Why is social development important: What Is Social and Emotional Development

Опубликовано: April 12, 2023 в 10:22 pm


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Social development in early years of childhood  is a crucial part of a person’s overall health, well-being and happiness throughout his or her life which is very closely associated with cognitive and emotional development. In this process, the child learns to interact with others around them and process their actions. Social development plays an important role when the child enters the school.

Developing social skills can help your child to  develop language skills, build self confidence, support  learning skills, resolve conflicts and establish positive attitude. 

When a child begin to socialise with other children, it will help them to practice and acquire speech and language skills which would help the child better able to understand, behave and act to the people around him according to the situations.

Milestones of Social Development in Early Childhood

At every age, there are some basic milestones to be developed.


Several skills rapidly develop during the first 2 years of life. Social skills which develop in children are as follows:
–They smile and react positively to  parents and other familiar people
– They develop stranger anxiety—though it can be frustrating, this is a normal process of development
– They develop an attachment to a comfort object such as a blanket or animal
– They begin to show anxiety around other children
– They try to imitate adults and children—just as a child develops in other ways, many social skills are learned simply through copying what a parent or sibling does
– They get  affected by emotions of parents and others around them


At this time , a child’s sense of  being confident begins to develop as he or she learns to do more activities without assistance.

At this stage, most children usually begin to:

  • Share toys and take turns
  • Begin engaging in pretend play
  • Follow simple rules in games
  • Sometimes become bossy and defiant
  • Show more independence
  • Might show attachment to one friend

At this time, children start to gain a greater awareness of their own individuality.  A child’s sense of being independent in these early stages can set a pattern for the rest of his or her life.

At this stage, most children usually begin to:

  • Develop friendships with other kids
  • Compare themselves to other children and adults
  • Understand other people’s thoughts and feelings
  • Initiate or  play with other children and make up games
  • Show an understanding of right and wrong
  • Listen while others are conversing

Parents play a major role to enhance the social skills. As parents can help their kids by modelling  how to interact with people around him.

Some parental tips to help the kids to develop and support social development:

– Respond to your kid’s needs promptly—your child is learning how to trust someone
– Make eye contact with your baby—sit face to face to their level and maintain eye contact when you interact with them
– Babble and talk to your kid, always give a pause  to allow them to respond
– Play copycat with words and actions
– Play “peeka boo”—this teaches your child that even if you “disappear” you will come back, and which would help to reduce stranger anxiety

– Involve your kid in daily activities such as going out to by something or visiting friends—this shows them how you interact with others in a respectful, positive way
– Begin to arrange play time on a regular basis so that your child can interact with peers

Signs of possible dysfunction in social development in early childhood

  • Does not show any interest in playing with other children
  • Not ready to share or take turns with other children
  • Wants to be dependent on caregivers for everything
  • Is extremely particular about routines and becomes upset when things change
  • Has extreme difficulty to get separated from parents or caregivers

If your child exhibits some or all of these behaviors, you may want to have your child’s skills assessed or seek advice from speech language pathologists or a psychologist to understand the possible cause and initiate the intervention accordingly.


1.What Is Social Development in Early Childhood? ‐ Reflection … https://reflectionsciences.com/blog‐what‐is‐early‐childhood‐social‐development

2. Social Development in Children | SCAN of Northern Virginia https://www.scanva.org/parent‐resource‐post/social‐development‐in‐children/

Why Social Skills are Important for Child Development

Forming social skills is an integral part of child development. Social skills help children interact with the world around them through relationship development, verbal communication, and body language.  

The right set of social skills will make it easier for a child to make friends, share with their classmates, and cooperate in social environments. Well-developed social skills also lead to improved cognitive abilities and better mental health.  

There are many ways to encourage a child’s social skill development. It is important to teach these skills early in life, as these will be the building blocks for social interactions and success in adulthood.    

Keep reading to learn why social skills are important for child development and how to teach these skills.   

Why Are Social Skills Important? 

When it comes to childhood development, there are certain milestones that dictate growth and advancement. Social skills development is valuable to many areas of a child’s life.  

Studies show that a lack of social skills can lead to poor outcomes in child development. It can hinder their ability to create relationships, affect their adjustment at school, lead to loneliness, and cause behavioral problems in the future. This is why it is important to instill social skills in children early on in life.  

There are several different social skills that are indicative of child development. These include sharing, cooperating, following directions, using eye contact, use of manners, and understanding personal space. These are useful skills that will allow children to be successful in the social world. 

Children with higher social development can form stronger friendships and are more likely to succeed in their education. Research shows that children with better social competence also benefit in the following areas:  

  • Twice as likely to attend post-secondary education  
  • More likely to earn a high school diploma  
  • Less likely to use illegal substances 
  • Less likely to get into trouble with the law  

These are just a few of the ways that a child can benefit from social competence. There are special programs to help enhance social skills and build a strong foundation for success in the future.   

Social Skills in Early Child Development 

At different stages of development, children exhibit different social cues. For each age, there are different child development skills that most children can display. While development can vary depending on one individual child, there are certain milestones that are characteristic of each age.  

Age Two to Three  

At this age, children like to copy others, particularly older children and adults. They enjoy interacting with other kids and get excited when they meet other children. They also display behavior that goes against what they are told to do.  

While the terrible twos can ignite some naughty behavior, closer to the age of three, children become a bit more independent. They can show a range of emotions, including empathy and affection for a friend.  

At this age, they can also express frustration with changes in their daily routine.  

Age Three to Four  

Around ages three to four, children enjoy doing new things. They become more creative with their play and like to role-play as mom and dad. However, they cannot understand the idea of make-believe.  

A child at this age can cooperate with other kids. They can also talk about the things they like and don’t like.  

Age Four to Five  

Children age four to five want to appease their friends and begin to copy their friends. They are more likely to follow the rules and show more independence. They can also become demanding in certain situations.  

They are also aware of their gender at this age, and they like to sing and dance. They now understand the concept of make-believe. 

Age Five to Six  

Child development skills from age five to six include being about to follow daily routines, take turns, and understand directions.  

Kids at this age can understand the idea of humor and they can also explain the cause and effect of their feelings. They are also cognizant of their behavior if it might disrupt others in a certain setting. They can speak clearly in most conversations and others can understand what they are saying.   

How to Encourage Children to Develop Social Skills 

There are many ways that parents, caregivers, and educators can aid in child development skills. It is important for the adults in a child’s life to be consistent in their teaching, so the child gets a clear understanding of what is expected in a social environment.  

Being a Good Role Model  

Modeling behavior is one of the most effective ways that you can teach your child social skills. During social interaction, use your manners by saying “please” and “thank you.” Address others in a polite manner so that your child can see and copy your behavior.  

Be sure to remind the child if they don’t use polite language to reinforce good behavior.  

Additionally, talk to the child about the importance of things like teamwork and cooperation. As you do something, talk to your child about why it’s important. If everyone cleans up the toys, it’s much easier, or helping a friend can make them happy.   

Role-Play With Your Children  

Another effective way to encourage the development of social skills is by role-playing. Create opportunities where you can put those skills into practice.  

You can role-play being at a restaurant and how to ask for something they’d like. You can use arms-length distance to teach a child about personal space and keeping their hands to themselves.   

If you read a story, ask the child what they remember to ensure that they are developing listening skills. Practice eye contact when telling a story. You can talk about how they felt after you’ve gone through the scenario to make sure they understand why it’s important.  

Offer Praise and Positive Reinforcement  

Positive reinforcement is a great way to keep a child encouraged to utilize social skills. Be direct when giving praise by saying phrases like “Thank you for putting away your toys as I asked.” These are clear and direct words of reinforcement that show they are following the rules.   

If a child has difficulty following directions, reinforce their listening and operating skills. You can do this by asking your child to do something and giving them immediate praise for having listened and followed the directions.  

Keep practicing this until they become more cooperative.   

Learning Through Playing  

Children learn through listening to others, mimicking behavior, and language. But they also enjoy learning through play. There are a variety of ways that you can incorporate social skills learning through play.  

A kindergarten or daycare setting is a great place for children to interact with other children and put some of their social skills to practice. Here they will face challenges where they need to solve problems, share, resolve conflict, take leadership, and show empathy to others.  

There are many ways that a child can grow and learn in this setting. It is especially helpful because it is outside of the home setting, allowing a child to interact with those outside of their immediate family. This puts them in a challenging new environment to utilize their skills and absorb skills from other kids.   

Special programs can help fine-tune a child’s social development in the right environment with support and encouragement.  

Teaching Emotion Regulation and Understanding  

An effective way to teach social skills is to help a child understand the role of emotions. This means helping them understand their own emotions as well as those of others.  

You can use flashcards with faces that display a certain emotion. You can also ask the child to show you a face that represents a certain emotion. 

Talk to the child to ask them to explain what the emotion means and how you can soothe it. For some children, emotion regulation can be difficult, and they will need guidance when they are having intense feelings.  

Additionally, being able to understand others’ emotions will teach the child important social skills such as empathy.   

Encouraging Social Skills for Child Development  

While there are many skills that are important for your child to learn, social skills are vital for child development. When teaching a child social skill, remember to model the behavior, teach emotion regulation, offer positive reinforcement, role play, and learn through play. 

With each age comes a different set of social skills to foster child development and help build a successful future for every child.  

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90,000 Social development of personality in modern society: Definition of the concept and problems

UDC 159.9: 316

Goltsova Polina Andreevna 1 , Loeva Yana Aleksandrovna 1
1 National National State University, master’s student of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies

The article provides a definition of personality and stages of social formation of personality. The socialization of an individual is an important element in the formation and definition of a person as an independent unit and personality. The social development of a person can slow down if the desire to be a leader in everything, or vice versa, excessive self-doubt begins to prevail. The socialization of the individual as a person is in constant struggle with the trends and norms that develop and take shape in modern society. nine0028

Keywords: individual, personality, socialization, social society, social development, person the faculty of technologies innovative

The article presents a definition of personality and the stages of social identity formation. The socialization of the individual is an important element in shaping and defining the human being as an independent unit and the individual. Social development of man can slow down the desire to be a leader in everything, or if the person is very unsure of himself and his abilities. Socialization of the individual as a personality is in a constant struggle with the trends and regulations that evolve and are shaped in modern society. nine0028

Keywords: human, individual., personality, social development, social society, socialization

Heading: Sociology

Social development of personality in modern society: definition of concepts and problems // Humanitarian scientific research. 2016. No. 12 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/2016/12/18549 (date of access: 12/25/2022). nine0013

Our life does not stand still, there is a constant development and introduction of various technologies, gadgets into everyday life. But does the development of society consist only in the development of science, engineering and technology?! The creation of something new, material objects is impossible without the development of the creator as a person, and, of course, the socialization of this person is important.

Before defining the concept and problems of socialization of the individual, it is necessary to define and understand for yourself what a personality is. There are many interpretations of this concept [1-3], which are used in completely different areas – this is linguistics, philosophy, psychology, and economics. By the term personality, we will mean the development of a person as a conscious individual who is in a constant cognitive process, who occupies his niche in society and is formed under the influence of its tendencies. Further, we will clarify the definition of the term socialization – this is a long and continuous process of infusion and assimilation of social and generally accepted norms, rules, traditions, knowledge, values ​​of society by an individual, resulting in the formation of personality [4-6]. nine0013

The socialization of an individual and his transformation into a personality goes through two stages:

  1. Social adaptation and habituation is the ability to adapt to social norms and rules, to join social groups and institutions.
  2. Transition. It is not enough for an individual to go through social adaptation in order to become a person, it is necessary to pass everything through himself and his inner world, to include the right social values ​​in his life.

The formation of personality also depends on age periods, which are divided approximately in the same way as in the well-known story by L.N. Tolstov “Childhood. Youth. Boyhood:

  1. Childhood and adolescence (from birth to adulthood) – during this period, learning and accumulation of knowledge takes place in order to prepare for working and mature life. Definition of oneself in the world.
  2. Maturity (from adulthood to 45-55 years old) – accompanied by an active working life, the creation of one’s personal and family values, the accumulation of social experience, the rethinking of one’s “I” in society.
  3. Adolescence (from 50 years old) – as a rule, refers to the termination of working life, the transfer of accumulated experience, created values ​​to their successors and the new generation. By this period, a person is a fully formed social personality. nine0073

At each of the stages and periods, the socialization of the individual occurs under the influence of a number of factors and mechanisms:

  1. Identification – self-knowledge, determining one’s role in society, the desire to become a person, and not be a gray mass, the desire to create useful and productive relationships.
  2. Self-restraint – lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities, as a result of which inappropriate behavior may occur, the loss of useful accumulated social experience.
  3. nine0072 Imitation – the desire to become a person by the example of others, the desire to adopt their manners, behavior, values ​​and experience. It is necessary to try to limit this desire, otherwise you can lose what you have already laid in yourself, in the development of yourself as a person.

In our opinion, the social development of a person can slow down and face problems due to the mechanisms under which the formation of an individual as a person takes place. This is explained by the fact that in the course of the struggle with the existing “demons” of society – alcoholism, narcissism, selfishness, laziness, an excessive desire to always be the first, the individual loses himself, partly loses everything that he has been striving for for so long – this is to become a conscious person. Modern trends in society do not always have a positive effect on a person, and often have a negative impact. For example, among young people the number of singles, or unbalanced under the influence of subcultures, is increasing. nine0013

Signs of successful socialization of an individual and the formation of his personality include:

  1. A person adequately responds to another, to his manners, values ​​and behavior, for him everyone is equal.
  2. There is an acceptance and awareness of generally accepted and established norms and rules of behavior in society. There is no refusal and confrontation, due to which a person will try to stand out from the crowd.
  3. There comes inner and outer harmony between the desire to be a loner and always be in the first place. Such a balance contributes to the conquest of peaks and self-knowledge, the development of personal values. nine0073

Thus, socialization is an important stage in the formation of personality, contributing to the development of social society as a whole. But you need to remember and be careful in your desire to become a person. Try to find the optimal balance between the technical and technological and social development of society.


  1. Stolyarenko L.D. Fundamentals of psychology. Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2003. – 704 p.
  2. Personality [Electronic resource] // Wikipedia: free encyclopedia. – Electron. Dan. – [B. Moscow], 2016. – URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality (date of access: 12/17/2016). nine0073
  3. The concept of personality [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/876820/ (accessed 12/17/2016).
  4. Socialization [Electronic resource] // Wikipedia: free encyclopedia. – Electron. Dan. – [B. Moscow], 2016. – URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialization (date of access: 12/18/2016).
  5. Brief Dictionary of Sociology. – M., 1988.
  6. Kravchenko A. I. Sociology: textbook / A. I. Kravchenko. – M. : Prospekt, 2009. – 536 p.

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Features of the development of a child aged 7–8 years


The age of 7–8 years is one of the turning points in the development of a child. No matter when a child goes to school, at six or seven years old, at some point he goes through a crisis. This period may begin at the age of seven, and may shift to six or eight years. The crisis of seven years, which is called the period of the birth of the social “I”, is associated with the child’s awareness of his place in the world of social relations, the discovery of a new social position – the position of a schoolchild. The formation of a new position changes self-awareness, and this, in turn, leads to a reassessment of values. What was important before becomes secondary. Old interests, motives lose their motive power, they are replaced by new ones. A small schoolboy plays with enthusiasm and will play for a long time, but the game ceases to be the main content of his life. Studying becomes the leading activity, it is during the educational process that new psychological functions and qualities arise and develop. The development of the personality of a younger student directly depends on the effectiveness of studies. nine0013

  • During this period, there are also profound changes in the field of experience. Separate emotions and feelings that a child of four years old experienced were fleeting, situational, and did not leave a noticeable trace in his memory. Failures and unflattering reviews about appearance, for example, if they brought grief, did not affect the formation of his personality (subject to a favorable situation in the family). During the crisis of seven years, a “generalization of experiences” appears, thanks to this, the logic of feelings appears. Experiences acquire a new meaning, their complication leads to the emergence of the inner life of the child – it is the inner life that begins to influence the behavior and events in which he actively participates. nine0012 Now the child thinks before acting, he has an awareness of what the implementation of this or that activity will bring him – satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Psychologists call this process the loss of childlike spontaneity. The child begins to hide his feelings, tries not to show that he is ill; outwardly, he is no longer the same as inwardly, although during the primary school age there will still be openness, the desire to throw out all the emotions on peers, on close adults, to do what you want. The crisis manifestation of the separation of the external and internal life of children usually becomes antics, mannerisms, artificial stiffness of behavior. These external features, as well as the tendency to whims, emotional reactions, conflicts, begin to disappear as they emerge from the crisis and enter a new age. nine0157

  • A first-grader is undergoing a restructuring of the entire system of relations with reality. The child has two spheres of social relationships: “child – adult” and “child – children”. At school, the “child-adult” system is divided. In the life of a student, in addition to parents, another significant adult appears – a teacher. It is the relationship with the teacher that begins to determine the relationship of the child to parents and children. The new system of relations “child-teacher” becomes the center of the life of a first-grader. At first, children try to strictly follow the instructions of the teacher. If the teacher allows loyalty to the rules, these rules are destroyed from within. Each of the children begins to relate to the other child from the position of how his classmate relates to the rule that the teacher introduces. Snakes appear. nine0012 In relationships with peers, children learn patience and cooperativeness. Communication with peers is very important for the formation of the ability to stand on the point of view of another, to accept this or that task as a common one, requiring joint actions and the ability to look at oneself and one’s activities from the outside.

  • In children 6–8 years old, the skeleton, articular-ligamentous apparatus, and muscles are intensively developing. The child’s musculoskeletal system, which has not completed its development, experiences heavy loads when, during the period of study, it is necessary to maintain a static posture for a long time. Incorrect long-held posture leads to posture disorders. The spinal column is very sensitive to various kinds of deforming influences, therefore, improper landing can quickly lead to gross changes that disrupt its growth, differentiation of all its structural elements. nine0012 At this age, the small muscles of the hands are still poorly developed, the ossification of the phalanges of the fingers and carpal bones is not completed. Therefore, so often when writing in the classroom there are complaints: “Hand hurts”, “Hand is tired”. The imperfection of the nervous regulation of movements explains the insufficient accuracy and speed of the movements, difficulties in making movements on a signal. When performing graphic techniques in children of this age, the main control belongs to vision, and at the same time, not just a “field of activity” is fixed, but the entire movement can be traced from beginning to end. Therefore, it is easier for children to write and draw large letters, large figures. nine0157

  • In preschool childhood, the long and complex process of mastering speech is basically completed. By the age of 7, language becomes a means of communication and thinking of the child, and in preparation for school, it becomes the subject of conscious study. A large active dictionary allows you to switch to contextual speech, the child can retell the story he has read, describe the picture, etc.

    Perception becomes meaningful, purposeful, analyzing. Arbitrary actions are distinguished in it: observation, examination, search. nine0157

  • The memory of a child of 7-8 years old develops in two directions – arbitrariness and meaningfulness. Compared to preschoolers, younger students are much more attentive. They are already able to concentrate on uninteresting actions, but involuntary attention still prevails in them. For children at this age, external impressions are a strong distraction, it is difficult for them to concentrate on incomprehensible, complex material. The attention of first-graders is characterized by small volume and low stability. They can focus on one thing for 10-20 minutes. A 7-year-old child thinks figuratively, he has not yet acquired the adult logic of reasoning: only towards the end of preschool age does a tendency appear to generalize, to establish connections. The emergence of this tendency is extremely important for the further development of the intellect. nine0073
  • Summarizing all of the above, we can say that 7–8 years old is the age of active formation of volitionality in all spheres of a child’s mental life.

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Online classes on the Razumeikin website:

  • develop attention, memory, thinking, speech – namely, this is the basis for successful schooling; nine0013

  • help to learn letters and numbers, learn to read, count, solve examples and problems, get acquainted with the basics of the world around;

  • provide quality preparation of the child for school;

  • allow primary school students to master and consolidate the most important and complex topics of the school curriculum;

  • broaden the horizons of children and in an accessible form introduce them to the basics of various sciences (biology, geography, physics, chemistry).