
Tell the truth for kids: Truthfulness – PursueGOD Kids

Опубликовано: September 8, 2023 в 6:42 pm


Категории: Kid

How to Teach Kids to Tell the Truth

The child who lies obviously displeases God and grieves his parents. But he also invites adverse consequences to himself.

I learned this lesson in third grade when I bought a pea shooter (an oversized drinking straw) and a bag of dry peas for shooting. I knew I would be in special trouble if I shot my younger brothers. My parents had already taken away my previous pea shooter for aiming it at my siblings.

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A budding 8-year-old munitions engineer, I began experimenting outside our back door with my secret new equipment. Frustrated by the slowness of loading one pea at a time, I decided to stuff the entire bag of peas into my mouth, hoping the shooting device would work like an automatic machine gun. (It didn’t.)

Just as I glutted my bulging cheeks with pea rounds, the back door opened. Mom leaned out: “Sammy, what are you doing?” Feeling the need to conceal my mischief and high-powered weaponry, my sinful instinct was to answer, “Nothing. ” But it’s hard for an 8-year-old to speak clearly when a bag of peas is holding his mouth hostage. Instead of “nothing,” out came “ngmffngm.” But I wasn’t doing ngmffngm. I lied. And my mother knew it. At that moment she didn’t worry about the pea shooter; she cared about her boy’s blatant falsehood, which revealed a darkness that strikes a wise mother’s heart with sadness and pain.

We desire for our children to tell us the truth, especially when confessing their sin. But how can we teach them to be candid with us, to speak the truth?

I’ve found six practices helpful in fostering honesty in children.

1. Pray

Ask God to do the heart work that only he can do.

Maybe someday in heaven I’ll find out all the trouble I avoided because of the prayers of my parents and grandparents.

2. Teach That God Is Truthful

Joyfully and decisively embrace God himself as truthful.

Before dealing with the actions and hearts of children, refocus your own heart on God’s trustworthiness and the extremely high premium he places on truth-telling.

Worship him for his reliability. Truth is his name (John 14:6). Get that clear. It’s impossible for him to lie (Heb. 6:18), and he hates lying (Prov. 13:5).

Aspire for you and yours to be like him.

3. Model Truth-Telling Yourself, Especially When It’s Costly

Make no compromise in your own truth-telling. Never lie to the children, or in front of them, or get them to lie for you. If we want children to confess their wrongdoings to us, we mustn’t fail in confessing and repenting of our own sins, making a humble pledge to strive to never do that wrong again.     

If you’re going to use words—and you are—mean them. Mean what you say, and say what you mean. If you say, “Turn off the video game”—and they ignore you, and you do nothing—then not only does “turn off the video game” come to mean nothing, but all your words lose value. You make your words into a kind of lie, for “turn off the video game” apparently doesn’t mean what it seems to say.

You make your words into a kind of lie, for ‘turn off the video game’ apparently doesn’t mean what it seems to say.

4. Talk to Your Kids 

About Telling the Truth

Talk about the advantages of truth-telling. Explain how it earns future trust, while lying destroys trust. Point out and celebrate truth-telling wherever you see it—in preaching, in news reporting, in dinner-table conversations, and so on.  

Let them hear God’s Word on the subject (e.g., Col. 3:9; Eph. 4:25; Luke 6:31; Prov. 11:3). Let them see that you take the Bible seriously. Show them in the Bible how often Jesus says “truly truly.”

Expose them to stories about truth-telling and lying, such as the little boy who cried wolf, Pinocchio, Ananias and Sapphira, and Zacchaeus.

In teaching children to speak truthfully, couple truthfulness with love (Eph 4:15). What does love do? It tells the truth.

5. Reward Kids for Truth-Telling

It’s hard to overestimate the value of swift rewards in shaping the behavior of a young child. When a child admits to his crime—breaking the lamp, kicking his brother—commend the truth-telling prior to addressing the infraction. So perhaps something like: “Thank you, son, for being honest with me. Telling the truth is so important. It helps everyone trust you. It pleases God. So I’m pleased with you that you told the truth. Now let’s address the broken lamp” (or whatever).

6. Having Underscored Honesty, Also Teach Discernment

Not all truth needs to be announced, and it certainly need not be brutal. In certain contexts, some truth is better left unsaid—just because the lady at the store is overweight doesn’t mean we need to say so! Children can incrementally be taught that some factual information is better kept to ourselves.

Parents and caregivers, may we teach our children the value and beauty of telling the truth, no matter the cost. After all, there is no greater joy than knowing our children are walking in the truth (3 John 4).

The Importance of Telling Your Kids the Truth

It is so interesting to observe the difference between adults and children when it comes to telling the truth. Adults are often quick to hide things, especially if they seem unfavorable or hurtful. Kids, on the other hand, are typically honest to a fault (and sometimes to the embarrassment of their parents!) and speak frankly about their feelings and opinions. What’s interesting, then, is the practice of shielding children from the truth. Not only is it a recipe for distrust, but also problematic on several levels.

My son’s baseball team was a very close-knit group last season and they frequently did things as a team off the fields. There was a bowling event scheduled for the team on a Saturday night, and as we finished practice Saturday morning, I said:

Me to a boy: “See you tonight, J!”

J looked at me and said: “It was cancelled.”

I was confused, so I went to the team mom who informed me that it was still planned for that night.

Me, back to J: “We are bowling tonight buddy, I just made sure.”

J said: “My mom said it was cancelled.”

Even though J’s mom had been standing there the entire time,  at this point she finally says, “Well, it isn’t really cancelled. I told you that it was… I’m not sure we can go. We’ll figure it out.”

She then proceeds to whisper to me that she had the boys that weekend (custody arrangement) and she had already made plans to go watch the UFC fight at a bar and didn’t want to take the boys to the bowling event. She had arranged a babysitter and instead of telling them the truth that they couldn’t go bowling because of a scheduling conflict, she lied to prevent them getting upset or arguing with her about the decision.

Model of Behavior

There are a few issues in play here, as I see it. First, children look to their parents as a model and example of appropriate behavior. And often what children learn is from what they observed, rather than what they were taught. A youth pastor of mine once said: “Kids will do in excess what you do in moderation and in moderation what you do in excess.” In this case, these two boys witnessed their mom lying, and will internalize that it is okay to do so when it suits them.


Second, kids are far more intelligent and aware than for which they are given credit. Plus, kids have a trust radar that extends for miles. When an adult in their lives willfully does not give them the truth, it breaks the respect and trust that was built in the relationship. Although kids are also quick to forgive, their memories remain of interactions with the people whom they love the most.

World View

Finally, age-appropriate honesty is not only necessary but beneficial. By having an honest conversation with kids using words and concepts that they can understand, their world view expands outside of themselves. Kids live in the here and now, and are self-absorbed due to their emotional center. By being truthful even when the topic is difficult (such as death, divorce, therapy, cancer, etc.), kids witness emotional regulation, processing of feelings, discussion of difficult or conflicting messages, and more.

Kids should never be made to feel that they didn’t deserve the truth. Even with good intentions, parents who are not honest with their children about circumstances often learn in hindsight that their children resented being lied to or misled. When you tell your kids the truth, you make it very clear that you expect honesty from them as well – and that everyone deserves to know the truth even if it isn’t what they wanted to hear.

Mom, tell the truth! Psychology and education from 3 to 7 years old

Our expert, psychologist Igor Pavlov, argues about whether it is always necessary to tell children the truth.

To lie or not to lie, that is the question… Sometimes it is really difficult to tell a child the truth. Especially if something unpleasant happened and we do not want to hurt the baby by telling him about what happened. This may be the death of a loved one, the breakup of a family, or, for example, a tragedy shown on television.

But even in more innocent situations, adults often resort to lies when communicating with children. Sometimes we do this because it is unpleasant or painful for us to talk about something with a child, sometimes because it is convenient for us. And sometimes it’s time out of habit so that the child gets rid of his “stupid” questions, doesn’t get in the way or stops whining. So, bringing the baby to the kindergarten in the morning, it is easier to tell him that it is only for 5 minutes than to find the strength in himself to explain that he will stay here all day and help him cope with the experience of temporary separation. In some families, cheating children becomes a common thing. And few adults think about what consequences it can lead to.

Aftertaste of a lie

A spoken lie leaves a bitter residue on the lips of the parent and in the soul of the child. And, even if it seems to us that this is a “white lie” or that the child will never guess about the deception, the consequences will somehow affect our relationship with him.

First, the child sincerely trusts adults for the time being. But, if they abuse his trust too often, sooner or later he begins to feel when his parents are hiding somewhere or hiding the truth from him. On this occasion, the well-known child psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto wrote that “in a family, children and dogs always know everything, especially what they do not talk about.”

Secondly, the realization that parents can lie undermines trust in them, and henceforth the child begins to doubt any words spoken by adults, even if their truth is obvious. Such a child next time will prefer to seek the truth and truthful answers to his questions outside the family – from friends, buddies or other adults who will be more trusted. Thirdly, hiding the truth from the child or keeping silent about some disturbing events, the baby will not hesitate to compensate with his own fantasies. All children are wonderful inventors, and if they don’t know or don’t understand something, they invent it themselves. For example, a small child, from whom it was hidden that the grandmother died from a serious illness, can easily decide that the grandmother died because he did not obey her or was rude to her shortly before her departure from life. Some childhood fantasies and conjectures can bring even more emotional harm to the child than knowing the truth.

And, fourthly, by deceiving a child, we ourselves teach him to lie. Our deception turns against us when a child, growing up, prefers to hide from us the truth about how and where he spends his free time, what grades he gets at school and what problems he faces.

Slippery situations

“But in fact, there are situations when it is simply impossible to tell a child the truth!” – you object. Let’s look at the most common of them and think about how to be honest with yourself and with your child under any circumstances.

Is Santa Claus real?

There are still almost two months before the New Year, but the image of Santa Claus is already gradually beginning to fill the minds of children. Will he come or won’t he? Will he give or not give? Not all modern children are selflessly waiting for Santa Claus, and in general they believe in New Year’s miracles. At this time, they are most interested in another question: “Does Santa Claus exist or does it really not exist?” In this case, should adults insist on the existence of a kind old man with a bag of gifts? An innocent and very popular story: parents are tempted to deceive their children and use the image of Santa Claus to their advantage, forcing the child to behave well on the eve of the New Year.

But no matter how tempting the idea of ​​calling Santa Claus as an ally in the upbringing of a child may seem to adults, it is not worth doing this, just as it is not worth insisting on his existence if the child begins to doubt it.

We all outgrow faith in Santa Claus. For some, the debunking of this New Year’s myth brings disappointment and annoyance, and for some of the children it allows you to feel more grown-up. So don’t be afraid to be the right person to help your child move up a notch in their growing up. Let the child understand that, despite the fictional character of Santa Claus, he still remains the main symbol of the New Year for children and adults, without which the holiday would not be so bright. And what about gifts, then assure the baby that he will definitely receive his New Year’s gift, because giving gifts to each other is an obligatory New Year’s tradition.

Is your mother already dead?

When I was working as a psychologist in a kindergarten, one day a three-year-old boy came up to me and asked: “Is your mother already dead?” Some experience told him that most adults have parents who grow old and die. Therefore, according to his logic, my parents should have already died. With childish spontaneity, he decided to immediately test his hypothesis by asking me a question directly on the forehead. This boy, at the age of three, could calmly talk about death, realizing that people leave us at the end of their lives. Unfortunately, not all adults are also ready to calmly discuss issues related to dying with children.

When someone dies in the family or on television, when we hear about massacres or terrorist attacks from the news, we try by all means to protect children from facing death. But children think about death much more often than adults think. The most inquisitive of them start asking us questions as early as 3-4 years old. Is it worth talking to children about death in such cases? Yes. Especially if one of the people close to the child died in your family, if the kid saw someone’s death on TV and it haunts him.

But at the same time, one should not say more than the child wants to hear. It is best for kids to explain what death is and why people die using specific examples with animals, insects. And then it is best to follow the logic of the child’s questions.

Of course, a child’s own curiosity and what he wants to know about death can frighten him. But, if you build a dialogue competently, the child is not threatened by the emergence of new fears. For example, if we are talking to a child about a murder he has seen in a movie or shown on the news, you should always reassure the child that he is safe and that most people around him will not harm him.

In no case should you hide from a child if one of the family members and people close to him has died. Excuses like “grandfather went very far” or “your aunt went on a trip” against the background of the general mourning atmosphere prevailing in the house will confuse the child even more. And for children, there is nothing worse than a feeling of uncertainty and understatement.

A child, like any adult, has the right to learn about the death of a loved one and experience his own little grief.

Will this doctor hurt me? In the same kindergarten, I have repeatedly observed how mothers and teachers tried by any means to persuade the kids to go for a medical examination. If it came to vaccination or a blood test from a finger, then here the fantasy of adults was in full swing. The children were told that the doctor does not vaccinate, but “puts a watch on his hand”, that taking blood from a finger is like being bitten by a mosquito. But for some children, these tricks did not work at all. These children, horrified in front of the doors of the medical office, asked me: “Will it hurt a lot?” To which I had to answer: “No, it doesn’t hurt very much. Just a bit. I’m sure you’ll be able to endure.” Oddly enough, such words of some children were much more encouraging than fairy tales about watches and mosquitoes.

Why is it important for a child to know what will happen to him outside the doctor’s office? First, it reduces the feeling of uncertainty, which can be much more frightening than knowing that an injection or an enema awaits you. Secondly, by assuring the child that he will not be hurt at all, and even, maybe, pleasantly, we risk greatly undermining his trust in us if the doctor hurts or unpleasantly. And thirdly, as in any situation that frightens a child, he has a variety of fantasies about what awaits him. For example, one boy, going for a blood test, thought that all the blood would be taken from his finger and he would die. Therefore, it is important to talk with children about what awaits them behind the door of the doctor’s office, and try to answer their questions as truthfully as possible.

Choose words that are appropriate for the child’s age and experience. Compare, for example, the pain that a baby will experience from an injection with something already familiar: “It will hurt a little, but I’m sure you can endure, as you endured the time you cut your finger.” Do not scold or shame the baby for crying or trying to run away from the doctor. Admit to yourself that doctors sometimes hurt children, but this is necessary, and children have the right to be afraid of doctors and cry. This will help you be more honest with your child and find the right words for him.

What is sex?

Children begin to worry about sex long before they reach puberty. And, before moving on, having matured, to “practice”, the kids can not wait to figure out the “theory”. But this only speaks of the natural interest of babies in life in all its manifestations.

5 steps to communication without deceit

  1. Never dismiss your child’s questions that seem untimely, difficult or unpleasant to you. Believe me, children do not ask questions when they are not yet psychologically ripe for this. You should not get off with a joke or the phrase: “Grow up – you will know.” The child is unlikely to wait until he grows up, but most likely he will never turn to you again.
  2. Be attentive to the child’s questions and try to understand what exactly he wants to hear in response. Try forwarding the question to him himself and ask what he himself thinks about this. Sometimes it turns out that the child has already found a suitable answer for himself and he only needs your confirmation.
  3. Do not rush to immediately lay out all the information, start with the main and simplest, answer the child’s questions in a dosed manner. If the child is interested, he will ask you more questions, and you, in turn, will be able to turn the conversation into a fascinating dialogue.
  4. Treat each such situation as an opportunity to make your relationship with your child closer and more open. Show him by your own example that trust is the most important thing between loved ones. Without fear of being punished or ridiculed for the “wrong” question, he will grow up to be a confident and inquisitive person.
  5. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself questions and don’t deceive yourself in situations where something really goes wrong. When we are honest with ourselves, we will always find the right and right words for our child.

When you hear this “forbidden” word from your child, do not rush to wash his mouth with laundry soap. Ask what meaning he puts into it. Young children can call sex different things. In any case, whether the child will let slip in your presence or ask directly, this is a good reason to talk to him. To talk without moralizing and reproaches, without shame and deliberate disgust for this topic. No matter how old a child is, he always has the right to find out how he actually came into this world. And it is not our versions of the birth of children that should change, depending on the age of the child, but the words with which we will answer his intimate questions.

When will dad be back?

Children suffer the most in divorce. Moreover, the most painful thing for a child may not be the fact of a divorce, but the concealment of information from him and the pretense of adults.

I met children who sincerely believed (not without the help of their mothers) that their father was on a business trip or working somewhere else, and therefore he was not at home. The kids did not suspect that dad would never again appear on the threshold of their house or would come to them very rarely now. They waited for him and asked their mother questions more and more insistently, until they were visited by a vague idea that they were left without a father. The reaction to this discovery was the most unpredictable.

Of course, it is painful and unpleasant to talk to a child about the fact that mom and dad are breaking up. It is very difficult to find the right words for this. But without this, you will only give him ground for confusing fantasies. For example, a toddler may imagine that dad left home because he misbehaved because children tend to take the blame on themselves in such cases.

Try to be truthful with the child and explain to him that dad will now live separately, that this is normal and that many children have separate parents.

But one should not be too frank with small children and tell them that dad cheated on mom or drank. Maybe it will become easier for you because you speak out, but such a “truth” can only do harm to a small child. It is with children of middle school and adolescence that you can discuss the problems that arise in relationships and count on their understanding.

It is important for preschoolers and younger students to maintain a positive image of their parents, so dose the truth about divorce according to the child’s age. Sometimes it is better to just remain silent about something than to deceive.

Igor Pavlov

I agree. I also never deceive a child, I always tell it like it is. And before going to the doctor – if it hurts, I say so; if not, I also say, I always describe exactly what they will do there. There is only benefit from this – the child trusts me, and knows that mom always tells the truth – as mom said, so be it. I see no reason to hide something bad, it will open anyway, and the child’s trust will be undermined. And we talked about death, I calmly answered his questions, and this topic was closed – he found out everything he wanted, he does not ask more questions yet. I never told him about Santa Claus 🙂 he knows that this is a beautiful New Year’s fairy tale, and parents buy gifts. New Year from this does not become less festive and expected. In general, I am also for not lying to the child.

2009-10-13, kitty

I always tell the truth to a child. And I emphasize this, they say, mom always tells the truth and always keeps her promises, and you always do the same. Only sometimes I have to make do with light fiction or a fairy tale if a detailed explanation is completely uninteresting or incomprehensible to my six-year-old. By the way, I noticed many times that I was starting to talk about something, and my daughter interrupted and started talking about another topic, she was not so interested in detailed truthful answers. Always answer as clearly and concisely as possible.

2009-10-13, Ekaterinaa

I really liked the article. In principle, my husband and I adhere to such tactics.
The only thing is that she is still small and believes in Santa Claus and writes letters to him. By the way, I never bring her up with the fact that if you don’t be brave … then DFrost will not bring you gifts …. In general, she is waiting for DFrost at the end of December for Christmas … but this belief in a miracle, in goodness … When she grows up, no one will dissuade her ….

2009-10-13, Oli

I don’t deceive the child either, we discuss both sex and death, but with regard to Santa Claus, I have the position that it is useful for a child to believe in a miracle and wait for surprises . .. It’s beautiful, it’s pleasant, joyful … Yes, receiving gifts everyone is pleased, but getting them from a fairy tale is even more pleasant, and adults also want to believe that a wish will come true. Waiting for a miracle is sometimes more pleasant than touching it!

2009-10-13, Taika

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Sergey Davydov returns home in the morning. He and his wife Xenia have sex. Ksenia is interested in where Sergey was so late, she could not get through to him for half the night. He says that the meeting with investors ended very late, then he got home by car for three hours, his phone died, and there was no charger with him. Sergei asks where their son Mitya is. At the gathering. Ksenia invites Sergey to have breakfast, but he says that he needs to go to the office again, work on the project is reaching the finish line, so he has to act in emergency mode. The husband asks his wife to change cars today, Ksenia agrees. She reminds Sergei that in the evening they are having dinner with their neighbors in the cottage village.

On the way to the Institute of Chinese Culture, where Xenia is acting rector, she calls the restaurant and arranges to celebrate Sergei’s fortieth birthday. Ksenia does not believe in omens, although it is not customary to celebrate this date, she wants to surprise her husband. Ksenia notices that there is a charger in the cabin of Sergey’s car, and it is working properly. She finds it strange. In addition, she discovers a long white hair on the passenger seat (Ksenia herself is brown-haired). The woman begins to be tormented by doubts.

At the institute, a negligent student Murat comes to Xenia’s office and begs the rector to let him take the exam. Xenia’s colleague Yuri drives the guy away. Yuri tells Ksenia that the third-year student Murat is behaving inappropriately, he disrupts the seminars. Ksenia complains that things are not going well in their educational institution. Yuri reports that Professor Parshikov does not appear at the institute, he canceled three classes last week, and does not answer phone calls. Yuri believes that Parshikov should be deprived of the bonus. Xenia defends the professor who was her teacher: he is in trouble. Yuri claims that Parshikov has an elementary binge, and he also has an affair with a student. Ksenia gives the order to assemble the council of the department and call Parshikov there.

Xenia is talking to her graduate student Nina. She says she needs another week to finish her dissertation. Ksenia claims that sinology is the most difficult science, it requires full dedication. Therefore, while writing a dissertation, you need to give up extra earnings on the side. Nina is interested: what to live on then? She persuades Xenia to give her at least three more days.

Xenia’s friend Svetlana Kulikova addresses her with a request. She opens a Chinese restaurant. She needs to translate a contract for the supply of spices. Ksenia refers to employment. Svetlana invites Xenia and her husband to the opening of her restaurant. She persuades Xenia to translate at least the lyrics of the song she wants to perform for her Chinese guests. She agrees. Ksenia makes a return invitation to Svetlana to celebrate Sergei’s birthday.

Xenia arrives at a construction company run by Sergei. He introduces his wife to his new secretary Lucy, invites Xenia to celebrate with them that his project was accepted. Ksenia refuses, says that she is driving, and she needs to return to work. Ksenia is alarmed by the fact that her husband’s new secretary is a blonde.

At the lecture, Ksenia tells students about the difference between Eastern and Western worldviews. What should be done to get rid of the problem? One student says that it needs to be solved. Ksenia claims that this is a typical Western approach. But the Chinese will try to avoid the problem. This is the art of Tao.

Xenia is coming home from work. She tells Mitya to clean up after himself, guests will come to them soon. Mitya asks: are you not interested in how my training camp went? I’m sorry, dear, of course it’s interesting. We won, this is our first victory in the last six months. Well done, but you still need to clean up. Sergei arrives. He brought his wife’s favorite flowers – white gladioli. Ksenia is interested in: are you guilty of something? No, just like that, I wanted to please you. Sergey complains: I will soon hate my office, I almost have to spend the night there. Doesn’t the new secretary help you? She has not yet mastered, there is little sense from her. Ksenia is sarcastic: but the blonde, men like it. I like you. And Lusya is blonde, painted, and besides, she is old, divorced, and even with a child. And how old is she? About thirty. Ksenia is offended: in fact, I’m almost forty, and I also have a child. Mitya comforts his mother: you are not divorced, and you are young and beautiful. Thank you son.

The Davydovs are having dinner with their neighbors Roman and Olga. The novel tells about a new restaurant that has opened nearby. Sergei says that they will definitely visit him, the place where he is located is significant for him and Ksenia. He tells the story of how he met his future wife. She drowned, and he saved her. Olga finds this very romantic. Ksenia says that it’s time for her husband to tell the truth: she didn’t drown at all. Sergei jumped into the water after her, but he does not know how to swim, so Xenia herself had to save him. Olga is touched: it is even more noble to throw herself into the water to the woman she loves, even without knowing how to swim. Now it’s clear why you can’t drag you to swim. Ksenia is interested: were you on the beach together? Olga claims that they went to the lake together with the Davydovs. Xenia does not remember this. She starts to get nervous (Olga is also blonde). The ladies leave the table. Olga asks Xenia why she is behaving strangely. Ksenia says that she suspects her husband of infidelity, she goes crazy about it. Olga thinks, but white hair in the car is not yet a reason to panic. And in general, the husband needs to be trusted.

After the guests leave, Sergey and Ksenia wash the dishes. The husband asks his wife: why are you so tense today? Everything is fine. What code do you have on your phone? I want to see the weather for tomorrow. I don’t have any code, you know. Okay, I’m off to bed. Olga looks through the list of calls on her husband’s phone. A message arrives from Lucy: the meeting with investors tomorrow will be an hour later.

In the morning Ksenia drives Mitya to school. There she meets Lucy, who sees her daughter off. Ksenia offers her husband’s secretary a ride to the office. She refuses: I ride a bicycle, it turns out faster. After six I leave work, and in half an hour I’m already at home. Aren’t you staying up late now? No, our bosses prefer to work from home after lunch.

Xenia shares her suspicions with her friend Tatiana. She says that Lucy cannot be Sergey’s mistress. After the divorce, she is forced to raise her daughter alone. But then where does Sergei disappear every evening after six? Ksenia intends to follow her husband. Tatyana dissuades her. Lost her mind? It’s time for you to come to my clinic for an examination.

Xenia is spying on Sergei. He buys white gladioli and goes somewhere. Xenia follows him. Sergei visits his mother, who is in the hospital. Xenia also comes into the ward to her mother-in-law. Sergey is surprised. A nurse comes to give an injection. Sergei and Ksenia retire into the corridor. Husband asks: how did you get here? Ksenia admits that she was following Sergei. He shames her: before it turned me on that you were jealous of me, but this is already too much. I go to my mother almost every day, and you haven’t been able to find time in two months to visit her. Ksenia asks her husband for forgiveness. At the exit from the clinic, the nurse asks Xenia to sign the book of visits. Do you record all visitors? Of course, we are strict with this. Why is Davydov not on the list? So, there was no Davydov.

In the evening Sergey and Xenia meet at the new restaurant. It turns out that Sergei knows Svetlana Kulikova’s husband, Alexei. The Kulikovs’ children, Sasha and Evelina, also work part-time in the family restaurant. Svetlana performs the song “Two Shores” for her Chinese partners, the text of which was translated for her by Ksenia. Svetlana dedicates this song to her beloved husband. But Ksenia continues to be tormented by doubts, she suspects Sergey’s mistress in all the familiar blondes.

At night, when Sergey is sleeping, Xenia searches the Internet for the answer to the question: how to find out if her husband is cheating? She enters a chat where cheated wives share their thoughts on a similar situation. Someone offers to hunt down the traitor, and then take revenge on him. And some prefer to pretend that nothing happened.

Ksenia gives Nina time to finish her dissertation in peace, and in exchange for this she asks her for a favor: to keep an eye on her husband. Nina agrees.

Professor Parshikov is discussed at the council of the department. Yuri says that he regularly skips lectures, comes to work drunk, and swears in front of students. Yuri proposes to give Parshikov a severe reprimand and deprive him of his bonus. The professor is rude in response: who in your almshouse, besides me, speaks Chinese? Ksyushka, right? The acting rector corrects Parshikov: Ksenia Petrovna, please. She asks: did you drink alcohol today? This is my personal business, I have the day off today. Are you trying to teach me, you little bitch? Xenia announces that the professor has been fired. Parshikov says: someday you will also be left alone, everyone will leave you. You went!

After giving advice, Yuri approaches Xenia and says that she got excited with the dismissal of the professor. She has a head full of personal problems. She receives a call from Nina, who has tracked Sergei down. He is kissing some woman, this is a tall blonde. Ksenia asks to take a picture of her. Nina fears that she might be noticed. She manages to shoot Sergei only from the back, the woman is almost invisible in the photo. Nina reports that Sergey is hiding something in the trunk, then he and the lady each get into their car and leave. Nina says that she can find out the name of the owner of the car through her friend.

Xenia is crying. Yuri thinks that she is upset because of Parshikov, the professor was only a year away from retirement. Ksenia sees Murat in the corridor, he smokes. Ksenia approaches the student, scolds him, threatens with expulsion if he continues to violate discipline. She says that Nina Vasilievna complains about Murat, this is not the first time he has disrupted her seminars. The student declares: it is impossible to build normal relations with women, if you sleep with them, they begin to fight, if you send them to hell, they begin to take revenge. Xenia gives the insolent slap in the face.

Ksenia picks up Mitya from home, they are going to go to a restaurant. Sergey is already waiting for them there. All their friends gathered in the restaurant, Sergey is pleased with the surprise that his wife arranged for him. Xenia is called by Nina, she says that the car belongs to Svetlana Kulikova. Ksenia is shocked: this cannot be! Nina reminds Ksenia to check the trunk, where Sergey has hidden something. On the way to the restaurant, Ksenia is terribly nervous, she is driving, violating the rules of the road. Upon arrival there, Ksenia asks her husband for the keys to his car, in the cabin of which she allegedly dropped her earring. In the trunk, Ksenia discovers another husband’s cell phone. There are pictures on it where Sergey was shot with the daughter of the Kulikovs Evelina. Moreover, in some photos, lovers are in the company of Svetlana and Alexei, as well as Roman and Olga. Sergei received a message from Tatyana, in which she warned that Ksenia intended to follow him. Sergei calls his wife to the guests. He makes a toast in honor of her, confesses his love to her. Instead of a reply, Ksenia kisses Sergei. Then she refers to malaise, says that she does not want to spoil her husband’s holiday. Soon Ksenia picks up Mitya and goes home.

At home, Mitya tells his mother about the daughter of his father’s new secretary Sonya, with whom he now studies at the same school. The girl is very worried about the divorce of her parents. And her mother cries all the time at night. Divorce is terrible. Ksenia tells her son that she loves him very much and sends Mitya to sleep. Then Ksenia throws out of the living room all the photos where they were taken together with Sergey. She collects her husband’s things, puts them in suitcases. Tatyana arrives. Ksenia reproaches her friend for hiding Sergei’s betrayal. Tatyana justifies herself: I myself was stunned when I found out. But Sergey begged me not to tell you, he swore that he would settle everything himself. Ksenia is outraged that everyone around was aware, she alone remained in the dark. Tatyana claims that for Sergey this is just an affair that will end soon. He loves only you and Mitya, there is no need to destroy the family because of this. Ksenia asks Tatyana to leave: I don’t want to see you anymore. And I’m throwing my husband out today.

Sergei returns home very drunk and immediately falls asleep.

In the morning Xenia behaves as if nothing had happened. All photos are back. Ksenia reminds her husband that Mitya has a “Day with a Star” today, which he was looking forward to. Sergei must take his son to a meeting with a famous football player.

Xenia goes to work. Yuri enters her office. Ksenia complains of feeling unwell. Yuri calls Tatyana and says that he will bring her an important patient now.

Mitya asks his father: why are we going to work with my mother? Are you afraid of losing her? Sergei says: and we will kiss her now, and she will not go anywhere from us.

Yuri brings Xenia to Tatiana, who works as a therapist. She measures her friend’s pressure, it turns out to be high. Tatyana gives Ksenia pills, wonders if she kicked her husband out of the house. Ksenia says that she did not want to deprive Mitya of the holiday, he had been waiting for the “Day with a Star” for three months. Tatyana advises Xenia to talk to Sergei tonight. Ksenia is about to leave, but notices Evelina in the corridor and again jumps into Tatyana’s office. What is this girl doing here? Went to see my primary care physician. Tatyana goes out into the corridor, tells Evelina that the doctor she saw no longer works here. She sends the patient for a blood test, and then you will need to go to see her. Evelyn leaves. Xenia says she wants to stay and listen to Tatyana examine her husband’s mistress. Tatyana does not like this idea, but she gives in to her friend. She is hiding. Evelina comes, she complains of apathy, weakness and nausea. Tatyana sends her for an express urine test, when the patient returns, she begins to ask her questions. Do you drink alcohol? A couple of glasses of wine a week. Do you smoke? No. How many sexual partners do you have? One. Sex regular? Not good.

Kids stretching routine: Stretching for Young Athletes – Injury Prevention

Опубликовано: September 8, 2023 в 9:24 am


Категории: Kid

Stretching for Young Athletes – Injury Prevention

Sports participation is a leading cause of injury in young people. Sports injuries can have both short- and long-term consequences. An injury can immediately sideline a player, putting both the fun of the sport and the health benefits of exercise on hold. An injury that keeps a child out of the game over the long term can increase the chances of gaining weight, becoming less fit in general and even developing arthritis in later years. It may not always be possible to avoid injury when playing sports, especially physical contact sports, but athletes can help protect themselves by preparing before and after a game or practice session by warming up muscles and then stretching.

Benefits of Warming Up and Stretching For Young Athletes

Whether the activity is skiing, running or playing a group sport like basketball or football, stretching keeps the young athlete’s body flexible. Flexibility can cut down on injuries, especially at the knee and ankle. Stretching again after activity should also be part of an injury prevention plan. Before any kind of physical activity, including stretching, the body needs to be warmed up with some light exercise. Walking, running in place or doing jumping jacks for a few minutes will warm up muscles.

Warm Up Stretches Before Workout or Playing Sports

Once muscles are warm, young athletes are ready for these stretches, each of which should be repeated three to six times:

  • Forward lunge. Kneel on one knee. Place the other leg forward at a right angle (knee right over ankle). Lean forward to feel the stretch in the front of the thigh. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat several times. Switch legs.
  • Side lunge. Stand with feet far apart. Bend one leg and lean toward that knee. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat several times, then bend and lean toward the opposite leg.
  • Standing quad (thigh) stretch. Use a wall or chair for support. The child should raise one foot behind him/her. Using the hand on the same side of the body, he/she should pull the foot up toward the buttocks, stretching the thigh. Keep the knees close. Hold for 20 seconds, then release. Repeat several times. Switch legs.
  • Seat straddle lotus. Have the child sit down with the soles of the feet together in front of him/her, pressing knees to the floor. Place the forearms on the inside of the knees and push down as the child leans toward the ground. Lean forward from the hips. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat several times.
  • Side seat straddle. Sit on the floor, legs spread apart. With both hands, hold onto the shin of one leg. Lean forward, chin to knee. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat. Switch legs.
  • Seat stretch. Sit with legs straight out in front. Holding shins or ankles, lean forward from the hips. Bring the chin toward the knees. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat several times.
  • Knees to chest. Lying on the floor, bend knees and bring them to the chest. Rock gently. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat several times.

After every workout, repeat these same stretches to help the body cool down and increase flexibility while muscles are still warm.

How Often should young athletes stretch?

  • Before starting a game, sport or practice, all athletes should warm up the muscles with five to 10 minutes of a light version of exercise. For example, to warm up for basketball, do some relaxed shooting; for jogging, walk. A warm-up will increase blood flow to the muscles and tendons, which makes them less likely to be injured.
  • After exercise, cool down for 10 minutes by decreasing the intensity of the activity. Cooling down helps the muscles eliminate waste products and decreases soreness. Gently stretch the muscles used in the activity to help relax them.

How Many Times a Week Should You Stretch?

Young athletes should stretch at least three times a week, but only after they have warmed up or after a workout, when muscles are loose and relaxed. Stretching before warming up does not reduce the risk for injury during a sport, and fitness experts such as the American College of Sports Medicine, no longer recommend it.

How Long to Hold a Stretch: Increases Flexibility

  • When stretching, hold each stretch (no bouncing or jerking) for 20 seconds. Don’t stretch to the point of pain.
  • Repeat stretches two to three times for each muscle group.
  • There’s no prize for finishing a stretching routine first, so encourage kids to take it slow to get all the benefit from the stretch.

Learn more about physical therapy for athletes offered by CHOC.

Stretching (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth

Medically reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

A balanced exercise routine includes
aerobicactivity, strength training, and stretching. Stretching not only feels good, but may help prevent muscle injuries.

Warming Up

It’s important to warm up your body before any physical activity. Warming up for about 5–10 minutes goes a long way toward preparing the body for exercise.

Warming up:

  • increases your heart rate and respiratory rate
  • increases muscle temperature
  • boosts the amount of blood and oxygen delivered to your muscles
  • prepares the body for a workout

A warm-up can even be the activity you are about to do but at a slower pace. For example, if you’re about to go for a run, warm up with walking or a light jog. If you’re going to go for a swim, do a couple of slow warm-up laps. If you play a sport, focus on the muscles that are used for your particular sport. For instance, if you play baseball, you might warm up your shoulder with light throwing.

Dynamic stretching uses many muscle groups in a sport specific manner and can be part of your warm-up. Besides warming up the muscles that will be used in the activity, dynamic stretching allows for full range of motion of the joints.

Stretching the Right Way

Stretching used to be considered the main activity before a workout. But traditional, or “static,” stretching may lead to decreased muscle strength and performance, especially if your muscles are not warmed up enough. Stretching cold muscles can lead to injury.

To get the most out of warming up and stretching, try dynamic stretches before and static stretching after a workout.

Stretching properly may reduce muscle injuries and improve athletic performance. It also increases:

  • flexibility
  • joint range and motion
  • blood flow to muscles

Here are some tips on how to stretch properly:

Stop if it hurts. Stretching should never hurt. If you have reached a point in your stretch where it hurts, pull back to where you still feel a stretch but can hold the stretch comfortably.

Hold each stretch for 10–30 seconds. Holding a stretch for any less won’t sufficiently lengthen the muscle. Holding a stretch too long may overstretch muscles. Overstretching may cause injury and decrease performance. Stretch the muscles slowly and don’t force it.

Don’t bounce. Bouncing while stretching may injure the muscle you’re stretching.

Remember to breathe. Don’t hold your breath when you stretch. Inhale slowly and relax into the stretch as you breathe out.

Stretch both sides. You may be more flexible on one side, but try to do equal stretching on both sides. Big differences in flexibility may lead to injury.

Stretch regularly. To maintain flexibility, stretch at least 3 days a week.

Cooling Down

You need to slow down your body after a workout or exercise. Do 5–10 minutes of gentle movement and stretching to help your body recover from a workout.

Your cool-down routine should include gentle movement and stretching. Cooling down and stretching at the end of a workout helps you to:

  • slow your heart rate and breathing
  • reduce the chance of feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • relax and feel the benefits of your workout

Whether you’re new to working out or a lifelong athlete, be sure to include a good before-and-after routine for better performance and recovery.

Medically reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

Date reviewed: March 2022



Stretching for children – stretching lessons for children with twine

Stretching for children

Stretching is necessary not only for those children who are professionally involved in dancing, gymnastics or other sports. Even for those children who do not want to take places on pedestals, stretching will bring a lot of benefits:

  • will help to acquire a beautiful correct posture;
  • will help develop coordination of movements;
  • will teach you to control your body;
  • will strengthen muscles and ligaments;
  • forms a beautiful slender figure.

Children often want to achieve success in sports – sit on the splits, make a bridge, spin the wheel. At a younger age, muscles and ligaments are very malleable and easily influenced, so it is easier and easier for children to translate their plans into reality. The main thing is to draw up a training plan and conduct training only under the supervision of an experienced trainer. The elasticity of the muscles can also play a negative role, because they are very easy to injure. Do not stretch the child without the appropriate knowledge and practice. What will happen in the stretching class? The lesson takes place in several stages, during which a warm-up (warm-up) is carried out, a set of stretching and relaxation exercises is performed. This approach allows you to achieve results quickly and with maximum safety.

Stretching for beginners

Children’s stretching is an opportunity to raise the child’s authority, help him to believe in himself, to make sure that everything is possible. Be sure to contact professional teachers for stretching, especially if the child has not previously played sports. The reason is not only that the twine stretch for children must be carried out correctly. Not every child is ready to completely immerse himself in work, obey the coach and follow all his instructions. The task of the coach is to find an approach to each of the students, to become not a friend for him, but a mentor who does not force, but helps.

What do the kids do during the Cosmo Dance stretching class, since we don’t just do the splits? Our students work on the muscles of the whole body, stretch their legs, back, arms, gain flexibility. We will teach you how to perform a variety of exercises and tricks that young athletes are so eager to master. Now bridges and wheels will not be something inaccessible!

How can I sign up for split and general stretching classes for children at Cosmo Dance? Choose a convenient time for training and a branch of the school that is more convenient for you to get to. You can visit trial classes with different trainers in order to find a teacher that is most appropriate in character and approach for your child.

Split and general stretching for children in Cosmo Dance means treating young athletes as if they were adults, attention and respect for students, an individual approach to each of them. This is an attentive staff and a high level of training of our teachers, comfortable rooms for training and relaxation. This is a place where your child will gain not only the ability to control his body, but also real friends, a great mood and energize. We are waiting for you in class.

Video Stretching for children

What to wear

    Trial session

    Individual session

    Just you and the trainer

    Bunny Bunny Spiral Pendant Baby Rattle Toy for newborn stretching on the car seat gift

    Suspension-spiral Crumbs Toy baby rattle Bunny Bunny for newborn stretching on the car seat gift buy at the price of 1559 ₽ in the online store Detsky Mir

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    Return policy

    You can exchange or return goods of good quality within 14 days from the date of purchase.

    Read more

    About this product

    “Spiral toy with rattle “Bunny Bunny” is a universal educational toy that will interest any baby. You can take the spiral toy with you on the road, for a walk or hang it on the bed. It is multifunctional: it squeaks, rustles, rattles and, if necessary, will help the baby with teething.The toy itself is made of materials that are pleasant to the touch: plush and sentipuh What are the advantages of the toy? perception: two different rattles, a soft toy, rustling leaves, a teether 2. You can diversify the games with your child, since each part of the rattle can be used separately from the spiral snake 3. Convenience and ease of use: the hanging toy is easy to attach to 4. The materials used to create the toy are durable, so the child can safely twist, shake or chew on it. 5. An additional item to the wonderful “Bani Bunny” collection: a comforter, a rattle-ring, a developing cube, a squeaker. The toy is suitable for playing with a baby aged 0 months, and at the age of 1 year, a child can start playing with it on his own. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them, and look forward to new prospects for further cooperation.”



    Country of origin Russia
    Main material textile
    Package width, cm 15.0
    Package length, cm 29.0
    Package weight, kg 0.183
    Package height , cm 11. 5
    Type suspension
    Country of origin Russia 12cm x 15cm x 29cm
    Package weight 0.18 kg

    Rating and reviews


    2 reviews

    • 5


      90 008

    • 4

    • 3

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    • 1

    All Reviews (2)

    • Overall Impressions 900 31


      Brand Representative

      Good afternoon! Thank you for trusting us with the development of your baby! With toy pendants, the child will not be bored on the road. And for fun educational games at home, soft cubes for the smallest art are suitable. 1000141313 and a squeaker for newborns Bunny-carrot 1000584997. With love for you and your children, the children’s happiness factory “Makishi”!

      Julia P.

    • General impressions


      Brand Representative

      Good afternoon! Thank you for trusting us with the development of your baby! With toy pendants, the child will not be bored on the road. And for fun educational games at home, soft cubes for the smallest art are suitable. 1000141313 and squeaker for newborns Bunny Carrot
      1000584997. With love for you and your children, the factory of children’s happiness “Myakishi”!

      Ekaterina E.

    More products

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Price for Suspension-spiral Crumbs Toy baby rattle Bunny Bunny for newborns stretching for car seat gift – 1559 ₽.

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Yes, in our online store it is possible to buy this product in installments.

Kids sample menu: Sample Menu for a Preschooler

Опубликовано: September 8, 2023 в 2:33 am


Категории: Kid

Sample Menu for a Preschooler

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Ages & Stages

Ages & Stages

During the preschool years, your child should be eating the same foods as the rest of the family, with an emphasis on those with nutritional value. This includes fresh vegetables and fruits, nonfat or low-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheeses), lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish, lean hamburger), and whole grain cereals and bread. At the same time, limit or eliminate the junk food in your child’s diet, and get rid of sugared beverages as well.
See the following sample menu ideas for a four-year-old child.

Note: This menu is planned for a four-year-old child who weighs approximately 36 pounds (16.5 kg).

1 teaspoon = 1⁄3 tablespoon (5 mL)

1 tablespoon = ½ ounce (15 mL)

1 ounce = 30 mL

1 cup = 8 ounces (240 mL)


  • ½ cup nonfat or low-fat milk
  • ½ cup cereal
  • 4–6 oz. or ½ cup cantaloupe or strawberries or banana


  • ½ cup nonfat or low-fat milk
  • ½ cup fruit such as melon, banana, or berries
  • ½ cup yogurt


  • ½ cup nonfat or low-fat milk
  • 1 sandwich—2 slices whole wheat bread with 1–2 oz. of meat and cheese, veggie and dressing (if needed) or peanut butter and jelly
  • ¼ cup dark-yellow or dark-green vegetable


  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter with 1 slice whole wheat bread or 5 crackers or string cheese or cut-up fruit


  • ½ cup nonfat or low-fat milk
  • 2 ounces meat, fish, or chicken
  • ½ cup pasta, rice, or potato
  • ¼ cup vegetable

If your family would like to include margarine, butter, or salad dressing as a “side” option to any meal, choose low- fat or healthier versions, if possible, and only give 1 or 2 teaspoons to your child.

Additional Information on

  • Energy In: Recommended Food & Drink Amounts for Children

  • Energy Out: Daily Physical Activity Recommendations

  • Keeping Preschoolers Active

  • Kids Need Fiber: Here’s Why and How ​

Last Updated



Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5, 6th Edition (Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Pediatrics)

The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.

Sample Day of Meals for a 6-Year-Old Child

Looking for child-friendly, quick, and healthy kids’ meals and snacks? We’ve got a sample menu plan for you!

What’s for dinner? And breakfast, lunch, and snack…? Wondering what your school-aged child should be eating? Below is a sample day of meals, along with tips on feeding your healthy, happy, 6-year old. Your child probably has pretty established food preferences by now, but children’s tastes can continue to evolve—you never know when an avid broccoli hater may start demanding it for dinner!  The key is to offer a variety of healthy foods consistently and to help them learn how to eat mindfully.

Key things to focus on with your 6-year-old

You know that childhood obesity is a big problem in this country, but there’s also a lot of research on what works to curb obesity and overweight in children.   Eating fruits and vegetables every day and choosing milk or water over soda are the two biggest dietary habits linked to a lower risk of childhood obesity. They can also help to keep your child’s teeth healthy! Getting enough physical activity—at least 60 minutes a day for kids and parents—is another key to a healthy weight.  However, it’s important to keep the focus on enjoying fruits, vegetables, and physical activity for their general health, not to stay a healthy weight. The best thing you can do is model good attitudes toward food and fitness to lead by example!

Tips for feeding your 6-year old

  • Now that your child is running off to school in the morning, it’s especially important to make time for breakfast.  A good breakfast fuels their day and helps them focus at school and is linked to healthier body weight.
  • Turning off the television not only gets rid of distractions at family meals but also encourages your kids to play in a more physical way. Setting limits on TV time is also a good way to meet your kids half-way so that everyone is happy! Children this age should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day—playing tag, having a playroom dance party, and playing on a jungle gym are all fun ways to get moving.  Getting your kids active can be fun for the whole family!
  • Have children participate in making meals and get them in the kitchen! Have them set the table, peel carrots and potatoes, and measure liquids.  Try making easy recipes with your little chef.
  • At the age of 5 children become like adults in that they eat more when served more.  Serve smaller portions and give children second helpings when they ask for them.
  • Boys start having higher energy needs than girls around 4. You’ll see an extra serving each of vegetables, meat/beans, and grains for boys, but use your child’s appetite as a guide and, again, get them moving! Read more common-sense tips on parenting food at mealtime.

Children of this age can really get into the “eat the rainbow” idea.   Challenge them to eat some fruit or vegetable from every color each day—white, yellow, orange, red, purple, and green.  Here are fun activities with foods of different colors.

Sample Day of Meals for a 6-Year Old:

Meal Food

Servings from Food Groups

Healthy Kids Breakfast
  • 1 c. whole-grain cereal*
  • ½ c. skim or low-fat milk
  • ½ banana
  • 2 oz. whole grains
  • ½ c. dairy
  • ½ c. fruit
Healthy Kids Snack
  • 1 large celery stick with 1 T. light cream cheese or almond butter and 1 T. raisins
  • ¼ c. vegetables
  • ½ oz. meat/beans
  • ¼ c. fruit
Healthy Kids Lunch
  • 1 c. skim milk
  • Whole wheat pita with 1 thick slice (2 oz.) roasted chicken, ¼ avocado, 5 slices cucumber, and 1 leaf lettuce, and honey mustard
  • 1 medium orange
  • 1 c. dairy
  • 2 oz. whole grains
  • 2 oz. roast chicken ¾ c. vegetables
  • ¾ c. fruit
Healthy Kids Snack
  • ½ c. sliced apple and ½ c. cinnamon-sprinkled plain yogurt
  • ½ c. fruit
  • ½ c. dairy
Healthy Kids Dinner
  • ½ baked sweet potato
  • ½ c. broccoli—raw with low-fat salad dressing or steamed with 1 T. grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 oz. herb-marinated grilled lean steak** or tempeh
  • 1 whole-wheat roll
  • 1 c. vegetables
  • 2 oz. meat/beans
  • 1 oz. whole grains

* Always look for “100% whole grains” rather than “made with whole grains,” which can have mostly refined grains in them.
** When serving red meat or other sources of iron (leafy greens, tofu, beans), pair it with a food high in vitamin C, like sweet potatoes or tomatoes—it helps your body take in the iron.

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Kerri-Ann Jennings, MS, RD

Kerri-Ann is a registered dietitian nutritionist who specializes in adult, child and adolescent weight loss, and wellness counseling, and lives in Vermont. Kerri-Ann empowers people to make healthy changes that last. Through writing, teaching, and nutrition coaching, she helps individuals get healthier in a way that’s fun, not forced. She likes pretty much all whole foods, but is partial to kale, coffee, black beans, pie and peanut butter (not necessarily all in the same meal).

Sample menu for children from 1 to 3 years old

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This menu is suitable for children from 1 to 3 years old. It is balanced and fully meets the needs of the child in calories, vitamins and trace elements.

Why are we so sure of this? The menu was compiled and approved by the Department of Social Nutrition of St. Petersburg for children from 1 to 3 years old who attend preschool educational institutions in St. Petersburg with a 24-hour stay.

We have prepared all the dishes from this menu, strictly following the cooking technology. We photographed them step by step. We measured each portion on the scales and now we can show you how the correct menu for a child from 1 to 3 years old should look like. And most importantly, any mother can use these recipes to feed her babies at home!


Boiled egg – 20 g

Oatmeal porridge “Hercules” liquid – 150 g

Tea with lemon 150/5 g

Sliced ​​long loaf enriched – 20 g

Second breakfast

Fresh pear – 95 g


Salad “Beetroot” – 30 g

Fresh cabbage soup with chicken and sour cream 150/15/5 g

Baked chicken quenelles – 60 g

Mashed potatoes – 150 g

Peach juice – 150 g

Enriched rye-wheat bread – 40 g


Rice casserole with apple sauce – 80/20 g

Boiled milk – 150 g


Beef patty – 50 g

Cauliflower baked with sauce – 120 g

Tea with sugar – 150 g

Sliced ​​long loaf enriched – 20 g

Second dinner

Biokefir – 150 g

Total per day:

Nutrients Energy value, kcal Vitamins
Proteins, g Fat, g Carbohydrates, g C, mg
57. 9 62.9 178.3 1531.3 90.4

Please note that children at this age are recommended six meals a day. But at the same time, the menu actively uses dishes that do not need to be cooked (pear, kefir, juice, loaf, etc.) or that are cooked very quickly (porridge, egg). Therefore, such a menu is suitable for an ordinary family: mom will be able to cook all the planned dishes, and at the same time she will not spend the whole day at the stove.

Do you like these recipes?
Daria Chernenko

Author of the culinary portal “Menu of the Week”, which contains more than 5000 recipes
Creator of the “Good Housewife Cooking School”
Author of the bestselling book “Menu of the Week. Time management in the kitchen”
Author of trainings and master classes
Author of the reference book “Freezing: cooking for future use”
Author of a collection of quick recipes and scenarios “3 dishes in 30 minutes”
Author of culinary blogs “Daria Chernenko. Menu of the week” on Instagram and VKontakte
Author of the channel “Menu of the Week – Daria Chernenko” on YouTube.

View all recipes by author

Children’s menu for a week at the age of 3 to 7 years old – recipe booklet

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day Breakfast 8.00 ( 9.00)

  • Milk rice porridge with nuts — 200g,
  • Egg — 1pc
  • Tea with milk — 150 ml
  • Homemade bread with butter and cheese – 30/10/10 g

Lunch 12.00 (13.00)

  • Green salad with cucumbers – 50g cabbage with apples — 200 ml
  • Fish fillet in milk sauce — 70/20g
  • Green pea puree — 110g
  • Juice — 150ml
  • Bread — 80g

Afternoon snack 16.00

  • Boiled milk – 200ml
  • Bun with butter – 50g

Dinner 20.00

  • Curd dessert with apples and fruit sauce — 150/20g
  • Kefir — 150ml
  • Bread — 40g
Day 2 Breakfast 8. 00 (9.00 )

  • Fish meatballs for children — 60g
  • Hercules porridge with butter — 200g
  • Cocoa — 150ml
  • Wheat bread — 30g

9 0141 Lunch 12.00 (13.00)

    9100g 00il
  • Bread — 80g

Afternoon snack 16.00

  • Carrot juice – 150 ml
  • Cottage cheese pie – 1pc

Dinner 20.00

  • Vinaigrette – 1 00g
  • Bread — 40g
  • Cottage cheese — 100g
Day 3 Breakfast 8.00 (9.00)

  • Semolina porridge with jam — 250g
  • Cocoa with milk – 150ml
  • Bread with butter – 30/10g

Lunch 12.00 (13.00)

  • Cabbage salad with cranberries and apples – 50g
  • Broth with vermicelli or noodles – 200ml
  • Vegetable stew with meat – 20 0g
  • Cherry drink — 150ml
  • Wheat bread — 40g
  • Rye bread – 40g

Snack 16. 00

  • Fruit jelly (berry) – 100g
  • Tea with milk – 100ml
  • Bun – 50g

Dinner 20.00

  • Curd pudding with apples and nuts with sour cream — 180/20g
  • Dried fruit kissel — 150ml
  • Rye bread — 100g
  • Wheat bread — 30g
4th day Breakfast 8.00 (9.00)

  • Natural omelet — 50g
  • Buckwheat porridge — 200g
  • Cocoa with milk — 150ml
  • Bread with butter — 30g/10g

Lunch 12.00 (13.00)

  • Radish with garlic and sour cream — 50g
  • Beetroot for children — 200g
  • Fish cutlets with egg — 70g
  • Stewed potatoes — 110g
  • Pickled cucumber — 20g
  • 901 50 Grape juice — 150g

  • Wheat bread — 40g
  • Rye bread – 40g

Snack 16.00

  • Kefir – 200ml
  • Cottage cheese cake – 50g
  • 901 58

    Dinner 20. 00

    • Cabbage casserole with meat and milk sauce — 180/20g
    • Wheat bread — 30g
    • Kefir — 150ml
    Day 5 Breakfast 8.00 (9.00)

    • Cottage cheese with sour cream – 100g
    • Pumpkin casserole – 150g
    • Tea with milk – 150ml
    • Bread with butter – 30/10g

    Lunch 12.00 (13.00)

    • Vegetable salad – 45g
    • Milk soup – 200mg
    • Braised chicken in sauce — 70/20g
    • Fresh fruit compote — 150ml
    • Bread — 80g

    Snack 16.00

    • Kefir — 200ml 90 151
    • Cookies – 25g

    Dinner 20.00

    • Boiled fish with mashed potatoes – 75/125g
    • Kefir – 150ml
    • Bread – 40g
    6th day 90 142 Breakfast 8.00 (9. 00)

    • Grated carrots with sugar — 50g
    • Oatmeal with milk — 200g
    • Kefir — 150ml
    • Bread with butter and cheese — 30/10/20g

    Lunch 12.00 (13.00 )

    • Soaked herring forshmak – 60g
    • Broth with rice and eggs – 200ml
    • Stewed liver with vegetables – 200g
    • Apple juice – 150ml
    • Wheat bread – 40g

    Snack 16.00

    • Milk — 200ml
    • Cherry pie — 50g

    Dinner 20.00

    • Potato salad — 50g
    • Cottage cheese casserole with semolina (classic) — 130g
    • Kefir — 150ml
    • 9 0150 Bread – 40g

    Day 7 Breakfast 8.00 (9.00)

    • Omelet with green peas – 70g
    • Mashed potatoes — 150g
    • Boiled milk — 150ml
    • Bread with butter — 30/10g

    Lunch 12.00 (13. 00)

    • Vegetable salad with herbs — 50g 70g
    • Buckwheat porridge — 130g
    • Rosehip infusion — 150ml
    • Wheat bread — 40g
    • Rye bread — 40g

    Snack 16.00

    • Kefir — 200ml
    • Pancakes with fruit — 2-3pcs

    Dinner 20.00

    • Manno -Sodtovy pudding with sour cream -150/20g
    • stuffed beets -50g
    • Bread -40g

    Any heating of the product kills most of the vitamins and reduces its nutritional value. Since the menu of a child from 1.5 years old already includes a variety of products and looks more like a non-adult table, you only need to follow some recommendations for processing and choosing products.

    • Kashi. In order for the cereals to boil well and the milk not to lose its nutrients, they must be combined almost at the end of cooking. Different cereals need different times to completely soften. So, for rice – 40-60 minutes, oatmeal – 30 minutes, semolina – 20 minutes, and for buckwheat – 40-50 minutes. After that, you can add hot (!) Milk and boil for another 2-3 minutes. If you boil milk for longer, it will lose most of the vitamins.
    • Butter. For cooking, butter should not be cooked. It is better to add it to an already prepared dish in order to preserve the sick part of its nutritional value.
    • Milk. As mentioned above, it is better to boil milk for a baby for no longer than 2 minutes. Long boiling destroys milk protein and most vitamins.
    • Vegetables. To prevent vitamins and minerals from being washed out of vegetables, do not keep them in water for a long time. For the same reason, when cooking, it is better to immediately place them in boiling water. By the way, many nutritionists advise steaming vegetables for cooking children’s dishes until they are completely boiled.
    • Meat. If you use frozen meat for cooking, then you must defrost it correctly: either at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (although this will take up to 12 hours).

Kids r kids hardy oak: San Antonio – Kids ‘R’ Kids

Опубликовано: September 7, 2023 в 9:24 am


Категории: Kid

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy at Hardy Oak Blvd

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Great school. My daughter has…

Great school. My daughter has learned so much during her two years at this location. We would not go any where else. Love Ms. Devon, she is a great director and the teachers are always so nice and treat my little one like she was their own.



This place is wonderful. Both …

This place is wonderful. Both of my kids (1 and 2 and a half) love it here. The teachers are wonderful and they really care about my children. I am very comfortable leaving my kids here and I know that they are getting great care and wonderful learning, too!



I think that kids r kids is th…

I think that kids r kids is the best learning center because my grandson enjoys being there. He loves his teacher and enjoys doing computers. The place is well secure, it consist of educational skills that help build a foundation for my grandson and it has fun fill activities that bring enjoyment to his day.



I have had my child enrolled a…

I have had my child enrolled at this center for the last 14 months. My family couldn’t possibly be more pleased with this center. My child comes home every night speaking english, spanish AND sign language. Kids R Kids is the best thing to happen to my 16 month old. When I read the posts previous to this one I was appauled, I cannot believe someone would take time out of their day to lie. This facility gets my highest rating, I am their biggest fan for what they have done for my daughter



I love Kids R Kids

I love Kids R Kids. I have my child at the Hardy Oak location, and I feel like she is learning so much there. It is not just a "daycare" it is a wonderful pre-school for all ages! The staff is wonderful , and her teachers are amazing! She loves going to school. Thank you Kids R Kids!



Phone: (210) 496-1200

Address: 21780 Hardy Oak Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78258

Website: http://www.

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Tom Hardy – his wife, children and son, in which films and TV shows the actor starred

Full name Edward Thomas Hardy
Date of birth September 15, 1977 90 005
Zodiac sign Virgo
Parents Ann Hardy, Edward Hardy
Education London Drama School
Marital status married
Spouse Charlotte Riley
Children two children from two marriages

Our hero is a highly paid Hollywood actor. The path to success was thorny and difficult. However, at a certain point in his life, he realized what he wanted from fate and stubbornly walked towards the goal. In the end, the guy got what he wanted. Tom Hardy has a great job, wife and happy kids.

Biography of the actor

On September 15, 1977, the Hardy family was replenished. The child was named Thomas. Parents did not even suspect that over time their child would become an actor. Although, they guessed that the son would follow a creative track. After all, his father, Edward, was a successful Hollywood screenwriter, and his mother, Elizabeth, was an artist.

Tom had no brothers and sisters, so his parents devoted their free time to their only son. They accustomed him to fiction. Hardy studied at a private school.

Knowledge did not attract the young man. He had a rebellious nature. Already in adolescence, the future actor became addicted to alcohol and tobacco. Managed to try drugs. Became addicted. At the age of 15 he was expelled from school.

A crazy lifestyle almost cost him his freedom. Our “hero” stole a car. For what? They just took him “weakly”. Hardy’s term was not awarded, as the father made a very good fuss.

Despite the fact that Thomas did not want to study in his youth, he was still attracted to acting. He often performed in the school theater. At the age of 18 he entered the Richmond School. However, he did not study there for a long time due to harmful addictions. Then fate brought her to the London School of Drama, where the growth of acting skills began.

In the 2000s, Thomas got a role in the TV series Band of Brothers. After the first filming, I realized that I had found my calling and could settle down, although it was an episodic and insignificant role.

Difficult period

Everything said above about Hardy is very serious. In the past, the actor left rather ugly biography facts about which he is ready to tell without concealment so that they become a lesson for young, self-confident young people. At the age of 24, Thomas almost had to quit acting due to bad habits that got out of control. His health and life were in great danger, which was avoided thanks to the support of loved ones. The people who brought him out of the crisis turned out to be his parents, against whom he had so ardently rebelled since his teenage years.

Parents – father, writer Edward Hardy, and mother, artist, Anne Hardy – could not expect that raising an only child in a creative atmosphere would turn out to be such sad consequences for him. Be that as it may, they fought desperately for his restoration and return to normal life.

After the rehab, thin and barely able to stand, Thomas promised his mother that “never again” and clutched at work like a drowning man at straws.

He was very surprised when, in 2003, he unexpectedly received an award for his theatrical debut. He stood on the stage, perplexedly straightening his shirt collar, his mother in the hall smiled uncertainly, and his father cried.

Wife and children

The actor had a stormy love life. He even dated men. He wanted to try everything in this life. However, he settled down thanks to Charlotte. They have been together for a long time and have two children. Nobody knows what Hardy’s son and daughter look like. He believes that personal life is sacred and does not allow journalists to stick their nose into personal affairs.

On his Instagram, the actor periodically posts photos with his lover. In addition, he dedicated an entire post to his beloved dog, who died.

Personal life

Tom Hardy’s personal life has been turbulent for some time. As he himself claims, in this life you need to try everything. The actor admits that he had relationships with both women and men, but solely for the sake of experiment.

While studying in London, Hardy met actress Sarah Ward. A bright three-week romance ended with a wedding. The girl took the name of her husband. But the union soon broke up: Sarah Hardy left Tom after learning that he was in a rehabilitation center, where he was treated for drug addiction.

AWWW! Some exciting family news for Tom Hardy and his wife, Charlotte Riley:
Posted by CELEBUZZ Thursday 3 September 2015

TV presenter Linda Park. When this relationship dried up, others began – with actress Rachel Speed. She gave birth to Tom’s son Louis, but the couple never registered the relationship.

The press also reported that Emily Browning had become Tom’s new girlfriend, but they themselves did not confirm this. Previously, celebrities together participated in the filming of the film “Legend”.

It is known that Hardy has a warm and friendly relationship with Numi Rapace, a theater and film actress from Sweden. Colleagues starred together in the crime drama “Obshchak”.

In 2009, on the set of Wuthering Heights, Tom met Charlotte Riley. According to the script, a romance breaks out between their heroes Heathcliff and Cathy. The lovers were a single whole, as a result, the feeling overtook them in real life. Hardy proposed to Riley and she became his wife in 2014. The couple did not delay the children – in October 2015, a son was born.

The famous actor is known to love dogs. In 2015, Tom, along with his dog named Woodstock, whom he once picked up on the street, starred in an advertising campaign for PETA, and the urn with the ashes of Max’s first pet is still in his house.

Tom Hardy + dogs =
Posted by Ireland’s Next Top Madra on Friday, May 13, 2016

Tom Hardy and dogs
In July 2021, the actor appeared on the red carpet arm in arm with his wife. Journalists couldn’t help but notice Charlotte’s loose dress. It turned out that Hardy would soon become a father for the third time. Tom did not comment on this news.

In January 2019, it became known about the birth of the actor’s third son, whom Tom named after the protagonist of the film Forrest Gump.

After the birth of the child, Tom began to think about whether he should continue acting in blockbusters. Reflecting, he listed that he had everything for life, including a roof over his head. And is it worth sacrificing time with your family for the sake of long-term filming and a career. But at the same time, the father of many children was sure: he must act in film until his heirs get on their feet and go their own way.

The best leading roles of an actor

The actor played his first major role in the film Star Trek: Retribution. The tape became a turning point for him. After filming, he almost died due to drugs. Decided to get rid of the addiction. A similar gesture attracted directors who wanted to work with Hardy.

The first major work – “Rock and Roll”. The film was directed by Guy Ritchie. After filming, the director became friends with Thomas. They often drank together.

Career took off in 2008 after the release of the film “Bronson” worldwide. In the film, Tom played the role of an insane criminal who spent 40 years in prison. For the role, he had to gain weight. Hardy’s acting talent was also appreciated by Bronson himself, so he gave him his mustache.

After that, Hardy starred in the film “The Warrior”. Before filming, I had to go through an extreme course of losing weight and gaining muscle. This was appreciated by both critics and ordinary viewers.

Good Tom did well as the mafia brothers in the film “Legend”. He managed to bring to life 2 different images, which is amazing.

Received an Oscar nomination for his role in The Revenant. The statuette was not received, but even the nomination helps to draw the attention of others to a particular person.

Hardy also took part in superhero movies. The film “Venom” was released recently, but many connoisseurs of the genre have already remembered it. The role of Eddie Brock was perfect for the actor.

The peak of his career and world recognition

World fame came to Tom Hardy only in 2007. The actor gets the main role in the film “Stuart: Past Life”, based on real events. The film tells about the biography of Stuart Shorter, a homeless drug addict and alcoholic.

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Posted by Tom Hardy FAN ACCOUNT RUSSIA (@tomhardy.rus) Feb 11, 2021 at 11:26 AM PST

Surely Tom Hardy was cast because of his past. After all, the actor knows firsthand what addiction is, and how hard it is to get rid of it. True, unlike many stars who prefer to “clean up” some of the facts of their biography, he does not hide the fact that Tom was an alcoholic and a drug addict. On the contrary, he talks about it in an interview (though not without some bashfulness) so that others do not repeat his mistakes.

A year later, Hardy is approved for another minor, but bright and characteristic role in Guy Ritchie’s film “Rock and Roll”. Tom plays a gay thug who falls in love with a gang leader. The partners on the set were Mark Strong and Gerard Butler. From that moment on, a successful period began in the life of the actor.

Don’t miss it

His films are consistently popular: Wuthering Heights, Inception, Spy Get Out!, The Drunkest District in the World, and Legend (in this In the film, the actor played two characters at once – the Kray twin brothers).

The directors realized that Hardy was incredibly good at negative characters! And therefore, he was bluntly taken on the role of the supervillain Bane, the antagonist of Batman in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises trilogy.

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Posted by Tom Hardy FAN ACCOUNT RUSSIA (@tomhardy.rus) 9 Apr 2019 at 4:22 PDT

Answering a question from journalists in an interview, artist Fr.

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Posted by Cinetech Eternia (@cinetecheternia) Aug 30, 2021 at 1:27 pm PDT

Although hardy admits, getting used to the role of “bad guys” is extremely curious. But they all frighten him very much, because, according to the actor, he met bad people, being a drug addict. After the success of The Dark Knight, Hardy is invited to another cult role that once made Mel Gibson himself mega-popular – the role of Mad Max! The actor personally asked his predecessor for blessings for the role – he was not against it at all! The partner in the film was Charlize Theron.

Don’t miss out

In addition, Tom willingly takes on projects that require physical transformation as well. For example, in early 2009, Hardy starred in the film Bronson, which tells about the biography of prisoner Charles Bronson, who spent almost his entire adult life in solitary confinement.

For the film, the actor needed to gain 19 kilograms of muscle mass. It turned out a huge mountain of muscles! Especially when you consider that Tom Hardy’s height is 175 cm! And to accurately convey the image of the legendary Al Capone in the film “Fonzo”, Hardy not only put on makeup for several hours a day, but also gained extra pounds! Fans were amazed at how delicately played the role of the most popular gangster in the world.

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Posted by • Tom Hardy

Children of the most beautiful actors in the world – what the heirs of Tom Hardy, Orland Bloom, David Beckham look like the child will have a happy and carefree life, and also that he hit the genetic jackpot. The heroes of our selection have an attractive appearance, and we propose to find out if their children have inherited the “beauty genes”.

Video of the day

OBOZREVATEL will show children of famous David Beckham, Tom Hardy, Clint Eastwood, Will Smith, Orlando Bloom. Some of them repeated the fate of relatives (to see the photo, scroll the page to the end).

David Beckham

The famous English football player David Beckham 25 years ago married former Spice girls member Victoria. The businesswoman gave him three sons – Brooklyn Joseph (born March 4, 1999 years old), Romeo James (born September 1, 2002) and Cruz David (born February 20, 2005), as well as a daughter, Harper Seven (born July 10, 2011). It is worth saying that the sons are incredibly similar to the star father and, like him, are in the center of public attention. The middle son Romeo from an early age began to appear on the covers of glossy magazines, but after that he decided to return to football. Senior – Brooklyn is also associated with modeling.

Orlando Bloom

English actor and singer Katy Perry’s husband Orlando Bloom got married for the first time in 2010. Australian model Miranda Kerr, a year after the wedding, gave birth to her beloved son Flynn Christopher Bloom. The couple broke up two years after the birth of their first child. Now the boy is 12 years old, he goes to school. The artist rarely appears with him in public.

Clint Eastwood

American actor, director, composer, winner of four Oscars Clint Eastwood has 8 children from 6 different women. One of the artist’s heirs also became a famous actor. We are talking about Scott Eastwood, whom we know from the films “The Long Road”, “Gran Torino”, “Invictus”. Now the star is 36 years old, he was not married and has no children.

Tom Hardy

English actor, producer and screenwriter Tom Hardy has three children from two marriages. From 2005 to 2009for a year he was in a relationship with Rachel Speed, with whom he has a son, Louis (b. 2008). Hardy hides the heir from the paparazzi, but still some photos get into the network. Now the boy is 15 years old.

Will Smith

The 54-year-old famous actor is raising three children. His son Willard Christopher Smith III was born in his first marriage to Shiri Fletcher and stayed with his mother. Two years later, the star married again to his longtime girlfriend Jada Pinkett. Smith has two heirs from her – son Jaden Smith (b. July 8, 1998) and daughter Willow Smith (b. October 31, 2000). They decided to repeat the success of their father in the cinema and also act in films.

Previously, OBOZREVATEL showed what the children of the most beautiful women in the world look like.

Tn kids: Justin Timberlake | Join

Опубликовано: September 7, 2023 в 7:55 am


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Kid Reviewed | Things to do in Tennessee with Kids

How can you be sure your kids will have an amazing time on vacation?

That’s where we come in.

We collected data from the toughest critics we know:

Actual kids.

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We created a kid-friendly recording device to track actual kid laughter.

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Using wearable tech, we also tracked levels of excitement.

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We then paired the data with candid reviews and surveys from kids.


Scientifically proven fun*

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*The lawyers say we can’t actually guarantee they’ll have a good time. Kids are kids after all, but we’re pretty sure they’ll love it.

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“Children are now angry and snickering”: what high school students think about their peers, teachers and the future

Are there any topics that are too difficult to discuss with children? Judging by the course of social studies, no. Here, children go through economics, politics, and sociology. But few people talk about it with schoolchildren. And our blogger, social studies teacher Viktor Bormotov, decided to talk. And he asked the children to write an essay.

Have you ever wondered what “society” is? How do you see him? What do you want from him now and in the future? I think rarely. When I asked my students from 7th, 8th and 9thth classes to write (or draw) an essay, answering similar questions, they were, to put it mildly, surprised. “Write whatever I want?” they asked. And then they whispered: “This is some kind of trick, something is not right here.” But they were interested. First of all, because no one has ever, by and large, been interested in their opinion.

Creative freedom is still a great thing! To be honest, I expected to read a lot of pearls or some nonsense. I will not hide, it was also. But to a lesser extent. Basically, I saw meaningful social science studies. I suggest you take a look at them too.

About problems

(schoolchildren’s point of view)
  • “Adolescents or even children from 11 to 16 are the same. As if made under a carbon copy. Smoking, drinking, having sex, or doing nothing at all. They seem to be afraid to stand out or “to be different from everyone else”, they mow down what is fashionable. I sincerely feel sorry for those children who were recently born. After all, most likely, they will live in a destroyed economy and among the most repulsed people. Our society is degrading”;
  • “Everyone relaxed and gave up on studying”;
  • “A large number of people, or rather children, are now drinking and smoking”;
  • “Our society is in complete shit. Children shoot short videos and hope to earn money by doing this, but, in reality, they simply degrade. Toddlers (9-13 years old) smoke more than adults”;
  • “Children in our time are angry and snickering. They can poison, beat children they don’t like. They don’t study, they don’t do anything, they just suffer from bullshit and mess around”;
  • “Society is getting dumber. Looking at my peers and comparing them with people who were born 20 years earlier, I am truly horrified. A lot of guys kill themselves and their brains with cigarettes, alcohol, phones – sometimes my peers sit in them for 16 hours, doing nothing useful!

About the good

  • “In today’s society, among the advantages are mobility, increased education due to the availability of information, gradual improvement in living standards, development of technology. But I think that these are not too significant advantages. People stopped appreciating communication, buried themselves in phones, stopped respecting their elders”;
  • “Modern society seems to be diverse. The people around me are bright, ambitious and purposeful. Everyone is looking for a way to replenish their stock of knowledge, develop skills. In principle, there are now many opportunities that society has begun to use: exhibitions, theaters, libraries, sports clubs, lectures.

About dreams

  • “I want prices to decrease, for example, for candy. And to make rides cheaper! And then you go once, and then you save for a month “;
  • “Most parents restrict their children. It seems to me that as long as there are representatives of society who have grown up on other principles and ideals, modern society cannot fully open up”;
  • “I want everyone to treat each other a little kinder in the future and that people don’t throw animals out into the street”;
  • “Men in our society walk as they please. Some of them are also wearing women’s clothes. Many condemn them, but in fact it is their business – how they look. I would like everyone to accept the choice of others in the future.”

About teachers (shock content!)

“Teachers do not cope with children, they become aggressive and angry. And there are just soviet teachers who yell at children and force them to walk on a string.”

About the education reform

  • “In the future, I would like the lessons to be held as lectures, only without credits. And it would be great if there was a free visit”;
  • “I would simplify the school curriculum. And I would take one more day off – on Thursday or Wednesday”;
  • “I am sitting here in society, being forced to write some kind of essay. All of this needs to be canceled!”

Forecasts for the future (with notes of socialism)

  • “Modern society is lazy and carefree people. They are traumatized, they are infuriated by work. Our economy is developing in favor of the rulers. The new generation will try to correct the mistakes of their parents and make new ones. Perhaps an apocalypse will happen, or maybe a miracle, and we will become more tolerant and stop oppressing people”;
  • “I cannot say that our society is very good now. There are a lot of things that society often, or rather, constantly, is in disagreement with. But nevertheless, society itself creates and distributes them. The same patriarchy and bullying! If I had the opportunity, I would correct society so that it is more focused on helping others. I want people to accept others for who they are”;
  • “In the future, everything will be different. For example, people will help each other, treat the problems of others with understanding. All wars will end, and states will change”;
  • “If you give me power, I will abolish taxes and the police. Society will be fair. People will be paid according to their ability.”


  • Children want to be talked to more, more interested in their opinion. This is very important to them. So far, such practices at school are clearly not enough.
  • I am struck by a rather clear and precise understanding of the social processes taking place around, immersion in them. Our children are not as infantile as we think they are.
  • Of course, there is a lot of pessimism and cynicism, which cannot but cause anxiety among us adults.
  • A clear desire for social justice and collectivism, harmony in society.

There is an obvious need for full-fledged studies of the views of the younger generation regarding the future of society. So far, as I see it, the entire scientific and educational system is aimed at exploring everything and deciding for them.

You are in the “Blogs” section. The opinion of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.

Illustration: Cassette Bleue / Shutterstock / Fotodom

The children of the famous Alain Delon accused the nurse of bullying the actor




Alain Delon in 1963. photo: wikipedia

The children of 87-year-old actor Alain Delon accused his nurse of bullying the artist, writes L’independant.

The movie star’s relatives filed a complaint with the police. According to them, the 66-year-old assistant of their father named Hiromi Rolen “behaves aggressively towards family members, reads the artist’s personal correspondence and mocks the actor’s dog.”

The complaint contains allegations of “deliberate violence against a vulnerable person”, “moral harassment”, “abuse of weakness”.

Christophe Ayela’s family lawyer told the publication that the nurse, who moved into the actor’s home in Picardy in 2019 after Delon suffered a stroke, “became increasingly aggressive, slandered and insulted him and his children.”

She also monitored Delon’s telephone conversations and isolated him from his friends and family.

Alain Delon confirmed the words of his children and demanded that Rolen leave his house.

Silly questions to ask kids: 100+ Funny Questions to Ask Kids

Опубликовано: September 6, 2023 в 4:46 pm


Категории: Kid

160 Fun Questions To Ask Kids Of All Ages

Just like any parent, there are some days I really want to talk to my son, but my tired brain can only come up with “How are you doing today?”.  

I mean, it is a perfectly fine question, but there are a lot of questions that would be so much more fun.  

In an effort to keep my child from feeling like he’s answering questions at school, I have had to get creative and really dig into what it means to be a kid again.  

Do you remember what kinds of things were the most important to you when you were a kid?  

You had the rest of your life in front of you and it seemed like the world was a very big place.  

What was very important to me when I was a kid was how much fun something was, whether it was a game, a movie or TV show, a friend or a joke.  

​The more fun things were, the more memorable.  

I also remember having so many questions about so many topics and they ranged from questions about how to take care of a pet to questions about how things work in space.  

So if I put these two things I loved as a kid together, I would surmise that most kids enjoy questions that evoke a sense of fun.   

Fun questions can be great conversation starters and really help your child use their imagination while creating meaningful conversations at the same time!  In addition to that, you get a little insight into how your little one’s mind works.  

This is a fun win all around!  Let us dive into the kinds of questions you can ask your son or questions you can ask your daughter and then get more detailed from there!

Before we get into the different types of questions, remember that this is supposed to be fun!  

A great way to foster this is to show that you are having fun asking these questions.  

If you look like you are relaxed and having fun, then your child will take that cue and also have fun and that is the most important thing.  There really are no right questions or answers here.  

Just let the conversation meander and that may lead to questions your child has for you, which gives him a chance to get to know you better as well.  

This truly is a fun way to get to know each other in a relaxed way.  

Be prepared for funny answers as well as surprising answers.  

You can ask these questions at the dinner table or while taking a walk or anytime you have an opportunity.  

It is important to make sure that your child is in the mood to answer questions.  

If they are playing video games with their best friend, you are probably not going to get more than distracted one-word answers or no answers at all!  

Choose your time with a bit of care.  

I often find the best times are the little in-between times we have in the day, such as driving in the car, standing in line at the grocery store, setting the table or cleaning up after dinner together.  

During all of these types of times, we are still completing a task, but the particular task does not take too much space in our minds, leaving room for these little questions and to inject a little bit of fun and joy into otherwise mundane tasks.  

Your child will not remember the mundane task, rather, she will remember that you asked her a question that made her smile from ear to ear!

Open Ended Questions

1. Tell me about a time you had fun.

2. Tell me about your favorite cartoon character.

3. Tell me your favorite joke.

4. Tell me about a time you learned about something new.

5. Tell me about a topic you have a lot of knowledge about.

6. Make up a word and tell me what it means.

7. Tell me one of your favorite family stories.

8. Tell me about something you are looking forward to.

9. What do you think you are going to dream about tonight?

10. Tell me about an invention that you think would be interesting.

11. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?

12. Describe your idea of a perfect place.

13. Tell me about the plot of your favorite movie.

14. Tell me about a time you were afraid to do something, but overcame your fear and did it anyway.

15. If you could have a new name, what would it be and why?

16. If you could create a new family tradition, what would it be?

17. What is the best advice you have ever been given?

18. Tell me the plot of your favorite tv show.

19. Tell me about the best gift you have ever given and how you came up with it.

20. Tell me about a school project that really challenged you.

21. Tell me about your favorite place in the world.

22. What is the funniest thing you have experienced in your life?

Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather questions are always a fun time.

23. Would you rather have the ability to fly or teleport?

24. Would you rather play soccer or volleyball?

25. Would you rather have a time machine or live in a different time period forever?

26. Would you rather have to wear a mermaid tail on your legs or a shark fin on your back?

27. Would you rather live in a city or a desert island?

28. Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero?

29. Would you rather watch fireworks or catch fireflies?

30. Would you rather live among the clouds or at the bottom of the ocean?

31. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or read people’s minds?

32. Would you rather have a lion head or a lion tail?

33. Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?

34. Would you rather live in a tree house or a tent on the beach?

35. Would you rather take care of dogs or cats?

36. Would you rather be rich or happy?

37. Would you rather do a bellyflop or get water up your nose?

38. Would you rather ride a wave or jump on a cloud?

39. Would you rather find a treasure map or magic beans?

40. Would you rather be a mermaid or a giant?

41. Would you rather swim in a pool or in the ocean?

This Or That Questions

Ready for some fun this or that questions?

42. Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather?

43. Do you like to go to the zoo or the aquarium?

44. Do you like chocolate or fruit candy better?

45. At the playground do you prefer the swings or the teeter-totter?

46. Do you prefer a lot of acquaintances or one friend who knows you well?

47. Do you like regular cake or ice cream cake?

48. Do you like shoes or flip flops?

49. Would you prefer living in outer space or under the ocean? 

50. Do you prefer Easter or Halloween?

51. Do you prefer spending the day at an amusement park or outside on the beach?

52. Do you like to wake up early or sleep in late?

53. Do you prefer reading books or playing video games?

54. Do you like to play inside or outside?

55. Do you like to wear warm socks or go barefoot?

56. Do you prefer to ride a roller coaster or a merry-go-round?

57. Do you like hats with brims or beanies?

58. Do you like to jump around in puddles or make mud pies?

Self Esteem Questions

These self esteem questions are both fun and super insightful.

59. What do you think makes you a good friend?

60. What is something you recently learned?

61. What do you want to be when you grow up?

62. What makes you curious?

63. What are your favorite questions to ask other people?

64. What is the most beautiful thing in the world in your opinion?

65. What is a new thing you learned that was really interesting to you?

66. If you could stay a kid forever, would you?  Why or why not?

67. If you could be a character from literature, who would you choose?

68. Tell me about things that you are good at.

69. What do you love about yourself?

70. Tell me a story that you love?

71. What is the best way to make your day amazing?

72. Which family members do you enjoy visiting with on a regular basis?

73. Tell me about something you could teach others.

74. What is great about being your age?

75. What do you think is a unique quality you have?

76. What are your favorite hobbies?

77. I know I am loved because…

78. What is the bravest thing you have ever done?

Fun Questions To Ask Preschoolers

79. What is the silliest thing you have ever seen?

80. What is your favorite color?

81. What wild animal is your favorite?

82. What is your favorite snack?

83. What is your favorite outfit?

84. What is your favorite part of the day?

85. What do you like to do on car rides?

86. If you had a pet dragon, what would you name it?

87. Do you think you are silly?

88. Tell me about your idea for the best day ever.

89. If you could choose, would you be a giant or tiny like an ant?

90. What funny faces can you make?

91. What is your favorite drink?

92. What is the best picture you have ever drawn?

93. What kind of food would you create if you could make up your own?

94. What is the best thing about being a kid?

95. If you could be a pretend character in real life, who would you be?

Questions To Ask Kindergarteners

96. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

97. If you had three wishes, what would they be?

98. What is your favorite holiday?

99. What is your favorite pizza topping?

100. If you were a superhero, what would your superhero name be?

101. What is your favorite vegetable?

102. What do you like to do on a long car ride?

103. If you could create a new animal, what would it look like?

104. What is your superpower?

105. If you could make your own pizza, what toppings would be on it?

106. What is your favorite thing to draw pictures of?

107. If trees could grow anything, what would you want to grow on them?

108. If you could be any age, what age would you want to be?

109. If you could drive, where would you want to drive to?

110. If you could choose one of your toys to come alive, which toy would you choose?

111. What is your favorite kind of picture to color?

112. What is your favorite game to play?

113. What silly questions do you have for me?

Questions To Ask Elementary Students

114. What is your favorite subject in school?

115. What would you do if you were in charge at school today?

116. What is the grossest thing you can imagine?

117. What is your favorite game to play with your friends?

118. What kinds of funny questions would you ask your friends?

119. Who has been your favorite teacher so far?

120. If you could be invisible for one day only, what would you do?

121. What is your favorite joke? 

122. I am amazing because…

123. Who is your favorite cartoon character?

124. What is the easiest thing about school?

125. What is your favorite book?

126. How do you think you will be different in ten years?

127. What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?

128. What do you like to play with the most during screen time?

129. What do you think is the best food for a birthday party?

130. What is something you know you want to learn about when you are older?

131. What board game do you like to play?

132. I am happy because…

133. Who is the funniest person you know?

134. Do you think it is better to be a kid or a grown up and why?

135. Which Harry Potter character is your favorite?

136. What is the craziest thing you have ever learned about?

Questions To Ask Older Kids

137. What is the coolest thing you have done so far?

138. What is the best dream you have ever had?

139. What do you think makes our family special?

140. What is the most interesting thing you have learned so far?

141. What is the hardest thing you have learned in your life?

142. What card game do you like to play?

143. What are you looking forward to?

144. What are some of your favorite icebreaker questions?

145. When is the last time you laughed so hard you cried?

146. What do you want to do when you are an adult?

147. What is your favorite memory from being a younger child?

148. What would be a perfect day for you?

149. What do you think is the funniest thing about younger kids?

150. What are some of the best questions you have been asked that really made you think?

151. What could you spend the whole day doing?

152. What are your thoughts on social media?

153. What is your favorite family tradition?

154. What is your favorite road trip activity??

155. Do you see yourself having kids as an adult?

156. Is there a famous person you admire?  Why?

157. What has been the best part of growing up?

158. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose to be?

159. What is your favorite song?

160. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

You are now armed with your fun questions and ready to spend some amazing quality time with your child!  

Be excited and know that you are about to learn so much more about your amazing kid.

He may not say so himself (ever!) but rest assured in the fact that no matter how silly your questions may be, your child appreciates the time that you are spending to get to know him better as a person and will know that he is so important to you. 

As always, you’ve got this!

Fun Questions To Ask Kids — Along For The Ride

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher

Along For The Ride is an interactive game and talk show for kids and parents. You can read through this blog post and do these activities with your kids, or you can listen to this episode with your kids, play the games, and use the episode content as conversation starters as we move through the topics/ideas.

One of the easiest ways to have fun and connect with your kids is by asking off-the-wall imagination questions. 

This episode has 10 random (and silly!) questions for kids to answer during the episode. 

I’ve already done the work for you. You don’t have to come up with the questions or even ask them. Just press play and play along! 

Along For The Ride is an interactive podcast! There are 30 seconds in between each question giving you and your kids time to answer — of course, you can press pause if you need more time for everyone to answer. 

These open-ended questions will get your kids thinking creatively and it might get a little silly during your car ride.  More Laughs = More Good Times! 

I can just imagine all the fun you’re about to have with your kids! And you never know what will spark in your kids because of interesting questions like these. 

Here are the questions I used in this episode. Feel free to use them on your own or again after you listen through it together.

10 Fun and Creative Questions to Ask Your Kids

  1. If you could only eat one color of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  2. If you could be any animal for a day, what animal would you choose and why?

  3. If you could have a superpower, but it had to be a silly one, what would it be?

  4. If you could switch places with anyone in the world for a day, who would it be and why?

  5. If you could create a new holiday, what would it be called and how would you celebrate it?

  6. If you could go on a trip to any planet in our solar system, which one would you pick?

  7. If you could have any food rain down from the sky, what food would you choose?

  8. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what color would you choose?

  9. If you could be any character from a book or movie, who would you be and why?

  10. If you could have any pet in the world, but it had to be a fictional animal, what would you choose?

Questions Are Good For Kids’ Brains

Answering silly questions like these helps kids develop critical thinking skills and improves their communication abilities.  

When you ask open-ended questions, you’re encouraging your kids to express their ideas and opinions, which can help them build confidence in their own thoughts and feelings. 

Asking your kids question is a valuable tool for fostering a strong parent-child relationship and promoting their intellectual and emotional growth.

So questions are both fun AND helpful for the whole family! 

Always be prepared for a fun conversation with my 25 conversation starters for families. Click here to download this free resource.

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If you and your kids have fun listening to AFTR, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more families as they have more fun, create lasting memories, build strong family bonds, and reduce screen use!

Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. When you follow the episodes come right to your phone. It’s so convenient than having to search for the show every time you want to listen. Follow now!

Keep The Good Times Rolling!

“Well, how are you?” and other stupid questions from adults

There are two troubles in the world. First: questions adults like to ask children. Second: the desire that the children would certainly answer them.

There are two troubles in the world. First: questions adults like to ask children. Second: the desire that the children would certainly answer them. Moreover, the answers should be detailed, amuse adults and amaze them with their depth. At the same time, adults are allowed to repeat the same questions, listen to the answers half-heartedly, and interrupt.

Adults’ favorite question: “Well, how are you?”.

“What is this “well” for,” seven-year-old Varya does not understand. Are they pretending to think about the issue? They argue – they argue, and suddenly, unexpectedly, for no reason at all, they decide to ask about business ??? These adults are strange!

Varya is bothered by questions from adults. Usually guests come at once with a large group. During the evening you need to answer the question “Well, how are you?” at least ten times! And then, some forgetful guest will definitely come across, who, “Well, how are you?” ask two or even three times!

The situation is even worse if there are several children in the family.

Polite adults understand that having asked Varya about her business, they simply cannot help but ask the same question to her brother Fedya. It is wonderful if, at the moment of the question, Varya and Fedya are standing side by side, with their mouths already open, from where a friendly “Good!” is about to break out. But if lonely Varya meets Uncle Petya in the corridor, she pleases him with her “Good!” and runs off to the kitchen to finish the cake, then after a few glasses of wine, five sandwiches with sausage and a portion of salad, Uncle Petya, seeing Varya again, will no longer be sure whether she is doing well, or Fedya answered that way. And just in case, he will ask Varya: “Well, how are you?”. Frowning and waiting for an answer.

“Poor Kuzya! He will grow up a little more, and they will also start asking him questions! Varya sympathized with her one-year-old brother. In the meantime, Kuzma happily avoided the fate of being questioned. So that the baby would not get overexcited, but would grow up calm and balanced, mother’s parents “took Kuzya on themselves” before the arrival of the guests. This means that they carried him around the house on themselves, the grandfather held the boy on himself, while the grandmother fed him puree, on himself he carried his grandson out into the street, and from grandfather Kuzma he observed “oh, what a bird!”, “where is the cat” and like “out av-av ran.”

“Why doesn’t anyone think that I can get overexcited because of the guests too?” Varya was thinking about how to discreetly enter the guests into the living room for an addition of cake.

And I came up with. She crawls in on all fours. Once again, an inner voice prompted Varya: the closer she is to the floor, the harder it will be to notice her. And every time the inner voice prompted incorrectly. Because at the very moment when crawling Varya with a saucer in her teeth is at the target, she accidentally touches the leg of some adult with her hand, and he, making a funny surprised face, bends over and joyfully exclaims: “Who crawled here with us? ! By the way, this is the only question that does not require an answer, but Varya knows that the rest of the questions will immediately fall down one after another. And she obediently gets up and waits.

Of course, more or less smart questions will come first: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, “Can you read?”, “And count?”, “What is the name of your kindergarten teacher?”. But then adults seem to grow stupid before our eyes, which immediately becomes clear from the questions: “Who do you love more, mom or dad?”, “What is your last name?” (amazingly, these people came to visit, ate sandwiches with caviar, vegetable salad, herring under a fur coat and pickled cucumbers, and only now became interested in the name of the hospitable hosts!) and the crown question, usually the final one: “Here, you have two brothers. Don’t you want a sister?” (You might think that Varya decides this!).

Fortunately, after the last question, mom saves the situation: she immediately hands Varya a tray of cake and sends her to the kitchen to drink tea and watch cartoons.

All the children of the world know that when the cake on the plate runs out, they want grapes. And more apples, pears, bananas and kiwis. And all this deliciousness, as if to evil, is on a dish in the center of the table in the living room. And it is surrounded not only by salads, bottles, cold cuts, vegetables and pickles, but also by… guests. The guests laugh, tell something with enthusiasm, shout, squeal, sing, drink, chew, smack their lips, cough, sneeze, yawn, wink, and still they never miss the opportunity to ask questions to children.

Fedya usually gets to go to the fruit parlor. Varya sympathizes: “The task is not an easy one!”. “Difficult, but doable!”, – the brother does not lose heart and does not worry at all. He understood long ago: the more detailed or stupider it is to answer the questions of adults, the faster communication bothers them.

— Oh, who came to us? – Aunt Nastya is the first to notice Fedya.

– It’s me – Aunt Klava! Fedya announces imperturbably, grimacing and bowing.

— Where did Mikhailo Potapovich go? – Fedya hears an additional question – from Uncle Grisha, who never drinks anything but fruit drink, and loves raw smoked sausage, which he certainly brings with him. It is not clear whether the matter is in the sausage, but Uncle Grisha has an excellent memory. And he remembers how Fedya answered the same question last time.

– Which Mikhailo Potapovich? – Uncle Grisha’s neighbors on the table are surprised. – Do not confuse the child, Gregory! Better yet, ask Fedya what he will be when he grows up.

“I will be Aunt Sveta,” Fedya replies with a chuckle.

— Oh, will you be like Svetlana Pavlovna? – everyone looks at Aunt Sveta, who immediately stops chewing and clarifies:

– So, you will teach literature to students? This is good. Do you already know how to read?

— No, why? All books are now e-books! Our dad asks mom all the time: “Let’s donate books to libraries. Keeping books is a thing of the past! Let’s get rid of the books and immediately there will be so much free space!

— And what does mother say to that? – Aunt Sveta is intrigued.

— And mother says that she is ashamed that the children hear this! Because if the house is empty, without books, then the people in it are empty, – Fedya smiles.

— What do you think yourself? – Aunt Sveta does not let up.

– Our dad is not empty! – Fedya is sure that he is right.

— Thank you, son, — papa pats Fedya on the head.

— True, papa, how can you be empty if you have soup, compote and chicken wings in you? Fedya answers.

And everyone laughs, happily forgetting about the question about the teacher’s name.

And then Aunt Olya clarifies:

— Do you really love your father more than your mother, Fedya?

– No, I love them equally. In addition, our mother is also not empty. In the morning it is filled with oatmeal, and after dinner with sauerkraut.

— Well, that’s it, take the apples and go to the kitchen, — mother interrupts this most interesting conversation.

— What about the sister? I haven’t answered about my sister yet! – Fedya has long prepared an answer to the next question.

“Go, go, Varya is already waiting,” Mom urges.

— Now, please, I won’t be long… — and Fedya continues. – I won’t talk about the last name, I’m sure you all already know the answer. And I will answer about my sister! So, we definitely need a sister! Very very. Because yesterday the ball flew into the closet. I set up the sled and stood on it. Varya took Kuzya in her arms, and I raised them both. Well, it was hard for me! But I didn’t fall, don’t worry, mom … It’s only a shame that Kuzya still didn’t reach the ball. But if we had a sister, small and light, Kuzya would pick her up, and she would definitely get the ball.

— And why does dad not suit you as an assistant? asked my mother, who was very disturbed by this story about the pyramid of children.

– Oh, right! If dad gets on the sled, then even without a non-existent sister, he will easily get the ball. Well then, we don’t need a sister! – Fedya announces and turns to dad:

– Let’s go, the ball is there. On the nursery closet!

— Not now! – dad protests, and sneezes several times in a row: he overdid the mustard for the jelly. “Sorry, son, but at the moment, as you correctly noted, I am too fat. Look how much food our mom has cooked. And then, – dad suddenly remembered that he does not encourage children’s pranks – you can’t play ball in the house! And I forbid you to take Varya in your arms! And Kuzyu – even more so! And you can’t get on the sled! And who even thought of dragging a dirty sled into the room?

… Fedya didn’t expect the last question. And he had no choice but to grab the apples and run away – to his sister, already completely empty of hunger.

    Tale of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi read online

    Information for parents: Stupid questions – a short and instructive tale of the writer Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki. It talks about how important it is for adults to listen to their children and respect them. The fairy tale “Stupid Questions” is good for children from 4 to 7 years old to read at night.

    Quiet in the room. Father sat at the table in the morning. Writes. Suddenly the door opened and his little daughter ran in.

    – Mom left. I’m bored alone. May I play with you?

    – Good. Only quietly. Sit down by the window. And don’t bother me. She took a chair, climbed on it with her legs and examines a book with pictures. But the book is old, the pictures are familiar for a long time. From the open window you can see the river bank, the edge of the forest.

    The book flies to the floor. The daughter is already on the windowsill.

    – I see a bird, – she says quietly after a minute, as if to herself.

    – A bird, – the father corrects, without raising his head from the paper. – What bird?

    – Yes, just a small bird.

    – There are simply no birds.

    – No, there are. Like these ones.

    – What color?

    – What … Bird color: gray and white. Sitting on a rock in the river. And another one. Runs along the coast. Look, look, he bows. And she nods to her with a pebble tail.

    I can’t see from here. What color is the other one?

    – Sandy. And with a tie.

    – Sand-colored, with a black tie and bowing – this is a plover. And the one on the pebble nods with her tail,

    is a pliska, a wagtail. Each bird has its own name.

    – I know. There, a white-sided magpie flew out of the forest, galloping along the ground. What a tail. Why such a tail?

    – Well, how – why? What are you asking?

    – You don’t know? And why does the plover bow, and why does the plover nod with its tail? Are they greeting?

    – What nonsense! Do birds say hello?

    – And there are more birds. White, white! Large.

    – Well, seagulls.

    – Yes, yes … They peck a fish out of the water. Why are they white?

    – What stupid questions! I told you: don’t bother me. And you talk to me all the time. Get out of here. Take care of your toys. Go, go, nothing!

    Daughter pouted her lips and sobbed. But she did not dare to disobey – she left.

    Father suddenly put down his pen. He looked out the window and thought hard. And in the evening, when his daughter came to kiss him good night, he said to her:

    – Please forgive me for calling your questions stupid this morning. They are not stupid at all.

    I thought – and now I can tell you three tales.

    – Tell me, tell me! – the daughter was delighted.

    And she deftly climbed onto his knees.

    Why does a magpie have such a tail

    – The first fairy tale, – said the father. – There was a bird. You ask what? Yes, none. Just a bird, that’s all. She had no name, one name – a bird. And do you know where she lived? The man’s head. Once a man opened his mouth, wanted to yawn. She is fluff! – and took off.

    Looks – spring day, cheerful. The sky is blue-blue, it has the sun, white clouds.

    How much space!

    Below is a forest – curly, dense, shady! Cozy like this. And below the forest is a river. Water runs, shines, green bushes along the banks, golden sand burns.

    “Ah! the bird thinks. – That’s so beautiful! How fun!

    It’s fun, it’s fun, but you have to eat.

    Sees: flies, mosquitoes are flying around.

    Waving her wings, chasing them. And her wings are neither long nor short, neither round nor sharp – mediocre.

    Waving wings – after flies, chasing mosquitoes, but cannot catch.

    Suddenly a swift rushes. He swept forward, gave a circle, yes back, yes down, yes up, to the right, to the left – and caught all the flies, mosquitoes.

    – Here, – he says, – how to fly in order to catch flies, mosquitoes. What kind of wings do you need for this, have you seen it?

    The bird looked – it has long, long wings.

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Опубликовано: September 6, 2023 в 9:56 am


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With lots of fun and easy interactive reading learning activities, kids can play games to help learn essential reading comprehension skills and more.


The magic chalkboard demonstrates the opposites in and out.

Help Panther Knight shop for the King by decoding multisyllabic words that end with a consonant plus –le, –el, or –al.

Explore word families with this interactive word-building activity.

Students will play a word card game with Roxie and Carl by dragging the correct word containing the /ire/ sound to complete sentences.

Help Ivan teach his robot Navi how to rearrange simple sentences to make questions.

Participate in the Grammar Kingdom Story Festival by identifying the type of sentences shown on the banner and then choosing the correct ending punctuation for each sentence.

Help Austin and Scout to retrieve the Reddest Ruby by forming comparison adjectives ending in –er and –est.

Match sentences from The Boy Who Cried Wolf with the illustrated scenes they depict.

ABCmouse’s team of nationally recognized education experts designed every reading game to teach a specific reading concept. Games include voiced instructions making them easier for even the youngest of children to play.
… read more

Look for clues in the text of the story, The Mystery of the Missing Ball, to answer questions about the characters, setting, and events of the story.

Help Bongo count the syllables in the names of the animals.

Help Grammar Kingdom’s royal bedtime storyteller complete his flip book by splitting sentences between the subject and the predicate.

Help Simon the Royal Historian write about King Grammar and the Prince’s quest for the Dangerous Dragon by joining two or more simple sentences to form a compound sentence.

Use context clues to help Granny Franny choose the correct homographs to complete sentences.

Determine if a piece of writing of a favorite memory with Grandma is poetry or prose.

Help Granny Franny complete her poems by choosing the correct words to complete sentences.

Help Rusty Ritter check his newspaper articles on King Grammar’s Birthday for run-on sentences and fix the sentences if needed.

PAGE 1 OF 11

Available on computers, tablets, and smartphones!

Mac or PC | iPad, Amazon Fire Tablet, or Galaxy Tab | iPhone or Android

Step-by-Step Learning Path

10 Levels. Hundreds of Guided Lessons. More Than 10,000 Individual Learning Activities Inclusive of All Key Subjects Including Reading Sense.

One of the best homeschooling resources. ABCmouse’s award-winning reading curriculum is backed by research and designed in collaboration with nationally recognized childhood education experts. ABCmouse’s supplemental reading sense homeschool curriculum includes books, video games, puzzles, learning videos and much much more! To date, public, private, and homeschooled children have completed billions of online Learning Activities on ABCmouse!

Then renews at $12. 99/mo. until canceled.

Educational Games for 2nd Grade

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Educational Games

for 2nd Grade

With lots of fun and easy interactive learning activities, 7-year-old kids can play games to help learn essential skills and more.


Show what you know about the Great Barrier Reef.

Show what you know about Alaska.

Help Panther Knight shop for the King by decoding multisyllabic words that end with a consonant plus –le, –el, or –al.

Students will play a word card game with Roxie and Carl by dragging the correct word containing the /ire/ sound to complete sentences.

Help Ivan send Rascal on a time travel trip by matching the time on analog clocks to digital clocks.

Help Ivan teach his robot Navi how to rearrange simple sentences to make questions.

Practice recognizing and correctly pronouncing the /ear/, /air/, and /or/ sounds in words while playing this matching game.

Participate in the Grammar Kingdom Story Festival by identifying the type of sentences shown on the banner and then choosing the correct ending punctuation for each sentence.

ABCmouse’s team of nationally recognized education experts designed every game to teach a specific 2nd grade concept. Games include voiced instructions making them easier for even the youngest of children to play.
… read more

Help Carla locate information in a table to label her map of the United States.

Look for clues in the text of the story, The Mystery of the Missing Ball, to answer questions about the characters, setting, and events of the story.

Help Grammar Kingdom’s royal bedtime storyteller complete his flip book by splitting sentences between the subject and the predicate.

Help Simon the Royal Historian write about King Grammar and the Prince’s quest for the Dangerous Dragon by joining two or more simple sentences to form a compound sentence.

Use context clues to help Granny Franny choose the correct homographs to complete sentences.

Help Maggie and Marie pack for a summer vacation by using inverse operations to check solutions to word problems.

Help Prospector Paul and Levi play a game of horseshoes by choosing the word with correct pronunciation and selecting the letter that is silent.

Help Mr. Wordsmith and Nelly test the ED Machine by choosing the correct spelling of past-tense words that end in –ed.

PAGE 1 OF 19

Available on computers, tablets, and smartphones!

Mac or PC | iPad, Amazon Fire Tablet, or Galaxy Tab | iPhone or Android

Step-by-Step Learning Path

10 Levels. Hundreds of Guided Lessons. More Than 10,000 Individual Learning Activities Inclusive of All Key 2nd Grade Subjects.

One of the best 2nd grade homeschooling resources. ABCmouse’s award-winning curriculum is backed by research and designed in collaboration with nationally recognized childhood education experts. ABCmouse’s supplemental homeschool curriculum for 2nd grade includes books, video games, puzzles, learning videos and much much more! To date, public, private, and homeschooled children have completed billions of online Learning Activities on ABCmouse!

Then renews at $12. 99/mo. until canceled. Download and install | Android

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Welcome to – the #1 digital learning program for kids ages 2-8! You can subscribe to from within this app, or sign in to an existing account to get started right away.

Research has shown that ABCmouse can greatly accelerate children’s development of early literacy and math skills!

“ is like collecting all the educational products on the market and combining them into one!”

“My kids LOVE!!! My children are now looking forward to going to school.” offers over 8500 fun and interactive learning activities that teach:

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90 015 Top Downloads

Dark Web 1711
Voscreen App 261
MHE Cross-Platform 261
Morse Trainer – Morse code for fun 232
World Provinces 232
Hebrew Siddur Reader 232
Quran with Urdu Translation 232
Nyimbo Cia Kuinira Ngai 232
PGC 232
Toca Life: School 232

Help kids learn with these fun Apple apps

Source: iMore

While technology and the open Internet can be scary for parents, they can be a useful tool when you know where to look! Whether you’re getting ready for summer, homeschooled, or just want your kids to play in their spare time, there are plenty of great educational apps for all ages.

There are a few things to consider when considering any of these applications. First of all, you need to check the details to make sure the device you are using is supported by the app. iPad Air 5 is a more affordable option with all the performance benefits of an Apple product. Second, while many of these apps are free to download, some of them will require you to purchase a subscription to access all the activities.

The best educational games for kids on iOS/iPadOS


Source: Age of Learning, Inc.

If you have a child five or younger, ABCMouse is a great educational app that tracks how your kids are learning from class to class. There are over 10,000 activities to choose from so your little ones don’t get tired of doing the same activities over and over again. While this app is free to download, you need to purchase a subscription to access the lessons.

ABCMouse – iOS

ABCMouse will keep your kids entertained for hours!

PBS Kids Games

Source: PBS KIDS

If your kids love the show on PBS KIDS, they’ll love this app too! Every week, users will find new games featuring characters they recognize, such as the Cat in the Hat, Daniel Tiger, Curious George, and more. These games aim to help kids master STEM, daily routines, creativity, and more.

PBS Kids Games

Featuring characters your kids know and love, PBS KIDS is a lot of fun.

Very Hungry Caterpillar ~ Play and Explore

Source: Toy Story

Fans of Eric Karl will love the 3D storybook effect in these games. Enjoy a variety of learning activities with all the best characters from brown bear Eric Karl and a mixed chameleon to a very hungry caterpillar. You have to pay $3 in the app to access everything.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar ~ Play and Explore

A popular children’s book turned into a game – play various learning activities.


Source: Yusitsian

If your children want to play music, a utilitarian can help teach them how to play guitar, bass, or vocals. You can start a free trial and watch the game and walkthrough videos that will give you real feedback on how you work. As you play, the app listens to you as you play and tracks your progress.


Is your child musically gifted? Let them reach their full potential with this app.

Khan Academy

Source: Khan Academy

Practice for the SAT or ACTS or expand your knowledge of your favorite subjects. Designed for kids from kindergarten to high school, this is a completely free app and can even be a way to learn something new as an adult. The app keeps track of where you are in your learning and helps you recommend the next lessons, skills, and videos to help you progress.

Khan Academy

Learn new skills and lessons with a variety of activities and videos divided into several categories.


Source: Originator Inc.

If your first grader loves math or maybe just needs some extra help, MathTango teaches kids math through a combination of puzzles and “world building” activities. But note that the game uses a Common Core approach, which can be difficult for parents to help with if they are not familiar with this new style of teaching math.


Math can be hard for some people, but MathTango makes it easy with fun games.

Duolingo – Language Lessons

Source: Christine Romero-chan / iMore

Great for kids and adults to learn a new language! There is a paid subscription, but the free membership has a lot more features. You can learn one language at a time or multiple languages ​​at the same time. There are currently over 35 languages ​​available in the app, with more being added all the time. There are quick lessons, linking words to pictures, and switching between your main language and the language of study so you can learn it quickly.

Duolingo language lessons

Everyone loves Duo, and now your child does too!

Educational Games Mentalup

Source: MantleUp Ltd.

If you don’t want to go through a bunch of settings, this is for you. This application was developed by scientists to help children develop their cognitive skills, improve attention and memory, as well as learn how to solve problems and apply logic. Unlike many educational apps designed for a wide range of ages, this one is easy to download and play and will suit everyone.

Educational Games Mentalup

Scientifically designed to help your child flex that mental muscle!

Tapity: K-5 Science for Kids

Source: Tapity, Inc.

Science lessons, activities, videos and discussion questions to help you get involved! Tapity is a science app that covers everything from space to life on earth and even physics. It’s a fully interactive experience for kids that even includes a science journal so your kids can keep track of their questions, discoveries, and progress.

Tapity: K-5 Science for kids

Is your child a science savvy? If yes, then they will definitely love this brainstorming app.

Programming for Kids: Learn to Program

Source: IDZ Digital Pvt Ltd.

As technology changes and becomes part of our daily lives, some kids are very interested in how it all works behind the scenes. With Coding for Kids, players will learn programming that includes sequences, loops, functions, debugging, arrays, coordination, and developing skills in a way that’s broken down, easy to understand, and fun for kids. You have to pay $5/month or $40/year to get all the content, but that gives you access to over 1,000 coding activities.

Programming for kids: learn how to code

Start with simple skills by involving them in coding.

use technology for good

One of the benefits of having access to so many technologies and so many options is that your child has an unlimited number of activities in which they can learn and grow while playing while sneaking up on screen to learn and grow. Hm. One of the best iPhone games is also a great learning tool.

Tn kids: Justin Timberlake | Join

Опубликовано: September 6, 2023 в 7:55 am


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Justin Timberlake | Join

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Kid Reviewed | Things to do in Tennessee with Kids

How can you be sure your kids will have an amazing time on vacation?

That’s where we come in.

We collected data from the toughest critics we know:

Actual kids.

How we do it?

We Track

We created a kid-friendly recording device to track actual kid laughter.

Excitement Level

Using wearable tech, we also tracked levels of excitement.

Collect Kid

We then paired the data with candid reviews and surveys from kids.


Scientifically proven fun*

See the process

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*The lawyers say we can’t actually guarantee they’ll have a good time. Kids are kids after all, but we’re pretty sure they’ll love it.

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Soundtrack of laughter

Because laughter is music to a parent’s ears.

“Children are now angry and snickering”: what high school students think about their peers, teachers and the future

Are there any topics that are too difficult to discuss with children? Judging by the course of social studies, no. Here, children go through economics, politics, and sociology. But few people talk about it with schoolchildren. And our blogger, social studies teacher Viktor Bormotov, decided to talk. And he asked the children to write an essay.

Have you ever wondered what “society” is? How do you see him? What do you want from him now and in the future? I think rarely. When I asked my students from 7th, 8th and 9thth classes to write (or draw) an essay, answering similar questions, they were, to put it mildly, surprised. “Write whatever I want?” they asked. And then they whispered: “This is some kind of trick, something is not right here.” But they were interested. First of all, because no one has ever, by and large, been interested in their opinion.

Creative freedom is still a great thing! To be honest, I expected to read a lot of pearls or some nonsense. I will not hide, it was also. But to a lesser extent. Basically, I saw meaningful social science studies. I suggest you take a look at them too.

About problems

(schoolchildren’s point of view)
  • “Adolescents or even children from 11 to 16 are the same. As if made under a carbon copy. Smoking, drinking, having sex, or doing nothing at all. They seem to be afraid to stand out or “to be different from everyone else”, they mow down what is fashionable. I sincerely feel sorry for those children who were recently born. After all, most likely, they will live in a destroyed economy and among the most repulsed people. Our society is degrading”;
  • “Everyone relaxed and gave up on studying”;
  • “A large number of people, or rather children, are now drinking and smoking”;
  • “Our society is in complete shit. Children shoot short videos and hope to earn money by doing this, but, in reality, they simply degrade. Toddlers (9-13 years old) smoke more than adults”;
  • “Children in our time are angry and snickering. They can poison, beat children they don’t like. They don’t study, they don’t do anything, they just suffer from bullshit and mess around”;
  • “Society is getting dumber. Looking at my peers and comparing them with people who were born 20 years earlier, I am truly horrified. A lot of guys kill themselves and their brains with cigarettes, alcohol, phones – sometimes my peers sit in them for 16 hours, doing nothing useful!

About the good

  • “In today’s society, among the advantages are mobility, increased education due to the availability of information, gradual improvement in living standards, development of technology. But I think that these are not too significant advantages. People stopped appreciating communication, buried themselves in phones, stopped respecting their elders”;
  • “Modern society seems to be diverse. The people around me are bright, ambitious and purposeful. Everyone is looking for a way to replenish their stock of knowledge, develop skills. In principle, there are now many opportunities that society has begun to use: exhibitions, theaters, libraries, sports clubs, lectures.

About dreams

  • “I want prices to decrease, for example, for candy. And to make rides cheaper! And then you go once, and then you save for a month “;
  • “Most parents restrict their children. It seems to me that as long as there are representatives of society who have grown up on other principles and ideals, modern society cannot fully open up”;
  • “I want everyone to treat each other a little kinder in the future and that people don’t throw animals out into the street”;
  • “Men in our society walk as they please. Some of them are also wearing women’s clothes. Many condemn them, but in fact it is their business – how they look. I would like everyone to accept the choice of others in the future.”

About teachers (shock content!)

“Teachers do not cope with children, they become aggressive and angry. And there are just soviet teachers who yell at children and force them to walk on a string.”

About the education reform

  • “In the future, I would like the lessons to be held as lectures, only without credits. And it would be great if there was a free visit”;
  • “I would simplify the school curriculum. And I would take one more day off – on Thursday or Wednesday”;
  • “I am sitting here in society, being forced to write some kind of essay. All of this needs to be canceled!”

Forecasts for the future (with notes of socialism)

  • “Modern society is lazy and carefree people. They are traumatized, they are infuriated by work. Our economy is developing in favor of the rulers. The new generation will try to correct the mistakes of their parents and make new ones. Perhaps an apocalypse will happen, or maybe a miracle, and we will become more tolerant and stop oppressing people”;
  • “I cannot say that our society is very good now. There are a lot of things that society often, or rather, constantly, is in disagreement with. But nevertheless, society itself creates and distributes them. The same patriarchy and bullying! If I had the opportunity, I would correct society so that it is more focused on helping others. I want people to accept others for who they are”;
  • “In the future, everything will be different. For example, people will help each other, treat the problems of others with understanding. All wars will end, and states will change”;
  • “If you give me power, I will abolish taxes and the police. Society will be fair. People will be paid according to their ability.”


  • Children want to be talked to more, more interested in their opinion. This is very important to them. So far, such practices at school are clearly not enough.
  • I am struck by a rather clear and precise understanding of the social processes taking place around, immersion in them. Our children are not as infantile as we think they are.
  • Of course, there is a lot of pessimism and cynicism, which cannot but cause anxiety among us adults.
  • A clear desire for social justice and collectivism, harmony in society.

There is an obvious need for full-fledged studies of the views of the younger generation regarding the future of society. So far, as I see it, the entire scientific and educational system is aimed at exploring everything and deciding for them.

You are in the “Blogs” section. The opinion of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.

Illustration: Cassette Bleue / Shutterstock / Fotodom

The children of the famous Alain Delon accused the nurse of bullying the actor




Alain Delon in 1963. photo: wikipedia

The children of 87-year-old actor Alain Delon accused his nurse of bullying the artist, writes L’independant.

The movie star’s relatives filed a complaint with the police. According to them, the 66-year-old assistant of their father named Hiromi Rolen “behaves aggressively towards family members, reads the artist’s personal correspondence and mocks the actor’s dog.”

The complaint contains allegations of “deliberate violence against a vulnerable person”, “moral harassment”, “abuse of weakness”.

Christophe Ayela’s family lawyer told the publication that the nurse, who moved into the actor’s home in Picardy in 2019 after Delon suffered a stroke, “became increasingly aggressive, slandered and insulted him and his children.”

She also monitored Delon’s telephone conversations and isolated him from his friends and family.

Alain Delon confirmed the words of his children and demanded that Rolen leave his house.

Kids r kids buford: Preschool & Daycare Buford, GA

Опубликовано: September 6, 2023 в 4:33 am


Категории: Kid

Preschool & Daycare Buford, GA

Preschool & Daycare Buford, GA | Kids ‘R’ Kids of Hamilton Mill

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We are so happy that you found us! We invite you to come take a tour, meet our teachers, and see why Kids ‘R’ Kids of Hamilton Mill is the best choice for your family. We understand that you want the best for your child, and we do too! With a unique mix of technology-filled classrooms, highly trained educational staff, live stream cameras, security code entry, and exclusive curriculum; what we can offer your child sets us apart from any preschool or daycare in Buford. Our learning academy offers engaging curriculum and premier programs for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, pre-K, and before/after school care. We are not just a team, but a family dedicated to giving your child the skills and educational foundation for a lifetime of success!

We want to meet you and show you around our Learning Academy. Remember to Like us on Facebook and be sure to visit our blog often for great advice on everything from education to parenting.

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  • Hours of Operation: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Address : 3690 Ridge Rd, Buford, GA 30519 | Directions
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TAKE A TOUR – Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Hamilton Mill

VIDEO: Tour Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Hamilton Mill

We want to meet you!

Kids ‘R’ Kids of Hamilton Mill is proud to deliver first-class child care and early education to our community for families with children aged 6 weeks through 4 years. We also offer before and after school programs for children 5 to 12 years of age who attend local elementary schools for kindergarten through 5th grade.

1/16: Come and tour our school! We are excited for you to see the Kids ‘R’ Kids difference!


3/16: Our Infant room is sunny, clean, and just right for our little ones!

4/16: We love out door time! Can you tell?

5/16: Our classroom are bright, clean and age appropriate. We hope you come and see us for a tour!

6/16: We love our outdoor play areas! We have separated areas for each age group.


8/16: The Kids ‘R’ Kids Staff is central to our success. Each member is carefully selected and extensively trained to provide the best in early childhood development and childcare.

9/16: Engaging activities thoughtfully engineered to encourage innovation, collaboration and imagination.

10/16: Hands-on activities (such as patterns, measurements and shapes) are important for developing your child into an abstract thinker.

11/16: School buses with seat belts provide transportation to and from local elementary schools as well as to planned field trips.

12/16: The Kids ‘R’ Kids exclusive STEAM Ahead® Curriculum implements various activities to develop skills in science, technology, engineering, art and math.

13/16: Introduction to literacy begins with our earliest learners with exclusive Infant Curriculum that exceeds other typical childcare services.

14/16: Our Toddler Program encourages each child to practice skills and develop independence.

15/16: Our School Age Program provides an engaging and collaborative environment.

16/16: Large separate playgrounds are designed for ultimate play for infants, toddlers, preschool and school age children.

Our Accredited Programs

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Hamilton Mill is fully accredited and offers the ultimate foundation for your child. We are very proud to provide the most effective educational programs and innovative facilities for children 6 weeks through 12 years of age.

Infant Program

Toddler Program

Preschool Program

Before & After School Program

Our Exclusive Curriculum

Our exclusive line of curriculum is designed specifically for every developmental stage of education with theme-based units, specific learning activities and teacher-friendly lesson plans. As a parent, rest assured your child is benefiting and advancing from the most innovative curriculum available.

Exclusive Curriculum

Brain Development


Classroom Technology

Our Mission Statement

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy located in Buford provides a secure, nurturing, and educational environment for children. Our school is a place for children to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society.

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy wants all children to have the opportunity to grow physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually by playing, exploring, and learning with others in a fun, safe, and healthy environment.

As a family-owned and operated school, Kids ‘R’ Kids of Hamilton Mill welcomes positive family involvement and encourages a parent-teacher approach where the needs of every child come first!


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VIDEO: Top 10 Reasons to choose Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy

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Home – Cumming South

How we do things makes a difference!



Preparing your child with an advanced educational foundation

Smart choice.

smarter child.


Children’s Safety First. That’s The kids ‘R’ Kids Way.

Safety and care for every child

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We are so happy you found us! Our unique mix of safe surroundings, loving interactions with our staff, and advanced curriculum founded upon play-based activities propels us far beyond the standard concept of “daycare.”

Tour Intro Kids ‘R’ Kids Tour Our School

VIDEO: Tour Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy

We want to meet you!

Kids ‘R’ Kids is proud to deliver first-class child care and early education to our community for families with children aged 6 weeks through 4 years. We also offer before and after school programs for children 5 to 12 years of age who attend local elementary schools for kindergarten through 5th grade.

We want to meet you and show you around our Learning Academy. Remember to Like us on Facebook and be sure to visit our blog often for great advice on everything from education to parenting.

Our Mission

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academies strives for every child in our care to feel safe, loved, and inspired. We are committed to providing a solid educational foundation, well-trained teachers, and a secure environment where children can flourish intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically.

By fostering strong connections between families, our schools and communities, we pledge to challenge and prepare all children for a positive impact in every step of their lives.


To pioneer education that encourages generations to cherish and impact their world.


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Our Accredited Programs

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy is fully accredited and offers the ultimate foundation for your child. We are very proud to provide the most effective educational programs and innovative facilities for children 6 weeks through 12 years of age.

Our Exclusive Curriculum

Our exclusive line of curriculum is designed specifically for every developmental stage of education with theme-based units, specific learning activities and teacher-friendly lesson plans. As a parent, rest assured your child is benefiting and advancing from the most innovative curriculum available.

1/9: Large separate playgrounds are designed for ultimate play for infants, toddlers, preschool and school age children.

2/9: Our School Age Program provides an engaging and collaborative environment.

3/9: Our Toddler Program encourages each child to practice skills and develop independence.

4/9: Introduction to literacy begins with our earliest learners with exclusive Infant Curriculum that exceeds other typical childcare services.

5/9: The Kids ‘R’ Kids exclusive STEAM Ahead® Curriculum implements various activities to develop skills in science, technology, engineering, art and math.

6/9: School buses with seat belts provide transportation to and from local elementary schools as well as to planned field trips.

7/9: Hands-on activities (such as patterns, measurements and shapes) are important for developing your child into an abstract thinker.

8/9: Engaging activities thoughtfully engineered to encourage innovation, collaboration and imagination.

9/9: The Kids ‘R’ Kids Staff is central to our success. Each member is carefully selected and extensively trained to provide the best in early childhood development and childcare.

The 10 Best Buford Hotels, USA (From €124)

Our Recommendations
Lowest price at the beginning
Number of stars and price
Rating + number of reviews

SpringHill Suites by Marriott Atlanta Buford/Mall of Georgia

3 stars


Hotel in Buford

SpringHill Suites is located next to the Mall of Georgia. It offers an outdoor pool, free parking and a 24-hour market.



The location of the hotel is very convenient, everything is within walking distance. The room is spacious and clean




259 reviews

Price from


per night

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Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Buford at Mall of Georgia, GA

3 stars

Hotel in Buford

Featuring 3-star accommodation, Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Buford at Mall of Georgia, GA is situated in Buford, 45 km from Stone Mountain Carving and 49 km from MARTA-Indian Creek Station.



Good front desk staff. ADA room was all we needed.



Very good

386 reviews

Price from

€ 132

per night

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Home2 Suites By Hilton Buford Mall Of Georgia, Ga

5 stars

Hotel in Buford

Home2 Suites By Hilton Buford Mall Of Georgia, Ga is located in Buford, 1 km from Mall of Georgia and 11 km from Culray Field.

Ben & Ruby


Room, staff, hotel was all great!




298 reviews

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Holiday Inn Express & Suites Buford NE – Lake Lanier Area, an IHG Hotel

2 stars


Hotel in Buford

Located just 4 km from Lake Lanier Islands Park, this hotel is located in Buford. It features an outdoor pool, sun lounger area and free Wi-Fi.



Clean and roomy room. Breakfast was great!



Very good

109 reviews

Price from

€ 165

per night

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Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Atlanta Buford/Mall of Georgia

3 stars

Hotel in Buford

Located off Interstate 85, this Buford hotel is 10 miles from Lake Lanier.



Rebecca at the front desk was so professional, kind, respectful, excellent.



Very good

194 reviews

Price from

€ 154

per night

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Hampton Inn Atlanta-Mall Of Georgia

3 stars

Hotel in Buford

This inn is opposite the Mall of Georgia and 33.8 km from Road Atlanta.



The staff hospitality and the locations



Very good

179 reviews

Price from

€ 130

per night

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Courtyard by Marriott Atlanta Buford Mall of Georgia

3 stars

Hotel in Buford

Located within a 5-minute drive from Interstate 85, this hotel features a modern lobby area with GoBoard touch screen panels, media pods with private flat-panel TVs, and a Bistro restaurant.






Very good

129 reviews

Price from

€ 162

per night

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Travel Inn of Buford

2 stars

Hotel in Buford

Travel Inn of Buford is located in Buford, 3.9 km from Mall of Georgia. It offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and free private parking.

Edwina M


close to my grandson’s house



Review score

95 reviews

Price from

€ 114

per night

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Lanier Islands Legacy Lodge

4 stars


Lanier Island, Buford

Legacy Lodge at Lake Lanier Islands is located in Georgia.



My room had a balcony and the view was gorgeous. I love the restaurants on site, making it possible to relax and stay all the time at the hotel. The staff was great!!! John from Bullfrog bar was the best! Unfortunately we can’t say the same about the hostess, who was rude.



Very good

497 reviews

Price from

€ 194

per night

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Buford Mansion with Pool about 14 Mi to Lake Lanier


Boasting garden views, Buford Mansion with Pool about 14 Mi to Lake Lanier provides accommodation with a garden and a patio, around 9. 3 km from Coolray Field.


Price from

€ 912

per night

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See all 8 hotels in Buford

hotels in Buford, –

Our recommendations
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AmericInn by Wyndham Laramie Near University of Wyoming

3 stars

Hotel in Laramie

Offering an indoor pool, the eco-friendly AmericInn Lodge and Suites Laramie is located off Interstate 80 and 4.7 km from the University of Wyoming.



Beautiful clean hotel with friendly staff.



Very good

622 reviews

Price from

€ 125

per night

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Hampton Inn Laramie

3 stars


Hotel in Laramie

This hotel is located in Laramie, Wyoming. It is located next to Highway 30.



Hampton Inns are consistently my favorite places to stay if within my budget. Great breakfast, staff, and room. They always meet my expectations and desires.




281 reviews

Price from

€ 120

per night

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Quality Inn & Suites – University

2 stars

Hotel in Laramie

This hotel is located in Laramie. All rooms have free Wi-Fi. The University of Wyoming is 850 meters away.



Friendly staff, professional check in. Nice clean rooms.




381 reviews

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Holiday Inn Laramie, an IHG Hotel

3 stars

Hotel in Laramie

This Laramie Holiday Inn hotel is located off I-80 and adjacent to the University of Wyoming. It features a family restaurant and a heated indoor pool.



Friendly staff, spacious room, free coffee, pool

Show more


Very good

98 reviews

Price from

€ 154

per night

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Hilton Garden Inn Laramie

3 stars


Hotel in Laramie

This Laramie, Wyoming hotel is just a short drive from the University of Wyoming Convention Center.



The staff was wonderful; very friendly and accommodating. The room & facilities are clean & comfortable, and the breakfast was delicious. The pool & hot tub were well maintained and perfect temps. very hospitable.




244 reviews

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Laramie Vacation Rental 2 Mi to Downtown!

Laramie (Near Buford)

Laramie Vacation Rental 2 Mi to Downtown! is set in Laramie. The accommodation is 2.3 km from the War Memorial Stadium and features free WiFi throughout the property.



Review score

1 reviews

Price from

€ 191

per night

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Motel 6-Laramie, WY

2 stars

Hotel in Laramie

Motel 6 Laramie is located 4.8 km from the University of Wyoming-Laramie. It offers rooms with flat-screen cable TV, an outdoor pool and laundry facilities.



Well… there was no breakfast, just coffee



Review score

256 reviews

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Budget Inn Laramie

Hotel in Laramie

Budget Inn Laramie is located in Laramie, 2. 8 km from War Memorial. It features a fitness center and free private parking.



Coffee only. Resturant closed due to renovation.



Review score

163 reviews

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Cozy Laramie Retreat with Private Yard Near UW!

Laramie (Near Buford)

Located in Laramie in the Wyoming region, Cozy Laramie Retreat with Private Yard Near UW! features a patio. It is set 1.4 km from War Memorial Stadium and offers free WiFi plus a concierge service.


Price from

€ 344

per night

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Charming Downtown Laramie Home Walk to UW!

Teaching kids a second language: Teach Your Child a Second Language at Home with 5 Key Steps

Опубликовано: September 6, 2023 в 1:06 am


Категории: Kid

Teach Your Child a Second Language at Home with 5 Key Steps


6 min read

How do I teach my child a second language?

If you’re wondering how kids can learn a foreign language, you’re not alone! This is the most common question I hear from parents who want to raise bilingual children. To help you teach your child a second language, I’m sharing this 5-step action plan to jump start your family’s learning journey at home.

How to teach your child a

foreign target language

When giving advice on teaching a second language to kids, I prefer to use the term “target language” rather than “foreign language”. The words we choose can have a powerful impact on our mindset.

Target suggests that goals are in place to teach a child a second language. It primes your mind to prioritize the minority language. Meanwhile, foreign implies that the language is strange and unfamiliar.

In our family, the target languages are Chinese and Korean due to our family’s heritage. In order to make these languages feel familiar and less foreign, I gradually implemented 5 key steps into our children’s daily routine.

However, the teaching steps can apply to any second, third, or fourth language. Remember to download the printable action plan at the end of the post!

This article was first published in March 2017 and has since been updated with new information.

Related: How to Raise a Bilingual Baby

This post may have some affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase, I earn a small commission which supports this educational website at no additional cost to you. Please see the disclosure policy for details.


Speak the target language at home with kids

If you’re bilingual and want your child to learn a second language, the first thing to do is to simply start talking. The sooner the better, but also know that it’s never too late to start.

In the beginning, parents often feel awkward about switching to the minority language. But consistency is key! Over time, it will become habit to think and reflexively reply in the minority language.

If you don’t speak a second language (yet!), consider hiring a caregiver or tutor to teach your family. Check out these 10 ways to find a language teacher for kids.

2. Teach your child a second language through songs

Korean music book; Chinese music book

Because singing and dancing are naturally fun, music has the power to transform your home into a bilingual learning environment.

You can definitely teach your child a second language through songs! In elementary school, many American students learn to sing Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas) in Spanish and Frere Jacques (Brother John) in French. Decades later, people often still remember the lyrics!

Since our family is learning Chinese and Korean, here are songs that we recommend exploring with your fchildren.

  • Chinese music
    • 100 Best Chinese songs and nursery thymes for kids
    • Chinese Mandopop music for tweens/teens
  • Korean music
    • 100 Best Korean songs and nursery rhymes for children
    • K-pop music for tweens/teens

3. Learn a second language from audiobooks and videos

Busy parents will appreciate these low-prep tools! For extra language exposure, audiobooks and videos can introduce your child to a variety of native speakers. This is especially true for older children and teens.

Instead of watching TV shows and movies in the dominant language, look for your target language on Netflix, Disney Plus, and Amazon Prime.

For your next movie night, check out these popular Disney Pixar movies for kids in Chinese and Korean. There are also lots of free Korean and Chinese shows on YouTube!

In addition, audiobooks are a powerful and relaxing way to hear new words in any language. Consider these websites and apps with free multilingual audiobooks for kids.

4. Make the second language visible in your home

In addition to listening to the language, make it obvious to the eyes. If your child can “see” the second language around the room, this can spark curiosity. When the second language is visible, it can also remind kids and parents to speak the language.

Look around your home and take note of what labels, signs, and books you see. To make our minority languages become the majority at home, I started collecting Chinese books and Korean books. I also started adding Korean and Chinese labels to create a print-rich environment in the target languages.

5. Teach your child a second language with fun activities

Hands on experiences make language fun, natural, and memorable for children. When kids are in school full-time, they are constantly creating new memories with friends in the dominant language.

If we want our kids to learn a second language at home, we need to consider the after school experience. What can we do to make it more special? How can we connect with our children meaningfully in the target language?

By observing a child’s interests, you can find ways to make the minority language fun at home. Does your child love hide-and-seek? Start playing the game in your second language! Is your kid interested in art? Mix language learning with creative crafts.

Whatever it is that your child likes, be it soccer, hopscotch, or animals of the world, integrate learning with those interests! If you’re lucky enough to have sports, dance, or other lessons in the target language, take advantage of those opportunities.

Kids learn much more from relevant experiences than being forced to plow through a textbook.

Need inspiration? Check out our Educational Bilingual Activities Library!

Teach your child a second language with a printable action plan

Having your plan on paper is like having a roadmap to guide your family. Start your child’s bilingual journey by downloading this printable to-do list and action plan. Hang it on your fridge or frame it on your desk as a gentle reminder that you’ve got this!

More tips for teaching kids new languages

  • Raising Multilingual Children As a Non-Fluent Parent is Possible
  • How To Get Your Child To Speak the Minority Language
  • 15 Ways to Get Your Child to Read Throughout the Day

We hope you have fun learning a new language with your kids!


How to Raise a Bilingual Child (Tips, Benefits & Strategies)

Do you want your child to learn a second language so he or she can speak with non-English speaking relatives? Or do you want your baby to be bilingual so they’ll someday be better equipped for travel, foreign language requirements in school, or the job market?

No matter what your motivation is, speaking two languages will benefit your children greatly.

If your goal is raising a bilingual child, you’ve got work to do! Let’s look at what you can expect and all the information you need to get started.

Table of Contents

  • The Growing Trend of Multilingualism
  • Benefits of Being Bilingual
  • How To Decide Upon a Language
  • How to Raise a Bilingual Child
  • Bilingualism Strategies
  • Myths About Bilingualism
  • Give It The Old College Try

The Growing Trend of Multilingualism

Residents in the U.S. are putting a higher emphasis on multilingualism than ever before. Some of that is by necessity — some parents and grandparents speak little or no English, so to converse with them a child has to learn a second language.

But a lot of the language diversity in the U.S. is by choice instead of necessity.

Making Progress

How much multilingualism you see varies from state to state, but overall as a country, we’ve made strides since 1980. In 1980, only 10.68 percent of the U.S. was bilingual. By 2016, that number had jumped to 20.14 percent (1).

But we’re still far behind many other countries where bilingualism is much more common. In Switzerland, approximately 42 percent of the residents speak two or more languages every day.

There are a couple of reasons the U.S.’s bilingualism has increased. A big one is more immigrants locating in the U.S. — they bring their language with them and often pick up English as well. As they have children, they often speak both languages to their children.

Another one is a parent who decides to teach their child more than one language because they think it’s a good thing for them to know.

Benefits of Being Bilingual

If you’re going to put all this time and effort into raising a bilingual child, it better have benefits. It’s not like you’re going to give up your few precious minutes of free time for something that doesn’t offer any rewards.

Bilingualism will benefit your baby in the future. Here are some of the ways it will help them:

  • An appreciation for other cultures: When a child learns another language, it opens up another world to them. They learn more than just words, they learn about a whole class of people and their customs. That can be invaluable for the rest of their lives.
  • They learn the world is a big and diverse place: It can be easy for children to feel like the whole world is their neighborhood or their towns. Learning a foreign language forces them to think of themselves as a global citizen.
  • Mental strength: Your child should experience a boost in their brain function no matter which age they begin to learn a second language (2). According to research, speaking a second language can lead to better concentration and even greater intelligence.
  • Landing that dream job: Speaking more than one language can make your child a more attractive candidate when they start looking for work someday.
  • Feeling more comfortable traveling: You never know what travel opportunities may come up for your child in the future. Many colleges offer programs in which students study abroad.
  • It helps improve memory and may delay dementia: Some studies have shown that additional languages can improve the memories of both adults and children. Other studies have shown a correlation between learning another language and delayed dementia, although that link hasn’t been conclusively verified. Still, if you have a family history of dementia, it wouldn’t hurt to learn that second language along with your child.

How To Decide Upon a Language

For some families, deciding what a child’s second language will be is easy. If there is already a native language spoken by relatives, that’s the obvious choice. It’s a great way to strengthen family bonds and teach your child more about your family’s culture.

But sometimes the choice isn’t so easy, particularly if bilingualism is being pursued solely for the benefits to your child, not because of a family reason.

So how can you decide which language to teach your child?

  • Examine your reasons: If you’re teaching bilingualism because you want your child to have an advantage later in life, you may want to pick a popular language that’s spoken by a lot of people. Good picks include Chinese, Spanish, French, or German.
  • You know a foreign language: If you already know a language, that may be a compelling reason to teach that one. You’ll be able to impart your knowledge to your child while brushing up on your own skills.
  • Whether you have an instructor nearby for that language: If you have a neighbor, a relative, or a friend who knows a foreign language, it makes sense to at least consider that one since you’ll have accessible resources. Otherwise, you’ll have to look at if there is a teacher nearby that can be hired — you might not have many language choices in smaller towns or rural areas though.
  • What your child wants: Older children may have a strong feeling about which language they want to learn. If they have a certain language in mind, let them pick that. They’ll be more motivated if they have a say in what they’re learning.

How to Raise a Bilingual Child

You’ve figured out which language to teach and how quickly you want your child to dive in. You’re ready to begin! But, first, here are some tips to keep in mind that will help ensure your child’s success.

1. Start Young

Although anyone at any age can learn multiple languages, it is easiest for young children. It’s never too early to start or too late, but the optimal time to introduce another language is between the newborn stage and up to 6 years old (3).

Think about how quickly children pick up languages — it’s astounding how much they learn in such a short time. This ability isn’t only geared toward their native tongue — they can do it with any language they have exposure to.

That’s in part because they use sections of the brain that have to do with language acquisition. That section stops growing as fast around the age of 11. That doesn’t mean a person can’t learn a second language then, just that it becomes more difficult to do so.

Take Note

Another reason it’s easier for young children to learn is because they haven’t developed any negative attitudes about learning or their ability to grasp information.

When I was in grade school, I loved math and I excelled at it. But by high school, the mere mention of the word math had me groaning.

It wasn’t because I no longer had the ability, I just had developed a negative attitude about it after hearing all my friends complain about it and because the problems took longer to solve than the simple equations I faced when I was younger.

Young kids don’t have the self-doubt and negativity from their peers to contend with. They won’t be self-conscious about mispronouncing words in front of their friends like they will be if they try to pick up a language in junior high or high school. Their attitude won’t get in the way.

2. Plan

Learning another language won’t happen by accident. It’s going to take some serious planning. First, you need to pick the right language based on whether you have teachers or adults around to talk to your child in that language regularly. For older children, remember to keep their language preference in mind to fuel their desire to learn the language.

You’ll have to plan to find the materials your child will need and make a schedule that will allow them enough time to nurture their new skill.

3. Create Exposure

Without exposure to their new language, a child will never catch on to more than basic vocabulary words. While they may be able to memorize simple things like counting to 10, their skills will never be given the chance to grow. And when it comes to foreign languages, if you don’t use it, you lose it.

So they’ll need a place where they are encouraged to speak in their new language, as well as finding someone who can take their lessons to the next level.

4. Find Opportunity

Nothing will excite your child more about their new language than getting the chance to use it in the real world. While conversations with their teacher or relative who uses the language are great, nothing beats an organic encounter where they see their hard work pay off.

If your child is studying French, that doesn’t mean you have to break the bank and book the trip of a lifetime to France. Unless you can somehow convince your partner that expense is justified, of course!

Getting your child jazzed up about their studies could be as simple as taking them to a French restaurant where they are allowed to order what they want off the menu and speak rudimentary French to the waiter.

5. Make It Fun

If it seems like work or pressure, your child will resist learning another language with everything they have. And anyone who has ever seen a toddler throw a fit in a grocery store will know what I’m talking about. If your toddler isn’t on board, you can kiss the idea of a bilingual child goodbye.

One sure way to get them excited about learning another language is by making it fun. Sing, dance, and play your way through language instruction and they won’t even understand they’re secretly honing a new skill. Use puppets that only speak the second language or sing simple songs.

6. Take It To The Next Level

To help your child speak fluently, it will take more than your basic understanding of a language or limited exposure to someone who speaks the language. If your goal is fluency, you may want to look for classes for your child.

Bilingualism Strategies

If you have a bilingual home where a relative speaks a native tongue they are teaching their child, there are several ways to teach that language to the next generation. Let’s look at how you can accomplish that goal.

One Parent, One Language

This method involved having the parent who speaks the second language only talk to their child using this language — not English if that’s the primary language. The other parent will speak the other language.

  • The child knows exactly which parent will speak which language to them so there is less confusion.
  • Your child will have plenty of exposure to the second language.
  • This method limits the time a child can spend conversing with both parents at once. And unless the parents both speak the language, it can be isolating for them at times.

Everyone Participates

With this method, everyone speaks at least a little of both languages in the household. It can be a learning experience for everyone.

  • It promotes inclusion rather than excluding anyone.
  • It can strengthen everyone’s foreign language skills in the family.
  • It might lead to the primary language being spoken more frequently, unless you are strict about how often the second language is used.

Time and Place Method

This method maps out how many days each language should be used and where at. You might choose to alternate languages every day at home or earmark an hour a day for the second language — the structure is up to you.

  • You can set this for a time that is convenient for you.
  • Your child will always know when it’s time to speak the other language, which will limit confusion.
  • Everyone can be included with this method.
  • It can be hard to stick to a firm schedule for school-aged children who have other obligations.

Myths About Bilingualism

Have you heard some things about teaching your child another language that have you concerned? Let’s look at the reality behind some myths you’ll hear about bilingual children.

Your child won’t know the difference between the languages.

This is a common worry, but it’s totally false. Children are incredibly sensitive to the differences in languages. It can be trickier when the languages are similar, but even then, children will distinguish between the two quickly.

It will create delays with their speech, which will set them back in school.

Sometimes a child who is learning more than one language will start talking later than children who only know one language, but this is rare. The delay isn’t anything to worry about though (4). It doesn’t cause a long delay and it doesn’t mean your child is falling behind.

Studies on this matter show both groups of kids — monolingual and bilingual — learn language at the same rate, which means there is nothing to be concerned about when it comes to speech.

They will mix up both languages which will create problems for them.

Your child might mix up the languages occasionally. That’s perfectly normal, and it doesn’t mean your child will have a harder time with either language.

When you notice your child using words from the second language while they are speaking the first, all you have to do is gently remind them the word they just said is from another language. Sometimes kids catch that they are doing this all on their own and they’ll correct themselves.

So while your child may mix up their words sometimes, it’s not an indication of a problem and it’s nothing to worry about.

If you don’t start early, it will be too late to introduce another language.

It’s never too late to learn a new language — adults in their 70s and 80s can even do it. Just because it’s easier for children to grasp the new language when they are younger doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bother if you don’t try to teach them until they are teenagers.

Children can pick up a second language easily.

While it can be easy for a child to learn another language, it doesn’t mean all children will be fluent with no problems. They still have to put the work into learning it. And parents should understand that their child still won’t be fluent in the language for years, just as a baby isn’t fluent in English for years.

Unrealistic expectations on a parent’s end can derail a child’s progress and can make older children feel as if they are failing or aren’t smart enough to catch on.

Give It The Old College Try

No matter what a person’s age is, learning a second language is a useful skill to have, whether it’s for traveling, broadening a person’s world, or to get an edge in a competitive job market.

Although it’s easiest to teach your child another language while they’re younger, you can absolutely do it if your child is older. Just remember to give them consistency and to make it fun for them.

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Single parent, single language (OROYA)

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Foreign language

Views: 4219

There are many methods of teaching a child’s language, and I will start with perhaps the most effective and simplest of them.

It’s called One Parent One Language, or OROYA for short.

As you might guess, with this approach, one of the parents always speaks with the children in one language, the second in another.

Maria and her husband Mario started working on this method immediately after the birth of their son Emmanuel. The boy is now three years old.

Maria always spoke to him in Spanish, and her husband in Portuguese. Emmanuel goes to an English-speaking kindergarten. Maria and Mario communicate with each other in Spanish, although Mario uses a lot of Portuguese words. After Emmanuel spoke, he communicates with his mother only in Spanish, and with his father only in Portuguese.

As might be expected, Emmanuel sometimes inserts Portuguese words into Spanish sentences. Kindergarten staff report that Emmanuel speaks only English there and never uses any Spanish or Portuguese words.

This is a very typical and very common learning outcome of the OpDya method. Emmanuel is still very small, but he understands perfectly well that in kindergarten they do not know either Spanish or Portuguese.

The advantage of the OpOya method is that it helps parents to successfully overcome all obstacles to bilingualism, to ensure the consistency and consistency of teaching, as well as a sufficient amount of language practice. Personally, I believe that the OpOya method is optimal due to the sequence and logic of building a communication scheme.

Why is the ORHA method successful?

Here are six explanations for why the OpOi method is so successful.

  • He is consistent and logical.
  • He is simple.
  • It is easy for a child to “delimit the territory” and decide which of the two parents, relatives or nannies will communicate with him in what language. In the case of Emmanuel, each of the parents always speaks only one language with him. Even young children can easily understand and follow the principles of “language delimitation”.
  • As a result, the child naturally begins to respond in the language in which he is addressed.
  • The Oroya method helps to create a clear scheme of communication with the child in two or more languages.
  • It makes language practice in different languages ​​the most effective, because each parent speaks to the child in a certain language under any circumstances, at any time of the day and regardless of any actions or environment.

I have repeatedly observed that consistency and consistency is probably the most difficult issue in the period of bilingual education. However, the ODO method eliminates this problem. parents do not have to make time for formal language classes or keep certain agreements in mind, such as “we only speak French during Sunday breakfast” or “Armenian homework must be done on Tuesday”.

You speak to your child in a certain language, and he answers you in it – what could be easier? This is how monolingual children learn to speak. In most cases, the difference between those who speak a language fluently and those who simply understand it comes down to the amount of language practice. It should be emphasized that the OpDya method provides the maximum amount of such.


–– My husband works late and therefore doesn’t communicate much with our daughter in Ukrainian. Will our daughter be able to learn the language?

Linguists rightly argue that there is a direct relationship between the speed of learning and the amount of language practice. A child who hears speech less often in a certain language and practices it less often will learn the language more slowly than one who hears it more often and speaks it himself more. nevertheless, most likely, the girl who is concerned with the question asked will quickly learn to understand simple spoken Ukrainian, but it will take her more time to master a significant amount of words and gain conversational skills, if, of course, dad does not start communicating with her more often .

Keep in mind that your child’s language acquisition goals should be tied to the time he spends in that language. if there is no direct relationship between the goals and the time invested, you risk being disappointed in the learning outcomes and may even drop it. Therefore, I would recommend to the mother who asked the question to be patient, not to expect anything supernatural, but also to find opportunities through which her daughter would practice Ukrainian more and more (see the chapter on the fourth step and the list of resources at the end of the book) .

The OpOya method helps to clearly delineate the areas of application of the language.

Rachel and her husband have a seven-year-old daughter, Christina, whom her parents want to raise as bilingual. “Christina only speaks French with her dad,” Rachel says. – I do not speak this language well and communicate with my daughter only in English. if I suddenly speak French to her, she starts to object and tell me that I am doing wrong. Even when I want to scold her and address her in French in front of her friends, she becomes very angry and starts shouting loudly to drown out the sound of my voice: “This is not your language, this is my father’s language!”

I have repeatedly heard babies talk about “mother’s” and “dad’s” language. One father told me that when he first came to Greece with his daughter Catherine, she was terribly surprised that people speak “daddy’s” language.

When Stefano came in the afternoon after classes at the English kindergarten, he invariably told what he was doing there. At home, he spoke Spanish, and everything that happened during the day, he retold, translating into this language. Stefano has already grown up, but his parents still remember how he sang London Bridge Is Falling Down to them in Spanish. (“London Bridge is Falling” (English) – a popular children’s song. Approx. transl. )

Finally, the OpOi method helps multilingual families avoid chaos.

As I mentioned in the second step chapter, multilingual families have a rather complex linguistic environment. For example, parents can communicate with each other in English, and with their relatives speak other languages. The child’s mother may not understand or understand the father’s native language very poorly, and vice versa. In such circumstances, it is not easy to create a language environment in which the child will be able to master two or more languages. The OpOya method allows one of the parents to communicate with the child in a certain language, regardless of whether the other half understands it. the child can cook more in the language environment due to communication with relatives who speak to him in the language of one of the parents. if the language of communication at home is not English, then the kindergarten and school, as well as acquaintances, friends and the media, will help with the education of the latter.

However, the OpOya method has one obvious drawback: parents may experience discomfort while communicating with a child in public places where people do not speak their language. For more information about what to do in this case, read the chapter on the fifth step.

Variations of the ORHA method

There are a number of quite workable variations of this method. in order for a child to successfully comprehend a language, it is necessary to observe the main principles, namely: you need to clearly define people (or groups of those) who will always communicate with him in a certain language.

Variations on the OpDya method provide consistency and clear delineation of language boundaries. In this case, success is guaranteed.

For example, often both parents work late. In this case, the child spends most of the time with relatives or nannies. if grandparents, aunts, uncles or nannies communicate with the child in the same language as the parents, then ultimately the child’s immersion in the language will be the same as if the parents were constantly next to the child.

Or only certain family members or nannies will speak to the child in a particular language (remember the case of Jennifer and her Chinese nanny who taught the children the language).

Variations on the OpDya method can be successful because none of us, including our children, lives surrounded by immediate family members. Even before a child starts going to kindergarten, he will hear English more than once on the street, on the playground, in the section or in some preparatory institution that he attends.

Therefore, I will emphasize once again that in the case when a family decides to teach a child at home not English, but some other language, he will master it anyway, especially after he goes to school.

See Books: Naomi Steiner, Susan Hayes. Foreign as native .

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A modern approach to teaching a second language to preschoolers

Author :

Shakhlovich Svetlana Ivanovna

Category : Special issue

Posted by

young scientist

№7 (111) April-1, 2016

Publication date of : 04/04/2016

Article viewed:

1756 times

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Bibliographic description:

Shakhlovich, S. I. Modern approach in the system of teaching the second language to preschoolers / S. I. Shakhlovich. – Text: direct // Young scientist. – 2016. – No. 7.6 (111.6). — S. 261-263. — URL: (date of access: 06/18/2023).

Today, preschool educational organizations (PEE) are increasingly striving to support the development of the individual abilities of the child, to prepare him to meet the modern requirements of a dynamically developing world.

Despite the fact that the issue of teaching a foreign language to children of preschool age is still the subject of extensive discussions, this topic firmly occupies its niche in children’s educational organizations, development centers, and in programs of preparatory school courses. There has been a new international approach to primary language education, and knowledge of a foreign language is one of the most important competencies of a modern person. In view of the fact that the positions of the English language are quite strong in the world and there are no trends to weaken them, it is appropriate to consider the modern approach to teaching a second language to preschool children using the example of English.

It should be noted that the possibilities of teaching a foreign language for preschool children have significantly expanded in recent years:

– the use of a variety of modern teaching methods with innovative components;

– attraction of teachers – native speakers for teaching children according to foreign methods with the effect of immersion in the language environment;

– the possibility of children going abroad to specialized schools to continue their education in a natural language environment.

The scientific and practical search for effective ways of teaching is carried out in several directions, carrying out both the selection of methods and the identification of the age segment. Although at present there is no single starting age range for learning a foreign language, according to Russian psychologists A. A. Leontiev, P. Ya. . Toddlers do not have a psychological barrier, and they are not afraid to make mistakes in the course of learning a second language. In addition, after six to seven years, the flexibility of the speech mechanism is lost to a certain extent, and this gives the right to argue about the expediency and timeliness of teaching a foreign language to preschoolers.

Of course, due to age characteristics, there is no need to start learning the alphabet and grammar at the age of 4–5 years. First, the baby listens, remembers foreign words and phrases, and only then begins to speak. Early learning of a foreign language does not pursue the solution of momentary problems. The task of mastering a second language is put into perspective. There is also no need to fear the emergence of an imbalance of bilingualism. Bilingualism, which is formed in the conditions of kindergarten, implies the priority of the native language. The main thing is to keep the movement for learning a second language.

The principles of presenting language material to preschoolers are distinguished by the absence of strict grammatical topics, the periodic repetition of material in a cyclic form, the presence of an emotional, fascinating plot for developing speech skills. Foreign language lessons should be built through games, songs, rhythmic movements, inventing and acting out situations with fairy-tale characters.

It is necessary to highlight the important components of the modern organization of the process of teaching a second language to preschoolers: integrative, individual and multisensory. The topic of integrating the English language into the educational work of preschool educational institutions is very relevant and promising. The integration process should be carried out in the most familiar forms of play activities for children: didactic games, musical outdoor games, visual activities, etc.

When planning the content of cognitive situations for children learning English, it is necessary to focus on the main educational program of a preschool organization, transferring knowledge, skills and abilities from academic disciplines to a foreign language and vice versa.

The content of verbal communication in foreign language classes should be linked to the calendar and thematic planning of the preschool educational institution, through the cooperation of a foreign language teacher with a group teacher, a music director and a physical education teacher. Children who have mastered knowledge of elementary mathematics are happy to learn the English names of already familiar geometric shapes in funny songs. If the kid already knows the count up to 10 in his native language, then he will easily master the English count, relying on the already formed system of knowledge, ideas and skills.

An important condition for an integrative approach is the orientation of the educational process towards practical actions, since it is not enough for a child to just look and think, he needs to take an object in his hands, determine its shape, the material from which it is made. The lesson can become more interesting if you diversify it with elements of visual activity: drawing, modeling or appliqué. Such an activity helps to gain experience in the logical representation of elements in an imaginary situation, promotes the transfer of words, phrases and grammatical structures learned by children during classes, trains visual memory, imagination and develops fine motor skills of hands.

It is necessary to include in the lesson elements of activities that contribute to the creation of a communicative situation in which children can master the phrases of greeting, apology, request. It is very important to model situations that provoke children to comment on the course of their activities, to express their attitude to a situation or an object.

A promising direction in language learning is project activity. For example, within the framework of the Mother’s Day project, children learn with interest the English names of family members, the names of rooms in the house, and get acquainted with the types of household work in English formulations. In the “Two Capitals” project, children are happy to look at the sights of Moscow and London, compare, remember the names, thereby expanding their understanding of the overall picture of the world.

In connection with the humanistic orientation of the development of society, an individualized component in the structure of the modern approach has been clearly identified. Experts come to a common opinion that foreign language material for preschoolers should be presented at a different pace for children who quickly and slowly orient themselves in the process of mastering the material. Due to their restlessness, difficulty concentrating and the need to be in constant motion, tasks are offered that combine the process of learning a language with changing several types of activities in one cognitive situation.

In the learning process, the personal qualities and preferences of each child should be taken into account: successful and lagging behind, mobile and assiduous, noisy and quiet … Individualization of learning is associated with the personal characteristics of the child, including his momentary experiences and joys. The teacher should find an opportunity to talk about exciting and meaningful children’s topics. Material should be personalized so that children can express their feelings.

A special role in conducting an effective lesson is given to the multisensory approach, where the teacher must take into account not only the age-related psychological characteristics of children, but also the specifics of the perception of the information they receive. In each age group, children stand out with sharp hearing and excellent memory. These types of children do not need to be asked to look at and touch the demonstration material. The main thing for them is to hear the information from the position of “sounds, rhythms and melodies”, and they will remember and reproduce it in great detail. Some children perceive information visually. Such children are inventors and dreamers. They love to look at visual aids, pictures and photographs. For them, novelty and brightness are important. Information is perceived better if the teacher reinforces it with gestures, showing with his hands what size it is, at what distance, in what direction . .. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that there are children who perceive tactile sensations, touches better than words. They perceive information only by touching, moving, smelling and tasting. Such babies are very mobile, it is difficult for them to concentrate their attention on anything, they are easily distracted and sensitive to stressful and uncomfortable situations.

In order for the lesson not to be tiring, to retain its target and communicative orientation, it is unacceptable to ignore the following principles:

– voluntary classes – you can not force a child to learn English. By making his training a duty, the classes will become tedious. The main task is to arouse interest in the child. The study of new words, phrases and simple sentences should take place through songs, dances, games.

– The sequence of classes – it is important that the presentation of the material is systematized, structured and consistent; so that new knowledge is superimposed on a prepared basis.

– Motivation for learning – to interest the child in the learning process, since it is quite difficult to explain to a four-year-old child about the need to know English. If the classes are fun and varied, then the kid will strive for knowledge himself.

An important component in the learning process is the comfort of the child. If a child resists learning, the cause should be identified and the approach changed to bring back interest in learning. In this regard, a modern lesson in a foreign language should be:

– bright, flexible and diverse in purpose;

– rich in the use of the latest technical means.

The purpose of learning a foreign language by preschoolers is, first of all, intellectual development, expansion and deepening of existing knowledge. This is the basis for raising social status in the future and opening up new horizons in understanding and bringing the world closer together.


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