Benefits of learning centers in preschool: What are Centers in Preschool and Why are They Important?

Опубликовано: March 26, 2021 в 10:12 am


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What are Centers in Preschool and Why are They Important?

Setting up centers in preschool and kindergarten classrooms can be a pretty daunting task. Especially if it’s your first time doing so (although it’s no small feat for veteran teachers, either).

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I get quite a few questions about centers from awesome readers who are a little overwhelmed at the prospect of putting centers together in their early childhood classrooms.

One of the reasons for that overwhelm, in my opinion, is trying to figure out everything at once. Let’s start here, with what I like to call “a basic introduction to centers” (there’s a much more in-depth centers guide here if you’re interested).

We’ll be touching on what centers in preschool and kindergarten classrooms are, why they’re important, and we’ll even look at some examples.

Ready? Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What in the World are Centers Anyway?

The term “centers” can mean a few different things, but they’re all about the same general concept.

Centers are activities located in specific areas around the classroom. Often, each specific area is also referred to as a center. The time period on the preschool schedule for these activities is also often called centers.

Children work in small groups during center time, and they can also work independently.

Depending on your preference, some center activities can be done with the teacher, while others are completed with peers or individually.

Centers can be done at one time during the school day, with a variety of center topics available.  Centers can also be split up into different parts of the day.  For example, literacy centers might be held in the mornings, with art centers after lunch.  The decision is based on teacher preference and class schedule.

Why is it Important to Have Centers in Preschool and Kindergarten Classrooms?

There are so very many reasons to have centers in early childhood classrooms!

I’m going to touch on a few of them here, but please keep in mind this isn’t an exhaustive list.

To begin with, center time allows children to grow in their social skills. They navigate interactions with their peers during this time, and it is happening almost constantly. Here are just some of the ways centers help children socially:

  • Kids need to find a way to join in on play that’s already established at one center.
  • They need to negotiate the guidelines to what they’ll be doing in the center.
  • One child may want some time to herself at a center, and she needs to express that to her friends.
  • Children constantly work on who is using what material at any given time, and if they’re willing to share that with some friends.
  • When it’s time to clean up, the kids need to divvy up who will be responsible for what task.
  • A child might be struggling with a task he very much wants to do. He can ask a friend for help, a friend could offer to help, or some combination thereof.

Centers in Preschool Help Kids Become More Self-Aware

In addition to the social aspect of centers, children are learning a lot about themselves at this time. They’re practicing and exploring many important concepts in a safe environment. Here are some:

Time management

Time management is one big part of centers. If your centers last an hour, and a child knows she wants to go to the math center AND the science center that day . . . well, she needs to figure out how to accomplish that.


An amazing amount of self-regulation is practiced during center time. There is always some friction when children are sharing an area and materials. There’s a back-and-forth that the kids need to navigate, and sometimes that can be frustrating.

So the kids have to keep an eye on how they’re talking to their peers, keeping their hands to themselves, and even regulating their own emotions throughout center time.

Their Own Interests

Kids can take the time to explore what they’re interested in. Since each center should be stocked with different kinds of materials, the children can determine what they like and don’t like.

Maybe one child loves painting, while another is a big fan of clay. Both can get the chance to express their own interests in the same art center.

Find the Centers Guide with Printable Center Signs here

Centers in Preschool and Kindergarten Help Kids Learn

Of course early childhood centers also help children when it comes to early learning skills. As with the social and self development concepts listed above, there are so many ways centers help with early academics:

Make Mistakes

Center time is a safe place to make mistakes. This seems like such a small aspect of the conversation, but it is so very important.

Mistakes are a part of the learning process, and center time allows for a low-stress time for them.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Children get to practice concepts they’ve been taught during centers in preschool. For example, say a child is learning to count to 10. She can explore this concept as she counts the blocks of a structure she made in the block center.

Playing with the animal counters in the math center will give her more time to explore the concept. Maybe she and her friends are setting the table for 10 people in the dramatic play center. Yet another chance to meaningfully practice the concept.

Extend the Learning

Kids can also extend early learning concepts. If a child’s mastered the basic AB pattern, maybe he’ll go on to playing with the more complicated ABB pattern.

Learn New Skills

New-to-them skills will also crop up while children are playing and learning in centers. These are the “Ah ha!” moments, and they are blast to observe in classroom centers.

“Did you know that when you mix the red paint with the blue paint, you get purple?!” “There are 10 letters in my name, but only 4 in her name.”

Develop Language

And we can’t forget to talk about the language development that happens during center time. Because preschool centers allow children to interact with their peers so much, there is almost constant discussion between kids.

Even children who don’t like to talk as much, or who are learning a new language, benefit from this.

Speaking, listening, learning new vocabulary, hearing the flow of language, learning how to take turns during a conversation – these are all important language skills.

Take a Look at Some Centers in Preschool & Kindergarten

I’ve used a variety of centers in preschool and kindergarten classrooms over the years. I bet you have too! Below are some centers that an early childhood classroom could include.

These are just the general centers to have around the classroom.  The specific activities would change based on your theme or project, the time of year, your students’ needs, etc.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list!

Reading Center

A cozy spot set up in the classroom, with a variety of books available for the children to read.

Books related to the theme, class-made books, big books, interactive writing charts, and pocket chart poems are just some of the things that can be included in the reading center.

Writing Center

A place where students can practice the various stages of writing.  Sometimes this center is “free writing”, with the kiddos deciding what to do. Other times, the activity is teacher-directed.

Some ideas include making words with letter tiles, writing in journals, writing in sand, and book-making.

Related: Preschool Winter Words Free Printable to Use with Letter Tiles

Dramatic Play Center

A center just for pretend play, some of my kids referred to it as the home center.

“Kitchen appliances”, a table, and chairs set the backdrop for this center.

Some ideas for the home center are acting out favorite stories, running a flower shop, selling produce in a roadside stand, and caring for patients in the ER.

Building Center

Having a large spot set-aside for building and creating is an important part of early childhood classrooms.  Building can include blocks, racetracks and cars, Lego (although sometimes people keep these in the math or fine motor area), and so many other creative building supplies.

The children can have free reign to build whatever they wish, or they can build within certain guidelines.  Sometimes I like to give a suggestion to the kids, then let them go.

Related: How to Stock and Organize the Preschool Block Center

Art and Crafts Center

The purpose of this center in preschool is to let the kids explore their creativity.

For this center, you might put out art materials the kiddos can use with minimal supervision.  Or some days you might introduce a new art technique or material that requires and adult to hang out for most of center time.

Students might paint self-portraits, make play dough, or paint with corn cobs.  Children might see what happens when they mix different paint colors, or maybe they want to experiment with mixed-media art or sculpture.

Related: Colorful Tape and Watercolor Art for Kids

Sensory Center

The sensory center in preschool helps kids focus in on (you guessed it!) their senses.

This center might hold water, rice, shaving cream, beads, straws, dyed corn in a rainbow of colors, and so much more.

Ideally, the materials would be rotated so that different senses are explored throughout the year.

Related: Rainbow Activity with Colorful Corn

Science Center

The science center in preschool helps the children learn to investigate the world around them. I love stocking this center with magnifying glasses, tweezers, and kid-sized safety goggles.

Depending on what your class is learning, you might have pumpkins to dissect, rocks, shells, insects to observe, or snake skins in the center.

Related: Insects and Plants in the Preschool Science Center

ABC Center 

This center allows children to explore letters — how letters look, how they compare to each other, how they combine to form words.

If you have a teacher easel with a magnetic white board, that’s perfect for this little center. Sometimes I have the children sort magnetic letters, match uppercase to lowercase letters, make words, write words, work with word families, etc.

Related: Sorting Magnetic Letters

Math Center

Kiddos use this center in preschool to learn more about shapes, colors, numbers, quantities, and such.

Some ideas for this center include playing dice games, sorting jelly beans, matching numeral cards to quantities of items, sorting items, etc.

Related: Spring Math Game for Kids

Puzzles & Games Center

It’s always fun for the kiddos to work on puzzles or play games together.  Fun, cooperative play!

I don’t always have a center set aside just for puzzles and games. It really depends on the size of the classroom and my center time goals.

Teacher Center

This is a a center that I’ve often had for me, a teaching assistant, or a co-teacher to oversee. Not every year, but some years. For years when there wasn’t space for a dedicated “teacher table”, we would just move around to another center that made sense.

This center is often for working with the kids on their name kits, writing in their journals, making books, creating special art projects, and many other activities.

Sometimes we work with the children in small groups, while other times we pull children over individually.  A lot of individualized teaching takes place here!

It’s Your Turn

What centers are in your early childhood classroom? Do you have anymore questions regarding centers in preschool or kindergarten classrooms? If you’re reading for more, be sure to pop over and read about how to manage preschool and kindergarten center time.

Feel free to touch base with me!

Related: Talking to Parents about Early Childhood Centers

Amazing Resource for Your Centers in Preschool

As I mentioned above, I’ve had many readers looking for help with centers. If you’d like all the whys, hows, and to-dos in one place, along with a ton of printable center cards and signs, you need to check out this Preschool Centers Guide. Keep in mind, this would work great in other early childhood classrooms too! Below the photo you’ll see what comes in the 200+ page guide.

What’s Included

50 page planning guide

This teacher guide delves into what centers are, why they’re important, ideas for managing centers, how to set up centers in preschool, ideas for stocking centers, and how to introduce them to your students.

This planning guide would be great to print out and add to a teacher binder, or get them printed and bound separately to keep for reference in the classroom.

Printables for managing and labeling centers

There are a wide variety of centers included in these printables. This way, you can pick and choose what you need for your own classroom each year.

Here are the printables included along with the teacher guide:

  • Large Center Signs
  • Square Center Cards
  • Center Choices Checklists
  • Center Rules (with an editable option)
  • Large Centers Signs with Room for Students to Add Name Cards
  • Editable Student Name Cards
  • Center Sign Up Sheets
  • “Work in Progress” Signs
  • “Book Hospital” Labels

Get your Centers Guide on Preschool Teacher 101

Also available on Teachers Pay Teachers

Setting Up Preschool Learning Centers


Young children learn best by experimenting with their environment through hands-on activities and play, which is why learning centers are such a vital part of the preschool classroom. Using learning centers to give children the hands-on experiences and play opportunities they need is important, but there are a variety of factors that influence which learning centers would work best for your space, how you should set them up, and the materials you should include in each.

To help you identify those factors and make the process of setting up your preschool centers a little easier, we’ve included a list of learning centers you can choose to incorporate in your preschool classroom. Be sure to click on each center’s “How to Set Up…” page for more information about size and location guidelines, storage solutions, furniture options, and a list of suggested materials for each center.


An art learning center serves as a great creative outlet for kids to help express their emotions and ideas. Children can experience different textures and use different materials as they create their works of art. Fine motor skill development and improved hand-eye coordination are other ways an art learning center will benefit the children in your care.

-How to Set Up Your Preschool Art Center-


Children can improve their motor skills, practice problem solving, and learn to work with their classmates while playing in a block learning center. Block play enables children to explore their creative side by building unique structures and communities with blocks, block people, and block animals. A block learning center will also teach children about basic engineering and architecture concepts.

-How to Set Up Your Preschool Block Center-


A literacy center is a must-have in any preschool classroom or ECE environment. Having a quiet area to practice their reading, writing, and comprehension skills will help children express ideas, explore their interests, and learn about the world around them. Including a literacy center in your classroom will help foster skills in children that will influence their overall success in school and in life.

-How to Set Up Your Preschool Literacy Center-


A technology learning center provides plenty of great educational resources that can be utilized to teach children new subjects in a fun and interactive way. You can also teach children how to appropriately use technology to find a variety of information about the world. Integrating a technology learning center in your preschool classroom will ensure that children are digitally literate and can use technology to accomplish various tasks.

-How to Set Up Your Preschool Technology Center-

Dramatic Play

Including a dramatic play learning center in your classroom will give children opportunities to role play as adults in everyday situations and a variety of careers. Dramatic play encourages creativity, self-expression, and knowledge of the community. You can also use a dramatic play learning center to help teach children about other countries, cultures, and customs.

-How to Set Up Your Preschool Dramatic Play Center-

Sand and Water

A sand and water learning center encourages children to participate in sensory play. Children can learn about sand and water and learn to share with others as they play in the learning center. Including sand and water play sets in the learning center can also help broaden children’s sensory play experiences and encourage creativity as they use sand and water to explore their senses.

-How to Set Up Your Preschool Sand and Water Center-

Nature and Science

Also known as a discovery or exploration center, a nature and science center brings the outdoors indoors and gives children opportunities to explore nature and science concepts. Including a weather station in this learning center would also give children a way to actively learn about the weather and climate in their community and make observations about daily changes they see in the weather. Using a nature and science learning center to help foster a strong connection with and understanding of the environment in children can only be beneficial to everyone’s future.

-How to Set Up Your Preschool Nature and Science Center-

Music and Movement

Including a music and movement center in your preschool classroom encourages children to be physically active and gives them opportunities to experiment with sound and music. A music and movement center can also promote self-expression, foster creativity, and help children relax. Movement props aid creative expression and offer additional fun activities for children in the learning center.

-How to Set Up Your Preschool Music and Movement Center-

Math and Manipulatives

A math and manipulatives center can help children further develop their fine motor skills and better understand beginning math concepts. Children can also practice their problem-solving skills and improve their hand-eye coordination by sorting counters and participating in other similar activities. A math and manipulative center can help children have a more positive relationship with math, which may influence their education and career choices later in life.

-How to Set Up Your Preschool Math and Manipulatives Center-

If you would like some additional assistance in planning your classroom space or setting up your preschool learning centers.

More on this Topic

How to Plan a Great Classroom Layout
MyKaplan FloorPlanner
Kaplan Label Maker
Correlations and Classroom Lists
New Center Openings
Head Start
Early Head Start


6 Important Benefits Of Learning Centers In The Classroom

If you struggle to maintain and manage learning centers in your classroom, you’re not alone. Many teachers begin the year with good intentions of keeping up with their learning center rotations but as the year goes on they lose speed and sometimes fizzle out. So let’s begin with the basic question…

What is the definition of learning centers in the classroom?

A learning center is a designated area in the classroom where students can practice skills that they’ve already been taught in class. Learning centers are filled with hands on activities that get students excited to learn about different areas of your curriculum. When setting up classroom learning centers, many teachers base their centers on math and literacy skills but you can also include other areas like social emotional, fine motor, art, blocks and dramatic play.

Why should you have learning centers in your classroom?

There are many reasons learning centers are important in an elementary classroom. Learning centers are often the most treasured time of a child’s day. Here are some reasons you should consider adding learning centers to your kindergarten or first grade classroom:

1. Practice

Students need the opportunity to practice the skills you’re teaching in class. They need time to work with other students, use hands on manipulative materials and play games without being under the direct instruction from a teacher. When students are given the chance to practice skills on their own they can try out new ways of doing things and truly make the learning their own.

2. Independence

Besides getting a chance to practice, learning centers give students the chance to demonstrate how much they’ve learned. During center time, teachers can monitor children while they work and play. This is the time for you to observe your students skills. Are they able to complete the tasks without your assistance? You’ll be able to tell if your students understand the concepts simply by observing them. If you see that they are struggling you can step in and give a quick intervention.

3. Responsibility

Children also demonstrate responsibility during center time. Using materials correctly, putting things away and cleaning up are all important skills for students to develop and will further foster their independence. Learning centers are a time when students are responsible for their own work. They begin and end a task on their own, then clean up after themselves. Students can also be responsible for helping others during center time. When the teacher is working with a small group in another area of the room, students may need to rely upon each other for help when needed. All of these things lead to more responsible students in your classroom.

4. Learning feels like play

Children learn through play. The more you can make an activity feel playful, make believe or game-like the more students will learn. When children feel like they are playing they’ll be more excited to do the activity and it will make the skills stick in their brain. They are more likely to remember skills when they are playing with and manipulating materials, than simply doing a paper/pencil task.

5. Opportunities for small group work

As teachers, we know that one of the most important parts of our day is working with students in small groups. When you have just a handful of students you are able to really hone in on the skills that they need. You can offer individual support and encouragement. But often teachers will ask “What do I do with the rest of my class when I’m working in small groups?”

If students are taught how to work at centers and have a good management routine in place, teachers can work with small groups of students for 45-60 minutes while the rest of the class is occupied at learning centers and other tasks.

Teacher working with a small group of children.

6. Differentiation

Learning centers offer so many ways to differentiate your instruction. You can have multiple activities at each center and these activities can be at different levels of difficulty. Students can choose the activity that’s right for them or you can assign tasks to students.

One way of doing this is by having 3 different colored trays at each center. The activity in each tray can be a different level of difficulty. For example, at your math center you might have students working on addition. In your red tray you might have an activity for struggling students to do simple addition to 5. In a green tray, you may have your on level students working on addition to 10. And your advanced students might work out of the blue tray where they will do a related facts activity. All your students can attend the same center and work on addition, but they can work at their own speed.

If you worry that students will begin to notice the difference in the work, change it up. One week have the advanced work be in the blue tray. The next week have the advanced work be in the red tray. That way, every student gets the chance to work out of each color tray without feeling embarrassed that they are working at a higher or lower level than other kids.

What learning centers should you have in your classroom?

When deciding on which learning centers you want in your classroom you need to think about several factors:

Classroom Size

Consider the size of your classroom when choosing how many learning centers you want in your room. Will you have each center at its own desk or table? Do you have room for this? If not, there are other options. Think about furniture that you already have in place in your room. The shelf where you store your math manipulative materials can become the Math Center. A pocket chart already hanging on your board can become the Pocket Chart Center. Your charging station for your classroom tablets can become the Tablet Center. Your classroom library can become the Library Center. You already have so many areas in your room that can become a center without a lot of extra work for you.

Separate Center Areas

Do you want your students to go to a center or do you want your students to bring the center to their desk? Both are a possibility. I have found that a designated area away from the child’s regular seat is ideal. Students need to move around and get out of their seat during the day.

Can you imagine, as an adult, having to sit in the same spot without moving all day? We could never do that. We all need to get up, move around, get a cup of coffee, or chat with a friend. Young children are the same. They need to move around and get a change of scenery to reduce their boredom and keep them engaged in learning. Center time is the perfect solution to fill this need.

Each center area can be designated with something that says “I am a center”. Think of using things like a small desk, a shelf, a basket, a small table or a rug to designate where students will work at each center. Students can sometimes sit at a desk or table. But they can also sit on the floor on a small rug or carpet square. You can have many centers in your room without taking up a lot of space.

Learning Center Tubs

If you come to the conclusion that your classroom simply doesn’t have the space for learning centers, think again. You can keep your learning center materials in tubs on a shelf. Designate each tub as a different center – The red tub can be your Math Center, the blue tub can be Word Work, the green tub can be Art, etc. You can put the materials needed for your activities in ziplock bags in each tub and students can just take the center back to their seat.

In my opinion, this isn’t the most ideal way of having classroom learning centers but if this is your only option than by all means do it! Your students will still love getting to do the hands on activities from your learning centers but they will simply do it at their own desk.

You can also have a combination of both separate centers areas and tubs. This can help solve the problem of lack of space as well.

Learning Center Possibilities

Many teachers focus on only math and literacy centers in their room but there are many other possibilities to choose from. Children learn in many ways and these are just some of the ideas that you could choose from:

  • Math
  • Writing
  • Big Book
  • Listening
  • Library
  • Word Work
  • Spelling
  • Phonics
  • Tablets
  • Computers
  • Art
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Sensory Table
  • Blocks
  • Overhead
  • Dramatic Play
  • Pocket Chart

It’s not necessary to have all of these centers in your room. Choose what works for you and the size of your classroom. Remember that the more learning centers you have in your room, the more work it will be for you. Remember when just starting out with learning centers to begin with the easiest centers first. Areas that you already have in your classroom like your library or computer area are quick and easy learning centers to start and require very little set up and maintenance on your part!

Ready to get started? Click here to Grab my Learning Centers Management System that has everything you need to get started. This resource includes tips for managing your centers, sample rotation schedules, learning center signs, checklists, logs, rules, posters and management boards.

Need math and literacy centers for the entire year? This bundle has everything you need to keep your kids engaged, learning, and on task! Click here to take a look.

Want to know more about how to use math and literacy centers in your classroom? Check out these posts.

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Preschool Learning Center Explains the Lifelong Benefits of Preschool

The preschool years are a formative part of a child’s life. From brain development to emotional and social development, children are growing rapidly, learning from and being shaped by their interactions with the adults and children they interact with. Preschool offers a prime opportunity for children to develop life skills through respectful interaction with other children and an exploration of new information, such as letters, numbers, and shapes. A quality preschool learning center program not only prepares children for kindergarten, but it also prepares them for a well-adjusted, healthy life.

A Robust Preschool Learning Experience: Foundational to Lifelong Success

The Source, an online educational resource, highlights a statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), noting that “early brain development is strongly affected by the child’s surroundings and experiences. Children who have positive, educational early childhood experiences are more likely to experience school success, have higher graduation rates, demonstrate higher proficiency in math and language skills, have better cognitive and social skills, and are more skilled at self-regulation…. The AAP states, to focus only on the education of children beginning in kindergarten is to ignore the science of early development and deny the importance of early experiences.”

An appropriate, effective preschool learning program includes:

  • A curriculum informed by the best research on child development and early education
  • A safe, nurturing environment that encourages curiosity and confidence
  • Parent and family involvement, as well as regular communication between teachers and parents
  • Hands-on, self-directed learning experiences
  • Imaginative, purposeful play opportunities
  • Proper balance of structure and flexibility
  • Highly trained teachers and educational staff who contribute to the development of children through meaningful engagement with young minds
  • Activities that support children learning at their own pace

A Child’s Mind: Fertile Ground for Learning

During the first five years and especially between age three and age six, children are highly receptive to new information. As much as 90% of brain development occurs within this five-year time period. K-12 education, college ambitions, career goals, and life in general can be set up for success by tapping into a child’s potential during these formative years.

When children grow, connections form between brain cells, and the brain matures, creating new pathways that empower children to think and act in ways that are more complex. Positive experiences and interactions at an early age help a child’s neural pathways develop properly.

The Edvocate, an online magazine focused on education equity, reform, and innovation, writes, “The early years of a child’s life are the most important as they lay the foundation for the remainder of their life. As a young child grows and matures, it is the interactions they have with the adults in their life that dictate their mental growth…. Positive interactions help form the stepping stones for the brain which allows for greater intelligence and a healthy mind.”

A Focus on Relationships: Encouraging Healthy Social-Emotional Development

Respectfully playing and learning alongside other children at an educational preschool fosters many important social skills, such as:

  • Empathy
  • Cooperation
  • Patience
  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving
  • Accepting help

With guidance from an adult, children also learn how to process emotions and manage these feelings in a healthy way. Even negative emotions can provide teachable moments. Disappointment about having to share a toy can create an opportunity to learn a valuable life lesson.

By interacting and engaging with others, children learn how to respond socially and emotionally to a variety of situations. Proper social and emotional development at this young age provides children with a solid groundwork for the rest of their lives.

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy: Hug First, Then Teach

At Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Valrico, children are provided with a secure, encouraging learning environment. The Valrico, FL preschool is a place for children to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society. Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy strives to provide children with opportunities to grow physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually by playing, exploring, and learning with others.

A family-owned and operated school, Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Valrico encourages positive family involvement and a parent-teacher approach in which the needs of every child come first. The preschool learning program encourages cognitive, social, and emotional development. Through purposeful play, children at Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Valrico are immersed in hands-on activities that empower them to understand their world and discover their strengths.

For more information about the educational preschool, visit Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy of Valrico on the web at or call (813) 657-6200.

Types of Preschool Learning Centers

By Becker’s

Your preschoolers are inquisitive about the world, especially during this developmental phase in their life. Curiosity is running high as little hands like to explore, touch, and question everything! Learning centers are the perfect opportunity to harvest that energy into exploration and discovery.


Below you can find some suggestions on setting up some popular learning areas.


Early Childhood Art Interest Area

Let your students unleash their inner Picasso! This area is the perfect setting for students to explore colors, textures, and creativity.

Be sure to include a variety of materials beyond the basics such as playdough, collage materials, craft sticks, and Super Puffs.


Becker’s also offers a 2-Station Art Center, which comes with a handy storage unit for all those supplies.


Early Childhood Block Interest Area

Your preschool block center goes beyond building materials and manipulatives. Discover the math, literacy, science, engineering, and problem-solving opportunities in block materials and manipulatives that support so many areas of development. The blocks and manipulatives interest area of your classroom should be well-stocked, organized, and labeled so children can easily manage play and clean-up.



Early Childhood Dramatic Play Interest Area


Role-playing is always a favorite with preschoolers. Dramatic play materials should be organized and labeled, and include props and clothing for various cultures, careers, and social settings. Children are at a developmental phase where they need to imitate adult roles and have experiences that reflect real life. This is the perfect area for them to imitate what they see in the world around them.


This area also offers the perfect opportunity for students to explore their evolving social skills, as they interact and role play with other students.


Early Childhood Literacy Interest Area


It is important to give children exposure to literacy at a young age. By providing the introduction to multiple genres, students can begin to explore their preferences. They’ll never know what type of books they like unless they have a broad selection from which to choose.

Within the classroom, ensure that there are at least 20-30 age-appropriate books in good condition, from an assortment of literature categories (such as science, multi-cultural, fantasy, etc. ).


Early Childhood Music and Movement Interest Area


As educators, we know how our young students gravitate toward materials that provide musical enrichment and opportunity for self-expression. The music and movement center provides just that.


Materials such as dance props, CD’s, and instruments, will allow your preschoolers to embrace the rhythm as they express themselves every which way.


Early Childhood Math and Manipulatives Interest Area


Exposure to math through problem-solving activities, such as number games and puzzles, is a great way to introduce the subject to preschoolers.


Incorporating a play register will encourage students to count out money as they perform transactions. While on the receiving end, the “customer” can count the products they would like to purchase.

Bingo helps visually reinforce numbers, as students will need to associate the number being called out to the physical number on their card.


Number pebbles and counting stones let your students engage their cognitive skills with fun and colorful active learning tools to strengthen math skills independently.

Early Childhood Nature and Science Interest Area


Stimulate your preschoolers and inspire endless wonder as they explore hands-on science experiments. Becker’s Primary Science Lab Set provides pre-k friendly activities to get your students eager to participate!

Books and fun experimental tools will also keep the exploration momentum going as you rotate activities within the center and provide meaningful experiences with the wonders of nature.

Early Childhood Sand and Water Play Area


While sometimes referred to as the “sensory area”, the sand and water center is always a popular pick for students. This center has multiple benefits, as it gives students creative freedom to explore textures and motions, while also helping develop social skills further, as children typically tend to interact with other students during this activity.


Be sure to set up your center near a sink or washing area to try and keep messes to a minimum. Have fun with this space, and be sure to incorporate a variety of activities and different sensory tools, as it will get your students excited for science!


Early Childhood Technology Center


Current trends indicate young children are getting increasingly more tech-savvy, so they’ll likely feel right at home in this space.


An interactive tablet is the perfect budget-friendly option for this area if a desktop or laptop computer is not available. However, don’t be shy in asking parents or staff if they are willing to donate any used electronics.


When selecting digital content, limit material to those that are educational and enhance classroom themes. Digital tools should support active learning and not be used as an isolated activity. This center will help students experience how technology can be used in an educational manner, as they begin to become more comfortable in today’s technology-filled world.


Early Childhood Writing Center


A writing center provides opportunities to get preschoolers excited for writing. The more writing materials you can incorporate, the more inspired your students will be to experiment!


By setting different weekly writing activities, such as bookmaking or shopping list creation, you can keep the area fresh and exciting as students delve into the world of writing.


What activities and tools do you like to use in your preschool learning centers?

How to Set Up Your Preschool Learning Centers

Inside: In this post, I am answering common questions from teachers about setting up preschool learning centers. The key is observing your students and being mindful of the materials you put in each area. The goal is to engage your students while helping them build important skills.

You have figured out your preschool schedule.

You have set up your classroom.

Now you are wondering about setting up your preschool learning centers.

Well, good, dear teachers! I’m glad you are here, because that’s what I’m going to help you with today.

👉 Scroll down and get your free centers time planner!

How to Set Up Your Preschool Learning Centers

Note: If you teach toddlers, I discuss centers time with that age group in this post: How to Set Up and Manage Toddler Center Time

CLICK HERE for more teacher back-to-school resources!

Table of Contents

At what part of our day is centers time? How long is it?

Our learning centers are offered during free choice centers time. It is one of the first events of our day, after our morning meeting. It is 60 minutes long and the preschoolers can be at any center they wish, for as long or as short as they want. I feel strongly that with 3 year olds, they get time to explore areas they are interested in. Others have expressed concern that some children might only stay in certain centers if we don’t rotate them from center to center.

What if the children stay in one area most of the hour?

Rarely do our preschoolers stay in one area the entire hour. Because we introduce each center during our morning meeting, they are naturally curious and want to explore several areas. Many times they will leave a center and return later, realizing there is more exploring to do.

If we do see a child staying away from certain centers, we might encourage him to come try something else. (Encourage, not pressure.)

How do we set up an inviting center?

We put great thought into how we set up each center, especially at the beginning of the year when we are still learning what our preschoolers are interested in. We strive for an uncluttered atmosphere where everything has a home. (Sometimes that can be a challenge, but we are always working on it!) While observing the children working and playing in these centers, we notice how they are using the materials. If the children seem frustrated or are dumping everything, we adjust what we have available. Even though we do show them how to use the materials, sometimes the children just are not ready for them. In that case, we replace them with something simpler and will try again later in the year.

CLICK HERE to learn more about our first day of school!

How do we teach them to take care of each center?

At the beginning of the school year, we keep it super simple, not putting out near the amount we will later in the year. This is so we can stay on top of showing the children how to take care of the materials, including putting them away. With our 3 year olds, we don’t expect them to neatly clean up each area when they are finished, but we work on simple actions such as placing all the puzzle pieces back on the tray, or sweeping up spills under the sensory table. Our main time for clean up is at the end of centers time, when our class helper rings the clean up bell and we work as a group to clean each area.

Our Preschool Learning Centers

Here are the centers we have on most days during our free choice centers time.

Science Center

This is our discovery and exploration area. It usually relates to that week’s theme. We provide books, photos, and materials that can be touched and held.

Further reading: How to Set Up a Preschool Science Center


The easel is part of our art area. It is an important part of fine motor development, but also fosters creativity as children learn how to use a vertical surface.

Further reading: Preschool Art at the Easel

Art Center

Our art center is a perfect place to explore colors and textures. Like with the easel, the art center builds fine motor skills and also strengthens hand-eye coordination.

Further reading: Easy Process Art Activities

Fine Motor Center

There are so many fun ways to strengthen the hands and fingers to get them ready for holding writing tools! We use this center for activities such as transferring water, threading macaroni, and making collages on sticky paper.

Related: How to Get the Hands Ready for Writing

Dramatic Play Center

The dramatic play center is important for developing social and emotional skills, as well as motor skills and communication. We change this center out approximately every 2 weeks, depending on what the theme is.

Further reading: Dramatic Play Activities

Block Center

This is our most active area during centers time. If anyone ever doubted children learn through play, they need to watch preschoolers in this area. While building with blocks they are sorting by shape, color, and size. They are counting as they stack the blocks, using their fine and large motor muscles handling the block center materials, and building social and language skills while working with other children.

Further reading: Fun Block Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Sensory Bin

Having a sensory bin (also known as a sand and water table) provides many opportunities for hands-on exploration. Preschoolers can dig, scoop, transfer, and pour. Our sensory bin is offered every day and we change out what’s in it every 1-2 weeks.

Further reading: Big Collection of Sensory Table Activities for the Entire Year

Cognitive Activity Table

We have 1 table during free-choice centers time where we offer various activities that build cognitive skills, such as counting and sorting, matching shapes, and alphabet puzzles.

Check out our shop for printable table activities!

Light Table

Not all preschools have a light table, but after visiting a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool, we just knew we had to have one. Thankfully, through fundraising, we were able to purchase a light table that conveniently fits in the corner of our reading and writing center. Not only can we explore light, but also different colors with translucent pieces. Our light table is also nice for science displays, such as leaves and shells.

Further reading: 30 Light Table Activities

Literacy Center

Having a quiet area to look and books and use writing tools is very important in the preschool classroom. This is also where we keep our memory books and our journals.

Further reading: Creating a Writing Center in the Preschool Classroom

Play Dough Center

Play dough is offered just about every day because it is loved so much by our preschoolers. (Toddlers, too!) We make our own play dough and change it every week. We vary what materials and tools we set out, but rolling pins and cookie cutters are usually part of each week. The play dough table is another fun way to strengthen fine motor skills, and because we sometimes add scent and texture, it’s a fun sensory experience.

Related post: 15+ Playdough Learning Activities

Cooking Center

Cooking is not a regular center, but when we do offer a cooking activity, it’s usually at our fine motor table. There are so many advantages to cooking with children, from building fine motor skills, learning how to cooperate with others, strengthening language development, and doing simple counting while measuring.

More: Cooking with Preschoolers – Easy Recipes!

Click on the photo below for your free pdf download:


Toddler and Preschool Activity Plans

Looking for an entire year’s worth of learning activities? We’ve done the work for you!

I have helped create each of these packets, along with a team of talented educators and homeschoolers.

Easy to follow activity plans include activity modifications and adaptations to meet the needs of all learners.

Every theme comes with recommended reading lists, songs, material lists, and more.

Click on the graphics below for more details.

Toddlers (18 – 36 months):

Preschool (3 – 5 Years):

Problems and Solutions – Expert Council for Small Areas

In small towns and rural areas, there is traditionally an imbalance between the demand for education and its supply. It largely determines the logic of the development of small territories as such, stimulating outward migration for the purpose of obtaining an education. This changes the age structure in the settlements themselves, contributing to the further deterioration of the demographic situation on the ground.

However, the changing requirements of the modern labor market: an increase in demand for professional competencies and a decrease in the importance of subject knowledge, the development and dissemination of online learning, the search for new models and forms of education both at the national and international levels, competency-based learning models that can promote self-employment , populations give small territories the opportunity to integrate into the educational agenda of the 21st century and find their own trajectory of survival and even development. The traditional advantages of small towns – compactness, mobility, proportionality to a person – make it possible, in the presence of other factors, to effectively place educational facilities in them. The future of small towns and villages depends on whether Russia can create a working model of education for small territories. This topic has not yet found its practical reflection and solutions in the main strategic documents of the federal level – from the country’s spatial development strategy to priority national projects.

Problems of development of education in small towns and villages and their solutions were discussed at the round table of the Expert Council on Small Territories, held with the support of the National Fund for Personnel Training. We present a brief summary of the round table.


  1. The presence of educational institutions is a key element of the life support system of small areas.
  2. Education as a factor in the migration and outflow of young people from small territories.
  3. Problems of material and technical equipment of educational institutions located in small areas.
  4. Problems of limited opportunities for residents of small territories in the field of education.
  5. Problems of personnel potential and quality of education in the conditions of small territories.
  6. Student registration problems;
  7. Problems of a legal nature.
  8. Restrictions on opportunities to receive higher and secondary specialized education in the field.
  9. Complex problems of development of the “environment” of small territories.
  10. The role of SPO organizations in the development of small territories.
  1. The presence of educational institutions is a key element of the life support system of small areas .

The presence of an educational organization, as well as the availability of educational services of various levels in any format, is a key tool and factor in the development of small territories. The absence of the latter has a negative impact on the life support system of small territories, leads to disruption of the processes of population reproduction, problems of social and demographic development. Solving the problem of “educational migration” and keeping the population in small territories is becoming a key problem for Russia’s security. Sparsely populated small territories in the future may pose a threat to the territorial integrity of Russia.

“The most important thing in small settlements is whether there is an educational institution, a school, a kindergarten. It depends on this whether this settlement will continue to exist or whether it is absolutely unpromising. Without an educational institution, in the future 10-15-20 years, this settlement will not exist.

  1. Education as a factor in the migration and outflow of young people from small areas .

Education for small areas today has a dual character. On the one hand, it can stimulate the processes of social development and have a beneficial effect on the development of human capital in small areas. But, on the other hand, it becomes a potential threat to the demographic stability of the territories. Promising young people leave to study in large cities and do not come back. Solving the problem of educational migration from small territories is a key issue of demographic security.

“Education is a key factor in youth migration, leaching the most active, creative and talented population from small towns. Education is an elevator, but an elevator that works in a territorial sense in one direction. Children finish school, enter secondary vocational schools and higher educational institutions, orient themselves towards big cities and regional centers. After graduating from an educational institution, they look for work either in their places of study, or look further to megacities. As a result, small settlements simply die out under the influence of migration from the village to the city and from the small town to the larger ones.”

Solving the problem of “educational migration” is a set of measures to solve the problems of the “environment” as a whole. People do not return home not because of dislike for their native land, but because of material reasons, the inability to find a job in their specialty, the lack of educational institutions for their children.

  1. Problems of material and technical equipment of educational institutions located in small areas .

According to the Accounts Chamber, “60 thousand rural settlements, where almost 400 thousand children of preschool age live, do not have kindergartens, 55 thousand settlements do not have schools, and due to the lack of transport accessibility, many children living in in rural areas, preschool organizations are not attended at all. In rural areas, 50% of points are not connected to the information and telecommunications network “Internet”. The depreciation of the material and technical base and the lack of access to the resources of the Internet, outdated technology do not allow educational organizations to use in full electronic resources intended for education.

“City of Tulun – population 41 thousand people. Eight secondary schools, one gymnasium, three secondary schools and a total number of students of 5.5 thousand people, of which 2200 are students of three secondary educational institutions. At the moment, 80% of institutions are in need of major repairs. Computer classes are outdated, there are not enough technical means, it is not possible to conduct distance learning, advanced training or reprofiling with a similar material and technical base.

It is required to equip socially significant objects, in particular libraries, with multimedia complexes with Internet connection for their use for educational purposes. To solve the problem of depreciation of the material and technical base of rural educational institutions, it is necessary to adopt a state program for additional subsidies for education in small areas.

“It is necessary to learn from the experience of universities that actively contribute to the development of the territories of their localization. For example, Petrozavodsk State University, which is developing special projects to work with remote areas in Karelia. “Points of distance education” are being organized – in a small settlement, in a museum or library, a multimedia complex is being installed, and at this point work is being done with schoolchildren.

  1. Problems of limited opportunities for residents of small areas in the field of education

In small areas, it is difficult for residents to access city, regional and federal competitions that are familiar to most Russian children, there are problems with the development of a system of additional education for children due to a shortage of appropriate personnel lower than in regional cities. The same competitions and olympiads are rarely held, and children who would like to take part in them cannot get there. All extracurricular, that is, educational activities, are transferred to institutions of additional education. They are not able to provide the rural outback with teachers, they simply do not exist.”

The development of a distance learning system is required, as well as the creation of new and improvement of existing educational institutions and centers of additional education in small areas.

“Open university classes – a network of remote classes within which preparations for the Unified State Exam are carried out. This increases the number of those who pass the USE positively in this area by 30%.

“The role of universities as “guides” of regional and federal opportunities for children to participate in competitions and olympiads, regardless of their place of residence, can be prescribed in the development programs of universities as an obligatory element, in the same way as flagship universities in Russia do today ”

“entry of the leading regional universities into the framework of the project management of the region, taking into account the positions and capabilities of the regional authorities and the needs of the region’s municipalities, will expand the range of educational and wider social and technical services to solve the problems of preserving and developing small towns and rural settlements »

  1. Problems of human resources and quality of education in small areas

Out of 46,234 general education schools in Russia, 28,222 are located in rural areas. However, out of 15,474,357 students, only 3,789,806 study in small areas. The most important issue is staffing. These are the aging of the teaching staff, the lack of motivation for young teachers, the problem of the qualifications of the teaching staff, the imperfection of the retraining system. There is an acute issue with tariffs and per capita financing – the low workload of rural schools with the modern system of remuneration of teachers leads to the impoverishment of rural educators and, as a result, the absence of an influx of young teaching staff into the countryside.

“Schools are rapidly aging. In rural areas, at the moment, on average, only 10% of young teachers, another 20% are of pre-retirement age, and 70% are pensioners. Why don’t young people go? Very low wages, slightly above the living wage. As a result, the rural school is simply on the verge of survival, as the principle “no children, no money” applies.

Revise tariffs and introduce allowances for work in rural areas, similar to those for work in difficult conditions and, of course, an integrated approach. To solve the problem of qualification of the teaching staff, it is necessary to introduce a system of “vouchers” for professional retraining and transfer this area to “market bases”.

“In order to solve the problem of personnel, it is necessary to revise the system of financing rural schools, move away from the per capita principle, carry out differentiation, and work on correction factors. In an ungraded rural school, the cost of educational services is much higher than in an urban one.”

“It is critically important that a teacher, teacher of secondary vocational education have the opportunity to get access to advanced training programs at the expense of the budget. Having a funding standard for advanced training, the teacher must choose the program himself, this will give an explosive growth in the market for these programs, dramatically increase their quality and competitiveness in the system.”

“Experience of universities (Ulyanovsk, Petrozavodsk, Donskoy Technical University, etc. ) in organizing advanced training programs for school teachers in the region in the format of full-time and distance learning, focused on the purely specific needs of teachers of specific MEs in the region, and supported by appropriate funding from the region – good practice of systemic measures to rectify the situation in general education in terms of the quality of education, the USE indicator, and advanced training for teachers”

  1. Problems of student registration.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the non-obvious problem of accounting for students in educational institutions of small territories. In schools designed for a small number of students, at the expense of summer residents and persons registered at a different address, a significantly larger number of children study.

« At the moment, it is quite common that in newly built small settlements or microdistricts, which are also de facto settlements, there are more inhabitants than registered. For example, “Moscow Vodniki”, 1700 registered at the place of residence, 8000 de facto living. The new school receives a standard, recruits teachers for 1700 registered. And as a result, it turns out that many more children are enrolled in the school than it was originally planned, we have to make additional classes, recruit additional teaching staff, for which there is neither time, nor space, nor financial opportunities, since this was not included in the budget earlier “.

It is required to create an Internet resource to record the actual number of students in schools in small areas. This will help in solving the problem of bringing the learning process to the standards.

  1. Legal problems.

The imperfection of the legal framework and gaps in relation to the education system in small areas often provokes difficulties in the development of the educational complex in the countryside.

“Currently, there is no concept of a rural school or a small school in the legislation. Because of this, there is a misunderstanding of the range of problems of these educational institutions, not only funding.

Clarification of the powers of regional and local authorities, strengthening the ability of municipalities to influence the educational process will quickly solve problems that arise in the educational sphere in small areas. It is necessary to improve the legal framework for the education system in small towns.

« Clarification of the division of powers and strengthening the capacity of municipalities in the educational process. Issues of local importance, optional issues, powers that are exercised by all municipalities, which the municipality can additionally take on itself if it has financial resources for this.

  1. Lack of opportunities to receive higher and secondary vocational education locally

The problem of youth migration to big cities for educational purposes indicates the most important problem – the lack of local institutions of secondary vocational and higher education.

“The experience of the Moscow region suggests that even if all conditions are created at the level of a small town for the development of families, youth, schoolchildren, the absence of a branch of any other Moscow university does not allow young people to return – they leave and do not return.”

To solve the problem of the lack of higher and secondary education in small areas, it is necessary to stimulate the presence of universities in various formats and move campuses to small areas.

“A city can be a university center. Transferring (part of) the university campus from a big city to a small one in order to specialize this city and create an infrastructure in this city that is largely tailored to the development profile of a small area.

  1. Complex problems of development of the “environment” of small territories

The problem of education in small areas cannot be solved in isolation from the problems of the “environment” as a whole.

« Developing education alone and enabling young people to acquire knowledge and practical skills is not enough. Preservation of human capital at the level of competitiveness in our modern intra-regional development, the question of the presence in a small town of more or less decent enterprises and jobs in them”

Decision: Adoption of a concept, program for the creation and development of “boutique cities” in small areas, where the necessary conditions for this have been formed

boutique cities. In this regard, if private schools are really created and university campuses are transferred, then the reverse process will also take place. Even if we look at the Kaluga and Ryazan regions, we can see how small-scale housing construction has been developing over the past ten years. And young families, choosing where to live with their three children, and the fact that the mortgage on a house and an apartment is the same, make a choice not in favor of living in big cities.

  1. The role of SVE organizations in the development of small territories.

In small areas, institutions of secondary vocational education play the role of “anchors” that help keep the population on the “ground” and at the same time receive the necessary education to work on the “ground”.

“The vocational education system is the foundation of the entire sector, both serving and distributing the working population. A huge number of people are engaged in the maintenance of life, life. The mission of secondary vocational education is to teach people to work with their own hands, to give them a working specialty. If there is no college branch that provides training for short-term programs even for enterprises, retraining of personnel that exist in the municipality, respectively, the enterprise will also lose its personnel and die. In the future, this will lead to the death of the municipality itself.

Solution: Creation and adoption of new educational programs for vocational schools in small areas, designed to meet the needs of local businesses in skilled workers.

“Free software should be a resource for small territories. Big business speaks of a shortage of skilled, blue-collar workers. A renaissance of secondary vocational education is possible from the point of view of a social orientation for young people.”

STEM education for children: what are the advantages and how to implement such technologies in preschool

STEM education for children: what are the advantages and how to implement such technologies in preschool educational institutions – Novation Group

July 19, 2022

STEM education is one of the priority areas in modern schools and kindergartens. This is because robotics, programming and engineering are gaining popularity in educational institutions. In this article, we will talk in more detail about STEM education in kindergarten, tell you what its advantages are and how to implement such technologies in a preschool institution.

STEM education is a model that combines natural sciences and engineering subjects into a single system. This model is based on an integrated approach: chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics are taught not separately, but in connection with each other to solve real technological problems. This approach teaches us to consider problems as a whole, and not in the context of one area of ​​science.

The training program combines theoretical and applied skills. The child gets a chance to use the information, to check the facts on their own experience.

  • The natural sciences explain the laws of nature that we encounter on a daily basis.
  • Technology allows you to test scientific knowledge in practice.
  • Engineering helps to work with resources, teaches to experiment, improve the environment.
  • Mathematics develops logical thinking, the ability to follow algorithms.

    Why is STEM education so popular?

    An educational program in which the disciplines do not intersect with each other in any way leaves only scattered pieces of information in the child’s head. This no longer covers the needs of the modern student. STEM education solves this problem by creating logical connections between disciplines. This helps children look at the world globally, notice patterns and similarities in different areas of activity.

    In the mind of a child, subjects are clearly separated: now he is doing mathematics, and then he has a lesson in the world around him. And when it becomes necessary to link two sources of knowledge together, the child experiences difficulties. With the STEM approach to education, the child learns to be comprehensively erudite, active.

        Benefits for the child

        From a very young age, children become inquisitive and strive for new knowledge. The learning process is associated with adventure, play.

        Analytical thinking develops, the ability to analyze current situations and predict the outcome.

        There is an interest in the exact sciences. The traditional curriculum rarely provides an opportunity to show children that math or physics can be very exciting.

        Children get used to work not only individually, but also in a team. This teaches them mutual assistance, polite communication, healthy relationships in the team.

        Constant work with modern technologies helps children keep up with the times.

        How to introduce STEM technologies in kindergarten?

        Organize constructive sessions

        Various robotics kits and STEM labs are ideal for this. A variety of tasks in a playful way will help preschoolers acquire basic knowledge of programming and learn how to quickly solve practical problems.

        Conduct excursions

        Walks along the street or excursions to parks will give children the opportunity to observe insects, study the structure of leaves, and analyze water. All this will help them realize their responsibility to nature.

        Prepare play activities

        Activities in the form of outdoor games, dancing or other entertainment are suitable. Children will replenish their vocabulary, improve communication skills. It will be useful to conduct team games and rallying games that will teach preschoolers to be responsible for their actions.

            STEM kits for Kindergarten

            Novation offers robotic kits and laboratories that will help introduce STEM technologies in kindergarten. We can order kits for a group or for individual work. The kits will help preschoolers learn the basics of programming, develop logical thinking and introduce them to simple mechanisms. We guarantee high quality goods and prompt delivery across Russia.

            • we will select the goods you need,
            • we will offer 3-5 CPs,
            • we will provide a 1 year warranty for everything.

            If you have any questions, please call us at +7 (345) 257-93-34, +7 (800) 200-52-53 or email [email protected] and we’ll help you figure it out.

            Interesting materials

            LEGO wall for school and kindergarten: what is it, how to play, what is useful

            We are used to the fact that LEGO pieces can be used to assemble all sorts of three-dimensional figures, but it turns out that there is another way to use them.



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            Refresher courses – UchMet

            1443 events

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            Ensuring the availability of social infrastructure facilities and technology for accompanying people with disabilities and other categories of people with limited mobility within the framework of the state program “Accessible Environment” (72 hours)


            Start: 05/15/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Speech therapist, defectologist, Tutor, Educator of inclusive education

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            Ensuring the availability of social infrastructure facilities and technology for accompanying people with disabilities and other categories of people with limited mobility within the framework of the state program “Accessible Environment” (72 hours)


            Start: 05/15/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Speech therapist, defectologist, Tutor, Educator of inclusive education

            Refresher course

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            Computer literacy training for persons with disabilities and disabled people (72 hours)


            Start: 05/15/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Subject teacher, Educator of inclusive education

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            Computer literacy training for persons with disabilities and disabled people (72 hours)


            Start: 05/15/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Subject teacher, Educator of inclusive education

            Refresher course

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            Kuban studies: features of teaching a subject in accordance with the updated GEF NOU and GEF LLC (72 hours)


            Start: 04/17/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Primary school teacher, subject teacher

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            Kuban studies: features of teaching a subject in accordance with the updated GEF NOU and GEF LLC (72 hours)


            Start: 04/17/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Primary school teacher, subject teacher

            Refresher course

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            Socio-cultural origins in an educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool, primary and secondary education (72 hours)


            Start: 04/17/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Educator before, Primary school teacher, Subject teacher

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            Socio-cultural origins in an educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool, primary and secondary education (72 hours)


            Start: 04/17/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Educator before, Primary school teacher, Subject teacher

            Refresher course

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            Preservation and use of objects of cultural and natural heritage of the Russian Federation (72 hours)


            Start: 04/17/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Teacher

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            Preservation and use of objects of cultural and natural heritage of the Russian Federation (72 hours)


            Start: 04/17/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Teacher

            Refresher course

            We will help you choose a program for you!

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            “Inspiration” as an innovative comprehensive program of preschool education: from the values ​​of the Federal State Educational Standard to a new educational system (16 hours)


            Start: 03/20/2023

            Duration: 16 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Educator before

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            “Inspiration” as an innovative comprehensive program of preschool education: from the values ​​of the Federal State Educational Standard to a new educational system (16 hours)


            Start: 03/20/2023

            Duration: 16 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Educator before

            Refresher course

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            “Origins” as a modern comprehensive program of preschool education: concept, targets, principles, structure, implementation conditions (16 hours)


            Start: 03/20/2023

            Duration: 16 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Educator before

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            “Origins” as a modern comprehensive program of preschool education: concept, targets, principles, structure, implementation conditions (16 hours)


            Start: 03/20/2023

            Duration: 16 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Educator before

            Refresher course

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            Updating the content, technologies and programs of additional education of physical culture and sports in the aspect of modern trends in educational policy (72 hours)


            Start: 03/20/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Teacher of additional education

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            Updating the content, technologies and programs of additional education of physical culture and sports in the aspect of modern trends in educational policy (72 hours)


            Start: 03/20/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Teacher of additional education

            Refresher course

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            Updating the content, technologies and programs of additional education of tourism and local history in the aspect of modern trends in educational policy (72 hours)


            Start: 03/20/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Teacher of additional education

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            Updating the content, technologies and programs of additional education of tourism and local history in the aspect of modern trends in educational policy (72 hours)


            Start: 03/20/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Teacher of additional education

            Refresher course

            International Education Center (Moscow)


            Professional competence of a teacher of higher education in the context of modernization of modern education (72 hours)


            Start: 02/27/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Teacher

            Refresher course

            Publishing house “Teacher” (Volgograd)


            Professional competence of a teacher of higher education in the context of modernization of modern education (72 hours)


            Start: 02/27/2023

            Duration: 72 hours

            Scheduled classes (online)

            For whom: Teacher

            Refresher course

            Teachers who need periodic refresher courses include:

            • teachers of preschool educational organizations,
            • teachers of general education organizations,
            • teachers of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions,
            • teachers of institutions of additional education.

            Advantages of advanced training on the UchMet portal

            On the UchMet portal, advanced training courses are implemented in a convenient and well-established distance form in two learning modes: online and offline.

            Online classes are held according to the schedule, and all students receive not only up-to-date knowledge and all the necessary teaching materials, but also have additional benefits in the form of interactive interaction with the teacher and other students.

            The offline mode allows the student to choose the most convenient time for working with educational and methodological materials, which are available around the clock.

            The authors of the materials of the UchMet portal (lectures in the format of a webinar, presentations, methodological developments), which are provided to students of advanced training courses, are generally recognized experts in the field of education, reputable teachers and lecturers with innovative practical developments, diplomas and certificates.

            Many course programs meet the requirements for the organization of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the federal state educational standard (FSES).

            Educational advanced training programs presented on the UchMet portal are attractive not only as a quality product designed to meet the educational needs of teachers. A clear and indisputable advantage of advanced training courses on the UchMet portal is their cost: the price is quite democratic and accessible to a wide category of students.

            Students who have successfully completed the advanced training program presented on the UchMet portal receive a certificate of the established form, which is delivered by registered mail by the Russian Post.

            Physical culture, ORKSE (Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics), OBZH (Fundamentals of life safety), MHK (World art culture), Literary reading, Foreign language, Fine arts (Fine arts), Fundamentals of financial literacy, Chemistry, Physics, Technology, Russian language, natural science, world around, social science, music, mathematics, literature, history, computer science, geometry, geography, biology, astronomy, algebra.

            For whom:
            Occupational safety specialist, Inclusive education teacher, Trainer-teacher, Tutor, Additional education teacher, Subject teacher, Lecturer, Speech therapist, defectologist, Deputy head, Director, head, head, Manager, Labor instructor, Organizing teacher, Lecturer- OBZH organizer, Master of industrial training, Primary school teacher, Music director, Physical education instructor, Librarian, Psychologist, Social pedagogue, Educator, Class teacher, Methodist.

            US education system: advantages and disadvantages

            Article prepared by American educational portal PapersOwl

            A well-thought-out US education system provides high-quality, consistent preparation of students, as well as high employment prospects and rapid career growth in the future. The American education system has gained recognition throughout the world, and US universities consistently occupy leading positions in global rankings, which annually select the best universities in the world.

            Of course, like any academic system, studying in America has certain weaknesses. However, the numerous advantages of studying in America are so obvious and impressive that the individual shortcomings of the learning process are completely leveled against their background.

            Education in the USA is represented by a whole complex of various educational institutions that provide differentiated training for pupils and students, taking into account their age, abilities in various subjects and disciplines, as well as with a consistent focus on the educational tasks set.

            The US education system is considered one of the largest educational systems in the entire world community.

            Consider how the US education system is built and what are its advantages.

            The structure of education in the USA

            A complete training package consists of 5 basic consecutive stages.



            study program

            The educational structure includes both public and private schools at various levels. Students (or their parents) can independently determine the most appropriate format of education, taking into account the need to obtain the required level of preparation.

            Public institutions related to the academic field, involve the study of an established set of curricula. And to track the results and progress of students, standardized testing is used. Private, as a rule, elite schools, functioning along with public ones, may have certain nuances of the learning process.

            The United States guarantees free preschool education to its citizens. I must say that the American education system as a whole provides children with opportunities to receive quality training, regardless of the financial situation of their parents.

            Schoolchildren in the USA begin their studies at the age of 6 and continue until the age of 18, after which a school graduate can enter American universities.

            Elementary school

            After attending a pre-school institution where kids learn elementary knowledge, children go to elementary school (Elementary school). The preparation of elementary school students has similar features with studies in our country. The education of younger schoolchildren is mainly aimed at the complex, versatile development of children.


            All secondary education institutions can be divided into:

            • state schools;
            • private educational institutions;
            • sports and educational institutions;
            • music schools;
            • religious structures of secondary education.

            High school students, in contrast to junior schoolchildren, already have a fairly wide choice of academic disciplines, which provides a more individual approach. Compared to the Ukrainian school, middle and high school students in the United States receive a more highly specialized education, which is accompanied by an excellent opportunity to acquire practical skills.

            The learning process in higher educational institutions is even more different.

            Higher education system

            Higher education in the USA is represented by the following institutions:

            • colleges;
            • universities that differ from colleges by having a larger research base and master’s programs;
            • vocational schools;
            • 2-year colleges, after which students can usually easily transfer to the third year of a regular university for further education;
            • Master / MBA / PhD.

            The higher system of student training includes several levels, after which students are awarded certain titles:

            1. Associate – an intermediate academic degree awarded to students after completing two years of study at a university;
            2. Bachelor (bachelor) – the first stage of education, obtained depending on the specialization after 4-5 years of study at the university;
            3. Master – Master’s degree, awarded upon completion of the Master’s or MBA, that is, after receiving postgraduate training;
            4. Doctor – doctoral degree obtained after the award of a master’s degree.

            The presence of multi-stage education in the States provides a differentiated approach and the opportunity for students to choose for themselves the most appropriate amount of knowledge and the amount of time spent on studying at the institute.

            Higher education institutions are the most popular among foreign students, since American universities are generally recognized as world leaders among universities in various countries. So, according to Wikipedia, despite the presence of weaknesses in the secondary education sphere, American higher education is certainly one of the best in the world.

            Let’s look at the basic advantages and disadvantages of the educational sector in the United States.

            The virtues of American education

            Why is education in America today considered to be of the highest quality, prestigious and promising? What is the secret of such popularity? Indeed, in the world there are a variety of academic systems aimed at high-quality training of students.

            The educational sphere of the United States has the following obvious advantages:

            • The inextricable connection between education and science in higher education distinguishes the American educational system from other educational systems in the world. Universities in the USA are entire research centers where the academic sphere is firmly consolidated with scientific research. Thanks to this, university students get the opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge and practical research skills. Students are often taught by the best scientists in the country, who are simultaneously engaged in scientific and teaching activities.
            • Teachers in American schools have an extensive, proven over the years arsenal of learning methods.
            • University graduates, oriented towards preparation for real life and work, have broad practical skills that allow them not only to quickly find a job in their specialty, but also to make a rapid professional career upon graduation from college. At the same time, valuable practical skills allow the graduate to immediately find a job with decent pay and quickly compensate for the financial resources spent on the institute. According to statistics, the average salary in the country is approximately 54.5 thousand dollars a year, which makes it possible to classify America as one of the largest states with the highest level of wages.
            • Graduates from a variety of institutions in the United States receive, upon completion of their studies, real prospects for living and working in the country with the most highly developed economy in the world. Thus, foreign graduates are given fourteen months to find a suitable job in the country upon graduation from any institution of higher education.
            • The study of various disciplines in America is based on an individual approach and the development of independent thinking in students. Cramming of educational material is not welcome even in general developmental disciplines, not to mention specialized specialized training. University graduates acquire valuable skills of independent analysis, thinking and competent study of training materials.
            • Students of institutes have wide freedom of choice. The educational programs of colleges and universities are structured in such a way that students can independently decide which disciplines and courses they need to study in a particular academic semester. They may also individually determine the number of hours spent on a particular subject. Studying in this way at the university, on the one hand, is comfortable, and on the other, it is responsible. So two tasks are solved at once: the development of responsibility and the development of a positive attitude towards the learning process.
            • The flexibility of the educational process allows students to adapt standard training programs for themselves. A university student can choose an individual program that best meets the educational objectives, as well as his abilities, interests and current educational level. At the same time, students can, as a rule, be transferred from one college to another without complex bureaucratic procedures.
            • The country has the highest concentration of the best universities that have graduated many famous students (presidents, founders of the world’s largest corporations, politicians, etc.). Studying in America is, of course, prestigious and promising. And in addition to direct education in an educational institution, students have the opportunity to make useful contacts and connections for life.
            • Both local and international students are free to choose the institution of their choice, as there are more than 3,000 institutions of various types operating in the United States. Among the 18 million students at American universities, about 1 million are students who came from other countries, which indicates the highest popularity of the US education system among foreigners. Each applicant can select a college based on their financial capabilities, abilities and tasks.
            • The demand for the American system is confirmed by numerous world ratings. For example, according to the Best Global Universities Rankings and Round University Ranking, the top 10 best universities in the world include 8 universities from the United States. These figures clearly indicate the dominance of local institutions at the top of the ranking lists, studying the performance of the best colleges in the world.
            • The United States has a developed economy and a decent quality of life. According to numerous well-known ratings (Best Countries report by US News, World Report, etc.), America is today ranked among the top ten countries in the world. These ratings took into account both the political international influence, and the economic parameters of the countries being evaluated, and other diverse factors, including the value of the country’s cultural sphere. So, in 2015, the States took the third rating position in the top 30 countries of the world according to the criterion of “soft power”, which implies the ability of a country to influence the world community not with weapons and finances, but with its civil and cultural values ​​(this rating of The Soft Power 30 is presented by the London Portland PR agency).
            • Diplomas and academic degrees from American institutes are recognized and quoted almost all over the world.
            • American colleges, when compared to institutions in other countries, have the highest funding from various sources (income from asset management, student donations, business profits, etc.). Such financial security of public and private institutions of the academic field leads to an amazing material base, which, in turn, provides excellent opportunities for student development and high-quality training.
            • The deep integration of institutions with employing companies is another advantage of getting a degree in America. Colleges are regularly visited by representatives of large organizations to share their experience and talk about the industry with the audience, as well as exchange contacts. And this is important both for obtaining practical skills and for potential employment opportunities. Most other countries, which are today the main competitors in the academic field, do not yet boast such close ties with employers.

            We also note that direct study in an American educational institution is inextricably linked with an interesting student life, which is remembered by many students for many years. Students of American universities are actively involved in social events, so the daily study of general and specialized subjects at the institute does not seem boring and monotonous. In addition, foreign students gain experience of independent living. The classic campus provides students with a fairly comfortable environment that compares favorably with the conditions in our student dormitories.

            The developed infrastructure of campuses creates all the necessary conditions for teaching and research activities and exciting leisure for students. Local campuses have diverse clubs of interest, sports sections, cultural centers and other infrastructure facilities that make student life more diverse and memorable.

            Another advantage of training foreigners in America is the multinational nature of the educational industry in the country. There are many foreigners studying here who do not feel any discrimination or disrespectful attitude towards themselves from the indigenous people. Foreign students who come to study from other countries, as a rule, easily adapt and get involved in the educational process and active student life.

            Weaknesses of the educational sphere

            Discussions about the shortcomings of the academic field of the United States periodically appear in the press and other media, but most of the shortcomings mentioned are far from being as obvious and unambiguous as, for example, the leading positions of American universities in international rankings .

            Among the weaknesses of the educational process, the lack of comprehensive development of the student and the low creativity of the process of studying subjects are most often called. The fact is that in the American educational industry there is indeed a focus of study on the direct preparation of the student for future work. The academic sphere is more aimed at obtaining professional specialization and practical skills for the upcoming work activity. Studying for the sake of studying is not particularly welcome here.

            There is certainly some soundness in this criticism, especially when it comes to middle management. Schoolchildren lack the creativity of learning, and even at this age they cannot unequivocally determine the area of ​​​​their future specialization, therefore, profile education in the middle link to the detriment of other disciplines does not always benefit students.

            Innovative ideas and comprehensive development of students are more welcome in private schools, trying to take into account and eliminate all the shortcomings of traditional education. However, such modernized academic programs are still available only in paid secondary schools, so in the States from time to time the question arises of revising and some refinement of the school public education system.

            At the same time, the aforementioned lack of high professional orientation and narrow specialization of the educational sphere in America in higher education often turns into an obvious advantage. University graduates in the United States, in comparison with the students of our country, are more prepared for the upcoming work, which allows them to quickly find a suitable job with decent pay. This gives graduates of American universities an undoubted professional advantage over students of institutes from many other countries. Let us recall, for example, graduates of Ukrainian universities who leave after studying at a higher educational institution with a huge amount of theoretical knowledge and do not immediately understand how this knowledge can be applied in practice.

            In addition, narrow-profile specialization provides a more individualized approach to students than, for example, in our country, where students and schoolchildren study a single set of subjects without exception. High school and university students in the United States can choose their own individual set of subjects, as well as the teachers with whom they wish to study.

            For many international students, the limited employment opportunities on a student visa are also a disadvantage. Only foreign students are allowed to work directly on the campus (campus), that is, on the very territory of the higher educational institution, no more than 20 hours a week. And despite the vast structure of such campuses, finding a job is not always easy.

            But again, this shortcoming has a negative, positive side. Students who come from other countries in order to receive a quality education can fully concentrate on the educational process without being distracted by extraneous factors. But after graduating from the university, they will be able to quickly find a decent job and compensate for the financial costs of their studies.

            Thus, the United States educational field has many advantages that attract students from all over the world. And some of the shortcomings of the system, concerning mainly the secondary school, are completely offset by the high quality, prospects and prestige of education.

            Basic terms (automatically generated) : America, USA, student, State, university, student, academic field, academic field, Higher education, educational field.

            Refresher courses under the program Pedagogical support for the development of children at an early age in preschool educational institutions in Simferopol

            We invite specialists to the “Academy of Modern Technologies” for advanced training courses on pedagogical support for the development of children at an early age in preschool educational institutions. Training is remote, so you can study the material without interrupting work.

            Audience category

            Employees of kindergartens, development centers and other educational institutions can take a course on pedagogical support for preschoolers. Among these specialists:

            • educators;
            • educational psychologists;
            • teaching method specialists.

            Training program


            We conduct courses on pedagogical support for the development of children at an early age in preschool educational institutions in Simferopol in a remote format.

            You can use specialized literature, lectures and presentations on theoretical and practical disciplines 2–3 days after paying for the tuition. We provide round-the-clock access to your personal account, so you can choose the time of your classes.

            You can repeat the studied material within a year from the start of classes – we will retain the right to access your personal account.

            The benefits of distance learning

            Classes in a remote format are chosen if:

            • there is no possibility to move to another city during the course;
            • the CVE center is far from home or place of work;
            • unable to regularly attend lectures at the academy.

            Online training will provide the following benefits:

            • savings on the cost of education;
            • personal class schedule;
            • start of training without recruiting a group;
            • the opportunity to retake the final test for free;
            • reduced training time – there are no general education disciplines in the program.


            Depending on the requirements of the student, we conduct classes in the following types of programs:

            1. The standard curriculum is compiled according to the Federal State Educational Standard, so the preparation period cannot be changed. The course program contains an average of 72 academic hours of material – this is 2 weeks of classes for 6-8 hours daily.

            2. Personal study plan – compiled by AST specialists, if the client needs to change the terms of training, redistribute the hours to study individual topics and add the necessary disciplines.

            The educational program must be chosen before the conclusion of the contract. To do this, inform the manager in advance of your wishes for the advanced training course.

            Acquired skills and knowledge

            Having completed training in pedagogical support for the development of children at an early age in preschool educational institutions remotely, you will study:

            • the procedure for compiling a curriculum for groups;
            • ways of individualization of the educational process;
            • indicators of mastering the educational program in the group;
            • features of the organization of cognitive activity of children;
            • theory and methodology of pedagogical processes in preschool institutions;
            • methods and approaches to planning the cognitive, developmental and speech activities of children.

            You will learn:

            • communicate with children of any age;
            • plan the physical activity of children;
            • organize circles and interest groups;
            • choose the forms and methods of conducting classes;
            • analyze and select didactic materials;
            • take into account the needs of all children, including those with disabilities;
            • apply methods of pedagogical and psychological support for pupils.

            Issued documents

            We issue a certificate of the established form for the profile “Pedagogical support for the development of children at an early age in preschool educational institutions”.

            You can get the document at the office of the DPO center. If you are unable to come for a certificate on your own, we will arrange delivery:

            • courier service – according to the tariff of the organization;
            • “Post of Russia” – free of charge.

            You will be able to confirm the qualification even before receiving the original certificate – we will send a scan of the document by e-mail immediately after the completion of the final test.

            We store information about the course in the archive for 50 years, which allows you to:

            • recover lost documents;
            • generate and provide course completion statistics.

            Frequency of advanced training

            Educational workers need to take courses at least once every 3-5 years. The frequency of updating professional knowledge is determined by the employer and indicates the terms of the job description.

            Enrollment conditions


            Employees with higher and secondary vocational education can receive training in pedagogical support for the development of children at an early age in preschool educational institutions – according to the professional standard. Call the manager by phone to clarify the requirements for students.

            Required documents

            • The passport;
            • diploma of education;
            • old certificate – if any.

            The cost of advanced training in pedagogical support for the development of children at an early age in preschool educational institutions in Simferopol

            Academy managers calculate the price individually for each client after agreeing on the wishes for the course program. The final cost is affected by:

            • terms of study;
            • type of educational program;
            • number of students from one institution.

            We make a discount to organizations that send a group of specialists to study. To save money, enroll three or more employees at the same time.

            For a free consultation, fill out the feedback form at the bottom of the page or call us. To find out the exact cost of training, use the online calculator.

            Education abroad, study abroad, study abroad – Students International

            Studying in England is prestigious, interesting and popular all over the world. Not even tens, but hundreds of thousands of students from all over the world come here every year to study! There is hardly a parent who would not dream of seeing their child graduate from a British college or university. What is the secret of such popularity?

            • BENEFITS of studying in the UK
            • UK Education System
            • UK primary and secondary education
            • University preparatory programs
            • UK Higher Education
            • Types of language courses
            • Business English in the UK
            • Holiday programs for children in the UK
            • USEFUL INFO about studying in the UK
            • How to get into a British university?
            • Student accommodation during studies
            • Student employment
            • IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT tests
            • HOW can the educational agency Students International 9 help you0010

            The Benefits of Studying in the UK

            • British certificates, diplomas and degrees are considered the world’s best and certainly the most prestigious. An education received in England is a reliable basis for any career and a guarantee of a high salary (even a starting one)!
            • State-of-the-art teaching methods, constantly upgraded educational equipment and, most importantly, professional teachers from British schools, colleges and universities help to fully reveal the academic and creative potential of students.
            • The quality of British education is recognized worldwide. British universities, private schools and language centers are in the “tops” of all educational rankings. Many countries of the world have taken the British model of education as a basis.
            • The knowledge gained in English language courses will form the basis of your future career or the key to successful study in your own country. All over the world, English is used in business, science, and information technology. Studying in the UK will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the language environment, learn to speak and think in English. The method of immersion in the language environment is the most effective for an 8-year-old child, and for a university student, and for those who choose courses “for those who are over …”
            • Studying in the UK turns out to be not much more expensive than studying in other countries. British bachelor’s and master’s degree programs last only 3 and 1 years, respectively, compared to 4 and 2 years in most other countries. Thus, due to the intensity of study, its duration is reduced, and hence the cost of training and living.
            • Great Britain is a multinational and multicultural country. It absorbed the diversity of cultures of its former colonies and many other countries. London, the capital of Great Britain, can serve as an illustration of the thesis about a globalized world. The modern world needs modern-minded and educated people!
            • A practice proven for centuries! This can be trusted! The educational traditions of Great Britain, among which, by the way, the tradition of accepting students from different parts of the world, are rooted in the distant past. Since the Middle Ages, English monks have been engaged in educational activities, bringing knowledge to Europe. The UK was one of the first countries to have universities. The famous Oxford and Cambridge very quickly gained popularity and fame all over the world and gradually turned into international educational centers. They have been that way for over 700 years! However, the British education system is not only traditions, but also constant creative development. Every year, the UK government allocates huge sums for the development of the educational sector and scientific research. The UK accounts for almost 5 per cent of all scientific research in the world. And British scientists have received more Nobel Prizes than any other country in the world except the United States.
            • Permanent monitoring! Over the past decades, a large number of different educational institutions have appeared in the UK – schools, colleges, universities, many new courses and educational programs, including special programs for foreigners. All educational institutions (both old and new) are regularly inspected and certified by special public and state institutions, such as the Office for Standards in Education, The British Council and the British Accreditation Council.

            UK Education System

            UK Primary and Secondary Education

            Education in the UK is only compulsory for children between the ages of five and sixteen. Children under this age may or may not attend kindergartens at the request of their parents. And older (after graduation) teenagers are free to choose: go to work or continue their studies. The details of the UK education system (England, Wales and Scotland) vary. But, in general, they are the same. The entire UK education system is divided into two sectors: public and private. The conditions of admission and payment, the curriculum, the length of the semester in educational institutions belonging to different sectors may have noticeable differences, but the basic structure of education, the conditions for conducting exams and the level of student preparation determined by the state standard is the same for all educational institutions.

            Early childhood education is not compulsory in the UK. Now about 30% of children of 3-4 years of age attend pre-school institutions.

            Primary and secondary school education (5-16 years). In the public sector, children from the age of 5 enter primary school, where they study until the age of 11. They then move on to high school, graduating at the age of 16 after passing the “level one” exams. If the student has chosen an “academic” (theoretical) course, then he receives a General Certificate of Secondary Education (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Its counterpart in Scotland is the Scottish Certificate of Education. If a vocational training course has been chosen, a General National Vocational Qualification (General National Certificate of Vocational Qualification) is issued. There are other types of qualification certificates. In the private sector, training starts at the age of 7. Until this age, children attend kindergarten or a special one at the chosen educational institution. Until the age of 13, they study at Primary School, sometimes called Preparatory School, and then, having successfully passed the exams, they enter the Secondary School. At 16, they take the same “level one” exams as children attending public schools.

            Advanced school education (16-18 years old). By the age of 16, adolescents must decide which path to take next: whether to continue their education in order to subsequently go to university, or to receive vocational training and start working. Those wishing to enter the university do not “pass by” a special two-year course. In this case, having successfully passed the first level exams, students enter the 6th Form College, where they study a certain set of disciplines, based on their own choice and the requirements of the university they intend to enter. At the age of 18 (in Scotland – at 17), at the end of this course, students take exams of the second (“Advanced”) level, the so-called. “A-levels” (“Highers” in Scotland) and receive a Certificate of Advanced Secondary Education – General Certificate of Education, GCE A-levels. Having chosen a professional training course and having completed the appropriate training, students take exams for a professional qualification of the second (advanced) level – GNVQ / NVQ Advanced.

            International Baccalaureate is an alternative to traditional British schooling. IB is an international program. It exists in many countries as an equivalent to national school curricula. It is more intense than the traditional A-level. In IB, it is supposed to study 6 subjects, conduct independent research, write a term paper. Successful completion of an IB course makes it possible to enter any British and most other universities, and American higher education institutions enroll IB graduates immediately in the second year.

            Preparatory programs of universities in the UK

            Formally, the Russian Certificate of Secondary Education is not enough for admission to British universities. Preparatory programs (Foundation) for those wishing to continue their studies at universities in the UK are the best and shortest way to enter universities in England. The minimum entry requirements for these preparatory courses make them more and more in demand among students not only from Russia or the CIS countries, but also for applicants from many other countries. In order to be enrolled in the Foundation program, you must:

            • finish high school
            • write an essay (composition about yourself)
            • pass an international English language exam (IELTS or TOEFL).

            Please note that under the agreement of the Center for Study Abroad Students International with a number of educational institutions, SI students can be enrolled in such a preparatory course without passing the international exam, but after passing the internal language test of the educational institution. During the year of study at the Foundation preparatory course, foreign students get acquainted with the country and its customs, learn more about the education system, the principles and methods of teaching, significantly improve their knowledge of the English language and pass the qualification exam necessary for admission to the university. In addition to language classes aimed at developing the skills of oral and written speech, the perception of printed text, students are deeply engaged in academic disciplines in those subjects that they intend to study in the future at the university. Students not only attend classrooms, but also devote a lot of time to self-study, working in the library or in the computer lab on individual or group projects. All students during their studies on the program, with the help of experienced mentors, members of the teaching staff, are finally determined with the choice of the university where they would like to continue their education, and many successfully cope with the task. Admission to the preparatory department is carried out once or twice a year (depending on the specific educational institution).

            Higher education in the UK

            Higher education in the UK allows you to get the most relevant knowledge and skills on the modern labor market, making graduates of British educational institutions in demand by leading companies in the world. In Russia, a British diploma provides an opportunity to get a prestigious job and even jump over several steps in the career ladder. For those international students who wish to stay in the UK, the government is taking a number of measures to allow them to legally obtain a work permit. For example, Scotland has already passed a law that all university graduates can stay in the country for two years to work.
            Degrees that are awarded to students after successfully completing a university course can be divided into two levels:

            • undergraduate (first higher education)
            • postgraduate (post-higher education)

            Over 180 higher education institutions in the UK offer one of the following undergraduate degrees:

            • BA Bachelor of Arts
            • BSc Bachelor of Science
            • LLB Bachelor of Laws
            • BEd Bachelor of Education
            • EEng Bachelor of Engineering
            • BMus Bachelor of Music
            • BM or BS MB

            To obtain a bachelor’s degree at a university in England or Wales, you need to study for 3 years (in Scotland – 4). But for a degree in medicine, dentistry and architecture, you need to study for 5 to 7 years.

            Postgraduate education. The term “postgraduate” or “post-graduate” education refers to any type of study after higher education. You can usually get a British master’s degree in one year (sometimes two years), subject to a higher education diploma and excellent command of the English language.
            Postgraduate programs are divided into theoretical and research.

            Taught program culminates in either a diploma or related certificate, or a master’s degree. Throughout the study, the results are evaluated by written work. Upon graduation, a thesis is written (usually 20,000 words).

            Research program (research program) differs from the theoretical one in that students attend classes less often and devote more time to independent research. This course allows students to conduct their own research, which is usually part of a larger university research project. The ultimate goal is to obtain the highest academic degree – Doctor of Philosophy – Doctor of Philosophy, PhD. Types of postgraduate degrees:

            • PGCE, Postgraduate Certificate in Education Teaching Certificate
            • DMS, Diploma of Graduate Studies Diploma in Management
            • MA, Master of Arts Master of Arts
            • MSc, Master of Science Master of Engineering
            • MBA, Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration
            • LLM, Master of Law Master of Laws

            LANGUAGE COURSES in the UK

            Types of language courses

            There are now several hundred English language schools in the UK. All linguistic centers in England, with which Students International works, are accredited by the British Council and are members of the Association of Accredited English Language Schools ARELS.
            A variety of curricula and focus on students of all ages and with different levels of language proficiency is the main difference between British linguistic centers. Methodologically, training is complex: students learn to speak, write, listen and perceive English speech. In short-term courses, more attention is paid to language practice.
            Basic course types:

            • General or Basic course. Offered by almost all schools. The course is based on a combination of teaching reading, writing, listening and speaking, and also covers the basic aspects of grammar. The course is divided into standard, intensive and super intensive. As a rule, classes are held in the morning, and the second half of the day can be devoted to excursions, rest or self-training. Intensive course – combines morning and afternoon classes in special training modules for professional or academic training.
            • Exam courses. Allows you to prepare for the exams required for admission to universities, colleges or jobs. Qualifications recognized by universities and top employers – IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge CPE, etc.
            • Academic year. Combines in-depth study of the language with preparation for passing exams for universities and colleges. Duration – from six months to 1 academic year. This course is VERY competitive in terms of price but has fixed start dates.
            • Business English. Course for special purposes with a focus on the study of professional vocabulary.
            • English + rest. These courses combine language learning with active recreation, sports or an excursion program.

            Business English in the UK

            The importance of English as a means of international communication cannot be overestimated. It is difficult to imagine how the world of modern business would exist if business people from all over the world did not have the opportunity to understand each other, discuss any issues over the phone without any problems, enter into partnerships and other business relationships, draw up complex contracts and just talk over dinner.
            English is now taught by people of all ages. Not only schoolchildren and students, but also the heads of large corporations find time in their busy business schedule to take a language course abroad, which will eliminate the language barrier that complicates not only live communication with business partners, but also work with documentation, studying catalogs and websites of foreign partners, reading the press in English.
            Business English programs of foreign language schools are diverse and take into account various aspects of language proficiency, as well as the peculiarities of language learning by business people.
            The Business English course structure is (most often) a combination of 20 General English lessons per week and 10 Business English lessons. Classes use a wide variety of materials, including real documents, texts, and records relevant to your field of work. In order to give you the necessary practice, student performances, business games and discussions are organized. The course covers such important areas of business communication as business correspondence, role-playing games and behavior in various work situations, business meetings, negotiating, telephone communication, working in an international company, interviewing techniques.
            There are a number of special business English courses that provide in-depth study of some aspects of the language and its use in specialized areas of business. For example, programs such as:

            • English for international negotiations
            • English for Young Businessmen
            • English for top managers
            • English for Professionals (Tourism, Law, Medicine, Politics, Logistics, International Organizations, Banking, Insurance, Automotive, Energy, Water Management, Human Resources, Secretarial and Personal Assistant Training).

            Vacation programs for children in England

            All parents want their children to spend their holidays not only fun, but also useful. Specialized language programs for children in the UK allow you to spend your holidays with benefits for both health and mind!
            Holiday courses are full of not only English classes, but also entertainment, sightseeing, cultural and sports activities. Such an intense trip for several weeks will remain the brightest impression of a lifetime!
            The choice of language vacation programs is huge. It is determined by geography, type of residence, the intensity of English classes, the content of the extracurricular program (excursions, sports). Contact one of the offices of the Students International Center for Study Abroad, and our experts will help you choose the best program.

            USEFUL INFORMATION about studying in the UK

            How to enter a British university?

            If anything needs no advertising, it is higher education in the UK… There are eternal values: French croissants, Vologda butter and… British education. With croissants and butter, it’s easier – go to a good store and buy guaranteed quality. It is more difficult with education: having money does not guarantee that you will receive this “goods”. The point is not in intellectual abilities, but in the fact that entering universities is difficult purely technically. So let’s say you and your parents decide that, say, City University in London is the right place for you. How to make a wish come true? There are only a few options:

            1. Enter a British school (if you are still of school age), finish it, successfully completing an A-level (the last 2 years of a British school) or an International Baccalaureate (a pan-European analogue of high school) practically guarantees you a place in one of the universities in Britain. The main thing here is successful school performance.
            2. Complete the 11th grade of a Russian school and enroll in the Foundation preparatory course. Immediately after school, our graduate will not be taken to the university. The British believe that their school education is more complex, fuller, longer, so our school graduates are simply not academically ready to study at their universities. Therefore, after the 11th grade, the Foundation course cannot be avoided. In fact, just academically our students are stronger, but psychologically, methodologically, alas, no. As it happens most often with us: the teacher tells something in class, and at the exam (test) it is necessary to retell all this as close as possible to the source …. Stone Age! Or rather, the Middle Ages, scholasticism, cramming, the absence of one’s own opinion as a blessing. In Britain, first of all, freedom of thought and initiative are valued. The more unusual you offer a solution to the problem, the better! The main thing is to be able to justify your opinion. Well, in order to justify a little courage and imagination, you also need very good English! The usual requirement for applicants to universities is knowledge of English according to the IELTS system at a level of 6.0, sometimes 6.5 To make it clearer: “our” graduate of a special school will pass this test at best by 5.5 At 6.0-6.5, only those who went on vacation will pass it for language courses abroad. Without such trips, you can “acquire” vocabulary, but it’s unlikely that correct pronunciation, ease of communication, understanding skills of non-teacher pronunciation … And the IELTS test evaluates not only vocabulary, but all speech parameters, including “speaking”. During this Foundation preparatory course, students are preparing to enter universities “in all directions”: methodologically, psychologically, culturally, they improve their English skills, pass the IELTS test, and of course, they prepare in their specialty (social sciences or IT, or what anyone needs). The purpose of the work of an educational agency is to select for each student an ideal educational institution for him, based on academic interests, psychological characteristics, etc. Therefore, we urge you not to “try on cats” (especially since these are not cats, but your own children), but to trust specialists who know their business.
            3. The third option is to finish school and enter a Russian university. Completion of the first year of a domestic university is equivalent to the completion of the Foundation preparatory course. When studying in the first year, you will need an IELTS or TOEFL test, and if the result meets the entrance requirements, and the school certificate and grades for the first year are positive (if not excellent), then you can count on a place in one of 110 British universities. Admission to British universities takes place centrally through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (UCAS) system. It is necessary to fill in a special questionnaire on the Internet on the website, pay the registration fee on-line with a credit card, and then wait for the decision of the universities. By the way, according to the UCAS system, documents for enrollment can be submitted immediately to 6 universities! In the first place, they usually put an “unattainable ideal” like the London School of Economics, and in the 6th place – something from the last twenty rankings, so that there is a guarantee of admission. And then you just have to wait for the universities to respond. Answer options: “your application was rejected”, “you are accepted”, “you are accepted conditionally”. Most of the first receive the CONDITIONAL enrollment. The university then informs you through UCAS which particular condition you must meet in order to receive not “conditional”, but “unconditional” or “full” admission.

            If you do not do well on an IELTS test, you may be required to retake it. Or, if you are a first or second year student, you may be told to send in your academic transcript after completing your first (or second) year of study. This is the most common condition. After all, it is necessary to submit documents to UCAS in winter or early spring (otherwise it will be too late! Auditors’ benches are not rubber!), and at this time “our” conditional student has not yet completed the first year. This is usually done in the winter or spring, and the actual enrollment is received from the universities in July/August.
            The third of the described options is the most confusing. When entering this third way, only a few do without the intermediary help of educational agencies. Go to yourself, try to fill out the application / application form, then you will understand! Firstly, you are unlikely to fill it out on your own, and if you do fill it out, it is unlikely that it will be correct. Students International has been working in the market of educational services since 1993 years old During this time, more than one thousand students went to study abroad and for language courses, and for preparatory courses, hundreds study at universities around the world. Students International will be able to help you with admission in any of the 3 options described above. Based on age, academic background, and other factors, SI specialists will select the most optimal option.

            Accommodation of students while studying in England

            The success of studies is largely determined by where and in what conditions the student lives. For some, the best option is a hotel: comfort, silence, independence. But for the majority, a long stay in a hotel is still a little expensive … Many choose to stay in a student residence among their peers from other countries. For the majority (especially when studying in short-term language courses), living in a family becomes the best choice. First, it is more profitable economically. But, most importantly, constant communication with native speakers complements the “full immersion” and makes it possible to get acquainted with the life of the country “from the inside”. We advise many students of long-term academic programs to “take” homestay accommodation (for 1-2 months) to begin with, and, based on their own impressions, decide whether to stay in a family or choose another option.

            Employment of students while studying in England

            It is quite clear that students who go to study abroad, as a rule, can study and live without a part-time job. Many students are financed by parents or relatives who carefully consider and calculate all upcoming expenses. However, students who decide to earn extra money in their free time benefit much more than their non-working counterparts, because they will be able to gain work experience, expand their circle of acquaintances and “pull up” the language.
            By law, students can work in the UK (up to 20 hours per week) if their study period exceeds 6 months.
            We want to note right away: your earnings in a spacious foreign field will not be able to cover all your expenses, however, you will be able to partially or fully compensate for the costs of accommodation, food and travel.
            Paid internships/students’ jobs are common these days. Many foreign educational institutions have adopted this program and are willing to help their students find a part-time job after graduation.
            The choice is not distinguished by particular sophistication and richness: sellers, couriers, maids in the hotel, assistants, porters, dishwashers. You may also get a more prestigious job. For example, at the front desk of a hotel. Or you will be entrusted with public opinion polls so beloved abroad. But this is only if you know the language well enough. It’s not bad to work in a bar and a restaurant – there tips are added to the salary. Or in a hotel – you can be offered free meals and accommodation in it. Another way to cut costs a bit while studying abroad is to work for the family you will be living with or the school you will be studying at. This option is more common: in the master’s house it is easier to find work, say, to babysit, clean, go to the store, etc.
            “Yes, it would be nice to earn extra money in my free time,” you say, “but how can I find a job?”. Very simple!
            So, job offers for students can be found:

            • in your educational institution – the bulletin board, as a rule, is full of various vacancies for part-time and weekend jobs;
            • at job centers. Many educational institutions have their own employment centers with their own databases of vacancies. Sometimes a special newspaper is published for this purpose. Employment services will also provide you with detailed information, give you advice on finding vacancies and further vocational training, can outline the prospects for obtaining a job after graduation, the possibility of obtaining a permit for this work and internships .;
            • in local newspapers;
            • with the help of friends.

            As you can see, international students have many opportunities to find work abroad. However, keep in mind the following:
            * You cannot start your own business, be a professional trainer or work full-time;
            * With the exception of funds you will earn in a position provided to you by the university or college itself, money you expect to receive from part-time or weekend work cannot be used as a basis for obtaining a visa. You must prove that you are able to cover the costs of studying and living in this country without the need for employment or government assistance.

            IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT

            TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

            An English language test, developed and administered by the American Council, is used to determine the level of knowledge when applying to a university or applying for a job. Currently, a computerized version of the test is mainly used, although a paper based test is also acceptable. For the CIS, the computer based test is official. The test consists of testing several positions: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing with a test, respectively, of listening comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and the ability to “link words” on paper. Official information on the website:

            IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

            This is the official British Council test. The test tests the ability to use English in everyday communication situations (General test option) and in an academic environment (Academic test option): Writing, Speaking, Listening, Reading. Official information on the website:

            GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)

            The GMAT test is used for admission to Western educational institutions for the MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs and some other master’s programs. It is assumed that the tested at a sufficiently high level owns arithmetic, geometry, grammar. When testing, the following parameters are checked: Critical reasoning (language understanding and quick wits), Data sufficiency (mathematics), Sentence correction (grammar), Problem solving (mathematics), Reading comprehension (reading and understanding).

            How Students International Educational Agency can help you

            Students International Study Abroad Center has many years of experience in the British education market. The Center’s specialists know the UK and its educational institutions firsthand, not from brochures or the Internet. All educational institutions were repeatedly visited, inspected, and the connection “agent – student”, “agent – parent”, “agent – educational institution” is constantly maintained.
            Our experts will select the optimal training scheme for you, the program and the educational institution that will best suit your level of education, your goals, etc.
            An important point in the work of an educational agency is assistance in obtaining a visa. Students International will inform you about all the peculiarities of the visa procedure, help you collect a “package of documents” and will represent your interests at the embassy.
            After the visa is received and the student goes to study, Students International will continue to supervise the student: monitor academic results, help solve everyday problems, provide practical assistance to students’ parents in obtaining a guest visa (after all, many parents often visit their children in during the school year and during holidays), etc.
            Our Center provides a full range of consulting and practical educational services. We look forward to working with you!

            UK Education List:

            • UK Language Programs
            • UK Schools/Colleges
            • University preparation in the UK
            • UK Higher Education
            • UK business programs
            • UK Vacation Programs

            How do our students feel about studying in the UK?

            Daria Polunina and Inna Chigareva,
            Insearch Essex, UK

            We love studying here.