
Good pet to have: The 9 best pets for kids — and how to choose one

Опубликовано: December 19, 2022 в 11:20 am


Категории: Pet

The 9 best pets for kids — and how to choose one

It’s an exciting time — your family is about to get bigger! Soon a wonderful new pet will be barking, meowing or even hopping around your house, keeping the kids company and making lots of memories. But before you get sucked into a flurry of new pet selfies, we’re here to ask a very important question: Which animal makes the best pet for kids and you? There are a lot of things to consider when bringing a new pet home.  

“First and foremost, the family should take a look at their schedule to ensure that the pet will be adequately cared for and they can meet the pet’s individual needs,” says Pia Silvani, director at the ASPCA Behavioral Rehabilitation Center in North Carolina. “For example, while cats may not require as much work as a dog, the litter box needs to be cleaned every day, brushing and nail clipping are required, as well as mental stimulation, which includes play. Dogs require training, exercise, socialization with animals and people, as well as mental and physical stimulation.

All of these responsibilities suddenly become very real when a pet joins your household — and parents especially need to know that even if you’re getting an animal for a child, the day-to-day duties will fall in your lap.

“Children convince the parents that they will care for the pet,” Silvani says. “While their intentions are good, after a few months and a busy calendar, the child may lose interest in the ‘tasks’ that they promised and the responsibility is back on the parents.”

To help you on your quest to select the perfect family pet, here’s an overview of nine pets parents usually get for kids and the important considerations to make with whichever kind you choose:

1. Dog

No two dogs are the same, so take your time and find a good match.

“Every dog is an individual with a unique personality,” Silvani says. “Whether a dog is well-mannered around children and babies has nothing to do with the dog’s breed type [it’s] more about whether the dog has been properly socialized with children early on.

And if you think a small dog would totally suit a small child, think again.

“Small dogs are not necessarily the best choice for children,” Silvani says. “Young children tend to think small dogs enjoy being picked up, carried, hugged, dressed up, etc. Children need to learn that dogs should not be treated like a toy or stuffed animal.”

Considerations: Are you the traveling type? The family that wakes up on a Saturday morning with a game plan to spend the day driving across the state looking for landmarks? Think about how your dog will fit into this picture. Dogs need regular exercise, grooming and training, and they can’t be left alone for extended periods of time. As a result, a dog may not be the best pet for your family if no one is home during the day — unless you’re prepared to hire a dog walker or send your pup to doggy daycare.

2. Cat

As any cat lady will tell you, cats are independent creatures. While one kitty might be the biggest cuddle bug you’ve ever met, another may prefer a more solitary life (with regular servings of food, please!) Like dogs, cats do require responsibility — litter box duty will become some lucky person’s regular job — but the good thing about felines is that they may afford you a little more freedom. They need food, water, care and attention on a daily basis but leaving them overnight is definitely easier to do.

Considerations: Cats can bite or scratch when they’re not enjoying certain situations, so it’s a good idea to give your child a crash course in “kitty etiquette.” Teach them that not every cat likes to be held, or pet or snuggled, and that their quirks are what so many cat-lovers grow to love.

3. Rabbit

Rabbits are active and social, and they need plenty of stimulation or they can potentially get bored and destructive. If you plan to let your bunny explore your home you’ll need to do some serious bunny-proofing because they like to chew, according to the House Rabbit Society.

They require a rather large enclosure to dwell in, partly because they can grown in size as they age. The House Rabbit Society recommends an exercise pen, a large dog crate, a bunny-proofed room or a very large cage or condo (all of which require regular cleaning, so roll up your sleeves!)

Considerations: Like cats, rabbits can be quirky and some don’t like to be carried around, which may be difficult for children to understand.

“Animals need a break from children and they must be allowed quiet time so they are not overwhelmed with too much handling,” says Silvani.

4. Guinea pig

According to the Humane Society, snuggling and exploring are some of a guinea pig’s favorite pastimes, so they’ll need time out of their cage every day.

Regular responsibilities will include grooming, cage cleaning, and having supplies at the ready. Supplies for one guinea pig is a regular financial commitment, the Humane Society says, and that could potentially double should you get a second guinea pig, which is recommended for companionship reasons.

Considerations: They can be easily startled, so kids will need to learn how to behave around these adorable animals before they become a part of the family.

5. Turtle

Turtles are cute but quite complicated to keep. They need to live in a specific type of environment to really thrive. Everything from the temperature to the lighting must be just right, so you have to be ready and willing to set up those conditions.

Turtles have particularly long lifespans compared to most other pets, so you might have to care for them long after your kids are off to college.

Considerations: Not all states allow the sale or keeping of turtles or amphibians, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and because of the risk for spreading germs like salmonella, you shouldn’t keep a turtle if you have children under the age of five or other people with weak immune systems living in your household.

6. Bird

Birds are intelligent and social pets. Though they spend most of their time in cages, it’s great if you can provide them with a safe place in your home to fly freely now and then.

Some birds, including parrots, can be loud or destructive and can live up to a whopping 25 years — which means they’ll stay in the nest a lot longer than your little humans.

Considerations: says Chlamydiosis (psittacosis) and avian tuberculosis are two health issues to be informed about because they can make people with weakened immune systems, like children, sick.

7. Lizard

If your family has a particularly busy schedule and the desire for a relatively quiet pet, you might consider a lizard since they can be fairly low-maintenance.

While the habitat and feeding needs of lizards — which can have long lifespans — vary by type and can be pretty specific (insects, anyone?), most don’t require extensive grooming.

Considerations: Because some lizards are more delicate, an older child may be better at being gentle with them.

8. Hamster

Hamsters are nocturnal so only night owls will really get to see this critter in action. They have a relatively short lifespan — about two to three years — so keep in mind that your kids might get a lesson in dealing with the loss of a pet sooner rather than later.

Considerations: The Humane Society recommends adult supervision when a child younger than 8 handles a hamster because, like guinea pigs, they can be startled and even bite. Younger children may not be capable of making a hamster feel secure and could be at greater risk for diseases like salmonella, which hamsters can carry.

9. Fish

Often regarded as the perfect first pet for kids, fish are fascinating family members to watch, no matter your age.

Feeding them daily and cleaning out their tanks will be on a caregiver’s to-do list. The frequency of tank cleaning depends on a few factors, like the kind of fish you have, but generally it will need to be cleaned every two weeks. If your family life is too hectic for a dog or even a cat, these underwater friends can make great pets.

Considerations: The positives about fish are endless: their colors and swimming patterns can soothe, they’re quiet, they don’t require a lot of space, they don’t shed — but they still need care and attention, some more than others.

The 21 Most Low-Maintenance Pets You Can Own — Best Life

When it comes to welcoming pets into your family, every pet needs to be cared for and loved. However, when you’re a busy person, it’s just not possible to spend every waking moment looking after a pet. That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to bring an animal into your home—you just have to find the right one. Some pets need less grooming and attention; many are simply cheaper to own than some of the more high-maintenance options. So whether you’re looking for something that makes sense for your kids, for your working parent lifestyle, or for the limitations of your apartment, these are the low-maintenance pets you should consider taking home.


Fish are often “seen as low-maintenance pets” until people realize just how much work needs to be put into them, says Christopher Adams, founder of ModestFish. However, that’s usually because people pick the wrong kinds of fish. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance fish, go betta.

“Betta fish are stunning, really hardy, and you can have an awesome low-maintenance setup,” Adams says. He recommends buying a five-gallon aquarium kit, which is a perfect size for betta fish. “And once your tank is ready, you only need to feed them once a day—or get an automatic fish feeder—and replace 15 percent of the water each week.”


Let’s face it, dogs aren’t ever really low-maintenance pets. They need a lot of love, attention, and affection. But if you do want to bring a precious pooch into your family, consider a more low-maintenance breed. JP, owner of beloved Instagram pug Aji, says that pugs are one of the easiest dog breeds to own.

“We’ve never taken him into a dog groomer. His short hair doesn’t need any trimming,” JP says. “And the truth is, we only walk him about 30 minutes a day, and play fetch or tug of war for about 10 minutes, and that’s enough to keep him in shape.” All that, alongside the small size of pugs, make them one of the most low-maintenance dog breeds.


Pets aren’t limited to furry creatures or fish. Conservatory garden worker Elliot Blacker, founder of Evopure, recommends stick insects—also known as stick bugs—as the perfect low-maintenance pet. Their small, twig-like size makes them easy to home in small spaces like “small glass containers” or “cages around 12 inches tall,” and their dietary habits are not intense either. Blacker says they can live off a “diet of blackberries, oak, rose, and ivy.”


If you want a cute, cuddly pet, but aren’t ready to commit to a pup, consider a rabbit instead. Gilles Ventejol, founder of Animal Patient, recommends rabbits as a pet owner, despite being a specialist in cat and dog health.

“I got a dwarf rabbit upon the insistent and repeated requests of my children to have an animal,” he says. “I must say I’m quite pleased with the rabbit. She lives free in the flat and reaches her cage for drinking, relieving herself, or sleeping. The vet expenditures are minimal, and she eats basically hay and stale bread with sometimes a carrot or an apple. But at the same time, she is quite funny, curious, and very interested when something new happens at home.”


There are plenty of types of turtles out there to consider for a pet—approximately 270 to be exact, according to PetMD. Consider a smaller turtle that grows up to nine or twelve inches at most, like a painted turtle, if you’re looking for the kind you can put in a regular-sized terrarium.

In terms of diet, turtles are easy, as they “don’t need to be fed every day.” You only need to feed your turtle four to five times a week, and most turtles generally eat insects, fish, and dark, leafy greens. The key to taking good care of a turtle is maintaining water temperature, keeping clean water, and feeding them consistently—which isn’t a lot of work in terms of keeping pets. But one thing to note is that turtles can live for a while. For instance, a painted turtle can live up to 30 years.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb


If the lifespan of a turtle intimidates you, go with a hermit crab instead! According to Pet Smart, hermit crabs really only live for 10 years at most, and only grow up to 6 inches long. All you need in terms of a home is a terrarium with at least five gallons of space that is out of direct sunlight, lined with “two to three inches of washed aquarium gravel or fine reptile bark bedding.” Plus, their diet consists of small pellet or powdered food.


When you’re thinking of cute, cuddly pets to own, ants probably don’t pop into your mind. However, keeping ants is a cool, interesting way for young children to feel like they “own pets,” without parents having to feel like they need to spend a lot of time “taking care” of said pets.

With an ant farm, the ants do most of the work. All you need to do, according to Allie Layos of Wide Open Pets, is keep a temperature of somewhere between 60 to 70 degrees, cover the ants at night, give them sufficient water with either a damp cotton ball or a few drops, and provide foods like small pieces of fruits and vegetables. Also, be careful not to move the ant farm once ants have built their tunnels, as it might cause a collapse, which could kill or injure the ants.


If turtles and hermit crabs aren’t your vibe, consider an even more low-maintenance aquatic animal: Sea-Monkeys! Ashley Peeling, regional marketing manager at property management company CLV Group, is a huge advocate for this tank-based household pet.

“For starters, they require little to no work, as they only need to be fed once or twice a week,” she says. “For hygienic purposes, one simple tank wash a month should do the trick as well. Kids are always mesmerized by Sea-Monkeys, making them the perfect pet; they’ll just sit and stare at them for hours. And their life span is roughly two years, which is also an ideal length. So, overall, they’re inexpensive, low-maintenance and getting one is certainly not a big commitment.”


You don’t have to settle on a tank-living, aquatic animal just because you want a low-maintenance pet, however. If you still want something cute and cuddly you can hold, get a guinea pig. These small rodents typically live for five or six years and only need the basics to survive: a cage, bedding, food, and water. What makes guinea pigs the perfect low-maintenance pet is that they are plenty active without needing much from their owner. Your children can get the joy of a pet they can play with, but it doesn’t take much money or work on the parents’ part.


Butterflies are a pretty sight to see outside, but they’re also a good insect for inside your home. Kids can learn a lot from their metamorphosis since they are born as caterpillars, and they only have a complete lifespan—including the metamorphosis—of six to eight months. Raising them up from a caterpillar, you just need a common plant to feed them, and sticks for them to wander around on, especially in the beginning stage of their life. You can make your own home for them with things around the house or buy a butterfly kit.


Similar to a stick bug, if you’re looking for a low-maintenance insect, think about a praying mantis. According to Lianne McLeod, DVM, with The Spruce Petstheir bodies only grow from one inch to six inches, and in captivity, they only have a life expectancy of up to one year. All they need for a home is a small tank “at least twice as wide and three times as tall” as their body. And in terms of diet, they have a variety of foods they eat: fruit flies, smaller mantids, moths, house flies, and the occasional cricket or mealworm if your mantid is larger. But what about the cost to buy this insect? Seeing as most praying mantises are taken from the yard outside the home and brought in, there’s usually no cost at all!


If stick bugs and praying mantises are not satisfying your child’s pet needs, you can always go bigger (and creepier) with a scorpion. This crawly creature only grows three to eight inches long and lives anywhere from two to six years, according to the pros at Petco. With an adult scorpion, you only have to feed it every other day, and their diet consists of insects like crickets, small mealworms, and wax worms. The one thing you really need to remember about scorpions is the temperature of their environment. Unlike other animals, scorpions need a hotter tank—anywhere from 80 degrees Fahrenheit at the coolest to 90 degrees at the warmest.


Most kids end up having hamsters as childhood pets because they’re more low-maintenance than other animals. For the most part, hamsters do well on their own. All they need is a cage, fresh water (which can be distributed with a drinking bottle on the side of the cage), hamster food (alongside small pieces of fruits and veggies), and a hamster wheel for them to play and exercise on. Once they have all that, they don’t need much else. Kids can take them out of their cages to gently play with them every once in a while, but as long as they have the basic necessities, they’re happy.


Hamsters aren’t the only easy-to-care for rodents you can consider for your home. While the idea of rats draws forth troubling images of sewers and dirty corners, pet rats are anything but dirty animals. According to Laurie Hess, DVM, with Vet Street, they actually groom themselves and organize their food into neat piles, making them one of the neatest pets you can own. Norway rats are the most common species of pet rat, and they only live two to three years, and grow nine to eleven inches long.


Perhaps the cutest low-maintenance pet you can own is the chinchilla. As McLeod wrote for The Spruce Pets, these adorable creatures actually prefer not to be held that much, so if you’re looking for a pet you can keep at arm’s length but still love, this may be the one for you. Like most rodents, they really just need a large, active cage lined with nesting. However, they do require a diet of chinchilla-specific food, which can be bought at a local pet store.


If you’re not against keeping spiders as pets, a tarantula might be a good addition to your family. Male tarantulas grow from two to ten inches, and most species only live up to seven years long, according to the experts at Petco. Tarantulas just need a suitable terrarium to roam around in, and they eat live insects like crickets, mealworms, super worms, and roaches. The one thing to remember about these creatures is that they need to be kept in a dark part of your room, away from sunlight.


Don’t forget about the geckos! A leopard gecko is the perfect pet for any family or apartment-dwelling young adult. As McLeod explained to The Spruce Pets, they have a docile nature that makes them easy to get along with and play with, but they also don’t need a lot in terms of care. A 15- to 20-gallon tank can easily hold two to three leopard geckos, and they have a normal diet of crickets, wax worms, and mealworms. Not only that, but these reptiles can live up to 20 years or more as pets, so they’re perfect if you’re not looking to say goodbye to your animal too soon.


Snakes are not everybody’s cup of tea, but they do make for an easy-to-care for pet. According to John Virata with Reptiles magazine, good beginner pet snakes include the corn snake, California kingsnake, rosy boa, gopher snake, and ball python. The most popular is probably the corn snake because it’s a fairly docile snake, and they don’t grow that large—two to five feet in length at most. In terms of diet, corn snakes primarily eat rodents and can also find a tasty treat within a quail egg.


Can you imagine an easier pet to care for than a snail? For the most part, they’re just a pet you observe—no need to take it for a daily walk. They should be kept in a clear terrarium, and you can house multiple snails together, with one to two inches of soil, says Anne Woods with Pets on Mom. Their diet consists of small bits of apples, carrots, and cucumbers with chalk, egg shells, or cuttlefish bone for calcium to “strengthen your snails’ shells.” Other than that, you just need to clean your snails’ terrarium at least once a week, spraying the walls with water and paper towels to clear mucus trails. Simple!


Still on the search for the perfect small amphibian? The African dwarf frog may be the pet for you! They only grow an average of one-and-a-half inches and live up to five years, according to the pros at Petco. In terms of food, their diet consists of bloodworms, brine shrimp, and frozen mysis shrimp. They live in an aquarium, where the water quality should be checked at least once a week and changed every two to four weeks. As a bonus, they can live harmoniously with docile fish—like a betta—if you want more than one kind of pet.


If you’re not ready to give up your dreams of having a cat, consider a more low-maintenance cat breed like a British Shorthair. According to Vet Street, these cats are pretty easygoing. They’re not “generally a lap cat” but will stay close by, and can get along with both dogs and children. And since their hair isn’t as long as other cats’, they only need to be brushed two to three times a week to get rid of loose hair. No need for constant trips to the groomers!

which pets are most attached to a person

Does your dog love you? Most likely, yes. And the cat? And the fish? And in general, how to understand that your pet belongs to animals that love people? Desperate to find answers at the nearest veterinary clinic, interviewed popular pet breeders and animal behavioral biologists and compiled this list. In it, animals are listed in descending order of their ability to love a person (that is, to become attached to the owner and express this affection). The list does not pretend to be objective or academic rigor (although experts often relied on data from scientific studies), but still sheds light on the relationship of owners with pets.

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1. Dog: Adoration Machine

The relationship between dogs and humans is unique; our common history has, according to various sources, from 12 to 25 thousand years. All this time, they learned to live next to a person: to digest human food rich in carbohydrates, to read our emotions, to distinguish the words of human languages. Kyle Kittleson, animal behaviorist: “The main way dogs express love is touch. Dogs lick people and allow themselves to be stroked, thereby expressing good attitude and affection. Also, dogs read your behavior and adapt to it – so when a child appears in a house where there is a dog, the dog, as a rule, begins to protect him. Dogs have the ability to love in a way no other animal can, which is why they top our list of pets that love people.

2. Parrot: love on the edge

A dog loves a person like a sibling or best friend. Parrots (except budgerigars, which will be discussed later) love differently – as a jealous and often unbalanced romantic partner. “Parrots need a lot of attention,” says large fauna biologist Deji Asiru-Balogan, adding: “If a parrot doesn’t get enough attention and love, it can even do weird, self-destructive things like pulling out its own feathers or banging its head against walls”. Parrots are not just social; in the wild they are VERY social, explains Deji, they live in large packs and their survival depends on constant and close interaction with their own kind; communication is necessary for these birds to maintain the health of the body and psyche. If you meet a lone parrot in the forest, it means that he is either injured or sick.

Asiru-Balogan adds that a parrot becomes a good pet only for the person to whom it got a chick: they are very attached to the first owner, but with great difficulty – to the new one. This is worth remembering when getting a parrot: they live a very long time – sometimes more than 70 years!


Pig: tenderness and affection

It has been fashionable to have domestic pigs (especially small mini-pigs) for ten years already – and for good reason. Pigs ranked third on this list of pets that love people due to their ability to bond with humans and show that affection almost as intensely as dogs do. They are social enough to appreciate companionship and affection, and smart enough to learn commands. “They like it when their back and sides are scratched; this is how they show that they trust people – and such trust indicates a serious attachment, ”experts say.

4. Rats: intelligence and tenderness

Rats are great pets that also love people. Sonia Jörg, Ph.D., Ph.D. in animal behavior, notes: “In nature, rats communicate a lot with their relatives, and people with whom they live nearby are perceived as big rats.” An indicator of trust, according to Jörg, is the distance between you and the animal: in nature, rats live closely, often come into contact with each other, so if your pet quietly spends time in your hands or on your knees, then he considers it his own.

5. Horses: love in the singular

Horses do not quite fit into the category of “pets”, but they are definitely capable of loving a person and becoming attached to those who care for them, so several specialists interviewed for this article at once voted for the inclusion of horses in the list. In addition, their history of living together with people is not much shorter than that of a dog. Horses are not favorable to all people, sometimes their relationship with the owner becomes exclusive – in the sense that the horse allows only one person to ride it or even take care of itself. They accept affection and even look for it, they are sensitive to intonations. Calling horse affection love or not is a matter of style, but it is definitely strong and multifaceted.

6. Cats: Controversial

Cats are the most controversial pets on the list: experts say they don’t care about people – but some of the behaviors are difficult to interpret as anything other than a show of affection and a show of love for a person.

Sociality for cats is optional: in the wild they live alone, but sometimes form groups in which they communicate quite closely. However, their survival does not depend on the ability to recognize signals and guess the emotions of other cats; homemade Felis silvestris catus and their closest wild relatives do not hunt or raise their young together, so their social skills leave much to be desired. On the other hand, domestic cats have five thousand years of close proximity to people behind them. The time spent side by side, and often under the same roof, softened their character and made them gentle companions, but hardly taught them how to love. “Cats look at you as if they were attendants,” says Asiru-Balogan. Jörg takes a similar view: “You are probably a source of food and sometimes entertainment for the cat, so the cat may leave you and find a new table and home.” On the other hand, it is not uncommon for cats to try to “feed” the owner – to bring a dead mouse or bird; in addition, many domestic cats distinguish their owners from outsiders – they trust the first and are afraid of the latter. Perhaps, in their small heads, a feeling of love for a person still glimmers – as contradictory as they are.

7. Ferrets: love outdoor games

Jörg notes that predators tend to make interesting pets. “Predators are characterized by a wide variety of behaviors, including play behavior — when they play, they master hunting skills. If predators live near people, they have more energy and time to play than in the wild, so they can play all their lives.” In addition, these are paired animals, and a person whom a ferret can love is quite capable of replacing a ferret with another ferret with whom it will be possible to fool around with.

8. Hamsters and Gerbils: Distinguishing Friends from Others

Hamsters and guinea pigs are not as affectionate as rats, but Kittleson says they definitely have preferences: they will always prefer the company of the owner to the company of a stranger. It hardly looks like love for a person, but it’s already something.

9. Budgerigars: good buddies

If large parrots (Grey, Macaw, Cockatoo) love people hysterically, are jealous, offended and depressed when they do not receive attention, then budgerigars and other medium-sized flock parrots (Corella, lovebirds) love their owners more like good friends. They live in small flocks or in pairs, they like to communicate, but they are unlikely to start tearing out their feathers when they see that you have stroked another bird.

10. Rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas: they prefer their own kind

Asiru-Balogan notes that rabbits get along well with people, but prefer the company of other rabbits; if they have a furry companion, they will choose it over the owner. Jörg adds that, unlike predators, rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas do not exhibit a variety of behaviors. Most of their lives they chew something or sleep, there is simply no place left for the manifestation of love for a person in this herbivorous life.

11. Snakes: trust and habit

Surprisingly, snakes, apparently, know how to love a person – or at least distinguish the owner from other people, Asiru-Balogan believes: “Pythons are especially gentle, they allow petting yourself and take it in your hands.” When getting a python, however, one should remember that attachment is formed slowly; The snake’s trust comes with long months and years of following a strict routine. Snakes are slaves of habits; the more predictable your behavior, the more they trust you. And even if the python knows you well and allows you a lot, you should not expect much from him. Kittleson elaborates: “The behavior of snakes is not as diverse as that of mammals. The latter may be interested in many things besides food – exploring new territories, playing games. Snakes are sharpened to survive and fill their belly, so they don’t have much time for tenderness.”

12. Iguanas and other lizards: almost indifferent

“While working with reptiles, I never noticed in them manifestations of attachment to individual people. However, Kittleson also does not undertake to argue that lizards do not like people and are completely indifferent to their owners. He recalls one outstanding case: three bearded lizards that liked to sit closer to the owner, but what this behavior meant, the specialist does not know. “Is this love? I don’t know. I don’t even know if I ever loved myself. I can only confirm that those lizards definitely preferred the company of that woman.”

13. Turtles: no emotions

The brain of a reptile is not capable of loving a person, experts conclude not without sadness. You can live side by side with a turtle at least all your life, but if you transfer it to another owner or release it into the wild, it will not notice it.

14. Aquarium fish: too far away

“They are in the water and you are not, and this is a serious obstacle to communication,” Jörg states, and Kittleson adds: “Goldfish can be quite smart, they can be trained , but don’t expect the fish to become attached to you.” So, unfortunately, fish can hardly be called human friends.

15. Spiders: you are only a shadow for them

Of course, spiders end the list; their inability to perceive a person simply staggers the imagination. Spider breeder Chelsea Mann, owner of The 8th Page Tarantulas and owner of 175 spiders of 140 species, speaks eloquently: “In all the years of working with them, I have not received a single argument in favor of the fact that, in their view, I am something more significant than a shadow on the wall” . Aspiring spider owners claim that their pets enjoy being handled or stroked. In fact, the spider is just in exploration mode and doesn’t feel the need to attack, says Jörg: “Invertebrates simply don’t have enough nervous system resources to form social bonds. ” And, accordingly, love a person.

Best pet. What animal to choose?

In our article we want to talk about how to choose a pet and whether it is worth getting one at all. Of course, every child dreams of him. But for parents, this is certainly a problem, because they understand that all responsibility for caring for the animal will fall on them. It is hardly worth believing children’s promises that the baby himself will follow and care for the cat or dog, at least at first.

Pet: to take or not to take?

Before you take a pet home, you need to understand that it will require your attention and warmth. You need to decide who you or your child would like.

Some people like dogs, others like cats, and still others like rodents or birds. In addition to sympathies, when choosing a living creature, it is important to study the nuances of caring for him and his habits.

Think about whether your pet will be a burden to you, whether you can provide him with decent care. It is very bad if you take an animal for yourself, and then, disappointed, want to get rid of it.

You can’t do that. Any creature gets used to its masters. Believe me, for your attention and love, it will also answer you with affection and affection.

The best pet is a dog

First, decide what you need a four-legged friend for. What kind of dog are you looking for? After all, different breeds have different personalities. If you want to send your love and care to her, then you need a pet with a cheerful mischievous character. If you need a security guard, then this is a completely different matter. Then you better take a large dog of some service breed. You will not be able to collect all the traits in one animal, therefore, carefully approach the choice of breed. First of all, you need to be guided by whether you can give decent care and education to the ward. For example, a service dog needs to be trained. And for this you will need to spend a lot of time or hire a dog handler. Are you ready for this? If yes, then feel free to make a choice.

Points to be aware of

Be aware that a large dog will occupy some part of your apartment. And if you already have little space, this can be a problem. Yes, and in feeding there is a big difference between keeping a small lapdog or a large shepherd dog. You understand that a dog of solid size needs to be cooked separately. He will not be able to eat leftovers from your table.

Small dogs are a little easier. They eat less, and they don’t need much space. And with education it is easier. For example, the antics of the Pekingese can be treated with concessions. But a shepherd dog definitely cannot be allowed much. However, small dogs require a lot of attention to their person, moreover, they are very jealous.

Having chosen a dog as a pet, remember that you will have to radically reconsider your life, maybe even change something in the apartment. Remember that you will have to take your child outside for a walk at least twice a day in any weather. But you will get a real faithful friend who will always be waiting for you at home and rejoice at your arrival.

There is another important point. The life of pets will bring you a lot of joy, but it will also bring some inconvenience. This is especially true for your possible departures. For example, you want to go on vacation, or your work involves frequent business trips, and you have a four-legged friend. Here you need to foresee who will be able to look after him during your absence. It is unlikely that you will be able to take your pet with you. Not to mention the fact that the dog will miss you, because there is no more devoted friend than him.


If your dream is to have a cat as a pet, then you most likely expect to receive warmth and affection from her after a hard day’s work. Don’t be so naive. Many breeds have, frankly, not at all an angelic and unkind character, but rather, on the contrary, aggressive. Therefore, do not chase thoroughbred specimens. Do not think that external beauty is an indicator of the inner world of an animal. Not at all.

Before making your choice, carefully study the behavior of different breeds. And then decide for yourself what you want.

Pros and cons of keeping domestic cats

Remember that, whatever the breed, you will have to face such a problem as an abundance of wool in the apartment. And this means that you either have to clean up more often, or simply ignore it.

There is another unpleasant moment in the behavior of cats. They can intensively mark the territory of your house or apartment, thus expressing their dissatisfaction. Sometimes this becomes a serious problem. But it also depends on the nature of the particular animal. Everything is like people. One person is good, and the other is harmful or evil.

Cats have one remarkable trait. They are able to relieve stress well and quickly calm the owners, normalizing blood pressure.

The cat is a good pet for walking. Unlike dogs, she doesn’t really need them. Very often, the owners do not let their pets go outside at all, turning them into purely domestic creatures.

When choosing a pet, keep in mind that purebred cats are quite capricious in food and are more prone to various kinds of diseases, which means that you will have to spend money on veterinary services.

Pet birds

A pet is not necessarily a cat or a dog. The choice is wider. You can, for example, get a bird: a parrot or a canary.

If you are ready to spend a lot of time with your pet and listen to their wonderful singing, then you need a bird. Winged ones are good because they do not need to be walked, and food for them is inexpensive.

However, be prepared for the inconvenience of feathers flying around the room. Cleaning will need to be done much more often, especially during the molting period of the bird. But you will always enjoy wonderful singing.

As a rule, the cages for them are not very large, and therefore the feathered friend will need to be given the opportunity to fly around the apartment so that he stretches his wings. Here you need to be prepared for the fact that the bird can slightly spoil the wallpaper or furniture. Despite their small size, such pets have a strong beak that can tear even the carpet.

Domestic rodents

Now pet stores offer a huge selection of domestic rodents – rats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas. As a rule, they are unpretentious in care and often multiply. Children love them because of their small size.

In general, rodents have a lot of advantages. But the disadvantages include a specific smell, which appears with not very careful care. However, if you use special fillers for cages, which are now a huge selection in stores, you will be able to cope with this problem.

And the biggest drawback is the short life span of such a pet. Hamsters, as a rule, rarely live beyond two years. And the loss of a little friend is fraught with a negative impact on the psyche of your child. This point must be taken into account.

Rodents are not treatable. They are small and disease affects them very quickly.

Rodent habits

There is a lot of information about pets. It is better for future owners to study their habits so that there are no unexpected surprises later. For example, most rodents are nocturnal. For them, this is the norm. So don’t be surprised if you hear the rumble of a wheel in his cage in the middle of the night. This indicates that your hamster has gone for a walk. During the day, they are usually inactive and dormant, but at night vigorous activity begins.

Rodents will not resist at all if a child starts playing with him, and sometimes even squeezing him. As a rule, they are peaceful. Yes, and with a cage, you may well travel or give it to relatives at the time of departure.

Such a pet is easier to adopt than a dog or cat because they are easier to take care of. In general, hamsters are very funny, it will be interesting for a child to watch and play with them. Such an animal will never harm the baby.

Exotic pets

Pets are familiar to us since childhood. However, it has recently become fashionable to have exotic animals: spiders, snakes, crocodiles, insects, snails, etc. Let’s start with the fact that this is extremely dangerous. It is not clear what people are generally guided by, making a choice in favor of exotics.

Certainly not a desire to get love and attention, but rather to somehow show off in front of friends.

It is absolutely not worth taking such pets if there is a child in the house. Moreover, it will not be possible to play with such a creature, and then it is generally not clear why it is needed.

Be aware of the possible risks to which you expose not only yourself, but also your family members by purchasing exotics. Learn as much as you can about this topic. Such representatives of the animal world can become carriers of all kinds of infections.

La petite academy evansville in: Schools in the Evansville | La Petite Academy

Опубликовано: December 16, 2022 в 1:16 pm


Категории: Pet

La Petite Academy of Evansville (Day care center)

La Petite Academy of Evansville (Day care center) – Evansvillena

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Day care center | Evansvillena

La Petite Academy of Evansville (Day care center) is located in Evansvillena, United States. Address of La Petite Academy of Evansville is 800 St Mary’s Dr, Evansville, IN 47714, United States. La Petite Academy of Evansville can be contacted at +18772716466. La Petite Academy of Evansville has quite many listed places around it and we are covering at least 64 places around it on


800 St Mary’s Dr, Evansville, IN 47714, United States




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XF8W+3P Evansville, Indiana, USA

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Opening hours

Friday 6:30am–6:30pm
Monday 6:30am–6:30pm
Sunday (Today) Closed
Tuesday 6:30am–6:30pm
Saturday Closed
Thursday 6:30am–6:30pm
Wednesday 6:30am–6:30pm

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  • International Schools

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

Where is La Petite Academy of Evansville?

La Petite Academy of Evansville is located at: 800 St Mary’s Dr, Evansville, IN 47714, United States.

What is the phone number of La Petite Academy of Evansville ?

You can try to calling this number: +18772716466

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What are the coordinates of La Petite Academy of Evansville?

Latitude: 37.9652211
Longitude: -87.5031836


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Some of the Day care center places around Evansvillena

Day care center in Evansvillena

North High School

Vanderburgh County

15331 Highway 41 N, Evansville, IN 47725, USA

New Horizon Christian Academy

Vanderburgh County

1518 Washington Ave, Evansville, IN 47714, USA

Glenwood Leadership Academy

Vanderburgh County

901 Sweetser Ave, Evansville, IN 47713, USA

Leannes Home + Children

Vanderburgh County

1316 Henning Ave, Evansville, IN 47714, USA

Benjamin Bosse High School

Vanderburgh County

1300 Washington Ave, Evansville, IN 47714, USA

Marian Educational Outreach

Vanderburgh County

520 S Bennighof Ave, Evansville, IN 47714, USA

Bosse Interact Club

Vanderburgh County

1300 Washington Ave, Evansville, IN 47714, USA

Enlow Field Parking / Band Practice Field

Vanderburgh County

1300 Washington Ave, Evansville, IN 47714, USA

Preschool Education Program

Vanderburgh County

1405 E Walnut St, Evansville, IN 47714, USA

St Benedict Cathedral School

Vanderburgh County

530 S Harlan Ave, Evansville, IN 47714, USA

La Petite Academy in Evansville IN

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How much does daycare cost in Evansville?

The cost of daycare in Evansville is $641 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.

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Best pets to have: The 10 Best Animals to Keep as Pets

Опубликовано: December 14, 2022 в 9:51 pm


Категории: Pet

The 10 Best Animals to Keep as Pets

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Key Points:
  • You probably expected dogs and cats to be on the list, but snakes and lizards make surprisingly great pets.
  • Many small pets like hamsters are nocturnal, making them a bad choice for young children.
  • Some pets have complicated habitat requirements and should be carefully considered before purchase.

There are many benefits to owning pets. Whether you hope to teach your children responsibility, are looking for companionship, anxiety relief, or seeking out a new hobby, owning a pet is remarkably rewarding.

While there are many different types of animals you can choose when searching for your perfect pet, the 10 best animals to keep as pets listed below are some of the most popular and are a great place to start your search.

Here are the best pets to have:

#10: Snakes

Snakes rely fully on external heat or light sources.


While snakes may not be the most popular choice as a pet they are one of the best pets to have. Many people find them to be nice companions. If you live in an apartment, having a pet that doesn’t require outside exercise is nice. For those who want a pet for anxiety, the most popular small pets, such as hamsters, may not be soothing.

Snakes are quiet, clean, and low-maintenance. Because they do not defecate daily, their enclosures are easy to keep clean. Someone who travels for work may find that a snake is the perfect low-maintenance companion for their home.

Like other cold-blooded creatures, snakes need an enclosure that allows them to maintain a healthy temperature. For snakes, this means a minimum of 75 degrees at night. During the day, a higher temperature, with a basking spot that is even warmer, will keep your snake healthy and happy.

The most important consideration when putting together an enclosure for your pet snake is an escape-proof lid. While many owners allow their snakes out to explore under supervision, it is important for their safety, that they cannot exit the enclosure on their own.

#9: Lizards

Some lizard species can go their entire life without drinking water.


If you are looking for best pets to have for beginners that are small, don’t mark lizards off your list. Although some species are challenging, there are plenty of low-maintenance choices as well. Lizards like the leopard gecko and bearded dragon are hardy, do well on an easy-to-source diet, and are not overly picky about their habitat. However, they are reptiles and do require specific conditions in their enclosure, such as a heat source.

Once the habitat is in place, lizards are easy to care for and have a fun personality, making them a good choice as small pets for children. As with any small pet, supervise your child around the lizard until you are confident in their ability to properly handle and care for the pet.

#8: Birds

The love language of the parakeet is regurgitation.


Birds make fun and very good pets for folks who aren’t looking for cuddling. Depending on the type of bird you select, you can enjoy them for their sweet voice, beautiful plumage, or colorful personality. Birds are a great choice for someone looking for low-maintenance companionship. Birds are one of the best pets to have on this list.

#7: Hamsters

The Syrian hamster is the most common pet hamster.

© V

Hamsters are often considered one of the best pets to have, and they can be. It is important to realize that although they are small, they do require regular care. Like many small pets, they tend to messiness. Plan to spend a few minutes each day cleaning out their enclosure to prevent odors from developing.

While not always the most friendly choice initially, with patience, and as long as you are gentle, hamsters can quickly learn to look forward to your presence.

#6: Fish

There are over 30,000 different species of fish.

© Carlos Juarez Jaramillo

If you are interested in a pet for anxiety, a fish may be a perfect choice. Setting up an aquarium and tending to the fish inside can become an engrossing hobby. You can have anything from a smaller tank with a single Betta to a larger aquarium, decorated with live plants and housing schooling species of fish, such as tetras. The gentle sound of water moving through the filter as you watch the fish move through their environment will become a pleasant part of your day.

#5: Rats

Contrary to popular belief, rats are very clean animals.


You may be surprised to learn that rats are great pets for beginners. They are naturally clean, are quick learners, and are social, affectionate animals. One strong argument for rats as opposed to other small pets such as hamsters is that they keep the same clock as people. While many rodents sleep during the day and are active at night, rats are alert and awake during the same time as the rest of the family.

#4: Rabbits

Rabbits are easy to train.


If you are interested in a pet for cuddling, a rabbit may be a perfect choice. It may take a little while for your pet rabbit to get comfortable being handled. While a good choice for children, it is important to take the time to show the child how to gently handle the rabbit.

Rabbits do tend to be one of the messier pets to keep in the home. Plan to clean their hutch regularly to prevent odors from developing. You can keep rabbits in an apartment, although they do often enjoy spending some supervised time outside.

#3: Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are social companion animals.


Guinea pigs may not be a choice that comes immediately to mind when selecting a pet for your household, but they are a charming and fun choice. They are friendly and social, are easy to handle, and quickly learn to interact with their family.

Before getting a Guinea pig, it is important to understand how social they are. They do much better if kept in pairs. Of course, this means accurately sexing the Guinea pigs or ensuring that one or both are sterilized to prevent any accidental babies.

#2: Cats

Fun fact: the oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago.


Cats can be a great low-maintenance pet for beginners. They are great for those who live in an apartment but still want a pet that doesn’t live in a tank or cage. Cats do have a reputation for having an independent nature, but that isn’t always a negative. Cats are often a better choice than dogs if you work long hours or are otherwise away from the home for extended periods.

Just because many cats are less demonstrative than dogs does not mean they aren’t affectionate. While some cats are dismissive of human contact, many are very happy to settle in beside you while you watch television or read. Most friendly cats are happy to spend time alongside their humans, whether they want to actively cuddle or not. For children, a cat is often more nimble than a small dog at avoiding getting underfoot, while not as boisterous as a large dog. Depending on the situation, a cat may be a better animal to keep as a pet than a dog.

#1: Dogs

Dogs are the most popular pet in the world.


Dogs are probably the choice that comes to mind immediately when thinking of the best animal to keep as a pet. Many dogs are good for cuddling and are probably overall the most friendly of the different common house pets, they aren’t always the best choice for every situation.

Dogs are more high maintenance than many other types of pets. Even a dog that does well when left alone for long periods will need regular exercise and a chance to use the bathroom outside. Many dogs, however, need more than this minimal attention. Dogs that are left alone for extended periods or that don’t get sufficient exercise can become anxious, which often leads to destructive behavior.


Here is a summary of the Top 10 Animals to Keep As Pets

#1 DOG
#2 CAT
#5 RAT


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The Featured Image

Not all dogs appreciate being kissed

© iStock. com/Chalabala

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About the Author

Heather Hall

I am a freelance writer with 22 years of experience. I live in the Pacific Northwest and am surrounded by nature. When I go for my daily runs I often see herds of elk, deer, and bald eagles. I am owned by two dogs who take me on hikes in the mountains where we see coyotes, black bears, and wild turkeys.

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These Are the Best Pets for Kids at Each Age

As many adults know, caring for a pet is a rewarding and satisfying experience. And, adopting a pet that a child can also help take care of can be an enriching experience for your kid.  

“It teaches empathy and responsibility. Being responsible for another animal … understanding that other things are relying on you to stay healthy and survive,” says Dr. Laurie Hess, DVM and owner of the Veterinary Center for Birds and Exotics in Bedford Hills, New York. She adds, “Many of these animals are very smart and will give that unconditional love back to you.”

Make Sure Your Kids are on Board With the Type of Pet and Work Involved

As with any pet, when you are looking for the best pets for kids, you want to have a very clear idea of the pet care requirements.

“You have to be educated,” says Dr. Hess. Particularly with exotic pets, you need to know what you are getting into and what to expect from them. Dr. Hess explains, “Often people get frustrated and very disappointed in these animals because [the experience] isn’t what they expected.”

When it comes to choosing the best pets for the kids in your family, it is important that everyone is on the same page. Everyone in the family needs to be willing to actively help with the care of the pet.

Dr. Elizabeth Mackey, veterinarian and owner of Mackey Exotic Animal Clinic in Watkinsville, Georgia, explains that it is important that your children are on board with the pet you decide to get. They need to be just as invested in the well-being and happiness of the pet as you are.

And most importantly, you need to be comfortable with whichever pet you decide to get. So if you are deathly afraid of snakes, they probably are not the best pets for your kids, even if the kids have their heart set on one.

What to Consider When Choosing Pets for Kids

So, how should you go about finding a good match? Both Dr. Mackey and Dr. Hess recommend booking a consultation appointment with a veterinarian who is experienced in the care of the species you are considering.

Consider bringing a list of animals you’re interested in so you can discuss each one and determine what the best pet for your family would be. Some factors to take into consideration include:

  1. Life span of the pet. Kids can get very attached to their pets, so you will need to consider your child’s emotional attachment when choosing pets for kids. However, by a choosing a pet with a longer life span, you will also need to keep in mind that once your child leaves for college or work, you may have to become the sole provider for your family pet.

  2. Space needs. Do you have adequate room (e.g., living space, yard space, etc.) for your chosen pet? You will also need to consider how a pet will grow and if you can accommodate them at their largest adult size.

  3. Care requirements and needs. Talk with your veterinarian about the care requirements for each pet you are considering. Can your family share pet care tasks in a manageable way? Are you financially prepared to take good care of the pet?

  4. Health care costs. All pets require veterinary care. You will need to make sure there is a veterinarian in your area that can help with your chosen pet. If you choose an exotic pet, you can start by looking at the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians. You will also need to make sure that you are financially ready to take on a pet’s health care costs.

  5. What does your child want when it comes to interactions with their pet? “Some of them want [a pet] that they can play with. And, most children want that hands-on interaction,” says Dr. Mackey. “There are some children who would rather have the cool, unique [pet] and not so much the hands-on.”

  6. Is your potential new pet nocturnal or diurnal? This could influence where you want to your pet’s enclosure to reside.

  7. Consider your child’s personality. Is your child calm enough to handle a more fragile creature? You have to consider the pet’s needs and your child’s ability to respect those needs.

  8. What are you going to do if your child loses interest in the pet? It is never acceptable to let an animal suffer because a child cannot or will not take care of it anymore. Are you going to be able to take on all responsibility for the pet’s care (including their emotional needs) or will you find the pet a new, loving home?

You’ll also want to meet your pet in person so you can get a feel for each other. Dr. Mackey cautions that while some pet store employees are highly knowledgeable, others are not, so your veterinarian is the best resource when it comes to determining care requirements for your pet.

After you bring your pet home, you’ll want to book an appointment with your veterinarian immediately so they can assess your pet and then provide you with recommendations on how to best care for them.

Best Pets for Kids Ages 4-7


Parakeets (also called budgies) can be a good option when it comes to pets for kids. “They’re fairly low-maintenance, not super messy and don’t take up a lot of space,” says Dr. Hess. She explains that by the age of 7, children start to understand how to be gentle with pets and can actively engage in their bird’s care.

Parakeets are known to be very affectionate, and they respond well to regular, gentle handling. With training, a parakeet can learn dozens or more words, so your child can actively engage with them in a fun and unique way.

A parakeet is a great pet for kids who are able to respect the small bird’s size. They will not do well with children who handle them roughly or act unpredictably and startle them frequently.

However, if you are willing to work with your child to help them learn how to positively interact with their pet parakeet, Dr. Hess says that these birds can help teach children how to be calm and patient.

When it comes to the everyday care of a parakeet, the parents should take care of the daily cage cleanings, but children can help out with other tasks like washing and filling up the food and water dish and feeding vegetables as a treat.

It is important to remember that parakeets can live into their teens, so this pet would be a long-term commitment.

Crested Gecko

If you are comfortable with lizards in your home, then a fun and unique pet to consider is the crested gecko.

“Little kids love the gecko because he just sits there in your hand,” says Dr. Mackey. “They’re a cool, cool lizard. They’re the softest animal you will ever touch. Feet stick to the glass on the container. But, they’re nocturnal. You can see them during the daytime, but the evening/early morning is the best time to see them.”

While these little guys can be handled and have some quirky characteristics, you will need to work with your child to be gentle with them. A young crested gecko will need time to adapt to their living situations before you can start conditioning them to be handled, which can take three to four weeks.

Once you do start handling them, you must teach your child to be very gentle, because crested geckos will “drop” (lose) their tails if startled or made to feel threatened.

The care of the crested gecko can be split up between family members. Children can help with mixing a crested gecko’s powdered food with water and how to measure it out. Dr. Mackey says that a child can also help with setting up their terrarium.

Keep in mind that you will need to teach your children to wash their hands after handling their gecko because reptiles tend to carry Salmonella bacteria more frequently than some other species of pets.

Best Pets for Kids Ages 8-11


They may not be your immediate thought when it comes to pets, but rats can be great pets for kids. “Rats are phenomenal animals,” says Dr. Hess. “Rats are generally very loving and bonded to their owners. They’re gentle. They’re a little tougher.” Dr. Hess explains that once kids have a longer attention span, rats can be an ideal pet.

A pet rat can help an older child to “understand that there’s some kind of schedule to their day,” says Dr. Hess. They can add structure and responsibilities that can help children grow to be more thoughtful. For instance, they might have a morning task to feed the rat before going to school.

Pet rats are also affectionate pets that, when socialized, love interactions with their humans. They can show excitement when they sense (sight, smell and sound) their human’s presence, and some will even cuddle. But they also like to have a cage mate, so you should be prepared to have more than one.

When it comes to caring for pet rats, there are many activities that kids can get involved with. Besides helping feed their pet rats pellets and small veggies, kids can replenish water, clean the water bottle and spot-clean the cage.

Kids can help with the mental and physical enrichment of pet rats by setting up mazes for them to explore. They can also create foraging toys and places to hide using toilet paper tubes, which the rats can also chew on.

Rats are very intelligent and can be trained, so your child can actively bond with their pet rat and try to teach them a whole host of tricks.

Dr. Mackey does caution that rats tend to eat everything you give them and can easily become overweight, so you will have to work with your child to ensure you find the right balance between food and exercise.

However, rats tend to only live for about three years, so you will have to be prepared to have a tough conversation with your child if you choose to have a pet rat while they are still very young.

Canaries and Finches

Canaries and finches are ideal pets for kids because they don’t have to be handled a lot. However, they usually prefer the company of others, so you will need to be prepared to have multiple birds. These birds are flock animals and tend to do better when they’re in a group, says Dr. Mackey.

Canaries “can be a little skittish. But if they’re kept happy, they’ll sing, and it’s beautiful,” says Dr. Hess. “Many people appreciate small birds for their beauty.” She explains, “Finches are fun to watch. They’re very active.” But finches will not sing, like the canary, so if you are looking for a quiet bird, finches may be a good option.

Canaries and finches can be great options for kids who would like to observe more than interact with their pets. While, with patience, canaries can be taught to perch on a finger, most finches prefer not to be handled, so your child will have limited opportunities to physically interact with their finches.

Canaries are not the hardiest of pets, either; they “have to be kept safe and away from other pets. They’re fragile,” says Dr. Hess.

Kids can help out with cage cleaning and providing fresh food and water for the bird. Your child can also be responsible for removing the bird cage cover in the mornings, changing the paper at the bottom of the cage and vacuuming around the cage.

Canaries and finches have a long life span—10-15 years in captivity—so you and your child will need to be prepared to provide care for them well into their teen years.

Guinea Pigs

Everyone has heard about guinea pigs as pets, and some even consider them to be good class pets. Guinea pigs are popular pets for kids because of their size and manageable care requirements. “They’re pretty calm. They’re adorable,” says Dr. Hess. “They’re not high maintenance. They’re fairly hardy.”

Guinea pigs generally enjoy being around humans and will actively engage and interact with you. They are willing to sit calmly in a child’s lap and will even vocalize their excitement when their favorite human is around.

There are also a wide variety of guinea pig breeds to choose from, so your family can find one that fits what you are all looking for in a pet.

If your child can handle additional responsibility, you can consider getting a long-haired guinea pig; they can help with brushing the guinea pig and making sure the hair doesn’t get matted, says Dr. Hess. Children can also actively participate in keeping the cage tidy and providing the guinea pig with fresh hay, salad and pellets.

“Guinea pigs are really social animals. They do better when there’s more than one,” says Dr. Mackey. But if you get another guinea pig, that’s twice the cage space and twice the expense.

Guinea pigs tend to live 5-7 years, so they are an option if you are looking for a moderate commitment in terms of life span.

Best Pets for Kids Ages 12-15


Rabbits can be great pets for kids, but you have to be prepared to be very involved in your rabbit’s care.

“They’ve very, very loving,” says Dr. Hess. “They live a long time. They can be very bonded to their owners. They can be gentle.”

Both Dr. Mackey and Dr. Hess point out that rabbits can startle easily and can be very fragile; they can bite and jump and injure themselves, so they should only be handled by a child with a calm demeanor.

Despite their reputation as low-maintenance starter pets, rabbits are actually better suited for older children that understand how to be responsible with the care of their pet. They are very social creatures that crave attention from their owners and will require a significant time and care commitment.

If your family is ready to take on the care of a rabbit, then you will find that they make great companions. They are curious and playful and will provide your child with a loving pet that enjoys their company.

Since these pets are best for older children, your child can be actively involved in their care. They can ensure the litter box is cleaned, provide the rabbit with fresh hay, replace paper-based bedding and clean their cages. They can also help you pick out vegetables for your rabbit.

Rabbits also need to spend time out of their cages, so you can use this as an opportunity to bond with your child as you both watch the rabbit explore his surroundings safely. 

Keep in mind that rabbits could potentially be attacked or harmed by other animals and will probably need to be kept in their own separate space.

Domestic rabbits tend to live 8-12 years, so they will be long-term commitments for your family.

Cats and Dogs

Cats and dogs, while common, are major commitments when it comes to time, money and responsibility.

When children are taught how to properly interact with cats and dogs, they can play a very active role in the care of these pets. “They understand responsibilities and consequences. They have to participate in the care. That’s part of the deal,” says Dr. Hess. “Picking up dog poop isn’t so much fun. It’s something that you have to do.”

Children can take responsibility for a variety of care tasks for a pet dog or cat. Younger kids can give fresh food and water and wash towels and bedding, and tweens and teens can take dogs out on walks, change the cat litter, and even help out with teeth brushing.

Dogs and cats can live to be well over 10 years old (some for 20 years or even more), so they are long-term commitments.

Bearded Dragons

If you have older children who are looking for a more unique pet, consider a bearded dragon. According to Dr. Mackey, bearded dragons are the “world’s greatest lizards… because they’re fairly hardy [and] because they don’t bite often. I won’t say that they won’t, but they don’t, typically.”

Bearded dragons are reptiles that enjoy being handled and held, so if your child is looking for a reptile that they can actively engage with, they are a great option.

In terms of responsibilities, your older child can take an active role in the care of their bearded dragon, from feeding and cleaning to socialization and enrichment. 

One thing to keep in mind is that the housing requirements for a bearded dragon’s well-being are a bit more intricate. They require special UV lighting and temperature controls, and sometimes live feedings.

But luckily, your older child can help with changing the bulbs before they burn out, measuring the temperature of the cage (which needs to be kept at specific levels) and feeding insects to your bearded dragon.

Be aware that bearded dragons tend to be more expensive to care for than other pets, due in part to the insect diet and special lighting, says Dr. Mackey.

Bearded dragons tend to live 5-8 years but can live to be up to 10 years old when provided with optimal care.

Corn Snakes

Both vets praised corn snakes as being easy to handle and a good option for a family prepared to care for a pet snake. “Corn snakes can be very gentle,” says Dr. Hess.

The corn snake can grow to be 2.5-5 feet, so you will need to adjust their terrarium size as they grow. They are great starter reptiles for older children because they do not mind being handled. They do require rodents as food, but they should be freshly deceased or frozen, because live mice can injure your pet snake.

They’re also relatively low-maintenance pets when it comes to daily chores. However, because they have special care requirements, they are best suited for older children.

With all reptiles, you’ll want to check the humidity and temperature of the cage and keep the space clean—all activities your older child can assist with. Your child can also take an active role in the layout of the cage and the accessories it contains.

Corn snakes have a life span of 5-10 years, so they are also long-term commitments.

Greek Tortoises

Dr. Hess prefers Greek tortoises to other types of turtles, tortoises and terrapins because they’re small and eat vegetables.

Greek tortoises will grow to be about 5-8 inches, and they should be kept in a large naturalistic enclosure made of plywood (this helps them to learn their boundaries, whereas glass and plastic will have them constantly trying to escape).

When it comes to the care of your tortoise, you will want to work with your veterinarian to meet their individual needs and discuss their nutritional requirements.

Your kids can help out with checking the temperature, humidity, light and heat inside the enclosure. Kids can also cut vegetables, administer vitamins and replenish water dishes.

“Some of the reptiles are great for kids on the spectrum because they’re slow-moving and they’re quiet and they’re not overstimulating. And, there are plenty of detail-oriented children who can participate in care by keeping track of daily feedings,” says Dr. Hess.

Greek tortoises do not particularly care for being held, so they are a great pet for kids that like to watch and observe their pets go about their business. However, this does not mean they will not interact with you. They are known to be very responsive and interactive. They will approach their caretakers for food and will be friendly and interactive.

Greek tortoises have an extremely long life span—in many cases living for over 20 years—So they will be lifelong commitments.

By: Teresa Traverse

Featured Image: iStock. com/akrp

Pets for those with little time


© Andy Holmes/Unsplash


Ulyana Smirnova

March 14, 2019

If you disappear for a long time at school or work, choosing a pet is more difficult. Some “animals” do not tolerate loneliness, while others will only need a few hours of your presence a day.


Ferrets spend most of the day sleeping. These animals can sleep for 18-20 hours a day, so they will not be bored in your absence. At the same time, ferrets are sociable, love affection and are easily tamed. They get along well with cats, dogs and their relatives. To keep a ferret in an apartment, you will need a large, tall cage equipped with a drinking bowl, a tray, a bowl for dry food, a running wheel and other “sports equipment”. Since these animals are very clean, it will be necessary to clean up the cage at least once a week. Try to let the animal “free” every evening for a couple of hours so that it wanders around the apartment. At the same time, it is important to carefully monitor your pet so that it does not chew on your shoes or charging from your phone.

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© Ricky Kharawala/Unsplash

Hamsters are cute and funny and require minimal maintenance. They are omnivorous, do not create a lot of noise, easily get used to hands, do not require a lot of space and high financial costs. It is only necessary to change their feeder every couple of days and pour fresh sawdust once a week. So that the hamster does not get bored, he will need special simulators. For example, a walking ball. It is sold in almost any pet store. From time to time, the pet will need to be bathed and cut off its overgrown claws. The main disadvantage of these cute rodents is low stress resistance. Therefore, do not shake the cage or often rearrange it from place to place. Try not to talk in their presence in raised tones and not to make sudden movements. Walking on the street is also not good for hamsters. All this reduces the already short life of furry animals: they live no more than three years.

© Sri Lanka/Unsplash

A goldfish in an aquarium can not only brighten up everyday life, but also effectively complement the interior. It grows up to 15 centimeters in length. And most importantly, you do not need to spend a lot of time with an aquarium animal. Goldfish are suitable even for beginner aquarists. If you buy a container with a volume of at least 40 liters and equip it with a powerful filter, compressor and heater, all the necessary conditions will be created. As a useful vitamin top dressing and decoration of an artificial reservoir, it is recommended to use live plants. To make all the inhabitants of the aquarium comfortable, it is enough to renew about a third of the water in it once a week. Fish should be fed in the morning and evening. If the house runs out of special food, it will be replaced by boiled eggs, finely grated carrots, cucumbers, semolina or buckwheat porridge without salt.

© Helena Lopes/Unsplash

Compared to cats and dogs, the cost of keeping rabbits is much lower. In addition, these animals make almost no noise, easily adapt to living in an apartment and live for about 8–12 years. The rabbit will need a spacious house, hay and chew toys. Otherwise, he will begin to gnaw on furniture and electrical cords. It is better to place a cage with an animal in a quiet and bright place where direct sunlight does not fall. A rabbit needs some fresh vegetables, a weekly cage cleaning and movement. It is enough for a rabbit to spend two to three hours a day in freedom. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to play with it: you can just keep it in sight while you cook dinner or iron clothes. And in the warm season, a rabbit, if vaccinated, can keep you company for a walk.


Domestic canaries come in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and even voices. Most often, the softest and most melodic song is in males. They are able to copy the singing of other birds and even memorize simple compositions. You can buy a canary in almost any pet store and at an affordable price. Unlike parrots, they do not need constant communication – they feel comfortable without people and other birds. Canaries are undemanding in care and rarely get sick. The main thing is to provide them with the opportunity to fly. This will require a spacious cage and a warm place without drafts and direct sun. They should also always have water and a fresh mixture of seeds available. Then the canary will be able to live for more than ten years. If you buy a cage with a retractable bottom, the process of cleaning it will become several times easier.


If loud whistling doesn’t scare you, try getting a guinea pig. It rarely bites, is diurnal, and can purr. In addition, pigs are not as shy as smaller rodents. You can choose between shorthaired, longhaired and even hairless. An amazing feature of guinea pigs is popcorning. This is the name of the state of joy and fun, in which they begin to briskly jump into the air. Like humans, these pets are unable to produce vitamin C on their own. Therefore, their daily diet should include fresh fruits and special supplements with ascorbic acid. Pigs also need fresh water and some hay. So that the animal does not get bored, try to communicate with him at least 10-15 minutes a day. Or buy him a companion: these are social animals that live better together. To avoid uncontrolled breeding, choose same-sex individuals. Subject to these rules, the mumps will be healthy and will be able to please you for ten years.

© Liudmyla Denysiuk/Unsplash

Hedgehogs do not require much attention, they are happy to meet the owner and almost do not cause allergies. True, all this applies only to decorative breeds of rodents. The most popular are African pygmy hedgehogs. But wild animals in city apartments quickly die. You can buy a hedgehog adapted to home life in a special nursery or pet store. These are self-sufficient pets that do not need company. It is better to settle them one by one: even fights between females are not uncommon. A decorative hedgehog can live in an apartment almost as freely as a cat or dog. However, his curiosity often gives owners a lot of trouble. In addition, the rhythm of life of hedgehogs does not always coincide with the human. While you are sleeping, the animal is actively moving and making noise. Therefore, it is better to immediately buy a spacious plastic container for him, a multi-storey cage or a small aviary. Animal care is reduced to two meals a day, weekly cleaning of the house and monthly bathing. In food, hedgehogs are unpretentious: their diet may include meat, liver, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, milk and fresh apples.

© Andy Holmes/Unsplash

There are about 2,000 geckos in the world, but not all of them are suitable for life in captivity. The leopard gecko is most often chosen as a pet. This tropical lizard is safe, unpretentious and quickly gets used to a person. It is enough to feed an adult twice a week, cubs – once a day. Get ready to spoil the animal with crickets, flies and small spiders. In a glass or plastic terrarium, a gecko can live for over 10 years. At the same time, it is important to take care of fluorescent lamps, special heaters, air purifiers and humidifiers in advance. Live plants, branches and pebbles will help to recreate the natural environment for the lizard. And to make her comfortable during the molting period, put a small bath of water in the terrarium.

The ant colony will go about its business without any thought of where you are. They do not need human contact, veterinary care or special nutrition. Insects eat almost everything: seeds, bread, meat, vegetables and fruits. Feeding them only once a week is enough. With the same frequency, a few drops of water should be added to the home anthill. This will help keep insects from dehydrating. The disadvantage of pets is that they cannot be touched. On the other hand, it is very interesting to follow the life of ants. Day after day they build tunnels, grow larvae and collect food. Today in stores you can find both compact formicaria and large models that resemble aquariums. The basic rule of keeping ants is not to mix different types of insects and make sure that the farm is always tightly closed.

what kind of animal to have in the apartment

An animal in the house is a great joy! As the postman Pechkin said, you come home, and the little animal rejoices at you.

But no one has canceled the responsibility for a pet. Fortunately, any person, based on their temperament and standard of living, can choose a four-legged friend.


  • 1 Dogs
  • 2 Cats
  • 3 Rodents
    • 3.1 Decorative rats
    • 3.2 Hamsters
    • 3.3 Guinea pigs
  • 4 Rabbit
  • 5 Parrot
  • 6 Ant farm


Collies will always be Lassie’s best friends for thousands of years – 9002 9002 Perhaps there are no pets in the world, communication with which would bring so much pleasure. You can run with a dog, go to the forest, and go out into the fields. Let’s keep silent about how she rejoices at the owner, who returned home from work.

When getting such a pet, one should take a responsible attitude to the choice of breed, soberly weighing one’s strengths and capabilities.

Breeds are small, medium and large. The most popular small breed dogs include the Chihuahua and the Yorkshire Terrier. Among the medium breeds, the most popular are the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Among the big ones, the leadership is given to the Siberian Huskies, who have displaced show-class German Shepherds from the throne.

How to prepare for a puppy? First of all, choose a cattery that specializes in breeding the desired breed. Communication with the breeder and coming to visit in order to look at the conditions of the dogs are required.

If we are talking about a large service breed, the future owner needs to see the work of the puppy’s parents. The ideal option is to look at the work live, if this is not possible, then it remains to ask the breeder for a fresh video.

The future owner should decide on a cynologist for the pet. By the way, you can and should contact a cynologist to help with the choice of a dog.

And now about what you need to buy for a puppy:

Bed (for small breeds) or a box/cage where the pet can be alone.

Food and water bowls . Take iron bowls, they are easy to wash.

– Several toys . At first, these can be soft toys for puppies, as they grow older – balls on a rope, pullers, etc.

– Soft collar and leash , the size of the former is selected depending on the breed of the puppy.

Shampoo or Soap for puppies. It is advisable to purchase soap at a veterinary pharmacy.

Nail clipper , combing brush .

Feed after consulting with the breeder.

Smiling dog or Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The most important advantage of keeping a dog in the house is a daily charge of positive emotions. The owner comes home from work, and the pet rejoices, wags its tail, climbs to kiss. The dog is the only pet that expresses its emotions in this way.

The second moment is daily walks. This part concerns owners of medium and large breeds, whose representatives require serious physical activity. Walking helps the owners to stay in good shape, no gym is needed.

New acquaintances. The environment of dog lovers is special – checked! Training, exhibitions, simple communication with those who share the love for dogs – this is addictive and brings new, bright colors to life.

Alas, but no one has canceled the disadvantages of keeping dogs. The main drawback is the loss of a pet, which is why many dog ​​owners then go into the ranks of ordinary people. When a pet is sick, it’s hard. Even harder when the dog goes to the rainbow. Unfortunately, the life expectancy of large breed dogs is rapidly decreasing.

When getting a dog, a person should be prepared for the fact that a lot of time, effort and money will have to be spent on it. You will have to limit yourself in some way for the sake of your pet. For example, the owner has a great desire to take a walk with friends after work. But he is forced to give up a long walk, because a dog is waiting at home, eager to go about his business.


Those eyes! how to resist…

Cats are the second most popular pet. For the most part, cats are affectionate, unpretentious, you do not need to walk with them. And the pleasure you get from communicating with the Murks and Barsiks is simply enormous.

A cat, purebred or not, is made for love and tenderness. By the way, thoroughbred cats are more painful than street counterparts. And food allergies in pedigree cats tend to be much more common.

Where to buy a kitten? If we are talking about a thoroughbred baby, then you should contact mono-nurseries. A purebred kitten can be taken from a shelter, for example.

For a four-legged newcomer, you need to prepare the following:

Tray with filler 9009eight . New owners often have a question: how to accustom a kitten to a tray. To do this, you should ask the breeder for a little used filler, with the smell familiar to the baby. The used filler is poured into a new tray, that’s all the wisdom.

If the kitten is adopted from a shelter, you can proceed as described above. It’s harder with a street kid. Noticing that the kitten begins to fuss, they pick it up and take it to the tray. As a rule, once is enough to get used to it.

In the case when the kitten has done things on the floor, the consequences are collected, placed in a tray and the baby is taken there. The pet begins to intensively bury them, sniff and fuss. The next time the cat baby visits the litter box is when he wants to go to the toilet.

Feed . When buying a kitten from a cattery, the brand of food that he eats is found out from the breeder. If the animal is taken in a shelter, its staff will tell you about the nutrition. A street kitten will have to pick up food on their own.

Scratching post . If possible, it is better to purchase a scratching post with a house.

Bowls for food and water. You can buy the simplest, plastic or heavy faience bowls.

Toys . Two or three is enough. The future owner can build a toy out of rope / thread and paper.

Comb for longhaired breeds.

Like a dog, a cat needs to be checked out by a veterinarian every year for prophylaxis. Also, the pet is dewormed twice a year. And complex vaccinations, including rabies, have not yet been canceled.


Charming blue Dumbo Rat

Rats, guinea pigs, hamsters – communication with them makes a person happy. Joy overshadows only one thing: hamsters and ornamental rats live very little – 2.5-3 years.

Let’s talk more about the listed pets.

Decorative rats

Sweet dream

Smart, cute and gentle creatures. It has been proven that rats are not inferior in mind to a dog, are easy to train, and are very fond of the owner’s company.

If the future owner is constantly away from home, you should refrain from acquiring a rat. Animals are very human-oriented, constant loneliness leads to illness and death of the rat.

To purchase a pet, you can go to a rat kennel or buy one from a pet store. As for the necessary things for a rodent, the list looks like this:

Cage for rats. The minimum dimensions are 40 * 30 * 35, the cage must be at least two-story. The ideal option would be something like this “dwelling”:

Rat cage. Just the extra wheel.

Hammock . Hammocks for rats can be sewn by hand or purchased at a pet store. The main thing is that the fabric is strong and thick, because the rats will definitely taste it.

A wheel in a cage is completely unnecessary, as well as tunnels. Rats in the wheel do not run, but they are very fond of a large number of ladders.

House . The more spacious the house for the rat, the better. The acquisition of a wooden shelter is fraught with the fact that the rat will simply gnaw it. It is better to take a spacious plastic house.

Bowls for dry and wet food. It is better to take dishes that are heavier, faience, for example. Plastic bowls rats can throw through the entire cage. It looks hilarious: the animal takes the bowl with its front paws and sends it flying.

Drinker . The ideal option is a hanging drinker, as in the photo above. Drinkers can be attached to the cage with an iron or plastic “harness”. Rats are water drinkers, a large drinking bowl will be the best option for these rodents.

Filler . There are a great variety of fillers for rodents: from simple sawdust to selico-gels.

For rats it is better to use corn litter, without dyes. Firstly, it absorbs well and blocks the smell. Secondly, it does not irritate sensitive rat paws, unlike wood filler, from which corns form in animals. And finally, if the rat decides to taste the corn stuffing, there will be no trouble.

This is the minimum set recommended for keeping ornamental rats. As for nutrition, animals favorably treat boiled chicken meat, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, and quail eggs. Decorative rats are happy to consume vegetables and fruits, but sweets, pickles, smoked meats and pickled food should not be given to them. If you feed a rat fried potatoes and salted bacon, and this is a real case, then the animal will not last long.

Alas, but the life expectancy of rats is short, at the age of three, pets are already considered old people.


Jungarik eats an apple

Another cute, funny animals. There are many breeds of hamsters, the most popular are Dzungarian and Syrian animals.

Hamsters, despite their cuteness, are aggressive animals. Keeping a same-sex pair of males can lead to trouble. Males will begin to fight among themselves, trying to divide the territory, and they fight until victory. Most often, the victory of one hamster ends with the death of his cage neighbor. Females are more loyal to each other, but things cannot do without showdowns.

It is better to keep one hamster, because a couple of different sexes will be interested in only two issues: food and production of their own kind. Given the short-term pregnancy and rapid recovery after childbirth, hamsters will begin to produce offspring with enviable regularity – 5 times a year, at least.

Hamster in the house

To keep a hamster, you will need everything the same as for a rat. The only thing that is required additionally is a spacious wheel and a variety of tunnels. The minimum cage size is 40*30*35.

Now about feeding these rodents. The basis of the diet is dry food for hamsters. As additional food, pets are given fruits (apples, pears), vegetables (cabbage is prohibited), boiled lean meat without salt and spices, low-fat cottage cheese, all kinds of treats for hamsters.

The life expectancy of hamsters is 2. 5 – 3.5 years. Djungarian hamsters live longer than their Syrian counterparts.

Guinea pigs

Surprised guinea pig

Foreigners are considered the best pets for children. Guinea pigs supposedly never bite. In fact, the animal is able to use its teeth, but for this the mumps must be brought to an inadequate state. And buying pets for children under 7 years old is such a thing.

Keeping guinea pigs is different from keeping hamsters and ornamental rats.

– The minimum size of cage per individual is 120*60*40 cm. In other words, guinea pigs are not kept in cages, but such a condition is hardly feasible in an ordinary city apartment. Especially when there are other animals.

— Presence of sennik is required. From the name it is obvious that the product is used for hay.

Food bowl should be large and heavy.

Drinking cup – only large, because pigs are large animals, and they drink a lot.

Filler corn or selico gel.

Cabin only wooden and spacious.

The basic diet for all rodents is special dry food. As for pigs, green vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini), greens (dill), fruits and hay are required as additional food. The latter is eaten by guinea pigs daily and in large quantities.

Guinea pig pen

Guinea pigs can live up to 8 years if well cared for. On average, pets please their owners for 6-6.5 years.


Sheep rabbit

Perhaps the rabbit completes the list of the best pets. Of course, we are talking about a decorative pet, whose weight reaches 2.5-3 kg.

Keeping a rabbit in a city apartment primarily requires a cage. The minimum size of this is 100*60*50. In addition to a spacious cage, the animal must be given the opportunity to move outside of it. That is, a decorative rabbit needs to be let out for a walk around the apartment. Under the supervision of the owner, of course, and so that at the time of the rabbit walk there were no other animals nearby.

The pet cage is equipped with hay, a spacious house and a feeder with a drinker. As a filler, you can take wood or corn. It is better to refrain from sawdust or selico-gel, because the first one smells terrible the very next day after application, and the second pet can feast on it, which will lead to trouble.

The main diet of a rabbit is dry food and hay. As additional “dishes” they give carrots, greens, apples, fresh grass. Hay is a prerequisite for keeping such a pet, because rabbits chew it all the time.

Shelter for one rabbit

The owner is advised to purchase the largest drinking cup for the pet, as it will drink a lot. The rabbit’s favorite pastime is chewing and rummaging through the litter. Unlike rodents, lagomorphs do not experience special joy from communicating with a person.


Among parrots, grays are considered the most talented in onomatopoeia. They are also able to copy forms of human behavior: joy, care, irritation, etc.

It is impossible not to include parrots in the list. In home cells, you can often see wavy. They are moderately active, easily tamed and can learn to “talk”. True, their speech is not very clear and loud, but the owners, as a rule, understand what their pets are chirping about. Budgerigars are not as noisy as their larger counterparts, and are more attached to humans than songbirds, to the point that they will “help” with household chores.

Keeping poultry is a good option for busy people. Caring for birds is much easier than other pets. They can easily be left at home for one or two days and it is easier to find a friend who would agree to take a pet for overexposure. There is no smell from parrots and it will not appear, even if the cage is not removed for a long time. Subject to simple rules of keeping and feeding, parrots rarely get sick and live relatively long.

Of course, there are also disadvantages: fluff, feathers, food husks and other light debris around the cage, especially if the bird does not fly out for a long time, as well as noise and damage to property. Many parrots begin to chirp loudly at the wrong time, for example, under the TV or at dawn. They learn the world through their beak, so individual elements of decor or wallpaper can be gnawed by a bird flying unattended.

Budgerigar treats himself with chumiza from his hand, this delicacy is used for feeding and during training

Those who have never kept birds before are advised to opt for small parrots: budgies, cockatiels, lovebirds. If you still want a bigger bird, you can look at the Amazons. They chat well, affectionate and responsive, but the price range will be completely different. Not the most popular (also because of the high cost) Jaco and cockatoo. They are considered the smartest among feathered talkers, they are able to learn a huge number of words and phrases, they are easy to train, but they are prone to neurosis, they require constant attention and often try to take dominant positions in the family, they can be jealous and vindictive. The owner of these large birds must have experience in keeping parrots, relevant knowledge, or at least a desire to learn (not from their mistakes).

Together with the parrot, you will have to purchase:

  • Cage – it must correspond to the size and type of the parrot. For wavy, for example, cells less than 50 cm high and round in shape are not recommended. It is also important that the thickness of the perches is comfortable for the bird’s foot, not too narrow, and not thick;
  • Drinker and feeder ;
  • Feed – for each species of parrots, a different one is sold.

If you want a bird, but you can’t devote much time to it, it’s better to have a pair of finches or canaries, they quickly get used to a person, but don’t really need his company.

Ant farm

Ant farms can be of different sizes and shapes, horizontal and vertical, large and small. Today, specialized sites sell convenient “starter kits” that contain everything a beginner needs. This is a piece of nature in which life is constantly in full swing with minimal human intervention.

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Опубликовано: November 30, 2022 в 7:54 pm


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Here’s what people have to say

4.89 out of 5 stars

I love this school. Everyone is so genuinely caring and friendly. I feel like my child is very well cared for.

Verified Shopper

We love the teachers and it is fun to see the kinds growing teaching us what they learned at school that day.

Verified Shopper

Our child has developed so much since attending La Petite!

Verified Shopper

It is a wonderful feeling knowing I can drop my son off each day and he is going to be loved just like he would if I could stay home with him. I feel Ms. Kim sets a high standard for her staff and it has definitely shown in all 3 classrooms my son has been in.

Verified Shopper

My experience with the over all school and staff there has been AMAZING! I always recommended this school when people are looking to send their children somewhere. My child and future children will attend here as long as they can!

Verified Shopper

We love this school. My child is new to the school (less than 6 months) and I had a hard time leaving him at first. The directors and teachers have done a great job at making me comfortable with leaving my child and knowing that he is in good hands of people who actually care about him. We couldn’t be more happy.

Verified Shopper

The teachers in the infant room are all amazing. Tabitha in particular is excellent!!

Verified Shopper

Great school. Great location. Great value. Great teachers

Verified Shopper

My child is enrolled in the flex program. Works great! Fair price. Great school with great teachers. Director is very easy to work with. My daughter enjoys going. Thanks

Verified Shopper

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Learn About Electives

For an additional fee, go beyond regular classroom learning experiences with our enhanced series of fun, interactive enrichment programs exploring a variety of activities. We offer:

Soccer, Music, Yoga, Spanish, Phonics, Handwriting & Advanced Math

Meet Our Staff

Kim Cate, Director

Education: National CDA in Child Development

Certifications: CPR/First Aid

Working with children of all age groups has always been my passion. After several years of teaching directly in a classroom, I decided to pursue my career with a company dedicated to molding the minds of young children.

Meet Our Staff

Shirley Scalf, Assistant Director

Certifications: CPR/First Aid

Child care has been a career path I have always had a passion for. For years, being hands-on in the classroom was my goal until I had the opportunity to not only mold children’s lives, but to also be a direct support for families, as well.

Local School Phone Number: 865.691.7511865.691.7511

License #: 47/23726A


Large and small channel Culture 1 issue watch online // Watch



  • We watch everything

Television competition “Big and small” dedicated to children’s and youth choreography. Every year it becomes more popular, its geography expands, and more and more talented guys apply and take part in the project. As a result, the number of programs is also increasing. In the first season there were three of them – one release in each category: “Classical Ballet”, “Folk Dance” and “Modern Choreography”. In the fourth season, the audience is waiting for 10 episodes, each of which will be attended by 10 dance groups or soloists.

The participants are assisted and supported on the stage by the permanent presenter of the project – prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre, etiquette of the ballet troupe of the La Scala Theater in Milan, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Svetlana Zakharova.

At first, only amateur groups and soloists participated in the program. But the project began to receive many applications from choreographic colleges and schools – and in the third season, student dancers entered the stage of “Big and Small” for the first time, who competed in the “Classical Ballet” category.

“LARGE AND SMALL” is not a competition in the usual sense. In fact, there will be no losers here. The authors of the project are determined to help novice dancers as much as possible, and not to compare who made more mistakes or did not cope with excitement. Performances will be supported and given valuable advice by top-class professionals, and at the end of each day the jury will determine who turned out to be more prepared, was not afraid of the abundance of cameras and gave all participants and viewers of the project a charge of great mood. This format is an important creative test for young participants, but most importantly, it is a powerful impetus on the path to improvement.

On the jury of the first season:
Sergei Polunin
– world-class ballet dancer, acting head of the Sevastopol State Academy of Choreography, winner of the first season of the Bolshoi Ballet project on the Russia K TV channel;
Sofia Gaidukova – choreographer, laureate of Russian and international competitions;
Alexander Mogilev – dancer, choreographer, choreographer;
Mikhail Zelensky – presenter of the program “Ticket to the Bolshoi” on the TV channel “Russia K”.

Member of the jury for the second season:
Sofia Gaidukova – choreographer, laureate of Russian and international competitions;
Ivan Vasiliev – Honored Artist of Russia, guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, Premier of the Mikhailovsky Theatre;
Alexander Mogilev – dancer, choreographer, choreographer;
Ramil Mehdiev – Honored Artist of Russia, soloist of the Igor Moiseev Folk Dance Ensemble.

On the jury of the third season:
Sofia Gaidukova – choreographer, laureate of Russian and international competitions;
Igor Tsvirko – leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre;
Alexander Mogilev – dancer, choreographer, choreographer;
Ramil Mehdiev – Honored Artist of Russia, soloist of the Igor Moiseev Folk Dance Ensemble.

Member of the jury for the fourth season:
Igor Tsvirko – leading soloist of the Bolshoi Ballet Company;
Ramil Mehdiev – Honored Artist of Russia, soloist of the Igor Moiseev Folk Dance Ensemble;
Svetlana Khoruzina – dancer, choreographer;
Dmitry Maslennikov – dancer, choreographer of musicals “Cabaret”, “Jewish Happiness”, dance performance “We”;
Ildar Gainutdinov – leading soloist of Alla Dukhova’s dance theater “TODES”, winner of Russian and international choreographic competitions.

Curator of the Big and Small project – dancer, choreographer, laureate of Russian and international competitions Sofya Gaidukova.

The host of the project, People’s Artist of Russia, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, etiquette of the La Scala Theatre, will take care of the participants and help them feel more confident on stage. Svetlana Zakharova.

In 2022, the Big and Small program won the TEFI-KIDS award in the Best TV Program nomination.


Information about the first season of the project >>>>

Participants of the first season ->>>>

Watch the “Observer” program dedicated to the project “-Large and small” >> >

Photo: Vadim Shults

  • Sofia


  • Alexander


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Villarreal have 8 players in the Champions League.

Where does such an effective academy come from? – Le Sportif Blog – Blogs

Spanish parenting lessons.

Villarreal have already done a miracle in this Champions League by beating Juventus and Bayern to reach the semi-finals. Seventh place in La Liga, a city with a population almost 30 times smaller than in Munich (50 thousand versus 1.5 million), a budget 6 times smaller than Bayern’s budget – the contrasts in the playoffs are striking.

But the difference is not only in money and population: not a single Champions League quarter-finalist has such a large number of pupils in their squad. In this Champions League, Villarreal had 8 people from the academy! For comparison: Chelsea – 6, Real Madrid – 5, Bayern – 4, Benfica – 3, Manchester City and Liverpool – 2 each, Atlético – 1.

Although Villarreal’s academy is far from the largest in the world. It never ranks in the top 5 leagues for alumni like Barcelona, ​​Lyon or Rennes. It is not in the top of the most profitable academies either: Benfica, Monaco and Ajax are at the top.

How did it happen that a family club from Salekhard, Spain (also 50,000 people) has such an effective academy?

Villarreal – Spanish Solnechnogorsk. Small town with nothing to do but football

Villarreal is not just a small town. This is a completely unremarkable place on the way from Valencia to Castellón de la Plana. Stopping Villareal is no different from neighboring small villages. The local railway takes 100 people a day, and the station is like a typical town near Moscow like Solnechnogorsk.

The difference between the Spanish Solnechnogorsk and the Russian one is football. Eighty thousand square meters in the suburbs of Villarreal is occupied by a football academy. Reuters estimated that club owner Fernando Rauch spent 42 million euros on her.


• Four natural pitches for 11v11 play: one for first team practice, two for juniors plus a 3,500-seat stadium.

• Three more 8v8 artificial pitches for under 12s.

• Two universal fields for special applications. They differ even in markings – in the form of hexagons, squares or simply across the field.

Villarreal’s first team, junior team and academy all train at this base. Children should feel that the path to the main team is open, so the windows of the boarding school look out onto the training field of the base.

That’s not all. In another suburb of Villarreal, there is another academy. More modest: three 11v11 pitches and one 8v8 pitch for Roda’s farm club, which plays in the same league as Villarreal’s third team and Valencia’s double.

Villarreal’s strength is not only in the fields. The main thing is the right approach to the players and the internal structure.

“Our secret is hard work and humility,” explained club legend Marcos Senna. – We have a very small city”

How the Villarreal Academy works: maximum personalization and psychology

“All academies in Spain generally work in much the same way,” says Rafael Ruiz, curator of the Villarreal academy in Krasnodar, in an interview with Sports. ru. “Each year the leaders of club training systems get together and discuss know-how and methodologies. 80-90% of the methods are similar for all clubs. In Villarreal, there is much more attention to youth and a great B-team, in which Nikita Iosifov is now. She will now enter the Segunda and will be second among La Liga clubs there after Real Sociedad. Team B gets a lot of attention, like Unai Emery watching the matches.

Real Madrid and Barça win by scouting. Ansu Fati and Gavi are from Andalusia, Pedri was born in the Canaries. All strong youth teams come to the MIC (Mediterranean International Cup) tournament – there are tops and they pull out children from Valencia, Sevilla and other smaller teams. Parents are offered a cool job (without this, the transfer cannot be done according to the rules), they immediately sign a contract with the children. Already at the children’s level, financial conditions are completely different. Villarreal take it to others – they know better how to work with players here.

Still, the Champions League quarter-finalist has little secrets. Particular attention is paid to personalization and psychology.

“Personalization is the key to the success of the club’s academy,” says the head coach of the Villarreal Academy in Krasnodar, Arsen Khyrkhyryan, in an interview with – I have not seen anything like in Villarreal anywhere in Russia and Spain. Players are first divided by position, and then by skills that need to be worked on. For example, in one column there are four right-backs. They have primary tasks: connecting to the right zones in attack, the ability to serve, shoot, roll the ball back and so on.

Next comes the distribution of functions within each position for working out after training. For example, out of four right-backs, two are highlighted in red, the third in blue, and the fourth in yellow. Each color is a separate lesson: serving from a striking foot, moving to the center with a blow, or one-on-one tackle. A million details!

At the age of 17-19 no one focuses on the fact that guys should be able to play in all positions. It’s obvious. Specialization begins. Both in small groups and in a playful way. For example, in a 7v7 match, there is space on the flank for full-backs and midfielders. They can only move within this zone and only serve or shoot. The defender is given goals before the match: how many attacks need to be intercepted and how many to start, and taking into account several conditions (for example, only a sharp transfer of the ball). We call Villarreal’s methodology coach Alejandro Nano Marquez every week, but we understand that it is impossible to 100 percent adapt Villarreal’s methods in Russia.”

With each age, two coaches work in the Villarreal Academy, there is a fitness coach, a goalkeeping coach, as well as analysts and psychologists.

“Sometimes athletes have personal problems that they don’t want to talk about with the coach,” explained Villarreal psychologist Berta Peris. – The players are afraid that the conversation will affect the attitude of the coach or the ability to play. Psychology works because the guys know that no one will judge them here, the psychologist will always keep secrets and try to help.

“Spain has a completely different attitude towards mental training [not like in Russia], – explains the curator of the academy Ruiz in a comment to – They train not just future professionals, but top-level players in every sense: discipline, making non-standard decisions, life off the field. The ability to cope with pressure is developing: how to communicate with journalists and behave in public space, how to perceive criticism in social networks. And a lot of communication with coaches: feedback and analysis of matches in groups or personally.

Villarreal’s academy has already paid off. Atlético and Barcelona poach kids out of it

The best proof of the effectiveness of Villarreal’s academy is simple statistics. Eight players on the field in the Champions League, the transfer activity of top clubs is already at the level of children.

In 2018, Brian Farinas from the Villarreal academy signed with Barcelona and Adrian Corral signed with Atlético Madrid. In 2019, Herman Valera left for Atlético and Nico Serrano for Athletic.

“It hurts that Barcelona, ​​Atlético and Athletic are stealing our children,” Villarreal owner Fernando Roych was angry in an interview with Movistar. – They are 15 years old! They’re not even professional yet!”

Although Roych’s words contain not only anger and resentment. Also proud that the biggest clubs in the world are looking at players from his small club, which has always aimed at the top 17 in La Liga (so as not to be relegated to the Segunda).

“We just have the best youth system in Spain,” Roych continued. “It’s the top clubs that rob us every year.”

But Villarreal have learned to make money on the secrets of preparation in a different way. He works with partner academies around the world (they are paid, the club receives royalties – the Spaniards have 9 academies in the USA and Canada, three in Australia, one each in Russia, Ireland, Israel, Korea, China and Japan).

Care com pet sitting: Find Pet Sitting Services Near You

Опубликовано: November 11, 2022 в 2:04 pm


Категории: Pet

Find Pet Sitting Services Near You

Recent reviews for local pet sitting services

Tailwaggers Pet Sitting Services LLC.

We use Tailwaggers for our 2 cats Malcolm & River while we were on vacation.
Tailwaggers did an AWESOME job taking care of Malcolm and River. Tailwaggers texted me and also sent pictures of Malcolm and River everyday day.
We would recommend and would use Tailwaggers again.

– Mary A

Loving Paws

I just had her board my 2 dogs. I would give her the highest recommendations possible! If possible, she spoiled our dogs even more than we do at home. She is far better than any sitters!

– John R

Michelle’s Pet Sitting

I hired Michelle as a personal assistant as she has a huge range of skills including pet sitting, nannying, personal assistant, and cooking. She has made my life SO much easier, is an amazing communicator, and is super punctual. 10/10, would recommend!

– Natasha H

Pet sitting services near me


Hello, my name is Wendy and my business is Wendy’s TLC Pet Sitting. I have lived in Yorba Linda for over 35 years. I love animals!!! I have 1 dog, a Boxer, and 2 Maine Coon cats. They are my babies! I also havea 18 yr old son :). I know how it feels to go away and wonder how the pets are doing. I have tremendous passion for pets, as they truly warm my heart. I offer walking, playtime, daily visits while on vacation and more. It would truly be my pleasure to take care of your pet whenever needed. It is my promise that your pets will be treated like my own, (my babies) with lots of love and affection. I am licensed, bonded and insured. I have references as well. Feel free to call me with any questions. Thank you!! Wendy…


Looking for a dog walker or a pet sitter that provides the same love and care that you provide? On the Go Pet Services offers that and more through individual walking and pet care on a daily, weekly or asneeded basis.My goal is for you and your pet to be happy and secure. I keep my business small to provide for emergency visits, attentive care and thoughtful time together.
I want to help keep you and your pets happy and healthy. If you are away at work, your dog looks for companionship and exercise. Perhaps your dog is older and needs a short break outside. Cats need attention too! Leaving them alone while you are away can be stressful for them and they may be looking for some playtime or a kind pet. On the Go Pet Services will work with your schedule and budget to accommodate most situations.
I am Pet First Aid/CPR certified and can provide excellent local references. I offer multiple day visit, senior and armed forces discounts. In addition, I can pick up or deliver pet food, snacks for a small fee….


Pet Sitter Plus, LLC comes to you. I offer in your home pet service. My services deal with dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, and fish. My company is independently owned and operated. My only employee is my dogTeddybear. He loves to play with other dogs and help them become tired so the owner does not have an energetic puppy to come home to if you let him.
I work with a dog trainer who offers dog training through my company.
I have personally owned and raised Great Danes, English Bulldogs, Bichon Frise, Mutts, Saint Bernard, barn cats, and horses….


DOG DAYS Kalamazoo is a full-time Dog Walking and Pet Sitting company that is locally owned and operated by Michael Machota. Licensed, Bonded, and Insured.
When I met my wife Lisa, we each had one dog. I hadRingo the yellow Labrador Retriever, while Lisa had Nikki the American Eskimo. Ringo & Nikki have since passed away. We currently have two dogs Rupert & Walt. Both are Pit Bull mixes we adopted from Kalamazoo County Animal Services & Enforcement (KCASE). We adopted Rupert in May 2014 and Walt in May 2017. My family has owned both cats and dogs since I was a child. If you re looking for a dog, please visit the Facebook page of Save Our Strays, Kalamazoo County to learn more about adoptable dogs from KCASE. Remember Adopt! Don’t shop!
One of the reasons I started Dog Days was out of a need we have getting someone trustworthy to watch our dogs, Ringo (RIP) & Rupert, when we’re away. We always felt bad going on vacation or up north for a weekend getaway knowing they would be boarded. We wished there was someone we could TRUST to be in our home to take care of our best friends. Bothering neighbors, co-workers, or friends didn’t seem like a good option, so Dog Days came to be. You can go on vacation, have a weekend getaway, or take that extra shift knowing Dog Days will be there.
This is my full-time job, not a side project. Each and every client is important to me.
I treat your home and pets as if they were my own.
Dog Days focus is you and your pet. No silly gimmicks.
Bachelor’s Degree, former Public Safety Officer.
Property management, business, and pet care.
I return phone calls promptly the same day.
Do you have a busy schedule or work long hours? No worries if there’s a last minute change of plans, Dog Days is here to help you! I can do midday visits and dog walking on short notice in the Kalamazoo area. This includes a 20-30 minute walk or playtime, feeding/water and administering any medications.
Going on vacation and don’t want to board your dog or cat? Dog Days is the answer. I can visit your home three times a day to care for your pet. I also do one-way and round trip pet transport. Confirm house systems operational at time of visit. Take care of mail, newspaper, garbage and plants….


All Heart Pet Sitting offers loving, experienced, and reliable care to your furry family members while you’re away. Licensed and insured!
Hi, I’m Melinda, and I have resided in Las Vegas for over 35 years, andI started my own pet sitting service for many reasons. I have loved animals my whole life and have over 15 years’ experience working in the veterinary field. I know as well as you do that pets prefer to stay in the comfort and convenience of their own home. Pet sitting is not just a job to me, it’s my passion, and I take the well being and care of your pets very seriously and make sure they get plenty of love, attention, and exercise when you can’t be there.
Please contact me today for a free consultation to meet you and go over your pet care needs.
Pet sitting just makes more sense because staying at home is less stressful for them and more cost effective for you!…


In 2007, I studied to become a certified pet sitter through NAPPS (National Association of Professional Pet Sitters, Inc.), was certified, found my first client and Silver Snuggles Pet Sitting was born. Myfurry client list has been growing ever since.
I OFFER FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY OF YOUR PETS. I offer discounts and free visits.
I will care for your pet while you are away as if he or she were my own. Often I have stayed over the time limit of pet visits when I felt that it was not “okay” with my furry client for me to leave (no additional fee charged). The pets are my priority. You can rest assured that your pets will be well taken care of. There would be no need for worry or concern since your pet will be in very good, caring hands. Your pet will be a lot happier, too.


At Tailwaggers LLC. our number one goal is to provide personal attention to all of your pets needs. We are passionate about caring to your pet.
You can relax with the comfort of knowing your pet is safe,clean, and has a full belly.
We provide pet sitting, dog walking, cat pet care and overnight boarding in my home or yours. Gloucester County and Camden County, New Jersey. Also offering poop scooping.References furnished upon request.LLC and Bonded and Insured.
We guarantee dedicated personalized loving care of your pet….

Recent Review:

We use Tailwaggers for our 2 cats Malcolm & River while we were on vacation.
Tailwaggers did an AWESOME job taking care of Malcolm and River. Tailwaggers texted me and also sent pictures of Malcolm and Rivereveryday day.
We would recommend and would use Tailwaggers again….

Reviewed by Mary A


We provide personalized care that meets the individual needs of both you and your pets. Whether you are going on vacation, working late or taking a weekend get-a-way, our services can take the stress awayknowing your pets are in good hands! Your pet will also have the comfort of staying in their own home and keeping their normal routine. With over 19 years in business and a full staff of professional pet sitters that are bonded and insured, you can be sure your pets are receiving the best care possible! We offer daily dog walking, in your home pet sitting, overnight stays in your home, medication administration, and a shuttle service. Our staff will provide loving care when you can’t be there!! You’ll also receive detailed notes and pictures thru our pet sitting portal after each visit so you’ll know what your pet was up to!!…

Loving Paws

10134 Vistair Place, Payette, ID 83661


I love pets. I will care for your pets in their home so they are less stressed or in my home. I am trained in Pet Safety, First Aid, CPR, License, Insured, Bonded Background check. I will always treat your petas if they were my own. I understand that pets with special needs require extra TLC and compassion. Also boarding/house sitting….

Recent Review:

I just had her board my 2 dogs. I would give her the highest recommendations possible! If possible, she spoiled our dogs even more than we do at home. She is far better than any sitters!

Reviewed by John R


Our Pet Care services are provided by professionals trained in animal care, certified in Pet CPR/First Aid, and fully insured/bonded for your protection. Our accreditation by Pet Sitters International, Pet-sitUSA and National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS) membership, demonstrates a commitment to providing the highest quality service in Lane County!
We offer Dog Walking, Pet Sitting, Overnight Care, Grooming and much more!…


Dog Walking and Pet Sitting for the discerning pet owner. I serve Bolton, Lancaster, Marlborough


Quality Tyme Pet Care Services is a licensed, bonded and insured pet care business specializing in Basic and Overnight Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Pet Taxi and our Signature Red Rock Dog Walk.
I provide PetParents with peace of mind by offering the best possible care for their Furry Family Members. All pets have their individual personalities. My goal is to always provide the best care for each individual Furry Family Member based on their needs. Similar to my experience as a volunteer at the Animal Foundation, I find myself specializing in the care of furry clients that need additional attention, such as the shy/afraid or those with issues such as separation anxiety. I find it very rewarding when a shy or afraid furry client comes and sits on my lap for hugs and kisses after only a day or two of pet sitting, or a dog with separation anxiety relaxes after a short time. Of course I provide lots of attention and TLC to all of my furry clients and enjoy making their stay-cation the best that it can be. But I do feel that I have a way with those that need additional care.

Mobile Pet Spa

13870 Mulholland Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210


Our mobile pet grooming services.
What are your grooming needs? Our pet grooming service ensures that your dog or a cat has the most enjoyable experience possible. Mobile Pet Spa works at the convenience ofour customer’s home by appointment or in a case of an emergency, our client can always rely on us, even after hours or on weekends if we are not busy grooming. Google reviews. Most of them, in fact all of them are a Five Star Review. That is our goal. To provide the best customer service experience possible.
We even posted some google reviews on our site for you to look over, along with our map location on Google and Google Plus. It’s easy to find on other pages of this website. Our telephone numbers are listed as well, so they are handy for text or a voice call. You can also email us with your questions or appointment concerns. The customer service staff is available to answer your concerns.
Your cat needs grooming?
Many people consider grooming cats as the most difficult, because of the unpredictability of the animal and general behavioral characteristics, but not for our company. We are trained professionals with years of experience in this field and your needs will be met. Even the most qualified veterinarians are using our pet grooming service for Lion Cuts. 2 of them are our clients as well. Just an FYI! Cats always require special handling, and our pet grooming and pet wash service use sensory tricks to remedy the situation. That is our little secret.
Mobile Pet Spa. Our pet grooming services are done by a trained, caring, pet loving professional who take pride in their work. Our clients can also request a specific person that you or your pet likes. We are sure your pet told you so. Our services are also 100% guaranteed. We are a mobile service for all of your grooming needs, call us, we are good people, we come to you!…


My life has always been centered around the love and care of animals. With a college degree as a Vet Tech, I worked in Vet Hospitals and Emergency Clinics until I started my own business as a Pet Sitter. Ibecome friends with most of my clients because they know I love their dogs, and cats as they do. I continually go above and beyond to be there for them. Available 7 days a week, holidays, and last minute emergencies. I offer more than the average sitter because of my knowledge, time and care I spend with your pets….


Our Mission:
Here at Paws in Flux is to take care of your pet s needs and providethen with affection when you re too busy or have to be away for a while. We re pet owners ourselves and our love for animals let us to create special services for you and your four legged friend. Our goal to make your pet happy and your life easier.
About Us
Being Pet owners ourselves, we know how hard it can be having to work and take care of a pet and the house at the same time. That s why we decide to start this business we wanted to make yours and your pet s life easier and much more enjoyable.
Using our love for animals and our expertise, we have created special services based on high standards and the needs of animals and pet owners. Apart from our dog walking service, we also offer fitness runs, overnight pet sitting and our most popular weekly special visits. Feel free to explore our website for more services and further details.
So if you work daily for hours; if you have to run errands; if you have planned a weekend gateway; if you want to go on vacation; if you feel sick; if there s an emergency, there s no need to worry about your pet. Simply contact us and we will make sure your four legged friend has the best companion and someone to take care of them while you ll be away….


I have been pet sitting for over 20 years, I have references available upon request. I don’t have a pet sitting business however, I started pet sitting for friends years ago and then received more clients fromword of mouth over the years. I am just now opening this profile to network and find new opportunities. I have experience caring for all breeds of dogs, large and small, and have experience with cats and other pets, for example, birds, bunnies, and other small pets. I have three cats of my own that I love very much and spoil. I am very reliable and trust worthy and will be open to doing a background check if you require that before starting any job. I work from home as a specialty baker for those with certain diet restrictions as a full time job but, I can make adjustments to my schedule to accommodate any pet sitting job I am working for any given week. FYI, I also make natural dog treats and doggy birthday cakes!
I may be available for over nights in some cases if needed and some weekends, just ask! :)…

Recent Review:

I hired Michelle as a personal assistant as she has a huge range of skills including pet sitting, nannying, personal assistant, and cooking. She has made my life SO much easier, is an amazing communicator, andis super punctual. 10/10, would recommend!…

Reviewed by Natasha H


Dog Daze Pet Care is new to but has been caring for your pet in the O.C., Long Beach and surrounding area for more than 10 years! We have experience with all types of pets including:
-Largebreed dogs
-Senior dogs
-Special needs pets
-Exotic breeds
-And just about any other animal you might have!
Whether it’s medication they need or just some extra TLC, we provide you with personalized one on one care uniquely designed for your loved pet. Our in home services include but are not limited to the following:
-Daily Dog Walks – for those too long days at work
-In home Pet Sitting – for all animals, big and small, for when you are out of town
-Puppy Care/Potty Training – for the new addition to your family
-Overnight Stays – during which we care for your pet as well as your house
-Feeding/Exercise – for large breed animals
-Medication/Sub-Q fluid
-Physical therapy and care for elderly or disabled pets
-And of course lots of TLC and playtime!
*Pet CPR/First Aid Certified*
While your pet is in our care, you can be assured they will receive the best most loving care we can give them; sometimes we will go to the park or for a hike, sometimes we will cuddle on the couch or play with feather toys and sometimes we will just hang at home but they will always be looked after as if they are our own. While you are out of town we will provide you with photos and updates as much, or as little as the case my be, to combat your own form of separation anxiety.
Dog Daze Pet Care is located in northern Orange County; we service Orange County, Long Beach/Lakewood/Cerritos and hope to expand into Los Angeles and the South Bay soon. Give us a call to set up your FREE in-home consultation today!
*Special Offer* Get 10% off your first order with Dog Daze Pet Care!…


My name is Jeff, and I would love to help out. My dog-sitting services are fully customizable.
And, I’m happy to throw in a free in-your-home Meet and Greet (normally $20) to show you what we are all about. AtDogs Colorado, we insist on intentional and positive introductions. Shall we put a Meet and Greet on the books? (720) 334-7327.
My team and I are proud to have many independent reviews online and you can read more about our team @
Dogs Colorado is proud to be local. We service the entire Colorado Front Range from Ft. Collins to CO Springs and we are based out of Golden. We are all established pet care professionals, background checked, bonded, insured, and certified in Canine and Feline First Aid and CPR. We seek out pet care professionals who have a compassionate mindset, go above and beyond, and value a meaningful connection to the animals they work with.
Every service report includes photos, a written summary, GPS tracking, time stamps, and an always-open line to your Puptender. We also offer:
Pack Walking, Hiking, and Running | $20 to $25
Solo Dog Walking | $25 per service
Guided Adventures | For Reactive Doggos | $35
Training | From $49 per session
Thank you! Looking forward to meeting you and your fur family. (;…


Awarded Best of Essex in Pet Sitting for 2015 and 2016 & 2017!
What About the Pets is a full-service pet care company servicing parts of Essex. Morris & Passaic County New Jersey. Our experienced, bonded andinsured sitters specialize in:
-Dog/Cat Sitting (Vacation Visits 1-3x per Day)
-Dog Walking (Mid Day individual dog walks)
-Overnight Pet Sitting in Your Home…


Hi there! My name is Katie, I am the owner and primary dog walker/pet sitter of Sonoma County Playful Pets.
We offer private dog walks, group hikes, playtime at the park, and in-your-home visits for both pups& kitties while you’re away during the day for work or school, taking a trip for a couple of days, or taking an extended vacation. We walk, hike, and play in all weather!
We take on many long term clients, and enjoy nurturing the connection with you and your pets for a long lasting relationship. We provide friendly and personable service to you, and reliable & loving care to your pets each and every visit!
At Playful Pets we’re big on playtime, for both pups and kitties! We love keeping your pup’s tails wagging, and the kitties purring, it’s how we know we’ve done our job! We have many toys for your pets to choose from, to keep them active and entertained while you’re away. And when you leave your fur baby with us, you will receive plenty of updates, pictures and videos of your pets’ daily adventures so you will always know they are enjoying their playful day while you are away!
*We are insured through Pet Care Insurance for your protection. ..

Showing 1 – 20 of 8217

Top 10 Pet Sitters Near Me

Recent pet sitter reviews

Bonnie J.

Bonnie was a life saver. We had a family emergency that required a few drop ins during the week. She would always send pictures of my cats and videos throughout the week. I will be hiring Bonnie again this holiday season.

– Nydia M.

Jennifer G.

Jennifer is excellent! Everything was smooth from start to finish! My neighbor has uses her daily for years and I used her for the first time so we could leave town without worry. Will definitely use her again!!!

– Debbie P.

Kelly H.

Kelly watched our young daughter 3 evenings in a row. She asked about what my daughter enjoyed, and she brought all sorts of crafts, games, and activities that she absolutely loved. My daughter was looking forward to seeing her day 2 and 3 and asking when she’d be coming. Kelly was on-time,flexible, and gave us updates on how things were going while watching our daughter. Highly recommend her to others!…

– Chris H.

Roxann M.

Roxy went above and beyond. She let me know the food I was giving Grace was not appropriate for her age and went out and bought some that was ! Totally caring for my cat!

– Candace B.

Kayla F.

Kayla was on-time and took excellent care of our 1 year old for several hours while we attended a wedding. It was nice to know he was in good hands to ease our minds. Kayla sent pictures throughout the evening, which was really nice to see. We look forward in hiring Kayla again in the future.

– Grace S.

Pet sitters near me


I am a retired surgical nurse of 33 years.
I have pet sitting/house sitting experience with dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, feral cats.
I have ranch experience with goats, sheep, horses, and pigs, whichincludes stall and pen cleaning.
I am able to administer medication.
I feed, play, walk, pick up waste, I love to talk, and spoil your fur baby/ babies.
I text daily messages and pictures while your gone.
I am a Nonsmoker, punctual, and professional.
Daily, hourly and overnight rates
Willing to travel to all cities in Texas…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Bonnie was a life saver. We had a family emergency that required a few drop ins during the week. She would always send pictures of my cats and videos throughout the week. I will be hiring Bonnie again thisholiday season….

Reviewed by Nydia M.

Jennifer G. | San Jose, CA

$35-45/hr • 10 yrs exp • 45 yrs old

Full Time Professional Pet Care Extraordinaire!

Responds within a few days


I offer full time pet care, which would include daily walks, feedings, clean up, playtime, transport, daily visits and in home pet sitting. I grew up with animals and have a huge love for them. I have also doneextensive shelter volunteer work. Please feel free to contact me and we can discuss all the details to help out with your fur babies and the ones without fur too! ;). ..

Background Check

Recent Review:

Jennifer is excellent! Everything was smooth from start to finish! My neighbor has uses her daily for years and I used her for the first time so we could leave town without worry. Will definitely use heragain!!!…

Reviewed by Debbie P.

Kelly H. | Palm Desert, CA

$15-20/hr • 10 yrs exp • 57 yrs old

Date Night/Evenings/Weekend Days/Nights/Childminder/Nanny

Responds within a day


I’m an active 58-year-old woman, I have lived in Palm Desert with my husband for 28 years where We have raised 3 sons. I am retired from the corporate world and love to stay busy. I am available for occasionalsitting. Weekend days/evenings, weekday days/evenings and I also can do overnights. I am first aid and CPR certified. I’m a pet lover and also do pet sitting, I love to cook and can do light house work and laundry. I love to play with the kids, games, singing, dancing, reading, outside play (weather permitting) and of course downtime with just quiet or a movie. I have been on Care. com for going on 10 years now. I have many loyal families in Palm Desert and am looking to help many more families. I’m punctual, trustworthy, attentive, engaging, fun, nurturing. I’m confident in every situation. I am triple vaccinated, CPR and first aid certified. Thank you for considering me when choosing your child’s caregiver….

Background Check

Recent Review:

Kelly watched our young daughter 3 evenings in a row. She asked about what my daughter enjoyed, and she brought all sorts of crafts, games, and activities that she absolutely loved. My daughter was lookingforward to seeing her day 2 and 3 and asking when she’d be coming. Kelly was on-time, flexible, and gave us updates on how things were going while watching our daughter. Highly recommend her to others!…

Reviewed by Chris H.

Roxann M. | Blythewood, SC

$15-25/hr • 8 yrs exp • 53 yrs old

Pet Sitter And House Sitter

Responds within an hour


Seeking a pet sitter position in order to take advantage of my genuine love for animals of all kinds and my concern for their health, happiness and well-being. I would enjoy helping you out by providingextended pet care and home sitting on a regular basis. I offer home visits (1-3x day), weekends, overnight stays, long term and short term. Pets shouldn’t be locked up, unhappy in a kennel or in an unfamiliar place while you are on business or vacation. I will be there during the day and overnight if needed to make sure your pets are safe, happy and getting lots of attention. I care for all ages, species, breeds and needs, including special needs and senior populations. Pet owners often comment on how quickly their dogs warm up to me and exhibit trusting behaviors. Key qualifications: -20 years of experience in handling animals, also as a lifetime pet owner -Strong dedication to animal care and welfare -Passionate about working with animals….

Background Check

Recent Review:

Roxy went above and beyond. She let me know the food I was giving Grace was not appropriate for her age and went out and bought some that was ! Totally caring for my cat!

Reviewed by Candace B.

Kayla F. | Orlando, FL

$15-40/hr • 10 yrs exp • 29 yrs old

Friendly Fun Musical Nanny, Theme Park/Resort Caregiver, And Petsitter!

Responds within a day


My name is Kayla, and I’ve been sitting children ages 2 months-12 years for over 10 years, including twins, minor special needs, and large families. I graduated MFA Musical Theater, and I can’t wait toshare my passion of singing, dancing, and acting with your family! I’m CPR/AED certified, and rated in the top 1% of local caregivers. I’m a non smoking, pet loving, drug/tattoo-free, kind and friendly person. I also have a US Passport/Drivers License, Covid Vaccination, and reliable transportation. For Theme Park Care, I have an Annual Pass to Disney, Universal, Seaworld, Fun Spot, and many others that all include free parking! I look forward to hopefully meeting your family soon! 🙂
Please Note: Due to the overwhelming amount of messages regarding the subject, I do not help families who work from home or will be residing in in the home during my time of care (however cameras are totally fine). I also have a 4 hour minimum in home/resort, and a 6 hour minimum in Theme Park….

Background Check

Recent Review:

Kayla was on-time and took excellent care of our 1 year old for several hours while we attended a wedding. It was nice to know he was in good hands to ease our minds. Kayla sent pictures throughout the evening,which was really nice to see. We look forward in hiring Kayla again in the future….

Reviewed by Grace S.

Hannah S. | Belton, TX

$15-18/hr • 10 yrs exp • 24 yrs old

Part-time Caregiver Available

Responds within a few hours


Hi! My name is Hannah and I am in my last semester of nursing school! I have been babysitting since junior high and have lots of experience with children of all ages including infants and toddlers. I volunteerin the nursery at my church on Sundays. I am also very involved in volunteering throughout the community. I am CPR certified and have my own transportation. I also love animals and have experience pet sitting. I would love to have the opportunity to babysit/petsit for you :)…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Hannah was so great and even though my baby cried basically the whole time she still held him and helped him as much as she could! She is so sweet and we will definitely be hiring her again 🙂

Reviewed by Dylan K.


Covid-19 vaccinated, boosted! Pets OK! No pet sitting Outside my schedule. Experienced. Dependable TRAVELING OLD SCHOOL Nanny of 11 years ready to provide quality care to your children. I am First Aid/CPR/AEDCertified, Parents As Teachers Trained (PAT) I can assist in many different activities or educational information to help stimulate the child’s brain. I have my degree in Early Childhood Education, as well as a Childhood Development Associate certified Home visiting (CDA). I work with all ages of children, from birth to 19 years of age including twins in a shelter setting, respite care, special needs, babysitting, childcare, nanny, much more. I love children, I’m very family-oriented. I believe that we are children’s first teachers. I have been working with families & children for over 35 years team work really works! I have been a foster parent, family advocate, outreach worker, mentor to young girls, a natural support person with disabilities! Practicing sign language ongoing…

Background Check

Recent Review:

We contacted Lavera very last minute for a date night sitter. She was able to quickly come to our house and watch the children. She made us feel so comfortable having her in our home and leaving her with ourkids. I definitely recommend her for any nighttime sitter needs….

Reviewed by Mazee P.

Brenda C. | Sudbury, MA

$15-20/hr • 10 yrs exp • 57 yrs old

Dog Lover Available For Daily Walks And Pet Care. Available For Sitting While You Are Away.

Responds within a few days


My name is Brenda. My love for pets is what sparked me to enter the wonderful world of pet sitting. I have been a dog walker, boarder, and trainer for several years. I understand the importance of trustingsomeone to care for your “kids”. I grew up with a household of furry friends and I couldn’t imagine my life without them. They bring so much joy and happiness to my family’s life. Seeing their little faces every day just puts a smile on my face! I’m a retired EMT-Paramedic. I am married with 5 grown children with 2 still living at home. We have 2 small dogs named Pompi (16) and Abby (12). They bring so much joy and happiness to our life. I would love to walk, feed, play, and pet sit day and or overnight for your dogs and or cats. If interested, please contact me. I can’t wait to meet you and your pets. 🙂
*Background Check (CORI) and or Driving Record can and will be provided at your request*…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Brenda is a fabulous pet sitter! Our very spoiled Shih-tzu loves Brenda, her family, and her two little dogs. I love the approach Brenda took to make our family and dog feel comfortable. First, she met ourpet in our home. Next, we visited her family in her home for doggie playtime. Then we left our dog with her in her home to pet sit for a few hours. That went very well! Last night our dog had his first overnight stay with Brenda and her family. We knew he would be happy as he started to play with her dogs as soon as we arrived, and he didn’t mind that we left. We left confident that he would be happy and well cared for while we were away. Brenda sends pictures and provides updates when she is watching your pet which is awesome! Brenda is very responsive and responsible. She will be watching our very spoiled Shih-tzu again for sure. Brenda is the best and I highly recommend her!!!…

Reviewed by Pamela E.

Brandi A. | Melbourne, FL

$15-25/hr • 10 yrs exp • 48 yrs old

Dependable Babysitter

Responds within a few hours


Hi. If you are looking for a fun, reliable, non smoker, punctual babysitter who loves children, pets, basic cooking, arts and crafts, walks, reading to children, and is willing to give frequent updates on thechildren as well as keep your house tidy and don’t mind I am a mom then I would love to hear from you. I have over 25 years of childcare experience as well as CPR certified. I worked as an infant/toddler teacher as well as a substitute, a birthday hostess for local amusement park and done a lot of house babysitting… I also know basic baby sign language and will do overnight sitting…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Brandi showed up early and with some fun little toys for our toddler. She was extremely friendly and polite, and our son warmed up to her quickly. She was very responsible with the instructions we gave her, andeven sent us a photo of him during the evening to reassure us. She was also great with our dog, even though she’s super energetic LOL! We would definitely hire Brandi if we were in town again….

Reviewed by Stephanie L.


Hi! Thank you for visiting my profile page! I live in Thomasville and I clean full time. I have been professionally cleaning for over 10 years, residential and commercial. I have several cleaning choices, fromdeep cleaning, basic and just touch ups. I don’t charge per hour for jobs, I price according to square footage, bedrooms and baths. CPR Certified . Message me for a free quote!
I currently have 10 regular bi-Weekly, every three weeks and monthly clients that I clean for. I would like a few more houses or commercial jobs to fill in my schedule….

Background Check

Recent Review:

We’ve really enjoyed getting to know Christina over the past couple of years, and have always been happy with the work she does. She is dependable and meticulous, and is understanding of how crazy life withkids and pets can be! She’s always willing to adjust her cleaning plans to fit our needs. Would highly recommend hiring!…

Reviewed by Steven G.


I am a pet lover that would love to offer my services to care for your companions. My friends call me Amy “Dolittle”. I have 4 dogs, 2 cats and a large parrot. One of my pups was diagnosed with epilepsy-so I amversed in caring for a special needs pet. I am a dependable and flexible caregiver that will treat your furry family member as if they were my own. I do this full time so that I may offer your pet full attention. I offer house sitting, dog walking, drop-in visits, cat sitting, medicine administration and hospice care. Birds, and lizard care is also under my drop-in availability.
I am fully insured and certified trained in First Aid and CPR for cats and dogs. Covid-19 Vaccinated. Please note that my rates are adjusted to what is needed and offer different options based on the services….

Background Check

Kiana B. | Bethesda, MD

$36-50/hr • 10 yrs exp • 34 yrs old

Nanny Available In 2022

Responds within a few hours


Hello my name is Kiana!
I have 10 years of nanny experience and 22 years of babysitting. Prior to being a nanny I was a preschool teacher at an immersion school. I have experience with preemies, newborns andall the way up to teenagers. I am highly experienced with twins and triplets/multiples as well as working for high profile families.
I have worked child care events for large conferences, church events and weddings.
I am currently available for
-date nights
-birthday parties (planning, decorating and hosting)
-overnights (newborn care, parents out of town, emergencies/mom in labor)**
-traveling (domestic and international)**
-pet sitting, overnight care for pets and/or house sitting**
**Rates may vary for any overnight and/or special events/additional services.
-Fully Vaccinated COVID, FLU & TDAP
-CPR certified valid until June 2024…

Background Check

Recent Review:

We wanted a kids free weekend and hired Kiana to do overnights for us. We arrived to happy kids who had done projects and painted with her. She had done the neatest arts and crafts with them. She kept usupdated with pictures and let us know how the kids were doing throughout the weekend. We cannot wait to have her over for overnights again. Kiana is AMAZING !…

Reviewed by Sarah O.

Chinyere O. | Hyattsville, MD

$22-25/hr • 8 yrs exp • 30 yrs old

One-Time/Occasional/Date Night/Pet Sitting

Responds within a day


Hello Families!
Like most of us, I have been babysitting long before I was getting paid to do so, and I’ve always enjoyed it. I have 8 years of professional/paid child care experience under my belt and I lovemy jobs! I also have volunteer hours at orphanages and pre-K classrooms, which were very educative and fulfilling. I enjoy the interaction with the children and the flexibility these jobs have to offer a student like myself. I spent some years schooling outside of the States, which has molded me into well rounded, open-minded individual . I display responsibility and reliability on and off the job and an easy-going personality to be around. Previous employers describe me as very sweet, yet assertive with the children. I enjoy being active (i. e. trips to the park, play dates ) but I do see it as my duty to engage them mentally while they are in my care. I enjoy reading to them and doing other age appropriate educational activities….

Background Check

Recent Review:

Chinyere is fantastic — very experienced, very professional, and did a great job watching my five month old.

Reviewed by Susan S.


Hi, my name is Miriam, and I am an experienced and caring pets sitter. I absolutely adore dogs and cats, and I am here to make your travels easier and provide the best care for your furry friend! I also haveexperience with many different exotic and small pets. I have experience with all different types of jobs and situations, including senior pets, medicine administration, and pets with separation anxiety. I offer boarding, long term jobs, and last minute care. Loyalty to my clients is so important to me, and so if you are someone who travels often and wants someone regular who their pets know well, I’m perfect for that! I strive to not only feed and provide exercise, but also provide playtime for pets, and give them a lot of attention. I love spending time with animals, and always make sure that when I pet sit, I give the pets plenty of love and attention. I am also happy to send picture updates of your pets for you because I know it can be hard to leave your furry friends behind.

Background Check

Recent Review:

Miriam is wonderful! One of my kitties suddenly needed to be on a strict medication schedule, and I needed to go away in a couple of weeks. My kitty is very shy and needs to eat with the meds so it’s a bittricky. Miriam responded right away and was willing to try it out, and she’s been excellent – so caring and conscientious. She’s punctual and keeps me up to date. She has really given me the peace of mind to go away, and I can’t thank her enough….

Reviewed by Diane S.


I provide professional pet care services from boarding and dog walking to home and vet visits. It is most important that you and your pet feel comfortable, safe and secure while you are away from them. I am awell seasoned veterinary technician with 20+ years experience in veterinary hospitals. I have been a pet caregiver my entire life, however, I have been pet sitting, professionally, for over 15 years and can provide excellent references. My career training has allowed me to become more proficient in caring for all life stages, as well as special needs and some exotics. I am proficient in administering medications in any fashion; orally, injections, or topically. Once given the opportunity to care for, and get to know your baby (or babies), I am able to notice subtle changes and notify you….

Background Check


I believe it is time to update my profile a little bit. My name is Maria and here is a little about myself. I moved to VT to complete an internship in order to graduate from school, a 6 month college experienceturned into me building a life away from my family and home to raise one of my own.
I am a mom and that’s by far the role in life I enjoy the most!
I joined “care. com” about a year ago after a referral from someone I babysat for. Since that day I’ve had nothing other than great experiences to share, whether it was me taking good care of children and their needs, watching pets, teaching Spanish or just house sitting while owners were away. I’ve met really nice people and built trustworthy relationships that I’m sure will last for as long as I’m around.
I love children, and have over 6 years of experience babysitting for families, and helping friends and single moms like myself.
I’m bilingual, very responsible and extremely reliable!
Background check provided and impeccable driving record, with a reliable vehicle that allows me to travel an extra mile.
I’m someone who will make you feel very comfortable, and confident leaving your children with. I firmly believe there is nothing more rewarding than getting positive feedback every time I help others doing what I love most….

Background Check

Recent Review:

Maria Maria Maria! Truth is I told Maria I would write her a review the day after she cared for my son over the summer of 2021. Unfortunately I was going through a really trying time we are just had a hugehouse fire in lost everything, and we were preparing for a large move at the time. Now that things have smoothed out a lot for me and a lot of time has passed unfortunately, I still feel like it is very necessary to write an honest review. Maria was one of the best sitters I’ve ever had care for my son, I never had to worry even a little bit when he was in her care! She prepared meals for my son and encourage my son to play outside. They had a lot of outside time! My son also really enjoyed playing with her son which was awesome! Maria is a wonderful spirited person and great with children, I would definitely recommend hiring her!…

Reviewed by Lorabeth S.


My name is Veronica. I’ve been pet sitting for 5 years and I am also a emergency veterinary technician been in the field for 4 years now. I currently work at a veterinary hospital that sees dogs, cats andexotics. I’m very experienced in caring for all species. I have the experience to care for animals that need the extra care. I’m very comfortable giving any medications, fluids and injections if needed. I also do nail trims, ear cleaning and anal glands. CPR certified in case of an emergency. When taking care of your pet, I send daily updates and photos so while your away you wont have to worry about a thing. If you have anymore questions feel free to message me for further details….

Background Check

Recent Review:

Veronica is very trustworthy and dependable. She took a daily picture of Oscar, which was very nice.

Reviewed by Suzanne M.

Cristhiams A. | Phoenix, AZ

$30-35/hr • 6 yrs exp • 41 yrs old

*** Reliable, Responsible And Trustworthy House Sitter, Housekeeper, Dog & Pet Care, Babysitting ***

Responds within an hour


This is my Passion and has been my career Full Time for several years.
I truly enjoy getting to know each of you.
I have over 20 years experience in House Sitting, Pet Care, Plant Care, House Cleaning.
I love animals and understand they are a priority in your lives. I Promise to provide them the same LOVE as You do.
My GOAL is to keep your loved ones on their normal routine, while in a safe and secure environment .
I pride myself on being Reliable, Responsible and Trustworthy.
I’m always available to meet you.
Please contact me with any question. I am Fully vaccinated!
I also offer all of you my new detailed car cleaning service from the comfort of your home.
I recommend you try my service!…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Great experience with Christhiams! she showed up on-time and went directly into a deep and thorough full house cleaning. Attention to details, hard working and excellent results made me ask her to come backagain on a regular basis.
Would recommend Christhiams to anyone looking for a dependable and trustworthy Housekeeping individual!
Thank you Christhiams!!

Reviewed by Olivier H.

Sandra B. | Walnut Creek, CA

$15-45/hr • 10 yrs exp • 58 yrs old

Part Time Pet Care/Pet Sitting

Responds within an hour


I have always had a dog or cat growing up as a child. In my preteens, I started riding horses and became an advanced western rider and also worked at a ranch cleaning horse stalls and backing up trail rides. Ihave 21 years of experience with pet sitting and dog walking. I do have more references if you need them. I have people that I have worked for over 14 years now if you’re interested in them. Also, as a preteen, I had volunteered at a wildlife museum cleaning and feeding the wildlife animals and reptiles, etc….

Background Check

Recent Review:

I’ve been using Sandie everyday for almost 3 years now. She took excellent care of my handicapped dachshund who was in a wheelchair. She walked him everyday and would take care of him while I was on work trips.She easily handled his extra special needs and medications. He loved her so incredibly much. Since his passing Sandie has started walking our new dog. She is excellent with him, especially in his puppy stages. He is always excited to see her and go on his daily walks. We couldn’t ask for someone more perfect for our doggy needs. She gives nothing but love to them. We strongly recommend Sandie and will always use her… .

Reviewed by Mike F.


I am Bonita (Bonnie). I have 5 years of paid pet care experience. I can help with Pet Sitting. This pleasurable time helps supplement my Social Security.
I have 10 years of past experience as aVeterinarian Technician.
I have shared my life with dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, Guinea pigs, fish and farm animals. I have had 5 German Shepherds, a Dalmatian and a Golden Retriever as family members over the years.
I currently have perfect purring fur babies. I carry dry food and bottled water in my car to aid any homeless kitty that our paths may meet. I have assisted in finding forever homes for many of these loving little ones.
I would love the opportunity to bond with your furry family member. I reside in St. Johns. I charge a DAILY rate based on needs. Please read my reviews. I look forward to hearing from you!…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Bonnie takes such good care of our 4 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 horses. I never have to worry when they are being watched by Bonnie! She gives them lots of potty breaks, stays on their schedule, and showers them withlove….

Reviewed by Lori H.

Showing 1 – 20 of 57436

Looking for a pet sitter?

Hiring a pet sitter is a perfect option for pet parents who need someone to care for their pet while they are away. Compare pet sitter profiles by years ofexperience, hourly rate, and read reviews from other pet parents to find the right match. We’re here to help you find the care you need for your pet….

Hiring a pet sitter is a perfect option for pet parents who need someone to care for their pet while they are away. Compare pet sitter profiles by years of experience, hourly rate, and read reviews from other pet parents to find the right match. We’re here to help you find the care you need for your pet.

Pet sitters by the numbers




8 yrs

avg. experience


member reviews

4.8 / 5

avg. rating

FAQs for finding pet sitters

How much should I pay a pet sitter in 2022?

Pet sitters made an average of $13.75 per hour as of October 2022 at a national level. Rates will vary depending on where you live, the specific duties that you will need them to perform, and the frequency of their service. Be sure you clearly communicate to your pet sitter what you will need during the interview process so there are no unpleasant surprises.

In 2022 what types of services can I expect from a pet sitter? pet sitters offer a variety of services that depend on the type of animal that you have, so you can determine what works best for you and your pet. Here are the most common services:

  • Pet walker: If you have an active pet that needs exercise during the day, consider hiring a pet walker. They can provide refills of water or food as well as offer some companionship for your pet while you are away.
  • Pet sitting at your home: This is often a great option for cats, bunnies or guinea pigs who don’t need such intensive daily care, or pets who like a familiar environment and don’t need to take long walks.
  • In-home pet sitter: It’s a good option for pet parents that need to be away and feel comfortable leaving their pets at someone else’s house. This can work for pets who want more of a connection, need medical care, or get stressed in a kennel environment.

Whether you have someone come to your home or you leave your pet at a sitter’s home, experts advise that you always check for pet sitting certifications, get referrals, do a background check, and check the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS) or Pet Sitters International (PSI) to see if the sitter is in good standing.

Are pet sitters background checked?

Yes, pet sitters on Care. com are asked to complete an annual background check called a CareCheck. Pet sitters who complete this background check will have a badge on their profile displaying the date it was run. While CareCheck is a good start, we strongly recommend that you follow some additional steps for hiring a pet sitter safely, which include interviewing candidates, checking references, and running your own background check. Visit our Safety Center to learn more.

How can I find a good pet sitter? has hundreds of profiles for pet sitters, pet walkers, animal groomers, trainers and more. You can search the site to review profiles for the different pet sitters in your area and contact those that fit what you are looking for. You will find a description for each provider sharing details about their experience, the type of pets they can care for, and the services that they can provide. You can also post a job describing what you need and have the provider to contact you through the site.

What should I ask a pet sitter during an interview?

Here are some things that you can cover while interviewing a pet sitter:

  • Training and experience: Is this person trained or have the right experience? Pets can have a variety of needs ranging from physical or medical, to emotional. Be sure this person is a good match.
  • Rates and services: Create a list of all the tasks you’d like your pet sitter to perform and then discuss it. This person can determine if they are able to fulfill these needs and what those services will cost.
  • Emergency plans: Ask if they’ve ever handled a pet emergency and discuss a backup pet care plan.
  • References: Ask for references and check at least three.
  • Meet and greet: Schedule a meet and greet so you can see how the pet sitter interacts with your pet, and if your pet likes them too!


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7 interview questions to ask a potential pet sitter5 Benefits of Getting a Dog License5 Quick and Easy Homemade Dog Food Recipes10 Things to Know About Dog BreedersDog Neutering: The Benefits and Cost

Displayed caregivers have had active Care. com profiles within the last 60 months but may not have current active accounts or background checks. Results are illustrative only and may not reflect current availability. members have access to active, background checked providers.

TOP 10 Professional Pet Sitters in Houston, TX

Recent pet sitter reviews in Houston, TX

Grace B.

Gracie took very good care of our dog and our home. She sent pics and updates while we were away, and even helped with our laundry! We will definitely use Gracie again the next time we go away.

– Lianne V.

Ashley J.

Ashley is very responsive and a clear communicator which is important when setting up dates and times! She is professional, kind and upbeat which always made my son look forward to seeing her. Would highly recommend Ashley!

– Brittany B.

Beverly C.

Beverly has been a friend and pet sitter for my fur babies for many years! She is always caring, reliable and my they love her! She goes the extra mile to make sure they are well cared for. She has cats and dog of her own and has many years of experience with fur babies in all stages of life andmedical situations.
I highly recommend her….

– Lauri C.

Christian M.

He took nice care of my cats for a few days while out of town and it seems they were taken well care of and Christian was kind enough to call check in with me and show me them everyday to make sure they were alright I would recommend

– Len D.

Carvelle C.

Carvelle is the best babysitter we have ever had! My daughter adores her and gets so excited every time she comes over! She is so kind and patient, we’ll never use anyone else!

– Camryn F.

Pet sitters in Houston, TX


I am a pet lover that would love to offer my services to care for your companions. My friends call me Amy “Dolittle”. I have 4 dogs, 2 cats and a large parrot. One of my pups was diagnosed with epilepsy-so I amversed in caring for a special needs pet. I am a dependable and flexible caregiver that will treat your furry family member as if they were my own. I do this full time so that I may offer your pet full attention. I offer house sitting, dog walking, drop-in visits, cat sitting, medicine administration and hospice care. Birds, and lizard care is also under my drop-in availability.
I am fully insured and certified trained in First Aid and CPR for cats and dogs. Covid-19 Vaccinated. Please note that my rates are adjusted to what is needed and offer different options based on the services….

Background Check


I am Gracie, ( just check out my reviews) I have my own residential services and pet sitting business.. I have been operating on my own in Houston Texas since 2016..
I can provide endorsements and referencesfor your comfort.. I also am a volunteer at the Houston SPCA and dog CPR certified..
Please try me you will not regret it and your furry friend gains a trusted friend…..

Background Check

Recent Review:

Gracie took very good care of our dog and our home. She sent pics and updates while we were away, and even helped with our laundry! We will definitely use Gracie again the next time we go away.

Reviewed by Lianne V.


I have a lot of experience with children. I’ve worked with them for over 8 years. I am actually a mother myself so what’s better than some real hands-on experience. I have an Associates degree in ChildhoodDevelopment and a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. I am CPR certified and I have also taken First aid training. I am also a certified newborn care specialist. I love being outdoors and swimming. I’m super fun to be around with and I’m very laid back, but dont get me wrong, I always take my job very seriously. I have references at hand if needed from all my past amazing families. I also have experience being a personal assistant, pet sitting, and light housekeeping like picking up toys, doing laundry, doing dishes, and cleaning rooms. Thank you for reading!…

Background Check


*Currently booked for after school care* I am a caring, responsible & patient 27-year-old that absolutely loves children and animals! I have 7 years of experience in babysitting children of all ages. Myservices include occasional and recurring positions for a weekend date night sitter, a part-time nanny, after school carpool, help with homework, & pet sitting. I am Covid vaccinated and would greatly appreciate a family who is also vaccinated. I would appreciate at least 3 days notice in advance before starting any position. I prefer video chat or a phone call before my start date. Refences upon request, Please & Thank you!…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Ashley is very responsive and a clear communicator which is important when setting up dates and times! She is professional, kind and upbeat which always made my son look forward to seeing her. Would highlyrecommend Ashley!…

Reviewed by Brittany B.


My love of animals began from an early age, with a chance encounter with a donkey at a small petting zoo in Arizona. From that experience, I wanted to have a household filled with furry creatures of all sizesto nurture and raise as extended family members. Fast forward, I am a proud mother of two fur babies named Holly a Morkie (Maltese/ Yorkshire mix), and Titan a Yorkshire Terrier. They are my universe and I spare no cost or time in making them my top priority. I would love to extend this level of care and commitment to your fur babies as well!
My services include house sitting, dog walking, drop-in visits, cat sitting, medicine administration, and hospice care….

Background Check


I have babysat for my nieces and nephews and friends’ children(which included twins). I volunteered at a hospice for 11 years. I am retired and would like to earn some extra money doing something I enjoy, whichincludes caregiving, housesitting, and pet sitting.
I am CPR and first aid certified. I am also pet-friendly. My driving record is clean.
References can be supplied upon request….

Background Check

Recent Review:

Beverly has been a friend and pet sitter for my fur babies for many years! She is always caring, reliable and my they love her! She goes the extra mile to make sure they are well cared for. She has cats anddog of her own and has many years of experience with fur babies in all stages of life and medical situations.
I highly recommend her….

Reviewed by Lauri C.

Christian M. | Houston, TX

$10-25/hr • 1 yrs exp • 18 yrs old

Responsible Care Taker For Children And Pets

Responds within 4 hours


I can do errand house sit or pet sit or even older children. I’m reliable and ready to help! You can depend on me for anything you need.

Background Check

Recent Review:

He took nice care of my cats for a few days while out of town and it seems they were taken well care of and Christian was kind enough to call check in with me and show me them everyday to make sure they werealright I would recommend…

Reviewed by Len D.

Barbara D. | Houston, TX

$30-35/hr • 10 yrs exp • 71 yrs old

Loving And Experienced Pet Caregiver

Responds within a day


For more than 20 years, I’ve been a pet sitter, veterinary assistant, zookeeper and licensed wildlife rehabilitator, and have looked after animals who are young and energetic, sick and receiving medication, orold and needing an extra-slow and gentle touch. Visits ($30+) last a minimum of 1 hour and often longer–I don’t schedule back-to-back visits so am not in a hurry to leave as soon as I arrive. Overnight care ($80+) includes most of the day, regular house-sitting duties, and optionally sharing the bed with your pet/s (a popular request!). My clients live close to each other so I’m not sitting in Houston traffic instead of spending quality time with your pet/s, providing exercise, walking, meals, fun, love, and extra client requests (brushing dogs’ teeth, sharing a sofa full of cats, singing with a parrot!). I serve the general area within a few miles of the Galleria. I hope to have a chance to meet you and your beloved companion/s!…

Background Check

Francie M. | Houston, TX

$18-27/hr • 10 yrs exp • 71 yrs old

Afternoon To Evening Babysitter Available

Responds within 4 hours


I adhere to health and safety mandates plus. I’ve just completed an assignment in West U and before an assignment picking up 2 teenagers from school, occasional pet care, shopping and errands. I’ve worked for afamily 2 years taking care of a preteen and teen as well as their pup~ My duties have been supervising the children after school a few days a week and some extra days as well. Previously I cared for 2 girls in Bellaire.
My duties have included picking up from school, driving to various activities, supervising homework, snacks and dog walking. The girls were old enough not to need a sitter after I’d been with them close to 3 years. I’m available for afternoon to evening sitting near West University. I have cared for my mother and have taught children acting and worked for a friend at her daycare center with infants and adolescents for a short period. I have had First Aid Training and CPR training….

Background Check

Carvelle C. | Houston, TX

$15-35/hr • 10 yrs exp • 51 yrs old

Children Are Our True Gifts And Blessings!


I am a 51 yr old, 21 in spirit & mind, fun loving proud mom to two wonderful children, 20, 26. I have been babysitting, pet sitting and overnight sitting for about 8 years now. My son has autism & he’s taughtbe to be the best parent & caregiver. We have met any & all obstacles head on together & I will cherish that forever everyday. I use those strengths & patience in everything I do as I’m a big kid at heart. Babysitting & pet sitting has always been my passion. I love to play games, arts & crafts, color, read, play outside & just have fun. Children & pets are what truly makes me happy & keeps me young! Life is a journey & I feel that journey should be doing what we LOVE. I’m available for permanent, long term, short term, one-time, overnight & weekend sitting. I’m willing to go the extra mile & any training that may be required. I hope you’ll consider me a perfect fit for you. Thank you for considering me!…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Carvelle is the best babysitter we have ever had! My daughter adores her and gets so excited every time she comes over! She is so kind and patient, we’ll never use anyone else!

Reviewed by Camryn F.


Hey there, I’m Brooklyn! I am available for date night/evening sitting and have some availability on Mondays and Tuesdays. I have tons of experience with young children, as I have been a full time nanny formultiple families with children ranging from 6 months-8 years for over six years, but am more than willing to care for older children as well! I can also give a list of wonderful references. Since I was a teen, I have had a passion for child care. I find it so rewarding and I would love nothing more than to help you create magical and exciting childhood memories for your kiddos! I’m extremely positive and want your child/children to not only be taken care of, but to be happy and having fun! BONUS: I absolutely love animals so if you have pets, even better!!!! I’d love the opportunity to meet you and work with your family!…

Background Check


I am a specialty pharmacist currently working in geriatric/ambulatory care. I have 11+ yrs of experience ages 6 mo-12+ yrs, 6+ yrs with families of 4+ children.
I offer light cleaning, meal prep, bath time,pick-up/drop-off, errands, house sitting & pet care. I don’t mind pets at all as I have a 14yr old Yorkie of my own. Availability includes evenings, overnight, travel & weekend assistance as I am & cherish being very flexible & personal with all my families.
I take pride in being reliable & responsible. You can rest assure that the love, values, morals, & rules you set will be respected & kept in place while they are in my care. Children have the capability to not only be inspired, but inspire us as adults. You can take comfort in me being an extension of you.
Fun Facts: lover of coffee, wine, food, pilates & travel! You can find me usually in a book or in the kitchen getting creative! Terrible at keeping plants alive & complete sucker for Trader Joe’s & Bath & Body Works!…

Background Check


I’ve been pet sitting for over 10 years and have been caring for animals at home my whole life. At home I currently have 2 large-breed dogs, a 55 gallon aquarium, and a rabbit. I have experience with givinganimals their medications. The largest group of pets I’ve watched so far was 5 cats and 3 dogs together while their owners were gone for two weeks. I am open to negotiating a bit on my rates, so please feel free to get in touch with me about your specific pet sitting needs….

Background Check


I started sitting (more like taking care of my younger brother) at the age of 13. When he was about three. Since then I have taken care of a couple of Children here and there. During the summer, after school,date nights. I’ve had experience from babies to preteens I love doing crafts, playing games, helping with any homework, baking and etc! I’m also very handy when it comes to cleaning or cooking! And I don’t mind having pets around…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Flor was very courteous and polite. She followed our instructions to the detail and helped a lot. The kids loved her and want her to come back. We will definitely hire her again in the future. We highlyrecommend her….

Reviewed by Juan M.

Heather R. | Houston, TX

$20-35/hr • 1 yrs exp • 58 yrs old

I Love Pet Sitting. It Is A Way For Me To Have An Extended Pet Family.

Responds within an hour


Hi! I am a very reliable, patient, and creative person who has many years of experience caring for children, teenagers, spouses, aging parents, and pets. With me, your pets will receive excellent care, and I’mwilling to do additional tasks if requested. Personally, I’m an organizer, planner, and multitasker, with years of Executive Assistant experience. With my skills and experience, I’m able to provide a supervised, safe environment for your pets and the necessary services they may need.. I have years of having my own cats and dogs (aging ones are my specialty). I can help with Pet Transportation, Pet Care, and Pet Sitting (cat sitting in my home optional-depending upon the case)and other daily tasks or errands you may need.

Background Check

Recent Review:

Heather is wonderful with all pets! She is very loving and gentle and genuinely enjoys being with them. She is a natural when caring for others and our furry friends! She also has great experience caring forelderly animals as well as administering medicine if needed….

Reviewed by Kate R.


Hi there! Nice to meet you, my name is Tristan. I’m 24 years old and have been doing pet care ever since I was about 14, so about 10 years. I specifically cater to dog and cat sitting in your own home. I lovedogs and cats of all sizes and ages. If needed I can also bathe and do light grooming. I can also do overnight care if needed. Looking forward to meeting and working with you and your companion :)…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Tristan is reliable, efficient, courteous and very! smart. He’s a stellar young man, and anyone who hired him would be lucky indeed!

Reviewed by Kristy M.


Hello! my name is Tiffany and I love pets. I have been pet sitting for about 8 years now. I can provide pet sitting services in your home. I also offer house sitting services if you would prefer for me to staywith your pets. I do work full time Monday-Friday 7:00am-4:30 p.m. I am available before work and evenings on weekdays. As for weekends I am available all day. Please reach out if you have any questions!…

Background Check


I provide dog sitting, walking. Our family has always has had a pet in our home. I used to sit our neighbors cat while she was on vacation, administered meds as needed. I have recently decided and given theopportunity to give up the 9-5 M-F work week. In order to do the things that I love, and spend more time with my grand babies….

Background Check

Eva F. | Houston, TX

$10-20/hr • 1 yrs exp • 25 yrs old

Neighborhood Pet Sitter


Hello! I am a devoted pet lover since a young age, having every pet imaginable from exotic to common house pets. In my professional career I have pet sit for neighbors, friends, co-workers, bosses and more. Itis not only my love for animals but my natural care-giving personality that makes this job a natural niche. I have reliable transportation, energetic personality, and most importantly an unconditional love for animals. I have 5 years experience as a professional pet sitter and a lifetime experience of animal care, respect and adoration….

Background Check


I provide dog sitting in your own home, I love dogs of all sizes and ages. Can also perform baths and light grooming. I have multiple dogs of my own and have watched 4-5 dogs at once. Please consider me

Background Check

Showing 1 – 20 of 385

FAQs for finding pet sitters in Houston, TX

In 2022 how much does a pet sitter cost in Houston, TX?

Hiring a pet sitter in Houston, TX will cost an average of $13.25 per hour as of October, 2022. This pet sitting rate will vary depending on the services needed, the number of pets to be cared for, and the total amount of hours per day/week. Some pet sitters will charge a fixed rate per day if full-time care is requested. You can connect with pet sitters in Houston that match your needs and discuss a rate that is suitable for both.

What type of local pet sitting services in 2022 are available?

Pet sitters in Houston, TX can offer different services, but the most common ones are pet sitting in your own home and dog walking. You can find pet sitters who can care for different types of pets, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, or even guinea pigs.

How can I find a local pet sitter near me?

You can filter and sort local pet sitter profiles by distance from Houston. Compare your options by reading about their experience, services they provide, and reviews from other pet parents. There are currently 385 pet sitters in Houston, TX, although you can expand the radius of your search if you’d like to increase your options.

How to take good care of your pets

Feeding your pet and buying toys is not enough to take good care of your pets. Domestic cats and dogs need vitamins, a balanced diet, vaccinations, and protection against parasites. For the proper maintenance of a pet, you need to purchase special items for caring for animals. Hair brushes, nail cutters, shampoos, preparations for eyes and ears, toilet products, dental care kits. Constant supervision and care helps prevent health problems that cause stress for both the pet and its owners.

Household toilet

Large breed dogs can be walked outside, but cats, pugs, toy terriers and other small ornamental breeds, as well as old and sick animals, will need a litter box. Fillers are divided into two types:

  • Clumping: after getting wet, the granules stick together into lumps that are easy to remove with a scoop. A complete replacement of the contents is carried out every 5-7 days.
  • Absorbent: the filling gets wet, retaining moisture and remaining soft. The tray should be cleaned regularly, completely changing the material.

For cats and small dogs, wood pellets made from conifers are suitable. Wet areas are broken down into small particles, continuing to retain an unpleasant odor. They should be removed by sprinkling fresh filler.

Manufacturers produce materials based on clay, minerals, crop residues, corn and cellulose. Before buying a toilet for a pet, be sure to read the instructions.

Clumping materials are not suitable for keeping kittens. Curious pets often taste unusual foods. Once in the stomach, the clay will stick to the wall and swell, which can cause pain or death.

How to take care of your pet’s coat

The coat of dogs and cats performs a thermoregulatory function and protects the skin from external influences, so pet grooming is a mandatory procedure. Failure to follow simple instructions leads to dermatitis, inflammation, depression and other health problems. In order to properly care for domestic dogs and cats, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Bathing . Pets, often walking on the street, need regular water treatments. Pets are bathed less often, but they also need an occasional bath. Such care allows you to control the condition of the coat, and special shampoos for cats and dogs maintain a healthy skin condition. Read the instructions before using the tool.
  • Brushing out . Pet hair care allows you to normalize thermoregulation, improve blood and lymph flow, and protect against damage to the skin. Not only pets with long hair, but also short-haired breeds need periodic combing. If you do not remove the undercoat, it will accumulate and interfere with normal skin respiration, turning into an environment for the development of parasites. Long-haired cats and dogs are combed at least 4 times a week. Short-haired pets need grooming at least once a week.
  • Shearing and trimming . Hairdressing care for pets with long hair should not be stressful, so before a haircut, a good hairdresser tries to find an approach to restless four-legged animals. Trimming is necessary for dogs with a non-shedding short undercoat. Some long-haired breeds need partial plucking. Such care is practiced by the owners of Afghan hounds, black terriers and representatives of other breeds.
  • Taking vitamins . Complete hair care should include special additives. Consult your veterinarian and read the instructions before giving the product to your pet.

Eye and Ear Care Instructions

Pet cats and dogs often have eye problems. They may be related to the characteristics of the breed or appear as a result of improper care.

  • Breeds with folded eyelids, such as the Shar-Pei, need moisturizing in the eyes. Read the instructions before using the product.
  • Pets with a flattened muzzle need to constantly wipe the area around the eyes to remove secretions.
  • Cats and dogs with long hair can injure the eyeball even during sleep. Such animals require the services of a groomer.

Good care and following product instructions will help protect your pet’s eyes.

Nail Care

For pets that walk regularly outside, nail care is reduced to regular checkups. Domestic cats need constant care for the growing stratum corneum. For pets who do not leave the apartment, you can buy scratching posts. They need to be taught from the first days, otherwise the animal will adapt a chair, wallpaper or carpet for caring for its claws. If there are not enough scratching posts, you will have to cut the overgrown claws once every 3-4 weeks. For sphinxes and Persians, due to the rapid growth of the stratum corneum, the frequency can be once every 1.5–2 weeks.

How to care for the ears of cats and dogs

The following products are available for caring for the ears:

  • Sanitary napkins.
  • Cotton buds.
  • Powders for long-eared dog breeds.
  • Liquids that dissolve old dirt.

Pets are sensitive to improper care. Liquid products should not flow into the ears, cause allergic reactions and discomfort. Be sure to read the instructions before using the drug.

Animals depend on us, and there is no escape from that. It is in the power of each owner to make the stay of a four-legged friend in the house joyful.

Pet health

What you need to know about small breeds of dogs

Small dogs are undoubtedly very cute. But if you think that’s all they have to offer, think again. Small and miniature breed dogs may be small in size, but they are still dogs. They have all the various traits found in larger breed dogs, but in a tiny way. This does not mean that small breed dogs do not have their own special characteristics. If you’re wondering if a small dog is right for you, this article will tell you everything you need to know.

Read more

Pet Health

Protecting Cats from Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are dangerous parasites that threaten the health of cats of any age. In order to protect your pet, it is necessary to carry out timely treatment from blood-sucking insects.

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Pet Care Policy

Pet Care Policy

April 11, 2022

When a pet appears in the house, the way of life changes dramatically – habits, routine of life – everything undergoes changes. So that both you and your pet are comfortable, read the rules for caring for pets.

A visit to the veterinarian

Every pet needs a regular check-up with a veterinarian, since their life expectancy is much shorter than that of humans, and there are just as many diseases. This is especially true when it comes to purebred pedigreed pets. Moreover, for babies, a basic examination once a year is sufficient, but for cats and dogs older than 5 years, a more advanced examination is recommended, which includes:

  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Blood test – biochemistry and general
  • X-ray of the spine
  • ECHO-kg heart
  • Urine and stool tests

In order for your pet to visit the doctor without being stressful, it is necessary to accustom him to traveling by car and being in a carrier (for cats) in advance.

So teach your dog to drive with you from an early age and even trips to the veterinarian will not be associated with unpleasant procedures at the doctor.

Train your cat to be carried beforehand. This will help to put her inside without any problems already in adulthood, she will not run away from you at the sight of a bag.

Try to find a doctor for your pet who will find a common language with the animal.


Vaccination is one of the most important rules for animal care. An adult animal needs to undergo the procedure once a year, kittens and puppies are initially vaccinated in the first few weeks of life. After the first visit, the veterinarian will create a passport for the animal, which will contain detailed information about the pet, the type of medication that was supplied to him, and write out a vaccination schedule.

Dogs need to be vaccinated to prevent a range of diseases:

  • Rabies
  • Leptospirosis
  • Plague

Cats vaccination protects against:

  • Herpes
  • Plagues
  • Panleukopenia
  • Leukemia

Address book

Identification data that is usually indicated on the collar is a prerequisite, especially when it comes to a young active kitten, puppy or dog of an active breed – Jack Russell Terrier or Laika, for example. With the help of this data, you can always find out who is the owner of the animal and return it home. Ways to keep your pet safe in this way are as follows:

  • Collar tag. This may be a metal plate engraved with the contact details of the owner and the name of the pet.
  • GPS collar. A sensor attached to the collar transmits the location data of the pet to a special application that can be downloaded to your smartphone. With it, you can easily find your pet, wherever he is. It is better to choose models with a waterproof sensor, in case of unauthorized swimming. But a significant disadvantage of this method is that the collar can fly off and get lost.
  • The most optimal option is a combination of the above two methods with a microchip implanted under the skin of the animal. The device has the size of a wheat grain and does not cause any inconvenience to the pet. A special scanner, if necessary, can read all the information about the animal – name, age, owner’s name and address. The main thing is to update information with data in time if they have changed.

Neutering or castration

The next important rule for pet care, although it is neglected by breeders for known reasons.

Timely spaying of a cat significantly reduces the risk of genital cancer. And the absence of estrus minimizes the risk of pet running away from home.

Neutering a dog is a versatile way to reduce aggression, long absences from home and also help prevent testicular cancer.

Balanced nutrition

Proper drinking regimen and healthy nutrition are the key to longevity and excellent shape of a pet. When choosing food for a dog or cat, it is important to rely on

  • Peculiarities of breed
  • Was the pet spayed because such animals require a special type of food
  • Age – Kitten food cannot have the same composition as adult cat food.
  • Presence of chronic diseases. If they eat food must have a specific composition.
  • Any food should be balanced and contain proteins, fats, “correct” carbohydrates and fiber.

If, for any reason, you need to change food, remember that according to the rules of care for pets, this should be done only after consulting a veterinarian.

Hygiene procedures

Mandatory rules for pet care are

  • Timely bathing. Cats no more than 1 time in six months, dogs as they get dirty.
  • Combing wool and combing it. Especially in long-haired breeds, it is important to do this regularly, in order to avoid the formation of tangles.
  • Teeth cleaning
  • Nail clipping with special scissors.

Safety and comfort

  • It is important to equip your pet with a comfortable place to sleep and rest. For cats, this can be a house, for dogs – a booth or a comfortable bed.
  • For a cat, it is necessary to choose the right size tray and filler.
  • It is important that there are no exposed wires in your home. Puppies and kittens love to chew on them.
  • It is best to remove poisonous houseplants out of the pet’s reach.
  • If a cat lives in the house, and the floor is high, there must be protective nets on the windows.


For a dog, this is one of the most important rules for caring for pets. Regular walks, the intensity and duration of which depends on the characteristics of the breed, communication with other dogs is the key to mental stability and emotional health.

It is very important for a cat to spend time with his owner, affection and attention, which must be given to the pet on a daily basis.

And if you need to leave, the Sir Cat Hotel is always at your service, you can book a room at

News on the topic

Rules for Care for Pets: We get rid of myths


June 22, 2018, 16:25


Animal Care: debunge myths

Vysotskaya Life,

June 22, 2018 11:59 AM

It’s hard to say where pet myths come from. Perhaps they are invented by those who have never had four-legged friends. Maybe these inventors are just trying to find a decent explanation why they do not dare to get a cat or a dog? However, as soon as you have a pet, all myths will be smashed to smithereens. And you can start right now …


Workshops 414

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Video blog 47


Should cats be fed fish and milk?

A cat drinking milk from a saucer – such pictures are found in magazines and in videos. Naturally, when we meet plaintively meowing felines on the street or at the entrance, the hand reaches out to pour milk into a bowl. However, here you should say “stop” to yourself. The fact is that cats are lactose intolerant by nature and from milk they will easily have intestinal upset. Only kittens who are breastfed drink milk!

The same goes for fish. Do not forget that the ancestors of cats were African wild animals, which were even afraid to approach the water. They did not have the habit of catching fish, they ate rodents and small animals. A man introduced cats to fish, and as a result, cats on a fish diet develop urolithiasis, which is especially susceptible to neutered cats. In addition, parasites appear from raw fish, the thyroid gland is disrupted and allergies develop.

Cat + dog = ?

Everyone is familiar with the phrase “they live like a cat and a dog”. From this we can conclude that animals cannot coexist together. However, this is not true.

Milena Novikova

Inveterate cat lady

“If you introduce a cat and a dog to each other not at a respectable age, when it is difficult to change their habits, but in early childhood, they will easily make friends. Of course, for this you will have to make some efforts. For example, to unite pets in the game, to prevent jealousy and rivalry between them, to gently extinguish aggression and direct the energy of animals in a useful direction. The cat and dog should have their own secluded places where they can relax and be alone. Another tricky trick is to place the cat’s bowl of food on the towel that was used to dry the dog. So the dog will be associated in the cat with pleasant emotions during meals.

By the way, Labradors get along best with cats due to their good nature.

Should I get up at 5 am?

The need to wake up with the first roosters in order to walk the dog scares off many potential dog lovers. Especially owls, for whom early awakening is like death. But not everyone knows that it is not at all necessary to adapt to dog Wishlist, but you can fit any dog ​​into your schedule. You need to be patient, because each canine individual has different characters and needs. And of course, consider the breed of dogs. For example, a Chihuahua, Spitz, Yorkshire Terrier, Pug, Pekingese and Chinese Crested Dog do not need to be walked every day, they can do their “things” in the tray. Bulldogs also calmly endure rare walks – increased activity is generally dangerous for them, and besides, they can be accustomed to the tray. But huskies, collies, any shepherd, dalmatian, retriever and other large breeds need to move more, so they are suitable for athletic people. If you don’t walk them enough, they will start active activities in your apartment, for example, they will try to tear the floor or start an unplanned “redevelopment”.

In general, choose a dog according to its temperament for your lifestyle and character!

Dog and loneliness

Representatives of the cat family love loneliness, because cats and cats are introverts by nature. The dog is an extrovert, she loves communication and dialogue, so, of course, dogs endure loneliness much harder. If you spend a lot of time at work, but at the same time your cherished dream is to have a devoted four-legged friend at home, take a closer look at the appropriate breeds. Easily stay at home working dogs – Bernese Mountain Dog, Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Bullmastiff and Great Dane, as well as hunting dogs – Russian Greyhounds, Irish Wolfhounds and Greyhounds. True, after work you will have to rehabilitate yourself in their eyes, for example, take them out for an active walk. Quietly wait for the owner after a working day and decorative breeds of dogs – Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Japanese Chin, pug and Chinese Corydalis. And what is very important, they will not destroy the apartment and will behave very dignified, as befits true ladies and gentlemen. Just be sure to compensate for your absence with communication with your pet and a pleasant walk.

What do pets smell like?

Many people are prevented from getting a cat or a dog by the fear that unpleasant odors will appear in the house. You do not have to worry about this, because there are breeds that practically do not smell and are suitable for especially sensitive people with a delicate sense of smell, as well as for allergy sufferers. For example, dogs that were specially bred to live with humans are lapdogs, poodles, continental spaniels – papillon and phalene, shih tzu, Brussels Griffons, Portuguese water dogs, schnauzers, labradoodles, basenjis and terriers. Despite the fact that they do not shed and do not smell, no one has canceled the proper care of animals. Even a poodle will develop an unpleasant odor if left unwashed and fed cheap food. In addition, a foul-smelling animal is an alarming symptom of a pet’s health problems, so take your dog and cat to the veterinarian as a preventative measure and pay attention to the strangeness of their behavior.

Hypoallergenic cats include Sphynx, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Munchkin, Peterbald and Siamese cats.

Nelli Sukhanova


“Be sure to brush your cats and dogs teeth so that they don’t get plaque and bad breath. To do this, purchase a special long-handled toothbrush and edible toothpaste, since animals do not know how to rinse their mouths. Periodically show your pets to the dentist – this is a must-have rule for caring for animals.

Warm nose and chew toys

A special category of myths is not related to the care of animals, but to their behavior and characteristics. For example, for some reason, some dog owners believe that if the dog has a warm nose, this is a sign of illness. Calm down, a warm nose is just a warm nose. Maybe the dog just woke up – usually such noses happen after sleep. Do not panic, do not make hasty diagnoses and do not call an ambulance.

Someone else figured out that dog chew toys cause animals to switch to your shoes or other items. In fact, they need to satisfy their natural chewing instinct, and if there are no toys, your new shoes will seem very attractive to them. In addition, dogs need gum massage and jaw development, so you definitely cannot do without such toys.

The myth of nutrition

It is believed that dogs eat everything, so you can give them leftover food from the owners’ table and they will be satisfied with life. It’s a delusion. Dogs are not piglets that gorge themselves on compound feed and grunt happily. For the full development of the animal, a balanced diet with proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber is needed.

Pet care com: Top 10 Pet Care Providers Near Me

Опубликовано: October 21, 2022 в 3:04 pm


Категории: Pet

Top 10 Pet Care Providers Near Me

Recent pet care reviews

Mary A.

Mary is extremely dependable and reliable! She has cared for my senior dog and has no issues providing his insulin injections. She pays attention to detail and makes sure my dog is in good health! She has even come to my home and watched him while I was away. I trust Mary and am thankful for herservices!…

– Danielle K.

Michaela C.

Michaela is wonderful with our toddler in the evenings. She works within our care & parenting style. Michaela is extremely dependable, especially when our family went through a sudden family emergency, she was flexible to help someday & care for my son & fur babies. We consider her more likefamily, rather than a caretaker for our son. It’s special because in the morning he asks for her when he wakes up (aw) Bonus, I have been very fortunate to try her cooking 5 out 5 stars…

– Sahlee T.

Jill S.

Jill cared for my 12 year old cat for a few days over the summer. She was very responsive in terms of scheduling and providing updates on her well-being. My cat suffers from separation anxiety, but did very well under Jill’s care. I so appreciated all the time spent with her while I was away; Iknew that she was in good hands. Jill, thank you again for taking such good care of Brix!…

– Alecia D.

Pet care near me


Your Pets Are Like My Pets
As an experienced vet tech, I have come to love all creatures big and small and love providing the care they need. I will be your pet’s new best friend, someone they can spend somespecial time with and help them feel loved. Skills include : patience, alertness, senior care, disease supportive care, medication administration, detailed summaries of the visit and much more….

Background Check

Recent Review:

Mary is extremely dependable and reliable! She has cared for my senior dog and has no issues providing his insulin injections. She pays attention to detail and makes sure my dog is in good health! She has evencome to my home and watched him while I was away. I trust Mary and am thankful for her services!…

Reviewed by Danielle K.

Nick B. | Glendale, CA

$10-25/hr • 5 yrs exp • 37 yrs old

Your Pet, Treated Like My Pet!


I would love to care for your fur baby! I’m originally from the Chicago suburbs and am currently living in Glendale. I fell in love with animals, especially dogs having grown up with four pugs back home. Idon’t currently own pets myself, but I treat all the animals I look after with the same love and attention as if they were my own.
I am an actor with a flexible, random schedule so I always have time for the animals in my care. I offer dog walks, dog sitting and dog boarding as well as drop-in cat visits. I have experience with pups to seniors and from Yorkie’s to St. Bernard’s.
I’d love to hear more details as to what you’re exactly looking for. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your time….

Background Check


I provide dog sitting in your own home. I love dogs of all sizes and ages. depending on the animal I and able to give baths (no special grooming) As well as able to administer medication as instructed.Depending on the dog or cat like it’s size, Bark, Scratch furniture or people, Cry, any habits. Please be honest with me so we don’t have any issues. I would be more than happy to board at my house (Condo) if its more convenient for you as long as they are house trained (Potty). Any bad habits like going potty in the house when I leave. Do you like to have your dog go the park or things you do daily walks, treats etc… Please feel free to message me. Usually $50 overnight depending on dogs medical needs. I would prefer a weeks notice upon leaving the animal here that way I can get the house situated plus 50%a percent nonrefundable due to the fact that if I have experience this in the in other past situations….

Background Check


Pets are apart of my everyday life. I have two dogs of my own. I’m currently in college getting my nursing degree and teaching degree.

Background Check


Pet sitter available. I and my kids love pets and we will be very happy to take care of them
contact me for help
good luck

Background Check


I love pets and would lot to help you out. I don’t currently have any pets right now but I’m hoping to get a cat later this year. My Apartment is pet friendly if you need someone to watch them while your away.

Background Check

Recent Review:

Michaela is wonderful with our toddler in the evenings. She works within our care & parenting style. Michaela is extremely dependable, especially when our family went through a sudden family emergency, she wasflexible to help someday & care for my son & fur babies. We consider her more like family, rather than a caretaker for our son. It’s special because in the morning he asks for her when he wakes up (aw) Bonus, I have been very fortunate to try her cooking 5 out 5 stars…

Reviewed by Sahlee T.


I’ve grown up with pets, love visiting friends and family who have them, as well as caring for my own now. Cats and dogs and everything in between I can take care of for you if need be.

Background Check


I have babysat and boarded dogs since I was 15. Love cats. I am 18. I spend time playing with the animals I make sure they are fed and well.

Background Check


Hello, my name is Jenna. I have house sat a lot. I have worked for a sitter company as well, walking , and house sitting animals. Recently, I house sat and watched over a Yellow Lab for two weeks. I loveanimals and I have a lot of experience with them. I lived on a farm and have most animals. I would love to talk to you more and I look forward to it….

Background Check


I have had pets my whole life, since I was a little kid. In my house I had two pintchers dogs (one died) I also have a cat (who I love with all my heart) growing up, to take care of the pets was myresponsibility so I don’t mind taking them for long walks, feeding, cleaning their mess. I definitely love animals and I love to take care of them….

Background Check

Rosa S. | Culver City, CA

$15-20/hr • 10 yrs exp • 61 yrs old

Pet Sitter, Pet Walker And Pet Companion

Responds within a few days


I have few years doing pet sitting such as taking them for long walks, feeding, picking poop up, and playing with them. I do some weekend sitting overnight. I love pets. I have a cat & dog of my own. I loveanimals and will treat them love and care….

Background Check


I have 6 years of experience. I can help with Boarding and Pet Sitting. I am very caring and patient and I will give your pet the same love I give my pets! I can also help train your pet in basic commands suchas sit , down and leave it and give them fun time for exercise!…

Background Check

Jill S. | Saint Louis, MO

$5-15/hr • 6 yrs exp • 56 yrs old

Pet Sitter and Pet Walker

Responds within a few days


As the holiday season begins & everyone is off to their getaways, please keep me in mind to put your mind at ease & leave your pets in their most comfortable home environment. I offer lots of love & cuddletime. I always leave your home cleaner than when you left it!…

Background Check

Recent Review:

Jill cared for my 12 year old cat for a few days over the summer. She was very responsive in terms of scheduling and providing updates on her well-being. My cat suffers from separation anxiety, but did verywell under Jill’s care. I so appreciated all the time spent with her while I was away; I knew that she was in good hands. Jill, thank you again for taking such good care of Brix!…

Reviewed by Alecia D.


I am seeking part-time employment to be a pet sitter, walker or provide care to pets. I love pets and would love to care for your pet. I have early morning, evenings and weekend availability. I can also providedog sitting in your home. I also love playing and keeping them active. I am fully vaccinated. I am willing to do overnights and live in with your pet while you are gone. I am available most holidays as well.

Background Check


Having grown up on a farm, I have experience with almost any kind of animal you can imagine. Although I do not have any of my own right now, I have raised dogs, horses and cats. I am available for short term orshort notice care….

Background Check


Your pets will be in great hands with me. I will love and care for them as if they were my own. I currently have two cats. Our family used to have two wonderful collies that brought us great joy. I haveexperience with dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, horses and lizards. I grew up riding horses and had two of my own as well as giving riding lessons.
I received the “animal lover” award in school.
I have several years of experience in pet sitting and house sitting. I am able to do overnights if needed, daytime care, or both.
I absolutely love all animals and care for them a great deal.
Honest, dependable and trustworthy are words that describe me.
References available.

Background Check

Jessica M. | Bethesda, MD

$15-20/hr • 7 yrs exp • 33 yrs old

Let me take care of your pet(s)

Responds within a day


I’m 28 years old, looking to earn extra money caring for animals. I have owned dogs and chinchillas throughout my life. I have cared for dogs and cats during the day and overnights. I watch my sister’sdog while she’s on vacation, as well as neighborhood and friend’s animals….

Background Check

Diane T. | Tucson, AZ

$12-17/hr • 10 yrs exp • 53 yrs old

Pet Care For Pets Of All Types


I have been a long-term pet owner(currently five cats, corn snake and German Shepherd puppy; previously, parakeets, fish and a German Shepherd dog whom we had to put to sleep when he reached the age of 13. 5)and also have worked as a cat care provider at a local no-kill cat shelter (including giving medications and sub-q fluids) as well as doing years of fostering kittens and cats.
I work as a freelance technical artist as my “day job” and so my work schedule is flexible and mainly self-directed while being heavy on dependability and reliability. I would love to put my skills and dedication toward your family’s pets!
You can check out my profile as a childcare provider for more information about me in general, as well as to see reviews and references for me in relation to caring for babies!…

Background Check


My name is Andrea I have 2 dogs and love to care for animals. I live in Algonac and can travel to your home to care for your pets:) please consider me for all your pet care needs.

Background Check

Susan H. | Kyle, TX

$15-20/hr • 2 yrs exp • 75 yrs old

Pet Lover To Care For Your Pets


I have loved animals my entire life and raised a daughter who felt the same way. Over the years, in large part because of her bringing home all animals imaginable, I’ve had dogs (large and small), cats,hamsters, guinea pigs, fish, birds (large and small), and bunnies. In addition to caring for our own pets, I have performed pet sitting for friends and family. For the duration of the time the pets are in my care, I perform basic duties such as feeding, providing fresh water, daily walks, grooming and brushing, and spending quality play time with the pet. I am comfortable with all different breeds and sizes of dogs and cats as well as most other animals (except maybe snakes!). I haven’t met an animal yet that I haven’t had an instant connection with. Allow me to come visit your pet and I think you’ll see why animals are the best judge of character. You can 100% trust me to care for your furry companion as if it were my own!…

Background Check

Showing 1 – 20 of 145783

Looking for pet care?

Finding quality pet care that you can trust doesn’t have to be so hard. We’re here to help you find the care you need for your pet. Compare caregiverprofiles, read reviews from other pet parents, and search by experience or pay rates to find the match you have been looking for.

Finding quality pet care that you can trust doesn’t have to be so hard. We’re here to help you find the care you need for your pet. Compare caregiver profiles, read reviews from other pet parents, and search by experience or pay rates to find the match you have been looking for.

Pet care by the numbers



3.1 yrs

avg. experience


member reviews

4.9 / 5

avg. rating

FAQ for finding pet care

How much does it cost to hire a pet care provider in 2022?

The average rate to hire a pet care provider through as of October, 2022 is $13.00 per hour. The cost will fluctuate depending on your city, the individual services that you’ll need, and the number of pets to be cared for.

What are my pet care options?

When looking for pet care, the most popular options include hiring a pet sitter if you would prefer to keep your pet at home, or taking your pet to doggy day care or kitty day care if your pet thrives with socialization.

What type of animals can I find care for?

Most sitters can care for dogs and cats, but there are pet care providers who can care for other animals such as guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, birds, fish, and others. You can find pet caregivers who can care for different types of animals on

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Jobs / Pet Care Jobs

Sitter Needed For 2 Exotic Pets – Seeking a sitter near Fairfax…

Full Time

$15 – 20/hr


Fairfax, VA

Seeking a sitter near Fairfax for 2 exotic pets. Playing and exercising are a must. Job duties include clean-up of pet waste. Responsibilities include feeding. Non-smoker
I have two cute, well-behaved ferrets who I need help with while I am away. This job would require 1-2 drop in visits per day.

Pet Sitter Needed In Silverado/ Henderson Area – hello ! we have.


One Time

$11 – 16/hr


Las Vegas, NV

hello ! we have 3 senior dogs. They are all potty trained and our house have 3 doggy doors . if we are out of town we need someone reliable to feed them day and night, make sure they have water and clean up outside/backyard.
sage is a min pin and she’s 17, she’s blind but still knows how to get in and out of doggy door.
tinker is a maltipoo mix and she’s 14
mr chompers js 15 and he’s a silk terrier
they love to be cuddled, all are friendly dogs
they just need care and attention, be fed 2x a day
tinker barks at other animals when I walk them but that’s about it. they get along with other dogs

Walker Needed For 1 Dog – Seeking a walker for 1 dog. Playing an…

Part Time

$15 – 20/hr


Ypsilanti, MI

Seeking a walker for 1 dog. Playing and exercising are a must. Responsibilities include regular walking. Non-smoker

Looking For A Pet Sitter For 2 Dogs – Just need someone to feed.


One Time

$25 – 50/hr


Norman, OK

Just need someone to feed and walk the dogs twice a day ( walk 3?!)
******there is a little dog park downstairs in the apartment complex I just let them play at.
will pay $50/day text me ASAP ASAP((:

Looking For A Pet Sitter For 1 Dog – Warren family needs a pet s…

One Time

$15 – 20/hr


Warren, VT

Warren family needs a pet sitter for 1 dog. Must love animals! Our ideal match will meet the requirements below. Playing and exercising are a must (mostly just a solid walk or two). Responsibilities include walks and feeding him dinner, and cuddling on the couch.
We are looking for someone to watch our dog, Cosmo, on Sunday afternoon +evening this weekend (Oct 9th), sometime around 2-8 p.m. (give or take). Cosmo just needs someone to keep him company and go on a walk or two.
Thank you!

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Overnight Care For Chihuahua – Hi! Looking for care for our 2.


One Time

$8 – 20/hr


Eagle Mountain, UT

Hi! Looking for care for our 2. 5 pound dog from 10/9-10/11.
Krypto-2. 5 lb chihuahua
Cuddly, playful, spunky

Vacation Care Needed – We need vacation care for our three fur b…

One Time

$9 – 14/hr


Lincoln, NE

We need vacation care for our three fur babies. If it’s only the cats it would be two 30 minute visits each day. We would pay $10 per visit. If it included the dog it would be around the clock for three days.
We call her Sadie. She is every inch a dachshund, she is very petite and a senior citizen.
Cat one is Tuxcedo. He is a black and white domestic short hair. We call him Cedo. he is a cuddler and purrs like a Mac truck.
Cat two is Poindexter. He is a yellow striped Manx he is our wild child we call him Dexter.
They are all very special fur babies
Nothing special but may need to bribe Cedo to eat
The cats have not been around any dog except Sadie. Sadie is intimidated by other dogs
We have a three car garage. Not sure where buses pick up around here

Seeking Dog Nanny!! – I am seeking a dog nanny;) My 4-year-old p…

Full Time

$8 – 20/hr


Charleston, SC

I am seeking a dog nanny;) My 4-year-old poodle Shih Tzu mix has never been alone. She always has a companion with her. In my current job in California she works with me but as I am going to begin working at MUSC I need to find a reliable home that I can bring her to and pick her up from every day. She is fantastic with children and other dogs. She really just loves to be near and cuddle with people. I am thinking that my schedule will often be five 8 hour days and would also sometimes be 4 10 hour days. If there’s any room for flexibility of schedule and hours that would be amazing but if not I am still interested. Very hopeful to try and conduct interviews and find a good fit before I move. I would be hoping to setup a weekly rate for daycare , much the same as weekly rate for children daycare. If you are interested at all please contact me! Thank you so much!

Looking For A Pet Sitter For 2 Dogs, 2 Cats – Leander family nee.


One Time

$12 – 17/hr


Leander, TX

Leander family needs a pet sitter for 2 dogs, 2 cats. Must love animals!

Doggy Caregiver Needed!! 🙂 – Lyla!
8year old rescue. She’s ki…

One Time

$8 – 25/hr


Austin, TX

8year old rescue. She’s kind, cuddly, and a well behaved girl. I was a dog trainer and so she’s very trained and walks nicely on leash. Although she’s getting up there in age she has energy but LOVES a good nap.
Active and sweet
I’m Sarah (flight attendant)
My boyfriend lives in Austin full time and he watches my sweet girl when I’m away on trip. We will be out this weekend and need someone to watch her. She’s easy going and will keep you company. Let me know if you’re available!
Sarah 🙂
Yes she does! I have trained her and worked with many dogs/cats/kids with her! She’s a well behaved girl.

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Sitter Needed For 2 Dogs – Seeking a sitter near Mahopac for 2 d.


One Time

$13 – 18/hr


Mahopac, NY

Seeking a sitter near Mahopac for 2 dogs in our home. We have an underground dog fence, so you would just have to come feed them and let them out.

LA Dog Nanny Needed – Hello! Make sure you take the time to cons…

Full Time

$15 – 20/hr


Los Angeles, CA

Hello! Make sure you take the time to consider what this role calls for. First off, MUST LOVE DOGS. We are a busy couple with four dogs with that being said there is never a boring day in this house! This position is highly rewarding & lots of fun for the right person who is dependable, compassionate, efficient, prioritized, intuitive, and self motivated. We are looking for a dog nanny to assist with our pets which include the following tasks, but not limited to; providing food and clean water, grooming, vet appointments, crate cleaning, taking dogs out for a walk, providing companionship, and dog training (preferable experienced). Overnight stays from time to time.

Looking For A Pet Sitter For 2 Cats – Salt Lake City family need…

One Time

$10 – 19/hr


Salt Lake City, UT

Salt Lake City family needs a pet sitter for 2 cats. Must love animals! Our ideal match will meet the requirements below. Pet sitter /house sitter on site for the week Job duties all care needed for two great and friendly cats – keep condo clean- Non-smoker

Looking For A Loving Kitty sitter For My 3 Orange Kitties!! – Lo…

Part Time

$20 – 30/hr


Vancouver, WA

Looking for somebody to check in on our 3 kitties while we are out of town. You’ll need to fill food/water, scoop litter-box, give a few belly rubs/snuggles, and a little play time 🙂 Our biggest requirement is that you’ll love/treat them as your own !

Fur Baby Sitter Needed: 1 Lrg Dog, 1 Med Dog, And 1 Cat – Bruce-…

One Time

$13 – 13/hr


Phoenix, AZ

Bruce- 7, Staffordshire Terrier, is friendly but timid at times. He loves playing with his toys and enjoys treats! Oreo- 7. 5, German Shepard/Pit Terrier, she is extremely friendly and loves rub downs. Lucky (Kitty), 12 years old, is pretty vocal for a cat. She loves being pet, but please do not pick her up.
Oreo and Bruce: Dog bowls should stay full (free range). Food bag is next to their crate. Please let them outside to use the restroom several times throughout the day, I leave them for 15-30 minutes each time depending on how warm it is outside. Lucky (Kitty): Food bag is on top of the crate. The cat gets fed 3 small portions throughout the day: 8am, 12pm, and 5:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. is okay for a small snack. The cat is NOT allowed outside.
Bruce: Friendly with people
Oreo/Lucky: Friendly with all
Street parking/Driveway/Bus stop nearby

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Walker Needed For 1 Dog – I’m looking for a reliable person to w.


Part Time

$12 – 15/hr


Akron, OH

I’m looking for a reliable person to walk my dog 2-3 days per week. Graham is a 7-year-old Australian Cattle Dog. I’m looking for someone to walk him on Tuesdays & Thursdays and potentially on Mondays as well. Graham loves to play fetch. He loves to swim. Very active dog.

Looking For A Pet Sitter For 2 Dogs – Plymouth family needs a pe…

One Time

$15 – 25/hr


Plymouth, MA

Plymouth family needs a pet sitter for 2 Great Danes. Must love animals! Our ideal match will meet the requirements below. Job includes playing with and exercising my pet(s). You should be comfortable picking up waste/scooping litter box/etc. Walking my pet(s) is required. We need someone who can provide overnight care. Responsibilities include feeding. Non-smoker. Must understand Great Danes and their temperament. Must be willing to meet first.

Sitter Needed For 1 Cat – Needing someone with vet tech experien.


Full Time

$17 – 45/hr


Berkeley, CA

Needing someone with vet tech experience to administer medications to my Savannah cat Kimta.

Looking For A Pet Sitter For 3 Cats – Inlet Beach family needs a…

One Time

$10 – 15/hr


Inlet Beach, FL

Inlet Beach family needs a pet sitter for 3 cats. They just need visited once a day to clean their litter box (only 1 litter box) and to open a can of wet food for each of them as well as make sure their dry food and water are filled. Thank you!

Simple Weekly Potty Training For Mini Eskimo Female – Simple Wee…

Part Time

$20 – 30/hr


Aurora, CO

Simple Weekly Potty Training For Mini Eskimo Female
Once weekly potty training needed

Jobs / Pet Care Jobs

Distinctive Pet Care Pet Sitting Dog Walking Littleton CO

Current Client Reservations

(as of 9/2021 we are using new software.  Please activate your account, review/update your info)

Meet the Sitters

Get More Information


Welcome to Distinctive Pet Care Services and thanks for visiting our page!  Our goal is always to “Treat Yours Like Ours”  We have been providing top-notch pet sitting and pet care in the Littleton community since 1995 (yes, that is over 25 years!) and the Best Choice as an alternative to pet boarding.

No exposure to illnesses such as kennel cough, canine flu & parasites. No extra vaccines your pet doesn’t need.

Reducing their stress by allowing them to stay on their own schedule

Being cared for by a trained, responsible pet sitting professional that will treat your pets as if they were their own.

Reduces the pet owner’s stress by providing crime deterrence by alternating lights, picking up mail, etc.

No hassles of dropping off and picking up your pets during certain hours.

What makes Distinctive Pet Care different?

What makes us different than other services (especially Rover, Wag! or a “hobby” pet sitter,  etc.) Our business is run by Dawn Olson, a former Veterinary Technician (see Meet The Sitters Page) that has many years of professional pet care & also currently owns & operates The Ken Caryl Pet Spa.  We hand pick our pet sitters & match them up with our client’s needs.  They are trained, pass a background check and we only hire people that Dawn would allow to care for her own pets!

In October of 2017 we converted all of our pet sitters from contractors to EMPLOYEES!  Why is this better for you?  As a business that has served this community for many years, we have always wanted to provide the BEST services with the BEST pet care givers.   As employees, our pet sitters qualify for Workers Compensation Insurance, Unemployment, SSI, Liability Coverage and other benefits that do reduce your risk as a home owner.  We also have more leeway to require continuing education, training (such as Pet First Aid & CPR Training) and more supervision.  We also use a software called Pet Sitter Plus that allows you to update your pet’s information & care, directly book your pet reservations needs and provides our pet sitters with their daily schedules, they check-in and out of each visit!  We even send you visit notes (& pictures) directly through the software to your email about our visits, which our client’s love!

Clients absolutely love the convenience and security that our pet sitting service provides and we work 365 days per year. . . all we can ask is that you TRY IT!  We are used to handling pets with separation anxiety and have been known to sit on the floor and hand-feed them!

We recommend you explore our website, as it provides answers to many questions, but don’t hesitate to give us a call, we would be happy to discuss your specific needs because we realize that every pet is different and requires individualized care so they are able to have a successful at home experience.

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Distinctive Pet Care

Average rating:  

 74 reviews

Helgerson, Jeff / Kim Abbott

Oct 27, 2021

 by Helgerson, Jeff / Kim Abbott

Friendly / helpful and kept in touch with us 😎

Wonderful … kept in contact with daily activities … ( texts ) as requested 😀. Friendly … asked questions as needed … friendly with Zoe ( pet ) on first contact … will keep your info handy … may suggest sitters have business card to put on my fridge 👀. .. 🐶

Becky Guinn

Oct 27, 2021

 by Becky Guinn

Terri S is fabulous!

Our sitter is Terri S and she’s the perfect match for our very shy kitty who needs a lot of pills. She also gives our other friendly kitty plenty of playtime and affection. Neither of them seem at all phased or unsettled when we come home from a trip. It’s so good to be able to rely on her. She’s a very tenacious and caring sitter! 😌

Kim medsker

Jul 5, 2021

 by Kim medsker

Terri S is a Mercedes of a cat sitter

Terri S is a gem . I worry about my cats. Terri’s help me stop that. She has a Mercedes of cat sitters. She sent me pictures and detail information about what my cats did down to the last tablespoon of food left and eaten the next morning. My neighbors even complemented her always being there. They are very impressed I am impressed my cats love her and soda why she’s wonderful and everybody should be so lucky to have Terri as a cat sitter!!

Distinctive Pet Care Pet Sitting Dog Walking Littleton CO
June 29, 2012

10 Tips for Responsible Pet Care

Pet owners are willing to do whatever it takes to take care of their precious pets. This includes regular daily activities and games for dogs and cats to keep them happy and healthy. If you follow these ten tips for responsible pet care year after year, your cats and dogs will be healthy and happy all their lives.

1. Visit to the veterinarian

Responsibility starts with regular visits to the veterinarian. Given that cats and dogs have a shorter lifespan than humans, they should be examined at least once or twice a year. Depending on the vaccination schedule, pets may be in the doctor’s office more often at a young age, but regular visits to the veterinarian at an older age are essential to maintain good health.

Going to the vet can be a daunting task. Cats, in particular, sometimes don’t like to leave the cozy confines of their home, but there are ways to help reduce stress. Experts recommend teaching your cat to be carried from an early age. This will avoid a scenario where the cat will run away from the owner and hide under the bed. Dogs, on the other hand, tend to enjoy traveling by car. Take your dog for a ride in the car from time to time so that he doesn’t associate the car solely with a visit to the veterinarian. Many pets don’t mind a visit to the veterinarian, especially if you find one that suits your little friend..

2. Vaccinations

Pet vaccinations are a vital component of responsible care. Soon after you bring your new pet home, make an appointment with your veterinarian for vaccinations. During the first visit, the doctor will make a schedule of vaccinations for kittens and puppies, which will help protect them from diseases and ailments. The puppy should be vaccinated within the first few weeks of his arrival in your home, unless the vaccinations were done by the breeder or the previous owner. At your first visit, discuss with your veterinarian the appropriate timing of vaccinations. Vaccinations help prevent diseases such as rabies, leptospirosis, and canine distemper. Cats are vaccinated to prevent feline herpes virus, feline leukemia, panleukopenia, and rabies. If you are adopting an adult or elderly pet, make sure it has all the necessary vaccinations already. Vaccinations must be repeated periodically, and this applies not only to young pets.

3. Correct identification details

If the unthinkable happens and your pet gets lost – especially small puppies and kittens who tend to run out into the street – the correct identification information will help you quickly and successfully find it. Start with the basics: a pet gps collar or a tag with all the contact information. In addition to the identification tag, a pet microchip is recommended because there is always a chance that the collar will come off. A microchip is an electronic device, shaped and sized like a grain of rice, that is implanted under a pet’s skin and can be read by a scanner to obtain contact information. A combination of these forms of identification can be very helpful in reuniting with a pet, but only if you update your contact information regularly. It is imperative to change the data in the microchip file, as well as on the pet collar, if the owner’s address or phone number changes.

4. Neutering/neutering

Neutering cats and dogs can prevent many health problems, including complicated pregnancy, and reduce the number of homeless animals. Neutering a cat (removing the uterus and ovaries) significantly reduces the risk of cervical cancer, eliminates the risk of ovarian cancer, and prevents estrus. It will minimize the chance of running away from home in search of a partner, and neighbor cats will be less aggressive (and will not mark the territory, which will only benefit you and your garden furniture if you live in a private house). Spaying your dog will help reduce aggression and roaming around the area, as well as prevent the development of testicular cancer. Since spaying and neutering are performed under general anesthesia, the pet will most likely stay at the veterinary clinic for at least one night for observation and recovery.

5. Healthy pet nutrition

Providing pets with fresh cool water and healthy food are two interrelated elements of responsible pet ownership. Properly selected food will improve the quality of life of your pet, providing it with the necessary energy and nutrients. With so many options out there, choosing a food can be tricky, but you can quickly become an expert by looking at the list of important ingredients and learning how they help your puppy or kitten. When choosing healthy food for cats, it is necessary to ensure the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These ingredients are important for dog food as well as sufficient fiber for a healthy digestive system. In addition to containing beneficial ingredients, the formula should be appropriate for the pet’s age, health, and activity level. Before transferring a pet to a specialized food, it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian. It will help you choose healthy food for your dog or cat.

6. Home Care

Every pet owner makes it their mission to instill good hygiene habits in their pet by providing proper care at home, veterinarian or pet salon. Brushing your teeth, combing your teeth and providing healthy food keep them in top shape. In addition, responsible pet care requires planning for hygiene and grooming activities, try combining these with rewards. For example, you can offer your pet a comforting brush after nail trimming until it becomes a habit.

7. Comfortable Home

As the seasons or living space change, be sure to look around to make sure you are providing your pet with a safe and comfortable environment. Is your dog’s bedding a little worn out? Buy her a new one. Is the litter box no longer suitable for your cat’s needs? Looks like it’s time to think about a new tray and scoop. In addition, rooms should be checked for potential hazards. Make sure there are no exposed cords or wires (puppies and kittens love to use them as chew toys), install safety shutters, repair windows or shutters, and remove any plants that are poisonous to your pet.

8. Dog and cat training and socialization

One of the most important aspects of responsible pet care is to ensure that your dog or cat is properly trained and socialized with other people and dogs. It is best and most effective to start training dogs and cats at a young age, but in general it is never too late to learn new skills. Toilet training any animal you share a home with is a top priority, as is obedience training. Teaching socialization skills will help your puppy or kitten bond with you and other pets. Ask your veterinarian or local animal shelter to recommend good animal trainers in your area or home training aids. A well-bred pet is a happy pet, and therefore its owner.

9. Keeping the rules while walking in the park

Taking your dog outside to play is a good time. As social creatures, dogs love to have fun in nature. If you decide to take your puppy to a dog park, follow the rules. Maintaining dog park etiquette, such as bringing your own toys, will keep everyone safe, especially if the dog is aggressive or not well socialized. Take a treat with you to reward your dog for good behavior. Veterinarians also recommend waiting until your dog is at least four months old before bringing him to a dog park, as he must be vaccinated and de-parasited in order to come into contact with other animals. The main thing is to follow the generally accepted rules for walking pets.

10. Time for safe play

It’s no secret that dogs and cats love to play and this activity is an effective way to build relationships. Check out their toys. Are they safe? Be aware of worn soft toys that pose a choking hazard and sharp edges that can cause injury. Throw them away and replace. Making DIY toys for cats and dogs is a great and inexpensive way to make interacting with pets even more interesting!

Remember that these tips don’t just apply to pets. Make them a part of your daily routine and see how many long-term benefits this will bring to you!

Contributor Bio

Christine O’Brien

Christine O’Brien is a writer, mother, and longtime owner of two Russian blue cats who are the head of the house. Her articles can also be found on, What to Expect and Fit Pregnancy, where she writes about family life, pets and pregnancy. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @brovelliobrien.

Tips for caring for pets

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Since ancient times, it was customary to have a pet that participated in household chores. Cats fought rodents, and dogs guarded the house or went hunting with the owner. Today, a pet is a favorite of all family members, which helps to cope with loneliness, cheers up, and also develops a sense of responsibility from childhood. Before you get a four-legged friend, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for them. After all, the health and emotional state of the animal depends on the seriousness of the owner’s approach to the study of this issue.

Important points when purchasing a pet
Each owner wishes for his pet to grow up healthy, active and energetic. To do this, you need to know some points for its further quality life:

  • An animal, like a small child, requires a lot of attention and care. It cannot independently take care of its body, eat and carry out other procedures, therefore, all responsibility lies with the owner.
  • You need to get a pet if you have enough free time or other family members can take care of it.
  • All animals must be vaccinated according to the established schedule, regardless of breed.
  • It is necessary to treat your four-legged friend for fleas and lice, even if he does not go outside.
  • Timely deworm cats and dogs.

Basic rules for caring for pets
If you are going to get a pet, you need to carefully study its features, environmental factors that can negatively affect it, and of course, familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for quality care for them. They may differ from each other depending on the type of animal, but it is customary to consider the same for all pets:

  1. Find the right food.

It is no secret that the health, appearance and mood of the animal depends on a balanced diet. You should carefully study what kind of food and in what quantity you need to give the animal. Also, do not forget that pets need additional vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances that they need for normal growth and development. In no case should you feed cats with dog food and vice versa, they have a different digestive system.

  1. Regular hygiene.

Animals are susceptible to a number of bacteria that cause numerous diseases. Therefore, do not forget to conduct daily personal hygiene of the pet (bathing, cleaning the ears, trimming the nails and hair (if necessary), hygiene of the eyes and teeth, combing the tangles). These procedures can make your pet not only attractive and well-groomed, but also healthy. Your veterinarian will tell you how often and correctly to carry out these activities.

  1. Cleaning the room and cleaning the bed.

Cleaning in the room where the animal lives should be carried out regularly, and its habitat should be kept clean. It is recommended to clean the pet’s toilet after each urination or defecation act, as this environment creates conditions for the growth of bacteria. Food and water utensils should always be kept clean to prevent intestinal diseases.

  1. Health monitoring.

To keep your pet in good health, regular consultation and examination by a veterinarian is necessary. It will help to identify the problems and diseases of your four-legged friend at an early stage and start treatment in a timely manner. Therefore, a visit to a specialist is required regularly.

  1. Vaccination.

An equally important point in pet care is timely vaccination. Vaccinations are necessary for an animal in the event of any infectious disease that they tend to get sick. The vaccination schedule is set by a specialist with extensive experience and knowledge in the field of animals.
For many, a pet is tantamount to a family member, so it should be well cared for and taken care of. Before you get a pet, you should answer yourself the question, are you ready to devote enough time and effort to it? And if you still decide, you can contact our online store, where experienced staff will answer any question about animals.

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Proper pet care

Pets cannot be happy and healthy without constant and proper care. Attention is paid not only to the condition of wool and claws, but also to nutrition, the presence of vitamins in the diet, vaccinations, the prevention of fleas, ticks and various parasites. Each pet has its own feature of healthy keeping, but everyone needs to resort to the services of a veterinarian as a preventive measure at least once a year. Dogs and cats are considered the most common pets, so we will talk about the healthy care of this category in this article.

Ear cleaning for cats and dogs

Ear cleaning is necessary not only to eliminate various contaminants, but also to identify a number of problems. For example, a visual inspection will help determine if the animal has an allergic reaction, ticks, damage, fungi (pus and other discharge appear), and foreign objects. Inspection should be carried out every 1-3 days, cleaning – once a week.

How do I clean my dog’s or cat’s ears?

  • Animal fixation. In order not to frighten the pet, you need to carefully put it on a towel, lay it on its side, stroke it, and then gently wrap it in a cloth. In this case, you need to talk with a cat or dog, praise your pet.
  • Ear examination. Ear sticks are not recommended, only cotton pads or other options without additives (the animal can actively move, and incorrect movement of the ear stick will lead to damage). For standard treatment, a special spray or lotion is used, which will gently dissolve the dirt. There are also special napkins (suitable for large dogs).
  • Ear massage. It is carried out carefully, with your fingertips, so that the product spreads better over the entire surface. In addition, it calms the animals.
  • Removal of contaminants. Dissolved contaminants and excess sulfur are removed with a cotton pad, napkin. For each ear you need to use a separate element.

The inner surface of the ear should be pink, without damage. Foreign objects are best removed at the veterinary center, as is the diagnosis of secretions that do not look like ordinary sulfur. Sometimes the animal will talk about the problem by pressing its ear, tilting its head to one side, or constantly scratching it with its paw. Also, a veterinary examination is necessary for preventive purposes. Animals that live in private homes and walk on the street need a daily inspection.

Eye Care

Pets often have injuries to the organs of vision, inflammation and discharge from the eyes, birth defects associated with the characteristics of the breed, etc. Some need special care and the use of supportive products that will protect the eyes from various factors. The following animals are at risk:

  • Flat-faced breeds. Due to the anatomical structure, secretions accumulate in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and nose, which irritate the delicate mucous membrane.
  • Breeds with a special eyelid design. For example, it can be sharpei with numerous folds.
  • Breeds with long hair. Even with regular grooming visits, the coat of breeds such as terriers, Shih Tzu and others remains coarse and can injure the eyes during play or even sleep.

At home, you can regularly moisturize your eyes with drops, but you should clean them and treat them only under the supervision of a veterinarian. The organs of vision are very delicate, and any violation of the rules of care can become more complicated in a matter of hours.

Filler selection

Fillers are produced not only for cats, but also for decorative breeds of dogs, such as pug, chihuahua, toy terrier, Chinese crested, etc. The need to equip a toilet for a pet may arise due to its age: animals over 10-12 years old often do not want to go for a walk. It’s also a great solution when it’s raining.

There are clumping and absorbent fillers. The first option is in great demand, since when moisture gets in, a lump is formed, which is easy to remove with a special accessory. The second option turns into a soft mass, and to eliminate it, a complete cleaning of the tray is necessary.

Types of fillers by composition

  • Woody. It consists of a mixture of sawdust from different tree species, which is then pressed and extruded. As a result, particles of different sizes are obtained. It absorbs odor well, does not harm the animal, is flushed down the toilet and disintegrates when liquid enters. The disadvantages include frequent replacement and the periodic appearance of chips and other natural waste in packages.
  • Mineral. The most commonly used clay or zeolite, other materials. It is used exclusively for adult cats and decorative dogs, as puppies and kittens can accidentally swallow it. When moisture enters, a hard lump is formed, which easily retains the smell. It is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, but is not disposed of in the toilet. If the animal likes to dig, then this option will not work, as there will be a lot of dust.
  • silica gel. Modern synthetic material, when liquid enters, forms a dense lump. Holds odors well. This option is used when several pets live at home, and you need to clean up after them without having to replace the entire tray. The disadvantages include the high cost of production.

The particle size is selected depending on the age, breed and even the nature of the animal. A small mineral is suitable for dogs that are calm with cats, silica gel is perfect for kittens, and pressed wood sawdust for cats who like to dig a tray.

When choosing, attention should also be paid to the presence of flavors or other additives: some components can cause an allergic reaction or simply be unpleasant for the animal. Another tip: long-haired pets are not suitable for small granules, as they quickly become tangled in wool.

For older cats and dogs, as well as for animals that have health problems, a diagnostic filler is suitable. For any problems with the kidneys and urinary system, it changes color, which indicates the need to visit a veterinary clinic.

Nail care

The regularity and thoroughness of claw care directly depends on how often the animal goes outside. Under natural conditions, cats claw on tree bark, walls and other elements. Dogs grind their claws with regular running on asphalt, active activities. Pets that rarely or never leave the apartment require a specially equipped scratching post.

It is necessary to accustom to the scratching post from the first days of being in the apartment, so that later a sofa, carpet or wallpaper does not start to be used for this purpose. However, you will still need to regularly trim your nails: long claws cling to objects and can cause injury to the animal, and an unused claw on the fifth toe can grow into the skin and cause serious problems.

How to properly trim nails?

  • For this purpose, a special nail cutter with a special tip shape is used. They round the claw and prevent it from flaking, clinging to clothes, a sofa, etc.
  • The animal is gently picked up or sits next to it. At the same time, you need to constantly talk to him and stroke him. At first, it is better for two family members to do this.
  • Only the tips of the nails need to be trimmed with a nail cutter. You need to be very careful, as there are many blood vessels here. If one of them was hurt, you should immediately treat the wound or contact your veterinarian for help.
  • Treat your pet as a reward.

Often there are animals that do not want to cut their claws and in every possible way prevent this. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian: clinic specialists have extensive experience in this field and professional nail cutters.

Hair care

Wool for an animal is a continuation of its skin. Any problems are immediately displayed in the form of dermatitis, inflammation, increased hair loss, depressed mood of the animal and a decrease in its immunity. Hair care for cats and dogs can be divided into three main stages:

  • Combing. Even not the most fluffy animals have the so-called undercoat, which provides thermoregulation and protects against mechanical damage. Wool in it falls out in the same way, but to remove it, it is necessary to comb out with a special brush. The shape of the teeth is made in such a way as to capture even the deepest undercoat. In addition, it is a massage for the animal, which activates the movement of blood and lymph. The frequency depends on the degree of fluffiness of the animal. For example, short-haired ones need to be combed 1-2 times a week, long-haired ones – 3-4 times a week.
  • Bathing. During bathing, various contaminants are removed, fleas and ticks are prevented, and the skin is softened. Animals that are often on the street need to be bathed more often, domestic animals – as a preventive measure. Special shampoos are produced, thanks to the assortment of which you can choose an option for any breed of dogs and cats. When swimming, make sure that water does not get into your eyes and ears.
  • A haircut. Designed for long haired animals. This procedure is carried out by groomers who know the structure of the coat of each breed, skin features, and care requirements. In warm seasons, a haircut is required more often, because animals can also not tolerate heat well, like people. In winter, adjustments are made to the area of ​​the muzzle and ears, paws, and tail.

Hair care should also include the use of vitamins. Whatever food the animal has, it is completely impossible to follow this. The lack of vitamins, minerals and other substances can be compensated with the help of vitamin supplements. Manufacturers make their taste attractive to animals, so vitamins can be added to food.

In addition, you need to regularly go to the veterinarian for a thorough examination. Sometimes you may not even notice that in some places the hair began to fall out, and a tick appeared under the paw. Many centers have professional groomers who will give practical advice and bring the coat of a cat or dog in order. And this applies to all areas of pet care: any problem or disease can be prevented if you contact an experienced veterinarian in time.

Pets cannot be happy and healthy without constant and proper care. Attention is paid not only to the condition of wool and claws, but also to nutrition, the presence of vitamins in the diet, vaccinations, the prevention of fleas, ticks and various parasites. Each pet has its own feature of healthy keeping, but everyone needs to resort to the services of a veterinarian as a preventive measure at least once a year. Dogs and cats are considered the most common pets, so we will talk about the healthy care of this category in this article.

Ear cleaning for cats and dogs

Ear cleaning is necessary not only to eliminate various contaminants, but also to identify a number of problems. For example, a visual inspection will help determine if the animal has an allergic reaction, ticks, damage, fungi (pus and other discharge appear), and foreign objects. Inspection should be carried out every 1-3 days, cleaning – once a week.

How do I clean my dog’s or cat’s ears?

  • Animal fixation. In order not to frighten the pet, you need to carefully put it on a towel, lay it on its side, stroke it, and then gently wrap it in a cloth. In this case, you need to talk with a cat or dog, praise your pet.
  • Ear examination. Ear sticks are not recommended, only cotton pads or other options without additives (the animal can actively move, and incorrect movement of the ear stick will lead to damage). For standard treatment, a special spray or lotion is used, which will gently dissolve the dirt. There are also special napkins (suitable for large dogs).
  • Ear massage. It is carried out carefully, with your fingertips, so that the product spreads better over the entire surface. In addition, it calms the animals.
  • Removal of contaminants. Dissolved contaminants and excess sulfur are removed with a cotton pad, napkin. For each ear you need to use a separate element.

The inner surface of the ear should be pink, without damage. Foreign objects are best removed at the veterinary center, as is the diagnosis of secretions that do not look like ordinary sulfur. Sometimes the animal will talk about the problem by pressing its ear, tilting its head to one side, or constantly scratching it with its paw. Also, a veterinary examination is necessary for preventive purposes. Animals that live in private homes and walk on the street need a daily inspection.

Eye Care

Pets often have injuries to the organs of vision, inflammation and discharge from the eyes, birth defects associated with the characteristics of the breed, etc. Some need special care and the use of supportive products that will protect the eyes from various factors. The following animals are at risk:

  • Flat-faced breeds. Due to the anatomical structure, secretions accumulate in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and nose, which irritate the delicate mucous membrane.
  • Breeds with a special eyelid design. For example, it can be sharpei with numerous folds.
  • Breeds with long hair. Even with regular grooming visits, the coat of breeds such as terriers, Shih Tzu and others remains coarse and can injure the eyes during play or even sleep.

At home, you can regularly moisturize your eyes with drops, but you should clean them and treat them only under the supervision of a veterinarian. The organs of vision are very delicate, and any violation of the rules of care can become more complicated in a matter of hours.

Filler selection

Fillers are produced not only for cats, but also for decorative breeds of dogs, such as pug, chihuahua, toy terrier, Chinese crested, etc. The need to equip a toilet for a pet may arise due to its age: animals over 10-12 years old often do not want to go for a walk. It’s also a great solution when it’s raining.

There are clumping and absorbent fillers. The first option is in great demand, since when moisture gets in, a lump is formed, which is easy to remove with a special accessory. The second option turns into a soft mass, and to eliminate it, a complete cleaning of the tray is necessary.

Types of fillers by composition

  • Woody. It consists of a mixture of sawdust from different tree species, which is then pressed and extruded. As a result, particles of different sizes are obtained. It absorbs odor well, does not harm the animal, is flushed down the toilet and disintegrates when liquid enters. The disadvantages include frequent replacement and the periodic appearance of chips and other natural waste in packages.
  • Mineral. The most commonly used clay or zeolite, other materials. It is used exclusively for adult cats and decorative dogs, as puppies and kittens can accidentally swallow it. When moisture enters, a hard lump is formed, which easily retains the smell. It is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, but is not disposed of in the toilet. If the animal likes to dig, then this option will not work, as there will be a lot of dust.
  • silica gel. Modern synthetic material, when liquid enters, forms a dense lump. Holds odors well. This option is used when several pets live at home, and you need to clean up after them without having to replace the entire tray. The disadvantages include the high cost of production.

The particle size is selected depending on the age, breed and even the nature of the animal. A small mineral is suitable for dogs that are calm with cats, silica gel is perfect for kittens, and pressed wood sawdust for cats who like to dig a tray.

When choosing, attention should also be paid to the presence of flavors or other additives: some components can cause an allergic reaction or simply be unpleasant for the animal. Another tip: long-haired pets are not suitable for small granules, as they quickly become tangled in wool.

For older cats and dogs, as well as for animals that have health problems, a diagnostic filler is suitable. For any problems with the kidneys and urinary system, it changes color, which indicates the need to visit a veterinary clinic.

Nail care

The regularity and thoroughness of claw care directly depends on how often the animal goes outside. Under natural conditions, cats claw on tree bark, walls and other elements. Dogs grind their claws with regular running on asphalt, active activities. Pets that rarely or never leave the apartment require a specially equipped scratching post.

It is necessary to accustom to the scratching post from the first days of being in the apartment, so that later a sofa, carpet or wallpaper does not start to be used for this purpose. However, you will still need to regularly trim your nails: long claws cling to objects and can cause injury to the animal, and an unused claw on the fifth toe can grow into the skin and cause serious problems.

How to properly trim nails?

  • For this purpose, a special nail cutter with a special tip shape is used. They round the claw and prevent it from flaking, clinging to clothes, a sofa, etc.
  • The animal is gently picked up or sits next to it. At the same time, you need to constantly talk to him and stroke him. At first, it is better for two family members to do this.
  • Only the tips of the nails need to be trimmed with a nail cutter. You need to be very careful, as there are many blood vessels here. If one of them was hurt, you should immediately treat the wound or contact your veterinarian for help.
  • Treat your pet as a reward.

Often there are animals that do not want to cut their claws and in every possible way prevent this. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian: clinic specialists have extensive experience in this field and professional nail cutters.

Hair care

Wool for an animal is a continuation of its skin. Any problems are immediately displayed in the form of dermatitis, inflammation, increased hair loss, depressed mood of the animal and a decrease in its immunity. Hair care for cats and dogs can be divided into three main stages:

  • Combing. Even not the most fluffy animals have the so-called undercoat, which provides thermoregulation and protects against mechanical damage. Wool in it falls out in the same way, but to remove it, it is necessary to comb out with a special brush. The shape of the teeth is made in such a way as to capture even the deepest undercoat. In addition, it is a massage for the animal, which activates the movement of blood and lymph. The frequency depends on the degree of fluffiness of the animal. For example, short-haired ones need to be combed 1-2 times a week, long-haired ones – 3-4 times a week.
  • Bathing. During bathing, various contaminants are removed, fleas and ticks are prevented, and the skin is softened. Animals that are often on the street need to be bathed more often, domestic animals – as a preventive measure. Special shampoos are produced, thanks to the assortment of which you can choose an option for any breed of dogs and cats. When swimming, make sure that water does not get into your eyes and ears.
  • A haircut. Designed for long haired animals. This procedure is carried out by groomers who know the structure of the coat of each breed, skin features, and care requirements. In warm seasons, a haircut is required more often, because animals can also not tolerate heat well, like people. In winter, adjustments are made to the area of ​​the muzzle and ears, paws, and tail.

Hair care should also include the use of vitamins. Whatever food the animal has, it is completely impossible to follow this. The lack of vitamins, minerals and other substances can be compensated with the help of vitamin supplements. Manufacturers make their taste attractive to animals, so vitamins can be added to food.

In addition, you need to regularly go to the veterinarian for a thorough examination.

La petite lees summit: La Petite Academy of Lee’s Summit in Lee’s Summit, MO | 3701 SW Cheddington Drive

Опубликовано: April 8, 2021 в 11:12 am


Категории: Pet

La Petite Academy of Lee’s Summit in Lee’s Summit, MO | 3701 SW Cheddington Drive

Your School La Petite Academy of Lee’s Summit, MO



La Petite Academy of Lee’s Summit, MO

Welcome to Our School

Thank you for visiting La Petite Academy in Lee’s Summit, MO. My name is Vicki and I am the academy director. I have been director at this location since 2001 and I have been a teacher and a manager since 1994. I also have a bachelor’s degree in elementary education with a concentration in psychology. Drawing from this experience, I can confidently say that La Petite Academy offers the best Infant Care and Private Preschool in Lee’s Summit, MO.

Our school is nationally accredited by NECPA. The standards that we follow are higher than the State of Missouri Child Daycare Licensing Standards. Our CPR/First Aid certified teachers also have a higher level of education and in-service training hours per year.

We have new technology in our School-Age classroom including iPads with apps to create art, music and videos, tripods for movie making, robots for coding and more! For younger children we have optional enrichment classes including karate and dance.

We’re committed to providing simple ways to keep you connected throughout the day while your child is in our care. With live streaming video, you can view your child’s classroom from any device or computer. Plus, get real-time updates with our family communication app.

We closely follow recommendations from state and local authorities, to maintain a clean, safe, healthy environment.

We value the relationships we have with our families and work hard to prepare children for the next step in their education. We hope you will come and tour our La Petite Academy educational daycare in Lee’s Summit, MO and become part of the La Petite family!

Here’s what people have to say

4.8 out of 5 stars

Great school. Teachers are so caring.

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We love the school and staff. Everyone that works there shows they care and want to be there.

Verified Shopper

Very friendly staff. Willing to listen to your needs.

Verified Shopper

Love this school. It’s apparent that everyone who interacts with my son genuinely cares about him. They do daily curriculum activities to help him learn and grow. I love the Brightwheel app, too, because it helps me stay connected and know what my son is up to throughout our busy days.

Verified Shopper

Everything has been great. All the staff is very knowledgeable and kind. They take pride in what they do.

Verified Shopper

We love this school and have had a wonderful experience through the years. It is clean, well kept, and safe. The teachers and director are caring and friendly. There seems to be very little turn over which is huge. It has been a great environment for our children.

Verified Shopper

I love this school and the teachers here. They treat us like family! Love love love this location!!

Verified Shopper

Overall, we have be satisfied with La Petite Academy. My child loves his two teachers, Miss. Baylee and Ms. Shawna, so dearly. I know he’s loved and cared for there every day.

Verified Shopper

Love the school, staff, and education our kids have received through the years.

Verified Shopper

This school has been great and the teachers are amazing!

Verified Shopper

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Local School Phone Number: 816.537.6921816.537.6921

License #: 001331562



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About the Provider

Description: In the simplest terms, La Petite Academy provides educational child care. But our commitment to kids doesn’t stop there. We are passionate about providing your children with the tools they need to be successful in all aspects of their lives.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number:
  • Capacity:
  • Age Range:
    6 WEEKS – 12 YEARS
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:
  • Current License Issue Date:
    Aug 28, 2021
  • Licensor:

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Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable,
but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns,
as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Report Date Report Type
2019-06-07 RENEWAL

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.



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La Petite Academy of Lee’s Summit

La Petite Academy of Lee’s Summit – Care. com Lee’s Summit, MO


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At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That’s why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.


What matters to us at La Petite Academy is simple: Your child. Here, exceptionally strong, sound social and educational foundations are formed. Here, children learn to respect one another. Learn together. Learn to work together. Learn to have fun constructively. And discover how enjoyable learning can be. It all starts by design. The free-flowing, open concept design of our facilities inspires a nurturing, interactive, and collaborative environment in which your child can thrive. Our schools and classrooms are designed to give children room to grow, room to share and room to be themselves. At La Petite Academy, open spaces and open concepts promote open minds.

State license status: Licensed
( verified on 8/31/2022)

This business has satisfied Missouri’s requirements to be licensed.
For the most up-to-date status and inspection reports, please view this provider’s profile on
licensing website.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Complying with safety and health inspections
  • Achieving the required levels of educational training
  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements

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6:00AM – 6:30PM

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6:00AM – 6:30PM

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6:00AM – 6:30PM

Friday :

6:00AM – 6:30PM

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La Petite Academy in Lee’s Summit MO

Daycares and Preschools


La Petite Academy


Lee’s Summit, MO

La Petite Academy Inc

La Petite Academy Inc is a licensed child care center in Lees Summit, MO. At La Petite Academy Inc, we enroll children as young as 6 weeks through 12…

La Petite Academy

La Petite Academy is a licensed child care center in Kansas City, MO. At La Petite Academy, we enroll children as young as 4 weeks through 11 years…

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many La Petite Academy centers are there in Lee’s Summit?

There are 1 La Petite Academy centers in Lee’s Summit, based on CareLuLu data. This includes 0 home-based programs and 1 centers.

How much does daycare cost in Lee’s Summit?

The cost of daycare in Lee’s Summit is $491 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.

How many La Petite Academy centers accept infants in Lee’s Summit?

Based on CareLuLu data, 1 La Petite Academy centers care for infants (as well as toddlers). This includes 0 home-based programs and 1 centers.

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Family Home

Subsidy Summer Camps

Group Home

Subsidy School Based Care

Child Care Center

Registered Family Home

License Exempt Program

A program licensed by DESE/Office of Childhood where care is given by a person licensed as a family child care home provider.
If there is one adult child care provider, family child care homes may be licensed for up to six children,
including a maximum of three children under age two and/or for up to ten children including a maximum of two
children under age two. If only four children are present, all the children may be under age two. If the provider
has an assistant present, the home may be licensed for up to ten children, including a maximum of four children under
age two, or for up to eight children who may all be under age two.

A program registered with DESE/Office of Childhood to receive subsidy funds that provides before and/or after school care in a public school.

A program registered with DESE/Office of Childhood to receive subsidy funds in which a non-licensed provider provides care in their own home or the child’s home.
The provider is limited to no more than six children, with a maximum of three children under the age of two.

A program registered with DESE/Office of Childhood to receive subsidy funds that operates from May to September with the primary function of providing a summer
recreational program for children no younger than five (5) years of age.
Care may be provided at a facility or other location.

A program licensed by DESE/Office of Childhood where care is given by a person licensed as a group child care home provider for 11-20 children.
A group child care home may be a location other than the provider’s permanent residence or separate from the provider’s living quarters.
Group child care homes must meet the same requirements for staff/child ratios as child care centers.

A program licensed by DESE/Office of Childhood where care is given for any number of children dependent on the director’s qualifications, available staffing,
amount of usable indoor floor space, amount of outdoor play space and materials and equipment.
A child care center may be in a location other than the provider’s permanent residence or a separate from the provider’s living quarters.
This includes before and after school care programs located in a school building.

Nursery School:  A program inspected by DESE/Office of Childhood for preschool children that is operated for no more than four hours per child per day.

Child Care Programs Operated by a Religious Organization:
A program inspected by DESE/Office of Childhood that is under the exclusive control of a religious organization caring for children up to 17 years of age.

License Exempt facilities do not display hours, age range or capacity. Please contact facility for specific information.

Please note:The records available for review on this site may not reflect the complete history of a child care facility’s compliance. Public records regarding a licensed or license-exempt child care facility or a registered child care facility receiving child care subsidy funding are available for review and/or may be requested from Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Office of Childhood.

Preschools In Lee’s Summit Mo

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THE BEST Preschools in Lee’s Summit, MO Compare …

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(3 days ago) 812 Sw Forestpark Ln. Lee’s Summit, MO 64081. (816) 246-9300. NS. 67. Our Lady Of The Presentation School. Daycare / Preschool (Catholic) Add to Compare. 150 Nw Murray Rd.

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Fifteen world leaders will attend the SCO summit in Samarkand

September 14, 2022

Alexey Konopko

World leaders who are not ready to recognize the exclusivity of the Western countries and their desire to impose their will on the rest of the world, gather in Samarkand. Tomorrow, the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which unites half of the world’s population, will begin in one of the most ancient cities on the planet. Announcing its opening, the European media are focusing on the upcoming meeting between the leaders of Russia and China.

On any other day, this in itself would be big political news, but now the solemn welcome of the distinguished Mongolian guest is only the first of many. Following Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, the plane of the UN Deputy Secretary General for Politics and Peacekeeping lands at the Samarkand airport – there is a big agenda on the Afghan issue at the summit. Nearby is “board number one” from Kyrgyzstan and the liner of the President of Iran.

In a couple of hours, Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Ibrahim Raisi will sign the first agreements of this summit – a roadmap for increasing trade between the countries to a billion dollars. And here Iran is on the threshold of a new status for itself. Already next year he can become a full member of the Shanghai Organization – a memorandum on this will be signed in Samarkand. Five more countries, including four Arab countries, are expected to become “dialogue partners”, expanding the SCO by almost half. But such a representative summit has not been for a long time. 15 leaders of countries with a population of three and a half billion people – at the same table.

Samarkand has been preparing for this summit for several years. In addition to new hotels, a congress center and a new airport terminal, more than a dozen streets that run through the city have been renovated. The renovation affected essentially the entire north-eastern part and the center of Samarkand. But this is what has already been done. There, on the horizon, tower cranes continue to work. And these cranes are Russian.

A Chelyabinsk company has won a tender for construction sites here and in Bukhara. She also helps to build the city in Tashkent. There are more than one and a half thousand companies with Russian participation in Uzbekistan. Most investments also come from Russia – 9billion dollars in the last pre-pandemic year. And that’s just the economy. At a bilateral meeting, Vladimir Putin and Shavkat Mirziyoyev will clearly have something to discuss.

But the press, at least in the West, looks further east. The trip to the current summit through Kazakhstan, where Xi Jinping visited today, was the first foreign visit for the Chinese leader since the start of the pandemic. He did not leave the country for almost 1000 days. And when he left, it immediately hit the main pages of the largest media: Time, Handelsblatt, CNN even wrote that the meeting with Putin was a wake-up call for the West. Everyone plans to discuss the leaders: from humanitarian issues and the economy to global security and the crises of Taiwan and Ukraine.

“Western media claimed that Ukraine’s actions “definitely put China in an uncomfortable position”, and even called on China to “learn lessons”. These arguments are both absurd and vicious. China’s position on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has always been the same. China has never added oil into the fire and did not use the opportunity to pursue their own geopolitical interests, unlike the United States and the West, which continue to commit provocations and want to use Ukraine to overthrow Russia,” the journalists write.

And if not only are there twice as many world leaders in Samarkand as at the G7 summits, the president from NATO will also arrive. With Recep Erdogan, Vladimir Putin can also discuss a grain deal, which is clearly not working as it should.
But before a serious conversation for everyone – acquaintance with Samarkand. In the already, probably, the most touristic place in Central Asia, they are building the “Eternal City”. A kind of caravanserai will show guests the whole history of Uzbekistan: with cuisine, four dozen craft workshops, famous carpets, traditional music from 14 regions of the country and, of course, an oriental bazaar.

The Siab market sells, of course, not medieval exotics, but there is no shortage of tourists: this bazaar is the same age as the main Samarkand madrasahs.

The land of Uzbekistan gives so much that the locals would not have been able to eat everything themselves. So they sell melons, apples, figs, plums, cherries and watermelons abroad. First of all, to the main trading partner – Russia, which reduced the tax on all this two years ago. By the way, our country has regained this partnership status for the first time since 2014, displacing China from the first place.

And the total turnover of internal trade between the SCO countries grew by almost 40% last year, slightly short of $800 billion. How to dispose of this potential, the leaders will begin to discuss in a few hours.

Vladimir Putin
Xi Jinping
events of the day

Previously related

  • The SCO has new dialogue partners
  • Biden commented on the meeting between Putin and Xi
  • The SCO countries are friends not against someone, but for the sake of the well-being of peoples
  • Putin and Xi understand what is happening
  • The leaders of Russia and Uzbekistan had a long conversation with each other
  • The Kremlin reacted to the anti-Russian recognition of USAID

Car for rent in Camarillo.

Find cheap car rentals on momondo.

Car for rent in Camarillo. Find cheap car rentals on momondo.

Camarillo, CA

Sep 29 — 6 Oct.

Return same

Camarillo, CA, USA

Thu. 9/29

Around noon

Thu. 6/10

Around noon

Driver age:


Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California, USA

Airport Museum 73,7 км
Camarillo Ranch House 78,9 км

Sonesta Select Camarillo

4994 Verdugo Way, Camarillo, CA, United States

3.0 kilometers from city center

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Camarillo

1405 Del Norte Road, Camarillo, CA, United States

6.5 kilometers from city center

Residence Inn by Marriott Camarillo

2912 Petit Street, Camarillo, CA, United States

0. 6 kilometers from city center

Bella Capri Inn and Suites

2050 East Ventura Boulevard, Camarillo, CA, United States

0.5 miles from city center

Full Kitchenbalconya/Cw/Dparking3 Tvs203

Camarillo 90.002 90.002 CA 1 km from city center

Vip Suite King Bed Wifi Youtube Tv️ Pool

Camarillo, CA, USA

3.9 km from city center

Avocado Acres Apt W/ Breakfast Items & Fast Wifi

Camarillo, CA, USA

km from city center

Premier Ste W/King Bd, Wifi+yt Tv, 15min Oxnard

Camarillo, CA, USA

3.8 km from city center

Good Nite Inn Camarillo

1100 Ventura Boulevard, CA, United States

1 mile from city center

Large 2bd Smart Tvs Wififull Kitchen Coffee

Camarillo, CA, USA

4.1 km from city center

King Bed Wifi Tvs W/D

Camarillo, CA, USA

4.1 km from city center

Meticulous Private House at Camarillo Heights, CA

Camarillo, CA, USA

3. 4 miles from city center

New! The Oasis|large 1 Sty Home|close To Weddings

Camarillo, CA, USA

2.3 miles from downtown

Quality Inn and Suites Camarillo-Oxnard

984 West Ventura Boulevard, Camarillo, CA, United States

3.1 km from city center

Resort Style Living! A Tropical Paradise Pool Home, Golf Courses

Camarillo, CA, USA

5.3 km from city center

SureStay Hotel by Best Western Camarillo

295 East Daily Drive, Camarillo, CA, United States

2.7 miles from city center

Cancellation of car rentals in Camarillo is generally free of charge. When you search on momondo, you can always check to see if your Camarillo agency of choice will charge you a cancellation fee.

Camarillo has a 40 km/h speed limit. The same speed limit may apply in nearby towns. The speed limit in the suburbs of Camarillo is generally 120 km/h, and on highways it is 120 km/h. However, be sure to pay attention to road signs as these values ​​may vary.

The average September temperature in Camarillo is 19°C and rainfall is 5mm. Keep this in mind when choosing your car rental type in Camarillo.

If you are planning a California road trip departing from Camarillo in September, the weather conditions to prepare for are: average temperature 18°C, average rainfall 7.4mm.

Miami car rental

Chicago-Cars for


Brooklyn-Cars for rent

Washington-Cars for rent

Los Angeles-Cars of Openwes

Albuquerque Car Rentals

Tampa Car Rentals

Newark Car Rentals

San Francisco-Cars for rent

Kalamaz-Cars for rent

Oklahoma City-Cars for rent

Pittsburgh-Cars for RISTS BITSburg
Monterey Car Rental

Orlando Car Rental

Edison Car Rental

Phoenix Car Rental

Honolulu-Cars for rent

Linwood-Cars for rent

Las Vegas-Cars for rent


9000 9000 9000


Baltimore car rental

Fort Myers car rental

Vienna car rental

Philadelphia-Cars for rent

NAIAK-Cars for rent

Cleveland-Rolling cars

Tom-Rollow cars


Bradenton Rent a Car

Rancho Cordova Rent a Car

San Diego Rent a Car

Charlotte-Cars for rent

Kent-Cars for rent

East-Bransuik-Cars for rent

Portland-cars Rent a Car

Houston Rent a Car

Overland Park Rent a Car


Petersburg Rent a Car

Tracks-Cars for

West Springfield-Cars for rent

Atlanta-Cars for rent

Kailo-Kali-Cars to Riceense 9000 9000
Sen-Sen-Sen Antonio Car Rental

Queens Car Rental

Saint Louis Car Rental

Nashville Car Rental

Bronx-Cars on

lichue-Cars for rent

Kahului-rental cars

Detroit-Cars for RISTOMS

9,0002 9,0002 9,0002 car rental

Raleigh car rental

Myrtle Beach car rental

Indianapolis car rental

Charleston-Cars for rent

Luisville-Cars for rent


Columbus-Car Rining Cars-Cars
Kanzas-City-Cars of Circumbles-Circumpun

Oakland Car Rental

Memphis Car Rental

Bozemana Car Rental

zincennati-rented cars

Rino-Cars for rent


Knoxville-Cars for Rack


Santa-Santa-Santa-Santa-Santa-Car Car Santa-AN

Richmond Car Rental

Portland Car Rental

Hartford Car Rental





Colorado Springs Car Rental

Norfolk Car Rental

Palm Springs Car Rental

Birmingham-Cars for rent

Grand-Rapids-Cars for rent

Greenville-TOCALLY TAILS TAM 9,0002 9,0002 9,0002 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 Rent a Car

Albany Rent a Car

Providence Rent a Car

Mesa Rent a Car

Long Beach-rented cars

Fresno-Cars for rent


BARBAN-Cars 9000 9000
Columbia-Cars of Circumbles-Cars of Circumbles

Boise Car Rentals

Wichita Car Rentals

Fort Worth Car Rentals


Baton-Rouge-Roll-up cars

GreenSboro-Rolling cars

Lexington-Car Rining Cars

9000 9000

Rent a Car

Melbourne Rent a Car

Tallahassee Rent a Car

Lafayette Rent a Car

Arlington – Cars on

Madison – Cars for rent

Hollywood – Car Rinks

Syracue – Car carpets

9000 9000


Riverside Car Rental

Dayton Car Rental

Mobile Car Rental
Fort Wayne-Cars for

Jackson-Cars for rent


Springfield-Cars for Carry up 9000


Irvine Car Rentals

Cape Coral Car Rentals

Sanford Car Rentals



Destin-Cars for rent

Panama-Reding cars 9000

Labbok-Car Rauls Current

Montgomery Car Rentals

Laurel Car Rentals

Augusta Car Rentals

Allentown-Cars on the Car Carrying Association

Clearoter-Cars for rent

Plano-Rolling cars

Khantsville-Racing cars

Pompano Beach Car Rentals

Alexandria Car Rentals

Wilmington Car Rentals


Boka-Reton-Cars for rent


Deitona-Beach-Cars for RISTS

9000 9000

of the Fargo-Racon Car Rinas Rent a Car

Toledo Rent a Car

Lakeland Rent a Car

Worcester Rent a Car


Yujzhin-Cars for rent

New Hive-Cars for rent

Berlington-Cars for rent



Kathy Car Rentals

Silver Spring Car Rentals

Newport News Car Rentals


College of the state-Cars for rent

Corps Crinist-Cars for rent

Lorensville-Automobiles-Automobiles-Automobiles-Automobiles-Automobiles-Automobiles-Automobiles-Automobiles Car Rental

Irving Car Rental

Charlottesville Car Rental

Santa Barbara Car Rental

Yonkers-Cars on

Santa Rosa-Cars for rent

Valdosta-Cars for rent

Elizabeth-Cars 9000 9000
Arlington-Cars of the Crime Rent a Car

Stockton Rent a Car

Columbus Rent a Car

Newark Rent a Car

Home – Cars on

Maccallen – Rolling cars

Roanok – Cars for rent

Flint – Cars 9000 9000

Ann Arbor Car Rentals

Chesapeake Car Rentals

Greenville Car Rentals

Everett-Cars on

White Plains-Cars for rent

Flagshtok-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000

Stamford-Steampords-for interest 9,0003

Peoria Car Rentals

San Bernardino Car Rentals

Idaho Falls Car Rentals

Pembruk-Pines-Cars for rent

Khomsted-Cars for rent

Merfrissboro-Cars for rent



Port-luss Missoula Car Rental

Erie Car Rental

Shreveport Car Rental

Cedar Rapids Car Rental


BiverTon-Cars for 2,

Heatersberg-Cars for rent

Santa Monica-Cars-Cars-Cars
Freeszo-Freemas-Freemins-Cars on Carry rental cars

Joliet – rental cars

So – rental cars

Berkeley – rental cars

Spring-Cars on

SU-FOLS-Cars for rent


Feiyetville-Car carpets

9000 9000 9000


Alpharetta Car Rentals

Pasadena Car Rentals

Springfield Car Rentals

Green-Bay-Cars for rent

Woodbridge-Cars for rent

Medford-Cars for rent

9000 9000

Car Rental

Chandler Car Rental

Bellingham Car Rental

Tyler Car Rental

Screnton-Cars for

LARENDO-Cars for rent

Warner Robins-Cars


Chula-Vista-Cars of the VISTOR 9000

Garland Car Rentals

Bloomington Car Rentals

Glendale Car Rentals



Billings-Rolling cars

San Luis-Obipo-Car Rinsens

Clarksville Car Rental

Cambridge Car Rental

Independence Car Rental

VAKO-Cars for

Grand Preti-Roll-up cars

Athens-Rolling cars

Aurora-Car carpets


Dothan Car Rental

Hattiesburg Car Rental

Abilene Car Rental

Frederick-Cars on

Vero-Beach-Cars for rent

Mack-Kinni-Cars for rent
Santa Clara-Cars of Santa Clara


St. George Car Rental

Lynn Car Rental

Dearborn Car Rental

Decatur Car Rental


Charleston-Cars for rent

Redding-Cars for rent

Atlantic-CTI-Cars of the RID-Cars of the RECOM Hill Car Rental

Bloomington Car Rental

Rockford Car Rental

Traverse City Car Rental

Surprise-Cars on the

Coral Springs-Cars for rent


Sunwell-Cars 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

Cape Canaveral Car Rental

West Hollywood Car Rental

Framingham Car Rental

Lake-Charlz-Cars for rent

Whitier-Cars for rent

Fort-LID-Cars for rent

BOLDER-Cars 9000 9000

Lewisville Car Rental

Brandon Car Rental

Cumming Car Rental

lithonia-Cars for

Escondido-Cars for rent

Colombia-Cars for rent

Kosta-Mesa-Cars for Racation 9000 9000
MAKTO-Cars of Glen-Binghi-Car Carles Car Rentals

Warwick Car Rentals

Summerville Car Rentals

Humble Car Rentals

Largo – Reding cars

Morgano – Cars for rent

Lancaster – Rolling cars

Gainsvili – Car Rining Cars
Gastonia – Obvaka Rifting Cars Board

Schaumburg Car Rentals

Norwalk Car Rentals

Longview Car Rentals



Springfield-Rolling cars

Hakensak-Rolling cars

Demo-Cars of


Cary Rent a Car

Niagara Falls Rent a Car

Rochester Rent a Car

Miami-Gardens-rented cars

Riverdale-Cars for rent

Lancaster-Cars for rent

Sterling-Haitts-Cars for Racent Loop


Grand Dzhankat-overdoor vehicles – Rent a car

Bullheid City – Rent a car

Appleton – Rent a car

Durango-Carrying cars

Alexandria-Cars for rent

REDG-Cars for rent

Browsville-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000

Florence Car Rental

Woodland Hills Car Rental

Troy Car Rental

canton-Cars for

Middleton-Cars for rent

canton-Rolling cars

Sea coast-rental vehicles


La-rosse Rental

Bend Car Rental

High Point Car Rental

Joplin Car Rental

Shugar-Lend-Cars for rent

Fontana-Cars for rent


Palm Coast-Cars for Racket 9000 9000
Odessa-Costs Cost Bedford Car Rentals

Johnson City Car Rentals

Hyannis Car Rentals

Orange Car Rentals

Jermantuan-Cars for rent

North Maiami-Beach-Rolling cars

North LaS Vegas-Cars for rent



The Villages Car Rentals

Pueblo Car Rentals

Moreno Valley Car Rentals

FERFILD-Cars for

Clermont-Cars for rent

Round-rock-Cars for rent

TomS-River-Cars for rent
Fort Collins-Opassia car rental

Naperville car rental

Warren car rental

Manchester car rental

Kansas-City-Cars for rent

Waldorf-Cars for rent

SNELLLL-Cars for rent

South San Francisco-Cars for Rolling

Lawrenis-Automobiles of the Run Kennesaw Rent a Car

Doral Rent a Car

Palm Dezet Rent a Car

Lahaina Rent a Car

Kenosha-Cars for

Revir-Cars for rent

New Casl-rental cars

Redmond-Rolling cars-Cars

9,0002 9,0002

Mountain Rent a Car

College Park Rent a Car

Oxnard Rent a Car

Douglasville Rent a Car

Fullerton-Cars on


Venice-Cars for


New Port Richie Rent a Car

Jackson Rent a Car

Islip Rent a Car


Western Covin-Cars for rent

GELUSTIONS-Cars for rent


9000 9000

car rental

Napa car rental

Metairie car rental

Conway car rental

Holland – Cars for rent

hoboken – Cars for rent




Hyattsville Car Rental

Salinas Car Rental


Pete Beach Car Rental

Coinsi-Cars for

Santa-clary-Cars for 2,

Huntington Bich-Cars for rent

New Rochel-Cars to RISTOMED
OGNIA Methuen Car Rental

San Mateo Car Rental

Redwood City Car Rental

Roswell Car Rental

Garden Gromen – Rolling cars

Princeton – Cars for rent

India – Rolling cars

Paterson – Rollow cars


Redmond Car Rentals

Miramar Car Rentals

Duluth Car Rentals

San Markos-Cars for rent

Hudier-Cars for rent

Paramus-Car Roll up

Antioch cars-Cars
Sevirville-Car alloy cinema

Sunny Isles Beach Car Rentals

Muskegon Car Rentals

Clinton Township Car Rentals


Sanraise-Cars for rent

Lake Wart-Cars for rent
ASPEN-Cars 9000 9000
Fort Smitti-CARTS CARTS OF PROPROSS – rental cars

Malden – rental cars

Ventura – rental cars

Enterprise – rental cars

rasin-rented cars

Plantation-Cars for rent

Porsmut-Rolling cars

Omrem-Cars for rent

Chapel-Hill-Obligation Car Rifle Car Navel

Winter Haven Car Rentals

Hilton Head Car Rentals

Lehigh Acres Car Rentals

Lilburn-Cars on

San Angelo-Reding cars

Falls Cherch-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000 9000

N North Bergen-Cars of North Bergen-Car Trouten Poughkeepsie Car Rentals

Wichita Falls Car Rentals

Stewart Car Rentals

Harrisonburg Car Rentals

Wakigan-Cars for rent

Northern beach Myrtle-Cars for rent

West Yelloustone-Cars for rent

Florissant rental cars

Hillsborough rental cars

Vallayjo-Carrying cars

Kingsport-Cars for rent

Loton-Cars on

Dirfield Beach-Cars for Racon
Annandale-Currents of Circulation Circumages 9000


Minot Rent a Car

Williamsburg Rent a Car

Iowa City Rent a Car

Mount-Vernon-rented cars

Warren-Cars for rent

San Fernando-Cars for rent

Renton-Cars for Renton-Cars-
VID-Cars of the Spring Filas Forest Rent a Car

Elgin Rent a Car

Texas City Rent a Car

Binghamton Rent a Car

Kenner-Cars on

ELK-Grow-Cars for rent

Sterling-Cars for rent

GREATIT Folls-Cars for RISTOMS 9000 9000
Declaint-Declaint-Declaint-Declaint-Declaint-Declaint-Declaint-by PP Waltham Car Rental

New Brunswick Car Rental

Bowie Car Rental

Anderson Car Rental

Franklin-Cars for

battles-crick-Cars for rent

Florence-Cars for rent

Peoria-Cars 9000 9000
El-Kail Rent a Car

Lawrence Rent a Car

Rosewell Rent a Car

Portsmouth Rent a Car

Bowling Green-Cars for rent

Chico-Cars for rent


Jonesboro-Car Rinasry Cars

Sioux City Car Rental

New Bern Car Rental

Longmont Car Rental

Saautfield-Cars for rent

Estero-Cars for rent

Littleton-Cars for rent

Parker-Rolling cars
Hemet-Obrooking Cars of Farming.

Lake Buena Vista Car Rentals

Mountain View Car Rentals

Thornton Car Rentals

Hikori-Cars for

Lisberg-Cars for rent

New Vindizor-Cars for rent

Wilks-Barre-Cars for RISTOMIS ACTION-Cars 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000.000 9000 9000 Rent a Car

Greer Rent a Car

Corvallis Rent a Car

Davis Rent a Car

Evvanston – Cars for rent

FOLSS – Cars for rent

Yukaia – Car Redlends Cars



Baytown Car Rental

Statesville Car Rental

Steamboat Springs Car Rental


Yakima-Cars for rent


Morro-Cars for RISSSIC-Cars
Daunin-Car carpets-CARTS OF THE CARA Rent a car

Woburn Rent a car

Federal Way Rent a car

Hines City Rent a car

Obern-Cars on

Somerville-Cars for rent

Biloxy-Rollow Cars

Livonia-Rollow Cars

9000 9000 9, 9000 9, Myshens

Ocean City Car Rentals

Newburgh Car Rentals

Huntington Car Rentals

Pinellas Park-Cars for rent

Edmond-Cars for rent

Lohanville-Cars for rent

Merced-Cars for rent-cars

Hawthorne Rent a Car

Merrillville Rent a Car

Tracy Rent a Car

Berlington-Cars on

Hicksvilla-Cars for rent

Walnat-Creek-Cars for rent

9000 9000


Pleasanton Rent a Car

Bossier City Rent a Car

Union Rent a Car




9000 9000


New York Car Rental

Winter Garden Car Rental

Park City Car Rental

Herndon-Cars on

Stockbrid-Cars for rent

Spring-Welly-Rifting cars

9000 9000 9000

Dalton-Dalton cars

Olath Car Rental

Reynoldsburg Car Rental

Acworth Car Rental


CLIFTON-Cars for rent

CASA-GRADE-Cars for rent

Palm-Bay-Cars for Raccate 9000

Jupiter Car Rental

Winter Park Car Rental

Saginaw Car Rental

El Monte-Roll-up cars

Missouri-Cars for rent


9000 9000 9000 9000


National City Car Rentals

San Rafel Car Rentals

Grills Car Rentals

UEST-Seneca-rented cars

Mason-Cars for rent


Vainland-overpass 9,0003 Haven Car Rental

Carson Car Rental

Kirkland Car Rental

Brocan Arrow Car Rental

Greenwood-Cars on

Glenwood-Springs-Cars for

Belville-Cars for rent

Mishauak-cars forcoming 9000
Manhartten-MANHATTEN-MANHATTEN-perpatient 9,0003

Vista Car Rental

Wesley Chapel Car Rental

Pittsfield Car Rental


Perris-Cars for rent

Obern-Rolling cars



Davy Car Rental

Rochester Hills Car Rental

Plymouth Car Rental

Stratford-Cars for rent

Petersburg-Cars for rent

Beverly Hills-Cars for rent

Carlsbad-Cars for RISTOME



Kihei Car Rentals

Saint Cloud Car Rentals

Elmira Car Rentals


Linden – Cars for rent

FreePort – Cars for rent

Olympia – Racing
Folls – Objects Oblijacan

Newton Car Rentals

Owings Mills Car Rentals

Haverhill Car Rentals

CLARVATER Beach-rented cars

Hamilton-Cars for rent

North Port-Cars for rent

San Pedro-Cars 9000 9000
Anniston-Cars for Processing

car rental

Williston car rental

Bayonne car rental

Branson car rental

Richmond-Cars on

Feiiteville-Cars for rent

Morristown-Cars for rent


9,0002 9,0002 9,0002 9,0002 9,000,000 9,0002 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,0002 9,0002 Car Rentals

Statesboro Car Rentals

Suwanee Car Rentals

Cartersville Car Rentals

West de Moin-Cars for rent

Saint-Claud-Cars for

Coids-Cars for rent


Lexington Rent a Car

Pontiac Rent a Car

Boardman Rent a Car

Turnlock-Cars for

Piskatauay-Cars for rent

Fort Pirs-Cars for Retroots

Oliv-Brand-Cars for Racing


Pibodis-Cars of the Circumpix Rental Cars

Allen Rental Cars

Passeic Rental Cars

Bute Rental Cars

Covington-Cars on

Seminole (Florida)-Cars for rent



Algambra-Autoparti Myers Beach Car Rental

Edinburgh Car Rental

Gary Car Rental

Orinj-park-Cars for

Heizlton-Cars for rent

Midlotians-Cars for rent


9002 9002 DREARS-CARA

Lithia Springs Car Rental

Avondale Car Rental

Cedar Park Car Rental



Topika-Cars for rent


Lodi-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

Braintree Rental Cars

O’Fallon Rental Cars

Bolingbrook Rental Cars


O-Claire-ROUSE Cars

Anderson-Cars for rent

Hesperia-Cars 9000 9000 9000 9,0003 murriytes-perpetratis Rent a Car

East Orange Rent a Car

Twin Falls Rent a Car

Watertown Rent a Car

La Habra-Cars for

Lancendeil-Cars for rent

Orinj-City-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000

Vausau-Car vehicles-coverage Car Rental

Medford Car Rental

College Park Car Rental

San Ramon Car Rental

Venachi – Cars on

Hammond – Cars for rent


Loderchilli – Racon cars of the sovereign

Laguna Niguel Car Rentals

Rockwall Car Rentals

Hammond Car Rentals


Sidar City-Cars for rent


Brumphad-Cars for rent


Morrisville-overpass carriers-overproduction Rent a car

Kenai Peninsula – Rent a car

Beckley – Rent a car

Mechanicsburg – Rent a car

Sandy-Springs-Cars for 2,



9000 9000-9000


Winchester Rent a Car

Bristol Rent a Car

Blacksburg Rent a Car


Grand-Form-Cars for rent

Mount-Plezant-Cars for rent

Golds Dublem

Blumington-Cars of Blumington-Cars of the Power Rent a Car

Meridian Rent a Car

Lebanon Rent a Car

Rocky Mount Rent a Car

Belgrade-Cars for

New Braunfels-Reding cars

ENNI-Cars for rent

Parma-Cars 9000 9000

Starkville Car Rentals

Sumter Car Rentals

East Strodsburg Car Rentals

Georgetown-rented cars

Paduka-Cars for rent


Tylor-Taylor Cars-Taylor Cars-Accounting for Processing

Carbondale Rental Cars

Meriden Rental Cars

Whitefish Rental Cars


putaluma-Cars for rent

Chester-Cars for rent

Gallatin-Rolling vehicles



Bridgewater Rent a Car

Ellicott City Rent a Car

Windsor Locks Rent a Car


Carmel-Cars for rent

Chesterfield-rental cars

Helen-Obrooka Car carpeters-Cars of Obrooka.

Logan Car Rentals

Coral Gables Car Rentals

Cure d’Alene Car Rentals

Mount-POKOKO-Cars for rent

Markett-Cars for rent


Northhampton-Cars for Ricense Carry Rental Cars

Leesburg Car Rentals

Richmond Car Rentals

Cleveland Car Rentals

Ogasta-Cars on

Justis-Cars for rent

BUENA-Park-Cars for

Saint-Chalz-Cars for Racent Circle

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Miami Lakes Car Rental

Kingston Car Rental

Somerset Car Rental

Farmington Car Rental


Kalhaun-Cars for rent

Lexington-Rollow Cars

9000 9000

Ormond Bich-by 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 rental cars

Florence – rental cars

Teaneck – rental cars

Lenexa – rental cars


Arkata-Cars for rent


Dublin-Rolling cars
Norvud-Obliges Obroatmia

Oshkosh – rental cars

Westbury – rental cars

Chester Car Rentals


Johnstown (Cambria District) – ROUSE CARS



Columbia – overpass 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Rent a Car

Gunnison Rent a Car

Arvada Rent a Car

Eureka Rent a Car

Altamont-Springs-Cars for rent

Sedona-Cars for rent

Islands of Marco-Cars

Redono Beach-Cars for RIVELLED OF 9000
TEMSAKANA-CARA 2,00031 -Park – Rent a Car

New Smyrna Beach – Rent a Car

Clovis – Rent a Car


Fort Mill-Cars for Rice

Garni-Cars on

San Clemers-Cars for Renefent

Berling-Cars for Rolling

SUUS Car Rental

Loveland Car Rental

Dublin Car Rental

Livermore Car Rental

Skoki – Cars for

Dubuguk – Cars for rent

Columbus – Car Rollow Cars

Fishers – Cars


Botella – Car Renefacing Car Tolves

Kaanapali car rental

New Britain car rental

Wake Forest car rental

Vaukesh-rented cars

Parsippani-Cars for rent

Waterford-Cars for rent

NORUOLK-Norolki-Norolki-Norolki. rental cars

St. Charles – rental cars

Downers Grove – rental cars

Groton-Cars for

Touson-Cars for 2,

Pfluierville-Cars for

Huntington-Cars for RIVs

Sherman Oaks Car Rental

Dedham Car Rental

Castle Rock Car Rental



Stafford-Cars for Cars

Saratoga-Springs-Rolling cars


Rental Cars

Columbus Car Rentals

McLean Car Rentals

Cathedral City Car Rentals

St. Petersburg-Cars for rent

Alamed-Cars for rent

Mentor-Roll-up cars

of the NOBLSILL-Cars of the Car Noboblille-Roll

Brookfield Car Rental

Centennial Museum Car Rental

Union City Car Rental


Covin-rental cars

pawnshop-Cars for rent

Orland Park-Rollow Cars
Ovido-Rifle Car Roll

Oak Lawn Car Rental

South Jordan Car Rental

Queen Creek Car Rental

San Bruno-Cars on

Woodbridge-Cars for rent


Arkady-Car carpets-Vaikoloan cars-Vyikoloan cars-Car vehicles.

Freehold Car Rental

Troy Car Rental

Marion Car Rental

La-Mesa-Cars on

Brentwood-Cars for rent

cocoa-Cars for rent

Bremeron-Cars-Cars-Cars-Highland-Urach Cars-Cars for Carry Rent a Car

Cerritos Rent a Car

Parkersburg Rent a Car

Crystal Lake Rent a Car

Englwood-Cars for rent

Lebanon-Cars for rent

Elmherst-Cars for rent

North-Littl-Rok-Cars for rent to 9,0002 9,000 9,000 9,000 2 9,000 2,000 9,000 2,000 9,000 2,000 9,000 2 9000 9,000 2 9,000 -Robles Rent a Car

Dania Beach Rent a Car

Valley Stream Rent a Car

West-Jordan-Cars for


Karson-City-Cars for rent


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Rent a car in Camarillo with momondo because we’re fast, free, easy to use, and best of all, save you money. momondo does all the work of comparing rates and rental terms for you. You will only have to choose the most attractive offer.

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Car for rent in Canandaigua. Find cheap car rentals on momondo.

Car for rent in Canandaigua. Find cheap car rentals on momondo.

Canandaigua, NY, USA

Sep 29 — 6 Oct.

Return same

Canandaigua, NY, USA

Thu. 9/29

Around noon

Thu. 6/10

At about noon

Driving age:

26–65 Drugoy

Buffalo Niagar International

Buffalo, New York, USA

Roseland Waterpark 120.1 km 42.8 km

The Lake House on Canandaigua

770 South Main Street, Canandaigua, NY, United States

5 And 20, Canandaigua, NY, United States

4.3 kilometers from city center

Ray of Sunshine

Canandaigua, NY, USA

4.0 kilometers from city center

Sutherland House Victorian Bed And Breakfast

9The Bungalow @ T. Spex Eyewear Is A Cozy, Convenient Stay In Canandaigua!

Canandaigua, NY, United States

2.3 kilometers from city center

Bed And Breakfast At Oliver Phelps

252 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY, United States

1. 0 kilometers from city center

1795 Acorn Inn Bed and Breakfast

4508 Ny-64, Canandaigua, NY, United States

12.6 kilometers from city center

Sunny Dtwn Apartment about 1 Mi to Lake and Pier!

Canandaigua, NY, USA

0.3 kilometers from city center

Secluded European Style 1810 Mansion Minutes To The Lake, Sleeps 15

Canandaigua, NY, USA

4.1 kilometers from city center

3 -Peaceful Resort Retreat In Finger Lakes Wine Country

Canandaigua, NY, USA

15.8 km from city center

Turtle Cove

Canandaigua, NY, USA

7.8 km from city center

Le Petit – Apt. (Self Check-In) Walking Distance To Downtown & The Lake

Canandaigua, NY, USA

.6 km from city center

3 Bedroom Townhouse in scenic Bristol Harbor Vill near Bristol Mountain Resort

Canandaigua, NY, USA

16.1 miles from city center

Romantic Fall Getaway: Farmhouse Annex With Pool Near Canandaigua Lake

Canandaigua, NY, USA

13. 5 miles from city center Lake

Gorgeous Front Condo

Canandaigua, NY, USA

16.3 miles from city center

Cozy and Clean Home- Newly remodeled

Canandaigua, NY, USA

4.5 miles from city center

7 Canandagu 900 There is a speed limit of 40 km/h. The same speed limit may apply in nearby towns. The speed limit in the suburbs of Canandaigua is generally 120 km/h, and on motorways it is 120 km/h. However, be sure to pay attention to road signs as these values ​​may vary.

The average September temperature in Canandaigua reaches 17 °C and rainfall is 86 mm. Keep this in mind when choosing your car rental type in Canandaigua.

If you are looking for a rental car in September to drive around Canandaigua and its surroundings, please note that the average temperature in the New York region at this time is 19 °C and rainfall is 97 mm.

Miami car rental

Chicago car rental

New York-rented

Brooklyn-Cars for rent

Washington-Car Rolling

Los Angeles-Car Rining


Denver Rent a Car

Tampa Rent a Car

Newark Rent a Car

San Francisco Rent a Car

Kalamaza-Cars for 2,

Oklahoma City-Cars for 2

Pittsburgh-Cars for rent

Salt Lake STILUTE-Cars 9000
Moneters-Moneters-Moneters-Moneters-Monet car rental

Edison car rental

Phoenix car rental

Honolulu car rental

Linwood-Cars on

Las Vegas-Racon Figures Assumes


Sacramento-Car Rining Cars

Fort Myers Car Rental

Vienna Car Rental

Philadelphia Car Rental

NAIAK-Cars for


Tacomas-rental cars

San-Hose-Open Railways-Raundan cars 9000

Rancho Cordova Rent a Car

San Diego Rent a Car

Boston Rent a Car

Minneapolis-rented cars

Fremont-Cars for rent

Waterbury-Cars for rent


9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000.

Dallas Car Rentals

Sea-Tac Airport Car Rentals

Charlotte Car Rentals

Kent-Cars for

East-Bransuik-Cars for rent


Anchoridge-Cars for Highests 9000
Miami-Bichch-Miami-Bichchi-Miami-Bich. car rental

Overland Park – car rental

St. Petersburg – car rental

Trucks – car rental

West Springfield-Cars for rent

Atlanta-Cars for rent

Cail-Kon-Cars for rent

Ostin-Cars for RISTOMS-cars Queens Car Rental

Saint Louis Car Rental

Nashville Car Rental

Bronx Car Rental

lichue-Cars for


Detroit-Rolling cars

West-Palm-Beach-Cars for RISTOMS 9000

New Orleans-New ORLIAN Car Rentals

Myrtle Beach Car Rentals

Indianapolis Car Rentals

Charleston Car Rentals



Columbus-Rolling cars



Savannah-Rollow Cars OKNANA-RISS

Memphis Car Rentals

Bozemana Car Rentals

Cincinnati Car Rentals

Rino-Cars for

Miluoi-Cars on rent

Knoxville-Rolling cars

Sarassot-Rolling vehicles Rifle-Roll

Portland Car Rentals

Hartford Car Rentals

Omaha Car Rentals



Rochester-Rolling cars

Pencesacolas-Rolling cars

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Rent a Car

Norfolk Rent a Car

Palm Springs Rent a Car

Birmingham Rent a Car

Grand-Rapids-rented cars


Greenville-Cars for rent
talsa-Talsa-by 9000 9,0003 tals Car Rentals

Providence Car Rentals

Mesa Car Rentals

Long Beach Car Rentals

Fresno – Cars for

Eshville – Cars for rent


Columbia – Rolling Cars
Marietta – Oblijacuum Cars – Oblijacan

Wichita Car Rentals

Fort Worth Car Rentals

Hilo Car Rentals

Baton-Rouge-Cars for rent

Greenssboro-Cars for rent

Lexington-Cars for rent


Tallahassee Rent a Car

Lafayette Rent a Car

Arlington Rent a Car

Madison – Cars for

Hollywood – Cars.

Cars of

Syrandus – Car Rining Automobiles

Scotstsdil – Cars



Dayton Car Rental

Mobile Car Rental

Virginia Beach Car Rental

Manchester-Cars on

Springfield-Cars for rent

FEETTVIL-Cars for rent

Staten-Alend-Cars 9000 9000
Irvyvin-vehicles on Carry Rental Cars

Sanford Car Rentals

Jackson Car Rentals

Akron Car Rentals

Destin-Cars on

Panama-ROUSE Cars

Labbok-Rolling cars


9000 9000

Augusta Car Rentals

Allentown Car Rentals

Clearwater Car Rentals

Plano-Reding cars


Khantsville-Rolling cars

Rent a Car

Wilmington Rent a Car

Tempe Rent a Car

Boca Raton Rent a Car

Wilmington-Cars on

Deutona-Beach-Cars for rent

Fargo-Cars for Cars

9000 9000 9000 9000


Worcester Car Rentals

Lansing Car Rentals

Eugene Car Rentals

New Hive-Cars for rent

Burlington-Cars for rent

Outlated-Cars for rent

Panama-City Beach-Cars for RIVELLED LOOK

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Silver Spring Car Rental

Newport News Car Rental

Rapid City Car Rental

State College Car Rental

Corpsic Cross-Cars for rent

FERBENKS-Cars for rent


Aurora-Cars 9000 9000

Santa Barbara Rent a Car

Yonkers Rent a Car

Santa Rosa Rent a Car

Valdosta-Cars on

Elizabeth-Cars for rent



Newark Car Rental

Yuma Car Rental

McAllen Car Rental

Roanok-Cars on

Flint-Cars for rent


North Charleston-Car Rining Cars
Ann-arbo-Car Armbox Rental Cars

Greenville Car Rentals

Rockville Car Rentals

Evansville Car Rentals

Heyword – Cars for rent

Killin – Cars for rent

Macon – Rolling cars

Hampton – Raccons



Champaign Car Rentals

Everett Car Rentals

White Plains Car Rentals

Flagstok-Cars on

Lincoln-Cars for rent

Stamford-Cars Tales

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000


Idaho Falls Car Rentals

Pembroke Pines Car Rentals

Homestead Car Rentals


JEKSONVILL-Cars for 2,

Port Seant-Lusi-Cars for

Mizula-Cars for RIVE 9000
ERI-Cars 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Car Rentals

Cedar Rapids Car Rentals

Boynton Beach Car Rentals

Beaverton Car Rentals

Heatersberg-Cars for rent

Santa Monica-Cars for rent

FRISKO-Cars for rent


Berkeley Car Rentals

Spring Car Rentals

Sioux Falls Car Rentals

Konayers-Cars for rent

Norross-Cars for rent

Bomont-Cars account
Lynchberg-Rolling vehicles

9000 9000


Fort Walton Beach Rent a Car

Green Bay Rent a Car

Woodbridge Rent a Car

Medford – Cars for

Modesta – Roll -up cars

Van NIS – Rolling cars

Glendeil – Rollow Cars

9000 9000


Tyler Car Rentals

Scranton Car Rentals

Laredo Car Rentals

Warner Robins-Cars for rent

Chula-Vista-Cars for rent

Santa Fa-Cars for rent

Davenport-Cars 9000 9000
Garland-Cars on a Protection of Consumer Car Rental

Glendale Car Rental

Salem Car Rental

Bellevue Car Rental

Billings-Cars for 2,

San Luis-Obipo-Cars for rent

Palo-Alto-Cars for rent
Inglwood-Cars 9000
Clarksville-Carksville-Carksville-Carlers for 9,0002 Cambridge Car Rental

Independence Car Rental

Waco Car Rental

Grande Prairie Car Rental

Athens – Cars on


FARFAX – Cars for rent

Crown – ROOM CARTs


Abilene Car Rental

Frederick Car Rental

Vero Beach Car Rental

Mack-Kinni-Cars for rent

Santa Clara-Cars for rent

Gilbert-Cars for rent

Saint-Jorda-Cars for RISTOMENT
Lynn-Lynn-Lynn-Lynn-Lynn-Lynn-Lynn-Lynn- Dearborn Car Rentals

Decatur Car Rentals

Delrey Beach Car Rentals

Charleston Car Rentals

Redding-Cars for


Atlantic-City-Cars for rent


Rent a Car

Traverse City Rent a Car

Mesquite Rent a Car

Salisbury Rent a Car

Midland-rented cars

TUPOL-Cars for rent

Sunwell-Rolling cars



UM cars
Rental Cars

Framingham Car Rentals

Lake Charles Car Rentals

Whitier Car Rentals







Cumming – Rent a car

Lithonia – Rent a car

Escondido – Rent a car

Colombia-rented cars

Costa-Mesa-Cars for rent

Glen-Burnny-Cars for rent

MacDonou-Cars 9000 9000

Humble Rent a Car

Largo Rent a Car

Morgantown Rent a Car

Lancaster – ROUNTIONS

Gainsvil – Cars for rent

Gastonia – Cars for rent



Longview Car Rentals

Provo Car Rentals

Brockton Car Rentals

Springfield-Cars for rent

Hakensak-Cars for rent

Saint-Ogastin-Cars for rent
NIA-Cares for Pension 9000 Rent a Car

Rochester Rent a Car

Miami Gardens Rent a Car

Riverdale Rent a Car

Lancaster-Cars on

Sterling-Haits-Cars for rent

Grand Dzhankshen-Cars for rent
Lakewood 9,0002 9,0002 9,0002 Bullhead

permissible – car rental

Durango – car rental

Alexandria – car rental


Browsville-Cars for Rice

Palmdale-Car Rining

Santa Curus-Cars for Carry up

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

Troy Car Rentals

Canton Car Rentals

Middleton Car Rentals

canton-Cars for

Sea coast-Cars for rent

Manassas-Cars for rent

La-Cross-Rollow cars



Joplin Rent a Car

Sugar Land Rent a Car

Fontana Rent a Car

Betesda-Cars for rent

Palm Coast-Cars for rent

Odessa-Cars for rent

New Bedford-Cars for RISTOSE


Orange Car Rentals

Germantuan Car Rentals

North Miami Beach Car Rentals

North LaS-Vegas-Cars for rent

Colombia-Cars for rent

Davenport-Cars for rent

Ze-villides-Cars for rent 9000
PUECHOUS-Cars for Sparen Moreno Valley Car Rental

Fairfield Car Rental

Clermont Car Rental

Round Rock Car Rental

TomS-River-Cars for rent

Fort Collins-Cars for rent

Victorville-Cars for rent

Neuperville-Cars 9000 9000

Kansas City Rent a car

Waldorf Rent a car

Snellville Rent a car

Saut-San Francisco-rented cars

Lawrence-Cars for

Kenneso-Cars for rent


9,0002 PALM-DEPET-CAR-DALEMS PALES Lahaina Car Rental

Kenosha Car Rental

Revere Car Rental

New Castle Car Rental

Redmond-Cars for

NEWPort Beach beach-rental

Stone Mountain-Cars for Carry Automobiles


Oksnard-Cars of Oxnard.

Douglasville Car Rentals

Fullerton Car Rentals

Las Cruces Car Rentals

Venice-Cars for

Plattsberg-Cars for rent

Spring Hill-Cars for RIST

Harlingen-Cars for rent

New Port-Richs-Raises of Objects Retrospect Car Rental

Islip Car Rental

Moline Car Rental

West Covina Car Rental


Tauzand-Oux-Cars for rent

Richardson-Cars for rent

Fort Sharlott-Cars for RISTOM 9000 9000

Conway Rent a car

Holland Rent a car

Hoboken Rent a car

PASCO – Cars for







Pete Beach Car Rentals

Quincy Car Rentals

Santa Clarita Car Rentals

Huntington Beach-rented cars

New Roshel-rental

OGDEN-Cars for rent

San Mateo 9000 9,0003 Redwood City Car Rental

Rosewell Car Rental

Garden Grove Car Rental

Princeton Car Rental

Indio – rented

Paterson – rental

Skenectadi – Rolling cars

Visalia – Redmond car cars

9000 9000

Duluth Car Rental

San Marcos Car Rental

Goodyear Car Rental

Paramus-Cars on

Antioch-Cars for rent

Sevirville-Roll-up cars

Danbury-Cars for Racent Carry Rent a Car

Clinton Township Rent a Car

Albany Rent a Car

Sunrise Rent a Car

Lake Wart-rented


Fort Smith-Cars for rent

College-on-Saemen-Cars for RISTOMS 9000
MALS – rental cars

Enterprise – rental cars

Racine – rental cars

Plantation – rental cars

Portsmouth-Cars for rent

Orem-Cars for rent

Chapel-Hill-Cars for rent

Heeigerstown-Roll-out cars 9000
Cars of Khiven-Cars of the Khiven-Car Uinters Head Rent a Car

Lehigh Acres Rent a Car

Lilbourne Rent a Car

San Angelo Rent a Car

Falls Cherch-Cars on

Youngstown-Cars for RISSSIBLE

North Bergen-Cars for rent


Vichito-Folls-Car away

Stewart Car Rentals

Harrisonburg Car Rentals

Waukegan Car Rentals

Myrtle North Beach Car Rentals

West Yelloustone-rented cars

OURAA-Cars for rent

Southeven-Cars for rent

Prescott-Cars 9000
Florissant-Opass of Consum

Vallejo Car Rental

Kingsport Car Rental

Lawton Car Rental

Renton-Cars for

Springfield-Cars for rent

Lake Forest-Cars rented
Elgin-Cars for rent-Cars of
Baro Rent a Car

Kenner Rent a Car

Elk Grove Rent a Car

Sterling Rent a Car

GREATIT Folls-Cars for rent

Des-Plains-Cars for rent



Franklin Rent a Car

Battle Creek Rent a Car

Florence Rent a Car

Peorias-Cars on

El Cayon-Cars for rent


Lawrence-Cars for Rolling
Rosvwell-Car Rosvrol-Car Car Rosvrels

Bowling Green Car Rentals

Chico Car Rentals

Roswell Car Rentals


Santa Maria-Cars for 2,

SU-CITI-Cars 9000 9000 9000
New Bern-Burnet-Burn

Longmont Car Rental

Southfield Car Rental

Estero Car Rental

Littleton Car Rental

Parker-Cars for


Farmington-Hills-Cars for rent

Lake Buena Vista-Cars for Racent 9000 9000
Mountain-Wey Thornton Car Rental

Hickory Car Rental

Leesburg Car Rental

New Windsor Car Rental

Wilx-Barre-rented cars

Jonesboro-Cars for rent


GRIR-Cars for RISTS-Cars of


Evanston Car Rentals

Folsom Car Rentals

Ukiah Car Rentals

Redlends-Cars for rent

Manteca-Cars for rent


Baytown-Rollow Cars


Bethlehem Car Rentals

Yakima Car Rentals

West Valley City Car Rentals


Dauni-rental cars

Newnan-rental cars

UZHEN-Cars for rent 9000

Federal-Uya-Objects Renewas 9000
Car Rental

Auburn Car Rental

Somerville Car Rental

Biloxi Car Rental

Livonia-Cars on

Annapolis-Cars for rent

Michen-Viekho-Cars for rent


9000 9000 Rent a Car

Pinellas Park Rent a Car

Edmond Rent a Car

Loganville Rent a Car

Merceded-Cars for

lig-City-Cars for rent

Pittsburgh-rental cars

Merrillville-Car carrier

Burlington Rent a Car

Hicksville Rent a Car

Walnut Creek Rent a Car


MOAB-Cars for rent


BOVION-Cars of RISS Rent a Car

Fall River Rent a Car

Suffolk Rent a Car

Norman Rent a Car


Temple-Cars for rent

Woodlands-Car Rining Automobiles

New York-Cars of Racation-Cars 9000 9000
Uldgard-Cars of the PARDE City Car Rental

Herndon Car Rental

Stockbridge Car Rental

Spring Valley Car Rental

Bernsville – rented cars

Elkhart – Cars for rent

Thames – Cars for rent

O’Fallon – Cars 9000

Lanai City Car Rental

Clifton Car Rental

Casa Grande Car Rental


mursville-cars for rent


9000 9000 9000

Saga-Cars 9000 9000 9000 9000 9,0002 Car Rental

El Monte Car Rental

Missouri Car Rental

Daly City Car Rental

Lakewood-Cars on

San Leandro-Reding Cars


Non Schonel-City-Cars for Racent 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9,0003 Grills Rent a Car

Waterloo Rent a Car

Aiken Rent a Car

Ypsilanti Rent a Car

Richmond – Cars for rent


Smirna – Rolling cars

Concord cars

West Seneca Rent a Car

Mason Rent a Car

Riverview Rent a Car


Vainland-Cars for rent

West-Hive-Cars for

Karson-Cars 9000
Kirklanda-Circular Circular Curders-Curricular Curland-Current – car rental

Luxury shopping center Aventura – car rental

Henrico – car rental

Bransvik-Cars for

Capitol-Haits-Cars for rent


Puyallup-Car Rining Cars


Warm Car Rental

Greenwood Car Rental

Glenwood Springs Car Rental

Belville Car Rental

Mishauaka-Cars for rent

Manhattan-Cars for 2

Nantakak-Cars for rent

Vista-Cars of Rolling

Tombal Car Rentals

Perris Car Rentals

Auburn Car Rentals


Springfield-Cars for rent

Office-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000


Stratford car rental

St Petersburg car rental

Beverly Hills car rental

Karlsbad-rented cars

Cape-Zhirardo-Cars for


Kihei-Cars for rent-Cars-

Lees Summit Car Rentals

Linden Car Rentals

Freeport Car Rentals



Ingon-Cars for rent

Newton-Cars to rent


Clearwater Beach Car Rentals

Hamilton Car Rentals

North Port Car Rentals

San Pedro-Cars on

Aniniston-Cars for rent


Williston-Rolling cars


Beyonnon-Racon cars

Richmond Car Rental

Fayetteville Car Rental

Morristown Car Rental

Yorba-Linda-Cars for rent

Lake-Elsinor-Cars for rent

Kennuik-Cars for rent

Steatsboro-Circumboxes for 9000
Services-Cars by 9000. 000 9,0003 car rental

West Des Moines car rental

St. Cloud car rental

coeds – Carrying cars

Galveston – Cars for rent

Deceter – Cars for

PONTIAC – CACKS – CACKS – Automobiles
PONTIA – rental cars

Turlock – rental cars

Piscataway – rental cars


olive-breech-Cars for rent

Pabodi-Rolling cars

Milpitas-rental cars

9000 9000

Car Rentals

Bute Car Rentals

Covington Car Rentals

Seminole, Florida Car Rentals

APEX-Cars for

Uaynyard-Hayvn-Cars for rent

Algambra-Cars for rent

Fort Maires-Cars for Racement

Edinburgh-Cars of the Carry Gary Car Rental

Orange Park Car Rental

Hazleton Car Rental

Midlothian Car Rental



Draper-Cars for rent

lithium-Springs-Rollow cars


Rent a Car

Englewood Rent a Car

Topeka Rent a Car

Walla Walla Rent a Car

Lodi – Cars for

Leander – Cars for rent

Novy – Cars for rent

Braintry – Cars to rent

O’Fallon – Open Raises Open Raises

Woodstock Rent a Car

Hendersonville Rent a Car

Englewood Rent a Car



Clarksberg-Cars for

Marlborough-Cars for rent
Falmut-Car allocations.

Palm Harbor Rent a Car

Eau Claire Rent a Car

Anderson Rent a Car



Texarcan-Cars for rent

East-orzh-Cars for RISTOMS IS car rental

La Habra car rental

Lansdale car rental

Orange City car rental

Griffin-Cars on

Vausau-Cars for rent

East-Grenbush-Cars for rent

Medford-Cars. Cars-cars
College-park-overduzuvo-spokes Ramon Car Rental

Wenatchee Car Rental

Hammond Car Rental

Grapevine Car Rental

UNDLEND – Cars for

Loderchill – Cars for rent

South Miami – Cars for

Laguna Niguel – Cars for Racon 9000
Rokiolalls – Car carpets – Car carpets.

Salisbury Car Rentals

Cedar City Car Rentals

Brian Car Rentals

Brumfield-Cars for rent

Morrisville-Cars for

cocoa beach-Cars for rent

Half-in Kenai
Buckles-Cars for PPPROLS-Cars to PPPROLS car rental

Bentonville car rental

Brooksville car rental

Hallandale car rental


DEDEND-Cars for rent

randolf-Cars for rent

bay-City-Car Rinfall

9000 9000



Sandy Springs Car Rentals

Titusville Car Rentals

Rosewell Car Rentals

canton – Cars for

Ashland – Cars for rent

Sebring – Rolling cars

Winchester – Carlery

9000 9000 9000

Poway Car Rentals

Grand Forks Car Rentals

Mount Pleasant Car Rentals


BLUMINGTON-Cars for rent

Dublin-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000


Belgrade car rental

New Braunfels car rental

Enkney car rental

Parma-Cars for

MontClair-Cars for rent

Vakaville-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000


Georgetown Rent a Car

Paduka Rent a Car

Westminster Rent a Car


Taylor-Cars for rent

Bransvik-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

Culver City Car Rentals

Petaluma Car Rentals

Chester Car Rentals

Gallatin-Cars for

VUNSKOT-Cars for rent

Marina Revo-Car Rinuses

Bridgeooter-Car Rining Automobiles Vistez Lemo 9,0002

– car rental

Bar Harbor – car rental

Carmel – car rental


Heiden-Cars for rent

Helena-Cars for rent

Huntersville-Cars for rent

Cure d’Alene Car Rental

Mount Pocono Car Rental

Marquette Car Rental

Salem-Cars for

Northhampton-Cars for rent

FERMUN-Cars for rent

9000 9000 9000 9000

Lisberg-Lisberg vehicles

Cleveland Car Rentals

Augusta Car Rentals

Eustis Car Rentals

BUENA-PARK-Cars for rent

Saint-Charlz-Cars for Circuscents




Somerset Car Rental

Farmington Car Rental

Diamond Bar Car Rental

Kalhaun-Carrying cars

Lexington-Cars for rent

Glendor-Rolling cars

Ormond Beach-Cars for Rolling

Teaneck Car Rental

Lenexa Car Rental

Fairfield Car Rental

Arkata-Cars on

Under-Cars for rent

Dublin-rental cars

Norvud-Cars for rent

North Ettlborough-Car carpets

Westbury – rental cars


Chester car rental

Camarillo car rental


Johnstown (Cambria District) – ROUSE CARS



Columbia – overpass 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Rent a Car

Gunnison Rent a Car

Arvada Rent a Car

Eureka Rent a Car

Altamont-Springs-Cars for rent

Sedona-Cars for rent

Islands of Marco-Cars

Redono Beach-Cars for RIVELLED OF 9000
TEMSAKANA-CARA 2,00031 -Park – Rent a Car

New Smyrna Beach – Rent a Car

Clovis – Rent a Car


Fort Mill-Cars for Rice

Garni-Cars on

San Clemers-Cars for Renefent

Berling-Cars for Rolling

SUUS Car Rental

Loveland Car Rental

Dublin Car Rental

Livermore Car Rental

Skoki – Cars for

Dubuguk – Cars for rent

Columbus – Car Rollow Cars

Fishers – Cars


Botella – Car Renefacing Car Tolves

Kaanapali car rental

New Britain car rental

Wake Forest car rental

Vaukesh-rented cars

Parsippani-Cars for rent

Waterford-Cars for rent

NORUOLK-Norolki-Norolki-Norolki. rental cars

St. Charles – rental cars

Downers Grove – rental cars

Groton-Cars for

Touson-Cars for 2,

Pfluierville-Cars for

Huntington-Cars for RIVs

Sherman Oaks Car Rental

Dedham Car Rental

Castle Rock Car Rental



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SCO summit: Xi Jinping refused to be photographed and forced Lukashenka to put on a mask




Chinese President Xi Jinping left the country for the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The politician visited Kazakhstan, and then arrived in Uzbekistan, where the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is taking place. Here he forced his Belarusian colleague Alexander Lukashenko to put on a medical mask, and also refused to have dinner with other leaders of the participating countries and take part in a general photo shoot. Why – in the material of Gazeta.Ru.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping missed the dinner of the heads of state at the end of the working day at the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization due to the rules on COVID-19 that the Chinese delegation complies with. According to Reuters, citing a source in the government of Uzbekistan, Xi also refused to be photographed with other participants in the summit.

Putin supported Iran’s entry into the SCO. The “last formality” remains

Iran signed a memorandum of commitment to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)…

September 15 15:04

The dinner was attended by both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with whom the Chinese politician had previously met within the framework of the SCO.

On September 15, Xi also managed to hold talks with Presidents of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov and Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, whom he persuaded to wear a medical mask (Lukashenko usually does not wear one). The trip to Kazakhstan and participation in the SCO became the first foreign “business trip” of a Chinese politician since the beginning of the pandemic.

Friendship is unchangeable

The Russian president during a conversation with his Chinese counterpart stated that Moscow condemns Washington’s provocations in the Taiwan Strait. And Xi pointed out that Beijing’s position on the Ukrainian crisis remains balanced.

The head of the People’s Republic of China expressed his willingness to “set an example of a responsible world power” and “play a leading role” to bring the rapidly changing world onto a path of sustainable and positive development. Putin, in turn, said that for the “overwhelming number of states on the planet” attempts to create a unipolar world are unacceptable.

“The world is rapidly changing, but friendship remains unchanged”: what Putin and Xi Jinping talked about

Putin met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Samarkand. On the sidelines of the Shanghai…

September 15 18:47

At the same time, friendship between Russia and China remains unchanged in a rapidly changing world, the Russian leader stressed. “The world is changing rapidly, but only one thing remains unchanged: the friendship between China and Russia,” said the President of the Russian Federation. According to Putin, the countries continue to strengthen “good” bilateral relations.

After the meeting of the presidents, the White House expressed concern about the deepening of ties between Russia and China, and the meeting between Putin and Jinping was called an example of rapprochement between the two countries. “We have clearly expressed our concerns about the depth of China’s ties with Russia, the alignment [of the two countries] even at a time when Russia is waging an aggressive war in Ukraine. This meeting is an example of such alignment,” said White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre.

In turn, the Russian Foreign Ministry considered the talks between the two leaders “excellent”.

“Great, as usual. These negotiations are always structured in a business-like manner, specifically, with a discussion of the tasks facing the relevant ministries and departments. This was the case this time as well,” said Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

This is the second meeting between Putin and Xi in 2022. The first one was in February. Then the Russian president came to Beijing to participate in the opening ceremony of the XXIV Winter Olympics.

Erdogan and the Pope

The President of Turkey and the President of China held a meeting at the Summer Palace of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. It was held behind closed doors, the press was not allowed into the hall. The politicians talked for no more than half an hour.

The President of Uzbekistan named new partners in the SCO dialogue

The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced that Bahrain, Maldives, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Myanmar will receive the status of. ..

September 16 11:55

Reuters, citing a Vatican source, claims that the Vatican offered to arrange a meeting between Xi and Pope Francis (both were in Kazakhstan), but the Chinese side refused.

“The Vatican has told China that Pope Francis is ready to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping while both leaders are in the Kazakh capital, but China has said there is not enough time for that,” the agency said.

When and under what circumstances the Vatican appealed to China is not disclosed. Earlier, the pope expressed his readiness to go to China, answering a journalist’s question about a possible meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Nur-Sultan.

The SCO summit is being held in Uzbekistan from 15 to 16 September. More than 10 heads of various states are present at the forum.

Putin will meet with the leaders of China, India, Turkey and Azerbaijan at the SCO summit

Andrey Gordeev / Vedomosti

On the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and heads of other states. For the first time in three years, the SCO Heads of State Council meeting will be held in person in Samarkand on September 15-16.

Summit agenda

Presidential aide Yury Ushakov told reporters that the summit program had already been agreed upon. In his opinion, the summit is of a special nature, since it is taking place against the backdrop of “large-scale geopolitical changes, the rapid irreversible transformation of the entire complex of international relations and relations in politics and economics.” Now, according to him, “a new model is being established, based on genuine multipolarity and dialogue.”

The leaders of 15 states will take part in the summit in Samarkand, Ushakov said. Of these, eight leaders represent the SCO countries: Russia, India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In addition, the leaders of the “observer states” of the SCO – Belarus, Iran and Mongolia will participate. There will also be guests of the summit – the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Turkey. Ushakov emphasized the participation of Turkey, recalling that it is a NATO country, but shows great interest in the work of the SCO, “realizing that this is an important regional platform.”

The summit will be unique in terms of the number of considered applications from states that are ready to join the SCO in various formats, Ushakov said. According to him, a memorandum of commitment of Iran will be signed in order to obtain membership in the SCO, which means that at the next summit in India in 2023, the country will be a full member of the SCO. Also in Samarkand, the process of registration of membership in the organization of Belarus will begin. In addition, memorandums of partnership in dialogue with Egypt, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia will be signed. Decisions will also be made to launch a procedure for granting a similar status to Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Myanmar and the Maldives.

“The SCO offers a real alternative to Western-centric structures and mechanisms, as all SCO members are committed to building a more representative, democratic, fair and multipolar world order based on universally recognized principles of international law,” Ushakov said. According to him, all SCO members are in favor of equal cooperation between countries with the central coordinating role of the UN in the spirit of justice, equality, and consideration of mutual interests. Ushakov stressed that the activities of the SCO are of a non-aligned nature and are not directed against any states.

At the same time, the presidential aide recalled that the SCO is the largest regional organization in the world, which unites about half of the world’s population, and the total GDP of the SCO countries is about a quarter of the world’s.

The summit will touch upon issues related to enhancing the SCO’s potential in the field of security and stability, strengthening economic ties, developing transport connectivity, and cultural and humanitarian topics, Ushakov said.

Putin will speak at the meeting of the SCO in narrow and extended format, where he will set out in detail his vision of the tasks facing the organization and propose measures to improve its activities. According to Ushakov, the results of the summit will be recorded in the SCO Samarkand Declaration, which will reflect the consolidated position of all countries on the development of the SCO and on topical issues on the global and regional agenda. It is expected that the summit will also adopt a significant package of documents – more than 20, including a five-year plan for the implementation of the provisions of the agreement on long-term good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation for 2023-2027. and a roadmap for a gradual increase in the share of national currencies in mutual settlements.

Meetings on the sidelines of the summit

Ushakov stressed that bilateral and multilateral meetings on the sidelines of the summit will be no less important. Putin will have meetings with President Sadyr Japarov of Kyrgyzstan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov of Turkmenistan, Ebrahim Raisi of Iran, Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev (he is scheduled to be awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky), Xi Jinping, Modi, Erdogan and Aliyev. In addition, the traditional trilateral meeting of the leaders of Russia, China and Mongolia, which is always held in conjunction with SCO meetings, will take place.

The meeting with Xi Jinping will be the second in a year – the first was in February during Putin’s visit to China for the opening of the Olympics. According to Ushakov, given the current international situation, this meeting is of particular importance. “The presidents will discuss both the bilateral agenda and major regional and international topics,” the presidential aide said. According to him, the topics of Ukraine and Taiwan will be touched upon.

Ushakov recalled that China’s approach to the Ukrainian crisis “is balanced, it clearly states that it understands the reasons that forced Russia to launch a special military operation.” The issue of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and China will also be discussed. In 2021, trade turnover between the countries amounted to $140 billion, and in the first seven months of 2022 it increased by a quarter, amounting to $93 billion

Putin met with Modi in December 2021, when the President of Russia was on a visit to New Delhi. According to Ushakov, trade with India is growing, supplies of Russian oil, coal, fertilizers are increasing, and measures are being taken to expand the use of national currencies in mutual settlements. They will also discuss international issues and the situation in the Asia-Pacific region at the meeting. Ushakov recalled that India will chair the UN Security Council in December 2022, and in 2023 India will chair the SCO and the G20.

Putin met with Iranian President Raisi for the last time at the Caspian Summit in June in Turkmenistan. At a meeting in Samarkand, the heads of state will discuss bilateral relations and the issue of granting Iran full membership in the SCO. Ushakov also added that the situation with the Iranian nuclear deal will be discussed, and recalled that Russia is in favor of restoring the deal in the configuration that was established in 2015. They last met in August in Sochi. The heads of state will discuss the “grain deal” and economic issues in continuation of the Sochi agreements.

The agenda of the meeting with the Turkish President in Samarkand will include Syria, the aggravated situation in Karabakh, as well as the “grain deal”, which Putin expressed his dissatisfaction with the day before, says Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of Russia in Global Affairs magazine. The central issue remains the situation in Ukraine. Turkey claims to be a mediator between Moscow and Kyiv. This is the only real contender for this role now in this matter, the expert continues.

The SCO attracts a lot of attention because it is the organization that assumes responsibility for Central Asia in matters of international cooperation, Lukyanov notes. The SCO countries will play a big role and have a significant impact on world events, Lukyanov said. The focus remains on the Asian countries and Uzbekistan itself as the host country.

Because of the sanctions, it is important for Russia to establish economic cooperation in the Central Asian region. Thus, now the economic development of Russia will largely depend on whether it will be possible to involve the SCO countries in this development, Lukyanov concludes.

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