
How much should you spend on your kids for christmas: How Much to Spend per Child at Christmas – NO GUILT GUIDE

Опубликовано: September 17, 2023 в 9:24 am


Категории: Kid

How Much to Spend per Child at Christmas – NO GUILT GUIDE

Christmas is around the corner, but hopefully you are planning in plenty of time to make this fun! If you are looking at your overall budget, check out this guide on budgeting for Christmas in YNAB.

The national average on Christmas gift spending per child is between $200-$300 for the last 5 years.

This year is no different, but choosing the amount to spend on Christmas per child is a personal decision with your budget as the main factor. That said, don’t forget to take into account your family traditions, desires, and ages of the kiddos!

Christmas Spending Trends

I was stunned when I saw the following:

17% of American parents spare no expense when it comes to Christmas gifts.

Jovana Kentic for Capital Counselor

I discovered a survey through RetailMeNot that 66% of households plan to spend the same amount or more. I keep hearing about a struggling economy, so as long as the spending isn’t debt-fueled, this is a relief!

Notice in infographic they share that Christmas spending is up per child by $40 over last year’s spending per kid.

This falls in line with what I’ve seen for national polls over the last 5 years, but to make sure these surveys include real people, I reached out to a financial Facebook moms group and a local Facebook moms group for an unscientific ask. Very unscientific, but I’m finding the same thoughts this way, as well.

In both groups, 70% of moms plan to spend under $400 per child with a pretty even split between the $0-$200 and $200-400 camps.

Consider this against the average expected spend to be $942 according to

Find the Right Gift Budget per Child

1. Determine Your Overall Budget FIRST

It is helpful if you start by looking at what you are able to spend for the holiday season. When you start putting pen to paper, make sure you include all of the parties and expectations that tend to crop up.

That’s why you have to start with knowing what you’re willing to spend, and then you can dive into how that money gets spent. Planning will keep your finances in a good place.

I credit a lot of my planning & keeping debt out of my life by moving over to the budgeting software, YNAB, and you can read more about budgeting for Christmas using YNAB here.

Step #1: List out your holiday expense expectations.

Our family knows the ebbs and flows for the most part. For example, in my husband’s friend circle, we buy 1 gift for the party under $100, 1 gift for the host, and we bring a dish. For my friend circle, I buy 1 gift under $50 and pay for an evening at a wine bar.

We literally list all of these events plus things like work functions, holiday decorations, or any other pieces of the season that are important to you and your family.

Here’s a full list to help you get a comprehensive list to plan well, but you certainly can trim to what your family prioritizes!

  • Gifts for those in your home
  • Family Gifts
  • Friend Gifts
  • Coworker Events or Gifts
  • Special dinners
  • Potlucks
  • Parties
  • Christmas tree
  • Ornaments
  • Outside decorations
  • Inside decorations
  • Don’t forget the stocking stuffers!
  • Charities
  • Goodies for neighbors
  • Christmas Cards
  • Bonus or gifts for your service providers (house-cleaning, daycare, & such)

Notice that as you start listing out what the expectations are, they almost line up with your priorities.

Step #2: Prioritize each item in your list

I find this helpful because once I start putting each thing in order, it helps me start to question whether I want to sign up for that item again this year.

Just because it’s what you’ve done in the past, that doesn’t mean that it’s a requirement every year. I’m not saying ditch your traditions!

Just think through the priorities, and if you got all full of angst thinking I’m asking you to knix your traditions – you can clearly see that the tradition in your mind is top in your list of priorities!

I’ve been caught needing to buy a nice pie for a get together I didn’t account for when I go through this exercise! I generally know what is expected of me each year. Certain friends and family members have certain get-togethers.

It’s so easy to overlook those things, though!

Step 3: Allocate your budget to each of the priorities – in order

The final step is to allocate what you have to spend to each of the buckets. That’s it. You’ve got a list of traditions, parties, and people you’d like to spend money on this holiday season. You ordered them. Now assign dollar values to each!

Now the whole point was to uncover how much YOU have to spend on your children in relation to what you hoped to spend for the whole holiday. Are you happy with the number?

If you have money leftover to allocate, you can be more generous with the kids, or you could always just leave a buffer. Those toys need batteries that are easy to overlook!

If you hoped to spend a bit more on the kids, feel free to make the cuts you need to make. Is there an opportunity for a new tradition here? Like making something you’d buy in the past for a party with friends or your decorations?

Can you cut overall items for the list of expectations of you and your family?

Can you shave 5% off each item?

You can decide which options feel right, but by going through this exercise, you get to choose your financial priorities while also spending wisely yet keeping the spirit alive for the family!

This covers the overall financial budget, but you may not quite split your children’s allocations 50/50. Next, we’ll dive into some other considerations on a per-child budget plan.

Don’t forget to budget for Christmas dinners and gifts associated with the get-togethers!

2. Consider the Age of Your Children

When deciding what to spend on each kid, the age of your children is important. For example, teen gifts tend to be fewer but more expensive, but smaller children are quite happy with 30 tiny gifts instead.

My sister and I have a 10 year age gap. As a young adult, I worked at a drugstore. One year I bought beauty items that were marked down for the months leading up to Christmas. I put all of the goodies I collected in a simple basket to store them and wrapped that with crazy glittery bows.

We are now 20 years out from that, and she still talks about that as being the best present she ever got as a child. I’m sure I spent less than $20, but I also had fun finding the goodies and playing with her. It’s the simple things, right?!

There is no hard and fast rule here, but be sure to take the age and how they perceive gifts into account. While you want to make things even, sometimes even is in the eye of the beholder and completely mental!

The age of your children is a big factor in how your children perceive the gifts under the tree. Especially in comparison to their siblings!

Consider Your Children’s Needs

If you have a child in need of a bigger ticket item, it may warrant a split in your overall budget that isn’t balanced, too.

I recall a year where one of our teens wanted a laptop, and it made sense for schoolwork at the time. Yup. Before they were a norm at at school.

At the time, even inexpensive laptops could make a budget get out of hand. Normally, we spend $200 per child, but that year we spent around $400 on the laptop. We did not feel good about cutting the budget on the other kids that year, so we just bumped our overall Christmas up that $200 to make up the difference.

Over the next year or 2, the other kids ended up in a similar boat where we ended up going over to meet a need like a bicycle that doubled for commuting and another laptop down the road for another kid.

Eventually the amount you spend will average out if you make conscious efforts.

Of course, the unbalanced spending is easier if your kids are old enough. Old enough to set expectations and old enough to buy-in to your thought process here!

Consider Your Family’s Traditions

Part of what makes the holidays special are the traditions that go along with them. Baking together, the parties, the crafts your kids will make in school. All of these things make up what will be your children’s nostalgia years from now.

Why does this matter to how much to spend per child? Bake those things into your budget as a priority!

For example, I buy 1 set of pajamas EVERY year for all of our kids. Even the grown ones get a pair of pajamas still.

They know it, and the surprise comes through what design they will get. They also get the LifeSavers StoryBook candy plus other random candy. I got them every year growing up, and I like carrying that tradition on.

So as soon as I set the budget for each kid, a pair of pajamas and candy is baked into the budget. Generally this means $20-$30 for each kid, but I have bought more expensive pajamas for my step daughter from time to time. She enjoys the pajamas more than the boys, so her preferences are accounted for.

They generally roll their eyes at this tradition as teens and young adults, but they DO like them. They like the tradition, so going back to that priority conversation – it’s a priority for our family.

Christmas Budget Mantra: Give WITHOUT Debt and Stress

Rest assured that your kids do NOT want you to go into debt.

Be a different kind of statistic and come out of the other side of the holiday season with no additional debt! The inverse of what the financial gurus will be talking about in January.

-Renee McKinney

Emphasis the togetherness of the season, and be sure to look for places for lessons to help them understand that your love for them is not wrapped up in the number of toys under the tree or how much you spend.

An example here is that my 14 year old recently mentioned how his step-mother was “high maintenance” because of expectations he perceives that she places on his dad for her Christmas gift.

This was a lesson about Gary Chapman’s book on The 5 Love Languages available on Amazon or your local library if you haven’t heard of it.

Essentially, we all have ways that we intake love more than others, and the book walks you through identifying your love language, as well as, the language of those in your circle. There is even a kid’s specific version. I’ve read both, and the overall one is fine if you’re on the fence as we’re talking about budgeting for your children’s Christmas gifts. 🙂

If someone feels love through gifts versus how you may be more receptive to love through quality time with a loved one, it doesn’t make their way ‘bad’.

In my example, my son’s father just has to budget and have conversations around expectations, but it isn’t bad. It was a good conversation to have with my son.

You’ll likely find these types of lessons throughout the season and beyond as you are raising your little humans.

Just remember…. No debt, minimize stress!

How Much Should You Spend on Each Family Member for Christmas?

Going into the holiday season, I am faced with the age old dilemma – How much should I spend on Christmas gifts for family members?

While I would love to spend an unlimited amount on Christmas presents for everyone in my family, I realize that I need to keep my holiday spending in check.


How Much to Spend on Family Christmas Gifts

How much money you spend on each person depends on their relationship to you.

The closer the family member, the more you should spend, in general.

Here is a some examples:

  • $5 to $15 is a good range for family members you don’t see very often.
  • Between $25 to $40 is good for closer relatives like nephews and cousins.
  • For immediate family members like brothers, sisters, children, and parents, you could spend between $50 to $100.

The higher your budget, the more you can spend in each category.

Now that we have more wiggle room in our household budget, our kids get up to a few hundred dollars’ worth of gifts.

For a husband or wife, the sky’s the limit! HA (I’m only kind of kidding)


What About Your Grandparents? 

I think the trickiest family members to know how much to spend on are grandparents….oftentimes grandparents are the people in your life who can already buy whatever they want on their own.

There is not really a set amount to spend on your grandma or grandpa, Nana or Papa or Poppy. Or your great grandfather! 

I find that most grandparents don’t want kids or grandkids to spend a ton on them. Just try to make their gifts thoughtful.

My grandmother loves receiving recent framed pictures of the family. Picture calendars are also a great idea. You can get a great & thoughtful grandparent gift for $10-$30.

Here are some amazing gifts for grandma if you need some ideas.


The First Step in Budgeting for Holiday Gifts

Before you decide how to spend per person, you need a grand total that you’re willing to spend. As in, the MOST you want to spend this year.

If you’re not sure where to start, a good rule of thumb is to look at your previous years average spending.

If you have more spending cash this year, then set a total amount slighter higher than last year. If you want to spend less, then go lower.

Once you know the final amount AND the number of people you will be buying gifts for, then you can set a limit per person.

Your Christmas spending budget is easier to adhere to when you keep in mind an average amount to spend per person while shopping. If you keep this number in mind for each gift, you will avoid overspending.

Not only does this help you stay within budget this time of year, it also encourages you to find the best gifts at a great price.

Don’t forget that you can use sales and coupons to stretch your holiday budget. For this reason, Black Friday is a perfect time to do some of your Christmas shopping.

This is a great way to make sure everyone gets equivalent gifts according to their relationship to you.

For instance, you want to avoid buying something really expensive for your cousin when you didn’t spend very much on your brother, if that makes sense.


Example Christmas Shopping Budget

Let’s say you have $500 total to spend.

And let’s say you need to buy gifts for 10 people.

  1. Write down the names of everyone who you will be buying a gift for, in order of closeness in relation to you. This helps you get a good starting point.
  2. Write a dollar amount beside their name to represent the MOST you will spend on each present. Now here’s a completely made up example – 
    • Husband – $100
    • Daughter – $75
    • Son – $75
    • Dad – $50
    • Mom – $50
    • Niece – $25
    • Niece – $25
    • Nephew – $25
    • Dog (really!) – $15
    • Best Friend – $35
    • Neighbor – $25
  3. Add it all up and see where it comes up to in total relation to your $500 budget and adjust from there.

You could do this on a spreadsheet but I find that a simple piece of paper works just fine. I’ve done it both ways!

Here are two resources you can use to set your Christmas budget:

  • Printable Christmas Gift List
  • Free Christmas Budget Worksheet


How to Reduce the Amount You Spend on Gifts

If you are on a tight budget, do not worry. There are many gifts that can fit into a smaller budget.

I’ve written about many free (or almost free) yet meaningful gifts that are not very expensive on the blog before >> Read: 17+ Free But Meaningful Gift Ideas 

You may also like these related posts for when money is running low:

  • 21+ Gifts for Kids Under $10
  • 37+ Low Cost Gift Ideas

If you do your best to stick to a reasonable spending limit per person, you will be able to have a special day without blowing your budget or adding to your credit card balance. Best of luck to you!

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Lena Gott

I’m a CPA turned SAHM of 3 little ones ages 4, 6, and 9. I’m a mommy by day, blogger by night. Join me as I write about fun kids activities, family finances, and losing 50 lbs after baby #3.

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traditions, guessing what can and cannot be done before January 18 – YASIA

Orthodox Christians on January 7 began Christmas holidays. This is the name given to the days between Christmas and Epiphany. The festive period, in which pagan and Christian traditions coexisted, lasts 12 days. At this time, it is customary to have fun and carol.

What can be done on Christmas time

On the first day of Christmas time, you should definitely visit your loved ones. Even in Rus’, the Yuletide period began with congratulations and visits. Remember to thank your loved ones for their love and kindness.

As with any other holiday, a meal is a necessary element of Christmas holidays. Despite the fact that Christmas time officially begins on January 7, many people start celebrating as early as the evening of the 6th. After the first star appears in the sky, you can invite your loved ones to the table and feed them with your culinary masterpieces. There should be at least 12 dishes.

Advent ends on January 6, which means that you can already drink a small amount of alcohol on Christmastide. However, try to control yourself, because at this time there are many entertainment events – such an atmosphere can cheer you up without alcohol.

On Holy days, every believer is simply obliged to attend church. If you do not have such an opportunity, then pray at home, because prayer will bring you results, no matter where and under what circumstances you say it. The main thing is that it comes from your heart.

The Church does not approve of ceremonies and rituals, especially if people do it on Orthodox holidays. Despite this, during the Yuletide period, many fortune tell for love, money, and even for the name of the future spouse. Such entertainment is popular among the fair sex, because every girl wants to know who will become her prince.

During this period, be sure to give and receive gifts so that this year there will be prosperity and abundance in your house. Be sure to accompany your congratulations with good wishes.

Congratulate all your acquaintances, even if you rarely communicate with some of them. Do not neglect this rule, and then you will have many new acquaintances, and friends will not leave you.

What not to do on Christmas time

Even on ordinary days, negative thoughts and feelings have a bad effect on our lives, and on Christmas time they can even become detrimental to you. Do not swear with others and do not say nasty things about anyone, otherwise you will be overcome by illness all year.

From Christmas until Epiphany, women are not allowed to gamble. It is believed that if a representative of the weaker sex violates this rule, then in the future not a single man will want to connect his life with her.

During this period no one should be denied help, especially children, poor and sick people. It is not necessary to donate fabulous amounts to funds, you can simply feed the homeless or give them some money.

Of course, during the Christmas season we will be forced to attend work and go about our daily business, but remember that hard work is not encouraged at this time. In Rus’, it was believed that during this period you can work only half a day, and it is advisable to spend the remaining time on going to church or having fun.

At this time, hunters should forget about their hobby for a while, because there is a sign that if a hunter goes to the forest during Christmas time, then misfortune may happen to him.


Divination is considered one of the main folk traditions in Svyatki – a custom that has been preserved since pre-Christian pagan times.

Fortune-telling by the ring

The golden ring must be put in a glass of water and left overnight in the cold (you can take it out to the balcony). If there is no balcony or a thaw outside, a refrigerator freezer will do. The result will appear in the morning. Frozen water without tubercles means childlessness. If bumps form on the surface of the ice, you will have sons. Pits on the frozen surface means that girls will be born.

Fortune telling on wax

Wax is melted in a mug, milk is poured into a saucer and placed at the threshold of an apartment or house. With the words: “Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax,” melted wax is poured into milk. Then they carefully observe what is happening. If you see a frozen cross, they are waiting for illness in the new year. If a flower – there will be a wedding or a loved one will meet. If the beast – some kind of enemy will appear. If the wax flows in strips, roads and crossings are coming. Asterisks mean good luck in the service or study. Human figure – find a friend.

Fortune-telling on a mirror

This most “real” fortune-telling is performed strictly on moonlit evenings in the yard or in a room where light penetrates. The best time for this divination is midnight, when the power of the moon is at its maximum. A large mirror is placed on the table, against it – a small one, along the edges – two candles and they begin to direct the mirrors. When 12 mirrors are reflected, look at the images in the last of them. When you see a symbol or a face, you must immediately say: “Chur, this place!” The table must be covered with a clean white or completely black tablecloth – these colors have a protective effect, acting as a talisman for fortunetellers. It is also important to remain completely silent.

Divination on burning paper

Write the name of your loved one, then put the note on a saucer and set it on fire. If the paper does not burn to the end, the desire that you associate with this person will come true.

Fortune telling by shadow

It is necessary to position yourself in front of a smooth light wall. If necessary, it can be hung with a white sheet. Fortune telling by shadow should be started in full concentration on a question that can concern any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. You need to turn the plate over and put a crumpled paper sheet on its bottom. A burning candle is placed so that a well-visible shadow forms on the wall. Already at this stage, the fortuneteller can see the first image, indicating the root cause of the problem. The paper should be set on fire. It is necessary to carefully observe the shadows appearing on the wall. Each of them contains the answer to the question.

How much money to give to a teenager and what they spend it on


And they didn’t become drug addicts

Yulia Medvedeva

mother of two teenagers

“I go without a hat because I don’t have a normal hat! my eldest daughter told me. “Mom, give me money!”

When my daughters, Irina and Yulia, were 9 and 11 years old, we started giving them money — 500 R per month. They spent it on sweets and trifles, and asked for the rest from us. This is the constant: “I need to buy a new mascara”, “Mom, can I order a cover on Aliexpress for myself?”, “My phone is buggy, how will I go to school with it?” and so on.

Spending on children has always been an unpredictable item in my budget for me: no matter how you try to put in a margin, you will still spend more.

The worst thing was shopping together. When every question is: “What will you wear this with?” or “Are you sure you really need it?” – could lead to a quarrel and a public scandal.

In short, I’m tired. And when the girls were 14 and 16 years old, I saw someone post on Facebook about how parents give student children a monthly amount for all expenses, and decided that schoolchildren are no worse than students. So I started an experiment.

How much money we began to give and for what

Once I talked to both daughters and offered them a scheme: we calculate monthly expenses and on the first day of each month I give them this amount. Then they plan their own budget, go shopping, save for large purchases and don’t touch their parents.

We decided that food and hygiene will remain for adults, and Irina and Yulia will pay for everything else.

Currency and prices

During the experiment, we lived in Italy, so we counted all expenses in euros and at local prices. For the convenience of readers, I have recalculated everything in rubles, but the prices may still seem unusual. And six years have passed since then: the cost of many goods and services has changed. This does not affect the essence of the experiment, but do not be surprised.

To calculate the required amount, we divided all expenses into two categories: monthly and all other. We added up all the other expenses for the year and divided them into 12 months. The resulting amount was added to the monthly expenses and thus received the desired figure.

The monthly expenses for each daughter included: transport (22 €), communications (10 €), entertainment and sweets (10 €), cosmetics and small expenses for socks (18 €). Total 60 €⁣ (4774 Р).

We calculated the rest for the year: clothes (600 €), gifts for friends and family (240 €), gadgets (240 €). Total €1080 per year = 90 €⁣ ( 7161 R), per month.

Irina recorded the decisions in a notebook to make it easier to remember and analyze later

To calculate how much we spend on clothes, we figured out how much and what we buy during the year. The list turned out like this: a coat, a jacket, a windbreaker, 2 pairs of boots, a pair of shoes and a pair of sandals, 3 pairs of sneakers, 4 pairs of jeans, about 6 jumpers, about 20 T-shirts, about 5 dresses, about five shorts and a bridge, three sets of school clothes , a pair of hats and scarves, gloves, belts, a pair of backpacks. We looked at the prices in our favorite stores, calculated the approximate amount and rounded up for unforeseen cases.

The amount for gifts was calculated as follows: the number of loved ones was multiplied by the approximate price of one gift and by two more, because it is customary for us to give large gifts for the New Year and birthday.

The amount for gadgets was calculated based on past experience: approximately one phone in 2-3 years. At the same time, we agreed that computers, laptops and other large equipment remain in the family budget.

The total amount on hand turned out to be 150 €, or 9560 R, per person per month. This amount was similar to what I actually spent on children from the family budget, so we did not bargain and agreed the first time.

Results of the first month

I started giving money to my daughters from January 1 — 150 € each. At first, we were all a little scared. I was afraid that they would spend everything on drugs, booze and in-app purchases. Yulia and Irina were afraid that they would not be able to manage their money sensibly and would find themselves in a difficult situation.

In the first month, they bought almost nothing. When we went to the traditional sale together to update our wardrobe, we both spent about 20€ each. But they went to the drawing store three times a month and bought themselves paints, canvases and some special markers, for which I always felt sorry for the money, but they turned out to be very necessary and important.

How to teach a child to save

Yulia installed a program on her phone to manage her budget

When her daughters went to school after the holidays, it turned out that Irina needed to buy some stationery and a book for study. She came to me and asked me to add the cost of stationery and books. We thought and added 25 €. From February, I began to give them 175 €⁣ (13,924 R).

At the end of the first month, both had about €50 left. For a month, I did not hear a single request to buy anything. We had fun, like girlfriends, went shopping and each of us paid from our wallet. The youngest, Irina, with a clear conscience, bought a bunch of sweets and treated us all. Everyone was satisfied. The experiment continued.

Impressions of the 4 months of the experiment

First of all, I was pleased that relations in my family had improved. There were no more reproaches for excessive spending, resentment for the fact that someone did not buy something for someone. Shopping has turned from torture into pleasure, and we have fewer reasons for conflict.

It became easier for me to plan my budget. I had a specific and fixed amount of expenses for children, and I knew that a suddenly torn jacket or a broken phone would not jump out at me. For such cases, we agreed on lending, but both daughters began to take things more carefully.

How to talk to loved ones about money

Sometimes it seemed to me that they were doing everything wrong, and I wanted to intervene or at least give advice. But I stopped myself because I understood that this would ruin the whole experiment. The first two months were the hardest. Then I got used to and stopped counting how many lip glosses my youngest daughter bought, and tried not to think why the older one needed a new power supply for the computer and what happened to the old one.

Once they bought a remote control typewriter and a new dog house, although no one asked them and this expense item is not included in their budget. On March 8, the youngest gave me a bottle of perfume.

Shopping for girls: cosmetics, fashionable clothes and toys – something that mom always felt sorry for the money for

When we discussed where we would like to go on vacation, the daughters seriously argued that they would participate with their money in the general expenses for the trip. I realized that they have become more serious about money and, in general, have matured over these months.

This is what they themselves said about our experiment after 4 months.

Irina, 14 years old: “It’s convenient for me that I don’t have to ask my mother for anything. I spend mostly on clothes, phone, entertainment, sweets. I have more clothes, I started buying more of what I like. Just before, about the same amount of money was spent, but somehow less often and not like that. Mom bought what she needed, not what I needed. I didn’t feel that I could go and buy myself some delicious treats. And now I can. I save a little, and I have a minimum of 100 € just in case, and this amount is gradually increasing.

Kid life academy: Kid Life Academy – Cape Coral, FL

Опубликовано: September 16, 2023 в 7:55 am


Категории: Kid

A Kid’s Life Academy | High Springs FL Child Care Facility

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Little Life Academy


 About Little Life Academy

We are a Christian preschool program for children ages one to five years, offering full-time and part-time spots.  LLA is designed to minister to children through quality early childhood education, while nurturing Christian values and teaching physical, academic, and social skills.

Services We Offer

Spiritual Development

Building a foundation of biblical stories and Scripture through activities and lessons

Academic Development

Strategically teaching children according to the state benchmarks, ensuring each child receives a well-rounded and complete early childhood education through specialized curriculum

Physical Development

Integrating developmentally appropriate fine and gross motor skills

Social Development

Constructing group participation and creative play activities

LLA Stories

“We moved to Arkansas in November of 2018 with a two-year-old and a two-week-old. I was broken-hearted over pulling my two-year-old out of his daycare with all of his friends. Then, we found Little Life Academy in Cabot. This school and the amazing ladies literally saved my heart and soul. The love these teachers have for my children is truly unreal. They love, care and protect every child that comes into their school. I couldn’t hand pick better people to watch my children. We are so lucky to have them in our lives. ”

“Little Life Academy has been such a blessing to our family. We had a friend tell us Little Life Academy was accepting applications. After calling and finding out they had a spot open, I’ve never filled out paperwork quicker! We love New Life Church, and I had so much peace over knowing my son would be taken care of by our church family throughout the week. Now, it’s been two years, and we couldn’t imagine our lives without Little Life Academy and its teachers. Our son has grown so much, learning a curriculum, setting him up for success and teaching a relationship with Jesus along the way. ”

“Little Life Academy has provided not only core academic excellence for Evan, seven, and Ruby, five, but also a strong spiritual foundation and an assurance of God’s love and plan for their lives. Little Life Academy teachers truly equip the children with biblical truths and also prepare them to enter kindergarten well-rounded academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. LLA is like family to us, and we will always be thankful for the amazing Christ-like environment our children have been a part of in these early years.”

“We were excited to send our little boy to Little Life Academy Greenbrier. We had heard wonderful things about the Conway Campus and were thrilled to have one so close to home. The staff and teachers immediately exceeded our expectations. We were impressed with their professionalism and detailed communication with all curriculum and policies. Throughout the year they also went above and beyond to create special moments for families to enjoy together as well! Our son’s teacher was very intentional with him and his specific learning needs and worked hard to create a positive environment where each child in the class had potential to thrive. We could not be more pleased with our experience and would recommend LLA Greenbrier to others!”


3400 W. Main St
Cabot, AR 72023

633 S. Country Club Rd
Conway, AR 72034

Greater Little Rock
8000 Crystal Hill Rd
North Little Rock, AR 72118

4025 Hwy 5 N
Bryant, AR 72022

43 Glenn Ln
Greenbrier, AR 72058

Contact Us

Academy of Life

1s”> We help every child from the orphanage find their place in adult life

At the age of 18 orphans are left face to face with the world they know nothing about. We prepare children for an independent life, help them learn how to properly experience emotions, rely on their strengths and believe in themselves.

Children from orphanages

miss the most important thing:

  • Love
  • Attention
  • Help

Which door the children choose,

is up to us

Academy of Life —

a charitable foundation that helps children get a model of behavior of a successful adult nearby, which they do not have. We help children from orphanages prepare for their future adult life: find their favorite profession, become happy.

The programs of the Foundation are developed by a team of professionals: from child psychologists, sociologists, teachers and doctors to a director, actor, moderator and even stars.

The Foundation is helped by people who care : businessmen, leading figures in culture, theater and sports.

The Academy of Life Foundation implements

three programs to help children

All three areas of work help children feel more confident in their future life in the big world

Ticket to Life

A comprehensive annual program that prepares children for the future of adulthood. Staging a play, working with mentors and psychologists, cultural trips, getting to know professions, excursions to factories – children learn to make friends, communicate and achieve their goals

More details

Easy start

Targeted support program for a specific child on the way to their dream profession. Sometimes a success story begins with a gift: a future hockey player gets skates, a photographer gets a camera, and a stylist gets educational courses. Children from 2 to 16 years old live there as one big family. We raise funds and help cover basic business expenses

Read more

How to help

There are many ways. Choose the one that is closer to you.
Helping is easier than it seems

With money

You can help a specific child or support one of the fund’s programs

Help children


We are always happy to volunteer: psychologists, teachers, actors, directors, bloggers, athletes, entrepreneurs

Become a volunteer


Do you have original ideas for charitable activities and dream of implementing them? Contact us!

To suggest an idea

The main principle is to do everything yourself

There is no adult here who will do everything for the child, but there is an adult who will help the child find his own way and reveal his talent

Help children

Donate to Academy of Life programs and help children from orphanages better prepare for life after 18

Children’s Academy | Programs for the development of the child

Started working at the Children’s Academy

Short stay group

Age of children:

Malyshok group — 3-4 years old
Znayka group — 5-7 years old 90 005

Mode work: from 8. 00 to 13.00, or from 8.00 to 17.00

Appointment by phone:


Children’s Academy

We give your child more opportunities to succeed in school and in life!

Experts agree that the pursuit of continuous learning is the most important skill for the 21st century. It is very important to develop this skill in early childhood, when a child’s neural connections are being formed, as well as their emotional and social intelligence. FasTracKids® aims to develop the child as a whole by teaching five important skills:

  • critical thinking;
  • creativity;
  • communication;
  • cooperation;
  • trust.

Attend a free FasTracKids lesson in Nizhny Novgorod.

Start preparing your child for a journey called life!

We give your child more opportunities to succeed in school and in life!


Dear parents, each of us faces the choice of a preschool when a child reaches a certain age.

FasTracKids Kindergarten fits:

Children from 3 to 7 years old.

Group hours:

Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00.


1-2 year olds


1-2 year olds

Mom and Me

For children from 2.5 to 3, 5 years old

The world around me

For children from 2.5 to 3.5 years old


For children from 2.5 to 3.5 years old

For children from 5 to 7 years old


For children from 5 to 7 years old

9 0095 The world around us

For children from 5 to 7 years old


For children from 5 to 7 years old


For children from 4 to 5 years old

9009 5 Magic alphabet

For children from 4 to 5 years old


For children from 5 to 6 years old

How to read well

For children from 6 to 7 years old

Psycho-emotional development 5 to 6 years

One step, two step

For children 4-6 years old

Express reading course


  • Monday
  • 902 42 Tuesday

  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday


9026 9

4166666666666667}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 10:00 11:00 12:00 16:30

Mom and Me

Mom and Me

The world around me

Creativity The world around me 7083333333333334}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00

Fairy tale therapy

The world around us

Fine art studio 4-5 years old

The world around me

Art studio 6-7 years old

The world around me Psycho-emotional development


375}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 9:00 10:00 11:00 16:00 16:50 17:00 7291666666666666}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 17:30 17:40 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:20


Mom and Me

Mom and Me



The world around us

The world around us




The world around me


Choreography Choreography


6875}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00

The world around me

Fairy tale therapy

The world around us

Fine art studio 4-5 years old

The world around me

Art studio 6-7 years old

The world around me Psycho-emotional development

Thursday 9
4166666666666667}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 10 :00 11:00 12:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 7291666666666666}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 17:30 17:40 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:20 Mom and Me Mom and Me The world around me Reading Math The world around us The world around us Reading Choreography Mathematics The world around me Reading


375}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 9:00 10:00 11:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 7638888888888888}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 18:20 19:00
Rastishka Mom and Me Mom and Me Creativity The world around us The world around us Vocal 3. 5-4.5 years old Vocal 5-6 years old


11:0 0 13:30 15:00 16:00 6875}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 16:30
The world around us

The world around us


The world around us


Subbotnik (reading, mathematics, music, creativity)


902 77

4166666666666667}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 10:00 11:00 11:30 13:00 13:30 16:00 6875}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 16:30 17:10

Robotics (st. gr.)

The world around us



The world around us

The world around us

The world around us

Vocal 5-6 years old

5-4.5 лет"}”> Vocal 3.5-4.5 years old
Start preparing your child for the journey called life!

What are FasTracKids?

Give your child every opportunity to be successful in the future. FasTracKids programs aim to develop cognitive, emotional and social skills in young learners.

With us, children learn naturally – with the help of all the senses. Children attending FasTracKids programs are further successful in mastering academic knowledge.

They excel in school entry tests, in music, they are good at writing and reading, and have good public speaking skills.

They are successful in all areas of their lives. Part of a child’s success depends on the involvement of their parents.

We invite parents and grandparents to be part of the process of gaining experience and knowledge of the child in FasTracKids.

Come and see FasTracKids in action!


Start preparing your child for the journey we call life!


The first 7 years of a child’s life are the most important for a child’s development. It’s no secret that the early development of children, in particular your child, is a key moment in later life. Specially designed for children from 9 months to 7 years old, the programs of our center develop the creative and mental abilities of the child in the most productive period of his intellectual growth.

Our development center’s innovative approach to learning encourages children’s innate curiosity and empowers every child to reach their full potential. It’s not just preparation for school, it’s preparation for life.

The programs and activities of the early development center “FasTracKids” for children of different ages combine play and learning, recreation and entertainment at the same time. Carefully designed lesson plans, the use of a large number of experiments and creative tasks, video recording of performances allow you to keep the attention of little students – “Academicians” – for a long time.

“Different areas of a child’s brain reach maturity at different times.

Kids before and after school: 27 Kids Before & After Their First Day Of School

Опубликовано: September 16, 2023 в 7:37 am


Категории: Kid

After School Programs Chicago | Before And After School Care Illinois | Before School Care 60643

“Learning about energy conservation is fun with Larry Rice, owner of Channel 24 in St. Louis.”

At our Chicago child care center, you can trust the care that your child is receiving, and rest easy knowing that they have the safety they need.

Services We Offer:

  Before School Care

  After School Care

Transportation To and From School

  Homework Assistance

Many parents begin their workdays long before their child’s school day starts, and are still working when the school day ends. This can be very stressful for parents who do not have a village helping them to raise their family. Single parents feel as though they are put at a disadvantage, putting together all their resources to properly take care of their children in ways that correspond to their busy schedules. Some parents are forced to consider leaving their young children alone during these times of the day. However, the chances of something negative happening to your child either before or after school, when they are left alone is very high. Kids are curious by nature, often causing falls and injuries when left under inadequate supervision. You already have a lot on your plate, and the last thing you want is to pick up an injured or upset child. And, it will leave you worrying about how they are doing in your absence. Minimize your child’s risk and sign them up for before and after school care at Just For Kids!

Just For Kids not only provides a safe child care center for your child, ages 3 to 14 to come to, but we strive to be a place that continues their education to develop young minds, as well as being a place that they have fun coming to. Children’s developmental years are crucial to building fundamental skills. We know that social skills, as well as educational knowledge, help place kids ahead of the learning curve. Our programs are geared to ensure that your kids succeed. With more than 10 years of experience, our daycare center’s goal is to provide the care and attention that your child needs throughout their day. We have a multimedia computer lab, as well as an open-court gym, and other exciting age-appropriate activities to keep them engaged.

You can trust that your child is in good hands when they come to the before and after school program at Just For Kids

Our childcare center provides round-trip transportation to and from school so that you never have to worry about how your child will get to our child care center either before or after school. Busy Chicago roads and highways can make it difficult for parents to accommodate everyone’s busy schedules. You want your kids to get to school on time, but you also must get to work on time. Transportation services provide you with an easy solution to this problem, while giving you peace of mind knowing that your kids are safe.

While in our care, we provide a variety of nutritional snacks, implement a low teacher-to-student ratio, and believe in the power of fun. Please let us know about any nutritional allergies so we can accommodate your child accordingly.

We will take your child on field trips and provide weekly after-school activities and clubs such as cheerleading, karaoke, jump rope, Spanish, scrapbooking, and more! They will begin to feel excited about going to school, cultivating a good relationship with education from the start. You won’t have to worry about your kids’ engagement with their education.

Never worry again about where your child is going to go when you are at work. They will love coming to Just For Kids; our childcare center is a place they will look forward to being at. Enrollment is a one-time registration fee that includes a t-shirt and all necessary materials for a successful daycare experience.

We also offer after-school care, daycare services, and “no school” days childcare. This allows you the freedom to do the things you love while your kids are entertained and safe. We know that parents are busy, and each of our programs are geared to your convenience, as well as your children’s safety. Enroll your child(ren) online, or contact us for more information today!

Before & After School Care

Allow your children to maximize their education with our Before & After School Care program.

Register your children for preschool today.

Benefits of Before and After School Programs For Children

Before and after school programs are important for providing a safe place for children to be surrounded by quality care and they are important for providing working parents with peace of mind. Gone are the days where parents are faced with limited resources, leaving them scrambling to organize their schedules. Many parents work long hours, making it difficult to match their kid’s schedules to their own. Before and after school programs combat this issue by providing expert care to your kids, even outside of school session hours.

However, the benefits of quality before and after school programs are far more reaching than simply providing a watchful eye. Here are some of the benefits that child care programs can offer your school-age children.

Higher Test Scores

Researchers suggest that over half of students participating in a before and after school program showed improved reading and math skills Additionally, the more often a student attends the program, the more likely they are to show academic improvements. Another study that followed low-income students found that those who were enrolled in daily after school care performed significantly better on standardized tests and showed better work ethic than their classmates who stayed home alone. These results have been proven to be ongoing. Students who attended after-school programs in grade school or middle school had higher rates of high school class attendance rates and better grades. Not only were drop-out rates lower in kids who had attended before and after school programs, but those kids were more likely to engage in extracurricular school activities and take on leadership responsibilities.

Emotional and Social Health

One study suggests that students who participate in a before and after school program displayed less anger and shyness, and had better control of their emotions and higher self-esteem. More exposure to social interactions leaves your kids with the tools they need to build healthy relationships with others. They will learn how to make and keep friends, how to bond over common interests, and how to work together with people who may be different from them.

Less Risky Behavior

As children enter middle school, they begin to be exposed to drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity. An after-school program offers a positive outlet for energy and can provide positive adult role models. Studies show that participating in an after-school program dramatically reduces drug use and criminal behavior in youth. Additionally, studies have suggested that teens who do not have an afterschool program are three times more likely to skip class, use illicit drugs and alcohol, and engage in sexual activity.

With all the benefits that extend beyond basic childcare, you can’t afford to not send your children a quality before and after school program, like the ones offered by your local childcare center, Just For Kids! Our programs are designed with parents and kids in mind. We want to encourage child development while understanding and sympathizing with parents’ busy schedules. Therefore, we’ve extended our programs to hours beyond typical school sessions. We offer “no school days” childcare. Enroll your kids online, or contact us for more information today!

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Before and After School | HealthyKidsPrograms


The Healthy Kids Before and After School Program offers socialization; the learning of new skills as well as building both fit minds and fit bodies. Our goal is that each child will come home excited from all the activities they have done and full of adventures to share with the adults in their life.

Our Before and After School Programs are in over

90 schools and growing! Check out our full list of locations to find the one nearest you.

Social Activities

Games and group activities bring everyone together in a safe way that supports bonds and relationship building

Academic Activities

Activities such as Drop Everything and Read and IXL, a personalized learning platform, encourage learning

STEM Activities

Our Lego Masters program modeled after the TV show, inspires kids to engineer creative creations

Fitness Activities

Activities like yoga, the mileage club and dance get kids bodies moving and helps boost confidence



Before your child can attend our programs, a completed registration form must be submitted and all steps must be complete. You can see our complete registration process here.

Your child may attend the program anywhere from 1 to 5 days per week however, we ask that the schedule is the same from week to week. 

Rates and billing information vary per location and can be found here. A signed Tuition and Payment Agreement must be completed prior to the start of care. Automatic payments are made via the Brightwheel app.


The Registration Team can be reached at [email protected] or


We utilize a family-friendly software app called Brightwheel.

Brightwheel allows staff to send you updates and pictures and to check children in and out of our program each day. It also allows parents to send messages to the staff and director and see upcoming payments and invoices.

The Healthy Kids Program is scheduled to run every day there is a scheduled day of school and follows the school calendar. 

In most locations, our Before School Program does not run on scheduled no-school days, school holidays or when the School District has a delayed opening.

In most locations, our After School Program does not run on scheduled no-school days, scheduled half days, school holidays or when the School District cancels after school activities in its buildings.

Please reach out for more details on the location nearest you.

Is your schedule unpredictable or varies from week to week?

Or perhaps you only need childcare sporadically?

Then our Drop-In Program is for you.

Available at certain locations, simply call our registration team at

845-330-0200 48 hours in advance to see if there is availability on the desired day of care.

*Registration must be completed prior to utilizing the drop-in program.

Early Childhood Development Center Before and after school – reviews, photos, prices, telephone and address – For children – Saransk

+7 (917) 690-13-…
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Do you want your baby to be the first in everything and always? Center for Early Childhood Development Before and after school offers to help your dream come true! Here, employees know how to make sure that the child adapts as quickly as possible to the world around him, which he has just begun to explore. Your child will learn a lot of new things, learn how to properly communicate with children and adults, acquire basic skills, and teachers will try to develop an interest in knowledge and reveal their abilities.

And future polyglots can be taught English here. In the lessons, teachers pay special attention to listening comprehension, learning colloquial expressions and pronunciation so that the children do not have difficulties in communicating with foreigners.

In addition, here your child can do math and calligraphy – choose what brings pleasure to your child!

Rating of the Center for Early Childhood Development Before and after school — 5 points!

The Center can be found at the address: Russia, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Proletarskaya street, 81. Do you have any questions? Call +7 (917) 690-13-72. Working hours Mon-Sun: 08:00 – 19:00.

Updated May 26, 2023


+7 (917) 690-13-…
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Opening hours

Mon-Sun: 08:00-19:00

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Specialists of the center for early childhood development Before and after school

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Frequently asked questions about the Early Childhood Development Center Before and after school

  • 📍 What is the address of the Early Childhood Development Center Before and after school?

    This institution is located at the address: Russia, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Proletarskaya street, 81.

  • ☎️ How can I contact the Early Childhood Development Center Before and after school?

    org/Answer”> Contact phone number: +7 (917) 690-13-72.

  • 🕖 What is the schedule of this organization?

    Working hours of the organization: Mon-Sun: 08:00 – 19:00.

  • ⭐ How do users rate this organization?

    On average, the company is rated by customers at 5. You can write your review about the Center for Early Childhood Development Before and after school!

  • ✔️ How accurate is the information on this page?

    Zoon. ru tries to post the most accurate and up-to-date information about establishments. If you see an inaccuracy and / or are a representative of this institution, then use the feedback form.

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– 5.0
1 review and
1 rating

circles, sections and development centers in Chelyabinsk

What to do with the child after school: circles, clubs and development centers in Chelyabinsk

So that the child does not hang out on the street after school and does a lot, parents try to send him to the sports section or creative circle. But in fact, there are much more options for useful children’s leisure. We have prepared an overview of creative studios, development centers and sections in Chelyabinsk. Even if your child is only 2.5 years old, you will find something for him right now.

Cheerleading: an incendiary mixture of gymnastics and dances

Junior: for football – from the age of three

Dance school “In the Rhythm of the European Championship”: dancing to the rhythm of our city

Capoeira: from Brazil with love

Robotics: welcome to the “Sphere of Knowledge”

Choreographic school “Swing”: for lessons – from 2. 5 years old

Academy of Joy: learning to learn

Martial Arts Academy: training without injuries

Cheerleading: an incendiary mixture of gymnastics and dance

It is impossible to pass by a group of performing cheerleaders: their skill and coordination bewitch. Since 2002, the townspeople also have the opportunity to send their children to classes at the Chelyabinsk Region Cheerleading Federation. Since then, the athletes of the Federation have repeatedly won the All-Russian and regional competitions. And on their account – a victory in the European Championship in 2006, “bronze” at the World Championship in 2015 and a prize at the Russian Championship in 2017.

Cheerleading combines choreography, gymnastics, acrobatics, folk and modern dances and even jazz. Athletes are prepared for competitions, performances, and even are assigned ranks up to the level of “Master of Sports”.
Cheerleading Federation is a family where everyone supports each other, looks forward to training, rejoices at every achievement and victory. Here they gladly accept newcomers into their family and are always ready to conquer sports heights.

Where classes take place: 9There are 0153 cheerleading schools in every district of the city:
Agalakova, 19 (school number 68),
st. Novorossiyskaya, 83 (DK ChTPZ),
Lenina St., 8 (DK ChTZ),
st. Vorovskogo, 36A (Children’s theater school and cheerleading theater),
Pravoberezhnaya, 1 (DS 50, Zalesye),
ChVVAKUSh, st. Shagolskaya (DS 50),
Chir Center on Pobedy Avenue, 348, 1, 3rd floor.

How to make an appointment: by phone +7 (351) 750-31-80 or visit one of the addresses.

for football – from the age of three

football is never early! Children’s football school “Junior” Chelyabinsk opened a set of children from 3 to 7 years old.

“Junior” – the largest network of football schools in Russia and the CIS. Her methods are unique and compiled by the staff of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. P. F. Lesgaft. They take into account the age differences of children and are ideal for preschoolers. Classes are focused on the harmonious and comprehensive development of the child: not only physical, but also mental – children communicate a lot in groups, a team spirit is brought up.

At the Junior school, there are no more than 8 children per coach. So, your child will definitely be provided with an individual approach and close attention.

Close cooperation with leading domestic and foreign football clubs: CSKA, Lokomotiv, Dynamo, Rostov, Celtic, Olympiacos, Real Madrid and others also contributes to the development of Junior Football School.

How to sign up: via social networks or by phone 8 908 046 22 11

Where classes take place: Chelyabinsk, st. Molodogvardeytsev 7, sports complex “Arena”

Dance school
“In the rhythm of the European Championship”:
we dance to the rhythm
of our city concert participant, competitions, festivals, the hero of dance media projects? The dance school “In the Rhythm of the European Championship” opens its doors for all children from 3 to 16 years old in the following directions:

• variety dance (5-16 years old),
• rhythmoplasty (3-4 years old),
• hip-hop (5-16 years old),
• break dance (7-16 years old),
• belly dance (5-16 years old),
• Acting skills (5-16 years old).

Dance school “In the rhythm of Che” – a six-year experience, a professional team of teachers, individual approach, friendly family atmosphere. Over 6 years of work, more than 30 intra-school reporting concerts and creative projects have been held here, a huge number of video clips and films have been shot, more than 400 plot and original numbers have been staged, and they have won about 500 prizes at competitions and festivals of the city, interregional and all-Russian level!

In parallel with children’s classes, adult groups are organized at the school: body ballet, fitness, dance aerobics, dancehall, strip plastic, Pilates + stretching.

Also, the Dance School “In the Rhythm of the European Championship” every month recruits girls and women for the “Fitness Marathon”: 12 fitness trainings, 8 anti-cellulite massages and spa treatments, an individual nutrition program – the whole package for only 6,000 rubles! We will help you achieve the body of your dreams!

Where classes take place: Komsomolsky pr-kt 103 A, 2nd floor

of Brazil with love

Capoeira (Portuguese : capoeira ) is the Brazilian national martial art, which is characterized by kicks, sweeps and complex, including acrobatic, elements. Despite deep historical roots, modern capoeira is a relatively young sport.

In Russia, capoeira has been developing since the mid-90s, and in 2003 it was recognized by the State Committee for Sports of the Russian Federation. In 2006, a branch of the world’s largest capoeira school, ABADÁ-Capoeira, began its work in Chelyabinsk, on the basis of which a sports organization operates – the Chelyabinsk Regional Organization “Capoeira Federation”. Now capoeira is a popular sport: certifications held annually in Chelyabinsk include more than 300 participants.

Capoeira can be practiced by children and adults, men and women: there are traditionally about an equal number of them among athletes. For a child, capoeira classes can begin as early as 3 years. Children of this age successfully train and participate in sports events and certifications. For children and beginners, during training, interaction with a partner is more like a game than a fight. Stretching, acrobatics and strength development exercises are often “disguised” as play tasks, which allows you to keep the child’s interest and achieve better results.

The complexity of acrobatic elements in the lessons will be gradually increased. Even the banal “wheel” in capoeira has many options for execution: from the simplest to quite complex and spectacular. So each child, depending on the level of preparation, will be able to choose the elements “by themselves”.

“Adult” capoeira is quite a contact form with a minimum of technical restrictions, but a beginner also moves towards such capoeira gradually. In addition to the sports component, those who wish can attend additional classes in traditional Brazilian culture (music, language, etc.), acrobatics, stretching, and so on.

How to sign up for classes : by phone +7-904-304-95-82 (Tatiana, deputy for working with children) or at the address Chelyabinsk, st. Obraztsova, d. Technology, sports, art… How to prioritize choosing the direction of additional education?

First of all, you need to understand that robotics has long been in sports, and in art, and in every home, so every parent should consider the need for technical education for their child.

In the “Sphere of Knowledge” you will be offered development programs with varying degrees of immersion for preschoolers, schoolchildren and students. Here they implement a model of continuous education – from preschoolers of 4 years old to students of 24 years old. Each student will be offered relevant, interesting courses.

Classes are held in comfortable conditions with an individual approach to each: the training program is selected based on the characteristics of the students. Design, robotics, modeling, programming can be combined into projects for various competitions. This year, the guys defend projects on unmanned vehicles, space and tellurium model, domestic robots, as well as a robotic hydroponic system

How to sign up for classes: through the site spheraknowledge.rf or by phone +7(351) 200-37-31


9 0002

Choreographic school “Swing”
on lessons – from 2.5 years old

In the choreographic school “Swing” created an amazing space for the harmonious development of your child. Here they teach not only classical dance (ballet). Children also learn foreign languages ​​(French, English), painting and vocals, study the history of choreography.

All the acquired knowledge and skills bring up in children a universal dancer and a highly cultured person. Also, much attention is paid to the general physical development in the “Swing” school.

The teachers of the school are highly qualified specialists in their field, who are proficient in teaching methods. For example, the lessons of rhythmic gymnastics are taught by a master of sports and dance acrobatics.

Children learn in a caring environment. The school has created an environment in which the abilities of each child develop.
Choreographic School “Kacheli” is a place where the traditions of teaching the world-famous Russian classical ballet are preserved.
Classes are held from 2 to 5 times a week, depending on the age and chosen subjects.
Education starts at 2.5 years old and ends at 18 years old.
Attending the choreographic school “Swing”, your child becomes harmoniously developed, beautiful and healthy.

Where classes take place: Chelyabinsk, st. Entuziastov, 11 B, 3rd floor; st. Kuznetsova, 7, 4th floor; st. 40th Anniversary of October, 19.

How to sign up for lessons: call +7 919 111 555 4, +7 919 22222 8 or visit one of the school’s branches.


“Academy of Joy”
learning to learn

“Academy of Joy” – non-state specialized center in Chelyabinsk, work with children of preschool, junior and senior school age, as well as with children with special educational needs.

The center is designed to develop, educate and help children of all ages, as well as children experiencing various difficulties in learning and upbringing.

The center employs only specialists with higher pedagogical and correctional education, as well as experience in working with children of different categories.

The Academy of Joy does not just teach children to read, count and write. Here they create a healthy psychological attitude before school, in which the guys would strive for knowledge, be able to cooperate in a team, and not be afraid of bad grades. Preparation for school, speed reading, work in a creative workshop, classes with a psychologist and a speech therapist – all this will definitely come in handy for a child both in kindergarten and at school.

You can start studying at the Academy of Joy from the age of 1 and continue until the age of 15. Groups are formed by appointment. Experts also conduct seminars, consultations and master classes for parents and professionals.

Where classes take place: Chelyabinsk, Pobedy Ave., 295-a.

How to sign up for classes: by phone +7 (351) 218-27-05, +7 (982) 320-05-27
Instagram www.

Martial Arts Academy:
injury-free training

If you plan to develop a physically active and hardy child, then you are probably already looking for a sports school for him. An interesting option could be lessons in sambo wrestling and jiu-jitsu.

The Martial Arts Academy will be happy to take children from 4 to 12 years old into groups. A special children’s program focuses on the safe physical preparation of children. The conditions for classes, as well as coaches of the highest category, do not allow injury to students.

What will a child who learns sambo or jiu-jitsu get? He will learn not only to control his body, but also become more self-confident, disciplined, learn responsibility, set new goals and achieve them. In addition, teamwork closely connects the guys: they grow into reliable friends and healthy men.

A favorable environment for the education of little wrestlers has been created at the “Academy of Martial Arts”; here your child will feel safe.

  • In our academy, we not only study the technical elements of wrestling, but also develop the child.
  • Classes in our club allow your child to grow up by learning the practical skills of self-defense.
  • It’s also a great way for him or her to make friends, improve their communication skills and have fun.

Abcmouse com for kids: Access to this page has been denied.

Опубликовано: September 16, 2023 в 4:47 am


Категории: Kid Reviews: Is ABCmouse worth the cost? Review on whether ABCmouse is really worth the cost. is an educational platform for children 2-8 years old which helps children dive into reading, math, science, art, and more.

An Unbiased Review of ABCmouse By a Skeptical Mom of 2

If you’re anything like me then you’ve seen the ABCmouse commercials all over Disney Jr and Nick Jr….because, let’s face it, with 2 kids under 6 those seem to be the only channels we get these days.  And I have to say- ABCmouse has an advertising budget that must be INSANE….they’re like the sole sponsor of Disney Jr!

Anyway, over the last several years I’ve seen hundreds….no, more like thousands, of these commercials and I always thought “who would PAY for that when there are so many free educational websites out there for kids?”. 

Seriously, it seems like a complete waste of money….right? Let’s take a closer look!

ABCmouse is an online learning platform designed for children between the ages of 2 and 8. It claims to provide a comprehensive curriculum that covers subjects like reading, math, science, art, and music. The platform is specifically designed to help young children develop the skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into what ABCmouse is, how it works, and whether it’s worth the cost.

What Is ABCmouse?

ABCmouse is an award-winning educational platform that provides a fun and engaging learning experience for young children. It was launched in 2010 by Age of Learning, Inc., a company based in California. Since then, ABCmouse has become one of the most popular online learning platforms for young children, with over 10 million subscribers worldwide.

ABCmouse offers a comprehensive curriculum that is designed to help children develop essential skills in subjects like reading, math, science, art, and music. The curriculum is based on the National Common Core Standards and is designed to be interactive and engaging for young children.

How Does ABCmouse Work?

ABCmouse is an online learning platform that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate for both parents and children. When you sign up for ABCmouse, you will be asked to create a parent account and a child account.

Once you have created your account, you can start exploring the ABCmouse curriculum. The curriculum is organized by grade level and subject, making it easy to find the content that is most relevant to your child’s needs. Each lesson is designed to be interactive and engaging, with games, songs, and other activities to help children learn and retain information.

ABCmouse also offers a range of features that are designed to help parents track their child’s progress and support their learning journey. Parents can access detailed progress reports that show how their child is doing in each subject and identify areas where they may need extra support.

Why People Choose ABCmouse?

ABCmouse is a great choice for parents who want to provide their children with a fun and engaging learning experience. Here are some of the reasons why ABCmouse is a popular choice among parents:

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: ABCmouse offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of subjects, making it easy for parents to find content that is relevant to their child’s needs.
  2. Interactive and Engaging: The curriculum is designed to be interactive and engaging, with games, songs, and other activities that make learning fun for young children.
  3. Easy to Use: ABCmouse is easy to navigate and user-friendly, making it easy for parents and children to use.
  4. Parental Support: ABCmouse offers a range of features that are designed to help parents support their child’s learning journey, including detailed progress reports and personalized learning plans.
  5. Affordable: ABCmouse is an affordable option compared to traditional tutoring services, making it accessible to families of all income levels.

What is the Cost of ABC Mouse?

At the time of writing this post, ABCmouse costs just $12.99 per month with a 30-Day free trial. Or you can use this ABCMouse coupon and get a full year for $45! That’s just $3.75 a month!!

My Personal ABCMouse Review

This past Christmas we bought the kids an iPad, which is a completely new territory for us.  We’ve always had Android tablets but since Little Man is using an iPad in kindergarten, we decided to bite the bullet and go with an iPad.

In our hunt for educational apps for the iPad we kept running into issues like:

  • The FREE Apps weren’t REALLY free
  • The FREE Apps were VERY short and simple
  • The FREE Apps were riddled with Pop up ads and click bait
  • The kids would easily get bored with an app and want something new
  • The paid apps add up QUICKLY

I must say, over the years, ABCmouse. com has gotten into my head with all of those commercials and after 3 days of no school during Christmas vacation, my curiosity finally got the better of me.  But first I needed to do a bit of research and check out the reviews online…

Other Reviews

From all of the reviews I could find, they seemed to be split across the board.  People either loved ABCmouse or hated it….there wasn’t much to be found in between.

Billing Issues with

Let’s start off with why people hated it.  The most common reason I could find was that many people experienced billing issues and were not getting much luck with customer service. 

There are lots of complaints about trying to cancel their service and continuing to be charged along with several reviews that stated they were charged for the full year instead of the month to month option.

They must have taken this feedback into consideration because after signing up I was easily able to find the “Cancel Subscription” page in my parent dashboard.

(update 5/11/23: Since writing this blog post, my children have outgrown ABCMouse…can you believe they’re already in 6th and 3rd grade?! Anyway, I was able to easily cancel my subscription and didn’t run into any of the issues that some older reviews mention.)

Age Range for

The other main complaint that I found regarding ABCmouse was that it is too juvenile for older children.  I can see how this will probably be the one and only year that Little Man uses ABCmouse.  It is a bit on the juvenile end of the spectrum, especially for kids who are used to playing with iPads and Xboxes.  But, for Miss Jellybean, I see her enjoying the lessons for the next several years.

(update 5/11/23: We actually used ABCMouse all the way up through 1st grade! Then we switched over to Adventure Academy and are still loving it!)

Parent Tracking for

One of the most popular reasons that parents love ABCmouse is the Progress Tracker for Parents.   In the parent’s backend, you are able to track each of your children’s progress and dive into what they like doing the most, where they excel, where they need help, and so much more.  I have to admit the progress tracker section is very impressive and helps me to know where to help Little Man in his reading and math skills.

Extensive Educational Curriculum for

Another winner for many parents is the extensive educational curriculum offered by ABCmouse.  With over 8500 educational activities and more being added regularly there are a plethora of entertainment options available for kids. 

ABCmouse structures the learning experience around activities for everyone…there’s painting activities, singing, storytelling, reading, science foundations, math games, prizes, and more.  The kids don’t feel like they’re learning…they just feel like they’re playing video games but secretly they’re learning tons of great foundational elements.

We Decided to Take the Plunge With ABCmouse.


After checking out all of the online reviews and doing plenty of research on ABCMouse, I decided to give it a try.  Now, let me start off by saying that Little Man has had a little bit of exposure to using because they offer it in the children’s center of our local library.  Check and see if your local library offers and go check it out a few times before making the commitment.

I already knew that Little Man enjoyed the games but he gets very frustrated with using the mouse to play the games because he couldn’t always get it to line up right.  Ah…the tribulations of the modern world where everything is touchscreen.  Knowing that he would be using ABCMouse primarily on the iPad I figured he would be fine.

And boy was he!

He was so excited to have at home, he played so many levels he acquired 100 tickets on his first day!  And now that school has started back, his tenacity for playing hasn’t faltered at all.  

He wakes up 15 minutes early and gets completely ready for school on his own so he can play it before school.  That right there is a parenting WIN!  No more fighting to get him ready for school….he knows, if he wants to play on the iPad then he has to be completely ready to walk out the door.

Is Worth the Cost

When the ABCMouse coupon for $45 a year is available then I say grab the year of IF your children are between 3-6 years old.  Outside of that age range and I think ABCMouse will either be too juvenile or too advanced. If they’re over 6, then I HIGHLY recommend checking out Adventure Academy!

At just $3.75 a month that makes it cheaper than purchasing most apps for your device.  And they offer over 8500 games and learning activities….so that alone is well worth the price!

Personally, I love that I can give Little Man the iPad as a reward for doing his chores, being nice to his sister, helping out around the house, etc. and I know that he’s still learning and practicing his reading.  So it’s a total WIN/WIN for me!

But, what I like even more is that I can watch his progress from the Parent Dashboard.  I’m really impressed with how they have set up the dashboard so you can see how your child is trending and what activities he/she prefers.  This helps me figure out other learning activities to do with him that aren’t using the iPad.

For example, Little Man really loves the “fill in the blank” type activities.  By seeing that these are the activities he’s drawn to in the app then I can search on Pinterest for fun printables or check out Target for some fun letter games.  I kinda feel like I get the cheatsheet in parenting by letting him play “games” and I know how to teach him better. 🙂

Note: I was not contacted, paid, or compensated by to write this review.  I purchased the one year program and chose to share my findings with you.  ABCMouse does offer a small referral fee for anyone who purchases it through the links above.   This referral fee helps me pay all of the hosting fees to keep this site up and running.  If you choose to purchase I would appreciate you buying it through this link at no extra cost to you.  Thanks!

Thinking about homeschooling? Worried it’s just a bunch of religious zealots? Read this first!

ABCmouse Review: Is it worth the money? (updated)

In this ABCmouse review, I’ll try to answer all your questions about the product.

I’ll also show you some screenshots and give you my honest opinion, but if I forget something, please let me know.

I’ve searched the entire internet to find the best tools to use with my daughter. She is only 2 years old now, but I feel like it’s important that she learns as much as possible at home before she starts school.

So, I landed on

Let’s see how they stack up.

What Is offers a comprehensive educational program for young children. It was developed by the Age of Learning, Inc.

Just to be clear, ABCmouse is not an accredited school.

However, it is an extremely useful supplementary tool used by librarians, teachers, parents who home-school, and parents who just want an additional learning resource for their kids!

The vast material on this site includes 9,000+ individual learning activities and over 850 lessons.

It’s designed for toddlers up to those in second-grade, this site distinguishes between individual ages and abilities with 10 separate learning levels.

These levels are selected by the parent and can be changed depending on if the material is too challenging not quite challenging enough for the individual user. The curriculum on this site has received awards like the Mom’s Choice GOLD Award and the Teachers’ Choice Award.

The educational program was designed in collaboration with a versatile curriculum board of experts in early childhood education as well as field-specific experts. Examples of these experts include a Ph.D. of Curriculum Development holder, a geologist and science education specialist, and an experienced lexicographer (someone who complies dictionaries).

The curriculum on this site is divided into four subjects: reading and language arts, math, “the world around us” (which includes lessons on the body and health, plants, world maps, the solar system, etc.) and arts and colours.

The site also uses a wide variety of lessons types, including 450+ books, songs, puzzles, and games. Diversity amongst lesson styles helps children with different learning methods succeed in all subjects.

How much does it cost?

This platform is a paid, subscription-based site. So the big question is, is it worth the money?

There are lots of free websites that offer educational content for young children. For example, offers many games and lessons through a variety of mediums for free.

However, a subscription on costs $9.95/month ($79.99/year). This fee can be paid monthly, yearly, or in 4 installments with a credit card, PayPal or Apply Pay.

Despite having a lot of competing free options, the benefits a user gets from a platform that requires subscription are quite clear.

Most importantly, is an advertising free, external-link free site that is safe and secure for young children to use with minimal supervision.

Although the sites creators recommend parental supervision, especially when first navigating through the various features, the site is safe for children to use independently. This is really what sets this site apart.

Parents can be comfortable concentrating on other tasks while their children learn and have fun in this interactive online platform. Additionally, the fee contributes to the high quality of the curriculum mentioned previously. The fee also allows for developers to work on creating a child-friendly, stimulating platform.

An example of just how child-friendly this site is can be demonstrated with the audio features.

When you hover over various items in the site, an audio message explains what the item is to help users understand what the feature is and allows students to

You can signup now for a 30-day risk free trial. Click Here Now

*this offer won’t last long

How does ABCmouse work?

Firstly, don’t forget they are currently offering a 30-day free trial, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial here, although you will have to enter payment information.

So, if you and choose not to continue using them, don’t forget to cancel.

When you create an account, you’ll register one parent profile and up to three child profiles, which you can use simultaneously on different devices.

Next, parents will have to decide what level to place their children in.

There are 10 levels, that becoming increasingly difficult. The first sets of levels are geared towards toddlers, preschoolers, pre-kindergarteners, and kindergarteners.

The higher sets are geared towards first and second graders. The lessons are briefly described during registration, but don’t fret if you are unsure.

There is a detailed description in the Parent section, and the parent can change the child’s level at any time during the subscription. After parents choose a level, children choose an avatar from a pre-made list or they can create their own at no extra charge.

After registration you will be brought to the Student Home Page. The first feature on this page is called the “Learning Path”. After selecting the child’s level during registration, this creates a specified learning path geared towards that age group and ability level. The Learning Path is structured like a trail.

Along each step of the trail, the child is presented with a lesson, and once completed they get to advance to the next lesson. Each time a lesson is completed, the user earns tickets. These tickets, and the reward system they create will be discussed a little latter on.

Along the trail students will also get surprise rewards for every set of lessons they complete. They can track their progress from a bar along the bottom of the page.

Additionally, the trail goes through a variety of environments, each of which include key facts about the climate and vegetation of the area.

As children move along the trail, the lessons get more complex, and the rewards can become greater. This phased pre-set lesson plan is one of the best features on the site. It continues to challenge children every step of the way, whilst rewarding them for their progress. also includes more freely structured lessons about basics of letters and numbers, music, books, calendars, the solar system, and more, which are accessible from the Classroom. The activities housed in this feature do not count towards the Learning Path progress but are still tracked for parents to see. All the work users do in their classroom will still yield tickets to use in the rewards system.

By now you’re probably wondering, what is this reward system anyway?

When you first sign up, each user gets a ‘Room’, ‘Aquarium’ and ‘Pet Place’ in addition to all the lessons. These features are interactive and allow students to learn but are more importantly the place where a student can use their rewards. As users’ complete activities, they are rewarded with tickets.

Different amounts of tickets are rewarded depending on the difficulty of the lesson, and extra tickets are rewarded along the Learning Path as incentive for kids to complete more lessons. Tickets are essentially virtual cash that the child can use in the sites shopping center.

Here, users’ can use their tickets to purchase items to customize their avatar or they can purchase items for their room, aquarium, and pet place. They can also purchase pets and take breaks from lessons to care for or play with the pets.

Once they have purchased something new, they can interact with it in the specific space it was designed for.

The more valuable, exciting items for sale are obviously more expensive, and therefore encourage saving on behalf of the users. Giving students rewards for their work, encourages students to continue to work harder, as long as the rewards remain important to the recipient.

What are the benefits of ABCmouse?

Some of the most important benefits offered by have already been mentioned.

This site has an extensive curriculum built in collaboration with teachers and education experts that offers wide-ranging lesson options targeted to young children.

The fee required by this site ensures that it remains ad-free and safe for kids to use with minimal adult supervision. The fee is also quite reasonable considering that one account can be shared between three children of different ages and abilities.

Parents can also opt in to an option called the “Assessment Center”, which offers a variety of tests to assess the areas in which a specific child can improve in.

There are a lot of free sites with educational games and lessons for young children, but they do not offer the structure and safety that are inherent in

Additional Bonus features

One of the other major benefits of this website, over it’s alternatives, is that it offers parents a lot of control.

The password-protected Parent section is easily accessible from any options menu on the site.

This page includes sub-sections to purchase the assessment center, view details about the account, change settings, take an in-depth look at the curriculum, access customer support, and provide feedback. This page also allows you to access the Progress Tracker, which allows parents to follow their child’s/children’s accomplishments on the site.

This visually appealing tracker has easy to read graphs and charts that demonstrate the number of lessons completed, and of what type or subject they are in, as well as how many tickets are being collected and spent.

The best part about this Parent feature is that parents can customize the settings for their children’s accounts.

For example, parents can restrict ticket spending to require their password, they can change the Learning Path level if the profile is too easy to difficulty, and they can set restrictions for how long the child can use the website a day.

Additionally, the site offers an “Assessment Center”, which contains tests to determine where your child stands on certain skills. This feature often requires parental supervision when completing the tasks and has additional costs. Although many other sites have educational tools, few offer the control and administrative capabilities that offers its customers.

ABCmouse Review Conclusion: Is it worth it?

In my opinion, it’s definitely worth the money.

Firstly, you can’t put a price on your child’s education. According to Johns Hopkins University, “Early education can play a critical role during this important developmental period. Research linking early intervention to both cognitive and socio-emotional gains has fueled the proliferation of early childhood programs since the early part of the twentieth century.”

So, the importance of early education is undeniable.

But I’ve contemplated just using free stuff online, rather than paying for a premium service like this.

However, i’m getting more and more fed up of the Ads and I also find the quality of the education is not as good.

So, I am a customer of ABCmouse and I am very pleased with their product so far.

Whenever I think about if I should keep the product or cancel it, I ask myself; “is $9.99/month worth it if my daughter learns ONLY 1 new thing that month?” The answer is always yes…

I also tell myself, I pay $11.99/month for Netflix, which has no educational value for my daughter. So, of course I can justify paying $9.99/month for!

How to create a kids learning app like ABCmouse or Khan Academy Kids?

Children’s learning apps have become an integral part of the digital ecosystem, changing the way children learn, interact and develop. These apps combine the appeal of modern technology with the ageless excitement of gaming to create a fun and immersive learning experience. Leading examples such as ABCmouse and Khan Academy Kids reimagined how young minds acquire new knowledge, setting a new standard for educational app development.

Creating a compelling child learning app requires a deep understanding of child development, educational theories and technical know-how. In this article, we’ll take a look at the kids learning app market, the main characteristics of successful apps, and what it takes to build your own app.

Understanding the kids learning app market

The kids learning app market has experienced significant growth in recent years as more parents and educators explore the possibilities of digital learning. This surge in demand has resulted in a large number of applications targeting different age groups and a wide range of learning outcomes.

Understanding the dynamics of the market is essential in order to catch current trends, meet user expectations and stay ahead of the competition. Here are some aspects of the kids learning app market to consider:

  • Target age group: Knowing the age group of your target audience is critical to tailoring your app’s features, user interface, and content to their cognitive abilities and interests.
  • Topic: Educational apps for subjects ranging from language and math to science and logic. Defining a specific subject area will help you focus on creating relevant and quality content.
  • Competitor Analysis: An analysis of existing apps such as ABCmouse and Khan Academy Kids can provide valuable insight into their strengths and weaknesses that you can use to improve your own app.
  • Market Trends: Keeping up with evolving educational trends and technological innovations will help you develop a forward-thinking app that captures the imagination of your audience.

Features of successful kids learning apps

Knowing the key characteristics that a successful kids learning app should have will help you design an app that will meet and exceed the expectations of your target audience. Here are some key features you should look out for:

Child-friendly user interface

A visually appealing and easy-to-navigate interface is critical to keeping children involved in the learning process. The design should be simple, with large buttons, clear navigation, and clear calls to action. Use bright colors and an intuitive design that young users will love.

Engaging content

Make sure educational content is age appropriate, relevant, and engaging. Augment dynamically explained concepts with visual elements such as images, videos, and animations to engage your audience and improve retention.

Gamification and progress tracking

Use game elements such as rewards, challenges, scores and leaderboards to make learning fun and enjoyable. Implement a progress tracking system to help parents and children keep track of their academic progress and set goals.

Customizable learning paths

Create customized learning paths to suit different learning styles and paces. This allows children to learn at their own pace and benefit from a personalized educational experience.

Parental Control and Monitoring

Give parents the ability to monitor and control their child’s learning. Turn on features like usage reporting, app locking, time management, and content filtering to help parents stay involved in their child’s learning.

Feedback and support

Create feedback and support channels to allow users to voice their opinions and concerns. Actively listen to feedback to continually improve and optimize your app.

By incorporating these features into your app, you are well on your way to creating an exceptional kids learning app that will compete with established industry players like ABCmouse and Khan Academy Kids.

Technical considerations for creating a children’s learning application

There are several technical factors to consider when creating a children’s learning application. These factors can affect the success of your application in terms of performance, security, and cross-device compatibility. Let’s take a look at some of the important things you should focus on:

  1. Platform Selection: Decide whether you want to create a native app (iOS, Android), a web app, or a cross platform app. This decision will affect the development process, as well as the performance and compatibility of the application with different devices.
  2. Data storage and synchronization: Select an appropriate internal database to store user data and training materials. Appropriate data storage ensures easy synchronization between devices and quick access to data for users.
  3. Security: Protecting user information, especially children, is critical. Implement strong encryption, secure communications, and privacy features to keep your application secure and compliant.
  4. Performance optimization: Optimize application performance using efficient algorithms, reducing memory consumption and optimizing server requests. A smooth and responsive app will improve user experience and promote reuse.
  5. 3rd party integrations: Integrate your app with advanced features such as analytics, social media sharing, and push notifications to improve user experience and collect valuable insights.
  6. Offline features: Give users access to learning materials and classes without an Internet connection. Local content caching improves the usability of the app in places with low connectivity.

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Designing a child-friendly user interface

Designing a child-friendly user interface is key to the success of your educational application. For children, who often have limited reading skills and shorter attention spans than adults, a different set of design principles is required. Here are some tips for creating a visually appealing and intuitive user interface for young learners:

  1. Use large buttons and icons: Children tend to have small hands and less fine motor skills, so it’s important to provide them with large interactive elements that are easy to tap or swipe.
  2. Choose bright and contrasting colors: Bright colors not only attract children’s attention, but also help to distinguish different elements on the screen.
  3. Simplify navigation: Minimize the number of steps required to access learning content or activities. Use clear labels and visual cues to guide users through the app.
  4. Be consistent: Keep the user interface consistent across screens to make it easier for children to understand and navigate the app.
  5. Make it fun and friendly: Use playful graphics, animations and sounds to create an enjoyable learning environment. A pleasant atmosphere will motivate children to spend more time with your application.
  6. Test with real users: Involve children and their parents in the development process and collect feedback to improve the user experience. Your target audience will provide valuable insight into what works and what doesn’t in your app.

Considering learning styles and teaching methods

Achieving educational goals while keeping children engaged is a major challenge for children’s learning applications. To meet this challenge, different learning styles and teaching methods must be taken into account when creating the content and structure of the app. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  1. Consider multiple learning styles: Children have different learning styles – visual (learning through sight), auditory (learning through hearing), and kinesthetic (learning through action). Consider these different styles using a combination of text, images, audio, video, and interactive elements.
  2. Use different teaching methods: Different teaching methods may be more effective for different children and subjects. Consider approaches such as survey-based learning, project-based learning, and blended learning, which combines online and offline classes.
  3. Create custom learning paths: Plan custom learning paths that allow users to progress at their own pace and select specific areas to focus on. This personalized approach encourages children to take control of their learning path and increases motivation.
  4. Track progress and provide feedback: Implement progress tracking features to help kids and their parents keep track of their academic progress. A sense of accomplishment increases motivation, and regular feedback can prompt users to improve further.
  5. Introduce collaborative learning: Encourage group activities and social interaction to increase engagement and promote learning through peer support and shared experiences.
  6. Make sure content is age appropriate: Design your app around the cognitive abilities, interests, and developmental stage of your target age groups. Tailoring content to the needs of the target audience increases the educational effectiveness of the app.

Considering different learning styles, using a variety of teaching methods, and recognizing the importance of a child-friendly user interface, you will create a successful and engaging children’s learning app. Remember that using no-code platforms like AppMaster can also simplify the development process and help you bring your application to life with minimal technical knowledge.

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Creating engaging content the fascination of its content. To create compelling content for your app, consider the following factors:

Target audience and age group

Determine the target age group for your app and tailor your content accordingly. For example, apps for younger kids should focus on core concepts, while apps for older kids might offer more advanced topics. To make sure the content is appropriate for the selected age group, consider their cognitive abilities, concentration levels, and interests.

Educational Standards and Curricula

Make sure your app content is in line with educational standards and curricula. Collaborate with educators, subject matter experts, or even child psychologists to build a solid learning foundation in your app and deliver accurate, relevant, and engaging learning material.

Variety and richness

Offer a variety of content types and formats to suit different learning styles and engage children. Include videos, interactive quizzes, games, stories, audio tutorials, and even AR/VR. Keep content fresh and up to date by adding new topics and updating existing content to keep users engaged.


Let users personalize their learning paths by choosing specific topics or activities that match their interests and learning goals. Implement adaptive learning algorithms that can recognize a child’s strengths and weaknesses and dynamically adjust the difficulty level or suggest additional resources to match.

Feedback and Reward

Include instant feedback and reward mechanisms in your app content, such as positive reinforcing messages, motivational cues, visual or audio feedback. This helps to increase self-esteem, motivation and confidence of children in their learning abilities.

Gamification and User Engagement

Gamification is the process of integrating game elements into non-game contexts to make learning more interactive, engaging and enjoyable. Listed below are some proven gamification techniques that can increase user engagement in your kids learning app:

Rewards and Incentives

Offer digital rewards in the form of points, badges or virtual currency when users complete tasks or reach certain milestones. These rewards encourage continued use of the app and create a sense of accomplishment.

Progress tracking and feedback

Visualize progress in a way that children can understand, such as a progress bar, growth chart, or series of milestones. Provide regular feedback on results, achievements, and areas for improvement.

Tasks and Goals

Integrate tasks and personal goals into your app to motivate users to complete tasks and achieve higher levels. Design tasks of varying difficulty to suit different skill levels and keep the intrigue.

Competition & Collaboration

Set the stage for competition with leaderboards or head-to-head challenges, encouraging users to outdo each other. At the same time, provide opportunities for collaboration by allowing children to work together or share their accomplishments with friends and family.

Interactive and Immersive Experiments

Create interactive experiences that require users to actively solve problems, make decisions, and think creatively. Implement augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) to create an immersive learning environment that captures kids’ attention and sparks their imaginations.

Balancing monetization and user experience

While it’s important to make money from your app, it’s important to strike a balance between monetization and delivering the best user experience. Here are some effective monetization strategies that don’t compromise user experience:

  • Freemium model : Offer a free version of the app with basic features and limited content, and a premium version with additional features, exclusive content and no ads. The freemium model allows users to test the app before deciding to upgrade, which increases the likelihood of a conversion.
  • Subscription Model : Implement a subscription-based pricing model that provides continued access to premium content and features for a recurring fee. This model ensures a stable revenue stream while giving users the option to opt out of the service at any time.
  • In-app purchases : Offer in-app purchases for special content, enhanced features, or virtual goods such as extra lessons, characters, or customization options. Make sure these purchases are optional and don’t interfere with the basic learning experience for users who don’t want to pay.
  • Contextually Relevant Ads : If you decide to include ads in your app, make sure they are contextually relevant, understandable to children, and not intrusive so as not to interrupt the learning process. Consider using rewarded advertising, where users can choose to view ads in exchange for in-app rewards or additional content.
  • Parental Controls and Transparency : Offer parental controls to manage app usage and in-app purchases, giving parents the ability to control their child’s experience.

Try the AppMaster no-code platform

AppMaster will help you build any web, mobile or server application 10 times faster and 3 times cheaper

Start free

Be transparent about your monetization strategies and how they affect content and application functionality, maintaining trust between your company and end users.

Using No-code platforms such as AppMaster to develop applications

Building a children’s learning app from scratch can be challenging and time consuming. No-code platforms such as AppMaster offer a faster and more cost-effective solution for building a high-quality app that doesn’t require complex programming knowledge.

AppMaster AppMaster allows users to create internal, web and mobile applications using a drag-and-drop visual interface. With powerful features, you can design the application’s user interface, create business logic, and generate code for the endpoints server and web/mobile components. The platform also supports integration with Postgresql-compatible databases as the primary database source, providing scalability and compatibility with enterprise and high-load use cases.

Using AppMaster, even a single developer can create a complete software solution including backend, website, client portal, and native mobile apps tailored to the specific needs of a child learning app.

Because AppMaster generates actual applications, users can obtain executable binaries or even source code to host applications locally. This flexibility allows you to create and deploy children’s learning applications with full control over the application’s source code and server infrastructure.

Testing and launching the kids learning app

Before launching your kids learning app, it must go through rigorous testing to make sure it meets the needs of the intended users. Factors tested include:

  • Usability : Rate the user interface and overall user experience. Make sure the navigation is clear, the content is engaging, and the interactive elements work as intended.
  • Performance : Check application performance under different conditions such as different devices, networks and user load. Make sure it stays stable and responsive with minimal lag.
  • Functionality : Check that all application functions work as intended and do not contain errors.
  • Security : Make sure the application complies with data privacy regulations and includes strong security measures to protect user data.
  • Compatibility : Make sure your app works seamlessly across devices, operating systems and browsers. This is especially important for mobile devices, which often have a fragmented landscape of hardware and software platforms.

When testing is complete and your application meets the desired quality standards, it’s time to launch it for sale. Promote your kids learning app with strategic marketing efforts like app store optimization, social media marketing, influencer partnerships, and targeted advertising to gain visibility and grow your user base.

Final Thoughts

Building a successful children’s learning app like ABCmouse or Khan Academy Kids is a difficult but rewarding process. It requires understanding the market, designing a user-friendly interface, and delivering engaging content with an appropriate balance between monetization and user experience.

No-code Platforms such as AppMaster simplify the application development process by providing a seamless, code-free environment for designing and building application components. By leveraging the power of these platforms, you can speed up development times and lower development costs, allowing you to focus on delivering a high-quality educational experience for your users.

As with any successful endeavor, it’s important to iteratively refine your application based on real user feedback and continually refine the learning experience for your target audience. By staying open and constantly striving to make your app better, you can create a learning app for kids that will stand out in today’s competitive marketplace.

ABCmouse Offer: Let your kids learn at home for free

As school closures are now becoming the norm around the world, many parents may be worried not only about childcare, but also about how to ensure the continued education of their children. Especially since we still don’t know how long the corona virus pandemic will last or when schools will reopen.

However, there are distance learning platforms that are really suitable for children and even better designed to keep them safe online, and here we present some of our favorites:

ABCmouse (2-8 years)

ABCmouse activities for young children, from preschool to 7th grade, that are accessible from a home computer or mobile device.

There are 10 different levels and over 850 lessons. As expected with online learning for kids, the goal of the activities is to be fun and engaging, while still ensuring that the kids are taught the basic concepts. In addition, there are rewards and tickets to help guide and motivate children through a variety of lessons covering all areas of reading, math, science and the arts.

Activities include various animations, games, books, songs, puzzles and coloring pages. There is also an interactive zoo, farm and aquarium. Children can also create their own avatar to make the progress of lessons and activities more personalized and fun.

ABCmouse is available as a subscription for $9.95 (about £8.50, AU$17) per month, but the first month is free, which is a great way to test the site while giving kids something to do during school closures.

Adventure Academy (ages 8-13)

Adventure Academy is for children ages 8-13 and offers a curriculum that spans reading, math, science and more. As with the ABC Mouse, gamification is at the heart of the learning process to keep lessons fun, interesting and engaging. As a result, Adventure Academy operates as something of an MMO adventure game where players can create avatars, meet online, and even have their own homes online.

The language section offers curriculum development for reading, writing, spelling, and general English comprehension. The math section covers multiplication and division, geometry, fractions and decimals, and word problems. The natural sciences section covers curricula that include various aspects of physics, chemistry, and biology, such as forces and motions, the environment, and atoms. The social studies section allows children to explore history and geography, economics and innovation, as well as culture and traditions.

Adventure Academy Pricing is currently offering a promotion where all courses are available for a one-time annual payment of $59.99 (approx. £50, AU$100), which automatically renews at the same price each year. However, there is also a free trial for a month so you can try out the platform to make sure you and your kids enjoy it.

ReadingIQ (12 and under)

ReadingIQ is a library of digital children’s books best suited for children under 12 years of age. As with Amazon’s KDP Select, you pay a one-time monthly fee that gives you instant access to a very large number of books. There are thousands of children’s books of all genres, from stories and picture books, informational and reference books to graphic novels, joke books and songbooks.

Kid life academy: Kid Life Academy – Cape Coral, FL

Опубликовано: September 15, 2023 в 7:55 am


Категории: Kid

A Kid’s Life Academy | High Springs FL Child Care Facility

Write a Review

About the Provider

Description: A Kid’s Life Academy is a Child Care Facility in High Springs FL, with a maximum capacity of 35 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    After School;Before School;Full Day;Infant Care
  • District Office:
    Judicial Circuit 8
    20 Arlington Expressway
    Jacksonville, Florida 32231
  • District Office Phone:
    (904) 485-9586 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Stepping Stones Academy – Rosenberg TX Licensed Center – Child Care Program

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Report Date

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Write a review about A Kid’s Life Academy. Let other families know what’s great, or what could be improved.
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Review Policy:

ChildcareCenter. us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect
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review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess
the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is
negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as
the provider.

Write a Review

Providers in ZIP Code 32643

First Christian Academy

Building Dreams Early Learning Center, L.L.C

Deeper Purpose Kids Academy

High Springs Day Care Center

Lee’s Fun to Learn Daycare & Tutoring Inc

Little Pioneers Preschool

A Kid’s Life Academy

Alachua County Schools – High Springs Community School

Momma C’s Nest

Little Life Academy


 About Little Life Academy

We are a Christian preschool program for children ages one to five years, offering full-time and part-time spots.  LLA is designed to minister to children through quality early childhood education, while nurturing Christian values and teaching physical, academic, and social skills.

Services We Offer

Spiritual Development

Building a foundation of biblical stories and Scripture through activities and lessons

Academic Development

Strategically teaching children according to the state benchmarks, ensuring each child receives a well-rounded and complete early childhood education through specialized curriculum

Physical Development

Integrating developmentally appropriate fine and gross motor skills

Social Development

Constructing group participation and creative play activities

LLA Stories

“We moved to Arkansas in November of 2018 with a two-year-old and a two-week-old. I was broken-hearted over pulling my two-year-old out of his daycare with all of his friends. Then, we found Little Life Academy in Cabot. This school and the amazing ladies literally saved my heart and soul. The love these teachers have for my children is truly unreal. They love, care and protect every child that comes into their school. I couldn’t hand pick better people to watch my children. We are so lucky to have them in our lives. ”

“Little Life Academy has been such a blessing to our family. We had a friend tell us Little Life Academy was accepting applications. After calling and finding out they had a spot open, I’ve never filled out paperwork quicker! We love New Life Church, and I had so much peace over knowing my son would be taken care of by our church family throughout the week. Now, it’s been two years, and we couldn’t imagine our lives without Little Life Academy and its teachers. Our son has grown so much, learning a curriculum, setting him up for success and teaching a relationship with Jesus along the way. ”

“Little Life Academy has provided not only core academic excellence for Evan, seven, and Ruby, five, but also a strong spiritual foundation and an assurance of God’s love and plan for their lives. Little Life Academy teachers truly equip the children with biblical truths and also prepare them to enter kindergarten well-rounded academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. LLA is like family to us, and we will always be thankful for the amazing Christ-like environment our children have been a part of in these early years.”

“We were excited to send our little boy to Little Life Academy Greenbrier. We had heard wonderful things about the Conway Campus and were thrilled to have one so close to home. The staff and teachers immediately exceeded our expectations. We were impressed with their professionalism and detailed communication with all curriculum and policies. Throughout the year they also went above and beyond to create special moments for families to enjoy together as well! Our son’s teacher was very intentional with him and his specific learning needs and worked hard to create a positive environment where each child in the class had potential to thrive. We could not be more pleased with our experience and would recommend LLA Greenbrier to others!”


3400 W. Main St
Cabot, AR 72023

633 S. Country Club Rd
Conway, AR 72034

Greater Little Rock
8000 Crystal Hill Rd
North Little Rock, AR 72118

4025 Hwy 5 N
Bryant, AR 72022

43 Glenn Ln
Greenbrier, AR 72058

Contact Us

Academy of Life

1s”> We help every child from the orphanage find their place in adult life

At the age of 18 orphans are left face to face with the world they know nothing about. We prepare children for an independent life, help them learn how to properly experience emotions, rely on their strengths and believe in themselves.

Children from orphanages

miss the most important thing:

  • Love
  • Attention
  • Help

Which door the children choose,

is up to us

Academy of Life —

a charitable foundation that helps children get a model of behavior of a successful adult nearby, which they do not have. We help children from orphanages prepare for their future adult life: find their favorite profession, become happy.

The programs of the Foundation are developed by a team of professionals: from child psychologists, sociologists, teachers and doctors to a director, actor, moderator and even stars.

The Foundation is helped by people who care : businessmen, leading figures in culture, theater and sports.

The Academy of Life Foundation implements

three programs to help children

All three areas of work help children feel more confident in their future life in the big world

Ticket to Life

A comprehensive annual program that prepares children for the future of adulthood. Staging a play, working with mentors and psychologists, cultural trips, getting to know professions, excursions to factories – children learn to make friends, communicate and achieve their goals

More details

Easy start

Targeted support program for a specific child on the way to their dream profession. Sometimes a success story begins with a gift: a future hockey player gets skates, a photographer gets a camera, and a stylist gets educational courses. Children from 2 to 16 years old live there as one big family. We raise funds and help cover basic business expenses

Read more

How to help

There are many ways. Choose the one that is closer to you.
Helping is easier than it seems

With money

You can help a specific child or support one of the fund’s programs

Help children


We are always happy to volunteer: psychologists, teachers, actors, directors, bloggers, athletes, entrepreneurs

Become a volunteer


Do you have original ideas for charitable activities and dream of implementing them? Contact us!

To suggest an idea

The main principle is to do everything yourself

There is no adult here who will do everything for the child, but there is an adult who will help the child find his own way and reveal his talent

Help children

Donate to Academy of Life programs and help children from orphanages better prepare for life after 18

Children’s Academy | Programs for the development of the child

Started working at the Children’s Academy

Short stay group

Age of children:

Malyshok group — 3-4 years old
Znayka group — 5-7 years old 90 005

Mode work: from 8. 00 to 13.00, or from 8.00 to 17.00

Appointment by phone:


Children’s Academy

We give your child more opportunities to succeed in school and in life!

Experts agree that the pursuit of continuous learning is the most important skill for the 21st century. It is very important to develop this skill in early childhood, when a child’s neural connections are being formed, as well as their emotional and social intelligence. FasTracKids® aims to develop the child as a whole by teaching five important skills:

  • critical thinking;
  • creativity;
  • communication;
  • cooperation;
  • trust.

Attend a free FasTracKids lesson in Nizhny Novgorod.

Start preparing your child for a journey called life!

We give your child more opportunities to succeed in school and in life!


Dear parents, each of us faces the choice of a preschool when a child reaches a certain age.

FasTracKids Kindergarten fits:

Children from 3 to 7 years old.

Group hours:

Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00.


1-2 year olds


1-2 year olds

Mom and Me

For children from 2.5 to 3, 5 years old

The world around me

For children from 2.5 to 3.5 years old


For children from 2.5 to 3.5 years old

For children from 5 to 7 years old


For children from 5 to 7 years old

9 0095 The world around us

For children from 5 to 7 years old


For children from 5 to 7 years old


For children from 4 to 5 years old

9009 5 Magic alphabet

For children from 4 to 5 years old


For children from 5 to 6 years old

How to read well

For children from 6 to 7 years old

Psycho-emotional development 5 to 6 years

One step, two step

For children 4-6 years old

Express reading course


  • Monday
  • 902 42 Tuesday

  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday


9026 9

4166666666666667}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 10:00 11:00 12:00 16:30

Mom and Me

Mom and Me

The world around me

Creativity The world around me 7083333333333334}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00

Fairy tale therapy

The world around us

Fine art studio 4-5 years old

The world around me

Art studio 6-7 years old

The world around me Psycho-emotional development


375}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 9:00 10:00 11:00 16:00 16:50 17:00 7291666666666666}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 17:30 17:40 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:20


Mom and Me

Mom and Me



The world around us

The world around us




The world around me


Choreography Choreography


6875}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00

The world around me

Fairy tale therapy

The world around us

Fine art studio 4-5 years old

The world around me

Art studio 6-7 years old

The world around me Psycho-emotional development

Thursday 9
4166666666666667}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 10 :00 11:00 12:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 7291666666666666}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 17:30 17:40 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:20 Mom and Me Mom and Me The world around me Reading Math The world around us The world around us Reading Choreography Mathematics The world around me Reading


375}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 9:00 10:00 11:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 7638888888888888}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 18:20 19:00
Rastishka Mom and Me Mom and Me Creativity The world around us The world around us Vocal 3. 5-4.5 years old Vocal 5-6 years old


11:0 0 13:30 15:00 16:00 6875}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 16:30
The world around us

The world around us


The world around us


Subbotnik (reading, mathematics, music, creativity)


902 77

4166666666666667}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 10:00 11:00 11:30 13:00 13:30 16:00 6875}” data-sheets-numberformat=”{"1":6,"2":"h:mm","3":1}”> 16:30 17:10

Robotics (st. gr.)

The world around us



The world around us

The world around us

The world around us

Vocal 5-6 years old

5-4.5 лет"}”> Vocal 3.5-4.5 years old
Start preparing your child for the journey called life!

What are FasTracKids?

Give your child every opportunity to be successful in the future. FasTracKids programs aim to develop cognitive, emotional and social skills in young learners.

With us, children learn naturally – with the help of all the senses. Children attending FasTracKids programs are further successful in mastering academic knowledge.

They excel in school entry tests, in music, they are good at writing and reading, and have good public speaking skills.

They are successful in all areas of their lives. Part of a child’s success depends on the involvement of their parents.

We invite parents and grandparents to be part of the process of gaining experience and knowledge of the child in FasTracKids.

Come and see FasTracKids in action!


Start preparing your child for the journey we call life!


The first 7 years of a child’s life are the most important for a child’s development. It’s no secret that the early development of children, in particular your child, is a key moment in later life. Specially designed for children from 9 months to 7 years old, the programs of our center develop the creative and mental abilities of the child in the most productive period of his intellectual growth.

Our development center’s innovative approach to learning encourages children’s innate curiosity and empowers every child to reach their full potential. It’s not just preparation for school, it’s preparation for life.

The programs and activities of the early development center “FasTracKids” for children of different ages combine play and learning, recreation and entertainment at the same time. Carefully designed lesson plans, the use of a large number of experiments and creative tasks, video recording of performances allow you to keep the attention of little students – “Academicians” – for a long time.

“Different areas of a child’s brain reach maturity at different times.

Kids before and after school: 27 Kids Before & After Their First Day Of School

Опубликовано: September 15, 2023 в 7:37 am


Категории: Kid

After School Programs Chicago | Before And After School Care Illinois | Before School Care 60643

“Learning about energy conservation is fun with Larry Rice, owner of Channel 24 in St. Louis.”

At our Chicago child care center, you can trust the care that your child is receiving, and rest easy knowing that they have the safety they need.

Services We Offer:

  Before School Care

  After School Care

Transportation To and From School

  Homework Assistance

Many parents begin their workdays long before their child’s school day starts, and are still working when the school day ends. This can be very stressful for parents who do not have a village helping them to raise their family. Single parents feel as though they are put at a disadvantage, putting together all their resources to properly take care of their children in ways that correspond to their busy schedules. Some parents are forced to consider leaving their young children alone during these times of the day. However, the chances of something negative happening to your child either before or after school, when they are left alone is very high. Kids are curious by nature, often causing falls and injuries when left under inadequate supervision. You already have a lot on your plate, and the last thing you want is to pick up an injured or upset child. And, it will leave you worrying about how they are doing in your absence. Minimize your child’s risk and sign them up for before and after school care at Just For Kids!

Just For Kids not only provides a safe child care center for your child, ages 3 to 14 to come to, but we strive to be a place that continues their education to develop young minds, as well as being a place that they have fun coming to. Children’s developmental years are crucial to building fundamental skills. We know that social skills, as well as educational knowledge, help place kids ahead of the learning curve. Our programs are geared to ensure that your kids succeed. With more than 10 years of experience, our daycare center’s goal is to provide the care and attention that your child needs throughout their day. We have a multimedia computer lab, as well as an open-court gym, and other exciting age-appropriate activities to keep them engaged.

You can trust that your child is in good hands when they come to the before and after school program at Just For Kids

Our childcare center provides round-trip transportation to and from school so that you never have to worry about how your child will get to our child care center either before or after school. Busy Chicago roads and highways can make it difficult for parents to accommodate everyone’s busy schedules. You want your kids to get to school on time, but you also must get to work on time. Transportation services provide you with an easy solution to this problem, while giving you peace of mind knowing that your kids are safe.

While in our care, we provide a variety of nutritional snacks, implement a low teacher-to-student ratio, and believe in the power of fun. Please let us know about any nutritional allergies so we can accommodate your child accordingly.

We will take your child on field trips and provide weekly after-school activities and clubs such as cheerleading, karaoke, jump rope, Spanish, scrapbooking, and more! They will begin to feel excited about going to school, cultivating a good relationship with education from the start. You won’t have to worry about your kids’ engagement with their education.

Never worry again about where your child is going to go when you are at work. They will love coming to Just For Kids; our childcare center is a place they will look forward to being at. Enrollment is a one-time registration fee that includes a t-shirt and all necessary materials for a successful daycare experience.

We also offer after-school care, daycare services, and “no school” days childcare. This allows you the freedom to do the things you love while your kids are entertained and safe. We know that parents are busy, and each of our programs are geared to your convenience, as well as your children’s safety. Enroll your child(ren) online, or contact us for more information today!

Before & After School Care

Allow your children to maximize their education with our Before & After School Care program.

Register your children for preschool today.

Benefits of Before and After School Programs For Children

Before and after school programs are important for providing a safe place for children to be surrounded by quality care and they are important for providing working parents with peace of mind. Gone are the days where parents are faced with limited resources, leaving them scrambling to organize their schedules. Many parents work long hours, making it difficult to match their kid’s schedules to their own. Before and after school programs combat this issue by providing expert care to your kids, even outside of school session hours.

However, the benefits of quality before and after school programs are far more reaching than simply providing a watchful eye. Here are some of the benefits that child care programs can offer your school-age children.

Higher Test Scores

Researchers suggest that over half of students participating in a before and after school program showed improved reading and math skills Additionally, the more often a student attends the program, the more likely they are to show academic improvements. Another study that followed low-income students found that those who were enrolled in daily after school care performed significantly better on standardized tests and showed better work ethic than their classmates who stayed home alone. These results have been proven to be ongoing. Students who attended after-school programs in grade school or middle school had higher rates of high school class attendance rates and better grades. Not only were drop-out rates lower in kids who had attended before and after school programs, but those kids were more likely to engage in extracurricular school activities and take on leadership responsibilities.

Emotional and Social Health

One study suggests that students who participate in a before and after school program displayed less anger and shyness, and had better control of their emotions and higher self-esteem. More exposure to social interactions leaves your kids with the tools they need to build healthy relationships with others. They will learn how to make and keep friends, how to bond over common interests, and how to work together with people who may be different from them.

Less Risky Behavior

As children enter middle school, they begin to be exposed to drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity. An after-school program offers a positive outlet for energy and can provide positive adult role models. Studies show that participating in an after-school program dramatically reduces drug use and criminal behavior in youth. Additionally, studies have suggested that teens who do not have an afterschool program are three times more likely to skip class, use illicit drugs and alcohol, and engage in sexual activity.

With all the benefits that extend beyond basic childcare, you can’t afford to not send your children a quality before and after school program, like the ones offered by your local childcare center, Just For Kids! Our programs are designed with parents and kids in mind. We want to encourage child development while understanding and sympathizing with parents’ busy schedules. Therefore, we’ve extended our programs to hours beyond typical school sessions. We offer “no school days” childcare. Enroll your kids online, or contact us for more information today!

Schedule Visit

“*” indicates required fields

Before and After School | HealthyKidsPrograms


The Healthy Kids Before and After School Program offers socialization; the learning of new skills as well as building both fit minds and fit bodies. Our goal is that each child will come home excited from all the activities they have done and full of adventures to share with the adults in their life.

Our Before and After School Programs are in over

90 schools and growing! Check out our full list of locations to find the one nearest you.

Social Activities

Games and group activities bring everyone together in a safe way that supports bonds and relationship building

Academic Activities

Activities such as Drop Everything and Read and IXL, a personalized learning platform, encourage learning

STEM Activities

Our Lego Masters program modeled after the TV show, inspires kids to engineer creative creations

Fitness Activities

Activities like yoga, the mileage club and dance get kids bodies moving and helps boost confidence



Before your child can attend our programs, a completed registration form must be submitted and all steps must be complete. You can see our complete registration process here.

Your child may attend the program anywhere from 1 to 5 days per week however, we ask that the schedule is the same from week to week. 

Rates and billing information vary per location and can be found here. A signed Tuition and Payment Agreement must be completed prior to the start of care. Automatic payments are made via the Brightwheel app.


The Registration Team can be reached at [email protected] or


We utilize a family-friendly software app called Brightwheel.

Brightwheel allows staff to send you updates and pictures and to check children in and out of our program each day. It also allows parents to send messages to the staff and director and see upcoming payments and invoices.

The Healthy Kids Program is scheduled to run every day there is a scheduled day of school and follows the school calendar. 

In most locations, our Before School Program does not run on scheduled no-school days, school holidays or when the School District has a delayed opening.

In most locations, our After School Program does not run on scheduled no-school days, scheduled half days, school holidays or when the School District cancels after school activities in its buildings.

Please reach out for more details on the location nearest you.

Is your schedule unpredictable or varies from week to week?

Or perhaps you only need childcare sporadically?

Then our Drop-In Program is for you.

Available at certain locations, simply call our registration team at

845-330-0200 48 hours in advance to see if there is availability on the desired day of care.

*Registration must be completed prior to utilizing the drop-in program.

Early Childhood Development Center Before and after school – reviews, photos, prices, telephone and address – For children – Saransk

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Do you want your baby to be the first in everything and always? Center for Early Childhood Development Before and after school offers to help your dream come true! Here, employees know how to make sure that the child adapts as quickly as possible to the world around him, which he has just begun to explore. Your child will learn a lot of new things, learn how to properly communicate with children and adults, acquire basic skills, and teachers will try to develop an interest in knowledge and reveal their abilities.

And future polyglots can be taught English here. In the lessons, teachers pay special attention to listening comprehension, learning colloquial expressions and pronunciation so that the children do not have difficulties in communicating with foreigners.

In addition, here your child can do math and calligraphy – choose what brings pleasure to your child!

Rating of the Center for Early Childhood Development Before and after school — 5 points!

The Center can be found at the address: Russia, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Proletarskaya street, 81. Do you have any questions? Call +7 (917) 690-13-72. Working hours Mon-Sun: 08:00 – 19:00.

Updated May 26, 2023


+7 (917) 690-13-…
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Opening hours

Mon-Sun: 08:00-19:00

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Frequently asked questions about the Early Childhood Development Center Before and after school

  • 📍 What is the address of the Early Childhood Development Center Before and after school?

    This institution is located at the address: Russia, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Proletarskaya street, 81.

  • ☎️ How can I contact the Early Childhood Development Center Before and after school?

    org/Answer”> Contact phone number: +7 (917) 690-13-72.

  • 🕖 What is the schedule of this organization?

    Working hours of the organization: Mon-Sun: 08:00 – 19:00.

  • ⭐ How do users rate this organization?

    On average, the company is rated by customers at 5. You can write your review about the Center for Early Childhood Development Before and after school!

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Kids r kids 47: Kids R Kids #47 | Missouri City TX

Опубликовано: September 14, 2023 в 5:26 pm


Категории: Kid

Kids R Kids #47 | Missouri City TX

Write a Review

About the Provider


We’re the premier childcare and daycare center in Sienna Plantation & Missouri City, and we’re simply elated you found us! We invite you to come take a tour, meet our teachers, and see why we are the the best choice for your family. We understand that you want the best for your child, and we do too! With a unique mix of technology-filled classrooms, highly trained educational staff, live stream cameras, security code entry, and nationally accredited curriculum; what we offer your child propels us far beyond any standard concept of a “daycare.” Your child is your pride and joy, and we would love the opportunity to contribute to the educational foundation they deserve! We’re all inclusive!

Additional Information:

Initial License Date: 10/14/2008.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Age Range:
    Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    Child Care Program
  • Initial License Issue Date:
    Oct 14, 2008

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspections Assessments Self Reported Incidents Reports
12 0 0 5
View Report(s)

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Be the first to review this childcare provider.
Write a review about Kids R Kids #47. Let other families know what’s great, or what could be improved.
Please read our brief review guidelines to make your review as helpful as possible.

Email address (will not be published):

Display name:

Which best describes your experience?:

Select from belowI have used this provider for more than 6 monthsI have used this provider for less than 6 monthsI have toured this provider’s facility, but have not used its servicesI am the ownerI am an employeeOther

Rating (1=poor, 5=excellent):

Select your Rating1 star2 star3 star4 star5 star

Review Policy:

ChildcareCenter. us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect
only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our
review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess
the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is
negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as
the provider.

Kids ‘R Kids #47 | Preschool

Kids ‘R’ Kids is a locally owned and operated franchise in Georgia. We are very proud to provide the most innovative facilities and effective educational programs for children 6 weeks through 12 years of age.

Our sincere love for children and strong belief that they should have a solid foundation, in combination with Kids ‘R’ Kids, the absolute leader in its industry, make the perfect choice for your family’s childcare needs. Our center is approximately 17,000 square feet with 10 classroom suites, a cafeteria, a resource room, a large activity gym for before and after school students, and 4 large play areas separated for age groups.

At Kids ‘R’ Kids we share a common desire with parents, which is to provide the absolute best for the children. Our high quality teachers, creative and fun educational programs and of course, our state-of-the-art facility make us stand high above our competitors.

Please read through our information. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us.

We love children and are dedicated to making our school a great success. Our door is always open for parents to come and discuss their needs, ask questions, give suggestions and comments. We encourage you to come take a tour and meet the staff. We are confident that you will agree with us that this is the best environment for your child!

Services Provided: Accepts Subsidies, Drop-In Care, School Age Only, Transport to/from School, Summer Care

Child Ages:
6 weeks – 12 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning – AdvancED Accredited
This provider accepts vouchers
Hours of Operation:
Months of Operation: Year Round
Days of Operation: MO,TU,TH,FR
Hours of Operation: 6:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Give your child the gift of learning with Kids R Kids . . .

The heart of our curriculum is love. Love, along with a deep understanding of the individual educational and emotional needs of each child, sets the Kids R Kids Curriculum apart.

The Kids R Kids Curriculum Experience at Every Age : As your child continues to grow, our curriculum grows with him. at every stage of your childs journey, Kids R Kids develops new and challenging ways to open his mind and expand his imagination. Our foundation of love and trust is accompanied every step of the way by our teachers, parents, and your child’s peers.

Throughout each age group, your child will discover the joy and excitement of learning science, math, language, literature, drama, music, and art. The Kids R Kids Curriculum presents a variety of educational activities and theme-based units for every age group.

Developmentally appropriate classrooms:

Kids R Kids Infant-Toddler Curriculum – Six weeks through 24 months – The youngest learners at Kids R Kids are well on their way to a lifetime of learning with our Infant-Toddler Program. Infants as young as six weeks old are involved with stimulating, hands-on play. Each activity is designed to assist your child achieve those important developmental milestones while he has fun at the same time. Our Kids R Kids environment is a safe place filled with love, growth, and discovery.

Kids R Kids Preschool Curriculum – 2 through 5 year olds – The daily adventures continue into preschool, and with them come the steppingstones for a lifetime of learning. Our goal is to help equip your child for the challenges ahead. Supporting each child during this time in her life helps to instill a sense of confidence and accomplishment while she basks in her daily successes.

Kids R Kids School Age Program – 5 through 12 year olds – Our School Age Program is challenging and fun, a combination we are very proud to share. Your childs day is filled with age-appropriate activities geared to challenge the pre-adolescent mind while building confidence and security. Our child-directed activities allow individuals and small groups to work independently while the staff encourages and monitors their progress.

Personal account in Navigator 47: registration, login, profile functionality

Reading time: ~4 minutes



  • Input
  • Registration
  • Features
  • Q&A
  • Hotline number
  • Related videos

Navigator is a specialized information site operating in the Leningrad region. It is the base that brings together circles and sections accessible to children. The portal provides access to additional educational programs and provides comprehensive information about the features of their functioning in the region. Both parents and children can use the site.

To facilitate the use of the portal, Navigator 47’s Personal Account has been created. The article describes in detail how to log in and register on the site, and provides answers to common user questions.


For authorization in the educational system, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the site https://p47. navigator.children.
  2. At the top of the page, click on the “Login” button.
  3. In the authorization form, enter the e-mail address as a login. Enter a password.
  4. Click Login.
  5. If the data is correct, the user is successfully authorized in the system.


To register on the children’s portal of additional education, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the official website of the educational program https://p47.navigator.children.
  2. Click “Register” at the top of the page.
  3. Using the prompts of the system, fill in all fields of the registration form. Select a municipality, enter your full name, mobile phone number, email address, password. Check the box that you consent to the processing of personal information.
  4. Click Register.
  5. An email will be sent to your email address with a link to activate your account. Follow it to complete registration.

When registering in the Navigator personal account, it is important to enter the correct e-mail address, as it will be used to communicate with parents in the future.

Read also:

Personal account in Navigator Children

Restoring access

If the password from the personal account is lost, the user can perform the procedure for restoring access. To do this, go to the site https://p47.navigator.children, then click “Login”. Select the Forgot Password tab. In the form that appears, enter the email address that was used during registration and click “Retrieve password”.

An e-mail will be sent with a link to restore access to the system

Change login and password

To change the login and password that are used to enter the educational system, log in to the personal account. Go to the “Profile” tab. It contains all the personal information of the user, which can be changed if necessary.


Navigator is a specialized portal that helps parents find a circle or section for their child, and additional education institutions to attract children to their classes. Users registered in the Personal Account can use it to perform the following actions:

  • get acquainted with the catalog of educational programs and events;
  • search for a circle or section;
  • view information about the educational program;
  • enroll the child in the selected circle;
  • read the search history;
  • post reviews of programs that you have visited;
  • Save your favorite program to your favorites.

Registration in the Navigator personal account allows the child to receive a certificate for funding. He realizes the right to receive additional education at the expense of public funds. Parents can choose which program to fund.

Educational organizations of all forms of ownership participate in the funding program. The only condition is that they must be entered in the register of public service providers.

If desired, a child can study in several sections, paying for their services from a certificate. But the amount in the account is limited, so the funds must be divided rationally.


Through the LC, I applied for a child to visit the section. More than a week has passed and the message with the result has not arrived. What to do?

Standard processing of a new application takes 7 business days. If more time has passed since signing up for the program of interest, and the user has not received a response, you need to check if the email is confirmed. This can be done at any time by clicking on the link in the previously received notification.

My request to attend a child club was rejected. How can I find out the reason for the rejection?

After reviewing the submitted application, the user receives a notification with the result by e-mail. In the event of a rejection, the message indicates the reason for the rejection. Also, the administrator of the organization, who processes the application, can contact the parents to clarify some questions. Therefore, indicate in the personal account current contacts for quick communication.

My child is 4 years old. Can I sign him up for a free class?

No. The program works for children who are 5 years old.

Hotline number

To contact Navigator technical support, use the following contacts:

Hotline number +7 (812) 200-98-12
Email navigator@alsop-service. ru
Catalog organization of additional education https://p47.navigator.children/organizations

Did you find the answer to your question?

Thank you for your feedback!

Write what information you are missing, and we will add it to the article

Write what mistake you found in the article, and we will definitely try to fix it!

We advise you to read:

Personal account in R38.navigator.children

TRP complex

The All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) was put into operation by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on September 1, 2014. The TRP complex provides for the preparation and implementation by the population of different age groups (from 6 to 70 years and older) of the established regulatory requirements for a number of physical exercises: running, pull-ups, long jumps, throwing sports equipment, swimming, etc. Includes 3 difficulty levels corresponding to the gold, silver and bronze “Ready for Labor and Defense” insignia.

On December 15, 2018, the campaign “Father’s Patrol. We are ready”. Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, supported the initiative of the Council of Fathers to hold an all-Russian campaign aimed at introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle.

Children’s Ombudsman in the Leningrad Region invites residents of the Leningrad Region to join the action.

“LIST of VFSK GTO testing centers in the Leningrad region”


District name

Name of Testing Center


Email address,

Phone number



Municipal budgetary institution “Water-sports complex of Boksitogorsk district” (MBU “VSK BR”)

Pikalevo, st. Sportivnaya d.3

[email protected]

8 (813) 664-56-38



Municipal educational institution of additional education “Children and Youth Center” (MOU DO “DYuTS”)

Volosovo, Vosstaniya 13

[email protected]

8 (813) 73-22-495



“Municipal budgetary institution of sports “Physical culture and sports center “Volkhov”” (MBUS “FSC” Volkhov “”)”

Volkhov, Volkhovsky prospect 16

[email protected]

8 (813) 63-79-589



Municipal Budgetary Institution “Vsevolozhsk Testing Center of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (MBU “VTsTVFSK” GTO”)

Legal address: Koltushskoe highway 138

vsevgto@mail. ru




Municipal budgetary institution “Sports school of the Olympic reserve “Favorit” (MBU “SSHOR “Favorit”)

Vyborg, Dimitrova st., 5

[email protected]




Municipal Budgetary Institution “Gatchinsky City Sports and Leisure Center” (MBU “GGSDC”)

Gatchina, prospect 25 October, 8

[email protected]




Municipal state institution “Committee for Culture, Sports and Youth Policy” (MKU “Committee for Culture, Sports and Youth Policy”)

Kingisepp, st. Bolshaya Sovetskaya 8

[email protected]




“Municipal budgetary institution of additional education for children “Otradnenskaya children’s and youth sports school” (MBU DO “Otradnenskaya DYUSSH”)”

Kirovsk, st. Kirova d.20

[email protected]




Municipal Autonomous Institution of Additional Education “Kirish Children’s and Youth Sports School” (MAU DO “Kirishskaya Youth Sports School”)

Kirishi, st. Stroiteley d.10

[email protected]

8 (813) 682-46-43



Municipal state institution “Sport and Youth”

Kirishi, Lenin Ave. 15

[email protected]

8 (813-68) 555-13



Municipal Autonomous Institution Sports and Health Complex “Standart” (MAU FOK “Standard”)

Lodeynoye Pole, st. Kommunarov d.6

[email protected]




Municipal state institution “Department for youth policy, culture, sports and tourism” of the municipality Lomonosov municipal district (MKU “Department for youth policy, culture, sports and tourism” MO Lomonosov municipal district)

Lomonosov, st. Profsoyuznaya d.7

[email protected]

8(812) 423-05-36



Municipal educational institution of additional education “Luga Children’s and Youth Sports School” (MOE DO “Luga Children’s and Youth Sports School”)

Luga, Volodarsky Ave. 1

[email protected]




Municipal Autonomous Institution “Fitness and Recreation Complex “Svir” MAU” FOK “Svir”

Podporozhye, Lenin Ave. 32a

[email protected]

8 (813) 653-00-36



“Municipal State Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children Priozersk District Children’s and Youth Sports School (Priozersky District Children’s and Youth Sports School)”

Priozersk, Kalinina st. , 41a

[email protected]

8 (813) 793-32-05



Municipal State Institution of Physical Culture and Sports “Fitness and Recreation Complex Slantsy” (MKU “FOK” Slantsy”)

Slantsy, Sportivnaya 2b, building 1

[email protected]

8 (813) 742-32-92


Sosnovy Bor

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children “Children’s and Youth Sports School” (MBOU DOD “DYUSSH”)

Sosnovy Bor, st. Kosmonavtov, 21

[email protected]

8 (813) 692-43-96


Sosnovy Bor

State Budgetary Institution of the Leningrad Region “Volleyball Sports Training Center” (GBU “TsSPV”)

Sosnovy Bor, st.

Kids r kids 47: Kids R Kids #47 | Missouri City TX

Опубликовано: September 14, 2023 в 5:26 pm


Категории: Kid

Kids R Kids #47 | Missouri City TX

Write a Review

About the Provider


We’re the premier childcare and daycare center in Sienna Plantation & Missouri City, and we’re simply elated you found us! We invite you to come take a tour, meet our teachers, and see why we are the the best choice for your family. We understand that you want the best for your child, and we do too! With a unique mix of technology-filled classrooms, highly trained educational staff, live stream cameras, security code entry, and nationally accredited curriculum; what we offer your child propels us far beyond any standard concept of a “daycare.” Your child is your pride and joy, and we would love the opportunity to contribute to the educational foundation they deserve! We’re all inclusive!

Additional Information:

Initial License Date: 10/14/2008.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Age Range:
    Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
    Child Care Program
  • Initial License Issue Date:
    Oct 14, 2008

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Busy Bees Child Development Center – Chula Vista CA DAY CARE CENTER

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspections Assessments Self Reported Incidents Reports
12 0 0 5
View Report(s)

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Be the first to review this childcare provider.
Write a review about Kids R Kids #47. Let other families know what’s great, or what could be improved.
Please read our brief review guidelines to make your review as helpful as possible.

Email address (will not be published):

Display name:

Which best describes your experience?:

Select from belowI have used this provider for more than 6 monthsI have used this provider for less than 6 monthsI have toured this provider’s facility, but have not used its servicesI am the ownerI am an employeeOther

Rating (1=poor, 5=excellent):

Select your Rating1 star2 star3 star4 star5 star

Review Policy:

ChildcareCenter. us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect
only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our
review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess
the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is
negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as
the provider.

Write a Review

Providers in ZIP Code 77459

The Goddard School of Sienna Plantation

Kids R Kids #47

CBNJ, LLC DBA Kids R Kids #12

Grace Montessori

Lexington Creek Elementary- Extended Day Program

New Millennium Montessori School

New Millennium Montessori School

New Millennium Montessori School

Sienna Montessori School

The Crayon Academy

Casa dei Bambini Montessori

Children’s Learning Adventure Child Care

Childrens Lighthouse of Sienna

Congregation Beth El Preschool

Methodist Day School

Montessori School of Sugar Land Sienna

Primrose School of Sienna

Sienna Kids Academy

Southminster School

St. Catherine of Sienna Episcopal School

The Learning Experience

The Learning Experience

The Little Village School

The Townecreek School

Unique Minds Montessori School

First Steps Learning Center

Fort Bend Talent Academy, Inc

Kiddie Academy of Missouri City, Texas

Leonetti Elementary

Lexington Creek Elementary

Schiff Elementary

Sienna Crossing Elementary

The W.I.D.E School

Bushi Ban International – Sienna Plantation LLC

Kids ‘R Kids #47 | Preschool

Kids ‘R’ Kids is a locally owned and operated franchise in Georgia. We are very proud to provide the most innovative facilities and effective educational programs for children 6 weeks through 12 years of age.

Our sincere love for children and strong belief that they should have a solid foundation, in combination with Kids ‘R’ Kids, the absolute leader in its industry, make the perfect choice for your family’s childcare needs. Our center is approximately 17,000 square feet with 10 classroom suites, a cafeteria, a resource room, a large activity gym for before and after school students, and 4 large play areas separated for age groups.

At Kids ‘R’ Kids we share a common desire with parents, which is to provide the absolute best for the children. Our high quality teachers, creative and fun educational programs and of course, our state-of-the-art facility make us stand high above our competitors.

Please read through our information. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us.

We love children and are dedicated to making our school a great success. Our door is always open for parents to come and discuss their needs, ask questions, give suggestions and comments. We encourage you to come take a tour and meet the staff. We are confident that you will agree with us that this is the best environment for your child!

Services Provided: Accepts Subsidies, Drop-In Care, School Age Only, Transport to/from School, Summer Care

Child Ages:
6 weeks – 12 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning – AdvancED Accredited
This provider accepts vouchers
Hours of Operation:
Months of Operation: Year Round
Days of Operation: MO,TU,TH,FR
Hours of Operation: 6:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Give your child the gift of learning with Kids R Kids . . .

The heart of our curriculum is love. Love, along with a deep understanding of the individual educational and emotional needs of each child, sets the Kids R Kids Curriculum apart.

The Kids R Kids Curriculum Experience at Every Age : As your child continues to grow, our curriculum grows with him. at every stage of your childs journey, Kids R Kids develops new and challenging ways to open his mind and expand his imagination. Our foundation of love and trust is accompanied every step of the way by our teachers, parents, and your child’s peers.

Throughout each age group, your child will discover the joy and excitement of learning science, math, language, literature, drama, music, and art. The Kids R Kids Curriculum presents a variety of educational activities and theme-based units for every age group.

Developmentally appropriate classrooms:

Kids R Kids Infant-Toddler Curriculum – Six weeks through 24 months – The youngest learners at Kids R Kids are well on their way to a lifetime of learning with our Infant-Toddler Program. Infants as young as six weeks old are involved with stimulating, hands-on play. Each activity is designed to assist your child achieve those important developmental milestones while he has fun at the same time. Our Kids R Kids environment is a safe place filled with love, growth, and discovery.

Kids R Kids Preschool Curriculum – 2 through 5 year olds – The daily adventures continue into preschool, and with them come the steppingstones for a lifetime of learning. Our goal is to help equip your child for the challenges ahead. Supporting each child during this time in her life helps to instill a sense of confidence and accomplishment while she basks in her daily successes.

Kids R Kids School Age Program – 5 through 12 year olds – Our School Age Program is challenging and fun, a combination we are very proud to share. Your childs day is filled with age-appropriate activities geared to challenge the pre-adolescent mind while building confidence and security. Our child-directed activities allow individuals and small groups to work independently while the staff encourages and monitors their progress.

GTO complex

The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) was put into operation by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on September 1, 2014. The TRP complex provides for the preparation and implementation by the population of different age groups (from 6 to 70 years and older) of the established regulatory requirements for a number of physical exercises: running, pull-ups, long jumps, throwing sports equipment, swimming, etc. Includes 3 difficulty levels corresponding to the gold, silver and bronze “Ready for Labor and Defense” insignia.

On December 15, 2018, the campaign “Father’s Patrol. We are ready”. Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, supported the initiative of the Council of Fathers to hold an all-Russian campaign aimed at introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle.

Children’s Ombudsman in the Leningrad Region invites residents of the Leningrad Region to join the action.

“LIST of testing centers of the VFSK GTO in the Leningrad Region”


District name

Name of Testing Center


Email address,

Phone number



Municipal budgetary institution “Water-sports complex of Boksitogorsk district” (MBU “VSK BR”)

Pikalevo, st. Sportivnaya d.3

[email protected]

8 (813) 664-56-38



Municipal educational institution of additional education “Children and Youth Center” (MOU DO “DYuTS”)

Volosovo, Vosstaniya 13

duc. [email protected]

8 (813) 73-22-495



“Municipal budgetary institution of sports “Physical culture and sports center “Volkhov”” (MBUS “FSC” Volkhov “”)”

Volkhov, Volkhovsky prospect 16

[email protected]

8 (813) 63-79-589



Municipal Budgetary Institution “Vsevolozhsk Testing Center of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (MBU “VTsTVFSK” GTO”)

Legal address: Koltushskoe highway 138

[email protected]




Municipal budgetary institution “Sports school of the Olympic reserve “Favorit” (MBU “SSHOR “Favorit”)

Vyborg, Dimitrova st. , 5

[email protected]




Municipal Budgetary Institution “Gatchinsky City Sports and Leisure Center” (MBU “GGSDC”)

Gatchina, prospect 25 October, 8

[email protected]




Municipal state institution “Committee for Culture, Sports and Youth Policy” (MKU “Committee for Culture, Sports and Youth Policy”)

Kingisepp, st. Bolshaya Sovetskaya 8

[email protected]




“Municipal budgetary institution of additional education for children “Otradnenskaya children’s and youth sports school” (MBU DO “Otradnenskaya DYUSSH”)”

Kirovsk, st. Kirova d.20

[email protected]




Municipal Autonomous Institution of Additional Education “Kirish Children’s and Youth Sports School” (MAU DO “Kirishskaya Youth Sports School”)

Kirishi, st. Stroiteley d.10

[email protected]

8 (813) 682-46-43



Municipal state institution “Sport and Youth”

Kirishi, Lenin Ave. 15

[email protected]

8 (813-68) 555-13



Municipal Autonomous Institution Sports and Health Complex “Standart” (MAU FOK “Standard”)

Lodeynoye Pole, st. Kommunarov d.6

[email protected]




Municipal state institution “Department for youth policy, culture, sports and tourism” of the municipality Lomonosov municipal district (MKU “Department for youth policy, culture, sports and tourism” MO Lomonosov municipal district)

Lomonosov, st. Profsoyuznaya d.7

[email protected]

8(812) 423-05-36



Municipal educational institution of additional education “Luga Children’s and Youth Sports School” (MOE DO “Luga Children’s and Youth Sports School”)

Luga, Volodarsky Ave. 1

[email protected]




Municipal Autonomous Institution “Fitness and Recreation Complex “Svir” MAU” FOK “Svir”

Podporozhye, Lenin Ave. 32a

[email protected]

8 (813) 653-00-36



“Municipal State Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children Priozersk District Children’s and Youth Sports School (Priozersky District Children’s and Youth Sports School)”

Priozersk, Kalinina st. , 41a

[email protected]

8 (813) 793-32-05



Municipal State Institution of Physical Culture and Sports “Fitness and Recreation Complex Slantsy” (MKU “FOK” Slantsy”)

Slantsy, Sportivnaya 2b, building 1

[email protected]

8 (813) 742-32-92


Sosnovy Bor

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children “Children’s and Youth Sports School” (MBOU DOD “DYUSSH”)

Sosnovy Bor, st. Kosmonavtov, 21

[email protected]

8 (813) 692-43-96


Sosnovy Bor

State Budgetary Institution of the Leningrad Region “Volleyball Sports Training Center” (GBU “TsSPV”)

Sosnovy Bor, st. Mira 5a

[email protected]

8(813) 692-43-96



Municipal Institution “Tikhvin City Football Club “Kirovets” (MU “TGFC “Kirovets”)

Tikhvin, st. Cave 1

[email protected]




Municipal State Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children “Tosnenskaya District Children’s and Youth Sports School No. 1” (MKOU DOD “Tosnenskaya District Children’s and Youth Sports School No. 1”)

Tosno, Lenin Ave. 45

[email protected]


MBOU DO DDT: Navigator

In September 2019, a system of personalized financing of additional education for children was introduced in the Sosnovoborsk urban district. Now every child will be able to engage in circles and sports sections, regardless of the financial situation of his family.

To pay for clubs and sections at the expense of the budget, parents need to:
– go to the website of the Navigator of additional education https://p47.navigator.children;
– receive a Personalized Financing Certificate for a child;
– choose classes for the child and sign up for training;
– use the funds of the Certificate to pay for the classes attended by the child.

Registration in children’s associations on the portal “Navigator of additional education of the Leningrad region”

In 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted: “Today only half of schoolchildren attend circles and sections, and only a quarter are free of charge.”

How to create a more flexible and perfect system of additional education, combining the interests of families and the priorities of the state, is stated in the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation on September 4, 2014.

For many Russian children, the choice of additional extracurricular activities is limited: it depends on the family’s place of residence and often on its financial capabilities. So that parents can choose, and children can attend the most useful and interesting programs for them at the expense of budgetary funds, a pilot project on personalized financing of additional education has been launched in the regions.

At the end of 2016, the federal project “Success of every child” was approved, which was included in the list of six national projects in the field of education, approved by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects. The project, along with personalized funding, provides for the creation in all subjects of Russian education of model centers for additional education of children, centers for working with gifted children, as well as a Navigator for additional education programs for children.

Thus, the development of additional education for children is considered a priority for the country in the coming years.


The certificate is the right of the child to study in additional education programs at the expense of funds allocated by the state. The certificate is an entry in the electronic registry. Data on the availability of the Certificate, debits from the account and the balance of funds are available in the personal account of the parent (legal representative of the child) on the Navigator website.

This is not about a specific document, but about the right of families. Financial resources do not fall into the hands of consumers. Along with the certificate, parents receive the right to choose additional education services. Budget funds are transferred to state or non-state organizations or individual entrepreneurs implementing an educational program.


The certificate is designed to provide a higher quality of additional education programs for children. Currently, a child can attend circles and sections for free, but the education of children is funded by the state based on a plan for enrolling children and practically does not depend on the actual occupancy of groups – as a rule, the plans are set by the institutions or municipalities themselves, without conducting proper analytics and without changing the plan for years . After the introduction of the system of personalized financing, parents themselves will choose which program to finance – to pay at the expense of the Certificate. Unclaimed programs – with an insufficient number of children in groups – will be forced to change for the better in order to attract students.

Organizations of additional education of all forms of ownership participate in the personalized financing system: a child can pay for programs of state, municipal, private institutions or services of individual entrepreneurs with a Certificate. The only condition is that the institution must be included in the register of educational service providers provided for by the system of personalized financing in the Navigator of additional education for children.

The child will be able to participate in several programs, paying for them from the Certificate account. However, the amount on the Certificate account is limited, it will be necessary to consider how many programs to choose and their duration. Since the amount on the Certificate account may vary depending on the characteristics of the child: for children with disabilities, for example, the amount will be larger for objective reasons. Additionally, municipalities can increase the amount on the account of the Certificate for children from large families, the poor, for gifted children, etc.

A certificate is a target money that is used exclusively to pay for a child’s education in circles and sections. Parents themselves decide which educational provider to choose. Institutions, in turn, must organize the work in such a way that parents and children choose them. In addition, an important point is the involvement of children who do not attend any circles and sections – previously such children were in terms of involvement and their funding was also provided to institutions.

Preschool kid: Preschool –

Опубликовано: September 13, 2023 в 5:33 pm


Категории: Kid

Preschool | NC DPI

Preschool Enrollment, Attendance, and Discipline Reporting


Tab/Accordion Items

The North Carolina IDEA Part B 619 Program, also known as the Preschool Exceptional Children’s Program, serves children ages three through five who are eligible for exceptional children services. Our team supports statewide and local efforts to ensure all eligible children are identified, experience seamless program transitions, are served in inclusive environments to the extent appropriate and experience positive outcomes.

IDEA Part B 619 Program Resources and Updates

The Department of Public Instruction’s Preschool Exceptional Children’s Program promotes the development and successful participation of North Carolina’s preschool-age children with special needs in a broad range of activities and contexts, including their homes, early learning programs, and communities. In order to accomplish this goal, the Preschool Exceptional Children’s Program must maintain strong collaborations with a variety of partners. First, cross-division collaboration with the Exceptional Children Program is essential to ensure that all services are compliant, reliable and responsive to family and child needs. The preschool program also plays a part in the Exceptional Children State Systemic Improvement Plan. Second, the program is situated within the Office of Early Learning to facilitate strong collaborations with other early childhood programs operated by the Department (Title I Preschool and Head Start) in order to facilitate inclusive opportunities for preschoolers with disabilities. Finally, collaborations outside the Department include two divisions within the Department of Health and Human Services (Division of Child Development and Early Education for the NC Pre-K program and the Division of Public Health for the Infant Toddler Program) and the North Carolina Partnership for Children.

The Teaching Strategies GOLD® Frequently Asked Questions for Preschool document provides helpful information to district preschool programs as they utilize Teaching Strategies GOLD to support their year-long formative assessment processes. While this document is intended for public school-based preschool programs, the information may also be helpful for community-based preschool programs.

Other professional development and technical assistance information can be found at the Early Learning Network website. EC Preschool Coordinators can access resources on Early Childhood Discipline, Early Childhood Enrollment, Hearing/Vision Screening, Early Childhood Least Restrictive Environment, and Early Childhood Transitions on the Early Learning Network EC Coordinator Resource page.

Information for Families

If you are concerned about your child’s development, you can access some helpful resources to see what children should be doing at various ages during normal development. The CDC’s webpage, Learn the Signs. Act Early., provides a wealth of information on child development from birth to 5 years. Your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. There is even an app you can download to help you track your child’s development and act early if you have a concern.

The North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development provides in-depth explanation of child development from birth through 60 months of age and is considered to be NC’s early learning standards.

Birth To Five: Watch Me Thrive! is a coordinated federal effort to encourage healthy child development, universal developmental and behavioral screening for children, and support for the families and providers who care for them.

The CDC has some great information available to learn about what the differences are between Developmental Monitoring, a Developmental Screening, and a Developmental Evaluation. This website also explains why these are important.

Each local school system has an Exceptional Children’s Program that is responsible for conducting screening and evaluations for children starting at age 3. If you are concerned about your child’s development, including speech, please contact your local Exceptional Children’s Coordinator to gain assistance. The name and contact information for each local Exceptional Children’s Coordinator can be found here.

Learn more about the referral process.

Already receiving services?

If your child is currently receiving services through the NC Infant-Toddler Program and will turn three in the near future, you may want to access these resources at the following website:

  • North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program Parent Handbook – (English)
  • North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program Parent Handbook – (Spanish)

Guiding Practices in Early Childhood Transition – Outlines activities, timelines, and recommended practices to facilitate a child’s transition from the Infant-Toddler Program (Part C) to the Preschool Program (Part B).

Information for Professionals

If you are a health care professional and want to know how to contact your local Preschool Exceptional Program to notify them of a child with a potential disability, please refer to the following contact list.

If you wish to notify the program, please use the form listed here:

Physician Notification to Exceptional Children Preschool Program, Form to be completed by physician and sent to the Exceptional Children Preschool Program

Please provide a signed two-way release of information form with the notification form so that the Preschool Program can send you the follow-up to your notification.

Medical Home Feedback Form,- Template for providing feedback to referring provider/agency at completion of child’s assessment

If you wish to understand the process that the Exceptional Children’s Program must follow upon receiving your notification to them, please read:

Referral Flow Chart Physician to Preschool Program – Summarizes physician to preschool notification process for children age 3 through 5

Notification Flow Chart Legend and Notes,- Explains initial evaluation process for children ages 3 through 21 as well as action steps for children age through 5

What are Title I Preschool Programs?

Title I preschool programs are designed to improve cognitive, health and social-emotional outcomes for eligible children below the grade at which an LEA (Local Education Agency) provides a free public elementary education. Children enrolled are provided with opportunities to prepare them with the prerequisite skills and dispositions for learning that will enable them to benefit from later school experiences. Although Title I allows preschool programs to serve children from birth up to age five, most North Carolina Title I preschools serve four-year-olds. Children must be age eligible by August 31 of the new school year. No child who is age eligible (5 years old on or before August 31 of the new school year) for kindergarten may be enrolled. Title I preschool programs usually follow the school calendar and school day, and are staffed with both a licensed teacher and qualified teacher assistant. 

Curricula used in Title I preschools must be comprehensive, research-based, and aligned with North Carolina’s early learning standards. The learning experiences offered in a Title I preschool promote growth in all developmental domains. Children’s progress is monitored by teachers in an ongoing manner. This process of formative assessment includes multiple means such as observing, collecting work samples, and talking with families, which provides a picture of the whole child. Teachers use this data to guide teaching and learning in order to meet the individual needs of every child. Family engagement is an integral component of all Title I preschool programs. Communication between home and school strengthens the family’s knowledge and understanding of their child’s development and allows parents and teachers to work together to plan appropriate learning experiences. Teachers use a variety of methods to involve parents in the education of their child, including home visits, conferences, and written/electronic communication.


Children living within the local program’s designated attendance area are eligible to apply for enrollment in the Title I preschool program. Selection is based on academic need. To identify those with the greatest need, local programs design a selection process that utilizes multiple criteria, such as parent interviews, teacher observations, and developmentally appropriate measures of child development (developmentally appropriate measures of child development – the most commonly used in NC are the Brigance Early Childhood Screen or DIAL- Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning). Family income may also be used to determine eligibility, but not as the sole determinant.


  • ESSA – Early Learning in the Every Student Succeeds Act
  • Recommendations for Early Learning Additions to CCIP
  • Title I Pre-K NC Standards and Procedures
  • Head Start Performance Standards – Performance Standards Applicable to Title I Preschool Programs
  • Department of Education Letter-Dual Eligibility for Title I and More at Four Children


  • Cross Program Monitoring
  • Title 1 Preschool Student Trace
  • Title 1 Pre-K Monitoring Checklist

Overview and Unpacking Guides


NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development describes goals for all children’s development and learning, no matter what program they may be served in, what language they speak, what disabilities they may have, or what family circumstances they are growing up in. The document provides age-appropriate goals and developmental indicators for each age level – infant, toddler, and preschooler.  Foundations is also intended to be a guide for teaching – not a curriculum or checklist that is used to assess children’s development and learning, but a resource to define the skills and abilities we want to support in the learning experiences we provide for children.

Foundations outlines the standards for children from birth through age 5. The K-12 Standards webpage has information regarding North Carolina’s Standard Course of Study for older students.

The North Carolina Early Learning and Development Progressions: Birth to Five are an expansion of the North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development (2013). Learning progressions were developed for each identified goal in four developmental domains, and show the steps through which children develop skills from birth to five years.

Unpacking Guides

In the Classroom: Foundations Unpacking Guides can be accessed below.  The purpose of the unpacking guides is to provide support for teachers, coaches, and administrators.   Resources include clarification of developmental indicators, support for CORE instruction, and support for formative assessment practices.  Learn more about the unpacking guides by viewing this recorded webinar. The transcript can be accessed here. The slides are linked here.

Developmental Domain Links to Unpacking Guides
APL- Approaches to Learning

Curiosity, Information-Seeking, and Eagerness (Goals 1-2)

Play and Imagination (Goals 3-4)

Risk-Taking, Problem-Solving, and Flexibility (Goal 5-6)

Attentiveness, Effort, and Persistence (Goal 7-9)

ESD- Emotional Social Development

Developing Sense of Self (Goals 1-2)

Developing a Sense of Self with Others (Goals 3-5)

Learning About Feelings (Goals 6-7)

HPD- Health and Physical Development

Physical Health and Growth (Goals 1-3)

Motor Development (Goals 4-5)

Self-Care (Goals 6-7)

Safety Awareness (Goal 8)

LDC- Language Development and Communication

Learning to Communicate (Goals 1-7)

Foundations for Reading (Goals 8-12)

Foundations for Writing (Goals 13-15)

CD- Cognitive Development

Construction of Knowledge: Thinking and Reasoning (Goals 1-3)

Creative Expression (Goals 4-5)

Social Connections (Goals 6-9)

Mathematical Thinking and Expression (Goals 10-13)

Scientific Exploration and Knowledge (Goals 14-15)


As Paulson and Moats (2018) state, “Early literacy is not about learning to read in preschool; it is about building the important foundations needed for a smooth transition into early reading and writing in the primary grades” (p. 1).

Resources for Leaders


LETRS® Early Childhood Conversations and Classroom Connections (PLC) LETRS® for Little Learners: Conversations and Classroom Connections is a guide for leaders in Early Childhood who are supporting implementation of LETRS professional development. Sessions include: reflective conversations based on knowledge gained through LETRS coursework, application of LETRS coursework to classroom practice, and leveraging documentation and data to inform classroom instruction.
LETRS® Support for Pre-K Leaders Webinar Series

The LETRS Support for Pre-K Leaders Series will provide an overview of the Science of Reading while addressing the essential components of literacy instruction: oral language, phonological & phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The goal of each session is to increase background knowledge of early literacy development by sharing effective instructional practices and resources.

LETRS® for Little Learners Webinar Part 1

LETRS® for Little Learners Webinar Part 2

Part 1 Notecatcher and Slide Deck

Part 2 Notecatcher and Slide Deck

Resources for Teachers


Early Literacy in Pre-K Sway

This resource provides Pre-K teachers support with the implementation of evidence-based language and literacy strategies in print knowledge, phonological awareness, vocabulary, and oral language.

NC Pre-K Crosswalk Document

The crosswalk shows alignment among skilled reading strands from Scarborough’s Rope, NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development, Teaching Strategies GOLD® objectives and dimensions, and Kindergarten standards that are supported with early literacy instruction.

PlaytoRead: Activities for Literacy Development in the Pre-K Classroom

This resource is intended to support teachers as they intentionally support children’s development of literacy concepts and skills that are aligned to the Science of Reading. Similar activities should occur throughout the learning environment, providing multiple opportunities for children to authentically practice literacy skills.

PlaytoRead: Activities for Literacy Development with a Caregiver

This resource is intended to support caregivers as they support literacy development while engaging with young children. Teachers are encouraged to share the resource with caregivers and then highlight particular activities as the skills align to classroom activities. Teachers are invited to create more activities based on needs/interests in their classroom.

Read Aloud Support for Pre-K

Intentional planning for read alouds is essential. Templates and completed examples below demonstrate how each reading of a book focuses on specific literacy skills.

In-Depth Interactive Read Aloud Guide (template)

Read Aloud Example (Fiction)

Read Aloud Example (Nonfiction)

Abbreviated Interactive Read Aloud Guide and Planner (template)

In the Classroom: Foundations Unpacking Guides for Language Development and Communication

This resource unpacks NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development indicators for Language Development and Communication. Unpacking Guides are available for three subdomains: Learning to Communicate, Foundations for Reading, and Foundations for Writing.

Early Childhood Education and the Science of Reading: Recipes to Last a Lifetime

This blog post by Lucy Hart Paulson, author of LETRS for Early Childhood Educators, describes recipes for learning to read, oral language development, optimal learning, and learning through play. 

Resources for Families


Literacy at Home: Digital Children’s Reading Initiative

This digital resource provides literacy activities at each grade level, pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. Families and communities may access this resource for activities that specifically target the literacy skills of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and oral language. When children grow in each of these foundational areas they are well on their way to becoming proficient readers.

Getting Ready for Kindergarten

Do you have a child getting ready to attend Kindergarten?  Check out our “Let’s Get Ready” guide and accompanying resources on the Early Learning Info for Families page.

Let’s Get Ready

Preschool | Orange City | Kid’s Life Preschool

Our Mission

Train up a Child

The mission of our preschool is to provide a Bible-rich environment that has a quality developmental and educational curriculum that will challenge and encourage children to achieve their fullest potential.  We desire and are committed to assist parents by giving each child fundamental learning opportunities on which children can build a successful future.  Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Our Mission

The Philosophy Behind our Curricilum

Hands-on Learning

The philosophy behind our hands-on curriculum is that young children learn best by doing.   Learning isn’t just repeating what someone else says; it requires active thinking and experimenting to find out how things work and to learn firsthand about the world we live in.  In your child’s preschool years, he/she will explore the world around them by using all their senses: touching, tasting, smelling, looking, and listening.  In using real materials such as water, measuring cups, blocks, paint, rice, tools, plants, etc. and trying out his/her ideas, children learn about numbers, letters, sizes, shapes, and colors, noticing relationships between objects, and so much more.

Our Philosophy

The Goals of our Curriculum

Teaching Children how to Learn

Kids Life is not a daycare.  Kids Life is a preschool for young learners.  Therefore, every learning activity that is chosen for our school has a specific learning purpose that will help your child progress to higher learning and excel to unknown heights.  One of the most important goals of our early childhood curriculum is to help children become enthusiastic learners.  So, we teach them how to learn; a skill they will need for the rest of their lives. This means encouraging children to be active and creative explorers who are not afraid to try out their ideas and to think their own thoughts. Other important goals of our curriculum are to teach logic, comprehension, and concentration, as well as reading and math readiness skills, science, and individual responsibility. Another way we help children become independent, self-confident, inquisitive learners is by giving them opportunities to form good habits and attitudes, particularly a positive sense of themselves, which will make a difference throughout their lives.  By using our carefully chosen hands-on activities, children achieve these goals by simply doing the activities.  Our program is geared to meet the individual needs of each child.

Find Out More


Little boy playing


Curriculum Goals

Our Day

Our Amazing Day

Preparing young learners for reading

Fun and Challenging

Teaching logic and comprehension

Integrated throughout each learning area

Exploring the world around us

An Exceptional Learning Experience

Self Expression and Teacher Directed

Dive Right In

Making lifetime friends

Developing gross motor skills

Butterflies and produce. ..Kid’s Dig it!! 

To find out more information about our preschool, tuition rates, and class availability, please contact Kids Life LLC.

Singing and Musical Instruments


Our Programs

  • Preschool: Ages 6 weeks to 5 years

  • Afterschool: Kindergarten-5th grade

  • Summer Camp: Kindergarten-5th grade

  • We offer VPK

  • We accept School Readiness Vouchers

School Events

Opportunities for your children

Be sure to keep up with all that’s happening at Kids Life.

Events Just Ahead

Kids Life

2230 S. Volusia Ave.

Orange City, FL 32763

(386) 218-6848

Hours: 7:00am – 5:30pm M-F


[email protected]

License # C07VO0538

Kids Life 2 

285 W. Blue Springs Ave.

Orange City, FL 32763

(386) 218-6954

Hours: 7:00am – 5:30pm M-F

Director2@kidslifepreschool. com

License # C07VO0478

Kids Life Deltona 

637 Deltona Blvd.

Deltona, FL 32725

(386) 575-4224

Hours: 7:00am – 5:30pm M-F

[email protected]

License # C07VO0508

Contact Us

Education for teachers

Copy Certificate-new Umka



Needlework – site of an educator, speech therapist, defectologist, music director, methodologist, physical education instructor, parent. We offer teachers assistance in certification.
preschooler.rf – teacher’s journal.


Posting articles

Publication of articles free of charge for teachers with the issuance of a certificate

Conditions for issuing Certificate


Education for teachers

Refresher courses, additional education, etc.

We offer teachers assistance in attestation. We place creative material in the official All-Russian network magazine “Doshkolnik.rf”. The magazine is published on the 1st day of each month and is in .pdf format. Publication papers are issued. It is sent to all authors of the issue and can be downloaded from the main page of the site. He has a media license and is registered with Roskomnadzor (EL No. FS77-55754). To publish in a journal and receive a Publication Certificate, you need to: send your material to: [email protected]

We are social networks – join groups – we will be glad to see you in our ranks!

VKontakte –
Odnoklassniki –

Conditions for issuing Certificate of Publication

Conditions for issuing Certificate of Publication

How to get into the magazine

Training for educators “My profession is an educator”

Education for educators

Author: Makukhina Elena Anatolyevna

03/30/2023 20:23

Training for educators “My profession is educator”

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “School No. 2044″

127495 Moscow, Dmitrovskoe shosse, 165 E, bldg. 8

Prepared and conducted by educational psychologist Makukhina E.A.

Warm-up game Greeting

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The system of traditions and innovations in education

Education for educators

Author: Lunina Victoria Alexandrovna, Prilepskaya Yulia Gennadievna

06/07/2021 21:23

System of traditions and innovations in education

Tradition and innovation. At first glance, these are two diametrically opposed concepts, but can they successfully interact and complement each other in our modern and rapidly developing world?

The system of social upbringing and education develops together with the human community, its culture and the spiritual and moral development of the people. Its development is influenced by many factors, circumstances, conditions. Every time, society, in its historical development, set requirements for education that corresponded to the new challenges of the time. Accepting the requirements of the time, the education system, preserving the historically accumulated experience, which has become a national educational tradition, provided the conditions for the movement of society forward.

The path of the formation of pedagogical science shows that the main contradiction in the educational process is manifested in the relationship of the “old” and the new, that is, traditional and innovative.

Initially, it is worth deciding what, all the same, is tradition and what is now a very fashionable word innovation? Let’s dwell on the concept “tradition” .

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The use of digital educational resources in the professional activities of a teacher of a preschool organization

Education for educators

Author: Devyatkina Elena Alexandrovna

06/07/2021 19:51

The use of digital educational resources in the professional activities of a preschool teacher

author: Elena Alexandrovna Devyatkina, senior teacher of MDOU “Kindergarten No. 20″ , the highest qualification category Yaroslavl, 2020

At present, starting from an early age, the surrounding digital space has become an integral part of a child’s life. Agree, cognitive, research, play activities with the help of computer tools for modern children are everyday, attractive activities, an affordable way to gain new knowledge and impressions.

I would like to note that the organization of a modern digital environment in any preschool institution contributes to the implementation of the key principles, goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Preschoolers, getting acquainted with computer technologies and learning their capabilities, do not only experience interest – an interactive educational game allows the teacher to be flexible in choosing program content and set tasks based not so much on age recommendations as on the individual level of development of the child.

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Education system in Russia (special education)

Education for educators

Author: Dorokhova Anna Vladimirovna Prokofieva Elena Nikolaevna

05/06/2021 16:42

Education system in Russia (special education)

Currently, 1.6 million children living in the Russian Federation (4.5% of their total number) belong to the category of persons with disabilities and need special (correctional) education, corresponding to their special educational needs.

Criticism of the previously created MTR:

closed system (possibility of teaching children with developmental disabilities only in special educational institutions)

insufficient coverage of those in need

neglect of the role of parents in special education

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Master class for teachers “Little secrets of great memory”

Education for educators

Author: Dubko Olga Vladimirovna

05/01/2021 07:31

Master class for teachers “Little secrets of great memory”

Eidetic method in unity with creative thinking and imagination is aimed at the development of all types of memory. Everyone knows how easy it is to remember all the colors of the rainbow by a simple joke “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant hid” . The fact is that while pronouncing these verses, we clearly imagine rainbow pheasant . The eidetic method is built on this principle: an image accessible to the imagination, plus positive emotions – as a result, vivid information is stored in memory for a long time. That’s how a child’s memory works.

The eidetic method is based on the simple principles of the system-activity approach:

  • consideration of the interests of each child;
  • development through one’s own thoughts and actions;
  • knowledge and knowledge as a consequence of overcoming difficulties;
  • free creative activity and collaboration.

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Master class for teachers on the topic: “The amazing world of tantamares”

Education for educators

Author: Afanasyeva Svetlana Vladimirovna

11.04.2021 20:36

Master class for teachers on the theme: “The amazing world of tantamaresques”

Prepared by: educator Afanasyeva S.V.


I. Introductory part.

Announcement of the topic and purpose of the master class.

The content of the master class as a whole and its individual components.

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The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational activities of educators

Education for educators

Author: Stesnyagina Galina Aleksandrovna

16.03.2021 13:44

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational activities of educators

I was not going to be a teacher, I wanted to be a policeman, to serve the Motherland, to fight for the purity of the souls of Russians. Therefore, when due to circumstances I came to work in a kindergarten, I did not know what a teacher should be like.

Talking to children, I realized that I must be sincere first of all. Children need to be told that I can be sad, that there are things that I don’t like, that I can be offended. Yes, I teach them to distinguish between a square and a rectangle, to look for answers, to be independent. But they also teach me. Learn much more. To what I forgot, having matured! They show how to enjoy puddles after rain, frosty days. They know how to make friends, forgive, and put up better than we do. Everything is simple, and most importantly – for real.

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Education for educators

Author: Dubova Inna Alexandrovna

13.03.2021 18:46


Prepared by the educator MBDOU No. 85 Belgorod Dubova Inna Alexandrovna

To ensure favorable conditions for the life and upbringing of the child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close ties and interactions between the preschool and the family. Interaction with the parents of pupils is being promoted to one of the leading places, under the current conditions of the activity of a preschool educational organization. The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education is reflected in a number of legal documents.

An unconventional form of interaction with parents, which has a certain result in establishing a benevolent, trusting atmosphere, a good emotional mood and an atmosphere of joint parental creativity, as well as contributing to the rapprochement of children, parents and teachers, is such a form of work as “Guest of the group” .

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Training seminar “Personal boundaries of a teacher, are they necessary in communicating with children?” for preschool teachers

Education for educators

Author: Shurygina Georgy Sergeevna

02/21/2021 08:43

Training seminar “Personal boundaries of a teacher, are they necessary in communicating with children?” for teachers preschool educational institution

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 50 of a combined type, Petrogradsky district

Prepared by: social teacher GBDOU No. 50 Shurygina Georgy Sergeevna St. Petersburg 2020

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​personal boundaries and necessity

lining them up with other people


  • to acquaint teachers with the concept of personal boundaries;
  • try the group members to determine their own psychological (personal) boundaries;
  • consider the features of building boundaries with children.

Number of participants: 12 people

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Scenario of the event for teachers “Cruise on an air liner”

Education for educators

Author: Valisheva Elena Gennadievna

27.01.2021 22:13

Scenario of the event for teachers “Cruise on an air liner”

“Without the desire for scientific work, a teacher inevitably falls into the power of three pedagogical demons: routine, banality, mechanicalness”

A. Disterverg.

Purpose: To identify and disseminate the experience of teachers, improve the scientific and methodological support of the educational process.


  • To create conditions for the creative self-expression of the personality of a pedagogical worker.
  • Encourage teachers to self-educate.
  • To expand professional contacts of teachers with colleagues.
  • Create a bank of methodological developments.

Venue: Music Hall

Participants: educators and specialists of MKDO No. 3, kindergarten “Ryabinka”

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Organization of the work of the Advisory Center “School of a Young Family” in a preschool educational institution

Education for educators

Author: Bykovskikh Galina Aleksandrovna, Melnichenko Maria Georgievna

22.01.2021 21:09

Organization of the work of the Advisory Center “School of a young family” in preschool educational institution

The best way to help children is to help their parents.

T. Harris

Welcome to MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 45 “Solnyshko” . We would like to present the experience of the counseling center “Young Family School” .

To ensure the availability of preschool education and improve the pedagogical competence of parents (legal representatives) , raising children of preschool age who do not attend preschool educational institutions, in our kindergarten, the activity of a consultation center “School of a young family” is organized. The activity of the point is aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development, upbringing and education of children aged 0 to 3 years who are not covered by preschool education, the successful adaptation of children upon admission to a preschool institution, the provision of professional assistance to parents (legal representatives) in matters of upbringing and development of children, taking into account their age characteristics. The head, deputy head, teacher-psychologist, educators of the second group of early age, physical education instructor, music director, medical worker participate in the preparation and conduct of events.

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More articles…

  • Master class for teachers. Business game “Experts in GEF DO”

  • “Organization of work with young personnel in the conditions of a modern educational institution.”

  • “Innovative laptop technology as a means of implementing the GEF DO”

  • Training seminar for preschool teachers “How to communicate negative information to parents?”

  • Business game for teachers “Best of all” (according to the speech development of pupils)

  • Plan – abstract of the master class for teachers “Drawing in the style of” Tingatinga ”

  • Consultation for teachers “Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process in preschool educational institutions”

  • Workshop “The role of educational games in teaching preschool children”

  • Master class for teachers of the preschool educational institution “Creating cartoons with preschool children.

  • Master class: Mounds of colored salt “Rainbow mood”.

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Health-improving and educational technology “Healthy preschooler” in preschool and family – Innovation sites

Scientific and advisory support of the site:

Egorov Baatr Borisovich

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the ANO DPO “Research Institute of Preschool Education” Educators of Russia “, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the All-Union Public Organization “Educators of Russia”.

1 The problem the innovation activity is aimed at solving

Organization of upbringing-educational and health-improving work with children in kindergarten and family. According to various sources, only 10-12% of children can be called conditionally healthy. Therefore, there is a need to make adjustments to the main areas of work of the kindergarten, which will help a weakened child adapt.

2 Object of study

Pedagogical and organizational conditions for the rehabilitation, upbringing and development of preschool children.

3 Subject of the study

Principles of building physical culture and health and educational work with children in kindergarten and family

4 Hypothesis of the study

constructed health-improving and educational work in the children’s kindergarten and family will help overcome the difficulties that the child experiences in mastering the world around him.

5 Purpose and objectives of the study

Correction and experimental verification of physical culture and health and educational work with preschool children

6 Research topic

healthy preschooler “in preschool and family”

7 Directions of experimental work

Directions of work are built in accordance with the principles of health-improving and educational work in kindergarten and family
1. Principles of organization of physical activity of children.
2. Principles for the implementation of an effective hardening system.
3. Principles of application of psychohygienic and psychoprophylactic means and methods.
4. Principles for ensuring adequate nutrition for children in preschool institutions and the family.
5. Principles of creating conditions for the implementation of health-improving regimes for preschool educational institutions and families.
6. The principle of formation of correct posture and rational breathing skills.

8 Methods used

  1. Scientific and methodological developments and the main provisions of the program “Healthy preschooler” Yu.F. Zmanovsky
  2. Program-methodical manual “Developing Pedagogy of Recovery”, V.T. Kudryavtsev, B.B. Egorov
  3. Methodical manual “Health-improving and educational technology “Healthy preschooler””, Egorov B.B.
  4. Methodological recommendations “Implementation of health-improving and educational technology “Healthy preschooler””

9 Expected results

Interactive guide “Health-improving and educational technology “Healthy preschooler” in preschool and family”

10 Possible risks of the experiment

this process

11 Methods for tracking results and intended forms of their presentation

  • Medical and pedagogical control, morbidity.
  • Monitoring the development of preschool children

Presentation of results: holding seminars and participating in scientific and practical conferences; publications

12 Perspective plan of innovative activity (by stages)

The first stage of experimental work includes:
1. Construction of sports and recreational and educational and educational work with children of preschool age.
2. Identification of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of physical culture and health and educational work with children of preschool age. Correction of the experiment program.
3. Analysis of children’s morbidity in past years.
4. Interaction of the preschool educational institution and the family. Development and improvement of children in the family and preschool educational institutions.

The second stage of the experimental work will be carried out in the following areas:
1. Deepening the work on the development of the content of physical culture and health and educational work with preschool children
2. Comparative analysis of the development of children and their morbidity over the past period of the experiment.
3. Development of new forms of physical culture and health and educational work in kindergarten.
4. Interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. Development and improvement of children in the family and preschool educational institutions.
5. Conducting seminars on the problem of health improvement and development of children for preschool workers.

The third stage will be the final year of work on this topic. At this stage, the focus will be on summarizing the findings.
1. Preparation of guidelines on the main areas of physical culture and health and educational work with children of preschool age
2. Comparative analysis of physical and mental development. Identification of direct correlations between the state of health, the level of mental and physical development of the child and the ways of organizing sports and recreational and educational work with children of preschool age

Foreign language kids: Spanish Programs for Kids | Foreign Languages for Kids

Опубликовано: September 13, 2023 в 4:33 am


Категории: Kid

Spanish Programs for Kids | Foreign Languages for Kids

Spanish Curriculums for Today’s Learners

Digital Activities


Hiispanic Culture

Activities in Spanish

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Our Spanish Programs for Kids

FL4K provides all the content, tools, and support you need for a successful Spanish program for today’s students:

✔️ 500+ online Spanish video lessons with high-quality comprehensible input, interactive conversations, tons of practice, quizzes, and games that build proficiency!

✔️ Hundreds of hands-on activities with instructions and ready-made printed resources.

✔️ The curriculum can be taught with or without a Spanish teacher, with varying levels of adult involvement, and offline with print materials and speaking games.

✔️ Versatility to accommodate varying schedules, pacing, and learning styles so every student is given the opportunity to learn Spanish.

Winner of more than 21 top educational awards

Award-Winning Spanish Videos for Kids

Our award-winning Spanish for Kids video series works! Here’s why:

  • Kids learn Spanish from other kids modeling Spanish in a fun story, filled with day-to-day situations that kids can relate to.

  • Kids learn Spanish through an ongoing, entertaining story about kids that hold their attention.

  • The immersive Spanish videos teach using short, manageable chunks of Spanish conversation in context and with visual aids that present the Spanish language in a way that’s easy for kids to understand.

  • Our Spanish videos for kids are based in part on psycholinguistic findings that kids learn language largely from other kids.

Explorations into diverse Hispanic cultures

Our Culture Program

Our culture program helps students of all ages make cultural connections as they learn Spanish. Topics, authentic resources, and cultural facts are purposefully chosen for kids to begin understanding the what (products), how (practices), and why (perspectives) across Spanish-speaking regions and start to think about how they compare with their own communities.

Spanish Workbooks, Card Games and Stickers in Spanish

Activities in Spanish

With over 100 years of teaching elementary to AP Spanish, our teacher team has used their expertise to create a multitude (270+) of hands-on activities in Spanish to work in tandem with the online program. Whether you need activities in Spanish for daily or weekly classes, for small groups or students learning independently, we provide everything you need.

Everything also includes Spanish Workbooks, Card Games in Spanish, Teacher’s Guides, Board Games in Spanish, Character Stuffed Animals, and Stickers in Spanish.

Learn more about our Spanish programs for Kids

Hear about the experiences of educators and students using FL4K.

James Bermudez, Supervisor PreK-12, World Languages

Pequannock Township School District, Pompton Plains, NJ

To me this is exactly what every single school district needs to implement into their foreign language programs. In an ideal world, every student would have access to FL4K.

A.M., elementary Spanish student

Monroe Township Public Schools, Williamstown, NJ

great website. You guys rock

Armando Quiroz, District Supervisor of World Languages

Somerset, NJ

FL4K actually engages students in listening, reading, writing, and speaking from the very beginning, and those skills are strategically and carefully cultivated throughout the program to engage students throughout multiple years of learning. I haven’t seen anything quite like it. It is truly an incredible program.

Charles, elementary Spanish student, Grade 4

Washington Township Public Schools, Sewell, NJ

this is soooooooooo cool

Meredith Pence, middle and elementary Spanish teacher

St. Monica School, Whitefish Bay, WI

Everything is going awesomely with the program…The kids love it and parents are amazed at how much Spanish they’re speaking at home! As a Spanish teacher for Kindergarten through 8th, I can’t tell you how much easier this program has made my teaching. Thank you!!!

Dr. Steven Carey

Monroe Township Public Schools, Williamstown, NJ

No other program is anywhere near what you offer!!!! There are many more positives to FL4K than anything else out there!!!!!! I have kindergartners speaking Spanish after only a few weeks. The kids love it!!!!!!

Cathy Duffy, Independent Reviewer of Homeschool Programs

Westminster, CA

Foreign Languages for Kids (FL4K) makes excellent use of technology in the new version of their program, now available as FL4K Spanish. I don’t know of any other online Spanish program for homeschoolers that has as much variety. It uses a conversational approach, with continuous practice and review in listening, reading, speaking, and writing along with some offline activities.

Jennifer and Emma Morgan

Miami, FL

Your program was THE BEST program I could find on the internet and I researched and scoured. It has been a huge form of education and entertainment to both myself and my daughter. I just cannot say enough good things about it. Where can I leave a KILLER review? Thank you for everything and the most wonderful program out there!

Davene Wasser, homeschool parent

Charlottesville, VA

Our family loves FL4K! I searched for weeks to find an immersion program that we could do at home as homeschoolers. Most of the programs focused on memorization and my kids were reluctant to stick with any of them. Then we found this program and it’s been absolutely phenomenal. Both of my children are eager to learn and have progressed quickly through the levels. They love the quizzes, the bloopers, and the characters and watch the funny scenes over and over again. I am especially impressed by the way that more advanced information is woven back through videos they have already seen.

Rose Armstrong, retired K-12 World Language Supervisor Washington Township Public School District

Sewell, NJ

FL4K has world language teachers, linguists, and their software development team working together to make a relevant communicative, proficiency-focused program that meets the needs of today’s students and ACTFL guidelines. FL4K offers a district (or any school for that matter) so many options. They can use part of the program (like the games, activities or culture cards) or the entire platform. It can be used as a stand-alone option or a hybrid with a teacher. I see FL4K as the future for world language departments. The program blends teacher experience and interactive technology specifically designed for world language. That is a rare find!

Anne Perry, elementary Spanish teacher

Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee, WI

As an elementary Spanish teacher, I can think of no finer tool for introducing
foreign language than FL4K. The program is immersive, strategic and lots of
fun. My students were engaged, excited and using the language outside of
class with family and friends. That’s because FL4K delivers a coherent and
authentic experience with characters the kids love and relevant situations that
make them laugh and learn simultaneously. FL4K is a leap forward in foreign
language acquisition for kids — and their parents too!

Deborah Solis, Elementary Spanish teacher

Parish Episcopal School, Dallas, TX

I had searched for quite a while for a Spanish program that approaches language learning the most natural way. We learn our first language though active listening, repetition and modeling. Having a strong base in listening and communication skills before formal learning takes place is vital. The reality is that students are not all able to immerse themselves in learning another language so finding a program that came close was important to me. FL4K was the closest I found after looking for eight years.







11 Best Language Learning Apps and Websites for Kids

You might have heard that childhood is the best time to learn a new language, and it’s absolutely true.  

Young children can learn foreign languages faster than teenagers and adults, and, often, they can learn to speak without an accent. If you want your child to be bilingual, then early childhood is the place to start.

But young children learn languages differently. Most don’t have the patience or the interest to memorize grammar tables or lists of vocabulary words. For kids, language 

Editor’s Note: This article contains sponsored content. 

How Early Can a Child Start Learning?

It’s never too early to learn a language. After all, babies start learning their native language the moment they hear their parents speak. And if they’re exposed to more than one language, their minds can tell the difference and keep them separate!

At the same time, not all language learning systems work for all kids. Children of different ages learn differently, and even within age groups, individuals may respond better to different types of activities.

Babies and Toddlers

Did you know that a child can start learning a language before they know how to speak? 

Programs for babies and toddlers should provide the opportunity to hear the language spoken by native speakers. Toddlers will also enjoy repeating back the names of familiar objects and putting words together into simple constructions.

Short videos work well for toddlers, especially if there’s a simple story that they can follow.


Immersive learning can be a great way to go for preschoolers. 

Interactive stories and videos can teach children how words fit together, and how to use them to communicate. By listening and participating, preschool-aged children can learn naturally, using their innate curiosity and creativity.

Remember, though, that at this age, many children have an attention span of minutes. Moreover, many experts recommend that screen time be kept to a minimum. So choose programs that respect these guidelines.

Elementary Aged Kids

For kids aged six and above, it’s all about the games.

Gamified exercises can teach kids about vocabulary, grammar, and usage. At the same time, feedback and rewards systems can keep them engaged in the process. Bite-sized, themed lessons keep things fresh.

Some elementary-aged kids are also able to benefit from structured learning techniques like formal grammar study and flash cards.

Tweens and Teens

Tweens and teens like games, too, but their learning style is often closer to that of adults. Language learning systems for older kids should focus on real-life situations and conversations that they can use.

Many tweens and teens can also benefit from formal grammar and analytical skills.

And, when it comes to young adults, social is everything. Look for apps that allow them to engage with other language learners, earn prizes, and compete with their peers.

The Best Apps and Websites to Help You Get Started 

Language learning apps, websites, and online programs can be a great way to start your child on the road to learning a new language. 

We’ve chosen a selection of programs for children of different ages that can help your child start learning a new language today.

1. LingoAce

Chinese Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world with over 1.2 billion speakers! Mandarin has often been dubbed the “language of the future,” and is an incredible skill for your child to have as they go through school and eventually begin a career.  

LingoAce makes Mandarin Chinese engaging and immersive through a comprehensive language learning program. LingoAce is not just an app. By signing up for the LingoAce platform, each child gets to work with a team of four professionals (a teacher, course consultant, learning advisor, and technical support professional) in a course that’s created specifically for the child.

With LingoAce’s tailor-made learning programs, children not only learn to understand and speak Chinese Mandarin, but they’ll also discover how to read and write important Chinese characters! 

Studies have shown that there is actually a scientific link between learning Mandarin and improved mathematical ability. Since Chinese Mandarin uses visual characters and drawings rather than the English alphabet, it helps children use different parts of their brains. This leads to improved problem-solving abilities and artistic communication. 

Who it’s For:

LingoAce is for children between the ages of six and 15 who:

  • Enjoy fun and educational online programs
  • Want to learn new skills
  • Are interested in Chinese culture and language

How it Works:

After an initial consultation and free trial lesson, LingoAce will develop a personalized curriculum for your child. In addition, the LingoAce professionals will tailor the program to fit your child’s individual educational and scheduling needs. Younger children can be delighted by LingoAce’s gamified approach to learning and storytelling. They’ll be brought along on an adventure with Nana and Qiqui – solving puzzles and completing interactive games and challenges along the way.  

LingoAce has over 4,000 teachers around the world. Graduates from the top 100 language universities, their team has the depth of expertise and diversity of experience to bring Chinese learning to life for every young learner.

Their passionate professionals have additional training that allows them to design curricula to suit the needs of every student, regardless of level or learning style.

How to Begin: 

LingoAce is running a special promotion for you! If you purchase a package of lessons, you can receive up to 16 free lessons! Book your free trial lesson at the LingoAce website.

2. Duolingo

The Duolingo app doesn’t need a lot of introduction. It’s one of the most popular free language learning apps today. DuoLingo uses a gamified, conversational approach to teach a variety of languages, including:

  • Spanish
  • French
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • ​English
  • German
  • ​Hebrew
  • Irish
  • Hindi
  • ​Japanese
  • ​Korean
  • ​Polish
  • Swedish
  • ​Turkish
  • Welsh 

And more. You can even become bilingual in languages from your favorite franchises, like High Valyrian from Game of Thrones and Klingon from Star Trek! 

Who it’s For:

This one is fun enough for elementary-aged children, but popular with teens and adults, too. 

In addition, Duolingo’s AI-driven learning will adapt lessons to every learner’s level and pace.

How it Works:

Duolingo is a free app that you can download from your app store. It works on Android, as well as on iPad and iPhone.

The app breaks language learning down into fun games and bite-sized mini-lessons that teach speaking, reading, and listening skills.

Forget textbooks and flashcards. DuoLingo emphasizes real-world communication with basic words and everyday expressions. Lessons focus on real-life goals and language skills that you will use in actual communication.

It’s social, too. You can link up with friends using the app, challenge yourself and others to maintain a streak, and more.

How to Begin: 

Download the DuoLingo app from their website and get cracking!

​3. Little Pim

Little Pim is a subscription-based online language learning program that teaches primarily through short videos voiced by native speakers.

Students can choose from 12 languages, including Arabic, Chinese, German, French, Hebrew, Russian, and others.

Who it’s For:

Little Pim is for infants, toddlers, and young children under six.

How it Works:

Research has shown that between birth and age six, children have a unique window for language learning. Little Pim is aimed at this window.

The program operates on the principle of immersion. The program was developed by neuroscientists, language teachers, and parents.

Each lesson is a five-minute video focussing on a child-friendly vocabulary set. 

You can play Little Pim videos on your computer, tablet, and on your TV through Chromecast and Roku.

How to Begin:

Go to the Little Pim website to start your free trial.

​4. Rosetta Stone

​Rosetta Stone is another heavy hitter in the world of educational apps, and it’s easy to see why. This is a subscription-based program that allows you to choose from up to 24 of the world’s most popular languages.

Rosetta Stone’s language courses have been used by businesses for more than 25 years, and has become a trusted way for adults and children alike to learn a second language (or a third, or a fourth…)

Who it’s For:

The app is for language learners of all ages. Rosetta Stone also has a special program for homeschoolers.

How it Works:

Rosetta Stone primarily works through immersion. Lessons are themed, for example, “greetings and introductions,” and “work and school.” Their patented speech recognition engine helps users to self-correct and perfect their pronunciation.

Additional coaching services from native speakers are available, too.

Rosetta Stone works online and off, through your mobile device. Subscribers can also download lessons onto their devices.

How to Begin:

Go to Rosetta Stone’s website and start your free trial.

5. Babbel

Babbel is a subscription-based service. Language learners can choose from among 13 different languages and two different programs: app-based self-study and live online language classes with native speakers.

Who It’s For: 

Babel recommends the app for kids ages 14 and up, as some content and exercises may contain phrases that are less appropriate for younger children. 

How it Works: 

The Babel system was developed with the input of over 150 language experts.

There are two different lesson styles: a self-study app that involves interactive games and activities that focus on conversational skills, and online lessons with a live native speaker coach.

Both methods take a holistic approach, incorporating useful phrases, new words, and common constructions with grammar tips and language recognition to help you to perfect your pronunciation.

How to Begin: 

You can get started now at Babbel’s website.

​6. Mondly

Mondly is an app that can teach you up to 41 different languages, including variants, such as British and American English, and the Portuguese spoken in either Portugal or Brazil. 

It may not be as well known as DuoLingo, but many consider Mondly to be one of the best language learning apps on the market.

Who it’s For: 

Mondly is unique in that it doesn’t just aim its lessons at English speakers. Speakers of many other languages can also use the app to learn a variety of other languages.

The gamified, short lesson approach makes Mondly a good choice for older children, teens, and adults. There’s also a special program for younger kids.

People who prefer a structured approach will appreciate Mondly’s grammar tables and vocabulary builders.

How it Works: 

Each of Mondly’s short, interactive lessons center on a theme, such as greetings or weather.

In addition, learners can use tools such as the chatbot to practice and reinforce learning.

Mondly Kids includes a variety of interactive games, exercises, and high-quality audio to make language learning fun.

How to Begin: 

Download the Mondly app on Google Play or your favorite app store and get started.

7. Gus on the Go

​Gus on the Go is an app-based learning system. Learners can choose between 30 languages, including vulnerable languages like Ingush.

Who it’s For: 

Gus on the Go is aimed at young children, from preschool through elementary age. 

How it Works: 

The Gus on the Go system utilizes short lessons, interactive games, stories, and videos to teach a broad variety of languages. 

Lessons center on useful topics such as food, clothes, parts of the body, and so forth, and are voiced by native speakers.

How to Begin: 

Download the Gus on the Go app from your favorite app store or from Amazon, and start your child’s language learning adventure.

8. Fluent U

Fluent U is a subscription-based immersion language learning system that teaches through videos.

Who it’s For: 

Fluent U is aimed at older children, teens, and adults. 

How it Works: 

Language teachers often recommend that their students watch TV or movies in the target language, to understand how the language sounds and is used in real life. 

Fluent U provides videos that you can stop and start as needed. In addition, videos have captions in the target language, and you can hover your cursor over each word for translation and usage suggestions.

You can also see specific words and phrases used in other videos to give a clearer idea of context.

You can watch Fluent U’s videos online or download them to your device to watch at your leisure.

How to Begin: 

Hop on over to the Fluent U website to start your free trial.

9. Muzzy

Muzzy is a subscription-based immersion system for language learning. The program itself was developed more than 30 years ago, and has recently been adapted into a combination website and app.

Who it’s For: 

Muzzy is aimed at children from preschool age to tweens. There are also special programs for homeschoolers, libraries, and schools.

How it Works: 

Muzzy works on the principles of “see, say, learn.” Children learn through animated stories in the target language featuring Muzzy and friends. 

Using a variety of multisensory techniques, Muzzy is designed for a variety of learning styles. Each lesson builds on the previous one, and provides practice in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Muzzy is a combination website and app that includes videos and more than 400 interactive learning games. There are also vocabulary builders, printables, sing-a-longs, and full-length movies.

How to Begin: 

Select the subscription plan that’s right for you, and start learning!

10. DinoLingo

If you have a dinosaur-loving kid, DinoLingo could be the language learning app you’re looking for. DinoLingo is a child-safe subscription-based service accessible through devices, computers, and your smart TV.

Who it’s For:

DinoLingo is for kids aged two through ten.

How it Works: 

DinoLingo helps children to learn any of 50 different languages. The system uses a multisensory, gamified approach, with short lessons and reward systems to encourage children to keep learning.

DinoLingo’s library of more than 30,000 activities includes:

  • Videos
  • Games
  • Songs
  • Books
  • Worksheets
  • Flashcards

And more.

You can choose an individual account or a family subscription for up to four family members.

How to Begin: 

Learn more at the DinoLingo website.

11.  Mango Languages

Mango Languages is an award-winning app-based system developed by linguists. Users can choose between an incredible 70 languages.

Who it’s For: 

Language learners aged six to adult. Mango Languages is also one of the top-rated language learning apps for homeschoolers and distance learning.

How it Works: 

Mango Languages focuses on speech and auditory comprehension. Learners listen to conversations between native speakers, which teach vocabulary, listening comprehension, grammar, pronunciation, and culture.

Users can use speech recognition and analysis technology to perfect their pronunciation.

Users can access Mango Languages online or off. There are also placement tests and progress tracking. In addition, each account can host up to five different learners.

How to Begin: 

Hop on over to the Mango Languages website to start your free two-week trial.

Whatever your child’s age, experience, or learning style, there’s a language learning system for them. Get started today! 

Teaching children foreign languages: features of teaching, teaching methods

EXPERT: Alexandra Andrianova, English language methodologist at elementary school

Features of learning foreign languages ​​for children

It is often said that a child’s brain is plastic and absorbs new knowledge, like a sponge. It’s true that until the age of six, children actively increase neural connections, and over the years this process slows down. That is why it is easier for children to learn foreign languages. Of course, they can be learned at any age: the difference is only in the speed and ease of learning. If the child has an interest, and the parents have the opportunity, then the period from 3 to 6 years old will be ideal to start learning.

When teaching children at such an early age, it is important to remember that the preschooler’s leading activity is play. Through it, the child learns the world and learns, so the lessons should also take place in a game format. Gamification of the educational process, the use of illustrative examples – pictures and objects, – physical exercises related to the lesson (for example, dancing to a song or doing exercises with naming actions – “clap your hands”, “jump”) will make the lesson more effective.

At primary school age, children become grateful students and listeners because their focus shifts from playing to learning. From the age of six or seven, it is already easier for a child to sit in class, perceive complex material and learn the rules, and most importantly, study causes sincere interest. Of course, the teacher should not completely abandon game elements in lessons with primary school students. The complication of training and the reduction of the gaming component should occur gradually.

With the beginning of adolescence, communication becomes a priority and the most attractive activity for a child. As a rule, in middle and high school, children are most interested in interacting with peers, so it will be useful to use teamwork, group assignments and a discussion format.

Of course, when a child learns a foreign language, much depends on his temperament and inclinations. But age characteristics help to better understand how to build language teaching. For example, the format of individual lessons is more suitable for preschoolers – one-on-one communication with the teacher. At this age, children are still poorly able to work in a team, at the same time they need the undivided attention of the teacher. The older the child, the easier and more productive group classes will be for him.


How to teach children foreign languages ​​

The main thing in learning English or any other language is regular classes. It is important that the child is engaged every day. Naturally, we are not talking about learning a new topic or spending evenings on lessons. In the breaks between classes, children need to consolidate the acquired knowledge. Parents can help them with this – even five minutes of repetition a day will play a role in successful language acquisition.

Regarding the time frame of the lesson, for preschoolers, the optimal duration of an online lesson is 30 minutes. You can study in person a little longer – for example, an hour, but such a lesson must necessarily include various activities – dancing, listening to music, creating crafts, a break. With age, the child adapts to longer sessions, develops concentration, but even then it is important to ensure that he is not exhausted after the lesson and learning brings him joy.

Motivation to study naturally grows when you enjoy it. When building a lesson program or selecting courses, the most important thing is to take into account the interests of the child. Age is also important so that the material in terms of content and level of complexity is within the student’s strength. When teaching children foreign languages, all explanations should be clear and concise, and tasks should be appropriate, taking into account the development of memory and attention in the child.

How to make learning a foreign language easier for your child

English intersects with many subjects in the school curriculum – it can be used to learn new facts about geography, history, biology and literature. At the same time, the more children know about the world in their native language, the easier it becomes for them to study topics in a foreign language. Therefore, the development of general erudition and attention to different areas of knowledge will provide invaluable support in learning – it will be easier to make classes interesting for the child. In addition, it is important to correlate the English lesson program with the educational level at which the student is: this will make the material clearer and more accessible.

Extra-curricular activities with parents can also help. Ask your child about activities: children love to share experiences and new knowledge, and it is a joy for them to teach mom or dad something. Such discussions will allow the child to feel competence, become more confident and, moreover, eagerly repeat the material covered, retelling it in their own words.

But in no case should a child be forced or shamed if he is not ready to answer. Do not ask your child to translate the menu in a restaurant if he does not want to, or to communicate in a foreign language in a hotel during a summer vacation.

Another way to repeat English and stimulate interest in it is to watch cartoons on YouTube in English. Even Russian cartoons are dubbed in English, so it can be very useful and interesting for a child to watch their favorite series in another language. It is important that here everything happens at the request of the child – this is not study, but leisure, an addition to foreign language lessons, which should increase the child’s motivation and instill in him an interest in the language.

Useful online resources for learning English

  • In addition to courses, Foxford Online School also offers free materials for children, such as tests for different levels of English proficiency.
  • ABCYA website – lots of educational games in English for kids. For example, with the help of a cute arcade game, a child can learn about the water cycle in nature and get acquainted with the vocabulary on the topic.
  • has games and interactive materials in English for elementary school students – short texts about traditions and holidays in English-speaking countries, math problems and reading exercises.

British Council Kids is a site adapted into Russian, where you can find tasks for all the main sections of the language – listening, reading, grammar. You’ll also find board games, craft patterns, tongue twister lists, and other ways to diversify your English learning.

Illustration: Pank / Dribbble

Read online How to make your child friends with a foreign language. For parents of children from 0 to 18 years old, Yulia Nikonova – Litres


Illustrator Lyubov Mkhitaryan

Proofreader Anastasia Sotnikova

© Yulia Nikonova, 2020

© Lyubov Mkhitaryan, illustrations, 2020

ISBN 978-5-0050-7041-8

Created by Ridero intelligent publishing system


I was lucky. Got lucky a few times. The first time, after the first English lessons at school, my mother told me the words of the teacher that my friend Alice was directly born to speak English, but I was not. I think Mom knew that this was what would spur me on and make me put in more effort. And without it, our class would not be able to see English, they would have studied German. It was my mother who managed to convince the director to change our language and persuade the retired teacher to teach us at least a year.

The second time I was lucky was when my future dad met a fellow countryman in the army, who became his close friend for life. Dad’s friend was an English teacher at the Institute of Foreign Languages. During perestroika, he went to work in the UK and the USA. I still remember his photograph near the Greenwich meridian: one foot in the western hemisphere, the other in the eastern. As a twelve-year-old girl, I wanted to be in Greenwich in the same way, to stand with two legs in different hemispheres. I understood that my father’s friend’s trips abroad were largely due to his fluency in English.

I have always been interested in traveling – I traveled with my parents and their friends to different parts of the country with pleasure. And with the knowledge of a foreign language, the geography of trips, as I thought, would expand significantly. New countries, new friends, new sights – all this was interesting and very attractive.

Remembering that time, I think that it was these events that influenced my motivation to learn a foreign language. English became the most favorite subject at school. The teacher was a strict lady, whom many were afraid of. However, she appreciated my zeal, and we developed a wonderful relationship. In the 11th grade, I was one of the best in language at school.

But the path to fluent English was just beginning. I entered the Linguistic University, began to study the language as a profession: at that time it was probably the only way to speak English. I didn’t have to work as a foreign teacher, but I became an entrepreneur, creator and leader of international educational projects.

Most of all I was interested in how to master a foreign language in such a way that you can use it with ease and not learn it for many years. Therefore, I created the Windsor School, which employs teachers from different countries and from different continents, who own the best practices and approaches. Communication with them, as well as with other experts, allowed me to keep abreast of the most modern and effective methods of teaching a foreign language.

When I became a mother, I really wanted my daughter to master several languages ​​and not spend many years on it. I succeeded: at the age of seven, my daughter Zhenya was already fluent in English and was taken for a native speaker. She also speaks good Spanish. Maybe other languages ​​are ahead.

Raising a bilingual child is considered incredibly difficult. For me, it was and remains an interesting journey, an experience that I want to repeat. Probably because I love to learn and create conditions for learning – this is part of my life and my project.

Friends and acquaintances often ask me questions that concern them as parents. Isn’t it too early to start learning a language at 4-5 years old? What is the best way to study – individually or in a group? If you study several languages ​​at once, won’t your child confuse them? How can I get my child interested in English? Do I need to take an international exam? If yes, then when? What is required in order to enter a university in the USA or England?

Probably, this book was born as a guide for parents, the minimum that is recommended to know about learning a foreign language in the modern world. It was written primarily from the position of a parent: I share stories from our lives and tell how I solved problems in a given situation.

Why do you need this book? Save time, money and effort. Yours and your child. You can most likely find the information you find here on your own. But I have already done this work: I talked to a large number of experts, read a lot of books and articles (mostly in English), downloaded a bunch of applications, including paid ones – half of them had to be deleted. You can spend money on tutors who will prepare you for the Unified State Examination, but will not help you master a foreign language, or you can invest this money in educating your children with greater benefit and successfully pass the Unified State Examination – so, by the way, as a nice bonus.

Learning a language takes time. Definitely not decades, but still time. To catch yourself at the last moment is to provide stress for yourself and the child. If your plans are to help your child get a foreign education, then you need to learn a foreign language, preferably as soon as possible.

And also a book about how to have a goal and move towards it, regardless of different circumstances, how to do what you dream about. It is clear that there are no universal recipes. And my experience will not necessarily suit everyone, but it will definitely be useful to many.

This book is also about how a foreign language increases the scope of your possibilities. Knowing English has opened many doors for me and my family. We travel a lot on our own – we don’t need travel agencies or translators. While I was living in Siberia, I managed to get an MBA from a British university. I like to meet people from different countries, learn more about their culture, history, interesting places. English helped us live and do business in a Spanish-speaking country and master Spanish. These two languages ​​have a lot in common. And my daughter did not experience any difficulties when she went to study at a British school – she felt like a fish in water.

And, of course, English gave me a favorite thing to do. A business that not only gives great pleasure, but also helps thousands of people from different countries to master another foreign language. And that means gaining more freedom and diversity in life.

I suggest you and your children go on this journey, settle down and feel free on a new planet called “English” or any other foreign language.

Chapter 1.

Easier sooner than later

One of the most recognized linguists in the world, Noam Chomsky, says that every child under the age of eight has a knowledge of universal grammar. According to the scientist, this knowledge is embedded in the human genes, and therefore children at this age are able to master any language.

After eight years, this ability is lost – the window closes. Chomsky’s theory may not seem entirely plausible, but it has long been known that children learn a foreign language much easier and faster than adults. Preschool age is characterized by a clear predominance of the functions of the right hemisphere over the left hemisphere. This dominance of the creative over the rational allows one to master the language intuitively, without analyzing and learning the rules. The result is a fully acquired language structure and fluency that adolescents and adults spend many years and effort developing.

What was your experience of learning a foreign language? Of course, it’s different… For some, the language was easy, without much effort, for some it didn’t obey. But, I think, the majority had to try their best and the results were not pleasing for a long time. I, like many Soviet children, studied English for seven years at school. Then she continued at the university, majoring in “English language teacher”.

Once, when I was in my second year, a meeting with a native speaker was arranged at the university. At that time, an Englishman in Siberia was a rarity. He told something about himself, and then offered to ask questions. Silence reigned in the audience: we were afraid to open our mouths, we were afraid to make a mistake, to “hit our faces in the dirt” in front of the representative of foggy Albion. Even for us, students of a linguistic university, the language barrier was huge, what can we say about others. Now I remember this with laughter, but I want to highlight this moment: the idea that I will not disgrace myself and talk with an Englishman, because he knows English better than me, is monstrous in its absurdity. It lies at the basis of the communication barrier, which is laid down by the very system of teaching a foreign language in our country. Schoolchildren are not explained that the rule “if you don’t know how, don’t do it” should be discarded when learning a language. And make mistakes, make mistakes, make mistakes…

I became a confident user of English when I began to actively work with foreigners. I remember how I was in a fever before the first telephone conversation with an Englishman. Will it be clear what he will tell me? Will I be able to remember the right words and phrases? And in the course of the conversation, sometimes I thought more about the simple understanding of words than about the essence of the conversation – the notorious language barrier haunted me for a long time. A few months were very difficult. Then the practice of communication and habit somehow “blurred” this fear. When talking with a foreigner, it is important to present the situation not as “a person who does not know the language well speaks with a native speaker”, but as “just two people communicating with each other”.

I learned a long time ago that children can learn any language as their mother tongue at preschool age, before my daughter was born. Will my child at eight years old really be able to do what I am at twenty?! Just fantastic! Parents always want their children to have more opportunities and achieve more in life.

When my daughter Zhenya was three years old, I thought it was time to start making my dream come true, and at the same time test Chomsky’s theory in practice. Despite moving from Moscow to Siberia and communicating in the family only in Russian, we gradually began to move towards our goal.

For some time I had doubts: after all, a Siberian village is not London. Nevertheless, Zhenya spoke English at the age of five. It happened unexpectedly: one Siberian winter evening, my daughter started jumping on the bed and joyfully screaming in English that now she wants to speak only in it. I still wonder how it happened.

Long-term observations of our students and other bilingual children have shown that the result always comes suddenly. There is no need to wait for it at a specific time, because learning a language is not stages and steps. This is an accumulative process, and it is impossible to say in advance when a qualitative leap will occur.

When Zhenya was seven, while on holiday in England, I found a teacher who taught a group of children of the same age. It was a big compliment to hear from her that her daughter communicates in English just like her British peers. And three years later, my daughter entered a British school, whose students mistook her for a native speaker. How did you manage to achieve such a result? Absolutely, one of the main factors was age, it worked for us.

Unconscious learning

The ability to learn the language intuitively is the main advantage of preschoolers, which disappears with the onset of adolescence. When acquaintances asked Zhenya how she studied English, she did not know what to answer. For her, there was no separate activity “learning a language”; everything happened by itself, unconsciously.

When we, adults, learn a foreign language, the question “Why do I need to say this or that?” lives in our head all the time. We demand explanations from the teacher, it takes a lot of time and effort, completely unproductive efforts. How would you answer a foreigner who is studying Russian, why is the fork on the table and the plate standing? Or does she still lie sometimes? In English, for example, only one verb is used for all these cases. Adults need logical explanations all the time, and this is one of the main barriers to language acquisition. For many questions about why the language is arranged this way and not otherwise, there is simply no answer. We are trying to understand the mechanics of language while children are simply absorbing it.

Child makes no effort

One advantage leads to another. Due to the unconscious acquisition of language, children do not need to make an effort. When I talked about my experience with my daughter, many mothers critically remarked: “You are overloading the child! He must have a childhood!” In fact, there is no effort and stress for the child in such a situation. Learning languages ​​at this age is as natural as learning to walk.

Noan, a blond five-year-old boy, frolics on the beach of the sunny island of Tenerife. He runs up to us, begins to speak English, then, in communication with his mother, switches to Slovak. After a while, Noan’s dad shows up and the boy switches to Dutch. And in September, he went to a school where teaching takes place in Spanish. When I ask Noan’s mother if her son has a childhood, she raises her eyebrows in surprise: he leads the usual life of a child, only communicates with different people in different languages ​​and does not stress at all about this.

According to scientists, the number of languages ​​that a child can master at this age can be two, three, four, and sometimes even more. Three-year-old Bella Devyatkina, who speaks six languages, became famous in Russia thanks to the television program Amazing People. The daughters of Monica Belucci, the famous Italian actress, were already fluent in four languages ​​at preschool age. When I arrived in Spain, I saw that almost every third child is a language prodigy. The situation when a child speaks with parents in two different languages, communicates in the third at school, and in the fourth in the local environment, is completely normal and widespread. Parents can only admire.

Pronunciation like a native speaker

Zhenya is five years old, we are on the beach. An Englishman is standing nearby, watching how she communicates with his son. And suddenly he asks me a question: “Do you live in London?” – “No, no, – I immediately try to dissuade him, our house is in Siberia. ” The Englishman asks the following question, pointing to Zhenya: “Does she live in London?” Between the lines one can clearly hear: “You can live in Siberia, but this girl is unlikely.” What struck him first? Pronunciation.

It is believed that this is not the most important thing when learning a foreign language. The main thing is to speak and understand others. However, pronunciation is what adults find most difficult. It is no coincidence that Russian-speaking actors in Hollywood play only “Russian” characters. The accent is almost impossible to get rid of. The exception is people with perfect hearing, unsurpassed imitators. If you are one of them, you are very lucky.

I remember phonetics lessons at the Linguistic University: for a long time my tongue did not want to crawl between my teeth to pronounce intricate interdental sounds th! And how long did we practice the correct intonation! After all, pronunciation is not only sounds, but also intonation. At preschool age, children without tension are able to reproduce the pronunciation of a native speaker. This happens largely due to the fact that the children’s brain perceives a wide range of frequencies of human speech. As they grow older, the child gets used only to those frequencies of the language that are around him, and gradually ceases to hear others. And also the plasticity of the muscles of the face and tongue and active imitation, which is characteristic of this age, significantly help the kids. And in the end – children simply do not consider this a problem.

The world is rapidly moving forward. People and countries are increasingly cooperating in various fields. Who knows how things will turn out tomorrow. What future awaits our children? Excellent pronunciation can be considered a nice bonus, and maybe a real necessity. Eliza Doolittle, the protagonist of Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, is a prime example of this. We see how the pronunciation changes Eliza’s life: she turns from a poor flower girl into a beautiful lady. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it . ..

Ease in learning a third and other languages ​​

Psychophysiological studies have convincingly proved the difference between early and late learning of foreign languages. Scientists have found that for those who learned a second language in childhood, the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cerebral cortex is responsible for both languages. 1 In other words, the neurons of the same area in the cerebral cortex “turn on” when a person speaks the first and second languages. It seems very likely that both languages ​​are native, at least at the neurophysiological level. For those who learned a second language in adulthood, these areas are different. For the first language, this is a natural state, for the second it is rather artificial.

Another interesting experiment conducted recently by American scientists showed that bilingual teenagers, learning a third language, mastered it as a mother tongue. The same processes were involved in their brain that are used in the study of their native language 2 . As a result, the new language is easier for bilinguals, and they have a margin of time to master another resource. And at the level of a probable assumption, early acquisition of a second language gives a person a method that nature itself gave to babies for mastering their native language.

I see this with my daughter. I started learning Spanish before she did. What we have now: I have a much larger vocabulary, better knowledge of grammar. I understand well what I read. But I really envy my daughter’s fluency and understanding of Spanish. Thus, rationally and logically, I know more, and her sense of language is clearly higher.

Lack of resistance and fear of making mistakes

At preschool age, the child feels confident and is not afraid to make mistakes. It is easier for teachers and parents to create conditions for playing and immersing in the language. There is no need to overcome resistance and constantly arouse and maintain interest. This is a major difference from adolescence. A teenager resists many things, including a foreign language. Children, on the other hand, are open to new things, they do not have a formed negative experience and the desire to prove something to someone.

When Zhenya was very little, we listened to the Beatles a lot, she was really a fan of the Liverpool quartet, she kept asking when we would go to their concert. Thanks to that time, she knows many Beatles songs. Now in adolescence, all our adult recommendations to listen to this or that music are perceived with hostility. What jazz, what classical?! my teenage daughter says. Oh, I should have introduced her to other musical masterpieces earlier!

Helping a child to jump on the express called “any language” is in our parental hands. About how I did it and how you can do it, we will continue in the following chapters.


Benefits of an early start:

• Language acquisition happens unconsciously for a child, without effort.

• It is easy for parents and teachers to generate interest in a new language.

• Children begin to speak fluently immediately.

• Children learn pronunciation easily.

• Children are not afraid to make mistakes.

• Bilingual children learn a third language faster.

Chapter 2.

Live language environment. How to organize

Our movement towards the cherished goal of “English fluency” began when our daughter was three years old. At that time, our friends from Canada, Lorraine and John, were living in Moscow. Lorraine had a group of kids, their progress in English was impressive. We decided to take advantage of the given chance and began to take our daughter to her classes. My daughter quickly learned to speak with a North American accent “Hello, Hippo!” and count to ten.

She studied with pleasure: they laughed a lot in class, all the training was based on the game. But after a couple of months of classes, we had to leave Moscow for Siberia for several years. We lived in a place in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, not far from Shushensky.

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