What is important about reading: Why Read? The importance of instilling a love of reading early.

Опубликовано: November 16, 2022 в 11:48 pm


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Why is Reading Important? Read More to Live Better

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Want to escape without traveling anywhere? Looking to learn about a specific subject? Interested in knowing what it was like to live in the past? Reading can provide all of this and more for you! For anyone who wonders, “why is reading important?” we’re here to share the many reasons.

Yet, there are also some people who read because they are told they must for school. If you fit into that last categorization, then it may be useful to understand the many benefits of reading, which we will uncover here. We’ll also share why people read and what makes it so important.

Now all you have to do is….keep reading!

Source: Unsplash 

The Many Benefits of Reading

Beyond reading, because you have to, the importance of reading cannot go unnoticed. Reading is of great value because it provides the means by which you get to:

Strengthens Brain Activity

Reading gets your mind working across different areas. For starters, it involves comprehension to process the words you read. Beyond that, you can use your analytical abilities, stimulate memories, and even broaden your imagination by reading words off a page.

Reading is a neurobiological process that works out your brain muscles. As you do so, you can help to slow down cognitive decline and even decrease the rate at which memory fades. Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley have even found that reading reduces the level of beta-amyloid, which is a protein in the brain that is connected to Alzheimer’s. Who knew that reading could have physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits?

Boosts communication skills

Both reading and writing work to improve one’s communication skills. That’s why if you’re looking to become a better writer, many of the suggestions that you come across will include reading more. Reading can open your eyes, literally and figuratively, to new words. Try this next time you read: if you come across any words you read that you don’t know, take a moment to look them up and write them down. Then, remember to use your new words in your speech so you don’t forget them!

Helps Self-Exploration

Books can be both an escape and an adventure. When you are reading, you have the opportunity to think about things in new ways, learn about cultures, events, and people you may have never otherwise heard of, and can adopt methods of thinking that help to reshape or enhance your identity. For example, you might read a mystery novel and learn that you have a knack and interest in solving cases and paying attention to clues.

Makes One Intellectually Sound

When you read a lot, you undoubtedly learn a lot. The more you read, you can make it to the level of being considered “well-read.” This tends to mean that you know a little (or a lot) about a lot. Having a diverse set of knowledge will make you a more engaging conversationalist and can empower you to speak to more people from different backgrounds and experiences because you can connect based on shared information. Some people may argue that “ignorance is bliss,” but the truth is “knowledge is power.” And, the more you read, the more you get to know! That’s why you can bet that any educational degree you choose to obtain will involve some forms of reading (yes, even math and computer science).


It’s no wonder why you may see people reading by the pool, on the beach, or even on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Reading is a form of entertainment that can take you to fictional worlds or past points in time.

Imparts Good Values

Reading can teach values. Whether you read from a religious text or secular text, you can learn and teach the difference between right and wrong and explore various cultural perspectives and ways of life.

Enhances creativity

Reading has the potential to boost your levels of creativity. Whether you read about a specific craft or skill to boost it or you are reading randomly for fun, the words could spark new ideas or images in your mind. You may also start to find connections between seemingly disparate things, which can make for even more creative outputs and expressions.

Lowers Stress

If you don’t think that strengthening your brain is enough of a benefit, there’s even more good news. Reading has also been proven to lower stress as it increases relaxation. When the brain is fully focused on a single task, like reading, the reader gets to benefit from meditative qualities that reduce stress levels. 

Source: Unsplash 

A Look at the Most Popular Books

As we celebrate World Book Day, take a look at some of the most popular books of all time. These should give you an idea of what book to pick up next time you’re at a library, in a bookstore, or ordering your next read online.

  • The Hobbit
  • The Harry Potter Series
  • The Little Prince
  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
  • The Da Vinci Code 
  • The Alchemist 

The Gift of Reading

Whether you had to work hard to learn to read or it came naturally, reading can be considered both a gift and a privilege. In fact, we can even bet that you read something every single day ( this blog, for instance), even if it’s not a book. From text messages to signs, emails to business documents, and everything in between, it’s hard to escape the need to read.

Reading opens up doors to new worlds, provides entertainment, boosts the imagination, and has positive neurological and psychological benefits. So, if anyone ever asks or you stop to think, “why is reading important” you’re now well-read on the subject to provide a detailed response and share your own purpose of reading!

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Importance of reading | Young Readers Foundation

Reading improves vocabulary

Even as adults, when we read, we come across many new words we never really heard of. And we learn from this. As you read, you come across new words, phrases and writing styles.
This is even more so for young people. Children sometimes stumble over their words, do not know how to pronounce them or what they mean. By reading, young people encounter new words more frequently and sometimes repetitively and therefore can see them better in their context. If you then pay attention to the pronunciation as a parent, these children will be better prepared for school.

Better comprehension

Kids who are encouraged to read at an early age have better comprehension of things around them. They develop smart thinking abilities and are more receptive to creativity and ideas that other kids their age lack. As a result, they grow up to be a good deal more intelligent and aware of their surroundings than kids who don’t read.
The more you read, the more imaginative you become. Whenever you read a fiction book, it takes you another world. In the new world, your imagination works at its best as you try to see things in your own mind.

Develops critical thinking skills

One of the primary benefits of reading books is its ability to develop critical thinking skills. For example, reading a mystery novel sharpens your mind. What elements are there in a story to make this or that conclusion. Or if a book is non-fiction you will sometimes ask yourself if the author is right. Critical thinking skills are crucial when it comes to making important day to day decisions. Reading requires an individual to think and process information in a way that watching television can’t. The more you read, the deeper your understanding becomes about what you’re reading and its application.

Improves memory

Every time you read a book, you have to remember the setting of the book, the characters, their backgrounds, their history, their personalities, the sub-plots and so much more. As your brain learns to remember all this, your memory becomes better. What’s more, with every new memory you create, you create new pathways and this strengthens the existing ones.

Improves results at school

Kids who indulge in reading book and learning new things do better at school. They are more creative, open to new ideas, and develop empathy for others. For instance, kids who read about heroes idolize them, kids who love reading anatomy books dream of becoming a doctor, etc. They learn to empathize with characters in the books and want to be like them. Not only that, they learn valuable life lessons such as helping others and being kind. Moral codes such as goods things will be appreciated and evils punished take root in their minds too, as a result of which they learn to stay away from trouble.

Improves analytical skills

Figuring out how the story was going to end before finishing the book means you utilized your analytical skills. Reading allows your thinking skills to become more developed in the sense that you consider all aspects.

Builds confidence

In a world where competition in every walk of life prevails, we need to build a child’s personality as to have considerable confidence in themselves. Kids who lack confidence in their early stages often grow up to be shy, and at times suicidal, since they develop a victim mentality owing to the lack of confidence in their own self. They find it hard to face even the smallest of challenges life throws at them, instead simply giving up. Reading books sharpens many skills and all together they’ll build confidence.

Helps you socialize

We can always share whatever we have read with our family, friends and colleagues. All this increases our ability to socialize. Humans are social beings and in the world of smartphones, we are losing our ability to socialize. However, reading had led to the formation of book clubs and other forums where we get a chance to share and interact with others.

Broadens horizons

By reading books, you get a glimpse of other cultures and places. Books expand your horizons, letting you see other countries, other people and so many other things you have never seen or imagined. It’s the perfect way to visit a strange country in your mind.
When we open a book while sitting in the comfort of our rooms, like time travelling, we transport our imaginations to a world purely based on the imaginations of the author. We learn about everything they wants u to know, see the world through their eyes and their perspective, learn about new people, discover their traditions, cultures and all that makes them unique and unforgettable.

Improves writing skills

Reading a well-written book affects your ability to become a better writer. Just like artists influence others, so do writers. Many successful authors gained their expertise by reading the works of others.
Kids who learn to read also tend to develop better writing skills. The reason: they have been introduced to a world where words are their main weapon and they are free to shoot out. Literally! Parents must try to develop an interest for writing. Kids with good writing skills don’t fall victim to cramming and can express themselves more candidly through their words.

Improves focus and concentration

In our internet-crazed world, attention is drawn in a million different directions at once as we multi-task through every day. In a single 5-minute span, the average person will divide their time between working on a task, checking email, chatting with a couple of people (via gchat, skype, etc.), keeping an eye on twitter, monitoring their smartphone, and interacting with co-workers. This type of ADD-like behavior causes stress levels to rise, and lowers our productivity. When you read a book, all of your attention is focused on the story—the rest of the world just falls away, and you can immerse yourself in every fine detail you’re absorbing. Try reading for 15-20 minutes before work (i.e. on your morning commute, if you take public transit), and you’ll be surprised at how much more focused you are once you get to the office or school.

Makes you more empathetic

According to studies, losing yourself in books, especially fiction, might increase your empathy. In a study conducted in the Netherlands, researchers showed that people who were “emotionally transported” by a work of fiction experienced a boost in empathy. By reading a book, you become part of the story and feel the pain and other emotions of the characters. This in turn allows your mind to become more aware of how different things affect other people. Eventually, this improves your ability to emphasize with other people.

It develops emotions

When you read a book, you are on the receiving end of knowledge. The sender, the writer is delivering a message, imparting something of value, a fact, an opinion, a view or at the very least an emotion. They are inviting you into their own psyche and hoping that you will care enough to listen and respond to it.
So it won’t be wrong to say that reading actually flexes emotions. It builds a connection between the reader and the writer you have never met or known before. Even if you disagree with what they are delivering, you get to know them, and you connect to them on an emotional level.

Readers are leaders

Although not definitively proved, but almost all great leaders were readers. One reason they are respected and known for their wisdom is because they develop a healthy reading habit. For centuries, reading has been the source of inspiration, growth and new ideas. It is a valuable investment in one’s own personality with uncountable and long-lasting benefits. If you want your child to become one, you need to encourage him to read. It will keep his mind healthy and productive. Only then they will be able to impact the world in a better way.

Learn at your own pace

Another benefit of reading a book is that you learn at your own pace. Since you have the book all the time, you can always go back to a section you feel you don’t understand. You can re-read a chapter as many times as you wish, without worry that you will miss out a section. If it’s a self-help book, you can tackle one issue at a time. Once you handle one problem, then you can move to the next issue whenever you feel you’re ready. Everything is done at your own pace and most importantly, your mind is free to interpret things the way you feel.

Importance of Reading Skills & Benefits

Book coaches one’s imagination to think big. A constant fuel is required by our mind to develop knowledge and enrich our perspective, here the importance of reading comes into play. Reading is not just a leisure activity but can also be beneficial when it comes to clearing some of the globally recognized competitive examinations. Developing a reading habit can help you go a long way both personally as well as in acing many examinations. Let us explore the importance and benefits of reading a little further in this blog. 

Also, Read the Difference Between Author and a Writer!

This Blog Includes:
  1. Concept of Reading
  2. Why Reading is Important?
  3. Importance of Reading in Increasing your Vocabulary 
  4. Importance of Reading in Polishing your Mind
  5. Importance of Reading in Strengthening your Writing Ability
  6. Importance of Reading in Lowering Stress
  7. Importance of Reading in Reducing Depression 
  8. Importance of Reading in Enhancing One’s Imagination 
  9. Importance of Reading in Providing Entertainment and Peace of Mind
  10. Importance of Reading in Promoting Positive Sleeping
  11. Importance of Reading: When Preparing for Universal Competitive Exams
  12. Benefits of Reading
  13. Importance of Reading Essay
  14. Importance of Reading Books
  15. Importance of Readin Quotes
  16. The Power and Importance of Reading for Students

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Concept of Reading

Reading is not just about picking an article and going through it. It is a cognitive, multifaceted process wherein you recognise the word and comprehend it to understand its meaning. 

Our brain needs to be stimulated to function properly and foster ideas. One of the easiest ways to sharpen your mind is through reading with concentration. Almost all notable personalities read every day as they recognise that knowledge is the key to success. Therefore, it is time to mark their advice if you desire to be closer to your dream. 

Must Read: Agatha Christie, the Queen of Crime Thrillers

Why Reading is Important?

Reading is an essential aspect of learning and has multiple benefits attached to the exercise. Reading is important because it makes you more empathetic, and knowledgeable and stimulates your imagination. A study conducted by the University of Sussex showed that reading reduces stress by 68%. It helps in reducing tension and relaxing muscles which in turn helps people sleep better and stay healthy.

Importance of Reading in Increasing your Vocabulary 

While going through an article, you might have come across some words which confuse you or certain words that you hardly even recognise. Finding out their meaning and regularly reading can be the best solution for you to enhance your vocabulary and expand your knowledge. 

Also Read: 50 Difficult Words with Meanings for GMAT and GRE Preparation

Importance of Reading in Polishing your Mind

Reading requires you to have the patience to build a cognitive perspective. This is considered to be a prime brain-stimulating activity to sharpen your mind. Individuals engaged in reading have a slower memory decline than those who avoid reading. It also improves memory and builds focus. 

Importance of Reading in Strengthening your Writing Ability

Having a strong vocabulary can readily benefit you to strengthen your writing ability both personally and professionally. It inspires writers to stay positive and express their thoughts more clearly. Reading helps us in developing a knack for understanding the perspective of different authors that helps in writing about things by yourself. It is very crucial to comprehend the subject matter and allow our memory to retain it.

Importance of Reading in Lowering Stress

Reading leads you on a journey to another world. People reading literature or novels require a lot of concentration which allows them to stay away from the distraction in their lives which in turn promotes inner calmness and enhances overall health.  

Importance of Reading in Reducing Depression 

Medicinal therapies to combat depression can be reduced by incorporating reading habits. This is exactly what self-help books, novels, blogs, articles and non-fiction books contribute. Reading is found to lower heart rate, reduce stress and decrease blood pressure. 

Importance of Reading in Enhancing One’s Imagination 

Reading is just like a spider web, linking things you know to things you just learn and creating innovative solutions. You work upon your dreams when you start imagining them. Imagination also allows an individual to be empathetic towards people and their struggles. 

Importance of Reading in Providing Entertainment and Peace of Mind

Reading is one of the simplest entertainment entities for humans. Human beings tend to be fascinated by the world of stories and books open up alternate worlds to explore. This not just transcends us to another reality but also helps us in distancing from our daily problems for a while.

Importance of Reading in Promoting Positive Sleeping

Books are a perfect company at night before you doze off because it allows your body muscles to relax and your mind to destress. It is known that one can have a sound sleep when one’s brain is happy and one is comfortable in their own space. However, it is preferable to grab a printed book than any gadget before you settle in for some dreams. 

Importance of Reading: When Preparing for Universal Competitive Exams

  • The Reading Comprehension (RC) section in GMAT includes 350-word passages which can be easily mastered by practising active reading and by interacting with the text. Some examples can be reading The Economist, The New York Times, Scientific American, The Washington Post and Businessweek for acing the RC section.
  • Reading allows one to develop a better understanding of the subject and gain conceptual clarity when preparing for CAT and especially the Reading Comprehension.
  • A common success thread in all the students who secure well on the verbal section of the GRE is skilled reading ability. The faster you can scan through the passage while still holding on to the information, the more time you’ll have to answer the question. 
  • The perfect strategy to cover a long passage in the allotted time in IELTS is through increasing your vocabulary by continuous reading.
  • To get a high score on the reading section of the TOEFL test, the only key is to read and understand various books and articles.

Also, Read English for Competitive Exams – All You Need to Know!

Benefits of Reading

Here are some benefits of reading that everyone should take advantage of to make their lives better:

  • It improves your language skills
  • It improves comprehension
  • It makes you more empathetic
  • It challenges stereotypes and social mores in society
  • It reduces stress and anxiety
  • It helps in building a vocabulary
  • It stimulates imagination
  • It builds confidence
  • It lowers the heart rate and relaxes muscles
  • It prevents cognitive decline in older people
  • It improves your sleeping habits

Here is a list of readings items that are a part of the benefits of reading. These are great for budding readers to kickstart their journey:

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Comics
  • Encyclopedias
  • Children’s novels
  • Fiction books
  • Non-fiction books
  • Manga

Importance of Reading Essay

Reading is a good habit that everyone needs to develop especially students. Reading requires you to have the patience to build a cognitive perspective and brain-stimulating activity to sharpen your mind.  Reading is important because it makes you more empathetic, and knowledgeable and stimulates your imagination. Reading allows one to develop a better understanding of the subject and gain conceptual clarity. It is one of the simplest entertainment entities for humans. it also helps to battle depression and can be reduced by incorporating reading habits. This is exactly what self-help books, novels, blogs, articles and non-fiction books contribute.

Importance of Reading Books

There are multiple benefits of reading books. From building your vocabulary to reducing stress and depression. Here are some of the importance of reading books:

Credits: Pinterest

Importance of Readin Quotes

A book is a gift you can open again and again. —Garrison Keillor

Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. —Kofi Annan

Once you learn to read, you will be forever free. —Frederick Douglass

Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his needs, is good for him. —Maya Angelou

There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book. —Frank Serafini

Children are made readers on the laps of their parents. —Emilie Buchwald

One of the greatest gifts adults can give—to their offspring and their society—is to read to children. —Carl Sagan

The Power and Importance of Reading for Students

Credits; TedxTalks

We recognize the importance of reading and the positive impact that it can have on your life. Reading is also instrumental when it comes to your performance in the entrance examinations. You don’t need to be stressed about how to tackle this section in your examination, the experts at  Leverage Edu can guide you so that you are well-prepared to ace the examination.

Why reading books is so important for a person (July 11, 2020)

July 11, 2020, 2:14 pm

Every city, no matter how small, has libraries and bookstores. They help to satisfy one of the most important human needs – the need for reading.

The benefits of reading books

The importance of reading is due to the fact that it develops thinking, enriches people with knowledge, helps to keep the mind active. From books you can learn a variety of information that cannot be found anywhere else. For many centuries, reading has remained the main form of leisure for many people, and even after the advent of radio, television and the Internet, books continue to be the most important source of information, and reading books is one of the most common pastimes. There are a number of reasons for this.

The main positive effects of reading books

Reading books not only provides people with entertainment and learning, but also many other benefits for their mental and physical well-being. At the moment, anyone can afford to read science fiction online or any other genre directly from the screen of any gadget. The popularity of applications for reading books online is growing every year.

Some of the most important benefits of reading books include:

  • Brain training. In addition to the pleasure that reading books give people, it activates the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for concentration and critical analysis, and stimulates cognitive functions. Just as muscles get bigger and stronger with regular exercise, reading develops areas of the brain that control thinking.
  • Enrichment of the lexicon. While reading books, a person comes across words whose meaning he understands vaguely or does not understand at all. To find out their meaning, the reader turns to paper or electronic dictionaries. The learned words are gradually integrated into the everyday vocabulary used by a person, and soon he begins to use them in life.
  • Getting rid of tension and stress. Many people have experienced first hand that reading is a great form of entertainment, but they may not realize that reading also helps reduce stress. This occupation and concentration on the written word relieves the mind of anxiety and everyday worries. While reading, a person is mentally transferred to another world and relaxes. Since stress can significantly worsen the state of health, reducing its level improves not only mental but also physical well-being.
  • Reading helps fight depression. There are many self-help books out there that offer advice on how to improve your mental state. However, even without following these recommendations, reading itself stimulates the area of ​​the brain responsible for overcoming depression. After reading funny stories, there is a feeling of happiness, and the mood improves. Of course, this method does not allow you to get rid of all psychological problems, but it reduces the negative effect of prolonged depressive states, similar to the effect of an anesthetic drug on the body.
  • Strengthening memory and attention. In the process of reading books, a person remembers their content. This stimulates the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory management. To ensure this effect, a person must concentrate on the text of the book, otherwise he will not be able to remember even what is written on the previous page.
  • Development of writing skills. Almost all famous writers are also avid readers. Reading other people’s books helps them to adopt different styles and artistic techniques, increasing their level of skill.
  • Improving the quality of sleep. Reading alone does not help a person fall asleep, but it improves the quality of a night’s rest. By reducing stress through reading, it helps you relax and fall into deep sleep. If you set aside a certain time for reading before going to bed, then you can ensure yourself a peaceful night’s rest, especially after a hard day’s work. To do this, it is not necessary to spend a long time reading a book, it is enough to read just a few pages.
  • Expanding horizons. Books help you look at many things from a new perspective. For example, studying the traditions of a certain culture allows you to understand its differences from your own culture. A person may not agree with some of its manifestations, but he will still perceive them in a new way. In the absence of other points of view, people tend to think in the same way, which is based on their upbringing. The person reacts and acts as he was taught in childhood. He looks at the world from the point of view of his individual experience and is fully convinced that only his point of view is correct. Books help people to see many things in a different light, abandoning the right/wrong dichotomy. Reading helps to significantly expand the horizons of their ideas about the world around them.


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How to read correctly. 7 important tips


  • Category: Tips for parents
  • Views: 97614

How to read correctly.

7 Important Tips

So here are some tips on how to read correctly. It’s not just about reading technique. Correct in this case – this is with the maximum benefit from what you read. Naturally, first of all, these tips relate to reading non-fiction literature – books on self-development, on the profession, educational and scientific literature, etc. That is, those from the reading of which some very specific benefit is expected: knowledge, skills, competencies. However, these “rules” can be successfully applied to fiction as well. After all, fiction, especially classical literature, is designed not so much to entertain the reader as to give him some new experience. Here is how to get this experience as much as possible and our advice will help.

1. Read regularly

Make it a rule to dedicate at least an hour a day to reading and do not deviate from this rule for anything. If it is impossible to carve out such a whole period of time in your daily routine, break this time into two 30-minute segments, or even three 20-minute ones. Taking time to read before bed is not a good idea from a productivity standpoint. During the day, your brain gets tired and saturated with information, it will be difficult for it, especially if you read non-fiction.

2. Read with a notepad at hand

The ability to write down the necessary thoughts from the book, or your thoughts that arise in the course of reading, significantly increase the effectiveness of reading. Using these notes, you can then easily restore the key points of the book in memory, you can use them when the book is not at hand. Even just writing out quotes from a fiction book is of great benefit. Some advise even to compose the “skeleton” or “summary” of the book in this way, but these are already details.

3. Read thoughtfully

Read correctly ” does not mean “read fast”, rather the opposite. Never chase reading speed. The usefulness of books “is not determined by the amount of reading, but by the amount of understanding. ” It is better to re-read a difficult or controversial passage than to skip without understanding anything. Do not be lazy to find out the meanings of unfamiliar words and terms (fortunately, now it is very simple). Pay attention to context. If the author refers to a theory or study unfamiliar to you, find out at least in general terms what the essence of the theory or study is. By the way, this will help you with the next step.

4. Constantly look for books

It would seem that what to look for – there are so many of them. But most of these books are of no use to you, they are just rubbish. In order not to fill your head with garbage, you need to responsibly approach the choice of literature for reading. Make sure you have a “to read” list. Follow the latest in the area you are interested in, read the reviews of other people. Determine the next book in advance. In a word, plan your reading process.

5. Read different books

Sometimes it is very useful to read several books on the same topic in a row, compare them with each other, look at the problem from different angles. But you shouldn’t get hung up on the same thing. Read science fiction after self-development books, Russian classics after business literature, etc. Some even advise doing it at the same time – reading one book “for good”, and another, fiction, for pleasure.

6. Switch to e-books

Paper books are wonderful and I do not call for them to be abandoned. But the reality is that reading e-books from a tablet, and even more so from a book reader, is much more convenient. The e-book market is developing and more and more new publications are available in electronic format. If you really want to read a lot and profitably, then e-books are an almost inevitable choice.

7. Draw conclusions about what you read

After you have turned the last page, it would be good to formulate your thoughts about what you read – to draw some conclusions for yourself. What do you understand, what do you agree/disagree with, what can be used. Even after reading a fiction book, it can be helpful to structure your thoughts. If you followed the second point, then it will be quite simple to do this. It is a good practice to write reviews and reviews of what you have read.

Well, the most important advice on how to read correctly: “ Put what you read into practice! “Otherwise, everything is in vain.


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10 rules for effective reading – Lifehacker

March 11, 2015Books

How to read books effectively? How do you know if a book deserves your attention? How to remember what you read for a long time? The editor of the Smart Reading service, which contains summaries of non-fiction books, shares with us tips on how to read effectively.



1. List of books

Most people experience a strange mixture of greed and apathy towards books. We love to buy books, we hoard them on the shelves, but we don’t always read them. A voluminous unread list is demotivating.

Do not buy books for future use. You only need one or two. Everyone else will wait in the wings on the reading list. And try to buy less expensive illustrated editions – this is a good gift, but not for yourself.

2. Rule 50 page

Life is too short to waste it on uninteresting books.

Try to quickly weed out the boring and useless. All you have to do is read the first 50 pages of the book. If it captivates in 50 pages, it will not disappoint to the last. If not, ce la vie.

Try not to give bad books a second chance. Hundreds, thousands of new and interesting publications are published around you every year.

3. Who writes and what

Before reading, get acquainted with the book: read about the author and the book, study the content. So you set the correct vector for your reading.

Also, before reading, ask yourself: what do you want to know about the book, what problems will it help you solve? This will help while reading to catch on topics that are useful to you.

4. Alternative formats

The world has not come together like a wedge on books. There are enough formats in the modern world: articles, audiobooks and podcasts, infographics and long reads, digests and mailing lists.

If books seem long and boring to you, then they are. Switch to other formats, find your own.

5. Read with a pencil

Never read a book without a pencil. If there is no opportunity to make a note or highlight a quote, then reading is useless.

A book is just a mountain of verbal ore from which you need to extract grains of meaning. If there is no way to separate the breed from the nuggets, then why read?

Feel free to underline, highlight, write down your thoughts and ideas in notes. Turn a book into something more than just a stack of paper. After such meaningful reading, the book becomes truly yours.

6. At least 30 pages a day

Everyone has their own reading rhythm. “Marathoners” read for a month, plucking crumbs from the publication. “Sprinters” run through the entire book in a couple of days. However, there is a simple and universal reading formula. It will help you read and read to the end before your interest and strength leave you.

Try to read at least an hour a day and at least 30 pages a day. This way you can go through one book a week. That’s 60 books a year – a great result!

7. Mixing genres

Everyone has favorite genres. However, if you delve too deeply into detective novels or business literature, then there will be a glut. Even cool books will cease to please.

In this case, it is useful to change the genre. Stir books like ingredients in a cocktail. After non-fiction, read a volume of Russian classics. After it – fiction, and then a book on negotiations.

The ability to alternate literary genres is a great way to stay in good shape and develop your reader’s horizons.

8. Write about what you read

If you read effectively, you will accumulate quotes, passages and thoughts about what you read. This is valuable information, a real book concentrate. It’s a pity to keep it in a chest.

Start your own book blog. Write reviews on what you read, share quotes. Publish a reading list, scold the bad ones and praise the good ones. Even Facebook * is suitable for this, no special writing skills are required.

This gives you a place to store quotes and passages, and gives your friends a couple of reasons to love you even more.

9. Reread your notes

Get in the habit of rereading your book notes. If you “squeeze” the book into several pages, then you will have enough time for half an hour to sort through your book stocks.

Knowledge loves repetition. So the key ideas will always be within reach of their practical application.

10. Presentation about what you read

Tell your friends about what you read in a book so you don’t forget it.

Many Smart Reading customers run in-house workshops where employees share book finds and tell stories.