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Activities for preschoolers that promote cognitive development: Play & cognitive development: preschoolers

Опубликовано: November 28, 2022 в 8:04 am


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Activities That Promote Cognitive Development for Preschoolers

As a child heads off to preschool for the first time, (usually at age four or five) they may experience some confusion or frustration with this massive change in their routine. Preschool can be a time of rapid cognitive developments and changes. Every day a child goes to preschool, they are gaining massive amounts of new information, not only in relation to school but also socially. 

Preschool can be a scary step for kids at first. They may miss the routine they were used to before going to school. Other children may be really happy to socialize with more kids their own age if that is not normal for them at home. All in all, going into preschool signals a lot of changes for a young kid. Music therapy can help them to manage those transitions and be more comfortable in their new social setting.

Anything you need to know about music therapy in preschooler’s cognitive development can be found here:

  • Physical activities that promote cognitive development for preschoolers 
  • Mental activities that promote cognitive development for preschoolers 
  • How can music specifically help your preschooler meet their cognitive development milestones?

Not only can music help children feel more open to listening but it can help them gain more confidence with how they communicate too.

Physical activities that promote cognitive development for preschoolers 

Different physical activities can have  positive effects on a child’s development such as spatial awareness, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills. Children need some aspects of physical play, considering the levels of energy they have. These physical activities will not only help kids expend some energy, but can promote their cognitive development as well. 

This may seem counterintuitive, but let your child play with (safe) everyday household items. Not only do they see these items every day and probably wonder what they are, but this also means you don’t have to buy as many overpriced toys. By letting your child play with household items , they get to learn more about the objects around them and how they function. Children at this age are very curious and letting them investigate their surroundings is a great way to boost their cognitive development. 

Let your preschooler play with any paints, pencils, markers, or other art supplies that you have access to. Giving your child the tools for a creative activity lets them express emotions they may not be ready to communicate through words. This can help them gain self-confidence and make them feel more comfortable expressing their emotions in the future. 

Music can help preschool-age kids to develop connections with people around them and feel more confident with their social development. 

Mental activities that promote cognitive development for preschoolers 

Simple card games or board games are great for kids at this age because it is activating both their mental and physical growth.  A puzzle, for example, forces a child to think logically. They are learning on a visual level and are improving their spatial/physical awareness by figuring out which puzzle pieces interlock and which don’t. An activity like a puzzle or a game are great because they help your child to develop their ability to memorize. 

Ask your child a lot of questions. Give them options. Children at this age are just learning how to do these things themselves and offering that curiosity in return encourages them to keep wanting to learn more about the world and the people around them. By asking your child questions, you are also helping them get used to making their own decisions, which is something that will help them down the road. 

Music can be a great way to get kids engaged and limit distractions, with music therapy they can have fun and learn something at the same time! 

How can music therapy specifically help your preschooler meet their cognitive development milestones?

Singalongs are often the first things that come to mind when we think of music in preschools. Singalong activities are great because they help children to memorize lines and what words come next. Singalongs also help young kids who are still learning to talk. This increases the child’s engagement, even when attention spans tend to be pretty short. 

Music can be one of the most impressive tools in helping kids to accelerate their cognitive development. When you engage with music, so many different parts of the brain are stimulated, so engaging with music at a young age can trigger developmental growth in an incredibly positive way. Not only does this help your child’s mind and mental health, but it improves their physical comfort and general health as well. Because music combines so many senses, (hearing, touch, and sight) including musical elements can help them to be more present during different experiences. 

If music therapy is offered in your child’s learning environment, consider the many benefits. It will help your child to meet cognitive developmental milestones and provide a safe and encouraging environment for them. There are many resources available online to further investigate this topic, and see if it is the right fit for your child.

Edited by Cara Jernigan on January 15, 2021

Cognitive development activities for preschoolers

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Focusing on cognitive development activities can have a positive outcome on how your child learns and retains information as well as on their behavior. Several studies[1] suggest that factors such as unstimulating environments, insufficient exercise and poor nutrition hinder cognitive development in preschoolers.

Other studies[2] have found that preterm or low-birth babies also have a higher risk of suffering from poor cognitive skills.

Weak cognitive skills influence preschoolers’ development. They can influence both their social and academic behavior and outcomes. The good news is that there are many simple activities that you can do at home to strengthen the development of your preschoolers’ cognitive skills.

Understanding cognitive development in preschoolers

Cognitive skills are the skills that your preschooler’s brain uses to perform tasks such reading and paying attention. These are the skills that help them to make sense of and to use information, to remember things and to reason.

Preschoolers need different cognitive skills to process the information that they receive. These skills enable them to:

1) Develop their long-term memory: Long-term memory enables children to store information over a long period of time.

If your preschooler has poor cognitive skills, they may struggle remembering information acquired in the past, easily forget things, or perform poorly in class because of their inability to remember things.

2) Develop their processing speed: Processing speed refers to the time your child’s brain takes to process information accurately.

A preschooler with poor cognitive development will take longer than other kids to understand and complete tasks.

3) Develop their ability to reason: The ability to reason is an important cognitive skill among preschoolers. Being able to reason strengthens their problem-solving skills. 

If your child has poor cognitive development skills, they will have a difficult time solving even simple problems, make frequent mistakes, or they will often feel that they do not understand or that they are unable to succeed.

This could lead to feelings of learned helplessness which refers to your child’s development of a pessimistic attitude toward their real capacities and to feelings of overwhelm when faced with challenges.

4) Develop their auditory processing: Auditory processing refers to your child’s ability to process what they hear accurately. This is what allows them to communicate effectively.

If your preschooler has poor cognitive development, they could struggle with understanding the words that they hear and how they process those words. This could lead to reading problems (comprehension and fluency).

5) Develop their visual processing skills: Visual processing refers to the brain’s ability to interpret visual images in one’s environment.

A preschooler with poor cognitive skills may find it difficult to understand what they are reading and could therefore struggle to solve word problems.

They may also struggle to process information presented in a visual form.

6) Develop their working memory: Working memory refers to your child’s ability to retain and manipulate the information that they need to successfully complete a task.

Preschoolers with poor working memory have a difficult time planning, organizing and successfully completing daily tasks and chores. They will forget what they were in the process of doing or will have to be repeatedly reminded instructions. These kids struggle with “step-by-step” directions and often have to be reminded what they are expected to do next.

7) Strengthen their attention skills: Different types of attention enable preschoolers to undertake tasks appropriately. Selective attention refers to their ability to filter out information and focus on something specific for a given period of time.

Divided attention refers to the brain’s ability to focus on different stimuli at the same time. In other words, divided attention enables your child to process more than one piece of information at the same time.

Sustained attention refers to the ability to focus over an extended period of time.

Preschoolers with poor cognitive skills struggle with focus and attention issues. They will only partially complete tasks and chores, they will become easily distracted and they will have a difficult time following multiple instructions.

Developing cognitive skills in preschoolers

Cognitive skills have a huge impact on how preschoolers behave and process information. The good news is that many simple activities at home can help your child develop or strengthen their cognitive abilities.

There are probably several things that you already do that help in your child’s cognitive development. Many activities and games that they engage in also help them develop their cognitive abilities.

Here are five activities that you can do (or should continue doing) to help develop your preschoolers’ cognitive skills.

Five cognitive development activities for preschoolers

1) Reading

Reading is one of the easiest activities that can help strengthen preschoolers’ cognitive development. It not only teaches them new words, it can also help them to acquire important skills such as paying attention, problem solving, reasoning, holding information in mind, and so on.

To strengthen your child’s cognitive skills, it is important to choose books that allow them to develop these skills.

Examples of good books for preschoolers include: Frog and Toad Storybook Favorites, Just How Long Can a Long String Be?! Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Round Like a Ball, Not a Box, Not a stick, Duck! Rabbit!

A subscription box such as the award-winning Book Roo can also help you choose appropriate books for your preschooler. The books they receive every month are carefully selected to ensure that they are attractive and age-appropriate for your child.

2) Encourage your child to play a musical instrument

Playing music is an effective and easy way to develop your preschooler’s cognitive abilities. It can help them develop their coordination and strengthen their auditory processing.

Any instrument that requires your child’s manipulation such as pianos or drums are good for them.

3) Listening to music is a great cognitive development activity for preschoolers

Your child already probably listens to music. They probably already know several sing-along songs that you all enjoy as a family. Music is great for reinforcing their cognitive abilities.

As they get older, you can use music in different ways to help improve their cognitive skills. For instance, playing games like “musical chairs” can help them learn to focus and to work on their processing speed.

You can also play slow songs – and ask them to dance slowly -, then interchange with quick songs to which they have to dance quickly. Even better, ask your preschooler to do the opposite – danse slowly to quick songs and quickly to slow songs!

4) Privilege games that foster preschoolers’ cognitive development

Games such as “Simon says” are great for developing your child’s cognitive skills, and there are many other games that can help develop these skills in preschoolers.

Remember that young children learn primarily through play. To get the most out of games, it is important to encourage different types of games and activities to help them work their brains in different ways.

Here are several ideas of age-appropriate games that can help preschoolers cognitive development:

Board games: Peaceable Kingdom Dinosaur Escape Game; Baby Dinosaur Rescue Board Game!, Go Away Monster; My First Castle Panic 

Games that help your child work on their visual perception skills:  Where’s Waldo?  Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It!

Games that teach concentration: Puzzles

Games that encourage creativity and teach other skills: Tegu Magnetic wooden blocks,  Pressman Charades for Kids; Gears! Gears! Gears!, Magna-Tiles

Games that encourage your child to keep active: Eezy Peezy Climbing Frame.

Free play is also an important part of growing up that helps children learn, grow, and develop cognitive abilities.

5) Craft activities can promote the development of cognitive skills in preschoolers

Encouraging your child to participate in art and craft activities is an easy way to help them work on their imagination and creative skills while strengthening their cognitive development. A “creativity box” filled with art and craft objects and placed within reach is an easy way to get your child interested in craft activities.

A craft subscription box is another easy way to promote your child’s interest in craft activities. Every month, they can receive their box filled with fun age-appropriate objects that they can use to unleash their creativity!

There are so many different and effective cognitive development activities for preschoolers. Ensuring that your child is gets to participate in multiple and varied activities is an easy way to ensure that they work their brain in different ways.


[1] Risk factors affecting child cognitive development

[2] Brain development of very preterm and very low-birthweight children in childhood and adolescence: a meta-analysis

Activities to Encouraging Cognitive Development in Preschoolers


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Children’s brains absorb everything from the world around them. By the time they reach preschool age, their minds are exploding with experimenting and testing that helps them organize and sort out important information about the world. There’s so much to learn about cognitive development at the preschool level and great activities to encourage development that you can do with your child at home. 

What Is Cognitive Development?

Cognitive development is extremely important as part of early childhood, especially once your child reaches preschool age. Preschoolers’ brains are quickly developing and cognitive development focuses on sorting through the information they’re taking in by using perception, memory, information processing, language skills, and decision making. 

Your Preschooler and Cognitive Development: What’s Happening In Their Brain?

Neurologists refer to brain development during the preschool stage as “blossoming” because their brains are going through so many anatomical and physiological changes. Some children have a desire to experiment, explore and be individuals that may go beyond their abilities to communicate through language. It’s not unusual for this to lead to frustration and meltdowns. But there are cognitive activities for preschoolers that can better help them to express themselves.

6+ Creative Cognitive Activities for Preschoolers

Here are some of our favorite cognitive activities for preschoolers.

  1. Use Different Materials to Help Learn About Literacy. If your child is interested in letters, help them make letters using materials like sticks, rocks, or anything they can find in nature. Ask them to use a stick and draw the letter in their name in the mud or the sand. 
  2. Sorting Shapes and Colors. For younger children, a simple game of sorting colored balls or objects into different buckets can be a fun learning activity. Hand them a group of different color balls, and ask them to place all the red balls into one bucket, and all the blue balls into another. You can also do this by sorting different shapes. Ask your child to describe what they are doing for an added language connection. 
  3. Work on Hand-Eye Coordination with Puzzles. Simple puzzles are a great way for children to work at hand-eye coordination and to start making shape connections. They also help with critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  4. Encourage them to Dress Up. Dress-up play lets children pretend to be their favorite characters and try out different personalities and abilities. Through dress-up play, children develop important social skills, problem-solving and imagination.
  5. Play a Game of Simon Says. This classic children’s game of repetition requires listening, memory, and critical thinking along with physical activity.
  6. Singing and Rhyming. Simple songs and rhymes are so much fun for children. They help develop language skills, memory, and rhythm, and can even introduce important concepts like the ABCs and counting.

Encouraging Cognitive Development in Young Children: Top Tips for Parents

Children learn best when they are engaged with what they are doing and can follow their interests. Learning through play is one of the best ways for children to explore and learn about the world and integrate that learning into other parts of their lives. Parents can encourage cognitive experiences for preschoolers that help with development by playing along with their children and engaging with them in the activities. 

Here are a few tips that will help you encourage your preschooler’s cognitive development:

  • Follow your child’s lead. Let them decide what to play and what the rules are. This will help keep them engaged.
  • Ask questions. Ask them to explain what is happening during an activity, and ask them to describe it. Encouraging children learn to use language about something they are interested in helps them form connections between different parts of the brain.
  • Offer a variety of activities. If you’ve been mostly inside all day, change it up with an outside walk or activity. If you are working on cognitive math activities for preschoolers, use things from nature, like sticks and rocks, to help count or make a pattern.
  • Let them make mistakes. Children need to make mistakes when learning something new. When they have to try something over again because it didn’t work, they can develop resilience. 
  • Play with them and have fun! Children learn best when they are having fun, and they love having attention from you, so get in there and show them you can play too.

If you are interested in learning more about cognitive development in preschoolers, reach out to our educators at Vivvi. Our child care centers and in-home educators provide an enriching learning environment for children that helps them develop their learning abilities and sets them up for success. Contact us today for a virtual tour or to learn more about our programs.

Consultation for teachers “Creating conditions conducive to the implementation of the cognitive development of preschoolers” | Consultation (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic:

Municipal preschool educational institution

combined type kindergarten No. 35 “Yolochka”

Consultation for teachers

“Creating conditions conducive to the implementation of the cognitive development of pupils”

Educator: Petrova Svetlana Yuryevna

Creative group in the direction of

“Cognitive Development”

about. Elektrogorsk

September, 2018

1 slide: title

2 slide: The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education defines five educational areas. Today we will consider in detail the educational field: “Cognitive development”, its essence, tasks, ways and methods of its implementation.

3slide: Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky said: “All our plans, all searches and constructions turn into dust if the child has no desire to learn. ” Federal State Educational Standard considers the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities as the main principle of preschool education. In addition, the standard is aimed at developing the intellectual qualities of preschoolers. According to him, the program should ensure the development of the personality of preschool children in various activities.

4 slide: GEF DO interprets cognitive development as an educational area, the essence of which is revealed as follows:

– development of interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; – the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness;

– development of imagination and creative activity;

– formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and effects, etc. ), primary ideas about the small homeland and the Fatherland, about the socio-cultural values ​​of the people, about the planet Earth as a common home for people, about the features of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

5 slide: Question: name the main directions of the PA “cognitive development” Answer (on the slide): FEMP, development of cognitive research activities, familiarization with the subject environment, familiarization with the social world, familiarization with the natural world.

6 slide This slide shows the main stages of cognitive development The first stage is curiosity: it is characterized by a child’s selective attitude to any object, due to purely external parties and circumstances. At this stage, the preschooler is content with only the initial orientation associated with the amusement of the subject itself. As an example of the manifestation of curiosity in a preschooler, one can cite the fact that at 2-3 years old a child focuses on the brightness of an object, without paying special attention to its essence. The second stage of cognitive development is defined as curiosity, which is the child’s desire to penetrate beyond the limits of what was originally seen and perceived. At this stage of interest, as a rule, strong emotions of surprise, joy of knowledge, delight, satisfaction with activity are manifested.

7 slide: For the development of children’s curiosity, the ability of an adult to answer children’s questions “Why is the grass green? What is a cow’s tail for? Why does the sun shine? A new quality of cognitive development is cognitive interest. It is characterized by increased stability, a clear selective focus on a cognizable object, valuable motivation, in which cognitive motives occupy the main place. A manifestation of cognitive interest should be considered the desire of the child to independently answer the questions posed, for example, in the course of experimentation, the study of the world around him. The presence of cognitive interest in preschoolers enhances the effect of education, development, and learning. Interest is closely related to the emotional life of the child.

8 slide: The highest level of cognitive development of preschool children is cognitive activity. Psychologists define cognitive activity as an independent, initiative activity of a child, aimed at understanding the surrounding reality (as a manifestation of curiosity) and determining the need to solve tasks that are put before him in specific life situations. Cognitive activity is not innate. It is formed throughout the entire conscious life of a person. The level of its development is determined by individual psychological characteristics and conditions of education.

9 slide Preschool age is the most favorable for the cognitive development of children. At the same time, according to a number of scientists, if the appropriate conditions for the implementation of the cognitive direction are not created, natural opportunities are neutralized: the child becomes passive in the perception of the world around him, loses interest in the very process of cognition. In this regard, scientists identify a number of conditions that provide fairly stable cognitive interests of preschoolers:

∙ Creation of an enriched object-spatial environment

∙ Inclusion of entertainment in the content of classes;

∙ Creation of problem-search situations;

∙ Involvement in creative tasks;

∙ Integration of various activities;

∙ Stimulating the manifestation of a child’s positive-emotional attitude to phenomena, objects and activities;

∙ Organization of experimentation;

∙ Use of design

10 slide: Cognitive development is carried out through the integration of all types of children’s activities, taking into account their age characteristics. Early age:

– Objective activities and games with compound and dynamic toys

– Interaction with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult

– Experimentation with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc. )

– Self-care and activities with household items-tools

– Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poetry, looking at pictures

– Elementary construction

– Motor activity

Preschool age:

– Game activity

– Communicative activity

– cognitive-research activity

– perception of fiction and folklore

– self-care and elementary household labor

– construction from different material

– image activity- image activities

– Musical activity

– Motor activity

11 slide Cognitive development in kindergarten is realized through such varied forms of educational activity as:

– GCD: travel activities, experimentation activities, activity games, observation activities, complex, integrated

– Excursions

– Elementary labor in nature

. – Projects

– Independent activity

– Joint activity

– Holidays, entertainment

12 slide A well-equipped, developing object-spatial environment is of great importance in the development of children’s cognitive activity. The conditions created should encourage children to search for answers to the questions posed, to obtain additional information on the content of the lesson and to engage in independent research activities. The field “Cognitive development” is represented in the group by the following corners:

– Corner of FEMP (sensorics)

– Corner of nature

– Experimentation Corner

– Design Corner

– The group must have children’s educational literature (encyclopedias, thematic educational books). Together with the children, educators draw up home-made books – babies on various topics. It is imperative that groups have board games of an educational nature, which are selected taking into account age, the subject matter of the material being studied, as well as an audio library and a video library.

13 slide Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education considers the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities as the main principle of preschool education. At the same time, the organization of cognitive activity is clearly reflected and intersects (integrates) with other forms of work throughout the day the child is in kindergarten. The development of cognitive activity of preschoolers contributes to the intellectual and moral development of the child’s personality, the acquisition of experience in creative activity and a value attitude to the world, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity.

Wenger L.A. Development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool age [Text] / L.A. Wenger. – M.: Enlightenment, 1986. – 228 p.

Godovikova D.B. Formation of cognitive activity [Text] / D.B. Godovikova // Preschool education. – 1986. – No. 1. – C 28 – 32.

Lisina M.I. The development of cognitive activity of children in the course of communication with adults and peers [Text] / M.I. Lisina // Issues of Psychology, 1982.- No. 4.- P.18-35

Choosing educational games for children

‘Modern schoolchildren and preschoolers are confronted daily with much more information than their parents in childhood, and therefore it is not easy for them to assimilate and consolidate new knowledge. Kids quickly get tired of the continuous information flow, because of which they cease to show cognitive interest – one of the most important types of intellectual activity. Let’s talk about the role he plays and select educational games for children to awaken their desire to learn new things.

Cognitive activity

‘The need to constantly increase the volume of one’s knowledge, to discover more and more previously unknown concepts – this is the interest in knowledge. It manifests itself from the earliest years, when the baby studies the faces of the parents, various objects and the environment around him. In childhood, a person most actively absorbs information, since everything unknown seems surprising and interesting to him. But closer to school age, the situation is gradually changing – parents and teachers note that the children’s interest in new knowledge decreases, or even completely disappears.

‘This is due to a change in the presentation of information and an increase in its complexity. If in early childhood, kids learned really interesting facts about the world around them, now they need to study less exciting areas of knowledge – reading, counting, as well as various sciences. Also, the training format itself is becoming more and more routine – light exercises are gradually being replaced by repeated repetition and the familiar “cramming” to everyone. As a result, the lack of interest in studies adversely affects the results of the educational process.

‘In order to improve the situation, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the cognitive development of the child, choosing suitable methods for this. One of the most common methods is the introduction of game elements into the educational process. What are the advantages of such an approach?

The role of play in the development of the child

‘When a baby plays, parents think that he is having fun, and partly it is true. Game activity in itself is an interesting process that does not overwork the psyche, does not get bored. But it is a mistake to consider entertainment the only useful function of such leisure – it is also an excellent tool for raising children and developing their intellect.

‘The educational side of the play approach is that through it even complex concepts can be explained in a language accessible to the baby. After playing with him, parents can instill in him certain norms of behavior or explain the cause-and-effect relationships between actions and their consequences.

‘Along with educational activities, play activities also have developing functions. Any educational process will be easier if it is conducted in the form of a game. Unlike the usual lessons, this format does not cause excitement and anxiety, as students are not afraid to make mistakes, they boldly give answers to the questions asked. This has a positive effect on the effectiveness of learning and the speed of development of children’s skills. Playing activities arouse their enthusiasm, attract attention, increase involvement and interest.

‘However, for this method to work, it is necessary to choose tasks taking into account the age of preschoolers and schoolchildren. Let’s consider these exercises in more detail.

Cognitive development of preschool children

‘The period from infancy to entering school is considered almost the most important in terms of the formation of intelligence. It is in early childhood that the baby is instilled with the knowledge and skills that he will need in later life. To do this, you can use game tasks that contribute to the cognitive development of children at preschool age. It is better to give preference to those of them that:0003

  • learn to distinguish colors and shapes of objects. You can play and practice with the help of cubes, constructors, simple puzzles in which you need to match an object with its shape.
  • instill knowledge about animals, plants, transport, professions and so on. It is important to develop your horizons from childhood, and for this you can use riddles. They are not perceived as difficult exercises, but rather as entertainment, and therefore are great for the development of preschoolers.
  • teach numbers and counting, letters and the basics of reading, learn to navigate in space and time. You can play with any toys. The task of parents is to come up with tasks and tasks while they play with the baby. For example, you can offer him to turn right or left if he plays cars, or ask how many products the doll “bought” in the store.

Educational games for schoolchildren

‘Unlike preschool children, school-age children already have basic knowledge and skills, and therefore classes with them should be aimed at a more in-depth development of their abilities. To do this, you can use educational games for children, which are selected according to their age.

‘So, for example, games for the development of horizons, which use picture cards, are perfect for younger students. They can depict natural phenomena, representatives of flora and fauna, various sights, equipment, and so on. The task of the child is to explain to the parents what is shown in the picture, without naming the name of this object. In the process of such leisure, the student will expand his horizons, learn new information and develop the ability to formulate and convey his thoughts to the interlocutor.

‘Intermediate students may like this exercise, but more often than not it seems too easy for them. Therefore, you can invite them to play intellectual quizzes with adults. Tasks can be very different: calculate in your mind the sum of two randomly selected multi-digit numbers, name the name of the historical figure depicted in the portrait, guess the word by its definition. The more varied the questions, the more interesting the game.

‘Parents need to remember that their main task is to try to captivate the student, to instill in him a craving for knowledge. If it turns out that he did not show interest in a particular type of exercise, then it is better to choose tasks from another area. It is worth considering the student’s hobbies, his age and preferences in order to find the most exciting and useful learning options with him. Then he will engage and expand his knowledge with more dedication.

The development of cognitive activity in older preschoolers in the classroom in the theater studio

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    Olympia kindercare: West Olympia KinderCare | Daycare, Preschool & Early Education in Olympia, WA

    Опубликовано: November 28, 2022 в 6:42 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    West Olympia KinderCare | Daycare, Preschool & Early Education in Olympia, WA

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    Daycare In Olympia, WA   >  
    West Olympia KinderCare

    Welcome to West Olympia KinderCare

    Welcome to West Olympia KinderCare, located in the beautiful state of Washington. We call the great northwest home, and we are honored to provide a superior educational experience, along with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your child is in a nurturing, safe and loving environment. Every day, our staff works hard to help children develop confidence for life. Everyone belongs in our circle-we love our families and meeting new friends!

    Our classrooms are places to thrive! 
    In our safe and healthy classrooms, your child will be engaged in learning experiences that meet them where they are, both socially and academically. With fun daily activities, passionate teachers, and great friends, a lifetime of confidence starts here. Contact the center director to learn more about our child care options and schedule a tour! 

    Meet Melissa Stiles, Our Center Director

    Meet Melissa Stiles! She is the Center Director at West Olympia KinderCare in Washington. Melissa attended NYIT Ellis College where she earned a Child Development Associate credential. She has been with KinderCare since 2006, and before that she was a teacher, health and safety coordinator, and an assistant director. Outside of work, Melissa enjoys camping, going to the beach, and spending time outdoors. Her favorite quote is, “What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” – Ralph Marston

    • West Olympia KinderCare Programs
    • Our Teachers
    • Family Stories
    • FAQs


    We’re so proud!

    Nationally only 10% of daycares are accredited – nearly 100% of our learning centers are. That’s a big difference,
    and that means KinderCare kids are getting the very best. Here’s why.


    What Learning Looks Like

    Our talented early-childhood teachers set kids down the path toward becoming lifelong learners in a positive, safe, and nurturing environment.

    West Olympia KinderCare Programs

    Infant Programs (6 weeks–1 year)

    Leaving your baby in someone else’s care is a big step. Everyone at our
    centers—most importantly, our naturally gifted infant teachers—will work with
    you to make sure the transition goes smoothly. When you step into our infant
    classroom, you’ll see how much we want your infant to feel safe, loved, and
    ready to explore their world.

    Toddler Programs (1–2 Years)

    Everything in our toddler classroom is designed for little explorers. That’s
    because a lot is going on at this age. When your child is wandering all over the
    place, that means they’re learning and discovering new things every day. We’ll
    help them explore their interests (and find new ones!) as they play and learn.

    Discovery Preschool Programs (2–3 Years)

    This age is filled with so much wonder and curiosity. That’s why we offer a ton
    of books and toys and bring artwork down to kids eye level. Children in
    discovery preschool also begin to learn how we all work together in a
    classroom. Simple math and science, pretend play, and group play help them
    get used to a more structured school setting.

    Preschool Programs (3–4 Years)

    This age is all about expression, when kids really start to form their own ideas
    about what they want to play and how they want to create. Every day in our
    preschool classroom, your child will explore science experiments, create
    artwork, and play pretend—all the skills needed for their big next step:

    Prekindergarten Programs (4–5 Years)

    When you walk into one of our pre-K classrooms, you’ll see artwork and
    writing displayed around the room. Labels are everywhere to help kids connect
    letters with words. You’ll also see pictures on the walls that reflect the families
    in our community. Your child will also deepen their knowledge in language,
    math, science, Spanish, and social skills.

    Participating Child Care Aware Center

    KinderCare partners with Child Care Aware® of America to offer fee assistance for
    Active Duty military families and flexible support to fit their needs when care at a Child
    Development Center on the installation is not available.

    Learning Adventures – Enrichment Program

    Cooking Academy™ (3 – 12 Years)

    In Cooking Academy, kids learn new recipes from cultures around the world and
    develop a healthy relationship with food. They’ll whip up everything from Southwest
    rainbow lettuce wraps to pumpkin muffins, building their skills in STEM, communication,
    and more along the way. And yes—little chefs get to eat their culinary creations!

    Music Explorers™ (2 – 4 Years)

    KinderCare families are already giving a standing ovation to our newest Learning
    Adventures program: Music Explorers! Kids will learn to sing, move, listen, play
    instruments, and even create their own tunes. Our original curriculum blends math,
    science, social studies, literacy, and mindfulness (think yoga!) for a uniquely KinderCare
    way of learning the foundations of music.

    Phonics Adventures® (2 – 4 Years)

    Learning how to read is a whole lot of fun at KinderCare! We help kids grow to love
    books and words (and get ready for kindergarten) in our Phonics Adventures program.
    From discovering the basics of vowels to practicing poetry, kids learn all about letters
    and sounds in small-group lessons made just for their age group. (Bonus: Kids who
    attend our phonics program are more prepared than their peers for school—and we
    have the data to prove it. )

    Our Teachers

    We’re the only company in early childhood education to select teachers based on natural talent. Being a great educator isn’t enough though.
    KinderCare teachers are also amazing listeners, nurturers, boo-boo fixers, and smile-makers. Put more simply,
    we love our teachers and your child will, too.

    Meet just a few of our amazing KinderCare teachers!


    An Artist’s Heart

    “My classroom is full of art!” says Mary Annthipie-Bane, an award-winning early childhood educator at KinderCare. Art and creative expression, she says, help children discover who they really are.

    We put our best-in-class teachers in a best-in-class workplace. We’re so proud to have been named one of Gallup’s 37 winners of the Great Workplace Award.
    When you put great teachers in an engaging center, your children will experience
    an amazing place to learn and grow.

    Family Stories

    Don’t take our word for it. Hear what our families have to say about our amazing center!

    Share Your Story

    If you have a story about your experience at KinderCare,

    please share your story with us

    Who Are KinderCare Families?

    They hail from hundreds of cities across the country from countless backgrounds, and proudly represent every walk in life. What our families have in common,
    though, is the want to give their children the best start in life. We are so proud to be their partner in parenting.

    Hear from just a few of our amazing KinderCare families.

    A Globe-Trotting Family Finds A

    Home in Houston

    Four young children, four different passports, two languages, two full-time jobs…oh, and a few triathlons thrown in for good measure.
    Meet the globe-trotting Colettas—a family on the go.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What accreditations does KinderCare have?

    We are your trusted caregiver. Our centers are state-licensed and regularly inspected to make sure everything meets or exceeds standards, including child-to-teacher ratios and safe facilities. Our centers aren’t just licensed—most are accredited, too! Find out more.

    Do you offer part-time schedules at West Olympia KinderCare?

    Everybody’s schedule is different. We’re happy to offer quality, affordable part-time and full-time childcare. Drop-in care may also be available. Reach out to your Center Director to learn more.

    How does naptime work at West Olympia KinderCare?

    Our teachers meet every child’s needs during naptime. Our teachers know how to get babies to nap. In fact, they are pros at getting children of any age to nap. Visit our article on “10 Ways We Help Kids Get a Great Daycare Nap” to learn more.

    Do you support alternative diets?

    We strive to be as inclusive as possible. To that point, we provide a vegetarian option at mealtime, take care to not serve common allergens and can adapt menus based on your child’s food sensitivities. If your child has additional needs, we’ll work with you to figure out a plan.

    Are meals included in tuition? Can I choose to send my child with lunch?

    We provide nutritious meals and snacks developed by a registered dietician to meet the needs of rapidly growing bodies and minds. If your child has special dietary requirements and you would prefer to bring in their lunch, please make arrangements with the center director.

    Does my child need to be potty-trained?

    Every child begins toilet learning at a different age. Until your child shows an interest in toilet learning, we’ll provide diaper changes on an as-needed basis. When your child shows an interest, we’ll discuss how to work together to encourage toilet learning.

    Capitol Childcare Center | Daycare, Preschool & Early Education in Olympia, WA

    All Centers   >  
    Daycare In Olympia, WA   >  
    Capitol Childcare Center

    Updated: November 16, 2022

    Opening Soon

    This center is opening soon. Please contact us by phone, chat, or the form on this page to learn more about tuition and availability.

    Welcome to Capitol Childcare Center. Our experts designed our classrooms — and every activity and lesson — to help prepare your child for success in school and beyond. With designated learning centers such as dramatic play and blocks in every classroom, children have the opportunity for rich social play and child-initiated discovery.

    You’ll also find that our classrooms feature a print-rich environment full of carefully selected materials, written charts and labels, and children’s literature. By helping your child connect spoken words and print, we’re helping develop early literacy and writing skills.

    Whether your child has first words or first grade on the horizon, we’re excited to show you how everything in our center is designed for learning!

    • Capitol Childcare Center Programs
    • Our Teachers
    • Family Stories
    • FAQs


    We’re so proud!

    Nationally only 10% of daycares are accredited – nearly 100% of our learning centers are. That’s a big difference,
    and that means KinderCare kids are getting the very best. Here’s why.


    What Learning Looks Like

    Our talented early-childhood teachers set kids down the path toward becoming lifelong learners in a positive, safe, and nurturing environment.

    Capitol Childcare Center Programs

    Infant Programs (6 weeks–1 year)

    Leaving your baby in someone else’s care is a big step. Everyone at our
    centers—most importantly, our naturally gifted infant teachers—will work with
    you to make sure the transition goes smoothly. When you step into our infant
    classroom, you’ll see how much we want your infant to feel safe, loved, and
    ready to explore their world.

    Toddler Programs (1–2 Years)

    Everything in our toddler classroom is designed for little explorers. That’s
    because a lot is going on at this age. When your child is wandering all over the
    place, that means they’re learning and discovering new things every day. We’ll
    help them explore their interests (and find new ones!) as they play and learn.

    Discovery Preschool Programs (2–3 Years)

    This age is filled with so much wonder and curiosity. That’s why we offer a ton
    of books and toys and bring artwork down to kids eye level. Children in
    discovery preschool also begin to learn how we all work together in a
    classroom. Simple math and science, pretend play, and group play help them
    get used to a more structured school setting.

    Preschool Programs (3–4 Years)

    This age is all about expression, when kids really start to form their own ideas
    about what they want to play and how they want to create. Every day in our
    preschool classroom, your child will explore science experiments, create
    artwork, and play pretend—all the skills needed for their big next step:

    Prekindergarten Programs (4–5 Years)

    When you walk into one of our pre-K classrooms, you’ll see artwork and
    writing displayed around the room. Labels are everywhere to help kids connect
    letters with words. You’ll also see pictures on the walls that reflect the families
    in our community.  Your child will also deepen their knowledge in language,
    math, science, Spanish, and social skills.

    Learning Adventures – Enrichment Program

    Cooking Academy™ (3 – 12 Years)

    In Cooking Academy, kids learn new recipes from cultures around the world and
    develop a healthy relationship with food. They’ll whip up everything from Southwest
    rainbow lettuce wraps to pumpkin muffins, building their skills in STEM, communication,
    and more along the way. And yes—little chefs get to eat their culinary creations!

    Music Explorers™ (2 – 4 Years)

    KinderCare families are already giving a standing ovation to our newest Learning
    Adventures program: Music Explorers! Kids will learn to sing, move, listen, play
    instruments, and even create their own tunes. Our original curriculum blends math,
    science, social studies, literacy, and mindfulness (think yoga!) for a uniquely KinderCare
    way of learning the foundations of music.

    Phonics Adventures® (2 – 4 Years)

    Learning how to read is a whole lot of fun at KinderCare! We help kids grow to love
    books and words (and get ready for kindergarten) in our Phonics Adventures program.
    From discovering the basics of vowels to practicing poetry, kids learn all about letters
    and sounds in small-group lessons made just for their age group. (Bonus: Kids who
    attend our phonics program are more prepared than their peers for school—and we
    have the data to prove it.)

    STEM Innovators (3-8 Years)

    You’ve probably heard a lot about how important STEM education is for your child, but
    what does that really mean? Our STEM Innovators program takes kids’ natural ability to
    make sense of the world and applies it to robotics, chemistry, coding, geology, and
    more. While your child experiments, they’ll discover how to use technology to do
    amazing things!

    Our Teachers

    We’re the only company in early childhood education to select teachers based on natural talent. Being a great educator isn’t enough though.
    KinderCare teachers are also amazing listeners, nurturers, boo-boo fixers, and smile-makers. Put more simply,
    we love our teachers and your child will, too.

    Meet just a few of our amazing KinderCare teachers!


    An Artist’s Heart

    “My classroom is full of art!” says Mary Annthipie-Bane, an award-winning early childhood educator at KinderCare. Art and creative expression, she says, help children discover who they really are.

    We put our best-in-class teachers in a best-in-class workplace. We’re so proud to have been named one of Gallup’s 37 winners of the Great Workplace Award.
    When you put great teachers in an engaging center, your children will experience
    an amazing place to learn and grow.

    Family Stories

    Share Your Story

    If you have a story about your experience at KinderCare,

    please share your story with us

    Who Are KinderCare Families?

    They hail from hundreds of cities across the country from countless backgrounds, and proudly represent every walk in life. What our families have in common,
    though, is the want to give their children the best start in life. We are so proud to be their partner in parenting.

    Hear from just a few of our amazing KinderCare families.

    A Globe-Trotting Family Finds A

    Home in Houston

    Four young children, four different passports, two languages, two full-time jobs…oh, and a few triathlons thrown in for good measure.
    Meet the globe-trotting Colettas—a family on the go.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What accreditations does KinderCare have?

    We are your trusted caregiver. Our centers are state-licensed and regularly inspected to make sure everything meets or exceeds standards, including child-to-teacher ratios and safe facilities. Our centers aren’t just licensed—most are accredited, too! Find out more.

    Do you offer part-time schedules at Capitol Childcare Center?

    Everybody’s schedule is different. We’re happy to offer quality, affordable part-time and full-time childcare. Drop-in care may also be available. Reach out to your Center Director to learn more.

    How does naptime work at Capitol Childcare Center?

    Our teachers meet every child’s needs during naptime. Our teachers know how to get babies to nap. In fact, they are pros at getting children of any age to nap. Visit our article on “10 Ways We Help Kids Get a Great Daycare Nap” to learn more.

    Do you support alternative diets?

    We strive to be as inclusive as possible. To that point, we provide a vegetarian option at mealtime, take care to not serve common allergens and can adapt menus based on your child’s food sensitivities. If your child has additional needs, we’ll work with you to figure out a plan.

    Are meals included in tuition? Can I choose to send my child with lunch?

    We provide nutritious meals and snacks developed by a registered dietician to meet the needs of rapidly growing bodies and minds. If your child has special dietary requirements and you would prefer to bring in their lunch, please make arrangements with the center director.

    Does my child need to be potty-trained?

    Every child begins toilet learning at a different age. Until your child shows an interest in toilet learning, we’ll provide diaper changes on an as-needed basis. When your child shows an interest, we’ll discuss how to work together to encourage toilet learning.

    Olympia, Peloponnese – Travel Guide | Grekomania

    One of the oldest sacred centers of religious worship, Olympia, built in honor of Zeus and famous throughout the world as the birthplace of the Olympic Games.

    In ancient times, Olympia was the most important religious and sports center of Greece. It gained its fame thanks to the Olympic Games and the great national festival known throughout the world, which were held every four years, in honor of Zeus. Olympia, in some ways, resembles Delphi: here you will see the same large flow of tourists heading to the archaeological reserve. By itself, the modern city is almost of no interest.

    The excavation site of ancient Olympia is located at the foot of Mount Krogno, in the sacred grove of Altis, near the confluence of the rivers Alfei and Kladeos. It is inextricably linked and perfectly combined with the surrounding cypresses and pine groves.

    Even earlier, before the sanctuary of Zeus appeared here and the Olympic Games began, Olympia was widely known as the sanctuary of Gaia (Earth goddess) and Kronos (son of Gaia and Uranus, father of Zeus). According to the myth, in honor of Pelops, who won the chariot race of Oenomaus, the king of Pisa, chariot races began to be held here. Pelops is dedicated to the majestic Pelopion, located in the central part of the sanctuary. Name Pelops became known as the entire Peloponnese peninsula. After the invasion of the Dorians, honors began to be paid to Zeus and games were dedicated to him, the origin of which remains unclear. At the time of the games in Greece, all hostilities ceased.

    The prosperity of Olympia continued until the 4th century. BC, however, apparently, starting from the III century. the sacred nature of the games, which meant the desire for peace and the unity of peoples, was lost, and they became just a competition of athletes.

    The visit to the sanctuary starts from porticos “gymnasium” of the Hellenistic era (II century BC), located in its northwestern part. These were two long galleries running along the Champ de Mars with a running track, where runners competed in bad weather. A little to the south there is a palestra with a restored colonnade. This square building (66.75 by 66.35 m) was intended for wrestling and training of athletes.

    Further south you will see the impressive ruins of the early Christian basilica built in the 5th c. on the site of the workshop of Phidias. There from 430 to 420 BC. the master created a statue of Zeus from gold and ivory, which was destined to die in Constantinople during a fire. A distant idea of ​​​​it can only be obtained from the images on the coins. Going further, you will see bases Leonidion , an old house for noble visitors, founded by a resident of Naxos, Leonidas, in the 4th century. BC. and expanded twice in the Roman era. In the center of the building there was a Doric peristyle with 44 columns, living quarters were located around it, and galleries ran outside. Next to Leonidion were the southern terms, and behind them – bouleuterium . You continue your inspection, and here you have the ruins of the famous Doric temple of Zeus, built from local stone – hard limestone. There were 6 columns on the facades of the temple, and 13 columns on the sides. The sculptural decoration is made of marble. The reliefs of twelve metopes depicted each one of Hercules’ labors. The subject of the sculptural composition of the main, eastern, facade was the myth of the competition between Pelops and Oenomaus, and centauromachia was depicted on the western one. The surviving sculptures of the pediments of the temple and metopes are exhibited in the museum.

    The eastern part of the archaeological reserve is occupied by hippodrome (690 by 320 m) and stadium . To get to the stadium, you pass a vaulted corridor from the 1st century, which was used by the contestants and judges. The stadium was designed for at least 20 thousand spectators (only men, because the athletes performed naked). Even now you can distinguish the start and finish lines.

    Slightly north of the Temple of Zeus are the remains of Pelopion dedicated to Pelops, and behind it stands the Temple of Hera (600 BC), one of the earliest known Doric temples. Plot between the temple of Hera and the stadium were occupied by treasuries of different cities of Greece – in small, chapel-like rooms of the 6th and 5th centuries. BC. kept their gifts to the sanctuary.

    Useful information:

    hours of work:
    daily: 8:30 – 17:00
    Sunday: 08. 30 – 15:00
    Phone: 22517 +30 26240
    Fax: +30 26240 22529
    Ticket price: 3-6 €

    Free admission days:

    • March 6 (in memory of Melina Mercouri)
    • 18 April (International Monument Day)
    • June 5 (International Environment Day)
    • September 27 (International Tourism Day)
    • Last weekend of September (European Heritage Days)
    • Sundays between November 1st and March 31st
    • First Sunday of every month except July, August and September
    • National holidays

    Also have free entrance:

    • journalists
    • members ICOM ICOMOS
    • persons under the age of 19
    • soldiers, during military service
    • tour guides
    • university students in Greece and the EU



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    Heating, Water supply, Sewerage, Ventilation


    Paint, Windows, Doors, Interior decoration, Plumbing


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    Housewares, Food, Cafes, Tobacco



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    Average cost for daycare per week: Average Cost of Daycare Will Surprise You

    Опубликовано: November 28, 2022 в 6:33 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Child Care Costs vs. Income

    Written by Quicken

    3 MIN READ
    Family Finances

    The decision to work or stay at home with the kids has become increasingly complex for families due to the realities of today’s economy. In some cases, the cost of child care not only outweighs the income provided by a second job, but it’s also a household’s largest single expense. It can cost the average family more than college tuition or even housing. Here’s a look at the current state of child care costs and how to manage them.


    The Costs of Child Care

    A 2015 study reports that the average family pays $18,000 annually for child care in the U.S. Depending on the level of care and using two children as an example, 2015 weekly daycare costs look like this: 


    • Nannies — $488 per week
    • Au pair — $360 per week
    • Daycare centers — $341 per week
    • Family daycare — $267 per week
    • After-school sitters — $197 per week

    Budget Guidelines for Daycare

    The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services advises that daycare should amount to no more than 10 percent of a household’s budget. By that calculation, a family would need to earn more than $175,000 annually to afford two children in a daycare center at 2015 average costs. 

    Comparing child care to rent costs reveals a widening gap, such as in Binghamton, NY, where full-time daycare can cost three times as much as what a family pays in rent. Many advisers use 35 percent of income as the budget target for housing costs.


    The Impact of High Child Care Costs

    Stay-at-home parenting can be an economically sound strategy when a second job doesn’t bring in much extra income, but it does have its downsides. A woman can expect to lose about 10 percent of her earning potential for each year she’s out of the job market.


    Couples report tightening their budgets and going into debt to cover child care costs, and day care arrangements at work cause many employees to change jobs due to daycare decisions.


    Strategies for Coping with Daycare Costs

    Even if you’re not one of the 28 percent of families that pay more than $20,000 on childcare annually, there are ways to plan, save and budget for the childcare years.


    • If your workplace administers a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program, you can invest up to $5,000 per family annually. Also called a “dependent account,” it could result in tax savings of $2,000 and could cover over one-third of the annual daycare costs for two children.
    • There is also tax relief available through Form 2441, the Child and Dependent Care tax credit. You can itemize childcare costs up to $3,000 per child — creating up to a maximum of $1,200 in tax savings.
    • State daycare assistance varies, with different levels of care and payment arrangements. Nevada for instance, counts family members as qualifying daycare and may subsidize payment.
    • Some employers provide additional childcare assistance. Check with your employer to see if you qualify for benefits or assistance.

    Average childcare costs | MoneyHelper

    How much does childcare cost?

    In the UK, the average cost of sending a child under the age of two to nursery is:

    • £137.69 a week part-time (25 hours)
    • £263.81 a week full-time (50 hours).

    The average cost for families using an after-school club for five days is £62 a week.

    But there is help you can get with childcare costs. For example with tax-free childcare, you can get up to £2,000.

    Source: Childminder and nursery costs from Family and Childcase Trust 2021Opens in a new window

    The tables below give you an idea of how much different childcare might cost if your children are too young to qualify for free early years education (England only).

    Back to top

    Part-time childcare costs

    Registered childminder (25 hours for a child under two)

    £118. 3 a week

    £163.77 a week

    Day nursery (25 hours for a child under two)

    £137.69 a week

    £179.86 a week

    Part-time nanny (25 hours)

    £250-£400 a week, including tax and National Insurance contributions

    Au pair

    ‘Pocket money’ of around £70-£85 a week, plus room and board

    Source: Childminder and nursery costs from Family and Childcare Trust, 2021 part-time nanny guideline wages from Nannyplus. and au pair pocket money rates at GOV.UKOpens in a new window

    Back to top

    Full-time childcare costs

    Registered childminder (50 hours for a child under two)

    £227.79 a week

    £303.23 per week

    Day nursery (50 hours for a child under two)

    £263. 81 a week

    £321.75 a week

    Live-in nanny (50 hours)

    £400-£650 a week, plus:

    • tax
    • National Insurance
    • room and board.

    £433 a week, plus:

    • tax
    • National Insurance
    • room and board.

    Daily nanny (50 hours)

    £500-800 a week, plus:

    • tax
    • National Insurance
    • room and board.

    £616 a week, plus:

    • tax
    • National Insurance
    • room and board.

    Source: Childminder and nursery costs from and part-time nanny guideline wages from Nannyplus

    Back to top

    Informal or free childcare

    Playgroup or pre-school

    £5-£10 per three-hour session

    A Sure Start childrens centre

    Depends on your household income – some play sessions can be free

    Nursery School

    Free if it’s part of the state school system

    Family arrangement

    Can be free, but if you intend to pay a family member for childcare, you might not qualify for help with childcare costs.

    Shared childcare arrangement

    Technically free, but you’ll need to factor in loss of income, and you. 

    Source: Netmums playgroup/pre-school costs

    Back to top

    Average price of an after-school club

    The average cost is £62.13 a week in the UK, which is nearly £2,423 a year during term time (49 weeks).

    The table below shows the weekly price for an after-school club and a childminder for five to 11-year-olds during term time.

    Great Britain

    £62. 13







    £69. 91




    Source: Childminder and nursery costs from Family and Childcare Trust 2021Opens in a new window

    Back to top

    Holiday childcare costs

    In 2019 the average price of holiday childcare was £138 per week in the UK.


    £139. 60







    Source: Childminder and nursery costs from Family and Childcare Trust holiday survey 2019Opens in a new window

    Back to top

    Stay-at-home parent

    Whether you choose to work full-time or part-time – or be a stay-at-home parent – is a very personal decision.

    There are many things to consider. One is the impact on your income and career, and childcare costs both now and in the future.

    To find out how childcare costs affect your income, try our free and easy-to-use Budget Planner.

    There’s help available when you have a baby – including benefits and grants from the government and your employer.

    Taking time off from a career can affect your future employment options and earning potential.

    Here are some sites that could help you debate the pros and cons:

    • Netmums
    • Babycentre
    • Mumsnet

    Back to top

    Was this information useful?

    Thank you for your feedback.

    We’re always trying to improve our website and services, and your feedback helps us understand how we’re doing.

    State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 123 of the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg

    Rules for payment for supervision and care in GBDOU

    Payment for supervision and care of a child in a state institution, replacing them , by receipt through any bank. When calculating the amount for the current month, the actual time spent by the child in kindergarten for the previous month is taken into account (there is a recalculation and the amount is reduced). The recalculation of the parental fee is done when the child does not attend a preschool institution for 3 days in a row or more.

    Dear parents!

    Based on the DECISION of the Government of St. Petersburg dated December 23, 2021 N 1043 “On the amount of fees charged from parents (legal representatives) of underage students for the supervision and care of children in State educational institutions implementing educational programs for preschool entities under the jurisdiction of the executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg, for 2022:

    from 01.01.2022, the amount of the monthly parental fee for childcare and care in state educational institutions that implement educational programs of preschool education, which are administered by the executive authorities of St. Petersburg, has changed:

    Payment for kindergarten in 2022 (since 01.01.2022)



    – on paper to a state educational institution implementing educational programs for preschool education;

    – on paper to the St. Petersburg state institution “Multifunctional center for the provision of state
    and municipal services”;

    – in the form of an electronic document through the federal state information system “Unified portal of state and municipal services” and the portal “State and municipal services (functions)
    in St. Petersburg. who replace them, whose children attend kindergarten in the amount of:

    In accordance with Chapter 18 of the Social Code of St. Petersburg, the following additional social support measures are provided to provide compensation and reimbursement of part of the parental fee:0003

    Parental fee is NOT charged for the supervision and care of children in state preschool and other state educational institutions engaged in educational activities for the implementation of educational programs of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the parental fee), related to the following categories of children:

    – disabled children;

    – orphans and children left without parental care;

    – children with tuberculosis intoxication;

    – children attending groups implementing adapted basic general educational programs of preschool education;

    – children whose families include a disabled child;

    – children whose both or the only parent (legal representative) are I or II group disabled;

    – children whose one of the parents (legal representatives) is a military man military service ;

    – children whose one of the parents (legal representatives) holds a full-time position in a state preschool or other state educational institution that carries out educational activities for the implementation of educational programs for preschool education.

    Oscarbaby private kindergarten Rostov-on-Don

    Oscarbaby “Kindergarten”

    Oscarbaby “Weekend Club”

    If the contract is concluded before September 1

    In the younger group: 4 individual lessons with a speech therapist as a gift
    In the middle and older group: 4 lessons in any circle of your choice

    Read more

    At the conclusion of the contract before August 1

    In the younger group: 4 individual lessons with a speech therapist as a gift
    In the middle and senior group: 4 classes in any circle of your choice

    Read more

    Action until June 1

    In the younger group: 4 individual lessons with a speech therapist as a gift

    Read more

    Benefits Oscar Baby

    • Online video surveillance from phone

    • 2″>

      Convenient schedule from 8.00-20.00

    • 5 meals a day

      Tailored to the individual characteristics of the child, author’s cuisine

    • Education license

    • Medical support

      Pediatrician, disease prevention, quartzization

    • 3 mini-groups up to 12 people

    • We are waiting for children from 2.5 to 7 years old

    • Preparing for school

    • Development of speech with a speech therapist 2 times a week

    • Professional educators

    • Musical matinees

    • 8″>

      The only private kindergarten in Leventsovsky microdistrict

    Sign up for a tour


    Our educators


    Pobidinskaya Oksana Vladimirovna

    teacher of the senior group

    Khachaturova Ellada Garikovna

    teacher of the senior group

    Belokobylskaya Ksenia Sergeevna

    educator of the middle group

    Zhanna Sergeevna Butorina

    teacher of the younger group

    Pivovarova Ksenia Fedorovna

    educator of the middle group

    Radimushkina Alla Valerievna

    teacher of the younger group

    Pletneva Daria Alexandrovna


    Nuyeva Marina Vladimirovna

    speech therapist

    Kazanina Marina Anatolyevna


    Burtseva Ekaterina Fedorovna


    Bondar Tatyana Valerievna


    Makarova Elena Anatolyevna

    Our rates

    Full day

    8. 00-20.00

    Tariff “Morning”

    from 8.00-13.00

    Morning exercise



    Pediatric examination



    Development of speech with a speech therapist



    Morning block of developmental activities (Reading, writing, mathematics, the world around us, etiquette, logic, courtesy school, theater group, etc.)



    Morning walk



    Sports activities



    Music lessons



    Breakfast, Second breakfast, Lunch



    Daytime sleep


    Snack, dinner


    Evening block of developing activities: plasticine, drawing, appliqué, testoplasty, design, experiments and experiments, Hand. Made studio, etc.


    Evening walk



    21 000 ₽

    15000 ₽


    Sign up for a free trial day



    …. homely and cozy atmosphere, excellent child care, delicious food, attentive, kind and helpful teachers.
    We never feel any worries, knowing that the children are in good hands!

    Afanasyeva Elena, mother of Platon and David

    Read full review

    There are no difficulties from the moment of adaptation, and this is very important.
    Excellent educational program, creative and additional activities!!
    And your casserole has become a legend in our family)

    Rastsvetaeva Anna, mother of Ksenia

    Read full review

    Children always run to the kindergarten with joy, because there is a very favorable atmosphere!
    Thanks to your teachers, the children learned to write, read, learned a lot about the world around them

    Nevskaya Anna, mother of Lena and Roma

    Read full review

    Oscar Baby I call family precisely because this is how a child feels when visiting kindergarten
    in the morning we are always greeted with a friendly smile
    the child will never be hungry or force-fed))
    Separately, I want to note the matinees. This is not just poetry and dancing, this is a whole theater! The roles are selected in accordance with the character of the child, the details of the scenario are thought out to the smallest detail

    Anna Chupakhina, Polina’s mother

    Read full review

    Always friendly, very patient with children, have an approach to each child, they will always find the right and affectionate word

    Savitsa Elena, Sofia’s mother

    Read full review

    I am very captivated by cameras, this is my TV while my son is in the garden, nothing could be better than to see how your child is there in the garden.

    West allis daycare: West Allis Daycare | West Allis Child Care

    Опубликовано: November 28, 2022 в 6:07 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    404 – PAGE NOT FOUND

    Why am I seeing this page?

    404 means the file is not found. If you have already uploaded the file then the name may be misspelled or it is in a different folder.

    Other Possible Causes

    You may get a 404 error for images because you have Hot Link Protection turned on and the domain is not on the list of authorized domains.

    If you go to your temporary url (http://ip/~username/) and get this error, there maybe a problem with the rule set stored in an .htaccess file. You can try renaming that file to .htaccess-backup and refreshing the site to see if that resolves the issue.

    It is also possible that you have inadvertently deleted your document root or the your account may need to be recreated. Either way, please contact your web host immediately.

    Are you using WordPress? See the Section on 404 errors after clicking a link in WordPress.

    How to find the correct spelling and folder

    Missing or Broken Files

    When you get a 404 error be sure to check the URL that you are attempting to use in your browser. This tells the server what resource it should attempt to request.

    In this example the file must be in public_html/example/Example/

    Notice that the CaSe is important in this example. On platforms that enforce case-sensitivity example and Example are not the same locations.

    For addon domains, the file must be in public_html/ and the names are case-sensitive.

    Broken Image

    When you have a missing image on your site you may see a box on your page with with a red X where the image is missing. Right click on the X and choose Properties. The properties will tell you the path and file name that cannot be found.

    This varies by browser, if you do not see a box on your page with a red X try right clicking on the page, then select View Page Info, and goto the Media Tab.

    In this example the image file must be in public_html/cgi-sys/images/

    Notice that the CaSe is important in this example. On platforms that enforce case-sensitivity PNG and png are not the same locations.

    404 Errors After Clicking WordPress Links

    When working with WordPress, 404 Page Not Found errors can often occur when a new theme has been activated or when the rewrite rules in the .htaccess file have been altered.

    When you encounter a 404 error in WordPress, you have two options for correcting it.

    Option 1: Correct the Permalinks

    1. Log in to WordPress.
    2. From the left-hand navigation menu in WordPress, click Settings > Permalinks (Note the current setting. If you are using a custom structure, copy or save the custom structure somewhere.)
    3. Select  Default. index.php$ – [L]
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
      RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
      # End WordPress

      If your blog is showing the wrong domain name in links, redirecting to another site, or is missing images and style, these are all usually related to the same problem: you have the wrong domain name configured in your WordPress blog.

      How to modify your .htaccess file

      The .htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions.

      Redirects and rewriting URLs are two very common directives found in a .htaccess file, and many scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Magento add directives to the .htaccess so those scripts can function.

      It is possible that you may need to edit the .htaccess file at some point, for various reasons.This section covers how to edit the file in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed. (You may need to consult other articles and resources for that information.)

      There are Many Ways to Edit a .htaccess File

      • Edit the file on your computer and upload it to the server via FTP
      • Use an FTP program’s Edit Mode
      • Use SSH and a text editor
      • Use the File Manager in cPanel

      The easiest way to edit a .htaccess file for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel.

      How to Edit .htaccess files in cPanel’s File Manager

      Before you do anything, it is suggested that you backup your website so that you can revert back to a previous version if something goes wrong.

      Open the File Manager

      1. Log into cPanel.
      2. In the Files section, click on the File Manager icon.
      3. Check the box for Document Root for and select the domain name you wish to access from the drop-down menu.
      4. Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)” is checked.
      5. Click Go. The File Manager will open in a new tab or window.
      6. Look for the .htaccess file in the list of files. You may need to scroll to find it.

      To Edit the .htaccess File

      1. Right click on the .htaccess file and click Code Edit from the menu. Alternatively, you can click on the icon for the .htaccess file and then click on the Code Editor icon at the top of the page.
      2. A dialogue box may appear asking you about encoding. Just click Edit to continue. The editor will open in a new window.
      3. Edit the file as needed.
      4. Click Save Changes in the upper right hand corner when done. The changes will be saved.
      5. Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. If not, correct the error or revert back to the previous version until your site works again.
      6. Once complete, you can click Close to close the File Manager window.

      Preschool & Day Care Center in West Allis, WI

      West Allis Daycare

      Cadence Academy Preschool in West Allis (formerly All About Learning), is hidden behind Mary Queen of Heaven off Lincoln Avenue. This center offers wonderful, spacious classrooms in a true school atmosphere!

      At our West Allis Daycare, the focus is on the children in everything that we do, from interactive play to active learning; everything is designed to ensure that your children have the best advantage. With our dedicated teaching staff and up-to-date facilities, we know that your children will have a wonderful time being cared for in a nurturing environment.

      At Cadence Academy Preschool in West Allis, we have a wide variety of childcare programs that focus on aspects of your child’s development, including:

      • Infants
      • Toddlers
      • Preschool
      • Pre-Kindergarten
      • School-Age
      • Summer Fun
      • Optional Classes

      West Allis Daycare: The Best Choice

      Our conveniently located preschool offers individual classrooms grouped by developmental levels and ages of the children. We use a state-of-the-art locked security system to keep everyone safe.

      Child Care West Allis: The Programs

      Personalized education through our Milestone Projects documents the growth of your child from the day they join us. We go beyond the extensive state-regulated requirements to ensure advanced education for every child.

      We open our doors and encourage an acceptance of diversity, teaching the children how to socialize in small group settings. We offer a variety of optional, extra-curricular activities and classes to meet the needs of many families.

      The Excellent West Allis Preschool Teachers

      Our initial screening process and extensive orientation training bring us highly-educated, positive staff members that are caring, nurturing, interactive, and hands-on with the children. Our focus is on low turnover and high consistency for the children.

      Cadence Academy Preschool in West Allis is so much more than a daycare! We provide an exceptional preschool education every fun-filled day in a place as nurturing as home.

      The West Allis Preschool Promise

      We excel in all 6 standards set by the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs (NAC). Our standards for administration, family engagement, curriculum, interactions between teachers and children, and classroom health and safety are even higher. Cadence Academy is one of the best preschools in West Allis.

      Our teachers and staff take a holistic approach to child care. We understand that each child is different, and we strive to meet the needs of every kiddo who walks through our doors. Contact us now to learn all about the West Allis Preschool guarantee!


      NAC Accreditation

      The National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs (NAC) is a national accreditation program that was developed for early care and educational programs.
      NAC offers early childhood leaders the opportunity to demonstrate and document quality performance using research-based criteria and evidence-based practices. The National Accreditation Commission provides a comprehensive, ongoing quality improvement system and accredited schools must meet standards in the following 6 component areas: Administration, Family Engagement, Health and Safety, Curriculum, Interactions between Teachers and Children, and Classroom Health and Safety.

      Read “Rite of Passage (LR)” – John Passarella – Page 33

      — Patient Zero for MRSA was not found, but territory zero was found. It’s…

      “First Step Forward Kindergarten,” Sam finished.

      – Dude, are you a seer now?

      — No. But Sumiko, it seems, yes.

      Dean heard a police siren on the phone:

      “Bobby, is that with you and McClary?”

      – … the helmsman noticed … the van … the chase …

      – Bobby! Communication is lost! What’s with the van? Are you following him? Where?

      There was only noise in response.

      – I’ll call you back! Dean yelled, hung up the call and started dialing the number again.

      — Did they find the guy in the bowler hat? Sam asked.

      – A patrolman saw a plumber’s van. McClary turned on the siren. That’s all I heard.

      The phone beeped and the connection was cut off.

      – Shit!

      Dean looked at the spread map on the table and found the local medical center:

      — They left the hospital. I have no idea where…

      Sam typed something:

      — Here, I subscribed to her news. And sent a message.

      — Are you chasing schoolgirls? Dean snapped. Dude, the law doesn’t approve.

      “I checked the kindergarten website,” Sam explained. “Personnel is listed, but there are no email addresses or phone numbers. The telephone directory on the network is also empty. They must not be listed.

      — And the phone number of the kindergarten itself?

      – It’s already late. I tried to call from your cell while you were talking to Bobby. They don’t answer.

      – And you asked the blogger for phone numbers?

      – First I congratulated her on stealing the news and asked her how she knew about the First Step. And then he asked for a number.

      The laptop beeped and Sam smiled:

      — She wants to know why I need numbers.

      He dialed a message.

      — And?

      – I said that I have the same thoughts: supernatural origin.

      — Spreading family secrets?

      “I feel like she’s against the system,” Sam explained. – If she sees a kindred spirit in me, then maybe she will talk.

      – Dude, she’ll see you as a sex maniac.

      Sam, concentrating on the information, ignored the joke:

      — Her “sources” give the names of eight children. Everyone goes to First Step Forward. And here is the number of the owner and manager Lesia Williams.

      “Try to get something out of her,” Dean said. — I’ll try to get through to Bobby.

      While dialing Bobby unsuccessfully over and over, he overheard Sam talking to the kindergarten owner under the cover of an insurance company legend. After a few seconds, Sam went into sympathetic listener mode. Dean could imagine how much guilt a woman felt if her establishment was a breeding ground for the virus.

      He slammed his cell phone on the table in annoyance.

      – …nothing out of the ordinary in the last couple of days? Sam asked. — Anything strange?


      — Indeed. A tall man in a bowler hat and with a cane. Ball?

      Well done, Sam, Dean thought. “If the dude in the bowler hat caused one epidemic, there’s a good chance that the second one is his doing.”

      And Bobby is chasing him.

      Think Dean! The noise of static began when McClary received the message. McClary turned on the siren, and the connection went to hell. It is clear that the siren is not to blame … but maybe the guy in the bowler cut off the connection. If he can break dozens of parachutes, then he probably knows how to interfere with cellular communications.

      Dean thought it was a miracle they worked at all. He slammed his palm on the tabletop:

      – Police Scanner!

      Sam raised his hand:

      — Thank you, Mrs. Williams. I am grateful for your help.

      Dean hurried to the basement.

      CHAPTER 18

      After visiting the hospital, Sergeant McClary and Bobby were on their way to the police station, where Bobby left the car. During the trip, he decided to call Dean and let him know that the MRSA outbreak began with First Step Forward Kindergarten, and that the deadly flu epidemic likely originated in the local bar.

      “I thought you were the only one here, Agent Willis,” McClary said with a hint of suspicion in his voice.

      Either suspicions, or fears that now it will be necessary to measure the limits of competence.

      “There are a couple of other specialists in town that I’ve worked with before,” Bobby said casually before they were connected. — Study the handwriting of the robbers.

      The call was constantly interrupted by interference. Due to poor communication, Bobby was unable to share all the information with Dean. By the time he told about the kindergarten, a request for reinforcements came over the police radio. The trooper had spotted the plumber’s van and was now chasing the would-be kidnapper. Since they were passing through the shopping district, McClary was closest to the scene: moving perpendicular to the indicated road. A few seconds after he turned on the light signal and the siren, the connection was broken completely.

      Bobby checked the seat belt again. McClary noticed his movement.

      “Don’t count on the airbag,” Bobby said.

      “Exactly,” McClary nodded. — Silencer of electromagnetic impulses.

      McClary spoke to patrolman Tom Gravino and asked if he saw the van. Gravino answered in the affirmative and reported his whereabouts: he was driving south on Queen Boulevard.

      “I’m on West Ellis Pike,” said McClary. – I’ll catch him.

      He applied the brakes and drove around the cars at the last two intersections before Queen Boulevard. The car roared out onto the boulevard, made a wide right turn, and a couple of seconds later Bobby saw a white van speeding at full speed. A few blocks behind him, another police car, Gravino’s Crown Vika, was catching up.

      “Gotcha,” McClary flashed a satisfied smile.

      The van turned right, pulled onto the west side of the highway, and sped into a free parking lot. The driver then abruptly threw it to the right and drove north down an alley behind the mall.

      “Gravino, this is the north entrance,” McClary barked into the microphone. — I’m blocking the south one. Reception.

      He accelerated, over three lanes and up the ramp to the parking lot. With one hand on the dashboard and the other on the upper window frame, Bobby tried not to think about everything that could go wrong at full speed when the enemy had the advantage during this bumpy ride.

      “There’s no way out of the lane until the mall runs out,” McClary said. – We pinched him.

      On one side of the alley stretched the rear walls of the malls, joining at different heights. The other side consisted of a retaining wall towering two and a half meters, crowned with a three-meter chain-link fence. The radio crackled with messages from other police cars. Those were only seconds away. Bobby had a bad feeling that their fate would be sealed before they even got close.

      They saw the back of the van as it raced down a slight slope towards Gravino’s car. The lane was wide enough for a truck to back up to the loading docks behind the mall’s large stores, or for two cars to pass. However, Gravino did not allow this. For a few seconds he and the driver of the van played a game of chicken out first, a game that would be fair if both drivers had to worry about the outcome. At the last moment, Gravino slammed on the brakes and spun the car sharply, sideways to the hood of the van.

      The van did not slow down or swerve.

      The collision sounded like thunder. The van crashed into the passenger side of the police car and pushed it back half a dozen meters. The rear wheels of the van rose about fifty centimeters off the ground, then slammed back. In the next moment after the collision, a woman’s body flew out through the windshield of the van, crashed into a light beam on a police car, partially knocked her down, after which she limply rolled down the rear window.

      The back doors of the van swung open and Bobby caught movement inside: someone was bending down, picking something up…

      Golden Tide, Brewster – 2022 Updated Prices

      • Holiday Home and Price Information
      • Amenities
      • Accommodation Conditions
      • * Notes
      • No reviews yet

      Entire home

      111 m²




      Washing machine

      Free Wi-Fi

      Free parking

      We are working on translating this description into your language. We apologize for the inconvenience.

      Set in Brewster, within 1.5 km of Ellis Landing Beach and 1.6 km of Breakwater Beach, Golden Tide offers accommodation with free WiFi, air conditioning and a garden. Guests may go for a swim in the private pool.

      The holiday home has 3 bedrooms, a TV, an equipped kitchen with a dishwasher and a microwave, a washing machine, and 2 bathrooms with a shower. Towels and bed linen are offered in this accommodation.

      Cycling can be enjoyed nearby.

      Linnell Landing Beach is 2.4 km from the holiday home, while Nauset Lighthouse is 18 km from the property. The nearest airport is Cape Cod Gateway Airport, 25 km from Golden Tide.

      Golden Tide has been welcoming guests since Nov 27, 2019 2021.

      Read more

      Most Popular Amenities & Services

      1 swimming pool

      Private beach area

      ATM: Need cash? There is an ATM here.

      Benefits of this option

      Free parking on site

      Select dates to see availability and rates.

      Type of accommodation


      House for vacation with 3 bedrooms

      bedroom 1 ::

      1 very large double bed

      bedroom 2 ::

      3 single beds

      bedroom 3 ::

      1 double bed

      Show prices

      Something went wrong. Please try again.

      The next beaches

      • Ellis-Lending Beach

        Magnificent beach

        850 m from the option of accommodation

      • Breikuoter Beach


      • Linnell Landing Beach

        8.8 Stunning Beach

        1.7 miles from property

      • Saints Landing Beach

        9.3 Excellent beach

        2.2 km from the option of accommodation

      • Crosby-Lending Beach

        9.8 magnificent beach

        3 km from the option of accommodation

      9000 9000 Company Review Score: 8.1Based on 110,152 reviews from 31488 Properties

      31488 Managed Properties

      Company Information

      Vacation Home Management
      Vacasa unlocks the possibilities of how we enjoy vacation homes. We take care of managing our homeowners’ vacation houses so they can have peace of mind (and their home when they want to). And our guests book vacations confidently knowing they’re going to find exactly what they’re looking for without any surprises. Each vacation home is always cared for by our professional local teams who implement our high cleanliness and maintenance values, while the hands-off tasks of vacation rental management–marketing, filing taxes, and maintaining a website–are handled by a specialized central support team. Our passion and focus remains true: to empower our homeowners, guests, and employees to invest in vacation.

      Property Information

      This is a truly unique vacation property that is perfect for an authentic Cape Cod experience! This two-cottage compound is a 10-minute walk, even with kids, from a private beach located a half-mile away and has an inground heated pool.

      Set on a large plot of land, this sunny retreat contains two separate housing buildings, ideal for putting up kids or a second family for multi-family/generational vacations! The main building sports a bedroom, full bath, and kitchen along with a large living and dining space, perfect for entertaining at night or snuggling up to watch a movie. The second building has two separate sleeping rooms, a living space, and a full bath. The true beauty of this home comes from the outdoor area. The centerpiece is the heated saltwater pool, accented by a stunning patio for outdoor dining and cooking. And of course a firepit for S’mores and more. Don’t overlook the large green yard that prompts guests to feel the grass between their toes and the salty air blowing through their hair, truly a paradise. There are plenty of indoor and outdoor games for adults and children.

      Here they say in these languages ​​


      , German

      , English

      , Spanish

      , French

      , Italian

      , Dutch

      , Portuguese


      Most Popular Amenities & Services

      1 swimming pool

      Private beach area


      Free public parking on site (reservation not needed) .

      • Parking lot


      Wi-Fi is available in the entire hotel and is free of charge.

      Eat when it suits you

      • Dining table

      • Coffee machine

      • Toaster

      • Plate

      • Oven

      • Dryer

      • Kitchenware

      • Kitchen

      • Washing machine

      • Dishwasher

      • Microwave oven

      • Refrigerator


      • Linen


      • Toilet paper

      • Towels

      • Bath or shower

      • Private bathroom

      • Toilet

      • Free toiletries

      • Hair dryer

      • Bath

      • Shower

      Seating area

      Here everyone will be together

      • Dining area

      • Sofa

      • Seating area

      Media and technology

      Fun for everyone under one roof

      • Video player

      • TV

      Amenities in the room

      Extra comfort

      • Separate entrance

      • Heating

      • Fan


      • Premises entirely located on the ground floor


      Time to unwind

      • Garden furniture

      • Outdoor dining area

      • Outdoor furniture

      • Private beach area

      • Barbecue accessories

      • Private swimming pool

      • Barbecue accessories

      • Patio

      • Garden

      Outdoor swimming pool

      • Heated pool

      Food and drink

      • Coffee/tea maker

      Sports and recreation

      • Beach

      • Mini golf

      • Snorkelling

      • Riding

      • Bowling

      • Cycling

      • Hiking trails

      • Windsurfing

      • Fishing

      Reception desk

      • ATM on site

      Entertainment and family services

      • Children’s books, music or films

      • Babysitting / childcare services

      Cleaning services

      • Laundry


      • Air conditioner

      • Non-smoking throughout

      • Non-smoking rooms


      • Fire extinguishers

      • Smoke detectors

      Staff speaks these languages

      • Czech

      • German

      • English

      • spanish

      • French

      • Italian

      • Dutch

      • Portuguese

      Accommodation conditions

      Golden Tide takes special requests – add them in the next step

      check in

      From 16:00


      Until 10:00


      Cancellation and prepayment policies vary depending on the type of option chosen.

    Circle time daycare: Circletime Childcare Preschool Waterford MI

    Опубликовано: November 28, 2022 в 5:05 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Meet Our Teachers – Circle Time Childcare and Preschool

    Ms. Lindsay Anderson: 2T Toddler teacher since 2018

    Ms. Lindsay has been a part of our team since September 2018. She spends her day exploring the classroom with your children. She is always singing and dancing with the children; providing them with a fun safe atmosphere. Ms. Anderson understands the importance of play in the toddler room, and creates lessons based on song, movement and hands on activity. She cares deeply for her students, and it shows through the connections she makes with not only her students, but their families.

    Ms. Lindsay is working towards her degree in Early Education, currently she has more than 20 credit hours in the field and over 120 training hours in addition she holds certifications including: Safe sleep, Blood borne pathogen, First Aid, CPR, and development milestones.

    Ms. Anderson also has had several background checks, one through the State of Michigan, and another which includes fingerprints through the FBI.

    dth=”100%” mar_top=”20px” mar_bot=”20px”]

    Ms. Hannah has been a teacher in our school since 2016. She has worked in the toddler room, Pre-K room and now she has found her home in the Young Preschool classroom. Hannah;s ability to work in every room has made her a huge asset to the company.

    In the young preschool room the children are potty training and learning Independence. This introduction to preschool gives the children opportunities to feel successful as “Big Kids” but still allows room for toddler needs. Hannah provides a fun classroom decor and a detailed lesson plan that keeps the children excited about learning in the classroom.

    Ms. Lewis holds a CDA in Preschool Education; she has 120 training hours in addition and she holds certifications including: Safe sleep, Blood borne pathogen, First Aid, CPR, and development milestones.

    In addition to Hannah’s certification, she also has had several background checks through the State of Michigan, and their fingerprints through the FBI.


    Ms. Jamie is new to our team, but not new to educating young minds. She worked as a Pre Kindergarten teacher for three years before joining our team. In September 2020 Jaimee will have her own classroom here at Circle Time. She will lead our 3 year preschool and we couldn’t be more excited! Ms. Tolbert’s kindness and knowledge in the field has shown us that she not only ready, but will be an asset to the classroom.

    Ms. Jaimee is working towards her degree in Early Education, currently she has more than 20 credit hours in the field and over 120 training hours in addition she holds certifications including: Safe sleep, Blood borne pathogen, First Aid, CPR, and development milestones.

    Ms. Tolbert also has had several background checks, one through the State of Michigan, and another which includes fingerprints through the FBI.

    Nicole & Melissa are team teachers in the Pre-4 Classroom. When looking for Co-Teachers you couldn’t find a better pair.

    Mrs, Nicole joined our team in September 2019, she has more than 10 years experience in the field. Nicole’s strengths in S.T.E.A.M based learning has opened fun opportunities for her students. Nicole strives on making every lesson hands on and active learning for the kids, and they LOVE it!

    Ms. Nicole earned her BA degree in Early Education,  in addition she holds certifications including: Safe sleep, Blood borne pathogen, First Aid, CPR, and development milestones.

    Mrs. Lafferty also has had several background checks, one through the State of Michigan, and another which includes fingerprints through the FBI.

    Ms. Melissa has been a part of our team since 2015, she has worked in 3 year preschool and 4 year preschool. She is one of the most loving, caring teachers. Every morning, she opens the center with a bright smile and a warm hug.

    Ms. Melissa currently she has more than 20 credit hours in the field and over 120 training hours in addition she holds certifications including: Safe sleep, Blood borne pathogen, First Aid, CPR, and development milestones.

    Ms. Melissa also has had several background checks, one through the State of Michigan, and another which includes fingerprints through the FBI.

    Ms. Sara is Circle Time’s Pre-K teacher. Sara joined our school in 2018 after teaching Pre-K for 7 years in another center. In just a few weeks she showed the team what an amazing teacher she is. Ms. Allen’s silliness and the relationships she builds with her students really makes her classroom special. Sara teaches a wide variety of material in Pre-K, her lessons are fun and engaging but also teach the children motor skills, and development throughout the day.

    Ms. Allen is working towards her BA degree in Early Education, currently she has more than 20 credit hours in the field and over 120 training hours in addition she holds certifications including: Safe sleep, Blood borne pathogen, First Aid, CPR, and development milestones.

    Ms. Allen also has had several background checks, one through the State of Michigan, and another which includes fingerprints through the FBI.



    Circle Time Child Care – Kensington, MD




    For over 55 years, Circle Time Child Care Inc. has prepared children for success. Our goal is to provide exceptional child care while preparing children for kindergarten. Circle Time believes that a child’s infant and toddler years are a period of significant cognitive, emotional, and social development, a time where exploration, socialization, communication, and play are a critical center-point in a child’s life. For that reason, we strive to implement curriculums that will individually enhance a child’s natural ability to learn and create. Proudly, 70% of our children graduate with almost first-grade reading levels, while the remaining 30% of graduates achieve kindergarten level reading skills. On occasion, some students graduate reading at a second-grade level. These statistics are a solid testament to the hard work and dedication we put towards our children and the impacts Circle Time has on the future of our community through education. We are a beloved institution dedicated to the growth and success of our children as we endeavor to assist them in reaching their full potential.
    Circle Time Child Care is a year-round center in Kensington, MD. We are open from 7:00am until 5:30pm and care for children as young as 6 weeks through 5 years old. We offer preschool and full time child care. We have a meal program and offer a peanut and tree-nut free environment. Circle Time Child Care is a Spanish immersion program. To learn more, please call us or send us an email at [redacted]

    Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

    Parent Reviews

    Submit A Review

    Pulin M.

    Verified Parent

    Posted 1 month ago






    Circle Time is great. Our toddler was there for about 15 months. We have known many families in our neighborhood who all had positive experiences sending their kids there over the years. The staff is friendly, loving, and always demonstrates a commitment to doing what’s best for kids as they grow and move up through the age/developmentally progressive rooms. We can’t recommend them more highly!

    1 out of 1 thinks this review is helpful

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    Ashley I.

    Verified Parent

    Posted 4 months ago






    My twin daughters have been at Circle Time for two years, since they were infants. We are relocating and leaving Circle Time is by far the hardest part of the move. I cannot say enough about what a magical place it has been for our family. My girls were born very prematurely and had significant delays. The staff at Circle Time worked with them as individuals, never pushing but encouraging them appropriately to progress towards milestones. The… more

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    Laura M.

    Verified Parent

    Posted 2 years ago






    Circle Time has been an AMAZING place for my two kids. We have been at both the Wheaton/Dawson Ave and the Kensington/ Farragut Ave location. The Kensington facilities are more extensive, but the teachers at both are loving and nurturing. Gigi, the owner and Karina, the director, are super responsive and open. Staff turnover is low. Everyone genuinely loves their work and the kids, and it SHOWS. My kids loved being there and learned a ton while… more

    2 out of 2 think this review is helpful

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    Ryan M.

    Verified Parent

    Posted 3 years ago






    Review for Circle Time in Wheaton; we have had our daughter in the program for over a month now and have nothing but great things to say about Circle Time. Gigi and the staff are amazing. our daughter loves her time there, and the staff have helped my wife and I become well rounded first time parents with a few tips and tricks through their years of experience. You won’t be disappointed.

    1 out of 1 thinks this review is helpful

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    Sarah F.

    Verified Parent

    Posted 3 years ago






    We are so lucky to have found Circle Time. Our son has been going here for a year, since he was 3 months old. He is thriving here and is well looked after by his wonderful teachers. Circle Time feels like a family. There seems to be very little turnover among the teachers and they always warmly greet you when you arrive. Circle Time also offers weekend care upon request, which is great! It gives me peace of mind knowing my son is so well taken… more

    3 out of 3 think this review is helpful

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    Circle Time | Lakewood NJ

    Write a Review

    About the Provider

    Description: Circle Time is a Regular Child Care Center in Lakewood NJ, with a maximum capacity of 330 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 0 – 13 years. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

    Program and Licensing Details

    • License Number:
    • Capacity:
    • Age Range:
      0 – 13 years
    • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
    • Current License Expiration Date:
      Sep 09, 2023
    • District Office:
      New Jersey Dept of Children and Families – Office of Licensing
    • District Office Phone:
      1-877-667-9845 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

    Location Map

    Inspection/Report History

    Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
    but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
    as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

    Date Cited Date Abated Regulation Number Summary
    2021-08-31 2021-11-16 3A:52-4.10(a)(1) Child Abuse Record Information background check procedures
    The sponsor or sponsor representative, and each staff member shall complete a signed consent form provided by the Department that indicates the identifying information necessary to conduct a CARI background check, including the person’s name, address, date of birth, sex, race, and Social Security number. Pursuant to the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579), the Department shall advise each such person that the disclosure of his or her Social Security number is voluntary, and that the Social Security number will only be used for the purpose of conducting a CARI background check.

    Violation Observed: Ensure CARIs are completed for all newly hired staff.

    2021-08-31 2021-11-23 3A:52-4.11(a)(1) Criminal History Record Information background check procedures
    As a condition of securing a license or Certificate of Life/Safety Approval, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall ensure that a Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) fingerprint background check is completed for himself or herself, and for all staff members at least 18 years of age who are or will be working at the center on a regularly- scheduled basis, to determine whether any such person has been convicted of a crime, as specified in P.L. 2000, c. 77 (N.J.S.A. 30:5B-6.10 to 6.17). The sponsor or sponsor representative and each staff member shall complete the electronic fingerprinting process through the vendor authorized by the State to conduct CHRI background checks through the Division of State Police in the Department of Law and Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    Violation Observed: Ensure all newly hired staff have CHRI’s uploaded to the NJCCIS File Cabinet. | 11/16/21- Missing 2 CHRIs.

    2021-08-31 2021-11-16 3A:52-5.3(r) Physical plant requirements for all centers
    The center shall take any steps required by the Office of Licensing to correct conditions in the building or center that may endanger the health, safety, and well-being of the children served.

    Violation Observed: Ensure areas that are licensed by the center are occupied by children enrolled in the center. The second floor of the school is currently being used by a non licensed program.

    2021-08-31 2021-11-16 3A:52-6.4(b)(1)(ii) Rest and sleep requirements for early childhood programs
    The center shall provide sleeping equipment for children 12 months of age and younger, the center shall provide for each child a crib, that complies with the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) Federal Safety Standards for Full- Size and Non-Full-Size Baby Cribs; 16 CFR 1219 and 1220, which is incorporated herein by reference, and can be obtained through the CPSC’s website at https://www. Education-Centers/cribs , playpen, or other Office of Licensing-approved sleeping equipment that meets the following requirement that sleeping equipment shall be free of pillows and soft bedding, including, but not limited to bumper pads, when occupied by a sleeping child.

    Violation Observed: Ensure children under 12 months do not have blankets with them while sleeping in cribs or pack and plays. In room 103, infants under 12 months were observed under blankets.

    2021-08-31 2021-11-16 3A:52-4.6(a) Staff qualifications
    The center shall maintain on file a Staff Records Checklist designated by the Office of Licensing, as specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-4.1(b), indicating that the center has obtained documentation of the applicable staff education and experience, as specified in 3A:52-4.6(b) through (d).

    Violation Observed: Ensure the staff records checklist is current and uploaded to NJCCIS.

    2021-08-31 2021-11-16 3A:52-4.3(c) Staff/child ratios and supervision
    The following staff/child ratios shall apply, except as specified in 3A:52-4.3(d) through (f): | Age Staff/Child Ratio | Under 18 months – 1:4 | 18 months up to 2 ½ years – 1:6 | 2 ½ years up to 4 years – 1:10 | 4 years – 1:12 | 5 years and older – 1:15

    Violation Observed: Ensure ratios are maintained at all times. In room 005, there were 12 children (7-4yr olds and 5-3yr olds) with 1 staff member, wherein 2 staff members were needed to maintain ratio.

    2021-08-31 2021-08-31 3A:52-5.2(a)(5) State, county and municipal government physical facility requirements
    The center shall be permitted to obtain a valid fire safety inspection certificate issued by the municipality in which it is located, based on a fire inspection conducted within the preceding 12 months, and submit a copy of the certificate to the Office of Licensing in lieu of a CO or CCO, if the center serves only children 2 ½ years of age or older and is located in a public school building that is used as a public school.

    Violation Observed: Ensure egress areas are not blocked with strollers.

    2021-06-28 2021-11-16 3A:52-5.3(a)(19) Physical plant requirements for all centers
    Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: the center shall test for the presence of radon gas in each classroom on the lowest floor level used by children at least once every five years and shall post the test results in a prominent location in all buildings at the center, as specified in N.J.S.A. 30:5B-5.2.

    Violation Observed: Submit or upload to NJCCIS the Radon Report for all rooms used by the children on the lowest level of the center.

    2021-01-19 2021-01-20 3A:52-5.3(r) Physical plant requirements for all centers
    The center shall take any steps required by the Office of Licensing to correct conditions in the building or center that may endanger the health, safety, and well-being of the children served.

    Violation Observed: Ensure the staff are both cleaning and disinfecting the indoor trykes before each use, while maintaining supervision of the children in their care.

    2020-12-15 2021-01-19 3A:52-7.5(b)(10) Administration and control of prescription and non-prescription medicines and health care procedures
    The center shall develop and follow a policy on the administration of medication and health care procedures to children, which shall include the following provisions: the center shall store prescribed epinephrine pens in their original boxes with the child’s name and prescription. A special care plan or other documentation from a health care provider shall accompany the epinephrine pen. If two epinephrine pens are required, both shall be available. Each center under the jurisdiction of N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.5 shall store back-up epinephrine pens on site consistent with the requirements stated at N. J.S.A. 18A:40-12.5.e(1).

    Violation Observed: Ensure all epi-pens are stored in their original boxes.

    2020-12-15 2021-01-19 3A:52-2.6(c) Complaints
    Whenever the Department, through its Office of Licensing, Institutional Abuse Investigation Unit, or local offices, conducts complaint investigations, the center shall cooperate with all Department investigators.

    Violation Observed: Ensure the center staff is aware that all DCF personnel should be allowed into the building without escort or delay.

    2020-12-15 2021-01-19 3A:52-5.3(r) Physical plant requirements for all centers
    The center shall take any steps required by the Office of Licensing to correct conditions in the building or center that may endanger the health, safety, and well-being of the children served.

    Violation Observed: Ensure all children have a Special Care Plan, signed by the child’s physician, on file at the center, if they have a medical condition that requires life sustaining medications.

    2020-10-27 2020-12-15 3A:52-6.1(e) Activities
    The center shall ensure that pacifiers are removed when the children are crawling or walking.

    Violation Observed: Ensure children are not walking around with pacifiers in their mouths.

    2020-10-27 2020-12-15 3A:52-4.10(a)(1) Child Abuse Record Information background check procedures
    The sponsor or sponsor representative, and each staff member shall complete a signed consent form provided by the Department that indicates the identifying information necessary to conduct a CARI background check, including the person’s name, address, date of birth, sex, race, and Social Security number. Pursuant to the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579), the Department shall advise each such person that the disclosure of his or her Social Security number is voluntary, and that the Social Security number will only be used for the purpose of conducting a CARI background check.

    Violation Observed: Ensure CARI’s are completed for all staff upon hire and on file at the center. Center is missing 4 CARI’s.

    2020-10-27 2021-01-19 3A:52-4.11(a)(1) Criminal History Record Information background check procedures
    As a condition of securing a license or Certificate of Life/Safety Approval, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall ensure that a Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) fingerprint background check is completed for himself or herself, and for all staff members at least 18 years of age who are or will be working at the center on a regularly- scheduled basis, to determine whether any such person has been convicted of a crime, as specified in P. L. 2000, c. 77 (N.J.S.A. 30:5B-6.10 to 6.17). The sponsor or sponsor representative and each staff member shall complete the electronic fingerprinting process through the vendor authorized by the State to conduct CHRI background checks through the Division of State Police in the Department of Law and Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    Violation Observed: Ensure CHRI’s are completed upon hire and filed at the center. Center is missing 17 CHRI’s. | As of 12/15, 2 CHRI’s are missing.

    If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.



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    Current time in the Arctic Circle ONLINE with seconds ⏰ Show what time it is in the Arctic Circle (Republic of Karelia, Russia)

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    Long light of daylight


    Change in time zone















    The graph above illustrates that there will be no time zone change in the Arctic Circle in 2022.

    Clock change

    October 26, 2014, 02:00

    The Arctic Circle switched to standard time. The clock has been moved back 1 hour.

    Time difference between the Arctic Circle and other cities

    Los Angeles
    New York
    Istanbul 0
    Moscow 0

    Time in the largest cities of Russia

    St. Petersburg





    Find out the time in other cities around the world






    Fashion circle – “Golden Time”

    Spring takes many by surprise: we are just getting used to enduring the cold and finally starting to combine bohemian bracelets and knitted sweaters with chic, when suddenly it’s time to reform our wardrobe and fix our eyes on the warm season. Luckily, the fashion weeks in Paris, Milan, London, and New York have come up with a pretty compelling roadmap for the new season: both clothes and jewelry from the spring/summer 2020 collections are teetering on the edge of understatement and artistry, which means you can get by. without theatrical receptions, without plunging into dullness and boredom.

    It is noteworthy that almost all the trends of the new season are associated with the shape of a circle: these are hoop earrings, and lasso necklaces, and shells twisting in a spiral, and spherical pendants on earrings and bracelets. Perhaps this can be seen as a sign telling us that everything is cyclical and that we must make a choice in favor of eternal values. Among them, there will definitely be universal decorations that will not fade and will not lose their relevance with the passage of the spring-summer season. It is about them that we will tell today.

    Lasso necklace

    A noose or lasso necklace is a new 2020 favorite. What does it represent? Essentially, it’s a chain that accentuates a plunging neckline or creates an extra v-line where there isn’t one. The difference from the usual rounded down chain here is in a kind of “tail”, which completely changes the geometry of the jewelry and stretches the figure vertically.

    In the collections of the upcoming season, this model is found so often that one involuntarily wonders why the decoration, which makes the neck longer and the shoulders narrower, did not become a must-have earlier. But now brands like Celine, Peter Pilotto and even Versace have mastered all the variations of the lasso, and their bet has played: we see a thing that, on the one hand, is at the peak of relevance, on the other, it will never really become outdated. You can choose models with real knots, arrows and other cowboy stuff, or you can look at chain tassels, pendants and other flirty details.

    Naturalistic romance

    During the spring-summer show of Prada, it was hard to take your eyes off the shell necklace and earrings. The jewelry that Miuccia Prada added to her everyday outfits was not only massive, but also truly spectacular. It is up to you whether to choose expensive models of reputable fashion houses or more democratic products of independent brands. And you still have the choice between real shells and their imitation. The most important thing is to immerse yourself in seaside romanticism, which you need to do even if it’s still raining outside, and you are limited to office wardrobe: look at Prada models and add naturalistic touches to gray everyday life.

    At the beginning of the season, we encourage you to wear mermaid jewelry with black or gray voluminous dresses, any items with turn-down collars, tweed sets and utilitarian parkas and raincoats. And when it gets warmer, you can safely switch to sundresses and Vichy checkered shorts, dresses and blouses with voluminous sleeves and romantic retro-style swimsuits – against their background, shells will look especially relevant.

    Hoop earrings

    Like Marni, they can be huge, attract all the attention and exclude the possibility of being next to any other jewelry. Also, “inflated” rings look quite catchy. If they are the correct geometric shape, choosing a set, you can take Audrey Hepburn as a role model in the 1954 film Sabrina (remember hoop earrings combined with a tight suit and a small hat, and then with a man’s plaid shirt). If the earrings have a more natural, naturalistic shape, you should opt for laconic things in the best traditions of modern urban minimalism. Remember that summer is a small life, and you can easily get in the mood for both flamenco and thoughtful walks and trips to the northern seas.

    Other options include delicate hoop earrings with or without inlay, which the Hadid sisters and other street style stars love to add to their looks. And round earrings can also have geometric inserts or, for example, cross pendants in the spirit of the 90s. Well, if you like asymmetry and complex piercings, don’t forget about mono-earrings.

    Balls for rollers

    Here the trend towards roundness reaches an absolute, and the circle turns into a ball. Inserts on bracelets, pendants, elements of necklaces, rings and even earrings can be spherical. The choice is great, but we advise you to limit yourself to one jewelry with a similar motif for the entire set (in extreme cases, you can make an exception in the form of a ring). Spectacular balls crowning the clasps of thick golden chains flaunted on the backs of models at the Bottega Veneta spring-summer collection show in Milan, Ann Demeulemeester had earrings with large ball-shaped pendants on the catwalk, and Paco Rabanne decided to bring the swinging 60s back to life.

    Unfortunately, not only the abundance of heterogeneous balls can overload the composition, but also additional decor, so we advise you to refrain from inlaying with crystals and other excesses. Remember that the main role in this case is played by the form, and give preference to concise decorations.

    New Rococo

    The rococo style brought back to life thanks to the efforts of the brand Simone Rocha is more relevant than ever. Pay close attention to it if you plan to go out in the spring and next summer. Opals shimmering in different shades surrounded by a scattering of small diamonds are exactly what you need if you want a soft variation of baroque for every day. For more solemn occasions, we recommend looking at naturalistic pearls (including black ones) of a natural shape. They can also be complemented with diamond inlay.

    Also, all kinds of inclusions of color are held in high esteem, from rich topazes or enamel to gentle overflows of mother-of-pearl and moonstone. The trend extends not only to jewelry, but also to watches: look for dials with rocaille motifs and do not limit yourself in choosing non-trivial materials.

    Prayer times in the Arctic Circle, Loukhsky District, Republic of Karelia

    Method of calculation
    Spiritual Administration of Muslims RSDUM of the Republic of TatarstanIslamic World League (MWL)Umm al-Qura University, Mecca

    Definition of Asr (Madhab)
    Shafi’i Hanafi


    morning prayer time




    noon prayer time


    evening prayer time

    Maghreb left 00:01


    evening prayer time


    night prayer time

    Prayer schedule in the Arctic Circle

    For a week

    Date Fajr Shuruk Zuhr Asr Maghreb Isha
    03, Mon
    04 Tue
    05, Wed
    06, Thu
    07, Fri
    08, Sat
    09, Sun
    Date Fajr Shuruk Zuhr Asr Maghreb Isha
    01, Sat
    02, Sun
    03, Mon
    04 Tue
    05, Wed
    06, Thu
    07, Fri
    08, Sat
    09, Sun
    10, Mon
    11, Tue
    12, Wed
    13, Thu
    14, Fri
    15, Sat
    16, Sun
    17, Mon
    18, Tue
    19, Wed
    20, Thu
    21, Fri
    22, Sat
    23, Sun
    24, Mon
    25, W
    26, Wed
    27, Thu
    28, Fri
    29, Sat
    30, Sun
    31, Mon

    On the Azan. Today website you can find out the prayer times in the Arctic Circle and download the prayer schedule for today, the current week and the month of October 2022. The table shows when the time of sunrise starts and the exact start time of daily prayers – morning fajr , midday zuhr, evening asr, evening maghrib, night isha.

    The prayer schedule is calculated according to canonical formulas, taking into account the position of the sun for geographic coordinates and the time zone of the Arctic Circle. The time is calculated according to the Hanafi method of the World Islamic League. You can change the settings and set the Shafi’i madhhab and the desired payment method.

    Prayer times for the Arctic Circle, Hanafi madhhab, October 2022

    Asr prayer times for the Arctic Circle are determined according to the Hanafi madhhab. You can change it to Shafi’i madhhab. Click on the gear and choose the most suitable calculation method for you for the Arctic Circle, which is currently used by religious organizations from all over the world:

    • 🕋 Umm al-Qura University in Mecca;
    • 🕌 Muslim World League;
    • 🕌 Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia;
    • 🕌 DUM RT.

    Prayer times Polar Circle, Shafi’i madhhab, October 2022

    To calculate the azan time according to the madhhab of Imam Ash-Shafi’i, select ⚙ Shafi’i madhhab in the settings.

    The table shows the time of 5 prayers in the Arctic Circle for a month:

    • Fajr time in the Arctic Circle;
    • Zuhr time in the Arctic Circle;
    • Asr time in the Arctic Circle;
    • Maghreb Time in the Arctic Circle;
    • Isha prayer times in the Arctic Circle.

    Qibla online in the Arctic Circle: direction to the Kaaba without a compass 🧭

    Qibla in the Arctic Circle can be determined without a compass. Match your location according to your street or house according to the online map.

    The arrow will show Qibla – the direction from the Arctic Circle towards Mecca, where the sacred Kaaba is located 🕋.

    Timely and correct prayer is the duty of every Muslim. Allah Almighty ordered believers under any circumstances to perform each of the five daily obligatory prayers in a certain period of time and in the exact direction.

    Naccrra military program: Military Child Care | NACCRRA

    Опубликовано: November 28, 2022 в 4:09 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Bright Horizons Family Solutions Proudly Supports Military Families

    [WATERTOWN, Mass., — April 8, 2010] – Bright Horizons is proud to support military families and has partnered with NACCRRA, the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies to support programs that will provide tuition assistance for eligible military families at more than 300 Bright Horizons centers across the United States.

    Bright Horizons was approved by NACCRRA, which is coordinating the child care program for the Department of Defense. Only child care centers that meet rigorous quality and programming standards are eligible to participate in the program and the organization is pleased to be able to accept children of qualified military families.

    “We are thrilled to be participating in this wonderful program to support the families of the men and women who serve our country,” said Alice Chambers, Director of the Bright Horizons child care center in Enfield, Connecticut, which is one of the centers with families participating in the program. “Our commitment to children is universal and we know that all families need their children’s child care to be a nurturing and loving environment where children can grow and thrive. When one parent is away or in the case of military families, is deployed, we know that consistency and routine for children is even more critical, so having a child care center you can trust and depend on is paramount.”

    Bright Horizons was founded to support working parents as they strive to balance their career and family while providing the highest quality care and early education for children. All Bright Horizons centers provide a unique early learning curriculum for children. The World at Their Fingertips program for learning offers each child a world full of discovery opportunities guided by skilled teachers who recognize each child’s individual strengths and helps them to learn, grow and live fully. The World at Their Fingertips uses engaging programs, such as Language Works, Math Counts and Science Rocks, to teach children the basic language, math and science skills that will prepare them for future academic excellence. The organization’s Growing Readers campaign also emphasizes the importance of early literacy and provides parents with information about language development and books of excellence for their children.

    Bright Horizons operates each of its centers according to the highest standards of excellence as defined by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Bright Horizons centers have the best record of accreditation from the NAEYC of any multi-site employer-sponsored workplace services provider in the country, a distinction of quality that fewer than eight percent of centers in the U.S. achieve.

    For more information, go to

    Media Contact:

    Ilene Serpa
    [email protected]
    (617) 673-8044

    Subsidized Child Care for Military and Federal Families

    KinderCare Learning Centers proudly support U.S. Military, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. National Park Services, and U.S. General Services Administration families.

    Finding the right care and learning environment for your child is an important decision – one we know can be impacted by many variables in a military family’s life.

    In an effort to help military families in need of care, KinderCare has partnered with Child Care Aware® of America to offer fee assistance for eligible active duty military families and a solution to address their child care needs when care at an on-base Child Development Center (CDC) isn’t available.

    We also offer a Child Care Subsidy Program administered through the USDA (formerly administered by the General Services Administration (GSA)) for eligible Active Duty members or Active Duty Reservists of the U.S. Coast Guard called to action for 180 days of longer, U.S. National Park Services, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and U.S. General Services Administration who don’t live or work near a Child Development Center (CDC).

    Whether you’re in need of a temporary solution while your family is in transition or you’re looking for a long-term, ongoing partnership, we’re confident that we can provide you and your family with a high-quality solution that works for you.

    Benefits available to eligible families include:

    • Reduced tuition rates 
    • High-quality care and an unsurpassed learning experience, no matter where you are. We’re proud to share that we have more nationally accredited centers than any other private child care provider in the country.
    • Consistent learning experiences, no matter where you relocate. We have more than 1,400 centers nationwide, all which use the same curriculum to teach in their classrooms.

    • Military Families

    Programs administered through Child Care Aware of America:

    • Eligibility varies by program. For more information, click on any of the links below to take you directly to each site:
    • Air Force Fee Assistance
    • Army Fee Assistance
    • Marine Corps Fee Assistance
    • Navy Fee Assistance
    • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Fee Assistance

    How to Contact Child Care Aware of America:

    • To speak with a Child Care Aware of America specialist about the military and DoD child care programs, please call 1(800) 424-2246, option 6. 
    • Child Care Aware of America’s military and DoD programs are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time

    • Federal Families

    Child Care Subsidy Programs Administered through the USDA:

    • U. S. Coast Guard (USCG) Child Care Subsidy Program
    • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)  Child Care Subsidy Program
    • U.S. National Park Services  (NPS) Child Care Subsidy Program
    • General Services Administration  (GSA) Child Care Subsidy Program
    • For more information on eligibility for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child Care Subsidies for Federal Families, please click here.  

    Learn more about child care subsidies for military families

    Learn more about child care subsidies for federal employees

    “Military program” by A. Sladkov, 2009, broadcast, watch online // Watch

    “Military program” by A. Sladkov, 2009, broadcast, watch online // Watch

    • Profile



    • We watch everything

    The principal difference between Alexander Sladkov’s “Military Program” and programs on military topics on other channels is the deliberate rejection of the so-called “magazine form”, which involves dividing the program into thematic headings.

    The program is based on an author’s story with a description of the situation in which the heroes of the program found themselves, historical and factual references, enabling the viewer to perceive the characters in a more “voluminous” way. Each program includes stories about people in military uniform with all their strengths, weaknesses, victories and defeats.

    The vast majority of stories “take place” at the time of the program’s airing. However, the unique archive collected over many years by the author of the program, Alexander Sladkov, allows you to trace the stories of the program’s heroes over the years, as well as refer to topics of the recent past. The main focus of the program is on the “human factor”. Sufficient attention is also paid to the story of modern weapons, techniques and methods of warfare.

    The creators of the program proceed from the fact that whatever the “iron”, in the end, everything is decided by people, their level of physical and mental fitness. Considerable attention is paid to military education, issues of conscription and recruitment of the army. In the preparation of the program, unique photographs from the personal archives of military personnel, chronicles and operational photographs are also used.

    The program contains special twenty- and thirty-second inserts (according to the NOTA BENE principle), which give brief information about how similar issues are resolved in other armies of the world, about the tactical and technical data of weapons, and interesting facts. Alexander Sladkov’s many years of experience in the field of military journalism and high awareness of what is happening in the army make it possible to implement the principle of “exclusivity” of stories.

    • broadcast

    • journalism

    • Alexander Sladkov

    • military service

    • armament

    • military



    Channel One

    Hourly. Channel One


    Show more

    See also

    God of War. History of Russian artillery. 1 and 2 series. Documentary film dedicated to the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery

    The history of Russian artillery goes back more than six centuries. And this is not only the history of one of the oldest branches of the military. This is a chronicle of scientific and technological progress, the development and sovereignty of the Russian state, the heroism and courage of our military, gunsmiths, engineers, and scientists.

    “Kings of the oceans. Path to the Arctic. Documentary film

    The authors of the film will show the only plant in the world that produces nuclear icebreakers, visit the mechanical and assembly shops, the slipway and the factory embankment, where icebreakers of the project 22220 are assembled.

    “Normal flight!”. Documentary film about combat aviation

    This is a story about today’s combat aviation and its pilots, brave professionals who, often risking their lives, protect the skies of Russia. In this film, unknown heroes will for the first time remember the sensational details of their exploits, about which they were ordered to remain silent.

    “Kings of the oceans”. Documentary film

    This film is about Russia’s grandiose military project — about the construction of fourth-generation submarines of Project 955 Borey and 885 Ash. For the first time, the designers and builders of the most formidable weapon in Russia have revealed military secrets and talked about how submarines are created in the design bureaus and at the Sevmash plant.

    “Vityaz. No room for error.” Documentary film

    Silence. It is invaluable in our troubled times. But nothing is given just like that. There must always be someone who will sacrifice their strength, time, and perhaps even life. For this very silence.

    Helicopters first! Documentary film

    Today Russia is considered the most helicopter power. No wonder the designer Mikhail Mil said that our country was literally created for helicopters.

    “Dive into the sky”. Documentary film about fighter pilots

    Fighter pilots… Who are they really – romantics, boys brought up on stories about heroes, or cold-blooded executors of orders? Why do they want to dive into the sky, and why do they attract girls? Why were they always considered a military caste in the army, and what do pilots have in common with figure skaters?

    “You can’t command your heart.” Documentary film

    The film is dedicated to the cadets of the School of Sergeants, which began its work several years ago on the basis of the Ryazan Airborne Command School.

    “100 years – normal flight”. Documentary film

    The film is based on stories that were known to a very narrow circle of people until today. For many years they were classified as “top secret”. For the first time, unknown heroes will remember the sensational details of their exploits, about which they were ordered to remain silent.

    “K-278. Stay alive.” Documentary film

    Our film tells about the feat of Russian submariners.

    Woodland day care lexington ky: WOODLAND EARLY LEARNING CENTER – 575 Woodland Ave, Lexington, KY

    Опубликовано: November 28, 2022 в 3:24 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Woodland Early Learning Center (2022-23 Profile)

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    School Overview

    Student Body

    Tuition and Acceptance Rate

    School Notes

    • Welcome to Woodland Early Learning Center! We are located on the
      University of Kentucky campus. Our proprietary educational program
      provides unlimited opportunities for the development of the whole
      child. We offer a unique curriculum for every age level, centered
      around developmentally appropriate and fun activities encouraging
      children to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, and
      socially. Woodland Early Learning Center is proud to offer care to
      the families of University of Kentucky as well as those in the
      surrounding community.
    • There is a coded security door at the entrance of the building.
      Both playgrounds are completely fenced and locked. Staff are
      required to hold CPR and First Aid certifications.
    • Hours Of Operation: 6:30am to 6:30pm, M-F

    Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)


    Frequently Asked Questions

    When is the application deadline for Woodland Early Learning Center?

    The application deadline for Woodland Early Learning Center is rolling (applications are reviewed as they are received year-round).

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    • Quality of academic programs, teachers, and facilities
    • Availability of music, art, sports and other extracurricular activities
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