What does puppy breath smell like: Puppy Breath: Why You Love It and How to Prolong the Sweetness

Опубликовано: February 1, 2021 в 10:12 am


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Puppy Breath: Why You Love It and How to Prolong the Sweetness

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Here’s why some people adore the smell of puppy breath and how to maintain it as long as possible.

Tisha Berg

Most people wouldn’t automatically associate dog breath with a great smell, but there are many puppy owners who know and love the scent of sweet puppy breath. Ever wondered why a puppy’s breath could smell so good while a dog’s is generally horrid? The origin of this pleasant-smelling breath is largely unknown to puppy parents. Take a moment to learn why a puppy’s breath is such a treat for many dog lovers.

Why Does Puppy Breath Smell Good to Some People?
A puppy’s sweet breath may be the combination of a couple of different things. “Puppies are still drinking their mother’s milk and are not yet exposed to the sometimes stinky foods that larger dogs eat,” says Dr. Thomas E. Catanzaro, a veterinarian at Veterinary Consulting International. “Their breath has that sweet mother’s milk smell because their mouths are clean and haven’t yet developed any bacteria or plaque, which typically causes odors.”

He adds that some people may not experience this sweet smell because of their puppy’s health or particular habits. “A puppy’s breath can easily be soured by an illness, an impacted tooth or if he has a tendency to eat poop, which some dogs do.”

Pleasant — or at least non-offensive — puppy breath has a lot to do with good oral health. “Before puppies start to teethe, their mouths are clean and healthy. Once they are teething, their gums bleed and the pooled blood can start to cause unpleasant smells,” Dr. Jeff Werber, a veterinarian in California, says. “Once dogs reach the age of three and older, they start to develop plaque and bacteria, possibly creating even more bad odors.

Dr. Catanzaro also notes that some vets believe sweet-smelling puppy breath is “the result of gas leaking into the puppy’s stomach from his developing esophagus.”

How Long Does It Last?
Sweet puppy breath usually disappears after a few months, unfortunately, according to Dr. Catanzaro. “A high percentage of dogs (and cats) develop some type of periodontal disease after the age of three,” says Dr. Werber. “This is the ideal time for pet owners to take their puppies to a vet for a professional examination and teeth cleaning.”

Can Puppy Breath Be Prolonged?
Subsequently, with preventative care and routine maintenance, unpleasant-smelling breath doesn’t necessarily have to be the next step. It may not be possible to prolong sweet breath, but to help prevent bad odors you can be proactive with your puppy’s oral care.

Dr. Catanzaro recommends using a soft toothbrush and dog toothpaste at least a couple of times a week on your growing dog. It’s important to take this activity seriously. “As bad breath is often an indicator of periodontal disease, taking the time to do regular cleaning and maintenance of your dog’s teeth may help to prolong his life,” he warns.

Dr. Werber takes the commitment to routine maintenance one step further. “Brush your dog’s teeth daily, or at least three times a week at minimum.” He also advises using supplements such as dental chew toys or putting additives in your dog’s water which help with overall dental hygiene. Lastly, Dr. Werber recommends taking your pet to see the vet at least couple of times a year for checkups. “Going for your monthly grooming appointments is not enough. Dogs need to be examined regularly by a licensed veterinarian to help prevent disease and maintain their health.” Your groomer can also give your dog’s chompers a brush right after the shampoo.

Looking for more tips on how to keep your dog’s teeth clean? Take a look at Dog Teeth Cleaning — How to Thoroughly Clean Your Canine’s Canines.

Tisha Berg is a mom, wife, blogger, cat owner and dog admirer. She writes for Working Mother magazine, Kids in the House and Mom Bloggers for Social Good and you can catch up with her on her travel and family activities blog, Biz Mommy.

 *This article is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be providing medical advice and is not a substitute for such advice. The reader should always consult a health care provider concerning any medical condition or treatment plan. Neither Care.com nor the author assumes any responsibility or liability with respect to use of any information contained herein.

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What does puppy breath smell like? We’ve got the answer for National Dog Day

In honor of National Dog Day, we’re asking a very important question: What does puppy breath smell like?

If you’ve ever held a squirming bundle of fur and leaned in for a nuzzle or kiss, you know puppy breath has a very specific aroma. Some folks love it; others loathe it. And it’s not easy to describe.

Many vets say puppy breath is caused by an early diet of mother’s milk and puppy food, along with digestive enzymes that break down food in the pup’s stomach. It’s natural and healthy for a dog to have puppy breath. And the aroma doesn’t last long — a few months, at most.

For some pet lovers, though, puppy breath is more like a small miracle. Take a whiff, they say, and you’re flooded with feelings of tenderness and happiness. Such folks associate puppy breath — rich, pungent and fleeting — with innocence, optimism and other good things.

Who are we to argue? Perhaps that’s why Demeter, a company in Great Neck, New York, created a fragrance called Puppy’s Breath.

“Puppy’s Breath is a revelation of warm, wet and wonderful comfort,” the Demeter website says. “Slightly sweet, and undeniably organic and alive, this fragrance captures the experience of meeting that new puppy for the first time, up close and personal, a rainbow swirl of happy feelings and memories. It remains transparent, even as it is full and rounded — mystical, like the breath itself.”

For the record, AL.com obtained on a sample of Puppy’s Breath cologne spray and — alas for pet lovers! — it has a candied floral scent that bears no resemblance to actual puppy breath. Apparently, we were taking the product’s name much too literally.

Puppy’s Breath cologne spray is available from Demeter, a company in Great Neck, New York. (Alas, it does not smell like the real thing.)(Mary Colurso | [email protected])

Still, in our quest to describe the real-deal smell of puppy breath, we turned to a group of people who should know: members of a Facebook group called Magic City Dogs. About 5,000 pet lovers have joined this public group since it was created in 2016, and as you might expect, they have plenty of experience with puppies.

When we asked for help — “Seriously silly question, Magic City Dogs peeps: What does puppy breath smell like to you?” — here’s how they responded.

“Sweet, warm, hints of mother’s milk, pure.” — Sonya Esco Lankford

“I’ve always thought it smelled peppery.” — Amylia Phillips

“Puppy breath smells like baby dog food and is warm and wet. I think without the moisture and heat it wouldn’t be the same. It’s comforting and if innocence had a smell, that would probably be it.” — Laura McCraney

Puppy breath is the best kind of stinky. With those round little bellies and sweet sleepy faces, it is the smell of pure innocence and love.” — Dawn Rogers Shaw

“Clean and sweet.” — Dana Taylor Shamburger

I’ve always said it is the nectar of the gods….so maybe ambrosia? But if I had to name it … it’s like sweet, a tiny bit sour, a little bit nutty, milk breath!” — Elizabeth Bugg Studinka

“A hint of sweet coffee!” — Marlene Glaser

“Sweet warm milk and bread.” — Sonya Reynolds

“Happiness and joy!!!” — Cicely Scott

Like puppy chow.” — Lauren Gregor Barnes

Puppy breath is a warm, almost sour smell.” — Caroline K. Woods

“Fritos.” — Elana Froehlich

Fresh coffee beans!” — Cindy Green Gwin

“Best smell … it’s a sweet smell . .. we might all be better humans if we had puppy breath to smell and a baby (dog or human) cuddle daily.” — Ginger Milam

Skunky.” — Jocelynn Emmons

Sweet, heavenly, milky.” — Ashley Tommie McLure

“The best way to find out is smell it yourself. And it changes the older the puppy is. Some people love it others hate it.” — Rodi Cooper

Like skunks! And I love it! My sis just got THE skunkiest baby breath puppy yesterday (rescued, maybe 4 weeks old, covered in ants and fleas that were eating him alive) and I live for his sweet kisses.” — Charleen Mullen

Like rice cakes!!!” — Rosie Conway M

Warm biscuits.” — Ellen Sullivan

Iron, blood, rust smell with sweetness and peppery.” — Melissa Yeates

“Puppy breath = pure sweetness, innocence & happiness.” — Ingrid Awtrey Law

Puppy breath is a wonderful aroma of micro ban that doesn’t last long enough. … It has the ability to perk up the human brain and we instantly make kissy noises because it’s only natural. Puppy breath is what relaxation smells like, a true calm in spirit. It’s unforgettable.” — Sonja D Simmons Long

It smells like really fresh oatmeal or cereal.” — Baylee Shiver

“Puppy breath is the best smell ever. My favorite scent. There is nothing like kisses from a puppy that still has puppy breath.” — Cindy Kelley VanderKamp

Milk and honey mixed with wet earth smell: not pleasant nor unpleasant.” — Branwin Abell

Fresh coffee with milk. It is wonderful.” — Pam Stallings

“I can’t describe the smell, but it feels like being in the presence of something absolutely pure and precious. I’ve always said there are a few things in life that you must stop and truly enjoy when given the opportunity. Rainbows and puppy breath are on that list.” — Christy Likis

What does puppy breath smell like to you? Inquiring pet lovers want to know — on National Dog Day, or any other day.

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What Is Puppy Breath, Anyway? – Furtropolis

Ahhh… what’s that amazing smell? It’s puppy breath. If you’ve ever been around a young puppy, then you know what the sweet smell of puppy breath is and how intoxicating it can be.

What is going on in a dog’s mouth to give him puppy breath? And why is it only a new puppy thing? How come when dogs get older, the smell of puppy breath goes away?

Read on for the answers to all your sweet puppy breath questions.

So, What Exactly Is Puppy Breath?

Puppies have sweet-smelling breath for a variety of reasons. Essentially, it occurs because of a combination of the puppy having clean teeth, drinking his mother’s milk, and the kinds of bacteria that are present in a new puppy’s mouth.

Since a new puppy is drinking milk and hasn’t started eating those stinky foods that adult dogs eat, and they don’t have odor-causing bacteria or plaque in their mouths, his breath is automatically going to smell better. Some veterinarians think that gas leaking into a puppy’s stomach from his developing esophagus also contributes to puppy breath.

Additionally, before a new puppy begins to teethe, his mouth is healthy and much cleaner. As a result, he won’t be suffering from gum disease, periodontal disease, or oral hygiene issues, which some dogs have. But when they do teethe, their gums start to bleed, and this pooled blood may lead to bad breath.

Remember that not every young puppy is going to have puppy breath if he has other problems going on. If he has an impacted tooth, becomes ill, or eats poop – which is not as uncommon as you’d think – then that is going to affect the smell of puppy breath.

How Long Puppy Breath Smells Last

Sweet puppy breath smells will typically only last for the first few months of a new puppy’s life. However, your dog’s breath doesn’t have to go from smelling incredible to smelling terrible. With the right preventative measures, you can ensure that your dog has good-smelling breath as long as possible.

How? The first step is to brush your dog’s teeth a minimum of three times per week, but ideally every day, with a soft toothbrush and dog toothpaste. You could also put additives in your pup’s water that will clean his teeth and gums. By staying on top of his oral hygiene, you are going to keep his gums and teeth healthy well into his adult years.

You should take your dog to the veterinarian for a check-up a few times per year. Ask your veterinarian how often they believe your dog should get a deep cleaning of his teeth.

It is estimated that over 2/3 of dogs older than three years of age have periodontal disease, an infection or inflammation of the tissues surrounding dogs’ teeth. But if you keep up with a teeth-cleaning routine, you can hopefully avoid periodontal disease and other diseases that affect older dogs.

Chew Toys for Dental Health

Pet owners need to invest in puppy chew toys to keep their puppy’s teeth healthy and strong. Your young puppy will love dental chew toys like the Orka Mini Dental Chews. They come in a three-pack and are designed for puppies and small dogs. These toys feature a rubber ridge design, which helps massage gums and clean your dog’s teeth, while the cotton rope helps remove soft tartar buildup as your dog chews on them.

As your dog gets older, he may enjoy Orka Dental Links, which are for tough chewers that clean your dog’s teeth and gums while ensuring they stay active.

Making Teeth Cleaning a Breeze

Let’s say you want to get started with brushing your dog’s teeth, but you aren’t sure how to go about it. After all, you want to ensure that your dog is comfortable and that he isn’t going to bite you when you attempt to brush his chompers.

When you’re attempting to clean your dog’s teeth, first pick a quiet place where he isn’t going to become anxious. If there is another dog around or your kids are running about, he could be harder to handle. So take him to the bathroom or somewhere else where he feels relaxed. Perhaps a cozy room or on his fluffy calming dog bed.

If your dog fits in your lap, hold him securely and put his face away from yours. If you have a larger dog, then sit on a chair and make him sit next to you.

Take a small cloth and rub it on the outer surfaces of his teeth in a gentle back-and-forth motion. Stay on the outer surfaces so that your dog doesn’t accidentally bite you. Then, let him taste a little bit of the doggy toothpaste so he gets used to it. Never use human toothpaste, as it can be detrimental to your pup’s health.

Apply a small amount of the dog toothpaste to the cloth and rub it over your dog’s teeth. Once he gets accustomed to that, take out the brush. The doggy toothbrush should be angled and have multiple heads so you can brush the outside, inside, and top surfaces of his teeth.

You can use a regular toothbrush you hold in your hand or get a finger toothbrush that will fit over the top of your finger. Whichever brush you use, you might also want to put on gloves since dog’s mouths contain a lot of bacteria or stuck puppy food.

When Does a Young Puppy Begin Teething?

Puppy teething usually happens within the first two or three weeks of a new puppy’s life, and by six weeks of age, he should have his full set of 28 baby teeth. When he’s around three or four months old, his razor-sharp and tiny baby teeth will fall out, and around six months of age, he should have his full set of 42 adult teeth.

Keeping Your Pup Healthy

Though puppy breath doesn’t last forever, it doesn’t mean your dog has to have bad-smelling breath as he gets older. Dog owners: By keeping up with a teeth-cleaning routine and ensuring your dog goes to the veterinarian a few times per year for a check-up, you can prevent tooth and gum disease and make that nice-smelling breath last even longer.

You can find chew toys for teething puppies on our website.

What Does Puppy Breath Smell Like – When does it Stops?

For any dog owner, puppy breath is a smell that will stay with you and one you will always recognize.

But what does it actually smell like and why does it smell like that?

In this article, we will find out the cause for the Puppy breath, why does it smell the way it smells, and also for how long it will stay like that.

Table of Contents

Puppy breath usually lasts for a few months and is caused by the formation of the teeth. Puppy breath can smell like skunk due to enzymes. It can smell like fish and poop because the odour has transferred after the puppy has cleaned itself.

It can also smell like metal due to teething blood and coffee due to its mothers milk. Puppy breath is normal but bad odours can be a sign of plaque build-up or other problems such as kidney failure.

What should puppy breath smell like

It is difficult to define what any one thing should smell like, considering we all identify smells with different things. Puppy’s breath should smell somewhat pleasant to most people, a lot of puppy owners describe it as having a sweet smell.

Or at the very least, it should not be off-putting. If your puppy’s breath smells really bad there is a chance that it isn’t actually puppy breath but is indeed a different health problem.

Other symptoms that indicate your puppy’s breath may be a sign of ill health include a change in appetite and pain or swelling around the gum area.

What is puppy breath

Puppy breath is a term for the distinctive smelling breath of a puppy’s breath that disappears between about 4 months to 6 months old. This breath is usually sweet smelling, or at least pleasant, in scent.

There are some people who don’t like the smell of puppy breath, but you should be careful as bad breath may be because your puppy is sick.

What causes puppy breath and why do they have it?

There are a couple of reasons why puppy breath occurs. One of the reasons is that the sweet smell is a product of their mother’s milk, which will remain on the puppy’s tongue after feeding.

Another reason is because of the formation and growth of teeth. When teeth rupture the gums it can sometimes produce a smell because of the presentation of clean teeth.

There is also certain bacteria only present in puppies’ mouths which may contribute to the sweet smell. Puppy breath can also be caused by its diet, if you puppy is on a low nutrition diet this can make your puppy’s breath smell.

You can always ask your vet for a nutritional appointment, to make sure your puppy is on the best diet that it can be.

Why does a puppy’s breath stink?

We’ve looked at what puppy breath is and how it can cause a certain smell, but if that isn’t the cause of your puppies bad breath, then what is? Sometimes, the answer is not a pleasant one.

It could be as simple as they’ve ingested something that does not smell nice, or it could be a larger issue. The cause of bad breath is usually due to poor oral hygiene, it can be a sign of a tooth abscess or ulcers and mouth infections.

It can also be a side-product of respiratory infections. If your puppy has bad breath especially noticeable during exhalation and coughing, it may be signs of a tracheal infection. If you are worried your puppy’s breath may be a result of illness, check the full list of problems 

How long does puppy breath last?

Puppy breath is relatively fleeting and is usually gone in a few months. As it is the product of teething it can usually take between 4 to 6 months to disappear, although there is some variation around that date.

It’s a personal thing as to whether you are sad about this or not, some people rush to try and get rid of the smell whilst other owners wish that they could prolong it.

Let’s see why Does puppy Breath Smell Like Poop,Skunk,Fish, Coffee,Metal

Most common puppy breath smells

Whilst we’ve established that puppy breath can smell different, I’ve compiled a list of the most commonly reported puppy breath smells, and the reasons why they may smell this way.

Some of these smells may be the cause of something more problematic, so don’t just put any smell to being the result of normal puppy breath.

Puppy breath that smells like poop

Unfortunately, this is a common one. However, it is not usually a direct result of puppy breath. It is usually because a puppy has been cleaning its rear end or has consumed some form of faeces. It’s not nice to think about, but it is the way of puppies.

If this smell persists for a long time, then you should book an appointment with your vet as it could be a sign of a dental problem. Dental problems can include plaque build-up and ulcers.

Puppy breath that stinks like skunk

This is also not a pleasant smell and it is usually present in very young puppies, around 8 weeks. Thankfully, this is nothing to worry about and will usually disappear shortly after the 8-week mark.

Skunk breath is caused by digestive enzymes that are only present in very young puppies. It is a normal thing for puppies to have but will fade when the enzymes develop into more permanent digestive strands.

Puppy breath smells like fish

Fishy breath can be the result of teething in a puppy. When their teeth come through it can sometimes push a fishy kind of smell through their gums.

This is usually only during a short period of the puppy breath months. Fishy breath can also occur because sometimes the glands near a puppies anus can produce a fishy kind of smell which will transfer to the puppy’s mouth when they have been cleaning themselves.

Puppy breath smells like coffee

For those who enjoy the smell of puppy breath, a frequent comparison is that puppy breath smells like coffee, but sweeter. Puppy breath that smells like coffee is usually a result of a puppy drinking it’s mothers milk.

The milk from their mother is sweet and the smell persists on the puppy’s breath because the new puppy teeth have not developed any plaque. Plaque has a stronger and more foul-smelling odour which would overpower the coffee smell.

Puppy breath smelling like coffee is not problematic and is actually a strange favourite among dog lovers, owners often missing their puppy’s coffee breath when it has gone.

Puppy breath smells like metal

The main cause of a metallic smell to your puppy’s breath is blood. You don’t need to panic though, it’s quite normal. When puppies are teething, their gums can bleed slightly, similarly to us humans.

This bleeding and teething process can leave these little metallic smelling droplets that linger on your puppies breath. However, if this metallic smell persists after the first few months of your puppy’s life it could be a sign of kidney failure.

The metallic smell in this case would be because of a build up of toxins not filtered properly by the kidneys. If you are worried about the persistence of this smell, remember to book a vet appointment.

Puppy breath smells like rotten meat

Puppy breath smelling like rotten meat is also usually a sign of a health problem, rather than just the standard puppy breath. A rotten meat smell can be a sign of poor dental hygiene.

This can be problematic so make sure to clean your puppy’s teeth, and if the smell persists, book an appointment with your vet. But if you have noticed your dog’s breath smells like urine as well as rotten meat at times, this can be a clear sign of kidney failure.

It is best to book an appointment with a vet to check if anything is wrong with your friend. Particularly if this problem is in an adult dog or older puppy.


Does a puppy’s breath smell when it loses its teeth?

I’ve mentioned before about teething affecting the smell of a puppy’s breath, so let’s look at the effect of tooth loss on puppy breath. When puppies get their adult teeth it can lead to their breath smelling.

As the new teeth push out the old teeth, it may bring up decayed parts of the tooth that previously rested below the gum line. This can cause a fishy smell in your puppy’s breath. Old blood resting under the gums can also cause this smell, so make sure to keep your puppy’s mouth and teeth clean when they are teething.

Do puppies get bad breath when teething?

The simple answer is yes, when owners report bad puppy breath it is usually caused by teething and things associate with it. Such as dried blood under the gums. However, this bad breath should not be constant and the smell should be bearable.

If this smell is so foul that you cannot deal with it, take your dog to the vet to make sure that it isn’t a sign of any underlying health conditions. Cleaning your dog’s teeth properly when they are teething can help prevent this bad breath and also future dental problems.

How can I get rid of stinky puppy breath?

If you are not one of the dog owners that loves the endearing smell of their puppy’s breath, you may be wondering if there is any way to get rid of this puppy breath. The most effective way to get rid of puppy breath is to make sure that your puppy’s teeth and mouth are cleaned. This can be done either by way of dog toothpaste or dog dental hygiene bones.

Dog toothpaste comes in a variety of forms, including a dental gel and a mouthwash. Some people also like to use herbs or special dog tea as a natural way of controlling their dog’s breath. Adding ½ teaspoon of herbs such as coriander, mint and parsley can help stop puppy breath.

However be sure to check the herbs you plan to use are safe for your puppy before doing so. Stale water can also cause bad puppy breath, make sure to give your dog fresh water and to scrub and thoroughly clean their water bowl on a daily basis.

Related topics

Can you prolong puppy breath?

If you love the smell of your puppy’s breath, you may wish to prolong it. There is no way to prolong the sweet smell but you should instead focus on keeping your dog’s mouth clean to prevent any foul odours from appearing in the future.

How long do puppies teeth for?

Puppy teething is a long and often agitating process. Puppies have 28 milk teeth which are replaced by 42 adult teeth. These milk teeth fall out at around 3 months old and can take up until 6 months of age for all a puppy’s baby teeth to be replaced.

How can I help my teething puppy?

It’s horrible knowing your puppy is uncomfortable and there are things you can do to help teething. You can buy specialised teething toys as well as dental treats that help with the pain and the development of healthy adult teeth.

Why Your Puppy’s Breath Smells So Good (And How To Keep It That Way) – DodoWell

If you smell a hint of something sweet every time you pick up your new puppy, you’re probably smelling puppy breath.

Lots of people love the smell of puppy breath, but why?

The Dodo spoke to Dr. Katie Pagan, a partner veterinarian of Heart + Paw Fells Point in Baltimore, Maryland, to find out where the sweet scent of puppy breath comes from and how to prevent your puppy’s breath from getting stinky.

What is puppy breath?

Unlike dog breath, puppy breath usually smells really good — but it also can depend on who you ask.

“Many people describe puppy breath as sweet smelling, but it is very much a matter of personal opinion,” Dr. Pagan told The Dodo. “Some people do not enjoy the smell!”

Sweet-smelling (at least not bad-smelling) puppy breath means that your puppy’s healthy, so it’s a good thing. If you notice your puppy’s breath smells bad or strange, that could mean that something’s wrong.

“Normal puppy breath is a good indicator of overall health,” Dr. Pagan said. “If you are finding your puppy’s breath does not smell quite right, please consult with your veterinarian.”

Why does puppy breath smell good?

So what even causes your puppy’s breath to smell good? There’s no definitive answer, but there are a few theories for what causes that sweet puppy-breath smell.

Their mothers’ milk

Very young puppies have been drinking their mothers’ milk and have only recently started to eat real puppy food, which can have a not-so-pleasant smell to humans. Their moms’ milk has a sweet smell that makes their breath smell sweet, too.

Better oral health than adult dogs

Dogs’ bad breath is often caused by dental issues from poor dental hygiene, like periodontal disease. Puppies, on the other hand, have cleaner and healthier mouths and teeth than adult dogs, making their breath smell fresher.

Gas from their stomach

Digestive enzymes in your puppy’s stomach break down food and create gas, which leaks into his esophagus because puppies’ esophaguses are still developing. Some vets think these digestive enzymes and/or the gas contribute to the smell of puppy breath.

How long does puppy breath last?

If you love the smell of puppy breath, you better sniff it while you can because it won’t last forever.

“Puppy breath usually fades by the age of 6 months, once all of their adult teeth are in,” Dr. Pagan said.

The main reason for this is that puppies start teething at around 4 months of age, and their adult teeth are fully formed at around 6–8 months old. Puppies’ breath may start to smell worse when they’re teething because adult teeth are starting to break through the gums and develop bacteria.

“We can sometimes notice that their breath appears stronger or smellier when they are losing their baby teeth,” Dr. Pagan said. “This can be very normal, but have your vet take a look [if you’re worried].”

Why does my puppy have bad breath?

The most common cause of bad breath in puppies is teething. So if your puppy’s breath smells, he’s probably starting to get his adult teeth. (If your pup’s older than 6 months and his breath stinks, his adult teeth are probably already in, and bacteria may be starting to build up. )

If your puppy’s breath seems to smell really strong while he’s teething, however, he could have a problem with his teeth coming in, like a fractured tooth.

Another possible cause of bad breath in puppies is a mouth injury or something being stuck in his teeth. This can happen from your puppy chewing on things, since puppies tend to chew on anything they can get their mouths on.

Some puppies can have digestive problems that can cause bad breath, which can be solved by talking to your vet about the proper food to feed your puppy. Your dog also might just be eating poop, so be sure to watch him when you take him outside so he can’t eat anything he’s not supposed to.

How to prevent bad dog breath

Since bad dog breath is usually caused by poor dental hygiene, the best way to prevent it is by keeping your pup’s teeth healthy.

Lots of dogs don’t enjoy having their teeth brushed, but if you start when your puppy’s young, you can teach him to like it (or at least tolerate it), which will make it much easier for you.

“Brushing is a good habit to get into when puppies are young,” Dr. Pagan said.

Most veterinarians recommend brushing your dog’s teeth every day, but that can be difficult, especially if your pup isn’t a fan of it. So if you’re not able to, you should aim for a few times per week.

“I recommend brushing their teeth one to two times a week,” Dr. Pagan said. “There are also other oral health products, i.e., dental chews/treats and water additives, that can help with bad breath.”

Try this Vet’s Best Enzymatic Dog Toothpaste from Amazon for $7.49

Try these Greenies dental treats from Amazon for $19.98

It’s also important to get your dog’s teeth professionally cleaned by your vet about every one to two years. How often he’ll need them cleaned will depend on his overall dental health and his size. Smaller dogs may need their teeth cleaned more often because they’re more prone to teeth issues since their small mouths allow plaque and tartar to build up in between teeth.

“Once dogs are around 1 year of age, we can start talking about routine yearly dental cleanings, which are very important for the overall health of your pet,” Dr. Pagan said.

If you love the smell of your puppy’s breath, you’re not alone. A lot of people love it (and some don’t). And if you’re really obsessed with the smell of puppy breath, you can actually buy it as a fragrance.

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Why Does My Puppy Have Bad Breath? (Here Are 6 Possible Reasons.)

If your puppy has bad breath that is not going away, mention it to your veterinarian. Photo: tobyotter

There’s normal puppy breath, which has a distinct odor …

… And then there’s sick puppy breath, meaning the puppy has something wrong creating an abnormal odor from the mouth.

Very young puppies have a distinct smell to their breath, lovingly called puppy breath. It’s usually described as a sweetish smell that many people like.


If you adopted your puppy at a very young age, like 6 weeks old, you are probably aware of this specific breath odor.

Puppy breath begins to wane by 8–10 weeks of age. Although I associate the strong puppy breath smell as something that is hard to smell after 12 weeks, some people think it can linger until 6 months.

Normal puppy breath is most obvious during nursing and just after the puppy is weaned. Photo: Pixabay

Why I’m Not a Big Fan of Puppy Breath

Whether or not normal puppy breath is pleasant is controversial. Humans have a genetic predisposition to how their noses interpret the specific smells like puppy breath.

I, for one, don’t particularly care for it. My nose smells a heavy, sweet-sour, skunk odor that is not at all pleasant when adorable little pups try to lick my face.

Many other people experience a sweet, pleasant odor and are sad when the puppy grows out of the puppy breath stage.

In fact, if you do a search for “puppy breath” online, you’ll find lots of unscientific opinions that say puppy breath exists to make people fall in love with puppies and not abuse them. If only that were true.

Factors Responsible for Puppy Breath

The scientific explanation is also a bit unscientific.


While we don’t completely understand puppy breath, most veterinary dentists and experts conclude that a number of factors are responsible for puppy breath:

  • Sometimes referred to as milk breath, puppy breath is most obvious during nursing and just after the pup is weaned. This is an insufficient explanation, however, since puppy breath lingers for several weeks after weaning.
  • Puppy mouths are clean and healthy, harboring none of the oral bacteria common in older dogs.
  • The GI tracts of puppies contain different bacteria and flora than do those of adults.

The most common cause of bad breath in a puppy is teething. Try to avoid extremely hard bones or toys at this stage of your puppy’s life. Photo: howliekat

Why Does My Puppy Have Bad Breath?

Even if you aren’t a fan of normal puppy breath, it certainly doesn’t smell foul or sick.

If your pup has a truly bad smell to their breath, here are 6 possible reasons for the odor:

1. Teething

Far and away, the most common cause of unpleasant, bad or different puppy breath is teething.

This is more obvious in some puppies than others. As the pup gets further away from being weaned and is in the true teething stage, the quality of the breath changes.

Here is a timeline of the typical puppy tooth eruption:

  • Baby (deciduous) teeth begin to erupt by week 2 or 3.
  • All 28 baby teeth are in by week 5 or 6.
  • Baby teeth begin to fall out during weeks 12–16.
  • Adult teeth are in by 6 months.

When a pup is cutting teeth, there can be inflammation that carries an odor. Sometimes a tooth has a difficult time cutting through, a puppy tooth might fracture, or the pup might be teething so much on toys or treats that it causes very sore gums.

Due to bleeding around the gums, some people think puppy teething has a sort of metallic smell.

Try to avoid extremely hard bones or toys when your pup is very young and teething. Those tiny teeth fracture easily, complicating the loss of baby teeth and the normal eruption of the adult teeth. Veterinary dentists often recommend KONG toys and similar rubbery toys that you can load up with food or treats.

Cool washcloths are better than ice — chewing on ice can cause tooth fracture.

2. Mouth Injury or Difficulty Cutting Teeth

Pups chew on anything and everything, so it is quite common for them to injure their mouths while teething and growing.

Although minor injuries heal quickly since the oral cavity is quick to heal, a foreign body such as a piece of stick or toy can get lodged in the oral cavity, causing a foul odor.

If your pup’s breath is smelling foul, you should check this out with your vet. Most puppies are getting a series of vaccinations during these months, so unless you think there’s a serious and acute problem, most puppy tooth questions can be brought up during your wellness/vaccine appointments.

A very bad smell, however, or a pup showing any oral pain or difficulty chewing requires a vet visit sooner rather than later.


3. Puppy Dietary Indiscretion

“Dietary indiscretion” is a genteel term veterinarians use to describe the non-discerning appetite of puppies. It’s another way of saying puppies will eat just about anything they can get their teeth into, including poop.

Breath can smell bad following a meal of dog poop, cat poop, garbage, decaying leaves, etc.

Think of yourself after a meal of heavy garlic — that everything bagel you had this morning can annoy your friends and family for the rest of the day!

You might actually be able to identify what your puppy ate with careful sniffing. Cat poop is usually highly identifiable.

If you think your puppy’s breath smells bad because of a recent disgusting meal, the good news is that the breath should improve in several hours or in a day.

Try to monitor what your puppy eats. Bad breath is unpleasant, but dietary indiscretion can cause much more serious problems, such as serious vomiting and diarrhea or an intestinal blockage.

Food itself doesn’t cause bad breath in dogs, but indigestion might. Photo: congerdesign

4. Indigestion

Does the food cause bad breath? Probably not. Most vets agree that food does not cause bad breath.

That being said, a certain puppy food may not agree with your pet and may be causing a degree of indigestion.

If a particular food is causing a sour stomach or not being digested easily, you may be confusing “bad breath” with an odor coming from the GI tract.

A bad odor from the GI tract may also be accompanied by excessive belching, passing gas, or vomiting and diarrhea. Consult your vet about food choices.

Your puppy may need a bland diet for 1–2 weeks to get over indigestion. Then you can gradually change the food over a week or so to see if symptoms improve.

5. Periodontal Disease

Young pups rarely have true dental disease. Problems related to gum disease or serious tooth issues do not usually occur before 3 years old.

It’s important, however, to get your puppy used to getting their teeth brushed at an early age.

  • Introduce tooth brushing by 6 months of age, or even earlier if possible.
  • Brush the teeth at least 3 times a week when your dog is young.
  • By 3 years of age, brushing every day is the best way to prevent periodontal and tooth disease.
6. Metabolic Disease

In rare cases, a puppy can have a bad or strange breath odor due to metabolic disease, such as kidney failure.

The pup may be showing other signs and symptoms of illness. Your vet will recommend blood tests as the first diagnostic tool in these atypical cases.

On a much lighter note, check out this fake ad for a new fragrance that will appeal to people who love puppy breath:

Final Thoughts on Puppy Breath

Puppyhood is magical. It’s also challenging.

If you love puppy breath, cherish it — it won’t be there for long. But if you think your young puppy has bad breath that is not going away, check it out with your veterinarian.


  • Bellows, Jan, DVM, DAVDC. “Bad Breath in Dogs and Cats.” Veterinary Information Network. June 21, 2016. https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=4951287.
  • Bellows, Jan, DVM, DAVDC. Small Animal Dental Equipment, Materials and Techniques. Wiley. 2019.
  • Lobprise, Heidi B., DVM, DAVDC. Wiggs’s Veterinary Dentistry: Principles and Practice. Wiley. 2018.

This pet health content was written by a veterinarian, Dr. Debora Lichtenberg, VMD. It was last reviewed Jan. 14, 2020.

If you have questions or concerns, call your vet, who is best equipped to ensure the health and well-being of your pet. This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See additional information.

Bad breath in dogs – causes of bad breath and treatments

Bad breath in dogs

June 02, 2022

Dogs express their love and affection in different ways. Sometimes they just want to lie down next to them, and sometimes they want to lick the owner. However, such interaction with a pet requires that the dog be healthy, and this applies not only to the general condition, but also to the health of the oral cavity. The first thing the owner may notice is the dog’s breath. When an animal has health problems, the smell from the mouth may change: it becomes unpleasant and pungent.

Causes of bad breath in puppies

In healthy puppies, the smell from the oral cavity is mild, sometimes with an admixture of the smell of milk. If the owner does not notice how the puppy smells from the mouth, then the baby is healthy.

Change of teeth. Bad breath can occur for several reasons. Puppies learn the world, including “by the tooth”, simultaneously with the change of teeth, which takes place at the age of 3 to 6 months. They put everything in their mouths, sometimes completely inedible things with an unpleasant odor. But sometimes the reason why a dog has bad breath can be diseases.

Dental diseases. Some illnesses in puppies can lead to changes in oral odor. For example, inflammation of the gums, ulcerative lesions, stomatitis, pharyngitis, gastroenteritis, especially of an infectious nature (parvovirus, coronovirosis).

These diseases will be accompanied by the appearance of other changes: refusal to feed, salivation, intestinal disorders. Puppies with bad breath due to eating stale food will not have these symptoms.

Congenital pathologies. Pathology of the hard palate, for example, splitting of the hard palate, when the oral cavity communicates with the nasal cavity, leads to the development of inflammation and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Also, some breeds of puppies are predisposed to congenital dilatation of the esophagus, when the esophageal tube becomes a sac where food is retained. In this case, in addition to violations of food intake, regurgitation, bad breath appears.

Another cause of bad odors is remaining baby teeth and malocclusion. These pathologies can lead to the accumulation of food residues and change the environment of the oral cavity, the appearance of plaque, an increase in the number of bacteria and a change in breath odor.

Causes of bad breath in adult dogs

Eating spoiled food. It happens that adult dogs have a tendency to eat stale, spoiled food, which is found either in the trash can or on the street. Then the dog may develop bad breath.

Foreign bodies. Foreign bodies lodged in the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus can cause bad breath.

Dental diseases. An unpleasant smell from the mouth in an adult dog can also be caused by some diseases that may be associated directly with damage to the oral cavity and teeth or due to internal diseases.

A large number of middle-aged and older domestic dogs suffer from diseases of the oral cavity, dwarf dog breeds are most predisposed to this. The tooth is located in the alveolar socket and is surrounded by tissues called periodontium. Most dental disease in adult animals is associated with inflammation of the gums and tartar formation, which often leads to tooth loss.

Mechanism of tartar formation and development of periodontitis

Plaque formation
(film of bacteria, saliva and food debris on the periodontium and tooth surface)

Plaque accumulation, formation of new layers

Plaque mineralization, calculus formation

Gingival inflammation and pocket formation

Exposing the neck and root of the tooth

When inflammation develops in the oral cavity, a large number of bacteria multiply, which cause bad breath.
The more general name of the disease, in which inflammation and dystrophic processes affect a large number of structures (tooth roots, alveoli, periodontium, gums) is periodontal disease.

Other diseases. Chronic kidney disease with uremia (increase in the products of protein metabolism in the blood – urea and creatinine) also provokes the appearance of a repulsive odor. In severe cases, the dog begins to smell like urine.

Diabetes mellitus leads to the accumulation of ketones, which is accompanied by the appearance of an acetone smell from the animal.

Inflammation of the respiratory organs with a bacterial component, neoplasms of the larynx, tumors of the bronchi and lungs with tissue destruction provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth and breathing of the animal.

Other causes of bad breath: purulent inflammation, tumors of the stomach and duodenum.
The smell from the mouth can have different contrasts: sour, putrid, fetid, mixed.

Other symptoms accompanying the smell from the mouth

Diseases of the oral cavity, tartar, in addition to an unpleasant odor, are accompanied by other symptoms. The pet’s food intake is disturbed, the dog refuses to eat dry granules, chews food on one side of the jaw. Salivation may appear, the dog rubs its face, does not play with toys and sticks, and does not gnaw on treats. In severe lesions of the teeth, swelling can develop in the muzzle, which are abscesses (a cavity in the jaw near the diseased tooth with purulent contents), which open up after a few days with the appearance of purulent discharge. There is reddening of the gums, an increase in the submandibular lymph nodes. When a pain syndrome occurs, the pet becomes lethargic or restless, appetite decreases, the dog whines. In the chronic course of diseases of the oral cavity, the quality of wool deteriorates and the weight of the animal decreases.

Dogs with gastroenteritis show symptoms of intestinal distress: decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, and abdominal gurgling.

Diseases of the respiratory system with severe halitosis / halitosis (bad smell from the mouth) are accompanied by cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, purulent discharge from the nose, fever, decreased activity.

Uremia, as a sign of chronic renal failure, leads not only to the smell of urine from the mouth. The animal also has food refusal, vomiting, shortness of breath, weight loss, dull coat.

In case of diabetes, the pet will smell unpleasant, increased blood sugar causes weakness, decreased appetite, the dog has increased thirst and increased urination. Vomiting and soft stools may develop, and itching and skin changes are sometimes observed.

External factors that provoke bad breath

External factors that provoke repulsive breath in a pet are bacteria, food residues that get stuck in the gum pockets and decompose, as well as eating spoiled foods by animals.

Dog oral care

The main protection of the oral cavity and teeth from diseases is regular care and timely visits to the doctor. At each appointment in the clinic, the doctor should examine the pet’s oral cavity, among other manipulations.

Personal dog oral care includes:

  1. Plaque removal – a simple teeth cleaning. To do this, there are toothbrushes and toothpastes that can be purchased at pet stores. They can be used to remove plaque.

It is recommended to brush your dog’s teeth several times a week. You need to clean the outer and inner surfaces of the teeth. After oral hygiene, you can rinse the dog’s mouth with plain water.

The wearer may be advised to use finger gauze or ear sticks for dental sanitation. But you should warn the owner that you need to make sure that the dog does not swallow them.

Dental sanitation not only cleans the teeth from plaque, but also massages the gums, freshens the breath and reduces the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

It is necessary to teach your dog about oral hygiene from a young age. Then in the future there will be no problems when brushing your teeth. Otherwise, it will be difficult to even just open the animal’s mouth. Currently, in addition to hygienic pastes, there are pastes for the prevention of plaque formation.

  1. Teeth Removal Treats are prophylactic pet treats that are textured to help remove plaque from your dog’s teeth while chewing. They can be given several times a week. Some delicacies, due to additives, such as mint, additionally freshen the pet’s breath. The advantage of such delicacies is that when chewing, pieces with sharp edges are not formed (unlike bones and sticks), and the pieces themselves are well digested in the intestines.
  2. Some treats also help keep teeth and gums healthy. For example, PRO PLAN® DENTAL PRO BAR for adult dogs and for dogs of small and toy breeds gently massages the gums thanks to its elastic structure and soothing clove extract.

  1. Food supplements for the prevention of plaque formation. Liquid dietary supplements are usually added to drinking water, and mainly they have a local effect: whiten teeth, dissolve plaque, reduce bacteria, have a mild anti-inflammatory effect, while not affecting the stomach and intestines.
  2. Algae-based powders are a food additive and act systemically: being absorbed in the intestines, they are included in saliva, thus preventing the accumulation of plaque.


A veterinarian will diagnose the cause of bad breath. Diagnosis consists of several stages:

  1. History taking. The first step in diagnosis is to ask the owner if there are any changes in the pet’s condition.
  2. General examination of the animal. It allows you to identify external signs and suspect diseases.
  3. Dog oral examination. Evaluation in progress:
  • head position;
  • the presence of salivation;
  • symmetry of the muzzle, closing of the jaws;
  • gum and tongue conditions;
  • the number of teeth, the presence of milk teeth, plaque, tartar;
  • submandibular lymph nodes;
  • throats (if the pet is not aggressive).

If the doctor has not found any changes in the oral cavity, then additional tests are carried out to identify systemic diseases. To do this, laboratory methods are used (blood and urine tests – clinical and infectious profile), ultrasound, radiography, endoscopy, etc.


Hygienic manipulations will not help to remove tartar if it has already formed. In this case, resort to dental procedures.

Quality dental interventions in pets can only be performed under general anesthesia. These are quite lengthy procedures that can take 1-3 hours, depending on the degree of damage to the teeth. After sedation, the pet undergoes dental radiography to determine the depth of the lesion, since outwardly it is not always possible to identify diseased teeth.

The doctor has to remove all the diseased teeth of the animal. It is recommended to explain to the owners that this should not be feared, since pets can live without teeth and eat food freely. If you do not get rid of diseased teeth, then there is a high risk of re-intervention, the development of inflammation, abscesses and the appearance of chronic pain in the dog.

In the postoperative period, antibiotics and topical treatments of the oral cavity with antiseptics, as well as pastes to reduce plaque formation, are prescribed.


Prevention of bad breath should be comprehensive:

  • regular oral hygiene;
  • avoidance of eating spoiled food and other substances;
  • balanced feeding;
  • using a combination of dry and wet food;
  • the use of agents to reduce the formation of plaque and calculus – preventive treats, liquids and dietary supplements;
  • preventive dental treatment under general anesthesia to remove plaque, tartar and polish teeth;
  • clinical examination for detection of chronic diseases.

What causes ignoring treatment

Diseased teeth and inflamed gums not only cause local discomfort and pain in the animal, loss of teeth and even fractures of the lower jaw. They also adversely affect the general condition of the body. A large number of bacteria from the oral cavity through the circulatory system are carried to the vital organs. Dogs with chronic periodontal disease and tartar often develop rhinitis, fistulas (holes between the mouth and nose), sinusitis, and chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, stomach, and intestines. Nutritional deficiencies and weight loss develop due to poor feeding. Inattention to the general condition of the dog and bad breath due to systemic diseases can lead to serious consequences and death of the pet. Only an attentive attitude to the condition of the oral cavity and teeth will help prevent a large number of complications that cause oral diseases and some common pathologies.


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Dog breath odor: causes and treatment

Agree, it’s not very pleasant to wake up in the morning from the gentle licking of a pet, feeling that your beloved dog stinks of rot from its mouth. Such a greeting procedure may well turn into torture. However, this phenomenon is not uncommon, many owners are even sure that this is quite normal, explaining the “ambre” by the fact that their four-legged pet “just ate something.” However, more experienced owners know that a pungent odor can be a symptom of a dangerous disease, so they sound the alarm and ask the veterinarian questions: why does the dog have bad breath, what to do in such a case?

Halitosis: what is it?

Halitosis is a veterinary term for a putrid odor from a dog’s mouth. The fetid “ambre” from the mouths of our smaller brothers in 8 out of 10 cases does not mean at all a cosmetic problem associated with a violation of oral hygiene, but a serious pathology:

  • dental diseases,

  • violations of the body systems,

  • diseases of internal organs, for example, kidneys, liver.

Most often, halitosis is caused by bacterial decomposition in the mouth area. If the dog is not sick with anything, then the microflora functions normally, restraining the process of reproduction of harmful microflora. And, on the contrary, if one of the systems fails in the body, the microflora does not cope with its duties, which leads to the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom – halitosis. To eliminate it, it is necessary to identify the cause that has become a provocative factor. The appointment of adequate therapy is preceded by diagnostics, while taking into account the age of the animal.

Problem in puppies

The appearance of a bad smell in puppies is most often associated with the process of changing teeth. If a puppy’s teeth fall out at the wrong time, or if he has an incorrect bite, then these factors may well cause the formation of interdental gaps. In no case should this fact be ignored, since the gaps serve as a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria: food remains get stuck between the teeth, which causes an unpleasant odor.

Another reason for the appearance of amber is the difficulty in changing milk teeth: the root already appears, and the milk does not have time to fall out. This leads to the fact that the milk begins to rot. If this process is accompanied by damage and infection of the gums, then the healthy microflora changes to putrefactive, hence the unpleasant odor.

The reason may also be an injury to the oral cavity due to the puppy’s habit of chewing on everything that gets into his mouth – toys, sticks, particles of which often injure the gums and get stuck between the teeth.

Main causes in adult dogs

Why does a dog’s mouth smell like rotten meat? The older the dog becomes, the more likely it is that the appearance of bad breath is a sign of a serious illness developing in the body.

Here are the most common reasons:

  1. Tooth stone. If this problem is ignored, then the growths that form near the gums will contribute to the destruction of enamel, and in the future will lead to tooth loss.
  2. Gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis. Develop against the background of tartar. Signs: red swollen gums, foul-smelling ulcers, and necrotic areas.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Oncology, neoplasms in the oral cavity (epulis). Most often occur in dog breeds with a shortened (upturned) muzzle (boxers, bulldogs, etc.).
  5. Diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system (in older dogs over the age of 10 years). At the same time, the dog’s mouth (especially from saliva) smells strongly of urine.
  6. Hormonal failure, dysfunction of the thyroid and pancreas, diabetes mellitus. You can suspect the presence of these diseases by the specific smell of acetone from the mouth.
  7. Liver disease (cirrhosis), which is characterized by a putrid or cadaverous odor from the mouth. A similar symptom indicates that the liver tissues die and rot.
  8. Helminths. A strong helminthic invasion, as a rule, is accompanied by an unpleasant smell from the mouth, since the parasites, entering the intestines, literally clog it, while the food is not digested, but begins to rot.
  9. Infections in the upper respiratory tract. The main symptoms are cough, runny nose, fever.
  10. Allergic reactions. This disease has extensive symptoms and is accompanied by skin lesions, itching.
  11. Injuries to the gums, oral mucosa, which can contribute to infections and inflammation.

There are cases when a bad smell does not come from the mouth at all. The cause may be a blockage of the paraanal glands.

If there is no pathology

Not always halitosis in an adult animal indicates that he has developed any disease. It has been proven that representatives of miniature breeds, such as a terrier, a miniature poodle, are at risk. However, this problem can be avoided with proper care of the pet’s oral cavity.

In addition, a putrid smell from the mouth may be present in dogs that have a habit of eating found carrion, usually this applies to representatives of hunting breeds.

Unpleasant odor can be caused by improper feeding, in particular, eating protein-fortified foods or soft canned foods, which make it difficult for the natural cleaning of the teeth, but create a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Thus, plaque forms on the teeth. While it is still soft, it is quite possible for the owner to clean it at home on their own, but when it hardens, one cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Can provoke a bad smell and water with a high content of chlorine. In this case, the pet will show signs of dysbacteriosis.

If a dog has bad breath, the most common non-disease cause of ombre is poor oral hygiene. It is not enough for a dog to gnaw only bones and hard toys. He should have a special paste and brush that will help not only to refresh the oral cavity, but also create protection against diseases of the teeth and gums.

How to get rid of

Only after considering the factors that can cause halitosis in a dog, and establishing the cause that caused it, is the appropriate treatment prescribed for the pet.

In the presence of plaque, it is desirable to determine the correct feeding and introduce solid foods (carrots, apples, small bones) into the diet. This allows you to clean the oral cavity from soft formations, growths, plaque and food debris. A well-established method is to add tomato juice or softened tomato to food. After two weeks, softened plaque can be removed with a regular cotton swab. If tartar cannot be removed at home, it is removed by ultrasound in a veterinary clinic. If the enamel is damaged, the teeth are covered with a special gel or sealed.

To restore the disturbed microflora, a course of medications, such as Bifidumbacterin or Bifitrilak, is recommended. In the presence of worms, treatment with anthelmintics is indicated.

The simplest preventive measures will help to avoid a putrid smell:

  1. Brushing teeth (at least once a week) with antibacterial paste.
  2. Introduction to the diet of solid foods.
  3. Regular examination of the teeth and mouth, cleaning of plaque at home or in the clinic.
  4. The use of special treats with rawhide and enzymes that help soften plaque on the teeth.
  5. The use of rubber toys for chewing.

And, of course, it is necessary to remove sweet, starchy, fatty foods from the diet, which often cause “ambre” from the animal’s mouth.

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Bad breath in a dog (halitosis): causes, treatment0691

. This problem can occur not only due to insufficient oral hygiene, but also due to serious diseases, so it should not be left unattended.

Unpleasant odor in puppies

In puppies, bad odor often occurs during the period of changing teeth . If teeth fall out at the wrong time or an incorrect bite is formed, interdental gaps may form. As a result, food debris will get stuck between the teeth, which is a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply. This fact cannot be ignored, as a fetid odor will constantly come from the mouth.

Another reason is the late loss of milk teeth. They sit tightly in the hole, but loosen, because of which food and infection enter the gum. The inflammatory process causes suppuration. As a result, an unpleasant odor occurs. Suppuration is also possible due to an injury in the oral cavity, since puppies have a habit of chewing on everything that gets in their way, which is why the gums are often injured.

Bad smell in adult dogs

Bad breath can be the cause of poor oral hygiene, when food particles get stuck between the teeth and begin to “smell”. The smell can occur with malnutrition, if protein foods predominate in the diet and there are practically no carbohydrates. The older the dog, the more likely it is that bad breath is a sign of a serious health problem.

Most common causes of odor:

  • Dental problems . Plaque is one of the most common causes of bad breath. The stone itself does not pose a threat to health, but it can cause the destruction of enamel, the development of stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, and the occurrence of foci of infection in the mouth. All these problems are accompanied by bad breath.
  • Injuries of the oral mucosa and gums . If an infection enters the wound, an infectious process and suppuration occur, which is accompanied by a fetid odor.
  • Diseases of the digestive system . The stench can accompany diseases of the stomach, intestines and liver. With serious pathological processes in the liver, a sharp stench of rotten meat usually occurs.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system . Often occurs in older dogs (over 10 years old), while their mouth smells like urine.
  • Helminthiases . Once in the intestines, the worms densely populate it, because of which the food is poorly digested and rots. This process is accompanied by a fetid odor.
  • Oral cancer . They often develop in dogs with a shortened muzzle (bulldogs, boxers, etc.) and are accompanied by a sweetish rotten smell.
  • Endocrine pathologies . With diabetes, an unpleasant smell of acetone usually occurs.


If the cause of the odor is poor hygiene or poor diet, fixing the problem is easy enough . It is necessary to adjust the diet of the animal, exclude fatty and sweet foods, introduce solid foods – apples, carrots. They clean teeth well. You can add chopped tomato or tomato juice to food to soften the plaque, and then simply remove it with a regular cotton pad. Also, tartar can be removed in the clinic by contacting a veterinary dentist.

In all other cases, to identify the cause of halitosis, it is necessary to examine the dog . Only by curing the underlying disease, you can eliminate bad breath.

Branches of the BioVet veterinary clinic are located in all districts of Moscow, as well as in Reutov and Lyubertsy. We employ qualified specialists in all veterinary areas, the doctor will examine the dog and prescribe the right treatment. Your pet’s problem will be solved as quickly and efficiently as possible.

All of our veterinary clinics:

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Sukhorukova Elena Vladimirovna

Why does a dog have bad breath?



Bad breath in a dog: causes


Tartar Prevention in Dogs


Additional prevention

2 minutes

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Many dog ​​owners report that their pets have bad breath. It would seem that the food is good, and there are no problems with digestion – so where does the problem come from? Let’s talk about the causes of bad breath in dogs and how to prevent it.

Bad breath in a dog: causes

If in humans, bad breath most often indicates problems with digestion, then in dogs, in most cases, the cause of bad breath from the mouth is diseases of the oral cavity.

The most common of these are tartar, periodontal disease and gingivitis. All these diseases are interconnected, since one provokes the occurrence of another.

For example, tartar is formed as a product of the vital activity of bacteria in the oral cavity. In turn, the formation of tartar contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and, as a result, provokes periodontal disease (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth) and gingivitis (inflammation of the gum tissue). It turns out a vicious circle. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are the answer to the question why dogs have bad breath.

If measures are not taken in a timely manner and treatment is not started, the lesions will spread to the teeth and bones of the jaw (may lead to a fracture), periodontitis will develop, the consequences of which are irreversible. So the health and even the life of your dog depends on the promptness of the intervention.

But, as with almost all cases of disease, the problem is easier to prevent than to fix. Moreover, plaque with all the ensuing consequences is quite easy to prevent if you know how.

Tartar Prevention in Dogs

Prevention of tartar and oral diseases in dogs involves:

– Proper feeding: balanced granular dry food on a regular basis and special balanced wet food for dogs. No violations of the diet and treats from the table.

– Oral hygiene. Check your dog’s mouth and teeth regularly. Brush your teeth 4-7 times a week using veterinary toothpastes and the softest toothbrushes. Can be used for children up to 2 years old. With the appearance of redness, ulcers, cleaning is contraindicated. If problems arise, contact your veterinarian promptly.

Additional Prevention

As an additional prevention, you can use dental treats, which, among other things, freshen your breath. Plaque removal toys are also used, such as Orka Petstages. Another method of prevention is special nutritional supplements that prevent the development of tartar.

However, all of the above methods do not replace brushing your teeth, but enhance its effect.

It is advisable to consult your veterinarian before using any medication.

As you can see, the above measures are easy to put into daily practice and make part of the main care. Each of these steps will help keep your pet’s mouth healthy and avoid serious consequences in the future. It is important to remember that there is no 100% protection against tartar and even following all the recommendations may not give an ideal result. However, all of the steps in this article will help delay dental cleanings. And in some cases, they will keep your pet’s oral cavity flawless until old age.

Take care of your four-legged friends!

The article was written with the support of an expert: Mats Boris Vladimirovich,
veterinarian and therapist at the Sputnik clinic.

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Dog has bad breath: possible causes and treatment

01. 01.0001


Bad breath in dogs may be ignored by some owners as normal. Although in fact, these may be symptoms of health problems and poor hygiene. What should alert you and what diseases can cause an unpleasant odor, read on.

Possible Causes of Bad Breath in Dogs

The very first cause of bad breath is tartar and rotting food debris in the interdental space. But this is where more serious health problems begin. Bad smell occurs not only in adults, but also in young animals without visible problems.

Why puppy breath stinks

There are many more reasons, including gingivitis. If a “flavor” occurs, it is worth starting with oral hygiene and cleaning regularly. If it does not go away, it is felt with the same intensity, it is recommended to seek help from a veterinarian.

The most common causes of bad breath

The health and body characteristics of each dog are individual, so several factors can cause an unpleasant smell from the mouth. But most often it is insufficient hygiene or a symptom of the disease.

Hygiene problems

Every day, a thin layer invisible to our eyes forms on the enamel. If it is not removed, it gradually forms a rim of the stone along the gum line. The stone, in turn, provokes inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and microbes. The result is periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis or other troubles.


The smell of acetone from the dog’s mouth can be a sign of diabetes and diseases of the endocrine system.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

The smell of ammonia from the dog’s mouth is the result of a violation of the function of the liver and urinary system.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver

The cause of an unpleasant odor can often be indigestion, which can be easily avoided by initially choosing the right diet. In addition, gastrointestinal diseases can be expressed in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite. All this dehydrates and depletes the body, and the dog constantly feels thirsty.

Diseases of the kidneys are also accompanied by smell from the mouth. Helminths also provoke stench, the animal feels noticeably worse, and the consistency of feces can become heterogeneous, even if the owner has not changed the type of food.

Injuries to the gums, oral mucosa, which can lead to infection and inflammation

Dogs are just as susceptible to infectious diseases as humans. Symptoms are similar: cough, runny nose, fever, decreased activity and appetite.


Treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian and do not self-medicate at home.

Prevention of bad breath

Halitosis in a pet does not always indicate a disease. The reason may be poor oral hygiene. We are talking about tartar, which is formed on the enamel. Miniature breeds of dogs with small teeth are especially prone to its appearance: pygmy poodle, terrier, chihuahua or spitz. To avoid problems, you need to regularly brush your pet’s teeth.

A putrid smell from the mouth is characteristic of those dogs that often pick up carrion and leftovers on the street. This habit is more common in hunting dogs: huskies, dachshunds and other breeds. Also, an unbalanced diet high in protein can cause an undesirable effect. Another reason is leftover food. Soft pieces can get stuck in the interdental spaces, and if not cleaned, they become a breeding ground for bacteria.

All this provokes the formation of plaque on the enamel, which can be eliminated with regular cleaning using special pastes. If the plaque has hardened and turned into a stone, only a specialist can safely remove it.

Poor quality water with a high content of chlorine, which mainly flows from the taps of urban residents, also negatively affects the body of the animal and can cause dysbacteriosis. Although in fact the most common option is poor oral care. Does your dog chew on toys? Okay, but that’s not enough. It is important to constantly monitor the condition of the teeth and gums, clean them from plaque and remove stones at the first sign of appearance.

Tartar Prevention

Smaller breeds are more prone to calculus, which is why Royal Canin has developed the Mini Dental Care range specifically for them. The food has a special texture, due to which the enamel is cleaned during biting and chewing. The composition contains chelators – elements that bind calcium in the oral cavity and prevent the formation of plaque. This diet is suitable for feeding adult pets and can be used for a long time.

Don’t forget about prevention. It is necessary to clean the enamel from plaque at least twice a week and do this with the help of pastes and brushes for dogs. Pet stores also sell special treats. If minor damage to the oral cavity is detected, they can be treated with a gel spray.