Monthly Archives: July 2022

National freaky day: Relationship Holidays — National Today

Опубликовано: July 11, 2022 в 11:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

What are the National Days in October?

This list of national days in October gives a detailed look at the month to find out how to celebrate your favorite national day with food and drink ideas, and lots of craft projects.

Each time we cover a new and fun national day about October on the blog, we add new links to the list below, to give you new ideas for ways to celebrate these days.

This month marks the beginning of three months of non-stop holiday season fun. The end of the month features Halloween, but this is just the start of the holiday season to come.

Join us as we learn about all the ways to celebrate the national days in October.

The month of October

The name of the month originated when the Roman lunar calendar was used, and the year started in March at harvest time. Then, October (octo) was considered the 8th month of the year.

All that changed in 46 B.C. when the new Julian calendar was used, making January the first month and October the tenth month in the calendar.

October is the tenth month of the year in our calendar. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is the beginning of fall, but in the Southern hemisphere it is associated with spring.

October monthly observances

October is is National Apple Month, which is apt, since the apples are out in full force. It is also National Caramel Month, (cause you need something to dip the apples in!) 

But don’t stop at just these activities, with all these fun and offbeat holidays, there is more than just pumpkin carving, dressing up for Halloween, and caramel apple decorating to celebrate this month.

The month of October also celebrates all these occasions from A to Z:

  • Adopt A Shelter Dog Month
  • American Cheese Month
  • Antidepressant Death Awareness Month
  • Bat Appreciation Month
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month
  • Celebrating The Bilingual Child Month
  • Church Library Month
  • Church Safety and Security Month
  • Co-op Month
  • Down Syndrome Awareness Month
  • Dyslexia Awareness Month
  • Eat Better, Eat Together Month
  • Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month
  • Emotional Wellness Month
  • Employee Ownership Month
  • Financial Planning Month
  • German-American Heritage Month
  • Global Diversity Awareness Month
  • Halloween Safety Month
  • Head Start Awareness Month
  • Health Literacy Month
  • Home Eye Safety Month
  • Italian-American Heritage Month
  • International Walk To School Month
  • LGBT History Month
  • Long-Term Care Planning Month

Fun facts about October

The month of October has arrived, so let’s catch up with a few facts about the first full month of fall.

Interested in Astrology? The zodiac signs for the month of October are Libra (up to October 22) and Scorpio (after the 23rd of October.)

If you love gardening, the birth flower is calendula (family of marigolds) and the birthstones are opal and tourmaline.

Breast Cancer awareness is a big focus of this month and the pink breast cancer ribbon is seen everywhere.

The list below features the national and international days in October, day by day. Some of these days have links to pages on my site where you can find more information or recipes to celebrate that interesting national day.

I add to this page often with new links and fun facts about your favorite national day, so be sure to check back often for new ideas.

October is National Pumpkin Month.  Have you carved your pumpkin yet?🎃 Click To Tweet

List of national days in October

October is full of a month of fun food days like Vodka Day and Homemade Cookies Day. It is also a time to celebrate Columbus Day and Southern Food Heritage Day.

If you would like a fun puzzle that features some of the National Days of the month, get the October free word search printable here.

These national days take part in the first half of the month. Time to celebrate!

Oct 1

  • National  Hair Day
  • National Black Dog Day
  • National BOOK IT Day
  • National Lace Day
  • National Homemade Cookies Day
  • Model T Day
  • Fire Pup Day
  • CD Player Day
  • Less than Perfect Day
  • International Coffee Day
  • International Day of Older Persons
  • International Music Day
  • International Raccoon Appreciation Day
  • World Vegetarian Day

Oct 2

  • National Produce Misting Day
  • National Custodial Worker’s Day
  • National Fried Scallops Day
  • National Name Your Car Day
  • Guardian Angel Day
  • International Day of Non Violence
  • World Day for Farmed Animals
  • World No Alcohol Day
  • Audiophile Day

Oct 3

  • National Boyfriend Day
  • National Techies Day
  • National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day
  • National Family TV Show Day
  • National Caramel Custard Day
  • National Virus Appreciation Day
  • Look at the Leaves Day
  • Mean Girl’s Appreciation Day

Oct 4

  • National Golf Lover’s Day
  • National Taco Day
  • National Vodka Day
  • National Cinnamon Roll Day
  • Improve Your Office Day
  • National Ships in Bottles Day
  • Ten-Four Day
  • World Animal Day
  • International Toot Your Flute Day

Oct 5

  • National Apple Betty Day
  • National Do Something Nice Day
  • National Get Funky Day
  • National Pumpkin Seed Day
  • National Rhode Island Day
  • Rocky Mountain Oyster Day
  • World Teacher’s Day
  • Vranec World Day

Oct 6

  • National Orange Wine Day
  • National German American Day
  • National Noodle Day
  • National Mad Hatter Day
  • National Plus Size Appreciation Day
  • National Physician’s Assistant Day
  • Come and Take it Day
  • Garlic Lovers Day

Oct 7

  • National Frappé Day
  • National Inner Beauty Day
  • National LED Light Day
  • Bathtub Day
  • Blue Shirt Day
  • You Matter to Me Day
  • National Flower Day

Oct 8

  • National Fluffernutter Day
  • National Pierogi Day
  • Lesbian Day
  • American Touch Tag Day
  • World Octopus Day

Oct 9

  • National Leif Ericson Day
  • National Pro Life Cupcake Day
  • National Moldy Cheese Day
  • National Sneakers Day
  • Curious Events Day
  • Fire Prevention Day
  • World Post Day
  • International Beer & Pizza Day

Oct 10

  • National Curves Day
  • National Handbag Day
  • National Angel Food Cake Day
  • National Hug a Drummer Day
  • National Cake Decorating Day
  • National Love Your Hair Day
  • National SHIFT10 Day
  • National Metric Day
  • National Tuxedo Day
  • Stop Bullying Day
  • Powers of 10 Day
  • Squid and Cuttlefish Day
  • World Homeless Day
  • World Porridge Day
  • International Stage Management Day
  • World Mental Health Day

Oct 11

  • National Coming Out Day
  • National Sausage Pizza Day
  • General Pulaski Memorial Day
  • National It’s My Party Day
  • Myths and Legends Day
  • National Coming Out Day
  • Southern Food Heritage Day

Oct 12

  • National  Savings Day
  • National Farmer’s Day
  • National Vermont Day
  • National Gumbo Day
  • National Free Thought Day
  • Cookbook Launch Day
  • World Arthritis Day

Oct 13

  • National Yorkshire Pudding Day
  • National Train Your Brain Day
  • National No Bra Day
  • Navy Birthday
  • Silly Sayings Day
  • English Language Day
  • Good Samaritan Day
  • International Suit Up Day
  • International Plain Language Day

Oct 14

  • Be Bald and Be Free Day
  • National Dessert Day
  • National Chocolate Covered Insect Day
  • National Lowercase Day
  • World Standards Day

Oct 15

  • National Cheese Curd Day
  • National Aesthetician Day
  • National I Love Lucy Day
  • National Pug Day
  • National Grouch Day
  • National Chicken Cacciatore Day
  • National Roast Pheasant Day
  • National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
  • National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
  • National White Cane Safety Day
  • National Mushroom Day
  • Breast Health Day
  • My Mom is a Student Day
  • Global Hand Washing Day
  • International Day of Rural Women

Here we are at the half way mark for our list of National Days in October. Has your favorite national day been listed yet? Don’t give up.

We have lots more fun in store. How about National Candy Corn Day or National Carve a Pumpkin Day? Both are still to come!

Oct 16

  • National  Dictionary Day
  • National Cut up Your Credit Card Day
  • National Department Store Day
  • National Learn a Word Day
  • National Liqueur Day
  • Global Cat Day
  • World Spine Day
  • World Food Day
  • National Boss’s Day – Celebrated on Oct. 16 unless it falls on a weekend when it becomes the closest workday.

Oct 17

  • Black Poetry Day
  • National Pasta Day
  • National Edge Day
  • National Mulligan Day
  • Four Prunes Day
  • Spreadsheet Day
  • Wear Something Gaudy Day
  • World Trauma Day

Oct 18

  • National No Beard Day
  • National Chocolate Cupcake Day
  • World Menopause Day

Oct 19

  • National LGBT Center Awareness Day
  • National Kentucky Day
  • National Seafood Bisque Day
  • Dress Like a Dork Day
  • Evaluate Your Life Day
  • Rainforest Day
  • World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day
  • New Friend’s Day – Also January, July and October 19th

Oct 20

  • National Brandied Fruit Day
  • National Youth Confidence Day
  • National Suspenders Day
  • National Call in Day for Health Reform
  • Miss American Rose Day
  • International Sloth Day
  • World Osteoporosis Day
  • The International Day of the Air Controller

Oct 21

  • National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
  • National Reptile Awareness Day
  • Count Your Buttons Day
  • Babbling Day
  • Reptile Awareness Day
  • Garbanzo Bean Day
  • Celebration of the Mind Day
  • International Day of the Nacho
  • Apple Day

Oct 22

  • National Color Day
  • National Make a Dog’s Day Day
  • National Knee Day
  • National Nut Day
  • Clean up the Earth Day
  • Eat a Pretzel Day
  • Smart is Cool Day
  • International Stuttering Awareness Day

Oct 23

  • National Boston Cream Pie Day
  • Ipod Day
  • National Mole Day
  • National Slap Your Irritating Coworker Day
  • National TV Talk Show Host Day
  • National Canning Day
  • Swallows Depart from San Capistrano Day

Oct 24

  • National Bologna Day
  • National Food Day
  • National Crazy Day
  • United Nations Day
  • National Good and Plenty Day
  • 40 Hour Workweek Day
  • Black Thursday
  • World Polio Day
  • World Development Information Day

Oct 25

  • Chucky, the Notorious Killer Doll Day
  • National Greasy Food Day
  • Sourest Day
  • World Pizza Maker’s Day
  • National Cartoonist Against Crime Day
  • Punk for a Day Day
  • International Artist Day
  • World Pasta Day

Oct 26

  • National Mincemeat Day
  • National Financial Crime Fighter Day
  • National Pumpkin Day
  • Horseless Carriage Day
  • Worldwide Howl at the Moon Day
  • National Tennessee Day
  • National Day of the Deployed
  • National Mule Day
  • Intersex Awareness Day
  • International Mavrud Day

Oct 27

  • National American Beer Day
  • National Black Cat Day
  • Navy Day
  • Occupation Therapy Day
  • Cranky Coworkers Day

Oct 28

  • National Chocolate Day
  • Mother-in-Law Day
  • Plush Animal Lover’s Day
  • Separation of Church and State Day
  • Wild Foods Day
  • Statue of Liberty Declaration Day
  • International Animation Day

Oct 29

  • National Cat Day
  • National Hermit Day
  • National Oatmeal Day
  • World Stroke Day
  • World Psoriasis Day
  • International Internet Day

Oct 30

  • National Candy Corn Day
  • National Publicist Day
  • National Speak up for Service Day
  • Buy a Doughnut Day
  • Checklist Day
  • Create a Great Funeral Day
  • Haunted Refrigerator Night
  • Mischief Night
  • Sugar Addiction Awareness Day
  • Pumpkin Bread Day

Oct 31

  • Girl Scout Founder’s Day
  • National Caramel Apple Day
  • National Doorbell Day
  • National Knock Knock Jokes Day
  • National Magic Day
  • National Increase Your Psychic Powers Day
  • Carve a Pumpkin Day
  • Books for Treats Day
  • Scare a Friend Day
  • Trick or Treat for Unicef Day
  • Samhain – evening of October 31 to evening of November 1
  • Girl Scout Founders Day
  • Halloween Be sure to see the Stay Safe on Halloween printable below the list of national days in October.
  • World Savings Day

Additional national days of October that change each year

Some days of the year don’t have an exact date that they fall on in any given year. These days depend on the calendar for the current year.

First half of October

  • Change a Light Day – (1st Sunday)
  • Country Inn Bed and Breakfast Day – (1st Sunday)
  • Intergeneration Day – (1st Sunday)
  • National Child Health Day – (1st Monday)
  • National Consignment Day – (1st Monday) 
  • National Child Health Day – (1st Monday) 
  • Day of Unity – (1st Monday)
  • World Habitat Day – (1st Monday)
  • World Architecture Day – (1st Monday)
  • National Fruit at Work Day (1st Tuesday)
  • National Walk to School Day – (1st Wednesday) 
  • National Pumpkin Seed Day – (1st Wednesday)
  • National Coffee with a Cop Day – (1st Wednesday)
  • National Kale Day – (1st Wednesday)
  • Random Acts of Poetry Day – (1st Wednesday)
  • Balloons Around the World Day – (1st Wednesday)
  • National Manufacturing Day – (1st Friday)
  • National Body Language Day – (1st Friday)
  • National Diversity Day – (1st Friday)
  • International Frugal Fun Day – (1st Saturday)
  • World Card Making Day – (1st Saturday)

The second week of October

  • National Fossil Day – (Wednesday of second full week)
  • Clergy Appreciation Day – (2nd Sunday)
  • Canadian Thanksgiving (2nd Monday)
  • Columbus Day – (2nd Monday)
  • National Online Bank Day – (2nd Monday)
  • National Kick Butt Day– (2nd Monday)
  • Native American Day – (2nd Monday)
  • Indigenous People’s Day – (2nd Monday)
  • National Emergency Nurse’s Day – (2nd Wednesday) 
  • National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work/School Day – (2nd Wednesday)
  • National Stop Bullying Day – (2nd Wednesday)
  • National Pet Obesity Awareness Day – (2nd Wednesday)
  • Stop America’s Violence Everywhere Day – (2nd Wednesday)
  • Emergency Nurse’s Day – (2nd Wednesday)
  • International top Spinning Day – (2nd Wednesday)
  • World Sight Day – (2nd Thursday)
  • World Egg Day – (2nd Friday)
  • World Day Against the Death Penalty Day – (2nd Friday)
  • National Chess Day – (2nd Saturday)
  • National Costume Swap Day – (2nd Saturday)
  • National Motorcycle Ride Day – (2nd Saturday)
  • International Pinotage Day – (2nd Saturday)
  • I Love Yarn Day – (2nd Saturday)
  • National Kids Bowl Free Day – (2nd Saturday)
  • Universal Music Day – (2nd Saturday)

Second half of October

The last two weeks of the month of October have several days of awareness to celebrate.

  • National Take Your Parents To Lunch Day – Changes Each Year
  • National Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day – (3rd Sunday)
  • World Toy Camera Day – (3rd Sunday)
  • Multicultural Diversity Day – (3rd Monday)
  • International Adjust Your Chair Day – (3rd Monday)
  • Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity –  (3rd Tuesday)
  • National Pharmacy Technician Day – (3rd Tuesday)
  • Information Overload Day – (3rd Tuesday)
  • National Face Your Fears Day – (3rd Tuesday)
  • BRA Day USA – (3rd Wednesday) 
  • Hagfish Day – (3rd Wednesday)
  • Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day – (3rd Wednesday)
  • Love Your Body Day (3rd Wednesday)
  • Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce – (3rd Wednesday)
  • Conflict Resolution Day – (3rd Thursday)
  • Spirit Day – (3rd Thursday)
  • International Conflict Resolution Day – (3rd Thursday)
  • Get to Know Your Customers Day – (3rd Thursday)
  • National Get Smart About Credit Day – (3rd Thursday) 
  • Get to Know Your Customers Day – (3rd Thursday)  (also 3rd Thursday of January, April, July, and October)
  • International Credit Union Day (3rd Thursday)

We are not done yet.

Here are some more holidays in the last part of October!

  • National Mammography Day – (3rd Friday)
  • World Student Day (3rd Friday)
  • National Sweetist Day – (3rd Saturday)
  • Bridge Day- (3rd Saturday)
  • Lung Health Day – (4th Wednesday)
  • Unity Day – (4th Wednesday)
  • National Pharmacy Buyer Day – (Friday of last full week in October)
  • International Carignan Day – (Last Thursday)
  • World Champagne Day – (4th Friday)
  • National Bread Stick Day – (Last Friday) 
  • National Frankenstein Friday – (Last Friday)
  • National Bandana Day – (Last Friday)
  • World Lemur Day – (Last Friday)
  • National Pit Bull Awareness Day – (4th Saturday)
  • National Make A Difference Day – (4th Saturday) 
  • National Forgiveness Day – (Last Saturday)
  • Visit a Cemetery Day – (Last Saturday)

Active Time
5 minutes

Total Time
5 minutes


Estimated Cost


  • Heavy Card stock


  • Computer printer


  1. Load your heavy card stock into your computer printer.
  2. Choose portrait layout and if possible “fit to page” in your settings.
  3. Print the list and talk to your child about the safety tips.


Just for the foodies!

If you are a foodie, here are some special national day pages just for you.

Each month has its own list of foodie national days and each month celebrates different food holidays. Here are some other foodie national day lists that feature only food holidays to honor with your favorite recipes:

  • January food holidays
  • February holidays for foodies
  • March national food days
  • List of food days in April
  • May national food holidays
  • List of food days in June
  • What are food days in July
  • August national food days
  • September list of national food days
  • October food holidays

More to come later!

National days word search printables

Be sure to check out these monthly printables. Each puzzle features several national day in a fun word find format.

For the national days word search printables for the other months, check out these pages:

  • January national days word find puzzle 
  • February national day word search printable
  • Word search of March national days
  • April national day word search printable
  • May national day word find puzzle
  • June national days word search puzzle
  • July national day word search puzzle
  • August national day word search printable
  • September national day puzzle to search and find
  • October national day printable word search puzzle
  • Word search printable for November national days
  • December national day word search printable

Other word search puzzles to be updated soon. Stay tuned!

Monthly national day lists

There are over 2000 national days in the year and each month has over 150 special days to celebrate. Get all the monthly lists here:

  • National days of January 
  • National days in February
  • March national days
  • List of national days in April
  • What are the national days in May?
  • National days of June
  • National days of July
  • National days in August
  • National days in September
  • List of national days in October (this month)
  • November national days
  • National days of December 

Need more inspiration?

If you are looking for some inspiration for discovering more about all the national days, be sure to check out this national days board on Pinterest. It has lots of pins that lead to articles about the topic.

Pin this list of national days in October

Would you like a reminder of this post of the October national days? Just pin this image to one of your trivia boards on Pinterest so that you can easily find it later.

Which are your favorite national day of October?

The products shown below are affiliate links. I earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you if you purchase through an affiliate link. 

Admin note: this post for the national days in October first appeared on the blog in April of 2018. I have updated the post to add all new photos, a printable safety list, and a video for you to enjoy.

Prep Time
15 minutes

Total Time
15 minutes



  • Heavy cardstock or printer paper


  • Computer printer


  1. Load your heavy card stock or glossy photo paper into your Deskjet printer.
  2. Choose portrait layout and if possible “fit to page” in your settings.
  3. Print out and use the to do list to plan your activities for the month.


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National Opposite Day | Days Of The Year (January 25th)

National Opposite Day is the worst day for not saying anything to the people far away from you. You can’t have fun today, as nothing is allowed and nobody wants to have fun with you. Of course, on Opposite day, all of that means the opposite! It’s the best day of talking to the people close to you, having fun is the absolute most important thing you can do, and everyone is going to want in on it! National Opposite Day may be infuriating for some, but it can be the best (worst?) fun you’ll have all year!

Learn about National Opposite Day

National Opposite Day is a fun day where you can say the opposite of what you mean! It’s a great opportunity to make everyone laugh by saying the opposite of what you would usually say. It also gives you the opportunity to be a little bit cheeky and say the things you have always wanted to say but never usually do. After all, you’re only saying it because it is National Opposite Day, right? You can also do activities in the wrong order. For example, you could decide to have breakfast for dinner – pancakes anyone? You could even wear your clothes backward! It’s up to you how much you want to embrace the theme of this day.

There are a number of reasons why we love National Opposite Day, and so do many other people too! In fact, if you or your children are fans of Spongebob Squarepants, you will have probably seen the episode about it. This day is a great opportunity for pranksters – from the major pranksters to those with a secret silly side – to embrace their sense of humor and play tricks on people! If you are a fan of Aprils Fools’ Day, you can’t possibly dislike National Opposite Day.

History of National Opposite Day

National Opposite Day is particularly popular among children, who enjoy the kind of absurdity that can happen when everything you say is backward. This kind of thing can open the mind to some incredibly diverse ways of thinking, and it’s stimulating trying to keep up with everyone saying the opposite of what they actually mean. The more cynical of us may wonder how this is any different from the rest of the year.

Opposite day requires mental dexterity, a quick wit, and the ability to pick words we may not use every day out of the cobwebbed recesses of our brain. Not only that, but some of the things we may be overheard saying to our friends and coworkers may be nothing short of outrageous! Be careful though, you want to make sure the people you’re talking to know its opposite day, or you may wind up hurting someone’s feelings.

Opposite day has shown up in a lot of different forms of media, from Spongebob Squarepants, where Spongebob uses the nature of the day to try to prevent his neighbors from stopping the sale of his house, to The Grim Adventures of Bill & Mandy where they celebrated the madness of this very special day, and tried to remain sane through it all!

National Opposite Day Timeline


Calvin Coolidge chooses not to run

Some of the earliest references to Opposite Day are in conjunction with then US President Calvin Coolidge’s very confusing statement. When asked about whether he would run for a second term, he states, “I do not choose to run”, which left everyone wondering if he meant the opposite.[1]


President Eisenhower declares Opposite Day

Apparently as the fulfillment of a request from his granddaughter, then US President Dwight D. Eisenhower declares that for one day only, August 17, it would be “Opposite Day”. He stated that “I declared Opposite Day a holiday at the behest of my granddaughter.” The day was never repeats after 1959.[2]


Nora Roberts’ Opposites Attract book is released

Bestselling author Nora Roberts releases her romance novel called Opposites Attract, fifteen years after her debut novel. This is a story about two tennis superstars who are unalike but can’t seem to stay away from each other.[3]


SpongeBob Squarepants features Opposite Day

In this episode of the first season of this iconic cartoon, SpongeBob and his cohorts determined that everyone should act the opposite of how they usually act. Somehow, chaos ensues and they all end up acting like Squidward.[4]


Opposite Day is released in theaters

This comedy movie starring Billy Unger channels its inner Freaky Friday when children become adults and adults become children. It all happens because one boy is tired of adults making the rules, so he wishes on a star before falling asleep–and his wish comes true![5]

How to celebrate National Opposite Day

It starts with revving your brain up to be ready for a day of opposite sayings! When you like something say how much you hate it. Tell someone how delicious something with a bitter face, and then spit it out. There are millions of ways you can twist your tongue around words that are antonyms of what you mean! You can tell people what a nice night it is when you actually mean what a nice day it is, and tell them that you’ll see them yesterday when you leave for the night! National Opposite Day is a terrible.. I mean great… I mean terrible time for everyone!

There are a lot of different traditions that people tend to embrace on this date. No matter what you do, make sure you declare that it is National Opposite Day at some point! The last thing you want to do is offend someone because you have been horrible and not explained the reasons why! A lot of people like to use National Opposite Day to insult someone and see their reaction.

The horror on their face when you say something mean and then the sheer sense of relief when you say it is National Opposite Day is camera-worthy. Of course, you know who you can play these sorts of jokes on. National Opposite Day is only appropriate for your close circle in most cases. We would never recommend that you go up to your college lecturer and brutally insult them, for instance, even if you do say it is National Opposite Day afterward we’re not quite sure how that would go down!

There are plenty of other ways that you can get in on the action on National Opposite Day. One thing that we love to do on this date is absolutely nothing! After all, we all spend our lives running around at a frantic pace, trying to complete different tasks, and so it is nice to have a day where we do nothing at all.

Another simple yet highly effective way of embracing National Opposite Day is by saying “goodbye” to people whenever you greet them. The confusion on their face is worth it! You could also call in sick for work or college but then you could show up anyway. There are plenty of other unique suggestions online if you are looking for a bit of inspiration, so we are sure you will be able to find something that works for you.

National Opposite Day FAQs

What is Opposite Day?

This is a game that originated with children where they spend the day doing or saying the opposite of what they would normally do or say. Some kids use it as a trick by paying someone a compliment and then shouting “but not really, because it’s Opposite Day! Ha!”[1]

When was the first official Opposite Day?

Actually, Opposite Day has always been more of an unofficial holiday, but in 1959, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower did unofficially declare August 17 Opposite Day simply at the request of his granddaughter. [2]

What does the word ‘opposite’ mean?

The opposite of something is in direct contrast. This might mean something is directly across from a location (like the house on the opposite side of the street). Or it can mean that someone things differently (as in, a person’s opinion that is the exact opposite of someone else’s)[3]

Why is an op-ed named the “opposite-editorial”?

In many North American newspapers, a piece situated just opposite of the editorial page is called an op-ed. Its name was originally simply due to its location in the newspaper. An op-ed piece is usually one that expresses the thoughts or opinions of a person who is not on staff with the newspaper.[4]

View all holidays

National Youth Arts – ArtsDig

2019 Awards 
|  Previous National Youth Arts Awards 

  |  Westlake Village
  |  Orange County
  |  La Mesa
  |  San Diego-Westview
  |  Eastern Regional-Matinee
  |  Eastern Regional-Evening
  |  Scottsdale
  |  East Valley
  |  Peoria
  |  San Marcos
  |  Virginia
  |  Western Regional

2018 – 2019 14th
Annual National Youth Arts Awards!


~ California – San Marcos Ceremony ~ 



Youth Arts
is excited to begin announcing the winners of our 14th Annual National Youth Arts Awards to honor outstanding work
by youth in the arts. This year more than 700 productions were considered for the
awards, including shows from 240
different members spanning 17 states, Canada & the UK. For
information on how to get involved, please click

This year’s award winners were selected from nominations by a panel of
more than 50 judges
and reviewers.
In addition to the youth who performed in schools and youth arts companies, anyone
age 18 and under who performed at
a show reviewed by a judge was also considered for the NYA awards, as well as the adults who participated in the youth productions backstage (directors, set designers, costume designers,
etc.) and guest adult Performances in productions
designed for
youth. College artists are eligible for our University Arts (UniArts)
Awards presented in conjunction with the National Youth Arts Awards. Thank you all for your incredible work and
all the unforgettable entertainment over the past year!

The award winners will be formally presented with their awards on stage and
nomination certificates will be available at the registration table for the
nominees. The ceremonies honoring all of their
accomplishments are held in different regions of the country including multiple
ceremonies in Arizona, California, Colorado, New York, and Virginia. If award winners can’t make it to
their ceremony, they might be able to attend
one of the other ceremonies.

So far in 2019 alone, former NYA award winners have been involved in more than a dozen
Broadway shows (including Hamilton, Choir Boy, What the Constitution Means to
Me, Come From Away, The Prom, Chicago, The Cher Show, The Ferryman, Dear Evan
Hansen, The Book of Mormon, Mean Girls, Waitress, My Fair Lady, West Side Story
) and principal
performers on more than twenty current or scheduled TV shows (including Dynasty, Stranger Things, Fosse/Verdon, Nancy
Drew, Tales of the City, Queen Sugar, P-Valley, High School Musical, Young Justice,
Team Kaylie, Queen
America, Happy!, Mr.
Iglesias, Atypical, Veronica Mars, Future Cult Classic, iZombie, Pose, Looking
for Alaska, The Gifted, The Marvelous Mrs.
), as well as principals in films including Shazam!, Eternals, Us, Happy Death
Day 2U,
and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

A few
award-winning alumni include three Tony Nominees, Ashley Park [2009
(Gretchen in Mean Girls), Emily Skeggs [2008]
(Medium Alison in Fun Home) & Madeleine Foster Bersin [2010]
as producer of What the Constitution Means to Me, as well as Asher Angel [2013, ’14, ’15] (Film: Billy Batson in Shazam!,
TV: Jonah Beck in Andi Mack), Lia McHugh [2018] (Film:
Sprite in Marvel’s Eternals), Jackie Foster [2010, ’12, ’13,
(TV: The Voice Semifinalist, 2019 Lollapalooza), Brian Crum [2005] (TV:
America’s Got Talent: The Champions finalist), Veronica
[2011, ’12, ’13] (Broadway: Roxie in Chicago, TV: Marisa
Clark in K. C. Undercover), Carolyn Braver [2007, ’08]
(Broadway: Pearl in The Iceman Cometh, TV: Gidget in P-Valley), Micaela
[2015] (Broadway: Teen Cher), Rachel Redleaf [2011,
’12, ’13, ’14]
(Mama Cass in Once
Upon a Time in Hollywood
, Beth in Atypical),  Brennyn Lark [2011]
(Broadway: Eponine in Les Mis,
TV: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), and Grammy winner Ariana

Ceremony Portfolio for Agents: Award recipients and nominees are eligible for
talent agency submissions. If you’re interested in having NY and LA agents review your headshot/resume, please email them
to [email protected].
If any of the agencies are interested, you’ll be contacted directly via the email on your resume. Reminder:
Your resume should only have the email and cell of someone over the age of 18 (your parent or guardian).

Rob Hopper

Follow @RobertMHopper

Executive Director

National Youth Arts

California – San Marcos Ceremony

NYA Awards

Monday, August 12

Registration begins @ 6:45 p.m.

Awards Presentation begins @ 7:30 p.m.

Howard Brubeck Theatre 

Palomar College

1140 W. Mission Road

San Marcos, CA 92069

Please click here for more details and
ticket information

And the Winners are …

Outstanding Production:
The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co.)
Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)
Bright Star (Archbishop Mitty)
Crazy for You (Ovation Theatre)
Peter Pan (MET2)

Outstanding Production (Junior Division):
The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Outstanding Guest Production:
Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Outstanding Lead Performance in a Musical:

Alondra Alvarez in The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co.)

Ande Burns as Alice Murphy in Bright Star (Archbishop Mitty)

Madeline Edwards as Belle in Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Dashiell Gregory as Bobby Child in Crazy for You (Ovation Theatre)

Hannah LeBeau as Katherine Blake in Freaky Friday (Pacific Ridge School)

Michaela Lewis as Ella in Cinderella (Archbishop Mitty)

Mackenzie OCoyne as Ariel in The Little Mermaid (Vista Murrieta High School)

Sophia Papalia as Ellie in Freaky Friday (Ovation Theatre)

Rocco Polanco as Gomez Addams in The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co.)

Lydia Schmidt as Millie in Thoroughly Modern Millie (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Aaron Schroen as El Gallo in The Fantasticks (Santa Fe Christian Theater)

Aydin Sencan as King Arthur in Spamalot (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Ella Shreiner as Ellie Blake in Freaky Friday (Pacific Ridge School)

David Spitzfaden as Valjean in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Lydia Tkach as Luisa in The Fantasticks (Santa Fe Christian Theater)

Gabrielle Wade as Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Madie White as Killer Queen in We Will Rock You (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Outstanding Lead Performance in a Play:

John Blackstone-Gardner as Posthumus in Cymbeline (The Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Ryan Harazim as Orsino in Twelfth Night (Sage Creek High School)

Outstanding Lead Performance (Junior Division):

Olivia Burer as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz (Santa Fe Christian Middle School)

Carlos Gomez as Donkey in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Vanessa Houar as Wednesday in The Addams Family (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Hailey Irwin as Tilly Evans in She Kills Monsters (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Laney Norberg as Elle in Legally Blonde Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)

Maya Ordas as Peter Pan in Peter Pan (MET2)

Jasmine Papazian as Annie in Annie (Blue Rose Theatre Project)

Outstanding Lead Performance (College Division):

Joseph Brazil as Captain Hook in Peter Pan (MET2)

Alexandra Emmenegger as Judith Bliss in Hay Fever (Mira Costa College)

Dillon Klena as Jack Kelly in Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Gaby Wade as Scaramouche in We Will Rock You (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Outstanding Supporting Performance (College Division):

Austyn Myers as Crutchie in Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Jenna Viana as Tiger Lily in Peter Pan (MET2)

Outstanding Supporting Performance in a Musical:

Gabby Bantay as Javert in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Leia Barlage as Ginger Brooks in The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)

Paul Barnhouse as Fester Addams in The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co. )

Jenna Bell as Cosette in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Josh Bradford as Lumiere in Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Annabelle Chambers as May in Junie B. Jones (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Justin Davidowski as Fletcher Blake in Freaky Friday (Pacific Ridge School)

Brenna Farris as Miss Hannigan in Annie (Blue Rose Theatre Project)

Sade Frame as Lady of the Lake in Spamalot (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Avalon Greenberg-Call as Fantine in Les Miserables (Sage Creek High School)

Allie Marcone as Eponine in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Sydney Olson as Eponine in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Samantha Sanchez as Connie Miller in The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)

Lucas Stapleton as Thenardier in Les Miserables (Sage Creek High School)

Lilah Vener as Geneva Lee Brown in The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)

Krystal Wilson as Nancy in Oliver! (Norte Vista High School)

Iris Zietlow as Ursula in The Little Mermaid (Vista Murrieta High School)

Outstanding Supporting Performance in a Play:

James Kirkham as Pastoria in The Wizard of Oz (Ellensburg High School, WA)

Sheina Adiel Manning as Cynthia in The Wizard of Oz (Ellensburg High School, WA)

Melea Von Tresckow as Titania in A Midsummer Nights Dream (Mission Vista High School)

Outstanding Supporting Performance (Junior Division):

Noah Baird as Les Jacobs in Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Julianne Cheng as Nala in The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Lorelei Krone as Jane Banks in Mary Poppins (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Gage Magosin as Pugsley Addams in The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co.)

Outstanding Featured Performance in a Musical:

Audrey Deubig as Patsy in Crazy for You (Ovation Theatre)

Conor Sherry as Darryl in Bright Star (Archbishop Mitty)

Outstanding Featured Performance (Junior Division):

Caelinn (Casey) Morris as Kowalski in Madagascar (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Outstanding Ensemble:
The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)
The Fantasticks (Santa Fe Christian Theater)
Freaky Friday (Pacific Ridge School)
Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)
Les Miserables (Sage Creek High School)

Outstanding Ensemble (Junior Division):
Junie B. Jones (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Outstanding Costume Design:

Karen Brady for Cinderella (Archbishop Mitty)

Julie Krone for The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Outstanding Choreography:

Kathryn Baker for The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co.)

Kathryn Baker for Thoroughly Modern Millie (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Amy Stine for Newsies (Santa Fe Christian School)

Karl Warden for Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Outstanding Musical Direction:

Randi Ellen Rudolph for Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Outstanding Direction:

Benjamin Cole for Spamalot (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Brad Golden and Rocco Polanco for The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co.)

Pamela Laurent for Crazy for You (Ovation Theatre)


* . ..And the additional
Nominees are … *

Outstanding Production:
The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)
Cinderella (Archbishop Mitty)
Adaptation of Death of a Salesman (La Costa Canyon Theatre)
Freaky Friday (Ovation Theatre)
Freaky Friday (Pacific Ridge School)
The Little Mermaid (Vista Murrieta High School)
Newsies (Chaparral High School)

Outstanding Lead Performance in a Musical:

Mason Ballard as Jimmy in Thoroughly Modern Millie (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Morgan Hunt as Valjean in Les Miserables (23 Elephants)

Sierra Goria as Velma Kelly in Chicago (San Marcos High School)

Ryan Harazim as Jean Valjean in Les Miserables (Sage Creek High School)

Abby Hines as Wendy in Peter Pan (MET2)

Tina Joshi as Maria in The Sound of Music (MET2)

Gavin Powell as Jack Kelly in Newsies (Chaparral High School)

Gavin Powell as Johnnie Cantone in The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)

C. J. Purdy as Topher in Cinderella (Archbishop Mitty)

Kieran Ruf as Jimmy Ray Dobbs in Bright Star (Archbishop Mitty)

Samantha Sanchez as Katherine in Newsies (Chaparral High School)

Paul Trotta as Matt in The Fantasticks (Santa Fe Christian Theater)

Paul Trotta as Jack Kelly in Newsies (Santa Fe Christian School)

Outstanding Lead Performance in a Play:

Alondra Alvarez as Biff Loman in Adaptation of Death of a Salesman (La Costa Canyon Theatre)

Jordan Becknell as Maria in Death by Dessert (Pacific Ridge School)

Oscar Harkins as Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing (San Marcos High School)

Brandon Kiser as Wilson Smith in 1984 (Norte Vista High School)

Bri Lubinski as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz (Ellensburg High School, WA)

Melissa Rector as Maria in Death by Dessert (Pacific Ridge School)

Aaron Schroen as Fitzwilliam Darcy in Pride & Prejudice (Santa Fe Christian Drama)

Gillian Shapiro as Imogen in Cymbeline (The Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Emma Thompson as Hero in Much Ado About Nothing (San Marcos High School)

Lydia Tkach as Elizabeth Bennet in Pride & Prejudice (Santa Fe Christian Drama)

Gibson Witz as Don in Death by Dessert (Pacific Ridge School)

Julia in 1984 (Norte Vista High School)

Outstanding Lead Performance (Junior Division):

Katie Cruz as Fiona in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Sienna Gasparrelli as Junie in Junie B. Jones (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Kayla Malmberg as Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray Jr. (Heyjojo)

Jonathan McPherson as Emmett in Legally Blonde Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)

Alex Medico as Donkey in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Carly Newbanks as Fiona in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Laney Norberg as Alice in Alice in Wonderland Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)

Olivia Parsons as Alice in Alice in Wonderland Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)

TJ Rodriquez as Simba in The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Maya Washington as Annie in Annie (Blue Rose Theatre Project)

Nathan Williamson as Shrek in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Outstanding Guest Performance:

Steve Bourasa as Smee in Peter Pan (MET2)

Rowena Greenwood as Bird Woman in Mary Poppins (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Nate Beals as Gomez in The Addams Family (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Katharine McDonough as Katherine Plumber in Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Shirley Johnston as Medda Larkin in Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Sara Kimberlin as Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Phillip Korth as Cymbeline in Cymbeline (The Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Phillip Korth as Old Troll in The Snow Queen (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Outstanding Lead Performance (College Division):

Megan Byers as Morticia in The Addams Family (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Alexandra Emmenegger as Ann Deever in All My Sons (Mira Costa College)

Layth Haddad as Chris Keller in All My Sons (Mira Costa College)

Symonne Still as Agnes Evans in She Kills Monsters (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Outstanding Supporting Performance (College Division):

Erica Bogan as Sue Bayiss in All My Sons (Mira Costa College)

Sittichai Chaiyahat as Pirate King in The Pirates of Penzance (Mira Costa College)

Joseph Emmenegger as Dr. Jim Bayless in All My Sons (Mira Costa College)

Stephen Foo as Chuck Biggs in She Kills Monsters (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Alex Tanner as George Deever in All My Sons (Mira Costa College)

Tommy Tran as Miles in She Kills Monsters (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Chris Vecchione as Fester in The Addams Family (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Outstanding Supporting Performance in a Musical:

Ellie Bednarz as Eponine in Les Miserables (23 Elephants)

Rachael Bell as Irene Roth in Crazy for You (Ovation Theatre)

Evelyn Berry as Alice Benekie in The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co.)

Brody Ensor as Billy Flynn in Chicago (San Marcos High School)

Dylan Gardner as Amos Hart in Chicago (San Marcos High School) 

Ben Garon as Daddy/Mr. Scary in Junie B. Jones (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Rhiann Glaudini as Mrs. Darling in Peter Pan (MET2)

Tessa Grantham as Madame Thenardier in Les Miserables (Sage Creek High School)

Levi Gunn as BJ Gibson in The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)

Lexi Hoffman as Torrey in Freaky Friday (Ovation Theatre)

Kylie Kennard as Harriet in The Fantasticks (Santa Fe Christian Theater)

Brandon Kiser as Bill Sikes in Oliver! (Norte Vista High School)

Jin-Hee Lee as Marie in Cinderella (Archbishop Mitty)

Trenton Leslie as Huck in The Fantasticks (Santa Fe Christian Theater)

Nate McClynonds as Mike in Freaky Friday (Pacific Ridge School)

Michial Michalovich as Trevor Graydon in Thoroughly Modern Millie (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Jacob Morilak as Bella Zangler in Crazy for You (Ovation Theatre)

Riley Osburn as Fantine in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Macie Parker as Ms. Myers/Gretchens Mom/Waiter in Freaky Friday (Pacific Ridge School)

Madison Prince as Cosette in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Piatt Pund as Gaston in Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Andy Reynolds as Le Fou in Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Priya Richard as Eponine in Les Miserables (Sage Creek High School)

Caroline Salel as Grace in Annie (Blue Rose Theatre Project)

Aaron Schroen as Joseph Pulitzer in Newsies (Santa Fe Christian School)

Ryan Sondak as Mr. Darling in Peter Pan (MET2)

Isaiah Stacy-Sutton as Biff Baker in The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)

Grace Stehle as Fantine in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Riley Stone as Fantine in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Jackson Taitano as Thenardier in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Emma Thompson as Mama Morton in Chicago (San Marcos High School)

Ivan Vicente as Marius in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

David Waterman as Javert in Les Miserables (23 Elephants)

Outstanding Supporting Performance in a Play:

Leia Barlage as Celia in Love/Sick (Chaparral High School)

Aaron Bingham as Keith in Love/Sick (Chaparral High School)

Cameron Daley as Oberon in Midsummer/Jersey (Vista Murrieta High School)

Abby DeSpain as Lilly in She Kills Monsters (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Kassy Edie as Trixie in The Wizard of Oz (Ellensburg High School, WA)

Luca Filiz as Lloyd Dallas in Noises Off (Archbishop Mitty)

Sierra Goria as Don Antonia in Much Ado About Nothing (San Marcos High School)

Jacob Levy as Bottom in A Midsummer Nights Dream (Mission Vista High School)

Wendy Maddox as Detective Harrigan in The Gorilla (The Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Neeka Majidishad as Nina in Death by Dessert (Pacific Ridge School)

Alana Marshall as Puck in Midsummer/Jersey (Vista Murrieta High School)

Vicki McMillen as Mrs. Bennet in Pride & Prejudice (Santa Fe Christian Drama)

Alice Miller as Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz (Ellensburg High School, WA)

Megan OBrien as Sarah in Love/Sick (Chaparral High School)

Madison Pannatoni as The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz (Ellensburg High School, WA)

Samuel Schroeder as Governor Chris Athens in Midsummer/Jersey (Vista Murrieta High School)

Noah Secades as Feste in Twelfth Night (Sage Creek High School)

Gillian Shapiro as Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing (San Marcos High School)

Emma Skeet as Dotty/Mrs. Clackett in Noises Off (Archbishop Mitty)

AJ Soave as Bill in Love/Sick (Chaparral High School)

Dan Solares as Flute (Thisbe) in A Midsummer Nights Dream (Mission Vista High School)

David Spitzfaden as Demetrius in A Midsummer Nights Dream (Mission Vista High School)

Grace Stehle as Helena in A Midsummer Nights Dream (Mission Vista High School)

Outstanding Supporting Performance (Junior Division):

Tyler Askins as Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)

Reece Benson as Young Simba in The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Michelle Bryant as Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz (Santa Fe Christian Middle School)

Kirra Cheeseman as Penny Pingleton in Hairspray Jr. (Heyjojo)

Zach Daugherty as Lord Farquaad in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Ben Garon as King Julien in Madagascar (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Jack Gemell as Sheldon in Junie B. Jones (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Elizabeth Greenwood as Rafiki in The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Lily Haigis as Genie in Aladdin Jr. (Scripps Theatre Arts)

Gracie Howard as Lucille in Junie B. Jones (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Tommy James as Michael Banks in Mary Poppins (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Aailyah Krummel as Scar in The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Carly Newbanks as Miss Hannigan in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Tyler Marshall as Pumbaa in The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Dean Norris Jr. as Pugsley in The Addams Family (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Maya Ordas as Liesl in The Sound of Music (MET2)

Sophia Ott as Louisa in The Sound of Music (MET2)

Ava Paraiso as Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)

Zoe Quinn as Timone in The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Eden Stambaugh as Lion in The Wizard of Oz (Santa Fe Christian Middle School)

Reina Stinchcomb as Kassim in Aladdin Jr. (Scripps Theatre Arts)

Outstanding Featured Performance in a Musical (College Division):

Lucas Goodman as Frank Lubey in All My Sons (Mira Costa College)

Outstanding Featured Performance in a Musical:

Dylan Baurle as Lurch in The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co. )

Patrick Begg as Wiesel/Teddy Roosevelt in Newsies (Chaparral High School)

Audrey Deubig as Silly Girl in Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Rhiann Glaudini as Sister Berthe in The Sound of Music (MET2)

Fiona Grubb as Grandma in The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co.)

Brady Hill as Wally Ferguson in The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)

Jocelyn Lash as Valentine in Mary Poppins (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Isabella Lynch as Buttons in Newsies (Chaparral High School)

Diego Martinez as Bishop in Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Isabella Nioletti as Lucy in Bright Star (Archbishop Mitty)

Becca Spejcher as Grandma in The Addams Family (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Outstanding Featured Performance (Junior Division):

Emerson Ames as Brigitta in The Sound of Music (MET2)

Tyler Askins as Brooke in Legally Blonde Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)

Will Clawson as Pinocchio in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Michelle Difrancesco as Not Dead Fred in Spamalot (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Nicole Kridler as Dragon in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Tanner Levasseur as Featured Dancer in We Will Rock You (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Kassidy King as Old Lady/Zoo Guest in Madagascar (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Chelsea Mahelona as Teen Fiona in Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Torrie Parker as Brooke in Legally Blonde Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)

Outstanding Ensemble:
The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co.)
Annie (Blue Rose Theatre Project)
Cinderella (Archbishop Mitty)
Death by Dessert (Pacific Ridge School)
Exhibit This! (Vista Murrieta High School)
Freaky Friday (Ovation Theatre)
Newsies (Chaparral High School)
Newsies (Santa Fe Christian School)
Noises Off (Archbishop Mitty)
Twelfth Night (Sage Creek High School)
The Wizard of Oz (Ellensburg High School, WA)

Outstanding Ensemble (Junior Division):
Alice in Wonderland Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)
The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)
Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)
The Wizard of Oz (Santa Fe Christian Middle School)

Outstanding Guest Ensemble:
Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Outstanding Costume Design:

Felicia Broschart for Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Samantha Englander for Spamalot (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Debby Goyette for The Snow Queen (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Cindy Haley/Beverly Stephenson/Tamiko Houar for The Addams Family (Temecula Performing Arts Company)

Bryn Hamson for Crazy for You (Ovation Theatre)

C. Irvin & N. Irvin for The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)

Julie Krone for Mary Poppins (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Maria Manning for The Wizard of Oz (Ellensburg High School, WA)

Josseline Tanus for The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co. )

Carol Whaley for Annie (Blue Rose Theatre Project)
Shrek Jr. (Bernardo Heights Middle School)

Outstanding Lighting Design:

Aliyah DuTemple for Exhibit This! (Vista Murrieta High School)

Jennifer Edwards for Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Ryan Ford for The Snow Queen (Theatre School @ North Coast Rep)

Outstanding Set Design:

Justin Karr for Noises Off (Archbishop Mitty)

Steven Persson for The Little Mermaid (Vista Murrieta High School)

Outstanding Choreography:

Jacqueline Barone for Alice in Wonderland Jr. (Kids Theatre Network)

Susie Dycus for Crazy for You (Ovation Theatre)

Jill Morrison for Newsies (Chaparral High School)

Colleen Kollar-Smith for Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Outstanding Youth Orchestra:
Les Miserables (Sage Creek High School)

Outstanding Musical Direction:

Lauren Bavilacqua for Bright Star (Archbishop Mitty)

Lauren Bavilacqua for Cinderella (Archbishop Mitty)

Eloy Castaneda for Thoroughly Modern Millie (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Steven Dziekonski for Freaky Friday (Pacific Ridge School)

Benjamin Goniea for The Addams Family (La Costa Canyon Theatre Co. )

Benjamin Goniea for Les Miserables (Mission Vista High School)

Justin Gray for Mary Poppins (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Scott Gregory for Crazy for You (Ovation Theatre)

Lyndon Pugeda for Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Outstanding Direction:

Matthew Corsaro for The Fantasticks (Santa Fe Christian Theater)

Madeline Edwards for Junie B. Jones (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Steven Glaudini for Beauty and the Beast (Moonlight Youth Theatre)

Chris Irvin for The 1940s Radio Hour (Chaparral High School)

Fredreka Irvine for Freaky Friday (Pacific Ridge School)

Joy Yvonne Jones for Twelfth Night (Sage Creek High School)

Jillian Porter-Eshelman for Les Miserables (Sage Creek High School)

Larry Raben for Newsies (Moonlight Stage Productions)

Doug Santana for Bright Star (Archbishop Mitty)

Siobhan Sullivan Crews for Annie (Blue Rose Theatre Project)

Myles Vencill for Mary Poppins (Carlsbad Community Theatre)

Austin Wright for The Lion King Jr. (Carlsbad Community Theatre)


Indigenous music for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

This week’s playlist also includes music from countryfolk singer Richard Inman, Mi’kma’ki rapper Wolf Castle, Inuk singer Tanya Tagaq, plus a collaboration between Zoon and Leanne Betasamosake Simpson.

By Alessia PassafiumeStaff Reporter
Richie AssalyToronto Star
Demar GrantStaff Reporter
Annette EjioforToronto Star

Fri., Sept. 30, 20226 min. read

Sept. 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation — a day to honour the children who did not return home and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities.

In this week’s edition of Star Tracks, we decided to showcase the variety of music created by Indigenous Peoples — both new songs and old favourites.

This week’s playlist includes songs from Buffy Sainte-Marie, The Trade-Offs, Asyanabee, Richard Inman, Wolf Castle, Tagaq, and Zoon.

Click here to listen along to the Spotify playlist.

Buffy Sainte-Marie: Soldier Blue / My Country ’Tis of Thy People You’re Dying

A few weeks ago I was walking down Front Street when the song “Solider Blue” by Buffy Sainte-Marie came on shuffle. I’ve heard it countless times and know the words like the back of my hand, but after leaving the Star’s newsroom, they hit me a little harder, especially as stories from James Smith Cree Nation continued to — rightfully — flood our pages.

“When the news stories get me down / I take a drink of freedom to think of / North America from toe to crown / It’s never long before / I know just why I belong here,” Sainte-Marie sings with that iconic voice of hers over a folk-rock song.

Buffy is a staple in Indigenous households, with a voice that transcends generations. While this song may have been released in 1971, the words, like the words in all her songs, remain relevant.

Her 1966 song “My Country ’tis of Thy People You’re Dying” — written during the civil rights movement — is often referred as a lesson about Indigenous Peoples for non-Indigenous people.

“Now that the longhouses breed superstition / You force us to send our toddlers away / To your schools where they’re taught to despise their traditions / Forbid them their languages,” she sings with nothing but a guitar track in the background in reference to residential schools and American Indian boarding schools that forcefully separated Indigenous children from their families and communities. “And yet where in your history books is the tale / Of the genocide basic to this country’s birth? / Of the preachers who lied? / How the Bill of Rights failed? / How a nation of patriots returned to their earth?”

“My country ‘tis of thy people you’re dying.”— Alessia Passafiume

The Trade-Offs: Put ’Em Down

From 1950 to the mid-1970s, the federal government and the RCMP used a variety of violent colonial practices to dispossess Inuit communities from their land and move them into government run settlements. The government has acknowledged that these practices included forced relocation, family separation and the killing of sled dogs (called qimmiit in Inuktitut).

The heartbreaking slaughter and decline of qimmiit is the subject of the “Put ’Em Down,” the latest song from the “Arctic soul” group The Trade-Offs, released specifically for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

“Put ’em down they said/ Put ’em down, use lead/ No more mushing, they said,” sings vocalist Josh Qaumariaq, his husky voice straining amid bluesy slide guitar and honky-tonk piano. In a statement, Qaumariaq says the song is about the government sled dog killings, “but it’s also about trying to put us as a people down and erase our culture — a truth I don’t even know a lot about because it has been kept so quiet.” — Richie Assaly

Wolf Castle: Get Lit

Violins are one the must underrated instruments in hip hop. Over classical violins and classic boom-bap drums, Mi’kmaq rapper Wolf Castle offers a double-coated rumination. Filled with fun rhymes like “Men in black going stupid going looney,” and “Test your might, one hit could change your life/ Freaky freaky, I’m hotter than Wasabi,” Castle brings levity to slow a classical-infused track that begs for contrast. But cloaked by the humour filled verses, Castle’s hook is one that demands freedom, criticizing those who ask for it while still maintaining sugary repetition. The term “get lit” serves as a double entendre that’s well disguised but a closer reading at the lyrics reveals a call to action. Able to switch flows within verses Castle brings pace to an otherwise soothing track as he bounces between rapping about clothes, liberation, and self-realization. — Demar Grant

Asyanabee: Nomads

There is nothing greater than bearing witness to honest and clear lyricism and an unwavering presence of reclamation. Asyanabee is at the Canadian (Turtle Island) mountaintop and all should be listening. Toronto-based and Oji-Cree, Asyanabee was the first artist signed to the recently started Indigenous-owned label, Ishkode Records. On “Nomads,” he breathes new life into the folk sounds we all know and love, bringing up the deeply rooted emotions and triumphs of Indigenous Peoples — namely his grandfather, who went through the forcibly enacted Residential School system. “Nomads” is about reconnection and the yearning for community, healing and self-love. Music is the universal language and through his words — short and sweet but encapsulating a forest of thoughts and experiences — and moving melodies, he ties generations of strife and accomplishments together. Asyanabee is your one to watch and for this, I couldn’t be happier. — Annette Ejiofor

Richard Inman: Waiting on the River

If you want to capture the unique feeling of driving solo down a highway between far-flung rural towns, go ahead and throw on “Come Back Through,” the latest album from countryfolk songwriter Richard Inman. Blessed with a warm but weary baritone, Inman’s tales — which tackle familiar heartland subjects like trucks, horses, the oilpatch, whiskey and heartbreak — are delivered with a mix of humility and hard-won wisdom, accompanied by sparse and twangy instrumentation that conveys the lonely comfort of a big prairie sky.

On “Waiting on the River,” Inman adopts the role of a downcast and hung up lover, dwelling on a simple memory: “You said don’t you know/ Throwing money out’s bad luck/ Now I keep my quarters, nickels in order in a billfold in my truck,” he sings over a simple guitar strum, a touch of sweetness in his voice. But the memory quickly evaporates: “Now I’m digging for change, waiting on the river/ just hoping that my liver and my luck hold out,” Inman admits over a forlorn fiddle, as that old familiar ache returns. — RA

Tanya Tagaq: Teeth Agape

An ever-eerie escalation, “Teeth Agape” is one of those tracks that channel unbridled rage into unleashed wrath. The building, buzzing synths, paired with the distant howl to start the track set the stage for Tanya Tagaq’s transformation. While lyrically sparse, simplicity is key as Tagaq illustrates how visceral the destruction will be if you “Touch my children / And my teeth welcome your windpipe” as enraged vocals tilt otherworldly. While the verses move at a glacial pace, the constant heartbeat of the drums coupled with Tagaq’s snarls and heavy breathing turn what could have been a plodding track into one that haunts the listener with her presence. — DG

Zoon (feat. Leanne Betasamosake Simpson): Astum

On the stirring debut album from the OMBIIGIZI, Daniel Monkman and Adam Sturgeon demonstrated how music and storytelling can transform pain into beauty and affirmation. Monkman continues on “Big Pharma,” an EP from his solo project Zoon that was released in June. The five-song record, which explores the role of pharmaceutical companies in the overdose crisis in Indigenous communities, breathes new life into Monkman’s unique style of experimental shoegaze (or what is sometimes referred to as “moccasin-gaze”) through collaborations with rapper Cadence Weapon, composer Michael Peter Olsen and others.

On “Astum” — which means “hurry up” in Cree — Monkman, joined by Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg writer and artist Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, trades the wall-of-sound approach of My Bloody Valentine for the lighter, dreamier touch of Yo La Tengo. “You’ll change/ I want to believe it,” Monkman muses midway through the track, before the composition expands into a swirl of strings and delicate psychedelia. A sense of loss lingers over the track, but it’s hope that rises in the end. — RA

Alessia Passafiume is a GTA-based staff reporter for the Star. Reach Alessia via email: [email protected]


Richie Assaly is a Toronto-based digital producer for the Star. Reach him via email: [email protected]

Demar Grant is a Toronto-based staff reporter for the Star. Reach Demar via email: [email protected]


Annette Ejiofor is an Ottawa-based digital producer for the Star. Reach her via email: [email protected]


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National Sandwich Day 2021: Where You Can Get Free Sandwiches

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National Sandwich Day is here, and it’s bringing a pile of discounted sandwiches your way.

By Dustin Nelson

Updated on 11/3/2021 at 6:19 PM

Photo courtesy of Ike’s Love & Sandwiches

When wealthy people drop giant piles of cash to put their name on something — a pizza chain, college quad, or soon-to-be failed casino — it’s only because the best things have already been taken. You can’t buy the right to rename Halloween after yourself, and John Montagu already got to sandwiches.

Montagu was the 4th Earl of Sandwich, and the legend goes that the sandwich is named after him. November 3 might not be John Montagu day, but it’s awfully close. It’s National Sandwich Day, and restaurants across the US will be honoring the mighty sandwich by doling out deals on sandwiches all day. You’ll find deals from shops like Potbelly, Subway, Jersey Mike’s, and many other restaurants. 

Here are the best deals available on National Sandwich Day. 

Free Sandwiches on National Sandwich Day

The deal: Buy two footlongs and get the third one for free at locations across the US. You’ll have to redeem the offer through a Subway account on its website or the mobile app.
When: Through November 6

The deal: New users to the Popeyes app or can grab a free Chicken Sandwich on their first order of at least $10.
When: Through November 3

Ike’s Love & Sandwiches
The deal:
The sandwich chain is kicking off five days of deals by dropping 1,400 free sandwiches into rewards members’ accounts. Check your account today and you might have a free lunch in there.  
When: November 3

The deal: The sandwich shop is offering a buy-one-get-one-free deal on sandwiches. Ordering an Original or Big size sandwich through the app with the code “BOGO” to get the deal.
When: November 3

Jimmy John’s
The deal: The sandwich shop’s Freaky Fast Rewards program will set you up with a free eight-inch sandwich after your first order through the app. 
When: Ongoing

Halo Burger
The deal:
Nab a free QP Burger after your first loyalty visit to the burger chain. 
When: Ongoing

Penn Station East Coast Subs
The deal:
Order a sub online and you can get a free small sub with the code “PSBOGO.”
When: Ongoing

Photo courtesy of Potbelly

Sandwich Deals on National Sandwich Day

McAlister’s Deli
The deal:
McAlister’s Rewards members get a buy-one-get-one-half-off in their account on National Sandwich Day.
When: November 3-17

The deal:
Download the app to get a medium sandwich for $5. There’s a maximum of five sandwiches per purchase.
When: November 3

Jersey Mike’s Subs
The deal: Take $2 off any regular sub when you order through the Jersey Mike’s app. Use the code “SANDWICH.”
When: November 3-7

The deal:
Take $1 off any six-inch QuickChek sub if you’re a QuickChek Rewards member. 
When: November 3

The deal: If you’re a CAPaddicts rewards member, you can grab a small turkey sub for $5. 
When: November 3

Dickey’s Barbecue Pit
The deal:
Get free delivery when you order online through the Dickey’s site or mobile app when you select the “Doorstep Drop Off” option.  
When: Through September

Dickey’s Barbecue Pit
The deal:
To celebrate eight decades of slinging meat, it’s offering something called the Anniversary Meal. You get a Classic Pulled Pork Sandwich with Double Berry Cobbler and a side for $8.80. 
When: Through December 31, 2021

The deal:
Get four meals for $29.99. The family meal comes with four 8-inch subs, four bags of chips, and four cookies. Use the very memorable code “8026.”
When: Ongoing

Photo courtesy of McAlister’s Deli

Other Deals on National Sandwich Day

The deal:
For $2, you can buy a Wendy’s Key Tag, which lands you a free Jr Frosty every day for a year when you make any purchase. The purchase goes to benefit the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.
When: Through December 31

Mountain Mike’s Pizza
The deal:
Take 20% off large pizzas with the code “Novblitz20.
When: November 3

Smoothie King
The deal: Grab a free 12-ounce Immune Builder Orange blend drink through the Healthy Rewards app.
When: November 2-4

Gift Card Deals Available Now

Grimaldi’s Pizzeria
The deal: Buy a $50 gift card and you’ll get a $10 bonus card for free. That bumps up to $20 if you buy a $100 gift card.
When: Through December 31

Farmer Boys
The deal: Get a $5 voucher when you buy $25 in gift cards or a $25 voucher when you spend $100.
When: Through January 17

Want more food deals?

Here’s our huuuuuuuge running list of all the free food you can get right now, as well as the best pizza deals, reward programs, birthday freebies, gift card offers, food delivery offers, alcohol delivery deals, and perks for getting your vaccination against COVID-19.  If you want a little more than, say a free taco, we also have you covered with a long list of meals you can get at fast food chains under $5. You’re welcome.

Want more Thrillist? Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Dustin Nelson is a Senior Staff Writer at Thrillist. Follow Dustin Nelson on Twitter.

‎Pokémon HOME on the App Store


Pokémon HOME is a cloud-based service, designed as a place where all of your Pokémon can gather.

▼ Manage your Pokémon!
You can bring any Pokémon that has appeared in a Pokémon core-series game to Pokémon HOME. You’ll also be able to bring certain Pokémon from Pokémon HOME for Nintendo Switch to your Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, Pokémon Shining Pearl, Pokémon Sword, and Pokémon Shield games.

▼ Trade Pokémon with players around the world!
If you have a smart device, you’ll be able to trade Pokémon with players around the world anytime you want, anywhere you are. Enjoy different ways of trading, too, like the Wonder Box and GTS!

▼ Complete the National Pokédex!
You’ll be able to complete your National Pokédex by bringing lots of Pokémon to Pokémon HOME. You’ll also be able to check out all the moves and Abilities your Pokémon have.

▼ Receive Mystery Gifts!
You’ll be able to quickly and conveniently receive Mystery Gifts using your smart device!

■ Terms of Use
Please read the Terms of Use before using this service.

■ Compatible Systems
Pokémon HOME can be used on devices with the following OSes.
iOS 12 and above
NOTE: Please be aware that Pokémon HOME may not work on certain devices.

■ Questions
Should you have any questions, please use the contact form found in Pokémon HOME.
Questions submitted without using the contact form may take longer to be addressed.

Version 2. 0.2

– Added the ability for users to delete their accounts
– Addressed an issue in which the location where a Pokemon was first met wouldn’t be displayed under certain circumstances
– Addressed an issue in which your search criteria would sometimes not be reflected when searching for specific Pokemon on the GTS

– Other issues have also been addressed in order to ensure a user-friendly experience.

Ratings and Reviews

11.7K Ratings

If it can be fixed than it needs to be

This product is very useful I enjoy using it but there is one thing that I believe will make Pokemon moving the most useful you can transfer Pokemon back and fourth easily the but you can’t transfer over times that are on the Pokemon let’s say I have a zacian it needs its rusted sword to change form but unfortunately the time gets put back into your bag in sword and when you transfer zacian over to shield it does not have its rusted sword this makes moving Pokemon with items impossible and I can understand if there was a software road block it just think it would be nice to see the problem addressed by the people that made the app but besides that I think the app is great in both mobile device and switch but please if you could talk about it that would be most informative also the most of the community seems to be really toxic there are a lot of troll trades that are asking for Pokemon at a lower level than are given for example a troll wants a level 60 zacian this is impossible to get zacian at level 60 because he comes at level 70 they make it so trades with actually good people are impossible all I ever see when searching for trades are trolls and take up the entire page and should not be allowed to do so so making a cap of leveling depending on the actual Pokémon so we don’t have trolls would be nice

Great! But needs one or two features

This game is great it has many features that I have always wanted for Pokémon sword and shield but it is lacking some, such as the feature on the GTS where there is a setting where it filters the Pokémon you are searching for four people asking for Pokémon that you have. This is an excellent feature and I am surprised it is not added in Pokémon HOME. Also it would be great if we had some sort of way to battle, maybe on the switch version it would be better than the mobile version but still nonetheless we need a way to battle, especially since on the news category it says battle as a category. Overall this is a great game but there is one more thing I would like to see in it. There should be more boxes in the basic plan of the version one box really isn’t going to help people who want to save money but like to play Pokémon, especially if they might be shiny hunters or they just need extra space in their boxes. Also, people should not be able to make a possible trades such as dittos with genders or legendary Pokémon with genders which there is no way that anybody can trade unless it is hacked. These trades generally annoy me because this is people just taunting others. I’d like to see your future that removes the capability of making any sort of impossible trade.

I love this app how it can transfer Pokémon to and from games and I think once it gets updated more it will just keep getting better. :3

Great, just a few issues

I’ve loved Pokémon ever since I could remember, but I’ve never had a chance to play a game until I got Sword. I loved it so much, and when I found out there was an app that could allow me to essentially trade for free, I was amazed. I got this app, and it’s been going great. However, there are just a few issues. First of all, it would be best if in the GTS you could only allow possible trades. I’ve been searching for a Zamazenta for a little over five months now, and all everyone wants are impossible to get, such as a level 51-60 Zacian, or a level 1-10 Poipole. That last one really ticks me off, because for every single Pokémon out there, someone wants a level 1-10 Poipole. Second, the whole can-store-from-Let’s-Go-but-not-go-back thing doesn’t make sense. I’m not a computer coding wizard, so I’m maybe just ignorant, but it’s still confusing. Last, and probably the most unimportant problem, is the premium plan. Don’t get me wrong, $16 a year is absolutely fantastic, but it’s the differences from the basic plan that really irk me. Only three Pokémon in the Wonder Box at a time? At least 6 would make it a lot better in my opinion, but now I’m just rambling. Overall, this is an amazing app I would recommend to every trainer out there, but fixing these few issues would make it a lot better. Thank you!

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Day in history. March 13 / On this day / Nezavisimaya Gazeta

A day in history
Internet version

03/13/2013 00:01:00

The artist and architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781–1841) turned National Romanticism as a theory into practice

Petr Spivak

Tags: history, architecture

The architect is the creator. But it works according to the classic canvas.
Carl Joseph Begas. Portrait of Karl Schinkel. 1826. Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin

What do astronomy and architecture have in common? Directly, probably nothing. And if we introduce some mediating link – say, artistic thinking? Then images, analogies and parallels will immediately appear.

In principle, even the most rigorous science cannot do without the language of metaphors. The German astronomer Ludwig Franz Benedict Biermann, born March 13, 1907 (d. 1986), predicted that particle streams should emanate from the Sun, a phenomenon that was later called the “solar wind.” A metaphor that has become a scientific term.

Here’s an even weirder one. The American native of this calendar day, Percival Lowell (1855–1916), was an amateur in astronomy, and not only in it. The heir to the family textile business, manager, philanthropist, he first became interested in the East, visited Japan and Korea and wrote the book “The Soul of the Far East”, where he argued, for example, that Western peoples have a national character that is masculine in nature, while the Japanese are feminine. Then, so to speak, he looked into the sky, founded an observatory with his own money, and extended this metaphorical method of thinking to other objects. In those days, many were interested in the mysterious channels found on Mars. And Lowell built a whole theory about Martian life and civilization, about the stages of planetary evolution – from a hot sun-like state to cold and death. Influenced Wells with his “War of the Worlds” and the general public in general.

In the field of arts, in humanitarian thought, the concepts of successive stages formed a multidimensional and multifaceted phenomenon – historicism. We are accustomed to perceive the term “historicity” as a positive assessment. But in its exact meaning, this is not entirely true. Historicism is also a kind of metaphor, a tool in the formation of national consciousness. A national-state unity is born – a picture of the past is built for it. When Italy was unified in the middle of the 19th century, a sociocultural demand arose for a historical novel about fighting heroes. And in 1874, Spartacus was published by Raffaello Giovagnoli, a writer who was born on March 13, 1838 (d. 19fifteen). A slave, a freedom fighter, came to court. Moreover, in Soviet times, this book appeared in all school recommendation lists.

Historical romanticism is different. On paper, in music, in frozen music, that is, in stone… But there are problems with harmony. Hugo Wolff, Austrian composer, was born on March 13, 1860. The author of many songs to poems by German-speaking romantic poets, he was also a music critic, and a very grumpy one at that. And he passed away in 1903 after a long mental illness of an infectious origin. He became one of the prototypes of the protagonist of Thomas Mann’s novel Doctor Faustus.

In times more distant from us, the German artist and architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781–1841) lived and worked – at that time a Prussian artist. He turned national romanticism as a theory into practice, following its fundamental logic: a nation is like a person, an individual’s biography corresponds to the country’s history. The historicism of the style reproduces the forms of the distant past. Schinkel’s works are primarily antique and gothic. The first is the Old Museum in Berlin, the second is the Potsdam Charlottenhof Palace. In the Russian Peterhof there is a Gothic house church of the imperial family built by Shinkel – the Chapel …

Then, as you know, Soviet architects also turned to the classical heritage. One of them was Lev Rudnev (d. 1956), who was born on March 13, 1885. It was formed even before the revolution, and its graduation project was called “University in the capital city.” And exactly this became the most famous work of Rudnev: is it, so to speak, a pen – or a drawing board? not an ax, although the devil himself will not understand – the high-rise building of Moscow State University with a spire and a star, an example of the Stalinist style, belongs. And a kind of replica of this skyscraper was the same Rudnev built the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, a sort of act of occupation in stone. My father, who at one time worked in the construction department of this masterpiece, later recalled how Rudnev, appearing among the engineers, exclaimed: “Where are the creative workers here? I need creative workers!” Creativity, yes.

Finally – about our other compatriot, who would have turned 95 today. Essayist, philosopher Grigory Pomerants passed away a month ago, the words spoken on this sad occasion are still heard. He left many texts, they are different in their dignity. I remember the one I read first, The Moral Image of a Historical Personality (1965). There, Pomeranz compared two neighboring, related countries – Germany and Denmark. The German Nazis organized the Holocaust, and the Danes took all their Jews by boat to Sweden. And this, according to Pomeranz, is at the beginning of the causal chain: in Germany there was a lack of freedom for the peasants, and in Denmark in the winter free farmers read Andersen. The result is there. To the question of national specificity and historicism.

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Interesting: Russia’s unique nature reserves

In the hustle and bustle of city days, there is often not enough time to be in nature. But you can do it online too. The new material contains five nature reserves of our country that preserve the unique nature of Russia.

Kronotsky Nature Reserve

Kronotsky Nature Reserve is located in Kamchatka. In addition to Kronotsky, it also includes the Koryaksky Reserve and the South Kamchatka Federal Reserve. In the area of ​​Kronoki, which was inhabited by the indigenous people of Kamchatka, sable fishing was banned at the end of the 19th century, and in 1934 the area was declared a protected area.

  • In the reserve you can see a fascinating natural phenomenon – the Valley of Geysers, discovered in 1941. This canyon is up to 4 km wide, 400 m deep and 8 km long, with more than 40 geysers and thermal springs.
  • There is the only graceful fir grove in the world in Kamchatka. It is still unknown how this grove appeared – whether it was planted by the Itelmens (the indigenous people of the peninsula) or is it the remnant of huge relict forests that died during glaciation thousands of years ago.
  • Kutkhiny Baty – ancient pumice rocks resembling baty – Itelmen boats. According to legend, these bizarre rocks are boats, set by the wise raven Kutkh to dry and forgotten by him on the shore.

You can take a virtual walk around the Kronotsky Reserve and see active volcanoes, amazing glaciers and beautiful lakes on the site.

Reserve Podlemorye

Reserve Podlemorye are the territories of the Zabaikalsky National Park, the Barguzinsky Reserve and the Frolikhinsky Reserve in the Republic of Buryatia. The name of the area was formed by Russian settlers from the Evenk and Buryat names of Lake Baikal – the Sea.

  • Barguzinsky nature reserve is the oldest in Russia and the only nature reserve in the country, formed before 1917. The day of its formation (January 11) is celebrated as the Day of Reserves and National Parks of Russia.
  • Here you can see a picturesque waterfall on the Shumilikha River and mountain lakes with clear water.
  • The well-known thermal springs on Lake Baikal are located in Zmeevaya Bay. And yet, as the name implies, this is the habitat of an ordinary grass snake and a poisonous common muzzle.

You can visit the shore of the deepest lake in the world as part of a virtual tour. And you can go down to the depths of Baikal online on the website of the Baikal Museum.

Sikhote-Alin Reserve

The reserve is named after the Sikhote-Alin mountains, which means “mountain range”.
The area of ​​the current reserve has long been a place of sable hunting, and by the beginning of the 20th century, the species was almost exterminated. The reserve was established in 1935 to preserve the population and was once the largest in the world (more than 1.5 million hectares). Now its area is much smaller, but it remains the largest reserve in the south of the Far East.
The reserve is home to many Red Book plants and animals: cedar forest, majestic Amur tiger, noble white-tailed eagle and many others.

  • This is the largest Amur tiger reserve in Russia and the world’s northernmost habitat.
  • One of the few places where two types of bears coexist on the same territory – Himalayan and brown.
  • The reserve is unique in that it combines northern and southern species of plants and animals.

You can look at the Amur tiger and many other animals captured by camera traps here.

Dagestan Reserve

The Dagestan Reserve was established in 1987. It includes several protected areas, the Samur National Park and three federal reserves.

  • Here is the barkhan Sarykum – one of the largest sand dunes in Eurasia. This is a home for many rare species of animals: black stork, little bustard, eagle owl. The dune can reach over 260 meters in height. Interestingly, the temperature on the territory of the dune can reach 55–60 °С. According to the legend, the giant nart (one of the heroes about whom many Balkar and Karachai legends are composed) got stuck in the sand and shook it out of his boot – at this place the dune Sarykum arose.
  • In the Gorge of the Narts (or, as it is also called, the Gorge of Markov), you can see petroglyphs – rock paintings left by an ancient man.

Watch a VR 360 film about the unique nature of the Dagestan Reserve:

Vodlozersky National Park

Vodlozersky National Park is located in Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region. This is the largest national park in Europe. In the protected area, not only unique Red Book species of plants and animals are protected, but also cultural monuments: archeology, architecture, historical crafts.

  • In the park you can see historical settlements – monuments of peasant culture: the villages of Kanzanavolok, Koskosalma, Chuyala and others.
  • Wolverines, otters, wild forest reindeer and other taiga species of animals live in the park.
  • Two masters live in the park, who have preserved the unique technology of building “water lakes” – wooden boats – without metal nails. This method is called “sewing”.

You can visit the Russian North, the Vodlozersky National Park online on the website.

Reserves and national parks protect the fragile and beautiful nature of our country. Join a virtual journey through the protected corners of Russia and learn more about its unique flora and fauna.

US National Parks & California Group Tour

+7 (495) 276-0444
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National Parks and California

15 days / 14 nights

The most famous parks of the US West in one program! Extraordinary landscapes, mysterious geological formations and the beauty of wild nature will complement the impressions of the most interesting cities in California.

Los Angeles – Las Vegas – Zion National Park – Bryce Canyon – Arches National Park – Page – Antelope Canyon – Grand Canyon – Las Vegas – Fresno – Yosemite National Park – San Francisco – Monterey – Carmel – San Simeon – Solveng and Santa Barbara – Los Angeles

Tour program:

  • Day 1 – Los Angeles
    Arrival in Los Angeles, meeting at the airport with an English-speaking guide. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation.
  • Day 2 — Los Angeles – Las Vegas
    Departure from the hotel. City tour. Transfer to Las Vegas. Hotel accommodation.
  • Day 3 — Las Vegas – National Zion Park – National Bryce Canyon Park
    Departure from the hotel. Transfer to Bryce Canyon with a stop in Zion National Park. Accommodation at the Bryce Canyon hotel.
    Zion National Park is rightfully proud of many of the most unusual geological formations. The hallmark of Zion Park is the layered mountain Checkerboard Mesa: a towering block of sandstone, as if divided into squares by water and wind.
    Bryce Canyon National Park, located in the very south of Utah, is a natural amphitheater created by wind and water on the eastern slope of the Pauntsaugant Plateau. From a height of 2700 meters, rocks of the most bizarre shapes and unusual colors descend – a spectacle that leaves no one indifferent.
  • Day 4 — National Bryce Canyon Park – Nt. Park Arches
    Departure from the hotel. Transfer to Arches National Park. Hotel accommodation.
    Approximately two thousand natural arches formed in soft sandstone thanks to ice, wind and water. This is the Arches National Park, where the visitor is always waiting for new landscapes and views: new bizarre forms of arches and bridges appear every year, while the old ones are destroyed, the usual landscapes are modified.
  • Day 5 — National Arches Park – Lake Powell – Page
    Departure from the hotel. Transfer to the city of Page (Lake Powell). Hotel accommodation.
    Powell Reservoir, the second largest in the United States, is located on the border of the states of Utah and Arizona and is a huge artificial lake on the Colorado River. The unusual combination of rugged rocky shores and bright blue water made this lake one of the most popular holiday destinations.
  • Day 6 — Page – Antelope Canyon – Grand Canyon
    Departure from the hotel. Transfer to the Grand Canyon with a stop at Antelope Canyon. Accommodation at the Grand Canyon hotel.
    Antelope Canyon (Antelope Canyon) is located near the town of Page, although not an official National Park, many consider it one of the natural wonders of the world. The bizarre forms of reddish sandstone rocks are the result of the work of wind and water, which have formed two huge deep cracks in the earth over a long time: the upper and lower Antelope canyons. Here, the rocks seem to become transparent and fluid like water, lie down in uneven waves and twist into spirals – funnels. No wonder this place has become one of the favorite places of photographers around the world.
    The Grand Canyon – the most famous US National Park and one of the country’s visiting cards – is one of the deepest canyons in the world, formed over 10 million years along the Colorado River. Its depth reaches 1600 m, and its width varies from 6 to 29 km, several climatic zones replace each other from the surface of the plateau to the riverbed.
  • Day 7 — Grand Canyon – Las Vegas
    Departure from the hotel. Transfer to Las Vegas. Hotel accommodation.
  • Day 8 — Las Vegas
    Free time. Evening city tour.
  • Day 9 — Las Vegas – Fresno
    Departure from the hotel. Transfer to Fresno. Hotel accommodation.
  • Day 10 — Fresno – National Yosemite Park
    Departure from the hotel. Transfer to Yosemite National Park. Hotel accommodation.
    Yosemite National Park is a huge area of ​​pristine nature, where you can find plants and animals of 5 different climatic zones, a variety of landscapes and amazingly beautiful landscapes. Yosemite is one of the most picturesque parks in the United States: fast mountain rivers with clear water, waterfalls, giant sequoia groves, mountain peaks and soaring eagles.
  • Day 11 — National Yosemite Park – San Francisco
    Check out from the hotel. Transfer to San Francisco. Hotel accommodation.
  • Day 12 — San Francisco
    City tour. Free time.
  • Day 13 — San Francisco – Carmel – Monterey – San Simeon
    Departure from the hotel. Moving to the town of San Simeon with a stop in Carmel and Monterey. Hotel accommodation.
    The main attraction of the small town of San Simeon, located on the most picturesque road in the US West – Route 1, running along the ocean from Los Angeles to San Francisco – is an unusual castle on top of a cliff above the ocean, William Hearst Castle. A symbol of luxury, wealth and ambition.
    Carmel is an extraordinary, almost fabulous town of poets and artists. Small old houses covered with ivy roofs, quiet streets in the shade of trees, charming shops and many art galleries, and one of the most picturesque bays in California completes the picture, on the banks of which this town is located.
    Monterey – the Spanish capital of California – was founded at the end of the 18th century, when California was part of New Spain. Many historical buildings of the city remind of this time even today. Another attraction of the city is the bay of the same name, the unique geological conditions of which (a huge underwater canyon) gave the bay and its surroundings an unprecedented variety of flora and fauna.
  • Day 14 — San Simeon – Santa Barbara – Solveng – Los Angeles
    Departure from the hotel. Transfer to Los Angeles with a stopover in Santa Barbara and the village of Solveng. Accommodation in a Los Angeles hotel.
    Solveng is a small corner of Denmark in sunny California, founded at the beginning of the 20th century by Danish colonists. Thanks to Andersen’s fairy tales, half-timbered houses and colorful roofs, the town brought an exotic and unusual spirit of Northern Europe to the neighborhood of Santa Barbara.
  • Day 15 — Los Angeles
    In the morning, check out from the hotel and transfer to Los Angeles Airport (LAX).

The program is subject to minor changes at the discretion of the host.

Tour cost – online

The price includes:

  • accommodation according to the selected tour class and type of accommodation;
  • transfers with Russian speaking guide;
  • excursions according to the program with a Russian speaking guide.

The price does not include:

  • international air travel;
  • US visa;
  • health insurance ($30/person, $30,000 coverage).

It may take 2 to 6 weeks to process a US visa. Please plan your trip to the USA in advance, at least 3 weeks before the start of the tour.

4* hotels by program:

  • Los Angeles: Loews Hollywood;
  • Las Vegas: Cosmopolitan, MGM Grand;
  • Bryce Canyon: Best Western Bryce Canyon Grand, Bryce Canyon Lodge, Best Western Plus Ruby’s Inn
  • Arches National Park: Best Western Plus Canyonlands Inn, Best Western Plus Greenwell Inn
  • at Lake Powell
  • Grand Canyon South Rim: Best Western Premier Grand Canyon Square Inn, Canyon Plaza Resort
  • Fresno: Best Western plus Fresno Inn
  • Yosemite National Park: Best Western Plus Yosemite Gateway Inn, Best Western Yosemite Way Station Motel
  • San Francisco: Hilton San Francisco, Westin San Francisco, Parc 55 Wyndham Union Square
  • 0 San Simeon: Best Western Cavalier Ocean Front Resort

Booking Conditions:

  • These rates are guaranteed upon booking confirmation and payment in full at least 14 days prior to the start of the tour.
  • In case of shortening the tour, the payment is non-refundable. Additional services as well as tour extensions are confirmed on an individual basis.
  • If the tour is canceled less than 45 days before arrival, a penalty of 200 USD + airfare for domestic flights will be withheld.
  • If the tour is canceled less than 21 days before arrival, the payment is non-refundable.
  • The choice of the hotel belongs to the host.

The indicated prices are valid only for travel agencies.
The cost presented to customers must be indicated in rubles.

“Seven Wonders” was chosen in Yakutia

Almost seven thousand residents of the Republic of Sakha took part in the popular vote, during which they chose seven of the most striking and significant natural and man-made sights of Yakutia. The most popular were the Lena Pillars National Park and the Ysyakh holiday.

The implementation of the non-commercial project “Seven Wonders of Yakutia”, whose materials have already become known to 23. 5 thousand people, contributes to the development of a caring attitude towards the man-made and natural heritage of the republic.

The world knows the seven wonders of the ancient world. What “miracles” are there in the Republic of Sakha?

“Seven man-made wonders of Yakutia”:



According to the Yakut calendar, the longest day begins on June 21, which serves as a signal for Ysyakh – the local new year, the holiday of the awakening of nature and the onset of the long-awaited summer, unity and mutual understanding, generosity and abundance. Ysyakh is celebrated throughout the republic, as well as in other cities of Russia and in different countries of the world. Ysyakh in the Tuymaada valley has no analogues in the Russian Federation in terms of mass. In 2011, it was recognized as the “Best National Holiday” according to the All-Russian National Award “The Edge of the Theater of the Masses”. The event was awarded the national award in the field of event tourism Russian Event Awards. In 2018, the national holiday “Ysyakh Tuymaada” was included in the World List of the most attractive tourist sites.

Monument to the Lena River

The monument, personifying the “nurse” Lena, was opened on September 15, 2015 in honor of the 380th anniversary of Olekminsk on the city’s embankment.
A sculpture has been created from highly durable white concrete, the density and physico-chemical characteristics of which are able to withstand the harsh climate. The figure of Lena is an almost three-meter snow-white statue of a young girl in flowing clothes. On the reverse side of the monument, you can see the hair symbolizing water and merging with the dress. This is how the well-known Yakut artist Nikolai Chochchasov saw the image of the river. When creating the sculpture, the master used a drawing by Valentina, a fifth-grader from Olekma, whose sketch won the children’s competition.

Kingdom of permafrost

“The Kingdom of Permafrost” is a tourist complex, which is a giant glacier in an adit near the Chochur Muran hill, about 10 km from Yakutsk. In Soviet times, the adit was used to store food. In 2005, the facility was first opened to the public. At the heart of the mountain is a beautifully designed cave with several halls illuminated in different colors. The pride of the complex are ice sculptures created by Yakut masters. In the mini-museum of paleontology, you can get acquainted with the exposition of the remains of mammoths and other animals of the Ice Age. The temperature in the cave in winter is about -10°С, in summer it is not higher than -5°С.


Olonkho is the common name of numerous ancient heroic tales of the Yakuts, telling about the exploits of the heroes of the human tribe in the fight against evil monsters in order to protect justice and peaceful life. The legends of Olonkho, which arose in ancient times, reflect the features of the system and relations in the Yakut society. In the depiction of heroes, fantasy and hyperbole are used in combination with realistic descriptions of life, numerous myths of ancient origin. The names and images of Olonkho have long become common nouns. On November 25, 2005, the Olonkho epic was included in the UNESCO List as a masterpiece of the intangible cultural heritage of mankind, belonging to the most ancient monuments of the Turkic-Mongolian world.

Mammoth Museum

The Mammoth Museum was established in Yakutsk in 1991 on the initiative of the first Yakut researcher of these ancient animals, Pyotr Lazarev. It is a scientific and cultural center for the study of the Ice Age fauna.
Since 2011, the Mammoth Museum has been part of the new Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University.

Building of the Yakut Public Library 1911 Architect K. A. Leshevich

In 1886, with the assistance of the Bishop of Yakutsk and Vilyui Jacob, the Yakut City Library was opened. Over the 30 years of its existence, it has grown from a small (300-odd books) into a relatively large library, in the funds of which by 1916 there were almost 13 thousand books and brochures.
In 1911, the library moved to a new, purpose-built building, the grand opening of which was a significant event. The city library has become the main source of knowledge for the poor.

Diamond quarry – Mir kimberlite pipe

Primary diamond deposit discovered in 1955. At first it was developed in an open way. The quarry has a depth of 535 m and a diameter of 1.2 km. Mining of diamondiferous kimberlite ore by open pit was stopped in June 2001.

“Seven Natural Wonders of Yakutia”:


Lena Pillars National Park

The Lena Pillars National Park is located 220 km upstream of Yakutsk on the right bank of the Lena River. Grandiose natural formations in the form of pillars, spiers and arches stretch for 40 km. The pillars are composed of limestones of the Lower Cambrian.
The Lena Pillars is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The total area of ​​the park is 1358 thousand hectares. The landscapes of the Lena Pillars resemble a stone forest. Such a natural anomaly is the result of the processes of erosive weathering and movement of the earth’s crust that have taken place over millions of years, as well as the climatic features of the region.

Kisilakh Mountains

Kisilyakh (Yakut. kihileeh – “[a place] where there are people”) – high rocky columnar remnants of a bizarre shape, located on the watershed of the Yana and Adycha rivers. The rocks consist mainly of granite, in some places deposits of the Jurassic period were found. In appearance, the stones look like people, which explains their name. There is a belief that in ancient times, people who lived in the vicinity of the mountains, when difficult times came, turned to the supreme forces through the mountains of Kisilakh.
The Kisilyakh Mountains appeared approximately 120–110 million years ago simultaneously with the Verkhoyansk Range and the Chersky Range. The pillars appeared on the tops of the rocks as a result of cryogenic weathering under the influence of low temperatures and sudden changes in temperature.

Buluus Glacier

The total area of ​​the glacier is 1105 hectares. A unique source of underground waters forms here icings of pure fresh water, which do not melt even on the hottest days. In some years, the ice thickness in July reaches 3 m. The temperature on the ice does not rise above +4–6°С. The ice kingdom seems like a perfect fantasy on a hot summer day among green grass and tall coniferous trees. In summer, numerous crevices and caves form in the glacier. In winter, even in severe frosts, outcrops of melt water are visible on the surface.



“Sphinxes of the North” – sand dunes located in the Lena River basin. Translated from the Evenki “tukala” – “sand”.
Pine trees growing on the slopes produce a large number of cones, followed by squirrels and rodents. They attract predators – foxes. Owls and other large birds live in the trees here. The lakes that are washed by the tukulans are full of fish. Endemic cereals of Yakutia grow here – the thin-legged Scriabin and Karavaev. In the summer heat, the temperature on the surface of the sand reaches +40°C. At night, red deer and brown bear appear on the top of the tukulan, fleeing from the midges.


Sinsk pillars

Sinsk pillars – 37 groups of rocks 200 km from Yakutsk. Their length is 140 km, their height is up to 180 m. Geologically, the rocks are an example of early Paleozoic formations composed of sedimentary rocks. In ancient times, a shallow warm sea was located at their foot. The territory of the Siberian platform was subjected to gradual uplift, resulting in the occurrence of faults and the formation of deep river valleys. This gave rise to such bizarre and diverse landforms. On many rocks, archaeologists have found traces of ancient painting. The Sin Pillars are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Sundurun Mountains

“Stone People of Sundurun” in the Allaikhovsky ulus of Yakutia – remnants up to 30 m high, made of sandstone and quartz. The Even name of this area – Beil Urukchen Sundurun – arose due to the similarity of the relief forms with the figures of people. Situated on the rolling hills of the tundra, these remnants, combined with the surrounding vegetation, create a unique landscape that cannot be found anywhere else on our planet.


Curulure Waterfalls

Kyuryulyur waterfalls are located 100 km from Yakutsk, on the mountain river Mende. The area is known for rocky river banks and rocks 7–8 m high, with many small rapids. The height of the waterfalls reaches 2 m.

The competition “Seven man-made wonders of Yakutia” and “Seven wonders of nature of Yakutia” was held from February 12 to April 21. 6664 people took part in it, choosing from 40 objects located on the territory of the republic.

The organizing committee of the competition included the Branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the regional public organization “Collectors of Yakutia”, the Union of Women’s Organizations of Yakutia and the Internet portal

Albina Cherepanova, an active member of the Russian Geographical Society, the head of the Lena detachment of the project “Floating University on the Lena River-2018”, became the initiator and chairman of the voting organizing committee. The expert commission included the executive director of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society Dmitry Solovyov, an employee of the executive directorate of the branch, Lyudmila Argunova, and active members of the branch, Rozalia Ivanova, Nikifor Ivanov.

Austrian National Cuisine – Authentic Austrian Dishes

The tasty and varied Austrian cuisine is usually hearty and full of ingredients. When it comes to the culinary side of life in Austria, many associate it with Viennese cuisine. Yes, the residents of the capital are lucky – the famous Wiener schnitzels and charlottes are known far beyond the federal lands. However, Viennese cuisine is only a small part of the rich and rich culinary culture of Austria. Austrian cuisine is a bizarre fusion of national traditions that have been influenced by neighboring countries for centuries.

For hundreds of years, Austrian chefs have combined recipes of national dishes borrowed from Czechs, Italians, Germans, Swiss, Turks, people from the Balkans. It can be difficult to know where a particular recipe comes from. Most actively, original culinary traditions were mixed with foreign ones in Vienna.

Traditional Austrian dish – boiled beef fillet

Austrian national dishes

Austrian cuisine can be divided into rural and urban.

The first is characterized by an abundance of vegetables and dairy products – the main components of the peasant diet. Easy-to-cook rural dishes usually consist of potatoes, cabbage, onions, garlic, and cheese.

Meat and fish dishes with complex recipes prevail in cities. Many of them first appeared on the tables of the royal nobility and the wealthy bourgeoisie.

Austrian Schnitzel 一 is far from the only authentic Austrian dish. Less famous recipes also deserve attention, and no less, because they also form the face of the national cuisine. We have collected the most famous Austrian dishes for you.

Austrian meat dishes are somewhat reminiscent of Bavarian ones

Austrian salad . This layered salad can be seen on the menus of restaurants across the country, and it’s also easy to make your own. Dice celery, pineapple and ham. Lay them in layers in a deep bowl, alternating with grated apple, eggs, corn and leek. Top with a dressing of grated cheese, leeks, mayonnaise and juice. Let the salad stand for 2-3 hours.

Austrian layered salad

Backhandl 一 has been a specialty of the capital’s cuisine since the 18th century. It consists of chicken pieces rolled in spices and fried. Backhandl is more of an aristocratic cuisine and is still considered a deluxe dish to this day. The fact is that to prepare it, chicken meat must be fried in rather expensive ghee.

Austrian Backhandle

Boishel . Another traditional Viennese dish, which is also revered in Bavaria. It is a stew of lungs. In some cases, goat, pork or beef giblets are added.

Boischel Austrian specialty

Vanillerosbraten . The classic recipe calls for serving this dish with fried potatoes. Despite the name, there is not a single gram of vanilla in this dish. In fact, one of its key ingredients is garlic, which used to be called “poor man’s vanilla” in Austria.


Vienna sausages . In metropolitan restaurants, this dish is officially called Frankfurter. Although it was invented in Vienna at the beginning of the 19th century, its origin is 一 German. It was from Frankfurt that the inventor of the dish, the butcher Johann Georg Laner, came from. He immigrated to the capital of Austria, where he met an elderly baroness who fell in love with him. With her financial support, Laner opened a butcher shop in Vienna. Here he improved the recipe for traditional Frankfurt pork sausages by mixing minced meat with beef and spices.

Vienna sausages, or Frankfurter

Vienna goulash . It is believed that goulash came to Austria from Hungary, where this thick meat soup was distributed among local peasants. Goulash allegedly appeared on Austrian soil along with the 39th Hungarian infantry regiment, which was stationed in Vienna at the beginning of the 19th century. During the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Magyar nobility constantly served goulash at secular receptions to emphasize their national identity to the Austrian upper classes. Today, Viennese goulash is one of the main dishes of the capital’s cuisine. It is usually served with boiled potatoes and flour dumplings.

Viennese goulash with dumplings

Krautfleckerl . Cabbage fleckerl is another result of a combination of cuisines, this time Austrian and Czech. Fans of vegetarian dishes will appreciate it, especially since it is prepared from the simplest ingredients.

Cabbage is removed and cut into small pieces. Onions and bacon are fried until transparent, cabbage is added to them. The mixture is seasoned with salt, pepper, sugar, bell pepper and cumin, water is added and boiled for about half an hour. Pasta is boiled in salted water, when ready, it is filtered and mixed with cabbage. Fleckerl is laid out on a plate and garnished with fresh parsley.

Krautfleckerl – a simple and tasty Austrian dish

Girardi roast beef . This meat dish is served with champignons and lard. It got its name in honor of the actor Alexandre Girardi. Allegedly, for the first time this dish was prepared just for him. The challenge for the chefs was to mask the taste of the beef, which Girardi disliked. They did it with the help of many ingredients: flour, onions, mushrooms, capers, mustard and lemon juice.

Roast beef Girardi

Tafelspitz . The famous meat dish, which is boiled beef, often served with apple horseradish, green onions, sauce and reshti. Now every housewife can cook it. However, once it was a dish of people of royal blood. Tafelspitz

Zwiebelrostbraten combines the traditions of Swabian and Viennese cuisines in the official cookbook of 1912. You can find this tender roast, served with pasta, fried potatoes and onions, in any restaurant in Austria.


We have presented main dishes that are equally common in Austria. However, in the federal states you can find recipes that are specific to only one particular region

Features of regional Austrian cuisine

The national cuisines of the federal states differ from the Viennese in simple recipes. Many regional dishes were originally cooked over an open fire from products available to Austrian peasants and farmers. For example, in Styria, traditional potato cream soup is popular. Bacon dumplings are the pride of Tyrolean cuisine. And the Salzburg egg yolk souffle is generally famous far beyond the borders of this federal land.

The main representatives of the Austrian regional cuisine are listed below.

Grestl . A typical Tyrolean dish is made from beef, fried potatoes, tomatoes, herbs and spices. Initially, the phrase Tiroler Gröstl referred to the leftovers of the Sunday roast.

Tyrolean Grestle

Burgenland Kipferl . This traditional local croissant-shaped pastry is especially popular at weddings and Christmas celebrations. The highlight of the dish is that the dough does not take its shape immediately. First, it is folded into several layers, like a strudel, and then small bagels are cut out with a cookie cutter. During baking, the filling of yolks, walnuts and swells, making the dessert magnificent and beautiful.

Burgenland Kipferl

Styrian Ritschert is a dish known in Styria since prehistoric times. It consists of thinly sliced ​​​​slices of smoked meat, spices and a mixture of barley and legumes soaked for a day.

Styrian ritschert

Carinthian Nudels . Local variety of dumplings. Nudels are made with a wide variety of fillings: meat, vegetable, sweet or fresh herbs. This dish is very popular in Carinthia – it is prepared in all restaurants, and frozen noodles can be found in any supermarket.

Carinthian noodles

Upper Austrian “potato cheese” . A popular appetizer in the region is made from mashed potatoes, onions and cream. At the same time, potatoes should be boiled for no more than 20 minutes so that they do not turn out too soft.

Upper Austrian “potato cheese”

Pinzgauer nidai . Fried pieces of potato dough laced with nutmeg are often served alongside sauerkraut in restaurants in Salzburg.

Pinzgauer nidai

Beef broth soup with pancakes is one of Vorarlberg’s favorite dishes. It is believed that the local cuisine has long been strongly influenced by neighboring Italy and Switzerland. The name of the pancake soup Frittatensuppe comes from the Italian Frittata (“pancake”).

Pancake Soup

National Drinks in Austria

Popular drinks in Austria, as well as dishes, can also be seen influenced by neighboring countries.

One of the main culinary brands in Austria is the legendary Viennese coffee. At the same time, it is not a native Austrian drink. Like strudel, coffee was brought with them by Turkish settlers in the 17th century. Local craftsmen experimented a bit with the drink by adding whipped cream and roasted coffee beans to it. It is in this form that Viennese coffee is served to this day in metropolitan coffee shops.

By the way, coffee houses in Austria are not just places where drinks and light desserts are served. People come here to discuss the latest news, play board games and read timeless classics in a quiet environment: Zweig, Rilke, Kafka, Perutz and Werfel.

Hot chocolate is another popular drink in Austrian coffee houses. In neighboring countries, it is usually associated with winter and Christmas holidays. However, Austrians can treat themselves to a cup of fragrant chocolate on a hot summer day.

Have a good time in a cafe with a view of the Alps

Austria is a country where about 1000 beers are brewed in 170 breweries. It is believed that the traditions of brewing came to Austria from the German lands. Connoisseurs say that the best Austrian beer is brewed in Styria. It is here that Puntigamer, Gösser and Murauer, beloved by Austrians, are produced. Most Austrians prefer malt lager. In second place in popularity is the Pils variety with a richer hop flavor.

Winemaking culture in Austria is one of the oldest among European countries. In the federal states, preference is mainly given to white wines: Grüner Veltliner, Neuburger, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay. Icewein 一 is an ice wine made from frozen grapes among traditional wines. We told more about the wine culture of Austria in the article “The main thing about winemaking and national wines of Austria”.

Alcoholic beverages – an integral part of the national cuisine of Austria. Locals like to sip a glass of wine, beer or light cider before or after a meal.

Not all famous drinks in Austria have a long tradition. When traveling across the federal lands, be sure to try Almdudler. This lemonade was invented in 1957 and quickly gained popularity in Europe. It is prepared on alpine herbs with the addition of mineral water and sugar. You can use Almdudler in its pure form or with light alcoholic drinks.

Jagerti, hunting tea, is one of the main strong drinks in the Austrian national cuisine. When making it, tea and honey are mixed with schnapps or red wine and spices are added. Jagerti is often served in alpine chalets, where it warms skiers after active sports.

Austrian hunting tea

By the way, the official name of this drink 一 Jagertee 一, according to the EU Regulation, can only be used in Austria. Drinks with a similar recipe and preparation method from non-Austrian producers are sold under alternative names. For example, Hüttentee in Germany, Förstertee in Switzerland.

You can fully enjoy Austrian national dishes in almost any restaurant in the country. Due to natural conservatism, locals are very sensitive to old recipes. Chefs believe that the most delicious dish 一 is the one whose recipe has stood the test of time.

I eat a healthy diet. Will I be able to find something suitable for me in Austria?

Absolutely! Now in Austria, the trend for healthy eating is gaining momentum. Young people, for example, are increasingly refusing meat and increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in their diet. In Vienna, on almost every street, you will find more than one cafe that offers dishes that are balanced in terms of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Read more about this in the article about healthy eating in Austria.

How much can I expect if I want to try local cuisine?

It all depends on the status and location of the restaurant. For example, in the center of Vienna, the average price tag varies from 85 to 140 euros, and on the outskirts of the city you can eat well for 40-50 euros. The same applies to regional catering.

You can read more about the menu and prices in Austrian cafes here and here.

Can I drink alcohol in public places, such as parks, in Austria?

In general, the law does not prohibit this. However, each city has its own restrictions. For example, in Graz you cannot drink alcohol on the central square of Hauptplatz.

I heard that Austria is famous for its winemaking. Is it true?

Yes, the production of wine in the federal states is a highly developed industry. At the same time, not only world grape varieties are grown here, but also autochthonous ones: Grüner Veltliner, Zweigelt, Blauburger, Ausbruch. For details about Austrian winemaking, click here.

Five most popular day trips from Tallinn

Tallinn has a lot of greenery to explore, but if you want to recharge your batteries in the shade of the forest or listen to the sound of a waterfall, head out of town for a day.

Tallinn has a lot of greenery to explore, but if you want to recharge your batteries in the shade of the forest or listen to the sound of a waterfall, head out of town for a day. According to data compiled by Visit Estonia in 2021, these are the five most popular day trips from Tallinn.

Jagala waterfall

Jägala Waterfall is the widest waterfall in Estonia. This waterfall, 50 meters wide and 8 meters high, is especially interesting to visit in winter. The water freezes, forming an ice wall.

The waterfall is located 30 minutes east of Tallinn. Otherwise, the nearest bus stop is about 1.2 km away.

Nearby you can see the Jõelähtme stone mounds or head further east to explore Lahemaa National Park and the quaint fishing villages along the north coast. Jägala Waterfall can easily be combined with the Viru bog trail, the next item on the list.

Viru swamp study trail

The Viru bog study trail was designed with accessibility in mind. The first section of the trail is a wooden deck accessible to wheelchair users and families with strollers. At the end of the promenade, there is an observation tower that offers a view of the landscape of the Lahemaa National Park.

The Viru bog study trail is located 45 minutes from Tallinn on the road east towards Narva. You can also travel by bus. The distance from the bus stop to the start of the trail is just under a kilometer.

If you want to spend some more time outdoors after your hike, head north. Nearby is Cape Purekkari, the northernmost point of mainland Estonia. You can also head to the quaint village of Kasmu, a picturesque fishing village with a well-signposted nature and history trail.

Keila waterfall

Keila waterfall is the third largest waterfall in Estonia. Two suspension bridges have to be crossed to reach the falls, and the trails above and below the falls offer excellent photo opportunities.

The waterfall is located about 40 minutes west of Tallinn. The closest bus stop to the waterfalls is just 400 meters away.

While you are visiting Keila Falls, take some time to explore the surrounding area. Stop for a coffee and cake at the restored Keila-Joa Manor or hike along the Keila-Joa Nature Trail. If you are looking for new adventures in the area, you can visit the singing sands of Laulasmaa Beach or relax after a long day outdoors in the LaSpa Hotel’s water and sauna centre.

Marimetsa bog hiking trail

The Marimetsa Bog Hiking Trail is a 9-kilometer trail that is ideal for a full day trip from Tallinn. The hike itself usually takes 4-5 hours. Although there are sections of boardwalk, it can get wet in places, so be prepared.

You can get there by bus, but it’s more convenient by car. Driving can take up to an hour and a half, and there is parking at the beginning of the trail.

If you have some energy left after the hike, you can go for dinner in Haapsalu or visit the Rummu quarry, the last place on our list, on the way back to Tallinn.

Rummu Quarry

Once a limestone and marble quarry, Rummu Quarry is now a mesmerizing sight. Industrial buildings and equipment are partially submerged in a crystal blue lagoon. During the summer months, you can rent a SUP board or go diving and snorkelling.

The quarry is an hour’s drive from Tallinn, although it can be reached by train and then by bus. The nearest bus stop is about a kilometer away.

Still looking for adventure? Head to the nearby rope course. If the quarry has given you enough adrenaline for a day, take a walk along the footpath through the village of Padise and end the day with a gourmet meal at the Padise estate.



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Опубликовано: July 10, 2022 в 11:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Talent Recovery: How KinderCare is Getting Employees Back to Work

As organizations across the nation prepare to reopen in some way or another, the pressure is on to get talent back to work—quickly and safely.

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As quarantine went into effect across the country, Murphy-Johnson and his team decided that transparency was critical for candidates who were already in the application process. “We sent out a very basic message that said to stay safe…We don’t know when we’re going to be in communication with you next, but we will be in communication,” he shared.

After updating candidates, the KinderCare team removed requisitions for locations that closed down. They then published a notification banner on their career site with a link to a page that contained updated health and safety practices.

How does SMS recruiting support talent recovery efforts?


According to Murphy-Johnson, SMS recruiting has been one of KinderCare’s most effective talent acquisition strategies—especially in rural areas with smaller talent pools.  

After sending a text blast to people who had applied to open positions pre-COVID, over 500 job seekers updated their applications and applied to new requisitions. “Right now, we’re at 40 offers or people that have been hired from one text blast,” he added.

What are some SMS recruiting best practices?


When crafting text messages to candidates, the KinderCare TA team keeps them short and concise.

“Part of the text campaigns is letting people know that we are opening up and taking care of our employees,” Murphy-Johnson said. They also include a link to updated health and safety protocols.

Brevity is also important if the goal is to get candidates to take action. When notifying candidates about open job opportunities, Murphy-Johnson sends short messages that include links to learn more information. “The intent is just to intrigue them and get them interested to reply back to us.”

How can HR boost campaigns to recover talent?


Notifying furloughed employees and candidates about health and safety updates was the first step to bringing back talent. The second? Showing how they were putting new procedures into practice.

As employees and children returned to the classroom, Murphy-Johnson and the team launched campaigns with photos that showcased their new culture. “In one of the most recent campaigns, I put in one [picture] of our teachers and kids doing a little elbow greeting. It’s like a new cool way to say ‘hi’.”

This also helps KinderCare gain a competitive advantage. As states continue to open up and businesses start hiring again, it’s important to show how your organization is putting employee safety first.

How are you measuring the success of your recruiting campaigns?


While the TA team at KinderCare reviews all campaign metrics, they’re focused on driving email open rates. They’re also conducting A/B email tests to identify the types of content that resonates most with job seekers.

But success is not always measured by an increase in performance. “If you haven’t applied for a position in a year, and I sent you an email and you log into your profile and search for a job, that’s a win for me,” Johnson-Murphy stated. “You may not have been thinking about KinderCare education, but based on that activity, you’re going to be thinking about us.”

What are the top three things people should focus on when they start to campaign?


1. Be brave. Murphy-Johnson encourages other recruiters to not worry about what others are doing. While it’s important to be aware of their talent acquisition strategies, what works for one organization might not work well for others. “Don’t be afraid to test something new,” he added.

2. Get feedback. Don’t just create and send content in a silo. Sharing campaign results with other TA managers and leadership not only provided greater transparency into KinderCare’s candidate experience, it also allowed everyone to get aligned on what needs to be shared and how. It also led to improvements in other projects and workflows.

3. Celebrate small victories. “With recruitment marketing, it isn’t all about the hire,” Murphy-Johnson said. “It’s about people going back into the ATS and updating their profiles. It’s about getting them to apply to new open positions.” After reviewing email and SMS open rates and click-throughs, celebrate the small wins. “Those people might not have been aware your organization was open and hiring again.” And those small actions can lead to big results in the long-term.

Sign up to get notified about future episodes of The Talent Experience Show! Catch us on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook every Thursday at noon ET to get the latest in recruiting, talent acquisition, talent management, and HR tech.

Employee Relations Specialist – Remote Opportunity job at KinderCare Education in Portland, OR

Employee Relations Specialist – Remote Opportunity

KinderCare Education

Full Time

Portland, OR

Posted Today

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Job description

About KinderCare Education®

KinderCare Education operates more than 1,380 early learning centers, and more than 560 Champions sites, supported by a corporate team of nearly 600 headquarters employees in Portland, Oregon. In 2019, KinderCare Education earned their third Gallup Great Workplace Award – one of only 39 companies worldwide to win this award.

  • In neighborhoods with our KinderCare® Learning Centers that offer early childhood education and child care for children six weeks to 12 years old
  • At work through KinderCare Education at Work™, family benefits for employers including on-site and near-site early learning centers and back-up care for last-minute child care
  • In local schools with our Champions® before and after-school programs.

Job Summary:

The Employee Relations Specialist team advises center and field leadership on employee relations issues and provides guidance and support on employment actions, compliance with state and federal employment and labor laws, company policies and procedures, and company culture.

Job Responsibilities:

Acts as a consultant with field operators and leadership in determining coaching opportunities and/or disciplinary action needed for employees, to bring the best resolution supporting KCE culture.

  • Collaborates with other HR Advisor team members, Human Resources Business Partners, or legal partners on complex or escalated issues, including FMLA, ADA and FLSA issues.
  • Documents issues, concerns and recommendations in database system.
  • Assists in investigating and responding to employee complaints, harassment allegations, civil rights complaints, and wage/hour violations.
  • Responds to written correspondence, emails and Ethics Hotline concerns that are highly sensitive and confidential in nature.
  • Compiles lessons learned from case management to help field leaders.
  • Other related duties and special projects as assigned.
  • 4-7 years Human Resources generalist experience preferred
  • 1-year experience in Employee Relations experience preferred
  • 1-year of management in a childcare setting may substitute for 1 year of HR experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree preferred
  • Proficiency in Word and Outlook required, proficiency in Excel and PowerPoint helpful

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

  • Effective at balancing multiple priorities simultaneously including a high-volume workload and time sensitive issues as they arise.
  • Proven history of working well independently and as part of a team.
  • Ability to sustain a high level of output with extensive use of telephone and computer.
  • Outstanding interpersonal skills with the ability to confidently interface with a variety of stakeholders; developing and maintaining positive working relationships with all levels of the organization.
  • Ability to objectively coach employees and management through complex, difficult and emotional issues.
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication.
  • Demonstrates integrity in handling confidential and sensitive matters in person, over the phone and in writing.
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Good problem-solving ability; adaptability and a calm demeanor under pressure.
  • Ability to spot potential violations of employment law and knowledge of employment best practices.
  • Ability to exercise sound judgment and make decisions that takes into consideration the needs of the business and KinderCare’s culture, while minimizing risk.

Our highest priority has always been to keep our employees, children, families, and communities as safe and healthy as possible. Starting October 18, 2021, we began requiring COVID vaccinations or weekly COVID testing for all unvaccinated employees who are required to be in a KinderCare Education community space or workspace to perform their work (center, National Support Center, and offsite meeting environments). We are also subject to state law, local ordinances, and Health Department requirements for employees working in child care and school facilities.

KinderCare Education employs more than 32,000 team members across 1,700 locations nationwide. Our devoted family of education providers leads the nation in accreditation and includes KinderCare® Learning Centers, KinderCare Education at Work®, Champions® Before- and After-School Programs, Cambridge Schools™, Knowledge Beginnings® and The Grove School®.

KinderCare Education is an Equal Opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status, gender identity or expression, or any other basis protected by local, state, or federal law.

Primary Location : Portland, Oregon, United States

Job : Corporate

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KinderCare Education: Revenue, Competitors, Alternatives

Portland, OR USA



Total Funding



Estimated Revenue & Valuation

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  • KinderCare Education’s estimated revenue per employee is $252,000

Employee Data

  • KinderCare Education has 13997 Employees.(i)
  • KinderCare Education grew their employee count by 9% last year.

KinderCare Education Competitors & Alternatives

Competitor Name Revenue Number of Employees Employee Growth Total Funding Valuation


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$14.9M 83 9% N/A N/A


McMinnville Sch…

$4.8M 40 48% N/A N/A


Oregon City Sch…

$81.9M 364 5% N/A N/A


Hermiston Schoo. ..

$34.3M 209 1% N/A N/A


Treasure Valley…

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What Is KinderCare Education?

KinderCare Education
A Family of Brands for Families
At KinderCare Education, we help children explore their limitless potential â?? giving their families the freedom and flexibility to do the same. As the nationâ??s largest provider of unparalleled early learning, we leverage our scale to uplift the entire industry. We donâ??t just hold ourselves to the highest standards, we set new ones. That means more accredited programs than any other provider. Teachers hand-picked for their talent as well as their experience. Being one of only 17 employers globally to be named a Gallup Great Workplace. Three times in a row. And most importantly,children who are better prepared for academic success than their peers.
All of this, and more.
But itâ??s not the accolades that get us up in the morning. Itâ??s our shared belief that caring for your child, and earning the trust of every family who depends on us, is the most important job on earth.
â??To me, the mission is very clear: it is about children. We have an opportunity, starting with children in their most formative years, to really change their lives forever.â??â??Tom Wyatt, CEO KinderCare Education
We are the largest provider of early childhood education in the nation. At over 1,400 centers across the country, we teach and care for over 161,000 children every day. We employ nearly 35,000 team members who are passionate about creating a world of learning, joy, and adventure for every one of those children.
We are one company and a family of brands. Together, we deliver on the promise of early learning. The KinderCare Education family includes KinderCare® Learning Centers, KinderCare at Work, Champions® Before- and After-School Programs, Cambridge Schools®, Knowledge Beginnings® and the Grove Schools�.



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2022-04-17 – Tyson Foods Breaks Ground on Childcare Facility for …

KinderCare Education is America’s largest private provider of early childhood and school-age education and childcare.

2022-03-30 – KinderCare Named 2022 Gallup Exceptional Workplace for …

KinderCare Learning Companies is one of America’s largest providers of early childhood and school-age education and child care. KinderCare…

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Company KinderCare Learning Centers News, Employees and Funding Information, Portland, OR

Company KinderCare Learning Centers News, Employees and Funding Information, Portland, OR

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Location: Portland, OR

KinderCare Learning Centers is an American operator of for-profit child care and early childhood education facilities founded in 1969 and currently owned by KinderCare Education. The company provides educational programs for children from six weeks to 12 years old. In terms of size, KinderCare is the third-largest privately held company headquartered in Oregon, and the company’s executive leadership operates out of Portland. In 39 states and the District of Columbia, some 200,000 children are enrolled in more than 1,600 early childhood education community centers, over 600 before-and-after school programs, and over 100 employer-sponsored centers. KinderCare Education employs approximately 30,000 people in the United States; its headquarters are in Portland, Oregon.

  • Milestones

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KinderCare Learning CentersMilestones (9)




Washington Family Sues KinderCare (Feb-2020)





KinderCare celebrates 50 years of educational excellence with KinderCare Kids Scholarship Fund (Jul-2019)

Source: www.




KinderCare Education Launches New STEM Programs for Families Nationwide (Apr-2019)





KinderCare Education named 2019 Gallup Great Workplace for third consecutive year (Apr-2019)





KinderCare Education acquires Rainbow Child Care Center (Aug-2018)





KinderCare Education named 2018 Gallup Great Workplace for second consecutive year (Apr-2018)



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KinderCare Learning CentersLinks (9)

KinderCare Learning Centers Form S-1 (Oct-2021)


KinderCare Learning Centers Giving Kids A Lifetime Of Confidence (Mar-2020)


Six Teachers Recognized as Top Educators with Champions Quality Achievement Award (Jan-2020)

Source: www.

Research confirms KinderCare students are better prepared for first grade (Sep-2019)


What Is Play? Childhood Development and the Science of Kids at Play (Sep-2019)


KinderCare Looks to New Year with Plan for Environmental Sustainability (Dec-2018)


KinderCare Learning CentersCompetitors

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KinderCare Learning CentersRelated Companies

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KinderCare Learning CentersFunding

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Funding History

Date Stage/Series Amount Funding to Date
Oct-2021* IPO Filed 100M

KinderCare Learning CentersInvestments/Acquisitions

No investment has been recorded for KinderCare Learning Centers

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KinderCare Learning CentersPress Releases (3)

New Study Confirms Parent Confidence on the Rebound as Parents Look to the Future of Child Care and Work
KinderCare Announces Launch of Initial Public Offering
KinderCare Kids Scholarship Fund Applications for 2022-2023 School Year Now Open


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KinderCare Learning CentersOffices

Main Office


650 NE Holladay St.

Portland, OR


KinderCare Learning CentersProducts

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Next Jump, Inc. is a technology company that started in 1994 as a coupon business and developed into a successful e-commerce business, Perks at Work.

But the world started changing, and a bigger issue emerged around company culture. Therefore, we built a second business to help companies upgrade their culture.

It started as a social movement, but the problem grew so big, it became a business. We are on a mission to change workplace culture by providing free, world-class education to any leader that wants to upgrade their team here on


In 2016, a team of Harvard professors published An Everyone Culture citing Next Jump as 1 of 3 companies globally that represent the future of work – what they call:Deliberately Developmental Organizations (or DDOs for short).

At Next Jump, we are always trying to do the little things that allow others to be great. We believe in bettering oneself first so that you can better others in need, and together it makes a better us (world). We are building a community that supports each other, gets healthier + smarter, and helps those in need.

I’ve been taking weekly barre classes every Thursday morning. This holds me accountable and helps to keep me focused on my well being. I have also taken classes to teach me how to better handle the balance of working from home while my kids are learning from home as well. My kids have also taken advantage of the kids club. This has been so helpful to them as they are not able to spend time with friends anymore.

Amenda, Disney, Dec 22, 2020

Coronavirus or COVID-19 – Healthy Kids

Communications to DCFS and Private Agency Staff

Action Transmittal 2022.01 – Updated COVID Guidance Replaces AT 2021.05 (2/15/22)

Action Transmittal 2021.04 Update – Procedures 302, Appendix M – Transition Planning for Adolescents (July 15, 2021)

Action Transmittal 2021. 03 – Expansion of the DCFS Education and Training Voucher Program to Support Eligible Youth Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Action Transmittal 2021.02 – Expansion of DCFS Employment/Job Training/Apprenticeship Incentive Program to Support Eligible Youth Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Action Transmittal 2020.14 – Child Welfare Staffing Needs During COVID-19 Crisis

Pre-visit Checklist (6/12/20)

Preparing Substitute Caregivers for In-Person Visits (6/12/20)

Preparing Parents for In-Person Visits (6/12/20)

Preparing Children and Youth for In-Person Visits (6/12/20)

COVID-19 Out of State Travel For Youth in Care (7/6/21)

COVID-19 Testing Site Update for DCFS Staff and POS Staff (6/1/20)   

COVID-19 Court-Ordered Visitation Memo (5/21/20)

Guidelines for COVID-19 Exposed/Confirmed Youth (5/15/20)

COVID-19 In-Person Visit Guide – Child Protection (5/21/20)

COVID-19 In-Person Visit Guide – Intact/Placement/Permanency (5/21/20)

Using a Respirator Mask (N96 or KN95) versus a Simple Medical (Procedure) Mask (5/8/20)

Face Covering Do’s and Don’ts    

How to Properly Put on and Take off a Disposable Respirator

COVID-19 Proper Glove Use

COVID-19 Youth Data Collection Form (completed by DCFS Guardian’s Office) (4/7/20)

Memo – DCFS Notification of Youth in Care Exposed/Symptomatic/Confirmed to have COVID-19 (4/7/20)

Memo to advisory groups and councils: COVID-19 and the Open Meetings Act (3/31/20)

Message from Acting Director Smith to DCFS and Private Agency Staff regarding COVID-19 and Modifications to In-person Contact Requirements (3/20/20)

Message from DCFS Acting Director Smith to DCFS and Private Agency Staff (3/20/20)

COVID-19 (Division) Preparation Plan and Emergency Contact List (3/18/20)

Biometric Impressions statewide offices and mobile services will remain operating daily as normal. Please use the zip code searchable schedule at or call 630-532-5922 for locations/hours.



Messages to Providers

COVID-19 Related Guidance for DCFS Congregate Facilities – Including Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTP), Child Care Institutions (CCI), Group Homes (GH), ILO/TLP Programs and Child Welfare Agencies (CWA) (9/14/21) 

COVID-19 Letter to Educators (5/15/20)

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Purchase of Service Agencies (5/7/20)

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Purchase of Service Agencies (4/20/20)

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Purchase of Service Agencies (4/13/20)

Letter to Educators Regarding Mandated Reporter Status (4/9/20)

Providing Telehealth Services During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (4/6/20)

Message to POS Leadership Summarizing Recent Changes (4/5/20)

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Purchase of Service Agencies (4/4/20)

Informed Consent of Guardian for Telehealth Services (4/3/20)

Letter to Providers of Mental/Behavioral Health Services re: Consent for Telehealth (4/3/20)

DCFS Monitoring COVID-19 Letter to Congregate Care Facilities: Agency Plan and Fidelity Review (4/1/20)

DCFS Monitoring COVID-19 Daily Report (3/30/20)

DCFS Monitoring COVID-19 Memo to POS/Residential ILO/TLP (3/30/20)

Message to POS Leadership Summarizing Recent Changes (3/29/20)

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Purchase of Service Agencies (3/27/20)

How is DCFS supporting private agencies who have diminished or suspended non-essential services? (3/20/20)

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Purchase of Service Agencies (3/20/20)

Letter to Early Childhood Care and Education Program Administrators (3/13/20)

Letter to Non-contracted Child Care Institutions, Group Homes and Child Welfare Agencies (3/12/20)

Letter to Child Care Institutions, Group Homes and Child Welfare Agencies (3/10/20)

DCFS Guidance to Private Agencies (3/15/20)


Messages to DCFS Staff

Updated Interim Guidance for State Agencies Responding to COVID-19 (4/29/20)

COVID-19 Decision Tree for non 24/7 Facilities (4/29/20)

IDPH COVID Guidance for State Agencies Regarding Facial Covering (4/29/20)

Families First Coronavirus Response Act Employee Rights Poster

Families First Coronavirus Response Act and How it Applies to You

Guidance for Assisting Pregnant Youth in Care (3/20/20)

COVID-19 guidance from Medical Director Margaret Scotellaro regarding staying home from work (3/18/20)

COVID-19 Employer Guidance (3/13/20)

IDPH Social Distancing Flyer

Messages to Families Served by DCFS

Information Transmittal 2021. 12 – Expiration of Extended Services to Older Youth (September 24, 2021)

Letter to Caregivers: Update to Visitation Practices During COVID-19 (6/19/20)

Update to Visitation Practices During COVID-19 (6-18-20)

Letter to foster parents regarding visitation due to COVID-19 (5/21/20)

Letter to Caregivers: Caring for Youth with Asthma During the COVID-19 Outbreak (5/13/20)

Letter to caregivers: Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS): A Rare Emerging Condition Linked to COVID-19 (5/15/20)

Telephone Assistance Programs (5/8/20)

Memo regarding board payment increase (04/09/20)

Letter to Post-Adopt and Guardianship Families (4/9/20)

Letter to birth parents regarding changes in visitation due to COVID-19 (3/31/20)

Letter to foster parents regarding changes to visitation due to COVID-19 (3/27/20)

Letter to foster parents (3/12/20)


Messages to Day Care Providers

The Governor has required the temporary closure of all care facilities. However, the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD), in partnership with the Illinois Departments of Human Services (IDHS) and Children and Family Services (IDCFS), has established a structure and system for child care providers to apply for an emergency child care license to provide care for essential workers. For families seeking information about child care closures and emergency child care, please see this letter.

For more information on helping parents find care, please call the Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) at 877-202-4453 and enter your zip code to find contact information for your local child care resource and referral agency or visit

Updated guidance regarding masking requirements in day care settings (2/28/22)

Restore Illinois Day Care Guidance (09-23-2022), (Español), (中文),(français),(Polskie)

COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions Following the Mandatory Closure of All Child Care Centers and Homes

COVID-19 Attendance Exemption Form

DCFS Day Care Temporary Attendance Exemption Policy (3/20/20)

DCFS Payment Memo for Child Care Providers (3/20/20)

CFS 597 Application for Child Care Facility License

Policy Transmittal 2020. 02

Rule 407 Emergency, 6-24-2020

Governor JB Pritzker’s Executive Order in Response to COVID-19 (3/20/20)

COVID-19: Information and Support for Home-Based Child Care Providers (3/17/20)

COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions (3/15/20)

Guidance for Child Care Centers and Early Education Programs (3/15/20)

Archived Guidance

Who’s who in kindergarten?


Who’s who in kindergarten?

Each kindergarten has many employees, and each of them has their own responsibilities. But sometimes it is quite difficult for parents to figure out who to turn to with their problems. So who is the best person to discuss parenting issues with? What can you ask a facilitator? What is the educator responsible for? And what does a psychologist do?


The administration of the preschool institution includes the head of the kindergarten, the senior educator and the deputy head for the administrative and economic part.

Kindergarten manager . Since in real life kindergartens are mostly run by women, the name of this position is usually used in the feminine gender – head.

The headmaster is responsible for the general management of the kindergarten. In its activities, it relies on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution, the Charter of a preschool institution, and other legislative acts. She is engaged in the acquisition of groups by children in accordance with their age, their state of health, individual characteristics and requests of parents, selects personnel, supervises teachers and service personnel. In addition, the head is responsible for the rational use of budget allocations, as well as funds from other sources.

Parents can contact the head for advice and make their own proposals for improving work with children, in particular, proposals for organizing additional services. Parents also have the right to demand from her that the team led by her provide the child with proper care, upbringing and education, protection and promotion of health – in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Senior teacher is engaged in methodological work and organizes the entire educational process in kindergarten, therefore, in everyday communication, he is also called Methodist.

Together with the head, he manages the kindergarten team, participating in the selection of personnel, in the development and implementation of development programs and pedagogical plans. Completes groups with teaching aids, games, toys, organizes cooperation with other preschool institutions, schools, children’s centers, museums, etc.

The senior educator conducts extensive methodological work in the teaching staff: open classes for educators, seminars, individual and group consultations. In addition, he participates in working with parents: he prepares stands, folders dedicated to family education, etc.

Deputy head of educational work. Sometimes this position can be found in the staff list of a kindergarten instead of the position of head teacher. But it’s not quite the same thing. If the senior educator deals exclusively with the issues of the educational process, then the deputy for educational work, in addition, coordinates the work of all services, participates in managerial decision-making.

Deputy head of the administrative and economic department (supply manager) supervises the maintenance of the kindergarten. Monitors the condition of the premises, is engaged in the purchase of furniture, utensils, equipment and toys. Supervises the work on the improvement and landscaping of the territory, monitors the implementation of fire prevention measures and other safety conditions for children and adults. The main teaching staff

0023 ) is a teacher directly responsible for the life and health of the children entrusted to him. However, the teacher does not just “look after” the kids, she plans and conducts classes, games, walks and entertainment in accordance with the age of the children. She creates conditions in the group for the successful implementation of the educational program and, in fact, implements it herself. Together with the music director and physical education teacher, she prepares holidays, entertainment and sports activities. Supervises the work of an assistant teacher.

In addition, the teacher works with parents on the issues of raising children in the family, involves them in active cooperation with the kindergarten. Coordinates with parents the preventive vaccinations of children planned in a preschool institution.

If the kindergarten is fully staffed with teaching staff, each group has two teachers who work in close cooperation with each other. The teacher has a seven-hour working day, so the first shift starts early in the morning – at 6.00 to 12.00, the second starts at 12.00, and ends at 18.00.

Music director responsible for musical education. Organizes and conducts music classes, literary and musical matinees, evenings. Identifies musically gifted children and works with them individually and in a group. Participates in morning gymnastics, physical education and entertainment, provides musical accompaniment to organized games for children in the 2nd half of the day, conducts musical and didactic, theatrical and rhythmic games.

Physical education teacher conducts physical education classes and is fully responsible for the safety of pupils during them. Controls the physical activity of children during the day. Together with the nurse controls the hygienic conditions for the classes. Organizes explanatory work with parents on the issues of physical education.

Like other teachers, a physical education teacher is guided by approved programs that take into account the age characteristics of children, and during classes takes into account the individual capabilities of each child.

Swimming instructor conducts lessons in the pool, also in accordance with the program. Children of early and younger preschool age are taught not to be afraid of a large amount of water (with the help of special games-activities), and from middle preschool age they begin learning different styles of swimming (crawl, breaststroke, “dolphin”). Fully responsible for the safety of children on the water. Together with the nurse controls the hygienic condition of the pool.

The instructor helps the children with undressing and showering, teaches them to strictly observe the requirements of hygiene.

Correction issues

Teacher-psychologist – his work is aimed at maintaining the mental, somatic and social well-being of pupils. Its task is to help children, parents and teaching staff in solving specific problems. The teacher-psychologist conducts psychological diagnostics, determines the degree of deviations (mental, physical, emotional) in the development of pupils, identifies violations of social development and conducts their psychological and pedagogical correction. Participates in the planning and development of developmental and correctional programs, in educational activities. Promotes the development of creatively gifted students. Forms the psychological culture of teachers, as well as children and their parents.

Speech therapist deals with the correction of deviations in the development of children’s speech. Examines pupils, determines the structure and severity of their defects. Conducts group and individual sessions to correct deviations.

Additional education

Recently, in some kindergartens, such a position has appeared as a teacher of additional education in various areas (ecology, fine arts, theatrical and gaming activities, rhythm, teaching a foreign language, etc.).

A teacher of additional education in fine arts organizes work with children in one or all types of fine arts (drawing, modeling, appliqué). Identifies and develops the creative abilities of children, together with educators studies the individual characteristics of the pupils, plans tasks of different levels of complexity during the lesson, according to the preparation and development of each child, and also conducts individual work. In addition to standard classes, she conducts classes in the form of conversations, observations, excursions, involves children in search and experimental work, shaping their creative activity in visual activity.

The teacher of additional education in ecology is responsible for the environmental education of preschoolers on the basis of systematic observations of objects and natural phenomena. An ecologist forms ecological knowledge and skills in children through games, visual activities, etc. He instills in his pupils a respectful attitude towards the natural world.

The teacher of additional education in theatrical and game activities uses various types and forms of theatrical activity in his work. The purpose of his work is the development of creative abilities, aesthetic taste of children. This teacher, introducing children to artistic techniques, stimulates the expressiveness of each child’s speech, forms his intonation, gesture, posture, gait. Teaches you to arbitrarily control your movements, and the movements of the characters portrayed. Under the guidance of a “theater” teacher, children prepare for performances at matinees, for participation in leisure activities, quizzes, performances, while other teachers and parents participate in organizing theatrical and gaming activities (decorating rooms, providing theatrical costumes, attributes and accessories).

A teacher of additional education for teaching children a foreign language conducts foreign language classes. Its task is to expand the vocabulary of children with a gradual transition to grammatical constructions, the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. This teacher advises teachers and parents on the development of children’s language skills, conducts reporting events, and prepares mini-performances with children.

A teacher of additional education in rhythm teaches children musical and rhythmic movements and dances, taking into account their physiological and age characteristics. Forms and develops musical, motor skills, coordination of movements and plasticity in children. Prepares children for festivals.

Medical workers

Medical issues in the kindergarten are handled by a senior nurse, a pool nurse, a massage nurse. Less commonly, in specialized kindergartens, you can meet a physiotherapy nurse and a physiotherapy nurse.

The head nurse monitors the sanitary and epidemic regime in the kindergarten, and also monitors the observance of the daily routine, children’s nutrition, proper morning exercises, physical education and walks. Organizes activities for hardening children and participates in the organization of recreational activities. Keeps a daily record of children absent due to illness, isolates sick children. Daily monitors the quality of cooking. She daily samples ready-made meals and stores them in accordance with the requirements of the SES. Monitors group meal schedules and conducts daily rounds of groups to check group food arrangements.

In addition, the head nurse prepares children for medical examinations and participates in them herself, carries out weighing, anthropometric measurements of children, carries out preventive vaccinations and fulfills doctor’s orders.

Swimming Pool Nurse – This position is available in Swimming Pool Gardens and is sometimes combined with the Head Nurse position. The swimming pool nurse examines the children before each swimming lesson, releases them from classes if they feel unwell and complains of feeling unwell, monitors the condition of the children during classes. Controls the sanitary condition of all pool premises and equipment.

Junior staff

Junior staff includes a junior teacher, cook, storekeeper, laundress, etc. All these employees ensure the smooth operation of the preschool, but only the teacher’s assistant works directly with children.

Assistant educator, or junior educator (in everyday communication – just a nanny) helps the educator in organizing the educational process, and together with the educator is responsible for the life and health of the pupils. The assistant teacher brings food from the kitchen and helps in distribution, then cleans and washes the dishes, prepares water for washing children, for rinsing the mouth; in older groups organizes serving children’s tables. Helps the teacher to take the children for a walk and bring them into a group, undress the kids before a quiet hour and dress after it. Prepares everything necessary for hardening and hygiene procedures, takes part in organizing classes for teaching children to swim.

The nanny is also responsible for the cleanliness of the premises; twice a day she does a wet cleaning of the group. In accordance with the requirements of the SES, it sanitizes dishes and toys. Monitors the cleanliness of towels, changes them as they get dirty, helps the teacher in carrying out hygiene procedures with children. Once every 10 days, bed linen is changed.

Who to contact?

All kindergarten teachers must have higher professional or secondary specialized education. The head teacher and senior educator must have higher education. Each of the teachers (speech therapist, psychologist, teachers of additional education, physical education teacher) works in tandem with the teacher in the group, and the knowledge that the child receives in the classroom is then consolidated in everyday activities.

Parents can contact any kindergarten employee with questions and get a qualified answer. So, the senior teacher can answer questions regarding the organization of children’s leisure at home, talk about the programs and methods of work used in kindergarten, about what a child should know and be able to do by a certain age, advise what books and toys a child should buy.

Some issues of upbringing can be discussed with educators: what should be done to make the child put away toys? what to do with the child while preparing for dinner? How to discuss a read work with a child? What questions should you ask your child while looking at the illustrations in the book? etc.

A swimming instructor will tell you how to make your child enjoy going to the pool or how to teach your child not to be afraid of water. The teacher-psychologist will consult about fears, whims, stubbornness in children. The speech therapist will suggest effective methods of speech correction. A theater and game teacher will tell you how best to memorize poems with a child.

An assistant educator (junior educator) will answer questions regarding cultural and hygienic skills, the child’s appetite, explain when and how airing is carried out in the group.

All employees of the kindergarten work in close contact with each other, creating the best conditions for the physical and mental life of the child.

Structure and governing bodies of an educational organization

Structure and governing bodies of an educational organization


Kindergarten management

1. The management of the Kindergarten is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of a combination of the principles of unity of command and collegiality.
2. The sole executive body of the Kindergarten is the head (manager), who carries out the current management of the Kindergarten.
2.1. A candidate for the position of the head of the Kindergarten undergoes mandatory certification in the manner prescribed by the resolution of the Volgograd administration. It is prohibited to occupy the position of the head of the Kindergarten by persons who are not allowed to teach on the grounds established by labor legislation.
The Head of the Kindergarten is appointed by the Territorial Administration in agreement with the Department on the basis of an employment contract.
The duties of the head of the Kindergarten cannot be performed part-time.
The rights and obligations of the head of the Kindergarten, his competence in the field of managing the Kindergarten are determined in accordance with the legislation on education and this Charter.

Head of the Kindergarten

Without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the Kindergarten, represents its interests in relations with state bodies, local governments, legal entities and individuals;
manages the activities of the Kindergarten on the basis of unity of command;
uses the property and funds of the Kindergarten, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney;
determines the structure for managing the activities of the Kindergarten, approves the staffing table, internal regulations;
provides logistics and equipment for the educational process, equipment of premises in accordance with state and local requirements and regulations, and also determines measures of social support for pupils and employees, including by attracting extra-budgetary funds;
provides purposeful and rational spending of funds;
ensures the safety and use of the property of the Kindergarten, including real estate and especially valuable movable property, for its intended purpose in accordance with the activities of the Kindergarten;
issues orders within its competence and gives instructions that are obligatory for all employees and pupils of the Kindergarten;
ensures compliance with labor laws, selects, hires under an employment contract, places pedagogical and other employees of the Kindergarten, improves their qualifications and dismisses them in accordance with labor laws;
has the right to redistribute duties among employees of the Kindergarten or, if necessary, entrust them with the performance of new duties;
defines the duties of all employees of the Kindergarten;
issues orders for the enrollment and expulsion of pupils;
ensures the submission of reports and other necessary information on the activities of the Kindergarten in the prescribed manner;
carries out the current management of the educational, economic and financial activities of the Kindergarten, with the exception of issues referred by the current legislation or this Charter to the competence of the bodies exercising the powers of the Founder or collegial governing bodies of the Kindergarten;
performs other duties in accordance with the job description approved by the head of the Territorial Administration.
Collegial governing bodies are formed in the Kindergarten, which include the Council of the Kindergarten, the General Meeting of Kindergarten employees, the Pedagogical Council. The structure, procedure for formation, term of office and competence of the collegial governing bodies of the Kindergarten, the procedure for making decisions by them and speaking on behalf of the Kindergarten are established by this Charter in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
General management of the Kindergarten is carried out by an elected collegial governing body – the Council of the Kindergarten (hereinafter referred to as the Council). The activities of the Council are regulated by this Charter.

Competence of the Kindergarten Council

develops measures to improve the content of education, the introduction of innovative technologies;
is in charge of ethics and publicity;
controls the spending of funds owned by the Kindergarten;
reviews and approves local regulations of the Kindergarten on issues within the competence of the Council;
listens to the reports of the head of the Kindergarten and other employees on the work of the Kindergarten following the results of the academic and financial year, reports on the expenditure of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds, makes proposals for improving the work of the administration and the Kindergarten as a whole; gets acquainted with the final documents on the inspection of the Kindergarten and contributes to the implementation of measures to eliminate shortcomings in its work;
participates in the development and approves local regulations of the Kindergarten, establishing the types, amounts, conditions and procedure for making incentive payments to employees of the Kindergarten, indicators and criteria for assessing the quality and performance of employees of the Kindergarten;
accepts and recommends for approval the Kindergarten Development Program;
discusses and makes proposals on the issue of strengthening and developing the material and technical base of the Kindergarten in accordance with modern requirements for the organization of the educational process;
contributes to the creation of a healthy and safe environment in the Kindergarten;
discusses and makes proposals for the development of paid educational services;
petitions, if there are grounds, to the head of the Kindergarten to encourage employees of the Kindergarten or to take disciplinary measures against them;
petitions, if there are grounds, to the bodies exercising the functions and powers of the founder, and other bodies for rewarding, bonuses and other incentives for the head of the Kindergarten or for the application of disciplinary measures against him;
promotes the attraction of extra-budgetary funds to ensure the operation and development of the Kindergarten;
represents, together with the head of the Kindergarten, the interests of the Kindergarten in state bodies, local governments, public organizations;
, within the framework of the current legislation, takes the necessary measures to protect teachers and the administration of the Kindergarten from unreasonable interference in their professional activities.

Council formation procedure

The council consists of representatives of employees, parents (legal representatives) of pupils, and the public.
Candidates for members of the Council are nominated at the relevant meetings of collectives. The Council may include representatives of the bodies exercising management in the field of education, representatives of the public.
The Council is formed by nominating:
from the labor collective – at least 3 people (the nomination is formalized by the minutes of the general meeting of employees). The total number of Council members from among the employees of the Kindergarten cannot exceed one third of the total number of Council members;
from parents (legal representatives) of pupils – one representative from each group (the nomination is formalized by the protocol of the general parent meeting). Employees of the Kindergarten, whose children study in it, cannot be nominated as members of the Council as parents (legal representatives) of pupils. The total number of Council members elected from parents (legal representatives) cannot be less than one third and more than half of the total number of Council members;
The head of the Kindergarten is a member of the Council by position.
In the event of the departure of members of the Council within a period not exceeding 1 month, the procedure for nominating candidates by the pedagogical or parent teams of the Kindergarten is carried out. Within 10 days after the nomination of candidates, an order is issued by the Head of the Kindergarten to introduce new candidates to the Council.
The composition of the Council is formed and approved by the order of the head of the Kindergarten within 10 days after the nomination of candidates. The order also indicates the date of the first meeting of the Council.
The term of office of the Council is one year.

General meeting:

hears the report of the head on the work of the Kindergarten;
approves the development plan for the Kindergarten;
considers and adopts the Internal Labor Regulations, other local regulations on issues within its competence, decides on the conclusion of a collective agreement;
considers issues of creating optimal conditions for the organization of labor and professional growth of each employee;
contributes to the support of public initiatives to improve and develop the activities of the Kindergarten;
considers and approves local regulations of the Kindergarten on issues related to remuneration and interests of employees of the Kindergarten, provided for by labor legislation;
considers candidates for the Kindergarten for awards;
determines the number and terms of office of the commission on labor disputes, the election of its members.

Pedagogical Council

considers the main issues of organizing the educational process in the Kindergarten;
develops measures to improve the content of education, the introduction of innovative technologies;
approves the main general educational programs of preschool education developed by the Kindergarten independently on the basis of the federal state educational standard for preschool education and taking into account the relevant exemplary basic educational programs;

considers the results of the analysis of the activities of the teaching staff of the Kindergarten for a certain period;
defines goals and objectives for the academic year;
accepts and recommends for approval by the Kindergarten Council the concept, development program of the Kindergarten;
defines the content of education, forms, methods of the educational process and ways of their implementation;
makes decisions on ensuring the comprehensive safety of the educational process based on the results of monitoring compliance with SanPiN, fire safety requirements, labor protection;
considers issues of violation by teachers of the Charter of the Kindergarten;
recommends candidates for teaching staff to be awarded state awards, honorary titles and other distinctions;
adopts local regulations of the Kindergarten on issues within its competence.
The Pedagogical Council includes the Head of the Kindergarten, all teaching staff of the Kindergarten.
Representatives of the founder, heads of other collegiate bodies of the Kindergarten, other employees of the Kindergarten, as well as parents (legal representatives) of pupils, as necessary, may take part in the work of the Pedagogical Council.
The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council is the Head of the Kindergarten. To keep minutes of meetings and organize office work of the Pedagogical Council, a secretary is elected from among its members

Organization of work of Parents’ Committees.

Members of the Parents’ Committees exercise their powers on a voluntary and non-reimbursable basis.
Group parent committees are elected at group meetings in the number determined by this meeting. The parent committees of the groups elect a chairman and a secretary from among their members for a period of 1 year. After one year, the powers of the Parents’ Committee in the retained composition may extend the parent meeting of the group. Group parent committees are accountable to parent group meetings and report to them at least once a year.

Parents’ committees carry out their activities on the principles of cooperation, search for constructive solutions, openness, objectivity, honesty, goodwill and correctness in communication with other parents, pupils, and employees of the Kindergarten.
The Kindergarten Parents’ Committee includes the chairmen of the Parents’ Committees of the groups, who elect the Chairman of the Kindergarten’s Parents’ Committee and a secretary from among their members. The parents (legal representatives) of pupils delegated to the Parents’ Committee of the Kindergarten are obliged to inform the parent meetings of the groups about the issues under consideration and the decisions made.
Questions can be submitted for discussion by the Parent Committee of the group at the initiative of any parent (legal representative) of pupils, teachers, administration of the Kindergarten.
The Kindergarten Parent Committee meets as needed, but at least twice a year, recognizes each member of the Kindergarten Parent Committee as the authority of the entire parent meeting, delegating to this representative the right to speak on behalf of the parents (legal representatives), represent their interests, protect and defend their rights, vote and make decisions on their behalf.
The Parents’ Committee of the Kindergarten is authorized to make decisions if at least half of its membership is present at the meeting. Decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes.
Decisions of the Parents’ Committee of the Kindergarten, taken within the framework of its powers, are binding on the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils. Decisions that are binding on all participants in the educational process are put into effect by order of the head of the Kindergarten.
Order on the appointment of the head.pdf

List of duties of a kindergarten teacher – Kindergarten and child

Many educators often ask: should they make repairs in the group or buy methodological literature with their own money? Parents also have many questions about the duties of a kindergarten teacher.

The duties of a kindergarten teacher are clearly stated in a number of regulatory documents:

  • in the job description,
  • in the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool institutions (SanPiN 2. 4.1.2660),
  • in the employment contract concluded between the preschool teacher and the employer.

Anything not specified in these legal documents is not the responsibility of the kindergarten teacher and, accordingly, he is not obliged to fulfill them.

As a “cheat sheet”, we collected all the information from legal documents and distributed the duties of a kindergarten teacher in several areas:

  • when accepting children into a group,
  • for catering,
  • when working in a group during the day,
  • when organizing sleep,
  • on a walk,
  • at the end of the working day.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher when admitting children to the group

  • Daily morning reception of children is carried out by caregivers who ask parents about their children’s health.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher in catering

  • Teachers help children eat, very young children are supplemented.

Duties of a kindergarten teacher when working in a group during the day

  • Ensures strict adherence to the established daily routine and schedule of classes.
  • Monitors the behavior of children during the period of adaptation, helps them; in early age groups keeps a diary of observations.
  • Regularly informs the head of the institution and the head nurse about changes in the health status of children. Informs the head nurse about absent children, finds out the reason for their absence, maintains an attendance record.
  • Treats each child in his group with respect and care, shows restraint and pedagogical tact in dealing with children and their parents.
  • Together with the music director and physical education instructor, he prepares holidays, organizes children’s leisure.
  • With children of the second and third years of life, physical exercises are carried out by educators in subgroups 2-3 times a week. Classes in kindergarten with children of the second year of life are carried out in a group room, with children of the third year of life – in a group room or in a gym.

Responsibilities of the kindergarten teacher in organizing sleep in group

  • Children with difficulty falling asleep and light sleep are recommended to be put to bed first and wake up last. In age groups, older children wake up earlier after sleep. During the sleep of children, the presence of a teacher (or his assistant) in the bedroom is mandatory.

Duties of a kindergarten teacher on a walk

  • The teacher is obliged to help the children get dressed.
  • When walking with children, play and exercise must be carried out. Outdoor games are carried out at the end of the walk before the children return to the preschool premises.
  • On the site, together with the children, she works on landscaping according to the program of her age group.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher at the end of the working day

  • When transferring a shift at the end of the working day, he leaves an exemplary order in the group.
  • The teacher hands over the shift personally to the second teacher, transfers the children according to the list.
  • Transfer of children strictly to parents and legal representatives (only adults).

In addition, the duties of the educator include planning educational activities, reporting, advanced training and interaction with kindergarten staff and parents: and health of children.

  • Keeps records in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Systematically improves professional qualifications and pedagogical level at courses, seminars, open viewings.
  • Participates in the pedagogical councils of institutions, methodological associations in the region, district, organizes competitions and exhibitions of children’s works for open days, holds parent meetings, participates in holidays.
  • Works with parents on the issues of raising children in the family, involves them in active cooperation with the kindergarten. Actively works with the parent committee and individual parents, ensuring the creation of the necessary conditions in the premises of the group and on the site for the successful implementation of the educational program.
  • Prepared by Maria Danilenko.

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    Is the teacher obliged to supplement the child in kindergarten

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    Structure and governing bodies of an educational organization

    Organizational management structure

    At the first level of the administration there is the head of the kindergarten, who manages and controls the activities of all structures. The head performs his functions in accordance with the job description. Instructions and orders of the head are obligatory for all participants in the educational process. The head acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the institution, representing it in all organizations and institutions:

    1. manages the property of the institution within the limits of the rights provided by the agreement between the Founder and the Institution;

    2. in accordance with labor legislation, hires and dismisses workers, arranges personnel, encourages employees of the institution, imposes penalties;

    3. be responsible for the activities of the institution to the founder;

    4. Issues orders, instructions within its competence, regulating the activities of the preschool educational institution.

    At the second level , the management is carried out by the senior educator, deputy head of the AHS, senior nurse, chief accountant who interact with the relevant management objects.

    At this level, the head implements direct and indirect implementation of management decisions through the distribution of responsibilities between administrative workers, taking into account their training, experience, and the structure of the preschool institution.

    The senior educator manages the educational process of the institution. It determines the place of each teacher in educational work with children, mobilizes educators to solve the tasks set by the concept of preschool education for a preschool institution, and involves parents and the public in their solution.

    The Deputy Head of AChE is responsible for the safety of the building of the preschool institution and property, organizes the material and technical supply of the pedagogical process, ensures cleanliness and order in the premises and on the site, fire safety and organization of work of the attendants.

    The head nurse controls the sanitary condition of the premises and areas of the preschool educational institution, compliance with the requirements of SanPiN, the quality of the delivered products, the organization of food and the quality of food preparation, provides medical care for children, conducts sanitary and educational work among employees of the institution and parents, takes part in the organization of physical culture and health work with children. Instructions by the senior educator, senior nurse, deputy head of the AHS, within their competence, are also mandatory for all employees.

    The third level is managed by educators, a speech therapist teacher, a psychologist, a music director, a physical education instructor, service personnel and parents (legal representatives). At this level, the objects of control are children and their parents. The kindergarten observes social guarantees for participants in the educational process.

    The forms of self-government of a kindergarten that ensure the state-public nature of management are:

    Pedagogical Council


    – discusses and adopts local acts relating to pedagogical activities, changes and additions to them;

    – determines the directions of educational activities of the Kindergarten;

    – reviews, discusses and adopts the Kindergarten Development Program;

    – discusses and adopts the annual work plan, class schedule and work programs of academic disciplines;

    – discusses the issues of using and improving the methods of the educational process and educational technologies, planning the pedagogical activities of the Kindergarten;

    – organizes the identification, generalization, dissemination, implementation of advanced pedagogical experience among the teachers of the Kindergarten;

    – considers issues of advanced training, retraining, certification of teaching staff;

    – considers the implementation of the main general education program within the framework of the work programs of academic disciplines;

    – reviews the results of internal monitoring.

    General meeting of the labor collective


    – considers and approves the Charter of the Kindergarten, changes and additions to it;

    – discusses and adopts local acts on issues relating to the interests of the employees of the Kindergarten, changes and additions to them;

    – discusses information about the development prospects of the Kindergarten;

    – discusses and adopts the internal labor regulations, work schedules, vacation schedules for employees of the Kindergarten;

    – discusses the state of labor discipline in the Kindergarten and measures to strengthen it, examines the facts of violation of labor discipline by employees of the Kindergarten;

    – considers the issues of protection and safety of working conditions of employees, protection of life and health of pupils in the Kindergarten, including issues of compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime.

    – reviews Public Report;

    – elects from among its members a commission for the distribution of incentive payments;

    – considers candidates for the Kindergarten for awards.

    Parent Council


    – contributes to ensuring optimal conditions for organizing the educational process;

    – assists in conducting mass educational activities with children;

    – Participates in the preparation of the Kindergarten for the new academic year;

    – assists the administration of the Kindergarten in organizing and holding General Parents’ Meetings;

    – takes part in the discussion of local acts of the Kindergarten on issues related to the powers of the Committee;

    – takes part in the organization of safe conditions for the implementation of educational and educational processes, the implementation of sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations;

    – interacts with other self-government bodies, public organizations on promoting the traditions of the Kindergarten;

    – interacts with other self-government bodies of the Kindergarten on improving management, ensuring the organization of educational and educational processes.

    The structure of the kindergarten

    Head – Ekaterina Mikhailovna Shubnikova, phone 8 (4852) 55-05-03

    Senior teacher – Elena Alexandrovna Sharova, phone 8 (4852) 55-02-25

    Deputy Head of AChR – Olga Alexandrovna Kiseleva, phone 8(4852)55-02-25

    Chief Accountant – Natalya Viktorovna Markova, phone 8(4852)55-19-65

    Senior Nurse – Natalia Alexandrovna Perevozchikova phone 8(4852)55-02-25

    what age, are there any benefits, is it possible to retire

    Many citizens who have reached retirement age are increasingly asking questions related to their material security in old age. For the majority of the population, the ongoing reforms in the country related to changes in the pension system are not entirely clear, and many people are already confused in the incessant stream of bills and initiatives.

    However, it is already obvious that the retirement age in the country is increasing, but questions arise regarding the categories of workers who have benefits when they go on a well-deserved rest. Among them, among others, are educators in preschool institutions.


    • 1 Formation of a pedagogical pension for kindergarten teachers
    • 2 At what age do kindergarten employees retire
    • 3 What is the pension required to apply for a superannuation pension
    • 4 Did the reform affect the retirement age? In addition, working with children involves a greater degree of responsibility, which also gives pedagogical activity a special specificity.

      In this connection , the state provides for a number of benefits and concessions for this category of workers. This also applies to early retirement. Thus, kindergarten teachers have the right to apply for pension payments if they have a certain teaching experience.

      In fact, this procedure for the formation of pension rights is a length of service. It should be recalled that it is precisely on the principle of having sufficient special experience that civil servants, military personnel, representatives of law enforcement agencies and some other areas of activity retire.

      However, in modern practice, it is not customary to call the special experience of teachers and physicians length of service, since, in addition to its availability for the persons in question, they are subject to other requirements for the appointment of pensions.

      So, it has been found out that one of the most important reasons for the retirement of preschool teachers is the availability of sufficient special experience. However, it is developed only on the condition of labor activity in certain institutions and in the corresponding positions.

      So, their complete lists are contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 No. 781. They are quite extensive and include more than a dozen positions. With regard to the employees of kindergartens, the number of beneficiaries should include persons who are directly involved in teaching activities.

      These are, among others:

      • educators;
      • speech therapists;
      • music workers;
      • educational psychologists.

      Auxiliary, administrative (for the most part) and technical staff of preschool institutions do not belong to the number of beneficiaries.

      Important! Junior educators (nannies) are not teaching staff, even if they have specialized education. In this regard, this category of employees of the preschool educational institution is not entitled to count on pension benefits.

      In addition, it is legally established that the pedstay includes the time of work in state (municipal) preschool institutions. This means that if, for example, a teacher works in a private kindergarten or provides educational services in private, then these periods are not included in the length of service.

      Formation of pension rights for teachers is carried out in the same way as for the majority of the working population of the country. The pension is assigned on a declarative basis when applying to the state pension fund.

      It should be noted that if an educator decides to receive well-deserved payments, then he can no longer work in this area, which, however, does not interfere with other types of labor activity.

      The procedure for applying to the Pension Fund of Russia is standard , however, when preparing documents, it is necessary to obtain the necessary certificates in advance on the availability of special rights, as well as check the correctness of the existing entries in the work book.

      At what age do kindergarten employees retire

      In Russia, as well as in many other countries of the world, retirement age is of great importance when exercising the right to material security. It should be understood as the age when a citizen can acquire the status of a pensioner and the right to appropriate payments. Today, the majority of Russian citizens retire at an advanced age.

      Teachers belong to the privileged category of employees, therefore the grounds for the emergence of the right to pension payments are not related to their age. This means that if there is sufficient seniority, kindergarten teachers can retire regardless of the number of years they have reached so far.

      However, a prerequisite for the appointment of security is the accumulated amount of pension rights, expressed in the form of an individual pension coefficient (IPC). Its value is formed at the expense of insurance premiums received by the pension fund, which are paid by employers for each of their employees.

      Accordingly, each working citizen has his own IPC in the pension insurance system. To retire in 2020 (first half of the year), the coefficient value must be at least 18.6.

      Help! If the value of the IPC is lower than that established by law for a certain period, then a preferential pension cannot be assigned.

      What pedstay is required to apply for a superannuation pension

      Education workers are granted a pension if they have worked in this industry for at least 25 years. At the same time, the teacher himself must clearly understand what periods are included in the special experience. Let’s dwell on this in more detail.

      1. Actual employment . Only periods of work in institutions and in positions prescribed by law will be taken into account.
      2. Periods of disability. We are talking about the period when a pedagogical worker temporarily did not work due to illness or care for a sick relative. These circumstances must be confirmed by sick leave.
      3. Holidays . The length of service includes periods of stay on the main and additional holidays, which is expressly provided for by the Labor Code.
      4. Parental leave. This period is included only if parental leave up to one and a half years old was used before October 1992.

      It should be understood that when calculating the length of service, only those periods are taken into account when the teacher worked full time, that is, he worked out the norm established by law, defined in hours. It is different for different categories of teachers. So, educators must work at least 30 hours a week.

      Important! Caregivers working with children with disabilities have a lower work rate of 25 hours.

      Did the reform affect the retirement age

      The reform of the pension system being carried out in the country affected many categories of workers. Educators in kindergartens, as well as other teachers, are also affected by the changes.

      Thus, it has been established that the minimum age for going on vacation is 25 years. This condition remains unchanged. However, , starting from 2019, there is a deferment for educators in assigning a pension to them.

      In practice, this means that after 25 years of work in the field of preschool education, a specialist acquires the right to a pension, but it will be accrued to him after a certain period. At the beginning of 2020, the delay is already one and a half years.

      Example! Citizen Ivanova worked in a municipal kindergarten as a teacher for 25 years. This deadline is January 2020. She has already earned the right to a pension, but payments to her will be assigned no earlier than July 2021.

      Starting from 2023, the grace period will be 5 calendar years. Accordingly, if the right to a pension occurs in 2023, the money will not begin to be paid until 2028. However, it should be noted that if the labor activity was carried out in difficult climatic conditions, the list of places with which is approved by the Government, then the calculation procedure will be carried out taking into account these circumstances.

      Thus, in fact, it turns out that teachers will retire 5 years later than it was previously established.

      Today, preschool teachers, like other teachers, have the right to preferential retirement. They must have worked in the industry for at least 25 years to receive the appropriate payments. However, since 2019, a rule has been in force according to which a pension will be assigned to this category of workers, taking into account the deferment.

      Useful video

      Additional information on the topic in the video:

      KINDERGARTEN TEACHER – Information pages

      Surname name patronymic position teaching experience education category
      Batrakova Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher 26 l 10 m. secondary – special (pedagogical) first
      Filina Elena Nikolaevna teacher 10 l secondary – special (pedagogical) no
      Naumova Rodika Radionovna teacher 1 m higher no
      Kudryavtseva Elena Vladimirovna teacher 3 g 4 m secondary – special (pedagogical) no
      Kozko Svetlana Gennadievna teacher 4 g 11 m secondary – special (pedagogical) no
      Belyakova Marina Anatolyevna teacher 3 g 3 m secondary – special (pedagogical) no
      Misyura Galina Grigorievna teacher 25 l 2 m secondary special no
      Buzik Julia Mikhailovna teacher 7 l 1 m higher second
      Stepanova Lyubov Vladimirovna teacher 29 l 1 m secondary specialized (pedagogical) higher
      Ilyina Nina Mikhailovna teacher 40 l 2 m secondary specialized (pedagogical) first
      Tarshina Anzhelika Gennadievna teacher 22 g 4 m secondary specialized (pedagogical) first
      Shchepkina Elena Vladimirovna teacher 29 l 8 m secondary specialized (pedagogical) first
      Vasilyeva Tatyana Vladimirovna teacher 28 l 2 m. higher higher
      Belyaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher 3 g 10 m. higher first
      Lavrenkova Oksana Gennadievna teacher 7 l 1 m. secondary specialized (pedagogical) first
      Lapteva Marina Aleksandrovna teacher 10 l 1 m higher first
      Kiryushina Marina Mikhailovna teacher 5 l10m. higher second
      Demenkova Svetlana Ivanovna caregiver 2 g 11 m. secondary specialized (pedagogical) no
      Dranichnikova Anna Konstantinovna teacher 7 l 10 m. secondary specialized (pedagogical) first
      Rylova Ekaterina Sergeevna teacher 6 l 4 m higher no
      Miroshnikova Marina Alexandrovna teacher 26 l 6 m. higher higher
      Sotnikova Anna Leonidovna teacher 2 g 3 m higher no
      Patrakeeva Nadezhda Iosifovna teacher 30 l 10 m. secondary specialized (pedagogical) higher
      Puginskaya Tatyana Valentinovna teacher 24 l 8 m. secondary specialized (pedagogical) first
      Rikunova Elena Sergeevna teacher 11 l 4 m. secondary specialized (pedagogical) second
      Prokofieva Elena Nikolaevna teacher 5 l 2 m. secondary specialized (pedagogical) second
      Ushakova Irina Aleksandrovna teacher 2 g 10 m. higher first
      Shilyaeva Nadezhda Sergeevna teacher 20 l secondary – special (pedagogical) first
      Posadova Elena Gennadievna teacher 15 l 05 m. higher no
      Danilova Natalya Alekseevna teacher 8 l secondary – special (pedagogical) no
      Moroz Irina Yurievna teacher 14 l 05 m. secondary – special (pedagogical) no
      Sudakevich Maria Fedorovna senior caregiver 29 l 3 m. higher higher
      Sorokina Julia Konstantinovna teacher – speech therapist,
      senior educator 0.5 st.
      24 g 4 m higher first
      Lebedeva Lyudmila Grigorievna teacher-speech therapist 38 l 1 m higher first
      Barabanova Tatyana Viktorovna physical education instructor 4 g 2 m higher first
      Mikhailova Tatyana Alexandrovna physical education instructor 8 l 9 m secondary – special (pedagogical) first
      Chislova Elena Alekseevna music director 37 l 7 m.

      Average salary for an account executive: Account Executive Salary |

      Опубликовано: July 9, 2022 в 11:12 am


      Категории: Miscellaneous

      2022 Account Executive Salary in Denver (Updated Daily)

      Account Executive jobs in Denver


      Strategic Account Executive, West


      Greater Denver Area

      3 days ago

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      Enterprise Account Executive, Southeast



      3 days ago

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      Commercial Account Executive



      2 weeks ago

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      Account Executive


      Greater Denver Area

      6 days ago

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      Account Executive

      Luxury Presence


      3 weeks ago

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      Senior Sales Executive

      Markit Digital


      5 days ago

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      Account Executive, MidMarket


      Greater Denver Area

      1 day ago

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      Digital Account Executive (West)

      Granicus LLC

      Greater Denver Area

      5 days ago

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      Account Executive (Central)

      Granicus LLC

      Greater Denver Area

      5 days ago

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      Account Executive – Salesforce

      EPAM Systems


      1 week ago

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      Account Executive, Majors



      1 week ago

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      Strategic Account Executive



      1 week ago

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      Account Executive Salary ranges

      The most common Account Executive salary in Denver is between $70k – $80k.

      Average Account Executive Salary by Company Size

      People with the job title Account Executive make the most at companies with 501-1,000 employees, earning $89,625 on average.

      Account Executive Salary by gender

      The average Account Executive salary for women is $78,611 and the average Account Executive salary for men is $76,888.

      Account Executive Salary by Years of Experience

      The average salary for a Account Executive with 7+ years of experience is $103,515. The average salary for <1 year of experience is $46,500.

      Average Sales salaries in Denver

      Job Title Average Salary Salary Range
      Inside Sales Representative $48,500

      Min: $30K

      Max: $75K

      Sales Development Representative $48,553

      Min: $35K

      Max: $120K

      Business Development Representative $48,578

      Min: $28K

      Max: $85K

      Account Manager $65,344

      Min: $42K

      Max: $160K

      Client Success Manager $72,581

      Min: $40K

      Max: $150K

      Sales Operations Analyst $74,802

      Min: $48K

      Max: $130K

      Account Executive $82,033

      Min: $30K

      Max: $200K

      Business Development Manager $86,591

      Min: $45K

      Max: $150K

      Sales Manager $86,661

      Min: $58K

      Max: $180K

      Sales Operations Manager $97,107

      Min: $55K

      Max: $175K

      Sales Engineer $116,692

      Min: $40K

      Max: $220K

      Sales Director $127,377

      Min: $60K

      Max: $200K

      Director of Customer Success $140,899

      Min: $67K

      Max: $280K

      Vice President of Sales $172,828

      Min: $100K

      Max: $300K

      Inside Sales Manager $205,833

      Min: $50K

      Max: $900K

      CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) $232,857

      Min: $200K

      Max: $300K

      Skills that affect Account Executive salaries in Denver


      Account Management

      11% have this skill


      Account Development

      11% have this skill



      11% have this skill


      Sales Strategy

      11% have this skill


      Cold Calling

      11% have this skill



      10% have this skill

      Recent Account Executive salaries in Denver


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $63,000 with +$27,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Enterprise Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $68,000 with +$45,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Senior Account Manager reported a yearly salary of $63,500 with +$50,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      201-500 Employees


      1-5 Reports


      Yearly Salary

      A Mid market account executive reported a yearly salary of $75,000 with +$85,000 in additional cash compensation

      3-5 Years of Experience


      51-200 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Senior account executive reported a yearly salary of $65,000 with +$57,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      11-50 Employees


      1-5 Reports


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $70,000 with +$116,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      51-200 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $60,000 with +$30,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      51-200 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $125,000 with +$125,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $142,000 with +$125,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $125,000 with +$125,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees


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      Salaries//Sales//Account Executive

      2022 Account Executive Salary in Austin (Updated Daily)

      Account Executive jobs in Austin


      Strategic Account Executive, West



      4 days ago

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      Sales Executive



      1 week ago

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      Sales Executive



      3 weeks ago

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      Account Executive



      1 week ago

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      Account Executive



      1 week ago

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      Account Executive



      2 weeks ago

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      Sales Executive – SLED



      2 days ago

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      Software Sales Executive



      1 week ago

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      Sales Executive (Federal)



      1 week ago

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      Software Sales Executive



      2 weeks ago

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      Inside Sales Executive



      2 weeks ago

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      Enterprise Software Sales Executive



      3 weeks ago

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      Account Executive Salary ranges

      The most common Account Executive salary in Austin is between $70k – $80k.

      Average Account Executive Salary by Company Size

      People with the job title Account Executive make the most at companies with 51-200 employees, earning $83,063 on average.

      Account Executive Salary by gender

      The average Account Executive salary for women is $79,360 and the average Account Executive salary for men is $73,557.

      Account Executive Salary by Years of Experience

      The average salary for a Account Executive with 7+ years of experience is $114,117. The average salary for <1 year of experience is $46,167.

      Average Sales salaries in Austin

      Job Title Average Salary Salary Range
      Business Development Representative $50,854

      Min: $30K

      Max: $100K

      Inside Sales Representative $53,829

      Min: $30K

      Max: $104K

      Sales Development Representative $53,932

      Min: $24K

      Max: $235K

      Account Manager $70,589

      Min: $30K

      Max: $170K

      Sales Operations Analyst $74,967

      Min: $45K

      Max: $125K

      Account Executive $77,747

      Min: $24K

      Max: $275K

      Client Success Manager $80,927

      Min: $40K

      Max: $136K

      Inside Sales Manager $84,702

      Min: $65K

      Max: $115K

      Business Development Manager $95,932

      Min: $65K

      Max: $163K

      Sales Manager $97,329

      Min: $55K

      Max: $160K

      Sales Operations Manager $104,425

      Min: $45K

      Max: $150K

      Sales Engineer $111,097

      Min: $68K

      Max: $184K

      Director of Customer Success $133,838

      Min: $85K

      Max: $245K

      Sales Director $150,180

      Min: $75K

      Max: $315K

      Vice President of Sales $184,630

      Min: $103K

      Max: $325K

      CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) $211,667

      Min: $140K

      Max: $285K

      Skills that affect Account Executive salaries in Austin


      Cold Calling

      12% have this skill


      Account Development

      12% have this skill


      Account Management

      12% have this skill


      Sales Strategy

      12% have this skill



      12% have this skill



      12% have this skill

      Recent Account Executive salaries in Austin


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $65,000 with +$15,000 in additional cash compensation

      3-5 Years of Experience


      51-200 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Associate Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $70,000 with +$30,000 in additional cash compensation

      3-5 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Mid-Market Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $60,000 with +$60,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Sr Commercial Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $72,500 with +$72,500 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees


      1-5 Reports


      Yearly Salary

      A commercial account executive reported a yearly salary of $57,000 with +$57,000 in additional cash compensation

      3-5 Years of Experience


      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $75,000 with +$75,000 in additional cash compensation

      3-5 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees


      1-5 Reports


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $84,000 with +$52,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $70,000 with +$48,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      1-10 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $58,000 with +$22,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      11-50 Employees


      1-5 Reports


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $70,000 with +$70,000 in additional cash compensation

      3-5 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees


      1-5 Reports

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      Salaries//Sales//Account Executive

      2022 Account Executive Salary in Los Angeles (Updated Daily)

      Account Executive jobs in Los Angeles


      Enterprise Account Executive, Southeast



      4 days ago

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      Enterprise Account Executive, West


      Greater LA Area

      5 days ago

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      Commercial Account Executive



      2 weeks ago

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      Strategic Account Executive (US Southeast)



      2 weeks ago

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      Account Executive


      Greater LA Area

      1 week ago

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      Account Executive


      Greater LA Area

      2 weeks ago

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      Account Executive


      Greater LA Area

      3 weeks ago

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      Account Executive



      3 weeks ago

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      Account Executive



      3 weeks ago

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      Account Executive


      Santa Monica

      3 weeks ago

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      Mid-Market Sales Executive


      Greater LA Area

      22 hours ago

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      Sales Executive – Staten Island



      3 months ago

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      Account Executive Salary ranges

      The most common Account Executive salary in Los Angeles is between $70k – $80k.

      Average Account Executive Salary by Company Size

      People with the job title Account Executive make the most at companies with 501-1,000 employees, earning $86,520 on average.

      Account Executive Salary by gender

      The average Account Executive salary for women is $83,491 and the average Account Executive salary for men is $77,197.

      Account Executive Salary by Years of Experience

      The average salary for a Account Executive with 7+ years of experience is $97,675. The average salary for <1 year of experience is $60,900.

      Average Sales salaries in Los Angeles

      Job Title Average Salary Salary Range
      Business Development Representative $53,468

      Min: $40K

      Max: $190K

      Sales Development Representative $61,208

      Min: $40K

      Max: $150K

      Inside Sales Representative $67,125

      Min: $52K

      Max: $100K

      Sales Operations Analyst $75,155

      Min: $53K

      Max: $90K

      Account Manager $79,937

      Min: $45K

      Max: $145K

      Account Executive $82,570

      Min: $10K

      Max: $250K

      Client Success Manager $82,644

      Min: $43K

      Max: $175K

      Inside Sales Manager $99,400

      Min: $76K

      Max: $150K

      Business Development Manager $102,459

      Min: $44K

      Max: $150K

      Sales Engineer $103,729

      Min: $70K

      Max: $166K

      Sales Manager $106,189

      Min: $62K

      Max: $210K

      Sales Operations Manager $114,563

      Min: $80K

      Max: $165K

      Director of Customer Success $127,172

      Min: $55K

      Max: $200K

      Sales Director $152,121

      Min: $80K

      Max: $250K

      Vice President of Sales $207,719

      Min: $120K

      Max: $280K

      Skills that affect Account Executive salaries in Los Angeles



      12% have this skill


      Cold Calling

      11% have this skill


      Account Development

      10% have this skill


      Account Management

      10% have this skill


      Lead Generation

      10% have this skill


      Sales Strategy

      9% have this skill

      Recent Account Executive salaries in Los Angeles


      Yearly Salary

      A Sr. Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $60,000 with +$25,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees

      Los Angeles


      Yearly Salary

      A Sr. Premium Sales Consultant reported a yearly salary of $65,000 with +$60,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees

      Los Angeles

      1-5 Reports


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $84,000 with +$46,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees

      Los Angeles


      Yearly Salary

      A CMS Sales Specialist reported a yearly salary of $70,000 with +$20,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees

      Los Angeles


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $75,000 with +$75,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      51-200 Employees

      Los Angeles


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $75,000 with +$42,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees

      Los Angeles


      Yearly Salary

      A Senior Client Lead reported a yearly salary of $135,000 with +$135,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      11-50 Employees

      Los Angeles


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $55,000 with +$10,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees

      Los Angeles

      1-5 Reports


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $10,000 with +$10,000 in additional cash compensation

      < 1 Year of Experience


      201-500 Employees

      Los Angeles


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $80,000 with +$60,000 in additional cash compensation

      3-5 Years of Experience


      201-500 Employees

      Los Angeles

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      Salaries//Sales//Account Executive

      2022 Account Executive Salary in San Francisco (Updated Daily)

      Account Executive jobs in San Francisco


      Enterprise Account Executive, West


      San Francisco

      3 days ago

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      Account Executive


      San Francisco

      1 week ago

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      Enterprise Account Executive, Territory Accounts


      San Francisco

      1 week ago

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      Senior Account Executive, Majors


      San Francisco

      2 days ago

      Save job

      Strategic Account Executive


      San Francisco

      5 days ago

      Save job

      Enterprise Account Executive


      San Francisco

      6 days ago

      Save job

      Account Executive, Mid-Market


      San Francisco

      6 days ago

      Save job

      Account Executive – REV


      San Francisco

      1 week ago

      Save job

      Mid-Market Account Executive


      San Francisco

      1 week ago

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      Account Executive, Enterprise,


      San Francisco

      1 week ago

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      Account Executive, Enterprise – Issuing


      San Francisco

      1 week ago

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      Account Executive, Majors


      San Francisco

      1 week ago

      Save job

      Account Executive Salary ranges

      The most common Account Executive salary in San Francisco is between $80k – $90k.

      Average Account Executive Salary by Company Size

      People with the job title Account Executive make the most at companies with 501-1,000 employees, earning $119,684 on average.

      Account Executive Salary by gender

      The average Account Executive salary for women is $113,596 and the average Account Executive salary for men is $104,816.

      Account Executive Salary by Years of Experience

      The average salary for a Account Executive with 7+ years of experience is $134,167. The average salary for <1 year of experience is $92,500.

      Average Sales salaries in San Francisco

      Job Title Average Salary Salary Range
      Sales Development Representative $67,089

      Min: $46K

      Max: $150K

      Business Development Representative $71,503

      Min: $40K

      Max: $170K

      Sales Operations Analyst $83,292

      Min: $65K

      Max: $116K

      Inside Sales Representative $88,200

      Min: $39K

      Max: $300K

      Inside Sales Manager $96,381

      Min: $79K

      Max: $124K

      Client Success Manager $100,701

      Min: $65K

      Max: $172K

      Account Manager $106,593

      Min: $48K

      Max: $175K

      Account Executive $107,870

      Min: $45K

      Max: $250K

      Sales Operations Manager $131,422

      Min: $100K

      Max: $220K

      Sales Manager $132,581

      Min: $86K

      Max: $250K

      Sales Engineer $147,123

      Min: $80K

      Max: $250K

      Director of Customer Success $153,163

      Min: $75K

      Max: $284K

      Business Development Manager $154,258

      Min: $60K

      Max: $250K

      Sales Director $194,553

      Min: $140K

      Max: $235K

      CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) $244,556

      Min: $175K

      Max: $325K

      Vice President of Sales $268,243

      Min: $160K

      Max: $380K

      Skills that affect Account Executive salaries in San Francisco


      Software Sales

      9% have this skill


      Enterprise Sales

      8% have this skill


      Sales Planning

      7% have this skill



      7% have this skill


      Account Management

      7% have this skill


      Sales Strategy

      7% have this skill

      Recent Account Executive salaries in San Francisco


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $145,000 with +$75,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      51-200 Employees

      San Francisco

      1-5 Reports


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $80,000 with +$40,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      201-500 Employees

      San Francisco


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $120,000 with +$60,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      201-500 Employees

      San Francisco


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $95,000 with +$95,000 in additional cash compensation

      3-5 Years of Experience


      201-500 Employees

      San Francisco


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $110,000 with +$100,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      201-500 Employees

      San Francisco


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $100,000 with +$30,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      501-1,000 Employees

      San Francisco


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $75,000 with +$36,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      51-200 Employees

      San Francisco


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $150,000 with +$250,000 in additional cash compensation

      5-7 Years of Experience


      201-500 Employees

      San Francisco


      Yearly Salary

      A Enterprise Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $150,000 with +$150,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      51-200 Employees

      San Francisco


      Yearly Salary

      A Corporate Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $100,000 with +$100,000 in additional cash compensation

      3-5 Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      51-200 Employees

      San Francisco

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      Salaries//Sales//Account Executive

      2022 Account Executive Salary in Seattle (Updated Daily)

      Account Executive jobs in Seattle


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      Senior Account Executive, UberEats – Seattle



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      Account Executive Salary ranges

      The most common Account Executive salary in Seattle is between $110k – $120k.

      Average Account Executive Salary by Company Size

      People with the job title Account Executive make the most at companies with 501-1,000 employees, earning $133,636 on average.

      Account Executive Salary by gender

      The average Account Executive salary for women is $103,917 and the average Account Executive salary for men is $83,692.

      Account Executive Salary by Years of Experience

      The average salary for a Account Executive with 7+ years of experience is $124,000. The average salary for <1 year of experience is $36,000.

      Average Sales salaries in Seattle

      Job Title Average Salary Salary Range
      Inside Sales Representative $54,625

      Min: $50K

      Max: $68K

      Sales Operations Analyst $56,125

      Min: $30K

      Max: $80K

      Sales Development Representative $60,550

      Min: $40K

      Max: $120K

      Business Development Representative $70,857

      Min: $45K

      Max: $161K

      Account Manager $81,983

      Min: $40K

      Max: $170K

      Client Success Manager $84,962

      Min: $49K

      Max: $130K

      Inside Sales Manager $92,500

      Min: $75K

      Max: $110K

      Account Executive $99,964

      Min: $35K

      Max: $170K

      Sales Manager $110,462

      Min: $48K

      Max: $210K

      Business Development Manager $111,800

      Min: $60K

      Max: $196K

      Sales Operations Manager $119,470

      Min: $100K

      Max: $155K

      Director of Customer Success $128,231

      Min: $90K

      Max: $175K

      Sales Engineer $130,000

      Min: $84K

      Max: $181K

      Sales Director $163,589

      Min: $130K

      Max: $230K

      Vice President of Sales $195,500

      Min: $120K

      Max: $280K

      CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) $200,000

      Min: $200K

      Max: $200K

      Skills that affect Account Executive salaries in Seattle


      Account Development

      8% have this skill



      8% have this skill



      7% have this skill


      Customer Relationship Management

      7% have this skill


      Sales Strategy

      7% have this skill



      7% have this skill

      Recent Account Executive salaries in Seattle


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $73,000 with +$50,000 in additional cash compensation

      1-3 Years of Experience


      1,000+ Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Producer reported a yearly salary of $85,000 with +$30,000 in additional cash compensation

      1,000+ Employees


      1-5 Reports


      Yearly Salary

      A Account Executive reported a yearly salary of $110,000 with +$110,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience


      51-200 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $150,000 with +$150,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $100,000 with +$100,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $160,000 with +$160,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $160,000 with +$160,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $130,000 with +$130,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $130,000 with +$130,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees



      Yearly Salary

      A Account Exec reported a yearly salary of $130,000 with +$130,000 in additional cash compensation

      7+ Years of Experience

      Prefer not to say

      501-1,000 Employees


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      Salaries//Sales//Account Executive

      Skills, Salary, Responsibilities and More

      What Does an Account Executive Do?

      An Account Executive (AE) is a salesperson. They are usually responsible for serving the needs of existing customers and closing sales deals to create new customers. They typically have a revenue target, and are paid commissions when they sell their company’s products and services.

      In SaaS sales, an AE usually works with a Sales Development Representative (SDR), who develops initial interest and sets up the first sales meeting. The AE is then responsible for holding a discovery call, giving the prospect a product demo, and closing the deal.

      What is An Advertising Account Executive?

      In other industries, like media or marketing agencies, an Account Executive is responsible for bringing on new clients and servicing existing clients. This role is sometimes also called a “full-cycle sales rep” because they do the job of the SDR, AE, and a customer service team – all in one.

      What’s the Difference between an Account Executive and an Account Manager?

      Every company has different definitions of each role. Usually, an Account Manager is only responsible for growing and maintaining existing relationships with customers, while an Account Executive is also responsible for finding new customers. Sometimes, companies use the Account Executive title to refer to a more senior level of Account Manager.

      How Much Does an Account Executive Make?

      Sales can be a very lucrative career, but average salaries for AEs varies depending on the industry and location. Glassdoor reports that the average salary for an AE is about $63,000 per year, with additional cash compensation (commissions) of $31,000.

      Image credit: Glassdoor

      An Account Executive working at a large Software company in Boston may be able to make upwards of $350,000 per year, while an AE working at a smaller manufacturing firm in North Carolina may make $80,000 per year.

      What Skills Does an Account Executive Need?

      The Sales profession has changed rapidly in recent years. New sales tools and changing buyer preferences have made every industry more competitive. Now, more than ever, an AE must cultivate a wide variety of skills to be successful.

      Some of the most important fundamental skills and characteristics of a good salesperson are:

      • Communication Skills
      • High Empathy
      • Organization
      • Problem Solving
      • Negotiation
      • Determination
      • Goal-oriented
      • Presentation Skills

      Account Executives also need to be very hard working. Sales can be a competitive profession, and hard work is one sure way to stay a step ahead of the rest.

      Related: The 30+ Most Desirable Sales Skills & Traits You MUST Develop To Become An Unstoppable Rep

      What’s it Like to Be An Account Executive?

      Here’s a rough overview of what an Account Executive’s calendar might look like in any given week, based on my years of experience in sales.

      Account Executives are most effective when they can work in a rhythm. As a result, you’ll often find that AEs structure their time in chunks so they can focus on different types of tasks at different times of the day or week – whenever it’s most efficient.

      In the example above, the AE emails only early in the morning or late in the afternoon, so they can use the middle part of their day for sales meetings, preparation, and phone calls.

      A Day in the Life of An Account Executive

      The day-to-day life of an Account Executive is fast-paced, competitive, and filled with interactions with other people including colleagues, customers, and prospective clients.

      While no day as an Account Executive is the same, here is what a “typical” day might look like:

      7:30 am – Email over coffee. While in line for your favorite morning fix, you send some quick responses to emails from customers and prospects, because fast communication is important to close deals.

      8:00 am – Standup meeting with the team. Each day, you’ll join or run a daily sales huddle, or stand-up call. You and your team use this time to problem-solve and agree on priorities for the day.

      8:30 am – Social Selling before email. Open your LinkedIn, respond to comments on your posts, check views on your profile, do some quick research, and send out personalized thank you notes and connection requests.

      RELATED: The Most Comprehensive Guide to Social Selling You’ve Ever Seen

      9:00 am – Email and Research. Take this time to learn about the people you are going to speak with today. Make notes. As an AE you are expected to have lots of conversations. You need to prepare what questions to ask them and pick relevant use-cases for each customer.

      9:30 am – Take a break! Take a walk, grab a coffee with a colleague, and chat. You’ve got a busy day coming up, so prepare yourself!

      9:45 am – Hit it hard. Your day picks up the pace from here. Starting now, you’ll work hard on discovery calls, product demonstrations, or customizing proposals for prospects.

      11:30 am – Follow-up. You take 30 minutes to make sure any deals you are working on are still on track to close. You email prospects, answer their questions, and push to ensure next steps are met on time.

      12:00 pm – Refuel! Take some time to recover from the morning’s activities, and grab lunch.

      1:00 pm – Stop by your manager to check-in with her to see if there are any pressing issues that need to be dealt with.. You don’t actually need to do this every day, but an unprompted check-in every now and then can make a huge difference.

      1:15 pm – Communications Check. Scan LinkedIn and email again, to ensure you’re communication frequently with any customers and prospects.

      2:00 pm – AWESOME hours. The next batch of discovery and demo calls is happening, and you are fueled, ready, and excited.

      You usually hold 4-5 discovery calls a day at most, so you also have to customize proposals and follow up.

      4:00pm – Call past customers, prospects, and partners. This may include customers you signed from a month ago. You ask if they’re happy with the service. When they are, you ask them for referrals to other people who may need your product or service.

      4:30 pm – Text your partner or loved one and let them know you are on your way home and that you killed it today. Play with the kids, get some exercise, and have a social life.

      Wait! Your day is NOT done yet. As an Account Executive, you have another important window of opportunity.

      8:00 pm – The “Executive Communications Window” is opening up. While on the couch binging your favorite TV series, keep that phone handy. If you have earned it, several of the decision-makers you are working with are getting into their email window and responding.

      Now is the time to have a conversation with these busy and extremely valuable people.

      Days That Need Special Consideration:

      Monday: Skip all social activities on Monday afternoon. There is no need for check-in calls, for example. For many, Monday is a 100% business meeting day. So instead of spending your time calling, this may also be the best day for you to book your own internal meetings.

      Friday afternoon: Don’t spend your time on follow-up, since no work will happen over the weekend anyway. Unless it’s urgent, you’re better off waiting until the Sunday night window.

      Sunday evening: There is a great email productivity window on Sunday evening to get through to executives and decision-makers. You may want to do some prep work for the week, too. One hour should do it.

      How to Get a Job as An Account Executive

      Because being an Account Executive requires excellent communication and organizational skills, your job search is actually great practice for the job itself! When you’re applying for an Account Executive position, here are some “do’s and don’ts” to consider:


      • Prepare and practice answering common sales interview questions
      • Present yourself professionally
      • Be confident and communicate clearly
      • Follow up with your interviewers quickly
      • Set next steps after each stage of the application process
      • Share specific results you’ve achieved in the past
      • Ask questions during the interview
      • Be persistent, but polite


      • Wing it in the interview
      • Be late for interviews or phone screens
      • Leave it to your interviewer to follow up with you
      • Talk only about yourself during the interview

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      Vacancies 1-20 out of 164

      Small business key account manager from Elektrostal for work in Noginsk New

      Noginsk ,

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      Sber is more than 60 ecosystem companies, 14 thousand divisions, and the scale of the company and the employee support system open up opportunities for careers in any direction. Join the Sberbank Small Business Team! As a Key Account Manager, you will communicate with entrepreneurs and heads of small businesses and offer the best solutions from Sber. This vacancy is for energetic and sociable…

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      Sber is more than 60 ecosystem companies, 14 thousand divisions, and the scale of the company and the employee support system open up opportunities for careers in any direction. Join the Sberbank Small Business Team! As a Key Account Manager, you will communicate with entrepreneurs and heads of small businesses and offer the best solutions from Sber. This vacancy is for energetic and sociable…

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      Assistant Account Manager New

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      October 1, 2022

      Assistant Account Manager

      from 120,000 rubles

      We invite an assistant manager to work with the existing database.
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      Assistant Manager New

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      from 20,000 rubles

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      Small business key account manager from Elektrostal for work in Noginsk New

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      Sber is more than 60 companies of the ecosystem, 14 thousand divisions, and the scale of the company and the employee support system open up opportunities for careers in any direction. Join the Sberbank Small Business Team! As a Key Account Manager, you will communicate with entrepreneurs and heads of small businesses and offer the best solutions from Sber. This vacancy is for energetic and sociable…

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      Account Manager

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      How to choose a laptop for work: a scientific approach

      We work in a communications agency, which means that we constantly have to create various presentations, comment and edit a huge amount of visual materials, control the layout and design of website layouts, landing pages and mobile applications. Therefore, we need high-performance laptops that allow you to work comfortably with high-quality graphics.

      A high-quality display, a powerful graphics card and a powerful processor are critical parameters for a laptop for us. It became interesting to us – how does the average Russian user choose a laptop for himself? We decided to find out and conducted our own survey. The data was collected using an online survey of residents of Russia and the CIS from 18 to 70 years old among users YouTube, Twitch and TikTok . Let’s get acquainted with the results.

      According to the results of the survey, it turns out that most people use laptops that they bought more than 5 years ago, and less than 20% of respondents update their equipment every 2-3 years. Young people under 18 are much easier to endure the absence of a personal laptop, and older generations without a laptop are already without hands – there is work, study, personal data, films, educational materials, hobbies and much more.

      Today, laptops are chosen clearly according to the criteria

      The attention of any data collector will be attracted by the interesting results of a survey of the w3bsit3-dns. com site.

      Performance proved to be the main criterion for choosing a laptop, followed by equipment and display quality. This is not surprising, because over the past two years of remote work, people have become more likely to work outside the office and experiment with the organization of the workspace in the apartment, which influenced the goals of purchasing a laptop – it becomes a working tool, not a device for entertainment.

      According to a survey of 29,000 respondents, the main requirement for a laptop is the convenience of performing work tasks.

      Interestingly, the laptop brand is an important criterion for only three percent of respondents – in the results of the study, it was in the penultimate place. The processor took the first position in terms of importance, and the performance – the second. Undoubtedly, both of these criteria are interconnected, since the processor is the heart of any laptop and it is the processor that is largely responsible for the performance of a working machine.

      Since the results of the poll turned out to be the main parameter when choosing a laptop, we will dwell on this topic and talk about them.

      If you analyze requests in Yandex.Market, you can see that the most popular processors are Ryzen .

      AMD ‘s current achievements stem from the success of the ZEN microarchitecture, direct access to TSMC’s most advanced 7nm process technology.

      And here are the results on the choice of processors by different age groups:

      It is clear that young people are closely following the latest in microelectronics.

      How to choose a laptop for a marketer

      We decided to conduct an experiment – to choose a working laptop for a colleague, guided by the data of our study. One of the main criteria was the maximum autonomy of the laptop, because mobility and the ability to work for a long time without recharging are very important for a PR person. At the same time, the high performance of the laptop is very important.

      Therefore, we only searched for quad-core machines. The architecture we need has an AMD Ryzen 3 Pro 4450U processor with support for up to 8 threads and operating frequencies of 2.5 GHz. This 15W low heat processor is housed in a 15.6” Acer Travelmate P215-41 slim full-size laptop with a Full HD screen.

      The screen opens all the way to 180 degrees, it’s bright enough for evening lighting and the keyboard is backlit. This is important when you work very late.

      The Acer Travelmate P215-41 has all connectors on the left side. This design allows you to place a laptop on the table with wires to the wall. It is convenient and saves free space in the workplace.

      What’s the filling?

      Let’s move on to the most important thing – the insides. We ourselves can only do a superficial check. For example, how quickly the laptop opens “heavy” presentations or large PDF files. And here we were convinced that the powerful and modern AMD Ryzen 3 processor really works wonders, because it is he who is responsible for performance, that is, the quick launch and response of applications, programs, files of varying severity, for multitasking when we do not close applications, but only switch between them.

      Next, for fun, we connected it to a large 4K screen. We processed a couple of photos in the editor, while opening a maximum of applications, tabs and documents in order to fully test the laptop in working mode. And finally, launched Minecraft. The game did not slow down at all, the laptop coped well with heavy dynamic graphics. This is a merit not only of the processor, but also of the built-in Radeon video card, also from AMD, such graphics turned out to be more than enough.

      As we remember from the study, the next most important criterion is equipment, that is, a drive and RAM. RAM comes standard with 8 gigs. For the work tasks of a colleague, this is enough. If necessary, RAM can be increased up to 32 GB.
      There is a slot for a disk, you can put an additional SSD.

      Tested by professionals

      We asked IT professionals we know to test this laptop more professionally. They sent this screenshot:

      In addition to this screen, we received a rather emotional response about the change of the industry leader and the breakthrough of the “reds”, which, according to the guys who tested the laptop, Ryzen processors have been the market leader for several years now. And here are two more screenshots:

      “During Cinebench testing, the laptop showed good results, the processor is economical in power consumption, and the laptop can work all day on a single charge.

      By the way, because this laptop belongs to the business segment, and it has an AMD Ryzen 3 PRO processor, which implements additional technologies. For example, there is a built-in system memory encryption chip to prevent security threats, as well as remote monitoring, protection and management functions. In general, now nothing is scary with such a working machine.

      And next in line is the criterion of autonomy. Cherry on the cake – the battery in this laptop lasts up to 9hours. At the start, it is, we measured it. True, it works so much in idle mode, if the laptop performs some tasks, most likely its operating time without recharging will be reduced.
      However, it is clear that it is quite a travel solution.


      Summing up the results of the experiment on choosing a business laptop, we can confidently say that the survey data set the right direction – it’s not the wrapper that matters, but the stuffing. This model has an ordinary design, and the performance for which the AMD processor is responsible is truly impressive. We chose a powerful, secure solution for the business user based on research data.

      The material was prepared with the support of the communication agency 2L.

      Affiliate material

      what to do in such a situation

      Our readers keep complaining that banks do not return their money in foreign currency. Difficulties arise both when withdrawing funds from current accounts, and when receiving deposits in hard currency after their expiration date. What financial institutions offer their clients and what to do if they find themselves in such a situation, the Ministry of Finance sorted it out.

      What bank customers complain about

      Privatbank: restrictions on currency withdrawals and nightly text messages with refusals

      “Sometime I’m depositing currency in the bank with a deposit, I’m about to come. What is the best, you should call to come at 00:01, the preparation is ready for you! I tried different sums on different dates – it doesn’t help, ”writes a Privatbank client under the nickname pipal.

      What the bank says

      • The press service of Alfa-Bank stated that money from deposits is returned in a timely manner. Also, customers can withdraw funds from the account in the amount of UAH 100,000 in equivalent per day, after ordering foreign currency a few days in advance for its availability in the branch.
      • If at the time of the expiration of the foreign currency deposit in the branch it is not possible to provide the required amount of cash, the bank offers the client to pay the entire amount due to him on the Card for payments in foreign currency. Withdrawing money from this card is free.
      • “If it is necessary to receive the currency in cash, the client can place an appropriate order for another day, when the branch will receive the cash currency,” they add in Privat.

      However, customers complain that they have already tried to order money more than once, but to no avail. The bank cancels the application again and again.

      “Privatbank asked to deposit dollars, not to receive notifications about withdrawal. And now they have reduced the maximum amount of an application for a loan to 1,000 dollars a day, and I didn’t realize how much it would be pennies, ”writes a user under the nickname Vladimir Senik.

      “NBU intermediation at the link with war for the equivalent of 100 thousand UAH. Privatbank independently reduced the price of the NBU’s exchange by 2.5 times to $1,000 for production… yew…
      To go out, it takes me a month to go to them on my own pennies, like a job, and stand every day for a year and a half in a cashier, ”writes ArtemIzmail.

      “Stay aware that Privatbank is intimidating customers to transfer pennies to hryvnia cards. The clients themselves spend 10% on the bank’s retail and real exchange rates, and the bank, without a doubt, is in the black,” KseniiaDP believes.

      See also: A total shortage of cash and an almost comical story of identification

      FUIB: a ban on issuing foreign currency and a withdrawal fee

      A client of FUIB under the nickname sumar said that due to a shortage of foreign currency in the branch, bank employees insist that he withdraw money in national currency.

      “They said on the hotline that they would transfer a penny from the deposit to the card. I’m so timid. They confirmed the delivery on the 1st of the spring, they said to go until the kasi after the 15th. And if you don’t deliver, then the bank will call me and get ahead. OK. Priyshov, the cashier, it seems that you won’t give “dollars”, so there is nothing for me on the list of deputies. Otako. Trying to appeal to them that I called through the podtrimka and tried to make a promise, it’s like “I don’t know anything, I don’t have a list” … I again pronounce to take the hryvnia, ”the author of the review shares.

      What the bank says

      • FUIB advises customers to order the necessary amount in advance, because the war has made the logistics of supplying cash currency much more complicated and, at the same time, the demand for it has sharply increased.
      • “First of all, we satisfy the needs of our clients who place foreign currency deposits in our bank. As a rule, they have personal managers, and they have no problems with cashing out within the current restrictions. We also sell cash to customers for hryvnia within the available balances,” says Natalya Kosenko, Deputy Head of the Board of FUIB.

      At the same time, readers of the Ministry of Finance who are trying to withdraw currency from a card account share stories of how managers in bank branches recall the ban on issuing currency or ask them to fill out documents on the origin of funds.

      “The manager of the office asks for those who had to order not to see the currency. If it seems on the hotline that there was no such arrangement, and that the currency is already closed, then we can see, ”writes a user under the nickname Hammerofdoom.

      Another reader under the nickname DenysKP also got into an unpleasant situation.

      “The head manager began to tell about the fraudulent fraud and saw the application form, it is necessary to file a change of pennies and attach documents that testify about their legality. They said on the hotline that they didn’t know anything like that, saying that there were no orders for either the head office or the NBU, and they were pleased to get the currency again, ”he shared.

      According to the Deputy Head of the Board of FUIB Natalia Kosenko, a new, daily growing stream of clients has appeared who use sites like Revolut and convert hryvnia into currency (dollar and euro), earning a lot on the difference in rates without paying taxes. “These clients are interested in the cash issuance currency. For such operations, we limit relations,” she added.

      But DenysKP writes that “already on the coming day, on the 2nd of spring, everyone will come to know that from the 10th of spring there will be a commission from the transfer of 1% of sums when the currency is taken… “.

      The bank’s management replied that “the bank was forced to introduce a commission for withdrawing cash in foreign currency at the bank’s cash desk due to an increase in the cost of servicing cash.”

      Read also: Plus 21% to the amount when paying by card on a foreign site and other “charms” of double conversion

      Alfa-Bank: partial currency and withdrawal fee

      Alfa-Bank’s client, signed as Pavel Vakulenko, shared his own experience and noted that the bank is not interested in returning funds in foreign currency, therefore, it resorts to all sorts of tricks.

      “The dollar deposit will run out in days. I’m having a long time to phone until I know that I can take a penny, which is necessary to beg them. I was told that I could take the pennies in parts, in the equivalent of 100 thousand. UAH per day ($2650, and the National Bank’s exchange rate is $2734). I can withdraw pennies in less than 10 days after the end of the term of the deposit, because the program doesn’t require me to pay pennies earlier,” he said.

      What the bank says

      • The press service of Alfa-Bank stated that they are returning funds on customer deposits in the amount of UAH 100,000 equivalent per day in a timely manner – within the period specified in accordance with each agreement.
      • “As for the cash reservation, the terms for receiving the currency have changed. You can withdraw the ordered amount in dollars or euros at the checkout within 10 working days from the date of the order,” the bank noted.

      However, another client of Alfa-Bank told how out of the blue he has to pay a bank commission because he cannot withdraw currency in cash.

      “I have a currency account in dollars, for which I pay cash. A war has begun – and I cannot bring them down. And now, for a month now, a commission is being charged for those who do not have rahunki, and the commission is the same for dollars. I’d save money, but the bank doesn’t have a lot of dollars … The practitioners in one case were just rude when asked about the presence of the currency, ”YaRs describes the situation.

      The press service of Alfa-Bank advises to purchase foreign currency – euro or dollar – online (in the Sense SuperApp) for subsequent placement on the “Profitable” deposit for a period of 3 months.

      Read also: Commissions, limits and new financial monitoring rules: how banks are changing the service

      How the National Bank reacts to the situation

      The NBU assures that the current shortage of cash in individual banks is a temporary phenomenon.

      “The National Bank is closely monitoring the situation and it has enough cash to maintain the banking system’s cash liquidity at the proper level to meet the needs of Ukrainians,” said Yuriy Heletiy, deputy head of the NBU.

      The National Bank of Ukraine has already carried out operations on the exchange of cash for non-cash currency several times to reinforce the cash desks of banks. The last time such an operation was carried out on September 26. The regulator offered 100 million euros and $100 million. According to him, one of the systemic banks bought out the entire amount offered in dollars, and one of the systemic banks bought out 20 million euros.

      Now the NBU assures that the problem of withdrawing foreign currency from accounts and deposits is not systemic.

      “The National Bank did not receive mass applications from citizens for the return of deposits or withdrawals from cards in foreign currency. The NBU received only such isolated complaints about specific branches or employees of banks, they are resolved on an individual basis, the problem is not systemic. For the most part, banks form reserves in cash in advance to issue funds from customer accounts,” the regulator’s press service commented.

      How experts comment on the situation

      Experts interviewed by the Ministry of Finance believe that the currency proposed by the NBU to reinforce the cash desks of banks is quite enough so that customers can easily receive their money in hard currency. The main thing that prevents banks from doing this now, which is why customers complain, is:

      • affiliation of some bank managers with exchangers;
      • maintenance of “their”;
      • the level of professionalism of the employees of the departments.

      To prevent abuse, the NBU needs to strengthen control over this issue. Namely, to conduct operational checks of banks that receive cash backing in foreign currency from the NBU, with an emphasis on the intended use of the funds received, that is, only on the return of deposits and on currency exchange. Also, the regulator should require such transactions with clients to be carried out within a clear time frame, and not to leave this currency in their cash desks “just in case and for VIP clients.

      “The future needs constant additional control over where the currency goes, so that it does not turn into a feeding trough for unscrupulous bank officials. There are no problems with cash in exchange offices of financial companies, despite the war and similar logistical problems. But the rate there is much higher, which creates a threat of corruption due to the connection of individuals of banks with the owners of financial companies for currency exchange and, in general, additional speculation in currency on the possibility of taking it cheaper at the bank and reselling it to exchangers through private individuals, ”the expert says in a commentary to the Ministry of Finance familiar with the market situation.

      Therefore, without control by the National Bank over the intended use and timing of the actual use of cash, the National Bank’s measures to reinforce cash desks may lose their effectiveness.

      Read also: If a bank offers 25-30% on a deposit, then it probably has problems

      Legal advice: what to do for clients who cannot receive their currency No.

      516, if funds are attracted to a deposit account in foreign currency, the bank must return the money in the deposit currency. Or on the terms and in the manner stipulated by the agreement, and only in accordance with the application of the depositor – in the national currency,” explains Vladimir Misechko, lawyer, managing partner of JSC Misechko and Partners.

      According to the NBU, transactions with deposits can be carried out in working branches of banks. However, there are certain restrictions: you can withdraw funds from a currency account in the equivalent of UAH 100,000 per day. Issuing currency for an amount exceeding this limit is prohibited by NBU Resolution No. 18 “On the operation of the banking system during the introduction of martial law.”

      There are no other restrictions on issuing cash to a client in foreign currency. Therefore, such behavior on the part of the bank is illegal.

      Igor Yasko, managing partner of Winner Law Firm, notes: if a client encounters such a violation, he, first of all, must record the fact of refusal, after which he can call the bank or NBU hotline and report a violation of his rights.

      Lawyer Vladimir Misechko clarifies: in case of refusal to return the deposit in foreign currency, the bank is obliged:

      1. Accept an application from the depositor for the return of funds.
      2. Notify the depositor in writing of the reasons for non-compliance with the requirements of the bank deposit agreement.
      3. Take an application for accounting on the corresponding off-balance account, be sure to indicate the date of registration.

      “If the bank refuses to return the deposit, each situation must be considered separately. For example, what provisions on the return of currency are specified in the agreement with the client, for what reason the bank refused to return the deposit, what circumstances or norms of the law are referred to by bank employees when refusing. Further, pre-trial resolution of the conflict situation or consideration of the case in court is possible, ”explains lawyer Igor Yasko.

      Therefore, first of all, lawyers advise to record the facts of offenses and file a complaint with the National Bank of Ukraine.

      Natural laxatives for cats: 6 remedies for cat constipation

      Опубликовано: July 8, 2022 в 11:12 am


      Категории: Cat

      9 Ways to Help Your Constipated Cat

      Reviewed and updated for accuracy on March 10, 2020, by Dr. Aja Senestraro, DVM

      Jump to a Section:

      • Symptoms

      • Causes

      • Vet Treatment

      • 9 Tips and Home Remedies

      Constipation is common in cats. Usually, it’s mild, and you can help your cat with simple home treatments.

      But sometimes, constipation in cats can indicate more serious health issues, and it can become very severe and uncomfortable. So how do you know when it’s a serious problem that needs vet attention?

      Here’s what you need to know about cat constipation symptoms and causes, what you can do to help your cat, and when to be concerned.

      Constipation is characterized by infrequent stools or stools that are difficult to pass. Most cats will poop about every 24-36 hours. If your cat is pooping less frequently and having some difficulty, she may be constipated.

      While there is some normal variation, if it’s been more than 48-72 hours without a bowel movement, you should contact your vet. 

      The main signs of constipation in cats are:

      • Dry, hard stools (inside or outside the litter box)

      Normally, the poop is a rich brown color and should look well-formed. “A healthy stool has enough moisture that litter will stick to it,” says Dr. Liz Bales, VMD. Cats with constipation may have very dry, hard stools. You may find these stools outside the litter box, because the discomfort of trying to pass stool can cause cats to leave the litter box before they’re actually finished.

      • Crying or straining in the litter box, or avoiding it altogether

      Other signs of discomfort can be vocalizing or straining when using the litter box or going in and out multiple times before using it. Your cat may strain but not be able to poop at all. Showing discomfort in the litter box can also be a sign of serious urinary tract issues, so you should contact a vet if you see these signs.

      Constipation is really a symptom of other issues, so you may also see signs of the underlying cause. These may include:

      • Nausea
      • Decreased appetite
      • Vomiting
      • Drinking more or less water
      • Peeing more
      • Weight loss
      • Muscle loss
      • Difficulty jumping up
      • Walking stiffly
      • Hiding

      If you’re seeing any of these symptoms, with or without constipation, you should discuss them with your cat’s vet.

      “Anything that causes dehydration in a cat may result in constipation,” says Dr. Bales. Some issues are mild and treatable at home with dietary and lifestyle modifications, and some can be serious.

      Constipation can happen if the intestines aren’t moving things along normally, keeping the stool soft and moist. This can be caused by underlying issues like stress and anxiety, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, nerve problems, and even some kinds of cancer.

      Chronic diseases that can result in constipation in cats include kidney disease, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism. Ruptured or impacted anal sacs may also cause your cat pain with defecation and may result in constipation. Cats eating dry food diets are predisposed to dehydration and constipation as well.

      If a cat is holding her stool longer than normal, constipation can occur as the intestines reabsorb too much water when the stool sits in them for too long. Reasons for this include obesity, stress and anxiety, pain from arthritis or anal gland issues, a blockage, or even some kinds of cancer.

      Constipation is common in cats but can indicate serious disease, so it should be discussed with your vet.

      Constipation must be treated as soon as possible to reduce the risk of permanent damage due to prolonged distension of the colon. Effective treatment involves identifying and correcting the underlying disorder (if possible), removing the impacted feces, and preventing recurrences.

      For immediate relief of constipation, your veterinarian can give your cat fluids and/or an enema. “Administering an enema to a cat is a veterinary job and should not be attempted at home,” says Dr. Bales. Some types of enemas designed for people are actually very toxic to cats.

      Vets can also prescribe medications or recommend over-the-counter solutions to help you manage the symptoms of your cat’s constipation.

      More importantly, your vet can help identify the underlying issue that’s causing the constipation so it can be treated, rather than just trying to manage the symptoms.

      Some cats with long-term constipation or obstipation may have megacolon, an enlarged intestine caused by a defect in the muscle strength of the colon. Cats with chronic constipation or megacolon that have been unresponsive to medical treatment may respond to removal of the affected section of the large intestine.

      Here’s a list of things you can do at home to help relieve your cat’s constipation.

      Increase Water Consumption

      Since dehydration contributes to constipation, drinking more water and staying well-hydrated helps prevent constipation. Cats aren’t very good at drinking standing water, so the best way to increase their water consumption and keep them well-hydrated is by feeding them wet food. This dramatically increases their water intake and significantly reduces their risk of constipation.

      You can also encourage your cat to drink more water by adding setting up more water bowls in different areas of your home, trying pet water fountains, leaving a faucet dripping, and flavoring the water with things cats like, such as clam juice, tuna juice, or beef broth. If you do flavor your cat’s water, always leave a plain water source, too, in case they don’t like the flavored water.

      Try a New Diet

      Food allergies can cause intestinal inflammation and constipation in cats. Changing the protein source of your cat’s food (chicken, lamb, etc.) can reduce inflammation and allow the intestines to move more normally, reducing constipation.

      For cats that may be allergic to multiple things, there are also special limited ingredient diets and hypoallergenic diets available. It does take about 8-12 weeks for a diet change to work, though, so this is part of long-term management.

      Follow the recommended transition period, mixing the old food with the new as stated on the cat food package.

      Help Your Cat Maintain a Healthy Weight

      Obesity causes intestinal inflammation, which causes things to slow down in the intestines. Too much water is then absorbed from the stool, causing constipation. In severe cases, there’s so much fat in the belly that it physically impedes movement of stools. Your vet can help you figure out if your cat needs to lose weight and work with you to create a diet plan.

      Increase Exercise and Enrichment

      Exercise can help promote normal movement of the intestines, which helps treat and prevent constipation. Encourage your cat to be more active with things like cat toys, cat trees, window seats, and more playtime with you. Exercise will also help provide enrichment and reduce your cat’s anxiety, and it will help with weight loss.

      Minimize Stress and Anxiety

      Cats can easily become stressed when their routines are disrupted. There could be a more obvious cause, like having a new pet in the house or moving, or it could be less obvious, like a change in your schedule, construction noise nearby, or a new dog barking in the neighborhood.

      Sometimes it just takes time for a cat to adjust to changes. But you can help reduce stress and anxiety by using things like calming pheromones (Feliway), supplements (Zylkene and Solliquin are commonly used), herbs, and/or medications.

      Add More Litter Boxes

      Cats can be quite particular about their litter boxes. If they don’t like the location of a litter box or even the type of box or litter, they may not use it as much, which can lead to constipation. You should have at least one more litter box than you have cats, and there should be at least one litter box on every floor of your home. You may need to experiment with different types of boxes and litter to find what your cat likes.

      Try Fiber or Probiotics

      Probiotics are “good bacteria” that help support healthy intestines. Healthy intestines will move stool along normally and keep stools soft, preventing constipation.

      Fiber feeds the good bacteria and helps promote normal movement in the intestines. It can also help keep more water in the intestines, which helps treat and prevent constipation.

      There are different types of fiber, so what works best will vary between cats. Some common sources are Psyllium husks (Metamucil), and wheat bran. Canned pumpkin is often used, but it actually contains very little fiber and lots of sugar, so it isn’t the best choice for most cats.

      However, “the gastrointestinal tract of cats is a little different from people, so high-fiber diets do not always help constipation,” explains Dr. Scott Gellman. In fact, sometimes a low-fiber diet works better. “A lot of it depends on the cause of the problem. The important thing to understand is there is usually an underlying cause of constipation, and the cat should be brought to a veterinarian to help figure it out.”

      Ask Your Vet About Over-the-Counter Laxatives

      The following over-the-counter products may treat symptoms of constipation, but make sure to consult your veterinarian before giving any new supplements or medications to your cat.

      There are several types of laxatives that work in different ways. Most over-the-counter options work by causing the body to pull more water into the intestines, which helps soften the stool so it’s easier to pass.

      Because they pull water into the intestines, laxatives can make other symptoms worse for cats with underlying chronic diseases, causing dehydration. You should ask your vet if they’re a good option for your cat.

      Miralax (PEG 3350) is commonly used in cats with constipation, and Colace (docusate) is also an option. Other laxatives that are designed for people can cause issues for cats.

      Oil- or grease-based laxatives like Laxatone should only be used if a vet recommends them and should not be used long-term, as they can affect a cat’s ability to absorb nutrients from their food.

      Monitor Your Cat for Constipation

      Monitor the frequency of your cat’s defecation and stool consistency at least twice a week initially, and then weekly or biweekly.

      Contact your veterinarian if you notice very hard, dry feces, or if you notice that your cat is straining while defecating. Watch for any of the other signs of constipation, and contact your veterinarian if you notice diarrhea, especially, since this can quickly lead to dehydration.

      By: Stacia Friedman

      Featured Image:

      Rectal Prolapse in Cats | PetMD

      What Is Rectal Prolapse in Cats?

      Rectal prolapse occurs when some or all of the rectal tissue protrudes through your cat’s anus. Rectal issue is usually dark pink or dark red. The rectum is the part of the intestinal tract that connects the large intestine to the anus. 

      There are two main types of rectal prolapse: 

      • Incomplete: In this condition, the rectal tissue will protrude when your cat is straining to pee or poop, usually without producing much. After the cat is done straining, the rectal tissue will go back to its normal position and no longer be visible. This is a serious condition, however, because it can get worse and should be treated. 

      • Complete: In a complete rectal prolapse, all layers of the rectum protrude through the anal opening. It will look like a tube, with the inner lining of the rectum visible on the outside (everted). A complete rectal prolapse requires immediate veterinary attention.

      Symptoms of Rectal Prolapse in Cats

      Cats with rectal prolapse will often act very uncomfortable and may not want to move around much. They may lick at their rectum and continue to posture and strain to poop, pee, or give birth, depending on the cause of the prolapse. 

      The color of the exposed rectum is important. A recently prolapsed rectum will be dark pink but will quickly turn dark red as swelling and exposure progress. 

      If the rectal prolapse is not treated quickly, the rectum may turn very dark red to black. Darker colors may be a sign of tissue death (e.g., necrosis). This is very serious and may result in long-term complications. The wall of the prolapsed rectum may also break (e.g., ulcerate) and swell.


      Causes of Rectal Prolapse in Cats

      Rectal prolapse can be caused by any medical condition that causes a cat to strain too hard while peeing or pooping. Straining weakens the tissue that supports the rectum. 

      These conditions could cause rectal prolapse in cats: 

      • Intestinal parasites 

      • Diarrhea

      • Constipation 

      • Obstruction of the colon or rectum because of a foreign object

      • Rectal or vaginal mass

      • Urinary obstruction 

      • Giving birth 

      In kittens, diarrhea due to intestinal parasites is the most common cause of rectal prolapse.  

      Certain breeds of cats, such as the Manx cat, or cats that have had tail amputations, may be more prone to rectal prolapse if the nerves to their rectum and anus were affected.

      How Vets Diagnose Rectal Prolapse in Cats

      Rectal prolapse in cats is diagnosed with a physical examination. By the time most cases are seen by a veterinarian, the prolapse is often complete, so the rectum is constantly exposed, rather than only being visible when a cat is pooping. 

      A completely prolapsed rectum will look like a long, tubular mass protruding from the anus. Rectal masses may sometimes look like rectal prolapses. In general, if you see any type of tissue protruding from the anal opening, you should see your vet right away. 

      Once the prolapse is diagnosed, your vet will try to determine if there’s an underlying cause. Treating the underlying cause can sometimes resolve the condition. Underlying causes of rectal prolapse include intestinal parasites, rectal masses, stenosis of the rectum (narrowing), or an enlarged prostate. All of these conditions can cause your cat to strain while pooping, which can lead to rectal prolapse. 

      A stool sample should be checked to rule out intestinal parasites. Bloodwork and x-rays of the abdomen and may be recommended if the underlying cause of the prolapse is not obvious based on physical examination alone. 

      Treatment for Rectal and Anal Prolapse in Cats

      Your cat may have a simple rectal prolapse, or they may require rectal prolapse surgery, where part of the rectum must be surgically removed. You will also need to treat the underlying cause of the rectal prolapse.

      Simple Rectal Prolapse

      Treatment of rectal prolapse usually requires your cat to be anesthetized during the procedure. Reducing a prolapsed rectum can be painful, and a prolapsed cat will already be in pain and distress. 

      After your cat is safely sleeping, the rectal tissue will be carefully and thoroughly cleaned. It there is swelling, your vet may use medications or hypertonic saline (a special type of saline solution with a higher salt concentration than regular saline solution) to help decrease swelling. A rectal exam should also be performed to rule out a rectal mass or other abnormality. 

      If the rectal tissue is still healthy, your veterinarian can usually manually reduce the prolapse after flushing the rectum thoroughly with sterile saline. Once clean, the rectum will be lubricated and gently replaced inside the pelvic cavity.

      Once the prolapse is reduced, a technique known as a purse-string suture is used to make the anal opening smaller so the rectum cannot prolapse again while your cat heals. 

      Rectal Prolapse Surgery

      If the rectum has been prolapsed long enough for the tissue to become necrotic (black and dying), the dying portion of the rectum must be surgically removed. Healthy rectal tissue is then surgically reattached to more healthy tissue. 

      Depending on how much rectum must be removed, this can result in fecal incontinence (inability to control bowel movements) or other elimination issues. These may be temporary or long-term.


      If a cat has a history of repeat rectal prolapses—or if surgery is required to remove dead tissue—a procedure called a colopexy may be performed. In a colopexy, the rectum is attached to the abdomen wall using an internal suture (stitch). This is an extensive abdominal surgery, but it can help prevent repeat prolapse events. 

      Treating the Underlying Cause

      To avoid recurrence of rectal prolapse, the underlying cause of the prolapse must also be treated. This treatment will depend on the underlying cause. 

      If the prolapse is due to birthing kittens, your cat must be spayed so it won’t happen again. 

      Intestinal parasites can be treated by deworming, while a urinary stone or obstruction will need its own treatment, and so on. 

      Recovery and Management of Rectal Prolapse in Cats

      If your cat has diarrhea during the healing period, contact your vet right away. Your cat will likely need additional treatment. Diarrhea increases the risk of another rectal prolapse. 

      After surgery, most cats will be prescribed pain medication, stool softeners, and possibly antibiotics. Their medications depend on the health of their rectal tissue at the time of surgery. Epidurals are sometimes used to eliminate the urge to strain when your cat goes to the bathroom, and as a form of pain control. 

      A cat who receives an epidural and/or who has a surgical repair of their rectal prolapse may require hospitalization for 1-3 days, depending on how they are doing. If your cat received a purse-string suture, they may be sent home the day of the procedure. 

      The period of rest after a rectal prolapse repair depends somewhat on whether a purse-string was performed, or whether part of the rectum had to be surgically removed. The more serious the repair, the longer and stricter the rest period will be.

      Recovery After a Simple Rectal Prolapse

      Recovery from a simple rectal prolapse, where the rectal tissue was healthy and could be reduced without complication, requires that the purse-string suture remains in place for 5-7 days while your cat heals. 

      During the recovery period, your cat must wear an E-collar to prevent licking, which can cause the suture to fall out early and increase the risk of infection.  

      Soft foods and stool softeners will be prescribed to reduce pressure on the purse-string suture while your cat poops. After your cat is healed, the purse-string suture should be removed by a veterinarian, who will clear your cat for regular food. 

      Recovery After Prolapse Surgery

      Recovery after a prolapse repair that required surgical removal of part of the rectum will take a bit longer. After surgery, most cats will need to wear an E-collar and be on soft food and stool softeners for 10-14 days or longer. 

      Potential complications for prolapse repair include a recurrence of the prolapse (meaning that the repair is unsuccessful), fecal incontinence, and infection. 

      Recurrence of Prolapse

      If your cat experiences another prolapse, it will look very similar to the first occurrence, with rectal tissue protruding from the anus. If it’s infected, the tissue will be red and swollen, and you may see discharge around your cat’s anus.

      Fecal incontinence, or not being able to control pooping, is uncommon, but it is possible if part of the rectum had to be surgically removed.  

      Rectal Prolapse in Cats FAQs

      Can a rectal prolapse heal itself in cats?

      No. While cats are amazing at healing, a rectal prolapse should always be treated by a veterinarian to prevent serious complications. This is a serious and painful condition and should be treated as soon as it is noticed. 

      What happens if a rectal prolapse goes untreated in a cat?

      If a rectal prolapse is not treated promptly, the rectum will swell, develop sores, and begin to dry out. This can then lead to necrosis (death) of the tissue and may cause infection, sepsis, and death. 

      How can you tell the difference between hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse in cats?

      Cats do not truly get hemorrhoids the same way humans do, although they can get inflammation around the anus from diarrhea or anal sac disease. 

      If your cat shows any sign of swelling, redness, and inflammation around the anus, veterinary attention is necessary. If you have any question about whether your cat’s rectum may be prolapsed, contact your vet or an emergency clinic right away.  

      You also need to contact your veterinarian if your cat has been straining to pee or poop. Not only could this indicate a medical emergency, but it could also result in rectal prolapse. 


      Featured Image:

      Arthritis in Cats: Symptoms and Treatment of Osteoarthritis in Cats

      Reviewed and updated for accuracy on May 29, 2019 by Dr. Hanie Elfenbein, DVM, PhD

      Senior cats have the highest risk for contracting osteoarthritis—a type of arthritis in cats that’s also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD).

      Arthritis is the general medical term for inflammation of the joints, while osteoarthritis is the term that specifically refers to a form of chronic joint inflammation that is caused by deterioration of joint cartilage.

      Osteoarthritis is defined as the progressive and permanent long-term deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joints.

      Symptoms of Cats With Osteoarthritis

      Cats hide symptoms of illnesses, so you may not notice anything specific but rather that your cat is slowing down or doesn’t come up onto the bed anymore.

      Cats with osteoarthritis are unlikely to exhibit typical signs of joint pain, like lameness (limping, favoring one leg), although a stiff-legged gait, decreased range of motion and increased irritability may be apparent.

      But more likely is that your cat will start to have difficulty grooming, jumping onto furniture or accessing the litter box.

      Osteoarthritis in cats does not have an immediate, severe impact. It is a slow deterioration; it will take a long time between the onset of DJD and when you can start seeing symptoms.


      A cat with a history of trauma, or any other event that caused short-term limping or pain, is likely to develop DJD. Abnormal wear on joints and cartilage from a compromised gait—or a congenital defect present at birth, such as an improperly formed hip (also known as hip dysplasia)—leads to arthritis as well.

      There is some evidence that declawing cats (amputation of the last knuckle of the toe) leads to DJD because it changes the way they walk, which can lead to more wear and tear on their joints.

      Autoimmune diseases can also lead to osteoarthritis in cats. Though rare, proliferative periosteal polyarthritis (meaning arthritis at multiple sites) has been found in cats.

      For some cats with severe arthritis, treating them for a possible underlying autoimmune disease can reduce their symptoms or slow progression of the disease. However, these types of diseases are rare in cats.

      Obesity is another factor for DJD, as it increases stress on the joints. This is made worse as cats age and lose muscle.


      Your veterinarian can diagnose osteoarthritis in cats by assessing the historical symptoms, such as decreased activity or stiffness. They will also do a physical examination to look for a decreased range of motion, stiff-legged gait, deformity of the joints, and swelling or pain in the joints.

      Not all cats are cooperative for an orthopedic physical exam, so it is important to be able to describe the changes you have noticed. Your veterinarian may also recommend X-rays to confirm the extent of joint damage.


      Medical treatment of DJD is designed to control the signs and symptoms of the osteoarthritis in cats, as this disease cannot be cured.

      In some cases, surgery may help alleviate symptoms and slow the disease’s progression. This can include reconstructive procedures, joint removal or replacement, and the surgical removal of aggravating causes, such as bone or cartilage fragments in a joint.

      Physical therapy designed to maintain or increase joint motion in cats is very beneficial and may be done with various motion exercises, swimming and massage. Exercise designed to strengthen muscle tone is also useful. The pain that comes with arthritis can be managed using cold and heat therapy.

      Long-term prescription pet medication may also be helpful in reducing joint swelling and joint pain in cats with DJD. Anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, are often recommended.

      A series of injections with a pain relief medicine called Adequan may help slow the process of degeneration and improve function. Stem cell therapies are also available and have shown promise in early testing.

      Weight loss for those cats who need it will also reduce the severity of symptoms.

      Living and Management

      Continue to monitor your cat’s symptoms, as osteoarthritis is likely to progress with time.

      A change in medication or dosage, or additional physical rehabilitation exercises, may become necessary. Limit physical activity to a level that will not aggravate the symptoms.

      In addition, a diet that’s high in omega fatty acids (or a fish oil supplement) is often recommended for decreasing inflammation.


      Prompt treatment of DJD is an important part of reducing the disease’s progression of symptoms. Exercise and a healthy diet are essential for the prevention of obesity, which can add stress to the joints. Not declawing cats can also help slow or prevent DJD.

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      Constipation In Cat : Sign, Symptoms & Remedies

      Cats are creatures of habit. You’ll often notice they use the litter box at the same time every day. But what does it mean if you wake up, check their litter box, and there’s nothing there? This could be a sign of cat constipation.

      While felines are normally healthy pets who hide their discomfort, a constipated cat can be quite a serious issue if not treated as soon as possible. It’s important to understand what cat constipation is, what the symptoms are, and what to do to cure your cat’s constipation.



      Table of Contents

      What is Cat Constipation?

      Just like in humans, constipation is the inability to routinely pass bowel movements. This can hinder a kitty’s ability to function normally throughout the day and can lead to complications.


      When a cat feels constipated, they will often struggle to defecate or cry out when doing so. You may hear them digging around in their litter box, but when you go to check, there’s nothing there! A constipated cat might also have dry stools or excrement covered in blood when they are finally able to defecate.



      Why Do Cats Get Constipated?

      Cats are finicky eaters. If your cat starts eating less it may lead to constipation. Their diet may also be too low in fiber. It’s important to pick out quality cat food with appropriate ingredients.


      Cats often become constipated when they are dehydrated. So, you may also want to consider wet food. While cats are picky when it comes to food, many people aren’t aware that cats are even more particular when it comes to water. 


      Often, cats will not drink enough because they’re not interested in the water in their bowl. They prefer moving water, which leads many cat owners to try out water fountains. Another alternative is canned food since it’s made up of over 70% water.





      RELATED: Wet vs. Dry Cat Food: Why It Matters


      What Can Happen to a Constipated Cat?

      Constipation is a common issue with felines. Many adult cats — and elderly cats — get constipated.  But while it’s common in felines, it’s not normal. Constipation can threaten a cat’s life, leading to bigger problems. One larger problem that could come with constipation is megacolon.


      Megacolon is when a cat’s colon has become weak, causing them to suffer from extreme constipation. In this situation, the cat’s muscles are unable to process out fecal matter normally. This problem leads to a lot of straining to pass bowel movements. As a result, the cat may suffer from an enlarged colon. Symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, and painful bowel movements. If not treated, this problem can be fatal.



      Cat Constipation Signs and Symptoms

      Here are some common signs and symptoms that may indicate your feline is constipated:



      If you notice that your cat’s water dish is always full, this is definitely a sign that you should be concerned about your kitty’s health.



      If your cat is coughing up a lot of hairballs, it could be a sign that their system is clogged. This is especially common in cats with longer or thicker coats.


      Unusual Stool

      Your cat may not be getting enough fiber if their stools are often very hard the few times they defecate. Bloody stool is also a sign that something is seriously wrong with their digestive system. If your cat’s poop is very liquidy — like brown water — it could be a sign of megacolon.


      Straining To Poop

      It’s a clear sign of constipation if your cat is often digging around in the litterbox for a long time without producing any bowel movements. If your cat’s litterbox isn’t being used regularly, your cat may not be functioning properly.



      If your cat is acting different — suddenly tired, or seemingly uncomfortable — there may be bigger problems at hand. Constipation could be a symptom of a bigger complication, like neoplastic disease.



      Cat Constipation Remedies

      If your cat is suffering from constipation it’s very important to bring them to the vet as soon as possible. Veterinarians will be able to run tests on your cat, figuring out the source of their off-balance bowel movements — or lack thereof. A vet visit is important because it could uncover any life-threatening diseases or complications.

      A quick visit should also provide you with a healthy fix to get your kitty on a normal schedule. Meanwhile, there are natural remedies to help solve your cat’s constipation problems while you wait for the appointment. 


      Cat Constipation – Pumpkin

      The first solution is to look at their food bowl. If you don’t think their healthy cat diet includes enough fiber, try adding pumpkin. A teaspoon of canned pumpkin on your cat’s food could give them the fiber they need to be regular. Ginger and licorice are also other options.


      Cat Constipation – Aloe Vera

      If pumpkin doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, try aloe vera juice! A small dose of aloe juice may help them with their bowel irregularities. This may be something to ask your vet about, even before your visit.


      Cat Constipation – Water Intake

      Take a look at their water dish. If they are not drinking enough water, try switching up how you serve them their liquids. Water fountains are very popular with cat owners because cats are naturally drawn to the running water (a reason you’ll often see cats lapping up water from the sink). You can also add wet food to their diet. A 50/50 diet of dry and wet cat food can help give them the water they need without them even knowing it.


      Cat Constipation – Olive Oil 

      Another natural remedy is olive oil. Cat owners can add a teaspoon of olive oil to their kitty’s food on a daily basis for up to one week. Olive oil helps with intestinal muscle contractions and softens feces, which can be beneficial to a cat with constipation. Just make sure your cat can digest it properly. 


      Cat Constipation – Grooming

      Try brushing your cat more frequently. Felines with thicker coats will often groom themselves which leads to hair gathering in the esophagus. Unfortunately, constipation can accompany hairballs. 


      More grooming sessions can prevent hairballs by removing excess fur. You should groom your cat once or twice a week, depending on how thick their coat is. You can also take them to a professional groomer once a month for more thorough grooming sessions.


      RELATED: Cat Hairball Home Remedies [Top 12 Tips]


      Cat Constipation – Activity Level 

      It’s also possible that your cat needs more exercise! Try buying some new toys that you know will get your cat going, like a ribbon on a stick you can wave above them. Or a jingly ball they can chase down the hall. 


      A lot of people aren’t aware of how important exercise can be for cats and let them lounge around all day. Adding some interactive activities to their daily schedule may regulate their bowels as well.


      RELATED: Cat Exercise: Different Ways to Play With Your Cat


      Cat Constipation – Massage

      It’s been proven that abdominal massages can increase the frequency of bowel movements in constipated cats. It can also help felines deal with the pain of chronic constipation. See if an abdominal massage helps encourage bowel movements for your cat. Our CBD oil drops for cats may also prove useful for improving comfort levels.


      See More Cat Home Remedies





      When To Go To The Vet for Cat Constipation

      If your cat has been constipated for more than a full day, it’s time to make a vet appointment. It’s especially concerning if your cat is crying when trying to use the litterbox or if you notice blood in their stool.


      Just like dealing with a cat that has diarrhea, this is not something you want to wait out. A delay could spell health complications for your kitty. Vets will be able to determine the cause of a cat’s constipation problems, offering treatment plans, medication, and lifestyle changes that will keep your cat healthy and happy.



      Can You Prevent Cat Constipation?

      Prevent your cat from future constipation complications by monitoring their water. Provide them with clean water — even better if it’s moving. A water fountain can encourage drinking, preventing future problems like constipation. If your cat is comfortable with the traditional water bowl, make sure you’re changing their water daily to ensure it’s fresh and free of parasites!


      If you are feeding your cat wet food, make sure you’re checking on its shelf life. Your cat will thrive best with fresh, healthy food. Even dry food can provide them the right nutrients if you choose a brand that has all of the protein and vitamins they need.


      Always keep an eye on your cat’s litterbox as well. It’s important to make sure they are regularly passing bowel movements. It’s also important to stay on top of litterbox cleanliness. A fresh litterbox can encourage cats more than a dirty one, which they may avoid even if they do have to go.



      Final Thoughts

      Constipation may be common, but it’s not normal! Cats suffering from constipation can suffer from serious health issues, diseases, and life-threatening complications. Your cat’s constipation could be a sign of bigger problems. So it’s very important to keep an eye on your cat’s litter box activity, ensuring it’s normal and routine.


      Cats will often keep their pain and discomfort a secret. But you’ll notice your cat is constipated if their stools are irregular, if they are meowing while using the bathroom, and if they are dehydrated. While there are natural remedies to help ease your cat’s discomfort, always contact a veterinarian if you suspect your kitty is suffering from constipation. While you’re here check out our cats’ shop page!

      5 Safe Laxatives for Cats: Help Your Constipated Pet

      If you’re a pet parent to a cat who gets bunged up every once in a while, it can be horrible to see them straining and uncomfortable. So, it’s natural to want to try to help them pass their poop more easily. But how do you know which laxatives are safe for your cat? And are there any other ways that you can help with your feline’s firm feces?

      What is constipation?

      If your cat is constipated, they will be passing poop less often, and their poop may be harder or drier than normal. The dry or firm consistency of the feces will cause your cat to strain when they go to the toilet, and they might even pass a bit of blood. Constipation can be caused by your cat being a bit dehydrated or having a blockage. Blockages are sometimes caused by hairballs, worms, dry feces, or even foreign material that they have eaten, which can make a cat throw up as well. Occasionally, constipation can be caused by gut tumors or a condition called ‘megacolon’ where the bowel becomes very large and weak so it cannot push the stools through.

      What can help your cat’s constipation?

      Constipation tends to become a vicious cycle quite quickly. Feces that has been waiting in the colon or rectum for too long will become drier and drier as the body reabsorbs water from the stool. This causes it to become even harder to pass, and the blockage becomes more significant. The key to easing constipation is to prevent the stools from drying out and get them moving as soon as possible. You can do some things to help at home, but you might need to speak to your veterinarian about laxatives.

      A constipated cat might go in and out of the litter box without passing anything. They might also strain, pass hard, dry balls of feces, or even pass some blood.

      Tips for helping constipation at home

      Water intake

      If your cat is experiencing a bout of constipation, one of the most effective things you can do is increasing their water intake. Ensuring that their hydration is as good as possible will help prevent the stools from drying out and lubricate their passage through the bowel. There are many ways that you can encourage your cat to drink more water, including using water fountains, extra water bowls, and running taps. However, if your cat won’t be persuaded to drink more, you can try feeding them wet food and even adding extra water to their food.

      Litter boxes

      Cats are very clean creatures, and if their litter box is dirty or they have to share it with other cats, they may choose to hold their feces. To avoid constipation, it’s essential that your furry friend feels free to go whenever he needs to. Therefore, keeping litter boxes clean and providing more than one litter box per cat is important to keep your cat toileting stress-free.

      Reduce stress

      Your cat might also avoid passing poop for as long as possible if they are feeling stressed. This could be from other cats, building work, a new baby, or anything that impacts your cat’s normal routine. Using anxiety-reducing sprays, diffusers, or plug-ins can help keep your cat feeling calm.

      If your cat is prone to constipation, you can increase their water intake and reduce their stress to help stop flare-ups.



      Microlax contains Sorbitol and is administered as an enema into your cat’s bottom. It loosens any blockages and lubricates the bowel so that stools pass more easily. It is only available on prescription, though, so you’ll need to speak to your veterinarian if you think your cat might need it.


      Katalax contains soft paraffin, cod liver oil, and malt extract. It’s handy for easing blockages caused by hairballs, but it also softens the stools, which can help with constipation. Katalax is an over-the-counter medication, so it doesn’t need to be prescribed by a veterinarian.


      Lactulose is a human laxative that contains a non-absorbable sugar, and it draws water into the bowel through osmosis. It can be used in cats under veterinary supervision but is ‘off license’ because it’s not been approved by the licensing authority for use in cats.

      Cat Malt

      Cat Malt is a combination of liquid paraffin and malt extract. Like Katalax, it is helpful for hairballs and acts as a stool softener, and it can also be bought over the counter.


      Laxapet contains fish oils, vitamins, and lecithin and is used for hairballs as well as constipation. It is available over the counter.

      When to speak to a veterinarian

      With laxatives and stool softeners available over the counter, it might be tempting to try treating your constipated cat yourself without a veterinarian.

      Mild cases of constipation may resolve with over-the-counter laxatives, especially if you try to reduce your cat’s stress and increase their water intake. However, because constipation can quickly become a vicious cycle, it’s essential to seek veterinary advice sooner rather than later.

      If your cat hasn’t passed any feces at all for two days, you should contact a veterinarian. If your cat is straining and in distress, you should speak to a veterinarian right away. It’s useful to remember that the symptoms of a blocked bladder can be very similar to constipation, and this is a medical emergency. Therefore, if you are uncertain whether your cat is passing urine, it’s best to get them checked over by a veterinarian.

      Dr. Hannah Godfrey

      Dr. Hannah Godfrey MRCVS graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2011. Although she initially worked in mixed practice treating all species, she found a love for small animal work and has worked exclusively with dogs and cats since 2014. She lives in Wales with her partner, son, and two cats (named Poppy and Ashton Kutcher), and writes comedy fiction in her spare time.

      11 Natural Home Remedies for Cat Constipation

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      Christian Adams

      Last updated:

      Vet approved

      Reviewed & Fact-Checked By

      Dr. Paola Cuevas

      MVZ, Veterinarian

      The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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      Cats can get constipated just like people do, but it’s not always obvious because cats are very good at hiding health problems and not showing pain. However, constipation can lead to bigger health problems like Megacolon if left untreated.

      We’ve searched the internet and asked everyone we know to find as many natural home remedies as we could find to help you get started dealing with this problem so you can enjoy a better quality of life before it causes any permanent damage. Continue reading while we take a look at each remedy and explain how it works, how to find it, or how to make it to help you get your cat back to normal as quickly as possible.

      How Do I Know if My Cat Is Constipated?

      Cats are notorious for hiding pain and other medical conditions. However, an attentive owner can usually pick up on small changes in the cat’s behavior that gives it away. If you notice your cat has a tense abdomen, small hard stools, and a hunched posture, it may be experiencing a bout of constipation. Your cat is also likely to spend a lot of time in the litter box without results. They may even cry in the litter box. Some cats will avoid the litter box altogether and have a lack of appetite.

      Untreated constipation can lead to megacolon, which is a condition where the colon dilates, and the muscles are too weak to push waste from the system.

      Natural Home Remedies

      Here is the list of natural home remedies that we have been able to locate for you.

      1. Increase Fluids

      Image Credit: Sample Stars, Shutterstock

      Increasing your cat’s water consumption is the best first step you can take, and it can be quite effective at relieving constipation. Dehydration is a leading cause of constipation, and if your cat is normally healthy, there’s a good chance that water will be the cure.

      If you find it hard to convince your cat to drink more water, you can try purchasing a fountain. Electric fountains help keep the water tasting fresh by adding oxygen, and it also helps to lure the cat by sound and by sight.

      2. Canned Wet Food

      Canned wet cat food can be a great way to add water to your cat’s diet if they don’t drink enough. It’s also usually higher in fat. Dry food is the preferred food because it helps clean your cat’s teeth, but if your cat is experiencing chronic constipation, wet cat food can make a difference.

      3. Change Foods

      Image Credit: Veera, Shutterstock

      If you have recently switched to a new brand of food, there is a good chance that the food is behind constipation. Cats can also have a hard time dealing with certain foods as they age, which can lead to constipation. Switching back to their regular food could help if you recently switched, but you’ll need to try a different brand if your cat has been eating the same food for a while.

      We recommend a high-quality brand of cat food that has chicken listed as its first ingredient. Look for foods high in fiber that also contain probiotics for the best result.

      4. Probiotic Supplements

      If the brand you have chosen to feed your cat doesn’t contain probiotics, you can still add them as a supplement. Probiotics are a great help with constipation, and they also help you can maintain a healthy digestive system with fewer occurrences of constipation.

      5. Fiber-Rich Foods

      Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

      One more thing you should consider when choosing a brand of cat food is its fiber content. A food higher in fiber can help regulate your cat’s digestive system in much the same way it does for humans. In many cases, a trip to the vet concerning constipation will have you increasing fluid consumption and switching to a brand of cat food with high fiber content. Wet foods with added pumpkin or  Psyllium husk in the formula are great options to help regulate your cat’s digestive system. You may need to reduce the fiber content again once the cat is regulated to avoid runny stools.

      6. Maintain a Healthy Weight

      Overweight cats tend to get constipated more than underweight cats. The best way to make sure your pet stays at the right weight is to make sure they get plenty of exercises and at a high-quality diet. Anyone who owns a cat knows how much they like their treats, and it’s easy to give them too many, which can lead to obesity and regular occurrences of constipation.

      We recommend cutting back on treats as much as possible, especially if you notice your cat getting overweight. You can also try to purchase healthier treats that supply more nutrition and not as many calories.

      7. Increase Exercise

      Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay

      Increasing exercise is another great way to manage your cat’s weight and reduce the occurrences of constipation. Cats are very lazy, especially overweight cats. Cats can easily sleep up to 15 hours a day and still take short naps, so it can be quite challenging to help them get enough exercise.

      Allowing your cat a few minutes outside can be helpful. If you keep your cat indoors, you can try enclosing a porch with netting or screen to give them time outside without risking them escaping. You can also play with them to help them burn more calories. A laser penlight works amazingly well to get your cat motivated to run, and they will often chase with vigor until they get tired.

      8. Reduce Anxiety

      Anxiety can cause constipation, and it can also cause weight gain, which leads to constipation. There are quite a few things that can cause a lot of anxiety in a cat, including fighting family members and other cats living in the household. If you feel like another cat in the household is stressing out your pet, you can try multicat pheromone diffusers. These products mimic natural pheromones and have a calming effect in cats, you can find them in spray or plug-in presentations.

      You cannot smell the pheromones, but cats can, and there’s plenty of evidence that they relax cats and reduce anxiety. Pheromones can also help curb scratching and clawing behavior and can help multiple cats get along. The downside to pheromones is that they don’t work on every cat, and there’s no way to tell beforehand how your cat will react.

      9. Add More Litter Boxes

      Image Credit By: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

      Adding more litter boxes can help, especially if the reason for the constipation is a refusal to use a box another cat is using. Cats are finicky and often won’t budge over territorial disputes, so if your cat doesn’t use the one you have provided, you will need to provide another. You should always have one litter box per cat plus one.

      10. Food Laxatives

      The previous remedies are largely for preventative care and work best to keep your pet from becoming constipated or having chronic constipation. However, if your cat is already constipated, you are going to need something to act as a mild laxative to help get things moving again. There are a few foods you can give to your cat in small amounts that can help, including pumpkin, ginger, licorice, and slippery elm bark.

      You need to administer these foods carefully because a little can go a long way, especially if you have not tried these foods before to see how sensitive your cat is to them.

      11. Over the Counter Laxatives

      We highly recommend talking with your veterinarian before you give your cat any over the counter laxatives. However, sometimes these laxatives are the only way to avoid further complications, like megacolon. Once the vet gives the go-ahead, there are several brands of over the counter laxatives that work very well at relieving your pet of constipation.

      Be aware that a laxative can cause your cat to lose control of itself temporarily, and it may not be able to make it to the litter box when the medicine takes effect. Therefore, we recommend isolating the cat in an area that’s easy to clean until the procedure is complete.


      It’s easy to think of constipation as no big deal, but for cats, it can cause serious health problems in the future if it occurs too often. A diet that contains a lot of water is critical. Fountains can help get your cat’s attention and convince them to drink. A small amount of wet cat food each day can also help them ingest more moisture and a food high in fiber will help keep them regulated. If they do become constipated and you notice it quickly, the food laxatives should be all you need to get your cat regular again, but if your cat seems unusually distressed, it’s time for the vet and commercial laxatives.

      We hope you have enjoyed reading and found a few ways you hadn’t considered to ease your cat’s constipation or prevent it altogether. If we have helped you, please share these natural home remedies on Facebook and Twitter.

      Featured Image: Pixabay

      Contents Overview

      • How Do I Know if My Cat Is Constipated?
      • Natural Home Remedies
        • 1. Increase Fluids
        • 2. Canned Wet Food
        • 3. Change Foods
        • 4. Probiotic Supplements
        • 5. Fiber-Rich Foods
        • 6. Maintain a Healthy Weight
        • 7. Increase Exercise
        • 8. Reduce Anxiety
        • 9. Add More Litter Boxes
        • 10. Food Laxatives
        • 11. Over the Counter Laxatives
      • Summary

      Christian Adams

      An American expat living in Metro Manila, Philippines for over a decade, Christian is a lifelong cat lover and the proud papa of two rescue cats, Trixie and Chloe. Both girls were formerly among the droves of strays that roam the cities and countryside. Three-year-old Trixie was pulled from a litter found under the porch of a neighbor’s house, while two-year-old Chloe was brought home by Christian’s young son, Henry, who found the kitten crying in the parking lot. As Editor in Chief of, Christian is thrilled to be a part of the pro-feline movement.

      What to do with constipation in a cat

      1. How to tell if a cat is constipated
      2. A varied diet is the basis for good digestion and well-being
      3. Why is the cat constipated
      4. Chronic constipation in cats treatment
      5. How to help a cat with constipation

      The digestive system is one of the most complex systems in the cat’s body. Despite the fact that cats are predators and, unlike humans, they can eat raw meat and fish, they have problems with the digestive tract.

      Many pet owners know that constipation in a cat is bad for the well-being and mood of the pet. The animal becomes lethargic, plays little, makes attempts to go to the tray without result.

      How to tell if a cat is constipated

      Cats should have normal stool every day, of normal consistency. Feces should not be too hard and slightly moist.

      Signs of constipation:

      • The cat meows plaintively in the litter box, tries to get out and cannot
      • Too dry or hard stools, sometimes with blood
      • Decreased appetite
      • Pet stops licking himself

      The pet has not had a stool for more than three days – measures must be taken. Give vaseline oil, condensed milk, consult a doctor. You can give special cat food for constipation. Try adding pumpkin and other vegetables to your diet.

      A varied diet is the foundation of good digestion and well-being

      Poor nutrition is often the cause of constipation and other health problems. Many owners begin to feed their pets exclusively with meat, such as tenderloin, or fish. Eating only dry food also has a bad effect on the body of a predator.

      Try to imagine what a cat’s diet looks like in the wild. She catches mice, birds and eats them whole, of course, without choosing fillets from prey. Meat, bones, skins, the contents of the stomach and intestines of rodents or other animals enter the stomach of a cat. And in the intestines of a mouse-vole, there are semi-digested spikelets, which the cat itself cannot digest, but assimilates useful substances from them after digestion by the mouse.

      The owner cannot feed the cat with selected mice that have previously eaten organic tasty spikelets. But you can try to bring the diet closer to natural. Cats should receive not only meat products, but also cereals and vegetables in a form that they can digest. People do not eat only sausage or red fish. The cat’s menu should contain different products.

      Why the cat is constipated

      There can be many reasons:

      1. Wrong feeding regime. You can not keep a cat on one fish. It contains too many minerals, this contributes to poor kidney function. The nutrition of cats, like people, must be balanced.
      2. Insufficient physical activity. If the cat moves a little, he has poor blood circulation, intestinal motility suffers. By nature, this predator needs to move a lot. Provide the fluffy with the opportunity to run and climb a lot – arrange shelves with beds at different levels, scratching posts, various toys on threads or springs. The pet will move more, and the owners will amuse with their antics.
      3. The cause may be the formation of tumors, diseases of the prostate in cats, foreign bodies in the intestines, for example, the cat ate some small object. It can only be diagnosed in a clinic.
      4. There is constipation and a consequence of a large number of helminths. They clog the intestines, and feces do not pass. If the cat is often on the street, it is simply necessary to give her a remedy for worms every three months.
      5. Hairballs blocked the intestines. Usually occurs in long-haired breeds. It is necessary to comb the cat in time. There are ready-made feeds that help remove hairballs, as well as special products. They can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy.

      Chronic constipation in cats treatment

      If stool problems are persistent, the cause is likely to be serious and needs to be addressed. It mostly happens in older animals. Chronic diseases, low physical activity, poor intestinal patency – an incomplete list of possible causes. An old cat is constipated – what to do is often asked by owners of veterinarians. To answer this question, blood tests, urine tests, and x-rays may be required.

      How to help a cat with constipation

      • Vaseline oil sold in a regular pharmacy is a first aid remedy. Don’t mess with Vaseline. Give the cat a tablespoon of the remedy. Often after that, everything goes away. If it does not help, give the remedy a teaspoon every 3-5 hours, but no more than five times in total. If there is a suspicion that the pet has an obstruction, it is better not to use this remedy.
      • Condensed milk for constipation in a cat is a proven and well-known remedy. Give the cat some condensed milk. Lactose, and even in combination with sugar, is not absorbed, the cat begins to relax the stool.
      • Dufalac is a special agent. For an appointment, it is better to consult a veterinarian, he will tell you how to help the cat with constipation, perhaps he will prescribe an additional examination.
      • Cleansing enema can help the animal. Better to have a doctor do it.

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      Laxative for cats and kittens: what to give for constipation?

      Article checked by the chief veterinarian
      Konchevoi Elizaveta Sergeevna


      1. Laxative for cats: the main thing
      2. Indications for laxative
      3. Types of drugs:
          9Ol000 caused by a violation of the diet, an unbalanced diet, the ingestion of non-food elements into the intestines. Constipation in cats is accompanied by many serious diseases: diseases of the liver and kidneys, injuries that make defecation painful.

          Many cats that do not have a serious systemic disease may suffer from a stool retention problem. The reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle, a violation of the drinking regime, a diet with a lack of fiber or, conversely, with its excess.

          The psychological aspect is very important for cats: an uncomfortable litter box, unsuitable filler, a toilet organized in a noisy place – all this can provoke stool retention, and constipation will form a second time.

          Cat laxative essentials

          • Evaluate the expected benefit of using a laxative for a cat at risk of potential harm and complications;

          • In case of constipation, first of all, the factor that provoked it should be removed, and only then should the cat be given a laxative;

          • If symptoms of pain, rectal bleeding, concomitant vomiting, refusal to eat, reduced activity occur, seek immediate veterinary care;

          • Always remember that the symptoms of constipation and acute urinary retention may be similar.

          Indications for laxatives

          The main indication for cat laxatives is constipation for one reason or another.

          Also, laxatives are used before operations in the rectum and anus.

          Separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the need to use laxatives in conditions where the cat cannot take a position for defecation or tension of the abdominal muscles is contraindicated (fractures, including the pelvis, postoperative pain, trauma).

          Many cats develop trichobezoars – these are “wool stones”. Normally, the cat burps them, but sometimes they create a problem with defecation, the owners in such cases say that the cat’s feces look like felt boots.

          Types of drugs:

          • Stool softeners;

          • Contact laxatives;

          • Laxatives that increase the volume of intestinal contents;

          • Osmotic laxatives;

          • Laxatives in enemas;

          • Other laxatives.

          Stool softeners

          Here we will talk mainly about vaseline oil. It makes sense to give this laxative to a cat with constipation, if the problem is not chronic, but situational (the cause was gluttony, ingestion of non-food items) or if you need to empty the intestines in the preoperative or postoperative period. Prescribing petroleum jelly for a long time is not advisable, as the absorption of many nutrients is reduced and in the long run this can harm the cat.

          It can be given mixed with food or fed separately. It is very important to observe the technique when administering the drug, since if the cat inhales vaseline oil, then there is a high chance of developing severe aspiration pneumonia.

          Contact laxatives

          Senna holly leaves and castor oil are contraindicated in cats, as in practice these drugs often cause severe vomiting and hemorrhagic colitis in cats.

          Bulk laxatives

          Preparations of this series are widely represented in human pharmacology by herbal remedies – from psyllium husks to kelp. Considering that this is a constipation medicine for cats with chronic constipation, and often such a prescription is either long-term or life-long, it is very important that the cat eat the medicine itself, not by force. There are ready-made commercial diets high in soluble fiber and psyllium fiber that improve intestinal transit and soften feces in cats suffering from constipation, delayed intestinal transit, and intestinal discomfort.

          Osmotic laxatives

          This group includes drugs based on lactulose. Lactulose can be the main active ingredient (“Goodluck”, “Duphalac”, “Lactusan”) or be part of a complex preparation (“Dinolac” – lactulose + simethicone).

          Medicines of this group are usually used for chronic constipation problems, decreased intestinal motility. Usually prescribed as an adjuvant therapy for diseases of the liver and kidneys, accompanied by symptoms of intoxication.

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          Take care of your pet’s health

          Laxatives in enemas

          Doing a cat cleansing enema at home is not recommended, because this process is traumatic and can be painful. For a cleansing enema, warm water, a solution of sodium chloride, a decoction of chamomile, a weak solution of chamomile or furacillin, vaseline oil are used.

          An exception may be a microclyster (“Microlax”). This complex drug is indicated if it is necessary to empty the rectum with constipation of various etiologies.

          Other laxatives

          Glycerin detailed suppositories are used for cats from this group of drugs. Indications, as for microclysters, are constipation of various etiologies, situations when you need to empty the intestines (surgical interventions in the rectum and anus).

          Absolute contraindications, in which a cat laxative is not used, are rectal bleeding of unknown origin, concomitant vomiting.

          Laxatives should not be used without consulting your veterinarian if the animal is in pain (forced posture, discomfort when feeling the abdomen), significantly reduced activity, lost appetite.

          Kitten laxative

          Kittens, like adult cats, may experience problems with defecation. Kittens are more likely than other pets to swallow non-food items. This is due to the fact that the kitten’s tongue has villi that are directed towards the esophagus, and after the kitten has played enough, he is often unable to spit out the object. The presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract is not easy to diagnose; for this, depending on the situation, doctors often use X-ray and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. Even these measures are not always indicative, and sometimes doctors have to perform a diagnostic operation if the risk of intestinal obstruction or perforation of its walls is high. Threads, ropes, fish bones are especially dangerous in this respect.

          However, if your kitten has swallowed some non-sharp, non-edible object of small diameter while you are there, and you know for sure that this object is not toxic and non-hygroscopic (for example, a candy wrapper), then you can help the kitten get rid of the foreign body by giving a laxative to kittens. Vaseline oil will be the drug of choice in this situation.

          Kittens with chronic constipation caused by helminthiases, feeding errors, skeletal anomalies, in addition to prescribing a therapeutic diet, need a laxative for kittens. In such a situation, a laxative based on lactulose is the best choice.

          Special attention should be paid to kittens with anal atresia. This is such a defect in the development of the anus or terminal rectum of kittens, in which constipation is formed. In females, a fistula can be formed between the rectum and the vagina, and then defecation will occur through it. Sometimes patients live like this for years, so if your kitten has a painful, prolonged bowel movement, if the kitten spends an unusually long time on the litter box, or if it vocalizes heavily, it should be taken to the veterinarian.

          There is no need to use a laxative before or after deworming unless your veterinarian has advised otherwise.

          Prevention of constipation

          Constipation is a condition in which a cat experiences discomfort, heaviness in the abdomen and even pain. Eliminating constipation with cat oral laxatives or local (enemas, microclysters, suppositories) is a time-consuming process, the cat brings stress and even pain. Megacolon (formation of a large amount of stool in the colon) may require surgery.

          All these facts suggest that constipation is better prevented than cured.

          Let’s summarize what we can do for this:

          1. Correct water regime. Many cats drink little, and this problem is especially acute in cats that eat dry food. To cover the need for liquid, you can combine dry and wet food, if the cat does not like to drink water from a bowl, you can purchase a special drinking fountain. Water should always be fresh, comfortable temperature.

          2. A complete diet that meets the needs of your cat. There are many nuances here, it is better to discuss them with a veterinary nutritionist. There are foods containing more fiber for cats prone to constipation. Cats with concomitant pathologies of the kidneys and liver also require special feeding, including to accelerate the release of feces and prevent their stagnation. Cats that eat natural diets must necessarily receive not only meat, but also sources of digestible and indigestible fiber.

          3. The problem of trichobezoars (hairstones) is species-specific for cats. The cat licks itself, the shedding hair enters the digestive system, and “felt boots” are formed. Usually they are small and easily evacuated with stool or regurgitation, but it happens that they gather in large lumps, causing acute and chronic gastritis, enteritis, colitis. Sometimes it comes to the design of the intestine. In order to prevent the formation of trichobezoars, you need to use a special food for long-haired cats, add a special malt paste during periods of molting. And brush your cat regularly, of course.

          4. Very often, constipation occurs in animals with minimal physical activity. When a healthy cat lives literally in the “bowl-sofa-tray” triangle, it is necessary to force the pet to move. This can be done either with the help of a game, or try walking on the street (be sure to use a harness).

          5. Cats are very modest animals. If the cat’s litter box does not meet the needs of the cat psychologically, she may go to the toilet very rarely, and constipation will then form a second time. Many cats require separate litters for urination and defecation. If there are several cats, there should be a minimum of trays by their number +1. Trays should be installed in a quiet place where the cat has round-the-clock access. Which filler is most comfortable for you and your cat can only be understood by experience.

          6. Clinical examination. It is impossible to overestimate the effectiveness of this measure in the prevention of cat diseases in general and constipation in particular. If for young cats a simple examination is sufficient, then for older cats it makes sense to include blood, urine, and ultrasound examinations of the abdominal cavity in the annual examination.

          The article is not a call to action!

          For a more detailed study of the problem, we recommend contacting a specialist.

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          Constipation in a cat 🐱 – how to help a pet if a cat has problems with stool

          Constipation in cats

          August 02, 2022

          Constipation, that is, a violation of the process of bowel movement in cats, is no less significant problem than diarrhea. The pain, discomfort, and consequences of constipation can be severe.

          Main causes of constipation in cats


          Cats are stress sensitive animals. The most common causes of excitement in pets are the departure of the owners, the appearance of a new family member (cats, dogs, children), noise and anxiety, guests who have come, repairs, and so on. There are diseases that are directly related to emotional stress. Constipation is one of them. In a state of stress, a cat cannot reach the tray or retire to the toilet. The usual order is violated, there is a problem with the chair. Sometimes, when a pet is under severe stress, even the help of a veterinarian is required.


          Some diseases can also cause constipation. First of all, these are all conditions that lead to a decrease in intestinal motility. Motility (normal bowel function) can be reduced with pancreatitis, cholecystitis and severe pain, for example, with injuries, fractures, contusions of internal organs.

          Dry, irregular stools may occur with an unbalanced diet, in particular with a lack of indigestible fiber. This can be one of the disadvantages of homemade food if the cat prefers to eat exclusively meat. Another reason is low fluid intake.


          Worm infestations themselves usually do not cause constipation. However, severe conditions, a large number of helminths, especially in kittens and young cats, can lead to obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal perforations and, as a result, the absence of stool.


          Cats are very clean animals, they lick their fur thoroughly and do not normally suffer from eating small amounts of wool. Excess hair regularly comes out with feces. However, if the cat is a long-haired breed, it may not be able to handle so much hair. Sometimes the animal suffers from pathological molting, when the amount of hair in the cat’s stomach exceeds the physiological norm. In this case, the cat needs help: special food, malt paste, combing the animal with a brush. If help is not provided in time, hairballs in the stomach and intestines can cause constipation or mechanical obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract with no stools and vomiting.

          Foreign body

          This is one of the most dangerous causes of missing stools in cats. In fact, it cannot be called constipation. Because of their curiosity, animals often play with threads, shoelaces, New Year’s tinsel, small balls and toys that are not intended for cats. The structure of the cat’s tongue does not allow getting rid of the thread or ribbon that has fallen into the mouth – the pet will certainly swallow it. Small objects, balls, balls, rubber toys, or parts thereof may also be swallowed. Not always such a foreign object can come out naturally or with vomiting.

          The classic signs of mechanical obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract are the absence of stools and vomiting. Fragments of gnawed toys or bitten threads can get into the pet’s stomach. If there is a suspicion that the cat has swallowed a foreign object, you should immediately consult a doctor. To diagnose such conditions in a veterinary clinic, an ultrasound or x-ray can be done, including with the introduction of a contrast agent. If a foreign body is found in the intestine, surgery will be needed.

          Symptoms of constipation in cats

          Cats should normally have a bowel movement at least once a day. If there is no stool, note if the animal is eating, vomiting, trying to litter, and urinating. A dangerous symptom is the absence of stool, accompanied by vomiting. Sometimes a cat can have trouble defecating with cystitis. From pain in the bladder, the cat not only does not urinate, but also does not empty the intestines. If the animal is not eating, lethargic and lethargic, it may not go to the toilet because of pain and weakness. If the lack of stool is associated with errors in the diet, then you can try to help your pet at home. Too dry stools, round, “like a goat” – this is also a symptom of constipation. In this case, you need to reconsider the diet of your pet.

          How to help your pet at home

          Some symptoms associated with delayed defecation and lack of stools can be alarming and require professional attention from a doctor. But with one-time violations of the stool, with obvious reasons in the form of improper feeding the day before, you can help the cat on your own.

          Vaseline oil

          Vaseline oil is a well-known and widespread remedy. It is mineral, sold in pharmacies and pet stores. Unlike vegetable oil, it is not absorbed in the intestines and passes in transit. How much the pet consumes it, the same amount should come out of the rectum. Vaseline oil can be given to the cat several times a day until the stool appears, about 3-4 ml, so as not to provoke reflex vomiting. Be careful: if the cat is vomiting, do not give anything to her mouth so that she does not choke. If your actions within a few hours do not bring results, they must be stopped.


          Treating constipation in cats with human laxatives that increase intestinal motility can be dangerous. Especially if the presence of foreign bodies or wool in the intestines of the cat is not excluded.

          Homeopathic remedies

          Homeopathic remedies are ineffective in cases of constipation in cats and are not used in veterinary medicine.


          Massage of the abdomen with circular and stroking movements gives a good effect in children. In cats with constipation, unfortunately, most often the pain will not allow the animal to lie down and endure the massage. However, if the cat trusts, her condition is not serious, stroking her coat and stomach with a warm palm will calm the pet and help reduce pain. Not without reason, in modern medicine, much attention is paid to love, affection and tenderness to reduce tension and smooth out stress in a pet.


          Phytotherapy, like homeopathy, has no evidence base in veterinary medicine. Therefore, its use in cats is limited and generally ineffective. Herbal laxatives for humans can increase intestinal motility, so they should not be given to cats.

          Cat Enema

          An enema can be an effective remedy for constipation. There are microclysters that are sold in ordinary pharmacies and are used for children. They are safe and easy to use. At home, such an enema can be done to a cat without fear of harm. The only contraindication for self-administration of microclysters is the serious condition of the animal, but in any case, you need to consult a veterinarian.

          Volumetric cleansing enemas are rarely used at home. Firstly, it is difficult to do this without skill and trained assistants, and secondly, such an enema has more contraindications and the result may be unexpected. Frequent cleansing enemas can damage the intestinal walls and flush out beneficial bacteria.

          Special Diet

          Proper nutrition is essential for regular bowel movements, formed stools and elimination of bowel problems. The basis of the cat’s diet is protein, but even a carnivore needs indigestible fiber for normal peristalsis. If your cat is constipated, you can try switching to a high-fiber diet. These foods include healthy cat diets from the PRO PLAN® LIGHT Adult line, as well as therapeutic diets.

          Prevention of constipation

          The basis for the prevention of constipation in cats is a balanced diet. For domestic cats that move little and tend to gain weight, diets with a high fiber content are recommended. Such feeding will help the cat to go to the toilet regularly and without problems.

          For various causes of constipation, water intake is also important, which must be maintained in every possible way. Cat fountains, large-diameter bowls, multiple bowls, and regular water changes to clean water all stimulate thirst and promote a good bowel movement. Movements, games with a domestic cat are also important. Play with your pet, try different toys and devices. Many people like laser pointers, pet stores sell educational toys that encourage the hunter instinct in a cat and allow you to get food, and not just lazily take it from a bowl. Excess weight and lack of movement – the path to constipation.

          PRO PLAN® FORTIFLORA® is a probiotic supplement for the normalization of intestinal microflora. A probiotic is a normal intestinal flora that contributes to proper digestion, good immunity, regular formed stools. Thus, the addition of PRO PLAN® FORTIFLORA® powder to the diet of a cat with sensitive digestion will ensure the digestion of food, normal defecation and help in the fight against constipation.


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          Constipation in cats on natural food. Read on site? SUPERPET




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          Constipation in cats is one of the problems that owners face when switching pets to a biologically appropriate diet. But as practice shows, cats do not suffer from constipation on a healthy diet. On the contrary, natural food has a positive effect on the digestion of cats. Because of these changes, the stool changes: the amount decreases markedly, the stool becomes less odorous. Changes like this make owners anxious, but your pet is actually fine, and here’s why.

          Contents of the article

          • Why do cats eat wool and how to replace it?
          • What should be the feces?
          • constipation in cats: signs
          • How to prevent constipation
            • vegetables
            • more food
            • Fit wool
            • Magnesium
            • Raw liver and fats
            • crushed Sunflower Seeds 9000
          • Do cats need fiber?

          Why do cats eat wool and how to replace it?

          In nature, cats eat whole prey: meat, bones, wool and feathers. There are no nutrients in wool. It has purely mechanical functions: it helps to clean plaque from the teeth and increases the volume of feces. Wool is not digested in the stomach. But it takes place in the digestive tract. Thus, wool irritates the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates peristalsis. Food mass passes through the gastrointestinal tract faster and is excreted from the body.

          The composition of the natural diet for domestic cats is very similar to the natural prey of wild relatives. The difference is that natural food does not add wool. It is replaced with vegetables. Vegetables are a source of insoluble fiber. The body does not absorb it, but it absorbs water, increasing the volume of the food mass. In theory, fiber should do the same thing that wool does. But wool is a protein, and vegetable fiber is based on cellulose and starch.

          What should be the feces?

          Cats developed in the steppe arid climate of Africa and the Middle East. There is little water. The body of cats has adapted to conserve water: cats can only be limited to the liquid that they receive from prey. Therefore, they do not sweat and do not suffer from rapid breathing in the heat, like dogs. And so they have very dense urine. The body of cats tries to spend as little fluid as possible. Because of this, in the natural environment, cat feces are very hard. It looks more like pellets: whitish or with a yellow tinge, crumbly, with an admixture of cat hairs or prey hairs.

          This is what normal cat stool looks like

          The fewer ingredients a cat can digest, the more often it goes to the litter box. Industrial feeds contain many ingredients with low nutritional value. Most of the ingredients are poorly absorbed in the body of cats. Therefore, cats that eat dry food go to the litter box more often. Their stools are voluminous, loose, with a pungent odor.

          Constipation in cats: signs

          Cats fed SUPERPET usually have dry, hard stools. These cats can only defecate a couple of times a week. If there are no other warning signs, the pet is fine.

          Worry if

          • the cat often goes to the litter box, but to no avail;
          • cat defecates less than 1-2 times a week;
          • it is difficult for a cat to defecate;
          • the cat lost its appetite, it vomits;
          • the cat has become restless or activity has sharply decreased.

          If these symptoms appear, contact your veterinarian immediately. Not always constipation in cats is caused by diet. The veterinarian will determine the cause and help eliminate it. In acute cases, the doctor may prescribe an enema and prescribe a laxative.

          How to prevent constipation

          There are many different ways to prevent constipation in cats. Some methods work better, some worse. It all depends on your cat.

          Some Remedies That Can Help


          Vegetables will help with constipation in cats: boiled pumpkin, carrots, broccoli or green beans. Vegetables are included in SUPERPET in small quantities, but you can also buy them separately and add them to meals if necessary. In a cat’s diet, vegetables have two positive effects:

          • increases the moisture content of food, making it easier for food to move through the intestines;
          • increases the proportion of fiber, thereby improving intestinal motility.

          Vegetables should be introduced into the pet’s diet carefully and little by little so as not to provoke gas. But so that you do not calculate every time how much to give your favorite vegetables, we did it ourselves. SUPERPET natural food already has the optimal proportion of vegetables for the daily diet – try it and see how satisfied your pet will be.

          More food

          The more often cats eat, the more often they defecate. With frequent emptying of the stomach, the feces do not have time to become too dry. Sedentary cats that eat light meals are more prone to constipation than active cats with good appetites.

          Cat hair

          Cat hair and prey hair increase stool volume. Cats eat their fur when they lick themselves. Do not get carried away combing and washing your pet: this is how you deprive him of his natural laxative. Cats that eat natural food practically do not burp hairballs. If your cat vomits hair frequently, eats a lot of grass, and vomits, something is wrong. In this case, you need to contact your veterinarian.


          Magnesium is responsible for muscle function. It relaxes the muscles and contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive tract. Thanks to magnesium, the amount of fluid in the large intestine of cats increases: the stool becomes softer. But magnesium has been linked to the formation of struvite crystals in the urine. An excess of crystals causes urolithiasis. Therefore, in many feeds, the proportion of magnesium is reduced. The lack of an element leads to constipation. It is important that cats consume enough magnesium.

          Raw liver and fats

          Raw liver is a mild natural laxative. Fats help speed up digestion and more frequent trips to the tray. Instead of fatty meats, you can add rapeseed or sunflower oil to your meals. Some cats love olive oil. Cats do not absorb vegetable fats well, oil can help with constipation as a lubricant.

          Crushed sunflower seeds

          Sunflower seeds can be ground in a coffee grinder and added to feed. Seeds are practically not digested, so the stool becomes bulkier. By adding crushed seeds to food, you mimic the contents of the stomach of mice.

          Ground flaxseeds

          Raw flaxseeds can be dangerous to cats. They contain substances that, when water is added, turn into hydrocyanic acid. This is a very dangerous toxin. Therefore, before giving cats flaxseeds, they need to be boiled. Cooked crushed flaxseeds make the feces softer.

          Psyllium Husk

          This remedy is also known as psyllium. People often use psyllium as a remedy for constipation. Some veterinarians recommend it for cats that suffer from constipation. True, if you give cats psyllium for a long time, their body gets used to it and it stops helping. Therefore, psyllium can be used as a short-term therapeutic agent.


          Water will not help with constipation. The amount of urine will increase, but the stool will not become softer. When a cat starts drinking more, she will eat less. This is because the same amount of food will contain more liquid. Due to the fact that the cat will eat less, less food will pass through the digestive tract. The cat’s condition will worsen.

          Do cats need fiber?

          Vegetable fiber is needed by herbivores and omnivores. Since cats are obligate predators, their stomach is not adapted to digest large amounts of plant fiber. With plant fiber, bacteria enter the body of cats, which disrupt the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. As they grow, the bacteria release gases. Gas is not only uncomfortable for cats, but can be poisonous and lead to inflammation. Inflammation causes diarrhea.

          If you decide to include plant fiber in your cat’s diet, this must be done very carefully. Watch how often your pet spit up, whether he suffers from gas and diarrhea. Due to the high content of plant fiber, cats may be less able to absorb nutrients.

          For constipation, do not give fiber to cats that vomit frequently. Fiber exacerbates spitting up. Cats that burp should be fed frequently, but in small portions. Food should be easily digestible and have a high nutritional value. Such cats may suffer from constipation because not enough food passes through the gastrointestinal tract. Frequent feeding should help to cope with the problem of constipation.

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          Julia Antonovskaya


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          Cat health and treatment, Feeding cats, Articles about cats

          constipation, cats, natural nutrition

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          Popular laxatives for constipation in cats

          How to treat constipation in a cat, how effective are folk remedies and why are some laxatives dangerous? Let’s find out more below.


          • 1 How laxatives work
          • 2 Popular folk remedies for constipation in cats
          • 3 Treatment of constipation in cats with lactulose

          How laxatives work

          Constipation is very uncomfortable because the animal cannot completely empty the intestines. The causes of the disease state are very diverse, and given the characteristics of some animals, the diagnosis is always complicated by individual factors.

          Constipated cats experience pain due to bowel movements. Peristalsis is called the contractile movements of the small and large intestines, with the help of which digested food moves towards the anus. During constipation, the body slows down peristalsis, causing partially digested food to stay in the intestines for too long.

          The mucous membranes continue to absorb water from the stool, making it dry and hard. When diagnosing constipation at home, many owners do not take into account the fact that in chronic constipation, the painful condition may alternate with diarrhea. It is important to understand that too long constipation can develop into a chronic form or lead to damage to the mucous membranes.

          Constipation is treated with medications commonly referred to as laxatives. If therapy takes place at home, it is important for the owner to correctly determine the cause of the disease and choose a laxative for the cat.

          Popular folk remedies for constipation in cats

          Many owners are accustomed to treating “non-serious” ailments of their pets exclusively with folk remedies. Constipation can be treated with proven non-drug remedies, but it is not a harmless ailment.

          Remember! If you decide to treat constipation yourself, it is important to control the timing of therapy and the general condition of the animal.

          Home treatment should begin with diet and increased activity. One of the reasons for the development of constipation in cats is a sharp decrease in physical activity, which is often observed in overweight animals. The diet of the animal must be enriched with water. Preparations with salts and minerals will help retain water in the body. A common and universal drug for eliminating dehydration is Regidron solution.

          Against the background of eliminating dehydration, constipation will be helped by a diet rich in fiber . A large amount of fiber and coarse fibers are found in vegetables, grass and bran.

          Pumpkin puree or grated boiled beets are considered universal remedies (with a laxative effect).

          Vaseline and linseed oil are considered safe folk remedies. If the cat is unable to empty its bowels, it is forced to drink 0.5 milliliters of oil every 1-2 hours. Unless the constipation is chronic or caused by a blockage, bowel movements usually occur after the second or third oil intake. In severe cases, give one, but a large dose – up to 50 ml.

          Vaseline oil is used to make suppositories that can be inserted into the pet’s anus. This method quickly and gently helps to get rid of constipation, if its localization is in the large intestine. The candle is cut into 2 parts, gently inserted into the anus, after which it is necessary to press the cat’s tail and hold it for 5-10 minutes.

          Cat constipation can be treated with an enema. The intestines are cleansed with pure water or water with oil added. In this case, it is better to use vaseline, since it is not absorbed by the body, but has a calming and enveloping effect. After the introduction of a cleansing enema, the cat’s tail must be pressed against the anus for 5-10 minutes.

          Please note! When preparing an enema, it is important to consider that the oil does not dissolve in water. Before the introduction of the liquid, the enema reservoir must be shaken vigorously.

          After the enema, it is advisable to give the cat a massage to stimulate the bowels. Try to act unobtrusively, because during constipation, the animal may experience sharp pain. Stroke the cat’s abdomen in a clockwise direction, gently palpating the peritoneum with your fingers.

          Usually, after a cleansing enema, defecation occurs quickly, within 15-30 minutes. Less often, the process of bowel movement occurs after 2-3 hours. If a bowel movement has not come or the cat has become worse, contact your veterinarian immediately. Most likely you made a mistake in the cause of constipation or the diagnosis itself. Perhaps the animal suffers from a volvulus or blockage of the intestine.

          Treatment of constipation in cats with lactulose

          Recently, lactulose-based preparations have become very popular. The well-known Duphalac and Lakutsan seem to the owners to be absolutely safe drugs. Experience shows that lactulose-based preparations are often used without a prescription from a veterinarian.

          Important! Laxatives based on lactulose are the best known remedies for constipation in pets. However, despite the mild effect and quick results, medications should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

          Medicines based on lactulose are available as a syrup, which has a sweetish taste and a very thick consistency. The syrup consists of artificially synthesized milk sugar, which helps to hydrate and soften the stool.

          The main active ingredients of Duphalac and similar preparations are galactose and fructose. From these saccharides, a polysaccharide (lactulose) is synthesized, which is not absorbed in the intestines of a cat and is excreted from the body naturally. The preparations also contain organic acids that decompose naturally, enter the thick section and are excreted naturally.

          During the fermentation of lactulose, organic acids are formed in the intestines of the cat, which stimulate the mucous membranes to produce additional fluid. Polysaccharides and the fluid produced by the intestinal mucosa stimulate more active peristalsis and have a laxative effect.

          Important! Preparations containing lactulose are strictly contraindicated in cats that suffer from water-salt or water-electrolyte imbalance.

          If you have not received prescriptions from a veterinarian and treat the animal yourself, when calculating the dosage, you must rely on the proportion: 0.5 ml of the drug per 1 kilogram of weight (at the moment) of the animal. If the cat does not care about anything other than constipation, the calculated dose should be given to the pet 2-3 times a day. Dosage may be increased if constipation persists for more than 3 days.

          Please note! Overdose of lactulose should be avoided as the drug literally draws water out of the body, which can lead to dehydration.

          The duration of therapy depends on the clinical picture and the presence of side effects. After elimination of constipation, the drug is continued to be given for one day to avoid relapse. For the next 3-4 days after application, it is recommended that the cat be kept on the light diet and closely monitored.

          Lactulose preparations are considered relatively safe, but they have contraindications and side effects. To avoid surprises, it is advisable to start treating your pet after consulting a veterinarian. If a visit to the veterinary clinic is not possible, you need to take into account contraindications , which are indicated in the instructions. Since the drug is intended for humans, the instructions do not indicate that a cat may develop an adverse reaction (diarrhea) if she is allergic to lactose.

          Important! Preparations containing lactulose are strictly contraindicated in animals suffering from diabetes mellitus.

          Lactulose preparations are not recommended for use in combination with other drugs, since organic compounds actively react. In the process of assimilation of preparations with lactulose, ammonia is metabolized in the cat’s body, which should be released naturally. If the animal has liver pathologies, there may be problems or delays in the process of binding ammonia, which will lead to intoxication.

          Side effects of diarrhea and dehydration are considered to be expected with lactulose preparations. If your pet has side effects, the drug should be stopped and the ward should be taken to the veterinarian.

          Constipation in cats – symptoms, causes, home and professional treatment


          1. Symptoms of constipation
          2. Causes of constipation
            1. 2.1. Constipation after sterilization
          3. Why constipation is dangerous
          4. How to help a cat
            1. 4.1. Diet
            2. 4. 2. Vegetable oil
            3. 4.3. Laxative
            4. 4.4. Enema
            5. 4.5. Vaseline oil
          5. Prevention of constipation

          Constipation in cats is a fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon that can cause significant harm to your pet. At the same time, the nature of such a difficulty lies in the fact that it does not have a large number of noticeable symptoms, and an inattentive owner may not notice the problem for a long time. Nevertheless, it is the prompt response and the provision of timely assistance to the animal that play a very important role in this matter.

          Depending on the diet, the cat goes to the toilet at least once every 1-2 days, usually even more often. It is worth paying attention to this and reacting with an uncharacteristic delay.

          Symptoms of constipation

          The main symptom of constipation is the fact that your pet does not go to the toilet for 3 or more days. It is also worth noting that it is completely abnormal if the cat still goes to the tray, leaving behind a small amount of completely dry, often cracked lumps.

          Constipation is often due to a lack of liquid in the feed and this is an obvious sign.

          An indirect symptom may be the restless behavior of the animal and its frequent trips to the tray that do not end in a successful outcome.

          Causes of constipation

          The causes of constipation in cats are quite diverse, but most often this problem occurs due to an improper diet or its abrupt change. The diet must contain a sufficient amount of liquid and useful trace elements. At the same time, the deterioration of digestion occurs gradually, and not abruptly, so it will not be difficult for you to notice a decrease in your own pet’s appetite or his increased anxiety when visiting the tray.

          Speaking of other common causes of constipation, one cannot fail to mention the accumulation of hair. Unfortunately, in long-haired and less often short-haired breeds, wool does not always completely exit the body normally. Sometimes it collects in the intestines, tamping and causing constipation.

          It is also worth noting that a foreign body in the intestine can become the cause of constipation. Such objects may include bones from meat or fish, as well as inedible objects swallowed by accident or in connection with the development of a mental disorder.

          Your cat may be constipated due to more serious problems, including:

          • ulcers;
          • blood supply problems;
          • neoplasm of intestine or sphincter;
          • diabetes mellitus;
          • urolithiasis;
          • parasites;
          • various infectious diseases;
          • stress.

          That is why it is almost impossible to make an accurate diagnosis on your own, and therefore, in the event of a problem, it is especially important to contact a veterinarian in a timely manner. The specialist will not only examine the animal, but also take the necessary tests that will accurately indicate the cause, allowing you to immediately begin to solve it.

          Constipation after sterilization and other operations

          A separate cause of constipation is the consequences of various operations, and they are associated with the use of drugs for general anesthesia. This is a common consequence, called situational dysfunction, and in most cases it goes away on its own fairly quickly. However, if no positive changes occur within 5-6 days, it is urgent to show the animal to a qualified specialist.

          Many owners do not know what to do if the cat has constipation after sterilization and try to do self-treatment at home, in particular, use vaseline oil and other laxatives. However, such drugs quickly and effectively increase peristalsis, and if the intestinal wall was accidentally damaged during the operation, they can tear from active pressure, which is likely to lead to the death of the animal, even with timely assistance.

          Why constipation is dangerous

          Constipation is extremely dangerous for the animal for a number of reasons. Even if you do not take into account the fact that they may indicate some more serious problems, they cause real harm to the cat’s body. The biggest danger is the accumulation of feces, due to which there is a gradual intoxication with decay products. With a rupture of the intestine, everything happens even faster, and feces cause blood poisoning, which is almost impossible to cope with even with surgical intervention.

          How to help a cat: treating constipation

          Before you find out how to treat constipation in a cat, you need to confirm the diagnosis itself, and only a qualified veterinarian can do this. And the point is not even to understand whether the cat has constipation, you can figure it out on your own. The point is that the treatment of constipation must be done carefully and consistently, first of all, identifying and eliminating its cause.

          The initial examination and tests will help the veterinarian understand how to help the animal, as well as give you competent recommendations for home treatment. It should be understood that using folk remedies for treatment on your own is not only ineffective, but also very dangerous.

          Do not underestimate the seriousness of the problem and assume that a regular laxative or its analogues will be enough, because the digestion of humans and cats has several serious differences.

          In the case of parasite activity, the doctor will prescribe suitable drugs and a specific diet for you, since the nutrition of the animal in any case will need to be monitored very carefully. If we are talking about an infectious or viral disease, it will be necessary to deal with them initially, and if an adhesion or intestinal obstruction is detected, an urgent operation may be required.

          Formation of the right diet

          Nutrition is one of the main factors that will need to be taken into account in the future. The animal will need a specific sparing diet. There are specialized veterinary foods for constipation, they contain an increased amount of fiber that stimulates the stomach and intestines. Of course, this is not a complete treatment, but it is worth starting with this and in the future also try to give the animal a sufficient amount of vegetables, cereals and dairy products, without overdoing it too much, so as not to provoke constant flatulence. In general, the veterinarian will tell you what to feed the cat and how long to stick to such a diet, since diets may differ for different diseases, and in the case of operations, a separate diet is prescribed.

          Vegetable oil

          Vegetable oil in general promotes better bowel function and helps the animal to go to the litter box without problems. At the same time, you should not overdo it with its use, and even more so if you use it regularly, since it seriously loads the animal’s liver, which is much more vulnerable than that of humans. It is for this reason that sunflower oil should not be given to old, pregnant or sick cats. The recommended daily dose is only a few grams, so a couple of drops added to a meal will be more than enough.


          Often, a laxative is used as the main method of treatment, but it is important to understand that you cannot use such drugs on your own, as they have a strong effect. If the animal has no contraindications, then it is important to correctly calculate the dose, as well as give the animal auxiliary drugs that improve the intestinal microflora. The veterinarian will calculate doses depending on the current condition of the pet, its weight and age. He will advise you on the best preparations, and also indicate the number of applications.

          Use of enemas

          Many people think that an enema is the best remedy for constipation, but in the wrong hands it can easily do more harm than good to an animal. If you choose the wrong temperature or volume of liquid, you will cause serious discomfort and real pain to the animal. It is equally important to regulate the pressure correctly, and only an experienced specialist with relevant experience can competently perform such a task. That is why veterinarians warn owners of animals, especially small ones, to refrain from using enemas, and at least not to do this without prior consultation.

          Vaseline oil

          Vaseline oil effectively coats the intestinal walls, softens feces and is generally an excellent painless remedy for constipation. However, like other oils, it negatively affects the liver of the animal, and therefore it must be used after consultation with a specialist who will accurately calculate the doses based on the characteristics of the cat, its size, breed, age and condition. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to use vaseline and, for example, castor oil at the same time, because such combinations can eventually lead to acute liver failure.

          Prevention of constipation

          There are a number of basic rules, adhering to which you can reliably prevent the occurrence of constipation and increase the tone of your pet as a whole:

          • In order to prevent constipation, you do not need to use special medicated food, but you should pay attention to the animal’s diet. It is important to ensure that the food has enough moisture and fiber. At the same time, just putting a bowl of water in is not enough, as cats often cannot assess the problem themselves and do not drink enough. Fluid should always be ingested with food.
          • Help keep your pet active. Walk and play with him, provide certain loads, since all these natural actions have a positive effect on the work of the intestines and digestion in general. Also, do not let the cat gain excess weight, because this is especially dangerous in adulthood.

      Amazon sde 3 salary: Amazon SDE III Software Engineer Compensation

      Опубликовано: July 7, 2022 в 11:12 am


      Категории: Miscellaneous

      Amazon Software development engineer Salary at Different Levels| |Interviewkickstart

      If you are a software engineer, software developer, or coding engineer looking at a career in software development, you’re probably interested in what the top tech companies are paying. Today we’ll explore the compensation software developers receive at one of the most renowned FAANG companies in the world – Amazon.

      Growing from an online bookstore to an “everything” store that puts its customers first, Amazon is constantly evolving and innovating through its teams of software engineers. Additionally, the tech roles at Amazon are also constantly progressing to match new markets and skill requirements.

      In this article, we’ll look at the various software developer roles in Amazon and their respective pay averages. These are the topics we’ve covered:

      • Amazon Software Development Engineer Levels
      • Amazon Senior Software Development Engineer Salary
      • Amazon Software Development Engineer Stock Options
      • Benefits of Working at Amazon as a Software Development Engineer
      • Amazon Software Development Engineer Salaries Based on the Location
      • Amazon vs. Other Companies Software Development Engineer Salary Comparison
      • How to Negotiate Salary at Amazon
      • FAQs on Amazon
      • How to Crack a Software Development Interview at Amazon

      Amazon Software Development Engineer Levels

      Every role in the corporate framework of Amazon is associated with a level. This level is determined based on two parameters:

      1. Years of Experience
      2. Performance in the Interview

      After taking into consideration both the parameters mentioned above, a level from L4-L7 is allotted to the designation of the candidate. Here are the main job titles in the compensation hierarchy when it comes to  software development engineers:

      Associate Software Development Engineer 1 (SDE I, Level 4)

      An SDE-I is a new hire with around 1-3 years of experience. Most corporate positions at Amazon begin at Level 4. 

      Software Development Engineer 2 (SDE-II, Level 5)

      SDE-II is an individual with 3-10 years of experience; this includes experience with large codebases.  

      Software Development Engineer 3 (SDE-III, Level 6)

      This level is achieved after completing at least 8-10 years of experience in the field of Software Development. The individual at this level should have led at least one important project. 

      Principle Software Development Engineer (Level 7)

      An individual who begins a career at Level 4 at Amazon rarely reaches this position. This level is reserved for people with 10-15 years of experience. 

      Amazon Senior Software Development Engineer Salary

      The salary structure of a software development engineer at Amazon can be divided into three components:

      • Base Salary: The base salary is determined based on the function and location of the employee; however, the base salary has an upper limit of $160,000 and rarely exceeds this value. 
      • Bonus: The bonuses are awarded on an annual basis, and it varies between employees.
      •  Restricted Stock Units: RSU is a part of Amazon’s compensation package through which some shares of the company are given to the employee. We’ll discuss this further in the next section.

      The estimated salaries for each level have been taken from

      At Amazon, the compensation of an employee is based on their level. For example, a senior software development engineer at Amazon would be at Level 6 and would earn an estimated salary of around e $300K per year. 

      Amazon Software Development Engineer Stock Options

      As a software development engineer at Amazon, you’re entitled to earn Restricted Stock Units (RSUs). Every FAANG company has its own way of compensating its employees through stocks and shares. This is a part of the total compensation that an individual receives.

      At Amazon, the RSUs are subject to a four-year vesting schedule, so you’ll have to work at the company for a number of years before you can cash in your stock,

      With every passing year, the vest will increase. In the first year, 5% of the stock will vest, whereas, in the second year, 15% will vest. In the third and fourth years, 40% of the stock will vest, respectively. 

      Benefits of Working at Amazon as a Software Development Engineer

      In addition to the senior software development Amazon salary, employees are also eligible for various added benefits that Amazon has to offer. Amazon provides its employees with benefits worth approximately $5,400. These benefits can be broadly classified into three categories:

      Transportation Benefits

      Amazon has company shuttles, regional transits, and in case the mode of transport provided by the company isn’t sufficient, then Amazon even provides transport allowances to its employees. 

      Health, Insurance, and Wellness Benefits

      Some of the insurance policies provided by Amazon include:

      • Accidental death and dismemberment insurance
      • Dental and vision insurance
      • Health insurance
      • Disability insurance
      • Life insurance
      • Pet insurance

      Onsite wellness benefits:

      • Gym reimbursement
      • Custom workstation for selective employees
      • Pet-friendly workplace

      Employee leave policy:

      • Paternity leave of up to 6 weeks and maternity leave of up to 10 weeks
      • 5 days of paid sick time off
      • Personal leaves (6 personal days per year)

      Amazon also contributes $500 to the employee savings count.

      Home and Financial Benefits

      Amazon offers a relocation bonus of $700

      A thing unique to Amazon is, they offer a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA. The company allows the employee to contribute 10% of their pay towards the after-tax portion of the 401K plan. Employees also get:

      • 401K Pension Plan
      • Phone bill reimbursement
      • Pet assistance
      • Fertility assistance

      Amazon Software Development Engineer Based on Location

      The total compensation earned by a software development engineer varies according to the location and years of experience in the technological field. 

      This is not an all-inclusive list; Amazon has many more locations all across the United States.

      As compared to the average salary earned by a level 6 senior software development engineer in other locations, the annual income of an employee working in the headquarters is substantially higher. 

      Software Development Engineer Salary at Amazon vs.

      Other Companies 

      A great way to decide if the compensation offered by Amazon is the best in the field is by comparing the salary offered by Amazon with two other leading tech companies — Microsoft and Google.

      Entry-level Compensation Comparison

      The compensation offered by Amazon to an entry-level Software Development Engineer is $151K, whereas, for the same position, Microsoft offers $162K, and Google offers $180K

      Second-level Compensation Comparison

      The compensation offered to a Level 2 Amazon Software Development Engineer is $206K, whereas Google offers $256K and Microsoft offers $176K.

      Third-level Compensation Comparison

      The compensation offered to a Level three Amazon Software Development Engineer is $305K, whereas Google offers $343K and Microsoft offers $221K.  

      So, if you are looking to join a company for a good pay scale, Google should be your target. However, if growth is what you wish to achieve, Amazon will be a perfect fit for you. 

      How to Negotiate Salary at Amazon

      Whether you are starting a new position or are expecting a promotion, or are relocating, salary negotiation is going to be a crucial aspect of the process. There are few points to keep in mind while politely negotiating for a salary you deserve:

      1. Know Your Worth! Do not undermine your efforts and years of experience in front of the recruiters. 
      2. Research about the pay scale and compensation benefits offered at other FAANG companies. This will help you derive an estimate for yourself.
      3. Ask for more than what you expect; this way, you give the recruiters some room for adjustment. 
      4. Negotiate for the salary at the right time. This is an important point to be noted when it comes to seeking a promotion. A bad mood can throw your opportunity of getting a raise out the window. 

      Signing bonuses offered by Amazon are extremely luring, so if you really think you deserve much more than what is offered, you can politely negotiate. 

      Feel free to check out our blog on Salary Negotiation Tips to learn about some of the common mistakes made during the process of salary negotiation and how to avoid them. Also, check out Highest Salary earned by a Software Development Engineer at FAANG companies. 

      FAQs on Amazon

      1. Does Amazon have a Salary Cap?
        Yes, recruiters cannot offer a base salary higher than what is allotted to a given role and location. The base salary might vary according to the function but rarely exceeds $160,000. 
      2. Can I apply to Amazon as a fresher Software Development Engineer?
        It is recommended to gain experience from other tech companies before applying for Amazon, as Amazon mostly recruits individuals with a minimum of two years of work experience.  

      How to Crack the Software Development Interview at Amazon?

      The only way to ace any of the FAANG company interviews, be it for the post of software engineer, software developer, or tech lead, is by adopting a smart strategy. The strategy can be devised only after understanding the technical interview process. After that, the following points can be considered:

      1. Derive a comprehensive and structured technical interview prep plan.
      2. Practice solving data algorithm problems every day to improve your problem-solving skills. 
      3. Use competitive programming platforms to improve your coding skills.
      4. Practice mock interviews with Amazon hiring managers and employees.

      The only way to successfully follow the mentioned points is to have a well-planned course. 

      If you are preparing for a tech interview, check out our technical interview checklist, interview questions page, and salary negotiation ebook to get interview-ready! Also, read How hard it is to get a job at Amazon, How to get software engineering Jobs at Amazon, and How to prepare for Amazon On-site Interview for specific insights and guidance on Amazon tech Interviews.

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      At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors who are hiring managers and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies.

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      Amazon Software Engineer Salary, Compensation & Benefits (2022)

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      How much is an Amazon software engineer salary, and what are the benefits of working as one? We explore this and more in this article.

      6 min read

      19 Jun, 2022

      Amazon is one of the most valuable companies globally, employing over one million full-time and part-time staff. Although it started out as an e-commerce platform, it has since branched out into technological products, particularly Amazon Web Services, which powers numerous companies globally.

      Amazon’s success is thanks to its software engineers, the people working behind the scenes to ensure the company runs smoothly.

      But what can you expect to get paid as a software engineer at Amazon, and what is the benefits package like? Let’s dive into it.

      Benefits of Working as a Software Engineer at Amazon

      Software engineering is one of the most in-demand skills globally. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for software developers is expected to grow 22% between 2020 and 2030. This figure is higher than the projections for other occupations.

      Evidently, software developers are in high demand, which could improve their ability to secure great jobs with excellent benefits. However, what is the benefit of choosing to work at Amazon over numerous tech companies? This section shares some insights.

      Healthcare Benefits

      Amazon provides a host of healthcare benefits for its employees, covering dental care, eye care, mental health treatments, and critical illnesses. The company also partners with Progyny to provide infertility treatment coverage.


      Amazon employees are insured for a broad range of situations. For example, the company provides short and long-term disability insurance to staff members working over 30 hours weekly. This is at no cost to the worker. Employees also get life, accidental death, and dismemberment insurance, while they could also get pet and home insurance.

      Pregnancy and Parental Leave

      Employees who have or adopt children often need time to get used to the change, and Amazon considers that. Subject to certain conditions, Amazon employees could get up to 14 weeks of paid leave for pregnant workers and six weeks of parental leave. There’s also a plan to ease workers who just had a child back into the workplace over eight weeks.

      Restricted Stock Units

      Tech companies have been offering employees a chance to own a part of the company for a long time now. With these arrangements, employees who stay with a company for a certain period could make significant financial gains. Amazon also offers workers who work more than 30 hours a week a chance to own part of the company.

      It’s important to point out that benefits offered to employees could vary based on their specific contracts and even location. Therefore, endeavor to check with your recruiter to understand the benefits available to you.

      At 4 Day Week, we help job seekers understand the salary structure in different industries. Contact us for more information.

      Amazon Software Engineer Levels

      Anyone who understands how corporate organizations work knows a hierarchy governs many activities. This ranking helps them bring order to the organization and affects compensation.

      In Amazon, software engineers fall into one of five categories – SDE I, SDE II, SDE III, Principal SDE, and Senior Principal SDE. SDE stands for Software Development Engineer.

      We break down these classifications below.

      • SDE I, also known as software development engineer I, is an entry-level position and is reserved for candidates with less than three years of experience.

      • SDE II is the next level and is for software engineers with more than three years of experience but less than ten years of experience.

      • By SDE III, an employee is getting into senior roles. It is reserved for software engineers with between eight and ten years of experience.

      • Employees with 10 to 15 years of experience often become Principal SDEs. However, with research suggesting that most millennials and Gen Zs are likely to change jobs within three years, it’s easy to see why very few people who start as SDE I ever get to this level.

      Very few people become Senior Principal SDEs because the job is so much harder.

      Software Development Engineer Amazon Salary Explained

      Amazon’s software development engineer salaries comprise some of the highest in the technology industry. Typically, base salaries exist for each level. However, considering not all software engineers possess the same experience, the final compensation for each person may vary.

      Additionally, salaries are made up of a base salary, bonuses, and restricted stock units. Restricted stock units are a major component of a software engineer Amazon salary, so we’ll explain how they work.

      Startups usually give stock options to compensate for offering a lower salary than the industry average. By providing employees with these stock options, companies can get them to feel like co-owners. Of course, the number of shares each employee receives will depend on their level of experience, how desperate the organization is to get them, and often how well they can negotiate.

      However, getting these stocks does not automatically translate to immediate value, as employees will often be unable to access them until after a specific period. This is called a vesting period and is put in place to ensure the company’s stock does not fall into the wrong hands.

      For example, an employee could be given 8,000 shares in a company to be vested after four years. While the entire stock options will be available after four years, certain percentages could be available after specific milestones. Using our earlier example, 10% of the employee’s stock options could vest after a year. If vesting was subject to a one-year ‘cliff,’ an employee who leaves before a year will get nothing.

      Now, let’s look at a software developer engineer Amazon salary for each level.

      Level Base Stock Bonus Total
      SDE I $167k $22k $19k $167k
      SDE II $155k $64k $16k $234k
      SDE III $170k $156k $14k $340k
      Principal SDE $183k $384k $30k $598k
      Senior Principal SDE $235k $720k $0k $956k

      Senior Principal SDE

      At this level, the Amazon software engineer salary is $820,000 in total compensation. The base compensation is $195,000, with stocks of $625,000. There is no bonus for senior principal SDE.

      Can My Location Affect My Software Development Engineer Amazon Salary?

      Salaries have often been affected by the local economic climate. Therefore, an Amazon software engineer living in San Francisco may earn more than one living in Phoenix even though they have similar experiences.

      Below, we look at some locations, levels, and amounts earned as salary, stock, and bonus.

      Level Location Base Stock Bonus Total
      SDE I Seattle, WA $122k $20k $18k $161k
      SDE I Portland, OR $119k $24k $12k $155k
      SDE II Dallas, TX $140k $54k $19k $219k
      SDE II San Diego, CA $151k $60k $16k $227k
      SDE III Seattle $167k $156k $7k $329k
      SDE III San Diego, CA $166k $126k $0k $286k
      Principal SDE Seattle, WA $177k $381k $19k $578k
      Principal SDE San Francisco, CA $204k $415k $52k $672k

      How Does an Amazon Software Engineer Salary Compare With Other Tech Companies?

      Naturally, you may want to know what other tech companies offer for the role you’re interviewing for. Consequently, we’ll compare an Amazon software development engineer salary with those at Netflix and Facebook.

      Note that Netflix does not have as many levels as Facebook and Amazon. Therefore, we would be looking at a range of values rather than what an engineer makes at each level.

      Entry-level Software Engineers

      According to, an entry-level software engineer at Netflix can earn a base salary of $217,000, which could rise to $239k,000 when bonuses and stock options are added. For Amazon, that is $165,000, while entry-level software engineers at Facebook could earn up to $184,000 in total compensation.

      Senior Software Engineers

      A senior software engineer at Amazon could earn a total of $591,000 compared to $386,000 and $200,000 at Facebook and Netflix, respectively. Remember that these salaries are estimates and could be higher or lower depending on numerous factors.

      Salary Negotiation Is Important!

      Getting a job as a software developer at Amazon is a dream for many people. In this section, we discuss some of the things you should know when interviewing for a software engineering role at Amazon.

      The first is that you can always negotiate your salary. Many people, especially in entry-level roles, are not aware that they can negotiate their wages. However, you can do that in most companies, including Amazon. Regardless, the recruiter may not go above a specific point as each role will have a limit.

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      What is the Highest Amazon Software Engineer Salary?

      Monthly updates on industry salary
      changes and top paying companies


      How much does an Amazon Software Engineer make? Well, there are lots of, shall we say “speculative” answers to this question online. The goal of this page is to cut through the noise and provide the real data based on our experience with 100s of tech negotiations and 1000s of submitted offers. Below, we’ve listed the top of band compensation for multiple Amazon Software Engineer levels. There is also a bonus section at the bottom with info on negotiating Amazon SWE offers.

      Negotiate Your Offer

      Book a Free Consultation

      Amazon Software Engineer Offer Components

      • Amazon base salary:

        base salary at Amazon is fairly standard. The one unique element was that for almost all of 2021 there was a $160K/$185K base salary cap in Seattle/SF

      • Amazon equity (RSUs):

        Amazon’s equity vesting schedule is non-standard and heavily back weighted. You will vest equity (i.e. you receive shares) over a 4 year period but only 5% in year 1, 15% year 2, 40% in year 3 and 4. Amazon quotes a specific number of shares rather than dollar value, but you can calculate a decent approximation of the dollar value by looking at the average share price over the past month

      • Amazon signing bonus:

        Amazon has a signing bonus in year 1 and year 2. These are typically much larger than at other companies to make up for the tiny portion of equity that is vesting in year 1 and 2

      • Amazon performance bonus:

        Amazon does not have targets for performance bonuses. You shouldn’t factor this into your total comp at Amazon

      • Amazon stock refreshers:

        Amazon stock refreshers are very hit or miss and depend on your manager/team in addition to your own performance. You will almost always receive additional stocks at the end of your initial 4-year grant, but the usual stacking of stock refreshers in year 2 and 3 doesn’t typically happen at Amazon

      Note: levelling is critical to understanding compensation bands. If you aren’t familiar with Amazon levels (which are quite unique), skip to the bottom to read this.

      Base Salary


      Equity (4 years)


      Yr 1 Signing Bonus


      Yr 2 Signing Bonus


      Reminder: Amazon’s level structure is unique and an L5 SWE at Amazon is equivalent to an E4/L4 SWE at Facebook or Google. The top of band numbers are based on SF/NYC pay bands – Seattle will be lower.

      Base Salary


      Equity (4 years)


      Yr 1 Signing Bonus


      Yr 2 Signing Bonus


      The numbers above are for L6 SWE roles in SF/NYC. Typically SDM roles pay 10-15% higher TC.

      Base Salary


      Equity (4 years)


      Yr 1 Signing Bonus


      Yr 2 Signing Bonus


      These numbers were clearly above band through the first half of 2021 but Amazon began to adjust bands upwards in November and December.

      Amazon Software Engineer Negotiation

      So now you’ve got the comp data, are you ready to negotiate? Not quite.

      First off, comp data is constantly changing and Amazon made significant modifications to its compensation approach in 2022. Early 2022 numbers are already coming in higher than the 2021 numbers listed above, and it’s critical to know the full range for each component to optimize your negotiation. Amazon also fundamentally changed how they structure offers with the removal of their artificially low base salary caps. But even more than that, many people think knowing the compensation data is the most important part of a negotiation, but it’s not. You can go tell your Amazon recruiter that you read online the top of band is $X and you want that number, but in 90% of cases that won’t work. So what will?

      Companies negotiate when they believe you won’t accept their offer. But, since you just finished a long and arduous interview process with them, they know you are likely to accept the job unless you have higher competing offers from other great companies.

      This means you need to create leverage and make it believable that you are considering other options but would prefer Amazon if the compensation is comparable. This sounds easy but quickly becomes challenging if you don’t have other offers or if your other offers aren’t higher than the top of band comp numbers you are targeting.

      Assuming you do have a higher competing offer (i.e. above your top of band target) from another good company, the negotiation can still be surprisingly difficult. Amazon has many unusual policies. For example, they by default assume 15% stock appreciation in their offers – though they don’t openly disclose it. This means they will claim to have “matched” a competing offer when in fact their offer is much lower. There are multiple rules like this at Amazon, and the strategies that we’ve found work best to get around them are often not intuitive. In our experience, Amazon’s comp team operates like a bureaucracy where through trial and error you can figure out how to reliably turn specific pieces of information (inputs) into your target output.

      Amazon Software Engineer Levels

      Amazon Levels

      L4 (SDE I)

      L5 (SDE II)

      L6 (Senior SDE)

      L7 (Principal SDE / Senior SDM)

      L8 (Director)

      Google Levels




      Between L6 and L7


      Amazon does not follow industry standards when it comes to levelling, though to be fair many companies take a unique approach. We’d recommend using Google levels as the benchmark. Other companies like Facebook, DoorDash, etc. use the Google system just with different names (e.g. IC5/L5/E5 are the same at those companies). Amazon inflates levels by +1 for more junior levels (e.g. Amazon L4 = Google L3, both are entry level positions). However, this trend breaks at Amazon L7, which is closer to Google L7 than Google L6 in terms of compensation and scope. The 3 other main levelling systems to be aware of are: 1) Microsoft where 65 = Amazon L6 2) Apple where ICT4 is in between Amazon L5 and L6 3) Stripe/Robinhood/etc. where L2/IC2 = Amazon L5.

      1:1 Salary Negotiation Support

      We’ve negotiated more than $45M in Amazon offers. Our largest Amazon increase was $970K.

      Step 1 is defining the strategy, which often starts by helping you create leverage for your negotiation (e.g. setting up conversations with FAANG recruiters).

      Step 2 we decide on anchor numbers and target numbers with the goal of securing a top of band offer, based on our internal verified data sets.

      Step 3 we create custom scripts for each of your calls, practice multiple 1:1 mock negotiations, and join your recruiter calls to guide you via chat.

      Negotiate Your Offer

      Amazon Software Engineer Salary [2022]

      Table Of Contents


      • Who is Software Engineer?
      • What are Software Engineer Duties and Responsibilities in Amazon?
      • Key Reasons to Become a Software Engineer
      • Amazon Software Engineer Salary
        • Amazon Software Engineer Salary by Experience:
        • Amazon Software Engineer Salary by Location:
        • Amazon Software Engineer Salary by Skill Set:
        • Amazon Software Engineer Salary by Level:
      • Benefits at Amazon
      • How to Crack the Amazon Software Engineer Interview?
      • Conclusion
      • FAQs
      • Additional Resources

      ‍The demand for software engineers is at an all-time high, and this has led to average salaries for these professionals increasing as well. The market for software engineers is so hot right now that it’s raising the pay for software engineers. With so many companies and startups looking for software engineers, the demand has risen to the point where it has made software engineering a lucrative field. In this blog post, we’ll give you an overview of the salary you can expect as an Amazon software engineer.

      Who is Software Engineer?

      A software engineer is a person who designs, develops, and performs the operations of computer software. The software engineer works in teams, specializing in a certain domain of computer science, such as artificial intelligence, computer programming, computer architecture, or software engineering.  Software engineers are responsible for developing computer applications that are used by the public. They can work in different industries, including government, healthcare, retail, and many more. They also have the opportunity to have a huge impact on the way certain industries function.

      What are Software Engineer Duties and Responsibilities in Amazon?

      Software engineers in Amazon lead the way for the company’s digital transformation by inventing, creating, and leading teams in the application of computer science and engineering principles. They partner with their engineering teams to build solutions that will improve customers’ lives. They are ultimately responsible for the successful delivery and launch of the company’s technology solutions like websites, and applications.  Amazon has been operating in the online retail business since 1994. During this period, they have grown to become one of the world’s largest online retail companies. To keep up with the demand, they have to continue to hire software engineers that can help them create new and better solutions for their customers.  Amazon engineers work in different teams and projects at the company. Their daily work involves helping customers by making their lives easier. They do this by building solutions for drivers, for example, and by creating user interfaces that make it easier for people to shop and order goods.

      Key Reasons to Become a Software Engineer

      • Excellent Salary and Benefits – Since the demand for software engineers is high, and salaries have been rising, there are many advantages that you can enjoy as a software engineer. One of the major advantages of becoming a software engineer is the high salary that you can earn. You can expect to earn anywhere between $100,000 and $150,000 annually, depending on your experience and industry. Another advantage of becoming a software engineer is the excellent benefits you can receive. You will be eligible for healthcare coverage, and you can also expect to receive generous vacation time, free food allowance, and much more.  As an engineer, you can even get your salary paid upfront to become accustomed to a comfortable monthly lifestyle.
      • Public Speaking Opportunity – Knowing and enjoying one’s profession is important for reaching top positions at the company or even winning jobs in bigger corporations. Amazon provides one of the best skills training programs that teaches you to be a better public speaker. You will not only learn your rights and wrongs as a professional but also be able to sell yourself by handling tricky situations.
      • Experience in Tech Companies – Although software engineers are seen as modern-day wizards that master the art of coding, they need some kind of knowledge and experience before they start their job at Amazon. The company invites fresh graduates of engineering faculties repeatedly so that they can get sufficient hands-on experience with the system at hand, thus making them more qualified when they try to move up the ladder.
      • Benefits – Even though the salary and bonus rate at Amazon are similar to that of many employers, a large perk list favors its employees. You can get health insurance for a specified period, offer a place in a fully-furnished home, and even get stock options to future-proof your investment at the company. Being one of the top employers worldwide also sets Amazon apart from your average company. Doubling in size every 10 years, there is no doubt that you can get great returns from working here.
      • Work from Home – Another advantage of becoming a software engineer is that you can choose to work from home. This means you can set your own schedule and be at home whenever you choose. In this way, you can be more productive and have more time to spend with your family. Working from home can also help you save money by reducing the cost of gas that you would incur if you drive to an office every day. Furthermore, the work-from-home option can also help you manage your work schedule better. You will be able to schedule your work and spend more time on what is really important to you. As a result, you can feel more accomplished and productive.
      • Management: Scalability – Will your app be used by hundreds of thousands of users or millions? Because not all web applications scale as well as others. Because technical requirements matter, you need to become far better at investigating how much a given product will grow for usage than relying simply on some random estimate you heard about from a very cool person.

      Amazon Software Engineer Salary

      Amazon pays handsomely for its software engineers, and they also have the best-paid roles. The typical software engineer salary at Amazon is $153,164 per year. This is not only good compared to other companies but also good compared to other industries.   Salaries are higher in Seattle, where Amazon is based, than in other cities. New York City, in particular, has been experiencing a shortage of software engineers and their salaries have consequently risen. The best-paid roles in New York City are software engineer salaries that can go as high as $180,000 per year.


      Amazon Software Engineer Salary by Experience:

      In 2021, the average salary for a software engineer getting hired was $117K in the United States and $111k in London. The new Amazon Software Engineer Salaries on average by almost $106K per year. If the Software engineer with 1 to 4 years of experience earns an average salary of 124K per year.

      According to Payscale’s report on anonymous user-submitted data: At Amazon, beginning software engineers make about 33% more than other companies’ senior software engineers—180% higher than entry-level roles! But why? Well, median salaries aren’t always the best indicator of how much you can expect as an Amazon software engineer as most people get a bonus – higher salaries are likely with time in rank and responsibility. In order to up your earnings at Amazon, you’ll need to place some serious elbow-grease into technical rockstar skills such as AWS Technology, Go, DevOps Skills Set, and Machine Learning Skills to name a few that come highly regarded.

      The salary structure of a software development engineer at Amazon can be divided into three parts:

      – Base Salary: Base salaries are typically determined based on the function and location of the employee, but can rarely exceed $160,000.

      – Bonus: Bonuses are awarded on an annual basis and vary between employees.

      – Stocks: Amazon offers RSU, a part of their compensation package, through which some shares of the company are given to employees.

      SDE1 – An SDE-I is a new hire with around 1-3 years of experience in their career at Amazon. This level is the most common starting point for corporate positions, as it typically has to do with experience and company culture, not technical or functional expertise.

      SDE2 – SDE-II is an individual with 3 to 10 years of experience. This includes experience with large codebases.

      SDE3 – To achieve the level of Senior Software Developer, one must have at least 8-10 years of experience in software development. After achieving this milestone, you will be qualified to lead projects for bigger companies and receive a promotion that is equal to two levels beneath yours.

      Principle Software Development Engineer: An individual who begins their career at Level 4 of Amazon rarely reaches this position. But, what about those with 10-15 years of experience? They are ranked on a separate level here in the company and hold a lot more respect than those just starting out!

      Years of Experience Total Base Stocks(/yr) Bonus
      1-3 Year $162K $123K $19K $20K
      3-10 Year $223K $150K $59K $13K
      8-10 Year $327K $163K $151K $12K
      10-15 Year $656K $168K $423K $64K

      Amazon Software Engineer Salary by Location:

      36 percent of Amazon’s workforce is located at its Seattle headquarters. You can find a list of Seattle job openings on their website. But will recruiting top developers in San Francisco, Austin or New York really prove to be that much more difficult? Perhaps tellingly, Amazon confirmed late last year that it will begin splitting its corporate office space between Bay Area and Seattle-doubling down on Seattle for long-term growth. And if you’re wondering which side of the country is best to land a software development gig, just take note of average pay rates: According to PayScale, Washington State’s median state salary is $170K as compared to California in terms of pay among the high-flying jobs-slashing off $10K (+12 percent) from household earnings.

      Amazon Software Engineer Salary by Skill Set:

      Tech Pro Research recently predicted that certain software developer specialties including UX/UI (user interface/user experience – UI/UX) engineers and cryptography developers will be among the hottest programming roles in demand. Prospective SDE Amazon recruits will require a minimum computer science degree with specialties including cloud computing or AWS, Microsoft or PHP web development, Big Data, and business intelligence to code software designed specifically to handle massive amounts of data in the system(s) environment(s), information management platforms and analytics.

      Skills Salary
      SDE $1,41,279/yr
      Web Developer $1,28,234/yr
      Amazon Web Services $1,39,336/yr
      Software Development Engineer In Test I $1,29,095/yr
      Data Scientist $1,40,662/yr
      Machine Learning Engineer $1,69,286/yr
      Data Analyst $93,764/yr
      Data Engineer I $1,23,343/yr
      Devops Engineer $1,22,954/yr

      Amazon Software Engineer Salary by Level:

      The salary levels of a Software Engineer at Amazon range from L4 to L10 (Distinguished Engineer), with the average salary for an engineer on this level as high as $941,000. Sharing in company stock options would further increase one’s earnings potential and make you eligible to participate in the long-term equity incentive

      Benefits at Amazon

      Amazon offers a wide range of benefits for its employees. These benefits can be used by people who work for Amazon full-time, part-time, or as independent contractors. Benefits that are offered by Amazon include healthcare insurance coverage, 401(k) retirement plan, generous parental leave, stock options, education reimbursement, and more.  Amazon also has a flexible benefits program called AWS AMAZON REWARDS. This program gives Amazon employees points that can be redeemed for gifts, including gift cards to restaurants, retailers, and more. The program is available to employees who work with AWS.

      How to Crack the Amazon Software Engineer Interview?

      When it comes to interviews at Amazon, you will be put through a rigorous evaluation process. You must show your employers that you can handle the skills and knowledge required of a software engineer at Amazon. Therefore, you should prepare thoroughly for the Amazon interview.  When it comes to preparation, you should be ready to answer any and all questions the interviewer might ask you during the interview. You should also prepare to talk about your past work experience, your educational background, and your hobbies.  You should also be ready for an interview that could last for up to one and half hours. You should keep in mind that Amazon interviews are very thorough and are intended to determine whether you have what it takes to be a software engineer at Amazon. It is therefore crucial that you show your potential employers that you can handle the rigours of a software engineer at Amazon.

      You should arrive a few minutes early, so you will have enough time to make yourself comfortable. Bring with you the necessary materials such as pencils and pens. One of the vital requirements of a software developer at Amazon is creativity, so be prepared to imagine beyond the routine. You should be ready to use everything you have heard during the interview in designing software!

      When it comes to preparing for the Amazon Software Engineer Interview, here are tips on what you need to do:

      • Your focus must be on reading through any important coding questions and/or scenarios that might come up during your interview.
      • You should be ready for surprises in an Amazon Software Engineer Interview because computer programming is an advanced field.
      • Although questions intended for technical expertise will always come up in interviews, these questions have different meanings specifically for Computer Engineers with regard to their role at Amazon.
      • The following lists of areas empower a Software Development Engineer at Amazon:
        • Programming—Data Structures, Algorithms, Theory (a favorite branch of study among Amazon Software Engineers at the entry-salary level)
        • Design—Problem Solving and Design (a means by which new code additions can be improvised on the fly)
        • Debugging and Testing—Programming Weaknesses (a crucial skill of a Software Engineer at Amazon)

      I hope these tips will help you be successful in your interview with one of the top technology companies, like Amazon. You can also check the full list of amazon interview questions from here.


      Amazon is a company that provides a wide range of products, from groceries to streaming services. It is also a place where software engineers can make their mark and earn a good salary. If you want to work for Amazon, you should note the following:

      • The demand for software engineers is high, and salaries have been rising. As a result, competition is also high and you can expect to receive a good salary as a software engineer at Amazon.
      • Another major advantage of working for Amazon is the excellent benefits that are offered by Amazon to its employees.  Amazon offers a wide range of benefits, and they are easy to use as well. You can also redeem your points for gifts and other things as well.
      • The work culture at Amazon is also very friendly, which makes it a good place to work.
      • If you want to become a software engineer at Amazon, you should note the following: You can expect high pay as a software engineer at Amazon, excellent benefits, and a good work environment.


      Q: Does Amazon pay well for software engineers?
      Answer:  Amazon offers an excellent salary and benefits to their software engineers. The average salary for a software engineer at Amazon is $150,000 – $200,000.

      Q: How many hours do Amazon software developers work?
      Answer:  Usually, Amazon software engineers work about 45 to 55 hours per week. However, you can vary this to whatever hours you want if you want to work from home. 

      Additional Resources

      • Software Engineering Interview Questions
      • Software Engineer Salary in Texas
      • Software Engineer Salary in New York
      • Apple Software Engineer Salary
      • Facebook Software Engineer Salary
      • Full Stack Engineer Salary
      • Software Engineer Salary in India
      • Software Engineering MCQ
      • Software Engineering Books
      • Software Engineering Projects
      • Principles of Software Engineering
      • Software Developer vs Software Engineer
      • Characteristics of Software in Software Engineering

      Tech and Software Engineer Salaries at Amazon in the Netherlands



      Software Development Engineer 2



      €87K salary, €20K sign-on


      Amsterdam (flexible days)

      Software Developer Engineer



      €60K salary, €21K sign-on, €9K equity/year, $8K relocation



      Senior Technical Instructor



      €88K salary, €33K equity/year


      🔒 Mid-level position within software engineering



      €80K salary


      Amsterdam (hybrid option)

      🔒 Mid-level position within software engineering



      €80K salary, €33K equity/year



      🔒 Mid-level position within software engineering



      €87K salary



      🔒 Mid-level position within software engineering



      €87K salary, €10K equity/year


      Amsterdam (hybrid option)

      Cloud Infrastructure Architect



      €150K salary


      Amsterdam (hybrid option)

      Senior Software Engineer



      €117K salary, €48K equity/year


      Amsterdam (hybrid option)

      Solutions Architect



      €97K salary, €40K sign-on, €13K equity/year



      SDE II



      €89K salary, €5K equity/year


      Amsterdam (flexible days)

      SDE II



      €97K salary, €22K sign-on, €5K equity/year



      🔒 Senior-level position within software engineering



      €104K salary, €40K sign-on, €6K equity/year



      Principal Solutions Engineer




      €130K salary, €60K bonus, €8K equity/year







      €75K salary, €17K sign-on, €5K equity/year



      🔒 Senior-level position within software engineering




      €77K salary, €17K equity/year


      Amsterdam (hybrid option)

      Software Development Engineer




      €80K salary, €30K equity/year, €5K benefits


      Amsterdam (flexible days)

      Senior Software Engineer




      €90K salary, €135K equity/year, €3K benefits


      Flexible days

      🔒 Entry-level position within software engineering



      €66K salary, €16K sign-on, €0K equity/year



      Software Engineer




      €62K salary, €10K sign-on, €8K equity/year

      Amazon Sde 3 Salary – Company Salaries

      Amazon sde 3 salary

      Average google sde salary in india is ₹ 33. 8 lakhs per year for employees with less than 1 year of experience.
      According to our estimates it is 24% more than the average sde salary in internet companies companies.
      Salary estimates are based on 19 salaries received from various employees of google.
      As to salary, take your total comp and increase by 20% and make google match/exceed that.
      Imho google is an all around better place to be.
      Sde iii l6 senior sde salary:
      This is a rare opportunity to be part of a team that will be responsible for building a.
      This estimate is based upon 7 amazon sde3 salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.
      Amazon sde 1 salary negotiation on hi, i recently got an offer from amazon for sde1 role, my performance on the interviews was on the higher end of the sde 1 interview matrix (i originally aimed for sde 2).
      Software engineer compensation at amazon ranges from $170k per year for sde i to $526k per year for principal sde.

      5,00,000 (1st year) + 3,00,000 (2nd year) relocation:
      This estimate is based upon 12 amazon software development engineer iii salary report (s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.
      Our development team plays a pivotal role in this program, with the mission to build a comprehensive solution for the india business.
      Sde salary at google ranges between ₹ 12 lakhs to ₹ 72 lakhs per year.
      Average amazon sde salary in bengaluru/bangalore is ₹ 21.1 lakhs for less than 1 to 4 years of experience.

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      Salary estimates are based on 19 salaries received from various employees of google.
      The average salary for sde 2 at companies like in the united states is $96,563 as of january 27, 2022, but the salary range typically falls between $85,797 and $108,807.
      Sde 3 promos at amazon are a 10% tc increase.

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      Amazon Sde 3 Salary Art Design Ideas

      Sde salary at google ranges between ₹ 12 lakhs to ₹ 72 lakhs per year.
      Aft builds and operates the software, hardware, and processes that run the global network of fulfillment centers, which move billions of units of inventory and ensures customers get what they want.
      Asu’s or restricted stock units;

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      SDE 1, SDE 2, SDE 3 Amazon, Google, Uber 🤘 Expectations, amazon’s marketplace in india, is building a team to take it to the next level by building capabilities that are relevant for customers in india.
      The median total compensation package for a sde iii at amazon is $330,000.
      Amazon sde 1 salary negotiation on hi, i recently got an offer from amazon for sde1 role, my performance on the interviews was on the higher end of the sde 1 interview matrix (i originally aimed for sde 2).

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      Software Architect Amazon Salary SOFTREWA

      The average salary for a software development engineer (sde) is ₹1,520,492.
      View the base salary, stock, and bonus breakdowns for amazon’s total compensation packages.
      View more software engineer salary ranges with breakdowns by base, stock, and bonus amounts.

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      Amazon Sde 1 Salary pzazzhairdesign

      Salary estimates are based on 19 salaries received from various employees of google.
      Well, 8 years experience is usually towards the minimum criteria for sde 3 for amazon.
      As we can see, there are three main components of amazon’s salary structure:

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      What is the typical salary range for an SDE II at

      Imho google is an all around better place to be.
      Planning to move back to india due to visa issues, just got an offer from amazon india for sde 3.
      The time for this round is approx 1 hr.

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      Software Engineer III Jobs in Hyderabad at Amazon

      The average salary for sde 2 at companies like in the united states is $96,563 as of january 27, 2022, but the salary range typically falls between $85,797 and $108,807.
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      As to salary, take your total comp and increase by 20% and make google match/exceed that.
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      The median compensation package totals $190k.

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      The median compensation package totals $190k.
      No numbers have been discussed yet but i have no idea what’s tc like in india.
      The typical amazon software development engineer iii salary is ₹61,48,451 per year.

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      Amazon 开始加薪20 暴力砸钱抢人 Company News 1024 BBS

      Sde salary at amazon bengaluru/bangalore ranges between ₹ 15 lakhs to ₹ 30.3 lakhs.
      The time for this round is approx 1 hr.
      Amazon sde 3 salary was introduced this week by a team of developers at the company that uses the sde 3 system.

      Show Image

      The time for this round is approx 1 hr.
      I had been constantly applying for sde roles through the amazon jobs portal.
      Average amazon sde salary in bengaluru/bangalore is ₹ 21.1 lakhs for less than 1 to 4 years of experience.
      Apply quickly to various sde 3 job openings in.
      Eventually, i got an invite for an online assessment in september 2021 for the application i’d applied for in june 2021.
      On average, a sde 3 employee earns $18,711.30 per year.
      Imho google is an all around better place to be.
      Owing to the structured salary compensation, every employee at amazon has a base salary of usd 159,000 if the employee is at level 4 or higher.
      Get details on salary,education,location etc.
      5,00,000 (1st year) + 3,00,000 (2nd year) relocation:

      Total comp (salary + bonus + stock):, amazon’s marketplace in india, is building a team to take it to the next level by building capabilities that are relevant for customers in india.
      You have to be a technical leader, have ownership of your architect, understand the business impact of.
      According to our estimates it is 24% more than the average sde salary in internet companies companies.
      The average salary for a software development engineer (sde) is ₹1,520,492.
      This round usually consists of two coding questions, for which you have to write the code as well as give a proper explanation in a separate window.
      No numbers have been discussed yet but i have no idea what’s tc like in india.
      23.5 lacs (first year) benefits:
      The typical amazon sde3 salary is ₹70,47,057 per year.
      Amazon fulfillment technologies (aft) powers the physical engine at the heart of amazon.

      Our development team plays a pivotal role in this program, with the mission to build a comprehensive solution for the india business.
      There were 2 coding problems followed by an approach with time complexity.
      When factoring in bonuses and additional compensation, a software development engineer iii at.
      Amazon’s sde 3 salary is $14,716.36 per year, or $3,932.12 per month.
      View more software engineer salary ranges with breakdowns by base, stock, and bonus amounts.
      Well, 8 years experience is usually towards the minimum criteria for sde 3 for amazon.
      As to salary, take your total comp and increase by 20% and make google match/exceed that.
      Amazon sde 1 salary negotiation on hi, i recently got an offer from amazon for sde1 role, my performance on the interviews was on the higher end of the sde 1 interview matrix (i originally aimed for sde 2).
      As we can see, there are three main components of amazon’s salary structure:
      Planning to move back to india due to visa issues, just got an offer from amazon india for sde 3.

      Amazon gave up and raised salaries for employees / Habr

      Bezos was still broken. After all the stories about the horrors that are happening behind closed doors of Amazon warehouses, and the introduction of a new bill in Congress aimed specifically at him, the other day he nevertheless announced that he was raising the minimum wage for all Amazon employees in the US and Britain. On such a solution, according to rumors, the online store will lose several billion every year. But do not discount the old Jeff, he has a cunning plan.

      Previously, according to the US Securities Commission (SEC), the median salary at Amazon was $28,446 per year, or about $13.68 per hour. For comparison, the median income in the United States is about $40,000, and Bezos himself makes such a profit every 10 seconds.

      In many cities, such wages did not allow workers to even pay their rent. Thousands of Amazon warehouse employees were actually homeless, and tens of thousands were taking government jobs. support in the form of Medicaid and food stamps. Senators and the public, led by “America’s chief socialist” Bernie Sanders, have tried to force the company to take better care of its employees – especially considering its financial performance (Amazon recently became the second company in the world after Apple, whose share price passed the $ 1 trillion mark). ).

      Amazon had counterarguments. For example, the fact that offline retailers have even lower salaries, that the company has created 130,000 new jobs in a year, and that their warehouse employees receive 30% more than the market average. But in the end, under the threat of state sanctions (the company was promised to be forced to pay extra for everything that the state spends on supporting its employees), Bezos surrendered.

      Starting November 1, the company is holding the largest one-time pay increase in its history. It will start paying a minimum of $15 an hour to its 250,000 regular employees and even the 100,000 seasonal workers it hires for the holidays. Thus, the median salary for a 40-hour work week rises to $31,200 per year. So far, not forty thousand, but already significantly above the poverty threshold (in the US for a family it is $ 25,000 a year).

      At the same time, the salary of 37,000 Amazon employees in the UK (which no one has asked for yet) is being raised. Warehouse workers near London will earn £10.50 per hour (about $13.60) and elsewhere in the UK from £9.50.

      Jeff Bezos wrote in his statement:

      We listened to our critics, thought deeply about what we want to do, and decided that we would come forward and set an example for others. We are very excited about these changes and encourage our competitors and other major employers to join us.

      However, Amazon is unlikely to experience great joy. If only because she makes changes under pressure. A month ago, Bernie Sanders, with the support of dozens of senators, passed a bill in the US Congress that would require the country’s major employers to return to the state the entire amount that it is forced to spend on housing, food, Medicaid and other programs to help current employees of the company. It is estimated that this would save ordinary taxpayers at least $150 billion a year. The bill was called Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies – Stop BEZOS for short.

      Sanders commented on Amazon’s pay raise announcement:

      Today I want to give Mr. Bezos credit for doing exactly the right thing. He is one of the most important corporate leaders in this country and his decision will reverberate throughout the corporate world. It also sends a message to the fast food industry, the aviation industry and the retail industry in general. It’s time to pay employees enough so that they can live on it.

      In response, Bezos thanked the senator on Twitter.

      Amazon shares at the news outlet fell 2%. The company is unlikely to feel such relief. In general, they grew by 71% this year, increasing Bezos’s fortune by $83 billion (he owns 16% of the online store, not counting his other projects).

      Amazon also said that the company’s lobbyists will now start advocating an increase in the federal minimum wage in the US, which is $7.25 an hour since 2009 (although individual states and cities have increased it individually – say, in California from January 1, 2018 it is $11 an hour, and in San Francisco from July 1 it’s $15 an hour).

      Unemployment in the US is at its lowest since 2007, forcing retailers to raise wages in the fight for employees. Earlier this year, Walmart started paying employees a minimum of $11 and Target $12, with plans to go up to $15 by the end of 2020.

      Median salary in the largest US companies in 2017

      Prior to this, under pressure from the public – or rather, the same Bernie Sanders and several trade unions – even Disney surrendered. A month ago, she raised the wages of her amusement park workers to $15 an hour.

      The next one, as Sanders has repeatedly hinted, is Walmart. The largest offline retailer in the world has paid its employees a couple of dollars less than Amazon before. Moreover, the company in the United States employs 1.5 million people, three times more than Jeff Bezos. The reason why the senators chose the online store as their first “victim” seems to be its exceptional profitability. If Amazon stock wasn’t up 40-70% every year, the company might be thanked for at least not firing anyone. But when Bezos goes to conquer $200 billion, for the first time since Carnegie and Rockefeller, and many of his workers cannot even afford a roof over their heads, people have questions…

      Spoonful of honey

      Interestingly, “surrender” under the threat of senators can even play into the hands of the company. Economists say that Amazon very wisely decided to raise the salary just in time for November, when the main selling time begins. Last year, Amazon sold $2.6 billion worth of goods on Black Friday. Half of all online purchases in the US came from a single online store. This year, if workers went on strike, or if they failed to hire an additional 100,000 hands, the company would risk losing its profits during the main days of the year. Rumors have already surfaced that the company will struggle to hire its traditional 100,000 temporary employees for the next two months due to competition from other retailers.

      But now, with all risks removed and with the US economy growing, Amazon’s profits for Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Christmas are almost guaranteed to be higher than last year. And that means continued explosive growth of the company’s shares. All the costs that the company will incur in increasing wages in its warehouses by $ 1.32 per hour can pay for themselves within the next two months.

      According to Loop Capital Markets experts, the cost of the online store due to the increase in salaries will increase by $2-$3 billion. For Bezos, this is a relatively small amount. Plus, Amazon continues to massively install robots in its warehouses, which should slow down the hiring of new employees and help reduce the company’s labor costs in the future.

      Cunning plan

      But even those two or three billion don’t have to be lost! We’re Amazon, every penny counts! In parallel, having calmed down politicians and the public, the company (very quietly) reduces various bonuses, so that some employees worry that their income may even decrease significantly.

      The circuit is very simple. Amazon used to give employee incentives in the form of company stock. Each warehouse worker was hired to receive two Amazon shares (each of which is now worth $19).50), which he could begin to dispose of after two years of work in the company. Plus, he had the opportunity to receive another such promotion every year. As Amazon shares rose in price, such conditions became less and less favorable for the company itself, and now, on the news of the increase in the minimum wage, this incentive program is suddenly removed, “because of uselessness.

      Bonuses for overfulfillment of the plan, as company employees say, are also leaving. It used to be a good way to earn an extra $300 per month. Especially in November and December when performance bonuses doubled.

      The_splitwig tweets:

      My family works for Amazon and they’ve lost a lot. They already had over $15 an hour (as did almost everyone at their facility), but they lost all bonuses and the promotions program. Now they will receive $3-$6 thousand less per year.

      An Amazon spokesperson told CNBC that “we have removed the additional incentives at the request of the workers themselves. Now their compensation will be more immediate and predictable.”

      All politicians and journalists have already praised Bezos, now it is not becoming for them to refuse their words. In the near future, he is again in good standing with the public, while remaining in the black on all fronts. So it looks like old Jeff is killing two birds with one stone here. And what, the Rockefeller of our time for no reason becomes …

      P. S. Gadgets, branded clothing, and indeed any goods on Amazon are always cheaper – because of its size. And helps deliver packages from American stores to Russia. Favorite Habr readers get a 7% discount on shipping after registering with the HABR code.

      And until October 25, we have a cool promotion. Shipping a kilo from the US costs only $11 (instead of $16), plus other perks. It’s time to start buying directly from America instead of feeding AKIT.

      useful life hacks for beginners – PaySpace Magazine

      Those who know how to buy on Amazon receive their packages from the USA in a week

      How to buy on Amazon Photo:

      On July 5, the popular American marketplace turns 28 years old. During this time, the store that Jeff Bezos created in his garage has managed to transform significantly. Starting at 1994 years of book sales, now Amazon sells millions of items.

      During sales like Amazon Prime Day (July 12, 2022) or Black Friday (November 25, 2022), they are hugely discounted. You don’t have to live in the United States to take advantage of this great offer. Modern payment and delivery services allow Ukrainians to order goods on the website of the largest marketplace in the world and receive them by mail in a week. How to do it – read our instructions.

      TIP #1 – Get ready for sales!

      Amazon purchases start with an account. Creating a standard cabinet is simple: To do this, hover over the Accout and Lists button in the upper right corner of the site. And follow the Start Here link in the window that appears.

      To register, you need to come up with a login, specify your e-mail and a password that will be used to access the site.

      Premium account (Prime) is convenient for buyers in the US and some other countries where Amazon has a presence. It allows you to arrange fast delivery (from several hours to two days) for free. Also enjoy discounts. However, for Ukrainians, it is practically useless – there is no option for fast forwarding to Ukraine.

      This item does not ship to Ukraine . Please check other sellers who may ship internationally .

      (We do not ship to Ukraine. Look for sellers who ship internationally)

      It’s worth spending $99 per year on this subscription only if you’re a fan of the internet giant’s audio and video content and want to enjoy unlimited access to this resource for a whole year.

      TIP #2 – Check Prices

      The first thing that a buyer who first got on Amazon pays attention to is promotional prices.

      Written on top of impressive amounts, they are able to force anyone to click the Buy button. But don’t be gullible. American sellers also deceive buyers.

      You can check how the price of a product has changed in recent months on the CamelCamelCamel website. To do this, you just need to enter the URL of the product. Price statistics will show whether the seller has seriously reduced the price or is simply trying to sell the goods.

      The editors decided to check the honesty of the seller of gel pens. He promised to “give” the buyer $35, reducing the price from $59 to $24. We checked this product through the service Camel and found out that a couple of days ago the same pens were on sale for $9. And the average price for the last six months was $17.

      TIP #3 – Look for Discounts

      Now that you know how to spot real discounts, it’s time to figure out where to look for the lowest prices. Amazon has several dedicated sections for discounted items:

      • Today’s deals – offers of the day

      You never know what will come across in this section. But this is not a reason to refuse to visit it. Discounts in it sometimes reach 90%. And the range of products ranges from electronic magazines to garden tools.

      • Open Box & Used – discounted items

      This section sells goods with damaged packaging or used items.

      • Outlet – stock

      The stock usually includes items that were not purchased at regular sales.

      • Coupons – coupons

      In the coupon section, you can collect up to 25% discounts on different product groups. And use them during checkout.

      TIP #4 – Let discounts find you

      If you don’t have time to hunt for discounts, leave this job to specialists.

      • Wishlist – wishlist

      Mark the products you like – after a few days, likes will turn into personal discounts.

      • Online Price Alert – price tracking service

      Add your e-mail, the URL of the desired product and the price you are willing to pay for the product. If the seller will hold promotions and reduce the cost, OnlinePriceAlert will notify you in time.

      TIP #5 – Delivery from Amazon to Ukraine and payment

      Many retailers on Amazon do not deliver orders to Ukraine. But that’s no reason not to buy from the US. With the help of mail forwarding, you can receive goods in Ukraine. The essence of this service is to create an “American address” for the buyer in the warehouse of the intermediary company. From there, all goods are redirected to Ukraine. Estimated delivery time: by air 6-9 business days, by ship 4 weeks.

      We list the most popular delivery services from the States to Ukraine:

      – Big Basket – delivery of 1 kg of goods will cost $4 by sea and $9 by air. Consolidation (combining several parcels into one) is provided free of charge, this will reduce the tax fee during the delivery process and the amount you pay will be much less. Separation of parcels is additionally paid if together they exceed the duty-free limit. In addition, if necessary, you can get qualified advice on the subject of purchases in the United States, exceeding customs limits and other complex delivery issues.

      – EasyExpress – shipping from a warehouse in the USA to Ukraine starts from 300 grams. Shipping a kilogram costs $8.95 (air) and $4.99 (sea). This cost includes a free SMS about the delivery of the package to a warehouse in the USA, as well as storage and consolidation of orders in Kyiv for further transportation across Ukraine. Separation of parcels is additionally paid if together they exceed the duty-free limit. The company’s warehouse is located in the tax-free state of Delaware – this will save your parcels from additional fees.

      – myMeest – Shipping $8.69 by air, $3.45 by ship Free 21-day storage service and consolidation of different packages into one order. Plus there is a wide range of additional services.

      — NP Shopping offers delivery from the USA to any branch of Nova Poshti in Ukraine. For the delivery of 1 kg, the user will pay $10. Delivery time will be from 8 working days.

      If for some reason these services did not suit you, you can order direct delivery to Ukraine. To do this, you need to configure the filter Ship to Ukraine . After that, next to the cost of the goods, the cost of delivery will appear. You can also choose free shipping to Ukraine – just check the box Free International Shipping . But remember that both options significantly narrow down the choice of products.

      You will have to pay for the parcel with a bank card. Even a hryvnia card of a Ukrainian bank is suitable for this.

      As you can see, it is not difficult to buy and receive goods from the American marketplace. But what if it doesn’t fit? You need to keep this in mind when choosing a delivery service. Sometimes it’s better to pay a couple of dollars more to have a warehouse employee take a picture of your product and measure it. If you realize that you made a mistake at the stage of choosing a product or find a defect, it, like the money on the card, can still be returned.

      If we haven’t convinced you that buying in the US is easy, use the Ukrainian marketplace service.

      VIDEO: How to buy on Aliaba

      YOU ARE INTERESTED – The richest man in the world Jeff Bezos – success story

      “I worked in Amazon Flex delivery and it was terrible”

      I’m sure I looked very funny when I hobbled around downtown San Francisco with my hands full of packages, and then I dropped one, leaned over to pick it up, dropped another, and then the next one.

      But I didn’t have much fun. I signed up for a part-time job with the Amazon Flex program, which pays regular people to deliver orders in their own cars from $18 to $25 an hour, no deductible. I was in a rush to deliver my order before I got a ticket – during the day in downtown San Francisco, there are practically no parking spaces for non-commercial vehicles. Anger boiled inside me when I delivered packages to the offices of technology companies that pay huge salaries and free food, while its employees seemed to just sit and shop all day on the Internet. Technology makes life easier for these people, but mine just adds stress.

      Welcome to the future of shipping. With more and more people shopping online, companies like Amazon have to turn to independent contractors (actually anyone with a car) to deliver orders. The Flex program is especially important to Amazon’s fast-growing business – last year the company delivered 5 billion items using Amazon Prime – it can no longer rely on standard shipping methods like FedEx and UPS. Flex is especially helpful to Amazon during its busiest times, such as the holiday or sales season. Another advantage of the program is that it is cheap and allows the company to save a lot of money.

      Photo: Amazon

      Amazon has launched Flex in more than 50 US cities, including New York, Indianapolis and Memphis. The company doesn’t say how many drivers it uses in total, but one Seattle economist estimated that there were 11,262 drivers in California between October 2016 and March 2017. This information was given to him by Amazon to defend him in the Flex Drivers case.

      For a part-time job at Amazon Flex, I had to download a special app, get verified, and watch 19videos that described in detail the entire delivery process (I was not paid during the viewing, plus there was no guarantee that after it I would be hired). The video talked about various aspects of the work, for example, what to do if the buyer refuses the order or how to deliver alcohol correctly (just asking how old the recipient is is not enough – you need to check the passport). After each video, you had to take a small survey, so you had to watch carefully.

      Photo: Amazon

      A few weeks later I was approved as a driver and signed up for my first shift. It fell on a Tuesday from 11:00 to 14:30. Orders had to be delivered from an Amazon logistics center in south San Francisco, 30 minutes from my house. Different shifts are paid differently. The app said that I would earn $70 for my 3.5-hour shift, although it was worth considering that I would pay for gas and travel myself.

      I began to suspect that my shift would not be so relaxed when I arrived at the Amazon warehouse to pick up packages. I had 43 orders to deliver to just two locations—two office buildings on Market Street, downtown San Francisco’s busiest street. So I had to go to the center in the middle of the working day, park my car somewhere and deliver parcels to the floors and offices of two buildings.

      Photo: Alana Samuels

      “Where can I park there?” I asked the two employees who were directing the cars in the warehouse. Both just shrugged their shoulders and said that most drivers usually get fined.

      Upon arrival at the address, it turned out that I needed to take the freight elevator at the back of the building, where there was no place to park. Due to traffic jams, an hour of my shift has already passed, and I still have not delivered a single order. I had to leave the car in the truck stop, grab the packages, and quickly walk to the building.

      I tried to move as quickly as possible so as not to leave the car unattended for too long. After walking around in circles, I returned to the street where I arrived, and found a parking controller who was going to issue me a ticket by the car. I explained my problem – I said that I was doing delivery for Amazon and I simply had nowhere to park. The controller replied that in my case it was necessary to leave the car in the garage or deliver orders at night. He agreed not to issue a fine (which would have cost me $110), but said that I was lucky and a stricter controller might come soon who would not forgive my mistake. Later, I saw other Flex drivers who worked in pairs – one person delivered the packages, and the other drove the car and watched the controllers.

      Image: Angelica Alzona/Gizmodo

      Parking was just one of many problems I had. Among the orders was a giant box weighing more than 13 kilograms. Due to parking difficulties, I had to drag her around, resting every 100 steps. The guard at the building scolded me for pulling it myself instead of using a cart. But none of the Flex driver training videos contained a word about it!

      Then there were difficulties directly with the delivery of orders. Flex employees have to scan every package before handing it over to the customer, but the app didn’t accept my scans. I ended up submitting the orders without scanning, hoping that someone could somehow trace where they were delivered.

      The two offices where I needed to deliver the orders were closed and there was no information about where I should put the parcels. When I finally managed to contact technical support, I was told that the undelivered orders should be returned to the warehouse (that is, spend time on traffic jams again) or wait for the customer to return. I tried to call customers using the application, but I was redirected to incorrect numbers. At the same time, I could not properly report my problems to Amazon – I was on my own.

      Photo: Amazon

      But the worst thing for me was when I went to the second building on Market Street, which housed the offices of several large companies. Young employees scurried around with laptops and coffee, loudly discussing their plans for the weekend. Thanks to technology, their life has become better – they could make one click, and Amazon will deliver anything to them in the office. I delivered 16 packages to 13 clients from the same office – one of them was so light that it probably contained gum, and the second one probably contained bug spray.

      I used to order stuff on Amazon without worry, just like them, so I wouldn’t have to queue at the stores. Now I see the downside of this service.


      Some people are drawn to the independence that comes with working at Amazon Flex. Jeremy Brown, 36, enjoys being his own boss. If in the morning he does not want to earn extra money, he can just go to bed further or go about his business. He earns about $120 a day, which is a significant part of his family’s income.

      Sometimes Brown finishes his two-hour shift early. However, if the driver has to work overtime, no one pays him extra for it. Most shifts close on or before the deadline, an Amazon spokesperson said. If the driver gets into an accident, then all medical and insurance costs are covered by him, and not by Amazon. If a driver receives a speeding ticket, they must also pay for it themselves (UPS and FedEx usually pay for the driver, but the Amazon Flex contract clearly states that drivers are solely responsible for all fines).

      Due to the design of the Amazon Flex system, drivers rarely know when new shifts will be available and often do not know when they will be at work and how much they will be able to earn on a given day. Brown usually closes two shifts a day, from 4:30 to 6:30 and from 6:30 to 8:30. Sometimes he gets up at 3 am, drinks coffee and constantly updates the app, hoping that there will be new shifts. Of course, no one pays him anything during the search for a shift. Last year, he was blocked twice from accessing the app because he updated it too quickly and the system thought he was using a bot. At the same time, Brown cannot see how much he receives tips, but knows that his salary is below the minimum. And he does not have a specific boss, from whom he could find out what is happening.

      Photo: Getty

      An Amazon spokesperson said that most Flex drivers use the program as a part-time job. However, Nikolai Akunts, administrator of a Facebook group dedicated to San Francisco Bay Amazon Flex workers, says that for 70-80% of drivers, this is the main job.

      But Flex was not for me. My shift lasted longer than 3.5 hours because I had to return two parcels to the warehouse. On the way to him, I sadly noticed a billboard on which a man boasted that he had made millions on bitcoins while sitting on the beach.

      I drove 40 miles in total (not counting the 26 miles between the warehouse and my house). I made $70, but $20 went to expenses. I was lucky to avoid a $110 fine, but ended up making only $13.33 an hour. This is less than the minimum hourly wage in San Francisco ($14). I was looking forward to receiving my payment receipt, but it turned out that I entered the wrong bank account number in the application. When I wrote this to Amazon, I got a notification that I was writing from the wrong address. As a result, I am still in correspondence with the company, spending more and more time to barely get a pitiful salary in this gig economy system.


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      Our third hero is David Javakhishvili. In 2020, he moved to the capital of Ireland, Dublin.
      I have been interested in computer science for as long as I can remember. As a child, I had the “Professor Fortran Encyclopedia”, which taught the basics of programming for children. It seemed to me then that the topics of interest to me were not explained in depth there.
      In my youth, I studied in Russia, at the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute ( now it is the Engineering and Technology Academy of the Southern Federal University – ed. ). I graduated there with a master’s degree in programming: I purposefully received an education in order to work as a programmer in the future, since I could not imagine myself in another profession. Immediately after graduation, he worked in an unsightly office in Taganrog: in fact, we were engaged in looking for orders on a freelance exchange and fulfilling them. At one fine moment, I thought: “Why should I go to work with 9up to 6, if I can do everything myself?” At that time, official employment did not bring me any additional bonuses, so I decided to try myself in freelancing.
      Over time, for personal reasons, I moved to Ukraine. I never aspired to Ukraine as to the IT Mecca of the entire CIS: it just so happened that I ended up exactly where outsourcing is quite developed. In Ukraine, I changed several employers among outsourcing companies: I started as a Python developer, then I chose Scala as my main development language.
      At the time when the invitation for an interview at Amazon was received, I was listed in one of the outsourcing companies in Ukraine, but in fact I was in the team of a Belgian customer and often went on business trips to Belgium.

      Job offer at Amazon

      At one point, a recruiter from Amazon wrote to me on Linkedin with a job offer in the company’s Dublin office. Then I thought: “Why not go and see this city? It won’t get away from me.”
      In my case, there were two stages of recruiting. My understanding is that my hiring happened much faster than usual. Apparently because they invited me, and not I applied myself. First there was a phone screening. It took about a week from screening to an invitation to an on-sight interview. Next was the issuance of a visa for a trip to Ireland, since it is not included in the Schengen agreement and I could not use the charms of a visa-free regime with my Georgian passport.
      Bureaucracy took up most of the time in this process.
      Initially, I was invited to Dublin only for the duration of the interview – for a day or two. But I told them: “Before I move, I want to at least walk around the city and see if I like it here or not.” So I came for a week. We agreed that all additional days would be at my expense, but then they even compensated me for all the days of my stay.
      In Dublin, a series of interviews awaited me: 5 different development teams “tortured” me throughout the day with a break for lunch. A week passed after the interview and they sent me an offer. Thus, the whole process of hunting stretched for a month.
      Why did I decide to move? I thought it was quite an interesting experience to live in another country, improve my English, work in a different cultural environment.


      In Ireland for valuable professionals, that is, not only programmers, but also doctors, auditors, accountants and other professions, there is a Critical skills employment permit ( work permit in Ireland – rev. ).
      For him, there are a number of requirements that the profession of a programmer corresponds to. With permission, you can avoid most of the bureaucratic delays, to a greater extent this applies to the employer. From the point of view of an employee, it came down to the fact that I filled out a questionnaire, sent scans of diplomas, a resume, and after 1.5 months they sent me a Critical skills employment permit by courier, with which I can apply for a work visa. Which, in fact, I did.
      The work permit was issued by the employer: I sent all the documents to Amazon. I just had to submit a package of documents for a visa, but the employer also helped – filled out the application form and provided the necessary documents. There was not a lot of golovnyak, the main thing was just to wait. The documents were ready in 1.5-2 months.
      It took about 4 months from receiving the offer to my arrival in Ireland. From the very beginning of the hiring, I warned the company that I had unfinished business in Ukraine, so I was not ready to go to work right now. In the end, I just wanted to relax: because of the constant trips to Belgium and the Netherlands, the year turned out to be very difficult.
      My wife and I moved to Dublin at the end of January 2020. The company provided us with housing for the first month.
      When moving to Dublin, Amazon offers two assistance packages to choose from: either pays 7,000 euros for all costs, or provides services to the company that handles the move. The second option includes the transportation of things, assistance in finding an apartment, and the payment of a certain amount (about 3 thousand euros). Air tickets were provided in both cases, regardless of which package we would have chosen. We chose the second option and, in general, in the end it turned out that we didn’t win or lose: how much money we had before moving, how much was left after we were paid all the promised amounts.
      By the way, if someone wants to move with animals, then this is real, you just have to tinker with the documents a little. We took two of our cats.


      The housing situation in Ireland is very tense: people are looking for apartments for a very long time. Either I was very lucky, or when there is an offer from Amazon in my pocket, the process is greatly simplified, because we found an apartment in less than a month in a good area of ​​​​Dublin. To be honest, after reading the reviews about finding accommodation in Ireland, I was preparing for something much worse.
      I spend a third of my salary on rent after taxes. In good areas, you should count on 2-2.5 thousand euros for rent.

      Work culture

      Ireland has a much better sense of protecting your rights as an employee. Here there is confidence that even if something happens, there is time for maneuver. Since in Ukraine almost all developers are registered as private entrepreneurs, this form of cooperation essentially cancels the terms of the labor code in relations with the employer. In Ireland, worker rights are much better respected, but on the other hand, this is offset by much higher taxes.
      As for perks at work, Amazon provides health insurance, 25 days of vacation.

      Salaries and taxes

      The salary of a developer is enough for me to rent an apartment in a good area, close to the center, afford travel and buy everything you need and save 1-1.5 thousand euros per month. There is nothing to complain about: it’s just that in Ukraine, income can be higher due to lower taxes.
      If the developer wants more money, then the Ukrainian model is probably more preferable, because after moving to Ireland we won nothing – after taxes and rent, I get about the same amount as in Ukraine. Taking into account the fact that life here is more expensive, we can say that the financial situation has even slightly worsened. So those who plan to move to Ireland should understand why they are doing this and not count on an increase in earnings.
      Taxes depend on the salary, because there is a progressive scale of taxation. There is an income tax: its rate is either 20% or 40% depending on income. Moreover, 20% is subject to some basic amount, and 40% is everything that is higher. I cannot say that a fixed percentage goes to taxes: I personally spend about 35% of income on taxes.

      Medicine and social services

      Medicine is one of those areas that are traditionally reviled in Ireland due to long queues. You have to wait in line for narrow specialists from several months to six months. In theory, everything is quite good: medicine will never take too much money, no matter what happened to a person. Under the terms of the permit, insurance is required, but even without insurance, medical expenses are limited: they cannot exceed a certain level. In practice, I did not have to test this.
      I like the roads here, it’s very nice to drive on them. Public transport in Dublin is quite good, but if you go anywhere else, you need a car. The railway exists, but it is rather undeveloped.
      By the way, the state provides a bike to work service: you can buy a bike from your salary before taxes. In practice, the discount is more than 52%.

      Leisure and communication

      Restrictive measures during the lockdown in Ireland are quite strict. Right now there is a concept of isolation levels depending on the severity of the restrictions. Now across the country there is a 5th level of restrictions (the most stringent) – this means that nothing works and you can’t leave a 5-kilometer radius from your home without a good reason.
      The first months after the move, before the lockdown, there were many worries due to the search for an apartment and arrangement, after that, the lockdown was already introduced. But in the summer we managed to travel around the country: it was interesting and beautiful. Like the local nature. We have already seen deer and seals, and I have never seen so many species of birds as here in my entire life. Ireland is quite calm, somewhat provincial: you may not like it, but I tend to consider it rather as a plus. interest groups: from book clubs, beadwork to piloting an airplane. When the lockdown is lifted, I’m going to join the local community, which is digging in pieces of iron – make a weather station by hand or practice lockpicking.
      I am a fairly introverted person, so I have not yet been able to establish friendly ties with the local population. Perhaps, after the lockdown is lifted, the situation will change. The wife communicates with expats who also moved to Dublin.


      Ireland has a large variety of English accents, some very clear, some not at all. In general, the further into the outback, the less understandable the language becomes: sometimes I can’t even understand whether people speak English or Irish. There is an opinion that there is some special English in Ireland, but this is fundamentally wrong. Yes, different slang is used here, but in the business environment everything is the same as everywhere else. At work, people from many countries, so the average accent of the English language is in use.


      It is better to move to Ireland for the sake of new experience, expanding horizons, for learning the language, for the sake of career advancement (there are many representative offices of the world’s leading companies in Dublin, not only in the field of IT, but also in other areas). For the money, it’s not worth it.

      Tony Shay, the former head of Amazon’s acquired company Zappos, dies: how he built his “empire of happiness”

      Tony Shay, who ran Zappos, the largest online shoe retailer in the US for 21 years, died at the age of 46 from injuries sustained in a fire. Forbes recalls how Shay taught people around the world to buy shoes online, conquered Jeff Bezos and why he believed that happy employees are the most effective.

      “In the business world, it’s common to focus on profits, and it’s considered wrong to think about happiness in the workplace. But research [conducted with Zappos] has shown that if an employee is happy, then the client they work with is also happy, and this contributes to great business results. Businesses that want to keep their employees happy often outperform colleagues in the long run,” Tony Shay told actor and TV presenter Stephen Colbert in a 2011 interview. Shay made one of the largest deals in the history of the online trading market with the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, selling his startup to him for $1.2 billion, but became known to the general public for his attitude towards employees. In 2013, he wrote the book Delivering Happiness, which talked about a special corporate culture based on the “science of happiness. ” The book became a bestseller and brought Shay worldwide fame.

      Tony Shay died at the age of 46 on November 27th. Kedar Deshpande, the current CEO of the company, announced this by publishing an open letter on the Zappos website, in which he noted that “the world has lost an amazing visionary and an incredible person.” The cause of death is attributed to injuries sustained as a result of the fire. Shay went to Connecticut with his family to celebrate Thanksgiving and ended up in a house on fire. The details of the incident are unknown, CNN reports that the entrepreneur “died peacefully, surrounded by relatives.”

      From Gates to Bezos

      Shay was born in Illinois in 1973 to Taiwanese parents. Raised in California, in the San Francisco Bay Area. He entered Harvard in the computer science department and received a bachelor’s degree in computer science in 1995. During his studies, he worked part-time as the manager of the Quincy House cafe, which was located on the first floor of the student dormitory. Later, his client and friend Alfred Lin became his business partner and the chief executive and chief financial officer of Zappos. After graduating from university, Shay took a job at Oracle, but became disillusioned with the company’s corporate culture and quit five months later to create his first startup, LinkExchange.

      LinkExchange was an advertising agency that operated like a banner exchange. The agency’s clients formed a network within which they exchanged advertisements, broadcasting them on each other’s websites. Three months after the start, the startup was already uniting about 20,000 web pages, and two years later it already had 400,000 customers, providing 5 million ad impressions daily. In November 1998, at age 24, Shay sold LinkExchange to Microsoft for $265 million.

      The following year, he left the post of project manager. “The world was changing dramatically, and I could be on the sidelines in an attempt to earn money, which I already had more than enough. […] I decided to be honest with myself and leave, despite all the money that kept me at Microsoft,” he explained his decision.

      With the proceeds from the sale, Shay and Alfred Lin created Venture Frogs, a venture capital fund that invested in tech and internet projects, including Ask Jeeves, OpenTable, and the future Zappos unicorn.

      Shoe Unicorn

      Entrepreneur Nick Swinmern came up with the idea of ​​an online shoe store in 1999. At the time, it sounded exotic – online shopping did not yet have such a gigantic weight, and people were afraid to buy expensive things, especially shoes, without first trying them on. Swinmern came to the foundation to Shay and Lin for advice. Tony was initially skeptical of the idea, however, in the same year, Venture Frogs invested $2 million in a project called Shay became a co-owner and CEO of a startup. After a few months of work, the company was renamed Zappos (modified “zapatos”, translated from Spanish as “shoes”).

      Zappos did not have its own warehouses, factories directly supplied shoes to customers, and the startup acted as a marketplace and intermediary. Zappos relied on loyalty programs and a high level of service, thanks to which by 2001 it had reached a turnover of $ 8.6 million, and two years later – $ 70 million. Now Zappos independently selected popular models, stored them in its own warehouses and delivered shoes to customers on their own.

      In November 2009, when the turnover of Zappos exceeded $1 billion, the company was bought by Amazon for a fabulous sum of $1.2 billion at that time. Shay, as a co-owner, personally received at least $214 million, not counting the money that was due to him as the founder Venture Frogs.

      Bezos offered to buy Zappos back in 2005, but Shay demanded full autonomy in management, so the deal was not immediately negotiated. “[Buying Amazon] is like we just changed the board of directors,” he described the extent of his freedom within Amazon in a 2014 interview. Shay remained as CEO of Zappos for a total of 21 years and only left in August 2020.

      Making Vegas Great Again

      In addition to developing Zappos, Shay had another passion: in the mid-2000s, he started a major downtown Las Vegas redevelopment project called the “Downtown Project.” It all started with the fact that, trying to rally the team, Tony moved the Zappos headquarters, along with most of the employees, to Vegas so that they could spend more time together and get to know each other. This then evolved into the idea of ​​a “global coworking space” for tech entrepreneurs.

      Shay spent about $56 million to buy several properties and equip them as a business cluster for start-ups (in total, he managed to invest about $350 million of his own funds in the project). The entrepreneur wanted not just to build a quarter of office buildings, but to “breathe life into the region” and attract young startups there. So, for example, he paid for several structures built for the Burning Man festival in the desert (they are burned after the end of the program) to be transported and installed in Vegas.

      The Philosophy of Happiness

      In 2013, Shay wrote Delivering Happiness, which topped The New York Times bestseller list and stayed at number one for 27 weeks. In the book, Tony talks about why employees should not be perceived solely as task performers, why invest in their growth and development, and how the corporate culture based on the pursuit of happiness of each employee affects the financial performance of the company.

      To begin with, Shay advises readers to “stop chasing money, find your passion and start doing what you love” – ​​this is the only way to achieve heights in anything. Then he talks about the principles of proper recruitment: in his opinion, the selection should be based, first of all, not on the ambitions and experience of candidates, but on the coincidence in values. “Hire only those people with whom you would be happy to talk after work,” the author advises.

      Having formed the right team, the leader, according to Shay, must constantly think about how to train employees and give them the opportunity to develop in areas of interest to them. “Inspired by the freedom to come up with new ideas and work on more complex projects, the Zappos employee gained confidence and moved from her job as a telephone operator to a management position. This growth extended to her personal life, encouraging her to read more, lead a healthy lifestyle, and travel the world. Now she spends her holidays exploring volcanoes in Central America,” Shay gave an example from his practice.

      “Providing happiness has always been his mantra, so instead of mourning his transition, we ask you to join us in celebrating his life,” Zappos said in a letter.

      “I will never work as hard as Amazon”: a Belarusian who returned from Ireland after two years

      Amazon belongs to the top echelon of the IT industry. Getting here is already a great success for any IT specialist. At the same time, the difficulties of working at Amazon are legendary. They say that the company practices secret reviews of colleagues, “deliberate Darwinism” (compiling a rating of employees and regularly firing weak ones) … Our hero Gennady K. says that he will never work as hard as at Amazon. But he turned down $150,000 (that’s how much an option is for an engineer who has worked for the company for five years) for a completely different reason…

      – A few years ago I was very interested in Ireland: I became interested in the cinema of this country, started drinking Irish beer, studying the peculiarities of culture, – says Gennady K. about the move (the interlocutor asked not to give his real name – ed. note) – And completely unexpectedly at this time, recruiters from the Irish office of Amazon wrote to me. At that moment, I increasingly caught myself thinking that I was no longer interested in Belarus, I thought about working abroad. So everything matched.

      A garden around the huge Irish Sky Garden in Ireland. Photo:

      Amazon HRs found me via Linkedin. We had several phone interviews. Then – a test task in real time. And finally, an interview at the company’s office in Dublin. Of course, the flight and accommodation were paid. I can’t say that I dreamed of getting into Amazon and was very worried about the success of the interviews, but when a week later I was invited to work as an engineer, I was shocked: “Wow!”

      Like many other Western companies, Amazon has its own peculiarities. Namely:

      1. Anytime feedback tool. Once a year, an employee requests feedback about himself from colleagues. It must also be written by the manager. In our team, this was seen as a way to improve ourselves. For example: colleagues periodically ask you for something, but you constantly forget. You don’t think it’s a problem, you don’t have a super-friendly work environment and no one openly says it’s a nuisance and annoyance. So, thanks to feedback, you can find out that you have such a feature, realize that this is a problem, as it affects the productivity of the team.

      Amazon office in Dublin. Photo:

      2. Employee’s individual rating. Each member of the team has it, a kind of “degree of importance”. You do not know your rating and no one knows it except the manager. Rating affects career advancement, salary increase. True, I can’t say that it put pressure on me psychologically. In addition, for all two years of work, we did not have a large staff turnover. I can only think of a few cases of layoffs. Moreover, one of them was asked to quit, compensating for this with a salary of three times, so that he could easily find a new job. The reason for the dismissal was a clear discrepancy between Cultural fit and the company’s culture.

      3. The 14 Principles of Leadership. In many Western companies, after they have become large enough, there is a document that describes the culture of the company. At Amazon, this is Leadership Principles. The employee receives this document among the first after employment. In the first place in the “Rules of Leadership” of Amazon is Customer Obsession: an employee must constantly think about the needs of Amazon customers so that they are always satisfied. This principle is obvious, because Amazon was among the first companies to put customer focus at the forefront. The second principle of Ownership (“Ownership Rule”): “If you do something, you own it in the company.” This means that if something suddenly breaks, you take responsibility and solve the problem.

      Amazon office in Santa Monica (Canada). Photo:

      When I read the Rules, I did not find anything surprising in them: that’s how it should work. The employee should be interested in how his part of the work affects the operation of the entire system.

      4. Overtime. Recycling is a common “myth” about working at Amazon. Yes, it happens, overtime is fixed in the contract. I worked an average of 35 to 60 hours a week.

      There were two old-timers in our team. One of them is a professor, the other has not even graduated from the university, but both are excellent specialists, well-known in the industry. They worked 80 hours a week, answering letters sent late at night… But no one forced them to work so hard. It’s just that they were specialists, absolutely crazy in their work. Even if you have a family.

      Amazon office in Santa Monica (Canada).

      5. Each team is a separate startup , so-called. the concept of two pizzas team (a team that can eat two pizzas). It seems to me that this is done for better implementation of innovations. In large companies, this is difficult to do, because there are customized business processes, goals, KPIs, and usually employees have little freedom. But if you give them more freedom, they become more creative, try non-standard solutions. It turns out many teams, each of which has its own direction of development, but they all live in a common ecosystem.

      6. Horizontal hierarchy. In Amazon, there is no such thing that you have 150 bosses who do not know what. For all the time of work, I communicated directly only with the manager and senior manager. And it wasn’t a subordinate-boss relationship. More like a colleague. Everyone does their own work and respects the results of other people’s work. I think this is very different from the structure of companies in Belarus.

      1. Unique experience. There are no companies in Belarus that work on such a scale and solve problems of this level. Amazon is one of the few companies in the world that has that many servers. To work with such a volume of information, iron – as they say, is priceless!

      Amazon office in Cambridge. Photo:

      2. High professionalism. When you get to Amazon, you get an environment where everyone is either at your professional level or above you. This involves constant work on yourself. I don’t think there was a day when I didn’t study. In addition, all the guys are very motivated and all sincerely love their work and profession.

      Amazon office in Cambridge. Photo:

      3. English. I pulled it up very hard. Not to say that before my English was terrible: I freely communicated on professional topics. But having lived in Ireland, he tightened his language enough to be able to speak “for life.”

      Amazon is hard to work with. There is a lot of competition between employees. I don’t think I’ll ever have to work as hard as I did at Amazon. There are few old-timers in the company. Many left after 2-3 years of work.

      I worked for the company for two years. Got super experience. All team members are professionals of the highest standard, from all over the world. Four Irishmen, a Pole, a Bangladeshi, two Italians, two Belarusians, a Turk, a Ukrainian worked directly in our team … And in total, a hundred nationalities were represented at the Amazon office.

      Amazon office in Prague. Photo:

      My salary was 10 percent higher than at Google. True, Amazon provides only an office. We were not paid for lunches, fitness and so on. Immediately upon arrival in Dublin, the company gave a good bonus – 16,000 euros. This was enough to equip life for the first time. All employees are entitled to an option. Its value depends on the length of service and position. If I had stayed to work, in five years I would have had an additional $150,000. But I came back, I decided that it was more important to try to make my own project. I went to Ireland on a work visa. That is, dismissal or a change of job meant that the visa was cancelled. Accordingly, working on your own project meant registering a company, and this is already a lot of nuances related to investments and so on.

      From the point of view of creating startups, companies, Belarus is a good place to have a development office. Here, cheap labor and not very high taxes. Currently I am a freelancer, working mainly for American companies and developing my own project.

      Day care tampa florida: Suncoast Academy – Child Care & Preschool in Tampa Fl

      Опубликовано: July 6, 2022 в 11:12 am


      Категории: Miscellaneous

      20 Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, FL – Find Reviews, Photos

      There are 20 adult daycare facilities in Tampa, Florida. Adult daycare costs in Florida range from about $30 up to $120 daily, with an average cost running about $60. The monthly expense averages about $1,800 and ranges between $900 and $3,600. On an annual basis, the median cost is about $15,600, which is less than the nationwide average of $16,900.

      Adult daycare costs in Tampa, FL range from $56 per day to $99 per day, with a median cost of about $83 per day. That equates to a yearly cost of around $21,450.

      Tampa is a major city in Hillsborough County within the State of Florida. It is part of the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater metropolitan area. It is the fifth largest city in Florida. The encompassing metropolitan area contains 2,177,497 people, but there are 717,255 living within the city itself. The 55-and-over community currently makes up approximately 21% of the overall population.

      Tampa has a good SeniorScore™ of 74. The city has a median per capita income of $27,000 and a median household income is $48,000 (the Florida state average is $40,000). The current unemployment rate is about 11.35% and the median home price is $106,500, which is lower than the state average of $208,500.

      Tampa has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very temperate summers. The area receives high amounts of precipitation annually. Tampa has very low air quality ratings, poor water quality, and a high rate of crime in comparison to other cities.

      More About Tampa, Florida

      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610.

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 …

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Top Adult Daycare Facilities in Tampa, Florida

      Situated within the Swann Estates area of Tampa, Florida, At Home With Friends ALF is a 12 room senior care community. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with around 17,000 residents in the zip code of 33609. …

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      At Home With Friends is a senior care community situated within the Virginia Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. With a median household income of $96,328, the facility is in a largely wealthier area. It is heavily populated, with …

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      Located nearby the Cheval area of the city, Northdale Assisted Living Facility is a senior housing facility serving Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with roughly 38,000 people residing in the zip code of 33624. It …

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      Humphrey Assisted Living is situated near the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 room senior community. The encompassing area has a dense population, with around 47,000 individuals residing in the zip code of …

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      Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility is licensed by the state of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration as an Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Heritage Manor is privately owned and is managed by Elder Managed Care & Consulting, Inc. Our facility …

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      Toria’s Support Care Services, Inc. – Balfour Bungalow is an 8 room senior care facility located near the East Side Commercial Area area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is densely populated, with roughly 36,000 individuals …

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      Belvedere Commons of Tampa is a senior care facility situated near by the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 46,000 residents in the zip code of 33612. With a …

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      Sweet Home Forever is a 5 unit senior community. It is situated near by the Grant Park area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $33,449. …

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      Morning Dew is situated within the Woodland Terrace neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior care community. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with approximately 40,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33610. …

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      Miracle Assisted Living Facility is a 6 bed senior community situated nearby the Tampa International Airport Area area of Tampa, Florida. The neighboring area is densely populated, with around 44,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33615. …

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      Miledy Martinez Adult Family Care Home is a 5 room care home. It is situated near the Tampa International Airport Area neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family …

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      Santa Lucia Assisted Living Facility is a 6 room senior housing facility. It is situated in the Lowry Park Central area of Tampa, Florida. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with about 47,000 poeple living in the zip …

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      Located near the Forest Hills neighborhood, Grace House of Tampa is a senior community serving Tampa, Florida. With approximately 27,000 individuals living in the 33618 zip code, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a generally middle …

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      Alimar Assisted Living is a senior community located within the Northeast Macfarlane area of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a mostly low income area, with a median family income of $32,323. It is densely populated, with about …

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      Wellswood Care Center is situated in the South Seminole Heights area of Tampa, Florida. It is an 8 unit senior housing community. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average family income of $33,826. …

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      Daniella’s Life Assisted Living is a 6 unit senior housing community. It is located in the Riverbend area of Tampa, Florida. With roughly 36,000 poeple living in the zip code of 33604, the surrounding area is densely populated. …

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      Arthur Home Assisted Living is situated in the Oakford Park neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. It is a 6 unit senior community. With approximately 17,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33609, the neighboring area has a medium-density …

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      Carmen’s Goodcare Assisted Living is a senior care facility situated in the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The community is in a generally middle income area, with an average family income of $36,667. With approximately 36,000 . ..

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      Maria’s Assisted Living is a 6 room senior housing facility situated within the Lowry Park Central neighborhood of Tampa, Florida. The encompassing area is densely populated, with around 47,000 individuals living in the zip code of 33614. It …

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      Palm Terrace Assisted Living and Adult Daycare is a senior housing facility situated in the Terrace Park area of Tampa, Florida. With a median per-household income of $36,678, the facility is in a mostly middle income area. It …

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      Hillsborough County, FL Day Care and Child Care Centers For Sale

      Hillsborough County, FL

      Beautiful & Profitable Preschool in Fishhawk for sale

      Hillsborough County, FL

      Beautiful, neat, clean, and organized are just a few words to describe this awesome preschool center for sale in an affluent area of Eastern Hillsborough County, FL area that is BOOMING with growth. Very profitable, almost 5,000 sq ft center that is approved for over 70 kids and is very well-appointed. The Jan – Dec 2021 financials show sales over $550,000 with an owner’s benefit over $125,000. The 2020 financials are just for 2 months of ownership. The seller desires to move which creates this golden opportunity. Don’t miss out, inquire today. This is a great deal for a director and a visa buyer, too. Please refer to listing # 2301417026 and ask for business broker H. JOE STRICKLAND when inquiring. Thank you!


      $515,000 – Hillsborough County, FL

      Cash Flow: $126,041

      Beautiful Preschool in Tampa

      Tampa, FL

      Successful Tampa Preschool with 100+ capacity. Amazing opportunity in desirable location. Good rental terms and strong enrollments. Great owner benefit. ELC programs in place.



      “Builder’s Special” Preschool in the Tampa Bay Area


      Hillsborough County, FL

      GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO EXPAND!! Newly constructed school in a rapidly growing community in the Tampa Bay Area with plans for an additional 8,000 square foot building. The existing real estate and building alone is appraised at $1,750,000. The facility is currently licensed for 100+ children with plans to expand to 250+ capacity. There is a complete staff and management team in place. The application for a Gold Seal Accreditation is in process and should be completed within 6-8 months. The previously existing school was completely remodeled in 2018 and a second building was constructed on the 2 1/2 acre parcel of land. The current owner has site plans and blueprints for an additional 8,000 square foot building to be built and will complete the project for the new owner if interested. Zoning is already approved for the expansion as a private school. There are several new developments by Lennar Homes and Taylor Morrison Homes in progress within a 5 mile radius of the school with plans of adding 500+ single family residences. This is a great opportunity for an experienced owner/operator or a multiple site owner. Interested buyers must submit a personal financial statement and resume, as well as a signed non-disclosure agreement before receiving any detailed information.




      Day Care Center & Indoor Toddler Playground

      Brandon, FL

      Opportunity to invest in a niche business for early childcare development in Brandon, FL. This Day Care Center & Indoor Toddler Playground has been designed to cater specifically to young children so they can have a safe, soft, and educational environment to play and learn in. There truly is no place like in the market place and there is a high demand to have center that allows for imagination and play to create a curriculum of learning for each childhood development. This is a start-up business located minutes away from the Brandon Town Center Mall and all major highways. Lease is for the next 3 years and business has begun to make a presence in the market and will continue to grow. Looking for the right leadership to take this business to the next level. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE.



      Established Preschool in Hillsborough County

      Hillsborough County, FL

      This private school currently nets $180,000.00 with the majority of tuition paid through the Florida Department of Education, School Choice Programs. Serving students in grades Kindergarten through Grade twelve. this very well established private school is an excellent fit for an owner operator, or as an expansion to an existing portfolio. Currently designed to accommodate approximately one hundred and forty students. Staffing is professionally trained and stable. Facilities are very clean and in excellent repair. All licenses and contracts for the operation of the school are up to date and in good standing. There is tremendous expansion potential with between 20,000 to 50,000 square feet of classroom space approved and ready for use. This Florida based Preschool for sale is presented by Sunbelt Business Brokers of South Florida, a division of SUNBELT, the largest organization of business brokers and M&A professionals in the world. With a local presence and global marketing reach, Sunbelt Business Brokers of South Florida has provided main-street and lower middle market business owners and buyers with unsurpassed deal expertise for nearly 20 years. For more information on this business for sale contact Marvin Levin at [email protected] or 561-832-9222.



      Cash Flow: $181,323

      Real Estate

      Child Care Facility with Real Estate in Hillsborough County

      Hillsborough County, FL

      Start or expand your operation with an approximate 4,700 sqft Vacant Child Care Facility that includes a little over 1.5 Acres of Real Estate! Previously licensed for 50 +/- Capacity due to Septic Tank(potential for increased capacity). Services included Full Year, Summer Care, After Care & Subsidized Care, Food Program. Owner is retiring! Please contact Enrique Iturriaga Sr. to get more information on this opportunity!



      Real Estate

      Expand your search to Florida

      County is sometimes kept confidential for business listings

      Palm Terrace Assisted Living & Adult Day Care

      Visitation Policy


      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at North Tampa

      Address: 14527 N. Florida Avenue, Tampa, FL 33613

      License #6694

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at Connerton Court

      Address: 21021 Betel Palm Lane, Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638
      License #12268

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at New Tampa

      Address: 14712 N. 42nd Street, Tampa, FL 33613

      License #12507

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at Palm Harbor

      Address: 1655 Curlew Road, Palm Harbor, FL 34683

      License #8733

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at Palma Ceia

      Address: 3720 West Bay to Bay Blvd. Tampa, FL 33629

      License #9298

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at Sarasota

      Address: 5750 S. Honore Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34233

      License #13217

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at South Tampa

      Address: 3330 S. MacDill Ave., Tampa, FL 33629

      License #8348

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at Lodges of Idllewild

      Address: 18440 Exciting Idlewild Blvd, Lutz, FL 33548

      License #12899

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at New Port Richey

      Address: 6716 Congress Street, New Port Richey, FL 34653

      License #12688

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living at Dunedin

      Address: 3175 Belcher Road, Dunedin, FL 34698

      License #10034

      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and can also provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Hacienda Villas Assisted Living Facility

      Hacienda ALF Services

      1510 E Palm Avenue

      Tampa, FL 33605


      License # 12164


      Visitation Guidelines in response to the “No Patient/Person Left Alone Act”
      1. In-person visitation is allowed under the following circumstances, unless the resident objects:
      a. A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a
      family, friend, or private caregiver.
      b. Resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family or friend.
      c. End-of-life
      d. Resident was living with family, friend, or private caregiver before being admitted to the
      community and is having a hard time adapting with the change in environment.

      2. In order to meet infection control protocols, each visitor will follow a check-in and screening process:
      a. Visitors will not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization
      b. Visitation may not occur if the visitor does not pass the community screening process
      recommended by state or federal guidelines:
      i. cough, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell.

      3. The community may require visitors to use a facemask or other personal protective equipment (PPE) as
      required by local, state, or federal law.
      4. Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by handwashing with soap and water
      when entering the community. Angels Senior Living shall provide alcohol-based hand sanitizing solution
      throughout the community.
      5. It is recommended visitation occur in the resident’s room or outside where all parties can practice social
      distancing. In addition, residents and visitors shall wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      before and after visitation.
      6. The community shall provide visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The size of the building
      and the physical space should be taken into consideration when considering the number of visitors per
      resident. There is no limit to the length of visitation however the visitation hours and the number of
      visitors may require limitations based on local, state, and federal guidelines.
      7. Visitation guidelines and infection control education are available in advance, on our website.
      8. Residents and visitors may have consensual physical contact while practicing hand hygiene before and
      after contact.
      9. The community can at any time suspend in-person visitation of a specific person if the visitor is unable to
      adhere to the following:
      a. The core principles of infection control and prevention
      b. Violates the community’s policy and procedure
      c. The community is required to suspend or limit visitation under local, state, or federal law.
      10. The Administrator or Designee shall be responsible for compliance with these policy and procedures and
      also can provide a copy of our infection control and education policies for visitors.

      Angels Senior Living Corporate Office

      4801 George Rd, Suite 190
      Tampa, FL 33634

      Tampa, FL Free PreSchools |

      Home  Florida Free PreSchools » Tampa Free PreSchools

      Tampa, Florida Free PreSchools

      We provide a directory of free preschools in Tampa, Florida. The list includes VPK, Head Start Programs and other government subsidized schools. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that provide free preschools.

      See all Hillsborough County Florida Free Preschools.

      Tampa PreSchools

      Debra McNair Calhoun Head StartEarly Head Start Center Sulphur Springs – /Early

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Povert

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      Easter Seals

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Povert

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      Fair Oaks Head Start – /Early

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Povert

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      A Brighter Community

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Povert

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      Bing EL , E.L.

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393. Seating is limited. Child care not provided! Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours. Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393. Seating is limited. Child care not provided! Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours. Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program s funded enrollmen

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      Citrus Park

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393. Seating is limited. Child care not provided! Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours. Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment

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      Clair Mel

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393. Seating is limited. Child care not provided! Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours. Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393. Seating is limited. Child care not provided! Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours. Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program s funded enrollmen

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393. Seating is limited. Child care not provided! Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours. Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program s funded enrollmen

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393. Seating is limited. Child care not provided! Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours. Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment

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      Egypt Lake

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393. Seating is limited. Child care not provided. Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours. Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enro

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      Brandon Community HS

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      Grant Park

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      Jackson Springs

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      La Paloma

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      New Friendship Education and Culture Center

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      North Tampa

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      Robles Park

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      Town & County Commons

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      West Tampa

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      Wright’s Wonderland

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      Oak Grove

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      Oak Park

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      Palm River

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      Sulphur Springs

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      Town N Country

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      Washington, BT

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      West Shore

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      West Tampa

      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      If you should have any questions, please call (813) 740-7870 ext. 379, 357, or 393.SEATING IS LIMITED.Child Care Not Provided!Expected processing time may take up to 3 hours.Head Start Performance Standards require that a minimum of 10% of the program’s funded enrollment will be made available to ch

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      Kimmins Early Head Start

      AdmissionsIn order to enroll in Hillsborough County Head Start/Early Head Start, the family of an infant, toddler or child must be working (25 hours or more per week) or be enrolled in school or in a job training program. In addition, the household must also meet the current Federal Poverty Guidelin

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      Temple Terrace UMC Preschool

      At Temple Terrace UMC, they recognize the importance of having a positive influence in the lives of children as early as possible. Their Preschool allows them to partner with children and their families to prepare them for their educational future with a loving, positive focus in a Christ-centere

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      JCC Preschools | Tampa Jewish Community Center Preschools |

      Registration for the 2022/2023 Preschool year is NOW OPEN!


      The Tampa Jewish Community Centers Preschools are a joyful and inclusive community of learners devoted to cultivating the creative spirit of young children and families through inquiry and meaningful experiences. Trained professionals provide an excellent secular program enhanced with rich Judaic components. We offer a variety of programs for children, ages 12 months through five years. Learn more about our philosophy and program

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      JCC Preschool North

      Preschool North Tampa


      The JCC Preschool, North Branch, offers programs for infants through PreK (4- and 5-year olds.)  Our Preschool North is located at 13013 Community Campus Drive Tampa, FL 33625.


      Preschool South Tampa


      The JCC Preschool, South Branch, offers programs for 1-year olds through PreK (4- and 5-year olds. )  Our Preschool South is located at Irving Cohen Center at Rodeph Sholom 2710 South Ysabella Ave., Tampa, FL 33629.

      Contact Us


      JCC Preschool, North Branch


      [email protected] | License #CHC110288


      For more information, please call (813) 962-2863

      Contact Us


      JCC Preschool, South Branch 


      JCCSouth@JewishTampa. com | License #CTA130310


      For more information, please call (813) 835-6614

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      We love the JCC because.


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      We love the JCC because..

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      We love the JCC because..

      Our Teachers


      Experienced professional staff members strive for a warm relationship with each child, while implementing a stimulating learning experience. There are two teachers in every classroom, a lead teacher and an assistant teacher. Lead teachers have either a college degree or a recognized state certification in early childhood education. Many of our assistant teachers also have the state certification or are working towards it. Local, state and federal background checks are conducted on all staff. All staff are required to attend in-service trainings during the year to enhance their professional skills. Much of what adds to the recognized quality of the JCC Preschools is the low turnover in staff. We are fortunate to have dedicated, loving and experienced teachers to enrich the classroom environment.

      Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten


      The Tampa Jewish Community Centers & Federation began participating in the Florida Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program in October 2005. The Florida VPK program was created to prepare every Florida four-year-old for kindergarten and build a strong foundation for their continued educational success. Priority is given to students who register for the classes that include additional instructional days and hours. The VPK only program is offered when space is available.


      The Judaic component of the JCC Preschool is a significant part of our Early Childhood Curriculum. We provide our preschoolers and their families with an appreciation and awareness of the Jewish holidays and values and a strong sense of Jewish identity. By integrating Judaic experiences into a child’s life, he/she develops a complete, wholesome self concept, and a sense of identification with family, the Jewish community, the American people and the world.

      Parental Involvement


      The Parent Association enables parents to help in their child’s classrooms, assist in special functions and organize fundraising projects for the school. We have two regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences. Parents are always welcome to visit and participate in their child’s class.

      Quality Care


      The preschools provide your child with the highest quality of early childhood education and child care. Both schools are licensed through the Hillsborough County Child Care Licensing Office. This ensures that we meet the necessary health and safety requirements established by Hillsborough County and the State of Florida.


      North Branch License #:C HC 110288

      South Branch License #:C TA 130310 




      Scholarships are available for Tampa JCC Preschool, Club J Enrichment Program, and Camp JCC. Contact Julie Cameron at [email protected] for more information.

      Beyond 20/20 | enVision the Future


      Help us to continue to make a profound impact at the JCC Preschools today and for future generations of children. How Your Contribution Works: Every donation will be matched 2 to 1 by an anonymous donor.  Learn more.

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      Part 1

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      Part 2

      Mark Horowitz, Director of the JCCA Sheva Center, speaks with parents about innovation and best practices in early childhood education at Back-to-School Night.

      The Corbett JCC Preschool Scholarship Fund is generously funded by





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      R’Club Dealer in St. Petersburg, Florida 33709

      R’Club | R’Club Dealer in St. Petersburg, Florida 33709

      Hurricane Ian Update

      ALL R’Club locations will be closed Tuesday, September 27th through Friday, September 30th. There will be NO afterschool care today September 26th.


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      Join Our Team!

      R’Club offers a minimum pay rate of $15.00/hr, an excellent benefits package, FT and PT positions county wide & no nights or weekends! Click the CAREERS tab to view our open positions to get started on your new career.

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      Strengthening Children, Families and Communities

      Serving over 4,000 infants, preschool, elementary and middle school children daily in 47+ locations in Pinellas County, including Pre-School, Pre-K, VPK, Head Start, Elementary and Middle School and Special Needs.

      Program Updates

      COVID-19 Updates and Resources

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      Employee Rights

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      Early Learning Academies

      R’Club’s Early Learning Academies serve children 2 months through 5 years of age. Our programs provide quality early learning education opportunities.

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      Elementary Programs

      Conveniently located at or near your child’s elementary school, R’Club’s school-age programs are designed to meet the developmental needs of each child.

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      Middle School Programs

      R’Club provides 7 no cost middle school programs throughout Pinellas County. The focus of the program is to help students meet or exceed local and state standards in subjects including reading, science and math.

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      Finger Printing

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      Programs and Services

      R’Club Early Leaning Academies, Elementary and Middle School programs are conveniently located throughout Pinellas County with one additional preschool/school-age center located near the University of South Florida in Hillsborough County. Additionally, R’Club provides a variety of other services for children, families, child care programs/providers and businesses.

      Early Learning Academies

      R’Club’s Early Learning Academies serve children 2 months through 5 years of age. Our programs provide quality early learning education opportunities that promote physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of young children.

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      Elementary Programs

      Conveniently located at or near your child’s elementary school, R’Club’s school-age programs are designed to meet the developmental needs of each child and build on their strengths and interests.

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      Middle School Programs

      Powered by Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County. R’Club provides FREE academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for middle school age children, particularly students who attend high- poverty and low performing schools.

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      Exceptional Student Education

      R’Club serves exceptional students, from 3 – 22 years of age, with varying exceptionalities including, but not limited to, autism, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, Fragile X Syndrome, and hearing and vision impairments.

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      Edible Peace Patch

      The Edible Peace Patch Project’s mission is to cultivate healthy minds and bodies through hands-on educational gardens producing successful individuals and thriving communities.

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      Special Services

      R’Club is proud to partner with the Juvenile Welfare Board (JWB) to offer consultative training and support for preschool children with behavorial issues that can lead to difficulties finding and maintaining stable childcare placement.

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      HIPPY Program

      Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) is a home-based, parent involvement, school readiness program that helps parents prepare their three, four and five year old children for success in school and in life.

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      Corporate Child Care

      R’Club offers options for on and off-site corporate child care. Corporate child care ensures peace of mind for parents and demonstrates your company’s commitment to the family. The benefits of employer sponsored child care include improved employee recruitment, reduced turnover, enhanced productivity, diminished absenteeism and an enriched public image for your company.

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      We value our supporters because we know that you too believe that together we can build healthy communities and shape a better future for children by devoting resources. Caring attention, supervision, tutoring, homework assistance and creative play help children grow into responsible adults that in turn, gives back to the community and society. Thank you for your interest in helping us provide safe, happy, engaging and meaningful educational activities for children. There are many ways to give that allows R’Club to help children and families we serve.


      Executive Team

      Meet our leadership team. Dedicated to meeting the needs of the families and children we serve throughout the community.

      Maria Climes

      Human Resources Director

      Tim Yeazell

      Chief Financial Offiicer

      Deb Ballinger

      Executive Director

      Meet our Team

      Join us on Facebook

      R’Club is a community of dedicated parents, teachers and administrators who are champions for the future of young people throughout Pinellas and Hillsborough County. We invite you to ‘Like’ the R’Club Child Care Facebook page, where we share important updates, student accomplishments and upcoming events. Follow us on Facebook to be part of the fun!

      © 2022 R’Club. Brand Management by PowerChord.

      Terms of Use

      Privacy Policy

      Hospitals and Clinics of America – Treatment at Tampa General Hospital, Florida, USA

      Tampa General Hospital, USA (TGH) is a large hospital built on the Davis Islands near Tampa, Florida.

      Tampa General is a private, non-profit hospital and one of Florida’s top hospitals.

      Tampa General Hospital has 1,018 licensed beds and over 6,600 staff, making it the region’s largest employer.

      Tampa General Hospital is a teaching hospital that trains students at the University of South Florida College of Medicine, a renowned medical school established in the early 1970s.

      Tampa General currently has more than 300 medical students trained in fields ranging from general internal medicine to neurosurgery.

      Tampa General Hospital has the only Level 1 trauma center and one of four burn centers in the state of Florida.

      Our own air ambulance fleet is represented by five specially equipped helicopters, which in case of emergency can deliver patients from anywhere in the state, and even from the territory of neighboring states. TGH has one of the top transplant centers in the US, with over 6,000 organ transplants, including Florida’s first successful heart transplant in 1985.

      Tampa General Hospital has opened a certified comprehensive stroke center and a 32-bed neurological intensive care unit – the largest on Florida’s west coast. In addition, TGH has several excellent specialized centers: cardiology, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, urology, endocrinology, otorhinolaryngology, etc.

      Tampa General Hospital is considered one of the best in the state for patient safety. In 2013, Tampa General was ranked among the top 50 US hospitals in 6 specialties. Tampa General Hospital is ranked No. 2 among the medical institutions in the state of Florida. The hospital is accredited by the Commission for the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facility (CARF) and accredited by JCI.

      Last year Tampa General Hospital treated 39,215 inpatients, hospital surgeons performed almost 29thousand operations, of which 14.2 thousand are outpatient. The emergency department received 84,140 patients.

      Tampa Hospital History, USA

      The construction of the hospital began in March 1926, and by the end of the following year it began to receive patients, including those from the old Gordon Keller Hospital. On the first hospital building, the inscription above the entrance read: “Tampa Municipal Memorial Hospital named after Gordon Keller.” Originally this small 250-bed hospital towered above the surrounding landscape and was surrounded by parkland, but today the hospital is almost hidden from view by new buildings. At 19In 1936, the Gordon Keller School was located in the adjacent building.

      In 1956, the hospital received its current name, Tampa General Hospital. In 1991, the very first building of the hospital was named after Clara Fry, an African-American nurse who ran a hospital in West Tampa in the early 20th century. This hospital admitted patients of all races, while until the 1950s Tampa Municipal Hospital did not admit black patients at all.

      Children’s Medical Center TGH

      Special mention should be made of the Florida General Hospital Children’s Medical Center, which has one of the state’s three pediatric dialysis units, as well as a superb state-of-the-art pediatric intensive care unit.

      Collaboration with the USF College of Medicine ensures that Children’s Medical Center professionals have access to the best technology in the state.

      Almost all children’s specializations are represented in the center – from neonatology to rehabilitation:

      • Cardiology.
      • Endocrinology.
      • Gastroenterology.
      • Hematology.
      • Neonatology.
      • Infectious diseases.
      • Nephrology.
      • Neurology.
      • Neurosurgery.
      • Oncology.
      • Ophthalmology.
      • Orthopedics.
      • Plastic surgery.
      • Pulmonology.
      • Psychiatry.
      • Rehabilitation.
      • General surgery.
      • Transplantology, etc.

      Parents of young patients at CMC are considered an important part of the team. Doctors welcome the participation of parents in caring for the child, tell them in detail about the condition of the baby, and teach them the necessary skills. Parents can be with their children 24 hours a day, for which comfortable conditions have been created in the center.

      TGH American Hospital Rehabilitation Center

      The Tampa General Hospital Rehabilitation Center is a specialized 59is a local rehabilitation facility located on the Tampa General campus.

      The rehabilitation center has earned CARF accreditation in the following areas:

      • Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs for adults and children with brain injury.
      • Rehabilitation programs for diseases and injuries of the spinal cord in adults and children.
      • Programs for inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation after a stroke.

      The center deals with the rehabilitation of patients with hearing impairments, neurological diseases, as well as after major surgical operations (amputation of limbs, joint arthroplasty, etc.)

      Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery

      Because of the ever-expanding field of bloodless medicine, Tampa General Hospital has hosted the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery. This innovative center is designed specifically for patients who do not accept transfusions of blood and blood products. Many patients require such medical care for religious reasons, but there is a growing number of people who do not want to come into contact with other people’s blood for fear of infections and adverse reactions.

      The main strategy here is to minimize blood loss during surgical procedures, for which dozens of modern technologies are used:

      • Aquamantys Hemostatic System.
      • Argon beam coagulator.
      • Cell preservation system.
      • Electrosurgical techniques.
      • Harmonic scalpel.
      • Technique of hemodilution.
      • Interventional radiology.
      • Analysis of microsamples.
      • Robotic surgery.
      • Synthetic erythropoietin, etc.

      Tampa General Hospital has established a unique center with specially trained surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses and support staff to provide a wide range of procedures without the need for transfusions of blood and blood components.

      Tampa General Hospital rating

      In 2013, Tampa General Hospital was among the 147 hospitals in America ranked by US News with the best placements in at least one adult specialty.

      Tampa General rating:

      • Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (#49).
      • Otorhinolaryngology (No. 35).
      • Nephrology (No. 24).
      • Orthopedics (No. 19).
      • Urology (No. 32).
      • Pulmonology (No. 32).

      Independent experts interviewed by the publication recognized the high achievements of the hospital in oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, gynecology, neurology, geriatrics, ophthalmology and rheumatology.

      In the era of information technology, the opinion of the patients themselves is important for any hospital. This year, 76% of patients treated at TGH were “definitely satisfied” with the hospital.

      This figure is 8% above the Florida average and 6% above the US average.

      Konstantin Mokanov: Master of Pharmacy and Professional Medical Translator

      Tampa –

      This article is about the city of Florida. For other uses, see Tampa (disambiguation).

      Tampa (English [tæmrə]) is an American city, the seat of Hillsborough County on the west coast of the state of Florida. It is located approximately 300 km NW of Miami, in Tampa Bay. Discovered in the early 16th – th centuries by the Spaniards, the city was founded around Fort Brook and has been on the rise since the discovery of phosphate in 1883.

      With a population of 335,709, according to the 2010 US Census, it is the third most populous city in Florida after Jacksonville and Miami. It is both a port city and a resort. The Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater Metropolitan Area (MSA), spanning four counties, has a population of approximately 2.7 million. The Tampa Bay metropolitan area has just over 4 million residents with the Sarasota metropolitan area, behind the Miami metropolitan area, which has over 6 million people. Tampa’s economy is based on phosphate exports, fishing, and tourism.


      • 1 story
      • 2 Geography

        • 2. 1 Topography
        • 2.2 Geology
        • 2.3 Climate
        • 2.4 Surroundings of municipalities
      • 3 Urban planning

        • 3.1 Architecture
        • 3.2 Surroundings
      • 4 Demographics
      • 5 Economy
      • 6 Transport
      • 7 Education
      • 8 Health
      • 9culture

        • 9.1 Museums
        • 9.2 Performing arts
        • 9.3 Festivals and cultural events
        • 9.4 Tourism and recreation
        • 9.5 Media
        • 9.6 Churches
      • 10 sports
      • 11 Twinning
      • 12 Notes and references
      • 13 External links


      Hernando de Soto .

      Various indigenous peoples have inhabited the region since several millennia BC. J.-K.

      The word “Tampa” comes from the Calus, an Indian tribe that inhabited the region in pre-Columbian times. This name first appears in memoir Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda (1575), a Spanish conquistador who spent 17 years in captivity at Calusa. According to archaeologist Gerald Milanich, the Native American village was at the mouth of Charlotte Harbor. When the Spanish explored the area, they found the villages of Tokobaga and Calusa settled around Tampa Bay (present-day Pinellas and Manatee counties). They lived off marine resources (fish and shellfish).

      Conquistador Panfilo de Narvaez was the first European to discover the Tampa region in April 1528. The following year, another Spaniard, Hernando de Soto, rescued the members of the Narváez expedition. A peace treaty was concluded with the natives and an ephemeral Spanish post was founded: the Spaniards quickly abandoned it due to the resistance of the Indians and the lack of gold. Diseases brought by the Europeans caused a rapid decline in the native population. In the XVIII – m century, the Tampa area saw the installation of Cuban fishermen in the current area of ​​Hyde Park.

      When Florida was purchased by Great Britain in 1763 , the bay was named Hillsborough Bay . After a second period of Spanish rule, the Florida Territory joined the United States in 1821. An American armed expedition was sent to Angola, a village made up of runaway slaves on the east coast of Tampa Bay. The Treaty of Moultrie Creek (1823) created an Indian reservation on the Florida peninsula. Forts and trading posts were built to increase control over the southern marshlands: Fort Brooke was built by Colonels George Mercer Brooke and James Gadsden at the mouth of the Hillsborough River at the site of the current Tampa Conventions. But it wasn’t until the end of the Seminole Wars and the departure of the American Indians that the white population really developed. Four years after Florida became 27- m United States, Tampa Village was founded: at the time it had 185 residents, including men from Fort Brook. According to the first US census, in 1850, 974 people lived here. Tampa officially became a city (English city ) and Judge Joseph B. Lancaster became its first mayor in 1856.

      Tampa late XIX – century.

      During the Civil War, Florida sided with the Confederates. The northerners established a naval blockade of the coast. In January 1862, martial law was declared in Tampa and the municipality went out of business during the conflict. During the Battle of Tampa (June 30- 1 – th July 1862), warships bombed Northern Fort Brook with no decisive result. On the other hand, during the Battle of Fort Brooke (October 17-18, 1863), northern troops managed to land. The Southerners were defeated in April 1865, and the following month the Confederate Army occupied Fort Brook, where it remained during the reconstruction period until 1869.

      The development of the city was hampered by its relative isolation and the presence of yellow fever mosquitoes. Thus, the years 1860-1870 were marked by several epidemics that prompted the inhabitants to flee. In 1869In the same year, citizens voted to abolish the municipal government of Tampa, whose population, according to the 1870 census, did not exceed 800 people. Fort Brooke was abandoned in 1883 and completely destroyed.

      In 1920 Tampa had a population of almost 38,000. The growth of the city is due to the discovery of phosphates in 1883 in the Bone Valley. Since then, the Port of Tampa has expanded its exports. The city was opened up by the railroad (1885) and also became a major cigar manufacturing center during this time, when Vicente Martínez Ybor moved his tobacco factories from Key West to Tampa (1886). The tobacco was imported from Cuba and processed by Cuban and Spanish workers. At its peak, Ybor City had about 12,000 tobaccoro (cigar manufacturers) in 200 factories. Ybor City produced up to 700 million cigars a year. The cigars were then transported to other countries by train or boat. The city experienced a population boom and attracted Sicilian and Jewish merchants. It was during this period that the lottery bolita was developed, especially popular among the lower strata of society . During Prohibition, organized crime flourished in Tampa under the leadership of Charlie Wall and then Italy’s Santo Trafficante in 1950s. His son (Santo Trafficante Junior) succeeded him and expanded his activities to New York and Cuba. A series of lawsuits ended the corruption of the municipal elites of the 1950s.

      In 1891 Henry B. Factory had the Bay Hotel Tampa built in the then fashionable Moorish style. It has a length of 400 meters and more than 500 rooms, equipped with electric lighting and the first elevator in the city. The building reflects the tourist boom in Florida in recent years XIX – th century . Three years after it closed in 1930, its facilities were transferred to the University of Tampa. During the Spanish–American War of 1898, Tampa served as a military training camp and landing center for troops including Theodore Roosevelt. In 1921, a terrible hurricane hit the city, flooding the famous Bayshore Boulevard under water for more than six meters. Tampa has risen from the rubble to an unprecedented level of growth. In 1935, another hurricane swept through Tampa, this time killing hundreds in South Florida. In the first decades XX – th century, the tobacco industry constituted the main activity of the city, with nearly 500 million cigars produced in 1929. During World War II, the military base at MacDill (Air Force Base) was equipped as well as other auxiliary bases . They employed thousands of soldiers and were an important source of income for the city. Tampa International Airport currently occupies Two of the satellite bases. In 1956, the University of South Florida was created. At 1967 and then in 1989, East Tampa was the scene of race riots. At four months after the terrorist attacks on the New York World Trade Center, a 15-year-old amateur pilot fell from his Cessna into the Bank of America Tower downtown. Today, Tampa, like the rest of Florida, attracts retirees from the north of the country.


      City of Tampa.


      According to the US Census Bureau, the area of ​​the city of Tampa is 441.9 km 2, of which 34.3% are under water (58.5 km 2 ) . The highest point in the city is only 15 meters above sea level Tampa is bordered by two bays open to. Gulf of Mexico: Old Tampa Bay and Hillsborough Bay. The Hillsborough River empties into Hillsborough Bay and is the main source of fresh water for the city. Another stream, the Palm River, flows east of Tampa and empties into Mackay Bay.


      Tampa is home to Ballast Point, an Oligocene Cretaceous formation rich in fossils such as molluscs (bivalves, gastropods), bryozoans, or ichnofossils.


      Tampa has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cfa ), as does the rest of south Florida. The average annual rainfall is 1137 mm . Summers are hot (about 33 ° C during the day, 23 ° C at night) and humid: this is the rainy season, which lasts from May to October. Thunderstorms then are frequent and sometimes deadly. In Tampa, an average of 524 9 falls0299 mm precipitation from July to September and 157 mm from November to January. August is the wettest month of the year (193 mm ), while November is the driest month (41 mm ).

      Winter can be marked by several frosty days when the region is overwhelmed by a cold wave . In 1899, Tampa was hit by a cold snap and a snowstorm. The last significant snowfall is dated (0.5 cm ) and paralyzed the city.

      The highest temperatures usually develop between 18 and 35 ° C . The heat record (37°C ) was recorded at ; cold record -7.8 ° C at .


      Weather report for Tampa, Florida (27°55’N / 82°27W, 3 meters)
      Month Jan. February march May June Jul. August Sep. October November December
      Average minimum temperature (°C) 10 10.9 13.6 16 19.7 22.7 23.6 23.6 22.7 18.4 14.3 11.3 17.2
      Average temperature (°C) 15.5 16.4 19.2 21.8 25.2 27.4 28 year 28 year 27.2 23.8 19.7 16.8 22.4
      Average maximum temperature (°C) 21 years old 21. 9 24.8 27.6 30.7 31.9 32.3 32.3 31.7 29.1 25.4 22.3 27.6
      Rainfall (mm) 50.5 78.2 76.5 29.2 78.7 139.2 167.1 193.3 151.9 51.3 45 54.6 1115.5

      Source: World Climate

      Surrounding municipalities

      NW : Oldsmar, Palm Harbor, Tarpon Springs, Dunedin, Egyptian Lake North : Lutz, Land O’Lakes, Carrollwood Northeast : Temple Terrace, Tonotosassa, Wesley Chapel, Mango
      West : Clearwater, Clearwater Beach, Largo, Indian Rocks Beach Tampa East : Brandon, Seffner, Valrico, Plant City, Lakeland, East Tampa
      Southwest : St. Petersburg, Treasure Island, St. Petersburg Beach South : Apollo Beach, Ruskin, Sun City Center Southeast : Riverview, Gibsonton, Boyette

      Urban planning


      Sulfur springs water tower.

      Bayshore Boulevard.

      Tampa’s business district has 18 skyscrapers over 76 meters high. 100 North Tampa is the tallest of 42 floors and 176 meters. Completed in 1992, it is the tallest building in Florida outside of Miami and Jacksonville. Other notable towers are the SunTrust Building, Sykes Building, SkyPoint Condominium, Towers of Channelside, and Bank of America Building. The Rivergate building is a cylindrical building, which the people of Tampa have nicknamed Beer Can Building . It was used as a set for the movie The Punisher (2004).

      Tampa is also home to several historic buildings: the Sulfur Springs Water Tower, built in the 1920s, the Babe Zaharias Golf Course, purchased in 1949 by Babe Zaharias and opened to the public in 1974, and especially the Tampa Bay Hotel.

      The Ybor City neighborhood is listed as a National Register Historic District. It contains many historic buildings, including two former cigar factories, the El Pasaje Hotel, the Ritz Theatre, and the Ferlita Bakery, which now houses the Ybor State Museum.

      In the Tampa Municipal Office Building, visitors can admire a mural by Lynn Ash, The Story of Tampa (122 cm × 244 cm ) completed in 2003. The pedestrian promenade runs along the Hillsborough River and is expected to be completed. Extend from the Canal District to Tampa Heights. The municipality has several projects for the city: downtown development, Tampa’s waterfront, relocation of several museums (Tampa Bay Historical Center, Tampa Children’s Museum, Tampa Museum of Art).


      Tampa’s main official neighborhoods are Downtown Tampa, New Tampa, West Tampa, East Tampa, North Tampa, and South Tampa.

      Other neighborhoods include: Ybor City, Forest Hills, Sulfur Springs, Seminole Heights, Tampa Heights, Beach Park, Palm Seya, Hyde Park, Tampa Palms, College Hill, and non-residential areas of Gary and the Westshore business district.


      Census history
      Anya. Pop. % ±
      1850 974

      1870 796

      1880 720 −9.55%
      1890 5532 + 668. 33%
      1900 15 839 + 186.32%
      1910 37 782 + 138.54%
      1920 51 608 + 36.59%
      1930 101 161 + 96.02%
      1940 108 391 + 7.15%
      1950 124 681 + 15. 03%
      1960 274 970 + 120.54%
      1970 277 714 + 1%
      1980 271 523 −2.23%
      1990 280 015 + 3.13%
      2000 303 447 + 8.37%
      2010 335 709 + 10. 63%
      Is. 2017 385 430 + 14.81%

      Tampa is the third most populated city in Florida after Jacksonville and Miami. It is 57- and the most populous city in the US. The metropolitan area (MSA) of Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, which spans four counties, employs approximately 2.7 million people and is ranked second in the state and at 20 – and positions nationally.

      Composition of population in % (2010)
      Group Tampa Florida United States
      White 62. 9 75.0 72.4
      black people 26.2 16.0 12.6
      Other 3.9 3.6 6.4
      Asians 3.4 2.4 4.8
      Metis 3.2 2.5 2.9
      Native Americans 0.4 0.4 0.9
      General 100 100 100
      Hispanics 23.1 22.5 17.37

      Between 2012 and 2016, the median per capita income was $31,605 per year, above the Florida ($27,598) and US ($29,829) averages. However, 21.2% of Tampa residents lived below the poverty line (compared to 14.7% statewide). and 12.7% nationally).

      Only 48.4% of residents own their homes, compared to 64. 8% statewide and 63.6% nationally.

      Finally, 16.0% of the population is uninsured compared to 15.3% at the state level and 10.1% at the national level.

      According to the American Community Survey , for the period 2011-2015. 74.70% of the population over the age of 5 said they spoke English at home, 18.15% said they spoke Spanish, 0.90% Haitian Creole, 0.76% Arabic, 0.58% . Vietnamese and 4.91% other language.

      According to a 2006 UCLA study, Tampa has one of the highest proportions of gays and lesbians (6.1% of the population). The Tampa Bay metropolitan area is the fifth largest in the nation with 5.9% LGBT.


      Tampa’s main economic sectors are services, retail, finance, insurance, and real estate. About 740,000 people work in Hillsborough County and this number is expected to rise to 922,000 by 2015. In 2004, the unemployment rate was 3.4%.

      Hillsborough County School District, MacDill Air Force Base, Verizon Communications, and the University of South Florida are the city’s largest employers, each with over 12,000 employees.

      The secondary sector is diverse: the city still produces cigars. The crisis of the 1970s hit heavy industry. The agri-food industry, breweries (Anheuser-Busch and Pabst), fertilizer, pesticide and paper industries continue to be important.

      Many banks and telecommunications companies have regional offices in the business district. Some of the companies headquartered in the Greater Tampa area include:

      • OSI Restaurant Partners in the restaurant business: it owns about 1,200 restaurants in the US and 20 foreign countries. It employs about 70,000 people.
      • WellCare Health
      • TECO employs approximately 5,700 people in the energy sector.
      • Walter Industries, diversified conglomerate (construction, finance, industrial products, coal, natural gas)
      • Raymond James Financial
      • Rooms to Go: the largest furniture chain in the US; she has about a hundred stores in the Southeastern states.
      • Ferman Automotive Group: car dealership founded in 1895 year.
      • Global Imaging Systems: Office Automation & Services
      • Brown & Brown: Insurance
      • Skyes Enterprises: Business Services
      • Checkers Drive-In Restaurants: Catering
      • Maritrans: oil
      • Research Institute / Surgical Express: surgical equipment
      • Syniverse Technologies Inc.

      The Tampa metropolitan area has several high-tech companies operating in scientific instruments (10,600+ employees), medical technology (4,600 employees), and pharmaceutical research (2,300 employees).

      • Bausch & Lomb
      • Esprit Health
      • Finance: Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. and MetLife have a presence in Tampa.

      Tampa is also an important convention center: the city has many amenities. The Tampa Convention Center near Harbor Island has conference facilities, 600 hotel rooms, banquet facilities, and concert halls. The Sun Dome at the University of South Florida can accommodate 11,500 people for concerts, lectures, or performances.

      The port of Tampa is the seventh in the US and the first in Florida in terms of total tonnage (about 50 million tons of cargo). It is the gateway from Latin America to the United States. Most of its freight traffic consists of cargo and phosphates. This is the second cruise port after Miami and a major shrimp fishing port. There are also shipyards in the port area.

      With 40,000 jobs and $1.7 billion in revenue each year, the tourism sector alone is the third largest employer in the region.

      Tampa is the seat of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, one of five appellate courts in the state of Florida.


      View of Tampa International Airport.

      Tampa has an international airport ( Tampa International Airport , IATA code: TPA). The airport employs about 8,000 people in the city.

      Nearly 17 million passengers passed through the airport in 2009, ranking 26- and among North American airports.

      Other airports:

      • Peter O. Knight Airport, Davis Islands

      Routes: Interstate (North-South: Interstate 275), Interstate 4, State Route 60, US Highway 41. Public transportation is operated by the Hillsboro Area Regional Transportation Authority (HART line). The TECO line connects downtown to Ybor City with stops at the Tampa Convention Center, St. Pete Times, Channelside, Harbor Cruise Terminal and Florida Aquarium.

      Tampa also has a historic streetcar line, as well as a train station with connections to Miami and New York.


      Public sector elementary and secondary schools are operated by the Hillsborough County School District, the state’s third largest by enrollment.

      In 2003-2004, there were 175,454 students in 130 elementary schools, 42 colleges and 26 high schools.

      List of universities and colleges in the city:

      • University of South Florida: 12,500 employees, 46,174 students in 2008; it is the ninth largest public university in the United States by student population; he is recognized for research in renewable energy (Center for Clean Energy Research) and medical research; annual budget: $1. 8 billion
      • University of Tampa: 5800 students
      • Hillsborough Community College
      • Everest University
      • Stetson University College of Law
      • Strayer University
      • Tampa College
      • College of Florida
      • Hillsborough Community College
      • Education America – Tampa Tech
      • campus

      • ITT Technical Institute

      The John F. Germany Library is the City Library located in the city centre. The network of affiliated libraries in microdistricts has 21 branches. There are more than four million works in the city library. There are also many university libraries.


      Tampa has many healthcare infrastructures: cancer research center (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute), more than 12 hospitals (James A. Haley Medical Center, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa Shriners Hospital, etc.) And two medical schools. Among medical research institutions, the USF College of Medicine is one of the most respected in the city. Established in 2002 by the State of Florida on the USF campus, the Byrd Alzheimer Research Center is one of the world’s largest centers dedicated to Alzheimer’s disease research.



      • Tampa Bay History Center
      • Tampa Children’s Museum
      • Tampa Museum of Art: Ancient Art Collection (Greece, Rome)
      • Henry B. Plant Museum: Victorian Decorative Arts and Furniture
      • Museum of Contemporary Art (on USF campus)
      • Graphicstudio
      • Ybor State Museum: Cigar History and Hispanic Community


      • Florida Contemporary Arts Center
      • Lee Scarfone Gallery
      • Gallery HOP

      Performing Arts

      • Tampa Theater
      • Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center


      • American Stage
      • Stage work
      • Alley of Cat Players
      • Carrollwood Players
      • Ballet Folklorico of Ybor: Spanish American Dances
      • Kuumba dancers and drummers


      • Florida Band
      • Master Choir
      • Tampa Bay Chamber Orchestra
      • Tampa Oratory

      Many famous death metal bands come from Tampa, such as Deicide, Six Feet Under, Obituary, Death and Morbid Angel. The Tampa scene grew under the patronage of Morrisound, a recording studio located in the Temple Terrace suburb, where many metal albums were recorded.

      Festivals and cultural events

      Established in 1967, the Hillsborough County Arts Council is Tampa’s cultural organization.
      Pirate festival Gasparilla annually since 1904 on the last Saturday of January. Its name comes from the legendary pirate John Gaspard. It attracts about 400,000 visitors. Costume parade down Bayshore Boulevard. The celebration ends with Fiesta Day in Ybor City. The Florida State Fair is a twelve-day fair in February. Outback Bowl will take place on 1st – th January at Raymond James Stadium.

      • Winter Horse Festival
      • Florida Dance Festival
      • Guavahuin Halloween Festival: On October 31, a street party takes place in the city of Ybor.
      • Greater Hillsborough County Fair
      • Tampa Hillsboro County Story Festival
      • Premiere: Arts Festival 31 December
      • Hot Rod and Street Machine National Championships.

      The busiest nightlife areas are Channel District, Ybor City, Soho, International Plaza and Bay Street, Old Hyde Park Village and Seminole Hard Rock.

      Tourism and Recreation

      Downtown Tampa during the Gasparilla Festival.

      The municipality has 165 parks and beaches, covering a total area of ​​925 hectares. The two main beaches in the city are Picnic Island and Ben T. Davis Municipal Beach. There are 42 others scattered around Hillsborough County in a total area of ​​28,000 hectares. Hillsborough River State Park is located northeast of Tampa, in which many sports can be practiced.

      The city has many theme parks and entertainment venues: Busch Gardens Tampa , Adventure Island (en) , Lowry Park Zoo, Florida Aquarium , Fairyland Village and Museum of Science and Industry (en) .

      Florida Aquarium is home to some 4,300 plant and animal species, of which 550 are native to Florida.

      Main shopping centers: International Plaza and Bay Street, WestShore Plaza, University Mall, Westfield Brandon and Westfield Citrus Park. Hyde Park Village is known for its market.

      mass media

      The city’s main newspapers are The Tampa Tribune and Tampa Bay Times . La Gaceta is the only newspaper in three languages ​​(English, Spanish and Italian). Some weeklies, local newspapers and magazines include 9. . Centro Mi Diario is a free Spanish-language newspaper published by The Tampa Tribune . The main TV channels are WFTS 28 (ABC), WTSP 10 (CBS), WFLA 8 (NBC), WTVT 13 (FOX), WTOG 44 (CW) and WTTA 38 (My Network TV).


      Tampa First Baptist Church.

      The oldest church in Tampa was founded by JK Lay in 1846; it’s a Methodist church. But the most famous building is the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart, which opened in 1905. St. Paul’s AME Church was founded by Rev. Thomas W. Long in 1870 and is the oldest African American congregation in the city. Other churches are First Presbyterian Church, St. Patrick and Christ the King Catholic Church, St. Andrew and St. John Episcopal Church.


      Raymond James Stadium.

      Tampa is the city where WWE Big Show Superstars Primo Colón, Gillian Hall, Kelly Kelly, Tyson Kidd and Natalya, John Cena and Nikki Bella reside.

      There are several sports teams in Tampa that play in national professional leagues: the Tampa American football team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers play in the NFL, won the Super Bowl on January 26, 2003 against the Oakland Raiders and vs. Kansas City Chiefs.

      Hockey team, the Tampa Bay Lightning, won the Stanley Cup at the end of the 2003–2004 season against Calgary.

      The Tampa Bay Cyclones play in the Arena Football League. They were in Pittsburgh before coming to Tampa in 1991. They won their first ArenaBowl that same year, then repeated the feat in 1993, 1995, 1996 and 2003. Since 1997 they have played at St. Pete Times Forum.

      Tampa bid to host the 2012 Summer Olympics, but New York was ultimately chosen to represent the United States.

      There are many teams in college sports too: The University of South Florida opened an American football program in 1998. The South Florida Bulls have played in Division IA since 2001. They then joined Conference USA in 2003 and the Big East in 2005. Spartan University of Tampa is the city’s oldest athletic association, having started in 1933. They are in the NCAA Division II of the Sunshine State Conference (SSC). They have won several titles in men’s football (1981, 1994, 2001), women’s soccer (2007), baseball (1992, 1993, 1998, 2006, 2007), golf (1987, 1988) and volleyball (2006).

      Other Tampa sports teams:

      • The Tampa Bay Rays (MLB)
      • Tampa Bay Hooligans Football (USL)
      • Bay Area Pelicans Rugby Football Club
      • Bay Area Krewe (rugby) game at Skyview Park
      • Tampa Bay Terminators, in women’s football
      • Dogs and racing: Tampa Bay Downs and Turf Club, Tampa Greyhound Track (1933)
      • Golf: GTE Suncoast Classic Senior Professional Golfers Association Tour
      • Sea sports: swimming, sailing, fishing, windsurfing.


      • Agrigento (Italy)
      • Barranquilla (Colombia)
      • Cordoba (Argentina)
      • Granada (Nicaragua)
      • Izmir (Turkey)
      • Le Havre (France)
      • Oviedo (Spain)
      • Camarines Sur (Philippines)
      • Ashdod (Israel)

      Notes and links

      1. (at) ABOUT TAMPA BAY – PINELLAS COUNTY HISTORY – WEBCOAST PAGE TAMPA FLORIDA Tampa Bay “, (accessed February 24, 2008 ) .
      2. (in) Excavator Pioneers Seeking Freedom “, St. Pete Times (accessed April 13, 2009g. ) .
      3. (c) “Looking for Angola “.
      4. (in) Daughters of the American Revolution Daughters of American Revolution
      5. ↑ Population census 1850
      6. (in) Civilian Tampa’s Military Rule During Waréditeur = (accessed February 23, 2008) .
      7. (in) Civil War Battle at Florida, Tampa Bay Interstate War “, americancivilwar. com (accessed Feb. 24, 2008)
      8. (in) Battle Summary: Tampa, FL “, (accessed February 24, 2008) .
      9. a and b (in) Tampa Bay History Center “, (accessed February 23, 2008 ) .
      10. (in) Archives, Registration History of the City of Tampa “, (accessed February 23, 2008) .
      11. a and b (in) Florida Facts and Trivia “, 50states. com (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      12. ↑ Creative Loafing Tampa | News | Crowd
      13. ↑ – Featured Articles 101
      14. a b and c (in) Tampa Recreation “, City-data (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      15. (in) Adam Emerson, “ Shining Beacon “, Tampa Tribune, (accessed August 10, 2008) .
      16. ↑ Palm River Restoration
      17. (in) Point Ballast Collection Florida on the Paleobiology Database (accessed 29October 2019)
      18. (c) Mansfield toilet. 1937. Clams from the Tampa and Suwannee limestones. Florida Department of Conservation Geological Bulletin 15: 1-334.
      19. (in) The Weather Channel ( (accessed November 25, 2006) .
      20. (c) The Weather Doctor Almanac 2002 (accessed January 11, 2007) .
      21. ↑ Weather Doctor Almanac 2002
      22. ↑ MyFoxTampaBay
      23. ↑ Weather forecast for Tampa on Yahoo! Weather
      24. (in) Tampa Florida Average Weather – Temperature and Precipitation “, (accessed Feb 23, 2008 ) .
      25. (in) Tampa, FL, FL, USA: Climate, Global Warming and Daylight Maps and Data “, World Climate 9 A b and c (en) City in short “, City-data (as of 2009) .
      26. (in) Tampa, FL Population – Census 2010 and 2000 ” on
      27. (in) Florida Population – 2010 and 2000 Census ” on
      28. b and c (c) United States Census Bureau, “ QuickFacts Florida; Tampa City, Florida; UNITED STATES ” at
      29. (in) Language spoken at home by ability to speak English for population 5 years and older. ” From
      30. (in) Williams Institute for Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy, “ Same-Sex Couples and Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals: New Estimates from the American Community Survey [PDF] , UCLA School of Law (accessed September 28, 2007) .
      31. a and b Economic Development in the Tampa Bay Area
      32. a b c d e f g and h (en) Tampa: Economy “, City-data (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      33. ↑ FORTUNE 500 2007: FORTUNE Annual Ranking of America’s Largest Corporations
      34. (in) Tampa Bioscience ” Tampa Chamber of Commerce (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      35. (in) Cargo “, Tampa Port Authority (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      36. (in) Tampa Port Authority “, Tampa Chamber of Commerce (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      37. ↑ Claude Caban, “Ports and Maritime Transport”, in Claude Caban, Jean Chaussade, Jean-Pierre Corlet, Alain Miosse, Jean-Marie Miosse, Jean-Pierre Pinault, Human geography of sea coastlines , Paris, SEDES , , 471 p. (ISBN 2-7181-9217-8) , p. 269.
      38. a b c and d (en) Tampa: Education and Research “, City-data (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      39. (in) Tampa Research Institutes “, Tampa Chamber of Commerce (accessed April 13, 2009g.) .
      40. a b and c (in) Points of Pride “, University of South Florida (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      41. (in) About USF “, University of South Florida (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      42. (in) University Profile “, University of Tampa (accessed April 13, 2009) .
      43. (in) Tampa Information ” Tampa Chamber of Commerce (Accessed April 13, 2009) .
      44. ↑ Florida Sentinel Bulletin
      45. ↑ MacDill Thunderbolt
      46. ↑ – Tu periódico en español de Tampa. Latin American newspaper in Tampa

      External links

      Florida 67 county cities

      Apalachicola Arcadia Bartow Blountstown Bonifay Bradenton Bristol Bronson Brooksville Bunnell Bushnell Chipley Clearwater Crawfordville Crestview Cross City Dade City DeFuniak Springs Deland Fernandina Beach Fort Lauderdale Fort Myers Fort Pierce Gainesville Green Cove Springs Inverness Jacksonville Jasper Key West Kissimmee Labelle Lake Butler Lake City Live Oak McLenny Madison Marianne Mayo Miami Milton Monticello Moore Haven Naples Ocala Okeechobee Orlando Tent Panama City Pensacola Perry Port St. Joe Punta Gorda Quincy St. Augustine Sanford Sarasota Sebring Stark Stuart Tallahassee Tampa Tavares Titusville Trenton Vero Beach Vouchula West Palm Beach

      Florida with kids – Miami and route around Orlando

      Traveling to Florida with children is a dream of any family! In addition to relaxing on the beaches of Miami, this is a real holiday not only for children, but also an occasion for their parents to return to childhood and remember their first impressions of the world of Disney. I have compiled an interesting itinerary for an independent trip around Orlando. It turned out to be not so simple, as it does not offer to go every day exclusively to Disney parks and ride roller coasters in other theme parks in Florida or banal trips to Miami zoos. I thought that dads would be interested in learning about space exploration in Cape Canaveral, and moms would be interested in relaxing on the best beaches in Florida. Therefore, my story will be about how best to plan a trip to Florida with children, which parks in Orlando to choose and where to rent a car to travel from Orlando to other Florida attractions. Interesting? Then we read and go to Florida!

      Content of Article

      • 1 Holidays in Florida with children
      • 2 What to see in Miami with children
      • 3 The finished route around Orlando
      • 4 Map of the Florida with children

      9000 9000

      rest in Florida with children

      6 Usually, all vacationers in Florida with kids first of all fly to Miami and choose a good beach there. There they stay for the entire vacation or fly further with the children to Orlando to visit Disney World and other theme parks in Florida. It would seem that there are only two locations and a minimum of moving, the vacation was a success! But what about independent travelers whose children also share a passion for active travel? Will they be too bored and monotonous?

      In my article I will talk about things to do with children in Miami and Orlando, and also share a ready-made itinerary around Orlando by car for those who want to take a short trip by car after visiting the most interesting theme parks with children.

      What to see in Miami with children

      Although Miami is considered to be the club capital of the USA with beautiful beaches, there are plenty of places where you can go with your child. After all, like in Las Vegas, vacationers in Miami with children can sometimes unexpectedly find out for themselves that Miami is great for a family vacation, and there is something to see.

      To do this, you should choose a beach away from noisy youth parties, such as Sunny Isles (we recommend the hotel Acqualina ) and visit all the attractions in Miami that you want. For holidays in Miami with children, you don’t even have to rent a car, as public transport is quite convenient there, and there are large shopping centers and shopping malls in Sunny Isles. But for trips with children for the whole day to one of the zoos outside the city, you can think about renting a car.

      Good to know:

      Rating of the best hotels in Miami with a private beach for families with children

      Sunny Isles Beach in Miami to see in Miami with children :

      Alligator in the Everglades National Park

      Egret – one of the inhabitants of the Florida swamps

      This is what the mangrove forests of Florida look like

      And the key islands are home to the best beaches in Florida!

      As you can see, there are plenty of places in Miami where you can go with children. I also advise the most interesting beaches that are worth visiting with a child for half a day.

      • Lummus Park Beach ( Lummus Park Beach ) – a calm beach that is located in the middle of the noisy South Beach
      • Matheson Hammock Park Beach 0153 Crandon Park Beach Another good beach on Biscayne Key Island

      Lummus Park Beach has a playground

      Ready route around Orlando

      Ready route around Orlando

      2 weeks) in Florida, where everyone will be happy:

      • children will visit many theme parks;
      • dads will see real rockets and learn all about the US space program;
      • and mothers will have a rest on a heavenly beach.

      Unlike my itinerary of South Florida’s best beaches, this itinerary is child-friendly, but parent-friendly. It passes through 4 cities in central Florida and involves small transfers, but not every day. I will tell you which roads on the route are tolled and where it is more convenient to stay closer to the theme parks.

      So let’s go!

      Renting a car in Florida is easy!

      Day 1. Arriving in Orlando!

      The main thing here is to choose the right place where you will spend the night. If you choose to stay in hotels on the territory of the Disney park itself, then you will find yourself in rooms specially designed for guests of the magical world of Disney with the appropriate furnishings. Other bonuses: you can skip the queue, guests get an extra hour in one of the parks, and the issue of transport is also resolved. It’s comfortable.

      Read more:

      Hotels in Orlando – which hotel is better to book near Disneyland

      But if you want to live not in the Disney Resort, but in a hotel nearby, then pay attention to the city of Kissimmee, which is much closer to the Disney park than Orlando itself.

      And then it remains only to decide which park to go to. Only Disney (Disney World Resort) has as many as five different locations!

      • Magic Kingdom is the very first Disney park in Florida, where Cinderella’s castle stands, and guests are greeted by Disney characters and everything familiar from cartoons.
      • Disney’s Hollywood Studios – Here you can meet the Jedi from Star Wars, as well as characters from other feature-length cartoons and other products of the Metro-Golden-Mayer company. In general, it is a competitor to Universal Studios, but is part of Disney World. And if you want classic Disney characters – Donald Duck, Pluto and more – they live here too.
      • Epcot is a park for kids who want to not only have fun, but also explore the world around them in a playful way.
      • Disney’s Animal Kingdom – Disney’s Animal Kingdom. This is where you can meet the heroes of the cartoon The Lion King or take a ride on the Kilimanjaro safari.
      • Pandora – The World of Avatar is the newest theme park from James Cameron’s Avatar. Opened very recently.

      Magic Kingdom

      Day 2-8. Visiting Disney, Universal and Aqua parks

      I won’t even decide for you how much time you and your kids need to plunge into Disney fairy tales. Here, each individual. But it will definitely take one full day to visit one park, except for Gatorland (half a day is enough for it). The same goes for other theme parks and Studio Universal Orlando.

      Here are the parks of Universal studio where Spielberg’s aliens live, Shrek, where I ride the Howarts Express, dance the minions and rage King Kong:

      • films of the Universal studio, among which there are many children’s films.
      • The Wizarding World of Harry Potter ( The Wizarding World of Harry Potter ) is one of the most popular parks of Universal Studios.
      • Universal’s Volcano Bay is a water park by Universal Studios dedicated to the cartoon Moana with Hawaiian landscapes.
      • Universal’s Islands of Adventure is a park with rollercoasters and other activities where you can ride to Hogwarts or go to Jurassic Park and meet dinosaurs.

      Florida Underwater World

      Just a reminder that there are still great water parks nearby:

      • SeaWorld Orlando – The zoo and water park, where the orca Shamu lives, there are also dolphins, sea lions, whales and rays put on a show.
      • Aquatica is another water park with eight extreme slopes and a children’s playground, part of the SeaWorld complex.
      • DiscoveryCove is a place where you can swim with dolphins or sharks, feed stingrays and watch tropical birds.
      • Gatorland is a park where you can see an alligator show.
      • Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon is a large wave pool where you can swim with fish and even sharks!
      • Disney’s Blizzard Beach – the park with the highest waterslides!

      Have you ever seen a shark?

      Day 9 Orlando – Plant City

      Finally, we leave Orlando on Highway 4 to the southwest. It is best to rent a car by booking in advance. You can ask the price here . We are always looking for a car to travel around America on this site.

      But the world of Florida magic doesn’t end outside of Orlando. After driving a little, you can immediately fall into the power of other theme parks, which are located on the way to Tampa. I highlighted the most interesting ones:

      • Legoland ( Legoland ) – an amusement park with roller coasters near the town of Winter Haven and the largest Legoland in the USA!
      • Dinosaur World ( Dinosaur World ) – in this park you can see more than 150 dinosaur sculptures! Located near Plant City.
      • Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is a zoo in Tampa that shows the world of the African savannah. There are giraffes, hippos, cheetahs and lions!
      • Adventure Island is another water park in Tampa.

      Since it is necessary to allocate a day for each of the parks, then choose the ones that you are going to visit, and I will tell you where it is better to spend the night.

      Dinosaurs in Dinosaur World are much bigger!

      Arriving in Legoland in the morning, you can spend the whole day there, and then go to spend the night in town Plant City which is located next to Dinosaur Park.

      • Distance: 35 + 30 miles
      • Travel time: 40 + 40 minutes, almost an hour and a half
      • Nice hotel in Plant City: Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
    • Day
    • 6 Plant City – Tampa

      In the morning, right after breakfast, we go to look at dinosaurs in Dinosaur World , get acquainted with their worlds and marvel. And in the late afternoon we go to Tampa.

      • Distance: 25 miles
      • Travel time: 30 minutes
      • Good hotels in Tampa: downtown – Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay and near the Busch Gardens theme park – Hampton Inn & Suites
        • Day 11. Tampa

          This day is spent entirely in Tampa. First we go to Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, which belongs to the SeaWorld family of parks. Here you can meet the world of Africa!

          And in the evening we walk around Tampa itself. We spend a quiet evening of relaxation in Ybor City, a place with hundreds of boutiques and restaurants of Cuban cuisine. Or we walk along the long promenade of Tampa – Tampa Riverwalk – already 4 km long!

          If you want to visit Adventure Island Water Park the next day, then add another day in Tampa. By the way, it is located next to Busch Gardens, so it would be wise to settle there.

          Day 12 – Tampa – Cocoa Beach

          This day’s journey will be the longest of our trip. Again, we drive along Route 4 in the opposite direction, we drive up to Orlando and turn onto Route 528 towards Cocoa Beach (or Coco Beach). She is paid. Florida highways are tolled at 6 centers per mile. If you do not want to pay, then you can go around on the 520 road.

          On this day, as a reward for driving across Florida, we simply check into a cozy hotel at Cocoa Beach and go to the beach. Do not forget that mothers also need to receive their reward for patience and relax.

          By the way, if you run, somersault and swim in Orlando and around it, and your children are not so interested in Legoland, dinosaurs and elephants, then you can go straight to the beaches of Cocoa Beach instead of going to Tampa. Then the road will be almost twice as short.

          In Cocoa Beach you can relax as much as you want.

          • Distance: 135 miles
          • Travel time: 2 hours
          • Good hotel: The Resort on Cocoa Beach

          Day 13. Cocoa Beach – Cape Canaveral

          One day can be spent visiting Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex , where you can learn all about the exploration of the Americans the place where the shuttles took off. This is great for dads and kids too. And what to hide, many mothers also love science!

          In general, this is a true family event! And it is better to plan the visit in advance and take into account that the visit will take a whole day!

          • Distance: 25 miles
          • Travel time: 30 minutes

          Kennedy Space Center

          Day 14 Cocoa Beach – Orlando

          in Orlando. Go for a short time. But if for some reason you need to spend the night in the city again, then you can come in the evening and spend the evening in a hotel near the airport.

          • Distance: 60 miles
          • Travel time: 1 hour
          • Good hotel near the airport in Orlando: Hyatt Regency

          * * *

          This concludes my story about traveling in Florida with children. Have a nice trip to the USA!

          Map of the route on Florida with children

          What else is worth knowing about the trip to the USA

          • New York: Best Hotels
          • Apartments on Miami
          • Wedding : national parks by car
          • Car rental in Los Angeles
          • How we rented a car at New York airport
          • California self-guided itinerary
          • Driving from LA to San Francisco
          • Los Angeles best hotel recommendations
          • Where sleep in San Francisco inexpensively
          • Our rating of hotels in Las Vegas


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      Cambridge Christian School ( CCS ) this is a coeducational, private, non-denominational Christian school located in Tampa, PreK2 Florida, United States. CCS is a college preparatory school accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools. [1] Florida Christian Schools, [2] National Board of Accreditation for Private Schools, [3] and Florida Kindergarten Board. [4] Cambridge is currently offering in-person classes and a virtual learning option due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


      • 1 Mission
      • 2 History
      • 3 used literature
      • 4 External links


      Cambridge Christian school – glorify God in all that we do; demonstrate mastery at all levels of academic, sports and creative activities; develop strength of character; and serve the local and global community. Students and faculty are challenged to demonstrate excellence at all levels of academic, athletic, spiritual and artistic involvement; develop knowledge and strength of character through a Christ-centered worldview; cooperate with families of students; and serve the local and global community as well as the local and global Church. [5] [ third party source required ]


      Cambridge Christian School was founded as Seminole Presbyterian School in 1964. The school was founded and sponsored by the Seminole Presbyterian Church. [6] [ third party source required ] By the late 1990s, the growing needs of the school necessitated a formal separation from the church. In 2000, the school became a separate legal entity and changed its name to Cambridge School. The church and school continued to share the Havana Avenue campus for the next several years while the school decided whether to move elsewhere. In 2003, the Board of Trustees voted to change the name of the school to Cambridge Christian School, decided that it would remain on the Havana campus, began the process of purchasing the campus from the Seminole Presbyterian Church, and began acquiring adjacent land for the future. extension.

      Tampa, Florida – Tampa, Florida

      “Tampa” redirects here. For other uses, see Tampa (disambiguation).

      Tampa (US : /ˈtæmpə/) is a city on the Gulf Coast of the US state of Florida. The city limits include the north shore of Tampa Bay and the east shore of Old Tampa Bay. Tampa is the largest city in the Tampa Bay area and the county seat of Hillsborough County. According to the 2020 census, with a population of 384 9Tampa is the third most populous city in Florida after Jacksonville and Miami and the 52nd most populous city in the United States.

      Tampa functioned as a military center in the 19th century with the creation of Fort Brook. The cigar industry was also brought to the city by Vincente Martínez Ybor, after whom Ybor City is named. Tampa was officially incorporated as a city in 1887 after the Civil War. Today, Tampa’s economy is driven by tourism, healthcare, finance, insurance, technology, construction, and the maritime industry. The Bay Port is the largest in the state, with an economic impact of over $15 billion.

      City is part of Tampa Street. The St. Petersburg-Clearwater, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is a four-county area with approximately 3.1 million residents, making it the second largest Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) in the state and the fourth largest in the South eastern US after Washington, DC, Miami and Atlanta. The Greater Tampa Bay area has over 4 million people and primarily includes the Tampa and Sarasota metro areas. As of 2018, Tampa has an annual growth rate of 1.63%.


      • 1 etymology
      • 2 History

        • 2.1 Indigenous peoples and European studies
        • 2.2 US Control
        • 2.3 Civil war and reconstruction
        • 2.4 Economic prosperity in the 1880s

          • 2.4.1 Railway plant
          • 2.4.2 Ybor Cigars
        • 2.5 Early 20th century
        • 2.6 Bolita and organized crime
        • 2.7 Mid-late 20th century
      • 3 Geography

        • 3. 1 Topography
        • 3.2 Climate
        • 3.3 Tropical storms
        • 3.4 Seasonal trends

          • 3.4.1 Summer
          • 3.4.2 Autumn
          • 3.4.3 Winter
          • 3.4.4 Spring
          • 3.4.5 Monthly averages
      • 4 Cityscape

        • 4.1 Surroundings
        • 4.2 Architecture

          • 4.2.1 Landmarks
      • 5 Demographics
      • 6 Religion
      • 7 Economy

        • 7.1 Corporations and non-profit organizations
        • 7.2 City Center
        • 7.3 Port Tampa Bay
        • 7.4 MacDill Air Force Base
      • 8 Arts and culture

        • 8.1 Arts and entertainment
        • 8.2 Museums

          • 8.2.1 Children’s Museum
        • 8.3 Kitchen
        • 8.4 Tourism and recreation
        • 8.5 Events
      • 9 sports

        • 9.1 Football

          • 9.1.1 Buccaneers
          • 9.1.2 Storm
          • 9.1.3 Bandits
          • 9. 1.4 Snakes
          • 9.1.5 Tornado
        • 9.2 Baseball

          • 9.2.1 History of
          • 9.2.2 Beams
          • 9.2.3 Low-A Southeast
        • 9.3 Ice hockey

          • 9.3.1 Lightning
        • 9.4 Football

          • 9.4.1 Brawlers
          • 9.4.2 Mutiny
        • 9.5 Basketball
        • 9.6 College sports

          • 9.6.1 University of South Florida
          • 9.6.2 University of Tampa
          • 9.6.3 Hillsborough Community College
        • 9.7 Major events held in the Tampa Bay area

          • 9.7.1 Future events planned for the Tampa Bay area
      • 10 government

        • 10.1 Mayor
        • 10.2 City Council
        • 10.3 Fire Department
        • 10.4 Law enforcement
        • 10.5 Elections
        • 10.6 Other offices
      • 11 Education

        • 11.1 Primary and secondary schools
        • 11.2 Public libraries
        • 11. 3 Higher education
      • 12 Media
      • 13 Infrastructure

        • 13.1 Transport

          • 13.1.1 Roads
          • 13.1.2 Airports
          • 13.1.3 Rail transport
          • 13.1.4 Seaports
          • 13.1.5 Public transport
        • 13.2 Health care
        • 13.3 Utilities
      • 14 famous people
      • 15 sister cities
      • 16 See also
      • 17 notes
      • 18 links

        • 18.1 Bibliography
      • 19 External links


      When in 1849In 1855, a pioneer congregation living near the US Army outpost at Fort Brook was registered as “Tampa Town,” and in 1855 the name was shortened to simply “Tampa.”

      The earliest example of the name “Tampa” in the form “Tanpa” appears in the memoirs of Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda, who spent 17 years as a prisoner of Calus and traveled through much of peninsular Florida. He described Thanpu as an important city of Calus to the north of Calus’ dominion, possibly ruled by a different chief. Archaeologist Gerald Milanich places the town of Tanpa at the mouth of Charlotte Harbour. The entrances to Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor are enclosed by barrier islands, and their location and the names applied to them were a source of confusion to explorers, surveyors, and cartographers from the 16th to 18th centuries. Bahia-Tampa and Bahia de Espirito Santo were used at one time or another to build modern Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor. Tampa Bay was marked as Bahia de Espiritu Santo (Bay of the Holy Spirit) on the earliest Spanish maps of Florida, but became known as B. Tampa ( Bahia Tampa or Tampa Bay) as early as 1576. “B. Tampa, which corresponds to Tampa Bay, first appeared on a printed map in Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas’ Description del Destricto del Audiencia de la Espanola, from his book Descripcion de las Indias ocidentales, printed in Madrid in 1601. A 1705 British map also shows a B. Tampa with “Carlos Bay” for Charlotte Harbor to the south, while a 1748 British map “B. del Spirito Santo” for Tampa Bay and, again, “Carlos Bay” to the south. A 1757 Spanish map renamed Tampa Bay San Fernando. As early as 1774, Bernard Romans referred to Tampa Bay as “Espiritu Santo Bay”, with “Tampa Bay” being limited to the northwest arm (today’s Old Tampa Bay) and the northeast arm called “Hillsborough Bay”. The name may have come from the Calusa language, or possibly from the Timucua language. Some scholars have compared “Tampa” to “itimpi”, which means “near or nearby” in the scream language, but its meaning is unknown.

      Tampa residents are commonly known as “Tampans”, “Tampans”, or “Tampeños”. Local authorities, consulted by Michael Cruz of Tampa Bay Times , suggest that “tampan” has historically been more common, while “tampan” became popular when the former term came to be seen as a potential insult. A mixture of Cuban, Italian, and Spanish immigrants began arriving in the late 1800s to establish and work in the new communities of Ybor City and West Tampa. Around 1900, these new arrivals became known as “Tampeños” (or “Tampeñas” for women), a term that is still occasionally used to refer to their descendants living in the area, and possibly all Tampa residents, regardless of their origins. . their ethnic background.


      Main articles: History of Tampa, Florida and Timeline of Tampa, Florida

      Indigenous peoples and European exploration

      Main articles: Tokobaga and Pohoy

      The shores of Tampa Bay have been inhabited for millennia. A variant of the Weeden Island culture developed in the area around 2,000 years ago, with archaeological evidence suggesting that these inhabitants relied on the sea for most of their resources, as the vast majority of settlements were found on or near the coastline. little evidence of agriculture.

      At the time of European contact in the early 16th century, the Safe Harbor culture dominated the area and the indigenous peoples were organized into three or four chiefdoms along the shores of the bay. Early Spanish explorers who visited the area interacted extensively (and violently) with the Tocobaga, whose main city was in the northern part of Old Tampa Bay near today’s safety harbor in Pinellas County. While there is a significant historical account of the Tokobaga (and the Calusa, who lived far to the south), there are fewer surviving documents describing the Pohoi chiefdom that controlled the territory at the mouth of the Hillsborough River near today’s downtown Tampa. However, brief references by researchers along with surviving artifacts suggest that the Pohoi and other groups that once lived in Tampa Bay had very similar cultures and lifestyles to the Tokobaga, of whom more is known.

      Expeditions led by Panfilo de Narvaez and Hernando de Soto landed near Tampa, but none of the conquistadors stayed long. There is no natural gold or silver in Florida, and the locals fended off attempts by the Spanish to establish a permanent settlement or convert them to Catholicism. A few people died as a result of the fighting, but many more deaths were caused by infectious diseases imported from Europe, which devastated the population of Native Americans in Florida and throughout the Western Hemisphere. Indigenous cultures in the Tampa Bay area collapsed by around 1600, leaving the west coast of Spanish Florida largely depopulated and ignored for over 200 years.

      In the mid-18th century, events in the American colonies and the early United States drove the Seminoles to northern Florida, but they did not move to central Florida until the United States gained control of Florida in 1821. Prior to the American period, the Tampa Bay area had a number of residents: Cuban fishermen and Native Americans who set up small seasonal camps called “ranchos” on the shores of Tampa Bay. The largest was at the mouth of Spanistown Creek in today’s Hyde Park neighborhood along Bayshore Boulevard.

      US control

      After the purchase of Florida from Spain in 1821, the United States built forts and trading posts in the new territory. Fort Brook was established in January 1824 at the mouth of the Hillsborough River on Tampa Bay, in downtown Tampa.

      Tampa was originally an isolated frontier outpost. The sparse civilian population virtually abandoned the area during the Second Seminole War from 1835 to 1842, after which the Seminoles were forced out and many settlers returned.

      Fort Brooke around 1840.

      Florida became the 27th state on March 3, 1845. On January 18, 1849, Tampa was officially incorporated as “Tampa Village”. In 1850 it had a population of 185 civilians, or 974 people, including military personnel. On December 15, 1855, Tampa was incorporated into a city.

      Survivor Ft. Brook Cannon on the campus of the University of Tampa

      Civil War and Reconstruction

      During the Civil War, Florida seceded with most of the southern states to form the Confederate States of America, with Fort Brook defended by Confederate troops. In January 1862, Tampa announced
      martial law, and the city government of Tampa went out of business for the duration of the war.

      In 1861, the Union Navy set up a blockade around many southern ports to cut off the Confederacy. Several U.S. Navy ships were stationed near the mouth of Tampa Bay, but the small ships operating the blockade were often able to slip through the blockade to bring cattle to Spanish Cuba, earning gold for the Confederate cause. On June 30, 1862, the gunboat USS Sagamore entered Tampa Bay and opened fire on Fort Brook, which returned fire. Sagamore withdrew a few hours later and the Battle of Tampa did little damage. During the Battle of Fort Brook on October 16 and the Battle of Ballast Point on October 18, 1863, Union forces caused severe damage to the city’s economy when, under the cover of another bombardment of the fort, a landing force landed and destroyed two blockading ships. which was hidden upstream along the Hillsborough River. In May 1864, the Union troops landed again and, meeting little resistance, took Fort Brook. They destroyed most of the fort’s structures and confiscated the remaining military supplies, except for the cannons, which they threw into the Hillsborough River, and left the “desert” city two days later.

      The Civil War ended in April 1865 with the defeat of the Confederacy. In May 1865, federal troops arrived in Tampa to occupy the fort and city as part of Reconstruction. They remained until August 1869.

      In the post-war period, Tampa was a poor, isolated fishing village of about 1,000 people and little industry. Yellow fever, carried by mosquitoes from the nearby swamps, broke out several times during the 1860s and 1870s, causing more residents to leave. In 1869residents voted to abolish the government of the city of Tampa. The population of “Tampa Town” was about 800 by 1870 and had dwindled to about 700 by 1880. Fort Brook was decommissioned in 1883, further impacting the local economy in the short term, but opening the waterfront to development. With the exception of two cannons displayed on the campus of the University of Tampa, all traces of the fort have disappeared.

      economic prosperity in the 1880s

      Port Tampa Inn with rail line in front of the hotel, c. 1900

      In the mid-1880s, the fortunes of Tampa changed dramatically for the better several times. First, phosphate was discovered in the Valley of the Bones southeast of Tampa in 1883. The mineral, vital to the production of fertilizers and other products, was soon shipped from the port of Tampa in large quantities. Tampa is still a major phosphate exporter.

      The discovery of phosphates, the advent of the Plant’s railroad, and the founding of Ybor City and West Tampa—all in the mid-1880s—were critical to Tampa’s development. The once struggling village of Tampa turned into a bustling thriving city almost overnight and grew into one of Florida’s largest cities by 1900 year.

      Factory railway

      Henry B. Plant’s South Florida Narrow Gauge Railroad reached Tampa and its port in late 1883, finally connecting the small town to the national railroad system after years of efforts by local leaders. Previously, Tampa’s land transportation links consisted of sandy roads stretching through the Florida countryside. The plant’s railroad made it much easier to get goods in and out of the Tampa Bay area. Phosphate and commercial fishery exports could be sent north by rail, and many new products were brought to the Tampa market along with the first tourists.

      Ybor’s first cigar factory c . 1900

      Ybor cigars

      Rolling cigars, 1909. Photo by Lewis Hine.

      See also: History of the City of Ybor

      New rail links brought another important industry to Tampa. In 1885, Vicente Martínez Ybor was persuaded by the Tampa Chamber of Commerce to move cigar production to Tampa from Key West. Proximity to Cuba made it easier to import “pure Havana tobacco” by sea, and the plant’s railroad made it easier to ship finished cigars to the rest of the U.S. market by land.

      Because Tampa was still a small town at the time (population less than 5,000), Ybor built hundreds of small houses around his factory to accommodate the immediate influx of mostly Cuban and Spanish cigar workers. The factories of Ybor City produced their first cigars in 1886, and in the following years many cigar manufacturers moved their production to the city. Many Italian and a few Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe arrived beginning in the late 1880s, opening businesses and shops catering to cigar makers. K 19In 00, more than 10,000 immigrants moved to the area. A few thousand more Cuban immigrants built West Tampa, another cigar-focused suburb founded a few years later by Hugh MacFarlane. Between them, the two “Latin” communities came together to exponentially increase Tampa’s population, economic base, and tax revenue as Tampa became the “Cigar Capital of the World.”

      Franklin Street looking north past the old Hillsborough County Courthouse, Tampa c. 1910–1920s

      Early 20th century

      For the first few decades of the 20th century, cigar production was the backbone of Tampa’s economy. Factories in Ybor City and West Tampa produced huge quantities of cigars – in the peak year of 1929, more than 500 million cigars were hand-rolled in the city.

      In 1904, a civic association of local businessmen called themselves Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla (after the local mythical pirate José Gaspar) and staged an “invasion” of the city followed by a parade. Since then, with a few exceptions, the Gasparilla Pirate Festival has been held every year.

      Bolita and organized crime

      Beginning in the late 19th century, illegal bolita lotteries were very popular among Tampa’s working class, especially in Ybor City. In the early 1920s, this small business was taken over by Charlie Wall, the rebellious son of a prominent Tampa family, and became a great success. Bolita was only able to openly thrive on kickbacks and bribes to key local politicians and law enforcement officials, and many of them were on bribes.

      Profits from the bolita lottery and Prohibition-era bootlegging led to the development of several organized crime groups in the city. Charlie Wall was the first big boss, but various power struggles culminated in the consolidation of control by Sicilian mobster Santo Trafficante Sr. and his faction in 1950s. After his death in 1954 from cancer, control passed to his son Santo Trafficante, Jr., who established alliances with families in New York and extended his power throughout Florida and Batista-era Cuba.

      The era of rampant and open corruption ended in the 1950s when the Estes Kefauver organized crime traveling hearings arrived in the city, followed by the sensational trials of several local officials. While many of the most notorious criminals in the government and the mob have not been charged, the trials have helped put an end to Tampa’s sense of lawlessness for decades.

      Panorama of downtown Tampa taken in 1913.

      Mid-late 20th century

      World War II MacDill Air Force Base

      Tampa grew significantly as a result of World War II. Prior to United States involvement in the conflict, construction began on MacDill Field, which served as the main base of operations for the Army Air Corps and later the Army Air Forces shortly before and during World War II, with several auxiliary airfields in the Tampa Bay area. and surrounding counties. At the end of the war, MacDill remained an active military installation, with the auxiliary fields coming under civilian control. Two of these satellite fields would later become the modern Tampa International Airport and St. Pete Clearwater International Airport. With the creation of an independent US Air Force in 1947 MacDill Field became MacDill Air Force Base.

      During the 1950s and 1960s, Tampa experienced record population growth that has not been seen since. This growth spurred the expansion of the city’s highways and bridges, drawing thousands to the city and creating opportunities for Tampa business owners who welcomed the influx of tourists and new residents. It was during this period in the city’s history that two of the area’s most popular tourist attractions, Bush Gardens and Lowry Park, were established. During this period, many well-known institutions were created, playing an important role in the economic development of the city.

      The University of South Florida was founded in North Tampa in 1956 and opened to students in September 1960. The school has spurred the construction of several residential and commercial developments in the formerly predominantly agricultural area around the new campus. Overall, Tampa continued to expand from downtown through the 1960s as new hospitals, schools, churches, and subdivisions began to appear to accommodate the growth. Many business offices have begun to move from traditional office buildings in the city center to more convenient office space in the neighborhood.

      In 1970, the US Census Bureau reported that the city’s population was 80.0% white and 19.7% black.

      Four attempts were made to merge the city of Tampa municipal government with the government of Hillsborough County (1967, 1970, 1971, and 1972), but all failed to vote; the biggest loss was the last attempt in 1972, when the final score was 33,160 (31%) in favor and 73,568 (69%) against the proposed charter.

      The city’s largest recent growth has been the development of New Tampa, which began in 1988 when the city annexed 24 sq. miles (62 km 2 ) between I-275 and I-75.

      East Tampa, a historically predominantly black community, was the scene of several racial riots during and for some time after the period of racial segregation, largely due to issues between residents and the Tampa Police Department.


      Main articles: Geography of the Tampa Bay area and Climate of the Tampa Bay area

      Landsat 8 image of the Tampa Bay area


      According to the US Census Bureau, the city has a total area of ​​175.3 square miles (453.9 km2 ) , including 113.4 square miles (293.7 km2 ) land and 61.8 square miles (160.1 km2 ) (35.3%) water. . The city’s highest point is only 48 feet (15 m) above sea level. Tampa is bordered by two bodies of water, Old Tampa Bay and Hillsborough Bay, which merge together to form Tampa Bay, which in turn drains into the Gulf of Mexico. The Hillsborough River empties into Hillsborough Bay, passes right in front of downtown Tampa, and supplies Tampa with its main source of fresh water. The Palm River is a small river flowing east of the city into Mackay Bay, which is a smaller inlet located in the northeastern part of Hillsborough Bay. Tampa’s geography is marked by the Interbay Peninsula, which separates Hillsborough Bay (east) from Old Tampa Bay (west).


      The Tampa Bay Area has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cfa ), although due to its location on the Florida Peninsula in Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, it exhibits some of the characteristics of a tropical climate. Tampa’s climate is typically characterized by hot and humid summers with frequent thunderstorms and dry and mild winters. Average highs range from 71 to 91 °F (22 to 33 °C) year-round, while lows range from 53 to 77 °F (12 to 25 °C). The city of Tampa is divided between two USDA climate zones. According to the 2012 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, Tampa is listed as Zone 9b USDA north of Kennedy Boulevard away from the bay and 10a near the coastline and on the peninsula between the bays south of Kennedy Boulevard. Zone 10a is the northern limit where coconut palms and king palms can be grown, although some specimens grow in northern Tampa. Recently, some palm species in the area, along with the rest of the state, have been and continue to be seriously affected by a plant disease called Texas phoenix palm blight, which has caused significant damage to various local palm landscapes. and threatens native palm species in the region.

      Tropical storms

      Although tropical systems are threatened in almost every hurricane season (which runs from June 1 to November 30), Tampa rarely experiences severe tropical storm or hurricane effects. No hurricane has made landfall in the immediate vicinity of Tampa Bay since the 1921 Tampa Bay hurricane made landfall near Tarpon Springs and caused extensive damage throughout the region.

      Over the past few decades, three major hurricanes are forecast to hit the Tampa Bay area from the southwest, the worst-case scenario leading to maximum storm surge: Hurricane Donna (1960), Hurricane Charlie (2004), and Hurricane Irma (2017). However, all three storms turned before reaching Tampa and instead made landfall in southwest Florida. Irma was the biggest influence in Tampa. It made landfall near Marco Island on September 10, 2017 and headed due north, passing through eastern Hillsborough County as a Category 1 storm and causing significant damage to the area, especially to the power grid.

      Due to tremendous population growth and coastal development in the century since the last hurricane made landfall, combined with rising sea levels due to climate change, the Tampa Bay area is considered one of the world’s most vulnerable regions to direct impact from a major storm .

      Seasonal trends


      Summer weather conditions prevail from late May to early October, which is the rainy season in the region. Daily weather during this period is very consistent, with daily highs typically reaching an average high around 91 °F (33 °C), lows typically in the mid-to-upper 70 °F (23–25 °C), high humidity, and a regular chance rain, especially in the afternoon. Largely due to the proximity of large bodies of water, the official high temperature has never reached 100 °F (37.8 °C) – the record high temperature is 99 °F (37 °C), first recorded June 5. 1985 and recorded June 26, 2020. Afternoon thunderstorms regularly occur as a result of the interaction of sea breezes from the Persian Gulf and the Atlantic, and are so frequent in the summer that the Tampa Bay area and the nearby hinterland of Central Florida are recognized as the “Lightning Capital of North America”. Afternoon thunderstorms sometimes intensify into a severe thunderstorm, bringing heavy showers, frequent lightning, strong straight winds, and occasional hail.


      Average temperatures gradually fall from September onwards, and average daily precipitation also decreases as autumn approaches; November is usually the driest month in Tampa. However, total rainfall in autumn can be increased by the passage of tropical systems that can drop several inches of rain.


      Winter in this area is usually dry and cool. Average high temperatures range from low to mid 70°F (21–23°C) during the day to low to mid 50°F (11–13°C) at night. Periodic cold fronts move through the area during the season, usually bringing a brief period of rain followed by a daytime high of 50 °F (10–13 °C) and an overnight low of about 40 °F (5 °C) for a day or two. Freezing temperatures occasionally occur in Tampa, with an average annual minimum temperature of 32.8 °F (0.4 °C).

      Because the Tampa area is home to a variety of frost-sensitive agricultural and aquaculture operations, severe frosts, although rare, are a major concern. Hard frosts (defined as temperatures of 28 °F (−2.2 °C) or below for several hours) rarely occur in the Tampa area; every five to twenty years depending on the exact location. The last large-scale freeze occurred on the morning of January 18, 2018, when the official temperature at Tampa International Airport dropped to 29°F (-2 °C). The lowest temperature ever recorded in Tampa was 18 °F (−8 °C) on December 13, 1962. The only officially recorded snowfall in Tampa occurred on January 19, 1977, with local accumulations ranging from a trace to 0.2 inches (0.5 cm). ).


      Tampa experiences a slow rise in average temperatures starting in mid-February, with spring bringing mostly warm and sunny weather to the area. While late spring temperatures approach summer values, the rainy season usually doesn’t start until June, resulting in a bushfire threat from around late March to May. Occasionally, a late-season cold front passes through the area, potentially causing brief severe weather followed by several days of unusually low temperatures.

      Monthly Means
      Climate data for Tampa, Florida (Tampa Intl.), 1991–2020 normals, extremes 1890–present.
      Month Jan February March Apr May June July Aug Sep october November December Year
      Record high °F (°C) 86
      Average maximum °F (°C) 81. 8
      Medium high °F (°C) 71.3
      Daily average °F (°C) 62.0
      73. 9
      Medium Low °F (°C) 52.8
      Average minimum °F (°C) 34.4
      71. 8
      Record low °F (°C) 21
      Average precipitation in inches (mm) 2.65
      2. 56
      Average precipitation days (≥ 0.01 in) 7.1 6.6 5.9 5.7 6.2 13.3 16.6 16.2 12.8 7.2 4.6 6.0 108.2
      Average relative humidity (%) 74.9 73.0 71.8 69.0 69.8 74.4 76.6 78.4 77.6 74.2 75.0 75.0 74.1
      Average dew point °F (°C) 50.2
      64. 2
      Average monthly hours of sunshine 199.9 202.7 267.5 299.1 314.5 277.8 265.3 249.5 223.0 233.9 201.7 191.6 2926.5
      Percentage of possible sunshine 61 65 72 78 75 67 62 61 60 66 62 60 66
      Source: NOAA (relative humidity, dew point and sun, 1961-1990) Weather Channel.


      Climate data for Tampa
      Month Jan February Apr May June July Aug Sep october November December Year
      Average daily light hours 11. 0 11.0 12.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 13.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 11.0 10.0 12.2
      Average UV index 5 7 9 10 10 11 11 11 9 7 5 4 8.3
      Source: Weather Atlas.


      Main article: Cityscape of Tampa, Florida


      Main article: Neighborhoods of Tampa, Florida

      The city is divided into many neighborhoods, many of which were cities and unincorporated communities attached to the growing city. Generally, the city is divided into the following neighborhoods: Downtown Tampa, New Tampa, West Tampa, East Tampa, North Tampa, and South Tampa. Notable neighborhoods include Ybor City, Forest Hills, Ballast Point, Sulfur Springs, Seminole Heights, Tampa Heights, Palma Seiya, Hyde Park, Davis Islands, Harbor Island, Tampa Palms, College Hill, and the non-residential areas of Gary and Westshore Business District.


      Tampa showcases a wide variety of architectural designs and styles. Most of Tampa’s high-rise buildings exhibit postmodern architecture. The design of the restored Tampa Museum of Art exhibits postmodern architecture, while the Tampa City Hall and Theater are Art Deco architecture.

      Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio has made the redevelopment of downtown Tampa, especially housing, a priority. Several high-rise residential and mixed buildings have been built. Another Mayor Iorio initiative was the Tampa Riverwalk, a multi-use walkway along the Hillsborough River in downtown. Recently, Tampa Bay Lightning owner Jeff Vinick approved a major overhaul of Channelside along with Bill Gates and other investors. Several museums have already opened, including new homes for the Tampa Bay Historical Center, the Glaser Children’s Museum, and the Tampa Museum of Art. The building breakdown for the rest of the plan is as follows: 39% residential units, 29% office space, 15% hotels, 8% retail, 7% other and 2% cultural uses. Mayor Bob Buckhorn continued these developments, which are bearing fruit during the administration of Mayor Jane Castor.

      Tampa is the site of several skyscrapers. There are a total of 30 completed buildings over 250 feet (76 m). The city also has 147 high-rise buildings, second only to Miami, Florida. The tallest building in the city is 100 North Tampa, formerly the AmSouth Building, which rises 42 stories and 579feet (176 m) in downtown Tampa. The structure was completed in 1992 and is the tallest building in Florida outside of Miami and Jacksonville.

      • 100 North Tampa (1992)

      • Bank of America Plaza (1986)

      • One Downtown Tampa (1981)

      • SunTrust Financial Center (1992)

      • Element (2009)

      • Park tower (1972)

      • Rivergate Tower (1988)

      • Sunny Bridge Skyway (1987)


      See also: List of tallest buildings in Tampa.

      • Tampa Theater

      • View of downtown Tampa from Bayshore Boulevard

      • Part of the Tampa waterfront

      • Waterfront Curtis Hickson Park Fountains

      • Sulfur Springs Water Tower

      Sulfur Springs Water Tower, a landmark in the city’s Sulfur Springs neighborhood, is 214 feet tall and was built by Grover Poole in the late 1920s. This boom period for Florida also saw the construction of the ornate Movie Palace, the Tampa Theatre, Mediterranean Revival in the Davis Islands, and Bayshore Boulevard, which borders Hillsborough Bay from downtown Tampa to neighborhoods in South Tampa. The road has a 6-mile (10 km) continuous pavement at its eastern end, the longest in the world.

      The Ybor City Area is home to several buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places and has been declared a National Historic Landmark. Notable structures include El Centro Español de Tampa, Centro Asturiano de Tampa and other social clubs built in the early 1900s. Including L’Unione Italiana or The Italian Club at 1731 East 7th Avenue in Ybor City. The Italian Club’s mission “is to preserve and honor the culture, traditions and heritage of the Italian community, and to maintain the historic site as a functioning monument to working-class immigrants.”
      The Babe Zaharias Golf Course in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Tampa has been designated a Historic Landmark by the National Register of Historic Places. It was purchased at 1949 by the famous “Baby” Didrikson Zaharias, who had a residence nearby, and closed after her death. In 1974, the city of Tampa opened the golf course to the public.

      Tampa’s Story , a public painting by Lynn Ash, is a 4ft × 8ft (1.2 m × 2.4 m) oil on masonite mural that captures many noteworthy aspects of Tampa’s unique character and identity. It was commissioned in 2003 by the city’s public arts program and can be found in the lobby of the Tampa Municipal Administration Building.

      Park Tower (originally First Financial Bank of Florida) is the first substantial skyscraper in downtown Tampa. Built in 1973, it was the tallest skyscraper in Tampa until the completion of One Tampa City Center in 1981. The Rivergate Building, a cylindrical structure known as the “beer can building”, was featured in the movie The Punisher .

      The massive steel-span Sunshine Skyway Bridge spans south Tampa Bay.

      Tampa is home to the Bro Bowl, one of the last surviving skateparks built during the “golden era” of skateboarding in 1970s. It opened in 1979 and was built by Tampa Parks and Recreation in 1978. It was the first public skatepark built in Florida and the third on the East Coast.

      Other Tampa attractions include the Tampa Riverfront, which is a 2.6-mile (4.2 km) open space and walking trail along the Hillsborough River, and Curtis Hickson Waterfront Park.


      Historical population
      Census Pop. % ±
      1850 974
      1870 796
      1880 720 −9. 5%
      1890 5532 668.3%
      1900 15 839 186.3%
      1910 37 782 138.5%
      1920 51 608 36.6%
      1930 101 161 96.0%
      1940 108 391 7.1%
      1950 124 681 15.0%
      1960 274 970 120.5%
      1970 277 714 1.0%
      1980 271 523 −2.2%
      1990 280 015 3.1%
      2000 303 447 8.4%
      2010 335 709 10. 6%
      2020 384 959 14.7%

      Map of racial distribution in Tampa, 2010 US Census. There are 25 people at each point:
      ⬤ White ⬤ Black ⬤ Asian ⬤ Hispanic ⬤ Other

      Demographics of Tampa
      2010 Census Tampa Hillsborough County Florida
      Total population 335 709 1 229 226 18 801 310
      Population, percent change, 2000–2010 +10.6% +23.1% +17.6%
      Population density 2960.2 / sq. Miles 1204.9/ sq. Miles 350.6/sq. miles
      White (including white Hispanics) 62.9% 71.3% 75.0%
      (White non-Hispanic) 46. 3% 53.7% 57.9%
      Black or African American 26.2% 16.7% 16.0%
      Hispanic or Latino (any race) 23.1% 24.9% 22.5%
      Asia 3.4% 3.4% 2.4%
      Native American or Alaska Native 0.4% 0.4% 0.4%
      Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
      Two or more races (multi-racial) 3.2% 3.1% 2.5%
      Other 3.8% 5.0% 3.6%

      As of 2000, the largest European ancestries in the city were Germans (9.2%), Irish (8.4%), English (7.7%), Italians (5.6%) and French (2 ,four%).

      As of 2010, there were 157,130 households, of which 13.5% were vacant. In 2000, 27.6% of households had children under the age of 18 living in them, 36.4% were married couples living together, 16.1% had a female with no husband present, and 42.9%% were not family members. 33.7% of all households were made up of individuals, and 10.2% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.36 people and the average family size was 3.07 people.

      In 2000, the city’s population was spread out: 24.6% under the age of 18, 10.0% from 18 to 24, 32.3% from 25 to 44, 20.5% of those aged 45 to 64 years old and 12.5% ​​who are 65 years of age or older. older. The mean age was 34.7 years. For every 100 women, there were 95.3 men. For every 100 women aged 18 and over, there were 92.1 men.

      In 2006, the median income for a household in the city was $39,602, and the median income for a family was $45,823. The median income for men was $40,461 versus $29,868 for women. The per capita income for the city was $26,522. 20. 1% of the population and 16.4% of families were below the poverty line. 31.0% of those under the age of 18 and 13.6% of those 65 and over were living below the poverty line.

      As of 2000, those who spoke only English at home accounted for 77.4% of all residents, and 22.6% spoke other languages ​​at home. The most significant were native speakers of Spanish, who made up 17.8% of the population, while French was the third most common, at 0.6%, and Italian was in fourth place, at 0.6% of the population.


      Sacred Heart Church

      First Tampa Baptist Church, organized in 1859

      Faith communities were organized in Tampa from 1846, when the Methodist congregation founded the city’s first church, until 1939, when 21-year-old Billy Graham began his career as a spiritual evangelist and preacher on Franklin Street downtown, to the present day. . Among Tampa’s noteworthy religious buildings is the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, a landmark in downtown 1905, noted for its tall Romanesque Revival style of granite and marble with German stained glass windows, the distinctive Stone and Mortar St. James Episcopal House of Prayer, listed with the National Register of Historic Places, and St. people such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and President Bill Clinton spoke. The latter two have been designated as local landmarks by city officials.

      Tampa’s religious community includes a broad representation of Christian denominations, including those listed above, as well as Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Christian Science, Church of God, United Church of Christ, Philippine Independent Church, Metropolitan Community Church, Seventh-day Adventist, Orthodox (Greek, Coptic, Syriac, and OCA), various Pentecostal movements, Anglicans, Quakers, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Tampa also has at least one community of Messianic Jews. There is a Korean Baptist church, a Mennonite church, several Haitian churches, and a Vietnamese Baptist church. There are several Jewish synagogues in Tampa that practice Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. In addition, Tampa has a small Zoroastrian community. as well as several Unitarian Universalist congregations

      There are several Islamic mosques around the city, as well as a Tibetan-style Buddhist temple, a Thai Buddhist temple, and local Sikh, Hindu and Baha’i centers of worship. The Church of Scientology, based in nearby Clearwater, maintains a location for its members in Tampa.

      Overall, Tampa ranks 50th out of the 51 largest metropolitan areas in terms of percentage of the population attending religious services of any kind, with less than 35% of the population attending services regularly. Only the Portland, Oregon area is less observant.


      Finance, retail, healthcare, insurance, air and sea travel, national defense, professional sports, tourism and real estate play a vital role in the region’s economy. Hillsborough County alone has approximately 740,000 employees and this figure is projected to increase to 922,000 by 2015.

      Since 2000, Tampa has seen a marked increase in high market demand from consumers, indicating that more wealth is concentrated in the area. In 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor provided a two-year grant of almost $3 million to a program called “Connecting Talent to Careers” led by the U-SME Institute for Advanced Manufacturing Robotics and Tooling to implement a rapid re-employment program. to address the shortage of skilled labor in manufacturing in a region affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

      Corporations and nonprofits

      Several large corporations, such as banks and telecommunications companies, have regional offices in Tampa. Florida’s largest credit union, Suncoast Credit Union, is headquartered in Tampa.

      Several Fortune 1000 companies are headquartered in the Capital Region, including Bloomin’ Brands, WellCare, Jabil, TECO Energy and Raymond James Financial. Other companies headquartered in Tampa include Greenway Health, College Hunks Hauling Junk, Arturo Fuente, JC Newman Cigar Company, Masonite International, Sykes Enterprises, Cott Corporation, The Melting Pot, Checkers and Rally’s, and The Mosaic Company.

      Tampa’s Largest Employers (2013)
      Employer Employees Industry
      BayCare Health System 19 600 Health
      Publix Super Market 13 800 Retail
      HCA West Florida 13 150 Health
      Border communications 9950 Telecommunications
      Tampa General Hospital 6600 Health
      Wal-Mart 5800 Retail
      Florida Hospital 5100 Health
      J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. 5000 Finance
      Moffit Cancer Center 4300 Health
      City 4000 Finance

      The main server farm for Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation projects is located in Tampa.


      Downtown Tampa is undergoing significant development and redevelopment in line with the nationwide trend towards urban housing development. In April 2007, the Tampa Downtown Partnership noted that 20 residential, hotel, and mixed-use projects were under construction. Many of the new downtown developments were nearing completion in the midst of a housing downturn, causing many projects to be postponed or redeveloped, and some of the 20 TDP listings have not reached the next level and are in the process of being refinanced. However, several developments have been completed, turning the city center into a 24-hour district instead of a business district with 9up to 5 . As of 2010, Tampa residents were facing a 2% rent reduction. Rents across the country decreased by 4%. According to Tampa Business Journal , Tampa was the second city for real estate investment in 2014.

      Port of Tampa Bay

      The Port of Tampa Bay is currently the seventh largest port in the nation and Florida’s largest port by tonnage, handling almost half of all maritime trade passing through the state. Tampa has the second highest number of cruise ships in the state after Miami. In addition to smaller regional cruise ships such as Yacht Starship and SunCruz Casino, Tampa also serves as a port of call for three cruise lines: MS Ryndam from Holland America, Grandeur of the Seas and Radiance of the Seas from Royal Caribbean and Inspiration and Legend from Carnival .

      MacDill Air Force Base

      A KC-135R stationed at MacDill flying over Tampa Bay.

      MacDill Air Force Base remains the primary employer as the primary facility for more than 15,000 active duty uniformed, Department of Defense (DoD) civilian service, and Department of Defense contractor personnel in the Tampa Bay area. The vast majority of civilian employees and contractors are, in fact, retired military personnel themselves. In addition to the 6th Air Mobility Wing, which is the “host wing” for the base, MacDill is also home to the headquarters of the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), the headquarters of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 927th Air Refueling Wing. , Headquarters United States Marine Corps Central Command (USMARCENT), Headquarters United States Special Operations Command Central (USSOCCENT) and numerous other military operations of active and reserve components of the armed forces.

      Arts and Culture

      Straz Performing Arts Center

      Arts and Entertainment

      Main article: Tampa Bay Area Media

      Tampa is home to a variety of stage and theater venues and theaters, including the David A. Straz Performing Arts Center Jr., Tampa Theatre, Gorilla Theatre, and the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater adjacent to the Florida State Fairgrounds.

      Tampa Canal District

      Performing arts companies and organizations that call Tampa home include the Orchestra of Florida, Opera Tampa, Jobsite Theatre, Master Chorale of Tampa Bay, Stageworks Theatre, Spanish Lyric Theatre, Opera Tampa Bay and the Tampa Bay Symphony.

      Current popular nightlife areas include Channelside, Ybor City, SoHo, International Plaza and Bay Street, and Seminole Hard Rock. Downtown Tampa also has nightlife and more clubs/bars can be found elsewhere in the city. Tampa ranks sixth on the list of best party cities
      magazine Maxim .

      The area has become the “de facto” headquarters of professional wrestling and is home to many professionals. WWE’s former developmental territory, Florida Championship Wrestling, was also based in Tampa.

      Tampa is home to several bands of death metal, an extreme form of heavy metal that emerged from thrash metal in the mid to late 1980s. Many pioneers and prominent figures of the genre live in and around the city. Chief among them are Deicide, Six Feet Under, Obituary, Death and Morbid Angel. The Tampa scene grew with the birth of Morrisound Recording, which established itself as an international recording destination for metal bands.

      Underoath is a Christian rock band based in Tampa.

      World premiere at Straz Center in 2009
      Frank Wildhorn’s new musical Wonderland: Alice’s New Musical Adventure.


      Tampa Museum of Art

      Museum of Science and Industry

      The Tampa area is home to a number of museums dedicated to a wide range of subjects and research. These include the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI), which has several floors of science exhibits, as well as Florida’s only IMAX dome theater and planetarium; Tampa Museum of Art; USF Museum of Contemporary Art; Tampa Bay History Center; Tampa Fire Museum; the Henry B. Plant Museum; and the Ybor City Museum State Park. In the Canal area in the city center, the SS 9 ship is permanently stationed0217 American Victory , a former World War II Victory ship now used as a museum ship. Florida Museum of Photography. It hosts local and international photography exhibitions.

      Children’s Museum

      The Tampa Children’s Museum opened in 1986. It was created in response to the need for an informal cultural and learning environment for the needs of young children. It has since grown into a larger downtown Tampa venue next to the Tampa Museum of Art and Curtis Hickson Park. The location opened in September 2010 and was renamed the Glazer Children’s Museum in honor of the Glazer Family Foundation, which donated $5 million towards the construction of the new building.


      Tampa has a wide variety of cuisines, from small cafes and bakeries to bistros and restaurants where you can order food from the farm. Tampa cuisine has a history of Cuban, Spanish, Floribian, and Italian cuisines. There are also many Colombian, Puerto Rican, Vietnamese and BBQ restaurants. Seafood is very popular in Tampa, and Greek cuisine is popular in the area, including the Tarpon Springs area. Food trucks are popular and the area holds the record for the world’s largest food truck rally. In addition to Ybor, famous for their restaurants
      the neighborhoods of Seminole Heights and South Tampa.

      Tampa is home to the Florida version of the spiced crab and the Cuban sandwich, which has been officially recognized by the City Council as “Tampa’s Signature Sandwich. ” The Tampa Cuban sandwich differs from other regional versions as the Genoese salami is layered with other ingredients, likely due to the influence of Italian immigrants living alongside Cubans and Spaniards in Ybor City.

      Several restaurant chains have been founded or headquartered in Tampa, including Outback Steakhouse, The Melting Pot, Front Burner Brands, Carrabba’s, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar, Bonefish Grill, Columbia Restaurant, Checkers and Rally’s, Taco Bus, and PDQ.

      Tourism and Leisure

      A street festival on Ybor’s famous 7th Avenue in front of the historic El Centro Español de Tampa.

      Visitors ride the Serengeti Express and Skyride at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

      The City of Tampa operates over 165 parks and beaches covering 2,286 acres (9.25 km 2 ) within city limits; Another 42 in the nearby 70,000-acre (280 km 2 ) suburbs are administered by Hillsborough County. These areas include the Hillsborough River State Park located to the northeast of the city. Tampa is home to a number of attractions and theme parks, including Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, Adventure Island, ZooTampa at Lowry Park, and the Florida Aquarium.

      ZooTampa at Lowry Park features over 2,000 animals, interactive exhibits, rides, educational shows and more. The zoo serves as the economic, cultural, environmental, and educational center of Tampa.

      Big Cat Rescue is one of the largest accredited rescues in the world, dedicated entirely to victims of abuse and abandoned big cats. It is home to about 80 lions, tigers, lynxes, cougars and other species, most of which have been abandoned, mistreated, orphaned, saved from being turned into fur coats, or refused to perform. They have many different tours.

      Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is a 335-acre (1.36 km 2 ) African themed theme park near University of South Florida. It has many of the thrilling rollercoasters it is known for, including Sheikra, Montu, Cheetah Hunt, and Kumba. Visitors can also see and interact with a range of African wildlife. Adventure Island is a 30-acre (12 ha) water park adjacent to Busch Gardens.

      The Florida Aquarium is a 23,000 sq. feet (23,000 m 2 ) in the English Channel District. More than 20,000 species of aquatic plants and animals live here. It is known for its unique glass architecture. Adjacent to the aquarium is SS American Victory , a World War II Victory ship that has been preserved as a museum ship.

      Tampa Bay Historic Center is a museum in the English Channel District. It boasts over 60,000 square feet (5,600 m 2 ) of exhibits spanning 12,000 years. There are theaters, a map gallery, a research center and a museum shop.

      Notable shopping areas include International Plaza and Bay Street, Westshore Plaza, the Soho area and Hyde Park Village. Palma Seiya is home to the Palma Seiya Design District. Tampa was formerly home to the Floriland Mall (now an office park), the Tampa Bay Center (demolished and replaced by the new Tampa Bay Buccaneers training facility known as One Buc Place), and the East Lake Square Mall (now a mall). office park).

      The Tampa Port Authority operates three cruise ship terminals in the English Channel area of ​​Tampa. The Port of Tampa is the year-round home port for MS Carnival Paradise of Carnival Cruise Lines, and in season – for MS Carnival Pride . Tampa is also a seasonal port for Holland America Line, Norwegian Cruise Line, Celebrity Cruises, and Royal Caribbean International’s MS Rhapsody of the Seas and MS Radiance of the Seas. Cruise itineraries from Tampa include stops in the Western Caribbean islands, Honduras, Belize and Mexico. Longer voyages include the Panama Canal, the ABC Islands and the Eastern Caribbean.


      Gasparilla and the Pirate Ship

      Perhaps the most famous and anticipated events are the annual Gasparilla celebration in Tampa, in particular the Gasparilla Festival, the Pirate Invasion4 end of January or beginning of February. Often referred to as Tampa’s “Mardi Gras”, the invasion flotilla led by the pirate ship José Gasparilla and the subsequent parade attracted over 400,000 visitors, contributing tens of millions of dollars to the city’s economy. In addition to the initial invasion, numerous Gasparilla festivities take place every year between January and March, including the Gasparilla Children’s Parade, the more adult-oriented Parade of the Knights of Sant’Iago, the Gasparilla Distance Classic, the Gasparilla Arts Festival, and the Gasparilla International Film Festival. Festival, among other pirate-themed events. The Gasparilla Parade is the third largest parade in the United States.

      Tampa Convention Center built on the site of Fort Brook.

      Other notable events include the Outback Bowl held on New Year’s Day at Raymond James Stadium. Each February, the Florida State Fair draws crowds from across the state, and “Fiesta Day” celebrates Tampa’s Cuban, Spanish, German, Italian, English, Irish, Jewish, and Afro-Cuban immigrant heritage. The Indian International Film Festival (IIFF) in Tampa Bay also takes place in February. In April, MacDill Air Fest entertains as one of the largest U.S. military air shows in Guavahuine, a nighttime street celebration that infuses Halloween with Ybor City Latin flair. Downtown Tampa hosts Florida’s largest anime convention, Metrocon, a three-day event held in June or July at the Tampa Convention Center. Ybor also hosts “Gaybor Days”, an annual street party in the LGBT-friendly area of ​​Gaybor. Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, held annually from 1989, is the city’s largest film festival and one of the largest independent gay film festivals in the country.

      Tampa hosted the 2012 Republican National Convention and the 15th International Indian Film Academy Awards in April 2014.

      Since 2015, Tampa has hosted the annual Tampa Riverfest, usually held on the first weekend in May. The festival is held on the Tampa Riverwalk and features many music artists and local restaurants.


      League Stadium First season Championships Tampa Bay Buccaneers National Football League (NFL) Raymond James Stadium 1976 2 (XXXVII, LV) Tampa Bay Lightning National Hockey League (NHL) Amalie Arena 1992 3 ( 2004, 2020, 2021 ) Tampa Bay Rays Major League Baseball (MLB) Tropicana Field (St. Petersburg) 1998 0 Tampa Bay Rhodes United Football League (USL) Al Lang Stadium (St. Petersburg) 1975 (original club), 2010 (current club) 3 (1975, 2012, 2020*) Tampa Bay Titans Basketball League (TBL) Pasco Hernando State College 2019 0 Tampa Bay Vipers XFL Raymond James Stadium 2020 0

      *Co-champions, championship game canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

      Tampa is currently represented by teams from three major professional sports leagues: the National Football League, the National Hockey League, and Major League Baseball. The NFL’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers and NHL’s Tampa Bay Lightning call Tampa home, while Major League Baseball’s Tampa Bay Rays play across the bay in St. Petersburg. As their names suggest, these teams, as well as several other sports teams, represent the entire metropolitan area of ​​Tampa. Tampa Bay’s current professional teams have won eight combined championships in their respective leagues.

      The Tampa Bay area has long been the site of spring training for Major League Baseball and minor league baseball teams. The New York Yankees hold spring training in Tampa, and their low-A-rated Tampa Tarpons affiliate plays there during the summer.

      At the collegiate level, the University of South Florida Bulls compete in 17 sports in NCAA Division I and the University of Tampa Spartans compete in 20 sports in NCAA Division II.

      Between September 2020 and July 2021, all three major Tampa Bay teams, as well as the Tampa Bay Rowdies, qualified for their sport’s championship series. The Lightning beat the Dallas Stars in the 2020 Stanley Cup Finals, the Rays lost to the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 2020 World Series, the Rowdies and Phoenix Rising FC were named joint league champions after the USL championship game was canceled due to COVID-19. On January 19, the Buccaneers defeated the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl and the Lightning defeated the Montreal Canadiens in the 2021 Stanley Cup Finals. This dynasty earned the area the nickname “ Champa Bay “.



      The Tampa Bay Buccaneers began in 1976 as an NFL expansion team. They struggled at first, losing their first 26 games in a row, setting a league record for futility. After a brief success in the late 1970s, the Bucks returned to their losing ways again and at one point lost at least 10 games in 12 consecutive seasons. Hiring Tony Dungy at 19’96 started a trend of improvement that eventually led to the team’s Super Bowl XXXVII victory in 2003 under coach John Gruden. They won their second Super Bowl LV championship with quarterback Tom Brady and became the first NFL team ever to win the Super Bowl at their home stadium.


      Originally a Pittsburgh Gladiators and founding member of the Arena Football League (AFL), the Tampa Bay Storm moved from Pittsburgh at 1991 and won ArenaBowl V in the same year. Later they won 4 more ArenaBowls (VII, IX, X and XVII, and also competed in ArenaBowl I, III, XII, XXIII and XXX) and their five championships were a record in history leagues. In the 2010s, the AFL suffered from declining revenue for several years, resulting in a decrease in the number of active franchises. There were only five teams in the 2017 season, after which the Storm owners group went on hiatus.


      Tampa was also home to the Tampa Bay Bandits of the US Football League. The Bandits made the playoffs twice in their three seasons under head coach Steve Spurrier and drew the league’s best crowds to Tampa Stadium, but the team folded along with the rest of the USFL after season 1985 years. They played at Tampa Stadium, which hosted the 1984 USFL championship game.

      The Vipers

      The Tampa Bay Vipers play in the second edition of the XFL. Their first season was cut short after five weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


      The Tampa Bay Tornadoes were founded in 2020 and describe themselves as the successors to the defunct Tampa Bay Storm. They play in the American Arena League.


      2070 History

      The Tampa Bay area has long been home to nationally competitive amateur baseball and has hosted spring training and minor league teams for more than a century. Tampa became the first city in Florida to host a major league team for spring training in 1913 when the Chicago Cubs were training at Plant Field. The Tampa Smokers were the city’s first minor league team to play as charter members of the new Florida State League in 1919.


      After decades of trying to poach an existing Major League Baseball franchise, the Tampa Bay area finally had a team in 1998 when the Tampa Bay Devil Rays expansion began playing at St. Petersburg’s Tropicana Field. After ten years of fruitless play on the field, the Devil Rays shortened their moniker to simply the Rays in 2008 and quickly won the 2008 American League Pennant as runners-up in the World Series. They also won the American League East titles in 2008 and 2010 under manager Joe Maddon before returning to the standings.

      In 2007, the Rays began looking for a stadium location closer to the center of population, possibly in Tampa. However, over a decade later, rivalry between Tampa and St. Petersburg and funding problems for a new stadium forced the Reis to play at Tropicana Field.

      In 2020, the Flight won the AL East with the best record in the American League for the first time in a decade. Due to a shortened season due to COVID-19, 16 teams qualified for the playoffs, so the Rays had to play a best-of-3 series against division rival Toronto Blue Jays in the first round of the Rays’ playoffs, where they beat the guests in two games. on the Tropicana field. then play a divisional series against the New York Yankees, which they won in 5 games at a neutral venue in San Diego. The Reis then faced the Astros, who defeated them in the divisional round last year. Tampa Bay quickly took a 3–0 lead, but Houston came back to tie the series at 3–3. The Flight avoided a reverse turn in Game 7 to win their second American League pennant before losing the World Series in 6 games to the Los Angeles Dodgers.

      Steinbrenner Field

      Low-A Southeast

      Several Major League Baseball teams have spring training in the area, and most also operate low-income minor league teams in the southeast. The major league New York Yankees and minor league affiliate Tampa Tarpons use the George M. Steinbrenner Field across the Dale Mabry Highway from Raymond James Stadium.

      Across the bay in Pinellas County, Philadelphia Phillies affiliate Clearwater Threshers and Toronto Blue Jays affiliate Dunedin Blue Jays also play in the low-income Southeast. Other nearby Low-A Southeast teams include the Bradenton Marauders, an affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates, and the Lakeland Flying Tigers, an affiliate of the Detroit Tigers. The Phillies, Blue Jays, Pirates, and Tigers play their spring practice games at their minor league stadiums.

      The Tarpons have won five championships, the Flying Tigers have won four, the Thrashers have won two, and the Blue Jays and Marauders have won one each.

      The area was formerly home to many former Florida State League teams that no longer exist, most notably the Tampa Smokers, St. Petersburg Saints and the original Tampa Tarpons.



      The Tampa Bay Lightning NHL club was founded in 1992 and plays its home games at the Amalia Arena in downtown Tampa. In 2004, the team won its first Stanley Cup by defeating the Calgary Flames in 7 games. The Lightning lost the 2011 Eastern Conference Finals in 7 games to the eventual champion Boston Bruins. The Bolts became Eastern Conference champions in 2015, losing to the Chicago Blackhawks in the Finals. They returned to the Eastern Conference Finals in 2016 but lost in 7 games to the eventual champion Pittsburgh Penguins. They returned to the Eastern Conference Finals again in 2018 but lost in 7 games to the eventual champion Washington Capitals. The Lightning won their second Stanley Cup in 2020 by defeating the Dallas Stars in 6 games. They would later win their third Stanley Cup the following year in 2021 after beating the Montreal Canadiens in 5 games. January 27–28, 2018
      Tampa hosted the Skills Challenge and the 2018 NHL All-Star Game Weekend.



      The Tampa Bay Rowdies compete in the United Football League Championship after spending their first 6 seasons in the North American Football League. The team began playing at George M. Steinbrenner Field in Tampa in 2010 before moving to Al Lang Field in St. Petersburg in 2011. Rowdy won their first league championship in the 2012 Soccer Bowl. The Rowdies reached the USL Championship final for the first time in 2020, although it was canceled due to COVID-19. The Rowdies and another finalist, Phoenix Rising FC, were named co-champions by the league.

      Tampa has previously hosted two top level football teams. The Tampa Bay Rowdies of the original North American Football League were the area’s first major sports franchise, beginning play in 1975 at Tampa Stadium. The Rowdies were immediately successful, drawing good crowds and winning the Soccer Bowl ’75 in their first season, giving Tampa its first professional sports championship. Although the NASL went out of business in 1984, the Rowdies continued to compete in various football leagues until they finally closed at 1993 year.


      The success of the Rowdies prompted Major League Soccer (MLS) to award Tampa a new league member in 1996. The Tampa Bay Mutiny was the first MLS Supporters’ Shield winner and has been a big success since 1996. However, the club folded in 2001 when local ownership could not be secured, mainly due to a financially disadvantageous lease on the Raymond James Stadium. The city currently has no representatives in the MLS, however the Rowdies are looking to join the league.

      Yuenling Center


      The Tampa Bay Titans play in the Basketball League (TBL). Their home games are played at Pasco Hernando State College.

      St. Pete Tide and the Tampa Gunners play in the Florida Basketball Association (FBA). Tide’s home games are played at a Catholic high school in St. Petersburg, while the Gunners are an away team.

      Amalie Arena was used as the home arena for the NBA’s Toronto Raptors during the 2020-2021 season due to Canadian government regulations due to the COVID-19 pandemicIn Canada . This was the first time an NBA team had played home games in Tampa, although Tampa had previously hosted exhibition preseason games between the Orlando Magic and the Miami Heat.

      Collegiate Sports

      University of South Florida

      See also: South Florida Bulls

      The University of South Florida is Tampa’s only NCAA Division I sports program. USF began playing intercollegiate sports in 1965. The Bulls formed a men’s basketball team at 19.71 and a football team in 1997 and sponsor a total of 17 teams. The Bulls joined the Big East in 2005 and the football team rose to No. 2 in the BCS rankings in 2007. They are now part of the American Athletic Conference. USF has won six NCAA national championships: softball in 1983 and 1984, women’s swimming in 1985, and sailing in 2009, 2016, and 2017.

      University of Tampa

      See also: Tampa Spartans

      The University of Tampa Spartans compete in 20 sports at the NCAA Division II level in the Sunshine State Conference (SSC). In total, they have won 19 Division II national championships, including eight in baseball.

      Hillsborough Community College

      Hillsborough Community College Hawks are an NJCAA Division I junior college team and a member of the Florida College System Activities Association in which they compete in the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Region VIII Suncoast and Southern Conference.

      Major Events in the Tampa Bay Area

      Further Information: Sports in the Tampa Bay Area § Major Championships held in Tampa Bay.

      • Super Bowls XVIII & XXV (Tampa Stadium)
      • Super Bowls XXXV, XLIII and LV (Raymond James Stadium)
      • 1984 USFL Championship Game (Tampa Stadium)
      • Games 1 and 2 of the 2008 World Series (Tropicana Field)
      • Games 1, 2, 5 and 7 of the 2004 Stanley Cup Finals (Amalia Arena)
      • 2015 Stanley Cup Finals Game 1, 2 & 5 (Amalia Arena)
      • 2021 Stanley Cup Finals Game 1, 2 & 5 (Amalia Arena)
      • Soccer Bowl 2012 Stage 2 (Al Lang Stadium)
      • ArenaBowl IX (Tropicana Field)
      • ArenaBowl XII and XVII (Amalia Arena)
      • 2017 College Football Playoff National Championship Game (Raymond James Stadium)
      • 1999 NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Final Four (Tropicana Field)
      • 2008, 2015 & 2019 NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Final Four (Amalia Arena)
      • 1978, 1979 & 1980 NCAA Division I Men’s Soccer Championship (Tampa Stadium)
      • 1990 and 1991 NCAA Division I Men’s Football Championship (USF Football Stadium)
      • 2012 & 2016 NCAA Division I Men’s Frozen Four Hockey (Amalia Arena)
      • 2009 NCAA Division I Women’s Volleyball Final Four (Amalia Arena)
      • 2015 NCAA Division I Men’s Golf Championship and 2015 NCAA Division I Women’s Golf Championship (The Concession Golf Club)
      • 2021 USL Championship Final (Al Lang Stadium)
      Future events are planned for the Tampa Bay area.

      • 2023 NCAA Division I Men’s Ice Hockey Frozen Four (Amalia Arena)
      • 2023 NCAA Division I Women’s Volleyball Final Four (Amalia Arena)
      • 2025 NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Final Four (Amalia Arena)



      Tampa is governed by a strong mayor form of government. The mayor of Tampa is the chief executive officer of the city government and is elected to a four-year term, limited to two consecutive terms. The current mayor is Jane Castor, who took office on May 1, 2019.of the year.

      City Council

      The City Council is the seven-member legislative body. Four members are elected from specific numbered boroughs designated as city districts, while the remaining three are “at-large” (work citywide) members.

      Fire Department

      See also: Tampa Fire and Rescue.

      City of Tampa is served by the Tampa Fire and Rescue Service. With 22 fire stations, the department provides fire and medical protection for Tampa and New Tampa, and provides support to other departments such as Tampa International Airport, Hillsborough County Fire and Rescue, and MacDill Air Force Base 6th Medical Group.

      Law Enforcement

      See also: Tampa Police Department

      The Tampa Police Department employs more than 1,000 sworn officers and many civil service auxiliaries under a chief of police, chosen by the mayor and approved by the city council.


      Municipal elections are held on the first Tuesday of March and repeat elections, if necessary, are held on the fourth Tuesday of April. All city officials elected in the March elections take office May 1. The Hillsborough County Electoral Officer is responsible for all municipal elections in the city. Under legislation enacted by the Hillsborough Board of Commissioners, any registered voter may request to be granted voting benefits based on their medical condition.

      Other offices

      In addition to the mayor, city council, fire department, and police department, there are several government offices in the city. There are: the city clerk, the legal department, the internal audit department, and the income and finance department.


      See also: List of schools in Hillsborough County, Florida.

      Hillsborough High School in Seminole Heights

      Elementary and Secondary Schools

      More Information: Hillsborough County Public Schools.

      Public elementary and secondary education is administered by Hillsborough County Public Schools, officially known as the Hillsborough School District (SDHC). It is the eighth largest school district in the United States with approximately 189,469 students. SDHC operates 208 schools, 133 elementary, 42 middle, 27 high schools, two K-8s, and four career centers. There are 73 additional schools in the district that are charter, ESE, alternative, etc. Twelve of the 27 SDHC high schools are included in a list of top high schools in America compiled by

      Public Libraries

      The Tampa Library System is operated by the Tampa-Hillsboro County Public Library System. THPLS operates 25 libraries in Tampa and Hillsborough County, including the John F. Germany Public Library in downtown Tampa. The Tampa library system first began in the early 20th century with West Tampa Library, made possible by funds donated by Andrew Carnegie. Tampa Libraries is also part of a larger library network, the Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative, which includes the libraries of the adjacent municipalities of Temple Terrace and Plant City. The Hillsborough County Libraries Co-op has the same structure and design as the Pasco County Libraries Co-op, which is based on providing a network for all citizens and students of that county to have equal opportunity and access to literature, no matter where they are located.

      University of South Florida Marshall Student Center

      Higher Education

      University of Tampa Plant

      Tampa has a number of institutions of higher education.

      The city is home to the main campus of the University of South Florida (USF), a member of the Florida State University System, founded in 1956. USF is classified as “R1: Doctoral Universities – Very High Research Activity” and is one of only three universities in Florida recognized as Outstanding Public Research Universities. As of 2021, USF has the seventh-highest undergraduate student population in the United States with over 51,000 students.

      The University of Tampa (Utah) is a private four-year liberal arts institution. It was founded in 1931 and moved to the former Tampa Bay Hotel in 1933 across the Hillsborough River from downtown Tampa. UT has undergone several expansions in recent years, with over 9,000 students enrolled in 2018.

      Hillsborough Community College is a two-year community college in the Florida College System with campuses in Tampa and Hillsborough County. Southern Technical College is a private two-year college based in Tampa. Hillsborough Technical Education Centers (HiTEC) is the higher education of the local public school district. The schools offer a variety of certification courses in technical training as well as job placement skills.

      The Stetson University College of Law is located in Gulfport and has a second campus, the Tampa Law Center, in downtown Tampa. The Law Center houses the Tampa branch of the Florida Second Circuit Court of Appeals.

      Other colleges and universities in the wider Tampa Bay area include Jersey College, Ackerd College, College of Florida, and St. Petersburg College in St. Petersburg.


      Main article: Media in Tampa Bay

      See also: List of films set in Tampa.

      The primary daily newspaper serving the city is Tampa Bay Times , which acquired longtime rival The Tampa Tribune in 2016. Print news is also provided by various smaller regional newspapers, alternative weeklies and magazines, including the Florida Sentinel. Bulletin , Creative Loafing, Reax Music Magazine , The Oracle , Tampa Bay Business Journal , MacDill Thunderbolt and La Gaceta , which is known for being the only national newspaper in three languages ​​- English, Spanish and Italian, due to its roots in the cigar industry. the immigrant neighborhood of Ybor City.

      Major television stations include WFTS 28 (ABC), WTSP 10 (CBS), WFLA-TV 8 (NBC), WTVT 13 (Fox), WTOG 44 (CW), WTTA 38 (MyNetworkTV), WEDU and WEDQ 3 (PBS )., WMOR-TV 32 (Independent), WXPX 66 (ION), WCLF 22 (CTN), WFTT 62 (UniMás) and WVEA 50 (Univision).

      Dozens of FM and AM radio stations serve the area, including WDAE, which was Florida’s first radio station when it went on the air in 1922.


      Courtney Campbell Causeway



      The Lee Roy Selmon Crosstown Expressway has a section that dominates parts of downtown and part of Port Tampa. With an even taller bridge carrying the reversible express lanes of the expressway.

      Three vehicular bridges cross Tampa Bay into Pinellas County from Tampa city limits: Howard Frankland Bridge (I-275), Courtney Campbell Road (SR 60), and Gandhi Bridge (US 92). The old Gandhi Bridge was completely replaced with new spans in the 1990s, but the span of the old bridge was retained and converted into a pedestrian and bicycle bridge, renamed the Friendship Path. It was the longest overwater recreation trail in the world. However, in 2008 the bridge was closed due to structural problems.

      Howard Frankland Bridge east terminus

      Tampa has several freeways that serve the city. There are two toll freeways that enter and leave Tampa. The Lee Roy Selmon Expressway (SR 618) runs from suburban Brandon at the eastern terminus through downtown Tampa to areas of South Tampa (near MacDill Air Force Base) at the western terminus. Meanwhile, the Veterans Expressway (SR 589) connects Tampa International Airport and the Bay Bridges to the northwestern suburbs of Carrollwood, Northdale, Westchase, Citrus Park, Cheval, and Lutz before continuing north on Suncoast Boulevard into the county
      Pasco and Hernando.

      Three of the city’s freeways have an interstate highway designation. Interstates 4 and 275 traverse the city and intersect near downtown. Interstate 75 runs along the east side of the city for most of its route through Hillsborough County until it turns west to bisect New Tampa.

      Along with the city highways, the main surface roads serve as the main arteries of the city. These roads are Hillsborough Avenue (US 92 and US 41), Dale Mabry Highway (US 92), Nebraska Avenue (US 41/SR 45), Florida Avenue (US 41 Business), Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, Fowler Avenue, Bush Boulevard, Kennedy Boulevard (SR 60), Adamo Drive and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway.


      • Tampa International Airport (IATA: TPA) is Tampa’s main airport and primary commercial passenger airline service for the Tampa Bay area. It is also a perennial favorite in industry and travel polls. Readers of Condé Nast Traveler often placed Tampa International on their list of top airports, ranking 1st in 2003 and 2nd in 2008. In a 2007 poll by Zagat, Tampa International ranked #1 among US airports in overall quality. In 2008, it was the 26th busiest airport in North America.
      • St. Petersburg–Clearwater International Airport (IATA: PIE) is across the bay from Tampa International Airport in neighboring Pinellas County. The airport has become a popular destination for discount carriers, with over 90% of its flights operated by low cost carrier Allegiant Air. A joint civil and military aviation facility, it is also home to Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater, the largest US Coast Guard air base.
      • Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport (IATA: SRQ) is located in neighboring Sarasota. Sarasota Airport receives more flights to Atlanta’s Delta hub than any other city, but also serves several other major US cities.

      Tampa Union Station Platforms


      Tampa’s intercity passenger rail service is based at Tampa Union Station, a historic site adjacent to downtown between Normandy and Ybor City. The station is served by Amtrak’s Silver Star , which calls into Tampa twice a day: south to Miami and north to New York City. Union Station also serves as an interchange hub for Amtrak Thruway Motorcoach buses, offering bus service to several cities in southwest Florida and to Orlando.

      The Accounting Railroad Station on Tampa’s east side serves CSX as a warehouse and intermodal freight facility. Freight and container traffic in the seaports of the city also depend on the berthing rail service.


      A tug pushing a barge in the port of Tampa.

      Main article: Port Tampa Bay

      The Port of Tampa is Florida’s largest port by cargo volume, making it one of the busiest commercial ports in North America. Oil and phosphates are the leading commodities, accounting for two-thirds of the 37 million tons of total bulk and general cargo handled by the port in 2009year. The port is also home to Foreign Trade Zone 79, which assists companies in Tampa Bay and along the I-4 corridor with import, export, manufacturing, and distribution through the US Foreign Trade Zone program.

      Weekly container service available at the Port of Tampa. Freight service is offered by Ports America, Zim American Integrated Shipping Company and MSC, which recently partnered with Zim. Containerships ranging from 3,000 to 4,250 TEU regularly call at the Port of Tampa.

      The bottom of the bay is very sandy, the US Army Corps of Engineers is constantly deepening the ship channels so that large cargo ships can pass through them.

      Public transport

      HARTLine bus at the Marion transit centre.

      Public transit in Tampa is operated by the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) and includes a public bus as well as a streetcar line. The main hub of the HART bus system is the Marion Transit Center in downtown Tampa, serving approximately 30 local and express routes. HART also operates a rapid transit bus system called MetroRapid that runs between downtown and the University of South Florida.

      The TECO Line Tram provides electric tram service at eleven stations on a 2. 7-mile (4.3 km) route connecting Ybor City, the English Channel District, the Tampa Convention Center and downtown Tampa. The TECO Line park has a lacquered wood interior reminiscent of late 19th and mid 20th century trams.

      Limited Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) private electric vehicle transportation available, primarily in downtown Tampa and Ybor City. Water taxis are available on a charter basis for tours of the downtown waterfront and the Hillsborough River.

      The Tampa Bay Regional Transportation Authority (TBARTA) is developing buses, light rail, and other transportation options for the seven-county Tampa Bay area.


      There are more than 20 hospitals, four trauma centers, and several cancer treatment centers in and around Tampa. Tampa is also home to many health research institutes. Major hospitals in Tampa include Tampa General Hospital, St. Joseph Children’s and Women’s Hospital, James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, and the Pepin Heart Institute at Advent Health Hospital. The Shriners Children’s Hospital is located in Tampa. The USF Byrd Alzheimer Institute is both a renowned research and care center for Alzheimer’s patients in Tampa. Along with human health care, there are hundreds of animal health centers, including the American Society for the Protection of Animals.

      The Big Bend Power Plant provides most of the city’s energy.


      Water in this area is administered by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. The water primarily comes from the Hillsborough River, which in turn flows out of the Green Marsh, but several other rivers and desalination plants in the area contribute to the supply. Electricity is mainly generated by TECO Energy.

      Notable people

      Main article: List of people from Tampa, Florida

      Sister cities

      See also: List of sister cities in Florida

      Tampa formalizes agreements
      twin cities with:

      • Agrigento, Italy (1991)
      • Ashdod, Israel (2005)
      • Barranquilla, Colombia (2012)
      • Boca del Rio, Mexico (2002)
      • Le Havre, France (1993)
      • Heraklion, Greece (2019)
      • Izmir, Turkey (1993)
      • Lanzhou, China (2016)
      • Oviedo, Spain (1992)
      • Porto Alegre, Brazil (2013)
      • South District Dublin, Ireland (2015)
      • Veracruz, Mexico (2002)

      See also

      • Baldomero Lopez
      • List of metropolitan areas in America
      • List of Public Art in Tampa, FL
      • List of US cities by population
      • National Register of Historic Places listings in Tampa, Florida
      • Tampa Seal

      Portals :


      North America

      United States





        Brown, Kanter (1999). Pre-Civil War Tampa . Tampa: University of Tampa Press. ISBN 978-1-879852-64-8 .
      • Brown, Kanter (2000). Tampa in the Civil War and Reconstruction . Tampa: University of Tampa Press. ISBN 978-1-879852-68-6 .
      • Sinchett, John (2009). Tampa Vintage Signs and Scenes . Tampa: Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7385-6836-2 .
      • Kerstein, Robert (2001). Politics and Growth in Twentieth-Century Tampa . Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. ISBN 978-0-8130-2083-9 .
      • Lastra, Frank (2005). Ybor City: building an iconic city . Tampa: University of Tampa Press. ISBN 978-1-59732-003-0 .
      • Milanich, Gerald (1995). Florida Indians and Invasion from Europe . Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. ISBN 978-0-8130-1360-2 .
      • Mormino, Gary (1998). Immigrant World Ybor City . Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. ISBN 978-0-8130-1630-6 .
      • Pizzo, Anthony (1968). City of Tampa 1824–1886: Cracker Village with a Latin Accent . Tampa, Florida: Home of the Hurricane.
      • Pizzo, Anthony (1983). Tampa Treasure City . Tulsa, Oklahoma: Continental Heritage Press. ISBN 978-0-

      • Stewart, George (2008). Names on the Ground: A Historical Account of Place Names in the United States . New York: NYRB Classics. ISBN 978-1-59017-273-5 .

      external links

      • Official site
      • Tampa Bay Convention and Visitors Bureau
      • Tampa Chamber of Commerce
      • University of South Florida Libraries: Archives, Manuscripts, and Photographic Collections
      • Tampa Historical Photographs Website of Tampa
      • Tampa Bay at Curly
      • Changing Tampa – Historical and contemporary photographs of Tampa.

      The search for intellectual life in kindergarten

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      Summary . In continuation of the theme of “privatization of childhood”, an analysis was made of the negative consequences of the early (and late too) use of test for intelligence in the selection of schoolchildren. There are actually three problems, and all are related to the false concept test ov that a) there is some general intelligence underlying particular abilities, b) that it is hereditary and / or has a biological nature, and is not “nurtured” or ” suppressed” by appropriate social influences:

      – children selected in the class for the most gifted, then suddenly show such low basic knowledge that they have to be specially tightened up, due to low (or rather, unstable) predictor ability test ov. They predict current performance well, future performance much worse, because it is here that social circumstances are especially significant, because they have a long-term effect on mental development and interest in learning.

      – tests throw out children who reveal their abilities late, and since the selection of the “most gifted”, their special education, etc., always lowers the quality of education for the remaining ones who are “rejected”, for “late” children this can be disastrous;

      – and, apparently, it is not the “mind” as such that is critically important, but the ability to concentrate in the distracting environment of the test, which, of course, is brought up and / or conditioned by the social belonging and culture of the parents
      Thanks for the tip Olga Bykova .

      By Bronson, Ashley Merriman

      “Millions of children are fighting for a place in gifted programs and private schools.

      Representatives of these institutions say that this is a ticket to a better life – studies refute their words in 73% of cases.

      Imagine a child who has just turned 5 years old. He was brought to an unfamiliar place, his mother helps him get comfortable and get used to it a little and leaves. The mother may have told her daughter that they would help her decide which school she would go to next year.

      The child is seated at a table against a probationer who starts asking questions in order of increasing difficulty until the child makes several mistakes in a row. The tester then proceeds to the next section of testing.

      Vocabulary is checked in two ways: first, the child simply needs to name what is shown. When this becomes too difficult, the child will be told a word such as “border” and asked what it means. For detailed definitions, the child gets 2 points, fewer details bring 1 point.
      The child must also learn the word from several clues.

      Can you guess what I’m thinking? the inspector asks. “Something that you can sit or stand on, that can be cleaned or made from dirt. The child has 5 seconds to answer.

      In another section, the child is shown pictures and then asked to identify what is missing. We hope that she will have 20 seconds to answer:

      – Bear Paw!

      Then red and white plastic blocks are laid out on the table. The child will be shown a card with a pattern and asked to assemble 4 blocks according to the pattern. Blocks stacked incorrectly even by a quarter of an inch bring penalty points. More difficult questions use two-color blocks with red edges and white triangles. Older children get 9blocks.

      Can give several labyrinths; at the same time, you can’t take the pencil off the paper, and points are deducted for each hit in a dead end.

      Pattern discrimination is included in every test. For example, a child must understand that a circle is also an oval, and a square is a special case of a rectangle, while a triangle is related to a square in the same way as a square is to a pentagon. Or: snow is related to a snowman in the same way as a bag of flour with a slice of bread. A six-year-old may be asked to repeat a sequence of 4 numbers (for example, 9, 4, 7, 1). If he understands them correctly, he can add a fifth number. If he can make 7 numbers, then the result will increase to 99%. Then he will be asked to repeat the sequence of numbers in reverse order. If the child correctly repeats 4 numbers in reverse order, then he is considered gifted.

      Every winter, tens of thousands of children spend a whole morning or day in this way. Such tests allow you to enroll in elite private schools and participate in programs for gifted children. About 3,000,000 children participate in programs for gifted children – this is 7% of the total number of students in US public schools. Another 2,000,000 children managed to enroll in private independent schools.
      Tests vary depending on the purpose. But no matter what is being tested, or which test is being used, all tests have something in common. All of them are surprisingly ineffective predictors of a child’s academic performance.

      Here’s an indicator of the scale of the problem: if you were to choose 100 “gifted” kindergartners, i.e. the most intelligent at this stage, then in grade 3 only 27 of them would still deserve this definition. That is, you incorrectly assessed the abilities of 73 children.

      What most schools don’t realize is how poorly tests predict student achievement in elementary school. Some schools have tried to come up with other ways to test children for giftedness, such as asking a child to draw a picture to gauge their emotional world or behavior. However, studies have shown that alternatives are even less effective than an intelligence test. The problem is not in the tests, but in the fact that the brains of young children have not yet fully formed [in the tests too, but this is a separate problem associated not with early testing, but with social inequality among children].
      * * *

      We decided to find out how often tests accurately single out the most gifted children, even from a homogeneous background, and we interviewed school directors. All as one assured us that the tests are quite accurate in predicting future performance. Tests come with manuals, and the first chapters of these manuals contain descriptions of research that gives the tests a flavor of authenticity. However, the main message is not about how accurately the tests predict future performance, but about how accurately they predict current performance, and how these tests are better than competitors’ tests.

      Dr. Lawrence Weiss – Vice President of Product Development, Improvement and Clinical Testing at Pearson/Harkur Assessment, test owner WPPSI . When I asked him how well his test predicted performance over 2-3 years, he explained that it was not part of his company policy to collect this data from capitalism as such – since the tests are a commercial product, their developers are not interested in identifying flaws and disadvantages, compared to a situation where it would be a purely scientific development. Exactly the same problem with research at Big Pharma, both equally harm consumers and science as such].

      – We do not monitor the significance of forecasts for a long time.

      We were shocked because decisions made on the basis of intelligence test results have enormous consequences. A result of about 120 points allows the child to be considered “gifted” and opens the way to special classes. If the score is above 130, the child may be admitted to a school for the gifted.

      Notice that these children are not a miracle of miracles. Miracles are much rarer, less than 1 in 500,000. If a child is classified as gifted, it indicates that they are bright, but not necessarily extraordinary. Half of all college graduates have an IQ of 120 or higher; 130 is the average IQ for adults with a Ph.D.

      However, doing this as a child is almost like winning a lottery ticket. The small number of children in a class filled with fast-thinking students allows teachers to condense the curriculum. This can significantly change the scope of the studied materials. In California, according to official statistics, children participating in programs for the gifted and talented advance in school 36.7% faster per year than their normal peers. And in many areas like New York and Chicago, students don’t get retested and stay in the program until they graduate. Those who have been admitted to kindergarten at a private school stay there until grade 8.

      * * *

      Since the test makers are not trying to determine how well tests of early intelligence predict later development, scientists have decided to tackle this problem.

      In 2003, Dr. Hoi Suen, Professor of Educational Psychology at Pennsylvania State University, published a meta-analysis* of 44 studies on the effectiveness of testing in preschool or school admissions in predicting academic performance two years in advance. Most of the studies have been published since the middle of the 1970s to mid 1990s. Analyzing them, Suen found that the scores on the intelligence test obtained before entering school, on average, only in 40% of cases correlated with later performance. This 40% correlation includes all children. When Suen narrowed the studies down to programs for gifted or private schools, the correlations of were no better than .

      So, scientists from the University of North Carolina analyzed the results of students from a private independent school in Charlotte. The school required all applicants to take the WPPSI Kindergarten test. All children were considered very smart – the average IQ was 116 points. In Grade 3, students passed the Comprehensive Probationary Test III. As a group, the guys did well: the average result exceeded 90%. But did WPPSI scores predict which students would do well on the test? Not at all. The correlation between the results of the WPPSI and the comprehensive test was only 40%.

      In high school students, the correlation was even less. Dr. William Tsushima studied two exclusive private schools in Hawaii—one had an average IQ of about 130, the other just over 126. But their reading scores in second grade only had a 26% correlation with WPPSI scores. The correlation of results in mathematics was even lower.

      Then why are so many children rejected by this early testing?

      As I said, if the school uses tests with a 40% correlation, then when selecting a tenth of the third graders for the “gifted” program, 72.4% of them would not be able to identify by IQ before entering kindergarten. Many would not even come close to the required parameters!

      The number of false positives and negatives is worrying experts like Dr. Donald Rock, senior researcher at the Educational Testing Service.

      “Identifying very bright kids in kindergarten or first grade is like walking on thin ice,” Rock says.

      – IQ measurements are generally not very accurate. Third grade yes, second grade maybe. By testing younger children, you are simply highlighting children with a good social background, nothing more.

      Rock added that most children will only slightly decrease their results.

      – The top 1% will, of course, be in the top 10% five years later. It is true that a child who scores at the top of the test is bright enough, no questions asked, but children who do quite well may not be in this position as early as 3rd grade.

      According to Rock, in the 3rd grade the program becomes much more complicated. Children are expected to reason in mathematical terms rather than just memorize results, and the emphasis is shifting to memorizing reading instead of just reading aloud. This complication separates children.

      – You see how more and more children are moving away from each other in terms of academic performance.

      As a result, Rock comes to the conclusion that it is in the 3rd grade that tests should be carried out.

      – Determining the level of intelligence of children in grade 3 is very meaningful. Reading scores in the third grade can predict later success in many areas [however, later in adolescents who are most sensitive to social influences, IQ values ​​then “jump” again].

      Thus, the problem is not that IQ tests are not perfect, but that all these tests are used to assess the abilities of too young children.

      “It really worries me that multi-stage assessments like public school entrance tests are based on such tests,” said Dr Stephen Strand of the University of Warwick in Coventry, England. – Such structural decisions are usually extremely inflexible, and as a result, based on an early result, children are divided into successful and unpromising. It’s all about the need to be flexible so that conditions and decisions can be changed later.

      Strand found that IQ tests at the transition to high school are much better at predicting future performance.

      Strand recently published the results of testing 70,000 British children in Intelligence magazine. He compared their scores at 11 years of age with their matriculation scores at 16 years of age. The correlation was high. If tests taken in earlier childhood could predict academic success with the same accuracy, it would be possible to identify gifted children twice as accurately.

      Academia warns against classifying young children based on the result of a single early test – retesting is essential. This warning is not voiced only by those who generally oppose any intelligence testing on moral grounds. This is expressed most strongly by those who write the tests, including Iowa State University professor Dr. David Lohman, co-author of the Cognitive Ability Test, Dr. Stephen Pfeiffer, author of the Giftedness Assessment Test, and Dr. Cecil Reynolds, author of the RIAS (Reynolds Intelligence Scale). .

      Yet children are usually admitted to school – or denied admission – on the basis of a single test, and in many schools it is never repeated.

      Reynolds stated:

      – If we did the same to identify specially trained students, it would go against federal law.

      * * *

      Several years ago, the State of South Carolina hired staff from the William & Mary College of Education for Gifted Children to evaluate its methodology for selecting gifted children. The authorities were worried that national minorities were underrepresented in programs for gifted children, but it turned out that the problem was much more serious.

      There were a disproportionate number of white children in the program (86%). Much more disturbing was something else: children – regardless of race – did not correspond to the concept of a “gifted child” at all!

      The results of testing gifted children in grades 3, 4 and 5 in 2002 were simply catastrophic. In mathematics, 12% of gifted children showed only a “basic” level, 30% had an “excellent” mark. In English, the results were much worse. One could assume that the children would be transferred to a regular class, but instead, the researchers suggested developing programs for “lagging behind-but-still-gifted” children … Well, what can I say ?!

      We called 20 of the largest public school districts in America to find out what programs they offer to educate the gifted. All 20 districts had their own program. In 12 of the districts, such work begins in kindergarten. No district waits until grade 3 to test children, but by the end of grade 2, all 20 districts had identified some children as talented.

      On paper, this poses a challenge to child development scientists.

      “I don’t have a perfect answer,” said Dr. Laurie Kirsch, Supervisor for the Gifted Program for the Hillsborough County School District (Tampa, Florida). “I just keep my eyes open looking for gifted kids. We create opportunities for them to participate in testing and outperform the rest. We want to give them time to develop their giftedness.

      Speaking with representatives of these schools, I realized that it would be unfair to judge programs solely on the basis of the age at which they test children; it was also important to consider funding. In some areas, such as Dallas, children are tested already in kindergarten, but no life-changing decisions are made. Selected children remain in their groups and must attend a 2-hour gifted class once a week. That’s all they get extra, which, of course, is not enough.

      The problem does not seem to be the age of the first test. Even in kindergarten, some children are clearly and undeniably more advanced than others. The problem is different: in many areas, children who are currently lagging behind and discovering their abilities later do not have the opportunity to retake the test. None of the top 20 school districts require children to achieve high IQ test scores in higher grades to stay in the program.

      Children can attend a class for gifted children as long as they are not too far behind. The system of priorities of the district does not include the desire to remove children from the program – it is more important to include them in it.

      Many areas are still working on the assumption that intelligence is innate and unchanging. According to this antediluvian prejudice, retesting does not make sense – after all, IQ is a lifetime indicator!

      Giftedness is considered something invariable. We are trying to change this misconception, but so far without success.
      Going back to South Carolina, they created new rules to protect underachieving children in the gifted classes. Students cannot be removed from the program just because they are falling behind in their studies – in order for a child to be expelled, he must do something else. Second, if a child transfers to a regular school before the end of the school year, they are allowed to return to the gifted program at the beginning of the next year without retesting.

      South Carolina isn’t the only state where it’s illegal to ask gifted kids to verify their credentials. In Florida, a 2007 bill to transform the state’s gifted education program could not leave committee until the requirement to retest children every three years was removed.
      The authors of the tests are convinced that the talent remains with you until the end of your life. Dr. Lohman, co-author of CogAT, explains:

      – Giftedness is considered something permanent. We are trying to change this misconception, but so far without success.

      Of all the boroughs we surveyed, none despises science as much as New York State. A single test, carried out before kindergarten, determines the further progress of the child. And those who pass the test will never be re-tested again – the children keep their results up to 5, or even up to 8 grade, depending on the school. Since 2008, the New York Department of Education has changed the tests four times because the results did not satisfy officials.

      A report was published in 2007 that found that too few children were in the 90% result, and the classes were filled with ordinary students – 42% of the places for gifted children were taken by children with results above 80%. Many have complained that the program has been weakened. In the meantime, a warning appeared on the department’s website for older applicants that they could be included in the lists of applicants if there are empty places there – which, however, will be very few, even in grades 4 and 5.

      Private independent schools really have no other choice – almost by definition, they have to single out the best kids right before kindergarten. But in this case, there are extremely many mistakes: a lot of talented children do not pass the selection. Admissions officials might well warn parents that selection is more of an art than a science, but science says it’s not 60% art, it’s 60% chance.

      The Cream of Society and Hooligans (1937). Since then, only the separation technique has changed.

      Some elite fee-paying preschools now also use IQ tests. And they’re not ashamed of it: in the Seattle area, a preschool website boasts that it’s the only preschool in the state that requires an IQ test for admission – some kids are tested as early as 27 months. In Detroit, one preschool waits up to 30 months.

      * * *

      After learning about the disastrous results of tests for the level of intelligence, one has to look for other methods of testing for giftedness, for example, consider emotional intelligence, that is, the ability to communicate, or the child’s behavior. Many sites ask the question, “Is your child gifted?” — and then offer a checklist of behaviors to test. And it’s not just parents who use it – we’ve found schools that have adopted these checklists as part of the selection process. But will these criteria be more revealing?

      Since the publication of Dr. Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence in 1995, it has been widely believed that temperament, character traits, and sociability may be more important for success than cognitive intelligence. On the tenth anniversary of the release of his book, Goleman praised school districts that are incorporating emotional intelligence classes into their curricula. He suggested that emotional intelligence could be the backbone of some children’s academic success. Increasingly, private schools have begun sending preschoolers to multi-stage play groups to quickly assess children’s behavior, motivation, and personality.

      But can the emotional component of personality explain what misses an IQ test?

      Over the past 10 years, several methods have been developed to measure emotional intelligence. One test, the MSCEIT, was created by the group that coined the term emotional intelligence. It included Dr. Peter Salovey, Dean of Yale College. Another test – EQ-I – was created by Dr. Raven Baron, the author of the term emotional factor.
      But the meta-analysis of data obtained by these methods caused a real shock. It was found that the correlation between emotional intelligence and academic success was only 10%. These studies were done with teenagers and college students—not children. A survey of prisoners showed that the inhabitants of the prison have a fairly high level of IQ. This puts an end to the theory that emotionally intelligent people make better life choices.

      Salovey repeatedly criticized Goleman for allegedly distorting the data received by his team and exaggerating his influence. He considers Goleman’s optimistic claims not only “unrealistic” but also “misleading”.

      In one emotional intelligence test, children are asked how they would feel if their best friend left. The better the child describes his feelings, the more points he gets. But verbal abilities also depend on how active cognitive intelligence is. (Later we will talk about what drives the early development of language.) So, according to one authority, instead of gleefully claiming that emotional intelligence supplants cognition, the opposite is true: cognition enhances the emotional component.

      We also studied the correlation of the child’s personality traits with academic success. But the problem is that different personality traits are important at each age. One study showed that children who were extroverted in kindergarten would become good students, but by 2nd or 3rd grade, extroversion is half as important. Other scientists have found that by the 6th grade, extraversion is no longer an advantage and even has an increasingly negative effect on academic performance. By 8th grade, the best students are conscientious and focused introverts.

      In 2007, Dr. Greg Duncan and 11 co-authors published an analysis of a survey of 34,000 children. They used data from 6 long-term population-based studies: 4 in the US, 1 in Canada, and 1 in the UK. All of the pre-kindergarten children who participated in the study took some form of intelligence test or student-teacher performance test. In addition, mothers and teachers assessed their social skills, attention skills and their behavior both at home and in the kindergarten. The researchers wanted to find out aspects of character and behavior that can affect school performance: expression of emotions, aggressiveness, lack of communication skills, hyperactivity, lack of concentration, etc.
      Duncan’s team expected social skills to be a good indicator of academic achievement, but it took three years to complete this analysis because the results were very slow to appear.

      In general, IQ tests showed the same degree of correlation as in Suen’s meta-analysis: if you combine math and reading, the previously obtained IQ at best gives a 40% correlation with later academic achievement. The attention test showed at best a 20% correlation with the later level, while behavior scores peaked at 8% correlation. This means that very good students at age 5 were restless and misbehaved, while many of those who showed very good results at 5 years old could not boast of academic success. Thus, their social skills also failed to correctly predict future academic success.

      “That surprised me the most,” Duncan admitted.

      Imagine that someone could start with a 40% IQ test correlation, add a 20% attention skill correlation, and top it off with a social skill level to bring the total up to a 70% correlation. But it’s not like that at all. Different measurements single out the same precocious children, discarding those who develop a year or two later. Thus, the correlation of motivation with academic success is almost the same as with the level of intelligence, but … children with higher intelligence are more motivated to study, and therefore, every analysis that determines IQ shows that motivation can add only a few percent of the overall score.

      Almost every scientist has chosen his own set of tests, like a bartender – cocktails at the competition. At best, when applied to young children, these hybrids will give a 50% correlation.

      We’ll discuss measuring concentration skill in distraction later, perhaps the subtle factor scientists are looking for. It is quite possible that in a few years we will be shown a hybrid test of determining the level of IQ and impulsivity, which allows us to predict the future academic success of a 5-year-old child. In the meantime, we acknowledge that none of the existing assessment systems for these young children can provide a reliable, long-term solution. At such a young age, the vast majority of future successful children are simply impossible to “detect”.

      * * *

      Because the authors of the IQ test warned that most intelligence data were unreliable before the age of 11 or 12, a very interesting question arose. What is it about the brain that makes one person more intelligent than another? And one more thing: do these mechanisms operate already at a young age or do they arise later?
      In the 1990s, scientists saw a correlation between intelligence and cortical thickness. 1 cubic mm of an adult brain contains 35–70 million neurons and 500 billion synapses. If the nerve fibers contained in 1 cubic mm were pulled into a line, it would be more than 30 km. Thus, even a slight thickening of the cortex would mean the presence of additional trillions of synapses and additional kilometers of nerve fibers. The thicker the bark, the better.

      The average child’s cortex reaches its maximum thickness at about 7 years of age – the basis for the placement of the intellect is already in place by this point. (The entire brain at this age is over 95% of its final size.) It might seem reasonable to make key decisions about a child’s future at this stage of brain development.

      But the reverence for bark thickness was exploded in 2006 by Dr. Jay Gidd and Philip Shaw of the National Institutes of Health. The average intelligent child at this age does indeed have a slightly thicker cerebral cortex than the average child, but the most intelligent children, who were the most intelligent of all, actually had a much thinner cortex at first. Between 5 and 11 years of age, they gained only 0.5 mm of gray matter, and their cortical thickness reached its maximum only at 11–12 years of age, about 4 years later than in normal children.

      “If you are putting together a class of gifted children at an early age, you risk making mistakes,” Gidd commented.

      – It will miss children with developmental delays.

      Neurons compete with each other. The unused ones are discarded – the winners survive, and if they are used often enough, they eventually become covered with a layer of white adipose tissue that exponentially increases the speed of information transfer. Thus, the gray matter of the brain is transformed into white matter. This does not occur simultaneously in all areas of the brain – in some, gray matter is still being added, while in others, gray matter is already being transformed into white. When this happens, however, the remodeling can be very rapid—in some areas, 50% of neural tissue is converted in as little as a year.
      The result can be a leap in intellectual development, much like a dramatic growth spurt. At 10 years of age, the development of the left hemisphere occurs faster, leading to an improvement in verbal abilities. The area of ​​the prefrontal cortex, which is essential for higher-level reasoning, begins to modernize only before the onset of adolescence, i.e., it is one of the last to mature.

      At the same age, the brain also increases the number of large nerve capsules connecting one part of the brain to another. Within these brain superhighways, nerves that run in parallel operate much more efficiently than those that connect at an angle to each other. Small changes in them lead to huge improvements – just a 10% improvement in brain organization changes IO from less than 80 to more than 130. Such a 10% increase in the brain is not uncommon, but the norm in the period from 5 to 18 years.

      With such a dramatic change in structure, it is not surprising that IQ values ​​change markedly in the early years of a child’s life. Between the ages of 3 and 10, two-thirds of children’s IQ test scores improve or worsen by 15 points. This is especially evident in the brightest children – their intelligence varies much more than in children with developmental delays.

      Dr. Richard Hyer is a distinguished neurologist at the University of California. I told him that New York selected the most gifted students based on a one-hour exam at 5 years of age.

      – What are you talking about! I was sure that schools did away with this practice many decades ago,” Hyer said, shocked.

      – Can a single snapshot from a sequence of frames of the developing brain of a 5-year-old child adequately reflect the truth? After all, not all children develop in the same rhythm and at the same speed. And if the child does not begin to progress before the end of the fifth year?

      Hyer specializes in the location of intelligence in the brain. Neurology has always been concerned with identifying the functions of areas of the brain. The data obtained in earlier years were revealed as a result of the study of patients with damage to certain areas. Based on what they couldn’t do, scientists learned where visual processing takes place, where motor skills are located, what part of the brain is involved in language learning.

      In the last decade, brain scans have made it possible to learn much more: what areas of the brain are activated when danger is imminent, where religious feelings are “experienced”, where the source of romantic love is located.
      But the search for a part of the brain associated with intelligence has been unsuccessful for a long time. Finally, neuroscientists have almost discovered the location of the gray matter clusters responsible for intelligence in most adults. But during their search, they discovered something that forced them to abandon their long-standing assumption of a rigid relationship between brain areas and its functions.

      In childhood, the location of areas that implement the functions of the intellect changes. The neural network used by a young child is not the same as that used by a teenager or an adult. They overlap, but there is also a significant difference. The child’s ultimate intellectual success depends to a large extent on how well his brain can learn to move the implementation of functions into these more efficient networks.

      Dr. Bradley Schlaggar, a neurologist at Washington University in St. Louis, has found using magnetic resonance imaging that both adults and children address 40 areas of gray matter when performing a simple oral test. However, comparing the results of children (age 9years) and adults (age 25), Schlaggar saw that only half of these sites coincided. Adults used their intelligence in a completely different way.

      Similarly, Dr. Kung Ho Lee of Seoul National University asked two groups of high school students to be scanned to solve IQ test puzzles. The smart students activated the networks included in the parietal lobe. The brains of other teenagers didn’t do that.

      Researchers from Cornell, Stanford and King’s Colleges (London) have also discovered this phenomenon and found that children’s cognitive networks are not exactly the same as those of adults.

      “This is completely against the old principles of neuroscience,” triumphant Richard Hyer. — Research is entering a new direction. It turns out that intelligence is realized in the brain with the help of different parts.

      At the age when the structures of the cortex have not finished forming, when the neural networks have not yet changed, none of the most important mechanisms of intelligence is used at the moment when children are tested for giftedness. We make long-term decisions that affect the fate of children before their brains have even begun to implement the radical changes that will determine their true intelligence.

      * * *

      The idea of ​​early selection of the most intelligent children is questionable, to say the least. The system should help discover and preserve natural talent—instead, in most cases, real talent is left out.

      Real intellectual development does not fit into pleasantly rounded bell curves. The age dependence that characterizes it has sharp spikes in growth peaks and sharp delays that must be overcome.

      The idea of ​​early selection of the most intelligent children is doubtful, to put it mildly. The system should help discover and preserve natural talent—instead, in most cases, real talent is left out.

      The question is what about late developing ones? may seem trivial. According to neurologists, “later development” can proceed at an optimal rate. But at the same time, society should not always expect late-grown children to flourish especially—the child selection system would be much more effective if we simply waited until the end of second grade to test.

      The progress of gifted children is usually uneven. (Quite often, they show such disparity in verbal and non-verbal skills that one half of the test scores can be considered outstanding, while the other is such that it is time to send the child to correctional class.)
      Most of the current programs indicate that officials do not consider uneven development to be a valuable quality. A toddler who is good at cognitive skills but not very good at solving verbal problems might later approach the abstract language of poetry in other ways. A 4-year-old purposeful kid who is so passionate about dinosaurs that it excludes everything else is not flawed – on the contrary, it may be the basis for the formation of concentration and determine the approach to learning that will serve him well in any other field.

      Think of a girl who was removed from the gifted program even though she was already reading at 2 years of age, only because her coordination was not developed enough to put 4 blocks in a perfect row.

    Things to do with a 10 year old boy: 101 exciting things to do with kids ages 9-12

    Опубликовано: July 5, 2022 в 11:12 am


    Категории: Boy

    Bucket list for kids: 50 things to do before they’re 12

    Peter Power/The Globe and Mail

    Have your kids made a mucky slide out of mud lately? How about watched two snails race very slowly? Have they ever eaten a crisp apple plucked right off a tree?

    These are some of the 50 things that children should do before they’re 11 and three-quarters, according to a new checklist compiled by the National Trust, a charity that looks after historic buildings, gardens and forests throughout Britain.

    “Children are suffering from a lack of nature and outdoors,” said Phil Harper, a spokesperson for the National Trust. “It’s a real opportunity to engage kids again, and get them into the outdoors and really emphasize the pleasures there are.”

    The proposed activities on the bucket list are simple and cost little or nothing at all, making them especially attractive during this challenging economy. Chrissie Saunders, a Canadian who lives in Britain. and writes a popular parenting blog, has already done a lot of the activities on the National Trust’s list (snail race, snow fights) with her four-year-old daughter. She says it’s a good reminder that kids don’t always have to structured play.

    “We don’t go outside as much as I would like,” said Ms. Saunders. She remembers her childhood “being shoved out the front door and playing with all the neighbour’s kids, riding bikes, making dens and making huge snow forts.”

    The list is sure to bring back happy memories for this era’s overprotective parents, who had far more freedom than they will likely ever give to their children. According to a 2007 survey by the Children’s Society, some 43 per cent of parents in Britain said kids shouldn’t go out alone with friends until they turn 14. In contrast, many of these parents roamed their neighbourhoods without an adult at the age of 10 or younger.

    “There’s much more focus on the danger of being outside of the home,” said Mark Hoelterhoff, a senior lecturer of applied psychology at the University of Cumbria in northern England, and father of three. “We’re a bit more paranoid than we need to be.

    Conversely, parents seem less concerned about how a couch-potato lifestyle is hurting their children. The World Health Organization has warned that obesity rates among kids are rising at an “alarming rate.” A study published this month in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine showed that half of preschool children in the United States don’t go outside to play on a daily basis.

    Along with keeping children fit, Mr. Hoelterhoff said research shows time outside in nature improves a child’s ability to focus and concentrate, key skills for learning, and also reduces depression. “We know that when kids are outside they learn better,” said Mr. Hoelterhoff. He says the list provides a “gentle reminder” to parents to make green play a priority, alongside other activities like ballet or hockey.

    The need for more nature is striking a chord with some educators. Playgroups and kindergarten classes held in the forest, popular in European countries like Sweden, Germany and Switzerland, are now being set up in the U. K. and Canada. In Ottawa, for example, the Carp Ridge Learning Centre offers forest preschool and kindergarten, along with nature wilderness programs for older, home-schooled children. Jay Young, director of the Carp Ridge school, says they frequently get calls asking how to start such a group.

    “Even kids out here in rural settings, we’re not as encouraged as we used to be to go out and have fun in the forest and come back for dinner,” Mr. Young says. “We’re losing this side of things that I think is essential for every child’s development.

    Parents can provide an important example by turning off their gadgets and exploring nature again. A recently published book, Skimming Stones and Other Ways of Being in the Wild, provides detailed instructions on everything from foraging for food to lighting a fire.

    “Kids can get back into nature; we have to help them get there,” Mr. Young said. “I think if parents do more of these things with their kids, they’d enjoy it too.

    Ms. Saunders and her family were looking forward to another nature adventure this past weekend with a camping trip.

    “We’re going to be able to slow down and actually spend some proper time together,”she said. “It may not be like being on a roller coaster, but I think it will be a lot more enjoyable as a family.”

    The list

    1. Climb a tree

    2. Roll down a really big hill

    3. Camp out in the wild

    4. Build a den

    5. Skim a stone

    6. Run around in the rain

    7. Fly a kite

    8. Catch a fish with a net

    9. Eat an apple straight from a tree

    10. Play conkers

    11. Throw some snow

    12. Hunt for treasure on the beach

    13. Make a mud pie

    14. Dam a stream

    15. Go sledging

    16. Bury someone in the sand

    17. Set up a snail race

    18. Balance on a fallen tree

    19. Swing on a rope swing

    20. Make a mud slide

    21. Eat blackberries growing in the wild

    22. Take a look inside a tree

    23. Visit an island

    24. Feel like you’re flying in the wind

    25. Make a grass trumpet

    26. Hunt for fossils and bones

    27. Watch the sun wake up

    28. Climb a huge hill

    29. Get behind a waterfall

    30. Feed a bird from your hand

    31. Hunt for bugs

    32. Find some frogspawn

    33. Catch a butterfly in a net

    34. Track wild animals

    35. Discover what’s in a pond

    36. Call an owl

    37. Check out the crazy creatures in a rock pool

    38. Bring up a butterfly

    39. Catch a crab

    40. Go on a nature walk at night

    41. Plant it, grow it, eat it

    42. Go wild swimming

    43. Go rafting

    44. Light a fire without matches

    45. Find your way with a map and a compass

    46. Try bouldering

    47. Cook on a campfire

    48. Try abseiling

    49. Find a geocache

    50. Canoe down a river

    Special to The Globe and Mail

    Indoor Activities for Tweens

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    My giant list of Indoor Activities for Kids is my most popular page, but what about if you have bigger kids, or what is commonly referred to as “tweens”? (Am I the only one who dislikes that term? Although it is quite convenient. But I digress.) Little kids may be easily entertained by dropping popsicle sticks in a jar, but that doesn’t cut it for the 9-12 aged crowd. Indoor activities for tweens can come in handy, too. After all, big kids have big energy.

    I now have a 10 year old boy and while he is much better able to entertain himself these days, he does sometimes ask me for ideas of what to do. While I think it’s beneficial for him to stew in his boredom for a while, there’s nothing wrong to have a few boredom buster ideas for him to choose from. I’ve gather a list of indoor activities for tween that will come in handy during those “stuck inside” days. (Note: this post contains affiliate links.)

    One other thing before we get started. We don’t have a rec room or even a large family room, so if you live in a teeny tiny space like us, rest assured, these indoor activities will work for your kids, too.

    Indoor Science and Engineering Activities for Tweens

    Tweens love science and engineering projects. Best of all, they promote critical thinking skills and encourage curiosity and perseverance (these are well-used words in our home).

    • I think it’s important to keep a couple of science experiment books on the shelves for kids to thumb through. Right now, Naked Eggs and Flying Potatoes: Unforgettable Experiments That Make Science Fun is providing some serious inspiration.
    • If you are like us, sometimes gathering the materials for a science or engineering projects provides the biggest challenge. My 10 year old absolutely adores his monthly Tinker Crate, which comes with all the materials needed for a project and then ideas for experimenting with it all month long until the next crate arrives. The recent trebuchet project has been providing hours of fun. Last weekend he even made a bouncy ball. (See how he made a motor here.)
    • Have an “Invention Bag” on hand for free engineering exploration. Ours (Kiddo is shown in top photo with his) contains random stuff from around the apartment as well as hardware items like pulleys, an assortment of bolts and levers, string, etc.
    • Mix up something “gross” like flubber, slime or gak. Even older kids need a good sensory experience and tweens can come up with their own concoctions of these items.
    • Try one of these activities to promote “growth mindset” over at Planet Smarty Pants
    • Don’t underestimate the entertainment power of paper airplanes. Adventurous tweens can design their own. One day Kiddo built a landing strip for them and spent an hour trying to get them to land just right! My son had a marvelous STEM play date with a fellow tween boy when they put together planes from this book of paper airplanes.
    • Set up a domino run.
    • Design a catapult and set up a target range. Ping pong balls or pom poms are unlikely to break anything!

    Indoor Art Projects for Tweens

    • Keep an art journal. Just the other day, Kiddo declared, “I feel the need to make art coming on, mom!” He got out his journal (we LOVE our mixed media vellum journal) and got to work. Having a journal makes it easy for him to keep track of his own art and look back at what he’s done before.
    • Zentangle is a favorite, calming art activity of ours. Kiddo uses his art journal for this.
    • Make a comic book, or a giant comic strip.
    • Make their own trading cards. Kiddo collects Pokemon and sports cards. I encourage him to make his own… as if a collection of twelve billion isn’t enough, HA!
    • Try one of these 10 ways to work with yarn from Betsy’s Photography.
    • Get crafty and make simple duct tape bracelets via The Gingerbread House.
    • Got an animal lover? Make wooden bangles like these ones at Adventure in a Box.

    Indoor Math Activities for Tweens

    • Math art is always a big hit at our house. Tessellations is a fun way to start, or check out all our math art projects.
    • Use algebra to make super cool snowflakes.  Thriving STEM shows you how.
    • There are several terrific single player games that tweens can play if they don’t have a sibling their own age. Kids can play these games to practice logical thinking and spatial relation skills. My son loves his Perplexus, IQ Twist and Rush Hour games.
    • My son love his Math Perplexors books.
    • Play magic squares.

    Active Indoor Activities for Tweens

    How much space do you have? If you are one of those lucky people with a recreation room/basement you are probably used to your kids heading down there to toss a ball or jump around. But what do you do if you live in 650 square feet of space, other than heading to the local YMCA? Here are our solutions:

    • Play “Land, Sea and Air”. Yes, indeed, my 10 year old enjoys this, especially when he can make up his own weather events.
    • Play balloon tennis. Make paddles out of paper plates and craft sticks or rulers and hit a balloon back and forth. Younger siblings can easily join in and balloons are unlikely to break grandma’s crystal vase. Ping pong balls are a also favorite around here.
    • Set up a pom pom race (via Lemon Lime Adventures)
    • See more indoor ball games that we love.
    • Set up a carnival style game with bean bags, ping pong balls or even paper airplanes. Use a large box with cut out holes as targets. Click here to see how our carnival game works.
    • Consider letting kids jump on the bed. I don’t allow jumping on the couch, but the bed is fair game. My son even plays his own version of balloon football across the bed.
    • Dance. Sometimes what we’ve done is choose a bunch of words based on a theme. For example, “weather” — the words might be hurricane, blizzard, shower, blustery. Then the kids make up dance moves around that theme. Animal words are also fun.

    One thing I’ve noticed as he gets older, is that my son still loves to be silly and active. Since we don’t have a yard, I allow him to do that indoors when we can’t get out to the park. Next time your bigger kids are getting squirrelly and need a little help channelling their energy give them a list of indoor activity suggestions. You never know, they may (and will) turn it into something unique and creative just for them.

    This is part of a month long series of indoor activities for kids I’m doing with other kid bloggers. Don’t miss all our posts!

    • Week 1: Indoor game for kids: Dots and Boxes
    • Week 2: Active indoor game: Land, Sea and Air
    • Week 3: Indoor activities for big kids (You’re reading it!)
    • Week 4: Quick and easy idea: paper airplane landing strips


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    70 Things to Do with Kids Now That We’re All Stuck at Home

    Looking for fun things to do at home with kids?

    When your kids are stuck at home, the hours may seem to drag on forever. To help, we’ve come up with 70 awesome activities for kids to do at home. Most of the ideas on this list are activities you can easily set up with supplies you already have at home. 

    If the weather is nice, and you want the kids to play outside, try our list of 100 things to do outside at home.  

    Do you have a fun idea we should add to our “Things to do at home with kids” list? Email us at [email protected] and we can add it to our list! 

    70 Activities to Do with Kids at Home:

    1. Play indoor hide and seek.
    2. Conduct a science experiment. Here are 31 easy science experiments using common household items.
    3. Make a batch of DIY Gummy Bears. 
    4. Have a laugh with Alexa. Here is a list of some funny and kid-friendly things you can ask Alexa and Siri. 
    5. Have an extra amazon box laying around? Here are 32 fun, creative, and educational things to do with a cardboard box.
    6. Ride a virtual roller coaster. For even more fun, stream the video to your TV and sit inside laundry baskets to for the full effect. Here are 30 of the best virtual rides
    7. Try a new cookie or cake recipe. Bonus idea: Set up a camera or smart phone and film a cooking show!
    8. Make at play kit with items from around the house to enhance your child’s imaginative play. Here are some of our favorite play kit ideas
    9. Make DIY fruit roll-ups. 
    10. Practice a new lifeskill with your kids. Here are 81 Essential Life Skills to Teach Kids at Every Age.
    11. Play with blocks. We recommend the competitive STEM game Blocks Rock!
    12. Make a mancala counting game with an egg carton. Instructions here.
    13. Go camping in the living room.
    14. Play board games.
    15. Make DIY Strawberry Pop-Tarts.
    16. Design and go on an indoor treasure hunt.
    17. Plan a family garden.
    18. Make ice cream in a bag. Recipe here.
    19. Make slime. Instructions here.
    20. Set up an in-home nail salon and try some nail art techniques. Ideas here.
    21. Dress up in your best clothes and have a fancy dinner.
    22. Make a piñata. Instructions here.
    23. Make friendship bracelets.
    24. Make and blow bubbles. Instructions here.
    25. Teach your pet a new trick.
    26. Make rock candy. Instructions here.
    27. Have an indoor picnic.
    28. Listen to an audiobook or podcast.
    29. Try Cosmic Kids Yoga.
    30. Make paper fidget spinners. Instructions here.
    31. Create your own bingo cards and have a bingo tournament.
    32. Create a family tree.
    33. Let your kids write and direct a stop-motion movie. Learn how it works here.
    34. Learn and play a new card game.
    35. Teach yourself to juggle.
    36. Practice origami, or the art of paper folding. Ideas here.
    37. Play with magnets on a cookie sheet.
    38. Make a maze on the floor with painter’s tape.
    39. Play with sidewalk chalk.
    40. Play indoor volleyball or soccer with balloons.
    41. Have a pizza party. DIY Pizza Bagels recipe here.
    42. Make paper airplanes and see whose plane flies the farthest.
    43. Play dress up with mom and dad’s clothes.
    44. Make your own popsicles. Here is one popsicle recipe we enjoy. 
    45. Go in your backyard and look for four-leaf clovers.
    46. Write a secret message in invisible ink. Recipe for lemon juice invisible ink here.
    47. Play “I Spy” inside or out the window.
    48. Clean out your closets.                            
    49. Facetime or Skype with family or friends. Here are some tips on making facetime meaningful.
    50. Have breakfast in bed.
    51. Have a tea party.
    52. Make a water sensory bag. Instructions here.
    53. Make some DIY play-dough.
    54. Create a nature scavenger hunt in your back yard.
    55. Play “The Floor is Lava.”
    56. Snuggle on the couch and read your favorite books.
    57. Rearrange or redecorate your room.
    58. Play in a bubble bath.
    59. Have a pillow fight.
    60. Have a family movie night. Here are 10 of our all time favorites. 
    61. Make an indoor obstacle course.
    62. Have a family music night.
    63. Build a giant fort out of blankets, chairs and pillows
    64. Paint with Kool-Aid. Instructions here.
    65. Put on a puppet show.
    66. Make a scrapbook.
    67. Play marbles on the floor.
    68. Do a puzzle.
    69. Fold clothes together.
    70. Create a new dessert.
    71. Put on your bathrobes and play spa day.
    72. Play 20 Questions.
    73. Create creatures out of pipe cleaners. Ideas here.
    74. Make a treasure bottle. Instructions here.
    75. Decorate a T-shirt.
    76. Write letters to family and friends.
    77. Build a bridge or building with toothpicks or Q-tips.
    78. Play hangman or tic-tac-toe.
    79. Make a time capsule! One day your kids can use it to tell their kids all about this craziness.

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    5 Fun Things to Do With a 10-Year-Old Boy

    Play Outdoors

    Table of Contents

    Playing outdoors with your child is one of the best things you can do. With all those tablets, phones, TVs, and laptops, your child could probably use some time in nature. Unglue him from the screen and enjoy some time outdoors!


    This one is simple: take a walk in the park. If you have a pet, even better. There are a lot of Fun Things to Do With Your Dog Outside. Besides, you can teach your child to be more responsible and take care of the pet while also having a good time. You don’t have to stick with the park, of course. You can go around the city, explore some paths you have never been to, and more.

    Play Sports

    Boys love playing sports! Whether it’s baseball, soccer, or good old cycling, your little one will enjoy spending time outside with you. So, if you’re looking for fun things for 11-year-olds to do when bored we recommend sports and other physical activities. As we mentioned above, children are spending a lot of time in front of screens, and they should spend more time outdoors. It’s healthier for their minds as well as for their growing bodies.

    Visit a Farm

    If you’re looking for fun things to do with an 8-year-old boy, we have an excellent idea! Have you considered taking your child to a farm? If you live in a big city, he would enjoy seeing and petting animals at the farm. You can go for a day or for the entire weekend. It will be a nice change and a healthy break for the entire family, as a matter of fact.

    Go to the Seaside

    In warm weather, you can take your little boy to the seaside and enjoy swimming together. It will be healthy, enjoyable, and refreshing. However, don’t limit yourself to go only when it’s warm outside. You two, or the entire family, can bring a food basket, blankets, and speakers, and enjoy some family time by the seaside. If the entire family is coming, you can even make a barbeque!

    Explore Nature

    We have some more fun activities 12-year-olds, including nature exploring. Almost all children are explorers. They are curious and love to be challenged with adventurous tasks. Even if your little one doesn’t enjoy nature that much, you can easily make him interested. Just think about the games he loves and modify them so you can play them in nature. This way, he’ll be more interested and you’ll both have so much fun.

    Indoor Games Can be Fun Too

    If you don’t have an option to take your child outside, don’t worry. There are a lot of things you can do indoors, and they are also super fun. Here are some of our suggestions:


    If you’re looking for indoor activities 10-year-olds, our top recommendation is cooking. Children love to experiment, so instead of letting them cook with inedible ingredients, spend some time in a real kitchen. You can teach your child to prepare pancakes, smoothies, pizza, or anything else he would like to know (or eat afterward). If your other family members are at home, you can all spend some time together in the kitchen, making a family dinner. It will be super fun for the entire family!


    So, one of the best activities for 12-year-olds at home is playing games, of course. It’s not our first pick because you should inspire your child to be more creative, but you can still make the best out of playing games. For example, you can play educational or board games that include a lot of thinking. This way, your child will be stimulated, he’ll have fun, while also learning new things.

    If you don’t have such games, there’s an idea of what to get for your child’s birthday. Take a look at this article for more similar ideas Santa Gift Ideas For 10-Year-Old.

    Party Time

    Sometimes, parties are inevitable. Whether it’s a three-person gathering or a big-time party, organizing such an event is sometimes the only thing you can do to keep both you and your child entertained. Here are our suggestions:


    If you’re looking for fun things to do with a 10-year-old daughter, we recommend karaoke. You’ll only need a few things for the event, including a mic and speakers. If other family members are present, even better. You will all enjoy a fun evening playing and singing your favorite songs!

    A Play

    Have you considered organizing a play for the entire family? You can make your little one an actor or you can let him be a director and pull all the strings. Oh, you can even make a puppet show! It will take quite some days to make the dolls and all the other necessary pieces and costumes, but hey. You’ll all have so much fun while doing it!

    Dancing Night

    There’s nothing more fun than dancing with your family. You and your kids and other members get to fool around not worrying about how silly you might look. It’s fun, enjoyable, and also very relaxing. Make sure you try it one night!


    Whether you are an artistic family or not, you can enjoy painting, drawing, or playing instruments just for fun. It doesn’t have to be professional, you should only have fun while doing it, and that’s it. You can even frame and hang some paintings on the wall afterward.


    These days, children are not so into reading books. They need to be more encouraged to read, especially “old-fashioned” books with material paper and not those found online. Therefore, you should make this activity more fun for them. An excellent way is to start reading with your children when they declare they are bored. You can organize book readings with the entire family, then have discussions, and games based on the chapters you read for that day. It’s fun and it will encourage your child to read and learn more.

    Crafts for Young and Adult Artists

    Paper Planes

    If you need a quick solution when looking for things for 9-year-olds to do when bored, we recommend making paper planes and playing with them in the park. It’s rather simple yet it will occupy your child enough to become more playful and creative.


    It doesn’t matter whether you made origami ever before or not. It’s a fun activity and you should definitely try it out, especially when looking for fun things to do with a 10-year-old boy. Besides, you both will be very pleased with the results. You’ll have a material product to admire after several hours spent in the process. Isn’t that amazing?

    28 Best Educational Games And Activities For 10-Year-Olds

    If your kid loves challenges and games, you’ve landed on the best page.

    Image: Shutterstock

    It can be challenging to keep your children entertained at times. In such situations, age-specific activities, such as activities for 10-year-olds, can be beneficial. If you have a 10-year-old child, you know they are going through a transformation phase. They no longer find games for younger children appealing, yet they are not old enough to enjoy activities designed for older children. However, they are also enthusiastic and want to try different activities. Introducing children to new and exciting activities can also assist them in reaching their developmental goals and keep them occupied. This post brings you a collection of activities to motivate your child to try and practice daily.

    28 Activities And Games For 10-year-olds

    Educational and Learning Activities

    Keep your ten-year-old engrossed through learning activities that exercise cognitive abilities and are also fun at the same time.

    1. UNO

    Image: Shutterstock

    The classic game lets your child understand different strategies, thereby improving their critical thinking skills. It also allows them to have social interaction with friends and family and improves their communication skills. Another interesting variation of UNO is UNO Attack, which is an exciting option for their mental development.

    2. Spelling game

    Word games or spelling games help a child develop basic literacy skills. They can spend quality time with friends and family and challenge each other to see who spells the words right. You can get flashcards or alphabet props to make it an exciting activity.

    Related: 20 Word Games For Kids To Improve Their Vocabulary

    3. Calculator hopscotch

    Image: Shutterstock

    Physical exercises such as jumping, hopping, and running around are suitable for children. According to the Centers for Disease Control And Prevention (CDC), indulging in regular physical activity can help build strong bones and muscles and improve overall health (1). Hopscotch is one such physical activity that can promote health and some fun learning. It can improve your ten-year-old’s math and academic performance through adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying.

    For instance, ask them, “what is eight divided by two?” and let them jump on that number box. You can give a bonus, such as candies or extra points if they do well.

    4. Mapping quiz

    Ten-year-old children can improve their knowledge of geography by using maps. You can get map posters and stick them in your child’s room. Give them a quiz related to different countries and continents, and ask them to label them on the map. You can have further discussions about a country or place to expand your child’s knowledge.

    5. Captions and fun

    Play a fun and educational game that involves captioning pictures. They can be of your family or any random photos from the magazines or the Internet. It can be one of the best games for intellectual development.

    6. Reading activity

    Image: Shutterstock

    According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), books can help you start a conversation with your children and help instill good values in them (2). Reading books can also improve a child’s imagination as they start visualizing the characters and the setting. Furthermore, it can build their vocabulary.

    To make this activity fun and exciting, you can conduct a quiz with your child after they complete a book. It can be an oral or a written quiz. Ensure to reward them for encouragement.

    Related: 101 Simple Geography Quiz Questions And Answers For Kids

    DIY Activities

    Do-it-yourself projects are a form of self-expression. They are cost-effective and have potential benefits for ten-year-old children. Involvement in DIY projects could boost creativity, improve concentration, and sharpen problem-solving skills.

    7. Making jewelry or accessories

    Image: Shutterstock

    Fire your children’s imagination by asking them to use paper, colors, beads, and anything they have to make colorful and pretty jewelry. Encourage your children to make rings, necklaces, or bracelets for friends and family. They can even watch videos online and read tips on the Internet for more ideas.

    8. Collage

    A collage is a combination of different pictures to make unique visual art. It is a simple activity that your child can try by using photographs, paper cuttings, fabrics, or any other item. A collage piece created by the child can make a great gift for their loved ones. The activity can help children develop their creative thinking ability.

    9. Race track

    Image: Shutterstock

    Children like playing with their Hot Wheels and remote-controlled cars. Let them make a track for their vehicles and put them in challenging races. They can enjoy an updated version of their existing car games by creating new tracks. You could encourage them to come up with innovative ideas to play the game.

    10. Science experiments

    Several science experiments can be explained to children through DIY activities. For instance, they can use a plastic bag to make a toy parachute, use eggs in saltwater to know if they float or sink, or use a balloon and check its amplifying sound. However, make sure you are supervising them in every experiment.

    11. Recycling

    Image: Shutterstock

    Teaching your ten-year-old about recycling waste products can lay the groundwork for understanding the importance of preserving nature. You can teach them how to use plastic bottles or jars for planting saplings or for storage. Also, let them understand how plastic is toxic for the natural environment. Encourage them to recycle plastic items by using them in their DIY crafts.

    Related: Top 20 Recycling Games And Activities For Kids

    12. Animal masks

    Making animal masks is easy and super fun. They require colorful papers, glue, and a pair of scissors. Let them use glitters, feathers, and other accessories too. They can wear bright and creative masks and have a fun party game with their friends, too. It is a fun-filled activity for mental development as children think, imagine, and experiment with colors and accessories.

    Indoor Activities

    Ten-year-olds can get bored when stuck at home. They would laze around without doing anything. We have a few indoor activities that can make them feel energetic even on dull days.

    13. Family talent show

    Image: Shutterstock

    Let your child organize a talent show at home and be the host of the night. Every member of the family can showcase any of their talents, be it silly or impressive. It is a delightful way to spend quality time with family and kill boredom. You can ask your child to invite any neighborhood friends, too. Encourage your children to use all of their imagination and skills. You never know which of their talents can have a great scope.

    14. Musical instrument

    Why not practice playing an instrument? Exposing your child to music at the age of ten can be beneficial in many ways. Playing a musical instrument helps them understand different sounds. Music even helps in strengthening memory skills. There are free online classes and videos available that your child can watch and learn to play an instrument of their choice.

    15. Email and chat

    Image: Shutterstock

    Ten-year-old children have access to computers and smartphones these days. You can guide them to use these devices to improve their social skills. Help them create an email ID. They can email family members and send them greetings for the day. It is a satisfying way to bond with family members who stay far away and make your child use technology the right way. Caution needs to be taken when doing this. It is important not to get them addicted to screens from such a young age. You can also limit their screen time.

    16. Planting flowers and vegetables

    Teaching the basics of gardening and allowing your ten-year-old child to plant flowers and take care of them is one of the positive indoor activities. It helps children understand the importance of nature in our lives. You can help them plant flowers, vegetables, and herbs at home and let them take charge of caring for them.

    17. Board games

    Image: Shutterstock

    Playing board games is one of the best indoor activities that you can enjoy with friends or family members. Scrabble, Sequence card game, Clue, Crazy Eights, Monopoly, HedBanz, and Catan are a few popular games that they can enjoy. Playing such games can help improve their strategic thinking and critical thinking skills.

    Related: 20 Interesting & Easy Crossword Puzzles For Kids Of All Ages

    18. Create puzzles

    You must have heard about solving puzzles. But do you know to create them and challenge everyone? It is an exciting indoor activity that your ten-year-old will enjoy. It motivates them to research, design, and develop a puzzle theme and questions as per their intellectual level. For instance, they can develop a set of questions or a maze puzzle based on Disney characters or any Math or Science chapter they recently learned.

    Outdoor Activities

    Spending time outside the classroom and house is essential for the healthy development of ten-year-old children. Motivate your children to go outside where there is no confinement. We have a few outdoor activities here for your children to breathe some fresh air.

    19. Skating or skateboarding

    Image: Shutterstock

    Skating can be a relaxing and exhilarating activity. It helps you work on your skating skills and, at the same time, lets you spend time with your friends. Skating or skateboarding is an excellent form of physical exercise and even lets the child explore their neighborhood. According to AAP, children between six and ten years should skate under adult supervision (3).

    20. Backyard camping

    You may not allow your ten-year-old child to go camping. But let them set a camp in the backyard during summer or spring for a sleepover with friends. The activity gives them a taste of camping and prepares them for real camping and adventure activities. It helps them bond with friends and also gives them a little space away from family.

    Related: 28 Best Educational Games And Activities For 10-Year-Olds

    21. Funfair

    Image: Shutterstock

    Children can feel fresh when they visit a high-spirited funfair. They can run around, participate in activities, such as a puppet play or a talent show, play games, and enjoy the rides. They can relish delicacies, such as candies or pretzels, too. You can let your child enjoy an assortment of fun-filled activities at a fair.

    22. Historic place

    Take your child to a museum or any historical site in your town and make them feel proud of our history. Taking a tour of such a place, inspecting different aspects, and asking questions can be a unique learning experience.

    23. Ball games

    Image: Shutterstock

    Children can play plenty of ball games in the yard, in the neighborhood, or nearby park. Dodgeball, football, volleyball, passing the ball through obstacles, catch and run, and hit the ball are a few easy and fun ball games that your kid can play. Such games are suitable for physical exercise.

    24. Swimming

    Swimming is an exciting activity for kids. You can take your children to the pool in your neighborhood or a community center swimming pool and have fun. It is also good for the muscles, reduces stress, and keeps you healthy and fit.

    Art And Craft Activities

    A ten-year-old child may have a lot in their heads, and art and craft activities provide them an outlet for their thoughts. Such projects also bring out their creativity, develop hand-eye coordination, and improve fine motor skills.

    25. Painting

    Image: Shutterstock

    Using different colors stimulates your child’s brain and boosts their creativity skills. Get water paints, acrylic paints, or oil-based paints and let your child use their imagination and come up with innovative crafts. You can ask your children to paint cards or make colorful paintings to gift them to your loved ones.

    26. Wall decorations

    Children can use paper, colors, glitters, and accessories to make vibrant wall decorations. It is a pleasurable art and craft activity that you can engage your child to create something pretty. Let them surf the Internet for tips and tricks and implement them in the crafts.

    27. 3D sculptures

    Image: Shutterstock

    3D crafts can be a joyful activity. The child can use cardboard, paper, toothpicks, tape, and colors to make houses, animals, birds, flowers, and other exciting elements. After making the 3D sculptures, they can be combined with a thread and used as a hanging object for decoration.

    28. T-shirt art

    Painting and printing on the t-shirts can be an exciting activity for a ten-year-old. Allow them to use their old t-shirts and fabric paints, and come up with attractive and appealing results. Let them try one, and they would love to do more.

    Some fascinating activities for 10-year-olds can help develop cognitive and communication skills. It is always good to encourage them to indulge in socially interactive activities to learn to communicate with peers and elders respectfully. It is a great way to enhance their personality and motor abilities. Engaging in these activities will allow them to explore their hidden talent. So let your little ones enjoy some fun time and experienced childhood in its typical way. Lastly, give them the freedom to choose what they enjoy.

    Key Pointers

    • Introduce learning activities such as UNO or a quiz to enhance cognitive abilities.
    • DIY activities such as jewelry making or putting together a collage are great to enhance creative skills.
    • Besides the usual indoor games, encouraging outdoor play such as skating or camping is beneficial for healthy development.

    MomJunction’s articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

    1. Physical Activity Facts.
    2. Recommended Reading: Books to Build Character & Teach Your Child Important Values.
    3. Skateboarding and In-Line Skating Safety.

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    Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditing. Her love for travelling has taken her to various parts of the world, and writing the travelogues was what brought out her love for content writing…. more

    Dr. Maymunah Yusuf Kadiri, popularly referred to as ‘The Celebrity Shrink,’ is an award-winning neuro-psychiatrist and mental health advocate with over 15 years experience. She is the medical director and psychiatrist-in-chief at Pinnacle Medical Services. She has created the innovative mental health app in Africa, HOW BODI. Dr. Kadiri is a Goldman Sachs Scholar on Entrepreneurial Management of Pan Atlantic. .. more

    17 Fun Things to Do with Kids in Michigan (for 2022)

    Known as the State Of The Great Lakes, you and your family will have a blast looking at nature’s wonders in Michigan— lakes, streams, hills, valleys, and beaches.

    Uncover the many fun things to do with kids in Michigan, from parks to museums, at the very heart of this Mid West state.

    1. Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum

    315 W Genesee Ave
    Saginaw, MI 48602
    (989) 399-6626

    Let your child be a part of the wonderful programs the Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum has to offer when it comes to playtime that is totally hands-on.

    It’s not your ordinary play place.

    Instead, all of their activities and toys are meant to spark your kids’ imagination and creative thinking while having loads of fun.

    Your tots will have a delightful time in simulated play such as farming fruits and veggies in Aunt Sugar’s Farm, assembling vehicle parts in Car Works, along with learning about energy while jumping and moving around in an area called Solar Spot.

    Kids of all ages are welcome in this play haven.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Ramada by Wyndham Saginaw Hotel & Suites

    Related: Best Restaurants in Saginaw

    Related: Best Resorts in Michigan for Families

    2. The Henry Ford Museum

    20900 Oakwood Blvd
    Dearborn, MI 48124
    (313) 982-6001

    By visiting this museum, you can help your child tap into his or her innovative skills as he or she encounters innovations of the past through exhibits, movies, and interactive programs.

    For things to do in Michigan this weekend near Greenfield Village, have a guided walk-through in the Ford Rouge Factory Tour for an all-about-cars screen show.

    Then, stop by the Museum of American Innovation which showcases amazing mechanical inventions, and The Giant Screen Experience for movies related to important landmarks in American history.

    There are no age restrictions which means you take the entire clan with you!

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: The Henry, Autograph Collection

    Related: Places to Eat in Dearborn

    Related: Best Things to Do in Michigan


    Interlochen State Park

    4167 M-137
    Interlochen, MI 49643
    (231) 276-9511

    The entire family can head to Interlochen State Park for a stroll among the tall trees, around the surrounding lake, or by the beach area.

    Go fishing in the park’s Green Lake, and duck-watching on Duck Lake.

    Right across these two is the National Music Camp where young kids can broaden their talents in training for vocals, songwriting, guitar, theater, dance, and more.

    The park is open to anybody of any age. On the other hand, the National Music Camp offers kid’s programs for specific age groups from ages 3 to 12.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: The Baywatch Resort

    Related: Best Family Vacations in Michigan

    Manistique, MI 49854
    (906) 341-2355

    Here’s Michigan’s Upper Peninsula’s Palms Book State Park, where Michigan’s largest spring is situated.

    The Big Spring, a.k.a. Kitchi-ti-ipi spans 200-feet across and is 40-feet deep!

    Explore the park from end to end on foot.

    Likewise, have a closer view of Palms Book’s main features from vantage points via hopping aboard an Observation Raft.

    This state park doesn’t have an age restriction.

    Mommies and daddies, do make sure that you’re little tykes are constantly by your side at all times.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Econo Lodge Inn & Suites Munising Area

    Related: Manistique Restaurants

    Related: Things to Do in The Upper Peninsula, MI

    5. Michigan’s Adventure Amusement Park & Wild Water Adventure

    4750 Whitehall Rd
    Muskegon, MI 49445
    (231) 766-3377

    It’s time to head over to the most humongous water park in the entire state.

    In Michigan’s Adventure Amusement Park And Wild Water Adventure, you’ll find rides of a variety of sorts for the clan— thrill rides, kids rides, and family rides.

    For fun places to go with kids, take a seat in one of the carriages of the Gondola Ferris wheel and the Timbertown Railway mini train.

    Scarier rides for your tweens and over include the Flying Trapeze, Logger Run, and the ginormous Grand Rapids.

    Each of the attractions of this water park has a height limit therefore it’s best to make sure to check on this first before queueing up in the long lines.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Comfort Inn Whitehall

    6. Headlands International Dark Sky Park

    15675 Headlands Rd
    Mackinaw City, MI 49701
    (231) 348-1713

    Here’s a different take on parks: the whole 600 acres of Headlands International Dark Sky Park is for those who want to want to set their gaze on the stars, without interruptions caused by light pollution.

    Families sit under the moon and the stars in the safety of the patrolled Dark Sky viewing areas.

    Check out projected images the park’s researchers will flash real-time over large screen monitors.

    Camping isn’t allowed so as to encourage star-gazing.

    But packing sleeping bags and blankets is.

    Only, ensure that you pack a lot because it gets cold at night and early morning.

    This Dark Sky Park is open to all ages.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Baymont by Wyndham Mackinaw City

    7. Clinch Park

    111 E Grandview Pkwy
    Traverse City, MI 49684

    Among the city’s most visited parks, Clinch Park is a vast beach with a shoreline that spans 1500 feet of sand. Its beach offers a glorious view of sunrise and sunset.

    But of course, more than that, it’s a popular area for swimming and just soaking up the sun.

    Once you’ve made your way on and through its grounds, the fam can head towards the beach itself. Or, set up your afternoon at the picnic grounds.

    The snack bar is another option.

    Then, ride bicycles together along the bike trails.

    For ages 0 and up, visitors of any age can visit the park.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Howard Johnson by Wyndham Traverse City


    Fort Mackinac and the Mackinac National Park

    7029 Huron Rd
    Mackinac Island, MI 49757
    (231) 436-7301

    The Mackinac National Park was founded as the 2nd National Park in the United States.

    Today, it stands as nature’s exhibition of awesome rock formations, forests, and vistas.

    And for things to do in Michigan for kids, book a brief tour through its history, Historic Downtown are among the places to visit.

    Situated in between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, climb aboard the carriages for sight-seeing fun, and take pictures of the park’s scenic views.

    Aside from this, you can rent a buggy, a horse, or a horse-drawn taxi that’s a common, environment-friendly form of transportation in the area.

    This national park is for ages 0 and up.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Murray Hotel

    9. Kids ‘N’ Stuff Children’s Museum

    301 S Superior St
    Albion, MI 49224
    (517) 629-8023

    The Kids ‘N’ Stuff Children’s Museum doesn’t only have exhibits meant to inspire your child’s creative mind.

    But it also doubles as a play space for interactive learning and fun.

    Younglings can experience their own version of being doctors and nurses, being on police-patrol, cooking and baking (with pretend-toy ingredients), being a fireman, grocery shopping for healthy eats, the list goes on.

    Kids who are 12 months to 10 years are allowed in, with the supervision of mommy and daddy.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Hampton Inn Marshall

    10. The Chelsea Treehouse

    1101 S Main St
    Chelsea, MI 48118
    (734) 475-1555

    Here’s a huge indoor playhouse that has even garnered the attention of family awarding communities— the Chelsea Treehouse.

    A winner of the Parents’ Pick Award for the best place for kids (and kids’ birthday parties), it’s a fun and incredible location for playtime for things to do in Michigan with toddlers.

    Kiddos can hang out in this 900-square foot place that provides child-safe climbing structures, basketball corners, a huge treehouse, and slides.

    There’s even a side-by-side slide, one for your tot and one for you, mommy or daddy!

    Plus, there are hand sanitizers in every corner to make sure that kids’ hands are squeaky-clean.

    Take your little tykes who are 15 years old and below to check out The Chelsea Treehouse.

    There are parents’ sitting areas so that you can watch over them stress-free.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Baymont by Wyndham Chelsea

    Related: Fun Things to Do with Toddlers in Michigan

    11. Detroit Zoo

    8450 W 10 Mile Rd,
    Royal Oak, MI 48067
    (248) 541-5717

    Family fun in Michigan will be possible as you get face-to-face close to a variety of wildlife creatures at the Detroit Zoo.

    The zoo is a habitat for about 2,000+ animals, you’ll discover the biggest ones like the National Amphibian Conservation Center, The Arctic Ring Of Life, and the largest man-made niche for penguins across the globe— the Polk Penguin Conservation Center.

    Apart from taking a guided tour of said habitats as headed by their animal-expert volunteers, you can also take your seats inside the zoo’s 4D theater, simulator ride, carousel, and a mini-train on the Tauber Family Railroad.

    There’ll be no age-counting here.

    As long as toddlers and below are accompanied by their parents and/or guardians, everybody’s invited.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Best Western Premier Detroit Southfield Hotel

    Related: Restaurants in Detroit, Michigan

    Related: Places to Eat in Royal Oak

    12. Upland Hills Farm

    481 Lake George Road
    Oxford, Michigan 48370
    (248) 628-1611

    The Upland Hills Farm is a place where you and your kiddos can get up close and personal with farm animals such as cows, goats, pigs, geese, and more.

    With the aid of their friendly farm keepers, you’ll see how said animals cared for.

    And you’ll get to try it yourself, too! 

    The entire family will be able to experience how to feed the farm animals as well as milk a cow.

    In addition, you can go on a hayride or take a guided pony ride for a tour around the farm. 

    Everyone from your babies to your teens and over are welcome. 

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts Auburn Hills

    13. The Michigan Science Museum 

    5020 John R St
    Detroit, MI 48202
    (313) 577-8400

    The Michigan Science Museum is where kids can learn about science through hands-on activities and games.

    From planetary exhibits to demonstrations of scientific experiments, as well as live shows, the clan will have a ton of things to do together. 

    Have a walk around the moving asphalt exhibit at the gallery of the U.S. Steel Fun Factory, watch jaw-dropping simulated lightning storms at the Sparks Theater, and catch a planetary show at the 50-foot wide Dassault Systemes Planetarium. 

    There’s no age limit in this museum.

    Plus, your tots who are 5 years and under can play kid-sized bowling, bounce on bouncy balls, or play inside a kid-friendly ball pit.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: MGM Grand Detroit

    14. Sleeping Bear Dunes

    9922 Front Street
    Empire, MI 49630
    (231) 334-2000

    The Sleeping Bear Dunes is filled with marvelous sand dunes!

    Though not just that, but also hills, valleys, and lakes.

    For a nature trip with youngsters, this is a favorite among many kid places in the state.

    With tour experts to aid the family every step of the way, climb the dunes themselves or have a short trek along the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive.

    Furthermore, have a fun splash and go swimming or kayaking in any of the small streams of this protected wilderness.

    By the way, should you visit the dunes in Winter, it’s a great location for cross country skiing.

    Take your babies, toddlers, tweens, and teens alike, because the Sleeping Bear Dunes is for the entire tribe.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Hotel Frankfort & Restaurant

    15. The Detroit Institute of Arts

    5200 Woodward Ave,
    Detroit, MI 48202
    (313) 833-7900

    Let your kiddos’ creative spirit soar and be inspired at the Detroit Institute of Arts.

    Their halls are lined with painting collections and sculptures from different parts of the world and from different eras in time.

    Considered among America’s most significant safe houses for art collections, you’ll have plenty of other fun activities to do such as creating your own art, catching a movie at the Detroit Film Theater, learning all about chess through the Detroit City Chess Club, or listening to local musicians during Friday Night Live.

    Unless you’re attending Thursdays At The Museum, which is an all-adult art tour of the institute, then you can plan a family trip for any of their all-ages “things to do today Detroit”.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: The Detroit Club Hotel

    16. Avalanche Bay Indoor Waterpark

    1 Boyne Mountain Rd,
    Boyne Falls, MI 49713
    (855) 688-7046

    Your Michigan adventure won’t be complete without dropping by the Avalanche Bay Indoor Waterpark.

    It’s a waterpark of rides and slides that are available to anyone of any age, no matter the weather outside.

    Stand under the indoor waterfall called Splashorn, go surfing in the Zip Zone Surf Simulator, slide through The Big Couloir— the steepest of its kind in the state, or simply wade in the water and relax in the Lazy River.

    And if you want to take a breather from the water park itself, get your game on in its indoor arcade.

    Toddlers and those younger are allowed in, just so long as those under 10 are constantly accompanied by an adult.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: Best Western Gaylord

    Related: Best Vacations for Kids Under 10

    17. Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

    220 E Ann St
    Ann Arbor, MI 48104
    (734) 995-5439

    By the name alone, you already know that the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum is one of the many kids activities in Michigan that will spark your youngling’s talents and bring them to life through exhibitions and interactive learning of branches of the arts, music, math, and the sciences.

    250 of the Ann Arbor exhibits are meant for play-education such as building simple machines, watching scientists conduct cool experiments, puzzle-making but with tubes, knots, and bolts, playing a floor-game with lights, and so much more.

    In this Ann Arbor facility, even your babies will have a fun time in the infant area where they can play with soft foam blocks or roam around baby-sized tubes and tiny slides.

    Visitors of all ages can step into this lovely Ann Arbor museum.

    Recommended Hotel Nearby: The Kensington Hotel

    List of image sources

    17 Fun Things to Do with Kids In Michigan for 2022

    • Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum
    • The Henry Ford Museum
    • Interlochen State Park
    • Palms Book State Park
    • Michigan’s Adventure Amusement Park & Wild Water Adventure
    • Headlands International Dark Sky Park
    • Clinch Park
    • Fort Mackinac And The Mackinac National Park
    • Kids ‘N’ Stuff Children’s Museum
    • The Chelsea Treehouse
    • Detroit Zoo
    • Upland Hills Farm
    • The Michigan Science Museum
    • Sleeping Bear Dunes
    • The Detroit Institute of Arts
    • Avalanche Bay Indoor Waterpark
    • Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum


    Where can I take my kids in Michigan?

    There are many places you can take your kids in Michigan, such as the Sleeping Bear Dunes, the Henry Ford Museum, the Detroit Zoo, and more. Click Here Now To See The Full List

    What can you do in Michigan for free?

    Here are just a few of the things you can do for free in Michigan: scale the Sleeping Bear Dunes, have a picnic at Palms Book State Park, or go swimming at the beach in Clinch Park.

    What is there to do indoors in Michigan?

    The Chelsea Treehouse and Kids ‘N’ Stuff where they can climb and slide on kid-safe playhouses. There are also indoor places where they can busy themselves with arts and crafts such as The Detroit Institute Of Arts and the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. Click Here Now To See More Indoor Things You Can Do

    find interesting activities by age

    Author: Natalia Khatuntseva

    July 27, 2019 at 21:51

    Hello, my dear readers! The holidays have come. On the one hand, this is the time of children’s recreation. On the other hand, parents clutch at their heads, thinking how to captivate a child for 10 years, so that the summer will be beneficial for him. Let’s look into this issue. Moreover, recently this question arises not only during the holidays.


    • 1 Interests of children
    • 2 Characteristics of 10 year olds
    • 3 Should the Internet be banned?
    • 4 What else to do during the day?
      • 4.1 Reading
      • 4.2 Cleaning
      • 4.3 Creativity
      • 4.4 Fantasy
      • 4.5 Desire
      • 4.6 Family evening
    • 5 Evens without a sofa without sofa

      0 9000 . It is important for them to be in constant communication with them. Not finding a company in his area, the child begins to linger on the Internet. This is where the main problem lies. Communication in social networks creates the illusion of a company, and endless computer games hurt your eyesight and spoil your character.

      At the same time, it is at this age that the main interests of children are formed. They may be related to a hobby or the choice of a future profession. The son of my friends, for example, became interested in botany. He is engaged in a circle at the Children’s House of Creativity throughout the school year. In the summer, he leaves with the leaders and other children for the camp. He does tasks at home and enjoys filling window sills with plants. The guy turned 11 in May, and he started training a year ago.

      Peculiarities of 10-year-old children

      Boys have their own opinion on everything and begin to show adulthood. At this age, they are prone to disobedience, rudeness in response to requests. Their peers, as well as teachers, begin to exert a great influence on them. Sometimes the opinion of the coach of the sports section is perceived by them as the ultimate truth.

      Girls also have a difficult period of growing up. They are overwhelmed with emotions, mainly associated with age-related changes. Daughters gradually become independent, and exclusive dependence on parents disappears. They have secrets, girlfriends and secret idols.

      Should the Internet be banned?

      I consider the Internet as my assistant in finding the necessary information. You can teach your children to do this too. Teach them how to properly put a question in a search engine. Then analyze the information found together. It is clear that some movie or cartoon becomes the last search. You can watch it together. Use this as a reward for a job well done.

      What else to do during the day?

      Grandparents are a lifesaver for working parents. During the holidays, they become the main partners in raising children. But what if there are no old people nearby? Creative parents will always find something to keep their child busy at home. At the age of 10, children are still ready to complete the task of mom and dad, especially if it is not quite standard. And most importantly, independent. Let’s consider some of them.


      You can get your child interested in reading if you find time to discuss what you have read after reading. It is necessary to be sincerely interested in his opinion about the author, the plot, the main characters. Then the maturing person will have the feeling that his opinion is of interest. This is a very important feeling at this age.


      Let your child clean the bathroom. Teach him to clean the sink with a sponge and soapy water, wipe mirrors, hang towels beautifully. If the child has developed a creative imagination, then come up with a story for which it was necessary to clean the bathroom. Then you can impute constant cleaning to him as a household chore. This will help boost his self-esteem.


      You are aware of all the peculiarities of your child’s development. Let him do his favorite kind of creativity for as long as he needs. Within reason, of course. Be mindful of his preferences. If the child is prone to writing, do not distract him. Let him finish, only then you can turn to him.


      Do you want your child to grow up as a harmonious personality with a developed sense of beauty? Ask him to draw. It does not matter that he does not know how to draw a straight line. Just give him pencils and decide on a topic. Let him fantasize. And then together come up with a story for the resulting illustration.


      Think about what your child loves the most. Perhaps your tasks will become the embodiment of his desires. For example, he wants to learn:

      • embroider;
      • sew;
      • tinkering;
      • cook food.

      An abundance of home craft tools, various construction sets and household appliances will be of great help in mastering the chosen occupation.

      Family evening

      In the evening it is necessary to sum up the work done by the child during the day. Be sure to praise him, do not criticize in vain. But do not praise in vain. An important moment at the end of the working day will be joint games:

      1. Outdoor games . Take your child to the playground and play basketball, football, hockey. Team games develop the child’s sociability. Take bicycles or scooters and practice overcoming obstacles on them. Cycling parkour is becoming very popular among young people.
      2. Educational games . Never stop a child’s development. At this age, I highly recommend using communication games. The child is in a state of transition to adulthood and he needs to feel comfortable in it. You can play Q&A, Crocodile, Alias. Better yet, turn to the growing popularity of the Soft Skills cycle, designed specifically for children.
      3. Board games. Today, there are board games on the market that combine the development of a child’s communication skills, feelings of team spirit, and responsibility for making decisions. Spending a family evening with one of the exciting games will benefit the child and parents.
      4. Logic games . For the development of a child at the age of 10, puzzles and games that require a logical solution will be extremely useful. Various modifications of the popular Rubik’s Cube is one example of a bright puzzle that requires knowledge of the assembly algorithm.

      Weekend without a sofa

      Make a holiday plan with your child. Start compiling it on Monday. Adjust, change, add every day. Consider the weather forecast, events schedule, necessary housework, and other factors that may affect the course of events. In your weekend plan, you are considering:

      • hiking in nature;
      • attending a theatre, cinema, concert;
      • visits to entertainment complexes, including a water park, a zoo, a dolphinarium, an amusement park, a circus, and so on;
      • organizing the reception of guests.

      With the reception of guests, there will also be problems that the child will help you solve. It’s about the entertainment program. Instruct him to come up with contests for the quest. Set the topic yourself, because the child can only responsibly approach the execution of instructions.

      Love your children, develop their abilities, not forgetting the peculiarities of their age. Be their best friend!

      I hope that my advice will help you figure out how to captivate a child of 10 years old. Moreover, not only during the holidays, but throughout the year. I will be happy to discuss your thoughts on the hobbies of children of this age. Write to me, invite your friends. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog to keep up to date with all the news. Goodbye!

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      How and what to choose a hobby for a boy — ROSTOV CHILDREN’S HELP CENTER № 7


      How and what to choose a hobby for a boy

      Hobby is a very important activity for any person, especially for teenage boys. Some parents are skeptical about the child’s hobby, believing that studies should be in the foreground.

      This is a moot point. There are many cases when it was hobbies and hobbies for boys that became a real profession in adulthood, brought together with like-minded people, made it possible to create a close-knit team and go towards the goal together.

      Peculiarities of adolescent development and the impact of hobbies

      1. At the age of 10, the mechanisms of personality formation are launched in a teenager. This is a difficult period, during which the character, habits and preferences change. It is difficult for a child to be consistent and demonstrate perseverance in achieving a goal.
      2. Therefore, at this time, the help of parents is simply necessary.
      3. Various hobbies for teenagers will help to cope with difficulties. They cultivate self-confidence, create companies of friends with common interests, motivate to overcome bad mood and apathy.

      What are the hobbies for boys

      1. There are many types of hobbies. When choosing, the main thing is to focus on the fact that the child likes the activity. But you also need to consider the impact on his health. Not every teenager can play sports hard, and not everyone can sit for hours at a musical instrument because of poor posture or vision.
      2. Do not give up your favorite hobby if you have difficulties, it is better to choose a similar type of activity, but with less stress on the body, reduce the duration of the activity or make it more fractional.
      Sports activities

      If there are no contraindications for health, then the passion for any sport is very useful for a teenager. At this age, children often have complexes because of their appearance and may be upset because of excess weight, thinness or stoop. Regular sports training will help you become fit, straighten your shoulders, and become self-confident.


      Many boys choose different kinds of wrestling. Taekwondo, aikido, karate, boxing and other similar activities develop endurance, strengthen the muscular and skeletal system, and teach the boy to stand up for himself and the weaker ones.

      Team games

      Team games are no less useful. Football, basketball, volleyball and other activities, in addition to being good for the body, develop teamwork, which is very useful in adult life.

      Individual sports

      Athletics, gymnastics, swimming can be both team and individual sports. When a boy is responsible for himself, it helps him to become responsible and accept both his achievements and mistakes.


      Creative children from an early age actively demonstrate their abilities. It is difficult for close people not to notice the boy’s craving for musical instruments, singing, drawing or dancing.

      Music and drawing

      Music and drawing very well develop brain capabilities, memory and attention. They help to relax, relieve stress and show imagination, but only if the boy has a desire to do this.


      Dancing perfectly trains the body and ear for music. Ballroom dancing makes your posture perfect and teaches you how to behave gallantly with girls. Modern trends such as breakdancing and contemporary will raise the confidence of a teenager and make him very popular among his peers. Folk dances look very impressive on stage, and also develop acting skills.


      If your child sings well, then you have a reason to be proud of him and support his talent. However, this hobby brings some difficulty for boys over 12 years old, when their voice begins to break. But do not worry, because classes with an experienced teacher will help to correct the changes.

      Wood carving, clay modeling, pottery
      1. Many boys are enthusiastic about participating in clubs where they have to work with different materials and tools. When they master the skills of woodcarving, clay modeling, pottery, create leather products, they will always be able to make their relatives or friends an original gift worthy of admiration.
      2. Clay and other natural materials hobbies are good for boys under 9years. Wood carving involves the use of sharp tools, so this hobby is best offered to older boys from 10 years old.
      1. Modern teenagers can no longer imagine their lives without mobile phones, tablets and computers. Often this causes conflicts with the older generation.
      2. But is it worth making a child nervous and hiding? It is better to direct his interest in the right direction – let him learn how to edit videos, process photos, draw cartoons, program.
      3. It is better to offer this hobby for boys over 13 years old, as younger children need to protect their eyes more carefully from strain.

      How to motivate a teenager

      1. When a child becomes a teenager, he often protests and doubts about choosing the right hobby. Sometimes it’s worth stepping back and letting him change activities. But in another case, it is worth finding motives for the further development of an already beloved business.
      2. For example, it takes years to learn to play the violin well, and not every child has the willpower to reach the end. Take him to a good concert so that he hears a professional performance and knows what to strive for. Listen to classical music, chat and ask about your child’s skills after attending a music school.
      3. The best hobbies for boys are those activities that bring him pleasure, development and acceptance of significant people for the child. Therefore, come to important events for a teenager, cheer for him at sports competitions, but be restrained in criticism. But don’t skimp on the praise.
      4. Films about outstanding personalities who overcame many obstacles, but achieved success in their work, can also be a good incentive. The wonderful films “Coach”, “Pele” and others will help a teenager understand that success comes when you remain yourself and do not give up.

      The list of hobbies for boys is endless. The main thing to remember is that properly organized classes are very good allies for parents in the educational process and a powerful engine for the development of a future man.

      Hobby for a 10-year-old boy

      Hobby is a very important activity for any person, and especially for a child. In vain, some parents are skeptical about their son’s hobbies, believing that his studies should be in the foreground. It certainly is. But hobbies and hobbies are not just a way to spend your free time. This is the way to identify and develop talents and abilities, to find your place in life, to find true friends and like-minded people.

      Despite the fact that girls grow up and enter adolescence earlier, in boys, as early as the age of 10, the mechanisms of personality formation are triggered. They are on the eve of a difficult period, during which character, habits and preferences will change. The boy needs to be given some kind of support, constancy in life, find a goal for him and provide an opportunity to demonstrate perseverance in achieving this goal.

      A worthy hobby is the right step in this direction. It will help to achieve self-confidence, create a company of friends with common interests, and there will simply be no time for a bad mood or apathy.

      There is a huge variety of hobbies. The main and universal selection criterion has always been and remains that the boy likes the chosen hobby. You can’t predict anything in advance: you need to try to find out if the child will like some kind of activity or not.

      There is nothing wrong with the fact that he will take on one, and the second, and the third. Get carried away with something, then quickly cool down and quit; take up a new hobby. This is a normal and quite natural process, which can and should be treated with understanding.

      Sports activities

      If there are no health contraindications, any kind of sport will be the best hobby choice for a 10 year old boy. Which one doesn’t matter. It will have a beneficial effect on his physical and mental development. Ahead is adolescence, when children often complex because of their appearance and may be upset because of their excessive, in their opinion, thinness, thickness or stoop, etc. Regular exercise will help you get through puberty more easily. They will make the boy fit, well-trained, self-confident and not subject to complexes.

      Wrestling, martial arts

      This is the best hobby for a boy. From the earliest years, you need to instill in him that he must be a strong, strong, strong-willed person who can stand up for himself and for his loved ones.

      If the boy is in good health, then the parents simply have to give him a chance to prove himself in wrestling or martial arts. Moreover, in our time, even in small towns, there is a good selection of sports sections on this topic. Various types and styles of martial arts, judo and sambo – all these sports develop endurance, strengthen muscles, joints and ligaments, make you much more flexible and strong, physically perfect and psychologically stable.

      There is a common misconception that wrestling and martial arts are dangerous sports. In fact, in the classroom, for example, in football, boys get injured much more often than in wrestling. An experienced coach will never allow a child to be injured in his class.

      In general, a lot depends on the coach. With a good teacher, even the boy who showed poor results with a mediocre specialist, or showed no desire to continue to engage in this hobby, will open up and begin to progress.

      Regular team games are no less useful hobby for a boy than wrestling or martial arts. In addition to benefits for the body, they develop the ability to interact with teammates, be proactive and responsible. All this will be very useful in adult life.

      Other sports

      In addition, there are many more worthy sports in which the boy can find himself and realize his abilities. This is gymnastics, and skiing, and swimming, and a variety of athletics disciplines, and tennis. By the way, if you wish, you can organize table tennis lessons at home. Buy a folding table for this sport, or just push the dining table and install a grid in the middle of it.

      Chess is not just a board game, but also a full-fledged sport worthy of great respect. If a child likes to play chess, if he is interested in this sport and strives to improve in it, then this is a reason to be sincerely happy for him. No other hobby can compare with chess in terms of the development of the child’s intellect, his mental abilities. And also – willpower, endurance and firm character.


      Fishing is one of the best hobbies that a ten-year-old boy can learn with the help of his father. This is an active outdoor recreation, and an unforgettable experience. Even after many years, having already become an adult, the boy will remember with pleasure and nostalgia how he and his dad went fishing on the weekends and during the holidays. And the very moment when the boy manages to catch a fish for the first time will surely become one of the most vivid childhood memories for him.

      Today’s children are very rarely in nature, in the fresh air. In the era of abundance of electronic entertainment, children are weaned from the simple joys of life, drowning in the sticky swamp of the TV and online world, narrowing their worldview and understanding of the world.

      They are too spoiled by civilization, poorly adapted to an active lifestyle. Trips with dad to the river will fill this gap. There you can teach the boy to put up a tent or pull up an awning, get firewood and brushwood, make a fire. All these skills are not only useful, but also raise the self-esteem of boys well, give them confidence in their abilities.


      There is a common misconception that creatively gifted children from an early age actively demonstrate their abilities “on their own”. In part, this is so: it is difficult for close people not to notice the boy’s craving for musical instruments, singing, drawing or dancing; his good data, which stand out from his peers, and the pleasure of some creative activity.

      But it also happens that these talents peacefully “sleep” for the time being, without showing themselves anything special. In this case, the task of adults is to recognize these abilities in the boy, “wake them up”, help them manifest themselves to the fullest.


      If you want your child to grow up as a harmonious personality, with a developed sense of beauty, offer him to draw. Just give him the tools for creativity and room for imagination. Give the boy a children’s drawing set – with an easel and paints. This lesson can seriously captivate the child, and then the time will come for professional classes in the studio. There are many types of drawing, from which it will not be difficult to choose the most attractive for a boy.

      Woodworking (sawing, burning out)

      Woodworking is a special type of male needlework and a worthy hobby for boys. This is an exciting activity that teaches the boy attentiveness and perseverance, develops his thinking and imagination, masters various tools, devices, applied skills, and makes him feel like a master of his craft.

      Wood burning and sawing are serious creative pursuits that are easy enough to get started. It is easy to start, largely due to the fact that in stores you can buy ready-made plywood with sketches of varying complexity – from very simple ones to those with true artistic value. If the boy gets involved in any of these hobbies, then he will be able to successfully develop both as an artist and as a “jack of all trades”.


      Not every boy likes to collect intricate compositions from small parts of Lego-constructor for a long time and painstakingly. But if he is already carried away by this work, then you just need to be happy for him. Assembling something whole from spare parts requires serious mental activity. In order to get a logically correct, complete work, you need to think carefully.

      Assembling the construction kit, the boy learns to be attentive and patient, to endure failures, to seek and find a way out of a difficult situation, to be persistent on the way to his goal. Passion for construction develops self-discipline and self-organization, which allows you to acquire valuable qualities during the game, which will certainly come in handy in the future.

      Music and dance; theater studio

      If there is a hearing and a sense of rhythm, then the child has a direct path to music or dance classes. It is also worth encouraging artistry, the best “training” of which will be regular visits to the theater studio. Any of these activities will give an outlet for the irrepressible energy of the boy.

      Indecisive and timid thanks to these hobbies will be able to get rid of their complexes, become more sociable, learn to confidently and dignifiedly behave in public. Ballroom or folk dances give perfect posture, accuracy and beauty in movements, breakdance classes – 100% will make the boy incredibly popular among his peers. 10 years is the best time for a successful start in these areas.


      Getting your child interested in reading is easier than you think. Especially if, after reading another book, you find the time and desire to discuss what you read, sincerely ask his opinion about the author, the plot, and the main characters.

      Experience shows that today’s ten-year-old boys are interested in the same books about exciting travels and adventures that their dads were in childhood. However, even if this is not the case, let him read Harry Potter and other modern children’s books – as long as this activity is interesting and enjoyable for him.

      If a boy does not want to learn to read, you need to help him with this. By blocking the child’s access to the TV and electronic gadgets. He will be able to get this access again only when he reads a couple of chapters of the book and tells their contents to dad. There is nothing wrong with such stimulation of interest in reading: a boy must learn such concepts as discipline and self-organization from an early age. And respect for the book should be a law for him.

      Experiments and experiments

      If a boy shows a clear ability in the exact and natural sciences – chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology – then this should only be encouraged. Special experiment kits, as well as websites and books telling how to organize them at home, will allow the boy to experiment and study important sciences with more interest than they do at school.

      These kits for children’s experiments and experiments are now on the market in a great variety. Thanks to this hobby, the boy will gain new knowledge and skills, and will also strive to continue his education. After all, it is so interesting to conduct a chemical or physical experiment on your own; understand how the machine is arranged and works; learn to do amazing and inexplicable tricks for the audience.


      The boy’s craving for collecting certain things should also be encouraged: this is a very worthy hobby. You can collect anything: metal cars, “models”, coins, stones and shells, stamps, tickets, stickers… Passionate collecting of something not only brings pleasure, but also teaches attentiveness, accuracy, determination, the ability to exchange and negotiate with other collectors . Own collection is a legitimate and well-deserved pride of every boy.

      An important point is that collecting is a purely independent and voluntary activity. Dad can only be an initiator, adviser, assistant – you can’t oblige a boy to collect.

      “Your own” pet

      Taking care of a pet, training and teaching it, and sincere friendship with it is without a doubt a pleasant and very useful hobby for any boy. First of all, it means, of course, a dog. All other pets are also good, of course, but not at all what you need.

      Of course, you can only have a pet if you have space and all the necessary facilities for it. It is desirable that it was a house, not an apartment. So that this hobby brings the boy himself and the whole family positive, not negative emotions. This hobby teaches the boy to be responsible, to be able to take care of loved ones.

      How to unobtrusively motivate a boy for a hobby

      It is quite natural for a ten-year-old child to doubt the correctness of the chosen hobby and move in this direction by trial and error. This must be treated with understanding. More often than not, it’s better to step back and let the boy change activities.

      But there are exceptions. For example, to learn how to play the guitar, violin or any other musical instrument well, you need a lot of time, perseverance, perseverance. Few children have enough willpower and “margin of safety” to achieve success in this hobby.

      Help is needed, and not by coercion. Take a little musician to a good concert so that he hears a live professional performance and sees what he needs to strive for. Do not skimp on praise after each of his, even the smallest, success. Sincerely “cheer” for him, describe to him excellent prospects that he will now show perseverance and will not turn off the chosen path. Give more concrete examples from life.

      In any business, films about outstanding personalities who overcame many obstacles, but achieved success in their chosen business, can become a good incentive for a boy. How many young future boxers have been inspired by the outstanding film “Rocky”! How the competition for the Ryazan Military Airborne School took off after the famous Soviet film “In the Zone of Special Attention”! And there are many such examples of the beneficial influence of cinema on the right choice of a hobby that has become more than a hobby.

      At the age of ten, children begin to gravitate towards the company of their peers. They become “crowded” within the family and class. It is important for them to be in constant communication with friends. This desire must be encouraged in every possible way, without fear of the bad influence of the street: the boy will find much more positive, necessary for socialization.

      Because: if the boy does not find a group of friends in his area, then he will find her “substitute” online and start to linger on the Internet. Communication in social networks is an ugly surrogate for real communication, and long computer games hurt your eyesight and spoil your character.

      A dad with a ten-year-old son should follow the motto: “Weekend without a sofa!” He certainly needs to allocate time for some joint business with his son. It doesn’t matter which one. There is no way to organize fishing or going out into nature – play chess, table hockey, football and basketball in the yard with your son.

      Teach him how to pull himself up on the horizontal bar and parallel bars, walk on the hand walker, and other workout tricks. Make wonderful chasing pictures from a tin can turned inside out, hammer in a nail, screw in a screw with a screwdriver or a screwdriver, drill a hole with a puncher, drive a car (somewhere outside the city, of course, but not on a busy public road).

      Don’t let your son become a victim of female upbringing. Of course, mom is the closest and dearest person to him. But she is a woman, and women are not capable of thinking, thinking and acting like men. Therefore, if there is a desire for the son to choose a useful and worthy hobby and develop harmoniously, the father, in spite of everything, needs to regularly devote time to his boy. This time will eventually become a “breath of oxygen” for him, and help him make the right decision.

      Hobbies for Boys (Favorite Activity, Child Interest)

      Tired of hearing from your son: “I’m bored!” Tired of the fact that he often has “nothing” to do? Looking for something to do? We will help you! From this article, you can learn about activities for boys, interesting hobbies for them, and much more.


      How to choose a hobby for a boy?


      Encourage artistry

      Lesson for a diligent boy

      Sports? Sport… Sport!!!

      Does the boy benefit from “girly” activities?

      Most boys are very curious and full of energy. As a rule, they cannot sit in one place for a single minute, let alone concentrate on something for a long time. And for mothers of small representatives of the stronger sex, this is not easy.

      And if there are several boys in the family, then their games and pranks can make your head spin. For them, they constantly need to come up with new activities so that during the knowledge of the world around them, they do not destroy everything around, do not get injured and do not get bored.

      What to do if the output of energy is so active that there is no longer any strength to resist this flow? There is only one way out – to direct this flow in the right direction.

      It is best if the child devotes most of his time to one, but really interesting activity for him. And simply put – an exciting hobby, from which it is simply impossible to break away.

      How to choose a hobby for a boy?

      Of course, different children will be interested in very different activities. Now there are so many hobbies that it is impossible to simply list them all. After all, wanting to do something special, humanity invents more and more new hobbies. But we need to choose an activity for one specific child.

      How to do it?

      • First, you can try to determine the boy’s temperament and, starting from this, look for something to do for him.
      • Secondly, you can simply offer various activities until the child stops at something specific.
      • The last method is the most common (this is how most parents choose a hobby) and the easiest. Live a full life with your child – go on excursions, read books, visit different circles and sections. Without regrets, part with those activities that the child is not interested in or is difficult to do. You may need to change a few hobbies before you can choose something really suitable.

      In addition, it will be easier for a child to get involved in something useful if other family members have their own personal hobbies. If grown men go fishing, play chess, or collect model cars, then a little boy might well be involved in such activities.

      It’s wonderful if the child chooses an activity himself – he is interested in drawing or modeling , for example. Encourage – buy him quality supplies for creativity, enroll in an art studio or art school.

      Does the boy constantly make and invent something? Teach him how to use tools correctly – a jigsaw, drill or hammer.

      Younger students can use the wood carving studio or the modeling circle to make paper and cardboard models. Boys with enthusiasm can spend hours creating models of cars, planes or ships, and it’s okay that these models are still only made of paper.

      In the future, such a hobby can develop into a serious business of its own. In addition, things made by hand are becoming increasingly valuable and the demand for them is steadily growing. In the meantime, a little master can develop a sense of taste, fine motor skills and spatial thinking.


      Pet care is a pleasant and useful hobby not only for boys. This hobby teaches you to be responsible and be able to take care of loved ones.

      Ideally, if everyone’s favorite lives in the house – a cat, a puppy or a guinea pig. The child will satisfy the need for tactile contact, because the animal can be stroked, picked up, played with.

      If it is not possible to have a pet at home, you can find a suitable circle with a living corner, some modern “station of young naturalists”. You can become a volunteer at a local shelter for homeless animals with your child. Communication with animals in special places will keep calm in a family in which the presence of living creatures in the apartment is not very welcome.

      Encourage artistry

      For a child with any temperament, a visit to a theater studio will be a useful activity. Active boys will find an outlet for their irrepressible energy here, while timid and timid ones will get rid of their complexes and learn how to behave in public, and also become more sociable.

      In a good theater studio, with the help of an experienced teacher, a child can open up, find new talents, creative abilities, learn oratory and the ability to move on stage.

      Activity for a diligent boy

    • collectible,
    • computers and internet,
    • learning foreign languages,
    • playing musical instruments.

    But, of course, if all hobbies come down to many hours of sitting at the computer, it is worth considering how useful this is for the child. After all, everything should be in moderation. A computer can be a hobby if you properly organize the work behind it.

    You can play games for a short time, you can explore interesting pages on the Internet, and you can also learn simple programs. This hobby is perfectly combined with photography, animation, design art, programming.

    Sport? Sport… Sport!!!

    Of course, professional sports are only for strong, active, mobile children. But it doesn’t hurt to distract those who are overly diligent with physical exercises. After all, we care about the health of our sons.

    Boys play team games with pleasure – football, hockey, volleyball . You can take the boy to gymnastics , to karate section or swimming pool .

    It is not necessary to bet on big sports. It can be just a hobby and entertainment with benefits. By the way, it is useful for the whole family, not just for the child. Joint physical exercises can be a serious motivation for a boy.

    Does the boy benefit from “girly” activities?

    In many families it is not customary to encourage the boy’s hobbies, which are usually done by the fairer sex. For example, rarely do boys plant flowers , knit or embroider .

    Of course, if the son chooses such an occupation for himself, it will be rather an exception to the rule.

    Do not worry – any hobby is not harmful to the child and can contribute to the development of qualities useful for the future man – patience, perseverance, dexterity.

    Many famous people have not ceased to be courageous, having completely feminine hobbies at first glance.

    And such an occupation as cooking has brought success and decent income to many men. In expensive restaurants, it is male chefs that are valued. And in family life there will be no price for such a young man.

    In a word, every boy can find a hobby to his liking. Do not just forget that all children, without exception, need the encouragement and support of adults.

    Any desire to do something interesting is certainly more useful than idleness or just sitting in front of the TV.

    Often a hobby helps future men find themselves in life, decide on their future profession. But, here, of course, there is no need to go too far.

    When choosing a hobby for their 5-6 year old son, parents should not decide for him at that time what he should devote his life to.

    Hobbies should contribute to the development of the boy’s creative abilities, communication skills, the realization of his desires and aspirations and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. An exciting activity can make your child’s life fun, varied and truly fulfilling.


    What are our children interested in, what are they willing to do for hours?

    Many children spend most of their free time on a computer or tablet. The priorities of modern children are completely different. If 10 years ago, the guys preferred to build castles in the sandbox, play hide and seek, today the younger generation chooses the interactive. About one and a half million children are already familiar with the mobile application “Papers”, “Arkady Parovozov” and its continuation “School of Arkady Parovozov”. All of them were created based on the beloved animated series of the same name on the MULT channel.

    Like us, our children imitate different characters. Cosmonauts and heroes of the Red Army are being replaced by superheroes from cartoons and comics. If a child has turned Spider-Man or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles into his idols, do not try to convince him that they are fictional. Thus, you can cause aggression on the part of the child or even psychological trauma. After all, if an idol is just a fiction, then what is durable in this world?! Try shifting your child’s attention to something else, like a LEGO model. This is not only fun, but also a useful activity that the whole family will enjoy! LEGO promotes the development of motor skills, fine motor skills, imagination and logical thinking.

    Girls’ hobbies have also changed. Nowadays, they are no longer very interested in just dressing up a doll and taking it for a ride in a stroller, for example. Modern girls think over the image: from clothes and shoes to manicure and hairstyle. The Malvinas and baby dolls were replaced by Monsters High, Winx and Barbie. Modern dolls have their own houses, cars, various outfits and fashion accessories. Isn’t this what every girl dreams of?!

    Years go by, we and the world around us change, but the passion for large-scale modeling does not lose its relevance. Moreover, more and more girls are showing interest in this hobby. Previously, there was not a large selection of prefabricated models, for the most part they were aircraft, the famous Aurora cruiser, and the Arktika icebreaker. The modern industry offers a wide range of prefabricated models of tanks, trucks, armored vehicles, jets, ships, helicopters, guns, soldiers and structures.

    What does your child like?

    IITERSH on the topic

    How to communicate with gadgets

    Such different dolls: from classics to modern

    Teenage age – than to occupy a child.

    Hobbies for boys, or direct energy in the right direction Hobbies for a teenager 13 years old

    A person at any age can have a hobby and enjoy it. Any interesting activity for teenagers and adults is considered a useful pastime, unless it is associated with harm to health or to others. The benefit of a hobby is that it is one of the ways of self-realization along with a career. At work, we cannot always fully realize our desires, because we often do not what we want, but what allows us to earn a livelihood in the desired volumes. It is a hobby that makes it possible not to put an end to a truly beloved business, as well as to level stress and fatigue from not so desirable, but necessary activities in life.

    Hobbies of teenage boys are determined by their age characteristics. The teenage period covers the age from 12 to 16 years old, while teenagers 12-13 years old will have some interests and hobbies, and 15-16 years old – others.
    Adolescence is also called the transitional period. This is one of the most difficult periods in the life of every person.

    A teenage boy is no longer interested in activities, games, which until recently fascinated him so much. A powerful restructuring is taking place in him not only on the physiological, but also on the mental level . His worldview changes, he begins to logically comprehend his own and other people’s actions.

    If a year ago your son enjoyed reading fairy tales, fiddled with his favorite toys for a long time, inventing simple role-playing stories and, mumbling under his breath, played in the sandbox for a long time, today he is interested and captivated by something else. Now his imagination is occupied by the image of a strong man, well developed physically, hardy, with great willpower.
    . The teenager begins to critically and meticulously examine his body. Therefore, one of the popular hobbies of teenagers is playing sports . They go to various sports sections with pleasure, develop themselves physically, form their willpower and endurance.

    All teenagers have a need to communicate, make friends with their peers, discuss their interests and problems with them. For a teenager, it is important that peers accept him and respect him. This is another of their common hobbies – spending time with friends, chatting. Now this is an important moment for them.

    Boys aged 12-13 are very inquisitive and active. They love hiking, excursions, long stays in nature. They have a keen sense of humor, they are funny. It is useful for adults to laugh with children, shaping their sense of humor, emphasizing what is really funny and what is not.

    At this age teenagers enjoy playing football and board games together with adults, it is also good to ride a bike together. Don’t waste this time talking to your teenager.
    Another year will pass, and he will prefer the circle of his peers to your society.

    Boys aged 14-16 are going through a period of active maturation . In addition to sports, they are fond of music, playing the guitar, listen to music for a long time, wearing headphones. Is it bad or good? Young people get to know the world – this is normal. It is important to instill in them all the measure and good taste.

    It is impossible to discard today’s reality. Modern teenagers are passionate about the Internet. No wonder, because in it they can find everything at once: information, music, video. The danger lies in the fact that a teenager, due to his inexperience, trusts information on the Web more than an adult.

    Undoubtedly, the advantages of the Internet are that a teenager can quickly find the necessary information in it, improve a foreign language by communicating with foreign friends. But the Internet should not become the main means of communication for a teenager. He needs the ability to communicate with people in real life.

    Our children are constantly around. But they still grow up somehow too abruptly and unexpectedly for us parents. And this process is accompanied by many…

    It is necessary to explain to teenagers that the Internet does not exist in order to aimlessly spend days on end in it, earning a stoop, pale complexion and weakened muscles. In addition, every teenager should have their own responsibilities, including helping around the house.

    Computer games should be devoted to a strictly defined time, not surrendering unconsciously to your desires, not becoming their slave. It is necessary to calmly, without mentoring intonation, gradually explain this to adolescents, since they still do not know how to fully account for their actions.

    In addition to the common interests that most teenagers have, each of them has his own hobbies. Someone is fond of technology, someone is poetry, the other is happy to draw or collect something. Look closely at your teenager. Help develop his healthy hobbies. Do not dismiss his problems, desires, questions on the basis of the principle “I’m busy, ask Yandex.”
    Then, perhaps, it will not be necessary to puzzle over how to interest your teenage boy and how to distract him from dangerous, unnecessary and harmful activities.

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    When is the most difficult time with a child? With every right, mothers and fathers who have already experienced all the periods of the child’s growing up — from n… It is not for nothing that it is called transitional, since it is at this age that a girl becomes a girl, her personality develops, certain habits, character, individual views on life situations are formed and, of course, certain hobbies appear. Unfortunately, teenagers’ hobbies are not always useful for them , because often children imitate their older comrades or computer game characters who set a bad example.

    That is why the girl’s parents should play an important role in the choice of hobbies . This does not mean that you need to force her to do what the mother wants, but the child himself does not want. Parents should not realize their unfulfilled dreams in this way, but they are able to help their daughter discover her own potential and give impetus to the future, based on her interests. We recommend that you read our material, which details only useful and relevant information regarding hobbies for teenage girls.
    . Perhaps you will be interested in some hobbies, hobbies, and you will be able to introduce your daughter to them.

    Hobbies for a girl aged 12-13

    At the age of 12-13, the best option for a girl may be a hobby for needlework . It can be traditional embroidery with beads, floss, knitting or newfangled types of Handmade, such as scrapbooking, diamond embroidery.

    What can a 13-14 year old girl do?

    At the age of 13-14, puberty is in full swing, so the girl begins to realize herself as a “girl”. She becomes interested in taking care of her body and no longer wants to just watch how her mother puts on makeup or does a manicure, she wants to do it all herself.

    Our children are always around. But they still grow up somehow too abruptly and unexpectedly for us parents. And this process is accompanied by many…

    Hobbies for girls aged 14-16

    What hobby is forbidden?

    It is worth mentioning the dangerous hobbies for teenage girls. We will not talk about obvious things, such as smoking, etc., but sometimes hobbies that are quite harmless at first glance can negatively affect your child. Unfortunately, among many schoolgirls, a passion for gel polishes, the so-called “shellacs”, is common. The fact is that the application of gel polishes and gels involves the use of harmful and chemically hazardous drugs.
    , including acids, acetone, therefore, without special training, it is not recommended to get involved in such a hobby. In addition, in the process of the girl’s growth and the formation of her nail plate, gel substances should not be applied. If your daughter wants to learn this, then explain to her the consequences and offer to limit yourself to creams and oils for hand care for now, and allow her nails to be painted only with ordinary varnish.

    We all understand that smoking is harmful. But an adult can truly understand this common truth and has the right to make a decision. He can throw smoke. ..

    Parents should also be wary if their daughter is addicted to anime or subcultures and tries to be like her older comrades or a TV character.
    Such hobbies make the child live “out of reality” and in the end can lead to tragic consequences. Goth, emo, etc. they are simply obsessed with the cult of death, so if you observe changes in the appearance of the child and in his mood, it means that your parental authority and attention is not enough, or maybe it simply does not exist. Therefore, quit your business and do your daughter as much as possible, come up with interesting joint projects, help her discover her talents and become unique in real life.

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    Hobby is a very important activity for any person and especially for teenage boys. Some parents are skeptical about the child’s hobby, believing that studies should be in the foreground.

    This is a moot point. There are many cases when it was hobbies and hobbies for boys that became a real profession in adulthood, brought together with like-minded people, made it possible to create a close-knit team and go towards the goal together.

    1. At the age of 10, a teenager starts the mechanisms of personality formation. This is a difficult period, during which the character, habits and preferences change. It is difficult for a child to be consistent and demonstrate perseverance in achieving a goal.
    2. Therefore, at this time, the help of parents is simply necessary.
    3. Various hobbies for teenagers will help to cope with difficulties. They cultivate self-confidence, create companies of friends with common interests, motivate to overcome bad mood and apathy.

    What are the hobbies for boys

    1. There are many types of hobbies. When choosing, the main thing is to focus on the fact that the child likes the activity. But you also need to consider the impact on his health. Not every teenager can play sports hard, and not everyone can sit for hours at a musical instrument because of poor posture or vision.
    2. Do not give up your favorite hobby if you have difficulties, it is better to choose a similar type of activity, but with less stress on the body, reduce the duration of the activity or make it more fractional.
    Sports activities

    If there are no health contraindications, then any kind of sport is very useful for a teenager. At this age, children often have complexes because of their appearance and may be upset because of excess weight, thinness or stoop. Regular sports training will help you become fit, straighten your shoulders, and become self-confident.


    Many boys choose different types of wrestling. Taekwondo, aikido, karate, boxing and other similar activities develop endurance, strengthen the muscular and skeletal system, and teach the boy to stand up for himself and the weaker ones.

    Team games

    Team games are just as useful. Football, basketball, volleyball and other activities, in addition to being good for the body, develop teamwork, which is very useful in adult life.

    Individual sports

    Athletics, gymnastics, swimming can be both team and individual sports. When a boy is responsible for himself, it helps him to become responsible and accept both his achievements and mistakes.


    Creative children actively demonstrate their abilities from an early age. It is difficult for close people not to notice the boy’s craving for musical instruments, singing, drawing or dancing.

    Music and drawing

    Music and drawing very well develop brain capabilities, memory and attention. They help to relax, relieve stress and show imagination, but only if the boy has a desire to do this.


    Dancing perfectly trains the body and ear for music. Ballroom dancing makes your posture perfect and teaches you how to behave gallantly with girls. Modern trends such as breakdancing and contemporary will raise the confidence of a teenager and make him very popular among his peers. Folk dances look very impressive on stage, and also develop acting skills.


    If your child sings well, then you have a reason to be proud of him and support his talent. However, this hobby brings some difficulty for boys over 12 years old, when their voice begins to break. But do not worry, because classes with an experienced teacher will help to correct the changes.

    Wood carving, clay modeling, pottery
    1. Many boys are enthusiastic about participating in clubs where they have to work with different materials and tools. When they master the skills of woodcarving, clay modeling, pottery, create leather products, they will always be able to make their relatives or friends an original gift worthy of admiration.
    2. Hobbies related to clay and other natural materials are good for boys up to 9 years old. Wood carving involves the use of sharp tools, so this hobby is best offered to older boys from 10 years old.
    1. Modern teenagers can no longer imagine their lives without mobile phones, tablets and computers. Often this causes conflicts with the older generation.
    2. But is it worth making a child nervous and hiding? It is better to direct his interest in the right direction – let him learn how to edit videos, process photos, draw cartoons, program.
    3. It is better to offer this hobby for boys over 13 years old, as younger children need to protect their eyes more carefully from strain.

    How to motivate a teenager

    1. When a child becomes a teenager, he often protests and doubts about choosing the right hobby. Sometimes it’s worth stepping back and letting him change activities. But in another case, it is worth finding motives for the further development of an already beloved business.
    2. For example, it takes years to learn to play the violin well, and not every child has the willpower to reach the end. Take him to a good concert so that he hears a professional performance and knows what to strive for. Listen to classical music, chat and ask about your child’s skills after attending a music school.
    3. The best hobbies for boys are those activities that bring him pleasure, development and acceptance of significant people for the child. Therefore, come to important events for a teenager, cheer for him at sports competitions, but be restrained in criticism. But don’t skimp on the praise.
    4. Films about outstanding personalities who overcame many obstacles, but achieved success in their work, can also be a good incentive. The wonderful films “Coach”, “Pele” and others will help a teenager understand that success comes when you remain yourself and do not give up.

    The list of hobbies for boys is endless. The main thing to remember is that properly organized classes are very good allies for parents in the educational process and a powerful engine for the development of a future man.

    One of the most important aspects of raising a child is his physical development. Endurance and a good muscular system are the key to health and productive study. Therefore, it is very important for parents to create the right mood for the child, offering him a choice of different sports sections. Now there is no shortage of them. Tennis, various types of fitness, contact sports, swimming, dancing – the choice is huge. So that the child can choose an activity to his liking, you can sign him up for trial training in several sections. So it will be easier to decide what he has a predisposition to. And, of course, we should not forget about personal example. If parents spend all weekends at home watching TV, it will be very difficult to explain to a teenager that sports are useful.

    Many teenagers enjoy going to various clubs and clubs together with their friends. If you gather a company of children who are passionate about what they love, you can be almost sure that they will not stop doing it.

    In addition to sports development, you should definitely be interested in various logical puzzles. Playing chess, checkers, Monopoly, and even ordinary forfeits develop logic and the ability to think outside the box. And this is very useful for a teenager in adulthood. In modern realities with high competition in the labor sphere, it is quite difficult to find an interesting, well-paid job. And many HR managers look not so much at a diploma or work experience, but at how a person behaves in an interview, how quickly and competently he answers questions.

    There are especially difficult turning points when the child flatly refuses to do something. You should not impose a hobby on him, this will only complicate the matter. Wait a month or two and try again.

    Difficult years – how to cope with teenage “don’t want to”

    During the period from childhood to adolescence, many children become very stubborn. In these summers, hormonal changes give the body a real crash test. The child either cries or laughs, reacts aggressively to the comments of the parents, in every possible way proves its independence. That is why it does not cost anything to impose on him. It is the offer of this or that occupation that works best. You can go with your teenager to tournaments and competitions and see which of them caused a positive reaction. The same is true with various logical activities. Having studied several together, it will be possible to understand which of them the child is most interested in. And always remember that at first, unobtrusive parental care is very important even for the most independent teenager. This support will help him survive the setbacks that often happen at the very beginning of mastering a new business.

    Parents want their children to grow up healthy, smart and cheerful. Mom and dad should spend more time with their child. He should feel parental support and understanding. And it is not so easy for adults to understand a child. He begins to withdraw into himself, not seeing affection and attention from adults busy with their problems. Therefore, more often please and amuse your children.


    Or buy a lot of colorful balloons and take your child for a walk in the park. The attention of those around you will be provided, and the baby will feel happy.

    Give your child a few hours of unforgettable experience – take him to the circus, buy ice cream or cotton candy. Air acrobats, little animals and clowns have not left any kid indifferent.

    In winter you can go outside to play snowballs, build a snowman together, go sledding. Active rest cheers up not only children, but also adults, energizes and positive. The main thing is not to overdo it, because it is difficult to keep the child’s interest in one area for longer than 20-30 minutes.

    On cold winter evenings, arrange a joint viewing of funny kind cartoons, read fascinating books. Or tell some funny and funny stories from your childhood. You can take colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens and draw some funny non-existent animals together, at the same time coming up with names for them.

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    Pay attention

    It’s actually very easy to make a child happy. Sometimes, in order for him to have fun, it’s enough for his parents to simply be at home, and not disappear at work from morning until late at night. Any initiative of loving parents will surely be rewarded with a cheerful laugh of the child.

    Useful advice

    For the development of a child’s imagination, such a game as “compose a fairy tale” is also suitable. It can be played by the whole family. Each in turn says a sentence that should complement the previous one. If you approach this task with humor, you can get an original and funny story.

    Children are always happy with gifts. And the best gift is a beautiful toy. Waiting for the next family holiday is a miracle for the baby, a fairy tale, a dream come true. And you can fulfill his desires if you give him a wonderful gift. How best to please child ?

    You will need

    • – soap bubbles, balls, ropes, rackets;
    • – water guns, spray guns;
    • – music center or simple tape recorder;
    • – prizes;
    • – balls, flowers;
    • – sweet treats.


    Think about what gift your . A beautiful cafe, delicious treats, many guests and various surprises – all this makes you happy. A gift can be both practical (clothes, shoes) and useful (or educational game). It should be bright and beautiful.

    Add new colors to the holiday for . The celebration will be truly magical if you decorate the room with flowers and balls. You can make from fresh flowers. Today, floristic technologies allow you to create flower arrangements in the form of a magnificent toy that becomes the center of attention at any holiday. A toy made of real flowers will not leave indifferent even adults. Order a flower figure in the form of a fairy-tale character for your baby: the child will be delighted.

    Hold a festive event in the country, so it will be fun and spacious for kids. Prepare everything in advance so that you have time to prepare. Place the festive table in the shade, preferably separate from adults. Prepare delicious and easy meals, such as funny animal biscuits. Decorate the cake in an unusual way. You can put ice cream on the table if there is a refrigerator in the country.

    Prepare spray bottles, water pistols, soap bubbles. If the event is held near a body of water, then warn guests to take bathing suits. You can make a fire or barbecue.

    Don’t forget the music. Take a music center or a simple tape recorder with you. Install the music center near the kids table. You can sing music under karaoke.

    Play different games with your children. Take balls, jump ropes, badminton rackets with you. Prepare small prizes for the winners of the game. Your baby and guests will be very happy with such a holiday, the child will remember this event for a long time and may want to repeat it.

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    • How to please a child in 2018

    Anyone who has ceased to be surprised himself is unlikely to be able to surprise anyone, especially a child. So start with yourself. Think about the last time you were surprised and how long ago it was.


    The way in which you will surprise yours, of course, depends on it. For example, with the smallest you can play “coo-coo”. Hide and look out from different shelters, joyfully exclaiming “cuckoo!”. The confusion of the child from your disappearance will be replaced by surprise and joy at your appearance.

    If you are older, you can play an orienteering game blindfolded. Play in the yard where there is a lot of free space. Blindfold him with a scarf, spin him around his own axis and tell him to take steps to the right, left, forward or backward. Then ask him, without untying the scarf, to name the place where he ended up. When you untie his scarf, he will be very surprised to see where he is. Even if he guesses this place, he will still be surprised at his ingenuity.

    Surprise your child by telling a story about something that happened to you on your way home from work. For example, you went to the grocery store, and say that you met a talking squirrel in the forest, and she gave these delicious nuts to your son or daughter.

    Surprise your child by doing something atypical for you: start exercising every morning, make a plasticine cartoon together, do a headstand, show him your hometown from a bird’s eye view, learn to move your ears together, tell where babies come from, plant flowers and wait for them to bloom, go in search of a treasure in a summer cottage, buy a microscope and look at everything, take your child to a planetarium, tell him about dinosaurs, etc.

    Put yourself in the place of a child more often and look at the world through his eyes. To do this, try to find the child in yourself. Cultivate attentiveness and observation in your child, and then he will learn to be surprised himself.

    What can you do if you have children and some free time? Here are some activities you can do in your free time.

    You can play sports: tennis, football, badminton or others. One of the most optimal activities can be such an active holiday. Of course, these should be sports games. Such games do not require very much. For example, such games do not require extremely complex playgrounds or sports equipment, which can be purchased at a reasonable price in any sports store.

    You can do puzzles. After all, children must develop not only physically, but also mentally. Try to invite your children to solve interesting, but not particularly difficult puzzles or puzzles. They can be found in many children’s magazines or crossword puzzles. Among other things, there are also computer games that are based on puzzles. They require logical thinking and can be very useful for. But it is best to give preference to paper puzzles, because the computer affects people extremely negatively.

    Children can play games. These can be Cossacks-Robbers, Salochki or Zhmurki. An extremely interesting pastime for children will be such children’s active games. All of these games are built solely on getting your kids to move as much as possible while being cunning and smart. If the child does not remember the rules of the game well, they should be printed on a beautiful and large piece of paper.

    You can go to the circus, zoo or park. Such activities will be a real treat for children, because children do not often see wild animals or ride on carousels. In addition, children will also get a lot of positive emotions in just one day.

    It can be difficult to keep six-year-olds busy. In fact, you can find hobbies for them. Girls love to play with dolls, embroider, draw and do other interesting things.


    Give the girl a piece of paper, pencils or paints. At this age, children love to draw. Show participation – invite the child to keep him company. Ask him what he would like to draw.

    Games with friends

    Let the girl bring her friends home. Play educational and entertaining games with them. To do this, prepare in advance a scenario according to which further events will develop. You can get your kids excited about board games.


    Buy puzzles. The girl will definitely appreciate products with the image of her favorite hero, animals, etc. Start collecting a small drawing, then a large one. Help the child – it will be more fun. At the same time, you will show how to assemble puzzles correctly.

    Computer games: harm or benefit?

    Invite the girl to play a computer game for a while. Just remember that the child should sit at the monitor for no more than half an hour. There is a stereotype that all such games are bad. But scientists have long proved that children who spend their free time at the computer have a high IQ, they have a developed reaction and a good memory. True, there is a huge minus here – dependence on games. Your task is to prevent this. Treat the computer as one of the ways to keep the girl busy for a very short time.

    Construction set

    Invite the child to assemble the construction set. Now on sale are a variety of LEGO for girls. Choose the right option for your baby and give it to her. The designer is a great thing for the development of thinking and attention of the child.

    Educational games

    Puzzles, crossword puzzles, crossword puzzles, riddles – another way to keep a six-year-old girl busy. Sit comfortably on the bed or sofa with your child and start solving. This will make the environment more friendly and show your baby that you want to have fun with her.


    At the age of six, girls love to play with dolls. Buy a house for Barbie, all kinds of accessories, household appliances, clothes. So the baby can imitate you, combing the doll, feeding her, dressing her, ironing things with a baby iron, etc. Just imagine how a girl will like such an exciting activity.

    DIY kits

    In shops you can find various embroidery and sewing kits for children. Surely the girl will like this activity. Only she should do this under your personal supervision, otherwise the child may accidentally prick. You can also show the future hostess how to crochet correctly. She will definitely use these skills in later life.

    Summer is a great time to be active and have fun with your children. However, sometimes the days drag on endlessly, and you do not have enough imagination for an interesting pastime. Here are some ideas to help you get more active and get some fresh air this year.

    In the apartment

    Lying on the floor turn to each other in turn. Decorate the room with funny designs of clothes and funny faces. To make this project educational, you can read the book Stanley’s Apartment.

    In the garden

    You will give your child valuable experience, teach him responsibility and get a lot of positive impressions growing crops. If you have the time and desire, you can make the entire landscape edible and delicious. Agree, it would be great to wander around the yard, picking juicy berries. Blueberries, strawberries, herbs and fruit trees are not at all capricious in their care. Some vegetables, like tomatoes, need nothing more than plenty of water and sun to grow like weeds. Start small and see what happens.

    Gymnastic hoops

    Has your child ever tried to spin the hoop? Teach him how to do it. Then take the hoop in your hand and put on a circus show in the yard or try to get the dog to jump over it. Use your imagination and fantasy.


    Teach your kids this exciting game. Let them draw the structure themselves. Remember how many squares you drew and how much you jumped a day? Perhaps they will do the same.

    Soap bubbles

    Balloons are always a favorite. Chase bubbles and burst them. You can also use special sticks to give the balls different shapes and sizes.

    This situation can be avoided. It is necessary to choose such activities for children so that they can calm down, do something for a long time, and so that this does not require the constant presence of their mother. The child gets bored with children’s toys, so he wants to replace them with “adults” that parents use. Children love to imitate adults.

    There are many ways to keep a child busy. But not all games are suitable for children, it happens that parents do not have the financial opportunity to provide such activities. There are 14 children’s games that do not require financial investments or the most minimal costs.

    1. Pots and cooking utensils. Children of all ages love to play with it. They have many different games related to pots, ladles, etc. You can put them in each other, sit on them, put them on your head, shout in them, prepare pieces of paper, toys, etc.

    If you haven’t given your children this kind of toy before, you should definitely try it. For about an hour, the child will be extremely busy playing.

    2. Cutlery (spoons, ladles, spatulas, etc.). Children love to play with anything shiny, and especially anything that is out of reach. The main thing is to count the number of items given away so that you don’t lose anything later. It is better if they play in one place (for example, a room) so as not to look for cutlery throughout the apartment.

    You can complement the table set with various (preferably plastic) jars and containers so that children can put everything the way they want.

    3. A box (preferably many small ones or 1-2 large ones). In small ones, you can fold/lay out various items (it is better to give the necessary things in advance so that the child does not think about where to get suitable items), put on his head, etc.

    In a large one, you can climb yourself, play with several children and do everything the same as with small boxes. It is better to choose unnecessary boxes in advance so that the baby does not spoil the right one.

    4. Jars or any containers. You can come up with a lot of games with them (similar to boxes, pots). It is better if the containers are transparent, then it will be more interesting for the child to play with them.

    5. Floor mosaic. There are many different types of shapes and sizes in stores (to taste and wallet). If you have not heard of this yet, you can type “children’s floor mosaic” on the Internet, and you can get to know it remotely.

    Children will have fun, play, develop imagination and tactile sensations.

    6. Building from the designer, cubes. Both girls and boys like to build high towers of different variations and designs, but they like to destroy their buildings no less. Children can engage in this exciting game for a long time without distracting their mother from important matters.

    7. Drawing. Favorite children’s activity. Gives time for a break, restores strength after active games. Develops fine motor skills of hands, attentiveness, concentration, imagination. Mom does her job and at the same time develops children, so that time passes with benefit for both parties.

    8. Rolling toys down a hill. Children love to slide down the slide. If it is not possible to install a slide at home for children (or the children have already gotten bored with it for its intended purpose), then an alternative method can be used. You can roll toys down the hill: cars, balls, etc. If there is already a slide, then it is not difficult, it remains only to show the child how to play this game.

    But if there is none, then it can be replaced. For example, a wooden plank that needs to be installed so that it does not fall, or any other object to form a slide from which various objects can be rolled. An ironing board works best for me for this purpose. It can be installed anywhere, it is safe and much easier to set up and put away.

    9. Playing with an instrument. Not suitable for all mothers, but only for those who are more persistent in spirit, and preferably those who do not have the most expensive furniture and repairs. Although in my case, this did not affect the repair or furniture at all. You can give any tool that. But it’s better to use broken models instead of working ones.

    For boys: a drill, a jigsaw (pre-pull out all the files or bits), unplugged sockets, screwdrivers, an extension cord (you can “plug in” all your equipment into it for persuasiveness), everything that a man can use, except for dangerous ones – sharp or small items that can be swallowed.

    For girls: tongs, hair dryer, anything a woman can use, except dangerous sharp or small items that can be swallowed.

    10. Homemade or purchased tent. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself from improvised means, but in the 2nd case it takes more time to assemble / disassemble it. Children enjoy spending time in a small, cozy house. Someone likes to sit in it, someone likes active games, someone shows other character traits (my youngest son always kicked me out “from his territory” and did not let me in).

    11. Trying things on. Surely in the house everyone has unnecessary clothes. This activity is loved by children of both sexes. Lay things out on the couch or bring them in a box. The attention of children will immediately be captured by a new and interesting activity – trying on various things.

    12. Watching a cartoon. Favorite distraction for kids. You don’t even need to add anything here. But it is better to put educational cartoons, so children can also learn something without distracting their mother.

    13. Soap bubbles. The option is only suitable for those who have acquired a special device that blows soap bubbles. Children really like these activities, they can spend a lot of time playing this exciting game.

    14. Balloons (plain or helium). Inflated colorful balloons attract the attention of children. It is enough to have helium balloons according to the number of children. They can keep the attention of the child for a long time.

    Hobbies for boys, or direct energy in the right direction

    Boys are energetic and very inquisitive people. You can’t argue with that. In each sits a kind of “perpetual motion machine and a jumper.” It sometimes makes it difficult to concentrate on mathematics or sit over Russian for a long time.

    This inner imp strives to jump, run, turn everything upside down, pull the girls by the pigtails (and why are they hanging out), climb trees and fences … In short, it’s just a chore for mom and teacher to deliver!

    To make life easier for all the girls, including mother, grandmother and Marya Ivanovna, a potential knight of our time needs help to direct his seething, bubbling energy into a peaceful direction.

    The most effective option is to choose a hobby you like

    • You can take an example from Hollywood actors. Some people knit on knitting needles in their free time from filming. And what! Do you know how it calms? If you don’t like knitting, try beading or other needlework.
    • If your fidget does not like knitting, try drawing, sculpting or crafting – whatever your fantasy tells you. Here certainly no one will reproach that this is not a male occupation.
    • Theater classes can be a great hobby , football, basketball, tennis, karate, swimming, chess, music lessons, fishing… Life is beautiful! There are so many interesting things around! If your child is a “jet plane” – there will be where to accelerate. If a shy baby elephant – a hobby will help you forget about it.
    • Start collecting and organizing something. Help your child get interested in collecting. In addition to numerous magazines with ready-made exhibits, you can opt for something less expensive, but also interesting.

    For example, , why not collect a collection of bird feathers, pebbles or shells? You can collect buttons, postcards, badges, figurines from kinder surprises and even smiles, funny sayings of cartoon characters.

    If we return to Hollywood idols, then we will stumble upon some very unusual hobbies. Many celebrities collect weapons (all sorts of daggers and daggers), and some people like to collect bells.

    David Lynch, for example, does not disdain dead flies (fu, how disgusting!). Of course, you can’t sell them to anyone, but you can get rich on something more valuable. One philatelist (stamp collector) traded his own life for his collection during the war. That’s how it happens!

    If your child is terribly afraid of something, tell him about Johnny Depp. His amazing collection is not made up of dogs, butterflies, or even spiders … “I hate these painted freaks, there is something repulsive and terrible about them. For family holidays, I never invite them to our place…” the actor shares. Whom? Clowns!

    Yes, Johnny is terribly afraid of clowns, but realizing his fear, he found the courage to collect them. Depp also collects skeletons and stuffed animals. It’s safe to say that this celebrity has a lot of skeletons in his closet!!

    • Another trendy hobby today is postcrossing (exchange of postcards around the world). Here, of course, you will need the help of adults, because you need to register on the site, sign a postcard in English … But how interesting it is to learn something new about those countries where you have never been! This can be the beginning of a “foreign” friendship and captivate the whole family.

    If your tomboy has an exciting hobby, you can calmly exhale and not worry that he spends a lot of time in front of the TV and “lives” in computer games of dubious content.

    Natalya Kolesnikovich

    Dear readers! What is your child interested in? Or maybe you know some other interesting hobby for boys? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

    Children’s hobbies and hobbies – SMART

    Today’s teenagers have completely different interests and hobbies than their mothers and fathers, grandparents. Sports and photography remain popular hobbies. Children are increasingly attracted to the computer and the possibilities associated with it.

    Any hobby for children will be useful, except, of course, bad habits. If the hobby does not interfere with studying at school and communicating with peers, then parents can support their child in his hobby and help him.

    Hobby contributes to the personal development of children. Hobbies open and form new abilities and skills in adolescents: independence, responsibility, bringing things to their logical conclusion. Hobby maintains interest and develops the ability to understand complex issues.

    An interesting hobby will help to realize their success and is the point where the child feels comfortable and confident. When kids have hobbies, it’s good for their self-esteem.

    How to find a hobby for a child

    Today’s kids and teens already want to be YouTubers and e-sportsmen, travel and sell their photos, run their own blogs, publish interesting information and be famous.

    Before forbidding a teenager to play computer games or edit a video about a school concert, think about how you can help him, how the hobby can be used in the future. After all, a hobby can become useful to him in the future, in adulthood.

    Hobbies develop abilities and help to determine true interests, helps to distract from studies and it will be good if they do not repeat school subjects.

    Photography, design, video, website development and programming, sports chess, dancing, collecting and foreign languages ​​are leading among the hobbies of modern children and teenagers. Carefully analyze the interests of your child and his temperament.

    Modeling, robotics, chess, yoga or ballroom dancing are suitable for a calm little one. An active hobby will not be interesting to him. Active kids will be bored with collecting or building a robot, but perhaps the competition itself or the development of computer games will interest them.

    Various collections of objects and collecting is a hobby that children devote a lot of time to. They tend to collect all sorts of things: candy wrappers, coins, figurines, etc. Collections also form children’s responsibility and accuracy.
    Here are modern hobbies for girls and hobbies for boys.

    1. Photography

    The most popular and fashionable hobby of people in the modern world is photography. With a DSLR, digital camera, or smartphone camera, kids can take incredible photos, capture highlights, and always be on the lookout for a shot.

    And in order to correct all the shortcomings in the photographs, children use special computer programs. They allow you to process photos, make postcards and photo collages.

    The usefulness of photography is the maximum.
    Children form an aesthetic taste, develop creative abilities and find new friends.

    Photography can grow from a hobby into a trendy profession, such as a photographer, photojournalist, graphic designer, community or SMM manager. High-quality photos have always been in demand, but they are especially valuable in the world of visual communications and social networks.

    In any case, the home archive will look nice. It will contain the most original photographs. The photography school for children will give children the necessary knowledge that will allow them to take their interest in photography to a whole new level.

    2. Vlogs and Youtube

    Video shooting has not gone too far from photography. She became especially popular with Youtube. In addition, today it is no longer necessary to assemble for expensive equipment, a GoPro camera or a smartphone is enough. Expensive professional equipment is needed in exceptional cases.
    Today everyone can become popular and run their own video blog and talk about anything.
    Usefulness of hobby is quite high.
    A teenager develops an aesthetic taste, explores technical means and possibilities, learns to work with YouTube and the basics of content optimization, which is close to Internet marketing.
    Video shooting and editing skills will be useful in the work of a videographer, director, television presenter, clip maker, cinematographer or journalist. And the child will be able to work in the film and music industry, advertising or television business. If you want to help your son or daughter, then consider an intensive course on video blogging, which is held at the SMART IT school!

    3. Cybersport and computer games

    Children’s passion for computer games does not go unnoticed. So many programmers and game developers have gone through endless battles and battles in the virtual world. What did it give them? They figured out the mechanics of the game, and those who chose to program computer games now understand well what exciting mechanics and game dynamics should be in order to engage gamers. Game servers have long been respected by sysadmins, DevOps, and programmers.
    Interest in computer games develops attention, love for technology and search for solutions. Many teenagers earn their first money by winning video game championships. And we can teach children how to create computer games and transfer their interest from the game to its development.

    4. Sand graphics and animation

    Sand graphics and animation are on the list of fashionable and painstaking hobbies. Sand graphics soothe and nurture artistic taste. In addition, it improves coordination of movements in children, develops the motor skills of both hands and affects figurative thinking. Sand animation teens are very patient as they learn the most basic sand painting techniques, from dots and lines to more complex shapes.
    This hobby helps children find bright and beautiful images, and participation in competitions and festivals allows them to travel and make new friends.
    The unique way of painting with sand is close to design, and teenagers who decide to turn their passion into work will be able to realize themselves in design, graphics, animation or video effects.

    5. Computer

    Many parents do not understand the importance of information technology in the lives of modern children. Most of their lives are spent on a smartphone.
    Think about it only 60 years ago the first computer was introduced. In the mid-80s, computers became personal, video games began to develop, and in 2007, Steve Jobs presented the iPhone. Today, no one can imagine a world without WI-FI, email or corporate chat. Computer technology is everywhere and our life changes every time with the advent of a new device or program.

    Programming is very helpful for children and teenagers. Programming develops abstract thinking. Among other things, this is a very useful skill for children. Steve Jobs said that programming teaches you to think.
    Programming not only teaches you to think and establishes logical connections, but also develops critical thinking, problem-solving skills and analysis of various situations. Versatile education is beneficial for schoolchildren and broadens their horizons. The creativity of programming opens up new opportunities for teenagers and may influence the choice of profession in the future. When a child writes code, both hemispheres of the brain are involved in this process.

    Simply using a tablet or smartphone is no longer enough to succeed Teens need more skills and knowledge about technology.
    Programming children create their own toys. Even if the son or daughter does not become programmers, they will benefit from programming. And if they decide that there is nothing more interesting in the world than programming, then they will definitely never be left without a job.

    6. Sports, acrobatics or dancing

    These are some of the most wonderful hobbies that improve well-being, promote health and have a positive effect on children’s immunity. Behind each type of physical activity and load there is a certain philosophy that affects the spiritual sphere of a child’s life.
    The emotional side of sports is that children get emotional release and relieve stress. They learn to communicate, negotiate with other participants and coaches – and this is the social side of sport.
    Sports and dances form adolescents’ willpower and self-confidence, the necessary qualities to achieve any goal.
    Cycling, acrobatics, chess, dancing, football or basketball – any sport will benefit if it is interesting to the child.

    7. Foreign languages ​​

    One of the most useful hobbies for children. Knowledge of several languages ​​opens up many opportunities for them. They get acquainted and study the culture of a new country, develop and train their memory. English, Chinese, French, Portuguese or German will allow children to feel free while traveling or even study abroad, which is much more profitable than studying in their home country in all criteria: the quality of education, the cost of education, an international diploma and the beginning of a career.

    In a world without borders, good knowledge of foreign languages ​​is welcome in every company and does not depend on the field of activity. Therefore, it will be easier for employees who know several languages ​​to realize themselves, they will be appreciated at work.
    By the way, it will be easy to run your own blog or win gaming tournaments with the knowledge of a foreign language.

    The benefits of such a hobby are maximum. We have prepared a unique IT-English program for children, learning English using computer examples.

    For more information, call SMART IT School
    (097) 369-69-12 or (066) 333-05-23

    SMART IT School pays attention to children’s passion for modern technologies and computer education. If one of the hobbies of a son or daughter is related to a computer, a computer program, or skills in working with technology, then the teachers of the IT school will definitely help with their passion and teach them how to be friends with information technology: assemble and program robots, create computer games, solve math problems and physics using a programming language, develop websites and mobile applications, maintain your blog and attract readers or viewers with Internet marketing tools, professionally edit videos, work in the Adobe Illustrator graphics editor, learn about photography and video shooting from professionals.

    Come to the SMART IT school with your children and choose a direction that will help you discover your child’s hobby!

    Over 50 activities for teenage boys

    Tired of hearing “I’m bored!” Tired of having “nothing” to do? Looking for something to do for your teenager? We have you covered! This post talks about activities, hobbies, jobs, and more that teens will enjoy.

    The “teenage” years (10-12 years old, but I include 9 years old) can be a difficult time. They are no longer small children, but not yet teenagers. The toys are not as exciting, but they are not yet old enough to go places on their own or have a job.

    My sons are now 15, 12, 10 and 7. My experience is that teenage boys have a lot of energy. Constant climbing, jumping, running, etc. You think they will outgrow all that energy as they get older, but then they get older and seem to have even MORE energy! Of course, a lot of opportunities for active play and hard work (mowing the lawn, dragging a stone, using tools, etc.) are needed.

    NOTE. There is no set age at which children are ready to do more dangerous things like mowing the lawn. You are the best judge of your child’s readiness – please don’t take my age recommendations as hard. This post is intended to be used as a reference and springboard for ideas. Take what you can use and leave the rest.

    And yes, girls will love these activities too – this is just a resource for those looking for activities for boys.

    Encourage offline games and hobbies! I am by no means against technology, but I believe that part of our role as parents is to help our children find a balance in this area. In addition to endless YouTube videos and video games, there are so many more interesting things. But kids will never discover all this when electronics SEEMS more interesting than anything else. Help them form good habits and engage in productive hobbies while keeping technology at the forefront of your home. Show your kids how to control their devices – don’t be controlled to of their devices.

    This post contains Amazon affiliate links.

    This post was originally published in June 2013 and updated in May 2019.

    • Woodworking. Learning how to hammer a nail and use basic tools is a great skill for older boys! Home Depot sells edged boards for 50 cents and $1, and Aidan had a great time sawing and pounding them in the garage. A couple of years ago he even made me a wooden cross for Christmas! These wooden robots are a great project for beginners.
    • Dismantle old appliances. Do you have broken appliances or machines? Taking apart an old phone, printer, toaster, etc. is fun. Then save the parts for inventing and mastering.
    • Start a business. If your teenage son wants to make more money, why not help him start his own business? A few ideas: pet sitting, bringing trash cans to neighbors, doing odd jobs like weeding flower beds or washing windows, washing vehicles, mowing lawns, babysitting.
    • Instant circuits. If you’re not familiar with them, Snap Circuits are building kits that use electricity to create amazing projects. Parts snap into place and it’s easy to create electrical circuits without a bunch of exposed wires or alligator clips. We have a Snap Circuits sc-300 set and it was worth it. Children can easily follow the instruction manual from about 8 years old. Projects include things like a dog whistle, a Morse code generator, a few “space war” sounds, and a spinning propeller that actually takes off into the air.
    • Outdoor recreation. Ideas for outdoor activities: tennis, archery, cycling, frisbee golf, skateboarding, hiking, running, swimming. There is an archery place near our house where the championship is held on Monday night.
    • Build a chain reaction with craft sticks. It will take some time, but the result is worth it! Fun for toddlers who like things like dominoes. Instructions in the original post.
    • Play games with the whole family. Teenage years – no time to retreat! Your kids need to spend time with you now just as they did when they were kids. We bring to your attention a collection of 15 card games for families. Other fun family games are Blokus, Exploding Kittens, Catan. Our boys love to play Catan!
    • Take on real projects. My teenager can often be restless around the house and hurt his younger brothers, but he is so focused when he has the opportunity to complete a real adult job Boys this age love to feel needed and they like to know that their work is appreciated and of real value. Some ideas: learn how to use a lawnmower, lay out mulch, weed flowerbeds, organize a closet, have your own garage sale table, plan and cook meals, clean out the garage, nail new fence slats.
    • Go on a career tour . It’s never too early to predict the future! What interests your children? Call your veterinarian to see if you are allowed to come on a “behind the scenes” tour. The National Weather Service runs tours in our area if you register as a group. Check out the options in your area!
    • Washing from start to finish. If they don’t already know how to use a washer and dryer, age 9 is a great time to start! Teenagers can sort their clothes, wash, dry, fold and put away. It’s good to have the experience to think ahead (when I have to clean my school pants, etc.) and see things through.
    • Learn how to cook or bake. Who said boys can’t cook? Teenage boys can learn how to grill cheese, scrambled eggs, omelets, brown mince, cook spaghetti, bake cookies, make brownies and more. Besides, their future wives will someday be grateful to you!
    • Photo. We bought our second son an entry-level DSLR for Christmas when he was 11 years old. I wasn’t sure if it was worth the money, but he liked it! He learned so much about photography and really found his niche in photography of nature and especially birds.
    • Drawing comics . Kids can invent their own characters and create their own worlds! We love reading good old Calvin and Hobbes for inspiration. My kids love drawing superhero comics too.
    • Keva board toys. We bought a Keva Contraptions set that includes 200 boards and 2 balls. The instruction manual is really well done. I was impressed with how quickly Aidan was able to build some really amazing structures! The one in the picture above is called a “cascade” and the ball rolls back and forth across the platforms and then comes out of the bottom and lands in this square. Building with Keva boards takes patience and a steady hand, but this is a big problem for older kids age who like to build and design. Here are five engineering challenges we have developed for use with Keva boards.
    • Film production. For a guy who isn’t much into building and designing, how about making movies? I spoke to a friend who said her boys spend HOURS making stop-and-go movies with their toys. They shoot on an iPad and use iMovie to pull everything together. It’s also fun to shoot humorous sketches or plays.
    • Learn to play the guitar. If you can do homework, go for it! If you can’t afford lessons, the guitar is an instrument that can be learned from books and Youtube videos, especially if your child has already learned another instrument like the piano. My oldest son loves his guitar!
    • Volunteering. 9-12 too young to officially volunteer in most places, but looking for something to do with the whole family. We really enjoyed helping us with the beautification of our church. It is so important for this age group to learn how to serve! Doing something for others is a real fulfillment and this age group is getting to the point where they can really understand that.

    Do you have teenage boys? What do your boys like? Please leave a comment if you have more ideas to share!

    Unique hobby ideas to make your child a superstar – Flintobox

    As parents, we all want the best for our children, right?

    And this is always a unique hobby for your child! But more often than not, the decision to choose unique hobby ideas for your child is based on the availability of hobbies, their availability, and peer pressure!

    Even if there are many hobbies available in the neighborhood, it can sometimes be difficult to choose the right hobby for your child. Every child has a unique personality, interests and skills.

    However, it’s time to think deeper to give children the opportunity to enjoy what they love the most. For hobbies contribute to the general development and freedom of expression of growing children, provided that they enjoy it. For this reason, we have compiled a list of unique hobby ideas for any child! And it’s perfect if you want them to interact without a screen!

    RELATED: Increasing screen time in kids – how it affects them and ways to reduce it

    Here are some unique hobby ideas based on interests:

    1) Hobbies for nature lovers

    If your child loves nature and loves open spaces, natural light and natural elements, give him/her more time to explore.

    You can structure his interest in hobbies such as gardening, hiking, bird watching, fishing, swimming, golf, traveling, photography, horseback riding, picking different types of leaves, going to the zoo, boating, etc.

    “My 9 year old loves planting seedlings and takes good care of them. He spends a lot of time with his grandparents on farms in the suburbs of Hyderabad and brings back various seedlings.

    His love of plants is a great way to relieve stress, calm down and get closer to nature. He really wants to move to a villa where he can grow trees! ”, shares Aruna Tanikella, mother of two and financial analyst from Chennai.

    “Children should be introduced to gardening early. It provides ample learning opportunities to learn about plants, soil, insects, worms, flowers, growth, weeds and more. Regular watering awakens a routine in them,” explains Vidhya Sriram, a parent.

    2) Activities for physically active children

    If your child gets an adrenaline rush from exercising muscles to sweating, take up outdoor activities and sports.

    It could be football, basketball, tennis, walking/marathon, cycling, skating, skateboarding, cycling, etc.

    If your child wants a little adventure, you can try hiking, windsurfing, scuba diving, snorkeling, etc.

    These are great ideas for an active hobby for your little one and the whole family!

    RELATED: 16 smart exercise games to keep kids active, athletic and healthy

    3) Hobbies for couch potatoes and creative minds

    Digital art, baking, painting, candle making, paper art, pottery, reading, writing, cooking, knitting-sewing-quilling, etc. is a great option for kids who love to sit back and create aesthetically pleasing things.

    “I allowed my son to choose suitable activities such as painting, gardening and craft/construction by providing options available at home,” explains Prathyusha Prasad, parent.

    “Painting or drawing is an all-time favorite for children of all ages, as well as for most parents. Give them a canvas, some colors and let them color, color and explore! ”, explains Sonali Awasti, a parent.

    Music, dancing, singing, playing a musical instrument, theatre, acting, hair, decor, etc. also fall under this category.

    These activities create a sense of accomplishment where the child creates things with basic means using his/her ability to think outside the box. And are any of you the parent of a creative genius?

    PRO TIP: You can also check out activity blocks such as Flintobox, which are designed by child development experts to bring out the innate abilities and creativity of children ages 2 to 12. Click here for more information >

    RELATED: 11 Ways to Develop Your Child’s Creative Thinking [Expert Tips Inside]

    4) Hobbies for History Lovers and Collectors

    Reading, visiting museums, building family trees, collecting old coins, antique objects and antique art etc. will give them the opportunity to explore a bygone era. How about collecting things from your ancestors?

    “My son is a collector and loves to collect a series of his favorite books as well as current models of cars and motorcycles from major automotive brands. There is a calming atmosphere in the house as he and we as parents watch his collection grow,” says Daisy C. , a housewife and mother of two from Mumbai.

    5) Non-standard hobby ideas

    Magic tricks, sudoku, feng shui, yoga, writing stories, learning a new language, watching or making documentaries, joining communities or NGOs, keeping pets, etc. are other unusual hobbies that your child may be interested in.

    Give the children time to explore a few activities before they can develop a deep interest and take up a hobby.

    It’s perfectly normal for them to stumble upon something and get excited for weeks before they can finally figure out what they really enjoy doing. Happy hobby!

    What is your child’s unique hobby? Share it with us in the comments section below!

    40 Unique Hobbies for Kids

    Last Updated

    Today’s tech kids tend to be addicted to their gadgets all day. Thus, it is becoming increasingly necessary to encourage them to choose a hobby that can give them the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities, bring them closer to nature and provide a suitable outlet for the development of their creative abilities and interests.

    The importance of hobbies for children

    Hobbies can positively influence a child’s personality, helping him to become confident, self-reliant and independent. Hobbies also improve the thinking ability of children. The hobby not only instills in them qualities such as team spirit, compassion and patience, but also teaches them various life skills that can turn them into healthy adults.

    Helping your child choose a hobby

    Children tend to imitate their elders. So, you can pique his interest by setting a personal example. You can arouse his curiosity by devoting him to his own hobby. When he watches you do something fun and creative, he’s more likely to join him. And what may start out as a fun and easy activity may eventually become his hobby.

    Another way to help your child choose a hobby is to introduce him to places of interest such as museums, collection studios, art galleries, performances and concerts. He will not only learn new things that will help broaden his horizons and awareness, but also help him discover his area of ​​interest.

    Arts and crafts, hobby

    Arts and crafts hobbies can be a great way to spark your child’s imagination and give a healthy channel to their creativity through fun activities. Some of the arts and crafts hobbies include:

    1. Origami

    Origami is the ancient art of folding paper to create interesting shapes and figures. Your child can start with simple animal shapes or other things. There are many online classes for beginners that explain the step by step origami procedure. You can also find easy-to-understand guidebooks to help your child master the art.

    2. Crafts

    Kids can have fun creating handprints or footprints, letting their imagination run wild and creating fun drawings, handmade cards and paintings. They can also create a picture book or gallery of their work.

    3. Crochet

    Crochet can keep your child busy for a long time. Kids can start with simple crochet patterns, wearable items like scarves, hats, bags, blankets, and cute animals. They can also use these handmade creations as gifts.

    4. Carpentry

    Kids can have fun using real tools and blocks of wood to create incredible things with wood, such as wooden trays, toys, photo frames. This is a great way to develop your child’s motor skills, dexterity and creativity. But keep an eye on your child, otherwise he may get hurt.

    5. Felt

    Felting uses fibers such as wool, cashmere and yarn to make various things. Your child can choose from different types of felting, such as spider web felting, dry felting or carved felting. There are many online guides to help beginners master this craft.

    6. Paint

    Several DIY paint sets are available for children of all ages. Children can have fun with different colors such as acrylics, oils or watercolors while learning to draw. Children can also get the chance to learn about famous artists and their masterpieces.

    7. Tapestry

    Children can express their creativity by making tapestries, banners, mats and other delightful things while learning about tapestries. They can use these creations to decorate their bedrooms and even their homes. This is a fun way to have fun with colors and interesting patterns.

    8. Quilting and Knitting

    Knitting is a popular craft among children. Beginners can take the help of online magazines and blogs to learn how to knit. If your child is into sewing, they may want to take up quilting as a hobby. Patchwork is a great way to creatively use extra pieces of fabric to create quilts, quilts, potholders, and small pillows.

    9. Sketching and pencil drawing

    Children can learn simple drawing and sketching techniques to draw whatever they like. Initially, beginners can learn how to draw simple patterns by tracing them and gradually progressing.

    10. Comic Art

    Children can use their creative ideas and fantasies and turn them into comics. This includes a lot of brainstorming as the child creates storylines, plots and characters. Such a hobby can improve the thinking ability of a child. Children can also make a profession out of this hobby and become cartoonists or animators.

    Collecting items

    Collecting items can help children develop cognitive skills for classifying and grouping objects, as well as the ability to notice differences. but also to children. Children can collect stamps with a specific theme, such as sports, presidents, or different countries. Later, they may also learn about watermarks on stamps. If your child is interested in collecting stamps, you can invite them to join a stamp collectors club to start working.

    2. Coins

    Collecting coins from different countries is a popular hobby for children of all ages. You can also ask your friends or relatives to lend you some coins for their trips abroad. This way, your child can start their hobby of collecting coins. You can also expand your child’s general knowledge by asking him to learn about the culture of different countries and the history of the coins he collects.

    3. Rocks

    If your child is very interested in rocks or rocks, he can start his collection by collecting various kinds of rocks, semi-precious stones and crystals. You never know what it might motivate him to become a geologist when he grows up!

    4. Comics

    Children can be encouraged to start collecting their favorite comics or even books from their favorite author.

    5. Movie souvenirs

    Movies never go out of style. If your child loves watching movies, he might start collecting things like posters, postcards, or any souvenirs related to his favorite movie or actor.

    6. Dolls / toys

    Children can create a unique collection of their favorite figurines or favorite characters from cartoons they follow or comics they enjoy reading. They can also collect plush toys and LEGO toys.

    7. Video games / CDs

    Collecting popular video games and best selling music CDs and albums can be an interesting hobby. You can encourage your child to collect rare and hard to find records or classics. He can flaunt it among his friends.

    8. Balloons

    Children may enjoy collecting balloons as they come in beautiful colors and bright patterns. Marbles are readily available in stores, and children can also use marbles to play with. You can also invite them to try other interesting games.

    9. Cards

    Various cards such as baseball cards, WWE cards or Pokémon cards are easy to find and inexpensive. Children can also be encouraged to collect exclusive and interesting postcards. Some children enjoy collecting greeting cards when they celebrate important events such as graduations or birthdays and leave wonderful memories.

    10. Seashells

    Children can keep the shells they have collected from the different beaches they have visited during their holidays as souvenirs. So, if you and your child love to visit the beaches, it will not be difficult for you to find shells. And your child will soon start enjoying this shell collecting challenge with you.

    Outdoor hobbies

    Outdoor hobbies can be a great way to educate children through fun. Here are some outdoor hobbies:

    1. Animal care

    Children can be encouraged to volunteer at animal shelters. They can also build birdhouses and bird feeders with water for birds and animals, especially in summer. Taking care of animals and educating them about animal rights can have a positive effect on children.

    2. Gardening

    Children can enjoy gardening as a hobby. Not only do they have the chance to get their hands dirty fighting dirt, but planting a seed and watching it sprout can be absolute magic!

    3. Organic farming

    Organic farming involves growing crops without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. These days more and more people are using organic products. This would be an interesting hobby for your child. You can persuade your child to grow vegetables and fruits in the backyard and enjoy the fruits of their efforts.

    4. Paper recycling

    Children can learn how to make recycled paper and thus make a significant contribution to protecting the environment.

    Science-related hobbies

    If your child respects Einstein, Stephen Hawking or Tesla, he is more likely to take up science-related hobbies. Moreover, science is an integral part of the daily functioning of our lives. Therefore, a basic understanding of science is very important. The following are some science-related hobbies:

    1. Astronomy

    Teaching your child to take up astronomy as a hobby can give them happiness for a lifetime and of course a potential career in the future. Watching the stars, constellations, exploring the planets, our solar system, the phases of the moon can be fun for kids of all age groups.

    2. Meteorology

    Meteorology is the study of the weather. It can be a rewarding hobby for children and can also make for an interesting career choice. You can give your kids picture books related to climate and weather, or he can also browse the internet. He may also try to learn the facts from television weather reports.

    Performance-oriented hobbies

    If you think your child is an artist, encourage them to take up a performance-based hobby. Some performance oriented hobbies are listed below:

    1. Dancing

    Children can learn different styles of dance forms such as ballet, jazz, salsa, street dance, Indian dance and so on.

    2. Singing

    If you think your child has a melodic voice and a basic knowledge of musical notes. Encourage him to study classical music. You can even ask him to join the choir or even practice solo singing.

    3. Drama

    You can invite your child to a drama club or enroll them in theater classes during the summer holidays. Encourage your child to read plays by famous playwrights or ask him to write plays.

    4. Playing a Musical Instrument

    Your child can first learn to play instruments such as the keyboard and then gradually master musical instruments such as the guitar or drums.

    5. Puppet shows

    Children can make or collect puppets of their choice and build a puppet theater at home.

    hobbies based on common interests

    Your child may already have a liking or a common interest in something that can be turned into a serious hobby. A list of childhood hobbies may include:

    1. Photography

    Children of this generation can use gadgets. So photography and videography can become a great hobby for children.

    2. Programming skills

    Children can learn how to create websites or apps, blog or create computer programs.

    3. Cooking

    Learning how to cook is the latest fashion these days. Celebrity chefs such as Gordon Ramsay and Vikas Khanna have fascinated this art. You can start by letting your child cook or bake simple things.

    4. Science Experiments

    Children can be encouraged to do simple and safe science experiments using objects around the house. Of course, it can be interesting, exciting and informative.

    5. Magic

    Fun hobbies for kids can include magic tricks. You can ask them to put on a magic show for friends and family.

    6. Reading

    Instilling good habits at the right age can be beneficial for children in the long run. And the habit of reading to children can be very beneficial. This helps improve their vocabulary and language skills. You can give your child a library membership or get them interested in reading books online.

    7. Flower pressing

    The flower pressing skill involves drying leaves or flower petals by pressing them between the pages of a heavy book or two water-absorbing sheets to remove all moisture. Kids can sculpt beautiful art with these pressed flowers.

    8. Learning Survival Skills

    This can be helpful for children to learn basic survival skills. Learning skills like building a fire, camping outdoors, or cleaning water can be made fun and educational with fun games.

    9. Sports

    Outdoor activities are essential for the overall development of the child. Outdoor hobbies for kids include playing games like football, tennis, badminton, basketball, skating, swimming and more.

    Hobbies are important for the development of a child. Hobbies contribute to the development of various social, moral, creative and academic skills in children. Therefore, children who engage in positive hobbies are known to excel in both their personal and professional lives. This gives them the confidence to make their own decisions and encourages the development of creative energy within them. What’s more, a hobby can be a great way to learn, create something new, and have fun at the same time. Get our monthly subscription that contains a variety of creative activities to help your child get smart! The box will not only increase your child’s creativity, but will also help him discover his strengths.

    Also Read: 11 Easy Summer Crafts for Preschoolers and Toddlers

    35 Best Hobbies for Kids for All-round Development

    Hobbies are hobbies that can be fun, exciting, and relaxing. Children usually take up hobbies to relax and learn new things. Whether it’s reading, writing, or painting, hobbies help you use your time productively and promote physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional growth.

    In addition, they can provide an opportunity to develop a strong bond between parents and children. This post talks about various indoor and outdoor activities that kids can try according to their interests.

    The importance of hobbies for children

    In addition to creating fun and enjoyable experiences, hobbies can help (1) (2):

    1. Reduce boredom, stress and pressure.
    2. Meet new people and make friends with similar interests.
    3. Learn new skills for personal and professional development.
    4. Give the opportunity to express negative emotions and develop positive feelings.
    5. Develop creativity and encourage the search for new ideas.
    6. Promote a forward-looking attitude that helps develop compassion and generosity.
    7. Increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, which helps in the development of a positive personality.
    8. Promote the psychosocial and physical growth needed to maintain health and general well-being (3).

    Tips to help your child choose a hobby

    Choosing a meaningful hobby for your child can be a daunting task. Here are a few steps to make the process less tedious.

    • Engage your child in discussions to understand their motivations and interests.
    • Observe their abilities and strengths to give them ideas of what they can do.
    • Ask them to make a list of activities they would like to do as a hobby.
    • Analyze and adjust each activity based on its overall benefits for the child.
    • Don’t be pushy and take your time with , as children need more time to analyze and interpret their feelings and thoughts.
    • Stay open to new ideas until your child chooses a couple of meaningful hobbies.

    35 Activities for kids

    Nature-related hobbies

    Nature-related hobbies engage and allow a child to explore the beauty of nature. ). It also provides a hands-on learning experience that promotes overall development.

    1. Nature Watching

    Nature and wildlife watching can be a fun activity for kids of all ages. Walking in a nearby park at sunrise and sunset, hiking, camping in the jungle or a wildlife sanctuary are enjoyable activities that motivate them to take up nature watching as a hobby.



    Gardening is a fun activity that helps your child learn new skills. Digging, watering, composting, planting in pots, etc. contributes to your child’s physical, mental, and socio-emotional development, making them confident, responsible, and self-reliant (5). Gaining knowledge about plant and soil types, plant life cycles, insects, and worms are additional benefits of gardening.

    3. Animal care

    Pet care can be a fun, educational, and enjoyable hobby that can make a child responsible, patient, compassionate, and self-reliant. Involving your child in pet care activities such as grooming, nail trimming, feeding, walks, etc., help them better understand animal care. If you are unable to bring a pet home, you can invite them to volunteer at a local animal shelter.

    4. Organic farming

    This is a method of farming without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that can encourage your child to use natural resources wisely and be more sustainable. Take your child to an organic farm to observe, learn and practice organic farming with the right guidance. Take their feedback and discuss the knowledge gained to help choose organic farming as a hobby.

    5. Recycling

    Recycling is an environmentally friendly practice that helps convert waste such as paper, cardboard, plastic, steel cans, etc. into new things. This creative activity can be a fun, exciting and educational hobby for kids that also makes them nature conscious. You can encourage your child to take up recycling as a hobby by practicing recycling at home.

    Performance based hobbies

    Performing arts hobbies are suitable for children who are interested in music and dance. Participation in such activities can contribute to the cognitive and physical development of children (6) (7). In addition, they help in the physical, psychosocial and emotional well-being of the child.

    6. Singing

    Singing is a passion and skill-based hobby that relaxes the mind and has several physiological benefits, such as improved respiratory and cardiac function (8). Enrolling in professional singing lessons can enhance your child’s talent and hone their skills. singing skills.

    7. Dancing

    Dancing is a fun and enjoyable activity that helps to relax the mind and maintain physical health. If your child loves to dance and wants to learn dance form as a hobby, enrolling them in a professional dance class is a good idea. Learning to dance from a professional helps in the directed development of dance skills.

    8. Theater

    Theater is a creative hobby that sharpens your child’s communication and problem-solving skills. You can support them by joining a theater company or acting academy to explore different theater genres and improve their skills.

    9. Playing instruments

    Playing a musical instrument is a skillful art that promotes mental well-being. Children interested in listening to and making music can take up this as a hobby when they are ready to play a musical instrument. Invite them to explore different instruments they could play and help them choose one that they can learn and enjoy playing.

    Arts and crafts related hobbies

    Art and craft activities are fun and exciting ways to develop creative thinking and fine motor skills. Research shows that these activities help build resilience and improve children’s mental well-being (9).

    10. Origami

    Origami is the creative and skillful art of paper folding that develops critical thinking and dexterity. Some Montessori children learn origami as part of their curriculum, while others may use online resources and courses to learn this craft of paper folding. A child, usually eight years of age or older, can understand origami instructions and practice it on their own as a hobby.

    11. Cooking

    Cooking is a fun skill that appeals to children of all ages. If your child enjoys helping you cook and is old enough to take it up as a hobby, encourage them to sign up for a cooking or baking class for kids. Cooking as a hobby can improve their analytical skills. We recommend starting with safe no-fire recipes and working your way up to advanced cooking skills.

    12. Scrapbooking

    Scrapbooking as a hobby can be a fun and exciting activity that helps boost creativity and self-esteem. Suitable for children over three years of age who love to create art pieces that express their thoughts and ideas.

    13. Knitting

    Knitting is the art of sewing yarn or thread into fabric by hand or machine. Children can learn to knit between the ages of five and six and take it up as a hobby and learn several knitting techniques depending on their interests and the complexity of the craft. Knitting lessons can help learn complex knitting techniques to create delicate items such as lace.

    14. Woodcraft

    Woodcraft as a hobby develops fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, logical thinking, creativity, perseverance and concentration. Children over five years of age may engage in carpentry under supervision and vigilance.

    Science-related hobbies

    Science-related hobbies are good for developing analytical thinking, logical thinking, and problem-solving skills. They develop children’s innate ability to “ask questions and look for an answer,” an elementary skill of understanding the world.

    15. Astronomy

    Astronomy is the branch of science that studies celestial objects such as galaxies, stars, planets and comets (10). Children as young as four years of age can engage in this scientific activity as a hobby. Giving them an age-appropriate telescope and attending children’s astronomy workshops or planetariums are good ideas to motivate them to try it out as a hobby.

    16. Meteorology

    Meteorology is the study of weather and its forecasting. Children over the age of five can use weather instruments such as a rain gauge or remote-read thermometer and start with a basic understanding of the process. Volunteering at a local meteorological center or enrolling in meteorology classes is an option that older children can try while taking up this hobby.

    17. Entomology

    Entomology is about insects and their life cycle. Children who are interested in activities such as hunting insects, studying the life cycle of insects, etc. can choose entomology as a hobby. Encourage your child to pursue their hobby by engaging in activities available on science portals, attending entomology workshops, and watching educational shows.

    18. Geocaching

    Geocaching is a fun, interesting and interesting activity on the Google map. In this activity, participants use mobile GPS to hide and search for a cache using Google coordinates. A cache is a container (plastic / metal / wood) that can contain items such as stuffed animals, currency, books, etc. Children Those who love adventure or exploration can develop this digital hobby and learn to be responsible, independent and self-reliant.

    Collecting Hobbies

    Collecting is an exciting and inquisitive activity related to the storage of treasures. Collectibles can range from coins, stamps, to antique furniture and paintings. Children of all ages can collect objects, but only a few know how to appreciate them.

    19. Coins

    Collecting coins can be an enjoyable and educational hobby for children of all ages. . Encourage your child to collect coins and learn about their historical significance. You can participate in this hobby of theirs by giving them unique and rare coins and helping them understand the features, inscriptions and images on the coins.

    20. Stamps

    Stamp collecting is another fun learning activity that teaches kids how to organize, evaluate and store items. Stamp collecting can be a hobby for kids who want to explore different languages, histories, peoples and cultures.

    21. Cards

    Sports cards, game cards, story cards, etc. are types that children can collect and learn to trade based on their interests. Collectible cards allow them to earn money based on the condition, rarity, and popularity of the card, and also teaches them how to connect with like-minded people.

    22. Comics

    Collecting comics can be a fun hobby for avid readers. Reading comics can help improve language skills and expand vocabulary. Also, it can enhance your child’s creativity. Gifting comics and combining reading sessions are a few ways to support the hobby.

    23. Stones and shells

    The collection of stones and shells is a crafty and artistic hobby that requires attention to unique features. Collecting these natural items requires extra care and attention, which makes your child responsible. Using the collection to create an item helps hone your creativity and boosts your child’s self-esteem.

    24. Video games

    Children of all ages love to play video games. Collecting and organizing them can be a great hobby. If your child wants to collect video games, encourage him to pursue his hobby.

    Indoor Activities

    Indoor Activities provide fun and engaging ways to teach skills and concepts. There are several fun activities you can do indoors that will improve your child’s physical, cognitive and socio-emotional skills.

    25. Reading

    Reading builds vocabulary, improves language and communication skills, and teaches you how to express thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. If your child is an avid reader, motivate him or her to choose reading as a hobby. You can suggest what books they can read and let them explore genres that interest them.

    26. Puzzles

    Puzzles are fun activities for kids of all ages. Solving puzzles promotes cognitive development and improves mood. To create a hobby for puzzles, start at an early age and come up with fun and challenging puzzles for every age. Participate in solving puzzles and encourage your child to create puzzles from scratch.

    27. Riddles

    A riddle is a question or statement that requires the effective use of cognitive skills, such as deductive reasoning, to help find the answer. Depending on your interest, invite your child to solve a riddle, a number riddle, a riddle of the year, or other types of riddles. Making up riddles as a hobby encourages brainstorming and sharpens critical thinking and logical thinking skills.

    28. Sudoku

    Sudoku is a mathematical game that develops logical thinking. Children over the age of eight can take it up as a hobby and quickly learn its rules and principles. Encourage your child to start solving Sudoku for beginners and gradually move on to complex Sudoku formats with a 25×25 grid.

    29. Deciphering words

    Deciphering words is a language game in which the child has to form words from scrambled alphabets/letters. Regular practice improves vocabulary and spelling skills. There are several worksheets, online resources and games available for your child to do this. This is one of the most suitable hobbies for children over six years old.

    Outdoor activities

    Outdoor activities are a way to connect with your surroundings and involve the physical activities necessary for overall well-being.

    30. Skateboarding

    Skateboarding is a skillful game that strengthens the body and increases flexibility. Children over the age of six can enjoy it as a hobby with parental supervision. Motivate your child to participate in skateboarding activities and competitions to boost their self-confidence.

    31. Swimming

    Swimming strengthens muscles, increases cardiac output and promotes overall well-being. Children as young as four can learn this life skill and practice it as a hobby. Start by enrolling them in swimming lessons to get the basics right.

    32. Cycling

    Cycling as a hobby can improve physical and mental health. Children over the age of five can start cycling with the supervision of a guardian/parent. Join your child on a bike ride and turn it into a fun activity.

    33. Photography

    Children over the age of five can take up photography as a hobby. All they need is a camera, guidance, and tips to get good shots. Take your child with you to different places, such as parks and playgrounds, click on the pictures and have a good time with you.

    34. Kayaking

    If your child is interested in water sports, then kayaking can become a pleasant hobby for him. Children over five years old can easily and safely participate in this exciting activity. Kayaking as a hobby can strengthen upper body muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and improve mood.

    35. Judo

    Judo is a modern martial art that is also suitable for children. Practicing judo as a hobby helps develop strength and flexibility, improve agility and balance, and increase self-confidence.

    Hobbies are recreational activities that provide an opportunity to learn something new. Children can choose more than one hobby that interests them and develop them to improve their skills. Parental support, guidance and motivation ensure that your child chooses a hobby with clear understanding, support and a long-term vision.


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    Hobby for 12 year olds (teenage boys and girls) is a stupid hobby

    This page is full of fun hobbies for 12 year old boys. Whether you’re a parent, teacher or teenager, here you’ll find activities and hobbies that teens will love.

    Teenagers are often bored and have “nothing” to do. So what can a 12 year old do when he is bored at home? They usually like to listen to music , watch or participate in sports , such as basketball.

    They are interested in active sports such as Snowboarding , Surfing , Skateboarding , BMXing . Many people play video games , browse social networks or watch cartoons and movies .

    This is difficult, because they are no longer small children, but adults. Old toys aren’t that exciting, and they aren’t old enough yet to walk places on their own. That’s when this list of cool hobbies for teens will come in handy.

    Fun Hobbies for 12 year olds

    The following list should not be considered as a resource only for those looking for activities for boys, girls will love these activities too!

    And please don’t take my age recommendations for granted. You need to know more about your child’s readiness. Check out the hobby suggestions below and choose the one that best suits you or your teen.

    And finally, check out my hobby suggestions!

    Play board games

    Chess and checkers are not the only board games, there are many more. Usually these games require some strategy, planning and thinking to be successful. Board games are a great hobby not only for teenagers, but also for children and the whole family.

    Sketching and pencil drawing

    If you want to improve your creativity, consider sketching or drawing. Through sketching, you will develop your ability to pay attention and focus, skills that can be very useful throughout your life and career.


    Most of us grew up with Lego. It is one of the biggest brands in the world, instantly recognizable and has many educational benefits. Lego develops fine motor skills, encourages teamwork, develops creativity, develops problem solving and mathematical thinking.


    No matter what equipment or camera you have, you have the potential to be a great photographer. Even a smartphone is enough! Passion for photography can be very inspiring, satisfying and relaxing.


    Cooking is a series of inventions and experiments that create unforgettable culinary experiences. This can help you develop a number of skills that can be transferred to other areas of life, such as patience. I should also mention that this hobby can bring in money in many ways.

    Magic Tricks (Learn some card tricks)

    If you want to learn magic tricks, you can choose from millions of tricks for free. You can start in front of the mirror, after that you can start doing it. Performing magic tricks will increase your self-confidence and improve motor skills.

    Drawing comics

    If you love comics and love to draw, think about it. Drawing comics is a way of thinking in itself. It is a way to express emotions and give meaning to moments. Drawing provides a number of benefits such as visualization, brain development, and improved concentration.


    Making films requires skills such as writing scripts, learning editing software, coordinating large groups of people, and understanding effective camera angles. Filmmaking can become a hobby for teenagers who have no problem planning and preparing. By making films, you are exposed to worlds, situations, and themes that they would never otherwise encounter.

    Craft hobby for 12 year olds
    Paracord craft

    This is a hobby with very low start-up costs. All you need is some paracord and a couple of household items like a lighter, scissors or a knife. If you really want, you can add a buckle.

    Adhesive Tape Craft

    Adhesive tape is not only useful for home renovation, but can also be the most versatile craft material. Many colors and patterns are available, there is a style to suit any artist. Make yourself a phone case or a laptop case, there are millions of different options.


    This is the most exciting of all paper crafts. Many people like the magic of turning a sheet of paper into something useful, a toy or a beautiful decoration. Origami develops eye-hand coordination, mathematical thinking, sequencing skills, spatial skills, memory and patience.


    Handprint crafting is a great way for kids to get creative. It’s a fun way for parents to keep precious memories of their growing children. It is also a great gift for relatives and friends.

    Ice Cream Sticks Crafts

    If you have any leftover ice cream sticks, you can use them to make picture frames or airplanes, and for many educational games and activities. When kids are bored, popsicle stick crafts are a great way to get creative.

    Keva Board Toys

    KEVA Planks are cube-shaped wooden toys for kids and teens. Each block measures approximately 1/4 x 3/4 x 4 1/2 inches. It is a learning tool that can be used to teach subjects including science, math, geography, history, and the humanities.

    Collecting hobby for 12 year olds
    Stamp collecting

    Stamp collecting is educational and provides some of the most practical ways to learn about geography and history, politics and religion, and everyday life in different parts of the world.

    Collecting coins

    There is a lot to learn by collecting coins. By collecting coins, you will get into history books, famous people, politics, different cultures and important events. This hobby of collecting can lead to a completely different passion for learning new things!

    Stones to collect

    If you are interested in stones, you can try to collect them. In fact, you can even learn facts about geology by searching around to add them to your collection.

    Collecting comics

    If you like superheroes, graphic novels, short stories, then you like comics. If you like collecting and reading, then you should collect comics. So later you can sell them to do something else with your money.

    Collecting Movie Memorabilia

    If you are into watching movies and love to collect things, you can collect movie memorabilia. Your collection will turn into something that you can enjoy for a long time.

    Collecting dolls and toys

    Toy collections often start with a real passion for a particular toy such as Lego, dolls, Doctor Who figures, Polly Pocket, Beanie Babies… the list goes on. Small toys are relatively easy to collect, but if you want to to collect a large assortment, you will need free space for your collection, so think about it.

    Card Collecting

    If you are looking for a great hobby and love watching sports, then you should look into collecting sports cards. Many fans love to collect commemorative postcards of players from their favorite sports teams. This is a hobby that you can enjoy with your friends or family by collecting sets and chasing your favorite cards.

    Collecting sea shells

    Teenagers who are interested in nature and biology and love to collect you will also enjoy collecting shells. By collecting these beautiful wonders of nature, your curiosity will lead you to educate yourself about the name of the shell, what organism grows in it, how it is classified, etc. You may want to join clubs and make new friends who are interested in the same interests. .

    Science hobbies for 12 year olds

    If you are interested in walking at night and studying star names and patterns above your head, then astronomy is a good hobby for you. The more you look and explore, the more you will see and the better you will learn astronomy. Set your pace, grab a telescope and enjoy the beauty of the amazing universe.


    Are you interested in the weather or forecast? If you love the weather, have strong math and science skills, and are interested in the world we live in, meteorology can be a great hobby.

    Science experiments

    Teenagers love educational science experiments that allow them to learn while having fun. Experiment with a waterspout in a bottle, try oxidation effects on metal objects.

    Experiments with electricity

    Experiment with static electricity and the flow of electricity. Learn about experiments with static electricity, how electricity flows, and what happens when they press a switch. Search the Internet for various experiments and find educational science toys.


    Reading is an incredibly inexpensive hobby that provides as many benefits as hours of entertainment. There are millions of books, so you should find one or two that match your interests.

    Outdoor activities for 12 year olds
    Outdoor recreation

    Outdoors can be exercise, fun, a challenge or an opportunity to experience nature. This is an environment where teenagers can show what they are capable of. Think cycling, canoeing, kayaking, climbing, running, sailing or skiing. Some boys will enjoy horseback riding or fishing.


    Gardening can be a fun way to get in touch with nature and eat the delicious fruits, vegetables and herbs you grow. Good for both the mind and the body, gardening can be a good hobby for teenagers who love to spend time outdoors. So, grab your tools and go outside!

    Recycled paper

    You might think paper recycling can be done by pulp and paper mills, you’ll be surprised that you can recycle your paper at home without too much trouble. In doing so, you will get rid of junk mail or used printer paper and at the same time create something unique.

    Learning Survival Skills

    If you enjoy being outdoors and enjoy watching survival shows, you should learn basic survival techniques. Learning how to start a fire is one of the most important tasks you can learn.

    Pressing flowers

    You can collect flowers in your garden or forest and press them. Pressing flowers can turn flowers and leaves into something else. It doesn’t take long to take a beautiful picture.

    Performance hobby for 12 year olds
    Playing a musical instrument

    Everyone knows the piano, guitar, drums and trumpet, but there are hundreds of different instruments you can start learning. Learning to play a musical instrument has many benefits. By learning a musical instrument, you will improve your self-confidence and increase your ability to concentrate.


    For teenagers who like to move their bodies, dancing is a great hobby. You can immerse yourself in music and movements that stimulate the mind and develop fine motor skills. Many people say that dance is an escape from reality.


    Find the backing track of your favorite song and sing it or just sing it along. Singing brings joy to many people. It can also improve your emotional, physical and social health.

    Puppet show

    If you love storytelling, theater and puppet shows, puppet theater is for you. Puppet theater is great for building trust and improving communication. Start by making your puppet and continue to perform at home, later you can organize or join a puppet show.

    What else do you need to know about the hobbies of 12 year olds?

    Whether you’re a teenager or a parent, in this section you’ll find some helpful tips on how to find hobbies for teenagers or teens. First, let’s take a look at important healthy habits.

    What habits should 12 year olds develop?

    Develop good study habits. Keep up with your work. Expect a lot from yourself, especially in your studies. Be friendly, especially with the adults and children at your school.

    You may not always agree with your parents, but be aware that they will go out of their way to help you.

    Maintain good hygiene by showering daily and washing your hair at least every other day.

    Daily exercise and a nutritious diet to maintain normal weight. Get at least eight hours of sleep a day. Avoid quirks that you will regret when you grow up. You can find more tips here.

    How to find ideas for hobbies?

    Analyze the teenager’s personality and find out if he or she already has a hobby. Ask him what he wants to do and what makes him feel good.

    Discuss ideas with your teen and ask them to make a list of interests. Find hobbies that you think your teen might enjoy and suggest ideas for hobbies. Look for hobbies by personality type.

    How to create a favorable environment for hobbies?

    Structure your family life to support fun activities and your own hobbies. Be supportive even if your teen’s hobbies seem strange. Respect your child’s changing interests and remember that your teen may not share your interests.

    How can you help a teenager get things done?

    Give your boy the opportunity to pursue hobbies and be aware that he can be busy. Offer activities with friends and don’t force your 12 year old to do any particular hobby.

    Your complete guide to hobbies for kids. Discover 50 free or low cost ideas for your children’s interests.

    We’ve put together a list of 50 hobbies for kids to inspire your family.

    Arts & Crafts

    Arts and crafts activities are great for kids, and studies have shown them to be beneficial for young children, helping to improve their fine motor skills and coordination.

    Older children who are good at hobbies can sell their crafts at local craft or even school fairs.

    1. Fingerprint / Handprint

    Encourage your kids to be creative with simple handprint and footprint drawings and start building a gallery (or book!) of their best work.

    Check out our post for 30 creative hand and foot drawing ideas to get you started.

    2. Color by Number

    Color by Number Kits

    can help young children learn about color (although don’t dismiss it as a hobby just for kids, it’s popular with adults too).

    They can create intricate, complex paintings, learn a lot about art, and even copy famous works of art.

    Image from HowAboutOrange

    3. Origami

    Children love the ancient art of paper folding and there are many types of origami they can learn. Start with simple animal shapes.

    There are many online guides or simple books you can borrow from the library.

    Try the baby fox pictured above with this tutorial by Daniel Chang.

    4. Crochet

    There are plenty of easy tutorials on YouTube to help you get started.

    They can quickly move on to simple hats and scarves.

    5. Felt

    Felt is a fun material to work with.

    Felt animals are a good start for older children. has a simple guide and all materials can be purchased cheaply from craft stores.

    6. Carpentry

    Woodwork can be a great creative hobby for kids who like to create something practical.

    Bird feeder or simple wooden toy kits are a great way to get started.

    7. Tapestry

    The tapestry set gives your child a great project to work on and keep them entertained for hours.

    Image via Folksy

    8. Knitting

    There are many online tutorials and easy starter projects to help even very young children get excited about knitting.

    Knitting has been growing in popularity for several years and there are many blogs on the subject.

    We think the knitted dog above looks like our mascot Snuffles. The pattern only costs £3.

    9. Quilting

    Quilting is an inexpensive way to create handmade quilts, and if you’re creative and have plenty of spare pieces of fabric, this is a great hobby for your kids.

    If you don’t have any, bundles of quilting fabric can be found on eBay.

    There are many beginner’s guides on eBay.

    10. Pencil sketch

    Encourage them to pick up a sketchbook in pencil and sketch what they can see to learn about perspective and notice details when you are outside.

    11. Drawing / drawing

    Young children can learn a lot about art through drawing.

    They can start with their favorite storybooks, and then, when they are confident in tracking the characters, they can try something original.

    12. Comic Art

    If your child likes comics, encourage them to practice this drawing style and even create their own stories. offers some useful tutorials on the basics of drawing.

    13. Jewelcrafting

    Even young children will love helping make simple beaded jewelry.

    There are many kits available to help them get started.

    Homemade Chocolate Soap Image via KanelStrand

    14. Soap making

    Soap making is a fun hobby, and the finished product can be used to make nice gifts for friends and family.

    There are fairly inexpensive kits you can buy to get started, check out eBay.

    15. Model Making

    Model making has been a popular hobby for many years, from very simple models to complex designs. It could even be the start of a future career.

    A degree in fashion design opens up a number of potential employment opportunities, such as making movie props.

    Find a kit at your local craft store to get started.


    Children love to collect things and they can learn a lot by creating their own collections.

    Items don’t have to be expensive, and this can open up a new world of interest to inquisitive minds.

    Image via Portlandcoin

    16. Collecting foreign coins

    Every time you, a friend or relative goes on vacation abroad, ask them to bring change.

    It won’t take long for your child to complete a collection of interesting coins.

    Encourage them to learn the names of each currency and find its origin on the map.

    17. Collect pennies

    The penny coin collection is a very accessible and inexpensive hobby for kids.

    See how many different types they can find with different year and design.

    A quick check of my wallet right now shows that I have five different wallets without even trying!

    18. Comics

    Comic book collecting has been around for many years. This can be a good way to encourage your child to read more.

    19. Dolls / toys

    It doesn’t have to be a creepy collection!

    From beanies to figurines, there are all sorts of toy collections to get you started.

    20. Stamps

    Although this can cause a “boring” reaction, there are many ways to make this a fun hobby for young children.

    KIDSTAMPS is a free mail club for young collectors aged 5 to 19 offering stamps and activities to help get you started.

    Image via Hubpages

    21. Rocks and semi-precious stones

    Beginning geologists will enjoy collecting various types of stones and semi-precious stones.

    22. LEGO

    Did you know that there are “brick brokers” that sell individual pieces and LEGO figures?


    LEGO collection is big business (and can be expensive), but kids are excited to start building.

    Who knows, maybe one day they will be able to turn their collection into profit!

    23. Type of ornament special

    A collection of ornaments can be made around a theme or type of ornament. Visit thrift stores or car boot sales to get started with a particular theme.

    24. Movie memorabilia

    While the market for movie memorabilia can be expensive, if your child loves movies, encourage them to start with posters or postcards.

    25. Seashells

    Collecting shells from the places you visit is a great way to bring home inexpensive souvenirs.

    If your child loves shells, he can build a more serious collection.

    The British Shell Collectors’ Club has more information on this topic.

    Outdoor Activities/Sports

    If your child is very active and into sports, encourage them to find a sport they enjoy and join a local club.

    Trace sessions can often be done to see if they want to do it.

    For less athletic children, there are plenty of outdoor activities to encourage them to get outside.

    26. Open

    Running is a free and very affordable sport that the whole family can enjoy.

    Children aged six and over can be found with their parents on free weekly ParkRuns across the country, although they may have to run/walk a 5km distance.

    27. Football

    Look for local clubs to join if your child loves football.

    28. Tennis

    School does not always play, if your child is interested in tennis, check if there are children’s classes at a local club.

    For example, Tennis in the Park in East Sussex offers lessons for children as young as two years old.

    They may not hit the ball much, but it’s great for learning coordination and burning off excess energy!

    29. Kayaking

    Even very young children can enjoy swimming on the water! www. has a great guide to paddling with kids.

    Find out if there is a local club near you where they can join a trial session.

    30. Judo

    Young children can join play judo classes from age 4 to 7, moving into proper judo training when they are eight years old.

    Find local clubs and see if they offer free tastings.

    31. Swimming

    Swimming is a great sport for kids and there are many recreational centers that offer inexpensive activities for kids.

    If they wish, they can join a local club and take part in swimming galas.

    Fencing is fun

    32. Fencing

    Older children who don’t enjoy some of the more traditional team sports may find they enjoy fencing, a form of sword fighting.

    Children as young as three can start playing sports and there are many clubs in the UK that make it more accessible than you might think.

    Visit The Little Musketeers for more information.

    33. Birdwatching

    Start with the RSPB Children’s Guide to Birdwatching and see how many species you can spot.

    Geocaching image

    34. Geocaching

    Geocaching is a treasure hunting game in which you use your GPS to hide and search for containers with other participants in the activity.

    Visit Geocaching for more information.

    35. Learning survival skills

    Children are fond of handicrafts.

    There are many books on the subject, many of which can be practiced (supervised) in the garden.

    There are various courses and holidays that older children may enjoy.

    36. Entomology

    Beetles and creeping insects often fascinate children, and by cultivating this interest one can develop a great hobby.

    Start with a simple household field guide so they can identify the species found in the home and garden.

    They can also create an outdoor habitat to see what they can attract and create a journal of their discoveries.

    This junior entomologist page will help you get started.


    If you have an up-and-coming performer, encourage them to take up a performance-based hobby.

    Their interest may be short-lived, but it will help develop creativity as well as discipline in their chosen art.

    37. Dancing

    Your child can attend any dance class, from ballet to street dancing.

    38. Playing a musical instrument

    Although learning to play a musical instrument can be expensive, check with your child’s school to find out what’s on offer.

    They can also arrange a tool loan.

    39. Drama

    Look for drama companies if you have a little Thespian in your hands.

    These often take place during school holidays and may have additional costs.

    At home encourage them to read and even write their own scripts.

    Older children can also volunteer and help out at the local theatre.

    Image via MollyMoo

    40. Puppet Shows

    Help your child build a puppet theater in his room and build a collection of puppets.

    They can even make their own. It is a firm favorite among younger children.

    41. Singing

    If your child loves to sing, invite him to join the choir.

    General interest

    Your child may already have a favorite activity that can easily be turned into a hobby.

    You can even join their interests!

    42. Photography

    Give your child a cheap digital camera and encourage them to develop their photography skills.

    You can start by setting a theme, such as leaves, and then encourage them to get creative with their shots.

    43. Digital

    Older children have a range of easily accessible digital hobbies.

    They can create a website, write a simple computer program, develop an application, or write a blog.

    There are online guides to help them get started.

    44. Gardening

    Encourage them to have their own garden space and help them choose plants to grow from seed.

    Vegetables are a popular choice and there are many varieties that are very easy to grow.

    Start with herbs (which can also be grown in a box under a window if you don’t have open space).

    There are many gardens worth visiting in the UK if they show interest.

    Image via Pinterest

    45. Cooking

    Kids love to bake, so let them help in the kitchen.

    Young children will be happy to just help stir, while older children can follow an age-appropriate recipe from start to finish.

    46. Puzzles

    Collect cheap puzzles from charity shops and increase the difficulty as they solve the puzzles at speed.

    47. Science

    There are many fun science experiments for kids to try just using household items.

    Sciencebob has a great list for aspiring scientists.

    48. Magic

    Most children love magic and will be happy to put on a show for you.

    Watch simple tricks on YouTube that your kids can learn.

    Image courtesy of JustforDaisy via Pinterest

    49. Flower pressing

    Flower pressing is an age old craft where you press flowers and leaves to flatten and remove moisture while preserving them.

    Pressed flowers can be used to create works of art or to record flowers and plants in your garden.

    50. Reading

    What list of hobbies would be complete without reading.

    Go to your local library to find out what reading projects they have and get a regular supply of books.

    Is my child into video games?

    It’s no secret that young people love video games. No wonder, because they were born at a time when technology and screens were simply ubiquitous. But should we be concerned about the amount of time they spend playing?

    December 14, 2020
    Fun Science Experiments for Kids

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    August 31, 2020
    10 Ways to Stimulate Children’s Creativity

    “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” said Einstein. In fact, imagination is not only an amazing tool, but also a guarantee that your child will never run out of ideas and resources.

    July 29, 2019
    How to visit a museum with children

    What a great idea to visit a museum with children! It’s a great way to show them the world of art, hone their powers of observation, and spark their curiosity. Are you ready? Let’s go!

    October 1, 2018
    Too young to work, too old to play

    That’s it! Your child no longer wants to go to regular summer camps, but he is still too young to work. What will he do this summer?

    May 18, 2015
    15 fun summer outings for the whole family

    Here are some ideas and suggestions that will make you unforgettable and your kids will love it! We offer you 15 fun summer trips for the whole family!

    July 14, 2014
    Rediscover board games

    Play board games when the weather is bad! In addition to being entertaining, it will help your kids develop special skills.

    November 3, 2013
    Water slides: fun for the whole family!

    It’s nice and hot outside! The perfect time to enjoy the water slides! Guaranteed fun and refreshment for everyone! Here are the 10 best water parks in Quebec!

    July 2, 2013
    The Art of Photography

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    November 23, 2012
    Mobile phone for kids?

    Need a mobile phone? Really? It can be helpful, but mom and dad should keep an eye on this medium that seems to be the key to your teen’s happiness.

    August 29, 2012
    List of family excursions and activities!

    We asked motherforlife readers.

    Hobby for a 10-year-old boy

    Hobby is a very important activity for any person, and especially for a child. In vain, some parents are skeptical about their son’s hobbies, believing that his studies should be in the foreground. It certainly is. But hobbies and hobbies are not just a way to spend your free time. This is the way to identify and develop talents and abilities, to find your place in life, to find true friends and like-minded people.


    1. Sports classes
    1.1 Struggle, Martial arts
    1.2 Team games: Football, basketball, volleyball
    1.3 Other sports
    2. Fishing
    3.1 Drawing
    3.2 Work on a village (work on a village sawing, burning out)
    3.3 Construction sets
    3.4 Music and dancing; theater studio
    4. Reading
    5. Experiments and experiments
    6. Collecting
    7. “Your own” pet
    8. How to subtly motivate a boy for a hobby

    Despite the fact that girls grow up and enter adolescence earlier, in boys, as early as the age of 10, the mechanisms of personality development are triggered. They are on the eve of a difficult period, during which character, habits and preferences will change. The boy needs to be given some kind of support, constancy in life, find a goal for him and provide an opportunity to demonstrate perseverance in achieving this goal.

    A worthy hobby is the right step in this direction. It will help to achieve self-confidence, create a company of friends with common interests, and there will simply be no time for a bad mood or apathy.

    There is a huge variety of hobbies. The main and universal selection criterion has always been and remains that the boy likes the chosen hobby. You can’t predict anything in advance: you need to try to find out if the child will like some kind of activity or not.

    There is nothing wrong with the fact that he will take on one, and the second, and the third. Get carried away with something, then quickly cool down and quit; take up a new hobby. This is a normal and quite natural process, which can and should be treated with understanding.

    Sports activities

    In the event that there are no contraindications for health, any kind of sport will be the best choice of hobby for a 10-year-old boy. Which one doesn’t matter. It will have a beneficial effect on his physical and mental development. Ahead is adolescence, when children often complex because of their appearance and may be upset because of their excessive, in their opinion, thinness, thickness or stoop, etc. Regular exercise will help you get through puberty more easily. They will make the boy fit, well-trained, self-confident and not subject to complexes.

    Wrestling, martial arts

    This is the best hobby for a boy. From the earliest years, you need to instill in him that he must be a strong, strong, strong-willed person who can stand up for himself and for his loved ones.

    If the boy is in good health, then the parents simply have to give him a chance to prove himself in wrestling or martial arts. Moreover, in our time, even in small towns, there is a good selection of sports sections on this topic. Various types and styles of martial arts, judo and sambo – all these sports develop endurance, strengthen muscles, joints and ligaments, make you much more flexible and strong, physically perfect and psychologically stable.

    There is a common misconception that wrestling and martial arts are dangerous sports. In fact, in the classroom, for example, in football, boys get injured much more often than in wrestling. An experienced coach will never allow a child to be injured in his class.

    In general, a lot depends on the coach. With a good teacher, even the boy who showed poor results with a mediocre specialist, or showed no desire to continue to engage in this hobby, will open up and begin to progress.

    Regular team games are no less useful hobby for a boy than wrestling or martial arts. In addition to benefits for the body, they develop the ability to interact with teammates, be proactive and responsible. All this will be very useful in adult life.

    Other sports

    In addition, there are many worthy sports in which a boy can find himself and realize his abilities. This is gymnastics, and skiing, and swimming, and a variety of athletics disciplines, and tennis. By the way, if you wish, you can organize table tennis lessons at home. Buy a folding table for this sport, or just push the dining table and install a grid in the middle of it.

    Chess is not just a board game, but also a full-fledged sport worthy of great respect. If a child likes to play chess, if he is interested in this sport and strives to improve in it, then this is a reason to be sincerely happy for him. No other hobby can compare with chess in terms of the development of the child’s intellect, his mental abilities. And also – willpower, endurance and firm character.


    Fishing is one of the best hobbies that a ten-year-old boy can master with the help of his father. This is an active outdoor recreation, and an unforgettable experience. Even after many years, having already become an adult, the boy will remember with pleasure and nostalgia how he and his dad went fishing on the weekends and during the holidays. And the very moment when the boy manages to catch a fish for the first time will surely become one of the most vivid childhood memories for him.

    Today’s children are very rarely in nature, in the fresh air. In the era of abundance of electronic entertainment, children are weaned from the simple joys of life, drowning in the sticky swamp of the TV and online world, narrowing their worldview and understanding of the world.

    They are too spoiled by civilization, poorly adapted to an active lifestyle. Trips with dad to the river will fill this gap. There you can teach the boy to put up a tent or pull up an awning, get firewood and brushwood, make a fire. All these skills are not only useful, but also raise the self-esteem of boys well, give them confidence in their abilities.


    There is a common misconception that creatively gifted children from an early age actively demonstrate their abilities “on their own”. In part, this is so: it is difficult for close people not to notice the boy’s craving for musical instruments, singing, drawing or dancing; his good data, which stand out from his peers, and the pleasure of some creative activity.

    But it also happens that these talents peacefully “sleep” for the time being, without showing themselves anything special. In this case, the task of adults is to recognize these abilities in the boy, “wake them up”, help them manifest themselves to the fullest.


    If you want your child to grow up as a harmonious personality, with a developed sense of beauty, offer him to draw. Just give him the tools for creativity and room for imagination. Give the boy a children’s drawing set – with an easel and paints. This lesson can seriously captivate the child, and then the time will come for professional classes in the studio. There are many types of drawing, from which it will not be difficult to choose the most attractive for a boy.

    Woodworking (sawing, burning out)

    Woodworking is a special type of male needlework and a worthy hobby for boys. This is an exciting activity that teaches the boy attentiveness and perseverance, develops his thinking and imagination, masters various tools, devices, applied skills, and makes him feel like a master of his craft.

    Woodburning and wood sawing are serious creative pursuits, which, however, are quite easy to approach. It is easy to start, largely due to the fact that in stores you can buy ready-made plywood with sketches of varying complexity – from very simple ones to those with true artistic value. If the boy gets involved in any of these hobbies, then he will be able to successfully develop both as an artist and as a “jack of all trades”.


    Not every boy likes to collect intricate compositions from small parts of Lego-constructor for a long time and painstakingly. But if he is already carried away by this work, then you just need to be happy for him. Assembling something whole from spare parts requires serious mental activity. In order to get a logically correct, complete work, you need to think carefully.

    ; Passion for construction develops self-discipline and self-organization, which allows you to acquire valuable qualities during the game, which will certainly come in handy in the future.

    Music and dance; theater studio

    If there is a hearing and a sense of rhythm, then the child has a direct road to music or dance lessons. It is also worth encouraging artistry, the best “training” of which will be regular visits to the theater studio. Any of these activities will give an outlet for the irrepressible energy of the boy.

    Indecisive and timid thanks to these hobbies will be able to get rid of their complexes, become more sociable, learn to confidently and dignifiedly behave in public. Ballroom or folk dances give perfect posture, accuracy and beauty in movements, breakdance classes – 100% will make the boy incredibly popular among his peers. 10 years is the best time for a successful start in these areas.


    Getting your child interested in reading is easier than you think. Especially if, after reading another book, you find the time and desire to discuss what you read, sincerely ask his opinion about the author, the plot, and the main characters.

    Experience shows that today’s ten-year-old boys are interested in the same books about exciting travels and adventures that their dads were in childhood. However, even if this is not the case, let him read Harry Potter and other modern children’s books – as long as this activity is interesting and enjoyable for him.

    If a boy does not want to join reading, you need to help him with this. By blocking the child’s access to the TV and electronic gadgets. He will be able to get this access again only when he reads a couple of chapters of the book and tells their contents to dad. There is nothing wrong with such stimulation of interest in reading: a boy must learn such concepts as discipline and self-organization from an early age. And respect for the book should be a law for him.

    Experiments and experiments

    If a boy shows a clear ability in the exact and natural sciences – chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology – then this should only be encouraged. Special experiment kits, as well as websites and books telling how to organize them at home, will allow the boy to experiment and study important sciences with more interest than they do at school.

    These kits for children’s experiences and experiments are now on the market in great abundance. Thanks to this hobby, the boy will gain new knowledge and skills, and will also strive to continue his education. After all, it is so interesting to conduct a chemical or physical experiment on your own; understand how the machine is arranged and works; learn to do amazing and inexplicable tricks for the audience.


    The boy’s craving for collecting certain things should also be encouraged: this is a very worthy hobby. You can collect anything: metal cars, “models”, coins, stones and shells, stamps, tickets, stickers… Passionate collecting of something not only brings pleasure, but also teaches attentiveness, accuracy, determination, the ability to exchange and negotiate with other collectors . Own collection is a legitimate and well-deserved pride of every boy.

    An important point is that collecting is a purely independent and voluntary activity. Dad can only be an initiator, adviser, assistant – you can’t oblige a boy to collect.

    “Your own” pet

    Taking care of a pet, training and teaching it, and sincere friendship with it is without a doubt a pleasant and very useful hobby for any boy. First of all, it means, of course, a dog. All other pets are also good, of course, but not at all what you need.

    Naturally, you can have a pet only if there is space and all the necessary facilities for this in the house. It is desirable that it was a house, not an apartment. So that this hobby brings the boy himself and the whole family positive, not negative emotions. This hobby teaches the boy to be responsible, to be able to take care of loved ones.

    How to unobtrusively motivate a boy for a hobby

    It is quite natural for a ten-year-old child to doubt the correctness of the chosen hobby and move in this direction by trial and error. This must be treated with understanding. More often than not, it’s better to step back and let the boy change activities.

    But there are exceptions. For example, to learn how to play the guitar, violin or any other musical instrument well, you need a lot of time, perseverance, perseverance. Few children have enough willpower and “margin of safety” to achieve success in this hobby.

    Help is needed, and not by coercion. Take a little musician to a good concert so that he hears a live professional performance and sees what he needs to strive for. Do not skimp on praise after each of his, even the smallest, success. Sincerely “cheer” for him, describe to him excellent prospects that he will now show perseverance and will not turn off the chosen path. Give more concrete examples from life.

    In any business, films about outstanding personalities who overcame many obstacles, but achieved success in their chosen business, can become a good incentive for a boy. How many young future boxers have been inspired by the outstanding film “Rocky”! How the competition for the Ryazan Military Airborne School took off after the famous Soviet film “In the Zone of Special Attention”! And there are many such examples of the beneficial influence of cinema on the right choice of a hobby that has become more than a hobby.

    At the age of ten, children begin to gravitate towards the company of their peers. They become “crowded” within the family and class. It is important for them to be in constant communication with friends. This desire must be encouraged in every possible way, without fear of the bad influence of the street: the boy will find much more positive, necessary for socialization.

    Because: if the boy does not find a group of friends in his area, then he will find her “substitute” online and start to linger on the Internet. Communication in social networks is an ugly surrogate for real communication, and long computer games hurt your eyesight and spoil your character.

    A dad with a ten-year-old son should follow the motto: “Weekend without a sofa!” He certainly needs to allocate time for some joint business with his son. It doesn’t matter which one. There is no way to organize fishing or going out into nature – play chess, table hockey, football and basketball in the yard with your son.

    Teach him how to pull himself up on the horizontal bar and parallel bars, walk on the hand walker, and other workout tricks. Make wonderful chasing pictures from a tin can turned inside out, hammer in a nail, screw in a screw with a screwdriver or a screwdriver, drill a hole with a puncher, drive a car (somewhere outside the city, of course, but not on a busy public road).

    Don’t let your son become a victim of female upbringing. Of course, mom is the closest and dearest person to him. But she is a woman, and women are not capable of thinking, thinking and acting like men. Therefore, if there is a desire for the son to choose a useful and worthy hobby and develop harmoniously, the father, in spite of everything, needs to regularly devote time to his boy. This time will eventually become a “breath of oxygen” for him, and help him make the right decision.

    Staying at home: 10 ideas on what to do with your child during self-isolation

    Until April 12, all schools are closed for long holidays, and kindergartens allow parents to decide whether to stay at home for their child.

    It is not recommended to go to entertainment centers, parks, cinemas, and museums and theaters are massively switching to online mode. We’ve rounded up some fun ideas for things to do at home for both schoolchildren and younger kids.

    1. Boil an egg and more

    What’s a vacation without delicious treats? But when they are made by hand, it is doubly pleasant. Flour, water, tomatoes and cheese are just products. And mix and bake – there will be a hot pizza for a home movie show.

    Almost magic! In addition, cooking develops fine motor skills, imagination, and provides useful knowledge from the section of chemistry and physics. For example, such: why oil is poorly washed with water, why, if you open the oven with biscuits, they will settle, how to cook an egg in the microwave. There are many discoveries in the world of cooking.

    2. Stargazer himself

    Do you know that there are astronomy programs for children? For example, phone apps like Star Walk 2 or Star Chart are, in fact, real star atlases. They “visualize” the area of ​​the starry sky that the phone is pointing at.

    By changing its position in space, you can see on the screen a three-dimensional projection of the night sky with constellations, planets, nebulae and other objects. The child will easily learn their names. And perhaps seriously interested in astronomy.

    3. Chicken and mouse

    It’s time to try out home theater. And for this it is not necessary to buy sets of puppets. Here, for example, subject theater. Instead of dolls here – any items. For the fairy tale “Ryaba the Hen”, charging from the phone can become a “mouse”, and a teapot with glasses put on its spout can become a sad “grandfather”.

    You can also make a shadow play. The story is told by the narrator, and the others use shadows to illustrate his story. Shadows can be different: there are silhouette ones, when specially carved figures cast a shadow, and manual ones, when the actor’s fingers “play”. Techniques can be connected. Success is guaranteed!

    4. Learning time management

    During the holidays, you can and should master the skills of planning. If you haven’t done so by now. You can take the methodology of the organizer of the “Clever Gang” and father “with experience” Sergei Parkhomenko. He suggests making a schedule in a notepad or even on the refrigerator door and using sticky notes because they can be moved around. The schedule is divided into 5 columns with stickers:

    1. “Backlog” – plans for an indefinite time.

    2. “Need” – tasks for the week.

    3. “To do” – tasks for the day.

    4. “Check” – the child did, but you need to check.

    5. “Done” – the parent moves what has been checked.

    Thanks to the clarity of the table, everything is in full view. You can also come up with something of your own.

    5. Horror movie with ketchup

    At home, you can try to shoot a movie on your phone. The choice of genres is great. The simplest: comedy, melodrama and horror film. Horror is usually a hide-and-seek game filmed on a phone. And in comedy, you can shoot pets and speak for them in a human voice.

    The main thing is fantasy. Come up with a beginning, how the action will develop and how it will all end. The ending should be unexpected. Come up with scenery, make-up, costumes, arrange the light, record the sound. For starters, keep the movie short. Write down the titles. Phones also have simple editing programs. Films can be sent to friends and invited to discuss.

    6. Complete hand-made

    Our hands are not for boredom. In your free time, you can make a bunch of useful things for your desktop in your own style.

    There are many tutorials on the internet. So, for example, a paper holder can be built from a small stone and wire. Organizer for small things – made of cardboard and self-adhesive paper. Stand for the phone – from a plastic card. Key chain made of polymer clay. Well, the most “handy” will be able to sew a school backpack from unnecessary jeans, crochet a rug under their feet or make a handbag-holder – with a notebook and a compartment for papers and documents.

    7. Dig up window sill

    A few pots of earth and bags of seeds are all you need in the spring for a visual aid to nature history at home. Germinate and plant the seeds together, then explain to your child how to take care of the plantings. You can grow dill for borscht, mint for tea and healthy smoothies, and even cherry tomatoes.

    8. Young “softers”

    If the child is already 8 years old, then he is quite capable of starting to master Scratch, a visual programming language. Maybe he will not become a professional, but logical thinking will definitely “pump”. And even be able to create a simple cartoon with moving elements. There are free resources on the Internet to implement ideas, for example,

    9. From Titian to Aivazovsky

    Many major museums around the world have switched to online mode. So, you can take a virtual walk through the halls of the Russian Museum or explore the exposition of the Tretyakov Gallery, listen to lectures on art, see master classes by contemporary artists, for which there was not enough time before.

    Of course, no one canceled home drawing lessons. You can also diversify them – buy not paints, but wax crayons, master new techniques and styles.

    10. Neskuchayki, go ahead!

    Read the Neskuchayka column in the Kuban News newspaper and participate in our contests.

    Raising a 10-year-old child: advice from a psychologist

    children’s center and





    Author: Anastasia Rybakova


    • 10 years old – a special age
    • Psychological characteristics of a child’s development by the age of 10
    • Physiological characteristics of a 10 year old child
    • Raising a boy 10 years old
    • Raising a girl aged 10
    • The specifics of raising a child 10 years old
    • Psychological advice
    • How to spend common leisure time for parents with a 10-year-old child?
    • What classes should I attend with a 10 year old child?
    • Summing up

    Hello! My name is Nastya, I am 16 years old, and today I decided to figure out how to raise a child of 10 years old. The topic is a little non-standard for me, and in principle, even its essence may seem incomprehensible to many – what’s the difference for education, a child of 7 years old, 10 or 13? But there really is a difference. What exactly – read below.

    10 years old is a special age

    To begin with, it is worth giving some general information about the age of 10 years in order to have a clearer idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit.
    This period is on the verge between primary school age and adolescence.
    And all the contradictions that arise both in the upbringing of the child and in him, in my opinion, come precisely from the uncertainty of this age. Who is he – a child or already a teenager?
    In fact, a 10-year-old child is not yet a teenager, but definitely not a baby anymore … It is also a transition from the “crisis of 7 years” to the “crisis of 11-12 years”, which is the beginning of an adolescent crisis (according to L. Vygotsky, known Soviet psychologist).
    Most psychologists call the age of 10 “the end of childhood”.

    This is also connected with the beginning of the transition to adolescence, and also with a number of changes that occur in a child’s life, such as:

  • Establishing authority among adults, but not necessarily relatives, and most likely, this authority will not be parents
  • Appearance of desire for encouragement, praise from adults and especially authorities
  • Behavioral instability – the child reacts differently to similar situations.
  • Psychological features of a child’s development by the age of 10

    A child at this age is actively changing. A ten-year-old often does not understand what is happening to him, he is quick-tempered and irritable. His behavior causes misunderstanding and many questions from parents. After all, he is not a teenager yet, and the well-known “teenage crisis” has not exactly arrived yet. It is interesting that, going through a certain stage of growing up, a person soon forgets about the difficulties he faced at this age, which was important for him. That is why parents often fail to understand their children.

    Changes in the behavior of a 10-year-old child that will please parents

    • A sense of responsibility appears
    • The child becomes more independent
    • He begins to think about the future, to make plans, albeit not very definite ones
    • Expanding the range of interests, hobbies

    Behavioral changes to be learned to cope with

    • “Rebellious” mood, violent protests against any prohibitions/requests that the child does not want to comply with
    • Frequent mood swings, going from one extreme to another
    • Short temper, irritability, sometimes resulting in aggression, while self-doubt and complexes are most often due to physiological transformations
    • Desire for freedom, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity and obviously going beyond the permissible

    Physiological characteristics of the development of a child of 10 years old

    • A number of changes also take place in the physiology of a child at this age. Development is uneven – growth is increasing, and the cardiovascular system is not yet fully working and not developed so well. That is, some children can get tired quickly.
    • Increases mobility, coordination, reaction speed.
    • Metabolic processes are normalized and the hormonal system is activated.
    • The period of puberty begins, which entails the identification of sex differences in body shapes and sizes.

    10 years is the age at which children gradually become teenagers – some earlier, others later, but the child’s body, thinking and feelings change. He can’t do without support right now. Calm down your child and most importantly, do not laugh at him – otherwise he will remain with teenage complexes almost forever, because it is with self-esteem injuries received at this age that it is most difficult to cope.

    Raising children 10 years old – general and differences Despite the fact that in our time I do not make big differences in the upbringing of boys and girls, they are.

    Raising a boy 10 years old

    Boys often start to worry that they are growing too slowly – now girls can overtake them in height.

    It is very important for boys at this age to assert themselves in the eyes of their peers. They want to look “cool”. Unfortunately, studying well does not mean being “cool”, and here problems can begin. It happens that a boy, in order to gain the respect of his peers, begins to use obscene language, do strange or dangerous things, or even smoke (!!!).
    Here it is important to explain to the child that authority cannot be achieved in this way. If you manage to get the attention and “respect” of the guys, but not for long. And then there will be demands for new “feats”, which obviously will not lead to anything good.
    It is necessary to convey that it is not always worth doing what society requires of you and not trying to stand out with dashing behavior. If a child strives to become a leader in a team, using such methods, one can take leadership courses , where they will explain who a true leader is and how to become one. For boys of this age, the example and respect of dads is important Therefore, it is important for dads to give enough attention to their sons and show by living examples what it means to be a man – to do deeds worthy of respect.
    It is important to teach the boy how to make independent decisions. Of course, 10 years is a child’s age, but it’s worth telling and showing what it means to take responsibility for decisions, actions and their consequences.
    The boy should try to provide more independence, so that he learns to make decisions on his own, to cultivate an inner core in him.

    Raising a girl 10 years old

    In girls, the development process (including puberty) occurs a year or two earlier than in boys, and they often begin to worry about their appearance, excess weight, if any.

    Due to the fact that puberty, in addition to that very adulthood, also brings a number of possible hormonal disorders, a child often negatively perceives all the metamorphoses that occur to him.
    You need to understand and learn to accept changes in yourself.
    They react very violently to their external changes, many get upset because of this, some do not understand at all what is happening to them and why their body is changing. And why does the character change, and this often happens.
    It is important that a mother supports her daughter.
    It is very important for parents, especially mothers, to be with them at such a time. Explain – everything that happens with the appearance, that every girl went through this and that her mother understands her like no other.
    It is important for girls to learn to understand their emotions and talk about them.
    It just so happens that by nature girls are more emotional, and at 10 this manifests itself more than before. They may have frequent mood swings, violent reactions to the assessment of their appearance or their actions by others. Parents need to teach their daughters to understand and accept emotions, to express them correctly. For this, there is a special course on emotions , where they will teach this important skill.
    Evaluation of other people is important for a girl.
    It’s great when they take care of her, praise her, especially her qualities, and not just her actions, take care of her more, protect her. She develops self-esteem.
    And if you constantly criticize your daughter, then she will think that love must be earned, she will not try to do this.
    You don’t have to be nice to everyone in order to be loved.

    5 tips on how to raise a child aged 10

    There is no one unique and suitable for all occasions advice on how to raise a ten-year-old child – everything is learned by trial and error. But there are 5 main tips:

    • Consider the opinion of the child
      When making a decision, ask, “what do you think is the best thing to do?” At this age, the child forms his own views on most things in this world. If they are ignored or rejected, the child may withdraw into himself, and perhaps he will vehemently protest and prove his case.
    • Be gentle with your child
      Do not use any harsh, harsh and categorical phrases like “as I said, so be it”, “you are obliged”, “I don’t want to hear anything”. It will only cause resistance. If you don’t like something, talk to your child, arguing your point of view and be ready to listen to him.
    • Do not compare with anyone
      Accept it the way it is. Do not criticize him as a person, his appearance, do not laugh. A child should feel loved under any circumstances.
    • Talk to him as much as possible
      On completely different topics. And about something personal, and just about what will expand his horizons and understanding of the world. It is important for the child to know that he can talk about something intimate and that he will not be interrogated with prejudice.
    • Give him a little freedom, but at the same time define the scope of responsibility
      The child wants to be an adult – please. No need to ban, just show that it carries a great responsibility. Show that you do not doubt him and support his initiative and independence.

    Psychological advice for parents

    • Be interested in what your child is interested in, try to spend more time with him. How exactly to spend leisure time – we will tell below
    • Develop self-confidence in your child. This quality will be a faithful assistant in life.
    • Do not scold, but direct, explain.
    • Do not punish, but sort out together what happened, find out the motives of certain actions
    • No authoritarianism! Only cooperation
    • Do not humiliate the child, but support him. Let him feel the support in you.

    A common problem of adolescence is that children and parents do not understand each other, move away. Right now, when your child is just starting to grow up, the foundation is being laid for a healthy good relationship. This solves a lot of problems that may come up in the future!
    Building a trusting relationship with a 10 year old child is much easier than gaining trust and understanding from a teenager later!

    Shared leisure time of parents with a 10-year-old child

    The time you spend together allows parents and child to get closer and unite. It gives a lot of positive emotions and promotes greater mutual understanding. If you want to become friends with your child, you can’t go anywhere without spending time together.

    • Picnic
      In my opinion, this idea is always a great one! Fun, home-style, and if you add a hike and exciting games to the picnic, it will become even more interesting!
    • Hobby
      If you do not have a family hobby, then do what your child is interested in – this way you will become even closer, he will be glad that his parents not only care about what he does, they also support him!
    • Watch a movie together
      Home theater – why not? Before the viewing itself, you can also cook all sorts of delicious things together . .. You can also go to the cinema, but it’s more comfortable at home)
    • Go crazy together
      No matter how absurd it may sound… Jump on the bed, fight with pillows… Admit it, you yourself want this – in every even the most serious adult there lives a small child!
    • Attend an event
      For example, an exhibition, a concert, anything. The main thing is that it is interesting for both you and the child.

    Remember that children are well aware that adults have their own business. But spending time together is important and necessary. And you don’t have to answer the phone at this moment!
    LGive your child 2 hours a week of your time and attention to feel that he is the most important in your life!
    After all, that’s how it is, isn’t it?

    What classes should you take with a 10 year old?

    Now the child is becoming more aware. It is important for him to develop:

    • Self-confidence and adequate self-esteem
    • Teach him to understand his emotions and the emotions of others
    • Explain how to properly communicate with people, build relationships and make friends, and resolve conflicts.

    To solve these problems in the center of K.O.T. special courses on the development of confidence and emotions for children 9-11 years old have been created, where children are interestingly explained everything about their emotions and how to believe in themselves.
    And communication training , where children are taught to communicate, resolve conflicts and build relationships with people.
    Also, interest in choosing a profession is now awakening – you can play the game “Kaleidoscope of Professions” and find out the most popular and emerging professions – at this age for a child this is the thing!

    Summing up…

    A phrase I keep mentioning is love your children. The way they are. And help them develop and become better.
    I do not discover anything new and supernatural, but only talk about what for some reason many people forget or simply do not pay due attention to.
    Communicate openly with your child, talk about how you were at his age – trust in relationships and your love mean so much to him!
    Watch how the child changes, his character, values ​​and support, direct his energy in the right direction. And all will be well.
    10-11 years old is an important time in the life of every child, how this period passes depends on what it will be like in adolescence.
    Don’t miss the moment and be happy!


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    What to do with a teenager so that it is not a burden for him, and you have fun

    In the life of many parents, there comes a moment when suddenly, waking up in the morning, your grown-up child (14-15 years old) reports that he no longer wants to go with you on vacation, in the countryside or gathering for a traditional dinner with relatives. In general, he wants to be independent, wants to spend more time with his friends. And he is bored with you.

    It also happens that he just quietly, without saying anything, goes for a walk or plunges into virtual reality, or just sits in his room and is extremely reluctant to participate in some general activity.

    All this is quite understandable and natural. In adolescence, the child strives for maximum independence from adults. The most important and significant for him is communication with peers. They and only they fill his thoughts. And if there is also love or some important and good company, with which every minute is worth its weight in gold? In this case, parents inevitably lose. Or not?

    It seems to me that a parent in this situation can hold his position as an important, significant, and most importantly, interesting person. You just need to find the right way to do it. Not all teenagers go to their parents to talk about their thoughts, secrets, fears, victories and defeats. Many are uncomfortable discussing this with their families, they talk with friends, psychologists and teachers or remain silent.

    Here we touch upon an important story: to speak or not to speak, with whom and how? But this will be discussed in another article, but here I emphasize: if the child does not come to talk to you, this is not scary. You don’t need to extract information from it. It is better to offer him a joint business, and in the process, contact can already be established: the child will already go forward, telling excitedly about what is happening in his life. Or maybe not. In any case, joint leisure can be the very bridge that will connect you and your child.

    But what can this joint leisure be like if evening dinners, grocery shopping or a trip to grandma/Egypt are not the same? It’s simple: you need to come up with something completely new, maybe a little unexpected. Something that might be of interest. Below are some options that were interesting to me as a teenager and that are relevant now for teenagers with whom I am friends or work.

    It is important to remember that it is not necessary to impose on children what they are not interested in from the word “completely”. Before suggesting this or that activity, carefully analyze what they like. Offer some of these, or take a chance and try to open up and show them something new.

    Before I start listing the options, I’ll mention the factor of your child’s friends. They are important and significant, the child wants to spend more time with them, so why not use them in your leisure time too? You don’t need to invite them to all events, but sometimes, by inviting a couple of friends or girlfriends of your child to join you, you show him that your doors are always open, that you do not despise his friends (whatever they are), that you are ready to let in them into your personal space and make time for them. Believe me, this is important.

    So, what can you do with your teenager:

    • Board games. Let’s start with the simplest and most accessible. An interesting, exciting board game can be a very good way to spend time with a child. And if you also cook your favorite cake or cookies, cook hot chocolate or make delicious lemonade, gather a family, or maybe call a couple of your child’s friends, then an ordinary game has every chance of turning into an exciting and fun process that you don’t want to end.
    • Go hiking. I believe that the best way to get to know a person is to go camping with them. There is no better test yet. In field conditions, all the secret sides of a person are revealed and he becomes who he really is. He recognizes himself, and you recognize him. This is exactly what you need.

      Make even a small exit into the forest (for a couple of days) and try to live there outside the usual city bustle that accompanies you all the time. On a hike, during such simple everyday stories as making a fire, cooking, setting up a tent and looking for firewood, people begin to listen to themselves and those around them.

      It is not necessary to go hiking with a small family circle. If you understand that such a format will cause discomfort for some reason, call your friends. Even better if they also have children around the same age as your child. Again, depending on the situation, you can also invite one or two friends of your teenager. And then it’s up to the small – just maintain a calm and friendly atmosphere within your small team and overcome weather conditions, elements and obstacles on the way. And it is absolutely not necessary to go to some of the most difficult routes. Enough of just kayaking or hiking in the forest for a few days. I can say, as a person who has been hiking with elders since childhood, when crossing a river or wandering through the forest, you manage to experience many incredible adventures that are remembered for a lifetime, and evening conversations and songs around the fire are such a romantic, important, necessary and very quivering. I know many families who have been hiking with their children since childhood and are very happy. Children grow up in a healthy environment. Of course, there are difficulties between them and their parents, but at the same time they already have contact, and they solve these problems and issues. Try it, go hiking. What if it really captivates and draws you all in and helps to establish contact with the child?

    • Sport. Sport in general helps in almost all situations – whether you have depression or free time, or a happy impulse to do something. Sports can be both solo and team sports, or it can be one in which you seem to be alone, but at the same time there may be someone else nearby. For example, a child.

      I remember when I was 11 my older sister suggested that I try snowboarding. And you know, for the next five years, I was passionate about it. I waited with trepidation for each trip and I was not at all embarrassed by the fact that I was not going to ride with my friends, but with my older sister and her husband. The main thing was the overall process and the emotions that I received. Remembering my experience and watching my many friends, I can say that sport brings families together.

      Invite your child to go skiing or snowboarding in the mountains for a few days, or sign up for boxing together, go play football or basketball together, or maybe tennis. And if you are a mom, then invite your daughter to go to stretching, dancing or yoga – why not? In this case, sport will not only be a way to spend leisure time with your child, but also a step towards a healthy, strong and toned body.

      Children are very sensitive to the way their parents look and may be embarrassed by their untidiness, promiscuity, excess weight, etc. It is clear that they will not love less because of such trifles, but if there is an opportunity to make your child proud that his parent not only shares sports interests, but also looks good, it is a sin not to use it. So go in for sports together: it will bring you both pleasure and benefit.

    • Music. This is an amazing creation of man, which in one way or another is able to unite people all over the planet. Of course, it is important to instill in a child a good taste for music from childhood, but here the question arises: what is “good music”? Everyone has her own. And your teenage child will also have it at some point. Carefully listen to what is playing in the player of your child. Perhaps there is something worthwhile that you might like. And then – why not offer to go to the band’s concert together?

      Concerts are a powerful burst of adrenaline and endorphins, it’s a great way to relax, melt into the music and just sing your favorite songs with all your might. Again, I remember from my teenage past that I went to concerts with both my older sisters and my mother – and it was great. Yes, concerts do not involve special communication during the process, but after that there will be something to discuss, you can share emotions. In general, joint experiences of something hold together like nothing else.

    I also give small recommendations separately for dads and moms, because nevertheless, their roles in the family differ slightly – namely in situations of father-son, mother-daughter.

    • For dads

    The situation is a son. Try to come from a purely masculine side, offering him some kind of joint business, the business of “real men.” It can be picking up a car or some mechanisms, fishing, playing football or boxing together. Or maybe a trip to the match of your favorite team or even training in a motorcycle school. Why not? Of course, there are girls and women who love all of the above, but in this case I will allow myself to share a few directions and interests – for greater clarity and simplicity.

    • For mothers.

    The situation is a daughter. In case she is ready for some purely “women’s stories” (a joint shopping trip with trying on clothes, cooking, dancing, yoga, visiting a beauty salon, etc.) – do not hesitate and offer something from the above or invent yourself. Alternatively, you can have a pajama party at home, make popcorn, drink sweet cocktails, watch movies together. Or go for a walk, combining it with a photo session in beautiful dresses. If your daughter avoids all the “girly stuff”, don’t worry, offer her something that might interest her – going to the movies, buying and taking care of a pet together, sports, etc.
    Summing up all of the above, I would like to once again emphasize the main idea – through an interesting, rich and sometimes unusual joint activity, you can establish communication with your child, open him from new sides and open up to him.
    The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, to try something new with him, not to worry that at some moments you may look ridiculous.

    Preschools in norwalk ct: Early Childhood | Norwalk, CT

    Опубликовано: July 4, 2022 в 11:12 am


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    TOP 10 Preschools in Norwalk, CT | Compare Prices

    Preschools in Norwalk, CT


    Otter Tots Play and Learn childcare is located in a quaint, clean family home right near Norwalk City Hall. We may be small in size, but we are mighty strong in learning! We follow all state guidelines forlearning pillars; THE CT ELDS AND AGES TO STAGES development standards. Your child will be happy when they arrive at Otter Tots and tired when they leave! From ages 6 weeks to 3 years and after school, I take your child’s day seriously. We have a very busy schedule and enjoy every moment of it.
    We will be busy from the time your child steps in the door until the time they go home. I will encourage growth in their imagination, curiosity and a strong desire to learn. Your child will love to go outside. They will love art and singing. They will enjoy reading because we will incorporate Stem Reading Activities. Your child will be ready to enter prek and enjoy a lifetime of learning.


    Janet’s Child Care is a home-based childcare provider that serves the community of Norwalk CT since 2005. It offers a warm and loving environment and provides age-appropriate activities that foster holisticdevelopment among infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children. The home center has a capacity of six children and operates Mondays through Fridays….


    The Shining Stars Daycare provides a preschool program in Norwalk, Connecticut. They encourage the children’s holistic growth through play-based and child-centered activities and aim to develop the children’ssocial skills, emotional growth, and physical coordination. The Shining Stars Daycare welcomes pre-K children and is open Mondays to Fridays from eight AM to five PM….


    131 Strawberry Hill Ave, Norwalk, CT 06851

    Starting at $255/day


    Apple Tree Preschool is a child-centered environment valuing children’s play and is sure to spark their imaginations. The primary focus is on the growth and development of the children and forming a partnershipwith the parents to assist them in child raising….


    Growing Seeds Child Development Center located in Norwalk, CT is a childcare facility that serves youngsters ages three to five years old. The center features the Creative Curriculum where children can learnthrough day-to-day experiences. Their age-appropriate curriculum aims to meet the developmental needs of each child….


    Lil’ Critters Preschool is a child care and learning facility located at 10 Lewis Street, Norwalk, Connecticut and operates from Mondays through Fridays, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. The school’s facility canaccommodate 84 preschool children, and 28 children below three years old. The school offers a School Readiness Program that operates on a sliding fee scale….


    Preschool for children ages 3 to 5, The ELLI Lab School at Stepping Stones Museum for Children offers engaging, play-based experiences in a sensory- and language-rich environment. Nurturing educators and anexciting curriculum are focused on building the skills, knowledge and attitudes in preschoolers that are developmental precursors to reading and writing.
    Full- and half-day programs are available Monday through Friday year-round, with options for extended hours. Enroll Today….


    Hollow Tree Childcare in Norwalk, Connecticut is a home-based Child Care provider that can accommodate up to 6 children from birth to five years of age. Their curriculum seeks to provide a high quality,nurturing, fun and safe learning environment that is appropriate for the child’s overall growth and development….


    Small Wonders Daycare/Preschool is a State-licensed early childhood center that offers child care and early learning programs for young kids. Located at 3 Poplar Street, the company serves families who areresiding in Norwalk, CT. Small Wonders Daycare/Preschool has been in the business since 2013….


    Betty’s Babies Day Care is a child care facility located at 16 Quaker Rd. Norwalk, CT. Their establishment opened in the year 2005. The school provides age-appropriate and challenging activities that aim toenhance the physical, social and intellectual development of children….

    Sharon Pote

    20 Avenue D, Norwalk, CT 06854

    Costimate: $258/day


    Established in 2012, Sharon Pote is a childcare facility for infants up to children ages five years old. It is a family day care home located in Norwalk, Connecticut. It offers childcare, as well as schooltransportation. The center has a maximum capacity of accepting six children. Its operational hours is Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m….

    Julia Dioses

    1 Olmstead Pl, Norwalk, CT 06855

    Costimate: $279/day


    Julia Dioses provides a child care program in Norwalk, Connecticut. They encourage the children’s holistic growth through play-based and child-centered activities. They also aim to develop the children’s socialskills, emotional growth, and physical coordination in a Christian environment. Julia Dioses’ registered child care home welcomes infants to school-aged children….


    Growing Minds Family Day Care in Norwalk, Connecticut, provides a quality, developmentally appropriate educational opportunity for children. The school serves children from eighteen months to five years oldthat provides them with a balance of child-initiated and teacher-initiated activities. The school’s program aims to develop the whole child and his/her physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth….


    Odyssey Learning Inc. collaborates with the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium to offer a unique take on the STEM based curriculum.
    We accept kids as young as 14 months into our toddler program and our preschoolgoes up to age 5.
    Kids actually learn here and will potentially be leaps and bounds ahead of their peers from other programs. Our preschoolers also receive a family membership to the Maritime Aquarium.
    Tuition is based on a sliding scale and range from as low as $8 per week to a maximum of $225.
    Our program runs year round, Mondays through Fridays and our hours are 7:30am to 5:30pm….


    The Children’s Playhouse Inc in Norwalk, CT has a philosophy that young students learn through day-to-day experiences and that it requires experimenting and active thinking. They believe that play is afundamental activity and is important to learning. Their curriculum assists the children in becoming enthusiastic learners and meets their developmental needs….


    Christian Sonshine Nursery School in Norwalk, Connecticut, provides a quality, developmentally appropriate educational opportunity for children. The school serves children from infant, toddler to preschool thatprovides them with a balance of child-initiated and teacher-initiated activities. The school’s program aims to develop the whole child and his/her physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth.


    Located in Norwalk, Connecticut, West Norwalk Nursery School is a non-sectarian school that serves children ages three up to five years old. It offers a comprehensive program in providing education to children.The School uses a curriculum that fosters the development of skills, problem-solving, and critical-thinking. It has a maximum capacity of handling up to thirty-eight children. Its operational hours is Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m….


    Little Leapers LLC in Norwalk, Connecticut, provides a quality, developmentally appropriate educational opportunity for children. The school serves children from infant to school age that provides them with abalance of child-initiated and teacher-initiated activities. The school’s program aims to develop the whole child and his/her physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth….


    Tumble Bugs Nursery School is an early learning facility that specializes in young children between the ages of six weeks and twelve years old throughout the Norwalk area in Connecticut. The school’s curriculumis innovative and based upon active learning….

    Showing 1 – 20 of 95

    FAQs for finding preschools in Norwalk

    In 2022 what types of preschool can I find near me in Norwalk, CT?

    There are two main types of preschool programs you can send your kids to in Norwalk, CT. The first is a full-time preschool program that usually works well for parents working full-time shifts. The second is a part-time preschool program where you can enroll your child for 2-3 days per week and typically choose between a morning or afternoon shift. A part-time preschool can be a great option if you want to ease the transition of this new learning experience for your child. You can also check your options in Norwalk, CT for traditional preschool centers, or private home-based preschools.

    What should I look for in a good preschool program in Norwalk, CT?

    When you begin looking for preschools in Norwalk, CT ask about the ratio of learning time to supervised play time so you can get a good sense of whether you believe your child’s needs will be met. From there, ask about what a typical day consists of, what the safety protocols are and how discipline will be handled. Also, make sure to check directly with the preschool for information about their local licensing and credentials in Norwalk, CT.

    How can I find a preschool near me in Norwalk, CT?

    There are currently 747 preschools in Norwalk, CT on and you can filter these local results by distance from your zip code. From there, you can compare between preschool programs by traditional facility-based preschools and private, in-home preschools. Be sure to check reviews from other families in Norwalk, CT who have previously sent their kids to any of the preschools you are interested in.

    Norwalk, CT Free PreSchools |

    Home  Connecticut Free PreSchools » Norwalk Free PreSchools

    Norwalk, Connecticut Free PreSchools

    We provide a directory of free preschools in Norwalk, Connecticut. The list includes VPK, Head Start Programs and other government subsidized schools. There are also thousands of local non-profit organizations that provide free preschools.

    See all Fairfield County Connecticut Free Preschools.

    Norwalk PreSchools

    More PreSchools Options

    Due to the small number of preschools in Norwalk we have listed some area listings below.

    CLC Maple Avenue Child Development Center

    Nearby Preschools: 6.33 miles from Norwalk

    Early head start and Head Start program location. Hours: 7:30am – 5:30pm Monday – FridayFee: No Fee, Sliding Scale for extended hours programFull-day and part-day pre-school for Stamford 3 & 4 year old children. From its earliest history through its long range vision, Childcare Learning. ..

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    CLC Maple Avenue Child Development Center

    Nearby Preschools: 6.33 miles from Norwalk

    Documents for Registration ™ Current proof of income o Paid weekly, last four consecutive pay stubso Paid biweekly or twice a month, last two consecutive pay stubso A letter from your employer on company letterhead stating your weekly hours, rate of pay and schedule of payo Self-employed, a copy of your most recent income tax returno Proof of c…

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    Framklin Commons Child Development Center

    Nearby Preschools: 6.89 miles from Norwalk

    Documents for Registration ™ Current proof of income o Paid weekly, last four consecutive pay stubso Paid biweekly or twice a month, last two consecutive pay stubso A letter from your employer on company letterhead stating your weekly hours, rate of pay and schedule of payo Self-employed, a copy of your most recent income tax returno Proof of c. ..

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    Martin Luther King Center

    Nearby Preschools: 7.47 miles from Norwalk

    Documents for Registration ™ Current proof of income o Paid weekly, last four consecutive pay stubso Paid biweekly or twice a month, last two consecutive pay stubso A letter from your employer on company letterhead stating your weekly hours, rate of pay and schedule of payo Self-employed, a copy of your most recent income tax returno Proof of c…

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    Martin Luther King Child Development Center

    Nearby Preschools: 7.47 miles from Norwalk

    Documents for Registration ™ Current proof of income o Paid weekly, last four consecutive pay stubso Paid biweekly or twice a month, last two consecutive pay stubso A letter from your employer on company letterhead stating your weekly hours, rate of pay and schedule of payo Self-employed, a copy of your most recent income tax returno Proof of c. ..

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    Tutor Time of Norwalk in Norwalk, CT | 466 Main Avenue

    Your School Tutor Time of Norwalk, CT



    Tutor Time of Norwalk, CT

    Welcome to Our School

    Welcome to Tutor Time in Norwalk, CT! We are easily located off of I-95, Route 7 and the Merrit. My name is Tiffany Hodge and I am the school’s Director. Our management team consists of myself, and Ms. Yisel our School Education Manager.

    Here at Tutor Time we offer full- and part-time options in our Infant, Toddler, Preschool, and Pre-Kindergarten programs. Our staff has more than 250 years of combined experience and a variety of educational qualifications ranging from Child Development Associate credentials to master’s degrees. Our staff is also trained in First Aid and CPR, as well as the administration of medication.

    Looking for extracurricular activities that don’t require your time on weeknights or weekends? Tutor Time offers enrichment programs that your child can participate in such as soccer, Spanish and Kindermusik. Additionally, morning and afternoon snacks, diapers and wipes are included in tuition!

    We’re committed to keeping you connected throughout the day while your child is in our care. Get access to live streaming video of your child’s classroom, plus other real-time updates, with our exclusive mobile app for families, SproutAbout.

    From our caring teachers to our state-of-the-art security system, you can feel confident your child is learning in a loving, nurturing and safe environment. Contact us today to schedule a tour and learn more about how your family can join the Tutor Time family!

    Here’s what people have to say

    5 out of 5 stars

    Great environment for the kids, the staff and teachers are very friendly and accomodating.

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    Great place All the teachers care about the kids and it shows

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    Jen is super responsive. The three of them (Jonathan and Yisel) make a wonderful team.

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    I’m completely happy with our experience at Tutor Time. Couldn’t be happier and feel comfortable with my child there and more than confident to recommend it to others.

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    I love everything about Tutor Time, I am so happy my son is enrolled there!

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    We love the flexibility that Tutor Time has afforded us. The director and the teachers are so friendly and seem to really love our baby!

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    Admin are welcoming. Teachers are compassionate. My child has made friends for life at this school.

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    I have nothing but great things to say about this school. The staff are so warm and welcoming they feel like family.

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    Great! I love the support I get from the staff and my children are very happy there. The curriculum has helped my children hit their developmental milestones.

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    We love it so far and even more importantly, our infant does too!

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    Learn About Electives

    For an additional fee, go beyond regular classroom learning experiences with our enhanced series of fun, interactive enrichment programs exploring a variety of activities. We offer:

    Soccer, Music, Yoga, Spanish, Phonics, Handwriting & Advanced Math

    Tech + Tinker™

    21st Century Learning Experiences

    Discover opportunities to be creative, engage your mind and body, collaborate with friends, and learn new things. Preschool and Pre-K classroom enhancements include iPads with educational apps; flexible seating options so children can move as they learn; hands-on STEAM activities; robots for early coding.

    Open a window to your child’s day.

    SproutAbout®, our exclusive family app, provides free live streaming video of your child’s classroom to your mobile device.

    Learn More

    Meet Our Staff

    Tiffany Hodge, Director

    Education: Early Childhood Certificate, Early Childhood Education degree, and Associates Degree

    Certifications: Head Teacher Certificate, First Aid and CPR, Administration of Medication/Epi-Pen, Certificate in ECE Administration

    I have worked in Early Childhood education for over 20 years. As Director, I take great pride in knowing that our school is one that strives for excellence and quality in child care. We have a wonderful complement of staff; dedicated and truly amazing at what they do. My passion doesn’t stop in the classroom; I strive to provide the best customer service to our families.

    I look forward to serving you and your family!

    Meet Our Staff

    Yisel Olivarez, School Education Manager

    Education: Early Childhood Education Degree

    Certifications: First Aid and CPR, Administration of Medication/Epi-Pen

    I work closely with our teachers to ensure our children are making strides toward kindergarten readiness. I have worked in early childhood for over five years. I look forward to working with your family in achieving kindergarten readiness!

    Local School Phone Number: 203.846.6046203.846.6046

    License #: DCCC.70232


    Child Care Centers and Preschools in Norwalk CT

    Child development centers in Norwalk vary in size as well as in scope. While some offer progressive curriculums and the latest advancements for preschools, others are more intimate daycare centers that take a more relaxed approach to childcare.
    Whatever your priorities, finding the right daycare center for your child is important. We’ve made the seemingly overwhelming task easier by collecting basic information such as size, location, and licensing information for child development centers in Norwalk into a single location.
    Simply click on the links below to learn more about Norwalk childcare centers that are dedicated to providing families with safe, quality childcare.
    You can also read reviews about various childcare providers to learn more about which is the right choice for your family. We always welcome comments and corrections, to better the browsing experience on our site.

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    Norwalk, CT 06854 | (203) 408-0865

    The Goddard School uses the most current, academically endorsed methods to ensure that children have fun while learning the skills they need for long-term success in school and in life. Our talented teachers also collaborate with parents to nurture c …


    Norwalk, CT 06853 | (203) 563-9360

    The Center for Growth & Development offers comprehensive intervention programs for children with special needs. Our expertise includes design and implementation of verbal behavior and natural environment programming to teach receptive and expressive …


    Norwalk, CT 06851 | (203) 461-9566

    27 Years Experience Creating a Home Environment for Children Formula, Diapers, Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks Included Daily Outdoor Activities Promoting Physical Development We emphasize developmentally appropriate practices and work with children nee . ..

    Children’s Corner Learning Center

    Norwalk, CT 06854 | (203) 957-3440

    Children’s Corner Learning Center is a Child Care Center in NORWALK CT, with a maximum capacity of 86 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 weeks-7 years. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child c …


    Norwalk, CT 06854 | (203) 762-6161

    Starting in 2004, Sharon Cowley offered art classes for children and adults through Parks and Recreation. As the community need grew for more diverse programming to augment children’s preschool experiences, On School Road blossomed. After 10 years …


    Norwalk, CT 06850 | (203) 425-9858

    We are an independent preschool located in Stamford CT. We are proud to provide a high quality play based curriculum by utilizing the British model of Early Learning. Union Memorial Preschool offers a safe and caring space for little ones to grow, le …


    Norwalk, CT 06855 | (203) 438-3001

    Creative Children’s Korner (CCK) is one of the first established nursery schools in Ridgefield, Connecticut. It has been serving families from South Salem, Redding and Ridgefield for over 46 years. Founded by Ethelyn Pinchbeck in 1967, it is a nurs …


    Norwalk, CT 06850 | (203) 899-0606

    Stepping Stones mission is to broaden and enrich the educational opportunities for children ages ten and under and enhance their understanding of the world. The museum seeks to create an environment that inspires lifelong learning and supports parent …


    Norwalk, CT 06854 | (203) 517-0168

    These are the years that matter most. We understand, we’re parents too. At our Wilton and Stamford daycare centers, we think all children need room to grow and attention to thrive. Our modern, spacious facilities and exceptionally low student-to-te …


    Norwalk, CT 06850 | (203) 324-2449

    The Sisters, Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts, operate Villa Divino Amore Prechool as an integral part of a Catholic educational program and also as a service to the general community, regardless of race, nationality, sex, or creed. Villa Divino …


    Norwalk, CT 06853 | (203) 838-4266

    Five Mile River Nursery School was privileged to be the first nationally accredited preschool under the new assessment standards in CT and one of the first 17 in the nation.  We offer 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s and Kindergarten programs. …


    Norwalk, CT 06850 | (203) 847-9566

    Our mission at Happy Time Nursery School is to nurture and educate your children in a safe, healthy, Christian environment that will prepare them for their school years. Working together in a partnership with Christian families in laying a truly soli …


    Norwalk, CT 06851 | (203) 252-3156

    These are the years that matter most. We understand, we’re parents too. At our Wilton and Stamford daycare centers, we think all children need room to grow and attention to thrive. Our modern, spacious facilities and exceptionally low student-to-te …


    Norwalk, CT 06854 | (203) 857-7000

    Welcome to Norwalk Community College’s website. This site provides easy access to the abundant programs and services that we offer. By clicking through these pages you will experience the breadth and depth of NCC’s outstanding programs and resources. …


    Norwalk, CT 06854 | (203) 791-9193

    Welcome to the Apple Blossom Children’s Learning Center! Our center is conveniently located on the gorgeous Boehringer-Ingelheim campus as a childcare benefit for all full time BI employees. Our center hosts a variety of programs suitable for infants …


    Norwalk, CT 06851 | (203) 517-9769

    OUR MISSION This educational program will empower the children within it to have a heightened sense of self that will enable them to be productive within their families and eventually within their communities. The program respects and recognizes the …


    Norwalk, CT 06855 | (203) 431-3350

    “The Enchanted Garden” began as a public access television show based on the parent-child music program Judy Hirt-Manheimer developed in 1989 to teach music to a handful of friends and their young children. As interest grew, the class moved from her …


    Norwalk, CT 06854 | (203) 852-1144

    20 WEST LEARNING CENTER is a Child Care Center in NORWALK CT, with a maximum capacity of 50 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 5 years-13 years. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


    Norwalk, CT 06854 | (203) 515-1160

    ACHIEVE AT BROOKSIDE SCHOOL is a Child Care Center in NORWALK CT, with a maximum capacity of 75 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 5 years-10 years. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.


    Norwalk, CT 06851 | (203) 515-1086

    ACHIEVE AT NATHAN HALE MIDDLE SCHOOL is a Child Care Center in NORWALK CT, with a maximum capacity of 30 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 10 years-13 years. The provider does not participate in a subsidized ch …

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    Norwalk, CT (Childcare & Programs)

    There are 47 Daycares in Norwalk, Connecticut, serving a population of 88,537 people in an area of 23 square miles. There is 1 Daycare per 1,883 people, and 1 Daycare per square mile.

    In Connecticut, Norwalk is ranked 149th of 339 cities in Daycares per capita, and 116th of 339 cities in Daycares per square mile.

    List of Norwalk Daycares

    Find Norwalk, Connecticut daycares and preschools.

    A Kid’s Place

    10 Elmwood Avenue


    All Saints Daycare

    139 West Rocks Road


    Apple Tree Preschool

    131 Strawberry Hill Avenue


    Busy Bodies Child Care Center Inc

    23 Half Mile Road


    Carousel Preschool

    23 France Street


    Carousel Preschool Day Nursery Inc

    25 France Street


    Carver After School Program For Education And Recr

    7 Academy Street


    Childrens Corner Learning Center

    770 Connecticut Avenue


    Cifc/ Greater Norwalk Head Start – Ely

    11 Ingalls Avenue


    Cifc/ Greater Norwalk Head Start – Franklin

    165 Flax Hill Road


    Columbus Magnet School

    46 Concord Street


    Community Co-Op Nrsry Sch Inc

    4 Trolley Place


    Community Co-Op Nursery School

    4 Trolley Place


    Cranbury Elementary School

    10 Knowalot Lane


    Five Mile River Nursery School

    5 Pennoyer Street


    Fox Run Elementary School

    228 Fillow Street


    Gibson Educational Consulting

    16 King Street


    Growing Seeds Child Development Center

    2 Trinity Place


    Growing Seeds Child Development Center Ben Franklin

    165 Flax Hill Road


    Happy Time Nursery School- Norwalk

    260 New Canaan Avenue


    L’Il Critters Preschool Inc

    10 Park Street


    Lil Critters Preschool

    10 Lewis Street


    Marvin Children’s Center

    60 Gregory Boulevard


    Naramake Family Resource Center Inc

    16 King Street


    Neon At Ben Franklin

    165 Flax Hill Road


    Nitzan Nursery School

    109 East Avenue


    Norwalk Comm Child Development Laboratory School

    188 Richards Avenue


    Odyssey Learning

    11 Ingalls Avenue


    Ponus Ridge @ Middle School

    21 Hunters Lane


    Room To Grow- Norwalk

    208 East Avenue


    Safe & Sound Day Care Ii

    8 Scribner Avenue


    Safe And Sound Daycare 2

    8 Scribner Avenue


    Silvermine School

    157 Perry Avenue


    Sonshine Christian Children’s Center

    718 West Avenue


    Stepping Stones Early Learning Lab School

    303 West Avenue


    The Center Day Care

    570 Main Avenue


    The Children’s Playhouse

    112 Bouton Street


    The Children’s Playhouse Too

    31 West Avenue


    The Clover Hill School Inc

    2 Emerson Street


    Toni’s Day Care

    14 Parkhill Avenue


    Tracey Elementary School

    20 Camp Street


    Tumble Bugs Day School

    11 Allen Road


    Tutor Time Child Care Learning Centers

    466 Main Avenue


    United Church Nursery School

    210 Rowayton Avenue


    West Norwalk Nursery School

    275 Richards Avenue


    West Rocks Middle School

    81 West Rocks Road


    YMCA Of Norwalk Inc Little Wonders

    394 West Avenue


    Daycares near Norwalk

    • Use My Location
    • Darien
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    • New Canaan
    • Stamford
    • Wilton
    • Weston
    • Fairfield
    • Pound Ridge
    • Lloyd Harbor
    • Greenwich
    • Easton
    • Ridgefield
    • Bridgeport
    • Centerport
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    • South Salem
    • Port Chester
    • Fort Salonga

    Other Norwalk Offices

    • Animal Hospitals
    • Animal Shelters
    • Charities & Non Profits
    • Daycares
    • Goodwill Stores
    • Housing Authorities
    • Salvation Army Stores
    • Social Services Departments
    • WIC Offices

    Top 5 Best 06851 (Norwalk, CT) Public Schools (2022-23)

    For the 2022-23 school year, there are 9 public schools serving 4,864 students in 06851, CT (there are 2 private schools, serving 683 private students). 88% of all K-12 students in 06851, CT are educated in public schools compared to the CT state average of 89%.

    The top ranked public schools in 06851, CT are Wolfpit School, Cranbury Elementary School and Naramake Elementary School. Overall testing rank is based on a school’s combined math and reading proficiency test score ranking.

    Public schools in zipcode 06851 have an average math proficiency score of 40% (versus the Connecticut public school average of 47%), and reading proficiency score of 51% (versus the 58% statewide average). Schools in 06851, CT have an average ranking of 3/10, which is in the bottom 50% of Connecticut public schools.

    Minority enrollment is 72% of the student body (majority Hispanic), which is more than the Connecticut public school average of 50% (majority Hispanic).

    Best 06851, CT Public Schools (2022-23)

    School (Math and Reading Proficiency)




    Rank: #11.

    Wolfpit School

    Math: 50-54% | Reading: 60-64%

    Top 50%

    Add to Compare

    One Starlight Drive
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 899-2980

    Grades: K-5

    | 303 students

    Rank: #22.

    Cranbury Elementary School

    Math: 50% | Reading: 55-59%

    Bottom 50%

    Add to Compare

    5 Knowalot Lane
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 846-3600

    Grades: K-5

    | 433 students

    Rank: #33.

    Naramake Elementary School

    Math: 45-49% | Reading: 55-59%

    Bottom 50%

    Add to Compare

    16 King Street
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 899-2900

    Grades: PK-5

    | 356 students

    Rank: #44.

    West Rocks Middle School

    Math: 43% | Reading: 52%

    Bottom 50%

    Add to Compare

    81 West Rocks Road
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 899-2970

    Grades: 6-8

    | 735 students

    Rank: #55.

    Norwalk High School

    Math: 31% | Reading: 51%

    Bottom 50%

    Add to Compare

    23 Calvin Murphy Street
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 838-4481

    Grades: 9-12

    | 1,466 students

    Rank: #66.

    Tracey Magnet School

    Magnet School

    Math: 39% | Reading: 40-44%

    Bottom 50%

    Add to Compare

    20 Camp Street
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 899-2960

    Grades: K-5

    | 453 students

    Rank: #77.

    Nathan Hale Middle School

    Math: 33% | Reading: 46%

    Bottom 50%

    Add to Compare

    176 Strawberry Hill Avenue
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 899-2910

    Grades: 6-8

    | 595 students

    Rank: n/an/a

    Norwalk Early Childhood Center

    Add to Compare

    11 Allen Road
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 945-0320

    Grades: PK

    | 125 students

    Rank: n/an/a

    P-tech Norwalk

    Add to Compare

    23 Calvin Murphy Drive
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 838-4481

    Grades: 9-12

    | 398 students

    [+] Show Closed Public Schools in 06851 Connecticut

    06851, Connecticut Public Schools (Closed)





    Norwalk Pathways Academy At Briggs (Closed 2018)

    350 Main Street
    Norwalk, CT 06851
    (203) 899-2820

    Grades: 9-12

    | 49 students

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    norovirus and rotavirus – Aramilsk urban district

    Norovirus pathology has become widespread. Therefore, it represents a serious problem for world health. On the planet, the number of infected people is growing year by year. Thus, in 2013 more than 260 million episodes of norovirus pathology were reported per year, and in 2016 there were already more than 685 million people. It remains a mystery why norovirus has become more active since the 1990s.

    Norovirus infection affects between 1 and 20 million people a year in Europe. In 2006, WHO declared a norovirus pandemic.

    Norovirus is one of the main causative agents of outbreaks of non-bacterial diarrhea. Outbreaks are usually recorded in crowded places: in schools, gardens, in canteens, in public places. And they have autumn – spring seasonality, the population of all ages is affected. In Russia, the highest seasonal rise in infection was recorded in January-February.

    Norovirus what it is, general information

    Let’s find out what norovirus is, what disease it causes. Norovirus, also called Norfolk virus or Nora virus, causes acute intestinal pathologies, in particular acute gastroenteritis. Norovirus in Korea has fueled interest in this infection, but it has been known for a long time. It was first discovered in 1929 and received the name “winter vomiting disease”. In 1968 in the Norwalk area in the United States, an outbreak of a massive intestinal infection was noted.

    This disease was described in detail in 1972. Then it was called Norwalk virus. And only in 2002 did the virus get its name Norovirus.

    The disease has various names – stomach flu, winter vomiting sickness, norovirus infection, Norfolk agent.

    In Russia it is called intestinal flu. The disease is especially dangerous for children and the elderly, as well as for people with weakened immune systems. According to statistics, every fifth episode of acute gastroenteritis in the world is caused by norovirus. Of the 685 million cases, children under 5 years of age account for up to 200 million. Of these, almost 50 thousand are fatal.

    How norovirus differs from rotovirus

    Some time ago, norovirus and rotavirus did not differ from each other, considering them to be the same causative agent of intestinal infection. now scientists have proven that these are two viruses with different effects on the body. However, it is very difficult to distinguish them, they have a lot in common. Norovirus disease in terms of the mechanism of infection, symptoms and course resembles rotavirus. But still, these are completely different pathologies. The table shows how norovirus and rotovirus differ from each other.

    How to treat norovirus and rotavirus infections?

    The main thing is to immediately seek medical help if symptoms appear. Unfortunately, there are no medicines that can destroy rotavirus and norovirus.

    These infections are self-limiting. This means that drug treatment is aimed at compensating for symptoms and restoring the loss of water and electrolytes.

    Drink more water to help your body. You can replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes with the help of herbal decoctions (chamomile infusion), you can drink gas-free mineral water and green tea. Remember that the amount of liquid consumed during the first 7-8 hours of illness should be 60-80 ml per kilogram of body weight. That is, with a weight of 60 kg, you need to drink 400-500 ml of liquid.

    Parent’s note – for small children, drink a teaspoon every 15 minutes. In addition, drink should be consumed after each attack of vomiting and bowel movements.

    This is all you can do to help yourself, the rest of the treatment, if necessary, can only be prescribed by a doctor. In a hospital, children are given solutions of salts and electrolytes. Their normal absorption is ensured by a balanced ratio of glucose and salts.

    Do not take antidiarrheals without a doctor’s prescription. It is important to change the diet, reduce portions, but not starve. In addition, you can eat cereals on the water or vegetable purees, lightly salted.

    Nursing care

    If it was not possible to avoid infection, and someone in the family fell ill, certain rules must be observed:

    • when caring for a sick person, use gloves, a respirator
    • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after contact
    • use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
    • disinfect dishes and toys after the patient by boiling
    • wash things at a temperature of at least 60 degrees
    • do wet cleaning of the room with chlorine disinfectants

    At least once a day, treat all surfaces that the sick person has touched – bed, door handles, toilet bowl, sink. Don’t forget about your personal hygiene. Remember that it is enough to be in the same room with an infected patient who sneezes, coughs, uses the toilet to become infected.

    Prevention of diseases

    Try to follow these recommendations not only during epidemics of intestinal infections. If you are used to eating in public places, then choose proven places with a clean dining room and a kitchen for cooking. Pay attention to the restaurant menu:

    • do not eat multi-ingredient food – salads, shawarma;
    • do not eat food cooked “by hand”, without repeated thermal preparation – stuffed pancakes, vegetable purees;
    • drink only bottled water;
    • be sure to wash your hands before eating, after visiting the toilet, before preparing food, after returning from the street, after contact with the sick – remember, in Soviet times, such “incentive” posters hung in public places (for free), it’s a pity that now they don’t places;
    • when swimming in open and closed waters, avoid getting water into your mouth;
    • flush the toilet only with the lid closed, clean them regularly using chlorine-containing disinfectants.

    If you cook your own food, also remember to wash your hands before preparing and after handling raw foods. Always separate cutting boards for raw and cooked food. Thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits, treat them with boiling water.



    The average incubation period is 1.5 days. 4 to 77 hours

    Incubation period more often 1-2 days. Perhaps from 10–12 hours to 4 days.

    Malaise is felt already on the first day of infection, but the clinical picture develops gradually

    Acute, vivid manifestation of the disease

    Subfebrile temperature 37-37.5˚С

    The temperature is elevated, more than 38-39˚С. The presence of fever is a characteristic feature of rotavirus infection, in contrast to norovirus infection.

    Diarrhea and urge to vomit are present. Norovirus infection can occur in the form of acute gastritis

    First comes watery diarrhea, moderate abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting not immediately

    Headache and chills are noted. More often the patient is sure that he received food poisoning.

    Rhinitis, sore throat, loss of appetite, aching joints, common with colds

    Activated during winter

    All-season infection. There are seasonal outbreaks

    Modes of transmission fecal-oral, aerosol, household

    Fecal-oral, household contact, water or food transmission

    Mild, undulating, prolonged course with 2-3 periods of exacerbation

    Severe, often requiring hospitalization. The average length of hospital stay for children is 5-6 days

    As a result of prolonged intoxication of the body, dehydration gradually develops

    Dehydration sets in very quickly as a result of watery diarrhea and vomiting

    Duration 3-7 days, sometimes yes 28 days

    Duration of course 2-5 days depending on the severity of the disease

    Outbreaks of norovirus gastroenteritis occur in school-age children (8 to 14 years), adults and the elderly

    Children from 6 months and younger preschool age (up to 3-4 years) are more susceptible to potavirus infection all year round. Older children and adults involved in the home may be asymptomatic

    Noroviruses are quite stable and highly resistant to physical and chemical influences, they can retain infectious properties for a long time (up to 28 days or more) on various types of surfaces

    Rotavirus is stable in the environment. Does not die during normal chlorination of water in waterworks, survive in tap water for up to 60 days, in environmental objects – from 10 to 30 days (depending on temperature, air humidity), they are not destroyed by repeated freezing. Viruses persist in faeces for up to 7 months, on fruits from 5 to 30 days, on cotton and wool fabrics from 12 to 45 days, and on various surfaces up to 16 days. Loses infectivity when boiled. UV radiation kills in 15 minutes.

    No vaccine

    Vaccines available

    Short-term (6-14 weeks) and long-term (9-15 months) homologous immune response is induced, but over a longer time (27-42 months), immunity is not maintained

    Immunity acquired after the disease does not prevent new cases of the disease, but contributes to their milder clinical course. After the use of live vaccines, stable immunity is developed for a period of 5 years

    If you see the first signs of illness, take care of your loved ones, do not cook food, use an individual hand towel, disinfect the toilet bowl after each visit and be sure to consult a doctor!

    Spiritual and moral education in kindergarten – Common children, Voronezh


    Spiritual and moral education

    1. Information about the educational organization
    2. Spiritual and moral education
    Spiritual and moral education

    Spiritual and moral education in kindergarten

    We, educators, have a great and honorable mission –
    to breathe lofty ideals into each of the hearts of our pupils.
    Make sure that in their souls a portrait of the people is reflected in miniature.
    The one who manages to do this can say with confidence:
    “I have achieved the teacher’s goal.

    Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

    Spiritual and moral education is one of the urgent and most complex problems that must be solved today by everyone who is related to children. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him – it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today’s baby will become.

    Childhood is the time when moral skills and habits are formed, knowledge about the world around is acquired, all human strengths, both mental and bodily, develop. It is during this period that a rapid accumulation of life experience takes place: moral, social, spiritual. It is well known that in the first 7 years of life a person acquires as much as he cannot acquire in his entire subsequent life, and omissions at this age do not make up later. It is this age that cannot be missed for the formation of ideas about good and evil, about moral standards and moral norms of behavior and relationships.

    Spiritual and moral education in kindergarten is an integral part of the comprehensive education of the child. The main factor of spiritual and moral education in kindergarten is its integration into the daily life of children, into all types of children’s activities and methods of preschool education.

    The urgency of the problem of spiritual and moral education lies in the fact that in the modern world a small person lives and develops, surrounded by a variety of sources of strong influence on him, both positive and negative, which daily fall on the immature intellect and feelings of the child, on the still emerging the realm of morality. Thus, at present, the main goal of preschool education is the holistic spiritual and moral development of the child’s personality. Based on the goal, the following tasks are formulated:

    – to form the ability for spiritual development, the realization of creative potential in educational-playing, subject-productive activities on the basis of moral attitudes and moral standards;

    – to instill in children a sense of respect and love for parents and other people, respect for the world around them;

    – educate children in the spirit of national and ethnic spiritual traditions;

    – development of diligence, ability to overcome difficulties, dedication and perseverance in achieving results;

    – development of cognitive activity, curiosity, goodwill, emotional responsiveness, empathy for other people.

    In the spiritual and moral education of the child, the interaction of the teacher with the family is of great importance. In the family, from the first days of life, the child establishes the laws of moral relations, masters moral norms. In the preschool period, the formation of the child’s personality takes place.

    The experience of our preschool institution has shown that systematic, constructive cooperation with the family, aimed at preserving the traditions of continuity and continuity of spiritual and moral education in kindergarten, requires new forms, and sometimes updating the methods of work of teachers and parents. The kindergarten is obliged and able to take on the support of the family in matters of spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

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    Spiritual and moral education in kindergarten

    We, educators, have a great and honorable mission –

    to breathe lofty ideals into each of the hearts of our pupils.

    Make sure that in their souls a portrait of the people is reflected in miniature.

    Whoever manages to do this can say with confidence:

    “I achieved the teacher’s goal.”

    Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

    Against the background of the decline in many indicators of the quality of life of modern children, their physical, mental and spiritual health, the issue of spiritual and moral education is one of the key problems of our society. The modern world offers the child information instead of knowledge, a given program instead of developing his own imagination, a TV and a gaming computer instead of the necessary human communication.

    Childhood is the time when moral skills and habits are formed, knowledge about the surrounding world is acquired, all the powers of a person develop, both mental and bodily. It is during this period that a rapid accumulation of life experience takes place: moral, social, spiritual. It is well known that in the first 7 years of life a person acquires as much as he cannot acquire in his entire subsequent life, and omissions at this age do not make up later. It is this age that cannot be missed for the formation of ideas about good and evil, about moral standards and moral norms of behavior and relationships.

    Spiritual and moral education in kindergarten is an integral part of the comprehensive education of the child. The main factor of spiritual and moral education in kindergarten is its integration into the daily life of children, into all types of children’s activities and methods of preschool education.

    The urgency of the problem of spiritual and moral education lies in the fact that in the modern world a small person lives and develops, surrounded by a variety of sources of strong influence on him, both positive and negative, which daily fall on the immature intellect and feelings of the child, on only the emerging sphere of morality. Thus, at present, the main goal of preschool education is the holistic spiritual and moral development of the child’s personality. Based on the goal, the tasks are formulated:

    – to form the ability for spiritual development, the realization of creative potential in educational and gaming, subject-productive activities based on moral principles and moral standards;

    – to instill in children a sense of respect and love for parents and other people, respect for the world around them;

    – bring up children in the spirit of national and ethnic spiritual traditions;

    – development of diligence, ability to overcome difficulties, dedication and perseverance in achieving results;

    – development of cognitive activity, curiosity, goodwill, emotional responsiveness, empathy for other people.

    The attempts made to date to educate a spiritual and moral personality show that the weakest point in this activity is the family. Many parents simply do not know that it is precisely at preschool age that the assimilation of social norms, moral requirements and patterns of behavior based on imitation takes place. Therefore, it is necessary to help parents realize
    (without imposing)
    that, first of all, moral spiritual values ​​and customs, honored and revered by the ancestors, should be preserved and transmitted in the family, and that it is the parents who are responsible for the upbringing of children.

    Our task, i.e. the task of the educator is to help parents realize that it is in the family that spiritual and moral values ​​​​and customs should be preserved and transmitted. In order to expand knowledge on spiritual and moral education, parents are offered: advisory material on the spiritual and moral education of children, thematic exhibitions of photographs, crafts, and drawings. An educational direction that involves holding events for parents that reveal the issues of spiritual and moral education and development of children. These meetings are dedicated to family traditions, the annual circle of holidays, the spiritual and moral foundations of the family way of life. An example would be working with parents, for example: designing photo exhibitions, making crafts, drawing competition. Teachers involve parents in compiling the genealogical tree of their family, inventing a coat of arms and motto, compiling a family tree of their surname. All this contributes to the active involvement of parents in the process of spiritual and moral education, family unity, and the revival of family traditions.

    Organizational and methodological direction – interaction with the family, holding family holidays with the participation of both parents and children. This interaction involves joint leisure activities, excursions, theatrical performances, preparation and holding of events of spiritual and moral content.

    In the winter, after the New Year holidays in the senior group, I organized a fun and provocative master class within the framework of the project “Christmas time”. Throughout the project, the pupils made attributes of the Christmas festivities – a star on a pole, painted the masks of mummers, got acquainted with the folk costume, and also participated in the design of invitations for parents. All this introduces children to the history, traditions of their people, their roots. Thanks to the project, the children got acquainted with the Russian folk costume, learned to see elements of ancient costumes, fragments of ornaments and jewelry in modern clothes. Children participated in the selection of various noise instruments: rattles, rattles, wooden spoons, tambourines. Then, at rehearsals, the children learned how to perform carol songs without musical accompaniment, using these instruments.

    The next stage was the Christmas celebrations. It is very important that such holidays include folklore: chants, carol songs, old Orthodox children’s games. We attach great importance to increasing the vocabulary of children, by semantic explanation of unfamiliar words, their origin (etymology) and historical meaning.

    Together with us, teachers, the guys dressed up in costumes of mummers, and then with pleasure they entered the groups of our preschool educational institution, greeting teachers and children with traditional carol songs.

    The final part of the project was the holding of a colorful musical master class “Christmas Gingerbread” for parents and guests of our kindergarten, prepared by the pupils of the group. This holiday reminded us of how our ancestors in Russia met and celebrated the “Christmas of Christ” and the following Christmas time.

    The joint work of parents and children has led to complete satisfaction on both sides. As a result of the implementation of this project, children have increased cognitive activity and interest in studying the history and traditions of their people, broadened their horizons, enriched their vocabulary, with the help of musical and aesthetic activities, children developed a sense of rhythm, artistry, they saw and felt the beauty of folk music.

    When implementing activities for the preparation and holding of musical holidays, entertainment, gatherings, its versatility was noted, which allows it to be used in organizing various types of children’s activities, joint activities of adults and children, as well as integrating it into various types of activities. Thus, the family plays a central role in the formation of the child’s consciousness, which is an example and a role model for him.

    The precious time of childhood is given so that a person not only enriches himself with knowledge, but also finds his own path to the spiritual values ​​of generations, discovers a sense of love and duty, joins the deeds of compassion, finds his vocation, reveals the talents hidden in German If a child in childhood experienced a feeling of pity for another person, joy from a good deed, pride in his parents, respect for a working person, admiration for a feat, an upsurge from contact with the beautiful, he thereby acquired an “emotional experience” that will be of great importance for its further development.

    “In childhood,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky, – a person must go through an emotional school – a school of good feelings. If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, you will never bring them up…”

    Spiritual and moral education

    On September 15, 2019, in the monastery of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine (village of Rodniki), a meeting was held between the heads and deputies of educational organizations – support sites of the Kaliningrad region with Archbishop Seraphim of Kaliningrad and Baltic, dedicated to the development of the system of spiritual and moral education in the Kaliningrad region. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Education of the Kaliningrad Region Svetlana Sergeevna Truseneva, deputy ministers, representatives of the education committee, and the clergy.

    In his welcoming speech, Archbishop Seraphim expressed his joy at the fact that caring people who are interested in raising a worthy person and carrying out their service for the good of the future have gathered together. Vladyka emphasized that even one is “a warrior in the field”, if he does not pass by injustice, pain and humiliation. And when a community of people has formed on the basis of their spiritual unity, on the basis of a common understanding of values, then any undertaking becomes within reach. The idea of ​​catholicity was also supported by Svetlana Sergeevna Truseneva. She expressed confidence that, despite all the difficulties, all the challenges that the modern world presents us with, our teachers, drawing strength from faith and unity, will be able to change this very world for the better. The Abbess of the Monastery of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine Theodosius (Izgina) noted that each person bears his own obedience. Teachers have a special obedience – “to lead children along the path of goodness and faith.” In order for this to work, you need to stop sometimes, fall out of the whirlwind of everyday fuss, be in silence, alone with God. She cordially suggested the monastery as a place of such solitude and a general meeting of like-minded people.

    In a warm, relaxed atmosphere, those present shared their successes and experiences, talked about the path that they had to go through together with their teams and about their plans for the future. They talked about educating the younger generation on the basis of the values ​​of Orthodoxy as a common cause. It was unanimously decided to make such meetings traditional.

    Training workshop on the innovative reference platform on DNV 10.10.2019

    On October 10, 2019, at the MADOU CRR kindergarten No. 94, a training workshop of an innovative support platform was held to improve the system of spiritual and moral development and education of preschool children on the topic: “Formation of a sense of patriotism in the system of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.” The head of the kindergarten, Olga Alexandrovna Shevchuk, and the deputy head, Marina Vladimirovna Rybkina, presented the problem field identified as a result of an analytical study with representatives of the pedagogical community on the issues of patriotic education of preschool children. At the seminar, each task on the problem of a given field was solved sequentially.

    Representatives of the administration of kindergarten playgrounds compiled a “road map” of 10 managerial decisions on the problem of insufficient motivation of teachers with patriotic education of preschoolers, after dividing into groups and discussing the answers to the question: “What, in your opinion, can the administration of a preschool educational institution do to motivate teachers to solving problems of patriotic education of preschool children? A motivated teacher is the most powerful lever in activating parents. Reasoning in this way, the participants of the meeting in real time expanded the “road map” with proposals for joint work with parents, which will be a guide to action. Further, the participants of the seminar were asked to write confidentially in personal notebooks 10 personal qualities as if they were described by a sage. Then, in the opinion of the groups, taking into account life experience and knowledge, 10 qualities of a Russian person were reflected on paper on paper. The results obtained had to be compared with the 10 best qualities of a Russian person from the point of view of the Orthodox community. We will never love our country until we plunge into it, until we study, see, feel. The task of teachers is to involve children in this (analytical activity “What is he, a Russian person?”).

    The quiz “Such a familiar and such an unknown Kaliningrad region” held with colleagues showed how well we know our small homeland. The analysis of the short film “Airplane” made it possible to consider and speculate on the problem of national relations. The listeners of the seminar in the form of a slide were provided with information on advanced training in this area. In the music hall of the kindergarten, an exhibition of teaching aids and materials on patriotic education in preschool educational institutions was organized, and a review of fiction was presented.

    IX Regional Alexander-Nevsky Educational Readings on the topic:

    “Military-patriotic education in the regional education system”

    Pilgrimage trip of leaders and teachers of kindergartens-support sites to improve the system of spiritual and moral education

    Festival of Friendship of Peoples “We are together” 10/30/2019

    On the eve of National Unity Day, in our kindergarten, in order to form a sense of mutual respect among preschoolers, a friendly attitude towards representatives of different nationalities, cultures and traditions, the Peoples’ Friendship Festival “We are together” was held. Hospitable hosts of the festival, pupils and teachers in Russian folk costumes, cordially, with a loaf, songs and dances met the guests of the holiday. In our preschool institution there are children, employees, parents – representatives of different peoples and cultures. Together we grow up, together we rejoice, together we grow, together we grow up. We are all so different, so different from each other. But no matter what nationality we are, we are all residents of Kaliningrad, Russians. We all try to live as a big family in peace, friendship and harmony. It is this kind attitude and respect that the Peoples’ Friendship Festival is dedicated to.

    The event was attended by representatives of China, Lebanon, Armenia, Dagestan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova. The guests greeted the audience in their native language, read poems about the Motherland, performed national dances, sang songs, and talked about family traditions. An ethnographic exhibition was organized in the music hall, which was visited by pupils of all groups of the kindergarten.

    At the end of the holiday, everyone stood up in one big, strong and friendly round dance, treated themselves to a Russian loaf. Representatives of different cultures and the hosts of the event prepared a variety of national dishes. All participants of the holiday with great pleasure tasted treats and delicacies at the common table. We sincerely thank the families of our pupils for participating in the festival! A joint decision was made to make the holiday a tradition!

    Innovation site training workshop on:

    “Formation of the system of spiritual and moral education and development of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions” 11/11/2019

    On November 11, 2019, a training workshop on the basic support platform was held at the MADOU CRR kindergarten No. 94 on the topic: “Formation of a system of spiritual and moral education and development of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions. ” The head of the kindergarten, Olga Alexandrovna Shevchuk, and the deputy head, Marina Vladimirovna Rybkina, presented a system of work that every year feeds the pupils, staff and parents of the kindergarten more deeply with its spiritual and moral fruits.

    Based on the content of the program “Origins, and Education on socio-cultural experience”, the Center for Spiritual and Moral Education, together with the preschool educational institution – basic platforms, distinguish four areas of work for the current academic year:

    — Orthodox holidays, crafts

    — Working with parents

    — Patriotic education

    — Decorative and applied arts and folklore.

    Presenting the system of work on the DNV, the staff of the preschool educational institution also focused on these areas.

    Orthodox holidays are dedicated to a special remembrance of sacred and revered events, saints and icons. The teachers of the preschool educational institution are faced with the task of conveying the very essence of these holidays in a language accessible to children, and not being limited to attributes. They say that the holiday is the soul of the people. The kindergarten has experience in celebrating four Orthodox holidays offered by the Origins program (Easter, Christmas, Trinity, Intercession). For the future, it is planned to use a methodological manual containing 8 Orthodox holidays. They are also selected according to age and in calendar sequence. The listeners were offered an active form of work to deepen the understanding of the content of such holidays: “Orthodox holidays, true and false statements.”

    Further, the participants of the seminar were invited to take on the role of parents and attend the parent meeting: “The category of happiness as a moral value of the individual”, at which a model of a happy person was created by joint efforts. Working in subgroups, the educators presented 10 qualities that they would like to develop in children in order to achieve happiness. These qualities were differentiated into three components: for oneself, for others, for a clear conscience. An analysis of the model showed that in modern society there is an egoistic bias in education, priorities are shifted in favor of the education of personal qualities, perhaps because it is much easier to grow up a healthy and intelligent person than to bring up an honest and kind one. It was proposed to consider the stages of the formation of moral qualities on the example of the formation of the category “Good”, the table showed an approximate balance of qualities necessary for a person to achieve happiness.

    In the presentation, the kindergarten presented work with parents on the spiritual and moral education of children: club activities, organizing charity events, visiting temples.

    The participants of the seminar actively discussed the sensational television story about the beating of a child by peers in kindergarten.

    The practical part of the workshop “Crafts” was organized in the form of gatherings, where the guests spun yarn, wove a fishing net and even “caught” a goldfish.

    Patriotic education was described in detail at the network seminar, photos and videos of the work of the preschool educational institution in this area were presented.

    In conclusion, colleagues shared their impressions of the event held for the first time, the Peoples’ Friendship Festival “We are together.” This form of work, judging by the reviews, will become traditional in kindergarten, deepening and expanding the direction of patriotic education of preschoolers.

    An exhibition “Decorative and Applied Art” was organized in the music hall of the kindergarten. We thank our colleagues for their active participation in the seminar, for a large number of positive feedback on the work done!

    Gathering with mothers on Mother’s Day November 24, 2019

    Autumn meetings of the men’s club “Like Papa” in senior and preparatory groups

    “Visiting a guest of sportys

    XII regional Mikhailovsky educational readings

    “Social partnership in the field of spiritual and moral development and education of children and youth” 11/26/2019

    Seminar of the project group “Formation of a sense of patriotism in the system of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers”

    in MADOU d / s No. 36 on the topic “Remember, appreciate, be proud!” December 4, 2019

    Seminar of the project group “Formation of a sense of patriotism in the system of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers”

    in MADOU d / s No. 20 in Guryevsk on the topic “Memorable date “Day of Heroes of the Fatherland” as a means of patriotic education of preschoolers” 10.12.2019

    XVII Regional Christmas Pedagogical Readings

    “Great Victory: Legacy and Heirs”

    Section: Project activities in the patriotic education of preschool children. Master Class. 12/16/2019

    On December 16, 2019, within the framework of the XVII Regional Christmas Pedagogical Readings, the section “Project activities in the patriotic education of preschool children” was held on the basis of our kindergarten. The section was attended by 34 people – deputy heads, teachers of preschool educational organizations, as well as the senior methodologist of the Center for Methodological Support of the System of Spiritual and Moral Education Sokolova M. E., the methodologist of the Kaliningrad Regional Institute for the Development of Education Snopok M.S., representatives of the parent community.

    Within the framework of the section, the experience of the systematic work of the kindergarten on the patriotic education of preschool children and the long-term project “Defenders of the Russian Land: From epic heroes to heroes of our days” were presented, which was implemented by MADOU CRR d / s No. 94 as an innovative platform for improving the system of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.

    Head of MADOU CRR d / s No. 94 O.A. Shevchuk and Deputy Head M.V. Rybkin presented the forms and methods of work on the patriotic education of students, and a master class was held for all participants. This experience aroused great interest of the participants, who noted the importance and relevance of the topic.

    Section: Open conference “Variable model of spiritual and moral development and education in the education system of the Kaliningrad region” 23. 12.2019

    “Christmas magic moments…”

    Rewarding the head of Shevchuk Olga Alexandrovna with the Diploma of Bishops as part of the XVII Regional Christmas Pedagogical Readings
    On January 10, 2020, at the Yantar Hall Variety Theater in Svetlogorsk, the XVII Regional Christmas Pedagogical Readings “Great Victory: Legacy and Heirs” ended. The plenary session was the final stage of the work of the sections throughout the month. The participants of the event got acquainted with the various models of spiritual and moral education of the regional innovation platforms for improving the DNV system, the exposition “Island of Orthodoxy in the West of Russia” and were able to participate in a charity fair.
    During the event, an award ceremony was held for educators for their merits in the field of spiritual and moral education and education of youth. Congratulations to the head of our kindergarten, Olga Aleksandrovna Shevchuk, on a well-deserved award from Archbishop Seraphim of Kaliningrad and Baltic!

    Baptism of the Lord

    On the eve of the holiday, our cinema “Kinoznayka” cordially received pupils of senior and preparatory groups with a fascinating story and a quiz about the Baptism of the Lord. In groups, teachers organized productive activities with children to make thematic crafts.

    Competition for the best corner of patriotic education “Where does the Motherland begin?” 01/23/2020

    Seminar of the project group “Formation of a sense of patriotism in the system of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers”

    at MADOU d / s No. 51 on the topic “Flight from the past to the present” 06.02.2029

    8 3 Seminar for teachers of the preschool educational institution “Strategic directions of the system of spiritual and moral education in the context of the Great Victory. Heritage and heirs 02/14/2020

    Senior methodologist of the Center for methodological support of the system of spiritual and moral education M.E. Sokolova introduced the pedagogical community to the areas of work outlined at the XXVIII International Christmas Readings. Methodist E. A. Laane presented various forms of work with preschoolers in the context of familiarization with the historical legacy of the Great Victory.

    The participants of the seminar had the opportunity to live the experience of the pedagogical workshop of the vice-president of the NGO “Family Club of Parental Experience “Christmas”, teacher-director A.A. Abramova “The light of our memory in the windows of our home.” At one of the stages of the workshop called “The Song Wreath of Glory”, those present recalled the stages of the Great Patriotic War, performing famous songs.

    Seminar of the project group “Formation of a sense of patriotism in the system of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers”

    In the Chodu Little Country on the topic “Memory and Glory in my family” 18.02.2020

    Seminar of the project group “Formation of a sense of patriotism in the system preschoolers”

    in MADOU d / s No. 125 on the theme “Non-state symbols of Russia” 20.02.2020

    Festive event “Together with the son, together with the daughter”,

    Regional project “Know Your Veteran”

    In February 2020, our kindergarten took part in the regional project “Know Your Veteran”, the purpose of which is to preserve the memory of the life and deeds of our veterans for future generations. This year, each entrance in which a participant in the Great Patriotic War lives will have a sign with his name.

    Our teachers visited the veterans of the Leningradsky district of Kaliningrad, talked with them, learned about their life in the past and present, about their military path, got acquainted with family archives, award documents, photographs, letters from the front. We remember! We are proud! 9

    Publication date 06 February 2020
    Modified date 06 February 2020


    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated 06/07/2019 No. SED-26-01-06-590 “On approval of the list of regional support organizations for the spiritual and moral education of preschool children” (pdf, 119.1 Kb)

    Publication date June 11, 2019
    Modification date June 11, 2019


    The results of the examination for the status of the regional support organization for the spiritual and moral education of preschool children (doc, 29 Kb)

    Published May 30, 2019
    Modified May 30, 2019


    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated July 27, 2015 No. SED-26-01-21-1081 “On the Competition” (pdf, 222.13 Kb)

    Publication date 26 August 2015
    Modified date 26 August 2015


    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated March 17, 2015 No. SED-26-01-04-161 “On the establishment of a working group to develop a partial program for the spiritual and moral education of children of senior preschool age” (pdf, 505. 66 Kb)

    Publication date April 17, 2015
    Modification date April 17, 2015


    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated February 17, 2015 No. SED-26-01-21-205 “On the formation of a working group to develop a program for the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers” (doc, 79 Kb)

    Publication date April 17, 2015
    Modification date April 17, 2015


    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated April 16, 2015 No. SED-26-01-21-584 “On the Seminar”(doc, 53.5 Kb)

    Publication date 17 April 2015
    Change date April 17, 2015


    Minutes No. 1 of the meeting of the working group on the development of a program for the pre-spiritual and moral education of preschool children dated March 23, 2015 (pdf, 245.25 Kb)

    Publication date 07 April 2015
    Date modified 07 April 2015


    Package of regulatory documents (rar, 5. 08 Mb)

    Publication date March 24, 2015
    Modification date March 24, 2015


    Menshikova O.A., Introductory seminar on the development of a partial program for the spiritual and moral education of children of senior preschool age in the Perm region (ppt, 2.42 Mb)

    Publication date March 24, 2015
    Modification date March 24, 2015


    Questionnaires for teachers and parents(doc, 39 Kb)

    Publication date March 24, 2015
    Modification date March 24, 2015


    Parent survey results processing(doc, 50.5 Kb)

    Publication date March 24, 2015
    Modification date March 24, 2015


    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated March 17, 2015 No. SED-26-01-04-161 “On the establishment of a working group to develop a partial program for the spiritual and moral education of children of senior preschool age” (pdf, 505. 66 Kb)

    Publication date March 23, 2015
    Modification date March 23, 2015


    Tokareva S.N., Kalashnikova E.A. Organization and conduct of actions as a means of forming an emotional and sensual component of the spiritual and moral education of preschool children (on the example of holding an action of kindness, actions on traffic rules) (school №20, Dobryansky district) (pptx, 1.01 Mb)

    Publication date 05 April 2016
    Date modified 05 April 2016


    Bogdanova S.G. Family traditions, folk holidays as the basis of the initial stage of development of the spiritual and moral culture of children of senior preschool age (pptx, 680.52 Kb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    Biryukova E.I. Conditions for ensuring social and pedagogical partnership for the spiritual and moral education of older preschoolers (pptx, 1.04 Mb)

    Publication date 05 April 2016
    Date modified 05 April 2016


    Makhlaeva E. V. Project activity as an effective form of interaction with the families of pupils in spiritual and moral education (pptx, 3 Mb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    Bayderina N.B. Introducing children of older preschool age to the origins of folk culture in the conditions of preschool educational institution (school №28, Solikamsk) (pptx, 412.61 Kb)

    Publication date 05 April 2016
    Date modified 05 April 2016


    Menshikova O.A. Features of the formation of national identity in children of senior preschool age in a multicultural space of a preschool organization (pptx, 258.61 Kb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    Sabirzyanova SV Folk calendar as a means of familiarizing the family with folk culture (school №8, Gubakha)(pptx, 4.89Mb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016



    Tokareva S. N., Kalashnikova E.A. Organization and conduct of actions as a means of forming an emotional and sensual component of the spiritual and moral education of preschool children (on the example of holding an action of kindness, actions on traffic rules) (school №20, Dobryansky district) (pptx, 1.01 Mb)

    Publication date 05 April 2016
    Change date 05 April 2016


    Bogdanova S.G. Family traditions, folk holidays as the basis of the initial stage of development of the spiritual and moral culture of children of senior preschool age (pptx, 680.52 Kb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    Biryukova E.I. Conditions for ensuring social and pedagogical partnership for the spiritual and moral education of older preschoolers (pptx, 1.04 Mb)

    Publication date 05 April 2016
    Date modified 05 April 2016


    Makhlaeva E.V. Project activity as an effective form of interaction with the families of pupils in spiritual and moral education (pptx, 3 Mb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    Bayderina N. B. Introducing children of older preschool age to the origins of folk culture in the conditions of preschool educational institution (school №28, Solikamsk) (pptx, 412.61 Kb)

    Publication date 05 April 2016
    Date modified 05 April 2016


    Menshikova O.A. Features of the formation of national identity in children of senior preschool age in a multicultural space of a preschool organization (pptx, 258.61 Kb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    Sabirzyanova SV Folk calendar as a means of familiarizing the family with folk culture (school №8, Gubakha)(pptx, 4.89Mb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    Mardeeva A.R. Folk game as a means of introducing children of older preschool age to folk culture in a family and kindergarten (school №8, Gubakha) (pptx, 6.78 Mb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    Dokukina M. N. Music as one of the means of social and communicative development of older preschoolers (pptx, 3.8 Mb)

    Publication date 05 April 2016
    Date modified 05 April 2016


    Ermel N.Ya. Model of the organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions in the context of spiritual and moral education and personality development of a child of senior preschool age (pptx, 2.19 Mb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    Kornilova A.S. Model of interaction with parents of older preschool children in the context of spiritual and moral education and development of preschoolers” (pptx, 1.67 Mb)

    Publication date 05 April 2016
    Date modified 05 April 2016


    Dziova O.V. Conferences for children and parents as one of the means of forming spiritual and moral values ​​in preschool children (school №88, Berezniki) (pptx, 109.58 Kb)

    Publication date April 05, 2016
    Modification date April 05, 2016


    tasks, principles, content, technologies0256

    UDC 373. 24

    Spiritual and moral education in a preschool educational institution: tasks, principles, content, technologies

    © 2018 V. Menshikov1, O. S. Ilyina2

    1 tox. ped. Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies e-mail: [email protected]

    Kursk State University

    2Teacher of additional education on the basics of Orthodox culture

    e-mail: [email protected]

    MBDOU “Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities

    on the artistic and aesthetic development of children №85, Kursk

    The article analyzes the process of spiritual and moral education in modern preschool educational institutions; the essence of its main components is revealed: purpose and objectives, principles, content and technologies.

    Keywords: spiritual and moral education, purpose, tasks, principles, content and technologies of spiritual and moral education, spiritual and moral culture is the basis of the content of spiritual and moral education, the process of spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

    Child development at preschool age is a complex and multifaceted process. Every day, the world around him is revealed to the child – the world of nature, culture, human relations. The thirst for knowledge encourages the preschooler to be interested in everything, to create and transform everything around. And in this process of interaction of the child with the world, his development takes place, the most important direction of which is his spiritual and moral formation.

    Spiritual and moral education of children of preschool age is the first step in the formation of the spiritual and moral personality of a child. At this age, the child perceives and experiences his first spiritual and moral impressions, gaining experience that will later determine his life path, spiritual and moral choice. It is very important that these first impressions give him lessons of kindness and love, reveal the beauty and grandeur of the world created by God, and teach him to take care of it.

    Spiritual and moral upbringing is a long-term process, involving an internal change in the child, which can often be expressed not here and not now, in preschool childhood, but much later.

    ; development of initiative and creative abilities (Chapter 1, paragraph 1.6 – see: [Order … 2013]. As you can see, the Federal State Educational Standard for Education as the most important direction in the development of a child is

    a preschooler highlights his moral development, which requires a systematic spiritual and moral education.

    In connection with this, the problem arises of determining the main components of spiritual and moral education: its goals, objectives, principles, content and technologies.

    The purpose of spiritual and moral education is the holistic spiritual and moral development of the personality of a preschool child and the formation of his spiritual and moral immunity by introducing him to the values ​​of Orthodox culture and mastering the moral traditions of the Russian people. Achieving this goal is possible through the solution of the following tasks:

    – spiritual and moral development of the child in all three components of the spiritual and moral sphere: consciousness (thinking), feelings and behavior through familiarization with the traditional spiritual, moral and cultural values ​​of Russia;

    — formation in children of fundamental moral ideals, attitudes, values, norms that ensure a conscious moral choice;

    — formation of a child capable of independent (creative) spiritual and moral development at a level accessible to a child of this age;

    – fostering love for the family, kindergarten, one’s hometown, Russia;

    – integration of the child’s personality at a level accessible to him into the domestic and universal culture;

    – the child’s acquaintance with the highest spiritual reality: God, the Most Holy Theotokos, angels;

    — strengthening the spiritual and moral health, immunity of the child due to the introduction of the educational field “Spiritual and moral culture”;

    – the formation of continuity with the spiritual and moral development of the child in elementary school.

    When solving the problems of spiritual and moral education in a preschool educational institution, it is important to rely on the patterns of development of the spiritual and moral sphere of a preschooler in order to successfully form it.

    An important condition for the successful functioning of spiritual and moral education in a preschool institution is the substantiation of the optimal principles of its organization.

    The first, basic principle of organizing spiritual and moral education in kindergarten is the culturological principle of constructing the content of spiritual and moral education. It is as follows.

    Firstly, the goal of spiritual and moral education, like any other area of ​​education, is the spiritual and moral development of the child, and not the development of spiritual and moral culture as such, just as in mental education the goal is the intellectual development of the child, and not the study of science in itself, in the aesthetic – the aesthetic development of the child, and not the development of art in itself. Both science and art in education are not a goal, but a means of a child’s development. And the goal of spiritual and moral education is the spiritual and moral development of the child, and not the study of spiritual and moral culture in itself. Spiritual and moral culture is a means, content, and not a goal, the goal is the spiritual and moral development of a child.

    Secondly, the most important expression of this principle is that the organization of spiritual and moral education excludes religious practices, the performance of certain religious rites. This approach, in turn, makes it possible for all children to attend these classes, including those from non-Orthodox families, from families holding atheistic views. Knowledge of Orthodox

    culture is necessary for every Russian person because Orthodoxy is the civilization-forming matrix of Russia. Accordingly, without knowing the Orthodox culture, one cannot understand one’s own country: its history, present and future, its culture, its life.

    Thirdly, for the successful spiritual and moral development of a person, it is important, as for any other direction, the optimal content. And since Orthodox culture is the highest and truly classical culture, it is the best content for the spiritual and moral development of the child. We emphasize once again that Orthodox culture is the best content of spiritual and moral education, not because Orthodoxy is the religion of the majority of Russian citizens, but because it is the best content for the spiritual and moral development of a child due to its highest classicism, it is in itself the best expression of truth, goodness and beauty. Of course, the content of spiritual and moral education at preschool age should also incorporate the values ​​of other cultures, it should take into account the specifics of the cultures of different regions of Russia, municipalities, and each settlement, and each kindergarten. Therefore, each Russian region, while maintaining a common basis, should, taking into account its specifics, create the most optimal content basis for spiritual and moral education.

    The second principle of building the content of spiritual and moral education and organizing the educational process in kindergarten is the requirement to build them on the basis of calendars: natural, civil and Orthodox. Spiritual and moral education for preschool children is not just a certain cycle of classes, but, above all, a living experience of the content they study. And this natural connection of content with life is largely possible to create thanks to its connection with the Orthodox, civil and natural calendar: these calendars reflect the holidays, the most important events and changes taking place in the world around the child. They set the meaning of his life, his various activities, his games, walks and excursions, etc. In accordance with the calendars, educational and educational work is planned and built.

    An important way for the spiritual and moral development of a child’s personality is to introduce him to the Orthodox cultural tradition, as well as folk culture through the reproduction of the annual cycle of holidays, work, games, the use of specially selected folk tales and small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes), through acquaintance of children with musical and pictorial works on gospel stories.

    The basis of the event-content line of this program is the Orthodox church calendar. According to K.D. Ushinsky, “the whole children’s year”, in which the most prominent place is occupied, of course, by the holidays, introducing the child into the bright, joyful world of Orthodoxy, thanks to which the life of people and nature opens up in a new way.

    Joint living by children and adults of various events set by the annual circle of Christian “most important holidays” (O.M. Potapovskaya), recreates the spiritual and moral way of children’s life, determines the spiritual content and moral nature of the child’s communication with the world and people around him.

    The third principle is the correspondence of education to the age and individual characteristics of the child. This requirement is especially important in the period of preschool childhood, when age-related features manifest themselves more sharply than in the later years of a person’s life. Therefore, the teacher must know the age and individual characteristics of each child and take them into account in his educational work.

    The most important principle of this requirement is the construction of spiritual and moral education on love. It is love that nourishes the soul of a child, gives him the strength to do good deeds, creates the basis for the development of his creative abilities and creativity. Such an atmosphere of love can only be built on the understanding that God is not an evil judge, but a loving Father who cares about the world, about all living things, about every person, every child.

    The basic principles make it possible to systematically work on the spiritual and moral development of preschoolers based on the values ​​of the domestic spiritual and moral socio-cultural and pedagogical tradition, to develop the personality of each child, and to carry out the process of spiritual and moral education more correctly.

    The content of education is a means of realizing its goals and objectives. The set goals and objectives of spiritual and moral education are successfully solved due to the correspondence to the content, its essence, goals and objectives. The success of spiritual and moral education directly depends on the quality of the content of education, its optimal correspondence to the essence of spiritual and moral education, its goals and objectives, and the age characteristics of children. Therefore, it must be selected, designed and presented to children with exceptional care, in accordance with all the requirements that apply to it in the system of preschool education.

    The content of spiritual and moral education is understood as a system of knowledge, values, concepts, ideas, ideas and ideals, traditions, norms; emotional standards of attitudes towards the world, samples of experience of spiritual and moral behavior and activities to be mastered in the course of the educational process, as a result of which the successful formation and development of the child, his spiritual and moral abilities, his personality traits take place.

    Mankind has been working out the optimal content of each direction of education for a long historical time. So, for the aesthetic direction of education, the best content is art; for the mental – science, etc. The content of spiritual and moral education also has an optimal content – such is the religious culture, as well as the socio-cultural values ​​of various spheres of society.

    Religious culture is the basic content of spiritual and moral education. Religious culture is the values ​​accepted by this or that people as defining spiritual and moral values. Russian traditional spiritual and moral Orthodox culture includes a system of knowledge (representations) about God, the Most Holy Theotokos, angels, shrines, saints; moral norms, ideals, commandments, rules; standards of feelings, attitudes towards God, the world, man, nature, motivations, etc.; a system of samples and forms of experience of spiritual and moral behavior.

    The content of spiritual and moral education involves the introduction of a child into the Orthodox cultural tradition, through the development of biblical stories, events in the lives of saints, the celebration of Orthodox holidays, the development of specially selected literary works of authorship and folk tales and small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes), through acquaintance of children with musical and pictorial works on gospel stories, through

    reproduction of the annual cycle of holidays, organization of productive creative and artistic and productive activities, through work, games, various forms of activity.

    The content of religious culture in kindergarten is directly represented by the following materials. First of all, this is the content of the children’s Bible. To acquaint children with God through acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures (in a form accessible to the understanding of the child) already in kindergarten is necessary because this is the most important book in a person’s life. A person compares his internal attitudes with the Holy Scriptures, through the Holy Scriptures he learns high morality, through the prism of the Holy Scriptures he evaluates himself, the direction of his development and the highest goals and meanings of his being. Therefore, the children’s Bible in its individual stories is studied throughout the years of the child’s stay in kindergarten, according to the age of the child. At the same time, the exposition of Holy Scripture is based on the patristic tradition.

    The content of religious culture also includes stories about the Most Holy Mother of God, about angels in forms that are accessible to children’s consciousness.

    The most important content of Holy Scripture is spiritual and moral commandments. They contain the moral and spiritual norms of life; norms aimed at avoiding evil and doing good. Actions according to the commandments of God transform a person. Christian commandments free the soul from evil and enliven it, give the soul firmness, make a person a highly spiritual and highly moral person and support him in this state. The Biblical commandments are so simple that they are quite accessible to the understanding and fulfillment of a preschool child.

    At the same time, knowledge of the Bible makes it possible to correctly understand the essence of other forms of culture, especially folk culture, which is also studied in the process of spiritual and moral education in kindergarten.

    The content of spiritual and moral culture also includes the history of Orthodoxy, which, in the course of the basics of spiritual and moral culture in kindergarten, is presented in the form of separate stories dedicated to great historical events in the life of our country or saints. The Lives of the Saints have been a favorite reading of Russian people for centuries. In kindergarten, they are presented in a form accessible to children’s understanding.

    The classes study the materials of church art: images of temples, icons or illustrations of icons, music, etc.

    In general, the content of religious culture is concentrated in the following concepts. Orthodox Christian picture of the world: God. The world and its creation. Jesus Christ: Christmas, Resurrection. Holy Mother of God, angels, saints. Man in the Orthodox picture of the world. Orthodox way of life. Orthodox calendar; the main Orthodox holidays – their content. The artistic culture of Orthodoxy is a masterpiece of Orthodox artistic culture. Temple and its device, Orthodox icon, musical culture of Orthodoxy, bell ringing. Spiritual and moral culture of Orthodoxy; relation of man to God, another person and nature.

    Human values ​​are values ​​recognized and accepted by all mankind. An important quality of the Russian people is its universal responsiveness, “universal responsiveness” (F. M. Dostoevsky). In kindergarten, the first ideas about such universal values ​​as truth, goodness, beauty, responsiveness are given.

    National values ​​are the spiritual and moral values ​​common to a particular state. In the kindergarten there is an acquaintance with

    national holidays: National Unity Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, etc.; with national values: patriotism, justice, truth, non-covetousness; with national values: Fatherland, Motherland, native land, etc.

    Folk culture is of particular importance in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children. Folk values ​​are spiritual and moral values ​​formed by each Russian people in the process of its historical development. Most often they have a religious basis.

    Each nation in its historical development forms a culture that serves the optimal development of the child, and especially spiritual and moral. Therefore, it is that fertile content, without which a full-fledged spiritual and moral education in childhood is impossible. And the younger the child, the greater the place should be occupied by folk culture, especially spiritual, moral and artistic, in the content of spiritual and moral education. Moreover, the peculiarity of the Russian folk spiritual and moral culture intended for children is that spiritual ideals and truths, moral commandments and norms here are most often denounced in an artistic form: fairy tales, fables, proverbs, sayings, etc., which allows it is completely involuntary and so “natural” for a child to master this culture, its spiritual moral content, that it becomes the “inner nature” of a person.

    Spiritual and moral principles, ideas, ideals and commandments, enshrined in folk culture and folklore, then manifest themselves throughout the child’s life: in real relationships, in work, in everyday affairs and holidays. These norms form the basis of harmonious relationships of the child in the family and in society.

    Classes based on folklore content allow not only to ensure the primary national self-identification of preschoolers and get acquainted with the national cultures of other peoples, but also to adapt them socially by introducing folk and author’s fairy tales, small genres of folklore (proverbs, riddles, sayings) into the historical cultural tradition , fables), literary, musical and pictorial works on fairy tales, introduce traditional dance, music, song.

    Introducing children to literary, musical and visual folk culture noticeably harmonizes the emotional development of children; contributes to the enrichment of the dictionary, the development of figurative structure and skills of coherent speech.

    The most important feature of folk culture is that it helps to assimilate the truth of Christian spiritual and moral culture. Folk art provides great opportunities for the successful mastery of the Divine commandments, allowing them to master them in a figurative, accessible form for a child.

    Through fairy tales, the older generation teaches children to build life according to the laws of goodness and beauty, so the program of spiritual and moral education of preschool children must certainly include “grandmother’s tales” in children’s lives. They allow you to properly educate the child, naturally return to the life of the child and the family the traditional principles of spiritual and moral life.

    The ideas of faith, kindness, mercy and obedience make up the spiritual and moral content of fairy tales. Many of them have long been used in education to master the moral values ​​of Christianity, to understand the Christian faith, to accept God as the determining principle of life. Moral concepts, for example, “God helps the good”, are vividly represented in the images of heroes, are fixed in real life and

    relationships with close people, turning into moral standards that regulate the desires and actions of the child.

    And it is no coincidence that children of all peoples traditionally mastered the spiritual and moral norms and meanings of life through fairy tales. The role of Russian folk tales and fairy tales of other peoples of Russia in the upbringing of the child, the formation of his spiritual and moral world is invaluable. They solve the most important questions: about good and evil, about love and hatred, about courage and cowardice, about the destiny of a person and his life path. Folk tales educate the child in the traditions of the people, inform him of a vision of life based on the spiritual and moral beliefs of the people. In kindergarten, it is desirable to present them to children according to a certain rhythm, the very one that organized people’s lives: the annual church circle, seasonal agricultural work, seasonal changes in nature.

    Classes on the basics of spiritual and moral culture for preschool children, including folk tales, sayings and proverbs, create natural conditions for the moral and ethical development of the child, for the development of his ideas about friendly relations and true friendship.

    Author’s artistic culture. It is equally important to acquaint children with the author’s works of literature, fine and musical art, introducing children into the world of high spiritual and moral images in an artistically and emotionally attractive, understandable form for the child, conveying to him information of an aesthetic, spiritual, moral and educational nature. In the course of teaching spiritual and moral culture in kindergarten, texts of Russian classical spiritual literature are used, including poems by A. Pushkin, A. Blok, S. Yesenin, A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, famous Orthodox authors. To promote the figurative perception of gospel stories and fairy tales, book illustrations by I. Bilibin, reproductions of paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov and others are used, which help children to more vividly feel and understand the content being studied. Of course, music is of great importance, which, along with Orthodox and folk music, accompanies each lesson, including the music of P. Tchaikovsky, M. Mussorgsky, G. Sviridov and others. , other illustrations help children better understand the spiritual and moral content, its meanings and meanings.

    Family spiritual and moral values ​​are a system of norms adopted in the family and passed on from one generation to another. Family values ​​are the basis for the formation of a person. And they are acquired primarily in childhood. Therefore, it is very important to combine these values ​​with the content that is studied in kindergarten.

    Productive and creative activity. The principle of activity in education is the most important methodological principle in domestic pedagogy. It is of particular importance in early childhood education. That is why it is necessary to consciously include various types of productive and creative activity in the content of spiritual and moral education.

    The most important feature of the content of spiritual and moral education in a preschool educational institution is that it is not only filled with the highest spiritual, moral and cultural content, it is not just the development of knowledge, the formation of ideas and concepts, the formation of manual skills and meaningful activity. And it is easier to organize a real meaningful activity in the classroom of spiritual and moral culture due to its focus on God, another person, a living being, since in this case the content of the spiritual and moral

    education has its practical implementation in relation to the Lord, relatives, nature. So, making crafts and drawings is significant because they are intended for loved ones: for parents or friends. Crafts, drawings are made by children with a moral purpose: to give, decorate, please, organize an exhibition, fair, celebrate the name day of friends and relatives. In this situation, everything becomes effective and meaningful for the child.

    Productive and creative activities, playing key plot scenes with children contribute to the mental development of children: the desire and need to express their feelings, attitudes and ideas, create a real basis for the formation of moral skills and behavior, sustainable positive interpersonal relationships and spiritual and moral qualities of the individual . Thanks to the activity, the active assimilation of the commandments of God, spiritual and moral ideas, knowledge and norms of behavior is ensured, their practical development and consolidation is carried out with the transfer to the inner real life of the child and in relationships with relatives and peers.

    Drawing, modeling, appliqué, manual labor, listening to fairy tales and soulful works of art with subsequent discussion and, possibly, memorization of individual poems, dramatization games, holiday matinees are subordinated to the achievement of the main goal – the holistic spiritual and moral development of the personality of a child of preschool age.

    Personal spiritual and moral values. Personal values ​​are the values ​​developed and accepted by the person himself in the course of his life. These are commandments, rules, attitudes, spiritual and moral norms of behavior, attitude towards the world. The time of development of the personality of a preschool child is the time when the most intensive formation, formation and development of the spiritual and moral personality of a person takes place. And no matter how small the spiritual and moral experience of the child at this time, but it is the source from which the spiritual and moral life of a person begins, his development as a spiritual and moral personality.

    Thus, the content of spiritual and moral education in kindergarten is a complex hierarchical system, which is a combination of religious, as well as universal, cultural, scientific, aesthetic, national, national, family and personal values.

    The quality of spiritual and moral education in kindergarten largely depends on how spiritual and moral values ​​become the defining meaning of preschool education and how organically they enter into all areas of development of a preschool child. Therefore, an important task of organizing spiritual and moral education is to integrate it organically with other educational areas.

    Spiritual and moral values ​​are of great importance for the social and communicative development of children. All the norms, values ​​and qualities of the child indicated by the Federal State Educational Standards, values ​​and qualities related to his social and communicative development are formed in the classroom for spiritual and moral education, starting with the formation of his correct attitude towards himself and further towards other people, relatives, others, teachers, peers, to society and nature.

    At the same time, the formation of a child’s social and communicative development will be more successful if the upbringing process proceeds on the basis of traditional spiritual and moral norms and ideas.

    The most important aspect of a child’s social upbringing is the formation of love for the family. And this task can be solved most successfully by that system of family upbringing

    , which is based on the idea of ​​the family as a sacred place, a “small Church”, a “domestic Church”. The idea of ​​a God-established family, the idea of ​​the holiness of the family, the sanctity of motherhood and fatherhood, an understanding of the strength of family happiness and well-being in a family built on Christian spiritual and moral precepts, the precepts of family solidarity and mutual assistance, should be the cornerstone idea of ​​family education in kindergarten.

    The most important relation of man to the world is his relation to society. A person is a part of society, and therefore it is necessary to prepare a child for life in society, and for this it is necessary that he master social spiritual and moral values. The most important direction of this education is patriotic education, which is aimed at the formation of love for one’s people, for one’s Fatherland, for the environment and people. This upbringing will be most successful if, as the classics of Russian pedagogy have well shown, it is based on the foundation of traditional values, the most significant of which are love for one’s big and small Motherland, for one’s people and the world around.

    An important means of successful social education in kindergarten is the organization of various types of practical work, participation in solving, of course, the smallest public affairs that a child can do, helping those in need, etc.

    Orthodoxy is also of great importance for a correct understanding of work and a respectful attitude towards the worker. From childhood, the most important thing should be laid in the child: a good attitude towards work; understanding the importance of work; respect for the worker and the fruits of labor; understanding that idleness and laziness are very bad qualities in a person and this is the greatest sin. Orthodox values ​​for labor education in kindergarten are important not only from the point of view of the formation of its spiritual and moral meaning, but also from the point of view of enriching the very content of labor education, for example, with various “crafts”. And their value lies in the fact that they are the basis of any work activity.

    An important aspect of this area of ​​education is ecological education, which is aimed at the formation of a kind, caring, careful, transformative relationship of man to nature. The formation of a transforming attitude to nature begins with the upbringing in a child of a kind, caring attitude towards nature, towards the living, towards oneself and another person. Already at this age, a child should develop a feeling that a good attitude towards nature is based on the idea of ​​spiritual and moral transformation of a person, as the main condition not only for the preservation, but most importantly, for the improvement of nature. An evil, selfish person cannot take care of nature – he will only destroy it. And that is why it is so important from childhood to educate not a child-destroyer, but a child-creator, a child who is able to take care of nature, transform himself and nature. Of course, at your level. But here the most important thing is not the immediate result that is obtained in the course of upbringing (the child waters flowers, gives grains to birds, etc.) – it is, of course, meager, but the formation of the basic qualities of a kind person-creator, which will give its undoubted results, when the child grows up.

    The content of spiritual and moral education is closely consistent with the cognitive development of the child. Therefore, most of the requirements for the cognitive development of the child specified in the Federal State Educational Standard are directly reflected in the content of classes on spiritual and moral education. And this is explained by the fact that Orthodox scientists have always highly valued the human mind, knowledge, proving that science and knowledge serve as an important means of spiritual search and development of 90,003 90,002 people, improving the conditions of their earthly life. K.D. Ushinsky writes: “Only religion, on the one hand, solving world problems with the human heart, and science, on the other, in its highest, disinterested, philosophical meaning, can open food on earth to the immortal spirit of man” [Ushinsky 1948: 354].

    Spiritual and moral values ​​are very important for the cognitive development of the child, because in the preschool period, the initial worldview image and cognitive matrix of the child begin to take shape, the foundations for the formation of his creative abilities begin to be laid, and the cognitive sphere begins to develop. The traditional spiritual and moral content of education contributes to the development of the cognitive sphere of the child, his creative development, because when mastering the spiritual and moral content, not only the child’s psyche develops, but also his spirit.

    The content of spiritual and moral culture is very important for the child’s speech development. Therefore, almost all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, with the exception of special ones, from the development of speech as a means of communication to the enrichment of an active vocabulary, the formation of a figurative and accurate language, the development of speech creativity, acquaintance with book culture, children’s literature, are reflected in the content of modern spiritual and moral education.

    Acquaintance with spiritual and moral culture contributes to the speech development of the child, the development of the “gift of words” in each child (K.D. Ushinsky), the successful mastering of the native language and literature, the mastery of the language, primarily as a spiritual reality. And this makes it possible to make language learning a means of a child’s living spiritual development. Thus, the reliance in the study of language and literature on spiritual and moral values ​​serves not only a more successful speech, but also a deeper spiritual and moral development of the child.

    The most important area of ​​preschool education is the aesthetic development of the child. This is explained by the fact that artistic culture largely forms the imaginative thinking of a person, his culture of feelings, attitude to the world, the image of a person himself and his way of life, his behavior, his relationship with the world. Because of this, artistic culture is of paramount importance in shaping the personality of a preschool child.

    The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO, starting with the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual) and ending with the requirement of “implementation of independent creative activity” are fully embedded in the content of spiritual and moral education in kindergarten.

    Of particular importance is filling the content of aesthetic education in kindergarten not only with perfect aesthetic works, but also with works with a deep spiritual and moral content. And it is precisely Christian art that helps to teach children true beauty and brings up the attitude of the need to serve beauty. Knowledge of Orthodox art enriches and develops the aesthetic sphere of the child also because the works of art that he can perceive are most consistent with the consciousness of the child: a child of this age loves church music; its perception at preschool age is iconographic, etc.

    The importance of orientation of aesthetic development to Orthodox art lies in the fact that it contributes to the creative development of the personality of a preschool child, his aesthetic taste, vision and sense of the world.

    Effective in working with children are also joint activities to “develop” traditional folk crafts. Mastering a certain craft is motivated not only by its accessibility for the child, the attractiveness of products, but also by the semantic orientation of labor, since the gift will be made for someone. Increasing the child’s interest in the usefulness of the gift, its focus on another person significantly increases diligence and patience in achieving a good result.

    Reliance on traditional values ​​also contributes to the development of aesthetic immunity, which is important to begin to form already during this period of a child’s life in close connection with the formation of spiritual and moral immunity. This is especially important today, when art often serves the dark forces and sinful inclinations of a person, including by distorting true beauty, aestheticizing sin, the dark sides of a person’s life, his base passions, etc. every modern preschooler faces through the social environment, the media, etc.

    Orthodoxy has never diminished the importance of the body. Man is a bodily-spiritual being. The saints say that the most perfect material creation in the world is the human body, and after the resurrection people will rise in their bodies. Therefore, taking care of physical development, bodily health is an important task of traditional spiritual and moral education, since properly organized physical education is an important condition for maintaining and developing a child’s health.

    The content of spiritual and moral education reflects the requirements for the physical development of the child. Each lesson is accompanied by a dynamic pause, the lessons themselves are built in such a way as to contribute to the development of the child’s physical activity.

    On the other hand, the traditional approach to the organization of physical education helps to realize the need to maintain and develop bodily health, it involves a reasonable combination of care for physical, mental and spiritual health. The content of spiritual and moral culture helps to restore the traditional spiritual and moral basis of a person’s physical development. And this is important because such an approach makes it possible to realize the spiritual and moral meaning of bodily development, aims at the formation of a courageous and persistent person, a person who is ready to help people in trouble, in need, a person who works and cares about others.

    In physical education, including preschool, role models are important. And Orthodoxy has its heroes – from heroes to modern warriors and athletes, who organically combine strength, courage and selfless service to God, the Fatherland and people, defend goodness, uphold justice.

    This approach helps to enrich the content of physical education in kindergarten and further in the system of general education with traditional content – for example, folk types of physical activities and games that are useful not only in physical development classes, but also in all other areas of child upbringing.

    Thus, the system of traditional understanding of human bodily development makes it possible to significantly improve the system of physical education in kindergarten, as it gives it the highest meaning: the understanding that health is given to each person by God and that it is necessary not only for the child himself, but also neighbors, the whole society, and the power should be good and serve the good.

    The content of education is implemented in appropriate technologies. At present, learning technologies are most often understood as part of the educational process that implements a large pedagogical task,

    contents, forms and methods corresponding to this task, which allows you to get a pre-programmed result. Forms and methods are the most important components of technology.

    Classes are the main form of spiritual and moral education in kindergarten. When organizing and conducting classes, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of children’s age. It is important to remember that the level of moral and spiritual development is determined not only by the age of children, but also by the level of their social development, inclusion in the cultural tradition, which is associated with the conditions for the upbringing and education of the child and the way of life of his family. If children grew up in conditions far from the traditional spiritual and cultural way of life, then classes to familiarize them with Orthodox culture, especially in the younger and middle groups, must be carried out taking into account the level of their sociocultural development.

    In the organization of classes, it is important to adhere to a certain structure, which may vary depending on the topic. The approximate structure of the classes is as follows: the first part of the lesson is cognitive; the second is a dynamic pause; the third is artistic and productive activity.

    In the first part of the lesson, before reading one or another literary work, it is advisable to organize viewing of illustrations and (or) listening to recordings with music. The perception of a literary work is qualitatively higher with the inclusion of musical fragments. Also, before working with the text and after, it is desirable to look at illustrations: icons, plot drawings, which, before reading, aim children at a better perception, and after that, to discuss the content of the text and clarify its main idea with the children.

    The first part of the lessons, in turn, may consist of several parts. An obligatory fragment of almost every lesson is reading and discussing with children a small literary work selected in accordance with the topic of the lesson (most often a story, poem, fairy tale) and a thematic conversation on a dialogue basis.

    The second part of the lesson – a dynamic pause – implements the activity principle of mastering moral rules and norms in games (folk games are especially important, educating courage, resourcefulness, ingenuity, will), dramatizations or in musical motor activity. Dynamic pause, depending on its content, can last 2-5 minutes.

    The third part of the lesson is the organization of artistic and productive activities: drawing, modeling, application, designing on a particular topic. Works must certainly be addressed to someone or serve something. For example, works are given to children whose name day falls on the current month (for the younger and middle groups), in the older and preparatory groups, name days are celebrated according to the seasons (autumn, winter, spring). Works are also given as gifts to relatives and friends. A significant part of the work serves as decoration for the room, icons, etc.

    The process of spiritual and moral education can also be organized in other forms: outdoor activities (at least in the courtyard of a kindergarten), excursions (for example, in the city to a nearby temple).

    The peculiarity of the organization of classes in the spiritual and moral education of children lies in the fact that, if possible, classes take place in activities. The implementation of the activity principle is the most important requirement for organizing the spiritual and moral education of preschool children, which ensures the effectiveness of the internalization of external requirements into the internal qualities of the individual, since the informational approach in the form of moral conversations in the education and upbringing of preschool children is less consistent with their age capabilities. On the contrary, at

    activities, children more easily understand the rules of a good and pious life, which are difficult for them to perceive in an abstract verbal form.

    Moral rules in relations and behavior with peers and adults preschoolers master in the classroom, where games are used: plot-role-playing, directing, theatrical, didactic. Fertile material for the content of such games provides oral folk art.

    And almost every lesson involves the use of various types of artistic and productive activities in the practical part: drawing, appliqué, modeling, etc. Such activity develops fine motor skills of hands, forms practical skills, contributes to the formation of aesthetic taste, expands children’s ideas about the world around them and its properties.

    Artistic and productive activity is important for cultivating the virtue of diligence. In the classroom, children communicate and perform creative handicrafts appropriate for their age, introducing them to traditional culture. In an active form, relationships to God, people, nature, man-made objective environment are fixed.

    The performance of work by children in the classroom can be both individual and collective. Needlework for both girls and boys is necessary for the education of diligence, physical development and cannot be underestimated.

    Mastering the content requires appropriate methods, which largely ensure the quality of the educational process. Therefore, it is important to approach with the utmost responsibility the selection of existing or the creation of new methods. The most important requirement for them is that the study of the content should be carried out in the live active activity of children. And this involves the selection of methods that correspond to the age of children, their capabilities, developing the activity, independence and creativity of the child.

    Currently, there are many methods of spiritual and moral education. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups:

    – game: folk games, plot, role-playing, directing, theatrical, didactic, dramatization, mobile, edifying, building. Moral rules in relationships and behavior with peers and adults are easier for preschoolers to master in classes where games are used. Fertile material for the content of such games provides oral folk art.

    – Educational: story, conversation, conversation-discussion, oral teaching, reading works of art of spiritual and moral content, modeling life situations that require a moral choice, learning poems, songs for the holiday; observation, “experimentation”, watching videos and filmstrips, meeting interesting people (for example, art school teachers, members of the church choir), looking at icons, illustrations, paintings for holidays, organizing music classes, concerts using sacred music.

    – educational: holidays, games and exercises of spiritual and moral content, discussion of problematic situations, demonstrations, meetings, targeted walks and excursions, concerts, church visits with further conversation (in agreement with parents), meetings with a priest;

    – activity-behavioral: playing situations, self-service work, cleaning the group and group site, work on interests, artistic and productive activities: making gifts for the holidays, for birthdays, etc . ; organization of exhibitions, joint activities of children and

    parents; design of the photo album “Our Holidays”, design, artistic creativity, music making, etc.

    One of the methods actively used in recent years is the method of projects. However, the best and most important method is still the teacher’s personal example.

    When organizing and conducting classes and events, using certain technologies, forms, methods, it is very important to take into account the specifics of childhood, it is important to remember that the level of spiritual and moral development of children is determined not only by their age, but also by the level of social development, involvement in cultural tradition, which is associated with the conditions of upbringing and education of the child and the way of life of his family. If children grew up in conditions far from the traditional spiritual and cultural way of life, then classes to familiarize them with spiritual and moral culture must be carried out taking into account the level of their sociocultural development.

    Thus, spiritual and moral education is a complex, systemic process that involves its optimal organization in the totality of its main components: tasks, principles, content and technologies.

    Bibliographic list

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education”. M: UTs Perspektiva, 2013. 17 p.

    Ushinsky K.D. Labor and its meaning // Ushinsky K.D. Sobr. op. M.-L., APN RSFSR, 1948. Vol. 2, 656 p.

    Spiritual and moral education of preschool children in kindergarten

    Bibliographic description:

    Demina, GD Spiritual and moral education of preschool children in kindergarten / GD Demina. – Text: direct // Education and upbringing. – 2016. – No. 5 (10). – S. 40-42. — URL: (date of access: 04/10/2021).


    Spiritual and moral education is one of the urgent and most complex problems that must be solved today by everyone who is related to children. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him – it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today’s baby will become.

    The current system of work on the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers in the Belgorod region, built in accordance with the regional model, in general, provides conditions for the free spiritual and moral development of the child’s personality.

    Preschool childhood is an important stage in the formation of a person’s moral character. During these years, the foundations of morality are laid in children, initial aesthetic ideas are formed, and interest in the phenomena of social life begins to appear. Children ask many questions to teachers, parents, seek to learn more about their homeland, region, place where they live. It is very important to educate children in love for the Motherland and national traditions, as early as possible, since they form spiritual and moral qualities, the personality of the child develops. It is impossible to organize the upbringing of the younger generation without a spiritual core, without an idea that unites and inspires people. Then the question arises, on the basis of what values ​​we should still educate the younger generation.

    The main task in this direction is to arouse the child’s interest in folk art, arts and crafts, some historical events associated with their native land, and it is very important that this interest be maintained from early childhood to school years.

    Belgorod region is a unique land where the preservation of traditions encourages children to love and pride in the “small” Motherland. Our land is rich, its landscape is beautiful, in every city, district, village there are special traditions in song, arts and crafts, manner of speech, which are passed down from generation to generation. Musical folk art gives children meetings with melodious and sincere melodies, with genuine, lively, bright, figurative and affectionate native language. Therefore, the organization of work on the spiritual and moral education of children in the family, kindergarten is so important. Unfortunately, today’s young parents, for the most part, do not know the national traditions of spiritual education, although they have a positive attitude towards their revival. And an educational institution, under certain conditions, can just revive the foundations of the traditional spiritual education of children. In order to start work in the field of spiritual and moral education, certain conditions are necessary:

    – Create a subject-developing environment for the educational process;

    ‒ To provide program-methodical and fiction literature;

    ‒ Professional competence of teachers on this issue.

    It is very remarkable that since 1994 a museum of Russian antiquities “Gornitsa” has been opened in our kindergarten for a more visual acquaintance of children with the folk life and traditions of the Russian people. We conduct excursions, get-togethers in our favorite museum, created with the help of educators and parents (there is a “red corner” with the icon of “Jesus Christ”, ancient household items live, cross-stitched paintings, self-woven rugs; Nastasyushka spinning wheel, samovar Elizar, kitchen utensils, Pavlukha’s iron does not spare his belly, Agathon’s gramophone, Arina’s Russian stove with cast iron and tongs, Andryukh’s real grandmother’s chest, which stores costumes, embroidered towels, scarves, valances, tablecloths, etc.)

    Children visit Gornitsa with pleasure, meet with the “owners” of the hut, grandmother Maria and grandfather Ivan, who tell how to lay down the stove, how to carry water with a yoke, what clothes were worn in the old days, etc. Children really like to spend their leisure time in Gornitsa ”, learn about antiques, touch museum exhibits, sit at a spinning wheel, and how good it is to taste pies and bagels with tea. On the basis of the mini-museum, events are held to familiarize children with national traditions, Russian life, the Sudarushka folklore circle is working, joint events with parents: “Who lives in a little house?”, “Mysteries of a grandmother’s chest”, “Painted spinning wheel” and others .

    An amazing and mysterious phenomenon of folk culture is holidays and rituals. The moral education of preschool children is especially important, because it is at preschool age that a child is especially receptive to the assimilation of moral norms and requirements. This is one of the very important aspects of the process of shaping the personality of the child.

    In the spiritual and moral education of the child, the interaction of the teacher with the family is of great importance. In the family, from the first days of life, the child establishes the laws of moral relations, masters moral standards. In the preschool period, the formation of the personality of the child takes place.

    The experience of our preschool institution has shown that systematic, constructive cooperation with the family, aimed at preserving the traditions of continuity and continuity of spiritual and moral education in kindergarten, requires new forms, and sometimes updating the methods of work of teachers and parents. The kindergarten is obliged and able to take on the support of the family in matters of spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

    This year, with the help of educators and parents, the Our Traditions project was implemented to familiarize preschoolers with the origins of Russian national culture. Parents actively helped at home to carry out the application of felt boots for the holiday “Russian felt boots”, “chamomile of the family” for the “Day of family, love and fidelity”. Enthusiastic parents took part in the exhibitions “Easter Chime”, “Christmas”. At the last parent-teacher meeting for parents, grandparents and, of course, children, the Gubkin Gatherings celebration took place, where the children showed what they had learned over the whole year. Very fervent ditties were performed by grandmothers and grandchildren. The children told a story about Russian antiquities, told proverbs and sayings about kindness, about the Motherland, played folk instruments together with their grandparents. And what games our grandmothers played, we also learned by playing with our parents and grandparents in the Russian folk games “In the bell ringer”, “Shop – sukovalochka”.

    As a result of the work, we can say that:

    ‒ The spiritual and moral potential and professional competence of teachers in matters of spiritual and moral education of preschool children have increased;

    ‒ Parents began to show more active interest in the spiritual and moral development of the child’s personality and actively participate in the life of children in kindergarten;

    ‒ Children try to be responsive, apply their knowledge of moral standards in life, convey them to their parents.

    Thus, it is difficult to count on profound changes, but systematic work is bearing fruit. We will continue to work on spiritual and moral education in the future.


    1. Zhirova, O. Ya. We play and sing together, but we recognize the old Belgorodskaya. — Belgorod. 1998, -96s;
    2. Knyazeva, L.D., Makhaneva, M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program Educational and methodological guide. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 1998,-304s;
    3. Feoktistova T.K., Shestyakova N.P. “Spiritual and moral education of older preschoolers” M: 1997, – 95p.

    Basic terms (automatically generated) : kindergarten, Child, spiritual and moral education, parent, grandmother, arts and crafts, spiritual and moral education of preschoolers, personality of the child, moral education of preschoolers, Russian antiquity.

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    Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education

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    We deliver spiritual, moral, social and cultural [SMSC] guidance through the spirit of the school via:

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    • Policies
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    Cultural development – promotion through other aspects of school life. Our vision statement and golden rules emphasize respect for others, including the culture of others where appropriate. Extra-curricular activities such as arts and crafts and the choir provide opportunities for cultural enrichment. The music and stories used in corporate worship are varied and also contribute to the cultural development of students. Throughout the year, children are visited by a number of groups from the wider community, including theater groups. The drama reflects a wide range of activities from different cultures, and language of the month screenings at the school also promote cultural interest.

    Bring out the best in everyone

    Moral education – a brief history of moral education, the return of character education, modern approaches to moral education people. Most thinkers, educators, and parents recognize that children are born helpless and need adult care and guidance during adolescence, and often beyond. In particular, children need to learn how to live harmoniously in society. Historically, the mission of schools has been to develop in youth both intellectual and moral virtues.

    Caring for moral virtues such as honesty, responsibility, and respect for others is the realm of moral education.

    Thus, moral education means helping children acquire those virtues or moral habits that will enable them to individually live a good life and at the same time become productive and useful members of their community. From this point of view, moral education should not only help students as individuals, but also the social cohesion of society. The word morality comes from the Latin root ( mos, moris ) and means the code or customs of the people, the social glue that determines how people should live together.

    A Brief History of Moral Education

    Every sustainable community has a moral code, and it is the responsibility of adults to instill that code in the hearts and minds of young people. Since the advent of schooling, adults have expected schools to make a positive contribution to the moral education of children. When the first public schools were founded in the New World, moral education was the main concern. New England Puritans believed that the moral code was based on the Bible. Therefore, it was necessary that children be taught to read in order to gain access to its foundational wisdom. As early as 1642, a law was passed in the colony of Massachusetts requiring parents to educate their children. In 1647, the famous Satan’s Old Deception Act tightened the law. Without the ability to read the scriptures, children will fall prey to Satan’s snares.

    Colonial period. As the regular school spread throughout the colonies, the moral education of children was taken for granted. Formal education had a distinct moral and religious emphasis. Harvard College was founded to prepare the clergy for work. The men who wrested the United States from the British crown risked their fortunes, their families, and their very lives in their seditious rebellion. Most of them received a classical education in philosophy, theology, and political science, so they realized that the great thinkers of history had neglected democracy. They knew that democracy contained the seeds of its own destruction and could degenerate into a mobocracy, with the many preying on the few and political leaders indulging the citizens’ hunger for bread and circuses. The writings of the founders, especially Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John and Abigail Adams, and Benjamin Franklin, are full of exhortations that their new country is making education a top priority. While early leaders saw economic reasons for more and longer education , they were convinced that the form of government they were adopting was, at heart, a moral agreement between people.

    Nineteenth century. As the young republic took shape, schooling was encouraged for both secular and moral reasons. In 1832, while some of the Founding Fathers were still alive, Abraham Lincoln wrote in his first political statement (March 9, 1832): much more general than at present. Horace Mann, a nineteenth-century advocate of the public schools, strongly advocated moral education. He and his followers were troubled by the widespread drunkenness, crime and poverty of the Jacksonian period in which they lived. waves of immigrants pouring into cities unprepared for urban life and especially unprepared for participation in democratic civic life. Mann and his supporters saw free public schools as the ethical leaven of society. In 1849year, in his twelfth and final report to the Massachusetts Board of Education, he wrote that if children between the ages of four and sixteen could experience “the uplifting influence of good schools, the dark mass of personal vices and social crimes that now harden the inner world and darken civilization of that time, in 99 cases could do it. out of every 100 will be expelled from the world” (p. 96).

    In the nineteenth century, teachers were hired and trained with a clear expectation that they would advance the moral mission of the school and emphasize character building. Literature, biography, and history were taught with the express intention of instilling in children high moral standards and good examples to guide their lives. The headings in the student notebook offered morally uplifting thoughts: “Quarrelsome people are always dangerous companions” and “Praise follows tension.” The most successful textbooks during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were MacGuffey’s famous readers, who were filled with moral stories, exhortations, and lessons. During this period of our evolution as a nation, moral education was deeply embedded in the very structure of our schools.

    However, there was something else in the structure of moral education that made it problematic: religion. In the United States, as a group of colonies and later as a new nation, the prevailing dominant religion was Protestantism. While not as prominent as in the Puritan era, the King James Bible was nonetheless a staple of US public schools. It was believed that here is the root of the moral code. However, as immigrants from Ireland, Germany, and Italy arrived in the country from the mid-nineteenth century onward, the pan-Protestant tone and orthodoxy of the schools came under scrutiny and a backlash arose. divorced from the faith, Catholics developed their own school system. Later in the twentieth century, other religious groups such as Jews, Muslims, and even various Protestant denominations created their own schools. Each group has desired, and continues to desire, that its moral education be based on its respective faith or code.

    XX century. During the same period of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the reaction against organized religion and belief in the spiritual dimension of human existence also intensified. Intellectual leaders and writers were deeply influenced by the ideas of the English naturalist Charles Darwin, the German political philosopher Karl Marx, the Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, the German philosopher and poet Friedrich Nietzsche, as well as an increasingly rigorous interpretation of the separation of church and state doctrine. This trend intensified after the Second World War and even more intensified due to the fact that at the end of 1960s There seemed to be big cracks in the moral consensus of the country. Since, for so many Americans, the strongest roots of moral truth lie in their religious beliefs, educators and others have become wary of using schools for moral education. More and more it was perceived as the destiny of the family and the church. Some educators have become proponents of “value-free” learning, ignoring the fact that it is impossible to create a school devoid of ethical issues, lessons and controversies.

    During the last quarter of the twentieth century, as many schools tried to ignore the moral dimension of education, three things happened: academic achievement began to decline, discipline and behavior problems increased, and voices arose accusing the schools of teaching secular humanism. At the same time, teachers were encouraged to address students’ moral problems using two approaches: value clarification and moral education in terms of cognitive development.

    First, value clarification, is based on little theory other than the assumption that students need to practice choosing between moral alternatives and that teachers should be facilitators in the clarification process rather than propagators of certain moral ideas or values. This approach, although widely applied, has been heavily criticized, among other things, for promoting moral relativism among students. While few educators are now confidently advocating values ​​clarification, vestiges of teacher neutrality and indecision about actively addressing ethical and moral issues remain.

    The second approach, cognitive development and moral education, originated from the work of the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and was developed by Lawrence Kohlberg. Unlike value clarification, cognitive moral development is theory-based and does not require classroom application. In his most popular form, Kohlberg postulated six successive stages of moral development that humans could potentially achieve. Each stage represents a peculiar representation of a person about a moral situation or problem. Teachers are encouraged to engage students from an early age and throughout their education in the discussion of moral issues and dilemmas. In the last years of his life, Kohlberg urged educators to transform their schools into “just communities”, an environment in which the moral development of students would be accelerated.

    The return of character building

    In the early 1980s, amid widespread concern about poor academic achievement and student behavior, educators rediscovered the word symbol . Moral education had a religious connotation, which bothered many. The character, with its emphasis on forming good habits and eliminating bad habits, evoked a popular and traditional response. The word and the hieroglyph has a Greek root derived from the verb “to engrave”. Thus, the character turns to the active process of putting marks or marks (i.e., good habits) on his face. It is widely recognized that the early formation of good habits is in the best interests of both the individual and society.

    Also, character building is seen as something that parents start early, but the work is hardly completed when the child goes to school. The concept of character implies the recognition that adults begin the engraving process with consideration for others, self-control and responsibility, then teachers and others contribute to the work, but ultimately the young person takes over the engraving or image-building. his own character. It is clear, however, that given their learning requirements and difficult circumstances, children’s school years are an excellent opportunity for the formation of positive and negative (that is, virtues and vices) character.

    The impetus and energy behind the return of character education to American schools did not come from the educational community. This was driven, first, by parents’ desire for organized schools that emphasize standards of conduct and good habits, and second, by state and national policymakers who responded to these parental concerns. During his presidency, William Clinton has held five character education conferences. President George W. Bush expanded the programs of the previous administration and made character education a major focus of his education reform program. One of the politically appealing aspects of character education, as opposed to moral education with its religious overtones, is that character education is more about making a good citizen. A widely accepted definition (e.g., character education helps a child to know goodness, desire goodness, and do good) touches on this issue. exclusively with the formation of a good citizen.

    Modern Approaches to Moral Education

    The vast majority of public education efforts to address moral issues are currently under the banner of character education. Also, because these conscious efforts to address character building problems are relatively recent, they are often referred to as “” character building programs. The term program , however, refers to individual initiatives that replace an activity or that are added to the school curriculum (for example, a new reading program or math program). And while there are character education programs available, both commercial and otherwise, most advocates are urging public schools to take an embedded approach to character education.

    Infusion approach. Overall, the infusion approach to character education aims to return student character building to the center of schooling. Rather than simply adding character building to other school responsibilities such as numeracy, literacy, vocational education, health education and other goals, the emphasis on good character permeates the entire school experience. In essence, character education integrates intellectual development as the primary goals of the school. In addition, character building is seen not as a competition with or as an addition to the goals of acquiring knowledge and skills, but as an important factor contributing to the achievement of these goals. In order to create a healthy learning environment, students need to develop such virtues as responsibility and respect to others. They should get rid of the habit of laziness and carelessness and acquire the habits of self-control and diligence. The infusion approach is based on the notion that good habits that build character in turn contribute directly to academic learning goals.

    The foundation of the infusion approach is to rebuild, revise, or create a school mission statement that reflects the priority given to developing good character. Such a statement legitimizes adult and student attention to this educational goal. He tells administrators that teachers and staff should be hired with good character as a criterion; he tells teachers that students should emphasize not only character, but also their own characters; he tells coaches that athletics should be seen through the lens of sportsmanship, not win and lose; and he tells the students that their efforts and difficulties, their successes and disappointments, are all part of a larger process, the formation of their characters.

    Critical to the infusion approach is the use of the curriculum as a source of character building. This is especially true of language arts, social studies, and history curricula. The focus of these subjects is on the study of people, real and fictional. Our great narratives contain moral lessons. They convey to young people vivid images of people our culture admires and wants to emulate. These items also show them how lives can be wasted, or worse, how people can betray themselves and their communities. Upon learning of the heroism of the former slave Sojourner Truth, who became an evangelist and reformer, and the betrayal of Benedict Arnold, an American army officer, who betrayed his country to the British is more than collecting historical information. Encounter with these lives fires the student’s moral imagination and deepens his understanding of what constitutes the life of character. Other subjects, such as math and science, can teach students the need for intellectual honesty. The curricula of our schools contain not only basic knowledge about our culture, but also about our moral heritage.

    In addition to the official or open curriculum, schools and classrooms also have a hidden or hidden curriculum. School rituals, traditions, rules and procedures influence students’ perceptions of what is right and wrong, as well as desirable and undesirable behavior. It’s the same with the student culture at school. What happens in the cafeteria, bathrooms, locker rooms and on the bus sends a powerful message to students. This ethos or moral climate of the school is difficult to observe and clearly categorize. However, teachers who are committed to the infusion approach pay serious attention to it.

    An important element of the infusion approach is the language used by the school community to deal with issues of character and morality. Infusion teachers and administrators use the language of the virtues and talk about good and bad behavior and right and wrong. Words such as responsibility, respect, honesty and perseverance are part of the working vocabulary of adults and students alike.

    Other approaches. One of the most popular approaches to character building is service training. This approach, sometimes referred to as community service, is a conscious effort to give students the opportunity, guidance, and practice to become moral agents. Based on the concept of character building by the Greek philosopher Aristotle (for example, a person becomes virtuous by doing virtuous deeds; brave by doing bold deeds), many schools and school districts have comprehensive service training programs. , feeding gerbils in class or straightening desks and chairs. They later move on to teaching younger students and eventually move on to more challenging activities in the last years of high school. Typically, these high school ministry training activities are held off campus in a home for the blind, a hospital, or a day care center. In addition to accommodation, the school provides instruction, guidance and problem-solving support to students when they encounter problems and difficulties.

    In recent years, schools across the country have adopted a “dignity (or value) of the month” approach, in which the entire school community emphasizes the quality of cooperation or kindness. Consideration of the virtues of this particular month is reflected in the curriculum, special meetings, hallway and classroom displays, and home newsletters. Related to this are school-wide programs such as No Humiliation Projects, which focus on the damaging and damaging effects of sarcasm and offensive language, and teach students to replace humiliation with civil forms of communication.

    There are several skills development and classroom learning strategies that are often associated with character building. Among the most common are training in mediation and conflict resolution skills, where students receive direct instruction on how to deal with disagreements and potential conflicts between fellow students. Many proponents of cooperative learning argue that instructing students using this learning process has the added benefit of teaching students the habits of helping others and fostering friendships between students they might otherwise not interact with.

    Problems and Controversies

    The moral education of children is a matter of deep concern for everyone, from parents to civic and religious leaders. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this topic has caused concern and controversy throughout the history of American schools. Moral questions touch upon the most fundamental human beliefs. Since, by international standards, Americans are both highly religiously observant and religiously diverse, it is not surprising that debates about moral education and personality education often have a religious source. Particularly after a period when moral education was not on the agenda of most public schools, his return causes concern among some citizens. Many anti-religionists see this renewed interest in moral education as a religious outlook that sends them back to school “through the back door.” On the other hand, many religious people are suspicious of his return because they perceive it as an attempt to undermine their family’s religious education through state-sponsored secular humanism. However, in the early twenty-first century, renewed attention to this area has been relatively free of controversy.

    Creating a positive climate contributes to the use of the term , the symbol , and not morality. While morality has a religious connotation for many, the word hieroglyph speaks of good habits and civic virtues that hold the community together and allow us to live together in harmony.

    The second question concerns the level of the schools and the age of the students. The revival of character education in our schools has manifested itself to a much greater extent in the elementary schools. Here, schools can focus on moral foundations on which there is a broad public consensus. The same, but to a lesser extent, for secondary and junior high schools. And while there are many positive examples of high schools that have implemented broad and effective character education programs, high school teachers are hesitant to use character building. This is partly due to departmental structure and curriculum time requirements; partly it is the age and education of their students; This is partly because few high school teachers feel they have clear authority to deal with matters of morality and character.

    The third question concerns teacher education. Where once educators studied the philosophy and history of education—courses that introduced them to the American school’s traditional involvement in moral and moral education—few states now require these courses. teachers and their replacement with a large number of new teachers. These young teachers tend to be products of elementary and secondary schools where teachers pay little or no attention to moral and personality education. In addition, study 1999, conducted by the Character Education Partnership in half of the nation’s teacher training schools, found that while over 90 percent of these program leaders believed that character education should be a priority in teacher training, only 13 percent were satisfied. through the efforts of their institution.

    Evaluation of moral and character education

    There are several character education programs with encouraging evaluation results. The Character Development Project (CDP) has over 18 years of experience in several K-6 schools, and in those schools where teachers received on-site training and support, more than 52 percent of student outcome variables showed significant differences. The Boy Scouts of America developed a training program for life in the early 1990s for elementary schools. This commercially available stand-alone curriculum teaches core moral values ​​such as honesty and responsibility. In a large-scale controlled experiment involving fifty-nine schools, students exposed to the Learning for Life materials showed significant progress in understanding the core values ​​of the curriculum, but teachers also rated them as having greater self-discipline and ability. stay on task.

    However, assessment and assessment of character and moral education is best described as a work in progress. This area is constrained by the lack of an accepted set of robust tools, the lack of broad agreement on individual or school-wide outcomes, and the short-term nature of most existing research. These limitations are further complicated by a lack of theoretical agreement on character. Human character is one of those all-encompassing entities that is the subject of students from philosophy to theology, from psychology to sociology. Moreover, even within these disciplines, there are competing and conflicting theories and understandings of the nature of human character. But while the tasks of evaluation are daunting, they are overshadowed by the sheer scale of the adult community’s desire to make sure our children have a moral compass and good habits that underlie healthy character.


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    C HAZAN , B ARRY .1985. Modern approaches to moral education: analysis of alternative theories. New York: Teachers College Press.

    C OLES , R OBERT . 1989. Call of stories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

    D AMON , W ILLIAM . 1995. Great Expectations: Overcoming the culture of indulgence in our homes and schools. New York: Free Press.

    E BERLY , D ON E. , ed.1995. American character: restoration of civic virtue. Lanham, MD: Madison.

    H IMMELFARB , G ERTRUDE . 1995. The Demoralization of Society: From Victorian Virtues to Modern Values. New York: Knopf.

    K ILPATRICK , W ILLIAM K. 1992. Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right from Wrong: Moral Literacy and the Case for Character Building. New York: Simonand Schuster.

    K REFT , P ETER .1986. Back to virtue. San Francisco: Ignatius.

    L EWIS , C LIVE S. 1947. The Abolition of Man. New York: McMillian.

    L ICKONA , T HOMAS . 1991. Character Education: How Our Schools Can Teach Respect and Responsibility. New York: Bantam.

    M ACINTYRE , A LASDAIR . 1981. After virtue. Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press.

    M ANN , H ORACE . 1849. Twelfth Annual Report of the Board of Education, together with Twelfth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board of Education. Boston: Dutton and Wentworth.

    N UCCI , L ARRY P., ed. 1989. Moral development and character education: a dialogue. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.

    P OWER , F. C LARK ; H IGGINS , A N.N. ; and K OHLBERG , L AWRENCE .1989. Lawrence Kohlberg’s approach to moral education. New York: Columbia University Press.

    P RITCHARD , I VOR . 1998. A good education: the virtues of learning. Norwalk, CT: Judd.

    R YAN , K EVIN and B OHLIN , K AREN . 1999. Character Building in Schools: Practical Ways to Implement Moral Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

    W ILSON , J AMES Q.1993. Moral sense. New York: Free Press.

    W RIGHT , R OBERT . 1994. The moral animal: why we are the way we are. New York: Pantheon.

    Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Activities in School (SMSC)

    Our R.E. The school’s curriculum is as follows: –

    For the full version of the SMSC policy, click the following link to download

    Spiritual, moral, social and cultural policy 2015 (SMSC)

    1. Spiritual development

    as a school, we strive to provide training opportunities that will allow students: 9000

    • Supporting a sense of own dignity in the process of studying.
    • Develop their capacity for critical and independent thinking.
    • Maintain an emotional life and express your feelings
    • Experience moments of silence and reflection.
    • Discuss their beliefs, feelings, values, and reactions to personal experiences.
    • Form and maintain beneficial and satisfying relationships
    • Meditate, contemplate and celebrate the wonders and mysteries of life.

    2. Moral Development

    As a school, we are committed to providing learning opportunities that enable students to:

    • Recognize the unique value of each person.
    • Listen to the opinions of others and respond appropriately.
    • Gain the confidence to deal with setbacks and learn from your mistakes.
    • Show initiative and act responsibly, caring for others.
    • Distinguish between right and wrong.
    • Be environmentally friendly.
    • Make informed and independent judgments.

    3. Social Development

    As a school, we are committed to promoting opportunities that enable students to:

    • Develop an understanding of your individual and group identity.
    • Learn about service at school and in the community at large.

    4. Cultural Development

    As a school, we strive to promote opportunities that will enable students to:

    • Recognize the value and richness of cultural diversity in the UK and how it has affected people and society.
    • Develop an understanding of one’s social and cultural environment.
    • Develop an understanding of the British local, national, European, Commonwealth and global dimension.
    • Opportunities to give students a broader understanding of world history
    • Relationship with Curriculum Areas
    • Develop awareness of other cultures through the study of history (including the Shang Dynasty)

    Spiritual, moral, social and cultural values ​​


    Examine beliefs and experiences; respect faith, feelings and values; to enjoy the knowledge of oneself, others and the world around; use imagination and creativity; reflect. (Official definition of “ spiritual development “)

    The spiritual development of students is evidenced by them:

    • the ability to reflect on their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, which reflect their outlook on life, as well as their interest in and respect for the beliefs, feelings and values ​​of different people.
    • feeling of pleasure and passion for knowing oneself, others and the world around
    • using imagination and creativity in teaching
    • willingness to reflect on their experiences.


    Recognize good and evil; respect the law; understand the consequences; explore moral and ethical issues; express reasoned opinions. (The official definition is “ moral development “)

    The moral development of students is evidenced by them:

    • the ability to recognize the difference between good and evil and easily apply this understanding in one’s life, to recognize legal boundaries and at the same time respect the civil and criminal law of England
    • understanding the consequences of one’s behavior and actions
    • an interest in exploring and presenting reasoned views on moral and ethical issues, as well as the ability to understand and appreciate the views of others on these issues.

    Social networks

    Use a range of social skills; participate in the life of the local community; appreciate different points of view; participate, volunteer and collaborate; to resolve a conflict; adhere to the “British values” of democracy, the rule of law, freedom, respect and tolerance. (Official definition “ social development “)

    The social development of students is evidenced by them:

    • using a range of social skills in different contexts, such as working with and interacting with other students, including those from different religious, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds
    • Willingness to participate in diverse communities and social settings, including through volunteering, working well with others, and being able to effectively resolve conflicts
    • acceptance and observance of the fundamental British values ​​of democracy, the rule of law, individual freedom, mutual respect and tolerance towards people of different faiths and beliefs; they develop and demonstrate the skills and attitudes that will enable them to participate fully and make a positive contribution to today’s UK.


    Appreciate cultural influences; evaluate the role of the British parliamentary system; participate in cultural opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity. (Official definition “ cultural development “)

    The cultural development of students is evidenced by them:

    • understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others
    • understanding and appreciating the diversity of cultures at school and beyond as an important element in their preparation for life in contemporary Britain
    • knowledge of the UK’s democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values ​​and in the future development of the UK
    • Willingness to participate in and respond positively to creative, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities
    • interest in learning about, understanding and respecting different faiths and cultural diversity, and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and welcome diversity, as evidenced by their tolerance and attitude towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in local, national and global communities.

    Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development » Christ Church Primary School CE Barnet

    In Christ Church we are HEARTSMART . Find out what this means for us by clicking on the document below.

    Spiritual development

    Children participate in religious education, where they explore their religious and spiritual identity, as well as the identity of their classmates.

    We celebrate important events such as birthdays and festivals and make children feel special and appreciated. Families are encouraged to share important moments with us.

    We create opportunities for children to develop their knowledge of the world and its ability to inspire awe and wonder.

    We schedule time for the children to be quiet and thoughtful. We give them space for their own thoughts, ideas and concerns.

    Moral Development

    We encourage children to respond appropriately to the needs and feelings of others and to be considerate and kind to others. We create opportunities for children to learn from people who are great role models of positive behavior.

    We teach children to communicate in a way that enables them to build positive relationships and enjoy participating in school and social life.

    Through the curriculum, we give children the opportunity to learn and develop moral concepts and values, such as individual rights and obligations, truth, justice, equality of opportunity, right and wrong. We also offer examples of moral virtue in literature, the humanities, the sciences, the arts, meetings, and worship.

    Social development

    We offer a range of activities that develop children’s social skills and understanding, such as how to care for people, creatures, property and the environment. We teach children to work collaboratively as members of a group or team, taking turns and sharing with each other in different social contexts.

    We create opportunities for children to develop positive relationships with peers and adults, including those with different needs. We teach children to help and support others and experience being helped.

    We teach a range of social skills in a variety of contexts, including working and interacting with students from different religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, needs and abilities.

    Cultural Development

    We celebrate each other’s cultural identities and teach children to value their own cultural heritage and develop a positive personal identity, as well as respect the values ​​and beliefs of others.

    We encourage children to participate in and respond positively to a range of artistic, musical, sports, math, technology, science and cultural opportunities.

    We empower children to experience and respond positively to the languages, food, music, artifacts and cultural practices of different and diverse communities.

    We encourage children to take an interest in learning about cultural diversity and to have a positive attitude towards different religions, ethnic and socio-economic groups in local, national and global communities.

    (PDF) The role of health education in schools in the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of adolescents

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    diverse youth. Journal of Adolescent Studies 29(2): 186–212.

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    WHO Health Promoting Schools Framework for improving student health, well-being and academic achievement.0002 reviews 4: CD008958.

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    Luszczynska A, Gutiérrez-Doña B and Schwarzer R (2005a) Overall self-efficacy in various areas of human functioning

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    Michaelson W., Brooks F., Jirasek I. et al. (2016) Patterns of adolescent mental health development in six

    countries. SSM: Population Health 2: 294–303.

    Murray NG, Lowe BJ, Hollis S. et al. (2007) Coordinated school health programs and academic achievement:

    Systematic review of the literature. Journal of School Health 77(9): 589–600.

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    Olweus D (1996) Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire. Bergen: University of Bergen.

    PSHE Association (2017) Curriculum for Life: The Case for Compulsory Personal, Social, Medical and Economic Education

    (PSHE). Available at:


    PSHE Association (2018) Curriculum Guide. Available at:

    -and-resources/curriculum (accessed April 4, 2018).

    Schwarzer R and Jerusalem M (1995) Generalized scale of self-efficacy. In: Weinman J, Wright S and Johnston

    M (Eds. ) Measures in Health Psychology: User Portfolio. Causal and controlling beliefs. Windsor:

    NFER-NELSON, pp. 35–37.

    Sklad M., Dykstra R., De Ritter M. et al. (2012) Effectiveness of school universal social, emotional and behavioral programs

    : Do they help students develop skills, behaviors and adaptations –

    ? Psychology in School 49(9): 892–909.

    Suhrcke M and De Paz Nieves C (2011) Impact of health and health behaviors on educational outcomes

    in high-income countries. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.

    United Nations General Assembly (1989) Convention on the Rights of the Child. United Nations, Treaty Series 1577: 1–15.

    Weathers E., McCarthy J. & Coffey A. (2016) Analyzing the Concept of Spirituality: An Evolutionary Approach.

    Nursing Forum 51(2): 79–96.

    White J (1994) Instead of OFSTED: A critical discussion of OFSTED on “spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

    “.. Cambridge Journal of Education 24(3): 369–377.

    World Health Organization (WHO) (1946) Constitution of the World Health Organization adopted by the International Health Conference

    , New York, June 19–22, 1946; signed on July 22, 1946 by 90,003 representatives of 90,002 representatives of 61 states. Available at:

    Willis B and Wolstenholme C (2016) Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) Education under Coalition Government

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    Willis B., Clag L. and Caldwell M. (2013) Effective PSHE Education: Values, Goals and Directions for the Future.

    Pastoral care in education 31 (2): 99–111.

    The importance of morality in education

    “The main thing is not knowledge, but character,” said Joseph Le Conte. The significance of educators’ influence in shaping the impressionable young minds of students is more than the most detailed lesson plans or curriculum map prescriptions. The learning moments that the educator injects into the moral fabric of the students are the lessons that become the excitement that affects others. for life.

    However, in a society that values ​​standardized test scores over character building, the rapid elimination of social interactions that reinforce integrity over a few hours spent with AI is creating a culture that idolizes filtered social media posts rather than giving undocumented hand to those in need. The strength of our actions and investment in the moral and ethical education of students will pay dividends, because you create more than just knowledge; you arm students with a power of goodness and kindness that far surpasses any other result.

    Why is it important to teach morality?

    Turn on the evening news, and the reason for introducing character education stretches and engulfs us like a bad dream. A daily dose of violence, apathy, resentment and reported dissension has reduced our sensitivity to moral degradation. Teaching morality matters because treating your neighbor as yourself is getting rarer and rarer. We need a little less TikTok and a little more Mister Rogers. Schools have a platform to instill what has been missing from our curriculum for so long, but how do we do it?

    How to connect morality to scholarship

    Like many best practices introduced by educators, morality does not need to be taught in isolation, but can be combined with content to make the learning process more effective in many ways.

    Be a role model

    Teachers are heroes in the eyes of students. What sets you apart even more is that you preach in practice. Just as a good teacher models thinking strategies, it is equally important to demonstrate to students how to display moral character.

    Several times I have seen a teacher apologize for misbehavior towards a child. Saying “I’m sorry” can be difficult, especially if he’s never been seen at home. The freedom that comes with knowing we made a mistake, admitting it and asking for forgiveness, is an invaluable gift that we can share with our students.

    Teachers are role models every day when they show compassion, share opinions, choose kind words when it would be easier to shout, and protect marginalized populations. Never underestimate the difference you can make by putting your signature on a student’s mindset.

    Connect to your content

    Self-directed learning is often in the details. The choice of examples or opportunities for your students to relate the content to the fundamentals is of great importance to the students.

    At my school, Washington County Elementary, we ask teachers to engage students in an exciting project. The students studied animals in a separate classroom of kindergarten and first grade, and as a result they chose the animal clinic. Students brought food and supplies for pets and donated them. In turn, they learned about the life cycles of animals visiting the clinic. They wrote cards to veterinarians thanking them for their service. They added up supplies and their cost to use math skills. The teacher chose books to read and interactive texts to read aloud about the life cycles of animals.

    The students had a wealth of experience, and their enthusiasm for the work they were doing showed up in their pride. All the students were involved and wanted to explain everything to me about the project they were working on and I always beamed when they used such complex vocabulary to paint a vivid picture for me, one that I never understand on a worksheet!

    Reward positive behavior

    Maintaining positive behavior as opposed to positive reinforcement of negative behavior keeps your class growing. Instead of focusing on what you’re not good at, praise the positive. When students make a mistake, don’t ignore it; instead let them grow through it. This makes your classroom a safe place and students will have an innate desire to please.

    Construction chips

    One of the golden opportunities teachers often miss is when a student makes a mistake and we don’t spend time thinking about how the mistake was an open door to learning. As a result, we have a generation of students who afraid to be something less than perfect. In hallways, in learning centers, at teacher meetings, and at parent-teacher conferences, I constantly hear that children are not motivated, but in turn, I want to say that today we did not teach students and did not expect them to persevere. It is important to teach students how to solve complex problems. When a student falls short of expectations, whether in behavioral or academic skills, take the time to allow students to correct mistakes.

    How does character building affect students?

    Teachers are needed more than ever in today’s society to make a deep impression on the students they teach. Education is no longer what it was in previous decades; however, we are focusing on the wrong things.

    When we pay more attention to the score than to the heart, we lose generation after generation. If this requires a village, then we must step forward and become a moral warrior. Investing in character development improves attendance. When students know they are valued not only by their teachers but also by their peers, they want to be in school. Respect for others, honesty, compassion for others, and teamwork are all character traits that don’t magically appear when we’re taught how to take an exam. Be more focused on heart work than homework, and your career will be worth more than your paycheck.

    * Updated November 2020

    Therapist – about the treatment of SARS, influenza and tonsillitis | Events | HEALTH

    Unstable Petersburg weather. Today it is cold and windy with snow, and the next day it will be drizzling and thaw. This is a feature of St. Petersburg. Lack of sun and high humidity, which can be detrimental to health. In such a climate, you can’t guess how to dress in the morning so that you can be protected from dampness, hypothermia or overheating before returning home. Unlike Siberia, St. Petersburg has high humidity, early cold compared to the Kuban, Rostov-on-Don, when in November it is -11 in St. Petersburg, and + 27 in Rostov-on-Don. However, the disease itself proceeds the same way everywhere , but in St. Petersburg, due to the climate, there is a predisposition to the occurrence of complications.

    Treatment of influenza, SARS

    It is in these conditions that the incidence of influenza and SARS is growing. A viral infection is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by airborne droplets when talking, coughing, sneezing. Influenza and SARS should never be carried on your feet. Whatever urgent work awaits you, do not risk your health. For your convenience, in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, an appointment is conducted by a qualified general practitioner.

    A sick person who continues to lead a normal life contributes to the spread of the disease. Try to be conscious and minimize communication with other people, thinking about their safety. The sooner you seek help from a general practitioner in St. Petersburg, the shorter the time of your illness will be.

    It is important to know that influenza and ARVI are dangerous due to their complications, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, myocarditis, etc. Try to get more rest, sleep in a ventilated room, breathe fresh air, drink plenty of fluids and eat well. For me, as a general practitioner in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, the question often arises, how does SARS differ from influenza and why do doctors in clinics often diagnose SARS? The fact is that in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, in addition to external signs, laboratory tests are necessary, and if a specific virus is detected, an accurate diagnosis can already be made. As a rule, such studies are not carried out in polyclinics, but are guided by the general epidemiological situation that is already flowing from hospitals where a full range of laboratory tests are performed, so the general practitioner in the clinic establishes the type of group of diseases by common signs, and then, as a rule, interprets according to information received from epidemiological authorities and clear signs of a particular disease.

    Therapist Primorsky district St. Petersburg Chernushevich Natalya Ivanovna

    What is ARVI? ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection, a group of clinically and morphologically similar acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs, the causative agents of which are pneumotropic viruses. ARVI is the most common group of diseases in the world, which includes respiratory syncytial infection, rhinovirus and adenovirus infections, and other catarrhal inflammations of the upper respiratory tract. In the process of development, a viral disease can be complicated by a bacterial infection.

    What are the most common viruses that cause SARS?

    – Influenza (French grippe, from German grippen – “grab”, “sharply squeeze”) is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus. Periodically spreads in the form of epidemics and pandemics. Currently, more than 2000 variants of the influenza virus have been identified, differing in their antigenic spectrum.

    Doctor-therapist St. Petersburg, treatment of influenza

    – Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is a type of virus that causes respiratory infections. It is the main cause of lower respiratory tract infections in newborns and children.

    – Rhinoviruses (lat. Rhinovirus, from other Greek ῥίς / ῥινός – nose) – a group of small RNA-containing species of viruses of the genus enteroviruses, the virions of which do not have an outer shell, and the genome is represented by a single-stranded linear unfragmented RNA molecule associated with protein VPg; includes pathogens of acute respiratory diseases (ARI). The nucleocapsid is organized according to the type of cubic symmetry. After its removal, the extracted RNA remains infective.

    – Adenoviruses (lat. Adenoviridae) – a family of DNA-containing vertebrate viruses lacking a lipoprotein shell. Adenoviruses have a diameter of 70-90 nm, contain a single double-stranded DNA molecule with a molecular weight of 20–29 106 Da.

    Therapist St. Petersburg, treatment of ARVI

    As a rule, the course of diseases of the ARVI group, including the influenza virus, is fleeting and takes from 1 to 2 weeks (with timely proper treatment). The incubation period takes about 3-5 days. Methods of treatment are improved every year. If the patient wants to determine the exact cause of the disease, it is possible to do a laboratory analysis of his sputum and establish the virus that has infected his body, the analysis is usually performed from 1 to 5 days, but this study is not cheap.

    With the timely initiation of treatment, it is often not essential to establish the cause, since the methods of treating certain ARVI diseases are similar. The main thing for the patient is his isolation, peace, warmth, proper nutrition, plenty of drink and medication.

    The main enemy in case of an illness of the ARVI group is the person himself, when he tries to endure the disease “on his feet”. The reason is a general drop in immunity. Therefore, ARVI is not as scary as its complication. Take care of yourself, follow the doctor’s recommendations and do not neglect timely treatment.

    Doctor-therapist St. Petersburg, treatment of angina

    In recent years, influenza vaccination has been actively carried out throughout Russia. In St. Petersburg, for example, you can get a flu shot near almost any metro station. This is a well-thought-out potent method of protecting the country’s population from this type of ARVI disease. We can say that in this way it is possible to partially solve the problem of morbidity. As you know, preschool and school institutions are often the focus of the disease. Thanks to vaccinations, there are already examples when entire kindergartens have not been quarantined due to the flu for a year. However, there are also negative examples when people die due to individual intolerance to the vaccine, poor-quality vaccine and improper administration of the vaccine, which is very rare, but still takes place. Therefore, whether or not to vaccinate is up to you.

    Intestinal or stomach flu. One of the most common illnesses is the stomach flu. It has nothing to do with SARS. Norwalk virus or Norfolk virus (English Norwalk virus) is a type of RNA-containing viruses from the Calicivirus family (Caliciviridae), the only one in the genus Norovirus] (Norovirus). In about 90% of cases, this virus is the cause of epidemics of non-bacterial gastrointestinal diseases worldwide. Norwalk viruses can affect people of all ages. Viruses are transmitted through direct contact with a sick person, through contaminated food or water. Norovirus infection is often referred to as the intestinal or stomach flu.

    In a person who has been ill, immunity is usually not fully developed and is temporary. There is a congenital predisposition to infection, people with the first blood group get sick more often, while the third and fourth blood types are less susceptible to the pathogen.

    Cotton-gauze bandages – effect for an hour. Gauze bandages, contrary to popular belief, are needed not by the healthy, but by the sick, so that they do not spread the infection, which is spread by the aerosol method when sneezing, coughing and breathing.

    Of course, a gauze bandage can partially protect a healthy person, but there are some nuances.

    First, the influenza virus will pass through the gauze, as it is much smaller than the air pockets between the fibers of the gauze;

    secondly, the cotton-gauze bandage should be changed approximately every 40-50 minutes (see instructions on the manufacturer’s packaging) – this is important, since moisture accumulates in the bandage, and breathing provides a comfortable temperature for the growth of pathogenic flora, and already your defense becomes your enemy;

    thirdly, you need to make sure that it does not get wet (some people wear it in snow and rain).

    Therefore, gauze bandages will be effective when they are worn by everyone around: both sick and healthy, constantly changing, which is almost impossible. We can say that there are no guarantees to protect yourself from the flu, but if you limit your stay in crowded places during an epidemic, maintain hygiene and humidify the air in the room, you can significantly reduce the chances of getting sick.

    Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that proper nutrition and a favorable emotional background are protection against influenza. And if you still feel bad, you should immediately consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations, and then the disease will be transient.

    For all your questions, you can contact our therapists who will provide qualified assistance, give recommendations, prescribe treatment and, if necessary, take the necessary tests for laboratory testing.

    Medical Center. Vasilyeva next to you. We are located in close proximity to the Komendantsky Prospekt metro station, we are waiting for you at the reception six days a week. You can make an appointment with a therapist by phone: (812) 342-90-35, or fill out the form on the website: https://3429035. ru. Our email address: [email protected].

    If you need the help of a good general practitioner in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, we will be glad to see you in our medical center.

    How to find us – Komendantsky, 12 (Yandex map).

    The medical center is located on Komendantskaya Square at the intersection of Ilyushin, Gakkelevskaya, Utochkin, Komendantsky pr., Ispytateley avenue next to Aviakonstruktorov avenue, Marshal Novikov st and Sizov avenue. Convenient parking 10 meters from the medical center at the exit from Komendantskaya Square on the street. Ilyushin.

    You can find out more about the consultation of a general practitioner in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg by calling 342-90-35.

    Join our VKontakte group: and get information about new PROMOTIONS! Trichuriasis

    Chapter 2. Parasitic diseases


    Prevention . Mandatory microscopic examination of pork, meat of wild animals, meat products in the process of its production and sale. For a sample during the study, as a rule, the legs of the diaphragm are taken. If at least one larva of Trichinella is found, the meat is destroyed. Burying carcasses of carnivorous animals by hunters after skinning, preventing pigs from eating the carcasses of rodents and other animals, feeding meat of wild mammals to pets is unacceptable.

    Thorough heat treatment of wild animal meat for consumption. Conducting an emergency epidemiological investigation for each case of the disease, medical observation is established for persons who have consumed infected meat for 6 weeks. Sanitary and educational work.

    Preventive treatment of people who have eaten meat products contaminated with trichinella: albendazole 10 mg/kg/day in 2 doses for 5–7 days or mebendazole 0.3 g/day in 3 doses for 7 days, children – 5 mg/kg according to the same scheme.

    Definition . Trichocephalosis is an anthroponotic geohelminthiasis caused by parasitism in the human body of nematodes of the genus Trichocephalus, with a fecal-oral transmission mechanism, characterized by a chronic course with a predominant lesion of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Etiology . A disease caused by parasitism in the human body Trichocephalus trichiuris (human whipworm). Belongs to the class Nematoda, family Trichocephalidae, genus Trichocephalus. Vlasoglav is a medium-sized nematode. The length of the female is approximately 30–55 mm, the male is 30–45 mm. The life span of the parasite is about 5 years.

    Epidemiology . The disease is widespread everywhere, refers to ubiquitous helminthiases. In the world, the number of infected people is about 800 million people.

    Trichuriasis is widespread in temperate, tropical and subtropical climate zones and coincides with the area of ​​distribution of ascariasis, although the intensity of invasion is somewhat different. This is due to the fact that whipworm larvae mature at a higher temperature and humidity, so the highest prevalence of trichuriasis occurs to the south. Trichuriasis – oral geohelminthiasis. The source of invasion is a person whose caecum and other parts of the large intestine are parasitized by sexually mature individuals of the whipworm. The mechanism of transmission is fecal-oral, the routes of transmission are food, water, household. Transmission factors can be fruits, vegetables and other foodstuffs, water, utensils, household items contaminated with invasive whipworm eggs. Workers of sewage treatment plants, sewer networks, field growers get sick more often. Due to the duration of parasitization of the whipworm in the human body, seasonality of the disease is not observed.

    Pathogenesis . Mature individuals of whipworm parasitize mainly in the cecum, but with massive invasion they can be found in all parts of the large intestine. The female releases from 1000 to 3500 eggs per day, which are excreted with feces into the external environment. Orally with water, insufficiently washed vegetables and


    Infectious Disease Manual

    fruit invasive eggs enter the human gastrointestinal tract. In the intestine, the larva emerges from the egg, penetrates the mucous membrane of the small intestine with its head end and parasitizes here from 3 to 10 days. Then it again enters the intestinal lumen, slides down to the caecum, where it penetrates the mucous membrane with its hair-like end. After 30–40 days, the whipworm larva reaches sexual maturity and starts laying eggs. The duration of stay of sexually mature individuals in the human body reaches 5 years. The greatest importance in the pathogenesis of trichuriasis belongs to the traumatization of the mucous membrane, first of the small, then the large intestine. Penetrating with its filamentous end into the mucous membrane, the whipworm reaches the submucosa, and sometimes the muscle layer. In these places, edema, hemorrhage, erosion and necrosis are formed.

    Clinic. Clinical manifestations of trichuriasis appear when the parasites reach sexual maturity (30-40 days after the invasion). Patients complain of salivation, decreased appetite, nausea, sometimes vomiting, and abdominal pain. Often there is a headache, dizziness, restless sleep, irritability, decreased performance. With intensive invasion, a severe dysentery-like syndrome develops. Patients develop chronic diarrhea with bloody loose stools, tenesmus.

    Cases of rectal prolapse (due to persistent diarrhea), epileptiform seizures, Meniere’s syndrome are described in case of intensive invasion in children. With a low intensity, whipworm invasion is asymptomatic. In the blood – hypoor normochromic anemia, less often slight eosinophilia.

    Complications: typhlitis, appendicitis, peritonitis, rectal prolapse, hypoor normochromic anemia.

    Diagnosis . The diagnosis of trichocephalosis can be made after the detection of whipworm eggs in the feces. The enrichment methods of Fülleborn, Kalantaryan, Krasilnikov are used. Has not lost its value and sigmoidoscopy. During sigmoidoscopy (RRS), the mucous membrane of the large intestine is edematous, hyperemic, and whipworms that have penetrated into it are visible.

    Treatment . So far, the treatment of trichuriasis is limited to a small number of effective anthelmintic agents (Table 2.13). The effectiveness of treatment with difezil is 40-60%, with naftamon – 30-40%. In this regard, the drug of choice is mebendazole, in which the effectiveness reaches 60-70%. Control koproovoskopichesky research is carried out in 3-4 weeks. after the end of the course of therapy. If there is no effect, re-treatment should be carried out no earlier than after 2-3 months.

    Table 2.13

    Chemotherapy for trichuriasis


    Therapy of choice

    Reserve therapy



    Albendazole 400 mg orally

    Quantrel 10–20 mg/kg, 2–3 days



    Difezil 5 g halved with sugar


    Mebendazole (vermox) 100 mg

    powder inside one hour before

    trichiurus (whipcap)

    orally 3 days, if needed

    breakfast, if needed

    bridge repeat course

    repeat after 2-3 weeks.

    Chapter 2. Parasitic diseases


    Prevention . Identification and treatment of patients. Strict observance of the rules of personal hygiene, boiling drinking water, thorough washing of fruits, berries, vegetables, garden greens. Prevention of environmental pollution by feces: sanitary improvement of settlements, equipment on their territory of water supply and sewerage systems; for non-sewered closets, impenetrable cesspools are installed, cesspools are regularly cleaned, and feces are disinfected. Fertilize the soil with only composted faeces. Sanitary work.

    Definition . Enterobiasis is an anthroponotic helminthiasis from the group of nematodes caused by the small nematode Enterobius vermicularis, with a fecal-oral mechanism of pathogen transmission, characterized by perianal itching and intestinal dysfunction.

    Etiology . The causative agent is the nematode Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm), belonging to the class Nematoda, family Oxyuridae, genus Enterobius. The pinworm is a grayish-white small nematode. The length of an adult female is 9–12 mm, the male is 3–5 mm. Sexually mature individuals live in the lower sections of the small and upper sections of the human large intestine, with younger parasites localized in the higher sections. After copulation, the males die, and the females produce eggs that are not excreted, but accumulate in the uterus. Young females stick by head vesicles to the intestinal mucosa; as the eggs mature in them and accumulate in the uterus, the females are not able to fix themselves, they sink under the influence of intestinal peristalsis into the rectum. The pinworm actively exits through the anus and lays eggs on the perianal folds, after which it dies. One female lays from 7 to 17 thousand eggs. The larvae in the eggs at this stage are in the tadpole stage. Under favorable conditions (temperature 35–37 °C, humidity not less than 70%), the larva in the egg becomes invasive after 4–5 hours and remains viable for 3 weeks. When ingested in the gastrointestinal tract in the lower small intestine, the larvae emerge from the eggs and reach sexual maturity within 12–14 days. The full life cycle of the parasite in the human intestine does not exceed 1 month.

    Epidemiology . Enterobiasis is the most common helminthiasis. Found in all countries of the world. In the world, this helminthiasis affects 350 million people, most of whom are children.

    Human reservoir and source. The transmission mechanism of the pathogen is fecal-oral, the routes of transmission are food (through food contaminated with helminth eggs, when they are brought into the mouth and nose along with dust) and household (through hands contaminated with eggs). Enterobiasis is characterized by autoinvasion; when combing the perianal region, invasive eggs enter the subungual spaces, then into the oral cavity. Children of preschool and younger age are most often ill.

    Pathogenesis , clinic . The basis of the pathogenesis of enterobiasis is mechanical damage to the intestinal mucosa. Pinworms, attaching to the intestinal mucosa, as well as moving along the intestinal wall, irritate various receptors, which leads to a reflex violation of the motor and secretory functions of the intestine and damage to the mucous membrane. This contributes to the growth of

    Infectious Disease Manual

    gastritis, gastroenteritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, development of secondary inflammatory processes: appendicitis, typhlitis, proctitis, proctosigmoiditis. Constant itching in the perianal region leads to the appearance of non-healing cracks and ulcers of the rectum and contributes to the development of asthenoneurotic syndrome. Female pinworms that penetrate the female genital organs bring bacteria from the intestines.

    The toxic-allergic effects of pinworms have not been fully studied. Metabolic products of helminths cause sensitization of the body with the development of allergies. There are indications of the formation of granulomas on the peritoneum and mucous membrane of the uterus, consisting of epithelioid, giant cells and eosinophils containing eggs, larvae and adult pinworms.

    Diagnosis . Pinworms lay their eggs mainly in the perianal region and very rarely in the intestines. Therefore, they are usually not found in the feces. The main method for diagnosing enterobiasis is scraping (flushing) from the perianal folds of the patient. It is carried out in the morning with a cotton swab dipped in 50% glycerol solution or 1% sodium bicarbonate solution, placed on a glass slide and viewed under a microscope in order to detect eggs. The Graham method (adhesive tape method) is widely used. A piece of adhesive tape is attached to the perianal area, removed, placed with the sticky side on a glass slide and microscoped. Pinworm eggs can also be found in scrapings from the subungual spaces. With a massive invasion in the feces, female pinworms can be found.

    Treatment . Successful deworming in enterobiasis is possible only in combination with drug treatment with anti-enterobiosis sanitary and hygienic measures (Table 2.14). In a comparative study of the effectiveness of treatment with three drugs, the following results were obtained: Vankin – in 96.5% of cases, Combanthrin – in 97.5%, Vermox (mebendazole) – in 98.5%. The most active and well tolerated drug is mebendazole.

    Table 2.14

    Principles of therapy for enterobiasis


    Therapy of choice

    Reserve therapy



    Albendazole 400 mg orally,

    Pyrantel (antimit, kombant

    Nematode Enterobius

    repeat after 2 weeks.

    rin) 11 mg/kg orally, 1 time. Mac

    vermicularis (pinworm)

    Mebendazole (vermox) 100 mg

    Maximum dose 1 g Repeat

    inside 1 time, repeat after

    twice with an interval of 2 weeks.

    2 weeks

    Prevention . Identification and treatment of patients, suspension from work for the duration of treatment of patients belonging to the decreed contingents and equated to them. Children for the period of treatment and control examination are not allowed in preschool educational institutions. Strict observance of the rules of personal hygiene. Prevention of pollution by eggs of helminths of premises of children’s institutions, swimming pools, public catering organizations. Strict control over the cleanliness of hands, housing, office space. Periodic examination of the attendants of children’s institutions for enterobiasis. Proficiency training

    Bill de Blasio – Bill de Blasio

    “de Blasio” redirects here. For others with the given name, see de Blasio (surname).

    De Blasio (/ˈdɪblɑrˈoʊ/; born Warren Wilhelm Jr. ; May 8, 1961; later Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm ) is an American politician serving as the 109th mayor of New York City since 2014. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the New York Public Advocate from 2010 to 2013.

    De Blasio was born in Manhattan and grew up primarily in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He graduated from New York University and Columbia University before having a brief stint as campaign manager for Charles Rangel and Hillary Clinton. De Blasio began his career as an elected official on the New York City Council, representing District 39st in Brooklyn from 2002 to 2009 After serving one term as a public defender, he was elected Mayor of New York in 2013 and re-elected in 2017.

    De Blasio’s political initiatives included new de-escalation training for police officers, reduction in prosecutions for possession of cannabis, the installation of police cameras, and the end of the post-9/11 surveillance program for Muslim residents. In his first term as mayor, he implemented a free, universal early childhood education program in the city. De Blasio drew attention to what he calls the stark economic disparities in New York City, which he characterized during his first campaign as “a tale of two cities”. He supported socially liberal and progressive policies regarding the city’s economy, urban planning, public education, relations with the police, and privatization.

    De Blasio ran in the Democratic primary for the 2020 presidential election. After registering a low number of votes and failing to get past the third round of primary debates, he suspended his campaign on September 20, 2019 and endorsed Bernie Sanders five months later.


    • 1 Early life, family and education
    • 2 Early career
    • 3 New York City Council (2002–2009)

      • 3. 1 Elections
      • 3.2 Ownership
    • 4 New York Public Advocate (2010–2013)

      • 4.1 2009 election
      • 4.2 Ownership

        • 4.2.1 Affordable housing
        • 4.2.2 Campaign financing
        • 4.2.3 Education
    • 5th Mayor of New York (2014–present)

      • 5.1 2013 elections
      • 5.2 2017 election
      • 5.3 Ownership

        • 5.3.1 September 11 attacks
        • 5.3.2 Affordable housing
        • 5.3.3 Budget
        • 5.3.4 Response to COVID-19
        • 5.3.5 Charter schools
        • 5.3.6 Environmental issues
        • 5.3.7 Riots and protests by George Floyd
        • 5.3.8 Israel
        • 5.3.9 Legalization of marijuana
        • 5.3.10 Mohel Disclosure Rule
        • 5.3.11 NYPD Relations
        • 5.3.12 Technology and innovation
        • 5.3.13 Transport
        • 5.3.14 Universal kindergarten
    • 6 presidential campaign 2020

      • 6. 1 Acknowledgments
    • 7 Electoral history
    • 8 Personal life

      • 8.1 Religion
      • 8.2 Equity
    • 9 See also
    • 10 notes
    • 12 Further reading
    • 13 External links

    Early life, family and education

    Bill de Blasio’s maternal grandfather came from the Italian city of Sant’Agata de Goti.

    De Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm Jr. on May 8, 1961. While he did not grow up in New York City, his parents traveled from their home in Norwalk, Connecticut, to Manhattan’s Doctors Hospital for his birth. He is the third son of Maria Angela (née de Blasio; 1917–2007) and Warren Wilhelm (1917–1979). He changed his name to Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm in 1983 and to Bill de Blasio in 2001 to honor his maternal family and reflect his estrangement from his father. De Blasio has two older brothers, Stephen and Donald. His mother was of Italian descent and his father was of German, English, French and Scotch-Irish ancestry. His paternal grandparents were Donald Wilhelm of Ohio and Nina (née Warren) of Iowa. His maternal grandfather, Giovanni, was from Sant’Agata de Goti, Benevento and his grandmother, Anna (née Briganti), was from Grassano, Matera. His paternal uncle, Donald George Wilhelm Jr., worked for the Iranian Central Intelligence Agency and wrote the memoirs of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran.

    His mother, Maria de Blasio, attended Smith College, served in the Office of War Information during World War II and wrote the book The Other Italy: Italian Resistance in World War II (1988). His father, a Yale graduate, worked as an editor for Time magazine , and served in World War II. In 1942 he enlisted in the US Army and was sent to the Pacific War. During the 82-day Battle of Okinawa, a grenade exploded under his left leg and his leg was later amputated below the knee. Having received a Purple Heart, he married Maria at 1945 and became a budget analyst for the federal government. In the 1950s, at the height of the Red Scare, both Maria and Warren were accused of having a “sympathetic interest in Communism”. Shortly thereafter, the family moved to Connecticut, where Warren became Texaco’s chief international economist, commuting to Manhattan by train. Maria also moved to work in public relations at the Italian consulate.

    In 1966 the family moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts when Warren was offered a job at the Arthur D. Little School and de Blasio went to kindergarten. Bill and his brother Donald were raised by Maria and her extended family. Of his early childhood, de Blasio said, “My mother and father separated very early when I was born, and I was brought up in my mother’s family—that’s the point—in the de Blasio family.”

    When de Blasio was 18, his father committed suicide while suffering from terminal lung cancer. In 1979, de Blasio graduated from the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, where he worked in student government and was known to his peers as “Senator Provolone”. He received a Bachelor of Arts from New York University in Urban Studies, a program in Urban Studies, and a Master of Arts in International Affairs from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. He is a Harry S. Truman Scholar 1981 years old.

    Early Career

    In 1984, de Blasio worked in the New York City Department of Juvenile Justice City Scholars program. In 1987, shortly after completing his graduate studies at Columbia, de Blasio was hired as a political organizer by the Don Quixote Center in Maryland. In 1988, he traveled with the Quixote Center to Nicaragua for 10 days to help distribute food and medicine during the Nicaraguan Revolution. De Blasio was an ardent supporter of the ruling socialist government, the Sandinista National Liberation Front, which was opposed at the time by the Reagan administration. After returning from Nicaragua, de Blasio moved to New York City, where he worked for a non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care in Central America. He continued to support the Sandinistas in his spare time and joined a group called the Greater New York Nicaraguan Solidarity Network, which held meetings and fundraisers for the Sandinista political party. De Blasio’s introduction to urban politics came at 1989, when he worked as a volunteer coordinator for David Dinkins’ mayoral campaign. After the campaign, de Blasio was an assistant at the mayor’s office. In 1990, he described himself as a supporter of democratic socialism when asked about his goals for society.

    US Representative Charles Rangel appointed de Blasio to lead his campaign following his successful 1994 re-election bid. In 1997, he was appointed Regional Director of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for New York and New Jersey during the administration of President Bill Clinton. As HUD’s top Tri-State Representative, de Blasio led a small administrative team and was involved in outreach to substandard housing residents. At 19In ’99, he was elected to the school board of the 15th school district in Brooklyn. In 2000, he served as campaign manager for Hillary Clinton’s successful bid for the United States Senate.

    New York City Council (2002–2009)


    The New York City Council Chamber, where de Blasio served from 2002 to 2009.

    In 2001, de Blasio ran for the New York City Council’s 39th district, which includes the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Borough Park, Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill, Gowanus, Kensington, Park Slope, and Windsor Terrace. He won a crowded primary with 32% of the vote. In the general election, he defeated Republican Robert A. Bell 71% to 17%. He was re-elected with 72% of the vote in 2002 and 83% of the vote in 2005.


    In the City Council, de Blasio passed legislation to prevent landlord discrimination against tenants with federal housing assistance vouchers and helped pass the HIV/AIDS Housing Services Act improving housing services for low-income New Yorkers living with HIV/AIDS. As head of the City Council’s General Welfare Committee, de Blasio helped pass the Gender Discrimination Protection Act to protect New York City’s transgender people and passed the Family Partnership Recognition Act so that same-sex couples in legal partnerships can enjoy the same legal rights. benefits for heterosexual couples in New York. During his tenure, the General Welfare Committee also passed the Immigrant Benefit Transfer Act, which helped non-English speakers get free language services while accessing government programs. He served on the Education, Environment, Finance and Technology committees and chaired the General Welfare Committee.

    New York Public Advocate (2010–2013)

    2009 Election

    Main article: 2009 New York Public Counsel Election

    Democratic Party, among which was former public attorney Mark J. Green. New York Times endorsed de Blasio, praising his efforts to improve public schools and “[help] many less fortunate New Yorkers with food stamps, housing, and children’s health” as a board member. The newspaper declared de Blasio the best candidate for the position “because he has shown that he can work well with Mayor Bloomberg when it makes sense, and yet vehemently and eloquently oppose him when warranted.” His candidacy was supported by then-Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, former Mayor Ed Koch, former Governor Mario Cuomo, and Reverend Al Sharpton.

    On September 15, 2009, de Blasio finished first in the Democratic primary with 33% of the vote. He won the runoff primary on September 29, defeating Green 62% to 38%. In the November 3 general election, de Blasio defeated Republican Alex Zablotsky 78% to 18%. De Blasio was named New York’s third Public Counsel on January 1, 2010. In his inaugural address, he criticized the Bloomberg administration, especially its policies on homelessness and education.


    Affordable housing

    In June 2010, de Blasio opposed the New York City Housing Authority’s decision to reduce the number of Section 8 vouchers given to low-income New Yorkers. The cut was announced after NYCHA found it could not pay for the approximately 2,600 vouchers that had already been issued. Two months later, he launched the “New York City Worst Homeowners List” online list to track homeowners who failed to fix precarious living conditions. The list received extensive media coverage and highlighted hundreds of homeowners across the city. “We want these homeowners to feel like they’re being watched,” de Blasio told New York Daily News . “We need to shed light on these people to get them to act.”

    Campaign finance

    See also: Campaign finance in the United States.

    De Blasio criticized Citizens United , the January 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned parts of the McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. He argued that “corporations should not be allowed to buy elections” and launched a national campaign led by elected officials to reverse the effects of the decision.


    As a public figure, de Blasio has been a vocal critic of Bloomberg’s education policies. He encouraged Kathy Black, Bloomberg’s nominee for New York’s school chancellor, to take part in public forums and criticized her for sending her own children to private schools. In March 2010, he opposed the MTA’s proposal to eliminate free MetroCards for students, arguing that the measure would substantially reduce school attendance. Three months later, he disagreed with the mayor’s proposed budget, which saw more than $34 million cut in childcare services. In June 2011, de Blasio laid out a plan to improve the school co-location process, which would house multiple schools in the same building. His research has shown that community contributions are often ignored by the city’s Department of Education, resulting in top-down decisions without due regard for negative impacts. He outlined eight solutions to improve the process and incorporate community input into the decision-making process. That same month, he also criticized the Bloomberg administration’s proposal to lay off more than 4,600 teachers to balance the city’s budget; de Blasio organized parents and communities against the proposed cuts and arranged a last-minute phone call. Bloomberg restored funding, agreeing to find savings elsewhere in the budget.

    Mayor of New York (2014–present)

    2013 Election

    Main article: 2013 New York City Mayoral Election

    Bill de Blasio with his wife Cirlane (left) and two children at a 2013 New York City rally.

    On January 27, 2013, de Blasio announced his candidacy for mayor of New York in the fall elections. The Democratic primary race included nine candidates, among them Council Speaker Christine Quinn, former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner, and former New York City Comptroller and 2009 mayoral nominee.of the year Bill Thompson. After Weiner joined the race in April, early polls showed de Blasio in fourth or fifth place among the candidates. Despite a poor starting position, de Blasio won the endorsement of major Democratic clubs, such as the Barack Obama Democratic Club of Upper Manhattan and New York City’s largest labor union, SEIU Local 1199. He was supported by celebrities such as Alec Baldwin and Sarah Jessica Parker, as well as prominent politicians such as former Vermont Governor Howard Dean and U.S. Congressman Yvette Clark. By August, singer Harry Belafonte and actress Susan Sarandon had supported de Blasio.

    De Blasio received media attention during the campaign when he and a dozen others, including City Councilman Steven Levin, were arrested while protesting the closure of Long Island College Hospital. De Blasio and Levin were released a few hours later with a subpoena for disorderly conduct. Fellow Democrats Weiner and City Comptroller John Liu also participated in the protest but were not arrested.

    During his campaign, de Blasio laid out a plan to raise taxes on residents earning more than $500,000 a year to pay for universal preschool programs and expand after-school programs in high schools. He also pledged to invest $150 million annually in the City University of New York to lower tuition fees and improve degree programs. In September 2013, de Blasio voiced his opposition to charter schools, arguing that their funding drained resources for pursuits such as the arts, physical education, and after-school programs. He outlined a plan to end the policy of providing free space to 183 city charter schools and to impose a moratorium on co-location of charter schools in public school buildings.

    In August 2013, de Blasio’s campaign aired a television ad featuring de Blasio’s 15-year-old son, Dante, talking about his father’s plans to “really break with the Bloomberg years.” Time called it “The Ad that Won the New York City Mayor’s Race”, noting that after it was held, “de Blasio had a solid lead, and he never gave up.” Quinn was attacked by a number of groups including NYCLASS with their “Anyone but Quinn” campaign, which allowed de Blasio to rise in the polls. By mid-August, he had become the new leader among the Democrats. He scored 43% in a Quinnipiac poll released the week before the primary. Preliminary results from the September 11 primary showed that de Blasio won 40.1% of the vote, slightly more than the 40% needed to avoid a runoff.

    On September 16, runner-up Bill Thompson relented, citing the improbability of winning in the second round, even if unaccounted for absentee and military ballots dropped de Blasio below the 40% threshold. Thompson’s removal made de Blasio the Democratic nominee against Republican Joe Lhota in the general election. Exit polls indicated that the main reason for de Blasio’s victory was his unequivocal opposition to “stop and hurry” most of all. After the primary, de Blasio was announced as the candidate of the Working Families Party. In the general election, he defeated Lhota by a landslide with 72.2% of the vote. Voter turnout in the elections set a new record low of just 24% of registered voters, which is The New York Times attributed the expectation of a steady landslide in the Democratic-dominated city. The activities of the de Blasio 2013 campaign finance committee were reportedly the subject of a federal corruption investigation led by U. S. Attorney Preet Bharara. Other state bodies were also involved in the investigations, some of which were reportedly overlapping, including whether campaign donors received benefits from the mayor’s office. The investigation ended in March 2017 without charges being filed.

    2017 Election

    Main article: 2017 New York Mayoral Election


    De Blasio was sworn in on January 1, 2014 by former President Bill Clinton. In his inaugural address, he reiterated his campaign promise to eliminate “economic and social inequalities” in the city. New York Times noted that “the rise of an established, tax-rich liberal to the nation’s most prominent municipal government raised hopes that hot causes like universal preschools and benefits for low-wage workers … be allowed to be proven able-bodied in New York.”

    April 2017 rally against the hypocrisy of New York City

    In the first weeks of de Blasio’s tenure, a series of snowstorms hit the mayor of New York City. De Blasio has come under fire from Upper East Siders who have said snow clearance in their area appears to be lagging behind. The next day, de Blasio apologized, saying that “more could have been done to serve the Upper East Side.” On February 13, heavy snowstorms hit the East Coast again. At the behest of De Blasio and school chancellor Carmen Farina, the city’s public schools remained open. The decision was criticized by teacher unions, parents and the media, as up to 9 fell that day.5 inches of snow. By mid-February, the city had added $35 million to the Department of Sanitation budget for snow removal.

    In July 2014, de Blasio signed into law the creation of municipal ID cards for all residents, regardless of immigration status, which helped them access city services. Homeless New Yorkers are also eligible for an IDNYC card if they register a service address. The IDNYC card program was launched on January 1, 2015.

    De Blasio had mixed approval ratings during his mayoralty.

    9/11 attacks

    In 2016, de Blasio expressed support for the Sponsors of Terrorism Justice Act, which would allow relatives of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for its government’s alleged role in the attacks.

    Affordable Housing

    A major focus of de Blasio’s tenure as mayor has been building more affordable housing with the goal of building 200,000 housing units. His plan passed through the city council but was controversial. Groups such as New York Communities for Change opposed the plan, arguing that it promotes gentrification. Accordingly, in April 2017, the state government relaunched the 421-a tax credit program after unions and developers struck a wage deal on eligible construction projects.

    Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn’s East New York neighborhood, plagued by decades of poverty and crime, was the first test and focus of de Blasio’s affordable housing strategy, one of the policy initiatives at the heart of his platform to reduce inequality. Since 2012, city planners have been working to get residents on the forums to consult on the matter. The plan is to “offer developers to develop local streets in exchange for more affordable housing units.” They will invest in new trees, parks, sidewalks, schools, shops, and restaurants, leading to better service.

    In January 2019, de Blasio and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson reached an agreement to change the operation of the New York City Housing Authority. The agreement established “specific requirements and milestones to address serious health and safety hazards at NYCHA facilities, including lead-based paint, mold, heat, vermin, and others.”


    In 2019, City Journal reported that during de Blasio’s tenure, “New York City’s budget increased by approximately $20 billion and is expected to be about $9 billion.”$3 billion in the coming fiscal year. Spending is rising three times faster than inflation.”

    COVID-19 response

    See also: New York COVID-19 pandemic

    On January 28, de Blasio stated that “the Chinese government underestimated this virus. It actually began to spread, but did not receive sufficient recognition and was not discussed openly. On February 13, in an interview with NBC News, he said, “It’s something we can handle, but you have to follow some basic rules.” On March 2, de Blasio urged New Yorkers in a tweet to “keep living your life + go to town despite the coronavirus.” On March 11, he said he was “telling people not to avoid restaurants, not to avoid the usual things people do… If you’re not sick, you should live your life.”

    March 16, The New York Times reported that in the previous week, “de Blasio’s top aides have been furiously trying to change the mayor’s approach to the coronavirus outbreak. There were arguments and shouting between the mayor and some of his advisors. senior health officials have even threatened to resign if he refuses to acknowledge the need to close schools and businesses, according to several people familiar with the internal discussions.”

    De Blasio was criticized for singling out the Jewish community after tweets directed at the “Jewish community”; The Anti-Defamation League described de Blasio’s actions as a scapegoat. He also faced criticism for pushing restrictions on religious organizations to 25% while others were running at 50%.

    Charter Schools

    In 2014, De Blasio’s decision to ban public space from several New York City charter schools caused controversy among supporters of school vouchers. The decision overturned a Bloomberg administration arrangement that allowed for “co-location” where charter schools were housed in public school buildings. De Blasio also withdrew $200 million in capital funding earmarked for charter schools. New York Times stressed that de Blasio approved the co-location of 14 charter schools and denied only three, suggesting that he was unfairly labeled as an opponent of charter schools. Two months after the initial decision, the mayor’s office announced that it had found a site for three schools. The city leased, renovated and maintained three buildings formerly used for Catholic schools from the Archbishop of New York. Three charter schools are operated by Success Academy Charter Schools.

    Environmental issues

    In April 2019, De Blasio announced his support for the Green New Deal and legislation to ban glass and steel skyscrapers in New York City, citing environmental concerns and contributions to global warming. De Blasio also criticized the development of Hudson Yards in Manhattan.

    George Floyd riots and protests

    On May 31, 2020, de Blasio issued a statement accusing protesters of interfering with two police cruisers that pushed them into a barricade. On June 7, 2020, he announced, “We will move funding from the NYPD to youth initiatives and social services.” De Blasio accused the “anarchist” protesters of instigating and organizing the riots.

    On June 21, 2020, the American Museum of Natural History announced that it is asking the City to remove Theodore Roosevelt Equestrian Statue with an Indian and an African standing next to a horse. De Blasio approved this decision.


    De Blasio at the Celebrate Israel parade in June 2013

    On February 14, 2019, speaking at a rally in New York to fight anti-Semitism, De Blasio said: “Maybe some people don’t are aware, but when they support the BDS movement, they insult Israel’s right to exist and this is unacceptable. ” De Blasio denounced MP Ilhan Omar’s remarks about Israel and pro-Israel lobbyists as “absolutely unacceptable” and “illogical.”

    Legalization of marijuana

    In December 2018, De Blasio announced his support for the legalization of marijuana in New York, calling it “a unique opportunity for future New Yorkers to solve a historic problem.” He worked with the Marijuana Task Force to produce a Licensing and Regulation Report, which was released along with the Letter of Approval.

    Mohel Disclosure Rule

    In 2015, de Blasio removed the requirement that mohels inform parents about the risks of metzitz b’pe, an oral circumcision ritual that has been linked to 17 cases of infantile herpes, brain damage, and two deaths from 2000. City Health Board in 2012, which required parents to sign a consent form. The demand was called an attack on religious freedom by ultra-Orthodox Jewish leaders, who filed a lawsuit against the city in federal court and forced their followers to disobey. After de Blasio installed allies and donors on the New York Board of Health, the new policy was that mohels could be banned for life if they tested positive for herpes and the DNA strain matched that of the child, but only after the child was infected. It soon emerged that the city was not disclosing new infections. Despite this change, several children contracted the disease after undergoing the ritual.

    NYPD relations

    New Yorkers demonstrating against police brutality at Pace University in November 2014

    During his term as mayor, de Blasio’s relationship with the NYPD was described as “strained” “belligerent” and “cold”.

    Opposition to the NYPD’s “stop and frisk” policy was a centerpiece of the De Blasio campaign. The practice was challenged by civil rights groups in federal court, which was ruled unconstitutional in 2013. A federal appeal of the ruling by the Bloomberg administration was dismissed by de Blasio upon taking office. He promised to settle cases with the plaintiffs, who have ongoing legal battles against the police over the delay-and-search arrests. The NYPD union appealed the decision without de Blasio’s support and was dismissed.

    De Blasio selected Bill Bratton to be NYPD Commissioner, a position he held under Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Bratton, who introduced stop and search under Giuliani, promised it would be used “legitimately, respectfully” and less frequently. Some de Blasio supporters were disappointed with Bratton’s appointment.

    In February 2014, de Blasio came under fire for calling the police shortly after one of his supporters was detained by police. Pastor Bishop Orlando Findlater – founder of New Hope Christian Fellowship Church and friend of de Blasio – was pulled over for failing to signal a left turn. Findlater was detained by police on the basis of outstanding warrants and suspended driving. De Blasio allegedly called the police on Findlater’s behalf. Findlater was released soon after. At a press conference, de Blasio told reporters that although he called the police to investigate Findlater’s arrest, he did not ask the police to release him. A spokesman for the mayor said de Blasio’s call came after police had already decided to release Findlater. Although both the police and the mayor’s office denied that De Blasio asked for benefits, City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer said that De Blasio’s behavior was problematic because “the mayor should have nothing to do with anyone’s arrest.”

    On December 3, 2014, following the grand jury’s decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of Eric Garner, de Blasio said in a speech that he and his African-American wife, Chirlaine McCray, had had a lot of conversations with their interracial son. about “taking extra care in any encounters with the police who are supposed to protect him.” De Blasio also “offered qualified support to the protesters following the grand jury’s decision not to indict the officer involved in the strangulation death of Eric Garner in New York.

    After NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were killed in an ambush in December 2014, “police and union leaders publicly rebuked [de Blasio], claiming that his previous remarks had ignited the anti-police.” When de Blasio praised the two dead officers, hundreds of their fellow police officers turned their backs on him.

    Following the murder of NYPD officer Miosotis Familia in July 2017, de Blasio came under further criticism for not attending the Familia vigil. Many officers once again turned their backs on him when he served in the Familia.

    In November 2019, de Blasio criticized former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s apology for the stop and frisk policy, tweeting, “This is long overdue, times are transparent and cynical. With all due respect to my predecessor, it took us six years to reverse the action. the damage he has done with this bankruptcy policy. We’ve stopped stop-and-frisk And we’ve reduced the crime rate. Actions speak louder than words.” Police Benevolent Association president Patrick Lynch joined the mayor in criticizing Bloomberg’s apology.

    Technology & Innovation

    When de Blasio appointed Minerva Tantoko as the city’s chief technology officer in the fall of 2014, he said her goal would be to “develop and implement a coordinated technology and innovation strategy based on how the city in general will approach the role of technology. in our daily lives, in our economy, in our schools, in our civic participation.”

    Supported with Governor Cuomo de Blasio to relocate Amazon’s headquarters to Long Island City in an Amazon HQ2 search and worked with Cuomo to develop a $2.9 total New York and State benefit package88 billion dollars. In November 2018, Long Island City was selected as one of two sites to host Headquarters 2, along with Crystal City in Virginia, directly outside of Washington, D.C. Selecting Long Island City as the site for headquarters The Amazon 2 apartment was controversial before and after it happened, and was protested by local residents, community organizations and politicians. Rejected, Amazon Withdraws Its Plans to Open Headquarters 2 in Long Island City February 14, 2019of the year. De Blasio later criticized Amazon’s decision.


    In 2014, de Blasio released a report on “Better Transit for New York.” Some of the ideas covered in the report were rebuilding Pennsylvania Station/Madison Square Garden, creating more bus rapid transit routes, and a “Vision Zero” initiative to reduce traffic-related deaths in the city.

    The Vision Zero initiative, inspired by Sweden’s successful plan, has led to a gradual decrease in pedestrian fatalities from 299 in 2013 to 200 in 2018. However, 2019 saw an increase in cyclist deaths and de Blasio discussed several proposals to combat cyclist deaths, including a $58.4 million plan requiring cyclists to wear helmets and obtain licenses to operate a bicycle.

    While the de Blasio administration planned to increase the rate of adding bike racks in the city, the annual rate instead fell 42 percent from the Bloomberg administration, hitting a new average of 1,633 new racks per year. John Orcutt, spokesman for Bike New York, said: “Everyone is talking about Citi Bikes and scooters, but the humble bike rack needs more attention.

    Universal Pre-K

    As mayor, de Blasio signed the Universal Pre-K initiative. accessibility of publicly funded preschools to all New Yorkers. He sought to fund the program through tax increases for New Yorkers earning $500,000 or more. De Blasio’s initiative resulted in an increase in New York City’s universal Pre-K enrollment through 2015, with over 70% of Pre-K expansions occurring within the city’s poorest quartile zip codes. In 2017, de Blasio proposed expanding the program to “3-K” to include three-year-olds. Preschool for three-year-olds will start in poorer areas with the goal of reaching the entire city if the state or federal government provides funding.

    2020 Presidential Campaign

    On May 16, 2019, de Blasio announced that he would seek the Democratic nomination for President after posting a YouTube video in which he said, “I’m Bill de Blasio and I’m running for president because it’s time to put the workers first.” He was the first sitting mayor of New York to run for president since John Lindsay, who ran for the Democratic Party in 1972.

    During his campaign, de Blasio supported raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. 19June 2019, he said: “We must secure a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan; obviously the Taliban must be involved. Until then, I don’t think it’s wise to withdraw our troops.” De Blasio advocated a tax on robots and proposed that large corporations be held responsible for five years of paying income tax on jobs that were automated.

    Despite the fact that during the mayoral election he made great strides, the polls showed that de Blasio is largely unpopular. New York Times described his candidacy as “the long run”, citing low polling numbers in national polls and inconsistent approval ratings in New York. A May 2019 New York City voter poll at Quinnipack University found that 76% did not want de Blasio to run for president. An April 2019 poll showed that he had a 42% approval rating in the city, with 44% of voters disapproving. Just before he put his campaign on hold, his approval rating dropped to 33% and his approval rating stood at 58%.

    De Blasio tried to position himself as a progressive, in contrast to the then-leader, former Vice President Joe Biden. He hoped to challenge U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who were seen as leaders of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

    De Blasio’s campaign was not supported. He failed to qualify for the Democratic primary debates in September and October, which were seen as necessary events to keep his campaign viable. He regularly drew 0% of the vote among Democratic voters in primaries, including in his home state. After de Blasio failed to advance to the third round of primary debate, September 20, 2019year, he announced the suspension of his campaign. On February 14, 2020, de Blasio endorsed Sanders. In October 2021, the New York City Department of Investigation released in a report that “the de Blasio Campaign did not reimburse the city for travel expenses for security personnel during the mayor’s presidential campaign, totaling more than $300,000.


    Main article: Support in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary § Bill de Blasio

    Electoral history

    Main article: Electoral history of Bill de Blasio

    Personal life

    De Blasio and his wife, activist and poet Cheerlan McCray, met while both were in Mayor Dinkins’ administration and married in 1994. The couple honeymooned in Cuba in violation of the United States travel ban. They lived in Park Slope, Brooklyn before moving into the Gracie Mansion, the traditional residence of New York mayors. They have two children: Dante, a Brooklyn Tech graduate who graduated from Yale in 2019year, and Chiara, a student at Santa Clara University in California. Chiara spoke about her drug use and depression in late December 2013 in a four-minute video released by the Mayor’s transition team.

    At 6 feet 5 inches (1.96 m), de Blasio is the tallest mayor in New York City history.

    De Blasio, an Italian American, occasionally gives interviews, press conferences and speeches in Italian.

    Despite being the mayor of New York, de Blasio is an avid fan of the rival New York Yankees, saying he is “deeply committed” to the Boston Red Sox.


    De Blasio described himself as “spiritual but not religious”. His mother rejected her Roman Catholic roots. De Blasio didn’t go to church when he was young either.

    Net Worth

    According to Forbes , De Blasio and his wife were worth $2.5 million as of August 2019.

    See also

    • List of mayors of New York
    • List of mayors of the 50 largest cities in the United States



    further reading

    • Neumann, William (October 31, 2017). “De Blasio Gets Biggest Pre-K Win, But Also Has Long-Term Consequences”. New York Times . ISSN 0362-4331.

    external links

    • City Hall official website
    • Appearances on C-SPAN
    • Profile on Vote Smart
    • Financial Information (Federal Office) at the Federal Election Commission
    Public offices
    Preceded by

    Steven DiBrienza

    New York City Council Member
    for the 39th District

    Successor to

    Brad Lander

    Political offices
    Preceded by

    Betsy Gottbaum

    New York City Public Advocate

    Letitia James

    Preceded by

    Michael Bloomberg

    Mayor of New York
    2014 to present
    Party political offices
    Preceded by

    Bill Thompson

    Democratic nominee for Mayor of New York
    2013, 2017

    Eric Adams×1″ alt=””>

    Catholic Church and Incarnation School (Glendale, California)

    Catholic Incarnation Church and School is a large Catholic church and elementary school located on North Brand Boulevard in Glendale, California. The parish was founded in 1927 and the school in 1937. The current temple was built in 1952.


    • 1 History
      • 1.1 Early History
      • 1.2 Recent History
    • 2 See also
    • 3 Notes
    • 4 External link
    • 5 History

      Early History

      separated from the existing parish of the Church of the Holy Family. The first services were held in a private house on the site of the current church. As the parish grew, services were moved to the American Legion Hall on the Western Arden. When Father Thomas O’Sullivan became pastor at 1928, he built a temporary church on this site. [1] The elementary school was opened in 1937 under the administration of the City of the Sister of Mercy of the Blessed Virgin Mary. [1]

      Monsignor Carville pastored Incarnation for forty years from 1932 to 1972. This was under the direction of the monsignor. Carvill reports that the current church was built in 1952. [1] Cardinal Timothy Manning presided over Msgr. Carville’s funeral in 1975. In 1970, the Church of the Incarnation was the site of the Congress of the Legion of Mary, a Catholic lay organization. [2]

      Monsignor Lawrence O’Brien served as pastor of Incarnation from 1972 to 1986, after which he remained in the parish as pastor emeritus. Cardinal Roger Mahoney presided over Msgr. O’Brien’s funeral in 1998. [3] He was succeeded by Monsignor Eugene Freelot, who served as pastor from 1986 to 1999.

      In May 1990, the funeral of Vic Tayback, the actor best known for his role as stern diner owner and short-time cook Mel, in the long-running television series “Alice,” was held at the Church of the Incarnation. [4]

      Front view of Incarnation

      In early January 1991, Los Angeles Times reported that Father Tilak Jayawardene, who was an associate pastor at the Church of the Incarnation from 1987 to December 1990, was charged with six counts of allegations of child molestation. [5] Jayawardene’s father disappeared while the police were investigating the allegations. Incarnation’s pastor, Monsignor Freelot, said at the time that Jayewardene left the parish in early December, claiming he had been recalled by his overseas bishop. Freelot told the press, “I didn’t hear anything. He didn’t contact me. I guess he went home to Sri Lanka.” [6] Eleven years later, in 2002, Jayewardene’s father was found living in Sri Lanka, and the Glendale police filed an extradition request with the Los Angeles Attorney’s Office. [7] Cardinal Mahoney said at the time that he had written to church officials in Sri Lanka asking them to bring Father Jayewarden back to Los Angeles. [8]

      In 1993, a temporary criminal named Filiberto Maldonado attacked a 73-year-old woman who was praying in the sanctuary of the church and tried to rape her. The man was later sentenced to eleven years in prison. [9] [10] [11] [12]

      In June 1997, two tragic and highly publicized funerals were held at Incarnation. The first was Glendale Police Officer Charles “Chuck” Lazaretto, a man who Los Angeles Times reported “would have been in charge had he not been ambushed by an armed criminal.” Officer Lazaretto was shot and killed in a warehouse in Chatsworth while investigating domestic violence. Lazzaretto’s funeral was attended by police officers from all over California, presided over by the Cardinal. Roger Mahoney. [13]

      Later that month, the funeral of 17-year-old high school student Julius Riofrir was held in Incarnation. According to Los Angeles Times , the youth died when a baseball bounced off the cage wall and hit him in the head during a pre-game warm-up for his American Legion team. The newspaper reported that 500 people attended the Incarnation ceremony. [14]

      Recent History

      Father Paul James Hruby became pastor in 1999. Hrubi’s father was baptized in the Church of the Incarnation at 1956 and grew up in Glendale. [1]

      In July 1999, Frank Lubin, captain of the 1936 US Olympic basketball team and member of the Church of the Incarnation, died. The funeral took place on July 13, 1999 at the Incarnation Hotel. [1]

      The arrival of the incarnation played a role in an attempt to eliminate ethnic tensions in a community with a large population. Armenian-American and Hispanic population. In May 2000, 17-year-old Hispanic youth Raul Aguirre was killed while trying to stop a fight between a Hispanic friend and two Armenian American teenagers. Aguirre, a high school student who planned to join the Marine Corps, was beaten on the head with an iron tire and stabbed several times. Shortly after Aguirre’s death, a group of Hispanics opened fire on a crowd of young Armenian Americans gathered in front of a donut shop in Glendale, and there was fear of a street war between Armenian and Hispanic youths. Nearly 1,000 people filled the Church of the Incarnation for Aguirre’s funeral. With tensions still high, at least 15 police officers patrolled the church and grounds during the ceremony. Father Hruby sought to heal ethnic divisions in his sermon, stating: “I have to believe that if Raoul could stand here today, he would say that violence is not the answer. ” We are not only Hispanics and Armenians, whites and Asians, blacks and the Middle East. We are the instruments of the world and we are called to be countercultural and to love and be loved by all.” [15] A Marine guard escorted the coffin from the sanctuary to Forest Lawn Cemetery for burial. The Los Angeles Times reported the ceremony as follows: “On Friday, people of all stripes came to say goodbye to Aguirre… There were old people, crying babies, families and city officials sweating in costumes.” The church was packed to capacity, although the church crowd was mostly Hispanic, there were a few Armenian Americans who came to pay their respects.” [16]

      In 2002, Incarnation celebrated its 75th anniversary with a weekend of events, including mass coexistence with the Cardinal. Roger Mahoney. [1]

      On July 30, 2006, Incarnation Parish purchased property from the nearby North Glendale Methodist Church. The Methodist congregation dwindled over the years and merged with the Glendale United Central Methodist Church. An offer was made to sell the property to Incarnation in order to keep the Christian ministry on it. [17] This acquisition included a chapel, a gym, a professional kitchen, a preschool room, and a large academic building, as well as outdoor seating, meeting rooms, and ministry offices. The campus improvement required over three years and $300,000 in security and structural repairs. The incarnation now has much more room for growing ministries. The new name “Incarnation Community Center” was renamed in September 2009 and a certified kindergarten opened at the same time in the parish. [1]

      In March 2011, longtime Glendale resident and 50-year-old parishioner Hon. Howard J. Thelin passed away at the age of 90. Services were held in an incarnation led by Father Paul Chruby for a guest of about 200 people. Thelin was a former Glendale County MP from the mid-50s to mid-60s and a retired Justice of the Supreme Court. Hruby’s father, who left Incarnation in 2010, graciously eulogized a longtime parishioner and made a lasting impression on all who attended the service.

    Vocabulary 7th grade list: Academic vocabulary words for 7th graders

    Опубликовано: July 3, 2022 в 11:12 am


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    English Vocab 7th grade – Vocabulary List

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    1. preconceived

      formed beforehand

    2. foreshadow

      indicate by signs

    3. simulate

      reproduce someone’s behavior or looks

    4. elicit

      call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response

    5. diminish

      decrease in size, extent, or range

    6. 25″>

      think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes

    7. implement

      a piece of equipment or a tool used for a specific purpose

    8. pulverize

      make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust

    9. seethe

      foam as if boiling

    10. imbecile

      a person of subnormal intelligence

    11. 91″>

      an aggressive and violent criminal

    12. denouement

      the outcome of a complex sequence of events

    13. verdict

      findings of a jury on issues submitted to it for decision

    14. agony

      intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain

    15. rigor

      excessive sternness

    16. 21″>

      a person who tends to shrink from social contacts

    17. prodigy

      an unusually gifted or intelligent person

    18. menace

      something that is a source of danger

    19. comeuppance

      a usually negative outcome or fate that is well deserved

    20. epiphany

      an inspiration or divine manifestation

    21. 14″>

      a person who is older than 12 but younger than 20

    22. concise

      expressing much in few words

    23. decadent

      relating to indulgence in something pleasurable

    24. ludicrous

      inviting ridicule

    25. imperceptible

      impossible or difficult to sense

    26. 17″>

      having unlimited power

    27. expository

      serving to expound or set forth

    28. controversial

      marked by or capable of causing disagreement

    29. eventually

      after an unspecified period of time or a long delay

    30. elusive

      skillful at evading capture

    31. 97″>

      without regard for the distinction between right and wrong

    32. myriad

      a large indefinite number

    33. merely

      and nothing more

    34. amiss

      in an improper or mistaken manner

    35. eternally

      for a limitless time

    36. 04″>

      exactly as far from one point as from another

    37. asunder

      into parts or pieces

    38. implicitly

      without ever expressing so clearly

    Created on December 4, 2013
    (updated December 5, 2013)

    Mahoney, Stacy / Vocabulary 7th Grade

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      Vocabulary List 1

      1. evict  – expel from one’s property or force to move out 
      2. trek – any long and difficult trip 
      3. infuriate –  make extremely angry 
      4. irrelevant – having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue 
      5. epidemic  – a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease 
      6. sham  – something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be 
      7. impartial – showing lack of favoritism 
      8. abate – become less in amount or intensity 
      9. industrious – characterized by hard work and perseverance 
      10. devastate  – overwhelm or overpower 
      11. precise  – sharply exact or accurate or delimited acknowledge 
      12. acknowledge  – declare to be true or admit the existence or reality of 
      13. estimate  – judge tentatively 
      14. agent – a representative who acts on behalf of others 
      15. authority  – the power or right to give orders or make decisions

      Vocabulary List 2

      1. astute – marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
      2. authentic – not counterfeit or copied
      3. delicacy – the quality of being exquisitely fine in appearance
      4. derogatory – expressive of low opinion
      5. devour – eat immoderately
      6. figment – a contrived or fantastic idea
      7. mythical – based on or told of in traditional stories
      8. plumage – the covering of feathers on a bird
      9. predatory – living by preying on other animals
      10. prior – earlier in time
      11. scavenge – clean refuse from
      12. slaughter – the killing of animals, as for food
      13. solitude – a state of social isolation
      14. ungainly – lacking grace in movement or posture
      15. vulnerable – capable of being wounded or hurt

      Vocabulary List 3

      1. admonish- scold or reprimand; take to task
      2. aghast – struck with fear, dread, or consternation
      3. annihilate – kill in large numbers
      4. benefactor – a person who helps people or institutions
      5. bestow – give as a gift
      6. devious – turning away from a straight course
      7. devoid – completely wanting or lacking
      8. heed – careful attention
      9. mortal – subject to death
      10. muse – reflect deeply on a subject
      11. pioneer – one the first colonists or settlers in a new territory
      12. plague
        any large-scale calamity
      13. subside – wear off or die down
      14. unwitting – not aware or knowing
      15. wrath – intense anger

      Vocabulary List 4   


      1. acquire – come into the possession of something concrete or abstract
      2. antagonize – provoke the hostility of
      3. competent – properly or sufficiently qualified, capable, or efficient
      4. comprise – be made of
      5. correspond – take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to
      6. dilapidated – in a state of decay, ruin, or deterioration
      7. illustrious – widely known and esteemed
      8. incident –  a single distinct event
      9. inherit – receive from a predecessor
      10. latitude – an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
      11. loath – strongly opposed
      12. maintain – keep in a certain state, position, or activity
      13. renovate – estore to a previous or better condition
      14. reprimand – an act or expression of criticism and censure
      15. supervise – watch and direct




      Vocabulary List 5  


      Vocabulary Packet List 5


      1. adequate  – having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
      2. administer – supervise or be in charge of
      3. agitate – move or cause to move back and forth
      4. capitulate – surrender under agreed conditions
      5. hovel – small crude shelter used as a dwelling
      6. illiterate – not able to read or write
      7. disrupt – make a break in
      8. citrus – a tropical tree cultivated for its juicy edible fruits
      9. menial – relating to unskilled work, especially domestic work
      10. permanent – continuing or enduring without marked change in status
      11. respite – a pause from doing something
      12. strenuous – taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance
      13. toil – work hard
      14. urgent  – compelling immediate action



      Vocabulary List 6

      1. addict – to cause to become dependent’
      2. aspire – have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
      3. bias – a partiality preventing objective consideration of an issue
      4. blatant – without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious
      5. candid – openly straightforward and direct without secretiveness
      6. confront – oppose, as in hostility or a competition
      7. debut – the act of beginning something new
      8. enroll – register formally as a participant or member
      9. fluster – cause to be nervous or upset
      10. impunity – exemption from punishment or loss
      11. intensify – increase in extent or strength
      12. intimidate – compel or deter by or as if by threats
      13. obnoxious – causing disapproval or protest
      14. retort – a quick reply to a question or remark
      15. stint – supply sparingly and with restricted quantities

      Vocabulary List 7

      1. beseech – to ask earnestly; to beg
      2. consternation – amazement or fear that makes one feel confused
      3. delectable – pleasing to the senses, especially to the sense of taste; delicious
      4. garland – a wreath or chain of leaves and flowers
      5. gratify – to please or satisfy
      6. haughty – showing too much pride in oneself and scorn or contempt for others
      7. impetuous – inclined to act without thinking; hasty
      8. lavish – much more than enough
      9. pluck – ]to pull off or out; to pick
      10. ponder – to think about; to consider carefully
      11. privilege – a special favor, right, or advantage given to a person or group
      12. prostrate – lying face down, especially to show respect
      13. rapture – a state of great joy, or love
      14. revelry – noisy merrymaking
      15. whim – a sudden wish to do something without a particular reason; a fanciful idea

      Vocabulary List 8

      Vocabulary List 9

      Vocabulary List 10



      Vocabulary List 11

      Vocabulary List 12

      Vocabulary List 13

      Vocabulary List 14

      Vocabulary List 15



      Vocabulary List 16

      Vocabulary List 17

      Vocabulary List 18

      Vocabulary List 19

      Vocabulary List 20


    Mr. – 7th Grade Geography Terms List with Definitions

    By the end of the school year you will be expected to know all the terms on this list. We will begin with the first few words or so and with each new topic we will add more terms. There will be a vocabulary quiz approximately every week. Any new words, in addition to all previous words on the list, are fair game for these quizzes. These are not all the key terms and people you will be required to learn this year, but these are the ones that will appear on our vocabulary quizzes throughout the year.

    Note: Terms marked with an asterisk (*) are not found in the 7th grade textbook’s glossary. (The definitions are for all other terms are taken from Eastern Hemisphere: Geography, History, Culture by H.H. Jacobs, B. Randolph, and M. L. LeVasseur. Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc. Pages 754-764.)

    1. geography – The study of the Earth’s surface, the connections between places, and the relationships between people and their environment.
    2. latitude lines– A series of imaginary lines, also called parallels, that circle the Earth parallel to the Equator; used to measure a distance north or south of the Equator in degrees.
    3. parallel – A line of latitude
    4. degrees* – A unit of measure used to determine absolute location; on globes and maps, lines of latitude and longitude are measured in degrees.
    5. minute* – 1/60 of a degree.
    6. Equator – An imaginary line that circles the globe at its widest point, dividing the Earth into two halves called hemispheres; used as a reference point from which north and south latitudes are measured.
    7. longitude lines – A series of imaginary lines, also called meridians, that run north and south, from one pole to the other; used to measure the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian in degrees.
    8. meridian – A line of longitude.
    9. Prime Meridian – The line of longitude that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through Greenwich, England; it is designated 0 longitude and is the reference point from which lines of east and west longitude are measured.
    10. absolute location – The exact position of a place on Earth.
    11. relative location – The location of a place as described by the places near it.
    12. place* – A location’s physical and human features.
    13. physical feature (characteristic) – The natural features of Earth, such as land formations or vegetation zones.
    14. human characteristic (feature) – Characteristics of a place that are related to people; these might include buildings or parks.
    15. human-environment interaction – How people affect their environment and how the environment affects them.
    16. movement* – Theme of geography that explains how people, goods, and ideas get from one place to another.
    17. region – An area with a unifying characteristic such as climate, land, population, or history.
    18. plain – A large area of flat or gently rolling land usually without many trees.
    19. scale – The size of an area on a map as compared with the area’s actual size.
    20. distortion – A misrepresentation of the true shape; every map projection produces some distortion.
    21. compass rose – A map feature that usually shows the four cardinal directions.
    22. cardinal directions – The four main compass points: north, south, east, and west.
    23. intermediate directions* – The points of the compass that fall between north and east, north and west, south and east, and south and west (e.g., NE, NW, SE, and SW).
    24. key (legend) – The section of a map that explains the symbols for the map features.
    25. orbit – The path followed by an object in space as it moves around another, such as that of Earth as it moves around the sun.
    26. revolution – One complete orbit of the Earth around the sun; Earth completes one revolution every 365 days.
    27. axis – An imaginary line around which a planet turns.
    28. rotation – The spinning motion of the Earth, like a top on its axis; the Earth takes about 24 hours to rotate one time.
    29. earth-sun relationship* – The position of the Earth relative to the sun that helps to determine day and night, seasons, and time zones.
    30. low latitudes (tropics) – The region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
    31. high latitudes (polar zones) – The regions between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole.
    32. middle latitudes (temperate zones) – The regions between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle.
    33. plate tectonics – The theory that the Earth’s crust is made of huge, slowly moving slabs of rock called plates.
    34. weathering – The breaking down of rocks by wind, rain, or ice.
    35. erosion – A process by which water, wind, or ice wears away landforms and carries the material to another place.
    36. atmosphere – The multilayered band of gases that surrounds the Earth.
    37. weather – The condition of the bottom layer of the Earth’s atmosphere in one place over a short period of time.
    38. precipitation – All forms of water, such as rain, sleet, hail, and snow, that fall to the ground from the atmosphere.
    39. climate – The weather patterns that an area typically experiences over a long period of time.
    40. tundra – A region where temperatures are always cool or cold and where only certain plants, such as low grasses, can grow.
    41. vertical climate – The overall weather patterns of a region as influenced by elevation; the higher the elevation, the colder the climate.
    42. population – The people living in a particular region; especially, the total number of people in an area.
    43. population distribution – How a population is spread over an area.
    44. population density – The average number of people in a given area (often a square mile).
    45. birth rate – The number of live births each year, per 1,000 people.
    46. death rate – The number of deaths each year per 1,000 people.
    47. life expectancy – The average number of years a person is expected to live.
    48. standard of living – The material quality of life, often measured by education, housing, health care, and nutrition.
    49. migration – The movement of people from one country or region to another in order to make a new home.
    50. immigrant – A person who moves to a new country in order to settle there.
    51. push-pull theory – A theory of migration that says people migrate because certain things in their lives “push” them to leave, and certain things in a new place “pull” them.
    52. push factor* – A social, political, economic, or environmental force that drives people from a location.
    53. pull factor* – A social, political, economic, or environmental attraction to a new area that draws people from a previous location.
    54. urbanization – The growth of city populations caused by the movement of people to cities.
    55. rural area – An area with low population density such as a village or the countryside.
    56. urban area – An area with high population density, such as a city or town.
    57. suburban area* – A usually residential area close to a city.
    58. culture – Language, religious beliefs, values, customs, and other ways of life shared by a group of people.
    59. cultural traits (practice) – A behavioral characteristic of a group of people, such as a language, skill, or custom, passed from one generation to another.
    60. cultural product* – A tangible or intangible product of a cultural group.
    61. agriculture – Farming; includes growing crops and raising livestock.
    62. social structure – The ways in which people within a culture are organized into smaller groups; each smaller group has its own particular tasks.
    63. nuclear family – A family that includes parents or children.
    64. extended family – A family unit that may include parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives, often living with or near each other.
    65. economy – A system for producing, distributing, consuming, and owning goods, services, and wealth.
    66. producer – A person who makes products that are used by other people.
    67. consumer – A person who buys goods or services.
    68. goods – Products that are made; objects that can satisfy people’s wants.
    69. services – Work done or duties performed for other people; actions capable of satisfying people’s wants.
    70. want* – A psychological or physical desire that can be fulfilled through the consumption of goods and services.
    71. capital goods* – Human-made resources needed to produce goods or services such as machinery or tools.
    72. capitalism – An economic system in which people and privately owned companies own basic and non-basic businesses and industries.
    73. market economy* – An economic system in which people acting as buyers and sellers make the decisions about production and consumption; capitalism is a market economy.
    74. socialism – An economic system in which the government owns the basic industries, such as transportation and banking; non-basic industries are privately owned.
    75. mixed economy* – An economic system that combines the features of more than one economic system; socialism is an example of a mixed economy.
    76. communism – An economic system and theory of government in which all basic and non-basic industries are owned by a central government for the benefit of all citizens.
    77. command economy* – An economic system in which all decisions about production and consumption are made by a central government, as in communism.
    78. government – The system that establishes and enforces the laws and institutions of a society.
    79. direct democracy – A system of government in which the people participate directly in decision making.
    80. representative democracy (republic) – A system of government in which people elect representatives to run the affairs of the country.
    81. monarchy – A system of authoritarian government headed by a monarch – usually a king or queen – who inherits the throne by birth.
    82. constitutional monarchy – A government in which a king or queen is the head of state but has limited powers, such as the present government of the U.K.
    83. dictatorship* – A system of government in which the leader or leaders have complete power and cannot be held responsible to the will of the people.
    84. theocracy* – A system of government headed by one or more religious leaders who claim to rule by divine authority.
    85. country* – A unit of political space; the entire land area of a nation or state.
    86. nation* – A group of people bound together by a strong sense of shared values and cultural characteristics, including language, religion, and common history.
    87. cultural diffusion – The movement of customs and ideas from one culture to another.
    88. cultural perspective* – The complex set of meanings, attitudes, values, and ideas belonging to a cultural group.
    89. acculturation – The process of accepting, borrowing, and exchanging ideas and traits among cultures.
    90. natural resource – Any useful material found in the environment.
    91. raw material – A resource or material that is still in its natural state, before being processed or manufactured into a useful product.
    92. recyclable resource (flow resource) – A resource that cycles through natural processes in the environment; water, carbon, and nitrogen are recyclable resources.
    93. renewable resource – A natural resources that can be regenerated if used carefully, such as timber or fish.
    94. nonrenewable resource – A resource that cannot be replaced once it is used, like oil, coal, and minerals.
    95. fossil fuel – Any one of several nonrenewable resources such as coal, oil, or natural gas created from the remains of plants and animals.
    96. manufacturing – The process of turning raw materials into a finished product.
    97. human resource* – The talents and skills of a human or humans that contributes to the production of goods and services.
    98. developed nation – A country with a modern industrial society and a well developed economy.
    99. developing nation – A country with low industrial production, often lacking modern technology.
    100. commercial farming – Farming that is done by companies; commercial farms are large and use modern technology; also, the raising of crops and livestock for sale in outside markets.
    101. subsistence farming – Farming that provides only enough food and animals to meet the needs of a family or village.
    102. ecosystem – A community of living things and their environment; the elements of an ecosystem interact with one another.
    103. deforestation – The process of clearing land of forests or trees, usually to make room for farms and homes.
    104. social class* – A group of people within a society that possess the same socioeconomic status, often determined by occupation, education, income, manners, etc.
    105. middle class – A group of people that included traders, merchants and others who were economically between the poor and the very rich that emerged during the Renaissance.
    106. colonialism* – A system where one country extends its control over a foreign territory, especially for economic benefit.
    107. imperialism – The control by one country of the economic and political life of another country or region.
    108. nationalism – The feeling of pride in one’s homeland; a group’s identity as members of a nation.

    This list was lasted updated on 8/23/06.

    7th Grade English & ​Language Arts

    Vocabulary List and Guidelines

    Words are to be copied down each Monday and defined by Wednesday.
    Be prepared to complete an assessment where you are expected to know how to spell the words and identify their meaning through matching, fill in the blanks or by recognizing examples of the words.  Students can practice and study word lists interactively on and join the class by searching and clicking on MsTHendricks.

    Vocabulary List #1 

    ​1.  Abnormal                  6.  Citrus
    2.  Abode                       7.  Fruitless 
    3.  Accelerate                8.  Geography
    4.  Cater                          9.  Gravity
    5.  Chorus                     10.  Hospitable

    Vocbulary List #2 ​

    1.  Bellow                         6.  Dumbfound
    2.  Bestow                        7.  Endure
    3.  Bewilder                     8.  Irate
    4.  Downright                  9.  Legacy
    5.  Drone                        10.  Legitimate

    Vocabulary List #3 

    1.  Argument                     6.  Informative 
    2.  Conclusion                   7.   Literal
    3.  Counterclaim               8.  Observation
    4.  Dialogue                       9.  Relevant
    5.  Denotation                  10.  Transition

    Vocabulary List #4 

    1.  Articulate                     6.  Explanatory
    2.  Boundary                     7.  Genre
    3.  Coherence                   8.  Inference
    4.  Clause                           9.  Syntax
    5.  Fallacy                          10.  Tolerance

    Vocabulary List #5  

    1.  Audience                       6.  Evidence 
    2.  Blatant                            7.  Foreshadowing
    3.  Connotation                  8.  Personify
    4.  Credible                         9.  Redundancy
    5.  Definitive                      10.  Validity

    Vocabulary List #6 

    1.  Argumentative           6.   Flashback 
    2.  Anecdote                    7.  Gravitate
    3.  Concrete                     8.  Resound
    4.  Crass                            9.  Shrewd
    5.  Diction                        10.  Quelling

    Vocabulary List #7

    1.  Acquire                        6.  Confront
    2.  Aspire                          7.  Congested
    3.  Compromise              8.  Grueling
    4.  Concur                        9.  Gruesome 
    5.  Confiscate                  10.  Haggle

    Vocabulary List #8 

    1.  Anonymous                  6.  Detach 
    2.  Antagonize                   7.  Devour
    3.  Apathy                           8.  Dishearten
    4.  Astute                            9.  Incident
    5.  Despondent                 10.  Infuriate

    Vocabulary List #9 

    1.  Allege                           6.  Nimble 
    2.  Covet                            7.  Oration
    3.  Fathom                         8.  Perjury
    4.  Impede                         9.  Ponder
    5.  Loath                            10.  Retort

    ​Vocabulary List #10

    1.   Acrid                           6.  Dismal
    2.   Avert                           7.  Ensue
    3.   Beseech                     8.  Enthrall
    4.   Bleak                           9.  Flagrant
    5.  Customary                 10.  Insinuate

    Vocabulary #11 (Two Week list due to Holiday)

    1.  Affliction                     6.  Docile
    2.  Akin                             7.  Erode
    3.  Braggart                     8.  Figment
    ​4.  Browse                        9.  Illiterate
    5.  Clamber                     10.  Mortify

    Vocabulary #13 

    1.  Implore                        6.  Rupture
    2.  Infamous                     7.  Sequel
    3.  Lavish                           8.  Subtle
    4.  Maul                             9.  Trickle
    5.  Negligent                   10.  Vicious

    Vocabulary #15 

    1.  Abate                          6.  Homage
    2.  Bigot                           7.  Notorious
    3.  Capsize                      8.  Patronize
    4. Exuberant                   9.  Recede
    5. Gratify                         10.  Stodgy

    Vocabulary #12 

    1.  Orthodox                     6.  Sullen
    2.  Perturb                         7.  Throb
    3.  Presume                       8.  Upright
    4.  Reprimand                  9.  Vindictive
    5.  Robust                         10.  Wrath

    Vocabulary #14 

    1.  Inundate                       6.  Nurture
    ​2.  Lethal                            7.  Shirk
    3.  Lurk                               8.  Trivial
    4.  Momentum                  9.  Urgent
    5.  Nomadic                     10.  Wince

    Vocabulary #16 

    1.  Admonish                   6.   Emblem
    2.  Brawl                            7.   Flabbergast
    3.  Candid                         8.   Headlong
    4.  Debut                           9.   Magnitude
    5.  Dismantle                   10.  Obnoxious

    Vocabulary #17 

    1.  Adjacent                      6.   Firebrand
    2.  Bystander                    7.   Gaudy
    3.  Catastrophe                8.   Hurtle
    4.  Deceased                    9.   Mellow
    5.  Epidemic                    10.  Notify

    Vocabulary #18 

    1.  Agitate                         6.   Grim
    2.  Authentic                     7.   Hilarious
    3.  Canine                          8.   Intensified
    4.  Dependent                  9.   Mirth
    5.  Feud                             10. Noteworthy

    Vocabulary #19 

    1.  Overwhelm                 6.   Species
    2.  Peevish                         7.   Tragedy
    3.  Poised                           8.   Unscathed
    4.  Rant                               9.   Vocation
    5.  Snare                            10. Whim

    Vocabulary #20 

    1.  Ajar                               6.   Homicide
    2.  Casualty                       7.   Incredulous
    3.  Distraught                    8.   Magnetic
    4.  Flaw                               9.   Pique
    5.  Grimy                            10. Quench

    Vocabulary #21 
    1.  Radiant                         6.   Vengeance
    2.  Sham                             7.   Vista
    3. Tamper                          8.   Void
    4.  Toxic                              9.   Wary
    5.  Utmost                         10.  Yearn

    Vocabulary #22 

    1.  Acknowledge              6.   Melancholy
    2.  Addict                           7.   Narrative
    3.  Canny                            8.   Pamper
    4.  Corrupt                         9.   Permanent
    5.  Hybrid                          10.  Random

    Vocabulary #23

    1.  Annihilate                     6.   Mull
    2.  Arbitrate                       7.   Murky
    3.  Casual                           8.   Pelt
    4.  Conjure                         9.   Prowess
    5.  Maternal                      10.  Supervise

    Vocabulary #24 

    1.  Acclaim                        6.   Persist
    2.  Capricious                   7.   Resume
    3.  Climax                          8.   Saga
    4.  Conterfeit                    9.   Simultaneously
    5.  Pending                       10.  Status

    Vocabulary #25 

    1.  Abrupt                         6.   Predatory
    2.  Consult                        7.   Preview
    3.  Perceived                    8.   Prior
    4.  Pluck                            9.   Status
    5.  Potential                     10.  Substantial

    Vocabulary #26 

    1.   Amok                           6.  Hapless
    ​2.   Balking                        7.  Impromptu
    3.   Elusive                         8.  Inquisition
    4.   Ferocity                        9.  Klutz
    5.   Gander                        10.  Marquee

    Vocabulary #27

    1. Antic                              6. Introverted
    2. Convene                       7. Jubilation
    3. Disdainful                     8. Mesmerizing
    4. Dormant                       9. Oratorical
    5. Elated                          10. Paleontologist

    Resources / Vocabulary

    • Four Components of Effective Vocabulary Instruction
      Four-Part Vocabulary Model BLOG

      1. Provide Rich and Varied Language Experiences

      Incidental Vocabulary Instruction Pirates of the Carribean YouTube


      2. Teach Individual Words
      Choosing Words to Teach
      Six Steps to Better Vocabulary Instruction- Marzano
      Six Step Process




      Graphic Organizers for L. 5 Examples
      Figurative Language

      Four Corners  WORD  PDF

      Connection Map  WORD  PDF

      Word Relationships

      Antonym Scale  WORD  PDF
      Connection, Connection  WORD  PDF
      Connection Map  WORD  PDF
      Example, Non-example  WORD  PDF
      Oppostites  WORD  PDF
      Shades of Meaning Wheel- synonyms  WORD  PDF

      Shades of Meaning Wheel- antonyms  WORD  PDF
      Word Line  WORD  PDF

      Nuances in Word Meaning Antonym Scale WORD  PDF 
      Shades of Meaning Wheel- synonyms  
      WORD  PDF
      Shades of Meaning Wheel- antonyms  WORD  PDF
      General Graphic Organizers  
      Keep In Memory (KIM)  WORD  PDF

      Word Collector Cover 

      WORD  PDF
      Word Collector           
       WORD  PDF

       Sentence Frames  
      Using a Noun SLIDES
      Using an Adjective SLIDES



      Text Talk Summary  PDF
      First 4000 Words


      Academic Vocabulary (Tier 2) from Unit Texts
      Grade Unit
      Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6
      1st Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6
      2nd Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6
      3rd Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6
      4th Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6
      5th Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6
      ELA Domain Specific Vocabulary
       K-5 ELA Domain Specific Word List  EXCEL
       Grade Word List  PPTs with descriptions & examples 
       Kindergarten K  A-F G-R  S-Z 
      1st Grade  1st  A-F G-R  S-Z 
      2nd Grade  2nd   A-F G-R  S-Z 
      3rd Grade 3rd   A-F G-O P-Z 
      4th Grade   4th  A-F G-P Q-Z 
        5th Grade   5th  A-F G-P  Q-Z 


      Follow-up Activities
      Example, Nonexample
      Word Associations
      Generating Situations, Contexts and Examples
      Word Relationships
      Notebook Application Examples
      Choose One and Draw (kindergarten example)



      5 minute Vocabulary Lesson 

      3. Teach Word- Learning Strategies

      Clarifying the Meaning of Unknown and Multiple Meaning Words
      Context Clues Teach Context Clues -Word Detective  Flocabulary
      Vocabulary Tracker  WORD  PDF
      Meaningful Word Parts         Little Bee “Small Words”  YouTube   
      Reference Materials  

      Multiple Meaning Word Lists in Developmental Order  WORD

      4. Foster Word Consciousness

    Free Homeschool Spelling and Vocabulary Curriculum

    Spelling Curriculum  (1st to 8th)

    Each grade level has 30 weeks’ worth of spelling lists based on McGuffey’s Eclectic Spelling Book. The website offers ten different online practice activities for each week’s spelling words.

    Barefoot Ragamuffin Curriculum  (1st to 4th)

    This spelling journal eBook provides practice for spelling rules and phonographs. It is intended for use alongside another spelling program or prepared dictation. Seventy-five phonogram flash cards are also included in the download.

    Bible Based Spelling  (1st to 3rd)  C

    These downloadable spelling lessons use words taken from the first 35 Bible lessons at Garden of Praise, Stories from the Old and New Testaments.

    The Child’s Own Spelling Book  (2nd to 8th)

    This book contains spelling lists for each grade, as well as teaching suggestions.

    Cozy Spelling  (7th)

    The Cozy Spelling Course is a 36-week text and audio based curriculum that teaches the spelling of 600 7th grade level words. Pretests, exercises, dictation sentences, spelling rules, final tests, and answer keys are included.

    The Homeschool Daily  (1st to 5th)

    This website provides printable spelling worksheets to use with K12 Reader’s spelling lists.

    K12 Reader  (1st to 5th & 8th to 12th)

    K12 Reader’s spelling courses for 1st to 5th grade consist of downloadable spelling lists, practice worksheets, and dictation sentences. The spelling words correlate to K12 Reader’s weekly reading comprehension worksheets for these grades. Additionally, they offer a downloadable one-year high school spelling course which can be taken at any point during high school or in 8th grade for some students.

    McGraw Hill  (1st to 12th)

    This website provides PDF downloads of Treasures Spelling workbooks for 1st through 6th grade and Spelling Power workbooks for 7th through 12th grade. These resources are listed in a long list of other links. Scroll down to the “Completely FREE PDF Work Books” heading and click “Spelling Book” under your child’s grade level.

    McGuffey’s Eclectic Spelling Book  (2nd to 6th)  C

    This classic textbook provides 248 lessons on spelling, pronunciation, abbreviations, usage, vocabulary, and more. The lessons begin with letter sounds and then build in difficultly.

    The Phonics Page  (2nd to 12th)  C

    This website’s series of video-based spelling lessons help students (4th grade and up) improve their spelling by teaching phonetic spelling and syllable division rules. Children reading below the 4th grade level who need spelling help should use phonics lessons.

    Spelling City  (K to 8th)

    This website allows students to practice spelling words with interactive games. You can use premade word lists or import your own. 

    Spelling for Writing  (1st to 5th)

    These downloadable workbooks teach both spelling and writing skills. Each workbook has a corresponding parent’s guide. Scroll to the bottom of the linked page to download the books.

    Spelling Training  (1st to 5th)

    This website offers online spelling practice, spelling games, and tests. Parents can import their own words or use premade grade level or themed lists.

    Spelling Words Well  (K to 12th)

    SWW provides spelling lists, worksheets, activities, and games. The website also has spelling bee word lists and resources.

    Tree Valley Academy  (1st to 6th)

    This website provides themed spelling lists that incorporate the Fry and Dolch sight words. There are 36 spelling lists per grade. Some of the lists also have corresponding printable worksheets.

    Vocabulary Curriculum


    Hand2Mind  (K to 5th)

    Hand2Mind offers worksheets that teach vocabulary skills.

    K5 Learning  (1st to 5th)

    K5 Learning’s collection of vocabulary worksheets helps students improve vocabulary, word recognition, and usage.

    K12 Reader (K to 12th)

    This website’s large selection of printable vocabulary worksheets covers dictionary skills, Fry sight words, Dolch sight words, phonetics, homographs, homophones, prefixes, root words, shades of meaning, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms and more.

    The Measured Mom  (2nd to 6th)

    This downloadable vocabulary journal is used to help children learn and understand new words they encounter in books they read.  The author recommends completing three to five entries per week.  (6th to 12th) teaches vocabulary through the use of online quizzes, games, and other activities. Printable quizzes and flashcards are also available.

    Vocabulary Power  (7th to 12th)

    This website provides PDF downloads of Vocabulary Power workbooks. The workbooks are listed in a long list of other links. Scroll down to the “Completely FREE PDF Work Books” heading and click “Vocabulary Workbook” under your child’s grade level.  (5th to 12th) is an interactive online platform for developing and practicing vocabulary. Parents may enter a list of words for their children to work on or choose a list that’s been created by other users. Parents can also paste a passage of text into the website, and it will choose a list of suggested words to use based on the text.


    More Language Arts Curriculum

    If you are looking for additional resources to complete your language arts program, visit this page. There are free curriculum options for grammar, reading, composition, handwriting, and poetry.

    vocabulary: articles on the topic “vocabulary”

    Tips and secrets

    Vocabulary is an essential component of any English language training program. Starting a course, many students ask themselves the question: how many words are enough to learn in order to speak like a native speaker and easily perceive English speech by ear? Even perfect knowledge of grammar rules without sufficient knowledge of vocabulary will not help to maintain a conversation and correctly express thoughts. There are a huge number of phrases in the English language, so it is important to highlight among them those that are most often used in everyday life.

    Read more

    Author: Jane

    Topic: learn words, tips, vocabulary

    Tips and secrets

    What is more important the ability to correctly build sentences (grammar) or vocabulary (vocabulary)? This question causes a lot of controversy among language learners, especially among those who are just starting to learn it.
    Some argue that the most important thing is to have a large vocabulary. After all, knowing the words and not even knowing how to correctly build sentences, you can explain yourself with the interlocutor.
    Others say that knowing grammar is much more important, and, first of all, you need to learn English from grammar, and vocabulary will be typed over time.
    What should you really focus on? This is what we will find out in today’s article.

    Read more

    Author: Jane

    Topic: vocabulary, grammar, learning difficulties

    Tips and secrets

    No matter how hard a person crams English words, they still disappear from the head when speaking. As a result, you often have to suffer, remembering the right word. How not to forget them?

    We have prepared a selection of 4 articles with answers to questions that absolutely all people have when learning English words. In the articles you will learn:

    How to learn English words correctly?
    What are the most common mistakes in memorizing words?
    How to activate vocabulary?
    How can I quickly replenish it?

    Read more

    Author: Jane

    Topic: tips, learn words, vocabulary

    Tips and secrets

    Do you know the situation when you speak English and cannot fully express an idea because you do not know the right word?
    Small vocabulary is a common problem. Its size determines how freely you can express your thoughts in English. In this article, you will learn how you can quickly replenish your vocabulary of English words.

    Read more

    Author: Jane

    Topic: learn words, vocabulary

    Free lessons and tips for learning English

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    Vocabulary enrichment test: 10 English words.

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    How many English words you need to know


    1. How many words you need to know at each level of the language
      1. Beginner A0
      2. Elementary A1
      3. Pre-Intermediate A2
      4. Intermediate B1
      5. Upper-Intermediate B2
      6. Advanced C1
      7. Fluent C2
    2. How many words do you need to know to speak fluently

    Surely everyone who speaks English above the Pre-Intermediate level has heard the question: “Do you really understand what she sang about? And about what? Can you translate?!” Or: “How many words from the dictionary do you know?”

    And really: how many English words do you need to know in order to understand what they sing about in songs and talk about in films? What vocabulary do you need to have in order to more or less reflect the speech of a native speaker? How can a beginner not be afraid of a dictionary issued by a teacher, in which, oh mine god, there are 355,000 words? Do they need to be learned right away?

    And here it is worth considering:

    • How many words are there in the English language?
    • What about words that have more than one meaning? The Oxford Dictionary, for a second, has about 460 interpretations of the word “ set “.
    • Are phrasal verbs counted as one word or two?
    • What about words like ice cream and hot dog ?
    • read (read), reading (read), read (read) – are these different words or different grammatical forms?

    The well-known “group of British scientists” were still puzzled by the question of how many words are in their native language:

    • 171000, which are used in everyday life;
    • 47000 obsolete words.

    It turns out that in order to speak and understand a language fluently, a poor novice needs to learn 171,000 new words?!


    You’ve probably heard of the 80/20 Pareto method: to learn 80% of the information, you need to put in 20% of the effort. This method also works in the study of English vocabulary.

    To understand 95% of the text it is enough to have about 3000 words in your vocabulary .

    Therefore, it is fundamentally wrong to set yourself the goal of knowing every word of the English language. You won’t reach it. After all, even a native speaker has a vocabulary of no more than 20,000 words. There are suspicions that he doesn’t even know about it…

    No, no, no doubt, a rich vocabulary is important and really needs to be increased. What is really worth focusing on is to use words that you already know as often as possible in speech.

    Emphasize sentence construction rather than word count. The ability to build a sentence from the current vocabulary will lead you to the desired result faster.

    How many words you need to know at each level of the language

    As we know, the levels of the English language have their own hierarchy. And each of them corresponds to the approximate number of words that you should be able to operate with.

    Beginner A0

    At the stage of acquaintance with the language, it is too early to talk about a certain amount. Vocabulary is limited to knowledge of the letters of the alphabet and a maximum of 200 words from the series: dog, cat, London, please, no/yes.

    Once in the environment of native speakers, you will feel only pain and sadness, so do not dive there yet.

    Elementary A1

    New level (survival level) – new words. Here your vocabulary expands to 1000. You will already be able to tell your new English friends about yourself, your family, where you live and what you do. But at the level of general phrases and everyday superficial conversations.

    Pre-Intermediate A2

    Approximately 2000 words will be available to you at the A2 level. This means that you have already stopped stuttering with excitement when you are asked something about life views, leisure or upcoming travels.

    Intermediate B1

    You are already at a fairly confident level with a vocabulary of 3000 words. You will not be embarrassed by the question: “What do you feel for me?” You can describe your emotions without being afraid to choose a suitable epithet. It is no longer scary to be alone in an English-speaking city and ask for directions to the airport. And sometimes even describe it in detail to a lost tourist of level A1.

    Upper-Intermediate B2

    At this stage you can’t lose face and should be able to master a vocabulary of 4000 words. You already have everything you need to communicate with native speakers: a good speed of understanding someone else’s speech, the ability to express your thoughts and personal views orally and in writing.

    Advanced C1

    Note that you have already crossed the 3000 word threshold we talked about at the beginning. Over 90% of the information provided in articles, books, news and films is more than accessible. Understand and use idioms, can read between the lines and catch the hidden meanings of words. By the way, at the Advanced level, you don’t even think about how many words from the Oxford Dictionary you already know ..?

    Fluent C2

    Native speaker level. Ideally, here your vocabulary reaches such heights that it is difficult to count: more than 6500 words. Even if a highly educated Englishman is “slipped” on you during a conversation, you will not be at a loss and tell him about your dissertation in colors.

    How many words do you need to know to speak fluently?


    The level of a fluent speaker is measured not by the number of words in your stock, but by your ability to use them in everyday speech. You are just wasting time if you focus solely on wanting to learn as many words as possible.

    Do not forget the fact: the human vocabulary is divided into active and passive. Active – these are the words and expressions that you use in your speech constantly, with understanding and pleasure. Passive vocabulary – those words that you recognize in the speech of the interlocutor, but do not use your own.

    To reach the level of fluency in English, you need to activate your passive vocabulary. How to do it? Learn and practice. And then practice and learn again. There are no more options.

    Free English can be considered Advanced level with 5000-6000 words in the arsenal. As practice shows, it will take 3-4 years to go from “zero” to this peak.

    Interesting fact

    American writer Dr. Seuss, author of the famous “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”, at 1960 wrote a book using only 50 words.

    As you can see, in order to be understood, it is not necessary to learn the dictionary from cover to cover. Gradually increasing the vocabulary is important, as well as learning to implement it into your conversational practice.

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    How to quickly learn new words in English

    From this article you will learn how many words you need to know, where to get them, what resources and services to use, how to learn such a large volume. Use at least a few tips to expand your vocabulary.

    The more information a person knows, the better he understands what the characters in the movie or TV series are talking about, what is written on the plates of museums and art galleries, and also how fair and profitable the terms of the transaction are provided by our American partners. This article contains the most popular and effective tips to help you increase your vocabulary.

    1. Determine the volume of vocabulary
    2. How to improve vocabulary
    3. Educational services and applications
    4. Helpful Tips for Learning English Words

    Determining the volume of vocabulary

    Before starting, it is recommended to test your own vocabulary by taking the Online English Vocabulary Size Test or Test Your Vocab. It will determine your approximate vocabulary, which you can compare with the average for native English speakers and newcomers to learning. The average is 3,000-4,000 words. This will be enough for communication on a variety of topics.

    However, it’s important to know that you shouldn’t rely on test results. Third-party services only provide a rough estimate of your vocabulary for online English lessons in 8th grade.

    English words that everyone should know can be divided into 2 large blocks:

    • The basic vocabulary that is necessary for understanding English speech. There are standard directions, for example, “Polite treatment”, “Family”, “Food” – everyone should know them, regardless of the level of English.
    • Words that you will need. If you are learning English for work, learn general business terminology or more specific terminology for your field of activity, such as IT, industry, etc. If you are planning a large-scale trip around the world, learn colloquial phrases for tourists.

    You won’t be able to master all of the vocabulary anyway, and you shouldn’t try to. Do you need medical terminology if you are not a doctor? You can consult with an experienced English teacher, he will tell you exactly what you need to pay attention to for English online classes in grade 8.

    How to improve vocabulary

    Favorite movies, series, songs, podcasts, books

    This method is good because you memorize the words and enjoy the process. If you already watch TV shows in English, take the vocabulary from them.

    There are many services for English learners. For example, if you watch movies with subtitles, you can click on an incomprehensible word at any time, and it will automatically be translated exactly in the context that was mentioned. You will be able to create a complete database of new words.

    You can find the texts of almost all English compositions on the Amalgam service. Another way is to enter the title of the work and add the word “lyrics” at the end. It is also recommended to listen to podcasts, audio series and radio shows and other educational materials.

    Special textbooks

    Vocabulary books help you learn new words and the context in which they are used. The manuals are useful in that they have lists of words along with practical examples of their use, which allows you to learn words in a specific context. English online classes 8th grade. Such special textbooks are publicly available on the Internet.

    Lists or dictionaries of high-frequency words

    There are words in the English language that many people memorize, but in fact these phrases have long been out of use. It will not work to independently understand whether certain words are needed for study.

    The Oxford 3000 British Dictionary and The Oxford 3000 American Dictionary lists should be used. They list the 3,000 most important words that every English learner should know. They were carefully selected by linguists and experienced English teachers. To recognize these phrases, you can use the functions of the service.

    Word cards

    This is an old but still effective way to increase your vocabulary. Everyone who has studied English at least once made cards with words and tried to learn them by heart. You make up such cards yourself, draw up as you wish. The fact that you make them yourself increases the chance of learning them faster.

    When compiling cards, use an English dictionary and follow these tips:

    • select a translation, preferably with several meanings, if any;
    • find standard phrases in which the word can be used;
    • study the examples and try to remember them.

    The next step is to determine whether you will make vocabulary cards in paper or electronic form. Below are examples of both cases.

    Paper cards

    Color blocks are recommended (each color corresponds to a theme). For beginners, the following plan is suitable:

    The word in English is written on one side of the sheet, and in Russian on the other. Test your knowledge: translate a word from Russian into English and vice versa without a hint.

    The first card

    On one side, a word is written in English and a picture is pasted, on the other side, a translation into Russian. This method is great for students with associative thinking. In your mind, you combine a new English word and the subject that it stands for English online class 8th grade.

    Second card

    On the one hand, a word in English with a Russian context is written, on the other hand, a word in Russian without a context. When repeating vocabulary, try to translate the concept from Russian into English. And with the translation in the opposite direction, the second side of the card with the Russian context will help you.

    Third card

    More advanced students are encouraged to use English-English dictionaries such as the Macmillan Dictionary. On one side is written the word in English, on the other – its definition in English. You can optionally specify synonyms and antonyms for this definition.

    Fourth card

    Remember English words best in context. Therefore, you can write on the card not only a word, but a full-fledged sentence in which it is used. Examples of sentences can be found in electronic dictionaries, such as ABBYY Lingvo.


    If you spend a lot of time at the computer, use this as an opportunity to learn English: create digital stickers with words on your desktop and in a few days you will remember them well.

    To create electronic vocabulary cards, it is recommended to use the Quizlet program, which allows you to learn new words in various ways: select the correct translation from four options, fill in gaps in sentences and play vocabulary games. You can also track your progress: which words are especially difficult for you, how quickly you learn new material. There are apps for Android and iOS.

    Alternative service – Memrise. Its free version has limited functionality, but it will be enough for compiling vocabulary cards.

    You should work with the cards regularly: watch and repeat the learned vocabulary. Periodically change the cards to new ones, and after 1-2 weeks, look at the old ones again to check your memory.

    Dictionary notebook

    This method is good for those who constantly lose something: You can easily forget where the cards are. Structure your notebook however you like. For example, each page corresponds to a specific day. The dates of repetition of the studied words are written at the top. In order for the vocabulary being studied to be well entrenched in memory, do not forget to practice regularly.

    Mind map

    You will quickly learn English words in one area if you draw a mind map. Such a scheme visually shows which topic the words belong to. In the meantime, you draw it, the vocabulary will be deposited in memory.

    Mind map

    It is recommended to use the Coggle service to create such schemes. You can share the result with other students, as well as download mind maps in pdf or png.

    Educational services and applications

    Study on learning resources such as Enroll your child in a free introductory lesson where they will meet the teacher, complete some game tasks and learn that learning English is a lot of fun.

    Find out more

    On your way to school, work or while walking your dog, use every free moment to learn new words. Useful services for any mobile device can be found in free sources.

    If you practice 10-20 minutes every day, you will quickly notice progress. The main thing is not to stop at the achieved result.

    Useful tips on how to learn English words most effectively

    1. General topics

    Groups of words related to specific topics are usually well remembered. Therefore, try to break words into groups of 5-10 pieces and learn them in a common block. If you notice the connection between them, it will be easier for you to remember them.

    There is the so-called Restorff effect, according to which the human brain best remembers the most prominent one from a group of objects. Put this effect into practice when learning new words: write down an inappropriate phrase in a group of words on one subject – enter a word from a completely different subject. For example, when studying words on the topic “Fruit”, add one word from the topic “Transport” to them, in this way your classes will become more effective.

    2. Association and personalization

    This method is popular with students: in order to learn a new word, you should come up with an association in your native language. For example, you need to remember the word obstinacy (stubbornness). We break it into 3 syllables: ob-stin-acy, and we get “stubborn, like a donkey against a wall.” The word shoot (to shoot) can be remembered as “the jester shoots.” Make up any associations yourself, the main thing is that you yourself can figure them out without much thought. If you yourself will think about how to remember a certain word, it will be much easier for you.

    Learning will be effective if you not only determine the word association, but also visualize it: for example, when you say the word shoot, imagine this shooting jester in your head, even if the picture is funny – this is only an advantage. Ideally, if you come up with a dynamic picture with your personal presence: for example, you imagine how the jester is standing next to you and shooting at another person (with a water pistol, so that the spectacle comes out comical, not tragic). The more alive the picture, the easier it will be to remember the word.

    3. Using learned vocabulary in speech

    If you have trouble learning new words, use the use it or lose it principle. To keep new knowledge in memory, it is recommended to actively apply it in practice. Make up short stories with new words and phrases. Vocabulary that is used in a short and funny context, written personally about you or your favorite things, is best remembered.

    If you are attending an 8th grade English course or with a teacher, try to use the words often in formal or informal conversation: the more often you say a word, the faster it will stick in your memory. Do not forget also about grammar: try to use new words and write English online classes 8th grade.

    4. Regular tests and checks

    It is recommended to periodically take different tests to determine the level of vocabulary. For example, excellent tests with pictures (they will be especially effective for beginners and visuals – those who perfectly perceive visual information) are on the Vocabulary for learners of English service. After passing such a test, you will immediately determine what you remember, and which topics or words need to be worked out again or repeated.

    5. Making a daily plan

    The average number of words you need to learn per day is 5-10. It is not worth increasing the volume, otherwise you will not be able to remember all the studied phrases. Try to follow such a daily plan, and you will quickly see progress in English online classes 8th grade.

    6. Fun and Pleasure

    At, native English speakers explain complex material in a simplified and entertaining way, making new information easier to remember.

    On, every piece of news is adapted to different levels of English proficiency, and detailed explanations are given for each difficult word.

    Expand your English vocabulary through fun activities such as crossword puzzles, gallows games, etc. You will find a lot of entertainment on the services Have Fun Learning English and Vocabulary exercises.

    7. Development of memory

    It is impossible to remember information if you have an insufficiently developed memory. Learning English in itself is great for training the brain and improving memory. However, to facilitate perception, you can use tips for the simple development of memory and thinking.

    8. Determining the type of perception of information

    Not all methods will suit you. Don’t use all the tips at once. Try text, video or audio formats and choose the ones that help you remember new phrases faster. You will be able to draw up an individual plan for learning English online classes 8th grade.

    The main rule for learning English is to apply theoretical knowledge in practice as often as possible. Not only read useful recommendations on how to learn new English words easily and quickly, but also constantly apply them in everyday life. Then you will not think about how to increase vocabulary faster and more efficiently.

    The first lesson at Uchi.Home is free! This is a great opportunity to get to know the teacher, the methodology and spend time with benefit. In just one lesson, your child will learn up to 10 new words and learn that learning English is very exciting.

    To work at Uchi.Home, we carefully select online math tutors who spark interest in the subject in children. Their professionalism and energy give an amazing result: students look forward to new classes and do their homework without reminders.

    Find out more

    How to expand your English vocabulary systematically

    What does it mean to learn a word and how to do it? If everything is more or less simple with one word, then mastering vocabulary is a much more complex process. To explain this to students and help them learn new vocabulary, the teacher himself should understand the mechanics of memorizing words and the basics of memory.

    This is what we will do today. To begin with, we highlight 3 key points:

    First, the word has 2 forms: graphic and sound; during language learning, both forms are usually taught at once (except for children who do not yet speak written language and study according to the method of “mastering English as a native language” – Show and Tell etc.)

    Secondly, are involved in the process of memorizing vocabulary long-term and short-term types of memory. More precisely, even so – at first the word is remembered in the short term, and then it must be “recorded” also in the long term.

    Thirdly, vocabulary can be memorized in 2 ways: passively (recognizing other people in speech) and actively (quickly remembering and using it in your speech). The passive vocabulary of any person in any language is several times larger than the active one, but when learning a language, work on the active one is more and more often the priority.

    The rule follows from the last paragraph: at each stage of work on vocabulary, it is necessary to SPEAK words. Be sure to speak out loud. Sounds obvious, but do you tell your students this? Do they know about it? It’s minimum. Next comes the USE of words in sentences. It is tedious and difficult to do this every time, but there is nothing better than this yet. Again, an example should be voiced!

    For the laziest students there are relentless statistics:

    Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning

    Vocabulary Scheme

    Stage One:

    Memorization – working with short-term memory

    Let’s go through the methods of memorizing new vocabulary:

    Simple mechanics. These are regular flashcards or their modern counterpart like Quizlet.

    Physical cards are good for kinesthetics and students who remember words well when they write. As a bonus, they can be used in class for any activities.

    If we talk about Quizlet, then, of course, it will save time – a huge number of ready-made word sets for almost all textbooks have already been collected there.

    Provide a translation or definition on the back of the card? Doesn’t matter. Decide for yourself, focusing on your approach and students. So far, there is no evidence that one is more effective than the other.

    Mechanics are more complicated: we involve motor skills. Rhythm is a great thing. The task is to get into the rhythm and pronounce the words in it. For example: word-translation-sentence with this word. Ask students to set their own rhythm, you can tap it with your hand or foot, you can shift something from hand to hand, swing with your whole body, etc.

    The efficiency of memorizing words increases many times.

    Associations. It is problematic to come up with associations for all words, but it is not necessary for all. This method works great for memorizing difficult words.

    For example, a student is hung up on the word sophisticated and cannot remember it in any way — let it be “complex Sophie”. Plus, it’s also just a good exercise for developing language competence.

    Write words on several lines. This method is rather for an amateur and depends heavily on the students. For children older than the third grade and adults – a rather useless waste of time; but still I recommend focusing on the students.

    Again, for example, if you work with children with special needs, this is perhaps the only more or less working way to reinforce new words.

    Second stage:

    Repetition – work with long-term memory

    Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve

    He empirically established the scheme of the best repetition of any material:

    the first repetition – immediately after the end of the reading;

    second repetition – 20-30 minutes after the first repetition;

    third repetition – 1 day after the second;

    fourth repetition – 2-3 weeks after the third;

    fifth repetition – 2-3 months after the fourth repetition.

    Thus, it is necessary to mark the time when writing down the word and just set a timer for the second and third repetition, reminders are better for the fourth and fifth 😉

    Third stage: Output of vocabulary into speech

    (despite the fact that we moved this aspect to the third paragraph, it does not stand alone; it is rather the core of the whole process).

    Possession of vocabulary means the ability to use it in a communicative situation. It is impossible to come up with situations for the use of all new words in the lesson, it is physically impossible. But you can work with some of the words.

    Real-life situations, role games, realia, etc. work well. Exercises work best in which the student himself needs to introduce vocabulary into speech – come up with a sentence or, even better, ask a question.

    Some teachers are addicted to storytelling tasks from a specific list of words. But they rather show the student’s imagination than really help him remember the vocabulary.

    As a result, we get the formula: remember (pronunciation) + repeat according to the schedule (pronunciation) + use in speech. And don’t worry that the words are not remembered the first time =))

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    Average English vocabulary.

    How much is the minimum vocabulary? Vocabulary in oral speech

    The language is rather difficult. The complex and large history of Great Britain has led to a very large number of words. The Oxford English Dictionary, known in many circles, has approximately 600,000 words and expressions. And if you add dialect and slang to this list, then the number of words will exceed 1 million. But you should not be afraid of such a large number, because even native speakers do not know all the English words. On average, an educated person, a native speaker, knows 12,000-18,000 words. Well, the average resident of the UK knows 8000-10000 words.

    How many words do you need to know?

    If a person is not a native speaker and does not permanently reside in an English-speaking country, then it will be practically impossible for him to bring his stock to the cherished 8000-10000 words. A good indicator is 4000-5000 words.

    There is a standard and generally accepted language gradation. If the number of learned words is in the region of 400-500 words, then the level of proficiency is considered basic. If the active stock is in the range of 800-1000 words, then you can safely communicate on various everyday topics. If such a quantity refers rather to a passive vocabulary, then you can safely read simple texts. The range of 1500-2000 words will allow you to communicate freely all day long. If the vocabulary is 3000-4000 words, then you can safely read the English press or various thematic materials. A dictionary base of 8,000 languages ​​guarantees fluency in English. With such a number of learned words, you can freely read any literature or write texts in the language yourself. Those who have more than 8000 words in their luggage are considered highly educated people who learn English.

    According to the standard vocabulary base is distributed as follows:
    – beginner – 600 words;
    – elementary – 1000 words;
    – pre-Intermediate – 1500-2000 words;
    – intermediate – 2000-3000 words;
    – upper-Intermediate – 3000-4000 words;
    – advanced – 4000-8000 words;
    – proficiency – more than 8000 words.

    With this data, you can determine your level of language proficiency, as well as set goals for yourself. But how many words have already been learned? No, you do not need to measure anything with a ruler for this. Everything is much easier. There is a test capable of determining the number of studied words with a margin of error of 10%.

    7000 words from the dictionary were taken to create this test. Outdated and rarely used words were removed from there. Also removed the words, the meaning of which can be determined through the usual logic. As a result, 2 small pages with words remained.

    How to pass the test?

    The test must be taken with the utmost integrity. The first page contains a list of words in columns. If at least one of the possible meanings of an English word is known, then a tick is placed next to it. The same columns with words appear on the second page. But there is already a selection of previously unknown words. This program checks whether these words are really unknown. To complete the test, there is another page that indicates age, gender, how many years English has been studied and other important questions. After specifying all the data, the end button is pressed and the number of words in the vocabulary of the tested person appears on the screen.

    Every serious lover of anything in the world sooner or later sets on fire with the desire to measure his collection: in money, in volume, in quantity … The philatelist carefully dusts off the hundredth mark in the album, Henry Ford rubs shine a new tire, Rockefeller glances at the number of zeros in the amount stored in the bank, etc. How to be an English lover? Love for English can also be measured. Hours dedicated to study? Words that make up an active vocabulary!

    Stock varies

    No, not firewood for the winter and not sweets under the pillow, as you already understood, but English words in the lexicon. There is nothing shameful or boastful about measuring vocabulary: after all, there is no limit to perfection, but there are intermediate stages on the way to the goal.

    Statistics, backed up by practice, says that only 2000 words are needed to freely express one’s thoughts in English.
    Statistics, backed up by optimism, call the figure 1000-1500 words, and the creators of Basic English are magicians and our best friends – only 850 words. Realists and optimists, wait a little with skepticism! Basic English is divided into thematic groups of words (objects and phenomena, actions and movements, expression of qualities) – a kind of selection of the most hit instances from each category. In fact, frequently used mostly monosyllabic words (514 out of 850), which are easy to remember and pronounce, were selected.

    We would like to ask all those who have relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief after the announced figures: what do you personally mean by the concept of “speaking freely”? Of course, in order to ask for a window seat at the check-in desk at the airport or order a veal chop in a restaurant, 2000 words are enough. Diving begins where, when answering a question, you will not catch the meaning of unfamiliar words spoken or you will not be able to tell about specific gastronomic preferences in the company of gourmets. And then we multiply 2000 by two and get 4000 words, which will surely allow you not to lose face and keep a conversation in English well done.

    Another nuance: so far we have been talking about active vocabulary
    , i.e. layer of those words that you regularly use in conversation. What you once wrote out in a dictionary and on occasion it is possible (!) Remember the value is called passive reserve –
    words that you seem to know, but most of them lie on the shelves of memory under a layer of dust. Yes, they get into the overall standings, but they do not bring special dividends.

    Perfectionists who want more! Outside the language environment, it is quite difficult to learn the 8,000 words that make up the active vocabulary of an English-speaking citizen. It is possible, of course, but with great energy consumption, diligence and methodicalness. With a baggage of 4-5 thousand words, you can safely pack your bags to Britain, the USA or Canada, where you are doomed to expand your vocabulary to the cherished 8-10 thousand units.

    Vocabulary grades

    Or how much is needed for complete happiness? You can start with the top 10 or top 100 words of the English language and already rejoice. A selection of the most commonly used English words around the world will set the right vector for vocabulary replenishment. And we again pick up the ruler and return to simple arithmetic, this time dedicating you to gradations (types) of the vocabulary.

    400-500 words of active vocabulary – a pass to the world of English and a certificate of language proficiency at basic level
    . 800-1000 “assets” of words will give the opportunity to explain and talk about everyday topics, the same amount of “passives” will allow you to read simple texts
    . 1500-2000 words of “assets” will be rewarded with the opportunity to communicate freely during the day, or the same number of “passives” – with confident reading of more complex texts
    . 3000-4000 words bring you closer to almost fluent reading of newspapers or books and magazines in the specialty
    . 8000 words guarantee full communication for the average European. This is also enough for free reading and writing thoughts.
    . up to 13,000 words characterize a highly educated person learning English as a foreign language.

    How to determine and check the vocabulary of the English language?

    Inquire on bills? Marking familiar words in the dictionary? Let’s not reinvent the wheel and borrow the answer from the creators of the test, which can weigh your vocabulary with an error of up to 10% in 2-3 minutes. The link to the test will be in a minute, but for now, a brief instruction on its use and the answer to the question “how it works.”

    The developers took a dictionary of 70,000 words as a basis, discarded obsolete, compound words, scientific terms and derivatives from each other, having already received 45,000 as a result. that even a respectable Briton may not feel remorse, never having used them in his life. From the test for English vocabulary, words were excluded, the meaning of which can be obtained by friendship with logic.

    The whole test consists of two pages: each contains English words in several columns without any logical sequence. If you know at least one of the possible meanings of the word, then confidently put a tick next to it. The task is the same on two pages, only on the second page the program selects words from those unfamiliar from the first page, as if wanting to make sure that you really do not know them. No sleight of hand, no cheating: the only condition is to be honest with yourself and not overdo it with the number of ticks.

    We invite you to take the test for a couple of minutes, and then return to our article for debriefing. We have already prepared a line 🙂

    We measure the results

    And now you are left alone with your test result. How did others do? Statistics collected after passing this test says that among non-native speakers, the majority of respondents received in the end from 3 to 7 thousand words. There are noticeably fewer owners of 7-10 thousand words, and even fewer from 11 to 30 thousand (oddly enough, even 30-thousanders honored this test with their attention).

    Among those for whom English is native, the situation looks different: a cosmic vocabulary of 30,000 words for non-native speakers is the norm for 30-year-old English-speaking friends. The average result of the previous category of 3-7 thousand is typical for children 5-6 years old. Do not forget that just at this age the world is actively explored and the entire surrounding family with 30,000 deposits around is not actively silent.

    Summing up

    Evaluation of the number of learned and memorized words of a foreign language is primarily interesting for understanding how far a person has advanced in the “passive” perception of information: texts, speech, films, etc. I propose to familiarize yourself with several methods that I used, found on the net and “home-made”. Below – a couple of tests for assessing vocabulary, a technique for finding important words that have not yet caught on in the brain, some reasoning and some links.

    Online tests

    Of the many tests for evaluating the number of words, I liked two. A couple of years ago I came across a rather simple Test Your Vocabulary . As you go through three screens of words, you tick off the ones you (you think) know, and then get an estimate of the total number of words learned. Many of my friends complained about his inadequacy – they received an amount less than “the one about whom I know for sure that he knows worse.” But when passing, there may be a mistake of a different kind – it seems that you know the word, but in fact you have already forgotten it. They say that the hand itself reaches out to put a tick next to a word that seems vaguely familiar, so you can subconsciously overestimate your overall rating.

    You know at least 10,500 English word families!

    What do my results mean?

    In general, there is no minimum vocabulary size. Language ability is related to vocabulary size, so the more words you know, the more you will be able to understand. However, if you want to set a learning goal, Paul Nation’s (2006) research suggests that the following sizes might be useful:

    How large a vocabulary is needed for reading and listening?
    Skill Size estimate Notes
    Reading 8,000 – 9,000
    word families Nation (2006)
    Listening 6,000 – 7,000
    word families Nation (2006)
    Native speaker 20,000
    word families Goulden, Nation, & Read (1990)
    Zechmeister, Chronis, Cull, D’Anna, & Healy (1995)

    What is a word family?

    There are many different forms of a word, so this test measures your knowledge of the most basic form of a word and assumes that you can recognize the other forms. For example, nation, a noun, can also be an adjective (national), a verb (nationalize), or an adverb (nationally). There are also forms which can be made with an affix such as de- or -ing which also modify the way that the word is used or adds to the basic meaning. For a test of receptive vocabulary knowledge such as this one, word families are considered to be the most accurate way of counting words.

    Frequency dictionaries

    After registering at, you can download the American English Frequency Dictionary excel. There is also a text version.

    Like this:

    Rank Word Part of speech Frequency Dispersion

    1 The – A 22038615 0.98
    2 BE – V 12545825 0.97
    3 And – C 10741073 0.99
    4 OF – I 10343885 0.97
    5 A – A 10144200 0 0.98
    8 have-v 4303955 0.97

    4996 Immigrant – J 0.97
    4997 KID – V 5094 0.92
    4998 Middle -Class – J 5025 0.93
    4999 APOLOGY – N 4972 VILLL – I5000 TILL – I 50 sorted by frequency of occurrence. The frequency was calculated on a huge heterogeneous array of English texts. I recently saw a friend of mine look up words he didn’t know by checking his vocabulary. Looking through the first 500, I did not find any unknowns. He showed an extract on his smartphone – about a dozen words from the second thousand (that is, from 1000 to 2000) and about 20 from the third. It’s funny that when you go through the list, you come across sequences of words that successfully add up to phrases or even short sentences. The logic is very simple – if the word is very common according to statistics, and you don’t know it, then it’s better to learn it and see examples of use.

    After reading the list of words unknown to him (already with translation), I saw the following thing. I knew about 50-60% of these words unknown to him, but some of the meanings of the translations recorded there were unknown to me, there were several words completely unknown to me.
    In general, the site tries to be commercial, they sell lists longer than 5000, but it’s not so interesting anymore.

    So far, this friend of mine is writing a program with a convenient interface to look up unknown words – for learning purposes. I suggested to him that for a global assessment, not this list, but thinned one: every seventh word from the total list of 60,000 words is given. In fact, even watching the first couple of thousand is disheartening, not everyone will get to 5000. Although I can’t say for all 100, but the thinned dictionary will certainly show at least one word from the “family”, and the time will be spent, respectively, 7 or 10 times less (depending on the frequency of thinning).
    By the way, such frequency dictionaries of the Russian language contain about 160 thousand words, including abbreviations and abbreviations. There are several different similar “corpuses” of English words from different organizations.

    I’m interested in another question: how accurate are the tests that estimate the number of words you know? It is possible that this could be determined just by checking the frequency dictionary, as well as comparing the list of selected unknown words – their number and entry into different “families”.

    There are general laws of remembering and forgetting. One of the main things: if a person has learned something and does not repeat, does not use it, the information is forgotten exponentially from time to time. On the other hand, a few repetitions lengthen, stretch the falling exponent to an acceptable level. I was very surprised when a friend who worked as a tutor for schoolchildren told me that there is a sequence of time intervals for deep memorization: say, after 20 minutes, then after 8 hours, another day, etc., after which the information is planted firmly in the brain . That is, the statistically maximum level of the excitation signal is provided in the brain when it encounters this information.

    Ebbinghaus curve, from Wikipedia.

    How I learned words at the institute.

    Without taking into account the standard course, where the requirements for the first three years were quite tough, I tried to read fiction. The first big book was the old Soviet edition of Conan Doyle’s The Lost World. I don’t know how it was adapted, but there were plenty of Victorian words and expressions in the text, and this greatly delayed the progress towards the end … Of course, it was possible to look into Lingvo from a computer, but I didn’t like to read at a computer, but to run back and forth for each new word quickly tired. Tablets were not common then, a pocket electronic translator is an expensive rarity, so I developed a paper system for myself. In thick 9A 6-sheet notebook spread was divided into 6 columns. Now I tried to find a notebook – I got lost. Will have to describe in words. Divided the alphabet into groups of letters, for example – a..d, e..f, g..j, k..n, o..q, r..t, u..w, x..z. Approximately, by eye, I estimated the statistical percentage of words that begin with these letters and divided the columns in the spread into rectangles. For example, the group a..d gave 2/3 of the first column, and so on. The group x..z was assigned the last remaining smallest piece in the 6th column. Then everything is simple. I met an unknown word – enter with the translation in the desired rectangle. Nothing inside the block is not in alphabetical order – it will not take long to find. To get the translation while lying on the bed, you need to get into the book dictionary. That is, the value of receiving a translation is quite large, more than now look at Lingua or an online translator like

    The well-known Ellochka from the novel “12 Chairs” easily got by with thirty words of the Russian language, but, apparently, she did not achieve much success in life. How many words do we need to know in English in order to communicate on everyday and professional topics? According to researchers, about 40 words are the minimum required for 50% of understanding and speaking in everyday speech situations, 400 words should be enough for 90% of cases, and 1000 words will provide you with 95% successful communication. Native speakers use an average of 3,000 to 20,000 words, it depends on the education of each individual and the typical situations in which he has to communicate. Practice shows that for English learners it is enough to learn 1500-2000 words to feel confident in a conversation. As for professional terms, they usually do not cause difficulties, because in most cases this is an international vocabulary. But the most important thing is to understand that words should not just be written on beautiful cards and hung around the house, they should become your working tools. Let’s see what steps will help you to firmly master the necessary vocabulary, that is, vocabulary.

    1. Read carefully and draw conclusions

    Whatever you read – fiction, stock market news or a gardening blog – pay attention to how exactly words are used, what combinations they make. Highlight, write out, copy what seems useful to you. For example, here is an excerpt from How to Become an Early Riser (by Steve Pavlina):

    It seems there are two main schools of thought about sleep patterns. One is that you should go to bed and get up at the same times every day. It’s like having an alarm clock on both ends – you try to sleep the same hours each night. This seems practical for living in modern society. We need predictability in our schedules. And we need to ensure adequate rest.

    How can we analyze what we have read?

    • “It seems” – it seems, apparently. We just take it as an introductory word.
    • “This seems practical” We understand that an adjective is used after “seems”, and now we can speak by analogy: “This seems interesting”, “This seems stupid”, “Your ideas seem nice”.
    • “Predictability” – predictability. If we know that “predict” means to predict and “ability” means ability, then we can calculate the meaning of this word as well.

    2. Watch videos with and without subtitles

    The same work can be done when watching your favorite movies, series and TV shows. If you use subtitles, it will be more convenient for you to write out the phrase you like, if not, then train your auditory perception, pause and repeat after the speaker. We can recommend an excellent resource that provides the opportunity to watch TV shows in the original with super-useful subtitles: when you hover over a word, a Russian translation appears. It saves a lot of time and improves memorization.

    3. Singing our favorite songs

    We have already discussed how songs can help us learn English. Vocabulary expansion is one of the areas where songs can be applied particularly well. It is always much easier to remember what you like and what is associated with positive emotions. You can find a lot of sites with lyrics on the net, for example:

    Listening to your favorite songs and singing along with the performers, you learn whole phrases easily and with pleasure.

    4. Taking a cue from celebrities

    Search for something like “Brad Pitt interview” or “chat show with celebrities” and you’ll get tons of do-it-yourself material. After reading or listening to interview fragments, you will probably notice that certain words are used more often. For example, “amazing” is a very popular adjective for expressing delight:

    • “You look amazing!”
    • “The film was amazing!”
    • “It was an amazing experience.”

    5. Learning common phrases for common situations

    If you love to travel, you will definitely need a set of certain phrases and expressions that you may need at the airport, customs, hotel, shop, etc. As you know, such conversations do not differ in a special variety, therefore, for greater certainty, you can learn several mini-dialogues on the necessary topics. Various Internet resources will help you with this, where audio recordings and texts are collected, as well as tasks for them are presented. For example, you can start from this site

    6. Learning words by topic

    It is much easier to memorize new words that are related in meaning. If, for example, you are studying the topic “Food”, you just need to learn the names of different products, ready meals, adjectives to describe them, etc. By discussing the tasks with the teacher, you will be able to activate these words, i.e. transfer from a passive stock to a set of “working tools”. Learning will be more effective if you use different types of memory: look at pictures, listen to pronunciation and repeat yourself. Use, for example, such a resource that will help you do all of the above and learn new words with ease.

    7. Using dictionaries

    In our age of information technology, paper dictionaries are no longer popular, and even schoolchildren are willing to use their online versions. Starting from the Pre-Intermediate level, it is recommended to use the so-called “English-English dictionaries”, that is, not to translate unfamiliar words, but to look for their definitions in English. In addition, dictionaries can provide you with a stock of synonyms, antonyms, and idioms for a given word. According to Wikipedia, the following dictionaries are the most useful and reliable sources of information:


    Playing word games

    Crosswords, gallows, scrabble and other games can also help you improve your speech, because they help you remember the spelling of the words you know in a fun way. In addition, many word games can be played in a fun company, combining business with pleasure: learning English with friendly communication. Tip for the curious: try playing Scrabble with an open dictionary.

    9. We arm ourselves with devices and gadgets

    It takes a long time to write words on cards, there is no time to make sentences, but we always have smartphones, iPhones and other devices at hand. When a free minute appears, you can start learning new words, and you don’t need to carry any leaflets, printouts, textbooks with you. If you don’t know which app to choose, take advice from the British Council experts.

    10. Use it or lose it!

    The most important thing in learning vocabulary is to use it in your speech. Passive vocabulary is good for reading and listening, that is, for recognizing words. For speaking and writing, we need to learn how to retrieve words from memory very quickly, and this is achieved only by practice. According to researchers, in order for a word to become active in speech, it must be used in various contexts about 17 times. Therefore, before class, set yourself the task of speaking more than the teacher and be sure to use new words.

    Big and friendly family EnglishDom

    If you are looking at the Oxford Dictionary now and thinking: “I will never learn so many words!” – distract from sad thoughts and read this article. How many words do you really need to know? You may be pleasantly surprised!



    Word, show your passport!

    English students often ask, “How many words do I need to learn to be able to hold a conversation on any topic?” Good question, but before answering it, let me ask you another one: what do you think? A question to which there is no intelligible answer. Why? It is impossible to count the number of words in a language for one simple reason – it is difficult to decide what to consider as a word.

    It is claimed, for example, that for the word “set” the Oxford Dictionary gives 464 definitions. Should we consider a polysemantic word as one word or each interpretation as a separate word? And what about (phrasal verbs): “set up”, “set about”, “set apart”, etc.? And what about the so-called open compounds – words like “hot dog”, “ice cream”, “real estate”? Add to this the singular and plural forms, verb conjugations, different endings, prefixes and suffixes – and you will understand why it is so problematic to answer how many words there are in the English language.

    The question really should be: “Do you know how many words are in the largest dictionary of the English language?” If you roughly imagine the number of words in a language, it can be compared with the number of words used 90-95% of the time in everyday speech and in the news.

    Less words – more action

    In 1960, the famous American children’s writer Theodor Seuss Geisel (better known under the pseudonym Dr. Seuss, author of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, etc. ) published the book Green Eggs and Ham. The book was written in just 50 words and was the result of a dispute between Seuss and his publisher, Bennett Cerf. The publisher believed that Seuss would not be able to create a finished work in such harsh conditions (before that, Seuss had already written “The Cat in the Hat”, which featured 225 words).

    If it’s possible to write a book in just 50 words, does that mean we don’t need 40,000 words to communicate with each other? Note, however, that according to Susie Dent, a lexicographer, the average active vocabulary of an adult English speaker is about 20,000 words, and the passive one is about 40,000 words.

    What is the difference between active and passive vocabulary? In simple terms, active vocabulary includes words that you can remember on your own and apply. As for the passive vocabulary, these are those words that you recognize, the meaning of which you know, but which you are not able to use yourself.

    How many words do you know, sir?

    And here we come to the most interesting part. On the one hand, an adult native English speaker has an active vocabulary of about 20,000 words. On the other hand, The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists claims that the first 25 words are used in 33% of everyday written texts, the first 100 words in 50%, and the first thousand words occur in 89% of such texts!

    Thus, we can safely say that only 3000 words cover about 95% of general texts (news articles, blog entries, etc.). Liu Na and Nation proved that 3000 is the approximate number of words we need to know in order to understand the rest from the context when reading unsimplified texts.

    Do the math!

    The Oxford English Dictionary contains 171,476 common words. 95% of general texts cover a vocabulary of only 3,000 words. That’s 1.75% of all words!

    That’s right: knowing 1.75% of the English vocabulary, you can understand 95% of what you read. This is only 7.

    School in melbourne florida: Brevard Public Schools / Homepage

    Опубликовано: July 2, 2022 в 11:12 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Top 5 Best Private Schools in Melbourne, FL (2022-23)





    Calvary Chapel Academy


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    2955 Minton Road
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 729-9922

    Grades: NS-12

    | 729 students

    Community Christian School


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    1616 Ferndale Ave
    Melbourne, FL 32935
    (321) 259-1590

    Grades: K-12

    | 272 students

    Florida Prep

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    1950 Academy Drive
    Melbourne, FL 32901
    (321) 723-3211

    Grades: 6-12

    | n/a students

    Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy


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    5625 Holy Trinity Drive
    Melbourne, FL 32940
    (321) 723-8323

    Grades: PK-12

    | 927 students

    Melbourne Central Catholic High School


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    154 E Florida Ave
    Melbourne, FL 32901
    (321) 727-0793

    Grades: 9-12

    | 410 students

    Palm Bay S. D.A. School

    (Seventh Day Adventist)

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    3507 Carriage Gate Drive
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 733-4551

    Grades: K-8

    | 21 students

    Bethany Christian School


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    1100 Dorchester Avenue
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 727-2038

    Grades: NS-12

    | 189 students

    Brevard Academy

    Special Program Emphasis (Christian)

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    3453 W New Haven Ave Ste B
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 345-4309

    Grades: K-12

    | 82 students

    Brevard Community College Montessori School

    Montessori School

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    3865 N Wickham Road Bldg 12
    Melbourne, FL 32935
    (321) 433-5568

    Grades: NS

    | 36 students

    Bright Horizons Academy


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    550 E Florida Ave
    Melbourne, FL 32901
    (321) 312-1663

    Grades: PK-8

    | 59 students

    Country Day For Children

    Montessori School

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    1281 S Wickham Road
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 951-8005

    Grades: NS

    | 35 students

    Dairy Road Discovery Center

    Daycare / Preschool

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    2200 Dairy Road
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 951-4457

    Grades: PK-K

    | 157 students

    Devereux School

    Special Education School

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    8000 Devereux Drive
    Melbourne, FL 32940
    (321) 775-4889

    Grades: 3-12

    | 148 students

    Faith Fellowship Academy

    Daycare / Preschool (Christian)

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    2820 Business Center Blvd
    Melbourne, FL 32940
    (321) 259-7200

    Grades: PK-K

    | 199 students

    Holy Family School


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    Po Box 411188
    Melbourne, FL 32941
    (321) 749-7775

    Grades: 3-9

    | 7 students

    Mustard Seed Kidz

    Daycare / Preschool (Christian)

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    2975 Eber Blvd
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 733-1733

    Grades: PK-3

    | 91 students

    New Hope Lutheran Academy

    (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod)

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    870 Hollywood Blvd
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 768-1500

    Grades: K-8

    | 61 students

    No Limits Academy

    Special Education School (Christian)

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    4450 W Eau Gallie Blvd Ste 180
    Melbourne, FL 32934
    (321) 255-6645

    Grades: 1-12

    | n/a students

    Our Lady Of Lourdes School


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    420 E Fee Ave
    Melbourne, FL 32901
    (321) 723-3631

    Grades: PK-8

    | 229 students

    Rfm Christian Academy


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    777 S Apollo Blvd
    Melbourne, FL 32901
    (321) 952-3787

    Grades: K-12

    | 58 students

    Rising Stars Academy


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    2155 Sarno Rd
    Melbourne, FL 32935
    (321) 259-4944

    Grades: 2-12

    | 33 students

    Sancta Familia Academy


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    1204 N Harbor City Blvd
    Melbourne, FL 32935
    (321) 259-6464

    Grades: 1-12

    | 64 students

    Space Coast Early Intervention Center

    Alternative School

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    3790 Dairy Rd
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 729-6858

    Grades: PK-1

    | 95 students

    The Star Center School For Autism

    Special Education School

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    2075 Meadowlane Ave
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 724-4482

    Grades: 2-8

    | 30 students

    Suntree Montessori

    Montessori School

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    2990 Business Center Blvd.
    Melbourne, FL 32940
    (321) 254-7500

    Grades: PK-K

    | 31 students

    Suntree United Methodist School


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    7400 N Wickham Road
    Melbourne, FL 32940
    (321) 254-3866

    Grades: PK-K

    | 206 students

    Wade Christian Academy


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    4300 N Wickham
    Melbourne, FL 32935
    (321) 259-6788

    Grades: NS-12

    | 135 students

    Wavecrest Academy

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    610 Young Street
    Melbourne, FL 32935
    (321) 795-3458

    Grades: 1-9

    | 7 students

    West Melbourne Christian Academy

    (Church of God)

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    3150 Milwaukee Avenue
    Melbourne, FL 32904
    (321) 725-3743

    Grades: K-12

    | 112 students

    Wickham KinderCare

    Daycare / Preschool

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    2220 N Wickham Rd
    Melbourne, FL 32935
    (321) 254-4029

    Grades: NS-PK

    | n/a students

    Melbourne, FL public school ratings and districts

    Brevard School District

    2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way

    Viera, FL 32940

    Students enrolled in District

    Schools in District

    Students Per Classroom
    (State average is 17)

    Compared to U.


    is best)

    Better than