Monthly Archives: September 2023

What is the physical development: Physical Development | HHS Office of Population Affairs

Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 6:42 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Physical Development | HHS Office of Population Affairs

More topics on this page

  • Unique Issues in Physical Development
  • How Parents and Caring Adults Can Support Physical Development

General Physical Changes Adolescents Experience

Although some of the physical changes that happen during adolescence are internal and not visible, others can be seen easily by others. These obvious changes in the body can affect how adults and peers of all sexes view and treat young people.

The changes that occur both inside and outside the body during adolescence happen through a process called “puberty.” This process stems from the release of certain hormones (chemicals) in the brain. These hormones released are the same in all adolescents, but differences in hormone levels lead to different results in males and females. The physical changes in adolescents shift them from their childhood bodies to their adult bodies and give them the ability to get pregnant or cause pregnancy. This ability to get pregnant or cause pregnancy is called “fertility.”

Anyone who looks at an adolescent male and female side by side will see some clear differences. Still, adolescents of both sexes exhibit many changes in common, most notably, growth spurts in height and weight. During these growth spurts, bones and muscles get longer and stronger, which allows adolescents to take on tasks they were likely not able to do as younger children, such as lifting heavy objects and walking, running, or biking long distances. Many young people will reach their full adult height by the end of puberty. Beyond the growth spurts, other physical changes that happen in both males and females include body odor, acne, and more body hair.

As noted above, many of the physical changes in adolescence are related to fertility. Some adolescents may be embarrassed by these changes at first, but they need to know that they happen to everyone. Consider this short list:

Females will see changes in where fat appears on their body. For example, breasts become fuller and hips grow wider. Females typically experience their first menstruation (or period) during adolescence. Early on, periods can be irregular and affected by illness, stress, and even exercise.

Males’ shoulders become broader, and their muscles get bigger. The penis and testicles also grow, and males will begin to experience erections and ejaculations, both voluntary and involuntary (sometimes happening while asleep). Males’ voices also deepen during this time and may crack during the shift.

Beyond developing fertility, these visible sex-specific changes also let others know that a person is no longer a child. It is important to note that while the physical changes that adolescents experience happen to everyone, the timing and order of these changes will vary from person to person.

Unique Issues in Physical Development

Although the major physical development milestones of adolescence happen to everyone, the timing of these milestones varies a lot, both between and within the sexes.

Some adolescents exhibit physical signs of maturity sooner than their peers, and others exhibit them later. For example, the visible physical changes in males often begin a couple of years after they begin in females. The timing of a female’s first period also varies: girls can start their period as early as 8 and as late as 16.

These differences can be hard for adolescents: they may feel self-conscious, or worry that they don’t fit in if they don’t look like others their age. These variations also can lead to other people treating adolescents in a way that does not match their cognitive or emotional development. For instance, females who develop visible curves or males whose voices change during middle school may be treated more like older teenagers by both their peers and adults, even if they do not have the cognitive or emotional maturity of older teenagers. In contrast, adolescents who exhibit physical changes later than their peers may be treated like younger children, even though they are more mature cognitively and emotionally. Some research suggests that youth who experience faster physical development are more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior than their peers and that teens who develop more slowly than their peers may be more likely to face bullying.

Many factors can be responsible for differences in the timing and results of adolescents’ physical changes, such as:

Genes. A person’s genetic makeup can affect the timing of puberty and what the changes look like.

Diet/nutrition and exercise before and during adolescence. Overweight females, for example, are more likely to have their first period and experience breast development at younger ages than their peers.

Chronic illnesses. Conditions such as cystic fibrosis, asthma, diabetes, or bowel problems also can contribute to delays in growth and puberty because of nutrient deficiencies, toxin excess, and/or medication side effects.

Substance use. Smoking or using other drugs can harm adolescents’ growth and development. Smoking can stunt lung growth and make it harder to grow strong bones.1

Development in other areas. Variations in cognitive, emotional, social, and/or moral development also can influence and be influenced by physical changes in adolescence. For instance, those who look different than their peers (e.g., being overweight or underweight) are at a higher risk of being bullied by peers.

How Parents and Caring Adults Can Support Physical Development

Here are some ways that parents and other caring adults can support adolescents through these physical changes:

Let adolescents know that what they are going through is normal. Although “normal” development covers a wide range, even older adolescents (and sometimes, their parents) are concerned with “fitting in.” Remind teens that despite their concerns, their personal developmental path is okay, even if it is different from that of their peers. People develop at different times and not all bodies will look the same even when fully developed. Variation is not at all unusual.

Encourage adolescents to have a positive view of their bodies. Beyond reassuring that the timing of changes in the body varies from person to person, parents and caring adults can help adolescents appreciate their own bodies and developmental experiences. Reminding teens that they are valued and accepted no matter how they look can help nurture self-respect and self-esteem in adolescents and counter negative body image issues or other anxieties.

Help adolescents eat well. Parents and other adults play a large role in adolescents’ nutrition, by modeling healthy eating, following dietary guidelines, and making sure adolescents have access to healthy foods. Keeping healthy snacks at home and limiting junk food goes a long way to promoting solid nutrition. Consider preparing and sharing meals with your teen to promote healthy eating.

Get active with adolescents. As with healthy eating, parents and caring adults can model physical activity, making it easier for adolescents to avoid becoming “couch potatoes. ” If able, parents can go on walks or bike rides with their adolescent or just toss around a ball. If a teen is competitive or very social, parents can help the teen to sign up for a sport at school or in a community league. For video game fans, parents can select games that involve physical activity, such as Just Dance. The President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition offers additional resources so parents can help teens stay fit and healthy.

Teach adolescents to avoid drugs. It’s important for parents to talk to adolescents about how smoking and other drug use can hurt their health and keep them from growing strong and to lead by example. Check out the National Institute on Drug Abuse website for more information, including videos, games, and blog posts.

Make sure adolescents get enough sleep. Sleep helps adolescents grow and strengthen their bodies and perform better in school, sports, and other activities. Strategies for parents include having a “lights out” rule, limiting the number of electronic devices (e. g., cell phone, computer) in a teen’s bedroom, and encouraging routines that help adolescents relax at the end of the day, such as reading a book before bed.

Show adolescents how to discuss and maintain their health. Adolescents should receive regular healthcare, including vaccines and preventive care, such as “well visits.” Parents and other adults also can help adolescents by giving them the skills to comfortably and effectively communicate with doctors and other healthcare professionals, as well as time alone with healthcare providers to discuss health concerns in private. This support matters even more for adolescents who have chronic conditions or disabilities.

Adolescent Development Explained Guide

Additional information on adolescent development can be found in the Adolescent Development Explained guide, developed by the Office of Population Affairs.

Becoming an Adult (Adolescent Development Explained Webinar Series)

In this webinar, experts explore how the mind and body change during adolescence. Watch the recording on YouTube or review the slides.


1 (n.d.). Health effects. back to top

Supporting Physical Development Milestones in Early Childhood

Children achieve a rapid amount of growth and development between birth and age eight. However, most physical and emotional development occurs by age three, establishing the foundation for later development. 

Between ages three and five, most children grow taller and quadruple in weight compared to the time of birth. They also have a more balanced and proportional appearance. In this time, most children also learn and master developmental milestones like sitting, walking, scribbling, using a spoon, and potty training.Physical development milestones provide the framework for tracking children’s growth and development. This way, parents and teachers can intervene on time if there are notable signs of physical and cognitive delays. In this article, we’ll elaborate on children’s physical development milestones from birth to age five and when to seek professional help in case of a delay.


What is physical development?

Physical development refers to children’s ability to use and control their bodies, and includes improvements in their motor skills. 

Development in a child’s brain, muscles, and senses are all related to their overall physical development. As children begin to explore the world around them, they become more capable of increasingly complex physical movements that support other key areas of development.

Why is physical development important?

Physical development supports other developmental domains like social and cognitive development and is the foundation for learning through exploration. Below, we elaborate on why physical development is important for children.

Encourages independence

As children develop physically, their independence grows. For instance, children require proper muscle development and coordination to sit, roll, walk, run, jump, and feed themselves. As children grow, they overcome physical limitations and have more control over their movements and bodies. 

Supports social-emotional development

Social-emotional development refers to a child’s ability to relate to others and to express and manage emotions. As a child’s motor skills improve, they are able to interact more with the people around them. For instance, when a child rolls a ball back and forth with another child, they are able to learn how to take turns. 

In addition, physical development allows children to express and regulate emotions in more ways than simply crying to get attention. More developed motor skills enable children to communicate better and express their needs clearly, like by pointing at objects they want or clapping when they are excited.

Improves physical and mental health

Physical development can improve children’s physical health by building strong bones and muscles, and helping children to maintain a healthy weight. More physically active children are less likely to suffer the risks of a sedentary lifestyle, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Physical activity also improves mental health by helping to reduce stress and improving mood.

Contributes to cognitive development

Cognitive development refers to a child’s ability to think and reason. Physical development allows children to explore their environment fully and learn more about objects around them and their own capabilities. Activities like learning dance moves and throwing or catching a ball are great physical activities that contribute to cognitive development. 

What are the major physical development milestones?

Developmental milestones are essential to observe because they provide the framework for assessing children’s growth. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical development milestones refer to what most children (75%) can do by a certain age. Below are the stages of physical development from birth to age five:

Physical development milestones in infancy (0-2 years old)

  • Holds head up while on tummy
  • Moves arms and legs
  • Grasps an adult’s finger
  • Raises head and chest when lying
  • Swings arms at objects
  • Brings hands to mouth
  • Pushes up from the ground onto elbows when lying on tummy
  • Rolls from tummy to back
  • Uses hands to support while sitting
  • Moves objects from one hand to the other
  • Sits without support around nine months
  • Pulls up to stand
  • Uses furniture and other objects for support when walking
  • Drinks from a cup with adult help
  • Uses thumb and fingers to pick up small items
  • Takes a few steps around 15 months
  • Squats to pick up objects
  • Stands up without support
  • Walks independently around 18 months
  • Eats with a spoon

Physical development milestones in toddlers (2-3 years old)

  • Walks and maintains balance over uneven surfaces
  • Jumps off the ground with both feet
  • Walks up stairs
  • Strings items together, like large beads
  • Coordinates both hands to play, such as swinging a bat
  • Takes off some clothes independently 
  • Uses hands to twist objects
  • Turns pages in a book
  • Uses a fork

Physical development milestones in toddlers (3-4 years old)

  • Holds a pencil or crayon
  • Draws shapes like circles and squares
  • Hops and stands on one foot for about five seconds
  • Walks up and down stairs
  • Kicks a ball forward
  • Throws and catches a ball
  • Puts some clothes on themselves

Physical development in preschoolers (4-5 years old)

  • Holds a pencil or crayon between the finger and thumb
  • Draws shapes
  • Throws and catches a ball
  • Coordinates hand and finger movements
  • Hops on one foot
  • Uses utensils to pick up pieces of food
  • Drinks from a cup
  • Serves food or pours water, with adult supervision
  • Unbuttons some buttons
  • Dresses themselves
  • Walks up and down stairs alone

How to support children’s physical development in early childhood

Though physical development is a natural process in early childhood, families and teachers can support children in achieving their developmental milestones. Below we look at ways to support children’s physical development in early childhood:

  • Engage in fun and simple activities that promote environmental exploration. Incorporate basic physical skills into your activities like, jumping, crawling, bending, and skipping.
  • Create flexible physical development plans to track and accommodate children at various stages of development. 
  • Create a safe and conducive play environment both indoors and outdoors and provide plenty of materials, toys, and props that encourage physical development.

Below are some specific activity ideas that promote physical development in early childhood.


Activities to support physical development in infants and toddlers (0-3 years old)

  • Practice tummy time
  • Put toys nearby and encourage infants to reach for them
  • Teach children how to flip pages of a book when reading with them
  • Sing songs and play games that require body movement like, “Hokey Pokey”
  • Engage in sensory play activities like working with playdough, creating a sensory bin, finger painting, or making music

Activities to support physical development in toddlers and preschoolers (3-5 years old)

  • Playing simple games that incorporate movement like, “Duck, Duck, Goose”, “Follow the Leader”, or “Simon Says”
  • Planning activities such as a scavenger hunt or obstacle course
  • Taking family walks or visiting parks
  • Dancing to music
  • Having toys that promote physical activity like, balls, jump ropes, scooters, and bikes

Signs of delays and when to seek professional help

Children experiencing physical developmental delays are behind the typical development milestones for their age. While each child develops at their own pace and some might reach key milestones later, if you’re concerned about your child’s development, don’t wait. Sometimes developmental delays can be a sign of a health condition, so talk to your child’s doctor about developmental screening and share your concerns. 

Some signs of physical developmental delays could include things like:

  • Your child not growing the way they should
  • Your child displaying stiff or tight movements
  • Your child displaying signs of weakness and limpness
  • Your child not keeping up with other children of the same age while playing
  • Your child becoming easily tired

You may also ask for a referral to a specialist or contact your state’s early intervention program to see what services are available to your child. 


Physical development is a crucial developmental milestone for all children. It encourages independence and supports activities like art, sports, and social-emotional domains. Physical development also supports healthy mental and physical growth in children.

Families and teachers can support children’s physical development by encouraging indoor and outdoor physical activities, creating flexible development plans, and providing plenty of spaces and materials that encourage movement and motor skill development. 

Physical development | it’s… What is Physical Development?

United States Army Physical Development Assessment: Height Measurement and Weighting.

Physical development is a dynamic process of growth (increase in body length and weight, development of body organs and systems, etc.) and biological maturation of a child in a certain period of childhood [1] . The process of development of a set of morphological and functional properties of the body [2] (growth rate, body weight gain, a certain sequence of increase in various parts of the body and their proportions, as well as the maturation of various organs and systems at a certain stage of development), mainly programmed by hereditary mechanisms and implemented according to a specific plan under optimal living conditions [1] .


  • 1 General
  • 2 Main parameters
  • 3 Physical fitness and fitness
  • 4 Physical performance
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Links

General information

Physical development reflects the processes of growth and development of the organism at certain stages of postnatal ontogenesis (individual development), when the transformation of the genotypic potential into phenotypic manifestations most clearly occurs. Features of the physical development and physique of a person largely depend on his constitution.

Physical development, along with fertility, morbidity and mortality, is one of the indicators of the level of health of the population [2] . The processes of physical and sexual development are interconnected and reflect the general laws of growth and development, but at the same time they significantly depend on social, economic, sanitary and hygienic and other conditions, the influence of which is largely determined by a person’s age.

Physical development is understood as continuously ongoing biological processes. At each age stage, they are characterized by a certain complex of morphological, functional, biochemical, mental and other properties of the body related to each other and to the external environment and due to this uniqueness of the supply of physical strength. A good level of physical development is combined with high levels of physical fitness, muscular and mental performance.

Adverse factors affecting the prenatal period and in early childhood can disrupt the sequence of development of the body, sometimes causing irreversible changes. Thus, environmental factors (nutrition, upbringing, social conditions, the presence of diseases, and others) during the period of intensive growth and development of the child can have a greater influence on growth than genetic or other biological factors [1] .

Basic parameters

The assessment of physical development is based on the parameters of growth, body weight, the proportions of development of individual parts of the body, as well as the degree of development of the functional abilities of his body (vital capacity of the lungs, muscle strength of the hands, etc. ; muscle development and muscle tone, posture, musculoskeletal -motor apparatus, development of the subcutaneous fat layer, tissue turgor), which depend on the differentiation and maturity of the cellular elements of organs and tissues, the functional abilities of the nervous system and the endocrine apparatus [3] . Historically, physical development has been judged mainly by external morphological characteristics. However, the value of such data immeasurably increases in combination with data on the functional parameters of the organism. That is why, for an objective assessment of physical development, morphological parameters should be considered together with indicators of the functional state The aerobic system uses oxygen to convert carbohydrates into energy sources. With long sessions, fats and, in part, proteins are also involved in this process, which makes aerobic training almost ideal for fat loss.

  • Speed ​​endurance – the ability to resist fatigue in submaximal speed loads.
  • Strength endurance – the ability to resist fatigue with sufficiently long loads of a strength nature. Strength endurance shows how much the muscles can create repeated efforts and for how long to maintain such activity.
  • Speed-strength endurance – the ability to perform sufficiently long-term exercises of a power nature with maximum speed.
  • Flexibility – the ability of a person to perform movements with a large amplitude due to the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Good flexibility reduces the risk of injury during exercise.
  • Speed ​​- the ability to alternate between muscle contraction and relaxation as quickly as possible.
  • Dynamic muscle strength – the ability to maximize the rapid (explosive) manifestation of efforts with heavy weights or own body weight. In this case, a short-term release of energy occurs, which does not require oxygen, as such. The growth of muscle strength is often accompanied by an increase in muscle volume and density – the “building” of muscles. In addition to the aesthetic value, enlarged muscles are less prone to damage and contribute to weight control, since muscle tissue requires more calories than fat, even during rest.
  • Dexterity – the ability to perform coordination-complex motor actions.
  • Body composition – the ratio of fat, bone and muscle tissues of the body. This ratio, in part, shows the state of health and fitness depending on weight and age. Excess body fat increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
  • Height-weight characteristics and body proportions – these parameters characterize the size, body weight, distribution of body mass centers, physique. These parameters determine the effectiveness of certain motor actions and the “fitness” of using the athlete’s body for certain sports achievements.
  • An important indicator of a person’s physical development is posture – a complex morpho-functional characteristic of the musculoskeletal system, as well as his health, an objective indicator of which are positive trends in the above indicators.
  • Physical fitness and physical fitness

    Since the concepts of “physical development” and “physical fitness” are often confused, it should be noted that physical fitness is the result of physical training achieved during the performance of motor actions necessary for the development or performance of professional or sports activities by a person.

    Optimal physical readiness is called physical readiness .

    Physical fitness is characterized by the level of functionality of various body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular) and the development of basic physical qualities (strength, endurance, speed, agility, flexibility). Assessment of the level of physical fitness is carried out according to the results shown in special control exercises (tests) for strength, endurance, etc. To assess the level of physical fitness, it must be measured. General physical fitness is measured using tests. The set and content of tests should be different for age, gender, professional affiliation, and also depending on the physical culture and health program used and its purpose.

    Physical performance

    Human performance is the ability of a person to perform a given function with a particular efficiency.

    See also

    • Health
    • Age periodization
    • Bone age
    • Dental age


    1. 1 2 90 119 3 A. V. Mazurin, I. M. Vorontsov. Propaedeutics of childhood diseases. – 1st ed. – M.: Medicine, 1986. – S. 29-30. — 432 p. — 100,000 copies.
    2. 1 2 TSB: Physical development.
    3. Malyavskaya SI Evaluation of the physical development and puberty of girls. Materials of the 36th regional scientific-practical conference of pediatricians of the Arkhangelsk region. Arkhangelsk, April 26-28, 2005 (part 1).
    4. Sports medicine: textbook. for in-t nat. cult./Ed. V. L. Karpman. M .: Physical culture and sport, 1987. – 304 p.


    • Article “Physical development”. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
    • Electronic version “Karpman V.L. — Sports medicine. Textbook for institutes of physical culture.

    Physical development | it’s… What is Physical Development?

    United States Army Physical Development Assessment: Height Measurement and Weighting.

    Physical development is a dynamic process of growth (increase in body length and weight, development of body organs and systems, etc.) and biological maturation of a child in a certain period of childhood [1] . The process of development of a set of morphological and functional properties of the body [2] (growth rate, body weight gain, a certain sequence of increase in various parts of the body and their proportions, as well as the maturation of various organs and systems at a certain stage of development), mainly programmed by hereditary mechanisms and implemented according to a specific plan under optimal living conditions [1] .


    • 1 General
    • 2 Main parameters
    • 3 Physical fitness and fitness
    • 4 Physical performance
    • 5 See also
    • 6 Notes
    • 7 Links

    General information

    Physical development reflects the processes of growth and development of the organism at certain stages of postnatal ontogenesis (individual development), when the transformation of the genotypic potential into phenotypic manifestations most clearly occurs. Features of the physical development and physique of a person largely depend on his constitution.

    Physical development, along with fertility, morbidity and mortality, is one of the indicators of the level of health of the population [2] . The processes of physical and sexual development are interconnected and reflect the general laws of growth and development, but at the same time they significantly depend on social, economic, sanitary and hygienic and other conditions, the influence of which is largely determined by a person’s age.

    Physical development is understood as continuously ongoing biological processes. At each age stage, they are characterized by a certain complex of morphological, functional, biochemical, mental and other properties of the body related to each other and to the external environment and due to this uniqueness of the supply of physical strength. A good level of physical development is combined with high levels of physical fitness, muscular and mental performance.

    Adverse factors affecting the prenatal period and in early childhood can disrupt the sequence of development of the body, sometimes causing irreversible changes. Thus, environmental factors (nutrition, upbringing, social conditions, the presence of diseases, and others) during the period of intensive growth and development of the child can have a greater influence on growth than genetic or other biological factors [1] .

    Basic parameters

    The assessment of physical development is based on the parameters of growth, body weight, the proportions of development of individual parts of the body, as well as the degree of development of the functional abilities of his body (vital capacity of the lungs, muscle strength of the hands, etc. ; muscle development and muscle tone, posture, musculoskeletal -motor apparatus, development of the subcutaneous fat layer, tissue turgor), which depend on the differentiation and maturity of the cellular elements of organs and tissues, the functional abilities of the nervous system and the endocrine apparatus [3] . Historically, physical development has been judged mainly by external morphological characteristics. However, the value of such data immeasurably increases in combination with data on the functional parameters of the organism. That is why, for an objective assessment of physical development, morphological parameters should be considered together with indicators of the functional state The aerobic system uses oxygen to convert carbohydrates into energy sources. With long sessions, fats and, in part, proteins are also involved in this process, which makes aerobic training almost ideal for fat loss.

  • Speed ​​endurance – the ability to resist fatigue in submaximal speed loads.
  • Strength endurance – the ability to resist fatigue with sufficiently long loads of a strength nature. Strength endurance shows how much the muscles can create repeated efforts and for how long to maintain such activity.
  • Speed-strength endurance – the ability to perform sufficiently long-term exercises of a power nature with maximum speed.
  • Flexibility – the ability of a person to perform movements with a large amplitude due to the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Good flexibility reduces the risk of injury during exercise.
  • Speed ​​- the ability to alternate between muscle contraction and relaxation as quickly as possible.
  • Dynamic muscle strength – the ability to maximize the rapid (explosive) manifestation of efforts with heavy weights or own body weight. In this case, a short-term release of energy occurs, which does not require oxygen, as such. The growth of muscle strength is often accompanied by an increase in muscle volume and density – the “building” of muscles. In addition to the aesthetic value, enlarged muscles are less prone to damage and contribute to weight control, since muscle tissue requires more calories than fat, even during rest.
  • Dexterity – the ability to perform coordination-complex motor actions.
  • Body composition – the ratio of fat, bone and muscle tissues of the body. This ratio, in part, shows the state of health and fitness depending on weight and age. Excess body fat increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
  • Height-weight characteristics and body proportions – these parameters characterize the size, body weight, distribution of body mass centers, physique. These parameters determine the effectiveness of certain motor actions and the “fitness” of using the athlete’s body for certain sports achievements.
  • An important indicator of a person’s physical development is posture – a complex morpho-functional characteristic of the musculoskeletal system, as well as his health, an objective indicator of which are positive trends in the above indicators.
  • Physical fitness and physical fitness

    Since the concepts of “physical development” and “physical fitness” are often confused, it should be noted that physical fitness is the result of physical training achieved during the performance of motor actions necessary for the development or performance of professional or sports activities by a person.

    Optimal physical readiness is called physical readiness .

    Physical fitness is characterized by the level of functionality of various body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular) and the development of basic physical qualities (strength, endurance, speed, agility, flexibility). Assessment of the level of physical fitness is carried out according to the results shown in special control exercises (tests) for strength, endurance, etc. To assess the level of physical fitness, it must be measured. General physical fitness is measured using tests. The set and content of tests should be different for age, gender, professional affiliation, and also depending on the physical culture and health program used and its purpose.

    Ratings for companies: Overview of BBB Ratings | Better Business Bureau®

    Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 5:26 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Overview of BBB Ratings | Better Business Bureau®

    BBB ratings represent the BBB’s opinion of how the business is likely to interact with its customers. The BBB rating is based on information BBB is able to obtain about the business, including complaints received from the public. BBB seeks and uses information directly from businesses and from public data sources.

    BBB assigns ratings from A+ (highest) to F (lowest). In some cases, BBB will not rate the business (indicated by an NR, or “No Rating”) for reasons that include insufficient information about a business or ongoing review/update of the business’s file.

    BBB Business Profiles generally explain the most significant factors that raise or lower a business’s rating.

    BBB ratings are not a guarantee of a business’s reliability or performance. BBB recommends that consumers consider a business’s BBB rating in addition to all other available information about the business.

    Customer Reviews are not used in the calculation of the BBB Letter Grade Rating.


    BBB ratings are based on information in BBB files with respect to the following factors:

    1.   Business’s complaint history with BBB.

    The BBB rating takes into account the following information with respect to closed complaints that relate to a business’s marketplace activities:

    • Number of complaints filed with BBB against the business.
    • The size of the business.
    • If complaints have been filed, whether in BBB’s opinion the business appropriately responded to them.
    • If complaints have been filed, whether in BBB’s opinion the business resolved the complaints in a timely manner to the customer’s satisfaction.
    • If complaints have been filed, whether in BBB’s opinion the business made a good faith effort to resolve complaints, even if the customer was not satisfied with the resolution.
    • If complaints have been filed, whether in BBB’s opinion the business failed to resolve the underlying cause(s) of a pattern of complaints.
    • The age of resolved complaints. Older resolved complaints have less of an impact on the rating than newer complaints.

    BBB analysis of a business’s complaint history generally takes into account the business’s size if BBB has reliable information to establish its size. If BBB cannot reliably determine business size, it will consider the business to fall within BBB’s smallest size category.

    2.   Type of business.

    A business’s BBB rating is lowered if, in BBB’s opinion, the business is a type of business that raises marketplace concerns or is believed to operate in violation of the law.

    3.   Time in business.

    A business’s BBB rating is based, in part, on the length of time the business has been operating. If BBB is unable to obtain, from the business or from other sources, information about time in business that BBB deems reliable, BBB will consider business to have started at the time BBB opened its file on the business.

    4.   Transparent Business Practices.

    A business’s BBB rating is lowered if BBB determines that the business is not being transparent about its marketplace conduct. This includes situations where:

    • A business does not provide complete information about products and services offered, and/or ownership.
    • A business uses false addresses or an address cannot be determined.

    5.   Failure to honor commitments to BBB.

    A business’s BBB rating is lowered if a business does not honor its commitments to BBB, including commitments to abide by a mediation settlement or an arbitration award.

    6.   Licensing and government actions known to BBB.

    A business’s BBB rating is lowered when BBB has knowledge of the following:

    • Failure of the business to have required competency licensing (i.e., licensing that requires a competency assessment or can be taken away based on misconduct by business).
    • Finalized government actions against the business that relate to its marketplace activities and, in BBB’s opinion, raise questions about the business’s ethics or its reliability in providing products/services. Government action deductions consider several factors including how the case is finalized as well as the amount of restitution, penalties or fines imposed against the business. However, older government actions have less of an impact than newer government actions of the same type.

    BBB routinely checks required competency licensing and government actions before a business is accredited by BBB. BBB does not routinely check required competency licensing and government actions for businesses that do not seek BBB accreditation, although in some cases BBB learns of these matters through its marketplace research.

    7.   Advertising issues known to BBB.

    A business’s BBB rating is lowered when the business does not, in BBB’s opinion, appropriately respond to BBB advertising challenges that relate to:

    • Misuse of the BBB name or BBB marks; or
    • Questions about the truthfulness, accuracy or substantiation of advertising claims or compliance with the BBB Code of Advertising. Advertising issues may be rated as major, moderate or minor, and the rating deduction varies accordingly.

    BBB advertising challenges are made at BBB’s discretion when it receives complaints from consumers or competitors about advertising or when BBB identifies questionable advertising through its monitoring of local media.


    This chart shows the maximum number of points that can be earned or deducted in each element of the BBB rating system. A business’s total score is on a 100 point scale. Please note there are some categories in which businesses can only lose points, and for those categories a “0” is indicated as the maximum number of points that can be awarded.

    Overview of rating points
    Number Element Range of points that can be earned
    or deducted (maximum to minimum)
    1. Complaint Volume (Weighted by Complaint Age) 15 to 0
    2. Unanswered Complaints 40 to 0
    3. Unresolved Complaints 30 to 0
    4. Complaint Resolution Delayed 5 or 0
    5. Failure to Address Complaint Pattern 0 to -31
    6. Type of Business 0 to -41
    7. Time in Business 10 to 0
    8. Transparent Business Practices 0 or -5
    9. Failure to Honor Mediation/Arbitration 0 to -41
    10. Competency Licensing 0 or -41
    11. Government Action (per action) 0 to -34
    12. Advertising Review (per incident) 0 to -41
    13. BBB Trademark Infringement 0 or -41


    This is the 100 point scoring scale BBB uses to assign letter grade ratings:

    Overview of letter grade scale
    From To Letter Rating
    97 100 A+
    94 96. 99 A
    90 93.99 A-
    87 89.99 B+
    84 86.99 B
    80 83.99 B-
    77 79.99 C+
    74 76.99 C
    70 73.99 C-
    67 69.99 D+
    64 66.99 D
    60 63.99 D-
    0 59.99 F

    11 Sites Where You Can Find Employee Reviews (Besides Fairygodboss)

    Employer reviews and employee review sites are an invaluable resource for job-seekers.

    If you’re looking for a job and wondering what it’s like to work at a prospective company, you should take advantage of all the places online where you can hear from employees leaving user reviews of their workplaces. Gone are the days when you only heard a one-way message from the employers themselves within employee performance reviews.

    Of course, if you have a personal connection with someone you trust who works at a company, you might wonder whether you still need to look at employee reviews. The answer may be personal and depending on the relationship you have with this contact, but at the same time, it can’t hurt to get a sense of what others say. If for no other reason than to assess morale and the overall feeling of others you’ll be working with, it’s helpful to get a sense of what other people are saying. Moreover, there are certain situations where your contact may know less about what it’s like to work in a particular department or within a certain functional area and a job review can help you fill out missing details from a single third-person account. (In the case of Fairygodboss, you may want to hear from a particular group of people specifically, e.g. women or other minority groups of employees).

    Regardless of how extensively you rely on employee reviews, job reviews are clearly a win for employees who are trying to understand an employer’s culture, employer brand, whether their compensation and pay are fair, and learn about human resources benefits and company policies. We believe in transparency at Fairygodboss, and believe that job candidates should do their part before entering an employer-employee relationship by doing their homework.

    You may be thinking to yourself that since a job review from an employee is anonymous, perhaps it isn’t trustworthy. Certainly, there’s no way to verify the identities of people on employee review sites and how credible individual job reviews are. Employer review websites may not be perfect but if a website employes a human-review process for a user-generated content and their process for content moderation and evaluation is rigorous, fake reviews will be rare.

    Another reaction you may intuitively have about employee review sites is that the human resources department must frown upon using them. However, that’s probably no longer the case at a majority of companies. The HR department has gotten used to the fact that they cannot control what employees say online about their jobs (whether through employee review site or simply on their social media profiles or personal blogs). Some HR professionals even appreciate the transparency in helping their employer brand or to receive employee feedback that’s candid.

    Ultimately, the power of information on the internet allows employees to understand what they’re getting into when they are applying for employment at a new firm, interviewing and accepting a job offer. Job seekers should use all available resources in order to make decisions about where they will find the best job-fit.


    First, take a look at the reviews available on Fairygodboss, where we aggregate women’s opinions and workplace experiences like so:

    Overall Company Reviews. In addition to aggregating female employees’ overall job satisfaction levels, we provide a summary of whether women think their company treats men and women equally and fairly at work, and whether they would recommend their employer to other women.

    • Actual Salaries by job and industry. Unlike some review sites, Fairygodboss does not ask for a specific number when it comes to compensation. However, we do ask job review providers to associate their review with a salary range so as to help provide contextual information about yourselt to someone reading your review. While this runs the risk of compromising anonymity, so does asking for a specific compensation data point since your salary or bonus may be relatively unique.
    • Parental Leave Guide by Company. We try to help parents-to-be understand not only what maternity and paternity leave policies may be at an employer but whether it is really socially acceptable at a company for an employee to take their full allotment of leave, and whether doing so would jeopardize their career progression or stigmatize them as a less committed employee.
    • Work-Life Balance Guide for those looking for a more flexible position. We believe that it’s important to understand the flexibility of a job or employer and comments about the ability to work remotely, flexible and/or part-time are very important aspects of whether a job or company is desirable.

    We would never suggest that any one site captures all the information you need if you’re trying to conduct a thorough analysis of potential employers. To that end, if you’re interested in other sources of job reviews, we’ve compiled a list of 11 additional places you can go to see free and anonymous employee reviews:

    Glassdoor is probably the best known website for employees to leave reviews of employers. They have a huge number of people who rate their CEOs, and Glassdoor reviews provide open-ended pros and cons of working at those companies.

    Best known for aggregating millions of jobs across the internet by scraping websites that list open positions, Indeed also provide job reviews where users rank their employers with according to a 5-star scale and list pros and cons.

    Vault came into prominence with it’s industry rankings, that were based on employee survey answers. Currently, Vault will provide access to premium research offerings in exchange for employee reviews and their reviews require employees to leave “uppers” and “downers” as well as comments about their current or former employers.

    CareerBliss is a career community that contains employee reviews that include a 5-star rating system, as well as scores for things like company culture, colleagues and working setting, among other things. They also allow for open-ended commentary.

    Kununu is a job review and listings site that allows employees to rate their employer on a 1-5 scale overall, as well as on many other factors such as job-security or leadership support. They are fully integrated with Monster, one of the first major online job boards.

    JobAdvisor is an Australian job listings site that also features employee reviews. Users rate their company on a scale of 1-5 and list pros and cons, as well as rate things such as “Vision & Strategy” and “Work Environment.”

    Ratemyemployer is a division of JobWings, a company based in Canada and focused on Canadian companies and employees. Employees may leave detailed 5-star ratings on a number of metrics ranging from “Stress” and “Business model, vision and strategy,” to “Feedback”.  

    The JobCrowd is a UK based employee review site focused on recent graduates. Their employee reviews allow employees to rate the company on a 5-star scale and includes the job title of the reviewer as well as answers to the questions “What are the best and worst things about your company?” and “What do you actually do on a day-to-day basis?” 

    Ivy Exec features company profile pages with candid and up-to-date reviews and ratings from employees on elements such as culture, prestige, work, leadership, and money as well as detailed breakdowns of the components for each topic. Their comprehensive review pages offer a holistic view of life at the company and employee satisfaction levels.

    Comparably originally launched as a compensation data and culture platform and has recently launched employee reviews that allow employees to rate their employers on questions like “How would you rate your manager?” and “Do you look forward to interacting with your coworkers.”

    Yelp is normally considered a restaurant or consumer business review site but employees are increasingly leaving reviews about their workplaces on the site. The reviews work in standard Yelp fashion and include a 5-star rating and comments. (To be clear, Yelp asks that employees of businesses do not leave reviews.)

    The Context and Evolution of Employee Review Sites

    Before the widespread availability of employee review sites, employee feedback was often relegated to the employee performance evaluation, employee self-evaluation forms, during the sporadic mid-year review or annual review. These days, however, employees also have the power to submit a performance appraisal… of the employer. Employee evaluations outside the control of the official channels can reveal useful information that may not otherwise come out during an annual employee review, even an anonymous one, for fear of being found out.

    As the internet has increased the amount and dissemination paths of information overall, the workplace experiences that have previously been so cloaked and restricted to only the employees within a firm or a handful of recently departed works, have come to light. As a consequence, increasingly, the employee role is as a brand ambassador and representative of the company. Whether you perceive your role to be that or not, every employee now has the ability to make their voice heard and contribute to conversations around a company’s culture, policies and benefits.

    As an employee review site ourselves, Fairygodboss gets even more specific. We have decided to focus specifically and exclusively on the female experience in the workplace because we say that when no questions are asked, the experiences employees would volunteer would veer towards overall observations at the expense of some very important personal perspectives. That’s why Fairygodboss has decided to steer clear of asking women the “pros” and “cons” of working somewhere. We have not done everything differently, just to be different for its own sake, however.


    Since all employee review sites seem to use them, we have caved in to the pressure to rate employers on a 5-star system (though admittedly, our design employes wings, instead of stars). In most cases, the questions we ask of the women in our community are based on what women we’ve spoken to say are the topics they want to hear about from other women, in particular. There are plenty of sites where you can get a general sense of a company’s culture. However, our questions about gender equality, what would cause women to stay at a company, and whether they would recommend the company to other women. These topics reflect the specificity we think women in the job-market really want to see.

    How to Get the Most out of Employee Review Sites

    Now that you’re armed with a list of resources, how do you proceed to make the most of this information without suffering from information overload? For starters, don’t forget that what’s true off-line is true online as well. Different people can have very different opinions of the same situation and even identical managers, much less, the entire company, so it’s best to try to understand whose opinions you’re really getting and whether you believe their perspective would be similar to yours. Read more than just one or two reviews to make sure that you’re getting a representative sense of what people say. While it may be tempting to simply read the most recent reviews, going back further in history will give you a sense of how a company has evolved.

    • Pay attention to what you can learn about when an employee worked somewhere (e.g. a past employer may have biases against their former employer that a current employee does not have).
    • Also, try to glean title, seniority, tenure and other aspects of the person whose job review are reading. Your goal is not to figure out the employee’s name but to understand whether their experience would be more or less comparable to yours given the specific job you’re looking for. This may mean you want to find out whether someone works in the particular office you are applying for a job in, or whether they work a comparable level of title to the one you would expect to receive. What you care about may be more identity driven. Is the reviewer another working mom, a minority, or someone who is otherwise under-represented in the workplace? Your identity does matter when it comes to whether you will experience the same conditions at work as those leaving job reviews.

    Whatever job review site(s) you use, at the end of the day, the larger point is this: These days, there are many places you can discover what it’s like to work somewhere. Employers no longer have a monopoly on the information out there about work-life balance or information about employee engagement. Be sure to take advantage of the two-way conversation inherent in employee review sites when you’re doing your research with these 11 employee review sites.

    What’s your no. 1 piece of advice for how to best use employer and company reviews? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss members!

    RAEX rating agency (RAEKS Analytics) – ratings, rankings, analytics and events

    RAEX rating agency (RAEX ​​Analytics) – ratings, rankings, analytics and events


    • Ratings

      RAEX human rights: top 50 Russian companies that pay the most attention to human rights, diversity and inclusiveness (2023)


    • Ratings

      ESG ranking of Russian companies (July 2023)


    • News

      Survey of valuation companies and groups


    • News

      Collection of questionnaires for the rating of charitable NGOs


    • Ratings

      RAEX Top 50 supply chain


    • Analytics

      The auditors have a shortage


    • Ratings

      Rating of the best universities in Russia RAEX-100, 2023




    • We invite you to participate in the competition of annual reports



    • RAEX: the segment of leading IT companies is steadily expanding



    • Top-50 Russian companies in the field of human rights observance



    • The Public Chamber discussed joint ratings with RAEX



    • RAEX assigns ESG rating to Norilsk Nickel



    • RAEX updated the ESG ranking of Russian companies



    • The demand for technical audit and consulting is growing rapidly



    • RAEX assigned an ESG rating to PhosAgro





    All ratings


    All opinions

    • “Clients have become more likely to order not complex long-term projects, but a set of short streams with clear results”

      Aisa Badaeva

      Director of S+Consulting

    • “Information and analytical solutions aimed at sales growth and business development are of great importance”

      Andrey Oberemok

      General Director of TOT LLC (SberAnalitika)

    • “In terms of ERP, there is a surge in import substitution projects on the market, in particular, the transition from SAP to 1C”

      Evgeny Sudarkin


    • “In the near future we will see an increasingly intensive process of transition to domestic software solutions that are already ready to cover up to 80% of business requests”

      Igor Kalganov

      General Director of T1 Holding.


    media about us

    • News in Komsomolskaya Pravda about the ranking of companies on human rights


    • about the ranking of IT companies according to RAEX


    • News in Gazeta. ru about the leaders of the ESG ranking on human rights


    • News in the ASI about the survey of NPOs


    Partner news

    • “University Book” launched a survey for the study of libraries


    • Results of the Vedomosti conference at SPIEF 2023


    • Vedomosti St. Petersburg invites you to an online conference dedicated to IT


    • “Universitetskaya KNIGA” will hold a round table about samizdat




    to XX Annual Anniversary Practical Conference “Annual Reports: Leadership Experience”


    people completed the online survey for RAEX-100

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    Fayetteville kindercare: Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Fayetteville, GA

    Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 5:26 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Fayetteville, GA


    KinderCare has partnered with Fayetteville families for more than 50 years to provide award-winning early education programs and high-quality childcare in Fayetteville, GA.

    Whether you are looking for a preschool in Fayetteville, a trusted part-time or full-time daycare provider, or educational before- or after-school programs, KinderCare offers fun and learning at an affordable price.

    4 Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in

    1. 1. South Fayetteville KinderCare

      1.3 miles Away:
      160 Highway 92,
      6 weeks to 12 years


      (770) 719-0477

    2. 2.

      Riverdale KinderCare

      8.4 miles Away:
      6960 Highway 85,
      6 weeks to 12 years


      (770) 991-6046

    3. 3. Fayetteville KinderCare

      11.3 miles Away:
      5252 W Fayetteville Rd,
      College Park,
      6 weeks to 12 years


      (770) 997-2004

    4. 4.

      Lake Harbin KinderCare

      11.9 miles Away:
      2048 Lake Harbin Rd,
      6 weeks to 12 years


      (770) 961-0290

    Fayetteville | KinderCare

    Looking for the perfect place for your child in the Fort Bragg / Fayetteville area? At KinderCare, we’re more than daycare—we help families build confidence for life. Our programs give children a foundation they can build on wherever they go next.  Tour one of the local KinderCare centers below! See our high-quality education in action and meet teachers who nurture and care.

    Fayetteville KinderCare Center Locations

    1. Centennial Parkway KinderCare

      (910) 493-0086

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    2. Walsh Parkway KinderCare

      (910) 425-4060

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    3. org/ChildCare”>

      Ramsey KinderCare

      (910) 488-9275

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    4. Fort Bragg KinderCare

      (910) 483-3582

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    5. Owen Drive KinderCare

      (910) 484-5164

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    6. org/ChildCare”>

      Hope Mills KinderCare

      (910) 424-3684

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    7. Lakewood Drive KinderCare

      (910) 425-3369

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    8. Raeford KinderCare

      (910) 565-2376

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    City of Fayetteville | USA | Prices | Tours | Flights | Hotels | Climate

    General information

    Descriptions for over 45,000 cities, including Fayetteville, are based on public statistics and over 30,000 traveler ratings from around the world.

    ( Fayetteville )

    city ​​in United States in the administrative region of North Carolina.
    If we take into account the latest population census, then there are more than 200.6 thousand people in the city.

    Weather, climate, temperature by months in Fayetteville


    Season Autumn Winter Spring Summer
    Month Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Year
    Record high, °C 41 38 31 30 27 29 36 36 39 41 42 41 42
    Average maximum, °C 29 24 19 13 13 14 18 24 28 31 32 32 23
    Average temperature, °C 23 17 12 7 6 7 11 16 21 25 27 26 16
    Average minimum °C 17 10 4 1 -0 1 4 9 14 19 21 20 10
    Record low, °C -2 -6 -9 -17 -18 -21 -10 -7 0 4 11 8 -21
    Rain, days 8 6 7 9 11 9 10 8 10 10 13 11 112
    Snow, days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Fog, days 21 16 15 15 15 13 14 12 18 19 21 23 202
    Thunderstorm, days 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 6 8 12 9 51
    Snow level, see 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 7
    Precipitation level, mm. 110 69 71 82 88 91 98 85 90 119 147 145 1195
    Air humidity, % 75 72 69 67 65 61 61 62 67 72 74 76 68
    Humidity in the morning, % 82 79 76 71 72 73 73 73 78 78 82 84 77
    Humidity in the evening, % 55 52 52 51 53 52 49 45 51 50 57 59 52
    Wind speed, km/h 11 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 12 11 10 9 11
    Day length, of hours 13 12 11 10 11 11 12 14 15 15 15 14 13
    Dew point °C 16 10 6 0 -1 0 3 7 13 17 20 20 111
    Sum of active temperatures, °C 675 373 155 53 32 45 144 324 575 802 941 887 5006
    Solar radiation, Mj/m 2 16 14 10 8 9 11 15 19 21 21 21 18 15

    Closest cities to Fayetteville

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    Bonniebrook child care: Bonniebrook Child Care – Butler, PA

    Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 5:26 pm


    Категории: Child

    Pre-schools & Kindergartens in Bonnie Brook, VIC 3336

    Pre-schools & Kindergartens in Bonnie Brook, VIC 3336 – Toddle

    We’ve found 21 Preschools and kindergardens in Bonnie Brook, with 11 having vacancies for your little one.

    Showing 21 centres nearby.




    Caroline Springs Child Care and Kindergarten

    1 The Crossing, Caroline Springs

    Add to compare



    Nino Early Learning Adventures – Melton

    7 Reserve Rd, Melton

    Add to compare


    -Working towards

    Little Stars Early Learning Centre – Melton

    8-10 Sherwin Court, Melton

    Add to compare

    -Working towards

    Crown Kiddo Education

    73 John Paul Drive, Hillside

    Add to compare


    Guardian Childcare & Education Hillside

    4 The Parks, Hillside

    Add to compare

    Bacchus Marsh Grammar Early Learning Centre Woodlea

    111 Frontier Ave, Aintree

    Add to compare


    Aspire Early Education & Kindergarten Cobblebank

    1 Carne Street, Cobblebank

    Add to compare

    Woodlea Early Education

    23 Ferneley View, Aintree

    Add to compare

    -Working towards

    Josie’s Bright Beginnings

    47-49 Wattle Valley Drive, Hillside

    Add to compare

    Rockbank Kindergarten

    1175-1177 Leakes Road, Rockbank

    Add to compare


    Community Kids Haven Hillside

    1-3 Jade Way, Hillside

    Add to compare


    Springside Kindergarten

    Becca Way, Caroline Springs

    Add to compare


    Bellevue Hill Preschool

    14 Royal Crescent, Hillside

    Add to compare


    Diggers Rest Preschool

    48-66 Plumpton Road, Diggers Rest

    Add to compare

    Parkwood Green Preschool

    Cnr Community Hub & Catherine Drive, Hillside

    Add to compare

    Creekside Kindergarten

    The Crossing, Caroline Springs

    Add to compare

    Melton Uniting Kindergarten

    Yuille Street, Melton

    Add to compare

    Bridge Road Kindergarten

    212 Bridge Road, Melton South

    Add to compare

    Fraser Rise Children’s & Community Centre

    46 City Vista Court, Fraser Rise

    Add to compare

    Deanside Kindergarten

    1205 Taylors Rd, Deanside

    Add to compare


    Melton Early Learning Kinders

    31-33 Unitt St, Melton

    Add to compare

    View childcare centres in Aintree, Deanside, Fraser Rise, Grangefields, Melton or Plumpton

    Browse all childcare centres in Bonnie Brook

    Bonnie Brook is a suburb located in Victoria. There are approximately 52 child care centres in Bonnie Brook.

    How much is child care in Bonnie Brook? On average, the cost of child care in Bonnie Brook is $130 per day. This breaks down to $130 per day for babies, $140 per day for toddlers and $131 per day for kindergarten.

    Bonnie Brook sits just above the national NQS Rating & the average rating of centres is «Meeting NQS».

    Average cost per day

    0-12 Months


    13-24 Months


    2-3 Years

    National quality standard

    Calculate your subsidy

    Child Carers in Bonnie Brook, VIC

    Dervla – 26yrs

    room_outlined Caroline Springs

    Hello everyone ! My name is Dervla, from Ireland. 26 years of age. Currently looking for a childcare job as it’s what I really enjoy doing. I have worked with all different ages throughout my life and really. ..expand_more

    Mrs – 39yrs

    room_outlined Taylors Hill

    Hi Parents! I would like to introduce myself as a part time nanny who is flexible,adaptable,fast learner and service providing at my house . When necessary, I can pick up children from your home.

    Michelle – 49yrs

    room_outlined Caroline Springs

    Hello , I’m a mum to 3 grown children so I understand the trust you are putting in a person when you allow them to look after your kids .
    I have experience in nannying and have worked in child care also ….expand_more

    Karen – 49yrs

    (2 jobs )

    room_outlined Hillside

    I am a mother with 4 children aged 21, 19, 16 and 12.
    I adore babies and children and I would love to help other families by providing child care for a babies or toddlers 1-2 days a week or on a casual basis….expand_more

    Rebecca – 35yrs

    room_outlined Hillside

    Hello everyone,
    I work in the early learning industry and have since 2010. I hold all relevant certificates to work in this industry. I’m currently a assistant director. Previously I have held many roles including…expand_more

    Monica – 24yrs

    room_outlined Hillside

    Hi, My name is Monica and I am currently available for babysitting weekdays, evenings, weekends and school holidays.
    I live in the Hillside area and do not drive so I will need to stay local, Hillside, Taylors…expand_more

    Audry – 29yrs


    (2 jobs )

    room_outlined Rockbank

    Hello, just a little bit about myself:
    – I am a caring and loving person
    – Own a car and full international driving license
    – Certificate III in Early childhood education and care
    – First aid
    – Police check

    emoji_emotions_outlined 1 Recommendation

    Ratchanu – 30yrs

    room_outlined Truganina

    Hello sir and madam My name is Ratchanu nick name is Jaysie I’m 25 years old. I’m student I study about Diploma leadership and management. I live here for almost 2 years. I live at st.kilda rd Melbourne VIC….expand_more

    Angelique – 27yrs

    room_outlined Albanvale

    Before studying at UNSW I went to Barker College. I am a qualified High school teacher and I work as a casual teacher in schools around Melbourne. I am also currently studying a master of music in Opera performance….expand_more

    Join Juggle Street and start connecting with Child Carers in Bonnie Brook!

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    Childcare posts on the blog

    Questions to ask a nanny in an interview

    When hiring a new nanny, whether it’s the first time you’re doing so, or you need to replace your current nanny, you may feel stressed or nervous when making your final decision. After all, you want to make sure your children are in the best hands when you’re away. To make the decision-making process easier for yourself, it’s important to ask the potential nanny the right questions during the interview. Here are some tips on how to structure your interview and what questions to ask.

    What is the difference between a babysitter and a nanny?

    The terms ‘babysitter’ and ‘nanny’ are often used interchangeably. However, they encompass very different roles, each of which may suit one parent’s lifestyle and schedule over another’s. If you’re in need of at-home childcare assistance and are wondering whether to find a babysitter or a nanny, we’ve put together a quick guide below to help you find the perfect solution.

    What should I know about hiring a nanny?

    For the average parent, choosing another adult that can be trusted with your children is one of the most serious decisions you’ll ever make – and responsibility aside, there’s a host of factors that need to be taken into account to find a nanny that’s a good fit.

    Films about family relationships

    Tag / Tag: family relations 15270

    In the films of this category, the family is at the center of the plot. Relations between the closest and closest people, their development and conflicts. Often, situations around a particular family do not develop in the best way, and suspicions, lies, falsehood and distrust creep into the main unit of society. How to deal with it? How to go through all the difficult trials that have fallen to the lot and remain close people? How not to spoil the relationship once and for all? The heroes of films of this category are looking for answers to these and many other questions. Sometimes it turns out to find a way out, sometimes not, and, unfortunately, kindred feelings do not always win.

    Best films category :

    Sex Education (2019)

    Ancients (2013)

    Rick and Morty (2013)

    New (recent) films :

    Home game (2022)

    Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)

    Flirt with the Devil (2022)


    TV series


    All family relations

    TOP movies tagged with “family relationships” : Easy Virtue (2008), A Princess for Christmas (2011), Fidelity (2019), Tully (2018), Anne (2017), The Other Boleyn Girl (2008), Downton Abbey (2010), Sexual Chronicles of a French Family (2012), Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015), Simple Complications (2009), What Olivia Knows (2014), American Family (2009), Cheating (2015), Family Man (2000), Desperate Housewives (2004), Rosewood (2015), Secrets and Lies (2015), On Golden Pond (1981), There are worse (2009), Vicious games (2013).

    A list of films sorted by the degree of accuracy with which the tag characterizes the film.
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    There is strength – mind is not needed

    Nikita Lavretsky
    Feb 26, 2019 1051

    The brutal thriller Donnybrook, which won the main competition of last year’s Fantastic Fest in Austin, was released on foreign VODs. Let’s break down the do’s and don’ts of this story of poverty, meth and fistfights.

    Donnybrook (2018)

    Director: Tim Sutton
    Screenplay: Tim Sutton, based on a novel by Frank Bill
    Cinematography: David Ungaro
    Producers: David Lancaster, Stephanie Wilcox, Curry O’Reilly and others

    A young veteran named Sailor (Jamie Bell) has no money, but has a wife and two children. He needs a thousand dollars to participate in an underground fisticuffs tournament, so he decides to rob a gun store. At the same time, drug dealer Angus (Frank Grillo), who is connected with Sailor by one unpleasant encounter in the bedroom of his addicted to meth wife, along with an almost more cruel younger sister (Margaret Qualley), goes on a bloody showdown with meth suppliers. Both men are followed by a scowling cop whose methods are not much cleaner. It is clear that not everyone will live to see the end of the film, and it is also clear that men poisoned by animal malice will inevitably collide at the Donnybrook tournament organized by some Nazi, in which one hundred thousand dollars is announced as the main prize.

    Scowl Cop is played by supporting actor James Badge Dale, and it’s pretty much the same role he previously played in Hold the Dark (2018) and Standoff at Sparrow Creek (2018). Coincidentally, these films are the closest relatives of “Donnybrook” in the genre of dark, uncompromisingly brutal thriller about animal masculinity. But Jeremy Saulnier in Hold the Dark ignored the laws of physics and dramaturgy in order to create a spectacular genre spectacle, reaching a mystical dimension by the end, and Henry Dunham in Confrontation at Sparrow Creek created a stylized theatrical production based on deliberately exaggerated criminal material. The director and screenwriter of “Donnybrook” Tim Sutton, alas, sculpts cruelty for the sake of cruelty and shoots unmotivated “cool” scenes without measure and order. As a result, the movie leaves the feeling of a completely meaningless spectacle.

    Sutton adapted Frank Beall’s southern gothic novel of the same name, and it’s easy to imagine that the wild plot twists and absurd dialogue are far more compelling in a stylized prose format. In three previous works (including the sad poem about the shooting of the cinema “Dark Night”, 2017), Sutton worked in the post-documentary genre and used non-professional actors and interviews with the characters on camera. Donnybrook is entering new aesthetic territory, and the fact that Sutton failed to maintain a consistent tone and maintain a dramatic earthiness is not such a big surprise. In the pseudo-climactic fist fight scene, it doesn’t matter which of the pathetic heroes wins or loses, so it makes sense to carefully look around in advance. In terms of authentic locations of one-story America and breathtaking widescreen mournful landscapes, Sutton still has no equal.

    Tags: donnybruktim sutton

    Author: Nikita Lavretsky

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    Fayetteville kindercare: Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Fayetteville, GA

    Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 5:26 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Fayetteville, GA


    KinderCare has partnered with Fayetteville families for more than 50 years to provide award-winning early education programs and high-quality childcare in Fayetteville, GA.

    Whether you are looking for a preschool in Fayetteville, a trusted part-time or full-time daycare provider, or educational before- or after-school programs, KinderCare offers fun and learning at an affordable price.

    4 Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in

    1. 1. South Fayetteville KinderCare

      1.3 miles Away:
      160 Highway 92,
      6 weeks to 12 years


      (770) 719-0477

    2. 2.

      Riverdale KinderCare

      8.4 miles Away:
      6960 Highway 85,
      6 weeks to 12 years


      (770) 991-6046

    3. 3. Fayetteville KinderCare

      11.3 miles Away:
      5252 W Fayetteville Rd,
      College Park,
      6 weeks to 12 years


      (770) 997-2004

    4. 4.

      Lake Harbin KinderCare

      11.9 miles Away:
      2048 Lake Harbin Rd,
      6 weeks to 12 years


      (770) 961-0290

    Fayetteville | KinderCare

    Looking for the perfect place for your child in the Fort Bragg / Fayetteville area? At KinderCare, we’re more than daycare—we help families build confidence for life. Our programs give children a foundation they can build on wherever they go next.  Tour one of the local KinderCare centers below! See our high-quality education in action and meet teachers who nurture and care.

    Fayetteville KinderCare Center Locations

    1. Centennial Parkway KinderCare

      (910) 493-0086

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    2. Walsh Parkway KinderCare

      (910) 425-4060

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    3. org/ChildCare”>

      Ramsey KinderCare

      (910) 488-9275

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    4. Fort Bragg KinderCare

      (910) 483-3582

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    5. Owen Drive KinderCare

      (910) 484-5164

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    6. org/ChildCare”>

      Hope Mills KinderCare

      (910) 424-3684

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    7. Lakewood Drive KinderCare

      (910) 425-3369

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    8. Raeford KinderCare

      (910) 565-2376

      Center Details

      Contact This Center

    City of Fayetteville | USA | Prices | Tours | Flights | Hotels | Climate

    General information

    Descriptions for over 45,000 cities, including Fayetteville, are based on public statistics and over 30,000 traveler ratings from around the world.

    ( Fayetteville )

    city ​​in United States in the administrative region of North Carolina.
    If we take into account the latest population census, then there are more than 200.6 thousand people in the city.

    Weather, climate, temperature by months in Fayetteville


    Season Autumn Winter Spring Summer
    Month Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Year
    Record high, °C 41 38 31 30 27 29 36 36 39 41 42 41 42
    Average maximum, °C 29 24 19 13 13 14 18 24 28 31 32 32 23
    Average temperature, °C 23 17 12 7 6 7 11 16 21 25 27 26 16
    Average minimum °C 17 10 4 1 -0 1 4 9 14 19 21 20 10
    Record low, °C -2 -6 -9 -17 -18 -21 -10 -7 0 4 11 8 -21
    Rain, days 8 6 7 9 11 9 10 8 10 10 13 11 112
    Snow, days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Fog, days 21 16 15 15 15 13 14 12 18 19 21 23 202
    Thunderstorm, days 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 6 8 12 9 51
    Snow level, see 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 7
    Precipitation level, mm. 110 69 71 82 88 91 98 85 90 119 147 145 1195
    Air humidity, % 75 72 69 67 65 61 61 62 67 72 74 76 68
    Humidity in the morning, % 82 79 76 71 72 73 73 73 78 78 82 84 77
    Humidity in the evening, % 55 52 52 51 53 52 49 45 51 50 57 59 52
    Wind speed, km/h 11 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 12 11 10 9 11
    Day length, of hours 13 12 11 10 11 11 12 14 15 15 15 14 13
    Dew point °C 16 10 6 0 -1 0 3 7 13 17 20 20 111
    Sum of active temperatures, °C 675 373 155 53 32 45 144 324 575 802 941 887 5006
    Solar radiation, Mj/m 2 16 14 10 8 9 11 15 19 21 21 21 18 15

    Closest cities to Fayetteville

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    Daycares in bradford: THE Top 10 Daycares in Bradford, PA

    Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 5:26 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    THE Top 10 Daycares in Bradford, PA

    Daycares in Bradford, PA


    Grandma Rose’s Daycare is a handicap accessible PAS licensed group daycare capable of serving 12 children ages 6 weeks to 12 years old. We are committed to providing a safe, loving, caring and developmentallyappropriate program for children. Our indoor and outdoor learning environments and activities are designed to promote children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. We seek to stimulate children’s curiosity, creativity, and imagination. Children are given the opportunity to learn about themselves, one another, and the world around them. We also help children become as independent as possible, focusing on self help skills and conflict resolution. Grandma Rose’s Daycare is open year round from 6:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday. The Daycare closes for the following holidays: New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and Christmas Day. We close at noon on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Grandma Rose’s Daycare employs professional individuals who help promote the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and cultural well being of each child. All staff must begin with a genuine love for and motivation for working with young children. All staff members have PA Child Abuse History Clearances and The PA State Police Criminal Record Check. Staff continuously educates themselves by attending at least 6 hours of training each year. It is our intention to provide quality care for your child and to also act as a co-partner with parents, so children are stable and benefit from the consistency in all area of their life. Every effort will be made to communicate with you phone call and/or daily communication. If any questions or to schedule a visit….

    Neighbours Kids

    595 Seaward Ave, Bradford, PA 16701

    Costimate: $161/wk


    Neighbours Kids is a licensed day care facility that is dedicated to developing not only their students’ academic skills but their character as well. That is why their center at 595 Seaward Ave, Bradford, PAprovides a learning approach that inspires their pupils to develop confidence and self-reliance….


    Bradford II Head Start in Bradford, PA offers state-licensed education and care through their dedicated and passionate teachers who promote student success. They teach preschool kids with reasoning andproblem-solving skills for them to be ready for the future. They provide continuous leadership development while valuing acceptance, friendliness, empathy, kindness, diversity, and mutual respect….

    Heavenly Kid Care

    71 Congress St, Bradford, PA 16701

    Costimate: $158/wk


    Heavenly Kid Care is a child care provider that serves the community of Bradford PA since 2006. It offers quality childcare services in a warm and friendly environment. It provides age-appropriate activitiesthat strengthen the children’s educational foundation, inspiring them to be positive members of the community.

    Love Learn Laugh

    23 Fairbanks Ave, Bradford, PA 16701

    Costimate: $176/wk


    Love Learn Laugh offers center-based and full-time child care and early education services designed for young children. Located at 23 Fairbanks Ave, the company serves families living in the Bradford, PA area.Love Learn Laugh has served the community since they started in 2010….

    Daycare Articles

    Choosing an after-school activity for your child

    July 20th, 2023 As a caring parent, you want the best for your child, but picking and choosing activities that will be fun and constructive can be overwhelming. From music … Read more

    FAQs for finding daycares near you in Bradford, PA

    What are the benefits of daycare near me in Bradford, PA?

    Daycare centers near you in Bradford, PA offer a number of benefits to both children and their parents or guardians. For the kids, daycare is an opportunity to learn coping and social skills, explore the world, and form relationships with other children – all while staying active and stimulating their minds with educational activities. For parents and guardians, daycare often provides peace of mind that their children are supervised in a safe and nurturing environment with skilled professionals on board to tackle responsibilities such as discipline, problem solving strategies, and nutrition. All in all, daycare is a valuable resource for families by providing quality childcare and early childhood education services.

    What services do daycare centers offer near me in Bradford, PA?

    Daycares near you in Bradford, PA provide a range of services that allow children to grow and develop in safe, secure environments. Daycare centers are staffed by qualified professionals who create a caring atmosphere that teach kids lessons fundamental to their well-being, and typically include activities such as playtime, meals, and learning opportunities designed to prepare young minds for the world ahead.

    What should I look for in a daycare center near me in Bradford, PA?

    Finding the right daycare center near you in Bradford, PA for your child can be an overwhelming experience, but the process can be streamlined with a clear understanding of what to look for. It’s important to consider factors such as certification and accreditation, as well as any health and safety protocols that are in place. Factors such as cost, accessibility, and the quality of care provided are sure to be top of mind as well, and ultimately, selecting the best daycare center will depend on finding one that meets your expectations and your child’s specific needs.

    What questions should I ask when looking for a daycare for my child near me in Bradford, PA?

    Some questions you might consider asking daycare centers near you in Bradford, PA include: What are the teacher-to-child ratios? What types of activities do you plan as part of the daily program? Is there an outdoor play area and what safety regulations are in place regarding that space? How often is communication provided to parents regarding their child’s progress or issues that arise? Be sure to ask specifics about any policies related to enrollment fees, tuition payments, health and vaccination requirements and anything else that is important to you and your family as well.

    THE Top 10 Daycares in Bradford, RI

    Daycares in Bradford, RI

    Cynthia Dubay

    12 Church St, Ashaway, RI 02804

    Starting at $295/wk


    I am a licensed childcare provider with 29 years of experience and a mother of four. I have one staff members who is also a Mom who has experience with children with special needs. We have a small groupsetting of 8 or less children. We offer nutritious meals & snacks, fun activities & a curriculum aligned with the RI Early Learning Standards. I have my CDA in early education and I graduated with highest honors in early childhood education….

    Recent review:

    As a psychologist and a med school administrator, we had high expectations for our son. I can’t say enough good things about Cindy and her daycare. Excellent all the way. Friends, toys, and a pool! She has away with the kids that kept up with her for all his time before kindergarten – and sad when it ended. Highly recommended to anyone.

    Reviewed by Rick


    Camp Watchaug located in Westerly, RI is a childcare and a summer camp engages children, teens, adults and seniors by providing safe, enjoyable, and affordable care. The center curriculum aims to provide avariety of age appropriate activities such as arts & humanities, sports, gymnastic, and swimming….


    Clark Street Daycare, Inc. located in Westerly RI is a childcare and education provider that offers full-time and part-time care for children age 6 weeks until age 12. The center offers developmentallyappropriate programs that foster cognitive, emotional and social growth of children. The center has a capacity of 162 children at the maximum….


    NARRAGANSETT INDIAN TRIBE in Charlestown, Rhode Island, is a child care establishment that utilizes the Montessori philosophy and materials in their classroom that self-correct and help the students indeveloping their five senses. This child care institution helps in promoting independence on the part of the children, enhancing their self-esteem and self-accomplishments from six weeks to five years old.


    Littlebrook Child Development Center located at 4 Brookside Road, Westerly, Rhode Island, offers basic childcare and learning services. The center is open from six-thirty AM to six PM, Mondays through Fridays.It offers programs for infants, toddlers, early preschool and kindergarten prep. It offers before- and after- school programs, including summer camps and winter breaks….


    Trinity Lutheran Preschool located in Ashaway, RI is a state-licensed childcare facility that specializes in children ages three years old and up. The school offers a wide variety of learning experiences andChristian-based programs aiming to promote cognitive, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual growth….


    Charlestown Early Learning Center located at 4605 Old Post Road, Charlestown, Rhode Island, provides childcare and learning services. The school is open from seven-thirty AM to six PM, Mondays through Fridays.It offers programs for infants, toddlers, early preschool and kindergarten prep. It offers before- and after- school programs, including summer camps and winter breaks….

    Showing 1 – 7 of 7

    Additional Daycare Services

    Daycare in Ashaway, RIDaycare in Westerly, RIDaycare in Charlestown, RIDaycare in Wood River Junction, RIDaycare in Hopkinton, RIDaycare in Pawcatuck, CTDaycare in Shannock, RIDaycare in Carolina, RIDaycare in Kenyon, RIDaycare in Hope Valley, RI

    Daycare in Rockville, RIDaycare in North Stonington, CTDaycare in Stonington, CTDaycare in Wyoming, RIDaycare in Old Mystic, CTDaycare in West Kingston, RIDaycare in Wakefield, RIDaycare in Mashantucket, CTDaycare in West Mystic, CTDaycare in Mystic, CT

    Daycare in Portland, CTDaycare in Newington, CTDaycare in North Falmouth, MADaycare in East Killingly, CTDaycare in Bondsville, MADaycare in Sharon, MADaycare in Springfield, MADaycare in West Millbury, MADaycare in Plainfield, CTDaycare in Windham, CT

    Daycare in Monson, MADaycare in Oakdale, CTDaycare in East Glastonbury, CTDaycare in Foster, RIDaycare in North Haven, CTDaycare in Wellesley Hills, MADaycare in Saunderstown, RIDaycare in Charlton City, MADaycare in Woodville, MADaycare in Randolph, MA

    Show more

    Daycare Articles

    Choosing an after-school activity for your child

    July 20th, 2023 As a caring parent, you want the best for your child, but picking and choosing activities that will be fun and constructive can be overwhelming. From music … Read more

    FAQs for finding daycares near you in Bradford, RI

    What are the benefits of daycare near me in Bradford, RI?

    Daycare centers near you in Bradford, RI offer a number of benefits to both children and their parents or guardians. For the kids, daycare is an opportunity to learn coping and social skills, explore the world, and form relationships with other children – all while staying active and stimulating their minds with educational activities. For parents and guardians, daycare often provides peace of mind that their children are supervised in a safe and nurturing environment with skilled professionals on board to tackle responsibilities such as discipline, problem solving strategies, and nutrition. All in all, daycare is a valuable resource for families by providing quality childcare and early childhood education services.

    What services do daycare centers offer near me in Bradford, RI?

    Daycares near you in Bradford, RI provide a range of services that allow children to grow and develop in safe, secure environments. Daycare centers are staffed by qualified professionals who create a caring atmosphere that teach kids lessons fundamental to their well-being, and typically include activities such as playtime, meals, and learning opportunities designed to prepare young minds for the world ahead.

    What should I look for in a daycare center near me in Bradford, RI?

    Finding the right daycare center near you in Bradford, RI for your child can be an overwhelming experience, but the process can be streamlined with a clear understanding of what to look for. It’s important to consider factors such as certification and accreditation, as well as any health and safety protocols that are in place. Factors such as cost, accessibility, and the quality of care provided are sure to be top of mind as well, and ultimately, selecting the best daycare center will depend on finding one that meets your expectations and your child’s specific needs.

    What questions should I ask when looking for a daycare for my child near me in Bradford, RI?

    Some questions you might consider asking daycare centers near you in Bradford, RI include: What are the teacher-to-child ratios? What types of activities do you plan as part of the daily program? Is there an outdoor play area and what safety regulations are in place regarding that space? How often is communication provided to parents regarding their child’s progress or issues that arise? Be sure to ask specifics about any policies related to enrollment fees, tuition payments, health and vaccination requirements and anything else that is important to you and your family as well.

    Iep public school: Guide to the Individualized Education Program

    Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 4:51 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Welcome to Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma’s guide to free legal help in Oklahoma.

    What is an IEP?

    A child with delayed skills or other disabilities might be eligible for special services that provide individualized education programs in public schools, free of charge to families.

    An Individualized Education Program (IEP):

    • Is a written statement.

    • Is for a child with delayed skills or other disabilities.

    • Is developed, reviewed, and revised in a meeting at the beginning of each school year.

    • May be requested by either the school or parent at any time.

    • Describes the goals the team sets for a child during the school year.

    • Describes as any special support the child will need to help achieve them.

    Who Needs an IEP?

    A child who has difficulty learning and functioning.

    A child who has been identified as a special needs student .

    Typical reasons to request support services allowing a child to be taught in a special way are:

    • learning disabilities

    • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

    • emotional disorders

    • mental retardation

    • autism

    • hearing impairment

    • visual impairment

    • speech or language impairment

    • developmental delay

    How Are Services Delivered?

    The goal of these services is to provide the child’s education in the least restrictive environment possible.

    Children stay in a regular classroom, but the child may be places in a special class if his needs are

    best met in a special class.

    Most cases:

    Services and goals outlined in an IEP can be provided in a standard school environment.

    Regular classroom or in a special resource room in the regular school.

    (For example, one teacher may help a small group of children who need extra assistance while another teacher works with the other children on the same subject.)

    Intense intervention:

    May be taught in a special school environment.

    Fewer students per teacher allowing for more individualized attention.

    Teachers usually have specific training in teaching children with special educational needs.

    The child spends most of the in a special classroom and joins the regular classes for nonacademic activities in which they do not need extra help.

    The Referral and Evaluation Process

    The referral process generally begins when a teacher, parent, or doctor is concerned that a child may be having trouble in the classroom, and the teacher notifies the school counselor or psychologist. The first step is to gather specific data regarding the student’s progress or academic problems.

    This may be done through:

    • a conference with parents

    • a conference with the student

    • observation of the student

    • analysis of the student’s performance (attention, behavior, work completion, tests, class work, homework, etc.)

    This information helps the school decide what strategies specific to the student could be used to help the child become more successful in school.

    The student may be tested for a specific learning disability or other impairment to help determine qualification for special services.

    The presence of a disability does not automatically guarantee a child will receive services.

    To be eligible, the disability must affect functioning at school.


    To determine eligibility, a multidisciplinary team of professionals will evaluate the child based on their observations; the child’s performance on standardized tests; and daily work such as tests, quizzes, class work, and homework.

    Who’s On the Team?

    The professionals on the evaluation team can include:

    • a psychologist

    • a physical therapist

    • an occupational therapist

    • a speech therapist

    • a special educator

    • a vision or hearing specialist

    • others, depending on the child’s specific needs

    As a parent, you can decide whether to have your child assessed. If you choose to do so, you’ll be asked to sign a permission form that will detail who is involved in the process and the types of tests they use. These tests might include measures of specific school skills, such as reading or math, as well as more general developmental skills, such as speech and language. Testing does not necessarily mean that a child will receive services.

    Once the team members complete their individual assessments, they develop a comprehensive evaluation report (CER) that compiles their findings, offers an educational classification, and outlines the skills and support the child will need. The parents then have a chance to review the report before the IEP is developed. Some parents will disagree with the report, but they will have the opportunity to work together with the school to come up with a plan that best meets the child’s needs.

    Developing an IEP

    What am I supposed to agree to? The parent does not have to agree to anything.

    What do I do? You want to talk to an advocate who will inform you of the content that you want in your child’s IEP. Most importantly, you want the plan individualized and specific to address the needs of your child.

    The IEP Meeting

    The next step is an IEP meeting at which the team and parents decide what will go into the plan. In addition to the evaluation team, a regular teacher should be present to offer suggestions about how the plan can help the child’s progress in the standard education curriculum.

    At the meeting, the team will discuss your child’s educational needs ? as described in the CER ? and come up with specific, measurable short-term and annual goals for each of those needs. If you attend this meeting, you can take an active role in developing the goals and determining which skills or areas will receive the most attention.

    The cover page of the IEP outlines the support services your child will receive and how often they will be provided.

    Support services might include special education, speech therapy, occupational or physical therapy, counseling, audiology, medical services, nursing, vision or hearing therapy, and many others.

    If the team recommends several services, the amount of time they take in the child’s school schedule can seem overwhelming. A professional may consult with the teacher to come up with strategies to help the child but doesn’t offer any hands-on instruction. For instance, an occupational therapist may suggest accommodations for a child with fine-motor problems that affect handwriting, and the classroom teacher would incorporate these suggestions into the handwriting lessons taught to the entire class.

    Other services can be delivered right in the classroom, so the child’s day isn’t interrupted by therapy. The child who has difficulty with handwriting might work one on one with an occupational therapist while everyone else practices their handwriting skills. When deciding how and where services are offered, the child’s comfort and dignity should be a top priority.

    The IEP will be reviewed annually to update the goals and make sure the levels of service meet your child’s needs. However, IEPs can be changed at any time on an as-needed basis. If you think your child needs more, fewer, or different services, you can request a meeting and bring the team together to discuss your concerns.

    Your Legal Rights

    You are not required to sign and IEP and should not if you disagree in any way.

    You have the right to review the IEP and can then either decide to sign or may attach comments on a form provided on the Oklahoma State Department of Education website

    If not all issues are adequately addressed, IEP team is required to convene as many meetings as it takes.

    Specific timelines ensure that the development of an IEP moves from referral to providing services as quickly as possible. Be sure to ask about this timeframe and get a copy of your parents’ rights when your child is referred. These guidelines (sometimes called procedural safeguards) outline your rights as a parent to control what happens to your child during each step of the process.

    The parents’ rights also describe how you can proceed if you disagree with any part of the CER or the IEP ? mediation and hearings both are options. You can get information about low-cost or free legal representation from the school district or, if your child is in Early Intervention (for kids ages 3 to 5), through that program. Attorneys and paid advocates familiar with the IEP process will provide representation if you need it. You also may invite anyone who knows or works with your child whose input you feel would be helpful to join the IEP team.

    Public vs. Private Schools

    It is important to understand that the rights of children with disabilities who are placed by their parents in private elementary schools and secondary schools are not the same as those of kids with disabilities who are enrolled in public schools or placed by public agencies in private schools when the public school is unable to provide a ‘free appropriate public education.

    Two major differences that parents, teachers, other school staff, private school representatives, and the kids need to know about are:

    1. Children with disabilities who are placed by their parents in private schools may not get the same services they would receive in a public school.

    2. Not all kids with disabilities placed by their parents in private schools will receive services.

    For more

    information, the government has a website to educate anyone about IDEA:

    IEP Development and Resources

    The cornerstone of the IDEA is the entitlement of each eligible child with a disability to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet the child’s unique needs and that prepare the child for further education, employment, and independent living. 20 U.S.C. §1400(d)(1)(A). Under the IDEA, the primary vehicle for providing FAPE is through an appropriately developed IEP that is based on the individual needs of the child.

    An IEP must take into account a child’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, and the impact of that child’s disability on his or her involvement and progress in the general education curriculum. IEP goals must be aligned with grade-level content standards for all children with disabilities. The child’s IEP must be developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with the requirements outlined in the IDEA in 34 CFR 300.320 through §300.324.

    • Model IEP Template – August 2022
    • Model Speech-Only IEP Template – August 2022
    • Interactive Decision Making Teams Guide – August 2022
    • Comprehensive Student Support Plan (printable)
    • New Jersey Communication Plan for Students that are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf-Blind (Form Fillable)

    Use of the model forms is not required; however, providing the requested information will assist in expediting your request.

    Annotated Sample Written Notice

    Invitation to a Meeting:

    • Identification/Evaluation Planning Meeting
    • Invitation to a Meeting – Request for Excusal of Required CST Member
            Area being discussed
            Area not being Discussed
    • Student Invitation to an IEP Meeting – Transition Planning
           Turning Age 14
           Turning Age 16
    • Consent to Invite Agency Representative(s)
    • Consent to Invite an Early Intervention Service Coordinator to an Initial IEP Meeting
    • Disciplinary Action

    Notices Following a Meeting:

    • Initial Identification/Evaluation Planning
            No Evaluation
    • Initial Eligibility
            Not Eligible
    • IEP Review
    • Reevaluation Planning
            Assessment(s) will be conducted
            No assessment will be conducted
    • Re-determination of Eligibility
            Not Eligible
    • Disciplinary Action
            Interim Alternative Education Setting
            Manifestation Determination

    Additional Forms and Notices:

    • Manifestation Determination
    • Request to Amend an IEP without a Meeting
    • Triennial Reevaluation Cover Letter and Waiver
    • Notice of Transfer of Rights
            Parent Version
            Student Version
    • Summary of Performance
    • Notice of Graduation
    • Parental Revocation of Consent
            Meeting – Notice of Revocation of Consent
            No Meeting – Notice of Revocation of Consent

    Other Forms and Documentation

    • Private Schools for the Disabled Tuition Contract
    • Special Education Tuition Contract Agreement
    • Initial Uniform Application Process
      • Memo to School Districts
      • Sample Letter
      • NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities Fact Sheet
      • Developmentally Disabled Uniform Application Act
      • Initial Uniform Application
    • Sample Service Plans for Eligible Students Parentally Placed in Nonpublic Schools
      • Memo to school districts and service providers from the Offices of Special Education and Program Support Services 
      • Request For IDEA Services – Non-Annotated
      • Service Plan Components
    • SEMI Forms for Parents and Annual Consent

    Development of the Transition Components in IEPs

    • Preparing for Successful Transition Planning (see Toolkit Topic 6 above)
    • Sample Activities/Strategies for Statements of Transition Services (pdf)
    • Sample Postsecondary Goals 

    The information and resources relates to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) from the U. S. Department of Education (Department) and other Federal agencies. These resources also include technical assistance centers funded by the Department and other Federal agencies. The New Jersey Department of Education’s Office of Special Education did not contibute to to development of these resources.

    USED Guidance and Resources

    • Return to School Roadmap: Development and Implementation of Individualized Education Programs (Sept. 30, 2021)

    Federally Funded Technical Assistance Centers’ Resources

    • OSEP Symposia Series
      • High Expectations and Appropriate Supports: The Importance of IEPs
      • Increasing Capacity for Developing High-Quality IEPs/IFSPs
    • Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center
      • Individualized Education Program

    IDEA 2004 Reauthorization Resources

    • Question-and-Answer Documents
      • Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Evaluations and Reevaluations: Word | PDF

    OSE Toolkit Resource Documents

    • Decision Making throughout the IEP Process
    • Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Decision Making Guide
    • Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Model IEP Form
    • Performance Area Checklist for Parents
    • Present Levels (PLAAFP) Checklist
    • Rationale for Removal from General Education Resource Guide
    • Resources for Addressing Student Needs in General Education Settings
    • Resource Tool for Considering Assistive Technology (RTCAT)
    • Selection of Supports in General Education Classrooms: Guiding Questions
    • Transition Planning for Students in a Separate Setting



    Private or public school – what is better to choose for a child

    We will look into this issue and describe all the minuses, pluses and differences of each type of school.

    Should I send my child to a private school? Many parents have probably asked themselves this question. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because everything depends on many factors, pluses and minuses of both types of schools. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of private and public schools. And you will only need to analyze all this and draw your own conclusions which is better.

    So, let’s start with the state ones.

    Public schools: benefits

    • Free education . The compulsory program is taught completely free of charge. If they require a day from you, you can contact law enforcement agencies.
    • Close to home . In general education schools, children are distributed according to their place of residence, therefore, as a rule, children go to schools that are a few minutes walk from home or 2-3 stops by transport.


    • Many students in class . Because of this, the child may sit far from the teacher and not always fully absorb the material. Also, there is a greater likelihood of any conflicts, since there are many children and everyone has their own character, manners, habits. Perhaps some children will be from dysfunctional families, and children learn everything from adults and, first of all, from their parents.
    • No individual approach . During the lessons it is simply impossible to devote enough time to each of the 20-30 students in the class. Therefore, whoever grasps the material on the fly is lucky. And if something is not clear, then the student may not wait for an answer.
    • All accessories separately . If a child wants to do something interesting besides studying in a compulsory program: dancing, sports, going to various circles, then most likely they will have to visit other institutions, not at school. And for some money.

    How are the private schools?

    In private schools, everything is completely different: pluses

    • Individual approach . The child will be given as much time and attention of the teacher as he needs to learn the material.
    • Professional teachers . In such educational institutions, special attention is paid to the selection of teachers. After all, not only what children learn, but also the reputation of the school depends on them, and this means a lot.
    • Small classes . There are no more than 15 people in the classes. This also motivates the child to study more diligently. A small number contributes to a more individual approach.
    • Opportunity to attend additional classes within the school . You can go in for sports, sculpt from plasticine, draw, dance and practice acting skills, here you can without leaving the school. All in one place. This is not the case everywhere, but in most of these institutions.


    • Paid education . Parents should realistically assess financial opportunities, since education is quite expensive. But here you need to understand how high a level of development a child can get in a private school.
    • Location . There are few private schools, so it is likely that such a school will be far from your home. But, on the other hand, if you are by car, then taking the child and picking it up at the end of the day most likely will not be a problem.
    • Not all children can be accepted . Certain requirements are imposed on the child and parents when enrolling in such a school. Therefore, even if you have enough funds to pay for the education, this is not a guarantee of admission.

    Now you see all the pros and cons of both types of schools and you can draw your own conclusions and decide where to send your children.

    In addition to the advantages of private schools described above, in the Mandarin educational space, children go for walks in the fresh air in a picturesque place. Here the child can be left for the whole day: from 8:00 to 20:00, 5 meals a day and any additional classes are included in the price. For more details, see the Learning at School section.

    Read also:

    Everything about alternative education

    What is it and what types are there.

    How to prepare a child for school?

    We will look into this issue and describe all the nuances and suggest what needs to be done.

    Find out more about Mandarin!

    Get a consultation by phone or come to our school for a trial day!

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    Private school or public school: what to choose, which is better, what is different

    In the modern world, the value and demand for quality education is growing every year, so more and more parents begin to think about choosing a school for their child long before the future first grader enters. It is necessary to think over all the pros and cons of the educational institution. Indeed, the school stage is one of the main stages in the formation of the personality and development of each person, and therefore his success in the future. Do not rush into this important decision.

    Which type of school do parents trust more – public or private education? Here is the main question they face. Of course, there is no simple and unambiguous answer to it, since each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss today in our article.

    How are private schools different from public schools?

    Recently, parents tend to choose private education, the main feature of which is the possibility of implementing an individual approach to each child. In the British International School, only 7-15 children study in a class, which makes it possible to devote enough attention and time to each child, while the state school is not able to provide such an approach due to the significant congestion of the classes.

    Moreover, at the stage of admission, future students must pass a mandatory test and interview. Based on the results of these entrance tests, teachers and psychologists evaluate not only the personal development of each child, but also determine the conditions for his future development, the characteristics of physical and psychological maturation, his interests and inclinations. For more information about admission to the school, you can find out by going to our official website

    Monitoring at an early stage at the British International School allows you to choose the right approach, taking into account the individual, which in the future will help reduce the level of stress that a child may experience during training. Taking into account the level of preparation, parents understand whether their child is ready to study in this particular educational institution.

    If you are worried that your child needs a preschool course of study, then BIS offers several programs for preschool development at the international and Russian departments of the school. For example, for applicants to an international educational program for children aged 3-4, there is an opportunity to study at the Foundation Stage, which helps them speed up the process of adaptation at school.

    In private schools, much attention is paid to ensuring comfortable conditions within the walls of the educational institution. Also, children are provided with full and varied nutrition, and qualified doctors and security guards help to create a safe environment for children of any age.

    Another important plus is the organization of extracurricular activities, various trips, including to the countries of the language being studied.

    But what can be in common between public and private schools?

    The key similarity of schools is that both types of educational institutions have state accreditation and issue state-recognized certificates upon graduation. Senior students also take the Unified State Examination and study according to federal standards at the Russian branch of the BISU.

    However, unlike a state institution, a private school has the opportunity to include international programs in its work, to obtain international quality licenses. If parents are considering the possibility of getting higher education abroad, a huge plus of the British International School is the availability of A-Level or International Baccalaureate programs, recognized by world educational standards. Their results are recognized not only in Great Britain, but also in all countries of the world as entrance exams to many higher educational institutions.

    BMS is internationally recognized and accredited by the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) and is one of two schools in Moscow with this accreditation.

    Thus, private education is the most modern and high-quality educational programs, selected specifically for the needs of each student. While in public schools the classrooms are often overcrowded with a general shortage of teachers, consequently, the educational achievements of schoolchildren do not bring the desired results. If the child does not have time to perceive the information in the lesson, he often does not understand the material. Parents have no choice but to turn to tutors for help.

    Pros and cons of a private school

    If you still have not made a decision in this difficult and responsible choice, let’s sum up the “pros” of private education:

    1. First of all, it is a quality education and effective training programs. The future of the child depends on the correct choice of the training program. The British International School provides 2 educational programs – Russian and British. The basis of the Russian program is the Federal State Educational Standard, the classes are taught by Russian teachers with great experience, in addition, additional classes in English with native speakers are provided.

    2. Control over the quality of education in private schools is stricter, the school is accredited every 4 years. The British International School is accredited not only by the Department of Moscow, but also has international accreditation of educational programs, is a member of the Council of International Schools (CIS).

    3. Comfortable classroom environment. A small number of students, support and attentive attitude to everyone are the main priorities of private schools in organizing work. With an individual approach at school, children feel more comfortable, there are favorable opportunities for developing the potential and strengths of an individual student.

    4. Modern material base. Classes at BMSh are equipped with new equipment and comfortable furniture. The school also has gyms, a protected area and medical support in order to make the child’s stay at school safe.

    5. educational methods. The educational process is designed in such a way that each child develops individually. In the international program, instead of the usual tests, students develop and defend their own projects. Game materials are often used in the lessons so that children take in information and new material with pleasure, can use it correctly in a suitable situation, and not just memorize topics.

    6. Qualified teachers. It is important that teachers are professionals in their field, always ready to help the student. At the British International School, future educators go through a complex selection process. At the moment, all teachers of the BIS international program are qualified specialists from the UK, other English-speaking countries and Russia with extensive work experience.

    7. Extracurricular activities. Extra-curricular activities help students broaden their horizons, increase their erudition, and deepen their knowledge. Learning through educational games, themed days, interest clubs – all this is just a part of what awaits your child upon admission to the BIS.

    However, the non-state educational institution has its drawbacks. A serious difficulty for studying in a private school, of course, is the cost of education. However, a number of schools, including BIS, offer various loyalty programs for early contracting or for the education of two or more children for payment.

    Rainbow springs preschool: Home – Rainbow Springs Elementary

    Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 4:51 pm


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    The School Calendar specifies days of student attendance and days off. You can download it for reference.

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    2022-2023 School Year Calendars – ENGLISH

    • TK-6 Calendar (Butterfield ES)
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    • Head Start Pre-K (Double Session/Armanda ES, Butterfield ES, Edgemont ES, Rainbow Springs)
    • Head Start Pre-K Full Day Duration (Armada ES Butterfield ES, Edgemont ES)
    • State Preschool (Armada ES, Box Springs ES, Creekside ES, Seneca ES, Serrano ES, Sunnymeadows ES)

    2022-2023 School Year Calendars – SPANISH

    • TK-6 and DLI Academy K-8 Calendar (Butterfield ES)
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    • 9-12 Calendar
    • Head Start Pre-K (Double Session/Armada ES, Butterfield ES, Edgemont ES, Rainbow Springs)
    • Head Start Pre-K Full Day Duration (Armada ES, Butterfield ES, Edgemont ES)
    • State Pre-K (Armada ES, Box Springs ES, Creekside ES, Seneca ES, Serrano ES, Sunnymeadows ES)

    2023-2024 School Year Calendars – ENGLISH

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    • 6-8 Calendar
    • 9-12 Calendar
    • Head Start Pre-K (Double Session/Armada ES, Butterfield ES, Edgemont ES, Rainbow Springs)
    • Head Start Pre-K Full Day Duration (Armanda ES, Butterfield ES, Edgemont ES)
    • State Pre-K (Armanda ES, Box Springs ES, Creekside ES, Ridge Crest ES, Seneca ES, Serrano ES, Sunnymeadows ES)

    2023-2024 School Year Calendars – SPANISH

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    Rainbow Springs Headstart | MORENO VALLEY CA DAY CARE CENTER

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    About the Provider

    Description: Moreno Valley Unified School District’s mission is to prepare all students academically and socially to become productive members of society.

    Program and Licensing Details

    • License Number:
    • Capacity:
    • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
    • Type of Care:
    • Initial License Issue Date:
      Nov 04, 1991
    • District Office:
    • District Office Phone:
      (951) 782-4200 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

    Location Map

    Kiddie Academy of Oviedo – Oviedo FL Child Care Facility

    Inspection/Report History

    Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
    but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
    as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

    Type Inspection Dates Reports/Citations
    Inspection 2019-10-29 FACILITY EVALUATION REPORT
    Inspection 2018-10-12 FACILITY EVALUATION REPORT
    Summary 10/29/2019, 10/12/2018 Type B Citation: 2;

    *Type B citation is for a violation that, if not corrected, may become an immediate risk to the health, safety or personal rights of clients. Examples include faulty medical record keeping and lack of adequate staff training.

    If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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    negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as
    the provider.

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    Providers in ZIP Code 92553
















    Kindergarten “Rainbow” | Structural subdivision of GBOU secondary school No.

    1 “Educational center” named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Ganyushin P.M. With. Sergievsk

    Dear visitors!

    We are pleased to welcome you to the official website of the kindergarten “Rainbow” with. Sergievsk.

    Our kindergarten is a structural subdivision of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Samara Region Secondary School No. 1 “Educational Center” named after Hero of the Soviet Union Ganyushin P.M. With. Sergievsk, Sergievsky municipal district, Samara region.

    The site of the kindergarten is primarily addressed to those who are interested in the harmonious and comprehensive development of their child, who are ready to share their experience and talk about the difficulties of raising and teaching preschoolers.
    We offer a variety of forms of communication: questions, discussions, a magazine about the life of the kindergarten “Together”, excursions to the pages of groups.

    Our creative team will try to tell you about the most interesting events of the kindergarten.

    Who has been in this garden,

    I met good people.

    Peace and creativity live here,

    And they will find an approach to everyone.

    Our garden is recognized in the neighborhood,

    Tell me, what is his name?


    Kindergarten “Rainbow”, has been operating since June 2015.
    In total, there are 215 pupils aged 1.5-7 years in the kindergarten, united in groups.
    We live under the motto:
    A rainbow shines for us, fresh and good,

    Eyes shine with happiness from bright colors.

    Kindergarten life is very interesting and can be associated with the seven colors of the rainbow:
    “I want to know everything”:
    Our main task is to learn about everything. We comprehend science throughout the day. We actively participate in competitions, quizzes, exhibitions of crafts.
    “Sport will help us increase our strength”:
    Every morning we start with exercises. We actively participate in the “Merry Starts” sports competitions, learn folk games, together with our parents we take part in the family sports program “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, we are engaged in sports sections.
    “The World of Beauty”:
    And we will also get to know the world of beauty by participating in the concert programs “Autumn Festival”, “Mother’s Day”. We take part in drawing competitions “My native land”, “Let’s save nature”. We make crafts and souvenirs for exhibitions, visit circles of the Center for Additional Education, a music school.
    “Kind Heart”:
    We are learning to be kinder, to respect the elders, not to offend the little ones. We make greeting cards and souvenirs for war veterans. Collecting parcels for the soldiers. Together with parents, we make crafts and pass them on to the kids.
    “Green World”:
    We protect our native nature. There is a lot of greenery in our groups – we have grown these flowers. In winter, we feed the birds, make and hang feeders. And at the Bird Day holiday, we learn a lot of interesting things about our feathered friends. In the spring we plant and care for flower beds and flower beds.
    We also try to learn as much as possible from the history of our small homeland, under the guidance of educators we visit the museum of local history and create a museum in the kindergarten.
    World of Speech
    Our motto: do not lose heart! Correct children’s speech problems. To help open doors to the world of knowledge, to give an opportunity to learn everything. For every child to be successful.

    Everyone is busy with their own business:

    Who dances, who sings

    Who publishes newspapers,

    Who protects nature.

    We choose an occupation to our liking

    It will come in handy in life – we know that for sure!

    “Kindergarten of combined type “Raduga”: Main page

    We are glad to welcome you on the official website of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of combined type “Rainbow”!


    Online marathon “Introduction of FOP DO”

    The All-Russian Forum “Teachers of Russia: Innovations in Education” invites you to participate in the free online marathon “Introduction of FOP DO” on June 5-10, 2023. A detailed description of the program and registration are available on the website at the link

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    Booklet on state and regional measures of social support for disabled people and families raising disabled children with specialists of the KhMAO Prosecutor’s Office -Yugry)

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    Thematic videos on the prevention of fraud and theft committed by remote theft

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    Obtaining public services in the field of education at EPGU

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    Daycare open on saturdays near me: Top 10 Weekend Child Care in Coral Springs, FL

    Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 3:11 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Top 10 Weekend Child Care in Coral Springs, FL

    Most recent reviews for weekend child care in Coral Springs, FL

    Diana A.

    After having a phone interview then an in-person meeting we decided to hire Diana right away. She provided childcare for my partner and I to go out on date night. She kept in contact and sent pictures. My daughter enjoys spending time with Diana. I highly recommend.

    – Magic T.

    Ingribec A.

    MY kids love it when Miss Ingrid gets to come over and play and I love it too! It’s so nice being able to have someone reliable and fun for my little ones to hang out with so I can have some fun too! Thank you so always taking such great care of us!

    – Michelle H.

    Tianna S.

    Tianna is reliable and knowledgeable about caring for a baby. She watched my 1 and 3 year old girls. Would hire again.

    – Lauren B.

    Alyson N.

    Alyson was absolutely amazing with my boys. They couldn’t stop talking about how much fun they had. She even brought canvas and paints for them! My son is autistic and she put him perfectly at ease.

    – Haylee C.

    Maria A.

    Great person, helpful, love kids and pets!!!!

    – Erika P.

    Weekend child care in Coral Springs, FL

    Diana A.

    Coral Springs, FL

    $20-25/hr • 10 yrs exp
    Caring Babysitter/House Cleaner Available Evening And Weekends!!!

    Background Check

    My name is Diana. I’m looking for an evening, weekend position or for just a date night care. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m a mother of two children, a 20-year-old (girl) and a 16-year-old (boy) I have a lot of experience with babysitting with infants starting at 3 months and on. Ipresently work from Monday-Friday until 4:30. I’m a very loving and down-to-earth person. I love to keep everything nice and clean. I have a clean background, drug test and driver’s license. A background check was done by my present employer. If you interested in knowing more about please reach out to me. I would love to share more of my experiences and about myself upon your request. Have references that can be provided without an hesitation. Hope to hear from you soon….

    Diana can also help with: Carpooling, Grocery shopping, Travel

    Recent review:

    After having a phone interview then an in-person meeting we decided to hire Diana right away. She provided childcare for my partner and I to go out on date night. She kept in contact and sent pictures. Mydaughter enjoys spending time with Diana. I highly recommend….

    Reviewed by Magic T.

    Background Check

    I’d describe my personality as loving, kind and trustworthy.
    I like working with kids because they keep me young and bring me joy!
    I’m looking for a place where I can make a difference not only in a child’s life but in a parents life too!
    I started working with kids when I was 16.
    In my sparetime, I like to go to the beach travel and hang out with friends and family.
    One thing you should know about me is I am bilingual and fluent in Spanish!
    My skills include bath and bedtime, assisting with school projects and having them assist in prep & clean up of meals.

    Recent review:

    MY kids love it when Miss Ingrid gets to come over and play and I love it too! It’s so nice being able to have someone reliable and fun for my little ones to hang out with so I can have some fun too! Thank youso always taking such great care of us!…

    Reviewed by Michelle H.

    Background Check

    Hi! My name is Tianna and family is important to me as well as the good development of a child! I grew up raising my own siblings and cousins and then I decided to take my experience to nannying, babysitting and working in schools! Ilove children and being apart of the growth and development, as well helping them to express their emotions in healthy ways and tapping into their creativity! I’m just like a big sister to kids and I’d be the best big sister to yours with compassion, responsibility and care!…

    Tianna can also help with: Light cleaning, Carpooling, Grocery shopping

    Recent review:

    Tianna is reliable and knowledgeable about caring for a baby. She watched my 1 and 3 year old girls. Would hire again.

    Reviewed by Lauren B.

    Background Check

    I currently work as a pre-K teacher in the Coral Springs area. I am available for babysitting on evenings, weekends and school days off. I love working with children and have years of experience with all ages.

    Alyson can also help with: Travel, Carpooling, Light cleaning

    Recent review:

    Alyson was absolutely amazing with my boys. They couldn’t stop talking about how much fun they had. She even brought canvas and paints for them! My son is autistic and she put him perfectly at ease.

    Reviewed by Haylee C.

    Background Check

    I am a quiet person who enjoys having fun with children. I know how to take care of them especially interacting and playing, I am also a human being suitable for pets and with a lot of patience. I enjoy sharing every moment with the children, since they learn more every day, I have 5 years ofexperience in the Stamford ct sector, but I have decided to move to Florida and I am in the broward sector, I use basic English and Spanish. I am affectionate and honest. I am from Colombia and in my country I worked as a teacher in a kindergarten with children between 1 and 6 years. I have experience as an hha, I am certified as an RBT and I am currently studying to become a preschool teacher’s aide. I also have my medical and physical exams with the background check level two. I studied English at the Norwalk community college to improve my English much more, I have very good references with which I was taking good care of your children, my availability is from Monday to Friday….

    Recent review:

    Great person, helpful, love kids and pets!!!!

    Reviewed by Erika P.

    Background Check

    Hi, my name is Anat,
    I think all parents should have a date night at least twice a month if not more! Everyone deserves to have free time for themselves to relax/go out/think or even catch a few hours of sleep without their child. To really relax you need to feel confident that your child is beingwell cared for in your absence. Parents of children under 2 years old I am here for you to have some adult time on the weekends. I am a mature responsible, and trustworthy babysitter, from NJ, I have raised 2 sons, and I have been a nanny for 10+ years. I currently care for a child in the daytime 4 days a week. I have a reliable car and a clean driving record.
    I know you love your baby dearly, recharging yourself will make you an even better parent!
    Please allow me to answer any of your questions and give you my references.
    Thank you for your consideration….

    Anat can also help with: Light cleaning, Carpooling

    Recent review:

    As first time parents the search for a nanny was overwhelming, but we found everything we could ever possibly want in Ann. Ann has watched our now 2 year old son for 4 days / week since he was 12 weeks old. Shecared for our him as if he were a part of her family and we consider her part of ours in return. She is very reliable and interacts with him all day long. When he was very young I was able to pass him over to her in the morning with complete confidence and now as he’s a little older he gets so excited when he sees her each morning. We are shifting him to daycare soon and whatever family Ann joins next is a very lucky one!!…

    Reviewed by Brandi B.

    Background Check

    Hey Im Aunjaya, I have no background and have worked with parents for day to day care, Date nights , and overnight care. Im only doing late nights and date nights currently and some aftercare and weekend help. I’ve probably done ever babysitting there is and truly love every second and every kid.I’ve been babysitting for 5 years now even though the app says 2 years experience and am open to price adjustments for care. I can’t wait to bring joy to your homes and meet all the great kids that you in trust me with, I’m certified in CPR and first aid. Need help with Light Housekeeping and Laundry? I don’t mind cleaning and washing kid clothes while working. I’m extremely fun and over all just want to have a good time while making a stable environment for your little ones. I require a in person or FaceTime interview for my safety. I’m looking forward to meeting you and your littles ones!. ..

    Aunjaya can also help with: Grocery shopping, Light cleaning

    Recent review:

    We Love Aunjaya and have used her multiple times! Not only is she sweet and well mannered but she’s punctual and patient with my 5 month old non sleeper. Needless to say we will continue to use her wheneverpossible. She has a very gentle spirit my baby loves her!…

    Reviewed by Desiree L.

    Glenda G.

    Coral Springs, FL

    $15-20/hr • 10 yrs exp
    Part-Time Evenings And Weekends Special Needs Caretaker

    Background Check

    I’ve worked for my local school board for 11 years as a Substitute Teacher and as a Certified ESE Teacher Assistant. I’ve also worked as a Preschool Teacher for 5 years. I have experience working with children from Pre-K, ESE, PLACE, HEAD-START through 5th grade in the private and public sector. Ihave experience working with special needs population and Montessori Method. I have my local and FBI background screenings and fingerprints also I’m up to date with First Aid and CPR. I am bilingual and fluent in English and Spanish….

    Background Check

    Hi, my name is Diane. I am very reliable and patient and I am very passionate about kids. I have 1 year of experience of babysitting children and experience working at a preschool as well. I love helping and watching them grow. I can help with Swimming Supervision and Cooking/Meal Preparation, aswell as anything else that I can be an aid for. I am available Tuesday-Saturday till 10 or 11 p.m. I’d love the opportunity to get to know your family and would be happy to provide references if needed….

    Background Check

    I am currently a pre k teacher at a private school in Oakland Park but I’m open to sitting on the weekends. I have experience working with children ranging from ages 1-12 years old for 5+ years.

    Background Check

    Hi! I’m Jennifer. I am 42 years old. I have my 40 hours of child care, CPR and First Aid Certificates. I have 22 years of experience working with children from different age groups at a preschool as a teacher and also as nanny. Also I babysit on occasional weekends. I enjoy doing arts and crafts,singing songs, reading books outdoor and indoor activities, interacting with them. I have reliable transportation. I am caring and responsible person. I have references….

    Jennifer can also help with: Light cleaning, Travel

    Background Check

    Hi my name is Alexandra G I am 18 years old and from Parkland. I have been babysitting since I was 14 (Ages 4 and up). I have been in Indian princess since I was 4 and I enjoy doing arts and crafts with kids. I am good with pets and love animals so babysitting family’s with animals is not a problemfor me! I am available Thursday after school and weekends. I enjoy doing activities with kids ( painting, drawing, games, or sports outside). Please leave me a message if you are interested and need more information! Thank you….

    Background Check

    Hi my name is BrookLynn! I’m 21 years old, I’ve been babysitting since I was 13. I have experience watching children from the ages of 2 months to 13 years old. I absolutely love kids! Responsible and trustworthy and have experience watching kids on the weekends, evenings, and over breaks. I love tohave fun and create stimulating activities but also very big on educational needs. I don’t mind helping out around the house when needed as well as cooking. I’m here to put your mind at ease while creating a fun, safe and engaging environment for your kid(s)!…

    Background Check

    Hello! My name is Melanie Sang. *Fully Vaccinated* I have multiple years of experience with child supervision over 10+ years from infants to teenagers. I am a full time flight attendant and my schedule can be very flexible. If you need specific days and hours I can move my schedule around, however Ido fly mostly on the weekends. I have a brand new Subaru, very safe for children if you need help with school drop off/pick up. I’m looking to earn some extra money while working with children. I love children and hope to have some of my own in the future….

    Melanie can also help with: Grocery shopping, Carpooling, Travel

    Background Check

    Hi! My name is Carolina and I have experience working with kids of various ages for over 10 years. I have babysat since I was very young and have also worked as a Youth Sports Coach and Camp Counselor. I’ve always loved working with kids, so much so that I made it my career! I am currently a 2ndGrade teacher in Coral Springs and love spending time helping my kiddos learn and grow. I love to spend time outside, do arts and crafts, read books and play all sorts of games. I am comfortable with pets and helping with light housekeeping, as well as homework help and interactive activities.
    I am currently looking to find someone who needs weekend/weekday date nights….

    Carolina can also help with: Light cleaning, Carpooling

    Background Check

    Mother of 14-month-old, looking for overnight care Thursday through Saturday 7:30 p.m. to 8 a.m. Toddler does wake up occasionally through the night but will fall back asleep after a bottle.

    Beethamar can also help with: Travel, Carpooling

    Background Check

    I was babysitter for Pense family . I was working 2 nights with 2 kids on the weekends / Friday and Saturday nights/ .

    Recent review:

    Gyorgyne took care of my son for several months. She picked him up from school, took him to his activities, cooked dinner. We were very happy to have her. She is punctual, trustworthy and organized. I waslooking for someone who would drive safely, not be on the phone in the car while driving my son. Gyorgyne did not disappoint us , at the very contrary she was always on time, and it was such a fine thing to have a well prepared meal ready when coming home from work. I would definitely hire her again!…

    Reviewed by Sylvie B.

    Background Check

    Hi! My name is Molly. I have my B. S. in Marine Biology from Palm Beach Atlantic University and my Masters in Environmental Education from FAU. I absolutely love children, and was the lead Sunday School teacher at Family Church Downtown Sunday School for about 3 years while attending college, and Ihave babysat all my life!
    Educational and fun experiences are my absolute go-to, especially exploring outdoors or new places! If your children aren’t outside fans, don’t worry — I love baking, reading, Disney movies, and arts & crafts as well. I also really enjoy light housekeeping – laundry, dishes, tidying up – I’m your girl!
    *I am vaccinated and boosted!*
    *I’m available on Fridays and for occasional work (weekends, date nights, vacations, holidays) as they fit into my schedule as I work full-time for a City and my work week is Monday-Thursdays 7 a.m. to 6pm*
    Please don’t hesitate to send me a message with any additional questions!…

    Recent review:

    Molly was a pleasure. We left the country for a long weekend and Molly took care of my 3 and 5 year old at home for 4 days straight by herself. I felt confident with Molly and was in constant contact. Shewas great with the many diet restrictions and the no screens rules. She was always playing with them, teaching them, taking them somewhere fun. My 5yo said “can Molly be my babysitter forever?” Which made me very happy to hear! She is very educated and is a hard worker who is always on time and a great communicator. She organized a few of my kitchen drawers while she was here which was an extra unexpected bonus. I highly recommend Molly!…

    Reviewed by Lauren S.

    Background Check

    Hello I’m Judi I love kids & all animals. I don’t smoke, drink or do drugs & I have great reviews & references check them out!!! I have a 100lb White German Shepherd named Kylo, I also love cooking, baking, music, the beach, driving, traveling, everything outdoors. I’m very clean & organized, I’mkind and loving but strict when I need to be. I do not tolerate disrespect and I teach children to have manners and to respect every living thing. I’m very dependable, trustworthy and loyal. I’ve been caring for children my whole life. I have taken all the necessary precautions to ensure your child’s safety and mine. I look forward to meeting you and your family until then stay safe and blessed. I am looking for mornings M-F 10-2 and I also offer date nights on Saturdays. I am also available for weekend dog and housesitting. PLEASE NOTE: HOLIDAY RATES WILL BE APPLIED! LAST MINUTE CANCELLATION REQUIRES HALF OF THE PRICE AGREED UPON. ..

    Judi can also help with: Travel, Grocery shopping

    Recent review:

    We use Judi for occasional date nights and both of my daughters love her. Judi is very warm and friendly. She has a great personality and is very punctual.

    Reviewed by Kendall G.

    Background Check

    My name is Liana I am 24 years old and I am the oldest of four kids. I work full time as a Civil Engineer and am looking to help your family any time after 4 p.m. during the week days or any time during the weekends.
    I grew up in New York always babysitting my three younger siblings. I have hadthree other babysitting jobs in high school and throughout college. One family consisted of four children, the other family consisted of three children and I have experience in babysitting infants.
    I am very lovable, caring, and professional. I would love to help your family and children grow, have fun and most importantly be safe….

    Recent review:

    Liana really came through for us! Did an amazing job helping us with our young toddlers. The parents needed time to attend to a family gathering and Liana helped supervise the little ones, letting the parentsenjoy the party. She provided caring, safe, and high quality care to our little ones. Thank you again….

    Reviewed by Lorena F.

    Showing 1 – 20 of 60

    Additional Weekend Child Care Services

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    Weekend Child Care in Pembroke Pines, FLWeekend Child Care in Boynton Beach, FLWeekend Child Care in Hallandale, FLWeekend Child Care in Miami Gardens, FLWeekend Child Care in Lake Worth, FLWeekend Child Care in North Miami Beach, FLWeekend Child Care in Wellington, FLWeekend Child Care in Opa Locka, FLWeekend Child Care in Greenacres, FLWeekend Child Care in Hialeah, FL

    Weekend Child Care in Tavernier, FLWeekend Child Care in Miami Beach, FLWeekend Child Care in Marco Island, FLWeekend Child Care in Royal Palm Beach, FLWeekend Child Care in North Palm Beach, FLWeekend Child Care in Port Salerno, FLWeekend Child Care in Canal Point, FLWeekend Child Care in Miami, FLWeekend Child Care in Fort Pierce, FLWeekend Child Care in Jupiter, FL

    Weekend Child Care in Coral Gables, FLWeekend Child Care in Port Saint Lucie, FLWeekend Child Care in Lehigh Acres, FLWeekend Child Care in Loxahatchee, FLWeekend Child Care in Estero, FLWeekend Child Care in Labelle, FLWeekend Child Care in Immokalee, FLWeekend Child Care in Belle Glade, FLWeekend Child Care in Key Biscayne, FLWeekend Child Care in Moore Haven, FL

    Show more

    FAQs for finding weekend child care near you in Coral Springs, FL

    How much does weekend child care near me cost in Coral Springs, FL?

    If you need to find child care on the weekends, it can help to have a budget in mind. The average hourly rate for weekend child care near you in Coral Springs, FL is $17.81 per hour. However, the exact rate you’ll pay will depend on a few important factors like the caregiver’s years of experience and how many children you have.

    How do I find weekend child care near me in Coral Springs, FL?

    If you need to find someone to provide childcare on weekends, start your search by finding child care providers who live near you in Coral Springs, FL, sort by hourly rate, and check if their availability matches yours. You can search through 16 on After creating an account, you will be able to see more details about each provider and start a conversation to find the right match. You can also read reviews from families that have used them with childcare on the weekends in the past.

    What types of weekend child care services are available near me in Coral Springs, FL?

    When searching for child care for weekends, you can review 16 profiles near you in Coral Springs, FL. When reviewing caregiver profiles, you can see what responsibilities they feel comfortable taking on, such as driving, cooking, and light housework. For example, some weekend child care providers may feel comfortable helping with homework, whereas others may want to focus on fun activities like playing games or taking trips to the park when providing child care on the weekends.

    Ratings for Coral Springs, FL weekend child care listed on

    Average Rating5.0 / 5

    Weekend Child Care in Coral Springs, FL are rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 17 reviews of the 60 listed weekend child care.

    Best Drop-in Daycare & Child Care in Queens, NY

    Child care requests for essential workers and emergency responders are currently being prioritized during the COVID-19 crisis. If you’re looking for drop-in, back-up or full time child care, we are here to help you match with the perfect daycare for your family.

    48 Daycares Accepting Drop-in Care in Queens, NY

    El Pastorcito

    Daycare in
    New York, NY

    (845) 442-6521

    Welcome to El Pastorcito! We offer children a supportive and friendly environment that’s just like home. At our home daycare, our goal is to… Read More

    $104 – $361 / wk

    7:00 am – 6:00 pm

    Neighborhood Friends WeeCare

    Daycare in
    Whitestone, NY

    (934) 333-4337

    Neighbordhood Friends Adonai is a safe and warm environment where your child can learn and grow. At our home daycare, we focus on teaching c… Read More

    $375 – $455 / wk

    7:00 am – 7:00 pm

    Patty’s Sweet Daycare

    Daycare in
    Woodhaven, NY

    (862) 314-3243

    Patty’s Sweet Daycare is a safe and warm environment where your child can learn and grow. At our home daycare, we focus on teaching children… Read More

    $104 – $310 / wk

    6:00 am – 6:00 pm

    Safiatou’s Daycare

    Daycare in
    New York, NY

    (551) 266-4325

    Hi! We’re Safiatou’s Daycare and we’re a home daycare providing childcare to families. Our goal is to ensure children reach their developmen… Read More

    $62 – $310 / wk

    8:00 am – 6:00 pm

    Dionne’s Kidz WeeCare

    Daycare in
    Brooklyn, NY

    (848) 214-9939

    Dionne’s Kidz is a clean and nurturing environment where your child can learn and grow. At our home daycare, we focus on teaching children s… Read More

    $171 – $209 / wk

    8:00 am – 5:00 pm

    Essex Child Care Inc WeeCare

    Daycare in
    Brooklyn, NY

    (934) 333-5519

    Welcome to Essex child care inc! We offer childcare for families looking to provide their child with a loving and compassionate environment … Read More

    $253 – $329 / wk

    8:00 am – 5:00 pm

    Little Cuties Preschool WeeCare

    Daycare in
    White Stone, NY

    (973) 604-5370

    Little Cuties Preschool is a safe and warm environment where your child can learn and grow. At our home preschool and daycare, we focus on t… Read More

    $365 / wk

    8:30 am – 5:30 pm

    The Magic World Of Sali Daycare

    Daycare in
    Jamaica, NY

    (914) 415-7520

    Welcome to The Magic World Of Sali! We offer childcare for families looking to provide their child with a loving and safe environment that’s… Read More

    $253 – $336 / wk

    7:30 am – 5:00 pm

    5. 0

    1 review

    My Destiny Day Care Inc. WeeCare

    Daycare in
    East Elmhurst, NY

    (718) 550-6429

    My Destiny Day Care Inc. WeeCare is a caring and loving environment where your child can learn and grow. At our home daycare, we focus on te… Read More

    $220 / wk

    7:00 am – 6:15 pm

    Maria’s Bilingual Group Family Childcare WeeCare

    Daycare in
    New York, NY

    (845) 723-3523

    Welcome to Maria’s Bilingual Group Family Childcare! We offer childcare for families looking to provide their child with a loving and safe e. .. Read More

    $253 – $445 / wk

    8:00 am – 6:00 pm


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    Opening hours

    Pavlovsk park

    Pavlovsk park is open to the public every day.

    Opening hours for the period from 01 May to 31 August 2023:

    • from 07:00 to 09:00 and from 21:00 to 23:00 admission is free;
    • from 09:00 to 21:00 entrance fee.

    Buy tickets online.0024 13:00 in a group of 2 to 19 people inclusive. Gathering of the group at the monument to Paul I on the Parade Square in front of the Pavlovsk Palace.
    Cost of excursions

    Standard for safe activities for receiving visitors and taking preventive measures to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the Pavlovsk Museum-Reserve.

    During the summer, the park is open for viewing:
    • Empress Maria Feodorovna’s own garden0004
      Entrance tickets
      From May 6 to August 31, open to the public daily:
      Opening hours from 09:00 to 21:00.
      From 1 September to 30 September open to the public daily:
      Opening hours from 09:00 to 19:00.
      From October 1st to October 15th open to the public daily:
      Opening hours from 10:00 to 17:00.

      Excursion “Private Garden and the Queen of Flowers” is held on Saturdays and Sundays in sessions at 14:00 and 16:00 in a group of 5 to 20 people inclusive.

    • Bode Horticulture
      Open to the public from July 1st.
      Entrance tickets
      From July 1 to August 31, open to the public daily:
      Opening hours from 10:00 to 20:00.
      From September 1 to September 30, open to the public daily:
      Opening hours from 10:00 to 19:00.
      From October 1st to October 15th open to the public daily:
      Opening hours from 10:00 to 17:00.
    • Temple of Friendship Pavilion
      Entrance fees
      Open to the public from May 1st.
      The exposition is open from 11:00 to 17:00.
      Day off: Monday.
      The pavilion may be closed to the public on days when the values ​​of the temperature and humidity regime in the pavilion deviate from the established norms.
    • Rose Pavilion
      Entrance tickets
      The exposition is open from 11:00 to 17:00.
      Day off: Monday.
      The pavilion may be closed to the public on days when the values ​​of the temperature and humidity regime in the pavilion deviate from the established norms.
    • Cold Bath Pavilion
      Entrance tickets
      Open to the public from May 1st.
      The exposition is open from 11:00 to 17:00.
      Day off: Monday.
      The pavilion may be closed to the public on days when the values ​​of the temperature and humidity regime in the pavilion deviate from the established norms.
    • Peel Tower Pavilion
      Entrance fees
      Open to the public from May 1st.
      The exposition is open from 11:00 to 17:00.
      Day off: Monday.
      The pavilion may be closed to the public on days when the values ​​of the temperature and humidity regime in the pavilion deviate from the established norms.

    • Pavlovsk Palace

      Open for visits from 10:00 to 18:00.

      The ticket office on the Parade Square is open from 10:00 to 17:00.
      The entrance to the Pavlovsk Palace closes at 17:15.

      Day off: Monday.

      • Living rooms – I floor
        Entrance fees
        Day off: Monday.
      • Ceremonial halls of the palace – II floor
        Entrance tickets
        Day off: Monday.
      • Living rooms of Empress Maria Feodorovna – I floor
        Entrance tickets
        In the absence of a ticket to the exposition Living rooms and Ceremonial halls of the palace – visit according to the session at 12:00.
        Tickets are on sale:
        ◦ at the box office on the Parade Square from 10:00 to 17:00;
        ◦ in the terminal on the 1st floor from 10:00 to 17:15.
        Day off: Monday.
      • Russian residential interior of the late 18th – early 20th century – III floor
        Entrance tickets
        In the absence of a ticket to the Living Rooms and Ceremonial Halls of the Palace exposition – visit according to the session at 11:00.
        Tickets are on sale:
        ◦ at the box office on the Parade Square from 10:00 to 17:00;
        ◦ in the terminal on the first floor from 10:00 to 17:15;
        ◦ in the terminal on the III floor from 10:00 to 17:30.

        Day off: Monday.

      Permanent exhibitions

      • “The World of a Woman and Her Hobbies” – Central building of the palace, Choirs of the Italian Hall, III floor
        Entrance tickets
        In the absence of a ticket to the exposition Living Rooms and Ceremonial Halls of the Palace – visit according to the session at 11:00.
        The exhibition is open from 10:00 to 18:00.
        Tickets are on sale:
        ◦ at the box office on the Parade Square from 10:00 to 17:00;
        ◦ in the terminal on the 1st floor from 10:00 to 17:15;
        ◦ in the terminal on the III floor from 10:00 to 17:30.

        Day off: Monday.
      • “Costume Museum” – Northern semi-circular building of the palace, 1st floor
        The exhibition is open from 10:00 to 18:00.
        Tickets are sold at the box office on the Parade Square and at the terminal at the exhibition from 10:00 to 17:30.
        Day off: Monday.
      • “Church vestments and church utensils from the funds of the Pavlovsk State Museum Reserve” – Church building of the palace, Ceremonial halls of the palace, Palace Church, 1st floor
        Tickets are sold from 10:00 to 14:30.
        Day off: Monday.
      • “Open Fund of Russian Porcelain” – Northern rectangular building of the palace, entrance from the parade ground, 2nd floor
        Entrance tickets
        Visiting by appointment only by phone: +7 (812) 452-15-36.
      • A.I. Zelenova – Southern semi-circular building of the palace, I floor
        Entrance fees
        Visiting only by groups by prior request by phone: +7 (812) 452-15-36.
      • Photo exhibition “From the ashes and ruins” dedicated to the history of the museum in the 20th century – South semi-circular building of the palace, 1st floor
        Entrance tickets
        Visiting by appointment only by phone: +7 (812) 452-15-36.

      Temporary exhibitions

      • “English Porcelain and Faience” – Pantry, II floor
        Entrance tickets
        The exhibition is open from 10:00 to 17:30.
        Day off: Monday.
      • Empress Umbrellas. Against the sun and rain» – Museum of Costume, Northern semi-circular building of the palace, I floor
        Entrance tickets
        Opening hours of the exhibition from 10:00 to 17:30.
        Day off: Monday.

    ME “Mogilev Children’s Polyclinic No. 2”

    Attention visitors!

    For information on the schedule of appointments of district pediatricians, specialist doctors, please call the registry:
    clinic reception: +375 222 64 05 17; 73 62 10.

    Institution name Health care institution “Mogilev children’s polyclinic No. 2″
    Subordination Health care institution “Mogilev Central Polyclinic”
    Address Mogilev, Vitebsky settlement, 8.
    Clinic address Mogilev, st. Movchanskogo, 45
    Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
    Reception phone +375 222 73-62-10
    Phone of the outpatient clinic registry located at:
    st. Movchanskogo, 45
    +375 222 24-60-11
    Phone/fax of the head doctor’s office +375 222 64-84-57

    health care institution “Mogilev children’s polyclinic No. 2″

    The health care institution “Mogilev children’s polyclinic No. 2” was separated from the adult polyclinic No. 5 in Mogilev in August 1982. and became a member of the TMO “Childhood”. The child population was about 12 thousand in 13 pediatric sites. The polyclinic employed 11 district doctors, 13 district nurses, and an otorhinolaryngologist.

    Territorially, 7 preschool institutions and 3 secondary schools were assigned to the polyclinic for medical care. The largest number of the child population served by the children’s polyclinic fell on the period from 1987 to 1995 and amounted to about 15 thousand children aged 0 to 14 years.

    By the decision of the Mogilev City Executive Committee, in order to improve the quality of medical care, a part of the children’s combine No. 36 was allocated for the rehabilitation treatment department of the children’s polyclinic No. 2, in August 2003. In February 2004, after the reconstruction, the department of medical rehabilitation was opened, which included rooms included: electro- and phototherapy, an inhalation room, an aeroionotherapy room, for dispensing oxygen cocktails, massage, physiotherapy exercises, balneo treatment, a swimming pool, as well as a day hospital for 15 multidisciplinary beds.

    In 2007, an early intervention room for children in Mogilev was organized on the basis of the department.

    In 2016, by the decision of the Mogilev City Executive Committee, in order to improve the availability of medical care to the population, an outpatient clinic was organized, located at the address: Mogilev, st. Movchansky, 45, which currently serves the children’s population of nearby areas.

    health care institution “Mogilev Children’s Polyclinic No. 2”
    • Reception;
    • pediatric department 1;
    • pediatric department 2. for medical care for children in educational institutions;
    • department of medical rehabilitation;
    • early intervention center;
    • dispensary;
    • TsSO;
    • clinical laboratory;
    • ophthalmological, neurological, otorhinolaryngological, surgical, adolescent, speech therapy, first-aid rooms;
    • functional diagnostics room; procedural, vaccination, healthy child’s office;
    • punched card file;
    • day hospital for 15 beds.

    Working hours:

    Weekdays – 7:30-19:30
    Receiving calls — 7:30-15:00
    Saturday — 9:00-18:00
    Receiving calls — 9:00-15:00
    2nd Saturday of the month – specialists work: an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an otorhinolaryngologist, a surgeon.

    The health care facility “Mogilev Children’s Clinic No. 2” serves a child population of 10,700 people aged 0 to 18 years.

    The planned capacity of the polyclinic is 65 people per shift, the actual capacity is 193 people per shift.

    The number of children per district doctor is 890.

    In the service area of ​​the institution there are 9 schools, of which 2 are rural, 13 preschool institutions, of which 2 are rural, and a sanatorium kindergarten.


    TIR No. 2 and outpatient clinics issue plastic cards to receive an electronic prescription!

    Contact a local doctor, have a passport of a legal representative with you.


    Polyclinic administration

    Povkolas Tatyana Gennadievna
    chief physician

    Daineko Elena Valerievna
    Deputy Chief Physician


    Head physician Povkolas Tatyana Gennadievna +375 222 64-84-57 (fax)
    Deputy Chief Physician Daineko Elena Valerievna +375 222 65-63-19
    Head of pediatric department 1 Galatsevich Tatyana Ilyinichna +375 222 73-60-57
    Head of pediatric department 2 for medical care of children in educational institutions Lazakovich Olga Vladimirovna +375 222 73-60-89
    rehabilitation doctor (head) of the department of medical rehabilitation Prazdnikova Elena Alekseevna +375 222 62-62-78
    Human Resources Inspector Pluschakova Inna Vladimirovna +375 222 64-76-41
    Housekeeping manager Tomasheva Svetlana Mikhailovna +375 222 64-87-60
    Chief Nurse Sidorenko Svetlana Nikolaevna +375 222 73-62-77
    Legal Counsel Gorelik Svetlana Pavlovna +375 222 64-87-60
    Medical Rehabilitation Department +375 222 62-62-78
    Physiotherapist of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation Udovina Elena Vladimirovna +375 222 60-40-66
    Mogilev City Early Intervention Center “Rainbow of Hopes” head of the center +375 222 60-40-54
    Reception +375 222 73-62-10,
    +375 222 64-05-17
    Chief accountant Garbatikova Ekaterina Sergeevna 64-95-99
    Information about paid services +375 222 64-95-99

    For information on the schedule of appointments of district pediatricians, specialist doctors, call the registry:

    +375 222 64-05-17; 73-62-10.


    Every 2nd Saturday of the month, medical specialists from 9.00 to 14.00:

    Pediatric surgeon

    In case of emergency, on Saturday you can apply for an appointment with specialist doctors in children’s polyclinics in Mogilev:

    1st Saturday of the month:
    ME “Mogilev Children’s Clinic No. 1”,
    Address: Mira Avenue, 12, tel. 74-49-42

    3rd Saturday of the month:
    ME “Mogilev children’s polyclinic”,
    at the address: Lazarenko street, 68, tel. 74-48-47

    4th Saturday of the month
    ME “Mogilev Children’s Clinic No. 4”,
    at the address: st. Simonova, 55b, tel. 64-71-13


    administrative duties and reception of citizens by representatives of
    administration of a healthcare facility
    “Mogilev Children’s Clinic No. 2″ for 2023

    No. p/n Position, full name Admission days Reception hours No.
    1 Pediatrician (head)
    pediatric department 2
    Lazakovich O.V.
    Monday fifth Thursday 17.00-19.00 8
    2 Deputy Chief Medical Officer
    Daineko E.V.
    Tuesday 17.00-19.00 11
    3 Manager
    department of medical rehabilitation
    Prazdnikova Ye.A.
    Wednesday 17.00-19.00 3
    4 District nurse (senior) of the pediatric department 1
    Kovalkova V. Yu.
    first, third Thursday

    5 District pediatrician (head) of the pediatric department 1 Each
    second, fourth
    17.00-19.00 8
    6 Chief nurse of the institution
    Sidorenko S.N.
    first, third, fifth Friday
    17.00-19.00 17
    7 Nurse (senior) of the pediatric department 2
    Savenkova E.V.
    second, fourth Friday
    17.00-19.00 8


    administrative duties and reception of citizens by representatives of
    administration of a healthcare facility
    “Mogilev children’s polyclinic No. 2″ on Saturdays for 2023


    full name




    District pediatrician (head) of the pediatric department 1

    Third Saturday of the month


    Lazakovich O.V.

    Pediatrician (head) of pediatric department 2

    Fourth Saturday of the month


    Daineko E.V.

    Deputy chief physician

    Second Saturday of the month


    Prazdnikova E. A.

    Rehabilitologist (Head) of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation

    First Saturday of the month


    Sidorenko S.N.

    Chief nurse

    Fifth Saturday of the month


    conducting “direct telephone lines”
    chief physician and deputy chief physician of the health care institution “Mogilev children’s polyclinic No. 2” for 2023

    full name Position Admission days Clock
    1 Povkolas T.G. Chief Physician 1 time per quarter
    second Wednesday
    (January, April, July, October)
    09. 00-12.00
    64 84 57
    2 Daineko E.V. Deputy Chief Medical Officer 1 time per quarter
    second Wednesday (February, May, August, November)
    64 84 57


    conducting “direct telephone lines” weekly on Mondays by the chief physician and deputy chief physician of the health care institution “Mogilev Children’s Polyclinic No. 2”

    Full name, position Venue Day
    Povkolas Tatyana Gennadievna,
    head doctor
    Cabinet No. 23 Every Monday of the month
    Daineko Elena Valerievna,
    Deputy Chief Physician
    Cabinet No. 11 Every Monday of the month


    personal reception of the administration of a healthcare institution
    Mogilev Children’s Polyclinic No. 2

    No. full name Position Admission days Clock
    1 Povkolas T.G.
    (person replacing him)
    Head physician Every third
    Wednesday of the month
    room №23
    2 Daineko E.V.
    (person replacing him)
    Deputy Chief Medical Officer Every second
    Tuesday of the month
    room №11

    Pre-registration for a personal appointment is carried out at the reception (office No. 23) or by phone 64 84 57 Ermachenok N.O. from 8.00 to 17.00 on weekdays, lunch 13.00-14.00.

    Supplementary schedule

    administrative techniques for the prompt resolution of problematic issues of citizens by the administration of a healthcare institution
    “Mogilev children’s polyclinic No. 2″ for December 2022 – January 2023

    N.O. from 8.00 to 17.00 on weekdays, lunch 13.00-14.00.

    Types of services provided in the ME “Mogilev Children’s Clinic No. 2”:

    1. Appointment by doctors: pediatrician, neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, pediatric surgeon, physiotherapist, speech therapist.
    2. Diagnostic measures: ECG, spirometry, ultrasound: abdominal cavity, thyroid gland, kidneys, scrotum, lymph nodes, joints, brain, testicles, mammary glands.
    3. Laboratory tests: general blood tests, urine tests, fecal analysis, bacterioscopic examination of smears, sampling for biochemical blood tests.
    4. Therapeutic measures: intramuscular, intradermal, subcutaneous, intravenous injections, treatment in the day care unit, physiotherapy procedures (UHF, SMT, UVR, Rikta magnetic laser device, etc.), therapeutic massage, exercise therapy.
    5. Medical examinations: upon admission to studies, when teenagers are employed, preventive examinations, etc.

    Information on paid services
    The institution provides paid medical services in accordance with the list approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 10, 2009. No. 182 “On the provision of paid medical services by state healthcare institutions” and within the framework of a special permit (license).

    Paid services for citizens of the Republic of Belarus and foreign citizens:

    1. Consultations of doctors with a specialist in therapeutic profile (pediatrician, neurologist):
      • Consultation of a pediatrician of category II
      • Consultation of a pediatrician of category I
      • Consultation of a pediatrician of the highest category
    2. Consultation of surgical specialists (surgeon, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist)
      • Consultation of a doctor of category II
      • Doctor’s consultation I category
      • Consultation of a doctor of the highest category
    3. Immunoprophylaxis
      • Vaccination
    4. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, bladder, kidneys, scrotum, thyroid gland.

      Kid kountry spring hill tn: Kid Kountry – Saturn | Child care center | Special Needs

      Опубликовано: September 30, 2023 в 3:11 pm


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      Tennessee Children’s Home has four campuses, all of them providing safe harbor, treatment and a Christian environment for displaced families and youth.

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      Our Mission

      Tennessee Children’s Home is committed to improving the lives of those we influence through
      quality services in a Christian atmosphere.

      Our Vision

      Those served by Tennessee Children’s Home will learn to live healthy physical, mental,
      social, and Christian lives.


      Upcoming Events

      Aug 26th 2023 7am

      5th Annual Pathways 5K for Tennessee Children’s Home

      Come run or walk in the 5th Annual Pathways 5K for Tennessee Children’s Home. Your support will go to helping serve at-risk youth in East Tennessee.

      Get Tickets

      Nov 25th 2023 7am

      Spring Hill Turkey Burn

      Tennessee Children’s Home is having Spring Hill’s 6th Annual Turkey Burn, a 1K | 5K | Half Marathon event on November 25, 2023. We are very excited to fill a community need and fund-raise.

      Come enjoy a beautiful run through the hilly back roads of Maury County and Spring Hill.

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      Sep 8th 2023 9:00 AM

      Tennessee Children’s Home Golf Classic

      Join us for the 22nd Annual Tennessee Children’s Home Golf Classic at the beautiful Chickasaw Golf Course. Bring your foursome to Chickasaw golf club and attempt to win the Paul Norris Cup while raising much needed funds for at-risk youth in Tennessee.

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      Our Services

      Residential Care

      As the flagship program at Tennessee Children’s Home, our residential care encompasses almost all of the
      services we provide. We provide for physical, social, emotional, spiritual and educational needs of the
      children and youth in a safe and secure environment.

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      Unlike most similar organizations, Tennessee Children’s Home offers on-site instruction by certified teachers
      for our residential placements through the Cornerstone and New Heights Schools.

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      Alcohol & Drug Treatment

      Tennessee Children’s Home serves youth and adolescents at Level I and at Level II through our substance abuse
      program. Level 1 is structured group living in the community for children and adolescents with relatively few
      emotional or behavioral problems

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      Professional counseling is a service that’s attendant to almost every service we provide. The changing face of
      the culture has created “latch-key” kids, and the incidence of neglect and abuse continues to rise across the
      country, as well as in Tennessee.

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      In-Home Care

      As part of Tennessee Children’s Home’s commitment to the children and families we serve, TCH provides in-home
      services to children who have completed our residential care program. Providing emotional support for children
      returning home and their families is part our commitment to ensure successful results.

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      Spiritual Guidance

      There are three roads a person can take; Wrong Way, Merge or One Way. Many young people in our care have taken
      the wrong way. Some have tried merging some good and bad choices. Tennessee Children’s Home helps get young
      people on the right path, the right road, the one way.

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      Child Care Services in Spring Hill, TN

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    full name


    Days of admission (weeks)

    Reception time


    Povkolas T.G.
    (person replacing him)

    Head physician

    Every Wednesday
    December 2022-January 2023

    office №23


    Daineko E.V.
    (person replacing him)

    Deputy chief physician

    Every Tuesday
    December 2022-January 2023

    16. 00-18.00
    office №11

    Spring Hill KinderCare 2097 Wall St, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    Allendale Pre-kindergarten 2100 Prescott Way, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Preschool
    Allendale SACC 2100 Prescott Way, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    Chapman’s Retreat SACC Program 1000 Secluded Lane, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    Columbia Academy At Spring Hill Campus 756 Beechcroft Road, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Preschool
    Discovery Lane Dayschool 1032 Parkway Drive, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    Eakin Primary School Pre-kindergarten 1100 Glen Oaks Road, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    Kid Kountry – Saturn 500 Saturn Pkwy, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    Little People’s Ink Preschool 5323 Main Street, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Preschool
    Longview Elementary Pre-kindergarten 2929 Commonwealth Drive, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Preschool
    Longview SACC 2929 Commonweath Drive, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    Peanut Gallery – Spring Hill 2204 Spedale Court, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Preschool
    Peanut Gallery – Spring Hill School Age 4918 Columbia Pike, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Preschool
    Spring Hill Academy Pre-kindergarten 2001 Campbell Station, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Preschool
    Spring Hill Academy Preschool 5323 Main Street, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    Spring Hill Elementary Idea 619 Pre-kindergarten 5359 South Main Street, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Preschool
    The Childrens Academy – Spring Hill 1002 Secluded Lane, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    The Net Preschool 2001 Campbell Station Par, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Preschool
    YMCA – Marvin Wright Elementary 4714 Derryberry Lane, Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center
    YMCA Fun Company Spring Hill Elementary 5359 S. Main St., Spring Hill, TN 37174 Center



    Spring Equinox

    Summer Solstice

    Autumn Equinox

    Winter Solstice

    Date Time Date Time Date Time Date Time
    2023 21. 03 00:24 21.06 17:57 23.09 09:49 12/22 06:27
    2024 20.03 06:06 20. 06 23:50 22.09 15:43 21.12 12:20
    2025 20.03 12:01 21.06 05:42 22. 09 21:19 21.12 18:03
    2026 20.03 17:45 21.06 11:24

    900″ data-type=”time”> 03:05

    21. 12 23:50
    2027 20.03 23:24 21.06 17:10 23.09 09:01 12/22 05:42
    2028 20. 03 05:17 20.06 23:01 22.09 14:45 21.12 11:19
    2029 20.03 11:01 21. 06 04:48 22.09 20:38 21.12 17:13
    2030 20.03 16:51 21.06 10:31 23. 09 02:26 21.12 23:09

    The vernal equinox is an astronomical phenomenon when the sun crosses the celestial equator in its apparent movement along the ecliptic. On the day of the spring equinox, the day is almost equal to the night, while the duration of daylight hours continues to grow.

    Report an error

    Summer solstice is the moment when the sun, in its movement along the ecliptic, enters its northernmost point in the northern hemisphere, or the southernmost point in the southern hemisphere. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year (and the shortest night).

    Report an error

    The autumnal equinox is an astronomical event when the sun crosses the celestial equator in its apparent movement along the ecliptic. On the day of the autumnal equinox, daylight hours are almost equal to nights, while the duration of daylight hours decreases with each subsequent day.

    Report an error

    The winter solstice of is the day of the year when the sun passes through the southernmost point of the ecliptic in the northern hemisphere (or the northernmost point in the southern hemisphere). On the day of the winter solstice, the shortest daylight hours and the longest night.

    Report an error

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