Activities for 9 year old: 101 exciting things to do with kids ages 9-12

Опубликовано: January 23, 2022 в 10:12 am


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101 exciting things to do with kids ages 9-12

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Looking for things to do with a 9-year-old (or older)? This list has you covered.

Despite having a seemingly endless number of activities at their disposal, it’s almost inevitable that 9- to 12-year-olds will regularly utter the two dreaded words: “I’m bored.” While this catchphrase is — let’s face it — a little annoying, it’s important for parents and caregivers to remember that physical and mental stimulation is crucial for tweens, and the relationship between the two is symbiotic.

“Being stimulated mentally and physically is very important to kids in this [9-12] age group,” says board-certified pediatrician Dr. Jen Trachtenberg, noting that the latter plays a vital role in the former. “Tweens should be striving for 30-60 minutes of heart-pumping exercise a day, which in turn will improve overall wellness, including better sleep, more confidence, decreased anxiety and depression and better focus. ” Trachtenberg notes that, while team sports come with social benefits, things like “running, yoga or even taking a brisk walk together” are just as good for getting their heart rate up.

“Tweens should be striving for 30-60 minutes of heart-pumping exercise a day, which in turn will improve overall wellness, including better sleep, more confidence, decreased anxiety and depression and better focus.”


When it comes to finding mentally stimulating activities for tweens, Trachtenberg recommends activities where kids can “relax and be creative without being judged.” “Reading, doing art projects together and cooking and baking are all great ways to bond with children and work on their mental fitness,” she says.

The next time your preteen starts complaining about not having anything to do, try out some of these stimulating activities to do with tweens:

  1. Set up easels and paint pictures outdoors.
  2. Visit your local science museum.
  3. Learn how to knot friendship bracelets.
  4. Go to a coffee shop and write poetry.
  5. Put on an impromptu play.
  6. Put together a scavenger hunt.
  7. Bake a loaf of homemade bread.
  8. Build and launch a model rocket.
  9. Go on a camping trip at a campground.
  10. Wash the family car together.
  11. Go apple picking.
  12. Go on a bike ride together.
  13. Sprout beans in a jar that you can plant in the garden.
  14. Weave on a loom.
  15. Learn how to play musical instruments together.
  16. Make paper spinners.  
  17. Look at slides through a microscope.
  18. Create a nature journal.
  19. Embroider cloth handkerchiefs to give as gifts.
  20. Dye cotton cloth using berries and tea.
  21. Go rollerskating.
  22. Make homemade candles out of beeswax.
  23. Toast s’mores over the fireplace, which you can eat while sharing stories.
  24. Have a water balloon fight in the backyard.
  25. Look at the moon with a telescope or binoculars.
  26. Play 20 Questions.
  27. Teach them a card trick to amaze their friends.
  28. Draw a map of your neighborhood using graph paper.
  29. Put together a homemade kite using newspaper and sticks.
  30. Knit scarves.
  31. Learn Double Dutch jump rope.
  32. Visit a corn maze and get lost.
  33. Make homemade popcorn.
  34. Build unusual snowmen and take pictures.
  35. Go bowling.
  36. Make foliage faces together.
  37. Carve a pumpkin.
  38. Give each other facials.
  39. Put together a time capsule and bury it in the backyard.
  40. Rake leaves into a pile and jump in.
  41. Create a homemade papier-mâché globe with a balloon.
  42. Build an igloo out of snow.
  43. Turn a shoe box into a diorama.
  44. Visit a nursing home.
  45. Make a birdhouse out of wood.
  46. Teach the tween how to make dinner from a recipe, suggests Trachtenberg.
  47. Make beads out of clay and string them into jewelry.
  48. Learn to surf.
  49. Make homemade candy together.
  50. Tie dye T-shirts.
  51. Skip stones at a local pond or lake.
  52. Paint each other’s portraits.
  53. Set up an outdoor obstacle course.
  54. Learn how to fold different types of paper airplanes
  55. Have a room-cleaning competition!
  56. Put on a talent show together.
  57. Go fishing together and then cook the fish for dinner.
  58. Teach them to play chess (or learn with them).
  59. Use a video camera to create stop-frame animations.
  60. Learn to fold origami.
  61. Play Hangman.
  62. Learn to juggle together.
  63. Try to memorize favorite poems or verses.
  64. Learn a few yoga moves.
  65. Fill a balloon with baby powder to create a homemade stress ball.
  66. Have a bake sale to raise money for charity.
  67. Make a salt dough volcano.
  68. Learn how to quilt together.
  69. Make sculptures out of soap.
  70. Each-tay em-thay Ig-pay Atin-lay.
  71. Take a train somewhere.
  72. Learn to play tennis.
  73. Make your own bows and arrows, and practice archery in the backyard.
  74. Host a dance-off in the living room.
  75. Make something out of recycled materials.
  76. Make homemade bath fizzies.
  77. Take old appliances apart to see how they work.
  78. Work on a puzzle together.
  79. See how many different clothespin animals you can create.
  80. Go geocaching together.
  81. Set up a domino track on a large table.
  82. Teach them how to do laundry.
  83. Collect clothes and toys for charity.
  84. Make a duct tape wallet or purse.
  85. Go get ice cream cones.
  86. Play ping pong.
  87. Make pom pom flowers. 
  88. Play flashlight tag.
  89. Go on a hike at a national park.
  90. Learn Morse Code together.
  91. Find a walking stick and paint it.
  92. Play charades.
  93. Go to the zoo.
  94. Learn cup stacking.
  95. Make marionette puppets and put on a puppet show.
  96. Roll a pine cone in peanut butter and bird seed to create a bird feeder.
  97. Set up a lemonade stand.
  98. Shoot baskets at a gymnasium.
  99. Decorate hats and shoes with paint pens.
  100. Put on a magic show for friends and family.
  101. Turn a lemon into a battery.

Once you and the kids get started on this list, you’ll probably never hear that they’re bored again! Or you will, and that’s OK, too.

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25 Activities for Kids ages 8-12 years old (made by teachers!)

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Home » Play » Inside Play » Activities for Kids (ages 8-12 years old)

Author: Susie       

The 8-12 year old crowd can be a complex crowd to entertain during a long break at home. How do we keep them from excessive screen time? How do we help them from active, playing, learning and away from the dreaded board word? With activities for kids that are genius.

And trust me, these activities are brilliant.

RELATED: Looking for great multi-age activities? This list has awesome options for siblings.

What are some fun activities for kids?

These activities are amazing.

This list is so different from other lists on the Internet – it’s engaging, it’s creative, it’s actually doable for kids independent of parent help.

But there’s something special about this list.

RELATED: Journal writing is a great activity for big kids – check out this list of journal entry prompts.

This list was made by teachers.

I enlisted the help of three of my closest friends – all teachers who have taught grades 4th to 6th for years. They know their stuff and they know this age group so well.

Together, we came up with these 25 ideas for ages 8-12 years old. Proven “boredom busters” to help this group right now.

RELATED: Looking for new books for kids 8-12 years old? Check out this awesome list!

It’s not an easy age group to entertain…

But it can be done. And these activities will help.

Kids can stay busy and mentally active while away from school and they can do this using the things you have in your house.

25 Boredom Busters for Kids ages 8-12 years old


  1. Comic Book Writing: Fold paper together and make your own comic book.
  2. Write a Song: Rewrite the lyrics to a favorite song.
  3. School Games: Teach your family games that you know from school.
  4. “I wonder” Journal: Make an “I wonder” journal to collect thoughts. What are all the things you wonder about? Example: “I wonder why moss is so spongy.” “I wonder how plants grow.” “I wonder how concrete is made.”
  5. Nature art: Using materials found all around the outside of your house, create a piece of art or a self-portrait. Think leaves as hair, moss as eyebrows, rocks as eyes, etc.
  6. Pet Research: Want a pet? Research all the ways to be a good pet parent, present the information to your parents. Make a brochure, poster or a Power Point.
  7. Make a code: Create your own alphabet code and write some secret notes (example – a is z, b is y, c is x etc.)
  8. Expert Writing: You’re already an expert in something. Write up information on that topic and present it to your family at dinner.
  9. Paper Chain: Make a paper chain of days until you go back to school – write a funny joke or fun fact on each one.
  10. Measure the House: Find the perimeter and area of your backyard/bedroom.
  11. Be a Designer: Using your perimeter and area data, design the perfect backyard/bedroom for yourself.
  12. Survey: Create a survey for your friends and family then graph the results
  13. Do Interviews: Call a relative and interview them. Learn more about your family’s history.
  14. Write a Letter: Write a letter to someone you admire
  15. Ask about a Job: Write a letter to someone who has the job you want and ask them questions. Find out what it takes to have that job.
  16. Time Capsule: Build a time capsule to be opened in XX amount of years
  17. Scavenger Hunt: Make a scavenger hunt for your family.
  18. Be an Author: Loved a book? Write the sequel.
  19. Make a Treasure Map: Make a treasure map to buried treasure in your yard or house
  20. Learn a new card game: Learn card games like Rummy, Solitaire, and Hearts.
  21. Build a tower: Make a tower from playing card or Index cards.
  22. Make a Board Game: Design your own board game.
  23. Recycled City: Build a city out of recyclables.
  24. Paper Plane Competition: Research how to build the best paper airplanes and have a competition. Which flies farthest?
  25. Boat Sink or Float: Build your own boat – use paper, LEGOs, etc. – and set it in water. Add 1 penny at a time until it sinks. How many did it hold?

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50+ Unplugged Activities for Tween Age Boys

Tired of hearing, “I’m bored!” Tired of being told there is “nothing” to do? Looking for things for your tween boy to be engaged in? We’ve got you covered! This post is full of activities, hobbies, jobs, and more that tweens will enjoy.

The “tween” years (10-12 years old, but I’m including age 9) can be a challenging time. They’re not little kids anymore, but they aren’t teens yet either. Toys are not as fun, but they’re not old enough to go places on their own or have a job.

My sons are currently 15, 12, and 10, and 7. My experience has been that tween boys have a LOT of energy. Constant climbing, jumping, running, etc. You think they’ll outgrow all that energy when they’re older, but then they’re older and they seem to have even MORE energy! Plenty of opportunities for active play and heavy work (mowing the lawn, hauling rock, using tools, etc.) are definitely needed.

NOTE: There is no set age that kids are ready to do more dangerous things, such as mow the lawn. You are the best judge of your child’s readiness – please don’t take my age recommendations as set in stone. This post is designed to be a reference and a spring-board for ideas. Take what you can use, and leave the rest.

And yes, girls will enjoy these activities too – this is just meant to be a resource for those looking for activities for boys.

Encourage unplugged play and hobbies! I’m not against technology by any means, but I do think that part of our role as parents is to help our kids find balance in this area. There are so many interesting things to do besides endless YouTube videos and video games. But kids will never discover all these things when electronics SEEM more interesting than anything else. Help them create good habits and establish productive hobbies by keeping technology reigned in at your house. Show your kids how to control their devices – not be controlled by their devices.

This post contains Amazon affiliate links.

This post was originally published in June 2013 and updated May 2019.

  • Wood working. Learning to hammer a nail and use basic tools is a great skill for older boys! Home Depot sells scrap boards for 50 cents and $1, and Aidan has had a great time sawing and hammering on scrap boards in the garage. He even made me a wooden cross for Christmas a couple years ago! These wood robots are a great project for beginners.
  • Take apart old appliances. Do you have any broken appliances or machines lying around? It’s fun to take apart an old phone, printer, toaster, etc. Then save the parts for inventing and tinkering.
  • Start a business. If your tween age son is wanting to earn more cash, why not help them start their own business? A few ideas: Pet sitting, bringing in trash cans for neighbors, doing odd jobs such as weeding flower beds or washing windows, washing vehicles, mowing lawns, babysitting.
  • Snap circuits. If you’re not familiar with them, Snap Circuits are building sets that use electricity to create awesome projects. The pieces “snap” onto a base, and it’s easy to create electrical circuits without a bunch of exposed wires or alligator clips. We own the Snap Circuits sc-300 set, and it has been totally worth it. Kids can easily follow the instruction manual by themselves starting at about age 8. Projects include things like a dog whistle, a morse code generator, several “space wars” sounds, and a spinning propeller that really launches into the air.
  • LEGO. I’m not sure that LEGO can ever be outgrown! For the child who needs some direction with their LEGO building, we have many building challenges here on this site! Check out all of our Lego ideas here. Here are some of our favorites: LEGO Candy Dispenser, LEGO Mechanical Puzzle, Rubber Band Powered LEGO Car, LEGO Marble Run
  • Outdoor recreation. Ideas for being active outdoors: tennis, archery, bike riding, frisbee golf, skateboarding, hiking, running, swimming. We have an archery place near our house that does a league on Monday night.
  • Build a chain reaction from craft sticks. This takes some time to build – but the results are totally worth it! Fun for the kid who enjoys domino effect type things. Instructions in the original post.
  • Learn some card tricks. Here are three fun card tricks to get started with!
  • Play games as a family. The tween years are not a time to pull back! Your kids need time with you now just as much as they did when they were little. Here’s a collection of 15 card games for families. Other fun family games – Blokus, Exploding Kittens, Catan. Our boys love to play Catan!
  • Take on real projects. My tween can often be restless around the house and a pest to his younger brothers, but he is so focused when he has the opportunity to do real grown-up work. Boys this age like to feel needed, and they like to know that their work is appreciated and is making a real difference. Some ideas: learn to use the lawnmower, spread mulch, weed flower beds, organize a closet, have their own table at a garage sale, plan a meal and cook it, clean out the garage, nail on new fence slats.
  • Go on a “career” field trip. It’s never too early to start thinking about the future! What are your kids interested in? Call your vet and see if they will let you come for a “behind the scenes” tour. In our area, the National Weather Service does field trips if you sign up as a group. Check out the options in your area!
  • Do laundry from start to finish. If they don’t already know how to operate the washer and dryer, age 9 is a great time to get started! Tweens can sort their own clothes, wash, dry, fold, and put away. It’s good to have the experience of thinking ahead (when do I need to have school pants clean, etc.) and following through.
  • Get crafty! One of our favorite older kid crafts was our Pipe Cleaner Ninjas. So. much. fun! I keep getting e-mails from readers with pictures of their ninjas. They have been a hit! Other big kid crafts: Ninja Stress Balls, Make a marble bowling game, How to Train Your Dragon pipe cleaner dragons.
  • Crafting with Paracord – Paracord (parachute cord) is such a fun crafting material. You can make bracelets with it, and we’ve even made snakes! Check Pinterest and YouTube for lots of tutorials.
  • Crafting with duct tape. Aidan and I have recently discovered crafting with duct tape! Here is a tutorial on making a duct tape wallet. Or, make some duct tape Lego capes!
  • PVC Pipe Projects. We love creating things out of PVC pipe. Make a bow and arrow, a water shooter, or a marshmallow blow gun.
  • Learn how to cook or bake. Who says boys shouldn’t cook? Tween age boys can learn to make grilled cheese, scrambled eggs, omelettes, brown ground meat, cook spaghetti, bake cookies, make a cake, and more. Plus, their future wives will thank you someday!
  • Photography. We bought our second son an entry level DSLR camera for Christmas the year he was 11. I wasn’t sure if it would be worth the money, but he has LOVED it! He has learned so much about photography, and has really found his niche with nature photography and especially birds.
  • Draw comic strips. Kids can invent their own characters and create their own worlds! We love reading some good ol’ Calvin and Hobbes for inspiration. My kids also love to draw superhero comics.
  • Keva plank toys. We bought the Keva Contraptions set that comes with 200 planks and 2 balls. The instruction manual is really well done. I was impressed at how quickly Aidan was able to build some really amazing structures! The one in the picture above is called a “cascade,” and the ball rolls back and forth across the platforms and then comes out at the bottom and lands in that square. Building with Keva planks requires patience and a steady hand, but it’s a great challenge for older kids who enjoy building and engineering. Here are five engineering challenges that we developed for use with Keva planks.
  • Do a wacky science project. The budding scientist might enjoy a book full of projects to make and do. Check out Sneaky Uses for Everyday Things. We enjoyed making plastic from vinegar and milk from that book! Another favorite idea – mix up some magnetic slime. With adult supervision, kids will enjoy burning steel wool with a 9 volt battery. Hey, I enjoyed it too! You can also use baking soda and vinegar to make some instant hot ice. So cool. And of course, there is always the classic soda bottle rocket! (Ours flew higher than our house!)
  • Build a bridge. Kids can also do some engineering with materials that you already have on hand! Build a bridge with straws and straight pins that is strong enough to hold 100 pennies. Or build a bridge out of popsicle sticks.
  • Film making. For the guy who is not really into building and engineering, how about film making? I talked to a friend who said her boys spend HOURS creating stop-action movies with their toys. They film with an iPad and use iMovie to put it together. It’s also fun to film humorous sketches or plays.
  • Learn to play guitar. If you can do lessons, go for it! If you can’t afford lessons, guitar is an instrument that can be learned from books and Youtube videos, especially if your child has already learned another instrument such as piano. My oldest son adores his guitar!
  • Volunteering. 9-12 is too young to officially volunteer most places, but look for things to do as a family. We have enjoyed helping with landscaping at our church. Learning to serve is so important for this age group! It’s really fulfilling to do something for others, and this age group is getting to the point where they can really grasp that.

Do you have tween boys? What do your boys enjoy doing? Please leave a comment if you have more ideas to share!

Activities for 9 Year Olds – Educational Activities – JumpStart

Activities for nine year olds take learning and skill to the next level. Engage them in these interesting and educational activities and watch them pick up new concepts with ease.

English Activities for 9-Year-Olds

  • Sunshine T-Shirt

  • Sticks for Friends

  • Shells on the Desk

  • Mailbox Madness

  • Googly Shades

  • Fun Beach Bag

  • Cherry Vanilla Shake and Lemonade with Berry Ice Cubes

  • How Does it Look?

  • Captions and More

  • Draw a Paragraph!

Reading Activities for 9-Year-Olds

  • Tree of Books

Math Activities for 9-Year-Olds

  • Game of 50

Gross Motor Skill Activities for 9-Year-Olds

  • Make a Dip

Science Activities for 9-Year-Olds

  • Weather Wall

How Activities for 9 Year Olds are Beneficial

From math activities and science activities to reading activities, there are various kinds of activities for nine-year-olds. Both exciting and educational, these activities make learning an enjoyable activity.

With improved vocabulary, reading, math, and fine motor skills, nine year olds are at a more advanced stage of learning. Activities for nine year olds are based on different subjects will not only help them in learning new concepts but it will also help them build existing ones. Parents and teachers must ensure that activities for nine-year-olds are of a more complex and challenging nature so that they can stimulate their active brains.

Activities for 9 Year Olds – Engaging, Exciting and Educational

Nine year olds are generally in third or fourth grade. Activities for nine-year-olds are designed to match the skills and abilities of kids in these grades, thus helping them grasp new concepts easily. Nine year olds are more independent and prefer organized games and activities. Activities that nine year olds are exposed to should not only keep them occupied but should also sharpen their skills and evoke an interest in learning. Apart from activities on different subjects, these kids should also be encouraged to participate in sports and other extra-curricular activities. After all, such activities for nine year olds help kids grow up to be well-rounded!

Additional information

See Also

  • 1st Grade Activities

  • Activities for 3 Year Olds

  • 2nd Grade Activities

  • Educational Activities

  • Kindergarten Activities

  • 3rd Grade Activities

  • Activities for 5 Year Olds

  • org/Article”>

    Activities for 4 Year Olds

  • Preschool Activities

  • Math Activities

  • Reading Activities

  • Activities for 6 Year Olds

  • Art Activities

  • Science Activities

  • Critical Thinking Activities

  • Activities for 7 Year Olds

  • Activities for 8 Year Olds

  • org/Article”>

    5th Grade Activities

  • Activities for 9 Year Olds

  • 4th Grade Activities

  • Craft Activities

  • Kids Activities

  • Holiday Activities

  • Baby Activities

  • School Activities

  • Toddler Activities

  • Classroom Activities

  • org/Article”>

    English Activities

  • Grade Based Activities

  • Geography Activities

  • Seasonal Activities

  • Social Studies Activities

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20 Indoor Activities for Kids (besides screens)

Finalizing (!) our series during this final year of AoS of the top 12 published posts of all time (measured in simple traffic numbers), this one is officially the most popular of all time on this website. I wrote it when we were living overseas well over a decade ago, and people still read this daily. Daily! That makes me happy.

(Heads up, parents: I know everyone says it goes fast, but it’s true. That grumpy toddler pictured at the bottom of this post is sixteen.)

xoxo, Tsh

The Countdown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1

“Mom, can I watch a movie?”

This is how I woke up this morning.  A cute little four-year-old face, inches away from mine, asking for entertainment.

I don’t have a problem with TV or movies—we watch them both.  But we all know they’re far too often the default choice of leisure time for children. They can easily suck away imagination, energy, and the innocence of our kids.

But during the dog days of summer, rainy days, and veritable blizzards in the backyard, it’s also hard to shoo your kids outside. So… what’s a parent to do?  Not much. But there’s plenty that children can do indoors on their own without touching a remote (I’m a big fan of boredom—it spawns creativity).

Here are a few ideas.

1.  Read a book.

Our kids’ books are right in our living room, available any time of day. The kids know they can pull a book off the shelves whenever they want.

2.  Write a book.

Even if your kids aren’t yet writing fluently, they can still create stories. Create a collection of blank books, and let your kids illustrate a story. Later, write the words for them as they dictate them to you, or they can sound out the words phonetically and write the story on their own.

(These books make great keepsakes.)

3.  Act out a book.

Does your child have a perennial favorite book? Have her act it out—the plot may take a unique turn, all her own. While I was making breakfast just this morning, my four-year-old daughter said, “Mom, right now I’m going on a walk at half past nine.”

4.  Listen to a book.

Audible has a great selection of quality books for children, and Librivox has a large selection of free public domain books. Download a few to your device, and either give your child some headphones, or play the book over speakers while they play quietly.

5.  Make an indoor clubhouse.

Build a blanket fort. Get your child started, and see how else they architect a little place of their own.

6.  Perform a puppet show or play.

Collect hand-me-down clothes and thrift store finds as a dress-up box. Kids can create costumes for a play, with you as the audience. Or, they can let their stuffed animals star as puppets, and hide behind the couch for a dramatic reenactment starring their pretend friends.

You can also make a simple puppet show theater with a spring-loaded curtain rod and a piece of fabric in a doorway.

7.  Have an indoor picnic or tea party.

Lay out an outdoor tablecloth on the floor for lunch—kids think it’s a big treat to do the everyday in a special place. Or, brew  some tea (my daughter’s favorite is blackberry), and have a little tea time in cups with saucers, alongside crackers or bread for an afternoon treat.

8.  Make homemade play-doh.

Play-doh made from scratch is easy, and you can make an endless array of colors with natural food dyes. Spread the outdoor tablecloth on the floor, and give them dull knives, a rolling pin, and some cookie cutters.

Photo source

9.  Help with chores.

Chores teach kids that running the house is a family effort and that life involves work and things we don’t always enjoy doing.  (p.s.—A preschool chore chart on the downloads page.)

10.  Save TP rolls and wad up your socks.

Arrange toilet paper rolls like bowling pins on one end of the hall.  Stock up a few balled-up socks on the other. Bowl or throw at the pins, and you’ve got an indoor bowling alley. There’s tons of other crafts you can do with toilet paper rolls, too.

11.  Get your groove on.

Even the parent can benefit from this little break in the day. Crank up the peppy music and get dancing. Even 10 minutes of jiving with release some wiggles, and it’s a stress relief for you, too.

12.  Craft, craft, craft.

Our kids draw or create near daily. Keep a simple art cabinet handy, and your children can grab supplies whenever their muse strikes. If they want to paint, simply use that handy outdoor tablecloth again, and spread it on the kitchen floor.

13.  Write a letter to a friend.

Old-fashioned letter writing is a dying art, what with e-mail being today’s communication method of choice. Let them write a letter to Grandma, her cousins, or a friend, and make someone’s day when they open their mailbox a few days later.

14.  Have a playdate.

Invite your child’s friend over—this sometimes makes for an even easier day, because your kiddo has a playmate instead of asking you to play all the time.

15.  Play shop or restaurant.

A notepad, pencil, apron, tray, and play food are all the kids need to play restaurant at the dining room table. Sticky notes make good price tags.

16.  Rearrange the bedroom.

If your child is old enough to safely move small furniture around, let him explore his creative side and rearrange his bedroom.  Depending on the result, it could be an afternoon set up or a new permanent look.

17.  The classic: cardboard boxes.

Keep a few handy, and watch your child’s imagination take over: a castle, a spaceship, a sailboat for an adventure to a new world.

Photo source

18.  Go on a treasure hunt.

Take five minutes and hide some treasures (toys, rocks, whatever) around the house. Make a list of the items, and have your child go on a treasure hunt. If they can’t yet read, draw a sketch of the hidden item.

19.  Have them help with cooking.

If they’re old enough to stir, sift, and pour, let them help you with the basics—pasta and pizza sauces, muffins, and breads are all kid-friendly. It’s a good way to teach numbers, fractions, nutrition, and basic life skills.

20.  Nothing.

Boredom is good for kids. Make a rule that if your kid announces they’re bored, they’ll have to do chores. So if they truly can’t think of anything off-hand to do…  eventually, they’ll think of something.

p.s. 9 ways to encourage your kids to live simply, fostering independence in kids, a nifty method for helping kids calm down, and my favorite early childhood books.

Play Fun and Creative Games For Kids Based by Age


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 4 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 3 years and older


tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 6 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 4 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 4 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–30-min

Ages 4 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–30-min

Ages 3+


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 3+


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–10-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 4 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 4 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Play ideas for kids ages 5 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–0-3 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 2 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 5 years and older


tile–0-3 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 6 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 5 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–15-min

Ages 6 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 5+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–15-min

Ages 3+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 4 years and older


tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 8 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 5 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–0-3 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 2 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 5+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 4 years and older


tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–30-min

Ages 7 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 7 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 5 years and older


tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 6 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 5 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 6 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 4+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6 tile–0-3

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 4 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–0-3 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 0 years and older


tile–0-3 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 2 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 6 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6

Ages 5 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–15-min

Ages 4 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 4 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9

Ages 7 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–0-3 tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 0 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6 tile–0-3

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6 tile–0-3

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 6 years and older


tile–0-3 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 3-10 years


tile–0-3 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 2 years and older


tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 8 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 6 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–15-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–30-min

Ages 10 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 4+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6 tile–0-3

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6 tile–0-3

Ages 3 years and older

tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 4 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 7 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 3+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–15-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 4+, requires adult help


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–15-min

Ages 6+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–3-6 tile–0-3

Ages 3 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 4 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 4 years and older


tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 7+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Play ideas for ages 4 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 4+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–15-min

Ages 7 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–15-min

Ages 7 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 3 years and older


tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–5-min

Ages 8 years and older


tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–9-12 tile–30-min

Ages 4+, requires adult help


tile–9-12 tile–3-6 tile–6-9 tile–5-min

Ages 5 years and older


tile–9-12 tile–6-9 tile–30-min

Ages 4+, requires adult help

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Educational games for children from 9 years old, online learning sessions –


Educational activities for children from 10 years old

South-Western branch (48a Bardina str. )

Group from 8 years old

Pioneer branch (Sadovaya street 7)

Group from 8 years old

Children’s center “Pallada” offers interesting additional activities for children from 10 years old. The “Umnichki” extension will help not only to quickly deal with problematic topics, but also to consolidate the material covered earlier. After homework, we offer interesting and diverse courses:

  • speed reading;
  • calligraphy;
  • mental arithmetic;
  • chess;
  • art therapy.

What are the characteristics of the development of 10-year-olds?

According to child psychologists, exactly 10 years is considered the beginning of a difficult adolescence. We offer the help of experienced teachers who will help you quickly solve all the difficulties with assignments. Teachers will help the child:

  • to improve the speed and technique of reading;
  • work out the technique of writing;
  • increase the speed of solving mental addition and subtraction and multiplication and division problems;
  • improve logic and strategic thinking.

Comprehensive classes for children aged 10 in Yekaterinburg are focused primarily on improving school performance.

Program for schoolchildren 10 years old in the children’s center “Pallada”

  1. Extension program “Umnichki”. We help with the preparation of lessons, analyze complex topics together, pull up in school disciplines, and spend time actively.
  2. Children’s city camp for holidays. Every year we come up with a new theme that will be of interest to teenagers. Scientific experiments, active games, performances and excursions will fill your free time with vivid memories.
  3. Speed ​​reading. Working on reading speed increases concentration, the ability to find the main thing in the text, retell what has been read, forming a coherent oral speech.
  4. Calligraphy. Develop fast writing speed, beautiful handwriting and the ability to hold a pen correctly.
  5. Mental arithmetic. We will help you quickly solve examples of varying degrees of complexity in your mind.
  6. Art studio.
  7. Chess. The best course for the development of perseverance, logic, concentration in a playful way.

Sign up for training courses at the children’s center “Pallada”, and we will help your child go to school with pleasure!

Request a call

Educational activities for children from 9 years old

South-Western branch (48a Bardina St.)

Group from 8 years old

Pioneer Branch (7 Sadovaya St.)

Group from 8 years old

Children’s Center “Pallada” offers a wide range of additional courses for schoolchildren of all ages. The “Umnichki” extension relieves parents of the obligation to spend evenings over notebooks and textbooks. Additional classes for a child of 9 years old will develop logic, oral speech, and correct handwriting.

Features of the development of children aged 9

At this time, the school program is well known to the child, but still causes stress, requires more perseverance, self-organization. In the children’s center, teachers, primary school teachers, speech therapists will help develop the following skills:

  • reading;
  • oral speech;
  • letter;
  • account;
  • logic;
  • perseverance, memory.

Do not scold for lagging behind the program. Features of the development of each individual, and developmental activities for children 9 years old will help catch up and go to school with pleasure.

What is included in the educational programs for children aged 9?

In the program we offer the following courses:

  • Extension. We will help the student to do homework, relax, play, improve English. The program includes meals and meeting children from school or from the section.
  • Children’s city camp. New acquaintances, interesting games, excursions, creative activities and many walks in the fresh air.
  • Mental arithmetic. The first level is learning to quickly count for addition and subtraction. The second level is learning to quickly count for multiplication and division.
  • Speed ​​reading. Additional lessons to improve reading skills will allow you to quickly improve your technique, increase reading speed and develop memory.
  • Calligraphy. Beautiful, neat, even letters in a student’s notebook are not a myth, but a reality. We will teach your child to write legibly and quickly.
  • Art studio.
  • Chess. The oldest game designed to develop thinking, logic, concentration and intelligence.

Leave a request on the site, we will call you back to invite you to a trial lesson!

Request a call

11 best children’s board games for 8, 9, 10 years old

8-10 years old is a time for active exploration of the world and learning new things. This is the 2nd or 3rd grade of the school: the child is no longer quite a baby, knows and can do something, but has not yet had time to get tired of the lessons – and, as a result, his desire to learn is just being realized in full swing.

At this moment, it is especially important that children brought up in the era of smartphones and tablets do not lose touch with the real world, getting used to turning to the gadget for any issue. How to keep them? As in any business, only voluntarily, with the help of positive emotions. And such emotions are given to the child, no doubt, by the game – and it would be nice if it not only pleases, but also educates at the same time.

Board games are perfect for this definition, many of which were invented and made by specialists specifically for teaching children. We have a lot of such games suitable for both girls and boys in our store, and the best of them are in the selection below.

Interesting board games for the company of children aged 9
Imaginarium Childhood

Number of players : from 4 to 7
Delicate and very beautiful card game that trains the imagination and associative thinking, and simply delights. The principle of the game is the same as in the adult Imaginarium – a game of association – but in the children’s version all the illustrations are only cute, kind, not in the least frightening: you can safely give the box with the game to the children and go drink tea . .. or stay to stealthily look at the pictures from games.


Number of players : from 1 to 16
Smooth wooden blocks nicely sanded and packed in a nice tin tube so that the game can be taken anywhere: the game in it does not take up much space, does not get lost, yes it also looks great. It’s great that Firewood is suitable for any age: just dismantle and complete the tower.

Elias for the whole family

Number of players : from 3 to 8
The favorite game about the explanation of words by many is now in a special family version: simpler cards for children, additional conditions for adults so that the chances of all participants are truly equal. And in this version, the game goes one on one: spin the roulette wheel to find out who your partner is in this round. And there are as many as 500 cards with words!

Most popular board games for a 9 year old boy
IQ Companion of a genius

Number of players : 1 which field you will choose (yes, it has two fields at once – in fact, these are two games under one cover). 120 tasks for different variants of pyramids, which are made up of round elements that look like either atoms or colored candies, develop logic and spatial thinking, and also guarantee entertainment for many hours.

Naval battle

Number of players : 2
That same naval battle from our childhood is now in a convenient box, so you can take it with you even on the train, even to the country. Ships (and everything else) no longer need to be drawn: now you place figures of real ships around the field, and hits or misses are shown using white and red torpedo tokens. Boys and their dads will be wildly delighted with this game.

Games for girls 9 years old
Magic cauldron

Number of players : 2 to 4
A magical game about how to save the kingdom from an evil sorcerer. To do this, you need to brew a potion – and for a potion, you need ingredients that must be delivered to the cauldron before the evil sorcerer himself (who, of course, does not sleep!) interferes with you. The game has special magic dice, a token with a sorcerer’s hat, vials of potions, a horned toad, a dandelion root, a poisonous mushroom – in general, this is an excellent team table that girls love, but boys will also be interested.

Plush Tales

Number of Players : 2 to 4 An adventure board game book in which plush toys fight the powerful villain Nightmare. Read the book and do the tasks. There are 10 scenarios in the game. Each adventure must be completed while the little mistress is sleeping. Cool game for girls with amazing miniatures.

Educational and educational games for a child 9-10 years old
7 by 9

Number of players : from 2 to 4
Board mathematical game for children and adults for quick counting and attentiveness. Each card has large numbers and small numbers that indicate how much to subtract or add to the big one: for example, to a card with a main number of 6 and a small +2, you need to add 2 to get 8. Do you have a card with the number 8? Rather, put it on a stack! An incredibly fun way to learn addition and subtraction.

Delissimo Gang of Wise Men

Number of players : from 2 to 5
A game about fractions and about how a whole pizza is better than slices. Actually, in the game you are the chef of a pizzeria, and you need to collect a whole pizza. How? Three answers: kids can just collect tokens with painted pieces, older kids can play with special pizza cards, and those who are just learning fractions at school will take a pro level where you have to match cards with fractions and ingredients with pizza cards and fulfill “delivery orders”. In any case, this is the most comfortable way to learn fractions. Side effect – after it you really want pizza.

Smart gang is famous for educational games for children, see the full list in this category.

Magnetic Scrabble

Number of players : 2 to 4
Stylish new magnetic Scrabble – you can play even in zero gravity! The set includes special coasters for letters, a linen bag for them, and a galaxy is drawn on the playing field. Otherwise, everything is the same: make up words, score points, remember your childhood with an updated game that retains all the charm of the old school.


MUSIC THERAPY is a psychotherapeutic method for correcting emotional states. This method allows you to quickly relieve stress, calm down. In childhood, music therapy will successfully cope with the child’s behavioral problems, emotional anxiety, and will also help to survive age-related crises associated with the development of the child.

Modern special psychology and pedagogy are largely focused on the use of music therapy in correctional work, as an important means of educating a child’s harmonious personality, his cultural education.

In group music therapy classes, we do not set ourselves the goal of developing musical abilities proper, the main elements of the classes are aimed at solving not musical problems, but problems that are significant for the development of the child.

Classes are held 2 times a week for 30-40 minutes (depending on the group).

During the lessons, children develop a song repertoire that can be expanded further. They are able not only to passively listen to music, but also to create it – to sing, dance, play musical instruments. But most importantly, they want and interact with each other and with the people around them.

Individual classes are held on the recommendation of specialists (speech therapist, psychologist).

Method of psychotherapy used for treatment and psychocorrection. It diagnoses a person’s condition, and heals, and makes it possible to know oneself.

ART therapy works effectively both in counseling and therapy for adults and in working with children.

ART therapy gives the best results when it is used in a state of severe stress. The method eliminates apathy and lack of initiative, helps with depression, fears, neuroses, psychosomatic diseases.

Indications: intra- and interpersonal conflicts, crises, existential and age-related crises, traumas, losses, post-stress disorders, psychosomatic disorders, development of creativity, personality integrity, discovery of personal meanings through creativity, etc.
The specialist works both on individual requests, same with groups.


  1. Preparing for school (4-7 years old)
  2. Schoolchildren (9-14 years old)
  3. Adolescents (15-18 years old)
  4. Women (19-55 years old)
“Stretching” and “Pilates” » is aimed at women 18 years of age and older, regardless of the current level of physical fitness.

Group classes are held 1-2 times a week. The duration of one lesson is 1 hour. Course – 10-16 lessons.

Stretching exercises perfectly train the muscles of the neck, back, arms and the entire upper body, allow you to alternate tension and relaxation of muscle tissues, which helps to quickly relieve tension in the muscles. Stretching exercises will not allow muscles and joints to lose mobility and thereby prevent aging. The work of the autonomic nervous system improves, more hormones of joy (beta-endorphins) are produced, and insomnia disappears. As a result of these processes, women’s mood rises. And another important factor is a more intense oxygen exchange, which occurs as a result of physical exertion, thereby we achieve a decrease in the level of anxiety, increase emotional stability. The body receives more useful substances that resist diseases from the environment, which means it leads to longevity.

Pilates is a complete training system that includes elements and exercises borrowed from martial arts and yoga.

Pilates classes are based on smooth, slow movements, which are primarily aimed at stretching and strengthening the muscle corset.

Pilates classes are part of an integrated approach that Crisis Center specialists use to help women in difficult life situations. The calm and relaxed atmosphere of classes is designed to find vitality and strength through control over the actions of your body, in order to further use them in your living space.

You and Me Teen Therapy Group

TARGET GROUP: younger (10-13 years old) and older (14-17 years old) teenagers.

Classes include a cycle of 10-12 meetings with a frequency of 1 time per week, lasting 2 hours with a break. Only 20-24 hours.

Group work is recommended for adolescents who have difficulties in communication: those who have difficulty establishing contact and relationships with peers, withdrawn children, those who cannot meet or make friends with anyone at all.

Group work is also useful for those who, on the contrary, establish a large number of superficial relationships, not being able to build close ones.

Conflicts with adults in everyday life (at school with parents) are also a good reason to turn to group work.

Also well suited for children developing in a socially impoverished environment, such as home schoolers or long hospital stays, children with limited social circles and emotional retardation.

For the same reasons, a group form of work can be recommended to those teenagers who receive a significant part of their communication on the Internet – for these children it is useful to acquire live communication skills.

In the group, participants get the opportunity not only to face the problem of self-regulation and what kind of response it causes from others, but also, together with other participants, develop their own style of managing impulsive behavior.

The group gives children the opportunity to show their analytical skills and sensitivity, raise their status in the eyes of their peers and consciously work through personal problems.

“Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of children through sand

art therapy “From shadow to light”

TARGET GROUP: children from 5 to 15 years old.

The program is designed for 21 lessons. The duration of one lesson is 45 minutes. Frequency 2 times a week. The number of participants is up to 5 people.

In the classroom, the following forms and methods of work are used – storytelling, conversation, practical exercises.


  1. Beginner – getting to know the sand, preparing the hand, developing imagination and the ability to draw with sand.
  2. Subject drawing according to the theme and according to the plan.
  3. Mastering image transformations.
  4. Transition from transformation to animation (for adult groups).

Each meeting consists of introductory, preparatory, main and final parts.

Introductory part may include watching a presentation or animated films on the topic of the lesson; use of the artistic word; holding games to attract the attention of children; conversation on the topic; fantasies about who and what will draw, what forms, strokes should be used.

In the preparatory part , exercises are carried out for the development of fine motor skills, observation, preparation of the hand for drawing, psycho-gymnastics for the development of the emotional sphere, attention, memory and imagination.

The main part of is directly working with sand on the topic. Musical accompaniment plays an important role in this. Music is selected taking into account the subject and sounds throughout the lesson. Classical works are used, as well as recordings of sounds of nature. It is possible to conduct a physical education session (in 15-20 minutes, depending on the physical condition of the participants).

The final part of involves the analysis of work; disclosure of creative intent, summing up. In the process of conducting classes, the work of participants is photographed. At the end of the program, the best works become the subject of a presentation or a photo exhibition.

Program “Social rehabilitation of women and children who found themselves in a difficult life situation using isotherapy “Magic Palette” .

TARGET GROUP: women and children from 3 to 5 years old.

The program is designed for 24 lessons. The duration of one lesson is 45 minutes. Frequency 2 times a week. The number of participants is up to 10 people.

The following forms and methods of work are used in the classroom: storytelling, conversation, practical exercises.


Part 1. Introductory. Doing mindfulness exercises. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson. Acquaintance with creative working material, illustrative material and visual aids on the topic of the lesson, performing exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, explaining the features of performing creative work.

Part 2. Main. Creation of an author’s creative product using various areas of isotherapy, depending on the subject of the lesson: “decoupage”, “stained glass”, “screen printing on fabric”, “appliqué”, “sculpting”, “drawing”, etc. Performing stress relief exercises.

Part 3. Final. Discussion of creative work and homework.

Does housework appropriate for their age

Some parents may assign children certain tasks, such as sorting waste or sweeping floors. Others may ask the children to help with whatever needs to be done. As a rule, younger students need more supervision, while older children can do a few household chores on their own.

Whatever children’s work you decide to give your first grader, try to adapt it to her abilities and what she wants to do. Giving children housework increases their self-esteem, teaches them the importance of work and its completion, teaches them responsibility and shows them among other things, the importance of maintaining cleanliness and order. homework for kids can help you figure out what kind of work your child can handle.

Housework that a 5 to 7 year old child can do

  • sweep the floors
  • Take her bed
  • Take your room
  • Hit a towel
  • Feed Pets
  • Serving table
  • Help wash the dishes after eating

Work from 8 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 10 to 10 years

  • Load the dishwasher
  • Take away food
  • Make him breakfast, lunch and snacks
  • Laundry
  • Walk the dog
  • Work in the yard
  • Help prepare dinner

In addition, try to involve your child in more important tasks, such as grocery shopping. This can be a great opportunity to teach him how to choose healthy food (he can help you choose fresh fruits and vegetables and decide what to cook for the meal). It can also be a great way to teach him about money and family budgeting, a particularly important topic for families in today’s economy.

Other tips to remember

  • Children want to help. Take advantage of this natural desire and encourage her passion for fulfilling children’s duties. Do not force the child to do what he does not want; instead, make it fun and seductive so she wants to do it. Rewards and incentives are also a great way to encourage kids to get involved. For example, you can tell your child that they can get a star for each task they complete, and at the end of the week they can choose a family activity for everyone for an hour on the weekend.
  • If he says he is bored, it may be because young children often lack attention. He may also have trouble doing chores the way he wants to. Ask him if he wants to complete the task with you, or let him switch to something else that is equally difficult and not too easy.
  • Get her opinion on things she would like to try. If it’s too difficult or dangerous for her age, come up with an alternative. For example, if your child is too young to chop vegetables but wants to help prepare dinner, they can tear up a salad for a salad or measure and mix the ingredients instead.
  • Make household chores fun for the kids. When we clean the house, we turn on rock music to get motivated. Not only does it keep us moving, but it makes even cleaning the toilet a lot more fun.
  • Praise him. At first, your classmate is likely to make a mess or do it wrong. But rest assured, with time and practice, he will get better. This time around, the investment will pay off in the long run when your child is still pre-teen or the teenager who takes on most of the household chores.

Like many things in raising children, you get what you put in. By taking the time to help your young child develop the habit of helping around the house, you will set a pattern that will benefit both of you as he grows.

How the media can damage your teen’s body Image

According to a Common Sense Media report, the average teen spends about nine hours a day using the media for entertainment. Frighteningly, these same teens spend an average of less than 10 minutes a day talking to their parents. Interacting with others

It’s likely that during those nine hours of media use, your teen receives thousands of messages about the “ideal” body. These unrealistic and unattainable images of beauty can ruin your teen image if you’re not careful.

messages teenagers receive

Movies, commercials, magazines and websites portray beautiful people as perfect. Underweight models and impeccable photoshops everywhere. Health foods and beauty products show that being slim and attractive is the key to happiness and success.

The effect can be seen in children at a young age. Studies show that children as young as 3 years of age prefer play figures depicting thin people over heavier ones. By the age of 10, 80% of American girls were on a diet.

Social media and excellence

It’s not just traditional media that makes teens thin and beautiful. Social media can have an even stronger impact on your teen image.

Immediate feedback between co-workers can be addictive for those whose self-esteem depends on social media affirmations.

Many teenagers crave peer validation, and social media is a quick way to get feedback. Whether a teenager is posting selfies on Instagram or browsing photos of other people showing off their “thigh rips” on Tumblr, the social impact can be very powerful.

Some teenagers spend hours trying to get a selfie at the right angle. Others rate their appearance by the number of likes their latest photo received on Facebook.

Unfortunately, many teens are subjected to harsh criticism and rude comments on social media. Cyberbullying can seriously damage a teen’s appearance.

Consequences of bad body image

Striving to be thin can have serious consequences. Research has linked the emergence of images of women’s bodies to underweight and unhealthy diets and lower self-esteem.

Poor body image can lead to even more serious consequences. Some teens develop eating disorders, while others develop depression. Study 2009years showed that girls who are dissatisfied with their appearance have a significantly higher risk of suicide. Interaction with other people

Boys and body image

Girls are not the only ones subjected to unrealistic portrayals of beauty in the media. Superheroes and action figures portray unrealistic body types and start sending the wrong messages to boys at an early age. Teenage boys may strive for the perfect body through diet or compulsive exercise. They may also develop eating disorders or mental health issues due to poor body image.

Media Harm

It is impossible to prevent your teen from being constantly bombarded with harmful media images. Smartphones and larger electronic devices mean your teen will see idealized versions of beauty everywhere. But you can teach your teen to be media literate.

  • Use real examples . Watch TV together and pause shows and commercials to discuss your messages. Look at magazines together and discuss unrealistic images.
  • Let’s talk about ‘s marketing efforts. Discuss the tactics advertisers use to sell products. Help your teen identify key ideas about how the product will make her more attractive.
  • Discussing unhealthy body imaging . Discuss the harsh realities that underweight models and overly muscular stars face. Talk about the drastic and unhealthy steps many people take to achieve these body types, despite the fact that it is detrimental to their health.

Make these topics part of the conversation in your home. Help your teen develop a healthy body image and you will reduce the negative impact of media and social media.

If your child is having suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Helpline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and help from a qualified counselor. If you or a loved one is in immediate danger, call 911.

milestone for 9 year olds | CS Mott Children’s Hospital

Topic Overview

Children generally progress in a natural, predictable sequence from one milestone to the next. But each child grows and acquires skills at their own pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language, but fall behind in another, such as sensory and motor development.

Milestones are generally grouped into five main areas: physical growth, cognitive development, emotional and social development, language development, and sensory and motor development.

Physical Growth and Development

Most children by age 9:

  • Grow about 2.5 inches (6 cm) and gain about 7 pounds (3 kg) per year.
  • Begins to show a pattern of growth depending on sex: girls become taller and weigh more than boys.
  • Every year about four milk teeth are lost. They are replaced by permanent teeth.
Thinking and reasoning (cognitive development)

Most children aged 9years:

  • Know that objects have uses and can be divided into different categories. For example, they understand that carrots are something to eat and they are one type of vegetable.
  • Can read and understand long sentences up to 12 words.
  • Can add and subtract two-digit numbers, understand fractions and learn to borrow and transfer values.
  • Likes organization and planning, such as making plans ahead of time with friends.
  • Think independently. Most children improve their decision making skills.
  • Can complete increasingly complex tasks and projects at school, such as book reports.
Emotional and social development

Most children by age 9:

  • Recognize basic social norms and appropriate behaviour.
  • Can control his anger most of the time.
  • Maintain caring and enduring friendships.
  • Have a strong sense of empathy, that is, understanding and sensitivity to the feelings of others.
  • Have more stable emotions than last year. Mood swings may still occur, but not as often as they used to.
  • Overcome most of the fears that were common in early childhood. But they often become more worried about normal stressful situations, such as school performance.
  • Interested in the relationship between boys and girls. Few admit this interest.
Speech development

Most children by the age of 9:

  • Often read and love books.
  • Often people read to learn something interesting.
  • They have speech images close to adults.
Sensory and motor development

Most children aged 9 years:

  • Enjoy active play such as cycling, swimming and running games (eg “tags”).
  • Get more and more interested in team sports.
  • Get dressed, comb your hair, brush your teeth and get ready on your own.
  • Use simple tools by yourself, such as a hammer.
  • Enjoy drawing, coloring, decorating, building models, or other activities that use their fine motor skills.


Current As of:
May 27, 2020

Author: Healthwise Staff
Medical Review:
John Pope, MD – Pediatrics
Kathleen Romito, MD – Family Medicine
Louis Pellegrino, MD – Developmental Pediatrics
Susan K. Kim MD – Pediatrics

As of May 27, 2020

Healthy Staff

By Johnupi Medical Review , MD – Pediatrics and Kathleen Romito – MD – Family Medicine, Louis Pellegrino, MD – Developmental Pediatrics and Susan S. Kim, MD – Pediatrics

Ideas for fun learning for 10 year olds


Christopher Edge | Ages 7+

Perfect for kids who want to take part in story writing competitions! This is an authoritative humor book that will awaken the author in every child, revealing his story ideas and giving them tips and tricks to create their own stories. View product


Age 7+

An essential reference book. In full color, it features easy-to-use rules and help, as well as an alphabetical list of difficult and everyday words, including the most common misspellings, all backed up by analysis of Oxford’s unique database of children’s writing.
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Bond SATs Skills

Mathematics Study Guide for students aged 9-10 was developed by Bond to develop the core math skills and knowledge required by the National Curriculum to succeed in the SAT.View Product


Ali Sparks | Age 9+

There’s something weird going on in the hospital – kids are coming in, not out. Elena, Matt and Tima are investigating, but even they are struggling to uncover the truth. But Spin is preparing to step out of the shadows, and when he does, nothing will be the same. . .
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9 things you need to know about 9 year olds

Ask many experienced parents and they will tell you that everything seems to change at age nine and their child seems to be leaving childhood behind and with looks forward to the onset of adolescence. Nine is considered the beginning of “adolescence”, the place where children enter puberty.

The transition from one stage of development to another is never easy; even more difficult is the transition from the relative comforts of childhood to the potential upheavals of adolescence. Nine years is an age of significant change, but is rarely recognized as such.

1. Puberty starts around

This is also a time when girls and boys can be vulnerable to body image issues, so be mindful of the comments you make about clothing, appearance, and weight. This is also a time to look in relation to food and diet. It is better to have a healthy and balanced diet than to constantly diet.

2 Preparing for the Future

Your nine-year-old child needs to be cared for, cared for, and at the same time encouraged to take on more responsibility. Help your child develop basic skills like planning their day and making new friends. This will help you succeed in high school later on.

3. Starting the transition from parent to peer

Nine-year-olds usually tend to do things away from their parents and home. Overnight stays are becoming more common. However, at this age, peers can make a difficult proposal. Many nine-year-olds have many best friends—best friends forever—but they can change very quickly as good friends come and go. Girls (more than boys) at this age often have difficulty making friends because the only thing they want from a friend – loyalty – can be lost.

4. Homework can raise a head for some

Homework at this age can divide a household. Many boys struggle with the whole concept, while girls often do it to please. Good homework for this age group has a specific purpose, such as developing the necessary planning and organization skills. Find out from your school what they are trying to achieve with their homework policy and follow their guidelines.

5. Ordinary allowance will be approved

Your nine-year-old will appreciate receiving a regular allowance, as well as being able to decide what he spends it on. “Lead rather than decide for them” is the mantra of parents with money for pocket expenses. Resist the temptation to top up your pocket money if they spend it all on one thing and have nothing left by the end of the week. At this age, your child is able to learn from the consequences of his decisions, and such lessons will help him improve control over his impulses, which should have already begun to develop.

6. Self-control needs to be modeled

Another aspect of self-control is the ability to deal with frustration and deal with conflict. At this point, your child should understand that conflict resolution does not require exercise or repression. Encourage them to discuss any issues related to your brother or sister with you as a judge for as long as necessary, instead of resorting to uncivilized and unfair methods of resolving them.

7. Prepare them when you are not around

Discuss with your nine-year-old child appropriate behavior when no adults are around. Reassure your child that he can say no to another child or adult if he is uncomfortable with the situation he is in. Increasingly, your child will find himself in situations in which he will have to decide for himself what to do – at such moments their understanding your expectations will make the difference.

8. Look for support groups

Encourage your nine year old to participate in positive activities and support groups such as a sports team, drama club, scouts/guides, etc. Attend these activities with your child and get to know their friends and their families.

9. Grow Your Relationships

Take advantage of the opportunity that your child’s tenth year presents. Make sure they are active members of your family because of the contributions they make. And, of course, make sure they feel loved, valued, and understood. The relationships you’re building now will help you stay close in the more tumultuous teenage years ahead.

Find out more about nine year olds and each age group with our new development maps.

Speech development in children 9-10 years old

Speech development in children 9-10 years old: Children of this age apply the knowledge gained at school in other areas of their lives, as well as in other school subjects.

Their language skills become more abstract and complex .

Children also begin to read and write more complex sentences than they usually use in conversation.

Analytical and other complex organizational skills are acquired and children use speech and language for many social purposes.

* NOTE : Age and associated estimates are based on United States guidelines.

SEE ALSO: Best Books to Practice Home Speech Therapy

4th Grade (9-10 Years)

Expressive Language / What Your Child Says
  • Uses language effectively for a variety of purposes/situations
  • Participates in group discussions
  • Gives precise directions to others
  • Summarizes and reformulates ideas
  • Organizes information for clarity
  • Uses domain information and vocabulary to learn
  • Can give effective oral presentations3 of multiple meanings
  • words (analogies) (9-12 years)
  • Uses more abstract and concrete vocabulary and grammar, complex sentences in writing than in conversation (9-12 years)
  • Uses many words, not the same.
  • Gives synonyms and categories in word definitions
  • 4 out of 5 words have a prefix or suffix
  • Uses more figurative language in conversation


    “I’m in hot water.”

    900 math problem02 .

    Total number of words in a speech sample of 100 utterances: 496-687 (9 years)

    Total number of different words in a speech sample of 100 utterances: 183-235 (9

Receptive language / What the child understands
  • Listens to and understands information presented by peers
  • Forms opinions based on evidence
  • Listens for specific purposes
  • Demonstrates understanding of grade level content 9002 riddles and riddles 9002 based on sound similarity

    Examples :

    » What shows do cows like to watch? »


  • Understands jokes and riddles based on double entenders (9-12 years old)

    Examples :

    “Last night I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How it got into my pajamas I will never know.” — Groucho Marx

  • Understands common idioms

    Examples :

    “You are a scammer.”

    Broke my leg.

    “I am bound.”

Top Development of speech in children 9-10 years old

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narrative development
  • Complex episodes / several episodes
  • Stories include complex, built -in and interactive episodes
Reading 9023 900 learned information to understand new information
  • Follow written directions
  • Take brief notes
  • Associate information received with different subjects
  • Learn the meanings of new words through knowledge of word origins, synonyms, and multiple meanings
  • Use reference materials
  • Explain the purpose and style of the author
  • Read and understand diverse areas of content
  • Compare and contrast
  • Draw conclusions from texts
  • Paraphrase the content, include the main idea and details
  • Reading 120-150 words per minute (wpm)
  • Writing
    • Write effective narratives and explanations, and several paragraphs on the same topic
    • Plan for writing, beginning, middle, end
    • Organize the letter to convey the main idea
    • Edit final copies of grammar, punctuation and spelling
    • Opens and closes conversations appropriately
    • Maintains topic, takes turns and uses eye contact during conversation
    • Clarifies and explains words and ideas when conversation is interrupted, provides background information or definitions of words
    • Uses language to inform, persuade, and entertain
    • Increases ability to take points vision of others, which also increases the ability to persuade (7-9 years)
    • Uses language to establish and maintain social status (7-9 years)years)

    Top Development of speech in children 9-10 years old

    Development of speech in children 9-10 years old

    toys and games: children from 6 to 8 years old

    You can download this article PDF (English, Spanish)

    Children play from the moment they are born. Play is how they learn about themselves and their world. This is how they develop and practice the physical, mental and social skills needed in life. These tips will help you choose toys and play activities for your child based on their age or stage of development. Consider sharing them with your child’s other caregivers.

    Children 6 to 8 years:

    • Enjoy big muscle activities such as jump rope, cycling, roller skating, ball games and hopscotch
    • Also enjoy fine motor skills such as drawing, weaving, carving, puzzles, weaving, woodworking and simple sewing.
    • Use reading, writing and simple math in games and toys
    • Enjoy nature and simple science
    • Have an increased interest in friendship and belonging
    • I prefer to play with friends of the same sex
    • Like riddles, jokes and secret codes
    • Play well with others and want to play fair
    • Dislike losing and can cheat to win
    • Can collect things (postcards, dolls, etc. ) .)
    • I love drama and stage performances
    • May be ready for sports and team sports
    • May want to start music, dance, art or handicraft lessons

    Toys and entertainment


    • Two -wheeled bicycle
    • Skateboard and scooter
    • Placks
    • Complex simulators with rings, rolls, jumpsuit and hills
    • Sports shell ice hockey (supervised)
    • Roller skates and skates
    • Horseshoes, croquet and badminton
    • Table tennis and table football (from 8 years old)
    • Toys for games in water and sand


    • Large sets of blocks or bricks
    • Complex designers of wood, plastic or metal
    • Complexes with motorized dentists
            • trucks and collectibles
            • Scale realistic cars and trucks with working parts
            • Trains (electrical units for 8 years)
            • Simple television management cars


            • Dolls with many accessories, houses and equipment
            • Collectional dolls and figures
            • animals
            • dolls and theater
            • Clothes
            • Clothes
            • Clothes
            • Clothes
            • Clothes
            • camouflage
            • Props for theatrical production (shop, school, library, office, premises)
            • Kitchen and sewing equipment working

            Learning and games

            • Simple strategies and games with rules
            • Word games, matching and spelling
            • Puzzles
            • Scales and scales
            • Mechanical models with pulleys, levers and pendulums: 9023: 9023 human bodies physical world, space and moon
            • Science and weather kits
            • Microscope, telescope and binoculars
            • Protractor and calculator
            • Apps, computer or handheld games for learning math, drawing/drawing, writing stories and writing music
            • Video games (check age level)
            • Books

            Arts, crafts and music

            • Crayons, paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, stencils, pastels and chalk
            • Notebooks, drawing paper and scissors 90 3023
            • Clay, plaster and papier-mâché
            • Looms and knitting spool
            • Beading, mosaic, leather goods, sewing kits, weaving and jewelry making
            • More advanced woodworking tools (supervised by adults)
            • Photography
            • Aircraft and car models
            • Percussion instruments
            • Music, dance and gymnastics lessons (7-8 years)
            • Music listening device


          toys that comply with these safety guidelines for this age:

          • Non-toxic materials
          • No sharp corners or edges
          • No electrical parts without adult supervision
          • Always wear suitable protective equipment such as helmets, knee pads, elbow pads and life jackets when exercising.

          Educational activities and online games for children 4 years old from Kids Smart

          Exciting games for the development of logic, attention, memory and other skills for children of four years old

          17 698
          tasks for children 4 years old

          Attention and memory

          Find a pair

          Magic points

          Memorize and guess

          Miracle cubes


          Which is harder?


          Large and small

          Additional row

          Find excess

          Hot and cold

          Firm and soft

          Reading and Diploma

          Choose the letter

          of the order of


          Differences and similarities

          9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Same items 9Ol000

          Short or long

          Low or high

          Collect animal

          Collect photo

          Collect picture


          Figures and objects

          We study figures

          We distinguish the colors

          Sorting by color

          We study color

          Color figures

          Learning to consider up to 10

          , we consider up to 10,

          a fun score

          Consider the animals

          of the teaching numbers from 0 to 9

          Composition of numbers up to 10

          Counting objects

          Learning to count up to 20

          Learning numbers from 10 to 20

          We consider animals

          we consider items

          Entertaining mathematics

          Comparison of numbers (up to 10)

          Subtraction (up to 5)

          Subtraction (up to 10)

          Add (up to 5)

          Add (up to 10)

          English language


          Musical instruments

          Alphabetical order





          Attention and memory

          Find a pair

          Magic points

          Memorize and guess

          Miracle cubes


          Which is harder?


          Large and small

          Additional row

          Find the excess

          Hot and cold

          Firm and soft

          Reading and Diploma

          Choose the letter

          of the order of


          Differences and similarities

          The same items

          Find shadow

          Learn to be counted up to 5

          we consider items

          We count in order to 5

          Fun account

          We consider animals

          Learning numbers from 1 to 5

          Small or large

          Narrow or wide

          Short or long

          Low or high

          Collect animal

          Collect photo

          Collect picture 9Ol000

          Learning numbers from 0 to 9

          Composition of numbers up to 10

          Counting objects

          Learning to count up to 20

          Learning numbers from 10 to 20

          We consider animals

          we consider items

          Entertaining mathematics

          Comparison of numbers (up to 10)

          Subtraction (up to 5)

          Subtraction (up to 10)

          Add (up to 5)

          Add (up to 10)



          Musical Instruments

          Alphabetical Order





          Many tasks!
          A 4-year-old child develops rapidly and explores the world around him. We advise your child to engage in educational games and online activities for children 4 years old on our platform , aimed at training and improving memory, developing logical thinking and concentration. Our team has prepared and distributed by subject a large number of interesting and developing exercises and games for children of four years. In each subject, tasks are grouped by topic for easy navigation through the system during training. All exercises are divided into three levels of difficulty, which gradually increases.

          Be proud of your success!
          Each child will be able to find bright, interesting and educational tasks for themselves in our Kids Smart online service. These are various tasks for counting, logic, imagination, learning colors and shapes. A four-year-old kid will like colorful tasks in a playful way, this is the value of educational games – to develop effortlessly.

          If the exercises are completed correctly, the child will receive prizes and medals. And the system will reward the most diligent students with diplomas.

          Development of the necessary skills!
          Educational activities and games online for children 4 years old is a whole range of cognitive and useful tasks for a child. Recall that the regularity of classes is a very important factor in the harmonious development of children. We recommend doing 10-15 minutes at a time. Get involved in the process of the game, support the baby’s initiative for learning, but at the same time, let him make his own decisions when choosing an answer. If something is unclear, please explain. Thus, during the game, a child at 4 years old will develop mental activity, the ability to overcome difficulties and independence.

          Fun and useful games!
          We have added elements of the game to the learning process to make it easier and more understandable for the child to perform exercises, and also not to be distracted during classes, because the game is always interesting and exciting. Starting to practice educational games from early childhood is a great opportunity to prepare a four-year-old child for school and acquire skills that will be useful to him in the future. Try to start exercising with us – it’s simple, easy, fun, and most importantly, very useful.

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          Educational games for children from 1 to 2 years old: recommendations for parents

          • Tags:
          • Expert advice
          • 1-3 years
          • games for children

          Your baby has already taken the first steps, and it turns out that a whole unknown world is hidden behind the threshold of the home that has been studied up and down. In the period from one to two years, the child begins to learn it, although under the gaze of the parent, but more independently.

          What skills do children develop from one to two years old?

          Physical development

          Between the age of one and two, a child’s physical abilities undergo tremendous changes. The skill of upright walking is honed. Gradually, becoming more confident in his movements, the baby learns to overcome obstacles: to step over pits, walk on grass and pebbles without falling – his legs get tangled less and less. Soon, along with the ability to walk, the ability to run, jump, and climb various surfaces appears. The young climber easily climbs onto the back of the sofa, up the hill, the Swedish wall, and then confidently slides back.

          Speech development

          Speech development is already becoming more conscious: from syllables, the child moves on to words and phrases, and then to the formation of his first sentences.

          Having accumulated a sufficient vocabulary for the first year and a half, closer to two years the child can already explain what he wants, naming the action, denoting its subject and object. Often during this period, the baby accompanies his phrases with gestures.

          Development of sensory perception, game and objective activity

          During this period, along with continuing to study the properties of objects, through direct interaction with them, the skill of manipulating objects is activated.

          Closer to the age of two, children are already able to give roles to objects and act out scenes from life, imitating close people or heroes of their favorite cartoons and fairy tales.

          7 games with children aged 1 to 2 years

          Game for the physical and mental development of the baby

          “Ball – all-around”

          The participation of this unpretentious toy is expanding. One child will spend hours chasing the ball around the court, studying the relationship between the force of impact and the speed of the ball, and the other will observe the force of gravity in action, endlessly throwing the ball down the hill.

          Closer to the age of two, you can start playing “edible – inedible” in a simplified variation. You just say the word, roll or throw the ball to the baby and ask him to repeat the word when he returns the ball back.

          Speech development game

          This role-playing game develops speech, fantasy, and first communication skills in toddlers.

          “Baby Raccoon”

          Many kids at this age are ready to play role-playing games, manipulating toys, and someone is already taking on their favorite roles of Little Raccoon, nurse, fireman.

          Take the toys and assign roles. You can act out the plot of your child’s favorite fairy tale or a situation: a trip to the zoo or a visit for tea, a trip by public transport. Manage each of your game figure. Ask questions on behalf of the figurine, answer the child’s questions, encourage him to take action.

          Game for the development of gross motor skills and speech

          Round dance game develops gross motor skills, coordination, sense of rhythm, strengthens the emotional connection between the baby and the parent.

          “Pan rode”

          Stand in a circle, hold hands. If several adults and children are playing, position yourself so that the child is standing between two adults. If there is no company, then you can play together.

          The game begins with walking in a circle and singing the words:

          “I rode pan, rode pan,
          rode step-step-step”

          After a few circles “step” the round dance speeds up. The step turns into a light run. The words also change:

          “I rode pan, rode pan,

          The round dance moves even faster. Adults raise the kids by the hands so that they take their legs off the floor:

          “I rode pan, rode pan,
          swung, swung, swung”

          Finally, the participants in the round dance gently fall to the floor, saying:

          “Into the hole – boom!
          They crushed forty flies!”

          Repeat the game, spinning in a round dance in the opposite direction.

          2 finger games for the development of fine motor skills and speech

          I, the Parent, have already told about how useful finger games are. Here we present two more games for children from one to two.

          “Two bears were sitting on a thin bough”

          Invite the child to play a finger game, first trying on the role of the storyteller, and then entrusting it to the child. Start emotionally and artistically telling a story about bears by actively gesticulating:

          “Two bears were sitting
          on a thin bough”

          Next, spread your arms as if you were opening a spread newspaper:

          “One was reading a newspaper”

          Putting one fist on top of the other, like parts of a millstone, move the top fist in a circle over the bottom, as if grinding flour:

          “The other was grinding flour”

          Then, knocking fists one over the other twice and alternating the position of the upper and lower fists:

          “One poo, two poo!”

          Pat your feet two or three times:

          “They both fell into flour”

          Touch your nose:

          “Nose in flour!”

          Touch an imaginary tail:

          “Tail in flour!”

          Touch the ear:

          “Ear in sour milk!”

          Play the story again, asking the child to repeat the words and gestures after you. At the end of the game, hug him and praise him for participating.

          Runaway Hedgehog

          Sit on the floor or sofa. Ask the baby to repeat all the gestures after you. Squeeze your hand into a fist. Stretch out your index finger and say:

          “A bird is drinking water from a puddle”

          Then make circular rotations with your fist on the floor, slightly moving your palm forward:

          “A hedgehog without legs crawls along the ground”

          Continue in a more emotional tone:

          “Suddenly the legs have grown on a hedgehog!”

          The fist “stands” on the fingers:

          “And he ran, ran along the path!”

          Moving the fingers like legs, the hedgehog palm “goes” forward.

          2 Sensory Games

          Sensory Box

          At the age of one to two years, a child literally “reads” information about the properties of objects around him with his hands and eyes. A box with a variety of fillers will help diversify the home toy library and activate the sensory perception of the child.

          Take a plastic, cardboard or any other box, fill it with semolina or millet and larger ingredients that differ in shape, size, weight. It can be legumes, beads, shells, a few cones and colored stones, paper clips, scraps of fabric. Bury the beads, stones and shells well in the loose part of the box filler. Prepare a separate jar or box where the baby will put the finds.

          Invite the child to look for the treasure. Start digging with your child by dipping your and your child’s hands into the box. If the baby was the first to feel an interesting object with his hands, ask the baby with interest, calling him by name: “What is it?”, “Is it heavy or light?”, “What color is this shell?”. Having found out all the qualities of the object, fix them verbally: “Let’s put this white shell in the box!”. Collect a full chest of treasures and celebrate the end of the game.

          Please note: not every two-year-old researcher can resist the temptation to turn the box upside down and try the beans on the tooth while mom is not looking. Therefore, after finishing the game, make sure that the sensory box is tightly closed and put it in a place inaccessible to the baby until the next game together.

          Interactive board “Behind the Seven Seals”

          Playing with an interactive board gives the child the opportunity to learn a lot about the properties and purpose of unfamiliar structures and objects, forms the concept of cause and effect relationships: pulled – opened, pushed – closed.

          It is not difficult to make such a board. You will need a piece of plywood, locks and heck, which, as a rule, gather dust in the garage of thrifty dads and grandfathers. And men will certainly willingly undertake to make it by attaching locks and heck to a plywood or wooden plank.

          Let your child figure out how to open and close latches and latches. Do not forget to voice the actions that the child takes: “You open the lock. You move the latch. You press the button.”

          When playing with a child from one to two years old, it is important for parents to remember that the attention of the baby at this age is still involuntary. You should not demand results from him, and even more so, force him to play a game that the baby does not want to play. It is better to interest him in something new, improvise and follow his interests.

          Ekaterina Korobkova

          What kind of mother are you?

          What is your idea of ​​an ideal relationship with a child and what is better, to patronize and pamper, control or let go “free swimming”? Listen to yourself and answer the questions of our test, and you will be able to determine what kind of mother you are.

          Pass the test

          Children aged 5 to 7

          Children from 5 to 7 years old

          Child Development from 5 to 7 years old. You are in the section “Children from 5 to 7 years old”.

          In this section, we will help you find out and determine the level of development of your child, namely, what your child should know and be able to do at the age of 5 to 7 years.

          What a 5 year old should know and be able to do.
          This article is intended for your reference and gives approximate norms for the degree of formation of your child’s mental processes at this age. You can check his potential in different areas of knowledge, find out in which areas of knowledge your child succeeds, and in which additional attention and time are required.

          In this section “Children from 5 to 7 years old” we have collected all the material published on our website, which will help you and your child to study, prepare for the next, more in-depth stage of classes.

          You can use the materials for your studies at home, in kindergarten or in elementary grades.
          A child aged 5 to 7 should be able to:

          1. The child should be able to solve the simplest problems and puzzles.
          2. The child must be able to subtract and add to numbers.
          3. The child must be able to determine the direction: forward, backward, right, left, up, down.
          4. The child must be able to count objects within 10 based on operations with sets.
          5. The child should be able to compare numbers: equals-inequalities, more-less.
          6. The child must understand and correctly answer the questions: How much? Which the? What’s the score?
          7. The child must know the composition of the first ten numbers.
          8. The child must be able to distinguish and name objects of round, square, triangular and rectangular shapes.
          9. The child should know such geometric shapes as: square, rectangle, circle, triangle, trapezoid, rhombus; geometric bodies: cube, ball, cylinder, pyramid.
          10. The child must know the signs “+”, “-“, “=”, “<;" and ">;”.
          11. The child must be able to compose and solve problems in one action for addition and subtraction.
          12. The child should be able to divide a circle, a square into two and four equal parts.
          13. The child must know the direct and reverse order of the number series.

          Study aids:
          1. Connect the numbers and color the picture
          2. Cards Numbers
          3. Connect the dots and see what you get
          4. Cards “which number is extra”
          5. Writing. Learning to write Numbers 6
          Subtraction and Addition
          7. Writing. Numbers
          8. Cards with Numbers
          9. Numbers in words
          10. Cards with Numbers-coloring
          11. Math tasks, for the development of memory
          12. Geometric shapes. Developing memory
          13. Geometric shapes. Developing fine motor skills
          14. Math tasks for preschoolers
          15. Mathematics workbook
          16. Learning to count. Develop memory with Geometric shapes
          21. My first Mathematics Worksheet
          22. Entertaining math tasks
          23. Learning to count from 1 to 100
          24. Mathematics workbook (from 6 years old)
          25. Match the Number with the Number
          26. Orient yourself in space. Before and After
          27. Score within 10. Fixing
          28. Copybooks – Modes of Transport
          29. Fixing the score within 20
          30. Cards with Numbers
          31. Puzzle Score from 1 to 10
          32. Math with Dice
          33. Puzzle Score from 1 to 10
          34. Math with Dice for Kids
          35. Puzzle Score from 1 to 10
          36. Coloring magazine for children about Horses
          37. Cards Numbers and Signs

          Logical thinking
          – Development of Thinking, Memory, Attention
          1. The child must be able to perform tasks in which it is necessary to identify a pattern and continue a series of proposed items.
          2. The child must find an extra object from 4-5 proposed objects.
          3. The child must be able to compose a story according to the proposed pictures, be able to finish the story (invent an end).
          4. The child must be able to divide the proposed objects into two groups and find a common feature for each group.

          Study aids:
          1. Cards from the series find the extra object
          2. Cards from the series find the extra object. Part 2
          3. Read the encrypted message
          4. Whose shadow is here
          5. Big-small cards
          6. Krasnoukhov’s puzzle
          7. Logic coloring
          8. Development of Attention
          9. Development of Thinking
          10. Development of Memory
          11. Development of Memory. Part 2
          12. School for preschool children. Developing thinking
          13. Pentomino game
          14. Game of opposites (Antonyms)
          15. Find a pattern and continue the series
          16. Orient yourself in space. Right and Left
          17. Game – “What is What?”
          18. Logic Puzzles for Preschoolers
          19. Puzzles and Puzzles for Kids
          20. Association Game: Find a Pair
          21. Entertaining Logic. Think in a Square
          22. Magic Cells and Dots
          23. Game for the Development of Memory and Attention
          24. Game “What for what?”
          25. Puzzles for Children. Part 1
          26. Puzzles for Children. Part 2
          27. Attention Concentration Game
          28. Match the Word with the Picture and Letters. Didactic Game

          Development of Speech
          A child aged 5 to 7 years should be able to:

          1. The child must give his name, surname, how old he is, name the city in which he lives, what are the names of the parents, how old are they, where and by whom they work.
          2. The child must know the home address, home telephone number
          3. A child’s speech should be as close as possible to adult speech (in terms of quality).
          4. The child must know what intonation is, must use it to express his emotions.
          5. The child must be able to distinguish between an incentive sentence and a declarative one, an exclamatory sentence from an interrogative one, and must be able to use them.
          6. The child must be able to formulate and ask questions, build reasoning, argue.
          7. The child must be able to conduct a dialogue and a monologue.
          8. The child must know by heart a lot of poems learned by heart, complex and large works. He must speak with expression.

          Teaching aids:
          1. Video ABC for children. Learning to read
          2. Alphabet in the form of cards
          3. How to teach a child to read by syllables
          4. Learning to Read. Part 1
          5. Learning to Read. Part 2
          6. Learning to Read. Part 3
          7. Colored letters of the Alphabet
          8. Unique ABC spelling
          9. How to prepare your hand for writing
          10. How to prepare your hand for writing. Part 2
          14. Workbook for preschoolers
          15. Tongue talkers
          16. Hard and Soft consonants (Cards)
          17. Counting and counting
          18. Vowel plus Consonant Syllables
          19. Reading9 and Development of Speech
          20. Child Prepositions1 21. Coloring-Solve, Remember, Draw
          22. Read Combinations of Words
          23. Collect the Word from the Picture and Letters
          24. Cards – What Letter the Word Begins with
          25. Collect the Word from the Picture and Letters. Didactic Game

          World around
          A child aged 5 to 7 should be able to:

          1. The child must know the names of all the objects around him: furniture, dishes, clothes, household and electrical appliances, plants, animals, natural phenomena, the names of his favorite cartoons, fairy tales, books, the names of his favorite characters.

          1. Vehicle Cards
          2. Human Body Parts Cards
          3. Fruit Cards
          4. Vegetable Cards
          5. Learn Colors Cards
          6. Furniture Cards
          7. “Animals and What They Eat” Cards
          8. Animals and Birds Cards
          9. Profession Cards
          10. Structure of Trees and Leaves
          11. Autumn Season
          12. Season Winter
          13. Season Spring
          14. Season Summer
          15. Cards learning Colors
          16. Winter month – December

          17. Winter month – January

          18. Winter month – February
          19. Winter
          20. Fruits and berries. Learn and color
          21. Vegetables. Learning and coloring
          22. Fruits and Berries (coloring cards)

          23. Spring month – March
          24. Spring month – April
          25. Spring month – May
          26. Unique books – Seasons
          27. Summer month – June
          28. Summer month – July
          29. Summer month – August
          30. Autumn months – September
          31. Autumn months – October
          32. Autumn months – November
          33. Cards Household appliances
          34. Professions for children
          35. What does the House consist of?
          36. Cards Insects
          37. About Mushrooms for children
          38. Cards Tools of the house master
          39. Dishes and cutlery
          40. World around
          41. Cards Game “What for What”
          42. Cards Insects 2.
          43. Profession cards. Part 2
          44. Cards Flowers
          45. Cards Seasons and Natural Phenomena
          46. Educational Games with Clothespins

          Daily Skills
          A child aged 5 to 7 should be able to:

          1. The child must be able to make phone calls.
          2. The child must know how to thread a needle, how to sew on a button
          3. The child must be able to behave at the table.
          4. The child should brush his teeth independently, rinse his mouth after eating.
          5. The child must be able to fasten buttons and tie shoelaces.
          6. The child must know what it means to be neat, must be able to take care of the hair, the nails and the condition of the clothes.
          7. The child must know what a traffic light is for, what each color of a traffic light is for, how and where it is possible to cross the road.
          8. The child must know the name of the current month, the sequence of days of the week.

          Teaching aids:
          1. How to teach a child to tie shoelaces
          2. Outline and color
          3. Paper fruits
          4. Tic-tac-toe game in a new way
          5. Signs and Properties of objects
          6. Applique Flowers
          7. Get acquainted with the concepts: Right, left, top, bottom
          8. Study the Clock
          9. Parts of the Human Body
          10. Recipe for Lefties
          11. Game – all Professions
          12. My Home. Components of a house.
          13. Lotto for kids-Learning Time
          14. Plasticine and beads
          15. Board Game Tell us about your city
          16. City tour with exciting tasks
          17. Children’s Counting Rhymes
          18. Applications from Buttons
          19. Christmas Tree Cones DIY
          20. Cheerful Chupa-Chups
          21. Children’s Wall Clock
          22. Children’s Bookmarks
          22. How to teach a child to jump rope
          23. How to teach a child to clean his room


          A child aged 5 to 7 can be introduced to English.
          Use parent and teacher guides for teaching English to children ages 5 to 7.

          Study aids:
          1. English Letter Puzzle
          2. English with Disney characters
          3. English with Disney characters. Part 2
          4. Cards with Letters of the English Alphabet
          5. Non-color cards with Letters
          6. Cards with animals and birds in English
          7. Card numbers in English
          8. Choose the correct word
          9. Cards Fruits and Berries
          10. Cards with English words. Part 1
          11. Cards with English words. Part 2
          12. Furniture cards in English
          13. Household appliances cards
          14. English with Disney characters. Part 3
          15. Learning to write English letters
          16. English with Disney characters. Part 4
          17. Cards Clothing
          18. Flashcards Vegetables in English
          19. Flashcards Transport in English
          20. Puzzles Large and small letters of the English alphabet
          21. Flashcards Months in English

          Testing the Knowledge of a Preschooler

          Dear Parents!

          We offer you a list of questions that will help determine how ready your child is for entering school.
          To the questions presented, you will find possible answers that your child can use.

          We all know that testing children before entering school is not provided for by current legislation. But this is on paper. In practice, testing will be an obligatory step when entering a gymnasium or simply a prestigious school. Moreover, the same test, only under the name “interview”, will most likely be offered to the child before entering any educational institution…

          When selecting questions, topics that are widely used in interviews with children entering school were used. Mathematics, Logic, Attention, Memory, Natural history, Social education, Speech development.

          1. Checking the Knowledge of a Preschooler
          2. Checking the Knowledge of a Preschooler
          3. Checking the Knowledge of a Preschooler
          4. Checking the Knowledge of a Preschooler

          Find out what a child should know and be able to do by age. Take advantage of the training aids offered by our website.

          Child development calendar up to 1 year (by months)
          Child from 1 to 2 years old
          Child from 2 to 3 years old
          Child from 3 to 4 years old
          Child from 4 to 5 years old

          Our Partners – SHIPPING WORLDWIDE!

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          • Hard and soft consonants

            Use flashcards to teach your child to tell when consonants are soft and hard. Blue – solid Green –

          • Educational cards for games with children

            Today we will get acquainted with the original way of making educational cards for classes with children from 1 year old at no special cost. Interesting…

          • Russian Alphabet Color Cards

            Russian Alphabet Color Cards. Each card with a letter has a picture starting with that letter. With these cards you can …

          • Syllables. Making words from syllables

            Syllables. Making words from syllables. Download free flashcards with letters and syllables. There are 20 cards in total. Letters and syllables for children. Cut…

          • Match the numbers and Color the picture

            Learning numbers and counting with your child? How to fix the passed material? Consolidation of the material covered can be turned into an interesting and r…

          • Season Autumn

            Season – Autumn.

          • The letter A

            Learning the letter A. The material was collected to study the ABC together with the child. Here you will find interesting tasks for learning the letter A, coloring…

          • Number cards

            Number cards. Flashcards help your child learn numbers. The cards can be used for homework, kindergarten or elementary school…

          • Cards – Teaching a Child to Count

            Cards – how to teach a child to count. Simply print out the color cards to help your child learn the numbers 1 to 10. Offer…

          • The letter U

            Learning the letter U. The material was collected for studying the ABC together with the child. Here you will find interesting tasks for learning the letter U, coloring…

          Educational games for children from 9 years old, online learning sessions – General Children, Voronezh


          Educational activities for children from 9 years old

          South-Western Branch (48a Bardina St.)

          Group from 8 years

          Pionersky branch (Sadovaya st. 7)

          Group from 8 years old

          Children’s center “Pallada” offers a wide range of additional courses for schoolchildren of all ages. The “Umnichki” extension relieves parents of the obligation to spend evenings over notebooks and textbooks. Extra activities for child 9years will allow to develop logic, oral speech, correct handwriting.

          Features of the development of children aged 9

          At this time, the school program is well known to the child, but still causes stress, requires more perseverance, self-organization. In the children’s center, teachers, primary school teachers, speech therapists will help develop the following skills:

          • reading;
          • oral speech;
          • letter;
          • account;
          • logic;
          • perseverance, memory.

          Don’t be scolded for lagging behind the program. Features of the development of each individual, and developmental activities for children 9 years old will help catch up and go to school with pleasure.

          What is included in the educational programs for children aged 9?

          In the program we offer the following courses:

          • Extension. We will help the student to do homework, relax, play, improve English. The program includes meals and meeting children from school or from the section.
          • Children’s city camp. New acquaintances, interesting games, excursions, creative activities and many walks in the fresh air.
          • Mental arithmetic. The first level is learning to quickly count for addition and subtraction. The second level is learning to quickly count for multiplication and division.
          • Speed ​​reading. Additional lessons to improve reading skills will allow you to quickly improve your technique, increase reading speed and develop memory.
          • Calligraphy. Beautiful, neat, even letters in a student’s notebook are not a myth, but a reality. We will teach your child to write legibly and quickly.
          • Art studio.
          • Chess. The oldest game designed to develop thinking, logic, concentration and intelligence.

          Leave a request on the site, we will call you back to invite you to a trial lesson!

          Request a call

          Classes for children in the World Gym fitness club, Irkutsk

          Educational games (3-6 years old)

          Children do not get tired of asking their parents questions, your child will receive answers to many of them in our classes.

          Art Fantasy (3-6 years old)

          Lesson with elements of acting, aimed at developing the creative potential of the child. The development of imagination, memory, concentration of attention is achieved through acting, special tasks and exercises.

          Correct posture (7-11 years old)

          The lesson is aimed at the formation of correct posture with the help of specially selected exercises for the development of the main muscle groups, which are able to create a natural muscle corset. Important for children who study a lot at their desks!

          Yoga Kids (7-11 years old)

          The lesson is based on the performance of special exercises – asanas and is aimed at developing basic physical qualities, a sense of balance and the ability to concentrate.

          Sport Class (7-9 years old)

          A class that combines outdoor games, acrobatic, gymnastic exercises, exercises to increase the range of motion and muscle elasticity.

          Baby Dance (3-6 years old)

          Dance lesson. Elements of ground gymnastics, classical choreography, plastics are used. The child learns to move to the music. A sense of rhythm, coordination, emotionality develops when performing choreographic exercises.

          Funny Class (3-6 years old)

          A complex lesson based on outdoor games for the smallest, helps to develop the necessary physical qualities, skills and abilities, is aimed at developing coordination, attention, dexterity.

          Early swimming (1-3 years old)

          Early swimming develops motor functions, ability to adapt with water, independence. Exercises with a child in water in various positions stimulate the state of the cardiovascular system, improve the condition of the respiratory system, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, normalize sleep and wakefulness.

          English in pictures (4-6 years old)

          English lesson. All tasks are given in the form of fun games.

          Dolphins (7-9 years old)

          Lesson in the pool. Teaching proper interaction with water, playing on the water, the ability to behave in water in extreme conditions. Elements of aqua aerobics, water polo.

          Fitball Kids (7-11 years old)

          General physical orientation lesson using fitballs. Balance plus the formation of a muscular corset. The unstable surface of the ball allows you to comprehensively influence the motor-coordinating abilities, form a muscular corset. Child

          Play Time (7-13 years old)

          A comprehensive exercise based on outdoor games that will help develop the necessary physical qualities, skills and abilities. Team games, relay races, competitions. A fun game lesson is aimed at developing coordination, attention, dexterity.

          Educational (5-7 years)

          Attending this lesson will help your child prepare for school in the form of fun games.

          Octopuses (3-5 years old)

          Swimming lessons develop motor functions, overcome fear of water, independence. Exercises with the child in the water in different positions (vertical, horizontal, on the side) stimulate the development of balance, vision and hearing.

          Martial arts Kids (7-13)

          The class is aimed at studying the technique of confronting the physical aggression of the alleged opponent. Your child will be able to stand up for themselves and fight back.

          Foot gymnastics (3-6 years old)

          A set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligamentous-articular apparatus of the child’s feet. And if the deformation has already occurred, corrective gymnastics will come to the rescue

          Table tennis (7-11 years old)

          Lesson aimed at developing table tennis skills. The lesson contributes to the development of speed-strength qualities, agility, speed, coordination, attention. Suitable for all fitness levels.

          DIY (3-6 years old)

          Lesson for beginner craftsmen. In this lesson, your child will learn how to work correctly with scissors and paper, plasticine, learn how to hold a brush and pencil in his hand, acquire the first skills of manual labor

          Creative workshop (7-13 years old)

          Workshop – an additional lesson for young craftsmen. In this lesson, your child will learn how to work correctly with materials, tools, acquire manual skills, make crafts for the holiday or for the competition

          Frogs (5-6 years old)

          Lesson in the pool. Teaching children to swim: overcoming the fear of water, diving, sliding, playing in the water.

          Creativity (7-13 years old)

          The lesson is aimed at developing the creative potential of the child. The talent of our young masters is revealed with the help of modeling and appliqué, origami and other creative activities.

          Creative workshop (3-6 years old)

          Workshop – an additional lesson for young craftsmen. In this lesson, your child will learn how to work correctly with materials, tools, acquire manual skills, make crafts for a holiday or a competition.

          Water world (12-13 years old)

          The lesson is aimed at studying sports methods of swimming, improving swimming techniques, studying the basic elements of water polo.

          Funny ball (3-6 years old)

          So many possibilities for the familiar and familiar round ball! In our classes, it happens to be a bird and an animal, a number and a letter, a verb and an adjective. We play, learn a lot of interesting things, develop motor skills, imagination and intelligence.

          Dance Party (7-13 years old)

          Dance lesson with modern dance elements. Universal for both boys and girls. Learning combinations, forming a dance school of movements.

          School of Heroes (3-6 years old)

          The lesson is aimed at general physical training using the means of martial arts, basic self-defense techniques are studied, a muscular corset is being formed. The basic physical qualities are brought up: endurance, dexterity, flexibility.

          Aquatic family (7-13 + parents)

          Swimming lessons for children with their parents. The lesson is held in the form of games, relay races, learning the elements of swimming and diving, with and without objects, in a relaxed atmosphere.

          Amphibians (10-11 years old)

          A lesson aimed at studying and mastering the basic elements of sports swimming. Games, relay races on the water.

          Chess (7-13 years old)

          A lesson aimed at developing logical thinking, attention, memory and perseverance, mastering the basics of chess theory and composition.

          Gymnastics (3-6 years old)

          At the lesson, the child will learn a lot of interesting and useful things, stand on the bridge and sit on the twine, do a handstand and headstand, handle gymnastic ribbons, hoops and ropes.

          Gymnastics (7-13 years old)

          At the lesson, the child will learn a lot of interesting and useful things, stand on the bridge and sit on the twine, do a handstand and headstand, handle gymnastic ribbons, hoops and ropes.

          Pilates KIDS (7-13 years old)

          A class based on special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles that stabilize the spine, correct posture, and develop flexibility.

          Body FIT (9-13 years old)

          General fitness class. The main physical qualities develop: coordination of movement, flexibility, agility, speed, endurance, and a muscular corset is also formed. Introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

          Drive Dance (9-13 years old)

          Activity aimed at developing the child’s physical qualities and sense of rhythm.

          Defile (7-13 years old)

          Lesson aimed at general physical training. The main physical qualities develop: coordination of movement, flexibility, and a muscular corset is also formed. Introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

          Smeshariki (3-6 years old)

          Lesson aimed at general physical training. The main physical qualities develop: coordination of movement, dexterity, speed, and a muscular corset is also formed. Introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

          Origami (4-6 years old)

          Origami is a lesson aimed at developing logical thinking, attention, memory and perseverance, developing fine motor skills. In the classroom, the basics of folding various forms of paper are mastered. In the process of folding, thinking develops, which contributes to the further solution of the child’s thought processes.

          Origami (7-13 years old)

          Origami is a lesson aimed at the development of logical thinking, attention, memory and perseverance, the development of fine motor skills. In the classroom, the basics of folding various forms of paper are mastered. In the process of folding, thinking develops, which contributes to the further solution of the child’s thought processes.

          Back + foot (7-9 years old)

          The lesson is aimed at the formation of correct posture and the prevention of flat feet, it is interesting and exciting, and most importantly – useful.

          Superpowers (7-13 years old)

          A lesson aimed at the development of cognitive processes in a child: imagination, perception, memory, concentration and logical thinking. It also includes teaching practical memorization techniques, which helps to increase the speed of reading in children. Recommended to improve school performance.

          Strong Body (9-13 years old)

          Strength training for children 9-13 years old. The lesson is aimed at strengthening all muscle groups. Interval aerobic warm-up helps to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the development of strength endurance in children.

          Cheerleading (7-13 years old)

          This is an independent sport, which is a combination of acrobatics, gymnastics and dance show elements. The lesson is aimed at developing physical qualities, a sense of rhythm, attention.

          Cycle Junior (10-13 years old)

          An exciting bike race. Endurance education.

          Back + foot (3-6 years old)

          The lesson is aimed at the formation of correct posture and the prevention of flat feet, takes place in a playful way, exciting, and most importantly – useful.

          Cycle Junior (10-13 years old)

          An exciting race on bicycles. Endurance education.

          Aerobic (10-13 years old)

          At the lesson, children get acquainted with the basic steps of aerobics, learn combinations.

          Breakdance (7-13 years old)

          Breakdance for children is a very diverse direction that combines a lot of styles and even acrobatic elements. In its general form, breakdance dance is divided into lower and upper. The upper breakdance is dance elements and ligaments, the lower one is acrobatic tricks and racks. Thanks to the combination of both, dancers acquire the ability to feel the music and catch its rhythm, dance confidently and perform complex tricks, developing all muscle groups of the body and increasing its tone.

          Acrobatics (7-13 years old)

          In this lesson, the child will learn many interesting and useful things: stand on the bridge and sit on the splits, do a handstand and a headstand. “Acrobatics” is not only the development of strength, flexibility and coordination of movements. Doing a new, previously unfamiliar exercise for the first time, the child “pushes” his own boundaries of the possible.

          Circus studio (7-9 years old)

          A lesson that helps children learn the basics of circus skills and feel
          themselves as real circus performers. The program is aimed at training
          acrobatics, the basics of juggling, improvisation, stage movement.

          Master class “Live Postcard”

          We invite all young Club Members to an exciting master class dedicated to the Great Victory Day!
          With the help of a real video camera, they will shoot a video postcard themselves, as well as create a plasticine cartoon screensaver!
          The lesson consists of 2 parts:
          1. Master class on animation.
          We create a military-themed cartoon from plasticine.
          2. Master class on video filming. We shoot already prepared thematic poems or congratulations.
          Details and registration of participants in the Children’s Club.

          Smart planet (7-11 years old)

          An interactive educational lesson about what is happening on planet Earth. Natural phenomena, the foundations of natural, technical, as well as social and human sciences in a language accessible to children. And also we will tell the child about the important points related to the ecology of our planet, as well as the impact of scientific and technological progress on the environment and humans. Duration: 55 min.

          Cycle Junior (10-13 years old)

          An exciting bike race. Training develops endurance, coordination.

          Functional Kids (10-13 years old)

          Sports lesson aimed at the harmonious development of all physical qualities of the child (strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility). Complicated coordination and strength exercises, as well as exercises performed using special equipment for functional training, allow you to use the maximum number of muscle groups.

          Boxing (6-9 years old)

          Class for children aimed at mastering boxing techniques, developing coordination, flexibility, endurance and speed-strength capabilities.

          Boxing (10-13 years old)

          Class for children aimed at mastering boxing techniques, developing coordination, flexibility, endurance and speed-strength capabilities.

          Superheroes (3-6 years old)

          We transform into our favorite heroes, learn our superpowers and save the universe.

          I am an artist (3-6 years old)

          Creative activity for children of different ages. Everyone draws) Children get acquainted with various drawing techniques, learn to experiment and convey their mood with the help of color. The lesson requires paints, a brush, a glass of water, a sheet of paper and a good mood)

          English Class (7-9 years old)

          A lesson aimed at developing endurance and coordination abilities. In a fun way, children get acquainted with the English language.

          gymnastics classes in children’s sections from 9 years old

          At the age of 9 years, the child’s body enters a phase of rapid growth, when all functional systems undergo dramatic changes – primarily the articular-muscular, cardiovascular, bone and respiratory systems. In order for their formation to proceed harmoniously, the student needs healthy physical activity. It will help to provide developmental gymnastics classes at the European Gymnastics Center.

          Features of classes in our Center

          As part of a comprehensive training program, beginner athletes will practice various types of activity, perform general developmental and special exercises using gymnastic equipment.

          Systematic training in our Center helps to improve the physical qualities of young gymnasts, including:

          • healthy posture;
          • toned, flexible and strong body;
          • strong immunity;
          • developed skill, dexterity and coordination;
          • good stretch.

          The educational value of gymnastics for children is not questioned either. Along with the development of physical abilities in the process of training, the intellectual foundations of the personality are built, the character of the athlete is tempered. The volitional qualities acquired in the process of training, diligence, independence, purposefulness will definitely affect the student’s progress, and will also help him to successfully realize himself in life.

          By bringing your child to our Center, you can be sure that you trust his sports future and health to skillful and experienced coaches. Our team consists of professional gymnasts, winners of international championships, wonderful teachers who are enthusiastic and creative in organizing classes.

          Through the efforts of the trainers of the Center for young gymnasts, the most comfortable psychological climate is created, which is conducive to friendly communication, creativity and self-development. Trainings are intense, fun, in a playful way that is familiar and understandable for children.

          Our sports equipment

          Little gymnasts have at their disposal cozy and spacious halls equipped with modern Olympic-level equipment supplied by the French brand GYMNOVA. Among the equipment:

          • trampolines,
          • foam pits,
          • balance beams,
          • rings,
          • horizontal bars and bars,
          • tumbling tracks,
          • wall bars.

          So gymnastics for kids 9years in our Center is a great opportunity to work out with health benefits, have fun and make new friends.

          Which Center is the most convenient to purchase a subscription to? The one closest to home! A developed network of our branches in Moscow or the Moscow region will allow you to fit the young gymnast’s sports hobby into your work schedule.

          Baby play 9-11 months | Talantiki

          Outdoor games are simply necessary for the overall development of the baby. Even, it would seem, in a fairly passive position, when the child has not yet learned to crawl (let alone walk), you can come up with a lot of outdoor games. They will help develop agility, strength, coordination of movements, endurance.

          Talking through the tube: Talk to the child through the cardboard tube, trying to change the voice. You will be surprised with what attention the child will listen to you, then fool around by uttering some sounds into the phone: ba-ba-ba or ma-ma-ma! Give the phone to the baby. He may want to repeat these sounds.

          Baby cubes: Make some red cardboard cubes and one yellow one (250g milk cartons with sticky paper work well). Place the bell in the yellow cube. See if the child, when looking for a cube with a bell, can distinguish it by color.

          Box with holes: Babies love to put their fingers in little holes and you can make a “toy” that your little one will love. Take a small box with thin walls and make two finger-wide holes on both sides. From the inside, glue the walls of the box with different materials – fur, burlap, velvet or sandpaper. Show your child how to put their finger in the hole. (And you can put your finger in another hole.) Talk with the baby about what his finger feels when touching the walls of the box, is it soft and pleasant there or the wall is rough and hard, etc. You can play with such a box even in the car.

          Search and find: Hide a clock or a small radio under your pillow. The child will look for the clock, listening to where it ticks. This experience will improve his listening skills.

          Music Time: Take a cereal box and turn it into a baby drum. Give your child a wooden spoon as a stick and show him how to hit the box with it.

          Pushing the Car: Show your child how to push a small car or truck so it rolls across the floor. After a while, the baby will learn to push the car so that it will roll itself for a long time.

          Table slapping: If you have a guest of your child’s age, have them both sit down at the table and let them play by banging and slapping the table.

          Play phone: Take a toy phone and “talk” to your child, then let him talk. Playing “phone”, the baby will begin to enjoy the conversation. Even better is to turn off the real phone and play with it, although this can be inconvenient. The child may want to play again when the phone is not turned off.

          Let’s tear it to pieces: Some children at ten months already want to tear something. Old magazines, tissue paper, wrapping paper or foil give the baby the opportunity to experiment with them. Just do not forget that the child may want to try what this paper tastes like. Children’s experiences in receiving small pieces of paper require close observation. If you see that the baby is more interested in stuffing a piece of paper into his mouth than tearing it up, it is better to postpone these activities until a later date.

          Sticks and pebbles: During the walk you can find a lot of different things to do with children. Show your child how to pile up pebbles, twigs, or leaves. This will not only improve the motor activity of the child, but also stimulate the development of touch.

          Peeling the paper strip off the table: Cut a piece of sticky paper into strips and attach the strips at one end to the table. Start pulling off one strip – the child will quickly understand what to do. For him, this will be as much fun as peeling off stickers from jars and bottles.

          “Do as I do”: At this age, the child loves to imitate. Play with him in “do as I do” – let him repeat the movement of your hand and simple gestures. Tap on the table, open and close your fist, or put a hat on your head, all the while explaining to the baby what you are doing.

          Inflatable ring balance: Place a child’s inflatable ring in front of the child, give him some small cubes and show him how to line them up on the surface of the ring. Feeling the instability of this surface, the child will more clearly understand what balance is. This lesson will help improve the coordination of his movements. The inflatable circle is also useful for the bathroom – the child can throw objects into the center of the circle, this game is usually so popular with children that it can last for a very long time.

          Reach for the toy: If your child is already pulling himself up on his feet, you can give him a task. Place your baby’s favorite toys on a low table so he can reach them. Taking out objects, he trains spatial orientation.

          Choose a club or section for your child Total (592)

          Khabarovsk, st. Bogorodskaya, 6
          Tel: +7 (984) 298-73-81

          Khabarovsk, st. Gorky, 6
          Tel: +7 (924) 206-58-58

          Khabarovsk, st. Dikopoltseva, 19
          Tel: +7 (914) 545-42-72

          Khabarovsk, st. Professor Danilovsky M.P., 22
          Tel: +7 (914) 173-89-49

          Khabarovsk, st. Sverdlov, 30a
          Tel: +7 (914) 150-50-80

          Khabarovsk, st. Timiryazev, 26
          Tel: +7 (924) 107-01-78

          Khabarovsk, st. Pacific, 194a
          Tel: +7 (914) 150-50-80

          Khabarovsk, st. School, 17
          Tel: +7 (924) 214-00-96

          9 ideas for creative activities with children

          Irina Balmanzhi

          500 Creative Ideas Collection contains original games and workshops to inspire your child to draw, build, write poetry and stories, sing, dance and improvise anywhere, anytime. We publish some interesting exercises from the book.

          Creativity with babies (2-3 years old)

          The kid is interested in everything around. Unquenchable curiosity and a craving for experimentation fuel creativity like nothing else.

          Between 2 and 3 years of age is a great time to explore creative activities such as music, dance, acting, building with blocks, word art, and writing.

          Children at such a young age cannot sit still for more than a couple of minutes. But even these moments of passionate creative pursuits are extremely important.

          Flyer Collage

          Finally, all these flyers and brochures can be put to good use – we will turn them into a bright and original picture!


          You will need:

          • Non-toxic markers or crayons
          • Cardboard sheet
          • Advertisement thrown in your mailbox (flyers, brochures, envelopes)
          • Non-toxic white glue (PVA glue; use with parental supervision only)
          • Child safety scissors

          Create with your child! Let everyone create their own collage from scraps and scraps of colorful flyers and complement it with drawings made with felt-tip pens, pencils or crayons.

          Cardboard city

          Baby, mom (or dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, etc.) and a huge box – what an adventure!


          You will need:

          • 4-6 medium to large cardboard boxes (available at the grocery store, just make sure the boxes are clean)
          • Colored paper and tape (to cover boxes)
          • Dolls, animal figurines, stuffed animals (“inhabitants” of the houses you will build)

          Place the boxes in a large room or take them outside and show your child how to play: build a tower out of boxes, on each “floor” of which toys will “live” – let them sit in boxes. Or line up the boxes. Now let the kid play on his own. What house will he build? Who will he put there?

          A basket of fairy tales

          To compose an interesting story, all you need is a piece of paper with only one word written on it!

          You will need:

          • Paper
          • Pencil
          • Basket

          Think of ten words or topics that could be the plot of a fairy tale and write them on slips of paper. On each sheet, you can also draw something or stick a small photo or picture. Fold the leaves in half and throw them into the basket.

          Have your child take a piece of paper out of the basket. Make up a short children’s story or story (2-3 minutes) using the word, picture, or story that comes up. The story can be funny and unpretentious, about events and actions that are understandable and familiar to kids from everyday life.

          Accompany the story with facial expressions and gestures. Attract interest with your voice: make non-scary sounds, move to a whisper, speak in a high voice or bass.

          Creativity with preschoolers (3-5 years old)

          Three, four, five years old is a great age for a variety of creative activities. At this time, role-playing games and acting skills come to the fore. Children love trying new materials. They like to play with the constructor. They listen carefully and love to be told funny stories and read children’s books. They are attracted to music and dance.
          You can do a lot to develop your preschooler’s imagination. Spend more time with him, listen to music, tell stories, put on puppet shows, draw and construct. Over time, creativity will become something familiar, familiar, and after many years your efforts will pay off a hundredfold!

          Stick Dolls

          Take a wooden stick, attach a picture of your favorite character to it, make a costume for him – the doll on a stick is ready!

          You will need:

          • Markers or wax crayons
          • Cardboard
          • PVA glue
          • Fabric scraps
          • Woolen threads
          • Color paper
          • Glitter glue
          • Child safety scissors
          • Insulating tape
          • Wooden stick (e. g. for ice cream)

          Sit next to each other and make your own doll. Draw some character on the cardboard. Decorate the drawing with pieces of fabric, woolen threads and colored paper. Use glitter glue to draw details and add sparkle!

          When the design is ready, carefully cut it out along the outline. Attach a wooden stick to the back of the picture – you get a chrysalis on a stick. Then put on a puppet show on the kitchen table (for example, you can act out your favorite children’s fairy tale).

          My Family Poster

          Kids love making large colorful posters with letters and pictures. And this one is also dedicated to the family.

          Illustration from My Family Book

          You will need:

          • Large size solid color cardboard sheet
          • Photos of family members (or child with other family members)
          • Glue or tape
          • Markers

          Have the child choose their favorite photos of family and friends, lay them out on a large piece of cardboard and stick them on. You can come up with funny captions for pictures together. Help older children write names under the photo.

          Six questions

          A simple and fun game that adults can use. It will help you write incredible stories!

          You will need:

          • Pencil and paper

          Explain to your child that together you will make up a funny story about animals, people or imaginary creatures. Then ask him six questions (see below) and you’ll have ideas on where to start. (If you are afraid to forget, write down the answers.)

          • Who will be the hero of our story? (Child answers: “Crocodile!”)
          • What is his name? (“Lesha!”)
          • Where does he live? (“In the house”)
          • What color is the house? (“Pink”)
          • What does the crocodile like to do in his spare time? (“Play football”)
          • What is his favorite food? (“Ice cream!”)

          Collect all the answers and start composing! Introduce your hero and come up with a funny and ridiculous plot, weaving all the details into it. Do not drag out the story, because the attention of a 3-5-year-old child will not be enough for a long time (no longer than 3-6 minutes).

          Art at school age (6-12 years)

          Ages 6-12 are ideal for creative activities. The motor skills of the child are already quite developed, and he is well controlled with any tools and materials. Drawing, music, construction, dancing, theater, storytelling – everything is subject to him!

          The task of adults is to create conditions so that the child can try himself in all kinds of creativity that he likes. Remember: he must like what he does. Do not put pressure on him, and he will take on new projects with optimism and confidence.

          Creative activities for young photographers

          Kids ages 6-12 love taking pictures! Collections of original shots can be saved, made into collages, and used for other creative projects.


          You will need:

          Challenge your child to find and photograph objects of a certain color or points of interest. He can choose the theme for his pictures and make his own collection of photos. To get you started, here are six topics for photo finds.

          1. Colors . The child chooses a color or color combination and takes pictures of interesting objects of the same color that come across to him.

          2. Nature . Plants, animals, water, sand, clay, puddles – the list is endless. Let the child capture all the most beautiful things in nature.

          3. Places . Just take a closer look at the most familiar things: buildings, sidewalks, hills, villages, schools, playgrounds, auto repair shops, supermarkets, banks… Is it possible to photograph all this in an original way? Maybe from close range or far away?

          4. Friends . It can be people or four-legged friends. Invite your young photographer to take some pictures of your friends in unusual situations and try to capture their actions, movements, facial expressions.

          5. Toddlers . Babies and baby animals are the perfect subject for photography: they sleep, play and move in a completely different way than adults! Encourage your child to take pictures of babies or baby animals in the yard, at the zoo, or in the countryside.

          6. Funny photo . Can your young photographer catch strangers (and acquaintances) or your pet in funny situations? Or take a picture of you laughing heartily? (Maybe your photographer wants to collect a whole collection of pictures of people laughing and smiling.)

          Unfamiliar familiar tales

          This is a very fun and useful exercise for developing the imagination.


          You will need:

          • Paper and pencil (or computer and printer)

          We choose one of the classic fairy tale plots and come up with a new denouement! We write it down or tell a new story aloud.

          Classic fairy tales to remake:

          • Snow White
          • Wolf and Fox
          • Ugly duckling
          • Geese-swans
          • Cinderella
          • Puss in Boots
          • Beauty and the Beast
          • Little Red Riding Hood
          • The Princess and the Pea
          • Sleeping Beauty
          • Three Bears
          • The Three Little Pigs
          • The Frog Princess
          Cardboard Robot

          Gather the supplies and let your child feel like an innovator robot builder! Robots can be painted in different colors, painted with unusual patterns, and even give them different facial expressions.


          You will need:

          • Various sizes of cardboard boxes (small, medium and large)
          • Various types of tape and tape – plastic tape, packing tape, transparent tape
          • Scissors
          • Possible, but optional: toilet paper rolls, plastic bottles, plastic cups, bottle caps, egg cartons, markers, glue, fluffy wire

          This is a co-creation project: make your own cardboard robot from the suggested materials. (Older children can work on their own.)

          The project is complex and involves trial and error, but it helps children learn how to find optimal solutions and put parts together in the most efficient way.

          Keep a positive attitude, remember that the main thing in any business is the pleasure of the process itself, and be ready to help correct small design flaws.

          Based on the book “500 ideas for creative development”
          Post cover from here

          educational activities for children in Samara

          Every child is unique and brilliant in their own way. And every parent wants to support and develop this genius from an early age. The teachers of our studio will help you with this! Our classes are based on the modern, internationally recognized methodology of N. Zaitsev, the author of manuals for developing counting, reading and writing skills. And thanks to the constant change of activities during classes, your child will not get tired and will not lose interest in classes.

          19 years

          Helping children to develop actively

          10 branches

          In all districts of Samara

          1 year

          From this age you can start classes in our studio

          15 destinations

          Various training programs from Mom and Baby to Super Wunderkind

          8800 children

          Enrolled in prestigious gymnasiums and schools in the city

          Classes at the Prodigy Studio are aimed not only at developing your child’s skills, but also at adapting him to society. A high level of skill allows each teacher of the studio to find a common language with all the children. Even the most serious and unsociable kids begin to establish social contacts and make friends.

          The main directions of the children’s club

          Our advantages

          Next to the house

          9 studio branches are evenly distributed throughout the city, so the road to the club does not take much time

          Best practices

          We work exclusively according to the proven world methods of N. Zaitsev, M. Montessori, Gyenes, Nikitins, E. Zheleznova

          Open Lessons

          We talk about the achievements of children and show in action the methods that we use in our work

          Graduated specialists

          Each teacher has a diploma of specialized education

          Over 16 years of experience

          The first studio opened in 2001

          How the classes go

          In the Wunderkind children’s club, learning activities alternate with games. Classes are held in several stages so that the kids switch their attention and do not lose interest.

          1. First lesson

          Duration: 20-30 minutes. Children perform the tasks of the teacher in the classroom. At the same time, attention is retained by changing the types of activities, visibility and game moments. All this time, the teacher also changes the position of the children. Some of the tasks are performed sitting on the carpet, the other part – sitting on the chairs, and something can be done even while standing or in motion. This keeps your child’s posture and makes it easier for the baby to maintain attention.

          2. First recess

          Duration: 3-5 minutes. A small “break”: the children go to rest in the playroom, where they can ride down the slide, play with soft toys, chat with each other.

          3. Second lesson

          Duration: 20-30 minutes. Children with a teacher go to the study room and continue the lesson.

          4. Second break

          Duration: 3-5 minutes. The second short break, during which the child has the opportunity to play.

          5. Third lesson

          Duration: 20-30 minutes. The last stage of the lessons is similar to the first two lessons. In total, it turns out 3 lessons and 2 breaks.

          Interested in more details?

          Leave your coordinates and our manager will call you back today.

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          Reviews about us

          Pleshakov Nastya and Ilya

          I have two children. Ilya is already 14 years old and Nastya is 9years. Ilya began attending the Wunderkind studio at the age of four, Nastya at two and a half.

          Voroshilova Zlata

          Hello, I’m Voroshilova Zlata’s mother. Send a photo of my daughter. We have many certificates, but they are all in the portfolio at school.

          Yurkin Dmitry

          During this time, they studied not only writing, reading, geometric shapes, but also touched on the history of art.

          Kids club or homeschooling?

          Some parents believe that classes in child development centers do not bring benefits and that home schooling will bring the same result. They are right only if the mother or father knows the methods of preschool education, has experience in early development and has an idea of ​​how to arouse interest in the child. Otherwise, there is a risk that the child will be inferior to the peers with whom the teachers worked.

          In addition, classes must be held regularly, and not every parent has such an opportunity. As a result, homework takes place once every two weeks, as a result of which the information received is forgotten, and it is difficult for the child to get involved in the learning process.

          Teachers of the children’s club “Prodigy” exclude these problems. We try to unite children with equal opportunities in one group, which allows us to carefully reveal the full potential of the child without damaging his self-esteem.

          Our stock

          Discount 25%
          for two children

          Discount 30%
          for large families

          Discount 50%
          for disabled children

          Still have questions? Call +7 (927) 692-16-21 or +7 (960) 815-52-62, and we will be happy to answer.

          Remember: the sooner you start developing your child, the easier it will be for you and him later.

          How to homeschool a 9 year old

          View a demo of our lessons!

          So you are homeschooling a 9 year old. Congratulations! You are embarking on an epic adventure full of difficult choices, important milestones and overall success. Chances are you’ve landed on this page because you’re curious about what homeschooling might be like for your nine-year-old, what other nine-year-olds might be learning, and what homeschooling activities might include for nine-year-olds. The following information is for comparison only, but keep in mind that your child is unique and complex and this information should be considered in the context of your child’s specific development.

          What should a 9-year-old child learn?

          Have you ever looked at that bright yellow bus driving down the street and wondered what kids your age were doing when they got to class? In traditional education, nine-year-olds learn a wide range of new information. Usually you should ask about the age of nine:

          • Creating multimedia projects on a computer
          • Using root words and context clues to identify new words
          • Using output to understand what they are reading
          • Interaction of organisms with the environment
          • Local and state governments
          • Myth, legend, fantasy and adventure writing

          When it comes to math, it’s important that students learn math facts as early as possible. Time4MathFacts is a fun and engaging way for your 9 year old to gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in math.

          How to Start Homeschooling a 9-Year-Old

          When you begin your research on how to homeschool a 9-year-old, you’ll want to start with state homeschooling laws. Many states have certain subjects that they require from homeschool families in their teaching. But beyond that, homeschooling gives you the opportunity to truly tailor your child’s learning to your personal homeschooling style.

          When planning your year of homeschooling, there are a few steps you need to take to make sure you cover all of your basics.

          • Step 1. If you haven’t already done so, take some time to understand your child’s preferred learning style. This will help you with everything from choosing the best homeschooling program to getting your student involved in their own learning.
          • Step 2: Create a homeschooling budget and be sure to include extra lessons such as home visits, athletics, and extracurricular activities.
          • Step 3. Will your homeschool student work in fourth grade? Find out what subjects and topics are typically taught in fourth grade homeschooling.
          • Step 4. Think about how you want to plan your day at home. Remember that you are no longer bound by the constraints of the traditional school schedule. Your study time may be determined by your work schedule(s), the time of day your child is most attentive and ready to learn, and how your curriculum is structured.
          • Step 5: Start learning fun together!

          What should a 9 year old’s curriculum look like?

          As they show their need for independence, your nine year old can push their boundaries and your buttons this year of homeschooling. But their desire to become a leader in their lives should not be something negative. This could be a good year to try out an online homeschooling program. Online programs have the advantage of allowing the child to work independently while keeping parents informed of their child’s progress.

          When choosing a curriculum for your 9-year-old, you’ll want to find a program (or combination of programs) that:

          How Time4Learning Helps Home-Learning for a 9-Year-Old

          Many 9-year-olds share a love of learning with technology. In fact, you may already find it difficult to distract them from their favorite online games or apps. Time4Learning makes it easy to incorporate online learning games for 9-year-olds into homeschooling. Time4Learning’s lessons are multimedia, interactive, and fun, and allow kids to get excited about their day at home.

          Here are some of the other reasons why Time4Learning is so popular with families who homeschool a nine year old:

          • Subjects are divided into chapters, consisting of interactive lessons, printable worksheets, quizzes and tests, making your homeschooling day varied and interesting.
          • In addition to core subjects, students have access to an educational playground designed to reinforce concepts through age-appropriate lessons and engaging learning.
          • Detailed home lesson plans for parents to study lessons in advance
          • Automated system that evaluates lessons and reports on the use of home study portfolios
          • Possibility of using the curriculum as a basis for home schooling or as a complement to other programs
          • Possibility for parents to independently set classes for each subject

          Is Time4Learning the only online program you can use to homeschool your 9-year old child? No. You can compare Time4Learning with other popular online learning programs to see which curriculum might be ideal for your child. Remember that you can always combine the best parts of more than one curriculum (called an eclectic approach) to really meet the needs of your 9 year old.

          Homeschooling Tips for a 9 Year Old

          Your 9 year old may surprise you this year. They are able to handle increasingly complex tasks and projects at school, so don’t be afraid to challenge them. Understanding what motivates your child can go a long way in helping him reach his educational potential. Try to incorporate their current interests and curiosities into your homeschooling plan, then watch them thrive!

          Other homeschooling ideas for 9 year olds you might want to consider:

          • Homeschoolers don’t need to study every day every day. Some homeschoolers focus on one subject per day, some do certain subjects on certain days, and some take a block scheduling approach with different subjects at different times of the year.
          • Include fun art projects in your child’s lessons. They can chalk a mural on the sidewalk, create sculpted clay sculptures, collect stones and paint them, or recreate a famous masterpiece.
          • Children who find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time can be helped by breaking up the homeschooling period into 15-minute chunks. Between breaks, the child can play outside, have fun with an educational computer game, or relax for a few minutes.
          • Encourage your child to keep a diary and write down their thoughts (hopes, dreams, fears), things they are grateful for, poems, etc. They will practice their writing skills, giving them the opportunity to express themselves.
          • Planning lessons for your 9 year old can be as hard or as easy as you want. Some homeschooling parents find they need to plan almost every detail of their day or week of homeschooling, while other parents may write down some of the common things they want to cover and let the flow of the day dictate how it goes. lessons.
          • Encourage your child to help others whenever possible by offering to shovel leaves/shovel snow for neighbors, help clean up the neighborhood/beach, write letters to members of the military or nursing home, etc.
          • Give your nine-year-old child as much participation as possible in his home schooling. The more choice they have about how, where and what to study, the more responsibility (and fun!) they will take on in their own education.

          The 17 Best Online Classes for Kids 2020 | Strategist

          With the end of the school year approaching and many summer camps closed due to ongoing coronavirus concerns, many parents don’t know what to do with their children. They are also exhausted (and rightly so) and not overly excited about the idea of ​​swapping the role of an unprepared homeschool teacher for a counselor in a quarantine camp. But there is hope. Like everything these days, from haircuts to bat mitzvahs, you can find tons of virtual options to replace just about any kid’s summer event. They may not be able to attend in-person gymnastics classes with ten other kids, but they can practice their beam exercises live with a certified instructor. And if you’re looking to help your kids brush up on their math or reading skills, there are plenty of professional development programs offering private lessons and online classes for kids of all ages, including plenty of free ones. We’ve talked to education experts about the best online the classrooms and types of learning that children need most right now.

          Dr. Laura Phillips, clinical neuropsychologist at the Institute for Child Mind Learning and Development, notes that with school closures and the shift to distance learning, children are even more at risk of dropping out of school during the summer. To support them, she offers to do some academic work every day. “Younger elementary school parents might consider doing 15 to 20 minutes a day of reading, writing, and math,” says Phillips, noting that 30 minutes for each of these core subjects is good for middle and high school kids.

          Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that offers free online courses for preschoolers throughout high school. Your four-year-old can get help with writing, or your junior can catch up on AP Chem. For these younger kids, the Khan Academy Kids app guide uses a friendly cartoon bear named Cody to guide them through early learning core subjects with a focus on creativity and social emotional skills. Megan Fitzgerald, former Principal of School , veteran educator and co-founder of Tinkergarten, an educational resource dedicated to learning in nature, uses Khan Academy Kids with her own children, saying that when they spend time in front of a screen, she wants it to be really good.

          ABC Mouse is an easy-to-use online learning universe for kids ages 2-13. For $60, you and up to three children get annual access to hundreds of early learning activities throughout the year. There are games, e-books, sing-alongs, printouts, and even a progress tracker. It’s all designed to be easy and fun for kids, with age-appropriate step-by-step learning paths curated by teachers and education experts.

          Imagine that your 10-year-old son wants to start learning Spanish and your 14-year-old daughter wants to try her hand at writing plays, but you only have a certain amount of free time to take them to class per week. Outschool allows you to fit both of these classes into your schedule without wasting time on the road. Since they already had an online lesson model before school closures and social distancing, Outschool stopped the system. Lessons for ages 3 to 18 start as low as $5 and can be taken as optional or weekly courses. And right now they are offering many popular classes for free due to COVID-19.

          Fitzgerald and her children are also fans of mini-lessons of mysterious science. Mystery Science is an online membership-based science and science lesson library primarily intended for grades 5-5 teachers to use in their classrooms. However, due to school closures, they now offer a curated list of their most popular classes, including biodiversity and meteorology studies, which are free to use for everyone.


          Scholastic’s Learn at Home program offers free four-week lesson plans for children in preschool through middle school age. Each week there are daily lessons for each class, compiled from Scholastic’s extensive library of books, videos and games. Lessons begin with movement exercises that help children prepare for learning through reading, writing prompts, drawing, and practicing critical thinking.

          The National Museum of Mathematics hosts a host of spring and summer programs, from virtual tours and free family Fridays to online classes for students. In many cases, classes are paid. Whether you have an aspiring fifth grade statistician or a puzzle-addicted kindergartener, there is sure to be something for you.

          Caitlin Meister, founder of the Greer Meister Group, a private tutoring and counseling practice in Brooklyn, began offering extra small group classes after noticing how much distance learning was lacking in the school aspect of the community. She says that “children’s academic success often depends on the child’s feeling that they belong to them and that their voice is heard and respected in the academic environment. According to her, groups of three or four children interacting with a teacher using Zoom provide the sense of community is much greater than large groups. These small groups are often made up of children who are friends or classmates, which helps them reconnect with their peers. Meister also offers free classes for the children of frontline health workers and says this isn’t just for doctors and nurses. “We are liberal in how we define frontline healthcare workers. If someone works as a cleaner at a hospital or does a hospital food service, I think that’s an equally important role,” she says.

          Another way parents can help their kids learn this summer is Smarten Up. In addition to private lessons and exam preparation, Smarten Up offers small group workshops on subjects ranging from basic writing skills and word problems to yoga and origami. Or, you can enroll your child in week-long summer classes for elementary, middle, or high school children.

          Mel Science is a subscription-based education service, similar to KiwiCo, MontiKids and Nido Box we wrote about earlier, for kids who love science experiments. With every subscription, you also get access to a library of online science webinars (which they made free due to the coronavirus) led by real scientists who guide your kids through hands-on lessons in chemistry, physics or life sciences. Children get the opportunity to interact and ask questions in a group setting. Some webinars require materials included in one of the Mel Science kits; others can be done with household goods.

          “One of the really unfortunate consequences of moving to distance learning is that it takes away a lot of fun from the learning process,” says Meister. She says kids learn best when they explore what they’re passionate about, even if it’s ice cream. She says the summer holidays are a great opportunity for kids to do things they didn’t have time or opportunity to do during the traditional school year. Both Phillips and Meister encourage project-based learning and point out how learning about things like cooking or skateboard history can teach science and math to kids.

          Created by James Beard Award-winning food writer and former executive editor of Saveur as a culinary social club for teens and teens in Park Slope, Brooklyn, Dynamite Shop has turned its in-person cooking classes online. Young chefs aged 7 to 15 can join one of two afternoon afternoon classes (depending on their time zone) where they learn how to cook a hearty family meal. The spring semester has already begun, but additional classes are available and a new schedule will be announced soon.

          In these online classes, children learn to play a musical instrument by writing their own songs. Lessons are available for children ages 3 to 18, in small groups or as private one-on-one lessons, and include lyric writing, song structure, rhythm, and learning on their chosen instrument.

          If they love making mud pies or watching bugs in the wild, Tinkergarten’s online offer is a great way to keep them busy. Fitzgerald and her husband founded Tinkergarten as a free resource to help families get outside and take advantage of the early learning opportunities nature has to offer. Now, with social distancing, they offer weekly live streaming sessions online where kids and families can follow their nature activities such as building a bird feeder, planting seeds, or making paper from scratch. There are even ideas on how to bring nature into indoors for families with limited access to outdoor space.

          If your child is crazy about slime, you can support their passion by enrolling in one of the Sloam Institute’s online slime making courses. For $20, they’ll get a list of ingredients, an hour-long lesson taught by a Zoom expert, and a follow-up video so they can make their own slime over and over again.

          If you’d rather browse through many different courses to see what sparks your kids’ imaginations, Sawyer is your one stop shop. They run a ton of direct enrollment, semester or summer classes, from hip hop and yoga for toddlers to programming and foreign languages ​​taught by instructors from all over the country.

          Phillips tells us that many of the physical aspects of school have been lost with distance learning. Things like moving from the circle to their seats and moving from class to the cafeteria for recess are an essential part of their daily education. Phillips. So adding some regular exercise to their summer schedule will help them manage stress and prepare for learning.

          Chances are your kids have already switched to the GoNoodle dance video or yoga at school. Movement and mindfulness videos are used by millions of educators across the country. But they also offer free weekly activity roundups for kids on their site, including one with special guests like the Harlem Globetrotters who will teach them balance and coordination.

          Meister recommends Industrial Gymnastics, which makes lessons for kids as accessible as possible in the form of free videos for kids from babies to 8 years old. Meister not only gets your kids moving and helps them practice somersaults and backbends, but he says they’re one of the few gyms that offer non-gender-friendly classes. “Gymnastics can be challenging for non-gender-conforming kids” because it’s such a gendered sport. But this gym has done a really amazing job of fixing that by making all the kids feel turned on,” she says.

          Like Sawyer or Outschool, Activity Hero is a one-stop shop for online classes from hundreds of different teachers and schools across the country. In addition to art and academic classes, they also offer a huge selection of sports and movement activities from beginner tae kwon do and soccer to virtual ballet and aerial circus lessons.

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          60 Great Free Online Lessons & Adventures for Kids of All Ages – Zippia

          Finding fun, creative and educational lessons for your kids can be tricky. From social sciences and math to music and health, here are 15 fantastic resources to help you build or complement your child’s curriculum.

        • brainpop:
          Recognizing the huge impact of the coronavirus on the school community, BrainPop is offering free, unlimited use of its resources to schools closing due to the coronavirus. They help students learn and have animated films, assessment resources, creative tools for distance learning, and support for projects and homework. They have separate sections dedicated to science, social studies, English, mathematics, art and music, health and technology.

        • Lap time:
          Circletime offers on-demand interactive activities that allow you to learn and connect with your 0-6 year old child. Their early childhood experts guide you and your kids through fun themed play. Your children will leave each session with ideas to continue playing on their own. You will also have the opportunity to interact with other parents.

        • Dyslexia-Academy:
          Dyslexia-Academy is offering families one month of the free Gold Membership Academy package. Gold membership includes free access to all of their resources and courses. You can book one of their online classes for free daily real-time sessions with experts who focus on: working memory, developing sequential programming skills, self-assessment, visual tracking, and communication skills.

 is a free basic academic website that provides students with multimedia videos, animations, and simulations in general education subjects. It contains over 7,000 free videos in 13 subject areas.

 offers free, high-quality educational content for anyone interested in learning or teaching. Their entertaining and informative videos have tons of additional resources, including teacher guides, assignments, quizzes, and more. They also offer current events lessons with vocabulary and discussion questions.

        • Khan Academy:
          Khan Academy is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide free world-class education to everyone, everywhere. To help students continue learning during school closures, they have created a free daily timetable with interactive self-paced learning content, including exercises, videos, and articles, for students K-12 in most core subjects. Teachers and parents can use the Khan Academy teacher tools to track progress and assign specific jobs.

        • National Geographic Kids:
          At National Geographic Kids, you can find amazing facts about animals, science, history, and geography, as well as fun contests, games, and more. They also have help resources for homework, quizzes, science experiments, videos, explanations, and more.

        • Out-of-school institution:
          Outschool Offers Free Online Lessons to Support K-12 Public School Students and Families Impacted by COVID-19 Closure. They have over 2k students and over 10k hours of online lessons. All Outschool teachers are background checked and they screen classes to make sure they are safe, age appropriate, unbiased and secular.

        • PBS Kids Daily:
          PBS KIDS has released a new weekday newsletter that offers activities and tops you can use to help your kids ages 2-8 play and learn at home. They also have a PBS KIDS Video app that offers on-demand tutorials video, and live broadcast of the PBS KIDS channel 24/7.

        • Penpal Schools:
          PenPal Schools is the world’s largest collaborative learning community. They bring together students from over 150 countries and cultures through project-based learning. Teams from all over the world collaborate to build robots, write poetry, and find local solutions to global problems.

        • Scholastic learning at home:
          Scholastic Learn at Home offers free daily projects to help your kids learn, grow, read and think. They have 20 day programs for PreK-Kindergarten, 1st to 2nd, 3rd to 5th and 6th to 9th grades. Every day their programs include four story or video based practice sessions. Children can take these lessons on their own, with their family or with their teachers.

        • Seneca:
          Seneca is a UK based homework and revision platform used by nearly 3 million students. They have over 1000 KS2, KS3, GCSE and A Level courses based on examination board specifications. They have learning algorithms that help students remember topics better. If you ask a question incorrectly, they will show it to you again in a different format and will even post hand-picked gifs and memes online to make you laugh instead of nervous.

        • Shmup:
          Shmoop is stress-free learning designed for students. They have ACT, SAT, and AP exam preparation, online courses, free study guides, videos, articles, and resources to plan your college and beyond. They have all the study guides students didn’t even know existed, as well as articles to help them plan for the big test day in their early twenties, or even just the next few hours.

        • Tes Teach with Blendspace:
          Tes Teach with Blendspace has free interactive lessons, projects, presentations, and more. Their lessons and activities are created by educators around the world.

        • Twinkle:
          Twinkl creates educational resources that children can use at every stage of their learning journey. They have over 500,000 teacher-created resources that provide complete workflows, lesson planning, and assessments. They also have online learning games, augmented reality, and more. Twinkl is offering free access to all of its resources for one month to parents of children in schools that are closed or on the verge of closing.

        • Kid Power Academy where children grow up to be self-confident!

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          9 Great Online Art Lessons for Kids: Drawing, Drawing, Crafting & More

          Have a long weekend ahead and looking for some extra activities to keep your child busy if art classes haven’t returned yet? Look no further! This list of online drawing classes for kids includes drawing lessons for kids, drawing lessons for kids, and more. These classes are available everywhere online, at low cost or for free. And while online drawing lessons or online drawing lessons for kids may not be the perfect replacement for face-to-face drawing lessons, it really is better than nothing – and a good way to give your child creativity again.

          These mostly free online drawing classes for kids are designed for kids of all ages and provide instructions on everything from simple crafts and drawings for beginners to intermediate activities like painting watercolors and portraits, using videos to paint, and creating classes that include art for kids that they will really enjoy. Here are eight of the best online drawing lessons for kids that are either free or extremely affordable.

          Skillshare Online Drawing Classes for Kids

          Skillshare offers 13 free online classes for kids that range from drawing lessons to hour-long 25-step lessons or courses that cover drawing a giraffe or coloring a cat in about 15 minutes. They also focus on various topics and materials, such as how to paint with acrylics and watercolors. Stock up on art supplies and put your child in front of the computer.

          Sparketh Kids Classes

          Children ages 6-18 can attend up to 1,000 free online art classes for 30 days on Sparketh. Kids can take nature or animal drawing classes, learn to draw portraits and upload their work to a central portfolio on Sparketh, and even create an art student profile. There are dozens of courses on Sparketh, so any kid can find just about anything they want to create.

          Doodles for lunch with Mo Willems

          Every day 1 pers. ET, Brooklyn-based artist Mo Willems, illustrator of Knuffle Bunny and Cartoon Network’s Sheep in the City, hosts a live lecture in which Willems creates a new drawing. Children (and, of course, adults) are invited to join him and draw with him. The course is less “educational” and more focused on open creative play. It’s not so much a lesson as it’s a great afternoon break than a lesson in mastering the basic principles of the art. There are 21 cool classes to choose from.

          Carla Sonheim’s Children’s Week

          Carla Sonheim, author of Drawing Lab , runs a series of drawing lessons that include six lessons taught not only by Sonheim, but also by other artists and teachers Lynn Whipple and Diane Culhane. The lessons, which last less than an hour, require only a little time and basic drawing supplies. First lesson? Picasso’s drawing of dogs. Lesson three? Sheet printing. Lesson six? Modigliani Portraits. Classes are cool because they combine real artistry and artistic style with simple, fun tasks that kids of all ages can complete.

          Kitchen Table Classroom

          The Kitchen Table Classroom, a free art website run by a 20 year old art teacher, offers many completely free online classes. There are printable crafts (parents can print woodland animal masks to build or a DIY unicorn headband kit), as well as drawing lessons, tutorials, and drawing courses. New courses, crafts, and materials are added regularly, so parents can continue to check what arts, crafts, and lessons are posted online.

          Nature’s Art Club

          Nature’s Art Club is not a free service, but for $10 a month it is a steal. The service includes a monthly drawing tutorial, which is provided either in PDF format or in an online step-by-step video tutorial for kids, a series of watercolor drawing sketches, coloring pages, and worksheets to make things a little more difficult. more educational. Since the courses are nature-based, educational materials are also provided to help children learn the facts about what they are drawing.

          Thrive Art School

          Thrive Art School is an authentic art school based in Seattle, Washington, but there are various art classes on YouTube for kids of all ages and abilities. Lessons are divided into artists for beginners and artists of the intermediate level. Beginner videos help young children learn how to draw tropical fish, creative castles, puppies and dogs; intermediate lessons give instructions on how to draw octopuses, water lilies and lions.

          Online Video School

          The vaguely named Online Video School offers many different types of lessons for students of all ages, from photography to 3D printing. But for those who just want to have some creative fun, parents can enroll their child in Lori Lee Ebiner’s art class for beginners and kids. The $10 course includes eight different art projects covering a range of skills from drawing, painting to mixed media. As for supplies, the kids will only need a pencil, an eraser, a watercolor set, crayons, oil pastels, paper, scissors and glue, and they will work on projects called Entertaining Elephants and Brewster Rooster. ‘among others. Each class contains an introduction to the project, a list of materials, and a printable instruction so students can follow Laurie’s videos and pause them if necessary.


          For kids who are serious about drawing and painting, Udemy offers adult-oriented art lessons for different skill levels. For about $15-20 per course, kids can learn features like watercolor basics, anime drawing, soap making, and even painting on an iPad. Each course consists of a series of short lectures (some have 11 lectures, others have over 100), which children can read at any time, as well as articles and downloadable resources.

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          The 7 Best Online English Lessons for Kids in 2021 [Apps & Courses]

          English is one of the most valuable gifts you can give your child. Learning a language as a child is much easier than as an adult, and for it is possible to get many awards. English speakers often earn more, have access to excellent universities, and have more travel opportunities. In short, learning English as a child will help you succeed later in life.

          Online classes are a great way to help your child learn English from home without the extra cost or stress of logistical issues. Here are 5 reasons why online lessons are the best choice, along with some basic tips for choosing the best apps, websites, and courses.

          We have online tutors in over 50 languages.

          Preply is one of the leading educational platforms offering 1 on 1 lessons with certified teachers via exclusive video chat.

          5 Benefits of Online English Lessons

          More and more parents are choosing to “send” their children to online English lessons rather than traditional language schools. Here are five compelling reasons to take the plunge!


          If you send your child to a language school, you may have to reschedule some of your limited free time. car throughout the lesson. Raising a child is immensely difficult – English lessons should not be an additional stress factor!

          It’s also easy to forget that a school day can be exhausting for children. If you wear them on a trip to a language school at the end of the day, they may start to resent learning English.

          The convenience of online lessons is great for kids and parents alike. Let your tired kids study at home in pajamas with light snacks, and of course they’ll be happier. While they work on a nearby computer, you can cook dinner, do chores around the house, or relax on the couch. A win-win!

          Makes one-on-one learning affordable

          Another big benefit of online learning? With sites like Preply, one-on-one learning is easily accessible and cost-effective. In traditional language schools, children share the teacher’s attention with other students. In one-on-one lessons, students receive the undivided attention of their mentor.

          This is wonderful for several reasons. First, your child will have much more practice in speaking English than in class. There will be no students to talk to in their own language. Second, the lesson progresses at its own pace. If they miss something, the tutor will definitely work on it until they understand. Thirdly, children – especially small ones – really like it when adults give them undivided attention! Many of our little students really want to spend time with their online tutors. The feeling of being “seen” and supported makes learning English so much more enjoyable!

          It’s cost-effective

          It goes without saying that online English lessons are usually cheaper than in-person lessons. A subscription to a good learning app can cost anywhere from $10 to $40 a month, which is the price of an hour or two at a language school. There are also plenty of free resources available online!

          Some parents fear that such a low price means a lower quality education. But if you do your research and choose your tools wisely, this is not necessary! Preply, for example, offers one-on-one English classes for all budgets. Enter your ideal price per hour into our search engine and we’ll show you teachers who charge what you can pay.

          It’s more fun

          One of the challenges of parenting in the 21st century is taking your child off the Internet before bed! Many children are inseparable with tablets, phones and computers in the family. Thanks to online English lessons, their love of screen time will be very useful!

          There are many free apps and programs available online that make learning English a game. Your child will enjoy these activities much more than traditional activities. Many of our online English teachers even put children’s vocabulary games as “homework” because they know that learning is more effective when it’s fun!

          Very flexible

          If you send your child to traditional language classes, you will have to work on someone else’s schedule. Online English classes are much more flexible. If your child is learning with the app, they can attend “lessons” spontaneously, anytime they need some worthwhile entertainment.

          Even the busiest family will find time for online lessons with Preply. Is your child very awake at 6:30 AM (yup!) but very sleepy after a long day at school? Thanks to the different time zones, you can schedule classes as early as possible if it suits you! Is your son too young to focus on hour-long lessons? Have shorter sessions! Has your daughter caught a cold? Cancel any lesson with four or more hours’ notice and receive a full refund. This is a tutoring session designed for real families.

          The 7 Best Online English Lessons for Kids: Tutoring, Courses & Apps



          We may be biased, but we think Preply is by far the best online English course for kids. Many online courses and apps rely on self-motivation. Online learning is much better for short periods of time! A friendly tutor can keep your child busy for an entire hour, which language apps, courses or games can’t do.

          Preply offers all the live practice, personalized feedback and human interaction of traditional language classes at an affordable price. You can build Preply lessons into your weekly routine if you want, but if life gets in the way, they’re flexible too. It really is the best of both!

          Search our database of child tutors and find someone your child will love.



          If you keep hearing “Mom, can I play on your phone?” then maybe it’s time to download Duolingo! Duolingo is the world’s most downloaded educational app for one reason: it makes language learning a game. With its friendly owl design and easy-to-use interface, it’s the right way to teach kids English vocabulary.

          While you can’t expect your child to play this “class” for hours, Duolingo is a good way to keep them entertained and learn English on the go.

          3. British Council: Learn English Kids

          If you have learned English online on your own, then you are probably familiar with the British Council website and their database of free learning resources. exercises for children to improve their knowledge of English. The website is a little old fashioned, but it has a lot of very useful material to help you give your child English lessons.

          They also have a fantastic YouTube channel with videos teaching English nursery rhymes, stories and fun songs. If your child enjoys being read to before bed, this could be a way to integrate learning English into their daily routine! For very young kids – ages 2 to 6 – Timmy’s Learning Time series is amazing and has fans all over the world.

          4. Fredisalearns

          Looking for a structured online course for your child? Check out Fredisalearns! It has a set of exercises for children who have never learned English before, and another for those who speak at an intermediate level. Sample lessons are free, but regular users must purchase a membership. At $40 for six months, it’s an economical solution if it’s right for you and your baby.

          5. Lingokids

          Lingokids is an award-winning educational app for kids ages 2-8. It’s colorful and modern, with repetitive characters that kids look forward to every time they play. One of the benefits of this app is that parents are encouraged to help their child in the lessons, making learning more family oriented.

          The basic subscription is free and gives you access to 3 games per day. However, if your child really likes it, the paid plan isn’t too expensive either.

          6. NovaKid

          NovaKid is a structured language program for children aged 2 to 12. Parents buy lessons and the child works on the learning material every week with the help of a personal tutor.

          Unlike Preply, parents cannot choose tutors for their child or look for those who offer lessons within their budget. Once agreed, the class schedule is also not as flexible as Preply. However, the principle of one-on-one language learning via video chat is very effective!

          7. Marta says

          Okay, we got scammed here! It’s more of a TV show than an English class. Everyone knows someone who claims to have learned English by watching Friends, so we thought why not kids try this method too?

          Martha Speaks is a very sweet series. It follows the adventures of Martha, a dog who eats alphabet soup and suddenly becomes able to speak! The dialogue is intended for children aged 6 to 10 years. Martha is still learning English, so new words are introduced with a fun and helpful introduction. She is an all-American dog, so your child will probably learn something new about US culture from this show too. Episodes are 25 minutes long, many of them are available on Youtube.

          Closing thoughts

          Hosting online English lessons for your child is a responsible and generous step. In our opinion, there are three main categories of online classes to choose from: apps and websites designed to be used by your child alone, courses for you and your child to take together, and online tutoring services such as Preply. that allow your child to learn from an expert.

          All three of them have their pros and cons, but in general, children do most of the work under adult supervision. By taking several courses with your child or, even better, by investing in an experienced, kind mentor for him, you will make a great contribution into his future — and secure the adult attention that all children crave!

          Frequently asked questions about online English lessons for children

          How can I teach my child English at home?

          If you are interested in teaching your child English in person, you will first need a series of lesson plans and activities based on your child’s skill level. Estimate how long your child can focus on English classes and then search online for classes and lessons that fit within these time frames.

          What is the best online English course?

          The British Council’s Learn English Kids program is one of the best options for parents who need learning materials and resources for their children. If you’re looking for a class, teacher, or tutor for your child, Preply is a great option that offers flexibility based on schedule and location: you can find a tutor that fits your schedule, skill level, and goals you have for your child. .

          My 9 year old is not good at reading. He is assisted by a special education teacher at school, but is still at least two grades behind. What can we do at home to help him improve his reading skills?


          My 9 year old has trouble reading. He is assisted by a special education teacher at school, but is still at least two grades behind. What can we do at home to help him improve his reading skills?


          Some students can’t read, but there are many things you can do at home with your child to improve their reading skills. The Reading is Fundamental website has an excellent list of 20 ways to encourage parents to read, and the Reading website Rockets has a robust parent strategy section. You can find useful suggestions on both of these sites.
          There are also a number of free games and activities online that can help inspire readers who are struggling or resisting. Depending on your son’s reading level and maturity, some of these websites may seem too small, so it’s important that you give him a variety of options and see what he likes best. A good resource to help you get started is Tutorial reading with multimedia materials. This article discusses the various ways in which multimedia tools can be used to support learning to read, and provides a list of resources that offer various websites and games to help children develop their reading skills.
          Starfall has a collection of online books and activities for different reading levels and ages. Students can hear words read aloud and read at their own pace. The section I’m reading might be the most appropriate for your son. Sylvan Learning has a free website called Book Adventure that can also motivate your son. Students read books, take a short quiz and earn points. The points can then be redeemed for prizes (books, games, etc. ). Book Adventure also has a page for parents with suggestions for encouraging reading, entertainment, and recognizing reading difficulties.
          The game format can be a safe way to practice reading. If your son enjoys the game or wants to know what’s next, he may be more motivated to read. PBS has a great selection of educational games and activities for students. The PBS Kids Cyberchase program is for older elementary and middle school students. Although not a reading game, students can read a significant amount of text.

          How to choose circles and sections

          And so, having picked up the child under her arm, the effervescent mother is taking him from music to English, from choreography to drawing. We’ll sleep on the subway, have lunch from a thermos in the corridor, take a walk along the road from tennis to origami … All relatives join in a crazy race to transport the baby to and from classes, prepare for various performances and competitions, make manuals and costumes.

          Of course, you really want to be in time everywhere and everywhere, to invest in your baby as much as possible, but still, when choosing circles and sections, you should listen to the voice of common sense and the opinion of the baby himself.

          It is better not to take your child anywhere until the age of three. Now there are many developing groups for the smallest, but, as a rule, they do not offer anything other than finger games, rhythm and drawing. Sometimes this “gentleman’s set” is supplemented by learning to read Zaitsev’s cubes. You can successfully do all this at home, and the road and the noisy company of new acquaintances will only tire the baby and distract him from classes. In addition, in the studio, in addition to knowledge, you will probably receive a whole bunch of viruses and childhood diseases as a “free application”.

          At the age of three or four, a child can already be enrolled in one or two clubs. But first, consider whether you can do something on your own. If dad is a master of sports in chess, it hardly makes sense to waste time and effort and drag the child to the section. Yes, and English with a grandmother will go no worse than with someone else’s aunt, provided, of course, that the grandmother is ready to study systematically, and the grandson perceives her as a teacher.

          The road to the circle should not take more time than the classes themselves. Best if you can get there on foot. If you do not have the opportunity to take the baby by car, try to get to the place of employment without a change and do not have to wait for transport for a long time. Never travel with children during peak hours. You should not go to mugs more than two, maximum three times a week. Classes should be held at a convenient time for the baby, not to disturb the regime of his day.

          You shouldn’t go to the so-called “harmonious development studios”, where a child is taught several subjects at once (as a rule, a foreign language, speech development, music, drawing). Classes in such groups are built on the principle of school, with desks, lessons, calls, often even with homework. All this, of course, is absolutely unacceptable for preschoolers, especially younger ones. In addition, there is absolutely no guarantee that all teachers will like your child equally, and you will have to pay for everything at once, and the program, as a rule, is not much different from kindergarten, so the game is not worth the candle.

          Talk to your child about what he would like to do. Take him to the nearest children’s art house or cultural center for an open day, let him choose which clubs he likes. Even if his choice does not meet your expectations, do not rush to argue: maybe a living corner will really suit your child more than ballroom dancing. In the end, if the kid made a mistake, you can always leave the circle.

          Be sure to get to know the teacher personally. First of all, it should be a kind, charming person who sincerely loves children. In addition, the teacher must be a high-class professional. It’s not even about having a special diploma, but about real mastery of the subject, the ability to sensibly and cheerfully teach it to children, to infect them with love for it. Ask permission to attend classes. A good teacher who has nothing to be ashamed of will not refuse you this. Well, if he refuses, this alone should alert you. In the classroom, first of all, pay attention to the atmosphere in the classroom. The circle is not a kindergarten or a school, and the relationship between children and teachers should be less formal, more relaxed and spontaneous, but not familiar. Classes with preschoolers should take place in a playful way.

          Naturally, a timid, shy toddler should be allowed to come with his parents until he settles in. Pay attention to the state in which the children leave after classes, are they overexcited, are they depressed? If the teacher raises his voice to the children, is overly fond of contests and competitions, in general, just if at least something in his behavior alerted you, it’s better to look for another place for your baby. A mistake can cost too much: the child will stop trusting adults, refuse to go to any classes, give up an interesting business that he could love.

          Even if in your dreams you already imagine your child on the Olympic podium or on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre, do not rush to send him to a sports or ballet school. The system of classes in such schools requires a very rapid development of professional skills. If the baby is not among the leaders, he will feel like a loser and, most likely, after a while will lose all interest in classes. Well, if the child really turns out to have outstanding abilities, more and more new achievements will be required of him, turning the baby into a narrow professional too early.

          It would be much more useful for the child’s physical and mental health to choose clubs where children are not expected to become champions and laureates. In this article we will not talk about those circles and sections that were often mentioned in other materials. Let’s dwell on what usually remains “behind the scenes”.


          If you want your child to play sports, it is best to take him to the pool. Children’s subscriptions are quite inexpensive, and the health benefits of swimming are greater than from any other sport (load on all muscle groups, hardening, development of coordination of movements). Perhaps the best and most modern of the Moscow pools is the “Seagull”. Children are accepted here from the age of three, and if the baby is scared, you can buy a subscription for yourself and at first go to classes with the baby. The Frog is located right next to the adult pool, so you can keep an eye on your child at all times. The undoubted advantage is that this is an outdoor pool, which means that the baby will breathe air during classes, and not chlorine vapors. So that the baby has time to adapt, it is better to start classes in the summer or early autumn. Girls usually really like water aerobics and synchronized swimming.

          Aerobics classes will bring great benefits to the baby. Intense movements to music will develop not only muscles and coordination of movements, but also a sense of rhythm. There are aerobics groups for children in almost any children’s art house. Many adult fitness centers also have classes for the little ones.

          Don’t forget about classic sports. Both boys and girls tend to enjoy figure skating very much. There is an excellent figure skating school in the new Silver sports complex on Glagoleva Street. Children are accepted here from the age of four. Parents of boys should not be upset that this is “not a manly sport.” Over time, a boy who is good at skating will be gladly accepted into the hockey or skating section. Great for kids and athletics. This truly royal sport harmoniously develops all muscle groups, increases endurance, teaches you to control the whole body. At the same time, it is much less traumatic than, for example, gymnastics. There are athletics sections in almost any stadium or in a children’s art house

          All team sports are also very good, but they are either very expensive, like tennis, or they start playing them already at school age.

          Children of preschool age should not engage in sports where there is a high risk of injury: diving, acrobatics, gymnastics.


          In addition to the traditional “basement studios” run by single teachers and children’s art clubs, there is another type of art studio that probably brings the greatest benefit to children. These are studios attached to large art museums. Here, children are not so much taught to draw as to perceive and feel art.

          Children are immersed in the enchanting atmosphere of a museum from a very young age (they are accepted here from the age of four). Experienced art teachers introduce them to the permanent exposition of the museum and exhibitions, in an accessible form for kids talk about different styles, genres and schools, gradually shaping their taste, attitude. Going to the museum from the category of outlandish events becomes a way of life for a child. Well, after the tour, the children return to a cozy studio and, inspired by what they see, draw themselves.

          As a rule, in museum art studios, teachers do not put pressure on children so much, they do not dictate to them what and how to draw, because here they do not aim to train professional artists. These are schools of art lovers, where enlightened dilettantes are brought up, people who understand art and are able to express themselves in it. Although it is often from here that real, not notorious artists come out, alien to the stereotypes and clichés characteristic of graduates of art schools. There are excellent studios at the Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museums.

          Theatrical skills

          Theater studios have somehow not been popular lately. But this is a place where a child can reveal himself as a multifaceted creative personality, learn to fully communicate, move and speak beautifully.

          Everything here is like in a real theatre: stage speech and movement are taught to children, acting and pantomime, ancient dances and acrobatics are taught. In the theater studio, memory and a sense of rhythm develop, children learn to work in a group, draw scenery and make props, and sew costumes. As a rule, children are taken in an organized manner to the best performances in professional theaters, they are also introduced to the work of other children’s groups. Among other things, in the theater studios, children are instilled with a love for good literature, because literary works are staged: plays, fables, dramatizations of fairy tales. Many people get so attached to the drama club that they continue to go there even during their school years, often until graduation.

          Puppet theater is very useful for the timid and shy. Hiding behind a screen, the baby will feel more protected, and classes with gloves and puppets develop coordination and fine motor skills well. There is a wonderful puppet studio in the Palace of Children’s Creativity on Sparrow Hills, it is led by a wonderful teacher, Elena Plotnikova. There is also a wonderful drama studio, one of the oldest in Moscow: the Theater of Young Muscovites.

          Technical mugs

          Circles of children’s technical creativity are also not very popular with parents, but in vain. True, they don’t take very small ones here, but a five-six-year-old boy will enjoy going to an aviation or ship modeling circle, doing woodcarving.

          In our life, there is almost no place for children to do manual labor, a rare dad is able to teach his sons how to handle a hammer and a drill, and in such a circle a boy will not only master the simplest tools, but also learn how to design, work with drawings, which will be useful to him, even if he and will not become an engineer. The discovery that you can create something yourself, turn a dead, useless piece of wood or piece of iron into a useful and beautiful object, seems like a real miracle to a small child.

          Such activities are especially useful for boys who live without fathers. A dexterous, skillful, enthusiastic teacher will become a standard of masculinity for your son, a worthy example to follow. And you can find such a circle in any children’s art house or club. And believe me, classes in it will bring your little boy no less benefit than the now fashionable tennis or horseback riding.

          Applied crafts

          Your daughter will thank you more than once if you send her to a circle where they teach applied crafts: embroidery, macrame, beading, weaving. Exclusive things are always valuable, and even if your daughter does not have to earn her living in this way, she can always make a unique decoration as a gift, decorate her house in an original way.

          Among other things, such activities develop taste, spatial thinking, and fine motor skills. In the House of Scientific and Technical Creativity for Children and Youth on Donskaya there is a whole school of applied arts, classes in which are taught by experienced art teachers. There are such circles in ordinary children’s art houses, and in district clubs.

          Living corners

          If your child strives to bring home all the homeless dogs and is eager to provide first aid to half-dead chicks, if all the window sills in the apartment are planted with mysterious plants, the earth creaks on the floor, and the biosphere of the swamp is skillfully recreated in a basin under the sink, if, finally , the kid just dreams of a little animal, but you can’t get it in any way – write your naturalist into a living corner.

          The child will not only enjoy communication with various representatives of flora and fauna, but also learn about their life and habits, understand that an animal is not just fun, but a huge responsibility, learn to take care of their pets. As a rule, amazing people work in such circles, those who were called naturalists in the old days. These are not just biologists-zoologists, these are people who are in love with nature, who often traveled a lot and saw a lot of interesting things, real enthusiasts who infect their little students with their ardor.

          Such a wonderful teacher works, for example, in a living corner of the House of Children’s Art on Miusy; and at the Moscow Zoo there is a wonderful Club of Young Friends of the Zoo. Yes, and next to your house, perhaps there is such a place, a reserve of warmth and love for our smaller brothers.


          Parents often get angry when their children move from circle to circle, “scatter”, “rush from side to side”. But when, if not in the preschool years, the child will be able to experiment and look for something that may become a favorite for life. And if it doesn’t? – ask anxious mothers – time will be lost !

          The happiness lies in the fact that you still have more than enough time, and any business that the kid will do with enthusiasm, at least for a year, at least for three months, will bring him invaluable benefits. And clubs are needed not at all for early career guidance or preparation for school, but so that the child can be creative, make his dreams come true, meet like-minded friends, and communicate with wise and talented adults.

          Asya Stein


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