When should i tell my parents im pregnant: Telling My Parents I’m Pregnant

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Telling My Parents I’m Pregnant

21 May How To Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant

Posted at 16:22h
in Blog, Pregnancy

So you’ve taken a pregnancy test — or three. Perhaps you even came into one of our centers for a free ultrasound to confirm. Now you’re faced with one of the hardest challenges of all: telling your parents you’re pregnant.

No teen or young adult wants to go through this situation, but it still happens to thousands every year. You might feel paralyzed by feelings of fear, embarrassment, or shame. However, the longer you put it off, the more difficult the situation can become. Here is some simple advice to help you tell your parents about your pregnancy. For more information and support, contact Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center today.

Wayne, NJ: (973) 238-9045
Hackensack, NJ: (973) 238-9045
Paterson, NJ: (973) 238-9045

Confirm the Results

The first thing you should do is to make sure you’re actually pregnant. While this may sound like a no-brainer, there are many factors that go into taking a pregnancy test accurately. If you have not yet medically confirmed your pregnancy, come to Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center for a free ultrasound before making any decisions. All services are free and there are no age restrictions. You’re welcome to bring a friend or a relative with you if you’re unsure about telling your parents before the pregnancy is confirmed.

Sooner is Better

Telling your parents you’re pregnant early on is almost always better. The longer you wait to tell your parents about your pregnancy, the more complications and difficulties can arise. Often, waiting to tell your family causes you more stress and anticipation — which is exactly what you don’t want in early pregnancy. Besides, in many cases, the reaction you imagine is much worse than the reaction you will actually get. It’s best to tell your parents soon and start working out your next steps.

Telling Others First Can Make it Easier

If you’re worried about how your parents will react, you can choose to confide in someone else first. Telling a sibling, relative, or close friend can be a good way to “test the waters” and gauge how your parents may react. Knowing you have that person’s support may give you the extra courage you need. It can also help relieve some of the stress and anxiety of keeping a huge secret, making the telling itself easier to do.

Make Sure They’re Prepared

Obviously, very few parents are ready to hear that their child is pregnant unexpectedly. But you can soften the impact by making sure they hear the news in a comfortable setting. Don’t blurt it out in passing or while you’re in a public place, and don’t tell them in anger or out of fear. Think through what you want to say and give them a heads up that you want to sit down and talk.

Make Sure You’re Prepared

Take some time beforehand to think through what you want to say. Something that may be helpful is to write down everything you’re thinking and feeling. That way, when the time comes to have the conversation, you will have a list of all of the thoughts and feelings you want to express in front of you, and won’t be as stressed about what you’re going to say.

Anticipate and Accept Their Feelings

It’s likely that your parents will be angry, disappointed, or confused by the news. This isn’t ideal for you, but it is expected. Remember, your parents are people, too, with their own plans and goals. Plus, you’ll be getting their immediate “knee-jerk” reaction; they haven’t had time to process the news like you’ve had. They might even say something that is mean or hurtful — and so might you. But it’s important not to let this conversation become an argument. Give them time to process their thoughts and emotions, and give them grace — and hopefully they’ll extend grace to you in return. You’re all in this together, and you need to support and respect each other throughout the journey.

Don’t Make Any Decisions Yet

Your parents might start talking about getting an abortion or placing the baby for adoption when you tell them. However, it’s important not to make any decisions right away. Time is your friend. Make sure everyone is calm and composed before talking about your options and discussing what you actually want. Furthermore, remember that no one — not even your parents — can make these decisions for you. If you aren’t comfortable with their choices or reasoning, don’t let them pressure you.

In a time like this, you might be surprised by how well your parents take the news. On the other hand, not all parents will react the same way, and there is always a chance that your parents might react poorly. If you find yourself in a bad situation after you tell your parents, remember that there are other places to get help and support.

If you’re in New Jersey, contact Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center. We are here to provide a listening ear, support and resources as you make your pregnancy decision. Give us a call, visit us online to make an appointment, or stop by one of our three locations at any time. All of our services are 100% free and confidential. We’d love to walk this journey with you.

Wayne, NJ: (973) 238-9045
Hackensack, NJ: (973) 238-9045
Paterson, NJ: (973) 238-9045

When Is the Best Time to Announce Pregnancy?

When Is the Best Time to Announce Pregnancy?

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Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph. D., MSN — By Ashley Marcin on December 6, 2018

Announcing your pregnancy

One of the most exciting times in your pregnancy is getting that first positive test. You probably want to tell the whole world you’re expecting. But when is the best time to announce your pregnancy?

Many parents-to-be wait until the end of the first trimester — around week 13 — to tell friends and family about their pregnancy. A number of factors influence why people wait until this time to share the news.

Still, the most important part of your decision should revolve around what makes you the most comfortable. Read on to find out more about what to consider before you decide to announce your pregnancy.

The risk of miscarriage

The first trimester is a tremendous time of development and change for you and your little one. With all that change comes some risk that the pregnancy might not carry to term.

Between 10 and 25 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, and roughly 80 percent of these miscarriages occur in the first trimester.

Most miscarriages are caused by factors beyond a mother’s control. About half are caused by chromosomal abnormalities. This means that the baby doesn’t develop properly.

Other causes of first trimester miscarriage include:

  • illness in mother
  • luteal phase defect (problem with a woman’s monthly cycle)
  • hormone imbalances
  • adhesions (scar-like tissue) in uterus

Age is another factor that affects miscarriage. Here is the miscarriage risk by age:

  • Women ages 35 and under: 15 percent
  • Women ages 35 to 45: 20 to 35 percent
  • Women ages 45 and older: 50 percent

If a developing baby lives to 7 weeks with a heartbeat, the risk of miscarriage drops to 10 percent. In those beginning weeks when the risk is highest, you may not even know you’re pregnant unless you’ve taken an early test. After week 12, the risk of miscarriage falls to 5 percent for the rest of the pregnancy.

Given these statistics, it’s understandable that many parents wait until the risk of miscarriage drops before they announce. Most women don’t want to have to tell people the sad news of a miscarriage shortly after announcing their pregnancy.

The first prenatal visit

Another reason couples wait until the end of the first trimester to share has to do with prenatal checkups. Your first appointment may be around week 8 of pregnancy, or even later.

During the first visit, your provider will run tests to confirm your pregnancy, estimate your due date, screen for infections, and determine the general health of you and your baby.

For some couples, hearing that heartbeat for the first time or having an ultrasound to date the pregnancy is reassuring before announcing it to everyone.

Recurrent pregnancy loss

If you’ve experienced a previous loss, your risk of having another miscarriage may be slightly higher, depending on your health history.

This news can be disheartening, especially in the case of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Your doctor will likely examine you, order blood tests, and do some other testing to determine the cause of your losses.

The good news is that with the right treatment, your chances of carrying a baby to term may increase. But you might feel more comfortable waiting until after this treatment to announce your pregnancy to everyone.

The pros of waiting to announce your pregnancy

If you’ve had difficulty conceiving, had a previous pregnancy loss, or had a stillbirth, you may want to wait even longer than 12 weeks to share news of your pregnancy. It’s also fine to share later than the traditional first trimester cutoff. It’s entirely up to you and what you feel is best.

Though loss in the second and third trimesters is rare, couples may feel sensitive or worried that something will happen.

In these cases, you may choose to share news about the following instead:

  • having an ultrasound that shows the baby is healthy
  • finding out the sex of the baby
  • reaching the halfway mark of pregnancy (week 20)
  • reaching a personal milestone (e.g., when you start showing)

Sometimes letting a close friend or family member know can be helpful, especially if you’re feeling anxious.

If you’re still not comfortable sharing the news, your doctor may be able to refer you to a therapist or support group where you can express your feelings in a safe space.

Another option is to search online for forums with women who have gone through similar situations. Examples of online support groups include:

  • Pregnancy After Loss Support
  • Subsequent Pregnancy After Loss Support

Pros of Waiting

  1. The risk of miscarriage usually decreases after the first trimester.
  2. You might feel more comfortable after you’ve had an ultrasound, heard your baby’s heartbeat, or reached a pregnancy milestone.
  3. There’s anonymity for you and your partner.

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The cons of waiting to share the news

If you’d rather have a support network in place regardless of your pregnancy outcome, feel free to share the news right away.

The first trimester may be tough for some women because of fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and other unpleasant symptoms. Letting a few key people know may help ease the burden. And if you do end up miscarrying, you might not want to have to go through it alone.

You may also want to tell your employer about your pregnancy right away if your job requires you to do physical labor that might be dangerous. These hazards might include:

  • bending repeatedly at your waist (more than 20 times per day)
  • standing for long periods of time
  • lifting heavy things, like boxes, more than once every five minutes
  • being exposed to chemicals

Your job may require these tasks. The data isn’t concrete on whether or not these activities directly lead to miscarriage, but it’s still worth considering in the overall picture. Speak with your doctor about the recommendations for lifting during pregnancy for more specifics.

Cons of Waiting

  1. The first trimester might be difficult without support.
  2. You might be exposed to workplace hazards if you don’t tell your employer.
  3. Friends and family might find out from other sources instead of you telling them directly.

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Announcing to different groups

It might make sense to announce your pregnancy to different groups at different times. You may want to first tell a few close family members and then some friends before you announce it publicly on social media or tell your co-workers.


Consider telling only your family to start. Your pregnancy will be major news for your parents, especially if this is their first grandchild. You might want to think of a creative way to tell your mother, father, and siblings so you can be there to witness their reaction firsthand.

If you choose to announce to just your family early on in your pregnancy, you’ll have plenty of people to celebrate with, but you won’t have to explain things over and over again if something does go wrong.


You’ll most likely want to tell your closest friends first. Then, whenever you feel more comfortable, you can broaden the group, or make an official announcement on social media. But be aware that the news might slip out of even the most well-meaning friend or relative.

Social networking is probably the easiest way to get the news out to friends and family who live far away. Posting a picture online of your ultrasound can get the news out in an instant.


You will have to tell your employer sooner or later, especially if you’re going to be taking parental leave or time off work. As mentioned above, it’s a good idea to tell your workplace right away if your job involves physical labor that might be dangerous.

Once your employer knows of your pregnancy, you’re protected against discrimination under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978. Your employer is required to provide you with reasonable accommodation if you’re unable to perform your work activities safely while pregnant.

If your job doesn’t involve physical labor, you can wait until you’re comfortable letting them know. Just make sure you give your employer a reasonable amount of time to prepare for your time away.

You will most likely want to tell your direct manager first so you two can plan together how to tell others you work with. It’s completely fine to ask your manager to keep this information confidential until you’re ready to tell others.

If you don’t want to inform your immediate superior right away, feel free to meet with your company’s human resources department to discuss your options. Be prepared to discuss their concerns about how your pregnancy will affect your job.

Being professional and prepared will help reassure your workplace of your commitment to making this a smooth transition.

What should you do?

In the end, the choice over when to share your pregnancy is entirely up to you. You can tell friends and family right away, or wait until you know more about the health of you and your baby.

To help make your decision, you may want to ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have a high-risk pregnancy or other factors that increase my miscarriage risk?
  • Will telling everyone make me feel more comfortable, or less comfortable?
  • Do I have certain work or lifestyle factors that make telling sooner important?
  • Do I want a large network of support if something happens?

The takeaway

The beginning of pregnancy can be both exciting and frightening. Try to relax and enjoy the journey.

A lot of women choose to announce their pregnancy at the end of the first trimester because the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced and their pregnancy “bump” may no longer be easy to hide. Of course, announcing at the 12-week mark isn’t required and the choice is entirely up to you.

Whether or not you tell the whole world right away, make sure to tell your doctor if you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Schedule a prenatal appointment, take your vitamins, and keep up with good eating and exercise habits.

Try to take care of yourself and your baby-to-be. No matter when you share the news, it’ll surely be reason to celebrate.

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Last medically reviewed on December 6, 2018

  • Parenthood
  • Pregnancy
  • 1st Trimester

How we reviewed this article:

Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Mayo Clinic Staff. (2013). Miscarriage.
  • Miscarriage. (2015).
  • Miscarriage. (2017).
  • Reproductive health and the workplace. (2015).
  • Second trimester pregnancy loss. (2007).
  • Your first prenatal visit. (2015).

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

Current Version

Dec 6, 2018

Written By

Ashley Marcin

Edited By

Nizam Khan (TechSpace)

Medically Reviewed By

Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph. D., MSN

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Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph.D., MSN — By Ashley Marcin on December 6, 2018

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How to tell mom, parents about pregnancy

“Mom, I’m pregnant!” Why are women so often afraid to say this phrase for the first time? If we are talking about an unmarried young girl, this can still be understood somehow. But why do adult women feel such fear, who have everything in order, have a loving husband, a separate apartment, and a child (whether the first, second, third, fifth …) – they expect with joy?

Psychologist Alla Khvan comments on the situation.

Alla Hvan

It has been noticed that in today’s society, today’s women do sometimes have a fear of motherhood. Motherhood does not really fit into the values ​​​​of this society: self-realization, career, achievements … Future motherhood is beginning to be perceived as the boundary between normal life and the life where all popular values ​​seem inaccessible.

Against this background, the fear of admitting to your mother that you are pregnant is quite understandable. But he himself is, in a sense, just a shadow. And the figure that gives this shadow is in fact the need for mother’s support and the uncertainty that she will receive it.

Previously, the older woman, the mother, helped in childbirth, took the child, washed, taught the young woman how to feed, she remembered how her mother did the same for her. Somewhere inside, in the subconscious, a modern woman has a need for this experience, for her mother to say: “Don’t be afraid, I’m near, everything will be fine.”

Today, in more traditional cultures and families where this continuity has been preserved – in each family there are many children, and no one has the thought that talking about pregnancy is scary. Where there is a third, there is a fourth; where there is a fifth, there is a sixth. It is normal, natural and harmonious – the birth of a child.

In modern society, indeed, with the birth of a child, a woman will have to drastically change her life. And she wants to count on her mother’s help in this.

But mother has her own doubts, her own expectations from her daughter. Often, she does not want her daughter to stay at home, to be a housewife. As a rule, a modern mother sees her daughter as a modern woman, successful, reaching career heights. And not every mother approves when her daughter wants to make a stop in this or even turn off the “right” path. In all honesty, an “unsuccessful” daughter deprives the mother of the opportunity to consider herself a “successful” mother.

And then it turns out to be unimportant whether the first child is expected by a woman, or the second or third. She begins to worry that her mother will say: “What a wrong time! Why are you doing this now. You will miss the chance to advance, to succeed.” The most interesting thing is that mothers don’t tell this to someone in the end, but fears that they will say still remain. Sometimes this happens because the daughter did not have the experience of experiencing unconditional acceptance by her mother.

So, pregnancy, voluntarily or involuntarily, is perceived as an event that can ruin life or change it irrevocably…

What until recently was natural and taken for granted: “Pregnancy is not a disease” is now sometimes perceived differently. And if a woman “decides” on the third, on the fourth – she seems either a heroine or not quite in her mind. In any case, her decision looks somewhat extravagant.

Who is responsible for what?

When women who are expecting a child (I repeat, it doesn’t matter if it’s the first, second or sixth child) call the helpline regarding unplanned pregnancy, their fears are especially understandable if they live in an apartment with their mother, are financially dependent on her or she looks after the child. In such cases, we discuss with the caller where whose responsibility is and for what. After all, the truth is that no one has yet canceled the life rule “Whose responsibility is that and power.”

If a woman takes on this responsibility, it is easier for her to build a dialogue with her mother. She can say: “Yes, mom, I understand that you are tired. I am very grateful to you for your help. But I won’t kill my child…” Then there can be quite a business conversation about how she sees her duties, what she will do for this child. And then it turns out that the story is not about money and not about square meters.

When I listen to a caller on our line about her fears and doubts about how to finally inform my mother, at some point I notice that she speaks and thinks only like a daughter, and not at all like a future mother. And it turns out that the same woman thinks, feels and even sounds differently depending on who she now perceives herself to be, a negligent daughter or a future mother.

Photo: Natalya Deksbakh, photosight.ru

Her priorities are changing: what is really important to her, what she considers right for herself and her child. Childish resentments and fears go somewhere, patience, wisdom, gratitude appear. She will be able to start a conversation with her mother, and this may already be a dialogue, a search for solutions, and not mutual reproaches and accusations.

What is happening with mom

When there is tension between close people, it would be better to figure out what is wrong?

It doesn’t hurt to be attentive and see what’s really going on with mom. It is clear that she has her anxieties and worries. There may be, among other things, selfish fears that here she is, already an elderly, sick woman. She implicitly hoped that everything had already settled down, she had done everything she could, and now she can be calm: her grandchildren are growing up. And now the situation is changing. Moreover, a mother may not internally admit this to herself, but say: “I’m worried about you, you will create poverty, you yourself will be left without work, you will turn into an old woman, you will not be able to educate your children.”

Or maybe my mother’s picture of what a daughter’s life should be like does not coincide with reality and her daughter’s ideas.

Or she got used to controlling her daughter more or less, and then suddenly the situation got out of control and she was just scared. After all, people sometimes control others not out of malice, but out of a certain distrust of life.

It is likely that the mother is really scared, or lonely, or she lacks attention.

How to talk to mom about pregnancy

Girls often call the helpline and say: “I’m afraid to tell my mother about pregnancy.” I’m starting to figure out what they’re afraid of. It turns out – screams, scandals, sometimes they formulate: “She will kill me!” When I ask them how they think their mother will feel after this news, the girls think deeply.

At some point, they suddenly realize that nothing terrible will happen, well, mom will scream from strong feelings (not the first and not the last time), and in general, strange as it may seem, this is such a form of love and care. This awareness helps them to treat what is happening as a natural phenomenon, “a thunderstorm in early May”, for example.

Expecting a predictable reaction, you can prepare a glass of water, heart drops.

It is important to feel confident. Because only calm confidence will be a kind of deterrent for the development of the conflict.

If the conflict continues

We proceed from a situation where we want to keep peace in the family. The main thing is to speak like a human being, showing that your mother is a person dear to you. “Mom, I see that you are worried, nervous. You are so important to me and it is important for me that we hear each other. Understand that this is not a whim, this is our child and it hurts me when you … “That is, the rule is simple – do not ignore the feelings of another and your own too.

Resentment and looking for someone to blame will definitely not move you forward. You need to look at the situation not with the eyes of an offended girl, but of a woman who knows what all this is for, what she is fighting for, who is building a calm and kind world for her baby.

If a mother is worried because of objective reasons, for example, because her daughter has health problems, it is especially important to show that you are able to take care of your health. Tell your mother which doctors you have already consulted with, under the supervision of which you are going to be observed. This is where the reverse law works: “whose power is that and responsibility.”

Read also:

The life of a child for the opinion of others, or how to dissuade from abortion

Myths about pregnancy


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How to tell mom that I’m pregnant is cool. Birthday present

Firstly, the main problem – to speak or not to speak – nevertheless, with the victory of common sense, must be resolved positively, because it only seems that you have not changed and those around you will not notice anything. All those who entertained themselves with such an illusion were sadly surprised by the unpleasant results in the form of rumors spreading at work, mysterious glances from relatives, and gossip acquiring fantastic details. In the end, when the secret becomes clear anyway, general grievances – parents, friends, relatives, acquaintances – cannot be avoided: does she really just not trust us, that she thought that we would not share her joy? This episode, in the end, is quite capable of complicating relationships – this is one, but two – you will lose the pleasures that your loved ones are ready to give you, for whom your pregnancy will be a joyful event. And even in the case of secret and obvious ill-wishers who have crept into your ranks, open information about the desired pregnancy that has come will demonstrate your self-confidence.

Secondly, if so, when? A very common decision is to wait 12 weeks until the most dangerous period of pregnancy has passed. Such a decision is quite reasonable if we are talking about colleagues and just acquaintances, but consider this aspect: it is quite possible that you will not feel very good – this happens, although not with everyone, and in this state it is very understanding, sympathy and support of loved ones are important, who, of course, need to be informed of their situation, if only so that your mother does not feed you pancakes oozing oil or something just as tasty, but during pregnancy, to put it mildly, not too much useful.

Now let’s move on to the next step – making the environment happy.

How to tell your husband you are pregnant




your story.

It is necessary to tell about pregnancy – and the sooner the better. It is much worse if he finds out about the pregnancy from a third person, for example, from his mother-in-law. Of course, a rather painful question of trust will immediately arise here, and it will not be easy to find a decent answer to it: most likely, such a situation will only aggravate distrust, forcing your husband to doubt your sincerity. All references to the fact that this is “such a female theme” usually do not work.




Tips from glossy ladies’ magazines to prepare a romantic candlelit dinner, like in a beautiful movie, during which you can tell your beloved that he will soon become a father, and expect that he will be speechless with delight , press your wife to your heart and so together you will dream of a brighter future, in 99% of cases they not only do not justify themselves, but, on the contrary, most often cause great suspicion, unless, of course, you practice such dinners daily. Know that his phrases like: “Are you sure?”, “How is it?”, “Exactly?” – are absolutely normal, so restrain your furious desire to immediately quarrel with him because of his lack of enthusiasm. Even if the situation is ideal – you dreamed of a child together, prepared for pregnancy and now your dreams are ready to come true, a man needs time to accept this fact as a fait accompli, because after that many serious changes will occur in his life .

Of course, each family is completely unique in terms of relationships, everything happens differently for everyone, but nevertheless, there is something in common in male nature – in serious moments of life they do not like excessive pathos and are skeptical about the romance of “soap” series. Therefore, instead of pathos, it is better to have more irony and humor, up to a test with two stripes tied with a ribbon, a funny SMS message. Reporting at a distance is a good move: an insufficiently ardent, in your opinion, reaction will not upset, and he will have time to orient himself and appear before you not bewildered, but courageously looking ahead.

If your relationship with the future dad is uncertain, you still need to tell him about the pregnancy. In this situation, it will be difficult for a man, and do not demand instant joy from him. He will simultaneously have to make two important decisions: to leave the bachelor life and take care of the family. You should not appeal to his sense of duty – it is better to tell how dear he is to you and how you want to be with him.

So the psychological nuances described above will make your life today much more interesting. In any case, no hasty conclusions: if at the first moment he did not strangle you in his arms with joy, this does not mean at all that he will be a bad father or not love enough.

How to tell parents about pregnancy

Future grandfathers, like future fathers, need extra time to think about their new status. Don’t worry, they will have nine whole months to do this, after which they will be proud of their grandson or granddaughter.

Is it necessary to tell relatives about pregnancy

This concept is multilayered, as well as relationships with them. So everything here is indie-vidually.

Relatives can mobilize and help as much as they can — not only with children’s things, but also with connections, advice, etc., which, of course, may turn out to be excessive, but joy, love and care will also be in abundance.

You can tell your friends about pregnancy

You can absolutely count on the complete understanding and solidarity of your friends. It is your friends who will help hide your absence from the lecture, lift the passenger who does not notice your pregnancy at point-blank range and seat you, sympathize with toxicosis, cook your favorite food for you and support you at a difficult moment. And they will even remind the husband how to treat a pregnant woman.

When to report pregnancy at work

At work, this news is hardly worth voicing early, since a pregnant woman is most often feared by both male bosses and female bosses. They try not to give her serious tasks and treat her like a seriously ill person, from whom it is impossible to get rid of and who has to be endured. In addition, conversations constantly starting among the team on the topic of the upcoming birth quickly tire.

Although, on the other hand, a pregnant woman is treated much more humanely both in terms of lateness and in terms of the intensity of work and delays.

Is it necessary to tell strangers about your situation

It is absolutely not necessary to tell everyone you meet about your interesting situation. But sometimes pregnancy can be used for your own “mercenary” purposes: for example, in the traffic police, if you are driving, as well as in line or in public transport.


such an intriguing new life and vivid impressions begin now – when you put the world on notice: “I’m pregnant!”

It’s done! Several days of suspicious new sensations, malaise and conjectures ended with two stripes on the test. Whether this pregnancy was long-awaited, or fell like a bolt from the blue, in any case it will be a shock for any woman. And even more shock will be experienced by relatives. This is where the hardest part begins. How to tell parents about pregnancy? What will be their reaction? Fear, panic and disbelief in what is happening are emotions that sometimes make it very difficult to take the first step towards a conversation. But it must be done anyway. How and when? Let’s try to answer these questions and give valuable advice.

How do I tell mom and dad I’m pregnant?

Before you puzzle over how to tell your parents that you are pregnant, you need to understand yourself. Age plays absolutely no role here. The main thing is the decision to be a child or not to be. Everyone knows perfectly well that abortion is a great sin. In addition, if the pregnancy is the first, there is a great risk of subsequently not having children at all. Therefore, the first task is to decide for yourself how you feel about your situation. Are you ready to become a mother? What will change with the advent of the child and are you ready to forget about some plans for life for the sake of the health of the future baby? Unfortunately, most often it happens that, due to his youth and his own stupidity, the father of the child very quickly disappears over the horizon, placing all the trouble on the shoulders of the expectant mother. And many girls are afraid of this fact. How to tell relatives about pregnancy in this case? First of all, you need to draw up a clear plan of your actions, do not panic, but try to reasonably compare everything. No matter how long you delay the moment of the conversation, it will still take place. And in order to at least somehow relieve your head from heavy thoughts, listen to some tips:

  1. To understand how to tell your parents about your pregnancy, you must decide for yourself whether to keep the pregnancy or not. It is this fact that will play a decisive role in your conversation. Try to clearly describe to yourself how you will get an education, raise a child, work, etc. Remember that the most difficult are the first two years of a baby’s life. Then he will go to kindergarten, and most of the problems will be solved by themselves.
  2. Remember that the first reaction to the news you report will in any case be a shock. Do not rush parents with conclusions and decision-making. If you live with them, this will be a separate conversation, with finding out if they can feed you with the baby.
  3. When thinking about how to tell your mother about pregnancy, do not be afraid of anything. Only she can understand you as a woman. In whatever relationship you are, she will always support you and will be by your side. In the event that the relationship with the mother is not very good, it will be quite expected that she will send you to have an abortion. But the final decision is still up to you. In practice, it has been proven that as soon as a child is born, he becomes a universal favorite, and any quarrels subside by themselves.
  4. Since telling your parents that you are pregnant is not an easy task, set yourself up for the fact that any shock associated with such news is caused, first of all, by the fact that they are worried about you and your future. No one will ever be closer to your parents. Therefore, it is better to listen to their advice, not be stubborn and realize that they only want the best. Put yourself in their place and you will quickly understand how they feel.
  5. For a conversation, you need to choose a good moment. It is best to talk about your position when peace and harmony reign in the family, and not after another scandal. Since telling your mother about pregnancy is somewhat easier than telling both parents at once, try inviting her, for example, for a walk, or wait until you are alone. Say that you have a serious conversation and ask you to listen. You need to speak calmly and confidently. Remember that before the conversation, you should already decide how you will live on. Be frank and honest, tell the whole truth and all the details. Be patient, because the conversation is still unavoidable and the best way out is to hold on with dignity.

Remember that your worries about how to tell mom and dad that you are pregnant negatively affect the well-being of the baby. Your parents are not your enemies, and when you decide to talk to them, ask them to trust you. Let them know that you trust them completely. Then the conversation will turn out to be full and positive. If you are overwhelmed by the fear that your news will be received negatively, prepare arguments and vivid descriptions of what a beautiful and wonderful person your baby will grow up to be. Another indisputable plus will be the fact that your parents will see their great-grandchildren before the rest, and maybe the next generation. And most importantly, children change a person’s life only for the better. Say thank you to fate for giving you such a great opportunity to become a mother. Children are not unplanned. They come at the time they are supposed to come. Accept your position with joy and patience. And your parents will always support you and help you not to be afraid of anything.

You have already learned that you will soon become a mother. The treasured pregnancy test confirmed the guesses, you even came up with, about the most important news in life. But how to present such information to your family and friends?

Of course, you can just call everyone on the phone and happily tell the latest information. You can even call one relative, and he will certainly tell everyone else. But it’s also not interesting. But what about the surprised faces, confusion and loud happy cries of the most beloved people in the world? No, it doesn’t suit us that way – we select ideas!

Best family photo

When the whole family gets together at some event, you or your husband will ask your relatives to take a group photo. And when everyone is ready, replace the phrase “Now say “Syyyyr” with “Now say together:“ Anya is pregnant! (of course, state your name).

Believe me, it will be one of the best, or even priceless – a lot of people with surprised, dumbfounded and joyful faces. For even greater effect, you can take a camera in your hands. At just the right moment, casually say something like, “Say hi to Mom! By the way, Anya is pregnant.

Banquet with a hint

Prepare a dinner for your family and friends, where all the dishes will hint at the soon arrival of the baby. For example, baby-shaped cakes, vegetable purees, juices in children’s cups. If there is no desire to cook such a variety of dishes, you can get by with replacing ordinary glasses with baby bottles with nipples or baby plates.

Observe the reactions of the guests. If they don’t get the hint, point their attention to the flashy details on the table.

Advertisement T-shirts

This surprise will be most relevant if your child is someone’s first nephew or grandson. Gather all your relatives to your place for lunch or for a picnic, where you distribute T-shirts with the inscriptions “Grandma”, “Uncle”, “Cousin”. Of course, if you capture the moment of opening the T-shirts on camera, there will be something to remember later. Or you can make one T-shirt for yourself with the words “I’m pregnant”, and let your husband remove the expressions on the faces of relatives when you go out to them.

Secret dinner

Another variation, arranged to communicate important news: notes in guests’ dishes. You can hide the message in a cookie or roll, and put a special note on each dessert plate. For example, “You will become a grandfather” or “In 7 months you will become an aunt.” Or you can come up with the same text for all notes and hide them in a common dish.

Puzzle games

You can make it even more creative: order a special puzzle with a text that will tell you about the upcoming joyful event. For example, “You will become a wonderful grandfather”, “Hi, uncle” or “Grandma, will you spoil me?”. Invite loved ones to complete the puzzle and unravel the hidden meaning of the message. Everyone will definitely enjoy.

Of course, everyone will be extremely happy when they hear about this news. But all people with different characters and temperaments. Therefore, do not be discouraged if your surprise is not received with such enthusiasm as you expected. The main thing is that everyone will definitely love the baby very much. Have an easy pregnancy!

Seeing for the first time two stripes on the test in case of a desired and, especially, long-awaited pregnancy, girls forget about everything that is possible with happiness, and fly as if on wings to tell their beloved the joyful news. However, this moment can be made more romantic and memorable – just a little resort to fantasy.

Like many others, I told my husband about my first pregnancy in the most banal way. The second wanted to be original. And in the third – I tried hard. So, the first thing to do is to calm down and try not to betray your feelings so that the surprise is really unexpected. And then you can resort to one of the methods described by me.

30 ways to announce your pregnancy:

1) When I learned about my pregnancy, I calculated how long I was in weeks and looked into my pregnancy diary. And exactly at 5 weeks she asked: “Darling, do you know what day it is today?” He, of course, frantically begins to sort through all the dates in his memory: when did you meet, when did you get married, when is your birthday … And when his “search engine” gives out the line: “Nothing was found for your query”, you smile slyly and say : “Today our baby’s heart beat!”

2) At 10 weeks I took an ultrasound of the baby. After calculating the EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery), I tell my relatives: “What do you think will happen on May 9, 2012? You didn’t guess!” I hand them a picture: “There will be one more person in our family!” Dads, on the other hand, can be stretched out with a picture from the 6th week of pregnancy, saying: “I didn’t guess! On this day, we will become the father and mother of this little pea!

3) In the third pregnancy, I specifically prepared! Having photographed the very first positive test (wait until the second strip becomes brighter, alas, there was no patience), I made a collage in Photoshop. I placed the postcard on the desktop of the computer. She hid her camera nearby. When my husband came home from work and sat down at the computer, I photographed his reaction. And then, on the first page of the baby’s photo album, she made a comic about how dad found out about the pregnancy.

4) For relatives, I corrected the postcard by taking a photo of a test with greasy stripes near the pacifier and adding romantic photos of families with three children. I printed the postcard in a large format and put it in a large white envelope. Handed over with the words: “You have a letter!”

5) Another option with a postcard: send it by mail or MMS to your phone, or send it as a message on a social network. But it is important to be nearby at the time of receiving the postcard in order to see the reaction.

6) In a special program (such can be found on the Internet), combine photos of you and your husband online and print the resulting portrait of the unborn child. Paste in Photoshop to your joint photo, print and put in an envelope with the inscription “Letter from the Future”. And throw it in your mailbox. And then ask your husband to look at the mail after work. Or insert the photo into a frame and put it in the evening by his cell phone or alarm clock so that he can see it in the morning. Or stick it in the evening to the mirror in the bathroom and write with lipstick: this is us in 1.5 years! If you are not friends with photo editors, you can resort to the help of specialists in a photo salon.

7) In the evening, put a huge head of cabbage in the refrigerator on the most prominent shelf with the inscription pasted: “Take me out of here in 8 months.” You can also put a positive test in cabbage leaves.

8) A slightly different option with a refrigerator: put cabbage, a jar of pickles, several packages of white chalk and a note on the shelf: “Daddy, finally buy mom vitamins for pregnant women! I don’t want to eat cucumbers and chalk for 8 months.”

9) “Darling, I have 2 news for you – good and bad. Bad – you will no longer see me in the morning …. A good one: I’ll be in the toilet at this time! Information will enter his head and will diligently search for brains, but it’s worth it!

10) Dear, I have 2 news for you: good and bad. The bad news is that soon there won’t be a wedding ring on my finger… (he panics) Pregnant women have swollen fingers!

11) Put ultrasound from 5-6 weeks into the cabbage seed bag. Give it to your husband with the words: “Well, my gardener, let’s go grow cabbage?” He takes the package of seeds with surprised eyes and looks inside. You: “Here is our seed! Harvest in 8 months!” Or: “And here is the one we will find in the cabbage! Harvest in 8 months”

12) Make a video of photos about your acquaintance, wedding with gentle music, with pop-up text comments from you. At the end of the video, the inscription “… And soon there will be more of us!” with a photo of the baby or your ultrasound and test. It doesn’t take long to make such a video in the usual standard Windows Life Movie Maker program.

So these ways for you were from me. But what other moms suggest:

13) Place the test in a gift box with flowers, pacifier and booties.

14) Present a box with junior sergeant’s shoulder straps (with two stripes) and children’s buttons sewn to them.

15) Play a game of 12 notes with him. Each note tells you where to look for the next one. And in the last note, the news or “treasure” (p. 13.14)

16) Rename your number in his phone to the name “Aist” and send him an SMS: “Already flying! I’ll be back in 8 months.

17) Arrange cabbages in the most prominent places around the room.

18) write on the stomach: daddy, I will come to you in 8 months.

19) Give a chameleon mug. When heated, news will appear on it in the form of text or a photo.

20) Attach a note to the Kinder Surprise.

21) Order a T-shirt with the inscription “The best dad!” and bring to the mirror

22) Order a cake with dough, storks, pacifiers.

23) Bake the cake yourself and put a note inside.

24) Glue the stork on the ceiling above its head. He will wake up and see.

25) Put in a row in the corridor: his pair of shoes, yours and small booties.

26) Order dinner in a restaurant for three. The guest is late, and the waitress brings a letter from him: “Sorry for being late, there are traffic jams in the sky. I will be in 8 months. Stork”

27) Take a camera, gather the whole family, and instead of “CHIZ!” shout “I’m pregnant!”

29) Write with crayons on the pavement under the window

30) And the last thing I can advise is to do a sex test (there are such ones already from 8 weeks old) and give it to your husband: “Congratulations! You will become the father of a daughter!

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How to inform not only your husband, but also all relatives about pregnancy in an original way? Here are eight interesting ideas.

  • Invite everyone to dinner and ask everyone to prepare for a group photo. And when you need to press the button, then instead of “Smile”, say loudly “I’m pregnant.”
  • Send a telegram to relatives. Approximately the same content as in the photo.
  • Give your relatives a photo with an ultrasound, beautifully designed. You can give a frame with a photo in a box and say that this is part of the gift. And the gift itself will be in 7 months.
  • Come to your parents for tea with a cake with the inscription: “Grandma and Grandpa”
  • Invite relatives to watch a movie and turn on the ultrasound video. It will be very interesting to observe the reaction of relatives until they understand what they are shown.
  • Take an original photo of you and your children if you already have a couple) Write on the pavement your years of birth with your husband and children. And next to the year of birth of the baby and booties.
  • Give T-shirts with inscriptions like “Best Grandpa” and “Wonderful Grandmother”.