Potty training carpet: Potty Training and Your Carpets

Опубликовано: August 17, 2023 в 9:24 am


Категории: Pet

Potty Training and Your Carpets

A new baby in the household is a joyous occasion, and you’ve prepared for this moment for many months. As the due date nears and your new baby is soon to arrive, don’t forget to have your carpets cleaned as part of the preparation process.

Here are a few reasons your carpets should be professionally cleaned before the baby comes home from the hospital.

You Remove Harmful Bacteria From the Home

Bacteria gets embedded in carpet fibers that cannot be removed via vacuuming alone. While your immune system is mature enough to withstand and fight the harmful bacteria that exist in your carpeting, your newborn baby has yet to develop an immune system that recognizes and fights common diseases and illness-causing bacteria.

In short, your carpet can potentially make your newborn baby sick. Bacteria commonly found in residential carpeting include:

  • E. coli
  • Salmonella
  • Staph

As a general rule, you should have your carpets cleaned every year to keep your flooring as clean as possible. Speak to your carpet cleaning specialist about how often you should clean your carpets based on your family size and whether you have pets in the home or not.

You Remove Irritating Allergens

Carpet contains harmful allergens that can irritate your newborn’s maturing senses. The average home carpet has as much as 40 pounds of dirt and debris stuck inside the carpeting fibers, such as hair, pollen, dust mites, dirt, and other irritants. Hire a professional carpeting cleaning company that uses steam-cleaning methods to make your carpets cleaner and safer for your new little one to come home to.

Keep in mind that the same allergens and bacteria that get stuck in your carpet can also be found in your upholstery. Ask your carpet cleaning professional to clean your drapes and furniture to make your home as bacteria and allergen-free as possible for your new baby. You should schedule professional cleaning services within a few weeks of your baby’s arrival so your home is fully ready to welcome your new little one.

You Get a Jump-Start on Home Maintenance

Once your new baby arrives, you will discover a huge shift in your normal routine. Housework and other traditional tasks you could perform with ease now fall to the wayside as your newborn adjusts to your home.

Having your carpets professionally cleaned gives you an edge on your housekeeping duties and can help you feel confident that your home is still intact and well-maintained, even if you miss a few days’ worth of dishes and laundry while you and your new little one bond and adjust to your growing family.

Remember this as well: carpet cleaning helps preserve the life span of your existing carpeting, so you can focus more on your new family and less on your flooring needs.

Many carpet cleaning companies use green cleaning products that are free of chemicals that can harm children and pets. Choose a carpet cleaning company that uses natural solutions to keep your carpets as clean as possible and much safer for your baby.

Clean carpets make your home’s air quality better, give your home a more welcoming appeal, and make your entire family less prone to carpet-related bacteria, germs, and illness. After you bring your baby home from the hospital, continue regularly having your carpets cleaned to maintain the safety and cleanliness of your residence.

Your carpet cleaning specialist will clean every room in your home, treating each carpeted area’s stains and odors with care. Our team of specialists at AAA Carpet Care will work with you to make your home’s flooring as clean and comfortable for your new baby as possible; call us today.

The Best 7 Potty Training Essentials you Absolutely Need

I put together the ultimate potty training essentials list. Here is everything I used with my boys that helped make the experience easier and go smoothly.

I love giving tips and listing products that have helped me out as a new mom. I also wrote a blog post listing my favorite training toilet seats I used with the boys. You can check that out HERE. Hope it helps!

Table of Contents


Potty Training checklist

I put together a whole blog post listing the best potty training seats I used during my songs potty training journey. You can find that blog post HERE.

2.) Training Underwear

When potty training my boys I had them go commando for the first week. After they started to get the hang of things I introduced training underwear to them. You want to make sure you use training underwear because it has extra padding for all those accidents that will most likely happen those first few weeks. I linked the ones I used with my boys below.

Link to underwearLink to Cars underwear

3.) Big and Loose clothes

I potty trained my boys by doing no underwear for the first week which meant lots of bear bums out. It can help to have a big t-shirt to cover everything. I ended up going to Walmart and Target to buy cheap t-shirts in a size up (4T).

Dinosaur Shirt // Blue Shirt with pocket


After the boys go commando for a week I then have them wear underwear and later add the pants. It’s important to have loose pants in order for them to pull them down on their own and go potty. My boys basically wore basketball shorts for the first couple months of potty training. Links to these shorts below.

Green Shorts // Basketball Shorts

I used these pee pads during the potty training journey and they helped a ton. One thing I slowly starting to learn was boys can be messy. I liked putting these pads under the potty toliet for when some pee got out. It made for such an easy clean up.

I also used the pee pads in their beds to help with easy clean up. I put it in between the sheet and the mattress so if they leaked through the mattress would protected.

5.) Cleaning Supplies

You just have to accept there will be accidents those first couple of weeks of potty training. You will want to be prepared by having cleaning supplies around. I had to use this on the carpet and sadly on my couch a couple times. I loved having my Little Green carpet cleaner during this journey, it helped so much!

Carpet Cleaner

This was great to have for all those pee accidents on the carpet. I had to use this a couple of times.

Carpet Cleaner

This Littlegreen carpet cleaner will save you for those accidents on the couch or the carpet. I unfortunately had to use it a lot in their room and on the couch. As much as you try and proof the room by laying down towels and blankets accidents will happen. This will save you!

All Purpose Cleaner

Boys are so messy when they are potty training as they are learning to aim in the toilet. Having an all purpose cleaner to clean the little potty, the floor, or the sink area will help a ton.

Clorox wipes

You can never go wrong with clorox wipes. I use them to wipe down their little potty or the toliet seat. If they pee on bathroom floor I will quickly grab one to clean up the mess. They help with those accidents.

Clorox Wipes

Clothing Detergent

Unfortunately you will be going a load of laundry a day at least. Those first couple of days expect a lot of accidents in clothes and on bedsheets. Just make sure you have laundry detergent before you start the potty training journey.

Link to dreft laundry detergent

6.) Snacks/Drinks

I went to the store a couple days before I started potty training and made sure to stock up on the boys favorite snacks and drinks they don’t usually get to have. You want to have a lot of salty snacks so they will want to drink more fluids. The more they need to pee the more opportunities they have to learn. You want them to drink a lot those first couple of days. Link to snack spinner HERE

I found these fun drinks and thought the boys would have so much fun with them. They were excited to drink out of them which helped get more fluid. My boys don’t drink juice at home so they were excited to have fun drinks.

Link to juice

7.) Reward System

Potty Chart

One way you can do a reward system is use a sticker chart. They can put a sticker on each time they go and get a prize after they fill out the chart. I tried this with my boys, but it just didn’t motivate them enough. I’ve heard it works really well

Link to paw patrol chart // Link to Blippi chart


I went to Walmart and bought $5 dollar toys that I knew the boys would be excited about. You could even go to the dollar store or the dollar section at Target. Some people suggest taking your kid to the store and have them pick out their own potty toys and you can do that as well.

I would put all the toys in a bin and place it up high on the counter. They called them their “poop toys” and were always so proud to carry them around. After a couple days I start recycling toys they already own. I put them in the basket and they didn’t even notice and were just as excited to win another poop toy.

Link to Fire Truck // Link to truck


I would give my boys an M&M or a Skittle when they went pee. This is what motivated them to go and worked really well with my boys. It always helped to give candy during the times they wouldn’t want to go. After a week they will forget to ask for it afterwards.

Small candy machine // M&M Candy Machine

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The Best Potty Training Seats (what I used with my boys)

How to potty train a child: step by step instructions | Chalk

The moment when a child himself asks for a potty can be safely compared in significance with the first step and the first word. How to bring this time closer – and is it possible? Let’s figure it out.

When to start potty training a child

This is perhaps the most important question asked by parents of children from 1 year old. But there are no exact recommendations regarding both the lower and upper limits of the age of potty training. It is believed that by the age of 3, children should already be able to cope with going to the toilet on their own. But in the West, you can often meet children who wear diapers at the age of 3 or 4 – and no one pays attention to this.

In any case, both our and Western experts now agree that each child is individual and it is necessary to focus not on age, but on the level of his development.

An approximate lower age range that can be identified is from 14 months to 3 years. However, doctors usually clarify: if you start potty training at 14-16 months, then the process can stretch for several more months, and if you start at 2 years and later, you can do it in just a week.

Why such numbers? The thing is that the signaling system is responsible for the process of urination and defecation, and until it matures, you can try for as long as you like, but there will be no result. In fact, if you are trying to teach a six-month-old baby to consciously potty train, this can be compared to trying to teach a newborn to walk: a child at this age is simply not ready for this process from a purely physiological point of view.

Up to 16–18 months, excretory processes occur reflexively, without involving the nervous system

From a physiological point of view, potty training can begin when the child has learned to walk, can squat, holds himself in space, can take off his clothes and gestures show what he wants. As a rule, a child masters all these skills by 1–1.5 years. But here a psychological moment comes in the way, namely the crisis of the first year, when the child becomes capricious and uncontrollable, for the first time begins to say “no”.

How to know if a child is ready to use the potty

  • He shows interest in the toilet and what other family members are doing there;
  • Understands when he went to the toilet, requires gestures or words to change the diaper or wash it. That is, he experiences discomfort and understands the reason for this discomfort;
  • Child stays dry during naps or more than two hours during the day;
  • The child shows by gestures, words or facial expressions when he wants to go to the toilet. It is not uncommon for children to hide behind a curtain when they are doing “big things”, squat down, move into another room, or hide in a corner, trying to simulate the isolation of the space for their intimate needs.

In addition, it is very important that at the time of the beginning of potty training the child is healthy, cheerful and cheerful.

7 reasons that should make you put off the pot until better times:

  • the child is sick;
  • the child is teething;
  • the child did not pass the crisis of the first year;
  • you are weaning or weaning a baby from a bottle/pacifier;
  • a younger brother or sister was recently born;
  • moving to a new location;
  • mother’s going to work (and other stressful situations that knock the child out of his usual rhythm of life).

Photo: Lopolo / shutterstock / fotodom

How to start potty training

The first step is to get yourself a potty. The choice of a toilet accessory should be approached with all seriousness. It often happens that it is the wrong potty that causes the child to categorically refuse to “go to the toilet like a big one.”

So which pot should you choose?

  • Plastic with rounded soft edges – it is much more comfortable to sit on such a pot than on an enamelled specimen from Soviet childhood, warm plastic does not scare away;
  • With rubberized pad on the bottom – keeps the pot in place and does not allow it to slip, which means that the risk of falling and injury is minimal;
  • Not a toy – It is clear that a pot in the form of a throne, a car or an animal can be bright and attractive, but it is still a toiletry item, not a toy. Choose calm colors, without bright ornaments, etc.;
  • Without musical accompaniment – potty, equipped with a sensor that plays music or a song when the child has successfully completed his task, designed to motivate the child to do it regularly. However, sudden loud noises can simply cause fear. And music as an encouragement after toilet chores can reinforce the wrong reflex, from which you will then have to wean.

Potty Training Instructions

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the potty. Tell your child what the potty is for, call a spade a spade. Yes, saying the words “pissed” and “pooped” may not be very comfortable, but this is physiology, and you can’t do without it. Remember that if you are ashamed to talk about this topic, then this feeling of shame will be transmitted to the child, and this can subsequently provoke a number of problems and difficulties not only with mastering the potty, but also with the psychosexual development of the child.

Step 2: Find a place for the pot. The pot must be within reach. If you close the door to the toilet so that the child does not throw toys and other things into the toilet, it is better to keep the potty in the corner of the child’s room or in the bathroom. If you are worried about cleanliness around, you can put the potty on a disposable diaper (make sure it does not slip on the floor) or a rubber mat.

Step 3: Show how to use the potty. Place a teddy bear, rabbit or doll on the potty. The role-playing game will allow you to consolidate the pattern of behavior. If there is a baby doll who can really write if you give him water to drink, then this will be even more of a help.

Another important point. There are children who do not want to sit on the potty, but prefer to immediately sit on the toilet “like a big one.” Excellent – a special toilet seat and your own example will help solve this problem.

Step 4: Remove the diaper. A child who constantly walks in a diaper will not learn to go to the potty simply because he does not correlate the processes in his body with the result of what is happening. To establish this connection, he needs to see everything with his own eyes and feel it for himself. That is why panties for potty training began to appear, which do not immediately absorb all the moisture.

For the time when you remove the diaper and potty train your baby, it is better to use comfortable clothes that the toddler can easily take off by himself. Most accidents most often occur for a banal reason: the child does not have time to unbutton and zip on jeans, pull off tight leggings and tights, and then also panties. Make it easy for him.

One mother, for the time of potty training, simply covered the entire floor in the apartment with disposable diapers, and undressed the children, and they ran around naked. Her life hack has since been used by thousands of fans, and it really works. When a child sees that a puddle appears on the floor after he has peed, he begins to understand how this happens, which means that a causal relationship is formed faster.

Step 5: Offer the pot on a “schedule”. This does not mean that you need to set an alarm clock and put your child on the potty by the hour. No. A simple rule works here: a potty after sleep and before bed, plus 15–20 minutes after eating, as well as before and after a walk.

The season, oddly enough, also matters, especially in our latitudes. Easier and faster potty training occurs in spring and summer, when a child can run around the countryside naked, and in the city – in light shorts or panties and a dress. Accidents, which will undoubtedly happen at first, do not damage the psyche of parents, which means that the number of shouts and shameful words is minimized, since even the most patient and conscious parent has the right to break down at some point and not withstand the next wet pants.

By the way, in Japan, children are potty trained in the summer for purely hygienic reasons. It’s just that in winter, tatami mats lie on the floor in houses, which are very difficult to wash in case of unforeseen situations.

Step 6: Remove the diaper completely. When you potty train your child, at first, the diaper should be worn only for daytime and nighttime sleep. Then he is first removed for daytime sleep, covering the bed with disposable diapers, and after some time (for some children it may take a week, while for others it may take several months), they begin to remove the diaper for a night’s sleep too. And here you need to be prepared for the fact that wet nights will happen, even if you put the child on the potty in the middle of the night. This is completely normal.

Potty training hacks

The process of potty training should be easy and fun for all involved, both parent and child. What can be done for this?

  • Motivation system. Have your child put stickers on the potty for each success;
  • Beautiful lingerie. Buy beautiful panties and panties for your child. which will be a pity to get dirty. The main thing – in no case do not scold if the toddler still did not cope with the task. Everything can always be washed off;
  • Habit calendar. Together with your child, start a calendar in which mark the date when he will become very big and learn to go to the pot – in a month and a half. As we remember, a habit is formed in 21 days, and this period, on average, is enough to teach a two-year-old child to go to the potty. Cross out days together, celebrate successes (we don’t celebrate failures) and be sure to celebrate X-day;
  • Fairy tale therapy. Read therapeutic stories about potty training or make up one yourself.

Mistakes of parents in the process of potty training

The period of potty training is quite stressful for both the child and the parents. One word can sometimes spoil everything that has been achieved in a few weeks.

Do’s and Don’ts

  • Being stressed. Children are very sensitive to the mood of an adult, and if mom and dad are constantly nervous about wet pants, then the child will worry and everything will turn out much worse for him;
  • Hurry . You should move at the pace of the child, and not drive him, trying to be in time for a specific date or just to brag that you potty trained a child in just five days;
  • Shame. The task of parents is to support the child in his independence. Punishing, scolding and shaming means humiliating a child. He has already peed himself and cannot do anything about it, he is already sad and bad about it;
  • Put the diaper back on. In the process of mastering the potty, regression often occurs. Usually it lasts no more than 5-7 days, although, of course, there are exceptions. But even for this period it is better not to return to using diapers. This will only push the child further back;
  • Disdain . Yes, the story with the pot is not the most fragrant. However, for two years you washed your child’s bottom, changed diapers, and now nothing has changed. By demonstrating your squeamishness towards wet and dirty pants, you do not support the child. He is not yet able to share your attitude to the result of his actions. He needs support and absolute acceptance.

Potty training is a rather difficult but exciting quest that every parent has to go through. Be sure: you will deal with it sooner or later.

Cover image: Tomsickova Tatyana / shutterstock / fotodom

How to potty train a child?

Natural products
for children and mothers


author Alexandra Ermakova

The question “How to potty train?” very relevant today. Indeed, in a world where development is in full swing, it is very difficult to refuse the benefits of civilization. Therefore, we transfer potty training to a later time, in comparison with our ancestors. And there is nothing wrong with that. The main principle adhered to by specialists in helping professions is: “A happy mother is a happy baby”!

Potty training is a social factor, it works during the period when we can explain to the child what and why to use the potty. That is why there is an opinion that it is best to start acquaintance with the potty at 1.8 or 2 years.

But let’s not confuse planting and accustoming.

You can drop off your baby much earlier. And many children successfully use the potty at an earlier age. Disembarkation is the natural hygiene of the child. Mom helps the baby to feel and understand his body. This is a very important stage in development.

Urination is a physiological process with which a child is born, and he must see that “water” is flowing from him.

This is a kind of feeling of the world as it is. Therefore, let the baby be more without diapers! This will make potty training easier in the future.

Have you decided to potty train? Then we read on.

Don’t set yourself super-tasks, such as “teach in 3 days”. After all, others have succeeded, but I have not.

Understand and accept the fact that all children are different. Some get it earlier, some later.

Listen to yourself, maternal instincts and your baby. No specialist knows the child better than the mother.

Remove disposable diapers and let puddles on the floor, and if puddles are not in your plans, use reusable cotton panties with a waterproof layer, in them the baby feels that it has become wet, and upholstered furniture and carpets remain dry!

Most importantly, be patient and use the broken record principle by telling and explaining every day.

Of course, potty training is easier and more appropriate in the warm season, when the mother does not worry that the baby will freeze on a walk in case of failure. And the baby will quickly figure out what they want from him, without confusion at home – panties, and on the street – a diaper.

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