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How to care for blind dogs: How to care for blind pets

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 10:50 am


Категории: Dog

How to care for blind pets

Tips for helping blind dogs and cats flourish


Corey, who was rescued from a puppy mill in 2014, doesn’t let blindness prevent him from enjoying his backyard.

Kevin Wolf


AP Images for The HSUS

Whether you’re adopting a blind pet or your longtime companion is losing their vision, you want to do what’s best for your vision-impaired animal. Follow these tips on helping blind cats and dogs to keep your companion safe and comfortable.

Set blind pets up for success

A pet who has lost or is losing their vision may feel vulnerable and anxious, so it’s important to create a consistent routine and a safe, comfortable home environment.

After adopting a blind cat or dog, keep them confined to a comfortable, small area to help them become more confident before slowly introducing them to the rest of the house. If your pet seems uncomfortable or confused, guide them back to their safe zone.

Before you give your pup or kitty free rein, ensure you’re setting them up for success. Even pets who were born with low or no vision will benefit from these safety measures.

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How to care for a blind cat or dog in the home
  • Stick to a schedule: Consistent feeding times, walks, etc., will help your pet know what to expect.
  • Try to eliminate potential hazards: Cover sharp corners on furniture, block off stairs, keep furniture in the safe place (or if you do move it, move only one piece at a time), avoid clutter or other unexpected obstacles.
  • Use sound cues to help pets navigate and stay comfortable: Try using wind chimes by exterior doors to steer outdoor pets toward thresholds; if your blind pet gets startled by other pets in the house, add a bell to your other pets’ collars; try talking to your pet (or gently shaking their bed) before touching them or waking them from sleep to avoid startling them.
  • Incorporate tactile markers around the house: Place textured mats beneath food and water bowls or in front of litter boxes and use carpet runners to guide pets through the house. Add throw rugs near furniture to help pets remember where couches and chairs are located.

If your pet loses vision later in life, you can also experiment with a “bumper” or “halo” harness, which helps prevent them from bumping into objects.

How to care for a blind dog who spends time outside
  • Remove protruding branches or other yard hazards.
  • Add fencing around swimming pools or wildlife ponds.
  • Add tactile markers such as mulch, sand or landscaping stones to create safe pathways.

In time, your pet will develop a mental layout of their domain and may learn to safely navigate stairs and other challenges, but it’s good to be cautious—a bad experience can cause injury and erode confidence.

Focus on training

Training is crucial for any newly adopted companion, but it can be especially helpful for blind pets. The training process itself will help build confidence and strengthen the relationship between you and your pet. Plus, a well-trained animal will be more likely to respond and follow your instructions if they’re in danger. For dogs, you can even use a specific verbal cue to warn them of danger while on walks. 

Follow these tips to get started:

  • Always use positive reinforcement. Never punish, hit or yell at your pet.
  • Be consistent. If you have a partner or children who also interact with your pet, make sure you all use the same approach.
  • Have patience! Training a new pet won’t happen in a day or even a week. You might have setbacks, but the rewards are worth it.

Keep your blind pet stimulated

Stimulating any pet’s senses is important for mental and physical health, but especially for animals who’ve gone blind later in life. Even your voice can be a form of comfort and enrichment! After adopting a blind dog, introduce them to the neighborhood on walks. These few simple tips will help keep them safe:

  • Follow the same path during each walk.
  • Use a short, rigid leash so you can more easily guide your pup around obstacles.
  • Try using auditory cues when there’s an obstacle in the path.

To keep cats stimulated, try placing perches in front of screened-in windows so they can enjoy the scents and sounds of the outdoors. You can even build a catio to give them a (safe) taste of the outdoors.

For indoor play, provide interactive toys for blind cats and dogs that will allow them to use their other senses. You can even set up scavenger hunts where you hide treats around the house!

Try these toys for blind dogs and cats:

  • Puzzles
  • Sound-making toys
  • Scent-tracking games

Tips for living with a blind dog

By Adam Debrowski

  • Experiment with daily routines
  • Make small changes to your home
  • … but don’t change too much
  • Signs your dog might be losing their vision
  • Why do dogs go blind?
  • A little patience goes a long way

You’ve probably seen videos of dogs who needed to have one or more of their legs amputated due to an accident or illness. But then, the moment they’ve healed, they’re running and playing with their four-legged friends as best they can, happy as ever.

They may not be as fast, and they might stumble at times, but they seem just as overjoyed at the thought of playtime as they were when they had all four legs.

This is because dogs, along with most other animals, adapt to disabilities extremely well. And this same resilience can also apply to dogs who lose (or are born without) part or all of their vision.

Vision loss is a natural part of many dogs’ lives. While most dogs with vision loss experience it gradually as they get older, others may experience low vision or even blindness from an early age. Some dogs are even born blind.

But vision loss doesn’t have to stop your dog from enjoying life. Their habits may change, but you might be surprised at how well they get along — especially when you lend a helping hand.

“Dogs don’t rely on sight nearly as much as we do,” says Dr. Matthew Belden, a veterinarian in the small West Texas town of Ballinger. “Even after 38 years in practice, I am often amazed at how quickly pets adapt to their condition.”

Dog owners can help their pets get the most out of life with low vision or even blindness. In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of caring for a blind or vision-impaired dog, including:

  • Updating daily routines

  • Creating a safe and comfortable environment

  • Which changes to make

  • Which changes to avoid

  • Finding fun, creative ways to help your dog

We’ll also cover:

  • Some of the signs of vision loss in dogs

  • Why dogs lose their vision

  • How dogs adapt and how you can encourage them

Experiment with daily routines

Some of the simplest, most rewarding ways you can help your dog involve small lifestyle tweaks. You won’t need to spend any money, and your dog can enjoy the benefits from day one.

With a little practice and patience, small changes can play a big role in helping your dog feel more comfortable with less vision.

  • When you walk into a room, approach your dog slowly and let them sniff your hand or quietly say their name to gently let them know you’re there.

  • Be careful not to startle them when they’re resting. A fully sighted dog can see who or what is waking them up, but a dog with vision loss may get scared or defensive if they’re jarred awake.

  • Try incorporating new spoken commands or noise cues into their daily life. You can “be their eyes” by helping them learn that a certain word or noise means they’re going the wrong way or about to bump into something.

Make small changes to your home

When it comes to your dog’s safety and your peace of mind, a few minor home adjustments can pay off in a big way. Consider making some of the following changes for your vision-impaired pet:

Block potential hazard areas

Dogs with poor vision have a harder time knowing when they’re putting themselves at risk. If you have stairs or a pool, you need to block these areas off so your dog doesn’t accidentally fall.

You may also want to block off certain high-traffic areas of your home, especially if you have a small dog. They may like to lay in a small kitchen or workout area, but these rooms can be problematic if your dog can’t detect your movement as well.

Cover sharp corners and edges

Walk around your home and take note of anything sharp at or near your dog’s eye level. Objects or furniture with sharp corners should be moved or covered with soft coverings or protective bumpers.

Soft corner guards, which are designed for babies but can be just as useful for dogs, are available in most supermarkets. You can also buy (or make) edge cushions to line the entire edge length of a fixture.

Lay down scents

Like the smell of fresh cooking that guides you toward the kitchen, scents can be used to guide vision-impaired dogs as well.

“If your pet has difficulty doing something it needs to do, like finding the doggy door, you may be able to help with smell,” Dr. Belden says. “You can mark the door with a special scent and then spend some time helping the dog in and out. They will usually get used to it pretty quickly.”

Experiment with fragrances like the smell of your dog’s favorite treat to nudge them along the right path.

Add texture to the floor

You can also use mats, rugs and other textured floor coverings to help your dog orient themselves in your home. This can be especially helpful around important areas like food and water bowls or the door they use to go outside.

If their food and water bowls are on hard flooring, try placing them on a big rug or doormat in the same spot. If they’re on carpeting, put down a smooth, plastic mat instead. Your dog will feel these textures with their paws and know that they’re close to their food and water.

Experiment with bells and other noise-makers

Bells can help visually impaired dogs know when other people or animals are moving around or approaching them.

To start, try clipping a small bell to your belt or pant leg whenever you’re inside the home. If you have other dogs or cats, clip one to their collars too. The soft jingle of these bells will alert your low-vision or blind dog to the presence of someone or something moving around them and prevent them from getting startled.

And next time you buy your dog a new toy, try one that makes noise. A toy with a bell or squeaker inside can give them a satisfying dose of sound feedback in the absence of eyesight.

Invest in a halo (or make your own)

If your dog bumps into objects a lot, they might benefit from a halo, a special harness with a plastic loop that hovers over their heads. The loop hits objects first and gives them a moment to stop walking in that direction. Over time, most dogs get used to wearing the harness and feel more comfortable walking around.

Name-brand halos can be on the expensive side but may be worth the expense in the long run. Several generic alternatives are also available through popular online retailers.

If you’re feeling handy, there are even video guides to making your own halo.

… but don’t change too much

Dogs rely on their senses of smell, hearing and touch to a greater degree than humans do, and even more so when their vision is poor. 

In many cases, a dog that seems blind can still see some light and shapes. You might notice these dogs turning their head when a light comes on or following you with their eyes when you walk past them.

Dogs with low vision will usually continue to use even the faintest sense of sight to identify the outlines of objects. Completely blind dogs will use the familiar scent of a sofa or texture of the floor to figure out which part of the home they’re in.

Before you move anything, take the following factors into consideration:

  • Like people, dogs find great comfort in knowing where to go when they’re hungry or thirsty. Try not to move their food and water bowls, unless you really need to, as this can make them feel anxious.

  • The same is true for furniture and other familiar fixtures they’re used to living with. When a dog has vision loss, it uses familiar objects like a couch, table or chair to know where they are. Moving or removing these objects can make them feel lost in their own home.

  • Don’t feel like you have to separate your dog from other pets in the home unless you have reason to. “Other pets can actually help. They leave scent trails wherever they go that a blind pet can follow,” Dr. Belden says.

Create a relaxing retreat

When dogs lose their vision, they tend to move around less and spend more time in one familiar area. You might notice them sitting in their favorite spot more often, enjoying the sounds and smells of the home.

Designating one area for rest and relaxation means they’ll always have a “happy place” to fall back on whenever they’re feeling tired or stressed out.

Place their favorite bed, blanket and toys in an area they feel comfortable. If they drag their stuff around a lot, try to place everything back in the same spot each morning and before bed at night.

Leave the TV on

Modern humans tend to watch a lot of television. Dogs don’t exactly watch TV like people do, but they do get used to the sound of it being on.

If it’s normal for you to keep the TV on for long periods of time, consider leaving it on throughout the day, even and especially when you leave the home. It will make them feel more comfortable and may stop them from getting confused or disoriented by other sounds.

The noise from a TV can also help them figure out which part of the home they’re in.

If you don’t have cable, you can stream countless multi-hour live video feeds of nature scenes for free on YouTube. Cornell University’s Cornell Labs, for example, stream a 24-hour bird camera, complete with audio ambience for your pet.

Keep the conversation going

There’s a good chance you already talk to your dog. There’s even evidence that dogs like the high-pitched “dog-speak” people tend to use around them.

When they lose part or all of their vision and rely more on sound, dog-speak can become even more important. Talk to your dog as much as possible, and they’ll take comfort in hearing the sound of your voice.

Keep playing and going for walks

When a dog loses their vision, it might feel necessary to incorporate fewer walks and less playtime into their lives.

However, most dogs still benefit greatly from physical activity — even if it has to be a little slower. These activities can work wonders for their bodies and minds.

On walks, try to keep your dog on a shorter leash and stay mindful of where they’re walking. They won’t have the same spatial awareness outdoors as they do inside your home, so they’re more likely to bump into trees or mailboxes along the way.

Let your dog set the pace as much as possible, giving them a chance to absorb your neighborhood’s familiar smells and sounds.

Signs your dog might be losing their vision

Vision changes aren’t always easy to recognize in your pets. Dogs tend to deal internally with injuries and disabilities, and then adapt to them, more quickly than humans do.

Most of the time, their natural reaction to vision loss and other physical changes is to accept the changes and adjust their lives accordingly. You may not even notice these changes until you make an unrelated change to your pet’s environment.

“Many owners have blind dogs and don’t know it because the dog is so good at navigating their living space — indoors and outdoors — without the benefit of sight,” Dr. Belden says.

When changes do become noticeable, they can include:

  • Getting startled easily.

  • Bumping into furniture and other fixtures, especially any that were recently moved or added to the home.

  • Taking longer to find a toy or treat (or not noticing it at all) when one is tossed in front of them.

  • Hesitating to jump on and off of beds or in and out of cars. They might also be leery of using the stairs, in either direction.

  • Hesitating to go outside at night, especially when an outdoor light isn’t on.

  • Squinting or wincing in bright light, due to increased light sensitivity.

  • Squinting or wincing as they walk, out of fear of bumping into objects.

If you think your dog might be losing their vision, scheduling an appointment with a veterinarian is the first step. Any changes in a dog’s behavior should be assessed to rule out serious conditions that need immediate care.

If your dog is in pain or you notice visible symptoms like redness, inflammation, swelling, discharge or anything else that concerns you, schedule a vet appointment as soon as possible.

After your vet visit

If a vet does find that your dog is losing their vision, it can make you feel sad for your pet. This is a very normal and understandable feeling to have for a beloved pet facing a difficult change.

However, it should offer a small bit of comfort to know that, from your dog’s perspective, reduced eyesight is simply something they will or have accepted and are quickly adapting to — if they haven’t completely adapted already.

Vision loss becomes a part of their normal, everyday life. With a little help from their owners, they can be just as happy without sight as they were with it.

“While sudden vision loss does happen because of trauma and disease, it is usually a slow process, allowing the dog to compensate with other senses,” Dr. Belden says, noting that blindness alone is not a reason for euthanization.

“The main thing to keep in mind is that the pet isn’t suffering nearly as much as we would, under the circumstances.”

Why do dogs go blind?

Dogs can lose their vision for many of the same reasons humans do. Some cause a gradual loss of vision, while others result in near-immediate blindness.

“Blindness is quite common in elderly dogs,” Dr. Belden says. “Cataracts are the number one cause. Corneal scarring from trauma or chronic dry eye is probably second, followed by glaucoma, detached retinas and neoplastic disease.”

Different dog breeds can have different risks of developing cataracts at some point in their lives.

One study of 72 breeds saw noticeable swings in how often dogs developed cataracts after age 7:

  • Fewer than 10% of Great Danes, boxers, collies and Siberian huskies

  • Around 15% of border collies, Rottweilers and miniature poodles

  • More than 25% of Portugese water dogs, field spaniels, flat-coated retrievers and Havanese

The study also shows how some breeds can be predisposed to cataracts earlier in life. In this case, about three of every 20 English mastiffs, silky terriers and bearded collies examined had developed cataracts before they turned five years old.

Canine glaucoma, when high pressure inside the eye causes vision loss, also occurs more often in certain breeds. Jack Russell terriers, chow chows, basset hounds and Shar-Peis are among the most common dogs seen with primary glaucoma.

Surgery could restore a dog’s vision, but it isn’t for every dog (or owner). Success rates are high — as high as 85-90% for cataracts —  but they can vary depending on breed, age and other factors.

Surgery can also be expensive and too heavy a financial burden for many. For this reason, many owners choose to instead help their pets adapt to life with cataracts.

Plus, a vet may be able to offer ways outside of surgery to treat your dog’s condition and help them live comfortably.

Veterinarians can also sometimes help slow the progression of other causes of vision loss, such as corneal and retinal damage, to give your dog the best possible eyesight for as long as possible. Early diagnosis of sight-threatening conditions offers one more reason to schedule regular check-ups with your vet.

Talk to your vet about any other conditions your dog has, even if they don’t immediately affect their eyes. Diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and certain infections — along with other issues — can cause eyesight problems down the road, especially without proper management.

A little patience goes a long way

Living with a visually impaired dog can be just as rewarding as living with one who has full vision. But you might still feel frustrated from time to time, especially when you and your dog are still getting the hang of new habits.

During the transition, it’s important to be patient with your pet and give them the love and support they need to feel comfortable. Over time, new habits will become second nature for everyone involved, no matter how many legs they walk on.

Dr. Belden gives concerned owners comfort in knowing that our canine companions don’t feel sorry for themselves like humans do; nor do they face the same psychological hurdles adapting to a disability.

“I have to remind owners that their dog doesn’t read, drive, watch television or do needlepoint. They don’t need to see to be happy.”

Vision loss in dogs — Symptoms and management. American Kennel Club. November 2017.

Tips for owners. Blind Dog Rescue Alliance. Accessed March 2021.

Caring for a blind pet. American Humane Society. January 2017.

Living with a blind dog: Ways to keep your canine companion safe. American Kennel Club. July 2018.

5 signs your dog’s vision is worsening. Modern Dog Magazine. Accessed March 2021.

Cataract surgery. Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center. Accessed March 2021.

Age-related cataract in dogs: a biomarker for life span and its relation to body size. Department of Pathology, University of Washington. February 2010.

Clinical considerations with glaucoma. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois. August 2013.

Page published on Monday, March 29, 2021

Rules for keeping a dog without sight

A blind dog requires a lot of attention and care from the owner, but since such an ailment has caught your pet, you need to know the basic rules for keeping and caring for a pet with a similar ailment.

It happens that dogs are born blind, but most often the dog loses his sight with age, or as a result of some disease.

If you begin to notice that your pet is disorientated in space, and, apparently, is losing his sight, then you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.


  1. General information
  2. Blind dog: how to live with it?
  3. Results

General information

A blind dog is a dog that has lost sight in both eyes at the same time. If such a misfortune happened, then it is necessary to help the animal adapt to a new life, and provide special care for it.

Over time, your dog will adjust to what he cannot see, but at first he will need your support.

In case of loss of vision, the dog will navigate in space with the help of other senses, which will even improve slightly, as a result of a greater load on them.

The primary organ that will help the dog to navigate in case of vision loss is the sense of smell.

Most of the information a dog receives directly, through smells, therefore, an already developed sense organ will intensify its work, helping the animal to live without sight.

The second most important organ in an animal is hearing. The dog is able to pick up sounds at great distances, therefore, hearing will also allow the dog to navigate in space and receive the necessary information from the “invisible” world.

Blind dog: how to live with it?

Here are some tips for owners whose dogs have lost their sight:

  1. Patience

Be very patient, because it may take some time for the animal to begin to navigate independently without vision, and to fully use other senses.

If the process of blindness came on gradually, then such an animal can adapt to life without sight without your help, but if this disease took the animal by surprise (for example, after an injury), then it cannot do without your help and understanding.

If the dog’s eyesight was gradually eroding, then the owners may not even notice that this process took place at all, and they discover this only when, for example, they made a rearrangement or moved to another house, as a result of which the animal lost its orientation and began to stumble to surrounding objects.

Thanks to hearing and smell, the dog can fully adapt to his illness, and the owner can completely forget about the inferiority of his pet.

  1. Constancy

Do not move furniture, try to maintain a constant arrangement of objects in the house, as a blind dog will move mainly from memory.

Explain to the children about the dog’s illness, and ask them not to throw toys on the dog’s way to the bowl or toilet (if the dog urinates on a diaper or in a tray).

Get into the habit of returning things you have taken. This will avoid injury to the dog.

The dog’s things, such as a tray, bed, bowls, toys, must not be moved to other places.

Try not to lift the dog in your arms, as this can make it very disorienting. Let her walk on her own so she knows where she is.

If the blindness comes on suddenly, you can walk next to the dog for the first time.

If you see that the dog is afraid, or is very disoriented – praise him, caress him, treat him with his favorite treat, show that you are near and around safely.

If necessary, call the dog – use your voice. Touching her, or picking her up, can frighten the animal. When frightened, a blind dog may bite you.

  1. Safety

The safety of a blind dog is the task of the owner. Try to create the safest possible environment around her.

To make it safe for a dog who has lost his sight, the following rules are recommended:

– hot batteries in the house must be protected. Also, if there is a pool, it is recommended to put barriers along it. The same applies to any recesses, fireplaces, balconies, and stairs;

– sharp objects that are at the level of the dog must be removed or secured;

– put a collar with a tracking device on the dog, it is also recommended to hang a keychain on the collar indicating that the dog is blind and the owner’s address.

  1. Organization of the feeding place

An excellent solution would be to fix the bowls in one place so that neither family members nor the dog itself will move them

  1. Special signals

Signal that you are about to feed the dog. She will associate this sound with eating, and also, organize feeding at the same time

  1. Walk control

Keep a close eye on the dog during the walk, as he may get lost

If possible, keep him off the leash.

If the dog walks on its own, limit the walking area to it with some kind of barrier.

Make sure that the dog does not crash anywhere and does not fall through on unfamiliar terrain.

  1. Development of the senses

If a dog has lost its sight, other senses become more sensitive.

Your task is to develop the dog’s hearing and sense of smell as actively as possible. The following actions can help with this:

  • – talk to the dog while walking;
  • – praise her when she goes in the right direction and avoids obstacles;
  • – warn of danger with a special command;
  • – let the dog play with toys that contain ringing or squeaking elements;
    – hide some treat inside the toy. This puzzle will keep the dog occupied and train the sense of smell;
    – take your dog for a walk more often;
  • – give your dog warm food so that the flavor of the food is better felt.


Loss of vision for a dog is a big problem that creates significant discomfort for his daily life. However, the animal is able to adapt to life with this ailment by developing other senses more strongly.

The task of the owner of a blind dog is to support the animal as much as possible and help it adapt to a new life.

How to Help a Visually and/or Hearingly Disabled Dog Lead a Normal Life – Dogfriend Publishers

The story of a dog named Grey, who lost his hearing and sight. Practical advice on training, organizing space and ammunition.

Almost every owner sooner or later faces the fact that his, until recently, cheerful and energetic pet, suddenly begins to grow old and decrepit. Time inexorably leaves its imprints: diseases of the joints, internal organs, as well as decreased vision and hearing. In addition, blindness and deafness can also appear in very young dogs as a result of trauma, illness, poisoning, etc. Also, a dog can be born blind or deaf.

The worst thing is that the dog ceases to be himself, his character can completely change. On walks you cannot call her, at dusk she sees almost nothing at all. She is confused and depressed, and so are you. But there are real ways to help your dog cope with vision and hearing loss, teach him to navigate in space with the help of other senses, in short, improve the quality of life so that the dog can spend the remaining years accompanying you everywhere, as before.

In order to make the examples clearer, I will tell a story about my dog, gray rough collie, who spent the last 4 years of his life with a loss of hearing and vision. And throughout my story I will explain how you can solve this or that problem.

The story of a dog named Grey. Deafness

Gray lived with me for 15 years. He was the perfect city dog: calm, calm, getting along well with dogs, cats, birds and people. I don’t remember his behavior ever causing inconvenience or problems.

The time has come, the dog has grown old. At first, Gray began to stall. Slowly but surely, at the age of 11-12, the rumor gradually faded away. His character changed, he became irritable, withdrawn, sometimes even biting. At that time, I could only surround him with care and treat his condition with understanding.

During the period of loss of vision or hearing, the dog may be overtaken by severe depression . She does not understand what is happening to her, the body ceases to obey, which greatly suppresses her. The reaction of the dog can be completely different: from almost mild symptoms of stress [1, 2], to severe aggression. A dog can hide in a shelter and not leave it for days on end, it can howl or whine, start to dirty the apartment or spoil things. You can’t get angry and scold her. Your task is to reduce stress and rid the dog of depression. Surround her with care and affection. Buy her new toys and treats. Be patient. Reward only good behavior and ignore bad behavior. Sometimes medical intervention may be required, but this is not the first remedy for getting rid of stress.

Finally everything is back to normal. Gray learned to use his sense of smell and sight to compensate for his deafness. I had to help him a little. For example, I used active gesticulation to get his attention on the street. Gray couldn’t hear me. When he was next to me, touched him instead of saying his name.

First of all, a deaf dog must be taught to pay attention to its owner . Because she can’t hear you, the dog should look at you from time to time. To do this, you must become the most interesting object for the dog: take a lot of treats with you, your favorite toys for a walk. Every time the dog comes to you, whether called or not, express stormy joy, treat him or offer a toy [3]. You may need a leash for initial training, but only so that the dog does not run away without hearing your call. Pulling and pulling is strongly discouraged.

Barry Eaton in his book Hear, Hear! writes that you can not touch a deaf dog, because. you can frighten her and provoke her to aggression . This is very correct, Gray was not always ready for me to touch him and at first he was nervous until he figured out what was what. But at that moment I had no knowledge of how to handle a deaf dog and improvised.

There are other ways to attract attention: by stomping on the floor of the house, you will create a vibration , in search of the source of which, the dog will pay attention to you; you can blow on a dog; move a piece of furniture next to it; use a flashlight or laser pointer; throw a light object at the dog, such as a crumpled piece of paper, etc.

Domestic difficulties were solved quite simply. When I called Gray to eat, I drove or tapped the bowl on the floor. Water was always in the same place, as were toys and bones. He got used to the gestures quickly, because he already had training experience. While Gray was young, we did a lot of things, incl. and exercises at a distance, so now I didn’t have to rack my brains much.

Since the dog can no longer hear, incl. and suppressing unwanted behavior of the word, it’s good to train her to match your displeased facial expression with the word “no”, you can still wag your finger. These gestures are good to use for minor violations: the dog pulls food from the table, tears up a book, climbs onto the sofa. If the dog is barking, the easiest thing to do is to ignore it, because. any expression of attention to this action encourages the dog to bark more [4]. It is best to distract the dog with a toy and switch attention to a more useful thing. If the dog expresses aggression towards someone, just take him away, distract him and think about the reasons for this behavior.

The story of a dog named Grey.


Blindness overtook Gray at about 13 years of age. The reason is banal – cataract. He was not completely blind: in daylight he did not stumble upon objects, but in the dark he did not orient himself, of course, he did not distinguish small objects and faces. When Gray began to go blind, I was seized by a panic: how to cope with a deaf and blind dog, I did not know at all. In addition, Gray had an even worse depression than the first time. He did not want to stay at home alone and hid in the closet, he was terribly nervous on a walk, howling.

Leave your dog chew toys when you leave home. If she still has her hearing, you can leave the radio or TV on.

The way out was not found immediately, it was more intuitive than conscious. I chose the solution that at that time seemed to me the simplest: while the vision has not completely disappeared, you need to teach touch commands .

I taught very simply: I touched him and then showed him a gesture that he already knew. There were four teams: “let’s go”, “left”, “right” and “stop”. As well as an inviting gesture. The gestures are extremely simple and developed from our daily communication with him. When I started the movement, I touched the back of his head, and then just went forward, sometimes beckoning him with my hand behind me. He saw that I was leaving and followed me. “Right” and “left” meant touching the right and left ear, respectively, and a gesture meant a wave of the hand and a turn of the body to the right and left. When I stopped, I touched his ass, he turned around, saw that I was standing and stopped himself. It was the stop command.

Despite the fact that it is undesirable to touch a dog, including a deaf one, for a blind dog, this will be almost the only solution to the problem, you just need to accustom it to it. When she understands that you can be trusted, she will expect touch in difficult situations and will not be afraid. At home, you should still be more careful: use vibration (stomp) to indicate that you are going; if the dog needs to be awakened, tug on the bedding or blow on the fur. In short, use touch only in certain situations, when the dog knows it will happen .

The time came when Gray stopped seeing and gestures well. Now, following me, he was guided by the smell, he was afraid to go far. But what a walk when a dog walks with his nose buried in his legs, afraid to tear himself away from the owner. Gray and I learned to walk the streets all over again. I had to completely switch to physical contact.

Can be applied to pants or shoes to make it easier for your dog to locate you persistent fragrance . You can use essential oils, herbs, even perfumes. Most importantly, make sure that the scent you use does not cause rejection in the dog.

After a while, Gray realized that I was leading him, began to trust even more and already dared to step aside a little to sniff something. He knew that if I needed to, I would stop him or point him in the right direction.

Communicating with such a dog should not undermine trust even for a second – it will be a collapse. Without finding the owner or his parting words, when the dog hopes for him, stress can develop into the most severe neurosis, and it will become almost impossible to rehabilitate the dog.

Once there was a situation when I realized that the dog was disoriented. Gray got lost in his own backyard at dusk. He walked away about 10 meters and suddenly realized that he was left alone, I did not have time to quickly approach. Gray turned and trotted away from me. I ran after him. He went into the bushes without seeing them, and then I overtook him. Of course, he was delighted and soon calmed down, but the fact that Gray did not orient himself in the courtyard in the dark firmly stuck in my head. But what about being in a foreign place? I imagined that blind people get used to the arrangement of things in the house and are well oriented in space. Then, going out for a walk, I began to bring Gray to all the obstacles that are in the yard. He knew their smell, and in bright light he could distinguish them, but in the dark he could not use the rest of his senses. Gradually, he got used to their location in the dark, and after a while, when a mental map of the courtyard appeared in his head, he no longer panicked and easily found a landmark if he suddenly got lost. In a strange place, we also carefully passed all the obstacles, Gray remembered their smell, their approximate location in space and felt much more relaxed. Of course, he was always in control.

At home, tactile signals can be used: these are ordinary tracks made of a material different from the main floor covering. Your dog will feel the difference with his paw pads. By laying paths to all important points for the dog in the house, you can create a map along which the dog will move without fear of getting lost. If you have a private home, you can do the same in the yard with fresh sawdust, hay, or fine gravel. You can saturate with (various) fragrances in all important places: front doors, places for eating and drinking, bedding, corners and door frames.

Once a friend of mine asked me to help with a blind cat. The cat could not get used to the location of the doors and felt confused when she wanted to get into the corridor. Then we took an old mobile phone , set it to vibrate, set it to vibrate every 15 minutes and put it on the floor in the hallway. After some time, the cat realized that it was necessary to go to vibration and quickly got used to it. In addition, I advised to glue all the legs of the furniture and sharp corners with pieces of electrical tape. She makes a sharp smells , so it warns the cat that there is a dangerous sharp corner or leg nearby. Having stumbled into a corner a couple of times, she diligently avoids those places where it smells of duct tape.

So Gray lived for another 2 years. All this time I did not put a leash on him, he went everywhere with me: to the forest, to the river, to barbecues. He himself got used to the new state in which he found himself, calmed down, quickly figured out what to do. Ignorant people did not guess that in front of them was a deaf and blind dog .

To reduce the chance of injury in an unfamiliar place, you can buy or build your own hoop harness or cane collar. These are devices that do not allow the dog to stumble on an obstacle. Harness-hoop is an ordinary harness made of leather or fabric with a plastic or metal hoop attached to it in front at the level of the dog’s muzzle. As the dog approaches the obstacle, the hoop hits it first, protecting the dog from injury. The dog must be controlled, because. the design can get tangled in the branches of a shrub or catch on a piece of furniture.

Collar cane is designed for the same purpose. Long plastic probes are attached to an ordinary collar, which are 8-10 cm longer than the tip of the dog’s nose. Its disadvantage is that if the obstacle is narrow (post, chair leg, trunk), it will pass between the probes and the dog will stumble upon it. How to make such devices is described in detail in the book by K. Levin “How to live with a blind dog?”

A blind or deaf dog can and should lead a normal life. And only a loving and caring owner can help her with this.

With a deaf and blind dog, you can play educational and outdoor games, search [5, 6, 7]. Toys for a blind dog are better to choose squeaky and flavored. This will make it easier for her to find them. For the blind, games with the presence of smell are suitable.

In a small article it is impossible to reflect all the nuances of training, I tried to talk about the most common problems and their solutions.

Good luck!


⚠ How to get acquainted with B.Eaton’s books “I hear, I hear!” and K. Levin “How to live with a blind dog?” can be found by e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected].

Additional reading

  1. Olga Kazharskaya. Subtle signs of stress in dogs.
  2. Clarissa von Reinhardt, Martina Nagel.

Daycare in hollywood florida: Best Daycare in Hollywood, FL

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 10:40 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Best Daycare in Hollywood, FL


Louise’s Little Wonders, Inc. WeeCare

Daycare in
Hollywood, FL

(786) 755-5147

Welcome to Louise’s Little Wonders, Inc.! We offer children a caring and warm environment that’s just like home. At our home daycare, our go… Read More

$200 – $222 / wk

7:30 am – 5:30 pm

Creuza Legg Daycare

Daycare in
Hollywood, FL

(267) 927-3134

Creuza Legg is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Hollywood. Contact Creuza Legg to learn more a… Read More

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Sheree Alexander Daycare

Daycare in
West Park, FL

(323) 918-5692

Sheree Alexander provides childcare for families living in the West Park area. Children engage in play-based, educational activities to help… Read More

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Monica Monroy Daycare

Daycare in
Pembroke Pines, FL

(651) 371-8786

Monica Monroy is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Pembroke Pines. Contact Monica Monroy to lea… Read More

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Geraldine Wamley Daycare

Daycare in
Hollywood, FL

(410) 709-7416

Geraldine Wamley offers safe, loving childcare in the Hollywood area. Kids learn through curriculum-based, educational activities. The facil… Read More

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Rosa Williams (DBA) Rosa Williams Home Child Care Inc.

Daycare in
Hollywood, FL

(757) 300-5744

Rosa Williams (DBA) Rosa Williams Home Child Care Inc. provides childcare for families living in the Hollywood area. Children engage in play… Read More

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Jennelyn Reyes (DBA) Little Peacemakers Academy Daycare

Daycare in
Hollywood, FL

(786) 671-6346

Jennelyn Reyes (DBA) Little Peacemakers Academy is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Hollywood. … Read More

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Demerville Family Day Care Home

Daycare in
Miami, FL

(704) 859-2575

Demerville Family Day Care Home provides childcare for families living in the Miami area. Children engage in play-based, educational activit… Read More

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Always Kids Inc Daycare

Daycare in
Miami, FL

(323) 918-5692

Always Kids Inc is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Miami. Contact Always Kids Inc to learn mo… Read More

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Jordan Family Day Care Home

Daycare in
Miami, FL

(786) 671-6346

Jordan Family Day Care Home provides childcare for families living in the Miami area. Children engage in play-based, educational activities … Read More

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The Learning Centers Child Care & Preschool


Our Early Learning Center

At First Presbyterian Learning Centers, our Early Learning Center offers a unique and caring child care experience, providing a rich and stimulating environment for little ones (infants and toddlers 12-36 months) and their families.

The Early Learning Center, also known as ELC, is a county licensed, APPLE accredited daycare program that has been providing quality child care and early childhood education in Hollywood FL for more than 10 years. We do this by offering three different programs: full time daycare, part-time child care, and year-round early childhood education. The curriculum areas are similar in each program; our three different child care programs vary mainly in the amount of time each child spends at daycare.

We fill each academic year with educational activities, as well as festivals, presentations, and holiday celebrations.  Our curriculum is designed to help your child grow in multiple areas of development, including academic, social, and motor skills.

If you’d like to learn more about the Early Learning Center, please contact us with any questions you might have.  We’d also love to give you a personal tour of our school so that you can see our child care team and children in action.

 A Daycare with a Family-like Atmosphere

At Early Learning Center, we provide more than daycare: we provide a strong foundation for children to grow, develop a love of learning, and become confident individuals. We focus on providing a caring and safe environment that builds meaningful long-term relationships among the children, their families and the teachers.

We believe each child is unique and special in their own way. For that reason, we have been able to create a family-like atmosphere where each child can grow emotionally, academically, and physically. Our daycare center strongly values the power of family, love, patience, education, and kindness, which makes us stand out from other child care services. The early childhood education we provide in all of our Learning Centers programs in Hollywood Florida goes beyond just daycare or supervision of children; we make sure to make everyone feel welcome, unique and most importantly loved.  We believe in nurturing the whole child and supporting families.

We’re not just monkeying around here; we’re learning and growing! But having lots of fun too!

A Highly Qualified Daycare Team & an Innovative Early Learning Curriculum

Our staff is composed of experienced teachers, many who hold degrees in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, as well as CDA certifications (Child Development Associate). We also encourage staff members to further their education by supporting them with courses and ongoing training. Our Director, Ms. Jacqueline Carbonell, has a Masters Degree in Special Needs Education and more than 20 years of experience with children of all ages.

First Presbyterian Early Learning Center is part of a revolution in early childhood education with a new approach to teaching and learning. Our Creative Curriculum is a research-based teaching strategy aimed at helping teachers facilitate open-ended age appropriate activities.  Continuous learning occurs in Building Blocks, Dramatic Play, Art, Science, Math, Writing, and Snack Centers. Through intentional room arrangements and placement of teaching tools, the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth of students is enhanced. Parents may obtain a booklet about Creative Curriculum at ELC’s front desk, or visit our Creative Curriculum web page.

Hollywood Florida Real Estate


Jan 20 5:05 pm

Such a world-famous name as Hollywood (Hollywood), can easily be misleading.

This is not only the name of the elite area in Southern California, where movie stars own luxurious mansions. Hollywood is also a city in Florida, so if you find property in Hollywood in 2022 that differs in price, then maybe you need a city in another state?

Lifestyle and Features of the City of Hollywood, Florida

The City of Hollywood is located in Broward County and covers an area of ​​71 km2. It is only 32 km from downtown Miami. The beach strip is about 9. 5 km. There is a wide variety of green areas: about 60 parks and squares, 7 golf courses. Hollywood is relatively young – the average age of residents is 38 years. It has a developed social infrastructure, which makes it comfortable for living and recreation.

Property types in Hollywood, Florida

Property in Hollywood is a variety of apartments, apartments, private houses. Housing is bought here for living and renting.

The cost of real estate in Hollywood depends on the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. The main factors affecting the price of real estate in Hollywood include the location of the object, the infrastructure of the area and its transport accessibility.

To better describe the property, we will show the minimum value of the object. According to, a small one-story villa of 107 m2 is for sale in the 55+ Pembroke Park community. The house has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a terrace with a canopy, a small garden with lush vegetation. The price of the house is $75,000.

Hollywood property for investment

Hollywood property is a good investment opportunity. The attractiveness of the city for tourists lies in its good location relative to the coast and the center of Miami, as well as a large number of walking and green areas. Residences in Hollywood are usually rented for 3 to 6 months, from November to April. At this time, the weather here is favorable for recreation: there is no intense heat and high humidity, there is no threat of hurricanes.

Approximately $2,200 to $2,800 per month in a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo apartment for approximately 80 m2. The road to the beach will take no more than 6-8 minutes by car.

Property Benefits in Hollywood

Hollywood Florida is the perfect place for a quiet life or a relaxing holiday in close proximity to nature. The parks and green areas of the golf clubs provide a cool feeling during the hot months. The lakes and the proximity of the Atlantic coast help to fully enjoy the beach lifestyle.

There are a large number of small grocery stores, souvenir shops, beauty salons.

Attractions in Hollywood, Florida

There are many interesting attractions in Hollywood: entertainment centers, museums, exhibitions. For example, the Wienery Museum of Decorative Arts is famous for its unusual light installations. Museum of Natural Science Knowledge Museum of Discovery and Science offers a large number of educational programs for children and teenagers.

Start looking for objects in this interesting city right now. Florida.Realestate specialists will advise you on the marked properties and help you make the right choice, depending on your personal preferences and plans.

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Kindergarten Hollywood on the metro station Salaryevo – reviews, photos, prices, telephone and address – Kindergartens – Moscow


17 reviews

Closes in 7 hours 44 minutes.

Private kindergarten

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HollywooD Kindergarten, located in New Moscow on the Salaryevo metro station, is a comfortable, affectionate environment for the development of a child, where he is treated as a person, supporting and developing. Modern Pedagogy Reggio, English every day.

Children from 1.6 to 7 years old are welcome in the kindergarten. Small groups are formed where each child can get maximum attention, they are listened to, accepted and never offended. There are about 10 children in the group. Here, no one will be forced to sleep at the prescribed hours, eat “to the last spoon” or play an unloved game – the kindergarten gives the child the right to choose, creating comfortable conditions for the realization of his desires. Our pupils know how to take care of themselves and want to learn!

Bright young teachers with higher specialized education, who are in love with their work and are passionate about it, work here. We have a teacher and a child together, hand in hand, exploring the WORLD every day!

Comfortable modern conditions for the development of children, playrooms by age have been created. The kindergarten is located near the forest, children spend a lot of time outdoors, kids walk in a closed area.

A special complex home food has been developed.

You can visit the kindergarten on a full day basis or go for half a day, if there is space in groups.

You can find out more details about the specifics of the kindergarten by phone or on a tour of the kindergarten, which is held regularly.

Updated April 4, 2023


+7 (904) 568-17-…
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to Salaryevo metro station – 1 km

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Kindergarten “HollywooD” is located… — show how to get there

Kindergarten “HollywooD” is located in New Moscow. From the metro station “Salaryevo” 10 minutes walk towards the forest. Located in the residential complex “Salaryevo”, st. Salaryevskaya 16k5.

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 08:00-19:00

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Kindergarten Hollywood on the subway Salaryevo

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An interesting story

Small groups are formed where each child can get maximum attention and everything that is necessary for him. Here, no one will be forced to sleep at the prescribed hours or play an unloved game – the kindergarten gives the baby the right to choose, creating comfortable conditions for the realization of his desires, gently guiding the child in the right direction. Experienced teachers work here, teachers with a great work experience, who are in love with their work and are passionate about it. Comfortable conditions have been created for the development of children, playrooms where the baby can learn about the world and himself through the game.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hollywood Kindergarten


  • 📍 What is the address of Hollywood Kindergarten?

    Organization address: Russia, Moscow, Moskovsky settlement, Salaryevskaya street, 16k5.

  • ☎️ Is the Hollywood Kindergarten phone number available?

    Calls are accepted by phone +7 (904) 568-17-88.

  • 🕖 What are the opening hours of Hollywood Kindergarten?

    Working hours of the organization: Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 19:00.

  • org/Question”> ⭐ What is the rating of this place on

    On average, the establishment is rated 4.5 by users. You can visit the Hollywood Kindergarten Reviews section to leave your review!

  • 🧾 Where can I find prices for services provided at Hollywood Kindergarten?

    Such information can be found on the card of the institution in the services and prices section of Hollywood Kindergarten.

  • There are 133 images in the Hollywood Kindergarten questionnaire.

Home day care cost: Market Rates | Day Care Council of New York

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 9:56 am


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What It Is, Costs, and Companies

Supervising children makes home daycare businesses vulnerable to multiple risks. Art projects can go awry, staff can make mistakes, and kiddos can get hurt.  That’s why most states legally require that in-home daycare businesses purchase liability insurance prior to licensure. If your job is to protect children in your home, you should ensure you have a policy that will protect your business from financial losses. Even if it’s not required in your state, having a robust home daycare insurance package will protect your livelihood and improve your reputation in the eyes of parents. 

Do I Need Home Daycare Insurance?

Yes. If you’re an in-home daycare business owner, you need home daycare insurance. Most states require you to have it for licensing, and parents may require proof of insurance when enrolling their children as well. Without home daycare insurance, you’d also be on the hook for your legal fees if someone files a lawsuit against you. And you could be deemed responsible for covering damaged property or medical bills. 

For example, if a child slips and breaks a bone while playing in your home, your business could be held responsible for their medical bills. If one of your staff accidentally damages a child’s assistive technology device, your business could be responsible for repair or replacement. With the right policies in-force, your insurance company would pick up the tab. 

What Is Home Daycare Insurance?

Home daycare insurance is a group of insurance coverages intended to protect in-home daycare businesses from a myriad of risks. Some coverages may only be necessary for daycare businesses that have employees or those that offer pick-up and drop-off. But general liability insurance is always a necessary coverage for daycare businesses. Here are the most common coverages your daycare may require. 

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance pays for legal costs and judgments associated with claims that your daycare was negligent. It covers bodily injury, property damage, and personal or advertising injury. General liability insurance also includes medical payments coverage, which pays for medical bills or funeral expenses if anyone is injured during a business visit to your home.  

Professional Liability Insurance

Daycare workers use their professional expertise to supervise, educate, and care for children. This brings the possibility of lawsuits arising from professional negligence. For example, if your daycare offers educational enrichment and a child isn’t making any progress, parents could sue. Professional liability insurance would cover your legal defense and judgments. 

Business Personal Property Insurance

While the structure of your home will be covered against common perils under your homeowners insurance policy, your policy’s limits for business equipment may not be sufficient. If you need extra coverage for upgrades to your home, furniture, toys, and equipment used to operate your daycare business, you should either get an endorsement to your homeowners policy or purchase business personal property insurance. 

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance helps cover your debts and replace your net lost income after a covered loss interrupts your business operations. For example, if a fire in your home forces you to shut down, business interruption insurance would ensure you could still pay your employees and cover your mortgage payment. Bear in mind, business interruption insurance may not cover communicable diseases like COVID-19. 

Business Owner’s Policy

Some daycare owners may choose to get their general liability insurance, commercial property insurance, and business interruption insurance in one convenient package, known as a business owner’s policy. However, standard BOPs may include unnecessary coverage for structures that overlaps with your homeowners insurance policy, so you should go with a provider that allows you to customize your BOP. 

Abuse and Molestation Insurance

Most general and professional liability insurance excludes coverage for legal costs arising from an employee accused of threatened or actual physical, mental, or sexual abuse. That’s why some companies offer an endorsement for abuse and molestation coverage. It pays for your business’s defense and judgments in lawsuits arising from accusations of abuse. In some policies, it may only cover sexual abuse.

Corporal Punishment Insurance

This covers the cost of lawsuits against your business if an employee is accused of physically harming a child while reprimanding them. 

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Most states require that businesses with a certain number of employees have workers’ compensation coverage. It covers medical bills and lost wages for employees who become injured or ill in the course of their job duties. For example, if a child bites an employee and draws blood, workers’ compensation insurance would pay for their treatment and time off work. In some states, workers’ compensation insurance also covers daycare workers who contract COVID-19. 

Commercial Auto or Hired and Non-Owned Auto

If you offer pick-up and drop-off services or your business owns a vehicle for other purposes, you’ll need commercial auto insurance. Most states will require you to have bodily injury and property damage liability coverage at a minimum, and you should also have collision and comprehensive coverage to pay for damages to your business vehicles. If you or your employees use your personal vehicles for business activities, whether that’s transporting children or just picking up extra wipes from the store, you’ll need hired and non-owned auto insurance. 

Home Daycare Insurance Cost

The cost of in-home daycare insurance depends on individual factors, like the number of employees you have and the number of children under your care, along with the type of coverage and limits you choose for your business. Next Insurance reports that most of its daycare businesses pay between $56 and $78 per month for general liability insurance, but most home daycares will need other coverages as well. In general, you can expect to pay between $450 and $1,350 annually for in-home daycare insurance. However, you’ll pay more than that if you need commercial auto insurance.  

Best Daycare Insurance Companies

Markel Insurance


  • Offers a robust in-home daycare package

  • Coverage is occurrence form

  • Free additional insureds

  • Flexible payment options

Markel offers a robust, occurrence-form, in-home daycare policy that includes general liability coverage, abuse and molestation coverage, and accidental medical insurance. The policy can cover daycares with up to 18 children. You can get professional liability and workers’ compensation insurance from the company as well, but commercial auto is not available. 

American Family Insurance


  • Abuse and molestation, and corporal punishment coverage

  • Commercial auto liability coverage

  • Bundling discounts

  • Online claims and 24/7 support

American Family offers a home insurance product that provides several coverages for in-home daycares, including general liability, commercial auto liability, corporal punishment liability, and abuse and molestation liability coverage. However, the product is only available to in-home daycares with six enrolled children or less. AmFam offers online quotes, online claims, a highly rated mobile app, and 24/7 support. 

Great American Insurance Group


  • Offers a robust package of coverages

  • Risk management services and toolkits

  • Coverage available in occurrence form

  • A+ financial strength rating from AM Best

Great American offers all the coverages a daycare could need, including separate limits for general liability, professional liability, and abuse or molestation coverage, which also covers bullying lawsuits. You can choose occurrence-form or claims-made coverage, and the company also offers commercial auto, umbrella, inland marine, and more. What’s more, Great American offers risk management services to help prevent incidents, including on-site child abuse prevention training and a smartphone app for anonymously reporting behavior that is inappropriate.  

Next Insurance


  • Quick online quote and application

  • Offers a live certificate of insurance for easy sharing

  • Save 10% for bundling multiple policies

Next Insurance makes it easy to quickly acquire property insurance, general and professional liability insurance, commercial or hired and non-owned auto insurance, and workers’ compensation coverage in one place. You can even save 10% when you buy two or more policies. Premiums are affordable as well—most home daycares pay $56 to $78 per month for general liability coverage. However, the company doesn’t offer abuse or molestation coverage, which could leave a coverage gap in your policy. 

Do You Need Insurance for Home Daycare?

Yes. Home daycares need small business insurance, such as general and professional liability coverage, to protect against a variety of risks. In most states, liability insurance is even required for licensure, and many parents will want proof of a policy as well.  

How Much Does Home Daycare Insurance Cost?

That depends how many employees you have and how many children are under your care. However, most businesses can expect to pay between $450 and $1,350 annually for home daycare insurance coverage. 

In-Home Daycare Insurance Requirements

Home daycare licensure requirements vary by state, but most states require that daycares carry liability coverage. For example, in Texas, daycares must have at least $300,000 in liability coverage for each child in their care. In California, you need signed affidavits from parents acknowledging your lack of home daycare insurance if you choose to forgo it. Otherwise, you need at least $300,000 in aggregate liability coverage.

How We Chose the Best Home Daycare Insurance Companies

The home daycare insurance companies in this article were chosen based on an evaluation of the following:

  • Which companies have the highest MSV (monthly search volume) for “home daycare insurance companies,” according to Semrush
  • Google results based on a search of “home daycare insurance”
  • Which of these companies offer home daycare insurance or similar products

Evaluation criteria included state availability, financial stability, customer satisfaction, whether an online quote and application were available, and policy-specific features, including claim limits, cost, and coverage exclusions. We also considered the types of coverage that companies offer, such as abuse/molestation/corporal punishment coverage. auto liability coverage, and workers compensation coverage. Companies that make coverage widely available, have a streamlined quote and application process, offer robust features, and have strong ratings for financial stability and customer satisfaction topped our list.

Day care group for children of school age

Wellness Club Meliot – seven days a week

08.00 – 21.00

Get a quick consultation

+7 (351) 225-11-01

  1. org/ListItem”>


  2. Services

  3. Day stay of children

    • Pool
    • Spa and treatments
    • Beauty
    • Leisure
    • Your events and holidays

Daycare for young and middle-aged children is an up-to-date service that is in great demand. Modern parents, as a rule, have a very busy daily routine, combining not only professional duties, but also a lot of other loads. In modern realities, the question often arises of how to ensure proper care for babies and adolescents.

Competent organization of day care for children

Day care group for children solves all problems at once. Experienced specialists and teachers will help children aged 5 to 10 with leisure time, as well as facilitate homework. It is no secret that the younger generation cannot always successfully complete the work assigned by teachers at home without the support of adults.

Day stay for children includes hot meals, as well as sleep (negotiated separately).

Day care group for children of preschool and school age

Age of children

For children 5 to 10 years old.

Structure of stay

  • We pick up the child from nearby schools (parents bring the child from remote schools)
  • We organize meals according to the preferences of parents
  • Supervision, walks on the closed playground, rest (sleep hours optional)
  • Help with homework
  • Swimming training
  • Board games and creative activities

Bring with you

  • Swimwear*;
  • Swim cap*;
  • Slates;
  • Towel;
  • Goggles for swimming;
  • Comfortable clothes for the stay.

* For children in the pool.


Daily 08:00 – 21:00


You can join the group at any time


number of visits/week







5 hours stay, rub







stay with pool, rub




10000 (2 pools)

11500(2 pools)

13200 (2 pools)

Day care for children

Day care group for children

Teaching board games of various subjects

Day care for children of school age

Price includes visit includes hot meals

    Download price list

    Day care group for children

    Day care group for children has a number of advantages:

    • conducting creative classes;
    • outdoor walks on a special closed area;
    • teaching board games on various topics;
    • swimming in the pool under the guidance of a coach (the child needs to bring swimming accessories, a cap, flip flops, glasses, a towel).

    Anyone can join at any time. Payment for the services provided depends on the specific conditions, the number of classes, the number of hours. An individual approach to each child is guaranteed, taking into account his preferences and wishes. It is possible to accompany children with the involvement of specialists from schools located in the area where the company providing the service – day stay for children is located.

    Daytime stay of school-age children in comfortable conditions, classes with teachers, while ensuring all the necessary safety requirements – this is a chance for working fathers and mothers who really care about the proper development of their son or daughter. While their children are actively resting, having fun and doing their favorite hobbies, adults can fully devote themselves to career growth. Each parent can be absolutely calm about the physical and psychological health of his child, knowing that he is in the hands of professionals with extensive experience in such activities.

    Cost of treatment – at the medical center “KORSAKOV”

    Cost of treatment – at the medical center “KORSAKOV”

    Skip to content

    Clinic of Psychiatry and Narcology KORSAKOV


    8 (499) 322-43-92

    Call a doctor


    Call a doctor


    Online payment

    Clinic of Psychiatry and Narcology KORSAKOV


    8 (499) 322-43-92

    Call a doctor



    Drug addiction





    Treatment of COVID-19


    Drug addiction





    Treatment of COVID-19

    A full price list can be found at the medical center or ask a question by calling
    hotline: 8 (800) 555-40-23

    * The administration of the medical center “KORSAKOV” takes all measures to timely update the price list posted on the website, however, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, we advise you to clarify the cost of services in the contact center by phone 8 (800) 555-40-23

    The posted price list is not an offer.

Childtime of tamarac: CHILDTIME OF TAMARAC – 17 Photos – 8169 Pine Island Rd, Tamarac, Florida – Child Care & Day Care – Phone Number

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 9:24 am


Категории: Child

Childtime Learning Centers | Tamarac FL Child Care Facility

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About the Provider

Creative Garden LC Glen Burnie – Baltimore MD Licensed Child Care Center

Description: A Powerful Beginning to a Lifetime Love of Learning Childtime’s educational philosophy is based on the Reggio Emilia approach, named after the Italian city and the surrounding villages where the method took root after World War II. Central to this philosophy is the belief that secure relationships with responsive and respectful adults provide the basis for all learning. With these relationships in place, children develop a capacity for trust, competence and independence that helps them grow as students and people.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations
    National Early Childhood Program Accreditation
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    VPK Provider; After School;Before School;Drop In;Food Served;Full Day;Half Day;Infant Care;Transportation
  • District Office:
    Judicial Circuit 17
    115. S. Andrews Avenue Room 119
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
  • District Office Phone:
    (954) 357-4800 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Report Date

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Providers in ZIP Code 33321
















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“Oh, do you know Putin?” How a Tyumen journalist decided to continue her career in the USA


Tatyana Pankina

December 6, 2021, 12:45

“There are moments when I feel like an outsider,” says our heroine, “but in general, I feel good, comfortable here, I understand how everything is arranged here, I vote in local elections.


Аgrippina Fadel is our countrywoman, who once chose life in the United States of America. In this young woman, a steel rod is immediately felt. She received her higher education in Tyumen, worked as a journalist, but is not afraid of any work, and since 2010 she has gone from a waitress abroad, like many emigrants, to a flight attendant in an international airline, and now she is receiving a second education, while trying her hand at American journalism. Is it easy to be Russian in Florida, how to start writing news in English and what you have to sacrifice for this, Agrippina told

“Do you have bears there?”

– What are your colleagues’ names?

– Agrippina.

Is your name difficult for them?

– Yes, many have a problem with it, because it is incomprehensible, long, difficult to pronounce because of the difference in the pronunciation of “p” and “r”. But over time, they get used to it, they cope.

— Have you ever thought about making a shorter, English-friendly version of your name?

– At work in a restaurant they call me Grunya. When it’s really difficult, they shorten it to G (ji). They explain that they don’t want to distort, pronounce incorrectly.

When I introduce myself as a professional, I always say Agrippina because that is my full name. I thought about it seriously when I started flying. After all, there should be no room for doubt on the plane with whom exactly you are talking. For example, there are procedures when the captain or chief steward calls, you need to pick up the phone and introduce yourself. I realized that I need to choose one name and introduce myself only like that.

To be honest, I don’t care how they pronounce it. Although I don’t think it’s such a complicated name. And when people try, I am pleased. The main thing is to try.

– Why do I ask, when a person calls a similar name, the question immediately arises of where he comes from. How soon do your interlocutors, colleagues realize that you are from Russia?

– This is never the first choice. Because the name is not perceived as Russian. If the interlocutors have some kind of Spanish or Latin American background, then they think that I am from there, because by some miracle this name is popular in Latin America and in Spain. They ask me: “Where does your name come from?” – “It’s Greek.” – “Oh, I was in Greece!” – “I was there too, but I’m from Russia.” Well, I mean, it’s a difficult conversation every time. I repeat the same thing because the situation repeats itself over and over again. And it seems to me that for the rest of my life I will say: “Yes, a Greek name…”, “I grew up in Russia…”, “They named after my grandmother…”.

When I was little, I didn’t like the name. Because, it seems to me, children always want to be like everyone else, not to stand out from the crowd. Otherwise, difficulties arise. And my character was enough for me to be teased by my peers. I grew up as a girl with my own opinion, this opinion was not always popular. And then there’s the unusual name.

But when I was a teenager, my dad once told me that an interesting name means an interesting life… It’s all fantasy, maybe, but as I grew up, I began to have more respect for my parents’ decisions. Moreover, my grandmother, the mother of my father, was a heroine for him. Her portraits stood at home. I knew it was Agrippina’s grandmother. It was as if they pointed me to a certain ideal that must be met, although it was not very clear what to correspond to. She died during the war when dad was 11 years old. Did he really know her?

– Well, so far, your dad’s words about an interesting fate are confirmed. And when you communicate with ordinary Americans and they find out that you are from Russia, does the attitude towards you change?

– Most of my friends, acquaintances, colleagues are Americans or English speakers. Only a couple of people from Russia. It seems to me that where I come from does not change the energy of the relationship, does not add or take anything away from our communication. There may be some jokes. Like: “Do you have bears there?”. That is, stereotypes are an easy and proven way to find common themes. People can joke about this topic, ask questions, also in jest, or they are really interested.

Moreover, it is not Russia as a whole that attracts more interest, but Siberia in particular! “Oh, is it cold in there?” “Yes, it’s cold out there.” — “How cold is it there?” — and I say how cold it is. – “And how to live there?” “It’s okay, you get used to everything.” “But Florida is better, isn’t it?” “It’s good everywhere, it’s just a different climate.” – “From Siberia to Florida – how so ?!!” – “Sailed!”

Generally a very good attitude. Or when there is some news from Russia, people usually ask me something, clarify it. No negatives or claims. Often good conversations happen with those who are interested in geopolitics. And since, while living in Tyumen, I worked out a couple of events involving Putin, people say: “Oh, you know Putin?” – “Well, he hardly recognizes me in the crowd and on Friday evening he won’t call to ask how I’m doing.” (smiles) And this is more a plus than a minus.

Ruled mercilessly

— What were your last materials about in the place where you now work?

– I write news for the online publication of the city of Tamarack with a population of approximately 60 thousand people. It is part of the Miami Fort Lauderdale agglomeration, which has a total population of 6 million people. Everything is close there, but at the same time, Tamarak is considered a separate city. It is located about 25 minutes from the neighboring city where I live. This week (at the time of the conversation. – Note ed.) the local Jewish center in Tamarak began a course … How can this be translated into Russian? “Outsmarting Anti-Semitism”. Certain events at the local level again make the local community turn to this topic. Many young Jews feel a certain way, not quite comfortable, and do not know how to behave in this. This course should help them.

I also wrote recently that Tamarak is the best city on Earth!

— Do they know that they have serious competition?! (laugh)

– And the bottom line is that since 2009 they have been conducting a survey of the population about how comfortable it is to live in the city. As the survey shows, everything is getting better and better. Residents feel safe, they trust the government, the streets have become cleaner, there are more bike paths. The person presenting the report told the city commission that they should be proud of themselves, because 2018 was already good, and now even better. And he cites their results as an example to other cities: “Be like Tamarak.” This is what I am writing about.

By the way, it’s interesting to compare the actions of local authorities, because Russian politics is a little bit in a box – everyone understands everything, but not for publication. And here they speak frankly, they don’t care. For example, at the same city commission, someone interrupted someone. And it began: “You didn’t say anything to him, but my friend interrupted, you told him!” “Our mayor can’t run this meeting!” And so on. And the mayor replied: “Why make a problem out of nothing?” To which he was told: Cool your jets (cool your engine – cool it down)! Such situations are not uncommon. Surprisingly interesting to listen to. And the more I go into this process, the better I understand what is happening, who is for whom, and so on.

— How did you get into this publication?

– It so happened that before the start of the global pandemic, our aviation union entered into a preliminary agreement with the airline where I worked. The procedure has not been completed, but the agreement gives the right to a free college. And I decided to use it. For a year now I have been getting a new profession – a human resources specialist. At the same time, my friend and I decided to open our own Draftsy website. And until I managed to find a job in a new specialty – everywhere they require at least three years of experience – I decided, having already started writing for my website, why not actually work in journalism? After all, this is what I can do.

I decided to give myself a month and a half to search. I changed my resume and somehow started sending out on Friday. Three days later, on Monday, I received a message from my current editor. And I didn’t see him…

The next Friday she wrote: “Well, you don’t answer anything, we’ll look for someone else.” This is the message I saw the next day, on Saturday. I thought: damn, I’m an idiot. Before that, she turned off reminders, and when she started sending resumes, she didn’t turn on or check messages. But I still wrote to her, I apologized for not answering right away. She responded: “Come on, show me what you have.” I submitted what I posted on Draftsy and a couple of other texts. “This is all, of course, wonderful,” she wrote, “but you have no news, and everything that is published, you published yourself.

– And then you send her news in Russian!

– Yes, I thought about sending news from the Tyumen Line, three years of my life: “Governor Vladimir Yakushev noted in his speech …” (smiles). But I didn’t want to give up so easily. She answered that I understand all her doubts, I really have no news experience in English and no specific examples, but I am sure that I could write. And asked me to give me a task.

She liked my perseverance, she instructed me to write some news from the meeting of the city commission on the budget. Gave two days. I listened to the recording. There was a lot of scandal, a lot of drama. As a result, I got three materials. She said it wasn’t perfect, but it could work. She corrected it as she needed, published it, and we signed a contract.

– Did you have an understanding of how to write?

– They sent me a couple of publications for example. But I think I did not absorb it to the right extent, since the editor has a lot of rules in my texts. In Russia, there is still no such thing that every word in the title is capitalized? Some grammar variations that I may not have always understood. Formatting direct speech, commas. Plus, you need to build sentences in a certain way. As a result, the first three weeks I was ruled mercilessly, and I, sobbing inside, answered: “Thank you very much!”.

Now, it seems to me, the editor is already more or less satisfied. And recently I praised for the fact that residents actively commented on my news on the topic of the day about the ban on begging at crossroads. It seems to me that this news would have been commented on anyway, but still I was very happy with the compliment.

– Can you suggest a topic yourself?

— I can. And I can choose from the topics offered in the general chat the one that interests me the most. In general, there is a certain level of freedom. It seems to me that with regard to local news, if it is not explicit advertising, they are only for it. However, this is good journalism. Local authors, including my current colleagues, win journalism competitions.

It is clear that I am still learning, trying to understand what kind of ocean I am swimming in — how the city lives, what problems are relevant for local residents, and so on. But the fact that there is an opportunity to write not only about daily events, but also some deeper materials is important to me.

— You seem to be taken by it.

– I really enjoy doing this. Although it is a pity that it is impossible, as in Tyumen, to come to the editorial office, make tea, talk with colleagues, be on the same wavelength with everyone. I don’t know if this format of work has remained in the States. Probably in some big publications like the New York Times. But in principle, there is no longer a need for “analogue” editorial offices, it is much easier to find employees online.

Let’s see where this takes me. But, in any case, I can do this from home. In parallel, I have another job – consumer journalism, detailed reviews about certain products or things. Everything is very specific. The best lipstick – chosen. The best pumpkin costume for kids – choose. That’s good money, a hundred bucks for about a thousand words of material.

– Better than the news?

– It turns out about the same. They pay me 10 cents a word. This is the normal price. True, the news is small. Therefore … It turns out that we are not doing this for the sake of money.

– So you can’t live on this?

– You can if you sit at home and write a lot. Let’s say 4-5 product reviews, although there are some limitations. As a result, 2 thousand dollars a month comes out. You can live on this.

Began to be accepted as one’s own

– For me, the biggest question has always been how a person who grew up in one language environment and worked with a word can work in another country in another language? I tend to think that such people are rather exceptions. Is it difficult for you to write in English specifically for English-speaking readers?

– Now it’s easier for me to write in English than in Russian, no matter how terrible it may sound. And when I just moved to the USA, I had a culture shock. In Tyumen, I successfully graduated from the philological faculty of the university, worked in journalism, including as an editor – I corrected other people’s texts. I had an unshakable confidence in my professionalism, even a certain snobbery, a feeling of superiority – my Russian is perfect, I am literate, I know how to write, pronounce complex words, and so on. From these cloudless skies I fell to the ground. When I started working in restaurants – everyone starts somewhere – I realized that now they are correcting me! Of course, I knew English, but not at the level of Russian.

And then I set myself the task of learning English as much as possible in order to write and speak without errors. I did it. I still have mistakes, but they are few. Most often I am told about the accent. And I confuse some sounds, for example, “v” and “w”. My husband sometimes laughs at me, he sits smiling and says: “Yes, there is such a thing.”

But there is a price to be paid for striving to learn a language to a certain level. I am fluent in reading, speaking and writing English, but this is only possible when I think in English. And when I constantly think in English, it becomes more difficult to think in Russian. After all, what remains in the head is what is needed now and here. So I’m glad I started with my friend Draftsy – it forces me to think and write in the two languages ​​that the site exists in.

By the way, when I translate my text from English, I often end up with a completely different text in Russian. Because for the same problem in English and in Russian, the head gives out completely different associations, and the audiences are different. But I try to keep the original meanings as much as possible. And yet they are different.

– Did you improve your English in some courses or by yourself?

– Herself. I had a good base. It helped me that I started to read in English, watched a lot of films and local series with subtitles. I listened carefully to what people were saying. And if she didn’t know a word, she memorized and checked what it meant and how to use it. It seems to me that I copy the intonation very well. And when I lived in Massachusetts, I did it so well, without realizing it myself, that now in Florida they ask me if I’m from Massachusetts, so characteristic local features are heard in my speech.

It’s not my goal to speak without an accent, but Americans hear it most often anyway. And those for whom English is not native, as for me, do not always understand this. For me, this is a compliment.

— Do you feel like there are two people in you?

– It seems to me that this is inevitable, because so much is connected with the language. When you start speaking a different language, maybe not a different personality is developed, but a different expression of your personality. Although, I will assume that this split is not so global.

Recently, a Romanian girl, my former airline colleague, said: “You keep saying hun, dear, my love…(dear, dear, my love).” And I remember that moment at the beginning when I realized that everything in my English is very … straightforward. I lacked ease in language. I listened to older women who said: “Yes, dear, yes, good!”, And I decided that I want the same. And somehow I imperceptibly reached easy conversational English with all these diminutives. Then the people around me began to take me for their own, because I spoke like a local.

– Do you like any of the American journalists? Are you following someone?

– We need to think. I read every morning the CNN newsletter, the five news of the day. But I won’t say to follow a specific author. I like the way they write in Vice. Problematic articles are published there. By the way, although the press here is free, it is very clearly divided according to the political principle – who the publication supports, Democrats or Republicans. And, accordingly, in relation to problematic issues: abortion, transgender people, proportional taxation, Afghanistan. I’m trying not to read republican publications, because I don’t agree with those they support. I choose those that are close to me in spirit. And in which direction the publication is leaning, you can almost always tell.

— How do you think a career in journalism is possible for you?

– I think it is possible, but rather at the local level. The more I write, the better I understand how it’s done here. But not all editions are suitable. There are a range of topics that I am interested in writing about. But writing and editing technical texts all day is my personal hell. It turns out, either journalism with real living people, or some texts on topics that interest me. But this career option is real.

Whether we get to Pulitzer, I don’t know yet.

– Dashing trouble began. And how often do you speak Russian?

— I call my mother at least once a week. Twice a month, sometimes more often, I call up my best friend. She herself is from Ukraine, but lives in Germany. And we speak, but in such a mixture of Russian and English, when we no longer understand at what point we switch from one language to another. She recently came to visit with her husband. During these conversations, our husbands watched us with great interest, occasionally interjecting, “You think you said that in English, but it wasn’t English, so say it again?” At work, I don’t communicate in Russian with anyone. Only when Russian guests come to the restaurant, but this happens infrequently.

— Are you being asked to say something in Russian, like an attraction?

– Sometimes I myself suggest: “Do you want to know how it is in Russian?” Sometimes they ask you to translate something. She helped colleagues several times when they communicated with the Russian table. I also sometimes ask colleagues to help me with Spanish. I am learning it, but so far I can only roughly understand the essence of the conversation.

Most often people want to know Russian mat. And I satisfy their curiosity.

— How do you answer the question, where is your home today?

– I say that I grew up in Siberia, but I live in Florida. I wrote about this one of my first articles for Draftsy. And before writing, I thought about it a lot. It seems to me that a part of my heart will forever remain in Tyumen, where I was born and grew up. Another part remains in Kazan, where I spent every summer, where my mother lives. Every time I return, it seems to me that I did not go anywhere. But there are moments when I understand how much people and cities are changing, and I have to put up with it.

But here I am one hundred percent assimilated. There are moments when I feel like an outsider, but in general I feel good and comfortable here, I understand how everything works here, I vote in local elections.

.. My husband is here, so I have plans here – to live, build a career, have children, and so Further.

– When was the last time you were in Russia?

– June 2019. We came with Mike.

— What is your favorite holiday now?

– Christmas, I guess … I’m so glad that I can celebrate it twice! Our tree stands for an extra two weeks. We celebrate in December, and then in January, I cook something traditionally Russian. If friends are in the city, then we are going to some evening gatherings. The last couple of years have been difficult, because of the virus we didn’t see each other much. But we always try to arrange something for these holidays. Well, on Christmas we usually go to Mike’s family.

— What is your favorite New Year or Christmas movie right now?

– I’m trying to remember something other than “The Irony of Fate” …

– Well, what is it, if only I love it.

– I don’t know, I don’t have a favorite . .. U! Eat! It is called The Holiday (in the Russian box office “Exchange Vacation”, ed. Nancy Meyers, 2006).

A still from the film “Exchange Vacation”

— What do you miss most about Russia?

– For people, for friends. If we are planning a trip, then in the summer, when the weather is great, the verandas in the cafe are open, the nights are warm, you can walk, meet, everyone has time, less work and stress is an ideal option. I like to come to Kazan, my mother is there, there are many childhood friends, we always see each other too. The funny thing is that without me they rarely meet. Therefore, when I arrive, this is an iron reason to see everyone together.

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A monastery attendant from Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug won a million

This is not the first win for a woman from Surgut.






July 17, 20:05

Tyumen summer residents spend the summer in a sporty way

The project is in its eighth year now.




#Tyumen news

July 17, 19:44

Alexander Moor: Andrey Tekutiev, according to his will, will rest in the Church of the Savior as a worthy son of the Fatherland.


#Savior Church

#Andrey Tekutiev


#Alexander Moor

#Tyumen news

July 17, 19:23

The concept of Heroes of the Fatherland Square was discussed in Tyumen

It will become a real open-air museum.





#United Russia

#Andrey Artyukhov

#Stepan Kirichuk

#news of Tyumen

July 17, 18:54

In the Tyumen region, a drunk driver got bogged down in a swamp, avoiding prosecution

Earlier, a man repeatedly violated traffic rules.

#drunk driving





#Tyumen region

New York State’s 10 abandoned resorts

Everyone has seen Dirty Dancing, right? So, according to the plot, baby Baby with her parents is resting at the Kellerman’s Hotel. In fact, such a hotel did not exist, but there is a prototype of it. And the place where it all happened is known. This is the region of Borscht Belt, or, as it was called before, the “Jewish Alps”, which is now almost completely abandoned.

Borscht Belt is a chain of resorts in the mountains of Sullivan, Orange and Ulster counties, which from the 1920s to the 70s were the main holiday destination for immigrants from Eastern Europe, especially Jews. However, by the 1980s, the once bustling place with numerous hotels, bungalows, tennis courts and swimming pools fell into disrepair. People have lost interest in the Borscht Belt for a number of reasons, most notably the boom in the aviation industry. We present to you ten abandoned resorts in the region, many of which you can still look into.

1. Grossinger’s Catskill Resort Hotel

This hotel was the prototype for Kellerman’s, where Dirty Dancing takes place. Unfortunately, the success of the film could not influence the influx of tourists, as the hotel closed in 1986, a year before the release of the legendary film.

The Grossingers were Austrian immigrants who opened a small family hotel in 1914 and quickly gained a reputation for their food and hospitality. They then bought land for a large hotel and named it the Grossinger Catskill Resort Hotel. The business prospered under the leadership of the founder’s daughter Jenny. The Grossinger Hotel was so fashionable that it even had its own airstrip and zip code, as well as tennis fields, skating rinks and ski runs (it was the first resort to use artificial snow in 1952).

Filled to overflowing with athletes, artists and wealthy businessmen, the hotel flourished. “Grossinger has everything for a person who likes to come to Grossinger” – that was his slogan. Today, however, the resort is in ruins, and its outdoor pool, which has become a thicket, has become a favorite place for adventure seekers.

2. Lesser Lodge

“Lesser Lodge” was a small resort on the edge of the Borscht Belt region near Livingston Manor. The house was built in 1923 and owned by Joseph and Sarah Lesser. The Lesser Lodge hosted many events in which Jewish New Yorkers participated, and they loved to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah here. The owner’s son, Alvin Lesser, wrote a book describing his childhood at Lesser Lodge, titled Memories of the Catskills: Making an Inn.

3. Nevele Grand Hotel

Ski chalet at Nevele Grand Hotel and Resort, Ellenville, NY.

The Nevele Grand Hotel was an upscale resort hotel in Ellenville. The hotel was open at 1901 and closed in 2009. The resort was founded by Charles Slutsky, whose family also ran the Fallsview Hotel, which adjoined the Nevele Grande until it was sold in 1997.

Nevele Grand was well known for its spectacular 18-hole golf course, which has also since closed, and for its catchy commercials encouraging people to visit the resort.

Although the guests of the hotel were not as famous as Grossinger’s, in the summer of 1966, one very big “star” appeared at the Nevele Grande: President Lyndon B. Johnson, who visited the Catskills to dedicate the hospital in Ellensville.

4. The Vegetarian Hotel

Outdoor pool, Vegetarian Hotel, Woodridge, NY

The Vegetarian Hotel in Woodridge is, as the name suggests, a hotel for those who don’t want to eat meat. The advertisement for the hotel read: “For health and pleasure. Enjoy healthy vegetarian meals, health lectures, sports, a heated pool, free boating, solarium, dancing and luxury accommodations. Special diet, spa atmosphere.

The hotel was founded by Fanny Schafer, a Russian immigrant who moved to the Catskills after her workplace burned down in a major garment factory fire at 1911 year. The hotel prospered until the 1940s under her leadership, after which her son Werb Conwiser took over. The resort closed in the late 1980s.

5. Kutsher’s Hotel and Country Club

Kutsher’s Hotel in Monticello, New York, was opened by Max and Louis Kutsher in 1907 as Kutsher Brother’s Farmhouse and later expanded into a hotel in the 1920s. The real expansion of the hotel began in the 1950s when it became a posh resort with 400 rooms, a golf course and views of Kiamsha Lake.

Kutsher’s Ballroom has hosted many comedic talents such as Jerry Seinfeld and Joan Rivers. The hotel also hosted basketball tournaments in the 1950s and 60s, and NBA famed Wilt Chamberlain once worked as a bellboy there. Difficult times came for the hotel in the early 2000s, but even then Kutsher’s tried to stay afloat by hosting the All Tomorrow’s Parties music festival. However, this did not save him – the hotel was sold and demolished in 2014.

6. Pines Hotel

Dining Room, Pines Hotel, South Phalsburg, NY

Built in 1933, the Pines Hotel in South Phalsburg was a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts due to its ice skating rink and ski runs. The Pines also had ballrooms, bars, and a nightclub that hosted comedians such as Buddy Hackett. The Pines Hotel closed its doors in 1998.

7. White Lake Mansion House

White Lake Mansion House in Sullivan County was established much earlier than other hotels and resorts in the area. It was built back in 1848 and was one of the first profitable hotels in the Borscht Belt region. Plans to demolish the building, which had become dilapidated, went ahead in 2010 despite opposition from Sullivan County historian John Conway.

8. Homowack Lodge

Prayer Book, Homowack Lodge, Spring Glen, NY

Homowack Lodge in Spring Glen was another resort that flourished during the heyday of the Borscht Belt from the 1920s to the 1960s . The Lodge boasted its own bowling alley and indoor pool. After the decline of the region, they tried to breathe a second life into it by converting it into a student camp for Jewish girls, but in 2009 it was closed.

9. Tamarack Lodge

Guest room, Tamarack Lodge

Tamarack Lodge in Greenfield Park was built as a small six-room boarding house in 1903.

Lemay early education center: LeMay Early Education Center – Van Nuys

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 9:24 am


Категории: Cat

Lemay Street Early Education Center

Write a Review

About the Provider

Description: LEMAY STREET EARLY EDUCATION CENTER is a DAY CARE CENTER in VAN NUYS CA, with a maximum capacity of 113 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
  • Initial License Issue Date:
    May 15, 1985
  • District Office:
  • District Office Phone:
    (310) 337-4333 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Creative Garden LC Glen Burnie – Baltimore MD Licensed Child Care Center

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Type Inspection Dates Reports/Citations
Summary 11/28/2017 No Citation

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Write a review about Lemay Street Early Education Center. Let other families know what’s great, or what could be improved.
Please read our brief review guidelines to make your review as helpful as possible.

Email address (will not be published):

Display name:

Which best describes your experience?:

Select from belowI have used this provider for more than 6 monthsI have used this provider for less than 6 monthsI have toured this provider’s facility, but have not used its servicesI am the ownerI am an employeeOther

Rating (1=poor, 5=excellent):

Select your Rating1 star2 star3 star4 star5 star

Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect
only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our
review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess
the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is
negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as
the provider.

Write a Review

Providers in ZIP Code 91406
















Lemay Street Early Education Center | Los Angeles


Los Angeles

Lemay Street Early Education Center

Program details

See program details (opens in a new tab)

About Lemay Street Early Education Center

Fun and learning ahead at Lemay Street Early Education Center! Lemay Street Early Education Center is an early care and education provider in Los Angeles that welcomes students and families to a center-based facility. As a center, Lemay Street Early Education Center provides an environment that’s geared towards stability, structure and providing learning resources and opportunities for children to explore the sights and sounds of the world around them. Children will meet and form bonds with peers of like ages and benefit from quality instructions from experienced adults. In addition, a full-time schedule like the one at Lemay Street Early Education Center can be perfect for families. Parents get the benefits of long time blocks away from little ones to be at work or get others things done, and students get the benefits of a structured, communal learning environment during the years most important to brain development. Full-time gives students the real opportunities to explore, play, laugh and develop the social and behavioral skills that’ll benefit them tremendously in the years to come.

Related Preschools, Child Care, and Nursery Schools in Los Angeles

Wagon Wheel School, Inc.

Pricing available

2 yrs – 5 yrs

7:30am – 4:30pm

Daycare & Child Care, Preschools

Fun and learning ahead at Wagon Wheel School, Inc.! Wagon Wheel School, Inc. is an early care and education prov…

Vine Street Early Education Center

2 yrs – 5 yrs


Daycare & Child Care, Preschools

Vine Street Early Education Center values what early education can do for the hearts and minds of children. Vine…

Schuster Family Child Care

Up to 6 yrs

8:00am – 6:00pm

Daycare & Child Care

..”>Schuster Family Child Care offers in-home care and eduction for the children of Los Angeles and their lucky fami…

Axume Family Child Care

Up to 6 yrs


Daycare & Child Care

Loving, educational and enriching early child care is incredibly important and Axume Family Child Care knows how…

View More

Children’s Early Development Center I’m growing up, kindergarten. Circles and sections for children and parents in St. Petersburg

Happy New Year 2023!


There is already quite a bit left before the New Year, so get rid of resentment, boredom and disappointment as soon as possible and take all the best in the New Year – joy, love and smiles, and luck will surely smile back at you. May all your dreams come true in 2022! Happy New Year!

We are on vacation until January 8, 2023 inclusive, we are waiting for everyone starting from January 9.

Opening the new season 2022/23


We continue to enroll in groups for preparing for school, a dance studio, English, an art studio. We are also waiting for you at chess classes, sand fairy tales with a psychologist, jiu-jitsu. The last places left in the half-day and full-day groups.

Book online or call 4297087.

Intensive summer


We will collect all the knowledge and prepare the children for school 4 subjects: mathematics, reading, writing and the world around us, as well as classes with a psychologist in a psychological sandbox for the emotional-volitional sphere. At the end of the course, the psychologist will conduct a test on the readiness of the child for school and give recommendations.

Call 4297087!

Summer classes


Summer is approaching, when our children’s center will open its doors to all preschoolers. Summer is a great time for games, observations, creativity and great discoveries in the world around. The child learns a lot of new and interesting things with the help of our summer activities. In June, we will talk with children about trees, wild and garden flowers, go on an exciting journey and get acquainted with summer games and fun. Our art work will be directed to the study of these topics. And in music lessons, the child will be able to reveal his inner potential. We consider physical education classes an integral part of the harmonious development of the child, so our teachers will work in this direction as well. Of course, we will play a lot, since play activity is the main activity in preschool age. We are waiting for your children and summer weather!

Kindergarten in summer


We invite your child to full and part-time groups from 1.5 to 7 years old with a flexible visiting schedule.

Our clubs and sections work in summer:

  • Art studio
  • Music studio
  • Speech therapy sessions
  • Chess from 3 years old
  • English
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • Dance studio from 3 years old
  • Classes with mothers from 1-3 years old

We are waiting for your child. Detailed information by phone 4297087.

Part-time groups on Saturdays


Attention! DC “I’m growing up” opens a new group “Weekend” for children from 3-7 years old. We offer your child a stay from 1 hour to 4 hours on Saturdays. Your child will have classes in music, art, physical education. At your request, we can always offer the child a hot lunch or a light snack.

Call 4297087.

DC “I’m growing” opens a new group “Malyshok”


Attention! Great news for kids and their parents! DC “I’m growing up” opens a new group “Baby” for children aged 1 to 2 years. We offer your child a stay in our center from 1 hour to 3-4 hours a day under the constant supervision of experienced teachers. Your child will have classes on early development, music and creativity. The kid will be able to study both in the Montessori room and be in the playroom, equipped with toys according to age. We have facilities for hygiene procedures. In addition, your baby will be given a snack in the form of fruit puree or bio-yogurt. We are waiting for our little friends!.

Call 4297087.

We continue enrollment in groups for the new season


We continue to enroll in groups for school preparation, a dance studio, English, German, art studio. We are also waiting for you at chess classes, sand fairy tales with a psychologist. There are the last places left in the groups of part-time, full-time and weekend, it is possible to choose a visiting schedule. Registration online.

Call 4297087.

Evening part-time groups


In the new season, part-time groups have the opportunity to choose a morning shift, from 9:30 to 13:30, or an evening shift, from 16:00 to 20:00. In the evening, the children will have two classes. The price includes an afternoon snack and, if desired, for an additional fee, we can feed your child with dinner.

Lemay early education center: LeMay Early Education Center – Van Nuys

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 9:24 am


Категории: Cat

Lemay Street Early Education Center

Write a Review

About the Provider

Description: LEMAY STREET EARLY EDUCATION CENTER is a DAY CARE CENTER in VAN NUYS CA, with a maximum capacity of 113 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
  • Initial License Issue Date:
    May 15, 1985
  • District Office:
  • District Office Phone:
    (310) 337-4333 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Creative Garden LC Glen Burnie – Baltimore MD Licensed Child Care Center

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Type Inspection Dates Reports/Citations
Summary 11/28/2017 No Citation

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Write a review about Lemay Street Early Education Center. Let other families know what’s great, or what could be improved.
Please read our brief review guidelines to make your review as helpful as possible.

Email address (will not be published):

Display name:

Which best describes your experience?:

Select from belowI have used this provider for more than 6 monthsI have used this provider for less than 6 monthsI have toured this provider’s facility, but have not used its servicesI am the ownerI am an employeeOther

Rating (1=poor, 5=excellent):

Select your Rating1 star2 star3 star4 star5 star

Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect
only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our
review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess
the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is
negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as
the provider.

Write a Review

Providers in ZIP Code 91406
















Lemay Street Early Education Center | Los Angeles


Los Angeles

Lemay Street Early Education Center

Program details

See program details (opens in a new tab)

About Lemay Street Early Education Center

Fun and learning ahead at Lemay Street Early Education Center! Lemay Street Early Education Center is an early care and education provider in Los Angeles that welcomes students and families to a center-based facility. As a center, Lemay Street Early Education Center provides an environment that’s geared towards stability, structure and providing learning resources and opportunities for children to explore the sights and sounds of the world around them. Children will meet and form bonds with peers of like ages and benefit from quality instructions from experienced adults. In addition, a full-time schedule like the one at Lemay Street Early Education Center can be perfect for families. Parents get the benefits of long time blocks away from little ones to be at work or get others things done, and students get the benefits of a structured, communal learning environment during the years most important to brain development. Full-time gives students the real opportunities to explore, play, laugh and develop the social and behavioral skills that’ll benefit them tremendously in the years to come.

Related Preschools, Child Care, and Nursery Schools in Los Angeles

Wagon Wheel School, Inc.

Pricing available

2 yrs – 5 yrs

7:30am – 4:30pm

Daycare & Child Care, Preschools

Fun and learning ahead at Wagon Wheel School, Inc.! Wagon Wheel School, Inc. is an early care and education prov…

Vine Street Early Education Center

2 yrs – 5 yrs


Daycare & Child Care, Preschools

Vine Street Early Education Center values what early education can do for the hearts and minds of children. Vine…

Schuster Family Child Care

Up to 6 yrs

8:00am – 6:00pm

Daycare & Child Care

..”>Schuster Family Child Care offers in-home care and eduction for the children of Los Angeles and their lucky fami…

Axume Family Child Care

Up to 6 yrs


Daycare & Child Care

Loving, educational and enriching early child care is incredibly important and Axume Family Child Care knows how…

View More

Children’s Early Development Center I’m growing up, kindergarten. Circles and sections for children and parents in St. Petersburg

Happy New Year 2023!


There is already quite a bit left before the New Year, so get rid of resentment, boredom and disappointment as soon as possible and take all the best in the New Year – joy, love and smiles, and luck will surely smile back at you. May all your dreams come true in 2022! Happy New Year!

We are on vacation until January 8, 2023 inclusive, we are waiting for everyone starting from January 9.

Opening the new season 2022/23


We continue to enroll in groups for preparing for school, a dance studio, English, an art studio. We are also waiting for you at chess classes, sand fairy tales with a psychologist, jiu-jitsu. The last places left in the half-day and full-day groups.

Book online or call 4297087.

Intensive summer


We will collect all the knowledge and prepare the children for school 4 subjects: mathematics, reading, writing and the world around us, as well as classes with a psychologist in a psychological sandbox for the emotional-volitional sphere. At the end of the course, the psychologist will conduct a test on the readiness of the child for school and give recommendations.

Call 4297087!

Summer classes


Summer is approaching, when our children’s center will open its doors to all preschoolers. Summer is a great time for games, observations, creativity and great discoveries in the world around. The child learns a lot of new and interesting things with the help of our summer activities. In June, we will talk with children about trees, wild and garden flowers, go on an exciting journey and get acquainted with summer games and fun. Our art work will be directed to the study of these topics. And in music lessons, the child will be able to reveal his inner potential. We consider physical education classes an integral part of the harmonious development of the child, so our teachers will work in this direction as well. Of course, we will play a lot, since play activity is the main activity in preschool age. We are waiting for your children and summer weather!

Kindergarten in summer


We invite your child to full and part-time groups from 1.5 to 7 years old with a flexible visiting schedule.

Our clubs and sections work in summer:

  • Art studio
  • Music studio
  • Speech therapy sessions
  • Chess from 3 years old
  • English
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • Dance studio from 3 years old
  • Classes with mothers from 1-3 years old

We are waiting for your child. Detailed information by phone 4297087.

Part-time groups on Saturdays


Attention! DC “I’m growing up” opens a new group “Weekend” for children from 3-7 years old. We offer your child a stay from 1 hour to 4 hours on Saturdays. Your child will have classes in music, art, physical education. At your request, we can always offer the child a hot lunch or a light snack.

Call 4297087.

DC “I’m growing” opens a new group “Malyshok”


Attention! Great news for kids and their parents! DC “I’m growing up” opens a new group “Baby” for children aged 1 to 2 years. We offer your child a stay in our center from 1 hour to 3-4 hours a day under the constant supervision of experienced teachers. Your child will have classes on early development, music and creativity. The kid will be able to study both in the Montessori room and be in the playroom, equipped with toys according to age. We have facilities for hygiene procedures. In addition, your baby will be given a snack in the form of fruit puree or bio-yogurt. We are waiting for our little friends!.

Call 4297087.

We continue enrollment in groups for the new season


We continue to enroll in groups for school preparation, a dance studio, English, German, art studio. We are also waiting for you at chess classes, sand fairy tales with a psychologist. There are the last places left in the groups of part-time, full-time and weekend, it is possible to choose a visiting schedule. Registration online.

Call 4297087.

Evening part-time groups


In the new season, part-time groups have the opportunity to choose a morning shift, from 9:30 to 13:30, or an evening shift, from 16:00 to 20:00. In the evening, the children will have two classes. The price includes an afternoon snack and, if desired, for an additional fee, we can feed your child with dinner.

Job descriptions for project manager: Project Manager Job Description – Purdue University

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 9:24 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Project Manager job description and duties

A Project Manager is responsible for planning, overseeing and leading projects from ideation through to completion. This is a senior role at an organisation and requires interaction with a range of internal and external stakeholders, most often managing several moving project parts simultaneously.

An ideal Project Manager job description should capture the nuances and variation of this senior role, seeking multi-skilled and highly capable candidates.

What are the duties of a Project Manager?

As a role that focuses on completing a project as efficiently and promptly as possible, expect to see any of the following duties and responsibilities in a Project Manager job description:

  • Leading project planning sessions
  • Coordinating staff and internal resources
  • Managing project progress and adapt work as required
  • Ensuring projects meet deadlines
  • Managing relationships with clients and stakeholders
  • Designing and signing off on contracts
  • Overseeing all incoming and outgoing project documentation
  • Participating in tender process i. e. design, submission and review
  • Designing risk mitigation plan
  • Conducting project review and creating detailed reports for executive staff
  • Optimising and improving processes and the overall approach where necessary
  • Securing growth opportunities and initiating new projects
  • Managing large and diverse teams

What qualifications should a Project Manager have?

A great Project Manager usually has five or more years’ experience, and one or several formal qualifications. A Project Manager job description could include degrees in any of the following fields:

  • Engineering
  • IT or Computer Science
  • Business or Business Administration
  • Management

Additionally, Project Managers should possess high levels of the below skills to perform well in the role:

  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Capacity to manage high stress situations
  • Ability to multi-task and manage various project elements simultaneously
  • Leadership skills
  • Big-picture thinking and vision
  • Attention to detail
  • Conflict resolution skills

Robert Half is one of the leading financial services recruitment agencies in Hong Kong. View our latest Project Manager jobs here.

Project Manager Salary Guide

Are you a hiring manager or changing jobs? Download the Robert Half Salary Guide and view salary benchmarking data for Project Manager and Financial Services trends.

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Project Manager Job Description: Examples & Template

Project managers can be considered the parents of professional projects. They coordinate with internal and external teams to ensure deliverables are transported on time and under budget. They’re flexible but hold high expectations and aren’t afraid to put their foot down if someone is slacking or falling behind on their assignments.

Project managers are exceptional communicators and multitaskers, constantly assessing risks, establishing budgets and meeting deadlines — all while maintaining the utmost professionalism no matter the inevitable and unexpected hurdles that arise throughout the project lifecycle.

If you’re looking for a parent for your next project — and you wouldn’t be reading this article if you weren’t — let’s cover the basics of what makes for an exceptional project manager job description.


Free Toolkit: Job Description Template Library

Access our entire library of templates for your open roles.

Access Now

Table of Contents

  • What Does a Project Manager Do?
  • Project Manager Skills and Responsibilities
  • Project Manager Salary Information
  • Project Manager Job Description Template
  • Five Project Job Description Examples


What Does a Project Manager Do?

Project managers are responsible for coordinating and executing professional projects. This role generally requires a few years of experience alongside a bachelor’s degree in business, customer success, marketing, English, communications, journalism or technology or the equivalent in professional experience.

Project managers can be found across industries and markets and may be employed for the duration of a project or full-time for ongoing projects. As they advance in their role, project managers may be responsible for onboarding, training and mentoring new hires. The career path of a project manager may lead them into a role as a program director, a senior manager or even the C-suite.

What Is a Project Manager?

A project manager coordinates people and resources to execute and deliver projects within a specified timeline. Their job typically includes communicating both internally and externally, assessing risks and managing a budget.

As an ambassador for your company and team, project managers must maintain the utmost professionalism and transparency throughout the entire project lifecycle to build client relationships and maintain trust.

Project managers typically utilize dedicated technology to stay organized, and while there is an endless supply of project management tools available, there are a few common offerings to be aware of when talking with candidates.

  • Asana
  • Basecamp
  • Citrix
  • Confluence
  • Google Apps
  • Jira
  • Scoro
  • Trello
  • Zoho

Read NextTalent Hunting? To Get the Best, Pay for the Best, No Matter Where They Live.



Project Manager Skills and Responsibilities

As with any role, project managers must possess certain abilities to succeed, and it starts with exceptional communication skills. Because they work with a variety of people both internally and externally, they need to know how to keep everyone informed of deadlines and adjustments. This includes regular check-ins, documenting scope change, sharing updates and tracking progress.

Project managers must also be able to adequately gauge project requirements in order to provide their team with the necessary time and resources. Setting a project’s budget is not easy, so many companies look for experienced candidates to fill project manager positions.

Finally, project managers must be masters of risk assessment. This role is incredibly dynamic, and when issues arise — as they inevitably do with any project — they need the confidence and decisiveness to make adjustments on the fly.

Top Project Manager Skills

  • Effective and efficient communication.
  • Able to work with a variety of people.
  • Can gauge project requirements to budget time and resources.
  • Risk assessment.
  • Decisiveness and confidence in their decision-making.


Project Manager Salary Information

There’s an essential and often debated topic that needs to be covered — including the salary information on your job description. In the end, it comes down to two options. 

  • Option 1: Remain transparent from the get-go and provide salary before you and the candidate invest time and resources into the hiring process.
  • Option 2: Wait several weeks or even months until you’ve narrowed down the ideal candidate and offered them the position only to find out that your salary does not align with their expectations.

In the event that you chose option one — the wise and clear choice — we’ve included the average salary information for project managers in six of the top employment markets nationwide. Feel free to further your research by clicking on the links below.

  • Boston: $95,633
  • Chicago: $95,732
  • Colorado: $93,884
  • Los Angeles: $102,585
  • New York: $97,405
  • Seattle: $104,061

Average salary in the United States for a project manager: $93,245.

Further Reading5 Pay Transparency Myths Debunked


Project Manager Job Description Template

There are a range of responsibilities and requirements common among project managers. Here’s a template we’ve created that you can alter as much as you’d like to reflect your specific role and company. Be sure to include a splash of your unique culture and personality to make it stand out from other project manager job descriptions.


Company Bio

Use this section to provide a high-level overview of your company, culture, perks and benefits, career development opportunities and anything else that will get candidates excited about your company.



  • Define project timeline, draft proposals, establish budgets and maintain project documentation throughout project lifecycle.
  • Coordinate between internal teams and external resources, communicating guidelines and deadlines clearly, effectively and consistently.
  • Assess risk throughout project lifecycle and anticipate internal, external and client needs and readily implement issue resolution with project stakeholders.
  • Coordinate among internal teams to delegate and prioritize tasks and conduct status updates and check-ins with individual team members to ensure completion of tasks.
  • Provide regular project status check-ins, progress tracking and updates on deliverables with internal teams, external resources, clients and stakeholders.
  • Manage client relationship throughout project lifecycle and uphold high standards for individual contributors, holding everyone accountable for their deadlines.
  • Partner with internal teams, including Sales, Marketing, Engineering, Customer Success and Consulting teams.
  • Support new team members with onboarding, mentoring, planning, budgeting, implementation and consistency with messaging, tone and overall quality control.



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Marketing, Technology, English, Communications or Journalism or the equivalent in experience.
  • X years of project management experience in the [insert industry].
  • Experience managing scheduling platform, like [insert platform].
  • Strong written, verbal, presentation and overall communication skills.
  • Excellent multitasker able to work both independently and on a team.
  • Prior experience managing a team.
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) or Certified ScrumMaster®(CSM®) certified a plus.

Read More7 Tips for Building an Inclusive Team


Five Project Manager Job Description Examples

Now we’re going to dive a bit deeper with a few real examples of project manager job descriptions that we’ve sourced from our online communities.

You’ll notice that we’ve redacted some information to maintain the privacy of the companies that originally posted them.


1. Project Manager With Software Experience

Are you an experienced Project Manager ready to make a real impact at a fast-moving organization? The role of the Project Manager is to coordinate and execute all aspects of all concurrent projects, from the concept stage to its successful completion. This includes generating project documentation, creating/tracking tasks and workflows, managing priorities and requests, managing risks and impact, providing project support/direction and maintaining a master schedule of all projects and activities.

The Project Manager will also be required to create and maintain clear channels of communication with both internal and external stakeholders. The goal of the Project Manager is to ensure that the project is delivered on time and within budget while maintaining a high level of quality.

What You’ll Do:

  • Partner, support and collaborate with management in designing, implementing, evaluating and managing assigned projects.
  • Proactively supervise and implement project plan to ensure project is on-schedule and on-budget.
  • Coordinate internal and external resources to meet project requirements, as defined by the project scope.
  • Define and mitigate overall project risk through conflict and issue resolution with the project team and stakeholders.
  • Keep stakeholders informed of project status and deliverables, as well as risk and mitigation strategies.
  • Be accountable for project results of staying on-budget, on-schedule, and meet or exceed expectations.
  • Convert requirements into tasks and determine task priorities for individual team members and the project as a whole.
  • Ability to create and edit project documents, materials, and presentations.

Who You Are:

  • BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience
  • 3 – 5+ years of progressively responsible experience in [redacted] or project management
  • Experience managing Kanban, Scrum, and other project types
  • Experience working with Atlassian’s JIRA, Confluence, and Google Apps
  • Ideal candidate is enthusiastic, willing to identify disorganization and bring the right partners together to drive clarity of purpose
  • Experience working in business systems such as Salesforce and NetSuite is a plus. [redacted] experience a plus
  • You enjoy providing mentorship, learning, and being collaborative in cross-functional teams. You seek perpetual growth


2. Client Relationship Project Manager

[redacted] is seeking an experienced Project Manager familiar with [redacted] to join our growing [redacted] team as a Project Manager in one of our corporate offices. The Project Manager (YOU!) takes the lead in ensuring project success from the point the project starts through to completion.

The Project Manager proactively and professionally manages the client relationship and helps guide the client through their [redacted] projects with the [redacted] team. This is an excellent opportunity for the right candidate to join an exceptional group of professionals dedicated to exceeding customer expectations in the management of complex projects and delivery of effective sales and use tax compliance projects.

Job Duties:

  • Responsible for the overall planning, direction, coordination, execution, control and completion of assigned projects.
  • Assist in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring that clients’ expectations are in-line with project service scope.
  • Develop and deliver to customers a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress.
  • Actively monitor client projects and solve problems to keep projects moving forward. Report and escalate issues as needed.
  • Leverage strong analytical expertise to fulfill jurisdictional requirements.
  • Successfully manage the relationship with the client, [redacted] team, internal and external [redacted] partners, and all stakeholders.
  • Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation.
  • Work strategically and independently with internal and external groups on multiple simultaneous projects.
  • Assist internal team members with developing and enhancing process procedures.
  • Support the sales and account management teams in selling [redacted].
  • Perform other tasks as assigned.

Qualifications (absolute must haves walking in the door):

  • Strong ability to understand and conceptualize [redacted].
  • Experience working with clients at all organizational levels with a high degree of professionalism and business acumen.
  • Strong ability to articulate process logic and technical concepts including building and delivery of technical presentations.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills are required with a demonstrated ability to work with cross-functional teams.
  • Teamwork-oriented with a strong focus on customer satisfaction and business development.
  • Ability to think strategically, solve problems effectively and tenaciously follow-through to ensure client success.
  • Results-oriented with strong people and time management skills, highly organized, motivated and driven to succeed.


3. Digital Marketing Project Manager

[redacted] is seeking an experienced Project Manager to manage the fulfillment and delivery of holistic digital marketing solutions for [redacted]. This individual should be comfortable managing multiple projects in parallel and ensuring product scope aligns with client objectives. An ideal candidate will be familiar with the various components of [redacted] and understand how each component contributes to [redacted].


  • Work with a wide range of clients/industries to manage campaigns with project components across multiple teams (Sales, Solution Architects, Digital Marketing Services)
  • Collaborate with sales, marketing and strategy teams to define deliverables and effectively manage client expectations
  • Guide appropriate team members through onboarding, planning, implementation, quality control and launch phases for each client/project; working with stakeholders to define functional and technical requirements
  • Manage client calendars, project budgets, product scope and various work assignments
  • Deliver regular status reports to management and clients
  • Effectively communicate and manage expectations of internal and external stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle; overseeing all client communication as it applies to the project
  • Manage [redacted] Social Media programs
  • Fosters a positive working relationship with advertisers, agencies, sales and operations teams
  • Develop expertise in CRM, Adit, AX, SharePoint, SAVO, Basecamp and other software or other tools [redacted]


  • BA/BS with a focus in business, marketing, or technology; MBA preferred
  • 5+ years of project management experience with a minimum of 1 year managing [redacted]
  • PMP and/or CSM certification preferred
  • Understanding of native business and content space
  • Experience managing medium to large projects [redacted]
  • Knowledge of paid social media; experience running paid campaigns is preferred
  • Candidate must be highly motivated, proactive, organized and have the ability to manage concurrent projects and interface with external clients in a fast-paced environment with a high level of accuracy
  • Candidate must possess excellent leadership, organization, communication and time management skills



Technical Project Manager

Our ideal candidate is a [redacted] with a sense of humor, who can quickly learn new technology and ensure smooth implementation of customizable frameworks. If you’re a hyper organized go-getter with an uncanny ability to ‘talk tech’ with non-technical folks, we’re looking for you!


  • Work closely with our Engineering team to launch projects on time while exceeding client expectations
  • Clearly communicate complex technical concepts with non-technical client contacts
  • Stay one step ahead by anticipating clients’ needs, as well as the needs of internal teams
  • Manage a multitude of projects at once, ensuring that all details are gathered and clearly communicated
  • Review PSD files and ensure details and specs are in place for handoff to internal developers
  • QA initial development builds and effectively communicate required changes to engineering team
  • Manage timeline for development and communicate any changes proactively to clients to ensure successful project launches

About You:

  • You have 2+ years Technical Project Management or related experience
  • You have a high-level understanding of how the web works (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. )
  • You’re a master at meeting deadlines and thrive when handling multiple projects at once
  • You’re upbeat, friendly, and superb at managing clients, particularly in high pressure situations
  • You’re incredibly organized, detail-oriented, process driven, and resilient
  • You’re self-motivated, enthusiastic, and independent with exceptional problem solving skills
  • You’re scrappy, think on your feet, get tech, and communicate effectively


5. Strategic and creative Project Manager

[redacted] team is looking for a [redacted] PM to join us as we expand our role from proposal writers to content creators and Project Managers. You will be responsible for evaluating inbound RFPs to determine whether to bid, helping ensure we are focused on providing exceptional partnership for strategic opportunities. The [redacted] PM will create draft proposals and provide project oversight including establishing timelines, coordinating and delegating assignments, and conducting status updates/check-ins with the response team.

The [redacted] PM is also responsible for contributing to the maintenance and expansion of [redacted], identifying areas for growth and creating new [redacted].

This position offers the opportunity to work in an exciting and dynamic environment, collaborate with a variety of departments, and combine technical knowledge developed on the job with creativity to produce professional materials for internal and external customers.


  • Perform intake and evaluation of submitted RFPs and Information Security questionnaires; work with cross-functional response teams to make go/no-go bid determination
  • Provide end-to-end project management for the response process; maintain clear and effective communication with stakeholders to clarify expectations, communicate roles and responsibilities, and ensure timely delivery of response
  • Generate draft proposals in response to customer requirements; work closely with cross-functional subject matter experts to complete all required proposal sections; edit to ensure grammatical and technical accuracy, as well as to ensure consistency of messaging, tone, voice, and brand throughout the proposal
  • Create Statements of Work and accompanying quotes for sales of [redacted]
  • Contribute to evolution of proposal strategy, including competitive analysis and win theme development
  • Develop and maintain a broad understanding of [redacted] complete portfolio of products and services

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience and 2 years of professional experience required; degree in English, Communications, Journalism, Marketing, or related field preferred
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong organizational, time management, and project management skills
  • Ability to partner well with stakeholders across multiple internal functions, primarily Sales, Sales Engineering, and Consulting teams
  • Strong knowledge of MS Office required; experience with Salesforce is preferred
  • Ability to work well under pressure and manage multiple concurrent projects and deadlines
  • Eagerness and ability to learn


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Project manager job description | pm-notes.


  • Published

  • Ilya Semenov
  • V
    Project Management, Project Management Phase Model

This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with the Project Manager and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.


  1. A person with a higher professional education and at least 3 years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of Project Manager.
  2. Appointment to the position of Project Manager and dismissal from it is made by order of the General Director.
  3. The project manager must know:
    • Personnel management methods,
    • Project management methods,
    • Psychology of client relationships,
    • Guidance and normative materials regulating the methods of developing algorithms and programs and the use of computers in information processing.
    • Basic principles of structured programming.
    • Types of software.
    • Technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of the computer, rules for its technical operation.
    • Technology of automatic information processing and information coding.
    • Formalized programming languages ​​
    • Current standards, number systems, ciphers and codes.
    • Procedure for registration of technical documentation.
    • Advanced domestic and foreign experience in programming and using computer technology.
    • Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.
    • Fundamentals of labor legislation.
    • Internal labor regulations.
    • Rules and norms of labor protection.
  4. The project manager must be able to:
    • Plan project activities.
    • Select a suitable project team.
    • Correctly allocate employees to the project.
    • Formulate goals and objectives of the project.
    • Moderate meetings.
    • Manage conflicts.
    • Delegate tasks and powers to employees.
    • Monitor all delegated jobs.
    • Calculate project costs.
    • Look for ways to solve problems.
    • Analyze the project environment.
    • Do a SWOT analysis.
    • Conduct risk analysis.
    • Build a project structure plan.
    • Generate project charter.
    • Manage project milestones.
    • Develop a work schedule.
    • Negotiate with internal and external stakeholders and the highest governing bodies.
    • Set SMART goals and objectives.
    • Manage personnel.
    • Manage information.
    • Manage the quality of the product being developed.
    • Manage costs, project deadlines.
    • Manage a project using agile methodologies.
    • Perform project controlling.
    • Plan work.
    • Develop project documents, reports.
    • Use tools for planning, documentation, controlling, risk management, quality, development.
  5. The Project Manager reports directly to the General Director.
  6. During the absence of the Project Manager (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a duly appointed person. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the high-quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.


Project Manager:

  1. Supervises software engineers, test engineers: assigns tasks to teams, controls the completion of tasks on time, organizes meetings.
  2. Carries out, together with the team, the choice of a programming language for describing algorithms and data structures.
  3. Develops and coordinates with the project manager, project supervisors the concepts, goals and main stages of projects.
  4. Implements operational and strategic planning for the implementation of a software development project.
  5. Determines the possibility of using off-the-shelf software products.
  6. Maintains project documentation.
  7. Participates in the management of project cash expenditures in accordance with cash flow budgets.
  8. Organizes the implementation of projects in accordance with the work plan.
  9. Prepares and conducts project presentations.
  10. Prepares and makes changes to projects.
  11. Completes projects within the agreed time frame, within the allocated budget, and to the required level of quality.
  12. Coordinates the work of project team members.
  13. Monitors the quality of project work.
  14. Adjusts the schedule and budget of projects and coordinates changes with project sponsors.
  15. Initiates meetings and scheduling as projects progress.
  16. Forms and approves interim and final project reports with the project manager and submits interim and final reports to project curators.


The project manager has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company’s management regarding its activities.
  2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
  3. Within the limits of his competence, inform his immediate supervisor of all shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of official duties and make proposals for their elimination.
  4. Request personally or on behalf of his/her immediate supervisor from specialists of departments information and documents necessary for the performance of his/her official duties.
  5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of their heads).
  6. Require from his immediate supervisor, the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of his duties and rights.


Project manager responsible:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description – to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities – within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage – within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


  1. The working hours of the Project Manager are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
  2. Due to operational needs, the Project Manager may be sent on business trips (including local ones).

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Job responsibilities of the project manager and his functions

The main task of the project manager is to put into practice the task assigned to him by the customer. In order to avoid misunderstandings or disagreements, all the duties provided for the project manager are clearly spelled out in the job description, which is approved by the head of the organization or enterprise. The project manager confirms agreement with the specified conditions by putting his personal signature.

Project manager – manager or specialist?

In different sources, you can find different approaches to understanding the English term “project manager”. Some identify it with the concept of a leader, others separate the concepts of leader and manager. Consequently, confusion arises as to how the main functions of a project manager and a project manager relate to each other.

Sometimes there is a division of these positions along the line “leading position – specialist” and, accordingly, their different status.

Sometimes it is recognized that both of these positions are managerial, but the manager’s functions are more specific, while the leader of an undertaking is more required to have leadership qualities, the ability to inspire the team to achieve results and correctly set guidelines and priorities. However, the line is quite thin here.

Based on the established practice, we can most likely say that when implementing one specific initiative, the project manager is both a manager and an executor in one person. If we are talking about an extensive system or a portfolio of projects, then it is possible that the general management is carried out by the senior project manager, and specially selected line managers work in the areas. In addition, some large project-oriented companies have a full-time new initiative manager position for managers who lead individual initiatives.

The project manager, in the international sense of the term, is responsible directly to the management of the organization or company for the result of his activities. To complete the task, he is endowed with broad powers, which are sufficient for independent adoption of operational management decisions in the face of risks and restrictions inherent in all projects. He is a center of competence, to which all the threads from direct performers converge, and does not coordinate every step with top management, so you cannot simply call him a specialist.

In any case, the functional responsibilities of the project manager are included in the job description with the most specific wording that does not allow for other interpretations. A clearly defined range of tasks makes it possible to quickly monitor the progress of their implementation and draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the entire team.

Main duties of a project manager

Let’s take a look at how roughly the job responsibilities of a project manager can be written in a manual, without focusing on the direction of the idea being implemented or the industry in which it is being implemented.

All functions charged to the project manager can be divided into several areas:

  • Strategic vision of goals, objectives and ways to achieve them.
  • Effective interaction between the organization’s management and performers.
  • Elaboration of a system of general management of all interrelated processes.
  • Development of a detailed plan for the implementation of the initiative.
  • Organizational efforts to complete planned tasks on time.
  • Control over the progress of the project, its comprehensive analysis and measures to minimize risks.
  • Activities related to closing the initiative due to its end.

In general, if you take the model instruction as a basis, then the project manager performs such duties.

  1. Together with the curator, defining the concept, charter, tasks, goals, stages and final result of the initiative, preparing and conducting its presentation to customers.
  2. Drawing up a plan for the preparation and implementation of a new undertaking, highlighting control points from the general list of processes:
    • determination of the list and internal content of the work required for the performance, establishment of interrelations between them;
    • estimate the duration of each process separately and the entire initiative as a whole, drawing up a critical path.
  3. Determination of the total quantity and cost of all resources required for the implementation of the project, their allocation in the most efficient way.
  4. Estimating the total cost of an undertaking, preparing its budget and expected cash flows (revenues and expenses), participating in cost management.
  5. Selection of participants and formation of the team:
    • determination of professional knowledge and skills necessary for the members of this team;
    • making a proposal to the company’s management about specific specialists who should be included in the team, negotiating with them and their immediate superiors;
    • bringing employees up to date and training them if necessary;
    • determination of the most optimal and modern methodology for achieving goals, drawing up a chain of relationships between team members, delegating authority to them and setting tasks;
    • making proposals to the management of the company regarding the motivation of employees.
  6. Organization of the work of all involved members of the team, holding workshops, settling conflict situations, prompt resolution of emerging problems.
  7. Participation in the preparation of a business plan and a calendar plan (schedule) for the implementation of an undertaking, coordination of basic documents with the customer.
  8. Control over the progress of drawing up the documentation necessary for the work:
    • operational collection, accumulation, systematization, storage, use of information related to the implementation of the initiative;
    • timely (in due time) transfer to the project participants of the information they need.
  9. Continuous monitoring and control of ongoing activities and processes, making adjustments to them if necessary:
    • control over compliance with the deadlines for the preparation and implementation of individual processes;
    • analysis of the implementation of the approved budget and introduction of amendments to it;
    • analysis of compliance with the schedule, clarification of the reasons for the deviation, its adjustment in agreement with the participants involved in the process;
    • analysis of the impact of possible deviations in the course of performing individual work on the expected result as a whole.
  10. Negotiating in the interests of the customer, defending his interests in relations with partners.
  11. Identification of risks threatening the project, organization of measures to eliminate them or minimize the impact.
  12. Preparation of current and final reports (together with the curator) for the management of the organization and the customer.

If necessary, the employer can detail the duties stipulated by the job description, depending on the specifics of the industry in which the initiative is supposed to be implemented. In particular, here you can list the forms, documents and reports that the project manager is obliged to prepare, set the deadlines for their submission, prescribe specific features of the activity (for example, participation in the commissioning of a construction site).

In information technology companies, the role of a project manager does not end with managing a team. In addition to planning, control and communication, the work of a manager is influenced by his personal characteristics.

Basic skills

The first category of specialization ̶ basic skills. This is an essential tool for any project manager:

  1. Ability for social organization. The basis of the manager’s work is people management. To successfully complete tasks, a manager, in addition to experience, must have leadership qualities in order to rally strangers into a single system.
  2. Versatility, extensive knowledge. Experience in managing time frames, personnel, supplies required. Control over existing contracts, contracts, financing and cost.
  3. Versatility. Rapid transition from, for example, the oil industry to the food industry.

The ability to manage the team’s time and solve problems quickly plays a key role in the work of a leader. When difficulties arise, the ability to instantly change tactics.

Job descriptions for project manager: Project Manager Job Description – Purdue University

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 9:24 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Project Manager job description and duties

A Project Manager is responsible for planning, overseeing and leading projects from ideation through to completion. This is a senior role at an organisation and requires interaction with a range of internal and external stakeholders, most often managing several moving project parts simultaneously.

An ideal Project Manager job description should capture the nuances and variation of this senior role, seeking multi-skilled and highly capable candidates.

What are the duties of a Project Manager?

As a role that focuses on completing a project as efficiently and promptly as possible, expect to see any of the following duties and responsibilities in a Project Manager job description:

  • Leading project planning sessions
  • Coordinating staff and internal resources
  • Managing project progress and adapt work as required
  • Ensuring projects meet deadlines
  • Managing relationships with clients and stakeholders
  • Designing and signing off on contracts
  • Overseeing all incoming and outgoing project documentation
  • Participating in tender process i. e. design, submission and review
  • Designing risk mitigation plan
  • Conducting project review and creating detailed reports for executive staff
  • Optimising and improving processes and the overall approach where necessary
  • Securing growth opportunities and initiating new projects
  • Managing large and diverse teams

What qualifications should a Project Manager have?

A great Project Manager usually has five or more years’ experience, and one or several formal qualifications. A Project Manager job description could include degrees in any of the following fields:

  • Engineering
  • IT or Computer Science
  • Business or Business Administration
  • Management

Additionally, Project Managers should possess high levels of the below skills to perform well in the role:

  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Capacity to manage high stress situations
  • Ability to multi-task and manage various project elements simultaneously
  • Leadership skills
  • Big-picture thinking and vision
  • Attention to detail
  • Conflict resolution skills

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Project Manager Job Description: Examples & Template

Project managers can be considered the parents of professional projects. They coordinate with internal and external teams to ensure deliverables are transported on time and under budget. They’re flexible but hold high expectations and aren’t afraid to put their foot down if someone is slacking or falling behind on their assignments.

Project managers are exceptional communicators and multitaskers, constantly assessing risks, establishing budgets and meeting deadlines — all while maintaining the utmost professionalism no matter the inevitable and unexpected hurdles that arise throughout the project lifecycle.

If you’re looking for a parent for your next project — and you wouldn’t be reading this article if you weren’t — let’s cover the basics of what makes for an exceptional project manager job description.


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Table of Contents

  • What Does a Project Manager Do?
  • Project Manager Skills and Responsibilities
  • Project Manager Salary Information
  • Project Manager Job Description Template
  • Five Project Job Description Examples


What Does a Project Manager Do?

Project managers are responsible for coordinating and executing professional projects. This role generally requires a few years of experience alongside a bachelor’s degree in business, customer success, marketing, English, communications, journalism or technology or the equivalent in professional experience.

Project managers can be found across industries and markets and may be employed for the duration of a project or full-time for ongoing projects. As they advance in their role, project managers may be responsible for onboarding, training and mentoring new hires. The career path of a project manager may lead them into a role as a program director, a senior manager or even the C-suite.

What Is a Project Manager?

A project manager coordinates people and resources to execute and deliver projects within a specified timeline. Their job typically includes communicating both internally and externally, assessing risks and managing a budget.

As an ambassador for your company and team, project managers must maintain the utmost professionalism and transparency throughout the entire project lifecycle to build client relationships and maintain trust.

Project managers typically utilize dedicated technology to stay organized, and while there is an endless supply of project management tools available, there are a few common offerings to be aware of when talking with candidates.

  • Asana
  • Basecamp
  • Citrix
  • Confluence
  • Google Apps
  • Jira
  • Scoro
  • Trello
  • Zoho

Read NextTalent Hunting? To Get the Best, Pay for the Best, No Matter Where They Live.



Project Manager Skills and Responsibilities

As with any role, project managers must possess certain abilities to succeed, and it starts with exceptional communication skills. Because they work with a variety of people both internally and externally, they need to know how to keep everyone informed of deadlines and adjustments. This includes regular check-ins, documenting scope change, sharing updates and tracking progress.

Project managers must also be able to adequately gauge project requirements in order to provide their team with the necessary time and resources. Setting a project’s budget is not easy, so many companies look for experienced candidates to fill project manager positions.

Finally, project managers must be masters of risk assessment. This role is incredibly dynamic, and when issues arise — as they inevitably do with any project — they need the confidence and decisiveness to make adjustments on the fly.

Top Project Manager Skills

  • Effective and efficient communication.
  • Able to work with a variety of people.
  • Can gauge project requirements to budget time and resources.
  • Risk assessment.
  • Decisiveness and confidence in their decision-making.


Project Manager Salary Information

There’s an essential and often debated topic that needs to be covered — including the salary information on your job description. In the end, it comes down to two options. 

  • Option 1: Remain transparent from the get-go and provide salary before you and the candidate invest time and resources into the hiring process.
  • Option 2: Wait several weeks or even months until you’ve narrowed down the ideal candidate and offered them the position only to find out that your salary does not align with their expectations.

In the event that you chose option one — the wise and clear choice — we’ve included the average salary information for project managers in six of the top employment markets nationwide. Feel free to further your research by clicking on the links below.

  • Boston: $95,633
  • Chicago: $95,732
  • Colorado: $93,884
  • Los Angeles: $102,585
  • New York: $97,405
  • Seattle: $104,061

Average salary in the United States for a project manager: $93,245.

Further Reading5 Pay Transparency Myths Debunked


Project Manager Job Description Template

There are a range of responsibilities and requirements common among project managers. Here’s a template we’ve created that you can alter as much as you’d like to reflect your specific role and company. Be sure to include a splash of your unique culture and personality to make it stand out from other project manager job descriptions.


Company Bio

Use this section to provide a high-level overview of your company, culture, perks and benefits, career development opportunities and anything else that will get candidates excited about your company.



  • Define project timeline, draft proposals, establish budgets and maintain project documentation throughout project lifecycle.
  • Coordinate between internal teams and external resources, communicating guidelines and deadlines clearly, effectively and consistently.
  • Assess risk throughout project lifecycle and anticipate internal, external and client needs and readily implement issue resolution with project stakeholders.
  • Coordinate among internal teams to delegate and prioritize tasks and conduct status updates and check-ins with individual team members to ensure completion of tasks.
  • Provide regular project status check-ins, progress tracking and updates on deliverables with internal teams, external resources, clients and stakeholders.
  • Manage client relationship throughout project lifecycle and uphold high standards for individual contributors, holding everyone accountable for their deadlines.
  • Partner with internal teams, including Sales, Marketing, Engineering, Customer Success and Consulting teams.
  • Support new team members with onboarding, mentoring, planning, budgeting, implementation and consistency with messaging, tone and overall quality control.



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Marketing, Technology, English, Communications or Journalism or the equivalent in experience.
  • X years of project management experience in the [insert industry].
  • Experience managing scheduling platform, like [insert platform].
  • Strong written, verbal, presentation and overall communication skills.
  • Excellent multitasker able to work both independently and on a team.
  • Prior experience managing a team.
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) or Certified ScrumMaster®(CSM®) certified a plus.

Read More7 Tips for Building an Inclusive Team


Five Project Manager Job Description Examples

Now we’re going to dive a bit deeper with a few real examples of project manager job descriptions that we’ve sourced from our online communities.

You’ll notice that we’ve redacted some information to maintain the privacy of the companies that originally posted them.


1. Project Manager With Software Experience

Are you an experienced Project Manager ready to make a real impact at a fast-moving organization? The role of the Project Manager is to coordinate and execute all aspects of all concurrent projects, from the concept stage to its successful completion. This includes generating project documentation, creating/tracking tasks and workflows, managing priorities and requests, managing risks and impact, providing project support/direction and maintaining a master schedule of all projects and activities.

The Project Manager will also be required to create and maintain clear channels of communication with both internal and external stakeholders. The goal of the Project Manager is to ensure that the project is delivered on time and within budget while maintaining a high level of quality.

What You’ll Do:

  • Partner, support and collaborate with management in designing, implementing, evaluating and managing assigned projects.
  • Proactively supervise and implement project plan to ensure project is on-schedule and on-budget.
  • Coordinate internal and external resources to meet project requirements, as defined by the project scope.
  • Define and mitigate overall project risk through conflict and issue resolution with the project team and stakeholders.
  • Keep stakeholders informed of project status and deliverables, as well as risk and mitigation strategies.
  • Be accountable for project results of staying on-budget, on-schedule, and meet or exceed expectations.
  • Convert requirements into tasks and determine task priorities for individual team members and the project as a whole.
  • Ability to create and edit project documents, materials, and presentations.

Who You Are:

  • BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience
  • 3 – 5+ years of progressively responsible experience in [redacted] or project management
  • Experience managing Kanban, Scrum, and other project types
  • Experience working with Atlassian’s JIRA, Confluence, and Google Apps
  • Ideal candidate is enthusiastic, willing to identify disorganization and bring the right partners together to drive clarity of purpose
  • Experience working in business systems such as Salesforce and NetSuite is a plus. [redacted] experience a plus
  • You enjoy providing mentorship, learning, and being collaborative in cross-functional teams. You seek perpetual growth


2. Client Relationship Project Manager

[redacted] is seeking an experienced Project Manager familiar with [redacted] to join our growing [redacted] team as a Project Manager in one of our corporate offices. The Project Manager (YOU!) takes the lead in ensuring project success from the point the project starts through to completion.

The Project Manager proactively and professionally manages the client relationship and helps guide the client through their [redacted] projects with the [redacted] team. This is an excellent opportunity for the right candidate to join an exceptional group of professionals dedicated to exceeding customer expectations in the management of complex projects and delivery of effective sales and use tax compliance projects.

Job Duties:

  • Responsible for the overall planning, direction, coordination, execution, control and completion of assigned projects.
  • Assist in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring that clients’ expectations are in-line with project service scope.
  • Develop and deliver to customers a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress.
  • Actively monitor client projects and solve problems to keep projects moving forward. Report and escalate issues as needed.
  • Leverage strong analytical expertise to fulfill jurisdictional requirements.
  • Successfully manage the relationship with the client, [redacted] team, internal and external [redacted] partners, and all stakeholders.
  • Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation.
  • Work strategically and independently with internal and external groups on multiple simultaneous projects.
  • Assist internal team members with developing and enhancing process procedures.
  • Support the sales and account management teams in selling [redacted].
  • Perform other tasks as assigned.

Qualifications (absolute must haves walking in the door):

  • Strong ability to understand and conceptualize [redacted].
  • Experience working with clients at all organizational levels with a high degree of professionalism and business acumen.
  • Strong ability to articulate process logic and technical concepts including building and delivery of technical presentations.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills are required with a demonstrated ability to work with cross-functional teams.
  • Teamwork-oriented with a strong focus on customer satisfaction and business development.
  • Ability to think strategically, solve problems effectively and tenaciously follow-through to ensure client success.
  • Results-oriented with strong people and time management skills, highly organized, motivated and driven to succeed.


3. Digital Marketing Project Manager

[redacted] is seeking an experienced Project Manager to manage the fulfillment and delivery of holistic digital marketing solutions for [redacted]. This individual should be comfortable managing multiple projects in parallel and ensuring product scope aligns with client objectives. An ideal candidate will be familiar with the various components of [redacted] and understand how each component contributes to [redacted].


  • Work with a wide range of clients/industries to manage campaigns with project components across multiple teams (Sales, Solution Architects, Digital Marketing Services)
  • Collaborate with sales, marketing and strategy teams to define deliverables and effectively manage client expectations
  • Guide appropriate team members through onboarding, planning, implementation, quality control and launch phases for each client/project; working with stakeholders to define functional and technical requirements
  • Manage client calendars, project budgets, product scope and various work assignments
  • Deliver regular status reports to management and clients
  • Effectively communicate and manage expectations of internal and external stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle; overseeing all client communication as it applies to the project
  • Manage [redacted] Social Media programs
  • Fosters a positive working relationship with advertisers, agencies, sales and operations teams
  • Develop expertise in CRM, Adit, AX, SharePoint, SAVO, Basecamp and other software or other tools [redacted]


  • BA/BS with a focus in business, marketing, or technology; MBA preferred
  • 5+ years of project management experience with a minimum of 1 year managing [redacted]
  • PMP and/or CSM certification preferred
  • Understanding of native business and content space
  • Experience managing medium to large projects [redacted]
  • Knowledge of paid social media; experience running paid campaigns is preferred
  • Candidate must be highly motivated, proactive, organized and have the ability to manage concurrent projects and interface with external clients in a fast-paced environment with a high level of accuracy
  • Candidate must possess excellent leadership, organization, communication and time management skills



Technical Project Manager

Our ideal candidate is a [redacted] with a sense of humor, who can quickly learn new technology and ensure smooth implementation of customizable frameworks. If you’re a hyper organized go-getter with an uncanny ability to ‘talk tech’ with non-technical folks, we’re looking for you!


  • Work closely with our Engineering team to launch projects on time while exceeding client expectations
  • Clearly communicate complex technical concepts with non-technical client contacts
  • Stay one step ahead by anticipating clients’ needs, as well as the needs of internal teams
  • Manage a multitude of projects at once, ensuring that all details are gathered and clearly communicated
  • Review PSD files and ensure details and specs are in place for handoff to internal developers
  • QA initial development builds and effectively communicate required changes to engineering team
  • Manage timeline for development and communicate any changes proactively to clients to ensure successful project launches

About You:

  • You have 2+ years Technical Project Management or related experience
  • You have a high-level understanding of how the web works (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. )
  • You’re a master at meeting deadlines and thrive when handling multiple projects at once
  • You’re upbeat, friendly, and superb at managing clients, particularly in high pressure situations
  • You’re incredibly organized, detail-oriented, process driven, and resilient
  • You’re self-motivated, enthusiastic, and independent with exceptional problem solving skills
  • You’re scrappy, think on your feet, get tech, and communicate effectively


5. Strategic and creative Project Manager

[redacted] team is looking for a [redacted] PM to join us as we expand our role from proposal writers to content creators and Project Managers. You will be responsible for evaluating inbound RFPs to determine whether to bid, helping ensure we are focused on providing exceptional partnership for strategic opportunities. The [redacted] PM will create draft proposals and provide project oversight including establishing timelines, coordinating and delegating assignments, and conducting status updates/check-ins with the response team.

The [redacted] PM is also responsible for contributing to the maintenance and expansion of [redacted], identifying areas for growth and creating new [redacted].

This position offers the opportunity to work in an exciting and dynamic environment, collaborate with a variety of departments, and combine technical knowledge developed on the job with creativity to produce professional materials for internal and external customers.


  • Perform intake and evaluation of submitted RFPs and Information Security questionnaires; work with cross-functional response teams to make go/no-go bid determination
  • Provide end-to-end project management for the response process; maintain clear and effective communication with stakeholders to clarify expectations, communicate roles and responsibilities, and ensure timely delivery of response
  • Generate draft proposals in response to customer requirements; work closely with cross-functional subject matter experts to complete all required proposal sections; edit to ensure grammatical and technical accuracy, as well as to ensure consistency of messaging, tone, voice, and brand throughout the proposal
  • Create Statements of Work and accompanying quotes for sales of [redacted]
  • Contribute to evolution of proposal strategy, including competitive analysis and win theme development
  • Develop and maintain a broad understanding of [redacted] complete portfolio of products and services

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience and 2 years of professional experience required; degree in English, Communications, Journalism, Marketing, or related field preferred
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong organizational, time management, and project management skills
  • Ability to partner well with stakeholders across multiple internal functions, primarily Sales, Sales Engineering, and Consulting teams
  • Strong knowledge of MS Office required; experience with Salesforce is preferred
  • Ability to work well under pressure and manage multiple concurrent projects and deadlines
  • Eagerness and ability to learn


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Project manager job description | pm-notes.


  • Published

  • Ilya Semenov
  • V
    Project Management, Project Management Phase Model

This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with the Project Manager and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.


  1. A person with a higher professional education and at least 3 years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of Project Manager.
  2. Appointment to the position of Project Manager and dismissal from it is made by order of the General Director.
  3. The project manager must know:
    • Personnel management methods,
    • Project management methods,
    • Psychology of client relationships,
    • Guidance and normative materials regulating the methods of developing algorithms and programs and the use of computers in information processing.
    • Basic principles of structured programming.
    • Types of software.
    • Technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of the computer, rules for its technical operation.
    • Technology of automatic information processing and information coding.
    • Formalized programming languages ​​
    • Current standards, number systems, ciphers and codes.
    • Procedure for registration of technical documentation.
    • Advanced domestic and foreign experience in programming and using computer technology.
    • Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.
    • Fundamentals of labor legislation.
    • Internal labor regulations.
    • Rules and norms of labor protection.
  4. The project manager must be able to:
    • Plan project activities.
    • Select a suitable project team.
    • Correctly allocate employees to the project.
    • Formulate goals and objectives of the project.
    • Moderate meetings.
    • Manage conflicts.
    • Delegate tasks and powers to employees.
    • Monitor all delegated jobs.
    • Calculate project costs.
    • Look for ways to solve problems.
    • Analyze the project environment.
    • Do a SWOT analysis.
    • Conduct risk analysis.
    • Build a project structure plan.
    • Generate project charter.
    • Manage project milestones.
    • Develop a work schedule.
    • Negotiate with internal and external stakeholders and the highest governing bodies.
    • Set SMART goals and objectives.
    • Manage personnel.
    • Manage information.
    • Manage the quality of the product being developed.
    • Manage costs, project deadlines.
    • Manage a project using agile methodologies.
    • Perform project controlling.
    • Plan work.
    • Develop project documents, reports.
    • Use tools for planning, documentation, controlling, risk management, quality, development.
  5. The Project Manager reports directly to the General Director.
  6. During the absence of the Project Manager (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a duly appointed person. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the high-quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.


Project Manager:

  1. Supervises software engineers, test engineers: assigns tasks to teams, controls the completion of tasks on time, organizes meetings.
  2. Carries out, together with the team, the choice of a programming language for describing algorithms and data structures.
  3. Develops and coordinates with the project manager, project supervisors the concepts, goals and main stages of projects.
  4. Implements operational and strategic planning for the implementation of a software development project.
  5. Determines the possibility of using off-the-shelf software products.
  6. Maintains project documentation.
  7. Participates in the management of project cash expenditures in accordance with cash flow budgets.
  8. Organizes the implementation of projects in accordance with the work plan.
  9. Prepares and conducts project presentations.
  10. Prepares and makes changes to projects.
  11. Completes projects within the agreed time frame, within the allocated budget, and to the required level of quality.
  12. Coordinates the work of project team members.
  13. Monitors the quality of project work.
  14. Adjusts the schedule and budget of projects and coordinates changes with project sponsors.
  15. Initiates meetings and scheduling as projects progress.
  16. Forms and approves interim and final project reports with the project manager and submits interim and final reports to project curators.


The project manager has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company’s management regarding its activities.
  2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
  3. Within the limits of his competence, inform his immediate supervisor of all shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of official duties and make proposals for their elimination.
  4. Request personally or on behalf of his/her immediate supervisor from specialists of departments information and documents necessary for the performance of his/her official duties.
  5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of their heads).
  6. Require from his immediate supervisor, the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of his duties and rights.


Project manager responsible:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description – to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities – within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage – within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


  1. The working hours of the Project Manager are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
  2. Due to operational needs, the Project Manager may be sent on business trips (including local ones).

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Tags: pm, Job Description, Design Terms

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Job responsibilities of the project manager and his functions

The main task of the project manager is to put into practice the task assigned to him by the customer. In order to avoid misunderstandings or disagreements, all the duties provided for the project manager are clearly spelled out in the job description, which is approved by the head of the organization or enterprise. The project manager confirms agreement with the specified conditions by putting his personal signature.

Project manager – manager or specialist?

In different sources, you can find different approaches to understanding the English term “project manager”. Some identify it with the concept of a leader, others separate the concepts of leader and manager. Consequently, confusion arises as to how the main functions of a project manager and a project manager relate to each other.

Sometimes there is a division of these positions along the line “leading position – specialist” and, accordingly, their different status.

Sometimes it is recognized that both of these positions are managerial, but the manager’s functions are more specific, while the leader of an undertaking is more required to have leadership qualities, the ability to inspire the team to achieve results and correctly set guidelines and priorities. However, the line is quite thin here.

Based on the established practice, we can most likely say that when implementing one specific initiative, the project manager is both a manager and an executor in one person. If we are talking about an extensive system or a portfolio of projects, then it is possible that the general management is carried out by the senior project manager, and specially selected line managers work in the areas. In addition, some large project-oriented companies have a full-time new initiative manager position for managers who lead individual initiatives.

The project manager, in the international sense of the term, is responsible directly to the management of the organization or company for the result of his activities. To complete the task, he is endowed with broad powers, which are sufficient for independent adoption of operational management decisions in the face of risks and restrictions inherent in all projects. He is a center of competence, to which all the threads from direct performers converge, and does not coordinate every step with top management, so you cannot simply call him a specialist.

In any case, the functional responsibilities of the project manager are included in the job description with the most specific wording that does not allow for other interpretations. A clearly defined range of tasks makes it possible to quickly monitor the progress of their implementation and draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the entire team.

Main duties of a project manager

Let’s take a look at how roughly the job responsibilities of a project manager can be written in a manual, without focusing on the direction of the idea being implemented or the industry in which it is being implemented.

All functions charged to the project manager can be divided into several areas:

  • Strategic vision of goals, objectives and ways to achieve them.
  • Effective interaction between the organization’s management and performers.
  • Elaboration of a system of general management of all interrelated processes.
  • Development of a detailed plan for the implementation of the initiative.
  • Organizational efforts to complete planned tasks on time.
  • Control over the progress of the project, its comprehensive analysis and measures to minimize risks.
  • Activities related to closing the initiative due to its end.

In general, if you take the model instruction as a basis, then the project manager performs such duties.

  1. Together with the curator, defining the concept, charter, tasks, goals, stages and final result of the initiative, preparing and conducting its presentation to customers.
  2. Drawing up a plan for the preparation and implementation of a new undertaking, highlighting control points from the general list of processes:
    • determination of the list and internal content of the work required for the performance, establishment of interrelations between them;
    • estimate the duration of each process separately and the entire initiative as a whole, drawing up a critical path.
  3. Determination of the total quantity and cost of all resources required for the implementation of the project, their allocation in the most efficient way.
  4. Estimating the total cost of an undertaking, preparing its budget and expected cash flows (revenues and expenses), participating in cost management.
  5. Selection of participants and formation of the team:
    • determination of professional knowledge and skills necessary for the members of this team;
    • making a proposal to the company’s management about specific specialists who should be included in the team, negotiating with them and their immediate superiors;
    • bringing employees up to date and training them if necessary;
    • determination of the most optimal and modern methodology for achieving goals, drawing up a chain of relationships between team members, delegating authority to them and setting tasks;
    • making proposals to the management of the company regarding the motivation of employees.
  6. Organization of the work of all involved members of the team, holding workshops, settling conflict situations, prompt resolution of emerging problems.
  7. Participation in the preparation of a business plan and a calendar plan (schedule) for the implementation of an undertaking, coordination of basic documents with the customer.
  8. Control over the progress of drawing up the documentation necessary for the work:
    • operational collection, accumulation, systematization, storage, use of information related to the implementation of the initiative;
    • timely (in due time) transfer to the project participants of the information they need.
  9. Continuous monitoring and control of ongoing activities and processes, making adjustments to them if necessary:
    • control over compliance with the deadlines for the preparation and implementation of individual processes;
    • analysis of the implementation of the approved budget and introduction of amendments to it;
    • analysis of compliance with the schedule, clarification of the reasons for the deviation, its adjustment in agreement with the participants involved in the process;
    • analysis of the impact of possible deviations in the course of performing individual work on the expected result as a whole.
  10. Negotiating in the interests of the customer, defending his interests in relations with partners.
  11. Identification of risks threatening the project, organization of measures to eliminate them or minimize the impact.
  12. Preparation of current and final reports (together with the curator) for the management of the organization and the customer.

If necessary, the employer can detail the duties stipulated by the job description, depending on the specifics of the industry in which the initiative is supposed to be implemented. In particular, here you can list the forms, documents and reports that the project manager is obliged to prepare, set the deadlines for their submission, prescribe specific features of the activity (for example, participation in the commissioning of a construction site).

In information technology companies, the role of a project manager does not end with managing a team. In addition to planning, control and communication, the work of a manager is influenced by his personal characteristics.

Basic skills

The first category of specialization ̶ basic skills. This is an essential tool for any project manager:

  1. Ability for social organization. The basis of the manager’s work is people management. To successfully complete tasks, a manager, in addition to experience, must have leadership qualities in order to rally strangers into a single system.
  2. Versatility, extensive knowledge. Experience in managing time frames, personnel, supplies required. Control over existing contracts, contracts, financing and cost.
  3. Versatility. Rapid transition from, for example, the oil industry to the food industry.

The ability to manage the team’s time and solve problems quickly plays a key role in the work of a leader. When difficulties arise, the ability to instantly change tactics.

Daycares in parsippany nj: THE Top 10 Daycares in Parsippany, NJ

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 7:55 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Daycares & Child Care Centers in Parsippany, NJ


We welcome you and your little one to our Parsippany daycares.

KinderCare partners with families in Parsippany, NJ to provide high-quality daycare at an affordable cost. Our approach is designed to inspire a love of learning in your child, creating a safe and supportive environment where they can build Confidence for Life. KinderCare teachers give children the freedom to be themselves, explore, and make friends.

Find one of our child care centers at a location near you!

Whether you are looking for part-time or full-time child care, KinderCare offers an affordable option with plenty of fun and learning. Currently we have 8 daycares & child care centers in or nearby Parsippany which can be found just below.

8 Daycares & Child Care Centers in

  1. 1.

    Whippany KinderCare

    2.7 miles Away:
    45 Whippany Rd,
    6 weeks to 5 years


    (973) 428-3724

  2. 2. Denville KinderCare

    3.4 miles Away:
    162 E Main St,
    6 weeks to 5 years


    (973) 625-4555

  3. 3.

    Roseland Child Development Center

    6.9 miles Away:
    3 – A Adp Blvd,
    6 weeks to 12 years


    (973) 533-4400

  4. 4. Lincoln Park KinderCare

    7.6 miles Away:
    146 Main St,
    Lincoln Park,
    6 weeks to 5 years


    (973) 694-6433

  5. 5.

    Chatham KinderCare

    8.7 miles Away:
    45 Main St,
    6 weeks to 5 years


    (973) 635-0009

  6. 6. KinderCare at Wayne

    12.6 miles Away:
    23 Barbour Pond Dr,
    6 weeks to 6 years


    (973) 628-0222

  7. 7.

    KinderCare Learning Center at Newark

    14.5 miles Away:
    132/142 Cabinet Street,
    6 weeks to 12 years


    (973) 623-0182

  8. 8. KinderCare at Kenilworth

    14.6 miles Away:
    25 Market St,
    6 weeks to 12 years


    (908) 620-1391

Search Centers by Zip Code

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Frequently Asked Questions about Daycare

How many KinderCare daycares are there in Parsippany

There are 8 KinderCare daycare centers within 15 miles of Parsippany.

What types of daycare programs are offered in Parsippany?

We have a wide range of programs available in Parsippany, including full-time and part time daycare for infants and toddlers.

How do I select the right daycare for my child?

When it comes to selecting the best daycare center that will promote your child’s growth and the well-being of your family, the process may appear daunting. We are here to offer guidance and simplify the decision-making process for you. To see our list of the top 6 factors to keep in mind as you look for the perfect daycare center, please click here.

What is accreditation and are Parsippany KinderCare centers accredited?

Accreditation is an official review process performed by a nationally-recognized outside agency. Our centers pursue national accreditation from one of three national child care accreditation agencies:

  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
  • National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs (NAC)
  • National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA)
  • To find out which accreditations the KinderCare daycare centers in Parsippany have, please visit the individual center pages.

What are your health and safety measures at your child care centers?

Other Early Education & Child Care Programs in Parsippany

Infant Daycare in Parsippany, NJ

Toddler Daycare in Parsippany, NJ

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Pre-K in Parsippany, NJ


Other Child Care Locations Near You

Child Care in Lake Hiawatha, NJ
Child Care in Mountain Lakes, NJ
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Child Care in Hanover, NJ

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Canada nurses salary: Registered Nurse (R.N.) in Canada | Wages

Опубликовано: August 4, 2023 в 7:55 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Top Countries for Nurses to Work and Live in 2022

Top Countries for Nurses to Work and Live

Registered nurses (RNs) can work in a wide variety of places. Nursing is an emotionally fulfilling and personally rewarding career, with excellent job prospects, a wide range of areas to specialize in, and strong salaries. Graduates of nursing school enjoy high starting salaries in comparison to their peers in other industries because nurses are in higher demand in Top Countries for Nurses than ever before.

If you are dreaming about where you should work and settle as a nurse then here is the list of  Top Countries for Nurses to Work and Live in no particular order or number that will pay you more and you will have a better future growth as a Nurse.

For nurses in the UK, life is good once you reach higher levels. Nurses in entry-level positions start out earning around the US $30,000 per year, but that can increase to as much as $43,000 per year once they obtain experience. To become a nurse in the UK, you must obtain a degree in pre-registration nursing, register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, and complete an assessment. Click to see how to apply for UK Nurse

The average pay for a Registered Nurse (RN) in Dubai is AED 83,399 per year (US$ 24,000 Approx). Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field. Experience strongly influences income for this job. The skills that increase pay for this job the most are Labor & Delivery, Birthing, and Acute Care. Click to see how to apply for Dubai Nures?

Nursing in Ireland provides plenty of opportunity and variety for your nursing career. Nurses are in high demand because of their ability to complete many primary care services. The average pay for a Registered Nurse (RN) in Dublin, Dublin is €30,540 per year (US$ 34,000 Approx). While Ireland’s health care system is modern and reasonably efficient, there is no doubt that change is needed to improve patient facilities, reduce waiting lists and develop better working conditions for medical staff, especially nurses. Click to see How to Apply for a Nurse in Ireland?

Canada is well-known for its generous universal healthcare system; something that isn’t as well known is the fact that they compensate their nurses extremely well. Canadian nurses have some of the best salaries in the world, ranging between $48.000 and $55.000; they can earn an incredible $65.000 depending on experience and specialization. You will also need to obtain a work visa if you are not a citizen. Click to see how to Apply for Canada Nurse?

In the US, a registered nurse’s salary is well above the average income. An RN will earn around $67,490 per year. The lowest nurse’s income is around $45,000, while the top 10% of nurses pull in over $94,000 per year. Nurses in California received the best salary, particularly those in the San Francisco and San Jose area. The American Nurses Association has more information on how to become a licensed nurse in the US. Click to see how to apply for USA Nurse?

New Zealand is located in the Pacific Ocean, is comprised of two islands and neighbors Australia. It has a high quality of life, and this is reflected in their average salary which floats around $35.000 per year for private-sector employees. Nursing in New Zealand comes with a competitive starting salary of $32.000, with salaries reaching $47.000 with experience. Click to see how to apply for New Zealand Nurse?


The average entry-level nurse in Australia starts out earning just $28 per hour (or $40 Australian dollars). However, as their experience increases, their salary increases along with it. Salaries can be as high as $60,000 per year for nurses with more than ten years of experience working in the best hospitals. To work as a nurse in Australia, you must register with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, meet the registration standards, and complete a skills assessment test. Click to see How to apply for Australia Nurse? 

Belgium is a small country in Western Europe; it is known for its capital of Brussels which is the unofficial capital of the European Union. Although it ranks at the bottom of this list of nurse salaries, health care professionals in the heart of the EU still make a respectable amount of money. Starting salaries range around $27.000 and can reach $50.500. Click to see How to Become a Nurse in Belgium. 

Luxembourg is a tiny country in Western Europe, nestled between Belgium, Germany, and France. Known primarily for being a tax haven, it is also one of the smallest sovereign nations on the continent. Fortunately both its economy and the salary it pays nursing professionals aren’t comparable to its size. Nurse’s salaries in Luxembourg in the first eight years of their career are roughly $60.000 and can get as high as $125.000 with enough experience. Sadly, the tiny size of the country also means getting a job there is extremely difficult. See article on Dominant Guide to become a nurse in Luxemburg as a foreign Nurse.


Recently, knocking their Scandinavian neighbour Sweden out of the top 10 is the beautiful oil-rich land of the Fjords, Norway. It enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world, and nursing is no exception. The average salary for a Registered Nurse in Norway is roughly $50,000 but can rise as high as $100,000 per year for the best-paid nurses with the most experience.

This South American country inhabits most of the continent’s eastern coast and is known for its relatively high quality of life compared to other South American countries. Nursing in Chile can be a very lucrative career with entry-level nurses earning $28.000 and an average salary that reaches $47.000. Registered nurses with experience can make up to $62.000. These figures are even more impressive when you consider the average annual salary in capital Santiago is a mere $10.000 per annum.

Categories News for Nurses

Work-life balance, salary and allowances for nurses

Find information on how the Government of Canada recognizes the importance of work-life balance and offers a competitive leave and benefits package to its employees as well as flexible work schedules.

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  • Working as a nurse for the Government of Canada
  • Leave benefits
  • Other benefits for nurses
  • Flexible work schedules
  • Salary and allowances for nurses
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Working as a nurse for the government of Canada

There are many advantages when you work for the Government of Canada as a nurse in a remote or isolated First Nations community. For example, nurses working in these posts receive a base salary and allowances that add up to a well-paid compensation package. Nurses are also eligible for overtime, callback and standby pay.

Leave benefits

The amounts below assume one works full time in the community. Leave entitlements are pro-rated for employees who work part time.

Vacation leave

One year equals 1,950 hours of service.

  • 0 to 1 year of service: 15 days per year
  • 1 to 16 years of service: 20 days per year
  • 16 to 17 years of service: 22 days per year
  • 17 to 18 years of service: 23 days per year
  • 18 to 27 years of service: 25 days per year
  • 28 years of service or more: 30 days per year

Other types of leave

The Government of Canada recognizes that sometimes we get sick or have family related needs that must be addressed. Various types of leave are available to employees and offer:

  • maternity or parental leave: 93% of your weekly rate of pay
  • sick leave: up to 15 days per year
  • bereavement leave: up to 10 calendar days off when a member of one’s immediate family passes away
  • leave for family related responsibilities: up to 5 days of paid leave per year for full-time employees. This is used when family related responsibilities arise (such as medical appointments or arranging for care of elderly or sick family members)
  • 15 hours of personal leave per year that does not count against vacation or sick leave credits

Other benefits for nurses

As a nurse working in a remote and isolated First Nations community, you may qualify for the following benefits.

Student Loan forgiveness

The student loan forgiveness for family doctors and nurses can amount to as much as $20,000 over 5 years

Health benefits

Government of Canada nurses are members of the Public Service Health Care Plan. This plan includes coverage for dental care, vision care, prescription drugs, sick leave benefits and more.


Government of Canada nurses who work on average at least 12 hours per week contribute to the Public Service Pension Plan. This is one of the most generous pension plans in Canada.

Employee Assistance Program

We all have challenges in our personal and professional lives. The Government of Canada offers access to an Employee Assistance Program, a free and completely confidential service available 24/7/365, with dedicated professionals available to provide crisis and counselling services in addressing matters such as grief or loss, debt management, workplace issues, interpersonal conflict and more.

Salary and allowances for nurses

Apart from allowances and benefits, nurses receive an annual salary, depending on the type of nursing job.

For nurses working in remote and isolated posts:

  • Community health nurses are generally paid a base salary at the NU-CHN-03 level (working level) that ranges from $76,067 to $86,462, depending on experience
  • Nurses in charge are paid a base salary at the NU-CHN-04 level, which ranges from $78,562 to $91,559 (depending on years of recent experience)
  • Nurse practitioners are paid a base salary at the NU-CHN-04 level (as noted above) plus an additional allowance of up to $18,000 per year

You may also qualify for these allowances:

  • expanded professional role allowance: up to $6,000 per year
  • nurse in charge allowance: up to $6,000 per year when performing duties
  • isolated post allowance: monetary allowance to alleviate the cost of living (the more isolated the community, the higher the allowance)
  • education allowance: amount dependent on academic preparation ($3,300 for a bachelor’s degree and $3,850 for a master’s degree)
  • nurse practitioner allowance: up to $18,000 per year for designated nurse practitioner positions
  • recruitment allowance: up to $6,750 for the initial recruitment allowance provided one-month after employment and up to $9,750 provided after twelve months of employment
  • retention allowance: up to $16,500 annually as a retention allowance starting at year 2

Based on the salary ranges and applicable allowances above, here is the approximate salary range for a full-time, permanent nurse with a baccalaureate degree in nursing working in a remote or isolated post:

  • community health nurse (CHN-03): $90,867 to $101,262
  • nurse in charge (CHN-04): $99,362 to $112,359
  • nurse practitioner (CHN-04): $105,362 to $118,359

Amounts exclude overtime, standby or call back pay. All income, including allowances, is taxable.

In addition to salary and applicable allowances, nurses working in remote and isolated First Nations communities are eligible to receive an isolated post allowance, which mitigates the cost of living in a community and varies from place to place and on how often you work in the community. Rates depend on the classification of the isolated post and whether employee status is single or with dependents, ranging from $5,500 to $18,084 for single status and $9,167 to $31,340 with dependents (the more remote or isolated the post, the higher the allowance). For more information on the isolated post allowance, please refer to the Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive (IPGHD).

Disclaimer information

This page provides general details that are subject to change. For the most up–to-date information about employee entitlements, please visit these Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) web pages:

  • Directive on Terms and Conditions of Employment
  • Collective Agreement for the Health Services Group

If the information provided here does not match the TBS website information, TBS is the prevailing authority.

Related links

  • Working as a nurse in a remote or isolated community
  • Living in a remote or isolated community

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Work !!!! nurse in Montreal, Canada – $5000 – ID-432610

Job!!!! Nurse

Medicine – Pharmacy – Healthcare

5000 $

Canada (Montreal)




on layboard from 20.10.2022

Contact: Yevheniy

Phone: Show phone

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Contact: Yevheniy

Phone: Show phone

Clinic Nurse, Montreal

The clinic specializes in Orthopedics, Surgery, Internal Medicine and Gynecology, as well as intensive care.

Nursing work includes:

  • Typical nursing activities such as personal hygiene and food assistance, measurement of physical functions, wound care, documentation, etc.

What is expected of you:

  • nursing degree
  • experience as a nurse from 1 year
  • empathic and grateful behavior, high resilience, flexibility
  • neat and responsible work
  • knowledge of basic English

What the company offers:

  • friendly and informal work environment
  • payment in accordance with the collective agreement
  • 13th monthly salary
  • work bike for personal use

All jobs from “RuWork” ⟶

impressions: 29.4K

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Canada for doctors and nurses: Orderlies

The profession of “orderly” is well known to the entire population of civilized and not very countries. In fact, the orderlies carry out hygienic care for the sick and carry out their transportation. In Russia, any person without any specialized education can become a nurse. Wages below the subsistence level, bestial working conditions and the absence of even a ghostly career prospect attract a certain contingent of people to this profession who do not always even theoretically understand the consequences of their mistakes, for example, when shifting patients incorrectly. In contrast to Russia, in Canada, the “orderly” is a completely respected profession, which requires not only school, but also a special “sanitary” education. Having diplomas of a nurse, a doctor, a candidate, or even a doctor of medical sciences will not allow you to work as an orderly in a Canadian hospital.


French : préposé aux bénéficiaires (PAB) . On the forums you can find the Russian transliteration “PAB”. The official name “préposé aux bénéficiaires” is so strange that even some of the natives do not know it. In everyday communication, orderlies are called either “ aids-infirmier ” or “ aides-soignant “.

Note . Often, orderly is mistranslated into Canadian French as “infirmier” or “soins infirmier”. Still, “infirmier” is a nurse, and “soins infirmier” is a junior nurse, but not a nurse.

English : personal support worker (PSW) . The official name is used only by employers, usually they say either “ orderly “, or “nurse’s assistant”, or “nurse’s aid”.

Functional duties

The same as in Russia: hygienic care, feeding and transportation of patients, processing of instruments in the operating room. A complete list of functional responsibilities is listed in NOC 3413 available at this link:

There is an excellent video on YouTube in which a model-looking girl talks in French about her work as a nurse. The clip shows clean small rooms, functional beds, individually wrapped breakfasts, snow-white gowns of nurses and other achievements of Canadian medicine in the field of comfort for sick people.

Average salary

Medical orderlies’ salaries can be viewed on the official government employment website: According to their data, the minimum salary is 11 CAD/hour, the maximum is 22, and the average is about 18. Real people on the forums said that after completing the nursing course, the salary is about 12 CAD/hour, but can go up to 16, or even up to 18 if you can break into the operating room. In state institutions, the level of salaries is higher than in private ones.

To become a nurse, one must complete a “sanitary course”

Program name:
to people in health facilities)

Duration: 750 hours (6-7 months)

Cost: about 400 CAD per month
Estimated tuition fees are taken from here:

Admission conditions:
– the equivalent of a school diploma,
– spoken French or English
(confirmation by exams is not required)

Professional courses in French:
– Center de formation professionnelle de l’Ouest de l’Île
– École des métiers des Faubourgs de Montréal (Pierre-Dupuy),
– Center de formation professionnelle de l’Ouest-de-Montréal , Pavillon Kirkland
– Le Collège CDI

Professional Courses in English:
– Pearson Adult and Career Center
– West Island Career Center
– CDI college

Nurse’s Day

Unlike doctors and nurses, Quebec does not have an “order of orderlies”. However, a holy place is never empty, and in 2002 a group of activists organized the “Federation of orderlies of public and private institutions” ( Fédération des Préposé(e)s aux Bénéficiaires publics et privés du Québec ). Their official website is available at this link So far, the federation is just a non-profit association (un organisme sans but lucratif), but its leaders are actively lobbying for the creation of an “order of orderlies.” Thanks to the efforts of the federation, in 2008, the professional day of the orderly appeared ( la Journée des préposés aux bénéficiaires du Québec ), which is celebrated on April 28th. So far, this holiday has not received much scope, but officials on this day remember about the orderlies and thank them for the work done.

The federation has its own original logo. The blue background of the logo symbolizes kindness. Two arms connected by an arc form an arch that supports the entire healthcare system. The heart symbolizes care.

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