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Final round of interview: 23 Questions You Can Expect in a Final Interview

Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 1:04 pm


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23 Questions You Can Expect in a Final Interview

A final interview is generally the last interview you will encounter before learning whether a company has decided to make you an offer of employment. At this stage, you’ve likely had several other types of interviews, such as with a hiring manager or about your technical skills. 

When you make it to the final interview, you are usually among the top candidates. Of those remaining, you may be comparably experienced or skilled. Companies tend to use final interviews to ask any remaining questions and determine who among the finalists would be the best fit for the role, the team, and the company. That’s why it’s so important to prepare for a final interview as you would any other interviews you’ve participated in. 

Let’s go over what a final interview typically entails, the questions you can expect, and how you can best prepare.   

What is a final interview? 

A final interview is not a guarantee that you’ll get the offer. Instead, it usually means you’re among the final two to five candidates, and the company has dedicated time to narrowing down their options. 

Each company’s interview process differs. The number and kinds of interviews you participate in will typically depend on the size of the company and the role you’re applying for. For instance, an entry-level candidate may not have as many interviews to complete as a senior-level candidate. 

Who is a final interview with? 

By the final interview, you will likely meet with the hiring manager once again or with a member of a company’s leadership or executive team, such as the vice president or CEO.  

When you have a final interview, a recruiter, coordinator, or company representative should tell you who it’s with and how long it will last. You should feel comfortable asking for details about the focus of your final conversation. Knowing what to expect, as much as possible, can help you prepare more specifically.  

23 final interview questions 

We’ve grouped the questions you may encounter in a final interview into two sections: meeting with someone new and meeting with the hiring manager. Depending on the scenario you’ll face, either section is meant to help you prepare and practice.

Learn more: 11 Interviewing Skills to Benefit Your Career

10 questions when you’re meeting with someone new 

There are times when you will meet with someone new as part of your final interview. Small companies may want you to meet with their CEO, while larger companies may want you to meet with a senior department leader, such as the director of marketing. 

There’s a possibility that you will be asked questions you’ve already answered during your interview process. In that case, vary your answers as much as possible. Teams will likely meet to discuss each candidate before extending an offer. While repeating your answers isn’t necessarily a problem, it can be beneficial to highlight the variety of your experience by sharing different examples, anecdotes, and answers. 

Questions about your process

When meeting with someone new during a final interview, you may be asked situational questions related to the role so your interviewer can learn more about how you would handle different hypothetical events.  

When crafting your answers, it can help to use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result). Share stories that describe a situation, your role, the action you took, and the results you achieved. 

1. What could we do to improve X? 

2. What’s more important: Delivering a project on time and “good enough” or delaying a project until it’s perfect? 

3. Tell me about a time when you worked with a difficult stakeholder. How did you handle them?  

4. What do you think would be the biggest challenge if you got this job?

Questions about your habits

Over time, you will develop work habits to help you effectively handle your responsibilities. An interviewer may ask you about those processes. Share what’s worked for you in the past, and ask your interviewer about how the company approaches things in case there’s an opportunity to align your approach with theirs.  

5. How do you prioritize competing deadlines? 

6. Do you like working collaboratively or independently?

7. How do you stay motivated? 

Questions about your interest

Questions about why you want the job come up often throughout the interview process. Think about what you’ve learned about the role and the company throughout the interview process, along with what impressed you, and add to the reasoning you’ve already provided. 

8. What are you looking for in your next career move?

9. What interested you in working here? 

10. Why did you apply for this role?  

10 questions if you’re meeting with the hiring manager

During the interview process, you will likely meet with the hiring manager. During the final interview, you may speak with them once again as they continue building on the questions they’ve already asked you.  

Questions about you and your work style 

A hiring manager may spend a portion of your final interview asking you behavioral questions to understand more about you and how you work. These questions can pertain to skills such as problem-solving, communication, organization, and the kind of team member you’d potentially be.   

1. How do you stay organized? 

2. How do you respond to feedback? 

3. Was there ever a time when you identified a problem? How did you resolve it? 

4. Tell me about a time you had to collaborate and faced communication challenges with your team? 

Questions about your technical skill set

If you haven’t already had to answer technical interview questions about the tools or software you use often, then a hiring manager may use the final interview to get that information. Discuss what you know and ask about the tools they use and how they train new employees. 

5. What tools do you use to do your job?

6. What tools do you use to stay organized? 

7. How do you go about learning new software? 

Questions about your needs

Every employee requires different things to be successful. A hiring manager may want to know what you need and whether they’re set up to help you get it. Answer honestly to determine whether this company will be a good fit for you and not just the other way around. You can also flip these questions back around and ask the hiring manager to learn more about culture, management style, and more. 

8. How do you like to be managed?

9. How do you prefer to receive feedback? 

10. What type of work environment do you most enjoy? In-person or remote?

3 logistical final interview questions

While not every final interview goes over details like salary and start date (many interview processes begin with these questions during a phone screen), you may find that the person you meet with wants to clarify these points. Do your research in advance to learn about the market rate for your role and experience and when you might be able to start with them if offered the job. Learn more about how to negotiate your salary.

1. What are your salary expectations?

2. Are you currently interviewing with any other companies?  

3. When would you be able to start? 

Tips for preparing for a final interview 

While it might seem unnecessary to prepare for a final interview because you’ve likely already answered many common interview questions, it’s imperative because a job offer is not guaranteed. Much like you would prepare for any other interview, you should conduct research and review your unique career story. 

Use the tips below to help you prepare as specifically as possible: 

Not sure what to ask at the end of an interview? We’ve got you covered with the following tips.

  • 15 Insightful Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager

  • 5 Unique Interview Questions to Ask Employers

  • 30 Career-Focused Questions to Ask in an Interview

  • Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview 

Explore further 

Want to polish your interview skills? Learn more about interviews, such as conducting research on a company and making a positive first impression, with the University of Maryland’s Successful Interview course. Enroll today for free. 

Or, if you’re looking for ways to strengthen your skill set and resume, explore Professional Certificates from industry leaders such as Google, Meta, IBM, Salesforce, and more on Coursera. In six to seven months, you can develop career-ready skills in several high-demand areas. 


Successful Interviewing

The goal of hiring managers is not just to hire people who need a job. It’s to hire people who believe in their organization, its mission and the work …


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Related articles 

  • Zoom Interview Tips: A Guide for Your Online Interview

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  • How to Write an Interview Follow-Up Email

  • How to Follow Up on a Job Application

Written by Coursera • Updated on

This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

Situational Interview Questions: Definition + How to Prepare

Hiring managers use situational interview questions to ask potential employees to describe how they would face a common workplace challenge, such as being paired with a difficult co-worker or dealing with an unhappy customer.

Though some might find them daunting, situational interview questions can offer job seekers a valuable opportunity to showcase their thought processes and problem-solving skills in a job interview. 

In this article, you will learn how situational interview questions differ from other kinds of interview questions, how to answer them, and review five common situational interview questions. By the end of this piece, you could have a clear understanding of how to answer situational questions and make a good impression. 

Situational vs. behavioral interview questions 

Despite sharing many similarities, situational interview questions and behavioral interview questions are not the same. Situational interview questions ask interviewees to explain how they would react to hypothetical questions in the future, while behavioral interview questions ask interviewees to explain how they have dealt with actual situations in their past. 

As a result, situational interview questions will allow you to paint a picture of how you might deal with a hypothetical situation that you’ve never experienced, while a behavioral interview question will require you to reach into your past and present a real-world example. 

Despite these differences, you can answer a situational interview question with the same answer you might give to a behavioral question. For example, if an interviewer asks you how you would deal with a difficult customer, then you might describe how you dealt with one in a prior position. 

The following example highlights the differences between the two types of interview questions:

Situational interview Behavioral interview
Example question “How would you go about communicating unpleasant news to your team?” “Describe a time when you effectively communicated unpleasant news or a difficult idea.
Example answer “While my exact response would depend on the sensitivity of the subject, in most cases I would be as transparent as possible with the team in a group meeting. Before the meeting, I would prepare my remarks and answer any critical questions. I’d set a firm date in the future for us to talk about the topic again. I’ve found that being as honest and clear as possible is what keeps things stable during unstable moments. “In my last position, I had to inform the team that the company was making cutbacks. I got the team together and informed everyone that the company was having to layoff some team members. I knew it would be difficult, so we had created exit packages in advance for everyone. Then, I met with each employee and informed them of their employment status. When it was over, I made sure to keep in contact with those who had been fired and suggested some of them to my contacts elsewhere. The result was that I was able to calm some of the bad feelings as we transitioned to a new team environment. It was challenging, but we recovered and were able to rehire some of the team back later.”

Read: 21 Key Behavioral Interview Questions to Help You Prepare

How to answer situational interview questions

You can’t always predict what situational interview question you will be asked, but you can prepare for whatever is thrown your way by familiarizing yourself with the STAR interview method. 

STAR stands for situation, task, action, and result. The STAR interviewing method allows you to tell a story to your interviewer by focusing your answer on the steps you would take to address a specific situation and achieve a concrete outcome. 

Let’s take a look at each part of the STAR method:  

  • Situation: the unique circumstances in which you find yourself in your job. In the work world, the situation is as much informed by the professional environment as the dynamic of the individuals involved, whether it be co-workers, customers, or management.   

  • Task: the central issue or problem that you need to face in the situation. The task is both your work goal and also the goal you have in the situation. For example, while the work goal might be to complete a project, the situational goal might be to find a way to work well with a difficult coworker. 

  • Result: the projected outcome of your actions on both the situation and the task. The result should be a positive outcome that clearly demonstrates your value to the employer, their team, and their work environment. 

Situational interview questions test your ability to understand the unique stakes that define different hypothetical work situations. By using STAR, you will be able to keep your answers focused and impactful, while confidently showcasing your people and communication skills. 

5 common situational interview questions 

Hiring managers like situational interview questions because they show that you can quickly think on your feet when facing tricky work situations that have no clear-cut solution. Below you will find five common situational interview questions followed by sample answers to guide you as you practice answering them. 

1. How would you deal with an employee you are managing that is producing work that doesn’t meet expectations? 

This question is asking you to consider a common situation in which an employee you are managing isn’t producing work that’s up to standard. Here, you need to flex your interpersonal (“soft”) skills to figure out why the employee is struggling and practice assertive communication to confidently direct them toward a solution that works for all parties. 

When answering this question, emphasize your willingness to get to the root cause of the matter, rather than simply offering a one-size-fits-all approach. While in some cases the employee could just be ill-suited for their job, it is more likely that there is a deeper problem, such as a personal life issue or even an organizational work problem. Use this question as an opportunity to showcase your willingness to really step into a leadership role and offer sound guidance to one of your own employees.  

Example answer

“Problems can show up for many reasons, so my first step would be to simply have an honest conversation with the employee and see what is going on. If they were hired, then they likely are well qualified for the job, so I would talk with them to figure out (1) what’s the issue and (2) what we can do to support them and find a solution. 

If the problem is something at home, such as normal parental stress, then I would help them make a schedule that worked for them. If the problem was the work environment, I would create the structure they need to be productive. 

Happy and supported employees create a productive work environment.”

2. What would you do if a solution you worked on was criticized and rejected by the team?

This question is asking you to reflect on feedback you received in the workplace. While it can sometimes be difficult to deal with criticism, it is also a necessary part of many jobs. As a result, hiring managers ask this question to gain insight into how you would deal with criticism directed at your own work. Would you push back, simply say nothing, or take a more proactive approach that incorporates feedback? 

In most cases, it’s likely best to simply take feedback in stride and accept it when it comes your way. Rather than seeing criticism as a setback, use this answer to emphasize that you would see it as an opportunity to really improve either your idea or your presentation of it. 

Example answer

“While many people find criticism difficult, I actually find it very helpful. The first thing I would do if the team rejected my idea would be to reflect on their feedback and take it on board. That’s the first step to improving anything. In some cases that might mean putting it aside and moving on. In others, though, it might mean changing something about my project or how I present it. Ultimately, whatever I do would be for the benefit of our overall objectives.” 

3. You’re assigned an important project but have to work on it with a difficult team member. What do you do?

This question is asking you to reflect on how you would maneuver a fraught relationship with a coworker when you need to work toward a deliverable goal at work. Interviewers ask this question because they want to get an understanding of how you deal with interpersonal difficulties, especially when simultaneously confronted by an impending deadline. 

When answering this question, highlight the proactive steps you would take to deal with interpersonal conflict in a calm and strategic manner. Rather than emphasizing the failing of your hypothetical coworker, keep your tone positive and focus on the actions you would take to diffuse tension. 

Example answer

“In the event I had to work with a difficult coworker, I would keep my attention on the long-term goal and find a way for us to work together. In some cases, that might mean me setting aside time to hash out our differences through a calm, measured conversation. But, if it really felt like we couldn’t work productively together, then I would determine a way for us to work separately and then combine our work at different stages. I’ve found that being clear with each other and creating space is an effective way to accommodate different personality types while meeting team goals. ” 

4. How would you deal with an upset or angry customer? 

This question is asking you to consider how you would handle one of the most common customer service scenarios: an upset customer dealing with a problem. Interviewers ask this question because they want to know if you have the temperament to be the public face of the company to their core clientele. 

When answering this question, highlight your ability to diffuse tense situations by speaking calmly to others, offering useful guidance, and practicing active listening. In particular, you should emphasize that you always maintain a positive attitude and never descend into frustration. 

Example answer

“I’ve encountered this situation many times in former roles. Usually, I find that the best approach is to speak in a calm and measured manner, while also making sure to really listen to the customer. Sometimes, when others are frustrated, they have difficulty articulating themselves, so I practice active listening to really understand what they need help with. Then, I direct them to the best place to get help, if I can’t give it myself. This ensures that they leave feeling helped and happy – much better than when they came to me!”

5. Imagine you are working on a project and realize that a mistake was made early on that will impact your ability to meet the deadline. What would you do? 

This question is asking you to describe how you go about rectifying mistakes you have made when working on a project. Are you the kind of person who will brush it under the rug or own up to it and find a real way to resolve it? 

When answering this question, you should highlight your ability to self-reflect on a problem and own up to any mistakes that you have made. Rather than just ruminating on mistakes, though, this question encourages you to describe the proactive steps you would take to solve a problem and ensure all the relevant stakeholders have key information, such as whether a deadline has changed or if you can find a way to meet it.  

Example answer

“If I realized I had made a mistake and it impacted an important deadline, then I would immediately tell all those potentially impacted by it. The first step to readjusting is to make sure everyone is on the same page – I don’t want the team to be caught off guard by my mistake. 

The next step I would take is to see if I could change anything to help me meet my deadline. Maybe that means asking for help from a colleague or changing my own personal approach to the project. Ultimately, I’d do whatever was necessary to make sure others weren’t impacted by my own mistakes.“

Get ready for your next interview

The job search can be an exciting, but long, process. Get ready for your next job search or interview by taking an online flexible course through Coursera. Big Interview’s The Art of the Job Interview teaches proven techniques to help you turn your interviews into job offers in just 19 hours of online instruction. 


The Art of the Job Interview

Learn how to prepare for a job interview the right way! This unique collaboration between Big Interview and Coursera will teach proven techniques to help . ..


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Skills you’ll build:

job interviews, Communication, Networking, Resume writing, Nonverbal Communication

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  • Zoom Interview Tips: A Guide For Your Online Interview

  • Resume Keywords: How to Find the Right Words to Beat the ATS

Written by Coursera • Updated on

This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

Final interview with the manager: how to prepare the applicant

Each company has its own characteristics of the interview, and it may include several stages. Among them may be an interview with the manager, if we are talking about a key employee or top position. For many applicants, this stage causes the most difficulties. The task of the recruiter is to make the communication between the manager and the applicant as comfortable as possible for both parties. If your candidate is going to have a conversation with top management, the recommendations below will definitely come in handy!

At different stages and for different positions, final interviews may be provided, on which the future of the applicant in the company depends.

For example, this could be an interview with a department head/line manager, security officer, head of HR, CEO, business owners, etc.

As a rule, candidates who will often or constantly interact with top officials are invited to such meetings – department heads who will report directly to the CEO, employees of priority, key or new areas, personal secretaries and assistants, etc. If the result of hiring is a successful interview with the CEO, it is better to inform the applicant about this immediately.

Preparing a candidate: giving theory and strengthening with practice

Why is the interview with the manager given such special attention? Well, firstly, because it is the leader. And the candidates who come to him are the area of ​​responsibility that forms the reputation of a recruiter or HR manager. Secondly, a meeting with a manager can leave a bad impression on both sides, or vice versa, go great (synonymous with “closed vacancy.” To get your candidate into the second category, “theory” will not interfere with the interview, namely:

  1. try to give the candidate more primary data about the company: advise them to study the corporate website, the company’s public strategy, read articles and press releases. Because for any leader, his business is pride, a brainchild, an achievement. Therefore, he will definitely react more favorably to a candidate who is also interested in the company and already has a good idea about it;
  2. help the candidate “dig” deeper: offer to read analytics, reviews, industry development trends, forecasts;
  3. introduce “in absentia” to the manager: provide the full name, outline the leadership style, management approach, value system and negotiating manners. If the top has some specific features, it is better to immediately warn the candidate what to expect.

Of course, highly qualified specialists can do very well without “cheat sheets” at the interview. And yet, it often happens that a first-class pro in his field has difficulties with self-presentation, may seem withdrawn or vice versa – too active. A recruiter or HR can definitely iron out the rough edges at this stage.

Of course, if the candidate does not mind, you can work “in practice”, namely:

  1. rehearse his mini-presentation with the candidate. Let him prepare a short story about himself – listen to him, highlight the most important points together. You don’t need to memorize, everything should sound natural, concrete, confident. If there were any comments to the candidate at the previous stages of the interviews, it’s time to discuss them so that the applicant does not make the same mistakes in a conversation with the manager;
  2. Together with the applicant, work out options for answering personal questions that the manager can ask, as well as prepare a list of questions that can (and should) be asked to the manager;
  3. if necessary, ask to take the necessary documents, a portfolio, a successful test, if any – recommendations from former employers / customers – in a word, everything that will help the candidate feel confident, even if it is not useful;
  4. talk to the applicant about the appropriate dress code, ask them not to be late, re-give instructions on how to get to the office, who to contact for help if they have questions, etc.

If the director is a foreigner, a couple of important points are added to the overall picture of preparation, which are worth discussing. For example, if the director does not speak or does not speak Ukrainian / Russian well, and the interview will take place in English / another language. Also, if the director adheres to some national / religious traditions, warn the applicant about this. After all, even the traditional handshake during a business acquaintance is not accepted in all countries.

What to expect from the summit meeting?

We talked to several recruiters, CleverStaff users who often “take” their candidates for interviews with top officials, and asked them to name commonly used VIP interview formats. Here is the set:

  1. Regular conversation up to 15 minutes, focused more on getting to know almost an employee. Conducted at the initiative of the immediate head of the department/team lead. As a rule, it takes place calmly, formally – for this process, the latter has already “worried” the candidate.
  2. Structured interview with recruiter/HR and top. Such an interview can last from half an hour or more, and it really needs to be “worked out” by all participants: it is profitable for the candidate to apply and sell himself, for the top to make a decision, for the recruiter to help the first and second.
  3. Case interview . After the candidate briefly talks about himself, the leader immediately proceeds to practical issues: for example, he models the situation, and the candidate needs to impromptu describe step by step how he would solve the problem.
  4. Projective interview . The leader does not ask questions directly, but asks the applicant to give an expert assessment of any situation, task, idea, even a fictional character, to talk about hypothetical actions in certain circumstances. The way the candidate responds/projects can be either positive or negative to him.
  5. Stress interview – if the leader prefers a tough communication style and directness. Questions can be very different, not related to each other, relate not only to professional activities, but also to personal life. Not all candidates can handle this, and it also serves as a “filter” for the position (no matter how cynical it may sound).

In general, even the most strict, demanding and complex leaders ask very similar questions. In places – even banal and “vintage”. The difference is in how the candidate answers them. Below we provide examples of popular questions and possible answers that, when reasonably tailored to the candidate, will help him look convincing.

Possible questions Possible answers
What can you tell us about yourself? Short confident mini-presentation, focus on personal results, the ability to connect in a conversation already gained experience and future benefits – for a new company.
Why did you decide to consider this position? Here the manager expects a concise, specific answer, which will emphasize that the applicant is aware of the market situation and did not get into the profession by accident. You can focus on your favorite business, gaining new experience, common interests, etc.
Why should you get a job? Flexible, inoffensive transition from “others” to their own strengths, cases, “bumps” of experience and additional profits that the company will receive.
What are your weaknesses? Of course, because everyone has their shortcomings. The candidate should name a few of them, admit that he heroically fights with them and describe how he compensates for them.
Why did you leave your last job? What didn’t suit you? It is better to speak positively or neutrally about the past place of work, emphasizing that it is time to move on and develop more.
Are you currently considering any other offers? If the candidate really has other offers now, you can be honest about it, but emphasize the interest in this particular company.
What salary would suit you? The applicant should not hesitate to name the amount that suits him. If the issue has already been discussed with the recruiter, we are mentally prepared for it. If not, it is important to say this point, convincingly justifying the desired figure.

It is also important to take into account that all leaders are different, and questions can be asked in different and not always pleasant ways. There is also a special type of “tops” that can easily confuse or baffle even the “experienced”. But one thing is indisputable: any adequate manager is interested in worthy people coming to the company. And, of course, after all the effort put into finding and casting a relevant candidate, the recruiter is even more motivated to make sure that the VIP interview succeeds. But for this you need to work closely with the candidate, if his psychotype or circumstances require it: give a “theory”, work together on a personal presentation, talk about possible “pitfalls and gradient currents”, reduce stress and aim for victory.

Frequently asked questions

If the manager is a difficult person (abrupt, impatient, etc.

), is it worth telling the applicant about this?

Yes, because the applicant should know what to expect. Just say it carefully, explain that the leader can be quick-tempered or too straightforward.

Is it always necessary to schedule an interview with the manager as the final selection stage?

As a rule, this is practiced only for top positions and key positions in the company.

What to do if the applicant has passed all the stages, but does not want to communicate with the director?

In this case, it is unlikely that he is “yours”. You can try to find out the reasons if the candidate is really valuable and rare, and work on them. But it’s really a good reason to think. If communication is problematic already at the stage of acquaintance, what can be expected from him in a busy work mode?

What if an interview with the CEO was scheduled, but the applicant asks to reschedule it to another date?

Situations are different, and once it really can be transferred. But if this is already the second or third transfer, such an applicant should be abandoned. In addition, if the director has had to change his plans for the third time, he is unlikely to be positive about such a candidate.

How to prepare for the final interview

Getting into a huge company is a multi-step process. First, the first interview with an HR, then a technical interview or even several. And at the very end – the final interview, in which the candidate chooses a team, and the team looks to see if the candidate suits it. We talked to Yandex employees who conduct the final interviews and collected their advice on how to prepare and not fail.

Pre-interview: prepare a story about yourself and questions for the team

Once the technical interviews are over, it seems that there is nothing to worry about, because you are on the shortlist of candidates with relevant skills. But the final meeting is ahead, according to the results of which the team will select one employee. Both parties need this stage: the team will understand what motivates the candidate and whether they can work together, and the candidate will learn more about the team and projects.

In order not to miss the important and make the right choice, you need to prepare for the meeting: make a list of questions, remember your experience and understand what projects you want to work on.

At the final interview, we look at how the candidate will “take root” in the team, whether it will be interesting for us to work together. For example, a clear task setting and specific deadlines are important to someone, but I cannot offer this due to the specifics of the team and the project. And it is important to understand such nuances during the interview.

Andrey Roenko, API Map Development Team Leader

Practice answering questions. The task of the final is to get to know the person and his interests better, so that the questions will be appropriate. Think in advance why you are interested in the project, what motivates you and what tasks you are interested in solving. Feel free to talk about your hobbies and hobbies, because work is not only tasks, but also a community.

The final interview helps to understand what is important to a person. For some, stability and clear tasks are more important, some like to launch new projects, some want to delve into their field, and for some it is important that people see the results of their work. If the expectations of the candidate and the team do not match, it will be difficult to work together.

Remember how you came to what you do, why you chose this direction and what else you like. For example, if you built a working computer yourself or regularly test different Linux distributions, tell about it: this way you will show interest, enthusiasm and a desire to learn. It doesn’t hurt to talk about the latest articles or books read on the topic.

At the final interview, technical questions may also be asked to understand the candidate’s train of thought. Therefore, just in case, repeat the topics in which there are gaps, and remember which questions caused difficulties in the previous stages.

At the finals, I like to give tasks that need to be discussed in a dialogue. Often this comes down to a discussion of a real case, for example, a product task in Alice. I ask what solution we will use, what disadvantages it has. At this point, many are lost, as they are used to looking for the merits of the solution, and not its limitations. But the answer shows how much the person understands what he is talking about.

Alexey Petrov, YaLM Project Manager

Think about what tasks you would like to do. See what the company has products and directions, what they say in the job description, and then think about where you would go and why. This will help answer the question of what interests you, choose the right project and not make a mistake.

Suppose you want to write applications from scratch and don’t like to understand legacy code. Or you want to go deeper into solving a specific problem, and the team is looking for a person who will explore new tools and test hypotheses. It is worth mentioning this at the final interview so that there are no disappointments later.

For a novice developer, it is important to grow quickly, and this requires motivation and interest. If a person works in a direction that he is not interested in at all, this will not benefit either him or the team.

Going where you don’t like is not the way of the samurai. You should not think: “I will join a team that I don’t like, work for a year, and then move to the one that I like.” It doesn’t work like that, because if the occupation is not to their liking, then people work poorly and do not cope with the tasks. Go where your heart calls. And if there is no such option now, take a break.

Asya Statieva, Head of Authorization Systems Department

Prepare a story about yourself and your projects. Presenting your work is an important skill: you need to be able to talk about the project and what tasks you solved, what problems arose and what results you managed to achieve. This will come in handy not only for interviews, but also in future work. Think over the story in advance and try not to attribute other people’s achievements to yourself – this will be noticeable when you start answering questions.

Try to be brief and only talk about completed projects and technologies that you have already tried. Jumping from one thought to another and vague descriptions can be a bad sign for the interviewer: how well do you know what you are talking about?

Make a list of questions. In the final interview, not only are you asked questions, but you can also ask the team about what is important to you. Prepare questions, go through the services and applications the team is working on, read the company blog, and learn what technologies are used in projects.

Ask about how the processes work: what the team’s working day looks like, how tasks are distributed and reviews are carried out. Find out what tasks you will be doing the first time.

It happens that different teams consider the same candidate at the final interview. In this case, each of them talks about what tasks it has, what technology stack is used, and so on. Use the final interview to learn as much as possible about the projects and make an informed choice.

To the interview: be honest and interested

The final interview is the first introduction to the team and the project. Therefore, it is better to treat it as a dialogue with future colleagues, where there is an opportunity to get to know each other, get to know each other and understand whether it will be interesting for you to work together.

Be proactive and interested. If a candidate answers questions dryly, does not tell what technologies and tasks he is interested in, and does not ask questions, this can be a red flag for the team. Even if this is your first job and you don’t know what you want to do yet, you probably have something to tell and ask about.

Be who you are. Honesty is always important, and in the final interview too. We understand that it is difficult not to worry, but try to perceive communication with the team as a conversation with equals. The hardest part is over. Now you are talking to future colleagues about programming, analytics, machine learning, or other topics you are working on.

Confess if you don’t know something. When hiring an intern or junior developer, no one expects a lot of experience and knowledge from a candidate. There is nothing wrong with not knowing the exact answer to a question. But if you can guess how the problem is solved and understand it with the help of logic, intuition and existing skills, it will do you good. It is not worth it to thoughtlessly scatter terms. If you are not completely sure of their meaning, it is better to explain in your own words.

Chat with different teams. Usually interns and junior developers at Yandex go through several final interviews, so you will have at least two meetings.

Delgado family daycare: Delgado Family Child Care | ONTARIO CA FAMILY DAY CARE HOME

Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 12:55 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous


Write a Review

About the Provider

Description: DELGADO FAMILY CHILD CARE is a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in ONTARIO CA, with a maximum capacity of 14 children. The home-based daycare service helps with children in the age range of 6month to 13 years old. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Age Range:
    6month to 13 years old
  • Rate Range
    130 n up per week
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Languages Supported:
    English, Spanish and Inglish
  • Type of Care:
    After School, Before School, Daytime, Drop-in Care, Emergency Care, Full-Time, Kindergarten, Part-Time
  • Schools Served:
  • District Office:
  • District Office Phone:
    (951) 782-4200 (Note: This is not the facility phone number. )

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Type Inspection Dates Reports/Citations
Summary 10/04/2018 No Citation

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.



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Write a review about Delgado Family Child Care. Let other families know what’s great, or what could be improved.
Please read our brief review guidelines to make your review as helpful as possible.

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Which best describes your experience?:

Select from belowI have used this provider for more than 6 monthsI have used this provider for less than 6 monthsI have toured this provider’s facility, but have not used its servicesI am the ownerI am an employeeOther

Rating (1=poor, 5=excellent):

Select your Rating1 star2 star3 star4 star5 star

Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect
only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our
review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess
the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is
negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as
the provider.

Delgado Family Day Care Home

Write a Review

About the Provider

Description: Delgado Family Day Care Home is a Family Day Care Home in Hialeah FL, with a maximum capacity of 10 children. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    After School;Before School;Drop In;Food Served;Full Day;Half Day;Infant Care
  • Current License Expiration Date:
    Apr 20, 2023
  • District Office:
    Judicial Circuit 11
    401 NW 2nd Ave,
    South Tower, Suite 424
    Miami, FL. 33142
  • District Office Phone:
    (786) 257-5207 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Report Date

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.



Be the first to review this childcare provider.
Write a review about Delgado Family Day Care Home. Let other families know what’s great, or what could be improved.
Please read our brief review guidelines to make your review as helpful as possible.

Email address (will not be published):

Display name:

Which best describes your experience?:

Select from belowI have used this provider for more than 6 monthsI have used this provider for less than 6 monthsI have toured this provider’s facility, but have not used its servicesI am the ownerI am an employeeOther

Rating (1=poor, 5=excellent):

Select your Rating1 star2 star3 star4 star5 star

Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect
only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our
review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess
the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is
negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as
the provider.

how to open a family kindergarten and start earning – “I’m at home” – an aggregator of good deeds families with many children are provided with a variety of city support measures. In addition to social payments and subsidies, specialists from the My Career center tell Muscovites about the opportunities for professional growth of parents with many children in the city. One of these is a family kindergarten.

You can open a family kindergarten right at home, while parents themselves act as educators. This service is available to Moscow families with three or more children aged from two months to seven years. Parents-educators take care of children at home and receive wages for their work. It is important that during the functioning of the family kindergarten, the parents officially accumulate seniority.

When contacting the My Career Center, consultants will tell you where you can take an educational course for an assistant educator in order to understand all organizational issues. Upon completion of the course, a certificate is issued. Then, with all the necessary documents, you must contact the municipal kindergarten closest to your home.

“Thanks to the My Career Center, I learned about the existence of the city’s Family Kindergarten program. I was registered and assigned to a municipal preschool as an assistant teacher, I was given instructions, and soon my family kindergarten opened! For almost a year now, I have been receiving an official salary, as well as money for the food of each child “, – Yulia Tereshchenko, mother and educator of four children, shares her impressions.

A mother of many children works only with her own children, but in the future she may accept other children from Moscow families into her group. Classes in the family garden are held according to the lesson plan provided by the municipal preschool institution in which the parent is employed. The methodologist of the district kindergarten also gives parents-educators all the literature necessary for the lessons. If necessary, furniture and toys can also be obtained from the city kindergarten.

Family kindergarten students can use the infrastructure of the educational institution to which they are attached: for classes with a speech therapist, music lessons and physical education lessons or to the pool, children from the family kindergarten can go to the municipal one. Also, preschoolers can attend all holidays and matinees of the district kindergarten. It is important that food in the family garden is free, it is paid from the city budget.

To organize a family kindergarten, you need to contact the head of the nearest preschool educational institution and prepare an application, passport, work and medical book, birth certificates and medical records of children.

Child care in chicago illinois: Illinois Action for Children Home

Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 12:39 pm


Категории: Child

Illinois Action for Children Home


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We know, with scientific certainty, that the earliest years of life are the most important for educational achievement, social productivity, economic stability, emotional wellbeing, and lifelong health. With that in mind, our goal is to create a just system for child care and early education that ensures racially and economically equitable outcomes for all children.

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day care | child care | toddler care | infant care | chicago

Bringing you peace of mind and ensuring your child’s well-being, Caterpillar Care is a specialized Chicago daycare provider that takes pride in providing a nurturing and educational environment where your child can thrive. Having devoted years to honing their skills, our Chicago child care professionals are handpicked and trained to give your pride and joy the most tender care. From stimulating playtime to comforting cuddles and from feeding to napping, we take care of every aspect of your child’s care while you’re away. Give us a call today to avail of our services and bring your kid the attention and care they deserve.

Caterpillar Care Where Education Is Built Upon Love & Care

Every parent desire for their child to have the best start in life. From education to healthcare, ensuring that your child is well prepared for the future is one of the greatest challenges you will face. But when you are a working parent, juggling between your hectic schedule and the demands of your child can be quite a challenge. So, when it comes to your child’s early years, it is wise to enlist the help of professionals who can provide the love, compassion, and guidance your child needs to thrive.

Born in 2011, Caterpillar Care is a full-service daycare Chicago facility specializing in providing a safe and nurturing environment for infants and toddlers to develop their individual strengths and passions. Promising on most personalized care, our qualified and friendly professionals work together to create a fun and stimulating learning environment that encourages your child’s natural curiosity and sense of exploration. So, give your child the best start in life by entrusting them to our loving and attentive toddler care Chicago.

1. Love, Passion & Dedication

Love is a beautiful feeling that brings out the best in everyone. Your love for your child will be evident in the way you treat them. From playing with them to reading them a story, showing your love will always be at the forefront of your mind. But what about when you are away from them? Do you have a plan in place for their care? When your precious baby is at Caterpillar Care, you can be assured that they will be in the best of hands. With love and passion at the forefront of our nanny care Chicago work, our caring and dedicated staff will ensure that your child is well cared for. And to give you even more reassurance, we will take you through a personalized Chicago nanny care process that will give you an insight into the daily lives of your child while you are away.

2. Fostering Curiosity

Since the first day, your child has been an individual. Each day brings with it a unique set of experiences that shapes them into the person it will become. This journey is full of ups and downs, but it is through these experiences that they learn and grow. With this in mind, our specialized curriculum will focus on your child’s developmental needs while incorporating early childhood education philosophies, a productive environment, and love. Each element of our curriculum is designed to prepare your child for the future and empower them with values that will guide them through the rest of their lives. So, when you are not around to guide them, Chicago babysitting care will be there to prepare them for life.

3. Responsibility to Prepare

What makes a person responsible? It isn’t just about earning a degree or passing a test. It’s about embracing the consequences of your actions and learning from your mistakes. As a parent, you are the primary influencer of your child’s life. And while you want to do everything in your power to provide them with the best possible start in life, you know that you can’t do it alone. That’s why we’ve put together a team of professionals who will work with you to ensure that your child is prepared for the future. Our infant care Chicago experts and Chicago toddler care professionals help instill the values of responsibility, compassion, and hard work into your child from a young age that will help them thrive in today’s fast-paced, challenging world.

Nurture the Future

If you are looking for a caring, loving, and responsible babysitter for your precious child, look no further. At Caterpillar Care babysitting care Chicago, we understand the immense responsibility of being a parent and providing for your child. That’s why we offer the best in personalized child care Chicago services. Contact us today to learn more about our expert childcare services and how we can help you raise your child with the utmost care and attention.

10 best entertainment for children in Chicago – Family events (Chicago, Illinois)

151 place (sorting by popularity among travelers)

Clean all filters

  • 1. Museum of science and Museum of Science and Museum of Science and Museum Industry

    11 108

    002 10 968

    Architectural attractions • viewing platforms and towers



    Input tickets from 1,892.06 rub

    Author: Ekaterinazadorina

    Climbing the lifting, Pass the Lift and look at Chicago from a great height in all directions – there are skyscrapers, there is a lake …


    Cultural objects and landmarks • Monuments and statues

    Millennium Park

    Author: proffi888

    A very unusual object, attracts the eye and reflects everything around, going into infinity, you can stand for a long time, go around and…

    4. Millennium Park


    Points of Interest and Landmarks • Parks

    • Millennium Park 9

    0004 Open now

    Author: EkaterinaZadorina

    A couple of branching paths, the BP bridge (we walked, it has a good view), a small field and skyscrapers from three sides – from. .. . Field Museum

    Museums of Natural Sciences • Scientific museums


    Input tickets from 1,702.86 rub

  • 6. Wrigley Field


    Arena and stadiums

    North Side

    7. The Magnify Mile

    15 746

    Objects and attractions of

    NIR-Nort-North North-North North-North North-North North-North-North 9000 EkaterinaZadorina

    Well-maintained avenue, high-end shops, portions of Michigan Avenue from Hancock’s 360 building to bridge number…

    • 0013

      8. Chicago Riverwalk

      Historical places for walking

      Business Center and Chicago-lup

    9000. Lincoln Park 9000

    9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

    Open Now

    10. Garfield Park Conservatory

    Historic Landmarks • Gardens

    4 East-Garfield Park

    Openly open




  • 12. LakeFront Trail

    Cike Route • Pedestrian routes


  • 15. Welllis-Tower (Sirss-Tower)

    17 691 9000 tickets from 2,775.02 rubles

    Author: YliyaSh

    A very beautiful building, the observation deck is located on the 103rd floor) we were lucky and we did not stand in line at the entrance for long…

    16. Lincoln Park


    North Side


    Author: Ekaterinazadorina

    We lived not far from it, walked ashochkom to the central part of the city. Mini zoo, kids walking, pond… Very…

    17. Chicago Skyline


    Business center and Chicago-lup

    18. United Center

    Arena and Stadiums


  • 9000 9000


    Historical museums

    North Side


  • 20. Lincoln Park Conservatory


    North Side


    • 21. American Writers Museum




      Author: EkaterinaZadorina

      Entrance is free through a metal detector; an identity document is required; Interactive and very …

      25. Fountain “Corona”


      Millennium Park

      9000 Reservoirs

      Downtown and Chicago Loop

      Author: saarven

      A wonderful walk along the river. The tour is in English, but the main thing is to look. And you can read before or after on the Internet. …

      27. Adler Planetarium

      Specialized museums • Observatory and planetarium

      Park Burnham

      9000 9000

    • 3

      28. Grant Park


      Millennium Park

      Open now

      29. North Avenue Beach


      North Side

      Open 9000 9000

    • 9000 9000 9000

      9000. Holy

      Architectural Landmarks • Religious Landmarks

      Near North Side

      Open Now

      Showing Results 1-30 of 151

      • Natalalife

        Dnipro, Ukraine174 publications


        Living in Chicago for more than one month, visiting more than one museum of this city, the first impression is the scale! Therefore, shoes should be comfortable, and health – excellent! Each age group will be interested in certain expositions of the museum. The big advantage is that everything can be touched, looked at, twisted, twirled, photographed and filmed. When asked to talk about the museum, two words, five minutes and one sentence won’t get you off! Definitely, I will advise every person and wish to visit the museum at least once in their life in reality, and not virtually, and see everything with their own eyes.

        Review for: Museum of Science and Industry

        Posted October 15, 2019

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Ekaterina

        Moscow, Russia233 publications

        Panorama 360 Chicago

        Take the elevator, walk in a circle and look at Chicago from a great height in all directions – there are skyscrapers, there is a lake, here there is endless steppe and low-rise construction up to horizon… people, people, people. .. how many of us?! Tilt was tried, scary only for the impressionable…

        Review for: John Hancock Center

        Published July 22, 2020

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • proff

        Izhevsk, Russia655 publications

        Cloud Gate

        A very unusual object, attracts the eye and reflects everything around, going into infinity, you can stand for a long time, go around and just enjoy the views

        Review for: Cloud Gate (Cloud Gate)

        Published August 31, 2021

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not an official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Ekaterina

        Moscow, Russia233 publications

        Millennium Park – a couple of paths and Cloud Gate

        A couple of branching paths, the BP bridge (we walked, it has a good view), a small field and skyscrapers on three sides – on the fourth lake . There is underground parking, quite expensive.

        Review for: Millennium Park

        Posted July 22, 2020

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not an official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Natalalife

        Dnipro, Ukraine 174 publications

        Amazing museum

        Read the previous low rating reviews and was surprised because everything was different on our visit. We decided to visit the museum on Saturday, came to the opening, at 10 o’clock. Everything is clean, the glass is rubbed, transparent and everything is perfectly visible! Lots of themed rooms. You can touch everything and get as close as possible. The main thing is that visitors have a lot of time! We had five hours, so we walked around calmly, examining, analyzing, photographing …

        Review for: Field Museum

        Published August 29, 2019

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Natalya G

        61 publications


        To plunge into the flavor of America’s favorite sport, you need to visit this place. A great place to learn the rules of baseball right at the game. True, tickets for a good game of the season should be looked after right in advance

        Review for: Wrigley Field

        Published December 14, 2016

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Ekaterina

        Moscow, Russia233 publications

        Gorgeous mile and really gorgeous

        Well maintained avenue, expensive shops, part of Michigan Avenue from the Hancock building, where the 360 ​​panorama was arranged, to bridge number 3 to ourselves from the lake 🙂
        By the way, near the 4th bridge, brother was waiting for brother. .. well, you understand 😉

        Review for: The Magnificent Mile

        Posted on July 22, 2020

        This review reflects the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Sergey A

        St. Petersburg, Russia4 667 publications

        When a fire is good for the city.

        We really liked the walking area along the river! And the famous Chicago fire and the decision of the city authorities after the fire not to rebuild that pigsty again from many small warehouses, berths for cargo barges, workshops and other things, other things, but to make the embankment normal and accessible to the citizens, and the entire warehouse and take out the industrial bustle outside the city. And it turned out great. We drove 7000 km across the country, through 16 states, and we liked Chicago more than other cities. And the embankment is a plus for the city.

        Review for: Chicago Riverwalk

        Published September 29, 2018

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Natalalife

        Dnipro, Ukraine174 publications

        How cool!!!

        That’s all for the people!!! There is such a wonderful zoo in a huge park. A wide variety of animals in well-maintained pens. Of course, the animals are in an environment that is not natural for them, but the conditions that are created for them are very appropriate, the animals are practically free – there is so much space allocated for them. Thanks to everyone who takes care of them there, feeds them, protects them …. there is something to compare with, since zoos in Ukraine are a cabinet of curiosities for animals.

        Review for: Lincoln Park Zoo

        Published August 17, 2019

        This review reflects the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Elena-travel-Sed

        Chelyabinsk, Russia933 publications


        The botanical garden is located in Lincoln Park, a place where you can relax and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere – nature, pond, fish and … silence! Here you can find amazing plants and trees. I was impressed by the orchids – there are a lot of different species (the bulldog is one of the most beautiful), ferns and trees. There is even a papaya tree, a sausage tree, and so on.
        Highly recommend to go with family, friends, spend a romantic date here.
        Admission is free.

        Review for: Garfield Park Conservatory

        Posted February 10, 2019

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • alexalexander2016

        Moscow, Russia21 publication

        Not bad.

        Interesting for children. I’ve seen better aquariums. Far away, inconvenient to get, except by taxi or car.

        Review for: Shedd Aquarium

        Published May 19, 2016

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Elena-travel-Sed

        Chelyabinsk, Russia933 publications

        Great place for bike rides and great photos

        You can rent a bike and ride along the Michigan waterfront until you get tired. You can enjoy hiking, taking pictures – the views are amazing!! The Adler Planetarium can be reached in 30 minutes or less from Hancock.

        Review for: Lakefront Trail

        Published February 24, 2018

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • squall260

        Smolensk, Russia311 publications

        Downtown Chicago is incredible

        Incredible views, beautiful architecture, very reminiscent of Gotham from Batman movies. You can take a boat and look at everything from the river. I was in November and it was cold to take a boat.

        Must see both during the day and at night.

        Review for: The Loop

        Published December 2, 2019

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • Evgeniya L

        14 publications

        The walk led to the fountain

        Slowly, walking quietly in the shade of the alleys, we accidentally got to this fountain – impressive! Very beautiful, they went around from all sides and lingered where the spray of the fountain refreshed the face) I recommend taking a walk and seeing with your own eyes.

        Review for: Buckingham Fountain

        Published August 19, 2019

        This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

      • YliyaSh

        Samara, Russia527 publications

        Beautiful view!

        Very beautiful building, the observation deck is located on the 103rd floor) we were lucky and we did not stand in line at the entrance for long. The bird’s-eye views are mesmerizing! On the balcony with a transparent floor, you will have to defend another queue, but it’s worth it 🙂 we definitely recommend it!

        Review for: Willis Tower (Sears Tower)

        Published March 2, 2020

        This review reflects the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

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      Young business owner looking for help with house maintenance

      I run my own business and work long hours. So I just need someone who can help me maintain my house and do general cleaning duties as well as help with my laundry and run errands like grocery shopping…
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      We are looking for an experienced nanny with long-term accommodation

      Hi and thanks for taking the time to read this. We are looking for a LONG TERM (only) live-in nanny who preferably speaks Spanish and English. We need help with day to day activities with our daughter, like making her breakfast…
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      Dorothy M.

    Free printable homework chart: Homework Charts | Free Printable Behavior Charts

    Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 12:12 pm


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    Free Homework Chart Printable – Freebie Finding Mom

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    Looking for ways to get organized? Free printables, like this homework chart printable, are a great first step! They’re a quick and easy way to help get the whole family on the same page.

    Getting organized, especially before heading into a new school year, is always an admirable goal. However, it isn’t just Mom and Dad that need to get their game face on… your kiddo probably needs a little help getting into the routine as well. That’s where this homework chart kids printable can really come in handy.

    Even if your kiddo was a champ about keeping track of assignments in the past, there’s a pretty good chance that all of the summer sun and fun erased those good habits. So, set him or her up for success with this free homework chart printable.

    A daily homework chart, like this one, is a great way to get your child re-adjusted to the notion of doing homework. However, it doesn’t have to just be used at the beginning of the school year. Use this free homework chart printable again and again to make sure your kiddo (and you) stay on track throughout the year whether it’s day one or day 100!

    Now, I know that most schools hand out student assignment planners at the beginning of the year, but in my experience, those end up at the bottom of a locker doomed to never see the light of day again. What’s great about this free homework chart printable is that you can easily print one for each child and hang it on the fridge (or in some other highly trafficked area) where it’s super visible. Having the homework chart kids printable where everyone can see it will help ensure accountability.

    Plus, if you have more than one kiddo, this is an easy way to see everyone’s assignments without having to flip through multiple planners.

    Tip: If your child is using a school planner this daily homework chart is still a good idea because, as mentioned above, they’re a little easier to keep in eyesight. Simply have your child write his or her assignments on the free homework chart printable after school each day. (Writing out the assignment should also help it stick in his or her mind!)

    Don’t stop at writing assignments on this free homework chart printable! As your child finishes up, have him or her cross off completed tasks or place a fun sticker over them.

    Download your Free Homework Chart Printable now.

    Tip: One way to motivate your child to complete his or her homework without being nagged is to set up rewards. For example, tell your child that if he or she does all of their homework for the week without being reminded and marks it off on the daily homework chart you’ll give him or her a special treat, reward, or privilege. Keep in mind that the free homework chart printable reward does not have to be something super unhealthy or expensive. Rather, it can be something as simple as a special family movie night complete with coconut oil popcorn.

    This free homework chart printable is a great way to help your child keep track of school work and learn responsibility. Plus, it’s super simple to use!

    Expanded Homework Chart Printable

    Sadly, especially as your kids get older, sometimes homework can’t be contained to just Monday through Friday. Nope, sometimes it’s going to spill over into the weekend. 🙁 That’s why I put together this expanded homework chart printable, which includes blocks for Saturday and Sunday.

    Tip: Okay, I was a total nerd growing up, but even I know homework over the weekend can be a bummer. If you are incentivizing the printable homework chart so that your child can earn rewards for an academic job well done, consider making assignments done over the weekend worth more.

    While this printable homework chart includes space for weekend work, that isn’t the only addition. I also wanted to make it easier to keep track of more details, especially if you have more than one child’s academic progress to oversee. With that in mind, this expanded homework chart printable includes fields for:

    • Name – If you only have one kiddo to worry about, this field probably isn’t super pertinent, but any parent who has juggled multiple math assignments in a single day is sure to appreciate a way to easily set copies of this printable homework chart apart from one another!
    • Week – Write the start and end dates for the week in this field. This can be especially helpful if you’re printing out multiple copies of this homework chart printable so you can schedule out future homework assignments or study sessions.
    • Notes – An extra field for any additional things you may want to keep track of. For example, I might use the notes field on this printable homework chart to jot down things I need to do for my son such as pick up certain materials for his projects, like index cards, or signing a report card or a test to prove I saw it.

    Download the expanded homework chart printable now!

    What do you think of these homework chart printables? How does your child keep track of homework? Do you offer rewards for completed homework or good grades? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    Oh, and if your looking for even more ways to get organized, be sure to check out these 5 FREE printable chore charts or take things to the next level with this upgraded chore chart! Happy organizing! 🙂

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    About Kelli

    Kelli Bhattacharjee is the owner of Freebie Finding Mom. When she’s not goofing around with her son, she’s busy blogging, or just hanging out with the family which usually involves listening to music too loud and having dance parties.

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    Free Printable Homework Chart from Empowering Parents

    How to Use an Advanced Homework Progress Tracker

    The homework progress tracker allows you and your child to keep track of several homework related activities. It is important that you help your child with this for the first few weeks to ensure that your child understands ho to use it. You could also involve your child’s teacher with certain portions of this chart. For example, you could ask your child’s teacher to initial the chart when an entire homework assignment has been turned in. This might be more appropriate for some children, particularly those who have a history of being dishonest about school work.

    Before you begin, you should decide where you will keep the chart. For this chart, it might be best to slide it into the front outside of a binder with a clear plastic cover, or slide the chart into a clear sheet protector inside the binder. It is important that the chart is in a place that is readily accessible and visible. Kids who have ADHD can benefit if the chart is in a spot where they will easily see it. This will help them remember to use it.

    Step 1: Establish The Baseline

    To begin, enter your child’s class subjects in the left hand column. For the first week you simply sit with your child and go through the worksheet together each day. Working one subject at a time, have him either check “None” if there is no homework, or have him do his homework before checking the “Done” box. The “Packed” box should be checked after the assignment is put in the child’s folder and/or backpack. Your child is responsible for checking the “Turned In” box when he hands in each assignment the next day. Once his homework is done, enter checkmarks for the appropriate boxes on the lower Task section of the worksheet. You may add other tasks if desired. If something is not complete, simply leave the box blank. It is not recommended to put any negative words or symbols such as “No” or a frowning face.

    At the end of the week, count up the number of checkmarks your child earned each day or for the entire week. This is the baseline. Now that you know the baseline, you can set a goal for the following week.

    Step 2: Establish a Goal

    You can set daily goals, weekly goals, or both. Here are some examples:

    Daily goal and reward system: The maximum number of checkmarks your child can earn each day with the chart unmodified is 22. Suppose your child currently gets about 10 check marks each day. It is not reasonable to ask your child to immediately begin getting 22 check marks each day. Rather you want to start where he is and slowly work forward. You might make it a goal for your child to get 15 checkmarks per day next week. Each day your child reaches 15 checkmarks next week, he would earn a reward such as an extra half hour on the computer.

    Weekly goal and reward system: You could also offer weekly rewards. You count up the baseline total of checkmarks during the first week- let’s say 50 for the week as an example. For the next week you might set a goal for your child to earn 65 checkmarks. If he gets 65 or more checkmarks next week, this would earn him a larger reward on the weekend such as going to the movies.

    Step 3: Continue to Evaluate Progress

    As your child achieves each goal, you can slightly increase the goal for the following week. Don’t hesitate to mix up the rewards if your child is getting bored, or offer two choices for your child to choose from.

    Free Excel Schedule Templates

    Schedule is an important part of our life. With the help of schedules, we not only allocate our time, but also reduce stress, assess our progress in doing work, and prepare ourselves for unforeseen events.

    Whether you’re creating a to-do list or planning an event. Whatever you do, a schedule will help you stick to your goals and never lose sight of anything.

    A template is the easiest way to create a schedule. In this article, you will find a description of the best schedule templates for the day, week, and month in Excel, as well as step-by-step instructions for finding the templates that suit your tasks and customizing them.

    You’ll also learn how to use the schedule template in Smartsheet, a spreadsheet-based work management tool that lets you create schedules faster than Excel, while offering more formatting options and collaboration options.

    Download a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule template in Excel

    You can find a large number of schedule templates in Excel, including monthly, weekly, and note-based schedules. These templates already contain formatting, so you only need to add your data to them.

    So how do you know which of the available schedule templates is the easiest to use? We have already looked through existing templates and found the best daily, weekly and monthly schedule templates in Excel.

    Excel Weekly Schedule Template

    The Excel weekly schedule template breaks each day into morning, afternoon, and evening, so you can adjust the amount of space needed for each of these parts.

    Main uses:

    • School/University Schedule: Class Schedule is a high level view of all your classes. You can quickly populate your schedule with subject information such as subject name, classroom number, and class times, and thus better manage your time throughout the week.
    • Housework Schedule: Organize your household to-do list. To do this, print out a weekly schedule template, fill it out with daily tasks such as vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and then designate a family member to be responsible for each task.
    • Worker Shift Schedule: With the Worker Shift Schedule you can always make sure that your employees go to work on the correct schedule. Assign working hours for each employee and determine their workplace or position (manager, cashier, technical support, work in the reception). You can even add a column for weekly hours worked for each worker.
    • Travel itinerary: with a weekly itinerary you will never miss a plane, train or bus. Track departure and arrival locations, flight numbers, airport locations, hotel room reservations and more. All important data will be in one place, and you will not be late anywhere.
    • Project Schedule: Coordinate tasks, deliverables, due dates, assignees, and other project elements with a project schedule. Be sure that your project will be completed on time and manage the allocation of resources.

     Download Free Weekly Excel Template (Mon-Fri)

     Download Free Weekly Excel Template (Sat-Sun)

    Excel Daily Schedule Template

    The daily schedule template usually also covers Saturday and Sunday and includes hours in 30-minute intervals. This type of schedule offers the most detailed view, allowing you to keep track of even the smallest tasks throughout the day.

    Main uses:

    • Personal appointment/meeting planner: manage all your daily personal appointments and meetings. The schedule for the day can be printed and carried with you so that it is always at hand.
    • Task List Planner: Instead of writing down all your tasks in an endless list, break them down and distribute them by day of the week so that you know exactly what needs to be done every day. Assign tasks at different times of the day and cross off those that have already been done.
    • Baby Feeding Schedule: Record the exact time your baby feeds throughout the day so you can keep a proper schedule. You can also track the duration of feedings and add the total number of feedings per day.

     Download Free Excel Daily Schedule Template

    Excel Monthly Schedule Template

    The Monthly Schedule Template offers very detailed details of the whole month. Each of the 12 months in 2016 has its own Excel file tab.

    Main uses:

    • Seasonal maintenance: Remind yourself when it’s time to change the filters or oil in your car, prepare your house or summer cottage for winter, change batteries in fire detectors, etc. using the seasonal maintenance schedule. Add all the tracking items at the beginning of the year and hang the schedule in your garage or fridge.
    • Monthly menu planner: plan your meals for the whole month with the menu planner. Write down your ideas for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner for each day of the month, print out this schedule and use it as a shopping list the next time you go to the store.
    • Event Schedule: Use the Monthly Event Schedule to coordinate dozens of scheduled events and tasks. Add deadlines and performers to make sure you stay on schedule.

    Download Free Monthly Excel Template

    Smartsheet Weekly Schedule Templates

    These weekly schedule templates cover all 7 days of the week, Monday through Sunday. Many templates use hierarchies to organize information, containing child rows that you can collapse or expand to hide or display specific dates or tasks.

    All of these templates highlight the collaboration features of Smartsheet. For example, in the weekly class schedule, you can choose to color-code the class so that you can quickly visualize your weekly schedule. In the lunch planner template, you can add links to your favorite recipes for quick access, and in the weekly house cleaning schedule, you can assign household tasks to specific people so that the whole family has something to do.

    Liner planner for week

    Schedule of house cleaning for week

    Classes for week

    Work schedule for week

    Similar schedule for week

    Schedule of work shifts for week

    Travel route 9000 9000 9000 9000

    scheduled schedules per day in Smartsheet

    Weekly schedules in Smartsheet are broken into 30-minute intervals between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM. If you need a schedule covering more or less time, just right-click on a cell and choose Delete Row or Insert Row. Use the symbols (stars) on your daily to-do list to prioritize and set reminders for your daily appointments, meetings, and work tasks so you never miss anything.

    Working schedule for day

    List of cases for day

    Schedule of meetings and techniques for day

    Schedule templates for a month in Smartsheet

    These templates include all months of 2016, and you you can determine how much space you want to allocate for each month by adding or deleting rows. If you want to change any date in the schedule (for example, you need to change the year), just enter the first few dates manually, then select those cells and drag the bottom right corner of the selected group of cells down to autofill.

    Add discussions directly to your project schedule template to offload your email inbox, automatically create dynamic Gantt charts, and use symbols to quickly communicate current status, priority, and progress.

    Monthly event schedule

    Monthly project schedule with Gantt chart

    Sports roster and weekly schedule

    Project schedule template

    Which schedule template to use?

    So, the schedule that suits you has been selected. It can be a daily, weekly or monthly schedule. Now you need to define the structure, the type of duration (Monday-Friday or Saturday-Sunday), configure the settings for sharing and printing. All of these factors need to be taken into account, so choosing which template to use can be tricky.

    When looking for a suitable template, pay attention to the following:

    1. The time span or duration of the schedule.

    First of all, you need to determine what schedule you need: for a day, a week or a month. Daily schedule is the only template that contains duration in hours (at 30 minute intervals), weekly schedule duration is a breakdown into morning, afternoon and evening, while the monthly template contains the minimum granularity – duration is measured in days .

    Choosing the right template for the type depends on the events, tasks, and projects that you want to track with the schedule. For example, if you need to structure your to-do list or appointments, daily schedules are best. If you need to track longer tasks or recurring events, you need a template that spans a longer period of time.

    2. Who will use this schedule?

    Consider who will have access to your schedule? Will it be a document just for you, where you will track personal tasks? Or is it a homework and task schedule that you plan to print out and stick on your kitchen fridge or email to your family members? Or will it be a document that you will use at work and that your colleagues and freelancers can use and edit?

    If you plan to share a document with more than one person, we recommend finding an online version of this template to make it easier for you to share, collaborate, and edit the document in real time. If it’s going to be your personal document, make sure you find a template with the most customization options and printing options for your needs.

    3. What events and projects should be monitored?

    You can choose the level of detail for the length of your schedule, but you also need to determine what details you want to include in your template and the number of items the template should display.

    To get an idea of ​​how complex and detailed your events or projects will be, write down on a piece of paper a few events that you plan to add to the schedule. Specify all the details that you want to mark in the schedule (task name, details, person responsible for the execution, due date, location, contact details, etc.). This exercise will help you understand how much space you can have in your schedule. If only the top level of detail is sufficient, you can use a monthly schedule. If you keep track of multiple tasks each day, consider using a daily schedule template.

    How to personalize your template in Excel

    It’s easy to customize your schedule for a day, week, or month in Excel. You can choose a color code for certain elements, such as doctor appointments or birthdays, or change the font type and size. You can also add a logo to your calendar if you use it while working with clients.

    1. Font Formatting

    1. To change the font size of the headings, select all the headings. On the Home tab, you can choose the font type and size.
    2. To format date or time markers, select an entire column or all date fields. On the Home tab, you can change the font type and size.

    2. Change color

    You can change the font or background color of your schedule. The use of a color code can be helpful in highlighting certain activities or tasks.

    1. To change the background color of an entire line, click on the paint bucket icon and then select a fill color.
    2. To select a color code for an event, place the task or appointment information in the date field. Then select the text, click on the paint bucket icon and choose the appropriate fill color.

    3. Adding an image

    Personalize your schedule by adding images such as your company logo.

    1. On the Insert tab, select Illustrations. Upload the image you want to use.
    1. The image will be added to your table, after which you can move it to the desired location.

    If you want to add a logo or image to the top of the schedule, you may need to first add space to place this element.

    1. Right-click on the first row of the entire table and select Paste.
    1. Select Insert Row.
    1. Repeat these steps to add the desired number of lines.
    2. To make the background for new lines white, select the new lines, click on the paint bucket icon and choose white.
    3. To remove the marking lines above the title bar, select the title row, click on the “Borders” icon and select the “No Border” option.

    You now have an extra empty space at the top to place your image.

    Schedule templates: available for print or online

    In addition to choosing the best schedule template for your needs, you’ll need to decide what print and online sharing options the template will have.

    Many people print out their schedules and then hang them on the wall or refrigerator. When it comes to a to-do list planner or personal appointments and meetings, many people keep them in their wallet or purse for easy access and use.

    A printed and accessible schedule can be helpful, but in general a paper calendar is more likely to make your life more chaotic and disorganized. If you forget or lose your calendar, you will have to start over from the beginning. If someone wants to edit or add data to the calendar, you won’t know who made those changes, unless you can recognize the person by their handwriting. And finally, the place in such a calendar is always limited, it will quickly fill up and look untidy, with a lot of changes and additions.

    If you need guaranteed access to your schedule at any time of the day, choose a cloud-based collaboration solution. You need to be able to view and edit your schedule at any time on your smartphone or computer.

    In addition, by transferring the schedule to the cloud, you can save a lot of paper. If you plan to share this calendar with other people, an online tool will help you communicate more effectively and make changes. You will be able to see what has been edited, as well as choose the level of rights granted by assigning users the rights of an observer, editor or administrator.

    Finally, many online tools offer collaboration features that let you add discussions, set reminders or notifications, switch from regular view to Gantt view or calendar view, and attach attachments.

    Create simple, collaborative schedules with Smartsheet

    Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-based work management tool that offers a suite of powerful collaboration and communication features. With dozens of built-in templates and sharing features, Smartsheet is ideal for both simple task scheduling and more complex project schedules. Customizing templates is very easy: just right-click on a column to rename a header, or double-click on any cell to add the required information. You can also change colors, fonts, or switch between Gantt, calendar, or grid views.

    Here are 14 schedule templates in Smartsheet:

    The easiest way to create a schedule

    Smartsheet helps you improve collaboration and speed for everything from simple task management and project scheduling to comprehensive resource and portfolio management, enabling you to achieve more. The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work to help your team be more efficient and achieve more, no matter where you are. Report on key metrics and get real-time performance insights with summary reports, dashboards, and automated workflows specifically designed to keep your team collaborative and informed. When teams have clarity about the work to be done, it is impossible to predict how much more they can get done in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free today.

    Free homeschool worksheets and printables for all ages

    Free homeschool worksheets can enhance your homeschool curriculum for all ages, from elementary to middle school. The printed assignments and home study worksheets cover a wide range of topics, including math, reading and writing, social studies, and science. Click the image or link for the sheet you want to download and print using the troubleshooting guide if you need help.

    Free US Government Lesson Worksheets

    Elementary to high school students can use free home study worksheets to learn about the US government. These printable lists serve as tutorials and quick reference pages. Homeschooling Myths0027

    Find out all about the leaders of this country using a list of all US Presidents in chronological order that shows when each held office. Then proceed to explore the nation’s vice presidents by listing the vice presidents in chronological order of their terms.


    US citizens should have a basic understanding of the country’s geography and history. Start by learning the 50 states and their capitals, and then learn how to properly abbreviate each state. From there, you can learn about the history of the states, including those that were on the Union side in the American Civil War.

    List of states and their capitals

    Alphabetical list of state capitals0335

    List of staff reductions

    List 13 Primary Union states

    List of Civil War countries

    Operating leafs for grammar 9000 topics or evaluate previous learning.

    Letter recognition and audio printouts

    Resources like the list of printable adjectives or the list of abstract nouns can help children learn how to write and take them to the next level.

    Common and Proper Noun Worksheet

    Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet

    List of Common Prepositions

    High School Speech Sheet Parts

    As students move into 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, their English language skills should also improve.

    Main and Additional Sentence Worksheet

    Indefinite Pronouns Worksheet

    Pronoun and Prior Agreement Worksheet

    Working sheet of irregular comparative adjectives

    Working sheet of the past, present and future


    AND List of Words can serve as excellent tedular tedular tedular tactiles. improve your writing skills.

    Main list of antonyms

    List of intermediate antonyms

    Extended list of antonyms

    Synonyms table

    Lesson plans for synonymers are like the creation of synonymous notebooks of synonyms to use different types of work of the synonymous sinnamic, to help these appropriation leafs to understand this appropriation.

    9000 9000 Language Learning

    If your child is interested in learning French or Spanish, free printable foreign language worksheets can help. Even if you are not fluent in another language, your children can use the worksheets to learn the basics.

    French Learning Printouts

    Learn basic French words and verbs with easy printable worksheets and word lists.

    Synonym game for beginners

    K / 1 degree farm synonym activity

    Story of synonyms for the garden 2/3 grades

    Evaluation 4/5 for the best synonymical action



    Worker of French numbers

    List of French numerical expressions

    Work sheet FAIRED


    Spanish learning printouts

    Kids who want to learn the basics of Spanish can learn things like colors and numbers with fun activity sheets and lists of Spanish words.


    9035 9000




    Spanish Counting Worksheet

    Spanish Flowers Worksheet

    Spanish Food Worksheet

    Spanish Animal Face Worksheet

    Spanish Activity Part


    Selection of flowers in Spanish

    List of Spanish days, weeks and seasons

    Working Sheet

    Spanish Numbers Worksheet

    Spanish Alphabet List

    Free math worksheets

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    Numerical Educational Prints

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    COMPLE COMPLENCE with missing numbers from 1 to 10

    Cut out of 1 to 5


    9036 9036 9036 9036 9036 9037 9036 9037 9036 903ET Addition and Subtraction Worksheets

    From the Basic Addition and Subtraction Fact Family To add and subtract two-digit numbers, children in kindergarten and first grade can use worksheets to deepen their knowledge of numbers.

    Work sheet 0 and 1 family of facts

    Pass account 2 s, 5 s and 10 С


    903 Families

    Worksheet 8 Family Facts

    9 Family Fact Sheet

    Value Tens and Units

    Add 5S MAZE

    Subtract according to Labyrinth 2S


    Children can be studied. and analog clock.

    Digital and analog timing

    Analog and digital timing

    Print Multiplication Game

    Using fun tools like Flash Card Multiplication or Print Multiplication Game helps keep high school students learning to multiply.

    Flash cards with multiplication problems

    Multiplication card answers

    Multiplication board game



    Printable multiplication tables from one to six

    Keep copies of printed multiplication tables in a folder as a useful resource in learning multiplication.

    Multiplication table by one

    Multiplication table for two

    Multiplication for three


    Multiplication tables for six

    Printable multiplication tables for seven to twelve

    Once children know their basic multiplication tables for smaller numbers, they can start learning multiplication tables for larger numbers up to 13


    Multiplication table for seven

    Multiplication table for eight

    Multiplication table for nine

    Vowel Worksheets

    Vowels can be tricky because most vowels make more than one sound. Use the vowel worksheets to help your child understand the most common sounds that each vowel makes.

    Printing publications

    in preschool institutions and premiums, children beginners to read, can use printables for beginners to master things like visual words.

    Short sound word family

    Long sound word family

    Short sound word family

    Family of long sounds

    Work sheet of short vowels

    Work sheet of mixed vowels

    Sounds Game

    Working sheet of a family of rhyming words

    Card game

    List of words Dolch Sight As elementary students begin to read more varied texts, worksheets with key ideas can help them understand parts of a story, passage, or book.

    Space Science

    Explore the life cycle of a star with the appropriate sheet to better understand how these balls of light form in the sky.

    Star Life Cycle Worksheet

    Cell Charts

    From elementary plant and animal cell lessons to high school cellular respiration lessons, cell charts and printables help children understand the basic building blocks of life.

    Comparison table for animal and plant cells

    Dictionary of food circuits

    List of endangered animals

    List of dinosaurs from A to D


    Social Studies Printable Worksheets

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    Printing Resources for US Battles and Wars

    Use the worksheets to learn about some of the most important wars and battles in US history. You can identify all the battles from the Revolutionary War or even learn about the attack on Pearl Harbor in World War II.

    Revolutionary War Battle List

    Pearl Harbor Lesson Plan

    Geography and World Culture Printouts

    Spelling prints

    Elementary spelling lists with accompanying exercises will give you an idea of ​​what types of vocabulary children should develop at each age.

    List of spelling numbers

    Sheet of inspection of spelling

    List of spelling second grade

    002 List of common spelling errors

    Printable prefixes and suffixes

    Once students have mastered spelling and vocabulary, they can begin to learn about word parts such as prefixes and suffixes.


    List of common prefixes

    Worksheet of common prefixes

    List of common suffixes

    table 9 suffix

    Homeschool Miscellaneous Worksheets

    Children learn many important skills in school, including topics such as art or special skills such as following directions.

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    Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 12:12 pm


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    Life Essentials


    Guided by our well-rounded philosophy and curriculum, our highly trained teachers help develop what’s unique in every child—nurturing imagination, fostering creativity and preparing them for school and for life.

    See how we teach Why Kiddie Academy section link

    Why Kiddie Academy section image link

    Community-based care

    We believe every Kiddie Academy should feel like an extension of family. Through daily communication and regular events, we foster trust, friendship and community between our directors, caregivers, parents and children.

    Meet our team Why Kiddie Academy section link

    Why Kiddie Academy section image link

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    Jason A., Aliana

    “I love the caring teachers who are so supportive and teach my children all these amazing skills! They’re a curriculum based daycare and it shows in everything my two children have learned while there. I have never left to go to my full time job wondering if my children will be ok at Kiddie Academy,… ”

    Lisa N. , Delran Township

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    Karen H., Collegeville

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    Welcome tips and insights to the family:

    Parenting Essentials


    The learning doesn’t stop for parents, either. That’s why we created an information resource with helpful tips on everything from enriching our STEM program at home to introducing lifelong healthy eating and fitness habits.

    Franciscan Child Day Care Center

    Closure of Franciscan Child Day Care Center – August 19, 2022

    Update: The Franciscan Child Day Care Center has been working with another child care provider to take over the site from which they will offer their services. Presently, we are in the process of transitioning, which could take some time. Updates are being sent to current families and staff via HiMama. Inquiries about new enrollment or employment will be referred to the administration of the new center.

    The pandemic revealed how essential child care is to families, employers and communities.  It also placed added strain on a fragile child care system in the United States that was especially felt by independent and non-profit organizations. The Franciscan Child Day Care Center persisted through various challenges of the past three years.  Yet, despite the best efforts of our staff, families and Board, the Center was not able to recover from the financial losses of closures, increased operation costs, staffing shortages, and a 60% drop in enrollment.  Recognizing that the Center is not able to continue to provide affordable child care at the level of quality desired and properly compensate caregivers for their dedicated service, the Board has made the difficult decision to close the Franciscan Child Day Care Center as of September 12, 2022

    This heartbreaking decision was made after months of exploring all our options, including a thorough review of finances and staff assessments. Caregivers have been offered incentives to stay and provide care until August 19 so that families have time to process, grieve and transition to another child care facility or caregiver. 

    The Franciscan Child Day Care Center offers our heartful gratitude to all the families, caregivers, staff, neighbors, Whitehall Borough and others who enabled us to serve the South Hills for 40 years. Thank you for the blessed opportunity to provide children with the tools to grow and thrive, while sharing our Franciscan values emphasizing peace, love for our neighbors, and care for the Earth.

    Letter to Parents and Families

    Each Child is A Unique and Unrepeatable Gift of God

    A dedicated ministry of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God, the Franciscan Child Day Care Center (FCDCC) has provided a child-centered environment for children for 35 years. A Keystone STARS facility, the FCDCC provides care and education to children ranging from 6 weeks to 5 years.  We also offer a Before and After School Care Program for  Kindergarten through 5th grade and a Summer Program for children Pre-Kindergarten through 2nd grade. Full time and Part Time plans are available.

    A special place for children and their families, the FCDCC offers

    • a family centered environment, emphasizing ongoing communications and continuing dialogue between parents and caregivers

    • a secured building where children are safe as they learn and grow

    • age-appropriate environment, with individual rooms for different age levels

    • indoor/outdoor play areas, including a playground for fun and learning

    • onsite preschool program

    90,000 childhood University Education

    Childhood University

    Professional Training in the new format

    • Programs and services


    Independent Expertise and Find out how to make work more efficiently and interestingly more than


    Digital Opportunity Course: Training for the educator who wants to keep up with the times


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    Professional training in a new format!

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    The main focus is on changes in practice

    Leading Russian and international experts

    Modern and time-tested formats

    The University of Childhood’s expert community includes leading professionals in the field of preschool education and teachers – carriers of advanced practices. This allows the creation of particularly effective professional development programs that will help the educator rethink their work from the point of view of education.

    The University of Childhood project ecosystem will help the teacher and parent to move forward, meet the demands of the times and get acquainted with the best educational practices. We believe that by providing adults with opportunities for development, we create the conditions for a happy childhood.

    • Figures


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    educational programs

    • About us

    Our goal:

    “University of childhood” combines and supports those who develop preschool education .

    “University of Childhood” is an educational community and an ecosystem of projects for the professional and personal development of preschool education specialists.

    We believe that by giving development opportunities to teachers, we improve conditions in kindergartens for children.

    The University of Childhood Foundation

    The University of Childhood was founded by philanthropists Igor and Ekaterina Rybakov in 2016 as a preschool area of ​​the Rybakov Foundation.
    In March 2020, received the status of a separate organization.

    Our mission:

    We improve preschool education

    The mission of the University of Childhood Foundation is based on 50 years of research
    J. Heckman, Nobel laureate in economics, who proved that families that have access to quality preschool education are more prosperous in the future.

    • Partners

    Kindergarten No. 34 Vladivostok

    We have been entrusted with a small, delicate, fragile child who comes to kindergarten very tiny, unable to understand what is happening, why instead of the usual home environment, he finds himself in a completely new, unfamiliar place. The kid worries, worries, often cries bitterly, realizing that his mother will not be around for some time. Also, and sometimes even more, the parents of the child are worried and worried, wondering: how is the baby without us? Therefore, a lot of patience, kindness, affection, and genuine love of the teacher are needed so that the child understands, feels in his soul that he is expected here, and loves his second home, and the parents feel how wonderful the baby feels in kindergarten and the soul becomes calm.

    Head: Ziganshina Maria Alexandrovna


    04 September 2022

    “School for Kittens”

    Today, children say goodbye to summer, meet autumn, which means that every child is looking for his own school.

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    01 September 2022

    Knowledge Day

    Happy Knowledge Day to educators and preschoolers! Today the Kindergarten has opened its doors to you and this is an incredibly fun, positive and bright event for you! Every child dreams of getting a special and unusual holiday that he himself will remember for a long time!

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    20 August 2022

    Information for parents from the children’s polyclinic about the admission of the child to kindergarten

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    July 12, 2022 The children were looking forward to it! The performance was very interesting and informative.

    Droopy drawers daycare: Droopy Drawers Day Care | CINCINNATI OH

    Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 12:03 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Droopy Drawers Day Care | CINCINNATI OH

    Write a Review

    About the Provider

    Pinnacle Pointe Daycare Academy – Union City GA Child Care Learning Center

    Description: DROOPY DRAWERS DAY CARE is a Licensed Child Care Center in CINCINNATI OH, with a maximum capacity of 147 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant, Toddler, Pre-Schooler, School Age. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

    Additional Information: Special Needs Child Care Available;

    Program and Licensing Details

    • License Number:
    • Capacity:
    • Age Range:
      Infant, Toddler, Pre-Schooler, School Age
    • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
    • Type of Care:
      Full Time Center
    • Current License Issue Date:
      Aug 29, 2006
    • Current License Expiration Date:
      Dec 31, 9999
    • District Office:
      Ohio Dept of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) – Division of Child Care
    • District Office Phone:
      (877)302-2347 (Note: This is not the facility phone number. )

    Location Map

    Inspection/Report History

    Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
    but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
    as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

    Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Status Corrective Action Status Updated

    If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.



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    the provider.

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    Providers in ZIP Code 45233










    DROOPY DRAWERS DAY CARE, Licensed Child Care Center


    Program Type:
    Licensed Child Care Center

    General Information

    DROOPY DRAWERS DAY CARE is a licensed child care center in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio that welcomes your child and family. Sensitive, loving interactions with teachers are the active ingredients of high quality early care and learning programs. Children benefit socially, intellectually and physically from participation in quality group care experiences, with proven results that last into their school years. Quality child care/day care programs also involve parents—regularly telling you about your child’s daily activities, and sharing information about child development topics and activity ideas to enjoy at home.


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    License Information

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    Expiration date: Unknown

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    How to remove cheeks: 5 exercises for a tightened face And after 2-3 days you will notice that the face has become more toned.

    Iya Zorina

    Author of Lifehacker, athlete, CCM



    Of course, exercises will not help you get rid of subcutaneous fat, the amount of which determines the volume of your cheeks. But gymnastics will strengthen the muscles that need training and help you tighten your skin faster after losing weight.

    All exercises will take you no more than 10 minutes.

    1. Chin Retracted Exercise

    Gently push the chin forward and place the lower lip over the upper lip. Raise the corners of your mouth and then your chin. Press your tongue against the palate and count to 10.

    Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    2. Cheek puff exercise

    Puff out your cheeks. Slowly move the air from one cheek to the other over your upper teeth. Do it as slowly as possible.

    Repeat 10 times.

    3. Chin Stretch

    This exercise targets the chewing muscles to prevent double chins and drooping cheeks.

    Close your lips and teeth. Separate your teeth and, without opening your mouth, move your lower jaw forward as far as possible. Hold this position for 5 seconds, and then return the jaw back.

    Repeat 10 times.

    4. Smile with resistance

    Press your index, middle and ring fingers on your cheeks and try to smile against resistance. Hold your smile for 5 seconds.

    Repeat 10 times.

    5. Exercise “Fish”

    Pull your cheeks in strongly, as if imitating a fish. Try to smile and feel the muscles in your cheeks tense up. Maintain the position for 10 seconds.

    Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    Read also 🙅‍♀️

    • How to remove double chin
    • How to get rid of belly fat
    • 12 weight loss exercises that everyone can do
    • Why does the skin on the face peel and what to do about it
    • 7 easy ways to make your face thinner

    Sagging belly: causes, exercises, treatments for sagging belly

    Why is this happening and how to deal with this defect? We will try to answer in this article.

    A hanging belly in many women appears as a result of weight gain, sudden weight loss, or after childbirth.

    In many cases, a sagging belly during pregnancy is due to diastasis, which is a separation of the rectus abdominis muscles. To check for this problem, simply lie on your back with your feet on the floor and bend your knees. Once in this position, raise your head as if you were doing a crunch, and then feel for your belly.

    If your finger seems to fall between the rectus muscles, you may have diastasis, and this is more than an aesthetic problem. The resulting gap, coupled with weakening of the muscles, increases the risk of back pain in the lumbar region and the acquisition of poor posture. The risk of abdominal hernia due to diastasis also increases. That’s why it’s important to try to reduce excessive belly protrusion.

    In addition, excess skin on the abdomen may appear and hang like a kind of apron due to the large number of kilograms shed in a short time.

    The female body changes throughout pregnancy, so it will not be possible to return the previous silhouette overnight.

    To combat a sagging belly, a set of measures is required:

    1. Add postpartum core and pelvic floor exercises to your fitness program.

    Pelvic floor exercises are kind of the foundation for rebuilding your core after pregnancy and correcting diastasis rectus abdominis (if you suffer from it). Don’t forget light weight training as well as Kegel exercises to strengthen your muscles from the inside out.

    Before starting any fitness program, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider.

    1. Clean up your diet.

    The next step in tightening a sagging post-pregnancy belly is to reset your diet in a healthy way. To do this, we suggest the following steps:

    • Conscious snack planning . Whether you’re breastfeeding on demand or following a specific schedule, planning your meals is a huge part of restoring your body to the way it was before pregnancy. Try adding hearty yet healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, tuna, and veggie sticks to your shopping list. All of these are ready-to-use options, which is extremely important for young mothers.

    • Drink water . Drinking the right amount of water every day can make you feel full for longer. After all, often dehydration is like feeling hungry, and we mistakenly reach for food when we just need a glass of water. Keep a bottle on hand that contains your target amount of water for each day. This is a great way to stay hydrated and tone up your postpartum tummy.

    • Track what you eat . If mindless eating is your thing, then keeping a food diary can help you see which eating habits you need to avoid. Download any special program and start tracking what foods you eat daily right now.

    • Load up on antioxidants . They are incredibly beneficial for health and beauty. Antioxidants help to minimize the damage caused to the skin by negative environmental factors. Foods containing antioxidants include blueberries, strawberries, and many vegetables. You can also consider massage with vegetable oils, which contain antioxidants.

    1. Think skin firming products.

    When choosing your firming cream, look for ingredients such as collagen, vitamin C, and retinoids. Also try tummy wraps. For example, with algae, clay and sea salt.

    These three steps will help you tighten your belly and return it to its former attractiveness.

    In addition, in the fight against loose skin on the stomach, a few additional tips will help:

    • Purchase smart watch . Fitness trackers keep track of your steps, which can motivate you to take an afternoon walk or a few more laps around the living room while you rock your baby. Remember that fitness is not a sprint, but a marathon. A tummy tuck during pregnancy takes time, so every step counts.

    • Breastfeed . One of the great benefits of breastfeeding is its ability to help your body return to its original state by burning extra calories. In the early postpartum period, when the baby is breastfeeding, the uterus contracts and returns to its pre-pregnancy shape and size. It can also help give the impression of a tighter belly. Plus, breastfeeding moms are estimated to burn an average of 500 more calories a day, which can lead to faster weight loss and the toned tummy you dream of.

    • Don’t Forget Cardio . One of the best ways to get your heart pumping and burn off a few extra calories is through cardio. And although every new mom does not have a single extra second, you can, for example, meet three 4-minute sets of tabata per day. Walking with your child in the fresh air is another pleasant and healthy option for cardio.

    • Find company for a walk . There are times when there is simply no motivation, and training becomes a joyless routine. In this case, having a partner you can rely on is key. It could be a workout buddy, a walking partner, or just a friend who sends you a message that it’s time to get moving.

    • Train with your child . Learn a few abdominal exercises that you can do with your baby in your arms, for example. Looking into the eyes of your cute baby, even the simplest movements will be performed in one breath.

    A sagging belly can also mean that your muscles are too weak. You can strengthen them by performing targeted exercises on the press. You also need to eat a nutrient-dense diet (lots of vegetables and lean protein). Do regular cardio and strength exercises for the whole body.

    Aerobic exercise helps to burn fat “apron” on the stomach, and strength training builds muscles that burn extra calories and increase the definition of your abs. Aim to do 150 to 300 minutes of aerobic exercise and do two full-body strength workouts every week.

    For maximum benefit, add high-intensity interval training, which involves bursts of activity followed by rest. A March 2019 study in the American College of Cardiology found that participants who exercised this way lost more belly fat and shrunk their waistline by a few inches than those who did moderate-intensity exercise.

    You can adopt the following few exercises for a sagging belly:

    1. Long lever twist.

    Lying on your back, rest your heels on a bench, box, chair, or step and extend your arms straight behind your head, keeping them off the floor.

    In one smooth motion, lift your shoulders off the floor and lift your torso up.

    Tighten your abs hard and press your heels into the bench, slowly lowering back down.

    Such twists mainly involve the upper part of the abdominal muscles. To increase resistance, hold a plate or ball in your hands.

    1. High bar hold.

    Lying on your stomach, place your palms under your shoulders and stretch your legs, keeping your feet together.

    Push your body evenly off the floor, extend your arms fully and form a straight line from heels to shoulders.

    Feel your abs tighten as you get into this position and hold until you feel tired (at least 10 seconds and no longer than 2 minutes).

    The plank is an isometric exercise that engages all of the core muscles, including the rectus abdominis. Alternatively, place your forearms on the floor instead of balancing on your hands.

    1. Side plank hip push-ups.

    Lying on your right side, fold your legs, resting your head with your right hand, and put your left on your thigh. Raise into a side plank until you form a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.

    Slowly lower your hips towards the floor (without touching it), then lift them as high as you can and repeat. After completing the set, switch sides and do the same number of repetitions.

    Side plank hip pushups target the obliques. For an advanced variation, extend your leg in the air each time you lift your body.

    Aesthetic procedures such as radiofrequency lifting, carboxytherapy and thread lifting are very popular for tightening the skin of the abdomen. They, among other things, contribute to the formation of new collagen cells.

    Collagen is the main protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin. When it is not enough, the skin becomes flabby, wrinkled and elastic. For this reason, to combat sagging skin anywhere on the body, it is important to target existing collagen fibers and form new ones.

    Let’s highlight the most effective methods of treating abdominal lethargy:

    • Radio frequency (RF) lifting. This treatment uses equipment that glides over the skin, creating a pleasant warmth, the temperature of which should not exceed 40ºC. The waves generated by the device act directly on the skin, reducing existing collagen fibers and promoting the formation of new ones. After about 21 days, the skin becomes more elastic than in the first days. However, to get smooth skin without sagging, it may be necessary to have a session every 15 days for about 3 months.

    • Cryolipolysis. In this case, a device is used, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the local temperature to about -10 degrees. This contributes to vasoconstriction and increases the tone of the skin and muscles, which leads to a decrease in abdominal flaccidity.

    • Mesolift. The essence of this technique is injections of rejuvenating substances that moisturize and regenerate the skin, reducing flabbiness of the abdominal skin. The most commonly used substances include hyaluronic acid and alkaline phosphatase.

    • Microcurrent therapy. This is a type of electrical stimulation that uses low intensity currents to rejuvenate the skin and increase its elasticity. In addition, it improves nutrition and oxygenation of tissues, providing a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

    • Carboxytherapy. The meaning of the procedure is to apply carbon dioxide on or under the skin. This stimulates blood flow and improves the oxygenation of the dermis, and also increases the production of fibroblasts, creating new collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. Ideal for getting rid of loose skin and stretch marks on the abdomen. However, the procedure causes some discomfort, so the course of treatment is usually no more than 4 sessions.

    • Thread lifting. This is one of the most effective tummy tuck techniques and can last for years. Absorbable threads are inserted under the skin (for example, Swiss threads Luxeface & Luxebody) – they form a frame, tightening the stomach and trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Thread rejuvenation has proven itself well, including for getting rid of a sagging belly after childbirth.

    Consult with your doctor to find the right technique for you.

    In the battle for a flat and toned stomach, you can also try natural ingredients known for their lifting ability.

    1. Coconut oil. It is a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free radicals that can damage the skin. Coconut oil also moisturizes the skin, which prevents sagging.

    2. Olive oil. This is the simplest yet most effective treatment that locks in moisture and keeps skin radiant. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, which tighten the skin and prevent photodamage.

    3. Med. Helps hydrate dry skin, fights free radicals and reduces redness due to its anti-inflammatory properties. These benefits can help slow down sagging skin for smoother, younger-looking skin.

    4. Coffee. It can be used at night to tighten the skin and slow down the signs of aging. Coffee is also high in antioxidants, which slow down the aging process of the skin. When used as a scrub, it exfoliates the skin qualitatively.

    5. Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera Gel is one of the best home remedies that can be used for a tummy tuck. Contains malic acid, which increases the elasticity of the dermis.

    6. Cucumber. It is considered the best natural tonic. This vegetable is able to tighten loose skin without causing side effects or allergic reactions. In addition, it can refresh and rejuvenate tired skin.

    7. Egg. Egg white contains the albumin protein, making it an excellent remedy for lax skin. Improves its texture by restoring skin cells.

    8. Yogurt. This fermented milk product makes the skin smooth and helps tighten wrinkled skin. When yogurt is applied to the skin, the lactic acid present in it tightens the pores, resulting in firmer and smoother skin.

    9. Lemon. Vitamin C present in lemon boosts collagen production and helps restore skin elasticity. It has astringent properties that reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin.

    Here, for example, is a recipe for a coffee wrap that will help tighten the skin on your stomach.


    • 1/2 cup coconut oil or olive oil;

    • 1/8 cup Epsom salts;

    • 1/2 cup ground coffee.

    Mix all the ingredients to make a scrub. Apply it to the problem area (better to do it in the shower). Cover with plastic wrap and tie with a cloth at the top. Wait 30 to 60 minutes.

    Rinse off the scrub under the shower with warm water. Repeat several times a week.

    The caffeine in this wrap helps draw out water. It also tones fat cells and helps with circulation.

    Homemade masks and wraps are an inexpensive and effective way to lose weight and tighten your stomach. The main thing in this business is regularity.

    You have worked hard on your body and kept to a diet, the kilograms have been dropped, but a new problem has appeared – excess skin on your stomach after losing weight. This is because the skin does not have time to shrink, especially with rapid weight loss. How to remove excess, making your silhouette really fit?

    There are ways to help you avoid and minimize tummy flabbiness.

    1. Keep track of your diet.

    When we exercise, we need to increase our protein intake. Thus, we contribute to building muscle mass.

    One of the most important steps to reduce excess skin is a balanced diet. Dermatologists suggest increasing your intake of red and orange fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamin C, an important nutrient for skin beauty as it stimulates collagen synthesis.

    We can find vitamin C in foods like carrots, tangerines or oranges. Include them in your daily menu.

    Another product that can help fight skin laxity is gelatin. It also stimulates collagen synthesis, according to a study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design.

    In this case, it is necessary to give preference not to useless jelly, but to the pharmacy form of gelatin. Consult with your doctor to select the optimal supplement.

    1. Try beauty treatments.

    Currently, clinics offer many procedures that help control the excess skin that remains with weight loss.

    For example, carboxytherapy is an aesthetic procedure with injections of carbon dioxide into the inner layers of the skin. This gas stimulates blood circulation and collagen production, making the skin smoother and firmer.

    Other aesthetic procedures used to treat loose skin:

    1. Continue training.

    Exercise is also essential to combat excess skin and is extremely important for keeping skin firm and maintaining muscle.

    If you have already included physical activity in your daily routine, do not stop it when you lose weight. If you are tired of doing the same thing, try other options and challenge yourself every time.

    Bored of just walking? Get ready for a marathon! Tired of an exercise bike? Ride mountain bikes. Don’t look for excuses for being lazy.

    Dancing, running, and water aerobics are other physical activities that you can practice to keep your body in good shape.

    You can also practice localized exercises to reduce flaccidity in specific areas of the body such as the buttocks, legs, or abdomen.

    1. Take advantage of anti-flabbiness creams.

    Regardless of the sagging area, skin laxity is associated with the dermis, as this is where the collagen fibers are located. You can find creams that give you collagen and other elements that help your skin from the inside out.

    To get the results you want, look for a transdermal gel so it can penetrate deep enough to reach its target.

    The last resort to get rid of excess skin left after losing weight is plastic surgery. Thanks to it, you can remove all excess skin. The main thing is to choose an experienced doctor and a clinic with a good reputation.

    There are several types of tummy tuck. Some of them are used to remove large amounts of fat and excess skin, while others are used for moderate fat accumulation.

    To date, two types of abdominoplasty are common:

    • Mini tummy tuck. This is a procedure that is used in cases where a simple aesthetic correction is needed with the removal of a small amount of skin and fatty tissue. The incision is made in the bikini area. The navel after miniabdominoplasty remains in place.

    • Total Abdominoplasty. A full tummy tuck is a procedure that is used to remove as much skin and fat from the abdominal muscles as possible. If, after removing areas of excess skin, the umbilical ring is deformed or displaced from the midline, the navel is transferred to its original place, making a new hole in the skin for it.

    The duration of hospitalization after surgery is from 1 to 2 days. This is followed by a period of rehabilitation. Pinkish scars after manipulation persist for several months. They disappear completely on average after 1-2 years.

    In some cases, tummy tuck surgery may be the best solution. Tummy tuck is recommended in the following cases:

    • excess skin and fat;

    • liposuction cannot be performed;

    • flabbiness of the anterior abdominal wall;

    • divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles;

    • stretch marks (striae), scars from operations and injuries;

    • hernias, including umbilical and inguinal.

    Abdominoplasty is one of the most complex plastic surgeries and is performed under general anesthesia.

    • Hanging belly, as a rule, appears as a result of weight gain, sudden weight loss or after childbirth.

    Halloween costumes for teachers of preschoolers: 26 Halloween Costumes for Teachers

    Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 11:21 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    31 Best Teacher Halloween Costumes for Groups and Partners

    Do you and your work besties really want to impress your students this year with top-notch teacher Halloween costumes? No need to worry! We’ve got you covered with everything from the educational to the absurd. We’ll even help you gather all the essentials for each, so the whole crew looks their festive best.

    Whether you’re the artsy friend who owns a coveted Cricut or more of a click-to-cart type, there is something for everyone on our list of the best teacher Halloween costumes. We have hilarious options from everyone’s favorite comedies like Napoleon Dynamite and The Office as well as educational choices that will fit in with your wellness and science units. Who knows, you might even win a costume contest while you’re at it! Go ahead and grab your fellow teachers to pick your favorite from our list below.

    (Just a heads up: WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)

    1. Crayola Crayon Box

    We just love teacher Halloween costumes that look like they belong in their students’ backpacks. This super-easy costume idea works well for bigger groups, and you really only need some primary-color T-shirts and party hats. It will help to have someone crafty to create the lettering and big box. Here’s how to get the look:

    • 50-Piece Cone Party Hats, under $20 at Amazon
    • Primary-Color T-Shirts Multi-Pack, under $40 at Amazon
    • Yellow Plastic Tablecloth, under $10 at Amazon
    • Crayon Logo Print, under $1 at Etsy

    Image: Instagram/Ashleigh Kilgour

    2. Blue’s Clues & Co.

    We’ll give you four clues about what this next group costume is! How clever is this group’s idea for painting chef hats for the Salt and Pepper toppers? We also found an exact replica of Steve’s shirt from the show and some fun options for Blue! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Classic Striped Polo Shirt, under $35 at Amazon
    • Blue’s Clues Ears Headband, under $15 at Etsy
    • Round-Neck T-Shirt Dress with Pockets, under $30 at Amazon
    • Zioccie Solid-Color Pantyhose, under $10 at Amazon
    • Hanes ComfortSoft T-Shirt, under $15 at Amazon
    • Hyzrz Chef Hat, under $10 at Amazon

    Image: @tooschool__forcool


    Napoleon and Pedro

    Some teacher Halloween costumes like this one may appeal more to your fellow teachers than your students since they hearken back to an old-school movie. It really couldn’t be easier to pull off this dynamic duo! We subbed in a blue shirt for Pedro (another one of his iconic looks from the film), but really any button-up will do. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Nerd Wig + Glasses Costume Set, under $25 at Amazon
    • Vote for Pedro Shirt, under $15 at Etsy
    • Pedro Costume Wig and Mustache, under $20 at Amazon
    • Beninos Simple Shirt, under $25 at Amazon
    • LAXPICOL Vintage Turquoise Stone Bolo Tie, under $15 at Amazon
    • Vote for Pedro Button, under $10 at Etsy

    Image: @sisterhood_of_bffs

    4. Bucket Fillers

    A group costume that also reinforces a message about kindness and filling others’ buckets—yes, indeed! The hardest part will be cutting the plastic buckets to shape, but from there you’ll just need a little hot glue and your imagination. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Tinsel, under $20 at Amazon
    • Large, Colorful Plastic Buckets, under $30 at Amazon
    • Nylon Strap, under $15 at Amazon
    • Glitter, Star Headbands, under $10 at Amazon

    Image: Pinterest/Kathy Trainor-Bruso

    5. Mother Nature and the Four Seasons

    Teacher Halloween costumes that can be mostly assembled with items you already own are a win-win in our book. This look will work well with a science unit on weather for younger grades. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Long Green Dress, under $35 at Amazon
    • Floral Umbrella, under $20 at Amazon
    • Snowflake T-shirt, under $20 at Amazon
    • Flower Crown, under $10 at Amazon
    • Camo Sweatshirt, under $10 at Amazon

    Image: Pinterest/Allison Bates

    6. The Princess A-Team

    Teacher Halloween costumes that make you look like a beloved Disney character will be sure to please. We took inspiration from the Fairy Godmother on the far left and found some lovely pieces, plus pre-made costumes to let your inner Disney princess shine! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Fairy Godmother Costume Cape, under $40 at Etsy
    • CakCton Loose Swing Dress with Pockets, under $20 at Amazon
    • Twinkle & Shine Light Up Wand, under $15 at Amazon
    • Elsa Costume, under $35 at Amazon
    • Snow White Costume, under $30 at Amazon
    • Cinderella costume, under $35 at Walmart
    • Little Mermaid Costume, under $80 at Walmart
    • Belle Costume, under $40 at Amazon

    Image: @craftanoon


    Teenage Mutant Ninja Teachers

    Did you know a group of turtles is called a “bale”? Yep, you can use this fun costume as a teaching moment too! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Ninja Turtle T-Shirts, under $20 at Etsy
    • Simplicity Tulle Tutu Skirt, under $20 at Amazon
    • TCK TS All Sport Tube Socks, under $5 at Amazon
    • levylisa Cotton Strips, under $10 at Amazon

    Image: Twitter/PS889K

    8. Cruella de Vil and Dalmatians

    If you wanted, you could gather 101 of your teacher besties to join in! On top of DIY supplies, we found some ready-to-wear Dalmatian shirts, ears, and a Cruella you can pop on instead. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Dalmatian Costume T-Shirt, under $35 at Walmart
    • Dalmatian Ears Headband, under $15 at Etsy
    • Time and Tru Solid Baseball Cap, under $5 at Walmart
    • Hanes Long-Sleeve Tee, under $10 at Walmart
    • Marvy Uchida Laundry Marker, under $5 at Michaels
    • CakCton Loose Swing Dress with Pockets, under $20 at Amazon
    • Time and Tru Everyday Cardigan Sweater, under $15 at Walmart
    • Feather Boa, under $10 at Amazon
    • Linfairy Half Light Blonde and Black Wig, under $25 at Amazon

    Image: @teaching_in_skirts



    This costume idea will be sure to have your students debating over what’s the best candy. You’ll need an artistic peer to get in on the fun since someone has to paint the logos on the T-shirts. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Hanes ComfortBlend T-Shirts, under $10 at Amazon
    • Craft T-shirts, under $10 at Michaels
    • Acrylic/Fabric Paints, under $30 at Amazon

    Image: Karen Scheuer

    10. The Emoji Keyboard

    Anyone else especially relate to the emoji on the far right? Let students know how you really feel with this adorable and easy-to-make costume. Here’s how to get the look:

    • 25 Pack Poster Board, under $20 at Michaels
    • Crayola Giant Construction Papers, under $5 at Michaels
    • Loops & Threads Impeccable Yarn, under $5 at Michaels

    Image: @slooplions

    11. Alvin, Simon, and Theodore

    Caution: Whoever picks Alvin as their costume will probably hear it screamed at them more than once throughout the day. Otherwise, this costume is totally easy to put together! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Hanes EcoSmart Crew Neck Sweatshirts, under $15 at Target
    • Zeyune Chipmunks Costume Set, under $20 at Amazon
    • Tru-Ray Construction Paper, under $10 at Michaels

    Image: @lifewithmrswasik

    12. Slinky Dog

    To re-create this look, just wear all brown, have one person don dog ears, and put some curly metal wire between you and your buddy for a perfect slinky pup. Here’s how to get the look:

    • ClothingAve. Comfy Long-Sleeve Shirt, under $15 at Amazon
    • Leggings Depot Solid Jogger Pants, under $15 at Amazon
    • Nicky Bigs Novelties Puppy Dog Ears Headband and Tail, under $10 at Walmart
    • Aluminum Hobby Wire, under $5 at Home Depot

    Image: GutsyFeeling

    13. Rock, Paper, Scissors

    You can show off your DIY skills like these ladies—we’re especially impressed by those scissors!—or grab a pre-made costume set. Whichever way you go, everyone wins with this sweet idea. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Long-Sleeve T-Shirt, under $20 at Amazon
    • Simplicity Tulle Tutu Skirt, under $20 at Amazon
    • White Poster Board, under $5 at Michaels
    • Glitter Spray Paint, under $10 at Home Depot
    • Rock, Paper, Scissors Costume, under $45 at Walmart

    Image: @whatwhitwore

    14. Jellyfish

    This idea is so easy to re-create and will be sure to delight your students. Purchase some cheap umbrellas or grab some from home, add some large googly eyes, and finally, attach some crepe paper. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Umbrella, under $10 at Amazon
    • Extra-Large Googly Eyes, under $10 at Amazon
    • Colored Crepe Paper, under $10 at Amazon

    Image: Diana L. via Allabout3rdgrade

    15. The Office

    We appreciate the meta-level of wearing a character’s costume while wearing a costume of said character with this Office group’s “Three Hole Punch Jim. ” Here’s how to get the look:

    • Silver Label Men’s Long Sleeve Dress Shirt, under $10 at Walmart
    • Iron-On T-Shirt Letters, under $10 at Walmart
    • Tie, under $15 at Walmart
    • Women’s Classic Career Shirt, under $15 at Walmart
    • Gioberti Men’s Short-Sleeve Solid Dress Shirt, under $25 at Walmart
    • GRACE KARIN Long-Sleeve Button-Down Cardigan, under $25 at Amazon
    • Urban CoCo Midi Pencil Skirt, under $20 at Amazon
    • Pack of 6 Fashion Silk Neck Tie, under $15 at Amazon
    • Clear Lens Aviator Eyeglasses, under $10 at Amazon
    • Construction Paper, under $15 at Michaels

    Image: @_jaden.busnardo

    16. Grammar Police

    This is the perfect group costume for the English/Language Arts Department. Your students will be on their best grammar behavior to avoid arrest! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Grammar Police T-shirt, under $15 at Amazon
    • Police Hat, under $10 at Amazon
    • Toy Handcuffs, under $15 at Amazon
    • Aviator Sunglasses, under $20 at Amazon
    • Police Badge, under $10 at Amazon

    Image: Twitter/C Levant


    A Wearable History Lesson

    This one is perfect for the history department. Get yourself a recognizable hat and headscarf to bring good old Uncle Sam and Rosie the Riveter to life. Finally, get to work on those famous posters. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Red and White Polka Dot Headscarf, under $10 at Amazon
    • Uncle Sam Hat and Beard, under $20 at Amazon

    Image: Facebook/ESC Region 11 Social Studies

    18. Dominoes

    Teacher Halloween costumes like this one that are simple and easy to put together mean more time for grading and bonding with your students. Just make sure your pieces can score a nice amount of points in case another pair of domino’d teachers challenges you to match. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Long-Sleeve Black Tunic, under $25 at Amazon
    • Basic Felt by Creatology, under $10 at Michaels

    Image: @christiekipp

    19. Magic School Bus

    A childhood staple for millennials and even their kids thanks to the revival series, The Magic School Bus is a beloved show and book series that makes for a perfect group costume. You’ll definitely want to get a red wig and the perfect dress for everyone’s favorite teacher, Miss Frizzle. If you’re really feeling adventurous, buy some battery-operated tap lights to use as working headlights! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Peter Pan Collar Space Dress, under $30 at Amazon
    • Red Flats, under $20 at Amazon
    • Red Curly Wig, under $20 at Amazon
    • Battery-Operated Tap Lights, under $15 at Amazon
    • Moving Boxes, under $30 at Amazon

    Image: Coolest Homemade Costumes

    20. Coffee and Donut

    Why not re-create your favorite teacher’s-lounge snack? Especially when it’s as easy as picking up ready-made costumes to slip on over your regular clothes! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Coffee and Donut Costume, under $45 at Amazon

    Image: Amazon

    21. Beanie Babies

    Since kids love Beanie Babies, this will be the perfect teacher costume to grab their attention. Pick your favorite animal onesie, then find your artsy friend who owns a Cricut and get some help making the signature TY tags. Bonus: You’ll never be more comfortable at work! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Dinosaur Costume, under $30 at Amazon
    • Giraffe Onesie, under $30 at Amazon
    • Panda Onesie, under $30 at Amazon
    • Colored Cardstock, under $10 at Amazon
    • Cricut Explore Air 2, about $200 at Amazon

    Image: Twitter/Esther Chae

    22. 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

    Bonus: You can reuse these tutus next year for Day the Crayons Quit costumes. It may be difficult to find the fishy headgear the teachers sport in this pic, but you could try cutting out fish shapes from construction paper or similar creative options. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Hanes ComfortBlend EcoSmart T-Shirt, under $15 at Amazon
    • Simplicity Tulle Tutu Skirt, under $15 at Amazon
    • Iron-On T-Shirt Letters, under $10 at Walmart

    Image: @alexlexalove

    23. Food Groups

    Teacher Halloween costumes that double as a wellness lesson—yes, please! This is a great ensemble costume idea if you’re in a time crunch and need an inexpensive, pre-made option. Plus, you can add more folks in on the fun—like someone covered in purple balloons as a bunch of grapes! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Peanut Butter Costume, under $25 at Amazon
    • Peas and Carrot Costumes, under $40 at Amazon
    • Strawberry Costume, under $20 at Amazon
    • Apple and Orange Costume, under $40 at Amazon

    Image: Littleton Public Schools

    24. Best Friend Necklace

    You probably had one of those “best friend” heart necklaces as a child, right? Pretty much any color of construction paper will do, but we went for old-school nostalgia with a gold-and-silver theme for our product picks. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Gold & Silver Posterboard by Creatology, under $5 at Michaels
    • Gold & Silver Metallic Cord, under $5 at Etsy
    • Simplicity Tulle Tutu Skirt, under $15 at Amazon

    Image: @jaimierose23

    25. The Holidays

    Everyone picks their favorite holiday! There are so many ways you can go for the outfits, depending on your mood and closet, so we focused on finding the best seasonal headgear to top you off. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Christmas Star Headband, under $15 at Etsy
    • Jack-o’-Lantern Head Bopper Headband, under $10 at Walmart
    • Women’s Plush Earmuffs, under $15 at Walmart
    • Red, White, and Blue Star Headband, under $4 at Amazon
    • Soft Touch Bunny Ears Headband, under $10 at Amazon

    Image: fall_in_love1993

    26. The Care Bears

    Teacher Halloween costumes can be nostalgic like this one from your favorite childhood cartoon. Choose the bear that fits each group member’s personality the best, and give your students the Care Bear Stare! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Care Bear T-Shirts, under $25 at Etsy
    • Care Bear Ears Headband, under $10 at Etsy

    Image: @ntmyerica

    27. Expo Markers

    Have a showdown with another group dressed as the Crayola colors for an epic battle of the best school supplies! Or just have fun posing like this group. Either way, grabbing some card stock for the cap hats, white aprons, and fabric paint will do the trick. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Bright Essentials Cardstock Paper, under $20 at Michaels
    • Aunt Martha’s Poly Cotton White Twill Apron, under $10 at Walmart
    • Tulip Fabric Paint 6-Pack, under $15 at Amazon

    Image: @mmeelarue

    28. Field Trip Survivors

    So easy to put together with a simple poster-board sign—and you can mix things up by basing it off whatever your most recent school field trip was. These ladies seem to have survived a visit to the local pumpkin patch. Did you go to a museum recently instead? Try ripping up a cheap print of famous artwork that was on display for another fun spin (and then maybe reprinting some to hang up in class). Here’s how to get the look:

    • Fall Leaves Garland, under $15 at Michaels
    • Van Gogh Museum Poster Set, $10 at Michaels
    • White Poster Board, under $5 at Michaels

    Image: @typeainprek

    29. Giraffes Can’t Dance

    Teacher Halloween costumes should be comfortable like this cute look. Giraffes Can’t Dance is one of our favorite books for teaching social skills—and reading it to your kids will be even more magical while dressed in a fun onesie! Here’s how to get the look:

    • Giraffe Novelty Union Suit, under $30 at Amazon

    Image: @nofluffteachingstuff

    30. Pooh and Friends!

    You can’t go wrong with these classic characters from the Hundred Acre Wood! These DIY shirts are adorable, but we also found some pre-made ones to make life easier for you. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Hanes ComfortBlend EcoSmart T-Shirt, under $15 at Amazon
    • Satin Pink Wired Ribbon, under $20 at Amazon
    • Bright Felt Sheets by Creatology, under $10 at Michaels
    • Pooh & Friends T-Shirts, under $35 at Etsy
    • Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, and Pooh Ears, under $25 at Etsy
    • Terra-Cotta Plastic Planter, under $5 at Home Depot
    • Acrylic Paint Value Pack by Craft Smart, under $10 at Michaels

    Image: @firstieland


    Disco Teachers

    Know anyone who’s stashed away some old disco duds? This group costume is the perfect time to show them off! If not, there are a couple of other options we found for embracing your inner Dancing Queen. Here’s how to get the look:

    • Disco Diva Halloween Costume, under $40 at Amazon
    • DiscoHunnys Bell Bottoms, under $35 at Etsy
    • Rhode Island Novelty Plastic Glitter Microphone, under $10 at Walmart
    • Disco Ball Earrings, under $15 at Amazon

    Image: @mancinis5ths

    Do you have an amazing group or partner Halloween costume? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers chat group on Facebook.

    Plus, take a look at these book character teacher Halloween costumes and classroom crafts and activities for Halloween.

    30 Last-Minute Teacher Halloween Costumes You Can Buy on Amazon

    Halloween classroom checklist: Slightly spooky bulletin boards? Check. Halloween activities? Check. Fantastic homemade teacher Halloween costumes? Um, wait, give me a minute …

    Sure, making your own costume can be fun, when you have the time. But since when do teachers have a lot of extra time on their hands? Fortunately, we’re here to help you out. Here’s a list of great teacher Halloween costumes you can simply buy from Amazon.

    (Note: WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)

    1. Astronaut

    Inspire your students to reach for the stars by dressing in NASA astronaut gear. (Orange suits are worn during launch and reentry, while white suits are used for spacewalks.)

    Get it: Aeromax Astronaut Costume

    2. The Mona Lisa

    Turn yourself into a famous work of art! Use the opportunity to teach students about da Vinci’s most celebrated painting or the artist himself.

    Get it: Rasta Imposta Mona Lisa Costume

    3. The Cat in the Hat and Friends

    Be the famous Cat in the Hat or either of his buddies. The Thing 1 and Thing 2 costume comes with Velcro numbers, so you can change from one to the other at any time!

    Get them: Cat in the Hat Costume; Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costume



    Teacher Halloween costumes that are also comfortable? Sign us up! This skeleton costume is only slightly spooky; you can also use it to teach basic anatomy!

    Get it: Tipsy Elves Skeleton Jumpsuit

    5. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head

    Kids will love helping you rearrange your costume—it comes with interchangeable parts for both Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head.

    Get it: Disguise Mr./Mrs. Potato Head Costume

    6. School Supplies

    Oh, we know how teachers love school supplies. That makes these pencil and crayon costumes perfect teacher Halloween costumes! The crayon comes in multiple colors, too.

    Get them: Pencil Costume; Crayon Costume

    7. Rock, Paper, Scissors

    Need a good group costume? Look no further! This trio makes up one of the world’s most famous games. Plus, more school supplies!

    Get them: Rock costume; Paper costume; Scissors costume

    8. Winnie-the-Pooh and Friends

    Who doesn’t love cuddly Pooh, timid Piglet, cheerful Tigger, or melancholy Eeyore? Little ones will be enchanted to see their teacher transformed into one of their favorite characters.

    Get them: Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, and Eeyore Onesie

    9. The Sun

    Make the classroom revolve around you for a day by dressing up as the sun! Bonus points if you make your students turn themselves into the rest of the solar system.

    Get it: Rasta Imposta Sun Costume

    10. Superheroes

    Teachers are the real superheroes, right? Remind your students of your amazing powers with these caped T-shirt teacher Halloween costumes.

    Get them: Wonder Woman; Superman

    11. Max from

    Where the Wild Things Are

    Let the wild rumpus start! You know your class is full of wild things; you might as well join them and be their king. (Get more literary costume ideas.)

    Get it: Max Costume

    12. Sherlock Holmes

    Looking to solve the Halloween costume mystery? Elementary (school), my dear Watson! Don this outfit that’s perfect for investigating any subject. (May we suggest looking into some Word Crimes?)

    Get it: Sherlock Holmes Costume


    George or Martha Washington

    Honor one of the Founding Fathers, George Washington, and his wife, Martha, with these historical Halloween costumes and spend a little time learning about their lives.

    Get them: George Washington Costume; Colonial Woman Costume

    14. Pretty Insects

    Delve into the world of bugs with a bee, butterfly, or ladybug costume. It’s a great way to remind students of the important part these little insects play in our ecosystem.

    Get them: Bee Costume; Monarch Butterfly Wings; Ladybug Costume

    15. Harry Potter Characters

    Let’s face it: Harry Potter continues to be pure magic for kids. Give them a dose of Felix Felicis when you dress as Harry, Hagrid, or any Hogwarts student.

    Get them: Harry Potter Accessories; Hogwarts Robe

    16. Empowered Women of History

    Remind the kids of today that women are history-makers too. Whether securing the franchise for women, keeping the factories running during World War II, or shuttling military planes around, these figures have plenty of stories to share with your students.

    Get them: Rosie the Riveter; Suffragette Costume

    17. Curious George’s The Man in the Yellow Hat

    We all know it’s easy for little monkeys to forget to be good. Help them out by dressing as The Man in the Yellow Hat and bring a plush Curious George along to keep you company.

    Get it: The Man in the Yellow Hat Costume; Curious George Stuffed Animal

    18. Henry VIII or Anne Boleyn

    Who could pass up a chance to wear a sumptuous medieval costume? Of course, Anne was headed for a bloody end, but that just makes it a little bit scary—perfect for Halloween.

    Get them: Henry VIII Costume; Anne Boleyn

    19. Where’s Waldo?

    We found Waldo … and it’s you! The men’s costume includes a hat, shirt, and glasses, while the women’s also adds a fun pair of striped socks.

    Get it: Where’s Waldo? Costume

    20. Clifford the Big Red Dog

    Every little reader will want a hug from Clifford. It’s the perfect chance for a class reading of Clifford’s Halloween, too. (The mitts come off, so you can still flip the pages.)

    Get it: Clifford the Big Red Dog Costume

    21. The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    Dress in this costume, and then you can eat all day long—you know, to stay in character! Chocolate cake, apples, pickles, sausages … it’s all fair game for The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

    Get it: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Costume

    22. Meow, Be a Cat

    If this matches your sense of humor, then roll with it. It comes in multiple colors. And if you want to really get into costume, try pairing it with some simple cat ears.

    Get it: Meow Cat Costume

    23. Inflatable Fun

    There are so many great options to choose from. You can easily get lost in the sea of genius inflatable costumes available on Amazon. The above is just one of our favorites.

    Get them: Inflatable Unicorn Costume

    24. Capes for Many Genius Costumes

    You can do so much with a good cape. The red one is begging to be Little Red Riding Hood, and the black one is perfect for a witch.

    Get them: Velvet Capes

    25. Peanut Butter & Jelly

    Yes, this costume is screaming out to you and your teacher BFF. Kids will love seeing the two of you together, and it’ll make for such great photo opportunities.

    Get them: PB&J Costume

    26. Taco

    It’s one of the most loved foods, so this costume will definitely be a crowd-pleaser.

    Get it: Taco Costume

    27. Minions

    Minions are oh-so lovable, and your students will get a kick out of you in costume. If you’re crafty, you can probably make this costume yourself with jeans or overalls. Otherwise, you can just buy one.

    Get them: Women’s Minion; Unisex Minion Onesie

    28. Animal Onesies

    If you love comfort at Halloween, consider going the onesie route. There are so many great animal onesie costumes on Amazon. These are some of our favorites, but know that there are many other options to choose from.

    Get them: Flying Squirrel; Giraffe; Cheshire Cat


    The Seven Dwarfs

    This is the perfect group costume. There are many T-shirt options on Amazon. Now you just need some fake beards, pointy hats, and leggings to finish off this group costume. If you want to make the whole thing come alive, you should also designate a Snow White.

    Get them: Seven Dwarves Accessories; Snow White Costume

    30. Ketchup & Mustard

    Is this costume silly or genius? We kind of love it. To make it even more fun, get leggings to match your perfect mustard or ketchup shade. There’s also a T-shirt version, if you want to save a few bucks.

    Get it: Ketchup and Mustard Costume Set

    What do you plan to be for Halloween? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

    Plus, check out the best Halloween costumes for groups and partners.

    Easy Preschool Teacher Halloween Costume Ideas

    posted by Vanessa Levin | filed under Special | affiliate disclosure

    Are you ready for Halloween? Teacher halloween costumes can be time consuming to put together! And most schools don’t allow students or teachers to dress-up for Halloween any longer, but many do have a “Book Character Parade” instead. So here is a super simple and easy idea for preschool teachers.

    Teacher Halloween Costumes

    I love Halloween and would like to dress-up for the kids, but I am always too busy to put together a good teacher halloween costume. Besides, how many Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s do you really need in a parade?

    One year we had a staff development day on Halloween and several of the teachers arrived wearing unique shirts and teacher accessories. I was inspired by this idea so I made my own t-shirt, you can see the front of the shirt above and the back below.

    You Can’t Scare Me I’m a Teacher Shirt

    After I made my own shirt I found one on Amazon that is similar.

    Halloween Nails

    You know you are a dedicated teacher when you do your nails Halloween style! These Halloween nail stickers are super easy to use.

    Halloween Shoes

    What would match the orange teacher shirt and nail polish better than a pair of orange Crocs with Halloween jibbitz?

    Teacher Halloween Costume Ideas From A Book

    If you want to put together more of a traditional costume, look no further than your own classroom library! What better way to encourage your preschoolers to read then to dress up like one of their favorite characters from the books you read to them. Here are a few preschool literary costume ideas:

    • Mrs. Frizzle
    • Big Bird (or any Sesame Street character)
    • Pete The Cat
    • Teacher Harriet
    • Any Dr. Seuss Character! – Cat In The Hat, The Lorax

    Teacher Group Halloween Costumes

    Maybe you have a bunch of you that want to dress up together! Nothing is more fun than getting a crew together and doing a group costumes for preschool. Here are a few ideas:

    • Different colored containers of Play-Doh
    • Different Dr. Seuss characters
    • Your favorite character from a chosen book
    • Favorite Disney characters
    • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    • Minions
    • Cruella De Vil and Dalmations
    • Different Emojis
    • Dominoes
    • Seasons
    • Holidays
    • Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker
    • Crayola crayons
    • 3 Little Pigs
    • 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

    More Halloween Ideas

    • 5 Little Pumpkins Halloween Sensory Bin – Your little learners will have a blast retelling the rhyme Five Little Pumpkins with this Halloween themed sensory bin! They’ll be developing their fine motor and oral language skills as they retell the rhyme.   Setting up this sensory bin experience at home or in your preschool classroom is super simple and loads of fun!
    • Halloween Sensory Bin with Spaghetti – Need Halloween sensory play ideas for your preschool classroom? You can make this easy colored spaghetti for a super fun Halloween themed sensory bin. This squishy Halloween sensory spaghetti is sure to be a big hit with your kids!
    • Halloween Sensory Bottle – Halloween can be loads of fun in the classroom with all the cute crafts and activities. Here’s a super quick and easy Halloween sensory bottle you can make to help kids who may become overstimulated by all the activity in the classroom during this time of year.
    • Halloween Fine Motor Activities for Preschool – Kids can use fine motor skills all day, but doing the same thing over and over can cause children to lose interest. These activities are fun experiences for October that will help build fine motor skills. These are perfect for a fall theme or Halloween theme. And, since many of the items are from the dollar store, you can stock up your morning work baskets or centers.
    About Vanessa Levin

    Welcome to Pre-K Pages! I’m Vanessa, a Pre-K teacher with more than 20 years of classroom experience.
    You spend hours of your precious time each week creating amazing lesson plans with engaging themes and activities your kids will love.
    You’re a dedicated teacher who is committed to making learning FUN for your students while supporting their individual levels of growth and development.
    I’m committed to helping teachers just like you teach better, save time, and live more by providing you with everything you need to create a fun and engaging learning environment, lesson plans, and activities for your little learners.
    Are you ready to get started with teaching better, saving time, and living more? More than 75,000 teachers receive my exclusive teaching tips in their inbox each week, add your name to the list here!

    Filed Under: Special Tagged With: costume, halloween, party

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    Halloween Costumes for Teachers – Simply Kinder

    Home » Halloween Costumes for Teachers

    Attention, all teachers! If you’re looking for the best Halloween costumes for teachers in 2022, that are school appropriate, then look no further! There are ideas for team teachers, DIY costumes, book and movie characters, and great puns that your students will LOVE. Keep reading to check them out for yourself.

    Why should students get to have all the fun on Halloween? As if you needed another reason to add in some fun, Halloween falls on a Monday this year. So get out your crafting materials, or get your online ordering finger ready, because you are definitely going to want to have one of these teacher costumes for yourself!

    This article goes well with these resources:

    2022 Halloween Costumes for Teachers

    👀 at these awesome teacher costumes in action!

    Halloween hits a little differently when you’re a teacher. Gone are the days when you stayed up all night checking out the candy stash you scored during trick-or-treating while wearing the latest, coolest costume. Now the holiday means trying to keep your overexcited students focused for the day, and managing a class party. So much fun, and totally worth it, but a LOT of work! Why not add in some excitement for yourself by showing off your awesome Halloween costume, perfect for teachers? Check some out:

    Group Costumes

    • Sound Wall: By this time of year, your students are super familiar with the Simply Kinder Sound Wall in your room and love learning with it! How fun is it to have every teacher on your team BECOME a piece of the sound wall? Easily done with cardboard and colored prints of the sound wall! Make a bulletin board crown and you have an easy, cheap, creative team costume!
    • M&M’s: Everyone wears a different colored shirt and pastes a giant M to the front of their shirt. So simple but your students will get a kick out of it.
    • Super Teachers: Everyone knows what a SUPER teacher you are, so make it an easy DIY costume with an S and shield on your shirts, and a simple cape and mask. It’s the whole Justice League of Super Teachers!
    • Cowboys: Another super simple team costume. Grab a flannel shirt, bandana, and hat from your local value or thrift store and you have matching team teacher costumes. Yeehaw!
    • Storm and Weather Person: You can be your own creative costume from “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs”, or pair it with the teacher who doesn’t really want to dress up and call them the weatherman! Either way, it’s an inexpensive but FUN costume!
    • Decades: What a great history lesson to teach your students when you come dressed up from the 80’s, 60’s, 20’s, or any other decade. They’ll love learning about the different fashions from that era, and you will love getting to rock the side ponytail and neon colors!

    Book/Movie Characters

    For safety or education purposes, some schools will only allow costumes that represent a book (or appropriate movie) character. We LOVE books, as do your students, so we have some amazing ideas for you there, too! Check out these character Halloween costumes for teachers below.

    • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom: A kindergarten FAVORITE! Every student is guaranteed to recognize this colorful costume that is so easy to make! Construction paper, glue dots, and a green or brown top, and you look just like the famous alphabet tree!
    • Lyle Lyle Crocodile: This is a classic children’s book that is also being made into a movie this year, so students will love seeing this friendly crocodile brought to life! This costume was found at a consignment shop but would be simple to recreate with a green shirt, felt, construction paper, and bobbly eyeballs to make a toothy croc head!
    • Pete the Cat: A beloved character with all students, Pete would be really easy to put together! A blue shirt, red shoes, cheap black cat ears, a blow-up guitar (or one cut out of cardboard!), and drawn-on whiskers will recreate this cool cat in a jiffy!
    • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See: “I see a red bird looking at me!” An adorable red bird made easily with a fun feather mask and red clothing. Your students will love reciting this book to you when you dress up as one of the colorful characters! You could even get one of the cozy adult animal onesies to be a character.
    • The Very Hungry Caterpillar: A popular kindergarten book and learning unit, this cute butterfly costume is a great reminder of when the hungry caterpillar “nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out and was a beautiful butterfly!”
    • Elephant & Piggie: Almost anywhere that sells costumes has really simple masks or kits for elephants and pigs! Wear one with gray or pink clothing and carry around your favorite book from Mo Willems’ beloved series.
    • Ms. Frizzle: A favorite among teachers to show during a rainy day, or as an addition to a science lesson, The Magic Schoolbus is a great series. This Ms. Frizzle costume complete with her sidekick Liz is amazing!

    Funny Punny Halloween Costumes for Teachers

    Everyone loves a good pun, and no one has quite the same sense of humor as a kindergarten student (or teacher!) These costumes are sure to get a giggle out of your class.

    • Spelling Bee: Everyone wants to be the spelling bee champ, so see which students can spell the words on your shirt! Recreate this with bee wings and antennae, and a black shirt. You can paste construction paper on the shirt with your spelling bee page, use yellow tape, or order one online already made for you.
    • Smarty Pants: Your students will laugh hysterically when you walk in with smarties candy glued all over your pants! Add a dictionary or encyclopedia, and see who is the first to figure out that you’re a “smarty pants!”
    • Brown E: “Why do you have a giant brown letter E taped to your shirt?” Oh, that’s simple, it’s because you’re a BROWNIE! Get it? Ha!
    • Shoot for the Stars: This cardboard cutout shooting star with gold spray paint was so easy to make. And it’s a great way to keep reminding your students to “shoot for the stars” every day! You could also pretend you are a “star student” if you celebrate that in your classroom. Plus, we all know that teachers are actual Super Stars!
    • Smart Cookie: Another cardboard cutout idea is to make a giant cookie to wear. Add a graduation cap or carry around an encyclopedia, and you’re a “smart cookie!”

    Other Costume Fun

    If you want to involve your students, you can have them choose what costume you should dress in! Or take a poll and graph the results. Don’t forget to ask them what their dress-up plan is this year.

    Check out this free printable for a writing activity that gets your students’ creative juices flowing. They can draw, or cut out magazine pictures, and then write about their costume ideas!

    Halloween can be such a fun time for the students, but wearing one of these costumes can make you shine on that day too. (Especially if you dress up like the shiny star!)  Did you find a great idea for this year? We would love to see it! Be sure to post a picture of your teacher Halloween costume on Instagram and use #simplykinder. Make sure to join our Facebook group and share if you have any other teacher Halloween costume ideas as well.

    Looking for even more ideas? Check out these two articles here and here! Happy Halloween and happy teaching!

    This post was written by Johanna, an experienced early elementary teacher who loves learning about new teaching ideas for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade!

    At Simply Kinder we work together to bring you ready-to-use resources to partner with great teaching for any curriculum, a Facebook community where teachers talk all things Kindergarten, and low-prep learning ideas that your students will love.
    Be sure to stay up to date with all things kindergarten on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and through email.
    Simply Kinder: where teaching Kinder is definitely better together!

    30 Easy Book Character Costumes for Kids & Teachers

    Color Me Courtney/Josie Jo’s Tutus

    Everyone has that one book they love from their childhood — and Halloween is the perfect chance to live inside the exciting world of one of your favorite storybook characters. Whether you’re a teacher looking to dress up in a clever group costume with your co-workers or you’re the parent of a boy or girl who adores reading, there are so many creative ways to bring your favorite book characters to life.

    From classic children’s titles like The Hungry Caterpillar to young adult novels like Harry Potter, there’s a perfect storybook character costume for every bibliophile out there — and lots of great ideas for costumes for the whole family on Halloween, too. Plus there’s good news for those that waited until the eleventh hour and are in need of a last-minute costume idea: These storybook costume ideas for toddlers, kids, teens and adults are super easy to pull together — most can be pieced together in a DIY fashion using items from your closet and basic materials you can order on Amazon.

    So if you’re ready to show up at your next Halloween party, parade or school fair representing the wonderful world of literature and show off your book smarts at the same time, check out this list of the best character getups, and get ready to take home the award for “Best Costume” (the Halloween equivalent of a Pulitzer).

    ‘Pippi Longstocking’ by Astrid Lindgren

    Donato SardellaGetty Images

    Dress up as everybody’s favorite kooky redhead in a pigtailed-wig and patchwork dress.

    Shop red wig

    ‘The Giving Tree’ by Shel Silverstein

    The House That Lars Built

    You don’t need next-level sewing skills to pull of this Halloween costume — right down to the no-sew felt apple trick-or-treat bag.

    Get the tutorial from The House That Lars Built »

    ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by Lewis Carroll

    Color Me Courtney

    Head down the rabbit hole — just make sure you’re not late for any important dates! This costume is easy to put together with a few strategic Amazon purchases.

    Get the tutorial from Color Me Courtney »

    Fun Costumes

    ‘The Magic School Bus’ by Joanna Cole


    $46 AT AMAZON

    ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins

    Ollie MillingtonGetty Images

    The odds will be ever in your favor on Halloween in this costume — all you need is a toy bow and arrow to complete the all-black ensemble.

    Shop black jumpsuits

    ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister


    Felt fish “scales” and a colorful tulle skirt will turn you into the beloved Rainbow Fish.

    See more at Ms_Wayerski on Instagram»

    ‘Madeline’ by Ludwig Bemelmans

    Courtesy of Classy in the Classroom

    This is a pretty easy costume to DIY if you waited until the last minute.

    Shop blue dresses

    See more from Classy In The Classroom »

    ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by Lewis Carroll

    Mike Garten

    Pair a DIY collar with a red dress for an easy Alice in Wonderland-inspired costume. To make the Queen of Hearts collar from playing cards, wrap a large piece of paper around your neck so you can trim it down to the right size. Then, staple cards from a deck all around, layering them for a fanned-out effect.

    RELATED: 30 Easy Halloween Face Paint Ideas


    ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak

    $112 AT ETSY

    ‘Nancy Drew’ by Carolyn Keene

    Courtesy of Gimme Glamour

    It’s no mystery that dressing up like teen sleuth Nancy Drew is super easy — you probably already have everything you need in your closet.

    Get the tutorial from Gimme Glamour »


    ‘Paddington Bear’ Series by Michael Bond

    $150 AT ETSY

    ‘Harry Potter’ Series by J.K. Rowling

    Courtesy of See Vanessa Craft

    If you’ve got an Amazon Prime account, then go-ahead and check “put together last-minute costume” off your list.

    Get the tutorial from See Vanessa Craft »

    ‘Goodnight Moon’ by Margaret Wise Brown

    Courtesy of Hess Family Blog

    “In the great green room, there was…” Well, whatever you can fit on your clothes. DIY-ers, here’s your chance to get crafty!

    Shop colored felt

    Get the tutorial from Hess Family Blog »

    ‘Mary Poppins’ by P.L. Travers

    Kat Wirsing

    Don’t worry if you waited until the last minute: Everything you need to recreate these Mary Poppins and Bert looks is available on Amazon.

    Get the tutorial »

    Fun Costumes

    ‘Pete the Cat’ by James Dean

    $46 AT AMAZON

    Laced With Love

    ‘The 101 Dalmatians’ by Dodie Smith

    $30 AT ETSY


    ‘The Grinch Who Stole Christmas’ by Dr. Suess

    $78 AT ETSY

    Fun Costumes

    Clifford the Big Red Dog

    $50 AT AMAZON

    ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl

    Harlow Bliss Photography

    To pull off the Violet Beauregarde-as-a-blueberry look, it helps to be pregnant, but you can also opt for this giant blueberry costume on Amazon.


    ‘Curious George’ by Margret Rey and H. A. Rey

    Courtesy of Amazon

    $44 AT AMAZON

    ‘The Cat in the Hat’ by Dr. Seuss

    Brit + Co

    We’re obsessed with this adorable DIY The Cat in the Hat costume — just look at that little goldfish!

    Shop ‘Cat in the Hat’ accessories

    Get the tutorial from Brit + Co. »

    ‘If You Give a Mouse a Cookie’ by Laura Numeroff

    The House That Lars Built

    With a pair overalls and some ears, you child will be the cutest mouse on the block. Pro tip: Stash a few real cookies into your kid’s cookie-shaped bag for a yummy Halloween surprise!

    Shop mouse ears

    Get the tutorial from The House That Lars Built »

    ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle

    Courtesy of Elizabeth Bartlett via Pinterest

    This awesome DIY Halloween costume is made entirely out of construction paper — so grab some scissors and get to cutting.


    ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl


    $55 AT AMAZON

    ‘Eloise’ by Kay Thompson

    Courtesy of People Webs

    This cute Eloise Halloween costume totally works without Weenie — or you could carry around a plush dog.

    Shop giant bow headbands

    See more from People Webs »

    Forum Novelties

    ‘Little House on the Prairie’ by Laura Ingalls Wilder

    Forum Novelties

    $34 AT AMAZON

    ‘Arthur’ by Marc Brown

    Courtesy of chiakimomo/DeviantArt

    Perfect for commuters, you can get away with this costume as an everyday outfit — then add on the ears when you’re ready to be in “costume mode.”

    Shop mouse ears

    ‘Captain Underpants’ by Dav Pilkey

    The Mom Creative

    Get the underwear-only look without actually being naked by using dye on their clothes.

    Shop dye

    Get the tutorial from The Mom Creative »

    Fun Costumes

    ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ by Charles Perrault

    Fun Costumes

    $56 AT AMAZON


    ‘Where’s Waldo’ by Martin Handford

    $22 AT AMAZON

    Lauren Matthews
    Group Digital Content Director
    Lauren (she/her) is the digital content director of the Hearst Lifestyle Group, where she oversees online content and strategy for Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day and other Hearst titles, including SEO, video, social media and e-commerce efforts.

    21 Costume Ideas for Teachers — Kindergarten Kiosk

    Trying to figure out how to dress for your school’s Halloween or fall celebration? How about one of these storybook themed costumes? They’re sure to be a hit with your students!

    The Mother Bird from P.D. Eastman’s

    Are You My Mother?

    Make bird wings out of brown felt (you can find some fun instructions here). Then tie a red handkerchief (with white polka dots if possible) on your head. Now you’re the mother bird in PD Eastman’s “Are You My Mother?”

    The Coconut Tree from Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault’s

    Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

    To make this costume, hot glue bathtub alphabet letters onto some brown scrubs. Then attach some fake ferns to a hat or headband. Ta Dah! Instant coconut tree!

    The Pigeon from Mo Willems

    Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus!

    First, find a light blue hoodie, then use white, black, and yellow felt to add a stripe around the neck, giant eyes, and a beak for an adorable (and comfortable) Halloween costume!

    Rainbow Fish from Marcus Pfister’s

    Rainbow Fish 

    Cut half circles out of multiple colors of felt and glue them to an old shirt. Then, attach some colorful fabric to the shirt using sticky back velcro (that way you can share your “scales” just like rainbow fish). Finish off with some blue or aqua colored leggings/pants. You can find more instructions on this costume here.

    Strega Nona from Tomie dePaola’s

    Strega Nona

    For this costume, find a long skirt and a long sleeved shirt, cover these with a white apron and a short sleeved shirt. To finish off, cover your head with a head scarf and carry a cauldron.

    Max from Maurice Sendak’s

    Where The Wild Things Are

    This costume is sure to be a comfortable one! All you need is a white hoodie, a paper crown, and a terrible roar!

    David from David Shannon’s

    No David!

    All you really need for this costume is a blue and white striped shirt, some red pants, and a little attitude… unless you want to get really creative like this teacher and make yourself a giant papier-mache head!

    Peter from Ezra Jack Keat’s

    The Snowy Day

    For this costume, grab a long red stocking cap and stick some wire in it so it sticks straight up. Then all you need is a red long sleeved shirt or jacket, some red pants, and red boots.

    The Man in the Yellow Hat (and Curious George) from Margaret and H.A. Rey’s

    Curious George books.

    To dress as the man with the yellow hat, you’ll need a yellow button down shirt, yellow pants, boots, yellow tie, and a wide brimmed yellow hat. Finish off your costume with a stuffed monkey (or your own little monkey).

    Pete from James Dean’s

    Pete the Cat books.

    The beauty of a Pete the Cat costume is it can be as simple as a blue shirt, red shoes, and some cat ears, or you can follow this tutorial to make your own Pete the Cat face on an inexpensive navy blue hat.

    Chester Racoon from Audrey Penn’s

    The Kissing Hand

    Find yourself some ears and then paint a raccoon mask on your eyes with face paint. Wear black and pin a striped tail on the back of your shirt. Don’t forget your “kissing hand”!

    Mouse from Laura Joffe Numeroff’s

    If You Give A Mouse a Cookie

    Find (or make) some mouse ears, paint your face like a mouse with face paint, and throw on some overalls for this costume. Then all you need is a cookie!

    Caterpillar from Eric Carle’s

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    Start with a green striped shirt and green pants (add some black felt feet if you feel up to it). Then make a cute caterpillar face on a cheap red hat using green, yellow, and black felt.

    Olivia from Ian Falconer’s


    To be Olivia, you’ll need a red dress and some black and white striped tights. Finish off with some cute piggy ears and a cute snout.

    Corduroy from Don Freeman’s


    Find some green overalls (corduroy ones if possible) and add a purple pocket. Unbutton one of the shoulders and give yourself some bear ears and a painted bear nose.

    Paddington from Michael Bond’s

    A Bear Called Paddington

    Become Paddington Bear with a blue coat and wide brimmed red hat. The marmalade sandwich is optional.

    Peter Rabbit from Beatrix Potter’s

    The Tale of Peter Rabbit

    Find a blue jacket and some rabbit ears in order to become Peter Rabbit. Or use this tutorial to make your costume.

    Eloise from Kay Thompson’s


    Eloise wears white knee socks, black shoes, black skirt, white shirt, and black suspenders. To finish off the costume, give yourself a giant red bow on top of your head.

    Elephant and Piggie from Mo Willems

    Elephant and Piggie books.

    You’ll need a friend to pull off this costume. One person will need to wear pink and the other grey. Then make some masks or some animal ears to become this friendly duo.

    Arthur from Marc Brown’s

    Arthur’s Nose

    The key to this costume is the round aardvark ears and the glasses, but if you want to get creative, you can give yourself a long aardvark nose.

    Papa or Mama Bear from Stan and Jan Berenstain’s

    The Berenstain Bears

    For Papa Bear, you’ll need overalls, for Mama Bear, you’ll need a blue dress with white spots and a spotted hat. Bear slippers would be a nice touch too.

    What’s your favorite teacher costume? Share with us on Facebook.


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    Kathy CraneComment


    Halloween | Plan-summary of the lesson (senior group):

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

    “Kindergarten of combined type No. 87”

    Executive committee of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district

    of the Republic of Tatarstan

    scenario for joint development of speech education in the senior group on the topic:



    Balulova Lilia Ramilevna

    Topic OOD


    OOD in the age group

    Senior group (5-6 years old)

    Educational areas

    Cognitive development, English training.

    Form of conducting

    Joint activities of the educator and children.


    Generalization of the studied material on the topic “Halloween”; maintaining interest in studying the cultural traditions of the country of the language being studied.

    Program tasks

    Learning tasks:

    – Review and consolidate the material covered on the topics of “Halloween”.

    Development tasks:

    – To develop communication skills.

    – Develop memory, visual and auditory attention, imaginative thinking,


    Educational tasks:

    – To cultivate respect for the traditions, holidays of the countries of the language being studied.

    – Keep children interested in learning English.

    Estimated result

    Children will consolidate knowledge of the English language, expand their vocabulary


    Cognitive, Game, Communicative

    forms and methods of organizing joint activities

    Forms: Communicative


    – Verbal (Banner, Individual, individual and choral answers of children, motivation, encouragement)

    – practical (performance of tasks)

    Dictionary enrichment: fairy – fairy, carriage – carriage

    Individual work

    In the process of working with children who express a desire to help the teacher.

    Preliminary work

    Memorizing Halloween words in English, making Jack’s lantern by carving a pumpkin, preparing costumes for the holiday (witches, monsters, ghosts, pirates, black cats, mummies, etc. ).

    Before starting, you need to turn off the lights in the hall, light the Jack-o’-lanterns, which the children carve in advance from pumpkins, to create an atmosphere of mystery and fear


    Jack-o’-lanterns, projector, two water lilies, two bandages, laptop.

    OOD structure

    I. Introduction. Psychological mood. Organizing time. Surprise moment.

    II. The main part: the implementation of tasks of the program content, physical education.

    III. Final part. Outcome. Consolidation. Encouragement of children.

    Introductory part

    Under the song “This Is Halloween” by The Party Cats, the presenter in the costume of a good witch flies in.

    Host: Good day my dear friends! Glad to see you!

    Children: Hello! We are glad to see you too! Today we will go on a little trip. It will be a little scary, creepy and fun… Are you ready?

    Children: Yes!


    Host: It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
    The moon is full and bright.
    And we shall see what can’t be seen

    On any other night!

    You are so nice and cute! But why do we gather here? You are so pretty and sweet! But why are we here?

    Children: It`s Halloween!

    Educator: Yes, right!

    Since you came dressed up, I suggest you show off your costume and say in English who you are.

    Costume defile

    Guys come out one by one and say who they are in English, demonstrate their costumes.

    Teacher: Very nice!

    Guys, tell me please, do you know the history of Halloween?

    Children’s answers.

    Educator: Let’s watch an interesting movie about Halloween!

    Watching a movie about Halloween.

    Educator: Is Halloween really such a scary holiday?

    Children’s answers.

    Educator: No, of course, this holiday is very cheerful. Trick or Treat! Well done! English children, dressed in carnival costumes, go from house to house, sing songs and receive treats from their owners for this. Hundreds of years ago, the game “Treat or regret” was born. It consisted in the fact that from the children who persistently knock on the door, it is necessary to “pay off”. If they refuse, the children smear soot on the doorknobs.

    Narrator: Guys, we were also supposed to go Trick or treating today, but imagine, at the last minute, other witches flew in and stole our treats. By all means, we need to get to their land and return our gifts. Will we return?

    Children’s answers.

    Educator: And so, let’s start. Be careful, guys, we have a marshy swamp in front of us. You have to be very careful to get through it.

    Game “Go through the swamp” for 3 people

    For this game you will need two water lilies. The task of the participants is to go through the room (the swamp, stepping only on the water lilies. To this end, after the first step, you need to bend down, take the water lily behind you, shift it forward and take the next step. And so on to the indicated point. The participant who put his foot on the floor, drags him into the swamp, and he is out of the game.The winners are those who nevertheless coped with this difficult task.0003

    Host: Well done! We did it! And now I propose to listen to poems about Halloween! (Appendix)

    Narrator: I have vegetable, that one of my friend fairy could turn into a carriage for me. I have a vegetable that my fairy friend turned into a carriage for me.

    Children: Pumpkin.(Pumpkin).

    Physical education “Pumpkin”.

    The host reads a poem, the children show it (musical accompaniment)

    Pumpkin. Big pumpkin and round.

    She grew up in the garden – and now she’s a scarecrow.

    Here is a mouth, three teeth, two eyes and a nose,

    But what all this is for her is a question.

    I want to answer it myself:

    Put it on and light a candle,

    And on a festive evening of an autumn day

    It will shine for you. Don’t be afraid of her!

    The Mummy appears on the screen

    Educator: Oh guys, look who is it?

    Children: Mummy! (Mummy)

    Educator: Exactly! Look at yourself, in this form they will definitely recognize us! We need to disguise ourselves. I propose to play the game “Mummy”.

    Mummy game (4 people)

    Bandages are required for this game. The guys should be divided into pairs, each of them is given a bandage. One of the players in each team is a “mummy”. The task of the second player is to make a “mummy” out of the partner as quickly as possible. Those who complete the task the fastest win.

    Host: Very good! And the next game is from me. Tell me please, what is the necessary item for the witch?

    Children: Panicle!

    Educator: Yes! I suggest riding a broomstick.
    Game “For the race”.
    Two players play, sitting on a broom, you need to run to the landmark and go around it to return to the starting position

    Educator: Nice of you! It’s time for riddles.

    1. It’s black, it likes milk and it can say “mew” (cat).

    2. It’s a big, scary, horrible, orange head with eyes, mouth and nose, and a burning light inside it (Jack-o’-Lantern or a pumpkin).

    3. It is a woman. She sometimes flies on a broom over the sky at night

    (a witch).

    Final part

    Educator: Before we end our little holiday, let’s remember again:

    • When is Halloween celebrated?
    • What is the children’s favorite activity during the holidays?
    • What Halloween symbols do you remember?
    • What do children wear on this holiday?
    • What is the name of the pumpkin that is used to decorate houses?

    Educator: That’s right! Well done! This ended our holiday. Thank you everyone! Goodbye!

    The teacher gives treats and Halloween-themed coloring books to the children.

    Halloween entertainment for children | Lesson plan (preparatory group):

    State Budgetary Educational Institution Center for Child Development-kindergarten No. 49


    Entertainment for children of the preparatory group No. 6


    educators of the group No. 6

    Chernyaeva T.A.

    Khanina A.V.


    Purpose: to have entertainment based on the Halloween holiday.



    • Give an idea of ​​the Halloween holiday: To introduce the history of the occurrence, traditions of celebration
    • Expand the horizons of children by acquaintance with the culture of another country

    9000 9000 9000

    • To educate respectful attitude to culture and traditions. another country
    • Develop in children the desire to independently and collectively complete tasks, curiosity, tolerance, the ability to yield to each other


    • Develop curiosity, interest in the world around
    • Develop communication skills in the course of joint activities
    • cognitive, search and research, communicative, game.

      Materials: laptop; audio material; presentation; pumpkin layout; pictures on the theme “Halloween”; costumes, attributes for the holiday Halloween.

      Preliminary work: familiarization of children with the history of the holiday and the traditions of the celebration.

      Entertainment summary

      (Educators invite children to gather on the rug, mysterious music sounds).


      – Guys, today you all came in unusual costumes for a reason.

      October 31st is an ordinary day for you and me, and in England October 31st is a big holiday. On this day, October 31st, it’s Halloween time. The name of this holiday comes from the English word “Hallow”, which means “holy”, so Halloween is also called All Saints’ Day in a different way.

      In the past, this holiday was a time of fear. People believed in evil spirits, ghosts and witches and stayed at home. According to legend, on Halloween spirits, ghosts and all the witches of the world circled in the sky on their brooms, catching fear in people. People were very afraid of this and tried to scare away all evil spirits by depicting magic signs on their houses, but now people do not believe in evil spirits, and Halloween has turned from a day of fear into a fun holiday when adults and children arrange a masquerade: they put on costumes of pirates, robbers or witches and go from house to house. When the door opens, they recite merry poems and yell “Give me a treat or we’ll scare you!”

      There is also a custom to make a gourd lantern. A large pumpkin is cleaned, eyes, nose, mouth are cut out in it and a candle is inserted inside. Kids go door-to-door with this lantern and scare their friends by saying what phrase guys?


      – Treat or scare!


      – Correct. Well, since you’re all in costume, maybe we’ll try to collect treats too? Only we will go not to houses, but to groups.

      Children with caregivers walk in groups with the words “Treat or scare!”, collect sweets in a chest, then return to the group and sit down to eat treats.

      At this time, the teachers dress up as ghosts, and the teacher’s assistant discreetly changes the candy chest for another one. Children open the chest and find candy wrappers, mice, spiders, etc. instead of sweets. The teachers return in the form of ghosts, look at each other and express surprise: “Why do we look like ghosts, what happened?”. In the chest, children with teachers find a note “While you were collecting sweets, we, evil spirits, turned your teachers into ghosts. Only a magic potion prepared by the sorceress Rustemna will help them. But this potion requires special ingredients. Hurry, otherwise your caregivers will remain ghosts forever!

      Children find cards in the chest with pictures of necessary items and a description of the place where these items are located.


      -Guys, we don’t want to be ghosts at all, but you probably won’t be able to help us – are you afraid to go to the world of Halloween?!


      – Let’s not get scared!


      – Are you sure? We must warn you that only brave, dexterous and friendly guys will be able to cope with the tests. It’s good that all the creatures celebrate Halloween on this day and they are not in their places, but you need to do everything quietly so as not to give yourself away, because they left their magic alarm. Well, are you ready?




      – Then let’s go! (Children with educators go to be tested).


      Task №1

      Item: “Moss”

      Place: “Swampy swamp”

      Attraction: “Running on chicken legs”

      Task: run through the swamp on chicken legs and return back, take moss.

      Participants are divided into 2 teams (you can use one team just in turn). The captains have an empty container in their hands. At the other end of the swamp “moss grows”. Participants must put on chicken legs, run through the swamp, pinch off the moss, put it in their container, come back and pass the baton to the next player.

      Task #2

      Item: Dragon Eye

      Place: Haunted House

      Attraction: Chair, come to me!

      Task: using “witchcraft” to bring the chair closer to you so that the “dragon’s eye” does not fall.

      On the chair is a “dragon’s eye” (a tennis ball on a doll’s saucer). A rope is tied to a chair. The child holds the second end of the rope in his hands and, standing still, spins (entangled in the rope), thereby bringing the chair closer to him.

      Task No. 3

      Item: Vampire Jaw

      Location: Bat Cave

      Quest: At the bottom of the bottle is a plastic vampire jaw.

      There is a bucket of water on the floor. Take turns scooping water with a glass and filling the bottle until the object rises to the level so that it can be reached.

      Task No. 4

      Item: “Spider Legs”

      Location: “Spider Dungeon”

      Attraction: “Find a spider in a dark dungeon”

      Quest: Various objects and spiders are scattered on the floor. The participant is blindfolded and, with the help of the instructions of his comrades, he must collect spiders from the floor.

      Quest #5

      Item: “Snake”

      Location: “Witch’s Lair”

      “Tame the Broom” Attraction


      There is a snake hidden under the bench. Anyone who can “tame” a broom will be able to get it. (Sweep the snake with a broom).

      1. Relay “Fly with a friend through the forest.”

      Participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team has 1 broom.

      The first participants move with brooms to the other side. On command, the one whose broom “flies” on a broomstick to the other side takes one participant and they “fly” to the other side together. The one who flew first remains, and the other (who was taken away) flies after the next one, and so on. The relay continues until all participants are on the other side. The winner is the team that will quickly transport all the participants through the forest.

      2. The winning team remains. Stumps are placed in a circle in the number of 1 less than the participants. To the music, the children walk / run in a circle, when the music turns off, they sit on the “stump”. The participant who did not get the stump is eliminated. The winner takes a broom and “sweeps” the snake from under the bench.

      Task No. 6

      Items: “Crawling nasty things”

      Location: “Chamber of Secrets”

      Task: to find the necessary objects by touch.

      There are containers with different fillings in front of the children (dirty water, a plate with worms (boiled vermicelli), quicksand, etc.) One should not be afraid to stick one’s hand into one or another filled container and get the desired item.

      Task No. 7

      Item: “Living Water”

      Location: “Glade of Mysterious Sounds”

      Attraction: “Singing animals”

      Task: to sing a famous song with the voices of different animals (“backing track” of a well-known children’s song).

      Task No. 8

      Item: “Magic Spoon”

      Place: “Hungry Pumpkin Garden”

      Attraction: “Feed the Hungry Pumpkin”

      Tasks: put as many balls into the pumpkin’s mouth as possible.

      Children holding dry pool balls. One by one, the children throw balls, trying to get the pumpkin in the mouth.

      When all the tasks are completed, the children bring all the necessary items to the sorceress Rustemne. The sorceress throws all the ingredients into a “cauldron” (cast iron), fills it with “living water” and, stirring with a magic spoon, “brews a potion”. Discreetly changes the pot with items to the pot with marmalade (chewing worms). Gives this “potion”. Educators and children try the potion (they eat gummies) and turn from ghosts back into people.

      Free competitions for schoolchildren and preschoolers

      All-Russian competitions for preschoolers and schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11
      directions and nominations. Presented competitions of fine and arts and crafts
      art, photography, literary creativity, design, presentation design, as well as
      design and research competitions.

      The opportunity to participate and win in all-Russian competitions is great for children
      an incentive to develop talent and improve their skills.

      We invite parents, leaders of circle associations,
      teachers of general education schools and teachers of additional education with works performed

      Our advantages:

      • Free participation;
      • Get results quickly.

      Three award documents at once for each participant: Diploma of the participant , Gratitude
      and Diploma of the teacher who prepared the participant.

      Thanks to participation in online competitions, children form a student portfolio, where they will visually
      reflects all the merits and achievements of young talents.

      Events are developed taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and comply with all
      FGOS requirements. Issued documents have an identification number, official signature and seal
      organizers, number and series of the License to carry out educational activities.

      We will be glad to develop, grow and create together with the young participants, their parents and teachers!

      International Children’s and Youth Competition of Fine and Decorative Creativity dedicated to the World Wildlife Day “World of Wild Animals”

      The main purpose of the holiday is to remind people of how fragile our nature and its inhabitants are and what their destruction is fraught with.

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, presentation, research and projects, author’s photography

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 194

      All-Russian children’s and youth competition dedicated to the Day of Cats in Russia “About cats, kittens and cats”

      We invite you to participate with creative works dedicated to cats, cats and kittens.

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, postcard, presentation, author’s photo

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 167


      International Children’s and Youth Competition of Fine and Decorative Creativity “Meet the Spring!”

      Spring is the most amazing time of the year. It comes so fast that changes in nature occur literally before our eyes.

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, postcard, presentation, research work and projects, expressive reading, author’s photography

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 373

      All-Russian children’s and youth competition of greeting cards dedicated to the International Women’s Day “To the only mother in the world”

      How nice it is to make gifts with your own hands for the most relatives, friends and loved ones – mothers, grandmothers, sisters!

      Nominations: postcard, poster, presentation, drawing

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 156

      International creative children’s and youth competition dedicated to the International Women’s Day “Spring holiday March 8”

      Drawings, crafts, postcards, projects and presentations, as well as recordings of expressive readings dedicated to the March 8 holiday are accepted for participation in the competition “Spring Holiday on March 8”!

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, postcard, presentation, research work and projects, expressive reading

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 114

      International children’s and youth competition of author’s photography dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland “My dad is a defender”

      We invite everyone to take part in the competition of author’s photography, postcards and greeting posters “My protector is dad”!

      Nominations: author’s photograph, postcard, poster, presentation, drawing

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 60

      International creative children’s and youth competition dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day “Let’s serve the Motherland!”

      Drawings, crafts, postcards, projects and presentations, as well as recordings of expressive reading (in the format of a link to an Internet resource) are accepted for participation in the “Let’s Serve the Motherland” contest!

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, postcard, presentation, research work and projects, expressive reading

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 245

      All-Russian competition of children’s and youth creativity dedicated to the year of folk art and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia “Traditional painting, costumes and toys of the peoples of Russia”

      Folk art combines many types of human creative activity based on a certain material processing technique.

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, postcard, author’s photography, presentation, research work and projects

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 197

      All-Russian children’s and youth folklore competition “Songs, fairy tales and cartoons of the peoples of Russia”

      Russia is a multinational and colorful country. Folk art (folklore) includes a huge number of various forms of creativity.

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, postcard, author’s photography, literary creativity, animation, presentation, research work and projects

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 90

      All-Russian children’s and youth creative competition for children with disabilities “Snow Fantasies”

      We invite adults and children to engage in joint winter creative activities – we will gladly accept your results of efforts!

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, poster, postcard, collage, author’s photography, literary creativity

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 149


      All-Russian creative competition for children and youth in honor of the Winter Olympics 2022 “Olympic Marathon”

      One of the most significant events for the whole world will take place in 2022 – the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing!

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, poster, author’s photo, presentation, video

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 290


      International competition of children’s and youth creativity “Meet the Year of the Tiger”

      We invite everyone to take part in a creative contest in honor of the Year of the Tiger!

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, poster, author’s photography, presentation

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 968

      International creative competition for children and youth “Christmas-carols”

      We are waiting for creative works on the theme of Christmas holidays and caroling to participate in the competition.

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, presentation, author’s photography

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 102


      International competition-review of New Year’s decoration of premises and territories “A holiday full of magic”

      Every year, on the eve of the New Year, we try to create a fabulous and magical atmosphere around us!

      Nominations: author’s photography, drawing, poster, arts and crafts

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 465


      All-Russian creative competition of children’s fine and decorative art “Miracles on Christmas night”

      We offer to tell about the Christmas miracle, depict it or make gifts as part of our competition. Participate and win!

      Nominations: drawing, poster, arts and crafts

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 316


      All-Russian creative competition for children and youth “How our Christmas tree shines with lights”

      We invite you to participate in a creative contest, the main character of which is a Christmas tree!

      Nominations: drawing, poster, arts and crafts, author’s photography

      Acceptance of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 635


      All-Russian competition of children’s fine and decorative art “Santa Claus and company”

      We invite parents and children to joint creative activities! Create, participate and win!

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, poster, author’s photography

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 567

      All-Russian competition of children’s decorative and fine arts “Snowflake round dance”

      We invite you to take part in the competition “Snowflake round dance” with drawings and crafts of your own making!

      Nominations: drawing, arts and crafts, poster, author’s photography

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 204

      All-Russian children’s and youth exhibition of photographs and drawings “Winter in the city”

      Participate in the most fabulous competition with author’s photos and drawings!

      Nominations: drawing, poster, author’s photo, video

      Reception of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of jobs: 236

      All-Russian creative children’s and youth competition “Journey to the world of dinosaurs”

      Dear children and adults, we are waiting for your creative work – dinosaurs, the ancient world in which they lived.

      Nominations: drawing, poster, arts and crafts

      Acceptance of applications and works


      Publication of results

      Every day

      Number of works: 108

      • International competition of children’s and youth creativity “Festival of autumn colors”

      • International competition of children’s and youth creativity “Autumn crafts workshop”

      • International creative children’s and youth competition “We are the defenders of nature”

      • All-Russian Children and Youth Creative Competition “Summer Holidays”

      • All-Russian children’s and youth creative competition-action dedicated to the Day of Russia “About Russia with love”

      • All-Russian creative children’s and youth competition “History of my family”

      • International creative children’s and youth competition “Amazing quilling”

      • International competition of children’s and youth creativity “Festival of autumn colors”

      • International competition of children’s and youth creativity “Autumn crafts workshop”

      • International competition of children’s and youth creativity “September 1 – Day of Knowledge”

      Advanced training

      • “Implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO from 2021 in the work of a primary school teacher”

        Duration: 108 hours

      • “Methods and technologies for teaching the Russian language and literature in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards LLC of 2021”

        Duration: 108 hours

      • “The content and features of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 286 dated May 31, 2021″

        Duration: 72 hours

      • “Implementation of the GEF DO: the main directions of development and education of preschool children”

        Duration: 72 hours

      • “ICT and modern pedagogical technologies in the organization of the digital educational environment”

        Duration: 108 hours

      • “Digital educational environment: features of the organization of the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

        Duration: 72 hours

      • “Practical activities of a social teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC from 2021”

        Duration: 108 hours


      incl. .

      Annual plan 22-23 odo 4_EDS

      OP to GBOU Secondary School No. 4 22-23_ECP

      Appendix 1 Educational Plan_ECP

      Appendix 2 Calendar Learning Camp 22-23_ECP

      Appendix 3 RP younger group_ECP

      Appendix 3 RP Medium Group

      Appendix 3 RP Preparatory 22-23_ECPP

      Appendix 4 RP teacher-psychologist_ETsP

      Appendix 5 RP music 22-23_ETsP

      Appendix 6 Educational program_ETsP

      Appendix 7 Calendar plan of educational work_ETsP 9Ol000 11 MODES 22-23 ODOD4_EDS

      application 12 Class schedule_EDS

      incl. .

      The following paid educational services are offered in the kindergarten “Calypso”:

      1. French for kids “Visiting Louis the Fox”, 3 times a week.

      Teacher: Tretyakova Ekaterina Sergeevna

      Teacher: Afanasyeva Anastasia Aleksandrovna

      Teaching aids: “One step, two steps” L. G. Peterson, N.P. Kholina (FGOS DO), “Igralovka” L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova (FGOS DO)

      3. Vocal and choral classes for preschoolers “Doremishki”, 2 times a week

      Teacher: Shcherbakova Veronika Andreevna

      4. Complex of sports activities, includes elements of gymnastics, aerobics, gymnastics yoga and even martial arts “Fitness for kids”, 2 times a week

      Teacher: Krasovskaya Alina Germanovna

      5. Teaching preschoolers to play chess “Knight’s move”, 2 times a week

      Teacher: Goryachev Mikhail Yuryevich

      4. Individual lessons for kids with a speech therapist “Learning to speak correctly.” 3

      Lecturer: Tretyakova Ekaterina Sergeevna

      Catalog of paid services for the 2017-2018 academic year (51 KB)

      Treaty of paid services (82 KB)

      receipt (68 KB)

      How to fill out an agreement and pay for paid services


      incl. .

      Order of the Education Committee of St. Petersburg On the organization of the activities of state educational institutions of St. Petersburg dated October 26, 2021 No. 2954-r. (1.06 MB)

      On approval of the sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.1/2.4 3598-20

      General information

      -food in ODOD And employees

      Material and technical support


      Group “Dolphony”


      Group “Kitty”


      Group “Clevernitsa”

      incl. .

      Location of the educational institution: 199178, St. Petersburg, line 12, V.O., 11, lit. A

      ., d.11, letter A

      Contact phone: 8(812) 325-25-12, 321-90-51 (access from 7.00-19.00)

      Email address: This email address protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

      Working hours ODOD: Monday-Friday from 7.00-19.00, days off: Saturday, Sunday and holidays established by the legislation of the Russian Federation


      Particulars of the operating mode of the group Number of empty seats
      Junior 3-4 years old 12 hours 0
      Medium 4-5 years 12 hours 0
      Preparatory 5-7 years 12 hours 0

      Page of the website of the education department of the district administration with information on the recruitment of preschool educational institutions administered by the district administration1150

      Documents necessary for submitting an application:

      1. Passport of the parent (legal representative)

      2. Certificate of birth of the child

      3. Form 3 or 8

      4. SNILS of the child

      Documents to be completed upon admission to kindergarten:

      1. Application for admission to kindergarten (32 Kbytes)

      2. Consent to the processing of personal data (52 Kbytes)

      3. Application for compensation (77.5 Kbytes)

      incl. .

      Kindergarten “Calypso” has:

      1. Music and sports hall equipped with modern equipment.

      2. Physiotherapy room equipped with TISA simulators made of natural wood.

      3. Interactive cabinet, cabinet of developing games equipped with interactive whiteboards and tables.

      4. Medical office

      Each group is equipped with a bactericidal lamp “Dezar” (allowing to disinfect the premises in the presence of people), in the canteens of all groups there are dishwashers

      5. Junior group “Dolphins”

      6. Middle group “Kotiki”

      7. Preparatory group “Clever and clever”

      8. Equipped municipal playground

      Kindergarten “Calypso” equipped with budget funds.

      More articles…

      • Photos from the holidays
      • Maslenitsa in Calypso

      News | ChDOU TsRR Solikamskbumprom


      Meeting with the composer

      The world around us is full of mysteries for children, it is necessary to help the kids not only look attentively, but also listen attentively. Modern people often do not know how, do not want, are not accustomed to hear, whether it is an interlocutor, nature or music. In solving this acute problem, it is impossible to overestimate the role of music. Therefore, today, more than ever, the issues of moral education of children are relevant.

      Kindergarten No. 45 “Skazka” hosted a meeting of children with the composer Alexander Gennadyevich Gilyov. Alexander Gennadievich graduated from the Solikamsk Music School No. 2, is a graduate of the Moscow Academy of Music with a degree in Composition. In 2011, he became the Laureate of the competition in the nomination composers for children. And many times he performed with various concert numbers throughout the country.

      At our invitation, the composer agreed to perform the concert “Dedicated to my little friends…”. During his speech, Alexander Gennadievich told the children about his profession and answered difficult children’s questions.

      “How to become a composer anyway?” the children asked.

      “The recipe is simple: always, in sorrow and in joy, listen to the music of your soul, love this music more than anything in the world and share this music with other people all your life. Yes, here, one more thing: all my life to learn and develop. There is no other way!” replied the composer.

      During the entire meeting, magnificent music was played – children’s songs written to the words of the poet Andrei Usachev were performed. The names of the songs themselves indicated that they were of interest to children: “Guests of Baba Yaga”, “Koshchei”, “Nightingale the Robber”, etc. The children watched the video with interest and enthusiasm – a plot from the composer’s concert in Moscow. On the stage of the capital, to the sound of a symphony orchestra, the song “Merry Geese” was performed by a folklore ensemble.

      An unforgettable meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Endless ovations and applause sounded throughout the concert.

      Many thanks to Alexander Gennadievich! We look forward to new meetings!

      Video – a plot from the performance of the folklore ensemble

      Children’s songs performed by the author

      Photo for memory

      The article was prepared by: Nadezhda Yuryevna Koshkina, music director, NDOU “CRR “Solikamskbumprom”, kindergarten No. 45


      “Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, let me try and I’ll understand”

      Time flies fast… Just recently we spent our graduates at school and now new guys came to our group “Stars “. They came to the group in the summer, as it seemed to us, quite small, unintelligent.

      But it’s already autumn… The kids have grown up, adapted to the new group, accepted new friends into their team.

      The school year has begun. A special moment in the process is the testing of various products. The child is by nature an explorer. An indefatigable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to observe and experiment, independently seek new information are traditionally considered in pedagogy as the most important features of children’s behavior.

      Testing of products is a feature of N.M. Krylova’s Program “Kindergarten – House of Joy”, “decoy”, a way to attract new knowledge and full knowledge of the world around us with the help of different analyzers.

      The use of analyzers (sight, touch, smell, etc.) allows children to get a complete picture of the qualitative characteristics of the product (for example: an apple is red, round, sweet, fragrant, etc.) and about the relationship with the environment ( professions).

      This technological technique is carried out daily in the morning after washing before breakfast with the whole group of children. The conversation is in a playful way, inviting to communicate with an adult.

      How do we test products? Every morning our parents bring various products to the kindergarten (vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, honey and much more), for which we want to say to them: “Thank you so much.” So, they brought the products, washed their hands, and now you can try something very tasty. First, the children are asked to guess what we will try. To do this, we use a riddle, a rhyme, or invite children to guess. Naming the characteristics of the product. The product was guessed. Next, we offer our kids questions. What are our eyes telling us? Children name the color, shape of the object. What do fingers tell us? What product? Soft, hard, rough, smooth, etc. What does our nose say? Children sniff the product and say what it smells like. Well, the last question – what do teeth and tongue tell us? The guys name the taste of the product – sweet, sour, salty, crunchy, etc.

      In such a simple, at first glance, educational moment, children learn to listen and hear the teacher and their comrades, answer questions, classify products – vegetables, fruits, berries, etc. In the process of testing, the skills of examining the subject are formed in children, speech is enriched with new words. Children receive new knowledge easily, unobtrusively.

      A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; let me try and I will understand.” When the baby hears, sees and tries it himself, everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time.

      The material was prepared by Nelyubina Lyudmila Vladimirovna – educator of the NDOU “CRR” Soltikamskbumprom “kindergarten No. 22


      Halloween in Russian

      Halloween is quite a new holiday for our country, so we know little about how to celebrate it. But they could not bypass it, since children of senior preschool age love horror stories, mysterious transformations, miracles. We have been preparing for this event all week. Children helped decorate their groups, prepared costumes, taught poetry, songs and dances. The adults were actively decorating the flights of stairs, the foyer and the music hall. They organized an unusual exhibition “Pumpkin Kingdom!”, because the pumpkin is a symbol of this holiday. Looking at the exhibits, you are more than once convinced of how talented, creative and skillful parents and teachers are in our kindergarten!

      In order not to scare children with vampires and sorcerers, it was decided to use the traditional villain of favorite children’s fairy tales – the familiar and therefore not so scary Baba Yaga. The difficulty was that the Russian folklore character had to be inscribed in the traditions of the American holiday, the main characters of which are evil spirits. And we decided to celebrate Baba Yaga’s birthday.

      What is a birthday?
      This is joy and fun,
      These are songs, jokes, laughter,
      The day that is the best!

      We have not gathered by chance,
      It’s time to start our holiday,
      After all, today
      celebrates Yaga’s birthday!

      On October 31, the long-awaited holiday came. Bats “fly” in the lobby, mysterious ghosts “frighten” everyone, black cats “walk around”, mysterious music is heard and a voice behind the scenes announces that everyone is invited to the millennium anniversary of Baba Yaga. The main guests of the holiday were children dressed in different costumes. There were also witches, and spiders, and ghosts. Grandmother Yaga had fun in the circle of guests with great pleasure. The holiday was held with mischievous dances, fun rides and relay races. And what’s a birthday without gifts? The swamp witch from a distant, magical land presented a pumpkin-lantern and spoke about the traditions of the Halloween holiday, the spiders wove a stole for Baba Yaga, “Madame Ghost” handed over a modern broom with a navigator “Ghost -2012”. The culmination of the celebration was the witchcraft of the birthday girl over the pumpkin, from which a treat appeared for everyone. Birthday was a success!!!

      Many thanks to all the artists for the wonderful performances, guests and employees of the kindergarten!

      The material was prepared by Tatyana Valentinovna Korneeva – physical education instructor, NDOU “CRR” Solikamskbumprom “kindergarten No. 22


      Autumn is a generous soul, how good it is!

      As autumn came, I treated everyone to the harvest!

      Come join us for fun

      Show your skills!

      Autumn is a season that evokes different feelings and emotions. Someone admires her beauty, and someone scolds her for cloudy days and “autumn” mood. But this did not become an obstacle to holding the Autumn Fair holiday in our kindergarten. Children and adults were looking forward to it and, of course, prepared: they learned poems, ditties, learned songs. And the long-awaited day has come.

      Everyone, hurry up to the fair, and call the guys here.
      Start dancing together, glorify autumn, have fun!

      Joy and fun swirled with the children that day like autumn leaves in the wind. They gathered in smart clothes in the music hall. The hostess of the holiday was the beautiful autumn performed by Tatyana Valentinovna Korneeva. What gifts she brought for the children: ripe berries, and ruddy apples, and healthy vegetables, and fruits with nuts. Autumn is rich in gifts! The children were not in debt. They thanked autumn for the gifts with generous poems and dances. The girls from the middle group No. 6 pleased everyone with a song about mountain ash, and the boys from the Bells group surprised everyone with poems about mushrooms. Artists from the preparatory group “Solnyshko” made the audience laugh with a staging of the children’s song “Red-haired, freckled.” How can you sit still! All together stood in a friendly “fruitful” round dance. A surprise for the children was the lyrical song “Golden Autumn”, which was performed by their favorite teachers. Enchanted, they listened to the words of this amazing song. At the end of the holiday, after the clockwork dance of the girls “Watermelons”, a cart full of real ripe, fragrant watermelons was rolled into the hall. Each group got this biggest berry! The delight of the children knew no bounds! That’s autumn, that’s such a generous soul!

      The material was prepared by Evgenia Vitalievna Shumeiko – senior educator of NDOU “CRR” Solikamskbumprom “kindergarten No. 22


      In Search of Nature

      From early childhood, a preschooler needs to instill a love for the nature of his native land, as a child mainly studies nature from books, rarely communicating with plants and animals, does not know how to see and listen to nature, get emotional pleasure from its beauty and originality – all this dictates the need to increase attention to this issue from preschool educational institutions.

      To satisfy children’s curiosity and involve them in the active exploration of the world around them, an ecological game “In Search of Nature” was organized, which was held on the basis of kindergarten No. 45. The game was attended by preschoolers of NDOU kindergartens.

      On a sunny morning, cheerful music sounded on the festively decorated grounds. The participants of the game gathered together to go on an exciting journey. Children with interest and delight looked at unusual characters: Eco-Miracle (Tatyana Mikhailovna Ponomareva) and Nature (Tatyana Yuryevna Belkina). The artists, by their actions, urged children to help plants, birds and animals, and taught to disapprove of the pranks of Eco – a miracle. Preschoolers enthusiastically followed the actions of the main characters, looking forward to further events.

      The participants of the game were divided into three teams: “Young Naturalists” – kindergarten No. 45, “Pathfinders” – kindergarten No. 25, “Romashka” – kindergarten No. 22 and set off on a journey through the stations.

      At the stations the children were met by the inhabitants of the forest. Soroka (Vera Sergeevna Poroshina) played the game “Flies – does not fly” with the children and taught the children to recognize the voices of birds. Romashka (Natalya Rodionovna Chendeva) introduced the children to the medicinal plants of the Perm Territory. Children with great pleasure talked about the benefits of herbs: mint, oregano, burdock, St. John’s wort, plantain. At the end of the meeting, the guys received gifts for their knowledge – bags with medicinal plants.

      An angry Leshy (Kazantseva Elena Andreevna) met the children in the “dense” forest. He made difficult riddles about edible and poisonous mushrooms, asked about the rules for picking berries, spoke about the benefits of poisonous mushrooms for animals. At the end of the meeting, Leshy became kinder and treated the children to cookies.

      At the next stage, the “brown sweet tooth” – a bear (Belkina Tatyana Gennadievna) was waiting for the preschoolers. Despite the sleepy appearance, the bear welcomed the guests cordially: he played games with the children, asked questions about the wild animals of the Perm Territory (about their habits and food preferences), and asked how to behave in the forest. Mishka was very glad of this meeting and invited the guys to visit him again. As a gift, he presented the participants with a barrel of honey and a tuesok with raspberry jam.

      At the last station, the guys unexpectedly met Eco-Miracle. It stole Nature, entangled it in nets and did not release it to the children. But the guys were not afraid – they drew posters in her defense and demanded to let Nature go free. Eco-miracle had to obey the children.

      Ecological game ended with a defile of costumes made from waste material. Participants used a variety of objects in their creations. They presented magnificent masterpieces to the audience: dresses and hats made of candy wrappers, knightly armor made of plastic, costumes made of plastic bags and plastic bottles. Each costume performance was greeted with loud applause and a standing ovation from those present.

      Merry company

      riddles of the wise woodman

      team Dandelions

      paper fairy

      newspaper model

      babes candy

      team Pathfinders and heroes

      Team Junior Pathfinders

      in the flower meadow

      poster for nature protection

      festive fashion show

      chamomile bouquet

      magpie chatters

      at the bear in the forest

      photos for memory

      we are friends with Nature

      The game is over, but we are sure that taking part in this holiday, the children received positive emotions. They learned to hear and listen to nature, take care of its inhabitants and appreciate its uniqueness and beauty.

      The material was prepared by Tatyana Yuryevna Belkina – educator of the NDOU “CRR” Solikamskbumprom “, kindergarten No. 45


      Fruit gatherings

      In September, in the kindergarten “Teremok”, there were FRUIT TABLES for children of preschool age groups.

      Who doesn’t love fruit? Everyone loves fruits! And any child will like to make crafts from fruits, and then gobble them up on both cheeks!

      Children, unlike us, have a much richer imagination and vivid imagination than we adults. For us, there is nothing unusual in fruits, the maximum that we can think of when looking at them is a fruit salad or dessert. And for children, these fruits can turn, albeit not for a long time, into funny toys, gifts, characters from a table or puppet theater.

      Our parents made a great contribution to the creation of fruit crafts. They brought different fruits. And we and the children of our group “Firefly” decided to dream up. How many unexpected proposals! The boys wanted to make airplanes out of grapes, cars out of tangerines and bananas, frogs out of kiwis. And the girls decided to make flowers, the sun from different fruits. With what desire and interest did the children take fruits and create crafts:

      • Bright radiant sun from pineapple, tangerine and plums (Popov Arkhip, Bakaldin Vadik, Gorbunov Dima, Martyanova Alina, Petukhova Dasha).
      • Family of hedgehogs from apples, grapes (Gromova Zhenya, Schmidt Eva, Ivashov Artem).
      • Palm trees from bananas, mandarin, kiwi (Platonova Masha, Malyutin Lyova).
      • Funny little men from apples, grapes (Adler Nastya, Ryaposova Sonya).
      • Fruit faces from apples, grapes, peaches, pineapple (Abrosimov Seryozha, Vyatkina Dasha).
      • Butterflies from kiwi, grapes (Kupryunina Sonya, Vorontsov Sasha, Zhuravlev Vova).

        It was a very rewarding pastime that allowed the children to develop their creative talents using fruits and materials at hand. Moreover, the fact that such crafts are edible makes the process itself look like a game, at the end of which you can eat the resulting composition, which the children did.

        These crafts brought great joy to children!!!!

        The material was prepared by Yulia Anatolyevna Tsapkova – educator
        NDOU “CRR” Solikamskbumprom “kindergarten No. 25


        A trip to the book kingdom

        Traditionally, the house where books live is simply called the library. And very often guests visit this bookish kingdom – cheerful and curious children.

        One day in August, a noisy company of two senior groups “Lapochki” and “Znayka” and a preparatory group for school “Caramelka” of kindergarten No. 25 visited the children’s environmental library.

        For the enchanted audience, we had a fascinating tour of the library, because many of the guys were in it for the first time. Our preschool children learned what a book depository is, what shelving is for, where to find the “address” of a book, and even why they go to the reading room. And the kids made friends with the inhabitants of the living corner: funny gerbils.

        After that, enthusiastic researchers found themselves in the room of fairy tales, where, through a large screen, they were able to get acquainted with the primitive man. The children listened attentively to the librarian’s story, studied various historical facts, learned how an ancient man made a fire, cooked food obtained with a weapon, what he wore and where he lived. The little one was happy to answer smart questions. At the end of this conversation, the children watched a cartoon about how a grandfather taught his grandson how to make an axe.

        Without a doubt, all educators would like the families of our pupils to actively work to introduce children to book reading. We really hope that every home has its own mini-libraries. And if a certain book is not available, the library will always help out! Come to the book kingdom with the kids. Stay erudite and intellectually developed with the help of children’s books, magazines and encyclopedias.

        The material was prepared by Svetlana Viktorovna Malyutina – educator of NDOU “CRR” Solikamskbumprom “kindergarten No. 25


        “Unusual path”

        How many amazing, interesting, useful things you can learn in the summer. This time of the year allows you to carry out activities to prevent and improve the health of children, using natural, natural healing factors.

        In the summer of 2012, the creative group of teachers of kindergarten No. 45 planned to make a “Health Path” for hardening and preventing flat feet in children at the site of a preschool institution. Everyone took part in the production of the track – both employees and parents. And a simple waste material came in handy for its manufacture: plastic bottles, hemp, corks, pebbles, thin logs, cones.

        Everyone was looking forward to the presentation of the miracle track and the day when it would be possible to walk along it.

        And that day has come. At the beginning of the journey, everyone was met by the Matron-health resort, which is considered in Russia a symbol of health, growth and helps in healing. Tatyana Mikhailovna Ponomareva, physical education instructor, told preschoolers and teachers about the importance of the Health Path for a growing organism. She made riddles and offered to walk along the path, performing motor exercises. Everyone stepped on each section of the path with great interest and caution, in anticipation of unusual sensations. The children showed great interest in the new equipment: they repeated the funny words of the perky poems with delight and joy, plunging their feet into the sand, grass, cones, and water. And at the end of the journey they thanked the health resort: “Thank you, Matrona!”.

        Hardening on the “Path of Health” took place every day, throughout the summer. Children have increased interest in outdoor activities, improved emotional state. And we believe that in the new academic year, pupils of the Skazka kindergarten will get sick less.

        for health all together

        master class for teachers

        we walk along the path

        Prepared by Gulnara Raimovna Zhidkova – educator of NDOU “CRR “Solikamskbumprom”, kindergarten No. 45


        Our hands do not know boredom

        In July, children’s creative workshops were organized for pupils of kindergarten No. 25 according to the plan of summer recreational work.

        It is very important in practice that it be interesting and exciting. Our task is to approach the preparation creatively, taking into account the interests, characteristics of the age and gender of the children. Based on this position, kindergarten teachers Tatyana Ustinovna Shvetsova, Nadezhda Sergeevna Burkovskaya and Natalya Aleksandrovna Sterlyagova held creative workshops separately for girls and boys, each had its own name “Sea Flowers” and “Funny Hedgehogs” for children of the middle groups “Firefly” and ” Fidgets. “Fashionable bracelets” and “Fast planes” for senior groups “Lavochki” and “Znayka”.

        Berelyaka and Veselushka unexpectedly came to visit the guys. They offered to visit their workshops and learn something new and interesting, to which all the guys responded with joy.

        Girls with Veselushka willingly made flowers from shells, pressing them into plasticine, and bracelets from colored paper, using the crumpling method. Then they tried them on with pleasure and posed in front of each other, like little fashionistas. Dasha Petukhova, a pupil of the middle group “Firefly”, went up to Veselushka and asked for a handful of shells, she really wanted to make a flower for her mother at home. Every time we rejoice at the children’s initiative, because the success of children’s activities depends on it.

        Boys made hedgehogs from plasticine and seeds. Watching from the side, it was clear how they diligently stuck the seeds into plasticine so that the hedgehog turned out to be prickly and rejoiced playing with it. The most difficult was the work of the older groups. Berelyaka offered them to make planes using origami technique. Not all children succeeded in crafting, many had to be helped, but everyone did it. At the end of the work, the guys glued stars on the wings of their planes in anticipation that it would fly soon. How much joy it was when everyone unanimously launched the planes high, high!!

        While working with children, we tried to interest each child, raise their spirits and evoke positive emotions. We succeeded!

        The material was prepared by Tatyana Ustinovna Shvetsova – educator of NDOU “CRR” Solikamskbumprom “kindergarten No. 25


        Get up for exercises!

        Have you ever listened to what Summer sounds like next to children? Its melody is woven into the noisy clatter of children’s feet on the pavement, the merry clatter of the ball on the sports ground, perky songs in the shade of heavy trees, contagious laughter from all sides . .. passing by kindergarten No. 25 “Teremok” all passersby immediately understand – Summer sounds here full volume!

        And this polyphony begins from the very early morning. Exactly at 8.10, all groups of preschool children pour out into the street in a friendly crowd to do morning exercises to the deafening music. This type of activity in the summer has become a good tradition in kindergarten.

        The entire teaching staff (educators and specialists) takes part in organizing and conducting exercises. In order for the children to be healthy and strong, our physical education instructor Elena Andreevna Kazantseva specially developed a set of exercises for different muscles of the body. And so that the young fidgets finally woke up and got a charge of vivacity, good mood, our music worker Inna Nikolaevna Popova picked up optimistic melodies.

        The little one walks diligently, repeats the exercises with pleasure, jumps high and “rides the train”. And even the parents and the head of the kindergarten agree to do the exercises.

        Of course, loud music and children’s screams wake everyone around, but you must admit that there is simply no time to sleep on summer days! Around – miracles!

        We always look forward to everyone who wants to do morning exercises. Come and wake up with us!

        Materials prepared by Svetlana Viktorovna Malyutina, educator of NDOU “CRR” Solikamskbumprom ” of kindergarten No. 25

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        Music lessons and the role of an educator in a music class. The role of an educator in music classes and holidays Regulations on the duties of an educator in music classes

        Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have smooth and friendly relations with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

        How actively do kindergarten teachers participate in the musical education of children? Are they all aware of the importance of such participation?

        Quite often the educator considers it his duty only to be present at the music class in order to maintain discipline. Meanwhile, without the active help of the educator, the productivity of music lessons turns out to be much lower than possible. The implementation of the process of musical education requires a lot of activity from the teacher. When educating a child by means of music, preschool teachers should understand well its significance in the harmonious development of the personality. To do this, one must clearly and distinctly imagine by what means, methodological methods one can lay the foundation for the correct perception of music.

        Teacher-educator needs:

        1. Know all program requirements for musical education.2. Know the musical material of your group, be an active assistant to the music director in music classes.

        3. To assist the musical director in mastering the program musical repertoire by children, to show examples of the exact execution of movements.

        4. Conduct regular music lessons with the children of the group in the absence of the music director.

        5. Learn movements with lagging children.

        6. Deepen the musical experience of children by listening to music in a group using technical means.

        7. Develop children’s musical skills and abilities (melodic ear, sense of rhythm) in the process of conducting didactic games.

        8. Possess elementary skills of playing children’s musical instruments (metallophone, bells, tambourine, spoons, etc.).

        9. To carry out the musical development of children, using all sections of the work: singing, listening to music, musical and rhythmic movements, playing on the DMI, musical and didactic games.

        10. Take into account the individual abilities and abilities of each child.

        11. To develop independence, initiative of children in using familiar songs, round dances, musical games in the classroom, walking, morning exercises, in independent artistic activities.

        12. Create problem situations that activate children for independent creative manifestations.

        13. Engage children in creative games that include familiar songs, movements, and dances.

        14. Use the children’s musical skills and abilities in the classroom for other activities.

        15. Include musical accompaniment in the organization of classes and regime moments.

        16. Take a direct part in the diagnostic examination of their pupils to identify musical skills and abilities, individual capabilities of each child.

        17. Take an active part in holding holidays, entertainment, musical leisure, puppet shows.

        18. Prepare poetic collections of poetic material for entertainment and musical holidays.

        19. Assist in the production of attributes, the design of the music hall for holidays and entertainment.

        The role of an educator in a music lesson.

        The role of the educator, the alternation of his passive and active participation, are different, depending on the parts of the lesson and tasks.

        Listening to music:

        1. By personal example, he brings up in children the ability to listen carefully to a piece of music, expresses interest;

        2. Maintains discipline;

        3. Assists the music director in the use of visual aids and other methodological material.

        Singing, singing:

        1. Does not participate in singing.

        2. Sings with children, learning a new song, showing correct articulation.

        3. Supports by singing when performing familiar songs, using the means of mimic and pantomime expressiveness.

        4. While improving the song he is learning, he sings along in “difficult places”.

        5. Doesn’t sing with children when singing emotionally and expressively (exception – singing with children of early and younger age).

        Musical-rhythmic movements and games:

        1. Participates in the demonstration of all types of movements, giving appropriate recommendations to children.

        2. Gives clear, precise, aesthetic standards of movements (with the exception of exercises for the development of children’s creative activity).

        3. Takes direct part in the performance of dances, dances, round dances. In older preschool age, familiar dances and dances are performed by children on their own.

        4. Corrects the performance of movements by individual children during dance, exercise, play.

        5. Explains and controls the fulfillment of the conditions of the game, contributing to the formation of behavioral skills during the game.

        6. Takes one of the roles in the story game.

        7. Supervises discipline throughout the entire music session.

        Music education requires special training on the part of the educator. The teacher receives musical training at a college, an institute where he learns to play an instrument, sing, dance. Getting to know the basics of physical education.

        Even if there is a music director, the teacher is not relieved of responsibility for conducting music lessons in the group in which he works. When educating by means of music, the teacher must understand its all-round significance. The teacher should be able to arouse interest in music, its content, direct the feelings of children caused by music, monitor and guide the development of children’s creative musical abilities.

        The teacher must carry out musical education in sections: singing, movement, listening, playing music. However, it should be said that not a single educator is released from the obligation to sing with children, conduct dance miniatures, games, etc. e. References to insufficiently developed hearing, lack of voice and insufficient preparedness for movement are very unconvincing.

        In practice, there were cases when teachers did not have an ear for music, yet they achieved excellent results. The role of the educator can be very diverse, depending on the program content that children need to master. And also, and from the age of the children of the group. Different sections of musical work require different participation of the educator in it, for example, singing does not require active intervention on the part of the educator.

        The music director should be the center of attention of the children. The teacher sings with the children. Moreover, his voice should not sound louder than children’s voices. In senior and middle groups, he sings at the moment of learning with children, the task is to sing a song on his own.

        If the teacher has a good voice, then by agreement with the music director, he can perform a new song in class. In this case, his role is more responsible. The teacher plays the most active role in carrying out rhythmic movements in music classes. At the same time, the degree of his participation depends both on the content of the task and on the age of the children. So, in the younger group, the educator, by direct participation in the dance, in the game, activates the children, brings an emotional lift. Children laugh merrily, looking at the teacher depicting a “bear”, and the game goes on naturally. They dance together, repeating after the teacher. This, of course, does not mean that children dance, play, only imitating the teacher. At a certain moment, the show stops. And the kids are on their own. For example: the children dance a familiar dance, and the teacher, encouraging them, claps his hands. In older groups, the active role of the educator is already changing. So during the game, the teacher turns on only as needed. If the children find it difficult to move, the teacher helps by showing. For example: if the child runs hard, the teacher runs with him. Paying attention to this, when learning the movement, the teacher helps the children by standing next to him with his example, or helping with separate instructions. At the same time, the teacher notes which of the children needs help in the future. It is also a constant change of activities, which allows you to constantly use the involuntary attention of children.

        Children’s performances at the holiday in our kindergarten are a variety of speech activities.

        From the point of view of general pedagogy, children need holidays to relax and have fun, relieve emotional and psychological stress.

        Quite often the teacher considers it his duty only to be present at the music class in order to maintain discipline. Meanwhile, without the active help of the educator, the productivity of music lessons turns out to be much lower than possible. The implementation of the process of musical education requires a lot of activity from the teacher.

        The teacher-educator needs to: 1. Come to the lesson two or three minutes before the start to line up and get the children ready for the lesson. 2. During the lesson, it is advisable not to leave the hall so as not to miss any material. 3. Know the musical material of your group, be an active assistant to the music director in music classes.

        4. To assist the musical director in mastering the program musical repertoire by children, to show examples of the exact execution of movements. 5. In free activity, consolidate the material received in the lesson. 6. Conduct regular music lessons with the children of the group in the absence of a musical director.

        7. Learn movements with lagging children. 8. Deepen the musical experience of children by listening to music in a group with the help of technical means. 9. To develop the musical skills of children (melodic ear, sense of rhythm) in the process of conducting didactic games.

        10. Possess elementary skills of playing children’s musical instruments (metallophone, bells, tambourine, spoons, etc.). 11. To carry out the musical development of children, using all sections of the work: singing, listening to music, musical and rhythmic movements, playing on the DMI, musical and didactic games.

        12. Take into account the individual abilities and abilities of each child. 13. To develop independence, initiative of children in the use of familiar songs, round dances, musical games in the classroom, a walk, morning exercises, in independent artistic activities.

        14. Create problem situations that activate children for independent creative manifestations. 15. Involve children in creative games that include familiar songs, movements, dances. 16. Use the children’s musical skills and abilities in the classroom for other activities.

        17. Include musical accompaniment in the organization of classes and regime moments. 18. Take a direct part in the diagnostic examination of their pupils to identify musical skills and abilities, the individual capabilities of each child.

        19. Take an active part in holding holidays, entertainment, musical leisure, puppet shows. 20. Prepare poetic collections of poetic material for entertainment and musical holidays. 21. To assist in the manufacture of attributes, the design of the music hall for holidays and entertainment.

        We, music directors, would like to see the interest of educators in the process of music lessons. When the child sees that the educator performs all the tasks with interest, he himself is included in the process with even greater inspiration. After all, the teacher is an absolute authority for him, and no matter what happens in the classroom, the child will constantly focus on the teacher.

        Among the many recent problems related to preschool education, the problem of interaction between educators and specialists stands out. And the problem of pedagogical interaction between the educator and the music director is one of the most important: the success of the process of not only musical, but also the general aesthetic development of preschoolers depends on its solution.

        A holiday in a kindergarten is, first of all, a lot of work done by the whole team, since many employees of the kindergarten are involved in this event: educators, specialists, a housekeeper, cooks, medical workers, administration, etc. Therefore, the holiday is a common cause! But everyone has their own role, their own responsibilities. The success of the holiday depends on the joint organized work of teachers.

        1. For the holiday, children dress smartly and according to their wishes, if the costumes are not specified in the script of the holiday. 2. Before the matinee in the group, it is necessary to observe a festive atmosphere: decorate the group room, hang colorful posters, turn on appropriate music, etc.

        3. Educators must be dressed up, have suitable shoes, meet children in high spirits. 4. When preparing for the holiday, involve all the children if possible: try to find a role for everyone, a poem, etc.

        5. When learning poems and roles with children, control the correct pronunciation, stress in words, and punctuation. 6. Both teachers must be present at the holiday itself. 7. During the holiday, do not touch the children with your hands, but in order to rebuild them, you just need to tell them about it.

        10. At the end of the holiday, teachers need to gather all the children and leave the hall in an organized manner (except for the New Year holidays, when children take pictures with Santa Claus). 11. A request to educators – to help decorate the hall for the holidays and clean up all the attributes after your matinee (preferably in place).

        Elena Moreva

        The role of the educator in music classes and holidays

        Methodological development of topic


        Interactions educator and musical
        leaders – one of the most important when conducting music classes and holidays
        . Very good, if the teacher was interested
        , fascinated by what is happening in the music class
        . For children teacher
        role model, the child will constantly focus on him.

        A lot here depends on the music director himself
        . He must explain to the teacher
        that he is his assistant, a participant in classes
        , he will often need to play the role
        , for example, a fairy-tale hero, animal (using toys, masks)
        . Caretaker
        should never be just an observer at a music class

        Precisely the teacher must follow
        so that children at classes come in Czech
        , girls – preferably in skirts or dresses.

        must bring children to class
        two or three minutes before the start, build them as agreed in advance.

        , together with the children, performs exercises, dance movements, sings songs, following the correct articulation, landing.

        In free activity in a group, daily consolidate the material received at occupation

        in kindergarten is a big job for the whole team, as many employees of kindergarten are involved in this event
        : caregivers
        , specialists, housekeeper, cooks, administration…

        Successful organization of the holiday
        depends on the joint organized work of the entire kindergarten team.

        1. For holiday
        children dress smartly or as recommended by music director

        2. Caregivers
        it is imperative to have a conversation with parents about the rules for visiting the holiday
        (be smart, have a change of shoes, mute phones)

        3. In preparation for the holiday
        use all children if possible
        : try to find a role for everyone
        , a poem.

        4. Caretaker
        teaches poems, roles, skits with children.

        5. At the holiday
        must be present about educator

        6. The presenter needs to pronounce the text emotionally, loudly, clearly, not being afraid of the guests, maintaining a friendly atmosphere at the holiday

        7. When children perform dances, round dances, perform movements with them (up to the senior group)

        8. Teachers together with the musical
        the head decorates the hall for the holiday
        and remove all attributes after their matinee.

        is an indicator of the work of the entire kindergarten team and it is from the organization of its work by the music director
        , depends on what it will be.

        Nadezhda Chepurova

        Consultation “The role of the teacher in the music class”


        : The role of the educator in organizing the musical activities of children

        : Develop initiative educator
        , activity in the process of teaching children at music lessons

        General musical
        – the aesthetic development of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out by a music director and educator with general musical training

        The work of teachers is complex, varied and must be carried out in close contact.

        has great opportunities to introduce children to music
        , to its content, direct the feelings of children caused by music
        , provide training in programming skills, monitor and guide the development of creative, musical
        abilities of children in their group. Particularly active educator
        in the process of teaching children at a music lesson
        . for example, in the younger group the teacher
        sings along with the children (but without drowning out the children’s singing)
        . In the middle and senior groups – helps learning songs and together at musical
        the leader evaluates the performance of the piece already learned. In addition, (if is a teacher
        sings clearly and expressively)
        – can sing a new song with background music

        When teaching children musical
        – rhythmic movements
        : in the younger group teacher
        is involved in all kinds of movements, thereby activating the kids. In the middle and senior groups, and especially in the preparatory gr. The role of the educator is different
        : she acts as needed, showing some kind of movement, reminding one or another mood, or giving separate instructions to children in dancing, playing, etc.

        stimulates the creativity of children, shows the theme, assigns roles, outlines the development of the plot.

        Directs children’s independent musical activities
        including game music
        , walking, workflow, using, learned from musical
        leader material.

        The teacher participates in the selection of musical material
        using it in gymnastics
        , visual activity, for the development of speech and familiarization with the environment.

        Of course, knowledge and skills music director
        having a special musical education
        , and caregiver
        differ in quality level, therefore, educator
        must constantly improve his musical culture – listen to music
        , improve performance skills, keep abreast of methodological innovations. Many knowledge and skills educator
        purchases with music director

        Among the effective forms of work with teachers are consultations and group sessions

        Individual consultations musical
        manager agrees with teacher about assignments
        , interesting and accessible to children in this group and about which of the children should be given special attention. Musical
        supervisor checks how educator
        performs children’s songs and dances.

        At classes of the circle, educators
        get acquainted with the main theoretical and practical methodological issues musical education
        , and also learn adult songs and songs that are available for listening. Teachers sing these songs to children at lessons
        like listening to music
        , or at holidays, concerts.

        Along with the acquisition of vocal skills educators
        raise the culture of their movement. In addition to children’s games, dances, exercises, they make more complex movements that contribute to the development of coordination of their movements and general musical development

        At the circle lessons educators
        also do some independent activities
        . Their purpose is to check how much musical material has been mastered.
        , develop initiative caregiver

        Successful creative experience educator
        should be encouraged and widely used in working with children.

        The interest of the teaching staff in musical education is reflected in all educational work
        , creates an uplift, cheerfulness.

        : “method of musical education in kindergarten
        “N. A. Vetlugina

        Related publications:

        The role of the educator in optimizing the relationship between parents and children. Consultation for teachers
        Most parents at some stage have questions: “Am I behaving correctly in relation to the child?”, “Why did he become like that.

        Meeting at the magical Oak. Children need to complete the tasks of the Magic Worms that live on the Oak, by determining sounds by pitch.

        Musical director Novozhilova Elena Nikolaevna. In our kindergarten ANO DO “Planet of Childhood” Lada “No. 169″Forest fairy tale” 10/15/2015

        Consultation for novice educators “The role of the educator in the music class and holidays”
        Among the many recent problems related to preschool education, the problem of interaction between the educator and specialists stands out.

        Consultation for parents “The role of the family in the musical development of the child”
        The role of the family in the musical development of the child Prepared by the music director of MBDOU No. 1, Armavir Pavetko N.A. Musical education.

        Consultation for parents: “The role of the educator at GCD in physical education”
        Consultation for educators: “The role of the educator in the direct educational activities in physical education.” Preschool age.

        The role of an educator in a music lesson

        Music class
        is the main organizational form for the implementation of the tasks of musical education and development of children.
        Sections of the music lesson:
        1. Musical and rhythmic movements: walking, running, dance steps (jumping, straight, lateral gallop, round dance, etc.).
        2. Development of a sense of rhythm: reading rhythmic chains, clapping, playing musical instruments. Learning to play children’s musical instruments. Playing in the orchestra.
        3. Listening to music: listening to music, talking about the content, determining the nature of music, getting to know composers.
        4. Singing and songwriting: chants, breathing exercises, singing (singing along with kids), inventing your own songs.
        5. Dance: learning various dances, round dances, dance creativity.
        6. Game: games with singing, without singing, musical and didactic.

        The leading role in music lessons belongs to the music director, because he can convey to children the features of musical works.

        But, since the teacher carries out basically all the pedagogical work in the kindergarten, he cannot remain aloof from the musical-pedagogical process.
        If the teacher loves music and loves to sing, then the children of his group are also very interested in music lessons.

        Teachers often make the following mistakes in class:

        1. The teacher sits with a blank look.
        2. The teacher interrupts the performance.
        3. Gives verbal directions on a par with the music director (although there cannot be two centers of attention).
        4. Disrupts the course of the lesson (enters and leaves the hall).

        The activity of the teacher in the classroom depends on three factors:

        1. From the age of the children: the smaller the children, the more the teacher sings, dances and listens along with the children.
        2. From the section of musical education: the greatest activity is manifested in the process of learning movements, somewhat less in singing, the lowest – in listening.
        3. From program material: depending on new or old material.

        The teacher must be present at every music lesson and actively participate in the learning process of children!

        Arrive to class on time to build up and set the children up for musical activities.

        Children should be dressed in comfortable clothes and shoes (Czech shoes).

        The teacher sings with the children (without drowning out the children’s singing). When singing, he sits on a chair in front of the children in order to show, if necessary, the movement of the melody, the pitch of the sounds, slam the rhythm, and so on.

        When teaching children musical and rhythmic movements (especially in younger groups) – participates in all types of movements, thereby activating the kids. In older groups – as needed (showing this or that movement, recalling the construction or giving separate instructions in the dance, game). Especially when the music director is behind the instrument and cannot show movements at that moment.

        Monitors the correct execution of movements by children.

        Learns songs, dances, games with children.

        The teacher must be able to play all the instruments that children use in music lessons in order to be able to correctly show the children how to produce sound on each instrument.

        Monitors discipline in class.

        Before class
        (in a group) it is necessary to observe musical silence: do not turn on the tape recorder (other sources of music), as children have impaired auditory perception and concentration.
        to consolidate the material with the children received in the lesson. Repeat the words of the songs (and not memorize them like poetry, but sing them), consolidate the dance movements. Include familiar games, songs, dances in the independent activities of children in a group, for a walk.

        The more actively the educator reinforces the musical material with the children, the more new things they can learn in music lessons so that the lesson does not turn into an endless repetition of the same thing.

        The role of the educator at holidays and entertainment

        The teacher is an active organizer and participant of the holiday!

        Teachers of groups not only get acquainted with the scenario of the holiday, but also distribute roles and responsibilities among themselves: who will prepare the attributes, costumes, decoration of the room, etc.

        • Children dress smartly and according to their wishes for the holiday, if the costumes are not specified in the holiday script. Clothes are brought in advance. The teacher checks the buttons, elastic bands, shoes so that nothing comes off in the hall.
        • Before the matinee in the group, it is necessary to observe a festive atmosphere: decorate the group room, hang colorful posters.
        • Educators must be smart, have suitable shoes, meet children in high spirits.
        • At the holiday, if possible, involve all children: try to have everyone perform either a role or a poem, be involved in dances, games, an orchestra.
        • While learning poems and roles with children, control the correct pronunciation, stress in words, and punctuation.
        • Before the start of the holiday, check the attributes again, arrange chairs according to the number of children.
        • Both educators must be present at the celebration itself.
        • During the holiday, do not touch the children with your hands, but in order to rebuild them, you just need to tell them about it.
        • During the performance of dances and round dances by children, perform movements with them.
        • At the end of the holiday, teachers need to gather all the children and leave the hall in an organized manner (with the exception of New Year holidays,
          when children are photographed with Santa Claus).
        • Teachers help decorate the hall for the holidays and clean up all the attributes after their matinee.

        The most responsible role at the festival is the role of the leader.

        is the person who manages the festive matinee, unites all the elements of the holiday into a single whole, explains to the children what is happening, is the link between the audience and the performers. The mood of the children at the holiday, their interest in what is happening depends to a large extent on the leader.

        Words of the presenter, congratulations, performances of children from another group, riddles, surprise moments, the guys should see and hear only at the holiday. Then this material arouses their interest, attention, desire to take part in the holiday.

        Since a large audience (parents, guests, employees) gathers at the festival, the host must carefully prepare: carefully read the script, learn the course of the holiday, poems, prepare a hint (aesthetically designed). Then the event will be held without unnecessary pauses, in one breath.

        In the younger group
        the presenter constantly manages not only the actions of the kids, but also their perception, fixes the children’s attention on the appearance of new characters, allows them to have a good look at them, then proceeds to action: sings, dances, plays together, which makes the kids confident in actions.

        In the middle group
        the guys have more opportunities to express themselves in individual performances, and this can be not only reading poems, but also showing simple dramatizations, small dances, playing musical instruments, etc.
        Children of preschool age
        are largely independent, they already have experience of behavior on holidays, however, they also need the help of an adult. The host must know the songs, dances, games of children well and, if necessary, help the children perform a dance or dramatization.

        The host at the celebration should be free, naturally, speak loudly enough, clearly, expressively, maintaining a friendly atmosphere at the celebration.

        If unforeseen circumstances arise (we missed a musical number, a character came out at the wrong time), you need to be ready to play the situation, joke, make a riddle, because the audience does not know the script.

        At the end of the matinee, congratulate once again on the holiday and take the children out of the hall in an organized manner.

        The caregiver, who is not in any role, is also with the children at the party. He must know the entire holiday repertoire and participate in children’s performances, help in preparing for skits.

        Adults – characters participate in games, dances, round dances. Suits are taken in advance to clean, hem, add details.

        Educators remind parents to change shoes during the holiday.

    Battle creek daycare: THE Top 10 Daycares in Battle Creek, MI

    Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 11:20 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    THE Top 10 Daycares in Battle Creek, MI

    Daycares in Battle Creek, MI


    First Kids Learning Center in Battle Creek, Michigan, provides a quality, developmentally appropriate educational opportunity for children. The school serves children from daycare to preschool provides themwith a balance of child-initiated and teacher-initiated activities. The school’s program aims to develop the whole child and his/her physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth….

    Riverview Rascals

    8635 G Drive North, Battle Creek, MI 49014

    Starting at $140/day


    I am a licensed Family Home Daycare provider. I provide a structured environment, with daily learning activities, crafts, interactive play, and outdoor time. I provide breakfast and lunch with two snacks. Ihave openings for all ages, part time, full time and before and after school care. I am not only certified in CPR and First Aid but also am a Certified Medical Assistant. I have over 13 years experience working with pediatrics. I will provide all children with a safe and caring home!…


    Dawn Moores Day Care believes in children developing best in a loving and nurturing environment where active learning is encouraged. The program is play-based, developmental, and designed to create thefoundation for a lifetime of successful learning and relationships….

    Marcia’s Child Care

    19 Mckinley Ave S, Battle Creek, MI 49017

    Costimate: $168/day


    Marcia’s Child Care is a home-based child care located in Battle Creek, Michigan. It offers early care and childhood education programs for children from birth up to seventeen years old. It has a capacity ofaccepting a maximum number of twelve children. It operates every Monday through Friday during daytime hours….

    Yates Childcare LLC

    175 Blue Spruce Ln, Battle Creek, MI 49017

    Costimate: $158/day


    Yates Childcare LLC is an establishment situated in Battle Creek, MI that is providing services for the students in the community. This child care organization currently admits young children in the surroundingneighborhood and is open every week from Mondays to Fridays. This child care started their operations in the year 1986 and is now having a maximum capacity of 12 students in their center….


    Little Friends Day Care Center is a childcare provider that serves the community of Battle Creek MI. It provides a safe and Christian-centered environment for children. The center uses Faith-Based PinnacleCurriculum to children age 6 weeks until 4th grade. In Little Friends Day Care, children are given hands-on activities and allowed to learn at their own pace….

    Christine Merwin

    10146 L Dr N, Battle Creek, MI 49014

    Costimate: $140/day


    Christine Merwin is a childcare provider based in Battle Creek, Michigan. She operates a licensed childcare facility that can accommodate up to six children with ages ranging from zero to seventeen years old. Christine Merwin’s childcare facility operates from Mondays through Fridays, serving the children’s growth and developmental needs in a safe, secure and nurturing environment….

    Jane E Cochrane

    253 Pennbrook Trl, Battle Creek, MI 49017

    Costimate: $163/day


    Jane E Cochrane in Battle Creek, Michigan seeks to provide a nurturing, high quality, safe and fun learning environment that is fit for the child’s overall growth and development. They are a Child Care providerthat can accommodate a certain number of children….


    Learning Zone Preschool and Childcare is an establishment situated in Battle Creek, MI that is providing services for the students in the community. This child care organization currently accepts children inthe surrounding areas and is open from Mondays to Fridays. This child care center started operating in the year 2010 and is accommodating a total of up to 52 students in maximum capacity.

    Trendy Tykes

    20895 N Uldriks Dr, Battle Creek, MI 49017

    Costimate: $168/day


    Trendy Tykes in Battle Creek, MI provides nurturing and loving attention to kids in a place where they feel happy and safe. This child care facility features a caring and inviting environment where studentsexpand, explore, and engage their natural curiosity. They offer positive reinforcements and responsive interactions to meet the developmental needs in a stimulating and secure atmosphere….


    The McQuiston Learning Center is a child-centered environment valuing children’s play and is sure to spark their imaginations. The primary focus is on the growth and development of the children and forming apartnership with the parents to assist them in child raising….

    Snap Inc

    28 Penn St, Battle Creek, MI 49017

    Costimate: $158/day


    Located in Battle Creek, MI, SNAP Inc. , is a non-profit preschool and child care center. Established in 1974, SNAP offers a full-time schedule for infants to preschool children. They serve ages six weeks tofour years of age. They operate Mondays to Fridays from 9:00AM ill 3:00PM….


    North Avenue Children’s Center located at 1079 North Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan, offers basic childcare and learning services. The school is open from six-thirty AM to five-thirty PM, Mondays throughFridays. It offers programs for infants, toddlers, early preschool and kindergarten prep. It offers before- and after- school programs, including summer camps and winter breaks….

    Showing 1 – 13 of 13

    FAQs for finding daycares in Battle Creek

    In 2022 what type of daycare can I find near me in Battle Creek, MI?

    There are a variety of daycares in Battle Creek, MI providing full time and part-time care. Some daycares are facility-based and some are in-home daycares operated out of a person’s home. They can also vary in the degree of education and curriculum they offer. Additionally, some daycares offer bilingual programs for parents that want to immerse their children in multiple languages.

    How can I find a daycare near me in Battle Creek, MI?

    If you are looking for daycare options near you, start several months in advance of when you need care for your child. has 151 in Battle Creek, MI as of November 2022 and you can filter daycares by distance from Battle Creek or your zip code. From there, you can then compare daycare rates, parent reviews, view their specific services, see their hours of operation and contact them through the website for further information or to request an appointment.

    What questions should I ask a daycare provider before signing up?

    As you visit daycare facilities in Battle Creek, MI, you should ask the providers what their hours are so you can be prepared to adjust your schedule for drop-off and pick-up. Ask what items you are responsible for bringing for your child and what items you may be required to provide that will be shared among other children or the daycare staff. Also, make sure to check directly with the business for information about their local licensing and credentials in Battle Creek, MI.

    Best Infant Daycare & Child Care in Battle Creek, MI

    The following Battle Creek, MI daycares have immediate availability for infants. Even if a locations does not have current openings for your infant, you can schedule a tour to join the waiting list. Capacity changes on a daily basis and we’ll let you know when a space becomes available!

    14 Infant Daycares in Battle Creek, MI


    Marcia Trigg Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (410) 709-7416

    Marcia Trigg is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Battle Creek. Programs are available year-round. … Read More

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    Hester, Debbie L Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (678) 264-6934

    Hester, Debbie L provides childcare for families living in the Battle Creek area. Children engage in play-based, educational activities aime… Read More

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    Verda L Sherrod Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (269) 965-8566

    Verda L Sherrod is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Battle Creek. Programs are available year-round. … Read More

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    Little Snuggles Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (651) 371-8786

    Little Snuggles offers safe, loving childcare in the Battle Creek area. Kids learn through curriculum-based, educational activities. The fac… Read More

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    Felecia Williams Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (415) 985-0931

    Felecia Williams is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Battle Creek. Daily care is available on Monday, Tu… Read More

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    Karin Wallace Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (269) 274-8631

    Karin Wallace offers safe, loving childcare in the Battle Creek area. Kids learn through curriculum-based, educational activities. The facil… Read More

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    Christine Merwin Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (267) 927-3134

    Christine Merwin is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Battle Creek. Daily care is available on Monday, T… Read More

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    Angela Compton Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (312) 598-1767

    Angela Compton provides childcare for families living in the Battle Creek area. Children engage in play-based, educational activities aimed … Read More

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    Shellenberger, Jamie Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (615) 257-9264

    Shellenberger, Jamie offers safe, loving childcare in the Battle Creek area. Kids learn through curriculum-based, educational activities. Th… Read More

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    Jacqueline Disher Daycare

    Daycare in
    Battle Creek, MI

    (312) 598-1767

    Jacqueline Disher is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Battle Creek. Daily care is available on Mon… Read More

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    RUS · ENG


    The town of Battle Creek, with a population of fifty thousand, is located in Michigan. Senior Detective Russ Agnew has to deal with criminals every day. The personal qualities of the policeman are high, he is not afraid to personally carry out dangerous operations, but often the old worn-out equipment fails him and his partners at the most inopportune moments. A drug dealer caught red-handed is forced to make a deal with the investigation in order to capture a larger dealer. But the operation again fails due to the fact that the battery in the camera installed to record the criminal deal runs out, and the stun gun, with which Russ was going to neutralize the criminal, failed again.

    Watch Battle Creek season 1 episode 1 – Road to Battle Creek online you can in our online cinema in Russian in good HD quality. Happy viewing!

    Rating IVI

    2015, Russia, comedies

    83 minutes

    Choosing IVI



    2000-2005, Russia, militants


    2019, Ukraine, crime

    222 Tyson

    2020, Russia, Detectives

    Reverse side of the soul


    2009-2010, Russia, detectives

    2015, Kazakhstan, melodrama

    KENESHILER (Consultants)

    2022, Russia, detectives

    Sokolova suspects all


    2013-2014 , Russia, Detectives


    2005, Russia, Comedy


    2016, Russia, Detectives


    2018, Gone with Flight 9


    2016, Kyrgyzstan, Comedies

    80 minutes

    Surprise (in Kyrgyz with Russian subtitles)


    2020, Russia, Detectives

    Equation with unknowns. Chemistry of murders


    -22-2015, Russia, detectives

    Freud method


    -22-2014, Russia, detectives

    Curious Varvara

    2016, Kazakhstan, melodrama


    2014, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia Crime

    Father Matvey


    2020, Ukraine, Detectives



    2013, Russia, Detectives


    2021, detectives

    Equation with unknown people. Today you will die

    2021, Kazakhstan, Comedy

    83 minutes

    Test drive

    2021, Russia, Detectives

    Man from the house opposite

    2009, Belarus, Detectives

    02 Shadow Samurai

    2022, Kazakhstan, drama

    maestro (2022)

    2008, Russia, detectives





    di -9000 2 duhamel 9000 dwarm











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    3 min.

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    “Battle Creek” (“9001”)

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    • Description

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    • 19 reviews

    2015, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, USA

    In the small and unremarkable town of Battle Creek, there is a sheer rampant crime, so FBI Special Agent Milton Chamberlain decides to look into the city to understand the reasons for all this and stop the riots. He gives the impression of a real optimist with a never-ending smile on his face and faith in humanity.

    The agent pays a visit to the local police station and chooses as his partner the complete opposite of himself – the eternally disgruntled cynic, Senior Detective Russ Agnew. Having completely different outlooks on life, they have to cooperate in order to clean this city from crime. And their first case is a double murder.

    Battle Creek Comedy Detective is a new series from David Shore and Vince Gilligan, creators of such masterpieces as M.D. House and Breaking Bad. Starring actors Josh Duhamel and Dean Winters. The film crew set themselves the task of making a series about cops, but with a completely new sauce.

    You have to give Shore and Gilligan their due, they’re still on the ball and the show was great. There is no such dynamics as in their previous works, but there are very thoughtful characters and a very well-written script as a whole. This picture is definitely recommended for viewing by lovers of good detective stories.

    Questions to ask 5 year olds: 9 Cool Questions to Ask Your Kid

    Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 10:42 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    25 Funny Questions to Ask A Toddler

    Conducting an informal interview with your little one is a great way to keep up with the memories during the toddler years.  This past week a few friends have been posting on Facebook the funny conversations they have with their kid. I don’t get around to posting my conversations with my daughter on my Facebook timeline, but I do keep a small notebook in the kitchen and jot down some of the things my daughter says. Recently my little notebook of Elena quotes came up missing. (Elena took it because it’s just her size notebook) and so I’ve been scribbling things down on scraps of paper, which just adds to the mess in the kitchen. Tonight I decided to get some quotes and jot them down electronically in this post.

    You’ll be pretty surprised by some of her answers.  Maybe my husband and I aren’t as old we feel and are a lot bossier than we think!

    1. What do you like to draw? Letters

    2. What makes you happy? Friends

    3. What makes you sad? When a toy hits me

    4. What makes you laugh? A friend

    5. How old are you? Three

    6. How old is Mommy? Two

    7. How old is Daddy? Four

    8. What is your favorite thing to do? Play with Mommy

    9. What do you want to be when you grow up? A big child

    10. What are you really good at? Making a smiley face

    11. What is your favorite food? Macaroni and cheese

    12. What is your favorite song? Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

    13. What do you want for your birthday next year? Butterflies

    14. What does daddy do for work? He stay at work and I play at school.

    15. What does mommy do for work?  Mom do paper stuff.

    16. Is Mommy an architect? Yea. And Iggy Tech is a architeck.

    17. Where do you live? At the house

    18. Where is your favorite place to go? To the grocery store.

    19. What is the best part about swimming? Going under the water.

    20. What is your favorite toy? Trains

    21. What is your favorite thing about bathtime? Coloring in the tub

    22. What are your favorite books? Busy, Busy Town , We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

    23. What is something Mommy always says to you? Go to sleep.

    24. What is something Daddy always says to you? Eat breakfast.

    25. What is love? Sharing

    Natalie Martinez

    Natalie Martinez, AIA, LEED AP, REALTOR is a registered architect and interior designer with over ten years experience working in architecture, construction, and real estate throughout Georgia.

    Published : August 7, 2013
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    Perfect Quiz for 5 Year Olds

    Get straight to the quiz for 5 year olds. Lots of amazing questions, some simple ones but also some questions that will help up the learning quotient of your child. 

    Trivia Question: How many legs does a spider have?
    Answer: Eight

    Trivia Question: Hardest part of a bird’s body?
    Answer: The beak

    Trivia Question: Which is the largest land animal?
    Answer: Elephant

    Trivia Question: In which sport do they play by a wicket?
    Answer: Cricket

    Trivia Question: Name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story?
    Answer: Woody

    Trivia Question: What is the colour of a ruby?
    Answer: Red

    Trivia Question: Hardest substance on earth is?
    Answer: Diamond

    Trivia Question: The biggest mammal known to humankind?
    Answer: The Blue Whale

    Trivia Question: Which animal has a blue tongue?
    Answer: Giraffe

    Trivia Question: What is something you hit with a hammer?
    Answer: A nail on the wall

    Trivia Question: What’s the name of a place you go to see lots of animals?
    Answer: The Jungle (Zoo can also be a correct answer)

    Trivia Question: Whose nose grew longer every time he lied?
    Answer: Pinocchio

    Trivia Question: How many dwarfs did SnowWhite have?
    Answer: 7

    Trivia Question: Name any one wonder of the world?
    Answer: The Taj Mahal

    Trivia Question: In which subject do we add or subtract?
    Answer: Math

    Trivia Question: What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
    Answer: Tinkerbell

    Trivia Question: If you freeze water, what do you get?
    Answer: Ice

    Trivia Question: What colours are on the Indian flag?
    Answer: Orange, White, Green and dark blue in the centre for the chakra.

    Trivia Question: In the nursery rhyme, Jack and Jill, what do Jack and Jill go up the hill to fetch?
    Answer: A pail of water

    Trivia Question: Where does the President of India live while in office?
    Answer: The Rashtrapati Bhavan

    Trivia Question: How many planets are in our solar system?
    Answer: Eight

    Trivia Question: Name a bird that often stands on a single leg and eats pink algae?
    Answer: Flamingo

    Trivia Question: What’s the capital of India?
    Answer: New Delhi

    Trivia Question: What’s India’s national sport?
    Answer: Hockey

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    Trivia Question: Which sea is off the Mumbai coast?
    Answer: The Arabian Sea

    Trivia Question: Which is the largest ocean in the world?
    Answer: The Pacific

    Trivia Question: What’s the round thing on which you see countries and the map?
    Answer: A globe

    Trivia Question: We all scream for ….
    Answer: “Ice Cream”

    Trivia Question: Which Disney movie is Elsa in?
    Answer: Frozen

    Trivia Question: Who is Mini Mouse’s boyfriend?
    Answer: Mickey Mouse

    Trivia Question: Where does Santa live?
    Answer: The North Pole

    Trivia Question: Cat in the Hat is a famous series by which author?
    Answer: Dr Seuss

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    Trivia Question: Which state is famous for Taj Mahal?
    Answer: Uttar Pradesh

    Trivia Question: Which city is famous for the Golden Gate?
    Answer: San Francisco

    Trivia Question: What type of fish is Nemo?
    Answer: A clownfish

    Trivia Question: What do caterpillars turn into?
    Answer: Butterflies

    Trivia Question: Name one reptile that hisses…
    Answer: Snake

    Trivia Question: What do you use to write on a blackboard?
    Answer: Chalk

    Trivia Question: On which holiday do you go trick-or-treating?
    Answer: Halloween

    Trivia Question: What are primary colours?
    Answer: Red, yellow, blue.

    Trivia Question: Where is the Great Pyramid located?
    Answer: Egypt

    Trivia Question: What is a doe?
    Answer: A female deer

    Trivia Question: What do bees make?
    Answer: Honey

    Trivia Question: Name a few citrus fruits?
    Answer: Lemon, Lime, Orange, Mandarin among others.

    Trivia Question: Which is the biggest of all cats?
    Answer: Tiger

    Trivia Question: How many days are in a year?
    Answer: 365

    Related: Unique Baby Names 

    Trivia Question: How many days in a week?
    Answer: 7

    Trivia Question: What is a diplodocus?
    Answer: A dinosaur

    Trivia Question: What is a group of lions called?
    Answer: A pride

    Trivia Question: Which is the fastest land animal?
    Answer: The cheetah

    Trivia Question: Who wrote Hamlet?
    Answer: William Shakespeare

    Trivia Question: Who built the pyramids?
    Answer: The Egyptian Pharaohs

    Trivia Question: In the nursery rhyme, who sat on a wall before having a great fall?
    Answer: Humpty Dumpty

    Trivia Question: On the farm, what is a gander?
    Answer: Male goose

    Trivia Question: What is the name of Harry Potter‘s pet owl?
    Answer: Hedwig

    Trivia Question: Who wrote the Harry Potter series?
    Answer: J. K Rowling

    Trivia Question: Name one country that still has a queen.
    Answer: England

    Trivia Question: How many sides does a triangle have?
    Answer: Three

    Trivia Question: Is a square a rhombus? Yes or no.
    Answer: Yes

    Trivia Question: Which superhero can climb up walls and buildings?
    Answer: Spiderman

    Trivia Question: Tricolour is the nickname of the flag of which country?
    Answer: India

    Trivia Question: Which planet in our Solar System is known for being the biggest?
    Answer: Jupiter

    Trivia Question: Why do things fall when you drop them?
    Answer: Because of gravity

    Trivia Question: Name a big cat with spots?
    Answer: Cheetah

    Trivia Question: How many colours are in a rainbow?
    Answer: 7

    Trivia Question: Which is the largest continent?
    Answer: Asia

    Trivia Question: In which capital city of Europe would you find the Eiffel Tower?
    Answer: Paris

    Trivia Question: In which capital city of Europe would you find the Big Ben?
    Answer: London

    Trivia Question: Name three things a tree gives us
    Answer: Fruit, paper, wood, bark, pulp, sap.

    Trivia Question: Who was the first American president?
    Answer: George Washington

    Trivia Question: Who was the first Indian prime minister?
    Answer: Jawahar Lal Nehru

    Trivia Question: Which country is home to the koala?
    Answer: Australia

    Trivia Question: What is the opposite of ‘cold’?
    Answer: Hot

    Trivia Question: Which animal is the tallest in the world?
    Answer: Giraffe

    Trivia Question: Name two string instruments
    Answer: Guitar and violin

    Trivia Question: India celebrates children’s day on whose birthday?
    Answer: A geologist

    Trivia Question: Who was the first man to step on the moon?
    Answer: Neil Armstrong

    Trivia Question: Name India’s mars orbiter mission and craft?
    Answer:  MOM mission. Mangalyaan

    Trivia Question: What could make Harry Potter invisible?
    Answer: The Invisibility Cloak

    Trivia Question: Who was Harry Potter’s best friend?
    Answer: Ron

    Trivia Question: If you suffer from arachnophobia, which animal are you scared of?
    Answer: Spiders

    Trivia Question: What food do pandas eat?
    Answer: Bamboo

    Trivia Question: What date does India celebrate independence?
    Answer: Seven

    Trivia Question: What is the largest state in India?
    Answer: Uttar Pradesh

    Trivia Question: What is the smallest state in America?
    Answer: Rhode Island

    Trivia Question: Name the two planets in our solar system which begin with the letter M.
    Answer: Mars and Mercury

    Trivia Question: What kind of tree do pines come from?
    Answer: Pine trees

    Trivia Question: How many bones do sharks have?
    Answer: Zero, they are made of cartilage.

    Trivia Question: What is the name of molten rock after a volcanic eruption?
    Answer: Lava

    Trivia Question: Can you name the closest planet to Earth?
    Answer: Mars

    Trivia Question: What is the part of the human eye that controls the amount of light that passes through the pupil?
    Answer: The iris

    Trivia Question: Can you name the closest star to Earth?
    Answer: The sun

    Trivia Question: What were the names of airflight pioneers?
    Answer: Orville and Wilbur Wright

    Trivia Question: Can you name the seven dwarves in Snow White?
    Answer: Sleepy, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, and Bashful

    Trivia Question: In what country were the Olympic Games first held. The same country invented them?
    Answer: Greece

    Trivia Question: Who invented the telephone?
    Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

    Trivia Question: The Statue of Liberty came from which country to the United States?
    Answer: France

    Trivia Question: Who painted the Mona Lisa?
    Answer: Leonardo DaVinci

    Trivia Question: Where is the Mona Lisa now kept?
    Answer: At the Louvre Museum in Paris.

    Trivia Question: What do you get when you melt ice?
    Answer: Water

    Trivia Question: What’s the name of the town where The Flintstones live?
    Answer: Bedrock

    Trivia Question: Which famous ocean liner sank on her first voyage in 1912?
    Answer: The Titanic

    Trivia Question: Which movie is Prince Charming from?
    Answer: Cinderella

    Trivia Question: What is the nickname for the bell of the clock at the Palace of Westminster in London?
    Answer: Big Ben

    Trivia Question: What do you get when you boil water?
    Answer: Steam

    Trivia Question: What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s pet dog?
    Answer: Pluto

    Trivia Question: What movie is Princess Fiona from?
    Answer: Shrek

    Trivia Question: What is the largest continent?
    Answer: Asia

    Trivia Question: What is the tallest mountain in the world?
    Answer: Mount Everest

    Trivia Question: How many Great Lakes are there?
    Answer: Five

    Trivia Question: What is the imaginary line called that connects the north and south pole?
    Answer: Prime Meridian

    Trivia Question: Who is the world’s greenest ogre and has a series of movies named after him?
    Answer: Shrek

    Trivia Question: Complete the sentence… Winnie The….
    Answer: Pooh

    Trivia Question: What kind of tree do prunes come from?
    Answer: A plum tree

    Trivia Question: Two and two make?
    Answer: Four

    Trivia Question: What gulf is located to the south of Florida?
    Answer: The Gulf of Mexico

    Trivia Question: What is the name of the island country right below the southern tip of India?
    Answer: Sri Lanka

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    5 daily questions to ask your child | PSYCHOLOGY OF COGNITION

    There are top lists on the Internet, which contain entire lists of 25 and even 30 questions that psychologists recommend asking their children every day. You probably need to be a super-parent in order, firstly, not to forget all these questions, secondly, to find time to ask them, and, thirdly, I think that a child can simply be “gotten” if he will ask so many questions, he will simply stop answering them, and these questions will no longer make sense and be effective.

    Therefore, this article presents 5 questions that will actually make your child more confident, happier, and that will allow parents to keep the situation under control.

    The first question is “Are you happy?”.

    Parents are often sure that the most important thing is to grow up, go to a kindergarten, then to a development center in order to get a lot of skills and knowledge, then more – the most important thing is to study well at school, then university, etc. Among all the daily problems, children do not have time to deal with their lives, to understand the moment of their happiness. When we ask a child if he is happy or not, we teach him to recognize this happiness, to understand the reasons for happiness or unhappiness, to understand who he really is and what he wants from life. A child learns to find this feeling of happiness among tons of feelings and emotions inside himself, then he will be able to “place” himself in this state at any moment. Over the years, he will not allow himself to be unhappy, will not go to work that makes him unhappy, will not meet people who make him unhappy. He, creating a family and being in this state of happiness, will make everyone around him happy. Therefore, at any time during the day, ask your child the question “Are you happy?”.

    The second question is “Are you all right?”. This question can also be asked at any time during the day. There are situations when parents themselves see that their child is somehow sad, thoughtful, so always ask him if he is all right. This allows you to establish parent-child cooperation, the parent is interested and takes the first step, the child may not tell the truth and not immediately answer, but he will have the realization that something is wrong, and he will understand that there are two ways out: either fix the situation yourself, or tell your parents about it and solve the problem together. Together with this question, you have a reason to start a confidential conversation with a child, nothing brings people together like shared values, conversations, time spent together. This question allows children to feel the interest and concern of their parents, to understand that he is significant, that parents want to participate in his life. Parents should not put pressure on the child, not express their assumptions, but simply wait for an answer.

    The following questions are best asked in the evening, thus creating your own ritual of talking with your child before bedtime, which will allow you to talk heart to heart and improve parent-child relationships. In addition, the child, answering questions, throws out everything that has accumulated during the day.

    The third question is “What was the best thing about your day?”. Children often answer – “That’s it!”. But parents should show by their own example how to answer this question. For example, a parent might respond that the best thing that day was meeting the right person, completing a project successfully, making a successful purchase, having an incredibly delicious pie, or something else. For the first few days, children may not answer or answer in great detail, but over time the situation will change, and they will be happy to talk about their happy moments. This conversation brings parents and children very close, the memories fill everyone with happiness and excellent mood. Children understand what situations bring them happiness, they learn to build events in life according to their importance and significance.

    The fourth question is “What was your worst experience?”. Parents also set an example and sincerely share with their child the answer to this question, and the children will reciprocate.

    The fifth question is “What would you change?”. At this point, the child analyzes the day, begins to think about what went wrong, and evaluate his options for what he would change.

    These evening questions help you dream, share experiences, communicate with each other, get closer and fall asleep in a great mood. There is nothing better for family relationships than trusting, close relationships with your family and loved ones.

    Just five questions, and you will see how your child’s quality of life will improve significantly, the amount of stress will decrease, the daily amount of happiness and joy will increase.

    The most important task of parents is to make their children and themselves happy!

    I hope this information was interesting for you, put likes and subscribe to the channel.

    30 questions to yourself – Lifehacker

    June 22, 2012Motivation

    In order to get the right answers, you first need to be able to ask the right questions. Only the right question guides us and makes us look for the right answer, which can become exactly the key that will open the cherished doors.



    Stephen Aitchison assumes he knows the secret ingredients of the right question. He created a list of 30 questions that, in his opinion, every person should ask themselves.

    I have shortened the list of questions a bit. Initially, it consisted of 34 items. So if you are interested in the full version, check out the author’s blog. I don’t know why exactly 34, but Stephen leaves room for the creativity of his readers and suggests adding to the list he has compiled.

    5 components of the right question

    1. He must strive for the result.
    2. It should be simple and clear.
    3. It should open up new possibilities.
    4. It should make you think.
    5. He must give impetus to action.


    1. What can I do today to achieve my goals?

    2. What time of the day is the most productive?

    3. What can I do today to pamper myself?

    4. What are 5 things I can be grateful for in my life?

    5. What can I do today to change someone’s life?

    6. What is my best character trait?

    7. What do I really want to do with my life?

    8. Do I really want these people (to list) in my life?

    9. What can I do to save a small amount every day?

    10. How much TV do I watch during the day?

    11. Do I really need all these things?

    12. When was the last time I read a good book?

    13. When was the last time I said “No”?

    14. Does it really matter what other people think of me?

    15. What do I want to achieve this year?

    16. What is the next “great goal” I want to achieve?

    17. What can I do to feel happy?

    18. When was the last time I violated my comfort zone?

    19. What are my values ​​in life?

    20. What steps do I need to take today to make progress towards my goals?

    21. What would my ideal day look like, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed?

    22. What good habits would I like to develop?

    23. How can I get rid of bad habits?

    24. Who inspires me the most?

    25. What qualities do people I admire have?

    26. Are my dreams just dreams, or can I make them real?

    27. What would happen if I let ______ go?

    28. What do I really like about my job?

    29. What would I do differently if I had the chance to live this moment again?

    30. What will I do after I read these questions?

    The questions are really simple and clear. And if you answer them really truthfully, you will be able to see the picture of your life from the outside. The procedure may not be very pleasant, and the picture that opens up to your eyes is not very rosy. But it is precisely in order to change everything for the better that we ask ourselves the main questions.

    Day care minot nd: Child Care in North Dakota

    Опубликовано: November 25, 2022 в 10:31 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Daycares in Minot ND – CareLuLu

    Daycares and Preschools


    North Dakota


    Ward County



    Adventures In Learning Child Care

    Adventures In Learning Child Care is a family child care provider in Minot, ND. To learn more about this child care provider, please send them an…

    The Lighthouse Daycare

    The Lighthouse Daycare is a family child care provider in Minot, ND. The Lighthouse Daycare cares for children ages 3-4. To learn more about this…

    Swensrud Debra

    Swensrud Debra is a licensed child care center in Minot, ND. We are a small center. Contact us to schedule a tour and discover for yourself all…

    Little Hands, Loving Hearts CDC

    Little Hands, Loving Hearts CDC is a licensed child care center in Minot, ND. We are a medium-sized center. Contact us to schedule a tour and…

    Weed Misty D

    Weed Misty D is a licensed child care center in Minot, ND. We are a small center. To learn more about us, please send us an email.

    Galdeen Heather

    Galdeen Heather is a licensed child care center in Minot, ND. We are a small center. Contact us to schedule a tour and discover for yourself all…

    Kubas Patricia

    Kubas Patricia is a licensed child care center in Minot, ND. We are a small center. Contact us to schedule a tour and discover for yourself all Kubas…

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    Other Daycares near Minot ND

    Meine Lynn

    Meine Lynn is a licensed child care center in Minot, ND. We are a small center. To learn more about us, please send us an email.

    Auran Lindsay L

    Auran Lindsay L is a licensed child care center in Minot, ND. We are a small center. Please email us for more information.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    How many daycares are there in Minot?

    There are 89 daycares in Minot, based on CareLuLu data. This includes 9 home-based programs and 80 centers.

    How much does daycare cost in Minot?

    The cost of daycare in Minot is $626 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.

    How many daycares accept infants in Minot?

    Based on CareLuLu data, 18 daycares care for infants (as well as toddlers). This includes 8 home-based programs and 10 centers.

    How many daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Minot?

    Based on CareLuLu data, 3 daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Minot.

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    Childcare challenges | News, Sports, Jobs

    Oct 17, 2021

    Jill Schramm
    Senior Staff Writer


    Avery Richter pours pretend tea as childcare worker Katie Fulop joins in the play Friday at ABC Child Care Center.
    Jill Schramm/MDN

    The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for North Dakota’s childcare providers as they attempt to address a waiting list of families needing services. However, the pandemic also has resulted in new federal funding to address childcare challenges, including pre-existing concerns exacerbated by the pandemic.

    The North Dakota Department of Human Services has distributed $48.88 million in support to 1,004 childcare providers so far. Now the state has more than $100 million in additional funds from the federal COVID-19 response and recovery package that are dedicated to the childcare sector.

    Last month, the Department of Human Services announced several new grant programs to help stabilize the financial operations of providers and support the health and safety of children and staff.

    “That’s going to be a really big deal,” said KarlaRae Sivertson, president of the Child Care Association of Minot. “I don’t want to have to raise my rates because the cost of everything is going up. That will help curtail having to raise rates. Because I do have some pregnant moms, that will help in having some extra money to hire some help if I need it. It just would make things a lot easier, I know, for a lot of us.”

    “We have five grants that are available to programs right now,” said Kay Larson, director of the Early Childhood Division at DHS. “One of them is called the stabilization grant, and that’s to help promote stable and sustained operation of child care and communities across North Dakota, including added support to underserved areas for infant-toddler care and care during non-traditional hours.”

    A North Dakota KIDS Count report released last August emphasized the need for more care during non-traditional hours. It found only 3% of licensed programs are open during the weekends, 4% open during evenings and 25% open during early morning hours.

    The stabilization grants funds also can be used for personnel costs, rent, utility and facility maintenance and insurance costs, for personal protective equipment, cleaning, for any equipment or supplies needed to operate, including some past expenses. Money can be used for mental health services for staff and for children.

    Other available grants target technology improvement, inclusive environments for children with developmental disabilities and startup operations.

    As of this week, DHS had received 1,106 applications, including 586 for the stabilization grant, 443 for health and safety and technology grants, 47 for startup grants and 20 for inclusion grants, Larson said. The department also will be issuing quality improvement grants to support early childhood programs that achieve Bright and Early North Dakota State quality ratings.

    Larson said the number of childcare providers and slots in North Dakota remain similar to before the pandemic.

    That’s despite a rough patch. According to Child Care Aware of North Dakota, multiple closures of child care facilities occurred when the pandemic started, due to low child counts, fear of the virus and positive COVID-19 cases impacting staff and children. Some closed permanently. Kids Count listed a net loss of 60 licensed childcare providers and 381 slots during the pandemic.

    Although numbers look better today, it doesn’t necessarily translate to the same availability of care as pre-pandemic.

    “One thing that we know is that, obviously, for childcare programs, staffing was a challenge before the pandemic and it remains to be a challenge. They are in the market to compete with all the other employers for workforce and struggle to make it affordable for families, and so we have a sense that some of our centers maybe aren’t running at that 100% capacity, just due to staffing,” Larson said.

    The Kids Count report, based on the previous year’s activity, showed the supply of child care and early education met only 88% of demand. Fourteen counties were below 60% of demand, including McKenzie (43%), McLean (49%), Renville (49%) and Williams (46%). Ward County is at 73%.

    “There’s always waiting lists in Minot,” Sivertson said. Infant spots are hard to come by, but special needs is also an area of concern, she said. Providers often have difficulty in providing slots for special-needs children because they lack training or the equipment, although the latest state grant program will help address equipment needs, she said.

    In addition, Sivertson said, uncertainties still surround the potential for additional positive COVID-19 cases among staff, children or families.

    During the pandemic, some providers lost income when families withdrew, and some had to let some staff go, she said. The state’s required staff-to-child ratios also increased for a time, limiting the number of children a provider could serve.

    “It really was a financial burden for a bunch of us,” Sivertson said.

    “During the pandemic, the department recognized early on that childcare was crucial to support the state’s pandemic response and the needs of working families,” Larson said. “So we invested federal pandemic relief to support childcare providers and working parents and to help address that operating cost issue and changes in childcare program enrollment. We offered childcare emergency operating grants from April to December of 2020. That helped childcare providers stay in operation as they faced fluctuating attendance and worked to adopt the modified operating practices that we had in place at that time.”

    DHS also invested a portion of federal pandemic relief dollars in reducing the economic burden of childcare costs for families with modest incomes, Larson said. On average, families pay between $7,600 and $9,500 per year for child care, similar to in-state tuition at a public university, according to Kids Count.

    North Dakota’s childcare assistance program has temporarily removed the requirement that participating families cover a portion of the cost of care. It now makes assistance available for parents seeking employment as well as working or attending school.

    “A family of three can earn up to $4,372 a month and qualify for childcare assistance. We really encourage families to learn more about the options for help and apply for childcare assistance,” Larson said.

    Families can apply online at or at their local human service zone offices.

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    Day Care Centers Site

    More and more in today’s world both parents have employment and need suitable day care centers for their children. These early stages in a child’s life are very important to their growth and development. Choosing a good child day care center is vital, one where the adult won’t just plunk your children down in front of a soap opera all day and feed them Top Ramen. You should look for day care centers that provide learning programs and playtime for your child, along with a safe and healthy environment. 

    There are many different types of day care centers, ranging from basic nurseries to preschools that will provide more of a learning environment for your children. Some day care centers specialize in a specific age range, while others are more open. When you’re contemplating placing your child in a specific day care center, you should visit each one with your child. In this way, you can see how your child reacts to the other children who are there and to the caregiver. You want your child to be happy and comfortable.

    While some day care centers provide a greater variety of activities than others, any good day care center is going to encourage positive interaction among all of the children. They will also have rules that promote good behavior, learning, manners, and child development. You certainly don’t want to have to worry that your child is going to develop bad habits from day care.

    Our Most Recent Additions to the Child Care Provider Directory

    Wee Care Three

    809 Coldwater Rd
    Murray, KY 42071
    Phone Number: (270) 759-5425
    Providing the child care and day care services:Day Care Center / Nursery, Child Care Provider


    While you don’t need to go overboard in choosing suitable day care centers, you should approach the subject seriously and with thought. Your child is going to be spending a good-sized portion of his or her life in day cares and you want to make sure it is going to be a positive experience. Family is the most important thing in the world and you should make sure that your children are your first priority.
    When you are considering a day care center, you should look at where it is located and how much it costs. There’s not much sense in putting your son or daughter in daycare so that you can work full time and spending most of what you earn on the day care center’s tuitions and your travel expenses. If that’s the case, you might as well stay home with your child. However, if you do truly need the money, there are usually plenty of day care services available and it shouldn’t be too difficult to find one close by that is reasonably priced. 

    Different Kinds of Child day Care Centers

    While child day care centers are common, there is such a huge demand for this service that there are now quite a variety of options available other than basic day care. These include the following:

    • Home child care or family childcare
    • Child care services
    • Preschool
    • Nursery

    Home child care tends to be the most popular option because it is generally more affordable and a smaller environment. While some day care centers are quite large and can provide better early childhood education, it is also more difficult for each child to receive personal attention. Day care centers that are based out of someone’s home are usually more personal and your child can receive more care and nurturing. Most parents want their children to be receiving love and affection, the care that they themselves would give them. They don’t want a day care business that is merely going to make sure that their child is still alive and adequately healthy.

    Home child care providers are also more adaptable, generally speaking. This means that if your child likes a certain song sung to them before they take their nap each day, the home care provider is more likely to be willing to do that than someone in a larger day care facility. Most adult home child care providers are parents themselves, making them better able to understand and love your child.

    Other Things to Think About

    One of the first steps you should take after picking out a family day care center that you think will be suitable for your child is do a little investigating. This can involve talking to the parents of the other children that use the child day care center to see what they think about it. You should also always check to make sure the child care service you are considering is legally licensed to operate in your state. Licensing officials check criminal records and ensure that the child care provider has emergency response training and a safe and healthy environment for the children.
    As mentioned earlier, it is a good idea to visit the child day care center that you are considering. You should do this at least a couple of times, and try to go at different times of the day so that you can get a better idea of what kind of schedule they have. This will help you to see how your own child would fit in.
    If you are having difficulties finding the appropriate child care environment for your son or daughter, there are some other options. Some people get family and friends to help out, while others hire a nanny. Adult nannies are a good option because they ensure that your child receives personal attention and quality child care. However, this also means that your child will not receive as much social interaction since he or she won’t have other children to play with like in a family day care center.

    No matter what option you decide to go with, make sure that you know who you are leaving your child with.  Meet them, get to know them, and let your child do the same. Do some research on the internet to make sure that no one has had negative experiences with the day care center you are considering. Check to make sure that they are legally licensed. Once you have done all of this, you can feel more confident and secure in knowing that you have chosen the right day care center for your child.

    Switching Day Care Centers

    Choosing Another Child Care Provider

    So you want to switch day care providers for your kids but you don’t know where to start or what to choose among the plethora of options out there in this world. It is fittingly one of the most important decisions of a young parent’s journey due to the fact that a child’s first formative years up until the age of six is critical. It is important for parents to not just consider the monetary impact of these choices but also the emotional, intellectual, and social future impacts the choice of a day care provider will have on their kids in the long term future. So let’s discuss some general tips to consider for the parent and the child to consider when one is looking to switch day care providers within a short time frame.

    First, you must consider the cost of attending some of the more prestigious and rigorous day care provider centers in your area. In some areas, let’s face the reality that the more money per month per child spent; the better the facilities and the educational value experience offered for your child. Things such as using smart boards and I Pad’s to enhance the learning experience is a very real possibility in these places. However, if a parent is budget conscious they can still afford this experience but it would mean cutting back on all or most non-necessity spending. This would include curbing your eating out habits as well as any leisure entertainment or travel activity and place that money instead into your child’s future day care home. If an expensive day care sees that you are making an effort to keep up with the payments; then they will be more willing to work with you and not let your child leave that place. For a child going to this environment, they need to consider whether or not they will fit into this environment, things like playtime, feeding time, and individual care of the staff- is it received well by the child? These will make the difference between choosing these ones or a cheaper alternative. Cheaper is not all bad if the quality and availability of care is there for your child in the first place.

    Secondly, you need to consider your travel times and distance of day care relative to your work and other important places like the hospital, grocery store, bank, and places that you frequent on a daily basis. Is it near enough that you can get to your child should he/she become ill or need special attention so that the day care center can contact you and arrange a meeting with you the same day if needed.

    Furthermore, you need to consider the overall cleanliness and friendliness of the day care center provider. Do not underestimate a clean environment for your kid to play and learn in with other kids. Your kid will enjoy making new friends in a clean and safe environment. Plus you as a parent will enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your child will not be being home any unwanted germs and diseases into your house. Parents must also consider if there is a dispute over payment and care; how does the management and staff deal with such requests? If there is a lackadaisical approach to your core issues; then that is a bad prelude of things to come concerning your child’s care. Your child will probably feel like he/she is being neglected or not fed on time and will start to complain to you ever so slightly that something is not right. When they do, do not hesitate to take them out of that day care center and find another one immediately.

    In a recessionary economy, it is okay and permissible for both parents and kids to demand the best care for their dollar. Make your day care dollar stretch by reading all of the material and brochures and visiting every day center on your list until you find that perfect fit for your child. It’s out there; it is just waiting on you to find it!

    Child Care Options for Low Income Families

    One of the most frustrating aspects of being a working citizen is not having the ability to afford childcare. The majority of day care facilities charge as much as $300 per week for each child. That amount is difficult for middle-class citizens to pay. Low-income families cannot fathom paying such an expense. Luckily, the government and the various states have developed programs that help low-income families get the childcare they deserve. The following is some information on those programs:

    Extended Day Program

    The extended day program can assist low-income working parents during the regular school year. Many school districts offer this program. The school keeps children before and after school hours for a small monthly fee. A parent can drop a child off as early as 7:00 a.m. and pick the child up as late as 6:00 p.m. This program is excellent for low-income workers with daytime weekday jobs. The cost is approximately $150 per month for before and after school. The weekly rate is approximately $37.50, which is extremely competitive.

    The attendants participate in various activities with the children before and after school. They help the children with their homework so that the parents have less stress when they come home from work. They give the children a full breakfast in the morning program and a snack in the evening program. Parents can opt to pay for the morning program only, the evening program only, or both programs. The evening program is the more expensive of the two because it lasts so many hours after the school releases the children. The evening program is $100 while the morning program is $52.

    The Child Care Assistance Program

    CCAP is a special program that provides childcare assistance to certain low-income families. People who are collecting TANF are automatically eligible to receive this assistance. Teenage parents who are working on obtaining their educations are also eligible for CCAP. Those who are not collecting TANF can still qualify if they are pursuing education that will improve their work skills and job opportunities. Parents can apply for CCAP assistance with the Department of Children & Family Services. The financial guidelines for qualification are along the lines of a $3,000 per month income threshold for a four-person family. The applicant must have proof of income, social security cards, birth certificates, and immunization records for all children. Application processing can take up to 30 days.

    Head Start

    Head start is a program for children between the ages of three and five. The program provides childcare services and medical services to the children who qualify. It is funded by the Administration of Children’s Services. The Head Start program covers childcare from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Teachers work with the children to fine-tune their social and developmental skills. Those who are interested in the program may apply online. Applicants go on a waitlist until there is an available slot in the program. It is best for an interested person to complete an application as quickly as possible since the wait may be extended.

    Child Care Voucher Program

    The Child Care Voucher Program is in effect in many states throughout the United States. It provides a subsidy of up to 95 percent of childcare cost to low-income families. Subsidy recipients will choose an eligible provider from the list of licensed providers. They may also select a relative or an in-home provider. The Child Care Voucher Program covers the childcare from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday. This is known as the traditional childcare period. However, the program also covers non-traditional times for parents who work odd shifts. It covers nights, weekends, and evenings.

    A wide variety of options is available for low-income childcare. Many stay-at-home moms also run small day care businesses in which they discount their services. There is a way to make working and taking care of your children affordable.

    Family Child Care – 5th Force Support Squadron

    Family Child Care

    Our Mission
    Register for Care
    Become a Provider
    Provider of the Month
    Contact Information
    Additional Links

    Family Child Care provides valuable in-home child care services to support the families of Minot AFB.  The FCC program offers quality care for children ranging from birth to five years of age by licensed, professional child care providers.  Due to the high demand for early child care, we encourage families to reach out to the School Age Care Program for children over five years of age and going into kindergarten. The School Age Care Program can be reached at 701-723-2838.

    The quality of FCC cannot be understated.  It is determined by our licensure requirements; as well as, our heightened focus on training and development.  In addition, each provider is required to follow a curriculum, create weekly lesson plans, and show evidence of successful implementation of their designated educational program.  Every provider is expected to know the developmental milestones of the children in their care and scaffold each child’s learning to increase skill-development.  All providers must complete fifteen modules through our Air Force Virtual Lab School to assist in learning these important milestones and age-appropriate techniques.

    Our mission is to assist DoD military and civilian personnel in balancing the competing demands of the accomplishment of the DoD mission and family life by managing and delivering a system of quality, available, and affordable programs and services for eligible children and youth birth through 18 years of age.

    Along with full-time, part-time, weekly, and hourly child care, some FCC providers offer care for weekends, evenings, shift work, TDY, PCS, special needs, and before and after school.  In addition, there are several free expanded child care programs available to families (Extended Duty Care, Missile Care, Returning Home Care, and Supplemental Child Care Program).  These programs require additional paperwork and parents are encouraged to reach out to our office for more details on how to qualify.

    Registering For Care

    27/4 & Extended Child Care (MCC) Is the one stop shop for capturing your family’s need for mission-related 24/7 and extended child care!

    Requesting Care is Easy!
    1. Visit and login to your existing account, or create an account if you’re a first time visitor.
    2. Click “Find Child Care”Select the child in need of care, the date(s) needed, and the location(s) where child care is needed.
    3. If 24/7 Care and/or Extended Care are available, select the care needed from the list of care types and describe your work schedule.
    4. Select “Next” to view the list of Family Child Care providers offering 24/7 Care and/or Extended care and submit your request for care.
    5. You will receive an offer for care when space becomes available to meet your needs.

    Military Child Care Website


    It is important to note, most families receiving care through FCC are enrolled in our Subsidy Program.  This program enables a family to pay the same price for care that they would at the CDC while the provider receives their requested fee. For example: If a family generates $51,000 total income per year, that family would pay $93 for weekly child care.  However, the provider (running her own business) charges $200 per week.  Does this mean the family must find care elsewhere?  No.  The Air Force will pay the provider the difference: $107.

    If interested in applying for the Subsidy Program, please fill out the following forms and return to the FCC office in-person or through email: [email protected].

    • Subsidy Registration Check List ( )
    • ECC Form ( 08.11-PM-1.docx )
    • Subsidy Parent Agreement ( )
    • DD2652( )
    • Parent/Child Information Subsidy Form ( )

    Family Child Care is the perfect choice for parents who want quality child care in a small group, home-like setting.  The goal of the FCC program is to meet the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs of children while providing a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment.

    Deployment Care

    The Deployment Child Care Support allows families 16 hours for pre-deployment, 16 hours each month of the deployment, and 16 hours of post deployment.  AF FCC Deployment Child Care Support may be used once the member has orders and ends 60 days upon return from the deployment.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Member of the Military Service
    • Active Duty or Reserve/Guard Member in Active Status
    • Assigned to or working on the installation
    • Deployed in support of a contingency operation
    • Deployed for a minimum of 30 calendar days or personnel who routinely deploy on a short-term basis (cumulative of 30 days in a 6 month period)
    • Copy of deployment orders/PCS orders
    • Completed AF FCC Expanded Child Care Request ( )

    PCS Care

    PCS Care is designed to help relieve some of the stress felt by families in the process of a PCS move or transitioning from the military.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Member of the Military Service
    • Active Duty
    • Active Duty Member Retiring
    • Copy of PCS orders or Transition Assistance Program Registration
    • Completed AF FCC ECC Request ( https://media. )

    Prior to receiving PCS care through FCC, the family must contact the Airmen and Family Readiness Center for a certificate.  AFRC can be reached at 701-723-3950.  This certificate is then emailed to our office and we schedule your care!

    Extended Child Care Tab (Missile, Extended Hours)

    The EDC Program is designed to assist families when weekly parental workloads, due to extended duty hours, exceed the normal operating hours of the facility where they are already purchasing full-time care.  Examples: mission-related duty, extended duty days, temporary shift change (not to exceed 3 working days), rapid mobilization, dual military or single parent deployment until alternate child care is arranged, federal holidays, installation wide down days when AF Child and Youth Programs are closed and parents are required to work, mandatory PT.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Member of the Military Service, Reserve/Guard member in activated status, or DoD Civilian
    • Assigned to or working on the installation
    • Must be scheduled to work – work must directly impact the mission
    • No other adult in the household available to provide care
    • Completed AF FCC ECC Request ( https://media. )

    Missile Care Specific Information

    The MC is designed to provide overnight, weekend, and holiday child care for those members assigned to work for more than 24 hours in the missile field.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Member of the Military Service
    • Active Duty or Reserve/Guard Member in activated status
    • Assigned to work for more than 24 hours in the missile field
    • No other adult in the household available to provide care
    • Must be purchasing full-time care
    • Copy of schedule
    • Completed AF FCC ECC Request ( )

    Process for Obtaining Care

    First and foremost, families will apply for and request child care through (MCC).When the FCC Office is contacted for a care request either through Gmail (most common), in-person, or by phone; the Family Child Care Coordinator or Community Child Care Coordinator will first check MCC. com to verify the individual need of care.The FCC or CCC Coordinator will then reach out to all providers via their private communication system to ensure all providers are given information equitably and efficiently.

    Provider of the Month

    September – Diane Badillo
    What do you enjoy most about being an FCC Provider?

    I enjoy being a Family Childcare Provider because it gives me the opportunity to help military families in need. I have been in childcare for about 8 years now, and every day I learn something new. I am so grateful I was able to find a job that I love, and one that also allows me to be home with my two children. FCC has definitely expanded my knowledge and experience to a greater level, and I will always be thankful for that. 

    What are your interests/hobbies?

    Outside of being a Family Childcare Provider, I enjoy spending quality time with my family, whether it just be taking a trip to Target or walking around the mall! If I get any free time, I will use it to play with my makeup. Makeup is very therapeutic for me, it helps me relax and get creative! 

    What advice do you have for new providers/those interested in being FCC Providers?

    If you enjoy working with children, then I highly recommend becoming a Family Childcare Provider. This job has definitely humbled me in so many ways. I’d say the biggest adjustments are the rules and regulations, but after a while, it just becomes a routine. In my experience, the key to getting your program to run smoothly is routine and consistency. Children thrive off of routine, so once you get that routine in tune, your days will become easier. Always remember there will be GREAT days and there will be not so great days. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your fellow Family Childcare Providers! We are here to help with what we can! 

    Article Features

    Click the buttons below to read articles featuring our Family Child Care providers and activities! Visit to view the full newspaper.

    Become a Provider

    Own your own business by becoming a Minot Air Force Base Family Child Care Provider! Check out our links below for details and incentives!

    Becoming a FCC Provider

    Are you interested in obtaining licensure to watch up to six children in your home?  Are you a military spouse or new parent looking to help generate additional income?  Are you retired, living on base, and have a heart to help Minot Air Force Base’s growing need for child care?  In a mere four weeks, we can get you licensed and ready to go!  If interested, please stop by our office to get started!

    To operate an FCC home, applicants must meet numerous requirements.  In addition to thorough background screenings performed by local base agencies, applicants are required to obtain liability insurance and must pass home inspections which include Health, Fire, Program, and Safety components.  Applicants must also complete a two-week orientation training, part of which includes instruction on AF guidelines and certification in First Aid and CPR.

    Virtual Lab School

    Certification through Virtual Lab School is highly beneficial to all FCC Providers.  This training program covers the following fifteen early childhood functional areas: Child Abuse – Identification and Reporting, Child Abuse – Prevention, Positive Guidance, Safe Environments, Healthy Environments, Learning Environments, Physical Development, Cognitive Development, Communication and Language Development, Creative Expression, Self and Cultural Understanding, Social and Emotional Development, Family Engagement, Program Management, and Professionalism.  The first three modules must be completed prior to licensure (during our two-week orientation training).  The additional twelve modules are completed while the FCC Provider runs his/her business.

    It is important to note, all modules are completed online and each module contains a certificate of completion.  The benefit of this online platform is accessibility (as most providers complete work during their children’s naptime) and transferability, as the provider’s account may be accessed at an alternate base/location.   The Family Child Care Coordinator assists the provider in his/her completion of these modules.

    Benefits of Becoming a FCC Provider

    We live in a world where “mother” or “father” cannot be included on a resume, one household income falls short of providing all needs, and families are diverse.  The Family Child Care Provider can maintain a business while watching his/her own children.  Personally and professionally, the provider is able to be his/her own boss while working to assist his/her spouse in growing the family’s income.  With regard to society, the Family Child Care Provider supports developmental growth in a homelike atmosphere or “family:” an American value.

    Ways in which the Family Child Care Coordinator and Community Child Care Coordinator support the provider:

    • Supplying care requests to whom the provider can reach out
    • Reminding the provider of renewal dates for fingerprints, CPR, Insurance, etc.
    • Providing monthly training
    • Providing a monthly newsletter
    • Determining “Provider of the Month” and bestowing a gift
    • Inspecting the provider’s home monthly to ensure safety
    • Providing curriculum resources
    • Providing professional development opportunities
    • Assisting with VLS FCC Certification

    These are just some of the benefits!  When a provider becomes licensed, he/she joins a group of over 24 providers who are dedicated professionals focused on personal and societal growth.

    Prior to Licensure

    The FCC Panel, which includes the Deputy Mission Support Group Commander, 5th Force Support Commander, and Airman and Family Services Flight Chief, reviews all application packets.  Those applicants who have successfully completed all requirements are recommended for licensing and are then forwarded on for final approval by the Mission Support Group Commander.

    Quality Assurance

    To ensure that high standards and quality are maintained in the FCC homes, each home undergoes unannounced observations by the Family Child Care Coordinator and Community  Child Care Coordinator and the providers conduct self-assessments that are verified by the coordinators during their observations.

    Resource Center

    The FCC program also offers a Resource Center to all licensed providers.  This center provides a variety of equipment, supplies, materials, indoor/outdoor toys, and games for use in FCC homes. This center benefits both the provider and the children in care by providing access to items that may otherwise be unaffordable.

    USDA Food Program

    Licensed FCC Providers participate in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Program which reimburses them for serving nutritious meals.

    For more information about the USDA Food Program, please call our Food Program Coordinator at 723-2604.

    FCC Pre-Orientation Information

    What You Can Earn as a Provider

    Earn College Credit

    Feel free to give our office a call at 701-723-6662 with any questions!

    Brochures & Information

    Connect With Us!

    Phone Number


    Hours of Operation

    Monday – Friday:
    7:30 am – 4:30 pm

    Saturday – Sunday:


    164 Summit Drive • Minot AFB, ND

    For additional information on affordable child care in the local community, visit the links below.

    Child Care Aware of America

    Military Child Care

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    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

    Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms? Call your clinic or sign-in to do an e-visit.

    Please note: we are only testing symptomatic individuals at this time. For more information, please visit our COVID-19 page.

    COVID-19 Vaccine Info | Schedule Your COVID-19/Flu Vaccine | COVID-19 FAQ | Safety Guidelines


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      CHILD Services

    BNSF Railway

    Our Virtual Train Tour has information about our trains, how we operate them, and the variety of railcars we haul.


    BNSF Railway announces plans to invest more than $1.5 billion to construct a state-of-the-art master-planned rail facility in Southern California – and the first being developed by a Class 1 railroad. The Barstow International Gateway will be a first-of-its-kind integrated facility, creating 20,000 direct and indirect jobs and reducing port and freeway congestion around the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

    Learn More

    Every day, teams of Engineering employees traverse BNSF’s track, making sure our railroad infrastructure is safe and efficient. These teams are known as regional production gangs. One major capital investment project was recently completed in Ulen, Minnesota, a small town about 40 miles east of Fargo, North Dakota. It’s also home to one of the Top 5 originating agricultural shuttle facilities on the BNSF network.

    Rail Talk

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    What’s New

    Oct 1, 2022

    BNSF to Build New Integrated Rail Complex in Barstow to Increase Supply Chain Efficiency

    The Barstow International Gateway will be an approximately 4,500-acre new integrated rail facility on the west side of Barstow, consisting of a rail yard, intermodal facility and warehouses for transloading freight from international containers to domestic containers. The facility will allow the direct transfer of containers from ships at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to trains for transport through the Alameda Corridor onto the BNSF mainline up to Barstow. Once the containers reach the Barstow International Gateway, they will be processed at the facility using clean-energy powered cargo-handling equipment, and then staged and built into trains moving east via BNSF’s network across the nation. Westbound freight will similarly be processed at the facility to more efficiently bring trains to the ports and other California terminals.

    Aug 31, 2022

    BNSF recognizes customers for significant achievement in sustainability

    BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) is honoring six customers with its inaugural BNSF Sustainability Awards for success in making their operations more sustainable.

    Mushroom Soup Energy Diet HD

    Energy Diet Mushrooms are a true gift for many fans of mushroom dishes. Thanks to its creamy texture and the expressive taste of champignons, this soup resembles exquisite puree soups from European chefs.

    Just one serving of Energy Diet per day but regularly. What is the result?

    • Each serving of provides everything you need for the proper functioning of the body : a balanced set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, fiber, 12 vitamins and 11 minerals.
    • Diet without hunger and nutrient deficiency.
    • Correct eating habits – overeating stops , you eat less and still feel full.
    • Improves metabolism .
    • Quick recovery after exercise.
    • Great health and energy boost.

    Soup should not be your only source of food. You should eat regular food at least once a day and drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before drinking the soup.

    For whom?

    • For those who want to lose weight.
    • For those who do not have time for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
    • For those who love tasty and healthy snacks.
    • For those who are for proper nutrition.
    • For modern active people.
    • Helps to get rid of extra pounds and create a dream figure !
    • Healthy – in each serving a verified balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as 12 vitamins, 11 minerals and a unique complex of enzymes to improve digestion.
    • Helps control appetite .
    • Ready in 1 minute! Simply mix with milk.
    • It’s delicious! Large selection of flavors of your favorite dishes.

    Animal and vegetable proteins contain a complete set of amino acids (including all essential ones): they are the building material for the cells of our body, normalize brain function, restore hormonal levels and enzyme synthesis.

    H unsaturated fatty acids . The main component – s Oy oil – in comparison with other vegetable oils contains a record amount of vitamin E1 (tocopherol) – a natural antioxidant. It has a high biological activity and is absorbed by the body by 98%.

    Balance of fast and slow carbohydrates : dextrose (glucose), instantly absorbed by the body, starch and maltodextrins, which are absorbed throughout the day. The amount of carbohydrates is calculated in such a way that all the energy intended for the body is completely absorbed (in particular, by the brain and muscles), and not deposited in the form of fat reserves.

    High Digestibility Enzyme Complex improves digestion, promotes rapid breakdown and more complete assimilation of animal and vegetable proteins.

    Fiber – natural Dietary fiber : Tara gum and chicory inulin. Fiber has a dual effect: it provides a feeling of fullness, helps to remove toxins and toxins.

    12 vitamins and 11 minerals – with among them: iron, copper, zinc, iodine, selenium, a large amount of calcium. And also: B vitamins; vitamin E – a “catcher” of free radicals; Vitamin A is an active participant in metabolism, an assistant to our vision.

    Acerola is a natural source of vitamins and micronutrients, surpassing almost all fruits in vitamin C content. It has an antioxidant, tonic and regenerating effect in the general state of fatigue, infectious and viral diseases.

    Royal jelly is milk secreted by young nurse bees, it contains a large amount of B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids. Royal jelly has a general strengthening effect, stimulates resistance to stress, and increases the body’s resistance to viruses.


    Soy proteins, pea proteins, natural identical flavors, maltodextrin, vegetable oil (soy oil, dextrose syrup, caseinate, natural flavor), starch, 3-substituted potassium citrate, mushrooms 1. 6% (mushroom extract, dried mushrooms), 3-substituted calcium ortho-phosphate, salt, chicory inulin, thickeners (cellulose gum, tara gum), magnesium carbonate, garlic, vitamins (PP, C, E, A, B5, D3, B6, B1, B2, B9, biotin, B12), acerola Malpighia glabra L . (149mg/100g), ferrous sulfate, zinc citrate, royal jelly (31mg/100g), manganese gluconate, copper gluconate, enzyme complex, potassium iodide, sodium selenite.

    Nutritional information

    per 100 g dry product / 100 g kurgak onimde / per 100 g dry product per serving of the finished product / dayyn onimnіn bir uliesine / per serving of the finished product 1 % OEN / % ZhKN / % ZEN 2
    Energy value / Kuattylyk kundylygy / Energy value
    kJ / kJ / kJ 1546 870
    kcal / kcal / kcal 368 207

    Proteins / Akuyzdar / Proteins g 38. 6 19.3 37%
    Carbohydrates / Komirsular / Carbohydrates g 26.0 17.0 33%
    – incl. sugar / sonyn ishinde kant / incl. zukor g 9.5 12.1
    Greases / Mylar / Greases g 10.6 6.3 28%
    – incl. saturated fatty acids / s.i. қanyққan may қyshқyldary / incl. rich fatty acids g 2.4 2.6
    Dietary fiber / Tagamdyk talshyktar / Kharchov fiber g 7.0 2.1 2%
    % REN / % UKN / % RschN3 3
    Vitamins / Darumender / Vitamins
    Vitamin A / A supplement / Vitamin A mcg 762. 3 265.3 27%
    Vitamin D3 / D3 gift / Vitamin D3 mcg 5.5 1.7 33%
    Vitamin E / E gift / Vitamin E mg 12.2 4.0 27%
    Vitamin C / C darumenі / Vitamin C mg 80.0 26.6 38%
    Vitamin B1 / B1 present / Vitamin B1 mg 0.8 0.4 21%
    Vitamin B2 / B2 gift / Vitamin B2 mg 0.3 0.5 24%
    Vitamin PP / PP gift / Vitamin PP mg 17.5 5.4 27%
    Vitamin B5 / B5 present / Vitamin B5 mg 4.2 2.0 40%
    Vitamin B6 / B6 present / Vitamin B6 mg 1.4 0.5 23%
    Vitamin B9 / B9 gift / Vitamin B9 mcg 203. 4 66.4 17%
    Vitamin B12 / B12 present / Vitamin B12 mcg 1.0 0.8 28%
    Biotin (H) / Biotin (H) / Biotin (H) mcg 55.6 16.7 33%
    Minerals / Mineraldar / Minerals
    Sodium / Sodium / Sodium mg 2224.0 766.4 32%
    Potassium / Potassium / Potassium mg 1905.9 901.8 36%
    Phosphorus / Phosphorus / Phosphorus mg 731.1 390.7 49%
    Magnesium / Magnesium / Magnesium mg 167.1 73.3 18%
    Iron / Temir / Zalizo mg 16.9 5.4 54%
    Zinc / Mouse / Zinc mg 9. 7 3.9 33%
    Copper / Cape / Copper mg 1.3 0.4 39%
    Manganese / Manganese / Manganese mg 2.1 0.6 31%
    Iodine / Iodine / Iodine mcg 130.2 60.3 40%
    Selenium / Selenium / Selenium mcg 55.1 18.3 26%
    Calcium / Calcium / Calcium mg 1134.0 570.2 46%

    1 30 g dry product + 200 ml 1.5% milk / 30 g kurgak önim + 200 ml 1.5% sut / 30 g dry product + 150 ml 1.5% milk

    2 General energy norm / Zhalpy қuattylyқ normasy / Zagalna energy norm


    Mix, vigorously beating in a closed container (shaker), 30 grams (1 scoop) of the product and 200 ml of milk 1. 5% fat with a temperature not exceeding 60°C. Shake the jar before the first use.

    Alternative preparation

    Whisk vigorously in a closed container (shaker) 30 grams (1 scoop) of the product and 200 ml of milk 1.5% fat at room temperature, heat in the microwave for 1.5 minutes at 750 W.

    Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components of the product.

    Product Compatibility Chart NL

    Soup “Chicken” Energy Diet HD

    ED Chicken Soup with Vegetables is specially designed for those who cannot imagine lunch without a fragrant hot dish seasoned with herbs and spices. Try the bird flavored ED soup and it will become one of your favorites from this collection.

    Just one serving of Energy Diet per day but regularly. What is the result?

    • Each serving of provides everything you need for the proper functioning of the body : a balanced set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, fiber, 12 vitamins and 11 minerals.
    • Diet without hunger and nutrient deficiency.
    • Correct eating habits – overeating stops , you eat less and still feel full.
    • Improves metabolism .
    • Quick recovery after exercise.
    • Great health and energy boost.

    Soup should not be your only source of food. You should eat regular food at least once a day and drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before drinking the soup.

    For whom?

    • For those who want to lose weight.
    • For those who do not have time for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
    • For those who love tasty and healthy snacks.
    • For those who are for proper nutrition.
    • For modern active people.
    • Helps to get rid of extra pounds and create a dream figure !
    • Healthy – in each serving a verified balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as 12 vitamins, 11 minerals and a unique complex of enzymes to improve digestion.
    • Helps control appetite .
    • Ready in 1 minute! Simply mix with milk.
    • It’s delicious! Large selection of flavors of your favorite dishes.

    Animal and vegetable proteins contain a complete set of amino acids (including all essential ones): they are the building material for the cells of our body, normalize brain function, restore hormonal levels and enzyme synthesis.

    H unsaturated fatty acids . The main component – s Oy oil – in comparison with other vegetable oils contains a record amount of vitamin E1 (tocopherol) – a natural antioxidant. It has a high biological activity and is absorbed by the body by 98%.

    Balance fast and slow carbohydrates : dextrose (glucose), instantly absorbed by the body, starch is absorbed throughout the day. The amount of carbohydrates is calculated in such a way that all the energy intended for the body is completely absorbed (in particular, by the brain and muscles), and not deposited in the form of fat reserves.

    High Digestibility Enzyme Complex improves digestion, promotes rapid breakdown and more complete assimilation of animal and vegetable proteins.

    Fiber – natural Dietary fiber : Tara gum and chicory inulin. Fiber has a dual effect: it provides a feeling of fullness, helps to remove toxins and toxins.

    12 vitamins and 11 minerals – with among them: iron, copper, zinc, iodine, selenium, a large amount of calcium. And also: B vitamins; vitamin E – a “catcher” of free radicals; Vitamin A is an active participant in metabolism, an assistant to our vision.

    Acerola is a natural source of vitamins and micronutrients, surpassing almost all fruits in vitamin C content. It has an antioxidant, tonic and regenerating effect in the general state of fatigue, infectious and viral diseases.

    Royal jelly is milk secreted by young nurse bees, it contains a large amount of B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids. Royal jelly has a general strengthening effect, stimulates resistance to stress, and increases the body’s resistance to viruses.


    Soy proteins, pea proteins, natural identical flavors, maltodextrin, vegetable oil (soy oil, dextrose syrup, caseinate, natural flavor), 3-substituted potassium citrate, starch, 3-substituted calcium ortho-phosphate, vegetables in various proportions (potato, broccoli, leek), chicory inulin, thickeners (cellulose gum, tara gum), salt, magnesium carbonate, spices (garlic, parsley, turmeric), vitamins (PP, C, E, A, B5, D3, B6, B1, B2, B9, biotin, B12), acerola Malpighia glabra L . (149mg/100g), ferrous sulfate, zinc citrate, royal jelly (31mg/100g), manganese gluconate, copper gluconate, enzyme complex, potassium iodide, sodium selenite.

    Nutritional information

    per 100 g dry product / 100 g kurgak onimde / per 100 g dry product per serving of the finished product / dayyn onimnіn bir uliesine / per serving of the finished product 1 % OEN / % ZhKN / % ZEN 2
    Energy value / Kuattylyk kundylygy / Energy value
    kJ / kJ / kJ 1551 871
    kcal / kcal / kcal 369 207

    Proteins / Akuyzdar / Proteins g 35. 8 18.5 36%
    Carbohydrates / Komirsular / Carbohydrates g 28.0 17.6 34%
    – incl. sugar / sonyn ishinde kant / incl. zukor g 4.0 10.4
    Greases / Mylar / Greases g 10.8 6.4 28%
    – incl. saturated fatty acids / s.i. қanyққan may қyshқyldary / incl. rich fatty acids g 2.9 2.8
    Dietary fiber / Tagamdyk talshyktar / Kharchov fiber g 8.3 2.5 2%
    % REN / % UKN / % RschN3 3
    Vitamins / Darumender / Vitamins
    Vitamin A / A supplement / Vitamin A mcg 762. 3 265.3 27%
    Vitamin D3 / D3 gift / Vitamin D3 mcg 5.5 1.7 33%
    Vitamin E / E gift / Vitamin E mg 12.2 4.0 27%
    Vitamin C / C darumenі / Vitamin C mg 79.6 26.5 38%
    Vitamin B1 / B1 present / Vitamin B1 mg 0.8 0.4 21%
    Vitamin B2 / B2 gift / Vitamin B2 mg 0.3 0.5 24%
    Vitamin PP / PP gift / Vitamin PP mg 17.5 5.4 27%
    Vitamin B5 / B5 present / Vitamin B5 mg 4.2 2.0 40%
    Vitamin B6 / B6 present / Vitamin B6 mg 1.4 0.5 23%
    Vitamin B9 / B9 gift / Vitamin B9 mcg 203. 4 66.4 17%
    Vitamin B12 / B12 present / Vitamin B12 mcg 1.0 0.8 28%
    Biotin (H) / Biotin (H) / Biotin (H) mcg 55.6 16.7 33%
    Minerals / Mineraldar / Minerals
    Sodium / Sodium / Sodium mg 1697.0 608.2 25%
    Potassium / Potassium / Potassium mg 1892.3 897.7 36%
    Phosphorus / Phosphorus / Phosphorus mg 714.9 385.9 48%
    Magnesium / Magnesium / Magnesium mg 166.8 73.2 18%
    Iron / Temir / Zalizo mg 16.8 5.4 54%
    Zinc / Mouse / Zinc mg 9. 7 3.9 33%
    Copper / Cape / Copper mg 1.3 0.4 38%
    Manganese / Manganese / Manganese mg 2.1 0.6 31%
    Iodine / Iodine / Iodine mcg 130.1 60.2 40%
    Selenium / Selenium / Selenium mcg 54.9 18.3 26%
    Calcium / Calcium / Calcium mg 1132.0 569.6 46%

    1 30 g dry product + 200 ml 1.5% milk / 30 g kurgak önim + 200 ml 1.5% sut / 30 g dry product + 150 ml 1.5% milk

    2 General energy norm / Zhalpy қuattylyқ normasy / Zagalna energy norm


    Mix, vigorously beating in a closed container (shaker), 30 grams (1 scoop) of the product and 200 ml of milk 1. 5% fat with a temperature not exceeding 60°C. Shake the jar before the first use.

    Alternative preparation

    Whisk vigorously in a closed container (shaker) 30 grams (1 scoop) of the product and 200 ml of milk 1.5% fat at room temperature, heat in the microwave for 1.5 minutes at 750 W.

    Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components of the product.

    Product Compatibility Chart NL

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    2 pages of 18


    6 -4.00 6PK

    • Indications for use
    • Contraindications
    • Dosage and Administration
    • Detailed description


    PureVision 2 HD soft contact lenses are intended for optical correction of the vision of people without eye diseases and with a minimum degree of astigmatism that does not affect the quality of vision.


    – Contact lenses should not be worn if there is a medical contraindication or in adverse environmental conditions.
    Contact lens conditions unfavorable:
    – Allergy, inflammation, infection or irritation of the eye, eyelids or adjacent tissues.
    – Feeling unwell, such as a cold or flu.
    – Use of certain medicines, including eye medicines.
    – Tear film disorder (dry eye).
    – Extremely dry or dusty environments that make contact lens wear uncomfortable.
    – Water sports without goggles.
    For questions regarding the above or other conditions, consult a contact correction specialist.

    Dosage and administration

    Pure Vision 2 HD lenses can be used in daily, flexible and extended wear mode. But it is worth noting that in any case, the prolonged wearing regimen of PureVision 2 HD silicone hydrogel lenses should be under the supervision of a doctor!
    To maintain the health of your eyes, the amount of time you wear contact lenses during the day is determined by your contact lens specialist. Contact lenses made of balafilcon A (Si-Hy) material can be used in prolonged wearing mode, up to 6 nights without removing (including sleep time in contact lenses). Only a specialist in contact correction can recommend you an extended wear regimen.
    Do not sleep in lenses until you receive the advice of a specialist. It is necessary to spend one night without lenses, and after that a new period of wearing with new lenses begins. Since individual contact lens tolerance may vary, your contact lens specialist may recommend a shorter wearing period. Not everyone can wear lenses for 6 nights without removing them.
    Lenses should be thrown away and replaced with a new pair every month!
    During the day, Pure Vision 2 HD contact lenses can be completely safely worn for 24 hours, sleeping in lenses is allowed, as the lens allows oxygen to pass through in the amount necessary for the cornea and does not interfere with oxygen access even during sleep.
    Pure Vision 2 HD contact lenses can be worn by children and are completely safe.
    The contact specialist must explain to you in detail how to put on and take off the lens.
    Always wash and dry your hands before handling lenses. Shake the lens blister gently before opening. Remove the foil from the blister. Pour the solution from the blister together with the lens into the palm of your hand or, if necessary, carefully remove the lens from the container,
    using the index finger. Make sure the lens is not inside out and that you have the correct lens for your eye. Examine the lens before putting it on. Do not use if damaged.
    Make sure your hands are completely dry when removing the lens. Blink a few times, then looking up, slide the lens down to the white part of the eye. Remove the lens by gently grasping it between your thumb and forefinger. If you have problems removing the lens, do not try to squeeze the tissues of the eye. Use lubricating and moisturizing drops and try again in a few minutes.
    Never use sharp objects, tweezers, nail scissors or fingernails to remove the lens from or out of the container.
    – DISINFECT your lenses every time you remove them to remove dangerous micro-organisms to ensure safe and comfortable contact lens wear.
    – The contact specialist must choose the most suitable lens care system for you. The following lens care systems are recommended: Peroxide cleaning system
    eg AOSEPT® Plus One Step Peroxide Care and Storage System for Soft Contact Lenses
    Multipurpose Solutions
    eg Opti-Free®, PureMoist, Opti-Free® Express®
    -Consult a contact correction professional before using alternative products.
    – Do not mix different lens care systems.
    – Use only soft contact lens care products in accordance with the instructions provided.
    -do not use the temperature disinfection or care systems designed for hard or hard gas permeable

    Trading name:

    Contact 400

    Medical products

    Storage conditions

    Store at room temperature of 15-25 degrees. Keep away from children.

    Description of dosage form

    Comfort during a month of wearing.
    Optical power, diopters (D) / -4,00 /


    PureVision 2 HD soft contact lenses contain:
    64% balafilcon A (Si-Hy) and 36% water.
    For ease of use, the lenses have a pale blue tint.

    Pharmacological action

    PureVision 2 HD Extended Wear Contact Lenses with High Definition™ Optics for clear, sharp vision without glare or ghosting.
    Now you can enjoy clear, crisp vision even in low light conditions. This feature of Pure Vision 2 HD lenses is especially important for drivers and athletes.
    PureVision2 contact lenses are among the thinnest contact lenses available today, yet surprisingly easy to use.
    High Definition™ optics are designed to correct spherical aberrations across the entire diopter range, eliminating ghosting and flare and providing your patients with the best quality of vision.
    ComfortMoist™ technology provides additional comfort to your patients both during the day and immediately after putting on the lens.
    New slim design and rounded lens edge: smooth transition from lens to conjunctiva and soft lens interaction with the eyelid, the lens is not felt on the eye, ensuring comfortable wear for your patients all day long.
    High Oxygen Permeability – Dk/t 130: The natural level of oxygen supply to the cornea keeps the eyes healthy throughout the lens wear period.
    Therapeutic Use: Provides 24 hour protection and high oxygen levels – FDA approved for use as bandage lenses in the postoperative period, for pain relief and in the treatment of acute and chronic corneal conditions.
    Material – balafilcon A (Si-Hy)
    Moisture content – 36%
    Dk/t (for lenses -3.0D) – 130
    Oxygen flow* – 98%
    Extra moisture – ComfortMoist™ technology
    Surface treatment – technology Performa™
    Power (D) – +6.00 to -6.00D (0.25D increments), -6.0 to -12.0D (0.5D increments), plano (therapeutic lenses)
    Base Curvature – 8.6mm
    Diameter – 14. 0 mm
    Optical area (for lenses -3.00D) – 9.0 mm
    Thickness in the center (for lenses -3.0D) – 0.07 mm
    Aspheric Anterior – YES
    Tint – Light Blue
    Wear Mode – Daily, Flexible, Extended, Continuous up to 30 Days
    Replacement Mode – Monthly
    Always remember the following:
    – Always wash and dry your hands thoroughly before handling contacts
    – Never leave lenses in saline overnight. The saline solution does not protect the lenses from microorganisms and your eyes from possible infection.
    – Never reuse the solution in the container.
    – Never use the solution after the expiration date.
    -Always rinse your lens case every time you take your lenses out of it. Use sterile saline or fresh lens solution and dry the container if necessary. This will avoid contamination and serious damage to the eye.
    -Change your container regularly.
    IF YOU DO NOT WEAR YOUR LENSES FOR A FEW DAYS, follow the care instructions for your contact lenses and, if necessary, clean and disinfect your lenses before wearing.
    Although soft contact lenses offer many benefits to the wearer, problems can also occur
    which may include the following:
    – Feeling of a foreign body in the eye
    – Discomfort when wearing the lens
    – Redness of the eye
    – Sensitivity to light
    – Burning, stinging, itching, or increased tearing of the eyes
    – Decreased visual acuity
    – Iridescent circles or halos around a light source
    – Increased discharge from the eye
    – Discomfort/pain
    – Severe or persistent dryness of the eyes
    These symptoms, if left unattended, can lead to more serious complications.
    – If the discomfort or problem is gone, inspect the lens(s).
    – If the lens(s) are damaged, DO NOT wear the lens(s): use a new lens(s) or consult a contact correction specialist.
    – If there is dust, eyelash or other foreign body on the lens(s), or the problem is gone and the lens(s) appear to be intact, thoroughly clean, rinse and disinfect/neutralize the lens(s) before use.
    – If the above symptoms persist after putting on a new lens(s), remove the lenses IMMEDIATELY and contact a contact specialist immediately. Serious complications such as infection, corneal ulcer (ulcerative keratitis), or iritis may develop. These conditions can progress rapidly and lead to permanent vision loss. Treatment of conditions such as erosions, epithelial staining and
    bacterial conjunctivitis, should be started as early as possible to avoid complications.
    – Periodic dryness may disappear after using lubricating and moisturizing drops. If dryness persists, consult a contact correction specialist.
    – If the lens is stuck to the eye (stopped moving), apply a few drops of lubricant solution and wait until the lens moves again. Then try removing the lens. If the lens continues to adhere to the eye, contact a contact specialist IMMEDIATELY.
    The risk of developing ulcerative keratitis is significantly higher with extended wear lenses than with daily wear. Wearing contact lenses increases the risk of eye infections. Smoking increases the risk of developing ulcerative keratitis for
    contact lens wearers.

    Special Instructions

    – Do not allow anyone else to use your lenses, as this can lead to the transmission of microorganisms and, as a result, serious eye health problems.
    – Check your eyes daily to make sure they look good and feel comfortable and your vision is clear.
    – Contact lens wearers are advised to visit a contact specialist regularly.
    – Do not use contact lenses or solutions after their expiration date.
    – In low light conditions, wearers of tinted contact lenses may experience
    reduced vision clarity of low contrast objects. Wearers of multifocal lenses may experience reduced vision in all lighting conditions.
    – Store lens power information for each eye.
    – Before putting on the lens, make sure that the optical power of the lens indicated on the package corresponds to your eye.
    – Always carry spare lenses with you.
    – Be careful when using soaps, lotions, creams, cosmetics or deodorants as they can cause eye irritation if they come into contact with your lenses.
    – Put on your lenses before applying makeup and remove them before removing makeup.
    – When wearing contact lenses, avoid spraying aerosols such as hairspray near your eyes as this may cause irritation.
    – Consult a contact specialist when using contact lenses during sports activities, including swimming.
    – Remove lenses when near toxic or irritating fumes.
    – Never allow your lenses to come into contact with non-sterile liquids (including tap water and saliva) as this can lead to microbial contamination and permanent damage to the eye.
    – Inform your employer that you wear contact lenses, especially if your job involves the use of eye protection.

    Release form

    Contact lenses 6 pieces per pack

    Terms of sale

    Without a license



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      {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}

      Expert Opinion This review was written by an industry expert after product testing provided by Philips




      {{#if this.IsRecommended}}

      Yes, I recommend this product

      {{/if} }

    • {{/each}}

    {{this.UserNickname}} {{#with ContextDataValues}}

      {{#iff Gender ‘and’ Gender. Value}}
      {{#iff Gender.Value ‘eq’ ‘Male’}}

    • male
    • {{/iff}}
      {{#iff Gender.Value ‘eq’ ‘Female’}}

    • Female
    • {{/iff}}
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    • {{{replaceString ‘Family Members: {number}’ ‘{number}’ HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold.ValueLabel}}}
    • {{/iff}}

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    {{/with}} {{date this.SubmissionTime ../this.dateFormat}}

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    {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}

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    {{#if this.IsRecommended}}

    Yes, I recommend this product


    {{#if this.AdditionalFields.Pros}}
    {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Pros}}



    {{#if this.AdditionalFields.Cons}}
    {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Cons}}




    {{#iff Photos. length ‘or’ Videos.length}}

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    {{#each this.ClientResponses}}

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    Energy Diet HD Vanilla Shake
    – NL market

    Key data Energy Diet HD Vanilla

    The taste of slightly melted ice cream familiar from childhood – subtle and slightly spicy – ​​makes the Vanilla cocktail the perfect light dessert.

    Balanced diet

    Balanced diet without extra calories. Contains a balanced balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. An ideal product for those who want to quickly, tasty and easily lose weight, eat fully and properly, or gain the desired mass with a lack of weight.


    Packed 450 g, 15 servings


    Country: France.


    Just one serving of the Energy Diet Slimming Shake per day, but regularly. What is the result?

    • Each serving contains everything you need for proper functioning of the body : a balanced set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, fiber, 12 vitamins and 11 minerals.
    • Diet without hunger and deficiency of nutrients.
    • Correct eating habits – overeating stops, you eat less and at the same time fill up.
    • Improves metabolism .
    • Quick recovery after exercise.
    • Great health and energy boost.

    Cocktail should not be your only source of nutrition. You should eat regular meals at least once a day and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before drinking a cocktail.

    For whom

    NL products are suitable:

    • For those who want to lose weight.
    • For those who do not have time for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
    • For those who love tasty and healthy snacks.
    • For those who are for proper nutrition.
    • For modern active people.


    • Helps to get rid of extra pounds and create dream figure!
    • Healthy – in each serving, a verified balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as 12 vitamins, 11 minerals and a unique complex of enzymes to improve digestion.
    • Helps control appetite .
    • Ready in 1 minute! Just mix with milk.
    • It’s delicious! Large selection of flavors of your favorite dishes.
    • Gives a boost of energy and a great mood.

    Composition Energy Diet


    Milk proteins, soy proteins, dextrose, natural identical flavors, vegetable oil (soy oil, dextrose syrup, caseinate, natural flavor), starch, 3-substituted potassium citrate, pea proteins, 3-calcium ortho-phosphate substituted, chicory inulin, thickeners (cellulose gum, tara gum), magnesium carbonate, sweetener (acesulfame-K), vitamins (PP, C, E, A, B5, D3, B6, B1, B2, B9, biotin, B12) , color (beta-carotene), salt, acerola Malpighia glabra L . (149 mg/100g), dried vanilla, ferrous sulfate, zinc citrate, royal jelly (31mg/100g), manganese gluconate, copper gluconate, enzyme complex, potassium iodide, sodium selenite.

    Proteins of animal and vegetable origin

    They contain a complete set of amino acids (including all the essential ones), are the building material for the cells of our body, normalize brain function, restore hormonal levels and enzyme synthesis.

    Unsaturated fatty acids

    The main component – soybean oil – in comparison with other vegetable oils contains a record amount of vitamin E1 (tocopherol) – a natural antioxidant. It has a high biological activity and is absorbed by the body by 98%.

    The balance of fast and slow carbohydrates

    Dextrose (glucose) is absorbed by the body instantly, and starch – throughout the day. The amount of carbohydrates is calculated in such a way that all the energy intended for the body is completely absorbed (in particular, by the brain and muscles), and not deposited in the form of fat reserves.

    High Digestibility Enzyme Complex

    Improves digestion, promotes rapid breakdown and more complete absorption of animal and vegetable proteins.

    Fiber – natural dietary fiber

    Tara gum and chicory inulin. Fiber has a dual effect: it provides a feeling of fullness, helps to remove toxins and toxins.

    12 vitamins and 11 minerals

    Among them: iron, copper, zinc, iodine, selenium, a large amount of calcium. As well as B vitamins; vitamin E – “catcher” of free radicals; Vitamin A is an active participant in metabolism, an assistant to our vision.


    Natural source of vitamins and trace elements, superior in vitamin C content to almost all fruits. It has an antioxidant, tonic and regenerating effect in the general state of fatigue, infectious and viral diseases.

    Royal jelly

    Milk secreted by young nurse bees. But it contains a large amount of B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, it has a general strengthening effect, stimulates resistance to stress, increases the body’s resistance to viruses.

    How to use

    Mix 30 grams (1 scoop) of the product with 200 ml of 1.5% fat milk at room temperature, whisking vigorously in a closed container (shaker).

    Shake the jar before the first use.

    Nutrition value

    per 100 g dry product / 100 g kurgak onimde / per 100 g dry product per serving of the finished product / dayyn onimnіn bir ulisine / per serving of the finished product 1 % OEN / % ZhKN / % ZEN 2
    Energy value / Kuattylyk kundylygy / Energy value
    kJ / kJ / kJ 1582 881
    kcal / kcal / kcal 376 209
    Nutritional value / Tagamdyk kundylygy / Kharchova value
    Proteins / Akuyzdar / Proteins g 37. 2 18.9 36%
    Carbohydrates / Komirsular / Carbohydrates g 33.0 19.1 37%
    – incl. sugar / sonyn ishinde kant / incl. zukor g 27.6 17.5
    Greases / Mylar / Greases g 9.1 5.9 25%
    – incl. saturated fatty acids / s.i. қanyққan may қyshқyldary / incl. rich fatty acids g 1.1 2.2
    Dietary fiber / Tagamdyk talshyktar / Kharchov fiber g 6.5 2.0 2%
    % REN / % UKN / % RschN3 3
    Vitamins / Darumender / Vitamins
    Vitamin A / A supplement / Vitamin A mcg 1074. 8 359.0 36%
    Vitamin D3 / D3 gift / Vitamin D3 mcg 5.5 1.7 33%
    Vitamin E / E gift / Vitamin E mg 12.2 4.0 27%
    Vitamin C / C darumenі / Vitamin C mg 79.6 26.5 38%
    Vitamin B1 / B1 present / Vitamin B1 mg 0.8 0.4 21%
    Vitamin B2 / B2 gift / Vitamin B2 mg 0.3 0.5 24%
    Vitamin PP / PP gift / Vitamin PP mg 17.5 5.4 27%
    Vitamin B5 / B5 present / Vitamin B5 mg 4.2 2.0 40%
    Vitamin B6 / B6 present / Vitamin B6 mg 1.4 0.5 23%
    Vitamin B9 / B9 gift / Vitamin B9 mcg 203. 4 66.4 17%
    Vitamin B12 / B12 present / Vitamin B12 mcg 1.0 0.8 28%
    Biotin (H) / Biotin (H) / Biotin (H) mcg 55.6 16.7 33%
    Minerals / Mineraldar / Minerals
    Sodium / Sodium / Sodium mg 553.0 265.0 11%
    Potassium / Potassium / Potassium mg 2028.4 938.5 38%
    Phosphorus / Phosphorus / Phosphorus mg 1000.9 471.7 59%
    Magnesium / Magnesium / Magnesium mg 173.9 75.4 19%
    Iron / Temir / Zalizo mg 16.9 5.4 54%
    Zinc / Mouse / Zinc mg 11.

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