Monthly Archives: May 2023

Interview references: The Right Way to Check Someone’s References

Опубликовано: May 22, 2023 в 12:10 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

5 Reference Mistakes That Can Cost You The Job

Sometimes the best resume, smartest cover letter, or even the strongest interview skills are not enough to persuade an employer to hire you. To get a job, you also need people who can sing your praises, people who can attest that you’re a star employee. Put simply: You need professional references.

Unfortunately, “references are often an afterthought for job seekers,” says Andrea Kay, a career consultant based in Cincinnati.

To ensure your references present you in the best light, avoid these common mistakes.

Professional reference list mistakes to avoid

  1. Not asking a person for permission to list them as a reference
  2. Asking the wrong people to be a reference
  3. Not preparing your references
  4. Assuming your reference will give you a great review
  5. Forgetting to thank your references

Mistake #1: Listing someone as a reference without asking the person for permission first

Asking if someone will be a reference for you might sound like a basic step, but Kay says you’d be surprised how many job seekers forget to do it.

“A lot of people just don’t ask for permission,” Kay says. “They just assume that the person is happy to do it.” Hence, you’ll want to touch base with references before providing their contact information to a prospective employer. It’s simply common courtesy.

Mistake #2: Asking the wrong people

No doubt your mom thinks you’re a superstar, and your BFF would have your back no matter what, but alas, you can’t use friends and family members as references. After all, you’re looking for people who can speak to not only your personality, but also your career skills and work ethic.

“You want someone who you worked for, someone you worked with, or someone who worked for you,” says Stefanie Wichansky, CEO at Randolph, New Jersey-based management consulting and staffing firm Professional Resource Partners.

Ideally, you wrangle all three for your reference list. “That would give an employer a good picture of how you are as a direct report, as a co-worker, and as a manager,” Wichansky says.

If you’re going to use a previous boss as a reference, though, first check to see whether the person is allowed to talk about your job performance. “A lot of companies have strict policies that only let managers confirm a past employee’s job title and dates of employment,” says Jeff Shane, president at Allison & Taylor, a professional background screening firm based in Rochester, Michigan.

Mistake #3: Not preparing your references

Many hiring managers will let you know in advance when they’re going to contact your references. So, if possible, you should give your references a heads-up to let them know who will be contacting them, and supply them with an updated copy of your resume.

Pro tip: Share the job description with your references, so they can gain a good sense of the position you’re applying for.

Depending on how long it’s been since you held the job, you may have to refresh the person’s memory about specific projects you worked on or results you delivered that can be used as talking points.

Also, consider asking your references to speak to certain skills, such as leadership, reliability, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. Recent research from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that employers care more about these particular soft skills than they do technical abilities like reading comprehension or mathematics.

Mistake #4: Blindly assuming the person will give you a glowing review

Even though you think you were a great employee, your past manager may not feel the same way.

“Countless job seekers have been dismayed by the information that a former supervisor shares about them,” says Shane. “If an employer uncovers a negative reference, you may never hear from the company ever again.”

Therefore, if you’re even the slightest bit unsure of where you stand, ask your references ahead of time what they’re going to say about you. If they don’t plan on flattering you, take them off your references list and move on to the next person.

Mistake #5: Forgetting to send a thank-you letter

Your references are doing you a big favor. “They’re not only investing their time for you, but they’re also putting their own reputation on the line,” Kay says.

Take a few minutes to write them a thank-you email or handwritten letter. It’s a small gesture, but it can go a long way.

“If you want someone to be a good reference, you have to act like a mensch,” Kay says. “There’s no such thing as being too appreciative.”

Done with mistakes? Do this next

The job search doesn’t have to trip you up at every turn—but there are a whole lot of turns to contend with. Prevent unnecessary headaches by starting off on the right foot. Meaning, get your resume in shape. Not only will a strong resume impress hiring managers, it’ll also show your potential references what you’ve accomplished so far in your career. Need some help making sure you’re giving them something to talk about? Get a free resume evaluation today from the experts at Monster’s Resume Writing Service. You’ll get detailed feedback in two business days, including a review of your resume’s appearance and content, and a prediction of a recruiter’s first impression. It’s a quick and easy way to avoid the little mistakes that can have a big impact.

13 Questions You Should Ask When Checking References

To the list of things that people either love or hate — Tom Brady, cats, brussels sprouts — we can safely add reference checks. Fans see them as a sure-fire way to uncover candidates’ abilities and to learn if they are likely to be a phenom or a fiasco. Haters, on the other hand, find them to be a complete waste of time. 

One of the reasons reference checks can feel unproductive is that many companies put no structure in place when asking candidates to list references. Predictably, they end up with the contact info for the prospective hire’s BFFs, who will invariably say the candidate is:

But when reference checks are done right, they can be hugely helpful and be the difference between hiring the right or wrong person. So to help you get more out of this process, we’ve done our research and laid out who are the best references to talk to and the best questions to ask when checking references to get the information you need. 

Talk to the right people: Have your candidates help you reach out to their former managers

Instead of having candidates give you a list of their reference choices, ask them to include the names and phone numbers of their former managers on their application. Understandably, they may not want you talking to their current boss if their new job search is a secret. If that’s the case, ask to talk to a manager from a previous role.

This is a fair request, and the way your candidates respond — are they helpful or evasive? — may be a critical clue to what kind of employee they might be.

In addition, your candidate may be the ideal person to set up your reference calls. The candidate has well-established relationships with any references, who may be much more willing to chat if they believe they can help a former colleague by doing them a favor.

Once you have the right person on the phone, ask questions that will reveal truly useful information

Once you have an ex-manager on the phone, make sure to tell them that all of their answers, no matter how glowing or how glaring, will be kept in absolute confidence. None of your conversations will get back to the candidate (let’s call that person Pat). Here are the questions you should consider asking:

1. Tell me about how you and Pat worked together

To start things off, give Pat’s former manager a chance to get comfortable and to start verifying what Pat has already told you. Find out when they worked together and for how long, and check on Pat’s title and responsibilities. Make sure you find out how closely and regularly Pat and the reference worked together.

2. Did Pat have any major accomplishments while working for you?

To some extent, this is a softball question to further relax the reference and to validate, again, claims Pat made in interviews. It’s also a reminder that reference checks are not simply a “gotcha” exercise to catch candidates in a fib or exaggeration. They are a chance to better understand the qualities and skills Pat brings, particularly if Pat’s a humble or introverted person who may have struggled selling themselves during your interviews.

3. For this position, we need someone who can __________ [fill in the most important things]. How would you rate Pat on each?

This question is essential. “This is an opportunity for you to get a third party’s perspective on the candidate’s potential skill match for the position you are hiring,” says Sean Falconer, the former CTO and founder of Proven who is now staff developer advocate and developer relations manager at Google.

To understand which of these things would be Pat’s strength — and which would be a weakness — have your reference rate Pat on each of the competencies you list. Ask them to use a 1-to-10 scale and only allow them to give you a 10 on one of them in order to get a more realistic picture.  

4. What are Pat’s greatest strengths?

The answer to this question will allow you to calibrate your impressions — based on Pat’s resume, interviews, and work samples — with those of someone who has worked alongside Pat. You’ll also have a chance to see how the response lines up with Pat’s self-assessment, which may offer a clue to Pat’s self-awareness and allow you to calibrate other answers.

5. What are Pat’s biggest weaknesses? Is there any area where they would need additional support in their first 90 days?

This question serves a dual purpose. As Pat’s prospective manager, you need to know how to make Pat successful in a new role. The question may also help you determine whether Pat is coachable. If the reference gives you an answer that is a little cliché — say, “Pat works too hard” or “they care too much” — find out what’s underneath it. Does Pat come to work exhausted? Does Pat seem low on energy? If you get a thoughtful answer here and then offer Pat a job, you will have a big head start with insights that might have taken you months or even years to acquire otherwise.

The other purpose of this question is to surface any reasons why you may want to rethink Pat as part of your team. For example, if Pat’s former boss says Pat would really benefit from some anger management classes, you might want to consider ending your interview early and moving on to Candidate B.

6. Was Pat a good communicator and listener?

It’ll be helpful to get a sense of some of Pat’s soft skills. If your reference says Pat was a good communicator, ask for an example of when that showed up. Same for listening skills. And each time you ask for a specific instance you are also checking on how well your reference really knows Pat. Of course, you can swap out these two soft skills for others you feel are more important to get info on.

7. In your experience, does Pat work better alone or with a team?

Some professionals are much better at one than the other. Your team may need someone who can go off on their own and perform magic, or you may need someone who will be the necessary glue for a large project. Make sure Pat will fit your needs. 

8. Can you give me an example of a setback or stressful challenge that Pat faced and tell me how Pat dealt with it?

Work — particularly creative and challenging work — is never an endless parade of easy victories. Obstacles are confronted, mistakes made, setbacks encountered. You want to find out whether Pat rises to challenges or simply disappears. Is Pat an exemplar of when the going gets tough, the tough get going?

Do problems unleash Pat’s creativity and collaboration or do they trigger finger-pointing and withdrawal? Try to get your reference to be as specific as possible about the circumstances of a high-stress project, the outcome, and Pat’s response and behavior when tested.

9. Did Pat receive any promotions while at your company?

If Pat was promoted, that generally bolsters Pat’s candidacy. If not, make sure you push to understand why — no open positions, stronger internal candidates (a possible red flag), missing skill set, etc.

10. On a scale of 1 to 10, compared to other people you’ve hired, how would you rate Pat?

“You want to hear 8, 9, or 10,” writes author Jeff Hyman in his book Recruit Rockstars. “Anything less than an 8 is a red flag, because they’re likely being generous.” If Pat’s an 8 or 9, what would it have taken for Pat to be a 10? 

11. Why did Pat leave your company?

Like your opening question, this one allows you to validate what Pat has already told you.

12. Would you rehire Pat?

Listen carefully. “I’m looking for ‘definitely’ or ‘absolutely’ without hesitation,” Jeff says.

13. Is there anyone else you’d recommend I speak to?

It’s always a good idea to get different perspectives, so ask your reference if there is anyone else who would be good for you to talk to and can offer new insight. This could be someone who worked alongside or under Pat and can offer a different perspective.

A strong reference check can help ensure you hire the right candidate

With embellishment, embroidery, and even outright lying being possibilities during the interview process, well-executed reference checks can be truly beneficial. 

But this shouldn’t merely be seen as a chance to trip up your candidate. A real conversation with a former supervisor can have other benefits. For example, it can level the playing field for an introverted candidate. As the Financial Times asked in an article entitled “Introverts Pose a Problem for Hirers,” how “can employers persuade introverts to blow their own trumpets about how they prefer not blowing their own trumpets?”

For a hiring manager, a strong reference interview can also give you an enormous head start on managing a new employee.

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Bibliographic description and citation – School of Cultural Studies – National Research University Higher School of Economics

The method of bibliographic description in the list of references, as well as citation in the text of the work and footnotes described in these recommendations, is an average variant and is built in accordance with the most common international academic standards. In addition, this document defines the rules for citing Internet sources, as well as the design of links to films.

In case of citing specific texts – dissertations, archival manuscripts, etc. we recommend that you refer to the detailed version of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 [1].

The adopted designation system is mandatory for all students of the HSE School of Cultural Studies.

Please note that the requirements for bibliography and references vary in specific Russian and foreign publications. The type of bibliographic description suggested below contains all the necessary information – if such a need arises, you can always bring your bibliographic description and citation in line with the norms of a particular publication.

The list of references is placed as a separate, final section of your text and is formed in alphabetical order of surnames. At the beginning of the list is literature in Russian, then – in foreign languages. All sources in Latin are in general alphabetical order without being broken down into individual languages. Arabic, hieroglyphic, etc. sources are grouped below in separate lists.

The list of works of one author is ordered chronologically: from early to late works.

If two or more works of the same author date back to the same year, they are sorted alphabetically by the title of the work, and in addition to the year of work, a letter of the Latin alphabet is indicated (2001a; 2001b, etc.).

General description

Surname and initials of the author/editor (in italics), year of publication (in parentheses), title of the monograph or article (surname of the author of the monograph or editor of the collection in italics).

Further, depending on the type of source: for a monograph – place of publication and publisher, year of publication; for an article – the name of the journal, year of issue, issue of the journal; for a chapter from a collective monograph or a separate article from a collection of articles – the name of the editor and the title of the collective monograph, place of publication and publisher, year of publication.

The editor of the publication is attributed with a special indication in parentheses, while the abbreviation is given in the original language: Ed. – in Russian; Ed. or Eds. (if there are several editors) – in English; hg. – in German, etc.

If a specific article in a collection or journal is indicated in the list of references in the general description of the work, its page numbers must also be indicated. In this case, the abbreviated spelling of the word “page” in the original language of the publication is used: S. – for the Russian language; P. – for English; S. – for German, etc.).

In the case of a bibliographic description of English-language works and titles of an edition (magazine), nouns, verbs and adjectives in the title are written with a capital letter.

Pay attention to italics and punctuation in the bibliographic description – they must be strictly observed .

Off-text bibliographic description

(taken out at the end of the text as “References”)

In the list of references, each bibliographic description starts on a new line, without list numbering. For ease of orientation in the bibliography, the paragraph is formatted with the parameter: first line / ledge.

Examples of monograph descriptions

Arendt H. (2012) Lectures on Kant’s political philosophy. SPb.: Nauka.

Berkowitz N. (Ed.) (1998) A humanistic approach to health care. Moscow: Aspect-Press.

Floyd J., Srears M. (Eds.) (2011) Political Philosophy versus History? Contextualism and Real Politics in Contemporary Political Thought.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Marchart O. (2010) Die Politische Differenz. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag.

Examples of article descriptions

Dmitriev T. A. (2009) Antonio Gramsci // Kurennoy V. A. (Ed.). History and theory of intelligentsia and intellectuals. M.: Heritage of Eurasia. pp. 207-228.

Shlykov P. (2011) Turkish nationalism in the 20th century: the search for national identity // Issues of nationalism. No. 5. S. 135-155.

Yablokov A. (2012) How Melodiya tries to save its archive // ​​Vedomosti. February 26th.

Janssens D. (2006) Habeas Corpus?: Pierre Manent and the Politics of Europe // European Journal of Political Theory. No. 5. P. 171-190.

Hall S. (2000a) Cultural Studies und die Politik der Internationalisierung // Hall S. Culture Studies: Ein politisches Theorieprojekt. Ausgewählte Schriften 3. Hamburg: Argument. S. 137-157.

Hall S. (2000b) Das theoretische Vermächtnis der Cultural Studies // Hall S. Culture Studies: Ein politisches Theorieprojekt.
Ausgewählte Schriften 3. Hamburg: Argument. S. 34-51.

Hall S. (2000c) Die Formierung eines Diaspora-Intellektuellen // Hall S. Culture Studies: Ein politisches Theorieprojekt. Ausgewählte Schriften 3. Hamburg: Argument. S. 8-33.

Intratext link

In the text of your work, links serve as a brief indication of the full bibliographic description of the work given in the list of references. Usually the link is placed in the text of your work. If the reference turns out to be cumbersome (in the case of specifying several works, or if the reference is accompanied by additional explanations), it can be placed in a footnote.

If you indicate the source as such, without citing or implying a specific passage from it, then it is sufficient to indicate the author’s surname and the year of publication of the work in parentheses: (Arendt, 2012) or (Marchart, 2010).

If multiple texts are specified, references to them are separated by semicolons (Arendt, 2012; Marchart, 2010).

If you cite or refer to a specific passage in a work, the corresponding page(s) of the work is also included in the reference, for example: (Arendt, 2012, 56) or (Marchart, 2010, 23-24).

Descriptions and references in historical texts

In historical texts, for correct orientation in chronology, it is customary to indicate the date of the first publication of the work (reading the report or completing the manuscript). In such cases, in the reference, along with the year of publication of the edition cited in your text, the year of the first publication of the work, the reading of the report, etc. is indicated in square brackets. For example: (Husserl, 2009[1911]). At the same time, an explanation regarding the citation rule is given in the reference in the first case of such a citation. An example of an explanatory reference:

Husserl, 2012 [1911], 243. – Here and below, the year of the first publication of the work is indicated in square brackets.

In addition, in the list of references, after the bibliographic description, brief additional information about the first publication is given.



Dobrolyubov N. A. (1989) New Code of Russian Practical Wisdom / Anthology of Russian Pedagogical Thought in the First Half of the 19th Century. (before the reforms of the 60s) / Comp. P. A. Lebedev. – M .: Pedagogy. pp. 486-498. First publication: Contemporary. 1859. No. 6.

Ushinsky K. (1988) Man as a subject of education: Experience of pedagogical anthropology. T. 1 / Ushinsky K. D. Pedagogical essays in 6 vols. T. 5. M . : Pedagogy. First publication: 1867

Indirect citation

In some cases, it becomes necessary to quote or refer to a work that you are not working on directly, but quote this quote from another work. Scientific correctness in such cases requires you to indicate that the quotation is indirect. For a work that you cite indirectly, a bibliographic description is given in the list of references according to the general rules. When making a reference in your text, it is necessary to make an appropriate clarification: (Husserl, 2011, 25 (quoted from: Arendt, 2012, 36)).


In some cases, the work may not include a separate bibliography.

In this case, references are given in footnotes. Please note that this design method is an exception; it is appropriate to use it if you work with a small number of sources in your text – one or two. In other cases, we recommend that you make a bibliography and use the citation system described above.

The difference in the bibliographic description of the list of references and in the interlinear design of references is only in the details. Namely, the year of publication is placed not after the name of the author (editor), but at the end of the description, before indicating the pages (in the case of a book) or immediately after the title of the periodical (in the case of a magazine or newspaper).

For example:

Arendt H. Lectures on Kant’s political philosophy. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2012.

Janssens D. (2006) Habeas Corpus?: Pierre Manent and the Politics of Europe // European Journal of Political Theory. 2006. No. 5. P. 171-190.

Marchart O. Die Politische Differenz. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2010.

If you give a link to several works at once, they are indicated in a row, separated by a semicolon, for example:

See: Arendt H. Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2012; Marchart O. Die Politische Differenz. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2010.

A full bibliographic description of the work is given at the first reference to it. Further in the text, if you repeatedly refer to this work, you must use the correct system of abbreviations. Be guided by the following rules:

1. To refer to the work cited immediately before (the reference is indicated directly in the text, not placed in the note):

Decree. op. P. 34. (for works in Russian)

Op. cit. P. 35. (for works in any foreign language)

2. To refer to the author’s last cited work, unless it immediately precedes the given reference.

Mamin-Sibiryak. Decree. op. p. 34.

Cohen. Op. cit. P. 35

this. To avoid confusion in such cases, the full title of the work (or the first completed part of this title) is indicated:

Mamin-Sibiryak. Mountain nest. S. 34.

Hall. A Sense of classlessness. P. 30.

4. If you are quoting the same page of the source in a row, then directly in the text it is enough to indicate in parentheses: (ibid.) (op. cit.)

5. In the case of writing an abstract, where in In the text you quote the same source repeatedly, you should proceed as follows. At the first mention of the work, a footnote gives a full bibliographic description of the work, with the clarification that you are subsequently citing this edition, for example:

Thornton Sarah. Club Cultures: Music, Media, and Subcultural Capital. Wesleyan University Press, 1996. – Subsequent pages in the text refer to this edition.

In the abstract itself, you simply indicate the page number in parentheses.

“Subcultural capital is the guiding line and pillar of an alternative hierarchy in which everything is lowered by the axes of age, sex, sexuality and ‘race’ in order to supplant, if possible, the attributes of class, income and profession” (105).

Description of Internet resources

1. When describing a news resource or a specialized site operating in the media mode – for example, an electronic scientific journal – it is necessary to indicate the name of the Internet resource and the date of publication, and after that – a hyperlink in brackets. If the published text refers to an interview or to genres other than an article (for example, if it is a poem), it is better to explain the nature of the material in square brackets:

Kuznetsov S. (2009) We loved him: Vasily Aksenov died // website. July 7 (

(Source cited in the text: Kuznetsov, 2009.)

Khitrov A. (2011) Optimistic Internet TV channel Dozhd [Conversation with the editor-in-chief of TV channel
M. Zygarem] // Digital Icons. Vol. 6 (

(Source link in the text: Khitrov, 2011.)

material, then indicate the actual name of the resource, the date of publication and the hyperlink. For example:

Sloterdijks Peter. (2007) Theorie des Fundamentalismus // YouTube. January 28 (

(Source cited in text: Sloterdijks, 2007.)

2NE1. (2009) I Don’t Care // YouTube. August 26 (

(Source link in the text: 2NE1, 2009. )

3. When describing a LJ post, you must specify the author’s nickname (and decrypt it if the nickname is decrypted in user info – but only in this case!), post title, date placement, and then specify a hyperlink:

borkhers (B. Kherson) (2012) Notes of a psychiatrist // LiveJournal borkhers. February 21 entry (

(Source link in the text: Khersonsky, 2012.)

When quoting a post on Facebook and Twitter, the author’s name, date of entry and hyperlink in brackets are indicated. If
the Facebook entry has a title (in the case of “Notes”), it must also be indicated:

Vadim Novikov. (2012) Facebook post: February 22 at 15:05 (


Kurennoy V. (2011) Soviet cosmism // Facebook entry: 1 April at 23:07 (

If a post on Facebook or LiveJournal is not public (for example, it is for
friends only or is a private journal), be sure to get permission from the post’s author
before linking to it. Try to observe this rule also in the case of public records in personal Internet resources.

4. When describing a material placed in an Internet library – for example,, Moshkov Libraries or – you must indicate the edition that was scanned for this library, and then put “Cit. by:” and give a hyperlink. If the edition is not explicitly written, it can be found using search engines. For example, the novel by M.A. Asturias “The Owner of Treasures” is marked: 1961, trans. N. Trauberg. With the help of Google, it is easy to establish that in the current reprints this novel in the same translation is called “The Young Owner of Treasures.” Its description will look like this:

Asturias M. Young owner of treasures. St. Petersburg: Azbuka-klassika, 2003. Cit. via:

Some texts on are marked “First published on the Web”, some texts on are also exclusive, although they are not marked with such marks. If a text search through Google does not provide information about paper
publications, the link is made in accordance with paragraph 6.

5. In other cases, after the author’s name and the title of the material, it is enough to put a hyperlink in brackets:

Letov S. Memorial notes about Sergey Kuryokhin (

(Link to the source in the text: Letov.)

6. When describing an Internet resource, in some cases the date of your access to it is indicated:

Letov S. Memorial notes about Sergey Kuryokhin ( /letov_kurehin.html) [op. February 26, 2012].

We do not necessarily require this indication from you when describing Internet resources. However, it is necessary to know0045 that such information is required by some Internet resource description standards.

7. When linking to Internet resources interlinearly, follow the formatting and abbreviation guidelines given above for regular bibliographic references.

Movie references

If your work analyzes movies, the movie reference is given as follows. The first time a film is mentioned in the text, the title of the film should be given, followed by the film’s director and year of release in parentheses. For example:

“Kuban Cossacks” (dir. Ivan Pyryev, 1949).

When referring to a foreign film, the title of the film in the original language is also indicated:

Lethal Weapon (dir. R. Donner, 1987).

Additional information about the film – for example, if the film was not released in the same year as the film – is given in a separate footnote.

If the work is based on the analysis of a large number of films, they are placed at the end of the work – before the list of references – in the form of a separate list (List of films), drawn up in accordance with the specified sample.

[1] See: GOST R 7.0.5-2008. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic link. General requirements and drafting rules (

Bibliographic description and design of references

Bibliographic description and design of references


GOST R 7.0.5-2008 General requirements and rules for compilation.

If we replace . (dot) to . – (dot dash), then . – (dot dash) put in the entire list of references.

General scheme of the bibliographic description :

Header (surname, initials of authors)
Main title
: Additional information (textbook)
/ Information on the liability (acting, the surname of the editor, compiler;

. EDITION INFORMATION (2nd ed., revised and supplemented)
. PLACE OF PUBLISHING (Moscow, Novosibirsk)

If there is no description area, skip. Can . replaced by . –

Book with one author :
Roslyakov AV OKS №7: architecture, protocols, application. Moscow: EcoTrends, 2010. 315 p.

Book with two authors :
Ruchkin VN, Fulin VA Computer network architecture. Moscow: DIALOG-MEPhI, 2010. 238 p.

Book with three authors :
Tarasevich L.S., Grebennikov P.I., Leussky A.I. Macroeconomics: textbook. Moscow: Higher. education, 2011. 658s.
Maksimenko VN, Afanasiev VV, Volkov NV Information protection in cellular mobile communication networks / ed. O. B. Makarevich. Moscow: Hotline-Telecom, 2009. 360 p.

A book with four or more authors : The description begins with a BASIC TITLE. The statement of responsibility indicates either all authors, or the first author with the addition of the abbreviation “and others” in square brackets [and others]

1. History of Russia in modern times: textbook / A. B. Bezborodov, N. V. Eliseeva, T. Yu. Krasovitskaya, O. V. Pavlenko. Moscow: Prospekt, 2014. 440 p.
1. History of Russia in modern times: textbook / A. B. Bezborodov [and others]. Moscow: Prospekt, 2014. 440 p.

Book without an author:
Insurance: textbook / ed. T. A. Fedorova. 3rd ed., revised. and additional Moscow: Master, 2011. 106 p.

Multi-volume edition:
Economic history of the world. Europe. T. 3 / under the general. ed. M. V. Konotopova. Moscow: Publishing House. corporation “Dashkov and K”, 2012. 350 p.

University textbook:
Zaslavsky KE Optical fibers for communication systems: textbook. allowance / Sib. state University of Telecommunications and Informatics. Novosibirsk, 2008.

Banks learning center: Daycare | Banks Learning Center

Опубликовано: May 21, 2023 в 11:22 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Banks Learning Center Iii Inc

2020-07-30 Renewal 3270.102(a) – Clean and good repair Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the outside upper play area, it was observed that three kids sized picnic benches were cracked in the corners on the benches, and the large boat was cracked along the back causing the children to be exposed to sharp corners and pinch points. It was also observed that the Step 2 playhouse had screws sticking out exposing the children to sharp points.

Correction Required: Toys, play equipment and other indoor and outdoor equipment used by the children shall be clean, in good repair and free from rough edges, sharp corners, pinch and crush points, splinters and exposed bolts.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all toys, play equipment and outdoor equipment used by the children will be clean and in good repair free from rough edges/sharp corners/pinch/crush points/splinters.
2020-07-30 Renewal 3270.131(a) – Within 60 days Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for child #1, with an enrollment date of 2/11/20, lacked an initial health assessment.

Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent of an enrolled child, including a child, a foster child and a relative of an operator or a facility person, to provide an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center we will require the parent of an enrolled child including foster children/relative or facility person, to provide an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility.
2020-07-30 Renewal 3270. 131(b)(2) – Toddler/preschool: updated health report every 12 months Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for child #2 had a health assessment last dated for 2/8/19, which is more than 12 months ago.

Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent to provide an updated health report at least every 12 months for an older toddler or preschool child.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center we will require the parent to provide an updated health report every 12 months for an older toddler and preschool child.
2020-07-30 Renewal 3270.131(d)(5) – Immunization record Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The immunization record for child #1 lacked DTAP and Pneumococcal in accordance with the ACIP.

Correction Required: A health report shall include a review of the child’s immunized status according to recommendations of the ACIP.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all children’s health reports will include immunized status according to recommendation of the ACIP.
2020-07-30 Renewal 3270.151(a) – 12 months prior to service and every 24 months thereafter Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for staff person #1 had a health assessment last dated for 8/25/17, which is more than 24 months ago.

Correction Required: A facility person providing direct care who comes into contact with the children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment conducted within 12 months prior to providing initial service in a child care setting and every 24 months thereafter. A health assessment is valid for 24 months following the date of signature, if the person does not contract a communicable disease or develop a medical problem.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all facility persons providing direct care in contact with children or working with food preparations will have a health assessment conducted within 12 months prior to providing initial service at the facility and every 24 months thereafter. All staff persons will have an updated health assessment every 2 years.
2020-07-30 Renewal 3270.32(a)/3270.192(4) – Comply with CPSL/CPSL information Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff person #2, with a hire date of 11/2/19, applied and received the National Sex Offender Registry on 7/1/2020, not on the file at the facility.

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services).. A facility person’s record shall include a copy of requests for the criminal history record and child abuse registry clearance information, a copy of the disclosure statement and a copy of the completed clearance information required under the CPSL.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center the operator will comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 . All facility person’s record will include a copy request for criminal history record/child abuse/registry clearance/disclosure statement/ and a copy of the completed clearance information required under the CPSL.
2020-07-30 Renewal 3270.65 – Protective Outlet Covers 5 yrs. or less Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the Toddler room, beside the kitchen window it was observed that an outlet lacked electrical covers, that were accessible to children under the age of 5.

Correction Required: Protective receptacle covers shall be placed in electrical outlets accessible to children 5 years of age or younger.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all protective receptacle covers will be placed in electrical outlets accessible to children 5 years of age or younger.
2020-03-05 Allocated Unannounced Monitoring 3270.113(a)(1) – Staff assigned to specific children Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the toddler room, it was observed that two staff people were present with 14 toddlers who were on cots and pack-n-plays. Staff person #1 named 6 young toddlers and missed 1 older toddler, the other staff person named 7 older toddlers.

Correction Required: Each staff person shall be assigned the responsibility for supervision of specific children. The staff person shall know the names and whereabouts of the children in his assigned group. The staff person shall be physically present with the children in his group on the facility premises and on facility excursions off the facility premises.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At BLC each staff person is assigned the responsibility for supervision of specific children. All staff persons will know names/whereabouts of children in their assigned group. All staff will be physically present with all children in their group on the facility premises/excursions off the facility premises. All staff will wear on their body picture tags with names of each assigned child to their group for immediate identification of assigned child.
2019-10-31 Unannounced Monitoring 3270.113(a)(1) – Staff assigned to specific children Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: At approximately 1:45 in the preschool room, where staff person #1, #2, #3 and #4 were present with 25 children, staff person #1 identified 6 children, staff person #2 identified 8 children, staff person #3 identified 8 children and staff person #4 did not identify any children. This left 1 child not identified by anyone.

Correction Required: Each staff person shall be assigned the responsibility for supervision of specific children. The staff person shall know the names and whereabouts of the children in his assigned group. The staff person shall be physically present with the children in his group on the facility premises and on facility excursions off the facility premises.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At BLC the staff person was put on 3 day suspension and required to take an mandatory online course on Supervision. Each staff is using the SPILL protocal identifying and assigned to specific children. The staff has photo badges and knows all the names and whereabouts of the children that are assigned in their group. All staff will and in the future be physically present with the children in his/her group at all times on premises and on excursions.
2019-10-03 Unannounced Monitoring 3270.113(a) – Supervised at all times Non Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: At approximately 2:20 pm, in the toddler room during nap time, child #1 was observed lying on their cot around the corner of the room near the infant room, and was not able to be directly supervised by staff person #1 and #2, who were moving around the room when the certification representative entered the facility.

Correction Required: Children on the facility premises and on facility excursions off the premises shall be supervised by a staff person at all times. Outdoor play space used by the facility is considered part of the facility premises.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
All cots will be set up towards the middle of the room for nap time so children can still be supervised when staff move around. In the future, Banks Learning Center children on the facility and on facility excursions off premises will be directly supervised by staff at all times.
2019-10-03 Unannounced Monitoring 3270.113(a)(1) – Staff assigned to specific children Non Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: At approximately 2:20 pm, in the toddler room where staff person #1 and #2 were present with 14 toddlers all on their rest equipment, staff person #1 identified 8 children and staff person #2 identified 4 children, leaving 2 children not identified by anyone. At approximately 2:40 pm, in the preschool room, where staff person #3, #4 and #5 were present with 22 preschoolers, staff person #3 identified 6 children, staff person #4 identified 9 children and staff person #5 identified 6 children, leaving one child not identified by anyone.

Correction Required: Each staff person shall be assigned the responsibility for supervision of specific children. The staff person shall know the names and whereabouts of the children in his assigned group. The staff person shall be physically present with the children in his group on the facility premises and on facility excursions off the facility premises.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Upon shift changes or breaks or whenever one staff person is stepping in for another, we will practice “SPILL” between the staff: S = Stop before anyone leaves room/area P = Pass off supervision tags I = Identify the number and names of the children L = Locate where the children are in the room/area L = Leave (then staff can leave the room/area) In the future, Banks Learning Center staff will be assigned and responsible for supervision of specific children. All staff will be responsible knowing the names and whereabouts of the children assigned group. Each staff person will be physically present with the children in her group on the facility premises and on facility excursions off the facility premises.
2019-07-29 Renewal 3270.106(f) – 2 feet apart Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There were empty pack n plays on both sides of a pack n play in which an infant was observed sleeping, leaving less than 2 feet of space on those 2 sides.

Correction Required: At least 2 feet of space is required on three sides of a bed, cot, crib or other rest equipment while the equipment is in use.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
We will fold up some of the pack n play to make room. In the future, we will make sure there is 2 feet of space on 3 sides.
2019-07-29 Renewal 3270.106(j) – Prohibit items in crib Compliant – Finalized

Little Sunshine’s Playhouse And…

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Little Sunshine’s Playhouse And Preschool – Colorado Springs CO Child Care Center

Noncompliance Area: There was a bib around the neck of an infant observed sleeping in the infant room.

Correction Required: Toys, bumper pads, or pillows may not be present in a crib while an infant is sleeping in the crib.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The bib was immediately removed. In the future, all bibs will be removed before infants are placed to sleep.
2019-07-29 Renewal 3270.124(f)/3270.181(c) – Updated every 6 months/Emergency info/agreement updated 6 mos Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The last updates in writing by a parent on the emergency contact information and the agreement form in the file for child #1 was dated more than 6 months ago.

Correction Required: The parent shall update in writing emergency contact information once in a 6-month period or as soon as there is a change in the informationA parent is required to review and update the emergency contact information and the financial agreement at least once in a 6-month period or as soon as there is a change in the information.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
We’ll have a parent update and sign the forms. In the future, we will continue to make sure all agreements and emergency contact forms are updated every 6 months.
2019-07-29 Renewal 3270.131(b)(1) – Infant: updated health report every 6 months Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The last health report in the file for child #1, a young toddler, was dated more than 6 months ago.

Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent to provide an updated health report at least every 6 months for an infant or young toddler

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
We will obtain an updated physical for the child. In the future, we will make sure that young toddlers and infants have physicals every 6 months.

Banks Learning Center Four Inc

2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.124(b)(1) – Child’s name, birth date Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The emergency contact form on file for child #3 did not include the child’s correct birthdate.

Correction Required: Emergency contact information must include the name and birth date of the child.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all emergency contact information will include the name and birth date of the child. The parent of Child#3 has included the child’s birthdate on the emergency contact form.
2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.124(b)(6) – Insurance coverage information Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The health insurance information on the emergency contact form on file for child #2 specified the policy number, but not the insurance company.

Correction Required: Emergency contact information must include health insurance coverage and policy number for a child under a family policy or Medical Assistance benefits, if applicable.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all emergency contact information will include the complete health insurance information. which is needed in an emergency situation. Child #2 has indicated the name of the insurance company.
2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.131(a) – Within 60 days Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There were no health assessment on file for children #1 and #3 each enrolled at the facility more than 90 days (as per regulation adjusted due to covd-19).

Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent of an enrolled child, including a child, a foster child and a relative of an operator or a facility person, to provide an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all parents of an enrolled child, including a child, foster and relative to operator or facility person will provide an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility. Health assessments for child#1 was submitted and due to COVID 19 a letter for child #3 was submitted in explanation with parental signature for tardiness of health report. We will obtain a health assessment for this child as well.
2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.151(c)(3) – Exam communicable disease Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The health assessment on file for Facility Person #3 indicated she had a communicable disease, but did not provide any further information.

Correction Required: An adult health assessment must include an examination for communicable diseases and the results of that examination.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all adult health assessments will include an examination for communicable diseases and the results of that examination. Facility Person#3 has submitted a new adult health assessment indicating no communicable diseases were found.
2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.21 – General Health and Safety Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The facility’s written health and safety plan to aligns with CDC guidance to minimize the risk of COVID-19 did not address the pick-up and drop-off policies or the screening procedures.

Correction Required: Conditions at the facility may not pose a threat to the health or safety of the children.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information. )
At Banks Learning Center no condition at the facility will pose threat to the health and safety of children. A new CDC COVID-19 procedures has been submitted.
2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.25(a) – Post the certificate of compliance Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The certificate of compliance posted at the facility was expired.

Correction Required: The facility’s current certificate of compliance and a copy of the applicable regulations under which the facility is certified shall be posted in a conspicuous location used by parents, with instructions for contacting the appropriate regional day care office posted at the same location.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all current certificate of compliance and applicable regulations under facility is certified will be posted in a conspicuous location used by parents with instructions for contacting the appropriate regional day care office posted at the same location. The certificate of compliance has been posted.
2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.27(c) – Training regarding plan Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There was no documentation of emergency plan training at hire on file for Facility Person #5.

Correction Required: The operator shall assure that each facility person receives training regarding the emergency plan at the time of initial employment, on an annual basis and at the time of each plan update. The operator shall document the date of each training and the names of all facility persons who received the training and kept on file at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center we will assure that each facility person receives training regarding the emergency plan at the time of initial employment, on an annual basis and at time of each plan update. We will document the date of each training and the names of all facility persons who received the training and kept on file at facility.
2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.32(a)/3270.192(2)(iii) – Comply with CPSL/Exp, educ., training at facility Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The only mandated reporter training document on file for Facility Person #3, employed at he facility since 8/9/18, was dated 6/3/20.

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). A facility person’s record shall include verification of child care experience, education and training following the outset of service at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center we will comply with CPSL and with Chapter 3490. All facility person’s records will include verification of child care experience, education, and training following the outset of service at the facility.
2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.32(a)/3270.192(4) – Comply with CPSL/CPSL information Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There was no NSOR clearance on file for Facility Persons #1, #3, and #4, all employed at the facility prior to 9/30/19 and required by the CPSL to have an NSOR clearance on file prior to 7/1/20. There was no NSOR clearance on file for Facility Person #5, employed at the facility since 10/28/19. The NSOR clearance on file for Facility Person #6 ,who began employment at the facility on 10/2/19, was dated 5/26/20. The only child abuse clearance on file for Facility Person #2 was dated 9/15/14 – more than 60 months old. The current FBI clearance on file for Facility Person #2 was completed more than 60 months after the prior FBI clearance on file (2/17/14 and 6/20/19. )

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). Facility Persons #1 #2, #3, #4, and #5 may not work in a child care position at the facility without all completed clearances on file. A facility person’s record shall include a copy of requests for the criminal history record and child abuse registry clearance information, a copy of the disclosure statement and a copy of the completed clearance information required under the CPSL.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Facility Person #4 provided an NSOR clearance on the date of the inspection. Facility Persons #1, #3 and #5 were removed from child care positions until they submitted NSOR clearances. Facility Person #2 did was removed from a child care position until she had a current completed child abuse clearance on file. At. Banks Learning Center we will and have complied with CPSL/Chapter 3490. All facility persons records will include a copy of requests for criminal history record and child abuse registry clearance information, with a copy of the disclosure statement and a copy of the completed clearance information required under CPSL.
2020-08-27 Renewal 3270.94(a) – Fire drill every 60 days Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There was a fire drill documented as conducted on 12/18/19. The there was no other documented fire drill prior to the facility’s closure on 3/19/19 due to covid-19.

Correction Required: A fire drill shall be held at least every 60 days. Facility persons and children in attendance shall participate in the fire drill. Facility persons and children shall exit the building, weather permitting.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information. )
At Banks Learning Center all fire drills will be held every 60 days. with the participation of facility persons and children in attendance will participate in the fire drill, exiting the building weather permitting.
2019-08-30 Renewal 3270.106(f) – 2 feet apart Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the infant room there were two packnplays and a sleeping bag in use without at least two feet of space on three sides of the rest equipment.

Correction Required: At least 2 feet of space is required on three sides of a bed, cot, crib or other rest equipment while the equipment is in use.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center 2 feet of space will remain on three sides of all bed/cot/crib/rest equipment while the equipment is in use. Equipment was moved so that rest equipment had the proper spacing around it.
2019-08-30 Renewal 3270.124(b)(7) – Name/address/phone release person Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The address of the release person was not listed on the emergency contact form on file for child #1.

Correction Required: Emergency contact information must include the name, address and telephone number of the individual designated by the parent to whom the child may be released.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all Emergency Contact information will include the name/address and telephone number of the individual designated by the parent to whom the child may be released. The release person address was added to this emergency contact form.
2019-08-30 Renewal 3270. 131(a) – Within 60 days Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The initial health assessment on fie for child #3 was completed more than 60 days after the child’s first day of attendance at the facility.

Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent of an enrolled child, including a child, a foster child and a relative of an operator or a facility person, to provide an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center will require the parent of all enrolled children/foster children/relative or facility persons to provide an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility.
2019-08-30 Renewal 3270. 131(d)(7) – Free from contagious/communicable disease Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The health assessment on file for child #1 did not include a statement that the child is able to participate in child care and appears to be free from contagious or communicable disease.

Correction Required: A health report shall include a statement that the child is able to participate in child care and appears to be free from contagious or communicable disease.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At Banks Learning Center all health reports will include the statement that the child is able to participate in child care and appears to be free from contagious or communicable disease. We received a health assessment for child #1 that included a statement that the child is able to participate in child care and appears to be free from contagious or communicable disease.
2019-08-30 Renewal 3270.131(e)(1) – Exemption documentation from parent/guardian Compliant – Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The immunization record included on the health report on file for child #2 did not indicate he was up to date with the following immunizations: rotavirus, DTAP, HIB, pneumococcal and polio. The health assessment was conducted when the child, now 6 months old, was 2 months of age and lacked documentation of the immunizations required at 4 months.

Correction Required: The facility shall require the parent to provide updated written verification from a physician, physician’s assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department of ongoing vaccines administered to an infant, toddler or preschool child in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information. )
At Banks Learning Center the facility will require the parent to provide updated written verification from a physician/Pa/CRNP/DHS or local department of ongoing vaccines administered to all children in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP. We received an updated immunization record for child #2 showing he has all current immunizations.

Regional Bank Training Center – training programs –

College of Economic International Relations

For graduates of 9th and 11th grades.

Higher education online

Federal project of distance education.

I would go to the oil industry!

Take the test, find out your future profession and how to get it.

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Moscow Polytechnic University students talk about their inventions

Chemistry and Biotechnology at RTU MIREA

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Together with Wall Street English experts, we decided to talk about English in a way that would make you want to learn it.

15 rules of safe behavior on the Internet

Simple but important rules for safe online behavior.

Olympiads for schoolchildren

List, calendar, levels, benefits.

First economic

We talk about what lives and how the REU named after G.V. Plekhanov.

Ticket to Holland

Participate in the competition and win a trip to Holland to study at one of the summer schools at Radboud University.

Digital Heroes

They create Internet services, social networks, games and applications that are used daily by millions of people around the world.

Jobs of the future

How new technologies, scientific discoveries and innovations will change the landscape of the labor market in the next 20-30 years

Dream professions

Together with the Foxford online learning center, we decided to ask schoolchildren what they dream of becoming and where they plan to go.

Economic Education

About what the modern economy is and what career prospects open up for future economists.

Humanitarian sphere

We talk with experts about the importance of liberal arts education and the areas of its application in practice.

Young engineers

Engineering specialties are becoming more and more in demand and promising.

Table of ranks

What is the civil service, who are civil servants and what kind of education is a good start for future officials.

Career in petrochemistry

Petrochemistry is innovation, the real production of products that are in every home.

PI DPO BANKING TRAINING CENTER, Grozny (TIN 2013432918), details, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, address, mail, website, telephone, financial indicators

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Organization details

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Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

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Banking licenses

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Full name of the organization


English name



Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. M.A. Esambaeva (Akhmatovskiy R-N), 5


Private property


Private institutions


Organizations established jointly by legal entities or citizens, or TIN







Chechen Republic, Grozny, Sheikh-Mansurovsky




Chechen Republic, Urban districts of the Chechen Republic, Grozny



No information


No information

Information about the company


Size of the enterprise

Number of employees


Data without updates available in the SPARK system.
For up-to-date data – .

Information on state registration

Date of registration

04. 02.2008

Registration authority

Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Chechen Republic

Address of the registration authority

6, Subotnikov st.0005

Registration authority where the registration file is located

Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Chechen Republic


Main activities according to OKVED

Additional professional education

Additional activities

Accounting activities

Training of highly qualified personnel

Other activities for additional professional education, not included in other groups


Company CHU DPO BANK TRAINING CENTER, address: Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. M.A. Esambaeva (Akhmatovsky District, 5) was registered on 04.02.2008. The organization was assigned TIN 2013432918, OGRN 1082000000048, KPP 201301001. The main activity is additional professional education, in total 4 types of activity are registered according to OKVED. There are no connections with other companies.
Number of co-owners (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities): 1, director – Mintsieva Aikhant Salamuevna.
The company CHU DPO BANKING TRAINING CENTER did not take part in tenders. 1 enforcement proceedings were initiated against the company. Chu DPO BANKING TRAINING CENTER did not participate in arbitration cases.
Requisites of PI DPO BANK TRAINING CENTER, legal address, official website and USRLE extract are available in the SPARK system (demo access is free).

Company status

Full information about the company CHU DPO BANK TRAINING CENTER


One-page report with the most important information from SPARK


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  • Risk factors
  • Signs of economic activity
  • Key financial indicators in dynamics
  • Check according to the registers of the Federal Tax Service



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  • Full list of addresses, phone numbers, websites
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  • Financial statements for several years
  • Financial assessment



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Draper daycare: Preschool & Child Care Center Serving Draper, UT

Опубликовано: May 21, 2023 в 10:54 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Preschool & Child Care Center Serving Draper, UT

A Fun-Filled Environment Brings Learning To Life

Your Child Builds A Lifelong Love Of
Learning In A Fun & Safe Environment

A Fun-Filled Environment Brings Learning To Life

Your Child Builds A Lifelong Love Of
Learning In A Fun & Safe Environment

Located Off Draper Parkway For Easy Access By Car & Bus