosity. That’s why we offer a ton
of books and toys and bring artwork down to kids eye level. Children in
discovery preschool also begin to learn how we all work together in a
classroom. Simple math and science, pretend play, and group play help them
get used to a more structured school setting.

Preschool Programs (3–4 Years)

This age is all about expression, when kids really start to form their own ideas
about what they want to play and how they want to create. Every day in our
preschool classroom, your child will explore science experiments, create
artwork, and play pretend—all the skills needed for their big next step:

Prekindergarten Programs (4–5 Years)

When you walk into one of our pre-K classrooms, you’ll see artwork and
writing displayed around the room. Labels are everywhere to help kids connect
letters with words. You’ll also see pictures on the walls that reflect the families
in our community.  Your child will also deepen their knowledge in language,
math, science, Spanish, and social skills.

School Break Programs (preschool, prekindergarten, and school-age)

Winter break, spring break, summer break—when school’s out (but you still need to work), you
can count on KinderCare to provide a safe and supportive learning environment that’s focused
on fun. We welcome children ages 5–12 during school break times and make sure they have a
sensational, screen-free experience they won’t forget.

Participating Child Care Aware Center

KinderCare partners with Child Care Aware® of America to offer fee assistance for
Active Duty military families and flexible support to fit their needs when care at a Child
Development Center on the installation is not available.

Learning Adventures – Enrichment Program

Cooking Academy™ (3 – 12 Years)

In Cooking Academy, kids learn new recipes from cultures around the world and
develop a healthy relationship with food. They’ll whip up everything from Southwest
rainbow lettuce wraps to pumpkin muffins, building their skills in STEM, communication,
and more along the way. And yes—little chefs get to eat their culinary creations!

Music Explorers™ (2 – 4 Years)

KinderCare families are already giving a standing ovation to our newest Learning
Adventures program: Music Explorers! Kids will learn to sing, move, listen, play
instruments, and even create their own tunes. Our original curriculum blends math,
science, social studies, literacy, and mindfulness (think yoga!) for a uniquely KinderCare
way of learning the foundations of music.

Phonics Adventures® (2 – 4 Years)

Learning how to read is a whole lot of fun at KinderCare! We help kids grow to love
books and words (and get ready for kindergarten) in our Phonics Adventures program.
From discovering the basics of vowels to practicing poetry, kids learn all about letters
and sounds in small-group lessons made just for their age group. (Bonus: Kids who
attend our phonics program are more prepared than their peers for school—and we
have the data to prove it.)

Our Teachers

We’re the only company in early childhood education to select teachers based on natural talent. Being a great educator isn’t enough though.
KinderCare teachers are also amazing listeners, nurturers, boo-boo fixers, and smile-makers. Put more simply,
we love our teachers and your child will, too.

Meet just a few of our amazing KinderCare teachers!


An Artist’s Heart

“My classroom is full of art!” says Mary Annthipie-Bane, an award-winning early childhood educator at KinderCare. Art and creative expression, she says, help children discover who they really are.

We put our best-in-class teachers in a best-in-class workplace. We’re so proud to have been named one of Gallup’s 37 winners of the Great Workplace Award.
When you put great teachers in an engaging center, your children will experience
an amazing place to learn and grow.

Family Stories

Don’t take our word for it. Hear what our families have to say about our amazing center!

  • My son started at Kindercare in 2012.  I was very happy and pleased with the center, however I moved my son to another center to be with my older son.  Without bad mouthing the other center, needless to say I brought my son back to KinderCare.
    A happy Mom

    April – KinderCare Parent
  • My grandson attended this KinderCare all 5 years of his life.  I am very pleased with the education he received there.  He is thriving well in the kIndergarten class he attends and the teacher wanted to know, “Where did he go to preschool at?”  When I told her KinderCare she said they are doing a wonderful job there.   I just gave her a big smile and asked her to spread the word because I felt the same way.

    Proud G-ma,

    Anita – KinderCare Parent
  • My children have learned so much since attending Kimberly Parkway KinderCare.  I am happy with my decision in bringing them here.  I have seen my children’s knowledge grow over the past year and I’m so happy.  I am sad that my 5 year old will leave soon but grateful for the time we share with KinderCare now.

    Kimberly – KinderCare Parent

Share Your Story

If you have a story about your experience at KinderCare,

please share your story with us

Who Are KinderCare Families?

They hail from hundreds of cities across the country from countless backgrounds, and proudly represent every walk in life. What our families have in common,
though, is the want to give their children the best start in life. We are so proud to be their partner in parenting.

Hear from just a few of our amazing KinderCare families.

A Globe-Trotting Family Finds A

Home in Houston

Four young children, four different passports, two languages, two full-time jobs…oh, and a few triathlons thrown in for good measure.
Meet the globe-trotting Colettas—a family on the go.

Frequently Asked Questions

What accreditations does KinderCare have?

We are your trusted caregiver. Our centers are state-licensed and regularly inspected to make sure everything meets or exceeds standards, including child-to-teacher ratios and safe facilities. Our centers aren’t just licensed—most are accredited, too! Find out more.

Do you offer part-time schedules at Kimberly Parkway KinderCare?

Everybody’s schedule is different. We’re happy to offer quality, affordable part-time and full-time childcare. Drop-in care may also be available. Reach out to your Center Director to learn more.

How does naptime work at Kimberly Parkway KinderCare?

Our teachers meet every child’s needs during naptime. Our teachers know how to get babies to nap. In fact, they are pros at getting children of any age to nap. Visit our article on “10 Ways We Help Kids Get a Great Daycare Nap” to learn more.

Do you support alternative diets?

We strive to be as inclusive as possible. To that point, we provide a vegetarian option at mealtime, take care to not serve common allergens and can adapt menus based on your child’s food sensitivities. If your child has additional needs, we’ll work with you to figure out a plan.

Are meals included in tuition? Can I choose to send my child with lunch?

We provide nutritious meals and snacks developed by a registered dietician to meet the needs of rapidly growing bodies and minds. If your child has special dietary requirements and you would prefer to bring in their lunch, please make arrangements with the center director.

Does my child need to be potty-trained?

Every child begins toilet learning at a different age. Until your child shows an interest in toilet learning, we’ll provide diaper changes on an as-needed basis. When your child shows an interest, we’ll discuss how to work together to encourage toilet learning.

20 teachers at cleveland ave kindercare Jobs Near columbus, ohio [Hiring Now]

Page 1 of 1 : 20 Jobs

days ago

  • Columbus, Ohio, US

  • 26000 – 36000/year
    (market estimate)

  • Full-Time

  • Columbus, Ohio, US

  • 26000 – 36000/year
    (market estimate)

  • Full-Time

Our Teachers bring warmth, patience, and understanding to the classroom every day, encouraging children to learn and grow. They inspire children to be lifelong learners using our nationally recognized curriculum that promotes social, physical, verbal, and cognitive development. Our Teachers are committed to making their center successful and know that creating meaningful relationships with children, families, and their team play a crucial role in that success.
As a member of our teaching sta

day ago

  • Columbus, OH

  • 2,000 bonus

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Are you an Early Childhood Educator who is passionate about guiding children to more independence? Join us on our mission to dramatically increase the accessibility of authentic Montessori education to children around the world! Are you. ..

  • New Albany, OH

  • 14-$18/hr

  • Part Time

  • New Albany, OH

  • 14-$18/hr

  • Part Time

Huntington Learning Centers Part-time K-8 Tutor/Test Prep Tutor / $14.0-$18.0 per hour / New Albany, OH Must Haves: Passion for education and helping kidsFor our Exam Prep tutors, proficiency in any of the following high school…

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  • Columbus, OH

  • 13-$17/hr

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Growth and Success Go Hand-In-Hand! Columbus Early Learning Centers will help You With It! Apply and Work With Us!Ensure the safety and well-being of all childrenMaintain active supervision of. ..

days ago

  • Hilliard, OH

  • 28-$45/hr

  • Part Time

  • Hilliard, OH

  • 28-$45/hr

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*Openings for candidates with a bachelor’s degree and teaching/tutoring experience!* Tutor with the best! We are StudyPoint, a national leader in one-to-one in-home tutoring. We have been in business for over 23 years, operate in 19…

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Toddler Teacher Our center is looking for Infant/Toddler teachers that bring warmth, patience, and understanding to the classroom every day, by encouraging children to learn and grow. Our center promotes social, physical, verbal, and cognitive…

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Imagine your future as a teacher with a world-class team where you make a difference for children every day. Imagine learning from experts in your field, and having the opportunity to earn your college degree – for free. Imagine it all as a Bright…

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SIGNING BONUSWe have an immediate opening for a full time Pre-K and Toddler Teacher. Little Tigers is searching for caring, creative & energetic teachers to join our team! We have been serving children 18 months through 4th grade in the Pickerington…

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Childcare Teacher This is a job opportunity for a high school graduate who enjoys working with children ages anywhere from 6 weeks – 6 years. You will have a chance to lead group activities, supervise learning centers and facilitate a daily…

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Build a brighter future for all children. Teaching is more than a job. It’s an opportunity to foster curiosity, creativity and compassion in children-all while helping them develop a lifelong love of learning.As a Toddler Teacher at Primrose School of…

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Screen reader users may encounter difficulty with this site. For assistance with applying, please contact [email protected] If you have questions while submitting an application, please review these frequently asked questions.Current Employees and…

  • Columbus, OH

  • 14-$18/hr

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Huntington Learning Centers Part-time K-8 Tutor/Test Prep Tutor / $14.0-$18.0 per hour / New Albany, OH Must Haves: Passion for education and helping kidsFor our Exam Prep tutors, proficiency in any of the following high school…

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Job Description & Requirements Speech & Language Pathologist – School – (SLP) StartDate: ASAP Pay Rate: $1450. 00 – 1800.00 We are partnering with a well-respected School District in Pataskala Ohio that is looking for a…

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*Immediate Start! Will Train!*Back to school season is upon us once again! Kids and teachers everywhere are getting ready for a fresh start.Every new journey involves some unknowns and excitement! If you’re in the middle of a job search right now,…

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We are seeking a Kindergarten Teacher for our wonderful program. As a chartered non-public elementary school, our Kindergarten program operates under the Ohio Department of Education. Newly graduated kindergarten teachers may participate in the Ohio…

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Teachers bring warmth, patience, and understanding to the classroom every day, encouraging children to learn and grow. They inspire children to be lifelong learners using our nationally recognized curriculum that promotes social, physical, verbal,…

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CELC WANTS YOU! APPLY AND WORK WITH US! NO EVENINGS OR WEEKENDS! Lead Teachers support our mission, values, goals, policies as leaders of the classroom teaching team. Lead Teachers work to promote a mutually respectful…

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Description Position at Enchanted Care IGNITE | INSPIRE | IMPACT Enchanted Care, part of the Spring Education Group family of schools, is seeking passionate educators who ignite a fire within their students, inspiring them to become…

day ago

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****Worksite Address: 270 E. State St. Columbus, OH 43215***Special Education Teacher – SchoolColumbus City SchoolsWork Hours: 40Estimated Start Date: 10/10/2022Duration: 36 weekShift: 8am-4pmLocal Pay (under 50 mile radius): $40/hrTravel Pay (50…

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Best Drop-in Daycare & Child Care in Columbus, OH

Child care requests for essential workers and emergency responders are currently being prioritized during the COVID-19 crisis. If you’re looking for drop-in, back-up or full time child care, we are here to help you match with the perfect daycare for your family.

9 Daycares Accepting Drop-in Care in Columbus, OH

Latavia Jones Daycare WeeCare

Daycare in
Columbus, OH

(380) 221-7691

Hi! We’re Latavia Jones Daycare and we’re a home daycare providing childcare to families. Our goal is to ensure children reach their develop… Read More

Request price

12:00 am – 11:45 pm

Stepping Stone Academy Daycare WeeCare

Daycare in
Gahanna, OH

(740) 561-2321

Welcome to Stepping Stone Academy Daycare! We offer children a caring and warm environment that’s just like home. At our home daycare, our g… Read More

$116 – $264 / wk

6:00 am – 6:00 pm


Kennedy’s Play Palace

Daycare in
Columbus, OH

(380) 205-9192

Welcome to Kennedy’s Play Palace! We offer childcare for families looking to provide their child with a loving and safe environment that’s j… Read More

$138 – $183 / wk

5:00 pm – 11:45 pm


Rainbow Childcare

Daycare in
Westerville, OH

(614) 665-8030

Welcome to Rainbow Childcare! We offer childcare for families looking to provide their child with a loving and kind environment that’s just . .. Read More

Request price

6:30 am – 6:30 pm


Child Etiquettes Daycare

Daycare in
Columbus, OH

(740) 498-2715

Welcome to Child Etiquettes Daycare! We offer children a nurturing and loving environment that’s just like home. At our home daycare, our go… Read More

Request price

12:00 am – 11:45 pm


The Learning Spot

Daycare in
Grove City, OH

(380) 333-9927

Welcome to The Learning Spot! We offer children a nurturing and loving environment that’s just like home. At our home daycare, our goal is t… Read More

$26 – $155 / wk

8:00 am – 5:00 pm


Sophia’s Daycare

Daycare in
Columbus, OH

(380) 888-3519

Welcome to Sophia’s Daycare! We offer children a caring and warm environment that’s just like home. At our home daycare, our goal is to help… Read More

Request price

12:00 am – 11:45 pm


Daycare By McMichael WeeCare

Daycare in
Columbus, OH

(740) 299-2586

Daycare by McMichael is a clean and nurturing environment where your child can learn and grow. At our home daycare, we focus on teaching chi… Read More

$223 / wk

7:00 am – 6:00 pm


Steps Ahead Daycare

Daycare in
Columbus, OH

(614) 714-6489

Welcome to Steps Ahead Daycare! We offer childcare for families looking to provide their child with a loving and compassionate environment t… Read More

$173 / wk

12:00 am – 11:45 pm


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Assistant Director job at Kindercare Learning Centers in

Apply This Job

Job description
  • KinderCare Learning Companies is looking for a dynamic and passionate Assistant Director who wants to make a difference and impact the lives of the children in our centers.
  • Create a safe, nurturing environment where children can play and learn while following coronavirus health and safety measures and more.
  • Partner and communicate with parents, with a shared desire to provide the best care and education for their children.
  • Cultivate positive relationships with families, teachers, state licensing authorities, community contacts and corporate partners.
  • Why KinderCare:
  • Voted by Gallup as a Great Workplace 6 years in a row.
  • Growth Opportunities – we have recently expanded to more than 1,500 learning centers nationwide providing endless opportunities for growth.
  • Our staff discount — All employees receive a 50% discount on each child’s tuition and their weekly tuition fees will not exceed $110 per child.
  • Eager to learn more? Apply to Connect with a recruiter today & love what you do tomorrow!
  • KinderCare Learning Companies is an Equal Opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity or expression, or any other basis protected by local, state, or federal law.

Job Type: Full-time


  • 401(k)
  • 401(k) matching
  • Dental insurance
  • Employee discount
  • Health insurance
  • Health savings account
  • Life insurance
  • Paid time off
  • Retirement plan
  • Vision insurance


  • Monday to Friday

Application Question(s):

  • What experiences do you have working in child care?

Work Location: One location

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7 Best Dog Daycares in Columbus Ohio! (2022)

Here’s what you need to know if you’re searching for the best dog daycares in Columbus, Ohio. Dog daycares are found everywhere in Columbus, Ohio.

Many dog owners are busy and cannot provide all their furry friends’ care. When searching for dog daycare, pet parents want to find a reputable facility where their canine can play, eat well, and receive some love from the staff members.

Before scrolling down this list of dog daycares in Columbus, Ohio, check out these recommendations: Best Dog Daycares in Oklahoma City and Best Dog Daycares in Los Angeles.

Dog Daycares Near Me in Columbus, Ohio

We have researched the best dog daycares in Columbus, Ohio. Every one of these places has a staff that is well trained and experienced in handling pets. Some of the qualities we looked for were how clean the place was, attention to each individual’s needs, and outside playtime.

These dog daycares are perfect for those wanting to give their dogs some playtime as they work throughout the week. Below, you will find out who made it on our list and information about all of them to choose from if need be.

Dog Product Recommendations: Best Toyota Dog Barriers and Best Dog Scooting Treatments.

1. Homedog Resort & Daycare

Their doggie daycare has a variety of playgroups to ensure that each dog is paired with playmates who like the same type of fun. In addition, because they provide a cage-free experience, their dog boarding resort isn’t your typical kennel.

While your dog is with them, they will not be kept in a cage, but rather in a customized, private suite that measures 4′x4′ to 8′x8′. The second component of their cage-free experience is that each dog who stays the night at Homedog receives an entire day of doggie daycare for free.

They take the needs of each dog into account and provide a variety of care alternatives. For example, some dogs require more rest time, while others require more one-on-one attention. They customize their program to fit the needs of each dog since each dog is unique and every day is different.

They also put each of their dog daycare guests into an appropriately sized off-leash playgroup that is tailored to your dog’s playing style, size, and overall disposition – this assures that your dog stays with his Homies the entire day instead of spending it alone in a cage or causing mayhem.

Homedog Resort & Daycare Details

  • Address: 561 Short St, Columbus, OH 43215
  • Telephone: (614) 525-0020
  • Website: Homedog Resort & Daycare

2. Camp Bow Wow

At Camp Bow Wow, you may be sure that your dog is capable and has caring hands while with them. Their top priority is providing peace of mind for those times when you can’t care for your dog.

Your dog can frolic and play all day long here, meeting other dogs and humans. Pups pull their parents to their front door every time they come to Camp, and it’s no surprise.

Their retreat provides big, temperature-controlled play areas to make your dog’s tail wag. Regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight, boredom relief, less separation anxiety, and being less destructive are just a few of the many advantages your dog may get from Camp.

They will also learn Improved socialization with people and other dogs and an improved level of happiness. In addition, counselors have received pet first-aid and CPR training to put your dog’s health and pleasure first. You may also watch live webcams from their site on your computer or smartphone.

Camp Bow Wow Details

  • Address: 1006 Dublin Rd, Columbus, OH 43215
  • Telephone: (614) 887-7871
  • Website: Camp Bow Wow

3. Dogtopia of Columbus-Downtown

Their brand-new facility was designed with your furry companion in mind and included three large, modern playrooms. Their daycare dogs are divided into each of these playrooms according to their size, age, and disposition to guarantee the safety of all of their dogs.

Rubberized flooring, which is incredibly kind to your dog’s paws, is included in each of their playrooms. It is also excellent for older dogs and pups with joint problems.

Their HVAC systems not only maintain your dog at the proper temperature during play and nap time, but they also circulate fresh and clean air to keep the facility smelling good.

Twice a day, the playrooms are disinfected top to bottom with pet-safe cleaning products and kept in pristine condition. They realize how difficult it is to be away from your pet.

That’s why they have real-time webcams in each of their playrooms. The app works on Android and iOS platforms and allows pet owners to log in from any mobile or desktop device and view their dog playing with other animals.

Dogtopia of Columbus-Downtown Details

  • Address: 406 E Main St, Columbus, OH 43215
  • Telephone: (614) 254-6722
  • Website: Dogtopia of Columbus-Downtown



Catch-n-Fetch is a doggie daycare facility specifically built for your dog to run and play in while you are at work. Their objective is to offer your dog plenty of attention and activity.

Their yards are designed for romping, ball-throwing, frisbee-catching, frisbee disc retrieval, and other dog fun activities. In addition, they provide more than 10,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor playgrounds for your dog, which is supervised.

Their staff oversees the play, keeps an eye on the dogs for tiring or stressed behavior, and encourages all dogs, especially those who are timid or quiet, to run and play and use up that bound-up energy.

We throw balls and play tug of war, rub their bellies, and brush down their fur. They use positive reinforcement is more effective when teaching basic obedience skills.

Suppose the owner, so requests, feedings, and meds are provided. The dogs are not kept in cages during the day, but they have kennels used for a time-out for those who need to chill.

Catch-n-Fetch Details

  • Address: 7200 E Broad St, Columbus, OH 43213
  • Telephone: (614) 868-8611
  • Website: Catch-n-Fetch

5. Cheryl’s Doggie Daycare

They truly understand the importance of caring for your dog like they are their own at Cheryl’s Doggie Daycare. They’re not only pet lovers, but they also have the knowledge and experience to provide the finest possible care for your dog while it is with them.

Plus, your dog will have a fantastic time playing and meeting other dog pals and will be eager for a nap and snuggles when they go home. So you may feel confident that while your dog is in their care, they are receiving the greatest love, attention, and playtime imaginable.

They provide a comfortable and safe environment for all dogs in their care by keeping their daycare air-conditioned throughout the spring and summer and heated during the fall and winter. In addition, their team is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding their services.

With that in mind, they always supply fresh water at all times, and they clean and sanitize thoroughly during the day. In addition, they take pleasure in their attention to detail and friendliness and do everything possible to guarantee your pets are safe, secure, and comfortable.

Cheryl’s Doggie Daycare Details

  • Address: 4712 Trabue Rd, Columbus, OH 43228
  • Telephone: (614) 527-1158
  • Website: Cheryl’s Doggie Daycare

6. B. Spoiled Doggy Daycare

The objective of I.B. Spoiled Doggy Daycare is to provide the best care and attention for your dog while remaining as cost-effective as possible.

The owner wanted to establish a safe, entertaining environment where you would feel completely at ease leaving your dog in and know that they would be loved and attended to just as much at home.

They’ll keep the numbers low to maintain space and give your dog plenty of room to romp with its new doggie pals or lay off to the side and rest comfortably without getting run over by other dogs.

To ensure that you and your dog are a good fit, you must attend a Meet and Greet. At the Meet and Greet, you’ll need to bring copies of your dog’s most recent shot records. A Meet and Greet generally lasts 20-45 minutes. In addition, your dog must be at least six months old and neutered or spayed.

If everything goes well, you may begin scheduling your dog as soon as the next available slot becomes available after the Meet and Greet are completed. If you have any further queries on anything not mentioned here, don’t hesitate to get in touch with them.

B. Spoiled Doggy Daycare Details

  • Address: 2516 Billingsley Rd, Columbus, OH 43235
  • Telephone: (614) 389-3141
  • Website: B. Spoiled Doggy Daycare

7. Top Dog

Last on the list of dog daycares in Columbus, Ohio, is “Top Dog.” When you’re away, you can relax knowing your dog is secure. The thorough application procedure at Top Dog Daycare fosters a safe canine environment.

They do not use force or fog horns to punish our canine patrons. It is often difficult to know how much exercise your dog needs. The usual amount of activity required by different breeds is between 30 and 3 hours a day to be healthy.

Their enormous indoor and outdoor play areas give plenty of room for your dog to run, leap, chase, retrieve, and roll. Aside from lots of activity, rest and food are also critical to a dog’s health and enjoyment. They practice daily naps, nutritious snacks, and sufficient fresh water at Top Dog Daycare.

Group activities are designed to teach dogs how to initiate, accept, and reject play invitations and learn how to manage themselves in a group. It is critical for a dog’s overall health and happiness to be properly socialized.

Top Dog Details

  • Address: 1965 Hard Rd, Columbus, OH 43235
  • Telephone: (614) 766-5440
  • Website: Top Dog

Conclusion For The “Best Dog Daycares in Columbus, Ohio”

We researched for you and found that there are many great options in Columbus. Whether your dog is a small breed or large, if it loves socializing with other dogs, playing outside, getting regular exercise, or just relaxing at home when it’s nap time- we have a perfect daycare for it.

For more guides similar to this list of dog daycares in Columbus, Ohio, you can check out:

  • Best Dog Daycares in Nashville
  • Best Dog Daycares in San Francisco
  • Best Dog Daycares in Portland

Before visiting a dog daycare in Columbus, learn more about them by watching “Tour of The Doggie Daycare” down below:

Vitebsk resident moved to Columbus at the age of 16, not knowing English

Alena moved to America at the age of 16 and has been living in Columbus for 11 years. She has a son, a boyfriend, two dogs, a cat and 9 pistols in her apartment. Their rent costs $1,000 a month, and one day of their son’s kindergarten costs about $130. Alyonin’s salary is about $1,200.

If you told me that you can forget your native Russian language, I would hardly believe it. But talking to Alena, who moved to Columbus (the capital of Ohio) 11 years ago, I believe. I know for 100% that Alena lived in Vitebsk until the 11th grade and spoke Russian, like you and I.

But the way she speaks Russian today reminds me more of the way I spoke English when I started learning it. Russian words mixed with English, I hear more simple sentences. She told Alena that she was forgetting the language, and she was very upset. She says that she herself understands this by how often she uses a Google translator when speaking in Russian.

The photo on the right is Columbus city center

The last time Alyona was in Vitebsk was in 2013. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, I realized that by using the phrase “and we do it this way,” she means Vitebsk. 11 years of life in America, and for her “with us” is still Vitebsk. In order not to get confused, I rewrote the interview for you, now Alyonino “with us” is about America.

Alena moved to Columbus with her mother to stay with her father. In addition to dad, her aunt, uncle, cousins ​​​​were waiting for her there – they all moved to America in 1995-1998. Alena and her mother immediately moved to live with her father in a rented apartment.

— The first disappointment when you arrived?

– Everything! All around – people, houses. I cried every night – I didn’t want to be here, I wanted to go home, I didn’t like anything. I didn’t want to learn English, I didn’t want to go to school, I didn’t want to see anyone – I just wanted to go home. I cried and begged my mother to come home.

“Depression and a lot of stress every day.”

– In films, Americans are often presented with a depressive mood, when the emotional state is on the verge. Psychological problems are solved with the help of antidepressants. Is it really true?

— Oh, yes! Everyone has some problems, stress, depression. This is because you have to pay for everything, and the salary is not enough. And if there are also children, then a school, a kindergarten is generally a lot of money that is not there. There is not a single person here without stress, everyone is constantly on pills.

Alena with her son Milo-Timati

— Are you depressed too?

– Of course. Every day depression and a lot of stress. But I will not solve them with pills. In fact, it’s more like a bad mood. Everyone has a bad mood from time to time, but as soon as someone says “I’m not in the mood for something”, they will immediately tell you which pill is better to take or recommend going to the doctor. What for? You can just leave a person alone for an hour or a day, let him rest, be alone with his thoughts, and everything will pass.

I think it’s just profitable – pills cost money.

“For a couple of months I learned elementary phrases: “the pen is blue”, “the tree grows”. I felt like an idiot.”

— You moved after finishing 10 classes in Vitebsk. Did you still need to study in America?

Yes, you need at least three classes at an American school. It turns out that I was transferred “a year ago”, and I went to the 10th grade, only 12 classes. I went to an ordinary American school three weeks after the move, absolutely not knowing English. I did not understand anything and could not say – I did not even know the alphabet and numbers. In Vitebsk I studied German. Before moving, I tried to learn English, but as a result, I could not say anything. As I remember now: I went to school and all I could say was “Hello”. In response, they say something to me a lot, a lot, but I just clap my eyelashes and don’t understand a word. On the first day I was given a test – I failed it.

I was lucky that my school had an extra class where they teach English as a second language. There were a lot of emigrants there – from Kazakhstan, Africa, China, and one of me was from Belarus. A girl from Kazakhstan helped me a lot, I don’t know if I would have succeeded at all if it weren’t for her.

They gave me a book and I started learning English from scratch. For a couple of months I learned elementary phrases: the pen is blue, the table is standing, the tree is growing – I felt like an idiot. It wasn’t until a few months later that I started making sentences. Even later, I began to understand what they were saying to me, but I could not answer. It took me two years to study the language in order to say anything as a result.

“For about a year my grades are from 0 to 2 according to the Belarusian system of knowledge assessment.

— You also had to study other subjects at the same time? How did you do it without knowing English?

– None. I had a dictionary. Only with his help. I saw familiar words – then I guessed what was what. The assignments were similar to those that I had already done at school in Vitebsk. In general, I did the tasks anyhow. For about a year, my grades are from 0 to 2 according to the Belarusian system of knowledge assessment. Every day I had to do my homework and also learn English. That is, for example, to do mathematics, physics, biology, write an essay, and then teach “this is a blue pen”.

I cried every day, nothing worked. I began to lag behind the school curriculum – it was a complete stress. All that saved me then – during breaks at school or as soon as I had free time – I wrote letters to my girls in Vitebsk: my second cousin and friend Lera. We wrote paper letters to each other every week.

Alyona with her mother

— You probably sat with textbooks all the time?

— Always and everywhere with a dictionary. I didn’t have friends – I didn’t understand them, but they didn’t understand me – a language barrier. We also had drinking parties, as they show in the films, but I didn’t go to them – I didn’t understand anyone.

Only two years later I was able to speak normally and understand what was said to me. By the third year, I was talking at the same speed as my classmates.

I watched a lot of TV, all with subtitles. Especially the cartoons that all my classmates watch – there is modern slang that I needed to know. As they taught in Vitebsk: “Hello. How are you?” – no one talks like that here, it will be funny if they talk like that. Maybe that’s what they say in England. Just like in Belarus, they have their own slang, their own words.

“Most in their 30s or 40s are in debt for college they graduated from long ago.”

— Did you go to college after high school?

— I went to the police academy, I only had to study for two years. Since at that time my mother and father divorced, and I did not work, plus I was an immigrant – I had something like benefits – I did not have to pay for education. Almost everyone pays, only gifted children do not pay tuition, but there are few of them. I don’t remember how much the training costs, but here it is very expensive. Of course, it all depends on the college, but most in their 30s or 40s have college debt they graduated from a long time ago. It is very expensive. For example, 5-6 books cost $500.

By the way, yes, education is available to everyone, there are no age restrictions. A 60-year-old woman went to my math class with me. She always wanted to go to college, and now she has an opportunity.

In college, things were different: I made a lot of friends and I loved physical training. True, I was the only one who had never driven a car. Everyone here has been driving since the age of 16. Another disadvantage is that I have never held a weapon in my hands. But I completed my studies successfully and got a job as a police officer.

Alena with her dog, son and boyfriend

Was that your first job?

No. The first is answering calls in an institution, a job I found in college. I don’t know how to explain in Russian which institution. Wexner Heritage Village – there are several buildings – a hospital, a rehabilitation center, a hospice. I received $ 10 per hour – this is not much, but for the first time it will be enough, you can live. The lowest pay is probably at McDonald’s – $ 8 per hour.

How do you work as a janitor – so here at McDonald’s. Then I was offered a job there as a security guard. I was suitable for such a position: I study at the police academy + I know Russian. Half of the Russians live in this institution. Then she got a job as a police officer. She worked seven days a week: operator, policeman and security guard. Then I left the position of operator, and I had two jobs left. It still remains so.

I work as a kind of security guard or administrator. I resolve conflicts, organize work, help patients. I have already climbed the career ladder, four employees work under my supervision.

— So now you also work as a police officer?

Yes. My partner and I come to challenges or just ride around the city – we keep order. I think it’s the same as yours. If we arrive somewhere and see police officers from another city, we will definitely stop and ask if we need help. The work is different: a husband attacked his wife with a knife, a dog drowns in a swamp – everything is for us. Homeless people, drug addicts, shooting everywhere. There is a work.

Everyone here has two or three jobs, because everything is very expensive. Maybe, of course, one good job, but then there should be a very high salary. As a rule, these are businessmen who work 5 days a week – their minority.

– This is not exactly a woman’s job. Do you work like men?

Yes. Discrimination is prohibited, not even hidden. Now they even do this: if you have a different skin color or you are a woman, then you will be hired or promoted before a white man. But this, of course, provided that this is the only difference from a white man. Everyone strives for equality.

“Sometimes people work 12-16 hours a day. Then – 3 days off or go to the 2nd job.

— But how do you manage? Do you work every day? Do you have an 8 hour work schedule?

– As a security guard, I make my own schedule – I work here more often. And I’m taking a few shifts for the cop. When I want it, it’s like a side job. We also have an 8-hour schedule, but sometimes people work 12-16 hours a day, then 3 days off or go to a 2nd job. Especially nurses often work 3 days for 12-16 hours, then days off. There is also a shift schedule.

If you want to work, take at least 5 jobs. Maybe it will be difficult to find one in the specialty that he received in Belarus, because there is no American school and practice. The other one is easy. At McDonald’s, they will hire you as a salesperson in a clothing or grocery store even tomorrow. Even though he is in a wheelchair, he is very old, he cannot see his eyes, he has no hands – if you want to work – work! They will pick up something for you even without education – no one is lost here. The one who does not want to work does not work.

“I earn about $600 in two weeks. The boyfriend’s income is about $5,000 a month.”

— How much do you earn?

– Security guard – $14 an hour, policeman – $20 an hour, because it is life threatening. In two weeks I earn about $600 as a security guard. That is, it would be a little more than $1,000, but about $400 is tax. I don’t count the tax from the policeman, I rarely take a part-time job, maybe 1-2 times a week. You can add 80$−160$.

I live with my son and boyfriend. He has two jobs: a police officer and a motorcycle salesman. Policemen like me – $20 an hour, and for the sale of motorcycles – $12 an hour plus commissions. For example, for the sale of one motorcycle, you can earn $ 300-500. Can sell 3, 5, 8 motorcycles per day. In general, his income is about $5,000 per month. The rent of our apartment is $1,000 with rent, electricity, water. Below $600-700, probably, there are no apartments here. We spend $120-140 on food in two weeks. But here no one goes to the store often. From the salary – once every two weeks they stuff a basket with food, and then, at most, for bread.

In the store

— What about dairy products? They also deteriorate.

— No. Nothing spoils here, everything can lie for months, synthetics are everywhere. Very expensive vegetables. For example, a vegetable salad costs $3, and at McDonald’s you can buy half of the menu with this money. Therefore, all the fat ones are cheaper to eat at the Mac. There are farm vegetables, they are even more expensive, store-bought ones are like artificial ones. 1 kg. potatoes in the store costs $ 1.5, on the farm – $ 3.

– Are any of our products missing?

— Here everything is in Russian stores. Only for some reason it comes from warehouses in Brooklyn, there is a Russian district there.

Black bread, which I miss, lard, dumplings – everything is there, but not the same as in Vitebsk. When I came to Vitebsk, I ate sausage, herring, black bread and pillows – I adore them. Everything is here, but not to your taste…

I found pasties. I missed them so much, but still they are not the same. And those that you need, I remember, were sold at the station in Vitebsk, such fatty ones.

My boyfriend is very fond of Belarusian cuisine. I cook potato pancakes, borsch, pancakes with meat, Russian salad, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat. Everyone likes. American salad is 2/3 vegetables. Somehow they opened a can of sprats, so the Americans said: “Fu! It needs to be prepared!” They sell sprats, but no one buys them – this is an amateur.

In the store

— Do you often order food?

— No, it’s expensive. A large pizza costs $13 and delivery is $5. It is more profitable to go somewhere and buy this pizza yourself. Eateries at every turn.

Breakfast for two + coffee + water or coca-cola = 25 $. This is fine. Dinner – from $25 to $60. If you go to the most expensive restaurant, then it is $120-$200. In most – $ 40 – $ 80.

Breakfast in a cafe

— How much is left for clothes?

— I don’t go to brand stores, you can find cheap good clothes here. A great winter jacket can cost $50-80. For example, for $ 150 I will never buy a jacket – only a branded one can cost that much. There are a lot of second-hand shops here, just like in Vitebsk, but here they are very, very good! For $150, you can probably buy half the store. The quality of things is very good: T-shirt $4, pants $8. This is where the rich people give everything. You can buy three branded T-shirts for $10.

My salary is enough for me. I already paid off my car loan, but if you want a house, you need to earn more. There are something like classes here: low, medium, high. My salary is in the middle.

— What car do you drive?

– I have a 2011 Chevrolet Cruze. I bought it five years ago for $14,000. This is an American made car.

Rich people buy from BMW and AUDI showrooms. People who live in poverty buy a car for $500 that hardly drives. Basically, people buy American Chevrolets or Fords.

Columbus is 5 times larger than Vitebsk – you can’t get here without a car. We have taxis, buses and cars of course. Mom lives 30 minutes from me (this is by car). By bus, probably two hours.

In Columbus

– You have a child, you were married, but now you live with a boyfriend. Didn’t own your property?

– I got married at 24. The wedding cost us about $5,000. We cooked our own food and much more, no one helped. We still pay off the wedding loan. After a year of marriage, our salaries increased and we were able to borrow a house for $135,000. Home is the American dream that is often talked about. On average, houses here cost $130-200 thousand. Here everyone is in debt, loans, because they want a lot, but there is not enough money.

When my husband and I separated, I left the furniture and the house with him. He paid me some money for part of the house, for which we paid together.

I had an American dream – a house, but I was not happy when it came true. There is a lot of work there. Basically, after a divorce, everything remains with the wife, but not in our case. It was I who decided to leave – I could not maintain the house, it seemed to me that I was earning very little, I could not help pay off the loan. I do not regret anything.

“After a woman has given birth, she is given 6 weeks and must go to work.”

— How old is your son? Does he go to kindergarten?

Now he is almost 3. You can send him to the kindergarten when the child is already 6 weeks old — to the nursery group. After a woman has given birth, she is given 6 weeks, and she must go to work. I was given 12 weeks, I had a difficult birth.

This is normal, everyone has to go to work, pay loans. We gave our son to our parents. One day of kindergarten costs about $ 130, you can take your child to kindergarten for 2 days, you can take 5 – as you decide. Therefore, a nanny is often hired here – it’s cheaper. Most often, teenagers have their first job as a nanny or at McDonald’s.

– Does the ex-husband see the child?

– We could not agree among ourselves, and according to the court decision, the husband spends 50% of the time with the child. This is 3 days a week, plus 1 day every week we change in turn. Holidays are the same. The ex-husband himself decides whether to spend time with the child at home or send him to the garden.

— Do you miss Belarus?

— Of course! Every day I remember, I often roar. I miss the air, the birch trees, the house I grew up in. I miss the country as a whole, for everything that is there. I remember road turns, traffic jams, districts. The atmosphere is lacking. I miss, but I miss, probably more, those times that you can’t return. By the time spent with friends, at school, at the dacha. Lots of memories.

Alena’s house in Columbus

— Do you miss people?

I don’t miss people. In Belarus, they are more evil or something. Here everyone is kind to you, even if you are a stranger to them. Here on the street, a person walking by will ask how you are doing, start a conversation, even though you see him for the first time.

There is no such thing in Belarus. I know that people can work side by side, even in the same office, and not say hello. They don’t even think that something is wrong. I would probably not be able to live in such an atmosphere. When I came to Vitebsk in 2013 and accidentally stepped on my foot in the crowd, I apologized, they looked at me with such a murderous look that it became scary.

Everyone here is kind. Even if someone does not like you, you will never guess about it – they will be polite to you, and it will never occur to anyone not to say hello. I am delighted with this. Treat everyone equally, you can’t feel bad about yourself. New York, Moscow… There, as in Vitebsk, everyone is busy with themselves, no one cares about you. Smaller cities, however, are another matter entirely.

“Grandmothers in kerchiefs, women in fur coats with a fox on their collars – as soon as I see them, I immediately understand that they are Russians.”

– One may hate the other, but it’s in the depths of the soul, no one will ever know about it. No discrimination. In public, everything must be perfect.

But if you visit a Russian, he will lay a whole table for you. He gets everything out of the refrigerator, and also runs to the store. Americans are not so hospitable. Most likely, they won’t even let you into the house, it’s not about friends, of course. Everyone robs, kills – of course, people are afraid.

I don’t know my neighbors. She didn’t even know when she lived in the house. In expensive areas, behind the fence, everyone brings each other pies, as they show in films. We do not have. Here you will not go to a neighbor for salt.

– Russians stand out in America?

– Grandmothers in headscarves, women in fur coats with a fox on the collar – as soon as I see them, I immediately understand that they are Russians. Americans dress modestly. The rich, who have millions, go to the store in an ordinary T-shirt and jeans.


In the next part, you can read about how Alena, after the birth of her son, received a bill from the hospital for $65,000. That car insurance costs $80 a month. About nine personal pistols at home and what Americans think about Russians.

Prepared by Anastasia Verbitskaya

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RUSSIAN BOUQUET – Flower delivery in Columbus from 4 280 rubles

Autumn bouquets


35 cm

25 cm

Yellow rose 50cm – 3, Pink rose 50cm – 2, Matthiola – 2, Lisianthus – 2, Peony shrub rose – 2, Solidago, Statica, Ruscus, Modern packaging, Lenta

Bouquet “Golden Season”

7 220 ₽


45 cm

35 cm

Red gerbera – 1, Hydrangea – 1, Carnations – 5. 0, rose cream – 8.0 Hyperikum, Ruscus Italian, dry flowers in the assortment, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “Bright Grems”

11 290 ₽


9000 cm

9000 30 cm

Alstromeria – 5, white rose – 5, cloves. 5, Mattiola – 6, Pistachio, Modern packaging, Ribbon, Statica

Bouquet “Flight butterflies”

11 450 ₽


40 cm

35 cm

Chrysanthemum is single – 1, rose is pink 50 cm, white rose 50cm – 4, cloves – 3, lysianthus – lysianth 3, bush pionivid rose – 4, Italian russus, dry flowers in the assortment, modern packaging, tape, lace

Bouquet “Movarian shine”

11 230 ₽


45 cm

9000 cm

Support – 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, Carnations – 5, Lisianthus – 2, Rose Ecuador Pink 50 cm – 3, Tanacetum – 2, Shrub rose peony – 3, Ozotamnus, Fern, Modern packaging, Ribbon

Bouquet “Golden Key”

10 740 ₽


35 cm

30 cm

Herber – 1, cloves – 3, Tanacetum – 2, bush rose Pionovid – 2, white rose 50cm – 3, Gladiolus – 1, Lisianthus – 2, Modern packaging, Ribbon

Bouquet “Summer memory”

7 700 ₽

See all



40 cm

35 cm

Shrub rose 50cm – 19, Modern packaging, Ribbon

Bouquet “From the Heart”

11 190 ₽


40 cm

30 cm

Rose white 50cm – peony 3, Lianthus 3 – peonies – 5 Kustovaya cloves – 2, single chrysanthemum – 1, Mattiol – 4, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “Challenge”

11 290 ₽

Seasonal flowers

9000 35 cm

25 cm

Bush rose 50cm – 4 , Irises – 5, Modern packaging, Tape

Bouquet “Attraction”

4 600 ₽


45 cm

32 cm

Bush rose 50cm – 4, Red 50cm – 3, Cloves – 3, Eucalyptus Tsineria, Modern packaging, tape, Ileks, Ilex, Ileks. Sizal

Bouquet “Secret Dream”

6 300 ₽


40 cm

30 cm

Chrysanthemum Stalion – 3, Lizianthus – 4, rose pink 50cm – 5, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet bouquet “Charm”

6 530 ₽

View all



45 cm

40 cm

Cream rose 50cm – 2, White rose 50cm – 3, Carnations – 5, Mattiola – 2, Peony rose ‘OHara’ – 2, Shrub rose peony – 2, Lisianthus – 2 , Hatbox (20x16cm), Oasis, Italian Ruscus, Leukadendron, Ribbon

Composition in a hatbox “Theatre Lights”

14 110 ₽

Large bud

40 cm

35 cm

Peony rose Kahala 50 cm – 3, Rose pink 50 cm – 2, Lisianthus – 3, Shrub rose 50 cm – 2, Carnations – 2, White rose 50 cm – 2, Hypericum, Eucalyptus cineria, Modern packaging, Ribbon

Bouquet “Theater”

8 330 ₽


45 cm

45 cm

Bush pionoid rose – 3, Ranunkulus – 7, Lizianthus – 3, white rose 50cm – 2, eucalyptus Tsineria, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “Miss perfection”

7 800 ₽


45 cm

40 cm

White rose 50cm – 3, Purple rose Deep Purple – 2, Alstroemerias – 3, Lisianthus – 3, Carnations – a rosemary – 5 50cm – 3, Ruskus, eucalyptus Academy, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “Royal Ball”

11 900 ₽


30 cm


Ranunculus – 1, Freesia – 1, Alstromeria – 1, Alstromeria – 1, Carnations – 1, Shrub rose 50cm – 2, Lisianthus – 1, Shrub chrysanthemum – 1, Tulip – 1, Hat box (20x16cm), Oasis, Waxflower, Dried flower decor, Modern packaging, Ribbon, Eucalyptus

Composition in the hamor “Glamur”

7 890 ₽

Large bud

55 cm

50 cm

Hydension – 1, Pink rose – powder rose 50 cm – 5 cm, 5th pionovid rose – 4, Carnations – 5, Mattiola – 3, Lisianthus – 3, Spray rose 50cm – 4, Carnation spray – 1, Hatbox (25x22cm), Oasis, Eucalyptus cineria, Sedum, Ribbon, Modern packaging

Composition in a hatbox “Thousand kisses”

20 920 ₽

View all

With discount


35 cm

27 cm

Pink gerbera – 1, Alstroemeria – 3, Carnations – 2, Shrub rose 50cm – 2, Rose pink 50cm – 2, Ruscus, Modern packaging, Ribbon

“90Fusion “

6 200 ₽

6 820 ₽


45 cm

30 cm

Rose rose 50cm – 3, bush rose 50cm – 3, Lizianthus – 3, stature, pistachio, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “Tender Touch”

6 320 ₽

6 950 ₽


35 cm

30 cm

Cimbidium Oboton – 5, Bush rose 50cm – 4, chrysanthemum bush – 3, alstromeria – 3 Modern packaging, tape, tape, salary

Bouquet “Little Italy”

9 490 ₽

10 440 ₽



35 cm

rose rose 50cm – 7, lilies – 2, lilies – 2, Russian , Modern packaging, Tape

Bouquet “Secret of tenderness”

7 220 ₽

7 940 ₽


35 cm

25 cm

Rose Red 50cm – 3 rose 50cm – 3, rose pink 50cm – 3, alstromeria – 9, Sizal, tape

Bouquet “Dolce Vita”

980 ₽

10 980 ₽


45 cm


Clove bush – 3, Alstromeria – 2, orchid Tuton -Buton – 3, 3, 3, 3rd, 3, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd orchid. Bush chrysanthemum – 2, Test tube, Eucalyptus cineria, Modern packaging, Tape

Powdered Sugar Bouquet

6 080 ₽

6 690 ₽

See all


Sales hit

48 cm

30 cm

Rose Red 50cm – 15, Modern packaging, tape

Amur bouquet

10 340 ₽

48 cm


Red 50 see (Russia) – 25, Modern packaging, Ribbon

Bouquet of 25 red roses

14 490 ₽

40 cm

35 cm

White Rose 50cm – 15, Salal, Modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “White Roses”

9 830 ₽


40 cm

25 cm

Rose Red 50cm – 21, frame For a bouquet, modern packaging, tape, sisal

Bouquet “Heart of roses”

12 830 ₽

Large bud

47 cm


Rose Ecuador White 50 cm – 25, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet of 25 white roses Ecuador

14 490 ₽

View all



20 cm

30 cm

Peony rose ‘OHara’ – 1, White rose 50cm – 2, Rose pink 50cm – 2, Shrub rose 50cm – 5, Carnations – 2, Lisianthus medium – 3, Basket Oasis, eucalyptus Tsinery, tape

Basket with flowers “Royal Garden”

10 460 ₽


15 cm


Bush rose 50cm – 7, gypsophila – 1, small basket, oasis, russiacus , Pistachio

Basket with flowers “Pink Garden”

7 220 ₽

30 cm

23 cm

Tanacetum – 7, chrysanthemum Kustovaya Santini – 6 basket, oasis, Ruskus

Composition “Basket of daisies”

8 770 ₽


22 cm

25 cm

Pink rose 50cm – 5, Carnations – 3, Alstroemerias – 2, Bush chrysanthemum – 1, Small basket, Oasis, Eucalyptus cineria, Len009 Basket with flowers “Delicate fleur”

7 270 ₽

25 cm

30 cm

Chrysanthemum Kustovaya – 1, Herberes – 3, Statitsa, Oasis, Ruskus, Bolshabii Flower Bushasa

9000 4 860 ₽


20 cm.

30 cm. 320 ₽

See all

Flowers in boxes


34 cm

30 cm

Rose red 50cm – 20, Rose white 50cm – 17, Hat box (25x22cm), Oasis, Modern packaging, Ribbon 23 840 ₽

Large bud

30 cm

30 cm

Shrub rose 50cm – 3, Carnations – 7, Rose Ecuador Red 50 cm – 3, Rose Ecuador Cream 50 cm – 2, Osis 6 , Eucalyptus cineria, Leucadendron, Brunia, Ribbon, Modern packaging

Composition in a hat box “My beauty”

11 180 ₽


25 cm

32 cm

Rose pink Kenya – 9, Rose white 50cm – 3 (20x16cm), oasis, eucalyptus Tsineria, lemonium, hypericum, tape, modern packaging

composition in the Hat box “Delicate Kiss”

10 940 ₽


9000 35 cm 9000 30 cm

Herberus – 3, Mattiol, Mattiola – 2, Shrub rose peony – 4, Rose pink 50cm – 3, Carnations – 3, Lisianthus – 2, Hat box (20x16cm), Oasis, Modern packaging, Ribbon, Eucalyptus

Composition in a hat box “Exquisite evening”

11 650 ₽

See all

cheap flowers
0005 “Dreams of you”

5 590 ₽


35 cm

30 cm

, Modern packaging, Tape

Bouquet “Centure”

5 170 ₽


30 cm

25 cm

Bush pionoid rose – 3, chrysanthemum bush – 3 chipsantema – 3, gypsophila – 1, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “Clear Sun”

4 560 ₽


30 cm

25 cm

Irises – 3, Lisianthus – 2, Rose white 50cm – 3,0 Tape

Bouquet “Shine sapphire”

5 330 ₽

35 cm

20 cm

Modern packaging, Hipsophila colored, tape

Bouquet “Sky”

9000 3 140 ₽

New 9000 32 cm


Bush chrysanthemum – 1, Stalion bush chrysanthemum – 1, Lisianthus – 1, Rose pink 50cm – 1, Cineria eucalyptus, Cotton bud, Modern packaging, Ribbon

Pink cloud bouquet

2 960 ₽




20 cm

15 cm

Lilac – 3, Bush chrysanthemum – 3, Lisianthus – 2, Carnation bush – 2, Plum package for flowers with handles, Oasis, Lace, Ribbon

“90 “

5 120 ₽

Seasonal flowers

30 cm

25 cm

Hydrangea – 1, Lizianthus – 1, gypsophila – 1, modern packaging, ribbon, lace

Bouquet” Warm Hello “

19 19 190 ₽

Hit Sales

30 cm

20 cm

sunflower – 1, Mattiol – 2, bush rose 50cm – 2, salal, eucalyptus Tsinery, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “Mystery”

9000 3 470 ₽


Chrysanthemum single – 1, Shrub rose 50cm – 1, Carnations – 1, Mattiola – 1, Gerberas – 1, Vanda bud orchid – 1, Lisianthus – 1, Test tube, Pistachio, Modern packaging, Ribbon, Statice

Bouquet “Autumn Romance”

4 480 ₽


30 cm

18 cm

Calls – 3, white rose 50cm – 3, Mattiol – 3, lemonium, Modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “Shine”

9000 5 660 ₽

View all

Gift baskets

30 cm

25 cm

Bolshoi basket, russus, fruit basket

Fruit basket

550 ₽

25 cm


Basket Medium, set “Basles of the Goods”

Basket of treats

7 900 ₽

30 cm

30 cm

cheese set: cheese braid and cheese rah, rah -capached sausage, grapes, pistachio, bun, Avocado, Medium

6 510 510 ₽ ₽ ₽

32 cm

33 cm

Basket medium, tape, set “Tea Two”

Tea Together

000 ₽

30 cm

30 cm

Basket Medium, cheese braid and cheese brig , Assorted nuts, Pistachio, Assorted cold cuts, Butter bun

Bon appetit!

5 370 ₽

View all

Gift Baskets

40 cm

20 cm

Rose Red 50cm – 7, Pittosporum, Eucalyptus Academy, Ribbon, Ferrero Rocher sweets, foil, vase

Composition “Bright impressions”

9000 940 ₽

30 cm.

20 cm.

Composition in a hatbox “Tiffany with cake”

14 170 ₽

Seasonal flowers

Tulip – 11, Modern packaging, Ribbon, “Ferrero Rocher” sweets 200 gr., Assorted tea 100g, Gift bag 9002 set “Tulips, chocolates and tea”

7 240 ₽

40 cm

20 cm

Carnations – 19, Eucalyptus parvifolia, Limonium, Film, Modern packaging, Ribbon, Candy “Ferrero Rocher”, 20 foil, Bear 45 cm

Arrangement “Holiday in the shower”

15 610 ₽

32 cm

15 cm

Bush chrysanthemum – 1, Gerberas – 1, Statice, Ruscus, Teddy bear 20 cm, Basket 020 “05” Children’s holiday”

5 470 ₽

View all


View all

VIP bouquets

40 cm

47 cm

Rose red 50 cm (Russia) – 101, Contemporary packaging, Ribbon

Bouquet of 101 red rose

52 100 ₽

57 310 ₽


50 cm

55 cm

Bush rose – 4, bush rose pionivid – 5, pionovid rose ‘Ohara’ – 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 Rose Ecuador Pink 50 cm – 7, cloves – 10, lysianthus – 5, hypericum, modern packaging, tape

Bouquet “Aristocrat”

19 520 ₽

large bud

40 cm

40 cm

Rose Ecuador Ecuador Belaya 50 cm – 35, Ribbon, Modern packaging

Bouquet of 35 White Roses Ecuador

20 270 ₽


45 cm

42 cm

Rose Rose Red 50 cm, rose Ecuador Pink 50 cm – 2, hydrangea – 1, cloves – 3, 3, cloves – 3, 3, cloves Carnation spray – 3, Shrub rose peony – 2, Shrub rose 50cm – 2, Lisianthus – 4, Hypericum, Ruscus Italian, Dried flowers in assortment, Modern packaging, Ribbon, Lace

Bouquet “Natural luxury”

13 970 ₽


45 cm.

40 cm. Bouquet “Galatea”

12 450 ₽

See all

Popular goods


45 cm

30 cm

Red rose 50cm – 3, Cream rose 50cm – 3, Shrub rose peony – 2, Carnations – 2, Leucadendron, Brunia, Eucalyptus cineria, Modern packaging, Ribbon

Bouquet “Desire”

6 750 ₽


32 cm

25 cm

Irises – 5, Rose cream 50cm – 5, Pistachio, Ribbon – 2, Modern packaging Lace

Bouquet “Summer freshness”

6 990 ₽

20 cm

20 cm

Orchid cymbidium bud – 3, Alstroemerias – 2, Lisianthus – Probe, OH’ara’ara rose , Eucalyptus populus, Tape

Bouquet “The soul sings”

8 310 ₽


30 cm

20 cm

Sunflower – 1, Chrysanthemum bush – 1, Chrysanthemum bush santini – 2

Bouquet “Smile the Sun”

2 990 ₽

Large bud

30 cm

20 cm

Rose Violet Deep Purple – 3, chrysanthemum KUST SANTINI – 3, carbon monoxide – 3, bush rose 50cm – 5, haild rose. box (20x16cm), Oasis, Pistachio, Film, Statice, Tape

Composition in the Tiffany hat box

11 130 ₽


25 cm

17 cm

Pionovid rose ‘OHARA’ – 1, Lizianthus – 1, Bush rose 50cm – 2, chrysanthemum bush – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, Plime package for flowers with handles, Eucalyptus cineria, Statica, Oasis, Ribbon

Composition “Tender moment”

4 080 ₽

See the whole catalog

Moxy Columbus Short North 3* in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Book Moxy Columbus Short North 3*


230 hotels

Dates to view prices






  • 0 rub – 3170 rub 101
  • RUB 3170 – RUB 6350 93
  • RUB 6350 – RUB 9520 23
  • 9520 rub – 12700 rub 7
  • 12700 rub + 9
Number of stars
  • 38
  • 4
  • 69
  • 99
  • 18
  • 2
  • WiFi 200
  • TV 195
  • Air conditioner 5
  • Mini-Bar 20
  • Parking lot 204
  • Restaurant 49
  • Bar 39
  • Pool 134
  • Fitness 148
  • Bath/Shower 156
  • Refrigerator 169
Type of allocation
  • Hotel 176
  • Apartment 19
  • Mini-hotel 11
  • Motel 8
  • Bed and Breakfast 3
  • Villa 1
  • Hostel 1
  • Aparthotel 1
  • Resort hotel 1
Attractions Columbus

Capitol Square 0. 02 km.

The Ohio Statehouse 0.03 km.

Ohio Theater 0.11 km.

Ohio Theater 0.11 km.

Science and Industry Center 0.25 km.

City center 0.35 km.

Airports Columbus

Port Columbus International Airport 10 km.

Ohio State University 15 km.

Rickenbacker International 17 km.

Photos and description provided by the hotel and not verified by the service.

Guest rating at Moxy Columbus Short North :


Very well

Hotel reviews →

Free Wi-Fi
Private parking

  • Description
  • Rooms
  • Reviews
  • Facilities
  • Location

This hotel is within walking distance of the city centre.

In pursuit of impressions, it is important to return to a place where you can have a good rest. Moxy Columbus Short North is located in Columbus.

A cafe is open for coffee and snack lovers. Want to stay connected? Does the hotel have free Wi-Fi.

A bar is open for guests. Time to remember our daily bread! There is a restaurant for guests.

You can organize a business meeting, negotiations and even an interview. For this, a conference room is provided.

Parking is organized especially for car travelers. Sports enthusiasts have prepared a fitness center and a gym.

You don’t have to leave your pet at home: pets are allowed. Convenient for guests with disabilities: an elevator takes guests to the upper floors.

The hotel has playrooms for children. Be prepared for the fact that the children will have fun, and you will have to while away the evening with adults.

The hotel staff speaks English.

Other services are available for guests. For example, laundry, dry cleaning, ATM, safe and concierge.

The listed services are not available in all rooms.

The room is comfortably furnished and equipped with everything you need to relax after a long and eventful day. There are TV.

Room price
from 5 330

Select number in Moxy Columbus Short North

Phone: +16144127664

Address: : Hairdryer

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Prices and Availability


Safe Private bathroom TV

Services and facilities : Hairdryer, Mirror, Telephone, Free toiletries, Towels

Enter the dates and see current prices

Prices and Availability


Air conditioning Private bathroom TV

Free Wi-Fi

Beds : Double bed or twin beds

Services and amenities : Blackout curtains, Desk, Hairdryer, Telephone, Toiletries, Shower , Towels

Enter dates to view current prices

Prices and Availability


Air conditioning Safe Private bathroom TV

Beds : 2 single beds or double bed

Services and facilities : Mirror, Telephone, Free toiletries, Towels, Hair dryer

Enter the dates and see current prices5

Prices and Availability


Air conditioning Private bathroom TV

Services and facilities : Hairdryer

Enter dates and see current prices

Prices and Availability


Safe Private bathroom TV

Beds : Double bed

Services and facilities : Hairdryer, Mirror, Telephone, Free toiletries, Towels

Enter the dates and see current prices

Prices and Availability


Safe Private bathroom

Services and facilities : Mirror, Telephone, Free toiletries, Towels

Enter the dates and see current prices

Prices and Availability


Air conditioning Private bathroom TV

Free Wi-Fi

Services and facilities : Blackout curtains, Desk, Heating, Shower, Telephone, Free toiletries, Towels

Enter the dates and view up-to-date prices

Prices and Availability


Prices and availability

Reviews of the hotel Moxy Columbus Short North 3*

Add a review of the hotel Moxy Columbus Short North

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  • Smoking areas

  • Garden furniture

  • Hypoallergenic number

  • Outdoor fireplace

  • Facilities for disabled guests

  • Sun deck

  • 24-hour reception

  • Water bottle

  • Wheelchair accessible

  • Non-smoking rooms

  • Wine/champagne

  • Express check-in/out

  • Lift

  • Business Center

  • Heating

  • Shared lounge/TV area

  • Meeting/Banquet room

  • Mini market on site

  • Daily cleaning

  • Braille prompts

  • Fax/Photocopying

  • Fruit

  • Bar

  • Non-smoking throughout

  • Dry cleaning

  • Terrace

  • Wake-up service / alarm clock

  • Lockers

  • Wooden or parquet floor

  • Ironing accessories

  • Upper floors access lift

  • Carbon monoxide detector

  • Fully wheelchair accessible

  • Mini market

  • Hypoallergenic

  • 24-hour front desk

  • Wake-up service

  • Air conditioner

  • Low basin

  • ATM

  • Non-smoking hotel

  • Gift shop

  • Express check-in and check-out

  • Reception desk

  • Barrier-free access

  • Safe

  • Concierge services

  • Luggage storage

  • Telephone

  • Conference room

  • Playroom

  • Pets allowed

  • Shared lounge / TV room

  • Lobby TV

  • Laundry

  • Organization of meetings and banquets



  • Wardrobe or wardrobe

  • Work table

  • Bathroom in room

  • Free toiletries

  • Toilet

  • Toilet paper

  • Flat screen TV

  • Underwear

  • Alarm clock

  • Socket next to the bed

  • Towels

  • Bath or shower

  • Private bathroom

  • Hair dryer

  • Shower

  • Cable channels

  • Radio

  • Telephone

  • TV

  • Fireplace

  • Toiletries

Food & Beverage

  • Bar

  • Cafe

  • Restaurant

  • Fruit

  • Wine/champagne

  • Free tea/coffee

  • Breakfast

Recreation and entertainment

  • Stand-up comedy

  • Billiards

  • Live music/performance

  • Happy hours

  • Playroom

  • Bicycle rental

  • Bowling

  • Table tennis

  • Golf course

  • Board games and/or puzzles

Health services

  • Fitness center

  • Gym

Parking lot

  • Disabled parking spaces

  • Covered parking

  • Secure parking

  • Private parking on site (reservation not required)

  • Parking lot

Staff speaks

  • English

  • English

Moxy Columbus Short North Registration Rules
  • Check-in time:

    C 15:00

  • Check-out time:

    Before 12:00

  • Credit cards accepted:

    Mastercard, Visa, UnionPay Credit Card, Discover, JCB, American Express

  • You must show a valid photo ID and credit card upon check-in. Please note that special requests cannot be guaranteed and additional charges may apply.

    There are no age restrictions for check-in.

Select number in Moxy Columbus Short North

Location of Moxy Columbus Short North

Nearest hotels

Graduate Columbus




12 reviews

15 995 per night

Graduate Columbus is located in Columbus, less than 1 km from Italian Village. It features a restaurant, private parking, a fitness center and a bar. It features a 24-hour front desk, luggage storage and free Wi-Fi throughout. The Ohio Theater is 2.1 km away and Capitol Square is 2.3 km away.

Prices and Availability

50 Lincoln Short North B&B

Bed and Breakfast

8. 8/10


10 reviews

9 010 per night

50 Lincoln Short North B&B is located in Columbus, 700 meters from the Italian Village and less than 1 km from Segway Tours of Columbus. It offers rooms with free Wi-Fi, air conditioning and garden access.

Prices and Availability

Le Méridien Columbus, The Joseph




43 reviews

12 400 per night

Le Méridien Columbus is located on the site of the former Sunan Airport. It features a spa and wellness center as well as a fitness centre. Free Wi-Fi is provided. All rooms are air conditioned and have a TV.

Prices and Availability

Select number in Moxy Columbus Short North


How much does it cost to stay at Moxy Columbus Short North?

The cost of living in Moxy Columbus Short North depends on the number of guests and date.

The average cost per night is 5 330

Does Moxy Columbus Short North have Wi-Fi?

Free Wi-Fi is available for hotel guests.

What popular attractions are close to Moxy Columbus Short North?

Nearest attractions:
Italian Village (0.45 km.) , Victorian Village (0.59 km.) , Goodale Park (0.63 km.) , SegAway Tours of Columbus (0.72 km.) , Columbus Greater Convention Center (0.74 km.) , Nationwide Arena (1.1 km.) , Greater Columbus Convention and Visitor Center (1.1 km.)

What are the check-in and check-out times?

Check-in at Moxy Columbus Short North is possible from 15:00, check-out until 12:00.

How far is Moxy Columbus Short North from the nearest airport?

Nearest Airport Port Columbus International Airport is 10 km away.

Does the hotel have parking?

Private parking is available for hotel guests.

Search and booking hotels

Attractions near the hotel

Italian village
0.45 km.

victorian village
0.59 km.

Goodale Park
0.63 km.

SegAway Tours of Columbus
0.72 km.

Columbus Greater Convention Center
0.74 km.

Nationwide Arena Sports Complex
1.1 km.

Greater Columbus Convention and Visitor Center
1.1 km.

Central Ohio Fire Museum
1.3 km.

Dance Academy “BalletMet”
1.3 km.

Nearest airports

Port Columbus International Airport
10 km.

Ohio State University
13 km.

Darby Dan
18 km.

Photos of Columbus | Photogallery of attractions on OrangeSmile


Hotel search in Columbus








Columbus – guide chapters

USA Attractions – guide travel guide

A fascinating event will be a visit to the Sears Tower, the tallest skyscraper in the country. Its height is 443 meters, in total the building has 110 floors. The most remarkable object for visitors is located on the 94th floor and is called the John Hancock Observatory. This is a spacious observation deck with powerful telescopes. Everyone can use them to see the main sights of the city.
… Open

Columbus topics

Columbus tips

10. There are many discounts for car owners and tourists who rent a car. If you use paid parking, be sure to keep the ticket, it can give a discount at the nearest shopping centers or restaurants. 11. Despite the fact that the city is considered quite calm, you should not walk around its outlying areas at a late time. A significant part of the evening entertainment is concentrated on the central streets. 12. If… Open

Shopping in Columbus

Tigertree department store is located in one of the most beautiful historical buildings in Columbus. It will surprise you with a variety of goods. It has shops for men’s and women’s clothing, pavilions with children’s goods and souvenirs, and you can buy luxurious jewelry and cosmetics from well-known manufacturers. Fans of unusual souvenirs will love the Candle Lab shop selling scented candles. Visitors to this store are always … Open

Columbus Vacation with Kids

For families with young children, you can choose the World of Bounce entertainment center, which is indoor and works all year round. It is equipped with a huge game room with bright inflatable attractions, there are free spaces for active games, and there is also an excellent children’s cafe. The center often organizes interesting workshops and entertainment programs for children, and it is also great for organizing children’s … Open

Traditions and flavors of Columbus

In recent years, it has been visited by more than 500,000 people from all over the world, it is hard to imagine that once the musical festival covered only a few surrounding cities. Over time, it began to attract world-famous performers, and now legendary musicians from different countries take part in the festival every year. A nice feature of the holiday is that almost all concerts within its framework can be visited … Open

Kitchen and restaurants

For the best fish dishes in Columbus, head to Mitchell’s Ocean Club. You will not be able to find such a selection of seafood delicacies as here in any other restaurant in the city. Chefs prepare chic dishes from sea bass, lobsters, crabs and shellfish. Crab cakes are one of the most original dishes. For dessert, order a peanut pie or a chocolate frappe, and the restaurant also prepares refreshing cocktails from … Open

Columbus Entertainment

It is worth noting a huge selection of nightclubs and bars. The BrewDog Franklinton club is a great place for an evening out. It was opened in an old industrial building, which managed to preserve the original finish as much as possible. The club serves popular local dishes and drinks, serves the best American beers and prepares many interesting cocktails. In summer, an open terrace is always open, … Open

Search for tourist attractions on the map of Columbus

Photo galleries of neighbors of Columbus





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TownePlace Suites Columbus Easton Area: Apartment Hotels in Columbus

Customers should review government travel guidance to confirm eligibility and requirements for travel. See

TownePlace Suites Columbus Easton Area is an extended stay hotel near the Easton Town Center shopping mall. Suites with comfortable fully equipped kitchens and free Wi-Fi.

  • Tariffs

  • Tariffs

  • Tariffs

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At this hotel


Barbecue and picnic area

Lunch delivery from a local restaurant to the room

Kiosk shop


Breakfast “Swedish table”, free

Continental breakfast, free

Full American breakfast, free

Hot breakfast, free

Other options nearby

Mexican, 0. 5 KM


opened lunch and dinner Dress code: Casual Phone: +1 614-498-0285

More details

American, 0.6 KM

Melt Bar & Grilled

Open for lunch and dinner Dress code: Casual Phone: + 1 614-934-6020

More details

American, 1.9 KM

The Cheesecake Factory

Open for lunch and dinner Dress code: Casual Phone: +1 614-418-7600

More details

Chinese KM

P.F. Chang’s

Open for lunch and dinner Phone: +1 614-416-4100

More details

Italian, 1.6 KM

Brio Tuscan Grille

Open for lunch and dinner Dress code: Casual Phone: +1 614 -416-4745

More details

American, 0.5 KM

J. Alexander’s Restaurant

Open for lunch and dinner Dress code: Casual Phone: +1 614-476-8348

More details

Pub, 0005

BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse

Open for lunch and dinner Dress code: Casual Phone: +1 614-532-9560

More info

Steakhouse, 1. 6 KM

McCormick & Schmick’s

1 Shirt and trousers required Phone: +1 614-476-3663

Read more

pub, 1.6 KM

World of Beer

Dress code: informal phone: +1 614-476-2962


American, 1.6 KM

american Girl Bistro





1 Dress code: Casual Phone: +1 877-247-5223

More info

View Pictures

Fitness Center

Hours: 24 Hours, 7 days a week

Equipment & Services
  • Outdoor children’s pool

View photos


Easton Town Center

160 Easton Town Center

1.9 km SW from the hotel

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

4850 West Powell Rd.

29.0 km NW from hotel

Greater Columbus Convention Center

400 N. High St.

16.7 km SW from the hotel

The Ohio State University

281 W Lane Ave

17. 7 km SW from the hotel

Nationwide Arena/ Columbus Blue Jackets

200 W Nationwide Blvd.

16.9 km SW from the hotel

COSI- Center of Science and Industry

333 W Broad St.

17.5 km SW from hotel

Ohio Expo Center and State Fair

717 E 17th Ave

12.7 km SW from hotel

Short North

21 E 5th Avenue 9000 SW2 from 90.0 km hotel



15.1 km NE from the hotel

Legoland Discovery Center

165 Easton Town Center

1.6 km SW from the hotel

Jorgensen Farms

7500 Harlem RD 9000.3

American Girl Columbus

4040 The Strand E

2.4 km S from the hotel


Bicycle path (4. 8 km) Bowling (6.4 km) Hiking (4.8 km) Horse riding (7.2 km) Treadmill/fitness parkour (4.8 km) Kayaking (23.0 km) Mini golf (5.6 km) Nature reserve, trail (4.8 km)

Family and children’s events

2.4 KM

american Girl Doll Store and Cafe

16.1 KM



1 9000 Up: ,4 km

Legoland Discovery Center

Fee: 29.00 USD

Airport Information

John Glenn Columbus International Airport (CMH)


Airport phone: +1 614-239-4000

Hotel location: 10.5 km NE

We do not have a shuttle service.

Go to the website of the airport CMH

Rickenbacker International Airport (LCK)


Airport phone: +1 614-491-1401

Hotel location: 33.8 km S

We do not have a shuttle service.

Go to the website of the airport LCK

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We will provide you with a personalized free link to the booking page where your guests can book their own rooms.

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  • Personalize with group name, event dates, hotel name and special rates
  • Publish to multilingual Marriott sites around the world

Effective event planning

  • Group Lists

    If you have a guest list, we can book for everyone.

    Booked lists

    We can send you a report on which of your guests have booked a room and when they plan to arrive.

    Mobile check-in

    Guests can check-in before arrival, receive room availability alerts and check-out without going to the front desk.

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    KTG English Preschool – Moscow region, Park Avenue Village Piskovo 121, entrance 1, 2nd floor 8(925) 090 0022

    American preschool in Russia

    Children start speaking in English after 3 months
    Teachers are native speakers from USA, Canada, and Great Britain
    All-round development for children 3-7 years old
    Preparation for Russian school

    Visit America

    You’ll have your own little translator while traveling.

    ONLY native teachers

    Children learn to speak English naturally – by being immersed in the English speaking environment

    Comprehensive development through a variety of activities

    Your child will learn English through singing, dancing, theater plays and science experiment

    At our club we speak only English

    Our students are motivated to speak with their teachers and classmates in English which leads to perfect pronunciation

    KTG American Club is complete American Preschool analog in Russia

    Our goal is for your 3-year-old child to speak fluently at the native level.
    After 3 months only, children understand English and can support the conversation.

    We work according to our own methodology – American preschool education, adapted for Russian children. The child receives all the necessary knowledge through a variety of activities: drawing, reading, songs, science experiments, games.

    Children easily learn letters, sounds, know the colors and names of objects through games. They form responsibility and independence due to the fact that children of different ages are engaged together and help each other.

    You’ll have your own little translator who understands the English language.

    Our Programs

    With languages, you’re at home anywhere

    Responsibility and independence 9

    Fluent native English

    From the ages of 3-6 years old children perceive any language like a native, if they are submerged in the correct environment


    Happy memories for a lifetime

    After visiting us, children dream of returning back again.

    The opportunity to try different activities

    We provide all-round development for the child through a variety of activities

    Social adaptation

    Children 3-6 years old are engaged together. The older help the younger ones, and the younger ones learn better from the older children.

    The desire to take care of the younger

    Older children like to help the youngest. It makes them feel like adults

    Learning Plans

    Full day group for
    children 3-6 years old

    110000 100000₽ per month

    5 days a week from 9:00 to 18:00

    First half of the day is only in english with native speakers half


    of the day is preparation for school

    Art lessons

    Music lessons

    Speech therapist

    Early development

    learn more

    Half day- for children 3-6 years old

    75000 65000₽ per month Learning through play

    Comprehensive development: singing, dancing, reading, drawing and math.

    Lessons with native speakers

    Healthy food

    Full English submersion

    learn more

    Happy memories