
My baby grunts all day and night: Why do newborns grunt all day?

Опубликовано: February 19, 2023 в 12:17 am


Категории: Baby

When do Babies Grunt and Why?

Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors

In this Article

  • When Should Babies Grunt?
  • When to Contact a Doctor

From newborns to toddlers, babies can make grunting sounds at different times of day and night. Some parents worry these sounds are a sign of something to be concerned about. The good news is, most of the time, your baby’s grunting is perfectly normal. 

When Should Babies Grunt?

During sleep. As soon as they are born, babies make all sorts of sounds while they are sleeping. Their sleep is often restless. Your baby may sometimes sleep soundly through loud sounds, but they can also be restless. 

They might wake multiple times, or be almost awake throughout the night or nap time. Grunting is a normal sound for your baby to make during sleep, along with gurgles, squeaks, and snores.

Most of these sounds are completely normal and do not indicate any health or breathing problems. To lower the risk of any breathing issues during sleep make sure:

  • Your baby’s clothes are loose, but not too loose
  • Your baby is not too hot or cold
  • There is nothing in their crib but a fitted sheet
  • They are swaddled or in a warm sleeping garment, not warmed by blankets
  • Your baby is on their back
  • The crib mattress is firm, not soft.

If they are constipated. Babies often have a little trouble going to the bathroom. When you stand up, gravity helps feces leave your body. Babies are often laying horizontal, so it can be harder for them. Your baby may grunt and get red in the face when they are trying to push out a troublesome bowel movement. 

How do you know if your baby is constipated? If they have hard bowel movements with the consistency of a pebble, or if they cry every time they make a mess in their diaper, they may be constipated. Never give your baby laxatives or enemas unless directed by a doctor. If your baby is constipated, ask your pediatrician for advice. They may advise you to give them more water or fruit juice. 

If your baby is constipated and has a fever, vomiting, blood in the stool, or a bloated belly, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Mucus in the nose and nasal passages. Your baby has a small nose and nasal passage. They mostly breathe through their noses because it makes feeding easier. Newborns also often have a lot of mucus. This is not due to any illness, but simply because their respiratory systems are still developing. 

It is very easy for their tiny nose or nasal passage to get blocked, leading to strange noises, coughs, and sneezes. Help your baby clear their nasal passage by wiping their nose, using a nasal aspirator, or using a saline nasal rinse made for babies.

If your baby is grunting with every single breath, then contact a doctor immediately.

Acid reflux. Some babies get acid reflux. This can cause gurgling and grunting sounds during digestion. The muscles of your baby’s digestive system are still developing, so the muscle between the stomach and esophagus doesn’t always remain closed properly. Many baby behaviors such as lying horizontally most of the time contribute to this condition.

Most cases of infant acid reflux are completely normal. Spitting up is a result of this condition. Almost all babies spit up once in a while. In rare cases, infant reflux can be a sign of something more serious, especially when it is paired with any of the following symptoms:

  • Failure to gain weight
  • Frequent forceful vomiting
  • Spit up is green, yellow, red (blood-like), or brown
  • Won’t eat
  • Has blood in their stool or diaper

If your baby spits up a lot, makes lots of grunting and gurgling sounds after eating, and has any of these symptoms, consult your pediatrician for advice.

When to Contact a Doctor

Most baby grunting is completely normal. It can be part of normal digestion, sleep, or just your baby exploring or discovering their voice.

However, you may want to contact a doctor for advice if your baby:

  • Has a fever
  • Appears bluish
  • Is lethargic
  • Has breathing that pauses for more than a few seconds
  • Is breathing faster than 60 breaths per minute
  • Grunts with each breath

Baby Grunting in Sleep and Other Sleep Sounds Explained – Happiest Baby

Happiest Baby Staff

On This Page

  • Why is my baby making sounds while sleeping?
  • Baby Grunting and Other Typical Newborn Sleep Sounds
  • Breathing Sounds: Typical Sounds Newborns Make
  • When to Worry About Baby Grunting and Other Sleep Sounds
  • When Typical Baby Grunting and Other Sleep Sounds Keep You Awake
  • When do babies sleep sounds stop?

Surprise: “Sleeping like a baby” sounds a lot like a stuffed-up grandpa taking a noisy midday snooze in the recliner! The truth is, babies make lots of weird noises while sleeping. In fact, experts confirm that newborn sleep is, indeed, not at all quiet. And while there are many totally normal baby sleep sounds that require not an ounce of worry…some baby grunting, whistling, and gurgling noises can be cause for concern. The trick? Knowing which baby sleep sounds and grunts are which. Here’s help!

Why is my baby making sounds while sleeping?

A few nights of snoozing next to your baby might leave you wondering: Why is my newborn such a noisy sleeper? It turns out, there’s a lot of biology to blame.

  • Babies breathe out their noses. Up until your baby reaches 3 to 4 months old, they only breathe through their nose. And since their nasal passages are so teeny, it only takes small bits of mucus, breastmilk, or formula to migrate to the back of your baby’s small nasal passages, causing all sorts of congested-related sleep noises. (PS: This is why newborn congestion is common even when your baby doesn’t have a cold. )

  • They’re still developing. Since your newborn’s respiratory and digestive systems aren’t fully developed yet, they’re both working extra hard to get their jobs done. And with all that extra work, comes extra sleep sounds, too. For instance, since babies are just learning how to regulate their breathing, you’ll likely overhear brief periods when their breathing speeds up or slows down when they’re snoozing.

  • Babies are noisy poopers. Babies are not yet adept at relaxing their pelvic floor or using their tummy muscles to help move their bowels quietly. The result: Noisy grunting and straining when Baby has to make a number two! Though this is sometimes dubbed grunting baby syndrome, it’s totally normal and nothing to worry about.

  • Babies experience many sleep transitions. Newborn babies cycle through just sleep stages—REM sleep (aka “active sleep”) and NREM “quiet sleep”—every 45 to 50 minutes. Once your baby reaches 3 to 4 months old, those two sleep stages turn into four.…which is how many sleep stages adults have. Even still, your little one’s sleep cycle—the full circuit from light to deep to light NREM sleep, plus a bit of REM—still lasts less than 60 minutes. So that means about every hour your sweet pea will enter a light sleep, making them more prone to moving around, briefly waking, and making short moans or squawks.

  • Babies spend a lot of time in active sleep. Forty to 50% of your baby’s sleepytime is in memory-boosting REM sleep. (Meanwhile, grownups spend a mere 15% of their ZZZs lulling in REM.) REM sleep is a lighter sleep where babies are in a more active sleep state. That means your little one’s sleep will be marked by eye-fluttering, an elevated heart rate, wiggles, squirmies, and outbursts of various noises, like cries, whines, and whimpers.

  • Babies are hungry a lot. Babies aren’t exactly subtle about their hunger…even when they’re dozing! That means you might hear your little one make rooting noises, like lip-smacking and suckling, when asleep in the bassinet. Since these sounds may be a sign that your little one will wake up hungry soon, you may want to preemptively feed your noisy sleeper.

Baby Grunting and Other Typical Newborn Sleep Sounds

Some typical sounds that baby will make while sleeping you might hear—and the reasons behind them—include:

  • Whistling and rattling: Thanks to your newborn’s narrow nasal passage, whistling can go hand-in-hand with each inhale.

  • Snorting: This is also associated with congestion and tends to occur when your newborn is in deep sleep. (Snorting, whistling, and rattling sleep sounds often calm down by the time your baby reaches about 6 months old.)

  • Gurgling: Babies don’t yet reflexively swallow all of their saliva, so when it pools at the back of their mouth and air passes through, you’ll hear gurgling sounds while your baby sleeps.

  • Hiccupping: It’s thought that newborns and infants are especially prone to hiccupping in their sleep thanks to gulping air during their last feed before bedtime.

  • Whimpering, crying, groaning: If your little one momentarily cries or whimpers while sleeping, it’s likely just a sign that they’re transitioning from light sleep to deep sleep.

  • Rumbling, burping, passing gas: Your infant’s only jobs right now are eating, pooping, and sleeping, which means that their developing digestive system is getting an around-the-clock workout—including during sleepy time.

  • Baby grunting: When your baby grunts while sleeping, it often means that they’re adjusting to having bowel movements. Newbies are still getting used to using their abdominal muscles to move poop and gas through their system. (There are times, however, when newborn grunting during sleep could be worrisome. More on that below.)

  • Lip-smacking: Is your newborn dreaming of a feed? Maybe! It’s quite common to hear lip-smacking and rooting noises from your wee one while they sleep. Be prepared: They’ll likely wake soon looking for the real deal.

Breathing Sounds: Typical Sounds Newborns Make

Since your baby’s airway is softer and narrower than yours, they’re more prone to loud breathing noises…especially when snoozing. Plus, babies naturally breathe faster than older children and grownups. In fact, your newborn’s breathing rate is about 40 to 60 breaths per minute, slowing to a still-fast 30 to 40 times a minute when sleeping. (For context, your at-rest respiration rate is likely between 12 and 16 breaths a minute.)

Beyond being fast, your newborn’s breathing is often irregular, too. While this not-quite-consistent breathing pattern might be startling, for most babies, it’s completely normal. Here’s what’s going on:

  • Periodic Breathing. During active REM sleep, babies twitch and jerk their teeny arms legs…and their breathing can get a little jerky, too. This is called normal periodic breathing of infancy and it’s when your baby breathes fast several times, then has a brief rest for 10 seconds or less, then starts up again. Scary, right?! But know that these brief pauses in breathing are normal and something your baby will outgrow by about 6 months. That said, if your baby’s skin color changes during the pauses—or if you’re worried—contact your child’s healthcare provider ASAP.

  • Transient Rapid Breathing. When fluid builds up in your newborn’s lungs it can make it difficult for the lung’s air sacs to stay open. The result: Rapid breathing followed by progressively deeper breaths. The good news is that normal breathing usually returns within a minute or so…and your baby most often will stop experiencing this in 48 hours or less. This condition, called transient tachypnea of the newborn, is most common in boys, early-term babies, those delivered by c-section, twins, and babies whose moms have diabetes or asthma.

  • Laryngomalacia. When babies are born with floppy larynx tissue, it can fall toward their airway, causing partial obstruction, which makes for noisy breathing. ..especially when tots are laying on their back, which is the safest sleep position. This is the most common cause of noisy breathing in infants and for about 80% of babies, laryngomalacia resolves on its own.

When to Worry About Baby Grunting and Other Sleep Sounds

Most of the time your squeaking, gurgling, burping snoozer is A-okay! But there are times when baby sleep sounds signal something bigger is going on. Listen up for these noises:

  • Fast breathing of over 40 breaths a minute
  • Rhythmic grunting during breathing…especially when paired with flared nostrils
  • An extra-long exhale sound
  • Whistling sound each time your baby breathes out

These scary sleep sounds could indicate that your baby has respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), bronchiolitis, or respiratory distress syndrome. It’s important that you contact your healthcare provider immediately for guidance.

When Typical Baby Grunting and Other Sleep Sounds Keep You Awake

It’s hard not to tune into every little noise that emerges from your precious new baby! But if every wayward toot and gurgle wakes you from a solid slumber, consider turning on some white noise. Not only will white noise lull your baby to a calming sleep, but white noise acts as a “blanket of sound” for you, drowning out baby’s sleep sounds. (Don’t worry: You’ll still hear your baby cry.) While it may be tempting to relocate your noisy newborn to their nursery, the American Academy of Pediatrics urges parents to room-share with their little one for at least 6 months. This practice alone can decrease the risk of SIDS by as much as 50%.

When do babies sleep sounds stop?

If you’ve ever shared a bed with a snorer you know that there’s no guarantee that all sleep sounds stop after a certain age! But certain baby noises do tend to quiet after a few months. For instance, a few months in, your baby’s lungs and digestive system start figuring their jobs out, which results in quieter sleep. At the same time, once your nugget reaches 3 to 6 months old, they start spending less sleepytime in active, noisy REM sleep and more time in quieter deep sleep. To help your baby achieve quiet, restful sleep, consider the following:

  • Feed your baby in a more upright position, especially before sleep.
  • Burp your baby after feeds, especially before sleep.
  • During the day, bicycle Baby’s legs and gently press their knees to their tummy to help reduce bowel-related strain and grunting.
  • Offer a dream feed.
  • Learn your baby’s sleepytime cues and wake windows.
  • Establish a relaxing bedtime routine.
  • Use white noise to soothe your baby—and muffle potentially sleep-disturbing sounds. The best white noise machines also mimic womb-sounds, like Dr. Harvey Karp’s SNOObie and SNOObear.

For more advice on how to set your baby up for sleep success, check out “The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep.”

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or
condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or
yourself, please contact your health provider.

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We grunt, but there is no snot. What could be the reason?


September 23, 2014 9:19 pm at Personal Journal

For the second week this has been going on – grunting at night. Gives a lot of inconvenience to the child. I already steamed him in the bathroom, washed his nose, air washing maintains humidity, but he still snores. No snot, breathes through the nose. Maybe someone did? Tomorrow we’ll go to LOR – let her look at the ears and throat at the same time.

0 161887

Cough and grunting in the nose, without snot in a healthy child


11 April 2017 22:41 at Personal journal

What could it be? Yesterday we went to the doctor, because my daughter coughs periodically, she listened to her, looked at her throat, everything is in order. She prescribed l-set allergy syrup and said that it was probably for flowering. Today, my daughter coughs even worse in the morning, she also coughed in her daytime sleep, her nose grunts in a dream, although there is no snot and she coughs almost to the point of vomiting. After sleep, she gave me an allergy medicine, it seemed to feel a little better, but she still coughed, now she fell asleep at night and everything seems to be OK again, then her nose grunts and the cough seems to be choking almost to the point of vomiting. Her nose grunts and it’s such an impression that she has mucus there that doesn’t allow her to inhale and she starts coughing (but it sounds like that to me). Grunts only in a dream, during the day …

0 138342

What if the child does not clean up the snot?


June 20, 2016 10:47 am at Blog The son got sick. Yesterday evening T 38.3 rose sharply. No snot, no throat, no cough, in general, I don’t know where T came from . .. The only thing, maybe I picked up Cho from my cousin. His sister had been ill there for a long time, and he took it and stuck with his grandparents just when we decided to leave our son with them for the whole day (we had to go to another city). And we were not warned that there the brother would possibly be a peddler of infection. But he is not sick. Like. In short, I don’t know, but a fact is a fact. The child got sick. At night, they still decided to give him paracetamol. When T became 38.6. By the morning it had already become 37.5 and kept here until tonight. The day the doctor came. Naturally, the throat is already red. Discharge…

0 137

grunting at night and ENT in Belgorod


29 January 2016 06:24 at Personal journal , as I put him to bed, he begins to grunt with his nose (at the same time, there is no runny nose during the day and snot does not flow). Tried to suck before going to bed nothing is sucked. I constantly drip saline into my nose during the day, but the grunting in my sleep does not stop. During the day he breathes through his nose, at night I think too, since we still have a nipple for sleep, but during the day there is no grunting, but at night there is. Who had it, why and what did they do? And tell me, please, a good lore in Belgorod? Thanks in advance to everyone for the help and replies!

1 441215

Runny nose and otitis media in infants


24 September 2021 11:20 at Personal log

We are 7 weeks old. I have noticed for a long time that my nose is not breathing well at night. There is no snot, mucus is deep somewhere, the child grunts and sleeps restlessly from this. During the day, everything is fine, the chest takes well, the nose breathes. I thought it was a physiological runny nose, but it turned into otitis media. Ears were treated with Otipax. The runny nose remained. How to deal with it? Who had it? Nazol baby was discharged. But it does not seem to heal, but just a vasoconstrictor effect

0 7365

The child cannot sleep because of a blocked nose, what should I do?


October 3, 2012 19:19 at Personal log

It’s been two days already. There is no snot, and his nose is stuffed up, grunts, and does not want to breathe through his mouth. I wash it with saline, today the nozzles have already appeared. You can take a ticket to the lore only on the 11th, and then with a referral from the pediatrician. In a paid clinic only on Friday evening, but how else to sleep for 2 nights? And yet, you don’t know what are the symptoms when the adenoids become inflamed or start to grow (I don’t know how to say it right)?

0 142072

October 23, 2021 9:47 pm at Personal log


What could it be
The girls have been suffering for a week now, something is bothering the little one in the nose, as if stuffed up, there is no snot, but it’s like it’s grunting straight, it’s already cleaned with cotton flagella, it dripped humer, it sucked, the nozzle sucks a little mucus like it sucks, but further inside it sits , and prevents the child from breathing normally, she also got small goats, but it’s not clear what, well, it doesn’t work out
And the nose is stuffed up, and breathing badly, just this grunt and that’s it
The pediatrician said to drip humer and that’s it 0 8280

Swelling of the sinuses in the morning.


January 30, 2018 19:44 at Personal Journal

After we started going to the kindergarten, the child often gets sick. After the last illness, the cough went away for a long time, for 3 months, and there were no wheezing, he coughed in the morning and a little in the evening. Inhalations helped a lot. And now it all went away, but I noticed that when he wakes up, his nose does not breathe, there is no snot, and sometimes you can hear something grunting in the nasopharynx. Our doctor didn’t explain it at all. This congestion passes on the way to the garden. Who had it.

0 4206

Baby grunts


November 9, 2018 08:54 at Health and nutrition of the baby

Girls, baby, 5 months old grunts. It’s been about a month now. Since yesterday, the “grunts” have intensified. Sounds like wheezing or something. It feels like there is snot somewhere in the nasopharynx, but there is no discharge, no fever, no cough, the child behaves as usual. As soon as it started, we went to the pediatrician: she said that they say it was narrow nasal passages, but she prescribed interferon and Viferon suppositories that didn’t calm me down – we went to a paid lore: an epic with drugs began: aqua maris, Nazi wine, Derin at, sea buckthorn oil, nozzle suction. Pediatrician new version: this is physiology! I felt a little better and again … my daughter is not breathing well through her nose, these wheezing are already giving away in the chest. Don’t know what to think? Who to believe? Already feel sorry for the child from t …

0 4199

Everything and a little more about a runny nose!!! These are those who have never met with a runny nose in their lives. Yes, it seems that the sore is not so severe, not terribly unpleasant. If for an adult a runny nose is unpleasant, but, by and large, not dangerous, then with the kids the situation is somewhat different. And the younger the child, the more acute the problem of his snot for parents. Yes, you don’t need to heal a child with tons of medicines, it’s unlikely that the baby will voluntarily agree to those procedures with the nose that you planned to carry out. Washing, instillation, warming up and other byaki are unpleasant for the child, so you need to treat it with those and then. When help really comes in handy. On the other hand…

9 31881

How can you trust doctors after this?


February 5, 2013 22:42 at Personal Journal

I wanted to share my story about children’s doctors. Maybe someone will come in handy. This is my first child and I have no experience with children. The birth was easy, the baby was born healthy and strong 4146.58 cm. They examined him, they said he was healthy. She gave birth at 5.10, he slept all day, and in the evening he started crying, I don’t know what to do with him, he doesn’t take his breast, he doesn’t calm down in his arms, dry, but he grunts . .. I go to the nurses, they go to the neonatologist, she examined, everything is fine says he’s just being naughty!!! Have you heard? The child does not have a day, but he shows character! I tell them: “He grunts, something with his nose ..” Well, he’s my first, even though I read a lot, but I don’t know anything … In short, they took and dripped drops from him …

2 30841

girls, what’s wrong with your nose, help??


February 3, 2016 23:12 at Personal Journal .e the nose does not breathe, but I tried, for example, he just woke up, grunts, I immediately suck akamaris in my nose and suck it with an aspirator, there is no snot, nothing comes out at all, just do it! but the nose is not breathing, and the growths in the nose are like sores! what to do, the humidifier is on, I’m checking the room, to the ENT only in two weeks, what could it be, adenoids? I’m very afraid of our horsemen, they will listen to complaints and immediately appoint some kind of operation (((I’ll make a reservation right away that this is perimodal, that is, it’s not, but our batteries are being heated, and it’s gone, maybe it’s connected with this, maybe it’s better to wait for spring . ..

1 22456

October 30, 2022 09:06 am at Personal Journal

Complain went to the hospital with a cough and green snot on 13.10 and was discharged on 25.10. I was sick for a long time because I also had otitis media.
So the blood and urine are good, the ENT said everything is fine, we tell the pediatrician to have a dry cough only at night and grunts his nose. She looked at her throat and listened and said everything is fine, there is no mucus in her throat at all. And they released us.
But the child’s nose grunts, the snot does not flow, if I start rinsing it is not there, if it comes out then it’s straight 1 drop transparent can be a little thick. And the cough turned into a wet one as we drink Sinekod.
So tell me who had it? Lor said if it doesn’t flow, it’s not necessary to clean it up, but I can’t listen to this squish and she breathes through her mouth. Maybe you need to enlighten your nose somehow? My mother says …0 9207

Snot in a child 10, 5 months old


28 October 2014 20:59 at Personal Journal there is no other negative, apart from constant whining, but this has been with us since birth . .. I drip Otrivin baby 2 times a day, more often it doesn’t work … Dripping is a whole epic … scream, oh, I put it on the sofa, myself on top, I pinch my arms and legs, if I can also manage my head, then I bury it, if not, then that’s it, he breaks out, yells, shakes his head in different directions … There’s no question about sucking with an aspirator … it’s useless … maybe if someone would help, but only me there’s just no way to do it… Styopka grunts… it feels like there’s snot somewhere in his nasopharynx… During the day he still breathes somehow, but at night he’s full… he wakes up from congestion, cries, he can’t suck his chest…

0 755910

What to do with these snot ((


December 1, 2014 14:22 at Personal journal

I already don’t know what to do with them. Soon I already don’t know what to do with them. “But they don’t even think to pass! The nose is stuffy, she can’t eat normally, she breathes through her mouth. We can’t walk normally either … I’m afraid that I’ll swallow air with my mouth. For the first three to five days I dripped otrivin spray, then I removed the snot with an aspirator (and very badly they are cleaned, and the little one yells wildly, and then grunts his nose anyway) and twice a day dripped Nazivin (did not help, the snot even didn’t decrease for a while). Now it’s been five days 1. Otrivin-spray 2. Aspirator 3. Protargol twice a day. Protargol, it seems, also cannot be dripped for more than five days. Everyone praises it so much, but even it does not help us. I have already tried aloe juice instillation …

0 33618

SCHOLKOVO. Children’s lore. tell me. And a question about the nose.


September 24, 2017 20:13 at Personal Journal

Here we are overtaken by the formula of a kindergarten child: we go for a week – we are at home for a week.
The question is this: the first week they departed, then the runny nose was treated for a week. Snot dripped down the wall, coughed and grunted in her sleep. Cured, went to the garden, departed for a week.
Today the rate has risen to 37.1, there is no snot, the nose breathes, BUT – coughs while lying down, and during the day it coughs a little (without sputum), snores when it lies, coughs when it lies especially, the nose breathes, there is no snot, but it says gundositis, in the nose . Damn, could it be adenoids?? I just looked it up on the internet for symptoms.
ENT we have only an adult in the clinic – and those pancake only on Wednesday. Where can I find a normal children’s lore with us? and how to identify and test adeno…

0 511080

the child is sick


February 13, 2015 02:54 to I don’t quite understand what’s wrong with him! And the sea has already been spent on all possible medicines, they are not a pity, but there is no result! The doctor has already been 3 times, but I still don’t have clarity. At first, the snot was not sucked out at all (now long and viscous fly out with a sneeze), the nostrils are clean, and the mucus was somewhere far away, the nose did not breathe, the child was nervous, so I had to refuse the drops and buy Aqualor baby spray, so he began to wash out the snot under a little pressure, but enough for a couple “Three hours, then grunts again. The cough was terrible and at the end it looked like barking, now it became wet, without barking. There is a lot of saliva, r …

0 45426



23 November 2018 13:41 at He grunts with his nose … it seems that it’s not congestion … I don’t understand. We went to the lore … I looked with the camera or whatever they call it. Everything is OK. I rinse with saline. Sometimes mucus comes out, no snot.
Recently went outside, breathed through his mouth. The nose is completely stuffed up. Brrr. Can this be on the teeth? This was not the case with the first child. ..

0 0191

physiological runny nose in a child. “what is it and what does it eat with”?


11 November 2015 00:55 at Personal journal how to determine the physiological is a runny nose or not. something periodically grunts and gurgles in the baby’s nose, I draw out mucus with an aspirator every two days. but at the same time, she sleeps well during the day, eats too (while eating, she does not come off her chest to inhale, that is, she breathes through her nose), but at the same time she can gurgle as if someone is smoking a hookah))) then she eats and falls asleep she doesn’t snore, she doesn’t squish anymore … well, she can grunt her nose when she cries. There is no temperature – the forehead is absolutely normal, I touch it constantly during the day, I have never aroused suspicion. no cough either. Well, maybe sneezing 1-2 times a day. this is a physiological runny nose, which itself passed …

0 29608

Here is the month


June 22, 2016 11:56 am at Personal journal

The first significant date of our baby unexpectedly approached! Today we are one month old))) In general, despite some problems, the month passed easily. And as always, I dedicate a long post to this date))) 1. Mom, but dad doesn’t breathe Only it wasn’t dad who didn’t breathe, but our Tim. The nose did not breathe. Because of this, he spat with his chest, cried and did not sleep. When I understood why the child was behaving this way, a panic began. Do you remember that I read sooo much information about children? And my memory helpfully threw in the fact that children do not know how to consciously breathe through their mouths. And they can suffocate. Therefore, the panic was cosmic. I could not do anything with a pear aspirator. She grabbed her son, in home clothes rushed to the pharmacy, for about …

2 28331

Stuffy nose in a 7 month old baby!


October 7, 2015 11:02 am at Personal journal

background: we have upper front teeth, two at once. it started about a week ago. on Thursday night, the rate rose to 38.5, there was a little snot, which was easily sucked off by an aspirator. On Friday morning we went to the doctor to rule out an infection. the doctor looked, listened, said – her teeth, everything else is normal. there are no appointments, except to bring down the big pace and kalgel (yeah!). so: the second night the child cannot sleep peacefully, because there is simply nothing to breathe! the nose is clogged, the snot is grunting somewhere inside, I can’t get it ((I wash my nose with saline, drip Miramistin drop by drop. I don’t have a temperature, I can’t see my throat, but I think it’s normal. What should I do? I called the hospital, the ENT is on vacation, but go to the pediatrician n…

0 13455

Stuffy nose in a 7 month old baby!


October 7, 2015 11:04 am at Baby health and nutrition

background: we have upper front teeth, two at once. it started about a week ago. on Thursday night, the rate rose to 38.5, there was a little snot, which was easily sucked off by an aspirator. On Friday morning we went to the doctor to rule out an infection. the doctor looked, listened, said – her teeth, everything else is normal. there are no appointments, except to bring down the big pace and kalgel (yeah!). so: the second night the child cannot sleep peacefully, because there is simply nothing to breathe! the nose is clogged, the snot is grunting somewhere inside, I can’t get it ((I wash my nose with saline, drip Miramistin drop by drop. I don’t have a temperature, I can’t see my throat, but I think it’s normal. What should I do? I called the hospital, the ENT is on vacation, but go to the pediatrician n…

0 201994

Nasal obstruction on teeth?


July 8, 2013 16:23 at Baby health and nutrition

Girls, can you put your nose on your teeth? At first, my daughter’s nose was slightly stuffy, and for the last two days she hasn’t been breathing at all, while there is no snot, her nostrils are completely clean, but you can hear that she is grunting somewhere far away. On Thursday, the local nurse came to us, looked and said that the tooth was climbing, but it was still far away, then our nose was still breathing well and I didn’t ask her about it. My daughter began to eat poorly, she constantly chokes because of her nose. , but in my opinion zero. Advise what else you can try? I can’t wash and suck, I’m alone, there’s no one to hold the child, and she kicks a lot.

0 1754

Runny nose. How to breathe? 🙁


December 20, 2011 2:47 pm at Personal Journal crying, they dripped aqua maris all night, sucked snot with an aspirator (although there are almost none), cleaned the nose with cotton turundas with oil and water, nothing helps, and tomorrow we go to the doctor for the first time for an examination, what else can be done so that the child can breathe? Yes, breathing becomes more or less normal only in the upright position, but I can’t hold it around the clock on my hands (((((

0 3287

a sound from a child… what could it be?


November 2, 2012 10:14 pm at Personal Journal

the child makes a sound while inhaling, as if something is bothering him there . .. several times a day. I would say often. it looks like he doesn’t have enough air … or I don’t know what it is … there is no snot, they already dripped and washed … at night the child sleeps and breathes through his nose. breathing is clean. the pediatrician looked in the afternoon, said that the neck was pink. just arrived from the doctor in the city hospital (we went to the emergency room of the ENT department). The doctor said he couldn’t see anything. and even the throat is normal .. I ask the child to inhale and exhale intensively with his nose … the first breath is sharp with a grunt, and then a clear sound …

Girls, what could it be? Or am I just an alarmist?

you tell him not to do it with his nose, he laughs and can do this many times……

0 2530

damn girls! Sounds like the baby is out of breath!


November 2, 2012 10:20 pm at Personal Journal

the child makes a sound when inhaling, as if something is bothering him there . .. several times a day. I would say often. it looks like he doesn’t have enough air … or I don’t know what it is … there is no snot, they already dripped and washed … at night the child sleeps and breathes through his nose. breathing is clean. the pediatrician looked in the afternoon, said that the neck was pink. just arrived from the doctor in the city hospital (we went to the emergency room of the ENT department). The doctor said he couldn’t see anything. and even the throat is normal .. I ask the child to inhale and exhale intensively with his nose … the first breath is sharp with a grunt, and then a clear sound …

Girls, what could it be? Or am I just an alarmist?

you tell him not to do it with his nose, he laughs and can do this many times……

0 66719

Child at 11 months gundosit and wrinkles nose


March 23, 2016 21:43 at Personal journal

Girls, what the hell? For several days now, Liza has been humming like her nose is clogged, constantly grunting like a hedgehog, a la trying to blow something out, wrinkling her nose. I wash it with aquamaris, there is no snot, I think my nose is breathing, at least the nipple is not spitting out. Any suggestions? P.S. I know about “go to the doctor”

0 18619

adenoiditis and kindergarten


October 5, 2016 15:14 at Personal journal

a child has recently been diagnosed with adenoiditis of the 1st degree. were like 10 days in the garden. Chera took from the garden with a stuffy nose. didn’t go today. the clinic is as follows: no snot, temperature 36.6C, slept without snoring, breathed through the nose. BUT! during the day he breathes through his mouth and sometimes he grunts somewhere deep. I don’t know if I should take my child to kindergarten tomorrow. there is no particular desire to go to the clinic, because there you stand in line for an hour, you put on all the diseases.
advise how to be

0 4212

Baby has snot. Can’t breathe


April 30, 2017 03:23 at Personal journal

woke up from the fact that the child cannot breathe deeply through the nose ((The whole nose is clogged with snot, grunts and grunts, they gurgle there ash. But they are deep, you can’t even see them. I washed them with aquamaris, sucked out baby’s otrivin and then baby’s nazivin. But it’s no use. She can’t eat. She only breathes in short breaths, they gurgle deeply and immediately. She can’t fall asleep. What should I do???? How to pull them out (((I already pumped them out with a baby enema … it doesn’t work (((

0 142306

The child snores, sniffs, grunts


November 18, 2015 13:00 at Personal log

Us 2.3. We go to the garden. No runny nose! But when we go to bed, something incomprehensible begins to happen in the nose. The child is snoring, snoring loudly … as if he has a lot of snot there … it’s all grunting, gurgling … I’m already blowing his nose – clean, rinse with aqualor, zirtek gave two weeks. Right now, all in sputum, he began to cough in an upright position. Everything just pops in the nasopharynx. Seems to be leaking down the back wall. We have stage 1 adenoids. But when there was not so much sputum, he also snored and snorted … what is it from? From the adenoids? When Laura was after treatment, he said that everything is clean with you, everything is fine. But nevertheless, the nose is still not perfectly clean breathing. Bubbling and snoring. In a dream.

0 6559

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The child breathes through his mouth – what to do
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Mouth breathing is not uncommon in children. This happens when there is not enough air coming through the nose.

There can be many reasons: a runny nose or inflamed adenoids, etc. The air passage is completely blocked or noticeably narrowed, and the body is forced to rebuild – for this, the mouth is connected.

Is it acceptable for children to breathe through their mouths? Yes. This breathing is not physiological – it is a “reserve airfield” for a cold. A week or two of such a regimen will not do harm. But if there is no runny nose, and the mouth is constantly open, this is already a cause for concern.

If a child breathes through his mouth all the time, a whole cascade of changes takes place.

Firstly, the width of the airways is still not enough for a normal supply of oxygen, hypoxia develops, which affects the general condition of the child: he becomes irritable and capricious, gets sick and tired more often, there is no success in sports, academic performance decreases.

Secondly, there are noticeable metamorphoses at the physiological level: the lower jaw goes down and goes back, followed by the tongue.

Even posture suffers: the head is pulled forward, the person unconsciously begins to stoop. So the body tries to cope with the lack of oxygen. And it is completely useless to say “straighten up!”. Correction must begin with a visit to the ENT doctor.

What happens to the bite when a child breathes frequently through an open mouth?

When breathing through the nose, the tip and front third of the tongue are in the correct position in the mouth. So the upper jaw receives the necessary stimulus for development.

But if the baby breathes deeply through the mouth, the tongue goes down with the lower jaw, and the upper jaw does not receive enough pressure, does not develop and remains narrow. In this case, the lower part of the chin moves even more back. This is how the distal bite is formed.

In turn, the lips do not close and do not exert the necessary pressure on the dentition. As a result, the front teeth deviate forward. It looks ugly and increases the risk of injury.

All these changes are reflected in the appearance: the face is stretched, the chin is shifted back, a “second chin” appears, not associated with excess weight.

If the child began to constantly breathe through the mouth, dry mouth makes itself felt, and saliva ceases to protect the teeth. Therefore, in children with such a problem, caries spreads instantly.

How to wean a child to breathe through his mouth?

To solve this problem, it is important to work in a team with several doctors. The ENT corrects the patency of the nasopharynx, the osteopath corrects the posture, the dentist eliminates the foci of infection, the orthodontist expands the upper jaw and sets the lower jaw to a standard position. The speech therapist retrains the tongue to lie back where it is supposed to – at the top, restores the weakened tone of the lips and shows exercises for differentiating nasal and oral breathing.

Only an integrated approach will enable a child to grow harmoniously, be energetic and healthy.

Baby plays with bottle instead of eating: Why Is My Baby Playing with His/Her Bottle Instead of Drinking?

Опубликовано: February 18, 2023 в 5:07 am


Категории: Baby

Why Is My Baby Playing with His/Her Bottle Instead of Drinking?

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Whether they take breast milk or formula, many babies these days are fed by bottles for some or all of their feedings. At some point in their bottle-feeding journey, your baby might not want to take the bottle, and they may try to play with it instead. Although it seems to be common, it is still frustrating when you are trying to help your baby eat and they have other plans.

A younger baby who is accustomed to breastfeeding may reject the bottle despite being hungry because they prefer the breast. Older children may reject a bottle because they are not hungry, do not like the bottle or nipple itself, are teething, or are too tired to focus on eating. They may also be distracted or want to play with you instead.

Read on for a closer look into why your baby might play with their bottle when you want them to drink it.

Table of Contents

The most common reasons a baby plays with a bottle instead of drinking it

While there doesn’t appear to be any official data on bottle refusal, one study found 20 to 30% of parents report feeding-related problems during a baby’s development, and anecdotes of babies refusing their bottle are found throughout the internet on parenting forums, videos, and blogs.

These posts, often from parents seeking advice, touch on babies of all ages and stages, as well as new and experienced caregivers.

Your baby may be playing with their bottle instead of drinking because of:

  • Lack of hunger
  • Preference for nursing
  • New bottle or nipple
  • Distractions
  • Teething
  • Feeling tired
  • Wanting to play

Lack of hunger

If your baby doesn’t feel hungry enough, they won’t want to eat. While this seems simple, it may confuse parents who are trying to stick to certain feeding times.

Some babies will take their bottles on schedule or have a loose “routine” while others are far less predictable. Especially in very young babies and preemies, feeding takes a lot of energy, and they may take only a little or refuse to feed at all if they aren’t hungry enough.

A baby who isn’t hungry might try to play instead, or they could chew the nipple, push it out of their mouth, turn their head away, or even knock down the bottle with their hands. Recent research recommends feeding based on baby’s cues, even for very premature infants, to make it easier on them, and you.

Preference for nursing

Nursing directly from the breast is different from drinking milk or formula from a bottle. During nursing, the milk may flow quickly at first, and later more slowly, and the baby can control the process and take breaks based on whether and how much they are sucking. With bottles, the flow rate of the milk depends on the nipple opening and shape, and the positioning of the baby, caregiver, and bottle.

Breastfed babies may not like the feel of an artificial nipple, the flow may be too fast or too slow compared to the breast, or they just prefer the act of feeding at the breast.  

One suggestion for breastfed babies to increase their success with a bottle is to use specific feeding techniques, which involve positioning the baby upright and holding the bottle horizontal, using the slowest flow nipple, and following the baby’s cues for pacing and breaks to mimic what they might do when nursing.

It can also help to have a caregiver other than their mom offer the bottle, as the baby might associate mom very strongly with nursing and refuse any bottles she offers.

New bottle or nipple

Feeding from a bottle is a skill, and babies will do best with what they practice the most.

Introducing a new type of bottle or nipple, or offering a different temperature than what is usually given can result in your baby refusing to drink. They might want to play with the bottle or nipple, exploring it to become more familiar with this new feeding device you’ve presented.

Older babies especially are becoming more alert and curious about their environment and may be more interested in the novelty than satisfying their hunger. Give them a chance to check it out before gently encouraging them to go back to feeding.


Whether it is noise, bright lights, toys, or a sibling playing nearby, distractions can make it difficult for your baby to focus on feeding. As babies emerge from the “fourth trimester” or newborn stage around 3 to 4 months old, they are more aware of what goes on around them, and they can see far more clearly.

Being able to focus better and follow moving objects lets your baby explore their surroundings, but also opens the door to more distraction from the task at hand – drinking the bottle. Your baby might turn their head to find the source of noise or movement, smile and wriggle in response to their siblings’ antics, or get overstimulated by a brightly-lit room.

Feeding your baby in a quiet space with dimmed lights may help.


Of all the troubles that babies have, teething seems to be blamed for so many things, from excessive drooling to night waking and increased fussiness. If you’ve ever had problems with your own teeth, you may remember not wanting to eat, and babies are no different.

Your baby may seem to play with the bottle nipple or chew it while trying to soothe their sore gums, even if you know they’re hungry.

Unfortunately, teething pains (and the trouble they cause) can come and go until your baby is through with the process, which can last until they are three years old. You may want to help ease any soreness or discomfort from teething before trying to start a feed, especially if you are aware of a new tooth on the way.

Feeling tired

Sometimes you can tell a tired baby by their heavy eyes, slowed activity, and big yawns, but other times it can look more like crying, pushing their bottle away, and even increased activity since stress hormone levels can go up when a baby is overtired.

Some parents say their overtired babies and toddlers become “hyperactive” and this could lead to all sorts of antics when trying to feed them a bottle. Paying attention to your baby’s hunger and tiredness cues may help, although they can sometimes be subtle and easily missed if your baby becomes overtired quickly.

For younger babies, swaddling, offering a pacifier, and rocking them can help to calm them down enough to drink from the bottle.

Wanting to play

If your baby doesn’t want to take their bottle, it might just be that your baby wants to play instead of eating.

As many parents have observed, babies and young children will play with almost anything – including their bottles. They might blow raspberries at the nipple, stop drinking to smile at you, turn the bottle with their hands, smack or push it around, pull the bottle away from you, and even throw it.

If your baby truly is in the mood to play, you might need to help them get that energy out before offering the bottle again. Having a regular routine can also make transitions from playtime to feeding time easier for both of you.

So what can you do when your baby wants to play with their bottle instead of feeding?

Depending on the reason, you might want to make changes to the feeding environment or the bottle, or you may consider changes to the daily routine to encourage more focused feedings.

Ensuring your baby is just hungry enough to eat, following their cues, and letting them show you when they have had enough can help bottle feedings be a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all.

9 things to try when Baby chews on the Bottle Instead of Drinking I empiricalmama

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When a baby chews on the bottle instead of drinking milk from the bottle, you have got yourself another common motherhood challenge. Let’s figure out what is going on with your baby’s playful behavior.

The first year of a baby’s life is full of adventure for both a mom and a baby. Did you think that breastfeeding was a challenge with a baby latching and unlatching while nursing, baby drinking too fast and choking, biting on the nipple while feeding, or recurring milk blebs? Wait till you introduce a bottle to your baby.

Feeding a bottle to your baby is a special skill, especially when you want to continue bottle feeding and breastfeeding. Even when your baby is exclusively bottle-fed, there are challenges like a baby refusing a bottle, or dribbling milk while drinking even when they are hungry, making clicking sounds, baby not latching onto bottle properly, or baby chewing on the bottle instead of drinking.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

The ironic part is that these challenges show up all of a sudden. You wake up in the morning, and the baby suddenly starts chewing on the bottle instead of drinking or refusing the bottle altogether.

If you are going through the “Baby chews on the bottle instead of drinking” phase, you need to figure out the underline cause of your baby’s sudden change in feeding habits.

This blog post talks about possible reasons why a baby chews on the bottle instead of drinking and possible solutions to try so you can go back to your regular bottle feeding.

Table Of Contents

  1. Why does a baby chew on the Bottle Instead of Drinking?
  2. 1. Recently weaned a baby from breastfeeding
    • Solution
  3. 2. Root reflex
    • Solution
  4. 3. Baby Does not like Nipple
    • Solution
  5. 4. Change in milk prep routine
    • Solution
  6. 5. Taste of Expressed breastmilk or formula
    • Solution
  7. 6. Baby is sick
    • Solution
  8. 7. Baby is teething
    • Solution
  9. 8. Feed them in Isolation
    • Solution
  10. 9. Baby is not Hungry
    • Solution
  11. A Baby chews on a Bottle Instead of Drinking: Final Thoughts

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Why does a baby chew on the Bottle Instead of Drinking?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for why a baby chews on the bottle nipple instead of drinking. Some babies are just playful, while others might have some motor skill conditions that are not letting them suck and swallow. But whatever the reason is, we have included a possible solution for it.

Here are several reasons and solutions when a baby chews on the bottle instead of drinking.


Recently weaned a baby from breastfeeding

Photo by Rainier Ridao on Unsplash

A baby chewing on a bottle nipple or refusing a bottle could happen if you have recently introduced a bottle to your baby because most breastfed babies do not want to give up breastfeeding. After all, it’s comfort, safety, and nourishment for them.

A baby chewing on a bottle nipple instead of drinking could also happen if you are combination feeding (breastfeed and bottle feed) your baby.

Even though they are used to combination feeding, they may suddenly chew on the nipple instead of drinking from a bottle when they are sick or going through growth spurts and in need of an extra cuddle for comfort.


Transition is hard for babies, so patience is key when you are introducing a bottle to your baby. The breastfed baby often refuses or play with the bottle nipple in their mouth when mommy gives them a bottle.

So, you may want to let your partner or someone else offer the bottle to your baby. If you have recently transitioned your baby to a bottle, check out this detailed article introducing a bottle to a breastfed baby.

2. Root reflex

Babies are born with root reflex (which allows breast or bottle to enter the oral cavity) and suck/swallow reflex (activated when bottle touches the roof of baby’s mouth) to help facilitate successful feeding during the first 4 months of baby’s baby life.

And as your baby grows, a coordinated suck-swallow-breathe pattern allows them to accept more volume and gain weight. So up until 3-4 months of age, when you breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby, they will begin sucking reflexively.

At around 3-4 months, the reflexes that babies are born will subside, and sucking will no longer be a newborn reflex.

Instead, it will transform into child-controlled action. So, if you are noticing your baby chew on a bottle nipple instead of drinking at 4 months, he is going through a major feeding milestone, and he will not drink milk if he doesn’t want to.


In this situation, give them some time to go back to their normal feeding routine. Another thing that worked for other mamas was to try a NUK bottle.

If your baby is biting or chewing on a bottle nipple, the milk will still flow from the NUK bottle, and your baby has no choice but to swallow.

Related Reading – 10 Best Bottles for Breastfed Baby

3. Baby Does not like Nipple

Photo by Jaye Haych on Unsplash

Breastfed babies are picky about the shape, size, and feel of the nipple. The nipple has to be soft, comfortable and make them feel closer to the breast. Also, the flow of the nipple is also essential.

If the nipple is hard and they are not getting the flow of the milk to their liking, they are most likely to reject the bottle or chew or bite on the nipple instead of drinking.


You might need to try different nipples and figure out what your baby likes. Then, try a bottle that resembles the breast. The Comotomo bottle is the best option you have for a breastfed baby.

You might also want to try the level 2 nipple to figure out if nipple flow is the issue for your baby. And if that fails, try latex nipple.

Latex nipples are much softer than silicone nipples. Many moms have had success in using NUK latex nipples (rather than silicone) with their babies.

4. Change in milk prep routine

Babies are also picky about the temperature of their milk. Even with the slightest change in the temperature from what they like or are used to, they will reject or play with bottle nipples instead of drinking.


If you are giving cold breastmilk or formula to your baby, try warming their milk. Breastfed babies are used to drinking body temperature breastmilk, so they may prefer warm milk.

If you are giving your baby frozen milk, make sure the caregiver knows how to warm the baby’s milk to avoid chewing on the bottle instead of drinking while mom is away.

5. Taste of Expressed breastmilk or formula

If your baby is willing to take a bottle, but after sucking for a minute, he starts chewing on the nipple instead of drinking, it might be the taste of the expressed breastmilk or formula. Just like the temperature of the milk or formula, babies are also picky about the taste of their milk.

The way you thaw or warm your breastmilk could impact the taste of frozen breastmilk. If you have accidentally given spoiled breastmilk to your baby, she may reject the bottle by chewing on the nipple and not drinking.

Also, if you reheat the expressed breastmilk twice, it will change its taste.

Same with formula, if you have recently introduced formula to your baby, he may not like the taste of it and hence chew on the nipple rather than drinking from the bottle.


Follow CDC guidelines for thawing and heating expressed breastmilk. Also, always smell or try expressed breastmilk before giving it to your baby to make sure it isn’t gone bad because freezing and thawing may cause breastmilk to go bad.

If you are giving formula to your baby, try changing the temperature of the water before mixing the formula. And if that fails, you might need to change the formula.

Try mixing formula with breastmilk for babies who recently transitioned to formula and chewing on the nipple instead of drinking. As your baby gets used to the taste of it, decrease the amount of breastmilk in the formula.

6. Baby is sick

Photo by Aikomo Opeyemi on Unsplash

Your baby’s bottle-feeding behavior may change suddenly if he is sick or not well. A baby suddenly chewing or biting on bottle teats could happen if he falls sick or has a cold, fever, gas, or other gastric issues.


Bottle rejection or chewing on bottle nipple instead of drinking due to sickness is temporary. Once the baby starts feeling better, they will go back to their regular feeding routine. Meanwhile, keep them hydrated if they are not drinking milk at all by alternate feeding methods.

Another common reason for chewing on bottle nipples instead of drinking is nasal congestion when they are younger.

They can’t breathe and drink from the mouth at the same time when they are congested. In this case, unclog their nose with nasal saline before each feeding. It will help them breathe from the nose and drink milk from the bottle.

7. Baby is teething

If a baby chews on the bottle instead of drinking at 6 months or beyond (some babies start teething at 4 months, too), they are possibly teething. When babies are teething, they have a solid urge to chew on everything to relieve their gum pressure.

So if your baby is not getting anything else to chew on, they will chew on the nipple instead of drinking from the bottle.


The teething process starts well in advance before you see any teeth in your baby’s mouth. So, if you see a sign like drooling, crankiness than usual, along with chewing on the bottle nipple, give them teething toys to chew on.

If they get something to chew on, they will less likely chew on the bottle nipple during feeding time. Here is a recipe on how to make the best breastmilk popsicle to help them during teething. And the best part is that they are getting nutrition while chewing on their popsicle.

8. Feed them in Isolation

As babies become aware of their environment, they quickly get distracted while feeding with anything happening in their surroundings.

Once they reach a new social milestone, they will want to talk to you, hold toys, or watch faces while feeding. They will be more interested in their environment rather than drinking from the bottle hence the chewing or biting on the bottle nipple.


During each feeding session, take your baby to a quiet, distraction-free room. Keep the light dim, get them in a comfortable position to feed in your nursing chair, and give them a bottle. You can also quietly sing a lullaby while they are drinking from their bottle to calm them.

9. Baby is not Hungry

A baby chews on a bottle instead of drinking simply because they are not hungry enough to finish the bottle. As a mother, you have set the expectation for your baby when it comes to feeding.

For example, if you have given 4 ounces of milk to your baby in a bottle, you want them to finish it all.  And when they drink 3 ounces of milk and then chew on the bottle nipple instead of drinking, you might see it as a problem.

But in reality, your baby may not be hungry to finish the bottle. Or their appetite might have changed due to a change in feeding schedule or introduction of solid food.  


As mentioned earlier, once your baby is 4 months old, their sucking reflex transforms into child-controlled action. So, if they are not hungry to finish the 4 ounces of milk or formula in a bottle, they will not finish it no matter how hard you try.

So, it’s best not to force the feeding. If you think your baby is not drinking enough milk or not gaining enough weight, it is best to talk to your doctor.

A Baby chews on a Bottle Instead of Drinking: Final Thoughts

When a baby suddenly chews on the bottle instead of drinking, it’s heartbreaking. But trust me, you can sail through these developmental milestones with the tips and tricks listed above.

If one thing doesn’t work for you, try a combination of the things and be persistent in your feeding routine.

It does take time to stop the baby from chewing on the bottle nipple instead of drinking, but with consistent effort, a feeding schedule, and a quiet room, you can get back to your regular feeding routine.

Meanwhile, talk to your pediatrician if you think your baby is not drinking enough milk and losing weight.

Good luck, mama!!

In a comment below, let us know if you have any tricks to stop the baby from chewing on the nipple instead of drinking. It will help other mamas who are struggling with feeding their babies.

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any problems. If your breastfed baby refuses a bottle, don’t worry. This is a common occurrence in many babies who are used to breastfeeding. Obviously, this can create certain difficulties for moms, especially if you need to return to work in the near future. nine0003

3 Philips Avent products to help you bottle feed:

So why is your baby refusing to bottle and crying? There are many ways to quickly and easily teach a breastfed baby to a bottle. Here are important tips on what to do when your baby refuses a bottle.

Is the baby refusing the bottle? Take a step back

If your baby cries while bottle feeding, the first thing to do is to start over and rethink your feeding approach and technique. Try the following steps when bottle feeding your baby: [1]

  1. Lift and tilt your baby’s head forward. Before inserting the pacifier into the baby’s mouth, make sure that the baby’s head is raised and tilted over his body to avoid choking: so that the baby does not choke and have the opportunity to burp during bottle feeding.
  2. Insert the pacifier. Bring the pacifier to the baby’s lips and gently guide it into the baby’s mouth. In no case do not try to press the nipple on the baby’s lips and try to push it into his mouth. After touching the pacifier to the baby’s lips, wait for the baby to open his mouth and take the pacifier. nine0036
  3. Hold the bottle at an angle. Tilt the bottle at an angle so that the nipple is only half full. So the child can eat at his own pace.
  4. Let the baby burp during and after feeding. It can be useful for a child to burp not only after feeding, but also approximately in the middle of the process. This will help reduce gas or tummy discomfort that your baby may experience from swallowing too much air.
  5. Stop in time, do not overfeed the baby. If the baby begins to turn his head away from the bottle or closes his mouth, then he is full and you need to stop feeding.
  6. Perhaps the flow of milk from the nipple to the baby is weak or, on the contrary, too fast, so he is naughty and refuses the bottle. Try changing the nipple to a nipple with a different flow.​

Other tips if your baby refuses the bottle

If you’ve followed the steps above and your baby still refuses the bottle, don’t worry. There are other ways to help bottle feed your baby. Here are some simple tricks you can add to your bottle feeding process. nine0029 [2]

1. Remind your child about mom.

Sometimes a child can be fed by someone other than his mother – dad, grandmother or, for example, a nanny. If your baby fusses while bottle feeding, try wrapping the bottle in something that smells like mommy, like a piece of clothing or some fabric. This will make it easier to feed the baby when the mother is not around.

2. Try to maintain skin contact while bottle feeding. nine0006

Some babies need contact with their mother, so try bottle feeding while leaning against you. However, some babies are better at bottle feeding when they are in the exact opposite position than when they are breastfed. For example, there is a position with bent legs. Lay the child on your bent knees, facing you, pointing the child’s legs towards your stomach. During feeding, the baby will be able to look at you and contact you in this way. If your baby refuses a bottle, experiment to see which works best. nine0003

3. Move while feeding.

Sometimes all it takes to get your baby to take the bottle is a little wiggle or walk. The next time your baby starts crying while bottle feeding, try moving around a little rhythmically to calm him down.

4. Try changing the milk temperature.

If the baby still does not want to take the bottle, check if the milk in the bottle is too hot or too cold. Before feeding, put some warm breast milk on the inside of your wrist to check the temperature. Milk should be warm, but if it seemed hot to you, just place the bottle for a short while under a stream of cold water. nine0003

Choosing the right bottle for your baby If you plan to combine bottle feeding with breastfeeding, it is advisable to choose bottles with a nipple that will have a wide base as the bottle will grip closer to the breast.

Also pay attention to the fact that the nipple is firm and flexible, the child must make an effort to drink from the bottle, as well as from the breast. Give preference to nipples with an anti-colic valve that vents air out of the bottle. nine0003

​Natural bottle allows you to combine breast and bottle feeding. 83.3% of babies switch from a Natural bottle to breastfeeding and back.*

If you choose a bottle for artificial feeding, traditional bottles are fine, but it is desirable that the nipple is made of a hypoallergenic material, such as silicone, has an anti-colic valve and did not stick together when bottle fed. In case your baby spit up often, then use special bottles with anti-colic and anti-reflux valve, which reduces the risk of spitting up and colic.​​

Bottle with unique AirFree valve reduces the risk of colic, gas and spitting up. With this bottle, you can feed your baby in an upright or semi-upright position to reduce spitting up. Due to the fact that the nipple is filled with milk and not air during feeding, the baby does not swallow air, which means that feeding will be more comfortable.

Both bottles are indispensable if you want to breastfeed, bottle feed or just bottle feed your baby. nine0003

“My baby refuses to breastfeed but bottle feeds – help!”

Sometimes a baby gets used to bottle feeding and refuses to breastfeed. Therefore, it is important to use bottles that are suitable for combining breastfeeding with bottle feeding. If, nevertheless, you are faced with the fact that the child refuses to take the breast, try using silicone nipple covers to make the transition from the bottle to the breast and back more imperceptible. nine0013

Remember that if you want to combine breastfeeding and bottle feeding, it is worth waiting at least a month before offering a bottle, so that you are lactating and have time to get used to each other and develop a breastfeeding regimen.​

Breastfeed and bottle feed your baby with pleasure

Remember that it takes a while for your baby to get used to bottle feeding. This is completely normal. If you have to go to work, be sure to set aside enough time to bottle train your baby beforehand. nine0013

Remember that every child is different, so what works for one may not work for another. With a little time and patience, you will find out what works best for your baby when he refuses a bottle.

You will identify your child’s unique needs. However, if your baby still refuses the bottle after all the steps above, check with your pediatrician.

Articles and tips from Philips Avent


*O.L. Lukoyanova, T.E. Borovik, I.A. Belyaeva, G.V. Yatsyk; NTsZD RAMS; 1st Moscow State Medical University THEM. Sechenova, “The use of modern technological methods to maintain successful breastfeeding”, RF, 10/02/2012 3 – The Baby Who Doesn’t Nurse – Introducing a Bottle to a Breastfed Baby

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If the child does not want to give up the bottle

In the matter of accustoming a child to ordinary adult food, the main thing is a favorable period when, in addition to milk, the child is also interested in other food on the table of adults and begins to reach for it, grabbing food hands. During this period (from 9-10 months to 1.5 years approximately) the baby usually begins to strive to eat on his own. First – grab pieces from the table, hold them in a pen and bring them to your mouth, drink from a cup, etc. If the mother puts a spoon in his hands and encourages his efforts, the baby will take this initiative in the future.

The next point to be aware of is that the child should not be forced to eat. Generally. Respect his choice. In order to form the correct eating behavior: feeling of hunger -> active search for food -> absorption of food, it is necessary that the child, firstly, wants to eat and, secondly, can get to the food himself. nine0003

How to do it? Refuse to persuade and pester a child with a spoon: “Well, eat more … one more time … for mom, for dad …”. Just put food on the table (in accordance with the regime), call the child to eat and start breakfast (lunch, dinner) with the whole family. If he doesn’t go, it’s okay, he will eat at the next meal. And no snacks, except water, do not give. It is important to form in him a feeling of hunger and an active search for food.

I think you get the basic idea. Now, as for the situation when the moment is still missed and the child is not interested in anything but the bottle. nine0003

There are two ways:

The first quickly finish the bottle of . What is the best way to do this?

Stage 1 – Preparation

First, talk to the child, praise him for how big he is now, he has learned everything: sit, walk, run, play, etc. (you can support your story with his children’s pictures). And if earlier he needed a bottle, now he may well refuse it. Your tone should be friendly and confident. Suggestion can be done daily, both by you and dad (after all, a man in the family can have a strong authority that must be used) casually hinting at how wonderful it is to be big and independent. But big bottles don’t eat…

Stage 2 – Parting

After a few days of “preparation” agree to “celebrate” the separation of the bottle.

Promise sweets (what he likes), a new toy he dreams of, and set the X hour: “Let’s have a party! You know, in kindergarten, six- and seven-year-olds say goodbye to kindergarten and go to school, because they have already grown up and become big. So you and I have already grown up for a bottle, let’s say goodbye to her? We will have something tasty and gifts!” nine0003

Celebrate parting with the bottle as a family on this big day. You give it to the child, tied with a bow (for solemnity), you allow him to drink for the last time and let him give it to you, and you say that you will take the bottle to one baby, very small, who does not yet know how to crawl (or come up with another plausible excuse so that he I couldn’t get it back). Present gifts that are very desirable for him, go to a fun children’s event where he will definitely like it (to an amusement park, jump on a trampoline, go to a circus, to a children’s entertainment center, etc.). nine0003

Photograph your child all day long and in the evening praise him for his courage and kindness in taking care of the baby. If he asks “back” – do not give in to persuasion, remind him of a fun holiday, express admiration for his decision and adulthood, distract him with a game (you can allow him to go to bed later, do an exciting thing, drink something else before going to bed – juice, water or compote from a cup, for example).

In a week the attachment will weaken. Naturally, you don’t buy any more bottles and forget about it completely. nine0003

The second and milder way desensitization is a kind of process of slowly dying out of an unwanted habit that has formed. It is carried out in stages and gradually until the child’s attachment to something (to the bottle) is weakened.

Stage 1 – Eating only at the table

You gradually introduce new rules for using the bottle with an interval of 3-5 days: first – just before bedtime (do not fall asleep with it), then eat a bottle only for dinner (before bedtime – half an hour or an hour), then use the bottle only at the table – so you slowly teach the child to eat exclusively at the table and as part of the whole family (for now, favorite semolina is the main meal). nine0003

If the child cannot sleep without a bottle, gradually wean him off by reducing portions, and for dinner try to give the same bottle with the usual amount of food. A little later, instead of a bottle for falling asleep, offer another association related to sleep (an interesting book, a favorite car, etc. that he likes). Talk to the baby, explain that he is already big, and the bottle is for the little ones.

Express aloud positive confidence that he no longer needs it, give funny examples to yourself: “Imagine that mom went to bed with a bottle in her arms?! And dad with semolina in his mouth and in bed?!” Bring ideas to the point of absurdity so that he himself becomes funny. Let the whole family support you in this explanation and periodically praise the child, how big he has already become, and express confidence that he will do without her. Without moralizing, swearing and ridicule. Only a positive attitude to the problem (many children have difficulties with parting, but they all coped – and you can handle it!), Good humor, etc. So gradually the child should come to the extinction of attachment to the bottle before bedtime. nine0003

Stage 2 – Bottle + plate

All food is eaten from a plate. You can also gradually move in this direction – offer a bottle with a smaller portion of porridge. Bring its volume to a minimum every day (200 ml – 180 ml – 150 ml – 100 ml, etc.) And next to it – put a plate of semolina. The goal is to switch the consumption of your favorite food from the bottle to the same food from the plate.

And it’s okay if he, after drinking the whole bottle with a smaller portion, does not touch the plate of porridge. Everything will be over time. Hungry – wants. As soon as he discovers that there is very little food in the bottle, turn his attention to the plate. He can finish his meal already from the plate. If he protests and demands from a bottle, do not follow his lead. Say that the bottle is “tired, wants to rest”, come up with a fairy tale for distraction. At first, feed him from a spoon (from a plate). Try to stretch this process for no more than a week. nine0003

Stage 3 – Plate only

As soon as the bottle is empty, you can leave it empty next to it and put a full portion of the plate with semolina. Next, you can “forget” to put the bottle on the table. This is already a victory!

Stage 4 – We learn to eat on our own

To safely reach the coveted finish line, be patient again. Some mothers with a similar problem: “How to make a child eat on their own” decided simply: put food – does not eat? – we clean until the next time. Again does not want, although he did not eat anything? – we clean again, etc. And a hungry child stops showing off, starts eating himself. nine0003

Others sent their friend to a friend with many children to stay for three days or a week, in whose family the question: “I won’t eat” doesn’t even come up. And “nehochuha”, looking at the kids appetizingly sweeping away all the crumbs from the table, he involuntarily becomes infected with food excitement.

Dog meeting new baby: 10 Tips for a Smooth Introduction

Опубликовано: February 16, 2023 в 10:43 pm


Категории: Baby

10 Tips for a Smooth Introduction

Photo by logoboom / Shutterstock

By Allison Jones

My friend has a neurotic border collie; it was bred to herd sheep. Not surprisingly, she was a little anxious about how things would go when she brought her infant home for the first time. Would the dog try to nip and herd the baby, confusing her cries for the bleating of a lamb?

She isn’t the only mom with these concerns. Many parents report feeling worried about how the new dynamics between dog and baby will work.

Of course, most dogs of loving adults will become great family dogs, too. But there are things you can do to help promote harmonious relations between your faithful canine and the new love of your life.

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Here are a few thoughtful tips for managing the growing family pack.

1. Before the baby comes, head to the vet.

Take your dog to the vet for a health exam and any necessary vaccines. With a new baby in the house, the last thing you need is a pet that suddenly gets sick! Be sure to get your pet’s nails trimmed as well.

2. Address behavior issues.

Your Chihuahua may only reach your shins, but his jumping and barking could become a real problem for a baby. Address these issues with a canine behavior specialist or obedience class well before your due date.

3. Make arrangements.

Your dog needs somewhere to go while you’re in labor. Make on-call arrangements in advance with a trusted friend, family member, or neighbor! Luckily, most people are delighted to provide this kind of support even if the big day comes in the middle of the night.

4. Make an exercise plan.

Post-baby, a walk around the block is sometimes the best parents can manage, but many dog breeds need a lot more than that. Have the names of dog walkers and doggy daycares at the ready, so you won’t be scrambling to make arrangements. (Plus, a dog that gets its exercise is less likely to develop behavior issues.)

5. Introduce the dog to other tiny people.

Have friends with infants or toddlers? Invite them over for supervised play dates with your pet so your furry friends can get acquainted to babies’ noises and movements—and occasional ear tugs.

6. Do your nose work.

Dogs’ noses are 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive to smell than ours. Start using the shampoos, wipes, and lotions you plan to use with the new baby a few weeks before your due date to acclimate pets to your infant’s aromas.

While you’re in the hospital, send a family member home with one of your baby’s blankets from the hospital. Let the dog sniff the blanket so he can “meet” the new family member with his nose first.

8. Consider baby gates.

You might not need baby gates until your baby starts crawling, but they also are good for dogs: They allow you to separate your dog from the baby without having to close the door on him (which can make sensitive pooches feel left out).

9. At the introduction, remain calm and confident.

This is important. Pets easily pick up on feelings, so if you are anxious when the two meet, your dog may be, too. Never force a pet to get close to the baby, as it may take a dog a while to get used to the idea of a new love in your life!

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10. Your child’s safety comes first!

Don’t ever leave your baby and pet alone together, even for an instant. If you leave the room, baby does too.

While no one ever wants to part with their dog, heed the words of celebrity dog trainer Cesar Milan: “If, after working with a professional and on your own, you are still not 100 percent confident about the safety of your baby with your dog, then finding your dog another home to protect the well-being of your child and pet is a step you may have to take.

If managing dog and baby together sounds like work, remember that dogs and pets can foster a sense of well-being and calm in your home. Spending time with pets has been shown to reduce stress and foster relaxation—which may be just what you need after a baby is born.

Tips And Guidance

New Baby


Family Safety

Infant (0-1)

Introducing Your Dog to Your New Baby – American Kennel Club

  • Provide your dog the space – both mental and physical – to adjust to a new baby
  • Reward dogs for behaving positively around your baby
  • Many dogs, like people, just need an adjustment period

I’ve had my share of litters – and not just canine ones. You see, I’m the mother of triplets.

When Stephen, Allie, and Krista came into my life – in that order, a couple of minutes apart – I had two middle-aged Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Blitz and Diva had certainly met children before, and didn’t mind them, but the arrival of the babies rocked their world. Pre-kids, my husband Fred and I went to work, and they lazed around our suburban Victorian, maybe getting exorcised over the occasional oil delivery or Fed Ex dropoff. But post-kids, there was a literal village tromping through the house – grandmothers, babysitters, a visiting aunt from Italy – and these, these … creatures.

Diva, an old hand at motherhood herself, decided avoidance was the best option: Anytime I sat down next to her with a baby in my arms, and a tightly balled fist or bootied foot grazed her, she got up without so much as a sidelong glance and, well, left. It was as if she had concluded that I didn’t appreciate her messing with my litter anymore than she would.

Blitz, on the other hand, was a basketcase. Like many intact males, he had what one behaviorist I talked to eloquently called Old Bachelor Uncle Syndrome. He reacted to my newborn children the same way he did to newly whelped puppies presented under his nose for inspection: “Uh, what are these things? Ew, they smell weird. I thought I wanted to know, but – actually – no … ” Backing away … backing away …

When my triplets started to toddle, he looked at them whale-eyed, just as he did with newly weaned puppies barreling around the room, running in between his legs, millipedes with fur: “What are these things? They still smell weird. Is one of them going to grab my testicles?” (A concern that proved prophetic.) Growling … growling …

It was a little unnerving having a 90-pound intact male Ridgeback vibrating like a tuning fork around my little swathed bundles of pinkness. But with my favorite remedy – tincture of time – and some hard-earned experience, we eventually overcame this reluctance. That first year of mixing dogs and babies was stressful, but it taught me more than any “What to Expect …” book could.

In fact, nobody really tells you what to expect when you bring a new baby home to an older dog. The advice books tell you what to do to prepare your dog for the arrival, but there’s not much information about how to prepare yourself for what happens when things get a little bumpy.

Here is some hard-earned advice about both sides of the fence – acclimating dogs to little kids, and teaching little kids to share a home with four-legged siblings. And while it goes without saying, I’ll, of course, say it: If at any time you are concerned about your dog’s behavior, consult a qualified trainer or behaviorist.

The advice books are only a starting point

Yes, do the whole blanket-from-the-hospital shtick. Walk around the house with a doll and talk mindlessly to it. But it’s no guarantee that your dog is going to seamlessly tradition from life before baby to the new nuclear-family reality.

Let’s face it: Dogs are smart. They know the doll isn’t a baby. But what they do know is that everything in their world is changing: As your pregnancy progresses, everything about you starts to morph, from your gait to your hormones to your routine. New furniture shows up. Rooms get rearranged. Your anxiety level peaks.

Any major life change requires an adjustment period, and dogs are no different. Just assume that this will be the case, and provide your dog the space – both mental and physical – to figure things out. When things get hectic, or out of control, give your dog crate time with a good chewie. Don’t expect the Normal Rockwell painting out of the gate; for the first few months, it may be more paint by numbers.

Listen to the dog people

Babies and kids make people emotional – no way of getting around that. Fledgling grandmothers who in other aspects of their lives are unflappable turn into frantic Oracles of Delphi when your pooch so much as looks sideways at the new arrival.

Amid all the confusion and exhaustion of a new baby, it’s easy to let other people get into your head. If it’s an experienced dog person, that’s one thing. But if it’s someone whose sum total exposure to canines is a collection of German bisque Dachshunds, then keep that in perspective. People who understand dogs understand canine body language and instincts; people who don’t are liable to misinterpret even friendly gestures – “He’s LICKING HER! Oh, my God, HE’S LICKING HER!” – and can offer some rather insane advice.

Last week, on a visit to the periodontist, the chairside chatter turned to the assistant’s newborn granddaughter, who was coming home from the hospital later that week. Concerned that the family dog was not going to accept the baby readily, the plan was to tranquilize him. I almost swallowed my cotton batting, and when I could come up for air I pointed out that this was a supremely bad idea; in fact, being woozy and out of control of his own body likely would put the dog more on edge, not less.

Center yourself

Dogs read your body language, your pheromones – and, the animal communicators would say, your thoughts. If you are anxious and worried about your dog’s reaction to the baby, you are in a sense encouraging him to be. Find that sweet spot between vigilant and freaked out. Practice feeling it. Practice breathing normally and not holding your breath when the two are in the room together – that’s the first sign to your dog that there is something to be worried about.

Don’t run film loops in your head about the worst-case scenarios. Do try to envision a calm, serene encounter. This sounds simple, and in theory, it is, but in practice, it can be the most daunting hurdle you face, especially if you have a dog who’s having difficulty with the new-baby transition.

Take baby steps

The most important thing to remember with anything involving dogs, or kids – or dogs and kids together – is that you can’t expect a finished product right out of the gate. Plan out your encounters between dog and child – no matter what the age – and start simple: Create tiny successes and build from there.

In my Blitz’s case, he exhibited a whole spectrum of emotions, starting first with excitement, leaping and snuffing. When he smelled the babies through the bars of the crib, he breathed their scent in so deeply he sounded like an Electrolux. Once the novelty wore off, and the babies became a fixed part of our routine, then bewilderment set in. He was fine as long as they didn’t touch him. Once they did, the panicked looks and grumbling started.

We dealt with his behavior in a number of ways. To help center his emotions gently and without drugs, I added some appropriate flower essences to his water, like Walnut for dramatic life changes, Mimulus for fear and Rescue Remedy to kick it up a notch. (In my experience, when I have found the individual essences that work, adding Rescue Remedy often amplifies their results.) Whenever Blitz was around the babies and reacted without fear or concern, he’d get a click and a treat. To encourage him to make contact with them, I’d balance a piece of string cheese on, say, the baby’s blanket-swaddled feet. (He was the gentlest dog when taking food – don’t try this with a chomper.)

Corrections don’t work when fear or anxiety is at the root of the problem; they only make things worse. But if I did hear a grumble when I sat beside Blitz on the couch with a baby and bottle, he was calmly but firmly ejected from his spot.

Fast forward five or so years later. Blitz was sleeping in the front parlor; my baby sitter was playing a boisterous game of tag with the kids, chasing them around the kitchen island. When their delighted screams reached his ears, he bounced off the couch, trotted over to the babysitter, and took her forearm gently between his powerful jaws. She stopped, the kids’ screaming died down, and he released her, without so much as a tooth mark. Rather than being taken aback, she was pleased: He was telling her, eloquently but wordlessly, that he was worried about his children, and she needed to stop their screaming. Now.

When those babies first came home, I would have never thought that scenario possible. But many dogs, like people, just need an adjustment period.

Crate expectations

The books all say it, and its importance cannot be understated: Your dog’s crate needs to be his sanctuary, and it is off-limits to kids. I can tell you from experience that preschoolers think a crate is the coolest kind of playhouse; it’s small, it’s snug, it’s forbidden, and therefore irresistible.

I reserve the sternest kind of rebuke for any kind of messing around with the dogs’ crates – not only going in them, but opening them without permission. My children grew up understanding that letting a dog out of his crate at the wrong time could have serious consequences. Being a multi-dog household with frequent visitors who don’t always get along with the resident dogs – or who are in various states of reproductive readiness – there are cases where having the wrong two dogs out together could potentially result in disaster. I don’t sugar-coat it – if you do this, this and this could happen, and that would be A Very Bad Thing.

Kids aren’t the only ones who can mess up in this regard: If you have babysitters, nannies, visiting relatives who take on dog care as part of their household helping, you can’t rely on them to be as vigilant as you would be. In those cases, a snap-lock on the crate with a note – “Do not let out!” – reminds them in your absence.

Continue to read part 2 — Teaching Young Children to Respect Dogs

Baby and dog in the house: a newborn baby and a dog in the apartment


When a small child appears in the house where the dog lives, its behavior may change.

When a small child appears in the house where the dog lives, its behavior may change. The reaction of the dog to the child also depends on how the owner and other adult family members behave.

First of all, you need to start with the fact that in a house where a small child has appeared, the dog must be healthy. This means that the owner regularly carried out antiparasitic treatments and vaccinations. The dog must be kept clean. She was regularly washed, sheared if the breed required it, and combed. Wet cleaning is carried out daily in the house, as the dog brings dirt from the street. Even if her paws are washed after each walk, street dust still remains on the wool. Monthly preventive examinations by a veterinarian are mandatory. Of course, such rules must be observed by all owners, regardless of whether there are children in the house. But when it comes to a small family member, the implementation of these simple rules becomes mandatory.

An equally important point is allergic reactions. A newborn baby is very sensitive to various allergens, so if he has a reaction, you will need to check if the dog is the cause. If the analysis confirms an allergy to dog hair, you should try to isolate the child from the dog as much as possible. This is the most unpleasant moment, since the dog, getting used to getting his portion of attention and care, may lose it. In the life of a dog, new prohibitions and territories will appear where it will not be allowed. Therefore, the owner requires maximum delicacy and understanding of the situation. You can’t drastically change the dog’s life, as it is not to blame for the situation that has arisen. It is easier to gradually restrict her access to some places where the child is, while not depriving her of her usual share of love and care. The dog should not feel deprived of the master’s attention.

The psychology of building relationships in a family with a dog and a small child is a topic for a separate discussion. But it is important to know some especially important points. The dog is a jealous creature, and the child in her understanding is the youngest member of the pack. Therefore, when adults devote most of their time to the child, forgetting about their duties in relation to the dog, she begins to consider the child the source of her troubles and misfortunes. As a result, aggression aimed at eliminating this source. You can not cancel or ignore your duties in relation to the dog. She is not able to understand and compare the reason why they began to walk a little with her or forget to feed, play, caress. With the advent of the baby, the roles in the family must be redistributed. The dog must still remain at the bottom of the hierarchy. She can and should be allowed to communicate with the baby. The owner thereby makes it clear that he trusts his dog with the most valuable thing he has. The dog takes this trust as a signal that the child is a full member of the pack that needs to be taken care of and protected. In the future, the owner must adjust their relationship as the child grows.

Under no circumstances should a dog be punished, scolded or chased away when trying to get to know a baby. Adults should closely monitor her actions, encouraging and encouraging a positive reaction. In case of a negative reaction, the dog should simply be taken away from the room where the child is, you can go for a walk with it. So the dog will be distracted, and the stressful situation will be leveled. After a while, you should again try to introduce the dog to the baby, each time giving him positive reinforcement and encouraging his calm reaction. Gradually, the dog will get used to the child, to his smell and sounds, and he will become another part of her world.

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What kind of dog to get in an apartment with children?

What gender is better to get a dog?

Is it worth getting an adult dog?

What is better – to take an adult dog or buy a puppy

Which dog to choose – purebred or mixed breed?

Dog expenses

What you need to know before getting a dog

At what age is it better to take a puppy?

Newborn baby and dog: safety rules

Ekaterina Kastritskaya, psychologist, animal therapist, animal behavior and welfare consultant

Many people are convinced that all dogs are born nannies who will gladly raise a human child and will never harm him. However, this is a dangerous delusion. Statistics say that dogs bite children more often than adults. But not because they are “evil and insidious”, but because they were not explained how to behave with a child, and they did not create safe ones.0042 living conditions .

That’s why if you have a dog in your house and you plan to have a baby, you need to properly prepare the dog for the arrival of the baby and ensure that safety rules are followed.


How to prepare a dog for the birth of a child?

You can avoid a lot of problems and save your pet from a lot of stress associated with the arrival of a new family member, if you properly prepare your dog for the birth of a child.

  1. Think about what changes will happen in the dog’s life with the advent of your heir. For example, if a rearrangement is needed or the dog will be denied access to some premises, make all changes in advance (at least 3 months before the expected date, and preferably earlier). The same applies to changes in the daily routine, walking schedule, etc. The baby doesn’t show up all of a sudden – use your time wisely.
  2. Teach your dog the necessary commands : “Come”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Fu”, “No”, hold, etc. It is very important to be able to stop and distract the dog if, for example, it tries to flirt with the baby or grabs something that belongs to him.
  3. Work with bad habits dogs. If the pet is used to meeting you with jumps, then having a child in your arms will not stop him, and this can be just dangerous. Teach your dog to stand with four paws on the ground. It is also useful to work out the issue of resource protection, if there is such a problem.
  4. Consider in advance how you will introduce your dog to the newborn.

How to introduce a dog to a newborn and what safety rules to establish?

There are simple rules to help you introduce your dog to your newborn safely.

  1. Before the parents arrive home with the newborn, ask someone to take the dog for a good walk to reduce arousal.
  2. When a young mother arrives home, it is better for her to hand over the child to someone and say hello to the dog . It is important to do this calmly, without creating unnecessary excitement.
  3. When the dog calms down, show him the baby , let me smell the heel. The ideal reaction is when the dog sniffs the child, can lick the heel and calmly go about his business.
  4. Show that the dog is still loved by and is a valued member of the family. Do not kick her out of the room if she was previously allowed access there, do not yell at her, and even more so do not use physical violence. Acquaintance is an important moment that will have an impact on the entire future life of a dog with a child.
  5. It is important to stick to that daily routine and rules that you set a few months before the baby was born. The appearance of an incomprehensible new creature in the house is a strong stress for the dog, do not aggravate its condition and do not provoke jealousy towards the child.
  6. Create positive associations with the child in the dog. For example, you can give the pet something that the baby has not finished eating (or simply after each contact of the parents with the child, treat the pet with something especially tasty). And it is better to let the dog become a beggar than to be afraid of the presence of a child and be jealous.
  7. When the child begins to crawl and walk, make sure that he does not drive the dog into a corner and does not cause him discomfort. Provide your dog with escape routes and a place where he can retire. Teach your dog that she can leave the child at any time when she wants to. For example, if you see your dog showing signals of discomfort, calmly take him out of the room, without forbidding him to come back if you wish.
  8. If the dog has a strong hunting instinct and you see that the pet’s eyes are constantly riveted to the baby, she is tense and excited, leave the dog in a collar with a rope or leash tied to it (at least 1 meter long) for several weeks.

Baby drooling at 3 months old: Drooling and Your Baby –

Опубликовано: February 15, 2023 в 7:15 pm


Категории: Baby

Your 3-month-old baby: Milestones, schedule, growth spurt and more

Photo: iStockphoto

Your baby is three months old! Phew, that’s the fourth trimester done and dusted, and it just gets easier from here, right? (Right? Anyone?) The newborn fragility is gone, your little tree frog is uncurling and bursting out of those newborn clothes, and sleeping and eating are getting, well, if not easier than at least a little more predictable. The three-month mark is a big one for baby milestones, and it’s totally normal to have a lot of questions about what comes next.

3-month-old milestones

Gross motor skills
Steady, strong and rolling along. By the end of three months, your baby can likely roll from front to back and hold their head with fewer wobbles these days, thanks to their strengthening neck muscles. When placed on their tummy, your baby can probably raise their head and chest and stretch out and kick their legs. And have you noticed your baby pushing down with their legs when their feet are on a hard surface? All of these gross motor skills are revving up in preparation for eventual crawling and walking. But don’t worry: They are a long way from making a break for it just yet!

Fine motor skills
Give that baby a hand! Their fine motor skills are developing quite nicely, and that means your three-month-old can do all sorts of tricks with their hands. Opening and closing their hands, bringing them together, finding their mouth and even batting at a favourite object (or at you!)—it’s all happening now. In the months ahead, your baby’s hand strength and accuracy will continue to improve, which means that they will soon be able to grasp and hold objects and use their hands to explore. That takes it to a whole new level for babyproofing, so keep thinking a few months ahead!

Communication and cognition
Your baby should be smiling in response to your smiles—and unprompted grins are happening by now, too. They are developing their repertoire of facial expressions, which means that they can mimic your expressions and make a few of their own. They are also starting to copy your movements, which opens the door to games like peekaboo. Cognitively, your baby is figuring out social cues and communication, so they will be watching your face closely, following objects with their eyes and starting to recognize people and objects they know.

Developing senses
While your baby’s sight is still fairly blurry, they are starting to recognize you and their closest companions, even from a distance. It’s a good time to kick your communication up a notch when eye to eye with your baby, such as during feedings, changings and bathtime. A baby-safe mirror for the crib or play mat is also a good idea at this age as your baby explores their own facial expressions. Their colour vision is also improving, so adding lots of bright objects to your baby’s day will help grab their attention.

At three months, your baby loves to hear the sound of your voice and can be startled and soothed by the sounds around them. Your baby is also starting to make their own deliberate sounds, so you can have your first “conversations”—taking turns, altering tone and encouraging a back-and-forth pattern teaches your baby how language works. You’re setting the stage for your baby’s first words, which are still months away. This is also a great age to start sharing your favourite songs, whether that means singing to your baby or dancing together in the living room.

Your baby can smell and taste, which you probably know already if you’ve struggled to switch your baby’s favourite drink or introduce a bottle (which smells nothing like what they’re used to). At three months, babies can also turn toward a smell they like and away from one they don’t and prefer sweet tastes to bitter ones. Still, at three months, your baby’s nutritional needs are fully met by breastmilk or formula, and it’s too early to be experimenting with other foods. If your baby is breastfed, they will be introduced to different tastes as mom eats different foods.

Finally, babies are learning about the world around them through their sense of touch. This includes a few things that they are starting to touch with their hands, as well as what touches them, such as the warmth of a body next to theirs, the softness of a blanket, the wetness of water and the soothing calm of massage.

Growth spurts
Growth spurts can happen at any time, but it’s common for babies to hit them around 10 days, between three and six weeks, and several times afterwards. Three-month growth spurts are especially common and, when a growth spurt hits, they can be fast and furious. Babies can noticeably (and measurably) gain weight and length in just 24 hours, says Michelle Lampl, a doctor and growth researcher at Emory University in Atlanta. Her studies show that infants can sprout as much as nine millimetres in length in just one day.

Settling down and circadian rhythms
At three months, your baby is starting to settle into a more distinct sleep pattern, with longer wakeful periods and more predictable—and sometimes longer—sleep periods. In fact, Hilary Myron, a paediatrician at The Montfort hospital in Ottawa, says that three months is the ideal time to start establishing more consistent sleep and wake times.

“Studies of infant sleep show that babies start to establish circadian rhythms tied to the rhythmic secretion of melatonin at around three months of age,” says Myron. “Although there is a wide range of normal, babies at three months usually sleep between 11 and 15 hours during a 24-hour period,” she says. “Of that, they generally spend about three or four hours in daytime naps.”

While it may be too early to expect your baby to sleep consistently through the night—which Myron defines as a six-hour stretch at this age—she says that the first step to establishing a sleep routine is to move toward a more consistent bedtime and waking time for your baby. She recommends using feeding as the first step of the routine, rather than the last, so that your baby doesn’t learn to associate eating with falling asleep. “An ideal routine includes calm activities, such as bathtime and bedtime stories,” advises Myron. “Putting your baby down sleepy but awake will help them learn to self-soothe, which promotes an ability to fall back asleep whenever they wake up through the night.”

She also reminds parents that safe sleep practices change as babies get older. At this age, babies should still be sleeping in the same room as their parents to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), but they should be in their own sleep space. Once your baby starts to show signs of rolling over, it is no longer appropriate to swaddle them.

Though your baby’s sleep patterns may improve at three months, Myron warns that it may not be all smooth sailing ahead. “From studies, we know that babies often have changes in their sleep patterns right before major developmental changes, many of which take place around three months,” she says.

Eating more, less often
By three months, your baby should be able to go a little bit longer between meals, which means that you’re spending less time feeding and more time enjoying your baby. Four or five feedings a day, and often one still at night, may seem like a lot, but your baby’s stomach has grown considerably since those first few days, so they can take in more milk or formula and last longer before hunger strikes again.

How much should a three-month-old weigh?

It’s getting harder to compare your baby to the next, as babies start to settle into their individual growth patterns on their way to their natural spot on the percentile chart. But with their feedings becoming more firmly established, three-month-old babies can be nearly double their birth weight, and most will be between 12 and 15 pounds by the end of the third month. Of course, there is a wide range of normal, and your healthcare provider will gauge your baby’s health by how they are growing from month to month, not how they compare to the baby in the next stroller.

Can a three-month-old be teething?

It’s early but not impossible for your baby to begin teething by the end of the third month. Teething can begin as early as two months, though six months is more typical. Your baby’s bottom teeth (the central incisors) are typically the first ones to show up, and they’re usually the first to fall out, sometime around kindergarten! (Hard to believe your little one will be trotting off to school one day, isn’t it?) Some babies show no signs or symptoms during teething, while others are quite miserable. Early symptoms can include drooling, increased fussiness and a rash. Or you may simply notice your baby gnawing on anything they can get, including their hands. Giving your baby a frozen washcloth to gum at or a cold teething toy may bring relief, but talk to your doctor if you think your baby is truly in discomfort.

What kinds of toys and activities are best for three-month-olds?

At three months, your baby will show more interest in playtime and toys, especially ones with bright colours, high-contrast, and simple sounds. They’ll also enjoy being read to, which you should try to do every day, especially as part of your bedtime routine. Keep it simple with rhyming words and songs to capture their fleeting attention. Floor time and tummy time are also still very important at this stage of the game to encourage those strong head and neck movements and rolling skills.

Do babies get easier at three months?

This is the question that many parents ask around this age, after what may have been a rough newborn period. Will the sleepless nights ever end? Will the bouts of tears in the evening get better? Is there an end to the spit-up on your shoulder (or all down your back)? Lots of things are indeed changing as this fourth trimester draws to a close, and your baby is likely settling into a routine by now. But the biggest improvement may be in you at this stage, and that helps your baby, too. You’re an expert at changing diapers, you can tell the hunger howl from the exhausted cry, and you can feed your baby without even opening your eyes at this point. So take comfort in your expertise and your baby’s steady progress from mewling lamprey to howler monkey, ready to explore the world.

Is it Teething, or Something Else?

Written by Stephanie Watson

In this Article

  • How to Tell If Your Baby Is Teething
  • How to Tell If Your Child Is Sick
  • How to Soothe Sore Gums
  • When to Call the Doctor

When your baby’s teeth start to poke through the gums, usually between 4 and 7 months, the signs shouldn’t be hard to spot. Crankiness, drooling, and less interest in feeding are all classic symptoms of teething.

But what if your baby is running a fever? Is it another sign of teething, or could they be sick?

Teething can raise your baby’s body temperature, but only slightly. Any fever over 100.4 F is a sign that your child is probably sick.

How to Tell If Your Baby Is Teething

Every baby is different. Some barely whimper when they’re teething. Others cry and are cranky for long periods of time.

It’s probably teething if your baby:

  • Drools a lot
  • Is extra fussy or cranky
  • Cries more than usual
  • Chews on teething rings or other firm objects

Your baby is most likely to show these signs when the front teeth come in. Expect the worst of the symptoms to hit between 6 and 16 months.

How to Tell If Your Child Is Sick

A sick baby can also be cranky and have trouble eating and sleeping. Your baby has probably picked up a cold, stomach bug, or other illness if they:

  • Has a runny or stuffed nose
  • Is sneezing or coughing
  • Has diarrhea or is vomiting
  • Has a rash

If you’re still not sure what’s going on, check with your pediatrician.

How to Soothe Sore Gums

If your baby is teething, the best way to calm them is to put pressure on their gums. You can massage them with a clean finger or give your baby a rubber teething ring to chew on.

Cool objects feel good to a teething baby. But it can hurt their gums if it’s too cold. Putting a teething ring in the freezer can also make it break open and leak. Instead, put the ring in the fridge until it’s cool. If you don’t have a teething ring handy, stick a wet washcloth in the fridge instead.

Don’t use gels that you rub on your baby’s gums or teething tablets. They don’t typically help, and some have belladonna (a poisonous plant) or benzocaine (a medicine that numbs their gums), and both can be harmful. The FDA has warned against these because of the possibility of a dangerous side effect: They can lower the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream.

If your baby is over 6 months old, you may be able to give them ibuprofen (Children’s Motrin) or acetaminophen (Children’s Tylenol) to help with teething pain. But check with their doctor first.

When to Call the Doctor

Teething babies can be cranky, and they often are. But watch for signs that your child is really sick. Call your doctor if your baby:

  • Is under 3 months old and has a temperature over 100. 4 F
  • Is over 3 months old and has a fever over 102 F
  • Has a fever that lasts longer than 24 hours
  • Has diarrhea, vomiting, or a rash with the fever
  • Is very sleepy or looks sick
  • Can’t be soothed

Teething can be a frustrating time for both your baby and you. Remember that this is just another phase. In the meantime, keep your baby as comfortable as possible. And when those first teeth pop up, brush them each day with a soft-bristled children’s toothbrush to keep them healthy.

How to treat a sore throat in a child?

An infection of the tonsils in a child is called tonsillitis. The tonsils are glands at the back of the throat. Tonsils are part of the immune system and help fight germs in the mouth. The tonsils are often infected with viruses or bacteria. Bacterial tonsillitis is sometimes called angina (including streptococcal angina). Tonsillitis is common in children of all ages and often occurs with colds, runny noses, and coughs. Even if tonsillitis is caused by bacteria (tonsillitis), it is usually an infection that a child can recover from without antibiotics. Antibiotics do not improve the symptoms of tonsillitis, and most children have a sore throat for three to four days, even if they are treated with antibiotics. Waiting to see if children get better without antibiotics is helpful because it increases immunity to infection and reduces the chance that your child will get tonsillitis again from this type of infection. If your child has recurring infections, it may be helpful to change the toothbrush after each infection so that the tonsils do not become re-infected. nine0003

Antibiotics are used for infection of the tonsils with Beta hemolytic streptococcus group A (GABHS). However, the use of antibiotics in this case is aimed at preventing serious complications, such as rheumatic heart disease or joints.

Signs and symptoms of tonsillitis (tonsillitis)

If your child has tonsillitis, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Sore throat

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Painful lymph nodes (glands under the jaw)

  • Ear pain (middle ear infection must be ruled out)

  • Fever

  • Bad breath

  • Loss of appetite

  • Lethargy and general malaise.

  • Older children may also complain of headaches or abdominal pain.

When to see a doctor?

If you think this is the first time your child has tonsillitis, take him to the pediatrician, general practitioner or ENT doctor. If your child has had tonsillitis before and usually improves with home care, it is not always necessary to see a doctor.

Since tonsillitis is often caused by a virus, the doctor may not prescribe antibiotics because they will not help the child.

But some children may need antibiotics, including:

  • those who previously suffered from rheumatic heart disease,

  • children with severe tonsillitis, especially if there is a rash (this is called scarlet fever)

  • 90,002 children who have complications such as an abscess behind the tonsil or in the lymph nodes of the neck.

Some children are given prednisolone (an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid) with or instead of antibiotics if they have difficulty swallowing. Prednisolone reduces swelling of the tonsils. nine0003

If your child is very unwell, drooling and has difficulty breathing, call 911 immediately. This could mean a dangerous inflammation of the epiglottis.

Home care for a child with tonsillitis

Most children with tonsillitis can be treated at home after visiting a doctor (if necessary).

A child can be taken care of in the following ways:

  • Make sure he gets plenty of rest.

  • nine0002 Give him pain medication, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

  • Have the child drink more fluids. This will prevent dehydration and make your throat less dry and sore. Ice cream is a good option as it provides extra fluid and also soothes inflammation and soothes a sore throat.

  • There are no restrictions on what a child can eat or drink. However, children may prefer softer foods if they have a sore throat. nine0003

  • The child should stay at home until the fever is gone and he can swallow again without pain or difficulty. It usually takes three to four days.

If the child is prescribed antibiotics, give them to the child as directed and ensure that the full course of antibiotics is taken.

Call a doctor if your child has tonsillitis or sore throat and:

  • Difficulty breathing with increased snoring during sleep

  • Difficulty swallowing and signs of dehydration

  • Child has difficulty opening his mouth

  • You are worried for any other reason.

How to prevent the spread of tonsillitis to other children in the family?

Good hygiene reduces the chance of passing the infection to others. Good hygiene includes: washing your hands regularly, not sharing cups or utensils, not allowing toothbrushes to touch, encouraging children to cough or sneeze into their elbows, and using disposable tissues instead of handkerchiefs. Teach your child to throw tissues in the bin as soon as they have used them and wash their hands afterwards. nine0003

Key points to remember

Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils that can be caused by viruses or bacteria.

Bacterial tonsillitis is called sore throat.

The most dangerous form of angina is GABHS angina. It requires the use of antibiotics.

Most children recover with rest at home, pain relief and plenty of fluids.

Many children do not need antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics do not cure viruses. nine0003

If antibiotics are prescribed, be sure to complete the course of antibiotics.

Why a child has red cheeks and how it is connected with teeth: doctors answer

Why a child has red cheeks ) is not necessarily a sign of illness:

“In children, flushing of the cheeks may occur as a result of overheating or hypothermia. Often, even at a temperature of -10°C/-15°C, especially in windy weather, the tender cheeks of babies can turn red and become rough. nine0003

However, redness may appear on the child’s cheeks regardless of temperature conditions. Many parents note that children have red cheeks when eating certain foods.

Pediatrician confirms that skin manifestations of this nature often depend on the diet of the child. So, the causes of redness on the cheeks of a child may lie in allergies.

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“In 80% of cases, cheek hyperemia in a young child is associated with an allergic disposition in the form of diathesis. Allergic mood can manifest itself even in children who are breastfed. For example, if a mother ate foods that can provoke an allergic reaction, such as an orange or orange juice, then the child’s cheeks may turn red. Here you need to pay attention and talk with parents in order to refrain from eating red, orange, citrus products,” warns Maryam Sayfulina. nine0003

The pediatrician pointed out that formula-fed cow’s milk protein can also cause redness on the baby’s cheeks. However, the doctor emphasizes that it is not at all a matter of special formulas for feeding, because they are usually adaptive and hypoallergenic:

“As soon as after six months new complementary foods and formulas are introduced, the child may develop flushing of the cheeks. This is due to the fact that many products contain cow’s milk protein, and this is one of the main causes of hyperemia, dry skin, peeling and roughness on the cheeks. nine0003

One of the main reasons why a child has red cheeks is an allergy to cow’s milk protein. Therefore, when a child is bottle-fed, we recommend parents to exclude products containing cow’s milk protein from the child’s diet.

In addition, according to Dr. Saifulina, similar skin manifestations can be observed in children with constipation, since with irregular emptying of the intestine, toxins from it are absorbed back into the blood, and this is reflected in the structure and color of the skin, including the cheeks. nine0003

As explained by the pediatrician, contact dermatitis can also cause reddening of the child’s cheeks. For example, hyperemia can be provoked by touching a pillowcase or linen after washing with a new powder, if it turned out to be allergenic.



“Sometimes there is a respiratory allergy that can occur on pets – dogs, cats, or fish food. This allergic reaction is manifested not only by nasal congestion, but also by reddening of the cheeks, ”explains Maryam Sayfulina. nine0003

If redness appears on the child’s cheeks, the pediatrician recommends that parents consult a doctor, because this is not always the result of overheating, hypothermia or allergies. In some cases, such a symptom may hide a serious disease, for example, a pathology of the cardiovascular system.

The doctor noted that in some cases in children, hyperemia on the cheeks may accompany an infectious disease (viral or bacterial). With elevated body temperature or with the manifestation of intoxication (for example, with intestinal infections, loose stools, vomiting may be observed). In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor. nine0003

Why cheeks turn red during teething

Anna Pyatibratova, pediatric dentist at SM-Dentistry warns parents that teething in a child may be accompanied by reddening of the cheeks:

“The age of teething of the first teeth is six months. The last teeth erupt at two and a half years. But these are averages and everyone is individual. However, as a rule, at about six months, parents may notice that the child’s cheeks are reddened. Behind this symptom, teething may be hidden. nine0003

Most often, reddening of the skin of the chin and cheeks occurs due to the active work of the salivary glands or prolonged mechanical impact.

When teething, the gums begin to itch, and the child tries to eliminate severe itching. He sucks his fingers, fists, which increases salivation. The flowing saliva dries up on the skin, causing it to become irritated, cracked and red.

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However, the causes of redness on the cheeks of a child can be varied. Parents are interested in how this symptom is not confused, for example, with an allergy.

“When teething, we always pay attention to the gums. It is enlarged, swells, reddens. Sometimes an erupting tooth is visible through it. If the child does not have concomitant diseases and you did not give a new product on the eve of the appearance of redness, most likely we are dealing with teething, ”explains Dr. Pyatibratova. nine0003



How to smear red cheeks in a child

Allergist-immunologist Elena Guchapsheva explains that the decision will depend on the reason why the child has red cheeks:

“If we talk about physical reasons, then it can be attributed to the influence of external factors – such as cold and heat, increased salivation. In young children, thermoregulation is imperfect and requires correction.

The doctor gives advice on how to act if the child has skin manifestations due to the ambient temperature. nine0003

– If the child is hot, he should be dressed in lighter clothes, preferably made of natural fabrics that allow air and moisture to pass through.

– If the child is cold, he needs to be warmed up. At least 20-40 minutes before going out, apply a protective cream to exposed areas of the body. There are many of them on the market, many are marked cold. The main thing is to take into account age indicators when choosing a remedy. For children’s skin, for example, Morozko, Rosy Cheeks, Mustella cold cream, Avene cold cream, Uriage Barrierderm, Libre derm cold cream, Vitex winter care (winter care) are suitable. nine0003

According to Elena Guchapsheva, teething can lead to increased sensitivity of the skin:

“Profuse salivation and itching of the gums lead to irritation of children’s skin. If parents see dryness, then moisturizing baby creams can be used (for example, Bepanten, D-panthenol, Lipobase baby cream), if the skin is wet, then preference should be given to zinc-containing creams (for example, Zinocap, Cynovit ”, “Tsindol”).

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“Allergies can be discussed if parents notice that the rash is persistent, accompanied by itching and aggravated by eating certain foods by a child or mother while breastfeeding. And also when using powders, creams, conditioners, after visiting places where there are animals and plants. The skin should be taken care of with the help of creams that are called “emollients” (for example, Atopic cream, Emolium, Topicrem, BELUPO Aflocrem, Baby Balance, Mustela stelatopia, BABE baby emollient cream, Avene atopic, Aqua Dermica). Hormonal ointments and creams can only be used after being prescribed by an allergist or dermatologist,” warns Dr. Guchapsheva. nine0003

An allergist-immunologist emphasizes the importance of contacting a doctor in time. Especially if the child has a rash with signs of acute respiratory infections (erythema infectiosum): runny nose, fever, aching joints, swelling and redness of the cheeks, whims:

“More often caused by parvovirus, sometimes it is called “slap syndrome”.

Questions babysitter interview: 10 questions to prepare for the babysitter interview and make a good impression

Опубликовано: February 15, 2023 в 3:12 pm


Категории: Baby

10 questions to prepare for the babysitter interview and make a good impression

If you want to work as a babysitter, making a good first impression is essential. For a family, choosing a babysitter is a crucial and potentially stressful time. The dream of every parent is to find the perfect person to entrust the children to in all serenity.
As you can imagine, it is a decision that is not taken lightly and here comes the difficulty: to break through the heart of a family, you will have to prepare yourself to show off not only your best smile but also determination, reliability and empathy.

In this article we will see together what are the most common questions that parents ask when interviewing babysitters; we will suggest how to prepare to make a great impression and win their sympathy.

How to prepare the babysitter interview

Before moving on to the interview questions, it is good to make a general introduction.

As with any job interview, the babysitter one must also be prepared with accuracy and professionalism. Whether you are a novice babysitter or an expert, the interview with your future employers cannot catch you unprepared.

Before you go to the interview, make sure you:

  • Choosing clothing that represents you. Trying to look like someone other than you are won’t help you. Babysitting work is based on trust and understanding with the family. Since you will work in a private home, it is not necessary to be formal at all costs: it is much better to focus on sincerity . If you are chosen by the family, you will know that they will also appreciate you for your individuality.
  • Take care of your appearance and hygiene. If the habit does not make the monk, the personal care yes. Make sure you come to the interview with the family looking neat and clean. Scruffy and poor hygiene are not business cards that will work in your favour – it may sound trivial, but it’s a basic rule worth remembering.
  • Organise yourself to be on time. Reliability is one of the main qualities that families look for in a babysitter. Being punctual at the interview is the first opportunity to show how trustworthy you are, who respects the time of others: a person you can count on.

The most frequently asked questions about the babysitter interview

With these general recommendations, let’s move on to the practical part: the questions.

We at Jopla have talked to several parents who have been struggling with the search for their first babysitter, and have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions. We propose them below:

1. How many families have you already babysat for? How old were the children?
With this question parents are trying to understand your level of experience; they want to know if you have already looked after children of their children’s age or if it would be the first time. Answer with sincerity, there is no right answer.

2. Why do you like working with children?

The reason for this question is obvious: A good babysitter loves spending time with children and dealing with the challenges that this brings. Experience can count, but here it is first of all a question of personal attitude.

3. Do you do any other work or part-time activities?

This question usually serves to introduce the topic of your time availability and the organization of your times with those of the family. Don’t hide your schedule or any vacation time you’ve already planned.

4. Do you smoke?

What the family wants to make sure of is that you won’t smoke when you’re around the kids. If you smoke, reassure them that you will not do it while on duty.

5. What activities do you like to do with children during babysitting hours?

With this answer you can show your creativity and your experience in entertaining children. Families love babysitters who know how to make children happy with new initiatives and games.

6. What do you like least about babysitting?

The family here expects an honest answer: there are so many aspects of managing children that they may not like and it is normal (and parents know this because they experience it firsthand!). Of course, if you answer something like “I don’t like children” or “it’s hard work”, you are not proving to be the right person.

7. Do you have a first aid certification? If you don’t have it, would you know what to do if a baby is choking?

Knowing how to handle emergencies is one of the things that worries parents the most. You can then imagine how difficult it is to think of entrusting their children to a stranger. If you don’t have a first aid certification, at least try to learn the main maneuvers to do in case of suffocation: there are many free courses available, take advantage of them.

8. Do you have a driver’s license? Do you feel like driving your car in an emergency?

An autonomous baby-sitter on the move and who knows how to drive in an emergency is certainly an extra element of tranquility for families. If you don’t know how to drive, however, don’t be discouraged: show the family that you know how to act in an emergency, for example by explaining how you would react and who you would call in case of need (even if the parents were not reachable for some reason).

9. What is your approach to the discipline? How do you react when children have a tantrum?

With this question, the family wants to make sure that you are on the same wavelength as they manage their children’s challenging behaviors. For parents, it is important that the babysitter does not upset their educational method and helps the children to respect the rules of the house already decided.

Whether you have previous experience or not, try to explain how you would react to very insistent tantrums: if the first answer that comes to your mind has to do with spanking, maybe you should reconsider your job!

10. Tell us about an occasion in which you found yourself managing several activities at the same time: how did you organize yourself? Which ones did you prioritize?

Dealing with children is very challenging and often requires multitasking skills. With this question, parents want to learn more about your thinking and understand how you manage priorities. If you already have experience as a babysitter, you probably already have anecdotes to tell about it; If, on the other hand, you are a beginner and have never found yourself in a complicated situation with children, think about other areas of your life where you have had to use all your organization and priority management skills.

In conclusion

Like any job interview, the babysitter one must be prepared in advance and dealt with professionally. In this article we have seen what are the ten most frequently asked questions parents ask when interviewing a future babysitter. Knowing in advance what questions to expect will definitely give your application an extra boost!

Have a nice job!

Alice Orru

Alice is a copywriter specialising in inclusive language, with a long experience in writing web content in the travel and tech industries. Since 2015 she has been actively collaborating with the WordPress open-source community. She has been living in Barcelona since 2012.

Is Your Babysitter a Good Fit? Interview Questions for Hiring a Babysitter

A few summers ago, I received a text from a friend who informed me that my children were swimming at the local water park unsupervised. I assured her that our summer babysitter (a high school student) was there with them. She promptly sent me a photo of this babysitter fast asleep with her earbuds in while my children were in the wave pool. Needless to say, I was not pleased.

Over the past 16 years, I’ve probably hired at least two dozen babysitters for part-time or occasional work. While some of them didn’t last long, four of those ladies have become like family to us, staying in touch long after their time in our home. But one thing is certain – I’ve learned what to look for and how to hire a babysitter I can trust. Here are 10 babysitter questions I use when interviewing a babysitter for the first time:

  1. Tell me about your previous childcare experience. What did you love most about it?
  2. Why do you want to work with children?
  3. What kinds of activities do you enjoy doing with children?
  4. Do you smoke or have pet allergies?
  5. Are you certified in first aid, CPR or lifesaving?
  6. What kind of reliable transportation do you have? (If the candidate drives, ask about a safe driving record.)
  7. On a scale of 1-10, how structured do you consider yourself when it comes to adhering to meal or nap schedules?
  8. What kind of discipline techniques have you been asked to use and how well did they work? (Time out, etc.)
  9. Tell me about a time you were criticized and how you dealt with it.
  10. Tell me about a time when you had to prioritize several tasks and manage your time efficiently. How did you decide what was most important?

If you are a working mom looking for a nanny or a more permanent position, you can also ask them these questions.

  1. What do you think is most important in raising children?
  2. Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping skills.
  3. Did you ever disagree with the parenting style or philosophy of the parents? How did you handle the situation?
  4. Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic or fact-finding skills in solving a problem.
  5. Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty as a babysitter.
  6. Tell me about a time when you were forced to make an unpopular decision.
  7. Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split-second decision, without parental input.
  8. Tell me about a work situation that irritated you.
  9. Why are you leaving your current position?
  10. What three words would your friends use to describe you?
  11. What do you think your references will say about you?
  12. What are your plans for the future?

Whether you are hiring a date night babysitter or a full-time nanny, be sure to discuss payment expectations during the interview so it’s not awkward or uncomfortable later.   And before you leave the house, don’t forget to review the Babysitter Checklist with your new sitter!

What other questions do you ask your babysitter candidates?

Theresa Ceniccola is The Christian Mompreneur—a mentor to moms who are running a business that supports their values of faith and family. Fueled by an adventurous spirit, Theresa loves to hike, run, bike, and explore God’s country. But she is happiest at home, laughing and cuddling with her college sweetheart and their three children.

Interview. What questions to ask a nanny at an interview

Agencies >> Interview

So, you have come to an interview with candidates for a nanny for your child. We hope that all of them meet the requirements that you indicated when pre-ordering:

  • Payment amount
  • Schedule
  • Work area
  • nine0012 Required skills

  • Terms of reference

Allow at least an hour for the interview. Below is a sample list of questions for a nanny interview, which you can complete at your discretion.

  1. What is your experience with childcare?
  2. Tell us about your previous job (if any)? Why did you leave her? Who was your previous ward?
  3. Do you have letters of recommendation? nine0013
  4. Are you married? Do you have any children? What age are they? If adults – where and by whom do they work? If they are small, who will be with them while you are at work?
  5. What do you think a child needs most at this age?
  6. What would you like to know about my child?
  7. How will you spend the day sitting with your child?
  8. How will you manage your child when he grows up and needs more attention?
  9. nine0012 Are you in good health? Are you sick often? Do you smoke?

  10. Are you familiar with children’s cuisine?
  11. What games will you play with your child?
  12. If the mother is not at home and the child is ill. Your actions?
  13. Can you give medicine to a child? Do you know how to provide first aid to a child in case of poisoning, burns, injuries, etc.? Can you do artificial respiration?
  14. Will you entrust the child to visiting relatives or family acquaintances in the absence of the mother? nine0013
  15. Will you make the decision to go for a walk with a child in bad weather on your own, taking into account the state of health of the child, or will you strictly follow the advice of parents?
  16. There are two children in the family. Will you build relationships with another child, give him attention, or will your work be limited to caring for a baby?
  17. How long do you intend to work with us?
  18. If a child throws a tantrum, such as falling on a dirty floor in a store, how would you react? nine0013
  19. Will you be able to stay by prior arrangement? Work on weekends? Leave for a summer cottage?
  20. Which decisions will you make on your own, and which only after consultation with your parents?

When hiring a governess, do not forget to ask about her education system, how her horizons will expand (on a walk, at home), what language training she has and how she will teach a child a foreign language. Will they engage in music, painting with the child, how much time will be devoted to physical training. nine0008

When asking questions, don’t be afraid to look tactless, because you need to get to know this person as well as possible in a short time. During the interview, note how the candidate behaves, how she answers, how she carries herself.

Some firms invite psychologists to interview for nannies, who can check the level of knowledge of applicants in the area of ​​interest to you and help you make the right choice.

If something has alerted you, it is better to refuse this candidacy now, especially since there will definitely be a person who meets your requirements! nine0008

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  • Looking for a nanny? Interview questions: knowledge and qualities of a nanny


    Angelina Badak, company RUSnyanya, 13.4.2016

    How to find a nanny without intermediaries.

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    Nanny interview questions (with sample questions and answers) • BUOM

    By Indeed Editorial Team

    December 3, 2021

    If you are considering a job in childcare, the questions you will be asked in an interview are likely to be related to certain skills and personality traits. To make a strong impression on the interviewer, it is a good idea to prepare your answers in advance. In this article, we will discuss what a nanny is, common questions you might be asked, and sample answers to help you prepare for your next job interview. nine0008

    What is a nanny?

    A nanny is a person who takes care of children and is hired by a family to fulfill part of their children’s daily needs. Nannies may live with the family that hires them, or they may live elsewhere. Babysitters are responsible for the well-being and development of children while the parents are at work. Some of the detailed babysitting duties include:

    • Cleaning after children, including making their beds, washing and cleaning their clothes

    • Divided children to school and other events and other events

    • Preparation and food preparation for children

    • Assistance with home tasks and projects

    Frequent issues for an interview with the nanny

    Each family usually selects issues for issues for you, based on the personal needs of the family. Here are some common questions you might be asked during a nanny interview:

    • How long have you been taking care of children? nine0008

    • What age groups have you looked after?

    • Do you prefer to take care of one age group over another? Why?

    • Do you have other work or life experience that helps you as a nanny?

    • Why did you choose to become a nanny?

    • What qualities do you think a good nanny should have?

    • What do you like most about babysitting? nine0008

    • What is your least favorite thing about babysitting?

    • When was the last time you updated your first aid course?

    • What would you do if a child suffocated?

    • What would you cook for our children?

    • How do you react when you get angry?

    • What is your favorite memory of working with your last family/child?

    • How would you make a particular task fun or easy for a child who doesn’t like it?

    • Can you stay later if I can’t leave work on time?

    • Will any of your future plans affect how long you can stay in this job?

    • Are you ready or have you received training in child first aid or CPR?

    • What qualities do you have that make you a good nanny? nine0008

    • What household chores are you willing to do?

    • In your opinion, how does the role of a nanny change as children grow up?

    • Are you willing to stay overnight with your children if required?

    • How would you find ways to be helpful when traveling with children on an airplane?

    • What was your worst experience caring for a child?

    • How do you inform your employer about baby’s day? nine0008

    • How do you feel about discipline?

    • How do you think television is suitable for children?

    • What educational activities would you provide for a child in age group X?

    • Is it convenient for you to check and help with homework?

    Sample Interview Questions and Answers

    The babysitting interviewer is interested in making your sincere answers to their questions accessible and clear. Here are some common interview questions and sample answers for nannies, along with tips on how to answer these questions the right way:

    How long have you been taking care of children?

    This question reveals your experience with children depending on how long you have been working with them. You can try to include the months or years you spent caring for your children both formally and informally. Be sure to also include how you got into childcare when answering the question.

    Example: “I have been taking care of children for 10 years. I started volunteering at a kindergarten when I was in high school and have been taking care of children professionally ever since.” nine0008

    What age groups did you look after?

    The employer probably wants to make sure you have experience working with children in the same age group as theirs. They may also want to make sure you can care for children through many stages of their development if they are planning to hire you for a long-term job.

    Example: “Throughout my career I have cared for children of various age groups, most recently children aged 0-2 and 3-5. I also worked as a nanny for children aged 6-10.” nine0008

    Do you prefer to take care of one age group over another? Why?

    This interview gives the agency or family the opportunity to get to know you and your child care preferences. They want to make sure you are a good fit for a particular family. Be sure to answer this question honestly and discuss which age group you have the most experience working with.

    Example: “I don’t favor one age group over another. I enjoy caring for children of all ages and feel that I have enough experience to effectively care for children of all ages. children aged 0-2 to 3-5 years. nine0008

    Do you have other work or life experience that helps you as a babysitter?

    The interviewer wants to know about your childcare experience and other jobs that have helped you develop childcare skills. Mention any personal or life experience that helped you become a nanny. This will give the interviewer a better idea of ​​who you are and what drives you.

    Example: “I have extra life experience that helped me in my babysitting career. For the past three years, I have been volunteering in children’s hospitals, teaching classes with sick children, and this has helped me develop my childcare skills and the activities that I perform with children. This experience taught me to be more patient and compassionate.” nine0008

    Why did you choose to become a nanny?

    This question allows you to explain your passion and dedication to childcare. Be sure to provide specific examples of why you chose to become a nanny.

    Example: “I decided to become a nanny because I love children. I used to take care of my younger siblings and ask my mom if I could help her with all the different childcare tasks. kindergarten at a young age to solidify my plans to become a nanny after graduation. I always knew that I wanted to have an important job taking care of children. ” nine0008

    What qualities do you think a good nanny should have?

    When asked this question, try to think about the qualities that make you a good babysitter. The interviewer wants to make sure you both have similar ideas about what makes a good nanny.

    Example: “The most important qualities a nanny can have are enthusiasm, love for children, common sense and reliability. Families trust nannies for their beloved children and they deserve someone to really take care of them, have fun with them and win.” Don’t put them in danger.” nine0008

    What household chores are you willing to do?

    Each family has unique requirements. Some families may want you to do light housekeeping, laundry, and cooking. The best way to answer this question is honestly. If you are not interested in washing dishes and other household chores, let the interviewer know. The goal is to find a family that suits you well.

    Example: “I am willing to do various household chores as needed, and I can prepare snacks and lunch for the children. I don’t mind cleaning up after the kids or washing their clothes when needed.” nine0008

    When was the last time you updated your first aid course?

    Many families require certified first aid training to make sure you can help your child with minor injuries. Some are also willing to provide you with the training you need before you start working. If you completed the training, please try to include the exact date you last renewed your certification.

    Example: “I renewed my certification last June and it will expire for at least another year. I can provide you with a copy of the certification and renew it when the time is right.” nine0008

    How do you react when you get angry?

    The interviewer wants to know how you will punish their children when they throw tantrums. Think about the best practices you have learned to deal effectively with children’s behavior and give an example of a time you used those techniques to handle a tantrum in a child in your care.

What to give baby for runny nose: Baby with a runny nose? 6 remedies that really work

Опубликовано: February 15, 2023 в 11:21 am


Категории: Baby

Baby with a runny nose? 6 remedies that really work

Few sights are sadder than a baby runny nose, but as any parent can attest, it’s far from uncommon during baby’s first year — particularly during the latter half. 

“Thanks to a transfer of maternal immunoglobulins to the placenta late in pregnancy, babies are born with much of their mother’s immunity,” says Dr. Dipesh Navsaria, associate professor of Pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. “However, this immunity lasts until roughly 6 months of age. When those immunoglobulins wear off, babies’ own immune systems have to do the work, which is why we see so many more illnesses — including colds, which cause runny noses — around this time. While it may be distressing to parents, it’s completely normal.”

“Thanks to a transfer of maternal immunoglobulins to the placenta late in pregnancy, babies are born with much of their mother’s immunity. However, this immunity lasts until roughly 6 months of age.


Regardless of how common runny noses are for infants, moms and dads just want to help their little one feel better fast. Fortunately, there are a number of things parents can do to help alleviate the discomfort (and annoyance) that often accompanies a baby runny nose. 

Why does my baby have a runny nose?

Most runny noses are caused by viral upper respiratory infections — or colds, as most people refer to them, says Navsaria. 

“Influenza and other specific respiratory viruses, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), may also cause a runny nose,” he notes. In some cases, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) notes that COVID can cause nasal congestion or a runny nose in babies.

Less common causes of baby runny nose are: 

  • Sinus infections.
  • Irritation from a foreign body in the nose.
  • Irritation from something in the air. “Oil or scent diffusers can cause irritation in some people, including babies,” notes Navsaria.  

Keep in mind that not all runny noses are the result of an infection or irritation.

“Cold weather can cause a temporary runny nose in anyone,” says Dr. Amna Husain, a pediatrician at Pure Direct Pediatrics in Marlboro, New Jersey. “During winter, when the air is dryer, more mucus is created to keep the nasal passages moist.”

How long does runny nose last in babies?

An infant runny nose caused by the common cold should last a little over a week. 

“Cold viruses tend to last about 10 days total,” says Navsaria. “Runny noses will often last less than that 10-day period, but probably by only a day or two.” 

If a cold lingers for two weeks or more, Navsaria recommends having baby evaluated by their pediatrician to rule out other, more serious viruses, such as RSV or sinusitis. 

How do I treat baby’s runny nose?

Wondering how to comfort and care for a baby with a runny nose? There are a number of ways to treat this common ailment at home, using items you probably already have in your medicine cabinet, cupboard or fridge.  

1. Bulb suction

Runny noses can be treated by using gentle bulb suction or another suction device like the NoseFrida to clear the mucus from the baby’s nostrils. (A good time to try this is right before feeding to help baby breathe better so they can nurse or drink their bottle.) However, if you’re using a bulb syringe, it’s important to proceed with extreme caution since it’s difficult to see how far up baby’s nose you’re going. 

“When you stick a bulb syringe bluntly into baby’s nostrils, you can cause some rebound congestion as those delicate membranes are poked and prodded,” says Husain. “I prefer devices like the NoseFrida or the Clearinse Nasal Aspirator, which stay outside baby’s nostrils while still allowing mucus to be removed.”

“When you stick a bulb syringe bluntly into baby’s nostrils, you can cause some rebound congestion as those delicate membranes are poked and prodded.”



Saline drops 

Whether you’re using a suction device to remove mucus or simply are wiping baby’s runny nose with a rag, try loosening things up first with saline. 

“My preferred way to treat runny noses in babies is with saline drops or saline spray — the drops are easier with an infant,” says Husain. 

These help break up any mucus or congestion, which will make it easier to remove.

3. Plenty of fluids

Regardless of the reason for your little one’s runny nose, fluids are always a good idea. According to the Mayo Clinic, liquids are key in avoiding dehydration, which, in turn, can cause congestion. There’s no need to give baby extra fluids when they have a runny nose, but make sure they’re taking in their usual amount of breast milk or formula. 

4. A cool mist humidifier

“Whenever there’s a runny nose or congestion in environments where the air is dryer due to indoor heating, I recommend using a humidifier to help moisten the air,” says Navsaria. “It can help keep the mucus from thickening too much in some cases.” 

The AAP says to use a cool mist humidifier for children (because hot water can result in burns), as well as cleaning and drying the humidifier each day to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

5. Petroleum jelly

While it may be a knee-jerk reaction to do something when your infant has a runny nose, in many cases, a baby runny nose isn’t all that terrible.  

“We often think a runny nose or nasal congestion is more distressing to young children than it is,” says Navsaria. 

“We often think a runny nose or nasal congestion is more distressing to young children than it is.”


He says sometimes all you need to do is gently wipe away any nasal mucus that is running out of your baby’s nose, and if your baby’s skin gets red or irritated, you can rub a little soothing petroleum jelly on the area.

6. Avoid decongestants and menthol rubs

Before giving your baby any kind of medication, it’s best to speak to their pediatrician, but overall, medications such as decongestants and antihistamines are discouraged before age 2. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), these medications can have serious side effects, such as convulsions, rapid heart rate and even death.  

Additionally, avoid using any kind of menthol rub on baby. 

“I don’t recommend mentholated rubs (like VapoRub),” Navsaria says. “They don’t actually reduce congestion and, if applied too heavily, can have systemic absorption and cause problems.”

According to the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), using Vicks VapoRub can cause the body to produce more mucus in order to protect the airway. Since children’s airways are significantly more narrow than adults, such an increase can have severe effects on their breathing.

Common cold in babies – Diagnosis and treatment


If your baby is younger than 3 months of age, call his or her doctor early in the illness. In newborns, it’s especially important to make sure that a more serious illness isn’t present, especially if your baby has a fever.

In general, you don’t need to see the doctor if your older baby has a common cold. If you have questions or if your baby’s symptoms worsen or don’t go away, it might be time to see the doctor.

Your baby’s doctor can generally diagnose a common cold by your baby’s signs and symptoms. If your doctor suspects your baby has a bacterial infection or other condition, he or she may order a chest X-ray or other tests to exclude other causes of your baby’s symptoms.


There’s no cure for the common cold. Most cases of the common cold get better without treatment, usually within a week to 10 days, but a cough may linger for a week or more. Antibiotics don’t work against cold viruses.

Try to make your baby more comfortable with measures such as making sure he or she drinks enough fluids, suctioning nasal mucus and keeping the air moist.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications generally should be avoided in babies.

Fever-reducing medications

You can use OTC fever-reducing medications if a fever is making your child uncomfortable. However, these medications don’t kill the cold virus. Fever is a part of your child’s natural response to the virus, so it may help to allow your child to have a low-grade fever.

For treatment of fever or pain in children, consider giving your child infants’ or children’s over-the-counter fever and pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others). These are safer alternatives to aspirin.

For children younger than 3 months old, don’t give acetaminophen until your baby has been seen by a doctor. Don’t give ibuprofen to a child younger than 6 months old or to children who are vomiting constantly or are dehydrated. Use these medications for the shortest time. If you give your child a pain reliever, follow the dosing guidelines carefully. Call your doctor if you have questions about the right dosage for your baby.

Children and teenagers recovering from chickenpox or flu-like symptoms should never take aspirin. This is because aspirin has been linked to Reye’s syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition, in such children.

Cough and cold medications

Cough and cold medications aren’t safe for infants and young children. OTC cough and cold medicines don’t treat the underlying cause of a child’s cold and won’t make it go away sooner ⸺ and they can be dangerous to your baby. Cough and cold medications have potentially serious side effects, including fatal overdoses in children younger than 2 years old.

Don’t use over-the-counter medicines, except for fever reducers and pain relievers, to treat coughs and colds in children younger than 6 years old. Also consider avoiding use of these medicines for children younger than 12 years old.

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Lifestyle and home remedies

Most often, you can treat an older baby’s cold at home. To make your baby as comfortable as possible, try some of these suggestions:

  • Offer plenty of fluids. Liquids are important to avoid dehydration. Formula or breast milk is the best choice. Encourage your baby to take in the usual amount of fluids. Extra fluids aren’t necessary. If you’re breastfeeding your baby, keep it up. Breast milk offers extra protection from cold-causing germs.
  • Suction your baby’s nose. Keep your baby’s nasal passages clear with a rubber-bulb syringe. Squeeze the bulb syringe to expel the air. Then insert the tip of the bulb about 1/4 to 1/2 inch (about 6 to 12 millimeters) into your baby’s nostril, pointing toward the back and side of the nose.

    Release the bulb, holding it in place while it suctions the mucus from your baby’s nose. Remove the syringe from your baby’s nostril and empty the contents onto a tissue by squeezing the bulb rapidly while holding the tip down. Repeat as often as needed for each nostril. Clean the bulb syringe with soap and water.

  • Try nasal saline drops. Your baby’s doctor may recommend saline nasal drops to moisten nasal passages and loosen thick nasal mucus. Look for these OTC drops in your local pharmacy. Apply saline nasal drops, wait for a short period, and then use a suction bulb to draw mucus out of each nostril.
  • Moisten the air. Running a cool-water humidifier in your baby’s room can ease nasal congestion. Change the water daily and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning the unit.

Preparing for your appointment

If you need to see your baby’s pediatrician or family doctor, here’s some information to help you get ready for your baby’s appointment.

What you can do

Make a list of:

  • Symptoms you’ve noticed in your baby, including any that may seem unrelated to the reason for which you scheduled the appointment.
  • Key personal information, such as whether your baby goes to child care or has otherwise been exposed to someone with a common cold. Include how many colds your baby has had, how long they lasted and whether your baby is exposed to secondhand smoke. It might help to make a note on your calendar the day you realize your baby has a cold.
  • All medications, vitamins or supplements your baby is taking, including dosages.
  • Questions to ask your doctor.

For a common cold, some questions to ask the doctor include:

  • What is likely causing my baby’s symptoms?
  • Are there other possible causes?
  • What tests are needed?
  • What’s the best course of action?
  • My baby has other health conditions. How can I best manage them together?
  • Are there restrictions we need to follow?
  • Are there over-the-counter medications that aren’t safe for my child at this age?

Don’t hesitate to ask other questions you have.

What to expect from your doctor

Your baby’s doctor is likely to ask you questions, including:

  • When did your baby’s symptoms begin?
  • Have they been continuous or occasional?
  • How severe are they?
  • What, if anything, seems to improve them?
  • What, if anything, appears to worsen them?
  • Has the nasal congestion caused your baby to eat or drink less?
  • Is your baby having as many wet diapers as usual?
  • Has there been a fever? If so, how high?
  • Are your child’s vaccinations up to date?
  • Has your child taken antibiotics recently?

Your doctor will ask additional questions based on your responses and your baby’s symptoms and needs. Preparing and anticipating questions will help you make the most of your time with the doctor.

By Mayo Clinic Staff


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Proper treatment of the common cold in children

A common cold usually takes 7-10 days or more to develop, depending on the type of illness that provoked it. Serious illnesses, such as some types of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), as well as chronic rhinitis caused by specific infections (syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea) are treated simultaneously with the underlying disease in specialized medical centers.

In this article we will talk about how to properly treat a simple infectious rhinitis in newborns, infants and older children. It is important that parents caring for sick children have some knowledge of how to properly care for a child with a cold and why this is important. nine0003

How to properly treat a runny nose in a child?

First aid

In all cases of a cold in a child, before starting any medical treatment (i.e. drug treatment), you should try to alleviate the child’s condition with available means:

1. Raise the head of the bed on which the child is lying. To do this, a pillow can be placed under the shoulders of the child, so that the head and upper body of the child are located in relation to the body at an angle of 40–45? (make sure the child is comfortable in this position). This will make the phlegm that forms in your nose easier to pass and you may not need to use any medication. nine0003

2. If a newborn or infant has a very stuffy nose with phlegm, you can try to suck out the mucus from the nasal passages with a rubber bulb or a conventional syringe. In general, sputum suction is used to help children who cannot blow their nose on their own. To suck out sputum, you can use a regular rubber bulb with a fairly thin tip or a regular syringe without a needle. The tip of a pear or syringe should be inserted into the nasal passage of a child with a runny nose carefully, so as not to injure the mucous membrane. Mucus is sucked out first from one, and then from the other nasal passage. This procedure can be repeated as often as needed. nine0003

Do not let the sputum dry out!

The easiest way is to put a saline solution into a child’s nose: In the case of a cold in newborns or infants, as well as a cold in older children, it is important not to allow mucus to dry in the nasal passages – this can completely upset nasal breathing.

In order to prevent mucus from drying up in the nasal passages, wetting the nasal passages with saline solution is recommended. To do this, you can use ordinary saline, or you can just use a solution of ordinary table salt in water. nine0003

Saline solution instilled 3-4 drops into each nostril. It is desirable that at this time the child lies with his head thrown back. The first entry of fluid into the nose can be very unpleasant, causing coughing, sneezing, or even the urge to vomit. However, after several instillation procedures, such sensitivity of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa disappears. The procedure can be repeated every 30-60 minutes. It is important to ensure that the mucus in the nose does not dry out. The saline solution helps thin the sputum and make it easier to excrete from the nose of a child with a runny nose. nine0003

Instead of saline, some experts recommend using oily liquids, such as vitamin A or vitamin E oil, available from pharmacies. Such liquids not only prevent sputum from drying out, but also moisturize the nasal mucosa, relieve irritation, and have a regenerating effect.

Medications to relieve nasal breathing

In some sources, of course, you can read about the “danger” or “inappropriateness” of the use of decongestants (the so-called all types of drugs that, when instilled into the nose or when taken by mouth, facilitate nasal breathing) in treatment of acute rhinitis in newborns, infants and older children. nine0003

We must give credit to our colleagues for noting that such drugs can indeed cause some complications and that, if used incorrectly, they can aggravate the child’s condition. We note right away that the complications of the common cold do not arise because of the drugs themselves, but because of their illiterate use. It is absolutely unacceptable to treat children with decongestants intended for adults and give the child medicine when it pleases.

Below we will review some of the drugs recommended for the treatment of the common cold in children, but first we note that failure to treat modern decongestants can cause complications such as sinusitis. The fact is that all nasal sinuses (two maxillary, two frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid) open with small openings into the nasal cavity. Microbes are expelled from the sinuses through these openings. With a runny nose, children develop severe swelling of the nasal mucosa, which leads to complete closure of the holes that communicate the nasal cavity with the cavities of the paranasal sinuses. As a result, microbes accumulate in the sinuses, which eventually cause sinusitis – inflammation of the sinuses. nine0003

How do nasal breathing medicines work?

There are two large groups of drugs that facilitate nasal breathing: local (topical) and systemic decongestants. Both those and other types of cold medicine act in the same way: they constrict the vessels of the nasal mucosa. Due to the narrowing of the vessels, the swelling of the nasal mucosa decreases and nasal breathing is partially or completely restored. It also opens the communication channels between the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses, thereby reducing the risk of developing sinusitis. nine0003

What medicines are used to treat the common cold in children?

First, let’s draw the attention of parents to the specifics of drug production: the same drug is produced by different companies under different names. However, on the packaging of the drug or in the instructions for its use, the active substance is always indicated, which is the same in all drugs of this type. Therefore, when buying a medicine, pay attention not to the commercial name, but to the name of the active substance that is part of the medicine, as well as to the concentration of the active substance in the preparation. Below we present several such examples. nine0047


Symptomatic cold medicines: Rinza, Coldrex, Antiflu, etc.


Taken by mouth. Not recommended for the treatment of rhinitis in children


Mean duration of action


Due to possible side effects, not recommended for the treatment of common cold in children




Active ingredient

Trade name of the medicine

Age group

Duration of action

Dose and mode of use


Very limited use in pediatrics. Approved for the treatment of children over 12 years of age

Several hours

Nazol Baby 0.125%

For children from 1 year. The drug must be taken with caution

Not more than once every 6 hours

For children over one year 1-2 drops

For children over 6 years 3-4 drops

Imidazoline (xylometazoline)

Naphthyzine 0. 025%

For the treatment of the common cold in children aged 2 to 6 years

Short duration

Xymelin 0.05%

For the treatment of the common cold in children aged 2 to 12 years

Bury in the nose no more than 3 beds per day, no more than 3–5 (!) days

Xymelin 0. 1%

For the treatment of the common cold in children over 12 years of age

Nazivin 0.01%

For the treatment of rhinitis in newborns and children 1 year of age

Long acting (10-12 hours)


Instill into the nose 2–3 times a day for no more than 3–5 (!) days

Nazivin 0.025%

For the treatment of the common cold in children aged 1 to 6 years

Nazivin 0. 05%

For the treatment of the common cold in children over 6 years of age and adolescents

A cold in a child: how to treat it correctly

Shcherbakova Alla Anatolievna


Clinic “Mother and Child” Savelovskaya

Many parents are ready for the fact that babies will pick up common, including seasonal infections, which is typical for childhood. Some parents study the methods of treating SARS and colds in advance, read about it from experienced mothers in blogs and diaries, consult with doctors they know, and watch medical programs. But even despite the fact that the child’s body has a powerful immune system from birth, this protection is imperfect. Therefore, no matter how informed the mother is, when the child becomes ill, she has a lot of questions that require qualified answers. nine0237

What are acute respiratory infections and SARS

Most often, children experience acute respiratory diseases, abbreviated as acute respiratory infections or colds. This is especially evident when visiting children’s groups, where they come into contact with other kids and actually exchange various pathogens. The mothers of “kindergarten” children are very familiar with the phrase: “We go for 2 days, then 2 weeks – on sick leave.”

A cold can be both viral and bacterial, even fungal and of a different nature, in 70-80% of cases it is of a viral nature. It is impossible to establish the origin of a cold with accuracy on a pediatric examination, as well as “by eye” to distinguish one infection from another. However, there are certain signs that indicate the action of viruses, harmful bacteria and other pathogens. For example, mucous nasal discharge testifies in favor of an acute respiratory viral infection, which usually begins with a slight malaise, loss of appetite, capriciousness, sleep disturbance in a child. This is a prodromal period, it lasts from several hours to 1-2 days. And such a viral infection as the flu begins acutely, immediately with a very high temperature, intoxication, there is almost no prodromal period, dry cough appears in the late stages of the disease. Often ARVI goes away with catarrhal symptoms: nasal congestion, change in tone of voice, “circles”, “blue” under the eyes, runny nose, cough, sore throat and swallowing.

What to do?

First of all, you need to remember that parents should not panic if the child has a fever and other unpleasant symptoms of a cold. Any mood of the mother is transmitted to the baby. A cold with a competent approach is simply MUST go away in 5-7 days without complications. And it is important to know that the treatment of a cold is complex, which includes the main drugs – antiviral, antibacterial, etc., as well as symptomatic therapy. You should not rely on just one kind of medicine as a panacea, a magic pill from an advertisement or the advice of a pharmacy worker.

How to treat?

  • Antivirals. Now there is a lot of false information regarding antiviral drugs. They are credited with mythical side effects and actions. If this comes from a doctor, then he must provide data confirming his point of view in official sources, which are state medical institutions, major scientific journals.
  • Antibiotics. As for antibiotics, their use is currently limited by very clear indications, contraindications, age of the patient, etc. In addition, antibiotics, especially with uncontrolled, frequent use, contribute to the formation of new strains of harmful bacteria that are difficult to treat. Usually, against the background of antibiotic treatment, it is customary to prescribe biological products – live microbes that make up the human intestinal microflora. But there is an opinion that the antibiotic has a detrimental effect on these bacteria, and such therapy does not bring the desired result. nine0255
  • Auxiliaries. In the treatment of colds of any origin, symptomatic therapy is used, the action of which is directed against the symptoms of the disease. They are called auxiliary, as they help to alleviate the course of a cold. They do not get rid of the cause of SARS, but the child’s own antibodies work against viruses.
  • How to treat a runny nose? In case of a runny nose, a nasal toilet with saline solutions is performed. The procedure is simple, but requires certain skills and caution. To do this, you should seat the child with his back to him, first clean his nose. For babies, this can be done with cotton buds (for children under six months old, only with ordinary cotton turundas), and at an older age, children can already blow their nose. After that, you need to raise your chin, holding the child’s face with your palm in a raised state. Using a pipette, drip a saline solution into both nasal passages, lower the child’s head forward. Part of the medicine may spill out of the nose, but the result of such a procedure will still be achieved. If there are no special recommendations from the pediatrician of the sick child, you can use a pipette and normal saline. But it is preferable with a sterile solution based on sea water. It is a delusion to think that washing a child’s nose will be addictive or the snot will flow out on its own. Part, of course, can leak out, but if you do not clean your nose, there is a high risk of infection spreading to the underlying airways, the development of complications such as inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. nine0047
    If the runny nose is profuse, watery, painful, accompanied by nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drugs (based on oxymetazoline, xylometazoline) are used in the form of drops at bedtime, before walking with a child. This helps the baby to have a good rest in a dream without waking up, and on a walk it is normal to breathe through the nose without taking cold air into the mouth. It should not be instilled into the nose of a child in a supine state, since there is a high probability of a change in pressure during such manipulation and there is a risk of otitis media. All instillations must be done while sitting. The use of special preparations in the form of soft (spray with limited jet pressure) should be carried out with great care, since there is also a risk of promoting the spread of infection under pressure. nine0255

  • Antipyretics. Often there are questions about the use of antipyretics, for children – these are drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, for babies – in syrup, suppositories. It should be noted that if there are no special recommendations in this regard, it is necessary to reduce the temperature above 38.3-38.5°C. If the child feels well, plays, has an appetite, and, in general, tolerates temperature well, antipyretic drugs can not be used. If parents see that the child’s condition is bad, he refuses to eat and drink, becomes lethargic, vomiting occurs, headache, the temperature rises further, you can start giving antipyretics even at a low temperature. nine0255
  • How to treat a cough? Questions about cough are the most frequent and sometimes the most difficult at a pediatric appointment for SARS. It is best if the doctor dynamically observes the coughing child. In this case, the specialist can distinguish changes in the tone of the voice, a barking component, a dry or wet cough, wheezing, localization of wheezing. If the pediatrician recommends taking an x-ray, you should not refuse such an examination, this will help to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Currently, in the treatment of cough, inhalation drugs are widely used – through a special device – an inhaler. This tactic reduces the systemic effect of the drug on the child’s body, where the drug reaches the point of its application – large and medium bronchi, and even alveoli. Inhalers can be used from the very birth of a child, but it is necessary to pay attention to the type of device, the medicinal substances recommended for it, their dosages and frequency of use. nine0255

Activities before the doctor arrives

Sometimes, especially during the season of high incidence of influenza and colds, there are difficulties with a doctor’s visit, you have to wait for an appointment, the doctor does not have time to come as quickly as parents would like. There are measures that can be taken before the arrival of a specialist. It is necessary to measure the temperature of the child and write down the data on the thermometry carried out in a diary, which is then shown to the doctor. If the temperature is high, do not wrap or even dress the child warmly. At home, you can generally strip to your underwear. Disposable diapers are also recommended to be removed from infants. Do not forget about physical methods of cooling – you can wipe it with cool water, you can put a cloth moistened with water on your head, stomach, places of the main vessels. A sick child should be given plenty of fractional water, even if he refuses to drink, it is necessary to constantly offer from a teaspoon, moisten his lips.

There are no children who do not get sick. Everyone gets sick, only some often, and others not so much. The main thing to remember is that any medicines should be prescribed by a doctor at a full-time appointment, after an examination.

Baby daycare center: KinderCare | Child Daycare Centers & Early Education Programs

Опубликовано: February 15, 2023 в 2:08 am


Категории: Baby

Top 10 Camps Near Me


Our day camps combine peaceful mindfulness practices with hands-on art activities, yoga & creative/cooperative games. Participants will blissfully experience mindful movement, develop compassion, discovercreative talents, taste healthy foods & make quality friendships! Full day & half day options are available.
There is a twinkling light inside of every child. The ZenTotz Curriculum is especially designed for young beings, so that they may grow up to shine their inner lights with greater consciousness and love for others!…


Curious Cub Adventure Camp is a unique Summer Camp that empowers campers to grow and develop as they discover new skills and interests on the go! It strives to create a safe, experience-rich environment thatwill lead to incredible adventures and endless memories. At Curious Cub Adventure Camp, we offer children of varying ages and backgrounds a structured opportunity for growth. Our enriched program is designed for campers to promote independence and self-confidence all while making new friends and learning exciting new skills. We designed our program to have varying age groups because we understand the importance of peer guidance and social development. Younger children can learn a lot from their older peers and we have incorporated this philosophy into our curriculum. We have 10 weeks of camp for Summer 2022 and children can register for all 10 weeks or on a weekly basis….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out.


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out.


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….


Get set for a thrill-filled summer! Our age-specific, kid-approved camps add up to a season of discovery and fun for preschool to school-age children. This year, our 12 weeks of camps fall into six greatthemes: Mighty Bodies, Bendy Brains; Awesome Art; Gravity Galore and More; The Wondrous World of Food; Wild about Water; and Featured Creatures.
We’re in session when your local public schools are on break and you’ll find our flexible scheduling works for your busy family. See why our summer (and winter and spring) break camps are the place to be when school’s out….

Showing 1 – 20 of 9250

Page 4 – Top Child Care Centers


Pathways Early Childhood Center is intentionally small, intentionally personal, and intentionally Christian. We provide learning environments that encourage children, by keeping our child to teacher ratio verysmall. We constantly interact with families to ensure optimal learning at school and at home making every child’s experience at Pathways personal. We are also devoted to teaching every child the word of God through song, activities, and by example. Our staff teaches God’s love most by example- we love our students!…


We are also looking to hire teachers. We are filling up with children and need more teachers! The benefits of working with Memorable Moments is that there is a discount on child care, paid training, and yourworking with an amazing team of staff and children.
We are a child development center enrolling children from ages 6 weeks to 12 years old. We have 5 classrooms open around the school year and a school age classroom during the summer time. We do offer before and after school care but we do not offer transportation to and from schools. However, local Elementary does make a stop here before and after school.
Our Preschool and Pre-k teachers have BA degree in Early Childhood and have been in this field over 25 years. Our Infant room lead has an AA degree in Early Childhood and is almost to her student teaching. Our Toddler rooms teachers have BA and AA degree in Early Childhood. We work very hard to have teachers and staff that are working to better their education in this area….


Hello and thank you for visiting my page!
I do have one opening at this time as my oldest child just went to Kindergarten! I have a very awesome group of children and would love to find a newfriend for them.
If you are looking for an alternative to center based care please consider me. I have many years of experience providing safe and loving care for families in my community.
You can find my Facebook page listed as A Place for Me Family Child Care.
Please call and leave a message on my voice mail. I have my house number listed so I may not hear the phone ring. I will call back as soon as possible though!. ..

Becky’s Daycare

3266 Beechdale St., Brentwood, PA 15227

Starting at $40/day


* I am a home schooling mother to four children, ages 8, 6, 4, and 2.
* I am a pastor’s wife and love caring for others, especially children.
* I consider myself a lifelong learner! I love toexplore and read and learn from the people I meet. I strive to not only teach children about their world, but to develop a love of learning in them.
* I never take care of more than three children at a time so that I will be able to ensure your child receives individual attention and a high quality of care.
* I provide care in the comforting and nurturing environment of a home.
* Caring for just a few children results in fewer illnesses and healthier children than a typical daycare center.
* Master’s degree in Education
* Experience working in daycare centers
* Background check and personal references available
* I’m a mother myself.
* A home setting is often less intimidating and more comfortable for children compared to a center.
* Individualized care to meet the unique needs of your baby and your family.
* Daily planned activities based around a monthly theme that stimulate social, gross motor, and emotional development.
* A small group size to ensure quality of care.
* A safe and inviting environment for babies to explore and learn (smoke-free and pet-free).
* I provide parents with written daily updates to let them know exactly how their child spent his or her day.
If you would like more information or to schedule a time to meet me, please email me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!…


At the Development Center for Little People, we are excited to help your children along their individual paths of social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth, and look forward to engaging you in thiscollaborative process. Our passionate teachers are always looking to guide your child’s natural play into moments of exploration and learning. We also offer teacher-directed activities including kindergarten preparation and computer readiness, with a smaller ratio that enables us to surpass the enrichment opportunities of larger facilities.
Our director has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition with a Minor in Early Childhood Education, and 30 years of experience in the Montessori Method. Our philosophy is that your child is an extension of our family, and that children can only truly develop within secure relationships with responsive and respectful adults. We look forward to meeting with you and your family to discuss all of the opportunities for growth and fun that we have to offer! All clearances are had!…


We believe that children experience the greatest growth when they feel secure and wanted. Therefore, We at Precious Cargo Childcare Center will provide a warm, caring, comfortable and safe environment for ourchildren. Together, we will establish routines that are predictable and consistent. All children will be treated with gentleness, honesty and respect. We will encourage them to treat others in the like manner. Our classrooms cultivate an unbiased atmosphere where children and parents are encouraged to challenge their individual paradigms and subsequently see society through a lens that celebrates diversity of thought and culture. We are committed to children learning and believe that educators are important role models. Therefore, we use modeling as a vital tool in our classrooms. To maintain an atmosphere where children feel comfortable and confident, we use constructive guidance and positive reinforcement. We feel it is also necessary to establish and clearly define reasonable limits with logical consequences. The children are encouraged to take ownership in shaping our classroom dynamics through openly sharing their work, ideas and personalities which will enrich their peers and foster their intellectual development. Precious Cargo Childcare Center advocates open communication with parents, for they ultimately play the most vital role in their child s intellectual development. As much as we love to care for and guide children, we believe that parents should also be encouraged to be active participants in their children s education. Parents and teachers share a common priority: providing the best that they possibly can for the child. Working together, we believe that optimum development will be obtained….


We are a licensed Group Child Care Center in Eau Claire and enroll children ages 6 weeks – 12 years. Our focus is to help your child succeed in every way they can by teaching and promoting self help skills,independence, and respect. We partner with the Eau Claire Area School District for our 4 Year Old Kindergarten program, and have many other resources available to help ensure that your child is receiving the best of care available. The inside of our building has been remodeled to help it feel comfortable and relaxed while your family is in our care. We truly love meeting new families and seeing what each individual child can bring to our center!. ..


Every Child Is Special is a state licensed Family Child Care Home serving a small group of five preschoolers ages 1 – 5. Our small group allows for individual attention and close friendships. I have operatedmy family child care program for over twenty five years and have worked with young children for more than thirty years. I have a bachelor ‘s degree in early childhood education. I am First-Aid and CPR certified and have a current criminal background check. I have a separate playroom in my home for the children with designated interest centers and a large, shaded, fenced outdoor play area. We have recently installed a brand new natural playground. I provide breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. My program participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Our daily schedule provides a wide range of developmentally appropriate activities based on the children ‘s areas of interest and individual needs, including occasional field trips. My hours are 6:45 a. m. – 5:00 p.m. My program operates on the CMS schedule from Mid-August through Mid-June, closing for the Summer Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break, primarily serving school employees. My current weekly fee is $241.00 with a $50.00 one-time registration fee. Please contact me to schedule a visit.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability….


In our Spanish Immersion program through self-directed and teacher-directed activities, is designed to promote the healthy growth and development of the whole child (social, emotional, intellectual, physicaland creative development). We believe that children learn best by doing. Therefore,our classroom is planned in a way that encourages each child to become actively involved in exploring his surroundings and interacting with others. The classroom is setup in clearly defined activity areas called centers. In the center, children may work alone or in a group. The centers include dramatic play, block build, art, science, reading, music, manipulative, sand and water.
Materials in the center are changed or new centers are added periodically to reflect a particular theme or interest of the children.
-Balanced meals following the guidelines of the USDA for children.
-vegetarian food is provided, (Organic Food ).
-No pets.
-Free area of shoes.
-Toilet Training….


At Sunny West Child Development Center, we believe in providing quality care for young children in an environment designed to encourage children to learn through developmental and age-appropriate practices. Webelieve that all children learn best through play, free exploration of their environment, discovery and by having positive interactions with adults and other children. With that in mind, our goals are to build self-esteem and independence, while fostering curiosity and creativity. We hope to bring both parents and teachers together in partnership to help children socially succeed and develop physically, intellectually, and emotionally.
SWCDC offers exceptional care and quality education crucial to the developing needs of your children. Our programs are designed to help your child reach his or her fullest potential. We strive to build self-confidence, nurture creativity, provide comfort whenever needed, and above all, to keep our children safe and happy.
Our major objective is to ensure that preschool children are well prepared to enter the school system. This objective begins with the toddler learning environment and continues through the preschool years. To create a positive learning environment for our children, we acknowledge that parents must also be made aware of the children’s developmental needs and what they can do to assist in satisfying such needs. Our staff will participate in on going trainings in Early Child Education Development.
Above all, our greatest service will be to provide a consistent care environment during the most critical developmental years of the young lives that have been entrusted to us. Such consistency lies at the very core of the ability to ensure quality. This requires that we maintain a clean, safe, and loving environment and that we evaluate our progress.
At SWCDC we believe that social, racial, religious and cultural diversity in the student body contributes greatly to the value of the school experience and make every attempt to incorporate this into our curriculum.
Our Toddler Program are for children 18 to 30 months old. Our PreSchool program are for children ranging from 2 years old to children ready to enter 1st grade….

StoryBook Academy

Location 1 6005 Pembroke Place, Indianapolis, IN 46220

Starting at $210/wk


We have 2 convenient locations:
6005 Pembroke Place
4615 Vera Drive
StoryBook Academy is a home-based learning center. We offer care for infants – 5 years. Our program offers a special approach to earlychildhood education by combining center-based education specifications with the home-based atmosphere. StoryBook Academy is a Class II licensed child care and a level 3 Paths to Quality provider.
With a 100% guarantee that children will never want to leave StoryBook and that every parent will want to stay and play, too; there is no better time than right now to enroll! StoryBook Academy is first and foremost a school; enrollment spots are limited! Set up an interview/tour today! Please call (317) 361-8490….


Rita’s Christian Daycare is a licensed daycare. With over 20 years of experience open from 7am to 6pm Monday-Friday, my daycare provides a warm, loving and educational environment for every child, from infantsto toddlers. Our structured daily schedule involves art and crafts, phonics, and exercise. We also have “My Baby Can Read” and yes it really works! We offer nutritious meals/snacks and a on campus playground. We take pride in providing a safe and happy environment. (We also accept FIA payments). Our goal is to provide a safe, loving, and nurturing environment for your child. Our program aims to enhance the basic concepts and attitudes of early childhood development, and capitalize on your child’s ability to create. Homebased childcare is the best start you can give your little one, so much more than the big centers. I would love to talk with you about your childcare needs, please feel free to give me a call.248-544-9013….

Alphabet Academy

6355 Beechtree Drive, West Des Moines, IA 50266

Starting at $194/wk


Alphabet Academy is a child care center and preschool inspired by the work of Dr. Maria Montessori. Alphabet Academy is designed with you in mind, parents who desire a unique and high-quality care and preschoolexperience nestled in a warm and inviting environment for their children ages 6 weeks to 6 years of age. We believe that children are the greatest gift of life….


1513 Miwok Court, Morgan Hill, CA 95037

Costimate: $264/wk


Thank you for your interest! We had one opening for a child between in December 2022 which was filled in two weeks. There will be another opening summer of 2023. Contact me if you’d like to be on the waitinglist for that.
SereneCare is a preschool and child care program for 6mos-turning 4 yrs which provides loving care and excellent academic success within a project based curriculum emphasizing arts integration. We are a small licensed capacity program with a limit of six and enroll full time children only.
-Low turnover, stable program successful in Morgan Hill area for 25+ years.
-Engaging thematic curriculum; enrichment and cultural celebrations.
-Licensed, ECE credits, BM Music Therapy, Masters Elem Ed.
-Parents can choose to pay electronically through secure online 3rd party
-Website with pass codes for photos, events and other information for parents
– Daily updates with photos and reports through an app.
SereneCare’s small group size ratio enables the outstanding personal attention and fluidity in curriculum and experiences that meets the needs of our children in a way that preserves self-confidence, unique development of talents, loving bonds, and respect while attaining full academic potential. Children here have the individual attention of a nanny environment with just enough friends in a small group that bonds like a happy family. They can learn social skills in a loving family home daycare setting combined with highly trained teachers and a time-tested advanced curriculum matching any high quality childcare center.
SereneCare alumni go on to perform academically at the top levels in their elementary schools and beyond. The arts integrations, especially music both generally and in classical music training, has resulted in over 50% of our graduates continuing to perform and excel in music, visual arts, or dance for many years. And while this is happening, the creative play and joyful magic of the preschool years unfolds naturally every day.
Each group generally moves through the SereneCare experience together for about 3 years – from first baby/toddler friendships through a celebration graduation week. A nearly nonexistent turnover and excellent attendance due to superb health of our children is supported with a clean environment, good hygiene and wholesome menus prepared each day.
We know how to have fun and get the job done!…

Recent Review:

Where do I even begin. Gaylis has been looking after my daughter since she was 6 months old and every day we are so thankful we were lucky enough to find her and that she had a spot for us. It is a difficulttransition to hand over your child at such a young age but so quickly she felt like family. She knows my daughter so well and will add personalized touches to the curriculum that she knows my daughter will enjoy. My daughter is about to turn two and knows the colors, she counts, sings the alphabet and various songs, speaks in 4-5 word sentences, picks up all her toys and is respectful of other children. All these things she learned at SereneCare. There is a curriculum but it is structured in the form of fun activities. They cook together, they go on walks and to the park, they identify and feed the birds in the yard, they plant flowers and look after them. Every week there is a special theme. I can tell Gaylis loves her job, she puts so much effort and to have found someone that cares this much about my daughter and enjoys spending time with her is such a gift. When my daughter moves on to her next school we hope Gaylis will keep putting up with us because we never want to say goodbye….

Reviewed by Barbara M


What is The Early Bird Learning Center?
Child-centered learning program and development laboratory located within Liberty High School.
Provides individualized and academically challenging curriculum andtechnology, character, health, music, art, and physical education.
The certified, experienced, high-quality learning facilitators at the Early Bird Learning Center encourage creativity, communication, problem solving, collaboration, innovation, and critical thinking skills in a fun and loving learning environment.
The facilitators work to instill a feeling of self-worth and self-confidence in each student while also requiring that he or she recognize the needs of others.
The atmosphere is relaxed and informal with a balance between freedom and discipline.
The utilized curriculum is Common-Core aligned and designed to offer student’s rich, varied experiences with language and math.
Facilitators use a thematic approach to learning which gives students an understanding of the relationship between disciplines.
Scientific and artistic exploration as well as physical activity are important parts of the program. Through outdoor play, science experiments/projects, and field trips, the children discover the wonders of the world around them. Students visit the wider community on field trips and for learning projects.
The SMART interactive whiteboard, computers and tablets are used to enhance the teaching and learning of many subjects.
Small class size!
Why Choose the Early Bird Learning Center?
* friendly atmosphere
* nurturing environment
* stimulating, integrated curriculum
* clean, kid-friendly classroom
* involved learning facilitators
* fosters exploration and play
We look forward to looking forward to: helping your child reach his or her academic potential, instilling and inspiring in your child, an authentic lifelong love for learning, fostering his or her intense natural curiosity, and making a positive difference in his or her life.


We are pleased to invite you and your little ones to Yelena ‘s Educational Place. Our mission is to build an educational childcare program where the needs and interests of children come first. A place wherechildren will receive the individual attention and care that they need to grow and learn at this important stage of their lives; where children feel safe and secure and comfortable enough to build strong friendships, and where parents can take comfort in knowing that their children are receiving the highest level of care. We offer full time/part time childcare for 15 months old-5 years olds. At Yelena ‘s Educational Place, we encourage our students to learn about the world around them, and the community they live in. All children benefit from exposure to the world at large, as long as the exposure and experience are in line with their developmental ability to engage in an activity. For younger children, this might mean a walk to the Fire Station or to the mailbox to mail their friend a letter or a buggy ride around the neighborhood provides much opportunity for language development as their teacher speaks to them about the things that they see as they go. At our program we have interest learning areas or centers: blocks/cars, dramatic play, sensory, art, music and movement, manipulatives and outdoors. The Creative Curriculum that we employ at our program is one that actively involves parents in their child’s learning process by providing tools that extend the lessons of the day into the home at night.
Nationally recognized for being forward thinking, comprehensive, and rigorously researched, The Creative Curriculum is designed to help us/teachers prepare and implement content-rich, developmentally appropriate programs for children of any age. This curriculum uniquely balances teacher-planned and child-initiated learning, while emphasizing responsiveness to each child’s strengths, interests, needs and learning styles in every developmental area.
Our Main Goals to support children to be: Creative, Inquisitive, Flexible, Critical thinkers, Purposeful and reflective, Social learners.
Yelena’s Educational Place is a safe, nurturing, loving and creative place where Education , Play and Care go hand in hand.
My name is Yelena Pasternak and I am the owner of Yelena’s Educational Place. I have been working in the early childhood education field since 1992. This wonderful journey has provided me with many amazing opportunities and life lessons along the way,…


Little Owlets Academy – early learning center with the focus on the intellectual, moral, social, emotional and physical needs of each child. Our goal is to keep the lights in your children’s eyes on at alltimes and into their adult lives.
When babies are born, their eyes are filled with so much joy, curiosity and bliss – we call that lights! These little beings want to play, please and love. As they mature into toddlers, children, teenagers and then adults – the lights start dimming down as play turns into work, pleasure turns into effort and love turns into hurt.
Our program is based on years of research by family therapists and scientists, who put the biggest focus on keeping the lights on through interactive play, no matter the age. We extend our approach into the families of each child.
Our primary focus is on:
– Establishing a safe and nurturing environment
– Respecting rules and boundaries
– Discovering talents and abilities
– Learning through projects and other team-based activities
– Engaging families in everything that we do
– Learning from each other
We focus on intellectual, moral, social, emotional and physical needs of each child. Our teachers are highly trained professionals who love working with young children and are passionate about the work they do. A big portion of our curriculum is education in different languages and cultures. We address each aspect of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs as follows:
Self-Actualization needs – our individual work with the children is focused on setting up conditions in a way that allows for creativity in the areas the child is curious about and allows them to fulfil their full potential.
Esteem needs – our group and project based activities are focused on promoting the feeling of accomplishment and collaboration.
Belonging and Love needs: – our environment is warm, nurturing and welcoming. Our curriculum is based on the work of child and family systems psychologists, such as Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori, Dr. Adler, Dr. Bogdanov, Dr. Sage and Dr. Dinkmeyer.
Safety needs: – our centers are fully safe proof, the layout is very carefully planned out. We inspect and sanitize our toys and equipment on a daily basis.
Our teachers are CPR/First Aid certified.
Physiological needs – we provide home prepared meals, warm and clean rooms, plenty of time for rest and for outdoor/indoor physical activities….


24 Hour Child Care Center


Since opening our doors in 2007, the CCL has provided an early childhood program for children 6 weeks to 6 years of age and a school age summer camp program for 5 – 13 years. We were just recently awarded a 4Star Rating from Grow NJ Kids, an educational State rating program. Located next to the police station, across the street from the South Amboy train station, and minutes from Rt 9 and the parkway, the CCL is in a perfect location for any commute.
Our HighScope curriculum is tailored to meet the individual needs of each child. Teachers are professional trained and educated to implement a developmentally appropriate curriculum meeting each child’s needs. Parents have the opportunity to learn about their child’s progress through parent/teacher conferences and viewing their child’s portfolio. CCL focuses on the Whole Child – intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development- with our learn through play program. From infants who are learning to roll over, to preschoolers spelling their names, CCL collaboratively works to provide children with a safe, caring, and educational environment.
Our school has a locking security system remotely operated by authorized staff and door handles for our exits out of the reach of children. Our state of the art fire sprinklers are linked directly to the local fire department and each room has direct access to the outside. CCL has a security camera system viewed from the main office. Our strict child care policies ensures that all children are safe and sound from the moment you walk through our door each morning until you go home for the night.
Nosotros Hablamos Espanol!!!
Our Motto is “Learn, Share, Laugh & Grow”
Please contact us to schedule a tour today!…


Impressionable Years Child Care Center offers programs for infants 6 weeks of age until Pre-K, as well as before and after care. They offer both structured and non structured learning depending on the childsneeds. The center aims to include the parents in their childs progress and activities through daily reports updates and meetings with their teachers….

Showing 61 – 80 of 84777

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution of Vladimir “Child Development Center”



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600005, Vladimir, st. Gorkogo, d.0024

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    Information about the location of buildings

    Corps 1 : 614088, Perm, Perm, Geologov Dom; 7,

    Phones : (342) 285-06-03; 285-01-94;0003

    Building 2: 614065, Perm, st. Mira, 105

    Phones : (342) 226-01-27

    Sviyazeva, 36

    Phones: 285-01-93

    Building 4: 614088, Perm, st. K. Glinka, 11a

    Phones: 285-15-88

    E-mail: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Site -

    Working hours – five-day working week.

    Working hours – from 7.00 to 19.00. Days off – Saturday, Sunday.


    Head Garbeeva Ekaterina Ivanovna

    hours of reception 1 Corps:

    Tuesday from 9. 00 to 18.00 e-mail: [email protected]

    hours of reception 2 Corps 2 Corps

    Monday from 13.00 to 17.00

    Contact phone:

    Deputy Head

    9000 18.00

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    E-mail: [email protected]

    hours of reception 2 Corps:

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    Deputy Head

    Oshmarina Tatyana Vyacheslavovna

    Contact phone:

    E-mail: DS35@permeded administrators

    Dear parents!

    Please note that from January 01, 2021 the details of payment for kindergarten are changing in the institution and paid educational services.

    Please indicate the following details in the documents:


    Department of Finance of Perm (MADOU “Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 35″, Perm

    l/s 08930000915)

    TIN/KPP 5905006551/590501001
    Settlement account 03234643577010005600

    of the Bank of Russia//UFK for

    Perm Territory Perm

    BIK (BIK TOFK) 015773997
    Correspondent account (single treasury account) 40102810145370000048

    In 1996, by the Decree of the Administration of the Industrial District of Perm, the preschool educational institution was registered as a municipal institution of preschool education “Kindergarten N 35”

    On November 23, 2016, the Administration of the city of Perm adopted Decree No. 1049 “On the reorganization of the MADOU “Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 152”, Perm, MADOU “Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 35”, Perm by joining MADOU “Child Development Center – Kindergarten No.

    I sleep through my baby crying: Reddit – Dive into anything

    Опубликовано: February 14, 2023 в 7:41 pm


    Категории: Baby

    Why does my baby cry in their sleep? | Baby & toddler articles & support

    In this article we explore different reasons for why babies sometimes cry in their sleep and some different methods of soothing them.

    It can be really upsetting to see your baby cry in their sleep, but often it’s entirely normal. So it’s useful to know how babies actually sleep, why they sometimes seem to be disturbed during their shut-eye, and what can you do to help.  

    How babies sleep

    As you’ve probably noticed, babies don’t sleep in the same way as children or adults. Not only do they sleep for longer overall, and in shorter bursts (particularly newborns), their sleep patterns are also different (BASIS, 2018). The main difference is that they spend more time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep than adults (Barry, 2021).

    REM sleep is when your baby is dreaming, it’s also known as light sleep. You might notice their eyes moving behind their eyelids. They might also jerk or twitch, and their breathing may become irregular (Leigh, 2016). They may appear unsettled, but these sorts of movements are just part and parcel of your baby going through their natural sleep cycle. 

    During light sleep, the brain works hard processing new memories, filing away information and matching it with other similar experiences (Barry, 2021). With so many new experiences to absorb, it’s no wonder babies can sometimes get overwhelmed.  

    The six stages

    REM sleep, or light sleep, is just one of six stages your baby goes through each and every day. You probably recognise them. The others are deep sleep, drowsy, calm alert, fussy alert and crying (Leigh, 2016).

    If your baby cries out in their sleep, they might just be letting you know they’re passing from one stage to the next. Often, they will simply settle back down again, but sometimes the change makes them wake up. 

    What should I do if my baby cries in their sleep?

    If your baby cries during the night, before picking them up to comfort them, try leaving them for a moment or two. See if they are able to drift back into more restful sleep on their own. 

    Your baby might just have a lot of brain development going on as they progress mentally. Strange as it sounds, these mental leaps can make your baby more unsettled for a while, and cause crying and sleep regression (Rijt and Plooijt, 2017).

    If the cry is more urgent and they seem unable to settle, they might be too hot or too cold. Or they might need a feed or have a cold and wet nappy. 

    As your baby grows you’ll be able to better pinpoint what’s happening. But as with all parts of parenting, the learning curve is steep. Whatever it is, try to keep the disturbance to a minimum, and the atmosphere peaceful and calm. This way your baby will get used to the idea that night-time is for sleeping. 

    In most cases, occasional crying in their sleep is entirely normal and nothing to worry about. But if you are worried about persistent crying in longer bursts, remember you can contact your GP or health visitor.  

    This page was last reviewed in November 2021

    Further information

    Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700.

    You might find attending one of our Early Days groups helpful as they give you the opportunity to explore different approaches to important parenting issues with a qualified group leader and other new parents in your area.

    Make friends with other parents-to-be and new parents in your local area for support and friendship by seeing what NCT activities are happening nearby.

    Watch our coping with crying film.

    The Purple Crying website looks in detail at the stage in your baby’s life when they cry more than at any other time.

    Understanding childhood also have a range of resources available online and to download, developed by child psychotherapists, including a leaflet on crying.

    There’s also useful information on the NHS website.

    The NSPCC helpline provides help and support to thousands of parents and families.

    The Lullaby Trust has lots of useful information and support for parents about safe sleep.

    What’s normal and how to soothe them

    When a baby begins crying in their sleep, caregivers may worry that something is wrong. However, in most cases, for babies, crying while asleep is a phase rather than a sign of a serious problem.

    For many caregivers, sleep-related issues are among the biggest challenges during the baby and toddler years. Sleep problems are common, affecting at least 30 percent of children.

    In this article, we look at the reasons why a baby might cry in their sleep, how to soothe them, and the normal sleep cycles that people can expect at different ages.

    Share on PinterestIt is common for young babies to make noises during sleep, including crying.

    Newborns and young babies may grunt, cry, or scream in their sleep.

    Very young children’s bodies have not yet mastered the challenges of a regular sleep cycle, so it is common for them to wake frequently or make strange sounds in their sleep.

    For very young babies, crying is their main form of communication. It makes sense, then, that babies cry often and might also cry in their sleep.

    As long as a baby does not have additional concerning symptoms, such as other signs of illness or pain, this is developmentally normal, and not a sign that something is wrong.

    As babies develop more ways to express themselves, crying while asleep may be a sign that they are having a nightmare or night terror. Toddlers and older babies who cry while asleep, especially while moving in bed or making other sounds, may be having night terrors.

    Nightmares occur during light sleep, or random eye movement sleep. Night terrors, on the other hand, occur when a child becomes very agitated during the deeper phases of sleep. Children are more likely to cry from night terrors early in the night.

    Night terrors are relatively rare and usually occur in children aged between 4 and 12 years old, though people have reported possible night terrors in babies as young as 18 months old. Night terrors may be more likely to occur if a child is sick or sleep-deprived.

    When a baby briefly cries out in their sleep, they often settle on their own. Picking them up may wake them up, disrupting their sleep.

    If the crying continues, try talking softly to the baby or rubbing their back or stomach. This can help shift them into a different stage of sleep and help them stop crying.

    Breastfed babies who nurse in their sleep may find comfort from nursing. Caregivers should decide whether or not the baby is likely to awaken from nursing and assess whether they are willing to risk waking the baby.

    It can also be helpful to simply observe the baby’s sleep pattern. Some babies let out a soft cry as they fall deeply into sleep, or immediately before waking. Identifying the baby’s typical sleep pattern can help caregivers assess the cause of crying.

    Some babies might cry in their sleep when they are sick or teething, but pain that causes crying will usually wake the baby. Caregivers can talk to a pediatrician about how to ease the baby’s pain.

    Although we do not yet know when nightmares start, a caregiver who thinks that they hear their baby having a nightmare can soothe them by talking calmly to them or rubbing their back. Babies who are still breastfed may also find comfort from nursing.

    If a baby wakes up after having had a nightmare, comfort them and follow a soothing sleep ritual to get them back to sleep. Older babies and toddlers may need reassurance that the nightmare was not real.

    Share on PinterestA person should speak to a doctor about a child experiencing a sudden change in sleep patterns.

    Caregivers should talk to a doctor about nighttime crying and other sleep issues when:

    • a child cries out in pain
    • a child’s sleep habits suddenly change
    • a child’s sleep problems last for several nights and interfere with the ability of the child or caregiver to function
    • feeding difficulties, such as a bad latch, not getting enough breast milk, or concerns with a formula sensitivity, interfere with sleep

    There is no single normal sleep pattern in babies and young children. Sleep patterns change rapidly over the first 3 years of life, with lots of variation between individual children. The amount of sleep crying will also change over time.

    Babies have shorter sleep cycles than adults and spend more time in light sleep, meaning that there are more chances for them to cry, grunt, or make other noises in their sleep.

    Cultural and family norms can also affect sleep expectations. With the advice of a healthcare professional, caregivers can choose sleep strategies that work for them, their culture, and the needs and personality of their baby.

    This section discusses average sleep patterns for babies of different ages. However, there is a lot of variation, and if a baby has a different sleep pattern from those given below, there is often no cause for concern.

    Newborns (0–1 month)

    Sleep is unpredictable in the first month, often punctuated by brief waking periods followed by naps and longer stretches of sleep. Some babies seem to have confused night and day. Sleep crying is common.

    Babies typically wake every 2–3 hours, and sometimes even more often, to eat.

    Exposing a baby to natural daylight and establishing a routine may help regulate their sleep patterns. For most babies of this age, however, a regular sleep schedule or long periods of sleep at night are unlikely.

    Older newborns (1–3 months)

    Newborns aged 1–3 months are still adjusting to life outside the womb. Some begin to develop a regular sleep schedule, though sleeping through the night is unlikely.

    At this age, babies often cry out in their sleep or wake up crying if they are hungry. Sleep sessions typically last 3.5 hours or under.

    Infants (3–7 months)

    Share on PinterestBabies aged 3–7 months may develop a regular sleep schedule.

    Between 3 and 7 months, some babies begin sleeping longer stretches or sleeping through the night. There is still considerable variation between babies.

    Some babies also experience a sleep regression around 4 months that changes their sleep pattern.

    Later in this period, many babies develop a sleep schedule of two daily naps and a longer period of sleep at night. Establishing a daily routine and a nighttime sleep routine can help.

    Infants (7–12 months)

    Most babies will sleep through the night by the time they are 9 months old. At around a year old, some babies drop down to just one nap per day. Others may need two naps per day well into their second year of life.

    Toddlers (12 months and older)

    Toddlers need 12–14 hours of sleep per day, divided between their nap and nighttime sleep. Most drop down to a single daily nap by 18 months of age.

    Toddlers may experience occasional shifts in their sleep habits when something disrupts their routine, they are sick, or they go through a major developmental shift. This may include more crying than usual.

    A child who routinely sleeps through the night, for example, may wake at 3 a.m. ready to play for a few nights.

    Sleep can be challenging, especially in the early months and years. Every baby is unique and has their own set of needs and tendencies.

    Caregivers can find ways to work with a baby’s temperament to maximize sleep, soothe crying, and ensure that the baby feels safe and comfortable at night.

    In most cases, crying out in sleep is not dangerous or a sign of a serious problem. Sooner or later, almost all babies do it, and eventually, all babies sleep.

    The baby is crying, but I can’t wake up

    The baby is crying, but I don’t…





    Now the child has grown up, he crawls to our sofa when necessary.




    ╧5 A freaks who leave their children are not a decree for us!




    And in Muslim countries even strange old people are taken home, and in some states there is not a single orphanage, such is moral education based on religion. Pogolovny instinct among Muslims?:)) No, of course.

    And the fact that we all wake up at the first rustle at night is because we ourselves are light sleepers, because we are responsible for the sleep of a person who cannot yet take care of himself. Then, when the children grow up, we sleep more soundly.

    There are a lot of articles available that describe the change in the hormonal background and the depth of sleep in a woman, preparing her for lactation, so as not to fall from fatigue from her legs. The man’s sleep is not deep. and if you wake him up, then sleep for the rest of the night will be superficial. and in a few months his fatigue threatens with more sad consequences of a breakdown in health. than in women.

    This is all explained by the physical processes of the organism. Not psychic.

    But to blame the author for being “not home without instinct” is at least unreasonable. So her body and her brain work like that, which refuses to wake up with noise, even when she became a mother.


    have proven long ago that there is no maternal instinct,


    links to authoritative sources?


    especially frightening that animal reflexes are attributed to human brain activity, shaming, although the person is not to blame. Many raise their children without loving, well, that didn’t happen to them, love is not given together with childbirth, and is not inherited. many families exist only out of duty and affection. It is not good. of course, both mother and child suffer, but it is not the mother’s fault that she does not feel anything, although she tries very hard.

    and the fact that she is fast asleep has nothing to do with instincts at all, this is a matter of brain function and it is different for everyone.









    Vladimir Titarenko

    Fitness nutritionist

    135 answers

  • Maxim Sorokin

    Practicing psychologist

    1 011

  • Tokar Daria Anatolyevna

    Fitness trainer

    32 responses

  • Ivanova Svetlana


    75 answers

  • Maria Burlakova


    331 answers

  • Osipova Ksenia Andreevna


    40 answers

  • Maria Kremenetska

    Speech therapist – defectologist

    32 responses

  • Maria Parkhomenko

    Nutritionist, consultant on. ..

    5 answers

  • Nidelko Lyubov Petrovna

    Practicing psychologist

    243 answers

  • Maria Sinyapkina


    91 answers

  • #23

    In general, I think that for the first six months, and even a year, a child should not be left alone to sleep in a room, the so-called “nursery”. The first month is generally desirable for the baby to sleep with his mother. I put the crib right next to our bed and woke up from every rustle.

    It is necessary to control the sleep of a baby, especially a small one.

    Either buy a radio tank, or accustom the baby SPTI all night




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    It’s strange, that your maternal instinct has not awakened? It’s just that before the birth of my son I had the same heroic dream, but after the birth of my son I hear every sound in a dream, every swarming. After all, especially in the first months of a child’s life, anything can happen at night, he can burp and choke on vomit.





    Is it strange that your maternal instinct has not awakened? It’s just that before the birth of my son I had the same heroic dream, but after the birth of my son I hear every sound in a dream, every swarming. After all, especially in the first months of a child’s life, anything can happen at night, he can burp and choke on vomit.


    , Pronia. There is no maternal instinct in humans. That’s bullshit. Every year, children are left in orphanages in large numbers, this is a problem of education. not animal instincts. And it does not apply to the threshold of perception of sounds in a dream. I think the author guesses what can happen in a dream with a child, and therefore asks a question about help.



    10 03/05/2009 13:19:23 | [2940555051]
    long ago proved that there is no maternal instinct,
    links to authoritative sources?



    Is it strange that your maternal instinct has not awakened? It’s just that before the birth of my son I had the same heroic dream, but after the birth of my son I hear every sound in a dream, every swarming. After all, especially in the first months of a child’s life, anything can happen at night, he can burp and choke on vomit.




    Is it strange, do you have a mother instinct? It’s just that before the birth of my son I had the same heroic dream, but after the birth of my son I hear every sound in a dream, every swarming. After all, especially in the first months of a child’s life, anything can happen at night, he can burp and choke on vomit.

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    A teenager constantly wants to sleep: what to do and how to fix it Why do they have so little energy and is this normal? Do they really need a “quiet hour”? Let’s figure it out together with the somnologist Alexander Kalinkin.

    Question. Son (teenager) constantly – even during the day – wants to sleep. He comes from school, goes to bed, then stays awake for several hours, does his homework and goes back to bed. Why is this happening?

    Answer. The duration of sleep changes dramatically with age. Newborns sleep 14-17 hours, and by adulthood we sleep 7-9 hours. For teenagers, long daytime sleep is no longer characteristic and is not the norm.

    Modern society is subject to chronic sleep deprivation. In 2018, we conducted a study at the Medical Research and Education Center of Moscow State University and found that 40.9% of young people from 20 to 35 years old often notice excessive daytime sleepiness. This is not the usual desire to sleep that occurs during the day in any person, but a serious sleep defect that can lead to unplanned falling asleep. Teenagers are also prone to chronic sleep deprivation.

    The average duration of human sleep over the past hundred years has decreased from 8 to 6 hours, and in some metropolitan areas it is already less than 6 hours (with the required number of 7-9). Many teenagers really do not have enough time to sleep, they themselves do not notice that they do not get enough sleep due to homework, study and other activities.

    Lack of sleep for one hour from your norm worsens your well-being: drowsiness, headache, fatigue and irritability appear. Because of this, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, immune disorders can develop.

    Baby drooling a lot: Drooling and Your Baby –

    Опубликовано: February 12, 2023 в 6:29 pm


    Категории: Baby

    Drooling, Will it End? – Speech in The City

    Drooling can be caused by postural issues, reflux, numbness, lack of sensation, an impairment of swallowing, nausea, food sensitivity, as a result of medications, poor rest posture of the jaw and/or during teething. In infant development, drooling is very common. We typically see babies drooling into the toddler years. After about two years old, excessive drooling turns into a problem that needs intervention. At three years old, the child should have their full set of baby teeth and there shouldn’t be any drooling at all.

    Excessive drooling can be a result of low muscle tone and/or lack of sensation. On the flip side, sometimes, excessive and longterm drool will result in lack of awareness and sensation. The child becomes “numb” to the feeling of the drool since it is something they are used to feeling.

    The first step in treatment of drooling is bringing awareness to the drooling. We suggest instead of wiping it off your child’s face you pat it with a cloth, that way the child is getting increased feedback on where the drool is on their face. This aids in increasing the sensation to the feeling of the drool.

    Speech pathologists work with your dentist, ENT and/or pediatrician to determine appropriate intervention strategies for when the drooling becomes a problem.

    We see many children with autism who experience drooling alongside low muscle tone. Parents report there might be a brief time where the drooling stops but then comes back again. This is where it becomes very confusing to families, because it is unclear if treatment should be sought or not. A speech pathologist works with families to determine if drooling therapy is necessary. We have seen drooling occur alongside growth spurts in children who have low muscle tone. What this start and stop drooling may tell us, is that the child’s system may not be fully integrated and it will come back without intervention.

    Drooling is common alongside different neurological and brain based conditions like cerebral palsy. According to McInerney, M. et al, 2018, drooling occurs alongside 40% of children with cerebral palsy due to oral and pharyngeal swallowing challenges. Many of the children we work with have oral motor impairments as a result of cranial nerve damage, resulting in diminished control of the swallow and awareness of the drool. This effects the strength and coordination of the mouth, teeth, cheeks and lips.

    We create specialized oral motor strengthening and coordination strategies to help manage the drool. Every person should have customized plans and treatment plans, there is no one stop shop for remediation of drooling. We use a combination or oralfacial myology exercises and tailored therapy programs. And to answer this post’s title YES, we have seen many children stop drooling!


    McInerney, M.S., Reddihough, D.S., Carding, P.N., Swanton, R., Walton, C.M. and Imms, C. (2019), Behavioural interventions to treat drooling in children with neurodisability: a systematic review. Dev Med Child Neurol, 61: 39-48. doi:10.1111/dmcn.14048

    Dribble Stop Tops Review – Keep Your Drooling Baby’s Chest Dry!

    A Mum Reviews | November 21, 2016 | Baby & Toddler Clothes | No Comments

    Dribble Stop Tops Review – Keep Your Drooling Baby’s Chest Dry!

    Sooner or later, all babies start teething and with teething comes dribbling — a lot of dribbling. All this drool soaks clothes and can make the skin on and under the chin (or chins!) wet and sore too. A wet top on the chest can quickly make a baby feel cold too so when there’s a lot of drool, there needs to be many outfit changes throughout the day.

    My littlest one is 6 months old now and has been drooling for quite some time now but I think the first tooth will show up very soon as the drool has increased and sleep has been interrupted. She’s chewing everything too!

    We have discovered a very helpful product that keeps the outfit changes (and laundry pile!) to a minimum and keeps my baby’s chest dry. Dribble Stop Tops are the original, multi-award winning baby vests that very cleverly keep your baby drier for longer thanks to a discreet protection layer that keeps the drool from soaking through to your baby’s delicate skin which keeps their chest dry and your baby warm and comfortable.

    We use a lot of bibs too but I don’t like using bibs when my baby might fall asleep as it’s not safe to leave bibs on then. Dribble Stop Tops are completely safe as there’s nothing around the neck, just a hidden layer under the chest part of the top.

    This layer is made of a specialised waterproof material with skin-like breathability and completely covers the chest area which is the main dribble zone! The neckline is extra high too, to ensure maximum coverage.

    The material that touches your baby’s skin is lovely and soft cotton jersey which is very comfortable. The tops have press stud buttons on both shoulders which means they are easy to put on and take off your baby. The sleeves are generous and the leg openings soft and comfy.

    For us parents, these tops mean less clothing changes (a lighter changing bag and a smaller laundry pile) and potentially better sleep if your baby tends to drool at night too and wake up from a wet or cold chest.

    The tops wash really well and can be tumble dried too which I love. The vests come in packs of 2 — 2 White or 1 White and 1 Stripe (Pink or Blue) and in the following sizes 0-3ms, 3-6m, 6-9m, 9-12m, 12-18m, 18-24m. My daughter has size 9-12 months and it fits her well. She’s a big baby and usually wears mainly 9-12 months clothes.

    The best way to avoid dribble rash is to keep your baby’s skin dry and these tops really help do just that. It’s very satisfying to feel that my baby’s chest is nice and dry even when she’s drooled lots on her top — the hidden layer works really well!

    The price for a pack of two Dribble Stop Tops is just £13.99 which makes the tops about £7 each which is not bad at all considering the quality and the fact that you don’t need as many tops for your baby.

    For us, the Dribble Stop Tops are especially useful when we are having a day out and I know I will not have the chance to change my baby’s clothes very often and it is even more important to keep her dry and warm when it’s cold outside.

    I would definitely recommend the Dribble Stop Tops to parents of drooling, teething babies! I hope to see more colour options available in the future — some bold and darker colours perhaps (that don’t stain as easily) and long-sleeved tops would be great too.

    Buy your Dribble Stop Tops here.

    We were sent these items for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

    About The Author
    A Mum Reviews

    This blog is edited by a mid-30s mum with over 15 years of professional childcare experience. Now 9 years into motherhood and enthusiastic about finding great products and helpful solutions for busy families to make life more fun and easier too.

    Useful information | Page 136 of 1049

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    In the modern world, people spend a huge amount of time caring for their own bodies – women buy fashionable and beautiful clothes and spend hours choosing the right makeup. Nobody neglects muscle training either, because you really want your body to look slim and beautiful. But at the same time, people often forget about training lungs But they, too, can and should be trained. First, workout lungs is important for people who have suffered some kind of severe illness or injury of the respiratory system, including pneumonia , bronchitis, etc.

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    Migraine: symptoms and treatment many systems and organs, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms (from chills to nausea and subsequent vomiting), and even not amenable to traditional treatment. The duration of the attacks is also different, up to several days. It is not surprising that the body comes out of this terrible fight exhausted and broken, and the thought that the pain is not defeated, but receded for a while and someday will resume, deprives the last strength.

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    Intestinal colic in adults


    0007 intestine . They are characterized by sharp attacks and spasms. Pathology occurs due to spastic activity of the intestine . Colic is always a symptom of other diseases associated with the intestines of the patient. In this case, the patient may notice other bowel problems : frequent bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea . Why colic occurs, it is worth knowing in more detail.

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    Substances necessary for a person


    Chemical transformations of substances that come with daily food intake and from the environment allow the human body to exist, and, accordingly, each of its cells. Such substances are broken down and subsequently synthesized into newly created compounds. In the process, everything unnecessary goes into the external environment. Metabolism of this kind gives energy in everyday life. Proteins consumed by a person from the daily diet provide the so-called amino acids, which are indispensable for metabolism. They tend to change, thereby changing the current state of the body and each of its organs in particular.

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    Signs and symptoms of mannosidosis


    The different forms and types of mannosidosis have one thing in common: mental retardation. Other symptoms are different. Babies with alpha-mannosidosis appear normal at birth, but by the end of the first year, they show signs of mental retardation that worsens rapidly. They develop a group of symptoms that include dwarfism, shortened fingers, and facial changes. These kids have bridge nose flat, they have a prominent forehead, ears large and low and they have prominent eyebrows. Other symptoms include lack of muscle coordination, enlargement of the spleen and liver recurring infections.

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    How does cervical osteochondrosis manifest itself?


    Reflex syndromes are generally manifested by various vegetative-vascular disorders. With cervicalgia (pains are expressed in the form of backaches), acute pain begins to be localized in the cervical region spine , which will only increase with any movement. The effect of the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis will only be if you use long-term and systematic methods of treatment. It must be understood that when choosing a method of treatment, it is necessary to take into account various modern theories about the same mechanism for the development of a common pathological process. Due to a number of different clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis , it is necessary to use many therapeutic factors that somehow affect the entire links of the pathogenetic chain.

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    Dizziness is one of the most common complaints among patients of any age. dizziness is complained of by 5 to 10% of patients who have addressed therapist . It is worth noting that each patient in his own way describes dizziness . For one, it is a sensation of rotation of surrounding objects in front of through the eyes of , for another – staggering that occurs while walking, for the third – pre-syncope. We can say that each of these definitions is correct in its own way and indicate the main symptom of dizziness – loss of balance. The sense of balance is provided by several systems of the body, and if any of them is disturbed, problems arise with keeping the body in an upright position at rest and during movement.

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    How to cure herpes on the lips?


    Unfortunately, even advanced modern medicine does not know how to completely destroy herpes viruses . Once in the body, they remain in it forever. The virus does not cause concern until the body’s natural defenses are weakened. Decreased immunity will be reflected in the rash of bubbles that occur in most cases in the area of the mouth . This unexpectedly appeared cosmetic flaw cannot but upset. Therefore, everyone in these cases is looking for a way to cure herpes on the lips. A lot of means are offered by traditional and traditional medicine. Therefore, there is plenty to choose from.

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    Early gray hair: symptoms and causes


    Recently, it is increasingly possible to meet young women from 25 to 30 years old who have early gray hair. In fact, this is not the norm, but indicates that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body, which leads to the loss of the ability to produce components that affect hair color. Hair is made up of a protein that contains a substance called melanin. It is he who affects the color of the hair. This melanin is formed in the hair follicles, the disruption of which leads to a decrease in pigment production.

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    Avitaminosis: symptoms and prevention


    Prevention of avitaminosis is the full intake of all the necessary vitamins in the body with food or in the form of fruits. It is easy to compare symptoms with a certain vitamin or their group and adjust the diet on your own. For better assimilation, it must be remembered that fat-soluble foods are mostly found in animal products – butter, eggs, fish, liver fish oil. And its predecessors – carotenes – in carrots, sweet peppers, wheat germ – are better absorbed with fats (butter, sour cream). Water-soluble vitamins are found in large quantities in fresh fruits and vegetables. Also rich in vitamins are cereals, dairy products, seeds and nuts, and leafy greens.

    Posted in Vitamins & Minerals Premium Clinic

    10 Things You Might Not Know About


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    • 10 Things You Might Not Know About Catnip

    Most cat owners have heard of catnip (catnip) and know that cats go crazy for it. But very few of them know what kind of plant it is and why their pet loves it so much.

    1) Catnip is actually a perennial herb belonging to the genus Kotovnik of the Lamiaceae family.
    The plant is 40-100 cm high and has stems with heart-shaped leaves.
    Small white, blue, pink or lavender flowers grow at the tips of the stems.
    Catnip is native to Europe, Africa and Asia. On the territory of Russia, it is distributed almost throughout the European part, in the North Caucasus, in the south of Western Siberia and the Far East.

    2) Cats react to the essential oil contained in catnip – nepetalactone.
    The feline response is a kind of euphoria similar to that which humans experience after hallucinogenic drugs.
    Luckily, catnip is not harmful or addictive in cats.
    Your cat’s reaction will depend on whether she smelled or ate the grass.
    Sniffing usually has a stimulating effect, while eating catnip has a sedative effect.
    Cats that are sensitive to chemicals can have a really surprising reaction to catnip. They play with it, rub against it, ride it and kick it. Some meow, growl, drool and just go crazy for a few minutes. And then they suddenly lose interest and leave. After a few hours, they can go back to catnip and “go crazy” again.

    3) Not all cats are sensitive to catnip. Experts estimate that 50-75% of cats have a reaction. Sensitivity to nepetalactone is inherited. Most cats in Australia are not susceptible to catnip. Very small kittens (up to two or three months old) and older cats are less likely to react to it. Even large felines such as tigers, lions and leopards can inherit sensitivity to nepetalactone.

    4) Catnip makes some cats aggressive rather than happy or relaxed. If you have multiple cats, it’s best to try giving catnip individually initially to avoid fighting between them.

    5) Scientists have found that nepetalactone is a very effective repellant against flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and termites. It is about 10 times more effective than DEET. Unfortunately, nepetalactone loses its insect repellency when applied to the skin.

    6) Catnip is also used by humans (but not pregnant women please!). When made into a tea or infusion, nepetalactone acts as a mild sedative that can be helpful in relieving nausea, headaches, and even toothache. A warm cup of catnip tea at night can help with insomnia.
    Catnip in capsule form, available in health food stores, is also used to treat headaches and indigestion.
    Catnip can also be used topically to heal wounds by crushing and moistening fresh leaves and applying a paste to the wound. It is also used in cooking.

    7) Catnip can be grown from seedlings planted in the ground after the last frost. The plant needs a lot of space to grow, lots of sun and well loosened soil. When the plant has grown, the stems should be hung upside down in a dark dry room to dry. Dried leaves can be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator.

    8) Catnip can be used to attract a cat to a scratching post or to an expensive cat house that you have bought, but the cat wants nothing to do with.

    Baby sitting game: Babysitting Games – Free online Games for Girls

    Опубликовано: February 12, 2023 в 3:36 pm


    Категории: Baby

    25 fun babysitting games to play on the job

    It’s only natural for some children to feel a bit leery of spending time with a babysitter while their parents are away — especially if it’s their first time being left with the caregiver. One way sitters can help put the child at ease is by coming prepared with age-appropriate games and activities to play.

    Engaging little ones with a creative craft, a fun backyard game or a good old-fashioned round of hide-and-seek will help them focus on fun, rather than being sad that mom or dad aren’t nearby. These games and activities can be especially helpful for first-time sitters, as well as those with years of experience. Parents can suggest them to a sitter ahead of time to help break the ice and ensure a smooth experience for all.

    From educational to engaging, here are 25 fun babysitting games and activities to play with kids.

    Traditional games

    1. Hide-and-seek

    Sometimes tried-and-true games are a big hit, so brainstorm a few spins on classics. For example, play hide-and-seek in the dark with older kids. For the little ones, even a quick round of peek-a-boo might be enough to bring them out of their shell.

    2. Simon Says

    Simon Says is likely a game that children have played with teachers and classmates at school, so what better way to kick off the babysitting adventure with some familiar fun? This is also an amusing learning activity to teach younger children about where their hands, feet, toes, shoulders and head are.

    3. Puzzles

    Bring over a few age-appropriate puzzles to do with the kids. While puzzles might not be the first babysitting activity you consider, it can definitely be one of the most educational, engaging and rewarding. Finishing a puzzle together will provide the children a sense of achievement, giving them the confidence to open up and bond with you while mom and dad are away.

    Educational and brain-boosting games

    4. Animal movement and sound activity dice

    Bring out a child’s personality with this activity.  Write out an animal on each side of a small, square-shaped cardboard box. Have the child gently toss the box like they are rolling dice, and have them make the sound and movement of the animal listed or pictured on the side of the dice that’s facing up.

    5. I Spy

    Have a shy little one on your hands? Encourage them to open up with a fun round of I Spy. Start out by playing the game in a room they are most comfortable in, like their bedroom or playroom, or take a walk outside and see what you can find together. One of the best babysitter games, full stop!

    6. Giant Scrabble

    If you’re watching a budding wordsmith, then a game of Giant Scrabble is an excellent way to exercise their mind and let them show off their language skills. On printer or construction paper, take a marker and clearly write one large letter per sheet. You’ll want to develop a list of basic words before writing out each letter to ensure you have enough. Think basic sight words that the child is currently learning like: is, the, dog, she, cat, him, mat and other age-appropriate words.

    Music and theatre games

    7. Lip sync competition

    The perfect game for Friday nights, lip sync competitions get all the kids in the house involved. Just put on kid-approved music and have them take turns rockin’ out to their favorite tunes. You can even encourage them to play air guitar on a broom or break out the pots and pans to add to the fun!

    8. Charades

    Babysitting multiple children? This interactive game works best for teams of two. Grab a pen and paper and write down a few kid-friendly topics, like popular movies, cartoons and TV shows. Cut the paper into pieces and place in a bowl. Have one team member select a topic to act out while the other team member takes a few guesses. Ask one child be in charge of keeping the time (counting or using a stopwatch on a cell phone), and ask another child to keep score.

    9. Storytelling

    Kids young and old love to tell stories. They’re so animated! A great way to engage children is to have them make up their own storyline and act it out. Pretend you are part of a large audience and watch as the children show off their creativity. Encourage them to dress up and use props to enhance the performance. If your little one is still feeling shy, reverse the roles and let them watch you tell a silly story and act it out. This will help them feel more at ease around a new person.

    10. Freeze dance

    Break the ice and get kids moving with a game of freeze dance! Play a kid-friendly song and stop the music. Each time the music stops, the child must stop or freeze in position until the music plays again.

    Sports and outdoor games

    11. Fun with chalk

    Chalk offers endless playtime possibilities for all ages. While many kids have chalk at home, bring some with you just in case. For older children, fun chalk games include hopscotch, foursquare, sidewalk Twister and more. For the younger ones, just coloring alone might be enough to occupy them, or for an educational twist, write out a handful of numbers and letters and allow the children trace over each one.

    12. Balloon tennis

    It’s just what it sounds like! Best of all? It requires only four supplies (paper plates, tape or glue, Popsicle sticks and balloons) that can easily be packed in your bag. Oh, and did we mention the easy cleanup? To make the racket, tape or glue popsicle sticks to the back of a paper plate. Blow up one or two balloons to use as the tennis balls, and voilà! This game is good for toddlers still developing and perfecting their fine motor skills or older children who love to compete.

    13. Paper towel roll ring toss

    At the end of the paper towel roll? Save it! Grab three or four paper plates, cut out the center of each plate so that it can be used as a saucer. Take the paper towel roll and make four, 1-in. cuts to the base of the paper towel roll. Fold the four flaps back and apply glue, secure it to piece of cardboard, cereal box, or another sturdy base. While you’re building the ring toss, have the children color the paper plates different colors. Play a few rounds to determine the winner.

    14. Pop the bubbles

    Grab the bubbles and get to poppin’! Go outside with the kids in your charge and tell them whoever pops the most bubbles wins. Then, you blow bubbles into the air. They can all pop bubbles at once or take turns, it’s up to you!

    15. Bowling with plastic cups

    Who says you have to leave the house to go bowling? Use plastic cups or bottles as bowling pins. Let each child take a turn to try and knock down all the cups using a regular-sized ball. For a fun twist, stack the cups in different ways or create side-by-side lanes. This game is great for kids of all ages.

    Creative games

    16. Drawing challenge

    There are no winners or losers in this game. The drawing challenge allows kids to think creatively but also follow directions. Develop 10-15 cards that instruct children to draw pictures of specific things. Examples include: “Look out the window and draw what you see,” “Draw a creature with six legs” or “Draw something red. ” Any topic that is relevant to kids will work. To add an extra element of fun for older children, set a timer for each topic and let them know they only have 60 seconds to draw each picture.

    17. 100-cup challenge

    This game will kickstart their engineering minds! Bring over 100 plastic cups and let the kids build a structure of their own creation. If babysitting just one child, make it a competition between the two of you. Whoever creates the tallest structure wins! Be sure to bring a measuring stick or tape.

    18. Paper Tetris

    Draw a table that is seven 1-inch squares across and nine 1-inch squares high. (You might be able to find a printable paper Tetris table online.) This will be the game board. Make several copies! Then, use construction paper — or other colored paper — to create the pieces. Each piece should be made up of four 1-inch squares, to match the paper Tetris puzzle, and in cut into the following configurations: S-shaped, Z-shape, T-shaped, L-shaped, line-shaped, mirrored L- shaped, and square-shaped. You could even ask the kids to help you cut out the shapes! This game can be played between sitter and child, multiple kids or even completed in teams! Set a timer to see who can clear four lines the fastest!

    19. Make your own board game

    Who needs to buy an expensive board game when you can make your own? Lee Silber, author of “Bored Games,” says all you need is several sheets of paper, pens, tape and a dice to get started. Write down a different action on each piece of paper, like “hop on one foot” or “tell us a secret.” Then, tape the paper to the floor in a line or square and each player takes turns rolling the dice and moving around the “board” as living game pieces.

    Sensory development games

    20. Build a fort

    Take a peek in the linen closet and grab a few spare sheets and let the little ones have at it! Building a fort together not only encourages them to be creative, it also affords them team-building skills as they learn to work together and come up with a sturdy fort to call their own. Just make sure to clean up the mess before the parents get back!

    21. Scavenger hunt

    Grab a pen and paper and write a list of items from around the house that can be used in a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt can be played between the sitter and one child or between several children. Start by developing a list of nonbreakable items from around the home, such as something soft, an item of clothing, something small, something green and other easy-to-find items. See who can locate the most treasure the quickest!

    22. Tape shape game

    Parents, leave out a roll of painters tape the next time your sitter is over, because your kids will love this game! On a large, flat flooring surface, such as tile or wood, tape out a rectangle, triangle, circle and square. Instruct the kids to crawl to the circle or tiptoe to the triangle. You get the idea. Be sure to allow enough space between each shape to avoid any collisions because these kids will be moving fast!

    23.  Obstacle course

    Get creative with soft, nonbreakable items, like couch pillows, boxes or chairs, to create a small obstacle course for the children to navigate. These can be a simple course for the little ones, or if you’re babysitting older kids, throw in a few zigzags for even more fun! Be sure to do this in a large space where nothing can be broken.

    Bedtime & cleanup games

    24. Cleanup game

    The sign of a good time is a big mess, right? There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you are sure to have the kids clean up before mom and dad arrive back home. Make it a competition to see who can put away the most toys in a certain amount of time, or whoever cleans up the fastest (and neatest) wins! Kids of all ages love a good game, and they likely won’t even realize they are cleaning up their mess. Perhaps one of the smartest babysitter games out there.

    25. Silent count

    The silent count game is the perfect way to calm everyone down for bedtime. To play, have the kids sit or lie down with their eyes closed. Then, take turns counting one number at a time. So, one child says “one” and the next says “two” and so on. Only, the order of who speaks next isn’t predetermined. This game is best played with more than two kids, so the children need to pay attention and be patient in order to not talk over one another. If two kids say a number at the same time, the game starts over.

    At the end of the day, the games you play won’t matter all that much, but what does matter is that you are present and in the moment with the children. Doing so shows them that you enjoy spending time together and value them as a person. Plus, if they’ve had such a good time with you, they might even go out of their way to tell their parents how much fun they had and you’ll be asked to babysit again in the future!

    Best Babysitter Game on the App Store


    Get ready for some babysitting madness.

    Baby care takes a lot of work! Take part in a variety of interesting activities, ranging from making baby food, changing baby diaper, buying toys for kids from toy shop to bathing and feeding them, never let them cry, making kids happy by playing with them and even making cakes for them! There are new activities in every room, and don’t forget, your goal is to keep your kids happy!

    It’s time to show off your babysitting skills and give those little rascals the time of their lives! Different challenges comes with eagerness!

    You’ll need to take care of them and do everything you can to keep them happy. But don’t worry – baby care is hard work, but also so much fun!

    The game play is easy yet very engaging. It’s all about having fun and enjoyment and to learn it’s not an easy task to be a Nanny! This is task based game. Every level has variety of tasks to complete, with completion of every level variety of tasks increases.

    Nanny – Best Babysitter Game Features:
    • Be a best Nanny by managing all the activities
    • Maintain your house in beautiful environment
    • HD Graphics with smooth controls
    • Addictive gameplay and exciting missions
    • Take care of kids with love
    • Serve the food to you little devils

    Version 1.1

    This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

    – InApp Purchase Added.
    – Bugs Fixes & Improvements.

    Ratings and Reviews

    974 Ratings

    EVERYTHiNG but a few things wrong

    So first let me take the time to say this is and AWSOME game for kids/adults who would like to babysit or Be a teacher one day! And the graphics are just excellent! Some stuff cost money 💴 but I did not spend any money yet… but I have a problem with level 7, in level 7 you drive the car to the toy store and get toys, but. When you are finished with the task…. You can’t get into the car! It just annoyed me just a bit, if you fix this bug because none can get past level 7! And if you fix this I will bump this review up to 5 stars right now I will give it a 4. . Have fun babysitting and a happy new year! -Ariel 1/1/19

    Love the game! But…

    I LOVE THIS GAME! The only thing is I can’t figure out how to clean the bugs it might be a glitch idk. This review is gonna be short so hang in there. Ok, first I like how they don’t put you under pressure and time you. I HATE TIMERS. Anyway, again pls fix the bugs and I think the adds are ok. There aren’t a lot of adds only after the levels but sometimes the levels are short and adds just come in. Those are the only things, the don’t bother me too much so 5 STARS! Thank you for making this app for us to enjoy and whoever else is reading this I hope you have a blessed day! Bye!

    Great… but there were some problems

    First off… it was great! But when you back the car up, it’s kind of hard to control. It is so addictive and fun though! Great for any care providers. My other problem was that there wasn’t very many levels. There were only 24 levels, and then it was like “ok… so what do I do now?” Finally, there were lots of ads, and you could only choose one outfit for free. P.S. The dog you pick means nothing. After you pick it, when you have to feed it it defaults to a Labrador retriever which wasn’t even one of the options. But, over all, very impressed.

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    Baby care games – play online for free!

    Rating: 4.1


    Mom is an example for any girl, she seems so kind, affectionate, beautiful, smart and able to do everything in the world! It is not surprising that little smart girls begin to imitate her in everything. And in the first years of a child’s life, the mother does nothing but care for him. That is why daughter-mothers become the favorite game for girls! Baby care games are a modern analogue of such fun, only much more interesting and realistic.

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    Baby dolls and dolls are the favorite pastime of little girls. Just yesterday, they themselves rode in strollers, wrapped in diapers, and today they are already rocking their wards, trying to be like mothers in everything. Baby care games give you the opportunity to experience all the delights of motherhood! There is nothing better for learning the finer points of child care than baby care games for girls! Playing baby care games is very useful for all little ladies, and besides, these games are very fun, colorful and exciting!

    Immerse yourself in the troublesome but joyful world that arises wherever there is a baby!

    Adult life through the eyes of a child always seems so mysterious and bright. And with what tenderness adults look at a little brother or sister … Unfortunately, older children, although they are older, are still too small to become real helpers. And here they come to the aid of online entertainment games for girls Caring for babies.

    The first acquaintance takes place as if in reality: the baby appears at home. Just do not think that a virtual child will be a good boy and will not cause trouble to his new mother at all. So, what awaits a little mother in this exciting game.


    The most important and really exciting process. You will have to remember that the baby will not eat the proposed cake or ice cream that you love so much. He is too small to understand such goodies and will begin to cry, demanding his share of porridge. You will have to learn how to prepare the mixture, prepare the bottle and how to persuade the little prankster to eat. After a good meal, the little mischievous one will most likely get dirty, so the hand of a caring mother will be needed here too.


    Lovers of outdoor fun will be happy to participate in this episode of adult life. But it is worth thinking about and making one very right decision – how and what to dress your little one in so that he does not freeze. The main task is to dress correctly! What comes first? Panties or shirt? Or maybe it’s better to start with beautiful socks and a hat? Difficult choice, but no problem. If you make a mistake, you can try again, and after several attempts to dress the baby as expected.


    Baby care games cannot do without such an obligatory attribute as bathing. Pour water so that the child is not afraid of hot water. Moreover, the water temperature can even be measured with a thermometer, or in the way a real mother does. The choice of options is very diverse. It is good if the baby is calm and will easily let herself be washed. That’s just a child always remains a child, even if he lives only in the virtual world.

    Child care games, like a secret door, open the veil to the world that attracts a little girl so much. Being an adult means being responsible. The game helps to understand one simple truth – a child, although still virtual, constantly requires care and attention. He is not a kitten and not an annoying puppy, which can be easily entrusted to an older brother and even parents. Constant attention throughout the game can help you realize the value of a tiny creature that you start to take care of.

    Don’t forget to feed on time and put to bed. Sometimes even a quiet song is required so that the crying of the little one turns into a contented gurgle. A fun bathing and dressing procedure can attract attention for a long time, while accustoming to order and developing memory. After all, it is sometimes so difficult to remember what a small creature needs to smile and wave its clenched fists more cheerfully. It is worth noting that the variety of games where a young girl tries to be a mother is huge, but each of them is united by one thing – it’s just a game, although it is as close as possible to adult life, but so exciting that there is simply no strength to break away.

    In this section, we have collected the best baby care games for all girls who want to learn how to take care of their children and find out how to take care of a baby so that he is happy in his first days. Babies are very demanding creatures, but at the same time very tender and completely unsuitable for independent existence. That is why care and attention is so important for them. All girls want to imitate their mothers and play mother-daughter with their dolls. Now this can be done using a computer and not just imagine that the doll is alive, but instantly see the child’s reaction to certain actions.

    Psychologist’s comment

    Games dedicated to caring for babies can be considered as a computer version of the children’s game of “daughter-mother” (Smirnova, Radeva, 2000). Games on family and household topics at preschool age are widespread among girls; they reflect the values ​​of motherhood and contribute to the formation of the beginnings of family identity. Choosing the role of a mother, girls in a playful way learn to take care of children, provide treatment at home, and organize family leisure (Karataeva, 2014; Gorbunova, 2015). Computer games about the family are also relevant for girls in their early teens (Ryzhikh, 2011). At student age, computer games that simulate child care are used to identify emotional attitudes towards parenthood (Symons, Smith, 2014), to form skills for child development and child care specialists (Poling, Hupp, 2009).; Fonseca et. al., 2015). Note that computer games dedicated to baby care may include a predetermined plot, which is different from creative free play with a doll (Root-Bernstein, 2014). The perception of a game can be affected by its level of difficulty and realism; detailed reproduction of the process of caring for babies will be more interesting for children who plan to choose the appropriate profession (Common Sense Media).

    Baby Care Games for Girls

    Every girl dreams of her own child. Looking at her mother, she also wants to take care of a little boy or little girl, change their diapers and diapers, spoon-feed them, carry them in her arms, and also bathe in the bath and do many more interesting things. But since mom does not allow all this to be done with her brother or sister, she has to beg parents for toys that allow them to take care of them in every possible way. Baby care games for girls allow you not to spend a lot of money on dolls. In them, every young mother will be able to take care of a virtual tomboy, who will need to not only be fed, but also treated, bought and played with in every possible way.



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    Genre Revolution

    Not so long ago there were no computers. For many little girls, the main entertainment was just playing with numerous baby dolls and dolls. However, everything in this world is fleeting, including the choice of toys. Baby care games – for many young charmers, today they have almost completely replaced real baby dolls and dolls. Virtual peanuts in them allow themselves to knock their legs with a lack of attention and be capricious, they ask for hands all the time, do not forget to report, at the same time at the top of their voices, about their feeling of hunger and desire to refresh themselves, in general, they behave in the same way as real little ones.

    It is a pleasure to watch cute nurses from the outside, but it is far from always possible to satisfy a number of numerous needs of screaming butuzes and make them hum and smile. As a rule, in games of this kind, the baby needs to be dressed, fed, watered and put to bed. At the same time, you will also have to change diapers, and process with powder, and read a bedtime story, if necessary.

    Baby care will be a favorite activity for little girls

    When you see a tiny squealing lump with button eyes in front of you, it’s hard to resist and hide your emotions. I immediately want to take the baby in my arms, find a thousand affectionate words to calm him down, in general, do everything to make the baby cozy and comfortable. The explanation for this is simple – the maternal instinct works. The presence of such an instinct in girls largely explains children’s games of daughter-mothers, love for dolls and the desire to take care of someone. And if there are no small children in the family to whom you can turn your attention, then baby care games are exactly the place where young nannies learn to take care of the younger ones and give them all kinds of attention.

    These games are diverse. There are dress up games among them, and games in which you need to find something specific, for example, a rattle. In some nannies, you need to spend the whole day with the baby and at the same time go for walks and shopping with him, make sure that he is constantly dry and do not forget to feed him at the set time.
    Sometimes there are several babies. This is where the fun begins. One wants to eat, another wants to sleep, and the third needs to change diapers. And the poor nanny is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, running from one baby to another. At the same time, the task is sometimes complicated by the fact that there is only one changing table and one high chair in the game. And try to explain to the baby that his place is still taken.

    The main thing is that the kids are happy

    Babysitters are different, however, like games about them. But the end result of each of those who play in various nuances is the well-being of the little ones entrusted to their care.
    Each of the nannies has her own tactics in achieving her goal and her own tricks.

    Childcare is not an easy task at all. Agree that in order to keep track of everything and at the same time manage to put yourself in order, you need perseverance, patience and speed in making decisions and sequencing actions. Entertaining the mobile restless baby, you will even have to get dressed for the upcoming walk without letting go of the rattle. But you also need to dress the baby decently and look decent yourself. At the same time, do not forget that during feeding, the baby may reluctantly stain your clothes. So it’s worth feeding the baby first, and then thinking about yourself. By the way, it’s quite possible to take a children’s book for a walk, but you don’t have to worry about a newspaper with crossword puzzles, there will be no time to relax. As soon as the child falls asleep, you can take a walk to the store with a stroller.

    Virtual nursery

    The situation is somewhat different in those games where you need to monitor and care for several children at the same time. This is where you need to have a motor, otherwise there is simply nothing to take on such a thing. In a virtual nursery, the poor nanny is not very sweet. Only perseverance and diligence here, perhaps, will not be enough. Also, love for children should be limitless. There is no need to dream of free time, working at such a pace. But skill come in handy, and even what! Baby care games for girls teach you how to do several things at the same time. After all, they will simultaneously need to bathe babies, prepare a mixture for them, feed them, change diapers and slip rattles. In general, feel like a bee. On how clearly such a vain working day is planned, it will depend on how supportive the parents of the kids will be.

    Don’t forget that only up to six months babies will lie where you put them. Older tomboys are even more of a hassle. Some begin to crawl away, not always willingly sit down on a pot, begin to scatter toys more intensively. These little miscreants care about everything, and your task is to keep track, prevent it, catch it in time, seat it in the arena.

    You begin to experience true bliss when satisfied parents begin to take their beloved children one at a time.

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