
Marina early education center: Marina Early Education Center

Опубликовано: December 13, 2022 в 1:14 am


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Marina Early Education Center | LOS ANGELES CA DAY CARE CENTER

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About the Provider

Little Sunshine’s Playhouse And Preschool – Colorado Springs CO Child Care Center

Description: MARINA EARLY EDUCATION CENTER is a DAY CARE CENTER in LOS ANGELES CA, with a maximum capacity of 101 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Type of Care:
  • District Office:
  • District Office Phone:
    (310) 337-4333 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Type Inspection Dates Reports/Citations
Summary 07/06/2018, 07/14/2017 Type A Citation: 1;

*Type A citation is for the most serious type of violations in which there is an immediate risk to the health, safety or personal rights of those in care. Examples may include lack of care or supervision, access to open bodies of water, lack of a fire clearance for the building and access to dangerous chemicals. Citations for these violations will always be issued even if the violation is corrected on the spot.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.



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Providers in ZIP Code 90066























Marina Early Education Center | Los Angeles


Los Angeles

Marina Early Education Center

Program details

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About Marina Early Education Center

Marina Early Education Center values what early education can do for the hearts and minds of children. Marina Early Education Center hosts a child care program in a center-based facility, bringing the best of a stable, structured learning environment to the families and students of Los Angeles. Centers like Marina Early Education Center are popular choices amongst families looking for an early education providers with the space and resources to provide real enrichment, activities and socialization opportunities, all while not sacrificing the community and relationships that help students grow and thrive.

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Center for Correction and Development

August 09, 2022
Performance as an expert in the program “Public Expertise. Volgograd”. Your business and its development.

May 31 – June 4, 2021
Advanced training under the program: “Disorders in nutrition in young children: diagnostics and practical methods of assistance”, in the amount of 40 ac. hours, St. Petersburg.

May 23, 2021
Advanced training program: “Practical methods of working with children of early and preschool age with sensory integration disorders. Module 3″, in the amount of 40 ac. hours, St. Petersburg.

May 23, 2021
Seminar on the topic: “Basics and start using Alternative and Complementary Communication (ACD). Speech activation”, duration 8 hours, Moscow.

May 1-2, 2021
Seminar on the topic “Motor development of a child in the first year of life: key stages, difficulties and ways to overcome them”, 16 hours, Togliatti.

March 22-26, 2021
Advanced training program: “Practical methods of working with children of early and preschool age with sensory integration disorders. Module 2″, in the amount of 40 ac. hours, St. Petersburg.

March 15-19, 2021
Advanced training program: “Interdisciplinary assessment procedures and tools for building and implementing an effective early intervention program”, in the amount of 40 ac. hours, St. Petersburg.

February 26-28, 2021
Give your child time course. Independent movement, play and care for babies and young children in the concept of the Hungarian pediatrician Emmy Pikler, volume 24 acr. hours, St. Petersburg.

February 22-26, 2021
Advanced training program: “Practical methods of working with children of early and preschool age with sensory integration disorders. Module 1″, in the amount of 40 ac. hours, St. Petersburg.

February 11, 2021
Webinar on How does a baby learn to talk? St. Petersburg.

November 15, 2020
Seminar on the topic: “Identification and correction of primary pathological reflexes in children”, in the amount of 8 academic hours. hours, Moscow.

November 4-5, 2020
Face-to-face workshop: “Child has unwanted behavior. What to do first? How to react later?”, in the amount of 16 hours, Samara.

September 21-October 2, 2020
Advanced training program: “Development of the regional system of early assistance”, in the amount of 72 ac. hours, St. Petersburg.

September 20-21, 2020
Seminar on Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice, duration 16 ac. hours, Moscow.

August 10-14, 2020
Advanced training program: “Practical application of occupational therapy in work with young children. Module 3″, in the amount of 40 ac. hours, St. Petersburg.

June 22-26, 2020
Advanced training program: “Practical application of occupational therapy in work with young children. Module 2″, in the amount of 40 ac. hours, St. Petersburg.

February 16, 2020
Seminar on the topic: “Comprehensive group work with children with communication disorders”

December 29-30, 2019
Training seminar “Speech launching practice”, Moscow.

November 16, 2019
Author’s course by neurodefectologist E. A. Sorokina on the topic: “A holistic approach to the correction of autism, autistic traits in development” Program “I Am”, 7 ac. hours, Moscow.

November 8-10, 2019
Basic practical face-to-face training in the application of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA-therapy) procedures, in the amount of 24 ac. hours, Volgograd.

September 13, 2019
Methodological workshop: “Practical application of the occupational therapist’s work tools: a case report”, Astrakhan.

September 12-13, 2019
International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Effective Technologies and Practices in Providing Early Comprehensive Care to Children with Disabilities”, Astrakhan.

March 7, 2019
Webinar on the topic: “Neuropedagogical approaches that optimize the correctional work of a speech therapist”, 2 hours, St. Petersburg.

March 5, 2019
Webinar on the topic: “Preparing a child for school after cochlear implantation”, 2 hours, St. Petersburg.

February 19, 2019
Webinar on the topic: “Early Intervention Service: Conducting Evaluation Procedures in the Early Intervention Service”, volume 3 ac. hours, Moscow.

February 19, 2019
Webinar on the topic: “Neurodefectologist and neurospeech therapist: a new paradigm in healthcare”, 2 hours, St. Petersburg.

February 17, 2019
Webinar on the topic: “The work of a defectologist with non-speaking children”, 2 hours, St. Petersburg.

February 12, 2019
Webinar on the topic: “Overview of early intervention services”, volume 3 ac. hours, Moscow.

February 10-16, 2019
Practical training course of the program “Speech therapy and probe massage in the correction of dysarthria in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”, volume 36 hours, Volgograd.

November 23, 2018
All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Education of persons with hearing impairment: achievements and current problems”, Moscow.

November 23, 2018
All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Education of people with hearing impairment: achievements and current problems”, Moscow.

October 19 – November 16, 2016
Advanced training under the additional professional program: “Logomassage: method and technology of corrective and pedagogical influence on the muscles of the face and articulatory apparatus”, in the amount of 72 hours, Volgograd.

October 10, 2013
Internet conference “Prospects for the education of children with disabilities in the light of the development of the federal state educational standard”, 3 hours, Moscow – St. Petersburg.

Kirillova Marina Georgievna

About the Center

our team

Kirillova Marina Georgievna

Kirillova Marina Georgievna


2018 Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev. Speech pathologist.

Work experience:

2017 to present Time Regional public organization “Krasnoyarsk Center for Curative Pedagogics”, speech pathologist-defectologist.

2019 to present time, school number 6, teacher-speech therapist.

2017-2018 Korablik LLC, speech pathologist-defectologist.

2016-2017 h / garden “Spark”, speech therapist.

Advanced training:

– training. “The Transdisciplinary Early Intervention Specialist: Key Professional Knowledge and Skills”. St. Petersburg Institute for Early Intervention, 2020 18 hours

– training. “Speech therapy. Techniques of speech therapy massage in the correction of speech disorders.” Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, 2020 72 hours

– advanced training “Alternative and additional communication” PEI DPO, “Caritas Social School”, 2019. 105 h.

– advanced training “Technology support for families in which a child of the 1st year of life grows up with severe and multiple developmental disorders” St. Petersburg, 2019. 40 hours

– seminar “In-depth assessment in communication for the preparation of a program to help young children”, 2016.

– seminar “Play pedagogy as a practical tool for helping children”, RBOO “Center for Curative Pedagogics”, 2017

– seminar “Specifics of correctional and developmental work with speechless children”. Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, 2017

– Seminar “Helping children with severe developmental disorders. Basic principles and theoretical basis of ergotherapy” FPO PSPbGMU named after ak. I.P. Pavlova, 2017

– informational practical seminar “Organizational foundations of the early intervention service”, St. Petersburg Institute of Early Intervention, 2018

— seminar “Scientist in the cradle. How early children learn”, 2018

– seminar “Using the ICF for drawing up an assistance program”, ANO DPO “SPB IRAV”, 2018

– seminar “Basal stimulation.

Early education centers near me: KinderCare | Child Daycare Centers & Early Education Programs

Опубликовано: December 10, 2022 в 8:49 pm


Категории: Cat



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    In some situations, when the problem is advanced and intestinal blockage is observed (for example, the cat ate boiled bones or ate too much raw, or even swallowed something inedible), laxatives not only will not help, but are also contraindicated. In this case, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian who will probe the intestines and take an x-ray, after which he will decide what to do next. The most extreme measure is an operation: it is needed if what clogged the intestines, most likely, will no longer come out on its own.

    Constipation in a cat.

    Symptoms and Home Treatments

    Find out what to do if your cat is constipated, how to treat and prevent your cat from becoming constipated in the future.

    What is constipation

    Constipation is a delay in stool in a pet, which gives him pain. Normal bowel movements in cats occur every day or every other day.

    In constipation, feces accumulate in the large intestine, it hardens, does not come out and poisons the pet’s body with decay products. If constipation occurs regularly, the animal has problems with internal organs, skin and coat.

    Possible causes of constipation in a cat

    When constipation occurs, the intestinal muscles relax and the passage of stool slows down or there are obstacles in the path of stool.

    Constipation occurs for various reasons:

    • Wrong diet
    • Foreign body in intestines
    • Accumulation of wool
    • Presence of helminths
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    • Neoplasms in the intestines
    • Inflammation of the anal glands
    • Spinal cord injury
    • Side effects of certain drugs
    • Psychological problems

    Constipation is more common in cats that exercise little and eat natural foods. Also in older cats.

    Symptoms of constipation in cats and cats

    When constipated, a cat or cat cannot go to the toilet for several days. In addition to your pet’s stool retention, you’ll notice:

    • Sluggishness
    • Lack of appetite
    • Vomiting
    • Bloating
    • Plaintive meowing while trying to go to the toilet

    The cat is constipated. What to do for the owner

    The symptoms of constipation in a cat are often confused with intestinal obstruction. Obstruction requires urgent surgical care. It is associated with the formation of a mechanical obstruction or a violation of the motor function of the intestine.

    If your pet cannot go to the toilet for several days, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis after examining a pet. He will examine, palpate, do an ultrasound, take a blood test.

    How to treat constipation in a cat

    Constipation in a cat is not an independent disease, but a symptom. First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of its appearance, especially if constipation occurs constantly. After identifying the cause, the doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    If your cat is constipated for the first time, give your cat first aid at home.

    How to treat constipation in a cat at home:

    • Vaseline oil. Give it up to three times a day, every 3-4 hours. In the event that you are sure that the animal does not have an obstruction.
    • Laxative drug Dufalac with osmotic action. Give a remedy of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of pet’s body weight 1-2 times a day.
    • Preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora. Take courses for 5-10 days.

    Prevention of constipation

    To prevent constipation in your pet, follow these rules:

    • Your cat’s diet should contain sufficient fiber. With natural feeding, add bran and vegetables to the pet’s menu. From ready-made feeds, give preference to high-quality balanced diets.
    • Make sure your pet is drinking enough water. Clean fresh water should be freely available. If your pet does not drink much, get a special drinker for him.
    • Brush your cat regularly. For fluffy cats, give special pastes for removing hair.
    • Control the activity of the cat, play with it more.
    • Watch your pet’s weight. Overweight cats are more likely to become constipated.
    • Treat your pet regularly for parasites and vaccinations.
    • Keep the cat’s litter box clean. Many pets refuse to go to a dirty tray, which provokes constipation.

    Regular use of anthelmintic drugs

    A cat, even a completely domestic one, is at risk of becoming infected with worms. Larvae and eggs of parasites are found in the soil, grass, puddles. You or your other pet can bring them into the house. Also, a cat becomes infected with worms when eating raw fish, meat, eating a fly or a flea.

    Worms cause bloating, upset stomach and intestines. Often the presence of parasitic worms leads to constipation, and in kittens – to intestinal obstruction.

    To keep your pet safe, deworm your cat regularly. For animals that walk along the street, once every 3 months, for pets-homebodies – once every six months.

    Use Prazitel to treat and prevent worm infestation

    Many veterinarians and cat breeders choose Prazitel to treat and prevent worm infestation. Prazitel is designed to treat cats against the main types of round and tapeworms. Produced in a convenient form of application – suspensions. Prazitel is also presented in the traditional form of tablets.

    Prazitel suspension is given to a cat or kitten in the morning on an empty stomach at a dose of 1 ml per 1 kg of body weight or mixed with a treat. Prazitel tablets are given at the rate of 1 tablet per 4 kg of body weight of a cat. For kittens, tablets with a different dosage are available – 1 tablet per 1 kg.

    The drug is effective against tapeworms and roundworms

    Prazitel has a wide spectrum of action. Removes adult helminths, destroys their larvae and eggs. With a single application, the therapeutic effect is achieved in 95-100% of cases. With a strong degree of infection, it is recommended to repeat the treatment of the pet after 10 days.

    Safe for the cat’s body

    The composition of the preparation is selected and adapted to the type and weight of the animal. When using the product according to the instructions, there will be no side effects.

    Convenient to use

    Each package of suspension contains a special syringe dispenser, which is easy to measure and give the pet the drug.

    Affordable for cat owners

    A bottle of suspension is enough for several pet treatments. The opened vial of Prasitel is stored for a year. During this time, you use the entire drug without overpaying for the package.

    Khan Academy Kids is one of the best learning games for phones. Under the guidance of a group of colorful animal characters, kids can learn how to read, write and solve problems through drawing, storytelling and many other fun activities.

    Suitable for children ages six and under. Each child has their own profile and their own learning path. They can also bring along a selection of books and videos to watch at any time and, at their own pace of learning, reward the kids with fun things like animal hats or facts for their group.

    What is the best? It’s completely free with no ads or in-app purchases.

    Download: Khan Academy Kids for Android | iOS (Free)

    2. ABC Kids – Tracing and Phonics

    ABC Kids is a game entirely focused on helping kids recognize and draw letters. Accompanied by a cheerful lion and other animal companions dancing and cheering, children can go through many games to have fun while learning the alphabet.

    Whether it’s letter tracing, matching lowercase letters to uppercase letters, or combining with phonetics, it’s perfect for kids in the early stages of learning. There’s also a handy parent mode where you can track progress and enable certain parts of the app if there’s something you want your child to focus on more than anything available in the game.

    Download: ABC Kids – Tracing and soundtrack for Android system | iOS (Free)

    3. Algorithm City

    Algorithm City is a fun game that aims to help older kids by teaching the basics of programming in over 50 levels. The goal is to guide the little blocky penguin through several stages and collect all possible coins. This is done by defining actions using a simple graphical interface and then observing their evolution.

    The learning curve is smooth and the difficulty increases with each level. Although the child has only a limited set of features, he must learn how to write efficient code in order to get the highest score. Algorithm City is a great and unique introduction to programming.

    If your kids like Algorithm City, we also recommend using these games for kids to learn how to write code.

    Download: City Algorithm for Android System (Free)


    Astronomy for children

    Space, limitless border. There’s nothing like excitement in space and this app allows kids to explore the solar system AND the wider universe with quality animation and sound. They will learn about planets, constellations, comets and more.

    Information can be gathered by visiting various places such as an observatory and a cinema before sending a friendly cow into space. Quizzes sometimes feel like a test of knowledge, the perfect combination of fun and learning.

    Download: Astronomy for kids for Android system | iOS (Free)

    5. Math Land

    In Math Land, children control a pirate named Ray. He is destined to find the gems stolen by the villain Max. With gems scattered across different islands, kids have to solve math problems to unlock spy glasses and go to sea.

    The game covers all kinds of math problems – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and more – and the difficulty is adjusted according to the child’s age. There is a one-time fee to discover subsequent islands, but it’s well worth it thanks to the high-quality puzzles and the colorful and enchanting experience.

    Do you want more fun with math? Check out our offer of Free math games your kids will love.

    Download: Mathematical earth for Android system | iOS (Free and paid version available)

    6. Land of Logic

    Logic is just as important as traditional subjects like math and science. This is where Logic Land can help. All games in it are designed to improve the development of logical thinking, spatial intelligence and memory.

    These games include identifying an odd number outside, completing a sequence, counting the number of blocks on a piece, and more. When the kids solve it, they earn treasure and allow the Jack and Alik characters to move on to other islands.

    Download: Logic Land for Android (Free)

    7. Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen

    You can’t go wrong with Cookie Monster and Elmo. But kids can join both in the kitchen to bake three- or four-letter words. They can decorate their desserts with delicious colorful decorations and then share them with Cookie Monster and Elmo.

    Children will practice their reading and writing skills along the way. While cooking, Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen characters will teach children how to pronounce words, what they mean, and how to make different words from vowels. If you want to unlock all words, you will need to pay a one-time fee.

    Download: Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen for Android OS (Free and Paid Version Available) | iOS ($2.99)

    8. Play and learn science

    Play and learn Science is the exploration of how science surrounds us in everyday life. Children can experiment and find engineering solutions, as well as learn about things like temperature and shadows. There are many games and activities to keep them busy for a while.

    This app is best used as a general learning solution. Each game has start notes that ask you questions you can ask your kids to think about and learn from outside of the app. There is a Spanish mode if you want to encourage your child to speak two languages.

    Download: Play and learn science for Android system | iOS (Free)

    9. Shaun’s Learning Games for Kids

    Shaun the Sheep and his friends are ready to help your child learn with an incredibly fun experience in this app. Primarily intended for children aged 3 to 8 years, the difficulty can be adjusted depending on the needs of the child.

    There are many games on topics such as math, orientation, memory and creativity. Kids can also take a break from it all and unleash their creativity while drawing and browsing. About a third of the games are free, while the rest can be unlocked with a single purchase.

    Download: Shaun Learning Games for Kids for Android system | iOS (Free and paid version available)

    10. Chess for kids.

    Playing chess will help your child improve problem solving, pattern recognition, concentration and more. There is a reason the game is so popular for all ages.

    This app is specially designed for kids, which means it’s colorful and easy to use, children are protected from chatting or adding friends without parental permission. This allows kids to play chess with other people around the world or deal with a robot with different skill levels. Paying a one-time fee will unlock puzzles and videos, but the app does fine without them.

    Download: Chess for kids for Android Android | iOS (Free and paid version available)

    More learning apps for kids

    We hope you enjoy your kids not only playing these games, but also learning a few things along the way. After all, that’s what these learning games for phones are aiming for.

    And when your kids get bored with these games, they can move on to the Best Educational Apps for Kids.


    Educational applications for children 4-7 years old

    When I allowed children to do something on their own on the iPad, I wanted these to be some kind of intelligent, educational applications. This is what we had in our favorite at 4-7 years old *.

    * There is no promotional content in this collection. Only what we actually used. Some applications start to be paid after the trial version, please pay attention to the conditions! And make sure you have a passcode on your device before every purchase to avoid in-app purchases by childish playful hands.

    Maths, age 4-6 ( iOS ). They screwed up this math. My son went through all 18 levels in English, then went through them in the second round in French when we lived in Paris. The Russian language also exists and also passed when the Russian language began to be forgotten.

    Quick Maths ( iOS / Android ) entered when I was already good at counting, but I needed to learn to count faster. It is free and coolly implemented, because you need to quickly write the answer right on the phone screen.

    Flow Free ( iOS / Android ) where you need to connect the dots by color. The free version is enough. Even a three-year-old who learns colors can cope with simple levels. And then it gets harder and harder to choose.

    The Tower of Hanoi Math puzzle ( iOS ) There are a lot of variations of this logic game in the app store and google play, but the meaning is the same – to transfer the pyramid of rings from one tower to another in the least number of moves.

    Petson’s Inventions ( iOS / Android ) If your child is a fan of books about Petson and Findus, then this application will definitely come in! Book illustrations and inventions that you need to guess and collect – fly away. The only downside is the price. Because the child remembers how to collect inventions and asks to buy the second and third versions of the application, where there are new ideas. Monument Valley ( iOS / Android ) is a calm logic game, beautifully rendered, with pleasant music. You need to guide the princess figurine to the point on some incredible buildings. By the way, in 2014 this application received two awards for the game of the year and design of the year. And I think it develops spatial imagination.


    LetterSchool – Learn to Write! ( iOS / Android ) is a primitive application that teaches a child to write letters in English. My son loved to draw in it in the library when we lived in Connecticut.

    I must admit that we did not install applications for writing and reading, because we loved books. But at one time we had a children’s computer Azbukvarik with the Russian alphabet, thanks to which all Russian letters settled down in our heads.


    ScratchJr ( iOS / Android ) application for children from 4 years old with the basics of the Scratch programming language. This language was invented by MIT University specifically for children and teenagers. The Jr app is Junior, but as soon as the child begins to own a computer, it is better to move from the children’s application to the official Scratch website and learn to program on the site itself. Now there are a lot of courses on Scratch, and after the child has played enough and stumbles on his own, you can expand the horizon of possibilities with the help of additional training.

    codeSpark Academy: Kids Coding ( iOS / Android ) in addition to teaching programming, the application has games, and at first I growled at my son that instead of “benefit” he jumps off and plays. But it’s actually part of the learning, too. I noticed that when playing a game already invented by someone, passing through labyrinths, exploding and collecting rewards, the child then creates some of his own interesting stories, multi-movements and tasks. Therefore, definitely, the application helped to fall in love with creating your own games. And a year later we deleted it 🙂

    Kodable ( iOS ) is a programming app used by children in elementary schools in the US and UK. We had a trial on the iPad at home, but then I didn’t sign up for a monthly subscription.

    In general, children at programming lessons here at our school were shown a Klondike of all kinds of games that can be coded. At first I was horrified by the choice, but in addition to standard programs, there are unexpected ones: create your own application for proper nutrition, take a breath for meditation, and many applications for music and design.

    1. Go to the site
    2. Filter by the age of your child: if you can’t read yet, press Prereader and there will be programming with arrows; if you have a 7-10 year old – choose Grade 2-5
    3. Choose your device on the left: tablet, computer
    … and the child has a lot of options!
    Usually the teacher told the children to choose one coding game per 40-minute lesson and go deeper, as the tasks tend to get more difficult in the game. And I would still look at what is happening on the children’s screen, because this is still an open site with active links to the manufacturers of these games, which you can quickly go somewhere further on the Internet.

Free education 3 year olds: Help paying for childcare: 15 hours free childcare for 3 and 4-year-olds

Опубликовано: December 4, 2022 в 7:54 pm


Категории: Cat

Head Start and Early Head Start

Head Start and Early Head Start programs are free, federally funded programs designed to promote school readiness for children from low-income families. Early Head Start serves pregnant women and families with children under age 3. Head Start programs serve children between 3 and 5 years old.

These programs encourage parent involvement through regular visits to the child’s home, regular opportunities for parents to volunteer in the program, and special activities. Head Start and Early Head Start programs also link children and families to other services in the community.

Head Start programs are operated by local nonprofit organizations, community action agencies, and school districts. Children who attend these programs participate in various educational activities. They also receive some free medical and dental care services, have healthy meals and snacks, and enjoy playing indoors and outdoors in a safe setting.

Head Start programs help all participating children succeed. They are required to serve children with special needs, such as physical and developmental delays or homelessness.

Head Start and Early Head Start programs must follow many federal requirements. Depending on the rules in your state, these programs may or may not be required to be licensed in addition to meeting federal requirements.

You can learn more about these programs by visiting the Head Start website. You’ll find more information on the kinds of services that are offered to enrolled children. You can also find out if you are eligible for services. The online program locator is available to help you find a program in your area. Once you find a local program, you can contact the program to learn more about how to apply for Head Start services.

Tips for Choosing This Type of Care

  • Ask whether your family qualifies for Head Start services and if your local program has any openings for children your child’s age.

  • Ask about the programs hours and if the program is available in the summer. Make sure that the program is open when you need care. If you need full-day or full-year care and the Head Start program doesn’t offer this, ask about partnerships with other child care providers that can care for your child when Head Start is not open.

  • Ask about what types of services you and your child will receive and whether there are any other requirements.

  • Ask about the program’s staff turnover rate (how frequently staff leave). If a program experiences a large amount of turnover, your child could experience many transitions to new teachers. A high turnover rate could also mean that there are issues that could affect the quality of the program.

  • Ask what curriculum is used. Also ask the provider to explain the types of daily activities planned for the children, and how those activities will support your child’s learning.

  • Ask about information and activities provided for parents. Ask if the program provides opportunites for parents to learn about how their children are doing or talk about their children’s progress.

  • Print a list of questions and things to look for that you can take with you when visiting a potential child care program.

Why Families Choose This Type of Care

Many families choose Head Start because of the free high-quality comprehensive early childhood services. Families may like that their children are cared for in groups with other children the same age. They may also appreciate the additional federal requirements that Head Start programs must meet.


This text has been adapted from content originally created by Child Care Aware of America Grant #90LH002 for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Child Care (OCC).

State-Funded Preschool in Colorado | CDE


What is the Colorado Preschool Program (CPP)?

CPP is a state-funded, district-run, preschool program. CPP is intended to serve preschool-aged children who are at risk of starting elementary school unprepared due to individual or family factors.  Eligibility determination and the enrollment process are coordinated at a local level.

To find out about CPP options in your community, use the Family Contact Directory to find the school district representative who can help you.

Family Contacts

What is Preschool Special Education and Child Find?

Preschool special education is a state and federally mandated program for three and four-year-old children who are experiencing challenges in their learning and development and meet state eligibility criteria for special education and related services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my child eligible for CPP?

Child and family qualifying factors must be present in a child’s life in order for a child to be fit for CPP. These factors are determined by the legislature and are not based on income alone. Learn more about legislated eligibility criteria.

What are the age requirements for CPP?

The eligibility date for preschool is the same as the eligibility date for kindergarten in your district. A child must be 3, 4 or 5 by the district’s kindergarten age cut-off date, which can be no later than October 1.

  • If a child is three years old, the child must have three significant family risk factors in their life that put him or her at risk for later school challenges. 
  • If a child is served as a four- or five-year-old, the child must be age-eligible for kindergarten the next year and have one significant family risk factor present in their lives. They may only participate in CPP for one year.
  • If a child is old enough to attend kindergarten, they cannot be funded by CPP to attend the second year in preschool.

If my family moves, will my child stay in CPP?

Since each school district manages its own program, your child’s spot in CPP cannot be transferred. If you move to a new school district, you will need to go through the enrollment process again in the new district. Because resources are limited, availability for placement cannot be guaranteed when a family moves from district to district.

    Resources for Families


    The PLAYbook contains information and activities that anyone caring for young children – including parents, siblings, guardians, grandparents, babysitters, neighbors, and family friends – can use to prepare children to be successful when entering kindergarten. The PLAYbook contains activities and information that are designed to get caregivers thinking about building the child’s skills in the locations where they spend time together, using what they may already have around their home through play. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

    English Version Spanish Version

    The PDF file is interactive, allowing users to take notes or use the checklists and interactive tools digitally! The PLAYbook can also be downloaded and printed.

    Finding Childcare

    Find Child Care –  Colorado Office of Early Childhood. Child Care Resource and Referral agencies work to connect you with quality early learning programs, like child care and preschool, valuable local resources, and tips for choosing a child care facility.

    Head Start

    Head Start programs provide wide-ranging services for low-income children from birth to elementary school at no cost. The program is child-centered, family-focused, and community-based.Use the Head Start Program Locator to find Head Start Programs. 

    PEAK Parent Center

    PEAK Parent Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has been serving families and self-advocates across the State of Colorado, and beyond, since 1986.Since its inception, PEAK has maintained a steadfast commitment to ensuring that people with all types of disabilities can be fully included in their neighborhood schools, their communities, and in all walks of life. We welcome you to learn more


    20 online resources to help keep kids educated and occupied

    Kids are now spending more time at home – to keep them entertained, you can offer them many different online courses: from English and communicating with children around the world to a course in modeling or animation. Our blogger Elena Abramova has collected 20 platforms where you can find free courses.

    The school portal will become a mandatory virtual turnout for children and teenagers in a week, but they still have a lot of free time for exciting activities. Self-isolation limits walks and games with friends, but gives time to explore the vast expanses of the Internet. Entertain the kids you didn’t send to kindergarten and encourage teens to stay at home with these resources.

    Let’s start with the lessons

    There are many online platforms that offer quality educational content.

    1. — the platform has opened full free access to slice tests and lessons in the Russian language (grades 1-11, OGE, USE, VPR) and mathematics (grades 1-7) until April 15.

    2. – will help schoolchildren in grades 1-8 learn math and Russian for free online in a playful way.

    3. Khan Academy – free online courses in mathematics, physics, biology and other disciplines for children and teenagers from 4 to 18 years old. By studying school subjects in English, you can also improve your foreign language.

    4. Puzzle English — on the platform for independent learning of English, until May 1, full free access to two initial courses of the Teacher Method is open – the “Children’s Course” (88 lessons for children from 5 to 12 years old) and the Beginner course ( 198 lessons for beginners to learn English) for high school students and their parents.

    5. Drawing and drafting lessons for beginners is a free online resource that will help schoolchildren improve their drawing skills, as well as begin to grow into the profession of future architects.

    6. Umnasia is an online platform where elementary school students can try their hand at subject Olympiads for free.

    Communication and hobbies for schoolchildren

    It will be easier for children to cope with isolation if they can discuss the situation with their peers, and also engage in exciting activities.

    1. iDialogue is a free online platform for collaborative learning and cross-cultural communication for teenagers from 90 countries. Until April 30, she is holding a challenge – children from different countries can work on joint projects in the field of ecology. Since March 23, discussion of coronavirus and quarantine has been open in the Community section – children can discuss the situation with friends and practice English at the same time.

    2. JuniorUni is a free online Goethe-Institut university for teenagers that provides knowledge in the field of robotics and astronautics, technology, energy and sustainable development, and also helps to improve the German language.

    3. MyBook – the largest subscription book service offers a month of free subscription to the standard catalog (140,000 e-books) for those who stayed at home due to quarantine (promo code STAYHOME). In total, the resource catalog contains more than 250,000 electronic and audio books in Russian, English and many other languages.

    4. Financial Literacy in the Lessons of General History and the History of Russia is an online resource with which teenagers can immerse themselves in finance through the history of the development of monetary relations, consistently learning how financial instruments appeared and how they developed. A series of texts, presentations, creative tasks will help children not only learn the basic concepts, but also understand what factors influence financial decision-making.

    5. Finknaika is an application for developing financial literacy, with the help of which schoolchildren in grades 1-4 will independently master the topics “Money”, “Banks”, “Currency” in the game.

    6. Smartorika – free online courses in robotics and robot programming for children from eight years old.

    7. Geekbrains – now the platform has opened free access to courses in three of the four areas: programming, design, management and marketing.

    8. Animation and me – for free and online, children and teenagers under 18 can learn how to make cartoons in different genres.

    9. – free video drawing lessons in various techniques, including for beginners and children, instructions on working in Photoshop, as well as an overview of online graphic editors. Chess Online

    Games and educational activities for preschoolers

    Online services help parents and grandparents not only keep their children entertained, but also develop their skills discreetly.

    1. Kids Online is a free resource with tons of ideas and learning opportunities for kids, from audio storytelling to shadow theater and origami, a fun collaborative experience for kids and their parents.

    2. Let’s play – a children’s portal of educational computer games will help not only to entertain the child, but to train his attention, develop logical thinking, give him basic mathematical skills and more.

    3. StoryPlace – Free colorful educational cartoons, comics and videos for learning English and Spanish for children from four to eight years old.

    4. Watch.Learn – many free courses, one of the interesting ones “Modeling clay for the whole family” will be useful entertainment not only for children, but for grandparents.

    Save this list for the holidays, there are many interesting opportunities for adults too!

    You are in the “Blogs” section. The opinion of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.

    Photo: Unsplash (Sven Brandsma)

    programming, drawing, preparing for school

    Gifted children live in every city, but teachers who are ready to go beyond the school curriculum are far from everywhere.

    Polina Kalmykova

    for accessible education for all

    Author’s profile

    But the Internet is full of resources for learning – independent and under the guidance of experienced teachers. You can learn anything: build robots on your knee, create art installations from ordinary things, or program in Minecraft.

    I have selected 11 sites that provide quality and interesting education for children and teenagers – the selection includes paid courses and free alternatives.

    Choose what your child needs right now

    • Get ready for school
    • Get to know the arts
    • Learn to code
    • Pull up school subjects

    Get ready for school


    How much: 10 tasks per day – free, full access – from 83 R per month
    Age: from 2 to 7 years old

    Tilly has developed courses for children from two years of age and to prepare those who are older for school. Children learn to distinguish colors, learn the names of the cubs of different animals, and train to determine whether an object is flat or three-dimensional in a picture.

    And for future first-graders, classes help to understand the system of sounds and letters of the Russian language and mathematical concepts that will be needed at school: addition and subtraction, even and odd numbers, the number line and the composition of the number.

    Classes are held in the form of interactive exercises. Children watch theory slides and listen to the speaker’s comments, and then complete tasks: they try to substitute the desired mathematical sign in an example or find where the stress falls in a word.


    Read, Count, and Explore Space: 14 Educational Apps for Kids

    Classes are designed to meet Federal State Educational Standards, which encourage families to be involved in the learning process. Therefore, part of the exercises – for example, from the speech therapy block – children will be able to perform only together with their parents. Once a day, Tilly sends homework: this helps the child to study regularly, and parents do not waste time looking for suitable exercises.

    Everything is like in school: first theory, then practice

    How much: for free
    Age: from 5 years old

    family leisure. Some of them, for example, the special project “History of Russia. XVIII century” – will help you deal with the school curriculum in a playful way, while others will simply tell you how to have fun and educationally: watch cartoons about art, solve old riddles from “Murzilka” or “Chizh” or color illustrations from old books.

    In addition to children’s audio performances and stories, “Arzamas” has collected useful games – rebuses and logic tasks

    Get to know art


    Price: free
    Age: from 7 to 17 years old

    The creators of the “Children’s Art School Online” decided to look at the world around children from the point of view of art and talk to schoolchildren in a language they understand.

    For example, they offer to study the basics of photography at a selfie master class, and at a course on creating a non-standard avatar, children will learn about the history of a portrait in world painting. Teachers will tell children who love to dance how to conquer Tik-Tok, and parents will be helped to find a common language with a teenager — for example, by turning the mess in his room into an art installation together.


    English, programming and logic: 9 educational online games for kids will not receive access to new lessons. At the same time, teachers are still in touch: they check the work and help students deal with emerging issues.
    Microcourse “Animated canvases” will help the child to take a high-quality photo for the flash mob #isolation

    Get to know art

    Animation and me

    Cost: free
    Age: 14+

    Animation and Me is a course that will teach your child how to create cartoons. It consists of 30 lectures recorded by legendary animators – Yuri Norshtein and Konstantin Bronzit – and young professionals who talk about modern techniques in animation.

    Lectures are divided into two blocks. First, children get acquainted with the theory – the history of animation and the basics of the profession. And then they will learn about the practical skills that any multiplier needs. The lessons themselves are not long – 20-25 minutes, but after each one they give homework: it will help you get your hand in before you start creating a real cartoon.


    Board games for kids

    No one will check your homework, but you can compare your work with others: the completed tasks are placed right under the video with lectures. And in the project groups on Vkontakte and Facebook, cartoons of guys who have already completed the course are published.

    Finished homework for the lecture “Acting”: it was necessary to depict five standing people in calm poses, but in such a way that they differed from each other

    How much it costs: free
    Age: from 6 years old

    The Pushkin.Youth project is an educational course for students and schoolchildren based on the Pushkin Museum. All of them are devoted to the history of art and culture, but take place in different formats: from open lecture halls and project workshops to a full-fledged 4-year curriculum.

    Usually classes at the museum are held face-to-face, but some of them are recorded on video: you can watch lectures by art historians on social networks. Now the museum is closed for quarantine, so classes are held live and are available to everyone. To get a link to the conference on Zoom, you need to leave contacts in a special form or just write to the guys on Instagram.


    Free courses in Russian: 20 online platforms

    Pupils and students who are constantly studying at Pushkinsky conduct online tours of the museum, launch flash mobs and marathons and create their own games . If a child is just getting acquainted with art, you can start with entertainment: games will help you understand that museums are not boring, and flash mobs are a great way to join the company of other enthusiastic teenagers.

    Every year on March 11, Pushkinsky.Youth students take the places of guides and acquaint visitors with the life and works of the Pushkin Museum

    Featured Articles for Parents

    Everything you ever wanted to know about kids and money is in our twice-weekly mailing list along with the rest of the money stuff

    Learn to program

    Code. org

    Price: free
    Age: 4 years and older

    Programming courses on this site are more like puzzles: students use blocks with ready-made commands to solve game problems: for example, help an artist draw a picture from a stencil or a bird — get out of the maze.

    What to do? 06/15/17

    I want my child to have enough to study. How to save up for education?

    Even those who cannot read yet can study. Actions on simple levels are indicated by icons, but the essence remains the same: to solve the problem, you will have to figure out in what order to perform actions, how cycles work, and how variable numerical values ​​change the behavior of characters on the screen.

    If you are tired of the same type of tasks, you can make your own project: program a mini-game or make colorful characters dance to the music. For inspiration, it is convenient to use the archive of other people’s work: all projects are published with open source so that students can exchange ideas and experiences with each other.

    In order for the artist to draw the roof of the house exactly along the lines, you need to arrange the lines of code in the correct order and substitute the correct values ​​

    Learn to program


    How much: from 550 R for a two-hour lesson, the first lesson is free
    Age: from 8 years old

    This online school is suitable for children who want to try their hand at programming, but do not know where to start.

    There are no ready-made programs in ITGenio: the course is individually adjusted to the interests and abilities of the child, and the direction of learning can be changed at any time – for example, switch from game programming in Scratch to programming in Minecraft or completely engage in Photoshop or 3D modeling .

    Classes are not held in groups, but one-on-one with a teacher: you can choose a convenient time and study at your own pace.

    If a child gets bored with programming, you can try your hand at creativity – for example, learn 3D modeling

    How much it costs: from 4300 R per month
    Age: from 8 years old

    “School of programmers” is not an entertainment course, but full additional education with a program for several years. Classes are held according to the schedule in the mode of webinars: students communicate live with teachers, write and submit code for verification, and immediately receive feedback. There are a lot of lessons: every week 4 hours are allotted only for compulsory classes, and each student can also choose electives according to interests, for example, web design, information security or robotics.

    Students in grades 2-11 can enter the school, the program depends on age. To enroll, you will have to pass exams: those who fail to cope with tasks in mathematics, logic and algorithms are unlikely to be enrolled in the course.

    You can enroll in the main department of the “School of Programmers” only at the beginning of the academic year. For those who want to see how the classes are going and learn something new right now, an additional registration for special courses and free lessons is opened during the year.

    Children who attend the “School of Programmers” from the fifth grade will have mastered two programming languages ​​by the eighth grade: Python and C++

    Pull up school items

    Children and science

    Price: free
    Age: from 7 years old

    The Children and Science project is not an addition, but an alternative to school lessons in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. Online courses for the portal were created by the best Russian teachers who do not want to work with outdated textbooks and programs. Previously, only students from several elite Moscow schools could attend their author’s classes, but now they are available to anyone with an Internet connection.

    Each course consists of video lectures, notes, game assignments and a final test that will help assess how well the child has mastered the program. Each student chooses the pace and trajectory of learning for himself: for some, it is enough to look over the notes to catch all the most important things, and for some, they want to watch several related lectures on different subjects before moving on to the next thematic block.


    What students can get for good studies

    The “Children and Science” project will not be able to completely replace school classes: so far, the portal has only one or two lessons for each class. Most of all classes are in mathematics: among them there are also topics that are not even mentioned at school, for example, “Game Theory” and “Probability Theory and Statistics”.

    I did not cope with the task. But for schoolchildren who have taken a course in human physiology, it’s time to spit

    Pull up school items


    How much: for free
    Age: from 11 years old

    Letovo is a special private boarding school, which is more important to find a talented child than a family that can pay for education. Children are accepted on the basis of a strict competitive selection, and scholarships that can cover up to 100% of the cost of education help to solve the financial issue. Although Letovo is located in Moscow, children from all over the country can enter there: for students from other cities, there is a campus with accommodation buildings on the territory of the school.

    To help talented children prepare for exams and make a good education accessible, Letovo teachers have created an online school. On this portal, students can check their level of knowledge in school subjects: the test will show which topics have gaps and offer materials that will help improve the result.

    Letovo.Online also invites children to try their hand at solving Olympiad problems, and if this still doesn’t work, you can watch webinars where teachers explain the logic of solving competitive tasks. Or join an online circle to prepare for the Olympiads with other schoolchildren. True, you won’t be able to start right away: the next set will be only in September.

    Olympiad problem in Russian: the illustration tells how to find the correct answer

    Pull up school items


    How much: free during quarantine
    Age: from 7 years old

    Classes in Foxford are like a real school, only in an online format: children come to the webinar according to the schedule, listen to the teacher and look at the blackboard , ask questions that can be answered immediately, and after the lesson they do their homework.

    Foxford has no compulsory classes to go to, even if they are deadly boring. From a huge database of courses in all school subjects, you can create your own program, including, for example, preparation for the Unified State Examination in computer science, a course on diseases, and online physical education training.

Wildcat abc: Wildcat ABC Child Care | CARLISLE IA Licensed Center

Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 2:00 am


Категории: Cat

Lisa’s Little Wildcats – SC Child Care Services

Child Care Center

Facility Attributes


Lisa Bloom



Facility Hours


  • Closed

  • 7:00AM–5:30PM

  • 7:00AM–5:30PM

  • 7:00AM–5:30PM

  • 7:00AM–5:30PM

  • 7:00AM–5:30PM

  • Closed


Licensing Type & Number:

License#: 21730

Issue Date:


Expiration Date:


Call your DSS licensing specialist if you have questions:

DSS Licensing Specialist

Wyatt, Alexandra


Facility Review & Complaint Information

(2 records found)

Severity Inspection Type Date Deficiency Type Resolved
High Review 10/12/2021
Direct Supervision
On Site
High Review 10/12/2021
Environmental Hazards

Inspection Reports

Inspection Type Date Report
Application 8/4/2022 View Report
Review 5/23/2022 View Report
Review 5/2/2022 View Report
Review 10/12/2021 View Report
Review 8/4/2020 View Report
Review 9/3/2019 View Report

Note on Deficiencies

Deficiencies are listed in broad categories and are available online for 36 months. We encourage you to contact your region office for an explanation of any of the deficiencies, or for additional information about this facility’s compliance. Resolved “On Site” means that a violation was resolved during the Licensing Specialist’s inspection.

Severity Levels


These are the most serious violations of child care regulations and could pose a risk to the health and safety of children. If you would like an explanation of any of the deficiencies, or would like additional information about this facility’s compliance, please contact your regional office.


These are significant violations of child care regulations and could negatively impact the health and safety of children. If you would like an explanation of any of the deficiencies, or would like additional information about this facility’s compliance, please contact your regional office.


These violations are the least likely to impact health and safety, but they still show that a facility is out of compliance with some child care regulations. If you would like an explanation of any of the deficiencies, or would like additional information about this facility’s compliance, please contact your regional office.

Note on Frequency of Inspections

Centers, Group Homes, and Licensed Family Homes::

In 2014, legislation was passed that changed the number of unannounced visits from two per year to one per year in Child Care Centers, Group Child Care Homes, and Licensed Family Child Care Homes. As a result of this new law, you may see a decrease in the number of deficiencies listed on this website for these types of providers. Unannounced visits are still made in response to a complaint, and visits are scheduled with the facility during the re-licensing process, which occurs every two years.

Registered Family Homes:

Most family homes are registered, not licensed. In 2014, legislation was passed that allows Child Care Licensing to make one unannounced visit to these homes each year. As a result of this new law, you may see an increase in the number of deficiencies listed on this website for Registered Family Child Care Homes. Unannounced visits are still made in response to a complaint. Click here for an overview of each facility and the requirements they must meet according to state law.

Iowa vs. Kentucky – Game Summary – January 1, 2022

Passing Yards


S. Petras19-30, 211&nbspYDS, 1&nbspTD, 3&nbspINT


W. Levis17-28, 233 YDS, 1 TD, 1 INT

Rushing Yards

Receiving Yards


S. LaPorta7&nbspREC, 122&nbspYDS, 1&nbspTD

Full Box Score


Wan’Dale Robinson goes on an amazing run that leads to a Kentucky TD

Wan’Dale Robinson goes on an amazing run that leads to a Kentucky TD


Wildcats rally past Hawkeyes in Citrus Bowl

Wildcats rally past Hawkeyes in Citrus Bowl


Deandre Square gets the pick vs. Iowa

Deandre Square gets the pick vs. Iowa


Sam LaPorta dives into the end zone for a 36-yard TD

Sam LaPorta dives into the end zone for a 36-yard TD


Arland Bruce rushes 20 yards for an Iowa TD

Arland Bruce rushes 20 yards for an Iowa TD


View All Videos

1 2 3 4 total. abbrev
Iowa 0 3 7 7 17
Kentucky 7 6 0 7 20
first Quarter IOWA UK



Chris Rodriguez Jr. 5 Yd pass from Will Levis (Matt Ruffolo Kick)

13 plays, 80 yards, 7:28

0 7
second Quarter IOWA UK



Caleb Shudak 28 Yd Field Goal

10 plays, 55 yards, 4:41

3 7



Matt Ruffolo 21 Yd Field Goal

14 plays, 72 yards, 8:15

3 10



Matt Ruffolo 27 Yd Field Goal

5 plays, 22 yards, 1:31

3 13
third Quarter IOWA UK



Arland Bruce IV 20 Yd Run (Caleb Shudak Kick)

6 plays, 50 yards, 2:46

10 13
fourth Quarter IOWA UK



Sam LaPorta 36 Yd pass from Spencer Petras (Caleb Shudak Kick)

9 plays, 92 yards, 3:15

17 13



Chris Rodriguez Jr. 6 Yd Run (Matt Ruffolo Kick)

8 plays, 80 yards, 1:43

17 20

Full Play-by-Play

Data is currently unavailable.

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All College Football News

Michigan 2-0 5-0
Ohio State 2-0 5-0
Penn State 2-0 5-0
Indiana 1-1 3-2
Maryland 1-1 4-1
Rutgers 0-2 3-2
Michigan State 0-2 2-3
Northwestern 1-1 1-4
Nebraska 1-1 2-3
Purdue 1-1 3-2
Illinois 1-1 4-1
Minnesota 1-1 4-1
Iowa 1-1 3-2
Wisconsin 0-2 2-3

Full Standings

Georgia 2-0 5-0
Tennessee 1-0 4-0
Kentucky 1-1 4-1
Vanderbilt 0-1 3-2
Florida 0-2 3-2
South Carolina 0-2 3-2
Missouri 0-2 2-3
Alabama 2-0 5-0
LSU 2-0 4-1
Ole Miss 1-0 5-0
Mississippi State 1-1 4-1
Auburn 1-1 3-2
Texas A&M 1-1 3-2
Arkansas 1-2 3-2

Full Standings

WA border opening backflip hits sport hard as Perth Glory, Perth Wildcats pick up the pieces

West Australian sports teams have been left scrambling following the announcement that the state’s planned reopening on February 5 will not go ahead.

Key points:

  • Six WA teams are on the road and facing an indefinite return date
  • Perth Glory’s CEO says the delay is like being “hit with a sledgehammer”
  • The Perth Wildcats say they have been left with no clear end in sight

There are six Perth sporting organisations across three codes currently stranded in the eastern states, all of which had return dates locked in.

The Perth Glory have two teams on the road, while the Perth Wildcats, West Coast Eagles, Fremantle Dockers and Perth Lynx are also facing an indefinite return date.

The Perth Scorchers were always going to end their Big Bash campaign away from home, but now face an uncertain return date to Perth post-season.

Catch up on the latest COVID-19 news here

“I keep saying that there is light at the end of the tunnel, it’s not a train coming the other way,” Perth Glory CEO Tony Pignata told ABC Radio Perth.

“But I tell you what, it feels like a big train is coming now.”

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The club left WA about a week ago, after spending Christmas in quarantine.

Mr Pignata said he had been assured by WA Police they would be able to return beyond February 5 as early as yesterday.

‘Sledgehammer’ blow: Glory CEO

The Glory chief executive said he watched Mr McGowan’s late night media conference with about 90 players and staff from both A-League men’s and women’s teams

McGowan’s border backflip may risk it all

The Premier’s plan to reopen the state on February 5 lies in ruins, and there’s a risk the backflip could weaken public goodwill — the key to WA’s COVID-19 strategy, writes Jacob Kagi.

Read more

He said the announcement was like being “hit with a sledgehammer”.

“I can appreciate the reasoning behind [the decision] … but we need to ensure we look after families over east who want to get back,” he said.

“Some of the regulations where you now have to isolate at home and everyone who is at home has to isolate around for 14 days, that’s untenable.”

He also highlighted the dire state of the club’s finances after a challenging time throughout the pandemic.

“We’re looking at millions and millions of dollars of losses and whether we can continue,” Pignata said.

Wildcats left with no clear end date

Like the Glory, the Perth Wildcats have been on the road for several weeks, after departing WA on December 27.

The Wildcats left WA before the New Year and do not know when they will be back.(AAP: Richard Wainwright)

Wildcats coast Scott Morrison took to Twitter to express his frustration at the border delay and the uncertainty over when the team could return home. 

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The Wildcats had agreed to an extended road trip on the understanding the border would come down on February 5.

WA’s border is staying bolted shut. What now?

Western Australia once again has been left indefinitely closed off to the rest of the world. How did it come to this, and where do we go from here?

Read more

“It was a sacrifice but at least one that had a clear end date,” Wildcats CEO Troy Georgiu said.

“Now we aren’t sure when they will be able to return home, and as a club our priority is now to offer as much support as possible to the team and their families.

“We are extremely grateful for the sacrifices they are making for this club and we’re proud of the resilience they continue to show.”

The Wildcats were due to play their first home game back on February 6, and remain confident they will play 14 home games this season.

AFLW, AFL take stock

On top of the Glory and Wildcats, both AFLW sides from Fremantle and West Coast are in Victoria, where they had expected to spend three weeks before returning for home games.

It is unclear what the border change means for that competition or for the AFL season, which begins in March, with the first Perth match scheduled for March 20.

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Nic Naitanui joined those reacting on social media, suggesting Western Australia was acting like “its own country”.

If that season begins on time, that game, between West Coast and Gold Coast, it will be the first event of any kind at Perth Stadium since December 20.

The Fremantle Dockers said they were taking stock of the border decision.

“We will immediately turn our attention to working with the AFL and WA Police to ascertain what the remainder of our women’s season and the commencement of the men’s season will look like,” Fremantle CEO Simon Garlick told the club’s website.

“The decision is one that would have some of our members feeling frustrated and disappointed, and others feeling safe and secure.”

“For the past two years, every challenge that COVID-19 has presented our club and our industry has been accepted and met, and this one will be no different.

“We will keep working as hard as we can to get the best result possible for the club and appreciate your patience and understanding as always.”

Freo’s Darcy Tucker ‘upset’ but backs government

Dockers midfielder Darcy Tucker said the decision was hard to deal with for players who lived away from their families.

Darcy Tucker says the border decision means he will not be able to visit his family in Victoria.(AAP: Dave Hunt)

“As a Victorian it’s pretty tough and I was a bit upset,” he said.

“A lot of us boys were planning to head back there. Not just Victorians but South Australians and every interstate player.

“I was booked to go on the 31st (of January) for a six-day break. So yeah, it’s upsetting not to be able to see my family.

“But I back the WA government in and their goal is to protect the community, and we’re all for that as well.”

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  • The symptoms
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Frank Gorshin – Movies and TV shows 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards

2006, talk show

-film. ru



How William Shatner Changed the World How William Shatner Changed the World 0004 2005, documentary, fantasy



Dr. Vegas (TV series) Dr. VEGAS 2004, thriller, drama

5.0002 5.5IMDB

Batman (series) The Batman 2004, cartoons, action movie, adventure



57th Annual Tony Awards The 57th Annual Tony Awards 2003 Music



And Batman again! Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt 2003, action, comedy

6.0002 6.50005

Bride Mail Order BRIDE

000 000 .ru



Sting of the Black Scorpion Sting of the Black Scorpion 20020005


5. 5imdb

manna heavenly Manna from Heaven 2002, comedy






Black Scorpio (TV series) Black Scorpion 2001, militant, thriller, fiction


222 Beethoven 3 Beethoven’s 3rd 2000, Comedy, Adventures, Family

6.7 Crossers


Castles Rock Castle Rock 2000, militant


9000 9000

4, 8IMDB

Thief always thief Luck of the DRAW 2000, Drama, thriller



All shake All Shook Up 1999, comedy, drama

-Film .ru



Arts to kill The Art of Murder 1999, thriller


centuries Man of the Century 1999, Comedy, Comedy, Comedy, Comedy, Comedy, Comedy, Comedy, Comedy, Comedy. melodrama



VH-1: Where are they now? (TV series) VH-1 Where Are They Now? 1999, biographical, documentary



Exciting city of sin (series) Sin City Spectacular 1998, Comedy, Music



After the game 9000 AFTER THE GAME 1997, Drama, Detective




Draw me dead Color ME Dead 1997, Detective, thriller



Twilight of Ice Nymph Twilight OFE Ice Nymphs 1997, melodrama, detective, fantasy



Johnny Bravo (TV series) Johnny Bravo 1997, cartoons, short -range


– Spectators


Blood Moon Bloodmoon 1997, action, thriller

-film. ru

7.5 Explifiers


12 Monkey 9000 Monkeys 1995, detective, thriller, thriller, science fiction

8.0 Crossers


Long live Caesar Hail Caesar 1994, Comedy


Big history THE BIG Story 1994, cartoons



Amore! Amore! 1993 comedy0004 1991, Action, Adventures



Sweet Justice Sweet Justice 1991, Action, Adventures


The most better from The Sullivan Show, part 2 The Very Best of the Ed Sullivan Show 2 1991, comedy, family, music



The Ren and Stimpy Show (TV series) 9003 Ren & Stimpy Show 1991, cartoons, comedy, thriller

7. 3viewers


Are you afraid of the dark? (TV series) Are You Afraid of the Dark? 1990, drama, family, fantasy



Full Midnight 1989, thriller


Beverly Hills Body Snatchers Beverly Hills Bodysnatchers 1989, comedy




monsters (TV series) Monsters 1988, horrors



Incredible adventures of gnomes The Gnomes’ Great Adventure 1987, cartoons



Hollywood police Hollywood Vice Squad 1986, action, comedy, drama, thriller

0002 -prisoners


Impeccable murder A Masterpiece of Murder 1986, comedy, detective

5. 6IMDB

Without response UPHILL The WAY 9000, 1986, 19000 Comedy




Hot resort Hot Resort 1984, comedy




004 1982, comedy, musical, melodrama



Adapted owns the world DEN TUCHTIGEN GEHORT DIE WELT 1982, Militut, Comedy, Thriller, Drama



Waiting for Goliath Goliath AWAITS 1981, adventure, drama, melodrama, science fiction, thriller

7.5 defects


Underground Aces 1981, comedy


Death machine


Buck Rogers in the twenty -fifth century (TV series) Buck Rogers in the 25th Century 1979, action, adventure, fiction

-film. ru

6.9IMDB 9000,0002 Legends of the superhera. Legends of the Superheroes 1979, action, adventure, comedy, fantasy

7.3 viewers


Family, Historical



Record City Record City 1978, Comedy


4,0002 4,0002 4,0002 4,0002 4.000 New Year Rudolph’s Shiny New Year 1976, cartoons, family, fantasy, musical


Celebrities Martin The Dean Martin Celebrity Riasis , comedy




robbery in the sky Sky Heist 1975, militant, drama, thriller


2222 SWAT (TV series) S.W.A.T. 1975, action, drama, thriller



Win Christie’s Love (TV series) Get Christie Love! 1974, thriller, drama

–Film. ru


Moving (series) MOVIN ‘ON 1974, Drama


American Film Institute Honors James Cagney AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to James Cagney 1974




Humor Humor on ABC (series) The ABC Comedy Hour 1972, Comedy

-9000 9000


O’Hara, US Treasures (TV series) O’Hara, U.S. Treasury 1971, drama


– viewers

Simon Locke 1971 drama



Street (series) The Interns 1970, Drama


Skida Skidoo 1968, Comedy




This is life (TV series) That’s Life 1968, comedy, musical


8. 2IMDb

Game 1968 Adventure Fantasy



people from the west (TV series) Frontier Doctor 1967, Western

7.2 7.2 7.2 8.5imdb

Gorilla Harrison Gorrill (TV series) Garrison’s Gorillas 1967, Adventures, Drama, War



Jackie Gleason show The Jackie Gleason Show 1966, Comedy, Musicle 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000



Star path (series) Star Trek: The Original Series 1966, action, adventure, fiction

7,0002 8,0005

Betman Batman: The Movie 1966, comedy, adventure, family thriller, science fiction, fantasy




Strong revenge Ride Beyond Vengeance 1966, Western

-film. ru

-2 6,2imdb

Darn Cat! 1965, comedy, thriller



people named Shenandoa (TV series) A Man Called Shenandoah 1965, Western

-Vozniki -Vyznitors


Empire (TV series) Empire 1962, Drama, Western


In swimming on a faulty ship Sail A Croeced SHIP 1961, Comedy 9000




Eagle or Tail The George Raft Story 1961, Biographical, Drama


9000 5.7IMDB

Fiery Ring Ring of Fire 1961, adventure, thriller, drama



Great Impostor The Great Impostor 1961, Drama, Comedy

7.7 Directors


Where the boys are Where the Boys Are 1960, comedy, drama, romance

-film. ru


1960 talk show



Stads Lonigan Studs Lonigan 1960, Drama

-6,000 9000,0002 bells call Bells Are Rininging 1960 , musical, melodrama



Hennesi (TV series) Hennesey 1959, comedy


NEXT NEXT LUNO 9000 LUNO 9000 LUNO COURSE0003 Night of the Quarter Moon 1959, drama

-6,0002 6.4IMDB

Torpedo Torpedo Run 1958, Drama






Tank battalion Tank Battalion 1958, War, Drama


Exhibition in Portland Portland Expose 1957, Thriller, Drama, Detective

9000 -Film. en


Clothing criminal The Delicate Delinquent 1957, comedy

-film. ru


invasion of flying plates InVasion , horror, fantasy



The hijacker’s girl Dragstrip Girl 1957, action, drama



The true story of Jesse Jesse The True Story of Jesse James 1957, action, biographical, thriller, Western


daughters in the run RUNAWAWY Daughters 1956, Thriller, Drama



Hot little thing Hot Rod Girl 1956, Action, Drama, Melodrama

9000 –



Show Steve Allen (series) The Steve Allen Show 1956, Comedy



Proud and Sveta The Proud and Profane 9000 1956, War, Drama, Drama


6. 1IMDb

Bengal cat – Wikipedia

The Bengal cat is a domesticated cat breed created from hybrids of domestic cats, especially the spotted Egyptian Mau, with the Asian leopard cat ( Prionailurus bengalensis ). The name of the breed comes from the taxonomic name of the leopard cat.

Bengals have a wild appearance; their golden shimmer comes from their leopard cat ancestors, and their coats may have spots, rosettes, arrowhead marks, or marbling. This is an energetic breed that requires a lot of exercise and play.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Early history
    • 1.2 Bengals as a breed Our cats and everything about them . [1]

      The next recorded mention of a cross between an Asian leopard cat and a domestic cat was in 1924 by the Belgian Scientific Journal, and in 1941 a Japanese publication on cats published an article about a cat kept as a pet. [2]

      The first breeding attempts always stopped after one or two generations. Jean Mill was a breeder who decided to make a domestic cat with the fur of a wild cat.

      Bengals as a breed

      Jean Sugden Mill holding a Bengal cat in an undated photograph.

      Gene Mill of California is considered the creator of the modern Bengal breed. She had a degree in psychology from Pomona College and took several courses in genetics at UC Davis. [3]

      She made the first known deliberate crossbreeding of an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat (a black California cat). [4] However, Bengals as a breed actually started in earnest much later. [3] In 1970, Mill resumed her breeding efforts, and in 1975 she received a group of Bengal cats that were bred for use in genetic testing at Loma Linda University by Willard Centerwall. [5] Others also started breeding Bengals. [ WHO? ]

      Cat Registries

      In 1983, the breed was officially accepted by the International Cat Association (TICA). [5] Bengals gained championship status in 1991. [6]

      In 1997, the Cat Fancy Governing Council (GCCF) accepts Bengal cats. [7]

      In 1999, the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) accepted Bengal cats into its registry. [8]

      B The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) was one of the last organizations to accept the Bengal cat into its registry. The CFA board accepted the Bengal cat as Miscellaneous at a board meeting on February 7, 2016. For a Bengal cat to be registered with the CFA, it must be F6 or later (6 generations removed from the Asian Leopard Cat or non-Bengal domestic cat’s feline ancestors).” [9]

      In 1999, the Australian Cat Federation (ACF) accepted the Bengal cat into its registry. [10]

      Charcoal Bengal kitten with white spectacle markings and black rosettes.

      Early generation Bengal

      Bengals from the first three generations of breeding (F1 – F3) are considered “founder cats” or “early generation” Bengals. Early generation (F1 – F3) males are often sterile. Thus, female F1, F2 and F3 early generation Bengals are bred to fertile domestic Bengals. [4] F1 hybrid Bengal females are fertile, so they are used in subsequent unidirectional reverse cross matings with fertile male domestic cats. Some male Bengals have produced viable sperm as early as the F2 backcross generation: this is considered rare in breeding communities that regularly cross early generation females with fertile late generation hybrid males. [11]

      To be considered a domestic Bengal cat in major cat registries, a Bengal cat must be at least four generations (F4) or more from an Asian Leopard cat. [12]


      The Bengal breed was more fully developed by the 1980s. “In 1992, the International Cat Association had 125 registered Bengal Breeders.” [4] By the 2000s, Bengals had become a very popular breed. In 2019, there are over 1,000 Bengal breeders worldwide.

      Bengal breeding growth
      Year Bengal breeders registered with TICA

      Bengals come in a wide variety of coat colors. [14] [15] The International Cat Association (TICA) recognizes several Bengal colors. Brown spotted, lynx point seal (snow), sepia, silver and mink spotted Striped Bengals. [16]

      Spotted rosette

      Bengal kitten in a bed with black and white rosettes reaches out to explore the camera.

      The Bengal cat is the only domestic cat breed that has a rosette marking.

      People most often associate the Bengal with the most popular color: the Brown Spotted/Pink Bengal. However, Bengals have a wide variety of colors and patterns. Even in the brown spot/rosette category, bengals can be: red, brown, black, ticked, grey, spotted, rosette, cloudy. Many people are struck by the resemblance of a Bengal cat to a leopard. Among domestic cats, the Bengal color is perhaps the most diverse and unique.


      Brown Marble Bengal at TICA (2013)

      Domestic cats have four different ancestral coat patterns – ticked, mackerel, spotted and spotted – collectively referred to as tabby spots. [17]

      Christopher Kahlin, a Stanford University geneticist, conducted a study that was used to identify the spotted gene and the marbled gene in domestic Bengal cats. Kaelin studied color and pattern variation in northern California feral cats and was able to identify the gene responsible for the marbled pattern in Bengal cats. [18]

      Snow Bengal with ink markings (horizontal stripes along the eyes)

      UC Davis DNA test showed a cat of three recessive colors.

      Bengal size

      The Bengal is a spotted cat breed of medium to large size. [19] Bengals are long and lean. Bengals are larger than the average domestic cat due to their muscular body.

      Legal restrictions

      In the US, cities and states may have legal restrictions. In New York and the state of Hawaii, Bengal cats are illegal (as are all other domestic-feral cat hybrids). [20] [21] [22] In various other places, such as Seattle, Washington and Denver, Colorado, there are restrictions on owning Bengal. [23] Generation F1-F4 Bengals are regulated in New York State, Georgia, Massachusetts, Delaware, Connecticut, and Indiana. Except as noted above, Bengal cats from and beyond the F5 generation are considered domestic and generally legal.

      Bengali was regulated in the United Kingdom, however the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs removed previous licensing requirements in 2007. [24]

      F5 Bengals are not restricted in Australia, but their importation is difficult. [25]


      Bengal cats are intelligent, energetic and playful (although in some rare cases they can be quite lazy). Many Bengal owners say that their Bengals naturally retrieve objects and often enjoy playing in the water. [26]

      The International Cat Association (TICA) describes the Bengal cat as an active, inquisitive cat that likes to climb high. Most Bengals enjoy playing, racing, climbing and exploring. In general, Bengals love action. Bengals are generally confident and curious. [6]


      Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

      Example of a completed HCM report

      Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a serious problem in the Bengal cat breed. This is a disease in which the heart muscle (myocardium) becomes abnormally thick (hypertrophied). Thick heart muscle can make it difficult for a cat’s heart to pump blood. [27] The only way to determine the suitability of Bengal cats for breeding is to have the cat’s heart scanned by a cardiologist.

      HCM is a common genetic disorder in Bengal cats and as of 2018 no genetic testing has been performed. The current practice of screening for HCM involves taking Bengal cats to a certified veterinary cardiologist where an echocardiogram is performed. Bengal cats used for breeding should be examined annually to ensure there is no hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Currently, North Carolina State University is trying to identify genetic markers of HCM in the Bengal cat. [28]

      One study published in Journal of Internal Veterinary Medicine states that the prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Bengal cats is 16.7% (95% CI = 13.2–46.5%). [29]

      Bengal Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA-b)

      Bengal cats are known to be susceptible to several genetic diseases, one of which is Bengal. progressive retinal atrophy, also known as Bengal PRA or PRA-b. Anyone who breeds Bengal cats should have this test done as it is inexpensive, non-invasive and easy to perform. A breeder who claims his cats have been “veterinarian tested” does not mean that the test was performed by a veterinarian: it is performed by the breeder outside the veterinary office (rarely, if ever, by a veterinarian). The test is then sent directly to the laboratory.

      Red blood cell pyruvate kinase deficiency (PK-deficiency or PK-def)

      PK deficiency is a common genetic disorder found in Bengal cats. PK deficiency is another test that a breeder does. Breeding Bengal cats should be tested before breeding to ensure that two PK-deficient carriers do not mate. This is a test that the breeder must pass on their own. The breeder uses a cotton swab to rub the inside of the cat’s mouth and then sends it off to the lab.

      Bengal blood type

      At the University of California, Davis, the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory studied the blood types of domestic cats. They concluded that most domestic cats fall into the AB system. Common blood types are A and B, and some cats have the rare AB blood type. There are not enough samples from Bengal cats, so the genetics of the AB blood type in Bengal cats is not well understood. [30]

      In one UK study of the Bengal blood type, 100 Bengal cats were tested. They concluded that all 100 Bengal cats tested had type A blood. [31]

      Responsible Bengal Breeding

      Responsible Bengal breeders are learning which recessive genes their breeding cats carry. The most serious problems in breeding Bengals are hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), progressive retinal atrophy, and pyruvate kinase deficiency. Cat breeders should be aware of all current breed specific tests. Bengal breeders must carry out all available tests to ensure that they do not breed cats with health problems.

      HCM screening is a topic that Bengal breeders can discuss. HCM can develop in their Bengal cats at any time, including shortly after their annual HCM screening. this is best practice for screening all Bengal cats used in breeding programs: HCM screening by a cardiologist is the only useful test that exists for Bengal and Bengal breeders in 2019. Responsible and consistent screening makes the breed healthier as breeders strive to exclude cats screening positive for HCM. [32]

      Shedding and grooming

      Bengals are often sought after by breeders [33] and pet adoption agencies [34] to be a hypoallergenic breed – less likely to cause an allergic reaction. The Bengal cat is said to have below average levels of allergens, [34] [ needs a better source ] although this has not been scientifically proven as of 2020.

      Feline geneticist Leslie Lyons, director of the University of Missouri Laboratory of Cats and Comparative Genetics does not accept such claims, noting that there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic cat. Thus, putative hypoallergenic breeds may still cause a reaction in those with severe allergies. Hypoallergenic, which means “below average” or “slightly” allergenic, means that a substance (especially cosmetics and textiles) is believed to cause fewer allergic reactions. [35]

      Cashmere Bengal (longhaired)

      Cashmere Bengal kitten with long hair

      A few longhaired Bengals (more precisely, semi-longhaired) have always been found in Bengal tribes. Many domestic cats were used to create the Bengal breed, and the long hair gene is thought to have originated from one of them. reverse intersections. UC Davis developed a long hair genetic test to allow Bengal breeders to select Bengal cats with a recessive long hair gene for their breeding programs. [36]

      Some Bengal cats used for breeding may carry the recessive longhair gene. When a male and female Bengal carry a copy of the recessive long hair gene and the two Bengals mate with each other, they can produce long-haired Bengals. (See Cat Coat Genetics#Genes Affecting Coat Length and Texture.) In the past, longhaired offspring of Bengal matings were spayed or neutered until some breeders decided to breed the longhaired Bengal (which they called the Cashmere Bengal). 9 Longeri, M.; Ferrari, P.; Knafelz, P.; Mezzelani, A.; Marabotti, A.; Milanesi, L.; Pertica, G.; Polly, M.; Brambilla, P.G.; Kittleson, M.; Lyons, L.A.; Porciello, F. (January 17, 2013). “Myosin-binding protein C DNA variants in domestic cats (A31P, A74T, R820W) and their association with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy”. Journal of Internal Veterinary Medicine . 27 (2): 275–285. doi:10.1111 / jvim.12031. PMC 3602388. PMID 23323744.

    • 9 “Bengal cats: their history, breeds and other facts.” August 2020. received August 22, 2020.
    • External link

      • International Bengal Cats Society
      • Full History of the Bengal cat
      • Bengal-gide
      • Bengal Genelia 9097 B Bengalia about Bengali Greece. Nature, plants and animals of Greece Greece nature and wildlife

        The flora of all regions of Greece is the richest in Europe with more than 6000 varieties and sub-species, of which 700-750 species are native, which inhabit and can only be found within the borders of Greek territory .

        However, unfortunately, today the animal world of the country is poor in mammals, especially large ones, which were exterminated by man for several millennia. Red deer have almost completely disappeared from the country, but small animals such as rabbits and hares are common. Larger animals are still found in the mountains: the mountain goat and brown bear are found in Pinda and the mountains along the border with Bulgaria, and the wolf is found in more remote forest areas. Also from predators in Greece you can see a wild cat, a fox, a jackal, a stone marten, a badger, a wild boar, a European bear, a lynx. Of the ungulates, there are the Cretan wild goat, fallow deer, roe deer, and wild boar. On the territory of Greece, there are many animals listed in the Red Book, among them: the Mediterranean sea turtle, the monk seal. The most numerous mammals are rodents (porcupine, gray hamster, mice, dormouse, voles, etc.), southern species of bats and insectivores – shrews, hedgehogs, moles. In Greece, a variety of reptiles – turtles, lizards, snakes. They easily tolerate heat and lack of moisture in the dry summer season. The wooded areas are home to the Greek land tortoise, the most common tortoise species in the country. Of the numerous lizards, the most typical for Greece are rocky, or wall, Greek sharp-headed, Peloponnesian, Ionic and the largest in Europe – green. Among snakes, snakes, snakes, horned vipers are especially common. Diverse and the world of birds. Quail, wild ducks, wood pigeons and stockheads, gray and especially mountain partridges, brightly feathered hoopoes, rollers, kingfishers, and from predatory kites, black vultures, eagles, falcons, owls are the most typical representatives of the bird fauna of Greece and the entire Mediterranean. There are numerous flocks of seagulls on the sea coasts. The long-nosed cormorant, curly pelican, and stork are also characteristic of Greece. The southern green woodpecker, mountain bunting lives in the forests. Representatives of the passerine order are typical for the country – stone sparrow, canary finch, Greek swallow. There are also many types of terrestrial mollusks (snails). So, in Crete there are 120 species of mollusks, of which 77 are peculiar only to this territory.

        Greece is one of the richest countries in Europe in terms of vegetation. In Greece, orange and olive trees grow right on the streets, which are one of the three main sources of income for Greece after tourism and navigation. The flora is very diverse (there are more than 6 thousand plant species) and varies depending on the height above sea level. Shrubs predominate: they cover 25% of the country’s territory, while forests – only 19%. In ancient times, only a small part of the land was suitable for processing and cultivating crops. In order to get new territories for arable land and gardens, they began to cut down forests covering the slopes of the mountains. Therefore, now only 12% of the country’s territory is occupied by forests. They say that “Greece was eaten by goats.” Indeed, sheep and goats, bred for a long time by the Greeks, ate and trampled the young shoots of trees. Thickets of evergreens – maquis and shiblyak – are widespread here. Freegana thickets are also typical for Greece – low, poorly deciduous prickly shrubs. Many scientists believe that this is a secondary vegetation that formed on the site of oak forests cut down in ancient times. The evergreen Mediterranean vegetation covers the plains and almost all the foothills. Maquis and freegana are the most characteristic of this belt. There are groves of pines, evergreen oaks, cypresses and plane trees. On the peninsula grows mastic pistachio – a deciduous plant. If a notch is made on it, juice will flow – mastic, a transparent varnish is made from it, which is used to cover picturesque paintings.

        The so-called “evergreen belt” mainly consists of cultivated vegetation. Its most typical representative is the olive (olive). It is impossible to imagine Greece without olive groves. The olive branch has long been a symbol of Greek culture, the Greek land. Meanwhile, the olive tree is just as alien here as the Greek tribes. The birthplace of the olive tree is the sultry coast of Phoenicia. The Phoenicians, fearless navigators, were the first to master the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. They brought the bones of an unprecedented plant to Crete. Curiosities were loved in Crete. So next to the palace of Minos, the first olive grove appeared.

        In the coastal lowlands (especially in Central and Northern Greece), most of the land is occupied by cereal fields, as well as cotton and tobacco plantations. On the plains and in the foothill zone, vineyards and orchards of Mediterranean fruit trees are widespread. Pyramid cypresses are often found near settlements. Orchards are often bordered by high natural hedges of agaves and prickly pear, which complete the colorful picture of the cultivated vegetation of the evergreen belt. Evergreen and deciduous forests grow from 120 to 460 m – oak, black spruce, walnut, beech, sumac.

        Next to the “evergreen belt” is a belt of mountain forests and shrubs, in which, with increasing height, cultivated vegetation is increasingly replaced by natural vegetation, evergreen forests and shrubs are replaced by deciduous, and the latter by coniferous, reaching the upper border of the forest, such wild flowers also grow here like anemones and cyclamens. Above the slopes, first deciduous (oak, maple, plane tree, ash, linden, chestnut, beech in the upper part) and then coniferous (fir, pine) forests grow; above 2000 m – subalpine meadows. Greece, like the Balkans in general, abounds in walnuts. They are called the acorns of the gods, and they grow on deciduous trees with a spreading crown up to 30 meters high. Jam is prepared from unripe nuts, mature nuts and nut butter are very healthy and tasty. It is interesting that you can get acquainted with the flora and fauna of Greece not only from popular science sources.

        The amazingly interesting flora and fauna of the Greek island of Corfu is described in the artistic trilogy of the great naturalist Gerald Durrell, who spent five years of his childhood on this wonderful island. The trilogy includes My Family and Other Beasts, Birds, Beasts and Relatives, and The Garden of the Gods, written with unsurpassed humor.

        In Greece, the number of animals has been rapidly decreasing over the past few millennia due to hunting. Also, the flora of this country has become poor. Almost all large mammals were exterminated, if they are found, then only in the mountains on the border with Bulgaria and in Pinda. But there are many small animals in the country.

        Among large animals here you can see a brown bear, a mountain goat living in the mountains, a wolf living in forests. But the red deer here is almost completely exterminated. Of the small animals, there are many rabbits and hares.

        There are hoofed animals – wild boar, fallow deer, wild goat, roe deer. Of the mammals, rodents (mice, voles, gray hamster, dormouse, porcupine), insectivores (moles, shrews, moles) and bats of the southern species can be found in large numbers. There is a great variety of reptiles in Greece: lizards, turtles, snakes. They tolerate the lack of moisture and heat well in summer. For Greece, a typical lizard that lives on the rocks. There are also Peloponnesian, Greek sharp-headed, Ionic and green lizards, considered the largest in Europe. Of the turtles, such a species as the land Greek prevails. She lives in the woodlands.

        The most common snakes are snakes, snakes, horned vipers.

        Greece is inhabited by many predators such as: jackal, fox, wild cat, European bear, wild boar, lynx, badger, stone marten. In this country, there are animals that are exterminated by man and are on the verge of extinction. They were listed in the Red Book. Some of these animals are the monk seal and the Mediterranean sea turtle.

        The world of birds in Greece is very diverse and numerous. Here live wild ducks, hoopoes with bright plumage, pigeons, stock doves and wood pigeons, quails, mountain and gray partridges, kingfishers, rollers. Birds of prey are represented by black vultures, falcons, eagles, kites, and also the most typical representatives of the world of birds for Greece and the Mediterranean are owls. Seagulls are found on the coasts.

        Greece is characterized by such species of birds as stork, curly pelican, long-nosed cormorant. The detachment of passerines is numerous – canary finch, stone sparrow, Greek swallow. There are a large number of mollusks (snails) in the country. In Crete alone, there are 120 species of mollusks, 77 of them are characteristic only for this country.

        Flora of Greece

        The soil and vegetation cover is characterized by altitudinal zonality. The vegetation of Greece is very diverse (there are more than 6 thousand plant species) and varies depending on the height above sea level. Shrubs predominate: they cover 25% of the country’s territory, while forests – only 19%.

        Thickets of evergreens – maquis and shiblyak – are widespread here. Freegana thickets are also typical for Greece – low, poorly deciduous prickly shrubs. Many scientists believe that this is a secondary vegetation that formed on the site of oak forests cut down in ancient times.

        Evergreen Mediterranean vegetation covers the plains and almost all the foothills. Maquis and freegana are the most characteristic of this belt. There are groves of pines, evergreen oaks, cypresses and plane trees. Mastic pistachio, a deciduous plant, grows on the peninsula. If you make a notch on it, juice will flow – mastic, a transparent varnish is made from it, which is used to cover picturesque paintings.

        The so-called “evergreen belt” mainly consists of cultivated vegetation. Its most typical representative is the olive tree. It is impossible to imagine Greece without olive groves. The olive branch has long been a symbol of Greek culture, the Greek land.

        In the coastal lowlands (especially in Central and Northern Greece), most of the land is occupied by cereal fields, as well as cotton and tobacco plantations. On the plains and in the foothill zone, vineyards and orchards of Mediterranean fruit trees are widespread. Pyramid cypresses are often found near settlements. Orchards are often bordered by high natural hedges of agaves and prickly pear, which complete the colorful picture of the cultivated vegetation of the evergreen belt.

        Evergreen and deciduous forests grow at an altitude of 120 to 460 meters – oak, black spruce, walnut, beech, sumac. Above is a belt of mountain forests and shrubs, in which, with increasing height, cultivated vegetation is increasingly replaced by natural vegetation, evergreen forests and shrubs are replaced by deciduous, and the latter by conifers, reaching the upper border of the forest, and wild flowers such as anemones and cyclamens grow here. Above 2000 meters – subalpine meadows.

        Greece, like the Balkans as a whole, abounds in walnuts. They are called the acorns of the gods, and they grow on deciduous trees with a spreading crown up to 30 meters high. Jam is prepared from unripe nuts, mature nuts and nut butter are very healthy and tasty.

        Wildlife of Greece.

        The animal world is poor in mammals, especially large ones, which were exterminated by man for several millennia. The red deer is almost exterminated, but small animals such as rabbits and hares are common. Larger animals are still found in the mountains: the mountain goat and brown bear are found in Pinda and the mountains along the border with Bulgaria, and the wolf is found in more remote forest areas.

        Also among the predators in Greece you can see a wild cat, a fox, a jackal, a stone marten, a badger, a wild boar, a European bear, a lynx. Of the ungulates, there are the Cretan wild goat, fallow deer, roe deer, and wild boar. On the territory of Greece, there are many animals listed in the Red Book, among them: the Mediterranean sea turtle, the monk seal.

        The world of birds is also diverse. Quail, wild ducks, wood pigeons and stockheads, gray and especially mountain partridges, brightly feathered hoopoes, rollers, kingfishers, and from predatory kites, black vultures, eagles, falcons, owls are the most typical representatives of the bird fauna of Greece and the entire Mediterranean. There are numerous flocks of seagulls on the sea coasts.

        The long-nosed cormorant, Dalmatian pelican, and stork are also characteristic of Greece. The southern green woodpecker, mountain bunting lives in the forests.

        is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and on the adjacent 2000 islands of the Mediterranean, Aegean and Ionian Seas, which account for almost 20% of its territory and of which only 166 are inhabited. By land, Greece borders on Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey. From the west to the east of the Aegean Sea stretches a chain of islands – the Cyclades, and from north to south along the coast of Asia Minor – the Sporades (Dodecanese). In the south, the Aegean Sea, as it were, closes with Crete, the largest island of Greece. Along the western coast are the Ionian Islands.

        The country is named after the ethnonym of the people – the Greeks.

        Official name:

        Hellenic Republic



        Territory area:

        132 thousand sq. m. km

        Total population:

        11.3 million people

        Administrative division:

        51 nom (prefecture), which are divided into 264 dimas (districts), and a special administrative unit – the area of ​​the Holy Mountain – Athos.

        Form of government:


        Head of State:


        Composition of the population:

        93% – Greeks, 7% – Turks, Albanians, Bulgarians, Macedonians and Armenians.

        State language:



        98% – Greek Orthodox. Meet – Muslims, Catholics and Protestants.

        Internet domain:


        Mains voltage:

        ~230V, 50Hz

        Country code:


        Country barcode:



        The climate of Greece is subtropical Mediterranean. It differs somewhat across the country. In the northern half of Greece, the coldest months are January and February. At this time, at night, the air temperature drops to weakly positive values ​​(+1 … +3), and in some years to slightly negative values ​​\u200b\u200b(0 … -2), in the daytime it is 8 . .. 10 degrees .

        The warmest time of the year is July and August. Even at night in these months, the temperature never falls below +20; during the day, it often crosses the thirty-degree mark. The rainiest period in the north of the country lasts from November to January. At this time, the number of days with precipitation ranges from 10 to 12 days per month. The driest period: from July to September (monthly number of days with precipitation from 3 to 5).

        The climate of the plains and foothills of the central part of Greece is practically the same as in the north. But in the mountainous regions that occupy most of the territory, the temperature is much lower, and some mountain peaks are covered with snow all year round.

        In the south of Greece, the coldest months are January and February, when at night the air temperature is about +6o, during the day 12…13o. The hottest time is July. In it at night its value is 22 … 23 degrees, in the daytime on average + 30 . .. + 33 degrees. The maximum number of days with precipitation falls on November – January (the number of days with precipitation during the month is 12-16), the driest period is from June to September (the number of days with precipitation during the month is 2-4).

        On the islands, temperatures are warmer at night and the heat of the day is moderated by cool sea breezes. The coldest time of the year is from December to March. At night at this time it is from 5 to 8 degrees, in the daytime 11 … 16 degrees. The warmest time of the year is from June to September, when at night the temperature is 21…22, in the daytime 27…30 degrees. The wettest time is from December to February (the number of days with precipitation in each of the months is 9-12), the driest is from June to September (for the entire month of this period, not a drop of rain may fall).

        The swimming season starts in May, when the water temperature during the month rises from +17 to +19. In summer (from June to August) it is 20. ..25 degrees, in September and October 21…23 degrees. During the rest of the year, the water temperature off the coast of Greece is never below +15 degrees.


        Greece occupies the southeastern and southern parts of the Balkan Peninsula, as well as a number of islands, which account for one fifth of the territory. The largest islands are Crete, Rhodes, Lesbos, Euboea. Greece’s neighbors in the north are Macedonia and Bulgaria, in the northwest – Albania, in the northeast – Turkey. From the south, the country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, from the west – by the Ionian, from the east – by the Aegean.

        On the northern coast of the Aegean Sea, called Thrace, there are the southern spurs of the Rhodope Mountains. The central part of mainland Greece is occupied by the Pindus mountain range, the highest point of which is Mount Olympus, the home of the ancient mythological gods. Olympus rises to a height of 2917 m. On the peninsulas, the mountains are rocky, but in some places they recede inland, giving way to flat areas. The relief of numerous islands is also mountainous. The largest plains of Greece, Thessaly and Thessaloniki, are located along the coast of the Aegean Sea.

        The rivers of Greece are small in length. Basically, they flow along faults in the mountains, therefore they have a fast current. The main rivers are Arakhtos, Aheeloos, Alyakmon, Pinhos and Sperchios (mainland), Alfios and Evrotas (Peloponnese), Aksios (Vardar), Strymon (Struma) and Nestos (Mesta) (Macedonia and Thrace). In Greece, there are many lakes of karst origin, there are also mineral springs. The area of ​​Greece is 132 thousand sq. km.

        Plant and animal life

        Plant world

        The vegetation of Greece is very diverse (there are more than 6 thousand plant species) and varies depending on the height above sea level. Shrubs predominate: they cover 25% of the country’s territory, while forests – only 19%. In ancient times, only a small part of the land was suitable for processing and cultivating crops. In order to get new territories for arable land and gardens, they began to cut down forests covering the slopes of the mountains. Therefore, now only 12% of the country’s territory is occupied by forests.

        It is said that “Greece was eaten by goats”. Indeed, sheep and goats, bred for a long time by the Greeks, ate and trampled the young shoots of trees. Thickets of evergreens – maquis and shiblyak – are widespread here. Freegana thickets are also typical for Greece – low, poorly deciduous prickly shrubs. Many scientists believe that this is a secondary vegetation that formed on the site of oak forests cut down in ancient times.

        Evergreen Mediterranean vegetation covers the plains and almost all the foothills. Maquis and freegana are the most characteristic of this belt. There are groves of pines, evergreen oaks, cypresses and plane trees. Mastic pistachio, a deciduous plant, grows on the peninsula. If you make a notch on it, juice will flow – mastic, a transparent varnish is made from the dog, which is used to cover picturesque paintings.

        The so-called “evergreen belt” mainly consists of cultivated vegetation. Its most typical representative is the olive tree. It is impossible to imagine Greece without olive groves. The olive branch has long been a symbol of Greek culture, the Greek land. Meanwhile, the olive tree is just as alien here as the Greek tribes. The birthplace of the olive tree is the sultry coast of Phoenicia. The Phoenicians, fearless navigators, were the first to master the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. They brought the bones of an unprecedented plant to Crete. Curiosities were loved in Crete. So next to the palace of Minos, the first olive grove appeared.

        In the coastal lowlands (especially in Central and Northern Greece), most of the land is occupied by cereal fields, as well as cotton and tobacco plantations. On the plains and in the foothill zone, vineyards and orchards of Mediterranean fruit trees are widespread. Pyramid cypresses are often found near settlements. Orchards are often bordered by high natural hedges of agaves and prickly pear, which complete the colorful picture of the cultivated vegetation of the evergreen belt.

        Evergreen and deciduous forests grow from 120 to 460 m – oak, black spruce, walnut, beech, sumac. Following the “evergreen belt” is a belt of mountain forests and shrubs, in which, with increasing height, cultivated vegetation is increasingly replaced by natural, evergreen forests and shrubs are replaced by deciduous, and the latter by conifers, reaching the upper border of the forest, and wild flowers such as anemones and cyclamens.

        Above the slopes grow first deciduous (oak, maple, sycamore, ash, linden, chestnut, beech in the upper part), and then coniferous (fir, pine) forests; above 2000 m – subalpine meadows.

        Greece, like the Balkans as a whole, abounds in walnuts. They are called the acorns of the gods, and they grow on deciduous trees with a spreading crown up to 30 meters high. Jam is prepared from unripe nuts, mature nuts and nut butter are very healthy and tasty.

        Animal world

        There is little natural vegetation in Greece, the country’s fauna is poor in mammals, especially large ones, which were exterminated by man over several millennia. The red deer is almost exterminated, but small animals such as rabbits and hares are common. Larger animals are still found in the mountains: the mountain goat and brown bear are found in Pinda and the mountains along the border with Bulgaria, and the wolf is found in more remote forest areas.

        Also among predators in Greece you can see a wild cat, a fox, a jackal, a stone marten, a badger, a wild boar, a European bear, a lynx. Of the ungulates, there are the Cretan wild goat, fallow deer, roe deer, and wild boar. On the territory of Greece, there are many animals listed in the Red Book, among them: the Mediterranean sea turtle, the monk seal.

        The most numerous mammals are rodents (porcupine, gray hamster, mice, dormouse, voles, etc.), southern species of bats and insectivores – shrews, hedgehogs, moles. In Greece, a variety of reptiles – turtles, lizards, snakes. They easily tolerate heat and lack of moisture in the dry summer season. The wooded areas are home to the Greek tortoise, the most common tortoise species in the country. Of the numerous lizards, the most typical of Greece are rocky, or wall, Greek sharp-headed, Peloponnesian, Ionic and the largest in Europe – green. Among snakes, snakes, snakes, horned vipers are especially common.

        The world of birds is also diverse. Quail, wild ducks, wood pigeons and stockheads, gray and especially mountain partridges, brightly feathered hoopoes, rollers, kingfishers, and predatory kites, black vultures, eagles, falcons, owls are the most typical representatives of the bird fauna of Greece and the entire Mediterranean. There are numerous flocks of seagulls on the sea coasts.

        The long-nosed cormorant, Dalmatian pelican, and stork are also characteristic of Greece. The southern green woodpecker, mountain bunting lives in the forests. Representatives of the passerine order are typical for the country – stone sparrow, canary finch, Greek swallow. There are also many types of terrestrial mollusks (snails). So, in Crete there are 120 species of mollusks, of which 77 are peculiar only to this territory.


        • Acropolis of Athens
        • Thessaloniki White Tower
        • Mount Olympus
        • Sunken City Olus
        • Castle of the Knights of St. John
        • Palace of Knossos
        • Minotaur Labyrinth
        • Lake Voulismeni
        • Statue of Zeus at Olympia
        • Theater of Dionysus
        • Samaria Gorge
        • Temple at Delphi

        Banks and currency

        Since 2002, a new currency has been introduced in Greece – the euro. Only euros and credit cards are accepted everywhere. Euros can be easily bought at exchange offices, including at a hotel, and exchanged back into dollars when leaving the country. Banknotes of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros and coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents are used. There are 100 cents in one euro. There is no “black market” for currency exchange.

        Fur shops often accept US dollars for payment.

        The working day of Greek banks is very short – from 8:00 to 13:00, at the latest – until 14:00. Exchange offices work until 20.00 even on weekends, but from 1 to 2% is charged for the exchange operation. There are many ATMs in the country that accept Visa, MasterCard, etc. Traveler’s checks are also widely used.

        Useful information for tourists

        In restaurants, taverns and cafes, it is customary to tip 5-10% of the total order. To pay, it is not necessary to wait for the waiter – you can simply leave the money on the plate on which the bill was brought.

        There is only one strict ban: when visiting the monasteries, you can not wear shorts, T-shirts, and women – trousers and miniskirts. However, it is not necessary to wear hats. In many monasteries there is a small room in front of the entrance where long skirts and loose trousers hang, which you can put on if your clothes are too frivolous.

        Greece is a country unique in every sense. Just think, it consists of three parts – mainland, island and western Asia Minor near the sea.

        Flora and fauna of Greece are extremely diverse, many species of plants and animals can be seen here and only here. There are even rare species listed in the Red Book … So, now about everything in order.

        The Greek peninsula is located in the southeast of the European continent at the very Asian border and covers an area of ​​ 131 944 square kilometers
        90,966 (including 25,000 square meters of islands).

        Greek territory covers: the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula, as well as the islands of the Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean Seas.

        Part of the country, located on the mainland, washed by the seas on three sides, the length of the coastline is 4100 kilometers
        (and if you take into account the islands, then about 15,000 kilometers).

        Approximately a thousand islands are part of this state – and this is about 20 percent of the entire territory of Greece.

        Albania and Bulgaria are neighboring countries of Greece in the north, in the east the state borders on Turkey. The western shores are washed by the Ionian Sea, the eastern – by the Aegean, and the southern – by the Mediterranean.

        The largest islands are:

        Greece is located at the crossroads of trade routes, which has always brought economic benefits to the country. The indented coastline with a large number of bays and bays created natural ship harbors.

        Flora of Greece

        Without exaggeration, Greece can be called a real treasury of the most diverse plants – there are more than 6 thousand of them.

        And this despite the fact that 750 species
        of them can be found exclusively in Greek territory.

        Europe’s richest country in terms of flora will welcome you with olive and orange trees that spread their fragrant branches right on the streets!

        Incidentally, the fruits of these trees are one of the main sources of income for Greece, along with tourism and navigation.

        Species diversity of the Greek flora is in direct proportion to the height above sea level and is represented mainly by shrubs – 25 percent
        territory of the country, less forests – only 19 percent

        Goats ate Greece

        Ancient Greece could not boast of fertile lands, therefore, in order to obtain new territories for the cultivation of crops, forests that densely covered the mountain slopes had to be cut down.

        It is for this reason that now only no more than 12 percent of the territory of Greece is occupied by forests.

        Many people have heard the expression “Greece was eaten by goats”, but, perhaps, not everyone will be able to explain what it is connected with. The fact is that the Greeks from ancient times bred sheep and goats, which trampled and chewed young shoots of trees with pleasure.

        See also:
        How to buy property in Athens – recommendations, legal nuances and prices

        Deciduous and evergreen trees

        In Greece, evergreen maquis and shibleka, as well as thorny semi-shrubs – freegans, are very common.

        According to scientists, this vegetation was formed on the site of oak forests, which were cut down in ancient times. The plains and foothills are also covered with Mediterranean evergreen vegetation.

        There are oak, cypress, sycamore and pine groves here. There is also a wonderful leafy plant – mastic pistachio, from the juice of which they make a transparent varnish that serves as a coating for picturesque paintings.

        Coniferous belt

        The “evergreen belt” is represented mainly by cultivated vegetation, and here the dominant role, no doubt, belongs to the olive.

        The olive branch is the epitome of Greek culture, although Phoenicia is actually its homeland. It was the brave Phoenician sailors who brought the bones of an outlandish plant to Crete.

        This is how the first olive grove arose near the palace of Minos.

        The coastal lowlands of Greece are occupied by tobacco and cotton plantations, as well as cereal fields. In the foothill zone and on the plains, gardens of Mediterranean fruit trees and the gifts of the god Dionysus – vineyards are widespread.

        You can often see pyramidal cypresses near the settlements. Orchards are surrounded by natural hedges of prickly pear and agave. Coniferous and deciduous forests – black spruce, beech, oak, sumac and walnut – grow from 120 to 460 meters.

        Belt of mountain forests and shrubs

        Next comes the belt of mountain forests and shrubs, it shows the following trend: as the height increases, the cultivated vegetation is replaced by natural, coniferous forests and shrubs – deciduous, and deciduous – evergreen.

        There are wild flowers here – cyclamens and anemones.

        A very unusual jam is made from unripe fruits, and ripe nuts and nut butter are extremely tasty and healthy.

        Mammals in the fauna of Greece are not so common, especially large ones, because man exterminated them for several millennia in a row.

        The red deer is almost completely exterminated.

        In Pinda and the mountains along the border with Bulgaria, the brown bear and the mountain goat are still found, and even the wolf lives in the forests.

        Kindercare mn locations: Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Twin Cities, MN

        Опубликовано: December 2, 2022 в 11:48 pm


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        Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Twin Cities, MN

        KinderCare has partnered with Twin Cities families for more than 50 years to provide award-winning early education programs and high-quality childcare in Twin Cities, MN.

        Whether you are looking for a preschool in Twin Cities, a trusted part-time or full-time daycare provider, or educational before- or after-school programs, KinderCare offers fun and learning at an affordable price.

        1. University KinderCare

          (612) 623-4642

          525 Huron Blvd SE

          Distance from address: 2.49 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        2. Roseville KinderCare

          (651) 631-0735

          2186 Fairview Ave N

          Distance from address: 4. 95 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        3. West St. Paul KinderCare

          (651) 451-2772

          1541 Humboldt Ave
          West Saint Paul

          Distance from address: 6.24 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 8 years

          Tuition & Openings

        4. Southwest KinderCare

          (612) 922-6727

          3708 W 44th St

          Distance from address: 6. 25 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        5. Cedar KinderCare

          (952) 854-5905

          8800 Old Cedar Ave S

          Distance from address: 6.83 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        6. St.

          Louis Park KinderCare

          (952) 920-8548

          4732 Excelsior Blvd
          Saint Louis Park

          Distance from address: 6.90 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        7. Rice KinderCare

          (651) 490-1403

          181 County Road B2 W

          Distance from address: 6. 98 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        8. Eagan North KinderCare

          (651) 452-7884

          1101 Town Centre Dr

          Distance from address: 7.76 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        9. Eagan Krestwood KinderCare

          (651) 681-1968

          3620 Krestwood Ln

          Distance from address: 7. 87 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        10. Lexington Avenue KinderCare

          (651) 482-7689

          3420 Lexington Ave N

          Distance from address: 7.89 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        11. Hopkins KinderCare

          (952) 935-4410

          101 Blake Rd N

          Distance from address: 9. 00 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        12. Bloomington KinderCare

          (952) 835-4955

          8950 France Ave S

          Distance from address: 9.09 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        13. Fridley KinderCare

          (763) 572-1323

          5310 Monroe St NE

          Distance from address: 9. 16 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        14. East St. Paul KinderCare

          (651) 731-1815

          2070 Burns Ave
          Saint Paul

          Distance from address: 9.22 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 8 years

          Tuition & Openings

        15. Eagan Knowledge Beginnings

          (651) 994-4588

          4155 Lexington Ave S

          Distance from address: 9. 49 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        16. Robbinsdale KinderCare

          (763) 535-4300

          4012 Adair Ave N

          Distance from address: 9.83 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        17. Arden Hills KinderCare

          (651) 631-8728

          4545 Hamline Ave N
          Arden Hills

          Distance from address: 9. 97 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        18. Brookdale KinderCare

          (763) 561-7013

          6020 Earle Brown Dr
          Brooklyn Center

          Distance from address: 10.06 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        19. Eagan Cliff Road KinderCare

          (651) 452-1616

          1865 Plaza Dr

          Distance from address: 10. 24 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        20. Shoreview KinderCare

          (651) 482-9598

          4650 Hodgson Rd

          Distance from address: 10.79 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        21. Carver Lake KinderCare

          (651) 714-1078

          6435 Lake Road Ter

          Distance from address: 11. 00 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        22. Maplewood KinderCare

          (651) 777-5133

          1925 County Road D E

          Distance from address: 11.14 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        23. Maplewood KinderCare II

          (651) 770-1239

          2036 County Road D E

          Distance from address: 11. 35 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 7 years

          Tuition & Openings

        24. Oak Grove Knowledge Beginnings

          (651) 765-0555

          570 Oak Grove Pwy
          Vadnais Heights

          Distance from address: 11.43 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        25. Oakdale KinderCare

          (651) 735-3711

          7380 10th St N

          Distance from address: 11. 83 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 8 years

          Tuition & Openings

        26. County Road KinderCare

          (763) 553-7775

          4475 Highway 169 N

          Distance from address: 11.97 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        27. Meadowlands KinderCare

          (651) 429-6316

          1000 Meadowlands Dr
          White Bear Lake

          Distance from address: 11. 99 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        28. MoundsView KinderCare

          (763) 780-4304

          2791 Mounds View Blvd
          Mounds View

          Distance from address: 12.04 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        29. Burnsville KinderCare

          (952) 891-3800

          1888 E 134th St

          Distance from address: 12. 32 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        30. Rhode Island KinderCare

          (952) 941-7817

          10801 Rhode Island Ave S

          Distance from address: 12.59 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        31. East Ridge KinderCare

          (651) 461-7160

          4025 Benjamin Dr

          Distance from address: 12. 60 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        32. Eden Prairie KinderCare North

          (952) 934-5634

          13033 Valley View Rd
          Eden Prairie

          Distance from address: 12.80 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        33. Woodbury Knowledge Beginnings

          (651) 739-1399

          8445 Seasons Pwy

          Distance from address: 12. 90 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        34. City Centre KinderCare

          (651) 735-0037

          8425 City Centre Dr

          Distance from address: 13.07 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        35. Eden Prairie KinderCare Aztec

          (952) 944-3801

          8825 Aztec Dr
          Eden Prairie

          Distance from address: 13. 28 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        36. Brooklyn Blvd. KinderCare

          (763) 560-5534

          7660 Kentucky Ave N
          Brooklyn Park

          Distance from address: 13.64 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        37. Apple Valley KinderCare

          (952) 431-3511

          7691 145th St W
          Apple Valley

          Distance from address: 13. 71 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        38. Brooklyn Park KinderCare

          (763) 425-1126

          7924 Brooklyn Blvd
          Brooklyn Park

          Distance from address: 13.74 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        39. Shannon Park KinderCare

          (651) 322-1998

          15080 Shannon Pkwy

          Distance from address: 14. 58 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        40. Maple Grove KinderCare

          (763) 553-7852

          6270 Sycamore Ln N
          Maple Grove

          Distance from address: 14.85 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        41. Rockford Road KinderCare

          (763) 694-0769

          15755 Rockford Rd

          Distance from address: 14. 96 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        42. Excelsior KinderCare

          (952) 474-9592

          17701 Excelsior Blvd

          Distance from address: 15.00 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Avenue North, MN

        KinderCare has partnered with Avenue North families for more than 50 years to provide award-winning early education programs and high-quality childcare in Avenue North, MN.

        Whether you are looking for a preschool in Avenue North, a trusted part-time or full-time daycare provider, or educational before- or after-school programs, KinderCare offers fun and learning at an affordable price.

        1. Oakdale KinderCare

          (651) 735-3711

          7380 10th St N

          Distance from address: 1.90 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 8 years

          Tuition & Openings

        2. Maplewood KinderCare II

          (651) 770-1239

          2036 County Road D E

          Distance from address: 1. 93 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 7 years

          Tuition & Openings

        3. Maplewood KinderCare

          (651) 777-5133

          1925 County Road D E

          Distance from address: 2.17 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        4. East St.

          Paul KinderCare

          (651) 731-1815

          2070 Burns Ave
          Saint Paul

          Distance from address: 4.55 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 8 years

          Tuition & Openings

        5. Rice KinderCare

          (651) 490-1403

          181 County Road B2 W

          Distance from address: 5. 66 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        6. Meadowlands KinderCare

          (651) 429-6316

          1000 Meadowlands Dr
          White Bear Lake

          Distance from address: 5.75 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        7. Woodbury Knowledge Beginnings

          (651) 739-1399

          8445 Seasons Pwy

          Distance from address: 6. 00 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        8. Oak Grove Knowledge Beginnings

          (651) 765-0555

          570 Oak Grove Pwy
          Vadnais Heights

          Distance from address: 6.26 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        9. City Centre KinderCare

          (651) 735-0037

          8425 City Centre Dr

          Distance from address: 6. 89 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        10. Carver Lake KinderCare

          (651) 714-1078

          6435 Lake Road Ter

          Distance from address: 6.91 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        11. Shoreview KinderCare

          (651) 482-9598

          4650 Hodgson Rd

          Distance from address: 7. 82 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        12. Lexington Avenue KinderCare

          (651) 482-7689

          3420 Lexington Ave N

          Distance from address: 7.86 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        13. East Ridge KinderCare

          (651) 461-7160

          4025 Benjamin Dr

          Distance from address: 8. 67 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        14. Roseville KinderCare

          (651) 631-0735

          2186 Fairview Ave N

          Distance from address: 9.03 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        15. West St.

          Paul KinderCare

          (651) 451-2772

          1541 Humboldt Ave
          West Saint Paul

          Distance from address: 9.04 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 8 years

          Tuition & Openings

        16. Arden Hills KinderCare

          (651) 631-8728

          4545 Hamline Ave N
          Arden Hills

          Distance from address: 9. 32 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        17. University KinderCare

          (612) 623-4642

          525 Huron Blvd SE

          Distance from address: 11.63 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        18. MoundsView KinderCare

          (763) 780-4304

          2791 Mounds View Blvd
          Mounds View

          Distance from address: 12. 99 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        19. Fridley KinderCare

          (763) 572-1323

          5310 Monroe St NE

          Distance from address: 13.27 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        20. Cottage Grove KinderCare

          (651) 458-1781

          8453 E Point Douglas Rd S
          Cottage Grove

          Distance from address: 13. 83 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        21. Hudson KinderCare

          (715) 386-6672

          2600 Center Dr

          Distance from address: 13.85 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        22. Eagan North KinderCare

          (651) 452-7884

          1101 Town Centre Dr

          Distance from address: 14. 63 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        23. Armatage KinderCare

          (763) 784-8789

          12312 Fraizer Street NE

          Distance from address: 14.97 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        Daycare, Preschool & Child Care Centers in Mounds View, MN

        KinderCare has partnered with Mounds View families for more than 50 years to provide award-winning early education programs and high-quality childcare in Mounds View, MN.

        Whether you are looking for a preschool in Mounds View, a trusted part-time or full-time daycare provider, or educational before- or after-school programs, KinderCare offers fun and learning at an affordable price.

        1. MoundsView KinderCare

          (763) 780-4304

          2791 Mounds View Blvd
          Mounds View

          Distance from address: 0.64 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        2. Arden Hills KinderCare

          (651) 631-8728

          4545 Hamline Ave N
          Arden Hills

          Distance from address: 3. 06 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        3. Fridley KinderCare

          (763) 572-1323

          5310 Monroe St NE

          Distance from address: 3.53 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        4. Shoreview KinderCare

          (651) 482-9598

          4650 Hodgson Rd

          Distance from address: 4. 69 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        5. Blaine KinderCare

          (763) 757-8893

          10851 Jefferson St NE

          Distance from address: 4.90 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        6. University Avenue KinderCare

          (763) 755-9067

          10790 University Ave NW
          Coon Rapids

          Distance from address: 5. 08 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        7. Lexington Avenue KinderCare

          (651) 482-7689

          3420 Lexington Ave N

          Distance from address: 5.16 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        8. Brookdale KinderCare

          (763) 561-7013

          6020 Earle Brown Dr
          Brooklyn Center

          Distance from address: 5. 33 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        9. Armatage KinderCare

          (763) 784-8789

          12312 Fraizer Street NE

          Distance from address: 6.47 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        10. Oak Grove Knowledge Beginnings

          (651) 765-0555

          570 Oak Grove Pwy
          Vadnais Heights

          Distance from address: 6. 56 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        11. Roseville KinderCare

          (651) 631-0735

          2186 Fairview Ave N

          Distance from address: 6.95 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        12. Meadowlands KinderCare

          (651) 429-6316

          1000 Meadowlands Dr
          White Bear Lake

          Distance from address: 7. 41 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        13. Hanson Blvd KinderCare

          (763) 754-5522

          1755 121st Ave NW
          Coon Rapids

          Distance from address: 7.73 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        14. Brooklyn Blvd.


          (763) 560-5534

          7660 Kentucky Ave N
          Brooklyn Park

          Distance from address: 7.96 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        15. Rice KinderCare

          (651) 490-1403

          181 County Road B2 W

          Distance from address: 7. 98 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        16. Brooklyn Park KinderCare

          (763) 425-1126

          7924 Brooklyn Blvd
          Brooklyn Park

          Distance from address: 8.04 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        17. Robbinsdale KinderCare

          (763) 535-4300

          4012 Adair Ave N

          Distance from address: 8. 94 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        18. University KinderCare

          (612) 623-4642

          525 Huron Blvd SE

          Distance from address: 9.34 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        19. Marketplace KinderCare

          (763) 421-9580

          11544 Theatre Drive

          Distance from address: 9. 86 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        20. Maplewood KinderCare

          (651) 777-5133

          1925 County Road D E

          Distance from address: 10.32 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        21. Champlin KinderCare

          (763) 323-8300

          202 Hayden Lake Rd E

          Distance from address: 10. 53 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        22. County Road KinderCare

          (763) 553-7775

          4475 Highway 169 N

          Distance from address: 10.57 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        23. Maplewood KinderCare II

          (651) 770-1239

          2036 County Road D E

          Distance from address: 10. 63 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 7 years

          Tuition & Openings

        24. Maple Grove KinderCare

          (763) 553-7852

          6270 Sycamore Ln N
          Maple Grove

          Distance from address: 11.70 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

          Tuition & Openings

        25. Bunker Lake KinderCare

          (763) 576-9586

          14100 Saint Francis Blvd

          Distance from address: 12. 49 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years

          Tuition & Openings

        26. St. Louis Park KinderCare

          (952) 920-8548

          4732 Excelsior Blvd
          Saint Louis Park

          Distance from address: 13.55 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        27. Southwest KinderCare

          (612) 922-6727

          3708 W 44th St

          Distance from address: 13. 85 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years

          Tuition & Openings

        28. Oakdale KinderCare

          (651) 735-3711

          7380 10th St N

          Distance from address: 14.10 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 8 years

          Tuition & Openings

        29. Rockford Road KinderCare

          (763) 694-0769

          15755 Rockford Rd

          Distance from address: 14. 31 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years

          Tuition & Openings

        30. East St. Paul KinderCare

          (651) 731-1815

          2070 Burns Ave
          Saint Paul

          Distance from address: 14.43 miles

          Ages: 6 weeks to 8 years

          Tuition & Openings

        GBDOU Kindergarten No.

        49 of the combined type of the Central District of St. Petersburg. Vacancies for admission (transfer) of students

        DEAR PARENTS (legal representatives)!

        We inform you that the recruitment of preschool educational institutions for the 2022-2023 academic year was carried out from February 1 to June 30, 2022.

        Enrollment period for children registered at the place of residence or place of stay in St. Petersburg:

        – having an extraordinary or priority right to enroll in an educational organization, from February 1 to March 1, 2022 ;

        – registered for transfer from an educational organization of one district of St. Petersburg to an educational organization of another district of St. Petersburg, from the list of “waiting lists” and received variable forms of preschool education temporarily, from March 1 to April 1, 2022;

        – registered and registered for transfer from one educational organization to another in one district of St. Petersburg, including groups of compensatory and health-improving orientations, from April 1, 2022;

        in the period May-June 2022 applications for children registered in St. Petersburg, not eligible categories of citizens, in accordance with the date of application.

        Registered children who are not registered at their place of residence or place of stay in St. Petersburg receive referrals to an educational organization during the recruitment period if there are vacancies from September 1, 2022.

        Recruitment of groups of compensatory, health-improving orientations is carried out on the basis of conclusions issued by the PMPK.

        Referrals for PMPK can be obtained daily from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00, except Saturdays and Sundays, at the Razvitie PPMS Center, at the address: st. Ochakovskaya, 2a.

        Also, the necessary documents are available on the website of the PPMS Center “Razvitie” razvitie. for independent download and filling in by parents (legal representatives).

        PLEASE NOTE!

        Referrals to a preschool educational institution and notifications about the offer of a place in another preschool institution or a variable form (short stay group) are sent to the applicant’s “Personal Account” on the Public Services Portal or to the MFC using the feedback method specified in the application..

        To transfer to another preschool institution in the Central District or another district of St. Petersburg, you must submit an application electronically in the same way that you put the child on the waiting list (MFC or the Public Services Portal).

        Reception of the Commission for the recruitment of preschool educational institutions of the Central District of St. Petersburg is carried out according to the schedule:

        1, 3, 5 Tuesday of the month from 10.00 to 13.00, 2, 4 Tuesday of the month from 15. 00 to 18.00, every Thursday from 10.00 to 13.00 (Nevsky prospect house 176).

        Questions about the order of recruitment can be asked by e-mail:

        [email protected] or by calling the Hotline

        Commission for recruitment +7 994 419 22 71

        Rules for the personal reception of citizens by the department of education by appointment until the lifting of restrictive measures state authorities, local governments and organizations with the participation of the state, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated March 16, 2020, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated March 13, 2020 No. novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) reception of citizens is carried out by appointment.

        Appointment to the Recruitment Commission is made before the expected day of admission on working days from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00 by phone: 417-46-54 or +7 994 419 22 71.

        In order to prevent the spread of infection, citizens registered for an appointment with the education department will be allowed into the administration building no earlier than 10 minutes before the time set by the appointment.

        Please note:

        Registration of citizens to the head of the department of education is carried out only after visiting a specialist in the competence of the issue.

        Only the legal representatives of the child are registered for the appointment.

        When visiting the education department, you must present an identity document. Only registered persons will be allowed to attend. When visiting the education department, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment for hands and respiratory organs – gloves / antiseptic and masks, which are strictly prohibited to be removed while staying in the education department (Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated March 13, 2020 No. 121). The availability of personal protective equipment is provided by citizens independently.

        We recommend that you do not endanger the health of children and refrain from visiting the education department with children until restrictive measures are lifted.

        Primary registration of future pupils

        To register in the unified district electronic list of names of children in need of a place in an educational institution of the Central District of St. Petersburg or to the Portal of State and Municipal Services of St. Petersburg

        Electronic registration for kindergarten

        Dear parents!

        You can register a child (queue):

        Through the Internet portal of public services of the Russian Federation.

        – At any office of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in the city of Stavropol (MFC):

        – Mira street, 282 a;

        – Golenev street, 21;

        – Vasilyev street, 49;

        – 50 let VLKSM street, 8a/1-2;

        – Tukhachevsky street, 16 B.

        MFC office hours :

        Monday 08:00-20:00
        Tuesday 08:00-18:00
        Wednesday 08:00-18:00
        Thursday 08:00-18:00
        Friday 08:00-18:00
        Saturday 08:00-13:00
        Sunday Day off

        The following documents must be submitted to register a child:

        – passport of one of the parents (legal representatives) of the child;

        – birth certificate of the child;

        – documents confirming the right at the time of the application of parents (legal representatives) to an extraordinary or priority provision of a place in a preschool organization in accordance with applicable law (if any).


        The following documents are required to apply

        1) Child’s birth certificate

        2) Parent’s passport

        3) Documents confirming the right to benefits

        You need to register on the website and apply online, or in person contact the MKU “MFC in Stavropol” with a package of documents for placing the child on the waiting list for kindergarten.


        When submitting an application, in accordance with regulatory documents, each parent can indicate no more than 3 kindergartens where they want to enroll their child. This is done so that during distribution, if there are not enough places in the priority kindergarten, the system can try to distribute the child to the second priority. If there are no places there, then – in the third. However, if you have chosen one particular kindergarten, then when applying, you can only indicate it. In this case, if there are not enough places in the kindergarten, your application will be postponed until the next year. Application time will remain.


        The queue is formed in accordance with the following algorithm: applications are lined up in the order of submission (the day, hour, minute and even second of submission are fixed). But the applications submitted on preferential terms are distributed among them in the first place. Also, during automatic distribution, the number of free places in a particular kindergarten in the corresponding age groups is taken into account. Therefore, the location of the parent in the queue may change.


        The parent does not have this function, because the principle of queuing does not guarantee you that your place in the queue will remain unchanged until distribution. The fact is that the queue fixes not only the time of application, but also the benefits available to applicants. Preferential applications have priority in distribution, regardless of the time of submission of such an application. You can assess the current situation in terms of the availability of places in the kindergarten you are interested in by studying the section “Select a preschool”.


        In the “Login” section, you need to click on the link “Forgot your password?”, Enter your e-mail in the field that opens, and you will immediately receive an email with a new password.


        If you have previously applied for one child, you do not need to register in the system a second time to apply for a second child. You log in with your old username and password and add a new application in the Applications section. Information about previously submitted applications, as well as about previously registered children, will be stored in your personal account.


        The number that was assigned to your application has nothing to do with your place in the queue. The application number is generated automatically by the system and is only relevant when contacting technical support to resolve technical issues, if any.

        After submitting the application, the child enters the general queue for admission to preschool. Applications are sorted by date of submission, linking preschool to certain addresses (in large cities) and category of child benefits. You can choose to enroll up to 3 preschools in order of preference for enrollment – if the child does not have enough space in the first preschool selected, then the system tries to allocate him to the next one, etc. You can check which preschool the child is currently assigned to in your personal account.

        Vacancies for admission (transfer) of students

        Material Information

        There are no vacancies in full-time groups.

        Vacancies in short stay groups.

        Educational program of preschool education
        Vacancies for admission (transfer) of students as of 10/21/2022

        The number of vacancies for admission (transfer) at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget:


        The number of vacancies for admission (transfer) at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the budgets of the subject of the Russian Federation:

        Number of vacancies for admission (transfer) at the expense of budget allocations from local budgets:

        Number of vacancies for admission (transfer) at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities:

        Information about vacancies is transferred to the Commission for recruitment of the Primorsky district

        The procedure for recruiting pupils

        Kindergarten enrollment procedure: https://rprim. -detskoe-doshkolnoe-uchrezhdenie-20141212-134831

        All relevant information on the work of the education department, as well as on the main issues related to the educational process, is posted on the official website of the administration of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

        Also, on issues of supporting preschool, school education and extracurricular activities, the “Question and Answer” section is available for circulation on the website of the Information and Methodological Center of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg

        Enrollment in a preschool institution >>>

        Decree of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg dated 31.01.2022 No. 167-r “On approval of the procedure for recruiting pupils of state educational institutions implementing the educational program of preschool education, which are under the jurisdiction of the administrations of the districts of St. Petersburg ”

        Recommendations on Ensuring the Right to Preschool Education for Children Arriving from the Territories of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic >>>


        Memo for educators, psychologists and other pedagogical workers of preschool education on working with children arriving from the territories of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic

        Memo for the head of the organization carrying out educational activities on the main general educational programs – educational programs of preschool education, when receiving children arriving

        Useful Links >>>

        • State Budgetary Institution of Additional Education Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg

        Parents (legal representatives) can apply for kindergarten in the following ways:

        • independently filling out the application of the established form on the portal “Public Services in St. Petersburg” Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions that implement the main educational program of preschool education (kindergartens)
        • in the St. Petersburg State Institution “Multifunctional Center for the Provision of Public Services”, structural divisions;
        • apply in person to the permanent district commission for the acquisition of state preschool organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Commission for recruitment) at the appointed time of admission for advice.

        Forms of documents:

        Application for admission

        Application for non-payment of parental fees for childcare and care, compensation of part of the parental fee

        Enrollment/Removal Orders >>>

        Acceptance Order No. 68-B dated 12.10.2022

        Acceptance Order No. 62-B dated 10.06.2022

        Acceptance Order No. 56-B dated 09. 07.2022

        No. .2022

        Acceptance Order No. 40-B dated July 28, 2022

        Acceptance Order No. 39-B dated 07/26/2022

        Acceptance Order No. 38-B dated 07.20.2 Acceptance Order No.

        dated 07/20/2022

        Acceptance order No. 34-B dated 06/29/2022

        Acceptance order No. 31-B dated 06/08/2022

        Acceptance order No. 29-B dated 06/02/2022

        Acceptance order No. 24-B dated 05/06/2022

        Acceptance order No. 23-B dated 04.26.2022

        Acceptance order No. 20-20 .2022

        Acceptance Order No. 18-B of 04/06/2022

        Acceptance Order No. 15-B of 03/24/2022

        Acceptance Order No. 14-B of 03/16/2 Acceptance Order No.

        dated 03/16/2022

        Acceptance order No. 10-B dated 03/03/2022

        Acceptance order No. 9-B dated 02/25/2022

        Admission Order No. 8-B dated 02.25.2022

        Admission Order No. 5-B dated 02.02.2022

        Admission Order No. 4-B dated 01.26.2022

        Enrollment Order No. 0112 . 2021

        Enrollment Order No. 91-B of 11/17/2021

        Enrollment Order No. 88-B of 10/22/2021

        Enrollment Order No. 86-B of 12.10.2021 Enrollment Order No. dated 10/06/2021

        Enrollment order No. 84-B dated 09/28/2021

        Enrollment order No. 83-B dated 09/21.2021

        Enrollment Order No. 81-B dated September 17, 2021

        Enrollment Order No. 80-B dated September 14, 2021

        Enrollment Order No. 78-B dated September 7, 2021 Enrollment Order No. 906-B dated 03.09.2021

        Order of crediting No. 72-B of 08.27.2021

        Order of admission No. 69-in of 08.24.2021

        Order No. 65-B of 18.08.2021

        Order of admission No. 62 -В dated 11.08.2021

        Enrollment order No. 60-В dated 03.08.2021

        Enrollment Order No. 58-B dated July 27, 2021

        Enrollment Order No. 56-B dated July 23, 2021

        Enrollment Order No. 55-B dated July 21, 2021

        1 .2021

        Enrollment order No. 52-B of 07/14/2021

        Enrollment order No. 51-B of 07/07/2021

        Enrollment order No. 50-B of 06/30/2021 Upon enrollment No.

        dated 06/29/2021

        Enrollment order No. 47-B dated 06/23/2021

        Enrollment order No. 46-B of 11.06.2021

        Enrollment order No. 34-B of 05.14.2021

        Enrollment order No. 29-B of 04.20.2021

        Enrollment order No. 25-B. 2021

        Enrollment order No. 25-B of 04/01/2021

        Enrollment order No. 24-B of 03/29/2021

        Enrollment order No. 23-B of 03/25/2021

        Enrollment order No.1 03/23/2021

        Enrollment order No. 20-B of 03/19/2021

        Enrollment order No. 18-B of 03/16/2021

        Enrollment Order No. 17-B dated 03/15/2021

        Enrollment Order No. 15-B dated 03/09/2021

        Enrollment Order No. 14-B dated 03/03/2021

        Enrollment Order No. 013-03 .2021

        Material Information

        1. Actual addresses of preschool educational institutions:

        • St. Petersburg, municipal district No. 65, Yakhtennaya street, house 28, building 1.
        • St. Petersburg, municipal district No. 65, Yakhtennaya street, house 34, building 1.
        • Saint-Petersburg, municipal district No. 65, Bogatyrsky prospect, house 48, building 2, letter A

        2. Location of preschool educational institution on the city map:

        • Monday – Friday from 7.00 to 19.00.
        • Days off – Saturday, Sunday, holidays established by law.

        Early childhood education program

        Description of the educational program for preschool education

        Presentation of the educational program of preschool education

        5. Free places in preschool educational institutions for each educational program and age group as of September 1, 2022:

        St. Petersburg, municipal district No. 65, Yakhtennaya street, house 28, building 1.

        Educational program of preschool educational institution


        Particulars of the operating mode of the group

        Number of available places

        Basic educational program of preschool education

        4-5 years old

        Full day group (12 hours)

        5-6 years

        6-7 years

        St. Petersburg, municipal district No. 65, Yakhtennaya street, house 34, building 1.

        Educational program of preschool educational institution


        Particulars of the operating mode of the group

        Number of available places

        Basic educational program of preschool education

        1. 5-2 years

        Full day group (12 hours)

        2-3 years 0
        3-4 years 0

        The main educational program of preschool education GKP (morning)

        2-3 years

        GKP Group

        (3 hours 36 minutes)

        The main educational program of preschool education GKP (evening)

        2-3 years

        GKP Group

        (3 hours 36 minutes)


        Saint-Petersburg, municipal district No. 65, Bogatyrsky prospect, house 48, building 2, letter A

        Educational program of preschool educational institution


        Particulars of the operating mode of the group

        Number of available places


        Character education examples: Character education: as important as academics?

        Опубликовано: December 1, 2022 в 11:04 pm


        Категории: Cat

        Character education: as important as academics?

        For years parents and teachers discussed whether or not to teach values in schools. That debate ended when two boys opened fire at Columbine High School in 1999, killing 15 students, including themselves. In the wake of that tragedy, the worst incidence of school violence in our nation’s history, discussion has shifted to which values to teach and how to teach them effectively.

        “In the long run, I’m not sure that it matters if a student learns algebra, but I know that it matters if a student learns right from wrong,” says George Booz, former principal at South Carroll High School in Sykesville, Maryland, a school nationally recognized for its character education program. “I know that it matters if a person learns that in this world we have to help each other. I don’t see how we get around that.”

        Character education programs have sprouted up around the country, some with astonishing, quantifiable results:

        In 1993 the playground at Seattle’s Gatzert Elementary School, a high-poverty school where a third of the children are homeless, resembled a battlefield at lunch recess. The only way to control the fistfighting and violent behavior was to line up the 40 to 50 troublemakers along the school wall and keep an eye on them. Today only minor problems occur on the playground, and no children are lined up against the wall.

        The successful transformation took a lot of hard work on the part of staff and students, according to Judy Ginn, a third grade teacher at the school. New staff, prevention intervention specialists, paying attention to changing the climate and culture at the school, and the Giraffe Heroes Project, a hands-on character education curriculum that she and other teachers at the school have used in their classrooms since 1994, all played a part.


        Through the Giraffe Project, children work with adult volunteers and learn to be like giraffes – that is, animals who stick their necks out, have big hearts, are persistent, do no harm and make the world a better place through their actions. The children come up with community-based projects, such as canned food drives or anti-litter campaigns, which they organize themselves. In the process, they learn to work together for the common good and to contribute something positive.

        In Albuquerque, New Mexico, at gang-plagued Garfield Middle School, Character Counts, a character education program that highlights six facets of character through a prescribed curriculum, was introduced with great success. In the first year, the number of recorded incidents of school violence declined from 91 to 26, according to Principal Louis Martinez.

        After the Round Rocks School District in Austin, Texas, instituted character education as part of the curriculum, Jollyville School, an elementary school in the district with 576 students, reported a 40% percent drop in discipline referrals.

        What is character education?

        Character education is the teaching of core values. For example, the Character Counts program defines six teachable “pillars of character”: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship.

        In his book, The Educated Child, William J. Bennett writes, “Good character education means cultivating virtues through formation of good habits.” According to Bennett, children need to learn through actions that honesty and compassion are good, and that deceit and cruelty are bad. He believes that adults in schools and parents should strive to be models of good character.

        Character education is most effective when it is spread throughout regular school courses. In science, teachers can discuss the value of honesty in data, and in math, students can learn persistence by sticking with a problem until they get the right answer. History holds valuable lessons and heroes of character, such as the honesty of Abraham Lincoln, who walked three miles to return 6 cents.

        During the 1960s and early 1970s, many teachers shied away from teaching about values because they did not feel it was their place to impose their own values on their students. But now they are seeing how including character education can transform a school community. In teaching the Giraffe Heroes Project, Ginn notes, “Values is an emotionally laden term. We avoid that discussion. The way we see it, we are teaching life skills, what you need to know to live in the world. We have to do this because it’s a cultural imperative that kids learn to get along.”

        Effective models

        Not all character education programs are effective, according to Bennett. Lofty discussions about gun control, abortion and same-sex marriages don’t teach children right from wrong or how to get along with others. Beware of school administrators, he writes, who simply post signs that say “Help others,” or “Thanks for being kind today” and think they have done their job. Effective programs engage children in hands-on activities where good character is emphasized throughout the school environment as well as through the curriculum.

        Character education includes having high standards for students’ academic success, too. “When they are challenged to work up a mental sweat, they learn about virtues such as industry and persistence,” writes Bennett. “When students rarely get homework, when they aren’t held accountable for mistakes in spelling or grammar or arithmetic, when they can put forth little effort but still earn high grades, schools foster laziness, carelessness and irresponsibility.”

        The parent’s role

        Many teachers complain that parents are too lax and don’t provide enough discipline at home. Character education works best when schools and families work together. Here is what you as a parent can do to help:

        • Ask your child’s teacher or principal whether the school has a character education program. If the school has a program, find out how well it is working and what you can do at home or as a volunteer at school to support the program. If the school doesn’t have a program, check the resources section below to learn about successful programs that you can help bring to your school.
        Ask to see your child’s homework. Encourage your child to establish good work habits. Be firm in your expectations that your child complete his assignments neatly, thoroughly and on time. Set limits, such as “No television until the homework is complete.” Check to see that assignments get returned to your child, and that the teacher makes corrections and sets high standards.
        Take action if your child is learning bad habits or shows a lack of discipline. Express your concerns about bad habits to your child’s teacher or bring up the topic at the next parent-teacher conference.
        Demonstrate courage, respect and compassion through your actions. Talk to your child about good character, and model the behavior you want your child to have. Talk about other people you know who are examples of good character.

        Character Education Ideas, Tips and Programs

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        Got it!

        Resources / School

        Posted by Julie David

        Spend time in a classroom setting and it becomes clear that guidance in character development is as important as subject-matter learning. Here are character education ideas and tips to help you get an A+ in cultivating a caring and safe place for students to learn. 

        What Character Education Is and Isn’t 

        Character Education Should:

        • Go beyond head-learning to encourage heart-learning.
        • Get kids to consider how their behavior and attitudes affect others.
        • Emphasize that everyone has the chance to be a “good guy.”
        • Strive for positive interactions. Shame doesn’t motivate in a lasting way.
        • Use kid-friendly language.

         Character Education Shouldn’t:

        • Be about perfection. Students should see character growth throughout the year.
        • Come from only worksheets and videos. Children need to put ideas into practice (and see it modeled in their teachers and administrators).
        • Be about rule following. Character education should go beyond kids doing what they are told.
        • Overwhelm you with work.  A lot of character education is talking and processing the choices we have to make every day.
        • Be confined to the classroom. It should penetrate the playground, lunchroom and home as well.

        Organize a student club for positive behavior with an online sign up. SAMPLE.

        Tips To Make Your Program Successful 

        • Get Teacher Buy-in – A character program for kindness and respect will never work if your school culture is back-biting and negative.  Character education starts with living examples from the top down.
        • Promote Best Practices – Teachers need to understand the importance of character education to help students feel safe and respected. Do some brushing up on best practices for teachers to help promote character in the classroom.
        • Keep it Contained – Find a program that doesn’t cut too much into instruction time or you will negate tip No. 1.
        • Keep it Simple – Words like empathy and resilience may not be familiar to small people, so be sure that character traits can be explained with familiar examples and real-life practice.
        • Tailor to Your Community – Different learning communities are as diverse as the real world, so make sure your character education speaks to the real issues that your students face.
        • Persevere – Don’t give up too soon. Good character programs, especially school-wide ones, often take several years for everyone to catch on.
        • Take Character Everywhere – The program needs be fully integrated into the school. Make it a language you speak on the playground, at field trips or any time you are interacting as a class, so kids see character matters wherever you go.
        • Keep it Real – Children with high-stress home environments often have physical needs that affect their emotional capabilities. Factor in real needs — like hunger or sleep deprivation — so your character education fits with real lives.  
        • Involve Families – When possible, ask families to get on board with character education and start to use the common language of your program at home as well.
        • Retool Lesson Plans – For classroom character education, find new ways to use curriculum you already have in place to integrate character lessons. No need to recreate the wheel.

        Ideas for Schoolwide Character Programs 

        • Bucket Fillers – Teach kids the power of words to lift people up or drain them. Many creative ideas have been dedicated to the idea of bucket filling and for good reason. It’s a great word picture for little ones in particular.
        • The “Six Pillars of Character” – This widely used program emphasizes trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship with a variety of school-wide activities.
        • THINK – This program uses an acrostic to help students think about the impact of words
          • Is it True?
          • Is it Helpful?
          • Is it Inspiring?
          • Is it Necessary?
          • Is it Kind?
        • Build a Caring Community – A building blocks approach that includes kindness, respect, honesty (and more).
        • Buddies Program – Partner older students with younger ones and give them regular opportunities to work together.
        • Cultures are Cool – Help students understand the importance of diverse communities and that embracing differences creates understanding and empathy.
        • Habit of the Week – Pick a different building block each week. This curriculum is based on the Seven Habits of Happy Kids, which includes “seek first to understand, then to be understood.
        • Critters of Character – Associate an animal with a desired character trait, and this becomes a common language in the school.
        • Character Calendars – The school creates a calendar with artwork and quotes that support good character throughout the year.
        • Whole-School Character Texts – The entire school reads a specific book that emphasizes character, and upper grades plan projects or a “character festival” that they open to lower grades.

        Organize a charitable donation drive with an online sign up! SAMPLE.

        Ideas for Classroom Character Programs

        • Classroom Meetings – These are a great starting point to teach taking turns, establishing goals and solving problems.
        • Kindness Matters – This one theme can springboard into lessons on apologizing, showing respect, laughing inappropriately, taking care of the classroom and more.
        • Anti-Bullying – Programs should help kids think about their own experiences, as well as increase respect for differences and similarities among their classmates.
        • Peacemakers vs. Peacebreakers – This helps students reflect on behaviors that cause conflict versus behaviors that promote a peaceful classroom environment.
        • Good Classmates – Define what a good classmate is, does, says and is not. Students can help brainstorm.
        • Trait of the Week – Pick four top character qualities and each month repeat the traits but with new activities.
        • A-Z Character – Display a poster using the alphabet and character traits (yes, you might have to use Xcited, but we can make that Xception, right?)
        • What Scholars Do – We can all say what a doctor does, but what do scholars do?  Use this idea as springboard to establish classroom character expectations and responsibilities.
        • Stalk your Stuff – This concept promotes being responsible for your supplies and personal belongings.
        • Cooperative Learning Groups – These groups help students work together on a task.  Take time beforehand to discuss good group behavior and afterward to reflect on working together.

        Organize a class party with an online sign up! SAMPLE.

        How to Evaluate and Update Your Program 

        • Assess your program’s goals from the start: Do you want to have fewer conflicts in the classroom? More observation of certain character traits? Be realistic about what to expect.
        • Send home evaluations (or having them filled out during parent-teacher conferences) about character issues. This can help gather information on the effectiveness of a character education program.
        • Be careful about rewards. If students begin behaving just for rewards, it may be time to cut back on external motivators and get back to reflection on why we practice good character.
        • Bring in outside speakers or consider asking parents to come in to talk about different character issues. Connecting character back to the home is always a great addition to your program.
        • Don’t reinvent the wheel. You may have been teaching for 30 years, but these kids are in their grade for the first time, and it’s all new to them. If something isn’t broke, you don’t need to fix it.

        Remember, whether you are just starting your character education program or it’s already cruising along, you are not alone. Educators recognize that a safe and healthy environment fosters learning. You can’t have one without the other.   

        Julie David lives in Charlotte, N.C., with her husband and three daughters. She is a former teacher.  

        SignUpGenius is a tool that I use in my classroom for many things! Conferences, parties, supplies, field trips, beautification days, etc. Our PTO utilizes SignUpGenius for meetings, luncheons, teacher appreciation week, fall festivals and many other events. This organizing tool saves me paper, time and headaches!

        Nicole McCarty

        Resources / School

        Spend time in a classroom setting and it becomes clear that guidance in character development is as important as subject-matter learning. Here are character education ideas and tips to help you get an A+ in cultivating a caring and safe place for students to learn. 

        What Character Education Is and Isn’t 

        Character Education Should:

        • Go beyond head-learning to encourage heart-learning.
        • Get kids to consider how their behavior and attitudes affect others.
        • Emphasize that everyone has the chance to be a “good guy.”
        • Strive for positive interactions. Shame doesn’t motivate in a lasting way.
        • Use kid-friendly language.

         Character Education Shouldn’t:

        • Be about perfection. Students should see character growth throughout the year.
        • Come from only worksheets and videos. Children need to put ideas into practice (and see it modeled in their teachers and administrators).
        • Be about rule following. Character education should go beyond kids doing what they are told.
        • Overwhelm you with work.  A lot of character education is talking and processing the choices we have to make every day.
        • Be confined to the classroom. It should penetrate the playground, lunchroom and home as well.

        Organize a student club for positive behavior with an online sign up. SAMPLE.

        Tips To Make Your Program Successful 

        • Get Teacher Buy-in – A character program for kindness and respect will never work if your school culture is back-biting and negative.  Character education starts with living examples from the top down.
        • Promote Best Practices – Teachers need to understand the importance of character education to help students feel safe and respected. Do some brushing up on best practices for teachers to help promote character in the classroom.
        • Keep it Contained – Find a program that doesn’t cut too much into instruction time or you will negate tip No. 1.
        • Keep it Simple – Words like empathy and resilience may not be familiar to small people, so be sure that character traits can be explained with familiar examples and real-life practice.
        • Tailor to Your Community – Different learning communities are as diverse as the real world, so make sure your character education speaks to the real issues that your students face.
        • Persevere – Don’t give up too soon. Good character programs, especially school-wide ones, often take several years for everyone to catch on.
        • Take Character Everywhere – The program needs be fully integrated into the school. Make it a language you speak on the playground, at field trips or any time you are interacting as a class, so kids see character matters wherever you go.
        • Keep it Real – Children with high-stress home environments often have physical needs that affect their emotional capabilities. Factor in real needs — like hunger or sleep deprivation — so your character education fits with real lives.  
        • Involve Families – When possible, ask families to get on board with character education and start to use the common language of your program at home as well.
        • Retool Lesson Plans – For classroom character education, find new ways to use curriculum you already have in place to integrate character lessons. No need to recreate the wheel.

        Ideas for Schoolwide Character Programs 

        • Bucket Fillers – Teach kids the power of words to lift people up or drain them. Many creative ideas have been dedicated to the idea of bucket filling and for good reason. It’s a great word picture for little ones in particular.
        • The “Six Pillars of Character” – This widely used program emphasizes trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship with a variety of school-wide activities.
        • THINK – This program uses an acrostic to help students think about the impact of words
          • Is it True?
          • Is it Helpful?
          • Is it Inspiring?
          • Is it Necessary?
          • Is it Kind?
        • Build a Caring Community – A building blocks approach that includes kindness, respect, honesty (and more).
        • Buddies Program – Partner older students with younger ones and give them regular opportunities to work together.
        • Cultures are Cool – Help students understand the importance of diverse communities and that embracing differences creates understanding and empathy.
        • Habit of the Week – Pick a different building block each week. This curriculum is based on the Seven Habits of Happy Kids, which includes “seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
        • Critters of Character – Associate an animal with a desired character trait, and this becomes a common language in the school.
        • Character Calendars – The school creates a calendar with artwork and quotes that support good character throughout the year.
        • Whole-School Character Texts – The entire school reads a specific book that emphasizes character, and upper grades plan projects or a “character festival” that they open to lower grades.

        Organize a charitable donation drive with an online sign up! SAMPLE.

        Ideas for Classroom Character Programs

        • Classroom Meetings – These are a great starting point to teach taking turns, establishing goals and solving problems.
        • Kindness Matters – This one theme can springboard into lessons on apologizing, showing respect, laughing inappropriately, taking care of the classroom and more.
        • Anti-Bullying – Programs should help kids think about their own experiences, as well as increase respect for differences and similarities among their classmates.
        • Peacemakers vs. Peacebreakers – This helps students reflect on behaviors that cause conflict versus behaviors that promote a peaceful classroom environment.
        • Good Classmates – Define what a good classmate is, does, says and is not. Students can help brainstorm.
        • Trait of the Week – Pick four top character qualities and each month repeat the traits but with new activities.
        • A-Z Character – Display a poster using the alphabet and character traits (yes, you might have to use Xcited, but we can make that Xception, right?)
        • What Scholars Do – We can all say what a doctor does, but what do scholars do?  Use this idea as springboard to establish classroom character expectations and responsibilities.
        • Stalk your Stuff – This concept promotes being responsible for your supplies and personal belongings.
        • Cooperative Learning Groups – These groups help students work together on a task.  Take time beforehand to discuss good group behavior and afterward to reflect on working together.

        Organize a class party with an online sign up! SAMPLE.

        How to Evaluate and Update Your Program 

        • Assess your program’s goals from the start: Do you want to have fewer conflicts in the classroom? More observation of certain character traits? Be realistic about what to expect.
        • Send home evaluations (or having them filled out during parent-teacher conferences) about character issues. This can help gather information on the effectiveness of a character education program.
        • Be careful about rewards. If students begin behaving just for rewards, it may be time to cut back on external motivators and get back to reflection on why we practice good character.
        • Bring in outside speakers or consider asking parents to come in to talk about different character issues. Connecting character back to the home is always a great addition to your program.
        • Don’t reinvent the wheel. You may have been teaching for 30 years, but these kids are in their grade for the first time, and it’s all new to them. If something isn’t broke, you don’t need to fix it.

        Remember, whether you are just starting your character education program or it’s already cruising along, you are not alone.  Educators recognize that a safe and healthy environment fosters learning. You can’t have one without the other.   

        Julie David lives in Charlotte, N.C., with her husband and three daughters. She is a former teacher.  

        Education of character

        As noted, character is formed, developed and changed in the practical activity of a person, reflects the conditions and way of life.

        1 Education of a child’s character

        2 Development of character

        3 Fundamentals of education of character

        4 Conditions for education of character

        Already at preschool age, the first contours of character are outlined, a habitual way of behavior, certain attitudes to reality begin to take shape. Manifestations of collectivism, perseverance, endurance, courage in preschool age are formed primarily in the game, especially in collective plot games with rules. Of great importance are the simplest types of labor activity available to a preschooler. By performing some simple duties, the child learns to respect and love work, to feel responsibility for the task assigned.

        Under the influence of the requirements of parents and educators, their personal example, the child gradually develops concepts of what is possible and what is not, and this begins to determine his behavior, lays the foundations for a sense of duty, discipline, endurance; The child learns to evaluate his own behavior.

        Development of character

        Entering school begins a new stage of character formation. For the first time, the child is faced with a series of strict rules and school duties that determine all his behavior at school, at home, in public places. These rules and duties develop the student’s organization, systematicity, purposefulness, perseverance, accuracy, discipline, diligence. An exceptionally important role in the formation of character is played by the school team. At school, the child enters into new relationships with teachers, into relationships of community and mutual assistance with comrades. He develops a consciousness of duty and responsibility to the collective of his class, school, a sense of camaraderie, collectivism.

        Character traits develop especially intensively in adolescents. A teenager, to a much greater extent than a younger schoolchild, participates in the life of adults, higher demands are placed on him. A teenager in his educational and social activities is already much more guided by the motives of public order – a sense of duty and responsibility to the team, the desire to maintain the honor of the school, detachment, class.

        Upbringing has a decisive influence on the character of a child. There are no children whose character could not be re-educated and who could not be instilled with certain positive qualities, eliminating even the negative traits that seem to have already taken root in them.

        Fundamentals of character education

        A necessary condition for character education is the formation of a worldview, beliefs and ideals. The worldview determines the direction of a person, his life goals, aspirations, moral attitudes follow from the worldview, by which people are guided in their actions.

        The task of forming a worldview, beliefs should be solved in unity with the education of certain forms of behavior, in which the system of human relations to reality could be embodied. Therefore, in order to nurture socially valuable character traits, it is necessary to organize the child’s play, educational, and labor activities in such a way that he can accumulate experience in correct behavior.

        In the process of character formation, it is necessary to reinforce not only a certain form of behavior, but also the corresponding motive for this behavior, to put children in such conditions that their practical activities correspond to their ideological education, so that they apply the acquired principles of behavior in practice. A. S. Makarenko emphasized that it is very important to constantly exercise children in the right act, to organize a kind of “gymnastics of behavior”, to consolidate the correct forms of behavior.

        Conditions for the education of character

        If the conditions in which a child lived and acted did not require him, for example, to display restraint or initiative, then the corresponding character traits would not be developed in him, no matter how high moral ideas were instilled in him verbally. It is impossible to educate a courageous person if you do not put him in such conditions when he could and should have shown courage. An education that eliminates all the difficulties in the life of a child can never create a strong character.

        Labor is the most important means of educating character. In serious and socially significant work, connected with overcoming difficulties, the best character traits are brought up – purposefulness, collectivism, perseverance.

        Literature and art influence the education of character. In books, films, performances, examples of how a person feels and acts are given, the features of his character are clearly outlined. The images of literary heroes and their behavior often serve as a kind of model for the child, with which he compares his behavior.

        What parents do often affects a child’s life more than what they say. How a parent relates to work, how he follows social norms of behavior, whether he controls himself and his feelings, what is the style of his work – all this is of great importance for educating the character of children. If a parent is persistent in the fight against difficulties, if he firmly fulfills his obligations, it is easier for him to achieve the same in his pupils, who will strive to develop the same traits in themselves. Irritability, incontinence, rudeness, passivity, indiscretion of the parent will have a negative impact on the child.

        Ethical or moral conversations occupy a significant place. Their goal is to form correct moral ideas and concepts in children. All this is all the more necessary because some children have wrong ideas, prejudices and delusions in the field of moral ideas (false understanding of friendship and fellowship, courage, perseverance, etc.). At an older age, one of the ways of character formation is self-education.

        Especially important is the need for an individual approach to character development. An individual approach requires the selection and implementation of such educational activities that would correspond to the characteristics of the child’s personality and the state in which he is currently located. One should be given a stern warning, another should be mildly scolded, and the third should be given a reproachful look. One must be praised in order to raise his faith in his own strength; in relation to another, this should not be done, so as not to lead him to self-conceit, arrogance.

        It is absolutely necessary to take into account the motives of actions, since differences in motives determine differences in educational measures that must be carried out in response to a particular act of the child. An individual approach requires reliance on the positive that each child already has in the area of ​​​​his interests, attitudes towards people, to certain types of activity, etc. By developing the already existing valuable traits in every possible way, encouraging positive actions, the parent can more easily overcome negative traits character in children.

        In order to educate a child’s character taking into account his individual characteristics, you should know them well, that is, study his personality comprehensively and deeply. Studying a child is a relatively lengthy process. It is necessary to keep brief records of observations, collecting various materials about the activities and behavior of the child, about his attitude to work, to the people around him, to his comrades, to himself. Only a good knowledge of the child will make it possible to outline individual measures for his further education or re-education and will lead to the desired results.

        Formation of character in children and ways of its upbringing

        As noted, character is formed, developed and changed in the practical activity of a person, reflects the conditions and way of his life.

        The formation of character begins in early childhood. Already at preschool age, the first contours of character are outlined, a habitual way of behavior, certain attitudes to reality begin to take shape. Manifestations of collectivism, perseverance, endurance, courage in preschool age are formed primarily in the game, especially in collective plot games with rules.

        The simplest types of labor activity available to a preschooler are of great importance. By performing some simple duties, the child learns to respect and love work, to feel responsibility for the task assigned. Under the influence of the requirements of parents and educators, their personal example, the child gradually develops concepts of what is possible and what is not, and this begins to determine his behavior, lays the foundations for a sense of duty, discipline, endurance; The child learns to evaluate his own behavior.

        Entering school begins a new stage in the formation of character. For the first time, the child is faced with a series of strict rules and school duties that determine all his behavior at school, at home, in public places.

        These rules and duties develop the student’s organization, systematic, purposefulness, perseverance, accuracy, discipline, diligence. An exceptionally important role in the formation of character is played by the school team. At school, the child enters into new relationships with teachers, into relationships of community and mutual assistance with comrades. He develops a consciousness of duty and responsibility to the collective of his class, school, a sense of camaraderie, collectivism. Especially intensively develop character traits in adolescents. A teenager, to a much greater extent than a younger schoolchild, participates in the life of adults, higher demands are placed on him. A teenager in his educational and social activities is already much more guided by the motives of public order – a sense of duty and responsibility to the team, the desire to maintain the honor of the school, class.

        Upbringing has a decisive influence on a child’s character. There are no children whose character could not be re-educated and who could not be instilled with certain positive qualities, eliminating even the negative traits that seem to have already taken root in them.

        What are the ways of developing character?

        A necessary condition for the education of character is the formation of a worldview, beliefs, and ideals. The worldview determines the direction of a person, his life goals, aspirations, moral attitudes follow from the worldview, by which people are guided in their actions. The task of forming a worldview, beliefs should be solved in unity with the education of certain forms of behavior, in which the system of human relations to reality could be embodied. Therefore, in order to nurture socially valuable character traits, it is necessary to organize the child’s play, educational, and labor activities in such a way that he can accumulate experience in correct behavior.

        In the process of character formation, it is necessary to reinforce not only a certain form of behavior, but also the corresponding motive for this behavior, but also the corresponding motive for this behavior, to put children in such conditions that their practical activities correspond to their ideological education, so that they apply in practice the learned principles behavior. If the conditions in which the child lived and acted did not require him, for example, to show restraint or initiative, then the corresponding character traits would not be developed in him, no matter how high moral ideas were instilled in him verbally. It is impossible to educate a courageous person if you do not put him in such conditions when he could and should have shown courage. An education that eliminates all the difficulties in the life of a child can never create a strong character.

        Labor is the most important means of educating character. In serious and socially significant work, connected with overcoming difficulties, the best character traits are brought up – purposefulness, collectivism, perseverance. The most important condition for the correct organization of educational activities is the close coordination of the educational work of the school with the corresponding influences of the family.

        Literature and art influence the education of character. The images of literary heroes and their behavior often serve as a kind of model for the student, with which he compares his behavior.

        The education of character is also influenced by the personal example of the educator, be it parents or teachers. What caregivers do often has a far greater impact on a child’s life than what they tell them. How a teacher relates to work, how he follows social norms of behavior, whether he controls himself and his feelings, what is the style of his work – all this is of great importance for educating the character of children.

        An important role in the formation of character is played by the living word of the teacher, educator, with which he addresses the child. A significant place is occupied, in particular, by ethical or moral conversations. Their goal is to form the correct moral ideas and concepts in children. For older students, one of the ways of character formation is self-education. However, even in younger schoolchildren, the teacher should cultivate the desire to get rid of certain shortcomings, undesirable habits, and develop useful habits. The need for an individual approach in character education is especially important.

        An individual approach requires the selection and implementation of such educational activities that would correspond to the characteristics of the student’s personality and the state in which he is currently located.

        It is absolutely necessary to take into account the motives of actions, since differences in motives determine the differences in educational measures that must be carried out by the teacher in response to a particular act of the student. An individual approach requires reliance on the positive that each child already has in the area of ​​​​his interests, attitudes towards people, to certain types of activities, etc. By developing the already existing valuable features in every possible way, encouraging positive actions, the teacher can more easily overcome negative traits character in children.

        In order to educate the character of a student taking into account his individual characteristics, one should know them well, that is, study the student’s individuality comprehensively and deeply.

        How many kindercare locations are there: Child Care Centers | KinderCare Learning Companies

        Опубликовано: December 1, 2022 в 11:20 am


        Категории: Cat

        KinderCare Learning: 5 things to know about the childcare center operator

        KinderCare Leaning Companies Inc. is working toward a public debut, but the Oregon-based provider of childcare and early childcare education will have to wait as its initial public offering was postponed because of “regulatory delays.”

        The Oregon-based provider of childcare and early childcare education was expected to raise about $460.0 million and be valued at nearly $3 billion, as its initial public offering was expected to price this week.

        “Throughout our pursuit of an initial public offering (IPO), we’ve received healthy interest from investors and positive feedback on KinderCare’s potential. Unfortunately, due to regulatory delays outside of our control we have decided to postpone our IPO,” the company said in a statement emailed overnight. “This is a true disappointment, as the IPO was going to allow us to grow faster and serve more hard-working families while furthering our mission to provide future generations with confidence for life.

        The company did not say when it expected the “delays” to be resolved.

        The 52-year old company has a three-pronged approach to the childcare market, through its KinderCare Learnings Centers (KCLC), KinderCare Education at Work (KCE) and Champions businesses.

        The company’s was looking to go public at a time when employers are looking for ways to attract employees in a tight labor market in a post-COVID environment. An estimated nearly three million women have left the workforce, with the lack of access to childcare noted by many as a key factor, the company said. And the U.S. government has provided more than $50 billion of support for the early childhood education (ECE) market to help ease that burden.

        Investors were upbeat about the overall market environment for IPOs, as the Renaissance IPO exchange-traded fund
        has rallied 8.6% over the past three months through Thursday, while the S&P 500 index
        +0. 59%
        has gained 6.8% over the same time.

        The company, known as KC Holdco, LLL before going public, said last week in an amended S-1 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that it was looking to 25.78 million shares in the IPO, which is expected to price between $18 and $21 a share.

        With 140.88 million shares expected to be outstanding after the IPO, the company could have been valued at up to $2.96 billion if the IPO prices at the top of the expected range.

        If underwriters exercised all of the options to buy up to an additional 3.87 million shares to cover overallotments, the company said it could have raised up to $622.5 million.

        The company had planned to use the proceeds to repay $56.3 million of outstanding First Lien Notes, repay all $210.0 million of the loans outstanding under the Second Lien Facility, repay $151.9 million of loans outstanding under the First Lien Term Loan Facility, redeem $42.6 million of the shares of common stock received by members of management from vested Class B shares of KC Parent LLC and pay fees and expenses associated with the IPO.

        Any money left would have been used for “general corporate purposes,” a phrase used by companies that could mean anything from administrative expenses to mergers and acquisitions.

        The stock was expected to list on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “KLC.”

        The company listed 12 underwriters of the IPO, led by Barclays, Morgan Stanley and Jefferies.

        Here are five things to know about KinderCare and its target market before the stock becomes available to the public.

        The company has turned profitable this year

        The company swung to net income of $46.4 million during the nine months ended Oct. 3, 2021, from a loss of $98.5 million during the same period a year ago. Revenue rose 35.2% to $1.33 billion, while cost of services increased just 18.6%.

        In pre-pandemic 2019, the company lost $29.1 million and recorded revenue of $1.88 billion, after a loss of $36.4 million on revenue of $1.68 billion in 2018.

        Average weekly ECE full-time enrollments (FTEs), which is a measure of the number of full-time children enrolled and charged tuition weekly in KinderCare’s centers, was 119,681 and ECE same-center occupancy was 62.0% during the nine months ended Oct. 2, compared with ECE FTEs of 87,095 and ECE same-center occupancy of 44.9% in the same period a year ago.

        In 2019, ECE FTEs were 136,095, up from 125,141 in 2018, while same-center occupancy improved to 70.3% from 69.1%.

        The company has increased the amount of cash and cash equivalents on its balance sheet to $152.5 million as of Oct. 2, 2021 from $53.2 million at the end of 2020, while working capital swung to positive $13.0 million from negative $61.8 million.

        The company had a total of 2,129 centers and sites operating as of Oct. 2, 2021, including 1,490 early childhood education centers, for children ranging from 6 weeks to 12 years old, and 639 before- and after-school sites. That shows 16.0% growth in total centers and sites in the past year, including a 1. 2% increase in early childhood education centers and a 76.0% rise in before- and after-school sites.

        KinderCare has three “go-to-market” business lines.

        • KCLC is the U.S.’s largest private provider of early childhood education centers by center capacity, and represented 79.2% of the company’s 2020 revenue, up from 77.2% in 2019. Most of the KCLC centers are accredited, and most of the unaccredited centers are newer.
        • KCE is a provider of employer-sponsored childcare programs, representing 17.8% of 2020 revenue, down from 18.1% in 2019. The company currently serves more than 600 employers, through its 72 onsite centers as of Oct. 2 and by allowing access to its KinderCare center network.
        • Champion is a provider of outsourced before- and after-school programs, in which the KinderCare provides staff, teachers and curriculum onsite at schools. With contracts for more than 650 sites as of Oct. 2, Champions represented 3.0% of 2020 revenue, down from 4. 7% in 2019.

        KinderCare’s target market

        The company competes in the early childhood education (ECE) and childcare services market, which it estimates is made up of 17.5 million workers, or 20% of the American workforce, who rely on childcare every day.

        Private expenditures on education-focused care for children zero to five years old was about $15.2 billion in 2019, according to the Bureau of Economic Research, with annual enrollments of about 2.5 million children. Meanwhile, the total spending on childcare was about $42 billion in the U.S. in 2018, according to the Consumer Expenditure Survey.

        And after spending on childcare grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7% from 2012 to 2019, according to the Bureau of Economic Research, KinderCare estimates that the CAGR will increase to 6.4% between 2021 and 2026, even when excluding any potential impact from government stimulus.

        The employee-sponsored ECE market was a small part of the overall ECE market, with expenditures of about $3 billion in 2019.

        And as of 2019, 68% of children under the age of six were in dual income households, up from 65% in 2015, according to National Kids Count. Among the millennial generation, more than 80% cite work-life integration, such as access to childcare, as the most important factor in job selection, according to a Forbes article published last year.

        At the same time, more than 80% of parents with children under the age of five reported challenges in finding quality, affordable childcare, according to the Affordable Child Care and Early Learning for All Families report published in 2018.

        “Evolving work styles are driving a preference for flexible ECE solutions with care options both onsite at corporate offices and in the communities in which employees live,” the company said in its IPO filing.

        The government is helping fuel growth in the childcare market

        The ECE market has gotten more than $50 billion worth of government support in the wake of COVID. That includes:

        • The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of March 2020 provided $3.5 billion in stimulus funding for childcare assistance.
        • The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) of December 2020 included $10 billion for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) to supplement state funds to support childcare needs.
        • The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of March 2021 included $15 billion in funding for the CCDBG and an additional $24 billion for a COVID-19 childcare relief and stabilization fund.
        • The ARPA provides monthly child tax credit payments of $300 for each child under six years old and of $250 for each child ages six through 17.

        Update of COVID-19 impact

        In March 2020, the company temporarily closed 1,074 centers and 547 before- and after-school sites, as part of government-mandated closures to stop the spread of COVID-19. It kept more the 420 centers open to provide childcare for first responders, healthcare providers and for people working in essential services.

        The company was forced to furlough employees, reduce the salaries of the executive team and negotiate rent and benefit holidays to manage costs and liquidity.

        During the second half of 2020, the company reopened 1,021 centers and 320 before- and after-school sites, brought back furloughed employees and reinstated salaries to pre-pandemic levels.

        Enrollment has increased “significantly” since then. For the three months ended Oct. 2, same-center occupancy increased to 64%, representing 90% of occupancy just before the COVID-19 pandemic. That compares with the industry average of 79% of pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels, the company said.

        Same-center occupancy rates have risen since the Q2 2020 low

        KinderCare Learning Companies Inc.

        Principal stockholders

        Investment funds affiliated with investment manager Partners Group Holding AG will own 105. 24 million shares after the IPO, or 74.7% of the shares outstanding. As a result, the company expects to be a “controlled company” within the corporate governance standards of the NYSE.

        Among the company’s executive officers, Chief Executive Tom Wyatt is expected to own 4.39 million shares, or 3.1% of the shares outstanding after the IPO, which is down from 5.34 million shares, or 4.6% of the shares outstanding before the offering.

        Wyatt has served as CEO and as a member of the board of directors since 2012, and was also elected chairman of the board in September 2021. Before joining KinderCare, Wyatt held leadership positions at several retailers, such as Old Navy and Cutter & Buck.

        President Paul Thompson is expected to own 1.08 million shares, or less than 1% of the shares outstanding, after the IPO, compared with a pre-IPO ownership of 1.41 million shares, or 1.2% of the shares outstanding.

        Before Thompson was named president in 2021, he served as chief operating officer from 2019 to 2021, as chief administrative officer from 2019 to 2020 and as chief financial officer from 2015 to 2019. Before KinderCare, he was senior vice president of finance at Safeway Inc.

        Tony Amandi, who has been KinderCare’s chief financial officer since 2019, will own 286,471 shares after the IPO, down from 381,961 shares pre-IPO.

        Amandi has been with the company since 2011, starting as corporate controller, before becoming senior vice president of financial planning and analysis in 2015. Before joining KinderCare, Amandi worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

        Chief Academic Officer Dr. Elanna Yalow will down 804,823 shares after the IPO, down from 1.04 million shares pre-IPO.

        Dr. Yalow has been employed by KinderCare since 1989, and has been CAO since 2012.

        Under lock-up agreements, executive officer and other existing stockholders have agreed not to sell any common stock for 180 days after the date of the amended S-1, which was filed on Nov. 8.

        how many kindercare locations are there

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        This link has expired. We hope you will enjoy many years with us as we watch your child grow and learn. Operating Hours. What types of daycare and programs are offered in Los Angeles? Madison, WI. Immediate Openings for Child Care Teachers – Will Train. Take the company’s purchase of Rainbow Child Care Center, which closed in August.The move gives the … Updated: November 20, 2013. Job ID: 210531000025T Industry: Desktop-With-Assessment Job Type: Full-time Posted: May 31st 2021. KinderCare – Intech Park Kindercare. Subacute Units. Selected Services: All Services. Rochester – 14th Street KinderCare – … We are excited to introduce you to our family. We were able to drop in at any time and we’ve been kept well informed about our son’s progress. Hospitals designed to offer extensive rehabilitation services for patients recovering from an illness or injury. Get more details, including tuition rates and enrollment forms at the Child Care web page from the Human Resources intranet page. Hourly pay at KinderCare Learning Centers, Inc. ranges from an average of $10.37 to $17.04 an hour. “There actually was no training needed for ADP Mobile. Goodyear, Estrella KinderCare. Four year old pre-K program. From the first day at Kindercare Dannemora, we knew we’d made the right decision. $400/week will make your stomach turn after a while! My only thought of improvement is changing the hours from 7a to 6a, which will help a lot with parents who need to work earlier. Teachers at Arden Hills KinderCare – Sign on bonus 300.00. Operating in the child Day Care services industry to 2020–21 School Description 2011–12 2012–13 with so many daycare options there. COVID update: Northridge KinderCare has updated their hours and services. (317) 271-0552 9.97 mile. How To Save Money On KinderCare Services. Maplewood – Maplewood KinderCare – Center 300990. First, my elementary aged daughter attended since she was 1.5 through preschool years. Moundsview – MoundsView KinderCare – Center 301011. Gilbert, Power Ranch KinderCare. West Linn, OR 97068. That said, the facility I worked at did not reflect what I had experienced, and their training for incoming teachers is … Find 42 listings related to Kindercare in Cincinnati on YP. com. SKU: kindercare-learning-centers-usa-locations. KinderCare … KinderCare – North High School Kindercare. Add to cart. 29 N. Coranado Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46234-2527. According to this Loudoun County, Virginia PDF, they listed the costs for three KinderCare centers in the area, with the prices ranging from $$267 to $323 per week, with the afterschool programs costing … 503-636-0092. KinderCare is a childcare program offered through the KinderCare Company. $215/week for a full-time program. Many centers remain closed. Contact KinderCare customer service. West Des Moines, IA. Please visit to enter your Registration Code or contact our Customer Support team at 1-888-525-2780 or familyconnection… As an employee at KinderCare Learning Centers in the USA, you can expect to earn an average salary of $30,368 per year, or $14.6 an hour. In 39 states and the District of Columbia, some 200,000 children are enrolled in more than 1,600 early childhood education community centers, o… 19 days ago. Mesa, Recker-McDowell KinderCare. In 2015, the Portland-based childcare provider with more than 1,000 U.S. locations, hadn’t seen a profitable quarter in … Welcome back! I enjoyed my job at KinderCare for the first few weeks I was there, my daughter went to school there and I saw many good teachers at other facilities, and even at the facility. Kindercare Programs for Infants to 12 years old — Sale Toddler Daycare & Early Education Program at KinderCare — Sale KinderCare Early Foundations Preschool Program — Sale Subsidized Child Care & Support for Military Families — Sale Choose from more than 1,700 Kindercare locations — KinderCare is a publicly traded Delaware corporation that offers full-time child care for preschoolers and after-school care for school-age children at approximately 1200 centers in roughly 40 states. Website. You may want to try: all KinderCare Education reviews in United States (455 reviews) She was beyond prepared for Kindergarten, thanks to this academically enriching environment that is play-based. 7010 Intech Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46278. (713) 774-9711. For specific questions about the centers, please reach out to each center directly. There are 7 KinderCare early education & daycare centers within 15 miles of Los Angeles. • KinderCare – At August 23, 2002, we operated 1,189 KinderCare centers. Behavioral Health. 16 reviews of Northridge KinderCare “I have been using this preschool/ daycare for 5 years. Laveen, Laveen KinderCare. They recognize that the way many people work today has changed. Complete list of KinderCare Learning Centers locations in the United States (1372 locations). We have a wide range of programs available in Los Angeles, including full-time and part time daycare as well as educational before or after school programs. The company provides educational programs for children from six weeks to 12 years old. Toddler Assistant Teacher. 3 days ago. File Format: CSV. I wouldn’t call Kindercare cheap. Glendale, 51st & Peoria KinderCare. Easily locate friends and family members to stay coordinated and keep kids safe. One tip is to bring your kids to your parents even once a week so that you can save one a day of payment for a daycare center. KINDERCARE PROGRAMS THAT ARE OFFERED TO CHILDREN. From Business: Sharpstown KinderCare located at 6767 Rookin St in Houston, TX is designed with your child’s fun, health, safety, and childhood education in mind. KinderCare Learning Centers is an American operator of for-profit child care and early childhood education facilities founded in 1969 and currently owned by KinderCare Education based in Portland, Oregon. KinderCare Learning Centers, Inc. pays its employees an average of $12.97 an hour. (317) 275-2865 10.27 mile. Goodyear, Goodyear KinderCare. Partner with parents with a shared desire to … Glendale, Arrowhead KinderCare. Arden Hills, Minnesota, US Teacher and Center Staff. KinderCare Learning Center – New Haven. The teachers and staff made us all feel so welcome and our son loved. KinderCare Learning Centers is an American operator of for-profit child care and early childhood education facilities founded in 1969 and currently owned by KinderCare Education. 1400 S.W. Number of records: 1349. There … Manage all your child care information in one place. Similar to all Kindercare locations, there is an app that will update you with your child’s day to day activities, and they will call you if you’re delayed in dropping off your kid as a doublecheck system. Mesa, East Mesa KinderCare. 5th Avenue Suite #100. Glendale, Union Hills KinderCare. Read more about why so many new employees are joining the KinderCare family: —30+ days ago PORTLAND, Ore.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apr 14, 2021– As the nation emerges from the pandemic and many families adjust to changes in their workplace, there’s an increased demand for child care in communities across the country. We have been there for almost 3 years and I have no complaints. See your statement, pay your bill, enroll in a new program, and so much more. KinderCare Education expands programs across 600 KinderCare and 200 Champions locations across the U.S. … programs to nearly 800 locations nationwide. KinderCare Learning Centers is America’s largest, most accredited child care provider, serving more than 165,000 children every day at more than 1,380 centers. Read more about why so many new employees are joining the KinderCare family: —30+ days ago PORTLAND, Ore.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apr 14, 2021– As the nation emerges from the pandemic and many families adjust to changes in their workplace, there’s an increased demand for child care in communities across the country. We take pride in excellence through our high standards. I can’t log into my account. It was definately less expensive than some centers we looked at, but more than others. and Crabbs Branch Way in Rockville, MD. The company provides educational programs for children from six weeks to 12 years old. Complete list of KinderCare Learning Centers locations for USA. Most see it as very expensive and way over their budget but other families seem to have made a way to work it out. KinderCare nearly lost its way. The brand was established in 1969 and operates centers in 39 states, as well as two centers located in the United Kingdom. Hospitals designed to provide mental health and substance use treatment. Portland, OR 97201. Family Connection is the window into your child care account. Everything you need to stay connected. ESL/ EFL beginner lesson plan – there is/there are – my home. The data includes phone numbers and addresses for each location. • Mulberry – We operated 72 Mulberry centers and 12 before- and … The password must be between 6-30 characters, is case sensitive and cannot be your username. Tualatin KinderCare in tualatin, Oregon serves 26 students in grades Nursery/Preschool-Prekindergarten the KinderCare company, this a. Category: Community Tags: Children, Community, Daycare, Locations, USA. KinderCare Education. If you are in the top 10th percent of earners, you can expect to make an average salary over $46,000 a year, but if you’re in the bottom 10 percent of earners, your salary could be less than $19,000 a year. When KinderCare makes moves, it does so in a big way. You can call KinderCare at (800) 633-1488 toll free number, write an email, fill out a contact form on their website www., or write a letter to KinderCare Learning Centers LLC, 650 Holladay … Already using KinderCare childcare app? To add insult to injury, Kindercare has an app where they can harass you about how you need to make a payment or your child can’t go there . The company traces its history to the late 1960s, when Perry Mendel, a real estate developer from Montgomery, Alabama, speculated that the increasing numbers of women entering the work force might prompt a rise in demand for preschool child care. KinderCare – Eagle View Kindercare. Oakdale – Oakdale KinderCare – Center 301755. Units within hospitals that provide comprehensive short-term medical care and rehabilitation. Day-care centre, also called day nursery, nursery school, or crèche (French: “crib”), institution that provides supervision and care of infants and young children during the daytime, particularly so that their parents can hold jobs. (317) 297-1545 8.4 mile. KinderCare is an American operator of for-profit child care facilities founded in 1969. KinderCare is the third-largest privately held company headquartered in Oregon. ROCKFORD, Ill. (WTVO) — KinderCare, one of the nations largest providers of daycare, announced it would be closing centers starting Monday to halt the spread of coronavirus. KinderCare, the Portland-based operator of 1,500 daycare centers in 40 states, said it will temporarily shut more than two-thirds of its centers because of the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the child care centers’ information included in the directory may not be accurate. 6767 Rookin St. Houston, TX 77074. Welcome to County Kids Place KinderCare, we are conveniently located in the heart of Los Angeles right off the 110 freeway. This is a complete list of all KinderCare Learning Centers locations, along with their geographic coordinates. Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5.30pm. See more KinderCare Education reviews. 503-248-0581. Includes Name, Phone, Store Number, Street, City, State, Zip, Country, Latitude, Longitude, Single Line Address, Mon Open, Mon Close, Tue Open, Tue Close, Wed Open, Wed Close, Thu Open, Thu Close, Fri Open, Fri Close, Facebook Page Link, Fan Count, Overall Star Rating, Rating Count Downtown KinderCare. 6750 Eagle View Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46254-2652. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Kindercare locations in Cincinnati, OH. Please note that the OHSU priority enrollment is only for the South Waterfront location. I use the Kindercare on Shady Grove Rd. By the end of the year, 1,165 KinderCare centers were operating in 39 states. KinderCare has more than 36,000 teachers and staff serving hardworking families in 40 states and the District of Columbia caring for more than 186,000 children every day: Many families are adamant about KinderCare prices. “That means there is less maintenance on our side,” says Maloney. It was adopted seamlessly at the grassroots level.” “ADP has really become a more user-centric company. They have locations spread across the United States, and even some cities have more than one center to cater to demand. A guide to German preschools and daycares, from nurseries to kindergartens. Fewer people are sitting Browse

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        Yekaterinburg Mayor’s Office told if there will be enough places for everyone in kindergartens.

        April 29, 2022 |

        There are 17,000 children aged 1.5 to 3 in the queue for kindergarten, and there are 12,000 places

        kids in city kindergartens. In 2022, it is planned to open additional places in different age categories. Right now, kindergartens are being completed for the academic year, which will begin on September 1.

        “For the next academic year, the total number of places from one to seven years will be almost 23,000,” said Natalia Vedernikova, head of the preschool education department of the city administration. – Compared to last year, we can say that this number has remained approximately at the same level (23,459 places were opened last year – Ed. ). For children under three years old, the number of places will be doubled.

        So, for kids from one to one and a half years old in 2022, 48 places will be opened (and there were only 15 in one kindergarten in the Zheleznodorozhny district), for children from one and a half to two years old, the number of places has quadrupled: from 300 to 1200.

        — The most powerful breakthrough is the number of places for children from two to three years old, in this segment we will have 11,000 children in full-time groups for preschool education programs, — explained Natalia Vedernikova. – I think that there is no need to worry, all children aged three to seven years will be provided with places in kindergartens. About 7 thousand places are provided for children from three to four years old, this fully covers the needs of children who are currently registered.

        It should be noted that 17,000 children from one and a half to three years old are on the waiting list for kindergarten, only 12,006 of them will get a place. In some gardens, reserve places are provided. Recently, an electronic service for transferring a child to another kindergarten has been launched on the City Hall website. According to the mayor’s office, 1,441 children were placed with its help. In total, 84,000 children attend kindergarten in Yekaterinburg at the moment, of which 4,000 are children with special needs.

        The head of one of the kindergartens told how the safety of children is organized. It turned out that pensioners work as guards in kindergartens and they don’t even have weapons.

        And in Akademichesky district, parents are sounding the alarm because there were not enough places for first-graders in schools.


        • May 13, 2022, 16:00

          Opened, but did not find caregivers? In Akademichesky, parents are waiting in line for an empty kindergarten

        • April 27, 2022, 07:00

          “They recruit drunks who work for a penny.” Who guards the kids in kindergartens in Yekaterinburg?

        • April 13, 2022, 5:03 pm

          “Mommies are crying, and we have to wait three more months.” In Akademichesky again there were not enough places for all first-graders

        • February 08, 2022, 12:37

          It used to take a month, now it takes 10 minutes: Ekaterinburg has simplified the transfer of children to another kindergarten We tell you how to get them

        Elena Anosova

        E1. RU journalist

        KindergartenPlaces in kindergartensYekaterinburg City HallQueue to kindergartenKindergardenQueue to kindergarten

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        Provision of places in kindergartens BARNAUL :: Official website of the city

        Procedure for receiving and considering applications

        All appeals are received by the department for working with appeals from citizens of the organizational and control committee of the administration of the city of Barnaul and are considered in accordance with the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” , by the law of the Altai Territory dated December 29, 2006 No. 152-ЗС “On consideration of applications of citizens of the Russian Federation in the territory of the Altai Territory”, by the resolution of the administration of the city of Barnaul dated August 21, 2013 No. 2875 “On approval of the procedure for conducting office work on applications from citizens, associations of citizens, including legal entities, organization of their consideration in the city administration, city administration bodies, other local government bodies, municipal institutions, enterprises.

        Reception of written applications from citizens, associations of citizens, including legal entities, is accepted at the address: 656043, Barnaul, Gogol St., 48, room 114 .

        Schedule for receiving documents: Monday – Thursday from 08.00 to 17.00 , Friday from 08.00 to 16.00 , break from 11. 30 to 12.18. When documents are received, 90,073 checks are made of 90,074 points provided for by Article 7 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”:

        1. A citizen in his written application must indicate either the name of the state body or local self-government body to which he sends a written application, or the last name, first name, patronymic of the relevant official, or the position of the corresponding person, as well as his last name, first name, patronymic ( the last one, if any), the postal address to which the response should be sent, the notice of redirection of the appeal, sets out the essence of the proposal, application or complaint, puts a personal signature and date.

        2. If necessary, in support of his arguments, the citizen shall attach documents and materials or their copies to the written application.

        3. An appeal received by a state body, local government body or official in the form of an electronic document is subject to consideration in the manner established by this Federal Law.

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