Monthly Archives: December 2022

Man shower: Dadchelor Party Invitation | Small Moments

Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 10:42 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

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Männliche Hände waschen ihre Haare mit Shampoo und Schaum auf…

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Rückansicht junger kaukasischer Mann, der duscht.

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Mann singt unter der Dusche

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Rückansicht junger Mann waschen Haare, stehend im Badezimmer

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Starke muskuläre passen Jüngling in dunkle sportliche Kleidung…

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Mann duscht im Whirlpool mit Blick auf den Wald

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Ein Mann wäscht in der Dusche. Seitenansicht.

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Lächelnder junger Mann steht im Badezimmer, duscht

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Positiver afroamerikanischer Mann mit Spaß im Bad, singen

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Muskulöser Mann mit erhobenen Händen genießen Kontrastdusche.

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Lustig fetter Mann singt in der Dusche.

Männliche Pflege. Attraktiver Typ.

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Mann im Badezimmer ein Bad zu nehmen

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Mann mit Regenmantel unter starkem Regen

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Asiatische Männer sind Duschen im Bad, er ist glücklich und…

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Vektorsymbol für Duschraum

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Mann singt unter der Dusche

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Mann genießt starken Regen in der Natur

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Mann Waschen Haare in der Dusche

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Mann macht ein Selfie in der Dusche

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Glücklich Millennial gemischte Rasse Kerl Waschen Körper mit…

Überglücklicher junger Afroamerikaner, der ein Lied in einer Duschgelflasche singt und Spaß daran hat, die morgendliche Hygieneroutine im Badezimmer zu genießen. Glücklicher Millennial-Mixed-Race-Typ, der den Körper mit schaumigem Reiniger wäscht.

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Wet Beine

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Asiatischer Kerl duschen im Freien

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Schöne Mann nehmen eine Dusche und Pflege von Haaren und Körper

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Schwarzer Mann waschen zurück mit Schwamm nehmen erfrischende. ..

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Nahaufnahme glücklich gebräunt Kerl mit schwarzen Haaren mit…

Gut aussehender Mann mit Lächeln und weißem Badetuch, der in die Kamera schaut

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Glücklicher afroamerikanischer Mann singt Dusche im Badezimmer

Positiver junger afroamerikanischer Mann singt beim Duschen mit heißen Wasserstrahlen in zeitgenössischer Einheit im Badezimmer in unmittelbarer Seitenansicht

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athletic gebräunten männlichen hinten unter der Dusche

Ein gebräunter Athlet, frisch aus der Brandung, hebt seine Hand, um das Salzwasser aus seinen Haaren zu spülen. Perfekte Haut und Sonnenlicht, die die Wassertröpfchen fangen, sorgen für ein gesundes Leben oder Sommerurlaub. Ungeschärft oder optimiert, EOS 5D, Weitere Informationen finden Sie in Men in the Shower LB oder Designalternativen unten.

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Mann bekommt von einem Sturm weggeblasen

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Schöne Mann hält seinen Kopf nach Dusche

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Lustige dicke Mann in blaue Kappe unter der Dusche singen

Lustiger dicker Mann in blauer Mütze singt unter der Dusche. Spaß und Sauberkeit

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Abenteurer in Taifun

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Schöne junge Mann waschen Haare und Körper mit offenem Mund

Porträt eines aufgeregten Mannes, der unter kalter Dusche mit offenem Mund steht, schreit oder singt, Kopierraum

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Shower Installations for Trenton, NJ

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ShowerMan can transform your bathroom with a frameless glass shower door that has a beautiful, ultra-contemporary look. See our photo gallery at the link below.

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Discover New Jersey’s Elite Option for Frameless Glass Shower Doors!

ShowerMan has been transforming homes and completing bathrooms throughout New Jersey for over 40 years. Every customer, and every project, is unique, and ShowerMan has the experience and expertise to perfectly design and install your new frameless shower doors. Our honest approach, and unprecedented 15 Year Warranty, guarantees customers of our dependability and our willingness to stand by our products. That’s why, when transforming a simple bathroom into a contemporary, spa-like sanctuary, ShowerMan is the only company to call.

With 40 years of experience fulfilling the frameless shower door needs of New Jersey, our expert craftsmen combine innovative ideas with unmatched expertise and high-quality products. Our refined, technologically advanced glass—with Low-Iron Ultra Clear Glass and ShowerGuard options—are custom-designed to add that sleek, clean finish to your bathroom. To learn more about our easy-to-install and easy-to-clean frameless glass doors, or for any of your other glass needs, visit our showroom or contact us for a free consultation by calling 732-303-9044.

Frameless Shower Doors complete that elegant, luxurious, and contemporary feel in your bathroom. High-quality glass that fits your custom-design, and installed by our expert craftsmen, will add the open, spacious feel your new spa-like oasis deserves. With 40 years of excellence, and an unprecedented 15 Year Warranty, ShowerMan will remain with you every step of the way to ensure complete satisfaction with your Frameless Shower Doors.

More About Shower Doors

As well as being New Jersey’s premier Frameless Shower Door Company, ShowerMan can also fulfill all of your other residential or commercial mirror and glass needs. We can design and install custom mirrors, glass tabletops, shelves, conference room walls, and any other glass or mirror project for your residence or business.

Additional Glass Services

When it comes to your bathroom renovation, the perfect hardware can make all the difference. With an extensive collection of finishing touches, such as handles, pulls, knobs, robe hooks, towel bars, hinges, and much more, all in different finishes such as nickel, chrome, and brass, ShowerMan has all the options to complete your bathroom’s transformation.

More About Hardware

With less than 10% of the iron present in regular glass, Low-Iron Ultra Clear Glass allows more light to pass through, producing stunning clarity, vividness, and luxury to your bathroom. Regular glass produces a greenish tint that distorts the view through the glass. Low-Iron Ultra Clear Glass almost completely eliminates that tint, enhancing the view of your beautiful tiles, finishes, and accents.

More About Low-Iron Glass

Heat, humidity, hard water, and even cleansers and soap will degrade regular glass over time, allowing scum to dig in and create a dull, dirty appearance. Showerguard Protective Coating seals and coats the glass with an invisible barrier and prevents glass from showing signs of age and permanent damage. This coating creates enduring beauty and comes with a Limited Lifetime Warranty.

More About ShowerGuard

5 star all along!

5 star all along!! My walk in shower looks beautiful! Very professional.

Jaya Choudhury


…the ‘superhero’ of installations

I highly recommend ShowerMan – he is the ‘superhero’ of installations. My experience when it comes to glass cutting and installation is that is both an art and a science. Precision comes with experience and ShowerMan is a veteran in this field.

Barbara and Steve Schecter


…the best in the business

ShowerMan is the best in the business. Their workmanship is superb and their professionalism is outstanding. Mark and his crew are experts in what they do. I highly recommend using them to my clients and know they will get the job done right.

Rob Dipiazza

ofMr. Fix It


…prompt and efficient.

The owner, Mark, came promptly to my house at the time of the initial appointment. He was personable, professional and had samples and photos on his iPad which made it very helpful. His price was reasonable. He measured and within 10 days they were ready to do the installation. The installation had to be aborted due to an error in the size of the door so another week passed and I now am enjoying a beautiful shower door and mirror. The company agreed to adjust my cost for the inconvenience. The installers were also prompt and efficient. I would recommend this company.

viaAngie’s List

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What is a shower for a man and a woman

December 07, 2017, 15:07

Found on the Internet

For a woman, taking a shower is a sacrament and a ritual where not a single detail can be missed. It’s a must here:

  • Undress and place clothes neatly in the different sections of the laundry closet, depending on the color.
  • Put on a long bathrobe and go to the bathroom. When the husband is caught on the road, then cover everything that has swung open.
  • Look thoughtfully in the mirror and decide that you need to do more squats.
  • In the shower, use a face washcloth, a hand washcloth, a foot washcloth, a long washcloth for the back, a wide washcloth, and a pumice stone for the feet.
  • Rinse hair with cucumber and sage. Then rinse your hair again to keep it clean.
  • Use grapefruit mint conditioner with natural avocado oil. Leave on hair for 15 minutes.
  • Rub crushed apricot ointment on the face according to a new recipe from the Internet.
  • Wash the rest of the body with body gel with dried ginger and aerated orange flavored chocolate.
  • With a sigh, make sure that the husband continues to eat body gel with the addition of dry ginger and aerated chocolate with an orange flavor.
  • Rinse conditioner from hair.
  • Shave armpits and legs.
  • Turn off the shower.
  • Wipe wet areas in the shower. Spray all stains on ceramic tiles with Tylex.
  • Get out of the shower on a towel on the floor. Dry off with a towel the size of a European country.
  • Wrap your hair in a super absorbent towel.
  • Hang a towel from the floor on the edge of the tub.
  • Check the whole body for spots.
  • Pull out unwanted hairs with tweezers.
  • Return to the bedroom, wearing a long robe and a towel over your head.
  • When the husband is caught on the road, cover everything that has swung open.

For a man shower – a quick wash procedure, including the operations:

  • Sitting on the edge of the bed, take off your clothes and throw them into a pile.
  • Go naked to the bathroom. If the wife gets caught along the way, then portray an excited monkey, while uttering woo!
  • It is enough to look at yourself in the mirror, turning left and right side.
  • Scratch your chest with your left hand, your ass with your right hand.
  • Climb into the shower.
  • Wash your face.
  • Wash armpits.
  • Pee.
  • Blow your nose into your hand and rinse with water.
  • Spend most of your time washing and around intimate areas.
  • Wash the buttocks, leaving the hairs from the buttocks on a bar of soap.
  • Pour the shampoo over your head and rub it on your head until you get goosebumps from head to buttocks.
  • Stick your head under the shower so that the water hits in all directions, throws open the curtains and spills into puddles.
  • Taste body gel with dry ginger and aerated orange flavored chocolate.
  • Take the first towel you find and rub it vigorously. First, wipe everything in intimate places, then wipe your face.
  • Get out of the bath, not paying attention to the puddles after his stormy shower.
  • Once again admire yourself and your masculinity.
  • Leave curtains open, water on the floor not wiped, lights and ventilation on.
  • Return to bedroom with towel around hips. If the wife is caught along the way, then take off the towel and portray an excited monkey, while uttering woo!
  • Throw a wet towel on the bed.

  • Male and female
  • Male
  • Female

Guest, January 30, 2020, 4:04 pm

Very interesting and funny))

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Shower gels for men: NIVEA product catalog



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      Convenient multi-tasking products

      If you want to save time in the morning and reduce the amount of products taking up shelf space in your bathroom, most NIVEA shower products are right for you. In addition to a wide range of other benefits, such as protecting and moisturizing the skin and feeling fresh, they are good for multitasking: you can use the same product for deep cleansing of the skin, as well as for washing and washing hair.

      Morning routine

      When you get out of bed in the morning, you probably head to the shower first, and this is just the beginning of your morning routine. But morning procedures should not be complicated and long. Just do whatever it takes to look great. The steam from your morning shower softens tough facial hair, so it’s time to lather and shave right after. An aftershave lotion or balm is then applied to protect the skin from dryness and prevent shaving irritation. Finally, while the body is still cool and fresh after a shower, deodorant is applied for its maximum effect. Of course, you can add other morning routines as well, but these are the basic steps that will help you keep looking and feeling fresh throughout the day.

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Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 10:31 am


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Santa Clara High School (2022-23 Profile)

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Top Rankings

Santa Clara High School ranks among the top 20% of private schools in California for:




Highest percentage of students of color

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Highest percentage of faculty with advanced degrees

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School Overview

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School Notes

  • Santa Clara is a college preparatory high school located in
    Oxnard California.
  • Santa Clara students are prepared academically for college and
    spiritually for life.
  • 100% of our graduates are accepted into college.

Source: Verified school update


School Reviews

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  • Quality of academic programs, teachers, and facilities
  • Availability of music, art, sports and other extracurricular activities
  • Academic or athletic awards

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  • 2528 NEPTUNE PL


    • 2 Beds | 2 Baths
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    • (5.13 miles from school)


    • 3 Beds | 2. 5 Baths
    • (6.88 miles from school)™View Homes Near Santa Clara High School

A Timeline of Private School Events and History

What was the first private school? What’s the oldest school? What are some of the educational philosophies commonly found? Some answers here.

Suicide Prevention: Caring For Our Young People

At last we have a dedicated phone number for suicide and crisis support. The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is 988. More about it and suicide prevention here.

School Safety

Seemingly never-ending school shootings prompted me to find out whether private schools were safer than public schools. Some answers and opinions on the matter here.


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Santa Clara High School | 2016-17 Rankings

Location: Santa Clara, CA

Are you a student or parent at Santa Clara High School? Want to understand how to get the most out of high school?

We’ve written the best guide to Santa Clara High available. Here we’ll cover:

  • Breakdowns of student ethnicity, gender, and family income
  • How safe Santa Clara High is to attend
  • SAT/ACT/AP scores earned by Santa Clara High students
  • Which AP/IB classes you can take at Santa Clara High
  • Every sports team you can join at Santa Clara High

Let’s get started!

Basic Information

Santa Clara High School is a public school, supporting grades
to 12
. It’s located in Santa Clara, CA in Santa Clara County.

Based on its location, Santa Clara High is classified as a school in a
midsized city.
Here’s the location on a map:

Contact Information

Mailing address:

Santa Clara High School3000 Benton St.
Santa Clara, CA 95051-3736

Phone number: 4084232600

Santa Clara High School homepage:

Principal: Gregory ShelbyEmail the principal: [email protected]

Student Demographics

Student Enrollment

The total enrollment at Santa Clara High School is 1830 students, making it a
large high school, in the top 25% of all California high schools by size.

Attending Santa Clara High will feel like attending a small college. You’ll have a few hundred students in your class, enough to provide an interesting set of activities, sports, and classes to try. But compared to the largest high schools in California, the student body size won’t be overwhelming.

Growth in Student Body Size

Is Santa Clara High School growing or shrinking? This will help you see trends in where the school is headed.

From our calculations, the enrollment at Santa Clara High has
over the past few years. We calculate this by comparing enrollment in grades 9 to 12.

Male Students Female Students All Students
9th grade 242 229 471
10th grade 263 236 499
11th grade 221 232 453
12th grade 203 204 407

As you can see in the table above, the freshman class is 64 students larger than the senior class. This suggests that the school is growing in size and taking on more students.

There are a few reasons this could be happening. The city of Santa Clara could be growing in population, thus sending more students into Santa Clara High. Alternatively, Santa Clara High could be relaxing its student policies and taking in more students.

Gender Split

Are there more boys or girls at Santa Clara High School?

From our statistics, Santa Clara High has a 51:49 split between male and female students in the high school grades.

Santa Clara High has a balanced male-female ratio that’s largely representative of the general population in Santa Clara County. Since the student body is roughly half and half, it should feel like there are equal numbers of boys and girls in your classes.

This usually means that Santa Clara High doesn’t strongly select for either males or females, unlike other schools that have a large majority of males or females.

Ethnicity Breakdown

What’s the racial diversity at Santa Clara High School? Does one ethnicity make up most of the student body, or is it fairly balanced?

From our statistics, Santa Clara High has a
diverse student body. No single ethnicity composes more than 50% of all students, which means you’ll be surrounded by a diverse set of students in class. Only a third of California schools show this much diversity.

The most common ethnicity at Santa Clara High is
. In California, 51.5% of all students are Hispanic, making it the most common ethnicity. Even though Santa Clara High is relatively diverse, students of Hispanic descent are the most common ethnicity here.

Percentage Number
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.6% 12
Asian 28.3% 518
Hispanic 34.1% 625
Black 5.6% 103
White 27.1% 497
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander 0.9% 17
Two or more races 3.1% 58

High schools usually reflect the population in the surrounding area, so the ethnicities of students likely resembles those of Santa Clara. If you’d like to see how other nearby schools look in diversity, just google “[name of school] prepscholar” to find our guide to that specific school.

Income Level of Santa Clara High Families

What are the family incomes of students at Santa Clara High School? To determine this, we look at the number of students who qualify for free or reduced lunches, a classification by the US federal government.

To qualify for a reduced price meal, family income needs to be below 185% of the federal poverty guidelines. For a family of 4, this means an income of around $45,000 or below.

To qualify for a free meal, family income needs to be below 130% of the federal poverty guidelines. For a family of 4, this means an income of around $32,000 or below.

The lower the percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced price meals, the higher the income levels are likely to be.

At Santa Clara High, 11.0% of students qualify for reduced-price lunches, and 33. 9% qualify for free lunches.

This means Santa Clara High has a
below average level of poverty. With most students not qualifying for free or reduced price lunches, Santa Clara High is below average among California schools in poverty level. The income level of families in Santa Clara is thus likely to be relatively high.

Number Percent
Reduced-price lunches 203 11.0%
Free lunches 622 33.9%
Do not qualify for reduced-price or free lunches 1005 54.9%

As with ethnicity, this likely reflects the surrounding community in Santa Clara and doesn’t speak much about the school itself.

Santa Clara High is in the middle 50% of schools by income level. Generally, higher income level schools are better-funded and have a higher quality range of classes and activities. Santa Clara High is likely in the middle of the pack in this regard and will give you a good set of options to try.

If you have any interests that Santa Clara High doesn’t cover, look to your local community for activities, or to the Internet for self-study AP classes.

Exclusive: Want to learn how to improve your SAT score by 160 points?

Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and SAT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you’ll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

School Safety

How safe is Santa Clara High School to attend? Can you expect a lot of conflict as a student here?

To study this, we look at disciplinary data for two types of incidents at Santa Clara High: referrals to law enforcement (when incidents are reported to police), and arrests.

These are the most serious disciplinary actions available to school administration and are more severe than suspensions or expulsions. Suspensions are often discretionary and can be given just for being disruptive in class. In contrast, law enforcement referrals and arrests often indicate incidents that put the safety of other Santa Clara High students at risk.

In the school year of 2011-2012, there were 2 referrals to law enforcement (0 male, 2 female), and 4 school-related arrests (4 males, 0 females). This is out of a total enrollment of 1891 students.

To put this into perspective, most California schools (59% of them) reported 0 law enforcement referrals and arrests.

This means that 0.3
Santa Clara High
is a safe school. For every 100 students, there is much fewer than 1 law-enforcement related action. It’s not a perfect record, but it happens so infrequently that it might have just been a few bad apples.

With this record, is Santa Clara High School significantly different from other schools in the area? It could be that Santa Clara High has an especially bad record, or it could be that the local area shows a pattern.

Compare this school with other high schools in the same school district, using the following table:

Santa Clara Unified School District Safety
School Name Total Referred Total Arrests Enrollment
New Valley Continuation High 4 4 170
Adrian Wilcox High 28 47 1882
Wilson Alternative 4 0 314
Santa Clara Community Day 2 0 20

Academic Performance

Now we get to a major aspect of assessing a high school: academic performance. How good of an education will you get at Santa Clara High School? Will you be competitive for college? Will you have access to advanced classes?

We’ve compiled everything we could find about Santa Clara High’s academics here.

Graduation Rate

To start off, an important benchmark of academic achievement is graduation rate. For all students who start high school at Santa Clara High, the state of California wants as many students to graduate as possible, since a high school diploma can mean a big difference in getting a job.

At Santa Clara High,
(of 421)
Santa Clara High students graduated within four years of starting high school.

Here’s how this stacks up to other schools. The California state government has defined 90% as a target rate. The state average is around 80-85%.

Santa Clara High is in the 81st percentile of all public high schools in California for graduation rate. This is well above average. Generally, a graduation rate of above 90% is considered good and well above average, and below 75% is well below average.

Note: This data comes from a few years back, but the trends are likely to stay the same, since schools don’t get significantly better or worse within a short period of time.

Standardized Testing

Next, we’ll look at another major piece of high school academics: standardized testing performance for Santa Clara High School students. These are tests that are administered to large populations of students for comparison purposes.

Let’s start by taking a look at the data for nationally administered standardized tests.

SAT Scores

As you probably know, the SAT is a critical test used for college admissions. The higher the score you get, the better your academic performance compared to students nationwide, and the easier it is to get into top colleges.

We did in-depth research and found the average Santa Clara High School SAT scores.

The average composite SAT score is a 1530 out of 2400, compared to a national average of 1500. Each year, roughly 308 at Santa Clara High take the SAT.

This is an average SAT score, putting Santa Clara High School right around the national average. Because the SAT measures academic achievement, this suggests that Santa Clara High will offer a fairly standard high school education, neither strongly lacking or outperforming.

Note, however, that this is just an average – the top students can still exceed the average significantly. If you can rise far above your school average, you’ll have a great shot at entering a strong college.

Here’s a breakdown of SAT scores by section:

Average SAT Scores (2013-2014)
Source Critical Reading Math Writing Composite
Santa Clara High 508 525 499 1530
California 498 510 496 1504
United States 495 511 484 1490

Note that the SAT has since changed to a 1600 scale, but the trends above for your high school are likely to continue. Just use this guide to convert between the old 2400 scale and the new 1600 scale.

To learn more about SAT percentile rankings, read our guide on what SAT percentiles really mean.

How good is 1530 as an SAT score? Find out with our complete 1530 SAT score guide, including which colleges you can get into with a 1530 or any other SAT score!

Exclusive: Want to learn how to improve your SAT score by 160 points?

Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and SAT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you’ll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

ACT Scores

In California, the ACT is less popular than the SAT. Fewer students take the ACT, and typically these students are more motivated and academically prepared for college. Therefore, it’s harder to compare Santa Clara High School ACT scores with the rest of the country.

At Santa Clara High, the average ACT composite score was 22, compared to the nationwide average of 20. Each year, roughly 88 out of 1830 total students take the ACT.

This is above average performance, putting Santa Clara High in the top 50% of California high schools. Since the ACT tests what you learn in school, these ACT scores are a good indication that you’ll get an above-average education at Santa Clara High.

Here are the average English, Math, Reading, and Science scores for Santa Clara High compared to California and the US:

Average ACT Scores
Source English Math Reading Science
Santa Clara High 22 24 22 22
California 21. 8 22.8 22.3 21.7
UnitedStates 20.3 20.9 21.3 20.8

Scores provided are for the 2013-14 school year.

Find out more about percentile rankings and the ACT in this article.

Every individual is different. What counts as a good ACT score for you? Learn more with this article!

Exclusive: Want to learn how to improve your ACT score by 4 points?

Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and ACT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you’ll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Advanced Placement (AP) classes are college-level courses that are an additional academic challenge may give Santa Clara High School students credit for college.

Here’s what we’re looking for: high average AP test scores as well as high AP passing rates.

AP Scores

Every year, roughly 293 students in grades 9-12 at Santa Clara High take 503 AP exams. It’s important to understand how students score on the AP – earning a 3, 4, or 5 on the AP test means passing the test and often earning college credit.

The average score of all AP exams taken at Santa Clara High is 3.1 out of 5.

This is a solid achievement showing above average performance. The majority of students get a passing grade of 3 or above, placing them above the national average. This performance places Santa Clara High School in the top 25% of schools for AP tests.

Santa Clara High therefore has a robust AP program with classes that will help you pass the AP exam. Furthermore, a sizable number of students still earn a 4 or a 5 on their AP tests, so if you’re motivated to do well, you can still get a great AP score.

We have specific data on how many students got a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (out of 5) on AP exams in the chart below:

AP Test-Taking Statistics

Another way to gauge the quality of a school’s AP program is to see how many AP students actually took AP exams at Santa Clara High School. If a lot of students enroll in AP courses but don’t actually take the AP tests, it can be a sign that students don’t feel adequately prepared to take the test, or the school isn’t encouraging students to take the exams enough.

At Santa Clara High, there is a total enrollment of 428 in AP courses (a student taking more than one AP course counts more than once).

Of AP-taking students, 147 took AP tests for ALL AP courses. 58 students took AP tests for SOME AP Courses, and 226 took AP courses but took NO tests.

This is bad test participation. Most AP students at Santa Clara High School take the AP exam for NONE of their AP courses. This is an unusual situation, as the goal of an AP course is typically to take the standardized national AP test.

What you want to figure out is why so many students take AP courses but end up not taking the course. Do they not feel comfortable enough taking the AP test, knowing they may not pass? Or is it hard for Santa Clara High students to take AP courses? Good people to ask are your counselors and AP teachers.

Hopefully, you may find that there are just logistical issues with taking AP tests that you might be able to overcome. However, you may also learn that the AP courses at Santa Clara High don’t prepare students well enough for the test, which reflects poorly on the AP program at your school. If the AP resources available to you don’t give you confidence, consider self-studying to prepare for the AP test.

Note: The most recent data we have available is from 2012, so the statistics may have changed since then. Most likely, however, the trends are likely to continue – above average schools are likely to stay above average, and below average schools are likely to stay below average.

AP Passing Rates

For AP students at Santa Clara High School who take the exam, it’s important to know how they do. Here we have specific data on how many students got a passing grade (a 3 or above) on all, some, or none of the AP exams that they took.

Of all AP test takers, 111 students passed every AP test they took, which is a fantastic job. 31 students passed some but not all AP exams, and 51 students didn’t pass ANY AP exam they took.


This is very strong performance. The majority of Santa Clara High School students pass ALL the AP tests they take – an impressive feat, especially if students take multiple AP exams each year!

Overall, this points to a strong AP program at Santa Clara High: across all AP course offerings, teachers are able to prepare students well for the exam. There are still some students who fail some or all of their exams, but this is a good starting point to improve from. You’ll have a strong foundation to learn from throughout high school.

To find out the passing rates for specific AP courses at Santa Clara High School, you’ll have to talk to your guidance counselor (who can then help you find that information). For instance, one AP Calculus teacher may have an above-90% passing rate, while another might only have a 50% passing rate. If you can, you’ll want to take the class with the teacher who has more students get a 3 or above on the AP exam.

Find out more about the average score for each AP subject here.

State Tests

As of 2014, eleventh graders attending Santa Clara High School must take standardized tests in English/Language Arts and Math as part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). These align with the new Common Core standards and are called the “Smarter Balanced” tests.

If Santa Clara High students meet or exceed state standards, they’re academically prepared to graduate high school and go to college. Specifically, we care about the percentage of students who meet or exceed state standards. The larger this number, the higher the preparation of students at Santa Clara High.

English/Language Arts

At Santa Clara High School, 42% of students meet or exceed state standards in English/Language Arts.

This is considered below average and puts Santa Clara High in the bottom 50% of all high schools in California for English/Language Arts. The majority of Santa Clara High students do not pass state standards, and only a small percentage pass.

This specific percentage isn’t much cause for concern – because the Common Core is new, the pass rate at Santa Clara High will likely rise over time. But it still reflects Santa Clara High’s below average standing among California high schools.

English/Language Arts Test Results (2015)


Read more about what’s measured in each ELA area score here.


The other major test taken for state assessments is Math. Across the state, Math performance is generally lower than English/Language Arts performance, so it’s natural for this number to be lower.

At Santa Clara High School, 31% of students meet or exceed state standards in Math.
This is considered well below average and puts Santa Clara High in the bottom 25% of all high schools in California. The vast majority of Santa Clara High students don’t meet state standards, and only a small percentage pass.

Math Test Results (2015)


Read more about what’s measured in each Math area score, go here.

Academic Offerings

In addition to the standard high school curriculum, many high schools like Santa Clara High School offer advanced coursework as part of the Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) programs.

Brief Intro to AP/IB

AP and IB courses are designed at the difficulty level of college introductory classes. There are several important benefits to taking advanced coursework at Santa Clara High. First, taking more advanced classes shows colleges that you’re committed to challenging yourself academically, and that you’re one of the more advanced students at Santa Clara High. Taking AP/IB classes also raises your weighted GPA and makes you a stronger college applicant.

Furthermore, many colleges will accept your Santa Clara High AP/IB coursework as college coursework. In some cases, you’ll be able to skip introductory-level classes and move to more advanced classes. In other cases, you’ll be able to avoid having to take required courses and might even be able to graduate earlier than the standard 4 years. Often this will require you to pass the AP test, getting a score of 3 or above.

So what advanced courses does Santa Clara High School offer?

AP Courses

Santa Clara High School offers AP courses in 15 subjects.

This is a reasonable number of AP subjects, putting Santa Clara High School in the top 50% of California schools that offer AP courses. You’ll likely have access to some of the most popular math and humanities AP subjects, as well as a few others.

The total number of AP subjects is 38, so Santa Clara High is missing a large number of subjects, including some popular ones. If there are any AP courses you want to take that aren’t being offered at Santa Clara High, ask your counselor for ideas on how to cover the gap.

Of course, keep in mind that quality matters even more than quantity – even if Santa Clara High doesn’t offer every AP course under the sun, the classes might still be taught very well. You can see student performance in the AP score analysis section above.

The following AP courses were offered at Santa Clara High during 2015-2016:

Course Title
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
English Language and Composition
English Literature and Composition
European History
French Language and Culture
Human Geography
Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Spanish Language and Culture
United States Government and Politics
United States History

Sports Teams

Finally, we’ll cover which sports teams are available at Santa Clara High School. Sports are an integral part of many students’ high school experiences. The more sports that are available, and the more levels supported (Frosh, JV, Varsity), the more likely you’ll be able to participate in a sport at Santa Clara High.

By the way, the Santa Clara High mascot is the Bruins. Go Bruins!

Santa Clara High School fields 13 teams for girls’ sports.
This is a sizable number that puts Santa Clara High in the top 50% of California schools that offer girls’ sports. You won’t get the full range of sports and levels, but you’ll be able to try out for a few options. If you participate in a sport that Santa Clara High doesn’t offer, consider looking for a local non-school team that you can join.

And now for the boys: Santa Clara High School fields 20 teams for boys’ sports.
This puts Santa Clara High in the top 50% of California schools that offer boys’ sports. You won’t get every sport and level possible here, but you’ll have a decent number of options. If you participate in a sport that Santa Clara High doesn’t offer, consider looking for a local non-school team that you can join.

Boys Teams Girls Teams
































What’s Next?

Want to get more useful information about high school classes and preparing for colleges? Our blog has a ton of articles and advice on topics ranging from coursework and GPA to letters of recommendation, extracurriculars, and much more!

Ready to bulk up your schedule and maximize your college preparedness? Read all about the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs.

Not quite in high school yet, but eager to get started? We’ve also got information for younger students interested in advanced learning opportunities, both in and out of school.

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The data on this page is drawn from a variety of sources, including (but not limited to):

  • National Center for Educational Statistics CCD 2013-2014
  • “Free or reduced price lunch: A proxy for poverty?”, NCES Blog
  • CRDC 2011-2012 school year data
  • California Department of Education SAT, ACT, and AP Test Results
  • California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System Results
  • AP Course Ledger
  • IBO. org

Santa Clara High School Rating Detail / Grades 9-12 – Santa Clara, CA

Santa Clara High School Rating Detail / Grades 9-12 – Santa Clara, CA – NeighborhoodScout

Serves grades 9 – 12

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Source & Methodology

Analytics built by:
Location, Inc.

Raw data sources:
  • Test Scores: Edfacts (U.S. Department of Education), State departments of education.
  • Expenditures: National Center for Education Statistics.
  • Educational Environment: American Community Survey (U.S. Census Bureau).
Date(s) & Update Frequency:
  • Test data: Reflects 2018 – 2019 school year [note on school closures TBD].
  • Expenditures: 2018
  • Educational Environment: 2018 (latest available). Updated annually.

Only NeighborhoodScout gives you nationally comparable school ranks based on test scores, so you can directly compare the quality of schools in any location.
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3000 Benton St.

Santa Clara,
CA 95051
(408) 423-2600
Type of School
Regular elementary or secondary
Magnet School
Charter School
Students Enrolled
Classroom Teachers

Compared to California

is best)

Better than
of CA

Compared to U.S.

is best)

Better than
of U.S.

Grade 10








    Proficiency in Reading and Math

    Proficiency in Reading

    Proficiency in Math



Grade 9 539 26. 6%
Grade 10 513 25.3%
Grade 11 466 23.0%
Grade 12 512 25.2%
Total 2030 100%
Ethnic/racial Groups This School This District This State
White (non-hispanic) 23.9% 20.2% 23.3%
Black 4.6% 2.7% 5.4%
Hispanic 38.2% 36.0% 57.5%
Asian Or Pacific Islander 32.5% 40.1% 12.7%
American Indian Or Native Of Alaska 0.8% 1.0% 1.0%
Economic Groups This School This District This State
FREE LUNCH ELIGIBLE 35.0% 30.4% 52.3%
POPULATION 170,359 39,538,223
POPULATION DENSITY (per sq. mile) 4,392.9 250
5-19 YEARS OLD 14.7% 19.3%
20-44 YEARS OLD 47.4% 35.4%
45-64 YEARS OLD 20.4% 24.9%
65 OR OLDER 10.4% 14.3%
Number Of Households 61,847 13,103,114
Single Parent Households With Children 5. 2% 10.6%
Adults With At Least A High School Diploma 93.1% 83.9%
Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 63.7% 34.7%
$150,000 or more 46.8% 22.6%
$100,000 – $149,999 18.5% 17.1%
$75,000 – $99,999 9.4% 12.3%
$50,000 – $74,999 8.5% 15.3%
$30,000 – $49,999 7.7% 13.7%
$15,000 – $29,999 4.6% 10.4%
$15,000 or less 4.4% 8.6%
This District
Per Student Total % Of Total
Instructional Expenditures $12,078 $185,542,236 44. 6%
Support Expenditures
Student $735 $11,291,070 2.7%
Staff $1,344 $20,646,528 5.0%
General Administration $290 $4,454,980 1.1%
School Administration $1,401 $21,522,162 5.2%
Operation $1,659 $25,485,558 6.1%
Transportation $474 $7,281,588 1.8%
Other $863 $13,257,406 3.2%
Total Support $6,766 $103,939,292 25.0%
Non-instructional Expenditures $8,229 $126,413,898 30.4%
Total Expenditures $27,073 $415,895,426 100. 0%
The State
Per Student Total % Of Total
Instructional Expenditures $8,356 $50,163,077,615 48.9%
Support Expenditures
Student $884 $5,306,242,206 5.2%
Staff $863 $5,178,254,236 5.0%
General Administration $215 $1,291,487,537 1.3%
School Administration $923 $5,541,916,109 5.4%
Operation $1,311 $7,872,234,116 7.7%
Transportation $303 $1,818,082,742 1.8%
Other $665 $3,989,805,237 3.9%
Total Support $5,163 $30,997,440,957 30. 2%
Non-instructional Expenditures $3,580 $21,494,994,026 20.9%
Total Expenditures $17,099 $102,656,107,113 100.0%
The Nation
Per Student Total % Of Total
Instructional Expenditures $7,549 $372,153,103,143 49.7%
Support Expenditures
Student $792 $39,020,154,935 5.2%
Staff $618 $30,487,652,661 4.1%
General Administration $258 $12,720,931,842 1.7%
School Administration $730 $35,978,592,512 4.8%
Operation $1,169 $57,607,988,317 7. 7%
Transportation $527 $26,002,463,553 3.5%
Other $459 $22,633,739,814 3.0%
Total Support $4,553 $224,451,138,461 30.0%
Non-instructional Expenditures $3,074 $151,519,765,183 20.3%
Total Expenditures $15,176 $748,124,887,521 100.0%

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  • Los Altos Hills, CA (Palo Alto Hills)
  • Los Altos, CA (City Center)
  • Los Altos, CA (Loyola)
  • Los Altos, CA (North Los Altos)
  • Los Altos, CA (Old Los Altos / Creekside Oaks)
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  • Palo Alto, CA (Palo Verde / Charleston Gardens)
  • Sunnyvale, CA (37 Degrees North)

Santa Clara High School in Santa Clara, CA

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  3. Santa Clara
  4. Santa Clara High School
Public School
3000 Benton St.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Santa Clara County
(408) 423-2600

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Santa Clara High School Alumni

School District
Santa Clara Unified School District

Santa Clara High School Information:

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Santa Clara High School Enrollment, Ranking, and Statistics

Santa Clara High School Students by Grade
PK 0
K 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 522
10 532
11 462
12 455

Santa Clara High School is a public high school of the Santa Clara Unified School District located in Santa Clara, CA. It has 1,971 students in grades 9th through 12th.
Santa Clara High School is the 395th largest public high school in California and the 1,691st largest nationally.
It has a student teacher ratio of 23.9 to 1.

Total Students: 1,971
Pupil/Teacher Ratio: 23.9:1
Full Time Teachers: 82.5

Enrollment Rank Nationally: 1,691st out of 26,089
Enrollment Rank in California: 395th out of 2,635
Student/Teacher Rank in California:
1,834th out of 2,608
Full Time Teacher Rank in California:
379th out of 2,608

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Santa Clara High School Students by Gender

Outer ring represents school district

  School District
██ Male 1,022
██ Female 949

Santa Clara High School Students by Ethnicity

Outer ring represents school district

  School District
██ Hispanic 682
██ Asian 558
██ White 517
██ Black 98
██ Two or More 86
██ American Indian 18
██ Pacific Islander 12

Santa Clara High School Free and Reduced Lunch Assistance

Outer ring represents school district

  School District*
██ Not Eligible 1,154
██ Free and Reduced Lunch Eligible 817
* School District values based on schools that reported lunch assistance data

Santa Clara High School is ranked 519th out of 2,578 ranked schools in California, for total students on lunch assistance.

The percentage of Santa Clara High School students on free and reduced lunch assistance (41.5%) is lower than the state average of 55.7%. This may indicate that the area has a lower level of poverty than the state average.

Students at a participating school may purchase a meal through the National School Lunch Program. Families with incomes between 130%
and 185%
of the federal poverty level are eligible for reduced price meals.
Schools may not charge more than 40¢ for reduced-price lunches, nor more than 30¢ for reduced-price breakfasts.
Students from families with incomes at or below 130% of the federal poverty level are eligible for free meals.

For 2014, a family of two needs to make an annual income below $20,449 to be eligible for free meals or below $29,100 for reduced price meals.
A family of four needs to make an annual income below $31,005 for free meals or $44,122 for reduced price meals.

Santa Clara High School Trends Over Time

Total Students Over Time
Total Students Over Time
Year Total Students
2005 1848
2006 1720
2007 1738
2008 1849
2009 1844
2010 1913
2011 1884
2012 1819
2013 1830
2014 1911
2015 1971
Student Teacher Ratio Over Time
Student Teacher Ratio Over Time
Year Student Teacher Ratio
2005 25. 6
2006 24.1
2007 19.9
2008 23.3
2009 24.5
2010 N/A
2011 24
2012 23.4
2013 22.5
2014 23.3
2015 23.9
Lunch Assistance Over Time
Lunch Assitance Over Time
Year Lunch Assitance
2005 0.39285714285714
2006 0.36627906976744
2007 0.38319907940161
2008 0. 38345051379124
2009 0.43058568329718
2010 0.40825927861997
2012 0.41616272677295
2013 0.45081967213115
2014 0.39979068550497
2015 0.41451040081177

Compare Santa Clara High School to Other High Schools

Student Teacher Ratio Comparison

1,636.7% 16.4:1
2,095.7% 21.0:1
2,390. 0% 23.9:1

Free and Reduced Lunch Comparison

This School 41.5%
National Average 48.3%
State Average 55.7%

Top Nearby High Schools

School Type Grades Students Student Teacher Ratio Distance
Santa Clara High School
Santa Clara, CA
Public 09 – 12 1,971 23. 9:1  
New Valley Continuation High School
Santa Clara, CA
Public 09 – 12 135 12.4:1 2 miles
Adrian Wilcox High School
Santa Clara, CA
Public 09 – 12 1,977 23.2:1 2 miles
Silicon Valley Academy
Sunnyvale, CA
Private PK – 09 144 8:1 2 miles
Sierra Elementary & High School
Santa Clara, CA
Private KG – 12 87 9:1 2 miles
St Lawrence Academy
Santa Clara, CA
Private 09 – 12 228 9:1 2 miles
Wilson Alternative
Santa Clara, CA
Public KG – 12 227 16. 1:1 2 miles
Boynton High School
San Jose, CA
Public 09 – 12 282 17.3:1 3 miles
Fremont High School
Sunnyvale, CA
Public 09 – 12 1,965 22.7:1 3 miles
Summit Public School: Denali
Sunnyvale, CA
Public 06 – 12 321 26. 8:1 3 miles
Cupertino High School
Cupertino, CA
Public 09 – 12 2,245 25.1:1 3 miles

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Table of Contents

Santa Clara High (Santa Clara) is a 09 to 12 grade school in Santa Clara, and has made tremendous strides in improving the acceptance rate and education its students receive.

The school has something to offer everyone, from new programs of study and a variety of clubs to join. Aiming to provide students with opportunities that will serve them well after they leave school and graduation rates are proof they are doing just that!

Be one of the parents to rate, add a star rating for others to consider when looking for a school like this one.


With great ratings, Santa Clara High commit to helping students from (grade) 09 to (grade) 12 achieve success, most of all, to educate students in a premier learning and proactive environment.

Catchment area

Santa Clara High creates an interconnected world by providing rigorous and meaningful opportunities for each student in and around Santa Clara to reach his/her unique and full potential.

Perhaps you have just moved to Santa Clara surrounding areas and need information on registering a new student, Santa Clara High is your option with great reviews and ratings.


Note:  All details about Santa Clara High are as per the California State Education Department. To request information change, please click here.

We assist & forward details to desired schools for parents/guardians experiencing difficulties.

Santa Clara High contact details

School Name: Santa Clara High
Street Address: 3000 Benton St., Santa Clara, CA, 95051
County: Santa Clara County
Phone: (408)423-2600
Locale: City: Midsize

Santa Clara High Facebook Page

To help make your decision easier, view Santa Clara High Facebook Page that learners have great academic, socio-economic, and cultural diversity.

Santa Clara High Website

The purpose of Santa Clara High Website is to help students and the community keep up with important dates and announcements in the school. For social media platforms, website and online registration form, you might have to visit the school directly.

Santa Clara High School Calendar

When will Santa Clara High open/close? This is the most asked question regarding Santa Clara High School Calendar. Depending on your school district, the California district school calendar list has major activities, and others are being added as they become available, including the last day of school for Santa Clara High.

Other Details

NCE School ID 063543007868
State School ID CA-4369674-4330122
Grade/Classes 09-Grade 12
District Santa Clara Unified
Street Address 3000 Benton St. , Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, 95051 CA
Phone (408)423-2600
No. Students 1967
No. Teachers 86.70000% ration to students

Santa Clara High Magnet program

A magnet program is a program in a public school that usually focuses on a special area of study, such as science, the performing arts, or career education, in short, an entire school with a special focus.

Is Santa Clara High a magnet school? No

How do you get into a magnet school?

Many magnet schools admit students via a lottery. Still, some may require an interview or entrance exam, and those with performing arts programs may require an audition. Additionally, some magnet programs reserve slots for students of a certain demographic, or from certain neighborhoods or areas within a region.

Lunch & Meals

We have 650. 00000% of our children from families with incomes at or below 130 percent of the poverty level that is eligible for free meals. Those with incomes between 130 percent and 185 percent of the poverty level are eligible for reduced-price meals.

Is Santa Clara High a charter school? No, those are are public schools operated independently of public school systems, either by nonprofit or for-profit organizations. Charter schools generally receive a percentage of the per-pupil funds from the state and local school districts for operational costs based on enrollment.

Staff directory

The list of Santa Clara High teachers is made up of suitable educators with great academic achievements. They encourage students to be curious and creative thinkers who respect themselves and others.

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Related Articles

Santa Clara University – The Princeton Review College Rankings & Reviews


See what students say:


Located “in the heart of Silicon Valley,” Santa Clara University is a mid-size Jesuit school that blends “the Jesuit philosophy of social justice” with access to “the tech capital of the world. ” That proximity means “job opportunities are never-ending,” and that students have easy access to a “great alumni network.” Overall, undergrads note that “academics are challenging but not unbearable,” mentioning popular majors in business, art, and engineering. Taking advantage of its prime location, the school offers opportunities outside the classroom as well-“Students…get involved on all levels, whether it be on campus, domestically, or internationally.” This is achieved through “clubs, immersion trips, fellowship programs,…and study abroad” programs. These initiatives serve to offer a “holistic curriculum [that] encompasses all aspects of knowledge,” one undergrad says. Faculty members take the same approach, and one student notes that professors “are caring about not just the students’ learning, but their lives outside of the classroom.” A few students comment that some professors are “only teaching because they have to in order to do research,” but the general impression is one of “qualified and knowledgeable” industry professionals who are “leaders in their fields. ” One student offers a summation of praise: “Good academics, great professors, beautiful campus.”

Student Body

Santa Clara Broncos say their peers are “collaborative,” “caring,” and “helpful.” Many comment on the “strong sense of community” created by students who are “willing to work and help each other accomplish success in their areas of study.” And while “the academic scene is very competitive,” the majority of people “here are interested in helping others and working together to create positive change in the world.” Many “students come from the Bay Area” and are “mostly upper-class people from private schools,” and while the consensus is that SCU’s student body is “not diverse,…[it is] generally very positive and welcoming.” It is “a warm and inclusive atmosphere,” one undergrad says. Politically, “the school is fairly liberal but also has a big conservative base to it.”

Campus Life

The Santa Clara campus is always buzzing with activity because “students are highly involved in at least one aspect of university life, whether it be academic commitment, extracurricular activities, career development, or social networking. ” Fitness is a popular focus of choice: Most days you’ll “see people packing the gym” because Broncos “love to work out.” Of course, this is if they find the extra time-students are often “engaged in internships” or “studying in the library, socializing in the student center, or hanging out in their…residence halls.” And because “the weather here is absolutely amazing,” people “are usually outside…for studying, reading, [or] relaxing.” Although Greek life is not sanctioned by the university, students note that “Sorority and fraternity culture is prevalent (but not dominating), and that involves a lot of partying,” one student says. Others add, “there are a lot of parties going on throughout the week,” but say it is balanced with “nondrinking on-campus alternatives.” Beyond campus, “SCU is a stone’s throw away from [the mountains and beach in] Santa Cruz, San Francisco, [and] Lake Tahoe.” It’s a “great local area [with] so much to do,” declares one happy student.

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Applicants: 16,848

Acceptance Rate: 54%

Average HS GPA: 3. 67



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Santa Clara University School of Law

B Santa Clara University School of Law ( Santa Clara Law ) is the law school of Santa Clara University, a Jesuit University in Santa Clara, California, USA, in Silicon Valley region. The law school was founded in 1911. [4] The university’s Jesuit affiliation is evident in concerns about ethics, social justice, and community service.

Santa Clara Law offers a Doctor of Laws (J.D.) law degree. It also offers several dual degree programs, including the J.D./Master of Business Administration (J.D./M.B.A.) and the J.D./Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) offered jointly with the University of Santa Clara Levy School of Business, ranked 10th in master’s programs for U.S. News & World Report ranking of higher education institutions. [5] In addition, the school offers a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degrees in intellectual property law, in US law for foreign lawyers, and in international and comparative law. Santa Clara law also includes specialized training programs in high technology and intellectual property law, international law, public interest, social justice law, and a privacy law certificate. [6] The school offers more summers of study abroad than any other law school in the US, with 13 different programs in 17 countries. [7]


  • 1 History
  • 2 ratings
  • 3 Passes in bar
  • 4 post-tenfold employment
  • 5 expenses
  • 7 Kampus
  • 9002

  • 9 Notable Alumni
  • 10 Law School Deans
  • 11 References
  • 12 external link


Santa Clara University School of Law was founded in 1911. The school is part of Santa Clara University (founded in 1851), the oldest active institution of higher education in California and the oldest Catholic university in the American West. He was approved by the American Bar Association in 1937. [8] He joined the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) at 1940 year. [9]

Prior to the requirement that all California law graduates must take the state bar exam, Santa Clara Low was one of five schools whose graduates were exempt from the exam, along with Boalt Hall, Hastings, Stanford , and USC. [10]


See also: US Law School Rankings

Under ABA Section 509 disclosure requirements, 50. 3% of the Class of 2013 were employed in permanent, long-term positions requiring admission to lawyers. [11]

Santa Clara law school rankings include:

  • Number 4 in intellectual property law among law schools in the United States [12]
  • Number 12 in diversity among law schools USC Law School) [13]
  • Number 96 overall among US law schools [2]
  • Princeton Review “Top 170 Law Schools” (2008) – 22nd among law schools by median starting salary of [14]
  • Census Group Composition, which ranks law schools based on selectivity, salary, placement, and profitability, ranks Santa Clara Law 64th. [15]
  • The Hylton rating, which ranks programs based on their U.S. News & World Report Peer scores provided by law professors and average LSAT scores for each law school ranked Santa Clara Law 78th. [16]
  • Listed #13 for average mid-career salary ($188,000 per year) on Forbes ‘ list of top law schools for enrichment [17]
  • Ranked “B-” on the list of top law schools, January 2011 Public Interest National Lawyer: Law Student Magazine [18]
  • Received an “A” on the March 2011 Diversity Honor Roll National Lawyer: Student Magazine -lawyers [19]
  • Own Journal, Santa Clara Law Journal of Computers and High Technology ranks 6th in the national intellectual property rankings. [20]

Charney Hall

Bar passages

Based on an average six-year period 2001–2007. 73% of Santa Clara University Law School graduates have trained at the California State Bar. [21]

Postgraduate employment

According to Santa Clara’s 2013 ABA official disclosure, 42.2% of students in 2013 obtained a full-time, long-term JD-demanded job nine months after graduation, excluding solo practitioners. [22] Santa Clara Lo Law School Transparency The underemployment rate is 34.5%, indicating the percentage of the class of 2013 unemployed earning an additional degree or working in a non-professional, short-term, or part-time job nine months after graduation. [23]

Transparency Law School reports a 41.3% employment rate in the class of 2011. [24]

According to the American Bar Association’s “Official Directory of Law Schools Approved by the ABA”, 94.5 percent of Santa Clara students were employed nine months after graduation, with 77 percent of graduates working in the private sector and 21 percent – in the public sector. [25]

According to Princeton Review The median starting salary for Santa Clara Law School graduates is $90,000. [26] According to Forbes magazine, the average mid-career salary is currently $188,000 per year. [17]

Santa Clara Law School graduates have the third-highest average mid-career salary of any graduate program in the United States, according to research by PayScale, an online salary information company. [27] The report showed that Santa Clara Law School graduates typically earn $76,900 in their first year after graduation and earn an average mid-career salary of $197,700. [28]

A brief description of graduates of 2013.0178


Charney Hall Atrium

The total cost of attendance (including tuition, fees, and living expenses) at Santa Clara for the 2013-2014 school year was $70. [30] Law School Transparency estimates that the three-year debt-supported tuition is $262,472. [31]


The top feeder schools in Santa Clara Law, in order, are UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, San Jose State University, and the University of Santa Clara. [32]

The top five feeder states, in order, are California, Texas, Arizona, Washington, and Illinois. [32] In 2013, 2 59 applications were submitted to the Faculty of Law8 people, and 246 people entered. [33] More than 44 percent of applicants were from outside of California, including applicants from all 50 states and 55 foreign countries. [33]

The LSAT scores were 162 for the 75th percentile and 158 for the 25th percentile. B The GPA for incoming students is 3.55 for the 75th percentile and 3.12 for the 25th percentile. [33]

Santa Clara Law has a Chapter of the Order of the Hood, a national law school honorary society founded to promote legal education and advance the ethical standards of the legal profession. [34]


Over the past century, the Santa Clara University campus, located along El Camino Real in Santa Clara, has expanded to over 104 acres (0.4 km 2 ; 0.2 sq mi ). Among the many Mission style teaching and residential buildings are the historic mission gardens, rose garden and palm trees. The campus enjoys the benefits of a Mediterranean climate, with over 300 days of sunshine a year.

Until 1939, the law school occupied modern St. Joseph Hall in the center of campus. Under the direction of Dean Edwin Owens, Bergin Hall was built and became home to the school at 1939 year. The new building was built with money raised from the successful performances of the Santa Clara Football Club in Sugar Bowl and is named after Thomas Bergin, Santa Clara’s first graduate, a California legal pioneer and one of the law school’s early donors.

The Edwin Heafy Law Library was built in 1963 and expanded in 1973 to include more space for library materials. Heafy was refurbished and expanded again in 1988. The collection contains over 400,000 volumes in print and digital formats. [35] In addition, the library manages an institutional repository which currently contains over 4,000 digital materials, including a collection of documents related to the congressional hearings regarding the Watergate scandal donated by Congressman Don Edwards. [36] Other online collections include documents relating to litigation under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) and the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. [37]

Charney Hall – Law Library Information Desk

Also built in 1973 was Bannan Hall, including space for a law school on the first floor. In 2008, Dean Donald Paulden announced that the law school would have exclusive use of Bannan Hall, and shortly thereafter the building was renovated and used exclusively by the law school.

In 2018, the School of Law moved into Charney Hall, a new $60 million building built specifically for the School of Law. [38] The 96,000 square foot building is a significant improvement over the school’s existing facilities, which are located in very different buildings, one of which was built a century ago. By contrast, Charney Hall resembles neighboring Silicon Valley tech campuses with plenty of open space, natural light, cutting-edge classroom technology, great student comfort, and flexible spaces that promote collaboration and innovative learning. [39]

Notable Faculty

  • Colleen W. Chien – Senior Intellectual Property Advisor for the White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) [40]
  • David D. Friedman – Author of The Freedom Mechanism [ 41]
  • Eric Goldman – ICo Director of the High Tech Law Institute, author of the technology and marketing law blog [42]
  • Ro Hanna – Associate Instructor, former Deputy Assistant Secretary at the US Department of Commerce
  • Ekaterina Sandoval – Commissioner of California Public Utilities Commission [43]

Notable Alumni

  • Mike Espy (1978) [44] – Former 25th U. S. Secretary of Agriculture, 0026
  • Phyllis Jean Hamilton (1976) [45] – Judge U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
  • Beth Kerttula (1981) [46] – Minority Leader, Alaska House of Representatives 9Douglas Moylan 1991) [45] – Judge of the Supreme Court of Guam; first elected Attorney General of Guam
  • Edward A. Panelli (1956) – [48] Justice California Supreme Court
  • Jimmy Panetta – Assistant District Attorney Monterey County, California [49]
  • Leon Panetta (1963) [45] – former Minister of Defense; former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; previously, White House Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton; US House of Representatives (California)
  • Howard Wallace Pollock (1953) – US Representative for Alaska
  • Curren Price (1976) [50] – Senator, California State Senate
  • Albert J. Ruffo (1936) [51] – 48th Mayor of San Jose
  • Mark Stone (19 “Lisa A. Cloppenberg | Santa Clara Law”. . Retrieved 2015-06-08.
  • external link

    • Official website

    Coordinates: 37°20′55″N 121°56′21″W / 37.34861°N 121.93917°W / 37.34861; -121.93917

    types of schools and tuition fees

    How the Maltese school system works

    What are the types of schools. There are three types of schools in Malta: state, church and private. Children of foreign citizens can also study in international schools.

    All educational institutions are accredited by the Ministry of Education of Malta.

    Stages of learning. As in Russia, education in a Maltese school takes 11 years. The process consists of two stages:

    11 years old

    full school education in Malta

    1. From 5 to 11 years old – primary education.
    2. From 11 to 18 years old – secondary education.

    All children between the ages of 5 and 16 are required to attend school. The requirement is fixed by the Law on Education. Accordingly, school can be completed at 16 after the ninth grade. But if a child plans to enter a university, he, as a rule, graduates from 11 classes.

    Calendar and schedule. The school year in Malta starts on 26 September. A child goes to the first grade in the year when he turns five years old.

    Holidays are provided during the academic year:

    • three days in November;
    • two weeks for Christmas and New Year – usually from December 23rd to January 6th;
    • two days in February or March during the carnival;
    • two weeks in April for Easter.

    Children also have a rest during public holidays.

    Starting June 1, schools will switch to shortened lessons. The academic year ends on June 28, after which summer holidays begin.

    Academic year on Malta


    September 26

    The first school day


    3 days in November

    Autumn Vacations

    9000 3

    2 weeks, usually from December 6 to January 6

    ,0002 Winter lines


    2 days in February or March

    Carnival weekend


    June 1st

    Transition to reduced lessons


    June 28th

    Last day of school, beginning of summer holidays

    Lessons last 45 minutes. Class times are regulated for elementary schools: lessons start at 8:30 and end at 14:40, shortened lessons last until 12:30 in June. Middle schools develop their own schedule of classes, so the start and end times of lessons depend on the specific school.

    St. Clare’s College Public Elementary School in San Gwann. The campus includes the building of a kindergarten and an elementary school. About 600 children study at the school

    Curriculum in Maltese schools

    Education in primary school is built in accordance with the National Education Program adopted in 2012. Five hours a week is devoted to Maltese, English and mathematics. There are also lessons in natural science, fine and applied arts, social science, computer science and physical education.

    Secondary school is divided into two periods. The first two years, seventh and eighth grades, all students study general subjects. From the ninth to the eleventh grade, it is allowed to choose two subjects that will be studied in depth.

    Classes in secondary school can be general or specialized, with in-depth study of the humanities or natural sciences and mathematics. The program necessarily includes lessons in Maltese and English. There are also lessons in physics, physical education, history, geography, fine arts, and social science.

    You can choose a foreign language: depending on the school, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic are taught in Malta. As a separate discipline, seminars are held on personal, social and career growth.

    Religion and ethics are taught in both primary and secondary schools according to the canons of the Catholic Church. But the subject is optional for children of foreign citizens and immigrants. Upon notification of the parents, the child is exempted from attending religious classes, and free time can be spent, for example, in the school library.

    How to get to the USA and the European Union without visas with a Russian passport?

    None. But with a residence permit and second citizenship – without visas and problems.
    Subscribe to the newsletter with verified industry news.

    What language is taught

    Malta has two official languages, Maltese and English.

    In government and church schools, instruction is usually in Maltese, except for English lessons. Textbooks are also published in Maltese or English depending on the subject.

    Lessons in private and international schools are more often taught in English.

    If your child is not fluent in Maltese and English , they can enroll in an introductory program when they enter primary school. It lasts a year and involves in-depth study of languages, in addition to other primary school subjects. The beginning of the academic year for students under the introductory program is October 1.

    What exams do students take in Maltese schools

    From grades 1 to 3, students do not take exams, but are graded throughout the year in reading, writing and numeracy.

    Fourth and fifth grade students take exams in Maltese, English, Math, Social Studies and Religion at the end of the school year. If a child has not attended religion classes, he is exempted from the exam.

    Sixth graders complete primary school and take final exams at the end of the year in Maltese, English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Religion (if applicable). To successfully pass the exam, you need to score a certain number of points – it is set at the national level.

    If a student does well in exams and scores well, they will be able to enter a more prestigious high school. Most students go to a secondary school, which is tied to their place of residence and primary school.

    At the end of the ninth grade , students take exams for a certificate of basic secondary education.

    Eleventh graders of take exams in Maltese, English and Mathematics, as well as in selected subjects for admission to the university. Exams correspond to the International Baccalaureate system – International Baccalaureate, IB. Graduates receive a certificate of complete secondary education. The certificate is issued in accordance with the first three levels of the Maltese and the Common European Qualifications System.

    European qualifications system and its levels

    This is how the certificate of complete general secondary education looks like, which graduates of Maltese schools receive. The certificate is accompanied by information about grades and passed exams, circles and extracurricular activities, personal qualities of a graduate
    Source: Handbook on Secondary School Certificate and Profile

    Public schools in Malta

    There are public schools in most localities of the country. Schools are combined into self-government units – colleges. The college includes several elementary and high schools located in one region of the country. When a child graduates from elementary school, he or she will move on to middle school, which is part of the same college as the elementary school.

    List of public colleges by region in Malta

    College Nicholas College Attard, Bagria, Dingli, Mjarra, Mtarfa, Rabat, Mdina
    Benedict College Birzebbuga, Gaksak, Guji, Kirkop, Mqabba, Krendi, Safi and Zurriek
    Theresa College Birkirkara, Balzan, Iklin, Leah, Msida, Santa Venera
    Margaret College Birgu, Bormla, Kalkara, Senglea, Xhajra, Zabbar
    Thomas Moore College Fgura, Marsaskala, Marsaxlokk, Tarsien, Zeitoun
    George Preca College Floriana, Hamrun, Marsa, Paola, Pieta, Valletta
    Maria Regina College Garhur, Mellieha, Mosta, Maxhar, São Paul il Bajar
    Clare College Gzira, Pembroke, Sveki, San Gilyan, San Gwann, Sliema
    Ignatius College Luki, Qormi, Siggewi, Haz Zebbug
    Gozo College Towns and villages of Gozo

    Free education. Education in public schools is completely free for citizens and residents of Malta, the states of the European Union and the European Economic Area. If at least one of the parents has received a work permit in Malta, their children can study for free in Maltese public schools.

    Pupils do not buy textbooks and school supplies – they are given out at school. You can get to school and home by free bus. Parents independently provide the child with only a school uniform and stationery.

    How to obtain a residence permit or citizenship of Malta

    Wealthy people can obtain a Maltese residence permit through the state investment program. The minimum investment amount for obtaining a temporary residence permit is 30,000 €, a permanent one is 110,000 €.

    Maltese citizenship is obtained only by naturalization. For investors, there is an opportunity to obtain a residence permit, and then a passport of the country for special merits on the basis of direct investment. The minimum investment amount is 690,000 €.

    Everything an investor needs to know about Residence Permit, Permanent Residence and Citizenship in Malta

    Children are enrolled in a school in their place of residence. Parents do not choose which primary or secondary school their child will go to: enrollment occurs at the place of residence within the regional college.

    Large classes. There are up to 26 children in one class. Only in practical classes, for example, when conducting experiments in a laboratory, the simultaneous presence of up to 16 students is allowed.

    Individual calculation of the cost of permanent residence in Malta

    Make an individual calculation

    Maltese Church Schools

    Church Schools are owned by the Maltese Catholic Church but are regulated by the Maltese Ministry of Education. In 2021, there are 27 elementary and 22 secondary church schools in the country with accreditation from the Maltese state.

    Separate education for boys and girls in church schools.

    Free education. There is no tuition fee: it is covered by the state.

    Enrollment and education costs for the child. Parents make an annual contribution that covers part of the school’s expenses for the education of the child. Each school sets its own fee.

    The contribution is considered a charitable donation for which church schools are not accountable to the state. Some schools make contributions entirely voluntary, leaving the amount up to parents.

    The average amount of charitable contribution in church schools is from 150 to 600 € per child per year. Parents also buy textbooks, school supplies and uniforms.

    Enrollment quotas. Getting into a church school is harder than getting into a public school. Enrollment takes place not at the place of residence, as in a public school, but at the request of the parents. At the same time, most church schools limit the number of students, so newcomers sometimes have to wait in line for admission. Some schools hold a lottery among applicants.

    The building of the primary school Sacred Heart College in St. Julians

    Private and international schools in Malta

    Private schools in Malta are paid for everyone – both for Maltese citizens and for foreigners. Private schools are subject to mandatory accreditation by the Ministry of Education, and the school curriculum must meet state standards. Graduates take exams on an equal footing with everyone else and receive state certificates.

    26 private preschool and school education institutions operate in Malta in 2021.

    International schools. In 2021, there are three international schools in Malta that accept the children of wealthy emigrants.

    QSI International School opened in Malta in 2007. The school has 225 students from 40 countries. Classes are held in small groups: the philosophy of the school implies an individual approach and focus on the success of each child. In addition to standard school subjects, students can study in different circles and sections. For example, drawing, gardening, robotics. The school has its own football, volleyball and basketball teams.

    Verdala International School. Education at the school takes place according to international programs. You need to study for 12 years. Graduates of the tenth grade receive the International Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), approved by the Cambridge International Examination Board. Upon completion of the twelve classes, graduates receive a certificate from the International Baccalaureate Program (IBDP).

    Malta Crown is a private boarding school for Russian speaking students. The school is located in Marsaskala, a resort town in Malta.

    The school program combines the Russian and international systems of education. 11th and 12th grade students are enrolled in the IBDP International Baccalaureate program, developed jointly with the British Academy of St. Edward’s College.

    Malta Crown School graduates receive a Maltese Certificate of Secondary Education, a Russian Certificate, USE scores and IELTS or TOEFL English language proficiency certificates. The IBDB certificate is accepted at universities in 121 countries.

    Teaching language in private and international schools – English. At Malta Crown School, teaching is also conducted in Russian.

    Individual approach and international standards. In private schools, students study in small groups, so each child gets enough attention. Programs are developed taking into account international requirements for applicants according to the standards of the European Union, Great Britain and the United States.

    Tuition fees. A year of study in a private or international school will cost an average of 6000-9000 €. For example, a year of full boarding for an elementary school at the Malta Crown costs about €7,500, and an IBDB high school costs about €15,000.

    The private school Malta Crown opened in Marsaskala in 1999

    How to enroll a child in a Maltese school

    Public schools. Citizens and residents of Malta and other EU countries apply directly to the primary school where they would like to enroll their child. To enroll in a secondary school, you need to contact the head of the college to which the school belongs.

    Citizens of non-EU countries apply to the Maltese Ministry of Education. To do this, you need to fill out an online application form.

    The application must also be accompanied by:

    1. Birth certificate of the child with an English translation.
    2. Marriage certificate of the child’s parents.
    3. Certificate from Identity Malta.
    4. Agreement for the purchase or rental of housing in Malta.
    5. A document confirming the right of custody and guardianship of a child.
    6. Information about the vaccinations given to the child, with translation into English.

    Consideration of the application takes up to a week. In 2021, applications were accepted until January 15.

    Church, private and international schools. Enrollment occurs after parents apply to the selected educational institution. Each school sets its own application procedure and deadlines. The list of documents, as a rule, coincides with what is required to enroll in a public school.


    How much does it cost to study at schools in Malta?

    Depends on the type of school. Education in public schools is free. Church schools typically require an annual donation to cover part of the cost of education. The cost of education in private schools averages from 6,000 to 15,000 € per year.

    What language is taught in Maltese schools?

    In state and church schools, most often in Maltese, except for English lessons. In private and international – in English or native language for students.

    What documents are needed to transfer a child to a school in Malta?

    To enroll a child in a Maltese school, you will need:

    1. Copies of parents’ passports and marriage certificates.
    2. Child’s birth certificate.
    3. Data on the address of registration in Malta.
    4. Medical certificate with information about vaccinations.

    If the child has already attended school, for example in Russia, information about academic performance may be required. How to enroll a child in a school in Malta

    When do I need to sign up for my child to go to school from the beginning of the school year?

    In 2021, applications for admission to public Maltese schools were accepted until January 15th. Church, private and international schools themselves set the deadlines for accepting applications from applicants.

    Which universities will be able to enter a child who has graduated from school in Malta?

    Maltese high school diplomas are accepted at universities in Malta and other countries of the European Union and the UK. If a child graduated from a private school, where education takes place according to the international baccalaureate system, his certificate will be accepted at universities in 121 countries.

    The best business schools in Europe according to the Financial Times. Education news

    Business school rankings

    The Financial Times rating includes two Russian business schools.

    Business education news in Russia and abroad: facts, trends, research results. In preparing digest materials were used,,,,,,

    If you have interesting news about business education, send it to [email protected], and perhaps they will be included in the next digest.

    1. The best business schools in Europe according to FT
    2. US business schools are ditching the GMAT
    3. Best Business Schools for Non-GMAT Students
    4. How much does it cost to study at Harvard
    5. Business education boom in Europe
    6. Vaccine pleases international students
    7. Weekend MBA starts at MIRBIS

    The best business schools in Europe according to FT

    The Financial Times published its annual ranking of the best business schools in Europe. Of the 90 schools in the ranking, 22 schools are in France, with 4 of them in the top 10. These are HEC Paris (1st place), Insead (3rd place), ESSEC and ESCP Business Schools. The top 10 also includes two UK universities: London Business School (2nd place) and Oxford (Saïd). Another top ten: IESE Business School (Spain), SDA Bocconi (Italy), University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and ESMT Berlin (Germany). Two Russian schools were also included in the rating: the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University and the IBDA RANEPA.

    US business schools are ditching the GMAT

    The coronavirus pandemic has sparked protests against the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) and GRE (Graduate Record Examinations). A growing number of business schools in the United States allow students to take international tests for applicants on a voluntary basis. Kaplan conducted a survey of 104 American business schools, which showed that 36% of universities have already transferred the GMAT and GRE to the voluntary test format, and 24% have temporarily suspended them. 82% of respondents attribute their rejection of tests to the pandemic and the desire to make the admissions process more flexible.

    Top Non-GMAT Business Schools

    Poets & Quants has published a ranking of the best US online MBA programs that do not require a GMAT. The list includes 47 business schools. The top ten rankings included: Marshall Business School, George Washington University, Chapel Hill University, Lehigh University, Villanova University, Santa Clara University, North Carolina State University, University of Washington, University of Maryland and Drexel University. The maximum percentage of students who took the GMAT is 58%, the minimum is 0.01%.

    How much does it cost to study at Harvard

    Harvard University has published estimates that the average cost of studying in an MBA program for one international student is $112,000 per year. This amount, in addition to training, includes medical insurance, accommodation, meals and educational materials. For students with families, the amount can increase to $150,000 per year. Harvard annually allocates more than $43 million in grants, scholarships and other material assistance to international students. About 50% of all MBA students receive an average of $42,000 a year in tuition fees.

    Business education boom in Europe

    The number of applications for European business education programs is growing, reports GMAC . 79% of business schools in Europe reported an increase in the number of applications for their programs, with 50% of them increasing this figure by more than 20%. In 2020, the number of applicants for master’s programs in management increased by 84%, and in the field of finance – by 90% (in 2019, these figures were 36% and 42%, respectively). The London Business School and the School of Management Rotterdam received 40% more applications this year.

    Vaccine pleases international students

    Poets & Quants has published the results of a survey on the impact of the coronavirus on higher education.

Party idea for 2 year old boy: Two Year Old Birthday Ideas & Party Themes (& Tips!) – Paisley & Sparrow

Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 10:12 am


Категории: Boy

15 Best 2nd Birthday Party Ideas

Dress up your little bundle of joy in cute clothes and throw them a fun second birthday party.

Image: Shutterstock

The second birthday of the little one is as special for every parent as the first birthday because they get to celebrate the big day in a close and intimate ceremony. If you are looking for second birthday party ideas, we have got you covered. Planning the birthday party of your toddler can be difficult. As a parent, you would want to make the occasion special and impress everyone at the party. In this post, we bring you some amazing second birthday party ideas that will help you plan the big event to perfection.

2nd Birthday Party Ideas For A Baby Girl

Here are some interesting 2nd birthday party ideas that your little girl might love. However, these are not restrictive, as they are equally beautiful for a boy as well.

1. Fairy tale theme

If fairy tales excite your little one, then this 2nd birthday party idea is just what you need. You can either pick a single fairy tale or go big with a little bit of everything.

Birthday outfit: Dress her up as little red riding hood, Tinker Bell or any other character from a specific fairy tale you choose. Else you can also dress her up in a white flowy gown or a tutu with fairy wings and a magical wand.

Image: iStock

Party accessories: A fairy tale birthday party is best organized in a spacious backyard, where you will have enough space to set up a canopy or build an enchanted castle (where the cake will be cut). If the party is indoors, then set up an enchanted castle or a forest backdrop, with green and blue balloons dipped in glitters. Arrange the dining table with shiny cutlery and plastic ivy twines.

Image: iStock

You can also organize a fairy tale stones game: for this, you can pick up smooth beach pebbles, spray them with different colors, and ask the guests to stick fairy tale stickers on each. The guests can take their stone home.

Birthday cake and food: An enchanted castle cake with a princess fondant figure cake would be the perfect cake for your child’s fairy tale birthday party.

Image: iStock

Complete this whole theme by serving some fairy tale food such as mushroom cupcakes, Cinderella shoe cookies, gingerbread man, cheeseburgers and any fruit juice in glittering cups.

2. Unicorn theme

If your little girl is like Agnes from despicable me and is fascinated by unicorns, then throw her the best unicorn-themed party.

Birthday outfit: Unicorns and rainbows go hand in hand. So why not dress your baby in a white blouse and a rainbow tutu? Complete the look with a cute headband, and she is ready for the party.

Image: iStock

Party accessories: This 2nd birthday party theme is all about unicorns, so make sure the decor says so. You can have a unicorn flying through a rainbow as a centerpiece, and decorate the room with rainbow-colored buntings and balloons. Also, use rainbow-colored glasses, plates, and spoons so that they go well with the theme.

A unicorn jump house will be a suitable play activity for all ages; you can also have the classic unicorn pinata, which is filled with candy but make it safe by attaching a string to pull and not hit it. You can also have unicorn hats for all the guests.

Image: iStock

Birthday cake and food: A unicorn cake is a must for a unicorn themed party. Choose between a simple unicorn cake and a three-tier rainbow unicorn cake.

Keep the food simple and stick to the theme; you can set up a unicorn dessert bar with unicorn cookies, unicorn cupcakes, and beetroot latte.

Image: iStock

3. Minnie Mouse

This is an old, but golden theme and cannot go wrong for your baby girl’s 2nd birthday party.

Birthday outfit: Dress her up either in a red and black skirt and blouse or polka dotted red dress (just like Minnie mouse’). Match the look with gold or polka dotted shoes and a Minnie Mouse bow. You can also personalize the t-shirt with her name.

Image: Shutterstock

Party accessories: Go all Minnie mouse with the decor, by hanging a polka-dotted backdrop and stick a Minnie mouse face on it. Add red and black balloons in the whole room; you can also hang Minnie mouse buntings and hand Minnie headbands to all the guests. Make sure you stick to the color theme throughout the decor. Include disposable polka-dotted glasses, plates, and straws.

Entertain the parents and toddlers with a DIY Minnie photo booth; you can also have a ‘stick the bow on Minnie’ game, where the parents can help the kids stick bows onto a cardboard cutout of Minnie’s head.

Image: iStock

Birthday cake and food: A Minnie mouse cake is an obvious idea for this theme. You can go for a simple Minnie mouse head with a bow cake or an elaborate multi tier-Minnie Mouse cake. For the guests, make some Minnie mouse cupcakes, carve a watermelon in the shape of Minnie’s head and fill it up with varieties of fruits, you can also have bow-tie pasta.

Image: Shutterstock

4. All Balloon Party

If you are looking for a second birthday party idea that is stunning as well as within your budget, then this is the theme for you.

Birthday outfit: The success of this theme depends on the choice of colors. You can pick classic white and blue or green and white or think out of the box and choose purple and sea green. Choose the outfit according to the color theme. You can choose to dress your baby girl in a polka dots blouse paired with denim jeans and a matching headband, else go with the classic purple and green tutu with a white blouse.

Image: Shutterstock

Party accessories: Since the party is all about your baby girl and balloons, place a few balloons that have your daughter’s name on it. Next, decorate the rest of the place with balloons of the chosen color. You can also add paper buntings and paper flowers to enhance the look.

This party idea will surely be a hit with both kids and adults.

  • Take a paper table cloth and cut it into two halves.
  • Now, punch holes along one side of the cloth and loosely sew both the pieces with a yarn (make sure you leave most of the yarn running free which will serve as a ripcord).
  • Hang this table cloth onto the ceiling such that the stitched part comes to the middle of the room, and secure the cloth with duck tape.
  • Fill the paper table cloth with as many balloons as you can, make sure you stuff the cloth tightly with balloons.
  • When it’s time, gather the kids under the table cloth and pull the ripcord, and enjoy the toddlers cheering and squeaking with joy.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: You can have a simple chocolate balloons cake which is a perfect fit for the theme. For the food, you can have cupcakes with frosting, lollipops, sandwiches, cheeseburgers, and hot dogs.

Image: Shutterstock

5. Pancakes and pajamas party

Thrill your daughter’s friends and their mothers with this pancakes and pajamas party.

Birthday outfit: Since the theme itself has pajamas in it, dress your baby girl in the comfiest pajamas, and tie her hair into pigtails. You can also ask the rest of the guests also to show up in their pajamas.

Image: Shutterstock

Party accessories: This is a simple breakfast party to host, arrange the dining table with fun table cloths and pillows, decorate the area with colorful lanterns and paper flowers, you can also add buntings if you like.

In this theme, the guests can have fun as well as snack on healthy food. Arrange a fruit loop necklace station, where the mothers can make necklaces out of fruit loops for their babies.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Bake your baby’s favorite pancakes stack them up and add all her favorite toppings – this will make the best cake for her. As for the guests, fill the dining table with a variety of toppings and syrups along with plain pancakes, so that the mothers can serve their kids the pancakes of their choice. Also place milk, cereals, and fruits to complete the breakfast.

Image: Shutterstock

6. Bubble theme party

Your baby girl will be thrilled and fascinated by this fun bubble themed party.

Birthday outfit: This would be an outdoor theme and there is a possibility of your little one getting wet. So dress her in comfy clothes such as t-shirts and shorts, or a sleeveless one piece. Tie her hair high up in a ponytail so that it doesn’t fall into her eyes.

Image: Shutterstock

Party accessories: Set up the cake table with sequined table cloth which would look like small bubbles. Also, place a backdrop with the same sequined cloth. Tie buntings and happy birthday stickers all over the backdrop. You can also take printouts of your baby girl’s pictures and stick them on the backdrop.

In one corner, create a bubble wrap dance floor, where you spread bubble wrap sheets and let the toddlers and the big kids dance away to pop them. You can also arrange for a professional who can make giant bubbles, something that the kids will simply enjoy.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: The cake could be in sync with the theme, or you can pick one which your daughter likes. Serve the kids with some bubble cookies, popcorn, and fruits scooped in round shapes. You can also serve fruit juice in bottles.

Image: Shutterstock

7. Retro theme party

Take your toddler and his friends on a tour of your childhood with this theme.

Birthday outfit: Dress your girl either in vintage baby clothes or a retro outfit, with a ruffled frock, a woolen hat, feather boa, and pearls.

Image: Shutterstock

Party accessories: Choose a black and white color scheme which represents the retro style. Use black and white balloons, buntings, and paper flowers to decorate the place. If you feel the place is too dull, then add a pop of color here and there. Also, use vintage records, disco balls, and some vintage baby objects to create a retro look.

Organize some retro games such as twister and encourage adults to play, and organize a fashion show with a retro theme for the toddlers.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Pick up a cake with a floral icing to keep it in line with the theme. You can also include some classic cherry topped cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies for that retro feel. Include some traditional snacks such as homemade Chex Mix with melted butter, Rice Krispies, Dunkaroos, and candies like pop rocks, M&M’s fruit gushers, etc.

Image: Shutterstock

2nd Birthday Party Ideas for Baby Boys

Pick a theme from below to throw a fabulous birthday party for your little man. Want to try them for a girl, sure, why not!

8. Candy-themed party

Kids just love candy, pick this theme to throw the sweetest birthday party for your baby boy.

Birthday outfit: Your boy is the star of the party, dress him up in a t-shirt that says ‘I am the birthday boy. ’ This will set him apart from the rest of the kids.

Image: iStock

Party accessories: Decorate the whole place with candies- some real and some made out of cardboard. Hang a colorful backdrop and also stick paper and real candies on it. Tie colorful balloons to the backs of chairs and the cake table. Set the dining table with various colored plates, cups.

Arrange a scavenger hunt for candies, involve the kids and their parents to help the toddlers find the candy.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Get a cake that is stacked and stuffed with all things sweet. Arrange a dessert table filled with cupcakes, fruit rolls, and candy. Make sure you include some healthy food options such as fruits so that the kids would not get a sugar rush.

Image: Shutterstock

9. Favorite things party

Your baby boy may already have lit of things he likes and dislikes now: he will have a favorite food, toy, and color. Use all those as the theme for his 2nd birthday party.

Birthday outfit: Choose an outfit in the color he likes, it could be pink, blue or orange – just dress him how he likes.

Image: Shutterstock

Party accessories: Again use colors that are your kid’s favorite, if he likes jumping in a ball pit, or riding a toy horse arrange all these. You can also organize his favorite games and invite all his playmates for unlimited fun.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Include his favorite things on the cake too. Arrange the dining table with all his favorite snacks and make him sit in the center of the table.

Image: Shutterstock

10. Superhero theme

Boys and superheroes are a classic combination: pick up a superhero and make it the theme of the party. Here we have picked Superman.

Birthday outfit: Dress him up as Superman on his birthday. If you do not want the whole outfit, then put on a red t-shirt, denim jeans, and a cape, and he is your Superman for the day.

Image: iStock

Party accessories: Pick colors such as red and blue to decorate the place. Use a red or blue backdrop with a Superman symbol and your baby boy’s name. Place red and blue balloons all over the room and add Superman symbol stickers here and there. Decorate the table with superman plates, napkins, and cutlery over a red table cloth.

Organize games like pin the Corban’s symbol on Superman and maybe a safe dart game with magnetic darts or Velcro balls.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Have a Superman cake with your boy’s name. Also, make cupcakes and cookies with the Superman symbol. You can also serve popcorn and sandwiches.

Image: Shutterstock

11. Pirate theme

For this theme, you can choose a general pirate theme or the children’s favorite Jake and Neverland pirates theme.

Birthday outfit: Dress your boy as a pirate as he is the captain of this party. You can get the costume, include the eyepatch, give him a toy gun, and a fake mustache to complete the look.

Image: Shutterstock

Party accessories: Keep the decor simple, but give attention to details. Use a pirate ship backdrop with your boy’s name. You can also include pirate ship shaped balloons. Decorate the dining table with plates, mats and paper cups with skull and bones symbols. You can also hand over paper pirate hats, eye patches to the guests.

Plan some pirate games such as walk the line and face painting to keep the guests entertained.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Include the theme in the food, buy making pirate cookies, carving a watermelon in the shape of a pirate ship, burgers with small pirate flags, string cheese, etc. The birthday cake could be a two-tiered pirate cake.

Image: Shutterstock

12. Barnyard farm party

Bring home the farm animals with this 2nd birthday party theme.

Birthday outfit: Dress your two-year-old in a checked shirt, denim jeans, and a straw hat, or go with a white shirt and denim suspenders, to give him a farmer’s look.

Image: iStock

Party accessories: Create a red barn backdrop and add details to it by using printable designs on white canvas, real straw, and synthetic grass. You can also print out farm animal pictures and stick them on the backdrop. You can buy or create a DIY farm horse sticks and horse masks. You can plan horse stick races, and the classic ‘pin the donkey’s tail’ games.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Have a barn and farm animals cake, your little one will be thrilled to see all the farm animals figures on his cake.

Make desserts such as pig nose face cupcakes, farm animal cookies. Spread a green table cloth and place all these along with the cake on the table. You can decorate it further with farm produce such as a basket of apples, milk, etc.

Image: Shutterstock

13. Mickey Mouse theme party

No matter how many years pass, the Mickey Mouse theme remains a favorite for many toddler parties.

Birthday outfit: Dress your boy just like Mickey Mouse, a black/ white shirt, red suspenders with golden buttons, include a yellow bow tie and add those classic Mickey ears.

Image: Shutterstock

Party Accessories: Start the decor with a clubhouse sign. Purchase or get a DIY kit to make Mickey’s hand, head, and stars and use them to decorate the place. You will find tons of Mickey Mouse decors, so pick your favorite and decorate the party.

Organize games like fishing (sew some fabric fishes with small washer in their mouths, next in a big bucket and fill it with blue thermocol balls, now prepare small fishing rods with magnets on their tips. Now show the toddlers how it is done, and they will jump onto it.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Get a Mickey Mouse cake, or you can bake one and stick an edible Mickey’s face on it. For the food make marshmallow pops by sticking marshmallows on wooden sticks adding sprinkles on top, also include some blue and red sodas. You can also have sandwiches cut in the shape of Mickey’s head and cupcakes.

Image: Shutterstock

14. Ball theme party

If your boy is obsessed with balls, then this is the theme you are looking for.

Birthday outfit: Since the theme is around balls, you can dress up your boy in any casual outfit.

Image: Shutterstock

Party accessories: If you are planning to organize a party outdoors, then activities like a jumping castle and skippy slide will be fun additions. If it is an indoor party, decorate the center wall with yellow, red and green paper circles and make the number 2 with them. You can also make buntings with these circles.

Use the same colored balloons and hang them around the room. On the dining table, use a tablecloth with polka dots and arrange placement cards cut in circles. You can also place plastic bins of balls on the table.

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Get a ball-shaped birthday cake: you can have foods like cake pops, also choose snacks that are ball shaped like Cheetos, cheese balls, popcorn snowballs to go with the theme.

Image: Shutterstock

15. Dinosaur themed party

This is an adorable theme for your 2-years-old’s birthday party.

Birthday outfit: Dress your boy in a casual outfit which has green and brown shades in it.

Image: iStock

Party accessories: There are many dinosaur printables that you can get to make buntings. You can also have placement cards with dinosaurs on it. Decorate the room with a green backdrop and dinosaur figures.

Fill a sandbox with sand and bury small dinosaur toys in it, and ask the toddlers to find them (supervise them such that they do not put the sand in their mouth).

Image: Shutterstock

Birthday cake and food: Prepare a dinosaur cake. For foods, cut vegetables like carrot, cucumber, and celery and place them in plastic glasses filled with dip. Make dinosaur cupcakes, cut a watermelon into triangle pieces and name them as dino spikes. Stick marshmallows to a wooden ice cream stick to make dino fossils.

Image: Shutterstock

While we have generally segregated the themes for boys and girls, you can pick any theme that your child likes, regardless of their gender. Let them choose what they like and who they want to be. In the end, the idea is to create that special day so that your toddler has a good time with friends and family.

Who Should You Invite To Your Child’s Second Birthday Party?

You probably wanted to (or did) invite the entire town to your child’s first birthday party. But this time around, you may want to keep it a little simple, for your little one is already a handful and that leaves you with little time to even look at the guests.

  • Invite close friends and relatives, but try not to invite too many people, as it might be overwhelming for the toddler.
  • If you are inviting your child’s playmates, make sure their parents come along to take care of them.
  • Make a list of guests who will have a good time at the party full of kids. If you want your family to be there, then you might want to organize a separate party. For example, your grandmother or teenage niece might not be looking forward to a Hello Kitty or Jurassic kids party.

Since you will be inviting a lot of kids to the party, you have to be sensitive to their needs and routines.

What’s A Good Time To Host The Second Birthday Party?

The timing of the party should depend on the sleep schedule of your toddler. If your baby sleeps through the afternoon, then it is best to plan a party in the evening. A party in the morning, when the baby is active after a good night’s sleep, would also be a good time to celebrate their birthday.

Make sure the party lasts only for two to three hours. And once the plan is in place, stick to the schedule.

Your child’s second birthday is a special occasion for you and your baby. So, make it memorable and fun. To ensure everything goes smoothly, organize the event in advance and take the support of your friends and family. Accordingly, choose a unique party theme and plan all other things, such as decoration, music, food, and cake. Keep the guest list ready and try to bring novelty in your invitations and return gifts. A pro-tip would be to keep the event timings in sync with your baby’s sleep and feeding schedule.

Key Pointers

  • Second birthdays are always special and memorable for both parents and the baby.
  • Plan your kid’s outfit, cake, decorates, menu, and games beforehand so the event goes smooth.
  • Pick themes for the event in line with your little one’s tastes and interests.

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Sanjana did her graduation in Pharmacy from Andhra University and post graduation in management from GITAM Institute of Management. It was during her first job, she recognized her skills in writing and began working as a freelance writer. Later, she completely moved into content writing and began working as a full-time content writer.  Sanjana’s articles in MomJunction cover topics related to… more

Great Birthday Party Ideas for Boys (11th to 12th Birthday) –

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If you’re looking for great 11 and 12 year old birthday party ideas for boys, you’re in the right place. Scan the list below and grab our tips for fun and easy birthday parties for tween boys.

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Finding birthday parties your kids think are cool that don’t break the bank gets trickier as kids get older. Some families designate certain birthdays where kids get a party with friends (maybe 5, 10, 13 and 16 for example). Others do some kind of birthday celebration every year.

I’ve somehow fallen into the every-year pattern with my kids. It’s been a little more stressful to find ideas in the tween and teen years. But they’ve honestly been the most fun parties.

Below are some of my best 12 year old birthday party ideas for boys. Actually, these work well for both 11 and 12 year olds. I added lessons learned and tips. Hopefully this gives you the same level of fun with less work and stress in the planning process.

For the 11 and 12 year old birthdays, it’s less about the themed party and more about the activity. The whole goal is to give a kiddo a happy birthday. There’s not just one fun way to do that.

Need gift ideas for tweens? We’ve got you covered!
– Best gifts for tween & teen girls
– Best gifts for tween & teen boys

1.      Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt birthday party can scale from something small and fun to pretty labor-intensive and elaborate. Kids like to follow the clues and hunt down some treasure. There’s an added layer of fun if you get two teams competing for the win.

I did a neighborhood scavenger hunt for my son’s 12-year-old birthday party. Years later, he still tells me that all of his friends say it was their favorite party ever. The scavenger hunt was a lot of work to plan and took help from several neighbors. But it was pretty epic and so much fun.

The boys worked in two teams to solve clues that took them to different houses in the neighborhood. Each house had a different activity for them to complete before moving on. Both teams ended back at our house and we had prizes for the winning team.

Like my son’s bike team jersey? Our school district creating an AMAZING mountain bike team that has helped hundreds of kids develop a love for biking. My son is now a teen and did tons of research to buy his first adult-sized mountain bike: Trek’s Marlin . He loves it!

2.      Video Games

Lots of older kids (especially boys) love video games. There are several ways to incorporate video games into a birthday celebration.

You can rent a video game truck to pull a mobile gaming theater right up to your curb. They offer large selections of game options. They can typically accommodate up to 20 kids playing at once for 90-120 minutes.

Many birthday packages include printable invitations and a “Game Coach” to run the party for you.

If you live in the Central Ohio area, Buckeye Mobile Entertainment is a top rated option.

3.      Arcades

Arcade bars are popping up in lots of areas. Most provide a wide selection of arcade games for free or low prices and just ask that you purchase drinks.

Arcade bars can be a good idea for a birthday party if you plan for earlier in the day on a Saturday or Sunday. Many shift to 21+ in the evenings.

In our area, Pins Mechanical Company shares space with 16-Bit Arcade. They offer arcade games, foosball, ping pong, patio pong, duckpin bowling and bocce in a really cool atmosphere. We’ve done birthday parties for my sons there twice.

The arcades in our area allow you to bring in whatever food you like or get pizzas delivered. They just ask that you buy everyone a drink. Some of the activities like the duckpin bowling also have a cost.

It was a great party idea that also carried a low price tag. Invite parents to stay, hang out and have a drink together while the kids play. What a great time!

4.      Water Balloons and Other Fun Games

If birthdays fall during warmer weather months, look at birthday parties that involve water balloons or water slides.

There are lots of fun minute-to-win-it type birthday party games you can do in your yard. I’m a huge fan of Bunch o Balloons. Fill them over a plastic tub with some water in the bottom so they don’t fall and pop on the grass.

This post from the Happy Mom Hacks blog has some great minute to win it games for tweens and teens and suggestions on how to set up and play the games.

5.      Water Slide Fun

Rented water slides are another outdoor option for summer birthday parties. My sister has done this two years in a row for her son with great success. I teamed up with another mom to do this for a combined birthday because both our boys have August birthdays.

My friend is a seriously cool mom and found an insanely awesome GIANT slide. Her equally-awesome neighbors let us set it up in their yard.

We invited most of the neighborhood kids to stop by earlier in the day to take advantage. Then we limited the slide to bigger party boys later in the day for the official party.

7.      Laser Tag Party

When it comes to 11- and 12-year old birthday party ideas, it’s a good choice to keep boys moving. Laser tag adds a layer of competition and keeps boys running. Most laser tag companies offer a party room. You can do pizza or cake and presents before or after tag.

8.      Playing Sports Party

If you have a sports-loving birthday boy, plan a party where friends can play some kind of organized sport together.

Rent a shelterhouse at a local park near a grassy area or baseball field. Come equipped with a football, wiffle ball supplies or a kickball. Set up food and drinks in the shelterhouse and the boys can wander in when they get hungry or thirsty.

There are several places in my area that rent indoor basketball courts or multipurpose turf fields for birthday parties. My son held a birthday party at KSM Sports in Central Ohio. The price of the party included facility rental, our choice of games (he picked flag football), equipment and a coordinator to corral the boys and ref the game. We brought in our own food and cake.

9.      Watching Sports Party

This type of party will vary based on where you live. Many areas offer minor league or college sports games that can make for a really fun event at a very affordable price. You can take a larger number of kids if tickets are cheap.

Check rules before you go on whether you’re allowed to bring in food and drinks or other party supplies.

You could also spring for major league tickets. Let your son bring a single friend with him for an extra special experience.

10.  Sleepover

A good old-fashioned sleepover feels like one of the best things at this age. They’re so anxious to feel older and independent. Staying up late with their friends checks that box.

Supplies needed for a successful sleepover:

  • FOOD. Snacks, sweets and sugary drinks are the three sleepover food groups.
  • access to funny movies
  • an area where boys can sprawl with sleeping bags until the wee hours like a living room or basement
  • a couple fun activities or games (link to game post). Jelly Belly’s Bean Boozled is a fun option as long as no one gets so grossed out they get sick.

11.  Pool Party

Many community or even private pools will work with you to host pool parties. Our local pool rents its shelterhouse at a great price. It also offers discounted tickets for guests and allows you to bring in your own food and drinks.

The local waterpark rents cabanas, but has different rules about bringing in outside food.

By 11 and 12, kids are typically safe to swim without their parents at a lifeguarded pool or waterpark.

12.  Concert

A concert can be a great birthday idea if your son can choose one or two friends for a fun night out. Because you have no control over when concerts happen, it might mean that the birthday party needs to happen quite a bit before/after the actual birthday. But by 11 or 12 years old, kids understand that a little better.

13.  Climbing or Parkour Party

Active tween boys tend to climb all over things on any given day. So a climbing or parkour party gives them a new and fun place to try out their skills. Most of these places are massive and not too “little kid” if you’re considering 12 year old birthday party ideas.

In Central Ohio, Play Cbus and Movement Lab both offer birthday party options. Kids come and climb and then head back to a party room to refuel.

14.  Bowling Party

Call your local lanes and ask about party options. Most will let you reserve lanes and talk through food options. Typically it’s not a problem to bring in a birthday cake or balloons or other small party decorations.

Ask about lanes all the way to one side or closer to tables or an arcade area if they have one. Then it feels like you have more of your own little party space.

15.  Roller Rink Party

This age is prime for roller skating. This is a great choice if your son wants to invite a bigger group of kids. Call about party packages that include entry fees, skate rentals and some pizza and drinks.

Some skating rinks have other activities like arcade games or laser tag. Decide up front whether you will let kids play and tell them. Otherwise, you’ll be fielding questions throughout the entire party.


Jumping Party

Trampoline parks are a huge hit with 11 and 12 year old boys. Take a group and you have ready-made teams for dodgeball and other group areas of the trampoline park, which equals great fun.

You can book an official party with a party room at most trampoline parks. You can also just pay for the group to get in and then head to a park or your house after for food or hanging out.

17.      Board Games

Build a fun birthday party around some favorite games. I have suggestions if your first response if that you don’t know what games would work.

Option #1: Set up multiple tables with different games and have kids play for a set amount of time for a prize. Then rotate tables.

Option #2: Find a group game that all of the boys can play together. Silly games like Pie in the Face move quickly and will get everyone laughing. Group games like Pictionary Air, Telestrations and Not Parent Approved are easy to explain and play. See our complete list of the best board games for tweens and teens.

If your group is pretty into board games and has a good attention span, you can break out a cooperative game like Forbidden Island. Let the boys work together to try to defeat the game.

Another fun option is the Exit: The Game boxed escape rooms. Any more than four boys working together tends to be too much. These also best suited for kids who are really interested in solving the puzzles – it’s not something every kid loves.

18. Paint Ball Party

Look for 12 year old birthday party ideas that acknowledge that older boys can do bigger things – including paintball. Encourage kids to wear old clothes and warn them getting hit by a paintball might sting a little. But what a fun time!

Other Older Boy Birthday Party Details

  • Decide whether you want to deal with party favors. It’s fine to be phasing them out at this point. Or simplify and give out small goodie bags of candy or something related to the party itself. Like some gummy worms and a couple baseball cards if the party had to do with sports.
  • Set a time limit on the party so you don’t have kids in your yard or basement for an eternity. It can be anywhere from a couple hours to an overnight. But share an end of the party time with parents from the get-go so everyone is clear when the party ends.
  • Ask about or create some special perks for the birthday kid. Depending where you hold the party, there might be options for a badge or keepsake or something else to make the day extra special. We threw “Happy 11th Birthday Luke!” up on the scoreboard at a minor league baseball game for no extra cost. I just asked when I called to book the tickets.
  • Consider the number of guests your son wants to include. Some birthday party options might limit the number of party guests and others work well for a large group. Ask your son what close friends he might want to invite. If he’s leaning toward a more expensive option, let him know only his closest friends or best friend could come.
  • Toss out the party all together. One year, my sons actually chose to trade all birthday gifts and parties for a long weekend family trip to Universal Studios (I wrote about that and other experience gifts if you want details on that)

READ MORE >>> 42 Best Experience Gifts for Everyone on Your List

Note: If you’re looking for great ideas for birthday parties for tween girls, feel free to steal from this list! Unfortunately we don’t have a post specific to 11 and 12 year old girls at this point, but maybe soon! I do hear that a spa party with cool nail polish options or a sleepover in a hotel room complete with dance party are big sellers.


  • Best TV Shows for Tweens [2022 Guide]
  • 125 Best Books for Tweens [2022 Book Guide for Preteens]
  • Best Book Series for Tweens & Teens [Book Guide 2022]
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11 Awesome Birthday Party Ideas for Boys at Home

Are you looking for fun birthday party ideas for boys at home? It’s always a struggle to come up with a birthday theme that your child will love and all his friends will enjoy attending. You want a birthday theme that is popular but also fits your child’s personality.

With two boys myself, I struggle twice a year to come up with great birthday party ideas. So, I created a list of the most popular birthday party ideas for boys and I want to share it with you. Your kids are going to love their birthday this year with these easy-to put together birthday themes. 

Even though this list was created with boys in mind, you will find most of the themes are great for girl birthday party ideas too! 

If you are socially distancing consider throwing a virtual birthday party with fun Zoom Games for Kids. It’s a great way to celebrate with faraway relatives too. Use these themes as your background for the Zoom Parties too. 

This post contains affiliate links. If you choose to buy something using my link, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. For more information, see my disclaimer here.

11 Most Popular Birthday Party Ideas for Boys 

I’ve listed older kids’ birthday parties first and younger children’s parties second. Take a look and find a great birthday party theme for your kids.  

Fortnite Birthday Party Theme

The most popular game right now for elementary and middle school kids is Fortnite. If your kids are into Fornite this is a party all the kids will want to come to.  

Fortnite Birthday Party Ideas 

Backyard Party

Do a Nerf War Party in the backyard or large indoor space and play capture the flag. Adjust it to a Fortnite theme by having the kids find hidden supplies and incorporating supply drops with replacement bullets.  

Fortnite Dance-Off

You can find Fortnite music and dances on YouTube. Play the music and let the kids show off their dance moves.

Supply Drop Goody Bags

Create Supply Drop goody bags by purchasing blue goody bags and adding the word Supply Drop to the outside.  I also used these bags filled with Nerf Bullets to throw out during the game as a Supply Drop.

Slurp Juice

Name Gatorade Bottles Slurp Juice just like in the game. You can label the cooler with the name Slurp Juice so you don’t have to add a label to each water bottle.   


Turn the yard into a battlefield with spray-painted boxes and camouflage netting. The netting is easy to throw over backyard equipment, chairs, or sawhorses to create areas to hide behind. Plus it adds to the fun atmosphere of the party.

Find all the supplies you’ll need in our Favorite Fortnite Party Supply List. 

Fortnite can also be turned into a virtual party with an online gaming party. Find out how and get more ideas on throwing the Ultimate Fornite Birthday Party. 

Nerf Gun Birthday Party Theme 

Boys love to run around with their Nerf guns and any excuse to have a big group playing together is going to be a great party.  Planning a Nerf War in your backyard is easier than you think.

Let the kids bring their own nerf guns or supply one as a party gift. Then spray paint a few boxes for bases and your set. 

Nerf Birthday Party Ideas 

Capture the Flag

Have each team hide a bandanna for the other team to find. The first team that finds the flag wins. But if you get shot by a nerf bullet you have to go back to your base and start over.  

Create nerf bases for the kids to hide behind with cardboard boxes you can spray paint to look camouflaged. If you don’t have time to paint spread a camo netting over the top to create an army base look. This can also be done for the Fortnite Birthday Party too! 

Nerf Targets

Make DIY Nerf Targets and Games for the kids to play around your yard. Have stations set up with different targets for the kids to rotate through in groups.

Nerf Goody Bag

Depending on what you want to spend on goody bags you could give each child a Nerf gun or ask them to bring one from home. We gave out one year the Nerf Gun Strike Elite as it was a cheaper price and works well.

I would give each child a pair of safety glasses and a cloth tool belt to wear while playing capture the flag.

The belt is great for holding their bullets and they only cost $1 at your local hardware store. Then use an orange paper bag for the good bag and fill it with candy and extra bullets to take home along with their glasses and a cloth belt.  

For more easy Nerf Gun Party ideas How to Throw an Awesome Nerf Wars Birthday Party. 

Escape Room Party

If your looking for more of a mental challenge try an Escape Room Birthday party. It’s a super fun game and your kids will love the challenge of solving the puzzle of an Escape Room.

What You Need – Storyline, clues, and puzzles to solve. We like to use the Escape Room Geeks Printable sets. It has everything you need for the game already created for you. Just print it out and you’re ready to go.

How to Play – First, download and print out the storyline and clues to solve the puzzle.

Next, break the kids up into teams of 2-5 people. Then give each team a separate space to sit and solve the puzzle. Basically, you just don’t want them to hear what the other team is saying so they don’t cheat.

To start the game you can either read the storyline to all the kids or give each group the sheet to read themselves. After that give each group the set of clues to try and solve the puzzle and break out of the escape room.

The Escape Room Geek kits are created by age group so you can find one that will be easy enough for all ages at the party. The game will work for kids ages 5-13 years old.

If you have older tweens & teens try the Escape Room Kits from Lock Paper Scissors.

Use our escape room games review to find the best escape kits for your kids.

Check out our Ultimate Escape Room Birthday Parties to get more ideas for an escape laser maze, decorations, invitations, party favors, and more.

Game Trucks for Birthday Parties 

Birthday Party in a Game Truck

One of the newest crazes for birthday parties is to hire a game truck to come to your house. These trucks are filled with several screens and Xbox games for the kids to play.

This is a great idea for a kid that loves to play online games.  With the high price of many birthday party locations, hosting this at your house might be pretty similar in cost.

We have gone to a couple of these parties and they have been a huge hit with older elementary school-age kids.  

Game Truck Birthday Party Tips

Have the kids arrive 30 minutes early to do cake and pizza in your home or even set up tables outside. Then have parents pick them up straight from the game truck in your driveway.   

Google “game truck” in your local area to see if you have a company by you hosting these parties. 

Related Article – 20 Meaningful Birthday Traditions to Start This Year

Super Hero/Marvel Birthday Party Theme 

Do you have a child who loves Super Heroes? The great part about this Super Hero theme is there are so many different characters you can pick from or just make it a general theme.

All the kids coming will probably have a favorite Marvel character of their own, too.  

Super Hero Birthday Party Idea 

Super Hero Masks & Capes

Buy Super Hero masks and Super Hero capes for all the kids to wear. You can also add the superhero masks to a balloon for decorations (pictured above).  

Hero’s Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course in your house or backyard for the heroes to climb through. Add something to the end they need to rescue like a treasure box. Make them feel like a real hero! The treasure box could be filled with candy as part of the goody bag gift. 

Super Hero Costumes

Ask the kids to dress up for the party by wearing their own superhero costumes. 

Super Hero Desserts

On your dessert table or where the kids will eat, use your child’s superhero figures to decorate the table and cake.  

Custom Super Hero T-Shirts

Create a Custom Super Hero T-shirt with your child’s name from a PBS TV show like Hero Elementary or Super Why

Lego Birthday Party Theme 

What kid doesn’t like to build with Legos? This party can be pretty easy to throw because there is so much to buy with this theme, you don’t have to create as much yourself. 

This is a pretty universal theme that should be fun for both girls and boys.  

Lego Birthday Party Ideas

Party Decorations

Decorate with Primary colors in your balloons, table cloth, and streamers. You will also find tons of themed plates, napkins, and goody bags with Lego pictures on Amazon and at Dollar Tree. 

Lego Cake Toppers

Add little Lego Men to the top of your cake as a quick decoration for Costco cakes or a cake you make yourself at home. If you add cupcakes use these cute stick Lego figure toppers.  

Lego Game

For a fun Lego game, buy a bin of classic Lego pieces and give the kids a 10-minute challenge to build something. Then let them show it off to everyone. You could give prizes for the best creation or let them destroy it and build it again. Bonus: Your child has more Legos to play with after the party.  

Lego Goody Bag

Depending on your budget, you could also buy small Lego sets or mini Lego party sets like animals or vehicles. If you buy a bigger set have the kids build it at the party for an activity. If you get the mini Lego party sets add them to your goody bags.

Another idea is this fun Lego candy we gave out at a party. The kids had a blast building with their candy and then eating the block. It was a huge hit. The one issue is the candy is very hard so it would not be suitable for a younger kids’ party.

Related Article – Fun & Cheap Birthday Party Decorations for Kids at Dollar Tree

Star Wars Birthday Party Theme

Are your kids obsessed with Star Wars like mine? With new movies and cartoons from Disney constantly coming out, I think this will be a popular theme for a while. You will find that there is a large range of ages that love Star Wars. 

Star Wars Birthday Party Ideas 

Have a Jedi Training Academy with stations around your house or backyard. 

Lightsaber Balloon Game

Have kids use Lightsabers to keep balloons up in the air. If you are worried they’ll get hit with the lightsabers use inflatable lightsabers.

Lightsaber Battle

Place a long thin board low to the ground and have kids’ Lightsaber battle on it while trying not to fall off. Again if worried kids will get hurt use the inflatable lightsabers.

Star Wars Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course that you need to use the force to get through. Suggestion -White Helium balloons weighted to the floor can be storm troopers they need to get around.  

Blaster Targets

Make Star Wars Blaster stations by using Nerf guns and Nerf targets for the kids to shoot. For targets, use a cut-up a long pool noodle, toilet paper rolls, or Pringles can.  

Star Wars Decorations

For DIY decorations hang white balloons from the ceiling and put your kid’s stormtrooper masks or any star wars mask they have over the balloon. Take a look at the picture above to see how it will look. You can also find tons of pre-packaged Star Wars decorations for your walls & tables.

Chocolate Star Wars Molds

Create this cute cupcake topper with the chocolate molds I found on Amazon. It’s really easy to do and was a fun surprise. You could also put them in small bags and add the chocolate to your goody bags.

Sports Birthday Party Theme 

This could be a general sports theme or specific to your child’s favorite sport. You will find tons of plates, napkins, and party accessories for this theme which make it easy.

You could also add in your child’s favorite professional sports team and use their team’s colors. 

Sports Birthday Party Ideas 

Games to Play

I would pick 2-3 sports to play during the party. Kickball or soccer would be a great group game.

Football Challenge 

Use a large piece of cardboard or tarp and cut holes in it to use as a football throwing challenge. 

Dribbling Challenge

Put out cones on your driveway for the kids to dribble around and see who can make it through the course the fastest.

Baseball Targets

Set up targets made of pool noodles or aluminum cans to knock down by throwing baseballs.  

Water Balloon Baseball

In the summer, play water balloon baseball. Fill up water balloons and then pitch them to the kids to hit with a baseball bat. If kids hit the balloon they advance to first base if they don’t after 3 pitches they’re out.


For the table decorations find small foam sports balls to use as a centerpiece or spread around the table. Then at the end of the party let the kids each pick one to take home.

A unique gift idea for a sport-loving kid is a cool Sports Subscription Box. A monthly box filled with items for their favorite sport. Pick your child’s age then pick between baseball, soccer, football, hockey, basketball or mixed sports.

They’ll be excited every month to receive these fun sports-themed boxes. 

Cars Movie Birthday Party Theme 

This is a great party for the little ones who love Cars Movie or just cars in general.  All the Cars Movie Characters have different personalities you can use for your party. If your child likes one character the best, use that one as your main theme.

Cars Movie Birthday Party Ideas 

Make a Race Track

Create a race track from cardboard boxes and let the kids race car movie cars. Use race track tape and either place the box on the stairs or prop up on a stool or box to create an angle.

Paint Cars

For a fun activity purchase small wooden race cars for the kids to paint and take home. It makes a great goody bag item too.

Cars Decorations

Use red and black as your color theme to match Lightning McQueen. Line the cake table with your child’s car movie cars for cheap table decorations. Then add cars themed plates and tablecloths.

Incredibles Birthday Party Theme 

Incredibles are back to being popular again. This theme can be really similar to the birthday party ideas used in the Super Hero Party Theme, just focus on the Incredibles characters to make it unique.  

Incredibles Birthday Party Ideas 

Incredibles Game Ideas

Use the different powers of the Incredibles characters to come up with games.  

Dash – Create an obstacle course and see if they are as fast as Dash.  

Mr. Incredible – Spray paint large pieces of foam gray to look like rocks. Have the kids see if they are as strong as Mr. Incredible by lifting them up.  

Mrs. Incredible – Purchase some of those long sticky hands and see who can get their hand to stretch out the furthest and hit a target like Mrs. Incredible. These would be great in a goody bag too. 

Jack-Jack – Put out playdough for the kids to mold and change shapes like how Jack-Jack does shapeshifting

Dress Up Like an Incredible

Have the kids dress up like the Incredibles with a face mask like the characters wear. It could go in the goody bag or let the kids wear them while they play the games.

Party Decorations

Decorate with balloons with a black face mask like the Incredibles wear (shown in the picture above). Use the colors red and black as your theme colors. 

Paw Patrol Birthday Party Theme 

This fun cartoon is a favorite of many little kids. Each character in the show has a different job to do and you can use this to make fun games for the party. Your child’s favorite character can help you decide on colors for the theme to match the character. 

Paw Patrol Birthday Party Ideas 

Rubble Game

Use your sandbox or sand table and fill it with little construction trucks for the kids to play. They can move boulders (rocks you add) with the construction trucks just like Rubble. 

Marshall Game

Give the kids firemen plastic hats and spray water guns at balloon targets like Marshall.  

Chase Game

Play Cops and Robbers game to be like Chase. Pick two kids to be cops and have the rest be robbers. The Police officers stand in the middle and the robbers line up on two sides. When you say go, the Robbers try to get to the other side without being tagged by the police officer. Last kid left wins.  

Snack Ideas

Make it a dog theme by buying new unused dog bowls and putting the kid’s snacks in them.  

Dress Up

Get the kids into the theme by having them wear a construction hat, fireman hat, or police badge.

Goody Bag Ideas

Kids will love these customized Paw Patrol Goody bag items with the birthday boy’s name.

This cute customizable Paw Patrol Backpack would make a great gift to go along with the theme too!

PJ Masks Birthday Party Theme 

Pj Mask is a popular cartoon for little kids and is a favorite of many children. All the characters are superheroes so you can reuse all the great themes from the superhero party. If your child has a favorite character focus on their superpowers for games or use the general superhero ideas.

PJ Mask Birthday Party Ideas 


The color theme should be Red, Blue, and Green based on the three main characters. Use this for balloons, table cloths, and goody bag colors. Once again you can add a mask to balloons as a fun decoration.

Craft Idea

Instead of purchasing masks made for PJ Masks, you could buy blank white masks and have the kids decorate them as an activity.  

PJ Masks Game

Adjust the Cops and Robbers game from the Paw Patrol party to fit PJ Masks. The kids playing the cops can be Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko. While the robbers can be the show’s villains Romeo, Luna Girl, and Night Ninja. 

Nigh Ninja Obstacle Course

Have the kids be Night Ninja racing through an obstacle course you create in the yard.  

Sleepover Party

Turn your son’s birthday party into a cool Sleepover. I know it can sound overwhelming but you are already halfway there with a fun theme for the party.

Use that theme and plan the rest of the party with these fun things to do at a Sleepover for Kids. Easy slumber party games, ideas, and activities.

Birthday Party Checklist

Get organized with a free printable birthday party checklist. Everything you need to remember to do before the party is on the list! Birthday Party Checklist.

More Birthday Party Tips & Ideas

Virtual Birthday Party – If you can’t see your friends kids can still celebrate with these fun Virtual Birthday Party ideas. 

Minute to Win It Games – Keep the party going with fun Minute to Win it games they’ll find hilarious to play. 

15 Fun Balloon Party Games – Cheap and fun games with balloons that will fit all these different party themes.

Decoration Idea -Tie a bag of M&Ms or Skittles to a helium balloon to use as a weight. These can act as decorations and then give them to the kids on the way out as part of their goody bag. Perfect with the mask for the Super Hero theme parties.

Goody Bag Idea – Give the kids a gift card to the dollar store or 5 and Below. They will love picking something out themselves and it’s an easy giveaway for you.

Save money on Birthday Party Decorations and Supplies at Dollar Tree. Find out which party supplies you should be buying at Dollar Tree

Make birthdays feel special with Meaningful Birthday Traditions kids will cherish & remember more than a big birthday party. 

Birthday Cake – Buy a plain frosted cake from Costco or your local grocery store and add little figures on top of the cake to go with your theme.

Example – If they love Star Wars, add some little Star Wars lego figures that you have already in your house on top.  Don’t forget to clean them first.

Here’s a picture of a cake that I added plastic army figures to for a Fortnite Birthday Party.

Extra Activity Idea – Print up some coloring pages for your theme to have as a backup activity in case there are any lulls in the party. I find keeping the kids busy helps to make it a little less crazy.

Location Ideas – Want to host the party somewhere other than your house? See if your local park district has a room you can rent and host the party there instead.

Birthday Gift Ideas

I find little kids are easier to find gifts for but I really struggle with tweens. It can be hard to find gifts for boys ages 9-12 years old. If you’re struggling to check out my 17 Cool Gift Ideas for Boys Age 9-12. You’re sure to find the perfect gift!

27 Building Sets, Toys & Kits for Kids Who Love to Build – Cool STEM sets your kids will have a blast building.

Birthday Interviews

Make sure you’ll remember all your kid’s favorite things each year with a Birthday Interview. Good questions to ask your kids on their birthday to capture that year of their life. It’s so much fun to hear your kid’s answers and to look back on them when they’re older.

Free Printable Birthday Interview Questions for Kids

So there you have it, 10 fun birthday party ideas for boys. I hope you were able to find a birthday theme you want to use for your child’s upcoming birthday. Let me know how your party went or any questions in the comments. 

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30 Awesome Fall Birthday Party Ideas for Young Kids

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Happy (almost) Fall! It’s time to start planning those fall birthday parties!

Picking a theme, games, food, decor, and all of the things that come along with planning a birthday party for your little one can be stressful.

Party planning can be especially tricky if your children are in their younger years and don’t have a lot of input yet. These themes work well for house or park parties.

I have rounded up some of my favorite fall birthday party ideas for toddlers up through 4 year olds and older to help in making your party planning a little bit easier!

I’ve included fall birthday theme ideas, fall games to play, and special fall treats and foods to make your party unique.

Via 100 Layer Cake

I love this magical fairytale theme! This would be a great fall birthday party theme for a 3-year-old little girl!

The girly theme is exactly what little girl’s dreams are made of! With a beautiful blush and grey balloon garland, you’ll definitely wow your little princess and guests too!

Via Just Simply Mom

How cute is this pumpkin patch fall birthday party idea for toddlers?! During fall there are lots of pumpkin patches, this theme would be easy and fun to do!

We did this for my son’s 1st birthday and the best part about it was that the pumpkin patch took care of all the set up and clean up! Easy peasy! Follow these great tips for having your Pumpkin Patch Birthday Bash!

via Fun365

This little pumpkin theme is absolutely adorable! I think this theme is absolutely adorable and I love that it is fall-themed, yet dainty and girly.

Via Catch My Party

Do the Monster Mash! I For a time, my little one was obsessed with monsters and this theme would have been perfect for her, especially closer to Halloween.

via Milk and Confetti

How fun is this Ghoul Gang themed party!? This theme would be the perfect fall birthday party for 4-year-old girls!

This theme is a little sassy and a little sweet, much like 4-year-olds.. am I right?

Via The Gifted Gabber

This boo-llerina birthday party theme is so cute! If your little girl is anything like mine, she loves to dance and wear tutus. This theme is great for ballerina-loving little girls.

Via Play Dates Parties

This fall-themed birthday party theme is adorable and perfect for kiddos of any age!

Via The Southern Transplants

The little blue truck books have been my son’s favorite for a long time and they’re especially great in the fall season. This theme would be a perfect fall birthday party theme idea for a 2-year-old!

Via TikKido

How fun is this gnome-themed party? This would be the perfect fall-themed birthday party for a 4-year-old!

This theme is cute and slightly sophisticated for a little gentleman or lady!


Tips for a Birthday in the Park

Via The Gifted Gabber

Fall weather can be tricky, but if you plan to host your little one’s birthday party at the park these tips can be exceptionally helpful!

This is especially great if you don’t have a big yard or home to host a bunch of little kids at.

11. Tips for a Pumpkin Patch Birthday

Via The Gifted Gabber

If you are planning on hosting your little one’s party at a pumpkin patch, these tips are very helpful in what to expect and things to ask when planning a pumpkin patch party!

Games and Activities for a Fall Birthday Party

There are endless ways to keep 2 and 3 year olds busy at a birthday party, especially with these fun themes from above. Try some of the below activities to keep the kids at the party busy and entertained.

12. Pumpkin Tic Tac Toe

Everyone loves a game of Tic-Tac-Toe and this pumpkin-themed Tic-Tac-Toe is great for any fall-themed birthday party.

13. Candy Corn Ring Toss

Via Kid Friendly Things To Do

Candy Corn Ring toss is a fun game for party guests of all ages and an easy activity to put together.

14. Halloween Themed Egg Hunt

Via Activities for Kids

If you are hosting a Halloween-themed birthday party and have some leftover eggs from Easter, you can easily repurpose them for a Halloween-themed egg hunt!

15. Pumpkin Decoration Station

Via Entertain Your Toddler

Pumpkin carving is a popular fall activity, however, having kids around with little hands it probably isn’t the best idea.

Instead, try out some of these pumpkin decorating ideas with a pumpkin decoration station!

16. Pin the Eye on the Monster

Via Michelle’s Party Plan It

As an alternative to the popular game pin the tail on the donkey, pin the eye on the monster would be a perfect game to play if you planned on hosting a monster mash-themed party.

17. Feed the Monster

Via Toddler Approved

I love this feed the monster game and it would be great to go along with the monster mash-themed party!

18. Spider Races

Via Still Playing School

This spider race game is cute, easy to set up and fun for Halloween-themed party guests of all ages!


Monster Bowling

Via Red Ted Art

How fun is this monster bowling game?! These cans would be a perfect craft for your littles to do while you are setting up the party!

20. Pumpkin Golf

Via Eighteen25

This pumpkin golf game is so cute for fall parties! You can set up a mini put-put course in your yard for lots of fun!

21. Candy Filled Balloon Pumpkins

Via One Little Project

Not only are these candy-filled balloon pumpkins great decor, but they would also be good for party favors at any Halloween-themed birthday party.

Sweets and Treats for a Fall Birthday Party

You’ll have to feed these little ones at the birthday party. Try any of these festive ideas that any 3 or 4 year old will love.

22. Pumpkin Patch Cookies

Via Buttercream Parties

These pumpkin patch themed cookies are so cute and perfect for beginners to create!

23. Mini Pumpkin Pies

These mini pumpkin pies look delicious and are perfect for little hands. Another bonus is that they are no-bake, which means easier for you!


Pumpkin Oreo Pops

Via Kelly Stilwell

These pumpkin oreo pops look yummy and are perfect for any fall themed party! You can even add some edible glitter to add a bit of a girly vibe!

25. Pumpkin Bundt Cake

Via Little Sunny Kitchen

How yummy does this pumpkin bundt cake look?! This would be a great treat for a fall themed party!

26. Pumpkin Cupcakes

Via Little Sunny Kitchen

These pumpkin cupcakes look delicious and would be perfect for any fall themed party. You can switch up the color of icing to fit your theme!

27. Hot Chocolate Bar

Via It Happens in a Blink

Hot chocolate is one of my favorite things about fall and I love the idea of guests being able to make their own hot chocolate creation!

28. Chocolate Pumpkin Cake

Via The Cookie Dough Diaries

This chocolate pumpkin cake looks absolutely marvelous and would be a great alternative to a traditional birthday cake.

29. Maple Pecan Vegan Donuts

Via Chelsea Peach Tree

Pumpkin flavor isn’t for everyone, but these maple pecan donuts still offer a taste of fall perfect for a fall birthday party idea!


Swirling Fall Leaves Cupcake Topper

Via TikKido

These swirling fall leave cupcake toppers are so cute and would add a lot of pizzaz to your cupcakes! They also make a perfect fall birthday party idea for toddlers.

I know that it can be hard picking the perfect theme finding just the right theme for your little one’s fall birthday party! I hope that this roundup post helped to give you some ideas!

I would love to know some of your favorite birthday party themes (fall or not) in the comments below!

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15 Birthday Party Activity Ideas for Toddlers and Kids


    Source: @alainakaz

    As the mom of an almost-3-year-old, we’re just driving into the birthday party circuit. With her own party coming up, I’ve been brainstorming fun ways to keep active little ones having fun while celebrating.

    Thinking back to my own birthday parties growing up, I had a lot of fun parties that would be just as fun today (I fondly remember my third birthday party complete with a backyard puppet show). But today, there are also a bunch of fun ideas that definitely didn’t exist when I was a kid.

    There are a lot of options no matter what budget you’re looking at. In fact, the list below includes free party ideas, budget-friendly options, and pricier activities. Remember, kids pretty much have fun at any party as long as they are with their friends (and cake at the end helps). You don’t need to go overboard to have a memorable and special birthday party—it’s all about celebrating your little one in a way you know they’ll enjoy.

    Check out the list below for unique ways to get the party started.

    For Toddlers

    For Preschool and Elementary-Age Kids


    For Toddlers

    Source: Jay Chen | Unsplash


    1. Playground Meet-Up

    For the most budget-friendly option, keep things low-key and have your birthday party at a local playground. This requires very little planning and prep on the parents’ part and kids love a playground, so they’re sure to have fun, be kept busy, and to leave tired (a parent’s dream!). Bring a few balloons and snacks to keep things festive and let the kids run wild. If you can, find a playground that is fully enclosed so parents can relax a little and kids can’t go far.


    2. Giant Bubbles

    Either hire someone who puts on a bubble show or put on your own bubble party. You can either buy a bubble mixture or look up recipes online and put together your own. Have a bubble machine going, buy bubble wands of all sizes (available on Amazon or Etsy), and let the kids go wild creating their own bubbles.


    3. Puppet Show

    Search for a local puppet show group that can put on a show, either at a set location or even in your backyard. If your child loves a theme in particular (princesses, Sesame Street, dragons, etc.), see if you can find a company that will cater entertainment toward their interests.


    4. Sing-Along Soiree

    Have a child who loves music class? Center their party around music and hire a local musician to come and sing songs and lead dances for little ones. If you’re struggling to find someone to hire, reach out to local preschools to see if their music teachers are available to hire for parties.


    5. Little Towns

    These fun centers take towns and bring them down in size for little kids to explore. These towns typically have a fire station, grocery store, and so on and can be such a fun experience for kids. Find one nearby and rent out the space for your next party.


    6. Water Party

    Celebrating a summer birthday? Make it water-themed with all sorts of activities including water tables, water balloons, a slip and slide, sprinklers, and so on. Make sure attendees know it will be water-themed so they can dress accordingly and bring towels (or offer towels as the party favor!).


    For Preschool and Elementary-Age Kids

    Source: Ron Lach | Pexels



    Magic Show

    Hire a local magician to put on a magic show for the kids. Remember that with little kids, their attention span may be short, so keep things fairly concise to keep kids entertained.


    8. Baking Experience

    Kids love baking for the experience of it but also, of course, for the eating part. Depending on your group size, you can create a baking experience in your own kitchen (this will for sure get messy, so do this at your own risk), or keep it easy by getting already baked treats (cookies or pretzels work well) and have kids go to town with decorating with frosting and sprinkles. Either have the kids eat these as the treats at the end of the party or offer to-go bags and the treats can be the party favor.


    9. Craft Party

    Grab some supplies at a local craft store and set up DIY stations for kids to have fun with. You can go for a messy option like painting or keep it cleaner with a beaded bracelet-making craft. If it’s messy, let your guests know ahead of time so they can dress accordingly. Consider the age of siblings if they will also be attending. If there are lots of younger siblings, try to avoid tiny items (like small beads that could be a choking hazard) or make a special station for the younger guests.


    10. Trampoline Park

    For energetic kids, rent out a trampoline park. These centers typically offer party packages, so it’s a great opportunity to sit back and relax as the host and let the staff deal with all the logistics. To keep it budget-friendly, some places will allow you to rent outside of typical hours or may allow you to do a partial rental.


    11. Gymnastics

    Much like the trampoline park, a kids gym is a fun place to visit for a birthday party. Kids get to run and bounce around while parents can watch the action happen—and don’t have to clean up a thing.


    12. Children’s Museums

    If there’s an engaging children’s museum in your area, see if they allow birthday party rentals. Choose from specific activities to explore with your group.


    13. Petting Zoo / Reptile Experience

    For animal-loving little ones, look into visiting a petting zoo or reptile center or perhaps bringing a few animals and critters to your own backyard, led by an expert, of course.


    14. DIY Olympics

    Create your own Olympics with age-appropriate activities for attendees to participate in. A few examples: obstacle course, 50-meter dash, three-legged race, long jump. Keep things light and fun with prizes for everyone.


    15. Scavenger Hunt

    Send kids on their own mini scavenger hunt during the party. For younger participants, use a list made up of images so they can work to find things on their own. Put things on the list like a basketball hoop, a slide, a big rock, a green tree, etc. Make it as easy or as challenging as makes sense for your audience. Set kids up in teams with an adult leader to help keep everyone on track.

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    50+ fun (& easy to organize) games & activities for a boy’s birthday party

    I think it’s important to start by saying that planning your boy’s birthday party does not need to be stressful, and it does not need to cost a fortune.  

    Easy said than done, I know!

    We are surrounded by images of Instagram-worthy kid’s birthday parties that we somehow feel the need to compete with, but we really don’t.  

    So if you are stressing and wondering how you are possibly going to entertain a room full of 8-year-old boys, or make your 5-year-old boy’s birthday celebration special on a small budget, panic over.

    It’s amazing what you can do with a couple of party games and activities up your sleeve and some good old fashioned party food.  Kids really don’t need much more than that to have a blast, particularly boys.

    So, look no further if you want to know how to throw an awesome birthday party for your son, and are in need of simple and easy-to-achieve fun birthday party ideas, that will engage your guests, and that your son will love. 

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    Table of Contents

    How can I make my boy’s birthday special?

    With just a little planning, you can throw a lovely party for your son.   Think about what he will enjoy doing the most – this list of games and activities for a boys birthday party will give you lots of ideas that will help make it a special day.

    Hang some decorations, include his favorite food, and just make sure the day is all about him. 

    How do you entertain kids at a birthday party?

    There’s nothing more overwhelming than lots of kids running in all directions, high on the excitement of what’s to come!  I speak from experience.   So whatever the age of your son, you’ll need some activities or games planned to keep the kids entertained.

    These birthday party activities specifically for boys listed below should give you plenty of ideas. 

    Some well-thought-out and organized activities and games have been our party plans of choice so far.   Normally we’ve had too many planned – they’ve tended to take longer than expected or the kids have been having so much fun in between activities that we ran out of time.  But it’s much better that way than the other…

    You could also hire an entertainer or a bouncy castle, or take the party to a venue with a planned activity to keep the boys absorbed.

    What is the best theme for a boy’s birthday party?

    Theme parties are popular so if you decide to host one think about what your son is most into. Some popular theme ideas include dinosaurs, pirates, Harry Potter, Lego, an action-packed superhero party, an airplane-themed party, nerf guns, and the list goes on. 

    How do you throw a good kid’s party?

    It’s all in the planning. Make sure you have left yourself enough time to get the date or the venue that you want. Ensure that whichever activity or games you choose are age-appropriate for all party goers and are likely to be widely enjoyed. 

    Remember with kids, simple is always best! This is especially true when dealing with several overexcited kids at a birthday party…. (Honestly, I don’t know how teachers manage to teach kids anything!)

    Also, make sure you give yourself plenty of prep time for the party food!

    A top tip would be to get going with an activity or game early to warm up the kids, and follow their lead. If they are getting distracted or looking bored, move on to the next game quickly or have a break and some food. It’s amazing what a refuel can do. 

    How do you celebrate a kid’s birthday party at home?

    Throwing a birthday party at home is often more cost-effective, but is not always practical and can require a bit more work. If you have the space however and are organised, you can host some really fun parties at home.

    I would definitely recommend roping in a few helpers!  What’s that saying about herding cats? I think herding children is probably more difficult…

    Make sure you limit the number of guests to comfortably fit in your space, and if you are planning on being outside, ensure you have a wet weather ‘plan b’ with some indoor activities.

    Hire an entertainer or a bouncy-castle if you have space in the garden, or make sure you have enough fun games planned to entertain the kids. And keep the food simple, the last thing you need is to be spending hours preparing the party food.   

    Planning your boy’s birthday party

    Before you get to the nitty-gritty of what you are actually going to do on the day, there are a few other things to consider first. 

    Decide on a Venue

    The most important thing to get firmed up early is where you are going to hold the birthday party, and there are two options – host it at home or hire a venue.

    You may be thinking, how do you celebrate a kid’s birthday party at home? But actually, if you have the space it can be by far the easiest and budget-friendly option, and as I said before, all you need is a bit of food and some good games prepared. 

    Of course, you’ll need to consider the time of year and whether you can be outdoors or not. If it’s likely to be indoors only, you’ll need to keep the guest list short or find a venue that will give you more party space. 

    If you do decide to go down the route of hiring a room or going to an indoor venue, your options will range from simply a space where you will need to provide the entertainment and food, to packages with everything sorted for you. This will of course cost more, but something to consider if the thought of all the organization is giving you sleepless nights!

    Choose a birthday party theme

    If you want a themed party – and you really don’t need to! If you do go with a theme, it doesn’t have to be over the top – ask your guests to dress up, theme the cake and the tableware, and have a few appropriate games. 

    Send out invitations

    Once the venue is sorted, and the date and time is confirmed, the next job is to send out the invitations to your party guests. A couple of weeks is usually enough warning, although you may want to plan a bit further ahead during the busy seasons, such as Christmas and summer.

    Make sure you request an rsvp as you’ll need to know how many kids to expect.

    Food and Drink

    This does not need to be over the top. A few sandwiches and snacks or some pizzas and ice cream for older kids is perfect. Focus on the cake, that is what the birthday boy will remember, and he will probably have opinions on what kind of cake too! 

    Remember also to stock up on party supplies like paper plates, cups, napkins and balloons.

    Party Bags

    Again, this does not need to be over the top! Kids do love a goodie bag or a party favor but there is no need to stuff it full. One, or a couple, of well-thought-out gifts, are much better than a bag full of cheap plastic toys that will last 5 minutes.  

    Plan the games and activities

    The final piece of the puzzle is having a couple of games or an activity prepared to entertain your little one and their guests, and ensure it is a fun event.

    Drawing a blank or panicking over how you do that? Worry not, we have you covered with this extensive list of ideas for boy’s birthday parties, indoors and outdoors. 

    Ideas for toddler and preschooler boy’s activity birthday parties

    You have the date, the time, the venue, and the theme. Goodie bags and food is sorted so now it’s time to think about the games and activities for your little boy’s birthday party.

    So if you are looking for 3-year-old boy birthday party activities, here are some fun and simple ideas to help you celebrate your toddler’s and preschooler’s birthday. The best part is they are inexpensive and quick and easy to prepare. 

    It is worth noting that most of these games will not last more than 5-10 minutes, which is about all the attention span you will get with this age group anyway. 

    Indoor birthday party activity ideas for toddlers and preschoolers

    #1 Musical Chairs

    A classic party game! Line up two rows of chairs, back to back so they are facing outwards, with one less chair than the number of toddlers playing. Next, start some fun music and get the toddlers to go around the chairs in a circle until the music stops.

    When you pause the music they must sit on a chair as quickly as possible, and the person without a chair to sit on is out. Every round you’ll need to remove a chair as the players reduce until you are left with two players vying for one chair. 

    #2 Freeze Dance

    An all-time favorite in our family, simply put on some of their favorite music and get those toddlers dancing. Pause the music at intervals, and when the music is stopped the dancers must freeze in their current spot. Anyone who continues to move is out, and the winner is the last dancer standing. 

    #3 Balloon Games

    Kids, and particularly toddlers, love balloons! There’s a whole host of games you could try, such as keeping the balloons in the air, passing a balloon from body to body, balancing balloons on different body parts, or the balloon waddle obstacle course. 

    However, in my experience, particularly with little ones, where balloons are involved, you don’t even need a planned game. Just make sure you have lots of balloons and let them go for it. 

    #4 Duck, Duck, Goose

    A great game to keep your toddlers entertained and to burn off that excess energy. Sit the children in a circle and nominate a goose. The goose goes around the circle touching the other children’s heads saying ‘duck’ each time until at some point they say goose.

    The toddler that has been tagged goose must jump up and chase the goose around the circle back to the same spot. Whoever gets there first takes a seat, and the other is the new goose. 

    #5 Simon Says

    This will have those toddlers giggling away. Get them doing all sorts of actions such as ‘Simon says do three star jumps’, or ‘Simon says run on the spot’.  Actions should only be followed if the request is started with ‘Simon says’. Throw out the occasional demand without saying ‘Simon says’, and those who do it are out. 

    #6 Pass the Parcel

    Another classic party game that children love. To set up you need to wrap a present up in at least a dozen layers of wrapping paper, or newspaper works just as well.

    Get the children to sit in a circle and pass the parcel around the circle with some music playing. As soon as the music stops, the child holding the parcel gets to unwrap a layer. The child who unwraps the last layer wins the prize.

    If you want to keep everyone happy, you could put a small prize, such as candy, in each layer so that every child gets something.  

    #7 Pin the Tail on the Donkey

    You can buy a very inexpensive version of pin the tail on the donkey online or you can find print-at-home versions for free. Simply stick the picture up, not too high  – ensuring it can be reached, and blindfold each child in turn, before sending them in the direction of the donkey to have a shot at getting the tail in the right place. Sure to create some hilarity. 

    You can find alternatives such as pin the tail on the dinosaur, or pin the patch on the pirate, so if you’re having a theme you may be able to find a version to fit. 

    Outdoor birthday party activity ideas for toddlers and preschoolers

    #8 Paint Party

    A paint party is is a really fun activity for a toddler’s birthday party, what toddler doesn’t love to get messy with a paintbrush? 

    Young children do not have a very long attention span so set up a couple of different stations with different activities for them to explore.

    You could have large pieces of paper with washable paints on the floor in one area, an easel elsewhere and even chalk on a patio or wall goes down well.

    Just make sure that everything is washable and tell your guests to dress their children appropriately. Stock up on wet wipes too! 

    #9 Parachute Games

    The parachute is always popular with toddlers and there are a number of games that can be played. Firstly, of course, you’ll need a parachute which can easily be bought online.

    Games ideas include running under the parachute from one side to the other, ball toss – trying to keep the ball on the parachute, and treasures under the sea, where the children take it in turns to collect ‘treasure’ from under the parachute. 

    #10 Face Painting

    Children love face painting. You could attempt this yourself, or rope in a willing friend or family member to give it a go. But depending on your level of skill, this may be more stress than it’s worth.

    Alternatively, you can hire professional face painters (worth the money in my opinion) to come to your party and transform your preschoolers into superheroes, dinosaurs, animals, or whatever it is they want to be.  

    #11 Hide and Seek

    Sometimes a game as simple as hide and seek is all a toddler needs. One child, or a group if they’d prefer, finds somewhere to hide, and the others must find them.  The only requirement is a decent enough space with plenty of hiding options. 

    #12 Bounce House

    Hiring a bounce house, or a bouncy castle for your backyard, or venue, is a very simple way to keep those toddlers entertained. It is amazing how long they can spend jumping up and down! Not the cheapest option but a very easy one. And you should have some pretty exhausted toddlers by the end of the day! 

    #13 Scavenger Hunt 

    Before the party starts, hide small items and toys around for the kids to find. Arm them with a small bag or basket and send them off searching.

    Alternatively, you could supply each child with scavenger hunt lists of things they need to find, such as a leaf, pine cone, pebble, daisy etc. 

    #14 Bubble Popping

    If you are looking for a sure-fire way to entertain a bunch of toddlers, investing in a bubble machine is a dead cert. Something like this one from amazon does not cost much and your toddlers will love it. Most preschools are fascinated by bubbles and will happily spend time running around chasing after and popping them. 

    Related Post: 50+ Indoor gross motor activities for toddlers & preschoolers

    Ideas for primary school age boy’s activity birthday parties

    The above ideas are great for younger children but may not cut it as they start to get older. So if you are thinking what can I do for my kid’s 6th birthday? Or you are looking for activities for a 9-year-old boy’s birthday party, here are some great birthday party options. 

    Indoor birthday party activity ideas for primary school-age boys

    #15 Sleepover Party

    A super easy option as a parent, as long as all the kids are happy spending the night away from home, and this one feels like a real treat for the birthday boy. Make some pizzas, put on a movie, and provide some snacks, and you’re all sorted.  

    #16 Charades

    Charades is a classic game that is sure to get all the kids involved and break the ice. The best way, at this age, is to have some prewritten movies, books, and songs for them to act, which they will pick out of a hat before their turn. 

    #17 Craft Party

    One for those art and crafty boy’s. You can either have one craft that they all get involved in doing together, such as a large canvas painting or painting a giant cardboard box cake, or smaller individual crafts, which although it doesn’t get them working together quite so much, it does give them something nice to take home with them. 

    #18 Indoor Trampoline Center

    Trampoline parks never get boring and are a great choice for a boy’s birthday party, whatever age. Most have a range of different activities to keep them entertained and will provide a package with a birthday tea thrown in too. 

    #19 Soft Play

    I’m pretty sure every parent is pretty familiar with their local soft play center, so why not look into hosting your son’s birthday party there? The entertainment is sorted, and most will offer a package including food too. You’ll just need to take the cake. 

    #20 Pizza Making

    There are some pizza restaurants that offer this as a party, which I think is pretty cool, but you can also really easily do this at home, and kids love it. Either buy some premade pizza bases, or pre-prepare some pizza dough for the kids to roll out themselves, lay out a load of toppings, and let them create their own birthday tea. 

    #21 Candy Unwrap Game

    This game is so much fun and is guaranteed to rapidly increase the noise levels in the house!  It was one of my all time favorite party games as a child, it’s just such fun.

    The aim of the game is to unwrap a candy bar that has been prewrapped in layers of paper and eat it!

    Players roll two dice and if they get a double, they get the chance to unwrap the candy bar. To make it a challenge however they must first put on some oven mitts and any other items of clothing you fancy, to slow them down.

    You could also add that they have to unwrap it just using two knives (unsharp) or two forks.

    Meanwhile, the dice are still going around, and whenever someone else rolls a double, it is their turn. As soon as they get into the candy, they can start eating it, so you have to gobble down as much as possible before the next double is rolled!  

    #22 Ice Skating

    A particularly nice thing to do for a winter birthday. Most ice rinks will offer party packages where you either book all or part of the ice rink for private use. They will often put on games for the kids and have catering option too. 

    #23 Nerf Gun Party

    In some areas, you can hire someone to come in and set up a nerf gun party for you. They’ll be armed with a few different games, props, and of course the guns and ammo, and run the whole thing for you. 

    You can however quite easily do this yourself at home if you have a few nerf guns, and you can always ask your son’s friends to bring their own.  This can be done indoors with a big enough space or move it outside if more appropriate.  

    If you have a warm day and are hosting the party outside, you could also do this with water guns. 

    #24 Egyptian mummies

    Sure to cause hilarity! Divide the children into teams and give each a supply of toilet paper. On the word go they need to wrap one of their teammates up like an Egyptian mummy. Put a time limit on it, trying to do it quickly makes it even more fun.

    At the end of the time, choose the best wrapped mummy.

    Outdoor birthday party activity ideas for primary school age

    #25 Piñata

    Pinata’s are becoming more and more popular and kids love them, not just for the treats inside! You can buy a pinata easily online, and they come in all shapes and sizes. The filling is not included so you’ll need to buy the goodies separately.

    Hang your pinata from a lowish branch, making sure it is easy to reach. Blindfold the children one by one, and give them a turn each at hitting the pinata. Keep going around until someone breaks it and is showered with treats.

    #26 Backyard Campout

    What little boy doesn’t love camping? There’s no better way to celebrate a boy’s birthday than a night under canvas with a few friends. If you can make a campfire or use a fire pit then brilliant, you can toast marshmallows, make some s’mores and tell stories around the fire.

    If the weather is good enough you could incorporate an outdoor movie night too. 

    #27 Tug of War

    Great as an activity on its own or as part of a Sports Day party.  Split your party into two teams and have them hold either end of the rope, with a marker in the middle. On the word go they must pull the rope and see who can out pull who. Expect the children to want to go back for a few rounds of this one.

    #28 Capture the Flag

    This classic game is perfect for a boy’s birthday party particularly if you’ve got lots of kids over. Split them into two teams with a flag each that they need to protect. The aim is to try and steal the opposition’s flag without being tagged.  

    #29 Obstacle Course Race

    Set up two obstacle courses and split your party into two teams. Each player takes it in turns to run the obstacle course and whichever team finishes first is the winner. Obstacle course ideas – crawl under and jump over something, hula hoops, skipping, run around a cone, run backward, hop, etc. 

    #30 Roast marshmallows

    Toasting marshmallows and making s’mores don’t just have to be for overnight camping. All you need is an open fire and a bag of marshmallows and you’ll have some happy children. 

    #31 Petting Zoo

    A great party idea for any animal-loving little boy. You can either take them to a local petting zoo or there are plenty that will bring the animals to you at home. 

    #32 Water Balloon Game

    There’s endless fun that can be had with water balloons. Ideas include a water balloon and spoon race, water balloon pinata, water balloon baseball and catch the water balloon. Alternatively you could just have a free for all water balloon fight!  

    #33 Relay Races

    Relay races are great fun and the perfect way to send your guests home well exercised. Create a course with markers at each end, split your players into two teams and use your imagination when it comes to the races. You could do egg and spoon, sack races, wheelbarrow races, carrying water they have to pass to each other, or an all-time favorite the balloon waddle between the knees or under the chin. 

    #34 Limbo

    I have great memories of playing limbo at parties when I was younger. All you need is a pole, an adult holding each end, and some limbo music. The children take turns to limbo under the pole as it gets lower and lower each round. 

    #35 DIY Twister

    Who doesn’t love a game of twister? Visit She knows how for a simple but genius idea to recreate an outdoor version on your lawn using brightly colored spray paint. 

    #36 Tag

    Tag is a classic game that all kids love and will happily keep them entertained. Try different versions such as freeze tag and stuck in the mud to mix it up. 

    #37 Apple Bobbing

    Apple bobbing doesn’t need to be just for Halloween, it is perfect for a boy’s birthday party too. Fill a large bucket full of water and add some apples so that they float on the surface. The aim is for the children to get an apple out of the bucket using just their mouths – no hands allowed!

    #38 Donut String

    Similar to apple bobbing but this one involved donuts hanging from some string. Line the children up under the donuts making sure they can all reach their donut easily enough. With hands behind their backs, they must eat their donut off the string as quickly as possible. The winner is the first to finish.

    #39 Ball games

    A lot of boys love nothing more than playing with a ball in the backyard so why not make this the focus of your son’s birthday party? Set up a game of soccer, football, or dodgeball, and let them get on with it. 

    Ideas for older boy’s activity birthday parties

    Boys can get to an age when they start to grow out of a lot of backyard games, so if you are struggling for ideas of activities for your 12-year-olds, or even 15-year-olds, birthday party, here are a few fun ideas to consider.  

    Indoor birthday party activity ideas for older boys

    #40 Laser Tag

    For a 12-year-old boy, there isn’t much more exciting than putting on some war paint and getting kitted up for a game of laser tag. And running around blasting their friends with lasers will have the kids buzzing for days.

    #41 Movie Theatre

    We all love a trip to the movies so it is a great way to celebrate a birthday, particularly if there’s a big blockbuster on. You can either join a regular viewing or to make it really special, organize a private viewing complete with popcorn, drinks, and any other snacks those hungry teenagers might need. 

    #42 Arcade Party

    For those video game-loving boys, an arcade party is an absolute winner. You can either visit an arcade or set this up at home. There are even companies who can organize it all and bring all the gear to you. 

    #43 Bowling

    Bowling is a classic and is perfect for a bunch of energetic boys. Book a couple of lanes at your local bowling alley, gets some snacks in, and let the competition commence. 

    #44 Indoor Rock Climbing

    Indoor rock climbing is great fun and is the perfect activity for an active boy’s birthday party. It doesn’t matter if the kids haven’t done it before, it is suitable for all levels and hopefully, they’ll all come away having had an awesome time and having learned a new skill too.

    Outdoor birthday party activity ideas for older boys

    #45 Camping

    As your kids get a bit older you can improve on the backyard camping and head to a local National Park, forest or beach,  for a night of proper camping. They will love the adventure of being away from home for the night, somewhere new and exciting. Take a few outdoor games ideas with you and some marshmallows and you’ll be all set for an evening around the campfire. 

    #46 Mini Golf

    Mini golf or putt-putt golf is great for this age as they can actually have a good competition. It is great fun and kids tend not to get bored when every hole is different and presents a new challenge. 

    #47 Go-Karts

    You do need to make sure you find a track suitable for your age group, they sometimes have an age limit or a height limit so a little bit of research is required first. The excitement of driving solo and racing their friends makes for a really memorable boy’s birthday party. 

    #48 Paintballing

    Boys seem to love paintballing and most paintballing centers will be able to arrange a party package for you, suitable for your age group. Kids will love getting kitted up and running around shooting their friends with paint, in this action-packed birthday bash! 

    #49 Ropes Course

    Treetop rope adventure courses, like Goape in the UK, are appearing everywhere now and are ideal for an older boy’s birthday party. Not great for those with a fear of heights, but perfect for boys who love to climb and love a bit of adventure. Most have Tarzan swings and a zip line, and some do have appropriate courses for younger children too.  

    #50 Pool Party

    For those lucky enough to have a pool and summer babies, you have an absolute winner – let’s just hope the weather plays ball on the day!

    Pool parties don’t have to be just for summer birthdays and those who have a pool, however. Most local public swimming pools will offer a party option where you can hire all or part of the pool for your party, along with floats and pool toys. 

    #51 Flag Football Game

    This non-contact version of American football, where tackles are made by pulling off flags, is great fun and perfect for a sports-loving birthday boy. 

    #52 Outdoor Movie Theatre

    Want a fun take on a movie party? Why not set up an outdoor movie theatre for your son’s birthday? Set up a seating area with cushions, mattresses, bean bags, and blankets, make some popcorn, and pop on a favorite movie.

    Which party activities will you try for your son’s next birthday?

    I hope this has given you some inspiration and ideas for your boy’s next birthday party. There are some great budget-friendly options here, as well as some more splash-out suggestions, so hopefully, there is something to suit everyone’s needs.

    Just remember, and I need to keep telling myself this too, that hosting a kid’s birthday does not need to be, and should not be stressful! A party can be pulled together pretty quickly if needed, and you do not need to do anything elaborate for kids to have fun. 

    What kind of parties can be held in a loft and how to have a cool party 🎂

    A theme party is a way to create a different reality for yourself and your friends, move to any country and any era, be in the image of your favorite characters!

    We give 45 bright ideas for loft parties and tell you how to easily host cool parties for adults and children.

    Loft Parties for Adults

    In this section we have collected the most interesting theme party ideas for adults. If you want to see free venues for a party on a specific date, fill out the search form. And if you need some cool music, be sure to check out Spotify for a selection of playlists created by DJs for Bash Today. Choose your favorite styles and directions and delight your guests with unbridled dance beats.

    Stylish Gonzo Voemage

    Party in the Hawaiian style

    Pajama party in the style of American TV shows

    Bride Bidger-style

    Parties in the style of “Gatsby”

    Party Party

    Party in the style of the 90s

    Pin-up style bachelorette party

    Brazilian carnival-style party

    How to organize a theme party so that guests and the birthday boy will definitely remember it? A cool idea is to arrange a real Brazilian carnival right in the loft! It is better to warn guests about the theme in advance so that they have time to prepare bright costumes. Girls can come to the party in multi-colored swimsuits decorated with feathers, rhinestones and sequins – they are all their own in the loft, and there will definitely not be sidelong glances. A suitable suit for guys is swim shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and sandals.

    Pay special attention to music – it should be dynamic and incendiary, use exclusive tracks for the most atmospheric parties, created by the best DJs especially for Bash Today.

    During the party, it would be great to have a master class in lambada or samba.

    The Brazilian party menu includes tacos, tartlets, fruits and vegetables. For dessert, you can order a bright cake with an edible carnival mask in the pastry shop. According to tradition, a figurine of a child god is usually hidden inside the cake. The one who finds it in his piece will have good luck all year!

    Goth Party

    Goth Party is an easy way to throw a classy party. The dress code for guests is extremely simple – black, leather, chains, massive shoes. Girls can make up their lips with purple or scarlet lipstick, line their eyes with black pencil or make vamp-style makeup.

    It is better to darken the room – you can choose a loft with blackout curtains for your party. Arrange candles throughout the room, decorate the location with skulls, cobwebs, black and red helium balloons. You can add dry ice to the interior, which will create a mysterious “fog”. It’s great if there is a smoke machine on the site of your choice.

    To decorate the table, you will need black satin textiles, crystal wine glasses, elegant cutlery, dark ribbons and red roses. Treat your friends to marmalade in the form of eyes, snakes and frogs, “bloody” muffins with raspberry jam. Pour red wine or a Bloody Mary cocktail into glasses.

    Organize a tarot card reading or a mystical quest to entertain your guests.

    India Style Party

    If you’re thinking about throwing a mehendi party, it’s a great idea to throw a party that’s all about Indian culture.

    To decorate the venue, you will need garlands of natural or artificial flowers, incense, aromatic oils, multi-colored fabrics with traditional patterns, pillows with tassels and fringes, figures of elephants and monkeys. You can print images of Ganesha – a cheerful god in the form of a half-elephant-half-human.

    An invited master can decorate the hands of guests with mehendi, another option is to buy special henna in a needlework store and try to paint the palms with patterns yourself.

    India is also famous for its serials and dances. To have a fun party, prepare some episodes with traditional shootouts, escapes and dances – let the participants act out these skits in teams and have a good laugh!

    Invite your guests to taste the traditional Indian cuisine – chicken curry, fluffy flatbread, tea with milk and spices and halva. You can treat your friends to a hookah, because it was in India that the culture of smoking was born.

    We’ve selected a variety of party venues to make it easier for you to find the perfect one.

    007 Party

    Are you wondering how to organize a party full of secrets and mysteries? Throw a James Bond-style spy party! Organize an interesting detective quest — you can order it from professionals or prepare it yourself. Show your imagination – “steal” one of your friends so that others can find him. Leave clues in the corners of the loft in advance, quietly pass the secret codes to each of the guests. Let the dress code be official: business suits for men and elegant black dresses for girls. All guests can be given hats and dark glasses, as well as toy guns.

    Treats at a spy party can be anything, the main thing is to decorate the table in style. Champagne pyramids, a chocolate fountain, bar catering – all this will make the holiday elegant and memorable.

    Greek Style Party

    If you’re choosing which style to throw your party in, a “journey” to Greece is a bright idea. It is very easy to find clothes for such a holiday – light beach tunics or loose cotton shirts are suitable for girls, and guys can build themselves a tunic from several meters of white fabric, fastening its ends on the back with pins.

    To decorate the room, you can find plaster busts – they are sold in needlework stores. Posters depicting ancient gods, old vases and lamps, candles and flowers are also perfect.

    The menu for a Greek party is easy to compose – prepare a Greek salad, canapes with cheese, olives and tomatoes, serve seafood in a lemon dressing as a hot dish. The main drink of the evening will be red and white wine.

    Awaken the spirit of competition among guests, organize sports competitions – your own Olympic Games with laurel wreaths for the winners. The evening can end with a friendly sirtaki dance, this national Greek dance can be performed by everyone after watching any video on YouTube.

    Around the World Party

    This is the perfect idea for a surprise birthday party for an avid traveler. Guests will be able to visit different parts of the world and learn the traditions of different countries without leaving the walls of the loft. Choose 3-5 states that the birthday boy likes and organize several thematic zones. Let each reflect the culture and traditions of the chosen people, their music, history, clothes and hobbies. You can arrange a quiz, during which guests will learn interesting facts about the life of other countries, and also come up with tasks in the forfeit format, for example, dance the Argentinean tango or play the African drum.

    Buffet catering will be an excellent solution for treating guests – order dishes from various cuisines of the world and decorate each table in the appropriate style.

    The Vampire Diaries Party

    What kind of birthday party would you throw for a Vampire Diaries fan? Most likely, he will be pleased with the holiday in the style of “vamp”!

    Loft can be decorated with posters with the characters of the series, artificial web and bat figures.

    The main colors of the party will be black and red. However, it is not necessary to wear special costumes – all the characters of the series looked like ordinary schoolchildren. But you will definitely need makeup – apply a lot of light powder to make your face porcelain-pale. You can draw red streaks near the eyes, which appeared on the characters when they were angry. The main attribute is fake fangs, you can buy them in the prank shop.

    Treat your friends with “blood” – it will be especially cool to pour red wine and tomato juice into donor bags. If the budget does not allow, you can pour red cocktails into glass alcohol bottles and stick labels on them with different blood types and Rh factors.

    During the party, each guest can be given a vampire ring like those that protected the heroes of the series from the sun’s rays.

    Children’s thematic parties

    Parties in the style of minecraft

    Harry Potter Style

    Birthday K-Pop

    Pishamn Children’s Party

    Party Party Parties in Malefisent style


    Slime party

    “Blogir” Party

    Feisart Party

    Party in one color

    Party Lol


    Culinary Party

    Paper Party Party

    Party in the style »

    Hipster Kids Party

    Moana Party

    Frozen Kids Party

    Mexican Kids Party

    Trolls Party

    Lego Party

    Delicate and touching, moving and sporty, for girls and boys, here are the best party ideas for kids aged 2 to 16. And you can always book a suitable loft for a children’s party on Bash Today.

    Flower Party Style Birthday Party

    If you’re wondering how to throw a party for a girl, a delicate flower party is a great idea.

    Pay special attention to the design of the room – it is better to invite a professional florist to such an event. He will decorate the site with flowers and create the atmosphere of a spring garden right within the walls of the loft.

    The birthday girl can dress up in a puffy dress or skirt in a bright color, a headband with flowers will become a beautiful accessory. Guests can be presented with bracelets with silk roses.

    Decorate a table or candy bar with vases with rose petals. It is better to make treats light and colorful, offer guests desserts with icing flowers, fruits, berries, fresh juices and smoothies.

    A master class on floristry will perfectly fit into the style of the holiday — an experienced presenter will teach participants how to create flower arrangements in just 1-2 hours.

    Monsters on Vacation Party

    A cartoon about funny and clumsy monsters that kids and adults love – use this idea to throw a fun party. It is important that before the holiday, parents also watch at least one part of the cartoon, then it will be much easier to bring it to life. Invite the birthday boy and guests to choose images of different heroes – Dracula and his daughter, Frankenstein, the Egyptian Mummy, the Skeleton and Quasimodo will gather for your holiday.

    Turn the loft into the Transylvania Hotel for one evening: black and purple colors and silvery details – stars, candlesticks – are suitable for decoration. You will also need figures of skeletons and spiders, black balloons and artificial web.

    The festive table can be covered with a black tablecloth, and elegant cutlery can be placed on it. Decorate the candy bar with candles and scary cupcakes with vampire fangs and bats.

    There will be no problems with the music for the party – the cartoon has a lot of moving soundtracks, to which children will happily arrange their own disco. You can order a neon show – the guys will be delighted with the luminous figures that appear in complete darkness.

    Nautical themed kids party

    Any time of the year there is a way to get your child in the summer mood – for this you can arrange a nautical party! To design a loft, use not only all shades of blue, but also red, white colors. The room can be decorated with ropes and fishing nets, figurines of ships and lighthouses, steering wheels and anchors. Hang a lifebuoy on the wall, and put glass jars with sand and shells on the festive table. Inflatable flamingos and a donut-shaped swim ring will be cool elements of the photo zone.

    Dress up the birthday boy in a captain’s cap, give him and the guests vests. To entertain the kids, arrange a sand painting workshop for them. Of mobile contests, treasure hunting and tug-of-war will fit perfectly into the theme.

    The holiday menu includes fish, salads with seafood, caviar tartlets and cupcakes with figures of underwater inhabitants. You can invite a bartender who will prepare colorful non-alcoholic cocktails for guests.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Party

    The boys are sure to be excited to participate in such a party!

    Before organizing the holiday, it is important for parents to watch a couple of episodes so as not to confuse the Turtles and their features.

    Ask the birthday boy’s friends to come in brown or beige pants and green T-shirts. Prepare red, purple, orange, and blue headbands for guests, as well as toy swords, nunchucks, tridents, and bo poles (sets are sold in toy stores).

    Turn your loft into a turtle hideout with paper garlands, themed posters, and life-size puppets.

    The main treat of the evening is pizza! Turtles love anchovy pizza, but it’s better not to risk it and order different toppings so that everyone can find something to their liking.

    Candy bar can be divided into 4 color zones: red, purple, orange and blue. In each place cupcakes, lollipops, marmalades of a certain shade. Sweet drinks can also be 4 colors, for example, cranberry and blackcurrant juice, orange juice and green tarragon.

    Entertainment for fidgets should be as active as possible – organize a quest to “save the city”, fight with artificial swords, contests for accuracy, dexterity and speed.

    Disney themed party

    If your child loves Disney cartoons, they will love the idea of ​​having a Disney themed loft party. The theme of the holiday is suitable not only for girls, but also for boys – invite guests to come up with a cool image in advance. Girls can become Belle or Aurora for the evening, and guys can become Mickey Mouse, Olaf from Frozen or Fox from Zootopia.

    You can print posters from Disney cartoons, garlands with flags depicting heroes, tablecloths and tableware with princesses to decorate the room. A fabulous atmosphere will be created by floral decorations and helium balloons of various colors. The photo zone can be decorated with soft toys of the characters, the children will definitely be delighted to be photographed with them. Place caramel apples from Snow White, edible roses from Belle and oriental baklava from Jasmine on the table.

    Pink Party Style

    Pink Party is a cool idea to throw a nice party without spending a lot of money. The dress code is extremely simple – invite friends dressed in all shades of pink and white. Yes, yes, and boys too!

    The choice of decorations is huge: you can easily find pink garlands, lush tablecloths and disposable dishes. So that the design is not monotonous, we advise you to dilute it with silver details (candlesticks, trays, balls) – you get a really cool combination!

    Book a themed candy bar with fabulous cupcakes, cake pops and lollipops. Pink macaroons, delicate jelly and smoothies will also appeal to kids. Milkshakes with marshmallows and marshmallows will become a magical decoration – you can order a master class during which the guys, under the guidance of the presenter, will prepare amazing sweet drinks for themselves.

    Arabian Night Party

    Arabian Night Party is an opportunity to give your child a real oriental fairy tale for their birthday. For inspiration, you can watch movies and cartoons about Aladdin and Princess Jasmine, reread fairy tales from the collection “1000 and 1 Nights”.

    To decorate the area, you will need an oriental carpet – lay it out in the very center of the room. Decorate furniture with velvet capes, satin cushions with fringe and tassels.

    Girls can dress up in silk costumes of oriental beauties, tunics and headbands embroidered with coins, turbans and bloomers will be useful for boys. Some of the guests can choose the image of Genie or Ali Baba.

    To create a mysterious atmosphere of the East, turn on the aroma lamp or set fire to incense, put on a playlist of Arabic music.

    The holiday menu includes oriental pilaf, kebabs, a lot of vegetable salads, halva, baklava and nuts for dessert.

    Fidgets will be happy with mobile activities: invite them to participate in the search for a magic lamp, a battle with toy swords or a belly dance master class. After the holiday, each guest can be presented with oriental bracelets as a keepsake.

    Choose the theme you like and have the coolest and most fun parties!

    Birthday party styles: choose and celebrate brightly and cheerfully!

    Thematic holidays are not a fashion trend, a way to stand out or impress guests with the level of preparation. Rather, these are “felt-tip pens” with which we write our memory book – bright, colorful, full of wonderful memories ! And different styles of birthday parties allow you to choose something close in spirit and mood.

    Remarkably, the choice is unlimited. Of course, there are theme parties for children (cartoons) and for adults (beer house, cabaret). However, most of them are universal. For example, the popular Barbie or the Little Mermaid are like childish options, but girls often choose them for 20 and even 30 years.

    The only convention is the gender of the birthday boy. Pink, Tiffany and other girlish joys are not interesting for guys. But purely masculine themes for themed birthday parties have not yet been invented.

    How to choose the right one from dozens of existing styles? We offer a simple scheme:

    • decide which topics attract you more, popular or unusual;
    • get acquainted with the “range” – look at the photos, read the articles;
    • select those that make you want to run to the store for jewelry right now;
    • exclude, if any, unpleasant for guests;
    • consider the rest from the point of view of the organizer. Consider the time to implement the idea, budget and other nuances.

    If you are throwing a party for teenagers aged 13 and over, it is better to choose the style of the party together. But a children’s birthday can be a surprise for the birthday boy – parents probably know what the kid is passionate about today.

    Our TOP is based on the number of searches, these are the most popular party styles. The advantage is that a lot of detailed information is available on the Web, including this site, about any of them. Surely you can buy ready-made decor, there are master classes, thoughtful ideas, scripts – a huge help.

    1. Hawaiian

    An extravaganza of colorful flowers, cocktails in pineapples and coconuts, hot dances to ethnic music – a Hawaiian party will give you a feeling of hot summer even in frosty winter. Simple costumes, an abundance of scenery, noisy entertainment at home, in a cafe or even in a bathhouse!

    2. Pirate

    Where are the robbers from the main road, if there is an endless ocean around. A three-cornered hat, a battered sailor suit and a faithful saber – ready to search for treasures! The theme is equally attractive to children, teenagers and adults. But the preparation will take a lot of time – chests of gold, nets, sails and other rigging, imitation of the side of a ship or a pirate island.

    On the other hand, a pirate-themed birthday party is great for realizing the plot scenario. And it is always a sea of ​​positive emotions.

    3. Marine

    For lovers of bright summer holidays, regardless of the season outside the window. Marine life for entourage and as treats, warm (how else?) sand in transparent containers, shells, corals, miniature boats, tropical plants, a wide range of beach cocktails.

    4. Pajama room

    A fun way to relax in the company of friends at home, and the most daring go to clubs right in their pajamas! For children, a pajama party will be a real adventure if guests stay overnight – mountains of pillows, sleeping bags or mattresses, tents made of sheets, electric lights and creepy bedtime horror stories.

    5. Cowboy

    Westerns, even after decades of their peak popularity, awaken the spirit of adventurism in us. The romance of the prairies, the indefatigable horse under the saddle, the cowboy hat, the shooting from the Colt, the lasso throwing without a miss. The atmosphere of the Wild West, coupled with active competitions, will certainly result in a perfect holiday!

    6. ​​Beer

    An informal beer party is a great option when you don’t want to spend time preparing. Funny garlands of paper mugs with a head of foam, colorful triangles-flags, snacks, wings, Bavarian sausages – you’re done. And how many emotions brings beerpong and other alcoholic fun!

    7. Denim

    Wardrobe full of jeans that you can no longer wear, but would you mind throwing away? If your friends have one, then a denim party suggests itself. The simplest but spectacular design, light snacks, free entertainment – an original theme for all those who are young at heart.

    8. Pionerskaya

    More often attracts the audience of 30+ years old as a way to briefly return to the world of red ties, summer camps, patriotic Zarnitsa and pioneer chants. Eskimo, lemonade, doctor’s sausage, herring with peas for entourage and the symbols of the USSR wherever the eye falls.

    9. Casino

    Gambling, gourmet treats, sparkling crystal and expensive alcohol – a casino themed birthday party will leave no one indifferent. Place your bets and hit the jackpot to the enchanting sounds of jazz!

    10. Mafia

    Gorgeous retro outfits, motifs of a bygone era, incendiary dances and other entertainment in the company of the most dangerous mafiosi/gangsters. In addition to playing the Mafia, dice and roulette, alcohol contests (how not to drink for the adoption of Prohibition? =), competitions for accuracy will fit in.

    9. Spy

    Follow the clues to solve the mystery of the missing beer crate. Or arrange an aptitude test for spies – shoot, check prints, look for evidence, expose … spies sent by an enemy organization. Suitable for storyline.

    8. Superheroes

    Large selection of topics – Marvel or DC, the birthday boy’s favorite superhero, all together, comics, movies or cartoons. Recognizable images, active games, rescue mission – even adults like it, let alone children with their endless thirst for adventure!

    7. Oriental

    Imitation of a tent, Persian carpets, silk cushions, glitter of gold, copper and brass, aromas of oriental sweets and hookah. And how to feel like an Arab princess, especially among a crowd of attractive sultans? A thousand and one delights!

    6. ​​Oscar

    Under the shine of the spotlights, you walk all so gorgeous along the red carpet. All around, the fans squeal with delight, the helpful receptionist opens the door, and the waiter hurries to meet you with a glass of sparkling wine. And it’s fun, as without it – screen tests, acting out mini-scenes, playful nominations.

    Oscar/Hollywood themed birthday party perfect for celebrating 30+ anniversaries in a chic restaurant with animators, show program, hosts. Of course, not the most economical option, but very effective!

    5. Greek

    Refined ethnic decor, natural colors, gilding, abundance of snow-white textiles, southern fruits, young wines – friends will feel like guests on Olympus under heaven. Or even gods, if you arrange a costume party. And weightless chitons/tunics seem to be created especially for relaxation in the sauna or on the beach.

    4. Stilyagi

    Balls with polka dots, colorful garlands of paper ties, socks and bows, plaques on the walls. Invite your friends to the phaser’s hut (interior of the 50s) or to the legendary Cocktail Hall. Twist, boogie-woogie, foxtrot, rock and roll – how to sit still, and even in such a charming puffy dress?

    3. Disco

    Theme party music is popular with both kids and teens. But Disco is more often chosen by 30+, nostalgic for the frantic rhythm of 120 beats per minute. A spacious hall, colorful colorful atmosphere, color music and an indispensable disco ball will create the perfect atmosphere for retro hits 70-90x.

    2. Mexican

    A very bright, noisy and a little crazy idea – ponchos, sombreros, maracas, striped rugs, tequila cacti. Have you tried real tacos, nachos and burritos?

    Fried or corn ice cream? If yes, and you liked it – it’s worth repeating! If not, all the more you need to taste the Mexican extravaganza!

    1. Paper

    One of the most flexible themes, allowing you to realize any creative idea. A paper party can be an explosion of colors or an example of conciseness, noisy or sophisticated, even ethnic. Painstaking preparation, but it is quite possible to fit into a very modest budget, while impressing guests with a unique design.

    Another plus – any entertainment, cuisine, music will do. There is no strict binding to images, plot and other conventions.

    Pirates, spies, Hawaii, cowboys – has it all happened more than once? You might like original party styles for creative people who love creative experiments.


    Soldiers, majors, generals and other military ranks walked at-bats. At first glance, it smells of rigor and formalism, but it is not. On the contrary, military parties are noisy and fun: active entertainment, accuracy, dexterity and strength competitions, patriotic songs, secret operations behind enemy lines.


    It even sounds delicious. Warm chocolate color decor, all kinds of sweets, chocolate-covered fruits, cocoa, milkshakes, fountains of heavenly delicacies! Add good champagne, dance music, outdoor games – such a holiday will be remembered for a long time.


    For fans of science fiction and dreamers of universal scale. Foil, planets and stars, flashing light bulbs around, treats of a strange color-looking. And also costumes of funny aliens, brave astronauts and recognizable characters. Preparation is not easy, but it is worth it!

    Black and white

    A series of themes united by a common color scheme – decorations, costumes and even menu items are only black or white. This can include the eternal struggle between good and evil, angels and demons, retro, black and white cinema. Thanks to the game of contrast, the atmosphere is very original and catchy with minimal investment.


    Among the crowd of people in sombreros, bowler hats, veiled hats, top hats, elephant ears and whoever has enough imagination, it simply cannot be boring. This is the only condition of the dress code, everything else is up to you.

    Put flowers in bowlers, use hats instead of fruit vases, throw hats on hangers and coins in the boater – it’s going to be fun!


    Another hooligan theme for any age, whether the birthday boy is 7, 13 or 60 with a long squirrel tail. Or maybe a rabbit? Or limit yourself to skirts, pantyhose, nipples? Bows, don’t forget the bows! And bibs for everyone before meals. More chairs should not be enough, carry eggs exclusively in spoons, and treat apples only from a string.


    The craziest option of all – a shoe in an aquarium, dolls in cages, upside down furniture, Dali paintings on the walls, multi-colored flickering lighting, stunning costumes. A holiday on the verge of reality, a waking dream. A very bold idea that will definitely never be forgotten!


    Raspberry guts, almond fingers, bloody cocktails and brain birthday cake. Are you still here? Then the zombie party will definitely not scare you! The atmosphere of the post-apocalypse, torn old clothes, face painting and sticky napkins where the ghoul poked during his lifetime. Very simple and amazing effect!

    If you’re still having trouble deciding, try planning scenario first. Think about the story, the entertainment, the atmosphere – after all, the style of the party is not what matters. It is more important that the birthday was fun, leaving only positive emotions in your memory. And whether you will be at the same time in pajamas, a cowboy outfit or a luxurious evening dress is not so important.

    how much does it cost to spend a holiday with a theme party and a photo session with the family

    Anna Belan

    organizes parties for her children

    I have two children. All their birthdays — 10 holidays — I came up with and organized myself.

    We live in Kaluga. Usually, children’s birthdays here are limited to matinees with hats, disposable tableware, pizza and an animator at the children’s center. Children like it, but in fact, all such holidays are similar to each other – there is no wow effect after them.

    In the article, I will tell you how I myself come up with children’s holidays, how much I spend on them and how I save.

    How much does it cost to book a holiday at an agency?

    It is easiest to turn to professionals for help, but it is expensive. I will give an example of a calculation based on the price list from the Tenth Kingdom agency in Kaluga.

    Transformers style party for 10 children — 61,100 R

    Transformers themed show program 30,000 R
    Photozone 7000 R
    Rent a children’s center for two hours 6000 R — 600 R per person
    Catering 5000 R
    Photographer 4000 R
    Table setting 3000 R
    Themed cake, 2 kg 2600 R
    Custom scenario 2000 R
    Electronic invitations 1500 R

    Thematic show program “Transformers”

    30 000 000 r

    Photo zone

    7000 R

    Two hours

    6000 r – 600 r per person


    5000 5000 R


    4000 4000 r 9000

    3000 p

    thematic cake, 2 kg

    2600 r

    Individual scenario

    2000 R

    Electronic invitation

    1500 R

    I believe that 60,000 r for children’s birthday is expensive, especially when you take into account, especially when you take into account that the average salary in Kaluga is 35,000-40,000 R. Therefore, much of what the agency offers, I do myself – and it turns out no worse. For the preparation of one holiday, I plan about three months to do everything at a relaxed pace.

    I always prepare for the holidays in advance: this is the only way to find the best prices, book everything calmly, buy, think over and not fuss. In addition, money for a holiday in this mode is spent gradually – the wallet does not suffer so much than if I did everything at once in a couple of weeks.


    What to give a child: 22 ideas

    Further in the article I will tell you what holidays I have already spent for my children.

    Birthday with family

    Expenses: 18 920 R.

    Age of the birthday girl: 1 year.

    Subject: The Little Mermaid.

    For this holiday, we rented a hall in a time cafe, ordered catering and a cake. There was no alcohol: a children’s holiday. We did not invite an animator, because our daughter was too small, and other children were not present at the holiday.

    I always try to provide guests with some common attribute in the image. At that time, the women had flower wreaths on their heads, and the men had inflatable tweeter tridents, like the Triton from the cartoon about the Little Mermaid.

    7 board games based on cartoons for children and adults

    We turned one wall into a photo zone. For her, I ordered a mermaid tail made of balloons and a couple of fountains made of confetti balloons, bought three meters of shiny net and hung it on the wall to shimmer beautifully. It turned out great and unbanal — the photo zone was appreciated by all the guests.

    The photo zone cost us 2600 R. The mermaid tail was made from balloons We asked the guests, if possible, to come in clothes of pink, light green and gold colors, so that the holiday would turn out to be harmonious

    The photo zone cost us 2600 R. The mermaid’s tail was made from balloons We asked guests to come in pink, light green and gold clothes if possible, so that the holiday turned out to be harmonious

    To decorate the table, I bought disposable tablecloths, paper plates, cups, napkins , tubes with mermaids. I also took a set of glass pebbles, which are usually placed in flower pots, and sea shells. The central figure on the table was a glass vase with popcorn, shells and pearl beads – it was an imitation of sea foam. The cake stood on a separate table, which we decorated with two cloud lamps and paper fans.

    There were no other children at the matinee, so I agreed with the photographer about reporting and staged shooting of the whole family. We did it within an hour, and as a result, we left wonderful sunny pictures, where everything is in the frame and without a selfie stick. We even blew out the candles on the cake before we sat down at the table to let the photographer go. When the child is still small, you can go for such tricks.

    18,920 R was spent on a birthday with family

    Catering 7400 Р
    Room rental in a time cafe for two hours 3000 R — 300 R per person
    Photozone design 2600 R
    Table setting 1920 R
    Photographer 1500 R
    Decorations for guests 1300 Р
    Fruits and juices 1200 R
    Cake Free, gift from guest
    Tea and coffee Free of charge, included in the rent of the hall


    7400 r

    Hall rental in time-cafe for two hours

    3000 r-300 r about a person

    photo zone

    2600 r


    1920 r


    1500 R

    Decorations for guests

    1300 R

    Fruits and juices

    1200 R


    Free of charge, a gift from the guest

    Tea and coffee

    Free of charge, included in the rent of the hall

    The table was decorated in pink and light green colors Popcorn, pearl beads and shells – we had an imitation of sea foam

    The table was decorated in pink and light green tones Popcorn, pearl beads and shells – we had an imitation of sea foam At the price of a pastry shop, the cake would cost 2600 R. We got it for free – it was a gift from a guest


    Expenses: 12 720 R.

    Age of the birthday girl: 2 years.

    Subject: Chanel #2.

    We also celebrated our daughter’s second birthday with her family. There was no food and entertainment: my husband and I decided that it would be better to keep beautiful photos as a keepsake, and arrange a festive dinner at home in the kitchen. This option is suitable if the child does not yet have peer friends, but the family wants something more than just drinking tea with grandmothers.

    For this idea, we rented a photo studio for one hour. We were lucky that we found one that was not cluttered with decorations. This was important, because for the holiday I was thinking over my own photo zone.

    We also selected outfits for the style of the holiday, but focused on black and white colors – these will be found in the closet of all The Internet is full of step-by-step tutorial videos, so making your own decor is easy

    We also selected outfits to match the style of the holiday, but focused on black and white colors – these can be found in everyone’s closet The Internet is full of step-by-step training videos, so it will not be difficult to make the decor yourself its installation. Then they bought corrugated paper and made flowers and leaves out of it – they learned right in the process from videos from the Internet. The black letters ARINA and the Eiffel Tower helped us to make them familiar – they cut them out of foam plastic at the factory, and then we painted it all ourselves with spray paint. We painted at the last moment, so it didn’t turn out very neatly – in a good way, it was necessary to go through the paint again on top. But everything looked good in the photo.

    We also took a diaper box, covered it with wrapping paper and printed out the name Chanel – it turned out to be a giant perfume box. Aerodesigners ordered a large number 2 filled with balloons inside, and a fountain of five helium balloons. Balloons with air that lay on the floor were given to us for free.

    We invited a professional photographer to the studio. For an hour of his work, they paid 2000 R – as a result, they received 100 pictures in general color correction and 15 more with retouching. Then we all went home together and drank tea with a cake – I baked it myself. A few days later, each guest was printed out a souvenir photo.


    How to become a family photographer

    A holiday-photoshoot was organized for 12,720 R

    Banner with flowers: banner printing, design rental, decoration paper 5120 R
    Balls 2150 R
    Photographer for 1 hour 2000 R
    Styrofoam letters 1950 R
    Cake ingredients 1000 Р
    Photo studio rent for 1 hour 500 R

    Banner with flowers: banner printing, rental of structures, paper for decoration

    5120 R


    2150 R 9000 cake

    1000 R

    Renting a photo studio for 1 hour

    500 R

    The dress for my daughter was presented by relatives on March 8 — they already knew that we were planning a birthday in the style of Chanel

    Holiday “Transformers” in the children’s center

    Expenses: 14 500 R.

    Birthday age: 5 years.

    Subject: “Transformers”.

    For this birthday, most of the budget – 7000 R – went to animators in costumes of transformer robots Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. Under the Optimus Prime costume, there was practically no person visible – the animator looked like a real robot with light, sound, special movements and a metallic voice. My husband and I decided that such a gift in the form of favorite characters to the child will be remembered more than another transformer toy.

    As a result, both adults and children were delighted. Robot animators played sports with children, arranged a dance battle, and used a real air gun as a fan. The animator kept the attention of the children who were playing out and adapted the program to the situation on the go, for example, changing the rules to include shy guests in the game. Specialists brought with them all the necessary props and a music column.


    5 signs of a safe child toy

    Birthday with transformers spent 14,500 R

    Animation: robot Optimus Prime — 4500 R per 20 minutes, Bumblebee — 2500 R per hour 7000 R
    Table: pizza, cupcakes, fruits, drinks 4000 R
    Rent a children’s center: two hours of rent, face painting and table decoration 3500 R

    Animation: robot Optimus Prime — 4500 R per 20 minutes, Bumblebee — 2500 R per hour

    7000 R

    Table: pizza, cupcakes, fruit, drinks

    4000 R

    Children’s center rental: two hours of rent, face painting and table decoration

    3500 R

    special effects he will remember more than a banner with balloons

    Birthday in the style of “Minecraft”

    Spending: 15 225 R.

    Birthday age: 6 years.

    Subject: Minecraft.

    For this holiday, I had to carefully study the topic of Minecraft myself. To do this, I read Wikipedia and found out the details from the child. I was looking for ideas for inspiration on Pinterest.

    We ordered the same t-shirts for all the children-guests – they put them on at the same time, it looked cool and impressive. Their children took them home as a birthday present. We bought the cheapest T-shirts, cotton, of the same size, and I made the decor myself using thermal transfer film and a plotter that I have at home. The birthday boy had a T-shirt with the inscription “Six”.

    One themed t-shirt cost me 230 R. To order, it would cost from 400 R

    I bought food that would fit the meaning of the game. For example, in Minecraft there is a fish element – cracker fish became it, Inspiration chocolate was an ingot of silver, chewing marmalade was dynamite, mushroom cookies were mushrooms. Also on the table were pizza, juice and water.

    9 more computer games that you don’t mind spending time on

    I also tied the table decoration to the theme of the holiday – I changed the labels on water bottles, wrapped packs of juice and printed nameplates. I also made masks for children to make funny photos. This preparation took 3-4 hours and an ordinary home printer.

    Children’s birthday in the style of the game “Minecraft” – 15 225 R

    Rent of the children’s center and the work of the animator 6500 P
    Food 3850 P
    T-shirts for guests 2300 Р
    Table decoration and balloons 1425 Р
    Printing for decoration 1000 R
    Invitations 150 R
    Cake Free – a gift from a guest

    Rent of the Children’s Center and the work of the animator

    6500 r


    3850 R

    T -shirts to guests

    9000 2300 R

    table design and balloons

    1425 p

    Polygraphy for the design of

    100000 R


    150 Р


    Free – a gift from the guest

    We printed out the invitation forms on a printer, and I made the envelopes from pastel paper and black cardboard. One invitation cost 15 R. On order, this would cost from 150 R per piece

    I love to come up with themed food for the holidays We also received a cake as a gift. On order, this would cost about 3000 R

    I love to invent themed food for the holidays We also received a cake as a gift. Such an order would cost about 3000 R.

    Holiday in laser tag

    Expenses: 21 470 R.

    Birthday age: 7 years.

    Subject: Military.

    This format is suitable when children grow up. Just jumping on trampolines becomes boring for them, and a party in the style of a game or a cartoon is no longer relevant.

    I started the preparation with invitations. I made them myself again: I printed out the forms on the printer and put them in envelopes made of camouflage-printed kraft paper. The main detail of the invitations was a personalized token for each guest, which was also a pass to the event. I made the tokens themselves out of cardboard, and I bought the chains at Sima-land — one piece cost 15 R. One invitation with a token cost only 30 RUR. , there was already a ready-made banner in military style. We just added a streamer of flags and a garland of balloons to it.


    Orbiball and pneumatics: 7 places in Moscow where you can shoot

    The invitation alone sets the right tone for the whole event. I am sure that many adults would not refuse such ones. Banner was already on the rented site, I paid only 500 R for flags and 700 R for balloons

    The children this time were not familiar with each other, so I ordered another animator who played with them in various games on a soldier theme. Later, the children were divided into two teams, and laser tag began.

    When ordering food, I decided to go beyond the usual and prepared individual dry rations for the children. I put juice, chocolate, cookies, lollipop, a bottle of water, apple slices, tea, a spoon and a fork in a craft box. With the help of printed labels, I designed everything in the same style – the children took these sets home. For a snack during the games, there were pizza and sweets on the tables.

    3500 R

    I spent on 10 dry rations

    To decorate the table, I bought burlap and disposable tablecloths, as well as soldiers and a machine for entourage. She prepared gifts for the guests: handbags for girls, and shoe bags for boys. I also bought a face painting kit and made war paint for all the children.

    Birthday in laser tag organized for 21 470 R

    Laser tag rental 8000 P
    Pizza and sweets 4550 P
    Dry rations, 10 pieces 3500 R
    Animator 2500 R
    Flags and balloons for photo zone 1200 R
    Gifts for guests 980 R
    Table decoration 320 R
    Invitations 300 R
    Face painting 120 R

    Laser tag rent

    8000 r

    pizza and sweets

    4550 R

    Sukhpayki, 10 pieces

    3500 r


    2500 R

    flags and balls for the photo zone

    1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 guests

    980 R

    Table decoration

    320 R


    300 R

    Face painting

    120 R

    One such dry ration cost 350 R

    Cake pops in the form of grenades cost 150 R a piece, trifles – 110 R a piece Severe military discipline at this holiday was in the theme of

    Cake pops in the form of grenades cost 150 R per piece, trifles – 110 R per piece Severe military discipline at this holiday was in the theme So I designed water bottles

    Holiday organization details

    Choice of theme and design. The easiest way is to focus on your favorite cartoon character or start from the interests of the child. I love looking for inspiration on Pinterest. It was there that I found options for decorating the Little Mermaid holiday.

    Pinterest is easy to work with: if you already know an approximate topic, enter it in the address bar, for example, “mermaid birthday”. Choose the photos you like and click on them – there will surely be other pictures from this holiday. You will find even more if you write queries in English.

    I also watch Instagram, online shopping sites – the same Aliexpress. Foreign thematic portals help out. For example, on one of these I found ideas for a safari party.


    How to buy on Aliexpress

    I order the missing items for clearance at Fix-Price or on the Sima-land website: there is much more choice than in stationery stores near the house. Ordinary sets of caps, straws and streamer garlands often do not fit the theme of the holiday.

    Format. In addition to standard holidays with an animator and a cake for children, you can have a picnic in the forest or in the country, a photo session with a buffet table, a culinary master class followed by eating cooked food, a quest, an excursion to the ice cream factory, an aqua party in the pool.

    If the child is 1-3 years old, I advise you to celebrate your birthday at home with relatives. Starting from 4-6 years old, it is already possible to connect friends from the kindergarten and the yard. From the age of 7, it will be more competent to divide family gatherings and a holiday with peers into two different events.

    The seller advertises a donut-shaped balloon, but immediately gives an example of table decoration. Source: Aliexpress

    Invitations. If a guest has an invitation card in his hands, he will definitely not forget the date, time and place of the holiday – and you will not be bothered by unnecessary questions. Even with the help of invitations, it is easy to tell about the holiday to those children whose parents you do not personally know, for example, from a group in a kindergarten. Ask the teacher to put personalized invitations in the lockers.

    Be sure to write your phone number on the cards: when picking up the children, parents will see an invitation and will be able to contact you if they have any questions.

    We made such invitations to a bowling party

    Food. There are two options here: cook everything at home or order in a cafe in a catering format. I prefer to order: it costs about the same money, but there are much fewer nerves with catering. Parents often cook more than they need, and as a result, the food remains untouched. In addition, with catering, you do not need to think about transporting, storing dishes, setting the table and cleaning up after the holiday.

    I don’t sign a catering agreement – I just make an advance payment and sign the agreed menu. But this is my personal choice.

    I usually ask for menu options at trusted cafes. Then I myself or with a child choose those positions that we like. On average, such field service costs us 500 R per person. There are canapes, snacks and drinks on the table. A light option with pizza, french fries and juices is also possible – it will cost about 200 R per serving.

    Approximate calculation of buffet table per person. We had such a menu at the Little Mermaid

    You can also say in advance how much per person you lay down for a buffet table. Let the cafe make an approximate calculation, and then you will adjust the list of dishes yourself.

    I also found an unusual option for serving fruit. I buy cups with lids in supermarkets, cut fruits and put them in layers in a glass, put whole berries. I attach a skewer to each such set. So it takes half as much fruit, and the method of serving looks more spectacular. In the watermelon-melon season, you can do the same by dividing just half a watermelon and half a melon into all servings.

    I ordered these treats for an adult table for a cowboy party When decorating a table, I always try to take into account the color scheme of the holiday

    Cake. I advise you to choose classic fillings: vanilla or chocolate biscuit, berries. At a children’s birthday, you should not get carried away with gastronomic combinations such as pears with dor blue or exotics like mango and passion fruit: it is likely that children simply will not eat it, and all the magic of the birthday cake will be spoiled.

    Ideally, if you know in advance if the invited children are allergic to any product, so that there are no troubles at the holiday. To do this, you can write in the invitation: “If your child is allergic to any products, please let me know in advance by number such and such.”


    How much does it cost to bake cakes like in Instagram

    Sometimes a guest brings a cake instead of a gift. In this case, I advise you to discuss in advance what ingredients and design should not be, otherwise you can get a cake in the form of a Barbie doll from mastic, although you are for minimalism, and the birthday boy hates mastic.

    Gifts for guests. There is a wonderful tradition in the West: the birthday boy gives guests bonbonnieres – small gifts with sweets, cookies, a small toy, a jar of jam and other small things. So he thanks the guests for coming to the party. You can start from the theme of the holiday, or you can just give a small bag of sweets – the children will be happy anyway.

    I pledge about 100 R for one gift, but it is quite possible to get by with a smaller budget.

    Red and yellow striped things on the table are gifts for guests: Catch the ball game At the military-style holiday, we gave the boys bags for shoes, and the girls – handbags in camouflage

    Red and yellow striped things on the table are gifts for guests: the game “Catch the ball” At the military-style holiday, we gave the boys bags for shoes, and the girls – handbags in camouflage colors

    Animator. The “dad instead of a clown” option does not suit us, so we always order professional animators from a holiday agency. An hour of work costs from 2000 R, usually 1-2 hours are enough for children, they can’t stand it anymore.

    Be sure to ask what costume the animator will wear, an approximate plan of the program, whether you need small prizes for children for participating in competitions. Also check if the animator will be able to take out the birthday cake and when is the best time to do it. We did not sign any contracts with the agency, but this is a personal choice.

    We did not really like the animator in a suit made of boxes, although the children had fun But the robot Bumblebee in full uniform and with his own music was super

    We didn’t really like the animator in a suit made of boxes, although the children had fun But the Bumblebee robot in full uniform and with its own music was super

    How to save money on organizing a holiday

    1. on a separate table for adults. On the one hand, this may seem impolite, but in my experience, most parents are absolutely normal and understand this.
    2. I usually write in the invitation: “Dear parents, you can relax, take care of personal affairs and not be present at the holiday, leaving your son or daughter under our careful supervision. However, if you want to stay, then we will be happy too!” Usually, out of ten parents, 1-2 remain, and they are just somewhere nearby, not claiming attention.
    3. Contact aspiring photographers for photos. Usually they try very hard, building up a portfolio, and take less money. Sometimes you can even agree on a free shoot by allowing the photographer to post your photos on social networks.
    4. If you like balloons, buy a helium balloon. At first glance, this looks a little like savings, but after all, a cylinder will last you for several years. For example, my balloon has a declared volume of 800 balloons, now this one costs about 6000 R – one balloon costs 7.5 R. Add the cost of the balloon itself and at the output we get 16-18 R for one balloon with helium. To order, this costs from 80 R.
    5. Rent decor items from specialized agencies. In any city, there are a lot of companies that are engaged in decorating weddings and other holidays. Usually they have a whole warehouse of interior and decor items that they are ready to rent for a day.
    6. Look for props at Avito and Yulia. For example, I bought hay bales there for a cowboy party. It was in the middle of summer, and the seller gave away last year’s illiquid assets for 150 R per briquette. With the help of this hay, we created a saloon atmosphere and organized seating for guests.
    7. Look for decorations on wholesale websites. Sometimes it’s more profitable to wholesale more than the exact retail quantity. You can leave the surplus for the next holiday, give it to children for games, or try to sell all the decor from the birthday on Avito or Yulia – in case someone wants to decorate the child’s birthday in the same style.

    Themes for children’s parties – original ideas from More Show – ISaloni – interior studio, wallpaper salon


    Themes for children’s parties – original ideas from More Show

    The closer the children’s birthday, the brighter and sharper the question arises: how to celebrate? Our little one is a year older. And we want him to remember his holiday for the rest of his life! The best way to please a little birthday boy is to arrange a theme party for a fun company. Make a guest list together and invite friends, classmates, neighbors, relatives and loved ones.

    In order for the holiday to be a success, it is better not to postpone its organization indefinitely. The sooner you start solving organizational issues, the more likely you will be in time for everything and even be able to enjoy the preparation process. Here is a sample to-do list:

    1. Choose the style of the birthday party.
    2. Decide on the place and date.
    3. Create a guest list.
    4. Consider a treat.
    5. Select decor.
    6. Develop an entertainment program.

    7. Think about whether to leave all these issues in the hands of professional organizers of children’s events. They know exactly what to do in such situations.

    In the meantime, you will find out from friends and acquaintances who in your city is the best at children’s holidays, let’s see what topics are most popular among the younger generation today.

    Zombie party for kids

    Kids love horror stories! So they work with their fears and learn to be brave. If your kid is looking forward to Halloween more than any other holiday and asks for the cartoon “The Secret of Coco” and “Ghostbusters”, you can spend a holiday in the style of a zombie party. This option does not apply to the topic “children’s holidays for the little ones.” But it’s a creepy fun party for older kids. Hire a make-up artist and stock up on costumes! Candles, cobwebs and a black cake will help create a festive atmosphere.

    Pirate Quest

    Children are very fond of doing tasks and looking for gifts.

    Therefore, they are all just crazy about quests and adventure games. It remains only to choose a theme! A pirate quest is a great birthday theme for a boy. Turning a cafe or a children’s room into a real ship, assembling your own team and becoming a captain is the dream of any boy! Jeans with vests are a great dress code that will not cause trouble for the guests’ parents.

    Ethnic party styles for kids

    You can organize a birthday by connecting knowledge of geography. Interesting, fun and useful! Does your daughter do Indian dances or does she like the cartoon about Aladdin? You can turn a cafe or apartment into an oriental bazaar or a real palace! Is your son seriously studying Chinese? You can think in this direction and arrange a samurai party. And you can all go together together to Africa or Hawaii! Choose any country and go ahead – make your dream come true!

    Party inspired by your favorite cartoon or movie

    This is the easiest way to style a holiday for kids. You don’t have to go far! It is enough to remember which cartoon in your house is on repeat more often than others. And make sure that the fairy-tale world becomes a reality for your birthday at least for one day a year. On the basis of cartoons, children’s parties are most often arranged for the smallest. Masha and the Bear, Fixies, Barboskins and Cars are favorite characters that will delight elegant little ones.

    School of Magic

    This is a Harry Potter fan’s dream. Imagine how surprised the birthday boy will be when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Hermione and Professor Dumbledore come to celebrate. At the school of magic, they learn to conjure, brew potions and fly on a broomstick. They also tame lightning, learn to levitate and work miracles! You definitely won’t be bored. As a dress code, black robes and wizard hats are perfect.

    Cowboy party

    If your son is crazy about movies about the Wild West, and your daughter enjoys horseback riding, then a cowboy party will delight them like no other! For these purposes, you can book a few hours in the equestrian club. Or organize a holiday in the country in the yard. Use hay as a simple and inexpensive prop.

    Dinosaur Party

    Almost every child, at some point in their lives, is fascinated by giant dinosaurs. They are ready to spend hours wandering through museums with the skeletons of huge lizards, read encyclopedias avidly and dream of becoming scientists when they grow up. If this is entirely your story, then feel free to call the agency for organizing children’s parties, in the assortment of which there are life-size puppets of tyrannosaurs and pterodactyls and their other tribesmen. It’s going to be the best birthday ever, you’ll see!

    Jungle or Safari Party

    Great theme for an outdoor party! Stop sitting in 4 walls! Feel free to go out with guests to the yard, to the park, to the nearest square and even to the cottage! If your baby was born in the warm season, you can arrange an open-air celebration by turning guests into animals or young explorers of flora and fauna.


    Boys and girls love cartoons and superhero movies! Invite all possible superhumans to the party and you will find out how fun it is at such events. Ladybug, Spiderman, Catwoman, Batman and everyone else knows a lot about games and contests!

    Pajama party

    We will fight with pillows, overeat cookies and arrange a photo shoot in pajamas! We definitely won’t be able to sleep! And with the dress code, the issue is solved very simply. You can arrange a competition for the best story under the covers, jumping in pillowcases, or the cutest ghost from the duvet cover. You can also show the children how we used to watch filmstrips by pulling a white sheet over the wall.

    These are just a few of the themes suitable for children’s birthday parties. There are many more – about a million! For each theme, you can choose a suitable entertainment show program so that guests and the hero of the occasion remember this day with a smile for many, many years to come.

    Over the 10 years of its existence, the Sea Show team has organized children’s parties on a variety of topics – from Little Red Riding Hood to author’s programs designed specifically for one specific birthday boy! We are always ready to help you in organizing any party for any age and on any topic. By phone +7 (495) 477-52-23, our magical managers will be happy to answer all your questions.

    Children’s party themes: 10 global ideas | Holiday again!

    Each animator has favorite win-win contests in his piggy bank, which are successfully “spinning” at any children’s holiday, while I want to show a wide variety of thematic scenarios in my portfolio.

    What to do?

    The way out, in my opinion, should be as follows: games and entertainment should be selected taking into account the age of the children and the number of participants in the holiday. And after that, you can “dress up” the finished program, slightly adapting it to the theme chosen by the customer.

    Princesses, participating in the relay race, will run with peas, pirates will put gold coins in the chest. The meaning is the same – two teams of children compete. I’m right?

    What makes a children’s party THEMATIC?
    • portable decorations and backdrops
    • paper and inflatable indoor decorations
    • leading suits
    • party accessories for children
    • props for competitions
    • musical accompaniment
    • face painting
    • prizes for competitions corresponding to the chosen topic
    • table decoration (not only dishes and napkins, but also the dishes themselves can be decorated “pirately”)

    Now let’s go over the most common themes for a children’s party. I promise to paint my vision of each option in the future…

    …and now everything is very short!

    We keep our finished program in mind and mentally adapt it to each topic:

    We are clowns (you can call the program “Circus”)

    This is the most common variant. Just balls, just fun. Ideal for the case when you need to entertain children with a difference in age of up to 10 years. We take games and entertainment from my large selection: “Competitions for children by age and occasion.” Readers especially love 20 Ideas from an Animator’s Chest.

    Let’s support the circus theme with descriptions of standard competitions and relay races: we walk on a tightrope (rope on the floor), trained dogs perform funny commands, we juggle balloons, we learn to perform tricks.

    Any animator has a clown outfit, and for children we select spouts, paper caps, ears, bow ties, masks. The face painting is appropriate.

    Fairy tales and cartoons

    There are so many options that it is completely pointless to list them. You can be Shrek and Fiona, Masha and the Bear, Pinocchio and Malvina, Barbariki, Fixiki and so on.

    If you still can’t decide, we make a fabulous mix. An animator can be just a storyteller or a magician.

    We use the same relay races and competitions, only we change the verbal description: we save the princesses, put the cones in baskets, make jam, look for the golden key. Well it is clear.

    Props for competitions: an old mysterious book with fairy tales, a magic wand, confetti.

    Pirate party (or just a nautical-themed birthday party)

    A very popular theme for a children’s party, as it is easy to decorate the room, find costumes and props. Some of my ideas are detailed HERE.

    It would be nice to have a few bandanas with skulls, vests (in any seaside city you can buy thin sleeveless children’s ones), toy pistols and pirate knives. Treasure chest won’t hurt.

    Reworking our favorite contests: sinking ships, putting one coin into a chest, arranging battles with long sausage balls, catching fish and handing out black marks.

    Around the world

    On a hot day in nature, we entertain the Papuans or arrange a Hawaiian party. With costumes, I think there will be no particular problems, everything is made of corrugated paper.

    I refer travel to the past to the same topic. Cowboys and Indians, Robin Hood, Romans and Egyptians, primitive people.

    In the description of the contests we include the relevant terms: wigwams and arrows, sarcophagi with mummies, mammoths with dinosaurs.

    Princesses and fairies

    This is, of course, more for girls. A very beautiful theme, little beauties are happy to put on New Year’s dresses on any day of the year, decorate their heads with tiaras. Here is the scenario of our quest for princesses (7-9years).

    Decorating your room and table will not be difficult, as the stores offer a huge selection of ready-made decorations. By the way, invitations, cards for guests, a wall newspaper and flags for canapés can be downloaded for free on my website.

    The princesses take turns sleeping on a pea, trying on glass slippers, learning to dance at a ball, and receiving prizes for the Best Sleeping Beauty.

    Quest “Mysterious Island”, “Mysterious Castle” or “Night at the Museum”

    It’s hard to get by with standard competitions, such themes of children’s parties are intended for children 9-12 years old, require thorough training.

    The main idea is the search for a treasure, accompanied by solving charades and puzzles, the keys to riddles. It would be nice to talk with ghosts and shrewd elders :-).

    Here, by the way, is my reader’s script for Spy Birthday.

    Aliens, space

    It is easy to pick up accessories (huge ears, wigs) and face painting for this theme. The main thing is that no one knows exactly how guests from other planets look like.

    Let’s add names of planets, flying saucers and unusual space food to the description of competitions.

    The animator can be a humanoid or a space robot. Here is my script for graduation in kindergarten on a “cosmic” scale.

    Science and professions

    Chemistry experiments of a mad professor are now popular. This is a show program with the participation of the audience.

    Soap bubble shows and magic tricks belong to the same category. The host needs a lot of special props and special skills.

    If we are talking about a regular game program, you can dedicate a holiday to one or more professions. Let doctors, firefighters, astronauts, cooks and hairdressers compete in relay races.

    I have an interesting selection of Land of Limonia ideas about a summit meeting of heads of state :-).


    We go through all the stages with the children – from writing a script, casting roles, make-up and rehearsals to filming a movie and awarding an Oscar. Here is the Hollywood script on our website.

    Great theme for kids aged 10+, but they don’t know phrases from old movies, so just change them to quotes from famous fairy tales.

    By the way, the entertainment program with parodies of famous TV projects is also going great! I advise you to look at my version of such a scenario.


    An excellent option if there are very few children at the party (3-5), and the room is not suitable for outdoor games. Click here for more details on pricing and terms.

    What kind of programs can there be?

    • cooking class
    • modeling polymer clay jewelry with baking
    • stone painting
    • bouquets of sweets or soft toys
    • learning to photograph and pose

    My offer

    If you are planning a children’s party, call! (for residents of Moscow and Moscow region)!.

    Again Holiday
    Contact person: Panasyan Irina
    Write to me: [email protected]
    Call: +7 (925) 730-88-50

    Tell us about what your child loves, how many friends will be at the holiday How long will the celebration last? Let’s think together, advise, organize!

    Useful articles

    We invite an animator for a child’s birthday (1 actor for 1 hour)
    Game programs with two animators
    How much does a children’s party cost
    10 ideas to celebrate the end of the school year
    30 workshops for a small room

    Children’s party do-it-yourself – cheap ideas for a children’s holiday

    A child lives with emotions! Believe me, it doesn’t matter to him how much a piece of happiness you gave you actually costs. He does not know the actual value of money, although he makes a smart face when you tell how hard you get it. He knows the value of impressions! It is important for him whether he himself will have fun, and whether his friends will be satisfied. Today I want to share with you five absolutely simple ideas that will leave a lasting impression in the memory of children and hardly change the balance of your bank card!

    For toddlers and preschoolers

    Idea #1. Teddy Bear (Teddy Bear Party)

    Recently, I asked my (old enough) children which of their birthday parties they remember the most? And you know what my daughter said to me? A birthday dedicated to her favorite teddy bear! Yes, indeed, everyone around was touched by this fabulous friendship … They slept together, ate, were afraid of the dark, shared secrets … Watch your child. If your nursery has a real friend made of plush, feel free to take on the implementation of this idea!

    I had a “Teddy Bear Party” when my baby girl with huge brown eyes turned three. I remember that we then asked all the guests to bring their favorite cubs (or other plush friends, for whom they had a sincere childlike tenderness).

    We had a picnic with colorful blankets on the green grass.

    Each guest and his bear had their own island – “house”. I gave the children the opportunity to improvise. They went to visit each other, introduced the cubs and started talking on behalf of their pets.

    And then we had a competition. I put a basket of doll clothes in front of the children and said “March!”. It was necessary to dress up your bear in new clothes as soon as possible and tell others why his bear is the most beautiful.

    Our kids also tried to take honey from paper bees (I drew them, and dad flew them like kites – it was very reckless and fun), they attached cute bows with blindfolds to a bear cut out of cardboard (the good old game comes from of my childhood still does not lose its relevance!), were engaged in real creativity – they decorated carnival masks of bear cubs with rhinestones and beads.

    And at the end of the party, I treated my little guests with cookies, rubber bears (oh, there were plenty of them!) and a gorgeous cake with three candles!

    And as a gift, in memory of our holiday, all the guests found new plush friends!

    Kids got 2 hours of real, continuous, indescribable delight! And their parents (that is, we) are an absolutely digestible account:

    Teddy bears as a gift ($5 each, for 10 guests) = $50

    Small expenses for paper props, rhinestones and beads – $7

    Cake, cookies and gelatin bears – $20

    Total: 77 $

    If you know how to bake cakes yourself, it will be even cheaper!

    Idea #2.

    Land of fairy tales

    Recently my six year old son went to a friend’s birthday party. From the idea that the mother of the birthday boy came up with, I was also delighted! Therefore, I hasten to share with you!

    As they say, everything ingenious is quite simple! This holiday, as for me, is the pinnacle of genius! All the guests were then asked to come to the party in the costumes of the heroes of their favorite fairy tales.

    At this point, the mothers turned around (after all, it is not so often in the modern education system that you see real costumed balls, so the mothers missed their bright childhood).

    There were also princes with princesses, and foxes with bunnies, and the heroes of modern fairy tales – dragons, Minnie Mouse, Batman.

    I personally really liked the costume of one girl whose mother has super creative thinking. Meet Pippi Longstocking in a new way.

    When all the children gathered, a real masquerade ball began! To get acquainted, the mother of the birthday boy arranged a literary test: “22 questions for the hero. ” Remembering the plots of their favorite and memorized fairy tales for a long time, the children got to know each other, recognized the characters of the characters, which today are understood in one “Fairytale Collection”.

    By the way, they tried to write a favorite book of fairy tales, in which there would be a place for every character of the party, right there, at the holiday. Each guest himself came up with a role, remarks. It turned out to be a real impromptu theater, in which ancient fairy tales intertwined with modern ones in unexpected, fantastic plot twists.

    Only kids can think of something like this!

    And then – a new fairy tale was recorded, illustrated with our own pictures and photos in costumes. And … all together they drew a bright cover for her, leaving a footprint on the avenue of stars!

    All authors of the holiday book received new books and copyright certificates as a reward!

    And then everyone ate the original, also fabulous, cake and drank milk-chocolate cocktails!

    Children will remember the first theatrical experience and the first book created by their own hands! Well, parents, as usual, will count their expenses with no less pleasure:

    Stationery: 25 $

    Free books: 15 $

    Cake and cocktail: 20 $

    Grand total: 60 $

    For children of primary school age

    Idea No.


    Chocolate party

    All children have always loved chocolate! As a child, for example, I could watch for a long time how a piece melts in the sun, draw fancy chocolate flowers for them, and each time I was surprised by the new taste sensations presented by a slightly bitter delicacy. My daughter inherited this love from me. Therefore, I decided to give her and her sweet tooth friends a real chocolate holiday for a decade, where you could not only try different types of chocolate, but also create a new chocolate masterpiece with your own hands.

    Well, by sending children’s chocolate art to harden in the freezer, you can arrange a variety of chocolate contests. For example, who will be the first to eat chocolate potatoes without the help of hands, or blindfolded, will recognize the type of chocolate, trusting only their own taste sensations.

    A chocolate party is that rare holiday idea where play becomes a treat. To add to the chocolate masterpieces created by our own hands, we recommend a simple chocolate cake (baked personally on the eve of the holiday) and a milk chocolate cocktail.

    After the departure of the guests, you can calculate the expenses:

    Chocolate: $25

    Moulds, caramel, spices: $15

    Molds, caramel, spices: 5 $

    Total: 45 $

    Idea No. 4. Big carnival

    Children’s birthday in the form of a carnival is also a great opportunity for all family members, not only the birthday boy, but also those invited, to show their creative potential. Firstly, in the matter of creating unique costumes.

    And secondly, in the arrangement of the playing space, the selection of musical accompaniment (after all, the carnival involves a lot of outdoor games and dances) and the preparation of an entertainment program. Stop! Do not rush to get scared! It’s only at first glance, everything seems too complicated! In fact – everything is simple! For example, you can decorate a room or a corner in the yard (if it is also on the calendar for summer) with such colorful ribbon garlands of letters (which during the holiday can be safely turned into a word game) and a bright beach umbrella (under which all participants will comfortably sit celebrations for a festive meal).

    As for the entertainment program, pick up a few simple contests, such as “musical chairs”, throwing rings or bowling.

    The competition for the fulfillment of desires will be interesting. To do this, stick three different stickers on three children’s buckets (or flower pots), come up with a symbolic task for each container (sing songs, dance, skip) and ask the children to throw pebbles, testing their luck. Depending on which bucket the pebble falls into, the task is completed. Agree, it’s super easy and a lot of fun!

    In addition, at the carnival you can please the kids with a fashionable tattoo or a beautiful face painting.

    And we treated our guests to luxurious cotton candy, cookies and sweets. Although, indeed, the creation of such a holiday will require a little more cost. Both financial and time.

    Cotton candy car rental: 30 $

    Balloons, contest props, paints, balloons: 40 $

    Treat: $30

    Total: 100 $

    For teenagers

    Idea #5.

    In search of adventure

    Teenagers love challenging logic games with intricate paths to reach the goal that make them use their brains. An ideal option for a teenage birthday is an adventure quest. Pirates, detectives, superheroes – all these are themes that give rise to an amazing party in each individual case.
    Come up with an interesting story with a riddle, confuse the tracks and lay out the clues. Let them look for answers!

    Here, for example, is a beach idea that we gave to our son for his thirteenth birthday. Each of the party participants received a hint (deserved it by performing funny tasks) where to find the “letter in a bottle”. The letter contained a piece of poetry. It was necessary to fold all the passages correctly in order to get the key to the chest in which the treasure lay. Having coped with the task, the guys opened the chest and found a really real treasure – movie tickets (or a paid certificate for a big pizza with cola)! True, a fun and successful end to the holiday? And the costs of preparing and holding it are trifling, and are measured only by the cost of film distribution and pizza in your city!

    When preparing a holiday for your child, it is important to invest in it not so much money as your soul and your love. Remember, more expensive doesn’t always mean better!

    Trends for children’s parties in 2021

    Children’s parties also have their own fashion and trends. Thanks to the Internet, children are well versed in fashion trends, trump foreign words, and sometimes they know better than their parents which children’s show is mega-popular this season and in what style to arrange a holiday so as not to look like a backward loser in front of their peers. Do you know this? In this article, we have selected the most modern TOP 10 ideas for children’s parties in 2021.

    1. Candy bar. Translated from English, this means a sweet or candy table. And the main task of such a bar is to treat the fidgets present at the children’s holiday with unusual confectionery delights, and surprise with serving and decoration. That is why the most popular candy bar is themed. For example, if this is a holiday of little princesses, then the whole table is decorated in pink, vases, candy bowls, coasters, tablecloths and napkins in the same style with images of your favorite cartoon characters. Yes, and the sweets themselves are: brioches, macaroons, chocolini, key pops, mini eclairs, cupcakes, marshmallows from unusual products, such as pumpkin, rose hips or sorrel and exotic fruits: lychee, sudachi, calamansi and, of course, ice cream . The children’s candy bar is decorated with balloons, flowers, tinsel and electric garlands, and if you put a chocolate fountain in the center of the table, the success of your evening among the children’s audience is guaranteed.

    2. Electric roller. Party on hoverboards. Driving a segway, unicycle or hoverboard in protective gear on a specialized safe site is another fashion trend of 2021. On hoverboards, children play hockey, overcome obstacles and arrange drag races for speed. For the smallest children, entertainment is provided on mini electric quad bikes.

    3. Master classes. For girls, this is the art of selfie, food styling and face painting, make-up, a master class on making sushi and rolls. For boys – the creation of cartoon animation, anti-stress toys like slimes and other sticky bugs, as well as the construction of robots from improvised materials.

    4. Animators. Leading children’s show programs are always at the peak of popularity. The presence of a favorite superhero, cartoon or character from a book at the celebration brings the kids into indescribable delight. The animators know how to make a program so that the children do not get tired, many of them have a pedagogical education and understand child psychology. They will look after little fidgets if you are suddenly distracted. Often animators go on a holiday with their own show from scientific experiments to master classes in modern dance.

    5. Photo sessions. Photosets in specially prepared locations based on books, films and comics popular with children. The photo zones often contain costumes and accessories of your favorite characters, and you can also use the services of a professional make-up artist. Harry Potter and his friends in the help-room, Dipper and Mabel in the Gravity Falls Wonder Shop, the Avengers team in Tony Stark’s headquarters, or funny Fixies inside a household appliance, ideas and fantasies for children’s photo shoots are endless. Having shown creativity and diligence, you can easily create a photo zone at home, using improvised materials and take pictures of babies on a regular smartphone.

    6. Unusual occasions for children’s holidays. In addition to traditional birthdays and New Year’s celebrations, children’s holidays on real or comic dates are becoming more widespread. For example, did you know that May 18th is Pink Panther Day, June 1st is Superman’s Birthday, and June 5th is Bubble Blowing Day? In addition, June 10 is World Ice Cream Day, July 11 is World Chocolate Day, and October 28 is Cartoon Day.

    7. Soap and bubble party. Huge soap bubbles shimmering in the rays of color music. Special machines spewing hundreds of bubbles per minute and to the music. Cheerful animators and master classes on mixing soap solutions will definitely not leave the children’s audience indifferent. The show is perfect for morning performances in kindergartens, for a home holiday and outdoor events in nature. The advantage of such a party is that all equipment and staff are promptly delivered directly to your home, and at the end of the show, special cleaning of the house is not required.

    8. Light show. A hit on TikTok, videos of dancers in LED-lit costumes are setting the stage for light shows. Acrobatic and dance performances in interactive costumes, lasers and ultraviolet light will definitely not leave children indifferent. Light performances fascinate with the filigree skill of the artists and the original atmosphere. Today, such shows can not only be visited, but also invited to your home, and professional acrobats and circus performers participate in it. And at the end of the holiday, you can take pictures with participants and guests against the backdrop of light special effects.

    9. Wishlist. Or a wish list. All guests of the children’s party want to receive gifts. A wish list is a wish list that is sent along with an invitation to a celebration and contains several gift options or gift ideas. This avoids receiving “a sofa, a suitcase, a bag, a picture, a basket, a cardboard box and a small dog” as a present, as in Marshak’s poem. The approach to the issue is modern and very practical. The wish list is designed in a single theme with an invitation and a festive entourage.

    10. Crocodile. A legendary game that has not lost its relevance over the years. A crocodile for a children’s holiday is developed individually. The list of words should be of interest to the little participants in the game and compiled on topics close to them. Before compiling cards, ask the kids and their parents what their interests are. Prepare cards and small gifts for participants. It can be sweets, or inexpensive toys. You can play all together for children and adults, this event will only become more fun.

    30 party ideas for children

    A children’s party will be a wonderful event for kids or teenagers if you entrust its preparation and holding to event professionals.

    When organizing, it is important to focus on a simple principle: children like activities where they can play, actively participate in the program and satisfy their innate curiosity. Therefore, master classes are held with a bang in the children’s audience. Thanks to them, little guests learn something new and participate in the practical stage. Just his result becomes especially impressive, because, depending on the program, the guys can:

    • enjoy a dessert or drink that you have prepared yourself;
    • take pictures in unusual surroundings;
    • pick up creative works created by your own hands.

    We offer the best ideas for a fun children’s party and tell you what workshops would be appropriate in such events. But let’s start with general rules that will help parents and teachers avoid mistakes when preparing an event.

    How to spend a children’s party?

    In order to have a fun, bright and problem-free children’s party, when choosing a format, it is important to consider:

    • the age of the guests – the duration of the event depends on it, for example, a celebration for kids should not exceed 1-2 hours, teenagers can have fun 3-4 hours;
    • gender of participants – if the interests of kids are almost the same regardless of gender, then for teenagers the idea of ​​the event plays a significant role;
    • location — the site must accommodate the guests and have the necessary equipment, comfortable temperature, ventilation, availability of bathrooms are important;
    • budget – the estimate should include funds for the design of the location, refreshments, souvenirs, payment for animators and other event specialists, and other actual expenses.

    Most often, holidays for kids and teenagers are organized for a birthday, graduation in kindergarten, primary or secondary school, a celebration in honor of a child’s achievement. An apartment, a private house, a cottage, a rented room, a cafe, a game club can become a place for an event.

    If we talk about the formats of holidays, it is difficult to clearly distinguish between them, since elements of different types are often harmoniously combined in one event. However, indicative classifications exist. The most popular events among children were:

    • quest – an adventure game with a given theme;
    • concert – with performances by artists or amateur;
    • musical, dance or creative party;
    • competition – intellectual or sports game;
    • educational or entertaining workshop;
    • outdoor event – picnic, country barbecue, mini-hike.

    In any format, active and calm elements of the program should be alternated so that the children do not get tired, do not lose interest in what is happening. It is useful to take photos and videos, as well as prepare souvenirs for all guests as a keepsake of the event.

    1. Celebration in nature

    In warm seasons, any holiday can be celebrated outdoors. A forest glade, a river bank, a cottage will do. The program includes outdoor games and grilled treats. You can hold a culinary barbecue master class by inviting a professional chef.

    Occasion : any celebration in late spring, summer or early autumn.

    Features : it is important to observe safety precautions, especially near the fire (fire, barbecue).

    2. Masquerade

    Ideas for a carnival are varied, for example, a children’s party can be held as a ball of fairy-tale or literary characters, a parade of superheroes, a pajama party with sleep masks. Moreover, participants sometimes do not even have to take care of the carnival costume in advance – a bright face painting, a master class on making headbands for trolls, lightsabers, etc. will help to transform right on the site.

    birthday, other holidays.

    Features of : if a competition for the best costume is supposed, it is desirable to appoint many nominations so that there are as many winners as possible.

    3. Treasure Island

    It’s easy to turn the celebration into an educational game with overcoming obstacles and solving interesting puzzles by going to the treasure island together with cheerful good pirates.

    Occasion : birthday, kindergarten or elementary school graduation, Children’s Day.

    Features of : quests of an adventure direction are especially liked by boys of primary school age.

    4. Art party

    The format involves joint visual art under the guidance of the artist. The choice of drawing techniques is wide: traditional pastel, oil or watercolor, and unusual options. Children like paper clips and sand paintings, graffiti and spray art, marbling, ebru, spray painting, monotopy on glass, centrifugal painting.

    Occasion : birthday, prom, weekend.

    Features : art parties using unusual techniques are most attractive to teenagers.

    5. Snow fortress or cardboard city

    You can make a playground for a fun battle or an entertaining role-playing game if you start a children’s holiday with the construction of a snow fortress or a mini-city made of cardboard. The resulting product will become a decoration for the main event and an original photo zone.

    Occasion : beginning or end of holidays, birthday, Children’s Day, organized acquaintance of neighbors in the yard after housewarming.

    Features of : the more participants, the larger the built object will be.

    6. Immersion in antiquity

    For children, even the not too distant past seems almost like an ancient legend. The more interesting it will be for them to dive into an old fairy tale, where the time was not watched on a smartphone, but on a wall clock, where each family had a coat of arms, and the young ladies wrote down poems in an album and decorated its cover with drawings, lace, ribbons.

    This holiday is ideal for making your own an antique jar with a figurine, decorating a notebook using the scrapbooking technique, decorating a wall clock or creating family crests.

    Occasion : any occasion in a vintage setting.

    Features of : products made at the master class can be used in interior decor.

    7. Cheerful smart room

    Having fun, you can learn a lot of new and useful things for everyday life. For example, where did tea come from in our country and how to brew it correctly, how to make a jar with a candle and why the glass does not burst from its flame, how to cook soap and why it foams …

    An interesting show for children is a great way to celebrate a holiday and learn something new at the same time.

    Occasion : an important event or just a desire to have a good time.

    Features : intellectual games, shows and master classes help develop attention, memory, logical thinking, emotional sphere.

    8. Playing theater

    Children like to imagine themselves as different characters, to reincarnate. Therefore, they get great pleasure from staging home performances. Use this feature to organize a bright holiday – invite an animator who will conduct an acting class. And you can finish the event with a mini-performance, in which there will be a role for each little guest.

    Occasion : Theater Day, vacation start or end, birthday, Children’s Day.

    Features : before choosing a literary basis for the performance, make a list of participants – this will help organize everything so that everyone gets a feasible role, then the children’s holiday will be remembered with pleasant impressions.

    9. Aroma fairy tale

    Aromatherapy helps to improve mood, calm down or cheer up. But it is very easy to surround yourself with pleasant smells – just play perfumers or florists. You can start making perfumes, sachets, gel candles, bouquets.

    Occasion : any holiday or weekend.

    Features : It is important to find out if guests are allergic to any smells in order to exclude such materials.

    10. Tea house

    Tea drinking is a traditional part of children’s holidays, and if a cake is served at the table, it causes real delight. A master class in the form of a Chinese tea ceremony will help to beautifully organize the event.

    Occasion : birthday, kindergarten or elementary school graduation.

    Features : Participants will learn about the Eastern traditions of brewing and serving tea, then taste the drink prepared by the master.

    11. Summer Square

    A great idea for a country holiday or an event in the courtyard of a high-rise building – a stylized summer square where children play hide and seek, and to freshen up they try their favorite cold treats. Such an event will be especially appreciated by children who are forced to stay in the heat in a metropolis such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, or even in a small town. The program of the impromptu summer square will organically include master classes in the preparation of nitrogen ice cream and invigorating lemonade.

    Occasion : any summer holiday or weekend.

    Special features of : the preparation of treats is organized as an interesting show that ends with a tasting.

    12. Design Studio

    Experience shows that the most favorite interior details for children are their creative works, hung on the walls or placed on the shelves. Therefore, the children perceive art master classes as wonderful holidays filled with positive emotions. Children can be offered to create paintings in different techniques, decorate photo frames, weave wreaths on the door, decoupage caskets, and make other decorative crafts.

    Occasion : entertainment in bad weather, any holiday, weekend.

    Features : if you wish, you can order several workshops and create sets of interior accessories in the same style.

    13. Grandmother’s childhood

    Grandparents can teach children their favorite childhood games: hide and seek, hopscotch, tag, Cossack robbers. A pleasant end to such an event will be a memory of homemade goodies and a master class on making jam or baking pancakes. A cozy holiday will help bring the family closer together, all its generations will better understand each other.

    Occasion : birthday, weekend, any family holiday.

    Features of : for such an event, the location is ideal, allowing part of the program to be held outdoors, and the second – in the kitchen.

    14. Journey to Hogwarts

    There are many fans of the young wizard Harry Potter among modern boys and girls. Therefore, it is very popular to hold holidays for children, reminiscent of the Hogwarts school. Such an event can be organized as a magical lesson or an unusual carnival, competition or quest. And as a memento of immersion in magic, offer the participants a master class in the style of Harry Potter, for example, creating a monster book, a flower in a flask, a potion with dried flowers, a magic wand.

    Occasion : any holiday, free evening, weekend.

    Features : the theme of magic is interesting even for children who are not yet familiar with the characters of JK Rowling.

    15. Fashion show

    Clothes are one of the best ways to express yourself, so children (especially teenagers) enjoy participating in events that resemble a fashion show. There are many options for filling such events. A bright defile can complete a master class on painting T-shirts or canvas bags, making bracelets with charms or headbands, decorating ties or beautifully tying such accessories .

    Occasion : March 8, February 23 or other holiday, free evening, weekend.

    Special features of : clothes and bags are painted with durable fabric paints.

    16. The Kingdom of Flowers

    Flowers are good in interior design and as a gift, and a floristic master class turns even an ordinary day into a wonderful holiday. This event is sure to please the kids. They can create flower baskets, florariums, boutonnieres and bracelets from living field and cultivated plants. An interesting variant of the flower festival is the planting of bulbous plants in wooden boxes: the resulting compositions will delight with beauty and fragrance for a long time.

    Occasion : any holiday, free evening, weekend.

    Features of : floristic devices and materials are used in the work, thanks to which products from natural flowers are obtained as aesthetically pleasing as possible and retain freshness for a long time.

    17. Toy Factory

    Modern children are surrounded by all kinds of smart toys, so traditional dolls, cars, mosaics, kaleidoscopes have turned into something unusual for them, causing interest and delight. It is even more exciting to make a toy with your own hands. This means that working as a foreman in a makeshift factory will be a pleasant event for a child. The program of such an event can include a master class on making kaleidoscopes, anti-stress kapitoshkas, dolls from bast or patchwork, painting matryoshkas and other wooden figurines.

    Occasion : Day of Russia or other holiday, Christmas time, free evening, weekend.

    Features : at the event, children will learn interesting information about folk traditions.

    18. Chocolate Fairy Tale

    Everyone’s favorite delicacy – chocolate – can become not only a treat, but also the main idea of ​​the holiday. Little guests will be happy to take part in the preparation of chocolates or bombs, decorate cupcakes with cocoa cream. The sweets can then be eaten or taken away as souvenirs.

    Occasion : Birthday, Children’s Day, World Chocolate Day, other holidays.

    Features of : Premium quality chocolate, nuts, fruits, raisins, confectionery toppings are used to make treats.


    Dreams of the sky

    Almost every boy experiences the desire to become an astronaut or a pilot. Dream about the sky and many girls. A holiday with a master class on painting and flying kites, making gliders or astronaut helmets will help give children an unforgettable experience.

    Reason : Cosmonautics Day, February 23, other holidays.

    Features : A hands-on activity that combines well with exciting stories about the history of aviation and astronautics.

    20. Multi Remotes

    Watching good cartoons is great fun, and making your own animated tape is a delightful experience. Little directors can make a general cartoon or work individually, using plasticine or drawn characters. And then it will be great to arrange a viewing, like in a movie theater – with popcorn and delicious lemonade.

    Occasion : birthday, Children’s Day, kindergarten or elementary school graduation.

    Features of : A professional camera is used for the animation workshop.

    Where to order a holiday for a child

    So, you can arrange a children’s holiday for almost any occasion, and even without it – just out of a desire to please the child, organize developing leisure activities or spend time with family profitably. For the success of the event, choosing the format, you need to focus on the interests and characteristics of the audience. Do not be afraid of combining options, because the combination of cognitive, playful and practical elements contributes to the development of the child.

    Professional organization of children’s parties with the master classes mentioned in the article is available in Moscow and St. Petersburg through the art studio AlexGrim. Call, chat on the website, in instant messengers, by e-mail or come to the company’s offices.

    45 kids birthday ideas

    For every parent, a child’s birthday is a special occasion. You will surely want to organize a fun, exciting birthday party that will bring a happy smile to the child’s face and create lasting memories. But then a huge cake and a bunch of balloons will not be enough. Need kids birthday ideas ? Then the list presented here is what you are looking for. Rest assured, these Kids Party Ideas will help you organize a party in such a way that you will never forget this day.

    Children’s Birthday Ideas

    To organize a birthday party that your child will remember for years to come, you do not need to look for expensive options. The simplest kids birthday party ideas can be just as fun and exciting.

    For 1 year

    Below are some great ideas.

    1. Gentleman and Princess Theme Party
      Dress up your child as a little gentleman or young lady. Ask guests to bring their children dressed appropriately. Of course, adults will like it more, but why not. Parents will be happy, and children will have fun.
    2. Special cake
      Cake cutting time can be the highlight of the party. You can order or bake a chic cake with figurines, numbers or your child’s favorite cartoon characters. Another good idea is to order a musical cake.
    3. Bring your favorite teddy bear
      First birthday party ideas might include asking all invited children to bring their favorite teddy bear or other toy. Each child gets a new friend for their toy as a gift. Party activities can consist of coloring pictures of animals (you can use your fingers for this age) or just enjoy playing with your toys, new and old.

    For 2 year olds

    Some exciting party ideas for 2 year olds.

    1. Evening light
      Turn your living room into an exciting place by adding some glow sticks or stickers, a strobe light and melodies. Children can paint themselves or each other’s faces with glow-in-the-dark paint.
    2. Party make a mess
      Scenario for brave parents. Such a party will be a real hit, just warn the other parents to prepare unnecessary clothes, which, most likely, will have to be thrown out after the party. You can come up with anything from shooting cream balls to painting each other in all the colors of the rainbow.
    3. Bug Party
      Children of this age tend to love bugs. You can make colorful invitations by cutting out oval shapes from decorative paper and gluing them onto a card. Draw the head, antennae and legs with a colored pen to make a colorful beetle. You can come up with appropriate costumes or individual details, for example, antennae on the head. At the party, kids can make homemade bug magnets by sticking pompoms or colored pictures on sticks.
    4. Musical Party
      Make a birthday invitation by inserting color copies of your child’s photos on the cover of the card, along with party details. Order a birthday cake in the form of your child’s favorite musical instrument. Children’s inflatable guitars or a saxophone will come in handy.
    5. Balloon Party
      Children this age understand simple shapes such as a balloon. A child’s birthday balloon party can include a lot of balloons, soap bubbles, colorful plastic balloons. Let the kids splash around in the inflatable paddling pool filled with colorful plastic balls or have fun blowing bubbles.
    6. Blowing Bubbles
      Organize soap solution and bubble blowing supplies. Let one of the adults inflate, and the children hunt for bubbles, trying to catch or burst. It’s like an option. You can arrange a competition for the biggest bubble. In any case, when many children blow a bunch of bubbles at the same time, it’s fun.

    For 3 years old

    When planning a birthday party for a 3 year old, you can use the following ideas.

    1. Jungle theme
      A jungle themed birthday party is always a hit with kids. Ask guests to come in animal costumes, bake cookies in the shape of various animals, let it be a mini zoo. Children can distribute paper masks of different animals.
    2. Puppet show or magic show
      You can hire a clown or magician to put on a show. Although parents can easily cope with the role of a magician if they prepare well. A puppet show is generally very cool, but it requires the necessary accessories and lengthy rehearsals;
    3. Costume party
      Children can come dressed as their favorite cartoon, superhero, fairy tale or comic book character. The main thing is to notify the guests in advance about the costume party, this is a serious matter and it takes more than one day to prepare. At the party, organize a game of “10 questions” to guess the identity of each guest.
    4. Freeze Game
      This is a good game for any kids party. Turn on the music and let the kids start dancing. When the music stops playing, everyone should freeze in place, like a statue. You can also prepare a CD of different music and ask the children to change their movements to suit different musical styles.
    5. Balloon Blast
      Fill large balloons with candy and treats. They can be inflated and hung in different places where you can easily get it. Kids will have fun blowing up balloons and collecting goodies.

    4 year olds

    A 4 year old birthday party might include the following ideas.

    1. Treasure hunting
      Treasure hunting will always be a favorite pastime for children of all ages. Keep in mind, for four-year-olds, the clues should be age appropriate so they aren’t too hard to solve.
    2. Kids Art Party
      Prepare pots, plastic plates, t-shirts, bags, umbrellas, picture frames, and supplies such as stickers, glitter, glue, paint, brushes for the kids to color as they please .
    3. Chocolate Party
      Most children enjoy making treats, especially girls. You can provide them with various fun chocolate molds and flavors. Help melt chocolate in the microwave and let them enjoy pouring into molds. Provide an opportunity to be creative when decorating and packaging candies. The finale of the party will be the solemn eating of chocolate. Have boxes ready so the kids can take home samples of their creations.
    4. Circus Party for Kids
      A circus themed birthday party is a great idea, it’s hard to imagine something more joyful and bright for a little birthday boy. You can arrange homemade entrance tickets, lemonade stands, vintage popcorn cans and cotton candy, polka dot cups and plates, fake mustaches, lace, and even hire a clown to entertain the kids.

    For 5 years old

    The following baby birthday ideas may be helpful.

    1. Carnival in the backyard
      Throw a festive carnival in the backyard for children, you can organize a lot of interesting things. For example, make a point where they will draw tattoos and paint faces. Set up a table for popcorn and cotton candy, a stand for hot dogs or other snacks. Various play areas. In one, you can throw rings on bottles, in the other, knock down plastic cups with balls. You can even make a mini-golf course.
    2. Picnic
      For a 5-year-old boy, a trip to nature is already an event. Organize a wonderful outdoor picnic on his birthday, you can do everything for real, with a tent, a fire and other pleasures. You can pitch tents in the open space and invite young campers to take part in a variety of exciting activities. For example, go for a walk, during which they can collect interesting stones, leaves and explore nature. And, finally, let them just fool around, but under the non-intrusive supervision of adults.
    3. Rainbow Party
      Throw a colorful rainbow party for your child. You can organize an extravaganza with colorful ribbons, balloons, rainbow cake, large rainbow painting poster, rainbow lollipops. Children can make headbands with colorful beads.
    4. Lego Birthday Party
      Lego is currently very popular among children. You can build towers using Lego bricks and have the kids knock them down with a toy car or a ball. Or put Lego blocks in a jar and ask the kids to guess the correct number. Lego can be used for decoration, such as making a cupcake stand or napkin holder.
    5. Fire Party
      Keep kids entertained with fun activities like water games, building a fire truck out of cardboard boxes, and playing with fire hydrant rings.

    For 6 years old

    Try different activities so kids can win lots of prizes.

    1. Sports Themed Party
      Guests can dress up in their favorite sports equipment. You can organize any sports games, depending on where you celebrate your birthday. Children will enjoy participating in sports activities such as racing, mini golf, mini football, croquet or even using cardboard boxes to create an obstacle course.
    2. Disco
      Find out what kind of music children like and just arrange a fun disco.
    3. Dragon Festival
      You can put on a whole show. Let some children dress up as dragons, other boys will be knights with swords, and girls, of course, will be beautiful princesses. It is clear that such a party needs to be prepared in advance, costumes, ammunition, princess dresses, and besides, it would be nice for adults to write some kind of scenario so that the children get into the role. And you can also make a big paper dragon and arrange a fun carnival with a procession.
    4. Favorite Movie Party
      It may not be the best scenario, but when the whole group of children watch an interesting movie, it can be interesting. Especially if adults organize a full service – snacks, drinks and all that.
    5. Treasure hunt
      Treasure hunting can be very exciting for kids. Pay attention to what you will be hiding. Try to create tricky prompts, such as posting a message in the form of a poem in a bottle. Divide the children into groups and have them compete against each other to find the hidden treasure.

    For 7 years old

    A 7 year old child can have their own birthday party ideas. At this stage, it is quite normal if the children want to have a party based on gender, for example, for boys or for girls.

    1. Classic party games
      You can organize classic party games for kids, such as music chair, charades, twister, toss, freeze, broken phone. Birthday party ideas for a 7 year old boy can include elements based on popular TV shows like Harry Potter or superheroes like Wolverines (make paper claws), Spiderman, etc.
    2. Fishing for prizes
      Prepare small prizes, things like colored markers, fancy erasers, small notebooks, and attach them to giant paperclips. Put it all in a makeshift “pond”, which can be a large box or even a rug. Each child receives a fishing rod with a magnet at the end of the fishing line. Kids can have a great time catching prizes.
    3. Cowboy party
      Here you need to get a little creative. First, make a large poster with a picture of a prairie or town in the style of the Wild West. Well, there already, what can be organized – horse racing, lasso throwing, stampede in a balloon, rodeo. Of course, children should have cowboy hats, bandanas and wide belts with a holster. You can see the cowboy party version here.
    4. Hawaiian Party
      There are a lot of Hawaiian party scenarios, it’s really a great idea to arrange a bright, cheerful holiday for a child’s birthday. Make Hawaiian lei out of paper, build a tiki bar, and host a hoop competition. You can read about the details of such a party here.
    5. Mummy
      Mummy is a lot of fun to play. Divide the children into two groups. The groups then compete against each other to see who can finish wrapping their chosen “mummy” in toilet paper the fastest.

    For 8 years old

    This age group can be problematic because eight year olds already have their own idea of ​​how to have fun. You may have to think about new games and themes. Children of eight years old can already perceive complex instructions and rules. Ideas for decorating a child’s birthday party should be in accordance with the chosen theme that the birthday person likes. Here are some ideas you can fit into your party script.

    1. Team sports
      For children, you can organize team games such as three-legged races, relay races, blind eye games, etc.
    2. Science Party
      You can hire a professional to demonstrate simple science experiments, of course with game elements to make it fun and educational. The main thing is the entourage, white coats, flasks, test tubes. Try spectacular chemical reactions as part of the school curriculum.
    3. Charades
      Better to follow a theme, such as a movie, action or word. Divide the children into two groups. One group will have to suggest a word, while the other group will have to guess it correctly within a given time.
    4. Sleepover
      Host a sleepover or pajama party for the kids. Children can stay up all night playing games, watching a movie or just chatting.
    5. Memory game
      Children of this age have a good ability to remember. You can offer interesting memory games where children are shown certain things at the beginning of the party. And later you can ask the children to remember these things.

    First of all, it is important to plan the budget of the party. Selecting a child’s birthday theme makes it easy to select other party details such as location, invitations, food, and fun party games. You can create interesting party games, beautiful invitations and decorations with your creativity and ingenuity without breaking the family budget.

    15 ideas for kids’ outdoor birthday parties

    Instead of throwing your kid’s birthday party at your house or taking a team of kids to the same place serving pizza and questionable balloons, why not throw party on the street?

    Outdoor parties give kids the chance to stretch and run, and you to get creative with the theme, food and games.

    Although you cannot predict the weather, you can plan ahead. Make arrangements to move the party indoors at the last minute if necessary, and on hot days, get creative to keep cool.

    Nicole Heinbaugh, owner and event planner at Simply Sweet Party, says there are many ways to cool off the kids on hot days. “To keep your cool, use small fans as favors. They even make ones that spray water. It’s definitely a great option to keep guests as cool as possible during the summer heat,” she said. “I also love setting up refreshment stations. If desired, a cool frozen drink or a frozen dessert can be served. Freeze pops are also popular and inexpensive.”

    Let’s start this party. Here are 15 outdoor birthday party ideas to help inspire your child’s next party.

    Tie Dye Party

    From T-shirts and beach towels to socks and hair ties, there’s no limit to what kids can color at this cool party. Grab a few sets of tie dyes and let them get creative. Prepare a clothesline and plenty of clothespins to hang all their tie-dye creations to dry, and before the kids leave, send them home with instructions on how to care for their newly dyed items.

    Summer Camp

    Throw a party, get ready to sing songs by the fire and go for a walk, even if it’s just in the backyard. A summer camp themed party is a great way to prepare meals that kids and adults will love, as well as play the kids favorite games and activities.

    Reel Fun

    Kids will love this fishing party. Start by letting guests make and decorate their own fishing rod with wood dowels, eye hooks, string, and metal clips. Then set up a casting contest and fill the kiddie pool with paper fish of various sizes for the kids to try their luck and catch the big fish. While the kids are eating, they can lay out the deck of cards and play a few rounds of Go Fish.

    Outdoor Cinema

    Set up a movie under the stars using a projector and a sheet as a screen. Have plenty of movie snacks on hand, like popcorn and candy, and since this party starts after dark, give out glow sticks as souvenirs.

    Olympic Party

    Bring home the gold with this themed party with obstacle courses and relay races. Before the athletes head home, wrap the cookies in gold paper and tie them to a ribbon so everyone gets a sweet gold medal.

    Lawn games

    Turn an evening of family games into a party. You can buy many lawn games for the whole family, such as big checkers and corn hole. However, you can also make your child’s favorite games, like creating a Twister board on the grass with spray paint, or making a DIY version of a skeball with buckets and a few small balls.

    Bubble Blast

    Bubbles are magic and you can adapt this party for kids of all ages. Set up machines to blow bubbles while kids work with a DIY wand to make bubbles of all shapes and sizes. Fill the kiddie pool with bubble mix, have the kids stand in the pool and use the hula hoop to create huge bubbles around the kids.

    Archaeological site

    Dinosaur lovers will love this theme. Set up an archeological dig in the sandbox or paddling pool so partygoers can look for artifacts. Give the kids shovels, buckets and brushes to find dinosaur figurines, fossils and gold coins. At the end of the excavation, the artifacts become holiday souvenirs that the children can take with them.

    Open Air Art Party

    Let the kids discover their inner Bob Ross world at an art party. It’s time for all those dirty arts and crafts that your kids want to try. Fill the sprayers with paint and use large canvases as targets, whip up a few shots of slime, or give the kids a paint palette and let them get creative.

    Water party

    Splash, it’s time for a water party! You don’t need a pool for this outdoor party, there are plenty of ways to play in the water. Break the sprinkler, Slip N’ Slide and fill your tubs with water with lots of water toys. The perfect party? Cozy beach towel for guests to dry off and take home.

    Garden Party

    Let the kids try their hand at a garden party where they decorate their own pots and then start planting seeds, flowers or succulents. Create sensory containers filled with kid-friendly soil and gardening tools, and fill mini terracotta pots with cupcake and decorate it with floral decor for a sweet treat. When the party is over, send the kids home with mini watering cans filled with seeds to start their own gardens.


    It’s time to play. Using items like cardboard boxes, balloons and pool noodles, build a mini golf course for your pros. Turn sandboxes into sand traps and turn a large open space into a driving range. For younger players, don’t use regular golf balls and use beach balls instead.

    Beach Party

    Sand buckets, beach balls and plenty of sunscreen are essential for a beach party. Even if there is no ocean nearby, children’s water pools will do the trick.

    Glow in the Dark Party

    This party is great for older kids because the action starts at sunset. Wear glow-in-the-dark necklaces, fill baby pools with glow sticks, and place colorful plastic cups on tea lights to light up the party.

    35+ Best Baby Birthday Ideas

    Baby birthdays are always a fun (and often chaotic!) time, especially when your child asks for a themed birthday party. Even if they are too young to choose a topic, parents often have a great time choosing for them based on what their child is interested in. When it comes to kids birthday ideas, the only limits are your imagination or your child’s imagination. !

    Planning your child’s birthday doesn’t have to be stressful either. There are so many amazing, simple and fun decor ideas and party games that you, your child and his friends will love. Kids birthday ideas don’t have to be overwhelming!

    So, to help you get started, I’ve put together the best ideas for kids’ birthday parties. And I also included birthday party themes that were a huge hit for our own kids! This will give you plenty of ideas for topics and activities that we have already tried out for you to help make your child’s special day even more special! 🙂

    I love organizing birthdays for my kids and I love sharing all the details to inspire others to plan the holidays. Children’s birthdays don’t have to be stressful. You can put as much effort into planning the event as you want, as long as the birthday boy or girl feels special on their day!

    My heart is filled with such joy when I see my children’s eyes open wide when they go out and see their holiday decorations on the day of the event! They love all party food, treats, birthday cake, party favors, photo booth, birthday party games and all the FUN! From their first birthday in childhood and beyond, it’s all about keeping the memories and taking all the photos to capture the joy of a happy birthday! I hope these kids birthday ideas help inspire your next birthday party!

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links

    First a few words about birthdays in the age of COVID

    Even now, many places still have COVID restrictions in place that limit the number of people who can gather at the same time. This means that, as a party organizer, you can be especially careful when planning your child’s birthday party.

    Be sure to check your local laws for more information. But in general, here are some tips to keep in mind when planning:

    • Guest list. How many children and parents is it safe to invite, or who can you invite? Think about the number of guests you feel comfortable with at your home or venue.
    • Social distancing. What activities and spaces can fit within six feet of each other?
    • Masks. Will you claim them? If yes, will you provide them?
    • Rent a separate room. If you are not hosting a party at home, consider renting a separate room to control sanitation.
    • Zoom party. If you or your child’s friends are uncomfortable with being together, consider having a video call. There are even games that can be played through Zoom and everyone can feel involved.

    Kids’ Birthday Ideas: The Best Events

    There are as many options for party games as there are party themes, but the choice of events depends on several factors. The number of kids at the party, whether they’re older or younger, and what you know your child likes.

    Younger children will have high energy levels. (Especially with all that sugar!) So action games like hide and seek, tag, relay races, an obstacle course, or even a bouncy house or trampoline are all great ideas.

    A great way to entertain a group of young children is to have a dance party! Not only is it fun, but it’s also easy to install right in your living room. You can even turn it into a game where they have to freeze when the music stops. The kids love it!

    Another easy way to please all party guests is to have a party in a place where children can play. A local park is always a great place, especially if it has an outdoor picnic area. Many local businesses also offer birthday venue options. Maybe a trampoline park, a gymnastics hall, a local swimming pool or other fun playgrounds for the kids!

    Older children can be offered more challenging activities such as arts and crafts or an ice cream parlour. I’ve also heard that food trucks are becoming very popular to cater for kids’ birthdays, which can be a lot of fun, especially for older kids who know what kind of food they like to order! Older kids may also enjoy local entertainment for their parties, such as laser tag games, arcade games, paintball, movie theaters, or even an escape room!

    No matter how old my kids are, they ALL love it when I come up with themed party ideas. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just come up with a theme for your party and think about how to make simple products fit the theme. A simple and fun way to add a special touch to a party theme. Even something as simple as hot dogs can become lightsabers, dainty dogs, or hot dogs. Make a small label and a creative name, and bam! Party food ideas are ready and you have a super cute theme that your kids will love!

    —–> Need advice on how to plan a children’s birthday party? Check out this post!

    Best Baby Birthday Ideas

    Here’s my comprehensive list of baby birthday ideas, organized by theme for boys, girls, and any child!

    The Best Kids Party Ideas for Boys

    When you’re planning your birthday party, you can choose from a variety of fun themes. From cars to dinosaurs to video games, no matter what your little one likes, it’s easy to decorate and find fun activities to do. Here are some great ideas for younger and older boys, though there is of course no age requirement!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: Car Birthday

    Red, yellow and green balloons, a paved table and orange traffic cones are perfect for a car birthday party!

    Check out car themed birthday ideas here!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: Paw Patrol Party

    Paw Patrol is very popular with kids, especially little boys! If your child loves it, then they will definitely love a Paw Patrol themed party. (And these days, goods can be found everywhere!)

    Check out Paw Patrol birthday ideas here!

    Kids Party Ideas: Construction Machine Birthday Party

    Dump trucks, construction tape and black balloons turn your living room into a fun holiday construction site!

    Check out birthday party ideas here!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: Pirate Party Decor

    Kai loved it when we gave him a pirate themed birthday party. There are so many fun pirate-themed activities you can do (including a scavenger hunt turned into a treasure hunt!), it’s enough to make you want to say “ARGYY!” (in a good way!)

    Check out the pirate party decor here!

    Kids Party Ideas: Fire Truck Party Decorations

    If your little boy loves fire trucks, he’ll love this fire truck themed party! Lots of red and lots of fun!

    Check out this firetruck themed party decor!

    Lego Birthday Party Ideas

    Lego is not only a classic toy, but also a classic party theme! The amount of fun lego shaped snacks you can make is incredible! So easy and so much fun!

    Check out Lego birthday party ideas here!

    Kids Party Ideas: Dinosaur Birthday Theme

    What little boy doesn’t love dinosaurs? You can go crazy with the dinosaur theme and even come up with fun outdoor activities like fossil digging (aka sandbox toy dinosaurs!)

    Check out the dinosaur birthday theme here!

    Children’s birthday themes: Train birthday theme

    You can always count on the trains to become crowd favorites! With a few conductor hats and a few wooden trains to paint, everyone will be on board! Kindergarten birthday ideas are always hard to come by and this adorable train theme can be the perfect one 🙂

    Check out the train birthday theme here!

    Kids Party Theme: Star Wars Party Decor

    What’s hotter than Star Wars these days? Kids of all ages love it, and if your birthday is one of them, then you can look forward to a fun party!

    Check out the Star Wars party decor here!

    Best Baby Birthday Ideas: Army Party Ideas

    I actually helped organize this super fun army party for my mother in law for her 60th birthday. It turned out SO adorable and would be perfect for any little soldier or military loving boy. Or it would also be fantastic for an adult themed get-together. We really liked the army theme and everyone is wearing camouflage!

    Check out army party ideas here!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: Football Birthday

    Even though I classify football as an “older boy”, as you can see, little boys love it too! Our youngest, Speer, enjoyed his second football-themed birthday, Fear the Spear!

    Check out football birthday ideas here!

    Children’s birthday themes: Woody, party decorations

    We really enjoyed throwing a Toy Story themed party for our oldest, Kai! If your child loves Toy Story too, you will love these ideas!

    Look at Woody’s holiday decorations!

    Kids Party Idea: Golf Party Decor

    Boys often love sports, and golf is no exception!

    Check out the golf party decor here!

    Kids Birthday Themes: Space Party Decor

    There are no limits when you make a space or astronaut theme! Rockets, silver balloons and a moon shaped cake make it out of this world!

    Check out space party decor here!

    Best Kids Birthday Ideas: Super Mario Birthday Theme

    If your birthday boy loves video games, chances are he played Super Mario Brothers. Fun, family and classic, it will make a SUPER fun birthday theme!

    Check out the Super Mario birthday theme here!

    Kids Birthday Party: Superhero Birthday Party

    Last but not least, you can’t go wrong with a superhero theme! I’ve included a generic character here, but if your little boy likes a particular character, go for it!!!

    Attend a superhero birthday party here!

    Best baby party ideas for girls

    If you have a birthday girl, there are many ideas on how to decorate her special day. From ballerinas to princesses to super girls, here you can find the best themed parties for younger and older girls. Again, none of these have an age limit, it’s just a way to get started!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: Ballerina Birthday

    Tutus, tiaras and pinwheels make the ballerina birthday theme a tried and true favorite for little girls!

    Check out the ballerina’s birthday party here!

    Kids Party Themes: Troll Birthday Party

    Troll movies are fun, colorful and kids love it. Little girls are especially fond of Princess Poppy!

    Have a troll-themed birthday party!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: Frozen Birthday Party

    Frozen movies are still very popular, and so are Frozen birthday parties!

    Check out Frozen’s birthday party ideas here!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: Flamingo Party Decor

    For the little girl in your life who loves pink, a flamingo themed party is perfect! We threw it in for one of our daughters and it was a hit!

    Check out Flamingo Party Decor here!

    Fun kids birthday ideas: snowflake party decor

    For an enchanting winter birthday, a birthday with snowflakes is a great choice! This is how we made our daughter’s birthday party snowflake style! Little kid’s birthday ideas are always fun because you have more freedom to be creative without them as they are too small to have a favorite theme or favorite character. I have always enjoyed planning my kids’ first birthday party because it gives me endless possibilities for ideas!

    Check out the snowflake party decor here!

    Kids Birthday Themes: Disney Princess Party Decor

    Disney Princess Themes are always popular, and for good reason! Of course, if your little girl has a favorite, you can make the whole party theme revolve around one princess! (See: Frozen!)

    Check out Disney Princess Party Decor here!

    Fun Birthday Ideas for Kids: Mermaid Party Decor

    A magical underwater theme with seashells, pearls and fish tails for the little mermaid is sure to wow her and all her friends!

    Check out the decor for a mermaid party!

    Kids Party Ideas: Unicorn Birthday Party

    You can really go all out with a unicorn theme: rainbow ribbons, colorful icing and a unicorn tail clothespin are a huge hit!

    Check out unicorn birthday ideas here!

    Fun Kids Birthday Ideas: Mary Poppins Party Decor

    If your birthday girl loves Mary Poppins, I have a themed birthday party for you! We had a lot of fun building this model for our daughter!

    Check out Mary Poppins party decor here!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: American Girl 9 Birthday Party1414

    Thinking of an American Girl doll birthday party for your little girl? Here are all the details to plan the perfect American Girl Birthday Party!

    Attend the American Girl Store Birthday Party Here!

    Best Kids Birthday Ideas: Space Party for Girls

    Celebrate a space themed birthday! Not just for boys. .. Stars, moons and fun galaxy colors make this game perfect for your little astronaut!

    Check out the girls’ space party theme here!

    Best Kids Party Ideas: Superhero Party Theme

    Girl Power! For your little super girl, a party in the style of super heroines is perfect!

    Check out the superhero party theme here!

    Kids Birthday Party Ideas: Garden Tea Party

    Classy, ​​elegant tea party perfect for outdoor activities. Tea drinking in the garden will bring pleasure to both adults and children!

    Check out the Garden Tea theme here!

    Dessert Birthday theme

    Ice cream, cakes, sweets, donuts… if your birthday girl has a sweet tooth, why not make the whole part dedicated to dessert? I think it’s also one of the best birthday party ideas for kindergartners, what little kid doesn’t love donuts?! So much fun!

    Check out the Birthday Dessert theme here!

    Kids Birthday Ideas Dinosaur Party Decorations for Girls

    Dinosaurs: not just for boys! I love the idea of ​​throwing a neon themed dinosaur party with lots of pink and orange. A lot of fun and a unique spin on the more popular theme party.

    Check out dinosaur party decorations for girls here!

    Best Baby Birthday Ideas: Makeup/Spa Theme

    If your birthday girl is starting to get interested in makeup or cosmetics, why not have a makeover or spa party? With adult supervision, this can be a lot of fun!

    Check out the makeup/spa decor here!

    Age and Gender Neutral Baby Birthday Ideas

    While many of the ideas above can be modified to suit any child’s special day, there are some themes that are universal no matter what. Here you will find the best gender neutral and age neutral birthday party ideas for your child!

    Kids Party Ideas: Mickey and Minnie Mouse Party Decor

    If you’re from a Disney family like us, you know you can never go wrong throwing a party with Mickey or Minnie, no matter what kid it is! When it comes to toddler birthday party themes, nothing beats the classic Mickey or Minnie!

    Mickey and Minnie Mouse Party Decor Here!

    Best Kids Birthday Ideas: Finding Nemo and Dory Birthday Decor

    Another favorite among boys and girls of all ages is Finding Nemo! If you want to throw a great Finding Nemo themed birthday party, I have some great ideas for you (plus one of my favorite themed birthday cakes!)0003

    Check out Nemo and Dory’s birthday decor!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: Donald Duck Birthday Party Decor

    Donald Duck is another Disney favorite that makes a great party theme no matter who it is! We had a great time with this and it was perfect for our little Donald Duck fan.

    Check out Donald Duck’s birthday decor here!

    Children’s birthday ideas: sunny birthday decorations

    Who doesn’t love the sun? This is a great theme, no matter the baby or the season! Summer party? Yes! Winter party? Makes the room warmer!

    Check out the Sunshine birthday decorations here!

    Kids Theme Party: Monkey Party Decor

    You can never go wrong with your child’s favorite animal! For example, check out this monkey themed party we threw for our oldest child’s first birthday!

    Check out monkey party decor here!

    Kids’ Party Ideas: Dr. Seuss Birthday Party

    Dr. Seuss’ iconic and classic books make a great party theme with their vibrant colors and vibrant imagination. The cat in the hat is always a favorite!

    Attend Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Party!

    Kids Birthday Ideas: Minion Birthday

    Since the first Despicable Me movie came out, minions have taken the world by storm. So, there are plenty of creative ways to throw an adorable minion-themed party!

    Attend the Minion Birthday Party here!

    Fun Kids Birthday Ideas: Jungle Safari Birthday Party

    Let your imagination run wild with a Jungle Safari Party! With lots of greenery (and, if available, a jungle gym), you can create an adventure right at home or a great theme for outdoor play and fun! Kindergarten party ideas can be tricky and I know all kids aged 5-6 LOVE animals so this jungle safari style party would be great for that age group (but let’s be honest, even older kids and adults love a good animal theme) .

    Check out Jungle Safari Birthday Party Ideas here!

    Gift Ideas for Children’s Birthday

    Looking for the perfect gift for your little one on their special day? Having four kids means I had a GREAT experience with birthday gift giving and I also knew what gifts my kids loved getting too!

    I’ve put together some gift guides to help you find ideas for the perfect birthday present for all ages:

    • 1 year old birthday gift ideas
    • 2 year old birthday gift ideas
    • 3 year old birthday gift ideas
    • birthday gift ideas 4
    • 6 year old birthday gift ideas
    • 7 year old birthday gift ideas
    • 8 year old birthday gift ideasOne year old


    Birthdays are fun and special, so I hope these kids birthday party ideas get the gears going so you can enjoy the celebration! If you have other great themes or ideas to share, please leave them in the comments below!

    10 kids birthday ideas for all ages

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    process overview.

    From indoor games to outdoor adventures, there is something for everyone.

    Alesandra Dubin

    Getty Images

    As a parent, it can be hard to keep a kid’s birthday idea fresh and exciting—not to mention age appropriate—with every year and a candle on the cake. Luckily, it’s not impossible to knock him out of the park every time. And no matter what your child is interested in, there is always a theme for the party.

    Get inspired for your next party with these kids birthday party ideas for all ages. From scavenger hunts and sports to spa days and sleepovers, it can all be done without breaking your budget. Moreover, most of them can be installed right at home. Now it remains only to choose the perfect gift for a birthday or a girl.

    Getty Images

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    Sleepover is a classic idea that is easy to adapt for kids of all ages. Simply choose age-appropriate activities to spark their imagination and fun. Think glow-in-the-dark props, a home spa or redecoration, and culinary challenges.

    RELATED: 30 fun things to do during a sleepover to keep them entertained all night

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    Have a movie night in your backyard

    All you need is a big projector and a big projector. Treat the kids to individual popcorn buckets and candy and enjoy one of the best kids movies right under the stars. Bonus: If you have a pool, arrange an immersive movie night for the kids to watch from the water.


    3 of 10

    This kids birthday idea requires a lot of attention to safety and preparation. Make sure everyone is dressed comfortably for the weather, that there are enough adults to look after small children, and that someone is on hand with the skill and attention to start and watch the fire. When you’re all set, go and ask everyone to share their favorite ghost story.

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    Make your own pizza party

    Turn your party into a homemade pizza night. Let each participant roll out pizza dough to their own size, or make it easy with pre-made shells. Then lay out bowls of pre-cooked ingredients—vegetables, proteins, cheeses, whatever tastes and dietary restrictions—and let them create their own masterpiece. The fun (and photoshoots) are in full swing! If you prefer, try a similar party format, swapping out the savory for sweets like cookies or ice cream.

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    Divide your team into groups and send them out to scavenge using whatever parameters are appropriate for the weather and age group. a park or even a commercial place such as a mall.

    Set targets for the scavenger hunt—for example, one item for each letter of the alphabet or items found in nature—and let the groups solve the problem. Keep things clean and organized, requiring them not to retrieve the actual items but to take smartphone photos for proof if each group has one available. Prepare prizes for the winners (and consolation prizes too!).

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    Get them to play

    Plan a birthday party to play at a local facility and keep your group active and participating in friendly competitions. Play on the mini golf course for some great outdoor fun. Or keep it indoors while having a party at the ice rink, climbing gym or bowling alley.

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    Have a spa day

    Treat birthday people to a spa day. Try it right at home by inviting guests in their robes and setting up nail, hair and skin care stations. Gift bags may include lip balms and face masks. Or take a small group for a professional experience by booking chairs in advance at a local nail salon.

    Severin SchweigerGetty Images

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    Creativity Dirty Party

    Encourage and inspire your group’s creativity by providing them with all the tools they need to create and create a fun and memorable party. This works best outdoors when weather permits, but it can also be done in a very well protected area covered in plastic or rags. Have the group participate in a large-scale project together by painting a mural, handprints, or splattering paint on a sheet. (It can become a cherished memory if it is later hung on the wall in the celebrant’s home.) Give everyone a small canvas to take home as a special memory.

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    Depending on the season, the birthday person may enjoy spending the day playing ball with all their loved ones in an environment filled with electrical energy. Treat a small team (or a large one if your budget allows) to peanuts and popcorn, and give each child a ball or team memento to take home as a favor. Find out if your guest of honor’s name and birthday can be placed on the marquee for a mid-game thrilling moment when they see their name in lights.

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    Build a Science Lab

    Encourage kids to love STEM—and show them how much fun it can be applied to real life situations—with an easy birthday party filled with fun, creative science experiments. Focus on making your own textured slime or colorful bath bombs to take home as souvenirs.

    15 whimsical unicorn party ideas

    Alesandra Dubin
    freelance writer
    Alesandra is a digital travel and lifestyle journalist based in Los Angeles.

    25 indoor and outdoor party play ideas for kids

    (Image credit: Getty/Future)

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    Kids’ holiday games are a great way to get everyone involved – we’ve found some of the best games to play indoors and outdoors.

    Trends in kids party games come and go, but if you ask us, traditional kids party games will never go out of style. Whether it’s running down the street playing sardines, smashing a piñata to discover the cache of sweets hidden inside, or dressing up in costumes and singing from the heart into a pair of plastic microphones. We challenge you to find kids who won’t participate in at least a few of these fun activities!

    All of these game ideas require minimal setup. In addition, they are cheap and easy to organize. We’ve specifically selected them to help you throw an affordable kids’ party – no matter what your kid’s birthday theme is.

    Here are the best cheap, simple and fun games we know for children’s parties. The only solution left is to cut it down to your favorites.

    1. Pass the balloon

    For children’s parties, this is an easy and great choice. Balloons don’t have to be just party decorations – you can use them to play a fun game like this.

    All you have to do to get started is choose a balloon to play with. The children should then place the balloon under their chin and pass it to each other using only their necks.

    Top tip: Use two balloons, line up the kids in two lines, and have them compete to add a competitive element.

    You will also need a lot of balloons for this game, so be sure to stock up on Amazon (opens in a new tab) before the party. Next day delivery is available in many parts of the UK.

    2. What time is it, Mr. Wolf?

    What time is it, Mr. Wolf? is a classic children’s game that gets everyone excited about the holiday season by adding a bit of suspense.

    Credit: Getty

    Choose one child to be Mister Wolf. They stand with their backs to the rest of the children, who should say, “What time is it, Mr. Wolf?” and then quickly sneak up on Mr. Wolf. The child playing Mr Wolf answers each question with a different time.

    The goal of the game is to get to Mr. Wolf before he says “Dinner time!”, signaling a chase. Mister Wolf is running around chasing the rest of the kids and whoever they catch first becomes the new Mister Wolf.

    Helpful Hint: Put a wolf mask on Mr. Wolf for more fun – all the kids are guaranteed to squeal!

    3. Bingo

    Bingo is not just for adults. Test children’s counting skills in a simple game.

    You can buy a pre-made kit (opens in a new tab), which is the easiest and fastest option, or make your own. Each child has a card with a set of numbers. You name the numbers and the child marks their card if the number appears. The winner is the child who has all the numbers in a row crossed out.

    Bingo is great for children’s parties. Photo: Getty.

    Top tip: You don’t just have to use numbers, you can create your own cartoon character or bingo animal.

    4. Find your partner

    Find your partner is a great way to break the ice at the start of a party, as it makes kids nervous talking to each other.

    Write the names of famous couples (Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Tom and Jerry, etc.) on separate stickers and give them to the children. Then ask them to find their soul mate. Whoever finds his partner faster, he will win.

    Tip: For fun, stick stickers on the children’s backs and ask others to describe their personality to them. They then have to guess who their character is.

    5. Squeal Piggy Screech

    Squeal Piggy Screech is a fun game for all ages.

    Gather the children in a circle and choose one child to play with. The child is then blindfolded and placed in the center of the circle. Then they should sit on their knees with another child and say: “Squeal, pig, squeal”, after which this child should make a pig squeal. If the blindfolded child can guess who he is sitting on, that person replaces him, if not, he must continue.

    Tip: Any animal and sound effect can be used in this game.

    6. Treasure Hunt

    Test your kids’ problem-solving skills in a mysterious treasure hunt.

    Credit: Getty

    (Image credit: Getty Images/Image Source)

    Hide gifts or treats around the house and write clues for children to find. It doesn’t have to be big gifts, a multi-pack candy is perfect (opens in a new tab).

    • Choose a treasure hunt location: house/garden/street, etc.
    • Choose a theme: pirates/detectives/dinosaurs, etc.
    • Decide where to hide the treasure and work backwards.
    • When creating clues, remember that children will get bored if they are too difficult.
    • Do a test run, shorten it where needed, and make sure you have adults to help.
    • In search of treasure!

    Top tip: Be creative with your clues, use rhymes or riddles to make the clues more fun. If you’re not too creative, you can also buy ready-made tips online from Etsy (opens in a new tab).

    7. Simon says

    Simon says it’s a simple party game that requires no preparation.

    Choose one child to be the leader – or “Simon” – and ask him to stand in front of the other children. The child should then announce the actions (raise hand, sit down, etc.) for the children to copy by saying “Simon says…” in front of the hand. As soon as they say an action without first saying “Simon says…”, the children must not repeat the action, anyone who does is out.

    Top tip: Change the game from “Simon says” to the name of the birthday boy or birthday boy – it will make them feel special!

    8. Spoon and Egg Race

    Spoon and Egg Race can be done not only on sports days, it’s easy to do at home.

    You can even buy plastic eggs online if you don’t want to waste real eggs. Credit: Getty

    Grab a large spoon and a pack of eggs (make sure the eggs rest comfortably on the spoons). Then have the children run while holding the egg on the spoon. The winner is the child who crosses the finish line first without dropping the egg.

    Top top: Hard boil the eggs first to avoid mess and have the kids decorate them with felt tips before the race.

    9. Three-legged race

    Three-legged race is a great way to teach kids how to work as a team.

    Put the children in pairs and tie one leg of one to one leg of the other child. To do this, you can use pieces of tape or rope. Then ask the children to run from start to finish. Their bound legs must remain together throughout the race.

    Top tip: Always use soft material to tie your legs together and make sure you don’t tie it too tight. Always race on soft ground, as they may fall over during the race.

    10. Musical chairs

    Musical chairs are a great way to please hyperactive children.

    Credit: Getty

    (Image credit: Getty Images)

    Arrange chairs in a circle and play music. While the music is playing, ask the children to circle the chairs, as soon as you stop the music, the children should find a chair to sit on. Every time you stop the music, remove one chair. If the child is not sitting in the chair when the music stops, that child is out.

    Helpful Hint: Create two circles of chairs for the children to form a figure eight around them. The added dimension (and the possibility of collision) will increase the level of excitement!

    11. Karaoke

    Children love performing, and what could be better than karaoke?

    There are many karaoke consoles on the market from Singstar to iSing. For a simple machine that will do the job, we recommend RockJam RJSC01-BK Singcube. At just £40 and with two mics, this is a relatively inexpensive way to give kids hours of party fun. This is an added treat for your child as well, as they can use it when everyone else has gone home. Plug it into your TV and start singing.

    Karaoke is great fun at a kid’s party. Photo: Getty

    Top tip: You don’t have to splash out to sing karaoke. Print out the lyrics to your favorite songs and sing along to the CD.

    12. Sardines

    Sardines are like hide-and-seek, but with a twist!

    Hide one child. Then the rest must find them. If they find a person hiding, they must join them in their hideout. The goal is to get as many children into the space as possible, leaving one or two children to watch.

    Helpful Hint: Play in one big room and turn off the lights to make it harder. Make sure all obstructions are removed and the edges closed.

    13. Apple Bounce

    Apple Bounce isn’t necessarily limited to Halloween, although it’s one of the most popular Halloween party games (opens in a new tab).

    Credit: Getty

    (Image credit: Getty Images)

    Take a big bucket and fill it with water, then add apples – easy! Blindfold the children and ask them to pick apples with their mouths only.

    Top tip: Add other (large) items to the water bucket to make it harder.

    14. Boating

    Although you might not think of it as one of the most common kids party games, rowing a boat really tests a child’s imagination.

    Put the children in pairs and sit them on the floor facing each other with their legs extended and holding hands. Make them rock back and forth as you play Row The Boat.

    Top tip: Get creative with your script and add props to make the scene more interesting. soft toys and toy boats.

    15. Skittles

    Skittles is a small bowling alley perfect for home entertainment.

    Credit: Getty

    (Image credit: James Pauls / eyecrave LLC,

    You can purchase colorful skittle sets at most kids stores or online for next day delivery from Amazon (Opens in new tab ). Decorate your space in bowling style and start playing!

    Helpful Hint: Make your own bowling pins from old plastic drink bottles.

    16. Pin the Donkey’s Tail

    Pin the Donkey’s Tail is a simple game that will keep kids entertained for hours.

    You can buy a ready-made donkey tail clip (opens in a new tab) or get creative and make it yourself. You blindfold one child at a time and ask them to attach a carved tail to a picture of a (tailless) donkey. After all the children have walked, the nearest tail wins.

    Top tip: Who said it had to be a donkey? Use any image of an animal, or even choose your child’s favorite cartoon character and tuck away their prize items, like Woody’s hat from Toy Story.

    Credit: Getty

    (Image credit: Getty Images/Westend61)

    Also, if you’re throwing a seasonal Christmas or Halloween party, you can buy a matching seasonal set. For example, Etsy has a cute Halloween nose pin on the wicked witch set (opens in a new tab) and a nose pin on the Rudolph Christmas set (opens in a new tab).

    17. Duck, duck, goose

    Duck, duck, goose is a school playground favorite and a sure bet for kids parties.

    Have the children sit in a circle and choose one child to start with. They then walk around in circles, tapping each child’s head while saying “Duck”. When they hit a child on the head and say “Goose”, the chosen child must chase the other around the circle and back to their free spot in the circle. Whoever does not reach the place must continue tapping.

    Helpful Hint: You don’t have to limit yourself to ducks and geese, mix them in with new characters and add sound effects to make everyone giggle – how about oink, oink moo?

    18. Piñata

    Piñata is a Mexican treat that includes two of the kids’ favorite things: chocolate and games.

    You can make your own for the party or buy one online, Photo: Getty.

    You can buy some fun pre-made piñatas very easily (opens in a new tab) or if you’re feeling especially creative and have a lot of free time, make your own. They are traditionally stuffed with sweets and chocolate. The children are then blindfolded (one by one) and take turns hitting the piñata with a stick. When it breaks, the children are showered with sweet treats.

    Top Tip: If you are making your own piñata, make sure you fill it with small, soft objects as they can hit the kids on the head as they make their way down.

    19. Red Blue Green

    Red Blue Green is a great way to keep kids entertained and one of our favorite games for kids.

    Red means fast speed, blue means normal speed, green means slow motion. Recall the actions that children should copy (skips, jumps, etc.) and then recall the speed color. Anyone who makes the wrong speed is out.

    Top tip: Colors don’t have to be the same speed, you can mix colors and do different things.

    20. British Bulldog

    British Bulldog makes children train.

    Credit: Getty

    (Image credit: Getty Images/Onoky)

    Choose one child to be a bulldog. Find a large open space and have the children stand at one end. They must take turns crossing the space to the other side without marking (touching) the bulldog. If they are tagged, they join the bulldog in an attempt to tag the remaining children. The last tagged child is the winner. 9No. 0003

    Top Tip: Attach strips of material around the children’s waists for a bulldog to remove instead of attaching tags to avoid the risk of things getting too rough!


    Musical figurines

    All you need is a clear space and music to make the musical figurines work.

    Get all the kids on your makeshift dance floor. Turn on some music so the kids can dance. As soon as you stop the music, the children should freeze in the pose of the statue. Each time you stop the music, the last child to complete the movement is eliminated.

    Helpful Hint: Make it harder by shouting out activities to the kids to the music before you get cold. Trying to stay still in the middle of a jump will create hours of fun!

    22. Dressing up

    Dressing up is a fun and entertaining activity for kids at parties if you have props.

    Credit & Copyright: Getty

    (Image credit: Getty Images)

    If you’re low on cash, check out Amazon for girls’ clothing (opens in a new tab) and boys’ clothing (opens in a new tab). tab). Then create a bunch of dress-up clothes and have the kids dig around to design their own outfit. Give prizes for the best costume.

    Top tip: Thrift stores and yard sales are a great place to pick up clothes to choose from.

    23. Musical bumps

    Another musical treat, this time with a small bump.

    This game is based on the same principles as other music games. As soon as the music stops, they should fall to the floor and curl up into a ball. The last one to reach the floor is out.

    Tip: Move the mattresses down so that the bumps are more comfortable.

    24. Score a goal

    Score a goal is a game of football or bast shoes, which is loved at home.

    Credit & Copyright: Getty

    (Image credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

    Make one balloon act like a ball and use your leg/arm or other balloon as a bat to throw it at your intended target . You can even buy cool football-colored balloons (opens in a new tab)!

    Top tip: Make sure the balloons are not filled with helium as they will fly away.

    25. Pass the package

    Pass the package is a classic and favorite game for children.

    Wrap the gift in several layers, have the children sit in a circle, turn on the music and invite the children to pass the package. When you stop the music, the child holding the bag takes off one layer. Repeat until the real is revealed.

    To collect gifts to send in a package, you can visit your local supermarket or shop online. Amazon even has an entire section dedicated to gifts for kids (opens in a new tab), so you can get what you need to play without spending an arm and a leg.

    Top tip: Glue mini gifts like candy or chocolate on each layer so every child is a winner and shout out rules throughout the game like “change direction” or “circle” to get a little bit of everything mix. .

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    Stephanie Lowe is a GoodTo family editor covering everything about parenting, pregnancy and more another. She has over 13 years of experience as a digital journalist with a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to family and lifestyle. Stephanie lives in Kent with her husband and son Ted. With his love of choo-choo, Hey Duggee, and finger painting, he keeps her on her toes.

    15 Ideas for birthday events for babies and children

    Author: Amanda Shapin Michelson

      Source: @Alainakaz

      as a mother of almost three -year -old children, we go to the celebration birthday. In the run-up to her own party, I came up with fun ways to entertain active toddlers during the celebration.

      Remembering my own birthdays as a child, I threw many fun parties that would be just as fun today (I fondly remember my third birthday with a backyard puppet show). But today there are also a bunch of fun ideas that definitely didn’t exist when I was a kid.

      There are many options, no matter what budget you are looking at. In fact, the list below includes free party ideas, budget options, and more expensive events. Remember, kids pretty much have fun at any party as long as they’re with their friends (and the cake at the end helps). You don’t have to go overboard to throw an unforgettable and special birthday party – it’s all about celebrating your little one the way you know they’ll love it.

      Check out the list below for unique ways to start a party.

      For babies

      For preschool and toddlers


      Source: Jay Chen | Unsplash

      1. Playground Meet

      For the most budget friendly option, keep things low key and celebrate your birthday at a local playground. It requires very little planning and preparation on the part of the parents, and kids love the playground, so they’re sure to have fun, be busy, and leave tired (a parent’s dream!). Bring some balloons and snacks to make the holiday festive and give the kids a chance to frolic. If you can, find a fully fenced-in playground so the parents can relax a bit and the kids can’t get far.

      2. Giant Bubbles

      Either hire someone to put on a bubble show or throw a bubble party yourself. You can buy soap bubble mix or look up recipes online and make your own. Fire up a bubble machine, buy bubble sticks in all sizes (available on Amazon or Etsy), and let the kids go crazy making their own bubbles.

      3. Puppet show

      Find a local puppet show group that can put on a show either in a specific location or even in your backyard. If your child particularly likes a theme (princesses, Sesame Street , dragons, etc.), see if you can find a company that caters to their interests.

      4. Sing-along evening

      Do you have a child who loves music lessons? Focus their party on music and hire a local musician to sing and dance for the little ones. If you’re struggling to find someone to hire, check with your local preschools to see if their party music teachers are available.

      5. Small towns

      These entertainment centers are taking over towns and making them smaller for small children. These cities usually have a fire station, a grocery store, etc., and this can be a very fun activity for kids. Find a nearby and rent out space for your next party.

      6. Water party

      Celebrating a summer birthday? Make it a water theme with all kinds of activities including water tables, water balls, slide and slide, sprinklers and so on. Make sure attendees know it will be a water theme so they can dress appropriately and bring towels (or offer towels as a party gift!).

      Preschool and toddlers

      Source: Ron Lach | Pexels

      7. Magic Show

      Hire a local magician to put on a magic show for the kids. Remember that with young children their attention span can be short, so keep things short enough to keep the kids entertained.

      8. Baking experience

      Children love baking not only because of the pleasure, but also, of course, because of the food. Depending on the size of your group, you can arrange the baking in your own kitchen (it’s sure to make a mess, so do it at your own risk) or make things easier by buying pre-baked treats (cookies or pretzels work well) and have the kids go to the city with icing and sprinkles decoration. Either ask the kids to eat them as a treat at the end of the party, or offer them packs to go and the treats can be a party decoration.

      9. Craft Party

      Purchase supplies from your local craft store and set up DIY stations for the kids to have fun. You can go for the messy option like dyeing or make it cleaner by embroidering beaded bracelets. If it’s dirty, let your guests know ahead of time so they can dress appropriately. Consider the age of siblings if they will be attending classes as well. If you have many younger siblings, try to avoid small items (such as small beads that can choke on) or make a dedicated station for younger guests.

      10. Trampoline park

      For energetic kids, rent a trampoline park. These centers usually offer party packages, so it’s a great opportunity to kick back and relax as the host, with the staff taking care of all the logistics. To keep a budget, some places will allow you to rent after hours or may allow you to make partial rentals.

      11. Gymnastics

      Like a trampoline park, a children’s gym is a great place to celebrate a birthday. Kids can run and jump while the parents can watch without having to clean up anything.

      12. Children’s Museums

      If there is an interesting children’s museum in your area, ask if they allow birthday rentals. Choose from specific activities to explore with your group.

      13. Petting Zoo / Reptile Encounters

      For toddlers who love animals, it’s worth visiting a petting zoo or reptile center, or perhaps bringing a few animals and critters into your backyard, with expert guidance of course.

      14. DIY Olympics

      Create your own Olympics with age-appropriate participants. A few examples: an obstacle course, a 50-meter run, a three-legged run, a long jump. Keep things light and fun with prizes for everyone.

      15 Scavenger Hunt

      Send the kids on a mini scavenger hunt during the party. For younger participants, use a list made up of images so they can find something on their own. List things like a basketball hoop, a slide, a big rock, a green tree, etc. Make it as simple or complex as it makes sense for your audience. Team up with an adult leader to help keep everyone on track.

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      85 Birthday Food Ideas for Kids I Taste of Home

      Scratching your head when it comes to what to serve for a children’s party? We are here to help! Here are some adorable birthday party ideas that kids are sure to eat.


      I love pizza, macaroni and cheese. After a lot of experimentation, I found a great way to combine them. Pizza is a big hit with my colleagues, friends and family! — Martha Mullenberg, Vermillion, South Dakota

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      Read these superhero birthday party ideas.


      Turkey and bacon give the classic Sloppy Joe a new twist. I service it almost every week! — Janine Smith, Columbia, SC

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      This exquisite birthday cake fondant is perfect for making your big day special. This is a great alternative for those who are not crazy about cake. — Rashanda Cobbins, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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      Complete the party with these fun birthday games for kids of all ages and taste the best store-bought cakes.


      I came up with these crispy strips one night when I was looking for a new quick way to serve chicken. Crushed corn flakes really take it to the next level. They make delicious appetizers, especially when served with barbecue or sweet and sour dipping sauce. —Crystal Shackles-Gibson, Bispring, Kentucky

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      I often take this slow cooker monkey bread to parties – kids and adults love it! Rum extract is optional and easy to omit. — Lisa Leaper, Worthington, Ohio

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      My preschooler doesn’t eat ground beef unless it tastes like tacos, so I came up with this taco pastry that we all love. To make assembly easier, I cook the taco meat and freeze multiple bags at once. I also cook noodles on weekends for a timely dinner at the end of the week. – Kathy Wilson, Romeoville, IL

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      This BB-8 cake is easy to assemble and decorate. The cake mix gives you a boost so you can spend more time arranging the decorations. — Home test kitchen taste

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      These savory macaroni and cheese tacos are just as delicious the next day. Just reheat it and garnish with grated lettuce, diced tomatoes and cheese. — Jolynn Fribli, Nokomis, Illinois

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      Ice cream tacos look like real ones, but they’re stuffed with chocolate ice cream and garnished with cherries and coconut flakes instead of tomatoes and lettuce. They are just as fun to make as they are. — Karen Oney, Fort Worth, TX

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      This is a fun way to serve bacon cheeseburgers without the hassle of assembling sandwiches for serving. These handy pouches can be dipped in ketchup or barbecue sauce while you eat them. —Marjorie Miller, Haven, Kansas

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      It doesn’t take much to add a fun theme to your birthday party. This delightfully decorated baby shark cake, along with a few bright decorations, will liven up the theme. — Taste of Home Test Kitchen

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      These oven-baked bites are easy to quench your thirst. Small pieces of chicken are served with an incredibly light sauce that combines apricot jam and mustard. — Michelle Krzmarzyk, Redondo Beach, CA

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      I came across this recipe a few years ago and made some changes to suit my family’s tastes. Because it starts with packaged macaroni and cheese, it’s ready in a jiffy. — Nancy Dougherty, Courtland, Ohio

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      Fresh fruit salad can take some time to prepare and requires last-minute assembly. That’s why I often rely on this pre-cooked frozen fruit salad when entertaining a crowd. — Judy McHone, Springfield, IL

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      Everyone will love these Kool-Aid pickles. They owe their color and sweet and sour taste to a long marinade in a mixture of fruit drinks.— Taste of a homemade test kitchen

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      Just looking at this delicious dog treat will make guests’ stomachs growl! This cake is also surprisingly easy to make. You can easily transform this baked treat into a dog by adding chocolate and a fruity snack to make the face friendly. — Nancy Reichert, Thomasville, GA

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      Try this simple version of the classic casserole. For fun, just add your family’s favorite pizza toppings! — Sharon Skildum, Maple Grove, MN

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      These Oreo Rice Krispies Treats are chewy inside with a crispy top. Not only are they delicious, but the crushed biscuits make them sweet 909.99 presentation. — Taste of home Test kitchen

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      Kids and adults alike will love these Southwest-inspired hot dogs in an air fryer. This dish is not only budgetary, but also hot, cheesy and tasty. — Joan Holford, North Richland Hills, TX

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      These cold gluten-free ice cream sandwiches are perfect for hot sunny days. Gluten-free chocolate chip cookies are so delicious you can eat them just like that… but you won’t want to miss the ice cream! – Taste of homemade test kitchen

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      I started making these mini burgers a few years ago to creatively use the bread crusts that had piled up in my freezer. They are tasty. — Linda Lane, Bennington, VT

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      Check out more delicious birthday dinner ideas.


      You can make this sweet creamy sauce in just 10 minutes. I like to serve it in a bowl surrounded by freshly picked strawberries for spring brunches or dinners. — Cindy Steffen, Cedarburg, Wisconsin

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      This magical unicorn cake tastes as good as it looks. Baking in small forms creates an impressive height, and a few simple decorating tricks turn it into a stunning dessert. —Lauren Knoelke, Des Moines, Iowa

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      This is a hearty, savory main course with a crispy, golden crust. Feel free to add your favorite toppings. — Marianne Edwards, Lake Stevens, Washington

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      I made these sparkly treats for my daughter’s Brownie Squad, and they’re great for princess parties. Sometimes I use lemon curd instead of jam. — Marina Castle Kelly, Canyon Country, CA

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      Speaking of princesses, learn how to plan a princess party for your little royalty!


      There are so many different ways to make a hot dog, but this delicious version of Sloppy joe beats them all. ‐Kimberly Wallace, Dennison, OH

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      These fun and colorful wands don’t have to be made by a magician to be magical. You can change the colors to match any party theme. — Rene Schwebach, Dumont, MN

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      A friend who is an excellent cook shared this hamburger recipe with me and it has become a family favorite ever since. An unusual combination of cola and French salad dressing added to ground beef gives it an incredible taste. The mixture is also used as a sauce for wet hamburgers.
      — Melva Baumer, Millmont, PA

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      My husband loves ice cream sandwiches and a snickerdoodle, so I combined them into one fun treat. That’s how we make this cool dessert. — Heather Pilon, Winslow, Maine

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      With extra taco meat, these delicious appetizers are easy to make. I add the seasoned meat to the cream cheese mixture and wrap it in tortillas. — Cindy Reems, Philipsburg, PA

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      When it’s too hard to bring root beer floats to a picnic, take these cookies instead! I found it tasted even better the next day. The hardest thing is convincing my family to wait that long before trying them. — Violetta Bowden, West Valley City, UT

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      This pizza came together on the fly. I needed to take something to a meeting, but didn’t have time to go shopping. I rummaged through the fridge for inspiration and found this happy combination. — Wendy Huffman, Bloomington, IL

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      Bring a local fair into your kitchen with these summer-ready corn dogs. Dipping Tip: Pour the batter into a tall Mason jar and dip the dogs to create an even coating all around. — Home test kitchen taste

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      I created this recipe based on our family’s love of chocolate covered ice cream cones. Heart-shaped red sprinkles make them fun for Valentine’s Day. Vary the color to match the occasion. — Jennifer Gilbert, Brighton, MI

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      From large handfuls of dried apricots and cherries, almonds and pistachios, we make dozens of treats that you can take with you anywhere. — Donna Walk-Stelmach, Morristown, New Jersey


      These oven-baked crispy fries are kid-friendly and quick to prepare. It is topped with a mixture of crushed potato chips, panko breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese. Dip them in ranch sauce, barbecue sauce, or honey mustard sauce. — Nick Iverson, Denver, Colorado

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      For my kids’ birthdays, I love topping this birthday cake with jimmy ice cream. — Becky Hurges, Fargo, ND

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      My mom and I used to make this Rice Krispie for Christmas every year. Microwave-only cooking means they’re super easy and fun to mix with kids. — Savannah Chapdelaine, Orlando, FL

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      This sliding coaster makes a fun and tasty centerpiece. Add your own fun, creative touches and feel free to mix and match meats and cheeses to suit your family’s tastes. You can also add breadsticks to make “legs” if you want the subwoofer to look like a centipede. — Linda Overman, Wichita, Kansas

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      When we want to have a healthy snack, we dip bananas in yogurt, roll them in cereal, and then freeze them. TA-dah! — Scarlett Elrod, Newnan, Georgia

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      My little nieces love to help decorate these donut shaped cookies. They top them with sprinkles, chopped pecans, or crushed hard candy. — Jolie Stinson, Marion, Indiana

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      My girls love it when I make this hot dog chili mashed pizza. This is a wonderful way to use leftover chili peppers. — Jennifer Stowell, Smithville, MO

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      I’ve been baking these colorful cupcakes with my mom since high school. Fun sweets are just as fun to make as they are to eat. — Tammy Quinn, Linden, Ontario

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      Want a family side dish? This colorful potpourri will delight kids and is a great way to encourage healthy eating. — Sharon Ricci, Spooner, Wisconsin

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      Buy sugary cereals that you normally stay away from. It’s dessert! – Taste of homemade test kitchen

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      Slow-cooked chili peppers are the perfect filling for a small bag of nachos. Cut the bag lengthwise to make it easier to load the fork. — Mallory Lynch, Madison, Wisconsin

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      When I got my own ice cream maker, a friend shared her dreamy cheesecake frisy recipe. For guests, I put it in tartlets. — Joan Holford, North Richland Hills, TX

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      We make traditional pizza a twist by wrapping regular toppings in egg roll wrappers and then deep frying them. Yum! — Home test kitchen taste

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      My kids love this delicious treat. I like to dilute the dough with a pinch of cinnamon and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. — Margarita Torres, Bayamón, Puerto Rico

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      If ​​you don’t plan on making two, don’t count on leftovers. As an appetizer or side dish, this cheese tortilla will be eaten in less time than baking. And it won’t be long! — Suzanne Zick, Maiden, NC

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      I made this giant peanut butter cookie cake for my husband with light, low-fat ingredients in the batter. It was so fantastic that I made it with the usual ingredients for guests. Because it can be made ahead of time and frozen, it reduces stress for busy housewives. And really, who doesn’t love peanut butter ice cream? — Joanne Belak, Bradenton, FL

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      It’s so much fun to surprise people with crushed popcorn in these delicious cookies. This is definitely a special cookie on a holiday tray. — Lee Ann Preston, Palmyra, IN

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      We have come up with this fresh and fruity summer snack. It’s easy to make ahead of time and take it to the stadium, the beach or the playground, and the cinnamon yogurt dip adds the fun kids love. – Taste of homemade test kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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      My macaroni and cheese is simple and has a lot of flavor from cheeses and ground chipotle chili. I use conchili pasta because its shape allows more of the melted cheese to pool inside. Yum! — Colleen Delauder, Herndon, VA

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      Trying to find ice cream for my birthday cake – my favorite flavor – I came up with these easy lollipops. Now, instead of going to the store every time I have cravings, I just go to my freezer. — Don Lopez, Westerly, RI

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      These little pizza pockets are a fun mashup with a waffle iron. Try adding your favorite toppings or even a few breakfast toppings like ham and eggs. — Amy Lents, Grand Forks, ND

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      Making these lollipops is a fun activity for a children’s party because all ages can participate. Customize them for the holidays or special occasions by sprinkling them with colorful sprinkles. — Marcia Porch, Winter Park, Florida

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      I turned peanut butter and jelly into French toast. Slice and string these dainty sandwiches. You have won the creative parent of the year crown. Check out my blog for more great food ideas. — Nicole Meyer, Roslyn, NY

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      My kids love fruit chips and popsicles. I created a healthy and tasty treat that combines these two qualities. For a sweet addition, use cinnamon sticks instead of wooden sticks. —Carmell Childs, Orangeville, UT

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      When our son was growing up, this was one of his favorite breakfasts. I have used low fat ingredients in the past and this has also worked well. — Joan Holford, North Richland Hills, Texas

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      My mom made turntables every Christmas and I still love them. They are so colorful and perfect for gift boxes. — Jill Heathwall, Pittsville, MD

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      Smart little meatballs flavored with a rich traditional tamale sauce in a bite-sized serving. This is a delightfully great addition to the holiday table. —Dolores Jacox, Gretna, Louisiana

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      When I was a child, my mother often used this recipe. I have adapted it to be more chewy and gooey than the crunchy version with nuts. I get requests to do this for every event I host and have never had a single leftover! — Shannon Dobos, Calgary, Alberta

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      Here’s an easy recipe for a colorful and fun breakfast or snack! Use your favorite juice for frosting. — Home test kitchen taste

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      My grandmother’s beef roll recipe is easy to modify. Load them up with ham, vegetables, even olives – whatever you want. — Kent Call, Riverside, UT

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      A colorful and fun appetizer mix couldn’t be easier than this one. Mix and match with your favorite sweet and savory dishes. — Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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      Place these cute cuties in a mug of hot chocolate or display them on a holiday cookie tray. Covered in white chocolate and coconut, they are too adorable to eat. Nearly. — Home test kitchen taste

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      Sandwich utensils become this dinner favorite with chilled pizza dough. Use whatever combination of cheese, deli meats, and vegetables you like or have on hand. — Katherine Cassidy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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      My 5 year old wanted to bake a pie with potato chips and bananas. It didn’t work for me, but I combined two cookie recipes to create them. They are amazingly delicious and everyone tells me they are addictive! — Rebecca Emmons, Tulsa, Oklahoma

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      Dip fresh strawberries into melted caramel discs to create a rainbow of colors. Or get adventurous and make a unicorn. The creative possibilities are endless. — Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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      Sugar Waffle Cake makes a cake that tastes like a birthday cake when you add a dreamy creamy no-bake confetti filling. – Taste of Home Test Kitchen

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      Wafflewich is a texture masterpiece with chewy waffles, smooth ice cream, gooey caramel syrup and crunchy pecans. This is a comfort food for cold storage. — Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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      I boil chicken thighs in a sweet and spicy sauce, slice them, and then spread them on pretzel buns to create an incredibly addictive party meal. — James Shand, Culinary Editor Taste of Home

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      I combined several recipes to create these crunchy peanut butter and marshmallow chocolate bars. Bars can also pass for fudge! — Don Lowenstein, Huntingdon Valley, PA

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      I was looking for ways to spice up traditional chicken nuggets and came up with this recipe. The chips add a crunchy texture and flavor, while the meat becomes tender inside. — Christina Segarra, Yonkers, NY

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      Many years ago I added some zucchini to a peanut butter bar I made, and this time I wanted to try adding it to a cake. The zucchini makes the cake very moist, but doesn’t interfere with the flavor of the chocolate and peanut butter. — Marilyn Blanksheien, Clintonville, Wisconsin

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      When it comes to mini versions of anything, I love it! These cupcakes are individually sized sticky monkey bread made with frozen dinner roll dough, cracker crumbs, chocolate chips and mini marshmallows. They are easy to make and kids love them. — Tina Butler, Royce City, TX

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      Some cakes stand on their own without icing. For this vibrant rainbow cake, use some whipped cream to make fluffy clouds. — Janet Tigchelaar, Jerseyville, Ontario

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      This very meaty macaroni and cheese is easy to cook in the slow cooker. The kids love it, and I love that I can sneak in some vegetables. — Nancy Heishman, Las Vegas, Nevada

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      Smores is one of my favorite desserts. I wanted to create a cookie that would replace the graham cracker, and that’s when my smuki was born. Just as delicious as the classics. — Maria Davis, Hermosa Beach, CA

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      My husband’s love of classic peanut butter and jelly inspired this recipe. Strawberry buttercream and peanut butter frosting are a delicious combination. — Kelly McCree, North Kingsville, OH

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      This deep fried mac and cheese recipe I made for my husband. He describes this recipe as incredibly delicious due to the deep fried crispy crust and creamy filling inside. — Shirley Rikis, The Villages, Florida

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      At first glance, people might think that this colorful “pizza” is a savory snack. But the truth comes during the tasting! Children enjoy fun candy fillings. — Sandy Gibbons, Ocean Park, WA 9.0003

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      These super fun waffles are soft on the inside, crispy on the outside and taste like cake batter! They are quick to prepare at any time but will make your birthday morning even more special. — Andrea Fetting, Franklin, Wisconsin

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      Originally published: June 30, 2021

      Caroline Stanko

      As an editor, Caroline writes and edits everything related to food, and also helps to shoot videos for Taste of Home.

      5th birthday ideas | best home

      Your child is growing faster every day and is celebrating his fifth birthday. If you’re planning to celebrate the holiday with a party but don’t know where to start, we’ve put together a few ideas for you.

      Looking for ideas for a birthday theme for your 5 year old? Try our tips and tricks below.

      1. Determine the size of the birthday party

      The size of the birthday party is the first thing you need to decide. 5 year olds do not have long attention spans and are easily distracted compared to adults. That’s why your child’s birthday party should only consist of a few key people and friends they play with. In this way, it does not become too bulky and it becomes much easier to receive guests.

      2. Invitation card ideas

      Birthday invitations are available in a variety of themes. Here are some birthday invitation ideas for your 5 year old if you are planning to design your own invitation cards.

      • An animal-themed birthday invitation is a creative idea. You can ask your child to draw, color and cut out animal figures such as elephants, lions, giraffes, monkeys, etc. Glue it to the front of the card and decorate with tree and grass to rotate.
      • Quotes from your child’s favorite characters or TV shows are also great for invitation cards. For example, you could use the verse from “Chhota Bhim” and end the line with “I’m inviting you to my birthday party on (date and time). This theme will make your invitation interesting.
      • Another fun invitation card idea is a pirate idea. You can create a card by inserting a picture of the road to your house with directions on the back as markers and an X marked in the space ahead of that location. You can design the invitations in black with the dominant skull logo and add some spooky quotes and the classic “Ahoy Maties” to make your invitations look great.

      3. Theme and decor ideas

      There are many themes and decor ideas you can try for parties. Here are some fun ones worth trying.

      1. Cartoon theme

      For a cartoon theme, you can use paper plates and cups with cartoons for your children. You can also organize games such as drawing a cartoon without seeing, writing cartoon titles backwards, etc.

      2. Angry birds theme

      For the Angry Birds party theme, you will need Angry Bird stickers and red and yellow feathers for invitation card design. You can decorate the entrance to the party area with cardboard boxes that are drawn and decorated in such a way that the design of the big pig is from the chain. For tables, make sure you have red, black, and yellow plates, and make pig fortresses using wood pieces and smaller cardboard boxes.

      3. Barbie Theme

      This is one of the best birthday party ideas for girls and you are only dealing with three colors – pink, purple and orange. Decorate holiday tables with pink fabric. You can have a tiara for all of your child’s friends to put on before digging into the birthday cake. Use pink, white, and silver balloons to scatter across the floor and tie to chair backs.

      4. Cowboy theme

      A cowboy party theme is one of the best ideas for a boy’s birthday party if the majority of the children present are boys. Decorate the tables with a red and white checkered tablecloth and place plain plates on top. Decorate the party area with boots, cowboy hats and ropes.

      5. Alice in Wonderland Theme

      Alice in Wonderland is a theme that most five year olds enjoy. To do this, decorate the party area using asymmetrical dishes, chairs, napkins, kitchen or cutlery. You can put a chocolate fountain in the center and leave some strawberries to make the event even more fun.

      4 cake ideas

      Here are some birthday cake ideas for kids:

      • You can decorate a birthday cake in the form of frozen figurines.
      • Anime inspired birthday cakes based on characters like Doraemon, Tom and Jerry and Mr. King. Be your child.
      • Sports themed cakes are popular with boys.

      5. Food Ideas

      Parties are ten times more fun with cold food. Here are some great food ideas

      • Cake

      You can cook or buy fruit or chocolate cake for your child.

      • funny fruit

      Plan meals with organic fresh fruits and salads.

      • Juices

      From banana milk to freshly packaged smoothies, this should be the main course of the party, because after the party everyone is thirsty.

      • sandwiches

      You can also make sandwiches with bread and vegetables.

      6. Play and Activity Ideas for Little Guests

      Here is a list of fun birthday party ideas for 5 year olds below.

      1. Chalk with chalk

      Young children love to play with crayons, and when your child has friends, you can succeed. You can give them sheets of paper with their favorite letters and a pack of crayons. They will light up their faces to bring their characters to life.

      2. Musical chairs

      Musical chairs are the perfect toy for your five year old child. To do this, you will need one chair less than the total number of children in the company. Line them up in a circle and put on some good music. When the melody stops, everyone must take their places, and the one who remains standing is out of the game. This continues until there is only one winner left.

      3. Mark, you!

      This is a classic game suitable for all ages and can be played outdoors. Everyone runs away, and then “it”. When it is marked on a person, it freezes instantly. If other children tag a frozen player before he gets “win”, they will be spawned. And if “he” can tag everyone, he/she chooses who is “new”.

      4. Race for eggs and spoons

      Give the children an egg and a steel spoon each. Set the start and end lines in the room. The winner is the one who first crosses the finish line without dropping the eggs from the spoons.

      5. Find the treasure

      Make a list of “hidden” items in your home. Be sure to prepare toys and other surprises for your little guests. Give your kids a time limit and the kid who finds the most treasure wins!

      7. Gift ideas for the back

      Here are some gift ideas to mark the end of the event.

      1. Characters and figurines

      Give your guests figurines or collectibles at the end of the Christmas party.

      2. Mud kits

      Clay kits are popular gifts for five year olds.

      3. Mini Board Games

      This is a sure winner in the returns section.

      4. Racing game

      Sports themed gift ideas for your party, anyone? try this

      5. Stuffed toys

      Stuffed toys are equally suitable for girls and boys.

      These birthday themes, gifts and cake ideas will make your 5 year old’s big day unforgettable. Try them out and let us know how it works!

      Birthday of a 3-4 year old child. Scenarios, games, ideas

      While the guests are gathering, invite the children who have already arrived to draw something as a gift for the birthday man on a piece of drawing paper (wall newspaper). Even in the hallway, invite the children to choose a half of a figuratively cut postcard from the box, and the second half will be waiting for them at the festive table – near a plate or on a chair. Thus, the problem of determining the place of who will sit where is solved.

      For 4-year-olds, the task can be complicated by arranging a game of trackers. Cut several (according to the number of guests) funny cards into pieces, on each write a clue where to look for the next one, and hide them in accessible places. Let there be few fragments – the main thing is that the tips are funny and understandable enough. When all the pieces are found, the postcard must be assembled like a mosaic, and it will show the number of the guest’s seat at the table. It is clear that you have the opportunity to cheat by giving everyone the “needed” starting fragment to ensure the desired seating order at the table.

      And it is best to start the holiday with the traditional “Karavai”, after which the birthday man is given a birthday cap, a medal with the inscription: “Awarded … for … well-lived years.”

      Round dance games can be continued, because children really like to dance.


      Children walk in a circle holding hands. In the middle of the circle sits a child – “zucchini”.

      Zucchini, zucchini –
      Thin legs,
      Red boots.
      We fed you,
      We gave you water,
      We will put you on your feet,
      We will make you dance.
      Dance all you want,
      Choose who you want!

      “Zucchini” dances, and then chooses another child who becomes “zucchini”.


      Children dance with the words:

      “Blow bubbles, look at them!”.

      Gradually the circle expands, and the children say:

      Inflate, bubble,
      Inflate big,
      Stay like this,
      Don’t burst.

      When the facilitator says “The bubble has burst, the bubbles have exploded!”, the children scatter to the sides.

      “Mice dance”.

      This is a cat and mouse game for the little ones. Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands. The “cat” (character or chosen participant) squats down in the middle of the circle and “sleeps”. “Mice” go to the music in a circle and sing:

      Mice lead a round dance, round dance, round dance,
      A cat is napping on a couch, a cat is napping, a cat is napping.

      Stop facing in a circle, shaking fingers at each other:

      Hush, mice, don’t make any noise,
      Don’t wake Vaska the cat.

      They grab their heads with their hands, shake their heads:

      When Vaska the cat wakes up –
      Will break our round dance!

      After these words the “cat” wakes up and catches the “mice”. Which of the “mice” managed to sit on a chair – that one cannot be caught.

      Teremok game.

      Children must be at least six. You need to agree in advance who will be the mouse, frog, bunny … Animals can be very different, not necessarily, like in a fairy tale. It all depends on the number and desire of children. Only the trap bear should be alone. So, everyone join hands, walk in a circle and sing:

      There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,
      He is not low, not tall, not high,
      Here is a mouse running across the field, field,
      She stopped at the door and knocked.

      “Mouse” runs out into the circle with the words: “Who, who lives in a little house? Who, who lives in a low place? ”, – and remains in the circle. The rest of the children again go in a circle and again say the same words, but instead of a mouse they call a frog. Each time, the named children run out into the circle and ask: “Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place? They are answered by those standing inside the circle:

      I am a lamb mouse…
      I am a frog… etc.
      Who are you?

      When they hear the answer, they say: “Come live with us.” Only one bear remains. He walks around the gathered animals, and when they ask him: “And who are you?”, He answers: “And I am a bear – a trap for everyone.” Children scatter, and the “bear” catches them. Caught becomes a “bear”.

      After the round dance, you can invite guests to play one of outdoor games , and if parents (guests) take part in all children’s games, quizzes, etc., children’s interest in any game increases, there is pride in their parents who can play and able to have fun from the heart, despite their age.

      Fox and Bunnies.

      In one corner of the room is a rabbit house. In the opposite corner is the fox’s house. The hare house needs to be decorated with garlands and balls.

      One of the mothers and younger children pretend to be hares. The second mother is a fox. The older kid is a dog, the other two are bears.

      “Fox” is sitting in his house. “Doggy” and “bears” – at one of the walls of the room, away from both houses. “Hare-mother” and “hare”, sitting in the house, “sleep”, then “wake up”, “wash”, etc.

      “Fox” leaves her house, goes to the house of “hares”, knocks on the door and asks to let her in to live with the “hares”, because she likes their house very much – it is so elegant.

      “Hare-mother” leaves the house and explains to the “fox” that there is no place for her in the house of hares. She invites the “fox” to decorate her house so that it is as smart as the hare’s house. “Fox” argues with “mother bunny” and wants to enter the house, “mother bunny” does not let her in, “bunnies” shout: “We won’t let her in, we won’t let her in!” “Fox” goes to his house.

      “Mama Bunny” suggests “rabbits” to go for a walk “into the forest” (in the middle of the room). While the “bunnies” are jumping “in the forest”, the “fox” quietly sneaks to their house, “closes the door” and does not let them in when they return from a walk. “Mom-bunny” is upset, says: “Ai-ai-ai!” “Hares” repeat after her: “Ai-ai-ai!”

      “Mama Bunny” asks: “What are we going to do now? Let’s call the dog, let it drive the fox away. All “bunnies” call “doggy”. She comes running, and the “bunny-mom” asks to drive away the “fox”. “Dog”, accompanied by “bunnies”, approaches the house, “barks”. “Fox” jumps out, “scares” “dog” and “bunnies”, everyone runs away to the side.

      The scene described above is repeated (“bunnies” are distressed). The “dog” also participates in this scene. “Bunny-mom” offers to call “bears”.

      At the call of “hare” two “bears” appear. They walk, waddling, approach the “hares”. Having listened to the request of the “hares”, the “bears” approach the house and “growl”.

      “Fox” is “scared” and tries to quietly get out of the house. “Bears”, “dogs” and “bunnies” chase her and, after a short chase, catch the “fox”. “Mom Bunny” asks her menacingly: “Will you still go to someone else’s house without asking?”

      “Fox” promises not to do this again, and “mother bunny” offers to make peace with her. After the reconciliation scene, the “mother bunny” treats everyone with sweets and invites them to dance.

      The game ends with a dance.

      Everyone walks in a circle, holding hands, mothers sing:

      We will dance for joy
      We will all go in a round dance.
      Like a fox we chased away,
      We’ll sing a song here.
      Here comes the dog,
      began to bark at the top of her lungs:
      “Bow-bow-wow, wow-wow-wow,
      Go away, fox, away!”

      At the first two lines of the second verse, everyone runs to the center, then disperses. At the second two lines they say: “Wow-wow-wow!”

      At the end of the dance, first the “bears” come out to the middle of the circle and dance. Behind them – “fox” and “dog”. At the same time, mothers sing a song without words (la-la-la), and the guys clap their hands, after which everyone dances.

      If space permits, play Corydalis Hen with three-year-olds.

      One of the mothers agrees with the children that now they will play mother chicken and baby chickens. She will portray a chicken, children – little chickens, and another mother – a cat. The cat can catch the chick and eat it, so they should not go far from the mother hen.

      Mom, pretending to be a cat, sits on a chair at the end of the room and pretends to be asleep. “Chicken” with “chickens” walks around the room, saying:

      Corydalis hen came out,
      Yellow chicks with her.
      The hen cackles: “Ko-ko,
      Don’t go far.”

      “Chickens” – children collect “grains” (tap their fingers on the floor). Approaching the “cat”, the “hen” says:

      On the bench, by the path,
      The cat lay down and dozes.

      “Chickens” come very close to the “cat”. At the words:

      The cat opens its eyes
      And catches up with the chickens.

      Mother-“cat” opens her eyes, stretches, angrily “meows” and runs after “chickens” and “chickens”.
      The Hen and the Chicks run to the other side of the room. The “hen”, spreading his arms wide, as if protecting the “chickens”, says:

      — Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens!

      In subsequent games, the role of the cat can be played by a child.

      A very common game is “Our favorite bear”.

      It consists in the fact that the presenter says to the children :

      “A bear came to visit us.” Taking the “bear” in her arms, she shows it to the children, and they all admire it together. “Mishka” waves its “paw”, as if greeting the children.

      Children answer:

      Hello, bear! Then the facilitator asks the children:

      – Who loves the bear?

      After the children answer, the facilitator asks:

      — Who wants to pet the bear?

      Those who wish pet the bear.

      The presenter asks:

      “Mishka, do you like kids?”

      “Mishka” “growls” and nods his head in the affirmative.

      – Will you pet them?

      “Mishka” strokes the children’s heads.

      — Mishka, can you catch up with the guys?

      “Mishka” “growls” again and nods his head again.

      One of the mothers runs with the children from the “bear”, he catches up with them. First they run all over the room, and then hide behind a screen (can be made from a sheet). And when the “bear” approaches them, the children run after their mother to the opposite corner of the room and hide again, etc. (hide and seek are repeated at the request of the children).

      After unsuccessful attempts to find the children, the “bear” steps aside, sits down and “cries”.

      A mother who ran away with her children (children):

      Listen, guys, the bear is crying. Let’s go to him, we’ll take pity on him.

      Children approach the “bear” and say: “Don’t cry, we are here.


      Well, honey, you’ve already stopped crying, now tell us how you want to play with the kids.

      “Mishka” seems to be answering something incomprehensible to the presenter’s ear, she comically dismisses him (the scene is repeated several times). Finally, the host says that the “bear” wants to dance.


      Well, dance, and we will clap your hands!

      The presenter sings, the children clap their hands, the bear dances.


      This is how a fat bear dances,
      He waves his paw to the guys.
      The little bear danced for a long time,
      Slipped and fell.

      “Bear” falls to the floor, one of the children picks it up and gives it to the presenter.

      Presenter (to the bear):

      Ay-ay-ay, bear, you don’t know how to dance, you fall, but our children dance well and don’t fall at all.

      The children are dancing together with the leader, who has a “bear” in her arms, some kind of dance. “Mishka” claps his hands, and then brings a bag of sweets and treats the children.

      If the guests do not feel very free , shy, it is necessary to create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, because at the holiday people have fun, even if they are unfamiliar, and do not sit in the corners. For guests to settle in and relax, for example, engage them in the well-known chair competition . Of course, there are 1 fewer chairs than the participants, everyone runs around them to the music, and when the melody stops, they sit down. But one place is not enough. Those who do not have time are out of the game. Try not to get carried away, otherwise only adults will reach the final.

      For children of three years old, the game “Don’t Yawn” is well suited.

      All those present form a large circle, and the leader (one of the parents of the birthday boy) explains the rules of the game: and so on, through one. Clear?”

      If the children answer that they understand, start the game, if it is not clear, explain again.

      It is necessary to start the game at a slow pace, then, as the rules of the game are mastered, the pace increases. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The remaining three are declared winners, they are awarded prizes.

      “Guessing” – a game for children aged 3-5 years.

      Toys of various shapes and textures are laid out on the table, in the amount of 5-7 pieces. All children are invited to carefully look at the laid out toys, touch them with their hands and remember. Then, in turn, they blindfold, change the order of the toys on the table, ask them to take any and, feeling it, determine what is in their hand. It is very good if adults also play this game with children.

      Who is faster?

      The game consists in the fact that two (three, four) people begin, on command, to wind the rope around the stick with both hands (option – twine on a pencil), to which it is tied. Who will be at the goal faster (the box in which the prize lies), he won.


      This game can only be played once. One child drives, but fun is guaranteed for everyone. A leader is chosen and several raw eggs are laid out on the floor. Then they blindfold him. And then, gesturing to all the other children to be silent, quickly and quietly collect the eggs. Pretending that the eggs are still lying on the carpet, you tell the leader in chorus: “To the right!”, “To the left!”, “Caution, I almost crushed!”. The ultimate goal is to go through the whole room or take the prize lying in the opposite corner. The main fun begins when the bandage is removed from the child, and he finds that he was trying not to crush non-existent eggs.

      Balloon Relay.

      The guys start on all fours, in front of them there are balloons on the floor. Children blow on the balloons, thereby adjusting the balloons to the finish ribbon.

      Crush the ball.

      Two people are playing. Each player receives a round balloon in their hands. On a signal from the leader, the guys throw the balls forward and try to sit on them. The one who crushes his ball first wins.

      Since three-year-olds tend to show their character and get offended, it is recommended to prepare prizes for all the little guests. These can be fridge magnets, pencils, balloons, stickers, sweets… By the way, at the very beginning, children should be given out personal small bags so that the prizes received do not distract from new games and are not lost. The collection is replenished after each new competition. “Luggage storage” is with the parents.

      However, it’s time to invite guests to Lick Your Fingers cafe (it sounds much more interesting than “Children, sit down at the table!”) and treat them to cooked goodies.

      At the same time, riddles can be offered to children and their parents.

      For example, these (choose the appropriate ones):

      Who went out with me in the rain,
      That’s why I’m like a roof. (Umbrella)

      The red nose is rooted into the ground, and the green tail is outside.
      We don’t need a green tail, just a red nose. (Carrot)

      The living castle grumbled, lay across the door.
      Two medals on the chest,
      better not come into the house. (Dog)

      Not a bush, but with leaves,
      Not a shirt, but sewn,
      Not a man, but tells. (Book)

      From branch to branch,
      Fast as a ball,
      A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest. (Squirrel)

      Hairy, green,
      She hides in the leaves.
      Although there are many legs,
      still cannot run. (Caterpillar)

      Who in the cold winter
      wanders in the forest angry, hungry? (Wolf)

      Both big-eared and big-eyed,
      And much to be frightened.
      Climb into the bush And sleep,
      Eat a stump and be full. (Hare)

      Patterned tail,
      boots with spurs. (Rooster)

      Empty himself,
      Thick voice,
      Beats the shot,
      Calls the guys. (Drum)

      Funny animal sewn from plush,
      There are paws and ears.
      Give the beast a little honey
      And arrange a lair for him. (Mishka)

      I received these miracle bricks
      as a gift.
      What I make of them – I break,
      And first I collect. (Dice)

      Hit the wall and I’ll jump.
      Throw it on the ground and I’ll bounce.
      I’m flying from palm to palm,
      I don’t want to lie still. (Ball)

      The fat man lives on the roof,
      He flies higher than everyone else,
      Loves jam
      And plays with the Kid. (Karlson)

      Vigilantly watching guard
      Behind the wide pavement.
      As it looks with a red eye,
      They all stop at once.
      A green eye looks,
      Tells you – go. (Traffic light)

      Befriends the owner, guards the house,
      Lives under the porch, has a ringed tail. (Dog)

      Along the river, along the water,
      A line of boats floats.
      The ship goes ahead,
      leads them behind. (Duck with ducklings)

      Mixed with sour cream,
      Cold on the window.
      Round side, ruddy side.
      Rolled… (Kolobok)

      My father had a strange boy,
      Unusual, made of wood.
      On land and under water
      Looking for a golden key.
      Everywhere the nose sticks its long one.
      Who is this? (Buratino)

      They fall from the sky in winter
      And circle above the earth
      Light fluffs –
      White … (Snowflakes)

      Though not a doctor, not a tailor,
      He carries needles with him
      And lives in the silence of the forest.
      And he is a good mushroom picker!
      If you meet, don’t touch!
      Who is this? That’s right,… (Hedgehog)

      Near the forest, on the edge,
      Decorating the dark forest,
      It grew motley, like Parsley,
      Poisonous -… (Amanita)

      You can choose more riddles here: Riddles for children .

      Play the black box:

      wrap a prize in several layers of paper. Write a riddle on each layer. The more layers, the more interesting. The riddle is read aloud, who solves it – removes the first layer of the wrapper, and so on – layer by layer. The winner is the one who, having guessed the riddle, gets to the prize.

      A more democratic option, so that no one is offended, is the “black bag”: the host calls the word associated with the holiday (the name of the birthday person, for example, or the word “holiday” itself), and announces that the bag contains objects whose names are start with each letter of the word. The host says: “What is in the bag with the letter “P”?” You can ask leading questions. The one who guesses gets the item. Then a prize for the letter “P” is played, and so on until the end of the word. The prizes, of course, are again the most common ones: a gingerbread, a comb, an orange, a marshmallow…

      After the treat has been thoroughly tested, offer children games and contests, dances .

      Games can be very different: building together with blocks, constructor, counting sticks, throwing balloons, playing the train, catching up. Even hide-and-seek can be played in different ways:

      you can hide in the classic way (everyone is hiding, one is looking), another option is the driver hides the toy, the rest do not peep, and then look,

      you can play hide-and-seek under a handkerchief (“Where Sanya? Have you seen Sanya?”).

      Try to arrange a “sports competition”: “who will run the fastest?” — for example, to the opposite wall or to a toy,

      “who knows how to crawl under a string?” – two adults hold the rope at a distance of 80, 60, 40 cm from the floor, and the children crawl under the rope,

      “who is the most dexterous among us?” – children and adults throw balls or small toys into a basket, box.

      Don’t forget to praise all the participants because they tried so hard!

      Children also enjoy more challenging games.

      For example, the game “Owl”.

      The driver is chosen – “owl”, he stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players dance around him and say: “Owl-owl, a big head is sitting on a tree, but suddenly how it will fly!”. With the last words, everyone scatters, and the “owl” catches them. The one who is caught first becomes the “owl” in the next game.

      No need to prepare and play many games. Children themselves know what to do: play with toys, build houses from blocks, and just run and squeal with joy. Usually they don’t need adults for all this. But if you see that the holiday “freezes” a little, the children do not know what to do, then you will have to show your imagination: arrange contests, dances or play outdoor games. But all the games and entertainment you have planned should be organized with a minimum number of accessories. Complex costumes or a bunch of items to play take time and distract children from the process itself.

      As for the competitions, we can offer “forfeits” in the form of a semi-flower or chamomile , on the reverse side of the petals of which very simple or funny tasks are written: recite a poem, show how an airplane flies, a steam locomotive rides, depict some or an animal, jump on one leg, repeat a tongue twister, etc.

      “Collect potatoes with a spoon!”.

      The game is played by two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. On a signal, you need to collect potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in a basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain amount of time wins.

      “Bite the apple!”

      Tie an apple by the handle and hang it at face level. The players approach the apple one at a time and try to bite it off, holding their hands behind their backs.


      For this competition, you should prepare some delicate dish, such as jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches (without sulfur) or toothpicks.

      “Funny competition”.

      Arrange unusual competitions for a children’s company. For example, you can organize “elephant races” (children will stomp like elephants and wave their arms like a trunk) or competitions in movement in a kangaroo, turtle style (on all fours, as if there is a shell on their back), or you can run backwards or in a “bundle” of two.

      “What’s missing?”

      Demonstrate some small objects, then ask the children to turn away, and remove one of the objects. Who first guessed what was missing, he won.

      “Funny face”.

      To prepare for this game, prepare a sheet of drawing paper with a funny character drawn on it, and cut out a large oval in place of the face. If possible, it is better to stick whatman paper on a piece of thick cardboard, for example, from a TV box or a refrigerator. Children alternately stick their faces into the oval and make faces. Who’s funnier?

      “Cats, get down!”

      The children are explained that when they hear: “Cats, lie down!” – They should lie on the floor. And the leader begins the story. You can say anything, the main thing is to remember as many words as possible that begin with “lo-” and periodically insert them into the story. For example: “Once upon a time there were cats in the world, and they were very cheerful. Somehow a frog comes to them and says: “Cats, catch … mice!” (here all the children usually throw themselves on the floor). And then the cats come to the stable. Cats, horses and other animals have always been friends with each other. The cat’s mother comes to them at night and says; “Cats, go to bed!” Well, and so on…

      How are they similar and how are they different?

      Each must answer than similar and how they differ:

      Wolf and Dog,

      Giraffe and Ostrus,

      Chamomile and Astra,

      Bus and trolley,


      globe and ball,

      pencil and pen.

      You can choose a variety of questions – for both three-year-olds and adults, for whom you can come up with humorous riddles.

      Dancing Animals.

      Play music—classical, pop, rock, whatever you like—for the kids to dance to. Ask the kids to move to the beat of the music. Have the children pretend to be an animal dancing to the music. They can waddle like a duck, stomp like an elephant, step softly like a cat, move quickly with their legs like a mouse, step majestically like a tiger, frolic like a dog.

      “Funny Monkeys”.

      Everyone stands in a circle, and the leader says: “We are funny monkeys, we play too loudly. We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, we puff out our cheeks, we jump on toes and even show tongues to each other. Together we will jump to the ceiling, we will raise our finger to the temple. We stick out the ears, the ponytail at the top. We will open our mouths wider, we will make grimaces. When I say the number “3”, everyone freezes with grimaces. Children repeat all the movements after the leader, and when he says “Three!” – freeze.


      Everyone receives a “herring” cut out of an old newspaper with a thread and, with the help of adults, ties it to clothes so that it drags along the floor. Everyone is running and everyone is trying to step on the other’s “herring” (and cut it off), while vigilantly watching so as not to lose his “herring”. Whoever lost the “herring” is out of the game.

      Attach the tail.

      For this game you need a large picture of a donkey on paper, and the donkey should be without a tail. Paper tails are cut according to the number of children. At the end of the tail is a piece of tape. The picture should be hung on the wall. Children take turns blindfolding. Task: attach the tail to the right place without touching the pattern.

      It is necessary to sign with a pencil where whose tail is, in order to find out at the end of the game who did the best job and give him a small prize. If someone has a controversial situation, then they can be replayed.

      To calm down the children who have played out, at the end of the festive program, give 1-2 sheets of drawing paper and felt-tip pens to be “torn to pieces” so that the guests draw their favorite episodes of the party.

Puyallup kindercare: Puyallup KinderCare | Daycare, Preschool & Early Education in Puyallup, WA

Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 9:55 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Puyallup, WA

KinderCare has partnered with Puyallup families for more than 50 years to provide award-winning early education programs and high-quality childcare in Puyallup, WA.

Whether you are looking for a preschool in Puyallup, a trusted part-time or full-time daycare provider, or educational before- or after-school programs, KinderCare offers fun and learning at an affordable price.

  1. 31st Avenue KinderCare

    (253) 848-1907

    123 31st Ave SE

    Distance from address: 1.58 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

    Tuition & Openings

  2. Puyallup KinderCare

    (253) 841-3785

    301 43rd Ave Se

    Distance from address: 2. 34 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

    Tuition & Openings

  3. Puyallup Meridian KinderCare

    (253) 840-5686

    10221 152nd St E

    Distance from address: 4.59 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  4. Bonney Lake KinderCare

    (253) 863-2332

    9010 Main St E
    Bonney Lake

    Distance from address: 5. 21 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  5. Frederickson KinderCare

    (253) 531-8222

    17419 Canyon Parkway East

    Distance from address: 6.82 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  6. Brown’s Point KinderCare

    (253) 874-4251

    34110 Hoyt Rd SW
    Federal Way

    Distance from address: 8. 69 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  7. First Avenue KinderCare

    (253) 927-5051

    32324 1st Ave S
    Federal Way

    Distance from address: 8.94 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

    Tuition & Openings

  8. University Place KinderCare

    (253) 474-5295

    5424 Orchard St W

    Distance from address: 10. 11 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

    Tuition & Openings

  9. Auburn KinderCare

    (253) 939-1833

    2916 Auburn Way N

    Distance from address: 10.76 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

  10. Redondo KinderCare

    (253) 941-5815

    28715 18th Ave S
    Federal Way

    Distance from address: 10. 98 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

    Tuition & Openings

  11. North Tacoma KinderCare

    (253) 565-1671

    635 S Mildred St

    Distance from address: 11.92 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

    Tuition & Openings

  12. Midway KinderCare

    (253) 941-8698

    25450 Pacific Hwy S

    Distance from address: 12. 96 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

    Tuition & Openings

  13. East Hill KinderCare

    (253) 854-7110

    10450 SE 253rd Pl

    Distance from address: 13.83 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

    Tuition & Openings

  14. Covington KinderCare

    (253) 630-4461

    27050 174th Pl SE

    Distance from address: 14. 81 miles

    Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

    Tuition & Openings

Puyallup KinderCare (2022-23 Profile) – Puyallup, WA

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  • KinderCare in Puyallup welcomes all  to come and visit our
    Nationaly Accredited Learning Center. Once you have met 
    our  dedicated staff you will not want to leave your children
    any where else.   All of our team members have
    specialized training for the age group they work with.  We
    want  all who enter our program to feel like they are apart of
    one big  family.   We have seen generations grow with
    us.  Our biggest enrollment of new children come from
    referrals from current or past families.   The education
    of  young children is our highest priority however we include
    large doses of FUN to ensure that all children feel successful in
    the activites that promote their development. Every child is an
    unique individual  and  with our whole child approach to
    learning, the teachers can customize goals to help them achieve
  • The health and saftey of children at our center is our top
    priority.   To ensure all children are kept safe we have
    a coded enrty system to monitor only those authorized to enter.
  • Hours Of Operation: 5:30 AM to 6:30 PM, M-F
  • Languages Spoken: Spanish
  • Center does work with subsidy programs. ***Center Director prefers
    to discuss subsidy programs with parents in person***

Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)


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The application deadline for Puyallup KinderCare is rolling (applications are reviewed as they are received year-round).

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In the middle of the school year, Nizhny Sergi decided to close a kindergarten, November 2022 |

They want to stuff more kids in the first building of the kindergarten, but they decided to get rid of the second


The second building of kindergarten No. their children will go and why close the kindergarten, which is located right in the center of the city? They are sure that the mayor’s office has its own vested interest in this story.

— I live seven kilometers from Nizhny Seryoga, I take my child by bus, I take him from the bus station to the kindergarten, and then I go to work. If they close our kindergarten, which is located in the center, and disband us according to others, then I won’t be able to keep up with work, I’m alone with them, a single mother, Natalya Nikiforova told E1.RU. – We went to the head [Andrey] Chekasin, he tells us that everything is supposedly overcrowded there. The teacher assures that, on the contrary, there are not enough children.

– They used to talk [about this] in the summer. They closed the kindergarten, made a music school, then opened the kindergarten again. Now they want to close again. Why to the detriment of our children? Mom is outraged.

Iryna Yaremchuk, head of kindergarten No. 10, explained that the children would be transferred to the neighboring building No. 1, which is only a few minutes walk from the second building. In addition, all educators will retain their jobs. There are 13 groups in the first building, and only 3 in the second, and it is really unprofitable to maintain it.

— There will be an institution of additional education in the future. Yes, the operation of the building will stop, but all the children go to our kindergarten. They even go to better conditions, they were not infringed on their rights. We can accept 240-250 people, we are not completely filled, – said the manager. — There building 1968 years old, it is small in itself. It was repaired at one time, but all communications are old. The only plus for parents is that there is a bus stop nearby. We do not have an acute situation with places in kindergartens, our parents are young people, they leave for big cities to study and earn money.

We sent a request to the Ministry of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region. If answered, the news will be updated.

We recently told how in Yekaterinburg they want to install a cell tower right next to a kindergarten. Parents are ready to block the way for builders, if only to save their children from radiation. And in the Academic Head, the kindergarten turned into a real Russian fairy tale with a haystack and a hut. See how it all looks.

We have also put together a list of schools and kindergartens that will be built or at least started to be built in 2023.


  • November 11, 2022, 10:30

    We don’t want to be in a magnetic field. Yekaterinburg residents rebelled against a cell tower near a kindergarten

  • October 17, 2022, 17:27

    What kind of schools and kindergartens will be built in Yekaterinburg in 2023? List

  • September 27, 2022, 10:30

    How to create a Russian fairy tale and follow hundreds of children at once? Interview with the head of the kindergarten from Yekaterinburg

  • August 31, 2022, 09:05

    Twins from Yekaterinburg were given two different kindergartens. Angry mom about how this is possible

  • July 08, 2022, 11:13

    “More than in Akademichesky”. It became known when a huge school for two billion

Elena Anosova


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Full name of the institution: municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of general development type No. 244” of the Samara city district.

MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 244” Samara operates in two buildings:

MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 244″ Samara at the address: 18 km. Moscow Highway

Tel/fax: 8(846)957-21-56 E-mail: E-mail address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address.

Creation date: 1962

MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 244” Samara at the address: st. Dalnaya 5
Tel/Fax: 8(846) 998-31-59 E-mail: E-mail address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address.

Creation date: The building was built in 1953, opened after a major renovation in 2015

Short name: MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 244” Samara

According to the organizational and legal form, the budgetary institution is a municipal budgetary institution, by type – a preschool educational institution, by type – a kindergarten of a general developmental type. The founder of the budgetary institution is the municipality of the city district of Samara.

Functions of the authority of the Founder are performed by:

Administration of the city district of Samara located at the address: 443010, Samara, st. Kuibyshev, 137.

Head of the city district of Samara – Elena Vladimirovna Lapushkina

Official website:

Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

Minister of Education and Science of the Samara Region – Viktor Akopyan

Official website:

Department of Education of the City District of Samara

Head of the Department of Education – Kokovina Irina Nikolaevna

Official website:

Address: 443010, Samara region, Samara, st. Leo Tolstoy, 26 / Frunze, 118

Phones: (846) 332-32-50

E-mail: E-mail address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address.

Actual address of the institution:

443122, Samara region; Samara, st. Dalnaya, 5

443072, Samara region; Samara, st. 18 km. Moscow Highway

Legal address of the institution:

443122, Samara region; Samara, st. Dalnaya, 5

Contact phone: 8 (846) 998-31-59, 8 (846) 957-21-56

E-mail: E-mail address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address.

Branches and structural divisions at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 244” g.o. Samara NO.

Working hours MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 244” Samara:

5-day working week during the calendar year from 7.00 to 19.00 from Monday to Friday; Saturday, Sunday, holidays – days off.

Daily routine, the sequence of children’s activities is established in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

Day care findlay ohio: THE Top 10 Daycares in Findlay, OH | Affordable Prices

Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 9:47 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

THE Top 10 Daycares in Findlay, OH | Affordable Prices

Daycares in Findlay, OH


Little Seeds Summer Child Care
Activities included
Wilderness Exploration
Nature hikes
Weekly field trips
Arts and crafts
Daily snacks and lunch provided

Camp Glen

305 W Hardin St, Findlay, OH 45840


Camp Glen offers summer camp programs geared towards elementary students, from grades one to five. Located in Findlay, Ohio, the company offers various camp programs and outdoor activities that aim to teachschool-age kids new skills and assist in their social development….


Macklin Marilyn & Gordon Intergenerational Institute in Findlay, OH offers compassionate and intergenerational programming to kids. The children will learn through guidance, hands-on explorations, and dailyinteractions in a natural family-like atmosphere. This child care facility helps students gain an academic advantage and learn life skills.


Jack & Jill Nursery School is an educational facility that provides programs designed to support children’s development and discovery of talents and abilities. The facility serves the Pewaukee WI community andaccepts preschoolers. The center encourages the academic, social and physical development of students in a warm, loving and nurturing environment….


Keeping Kids Safe, Inc. is a locally based daycare facility that offers full-time child care and early education programs designed for young children. Located at 417 N Main St, the company serves familiesliving in the Findlay, OH area. Keeping Kids Safe, Inc. operates from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. during weekdays….


Lutheran Trinity Home base is a childcare and education provider that serves the community of Walnut Findlay OH. It offers a religious environment provides age-appropriate learning programs for infants,toddlers, and preschoolers. The center promotes good values to make sure that children will be responsible members of the society.

Kids R Kids LLC

1624 Tiffin Ave Ste C, Findlay, OH 45840

Costimate: $167/wk


Kids R Kids LLC offers center-based and full-time child care and early education services designed for young children. Located at 1624 Tiffin Ave Suite C, the company serves families living in the Findlay, OHarea. Kids R Kids LLC has served the community since they started operating in 2007….


Children’s Corner Preschool & Child Care Center Inc provides a quality, developmentally appropriate educational opportunity for children. The center provides a balanced learning program by integratingchild-initiated and teacher-initiated activities. The school’s program aims to develop the whole child and his/her physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth….

Day Care Glada

1601 Washington Ave, Findlay, OH 45840

Costimate: $167/wk


Day Care Glada is a childcare provider that serves the community of Findlay OH. It offers a warm and nurturing environment and provides appropriate activities that enhance children’s social skills and mentalabilities. The center promotes active learning by allowing children to explore, discover, and learn….


Montessori Children’s Village offers center-based and full-time child care and early education services designed for young children. Located at 220 Cherry St, the company serves families living in the Findlay,OH area. Montessori Children’s Village can admit and handle a total of 36 children….


Happy Hands Daycare in Findlay, Ohio seeks to provide a nurturing, high quality, safe and fun learning environment that is fit for the child’s overall growth and development. It is a Child Care provider thatcan accommodate a certain number of children for preschool….


Merry Time Nursery School is a child care center conveniently situated at 2643 Hollybrook Dr, Findlay, OH that believes play is a crucial learning component for children of all ages. Their center providesvarious activities that allow their students to learn and have fun at the same time….


Findlay Schools For Fabss offers a warm and secure environment promoting the fullest possible development of the whole child. The center’s goal of educating children is to provide them with a foundation ofcompetence and confidence to function independently throughout their lives….


Children’s Corner Infants Toddlers is an early development center located at 333 Oakland Ave, Findlay, OH accredited by the state of Ohio. Their center provides a structured child care environment that fostersthe development of their students’ cognitive, motor, and social skills….

Showing 1 – 14 of 14

FAQs for finding daycares in Findlay

In 2022 what type of daycare can I find near me in Findlay, OH?

There are a variety of daycares in Findlay, OH providing full time and part-time care. Some daycares are facility-based and some are in-home daycares operated out of a person’s home. They can also vary in the degree of education and curriculum they offer. Additionally, some daycares offer bilingual programs for parents that want to immerse their children in multiple languages.

How can I find a daycare near me in Findlay, OH?

If you are looking for daycare options near you, start several months in advance of when you need care for your child. has 14 in Findlay, OH as of October 2022 and you can filter daycares by distance from Findlay or your zip code. From there, you can then compare daycare rates, parent reviews, view their specific services, see their hours of operation and contact them through the website for further information or to request an appointment.

What questions should I ask a daycare provider before signing up?

As you visit daycare facilities in Findlay, OH, you should ask the providers what their hours are so you can be prepared to adjust your schedule for drop-off and pick-up. Ask what items you are responsible for bringing for your child and what items you may be required to provide that will be shared among other children or the daycare staff. Also, make sure to check directly with the business for information about their local licensing and credentials in Findlay, OH.

Child Care Centers and Preschools in Findlay OH

Child development centers in Findlay vary in size as well as in scope. While some offer progressive curriculums and the latest advancements for preschools, others are more intimate daycare centers that take a more relaxed approach to childcare.
Whatever your priorities, finding the right daycare center for your child is important. We’ve made the seemingly overwhelming task easier by collecting basic information such as size, location, and licensing information for child development centers in Findlay into a single location.
Simply click on the links below to learn more about Findlay childcare centers that are dedicated to providing families with safe, quality childcare.
You can also read reviews about various childcare providers to learn more about which is the right choice for your family. We always welcome comments and corrections, to better the browsing experience on our site.

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Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 422-6387

Blanchard Valley Center serves person with developmental disabilities from birth through adulthood.


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 425-3049

Imagine a place where a 98-year old is feeding an infant, where an 87-year old is sharing her walker with a youngster who’s just learning to walk, and where a 4-year old suddenly discovers that her 78-year old friend has to take out his teeth to brus …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 422-1400

Something Special is a licensed child care facility that is a home away from home for your family. We understand that children learn best in a comfortable, loving environment that fills the social, emotional and educational needs of each child. We’re …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 420-9894

TLC Preschoolÿ& ChildÿCareÿis a mission of Trinity Lutheran Church, serving the Findlay area and surrounding communities. It was first established in 1997 as a Latchkey before and after school program. Over the years, the program expanded to inclu …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 425-8245

Preschool children (ages 3-5) identified through the multifactored evaluation process with significant developmental delays in the areas of communication, motor, adaptive behavior, social-emotional, vision, hearing, or cognitive skills.


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 423-3147

Head Start is a no-fee*, family-focused, preschool program for low-income families, but limited openings are available for higher-income families. We serve children three years of age through kindergarten age eligibility, including children with spec …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 427-2721

Welcome to Almost Home Infant Care & Preschool. Opened in 1998, Almost Home is the fulfillment of my dream of the ideal Early Childhood Center. We have begun with the perfect setting:  a beautiful, 5,000 square foot facility on one acre o …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 422-3174

FINDLAY YMCA CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER is a Licensed Child Care Center in FINDLAY OH, with a maximum capacity of 294 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant, Toddler, Pre-Schooler, School Age. The provider also …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 423-2112

First Presbyterian Church Nursery School (FPCNS) is a preschool learning center founded in 1975.  Because a child learns through their play in their preschool years, the program at FPCNS is play-oriented.  Play provides an opportunity for hands …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 422-7740

The Mission of Jack & Jill Preschool is to provide a quality, affordable preschool program for the children of the surrounding communities. Our program is devoted to enhancing the lives of young children, 3-5, through a curriculum that is based on Th …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 423-2738

At the center of education at St. Michael the Archangel School in Findlay, Ohio are beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church. St. Michael offers a challenging curriculum steeped in Catholic tradition and conveyed by inventive and dedicated teache …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (567) 525-4487

At The Center for Autism & Dyslexia, we believe that education isn’t about memorizing facts or taking tests—it’s about teaching children skills they can use to maximize their potential and live more meaningful lives. We are dedicated to providi …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 420-0424

1 AMAZING PLACE is a Licensed Child Care Center in FINDLAY OH, with a maximum capacity of 177 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant, Toddler, Pre-Schooler, School Age. The provider also participates in a sub …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 422-7525

LBES SCHOOL is a Ohio Department of Education Licensed Preschool in FINDLAY OH. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Findlay, OH 45840 | (567) 429-3596

OWENS COMMUNITY COLLEGE EARLY LEARNING CTR is a Licensed Child Care Center in FINDLAY OH, with a maximum capacity of 50 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Toddler (18), Pre-Schooler (28), School Age (4), Toddler …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 423-5967

AROUND THE CLOCK II is a Licensed Child Care Center in FINDLAY OH. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 423-5967

AROUND THE CLOCK, INC is a Licensed Child Care Center in FINDLAY OH, with a maximum capacity of 63 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant, Younger Toddler, Older Toddler, Pre-Schooler, School Age. The provide …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 427-2721

ALMOST HOME, INC is a Licensed Child Care Center in FINDLAY OH. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 422-0618

CHILDREN’S CORNER PRESCHOOL & CHILD CARE CENTER INC. is a Licensed Child Care Center in FINDLAY OH, with a maximum capacity of 79 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Toddler (2), Pre-Schooler (41), School Age (36 …


Findlay, OH 45840 | (567) 208-1725

EARLY YEARS FAMILY CHILDCARE CENTER LLC is a Licensed Child Care Center in FINDLAY OH. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

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Daycares in Findlay OH – CareLuLu

Daycares and Preschools




Hancock County



Around The Clock, Inc

Around The Clock, Inc is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH with the license issued by the Ohio Dept of Job And Family Services (odjfs) -…

Montessori Children’s Village

Montessori Children’s Village is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH. We are a medium-sized center. We participate in a subsidized child care…

Jack And Jill Preschool

Jack And Jill Preschool is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH with the license issued by the Ohio Dept of Job And Family Services (odjfs) -…

1 Amazing Place

1 Amazing Place is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH. We are a large center. We participate in a subsidized child care program. Please…

Winfield Child Development Center Head Start

Winfield Child Development Center Head Start is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH. We are a large center. We participate in a subsidized…

Almost Home Infant Care & Preschool

Almost Home Infant Care & Preschool is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH with the license issued by the Ohio Dept of Job And Family…

Sunshine Child Care Center

Sunshine Child Care Center is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH. We are a large center. Please email us for more information.

Immanuel Lutheran Preschool

Immanuel Lutheran Preschool is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH. At Immanuel Lutheran Preschool, we enroll children as young as 24 months…

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Home DaycareDaycare CenterPreschoolsInfant

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Opens before 6amCloses after 6pm24 hours a day6:30am – 6:30pm

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0 – 1 Years1 – 2 Years2 – 3 Years3 – 4 Years4 – 5 YearsKindergartenBefore/After SchoolSummer Camp

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Other Daycares near Findlay OH

Beginning Steps To Learning, LLC

Beginning Steps To Learning, LLC is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH with the license issued by the Ohio Dept of Job And Family Services…

Merry Time Nursery School

Merry Time Nursery School is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH. At Merry Time Nursery School, we enroll children as young as 12 months…

Tlc Preschool And Childcare

Tlc Preschool And Childcare is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH with the license issued by the Ohio Dept of Job And Family Services…

Children’s Corner Preschool & Child Care Center Inc.

Children’s Corner Preschool & Child Care Center Inc. is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH. We are a large center. We participate in a…

Something Special Learning Center Inc

Something Special Learning Center Inc is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH with the license issued by the Ohio Dept of Job And Family…

First Presbyterian Church Nursery School

First Presbyterian Church Nursery School is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH. We are a large center open from 8:00am to 5:00pm. To learn. ..

Children’s Corner Preschool & Childcare Center Inc

Children’s Corner Preschool & Childcare Center Inc is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH. We are a medium-sized center. We participate in a…

Owens Community College Early Learning Ctr

Owens Community College Early Learning Ctr is a licensed child care center in Findlay, OH with the license issued by the Ohio Dept of Job And Family…

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Cities Near Findlay OH

North Baltimore, OH

Cygnet, OH

Bloomdale, OH

North Baltimore, OH

Cygnet, OH

Bloomdale, OH

Jerry City, OH

Rudolph, OH

Wharton, OH

Arlington, OH

Frequently Asked Questions

How many daycares are there in Findlay?

There are 18 daycares in Findlay, based on CareLuLu data. This includes 0 home-based programs and 18 centers.

How much does daycare cost in Findlay?

The cost of daycare in Findlay is $585 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.

Top Resources Related to Daycares

Child Care During Coronavirus (COVID-19): The Definitive Guide

Is daycare safe? How to find child care during COVID-19? Get answers in this guide.

Is daycare safe right now? Do parents still pay if daycares close? How to find daycare during closures? Here’s your guide to child care during coronavirus.

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10 Tips for Finding Quality Child Care

Here are 10 tips to help you find affordable and quality child care.

When I needed a daycare and a preschool for my girls, I spent days on Google, phone, and visiting in person. I toured 16 centers before settling for the one that felt right for us. Here are 10 tips to help you find quality child care more easily.

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Child Care Center vs. Home-Daycare: Pros & Cons

Which environment is better, a child care center or a home-based daycare? The answer is simple…

During a child care seminar for parents and parents-to-be, I realized the differences between child care centers and home-based daycares were unclear to a lot of families. I was asked which environment was the best, center or home. My answer was simple…

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Is Daycare Bad for Kids?

For years, parents have debated what seems like a simple enough question: is daycare bad for kids?

For years, parents have debated what seems like a simple enough question: is daycare bad for kids? There is still no definitive on the long-term effects of daycare, but there are steps parents can take to give their children the best daycare experience.

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Find Daycare Cost Near You: Use the Daycare Tuition Calculator

How much does full time daycare near me cost? Is home daycare more affordable than a center?

How much does full time daycare cost? Is home daycare near me more affordable than a center? Use our Daycare Tuition Calculator to find out average daycare tuition rates in your zip code.

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How To Get Your Child Care Tax Credit

Here are 10 things you need to know to claim your Child and Dependent Care Credit…

For most families, child care is the highest single household expense. But, there’s good news! Uncle Sam is here to help and can offset some of your daycare costs. Here are 10 things you need to know to claim your Child and Dependent Care Credit…

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Clyde, Ohio – Clyde, Ohio

Clyde /ˈklaɪd/ [6] is a city in Sandusky County, Ohio, United States, located 8 miles southeast of Fremont. The population was 6325 people. Census 2010. Assigned to the National Gazebo Day Foundation by Clyde Tree City USA.

The city is famous for being the inspiration for Sherwood Anderson’s 1919 collection of short stories. Winesburg, OH . [7]


  • 1 History
  • 2 Geography
  • 3 Demography
    • 3.1 Census 2010.
    • 3.2 Census 2000
  • 4 Education
    • 4.1 School
  • 5 Economics 900 900 900 900 900 900
  • 7 Notable People
  • 8 References
  • 9 External Links


In the 1700s, the Ohio area, including present-day Clyde, was inhabited by the Wyandot tribe. [8] Jesse Benton is the first settler of the Clyde. Claims that Samuel Pogue was the first settler are not entirely wrong, as sometime during the War of 1812, Pogue staked a stake near a spring in the western part of the Clyde with the intention of settling there after the end of the war. When Pogue returned in 1820 to formally take possession of the land, he discovered that Jesse Benton had already built a cabin on the land. Shortly after Poges’ arrival, Benton ceded his rights to the land to Pogues for a cask of whiskey. Pogue lived in Benton’s cabin until his death in 1828. [9] [10]

Clyde was named after Clyde, New York. [11]

In the early 20th century Clyde joined the automobile revolution, hosting the pioneering brass era company, Elmore Manufacturing Company. Elmore was taken over by General Motors in 1909 and operations were moved to Detroit in 1919. However, Louis Krebs left Elmore when General Motors took over and started his own company, which later became the Clydesdale Motor Truck Company. After General Motors moved, Krebs purchased their Clyde office for his own operations. [12] The buildings, then owned by Clyde Porcelain Steel, burned down on November 11, 1945.

Whirlpool Corporation acquired Clyde Porcelain Steel Co. in 1952 and began making washing machines there, and then acquired the adjacent Bendix Corporation property in 1954. It made belt-driven washing machines, making it the only washing machine manufacturer in the region for the next six decades.


Clyde is located at 41°18′18″N. 82°58′36″W / 41.30500°N 82.97667°W / 41.30500; -82.97667 (41.304912, -82.976529). [13]

According to the US Census Bureau, the city has a total area of ​​5.09 square miles (13.18 km2). 2 ), of which 5.04 square miles (13.05 km 2 ) is land and 0.05 square miles (0.13 km 2 ) is water. [14]




2010 Census

As of census [3] In 2010, 6,325 people, 2,484 households and 1,687 families lived in the city. The population density was 1,255.0 inhabitants per square mile (484.6/km 2). There were 2,707 housing units at an average density of 537.1 per square mile (207.4/km). 2 ). The racial makeup of the city was 94.4%. White, 0.6% African American, 0.3% Native American, 0.4% Asian, 1.5% from other races, and 2.7% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 5.9% of the population.

There were 2484 households out of which 35.5% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 47.0% were married couples 14.7% were female living together with no husband present, 6.3% without a wife and 32.1% without a family. 26.8% of all households were made up of individuals and 12.2% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size is 2.50 and the average family size is 2.99.

The average age of city dwellers was 37.4 years. 26.3% of residents were under the age of 18; 8.1% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 25.7% were between 25 and 44 years old; 26.1% were between 45 and 64 years old; and 13.8% were 65 years of age or older. The gender composition of the city was 48.7% male and 51.3% female.

2000 Census

As of census [5] In 2000, 6,064 people, 2,304 households and 1,633 families lived in the city. The population density was 1,381.5 people per square mile (533.3/km 2 ). There were 2,471 housing units at an average density of 563.0 per square mile (217.3/km). 2 ). The racial makeup of the city was 96.04%. White, 0.15% African American, 0.12% Native American, 0.26% Asian, 0.03% Pacific Islander, 2.21% from other races, and 1.19% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 4.70% of the population.

There were 2,304 households out of which 35. 0% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 53.9% were married couples living together, 12.4% had no husband living in them, and 291% had no family. 24.4% of all households were made up of individuals and 9.5% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size is 2.59 and the average family size is 3.07.

In the city, the population was spread out: 27.0% under the age of 18, 8.7% from 18 to 24, 29.3% from 25 to 44, 22.2% from 45 to 64, and 12, 8% aged 65 and over. . The average age was 35 years. For every 100 women, there were 91.7 men. For every 100 women aged 18 and over, there were 89.4 men.

The median income for a household in the city was $39,764, and the median income for a family was $45,646. The median income for males was $32,189 compared to $23,549 for females. The per capita income for the city was $17,966. About 6.8% of families and 8.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 11.4% of those under the age of 18 and 7. 9% of those aged 65 and over.


Clyde serves the Clyde Green Springs School District. The nickname for Clyde’s school sports teams is the Clyde Flyers, and the mascot is a jet in the school’s colors (gold and royal blue). [19]


  • Clyde Middle School (grades 9-12)
  • Clyde Elementary School (grades K-4)
  • Green Springs Elementary School (grades K-5)
  • McPherson Middle School (grades K-5)

  • 6-8 grades)
  • Harvest Temple Christian Academy (Grades K-12, Preschool, Kindergarten)


Clyde – home of the Whirlpool Corporation plant.

Mass media

Clyde was published in the weekly newspaper Clyde Enterprise for nearly 138 years, until its closure by Civitas Media in 2016. [20]

Clean Air Radio Network, a Christian radio network in Clyde, Findlay, and Coshocton, is owned and operated by Harvest Temple Christian Academy in Clyde. [21]

Notable people

  • Sherwood Anderson – author
  • Tim Anderson – professional football player
  • Thaddeus B. Hurd – local historian
  • James B. McPherson – Union Major General 9 “Roger W. Young”. Ohio History Center . Connection with Ohio history. Retrieved July 8, 2016.
  • External Links

    • City Site

    Oakwood, Montgomery County, Ohio

    Oak Timber is a city in Montgomery County, United States. The population was 9202 people. 2010 Census. [7] Oakwood is part of the Dayton metropolitan area. It was founded in 1908. John Henry Patterson, industrialist and founder of the National Cash Corporation, is considered the “father of Oakwood”. [8]

    Oakwood is completely landlocked due to the surrounding municipalities of Dayton and Kettering. Its small and compact geographic area facilitates the operation of a single, unified (consolidated) Department of Public Safety, in which all personnel are certified as police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical (EMS) officers. Oakwood is one of the few cities in the US that uses this concept. Public Safety Officers work around the clock, performing various functions during eight-hour blocks of each shift.


      • 1 History
      • 2 Geography
      • 3 Housing and aesthetics
      • 4 School
      • 5 Demography
        • 5.1 2010 900 900 900 5.2 Census
      • 6 Business 6 Tights See also
      • 8 References
      • 9 external link


      At the turn of the twentieth century, Oakwood was primarily farmland located on a hill south of the City of Dayton. At 1913, when the catastrophic flood In the ruined center of Dayton (Great Dayton Flood) advertising began to advertise the Oakwood property as “275 feet above the intersection of Third and Main Streets.” [9]

      In light of this real estate advantage and its proximity to the city of Dayton, Oakwood experienced its largest period of growth, and by 1930 the population of the village had exceeded 6,000. Oakwood was incorporated as a city in 1908, and adopted the “Council/Manager” form of government in 1932, which is still in place today.

      One of the city’s earliest residents was Orville Wright, whose house, Hawthorn, still stands on the corner of Harman and Park Avenue. John H. Patterson, founder of the National Cash Company (NCR) is also called the home of Oakwood. The city is known as a suburban residential area with tree-lined streets.

      During World War II, the Runnymede Theater in Oakwood housed Part IV of the Dayton Project. The Dayton Project was a little-known part of the Manhattan Project involved in creating commercial quantities of polonium for use in neutron generation triggers of the first atomic weapons.


      It is within the Miami Valley region of southwestern Ohio and is bordered by Dayton to the north and east and Kettering, Ohio to the south and west. The University of Dayton campus is directly adjacent to Oakwood to the northeast.

      According to the US Census Bureau, the city has a total area of ​​2.19 square miles (5.67 km2). 2 ), the whole earth. [10]

      The city is informally divided into two parts, east and west, by the city’s main road, State Route 48, also called Far Hills Avenue. SR 48 runs north-south and connects the city of Dayton to Oakwood and further south to Kettering and other suburbs. The geography of the eastern and western sections is largely different: the western side is covered with prominent hills, while most of the eastern part is predominantly flat or gently sloping.

      Housing and aesthetics

      Oakwood contains a rich collection of architecture. Due to the age of the city, many of the houses were built before World War II and have older designs. Houses in Oakwood, which vary greatly in size, have styles that include Tudor, Swiss Chalets, Colonial Revival, Colonial White Clapboard and Gothic Revival. There are many large properties and historic houses in the western part of the city, such as Hawthorn, the home of Orville Wright. Houses in the area are usually located on secluded plots of land surrounded by many trees.

      Due to the abundance of Oakwood, there is a general need for landscaping in the community. Dilapidated houses and unkempt lawns are generally frowned upon by the community; most lawns are in good condition. The city itself awards beautification awards to the recognized most beautiful homes to maintain this high level of aesthetic awareness. The city has relatively strict zoning laws that limit drastic changes to homes and require city approval for any planned structural additions. The city prohibits mesh fences that can be seen from the street, and requires all external engineering networks (for example, air conditioning units), which must be closed to view from the street.

      Public architecture is the pride of the Oakwood community. Urban buildings were designed to reflect the rich variety of traditional architectural styles found in urban homes. Oakwood High School has an elaborate look and feel. Elementary schools, Edwin D. Smith Elementary School and Harman Elementary School, echo this complex style. Smith Elementary is built in the Tudor style, as is the high school, while Harman Elementary is colonial revival. The newest addition to the school system, the Julian and Marjorie Lange School, features Spanish Revival architecture. The Oakwood Department of Education occupies a gray stucco mansion with a red tile roof in the northernmost part of Oakwood on Rubicon Road. Wright Memorial Library [11] offers a similar aesthetic, with the police and fire department reminiscent of a French castle.


      Schools in Oakwood have repeatedly been ranked among the best in Ohio and the best in the nation. chose Oakwood as number 3 out of 5 for the entire Midwest. The school district’s mascot is the Lumberjack, to pay homage to the woodlands that give Oakwood its name.

      Lange school – the building of the city kindergarten. [12] Before the opening of the Lange school at 19In 1999 there were kindergartens in every elementary school. Harman Elementary School and Edwin D. Smith Elementary School provide services for children in grades one through six.

      All Oakwood students from grades seven through twelfth attend one adjacent middle and high school. Oakwood High School completed its first graduating class in 1924 and began the practice of an undergraduate ceremony at Westminster Presbyterian Church in the city centre. Dayton. The end of the Oakwood student experience is the high school awards, bachelor’s degree, and commencement of studies. Oakwood High School Yearbook Acorn and his newspaper Dome.

      The Oakwood education system places a strong emphasis on post-secondary education. Oakwood High School is the national school of excellence. [ citation needed ] During the 2016-17 school year, Oakwood High School achieved the highest state test score of any high school in the state. The OHS score was 92.0 on a 100-point scale and no other high school in Ohio had a score higher than 90. English, math, science and foreign language courses at Oakwood High School are combined with many opportunities for performing arts students. Oakwood’s top academic graduates often go on to some of the most selective universities and colleges in the US and the world. [13] However, most graduates attend schools within a 300 mile radius, with a significant proportion remaining in Ohio. Oakwood High School is consistently ranked among the top 10 academic institutions in Ohio, as well as the top 400 in the US. [14]


      Oak Tree Racial Makeup Chart 2000 Census

Historical population
Census Pop.
1860 701
1880 2,380
1890 2,327 − 2. 2%
1900 2.515 0109

2,815 11.9%
1920 3,099 10.1%
1930 3,159 1.9%
1940 3,174 0.5%
19504 4.083 28.6%
4,826 09

.2% 18.2%
1970 5,503 14.0%
1980 5,489 −0.3%
1990 5,776 5.2%
2000 6.064 5.0%
2010 6.325 4.3%
6,166 [4] −2. 5%
Sources: [5] [15] [16] [17] [18]

9.372 9012

Historical Population

0 Census

1910 358
1920 1,473 311.5%
1930 6,494 340. 9%
1940 7,652 17.8%
1950 9,691 26.6%
1960 10,493 8.3%
1970 10.095 −3.8%
19000 9000 9000 −7.2%
1990 8,957 −4.4%
2000 9,215 2.9%
2010 9,202 −0.1 %
2019 (rating) 8.936 [5] −2.9%
[6] 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 [15]

2010 census

As of the 2010 census, [4] , there were 9,202 people, 3,543 households, and 2,521 families living in the city. The population density was 4201.8 people per square mile (1622.3/km. 2). There were 3,772 housing units at an average density of 1,722.4 per square mile (665.0/km). 2 ). The racial makeup of the city was 95.3%. White, 0.9% African American, 0.2% Native American, 1.4% Asian, 0.6% from other races, and 1.6% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.8% of the population.

There were 3,543 households out of which 41.3% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 58.0% were married couples living together, 10.0% of households had no husband present, 3.2% of households lived without a wife. and 28.8% were non-families. 26.1% of all households were made up of individuals and 9.3% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size is 2.58 and the average family size is 3.15.

The median age in the city was 40.5 years. 30.6% of residents were under the age of 18; 5.1% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 21. 9% were between 25 and 44 years old; 30.5% were between 45 and 64 years old; and 11.9% were 65 years of age or older. The gender composition of the city was 47.4% male and 52.6% female.

The median income for a household in the city was $94,731 and the median income for a family was $116,719. The per capita income for the city was $50,258. 70.6% of Oakwood residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher.

2000 census

As of 2000 census, [6] 9,215 people, 3,633 households and 2,597 families. The population density was 4209.0 people per square mile (1624.6/km. 2). There were 3,815 housing units at an average density of 1,742.5 per square mile (672.6/km). 2 ). The racial makeup of the city was 97.41%. White, 0.48% African American, 0.07% Native American, 0.98% Asian, 0.03% Pacific Islander, 0.29% from other races, and 0.75% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.20% of the population.

There were 3,633 households out of which 38. 2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 61.8% were married couples living together, 8.0% had a female householder with no husband present, and 28.5% % had no family. 26.3% of all households were made up of individuals and 11.1% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size is 2.53, and the average family size is 3.08.

In the city, the population was spread out: 29.1% under the age of 18, 4.2% from 18 to 24, 27.1% from 25 to 44, 25.8% from 45 to 64, and 13, 8% aged 65 and over. . The median age was 39 years. For every 100 women, there were 89.0 men. For every 100 women aged 18 and over, there were 85.3 men.

The median income for a household in the city was $72,392, and the median income for a family was $88,263. Men had a median income of $70,500 compared to $35,833 for women. The per capita income for the city was $41,567. About 1.7% of families and 3.3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 2.7% of those under the age of 18 and 2. 6% of those aged 65 and over. 9 Ohio: Population and Housing Units (PDF). US Census Bureau. Received on May 17, 2020.

External link

  • City website
  • Historical Society Okvuda
  • Register OAKWOOD

aven (Hotel Prices & Photos)

  • Columbus (Hotel Prices & Photos)
  • Dayton (Hotel Prices & Photos)
  • Toledo (Hotel Prices & Photos)
  • Sandusky (Hotel Prices & Photos)
  • Put-in-Bay (Hotel Prices & Photos)
  • Marietta (Hotel Prices & Photos) hotels and photos)
  • Marblehead (Hotel Prices & Photos)
  • Considered the “Gateway to the West”, Ohio is a typical Midwestern state that stretches from the Ohio River to Lake Erie. The Buckeye State, located in the Great Lakes region, is full of charming cities where you can experience a piece of authentic American charm. From beaches to big cities, the state offers a wealth of world-class museums, amusement parks and natural beauty. From the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum to the world’s largest indoor water park and Brandywine Falls, Ohio is full of colorful attractions that are perfect for a fun day trip. Whether you want to explore the big city or be at one with nature, read on to discover the best day trips in Ohio.


    Cleveland (Hotel Prices & Photos)

    Located on the shores of Lake Erie, Cleveland is a popular tourist destination and the second largest city in the state, famous for its professional sports teams and cultural attractions. Although it is a big city, it retains its small town charm with 23,000 acres of parks and nature reserves to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a great attraction, in addition to the Cleveland Museum of Art, where visitors can pay homage to the city’s rich history. Visit the city’s unique architecture in the Historic Warehouse District, appreciate historical exhibits at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, or explore some of the best culinary treasures at Westside Market. To immerse yourself in natural beauty, head to the Cleveland Botanical Garden for colorful displays of flora and fauna.


    Cincinnati (Hotel Prices & Photos)

    Cincinnati is one of Ohio’s largest cities, a historic city with many prestigious cultural institutions and family attractions. Explore the District’s historic district and stroll through the bustling Findlay Market for local delicacies or catch a show at the prestigious Music Hall, home to the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. Eden Park is a scenic area that extends all the way to the Cincinnati Art Museum, while visitors who want to cheer on the local team can check out the Bengals’ and Reds’ Stadium. Filled with pleasant urban neighborhoods, other great family-friendly attractions include the beautiful gardens of the Krona Conservatory and the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. In the summer, head to the pedestrian Fountain Square to find a busy gathering place for locals and visitors alike.

    Columbus Columbus

    Columbus (Hotel Prices & Photos)

    Columbus is located on the banks of the Scioto River in the Buckeye Country. It is the capital of the state of Ohio and home to various cultural attractions. From its thriving arts scene to the famous Ohio State Fair, visitors are spoiled for choice in activities. Art lovers can visit the Columbus Museum of Art, while foodies will appreciate the treasures found in the North Market. Catch a baseball game in Huntington Park or cheer on the local football team at Ohio Stadium. The nightlife here is in German Village, the Short North, and the vibrant Brewery District, while the Columbus Family Zoo and Franklin Park Conservatory offer more family-friendly activities. The Science and Industry Center is a notable attraction for those with an interest in Science, while the artistically trimmed foliage found in the Topiary Garden is a tranquil oasis in the city.

    Dayton Dayton

    Dayton (Hotel Prices & Photos)

    An important city in the history of flying, Dayton was the home of the famous Wright brothers. Home of the Air Force Museum, visitors can explore the oldest and largest military aviation museums with over 200 aircraft and missiles. Aviation Heritage Park pays tribute to Wilbur Wright, Orville Wright and Paul Lawrence Dunbar for their contributions to aviation, while families will appreciate learning opportunities at the Discovery Boonshoft Family Museum, where children will be delighted to explore the hands-on interactive exhibits at its zoo , planetariums and observatories. Art lovers can spend a day at the Dayton Art Institute and view its vast collection and unique outdoor sculptures, while visitors who love exploring historical landmarks should make note to visit the 2,000-year-old archaeological site at SunWatch Indian Village.


    Toledo (Hotel Prices & Photos)

    A vibrant city on the shores of Lake Erie, couples and families alike will find plenty to do and see. Whether you want to stroll through the beauty of the Toledo Botanical Garden or visit the animals at the Toledo Zoo, visitors will have plenty of attractions to fill their itinerary. Browse 30,000 pieces of art and a collection of 19th and 20th century glassware at the Toledo Museum of Art, or take the kids to the Imagination Station to find hands-on interactive exhibits covering topics such as engineering, math, science and technology . Other family attractions include the Safari African Wildlife Park, the Butterfly House and the historic West End, with its display of old Victorian museums. Catch a performance at the Toledo Symphony or visit the 108-year-old Valentine Theater and enjoy a variety of performing arts.

    Cedar Point, Sandusky Cedar Point, Sandusky

    Sandusky (Hotel Prices & Photos)

    Sandusky is a summer resort that stretches for 6 miles along the shores of Lake Erie. With plenty of places to stay, this is the perfect place for a day trip in the summer. Cedar Point Amusement Park is the area’s biggest attraction for its thrilling roller coasters, but the historic district is also worth a visit for its interesting buildings and museums, such as the Carousel Museum. Outdoor enthusiasts will want to include the Magee Marsh wilderness area on their to-do list as it gives visitors the chance to see some of the 91,145 of Ohio’s best 91,146 remaining wetlands, thanks to a 42-foot-tall observation deck that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area.


    Put-in-Bay (Hotel Prices & Photos)

    Put-in-Bay is located on the small island of South Bass, just five miles from the Ohio mainland. It is a small town that comes alive in summer. With many beautiful restored homes, restaurants and shops, visitors can experience this “Key West of the North” for a full day of recreational activities. While enjoying the quaint small-town atmosphere, visitors can enjoy walleye and bass fishing, or visit the Perry Monument and the Perry International Peace Monument, which is one of the tallest monuments in the United States at 352 feet. Celebrating Oliver Hazard Perry’s victory over British forces, it serves as the centerpiece of the area. Climb the observation tower for fantastic panoramic views of Lake Erie’s surroundings and islands, visit the Antique Car Museum, explore the mesmerizing Crystal Cave, or just spend time immersing yourself in the city’s historic charm.


    Marietta (Hotel Prices & Photos)

    On the banks of the Muskingum and Ohio Rivers is Marietta, a historic river town located on the border of West Virginia. With roots that go back to 1788, this city attracts visitors with its small-town charm and European ambience. Famous postcard-worthy brick streets line the area’s stately Victorian houses, converging in the bustling city center with local restaurants and vibrant boutiques. Named America’s Best Adventure City by National Geographic, visitors can choose from a variety of activities. Stroll through the city center to discover colonial-era architecture and historic churches, or marvel at the Gothic Revival architecture at Marietta Castle to find vintage Victorian furniture and a variety of workshops and activities. A visit to the Campus Martius Museum is a must for history buffs, while the Children’s Museum of Toys and Dolls is a delightful activity for kids.

    Yellow SpringsYellow Springs

    Yellow Springs (Hotel Prices & Photos)

    Yellow Springs is a popular city for creative people and nature lovers. Local artists are within a short drive from Dayton. Here you’ll find yarn bombers decorating trees with knitted graffiti, nestled next to a delightful downtown area dotted with charming and colorful shops, cafes, parlors and yoga studios. The picturesque streets are full of street performers and street musicians ready to entertain passing visitors, and the annual Yellow Springs Street Fair draws people from all over the state to its handcrafted art, crafts and food. From John Bryan State Park to Glen Helen Nature Reserve, visitors can immerse themselves in the area’s natural beauty and diverse wildlife through scenic hikes and overnight camping.

    Middle schools in brentwood ca: Uh oh. We’re very sorry.

    Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 9:38 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School in Brentwood, CA

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    3. Brentwood
    4. Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School
    Public School
    401 American Ave.
    Brentwood, CA 94513
    Contra Costa County
    (925) 513-6480

    School District
    Brentwood Union Elementary School District

    Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School Information:

    • Enrollment, Ranking, and Statistics
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    Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School Enrollment, Ranking, and Statistics

    Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School Students by Grade
    PK 0
    K 0
    1 0
    2 0
    3 0
    4 0
    5 0
    6 396
    7 403
    8 368
    9 0
    10 0
    11 0
    12 0

    Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School is a public elementary school located in Brentwood, CA in the Brentwood Union Elementary School District. It enrolls 1,167 students in grades 1st through 12th.

    It has 25.8 students to every teacher.

    Total Students: 1,167
    Pupil/Teacher Ratio: 25.8:1
    Full Time Teachers: 45.29

    Enrollment Rank Nationally: Unranked
    Enrollment Rank in California: Unknown
    Student/Teacher Rank in California: Unranked
    Full Time Teacher Rank in California: Unranked

    Find Former A(j.D)MS Alumni

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    The form below lets you find Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School alumni info and Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School students.

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    Graduation Year202620252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621961196019591958195719561955195419531952195119501949194819471946194519441943194219411940193919381937193619351934193319321931193019291928192719261925192419231922192119201919191819171916191519141913191219111910

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    Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School Students by Gender

    Outer ring represents school district

      School District
    ██ Male 585
    ██ Female 582

    Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School Students by Ethnicity

    Outer ring represents school district

      School District
    ██ White 511
    ██ Hispanic 268
    ██ Asian 194
    ██ Black 123
    ██ Two or More 64
    ██ Pacific Islander 4
    ██ American Indian 3

    Adams (j.

    Douglas) Middle School Free and Reduced Lunch Assistance

    Outer ring represents school district

      School District*
    ██ Not Eligible 930
    ██ Free Lunch Eligible 179
    ██ Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible 58
    * School District values based on schools that reported lunch assistance data

    The percentage of Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School students on free and reduced lunch assistance (20.3%) is significantly lower than the state average of 60.7%. This may indicate that the area has a lower level of poverty than the state average.

    Students at a participating school may purchase a meal through the National School Lunch Program. Families with incomes between 130%
    and 185%
    of the federal poverty level are eligible for reduced price meals.
    Schools may not charge more than 40¢ for reduced-price lunches, nor more than 30¢ for reduced-price breakfasts.
    Students from families with incomes at or below 130% of the federal poverty level are eligible for free meals.

    For 2014, a family of two needs to make an annual income below $20,449 to be eligible for free meals or below $29,100 for reduced price meals.
    A family of four needs to make an annual income below $31,005 for free meals or $44,122 for reduced price meals.

    Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School Trends Over Time

    Total Students Over Time
    Total Students Over Time
    Year Total Students
    2005 N/A
    2006 800
    2007 971
    2008 1115
    2009 1085
    2010 1076
    2011 1030
    2012 1045
    2013 1045
    2014 1106
    2015 1167
    Student Teacher Ratio Over Time
    Student Teacher Ratio Over Time
    Year Student Teacher Ratio
    2005 N/A
    2006 24. 3
    2007 19.5
    2008 25.2
    2009 25.5
    2010 N/A
    2011 25.1
    2012 24.9
    2013 25.9
    2014 27.3
    2015 25.8
    Lunch Assistance Over Time
    Lunch Assitance Over Time
    Year Lunch Assitance
    2006 0.11125
    2007 0.13388259526262
    2008 0.15515695067265
    2009 0.1963133640553
    2010 0. 22304832713755
    2011 0.013592233009709
    2012 0.19712918660287
    2013 0.18947368421053
    2014 0.19801084990958
    2015 0.20308483290488

    Compare Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School to Other Elementary Schools

    Student Teacher Ratio Comparison

    1,598.0% 16.0:1
    2,138.2% 21.4:1
    2,580.0% 25.8:1

    Free and Reduced Lunch Comparison

    This School 20. 3%
    National Average 55.7%
    State Average 60.7%

    Top Nearby Elementary Schools

    School Type Grades Students Student Teacher Ratio Distance
    Adams (j. Douglas) Middle School
    Brentwood, CA
    Public 06 – 08 1,167 25.8:1  
    Heritage Cccoe Special Education Programs
    Brentwood, CA
    Public KG – 12 73 9. 1:1 1 miles
    Ron Nunn Elementary
    Brentwood, CA
    Public KG – 05 532 24.7:1 2 miles
    Loma Vista Elementary
    Brentwood, CA
    Public KG – 05 670 25.8:1 2 miles
    R. Paul Krey Elementary
    Brentwood, CA
    Public KG – 05 871 25. 6:1 2 miles
    Brentwood Elementary
    Brentwood, CA
    Public KG – 05 620 24.3:1 3 miles
    Heritage Baptist Academy
    Antioch, CA
    Private KG – 12 93 12:1 3 miles
    Pioneer Elementary
    Brentwood, CA
    Public KG – 05 878 26. 6:1 3 miles
    Diablo Vista Elementary
    Antioch, CA
    Public KG – 05 499 26.3:1 3 miles
    William B. Bristow Middle School
    Brentwood, CA
    Public 06 – 08 1,164 24.7:1 3 miles
    Carmen Dragon Elementary
    Antioch, CA
    Public KG – 05 489 26. 4:1 4 miles

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    (6 days ago) M. Brentwood School is a place where scholars, athletes, artists, and activists, inventors and aspiring leaders are all at home. It’s also a place where one person can take on many of these …

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    Brentwood Union School District

    (2 days ago) The Brentwood Union School District will provide an exemplary education to all children in a safe, student-centered environment designed to nurture the whole child and partner with families to prepare globally productive citizens.

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    Brentwood Middle / Homepage – Williamson County …

    (3 days ago) School nurses serve students in all WCS schools. They bridge the gap between healthcare and education. Comments (-1) Brentwood Middle Celebrates Spirit Week. Contact Us. 5324 Murray Lane Brentwood, TN 37027. Main Office: …

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    (5 days ago) Welcome to BMS. The mission at Brentwood Middle School is to achieve excellence in both academics and character. Our core values are kindness, integrity, perseverance and respect. …

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    Top 3 Best Brentwood, CA Public Middle Schools (2022)

    (2 days ago) For the 2022 school year, there are 3 public middle schools serving 3,157 students in Brentwood, CA. The top ranked public middle schools in Brentwood, CA are Adams (J. …

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    Bristow Middle School

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    Brentwood Middle Schools, 1-10 – Brentwood, CA

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    Brentwood Middle School / Homepage – Greeley-Evans …

    (Just Now) She sees all that is good for this world and inspires us all to do the same!” – Brentwood Middle School Staff. Comments (-1) Livestream: Board of Education Meeting. The September 26, 2022 Executive Session and Business meeting …

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    Adams Middle School

    (9 days ago) Brentwood, CA 94513 925-513-6300 Phone 925-634-8583 Fax Non-Discrimination Statement The Brentwood Unified School District (BUSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and …


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    Brentwood Middle School / Homepage – Greeley …

    (Just Now) District 6 cuts ribbon on new Greeley West High School. With a snip of the scissors, a new era officially began Tuesday evening for Greeley West High School, as Greeley-Evans School District 6 officially opened the new school, …

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    Athletics – Brentwood School

    (7 days ago) Whether students come to Brentwood to try something new or with significant club team experience, they will find a place among Eagle Athletics. Middle School Grades 6-8. Upper …

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    District Calendars –

    (1 days ago) Brentwood Union School District. Making a Difference. Search Search. submit search submit search ; Menu. Adams Middle: BES: Brentwood Elementary: BMS: Bristow Middle: EHS: …

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    Student Activities – School Loop

    (7 days ago) bristow Middle School. 855 Minnesota Ave Brentwood, California 94513 925-513-6460 Phone 925-516-8725 Fax. Brentwood Union School District . Kirsten Jobb, Student Services …

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    Brentwood Middle School / Homepage – Greeley-Evans School …

    (8 days ago) She sees all that is good for this world and inspires us all to do the same!” – Brentwood Middle School Staff. Comments (-1) Livestream: Board of Education Meeting. The September 26, …

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    Daily Bell Schedules – School Loop

    (2 days ago) bristow Middle School. 855 Minnesota Ave Brentwood, California 94513 925-513-6460 Phone 925-516-8725 Fax. Brentwood Union School District . Kirsten Jobb, Student Services …

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    Best 30 Middle Schools in Brentwood, CA

    (4 days ago) We found 214 results for Middle Schools in or near Brentwood, CA.They also appear in other related business categories including Elementary Schools, Schools, and Public Schools.1 of …

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    Staff Directory – School Loop

    (9 days ago) bristow Middle School. 855 Minnesota Ave Brentwood, California 94513 925-513-6460 Phone 925-516-8725 Fax. Brentwood Union School District . Kirsten Jobb, Student Services …

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    Middle School Jobs, Employment in Bixler, CA Indeed.


    (1 days ago) 116 Middle School jobs available in Bixler, CA on Apply to Tutor, Middle School Program Staff – Brentwood, Operations Associate and more!,-CA-jobs.html

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    Registration Information – School Loop

    (3 days ago) bristow Middle School. 855 Minnesota Ave Brentwood, California 94513 925-513-6460 Phone 925-516-8725 Fax. Brentwood Union School District . Kirsten Jobb, Student Services …

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    Edna Hill Middle School in Brentwood, CA – Niche

    (3 days ago) A. Edna Hill Middle School is an above average, public school located in BRENTWOOD, CA. It has 931 students in grades 6-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 22 to 1. According to state test …

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    William B.

    Bristow Middle in Brentwood , CA

    2016 CAASPP Test Score Details:

    Grade Test Type Mean Score Exceeded
    Nearly Met
    Not Met
    6 English 2546.4 21% 39% 24% 16%
    6 Math 2558.5 26% 32% 28% 14%
    7 English 2569.7 20% 40% 22% 17%
    7 Math 2549.8 19% 24% 33% 24%
    8 English 2567.9 12% 42% 26% 19%
    8 Math 2558. 7 18% 23% 30% 29%

    – Asterisk “*”, if present, indicates scores are not available (too few)

    Calculated Percentiles from California School Ratings:

    English Language Arts/Literacy Mathematics
    Grade Percentile Students Tested Percentile Students Tested
    6 74.88% 395 84.31% 395
    7 75.47% 374 71.63% 378
    8 61.44% 383 66.56% 384

    Weighted average for this school’s Math and English test scores: 72.44%1-c

    This school is in the 73.18th percentile1-d
    when compared to other schools of the same type: Intermediate/Middle/Junior High


    Grade Dropouts Enrolment
    7 0 380
    8 0 384

    Student Ethnicity:

    White  50. 51%
    Hispanic or Latino  26.02%
    African American  7.25%
    Filipino  5.12%
    Two or More Races  4.95%
    Asian  4.69%
    Pacific Islander  0.6%
    American Indian or Alaska Native  0.43%
    Not reported  0.43%

    7th Grade Immunization Information:
    (2014-15 School Year)

    • Up-to-date Immunizations: 98% (372)
    • Medical exemptions: 0% (1)
    • Personal Belief exemptions: 1% (5)
    • Religious Belief exemptions: 0% (0)


    1. California School Ratings (CSR) computes percentiles in this way:
      1. For a given grade level, all Math scores are put into an ordered list and a percentile is calculated for each score, based its position in the list.
      2. For a given grade level, all English scores are put into an ordered list and a percentile is calculated for each score, based its position in the list.
      3. Math and English percentiles from (a & b above) are weighted, based on the number of students who completed each type of test, to create a combined Math+English weighted percentile for each school.
      4. The combined Math+English weighted percentiles are put into an ordered list for the particular type of school
        (elementary/middle/high school/K-12) and a percentile-within-the-school-type is calculated.
      5. How percentiles work: the school percentile is a number between 0 and 100 that reflects the percentage of
        schools of the same type (elementary/middle/high school/K-12) in California that have an equal or lower combined Math+English weighted percentile (from 1-c above).
        For example, a school in the 70th percentile would have a combined weighted percentile that was equal to or better than 70% of the other schools of the same type.
    2. The CSR Rank is determined by a school’s percentile in
      comparison to other schools of the same type in California (from 1-d above).
      (1 is the worst, 10 is the best). Schools in the 90th percentile and above have rank 10, 80%-89.999% rank 9 and so on.
      A similar number of schools occupy each rank.
      * This rank is derived from data in the 2016 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).
    3. Alternative Schools receive percentiles, but are not ranked
    4. More information: 2016 CAASPP Paper-based Test Results

    Liberty High School (Brentwood, California)

    Liberty High School is located in Brentwood, California, United States. Liberty High School is a general education grade 9–12. The high school serves about 2,400 students. [2] It was founded in 1902 as Liberty Union High School .


    • 1 Overview
    • 2 Clubs
    • 3 Notable Alumni
    • 4 Athletics
      • 4. 1 Sports
      • 4.2 State Championships
    • 5 Recommendations
    • 6 external link


    Freedom is organized into four Small Learning Communities (SLCs). The SLC leadership teams include the Assistant Director, Advisor, SLC Coordinator and Academy Director. Professional academic programs are available for students in grades 10-12. These programs focus on Business and Technology, Healthcare Careers, Teaching and Teaching Careers, Arts and Humanities.

    Liberty is well known for its teaching careers such as the TLC academy for students who plan to work as a childcare or teacher, and their PADA academy for arts oriented students. In 2017, Liberty High PADA students completed a public beautification project in Oak Meadow Park by creating a mural. [3]

    Liberty High School Official Gazette: Lion’s Roar . This quarterly publication is typically eight pages long and is produced by about twenty journalism students. He was runner-up in the American School Press Association newspaper competition in 2014 and 2015. [4]


    Liberty High School offers many clubs. Students can create clubs by first asking a teacher to become a club advisor and second by inviting at least five other students to join.

    Clubs offered include:

    • Arts Club
    • Asian Pacific Islanders Club
    • Auto Club
    • Group
    • Black Student Union (BSU)
    • California Federation of Scholarships79 to 1990
    • Matt Riley, 3rd round pick by the Baltimore Orioles in the 1997 Major League Baseball Draft
    • Lisa Joanne Thompson, dancer, actress, choreographer, starred in In Living Color , Glory L.A. , and Motown Live


    Liberty High School teams are known as the Lions. The Liberty competes in the Bay Valley Athletic League, and the North Coast Section of the California Interscholastic Federation.


    Suggested sports teams include: [5]

    • Baseball
    • Basketball (freshman boys, juniors and varsity; freshman girls, juniors and varsity)
    • Cross Country
    • varsity

    • Golf (varsity classes for boys and girls)
    • Football (juniors and juniors; juniors and girls)
    • Softball (freshman, junior and varsity)
    • Trick
    • Swimming
    • tennis (university classes for boys and girls)
    • Light athletics
    • Unified Sport (Football and Bowling)
    • Volleyball (Boys and Girls)
    • Water Polo (Boys and Girls)
    • Control (freshman, junior and varsity)

    State Championships

    Svoboda won its first CIF State Football Championship in 2018. [6]

    Recommendation 9

    Sabedra, Darren (December 17, 2018). “CIF Football: Liberty Rally, Wins Its First State Crown”. Mercury news. Retrieved January 3, 2019.

    external link

    • Liberty High School Official Website
    • California Public Schools Report
    • Liberty Lions Roar Website

    Brentwood, Los Angeles – Wikipedia

    For other places with the same name, see Brentwood (disambiguation).

    Brentwood is a Westside neighborhood in Los Angeles, California, United States.


    • 1 History
      • Simpson Court
    • 2 Geography
      • 2.1 Borders
      • 2.2 Environment
    • 3 Demographics
    • 4 Notable Landmarks
    • 5 Rest
    • 6 Economics and business
    • 7 Government and infrastructure
      • 7.1 Brentwood Leadership & City Services
      • 7.2 Brightness, Western Los Angeles, Virginia, and Virginia, Redistering of the General Plan
      • State
      • 7.5 Federal
    • 8 Education
      • 8.1 Public
      • 8.2 Private
    • 9 Notable people
    • 10 See also
    • 11 Recommendations
    • 12 external link


    This section needs additional citations05 for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Material not received from the source may be disputed and removed (October 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this message template)

    Modern development began after the creation of the 600 acre (2.4 km 2 ) Pacific branch of the National Home for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors in the 1880s. Outside the west gate of this facility, a small community developed and was named Westgate . On June 14, 1916, annexed by the city of Los Angeles, 49 square miles of Westgate (130 km 2 ) included most of what is now Pacific Palisades and a small part of today’s Bel-Air. Westgate Avenue is one of the last reminders of this namesake.

    Maypole Girls’ Archery School

    Local traditions include the Maypole being erected every year on the lawn. This building was used to create the exterior of the Mar Vista Vacation Home, which became a key scene in the 1974 film. Chinatown . [2]

    Very high fire danger zone designation

    Main article: Bel Air Fire

    The California State Fire Department has officially declared all of Brentwood a very high fire danger zone from Mulholland to Sunset Boulevard due to the long, continuous boundary between the city and wilderness on the hillsides of Brentwood, which has resulted in numerous fires over the years, devastating entire quarters and requiring numerous evacuations. For this reason, the Brentwood community is strongly in favor of stopping further development in the hillsides and canyon areas.

    November 6, 1961, a construction crew working in Sherman Oaks in the San Fernando Valley north of Brentwood on the far side of Santa Monica Mountain noticed smoke and flames in a nearby trash heap. Within minutes, Santa Ana winds gusts of up to 60 mph (100 km/h) sent burning bushes up and over the ridge into Brentwood.

    More than 300 police officers helped evacuate 3,500 residents during the 12-hour blaze, and about 2,500 firefighters fought the blaze by pumping water from nearby pools to put out the blaze. The fires smoldered for several days. Even as firefighters fought what was to be a disaster in Bel Air, another fire broke out in Santa Ynez Canyon to the west. This blaze was contained the day after almost 10,000 acres (40 km 2 ) and nine buildings and are burning within a mile of Bel Air and Brentwood. The fires were the fifth largest fire in the nation’s history at the time, burning 16,090 acres (65 km 2 ), destroying over 484 homes and 190 other structures and causing approximately $30 million in damage.

    O.J. Simpson Court

    Main article: O.J. Simpson Murder Case

    Brentwood was the location where, in 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman outside the Nicole Brown Simpson Mansion on Bundy Drive. Nicole’s ex-husband, football player and actor O.J. Simpson, was acquitted of the murders, but was later found guilty of the death in a civil trial. O.J. Simpson’s home in Brentwood was subsequently sold. The new owners demolished Simpson’s house and built a new residence.



    Neighborhood is located at the base of Santa Monica Mountain, bounded by San Diego Freeway on the east, Wilshire Boulevard on the south Santa Monica city limits on the southwest, Sullivan Canyon/Westridge Trail on the west, and Mulholland Drive in the north.


    View of Wilshire Boulevard looking west towards the ocean, 2005. Brentwood is on the right side of the street.

    Brentwood, near Santa Monica, has a temperate climate influenced by sea breezes from the Pacific Ocean. Residents often wake up to the “marine layer”, a cloud cover brought in at night, which burns out by mid-morning. the topography is generally divided into two characters broadly separated by Sunset Boulevard: the area north of Sunset is defined by the ridges and canyons of Santa Monica Mountain and is located in a Cal-Fire designated very high fire danger zone; south of Sunset, the terrain is mostly flat. In the area south of San Vicente, there is an underground spring that flows into a small stream along “The Ravine” near the Brentwood Country Club.


    The 2000 US Census has a population of 31,344 people in 15.22 square miles. district – or 2,059 people per square mile. In 2008, the city estimated that the population had increased to 33,312. Since 2010, the population has gradually shifted to younger families with children in local schools looking for single family homes north of San Vicente Boulevard and executives looking to live in high-end, low-maintenance condominiums within walking distance of the commercial center of San Vicente. Vicente.

    The racial breakdown is white, 84.2%; Asians, 6.5%; Hispanics, 4.5%; blacks 1.2%; and others – 3.6%. Iran (27.2%) and the UK (4.8%) were the most common places of birth for 21.1% of foreign-born residents, which was a low percentage for Los Angeles as a whole. [3]

    Brentwood has made great efforts to create an inclusive housing stock, with 49% of residents living in single-family homes and 51% in densely zoned multifamily/multi-family housing. The median annual household income in 2008 dollars was 112 9$27, and tenants occupied 48.4% of the housing stock. As of June 2020, 20% of Brentwood apartment buildings were eligible for Fannie Mae loans, and the starting price of studios and one-bedroom apartments in Los Angeles did not exceed $100 in HUD vouchers, allowing residents of all income levels to find housing in the community .

    Notable Landmarks

    Brentwood Presbyterian Church was the wedding site of actor James Stewart and Gloria H. McLean at 1949 year.
    Los Angeles Times

    St. Martin of Tours, 11967 Sunset Boulevard

    San Vicente Boulevard is divided by a wide middle, which is dominated by many large coral trees. This green belt replaced the Pacific Electric trolley track, and the trees have been designated a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Landmark. [ citation needed ]

    Brentwood has several residential areas:

    • Brentwood Circle: A gated community east of Barrington and north of Sunset that was created when the Getty Museum was built.
    • Brentwood Glen: area bounded by Sunset, 405 Freeway, and Veterans Administration, is an enclave of small lots and single-family homes
    • Bundy Canyon: home of Mount St. Sepulveda to the public)
    • Crestwood Hills: includes a cluster of protected, architecturally significant mid-century modern residences located in the northern part of Kenter Canyon
    • Mandeville Canyon: the westernmost part of Brentwood, north of Sunset; extends approximately three miles to the north and is the longest dead-end street in Los Angeles.
    • Sullivan Canyon: Primarily equestrian area with private riding ring.
    • “Polo Fields”: Located between Paul Revere Middle School and the back of the Riviera Gold Club.
    • Brentwood Park: large estates located in the area bordering Oakmont, San Vicente, Allenford and Cliffwood Drive.
    • Brentwood Terrace: Located between Brentwood Country Mart and Brentwood Country Club.

    Each subdistrict is represented by a different homeowner association. [4]


    The Getty Center opened on Brentwood Heights in 1997.

    The Barrington Recreation Center in Brentwood has an indoor gymnasium that converts into a small auditorium with a capacity of 250 people. Outside – lighted baseball diamond, unlit baseball diamond, lighted indoor basketball courts, lighted outdoor basketball courts, children’s playground, picnic tables, etc. lighted tennis courts. [5] As of March 2018, Barrington Park received a “D” rating from the Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation due to poor conditions; After an investigation, the Brentwood Community Council discovered that $1.1 million worth of funds that were to be used for a major overhaul of the park was missing and successfully fought the city to get it back. When funds returned to the site, the Community worked to improve the park. Barrington Dog Park is across the street from the recreation center and is part of Barrington Veterans Park, which is owned by West Los Angeles and leased to the City of Los Angeles. [6]

    Economy and Business

    The vast majority of office space in Brentwood is leased to professional services firms: accountants, lawyers, doctors.

    There are three upscale commercial districts, Brentwood Country Mart, Barrington Plaza and the San Vicente business district, which contain restaurants, clothing stores and other high-end stores.

    A few long-standing businesses of note: Brent-Air Pharmacy, run by the Lassoff family of founders from its founding until June 2007, has served Brentwood for over 50 years. The pharmacy has been the scene of many notorious scandals and, like its defunct West Hollywood cousin, Schwaba, is known as a drugstore for the stars, where many now-famous actors and actresses have worked as peddler boys or pastry girls.

    In Brentwood Country Mart, near the corner of San Vicente Blvd and 26th Street near the Santa Monica city limit, this is a shopping and food center that first opened in 1948.

    Vicente Foods is an independently owned and operated grocery market that has served Brentwood since 1948. Other local markets include Whole Foods and Ralphs.

    A popular spot for dinner and coffee with locals is in Brentwood Village at the intersection of Barrington and Sunset streets. Over a dozen restaurants and cafes are located within two blocks, offering a wide variety of dining options.

    Dutton’s Brentwood Books, a local landmark described by Sunset magazine as “the last truly independent bookstore”, closed in April 2008.

    Government & Infrastructure

    Brentwood Leadership & City Services

    Brentwood and Pacific Palisades have decided to form community councils to have an independent voice on issues that affect their communities, such as their Joint Community Plan, which is a City-approved document that regulates the aesthetics of zoning and design of quarters. . The Brentwood Community Council holds monthly public meetings, as does the land management committee, and from 19The 90s is a powerful and effective voice of society. The BCC board includes members from all local HOAs, as well as members representing schools, business, the environment, transportation, civic affairs, and an under-40s-only group called Brentwood ’49. City services are provided by the Los Angeles Fire Department Station 19 is located in Brentwood. [7] B The Los Angeles Police Department operates the West Los Angeles Police Station in West Los Angeles serving Brentwood. [8] The City of Los Angeles Water and Power Department provides utility services. All areas of Brentwood are served by some form of residents’ association.

    Homelessness, West Los Angeles, Virginia and Virginia, masterplan redevelopment

    Although the annual count of homeless people in Los Angeles County rarely counts more than 50 people in Brentwood as homeless, they invariably reside in a permanent homeless camp on San Vicente Boulevard, next to the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs property. Most of the homeless are veterans. While VA does have affordable beds and treatment programs, many veterans find it difficult to take the first step to accept VA’s help for a number of reasons, including a deep distrust of VA, dishonorable layoffs that prevent them from receiving services, mandatory sober living environments on VA campus. In 2013, the Brentwood Community Council took the lead in creating safe parking for veterans and safe camping programs that allow veterans to take a “middle step” between being homeless and accepting full VA assistance. These programs were successful and expanded over time. The veterans believed that Virginia had violated its housing obligations and successfully sued the Virginia administration, proving that multiple leases on Virginia property had been used for fraud. Several people went to jail, including a former Virginia executive. in veterans’ civil lawsuit against VA, a $1 billion West Los Angeles area redevelopment master plan, including over 2,000 housing units, was approved by Congress in 2019year and come into force at the end of 2020.


    To Los Angeles County Department of Health SPA 5 West Area Health Office serves Brentwood. [9] The head of this area is Sheila Kühl.


    Brentwood is represented in the California State Senate by Ben Allen and in the California State Assembly by Richard Bloom.


    The United States Postal Service operates the Barrington Post Office in Brentwood. [10] Ted Lie represents the region in the US House of Representatives.


    Milken Community High School, 2008

    Brentwood School

    Seventy percent of Brentwood residents aged 25 and over earned a four-year degree by 2000, a high percentage for the city and county. The percentage of residents in this age range with a bachelor’s degree or higher was high for the county. [3]

    Schools within Brentwood boundaries: [11]


    Elementary schools in the area are Kenter Canyon Elementary School (LAUSD Charter School) and Brentwood Science Magnet Elementary School (LAUSD Alternative School). Paul Revere Charter High School is a Brentwood high school. [12] University High School in West Los Angeles, and Palisades Charter High School, in nearby Pacific Palisades. [13]


    The following private schools are located in the Brentwood area:

    • Westland School, Elementary
    • Mirman School
    • Berkeley Hall School, Day Elementary
    • Milken Community High School
    • Brentwood School, K-12
    • St.

    Famous People

    • James Arness – Actor (1923–2011) [14]
    • Bea Arthur – Actress (1922–2009) [15]
    • entrepreneur0017

    • Dr Dre – Rapper, producer and entrepreneur [16]
    • Tom Brady – National Football League quarterback [17]
    • Andrew Breitbart – Author, commentator and website publisher (1969–2012) 80006 [1 ]
    • Giselle Bundhen – model and entrepreneur [19]
    • DI Karuzo – screenwriter and producer [20]
    • Mickey Cohen – Gangster (1913-1976) [21] 9000
    • Dabney Culman – actor – actor – actor – actor [22]
    • Burt Convy – Actor, game show host, singer and panelist (1933–1991) [23]
    • Joan Crawford – Actress [24]
    • Stephen W. Cunningham – UCLA alumnus and City Council member Los Angeles [25]
    • Don DeFor – Actor (1913–1993) [26]
    • Dane Elkins (born 1999) – professional racquetball player [27] 9001 Music17 9001 co-founder of rock band Eagles (1948–2016) [28]
    • Mark Harmon – Actor [29]
    • Leland Hayward – Entertainment agent and producer [30]
    • LeBron James – NBA player 9017 9000
    • Jack Larson – Actor (1928-2015)
    • Monica Lewinsky – activist, broadcaster, fashion designer and former White House intern. [32]
    • Robert Loggia – Actor (1930–2015) [33]
    • Lea Michele – Actress [34]
    • Donna Mills – Actress and Producer
    • Marilyn Monroe – Actress [35]
    • Former President and First Lady Richard Nixon and Pat Nixon [36]
    • Gwyneth Democratic Actress winner, founder of Goop [37]
    • Gregor Piatigorsky – Cellist (1903-1976) [38]
    • Rosanna – Actress
    • David Berwald – Musician. [39]
    • Lee Remick – Actress
    • Fay Resnick – Reality TV personality [40]
    • Arnold Schoenberg – composer [41]
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger – Actor, bodybuilder, former Governor of California. [42] [43]
    • Maria Shriver – Journalist, writer and former First Lady of California
    • Nicole Brown Simpson – Murder victim and ex-wife of O.J. Simpson [39]
    • O. J. Simpson – National Football League player, broadcaster and actor. [39]
    • Margaret Sallavan – Actress [48]
    • Robert Taylor – Actor [49]
    • RIZ Witherspun – Academic award The winning actress [50]

    Los Angeles

    • List of neighborhoods and neighborhoods in Los Angeles

    Recommendations 9

    “Reese Witherspoon is giving you a tour of her Brentwood mansion.” 2014-09-29.

    external link

    • Brentwood Community Council
    • Brentwood Homeowners Association
    • Kenter Canyon Elementary School
    • Map of the Brentwood Palisades area of ​​Los Angeles
    • d Brentwood
    • Brentwood Crime Map and Statistics
    Santa Monica Mountains 9In 47, due to a fire, as a result of which all the buildings of the school campus were destroyed, Brentwood College School changed its location and moved to Mill Bay, on the coast of Vancouver Island, 40 km from the city of Victoria. Victoria International Airport is 1 hour away by car.


    The 77-acre campus of the school stretches along the coastline for 1 km. From here you have a beautiful view of the Gulf Islands and the snow-capped peaks of Mount Baker. This location and area provides a unique opportunity for the study of marine life (within the subject of biology), for the development of various sports by students and for outdoor activities after classes. Those who specialize in art receive an inexhaustible source of inspiration in the surrounding nature.

    On the territory there are many modern classrooms, amenities and facilities that are needed for a full-fledged study: the center for arts and humanities, which houses 8 classrooms, studios for painting, sculpture, ceramics and photography, computer classrooms for design and multimedia classes. technologies, an art gallery with ceilings 25 meters high, where exhibitions of students’ works are held. There is a medical center, 8 tennis courts, sports grounds, a basketball court, a modern sports complex with gyms and squash courts. The school has good conditions for water sports: it has its own boat house, an indoor pool for rowing. The school even has its own marina with yachts.

    Entry requirements

    – school registration form
    – report card for the last 2 academic years (including the current year)
    – characteristics from teachers of mathematics, English and a class teacher from the previous school
    – SSAT certificate / entrance test
    – Interview with a representative of the school via Skype
    – diplomas and awards for participation in olympiads, competitions, competitions, exhibitions, concerts, scientific circles


    School graduates enter prestigious universities in Canada, the USA and Europe: University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, University of British Columbia, Queens University, Simon Fraser University, McGill University, UCLA, MIT, University of California, Berkeley, Harvard University, Boston University , New York University, Northeastern University, Carnegie Mellon University, Duke University, Seattle University, University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of St. Andrews, University of Bristol, University of Oxford, University of Glasgow, University of Amsterdam, Erasmus University, University of Queensland and other universities.

    Training courses

    Senior classes 14-18 years old

    The main program of Brentwood is designed to prepare high school students (grades 9-12) for university and for further successful careers. The guys are studying under the program of the secondary school of the province of British Columbia. Students at Brentwood College School study compulsory and optional subjects from the following six areas: English, mathematics, science, sociology, modern languages, business and IT. Successful completion of 4 required classes (from 9to 12) and a set of the required number of credits (credits). Credits or, in other words, points are awarded to the student for each subject studied at the end of the course, each successfully passed exam and test.

    To deepen knowledge, as well as to increase the chance of entering a prestigious university, starting from the 11th grade, training can be supplemented by Advanced Placement (AP) advanced courses. Brentwood College School offers its students the following list of AP-level subjects: Art History, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Comparative Politics and Government, Computer Science, English Literature and Composition, English Language and Composition, Environmental Science, French Language and Culture, Geography , macroeconomics, microeconomics, physics (2 courses), psychology, research, seminars, Spanish language and culture, fine arts, US history. After completing the training in the selected disciplines, students take a test, the successful results of which in the future will become an entrance ticket to higher educational institutions.




    Academic year

    Senior 14-18

    82 0003 651 68260 02462 82153 21059 286

    Included in the price
    • Training
    • Accommodation
    • Meals full board
    Additional charge
    • Registration fee 300 CAD
    • Additional individual music lessons 50 CAD/hour
    • Golf, hockey lessons 300 CAD
    • Exam fees (SSAT/PSAT/AP) 150 CAD
    • Teaching materials 10-100 CAD
    • Airport transfer 20 CAD one way
    • Medical insurance 900 CAD
    • School uniform
    • Additional academic and language classes
    • Rental of musical instruments
    • School trips, excursions
    • graduation ceremony
    • Pocket expenses
    • Services of the company for enrollment and supervision
    • Visa costs
    • Bank charges
    • Flight tickets


    There are regular walks and eco-tours, wildlife watching and diving in the waters of the bay, visits to the large national parks Strathcona Park Lodge or Bamfield Marine Sciences Center, off-site lessons in oceanography and marine biology (these subjects can even be included in the main curriculum).

    The school has more than 30 clubs and communities. Brentwood College School students are invited to try their hand at various types of creativity – choreography, theater, cinema, music, vocals, painting, sculpture, crafts, photography, etc. There are also communication art courses (school of debate, oratory), and technical creativity circles (robotics, broadcasting, woodworking, graphic and 3D design, theater production).

    Since its inception, Brentwood College School has been home to many now-famous athletes, including world-renowned athletes such as Olympic gold medalists Blair Hoare and Malcolm Howard. School teams in various sports have won a total of 84 national championships, 24 school graduates have participated in the Olympic Games, eight of them received Olympic medals. The sports infrastructure of the school allows you to play basketball, volleyball, hockey, rugby, football, squash, tennis, skiing and snowboarding, golf, athletics, horseback riding, triathlon, yoga, fitness, etc. Of particular note is the exceptional equipment for water sports, especially for rowing. From 19In the 70s, the school holds its own regattas, where more than 1,500 athletes from educational institutions in Canada and the USA take part.

    School Description

    Brentwood College School was founded in 1923 and is one of the best high schools in British Columbia. The school is famous for its innovative approach to the educational process, university preparatory programs and a picturesque location on the ocean.

    Brentwood College School unites students from 20 countries of the world. The teachers of the school are graduates of famous universities in the world, they have the highest qualification categories. The school has a mentoring program, which facilitates the adaptation process for foreign students. Each student in the school has an advisor whose role is to help teenagers solve housing, academic, sports and artistic issues. Weekly meetings with mentors help to identify and resolve all controversial issues related to training and living in a timely manner.

    Knowledge learning corporation phone number: Access to this page has been denied.

    Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 8:18 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

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    How to benefit from corporate training programs

    Regular employee training has long been a practice not only for large metropolitan businesses, but also for small regional companies. However, training does not always lead to improved performance. What should management do to ensure that the money invested in training is not wasted and that trained employees apply the knowledge gained to the benefit of the company?

    Choose current training topics

    Only solving an existing problem will benefit the company. The easiest way is for companies that regularly audit key business processes – they always have a list of current issues at hand. If there is no such practice, then it is worth conducting an audit of sales or customer service, the main production or supply process, planning or control systems. It is important to calculate the causes of the most frequent failures and deviations from the normal performance of work. And if the cause of failures is the lack of necessary knowledge or skills among employees, the topic of training is obvious.

    Another goal of learning is to explore new possibilities. For example, if customers are interested in a new service, but the existing competencies are not enough. But you need to calculate what is more profitable: hire ready-made specialists or train existing ones. Most often it turns out that it will be faster and cheaper to train your staff.

    Employees should also be interested in training. Learning is a change of activity. And if the employee was interested in studying, then it will be perceived as a vacation. Regular training and an environment of constant self-improvement are important for psychological comfort and the desire to perform labor feats.

    Choose the right mentors

    Ideally, you have a competent teacher on your staff – either a business coach or an experienced leader. He can explain not only the basic methodology, but also adapt training to the specifics of the company. He will also be able to provide support for employees after training.

    For the most demanded competencies (such as presentation or negotiation skills), it makes sense for even medium-sized enterprises to have a full-time trainer. But on narrow issues that are dealt with by 1-2 specialists and not every day (like organizing a treasury in the financial unit or debugging the grading system in the personnel service), it will be too expensive to keep a permanent teacher. Often, direct supervisors or experienced employees act as teachers. This is a very useful practice, but employees who combine their main duties with teaching do not always have time for full-fledged training. Preparation of training material can take many times more time than the training itself. Therefore, in this case, it is more correct to choose training in a specialized training center.

    Choose practical formats

    Short intensive formats provide the fastest return – with full immersion in studying on a specific topic for several days. And it’s not just that employees won’t have to take long breaks from work. The greater the amount of material being studied, the more difficult it is for employees to apply it in practice. It is very difficult for people to remember the material covered a few months ago. It is best to alternate a three-day study with a one- or two-month implementation of the acquired knowledge into practice.

    Train teams

    Teaching a team is more difficult than teaching an individual – it is necessary to improve not only personal, but also joint actions, and also to overcome group resistance to change. But the effect of such training will be higher. Employees have someone to consult and get help in difficult situations, and it is easier for managers to ensure discipline. Often there is a spirit of healthy competition that benefits the entire department. Team learning is essential for large projects with complex planning, extensive reporting, and regular meeting practices.

    Create Opportunities for Practice

    The manager wants a newly trained employee to immediately get to work and perform it at a high level. But first he must develop skills in new areas. Some companies organize special training grounds, for example, a training workshop in a factory or a separate cafe (individual store) in a chain. A good practice can be internships, where those who have completed their studies work under the supervision of a mentor.

    Training must be complete. It is necessary to break it down into small operations that the employee must repeat many times. Progress should be tracked by indicators such as execution time, number of errors, etc. This is also important for motivating professional growth.

    Encourage application of acquired knowledge

    Here, a newly trained employee submits a report to the manager in an unusual format (learned in the courses and considered more convenient and modern), while all other subordinates submitted a standard habitual report. Will the manager spend time studying the innovation, will he support the transition to a new form if it is successful? From the answers to such questions, it becomes clear whether the corporate system encourages or punishes employees for introducing new knowledge.

    Mistakes in learning new things are inevitable, and it is very important for a manager to be tolerant of them. However, an uncontrolled increase in the number of failures is unacceptable, since errors are a waste of time, money and reputation. We need a balance.

    The manager should make it mandatory to have conversations with employees after completing the training to encourage them to use what they have learned. During these conversations, topics of learning and new ideas that can be introduced into the work of the company should be discussed.

    We must also remember about rewards for the obvious professional development of employees. If the company has a practice of regular assessment of staff qualifications, well-thought-out career plans, bonuses for proposed and implemented innovations, then trained employees will be more interested in applying the knowledge gained to the benefit of the company.

    The author is the director of the department of management training programs of the Russian School of Management

    Training of employees in a small company on the Unicraft platform


    After the introduction of the Unicraft platform, we were convinced that online training is relevant not only for large companies. It’s great for small businesses too – it’s even easier to debug the learning process on a small team, and then expand.

    Shinavova Ulangerek Bashirovna

    Personnel training specialist of the Sportlandia chain of stores in Norilsk


    • Conducting face-to-face training sessions takes a long time
    • Outdated training methods are used in the regions
    • The training process is not systematized, there is no 9074 collected data 9074


      • Training is automated, employees take courses on their own
      • Managed to introduce advanced training methods in the regions
      • Knowledge of the assortment of employees is constantly maintained at the proper level

      Sportlandia is a chain of sports stores. It appeared in 2003, and now has more than 130 stores in Russia and the CIS countries. Stores are franchised. So in Norilsk, two stores of this chain were opened. How training is organized in these stores, says the training manager, Shinavova Ulangerek.

      The role of training in Sportlandia

      Sportlandia has very advanced creative directors. They are imbued with the idea of ​​continuous learning – they study themselves at large seminars and pass on the knowledge gained to employees. Previously, training took place in the form of live lectures and seminars in the office, but it took a lot of time, I had to prepare even on weekends. Therefore, now we have switched to a distance learning system.

      In our small city of Norilsk, staff training is a very rare occurrence. And learning with the help of distance technologies generally shocks many managers. When we thought about introducing online learning, we studied the experience of other companies and they were all large – from 1000 employees. Therefore, we doubted whether this format is suitable for us – a small company with 20 employees.

      It turned out to be a great solution – to debug the learning process on a small number of employees, and then connect new people.

      Choosing a platform for online learning

      When we decided to switch to distance learning, we started testing popular online platforms. In our small company, only one employee is involved in training, so we were looking for a simple, fast and effective solution.

      The Unicraft platform stands out from the rest. Unicraft had a simple, intuitive interface. In addition, we were impressed by the fast customer support, which was always in touch. We could (and still can) write a question to the chat at any time and get a prompt response.

      We made a decision in favor of the Unicraft platform, and have not regretted it.

      We’ve had a great relationship with Unicraft for two years now. During this time, the platform has grown significantly – a lot of additional functionality has gradually appeared, while maintaining the simplicity of the interface.

      Implementation of the Unicraft platform

      First of all, we transferred ready-made materials for product training to the platform. Sportlandia has a large product line, the features of which need to be trained for employees. Therefore, presentations and catalogs from brand manufacturers first appeared on the platform.

      Further, as needed, we added new courses. They formed naturally. For example, in such cases:

      • Received mystery shopping questionnaires and found out that employees make common mistakes in their work. This is an occasion to prepare instructions on how to do it right
      • A new product has arrived in the store – you need to quickly convey its properties and features to employees so that they can carry out sales
      • Started using the new tool at work – you need to train employees how to interact with it correctly
      • We found a gap in the knowledge and skills of employees – we are creating a new course that will help fill them

      Thus, we filled the platform for online learning with material.

      How is learning on the platform

      There are currently 297 courses on the platform. All employees of the company are trained according to them – sellers, cashiers, administrators, storekeepers and even heads of departments.

      • The most extensive training for salespeople and cashiers – they study the product range and sales technology
      • Storekeepers have more practice-oriented training – work in 1C, technology for receiving and issuing goods courses for personal growth that are not directly related to the work of employees. We are interested in developing our people as individuals.

        All courses are divided into several levels – “for trainees”, “basic”. Gradually, the third level is being formed – “advanced”. Sometimes the transition from one level to another is accompanied by a promotion. For example, a salesperson took several courses, mastered the necessary skills, and became a senior salesperson. In addition to training existing employees, the platform helps us at the stage of selection of candidates and their internships.

        Selection and adaptation of new employees on the platform

        When we are looking for a new employee in the company, even at the selection stage we give applicants a short training of four courses – we introduce them to the company, to the assortment, to their position and to the laws in trade. This training program helps us track candidate interest. We set a deadline for completing the program on the platform – 5 days. And during communication we say that it usually takes 2-3 days to study. But if an employee completes the program in one day, this indicates that he is more interested in getting this position than others.

        After the introductory courses and the initial selection, the internship begins. The first two internship days, the new employee receives information live – from the mentor and administrator, from printed materials. On the third day, we open access to the following courses according to the plan. Such an induction allows us to quickly weed out those who do not fit our values ​​- they are not ready to learn, develop quickly, work in a team and produce valuable results from the first working day.

        How Sportland engages employees in training

        We involve employees in training, so there is a fairly high activity on the platform – employees regularly come and study. Even at the stage of selecting employees, we explain that training in the company is mandatory. From the very first day, we assign courses and set deadlines. People who are not interested in development simply do not get into our team. But this is not a formal training that takes place only because “it is necessary.” We try to interest employees:

        • We explain why they should be trained. For example, product courses help managers improve sales results. Without this knowledge, it is difficult for them to grow.
        • To give credibility to the words, we use more experienced employees as an example – they were well trained, thanks to which their salaries increased many times over. Such examples motivate beginners to develop.
        • We regularly remind employees about training – in group chats, through social networks and private messages
        • We exchange points for completing courses on the Unicraft platform for bonuses in our stores so that employees can receive a discount

        Monitoring the results of training on the platform

        The company’s management is interested in training employees, and constantly requests reports.

    Learning about seasons: Four Seasons Science Video For Kids

    Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 8:04 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    What are seasons? | TheSchoolRun

    Savour the seasons with your primary-school child by reinforcing what they learn about autumn, winter, summer and spring in KS1 with at-home activities.

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    What are seasons?

    Every year our planet experiences four seasons: autumn, winter, spring and summer.

    As Earth moves around the Sun it spins in a slightly tilted position (on an axis tilted 23.5 degrees from a straight up, vertical position). This tilt is what causes our seasons because through the year different parts of the planet are angled towards or angled away from the Sun’s light. More or less sunlight and heat impact on the length of each day and the average daily temperature in different seasons, as well as the amount of rainfall.


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    There are differences in the weather, length of day light available and plant life during the seasons. Typically:

    • In autumn the amount of time it is light for becomes less, the leaves start to change colour and fall off the trees. Autumn is called Fall in the United States of America. 
    • In winter we have colder weather, sometimes snow and frost, the trees have no leaves and the amount of time it is light during the day is at its shortest. 
    • In spring the weather usually turns warmer, trees begin to grow their leaves, plants start to flower and young animals such as chicks and lambs are born. 
    • In summer the weather is usually warm, trees have full green leaves and the amount of time it is light for during the day is longer. 

    When do children learn about the seasons in primary school?

    In Year 1 children are taught to observe the changes across the four seasons. They will learn to observe the weather and how the length of the day varies.

    Children should also learn it is not safe to look directly at the sun, even when wearing dark glasses.

    How do children learn about seasons?

    • Children will talk about and observe the changes in the weather and the seasons.
    • They may be given pictures to sort into the different seasons.
    • They may create pictures / paintings or artwork associated with the seasons.
    • Children may collect information over the year, for example photographs of the trees to compare.
    • Children might work scientifically to create charts and tables of the weather.
    • During each season as it occurs throughout the year children may discuss the weather changes and take part in seasonal activities such as exploring the sound of crunching leaves during autumn, watching baby chicks hatch during spring, etc.

    Books about seasons for children


    Learning activities about the seasons to do at home:

    • Watch the weather forecast with your child and discuss the weather.
    • Talk about the seasons as they occur during the year, pointing out key signs such as autumn leaves, cold weather in winter, new life in spring and warm weather in summer.
    • Cut pictures out of holiday brochures, catalogues or old cards and sort into summer and winter scenes.
    • Point out the short days in winter and long evenings in summer.
    • Collect autumn leaves and create a collage or autumn picture.
    • Go for a woodland walk in spring (to look at bluebells) and in autumn (to look at the trees and fallen leaves).
    • Be a weather presenter for the evening and act out the weather forecast.
    • Observe the weather over a week and record the weather in a table, drawing or painting pictures to go with it.
    • Make a rain collector and measure the amount of rain over a period of time.
    • Make ice cubes and construct a winter wonderland in miniature.
    • Use twigs and cotton wool to make a 3D winter sculpture.
    • Make a bird feeder in winter and discuss why the birds might need help to find food.
    • Discuss what clothes to wear during each season.
    • Listen to The Four Seasons violin concerto by Vivaldi and discuss the different sounds. How does the music represent the different seasons?

    This fun Sesame Street video asks children to guess what season is associated with what weather.


    The Seasons Activities at

    Seasons Word Wheel

    Make a four seasons word wheel using this 2-page print-out; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, the seasons appear, one at a time: spring, summer, autumn (fall), and winter. The student then writes down the four seasons.

    Months Word Wheel

    Make a months word wheel using this 2-page print-out; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, the twelve months are formed, one at a time: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. The student then writes down the twelve months.

    Write an Acrostic Poem about Spring

    Write a poem about spring. Start each line with a letter from the word “spring.” Or go to a summer, autumn, or winter acrostic poem worksheet.

    Seasons Word Pieces Puzzle

    In this puzzle, combine pairs of word segments to make seasons-related spelling words. Words: autumn, axis, equinox, fall, seasons, solstice, spring, summer, tilt, vernal, winter, year. Or go to the answers.

    Autumn Words in English

    Label the Autumn (fall) words in English, including pumpkin, apple, leaf, rake, corn, scarecrow, crow, turkey, and hay.

    Match Spring Words and Pictures

    Match 10 Spring vocabulary words to their pictures. The words are: egg, butterfly, umbrella, baseball, frog, bee, rabbit, bird, rain, rainbow. Or go to the answers.

    Spring Words in English

    Label the spring words in English, including flower, egg, butterfly, bee, rabbit, frog, bird, rainbow, umbrella, rain.

    Label 10 Signs of Spring

    Label the pictures of 10 signs of Spring on this worksheet. The words are: butterfly, frog, umbrella, egg, rabbit, bee, baseball, bird, rainbow, rain (word boank not included on worksheet). Go to the answers.

    Unscramble Summer Words

    Unscramble the summer words, and then color the picture of the words. The words are sun, rose, sandals, shorts, popsicle, beach ball, watermelon, sun glasses, sunflower, ice cream cone.

    Label 10 Signs of Summer

    Label the pictures of 10 signs of Summer on this worksheet. The words are: sun, popsicle, watermelon, beach ball, ice cream cone, sunflower, sandals, sunglasses, rose, shorts. Go to the answers.

    Put 10 Summer Words in Alphabetical Order – Worksheet

    Put 10 Summer words in alphabetical order. The words are: beach, hike, hot, lake, picnic, rain, sun, sunshine, swim, vacation. Go to the answers.

    Daylight Saving Time Alphabet Code

    Use the alphabet code to find the DST-related sentence. Answer: “Spring forward, fall back.”

    Summer Words in English

    Label the summer words in English, including sun, popsicle, watermelon, sun block, ice cream cone, sunflower, sandals, sunglasses, rose, shorts.

    The Seasons of the Year in English
    A Label Me! Printout

    Label summer, autumn, winter, and spring in English.

    Autumn Senses Poem

    Write a poem about how Autumn affects your senses. The lines of the poem begin with: Fall looks like, Fall sounds like, Fall feels like, Fall smells like, and Fall tastes like.

    Spring Senses Poem

    Write a poem about how Spring affects your senses. The lines of the poem begin with: Spring looks like, Spring sounds like, Spring feels like, Spring smells like, and Spring tastes like.

    Summer Senses Poem

    Write a poem about how Summer affects your senses. The lines of the poem begin with: Summer looks like, Summer sounds like, Summer feels like, Summer smells like, and Summer tastes like.

    Winter Senses Poem

    Write a poem about how Winter affects your senses. The lines of the poem begin with: Winter looks like, Winter sounds like, Winter feels like, Winter smells like, and Winter tastes like.

    Autumn: Hello, Goodbye

    Write a poem about things you say hello to and things you say goodbye to when Fall comes. Start each line with Hello or Goodbye.

    Spring: Hello, Goodbye

    Write a poem about things you say hello to and things you say goodbye to when Spring comes. Start each line with Hello or Goodbye.

    Summer: Hello, Goodbye

    Write a poem about things you say hello to and things you say goodbye to when Summer comes. Start each line with Hello or Goodbye.

    Winter: Hello, Goodbye

    Write a poem about things you say hello to and things you say goodbye to when Winter comes. Start each line with Hello or Goodbye.

    Winter Words in English

    Label the winter words in English, including snow, snowflake, snowman, hat, scarf, glove, sled, ski, cold, ice skate, icicle, and evergreen tree.

    Spring Words in Arabic

    Label the spring words in Arabic, including flower, egg, butterfly, bee, rabbit, frog, bird, rainbow, umbrella, rain.

    Spring Words in Dutch

    Label the spring words in Dutch, including flower, egg, butterfly, bee, rabbit, frog, bird, rainbow, umbrella, rain.

    Spring Words in French

    Label the spring words in French, including flower, egg, butterfly, bee, rabbit, frog, bird, rainbow, umbrella, rain.

    Spring Words in German

    Label the spring words in German, including flower, egg, butterfly, bee, rabbit, frog, bird, rainbow, umbrella, rain.

    Spring Words in Italian

    Label the spring words in Italian, including flower, egg, butterfly, bee, rabbit, frog, bird, rainbow, umbrella, rain.

    Spring Words in Spanish

    Label the spring words in Spanish, including flower, egg, butterfly, bee, rabbit, frog, bird, rainbow, umbrella, rain.

    Summer Words in French

    Label the summer words in French, including sun, sunfower, sunglasses, sun block, shorts, ice cream, watermelon, rose, sandals.

    Summer Words in German

    Label the summer words in German, including sun, sunfower, sunglasses, sun block, shorts, ice cream, watermelon, rose, sandals.

    Summer Words in Italian

    Label the summer words in Italian, including sun, sunfower, sunglasses, sun block, shorts, ice cream, watermelon, rose, sandals.

    Summer Words in Spanish

    Label the summer words in Spanish, including sun, sunfower, sunglasses, sun block, shorts, ice cream, watermelon, rose, sandals.

    Learning about seasons with autumn colours

    What better way to learn about seasons than by experiencing them and, as autumn is well underway with its leaves of gold and burnt orange, now is a great time to start.

    For a young child, the gradual shift from one season to another can be a difficult concept to grasp. With experiential learning and outdoor activities, children can learn about seasons, understand the passage of time and observe changes in nature.

    The exploration of seasons includes lots of observation, outdoor exploration, and flat-out fun. To teach the seasons, use pictures and books to describe each seasonal change such as piles of dry leaves for autumn, snow for winter, the beach for summer and flowers for spring.

    Move the focus to autumn by pointing out the incredible changes happening around them in nature. Encourage them to notice the temperature change – which means warmer clothes – deciduous trees turning brilliant hues of yellow and shades of orange and showcase seasonal fruit and vegetables. 

    Here are some fun activities to teach kids about the wonder of the seasons.

    • Experience the season

    Explore nature and allow children firsthand experience to learn what autumn is all about. Look for opportunities in the playground – or visit a local park. If your playground is small, try wheeling in a barrow of different coloured leaves for children to feel, smell and scrunch underfoot so they can enjoy, feel and examine them.

    • Take a sensory walk

    Ask the children to stop, watch, listen, smell and touch. As you explore, expand their vocabulary by asking questions. Is the temperature cold or freezing? Hot or boiling? Does the air taste fresh or damp? Do you feel rain, hail, or mist? If you have a deciduous tree and the leaves have started falling, watch it. Ask the children to guess how many leaves will fall from that tree in one minute. Use a timer and keep count. You could even send this activity home for children to do with their families.

    • Go gather leaves

    Organise a scavenger hunt and ask children to collect a small pile of different leaves. Sort them by how they feel, colour or shape. Count how many shades of red, yellow, green and brown in the collection. Use the leaves for measuring. You can also organise the children to place the leaves side by side on an A4 sized piece of paper – from one end to the other – and then ask them to count them. For more fun and creative leaf activities try Project Learning Tree

    • Keep a science journal

    Organise an outdoor paint area for children to draw what they see – ask them to capture leaf colours, autumn clothing and the sky. Do it again in a month and see if there are any changes in their work. If you have a deciduous tree get them to observe if it has changed – some photos will help here – and record it in the journal with the children’s observations. Try pressing in some leaves or any flowers that are blooming. You could place a photo every fortnight on a display board to show the tree changing. Also encourage families to try this at home by photographing a tree that’s changing.

    • Taste the season

    Educating children about seasonal food has far-reaching benefits because not only does it help children learn more about where food comes from, it may encourage them to try new healthy foods.

    Present a rainbow with the extra appeal of fresh brightly coloured fruit and vegetables. Autumn foods include fruits such as avocado, grapes, kiwifruit, mandarins and passionfruit. While top picks for vegetables are capsicum, carrots, cucumbers, kumara, cauliflower and cabbage.

    Using a range of different mediums can help to engage children and reinforce key messages about food seasonality. Engage the concept of seasonality by using songs, visuals, stories and a wide range of practical activities like displaying a calendar of foods in season. This is a great visual tool and can highlight the foods that are best each month.

    • Autumn crafts

    Involve nature in daily play and creating, as art and craft supplies don’t all have to come from a store. Some of the best crafting materials are just outside the door. Natural art and craft materials such as flowers, leaves, twigs, bark, seedpods and stones can be found in almost any playground. Additional items will already be in the cupboard.

    There are numerous benefits to using natural materials they’re free, children go outside to collect them, they may increase language and observational skills with hands-on discovery, it’s fun and it inspires creativity. Plus collecting craft items outside can become game, much like a scavenger hunt.

    Children can go nature hunting with their family and bring in a small collection for crafting. Continue the learning experience by talking about the kinds of materials they have collected. What was the most common? What was hard to find? What was their favourite, and why?

    The natural objects could include rocks, stones, leaves, bark, feathers, seed pods, and twigs and here are some craft ideas to try with your treasures:

    • Sort the collection into groups, such as type, where they were found, colour, size and shape.
    • Match items that feel similar (e.g. rough, smooth) or look similar (shape, colour).
    • Add to playdough or clay to provide opportunities for your child to combine materials (for example, use seed pods for eyes, sticks for arms and legs).
    • Create art with leaves, try leaf rubbings to observe shapes and patterns (for example, place a leaf under a blank paper and rub with a crayon or pastel).
    • Create a collage by arranging natural objects or gluing them to card.
    • Make some ‘natural’ cupcakes by putting out some paper cupcake cases and provide clay or play dough for the cake. The toppings and candles can be sticks, leaves and stones.

    References and additional resources

    Fall vs spring lesson plan 10 Ways to Teach Your Child About the Seasons

    Parenta: Teaching children about eating seasonal food

    Suzy and Friends: Factsheet on autumn leaves

    Learning the seasons. |

    On this page you will find material related to the study of the four seasons. Watch, download, print. Learn by playing.

    Contents of the article.

    (For a quick jump, click on the title of the section)

    At what age do we start learning

    How easier it is for a child to remember the seasons

    Choosing thematic material for children

    Learning the seasons.

    For adults, it seems that knowing the seasons is simple, natural and obvious. But for a child, such a concept as the seasons does not seem simple and clear. A small child does not clearly imagine what winter, spring, summer and autumn are, since they cannot be touched or felt. And as it turns out in practice, it is not always possible to explain such a phenomenon as the seasons the first time.

    How to explain these processes of nature to a child, how to help him remember such information more easily?

    In order to make it easier for a child to understand and remember, it is necessary to engender in him associations with something existing.

    At what age do we start studying.

    Learning, or more precisely, getting to know the seasons, can start very early. From 1.5 – 2 years.

    At this age, introduce the child to the outside world, introduce such concepts as cold-warm, rainy-sunny, the leaves were green – they turned yellow.

    Form initial ideas about the seasons. In winter – snow, in spring – buds and green grass, in summer – fruits, berries and the sea, in autumn – the leaves turn yellow and fall.

    It is also possible to introduce a child at an early age with the help of pictures and cartoons. Show your child a picture and tell them what it is. Viewing pictures should not take more than five minutes. If you see that the child does not show interest in the pictures, does not want to listen and look, then do not insist. You have a lot of time ahead, everything will be in time!

    By the age of three, it is already possible for a child to explain the difference in seasons. At this age, the child already understands exactly what rain, snow is, when it is cold outside, when it is warm. When walking with a child, pay attention to changes in nature, tell what has changed on the street. Start with the season that is currently outside the window. So that the child can see by life example what changes are taking place in nature.

    If at the age of 3-4 years you have not yet begun to get acquainted with seasonal changes and seasons, then at the very time when you need to do it!!!

    At the age of four, it is already necessary to take the process of studying the seasons more seriously. During his four years of life, the child has already watched the change of seasons several times. He has already formed some of his own associations with each time. For example: in winter we go sledding, and in summer we go to grandma’s.

    At the age of 5-7 years, a child must clearly know and understand natural phenomena!!!

    How easier it is for a child to remember the seasons.

    At preschool age, children learn only in the form of games. Nowadays, there are enough bright, colorful materials, visual aids, books and games on the theme “Seasons”. These manuals can be bought, you can print from the Internet, you can do it yourself.

    1. With a child, you can do different types of creativity, drawing, appliqué, coloring. In the process of engaging in creativity, carry on a conversation and explain to the child when and what happens. For example, from drawing and application from our site:
    2. You can read books and look at bright and eye-catching pictures. You can buy a book with stickers, and stick stickers while completing tasks. Thus, consolidate the acquired knowledge.
    3. You can play educational games on the theme “Seasons”, these can be puzzles, lotto, games with clothespins, etc.
    4. Learn verses to guess riddles. To learn a verse in 5 minutes, show your child a mnemonic table, the result is guaranteed.
    5. Use colorfully designed cards – storytelling algorithm.
    6. Watch educational cartoons and videos.
    7. And most importantly, watch the changes in nature in real life. Notice and discuss what is happening.

    Here are approximate features of the seasons that will be accessible and understandable to every preschooler:


    This is, of course, white snow, it’s cold. People dress warmly, hats, fur coats, scarves, gloves. Children go sledding, downhill, skiing and skating, play snowballs, make a snowman. Favorite holiday – New Year, decorate the Christmas tree, gifts from Santa Claus.


    Snow is melting, birds are coming, animals are waking up from hibernation, buds are appearing on trees, trees are blooming, then green leaves appear. The grass is green, the flowers are growing. Holiday – March 8, give mimosa and tulips. Easter cakes are baked.


    Associated with the sun, warmth, few clothes, the sea, a trip to the grandmother, fruits and berries ripen, flowers, butterflies. The day is long and the night is short, the children walk outside for a long time. Children ride bicycles, scooters, rollerblades, swim in the river.


    The leaves turn yellow, fall off, the trees become “naked”. It’s raining and windy outside, the birds are flying south. Harvest, umbrella and rubber boots.

    Experiment, fantasize, study, consolidate!

    Use the materials from our site, we will be happy!!!

    Thematic material for the study of the seasons.

    Four Seasons Puzzle


    Seasons Clothespin Game

    • Main Playing Field
    • Cards to stick to clothespins

    Read more

    A3 and A4 posters signs of Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.


    Scheme of the story about Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.


    See also:

    Learning the seasons with the baby: how?




    September 15, 2021

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    The baby is growing and the world around him is changing. Yesterday it was cold outside and it was raining heavily, the trees were bare, and today the birds are chirping merrily, everything is so green and smells so delicious!!! When the baby is 2 years old, you can begin to acquaint him with the seasons, because he has already lived them all.

    Already at the age of two or three years, the child is able to well determine the seasons, their sequence, and the main signs.

    Preparing educational materials

    Young children are best at absorbing visual information. Therefore, before you start learning, take care of didactic materials. It can be books, cards with the seasons, lotto. Your task is to explain to the baby in simple language, using his imagination and creating simple associations, what winter, spring, summer and autumn are.

    Visual game: seasons

    Take four sheets of paper, preferably in different colors: white for winter, blue for spring, green for summer and yellow for autumn. An adult draws a tree with branches on each leaf. And then you need to transform each tree together with the baby, according to the seasons.

    Winter will be covered with a layer of white cotton wool or semolina like snow. Small green dotted leaves drawn with a cotton swab will appear on the spring one. Summer will have large green leaves and flowers that can be made from pre-dyed pasta or cut from colored paper. Autumn can be decorated with bright buttons or bright red and orange brush blots.

    It’s cold, it’s snowing. You can go sledding, skiing and skating, as well as make snowmen and play snowballs. We dress in warm clothes, wear mittens and hats with scarves. And in winter, the New Year comes, and Santa Claus gives us gifts.

    Snow melts. It is getting warmer. You can put a fur coat and mittens in the closet and put on a light jacket. The birds are returning. The first leaves and grass appear.

    It’s hot outside. Everything is green, lots of flowers. We eat fruits and berries, swim and sunbathe. Everyone rides scooters and bikes.

    The leaves turn yellow. The birds are flying away. It’s getting cold, it’s starting to rain. Umbrellas, raincoats, rubber boots are needed.

    It is very convenient to learn the seasons, “starting” from the baby’s wardrobe. Together, make a set of clothes in order to go outside in winter or summer. You can use dress-up games: paper dolls that change clothes (they are magnetic or Velcro).

    When the first stage is mastered, it will be possible to tell in detail what is happening with nature, with water, what animals do. Get ready to answer a hundred thousand questions. A colorful children’s encyclopedia will help you.

    After you have told everything about everything, it is time to consolidate the material and here you can not do without games. For example, you can sort picture cards by season, or name what people do in the fall and what they do in the spring.

    You can prepare 4 small boxes, decorate them beautifully and fill the boxes with “memories” of summer, autumn, winter and spring together with your baby. Take apart the family photo archive and make a “calendar” of photos. The kid will see how he himself looked in autumn and spring, what he was wearing and what he did on the street in winter and summer.

    Pay your child’s attention to the changes outside the window more often. Explain that it can rain in summer, that the sun shines in winter, but it does not warm. Tell your baby as much as possible about the world around him and answer all his questions, and then soon he will not confuse winter with spring, and summer with autumn. And after a little more time, he will be able to list all the months of the year, and even in the correct order!

    One of the most effective ways to learn about the seasons is to associate each season with a holiday. So, winter is the New Year, spring is March 8, summer is holidays, autumn is Knowledge Day. And it will also be easy for the child to remember the season and month when his birthday is celebrated.

    Books about the seasons

    • Small town series Susanna Rotraut Berner. Spring, Winter, Summer, Autumn.
      These are books without words. You look at them and make up your own stories. There are many heroes in the pictures, which are very interesting to look for and not always easy to find
    • Bianchi’s Blueprint Calendar.
    • Vladimir Svechnikov “Seasons. Illustrated Encyclopedia.
    • Elena Ul’eva “Creative assignments. Seasons”.
    • Tatyana Romanova “We play during the seasons. 40 savvy for kids.
    • S. Marshak “All year round”.
    • Alexander Golubev “Klyovik’s Summer Adventures” (there is a book about winter, spring and autumn).


    Scientific adviser to JSC PROGRESS, Candidate of Medical Sciences

    All expert articles

    Seasons for children and simple methods for learning the names of the months

    Your baby is growing and it’s time to tell him that winter comes after autumn, and always comes after spring summer. Parents are wondering what are the most effective and simple learning methods, how to make the seasons understandable for children?

    Baby calendar

    The seasons are easy to tell apart. Each season brings an important, interesting event. For example, birthdays, family dates and holidays, New Year, so loved by the kids. Engage your child in compiling a personal calendar:

    1. In winter, Santa Claus comes to the baby with gifts, dad brings a Christmas tree, and the baby decorates it.
    2. In the summer the whole family goes to the sea: your parents have a vacation, mom and dad are both at home, and you have fun together in nature.
    3. In autumn it rains and you can run through the puddles in boots, and older children go to school with backpacks.
    4. In the spring the snow melts, and the first flowers bloom, the leaves on the trees turn green more and more right before our eyes.

    With your help, the child notices and learns the names of the seasons. Months are more difficult. Not only is it so difficult to remember their names, you also need to learn the order of how they run after each other, like a round dance.

    Techniques for memorizing the months and seasons of the year

    When should baby start getting to know the outside world? It is best to start a detailed acquaintance with the months when the child will speak. Now your every walk becomes not only entertainment, but one thing and an occupation. But how to teach a child the months of the year and the names of the seasons is not difficult, start implementing the techniques from this article right now:

    • Play games.
    • Create drawings.
    • Learn and compose poems, riddles, fairy tales, stories, cartoons.
    • Use associations, memorable dates.
    • Pay attention to sensations.
    • Explain why seasonal clothing is worn.
    • Link your baby’s favorite holidays to months.
    • Contemplate nature on walks, finding with your baby all the changes that take place.

    Detailed description of methods. The child is 2 years old

    Walks. Active, linguistic observation of nature can be taught from the age of 2. Each new day, fix the child’s attention on the weather, what season and month it is. Describe in words everything that you find and feel today. Become a walking and talking encyclopedia for your child.

    What is it for? The information will be stored subconsciously, that is, your baby will instinctively know the names of the months and what is associated with them, without memorizing them specifically. Later on, this long-term memory will help him when you move on to learning games.

    The child is 3 years old. Educational games

    There are special calendars of nature, lotto “Seasons” and their digital counterparts for children. Take 4 identical parts of the sheet, stick on each picture, with which it will be easier for the child to explain the difference between winter and summer. Sign the drawings and stick on these cards an envelope, which will contain pictures with clothes corresponding to this season, postcards for the holidays and other images. At the age of five, you will replace these drawings with pictures with the names of the months. The top flap of the envelope should be cut off so that the cards are visible from it, and it is easy for the baby to get them with his fingers.

    First, let the child remember the names of the seasons and what is connected with them. Discuss with him what you can do when it snows, the sun shines hot, it rains. At the same time, it is better to start learning the alphabet, and it will be possible to start mastering the months at the age of 5. Be patient, as putting the names of the months into your head, their sequence is quite difficult. But, in anticipation of the fifth anniversary, your child, having mastered the alphabet, will already be able to more easily perceive information and structure it.

    Poems, riddles, fairy tales, cartoons, children’s films

    In the period from 3 to 5, the baby also receives information about the seasons and months from literature and television. There are many riddles and quatrains on this subject that are easy to learn by heart.


    Smoke coming out of the chimney.
    Glass painted.
    We ride sleds.
    We are not cold, we are warm.


    Summer has come to us again!
    It became hot and light.
    On the paths straight
    Bare feet run.


    The week of March will fly by,
    April will ring with a drop,
    Behind him, May will come to us in flowers,
    The sun will shine on our city.


    If the leaves on the wood turn yellow,
    If the birds flew into the blue sky,
    If the cloud is gloomy or the rain is pouring,
    Everything outside the window is called autumn.

    Good films were made back in Soviet times: “Twelve Months”, “Frost”, “Three Nuts for Cinderella”, a film about spring “Snegurochka”, which shows the change of seasons and the melting of snow. Watch them with your child and talk about these moments. Even if the kid watched the movie or cartoon himself, discuss with him what he liked the most and what upset him, what he would do. Pay special attention to the details of the seasons.

    Child 5-6 years old

    By the age of five, your child usually has already mastered the alphabet, clearly knows the difference between winter and spring, even expresses his preferences, which season he likes the most. Now it is time to explain to him in what order the months go.

    Games with associations

    It’s time to take out 12 cards from our envelopes and study them in detail. Ask your child to put the months in order and tell him how he remembers them, when it will be Christmas or grandmother’s name day, what clothes people wear in January when you go on vacation.

    Making an unusual watch

    1. Divide the thick cardboard circle into 4 parts. These will be sectors with images of the seasons. Divide each sector into 3 parts and write the names of the months.
    2. Attach hands to your watch.
    3. Set the arrows to the desired location.
    4. Change the direction of the arrow every first number. Of course, it is better to let the baby do it himself.

    Now, seeing every day all the months at once, the child will intuitively memorize their location. Draw his attention to the Hours of the Seasons. “What season of the year is it now? Is it autumn now, September?

    Do not forget about intimacy

    Psychologists say that joint games, communication, walks, crafts, helping preschoolers in the kitchen and around the house form warm memories that will save them in adulthood. While the children are small, we do not just teach them, we lay a strong foundation, deep roots that will not let them fall in difficult moments of life.

    Don’t worry if your child learns the names of months and seasons slowly. Coming to school, he will easily consolidate this skill in the first year. From the age of six, you can start writing the date and month in writing every day.

    Childtime closure: Coronavirus | Childtime

    Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 6:42 am


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    Please visit our FAQ page. We will make regular updates as new information becomes available. 

    Our Health and Safety Practices

    We are closely following guidance from state and local officials and health authorities as we strive to maintain our safe, healthy school environment. Our team continues to be vigilant about consistently implementing our standard rigorous health and safety procedures. Protocols are subject to change as state regulations, federal guidance, and local pandemic conditions evolve. Please check with your local school to confirm whether elevated safeguards such as protective masks, limited building access and temperature checks are required. 

    Providing the best possible care now includes encouraging our employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19.


    Overall, the best way to ensure our students have limited exposure to germs is by keeping children at home when they are ill and/or contagious. We ask that you please watch your child closely and contact your physician if your child appears to be feeling under the weather.  Please remember your child must be kept home if they display any signs of illness.

    • We observe the children’s health throughout the day and respond appropriately as needed if we detect any potential signs of illness.
    • If your child does become ill at school, we will call you immediately so they can be picked up as soon as possible. Should that occur, please be sure to pick up your child promptly for their well-being, and to help us limit the spread of illness.

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    Are you a family in need of drop-in care? Please contact our enrollment call center at 877.624.2602 for more information.

    Are you a major employer or corporate client that needs back-up care for your employees? Or a healthcare industry worker with immediate child care needs? We’re here for you (and, as always, we offer healthcare industry workers a 10% tuition discount). Please contact our Corporate Support team at 866.829.0027.

    To other Community Responders and Critical Services workers (including law enforcement, firefighters, EMT, etc. ), we continue to provide our regular 10% discount for your service to the community.

    Learning at Home

    As the coronavirus situation continues to evolve, we recognize the strain it creates for parents, and we are striving to support our community as best we can. One way we’re doing that is with fun learning resources you can share at home with your child. Get started.


    Chesterfield Township learning center closes after child tests positive for coronavirus


    Derick Hutchinson, Lead Digital Editor


    Tags: Chesterfield Township, Macomb County, Childtime, Local, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Cases, Michigan Coronavirus, COVID-19, Coronavirus Outbreak, Coronavirus Event Changes, Health

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    Childtime in Chesterfield Township to close doors for 14 days

    Derick Hutchinson, Lead Digital Editor

    Tags: Chesterfield Township, Macomb County, Childtime, Local, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Cases, Michigan Coronavirus, COVID-19, Coronavirus Outbreak, Coronavirus Event Changes, Health

    Childtime of Chesterfield Township (Courtesy of (Childtime)

    CHESTERFIELD TOWNSHIP, Mich. – A Chesterfield Township learning center has closed its doors after a child tested positive for the coronavirus, officials said.

    Childtime in Chesterfield Township will be closed for at least 14 days, officials said.

    Local 4 received several tips about the case, and our Larry Spruill was able to confirm the story Wednesday afternoon.

    “Nothing’s more important to us than the health and safety of our children, employees and school families,” a Childtime spokesperson said.

    Officials became aware of the assumed positive diagnosis Wednesday. They are partnering with health experts to prevent the virus from spreading to the rest of the children associated with the learning center.

    The building will be professionally cleaned and sanitized, according to officials.

    “We are advising all members of our school community to avoid public places to minimize contact with others, and to reach out to their healthcare provider for additional instruction,” the release says.

    Copyright 2020 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit – All rights reserved.

    About the Author:
    Derick Hutchinson

    Derick is the Lead Digital Editor for ClickOnDetroit and has been with Local 4 News since April 2013. Derick specializes in breaking news, crime and local sports.

    What will happen if the child is not picked up from the kindergarten on time? |

    Three years ago in Khabarovsk all kindergartens were transferred to a twelve-hour working day. Duty groups, where children waited for parents who were late from work, were closed. But the problem of picking up the baby from kindergarten on time has remained relevant for many. Can a parent be accused of improper performance of their duties and transfer the child to a juvenile inspector if the father or mother did not take him out of the group before the closing of the kindergarten, the Khabinfo correspondent found out. duty group duty group

    The first kindergartens in Russia appeared in the nineteenth century. These were paid institutions for children from the privileged class. Almost simultaneously with them, free folk kindergartens were opened at charitable societies, where the children of housekeepers could go. And only in the USSR did the system of preschool education take on the form we know it today. Some kindergartens worked around the clock, and parents – the builders of a bright socialist future – could bring a child there on Monday and pick it up on Friday. Later, preschool institutions began to work for ten and a half hours – they accepted the kids at half past seven in the morning, and they had to be picked up before six in the evening. Anyone who did not arrive on time was transferred to the duty group. So it was in Khabarovsk, but in 2019year everything changed.

    “Three years ago we switched the last ten kindergartens to a twelve-hour working day,” says Tatyana Matveenkova, head of the education department of the Khabarovsk administration. — This work was carried out systematically for several years and cost the budget a lot of money. After all, now children will need to be fed not three, but four times a day, in addition, the hours of work of educators and nannies have increased, and they also had to revise the payment system. We did this at the request and for the convenience of the parents. Now the preschool institution itself decides whether to work from seven in the morning to seven in the evening, or from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. Kindergarten interviews parents and does as requested by the majority. duty group

    Kindergarten “Verboton” is open from 7:00 to 19:00. About two hundred and fifty boys and girls go to it. Their parents have recently received a notice to pick up their children on time, otherwise the garden administrator on duty may call the police to locate the parents and give the child to a state institution. Some people were outraged by this document.

    “It’s just some kind of intimidation of parents,” says Maria Ermakova from Khabarovsk. – And so almost every day you go to kindergarten under stress, afraid of being late. I have a working day until seven, with my husband, it happens, and even later, we have to take time off from work, but what if you are standing in a traffic jam? You come to the garden, so they scold you like a little one, if you come ten or fifteen minutes later than seven. Yes, I understand that the teacher also needs to go home, but earlier, with the eldest son, we did not have time to pick him up and paid for the duty group, and there were no problems. And now there is no duty group, and there is no opportunity to stay at home with him, and we do not have grandparents.

    In Verboton Kindergarten they say that the police have not been called once in all thirty years of the institution’s operation. And now they were not going to do this, they simply tried to appeal to the conscience of parents who systematically take their children late. The wording of the notice may have been rather harsh for some, but the garden operated strictly within the law.

    “Our teachers love the children they work with, and, of course, sit with them if their parents are late,” says Marina Zakirova, deputy head for educational and methodological work of the Verboton kindergarten. “But they also have families, children, grandchildren with whom they need to spend time, there are household chores – doing laundry, washing dishes, cooking dinner. Many of them live far away, they also have to drive home through traffic jams.

    If the parents are half an hour late, the teacher has less personal time, and he still has to come to work by seven in the morning the next morning. By detaining an educator, we violate labor laws. Now, in connection with this situation, we will conduct a survey among parents to find out from what time, in their opinion, the kindergarten should work. Perhaps we will work from 7.15 to 19.15. But there are parents for whom these 15 minutes in the morning are also important if they have to work by eight. And we will think about creating a duty group, where we will provide paid services. But this issue needs to be worked out.

    As for calling the police, if parents do not rush to pick up their children, the kindergarten not only can, but must contact the authorities, explained the education department. After all, it’s one thing when dad or mom is always in touch with the teacher, they call and say that they are already on the road, and they are delayed due to traffic jams. But there are times when the legal representatives of the child use strong drinks or illegal substances and simply forget to come for him. What should the teacher do if the mother does not answer the phone and it is impossible to reach her by any number?

    Previously, a kindergarten employee could take a child to his home, and no one objected to this (well, except for the teacher himself). Today, such an act can be accused of pedophilia or kidnapping. Leave a child with a caretaker? Also not an option. In general, according to the law, the garden is responsible for children exactly until the end of the working day. If the institution is open until 19.00, and the parent did not pick up the son or daughter before that time, the kindergarten is no longer responsible if something happens to the child. The legal representatives of the minor, that is, the parents, are responsible. duty group

    “We don’t have many such cases, but they do exist,” says Tatyana Matveenkova, head of the education department of the Khabarovsk administration. – We, of course, do not advertise them, but last year we called the police to kindergartens about a dozen times to establish the whereabouts of the parents. The children were handed over to PDN inspectors. And in this case, the prevention authorities are already starting to work with the family, so that trouble does not happen in the future.

    It seems that this is a vicious circle in which both parents and educators suffer, and, of course, children. Kindergartens, by law, can provide additional paid services – for example, to sit with your child after the end of the working day of the institution. But for this, you must first conduct a survey to find out how many people need such services, develop and approve a price list, and conclude an agreement between the contractor – the kindergarten and the customer – the parent.

    Maria Polyakova
    Photos: Dmitry Volkov

    • “Amur Crystal”: how an ice fairy tale was created – read the link

    Poster and opening hours — Sochi Park

    • Home
    • Poster and opening hours

    Download map
    Download schedule (PDF)

    The park is in full operation. Attractions, entertainment and animation program are waiting for guests!

    Extreme attraction Quantum Leap is temporarily closed.

      Please Note: Some attractions may be suspended due to weather conditions or maintenance.
      You can find out up-to-date information on the operation of the attractions by calling 8 800 100 33 39 .

      KID’s Zone


      11:00 – 19:00

      Heroic Races

      Bogatyr Race

      Alley of Lights

      11:00 – 20:00

      Carousel of Fairy Tales

      Fairytale Carousel

      Land of Sciences : 00 – 20:00

      Space Jungle

      Space Jungle Playground

      Alley of Lights

      11:00 – 20:00

      Gallery of Illry


      00 – 20:00


      Land of Science and Fiction

      11:00 – 20:00

      Perpetual Motion Machine

      Bogatyr’s Land



      TEA CUPS

      Enchanted Forest


      Zoo of Owls

      OWL Emporium

      Enchanted Forest

      11:00 – 20:00


      Enchanted Forest

      :00 9000 9000 Gems

      Kid ” – 20:00

      Rocking Chairs for the Youngest


      11:00 – 20:00

      Training Center “Medvediya”


      11:00 – 21:00 – 21:00 – 21:00 Wheel

      Land of Science and Fiction

      11:30, 14:00, 15:30, 17:00, 18:30

      Excursions in the Atomarium


      Kid’s Zone

      , 13:30

      Show At the Dolphinarium


      KID’s Zone

      15:00 – 20:00

      The Merry Pirate

      KID’s Zone 9000 15:00 – 20:00

      THE WHIRLPOL 9000 2 lot of interesting entertainments

      New Year in Sochi Park

      Thousands of shining garlands, bright festive toys, fancy photo zones will decorate Sochi Park. Theater and circus artists, fairy-tale characters, noisy musicians and, of course, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka will create the atmosphere of the long-awaited holiday!

      #SochiPark_new year

      The best birthday

      Birthday in Sochi Park is an event that will forever remain in your memory with bright childhood memories! On his birthday, we give a birthday party ride on rides and organize fun entertainment surrounded by fairy-tale heroes!



      Sytyy Mishka Family Cafe

      Sytyy Mishka Family Cafe is a cozy place for recreation and entertainment for adults and children with favorable prices and a varied menu. The cafe is located in the Medvedia children’s entertainment center


      Excursions in the Atomarium

      Atomarium is a high-tech “Wonderland”, you can “touch” science with your hands and see the operation of physical laws and technical inventions.

    Church daycares in greensboro nc: Friendly Avenue Baptist Church – FACP Home

    Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 6:33 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Faith Wesleyan Child Care Center

    Faith Wesleyan Child Care Center – Greensboro, NC




    per week















    At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That’s why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

    Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

    $3 sibling discount for 2 or more children.

    In business since: 1982

    Total Employees: 11-50

    Awards & Accreditations

    Our teachers have the best in educational training thru updated workshops. Many of our teachers have their Associates and Bachelors degree in Early Childhood Development. Our teachers are loving Christian women, who specialize in the education of children. We have teachers who have been employed over 20 years at Faith Wesleyan Child Care Center, therefore, we have extremely low turnover in staff, which helps in the bonding process with your child/children. hasn’t verified the license status of this provider yet. Please contact this business or

    North Carolina’s licensing department

    directly to request the information.

    Resources and guides to help you choose a child care provider are available on the Safety Center.

    Monday :

    6:30AM – 6:00PM

    Tuesday :

    6:30AM – 6:00PM

    Wednesday :

    6:30AM – 6:00PM

    Thursday :

    6:30AM – 6:00PM

    Friday :

    6:30AM – 6:00PM

    Saturday :


    Sunday :



    Child Care Center/Day Care Center

    Additional Details

    Summer care / camp


    Developmental (Play-Based)







    Teacher/Student Ratio:

    1 to 5

    Program Capacity:




    At Care. com, we realize
    that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That’s
    why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of
    known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For
    actual rates, contact the business directly.


    Full Time (5 days/wk)


    Extended Care (After School)


    • Personal Check|
    • Cash|
    • Credit Card


    Pulled both kids out due to the way the director handled a bullying problem. They let the bully stay and put everything off on social media and kids shouldn’t have cell phone when some of the bullying happened at daycare. I feel completely failed by them and I thought I could trust them seeing how they are a church daycare.


    This is the best daycare. They have the best teachers and staff of any daycare I have ever seen. They provide structure to the children while preparing them for school. They are loving and compassionate and love children and it shows in every aspect of this daycare.

    We appreciate you contributing to If you’d like to become a member, it’s fast, easy — and free!

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    The Caboose @ Coliseum Place

    2203 Coliseum Blvd

    KinderNest Preschool

    3304 Groometown Rd.

    Advanced Learning Academy

    3837 Angus Rd


    2802 Saint Leo St

    Little Miss Muffen Day Care

    2011 Acorn Rd

    $3 sibling discount for 2 or more children.

    By clicking “Submit,” I agree to the Care. com Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and allow to share this information with all similar local businesses. only verifies the license of a business.
    Any other information, including awards and accreditation, hours, and cost, were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status.
    We strongly encourage you to verify the license, qualifications, and credentials of any care providers on your own. does not endorse or recommend any particular business.

    The Safety Center has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating potential care providers.



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    {{#compare rating ‘4.0’ operator=”==” }}

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    {{#compare rating ‘5.0’ operator=”==” }}



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    Child Care / Daycare / Daycare in Greensboro, NC / Faith Wesleyan Child Care Center

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    Top 5 Best Private Preschools in Greensboro, NC (2022-23)

    For the 2022-23 school year, there are 15 private preschools serving 3,635 students in Greensboro, NC.

    The best top ranked private preschools in Greensboro, NC include Greensboro Day School, New Garden Friends School and Vandalia Christian School.

    The average acceptance rate is 90%, which is higher than the North Carolina private preschool average acceptance rate of 88%.

    73% of private preschools in Greensboro, NC are religiously affiliated (most commonly Baptist and Episcopal).

    Top Ranked Greensboro Private Preschools (2022-23)





    Greensboro Day School

    Add to Compare


    5041 Lawndale Drive
    Greensboro, NC 27455
    (336) 288-8590

    Grades: NS-12

    | 777 students

    Bnai Shalom Day School


    Add to Compare


    804-A Winview Dr
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    (336) 855-5091

    Grades: NS-8

    | 150 students

    Caldwell Academy


    Add to Compare


    2900 Horse Pen Creek Rd
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    (336) 665-1161

    Grades: PK-12

    | 535 students

    Canterbury School


    Add to Compare


    5400 Old Lake Jeanette Road
    Greensboro, NC 27455
    (336) 288-2007

    Grades: NS-8

    | 322 students

    New Garden Friends School


    Add to Compare


    1128 New Garden Road
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    (336) 299-0964

    Grades: NS-12

    | 275 students

    Our Lady Of Grace Catholic School


    Add to Compare

    201 S. Chapman Street
    Greensboro, NC 27403
    (336) 275-1522

    Grades: PK-8

    | 248 students

    Shining Light Academy


    Add to Compare


    4530 W Wendover Ave
    Greensboro, NC 27409
    (336) 299-9688

    Grades: PK-12

    | 148 students

    Vandalia Christian School


    Add to Compare

    3919 Pleasant Garden Rd
    Greensboro, NC 27406
    (336) 379-8380

    Grades: PK-12

    | 529 students

    Brookhaven Country Day School

    Daycare / Preschool

    Add to Compare

    3207 Horse Pen Creek Rd
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    (336) 545-5300

    Grades: NS-K

    | 228 students

    First Lutheran School For Young Children

    Daycare / Preschool (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod)

    Add to Compare

    3600 W Friendly Ave
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    (336) 294-0676

    Grades: PK-K

    | 9 students

    Friendly Avenue Christian School


    Add to Compare

    4800 W Friendly Avenue
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    (336) 292-3578

    Grades: PK-K

    | n/a students

    Greensboro Islamic Academy


    Add to Compare


    2023 16th St
    Greensboro, NC 27405
    (336) 285-7766

    Grades: NS-5

    | 37 students

    Greensboro KinderCare

    Daycare / Preschool

    Add to Compare

    1302 Fleming Rd
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    (336) 834-9080

    Grades: NS-PK

    | n/a students

    Greensboro Montessori School

    Montessori School

    Add to Compare


    2856 Horse Pen Creek Rd
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    (336) 668-0119

    Grades: NS-9

    | 261 students

    Holy Trinity Day School

    Daycare / Preschool (Episcopal)

    Add to Compare

    607 N Greene Street
    Greensboro, NC 27401
    (336) 275-7726

    Grades: PK-K

    | 118 students

    [+] Show Closed Private Schools in Greensboro, North Carolina

    Greensboro, North Carolina Private Schools (Closed)





    American Hebrew Academy (Closed 2022)

    Alternative School

    4334 Hobbs Road
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    (336) 217-7100

    Grades: 12

    | n/a students

    Ballinger Preparatory Academy (Closed 2000)

    311 Friendway Road
    Greensboro, NC 27409
    (336) 294-3397

    Grades: K-8

    | 50 students

    Covenant Christian Day School (Closed 2010)


    1414 Cliffwood Dr
    Greensboro, NC 27406
    (336) 370-1222

    Grades: PK-8

    | 73 students

    Fisher Park Academy (Closed 2000)

    624 N. Elm St.
    Greensboro, NC 27401
    (336) 274-7335

    Grades: PK-2

    | 38 students

    Napoleon B Smith Adventist Academy (Closed 2010)

    (Seventh Day Adventist)

    1800 E Market St
    Greensboro, NC 27401
    (336) 273-0054

    Grades: K-7

    | 28 students

    Suicide Prevention: Caring For Our Young People

    At last we have a dedicated phone number for suicide and crisis support. The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is 988. More about it and suicide prevention here.

    How To Control Your Child’s Screen Time

    We parents want to keep our children safe from anything and everything. That’s always our biggest worry. We don’t want our children watching inappropriate content or playing violent games on their smart devices, do we? That’s the rationale behind controlling our children’s screen times. So, here are a couple of tips on making that happen.

    September 30, 2022

    Student Health Records: Vaccinations

    Most parents have questions about vaccinations. We look at the big picture and offer some sources for you to do your own research.

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    Very good2828 reviews10

    Grandover Resort Golf And Spa – Greensboro


    • greensboro,
    • |
    • +1-855-260-7038
    • Address0003

      1000 Club Road,
      North Carolina,
      North Carolina

      Show Map


      The 4-star Grandover Resort Golf And Spa, featuring a wellness center, sauna and outdoor pool, is located next to Grandover Resort East Golf Course. Lydia’s Underpass and the world’s largest legged chest of drawers are 10 and 10 minutes drive from the hotel respectively.


      This hotel offers design rooms equipped with free Wi-Fi, a flat-screen TV and a work desk. They also offer views of the park. Extras include a hairdryer and bathrobes.


      Guests can have breakfast in the restaurant. Guests can enjoy salads and soup at the lounge bar. Bar “DI Valletta” is a 5-minute walk away.

      Leisure & Business

      The hotel also offers facials and spa treatments at no extra charge. Guests can take a dip in the outdoor pool or relax with the spa, jacuzzi and massages. Active guests can enjoy fitness classes, a gym and a fitness center.


      Free Wi-Fi is available in the hotel rooms.


      Free public parking is available on site.

      Number of floors: 8.
      Number of rooms: 247.

      – Hide


      Most Popular Amenities

      Free Wi-Fi

      Free Wi-Fi in the room


      On-site parking

      24 hour service

      24 hour reception

      24 hour security

      Care for children


      Seasonal outdoor pool

      Indoor pool

      Air conditioner

      Accommodation with children



      Board games


      Fitness Center

      • Free Wi-Fi
      • Parking lot
      • 24 hour service
      • Pool
      • Air conditioner
      • Accommodation with children
      • Gym / Fitness

      Sports and fitness

      • Fitness center
      • Cycling
      • Tennis court
      • Golf course
      • Billiards
      • Racketball
      • Yoga class


      • Room service
      • Housekeeping
      • Laundry
      • Dry cleaning


      • Breakfast in the room
      • Restaurant
      • Bar / Lounge
      • Special diet menus

      For work

      • Business center
      • Meeting/Banquet Facilities
      • Fax/Photocopying

      For children

      • Baby cots
      • Board games
      • Playroom


      • Seasonal outdoor pool
      • Indoor swimming pool
      • Entertainment
      • Garden
      • Lounge / Cinema
      • Spa and wellness center
      • Sauna
      • Jacuzzi
      • Massage

      View from room

      • Partial view

      Amenities in the room

      • Free Wi-Fi in the room
      • Air conditioner
      • Heating
      • Safe in room
      • Garden furniture
      • Tea/coffee set
      • Ironing accessories


      • Bathtub


      • TV

      Show all amenitiesHide list of amenities

      Important information

      + More- Hide

      Rooms and Accessibility

      King Room, Wheelchair Accessible

      • Beds to choose from:

        King-size bed

      • Max:

        3 guests

      • org/LocationFeatureSpecification”>

        Non-smoking room

      • Air conditioner

      Room Details

      Traditional Queen Room

      • Partial view

      • Non-smoking room

      • Coffee machine

      • Air conditioner

      Room details

      King room

      2 photos

      • Beds to choose from:

        King-size bed

      • Max:

        3 guests

      • org/LocationFeatureSpecification”>

        Partial view

      • Non-smoking room

      • Coffee machine

      • Air conditioner

      Room details


      1000 Club Road,
      North Carolina,
      North Carolina

      • Famous places in the city
      • Nearby
      • Restaurants

      Amusement park

      Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park



      Harvest World Outreach Church

      2. 2

      Harvest Church


      Pleasant Grove Church


      Phelps Church



      Ebenezer Baptist Church



      Bernie’s Berries


      Guilford 9 Municipal Technical College0003


      5635 Riverdale Dr Furnitureland South

      World’s largest chest of drawers with legs


      Vickrey Church



      Faith Baptist Church


      Amusement Park

      Wet n Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park


      Sedgefield Crossing’s Cinema


      Rad Riders


      Oakdale Church



      Oakdale United Methodist Church



      Jamestown United Methodist Church


      Lydia’s Underpass


      Amusement park

      Airbound Trampoline Park

      4. 6


      Concord Friends Meeting


      Concord Church


      Saint Andrews Church


      Sang Popu Ana Cu Montagnard Church


      Jamestown Presbyerian Church


      Event Hall

      McCulloch Castle


      603 W Main St

      Mendenhall Quaker Settlement


      Grandover Resort East Golf Course

      340 m


      DI Valletta Restaurant

      130 m


      + More- Hide

      Need a transfer?

      You can book your transfer after you have completed your booking at the hotel.



      Very Good28 reviews





      Grandover Resort Golf And Spa Greensboro is located 30 km from Greensboro Airport, North Carolina.

      Will Grandover Resort Golf And Spa provide me with an airport transfer?

      Yes, one of the Grandover Resort Golf And Spa services is the shuttle bus service. Please notify the hotel representatives of the need for this service.

      Grandover Resort Golf And Spa suitable for business trips and business meetings?

      Yes, the Grandover Resort Golf And Spa offers a meeting room and photocopier.

      What is the cancellation policy of Grandover Resort Golf And Spa Greensboro?

      Grandover Resort Golf And Spa Greensboro free cancellation.

      Grandover Resort Golf And Spa Is Greensboro suitable for families with children?

      For the youngest guests, Grandover Resort Golf And Spa Greensboro offers a playroom and board games.

      Are the rooms cleaned at Grandover Resort Golf And Spa Greensboro?

      Yes, Grandover Resort Golf And Spa Greensboro provides housekeeping, laundry and laundry services.

      What activities does the Grandover Resort Golf And Spa have to offer?

      Grandover Resort Golf And Spa offers a volleyball court and a golf course.

      How much does it cost to stay at Grandover Resort Golf And Spa?

      A room at Grandover Resort Golf And Spa starts from $229.

      What rooms are available at Grandover Resort Golf And Spa?

      Grandover Resort Golf And Spa offers King Room and Queen Room.

      Are you able to exercise at Grandover Resort Golf And Spa?

      Yes, Grandover Resort Golf And Spa guests can enjoy lawn tennis, cycling and billiards.


      1000 Club Road,
      North Carolina,
      North Carolina

      Show Map

      Important Information

      Check-infrom 16:00-23:59FREECheck-outuntil 11:00FREE

      Pets Pets are not allowed.

      + More- Hide


      + More- Hide

      Need a transfer?

      You can book your transfer after you have completed your booking at the hotel.

      Tip: Consider free cancellation options. This will allow you to remain flexible should you need to cancel your trip due to the spread of COVID-19.

      Thank you uses cookies that are strictly necessary for its functioning. We do not collect analytical and marketing cookies.OK


      • greensboro,
      • |
      • +1-855-260-7038


      75 photo

      75 photo

      75 75 photo

      75 photo



      624 Green Valley RD,
      North Carolina,
      North Carolina

      Show map


      The 4-star O. Henry Hotel offers Greensboro accommodation with free parking, valet parking and a vending machine. The hotel is located 4 km from the Carolina Theater and 3.1 km from the Greensboro Coliseum.


      Highway and Friendly Center are nearby.. This hotel is located close to several famous attractions like The Fresh Market Corporate Office.


      O.Henry Hotel provides rooms with a personal safe, a private toilet and a personal safe. Here you can enjoy the garden view. A hairdryer, a spa bath and a walk-in shower are provided for your comfort.


      Guests can enjoy a buffet breakfast at the bar. The on-site restaurant serves Mediterranean cuisine. Green Valley and McDonald’s restaurants are just 100 meters from the hotel.

      A full breakfast is served each morning in the hotel’s dining room for US$16 per person per night.

      Leisure & Business

      The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool, water park and bar to make your stay enjoyable. A gym, fitness classes and a fitness center are also available to guests.


      Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.


      Free public parking is available on site.

      Number of floors: 8.
      Number of rooms: 130.

      Former name: O. Henry Hotel

      – Hide


      Most Popular Amenities


      On-site parking

      Luggage storage

      24 hour service

      24 hour reception

      Meals / Drinks

      Bar / Lounge


      Coffee / tea in the lobby

      Welcome cocktail

      Gym / Fitness

      Fitness Center

      Swimming pool

      Outdoor seasonal pool


      • Wi-Fi
      • Parking lot
      • Luggage storage
      • 24 hour service
      • Food/ Drinks
      • Gym / Fitness
      • Pool
      • Laundry

      Sports and fitness

      • Fitness center
      • Canoeing
      • Hiking
      • Fishing


      • Room service
      • Cleaning
      • Laundry
      • Dry cleaning
      • Wake up service
      • Welcome cocktail


      • Breakfast
      • Restaurant
      • Bar / Lounge
      • Coffee/tea in the lobby
      • Packed lunch
      • Special diet menus

      For work

      • Business center
      • Meeting/Banquet Facilities
      • Fax/Photocopy

      For children

      • Nanny/Child care
      • Board games
      • Children’s menu


      • Outdoor seasonal pool
      • Chaise lounges
      • Aquapark
      • Garden
      • Lounge / Cinema
      • Shallow pool

      View from room

      • Sea view
      • Garden view
      • City view
      • Panoramic view

      Amenities in the room

      • Air conditioning
      • Heating
      • Soundproof rooms
      • Rest area
      • Patio
      • Terrace
      • Garden furniture
      • Tea/coffee set
      • Dining table
      • Ironing accessories


      • Bath/shower
      • Hair dryer
      • Free toiletries


      • Flat screen TV
      • Direct telephone line
      • CD player
      • Alarm clock radio


      • Carpeted

      Show all amenitiesHide list of amenities

      Baby cots are not available in the room.

      Pets Pets are not allowed.

      + still hide

      and accessibility

      Family number with a queen-Size size bed

      2 photo

      Details about number


      4 photo

      • Max:

        2 guests

      More about the room

      Luxurious Junior Suite

      2 photos

      • Max:

        2 guests

      Room details

      Show 4 more room types Hide


      624 Green Valley Rd,
      North Carolina,
      North Carolina

      • Famous places in the city
      • Nearby
      • Restaurants


      Greensboro Science Center

      4. 8

      Shopping center

      Friendly Center

      620 m


      Benjamin Park Bog Garden



      Tangier Bicentenary Garden


      Sosser Stadium


      Baseball Stadium



      God Garden



      Weatherspoon Art Museum



      Arboretum Greensboro


      Shopping Center

      Friendly Shopping Center

      610 m

      1921 West Gate City Boulevard

      Greensboro Coliseum


      Regal Cinemas



      International Center and Museum of Civil Law


      On the Fence


      The Student


      Free to Soar


      The Sundial



      First Lutheran Church


      Red Cinemas

      1. 6


      Christ United Methodist Church



      Greensboro Historical Museum


      447 W Washington St

      Blandwood Mansion



      Greensboro Children’s Museum


      Behavioral Health Center


      Golf Course

      Starmount Forest Country Club



      Westminster Presbyterian Church


      J. Wesley’s Memorial


      The Rock




      Minerva Statue


      The Fresh Market Corporate Office

      240 m


      Behavioral Health Hospital



      K and W Cafeteria

      860 m


      Whole Foods Market



      Pieology Pizzeria



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      Excellent24 reviews






      What airport is O.Henry Hotel Greensboro near?

      O.Henry Hotel Greensboro is located 20 miles from Greensboro Airport, North Carolina.

      Does the O.Henry Hotel serve breakfast in the morning?

      Yes, the O.Henry Hotel offers a breakfast buffet.

      O.Henry Hotel Greensboro provide meeting facilities for guests?

      Yes, the O.Henry Hotel Greensboro has a meeting room and photocopier.

      Does the O.Henry Hotel have facilities for children?

      O.Henry Hotel provides children’s meals, a children’s menu and board games.

      How far is O. Henry Hotel from the city center?

      You can reach the city center from the O.Henry Hotel in 15 minutes on foot.

      Is the O.Henry Hotel cleaning service available?

      Yes, O.Henry Hotel provides laundry and housekeeping services.

      What are the dining options at the O.Henry Hotel?

      Yes, the O.Henry Hotel has a Mediterranean restaurant called Green Valley Grill.

      Does the O.Henry Hotel Greensboro have internet access?

      Yes, Wi-Fi is available throughout the O.Henry Hotel Greensboro.

      Is there a place to have lunch/dinner near O.Henry?

      Poblano’s Mexican Bar and Grill is 600 meters from O.Henry.

      How much is a room at O.Henry?

      Prices at O. Henry start at $277.

      What room types are available at the O.Henry Hotel Greensboro?

      O.Henry Hotel Greensboro offers you to choose from the following options: Queen Room, King Room and Deluxe Suite.

      What sports are available at O.Henry Hotel Greensboro?

      Yes, you can enjoy canoeing, hiking and cycling at the O.Henry Hotel Greensboro.


      624 Green Valley Rd,
      North Carolina,
      North Carolina

      Show map

      Important Information

      Check-infrom 15:00-23:59FREECheck-outuntil 12:00FREE

      Extra BedsThere are no extra beds available in a room.
      Baby cots are not available in the room.

      Pets Pets are not allowed.

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