Monthly Archives: April 2023

Toddler child care daily schedule: How to create daily schedules for your childcare classrooms

Опубликовано: April 1, 2023 в 8:15 pm


Категории: Child

Use This Sample Schedule With Kids with ADHD / ADD

All parents of children with ADHD have heard the routine about routines: Kids need structure, and children with attention deficit need even more. The keys to getting the ADHD organization help you need: belief in the power of family routines and a long-term commitment to them.

You’ve heard it before: Set up a morning routine for kids with ADHD to get out the door on time. Make sure homework happens at the same time and in the same setting daily. Do something fun to unwind before a regular bedtime.

On paper, this seems pretty basic. But when you’re raising a child with real attention difficulties in the real world, setting and maintaining such routines can seem downright hopeless. Yet there is hope — even happiness — in sight.

Many well-intentioned parents enthusiastically start out to establish the structure their children need. Yet many throw in the towel after a few weeks (or even a few days) because the routines are not working. “Billy just won’t listen. He doesn’t want to go along with it. Every day becomes a battle, and we’re all worn out. Is there something else we can try?”

Usually, trying to implement a daily schedule doesn’t work because parents give up too soon. To make structure truly effective, routines need to be seen and implemented not just as simple behavioral strategies, but as a way of life.

[Get These Free Sample Schedules for Reliable Family Routines]

The Benefits of Putting Your Child on a Schedule

Routines affect life positively on two levels. In terms of behavior, they help improve efficiency and daily functioning. It may not always be obvious, but children want and need routines. A predictable schedule offers structure that helps kids feel safe and secure. By building one, you send a message that says, “This is how we do things.” Routines make daily activities manageable, allowing your child to focus on one thing at a time.

In addition, your whole family will benefit psychologically from a structured regime. Both parents and children experience decreased stress when there’s less drama about what time you’ll eat dinner and where you’ll settle down to do homework.

What follows is a relaxed home, which yields stronger family relationships. And family identity is solidified by routines in which everyone plays a role (Anna sets the table, Brian clears the dishes). The message: We are a family who eats together; we are a family who reads together; we are a family who schedules regular times for schoolwork and other ongoing responsibilities.

In these hectic times, it may seem impossible to provide a structured lifestyle. Everyone is juggling schedules: work, school, recreation, music lessons, basketball practice, and so on. Yet in just such times, structure becomes most important. The payoff: greater productivity for your child, as well as better health and family relationships.

[Click to Read: How Can I Develop Routines to Keep My Life from Falling Apart?]

A review of 50 years of psychological research, recently published in Journal of Family Psychology, shows that even infants and preschoolers are healthier and exhibit better-regulated behavior when there are predictable routines in the family.

Effective routines take commitment and consistency, with all family adults presenting a united front. Routines should be established when children are young and applied consistently as they grow — but it’s never too late to start. Above all, don’t give up.

Here are suggestions and some sample routines to help get you started. Of course, you’ll want to amend them to suit the age and maturity of your child, the specific behaviors you are working on, and your family’s personality and needs. As you develop your routines, remember that success takes time — sometimes months and years. But the benefits will last a lifetime.

Good Mornings Start with Your Child’s Schedule

The goal of the morning routine is to get everyone ready and out the door on time. Preparations made the night before, such as bathing, packing bookbags, laying out clothes, setting the alarm, and making lunch, are crucial in setting up a smooth morning routine.

Because many children (and adults) with ADHD are highly distractible and impulsive, avoid stimuli that are likely to grab attention and throw the routine off course. For example:

  1. Leave the TV off in the morning.
  2. Don’t get on the computer to check your e-mails.
  3. Ignore that new magazine or catalog until after school or later that evening.

After School Schedule: Homework Helpers

It’s often said that the only consistent thing about children with ADHD is their inconsistency. This is particularly problematic when it comes to academic effort. No activity demands greater structure and consistency than homework, when a child’s ability to self-regulate is called upon. Not surprisingly, parent-child homework battles are common. But an established study routine (time, place, methods) goes a long way toward decreasing their frequency and intensity – if not eliminating them entirely. To establish a homework routine that will improve productivity and increase academic achievement:

  • Enforce a consistent start time. This will help your child build a homework habit.
  • Stay close to your child. Many children with ADHD concentrate better when an adult works with them or is nearby.
  • Take breaks. Distractibility, restlessness, difficulty maintaining concentration, and low frustration tolerance — all typical of ADHD — almost guarantee mental fatigue and boredom. Frequent short breaks, during which the child is allowed to move around, can help.
  • Have fun afterward. Your child is more likely to apply herself to homework when she knows that a fun activity, such as playing a game or watching TV, will follow.

A Consistent Dinnertime Schedule

For hundreds of years, family members have forged strong relationships around the dinner table. In this age of the Internet and TV movies on demand, a dinner ritual is still beneficial, if not crucial. While most mealtimes last only about 20 minutes (less time than a TV sitcom), a lot of good things can happen in that short time. Ideally, mealtimes should be a pleasant social time, with business, school, or family problems left off the table. It takes time and work to prepare a family meal, and it can be a hassle getting everyone together at one time, but you’ll find the benefits are well worth the effort:

  • Family members stay connected to one another’s lives.
  • Events are discussed and plans get made with everyone’s input.
  • Responsibility and family cohesion are encouraged by such simple acts as children setting the table and cleaning up afterwards.

Good Nights Begin with a Bedtime Routine

Your goal at bedtime is to help your child wind down and get to sleep at a usual time. Research shows that children with regular bedtime routines get to sleep sooner and awaken less often during the night than those without them. Many children with ADHD fight bedtime because, quite simply, going to bed is boring to them. It’s time for sleep, but there’s still so much they can do! Routines that offer rewards and pleasant activity while encouraging relaxation can help overcome the boredom of bedtime. Some things to try:

  • Have a light, healthy snack, like an apple or cheese on a rice cake.
  • Play a quiet, low-stakes game, or read a book.
  • Have a sweet and personal nightly lights-out ritual.
  • Try to get your child into bed at the same time each evening.

There’s no question that establishing family routines takes a great deal of time and effort. You may ask yourself, “Can we afford the time and the energy to do all of this?” A better question might be, “Can we afford not to?”

[Read This Next: If Your Mornings Are Hell, Read This]

ADHD Organization Help: A Sample Schedule

7:00 a.m. Tickle your child out of bed. (A little happy energy can get her up and moving quickly.)

7:05 a.m. Get ready: Post a list and have your child stick to it.

  • Wash face.
  • Comb hair.
  • Get dressed. (Clothes are laid out the night before. ) Check to see how your child is doing, but let her follow the list and do for herself.

7:20 a.m. Breakfast time: Offer two healthy but appealing choices, max. You want her to spend her time eating, not pining over Lucky Charms.

7:45 a.m. Brush your teeth—together. Being with her can speed things up and insure good hygiene.

7:55 a.m. Zip, tie, and layer up. Keeping shoes and gloves by the front door spares you the hide-and-seek.

8:00 a.m. Out you go.

Sample Homework Routine

3:00 p.m. Have a snack and unwind from school.

3:30 p.m. Settle your child at his regular homework spot; be sure all tools are available (pencils, paper, calculator, reference books, etc.).

3:35 – 4:30 p.m. Your child does homework; you stay around to answer questions and monitor breaks (stretch, bathroom, drink).

4:25 p. m. Check his work, and calmly go over anything he should edit (but don’t do it for him). Offer specific praise for good work.

Sample Dinner Routine

6:00 p.m. Parent(s) starts food prep. Organize preparation so that you can avoid the delay of mealtime.

6:15 p.m. Kids set the table. Give them specific tasks to instill a sense of responsibility.

6:30 p.m. Kids pour the beverages.

6:45 p.m. Parent(s) brings the food out to the table.

7:00 p.m. Dinner is served. For mealtime talk, try this: Go around the table—once or more—and have each person share one good thing about his or her day.

7:30 p.m. Kids clear the table. Parent(s) loads the dishwasher.

Sample Bedtime Routine

8:00 p.m. Let him relax in the tub. You can read to him or he can read to himself. Beyond cleanliness, a bath can help a child mellow out at day’s end.

8:20 p.m. Three-part routine: dry off, brush teeth, and pee. You don’t want to hear, “Mom, I have to go to the bathroom!” five minutes after you say goodnight.

8:30 p.m. Get into PJs and clean up toys to set a nighttime, not a playtime, scenario.

8:40 p.m. Read together.

8:55 p.m. Your child gets into bed. Do your nighttime routine: Talk a little about the day, compliment your child on the things he did well, say your ritual goodnight — “I love you all the way to the moon and back again. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

[Download This Guide: Organize Everything Today!]

Peter Jaksa, Ph.D., is a member of ADDitude’s ADHD Medical Review Panel.

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Montessori Toddler Daily Routine | Montessori Academy Childcare

The toddler routine outlines the typical daily flow for children aged two to three years in the Montessori toddler community.   It provides a consistent pattern of activities for learning time, meals, rest, and outdoor play. The predictability of the routine helps children to feel secure and positively influences their emotional, cognitive, and social development. The toddler daily routine is adapted to meet children’s needs, support emerging interests, and nurture the development of each child’s personality and intelligence.

Daily Routine for Ages 2-3

Morning Routine

7:30am – 9am

Centre opens

Morning greeting

Montessori Work Cycle

Mid-Morning Routine

10am – 12:00pm

Communal morning tea

Outdoor play

Group time

Lunch Routine

12:00pm – 12:40pm

Lunch time


Clean up

Sleep or Rest Time

12:40pm – 2:30pm

Sleep time

Rest time

Quiet activities

Afternoon Routine

2:30pm – 4:30pm

Communal afternoon tea

Outdoor play

Pack up time

Evening Routine

4:30pm – 6:00pm 

Late afternoon snack

Indoor activities

Centre closes

About the Toddler Routine

  • The daily routine may be altered to accommodate for seasonal changes, wet weather, and special events
  • Spontaneous groups times occur throughout the day
  • Educators plan learning experiences for each day (these are displayed on the curriculum planning sheets in your child’s classroom)
  • We seek to accommodate each child’s individual eating and sleeping schedule
  • All Montessori Academy childcare centres are sun-safe and allergy aware
  • A record of your child’s day is communicated to you via our family communication app

A Typical Day in the Toddler Community

Morning Routine

Montessori Academy opens at 7:30am. Upon arrival, please remember to sign your child in and place their bag and belongings in their locker. Children need a labelled water bottle, hat, and spare set of clothes each day. If your child attends a non-catered centre, they will also need a healthy packed lunch.

When you are ready to enter the classroom, please knock on the door, and wait for an educator to greet your child. Older children are encouraged to knock on the door once they have been introduced to the Grace and Courtesy Curriculum. Please say goodbye at the door to minimise disruption to the class.

Montessori Work Cycle

Once your child enters the classroom they will begin the Montessori Work Cycle. Children may choose to work individually, with an educator, or in a small group setting.

Students are encouraged to learn by moving, follow their interests, and pack away before they proceed with the next activity. Learning is individually paced and based on each child’s developmental needs and interests.

Mid-Morning Routine

Around 10am, the Montessori Work Cycle concludes, and children enjoy a nutritious morning tea from a rotating menu of fresh fruit, muffins, cereal, healthy slices, and sandwiches accompanied by milk.

The children then go outside to play and engage in activities that encourage their physical development and fundamental movement skills. Children practice ball skills, running and jumping, play in the sandpit, engage in collaborative play, and participate in games, music, and dancing activities.

Group Time

After outdoor play, the children participate in group time which typically includes planned activities based on children’s interests.

Group time activities may include language activities, group interest projects, lessons in grace and courtesy, walking on the line, art and craft, or music and movement.

Throughout the day children participate in both planned and spontaneous group time experiences.

Lunch and Rest Time

Around 11:30am, the children settle in for the lunchtime routine. Lunch is a social time, where educators encourage talking about different types of food and table manners. Lunch is also a great time to practice skills such as spooning, tonging, and using a fork. At the end of the meal, children pack away their own plates or lunch boxes, scrape food waste into the bin, and assist with tidying up the room.

After lunch, children sleep or have quiet rest time. The room is darkened and quiet sleep music lulls the children into a restful sleep. Children sleep or rest on floor beds. Quiet activities are available for children who do not sleep.

Afternoon Routine

Around 2:30pm, the children begin to wake up, and communal afternoon tea is served. This is typically fresh vegetable sticks and dip, sandwiches, cheese and crackers, yoghurt, wraps, fresh fruit, or healthy muffins accompanied by water.

Once children have finished eating, they participate in outdoor play. Children follow their interests, explore the outdoors, and participate in individual and group learning experiences that foster social skills and fundamental movement skills.

Evening Routine

In the late afternoon, from around 5:00pm onwards, children return inside and begin winding down for the day. During this time, children engage in open-ended play, using building blocks, construction pieces, or animal figurines. Children also have a late snack.

At 6pm, all children have returned home with their families. The childcare centre is thoroughly cleaned and prepared for the next day. Throughout the day families will receive updates about their child’s day via our family communication app.

development, care, sleep, doctors and vaccinations

Young mothers do not yet have sufficient experience in caring for a newborn, so this article will be of help in establishing a baby’s daily routine. Of course, one should not expect strict adherence to the schedule, but one should strive for a systematic approach.

Features of the first month of a child’s life

For experienced mothers, everything is clear right away: the baby needs sleep, during which his body adapts to new living conditions and grows. The baby will sleep for 16-18 hours a day. In fact, a newborn baby wakes up only for eating. If he sleeps in diapers, then a wet diaper does not disturb him. Sleeps and eats, sleeps and eats – in any conditions. Mom also needs rest during this period to restore the body after childbirth.

The still developing nervous system of a child in the first months of life cannot help him in self-organization for sleep and rest, therefore, the mother takes full responsibility for the daily routine.

Why does a baby need a daily routine

Among foreign pediatricians, there is an opinion that the newborn himself will establish the sleep and feeding regimen he needs. You can walk with him at any time after feeding. For example, some children cannot go 6 hours without food at night and wake up in the middle of the night. It is not necessary to ignore this practice: it will be a strong blow for the child’s nervous system. If the child asks for food in the middle of the night, you need to provide him with breast milk or formula.

Domestic pediatricians (especially those of the Soviet school) are sure that the baby should be taught to the daily routine from the first hours of life. This will help his body quickly adapt to new living conditions.

Proponents of an organized daily routine emphasize that a child is taught discipline from the cradle. This helps him in later life, and parents with an obedient baby are much calmer.

Daily routine of the first months of life

Daily routine benefits:

  • The baby’s gastrointestinal tract has time to fully digest and assimilate mother’s milk;
  • the child becomes calmer, not nervous, sleeps better;
  • you can plan your walks during the day;
  • Mom gets free time.

But the most important advantage of the established daily routine is the accustoming of the newborn to the daytime lifestyle. If this is not done, the baby will set its own schedule of sleep and wakefulness, and will switch to a nocturnal lifestyle. Young parents often face such a problem: during the day the baby sleeps, and at night there is no sleep in one eye.

Daily routine of a child in the first months of life
Dream The sleep of a newborn (total time) is 16-18 hours a day, of which night sleep is 6 hours.
wakefulness 40-60 minutes between sleep.
9–18 months 1000–1200 ml
Feeding On demand, approximately every 2-3 hours. And even at night.
Bathing Before a night’s sleep.

There is nothing difficult in organizing a child’s daily routine, you just need to find a compromise between his desires and mother’s capabilities.

Day and night sleep

In the first month of life, a newborn child does not distinguish between day and night, and his sleep at this time is absolutely the same. Adapting the baby to the daytime and nighttime is the task of the parents. During the day, a child can sleep in a row for 4 hours or only 40 minutes. Often the longest sleep occurs during the daytime, and not at night.

Note to moms! Make sure that the period of wakefulness of the baby between sleeps does not exceed 50-60 minutes.

At night, the child will definitely wake up for the next meal, be prepared for this. As you get older, nighttime sleep will increase. With complementary foods, the baby will eat up even more, which will ensure a good sleep for up to 9-10 hours (in diapers or on a special waterproof diaper).

Why can a child confuse day with night? This is due to an immature biological clock. Try not to turn on bright lights in the evening, but leave a nightlight: let the child get used to the difference between a bright day and a dark night.

To quickly adapt the baby to the day and night rhythm of life, perform the same rituals in the morning and before bedtime. For example, taking a bath before going to bed at night will help him understand that this is a special time.

In the morning after waking up, wash the baby, carry out light hygiene procedures. Over time, he will get used to the alternation of rituals and begin to recognize day and night.


Water procedures are a daily ritual. After a bath and delicious milk, the child falls asleep faster and sleeps longer. Bathing cannot be compared to washing, which refers to the removal of impurities. Bathing is a full-fledged water procedure, akin to a sauna for adults. In the old days, our great-grandmothers prepared a bath with infusions of medicinal herbs that looked after the baby’s skin and calmed the nerves.

The cosmetics industry is coming to the rescue of moms these days. The My Sunshine® brand produces hypoallergenic products for bathing babies from birth. Be sure to purchase these newborn care products.

This product is gentle on baby’s delicate skin. The sequence is known for its cleansing and healing properties. If a child had a rash on his skin, he was bathed in a bath with an infusion of string. The foam does not dry the skin, is hypoallergenic and does not sting the eyes. Simply add to water or apply to body wash sponge.

The tender places of the child should always be clean so that the skin does not become irritated. The My Sunshine® line of products includes a special washing gel with lactic acid. Gel without fragrances and dyes. It does not dry baby skin, does not cause irritation.

Many mothers are concerned about the reddening of the skin in the folds on the arms and legs of the child. This irritation brings a lot of trouble to the child, it is painful. To prevent the formation of diaper rash, use My Sunshine® cream powder. How is it different from other funds?

The creamy form promotes rapid absorption and even distribution of the powder over the skin: it does not roll into lumps. Immediately after application, the powder turns into a silky base that eliminates friction in the folds. The product is hypoallergenic, like all My Sunshine® cosmetics. All products are clinically tested and recommended by pediatricians.

How to organize your baby’s bed

The child spends all his time in the crib, so special attention should be paid to the arrangement of the bed.

  • The crib should be free of pillows, toys, heavy blankets and bumpers. The place should be perfectly flat, moderately hard. Now they sell orthopedic mattresses that are ideal for babies.
  • The room should not be hot. Summer temperature – up to +25C, winter – up to +23C. The kid will tolerate coolness better than overheating: he is dangerous with dehydration.
  • Do not leave your child alone in a room at night. The ideal option is a crib next to mom. It is not recommended to lay babies next to adults; the baby should have his own bed.
  • Put your baby to sleep on their back, this is the safest position in the crib.


A newborn should be accustomed to fresh air gradually during the first months of life, especially in winter. Walking time is gradually increasing, but they are watching the weather forecast. It is important not to overheat or overcool the baby. Pediatricians recommend starting walks from the tenth day of life. In summer they walk for 20 minutes, in winter – for 10 minutes. This is for starters.


As you can see, it is not difficult to set the daily routine, because it consists of a sequence of repetitive actions:

  • sleep;
  • wakefulness;
  • feeding;
  • hygiene;
  • walks;
  • bathing.

But there is no binding to a specific hour for a one-month-old baby. Only by 3-4 months of life will a clearer daily routine be developed. At this age, the child already receives complementary foods and is better satiated, sleeps longer at night and wakes up in the morning for the first feeding.


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How to soothe a crying baby

Newborn baby care

How to wash a newborn baby

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Related products

Diaper cream

100 ml

Bath foam with string

200 ml

Head to Toe Foam Shampoo

400 ml

Calendula Baby Wash

400 ml

Philips AVENT – Essential tips for organizing your baby’s routine

Depending on your preference, your baby’s routine can be rigid or flexible.

A good routine is a schedule for your baby that takes into account and matches his sleep and feeding needs during the day and night. This means that you and the baby have a rough idea of ​​​​how the day should go, and you can plan your activities in such a way that the child is comfortable.

First perfect individual elements, and only then combine them into a single routine.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the process of breastfeeding. Frequent, heavy feedings in the morning for the first few weeks will provide your baby with the amount of milk he needs. At first, feed often and on demand. Further, if you feed the baby tightly, the intervals between feedings can be increased. This will make it easier for you to follow the entered routine and will not affect the regularity of the flow of milk.

Proper sleep patterns are an important part of your daily routine.

In this case, it will be easier for you to first develop a sleep schedule, and only then start scheduling. Getting your baby to sleep is important not only for the organization of the routine, but also for the well-being of the whole family.

When your baby wakes up, start the day with a feed.

Depending on the age of the baby, he may doze off an hour or two after the first awakening.

Bathe your baby regularly in the early evening.

For babies aged 2-3 months, bathing, massages, feedings, familiar soothing lullabies and surroundings will signal it’s bedtime and end the day well.

Learn to recognize when your baby is tired.

For children under 6 months of age, the average awake time is 90 minutes. Use this value to determine when your baby is tired. If you start putting your baby to bed too soon or too late, he may resist. In the first weeks, newborn babies may stay awake only during feeding (no more than 45-60 minutes), and then fall asleep again.

Feeding times

If your baby has 3-4 hour intervals between feedings, try to feed him early in the morning, late in the morning, at lunchtime, in the early evening and late in the evening.

Childhood seasons learning academy: Childhood Seasons Learning Academy #2

Опубликовано: April 1, 2023 в 8:04 pm


Категории: Child

Childhood Seasons Learning Academy #2

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About the Provider

Pinnacle Pointe Daycare Academy – Union City GA Child Care Learning Center

Description: Childhood Seasons Learning Academy #2 is a Licensed Center – Child Care Program in HOUSTON TX, with a maximum capacity of 100 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Initial License Date: 8/21/2013.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Age Range:
    Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    Child Care Program
  • Initial License Issue Date:
    Feb 20, 2014

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Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

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12 0 0 0

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Providers in ZIP Code 77015

Amazing Angels Learning Center

Creative Corner

Family Christian Academy

Holy Trinity Methodist Daycare

K&J Child Care Center II, LLC

K&J Childcare Center I, LLC


Little Stoltens

Silver Star Academy

Childhood Seasons Learning Academy

Childhood Seasons Learning Academy #2

Creative Starts Childcare

Light of Houston Bilingual Academy

Annointed Christian Childcare

Annointed Christian Childcare & Academy II

Apple of My Eye Academy

Galena Park I. S.D. Childcare Center

Janices Child Care L C

Kidztown Child Care #2

1st Step 2 Life #2

Early Explorers Learning Academy Normandy

Childhood Seasons Learning Academy | HOUSTON TX

Write a Review

About the Provider

Pinnacle Pointe Daycare Academy – Union City GA Child Care Learning Center

Description: Childhood Seasons Learning Academy is a Licensed Center – Child Care Program in HOUSTON TX, with a maximum capacity of 87 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Initial License Date: 8/7/2013.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Age Range:
    Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    Child Care Program
  • Initial License Issue Date:
    Aug 07, 2013

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

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Providers in ZIP Code 77015

Amazing Angels Learning Center

Creative Corner

Family Christian Academy

Holy Trinity Methodist Daycare

K&J Child Care Center II, LLC

K&J Childcare Center I, LLC


Little Stoltens

Silver Star Academy

Childhood Seasons Learning Academy

Childhood Seasons Learning Academy #2

Creative Starts Childcare

Light of Houston Bilingual Academy

Annointed Christian Childcare

Annointed Christian Childcare & Academy II

Apple of My Eye Academy

Galena Park I. S.D. Childcare Center

Janices Child Care L C

Kidztown Child Care #2

1st Step 2 Life #2

Early Explorers Learning Academy Normandy

News – RIA MODA news agency
childhood.” The event was attended by over 15,000 professionals.

Exhibition “World
Childhood 2022” was organized by Expocentre JSC with the support of the Ministry of
industry and trade of the Russian Federation, under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Event
brought together 350 participants. The exhibition area of ​​about 10.5 thousand square meters
leading manufacturers and distributors from Armenia, Belarus, Italy, China,
Russia, Uzbekistan demonstrated the entire range of diverse industries
children’s goods: toys, educational games, goods for creativity and school,
sporting goods, books, goods for newborns, clothes, shoes, accessories
for children. nine0005

Thanks to the assistance of Russian regional structures, companies from Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, Vladimir, Volgograd, Vologda, Ivanovo, Irkutsk, Kirov, Lipetsk, Moscow, Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Rostov, Ryazan, Samara, Saratov, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl regions and the Republic of Tatarstan.

samples of children’s products were presented by the companies “Gratvest”, “Rosmen”, “Nasha
toy”, “Nordplast”, “Russian style”, “Sima-Land”, “Simbat”, Step puzzle,
Simba Toys Rus, Trade House Gamma, TNG, Rant, Optima, Phoenix+, Samson Group,
Nevskaya Palitra, Office Premier, Hatber-M, Red Cat, Polygraph Print,
Polissya, Origami, Hobby World, Stellar, Colorit, Gala Center and others. nine0005

business program of the exhibitions “World of Childhood – 2022” and “CJF – Children’s Fashion – 2022.
Autumn” included more than 40 major events.

The event of the first day was the XIII Congress of the Children’s Goods Industry, organized by the Association of Children’s Industry Enterprises
goods (AIDT) with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation,
Russian Academy of Education and Expocentre JSC.

At the plenary session
“Children’s Goods Industry: Components of Technological Sovereignty”
brands, preferential taxation, changing standards for children’s clothing and much more
friend. The session was moderated by the President
AIDT Antonina Tsitsulina: “Our discussion is aimed at
determine how our producers live in the regions, what are the main difficulties
related to economic sanctions, how much we are technologically dependent on
raw materials, components, equipment, as well as what needs to be done in order to
so that essential goods by 60-80%
were produced in Russia. Technological
sovereignty is not just a popular phrase, it is something that we all
have to work.” nine0005

welcome speech by the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal
Meetings of the Russian Federation on Science, Education and Culture Lilia Gumerova named the industry
children’s goods a strategic direction for the Russian economy. “Questions
development of industry and the economy of childhood have become not only an integral part
state policy in the field of family, motherhood and childhood, but also effective
a mechanism for ensuring the quality of life of children, their upbringing and development”, –
she noted. Lilia Gumerova dwelled in detail on the innovations in the President’s instructions
Russia, which have already been reflected in the development of industries related to the creation
means of training and education. nine0005

With reports
representatives of enterprises – manufacturers of clothing and footwear, school
goods, games, toys: CEO of Hatber-M Arkady Kostenko,
Anastasia Vasilkova, Trademark Development Director Choupette, General
director of the Tenth Kingdom company Margarita Musatova and others.

Congress continued
practical session “Social support for children as a driver of development
domestic industry” and the regional session “Best Practices of the Regions
for the development of the domestic industry of goods for children (Moscow – Tver – Tyumen
area)”. nine0005

Second day of the convention
began with the presentation of diplomas to the participants of the competition-accelerator “Innovations for
childhood” for educational programs and promising developments related to
products for children.

Main session
was the plenary discussion “EdTech innovations: science – education –
industry”, dedicated to the presidential instruction on support measures
industries that produce products for children’s education and upbringing. Representatives
scientific, educational and industrial sectors discussed public procurement and
the main requests of educational organizations, features of the infrastructure of schools and
kindergartens. nine0005

table of the second regional session of the IDT Congress “Best Practices of the Regions in
development of the domestic industry of children’s goods “participants from Bashkiria,
Tatarstan and the Kirov region discussed regional programs of state
support measures, outlined the most pressing issues faced by businesses
in new realities.

The 23rd All-Russian Trade Forum became an event for manufacturers of children’s goods
“Supplier of children’s goods”, organized by JSC “Expocentre” and
Congress and Exhibition Company “Imperia Forum”. The event was attended
more than 120 participants – suppliers of children’s goods, representatives of retail
networks, online stores, marketplaces, analytical agencies. nine0005

of the business program, the speakers discussed more than 40 of the most relevant and productive topics
children’s goods market. Among the key questions: how can a supplier earn on
consumer transformation in 2022; which sales channels to focus on
2022; what niches on marketplaces in the category “baby products” are not yet
busy; how to work on the marketplace, increasing sales; how to create a card
product that will sell the product itself?

In discussions,
round tables and strategic sessions were attended by leading experts on
crisis management in the market of children’s goods and analytics of Russian and
international companies – Elena Shishova (Romir), Ekaterina Averina (MP
Marketing), Igor Prokhin (Institute of Logistics), Alexander Boyko (NKPAK), Alena
Shvetsova (Skylex China), Sergey Eliseev (RAS) and others. nine0005

Purchasing Center
Networks™ brought together representatives of 35 federal and regional
retail chains, including Detsky Mir, Korablik, SberMegaMarket, Votonya,
“Bubble Gum”, “Galamart” and others. About a thousand negotiations took place
supplies of goods for children both under the brands of suppliers and under their own
trademarks. Retail market expert spoke at the seminar for buyers
Alexandra Nyamina (ex-purchasing director of Auchan, Perekrestok and Galamart networks),
who shared life hacks to improve the efficiency of work with suppliers. nine0005

At events
More than 250 FMCG participants took part in the 9th Russian Network Procurement Week
market. In total, the Network Procurement Center brought together 133 buyers and
130 suppliers who have held about 2,500 supply negotiations
food and non-food products both under the brands of suppliers,
and under STM. Participating networks include: VkusVill, Perekrestok, Ozon, Auchan,
“Ayan”, Familia, “Magnolia” and others. As part of the Network Procurement Center, there was also
organized a comprehensive training program for suppliers and buyers. nine0005

5th All-Russian
business forum “Market of licensed children’s goods” brought together more than 100 participants.
Within the framework of four sessions, experts of the market of licensed children’s goods,
representatives of animation agencies, media holdings, branding studios, lawyers
discussed the new reality of the licensing market. A key aspect of the event
was the change in media consumption of children after the departure of foreign brands from
domestic market. Experts predict what will now be active
develop domestic patriotism in the world of children’s licensing. Within the framework of the forum, the V All-Russian Conference “Formula for the success of a children’s store” was also held. nine0005

27 and 28
September 2022 as part of the business program of the international exhibitions “Mir
childhood” and “CJF – Children’s fashion” for the first time the forum “Integrated
Internet Marketing for the Children’s Industry”, organized by Olympx digital agency
in cooperation with AO Expocentre. The business program of the forum included the sessions “Global
Internet marketing changes and trends in 2022–2023 in the children’s industry”, “Effective
promotion of “VKontakte” for children’s brands and online stores”, “Community
as an effective tool for business promotion in turbulent times”,
“Effective SEO promotion. Why brands and manufacturers benefit
invest in SEO promotion in 2022–2023”, “Secrets of explosive growth
sales in the children’s industry in the price segment “medium +” and “high”. nine0005

regional participants and guests of exhibitions within the framework of the Expo-Academy project
in cooperation with the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov were
organized educational seminars for small and medium-sized businesses – “Hybrid
way of staff training (online and offline) on the example of children’s retail”, “A new stage in the development of retail
stores – offline & online”, “Effective assortment matrix –
step-by-step development algorithm”, as well as a master class “How to create a brand,
opening up new opportunities for business growth. nine0005

September 28
Forum “Parents’ Choice – Children’s Goods from Russian Manufacturers. Support
family and business. The event was organized by the Expert and Educational Center
assistance to future and accomplished parents “Parents’ Choice” with the support of
Expocentre. Heads of specialized associations and representatives of industry
production companies voiced the main problems of today, the solution
who require government assistance.

Forum, the winners of the “Parents’ Choice” contest were awarded. Russian
manufacturers were awarded honorary diplomas of the national award “Parents’ Choice”, and
also diplomas for participation in the product testing project “Moms in Action”. nine0005

September 28 at
Within the framework of the Rostest Academy project program, a panel discussion “How
reduce certification costs and set up supply logistics in conditions
new reality?”, bringing together more than 40 business representatives, and on September 29
– presentation of special projects “New instruments of market regulation”. Special
the mobile laboratory organized at the stand of Rostest deserves attention.
Engineers tested products using IR spectroscopy, which
confirms the composition and compliance of the declared material with the data on the label. test
each exhibitor could produce his own products. According to the results of the tests
those companies whose products successfully passed all the tests were awarded commemorative
certificates. nine0005

September 29
forum “Entering a store for children’s goods and clothing on marketplaces in the context of a new
reality. Prospects and pitfalls. The event was organized by
XWAY is an operational partner of marketplaces. Head of the company Anton Larin
spoke in detail about the most relevant topics of this season. were invited to participate
representatives of Ozon, Aliexpress Russia and Detsky Mir marketplaces, who
shared the specifics of sales of the category of children’s goods on their sites. nine0005

At exhibitions
“The World of Childhood – 2022” and “CJF – Children’s Fashion – 2022. Autumn” were awarded
finalists of the international competition of goods for children and adolescents ANO
Soyuzexpertiza. The finalists were awarded 24 diplomas of the I degree, two diplomas of the II
degrees, 24 gold and two silver medals in the nomination “For high
consumer properties of goods.

Completed business
the program of the seminar “Peculiarities of importing products to Russia in 2022. Parallel
import”. The event was organized by Expocentre in partnership with the legal
firm “Kiryukhin and partners”. nine0005

General Internet Partner
exhibitions “World of Childhood-2022” and “CJF – Children’s Fashion – 2022. Autumn” – industry
RDT-Info resource.

28th International
The World of Childhood exhibition will take place at the Expocentre Fairgrounds on September 26-29, 2023.

provided by the organizers.

The Umbrella Academy season 1 watch online in good HD quality

Even in the morning, women did not suspect that they would become mothers, and by the evening they gave birth to gifted boys and girls. Billionaire Reginald adopted seven children who appeared on that day, and opened a boarding school The Umbrella Academy: watching season 1 means finding out how the guys knew fame. And then they quarreled and ran away. Dad was strict, the android Grace and the anthropomorphic chimpanzee Pogo were engaged in education. nine0005

Five of the seven remained by 2019. The sixth, Ben, died while on a mission for the team. The defiant teenager Five escaped and got lost. Other sisters and brothers are divided. Allison became an actress, built a career not without the use of abilities. This beauty is not denied. For example, she says the phrase “There are rumors that I will be filmed in a film.” And the one to whom the girl addresses, carries out the order, hypnotized by the devil. True, in family life, abilities interfered. Husband Patrick caught the mother telling her daughter to go to bed. Disapproved, divorced, got custody of Claire. nine0005

The next character in the series is Luther. He considers himself the head of the team, because his father gave him Number One. He has the body of a giant primate. When the guy was in danger of death, Reginald gave him an injection of serum. So that the son would not feel unnecessary, the parent arranged for him a four-year business trip to the moon. Therefore, the guy was nicknamed Spaceboy. Diego, who dreamed of becoming a policeman, is engaged in a private investigation. His ability to throw knives along the desired trajectory helps in the fight against crime. Klaus appears to be a worthless slacker with black eyeliner, boas and strange outfits. However, he is able to communicate with the dead. Among the dead who come to the Fourth is Ben. nine0005

Vanya stands apart in the plot of the season. Despite the male name, this is a girl. Plays the violin in the orchestra, teaches music at home. From childhood, her father inspired her that she was not gifted with abilities, like the other six. She developed an inferiority complex, besides, she has to constantly take medication for depression. As it turned out later, these pills oppressed the energy of a cosmic scale, dozing in the violinist.

Arriving at the mansion, the Hagreeves bickered as usual. Between the First and Second – a long-standing struggle for leadership. In the midst of their fight, a portal opened in the courtyard, from which Fifth jumped out. The way his family remembered him, a thirteen-year-old boy in a school uniform. His appearance is the first significant event of the series. nine0005

The boy joined the others and started talking about the coming Apocalypse. The sisters did not believe it, they thought: the child went crazy because of the wanderings. The brothers also did not immediately listen to the words of the teenager. When a couple of hitmen, Cha-Cha and Hazel, arrived in the city, The Umbrella Academy team was no longer in the mood for jokes. To see how the Umbrella Academy did, watch season 1 of the fantasy drama free online.

The assassins were hired to eliminate the traitor. It turned out that the Five worked for a mysterious organization involved in conflict resolution. Mercenaries eliminate people who interfered in the course of events. Killers jump from one time period to another, receiving tasks through pneumatic tubes. The experience of the Fifth came in handy in clashes with former colleagues. But they do not retreat, they work out the fee. To find out who will arrange the end of the world, the heroes examine the evidence: a glass prosthesis. The laboratory claims that such an order has not yet been received. The records could not be read, as tireless agents burned down the building. nine0005

Vanya met an antiquarian carpenter. Leonard restores antique furniture and enjoys making figurines. The young people got close. The boyfriend is ready to support the girl, console, give flowers, lavish compliments. He seems suspicious to Allison, but her sister does not listen to her remarks.

Under the guise of a cute Leonard was a long-time fan of the Umbrella Academy. Born like them on October 1st but after a normal pregnancy, Harold Jenkins felt he was worthy of a place in the band. Hargreaves drove the challenger away. He got angry, and when he returned home, he received another slap from his father. The parent was brutally beaten with a hammer, the young monster was locked in prison. In the second half of the season, “Leo” was exposed. But it’s too late: Number Seven has fallen under the influence of a maniac. nine0005

The finale of the first season of The Umbrella Academy, creepy. Having lost control, Vanya decided to take revenge on her relatives and the world for ignoring her. Memoirs that exposed the methods of education of Reginald, it seemed to her not enough. She put on a “light” show at the concert. Since the strength is directly proportional to the girl’s rage, and the violin amplifies the “rays”, chaos reigned in the theater. Rushing to save the planet, the brothers and Ellison failed to stop the destruction. Although the culprit of the panic fell unconscious, the moon was damaged.

Daycare centers colorado springs: The 5 Best Daycares in Colorado Springs, CO

Опубликовано: April 1, 2023 в 7:29 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Child Care Services in Colorado Springs, CO

There are 275 childcares in Colorado Springs, Colorado. If you need more day care centers you can also use find daycare centers near me.

Cheyenne Meadows KinderCare 885 Cheyenne Meadows Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Preschool
Cordera KinderCare 9410 Grand Cordera Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80924 Center
La Petite Academy of Colorado Springs 3615 Rio Vista DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 Preschool
La Petite Academy of Colorado Springs 2760 Purgatory DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Preschool
Mesa KinderCare 1204 Mesa Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Preschool
Mountain Shadows KinderCare 6610 Flying W Ranch Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Preschool
Northgate KinderCare 1004 Middle Creek Pkwy, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Preschool
Northwoods KinderCare 7035 Lexington Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Preschool
Stetson Hills KinderCare 5797 Jackpot Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Preschool
Vickers KinderCare 3325 Vickers Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Preschool
Abc Nursery School 1511 N Weber, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Center
Academy of Arts & Academics 7850 N Academy, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Center
Adventureland Childcare & Preschool 625 Popes Bluff TRL, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Preschool
Alpine Autism Center 7875 Deer Hill GRV, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Center
Antelope Trails Adventure Club 15280 Jessie DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Preschool
Ascension Children’s Learning Center 2505 N Circle DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Preschool
Audubon Adventure Club 2400 E Van Buren, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Center
Banning Lewis Ranch Academy 7094 Cottenwood Tree DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Center
Bethel Lutheran Preschool of Colorado Springs 4925 Farmingdale DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 Preschool
Blanca CPCD Preschool 2340 Robinson ST, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Preschool
Blue Skies Exploration Academy 1960 Dominion WAY, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Center
Born To The Golden Mountain – Montessori Center 306 W Brookside AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 Preschool
Boys & Girls Club 1650 Charmwood DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Center
Boys & Girls Club at James Irwin 5525 Astrozon BLVD, Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Center
Boys & Girls Club at Oak Creek Elementary 3333 Oak Creek DR W, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Center
Boys & Girls Club at Soaring Eagles Elementary 4710 Harrier Ridge DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Center
Briargate Family YMCA 4025 Family PL, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Preschool
Briargate Preschool 1110 Chapel Hills DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Preschool
Bricker CPCD Child Care Center 4880 Dover, Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Preschool
Bright Horizons at KidsKare Point 2050 Kids Kare Point, Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Center
Bright Star Learning Center 3555 Westwood BLVD, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Center
Broadmoor Community Preschool 315 Lake AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Preschool
Buena Vista Elementary School 924 W Pikes Peak AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 Preschool
Building Blocks Child Care 3819 N Academy BLVD, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 Preschool
C U Family Development Center 1425 Austin Bluffs PARK, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Preschool
Calvary Preschool 4210 Austin Bluffs, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Preschool
Camp Whiskers & Wags 610 Abbott LN, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 Center
Candyland Daycare 3129 Larkspur DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Center
Carver Adventure Club 4740 Artistic CIR, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 Preschool
Carver CPCD Preschool 4740 Artistic CIR, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Preschool
Centennial CPCD Preschool 1860 S Chelton RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Preschool
Chamberlin Elementary Preschool Project 2400 Slater AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Preschool
Champions 6573 Shimmering Creek PL, Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Center
Champions 1675 Winnebago RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Center
Champions 4350 Centerville DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Center
Champions 8365 Orchard Path RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Center
Champions 8550 Charity DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Center
Champions 4910 Jedediah Smith RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Center
Champions 2825 Pony Tracks DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Center
Champions 6275 Bridlespur AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Center
Champions 9155 Tutt BLVD, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Center
Champions 194 Mikado DR W, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Center
Champions 1655 Spring Crest RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Center
Champions 12201 Cross Peak VW, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Center
Champions 975 Stout RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Center
Cheyenne Mountain Early Intervention Programs 1201 W Cheyenne RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Preschool
Child Nursery Center Dare To Dream at Mt. Vista 2550 Dorset DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Center
Child Nursery Center Dare To Dream at Stratton Md 610 Brookshire AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Center
Child Nursery Centers at Sand Creek 550 Sand Creek DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Preschool
Childrens Depot 2590 Vickers DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Center
Chipeta Adventure Club 2340 Ramsgate TER, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Preschool
Colorado School For The Deaf and The Blind 33 N Institute ST, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Center
Community Partnership For Child Development 2883 S Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Preschool
Corpus Chriisti Catholic School 2410 N Cascade AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Preschool
Counterpoint School 610 East Willamette Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Preschool
Creative Kids College 3225 S Academy BLVD, Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Preschool
Creekside Kids 1201 W Cheyenne RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Center
Discovery Canyon Preschool 1810 Northgate BLVD, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Preschool
Discovery Trails Early Learning Academy 3925 Centennial BLVD STE 150, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Preschool
District 20 Preschool at Antelope Trails 15280 Jessie DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Preschool
E11 Creative Workshop 4795 Granby Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Preschool
Eagle’s Nest Day Camp – The Navigator’s 3820 N 30th, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Center
Early Childhood Education 1310 Lehmberg DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 2460 Paseo RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 3125 N Hancock, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 4120 Constitution AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 702 Cragmor RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 4340 Edwinstowe AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 6175 Whetstone DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 3730 E Montebello ST, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 1920 W Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 6110 Sapporo DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 2340 Ramsgate TER, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 4285 S Nonchalant CIR, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 6460 Vickers DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 2400 E VanBuren, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 5280 Butterfield DM, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 2560 International CIR, Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 830 Hathaway DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Preschool
Early Childhood Education 1023 N 31st ST, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Preschool
Early Childhood Education – Chelton 15 S Chelton RD, Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Preschool
Early Childhood Education – Hunt 917 E Moreno ST, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Preschool
Early Childhood Education – Longfellow 3302 Alpine PL, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Preschool
Early Childhood Education – Rudy 5370 Cracker Barrel, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 Preschool
Early Childhood Education – Twain 3402 E San Miguel, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Preschool
Early Childhood Education – Vrain 835 E St. Vrain ST, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Preschool
Early Connections D2d at Sand Creek 550 Sand Creek DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Center
Early Connections D2d at Wildflower 1160 Keith DR, Colorado Springs, CO 80916 Center
Early Connections at Antlers Place 108 Antlers PL, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Preschool
Early Connections at Court Care 270 S Tejon, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Preschool

State investigating Colorado Springs daycare following incident involving bleach

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) — 13 Investigates has confirmed the state is currently investigating a Colorado Springs daycare facility after an incident involving a three-year-old preschooler and bleach. 

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) confirmed with 13 Investigates that they are investigating multiple potential licensing violations after an incident occurred at the Kid City USA daycare facility in the 5700 block of Constitution Avenue on Oct 17.  

Colorado Springs Police say a 911 call was made around 8:00 am to report a potential poisoning at the daycare facility. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) arrived on scene to assist. 

An incident report filled out by a Kid City USA staff member and provided to 13 Investigates by the family of the preschooler says that “around 7:30 am, a teacher heard (child) crying in the bathroom. A 3-year-old seemed like he poured bleach on himself. He told the teacher that he drank water from his water bottle, and his mouth is hurting.” 

The Kid City USA staff member goes on to say they called EMS, called the parents, and the child went home with the parents. Under the category “Action taken on behalf of the injured”, the staff member says the teacher helped him throw up and spit out. The teacher also assisted in rinsing out the 3-year-old boy’s mouth. 

“Over the phone, I was told that they believe that he got into bleach,” Nicole Hawley, the mother of the 3-year-old boy told 13 Investigates. “He came out of the bathroom crying and his black uniform shirt was covered in bleach. And that he was saying his mouth hurt. They helped him throw up. They don’t know how much he ingested.” 

The CDEC says their licensing investigation in the Kid City USA’s Constitution Avenue location includes, but is not limited to, allegations regarding lack of supervision, critical incident reporting, and hazardous items accessible to children.

13 Investigates reached out directly to Kid City USA’s daycare facility on Constitution Ave and the Kid City USA headquarters in Port Orange, Florida about the 911 call of a potential poisoning one day after the incident occurred. Neither responded to 13 Investigates questions. 

Two days after the incident and after 13 Investigates reached out for comment, the daycare facility’s owner, Ashely Amaya, sent an email to parents of students and children at Kid City USA on Constitution Ave. 13 Investigates obtained this email from Hawley and her husband.  

“Monday, 10/17, a preschooler gained access to a sanitation bottle and spilled the solution on his shirt. As a precaution, EMS was called to confirm no substances were ingested. The child was cleared as never having ingested anything. Unfortunately, KRDO is reporting a “potential poisoning” situation. Out of respect for you as the families we serve, I felt that you be informed on the situation before it becomes a public issue. The safety and well being of the children within our care are not compromised in any way. As always, transparency of the state of our center is available to you. Please reach out to me directly via text or email if I can clarify anything for you at this time.” 

Ashley Amaya, Kid City USA

However, the Hawleys say the email sent to parents misrepresented what EMS said. 

“There was no he did or didn’t drink bleach,” Taylor Hawley, the 3-year-old’s father, told 13 Investigates. “The paramedics did not confirm that. They, in fact, told us to monitor him for 48 hours for signs of vomiting, nausea, and things of that nature.” 

“So Incredibly frustrated because (Amaya) was not present when it happened,” Nicole Hawley said. “Ashley, just put a nice little spin on it. It does make the parents feel better about it, but that’s not what happened. It was a lot more serious than she let on. Ashley addressed it with families but just with complete lies, just a blatant lie that our son was totally fine.” 

13 Investigates reached out to Kid City USA and Amaya requesting comment about the state investigation or the email sent out to parents. Neither responded to our requests. 

A spokesperson for American Medical Response (AMR) said they are working to provide information pertaining to the Oct 17 incident at Kid City USA in Colorado Springs to 13 Investigates on Monday. We have not heard from them since.

However, the Hawleys provided 13 Investigates with AMR Colorado Springs/El Paso County documentation about the incident.

“Supervisor of the facility found male presenting with bleach stains on his shirt and was concerned that male ingested bleach. Male denied ingesting bleach and stated that he only sprayed the liquid,” the narrative from AMR stated.

13 Investigates reviewed the findings of two state inspections conducted in 2022 at the Kid City USA on Constitution. In January, the state found Kid City USA on Constitution Avenue violated state regulations by not ensuring that a qualified classroom teacher was supervising a child. 

State regulators cited the daycare in April for failing to ensure that areas accessible to children under three were free of choke or inhalation hazards. 

Inspectors ordered the daycare to immediately correct both violations after being cited.

The Hawleys say they weren’t aware of any state investigation into the children’s daycare facility until after the Oct 17 incident. 

“After hearing about the multiple investigations, we felt very betrayed. We had no idea any of this was happening. Had we known about the lack of supervision, vision, investigation, about the other DHS investigations, we would have changed our child care situation.”

“Had this happened to someone else, we would absolutely want to know the whole truth,” Taylor Hawley said. “The exact truth of what happened, so we can make the determination of what’s best for our kids.” 

Nicole and Taylor say their son is in good health as they continue to monitor him. However, their 3-year-old hasn’t forgotten what occurred. 

“We’ve been down in our playroom the past few days, and he has reenacted it completely unprompted,” Nicole said. “Easily ten times where he has his stuffy, his favorite stuffed animal, and he brings them up to me and says, Mommy, mommy, stuffy, he needs a doctor, stuffy he’s sick. I say, Oh, no, what happened? Because, you know, playing doctor is nothing new. Until he tells me stuffy drink the bleach mom.” 

Four Continents Figure Skating Championships

The Four Continents Figure Skating Championships kick off Thursday, February 9th in the USA

This week the Four Continents Championships will take place – the equivalent of the European Championships for figure skaters from non-European countries. It will feature speakers from America, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

This tournament is one of the four that you need to win to collect the “Grand Slam”, that is, it is logical to expect the best non-European skaters among its participants, but, alas, not all the strongest come there. It is hard to imagine that athletes would also neglect the European Championship.

Despite this, there will be someone to watch at the Four Continents Championships, even the Russian audience. “Sports Day by Day” collected the most important information about the tournament: where and when to watch, the list of participants and the competition schedule.


The Four Continents Figure Skating Championships 2023 will be held from February 9 to 13 in the US city of Colorado Springs, which will host this tournament for the fourth time. Initially, the ISU granted the right to host the competition to Sydney, but subsequently Australia abandoned it, although it could have become a quadruple continent that accepted the CCC.

Skaters will compete on the ice at Broadmoor World Arena. Until 2021, this arena was the home of the Colorado College Tigers.

Members of the Four Continents Championship

22 male single skaters, 24 female single skaters, 10 sports couples and 13 dance duos entered the championship of four continents.

Women’s Single Figure Skating

Men’s Single Figure Skating

The strongest teams represented at the ChChK are, of course, the USA and Japan, but they sent not the strongest squads to the tournament. For example, the United States will be represented by Maxim Naumov, Jimmy Ma and Liam Kapeikis, who finished fourth through sixth at the national championship.

And Japan – Koshiro Shimada, Shun Sato and Kao Miura. These are the second, fourth and sixth places of the Japanese championship respectively.

Most surprising is the absence of the newly minted US champion Ilya Malin, who is tipped to have an incredible career, including a Grand Slam. He misses a great opportunity to start collecting it. By the way, his mother won this tournament in the first year of its holding – at 1999th.

Ilya Malinin is a boy who is being made history. Is he as good as everyone says?

Sports couples

Ice dancing

Championship schedule

February 9 (Thursday)

22:35 (Moscow time) – women’s short program

February 10 (Friday)

4:45 (MSK) – men’s short program

21:35 (MSK) – pairs short program

February 11 (Saturday)

0:35 (Moscow time) – rhythm dance

4:00 (Moscow time) – women’s free program

February 12 (Sunday)

0:50 (Moscow time) – free program couples

4:15 (Moscow time) – free program men

23:15 (Moscow time) – free dance

February 13 (Monday)

4:30 (Moscow time) – demonstration performances

Interesting facts

Many already know that Ilya Malinin is the son of Russian emigrants, former figure skaters Roman Skornyakov and Tatyana Malinina, who represented Kazakhstan at competitions. But he is not alone in the US team.

Maxim Naumov also has Russian roots. He was born into a family of former Russian figure skaters – world champions in pair skating Evgenia Shishkova and Vadim Naumov. They are training him.

And in ice dancing there is Etoni Ponomarenko, performing in a duet with Christina Carreira. He is the son of Olympic ice dancing champions Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko. The Russians in the US team do not end there, but they will not go to the Four Continents Championship.

There will also be a lot of Russian coaches at the ChChK. Marina Zueva brought the Filipino couple Isabella Gomez / Alexander Korovin (partner until 2021 to represent Russia) and the Japanese dance duo Kana Muramoto / Daisuke Takahashi to Colorado Springs.

Silver medalist of the European Championship Sergei Voronov, who led the national team of Kazakhstan, is registered as a coach with single skater Bagdana Rakhishova and single skater Dias Zhirenbaev.

Alexey Letov and Olga Ganicheva, who until recently worked with the Italian Daniel Grassle, train the American couple Emily Chan/Spencer Akira Howe and the American single skater Jimmy Ma.

Olympic champion Alexei Urmanov works with Kazakh figure skater Mikhail Shaydorov, Yulia Kuznetsova with current US champion Isabeau Levito, Alexei Vasilevsky and Yulia Lavrenchuk with Kazakh single skaters Sofia Farafonova and Rakhat Bralin, Alexandra Brezhneva with Kazakh single skater Anna Levkovets, and Nikolai Morozov – with New Zealander Jocelyn Hong.

Where can I watch the Four Continents Championship? Broadcasts

You can watch the ChChK live online on the Okko service. With a high degree of probability, the tournament will be covered by the former Russian figure skater Lina Fedorova, who worked at the Grand Prix and the European Championships, which were also covered by Okko Sport.

Grandfather Malinin: “Ilya has Russian features – purposefulness, a desire to add results at all costs.

It’s in Russian blood” – Figure Skating

Valery Malinin, grandfather of the American figure skater Ilya Malinin, spoke about the differences in raising children in the US and Russia.

– Ilya chose the nickname “God of quadruples” for himself. He even wears a hat with this inscription. Some fans in Russia think it’s too much.

– Americans are brought up differently. The Russian crosses himself before the start, the American chews gum. Do you understand?

In the US, athletes are more relaxed, ours are more excited. I remember from my own experience, after the performance at the Spartakiad, they collected – awarded, praised, scolded. Scolded without a choice of words.

The psychological pressure was great. Can you imagine the pressure at the team level? Though maybe things have changed now.

– It turns out that Ilya is more American in character than Russian?

– Yes. They are brought up in completely different guises. Where do we usually have a child? Kindergarten, school is a team. Came to the yard – also a team. Everything is according to its own laws. And there is a different team, the priorities are completely different.

In the US, I have not seen children hanging out in the yard, playing. They are generally busy all the time. The bus takes them away in the morning, brings them back in the evening, obviously, they have something like circles there.

Ilyushka left early because he was an athlete. But they all do. At what level, what quality, I do not know. But the kids are there all the time. I didn’t see children there left to their own devices.

And on weekends, you see, they go in for sports, ride a bike. There are a lot of treadmills, tennis courts – come and play. There are a lot of things to do there, that’s why they are brought up in this environment, that’s why their attitude is a little different.

– Are there Russian features in it?

– Purposefulness, the desire to add results, no matter what. It’s in Russian blood. It is not for nothing that in the US junior team at one of the World Championships, three people were with Russian roots.

A lot of Russian families move there, get settled, and many children go in for figure skating.

Of course, his success is due to his parents. Tanya is such a purposeful person that she, if she wants to, will definitely achieve it. I wanted him to become a good athlete – I made every effort.

If Tatyana had a different character, less strong, weaker, then there would probably be nothing. I would follow Ilya’s lead when he wanted to play football instead of figure skating,” said Malinin.

Malinin’s grandfather about his training: “We work the way we were taught in the Soviet Union. Parents transferred the knowledge they received to Ilya’s upbringing”

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Kindergarten questions to ask: 9 Cool Questions to Ask Your Kid

Опубликовано: April 1, 2023 в 7:23 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

61 Questions to Ask Kindergarten Teacher

Social Skills

By The Editors

Updated on

It’s hard to believe that another school year is just around the corner. If you have a child starting kindergarten, you may be going through a mix of emotions right now. After all, this is a big milestone! Your little one is growing up and venturing out into the world. 

You might be feeling excited about your child and eager to see all the progress they will make in kindergarten. But maybe you’re also a little apprehensive about sending your child off to school. It’s only natural that you want to make sure your child is in good hands.

The good news is that there are many things you can do to ease your anxiety – for example, by meeting with your child’s teacher beforehand. With that, here are some questions you can ask your child’s kindergarten teacher.

61 Questions you can ask your child’s kindergarten teacher:

  1. What is the average class size? 
  2. What is the student-to-teacher ratio? 
  3. How will you handle discipline issues? 
  4. What are your expectations for academic growth? 
  5. What kind of homework can parents expect? 
  6. What curriculum will you be using? 
  7. Can you provide me with a list of supplies my child will need? 
  8. How often will parents receive progress reports? 
  9. How often do you communicate with parents?
  10. How can I best support my child at home? 
  11. When and how should I contact you if I have concerns about my child’s progress? 
  12. Does the teacher have experience teaching students with special needs? 
  13. If my child has special needs, how will you accommodate them in the classroom? 
  14. Do you have any themes or special events planned for the year? 
  15. What are your ideas for engaging parents in the classroom? 
  16. Will there be any field trips or other off-campus activities planned? 
  17. Is there anything else I should know about your classroom or teaching philosophy? 
  18. How long has the teacher been teaching? 
  19. What is the teacher’s educational background? 
  20. What are the teacher’s qualifications?
  21. What teaching methods does the teacher use? 
  22. How does the teacher deal with disruptive students? 
  23. What if my child has difficulty keeping up with the class? 
  24. What are the teacher’s expectations for parental involvement? 
  25. What happens if my child has a bad day at school? 
  26. What are the school’s policies on bullying and harassment? 
  27. Will my child be ready for first grade after attending this kindergarten class? 
  28. What do you feel are your strengths in teaching kindergarten students? 
  29. How do you get to know each student and their individual needs? 
  30. How do you handle conflict resolution between students? 
  31. What does a typical day look like in your classroom? 
  32. How do you integrate technology into your lesson plans? 
  33. Do the students have regular opportunities for outdoor time/recess? 
  34. How do you ensure that each student has a positive and successful experience in your classroom? 
  35. Do you collaborate with other teachers or specialists (i. e., librarian, music teacher, art teacher) to enhance the students’ learning experiences? If so, can you share an example of how this has benefited the students this year? 
  36. What kind of feedback do you provide students with after they complete an assignment or project? For example, do they receive verbal feedback only, written feedback only, or a combination of both? 
  37. Do the students have regular opportunities to share their work with their classmates and/or parents (i.e., through presentations, open houses)? If so, can you tell me more about how this benefits the students? 
  38. Can you share an example of a problem-solving activity or project that the students worked on this year? 
  39. How do you plan to teach academics? Will there be a lot of group work, independent work, or a mix of both? 
  40. What are your school hours? When do classes start and end each day? 
  41. Will my child have any opportunities to learn about leadership or take on leadership roles in the classroom or school community? 
  42. What kinds of enrichment activities do you offer? Are there any extra-curricular clubs or sports teams my child can join? 
  43. How often will my child have PE or music class? And will he or she have any opportunities to perform in front of an audience throughout the year? 
  44. How do you communicate with parents? Do you send home a weekly newsletter, post updates on a classroom blog, or hold parent-teacher conferences throughout the year? 
  45. Are there any special days or events I should know about (e. g., holidays, pajama days, hat days)? 
  46. What should I do if my child is having trouble making friends or adjusting to kindergarten life? Who should I contact if I have concerns about my child’s adjustment period? 
  47. What should I pack in my child’s lunch each day (e.g., snacks, drinks)? Is there a school lunch option available, and how much does it cost per day/per month/per semester/per year?
  48. What is the teacher’s teaching style?
  49. What are the school’s safety procedures?
  50. What are the school’s emergency procedures?
  51. How do you teach reading and writing?
  52. How do you teach math?
  53. What other subjects do you cover in your curriculum?
  54. How do you assess student progress?
  55. What are your policies for dealing with absences and tardiness?
  56. How much time is spent on academics each day?
  57. How much time is spent on a play each day?
  58. Does the school have a nurse on staff?
  59. Does the school have a counselor on staff?
  60. Does the school offer before and after-school care?
  61. Does the school offer transportation to and from school?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you interact with your child’s teacher?

As a parent, it is important to be involved in your child’s education. This means being an active participant in the classroom by attending events, volunteering, and communicating with the teacher.

It is also important to know what is going on in the classroom and ask questions. Teachers appreciate it when parents get involved and take an interest in their child’s education.

How do you ask a teacher about a child’s behavior?

If you need help with a problematic behavior your child is exhibiting in class, don’t be afraid to ask the teacher for help. Many teachers are happy to advise you on how to handle the situation.

However, you should keep in mind that they are not therapists and may not be able to offer a solution that gets to the root of the problem. If your child’s disruptive behavior is causing him or her great distress, you should seek help from a therapist or counselor.


These are just a few of the many questions you can ask your child’s kindergarten teacher before school starts. By taking the time to meet with the teacher and asking him or her some questions, you can ease your anxiety about starting school. It will also give you a chance to get to know the teacher and find out more about their classroom and teaching style.

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10 Questions to Ask Your Kids About Their Day (Other Than “How Was Your Day?”)

Photo by Cara Dolan / Stocksy United

By Cheryl Flanders

You pick up your three-year-old after his first day at preschool. You’re eager for details.  Instead the conversation goes something like this:

“What did you do at school today?”


“Did you have fun?”


“Do you like your teacher?”

“Uh-huh. I’m hungry!”

Trying to squeeze information out of a three-year-old about what he did six hours ago…is a challenge at best.

There’s a reason why she’s staying mum: Three- and four-year-olds are on overdrive most of the time. Their young brains are moving fast, and while they may have wanted to tell you that their teacher did a funny fish face while reading a book, it’s quickly forgotten in a new discovery, like a friend’s even funnier imitation of a laughing hyena or even just seeing a dog outside the car window.

Talking with preschoolers about their day at school is a bit of an art form—but luckily, it’s one you can learn pretty easily. Here’s the key: It’s all about how you word your questions. Avoid questions that can be answered in one word (“Did you have a fun day?”) and choose open-ended questions instead (“What was the most fun thing you did today?”). You’re much more likely to get some details if she has to use more than one or two words to reply, and as a bonus, you’re even helping her cultivate memory skills.

Here are ten open-ended questions you can ask your child about school to spark conversations and (hopefully) keep the dialogue rolling:

  1. What was the most fun thing you did at school today?
  2. Why was ___________ so fun?
  3. Who did you talk to the most?
  4. Where is your favorite place to play in your new classroom?
  5. When were you the happiest today?
  6. How did you feel when you saw your new classroom?
  7. Tell me about what you had for lunch today.
  8. What was the worst thing that happened at school today?
  9. Who would you like to play with tomorrow?
  10. Tell me something that made you laugh today.

No need to stick with our list—start making up your own creative prompts! Switching to open-ended questions may be tricky at first, but it gets easier and has great rewards: You’ll not only hear awesome details about her experiences at school, but you’ll build some serious bonding time with your growing-up-too-fast kiddo!

Tips And Guidance

Major Milestones

Understanding Behavior

Brain Development

Social And Emotional Learning




School Age

Preschool (3-5)

Frequently Asked Questions of Parents

Answers to frequently asked questions by parents can become hints to the teacher in many difficult situations that inevitably arise in the relationship between parents and their children, regardless of age.

1. How can I bring my child to kindergarten if he does not want to go there?

In fact, this is a very complex problem, and its solution requires a lot of “energy costs” on the part of parents.

Start preparing your child for kindergarten in the evening. Remind about the positive aspects of the kindergarten: friends, toys, delicious food, talk about how you will come for the child and where you will go after the kindergarten. Together prepare clothes for the garden, pick up a toy that the baby can take to the garden tomorrow.

On the way to kindergarten, tell your child that you will go to work now, that you will do this and that there; and your baby will go to kindergarten and will do this and that there. Knowing that you are busy with something, it will be easier for the child to come to terms with your absence.

Many children find it difficult to part with their mother in the garden. In this case, it is advisable that other family members take the child to the kindergarten. And many children really like it if their father and mother take them to kindergarten together.

2. What can be done so that a child already has experience of communicating with other children by kindergarten?

In order for the child to get the necessary experience of communication with other children, create the necessary conditions for this, for example, go to places where other children play. These can be playgrounds, playrooms, developing activities, visiting places where there are also children, invite friends who have children to your place. In general, the more a child visits different places, sees different people, sees different forms and options for communication between adults and children, spending leisure time, the easier it is for him to adapt to everything new, including kindergarten. Don’t shield him from the world out of false beliefs: “It’s too early for him.” But be there to comment on what is happening, to explain what is happening and to provide support.

3. How should a child’s first day in kindergarten go? Do I need to bring him immediately for the whole day or half a day?

It is recommended to gradually increase the length of your child’s stay in kindergarten. It is best if the child gets to know his group in advance. To do this, you can agree with the teacher to come with him on group walks. It is also best to show the child the situation in his group in advance.

On the first day, discuss with the teacher when you would like to come and leave your phone number. Usually mothers are told to come back in a couple of hours, and then they look at the behavior of the child. If the baby is calm and plays, then you can not worry and come at the appointed time. The child needs to be informed in advance exactly when you will come and not be late, so that next time he will be sure that you will arrive on time. If the child begins to cry and does not calm down, then the mother is invited to come earlier.

4. What to do if it is difficult for a child to get used to kindergarten: will he cry, resist, beg to leave him at home?

This question cannot be answered briefly. It depends on the individuality of the child, on his relationship with his mother, on the emotional state of the mother herself. On the website of the kindergarten, we will post information on how to prepare psychologically for kindergarten by the parents themselves, how to get rid of their fears about the child’s stay in kindergarten, how to let go of your baby with a light heart and freely accept any of his reactions to adaptation …

5. Are joint events organized in the kindergarten with the participation of parents?

Our kindergarten very often organizes joint holidays and events with the participation of parents, such as New Year, Mother’s Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Autumn Ball, summer sports and recreation events, open doors days etc.

6. How to behave with a child after kindergarten?

During the adaptation period, it is advisable to come for the child at about the same time, as early as possible. Try not to pick up the child as the last one during the adaptation period – after all, the child may be afraid that they will not come for him at all! Always joyfully greet the child, hug him, kiss him, say how much you missed him, take an interest in his drawings and crafts, praise, admire. Emphasize that your child is learning a lot in kindergarten.

Discuss something pleasant, such as where you will go now or what you will do when you get home (think of something interesting and pleasant for the child in advance).
Tell your child about what you did while he was in kindergarten.

Do not ask the child immediately about how he spent the day in the garden, if he himself does not take the initiative. It might be embarrassing for him. Better then, at home, when he calms down and relaxes, slowly discuss the events of the past day, and, if necessary, play the situations that occurred in kindergarten on toys.

These role-playing games will help your child relieve tension, and you will be better able to understand what worries or worries him: separation from his mother, lack of understanding with the teacher, other children, fear that he will not be taken away, etc. Having understood the reason, it will be easier to work with the problem.

After kindergarten, it is desirable to provide the child with an opportunity to relieve emotional stress: take a walk in the fresh air, run, jump, play games together at home, read books, etc. Remember, the evening time should be completely yours and the child’s, as compensation for the afternoon parting!

7. Every morning I have a little battle in my own house. The child does not want to get up, refuses to get dressed, asks to lie still for a minute. It takes so long to assemble that you have to adjust it. Is there a way out of this situation?

Morning is the most complicated and difficult time for a child, requiring especially careful attitude and attention from adults. Many children and parents start the morning with a kind of duel, because they do not have time to draw up an elementary daily routine and do not resort to the help of a few tricks that I want to share with you:

Make a daily routine and stick to it! After a few days, the morning will no longer bring you trouble. Be patient and get up 5-10 minutes earlier than necessary for the first two weeks. Buy an alarm clock for your child and teach him how to use it! The melody should be pleasant and cheerful.

Change the atmosphere of awakening. Make it joyful, infect children with optimism. Turn on a bright light, turn on the radio, walk around the apartment, singing a peppy melody.

Discuss with the children in a calm environment the activities they need to do each morning. Make a chart or table of fees. Use this chart as a reminder for your child.

It is very helpful if the child’s morning schedule includes a little housework, something for the whole family. Bring the mail, set the table, water the flowers, feed the cat, feed the fish, cut the bread, etc. Many times we tried not to pay attention to it, but it hurts to look at him in this state. Having received his, the child immediately calms down and for some time becomes downright an angel. I’m dreading what will happen next.”

Ignore! Show patience and endurance! You can not succumb to the demands of the child, which he makes in the form of tantrums, screams or seizures! This behavior of the baby has several goals: to get your attention, to receive the desired reward, to demonstrate its power over you. If a child succeeds in getting his way with the help of a tantrum, he will resort to this method more and more often. Usually, children make scenes for their mothers, as a last resort, when both parents are present, and almost never such stories happen alone with dads. Why? Maybe the child understands that mom gives up faster and easier? Fighting hysteria requires patience and calmness. Remember that tantrums are temporary. With age, they will definitely stop.

9. “I often literally fight with my child to keep the room in order. He is already 5 years old, and I think that such a duty as cleaning toys is already quite within his power. However, the son does not want to clean up the mess himself, and every time he has to swear and reprimand him before he starts cleaning up the toys scattered around. Is there a way to fix this problem?”

A child is not born neat, this quality is instilled in him in the process of education. Of course, at the age of 5, the child is already obliged to put the toys back after the game. Do not get angry and upset, all children go through a period of “pigs”, another question is what experience they gain in the process of growing up. Have you taught your child how to clean? Do not clean toys yourself, only together. This will have to be done before school. Accuracy is not instinctive. Children need to be taught responsibility. Do not shout or insult the child if he has not cleaned the room. Silently look at the child and slowly, very revealingly, begin to do so. Then ask for help.

10. What skills should children have when they enter school. What should parents pay attention to?

Volitional readiness, which is often hushed up, is the first indicator that a child will do well at school. It is necessary to learn lessons – he will sit down and teach, this does not cause him much anxiety. What is the indicator of this readiness? For example, at the age of 6, a child should be able to set the table, wash their hands without being reminded, be able to restrain the desire to eat candy before dinner with free access to sweets, even if no one sees it. Should be able to say hello, say goodbye, sit and do something for 25 minutes. Most importantly, here’s what you pay attention to: when a child asks a question, does he wait for an answer or just ask and immediately forget about his question? This may be an indicator of his ability to concentrate when listening to an answer. It is very important to develop the child’s speech. There is a book called How to Prepare a Child for School, which has been compiled by many experts, and it gives what parents need to know.

questions and answers – private kindergarten Zhemchuzhinka