
Baby non verbal communication: Non-verbal communication: babies – More than words

Опубликовано: March 23, 2023 в 9:41 am


Категории: Baby

Non verbal communication between mother and baby

Newborns are designed to communicate and seek human contact. That way they are cared for and the love they receive has a direct influence on the type of adult they’ll eventually become. That’s why it’s so important for parents to be sensitive to the non verbal cues and signals their little one is giving them.

When you first bring your bundle of joy home from the hospital, it can be hard to interpret what your baby is trying to say. You’ll most likely feel very tired and quite overwhelmed and won’t have the energy to interpret facial expressions and subtle body language.

According to the organization Zero to Three “Babies communicate from birth, through sounds (crying, cooing, squealing), facial expressions (eye contact, smiling, grimacing) and gestures/body movements (moving legs in excitement or distress, and later, gestures like pointing”).

When your baby is about two years of age they’ll have a vocabulary of around 50 words. Although their babbling and chatter will make sense to you long before then, much of their early communication will be through their facial expressions and gestures.

Here are some tips to help you interpret your baby’s non verbals cues

Every baby is an individual and will communicate in their own unique way. Your baby’s age and stage of development will impact on how they communicate and you don’t have to get it right every time. What’s important is that you try to understand what your little one wants.

Sometimes your baby won’t know themselves what they want because they’re little and their brain is too. Until they learn to talk and develop skills in verbal communication, the best they have is their eyes, their body and their cries. Communication isn’t one sided and very soon after birth babies learn that “words, voice tone, facial expressions and gestures are all part of the messages other people give them.”

I’m still hungry!

Because I’m sucking strongly and swallowing the milk which is in my mouth. I have a look of concentration on my face and I’m calm and not crying or fussing. When you take your breast or the bottle away, I cry and complain, and I’m not distracted by what’s going on around me.

I’m full

I close my lips and pull away from the breast or bottle,I’m starting to fuss and cry, I’m not sucking and swallowing anymore and milk is pooling in my mouth. I starting to dribble milk and I’m distractible and not focused on sucking. I’m pushing the breast or bottle away from my mouth and I turn my head to the side and close my eyes and I may be looking a bit uncomfortable.

I’m tired

I’m becoming irritable and starting to cry. There is a change in the pitch and intensity of my cry and I’m no longer happy and content. I’m rubbing my eyes and I look a little pale. My eyes are red; I’m losing focus and I’m staring off into space. My face scrunches up and my hands clench into fists. I’m starting to fall asleep in your arms or where I am lying. I’m yawning and rubbing my face with my hands.

I want to play

My eyes are bright and open and I reach for a toy or your face.I wave my arms and legs around because I’m just so excited, I might even squeal and laugh with delight. I’m looking around for something exciting so I’ll try to move towards a toy or whatever is grabbing my attention.

I’m bored

Watch me as I close my eyes and break eye contact.I look away from your face for something more interesting to gaze at – don’t take this personally! I’m starting to cry and fuss because I’m no longer interested in what I was doing before.

I want to be held and carried,and I might even yawn just to show you I really need entertaining.

I want comfort

I’m starting to cry and become upset, I really need to be fed, settled or get your help because I feel uncomfortable. I’m going to be looking for you and reach out to be picked up. I’m looking for eye contact so I’ll try to connect with your face. I’m likely to get upset when strangers come near me, so stay close.

I need you close if I feel frightened or unsure or if I’m in a strange or unfamiliar place. Be near to me if I’m hurt, scared or just feeling insecure. Or perhaps I just don’t need much of a reason at all to know you are close to me.

Your parental instinct

Sometimes you may have problems interpreting your baby’s messages and just have a sense that something isn’t quite right, not because of any particular change in the way they’re communicating but a general sense of unease in yourself. It’s always worthwhile for parents to follow their “gut instincts” and have their baby seen by a doctor.


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Baby Talk: Nonverbal Infant Communication

It would be hard to imagine living in a world in which you couldn’t use language to communicate basic wants and desires to others. And yet, babies very much find themselves in that position prior to acquiring verbal skills.

Babies actively communicate. But they must use nonverbal cues to interact with caregivers. How these cues are read by caregivers is an integral part of the all-important attachment relationship and infant development.

Elisabeth Robson, a Family and Child Therapist who specializes in infant, child, and family treatments, implements “Baby Cues” into her work with parents. “Baby Cues: A Child’s First Language” is a child development program designed through NCAST (Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training) to help parents/caregivers respond and interact more sensitively with their babies. “Baby Cues” is based on research done by nursing professor, Dr. Kathryn Barnard, founder of the Center on Infant Mental Health and Development at the University of Washington.

Robson states that knowing how to read nonverbal cues is essential because “infants, toddlers, and even young children who are developing language, but still cannot express their feelings, needs, or wants the way we as adults can, use nonverbal communication to be understood. ” Because infants do not have verbal skills, nonverbal cues are all they have to communicate during that early period of their development.

According to Barnard, there are two types of nonverbal cues used by infants and toddlers: engagement and disengagement cues. When a child expresses herself using engagement cues, a parent may find it a good time for talking, teaching, playing, or feeding the child. In other words, the child is willing to interact with the parent. However, when displaying disengagement cues, the child usually tries to communicate a need for a break in whatever they are doing (whether it’s eating, playing, or listening).

Each type of cue may be expressed in either a subtle or potent manner. Potent engagement cues include smiling, babbling, and reaching toward caregiver. Subtle engagement cues are more difficult to notice and may include brow raising, eyes wide and bright, facial brightening, and open hands.

Disengagement cues, which are also expressed subtly and potently, occur more frequently. While potent disengagement cues are quite clear and include crawling away, crying, or falling asleep, subtle disengagement cues may provide a greater challenge for caregivers. They are often difficult to detect and include things such as fast breathing, hand behind head, hand to ear, leg kicking, and lip compression. Robson explains, “some of the cues are more subtle and may seem arbitrary and that’s why parents sometimes miss them.”

In considering the relationship between the cues and parent-child interaction, Robson suggests that “noticing baby cues is very important for attachment.” It contributes to an environment in which the child feels safe and secure, and also to the development of a realization that they’re being taken care of and being understood. We see that constant failures to read the infants’ cues have direct impact on attachment.

Robson adds that “we all need to disengage from things, and the idea of disengagement is not that they are having a bad experience with what they’re doing, it just means that they need a change or want to do something different. ” According to Barnard, since infants can only take in a certain amount of information before needing a break from the interaction, caregivers who allow the infant to pause and then wait until the infant is ready to become engaged again, have longer and more attuned interactions with the infant.

So, what happens to the relationship between parent and child if the parent cannot read disengagement cues? Robson states that when parents repeatedly miss their children’s cues, this may lead to “distress” or “the child may learn that the parent can’t read their cues and they need to try a different strategy. In extreme cases, the child may even give up and stop trying.”

However, Robson notes reassuringly, “kids are very resilient and will try for a very long time to have their needs identified. If it’s a subtle disengagement cue the parent is missing, the child is going to move on to a more potent cue that, hopefully, the parent will pick up on.”

A common reason why parents may miss their infant’s cues is attributed to parental trauma. Robson suggests that a parent who experienced trauma is constantly on the lookout for danger, so their efforts are directed at keeping them and their children safe. That sometimes may get in the way of seeing what’s in front of them, so they miss subtle things with their baby because they’re constantly looking at their environment.

In a study by professors Karen Appleyard (Duke University) and Joy Osofsky (Louisiana State), following trauma, parents may often become overwhelmed by anxiety and experience symptoms of depression. These two factors may greatly affect their parenting and the connection they form with their children.

Robson believes that an emphasis on nonverbal communication should be an integral part of the therapeutic intervention offered to struggling parents. It is helpful when parents become aware of the positive things that they do and how well they are able read their babies’ cues once they do notice. Robson adds that helping parents develop insight as to what their child might be thinking and feeling, so that they begin to think of their child as a separate person who needs things from them, has provided encouraging results.

Overall, we can remain optimistic about parents’ ability to improve the interaction with their children even when they previously haven’t had that much success in reading non-verbal cues. Since relationships are not static, such difficulties are repairable, especially with young children. Robson states that “if a parent becomes more attuned to what the child needs, it has a positive effect on the relationship, and when that becomes consistent over time, there is a positive effect on attachment.”

—Contributing Writer: Noam Bin-Noon, The Trauma & Mental Health Report

—Chief Editor: Robert T. Muller, The Trauma & Mental Health Report

Copyright Robert T. Muller

Non-verbal communication in children | Mothers today

Communication is necessary for the proper emotional and social development of people. Some of this communication is done through verbal language, and another important part is through non-verbal language. Today we will talk about non-verbal communication in children and how it develops.

Non-verbal communication gives us much more information than simple words. Tone, intonation, intensity, gestures … give additional content to words, providing more emotional information about a person. nine0003


  • 1 Communication in children
  • 2 How do children develop non-verbal communication?
  • 3 How We Can Work With It

Communication with Children

Nonverbal Communication This is the first thing children learn and the one they use to communicate with their parents, and verbal communication is acquired gradually as they master the language. As in the early years of not talking, non-verbal communication in children is very important to be able to interact with the environment. nine0006

Through non-verbal communication, they communicate their most basic needs, such as food or sleep. They do this with gestures and sounds to draw attention to their emotions and needs. Over time, this communication improves and becomes more complex.

How do children develop non-verbal communication?

Babies begin to communicate through facial expressions . To see the different emotional states of your child, just watch him and see the different expressions of his eyes, face and lips. This is an innate ability that will develop over time. This is the best way to improve communication between the child and you if you do not have words to convey information. nine0005 Their facial expressions will give you a lot of information.

Non-verbal communication helps children develop language, thinking, empathy, assertiveness and better interaction with others. Let’s see how we can work with non-verbal communication with our children.

How can we work with this

  • Maintain eye contact when talking to him. As we have seen, it is very important to look at their faces in infancy, but also during adulthood. His gestures, body postures, tone of his voice… will give you much more information than what his words say. Same we tell you that we are interested in what you want to tell us and that we are giving it our full attention. Feelings allow us to stimulate the child and interact with him, to establish communication between parents and children, something very important.
  • Reach their peak . If you talk to them from above, you won’t connect in the same way as if you did from their level. If he is sitting, sit in front of him, and if he is on the floor, if necessary, also jump. If confronted, they will feel understood. nine0016
  • Interact with your child . React to their gestures and facial expressions to improve your communication. Especially when he is very small and makes only sounds and gestures.
  • Respond appropriately to their emotions. If you can see from his expression that he is angry, also do not show anger. The child needs to understand a very strong emotion that he does not understand. Actively listen to their verbal and non-verbal communication so that you understand their emotions and that they are real. nine0016
  • Pay attention to non-verbal communication. In addition to studying children’s non-verbal communication, we must also look at our own. Sending conflicting messages between what we say and what we project will create confusion for them. Choose your words, tone, and body language well.
  • Games. Play with him interpret the emotions of in the faces of other people, characters in stories or in photographs of other people. You can also play the same phrase with different intonations to see the difference between them. AT theater is also a way to play and learn social skills where you can practice different moods and guess what they are.

Because remember… non-verbal language not only helps their emotional and mental development, but also our communication with them.

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90,000 Tips for Parents – Child Development

According to research, body language accounts for 93% of the information sent. Who would have thought that our facial expressions and pantomimes could speak so loudly?..

Giving children all sorts of instructions, not many parents think about non-verbal ways of communicating with them. And non-verbal communication has a long-term impact on how children listen, behave, absorb information and talk to other people. It also influences how they treat us as parents and how children look in the eyes of other people. Non-verbal communication can have a major impact on how a child will like the people around him and on the opportunities that he will have in the future. Undoubtedly, this type of communication has a huge impact on the fate of children. nine0003

It is important for us as parents to remember that children often respond not to our words, but to the way they are presented. We need to carefully model the behavior we want to see in our children. Therefore, we must improve our own non-verbal communication skills so that they can effectively learn from us and improve their social skills. Fortunately, there are many ways to positively impact our children’s comprehension and communication skills. The following are helpful tips for parents. nine0003

1. The importance of eye contact

Parents often ignore the importance of eye contact with their children. And in vain, since good eye contact between parents and the child is an important tool for the normal development of the baby. When the child closely follows the expression on the parents’ faces, he receives clues to understand their verbal utterances. At the same time, it is important for the child to focus his attention not only on the face, but also on the movement of the lips. This makes our statement more “readable” and perceptible. nine0003

2. Talking at a child’s level

When you lean in and talk to your child at eye level, you are not only friendlier and less frightening, but also make what you say easier and more audible. Educators are often encouraged to teach on the same horizontal plane as children in order to build and strengthen bonds with students.

3. Using an open posture for communication

arms around the shoulders, we demonstrate to children that we are ready to accept what they have to say. This hand position makes children want to communicate with us and listen to us. nine0003

4. Positive facial expression

A smile, the corners of the lips turned up, as well as eyes that express interest and wide open with excited anticipation, influence children’s reactions to our statements. A positive expression on the face of parents encourages them to respond positively. Here it is important to take into account that the emotional experiences of children when communicating with other people shape their reactions throughout their lives.

5. Mutual, joint attention

The joint attention of parents and children to an object (for example, when the parent gets down on the floor with the child to clean up the dirt, instead of ordering the child to clean up the mess himself) is extremely important in attracting the child’s interest in a pressing topic. When we consider and evaluate a topic of conversation with our children, we engage them on a deeper level.

A study was conducted on the development of a child’s vocabulary and joint attention. The results indicate that children who learned words by completing tasks with their parents had a larger vocabulary. If the child does not pay attention to you and your words, approach him or even point out the problem to him. It is to be hoped that next time he will do as you have instructed him. nine0003

6. Tone of voice and intonation (paralanguage) when talking to children

It’s no secret that babies and young children love their mother’s language (mother’s high tone of voice). There was a study that found that maternal language helps babies determine where words begin and where they end, and thus recognize sounds, syllables, words, and finally sentences. Children also become more involved in conversations with their parents when they use a high-pitched and varying rhythm of speech. nine0003

7. Gestures

Head nodding, thumbs up and arms raised in excitement also have a positive effect on interaction with children. This is how we non-verbally express understanding and support to them.

8. Sounds (uh-huh, mmm, ah)

Parents’ use of vocal responses (not verbal) when talking to a child demonstrates to him that we are interested in what he is saying. These sounds encourage the child, as we show that we are listening very carefully. nine0003

9. Closeness between parent and child

When children are small, it is very important that the space (distance) between them and parents is relatively small (30–60 cm). As children become teenagers, this space naturally expands and requires more parental attention.

10. Movement (movements that parents should/should not make)

In order to show our child our interest in talking to him, our movements should be limited to gestures and facial expressions. Parental walking not only distracts the child, but also disrupts the closeness and bonding with the baby that is essential for effective communication. nine0003

It’s amazing how attention to non-verbal communication and a few small adjustments to it can have such a profound effect on our connection with children and how they will interact with the world around them. Use the tips presented in this article, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Two Minute Action Plan for Parents

Take a moment to reflect on your last conversation with your child.

Jobs for babysitters: Find and apply to babysitting jobs in Las Vegas, NV

Опубликовано: March 23, 2023 в 3:40 am


Категории: Baby

Denver, CO Babysitting Jobs – UrbanSitter

Looking for Denver babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

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High, young energy preferred. Lots of play and silliness


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Family looking for a babysitter Friday, Jan 13 at 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM in Greenwood Village – $21/hr

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Family needs a babysitter Saturday, Jan 14 at 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM – $20/hr

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Babysitting jobs in Columbus, Ohio — Tandem

Babysitting ResourcesEmployment

Written By McKenzie Kennelly

Looking for high-paying babysitting jobs in Columbus, Ohio? Tandem has hundreds of babysitting, petsitting, tutoring, and house cleaning jobs actively searching for local applicants!

Sign up today to create your free account and start making money today.

Looking to make money fast? Look no further! Babysitting is a great way to earn extra income. Whether you choose to babysit full-time, part-time, or occasionally, we know that babysitting is a lucrative form of income. For many, babysitting does not require a college education or prior experience. Depending on the family, babysitting gig, and requests, anyone who can pass a background check is able to apply for high paying babysitting jobs in Columbus, Ohio. 

According to this article, “Babysitting tends to be a part-time job or side gig. Babysitters are usually hired for ad hoc jobs, such as evenings, weekends, and occasional one-time jobs. Become a babysitter today if you are looking for a reliable part-time or one-time gig.” 

Babysitting jobs are perfect if you are looking to make money fast today. Babysitting is a great way to expand your horizons, and the pay tends to be very high compared to the amount of work involved. 

How to start babysitting

Are you wondering how to start babysitting? It’s easy! If you’re local to Columbus, Ohio, you can start babysitting today. Becoming a babysitter is super easy. 

Here’s how:

  1. Fill out your Tandem profile in 2 minutes or less for free

  2. Complete a background check through a third-party background check company.

  3. Strengthen your profile with references (yes, even family members that you babysat for in the past!) *not mandatory

  4. Start viewing and applying for jobs!

    1. Your background check will take a few hours to go through, however, you are able to start viewing and applying for jobs right away. You just won’t be hired until the background check is completed.

  5. Earn 100% of your earnings right away!

How to find babysitting jobs

As great as babysitting is when you’re looking to make money fast, it can be very hard and time-consuming to find the right gig. Some try posting their services on platforms like Facebook, but it can take a while to find a gig right away. Others attempt to use babysitting platforms that connect you instantly, but make you pay for your own background check and take up to 48 hours to approve you. 

With Tandem, as soon as you create your account you can start viewing jobs. There’s no cost to you! Unlike every other connection platform, we don’t charge you to complete your background check. We also don’t take any of your earnings! You make 100% of what you make. 

When you download the app in the IOS store, you can immediately apply to jobs to make money fast. Some jobs are posted last minute, so you can definitely find listings that are on the same day. If you need to make money fast today, you can work a job and you will get paid on the same day you complete it! 

How much should I charge for babysitting?

Depending on your experience and preference, you can make up to $35/hr on Tandem! And that is just for babysitting. Tutoring and pet sitting pay much higher, as they are usually set amounts for a short period of time, rather than an hourly rate.  

Here is a basic recommendation for babysitters with a moderate amount of experience: 

  • Base rate 1 or two kids: $15/hr

  • Add on per child: $2/hr per extra child

  • Add on for distance: $1/hr for more than 15 miles, $2/hr for more than 20 miles.

If you have little to no experience, you may want to start with jobs that offer a smaller rate, such as $12-15. You will notice on the app that you can set your rate, as well. However, if you are not CPR certified or have no references, it is unlikely that you will get hired at a higher rate of $25/hr. Tandem will only send you jobs that match your preferences. If you set your minimum rate to $25/hr, you will only get paired with jobs that pay $25/hr! 

Work whenever you want

If you’re looking for jobs where you can work whenever you want, babysitting is perfect for you! Unlike being a nanny or tutor, babysitting is an as-needed job. You can find jobs from different families every day for date nights, doctor appointments, and running errands. 

Babysitting is not only a great way to make extra money fast, but it is also a great way to work whenever you want. Not all jobs allow you to work whenever you want, but with Tandem you set your own schedule. 

Here’s how it works: 

  1. When you create your profile, you fill out your basic availability for the week

  2. Based on your availability, Tandem will match you with jobs that are specifically set in the time period you are available to work.

  3. Something changes and you’re free outside of your availability? No problem! You can work whenever you want by either searching in the app for more jobs or updating your availability in your profile settings.

Babysitting tips for beginners: 

  • Know your limitations

  • Keep an open line of communication

  • Be prepared for everything

  • Be well-informed

  • Be organized

  • Be entertaining and have fun

  • Reinforce rules and limits

  • Be alert

  • Take criticism well

  • Be empathetic and caring

  • Go above and beyond

For a more in-depth look into the best babysitting tips for beginners, check out this article.  

Where you have a full-time job and are just looking to make extra money or you want to babysit as your main job, Tandem has tons of options for you. If you are looking for babysitting jobs in Columbus, Ohio, Tandem is the best place for you. 

Tandem is free, quick, and safe for both families and care providers to use. Sign up today for babysitting jobs to earn money fast! We can’t wait to have you on our team. 

Ready to browse, apply, and get hired for a part-time job in Columbus, Ohio that fits your needs? 

Have questions? Leave a comment under this post or message us at [email protected]. We’d be more than happy to answer any questions you may have! 


McKenzie Kennelly

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Vacancy from a private person


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Looking for a nanny. Responsibilities: accompanying children to school, to classes, preparing for school. Higher education . Conscientious labor. Responsibility, with care for children

Vacancy from a private person


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Need a nanny for a child 1. 5 years old for a full day on weekdays. Preferably from 8.00 to 18.00, or from 9.00 to 18.00, the schedule can be shifted (negotiable). Responsibilities: childcare, feeding, bedding…

Vacancy from a private person

Oksana Igorevna

More details

Need a job as a nanny in the Upper Pechory microdistrict?

Verified private ads of employers in Nizhny Novgorod and agency vacancies. Jobs in Nizhny Novgorod in families – just register, fill out the form and respond to ads. Our services are free for applicants. Hundreds of new babysitting jobs posted daily from direct employers, recruitment agencies and individuals. Search for offers in the Upper Pechory microdistrict by salary for any employment schedule: from part-time work for 2 hours a day to a five-day work week. nine0003

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Nanny jobs in Nizhny Novgorod – job search without intermediaries

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Weekend babysitter
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babysitter for baby
Nanny in kindergarten
Night babysitter


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Checked data:

  • nine0176

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years

Looking for a kind nanny who loves children. There are no special requirements, only to monitor the safety and health of the child. The boy is calm , contact , affectionate . I am a good, adequate mother, I hope we work together and make friends. 3-4 days a week on weekdays from 9until 17:00. Salary 20000/month details

Verified data:

  • nine0181

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    1 – 3 years
    4 – 6 years
    . ..

    Need a second nanny to help with 3 children. Children 12 girl, 9 boy, 1.8 boy. The schedule is flexible, depending on plans and arrangements. Full time employment (from morning to evening if possible) from April to May. (2-2.5 months). There is a permanent nanny, we are looking for a second nanny to help, more often with older children (help with homework, feeding, cooking), sometimes help with the younger ones will also be required. more

    Verified data:

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    1 – 3 years
    4 – 6 years
    . ..


    Verified data:

    • nine0176

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    4 – 6 years

    Need a nanny in the upper part of the city (Sovetsky district), to look after 2 children (2 and 5 years old). The older child does not go to the garden well, often gets sick, the younger one begins to adapt to the garden, but so far she goes for 2 hours. Therefore, for this period, a nanny is needed, sometimes for a full day, sometimes for part-time work, but for all 5 days a week (weekdays). more

    Verified data:

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    7 – 9 years
    10 and more

    Nanny required for baby girl 1 month
    – with extensive experience working with children (for example, kindergarten)
    – with profile or honey. education (ped., child psychology, etc.)
    – Hygiene procedures
    – Feeding
    – Washing and sterilization of children’s dishes
    – Walks
    several times a week by appointment/need
    hourly pay.
    Territorially d. Afonino, st. Krasnaya Polyana, details

    Verified data:

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod

    Work experience

    4 – 6 years

    Nanny needed by the hour, not for every day
    Nanny for a child 3 months old, just sit while I go to the hospital, to the store more details

    Verified data:

    • nine0176

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    1 – 3 years

    Looking for a nanny with work experience. Education is desirable. It is necessary to be with the child 2-3 hours a day several times a week. details

    Verified data:

    • nine0176

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    4 – 6 years
    7 – 9years old

    Need a nanny for twins (boy, girl) 1 year 4 months, without accommodation, responsible, reliable, kind, loving children. more


    Verified data:

    • nine0175

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    1 – 3 years
    4 – 6 years
    … nine0003

    Sometimes babysitting for a few hours. Not always with two. Two children aged 6 and 5. The youngest child is disabled. Does not speak, walks with support, contact cheerful child. details

    Verified data:

    • nine0176

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    1 – 3 years
    4 – 6 years
    … nine0003

    I have 2 children, a 5.5-year-old son (goes to kindergarten) and a 1-year-old daughter, I am looking for a nanny mainly for my daughter. Mon-Fri 10-18 more details


    Checked data:

    • nine0175

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    4 – 6 years
    7 – 9 years
    . .. nine0003

    I am looking for a long-term nanny (about a year and a half, maybe more). The girl is one and a half years old. First of all, I would like to find a person who disposes of himself as a friend, I want to treat the nanny as a family member – this is important, so if you plan to work for 3-5 months, this is not our story. Of the responsibilities of developing games by age, it would be ideal to potty train (more precisely, help my mother with this), reading fairy tales, walking, bathing, hygiene, cleaning the children’s chest of drawers, preparing children’s food (if I didn’t cook), clean up at the end of the working day ( put toys away). I can stay at home in the next room, or work or lie down as a star =) and so I have plans for field work and for this time I need a person next to whom my daughter will feel safe. If you have a pedagogical education, it would be a big plus .I would also like to have fluorography on my hands. According to the schedule 3 times a week for 4-5 hours. from about 9or 10 (as convenient) until 14-00, respectively. We can move some day to the evening – it’s all discussed. Immediately questions, can I count on the time of illness or on a day off? by salary If you have a psychological or pedagogical / medical education, or you are ready to help me with one-time requests: wipe the floor in the room, start the robot vacuum cleaner, wipe the dust, wash the dishes) (not all in one day) Salary then 300 details


    Verified data:

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    1 – 3 years

    Need a beautiful Mary Poppins for the baby. Maxim is 2.5 months old, the baby is completely healthy.
    I am a working mother, I need help with my son during work. Schedule several times a week from 12.00 to 21.00. In the evening I compensate for the taxi. If you are by car and are ready to take us on business – payment for trips at the taxi rate. More details when you call. details

    Verified data:

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    no experience
    1 – 3 years
    . ..

    Looking for a nanny for my son (3 years old) and daughter (1.3 years old).
    Play, draw, read, dance, work out (razvivashki), sing, feed, if necessary, wash your ass)
    Looking for a young nanny (from 19up to 25 years old), kind, able to find an approach to both a 3-year-old and a one-year-old, without bad habits, stress-resistant (kids love to play pranks), not raising their voice, and even more so without assault (!)
    Work in the evening. The schedule is floating, when from 16:30, when from 18:30, for 2-4 hours, depending on the density of my schedule;
    Work from Mon to Fri. Tk I’m leaving for work, so that my husband does not adjust to my schedule, I’m looking for an assistant.

    If there is an opportunity to go out on an additional day off, it is a big plus. Weekends for 5-7 hours.
    We live in South microdistrict. Ideal if you live not far away ❤️ more

    Verified data:

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    no experience
    1 – 3 years old

    It is necessary to take the child to the swimming section in the forecourt of Prioksky by 13. 15, after classes take him home. Lesson lasts 1.30


Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years
4 – 6 years

I am looking for a nanny for a boy 1 year old, from 30 to 50 years old, with experience in working with young children, not particularly burdened by their own domestic and personal problems, responsible, active, at least for a year. Care, walks, hygiene, educational games by age, feed, the child is not at guards, not allergic. Contact, treats people calmly. We live in Pechery. The work schedule is floating, we are looking for 2-3 times a week for a full day, from 9 or 10 to 18, 2 weekdays and one day off. Payment upon exit, every day. All the details at the meeting and in private messages. more

Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


no experience
1 – 3 years
. ..

I am looking for a nanny for my children (a boy 4 years old and a girl 2 years old), both children go to kindergarten. I need an assistant for the evening (3-4 hours a day), pick up children from kindergarten and then spend time with them , play, feed if necessary. more


Verified data:

  • nine0181

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    1 – 3 years

    Need a nanny for two children (girls 2.5 and 4 years old) for a few hours a week. Most often this is the evening on Fri and Sat, but sometimes it is possible on other days. Preferably on the territory of our house (Avtozavodsky district). details

    Verified data:

    • nine0176

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod

    Work experience

    No experience

    Need to accompany a child to the School of the future first grader from kindergarten 368 (Lenin Ave., 49a) to school 100. Until December, the school operates on the basis of school 138 (Zavkomovskaya, 1). In December, school 100 itself will open after repairs (Snezhnaya, 2). You need to take Tuesday at 16.30, Thursday at 17. 00. You don’t have to wait. Payment is negotiable. If necessary, the payment of a taxi is considered. details

    Verified data:

    • nine0175

    Direct employer

    Nizhny Novgorod


    no experience

    Two children aged 6 and 10. Necessary: ​​in my free time from kindergarten / school, sit with the children, sit with one child while I take the other to the sections / or go about my business. Help with the destruction of children’s things and toys. Take the child to draw and wait – 5 minutes from home. Ideally – music lessons with children. more


    Verified data:

    • nine0181

      Direct employer

      Nizhny Novgorod


      1 – 3 years

      Babysitting 3 hours a day. Payment 200 r / hour. Accompanying the child from school. At least 1 year of experience is desirable more

      show more

      Nanny jobs in Nizhny Novgorod

      Modern parents need a nanny for their child from the day of his birth. On the 7hands website you will find vacancies from direct employers without intermediaries.

Babysitting jobs for the weekend: Weekend Babysitting Jobs Near Me (Hiring Now!)

Опубликовано: March 20, 2023 в 2:37 pm


Категории: Baby

TOP 10 Weekend Babysitting Jobs in New York, NY

Find 19 opportunities near New York, NY. 

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Hiring Now near New York

Babysitter Needed For 9 Month Old Boy – We are looking for a bab…

Full Time

$20 – 26/hr


New York, NY

We are looking for a babysitter for our 9-month-old baby boy for evenings/date nights and occasionally weekend, no set days/times but we normally look for a babysitter once a week to once every two weeks.

Babysitter – West Village – 17 Months Child – We are looking for…

Part Time

$17 – 22/hr


New York, NY

We are looking for a babysitter for a few hours a week, weekends and evenings. We live in the West Village and we only have one child – now 17 months.

Need A Nanny Or Babysitter – Hello.

Caretaker will only care for…

Part Time

$17 – 26/hr


New York, NY

Hello. Caretaker will only care for one child at any given time because my partner and I will be home and will care for the other child. We have a 19-month-old toddler and a 2-month-old baby. On weekday evenings, we need someone with newborn experience who can care for our 2-month-old so that we can spend time with our toddler. When I need to nurse the newborn, we ask that the caretaker care for the toddler, play, meal prep for the toddler, clean up / tidy up after him, and change diaper/potty. During the weekends, stroll to the park with me and the babies and same care at home as the weekdays.
Open communication, trustworthiness, kindness, respect, reliability, cleanliness.
Experience with newborn infant and toddler care.
We have no pets.

Looking For An As Needed Babysitter – We have a newborn (2 month…

Part Time

$22 – 29/hr


New York, NY

We have a newborn (2 months) and I’m looking for a recurrent babysitter that could watch my son for a few hours during the week or a few hours on the weekend in the evenings.

Weekend Babysitting For A 3 Year Old Boy – We are looking for a…

Part Time

$17 – 20/hr


New York, NY

We are looking for a babysitter for our 3-year-old son on the weekend.

When do you want a job?

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In 1-2 months
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Recurring Weekend Babysitter For 2 Young Children – We are looki…

Full Time

$30 – 30/hr


New York, NY

We are looking for a regular weekend babysitter for our 2 young children in New York. We are looking for someone who has previous experience caring for infants and toddlers, is very interactive, gentle and likes to play. Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon into evenings are preferred, but we have flexibility. We would prefer someone who could help out with light housekeeping, does not smoke and is CPR certified.

Baby Sitter/nanny Needed For Weekends And Late Afternoons – Hi,.


Part Time

$25 – 40/hr


New York, NY

Need a smart, kind, caring babysitter/nanny to help us with the care of our toddler. Hours are weekdays afternoon/evenings and weekends.
Competitive pay for the right person- hours are somewhat flexible.

Looking For Loving, Trustworthy Babysitter For The Weekend Of Ma…

Part Time

$17 – 22/hr


New York, NY

My kids are big balls of energy, my oldest loves to run around and EAT! While my youngest kid just loves being around people.

Babysitter Needed For 2 Children In New York 3-4 Afternoon/eveni…

Full Time

$22 – 25/hr


New York, NY

I’m looking for a great babysitter for our 2 girls ages 4 & 6/ Some light housekeeping & meal prep is required.
3-4 afternoon/evenings per week. Some weekends as well.

Nanny Needed For 1 Child In New York. – We are looking for a wee…

Part Time

$20 – 27/hr


New York, NY

We are looking for a weekend nanny/babysitter for 1 child in New York . We would prefer a nanny who has previous work experience in taking care of toddler, does not smoke, who is comfortable with pet (1 small dog), who is CPR certified and has college degree.

When do you want a job?

Right Now
Right Now
Within a week
Within a week
In 1-2 months
In 1-2 months
Just browsing
Just browsing

Looking For An After-school Babysitter For Our Three Kids In Dow…

Part Time

$25 – 30/hr


New York, NY

Hello! We are looking for a babysitter for our three children, ages 7-10. Five days per week, 230-730 p.m. Job includes school pick up, afterschool activities, homework, dinner and bedtime. Kids cooking, dishes and laundry as required. Occasional nighttime/weekend babysitting hours are available as well if interested. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Backup Nanny / Babysitter Needed For 1 Child In Long Island City…

One Time

$20 – 22/hr


Long Island City, NY

We are looking for a backup nanny/babysitter for our 15-month-old girl in Long Island City.
She is in daycare but we need someone available for days when the center is closed or when she cannot go to daycare due to illness, in which case the hours would be 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. We may also need occasional evenings and weekend help.
We would prefer a babysitter who does not smoke and who is comfortable with pets. Someone who can also walk our friendly couch potato dog would be a plus. Helping around the house with light housework is ideal but not a requirement. Full COVID vaccination with boosters is a must.

Nanny Needed For 2 Children In Brooklyn. – We are looking for an…

Full Time

$25 – 35/hr


Brooklyn, NY

We are looking for an energetic and experienced babysitter for 5-year-old twins in Brooklyn. We are looking for a current college or graduate student, or recent graduate with early childhood education or psychology experience. Need to be able to structure kids activities for play as well as homework assignments, light hearted loving person. Need help after school to evenings tue/ thu/ Friday and one weekend day. Some child meal prep and light housekeeping (dishes / kids room/ living room clean up). Looking for someone with flexibility to stay late evening or overnight (on rare occasions) and open to some travel. Languages: English, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Spanish.

Looking For An Occasional Weekend/nighttime Sitter. – Looking fo…

One Time

$17 – 22/hr


Brooklyn, NY

Looking for a “date night” babysitter for our dynamic 8-year-old. He is pretty low maintenance in that he will put himself to bed, likely he will have eaten dinner before you arrive. He is active!!

Frequent Babysitting Needed For 3 Year Old – Weekend afternoon /…

Full Time

$30 – 35/hr


East Rutherford, NJ

Weekend afternoon / evenings and occasional weeknight babysitter needed for 3-year-old boy. House is filled with toys and food for you both, and I am hoping to find a long-term nanny we can grow with. Schedule is not fixed but I would give several days notice to be sure your schedule is accommodated.
We would prefer a nanny who has their own car, who does not smoke, who is comfortable with pets, who is CPR certified and who has college degree.

When do you want a job?

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Right Now
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Within a week
In 1-2 months
In 1-2 months
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Babysitter Needed For A 14 1/2 Year Old Autistic None Verbal – E…

Part Time

$13 – 18/hr


Fort Lee, NJ

EXPERIENCE babysitter needed for a 14 1/2-year-old autistic none verbal super cute boy in Fort Lee NJ. no housework, no cooking, have your OWN CAR, be COVID-19 VACCINATED & warm his lunch in microwave. $20 per HR cash we have parking, just teach him to play with toys. this may be turn to permanent job.
The mother is going to 6-8 vacations in a year & there are many school closing days… ect
NO WEEKENDS all those Mon to Thru READ THE AD SLOW
On 2-20-23 until 2-22-23 from 7am-6:30 p. m. AND 2-23 3pm-6:30 p.m.

Babysitter Needed For My Children In Flushing. – Hi! We are at a…

One Time

$17 – 26/hr


Flushing, NY

Hi! We are at a retreat, staying at a hotel with our kids. We need someone to help take care of them while we train 🙂 be around, play do an activity or two, maybe buy diapers, baby food. Stuff like that for the coming weekend, and maybe a couple of days after some too. Still working that one out. 🙂 Kids are generally easy going, we travel a fair bit.

Nanny Needed For 1 Child – Seeking a babysitter in Long Island C…

Part Time

$17 – 30/hr


Long Island City, NY

Seeking a babysitter in Long Island City for our 9-month-old daughter, B. There are a few occasions where we need help:
-Mom & dad are looking to restart occasional date nights.
-When dad travels for work, mom may need help in the evening after our nanny leaves at 5 p.m.
-Mom/dad is occasionally out of town for a weekend trip, so the remaining person often needs help on Saturday/Sunday.

Babysitter Needed During The Week For An Adorable 4.5 Month Old…

Part Time

$16 – 22/hr


Nutley, NJ

Hi everyone! My husband and I are looking for a babysitter for our 4 (almost 5) month old son. We are located in Nutley, NJ. Responsibilities include general care for our son (feedings, diaper changes, setting up/cleaning up toys, developmentally appropriate activities).
Must be vaccinated (covid, TDAP, flu) and a non-smoker. We also have a dog (cockapoo) in the home (you will not be responsible for taking care of the dog).
My husband works remote and I work a hybrid schedule with some days in home and some days out of the home. If I am ever back early, I can let you leave when I come back home.
Must be reliable and have no other conflicting schedules during the week. If desired, you can pick up a few hours on the weekend if we need to step out of the house without the baby.

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Nanny jobs for the weekend in Nizhny Novgorod, current ads

Monday to Friday – full time -8 hours a day, but, in rare cases, we can ask to leave on weekends

Full • No accommodation

From 300 ₽/ hour

Need a nanny to walk around the city in a stroller with a child 1, 6 years old 2-3 times a week, for (1, 5-2 hours) and days off

Partial • Without accommodation

On a permanent basis ( Saturday Sunday – output )
Preferably with medical education and experience

Full • Without accommodation

From 200 ₽/hour

We want to find a nanny for weekend who will frolic with her, teach and develop.

Full, Partial • No accommodation

Sunday – day off Please do not disturb people who are busy and not ready to work on days off .

Full • No accommodation

Holidays do not touch, everyone needs to rest.

Full • No accommodation

Holidays help is needed. Employment approximately 20-30 hours per week.

Partial • No residence

From 300 ₽/hour

– Sometimes just arrange a day off from the garden and stay at home.
I understand that the conditions are very vague.)

Partial • No accommodation

Weekends only by necessity and by agreement. Bye Weekend is not considered.

Partial • No accommodation

And full one day off – Saturday or Sunday.

Partial • No accommodation

From 160 ₽/hour

Half day, every day, except weekends .

Full, Partial • Without accommodation

Also sometimes to sit in weekends .

Partial • No accommodation

From 250 ₽/hour

Work 5-6 hours a day except days off days. Childcare for 3 and 5 year olds.

Full, Partial • No residence

Active child
Hourly work ) from 4 hours
Weekdays, sometimes weekends )

Partial • Without accommodation

On weekends there may be an additional time from 10 to 14. 200 ₽/hour

Convenient search in a large database of vacancies for a weekend nanny in Nizhny Novgorod, private ads from direct employers. Our service will allow you to profitably find a part-time babysitting job on Saturdays and Sundays. Here you can choose one family for permanent cooperation or work with different clients. Look after children while their parents are busy, resting. Accompany wards on walks and classes, conduct educational games.
Weekend nanny work is a good choice if you love children, know how to get along with them and are looking for opportunities to earn extra money. Part-time work at the end of the week is also a great solution if you don’t have experience yet and want to try out as a babysitter and get referrals. Your advantages will be pedagogical education, responsibility, activity and punctuality.

The cost of a weekend babysitter in Nizhny Novgorod depends on her qualifications, range of duties, and the amount of time spent with the child. Our service will help you find a profitable job as a nanny for the weekend. Choose ads in accordance with your requirements and salary expectations, negotiate with employers directly, without intermediaries.

Our service has fresh current vacancies for domestic staff. There are more ads here than on Avito. Many families in Moscow periodically need a nanny for the weekend. And you will surely find a job in accordance with your wishes.

Weekend nanny work in Nizhny Novgorod

by update date

by rating

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Checked data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


no experience
1 – 3 years
. ..

We are looking for a nanny for 2 children in a decent family. The oldest boy is 3 years old, the youngest girl is 1.2 years old. The elder goes to kindergarten, but sometimes he will stay at home.
Let’s consider any schedule, but approximately I would like every day for half a day from 9 to 14 or 3 times a week for the whole day.
It is required to sit with children, keep them clean and sometimes prepare meals more

Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years
4 – 6 years

We need a nanny who will pick up the child from the kindergarten and sit in the evenings from 17-21, preferably with a car because we live in Pechory, also if the child is on sick leave so that she can sit with him during the day, she is ready to designate a stable salary and even if she only goes in the evenings to pay him, I am looking for a nanny for a long time, the boy is active, very contact, very sociable, there are also animals at home more

Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years
4 – 6 years
. ..

Need a second nanny to help with 3 children. Children 12 girl, 9 boy, 1.8 boy. The schedule is flexible, depending on plans and arrangements. Full time employment (from morning to evening if possible) from April to May. (2-2.5 months). There is a permanent nanny, we are looking for a second nanny to help, more often with older children (help with homework, feeding, cooking), sometimes help with the younger ones will also be required. details

Checked data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years

Looking for a nanny with work experience. Education is desirable. It is necessary to be with the child 2-3 hours a day several times a week. more


Checked data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


4 – 6 years
7 – 9 years
. ..

I am looking for a nanny for a long term (about a year and a half, maybe more). The girl is one and a half years old. First of all, I would like to find a person who disposes of himself as a friend, I want to treat the nanny as a family member – this is important, so if you plan to work for 3-5 months, this is not our story. Of the responsibilities of developing games by age, it would be ideal to potty train (more precisely, help my mother with this), reading fairy tales, walking, bathing, hygiene, cleaning the children’s chest of drawers, preparing children’s food (if I didn’t cook), clean up at the end of the working day ( put toys away). I can stay at home in the next room, or work or lie down as a star =) and so I have plans for field work and for this time I need a person next to whom my daughter will feel safe. If you have a pedagogical education, it would be a big plus .I would also like to have fluorography on my hands. According to the schedule 3 times a week for 4-5 hours. from about 9or 10 (as convenient) until 14-00, respectively. We can move some day to the evening – it’s all discussed. Immediately questions, can I count on the time of illness or on a day off? by salary If you have a psychological or pedagogical / medical education, or you are ready to help me with one-time requests: wipe the floor in the room, start the robot vacuum cleaner, wipe the dust, wash the dishes) (not all in one day) Salary then 300 details

Checked data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


no experience
1 – 3 years
. ..

Looking for a nanny for my son (3 years old) and daughter (1.3 years old).
Play, draw, read, dance, work out (razvivashki), sing, feed, if necessary, wash your ass)
Looking for a young nanny (from 19up to 25 years old), kind, able to find an approach to both a 3-year-old and a one-year-old, without bad habits, stress-resistant (kids love to play pranks), not raising their voice, and even more so without assault (!)
Work in the evening. The schedule is floating, when from 16:30, when from 18:30, for 2-4 hours, depending on the density of my schedule;
Work from Mon to Fri. Tk I’m leaving for work, so that my husband does not adjust to my schedule, I’m looking for an assistant.

If there is an opportunity to go out on an additional day off, it is a big plus. Weekends for 5-7 hours.
We live in South microdistrict. Ideal if you live not far away ❤️ more

Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


no experience
1 – 3 years
. ..

I am looking for a nanny for my children (a boy 4 years old and a girl 2 years old), both children go to kindergarten. I need an assistant for the evening (3-4 hours a day), pick up the children from the kindergarten and then spend time with them , play, feed if necessary. more


Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod

Work experience

1 – 3 years

Need a nanny for two children (girls 2.5 and 4 years old) for a few hours a week. Most often this is the evening on Fri and Sat, but sometimes it is possible on other days. Preferably on the territory of our house (Avtozavodsky district). more


Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years
4 – 6 years

We are looking for a kind, decent nanny who loves children and knows how to find a common language with them. Ready to follow the advice of parents. On payment, we are ready to consider your options. details

Checked data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years

Need a nanny for an autistic son. He is 4 years old and very active. It is necessary to walk with him in the evenings (often) and take him to classes (not often) more

Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


no experience
1 – 3 years
. ..

Need a nanny for a 3.5 year old girl in the Leninsky district, st. Snowy. 1-3 times a week. On weekdays in the evenings (after 18), on weekends in the afternoon or in the evening. Employment 4-6 hours. Days are selected by agreement, I can adjust to your employment.
Play, draw, feed, put to bed. When my daughter is already asleep, before my arrival, help is needed – to clean up toys and iron the clothes.
I do not look at education, for me the main thing is kindness, care and love for children.
There are cameras installed at home for my peace of mind.
I am looking for long term cooperation.
Payment 200r / hour + if I work late in the evening I order a taxi home. more


Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years

Hello) I am looking for a nanny for my daughter (2 years old). The child is calm, speaks well, makes contact. I work off schedule and mostly evenings/weekends. Nanny needed for a couple of hours several times a week. details

Checked data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years

I am looking for a nanny for 2 kids. 2 year old boy and 8 month old girl. The eldest will go to kindergarten soon. more


Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod

Work experience

no experience

a good nanny. sometimes do homework. more


Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


no experience
1 – 3 years

I am looking for a nanny for a baby (1g8m) for the holidays (June 12-14) For example, for 2 days out of 3 for 3-4 hours. 9 am to 12 pm or 3 pm to 7 pm.
You will need to play with him at home and in the park. Maybe feed or bathe.
I’ll be there, minding my own business.
This is the first experience of hiring a nanny, so for now))
In the future, work is also possible for 3-4 hours 1-2 times a week on weekends or weekdays. details

Checked data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years
4 – 6 years

Nanny needed for 3 year old girl for weekend evenings. You will need to walk, eat, play. Approximately 3-4 hours. details

Checked data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


1 – 3 years

Need a nanny for a child (child 1 year old). Nanny’s duties: cook for a child, feed, play, change diapers, wash more

Verified data:


Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod


no experience
1 – 3 years
. ..

It will be necessary to look after a 4-year-old boy for two days if you need to prepare food for him. Those. we urgently need to leave for work details

Verified data:

Direct employer

Nizhny Novgorod

Work experience

1 – 3 years

Nanny for a 7 year old boy, if necessary. Weekends, vacations. Average 3-5 hours. Living in the Leninsky district or Avtozavod. more

show more

Nanny work for the weekend: urgent announcements and vacancies for regular employment in Nizhny Novgorod

If you are looking for a job or a part-time job, 7hands will help you.

Male version of baby shower: 29 Male baby shower ideas

Опубликовано: March 18, 2023 в 8:19 pm


Категории: Baby

From the archives: Men and their baby showers – why these friends are now doing ‘diaper parties’

27 Nov 2020

Nonkululeko Mazibuko

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A group of friends from Cape Town having fun at a diaper party.


Pink and blue balloons, baby wipes, lots of nappies and hilarious games. Some call it the ‘manshower’ while others say it’s a ‘dad-chelor’. Whatever you may want to call it, it is the male version of a baby shower.

It’s now becoming a thing, and South Africans are loving it. 

These baby showers usually involve a group of friends, food, drinks, gifts, and men with fake bellies teaching each other how to bath or change babies.

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How To Throw A Great Diaper Party (Baby Shower For Men)?

Celebrate the arrival of your bundle of joy with a diaper party. Dads, it’s your turn.

Image: Shutterstock

A diaper party is like a baby shower, but for the daddy. While moms-to-be receive all the attention and care, the efforts of a father are often overlooked. If you are looking for diaper party ideas, we have got you covered. This is a great way to celebrate fatherhood. After all, fathers deserve to celebrate the arrival of their bay with their friends and have loads of fun. Diapers are essential for every baby, and new parents spend a lot of time and energy changing their baby’s diapers. In this post, we bring you some amazing ideas that will help you have a fun time with your dear ones at the special party.

What is a Diaper Party?

Diaper parties involve booze, banter, diapers, and lots of fun for all. A diaper party is a great day for the dad-to-be to get together with his friends.

There are some differences between a baby shower and a diaper party. Here is a list of things that are different between these parties:

  • Beer: If you are planning a diaper party for the dad-to-be, beer is a must. This is one thing you may not usually include in the ladies’ party or the traditional baby shower.
  • BBQ: Arrange a BBQ stand but don’t worry about the finger sandwiches you find so often at baby showers.
  • Diapers: While baby showers involve gifting the mom-to-be the items she will find useful in the initial days after delivery, diaper parties involve gifting only diapers to the soon-to-be mom or dad.
  • Dressing up: A diaper party is a simple affair. The guests do not need to dress up as they might while attending a baby shower.

These rules are simple, aren’t they?

Quick tip

The mom-to-be can arrange a diaper party for her partner. This can serve as a great bonding time and gets the father more excited about the arrival of the new member of the family.

Related: 15 Fun Baby Shower Diaper Games To Play

Who Should You Invite For the Diaper Party?

Image: Shutterstock

Invitations are a must for any get-together. Just as for a baby shower, you should invite close family, friends, or even co-workers to a diaper party. The guest list should include only close-knit people with whom you can enjoy the party. However, the final call is yours.

Who Hosts A Diaper Party?

Typically, close family or friends host diaper parties for the dad-to-be. A diaper party is a new concept. You can be a trendsetter by organizing the party yourself.

Often, a diaper party is held on the same day as the baby shower. Sometimes, the couple may combine both and host a co-ed party too.

Point to consider

If you are hosting a co-ed party, you might want to cut down on the drinks, as consuming alcohol may not augur well for the mom-to-be. Instead, you can make fun cocktails with quirky names to catch the interest of your guests.

Related: 101 Funny Diaper Messages To Have A Hearty Laugh


Diaper Party Decorations

A diaper party is all about men, so you need not worry much about the decorations. The attention of men attending the diaper party will likely be more on food and drinks. You can keep it as simple as you wish, or you can go as crazy as you want.

  1. Color themes: You can select a specific color scheme based on the gender of the child or any other color you wish. According to the chosen theme, you can choose to paint or decorate your home.
  2. Movie themes or dress-up: Movies make great theme ideas too. You can ask your friends to dress up as characters from movies. Ask them to enact a scene from a movie or quote popular dialogues. If you want a more conservative party, you can ask your guests to dress up in suits or T-shirts.
  3. Diaper decorations: A great way to make the day memorable is to decorate the place with diapers! Diaper decorations are fun and go well with the theme. You can make diaper castles or diaper cakes.

Image: Shutterstock

Diaper Party Invitations

Sending out invitations is a crucial part of organizing a diaper party. By sending an invitation, you get an idea about how many people will attend the party and plan accordingly. Here are some common ways of sending out invitations for a diaper party.

  1. Evites: You usually send email invitations to a diaper party. Email invitations or e-vites save a lot of time and money. You have to decide a theme, design a card, and email it to your guests. Evites are appealing to the eye and are eco-friendly.
  2. Paper invites: Paper invites can never go out of fashion. For your close ones, you can make paper invites. Cute paper invites are a great keepsake for your friends and family. You will find printable men diaper party invitations on the Internet that you can print on card paper.
  3. Facebook events: Creating a Facebook event and following it up with a phone call will be good enough if the number of people is fewer and you do not have the time to create a new invitation.

Image: Shutterstock

While sending out invites, remember to mention the rules of the party and the theme. Ask your guests to RSVP so that you can plan accordingly. You also need to mention the location and time of the event. Some great invitation wording ideas are:

  • You are invited to a good time with friends, food, and diapers with XYZ as he’s becoming a dad! Please bring a pack of diapers.
  • No gifts, only diapers!
  • ABC is getting ready for diaper duty. Get some diapers to train him!
  • Diaper shower for MNO and his baby boy! Bring diapers of any size and win prizes!

Quick tip

If you have not hosted a gender reveal party yet, a diaper party is a great way to reveal your child’s gender to close friends and family.

Related: How To Host A Perfect Sip-And-See Party For Your Newborn

Diaper Party Food

BBQ usually works great, though you can dole out the finger foods you usually find at baby showers. However, keep in mind that the food must be tasty and abundant. That is all it needs to become an instant hit.

As in baby showers, you don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen making fancy foods to make your guests happy. You can buy packaged food or drinks from supermarkets to serve the starters.

If there’s anything to worry about, it is the liquor. Having a dedicated bar can be a great deal of help. You can also personally serve pints of beer to each guest. This is one way you can keep a check on liquor consumption and ensure that no guest gets blind drunk.

As you can see, planning the menu won’t be too challenging, and you are not left with a lot of leftovers. It is a win-win situation for everyone.

Diaper Party Games

Diaper party games are a fun way to get everyone laughing and loosening up. Here are some diaper party games you can play to keep your guests engaged and entertained.

  1. Diaper Raffle: You can organize a raffle contest. The guest who brings more diapers gets more raffle tickets. You can draw names and announce a winner.
  2. Beer Bottle: Another popular game to play at diaper parties is asking the guests to drink beer from a baby bottle. See who chugs the fastest and give them a prize!
  3. Positive Notes: You can hand over diapers to each of the guests and ask them to write something for the new parents. You can choose to open and read them before the guests or after they have left.
  4. Story Time: This is another fun diaper party game. You can ask your guests to sit in a semi-circle, and each one takes turns to relate some incident in their journey of parenthood. The stories could be hilarious or at once emotional, but you will learn a good thing or two out of these stories.

Image: Shutterstock

In some cases, you might want to keep the diaper party quiet and just want a get-together of close ones where you have a heart-to-heart over a mug of beer.

Do remember

After the baby is born, both parents become busy caring for the baby. So a diaper party before delivery is the perfect time for the parents-to-be to loosen up a bit before the big day.

Do You Wrap Diapers For A Diaper Party?

As everyone is expected to bring only diapers to a diaper party, there is no need for you to waste paper and time. However, if you are a craft lover and love to show your skills to your friends, you can customize a gift wrapper for the diapers.

What Diaper Size To Get For A Diaper Party?

Image: iStock

The best part of a diaper party is that parents or the host can request any size of diapers they might need. You may specify the size of diapers when you invite your guests.

Though your baby will need more diapers in the first few months, remember that they will be using diapers for some months in the future. Plan your diaper needs accordingly and ask your guests to get 2, 3, 4, and 5 sizes. This way, you will be stocked up for the future.

1. Does mom go to the diaper party?

Diaper parties are generally baby showers for the dad-to-be. But if the couple wants, the moms can also be involved in the party. Hence there isn’t any hard-and-fast rule, and the mom’s involvement depends on the couple’s preference and interest.

2. What is a diaper sprinkle party?

A diaper sprinkle party is a diaper party for a couple who’s welcoming their second child.

Becoming a father is a special event. Hence, celebrate the beginning of this new journey in style by throwing a fun and exciting diaper party. Choose a party theme that is apt for the age group of the guests. Arrange the decorations, invitations, cake, and delicious food according to the theme for a seamless party experience. Have a get-together with friends and family and make the event enjoyable with interesting games and activities. Click pictures, make videos, and live every bit of the event with your loved ones to make the event memorable and joyous for everyone.

Key Pointers

  • Diaper party is the male version of baby shower, to usher in the fatherhood.
  • Hosting for the party involves planning for decorations, invitations, food, and games for the guests.
  • Interestingly, the guests are only allowed to gift diapers to the parents-to-be!

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  • Author

articles of the Oxford Medical Dnepr Medical Center

Here are a few simple rules that every man should know:

1. First you need to remember that the glans penis must be thoroughly washed under running water after each urination. If this is not possible, remove residual urine with sanitary napkins. Thanks to this, you will avoid the formation of inflammatory processes and an unpleasant odor.

2. Boys’ and men’s underwear must be exclusively made of natural fabrics. It is not recommended to wear too loose or tight swimming trunks. The best option is cotton “boxers”. nine0005

3. It is very important to know how to properly wash your penis. Wash your hands thoroughly before starting this procedure. You should not dry your hands with a towel, as a lot of bacteria “live” on it. The penis should be washed with warm running water using soap with a neutral PH that does not contain fragrances. First, you need to wash the groin area and penis, then wash the head, pushing the foreskin.

4. It is strictly not recommended for men to take a hot bath. This is due to the fact that for the normal formation of spermatozoa, the temperature of the testicles must be lower than the body temperature by an average of 3-4 degrees. If you do not follow this rule, there may be problems regarding the ability of a man to fertilize. nine0005

5. With a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to periodically do gymnastics or just walk more. This will help improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and avoid congestion.

6. After defecation, be sure to wash with water at room temperature. The remnants of feces that remain after using toilet paper can provoke inflammation, which should not be allowed.

7. It is also recommended to shave the hair in the groin area or remove it in any other way. This will reduce the chance of bacterial growth and protect against bad odors. nine0005

8. Before and after sexual intercourse, you should take a shower, wash your penis and perineum. This procedure should not be ignored, otherwise, after a while, inflammation may form around the urethra.

9. After the age of 25, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination by a urologist once a year. As a rule, the representatives of the stronger sex try to consult doctors as rarely as possible, and even more so on sexual issues. However, you need to know that a preventive visit to the doctor only once a year will help to identify in the early stages and avoid the development of such serious diseases as sexual infections, prostatitis or prostate adenoma. nine0005

10. If you begin to notice that something is going wrong, for example, ejaculation occurs prematurely, erection becomes problematic, discomfort or pain in the groin area occurs, discharge or rashes appear – immediately consult a doctor. February 23, 2021 |

While a male teacher can be found quite often in schools, it is rare in kindergartens. These are young people who are not yet 30 years old. The Department of Education of Tyumen notes that all three are professionals.

“There are currently three male teachers working in municipal kindergartens in Tyumen. They have a pedagogical education that meets professional standards. Age of men – from 25 to 29years old. Experience – from 2 to 8 years, ”the department specified.

There are more than 2. 5 thousand female teachers in Tyumen kindergartens. Why are there so few men? Psychologist Natalya Sharapova names two reasons – social stereotypes and a salary that can be considered not good enough for men.

“I believe that men can raise children. They are less anxious and more prone to bold decisions, experiments, and children like it. A male teacher is a big plus. If a man responds to this profession, then this is his calling. Therefore, there should be queues in a group for those three educators in Tyumen, ”Sharapova says and continues. – We need to pay more attention to preschool education, improve material support, so that men go into this profession. And work with stereotypes that this is a non-male profession. I am proud that there are men in Tyumen who, despite patterns and stereotypes, have chosen this profession.” nine0005

Sharapova added that not every man will become an educator, even if there is a good salary and there is no public condemnation, because this work requires great emotional strength. But those who like it, who are interested, could come to preschool education.

A couple of years ago we wrote about Vladimir Vladimirovich, a teacher from the 85th kindergarten. He is great with kids and they love him. In an interview with 72.RU, Vladimir Nesterov said that at first it was difficult for him, but he quickly learned to organize his pupils. nine0005

“I don’t talk with children, it’s not my choice. Of course, with small children it is impossible without diminutives, but with older ones I use approval and praise more, ”the male educator shared his professional secret.

Parents sometimes express concerns about male teachers, but kindergarten leaders work with them. There has not yet been a single case of a man being fired because of the requests of his parents in Tyumen kindergartens. At least that’s what the department of education said. By the way, the assistant educator takes the children to the toilet, and this in Tyumen is exclusively women.

Flirting baby: Yahooist Teil der Yahoo Markenfamilie

Опубликовано: March 18, 2023 в 5:07 pm


Категории: Baby

6 Ways Your Baby Says, “I Love You” (Before She Can Speak)

Photo by Jamie Grill Atlas / Stocksy United

By Cheryl Flanders

When your toddler squeaks out his first semi-clear “I love you,” (or “wub you, Mama”) it’s a warm, fuzzy, glowing moment like no other. But well before that first verbal “I love you,” babies offer plenty of evidence that what they’re feeling for you is indeed love, love, love. Here are six sweet indicators that you’ve won your baby’s heart completely:

1. Soulful Stares

Meaningful looks are a good indication your baby is connecting emotionally with you. Infants love to gaze into faces, and she already knows your voice from her time in utero. Once she matches your face to your voice, she’ll only have eyes for you. 

2. Flirtations

Have you seen your baby’s eyes light up when he catches a glimpse of you? Or have you seen him coyly look away and then shoot a smile your way again? There’s more to exchanges like this than you think—your baby is flirting with you, trying to keep your attention because he’s attached to you. Flirt back to show him the feeling is mutual. Exaggerated face-to-face interactions are a special part of the love bond between you and your child.

3. Magical Smiles

Baby grins are endearing, for sure—but that special smile your baby saves for you is truly amazing. Why? It’s inspired by her love for you. When she looks around at unfamiliar faces and then spots you…that’s when magic happens. She has associated your face with feeling cared for, comfortable, and loved, and she loves you for it in return.

4. Coos

If you’ve heard one of these musical murmurs, that means you’re pretty special in your baby’s book! His earliest communication isn’t handed out to just anyone—at first, he will only coo and interact with those he trusts the most. Go ahead and babble right back! Not only will he feel encouraged and loved from your efforts, all those sounds will eventually help build the language skills he needs to say his first “I love you.”

5. Separation Anxiety

Does your baby cry when you leave the room and smile brightly when you return? That’s her way of letting you know she wants you around more than anyone else. Sure, those baby cries can be painfully shrill, but it’s a normal stage of attachment—and it does pass eventually. But until then, take heart knowing that you’re her number-one, all-time favorite person!

6. Smooches

His scrunched-up nose and pushed out lips are likely to plant a wet, sloppy smooch on whatever part of your face is closest to him, but it’s guaranteed to make your heart melt! Those first kisses mean he’s been paying attention to how you show affection and wants to return the gesture. The action may be difficult for him at first, but his effort shows the depth of his love for you.

As you and your baby continue getting to know each other, your attachment will grow as well. Remember that you’re at the beginning of the love story of a lifetime—enjoy!

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How 3-6 Month Olds Flirt Their Way to Building Relationships

3 minutes

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  • Baby’s Development

Don’t you love it when your baby gives you a big goofy smile every time he sees you? Or squeals and coos whenever you snuggle together? Or calms himself by hugging his favorite binky when he’s upset? Of course, you do! You’ll be amazed at all of the life and interpersonal skills your baby will build as his social emotional development advances between 3-6 months. Social emotional development refers to your baby’s ability to experience, express, and manage his emotions and behaviors, and his ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with others.

How 3-6-Month-Olds Flirt Their Way to Building Relationships

Learning how to develop meaningful and positive relationships is a fundamental social emotional skill your baby will need to develop to succeed in life. Why? Because building relationships is what allows him to make friends, offer help to those in need, and cooperate with peers at school and at work in the future.

“But how can my baby begin to build relationships when he’s only 3-6 months old?!” you may ask. Simple – by flirting!

At 3-6 months old, don’t be surprised if you see him gazing at everyone around him, trying to attract their attention with his big drooly grin and the twinkle in his eyes.1 He’ll find ways to reach out and entice you and others to play, even though he may be stuck in his infant seat. He’ll relish in having face time with you, staring sweetly into your eyes as he chats you up with his babbles and squeals. He’ll also become more interested in watching other children play and may respond by waving his hand, making noises, or reaching out to touch their face, hair or hands if approached by another child.1

How to Support Your Baby’s Social Emotional Development

As your baby matures into an active infant, he is learning how to communicate in different ways so that he can connect with people in meaningful ways.2 You can help him develop strong relationship building skills by reciprocating his playful coos and gestures, having positive daily conversations with him,1 and taking him to playdates or the park so that he can observe and interact with other children.3 And don’t forget that you are one of your baby’s biggest role models! Be sure to show him how to create and maintain positive relationships by being friendly with him and others, and treating everyone with respect and consideration.



1 Maryland State Department of Education (2010). Healthy Beginnings: Supporting Development and Learning from Birth through Three Years of Age.

2 Florida Partnership for School Readiness (2004). Florida Birth to Three Learning and Developmental Standards.

3 Washington State Department of Early Learning (2012). Washington State Early Learning and Development Guidelines: Birth through 3rd Grade.

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How to understand that they are flirting with us?

“Flirting can be confusing, and we don’t always read the signals our counterpart sends correctly,” said Teresa Didonato, a social psychologist and professor at the University of Maryland. – Often a person is afraid of being rejected and therefore flirts with us not directly, but indirectly: he tries to be very attentive, tells something funny, jokes. And leaves us with the question – what did our interlocutor mean?

A study done at the University of Kansas shows how well we actually recognize when someone is trying to flirt with us. Psychologists observed how strangers communicated with each other for 20 minutes. After that, the subjects shared their first impressions. And what did it turn out? nine0003

1. Physical attraction. The more we are attracted to a person of the opposite sex, the more willingly we begin to flirt already at the first meeting. However, as a rule, we keep a sober view of things. In other words, even if we like someone very much, we do not see in his politeness a hidden hint that he is interested in us.

2. Men and women make mistakes equally. The vast majority of people do not realize that they are being flirted with. So, only 18% of women guessed that men showed them special signs of attention. Representatives of the stronger sex showed a slightly better result – 36% were able to determine that women wanted to please them. In most cases, flirting was simply not recognized. nine0003

3. People are better at not flirting. The fact that they communicate only friendly, without any sexual overtones, was noted by 83% of women. And this is quite consistent with the intentions of the interlocutors. Almost the same – 84% – the result was shown by men. In other words, both sexes very soberly assessed the friendly disposition towards them, without trying to pass it off as a manifestation of special interest. However, they showed complete naivety in a situation where they really tried to flirt with them. nine0003

“It’s good that we share a friendly disposition and romantic interest even when we like the person. However, due to the inability to recognize romantic signals addressed to us, we run the risk of missing a potential loved one and passing by our love, ”says Teresa Didonato.

1. Observe the movements of the body. In a certain context, smiles, long glances, leaning towards your body or head, as if accidentally touching your hand, can indicate a special interest in you. nine0003

2. Pay attention to what the other person says. Still, we trust words more and with their help we better recognize the desire to please. So if you want your signals to be read correctly, compliment them.

3. Choose a meeting point. If you’re in the mood to flirt, go to places where you can casually chat with strangers: clubs, bars, parties. If it is also an interest club, the “ice” will melt even faster. nine0003

“Unconscious attraction acts to any nearest object, even regardless of gender and age,” says Jungian analyst Lev Khegai. “But at the same time, there is also suppression due to socio-cultural prohibitions. So even the thought of flirting may not arise. However, if the situation permits, then the suppression is less and thoughts reach consciousness.

I adopted a child

These girls are happily married, have a child and not even one, are building a career, go to fitness. In short, they lead a very ordinary life. And yet there is one difference – they all raise adopted children.

Website editor



These girls are happily married, have a baby and not even one, are building a career, go to fitness, flirt with colleagues via ICQ, are going to learn another foreign language and try a new diet from Monday… In a word, they lead a very ordinary life. And yet there is one difference – they all raise adopted children.

– Nifigase! says a friend I haven’t seen in a couple of years. – You? Why?! I thought only aunts under forty, tired of being treated for infertility, do this… Or lonely horror stories like Katya Pushkareva! Wow!

Then I take out a photo of my children from my wallet, and he, like everyone else, confuses Sanya with Andryushka, because such an irony of fate: the adopted Andryushka looks more like me than the “home-made” Sanyok born under the heart.

“You’re a heroine,” he says confidently. “That’s so… noble.” I’m proud of you! – Then a stingy male tear dims his eyes, and he repeats: – You are a hero!

But I’m not a hero, that’s for sure. Heroes don’t slap their kids on the butt. And they don’t scare them with a bang for pouring damn plum juice over the entire salon. They don’t force them to sit quietly while their mother writes an article, they don’t dream that on weekends children will be attacked by tetanus at least until nine in the morning. And the heroes would definitely take the children to the park more often than once every two weeks, and not hurriedly walk around the house with them in the evenings, justifying themselves with work and a new movie on DVD. In general, I’m not a hero. Just like Alya, Zhenya, Yulka and our other acquaintances who have “thematic” children. I consider myself the most ordinary mother. It’s just that one child appeared to me differently from the other. So what?


Some time after the birth of my first child, I went to the maternity hospital to get acquainted with a good neonatologist, who was recommended to me by the head physician. I caught him signing some documents. Seeing me, the doctor shook a stack of sheets in the air: “So many refusals this week…” In films, there is such a trick when you want to convey the shock state of a character: the camera abruptly “runs into” his face, and the viewer feels that in the soul of a person shock happened. This shock for me was the existence of abandoned children.

Then, after the birth of my second child, I was lucky to meet mothers like me: they sincerely believed that their maternal instinct, multiplied by enthusiasm, could bring real benefits to babies left without parents. On the forum of the site, we began to meet and plan our volunteer activities: collect things, toys and diapers, come to visit children. Today, we have already turned into a real public organization, which everyone knows as “Sibmama”.

Of course, at first everyone is afraid to take that first step and end up in an orphanage. I, too, when we were transporting the first batch of sliders bought with the money collected by the “sibmums”, repeated to myself like a spell: if only no one met, if only no one met. I saw typical pictures like this: children stick around you, look with wistful eyes, call you mom, and as one ask to take them home… Nothing like that! Ordinary kids run around, just like in kindergarten, they don’t care about you, they play, have fun, laugh. We began to try to come there more often to play with children, read books to them, take them to the zoo or cafe – and just tell them once again how wonderful they are! And I noticed my Diana for the first time in a photograph. Once, with my mother, we were looking at the pictures taken during the next visit, and my mother suddenly sighed: “What a beautiful girl … Maybe you will find out about her?” I looked and… I realized that I had disappeared, – my daughter was looking at me from the photograph, who for some reason, suddenly, through the stupidity and absurdity of fate, was separated from me. I started to correct this absurdity.

My husband and I passed the health commission. I must say, it’s okay, it’s not harder than the one that passes when obtaining a driver’s license. They showed the representatives of the guardianship authorities their apartment. We had some doubts about how our “not quite white” salary would be perceived, but everything worked out too: we convinced guardianship that our joint income with my husband would allow us to support one more child.

Contrary to fears, my husband and I did not encounter any red tape or obstacles. On the contrary: as soon as the employees of the institutions that we needed to visit heard why we were collecting documents, they immediately found the opportunity to do everything as quickly as possible. And they even gave a lot of useful advice: how to reduce the time for preparing all the paperwork. We really wanted to take Diana before the New Year – to arrange a holiday for ourselves and her. But, alas, it didn’t work out. It turned out later, and still it was a real holiday.

I bought new clothes, arrived at the orphanage, and a “support group” was already waiting for me there – girls who worried about us, helped, followed the events. We dressed up Diana, went to say goodbye to her group, drank symbolic glasses of juice with the leaders of the orphanage and went home. I remember when we got into the car and Diana snuggled up to me, I felt like the happiest mother in the world. On that day, it really was like another child was born to me. Absolutely similar sensations to those in the maternity hospital!

YULIA YAKOVLEVA, bibliographer

On the same New Year’s Eve, when Alya was picking up her Diana, eight-year-old Yulin Anton asked Father Frost for a little sister.

“My dad and I laughed: they say, Santa Claus, of course, will think, but do not hope that this will happen too soon. We have been thinking about the second child for a long time. But after eight years after the first birth, it is difficult to decide to change your life again. For those mothers who take shorter breaks between children, it is probably easier in this sense. In general, I kept procrastinating, kept finding reasons for myself why this should not happen now.

Once I took part in a matinee for children from an orphanage. For a long time I doubted whether to go. After all, there must be so much grief, such unfortunate children must be… No, I can’t stand it. Someone else, but me, sentimental, sensitive, who even switches the TV when they show stories on similar topics, I definitely can’t help but burst into tears on the threshold. And then what’s the use of me? What performance? All this was almost immediately forgotten, as soon as I got there. How many pretty girls and boys are there, smiling, affectionate, almost homely. The sharp far-fetched pity passes, the desire to do something good for them remains, to come to them, squeeze, take them for walks.

Naturally, in the evenings, I would tell my husband what interesting things had happened there during the day. To be honest, I never even thought of offering him to adopt a child. Firstly, we have not yet decided on the second one, and we don’t have any special conditions – we move every now and then. And I also knew that my husband would never and never allow me to even hope for it. A rational man, sometimes even tough, he once simply stunned me: “Maybe we’ll take someone? Who do you like?” And immediately memory threw up Mariska – the very first girl I met there: completely bald, in a red dress with polka dots. Why she? I do not know. But I invited my husband to look at her in the photographs, and he immediately liked Marisha. Then I realized that all this is really happening, we are really taking the girl from the orphanage and gaining our daughter… Those were days of incredible happiness. Another pleasant feeling was mixed with the joy of Marisha’s appearance: once again I was convinced how wonderful my husband is and how close we are. The next time we went to the orphanage together, and we also took Anton with us to meet our little sister. Recently, by the way, Anton said: “Mom, we have chosen the most beautiful girl!” She is truly a beauty with us, blooms more and more every day, even curls have appeared.

The biggest discovery for me was the attitude of those around me. My child evokes so much friendliness, tenderness, warmth in them! Half of the acquaintances immediately admitted that they were also thinking about adoption. Marisha is a real “direct mail” for them: you can see up close what wonderful children are waiting for their mothers and fathers in the orphanage.

A little afraid of idle curiosity and astonished questions “why do you need this?”. There are questions, of course. But basically this property: oh, what, you didn’t succeed on your own? At this, I laugh that we will also give birth to our own, and maybe not one. They also ask about health, because there is such a myth that in orphanages all children are completely sick and mentally retarded. To which I say: Mariska is absolutely no different from children who are born in families. We don’t ask meticulously in the family room: so, what is sick? We just take it in our hands and go through life together.

EVGENIA SOLOVIEVA, President of the public organization

“When my child was born, I walked around Paris as a carefree tourist and looked into other people’s strollers. When he was alone in the hospital, I splashed in the Mediterranean Sea, promising to bring my third baby to him next year.

I knew that I would have a boy, and yet I was wrong. Thinking about our child, we had in mind the belly-maker who was in me at that time, and did not guess about the already born baby, for whom all these months were excruciatingly difficult.

We didn’t feel anything. We were happily expecting our third baby… The euphoria ended at the next ultrasound. The doctors whispered for a long time, then pronounced a verdict: “The fetus died, the pregnancy died.” What happened next, I can’t remember, I was like under water – no feelings, no pain, no emotions … ”

This is how my story about Matyusha begins on the website of the Day of the Stork organization of adoptive parents, which I now lead. Those who have experienced this represent the extent of my despair. It was the confidence that our child still exists somewhere that helped me, my husband and our older children to defeat him, we just need to find him!

Matyusha was found in one of the orphanages. Most of all, I was afraid of the choice: how can you see someone and not take them? Everything was decided by the confidence of the head physician: “There is just one for you.” This is where the search ended. It’s like giving birth: in the maternity hospital, you also take the one they put on your stomach, and you don’t ask to see your neighbor.

Several years have passed since Matvey appeared in our family. This is a terrific baby: gentle, beautiful, interesting. This is such happiness – our third!

To be honest, we thought about having three children. But the topic of “children without parents” captured me so much that my small travel company was sold and a public organization of adoptive parents was opened in a former business office.

It began as a meeting place for those who have adopted and who can help others to do so. But the effect did not slow down: by the end of the year, it became clear that twice as many Novosibirsk residents had adopted and taken care of children.

It can be said that thanks to this work of mine, one-year-old Tosha appeared in the family. How did we meet? I was at a photo shoot in the orphanage, somehow in a special way my heart skipped a beat at the smiling little blackie. But work is work, I began to actively look for the parents of the “cupcake”. And the parents were found – a young pretty family with a blood baby. However, as often happens, when the adoptive parents came to the orphanage for him, literally on the way to the group they met a girl who became their daughter.

And Tokha… In general, the second time the documents were collected easier, everything went without drama and nerves, and a month later we had four children, and those parents with the girl became our friends.

Of course, we all shrug our shoulders in bewilderment when we talk about the fashion for adopted children. What can be said here? What fashion? How can you put superficial, momentary, ostentatious things and a child side by side? A kid whose fate crossed with yours once and for all. Not to play, not to shine in society, not to feel like a fashionable mother, but to educate, love, heal, console, teach, help to cope with troubles. In general, live. It seems to me that in this sense we can talk about a good trend: society is beginning to take an interest in those who have been hidden behind the walls of social institutions. Society begins to understand: only then can it be considered healthy and normal when every baby grows up in a family. After all, he has a right to it, right?

USEFUL ADDRESSES – the site hosts a popular conference about foster children. – the site of the Novosibirsk city public organization “The Day of the Stork”.

Daycare for 5 month old baby: Infant’s Sample Schedule | KinderCare

Опубликовано: March 17, 2023 в 2:28 pm


Категории: Baby

Is There a Best Age to Start Daycare?

  • The age at which your child starts daycare often depends on your employment, the length of your maternity leave, and whether you have relatives or a paid caregiver who can help you with childcare at home. 
  • Many daycare centers care for babies from the age of six weeks, but it’s the quality of the daycare that matters most. 
  • If you can wait until your child is a toddler, there are some signs to look for to help you decide if your child is ready for a daycare or preschool setting

For some families, daycare is a lifesaver, letting parents get back to work secure in the knowledge that their infants are taken care of and safe. For others, letting go of their babies every morning is difficult and fills them with anxiety as they return to their jobs. 

For still other families, daycare represents an educational opportunity for their toddlers to learn, grow, and socialize to get ready for school. At the same time, it gives the caregiver at home time to work, take care of other kids, or simply take a break. 

Whatever your situation and reasons for choosing daycare, the first time you leave your child at a young age can be tough. You are likely to be filled with worries and questions about whether you made the right decision about your childcare. 

That’s okay, and it’s something most parents go through. Remember that the best age to start daycare will be different for every child and every family.

Daycare Age: When to Send Your Child to Daycare

The age at which your child starts daycare may not be entirely your personal choice. Finding care for your child outside the home will depend on your employer’s policies and the length of your parental leave. 

Your decision to start daycare will also depend on whether any family members can help you and whether hiring a paid caregiver is an option for you. Quality daycare is often the most cost-effective and convenient childcare option for many working parents.   

Is my baby too young for daycare? 

Opinions on the optimal age for starting daycare vary. Some experts suggest children should not go to daycare until they are twelve months old. Others say that infants up to seven months of age find the transition to daycare easier than older infants. Still others say you should keep your children at home as long as possible. 

However, many daycare centers take babies from a minimum age of six weeks, when most maternity leaves end in the US. If you are worried about sending your young baby to daycare, remember that sending children younger than a year old to daycare is not unusual. 

In 2019, the National Center for Education Statistics reported some helpful findings that show that many families are in the same boat regarding infant and early childhood daycare. They found that:

  • 42% of children under the age of one received some kind of weekly nonparental care.
  • Of those children, 32% were in daycare settings.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that the type of childcare of your child receives is less important than the quality. What matters more than your child’s age is that you feel confident about the childcare center and comfortable that the staff is caring, qualified, and knowledgeable. 

Is it ever too late to start daycare?

Older children may find the transition to the structured environment of daycare more difficult than young babies. This is because they have greater emotional maturity and understand more about what is happening. As a result, it may take a two-year-old more time to adjust to long periods away from a parent than, for example, a four-month-old.  

However, if you have cared for your child at home yourself, with the help of relatives, or with a nanny, you may still want to consider some kind of daycare setting for your young child before they start school at the age of five. 

If you’re weighing the pros and cons of daycare, you should know that daycare has many benefits for children who are approaching school age. Structured childcare or preschool allows toddlers to socialize with other children, learn to trust teachers, and practice skills like cooperation, sharing, and collaboration. 

Being in a group setting is a great way to expand and encourage language skills, creative play, and friendship for toddlers. In addition, time spent away from parents and understanding that they come back is part of a child’s emotional development.  

Signs That Your Child Is Ready for Daycare

Kids will start daycare at different ages. However, if you have some flexibility in deciding when to send your child to daycare, there are some signs to look for that may let you know that they’re ready: 

Sign  What It Means
They understand instructions. Your child will be ready to follow rules and fall into the routines easily at daycare. 
They show independence. Your child will be able to separate from you at drop off and move between activities.  
They are curious about other children. Your child is ready to interact, communicate, practice social skills, and start learning about friendship with other kids. 
They are potty trained, or close to it. Some daycares assist with potty training. Check the daycare policy and make sure your child is prepared in advance. 
They are communicative. Your child will be able to express themselves and their needs to the staff and other kids.  

If your toddler is showing some of these signs, they may be ready for daycare. You also know your child’s personality best, so you’ll have an instinct about whether it’s time for them to go into childcare with other kids. 

Signs That Your Child Is Not Yet Ready for Daycare

A daycare is often full of light, sound, and color. They tend to be noisy and joyful environments full of social interaction with lots going on all the time. They will be filled with toys, activities, food, and other stimulating elements.  

Not all toddlers will be ready to dive into the daycare environment if they have only ever experienced a single caregiver. They will be separating from you while at the same time, navigating new relationships, rules, and activities. Understandably, daycare can be overwhelming for some young children.

If you’re not sure whether it’s time to put your child in daycare, there are some signs to consider to help you decide:  

Sign What It Means 
Your child still needs naps.

  • While full day daycare programs will build in nap times, they will do so according to age group and on schedule.

  • If your child has not dropped to one nap a day yet, they may find a day at daycare challenging.
Your child has a condition that you’re concerned about.

  • Children with developmental delays, suppressed immune systems, and sensory sensitivity may just need more time before they are ready to enter a daycare environment.

  • You may need more time as a parent to find a daycare with the right environment for your child’s needs.
Your child is anxious and finds separation very difficult.

  • If you have a clingy toddler, they may need more time practicing being away from you in the care of relatives or a nanny to adjust to separation.
Your child has been attending daycare but does not seem to be adjusting to it.

  • If after a few weeks your toddler is still having difficulty separating, is having an increase in tantrums, or generally doesn’t seem happy, it’s important to have an open dialogue with the staff about how your child is adjusting and if they’re ready to be there.   

For children who find large groups of kids stressful or need more one-on-one attention, check for a low staff to child ratio when looking at childcare centers. Also, consider daycares or preschools that offer half days if a full day away from home is too overwhelming for your child at first.  

Tips on Preparing Your Child for Daycare

There are some practical and easy things that a parent can do to prepare an infant or toddler to begin daycare.

For breastfeeding infants

If you are putting a breastfeeding infant into daycare, you can continue giving them breastmilk.  

Open communication with the daycare staff about breastmilk storage, bottles, and the timing of feeds for babies before starting daycare is essential. If you work close by, discuss options for coming in to breastfeed during the day if that is important to you. 

About a month before starting daycare, think about your system for pumping, freezing, and storing breastmilk. Also make sure your baby will take a bottle.    

Talk with your child 

Talk about daycare and explain how it works in simple words. Even a young child can understand the concept. Reading picture books about daycare may help. 

Visit with your child 

Take your child to the daycare center for a visit before they have their first day. Introduce them to the staff. Show them that you like and trust the adults in charge. Let them explore the center so the new environment is familiar before they begin. 

Have other caregivers stay with them at home 

To help your infant or toddler understand the concept of people other than you as their caregivers, arrange some sessions with babysitters at home.  

Show your child that they can be left safely with another trusted adult and that you will always return. 

For potty training children 

Make sure you know the daycare’s policies on potty training well in advance. If the daycare staff are going to assist with potty training, make sure your child has a daycare bag packed with extra clothes in case of accidents. 

If your child has to be potty trained before starting a preschool program, make sure you have begun the process well in advance.

Does child care make a difference to children’s development?

By Lauren Lowry, Hanen SLP and clinical writer


Over 70% of children in Canada are in some kind of child care arrangement and this number is similar in other countries. Usually, children are placed in child care because both parents are working. However, sometimes, parents are advised by a professional to enroll their child in child care because this environment will promote their child’s development.

Parents have many questions about child care and we thought it would be helpful to identify some common assumptions about the effects of child care and report on what the research actually shows. The first few assumptions relate to typically-developing children, and the final three assumptions relate to children with special needs.

Assumptions about typically-developing children and child care

Children who attend child care have better outcomes than children who are cared for at home by their mothers


A study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in the US looked at the influence of both child care and the home environment on over 1,000 typically-developing children [1]. They found that:

  • “children who were cared for exclusively by their mothers did not develop differently than those who were also cared for by others” [1, p.1]

They also found that

  • “parent and family characteristics were more strongly linked to child development than were child care features” [1, p.1].

This means that families have a greater impact on how a child develops than child care does.

Two family features that had a significant influence on children’s development were the quality of:

  • mother-child interactions – children’s outcomes were better when mothers were responsive, sensitive, attentive, and provided good stimulation during interactions.
  • the family environment – families which had organized routines, books and play materials, and engaged in stimulating experiences both in and out of the home (outings, library trips, etc.) had children with better social and cognitive outcomes.

The take home message…

Children who attend child care have the same outcomes as children who are cared for at home.

Children who attend child care have the same outcomes as children who are cared for at home. Whether a child attends daycare or not, it is the family that has a major impact on their child’s development, with the parents’ interactions with the child being a critically important factor.

Child care centres are better for children’s development than home-based child care settings


The NICHD study [1] compared children who attended child care centres with children who attended home-based care (e.g. a home-based daycare, or care within the child’s home by someone other than the child’s parents). They found that centre-based child care was linked to:

  • somewhat better cognitive and language development
  • better pre-academic skills involving letters and numbers
  • fewer behaviour problems at ages 2 and 3
  • more behaviour problems at age 4 ½ (such as disobedience and aggression)

Therefore, there appear to be pros and cons to both centre-based and home-based child care settings.

It doesn’t matter which child care a child goes to since most are of high quality


The majority of child care settings provide children with a warm, supportive environment that protects children’s health and safety [2]. However, only a small percentage of children in child care receive caregiving which promotes and stimulates development.

Studies have shown that:

  • “most child care settings in the United States provide care that is “fair” (between “poor” and “good”)” [1, p.11).
  • only about a third of child care centres and a third of family home daycares in Canada encourage children’s social, language and cognitive development [2].
  • there is some evidence that child care centres that are inclusive (that welcome and accommodate children with special needs) tend to be of higher quality than noninclusive programs [3].

What contributes to high quality child care? The NICHD [1] found that high quality care was related to the amount of “positive caregiving” provided, which means that caregivers or teachers:

  • show a positive attitude
  • have positive physical contact with the children
  • respond frequently to the children’s vocalizations
  • ask questions
  • encourage the children
  • sing songs and read books
  • encourage and advance the children’s behaviour
  • discourage negative interactions

The language used by the caregiver was the most important factor that predicted children’s cognitive and language outcomes.

Of all of these factors, the language used by the caregiver (e.g. making interested comments in response to what children say, asking questions, responding to vocalizations) is the most important factor that predicted children’s cognitive and language outcomes .

The take home message…

Parents cannot assume that all child care centres are of high quality, and should look for the “positive caregiving” qualities above when choosing a child care. The NICHD provides a “Positive Caregiving Checklist” to guide parents in selecting high quality child care. The checklist is available on their website at (see page 36).

Regulated/licensed child care centres provide better quality child care than centres or home daycares that do not meet such standards


In many regions, there are minimum standards outlined by the government known as “regulable features” [1]. These features include factors like the adult-to-child ratio, group size, and the child care provider’s training. In Canada, child care centres or family child care settings that have met these minimum requirements are known as “regulated” [4].

The NICHD study [1] found that:

  • children in child care centres that met more standards (such as adult-to-child ratio, caregiver’s education level, and class size) tended have better outcomes than children in centres that met fewer standards.

The NICHD also found a connection between these features that were regulated and the extent of positive caregiving provided at a centre:

  • “the more standards a child care setting meets, the more positive the caregiving. The more positive the caregiving, the higher the quality of care and the better the children’s outcomes” [1, p.12].

Therefore, regulated child care centres tend to provide more positive caregiving, which means that the children benefit more from this type of high quality care.

Children who attend high quality child care have better outcomes than children who attend lower quality child care


We know that a child’s family and home environment influences his development more than child care does. However, the reality is that many children attend child care. The NICHD [1] compared the outcomes of children in high quality child care with children in lower quality care. They found that the children in higher quality child care centres demonstrated [1]:

  • better cognitive, language, and social development
  • better school readiness (e.g. reading, writing, number skills)

Therefore, when choosing a child care centre, quality does make a difference.

Assumptions about children with special needs and child care

Children with special needs have better outcomes when they are enrolled in child care


Booth and Kelly, two authors from the above NICHD study, followed 156 young children with or at risk for developmental disabilities, to determine if child care made a difference to their development [5].

When they compared children with developmental disabilities who attended daycare and children who were cared for at home by their mothers, they found that:

  • children who attended child care did not do any better than children who did not

Furthermore, when Booth and Kelly looked at the children with special needs who attended child care, they found that the quality of the caregiving at home affected the outcomes of these children [5].

Therefore, spending time in child care is not necessarily beneficial (or harmful) for the development of children with special needs [5]. Whether a child with special needs attends child care or not, the interactions that happen at home have a great impact on the child’s development.

Children with special needs should be enrolled in child care from a very young age to benefit their development


Booth and Kelly found that:

  • children who were a little older when they started daycare (over 12 months of age) were better able to control and manage their own behaviour than children who started during the first year of life.

Booth and Kelly were of the opinion that, when children begin daycare when they are a little older, it gives them more time at home with their parents, which allows them to benefit from consistent caregiving and routines. This seems to help them develop behaviour regulation skills.

Therefore, starting daycare early, especially in the first year of life, may not be ideal for children with special needs.

Children with special needs benefit from increased hours in child care


Parents of children with special needs sometimes wonder if they should increase the number of hours their child spends in child care in order to boost their child’s development. However, Booth and Kelly [5] found that:

  • the amount of time spent in child care did not influence the outcomes of children with developmental disabilities

Therefore, more hours in daycare doesn’t result in better outcomes for children with special needs.

Putting it all together

What matters most?

What is most important to a child’s development is the kind of interactions he has with his parents.

Regardless of whether children attend child care, what happens at home matters most in terms of their development. What is most important to a child’s development is the kind of interactions he has with his parents. Frequent back-and-forth interactions within everyday activities, during which parents listen to their child, respond warmly and with interest to what he communicates and provide information that he can learn from are what count. In fact, these kinds of parent-child interactions predict a child’s development – far more than child care factors do.

No differences between outcomes of children cared for in child care and at home

Contrary to what many people think, children who attend child care have similar outcomes to children who are cared for at home by their mothers. This is true for typically-developing children and children with special needs.

How to choose a child care centre

When choosing a child care, families should:

  • not assume that all child care centres are of high quality
  • look for evidence of positive caregiving, especially the language used by the caregiver, as this is linked to high quality care and positive outcomes
  • find out if a child care is licensed or regulated, as these centres tend to provide higher quality care
  • consider the pros and cons when choosing a child care centre versus a home-based setting

If your child has special needs

Families who have a child with special needs should remember that:

  • starting child care after 12 months of age may give the child more time at home to learn to manage his own behaviour
  • increasing a child’s daycare hours has not been shown to improve his development


  1. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, DHHS. (2006). The NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD). Findings for Chidlren up to Age 4 ½ Years (05-4318). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  2. Doherty, G., Lero, D., Goelman, H., LaGrange, A., & Tougas, J. (2000). You bet I care! A Canada-wide study on wages, working conditions, and practices in child care centres. Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being, University of Guelph, Ontario.
  3. Buysse, V., Wesley, P. W., Bryant, D., & Gardner, D. (1999). Quality of early childhood programs in inclusive and noninclusive settings. Exceptional Children, 65(3), 301‐314.
  4. Parliament of Canada website:
  5. Booth, C.L. & Kelly, J.F. (2002). Child care effects on the development of toddlers with special needs. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 17, 171-196.

The Hanen Centre is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization with a global reach. Its mission is to provide parents, caregivers, early childhood educators and speech-language pathologists with the knowledge and training they need to help young children develop the best possible language, social and literacy skills. This includes children who have or are at risk for language delays, those with developmental challenges such as autism, and those who are developing typically.

Click on the links below to learn more about how Hanen can help you help children communicate:

What a child should be able to do at 5 months: skills and development of a five-month-old baby

The development of a child at 5 months should be aimed at maintaining physical skills, strengthening the muscular corset and pushing to crawl. During this period, the behavior, feeding and daily routine of the baby changes, in which teeth begin or are already being cut.


  • Physical development
  • What should a child be able to do at 5 months?
    • Physical abilities and reflexes
    • Intellectual development of the child
    • Perception of the world
    • Daily routine, sleep and nutrition
    • Child care at 5 months
    • Evgeny Komarovsky’s opinion
    • What should the baby be protected from?
  • When to worry?
  • How to help your child develop?

Prostock-studio/Shutterstock. com

Physical development

In infancy, a girl lags behind a boy in all respects. The boy is on average 0.5 kg larger and 2-3 cm taller. The difference between peers of different sexes persists in the first year of life, and then disappears.

Norms of physical indicators for five-month-old children:

Indicator Meaning
Height 64-66 cm
Weight 6.9-7.5 kg
Head circumference 41.5-42.5 cm
Chest circumference 43-44 cm

Physical abilities

Bones are more elastic and proportional than before. Thanks to this, tactile sensations become well developed. During this period, the digestive system has already adapted to food, so intestinal colic practically disappears. Children who, in addition to mixtures and breast milk, began to receive complementary foods, defecate no more than 1-2 times a day. The consistency of feces is different and depends on the type of feeding.

Profuse salivation due to the eruption of the first milk teeth, which can last up to a year or longer. In this case, the gums swell, the temperature may rise and the secretion of mucus in the nose may increase.

Read also Everything about milk teeth in children: when and how do they fall out?

What should a child be able to do at 5 months?


By this age child:

Previously learned physical skill that can be manifested as early as 5 months New Skill
Raises head while lying on stomach Recognizes mother and loved ones
Holds hand around mother’s breast or bottle while feeding Consciously follows objects that disappear from view
Laughs and smiles at play Rolls over from stomach to side or back
Gulit Grabs and holds toys firmly
Tries to raise himself while lying on his stomach, leaning on his palms Accepts objects from the outstretched hand of an adult
hums in a singsong voice, uttering new sounds for him
Responds to nursery rhymes and songs
Looking at colorful patterns for a long time

Physical abilities and reflexes

Prostock-studio/Shutterstock. com

The child is no longer lying still, but is actively learning about his body and testing its capabilities. He not only balances, lying on his stomach, but lifts up his bent legs and arms. There are extensor-pushing movements that prepare the fragile body for crawling. The baby is already holding his head evenly, being in his arms or lying on his stomach. When lifting in the arms of his mother, his head does not throw back. By this time, the reflexes of the newborn are fading.

Intellectual development of a child

The period from 4 to 6 months is called pseudospeech. Children pronounce non-localized and extremely indefinite sounds in articulation. They also distinguish the thumb from others and begin to actively use it in games.

Perception of the world

The eye muscles are fully formed, thanks to which the baby is happy to look around and follow moving objects. He emotionally reacts to his own and others, meeting the first with a smile, and the second with tears or genuine fear on his face.

The baby begins to distinguish between voices, highlighting the mother’s voice first of all from the general noise. He begins to react to sounds, the source of which can be at a distance of 5-6 meters.

Daily routine, sleep and nutrition


A 5-month-old baby’s life includes 6 meals a day, 2-3 naps and 1-2 outdoor walks. Each family has its own daily routine, but you can take the following example as a guide:

Time Occupation
6:00 Lift
6:00-7:30 Hygiene and feeding
7:30-9:00 Sleep after breakfast
9:00-10:00 Feeding
10:00-12:30 Walk or sleep
12:30-14:00 Feeding, play, gymnastics or other exercise
14:00-16:30 Walk or sleep
16:30:17:30 Feeding, house tour or listening to music
17:30-19:30 Dream
19:30-20:00 Feeding
20:00-20:30 Reading books aloud or sedentary games
20:30-21:00 Bathing and getting ready for bed
21:00 Sleep that can be interrupted for 1 feeding

In addition to formula milk and breastfeeding, the baby can receive other food. The introduction of early complementary foods should be consulted with a pediatrician at a routine examination. The doctor recommends starting complementary foods if the weight is not normal, the child suffers from constipation and often spit up from liquid feeding. It is allowed to give vegetable and fruit purees, juices and cereals. These products are enough for up to six months.

5 months – the age when the baby can be introduced to:

  • zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • potatoes;
  • green apple.

Do not rush to give brightly colored vegetables and fruits. Allergies are often caused by carrots and pumpkin.

Gradually increase from ¼ teaspoon per day, then move up to ½ teaspoon and work up to 100 g by the end of 5 months.

Green apple is best served baked rather than mashed. Use homemade puree or store bought. If you’re cooking yourself, make the most of seasonal vegetables. If you buy jars in a supermarket, pay attention to their expiration date.

Read also The whole truth about children’s organic products: how not to make a mistake when choosing?

Baby Care at 5 Months


Parents should do gymnastics with the baby and bathe him.

List of daily procedures:

  1. Clean the spout.
  2. Wipe the skin in the auricle and behind the ears with flannel moistened with water.
  3. Wash the buttocks and genitals with warm water.
  4. Powder skin rashes with powder.
  5. Wash face and hands by wiping them with a soft damp cloth.
  6. Change diapers after each bowel movement.
  7. In the evening, bathe the baby completely for half an hour. In the bath, you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, thyme or string. You can entertain him with toys.

Trim your nails at least twice a week and clean the surface of your favorite toys. Pour boiling water over wooden, rubber and plastic toys.

Opinion of Evgeny Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that a developed child at five months old should emotionally react to what is happening, actively explore the space, try to roll over and walk. He needs constant contact with adults through conversation, reading aloud or listening to music. At this age, complementary foods can be introduced by offering to eat pureed food.

Dr. Komarovsky offers 10 simple complementary feeding rules to follow:

What should the baby be protected from?

Interest in the world around you is fraught with injuries due to falls and bumps against furniture. Do not leave your child alone while playing.

With the introduction of complementary foods, digestive problems may occur. To them will be added whims, temperature and poor sleep, which are caused by teething.

No one is immune from these problems, but they can and should be prepared for. Secure your home by removing breakable items from tables and shelves. Limit the movement of the child by covering the floor area with pillows on all sides. If you play with him on the couch or bed, don’t leave him alone. One pillow in this case is not enough. It may fall to the floor and be injured. Set up a playpen at home. Buy a teether and gum gel that relieves pain, has an antibacterial effect and promotes healing of the gums.

When should you worry?


If the child is developmentally delayed, parents notice movement problems, lack of interest in the world around them, and reactions to changes in colors or sounds. Closely monitor the baby before sounding the alarm and running to the pediatrician. Spend more time with him to notice the slightest changes in his behavior.

One should be worried when a five-month-old child:

  • does not pronounce the simplest syllables and consonants. His speech consists of long vowels. He does not try to pronounce new sounds, but continues to walk, as in 4 months;
  • does not attempt to pull himself up or roll over from his back to his stomach when an adult helps him;
  • does not turn around and does not change his face when a quiet conversation is replaced by emotional statements;
  • does not tighten the fabric covering the eyes when lying on the back. Normally, he should try to remove what interferes with his vision;
  • does not resist when they try to take the toy from him. Children at this age hold on tightly and do not give up the object when it is pulled out of their hands;
  • cannot wrap his arms around a ball held out by an adult;
  • shows no interest in new objects that come into view. If there is a nondescript object in front of the baby, he should quickly switch when he sees a bright toy;
  • does not follow the mother moving around the room with her eyes, and looks at one point;
  • can’t hold his head. She hangs when he is lifted by the handles from a lying position to a sitting position;
  • cannot relax the muscles on its own. Hypertonicity is corrected by gymnastics and therapeutic massage.

When noticing irregularities, a pediatrician should be consulted!

How to help your child develop?

Leave the desire to raise a genius from the cradle and take care of the physical, sensory, emotional and speech development of the baby. Diversify your daily routine with activities aimed at gaining new skills. The peculiarity of all games is their simplicity and easy learning. It is not necessary to do all the exercises and games in one day. Do gymnastics with your baby every day. Watch the step by step video:

Physical development

An hour after feeding, place the baby on a fitball or a large ball with his stomach or back, holding his hands. Slowly swing the ball from side to side, or moving in a circle. If there is no fitball, do passive gymnastics through stroking in a circular motion, rubbing or kneading the muscles.

A good exercise to strengthen the child’s muscle corset and support the mother’s press: lie on your back and put the baby on his stomach, leaning him on his legs, bent at the knees. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor and keep your shins parallel to the floor. Holding the child with your hands, sway from side to side. In the same position, twisting can be performed to pump up the press.

Encourage crawling by doing crawling with your baby every day. Place the baby on his stomach, and under him your left hand. With your right hand, support the legs bent at the knees. Lift the child with your left hand, and push him forward with your right hand. So you can crawl a meter, most importantly, regularly repeat this exercise.

In the fifth month of life, the baby on the stomach sways from side to side. His movements are like swimming. It can be put on a flat surface and surrounded on different sides by various toys. He will try to reach them, stretching the handles forward and trying to crawl to the place where the object is.

Speech and fine motor skills


Stretch your fingers and hands, and take a tour of the house showing objects and describing their names, colors, shapes. Stuff a cloth bag with buckwheat to stimulate the nerve endings on your fingertips.

Hang colorful pictures around your house or arrange books that show 1 or 2 characters. Carry the child in your arms, stopping in front of them. After you name who is shown in the picture, step back a couple of steps and say the name of the drawn character again. The child can search with his eyes and look back to find the previously seen hero.


Choose a musical toy with buttons, soft melody and moderate lighting. With your baby’s finger, alternately press different buttons with a pause of a few seconds so that he can notice the difference between the sounds.

The game “Ku-ku” will help predict the outcome of actions. Covering your face with your hands in front of the child, and then moving your hands to the side, say “ku-ku”. At first, the child laughs, but as he grows up, he stops reacting violently, because he already knows how it will all end.



A baby explores the world by looking at, touching, biting and licking things. Support him in this endeavor by making a sensory box from improvised means. Take a bowl, saucepan or cardboard box with high sides. Fill it with various cereals, pasta, raisins, nuts, buttons, scraps of different fabrics and other items. They should differ in shape, size and texture. The contents of the sensory box can be spilled or thrown overboard by a child, so be prepared for a mess.

Create your first masterpieces with your baby. Spread some oilcloth or newspaper on the floor so as not to stain it. Prepare a jar of watercolors and white sheets. Sit on the floor with your child in front of you. Dip his finger in the paint and place it on the paper. In addition to the finger, you can completely color the palm and make the first prints of the baby as a keepsake. If he pulls everything into his mouth, then instead of paint, you can use fruit or vegetable puree. They will not be able to draw, but you will leave a few blots on paper.

A five-month-old child becomes more active in learning about the world. New skills are added to those already acquired. In feeding, complementary foods appear, the amount of which increases by 6 months. The development of the child should be aimed at strengthening the muscles and tactile sensations.

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90,000 features of child development. European Center for Physical Therapy “Pelican” in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)

By the end of the 4th month, many babies reach the point where they need to lean on one elbow. The child can stretch and rotate the thoracic spine so that he has the opportunity to grab and examine an interesting toy from a prone position.

The child raises himself on his elbow, extends his free arm and takes a toy: the driving force behind development is the child’s purely natural desire to explore.

At this stage of development grasping, touching and exploring play an important role. A whole new experience begins. The child takes objects with his hands and explores them with the help of his senses: with the help of his mouth, the baby examines the object for taste, with his hands feels their shape and texture, and begins to perceive smells. Even as adults, people often return to this period of first discoveries and experiences and can tell what taste and smell some objects from childhood have. That is why you should not forbid children to put objects in their mouths, because this is how they learn about the world around them. This is one of the most important steps in a child’s development.

At this time, children begin to play actively both in the supine position and in the prone position. So they become more free in their actions due to the ability to lean on the elbow. When children first find this support, they try in vain to grab a toy lying in the distance. Toddlers will begin to move to the toy on their own only after a few weeks. As a rule, the child begins to play independently between the 4th and 6th month.

It is useful to give your child the right motor impulses in a playful way in advance and use them as support when handling him, for example, if your child needs to be turned. Some children “cunning” when turning over: arching, throwing back their heads and arching their backs, pushing off with their heels, instead of lifting their legs up, shifting the center of gravity. With the correct rotation, the child should mainly train the abdominal muscles. The turn always begins with a flexion of the body – chin to chest, legs raised – and ends with a stretch of the body in the prone position.

As an attentive parent, you will notice a difference in the quality of the movements. Avoid false impulses when turning. It is important not only to master each stage in time, but also to do it qualitatively. Therefore, in this article you will learn how to playfully prepare your child for the turn.

Features of the development of a child 4-5 months

supine position

The supine position becomes more stable and provides sufficient support on the back for the development of a grasping movement. The child learns to take a toy that is offered to him from the side, so that it falls into his field of vision. The kid brings the object to his mouth and studies. This is the first purposeful grab:

At the same time, at this age, the child cannot yet take a toy that is served to him in the center, and not from any side. This movement is not yet available to him, at most, the child will take the object with both hands at the same time. The kid still can’t decide which hand to use. This is due to the fact that the hemispheres of the brain at this stage are not sufficiently interconnected and work independently of each other.

Now the baby holds his head well in the middle position (in the center) and directs it to auditory and visual stimuli. He can freely turn his head in isolation from the movement of the body.

In the supine position, the body’s center of gravity is even more towards the head, so the child can raise the legs higher and connect the legs, while the big toes touch each other.

Prone position

The center of gravity of the body shifts more and more towards the feet with time. This allows the child to straighten the upper body and keep the head in the middle position (centered) longer. The legs are freely extended, slightly apart. Symmetrical support on the elbows is a necessary condition for the free rotation of the head in both directions.

Once the child feels secure in symmetrical elbow support, he again feels the opportunity to expand his range of motion and learn new things. For example, if he wants to grab a toy that is directly in front of him, he shifts his weight to one elbow, slides forward on the mat with his free hand, and reaches for the toy:

The kid can’t take his hand off the surface yet. When transferring weight, one leg is bent and the other is straightened. Thus, the symmetrical nature of the support on both hands is violated and an asymmetric support on one elbow appears.

Hand and foot development

From 4 months the time of rapid development begins. By the time the child begins to sit up, he has developed the basics of fine motor skills.

The grasping reflex is weakened, and the child can consciously open his hand to be able to take the object. Lying on his back, for the first time the child begins to reach for the toys that are offered to him from the side. In the prone position, the child can purposefully grab the object lying in front of him.

The child first grasps the object with the little finger and ring finger (the so-called ulnar grip). Or grabs and squeezes the toy with the whole palm. The palm turns towards the little finger and bends forward at the wrist.

There is still a long way to go before a precise two-finger grip (tweezer grip) as the development of the hands is linked to the development of the spine. In addition, the child still takes objects “with the whole body”, i.e. when the hands grab something, at the same time there are involuntary grasping movements of the feet (photo).


Color vision develops at this stage. Through purposeful grasping of objects, the child gradually develops the ability to judge distances. Three-dimensional vision appears from 8 months.


The child begins to accurately identify sounds. He recognizes his parents by their voices.


A toddler at this age plays a lot with his saliva and closing his lips. It produces bubbles and friction sounds (eg, “w”, “w-ph”), as well as sounds in which the lips are pressed tightly together (eg, “m” or “m-b”).

Social behavior

The baby can now laugh out loud. He reacts to facial expressions: smiling back at friendly people and looking suspiciously at unfriendly faces.

Playing and moving advice

With the extinction of the grasping reflex, toys become even more interesting for the baby, because he begins to consciously take them and learn about them. It is important for a child at this age to put all objects in his mouth and carefully study.

Bracelets, crisp paper, stuffed animals, a string of pearls, cloth, and toys hung over the child are suitable for learning. The child first takes a toy hanging on the side. However, you can hang something more interesting for him in the middle, so that later on the fact that the child cannot take objects hanging from him with his mouth.

The inflatable paddling pool – perhaps filled with balls – will also be a very fun place for the child.

Goals achieved by a child aged 4-5 months

  • Child using one elbow support
  • He reaches for toys offered to him from the side
  • Makes first attempts to roll over.

All articles of the Bobath category: development in the game

  1. 5 months: features of the child’s development. One elbow support
  2. 7–8 months: features of the child’s development.

Overnight babysitter: What is overnight babysitting? – Resources

Опубликовано: March 17, 2023 в 9:28 am


Категории: Baby

What is overnight babysitting? – Resources

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As an overnight sitter, you’re hired to keep tabs on the kids all night, including during sleep hours, for parents who plan to be away until the next day (or back very late).

As a babysitter, you get different job requests. You may need to prepare snacks or pick up kids after school. You may need to work earlier than usual on the parents’ scheduled date night. And one other common request is to be an overnight babysitter.

What is an overnight babysitter?

An overnight babysitter is a sitter who stays at the house while the children are asleep. This usually means the parents are expected back very late or even into the next morning or afternoon so they ask you to sleep over at the house. Then you’re “on the clock” and in charge of the kids until the parents return.

What is an overnight sitter expected to do?

In many cases, you arrive ahead of time the night before to get kids ready for bed and off to sleep, but once kids are in bed for the night, your babysitting duties during those hours are somewhat minimal. This depends, of course, on their ages and needs, which may vary. But for all intents and purposes, you don’t have to keep siblings from arguing, you don’t have to do any more games or activities, and you can get some sleep yourself.

However, you do still have to keep the kids comforted and safe, which means you need to be available should a child have a bad dream or a potty accident or should a smoke alarm go off.

What is the cost of an overnight sitter?

Different families may handle your overnight babysitting pay rate differently. Here are a few ways it’s done:

  • Some families will pay you a flat, total fee for the night.
  • Other parents might lower your hourly pay while you “housewatch” (or babysit while the children are asleep). This means that parents pay a normal babysitting rate while the kids are awake but reduce the rate once they go to bed.

Be sure to talk to the parents in advance about all of their expectations for an overnight sitting job as well as the pay rate so everyone knows what to expect. 

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Temporary Childcare Services – Evening, Holiday and Emergency Babysitter Services

Our Temporary Division is here to help you with date nights, emergency backup care, school closings, mildly ill children, or when your regularly scheduled care falls through. We don’t give short-term short shrift!

At White House Nannies we have solutions for almost every childcare need. In addition to our common temporary nanny placements we also provide the following services:

  • Newborn Services: A select group of our nannies is specially trained to assist with all aspects of newborn childcare from birth to 16 weeks, including preemies and multiples. Our newborn specialists can work daytime or night shifts. Please see our Newborn Care page for more details.
  • Overnight Care: Family illness, business trips, the birth of a new child, and vacations may require overnight care.

Our placement specialists will work with you to find a trustworthy babysitter that is the perfect fit for your family. With over 200 fully screened and highly qualified babysitters, we can help you with any of your short-term childcare needs.

Our babysitters range from college and graduate students to career nannies, teachers, and other professionals who either need or want the flexibility of working in the Temporary Division. All of our caregivers must meet our rigorous qualifications and high standards.

All of our babysitters:

  • Are carefully screened and extensively interviewed
  • Have at least three years of previous childcare experience
  • Pass a written childcare assessment test
  • Have undergone CPR & First Aid training
  • Pass strict background checks

*Special COVID-19 Notice* (updated 3/9/22)

White House Nannies is continually updating its staffing procedures as it relates to COVID-19 to help ensure the health and safety of the families, children, and caregivers we work with.   

At this time we are resuming mildly ill care for children, as long as the child does not have a fever and can provide a negative rapid COVID test. If your child is instructed to stay home because of potential exposure to COVID-19 (including daycare and school closures), we are unable to send a caregiver into the home until after receiving a negative test (PCR or rapid) taken on day 5-7 after exposure – not before – or after day 10 of quarantine without testing if the child or family members are not displaying any symptoms. Our caregivers are following the same exposure guidelines. If there is a confirmed case of COVID in the household, a negative rapid test from all members of the household would be required after 10 days before sending a caregiver into the home.

Additionally, based on recommendations from pediatricians, we are unable to place temporary nannies in homes where children have:

  • Flu
  • Head lice
  • Highly contagious viruses
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (Coxsackie Virus)
  • Stomach Flu w/ recent vomiting within 24 hours
  • Strep Throat/Pink Eye/Ear Infections (UNLESS antibiotics started 24-48 hours prior)

Our babysitters require signed authorization and explicit instructions from the parent(s) in order to administer medicine.

Request a Babysitter On-The-Go!

Our client portal combines the ease of an app with our personalized service. With the mobile-friendly portal, registered clients can make quick and convenient requests for temporary care from the convenience of their computer, phone or tablet. A White House Nanny staff member – not a computer algorithm – will then find the right babysitter for your job.

We will save you time and frustration and match you with the right nanny for your family or unique situation. Click here to apply today, or contact us today at (301)652-8088 or  [email protected] to learn more. For any immediate or after-hours needs, call (301)655-8240

Office Hours:
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

On-call Hours:
Monday through Friday: 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM; 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM

Temporary Nanny Placement Fees

Registered Client: $350/year plus daily referral fees

This service is best for families who regularly need temporary care for date nights, school closings, trips, unforeseen emergencies, and mildly ill children. All of your information, including childcare preferences, past nannies, and any medical issues, is confidentially and securely stored so we can send you the best babysitter for you and your children as quickly as possible.

Registered clients pay $50/day/caregiver to the agency. Payment is handled directly between you and the babysitter at an agreed-upon hourly rate.

For your convenience, a member of our staff is on call until 10 pm (except Saturdays until 7pm) to assist with your unexpected or emergency needs.



Standard childcare


Holiday childcare

+ $15.00/day

Newborn care (under 12 weeks)


Newborn overnight (under 12 weeks)


Standard overnight


Standard 24 hour childcare


Newborn 24 hour care (under 12 weeks)


** Higher referral rates apply if you request a service after regular business hours. To avoid paying high referral rates, please call our office during regular business hours or contact us via email or our new portal. Please be advised caregivers may charge up to time and a half on major holidays.



Temporary Care Intake FormShort-Term Nanny Educator Inquiry

Night babysitter. Features of work

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Thinking about work
night babysitter? Then you should think in advance in what situations you will be needed, whether you can manage to work both day and night shifts at the same time and what your main duties will be in such a specific position. All these questions should be discussed with prospective employers.

After reviewing published
vacancies for a nanny, we have identified the most common cases in which families need a night assistant:

  • Restless little ones.
    As a rule, the main contingent of children who need a night nanny is from birth to three years. You should mentally prepare for the fact that the child will be naughty before going to bed, fall asleep badly, wake up at night – it is these restless children who usually need a nanny at night. Personal qualities that will be useful in work are patience and perseverance. Of course, psychological skills and communication skills will be of no small help.
  • Twin-triplets.
    Parents who have twins or even triplets are often looking for a night nanny. The problem is that children are awake, sleep and eat at different times, so often another nanny or au pair helps mom during the day.
  • Children of creative people.
    You can’t do without a night babysitter for kids whose parents are engaged in creative professions. For example, actors, musicians, and all those who help them (directors, cameramen). The working day of such people begins closer to 6 pm and continues, as a rule, well after midnight. It is almost impossible to cope without a nanny with such a work schedule.
  • Moms and dads with shift work.
    A nanny may be required in a family where both parents (or only the mother) work in shifts. In such a situation, once or twice a week, working hours fall into the night. Then the nanny takes over.

Nuances of working as a nanny at night

Pay per exit or hourly?
It is very important to discuss in advance what the payment for the work will be – fixed or hourly. The latter, in some cases, may be more convenient for employers. After all, it often happens that the mother of the child is not absent all night, but, being at home, she herself prefers to take care of the baby. If you cannot get home at night or early in the morning, then you will actually spend the same 10-12 hours at work – in this case it is better to negotiate payment for going out. Sometimes mom herself will offer you to pay for a taxi to the house, because it is more profitable for her than overpaying you for extra hours.

The soldier is sleeping, the service is going on…
It is important for parents that there is an adult in the house in their absence next to the baby. Often they do not mind that the nanny went to rest at the same time as the child. Such services are priced somewhat cheaper. You should find out in advance what exactly employers expect from you as a night nanny. Can you go to sleep If yes, where? In the same room with a child, crouching on the couch? Or can you go to sleep “for real”?

Possibility of force majeure.
One more thing to say before starting work is how you will act in various force majeure cases and how they will
be paid. Most often, the parents are unexpectedly delayed longer than the agreed period, less often – the illness of the day nanny or the departure of the parents on a business trip.

Work in two shifts.
If your parents keep asking you to stay overnight after the day shift or, conversely, to work during the day after the night shift, think carefully about whether you need such a part-time job, even if it pays well. It’s one thing if such situations occur very rarely. But when such a schedule becomes regular, it affects the health and quality of work. According to statistics, nannies working in two shifts are less attentive, they make mistakes every now and then and cannot properly monitor the child.

Advice from

Establish contact with a day nanny, if you have one – this will make life much easier for each other. Knowing what the child ate the day before, how he behaved, how he was feeling, can be very useful. The daytime nanny will tell you about the events that happened to the child during the day, about the impressions that may cause him to experience before bedtime.

Do not forget to ask your parents:

  • Radio or video baby monitor, especially if you will be a night babysitter and housekeeper
  • Age appropriate bedtime reading books
  • Toys that the baby takes to the crib

The nanny must have
a children’s first aid kit equipped with the necessary medicines, as well as a list of telephone numbers for emergency cases: a children’s “ambulance”, a pediatrician, parents, neighbors.

Check with parents:

  • Is the child allowed to watch cartoons at night, and if so, for how long?
  • Do you have to wake him up by a certain time, observing the regimen or “let him sleep as long as he sleeps”?
  • What should be the temperature in the room where the baby sleeps?
  • If applicable, ask if you are to teach your child how to dress themselves, make their bed, etc.
  • In what situations should you definitely call your parents, and what decisions do you have the right to make on your own?
  • Is it possible to give candy, cookies, juice, etc. at night if the baby asks.

Basic duties of a night nanny:

  • Calm sleep of a child, and sometimes a mother, who is tired during the day.
  • Evening walks with the child before going to bed.
  • Feeding a child (several children) at night. It is important to observe the feeding regimen if your ward (one or more) is in infancy.
  • Bathing and other hygiene procedures.
  • Putting to bed, changing clothes, getting ready for bed. Usually the most important is the last “procedure”: individual approach is of great importance. So, a child who was not read before going to bed or, for example, turned off the night light after he fell asleep, may experience serious nervous stress. Be prepared for the fact that the ideal child falls asleep for several hours during the day or is naughty until midnight.
  • Preparing breakfast for the child (sometimes the cook or day nanny takes care of the food).

While the children are sleeping, it is possible that you will be asked to do some household chores. Most often, wet cleaning of the kitchen and bathroom, assistance in cooking, washing and ironing children’s clothes are needed. Of course, you can refuse to perform this work or demand additional payment. The most unpleasant thing is that sometimes you will not find out about the occurrence of additional duties immediately, but after a few weeks. It is better to clarify in advance the likely prospects for a part-time job, even if they have not yet appeared on the “labor front”.

Tatyana Nikitina

  • Four reasons for refusal: why did the employer choose not you?
  • What is the nanny afraid of?
  • Happy Hours: Tips for Beginning Nannies and Babysitters

  • Nanny job interview. How to look and how to dress?
  • Nanny work: psychological experiences
  • Nanny at home? Is quite real!
  • Nanny looking for a job: search rules
  • This is the place for beginners: why is it great to be a novice nanny?
  • What type is your employer?
  • Getting to know the parents

Night babysitter in Nizhny Novgorod, verified private ads with 9 recommendations0001

confident, responsible, laid-back, patient, tactful
all my conscious life I have been taking care of children (not only relatives), I am as responsible as possible, I have a secondary medical education, I had experience in pediatrics, so I know how to deal with newborns / premature babies

You just found the perfect nanny for your baby!
I am a kind, active and stress-resistant nanny. I am calm about age-related crises in children, I help them cope with their raging emotions. I know how to contain emotions.
I never yell at children and do not prevent them from growing up on their own.
I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol.
I am ready to teach children English, the initial level of the Czech language, playing the piano, vocals.
Show your child how to learn while playing. you s

Over 25 years of experience working with children and adolescents. . She helped with children of preschool age in families from birth and older, in a family kindergarten, taught in family and development centers, clubs, at school, at a college.
I will carry out all age-related organizational activities (feeding, hygiene, walking, sleeping, creative and developmental activities)
I also conduct creative developmental classes for children from 1 year old. There are creative programs. Development of fine motor skills, familiarity with color, shape, p

  • Passport
  • Certificate of no criminal record
  • Vaccination certificate
  • Med. book

Calm, kind, with a sense of humor. Modern and active. I love reading, learning new things, I love creativity. I live in the Sovetsky district of Nizhny Novgorod. I have a daughter. She’s 27. Unmarried.
I have worked with children of all ages from 1 year old and up. She worked in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. There are recommendations. I have a higher education. Familiar with psychology and methods of education and training.

Higher pedagogical education. Married. Mother of two daughters. I have been a kindergarten teacher since 2017.
I have been a kindergarten teacher since 2017. Experience working with children of all ages. The presence of honey books.
Higher NSPU them. Kozma Minina
Diploma of professional retraining under the program “Preschool Pedagogy”
Certificate of advanced training

Experience in working with children aged 1 month to 12 years. Passed the school of counselors. I quickly find an approach to the child, I know how to interest the baby.
The girl is responsible, sociable, decent, patient.
See photo for phone number.
I have been babysitting for families for 3 years.
She worked as a nanny and teacher in a private kindergarten. She taught rhythm and dance in children’s centers. I worked as a family tutor for 4th and 5th grades. Passed the school of counselors in 2019year. I have letters of recommendation. Pred

Responsibility, communication skills, diligence. I live in Kstovo, Victory Avenue. Divorced, two adult children.
I offer the services of an experienced nanny for your baby. Sociable, friendly and extremely responsible person, I easily find a common language with children, I can captivate them. Over 20 years of experience working with children, worked in a kindergarten, after retirement she worked as a nanny at home for about 9 years. Without bad habbits. I consider only on your territory, within the city of Kstovo. Waiting for your p

I am fully aware of my responsibility for the life and health of my pupils. Availability of a medical book.
Developing activities with children, walks, games, leisure activities‚ accompaniment to additional classes. Visiting museums, exhibitions, theaters (in agreement with parents).
Graduated from the Pedagogical College. Specialization: Preschool education.

Good afternoon!
I worked for 4 families. In two on a long-term basis. There is a good experience with children from 1, 5 years old. I do not have any bad habits. Children treat me well and after we part they keep good memories, which I confess makes me very happy, because you understand that you did everything right). And an additional plus I can maintain good relations with other family members. I already have two adult children 34 and 24 and a granddaughter 12 years old. I like to walk with children, offer them pa

I have 2 peds. education, there are all necessary documents (certificate of no criminal record, medical book, etc.). I have been working as a teacher in a kindergarten for about 12 years, and I also often work as a nanny in families. I don’t have bad habits.
I have been babysitting for families for about 12 years. I work with both infants and children of preschool and school age.

Babysitting, caregiver services. Teacher education with over 20 years of experience. Ready to work with a child of any age at home. I’ll pick it up from the kindergarten, sit with a sick child, leave it for the night. Avtozavodsky district.
Over 25 years of experience. Ready to work with a child of any age at home. I’ll pick it up from the kindergarten, sit with a sick child, leave it for the night. I’ll get ready for school.
Gorky Pedagogical College, Faculty of Preschool Education.

I am 50 years old. Married. 2 of my children are 26 and 30 years old. I don’t drink alcohol. I do not smoke. Balanced. Children’s medical education. .Citizenship of the Russian Federation. I currently live in Khimki.
She raised her children, her grandson, helped her neighbor with the kids. I can be a good babysitter.

Good day, my name is Anastasia, I have extensive experience working with children of different ages, I have medical knowledge, because I study in medicine, I can perform a wide range of duties, I am punctual, I have an individual approach and development methods. There are more than 10 recommendations and reviews.
Good day, my name is Anastasia, I have extensive experience working with children of different ages, I have medical knowledge, since I study in medicine, I can fulfill a wide range of duties

Higher education – social teacher and secondary choreography, fitness trainer. Stress-resistant, not conflict. I have experience as a director of children’s holidays. No authoritarian positions in relation to children. I quickly orient myself in the creative or physical orientation of the child, offering a change in play activities. I will help to do homework, accompany to school, circles, sections.
I have 7 years of experience in working in families with 2 children from the age of one, I am ready to provide recommendations, a kindergarten teacher

Over the years of working with children, she attended a large number of seminars and trainings (mainly on working with children’s groups and on child psychology). I care about the child’s psyche. I consider the key to raising self-confident and mentally healthy children is a minimum of pressure, a maximum of love and awareness of actions.
Experience with children:
– nanny for two boys aged 4 and 6 (9 months)
– nanny boys 3 and 5 years old (six months)
– nanny girls 2 years
– nanny for a 2 year old boy
– counselor in secondary school

Find a night babysitter for your child in Nizhny Novgorod with our service. The specialist will take care of the baby while you sleep. Helps you stay healthy and lead a fulfilling life.

The cost of night babysitting in Nizhny Novgorod is only slightly lower or even equal to the rate of a regular babysitter. Some parents consider this unfair, because the children sleep most of the night and the specialist’s workload is low. However, the price is justified. Night nannies are more often required for babies, which means they must be highly qualified. And the healthy sleep of a young mother and a father who provides for the family is priceless.

Babysitters in houston: Find Babysitters in Houston, TX Near Me

Опубликовано: March 16, 2023 в 9:28 am


Категории: Baby

Babysitters in Houston | Babysits

I’m very consistent looking for more long term families but will do anything I love activities such as cooking and making tik toks I’m very patient and understanding and your kids..


Hello my name is leana’marie I started working with kids ever since I was 13 I’ve volunteered at. Day-care I just love working with children. I can do a lot of hands on actives and..


Hello! My name is Caidence McGuire, I’m 19 and I’m a freshman at San Jacinto college majoring in business. I’m very trustworthy, I love kids with my entire heart. I’m a very active..


My name is Katarina, I am 21 years old and I am interested in going back to school for criminal justice. Looking for something part time that won’t get in the way of my studies. I..


Hello! my name is Cassie. I grew up in Houston and I work as a preschool photographer during picture season. I love working with kids, I can cook, drive, anything you need. I will..

Basic background check


Hello families, My name is Erika Rodrigues being around kids and working with children is what i do best and what I love the most! I’m currently working in a daycare teaching infants..


I am a very loving and caring person I love to help out in any way I can I’m very patient with the kids and they love me I like to pay attention and help around the house I also take..


Hello! My name is Aryel and i absolutely LOVE working with children. My last 3 jobs have all been child related, but sadly had to leave those to come to college. I’m really looking..

Bookings: 1


Hi! I’m Rosa and I am currently in school pursuing a psychology degree. I am available for babysitting, petsitting, and basic household duties. I like working with kids and animals!..


hello I’m Nayeli and I’m 15 and for babysitting I’m only available for weekends I have 3 brothers so I’m familiar with taking care of kids of all ages. I’m a very fun person I would..


If hired I will cook for the kids and clean behind them and amy messes made and if wished I’ll try to have them tired or sleep before you come back.i have experience with autistic/special..


Hi wonderful parents!! My name is Shamari ❤️❤️ I used to teach children how to swim at Emler Swim School and I go to Lamar High School. One of my favorite things to do is hanging out..


Hello, I am a 18 year old college student who attends Texas Southern University studying secondary teaching and physical kinesiology. As a college student money is always tight, so..


I’m about 5’5 in height a very fun person and understanding. I’m also patient I understand everything takes time and every kid is different. Currently in high school for my senior..


My name is Josefina I’m from ecuatorial guinea & Spain. I speak Spanish and English. I love kids and I know what they want and how take care of them. I’m a very clean person and also..



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Posted on 25 October 2022

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$6,000. 00
For a month

We provide assistance when moving from another city. Requirements for candidates:
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Availability of SUV, Minivan, Pickup, Truck
No problems with the law, unpaid sh More..

Posted on 27 May 2022

Auto Parts Packer

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Packaging of auto parts in accordance with the correct configuration of the packaging technique, using the packaging materials provided. Labeling of packed auto parts in accordance with the number More..

Posted on 01 April 2022

We are looking for a housekeeper!

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Official employment, through an agency, work experience is in progress. This is an elderly couple, but still quite independent and can take care of themselves. They need an assistant who speaks English and can drive a car More. .

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  • 27 February 2020 10:05
  • Valentina Rodionova, journalist of “Reedus”

In the Texas city of Houston, a nanny, looking after her ten-year-old nephew, was so carried away by posing for a photo with a gun that she did not notice how she shot the child in the stomach, reports CNN.

In the evening, a 19-year-old girl stayed to sit with her nephew. At some point, she discovered a weapon in the apartment. According to the TV channel, the girl was sure that the gun was not loaded. She began to pose for a selfie, when suddenly a bullet flew out of the gun, which hit the child in the stomach.

The child was taken to the hospital in critical condition. After the operation, his condition stabilized, – commented on the police.

The child is currently under medical supervision. Investigators are studying all the circumstances of the case. The nanny has not yet been formally charged.

It is noted that in the United States the number of accidental deaths from weapons is 1% of the total.

Taking a selfie with a gun was not a good idea. Firearms are dangerous weapons, especially in the hands of children. Playing with it or using it for any other purpose other than its intended purpose is deadly. Precautions must be taken to ensure that such incidents do not occur, – noted in the police department.

Earlier, Reedus wrote that a three-year-old boy died in Dagestan Derbent, wounded by a firearm during New Year’s fireworks. The doctors did everything possible, but they failed to save the child. The tragedy occurred due to the fault of “some scoundrels”, as the mayor of the city of Derbent calls them, who decided to shoot from military weapons on New Year’s Eve.

How to make baby drink water: Age Recommendations and Hydration Tips

Опубликовано: March 16, 2023 в 1:20 am


Категории: Baby

Age Recommendations and Hydration Tips

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While it seems unnatural to not provide water to your little ones early on, there’s legitimate evidence as to why babies shouldn’t have water until they’re about 6-months old.

The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that babies that are breastfed don’t need additional water, as breast milk is over 80 percent water and provides the fluids your baby needs. Children who are bottle-fed will stay hydrated with the help of their formula.

Assuming that your child is feeding well, either through breast milk, formula, or both, their hydration status shouldn’t be a cause of concern.

Giving your baby water before six months isn’t recommended for the following reasons.

  1. Water feedings tend to fill up your baby, making them less interested in nursing. This could actually contribute to weight loss and elevated bilirubin levels.
  2. Providing water to your newborn could result in water intoxication, which can dilute the other nutrient levels in the baby’s body.
  3. Too much water causes their kidneys to flush out electrolytes, including sodium, leading to imbalances.

When your little one is at the stage where you’re introducing pureed solids, water could also be introduced.

According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), once solids are introduced around 4 to 6 months, a baby’s milk intake reduces from a range of 30 to 42 ounces per day to around 28 to 32 ounces per day.

It all depends on how solids are introduced, what kinds of solids are introduced, and how often they’re being consumed. The goal for babies between 6 and 12 months is to ensure adequate nutrition intake and overall growth.

In order to effectively achieve this, introduce solids slowly and in multiple exposures. It’s acceptable to supplement with water at this time. However, assuming adequate formula or breast milk intake, your child may not need more than 2 to 4 ounces of water over a 24-hour period.

Water is traditionally introduced through a sippy cup. In this time period, as your child becomes more active, you may find that providing additional water in occasional instances is helpful.

Buy: Shop for a sippy cup.

Once your child is 12-months old, their milk intake will reduce, ideally to a maximum of 16 ounces per day.

At this stage, you may have established a routine involving breakfast, lunch, and dinner, while introducing a variety of new foods. Due to the increased activity of your child, the reduced milk intake, and the varied food intake, water intake will naturally increase.

The CHOC Children’s hospital in Orange County, California recommends that a 1-year-old gets approximately one 8-ounce cup of water every day.

This amount increases each year. The number of 8-ounce cups an older child consumes each day should correspond with their age (up to a maximum of eight 8-ounce cups per day). For example, a two-year-old should consume two 8-ounce cups per day.

Staying hydrated can help your child have proper bowel movements and replenish any lost fluids.

For most children, all you need to do is provide frequent access to water and they will drink enough to meet their needs. If you seem to have trouble encouraging your child to consume water through a sippy cup, try these additional tips to ensure adequate hydration.

Encourage small, frequent sips

Offer small amounts of water throughout the day. Your child will be hydrated but not full from other fluids, which may affect their meal intake.

If you use diluted fruit juice, limit their intake to 4 ounces of pure juice per day.

Make fluids fun

Young kids seem to be intrigued by colors and shapes. You could use colorful cups and fun-shaped straws so that your little ones are excited about consuming water.

Buy: Shop for cups and straws.

Be mindful of weather and activity

Kids aren’t able to regulate their body temperature as easily as adults, so it’s harder for them to recover and cool off. Encourage fluid intake before, during, and after activities.

As a guideline, encourage at least 4 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes, or whenever a break happens. An ounce of water is equal to about one “gulp” from your little one.

Incorporate water-rich foods

Foods such as soups or fruits such as watermelon, oranges, and grapes are rich in water. You can also flavor water with lemon, lime, cucumber, or oranges to make it fun and tasty.

Your baby may be ready take their first sip of water at six months. However, it’s important to realize that newborns, infants, and toddlers have very different hydration than from adults.

What we’d expect ourselves to do in hot weather or during activity is quite different from what they would be encouraged to do. As long as you pay attention to your child’s activity and give them plenty of access to water after age 1, you’ll make appropriate decisions.

Anita Mirchandani, MS, RD, CDN, received a BA from NYU and an MS in clinical nutrition from NYU. After completing a dietetic internship at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Anita became a practicing registered dietitian. Anita also maintains current fitness certifications in indoor cycling, kickboxing, group exercise, and personal training.

When can babies drink water and how to offer it

Updated Oct 10, 2022

Drinking enough water is essential for optimal health and well-being. Babies have the largest percentage of body water, about 78% at birth. By 1 year of age, that amount drops to about 65%. 

But what does this mean for babies? Should they be drinking water throughout the day like the rest of us? The answer is — it depends! Keep reading to find out when it is appropriate to start offering your baby water and how much they need.


  • Why is it important for babies to drink water?

  • When can I introduce water to my baby?

  • How much water should babies drink?

  • How should I offer water to baby?

  • What are signs of dehydration in babies?

  • Water for babies FAQ

Why is it important for babies to drink water?

Drinking water is important for everyone, including babies, since it has so many vital functions in the body. Water helps to carry nutrients throughout the body, lubricate joints, and regulate digestion and body temperature. As adults, we usually think of meeting our water needs by assessing the amount of water we drink each day. However, babies meet their needs a little bit differently. More on that below!

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends introducing water for babies from the age of 6 months, although breastmilk or formula will remain their main beverage until they reach 1 year. After that, water is the best-choice beverage alongside plain cow’s or nondairy milk. 

When can I introduce water to my baby?

Babies can begin to have small amounts of water when they start solids at around 6 months of age. Offer a few sips of water from an open cup or straw cup at mealtimes. Any water your baby drinks at this age is meant to get them used to its taste and introduce the skills needed for cup drinking. It is not intended to replace breastmilk or formula, which still provides all the water your baby needs. 

Babies younger than 6 months should not be offered water or any other fluids besides breastmilk or formula, which is sufficient, even on hot days. Introducing water too early or diluting formula or breastmilk with water can be dangerous for your baby because it affects the balance of electrolytes in the blood and can lead to seizures. 

How much water should babies drink?

Water needs may vary quite a bit from baby to baby as well as from day to day. Factors such as the weather and activity level can impact hydration needs. Additionally, high water-containing foods such as fruit, vegetables, and soup can also contribute to water intake. 

The best way to know if your baby is adequately hydrated is to watch their diapers. Babies should have at least 6 wet diapers a day to indicate they are adequately hydrated. If you aren’t seeing that, watch for other signs of dehydration and talk to your baby’s pediatrician. 

Use the table below as a general guide, and visit Healthy Drinks, Healthy Kids for more expert information from leading health organizations, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and the American Heart Association.

0 – 6 months 6 – 12 months 12 – 24 months
None 4 – 8 oz 8 – 32 oz
Breastmilk and/or formula provide enough fluids. Serve a small amount at mealtimes once solids are introduced. Serve at meals and snacks, as well as throughout the day.

How should I offer water to baby?

  • At meals and snacks

Start by offering your baby small amounts of water at meals and snacks. This allows your baby to get used to the taste of plain water and start developing cup-drinking skills. It’s best to keep water to about 1 – 2 oz at a time, so it doesn’t displace breastmilk or formula. Stay with the lower end of the range until your baby is taking larger meals.

  • In a cup

Offering water in a cup helps babies build lifelong skills such as drinking from a cup or straw. Make sure to choose appropriately-sized cups — they need to fit into small hands — and don’t be afraid to help them! Start with small amounts of water and work your way up as baby masters drinking from a cup.

  • Consider foods

Fruits, vegetables, and anything that is liquid at room temperature, like soup or popsicles, all contribute to your baby’s overall water intake. Sometimes it may feel like your baby isn’t consuming a lot of liquid, but when you also take a look at their food intake, you may realize they are getting more than it appears. 

Making smoothies or popsicles at home is a fun way to offer water as well as to try new fruits and vegetables. They can be especially useful for babies who need extra calories or nutrients because you can pack a lot in a small amount of volume. 

  • Throughout the day 

When your baby turns 1 year old, you can begin to have water available more frequently throughout the day. Place a cup out in the kitchen or playroom and let them know they can drink as needed.  

Dehydration can be dangerous for a baby and severe cases may require hospitalization. If you suspect your baby might be showing signs of dehydration, it’s best to call your pediatrician right away so they can guide you on what’s best to do. 

Note: conditions such as vomiting and diarrhea put your baby at increased risk for dehydration. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the following are signs of dehydration: 

Mild to moderate dehydration:

  • Less activity than usual

  • Less than six wet diapers a day 

  • Less saliva or cracked lips

  • Fewer tears when crying

  • Sunken soft spot on the head

Severe dehydration (all the symptoms listed above, plus):

  • Very fussy or overly sleepy

  • Sunken eyes

  • Cool, discolored hands and feet

  • Wrinkled skin 

  • Only 1 or 2 wet diapers in 24 hours

  • Dry tongue and mouth

  • No tears when crying

When should I introduce a cup?

Babies can begin using a cup at about 6 months when they start to eat solids. Most feeding experts recommend starting with an open cup or a straw cup as these help to strengthen the muscles used for eating and chewing. Babies will continue to develop their cup-drinking skills through to toddlerhood.

Water for babies FAQ

Q: Can babies have too much water?


Yes, babies can have too much water, and those under 6 months are at an increased risk. Once babies are eating solid foods, it is rare, but it can happen. You can avoid water intoxication in babies by following proper guidelines for introducing water and giving them an age- and activity-appropriate amount. Additionally, do not dilute formula or breastmilk with water.

Q: When can you start giving water?


Babies can begin to drink small amounts of water with meals when they start solids around 6 months.

Q: Do breastfed babies need more water than formula-fed babies?


No, breastmilk is about 87% water, and formula is regulated and made to resemble breast milk. So there is no reason breastfed babies would need more water than formula-fed babies. After 6 months of age, all babies who have been started on solid food should follow the same water guidelines, regardless of whether they are receiving breastmilk or formula.

Q: Is tap water bad for babies?


Generally, tap water is safe for babies. However, it’s best to check to see if your tap water contains fluoride. Using fluoridated tap water to mix formula all of the time increases the risk for dental fluorosis, characterized by faint white markings on their teeth. To reduce the risk, use low- or no-fluoride bottled water to mix formula some of the time. You may also want to verify the safety of the water source before consuming it.

Q: Can babies have sparkling water or flavored water?


It’s best to stick with plain water for babies. This helps them learn to like the taste of plain water before other beverages are introduced while avoiding any additives, sugar, or dissolved minerals that may not be suitable for babies.

Q: How do I know if a baby is drinking enough water?


If your baby has at least 6 wet diapers a day, they are adequately hydrated. This means they are getting enough fluid (including water) from all sources: breastmilk, formula, water, and food.

Q: Is it ok if I serve water in a baby bottle?


It’s best to offer baby water from a cup, if possible. This allows your baby to build important cup drinking skills and helps prevent your baby from consuming too much water. It’s easier to drink from a bottle, which may cause them to drink too much, thus displacing breastmilk, formula, or food with water unintentionally.

How to teach a child to drink water?

Children’s refusal to drink water can confuse any parent. How long does it take to instill such a habit in a child? How to make drinking water a fun activity if “water doesn’t taste good”? These and other questions are answered by nutritionist Yulia Bachurina.

Question. The child does not drink water at all. I’m already scolding and begging, but he doesn’t. What to do?

Answer. Drinking water is a vital habit. Without water, the brain works worse, vitamins and minerals are poorly absorbed. But this information will not make the child drink water more often, so the task of the parent in such a situation is to make drinking water more fun. On average, it takes 1–1.5 months to develop such a habit. nine0003

How to teach your child to drink water:
  • Eliminate sugary drinks such as juices and sodas from your child’s diet. If the child is already used to them, reduce their number gradually and replace the most harmful ones first. For example, instead of cola – dried fruit compote.
  • Ensure that drinking water is always available to the child. If water at your house is in the far corner of the countertop in a heavy jug or in another place where the child cannot get it himself, then he will not have the desire to go for it. You can offer the child his own bottle of water, which will always be with him. nine0016
  • See to it that the habit of drinking water, even if only in small quantities, becomes regular in the child. For example, once every 15-30 minutes. To do this, you can set a special timer.
  • Make drinking water fun. For example, put berries on the bottom of a glass: this is how water acquires a pleasant taste, and the process arouses interest. Freeze juice in the form of ice cubes of bizarre shapes, and the child will become interested in what is happening. You can try to give him water from a beautiful bottle with a straw or show how the taste of water changes if you add a slice of lemon, mint, basil or tarragon. nine0016

Ask your question to Mel, and the editors will find someone who can answer it. Write to our social networks – we read all the messages on the pages in VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Answers will be published in order of priority in the “Question – Answer” section. By the way, we do not disclose names, so questions can be anything (feel free!).

Cover image: Africa Studio / Adobe Stock

How do you get your child to drink water?





The next


, if we talk about very young children, then for forums for young parents you can find the most disputes, councils and tricks, how well make the baby swallow at least a spoonful of water. However, many people think that babies do not need water, because they receive all the necessary elements from their mother’s milk. Still, babies need to drink water. First of all, this applies to those children who are prone to diseases accompanied by high fever (colds, diarrhea). In such cases, in no case should dehydration of the child’s body be allowed. In addition, thermoregulation is impaired in infants, and water will help maintain optimal body temperature. With a lack of water, the baby’s stomach acid becomes thicker and may not be able to cope with the digestion of mother’s milk (especially if it is fatty), leading to problems such as constipation. Remember about climatic conditions: in the heat, thirst always increases,
and in the cold, due to the dry heated air, the nasopharynx also becomes drier and requires additional moisture. nine0003

How to teach a baby to drink water?

  • Start small. Give water from a spoon, from a special bottle or drinker – a few milliliters every hour. So the child will gradually get used to the taste of water.
  • The water should be at the temperature of breast milk. The baby is accustomed to warm liquids, so it is not surprising that he does not drink cool and even more so hot water of an unusual temperature.
  • If the child is already on complementary foods, give more liquids with food, making it as liquid as possible. nine0016
  • Advice for babies from six months: bright children’s mugs are another way to instill in your child a love of water. Cartoon drinkers look like toys, and older toddlers will associate drinking water with fun play.

If a child is not accustomed to water from infancy, then it will be more problematic later on. However, there are tricks and tricks here too. First of all, you need to remember that in no case should you make the most common mistake among parents – replacing ordinary water with sugary drinks or soda. They give a deceptive feeling of fullness, which is easy to confuse with thirst quenching.

Size 2 shoe for baby what age: Children’s Shoe Size Guide By Age – Babychelle

Опубликовано: March 15, 2023 в 4:25 am


Категории: Baby

Ultimate Toddler Shoe Size Guide
– Baubles + Soles

Getting the proper fit of shoe is important for everyday comfort and overall foot health. It is especially essential for kids still learning to walk, run, and climb. Incorrectly sized shoes can be an obstacle to their motor skill development and practice. 

We’ve compiled the following resources below to help parents navigate infant and toddler shoe sizes so they can ensure the perfect fit for their little one’s little feet.

How do toddler shoe sizes work? 

Unlike adult shoe sizes, infant and toddler shoe sizes are the same for both girls and boys.

Toddler shoe sizes go all the way up to size 13. Between the sizes of 2 and 7, you may see shoes labeled as 2T or 3T. This “T” is meant to help parents know at a glance that they are looking at toddler shoe sizes, and not adult or youth sizes.

Similarly, you may also see a K next to some sizes. Typically, Ks are placed next to shoes between size 8 and 13. This denotes that they are “kids” shoes. The K is meant to help parents quickly locate sizes on shelf or online. Other companies use a C for “child” in the same way.

Some brands may use the T, K or C labels, others do not. But the sizes will be the same.

Beyond size 13, the size chart resets to size 1, 2 and 3. It’s common to see a Y next to these sizes to indicate that they are youth shoe sizes. 

So, if you are shopping for children’s shoes, you may see a company offer a 3T (average size for a 9 month old) and a 3Y (average size for a 9 year old). 

What Are Infant Shoe Sizes? 

For infants, shoe sizes can be labeled with the shoe size or by the average age of the child in months. Not all children grow at the same rate, so do not be concerned if your child wears a shoe that does not correspond with the expected size for their age. The most important thing is that you are getting the right size for their foot length. 

Infant Shoe Sizes Chart


Correlating Shoe Size

Average Foot Length

0 – 2 months


3. 625 inches or

9.21 cm

1 – 3 months


3.75 inches or

9.53 cm

3 – 6 months


4 inches or

10.16 cm

6 – 9 months


4.125 inches or

10.48 cm

9 – 11 months


4.25 inches or

10.8 cm

10 – 12 months


4.5 inches or

11.43 cm

12-18 months


4.75 inches or 

12.07 cm

What Are Toddler Shoe Sizes? 

Children’s feet grow quickly when they are young. It’s important to check their footwear often to ensure their toes aren’t being pinched and they aren’t at risk of blisters from poor fit. 

While we provide an average age in our chart, the most important thing is that the shoes fit correctly for their foot length.  

Toddler Shoe Sizes Chart

Average Age


Shoe Size

Average Foot Length

Foot Length for Baubles + Soles 

18 months – 2 years


5.125 inches or

13.02 cm

12.5 cm – 13.4 cm

2 – 2.5 years


5.5 inches or 

13.97 cm

13.4 cm – 14.2 cm

2.5 – 3 years


5.75 inches or 

14.61 cm

14.2 cm – 15.0 cm

3 – 4 years


6.125 inches or 

15.56 cm

15.0 cm – 15.8 cm

4 – 4.5 years


6.5 inches or 

16.51 cm

15.8 cm – 16.7 cm

5 years


6. 75 inches or

17.15 cm

16.7 cm – 17.5 cm

5 – 5.5 years


7.125 inches or 

18.1 cm

17.5 cm – 18.6 cm

5.5 – 6.5 years


7.5 inches or

19.05 cm

18.6 cm – 19.6 cm

The sizes on our chart reflect the industry averages. Prior to purchasing a new pair of shoes, we recommend reviewing the size chart published by the shoe brand you are considering. 

Find your perfect Baubles + Soles fit!

Baubles & Soles provides a comprehensive size chart and printable fit kit to ensure you get the correct size shoes when you order.

Our printable fit kit can be used to easily measure your child’s foot. Just have them step on the piece of paper to see what size shoe to order.

More about Baubles + Soles:

A first-time mom came up with the idea for Baubles + Soles after she became frustrated by the need to buy multiple pairs of shoes for her daughter even though her daughter would outgrow them more quickly than she could wear them.  

The idea for Baubles + Soles was born. One shoe with swappable ornaments, called Baubles, that could be styled for school, the playground, church, parties, and more.

Together as a family, they spent nearly 2 years designing, engineering and testing a push-and-twist lock mechanism for attaching and swapping the baubles. What’s more, the same lock is affixed to all of our shoes which means every bauble can be reused with successive shoe sizes and styles. 

All Baubles + Soles shoes are made in America, machine washable, slip-resistant and fully recyclable.

Back to Bauble Blabber

How to Size Kids Boots And Shoes – Army Navy Now

Age Boys’ Shoe Size (US)


Age Boys’ Shoe Size (US)
NB (new born) Baby’s shoe size 1
6 months Baby’s shoe size 2 or 3
1 year Baby’s shoe size 4 or 5
18 months Baby’s shoe size 5 or 6
2 years Baby’s shoe size 6 or 7
3 years Baby’s shoe size 9 or 10
4 years Children’s shoe size 10
5 years Children’s shoe size 11
6 years Children’s shoe size 12
7 years Youth (Junior) shoe size 1 or 2
8 years Men’s shoe size 4
9 years Men’s shoe size 5 or 6
10 years Men’s shoe size 6
11 years Men’s shoe size 7 or 8
12 years Men’s shoe size 8


Age Girls’ Shoe Size (US)
NB (new born) Baby’s shoe size 1
6 months Baby’s shoe size 2 or 3
1 year Baby’s shoe size 4
18 months Baby’s shoe size 5 or 6
2 years Baby’s shoe size 7 or 8
3 years Baby’s shoe size 8 or 9
4 years Children’s shoe size 10
5 years Children’s shoe size 11 or 12
6 years Children’s shoe size 12 or 13
7 years Children’s shoe size 12 or 13
8 years Youth (Junior) shoe size 4
9 years Youth (Junior) shoe size 5
10 years Youth (Junior) shoe size 6 or 7
11 years Women’s shoe size 7
12 years Women’s shoe size 7



Basic Kids’ Shoe Shopping Principles

  • Everything we said about how to measure adult feet on the Online Shoe Store Shoe Fitting Guide is also true of children’s feet – except squirmier with more whining and fussing.
  • Regardless of your child’s age, never let a child wear a shoe that is too small for their feet! Children’s feet are still growing and developing and many adult foot problems have their origins in poor-fitting shoes during childhood.
  • Never put your child in a shoe that is more than a size too big or the child is likely to trip when walking.
  • If you are buying a children’s shoe that uses the U.S. or U.K. sizing system (see chart for measurement differences in the two systems), be sure to remember that the notation system starts over at around age 6. At age five your child may wear a children’s size 13 and at age 6 your child may wear a youth size 1.
  • If you are buying a children’s shoe that uses the European sizing system the notation system is the same for babies, children, and adults.
  • A youth size 5.5 is equivalent to an adult women’s size 7 and an adult men’s size 6. For older children and teenagers please use our Men’s & Women’s Shoe Sizing U. S & European Shoe Sizing Guide.

Tips on Shopping for Infant Shoes

Everyone knows that children’s feet grow fast, but infant feet grow the fastest of all. In the first year of a child’s life their feet will grow to be almost half their adult shoe size. Other than taking your child to see a podiatrist if foot development seems to be abnormal, the best thing a parent can do for their infant’s foot health is to interfere as little as possible. Before a child has started walking, shoes are unnecessary. During the winter months your child can wear soft booties to stay warm, but all foot coverings should be as non-restricting as possible.

After your toddler has begun to walk (usually between 10 and 18 months old), you can introduce him or her to a sneaker with a flexible outsole with good traction. This should be worn outdoors only. Inside the house barefoot is still best for toddlers. Just be sure their play area is free of debris that might hurt their little feet. Remember to check your child’s feet for blisters and other signs that their shoes no longer fit. Toddler’s feet tend to grow a shoe size larger every three months or so. Feel free to buy shoes slightly larger than what your child needs. 1/2 an inch clearance at the toe provides some growing room.

Tips on Shopping for Children’s Shoes

At four years old your child’s foot will be double the size it was at birth. Children’s shoes can have slightly firmer soles than a toddler’s shoe, but there should still be plenty of flexibility. Pronation control is healthy for adult feet. For a kid’s feet, a little bit of arch support goes a long way. Never try to correct a child’s walking gait without a podiatrist’s informed diagnosis and recommendation. Even though your child is older, their feet will still be growing rapidly. Between age four and five most children’s feet grow at least a half a shoe size every four to five months. You can buy your child’s shoes a little large for their feet, but avoid buying shoes that are more than one size too big or the shoe will become a tripping hazard. When choosing between children’s shoe uppers, breathable materials like leather and canvas are best. Children’s feet often sweat a lot.

Tips on Shopping for Youth Shoes

Your child will usually start wearing youth shoe sizes around age 6. After the age of 6, it becomes especially important that children wear supportive athletic shoes during play, particularly if they participate in after-school sports. While children’s feet are more resilient and thus less prone to injury, the most common cause of chronic children’s foot pain is Sever’s disease, an inflammation of a child’s developing heel growth plate. The most common cause of children’s heel pain is participation in activities that involve a lot of running and jumping, such as soccer and basketball, without having shoes that provide enough arch support. Even if your child’s favorite pair of athletic shoes provide only minimal support, Children’s arch support inserts are available to decrease your child’s risk of developing a painful foot injury.


We are happy to provide measurements and detailed information for any of our products. Just contact us! Give us a call, send an email or stop in today!


Size of shoes for children by age

The choice of shoes for the baby, up to his first year of life, depends on the parents.

  • Basic rules for choosing shoes ↓
  • How to measure the foot correctly? ↓
  • Common mistakes when choosing
  • Support support ↓
  • Required measurements ↓
  • We take into account the completeness and volume ↓
  • Differences between European, American, English and Russian sizes ↓
  • Recommendations ↓

The kid will not be able to tell if the sandals are tight or not. It is best to use approximate readings for a certain age or measure the leg yourself with a flexible tape (meter). Although this measurement method does not show accurate data, it will not be possible to measure the leg in another way.

Put the tape on your thumb and run it to your heel to get your foot size.

Many parents use data from special tables:

  1. Up to 3 months approx. 9-9.8 cm.
  2. From 3 to 6 months – the length is equal to 9.9-10.5 centimeters.
  3. From 6 to 12 months length 10.6-11.2 cm.

All these figures are approximate and should always be based on the individual characteristics of the foot. The leg may be larger or smaller.

A baby from one year old can stand and it is already possible to take a correct measurement of his foot. nine0014 To do this, take a blank sheet of paper, put the baby with both legs on the sheet and circle the leg.

After, measure with a ruler from the big toe to the heel. The resulting rounded figure will be the size of the crumbs. You can cut out the outline, stick it on cardboard and buy shoes for the little one yourself.

Everyone knows children’s dislike for shops, and even more so when you need to measure something. And so the pattern will always be with you, and you can safely make a purchase at any time.

You can always resort to using a grid of shoe sizes, it should be in every children’s shoe store:

  • 1-1.5 years – 12.5 cm, which corresponds to 20;
  • 1.5-2 years – 13.4 cm – this is 21-22;
  • 2 years – 14.3 cm – 23;
  • 2.5 years – 14.7 cm – 24;
  • 2.5-3 years – 15 cm – 25;
  • 3-3.5 years – 16 cm – 26;
  • 4 years – 17.3 cm – 27;
  • 4-4.5 years – 17.6 cm – 28;
  • 5 years – 18.5 cm – 29;

Naturally, you need to remember the individual characteristics of your child’s foot. The data in the grid is given according to the standard. shoe size table feet, which is measured independently at home. Babies up to a year can measure the foot with a flexible tape or tape measure. Older children should be measured only in a standing position, tracing the contour of the foot on a piece of paper. nine0008

  • One year olds are suitable for shoes with soft, flexible soles. When a child begins to walk, you should choose shoes with high-quality soles and the obligatory presence of arch support.
  • When choosing children’s shoes , it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the foot, but also the fullness of the leg. Summer versions of sandals are often produced universal, they have fasteners or Velcro that regulate the width of the shoe.
  • Don’t put other people’s shoes on your child , children’s feet very quickly take on other people’s forms, as well as defects of the previous owner. nine0008
  • When buying , you do not need to refer to the opinion of the crumbs.
  • The sole cannot be measured according to the size of the foot , the sole is always larger than the foot. Only the insole can fit the size of the child’s foot.
  • When buying , you need to specify which system is used for shoe size: metric (data on the size of the foot in centimeters) or shichmass (insole length in inches or shtih)
  • System data may differ when compared because the insole is always larger than the foot. nine0008
  • If you don’t have your child’s foot sample handy, you can always use the shoe size chart. It should be in every shoe store.
  • How to measure your foot correctly?

    The correct measurement of a child’s foot is a whole science. And every responsible parent is simply obliged to know the general rules.

    Basic recommendations:

    1. It is better to measure the foot in the evening, when blood rushes to the legs and the size increases. nine0008
    2. It is never necessary to measure only 1 leg , the results of both legs are taken into account and the larger result is selected.
    3. Size must always be rounded.
    4. Do not take oversized shoes , they can lead to leg deformity.
    5. Do not use second-hand shoes , the child’s foot may take on other shapes and defects.

    For measurement, the pattern method is used. This is a sketch of the outline of the foot on a sheet of paper. nine0003

    Step-by-step implementation of this method:

    1. Place a clean piece of paper on the floor .
    2. With both feet the child should stand on the sheet and load the legs with their weight.
    3. Pencil outlines the foot as close as possible to the foot. This procedure is performed with both legs. It happens that the difference between the legs is 0. 7 mm.
    4. Measure the length of the foot from the heel to the big toe with a ruler , choose the larger number. nine0008
    5. For children under , the foot is measured with a tape measure or cord, which is then attached to the ruler.
    6. The result is used in the metric system, which is common in Russia.

    Common mistakes when choosing

    Most often, mistakes when choosing happen when parents go to the store with their toddler. Questions begin with the baby about the convenience of shoes. But in the store, the baby does not feel confident, he can be shy and say that everything is fine, if only he is left behind or starts to indulge, etc.

    Avoid common mistakes when choosing:

    1. It is pointless to ask the baby if the shoes are too tight. Little children don’t understand what it feels like when a shoe is squeezed into the toes. Also, they simply do not feel this tightness, since their attention is usually concentrated on anything, but not on the leg. Even a kid may like shoes so much that no matter how uncomfortable he is, he will persuade him to buy. Or the opposite situation with shoes that did not suit him in color and he will claim that they will squeeze all his fingers now. nine0008
    2. Do not put the sole on the foot while trying to set the size. The only thing that can help you make the right choice is the insole. So there is nothing to apply the sole to the foot. The sole of the shoe is always larger than the size of the insole, especially for winter boots and boots.
    3. Do not put your finger between the baby’s heel and back. Do not forget about the ingenuity of your baby, he can always bend his fingers. And it will seem to you that the size is just on the leg. If the fitting takes place for a one-year-old baby, then this procedure is generally meaningless, since he can instinctively tighten his fingers. nine0008

    Nevertheless, when choosing children’s shoes, it is better to start from his age and knowledge of the exact size of the foot.

    The presence of an arch support

    According to orthopedists, the presence of an arch support in children’s shoes is mandatory. It is located in the inner zone of the foot and serves to support it. Shoes with an arch support are required for children under the age of 3 years. While the structure of the foot is in progress, it will serve to avoid flat feet.

    There are, of course, special orthopedic shoes with a professional arch support, which is already needed for leg correction. It is selected individually by an orthopedic doctor. nine0003

    Shoes with arch support from conventional manufacturers are used simply to prevent flat feet.

    Required measurements

    Knowing the size of the foot is not enough to choose shoes. Also, the fullness of the leg is taken into account – a narrow or full leg. These data are also measured independently – from the outer edge of the foot to the inner. Measurements should be taken through the point of the arch of the leg, which is located near the fold of the foot.

    Also, you should use a specific formula for measuring length:

    • The length that was measured + the space required for the leg to move when moving + the space provided for the leg to grow.

    We measure the leg only while standing. The leg size will only be measured correctly if the baby is standing. In this position, the weight of the body is transferred to the feet, and they become as straight as possible. In this case, the leg rests on all points of support.

    We take into account the fullness and volume

    In order for the baby to feel as comfortable as possible in boots, sandals, it is necessary to take into account his leg volume. Basically, children’s shoes are produced universal, which has no parameters in terms of volume and completeness. For their regulation, laces, fasteners, Velcro are used. nine0003

    But there are models that provide for the fullness of the leg and share 3 types:

    • wide;
    • medium;
    • narrow;

    Summer is distinguished by the ability to adjust the fullness, thanks to additional fasteners or Velcro.

    In order to measure the width of the leg, the widest point of the toe should be taken into account.

    Differences between European, American, English and Russian sizes

    Each manufacturing country has its own system for measuring the length of the foot:

    1. Metric system. Used in Russia. The table indicates the length of the foot in centimeters, but on the contrary, the size corresponding to the length of the foot.
    2. Stitching system. It is used in dimensional grids of European manufacturers, American and English. The length of the insole is indicated, which is measured in stitches – 1 stitch \u003d 2/3 cm. Or they indicate the value in inches. nine0008

    If you make transfers from one system to another, you often get a mismatch. Because the insole is usually longer than children’s feet.

    So, with the metric system, the length of the foot itself is measured in centimeters, with the shtihmass system, the insole of the shoe is measured in inches or in shtihs.


    When choosing shoes for your baby, you should approach this procedure with full responsibility. Properly selected shoes will affect his mood, and the correct gait, and foot development. nine0003

    To buy the right shoes for your baby, you need to measure his foot size correctly. Considering the fact that the child’s foot grows quite quickly, you will have to change sandals and shoes often, and high-quality shoes are not cheap, then initially you need to purchase a comfortable one that matches the size of the baby’s foot.

    Children under one year old have very weak leg muscles, the foot is soft, flexible, and even no experienced doctor will ever diagnose a one-year-old baby with flat feet.

    In order for the leg to be strong, it is necessary to create physical loads on it, the first is ordinary walking. nine0014 When a child is 6-7 years old, his leg is fully formed and takes shape. To prevent flat feet, you need to constantly engage with the baby.

    There must be constant physical activity in his life:

    • walking;
    • walking barefoot;
    • walking on pebbles, bumps.
    • skating and rollerblading;
    • swimming;
    • skis;

    All this contributes to the development of leg muscles.

    A properly developed foot of a child affects his healthy future. The foot is the place where all the points that are responsible for the organs in the body are concentrated.

    Therefore, in order for both the legs and all the organs of the body to be normal, the leg should be measured before buying shoes. This will help to avoid joint problems, which often suffer due to improper footwear.

    Boys’ shoe size chart by age and foot length.

    It is not easy to choose the size of boys’ shoes according to age, and parents should take this issue extremely responsibly: uncomfortable shoes affect the child’s gait and posture. Often, adults determine the size of a boy’s shoes both at 1 year old and at 8 years old absolutely incorrectly, and as a result, the child suffers from inconvenience and cannot move normally. nine0003

    Boy’s shoe size chart

    Can’t find a shoe size for a 6-7 year old boy? It is worth using a special table. We can talk about any other age, for example, the size of a boy’s shoes of one and a half or two years, taking into account the age and length of the foot. Just find the appropriate value: for example, the size of shoes for a boy at 1.5-2 years old will be approximately 20-23 according to the European system and 5.5-7 according to the American one.

    For example, let’s calculate the shoe size for a 3-year-old boy. We already know the age, we also need to know the length of the foot in inches and centimeters – 6.3 and 16, respectively. According to the table, we get size 26 according to the European system, which we use in modern life. If we translate this value into the American system, we will get a size within 9-9.5. Of course, parents should understand that the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat any table offers will always be averages.

    Age Foot length US size EU size
    Inches Centimeters
    0-3m 3.7 9.5 0-2 16-17
    0-6m 4.1 10.5 2.5-3.5 17-18
    6-12m 4.6 11.7 4-4.5 19
    12-18m 4. 9 12.5 5-5.5 20
    18-24 mo 5.2 13.4 6-6.5 21-22
    2 years 5.6 14.3 7 23
    2.5 years 5.8 14.7 7.5-8 24
    2.5-3 years 6 15.2 8-8.5 25
    3-3.5 years 6.3 16 9-9.5 26
    4 years 6.7 17.3 10-10.5 27
    4-4.5 years 6.9 17.6 11-11.5 28
    5 years 7.2 18.4 12 29

    How to find out the size of shoes for a boy?

    Do you need to determine the size of a boy’s shoe in a year or two, or the size of a child’s foot of a different age? There is a universal method for this. You need to circle the child’s foot with a pencil, and then measure the distance between the heel and the tip of the thumb. The number you get as a result will be the shoe size of a 4 year old boy or any other age. nine0003

    The specified system for determining the size of the foot is quite common in the former CIS, but in the USA and Western Europe, a slightly different, but similar one is used. They call it shtichmass: 1 shtich is equal to two-thirds of a centimeter, and to find out the size of a boy’s shoes, for example, at 5 years old, according to this system, you need to divide the length in centimeters by 0.66. Usually the length of the insole in stitches is indicated on all pairs of shoes.

    When buying any shoes for a child, parents should understand that the baby will grow out of this pair pretty quickly. Therefore, do not choose the size back to back – it is better to leave a small margin, so to speak, for growth. Children’s shoes, due to the rapid growth of the child, are rarely worn longer than the season, therefore, if you do not have much money, do not buy too expensive branded shoes.

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