Typical preschool day: A typical preschool day.

Опубликовано: December 25, 2022 в 7:25 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Preschool Teacher: Typical Day

The only thing typical about a day wrangling preschoolers is that everyone starts the day running. Your little charges have already learned to walk, so that’s one thing you won’t need to teach them. Fortunately, you’re as bright and chipper as a happy little squirrel first thing in the morning. Now it’s time to gather those nuts and keep them from rolling all over the place (without losing all your marbles.)

Let’s play pretend. You’re the preschool teacher at a day care center in a big city. Every weekday morning, parents drop their kids off between 8:00AM and 9:00AM. Tilly, Trixie, Tanya, and Tucker are always there first. You and your aides help them unbuckle their winter coats, pull off their boots, and put away their hats and scarves.

“Well, good morning, Trixie,” you say to the bright streak of pink heading straight at you with her arms outstretched for a hug. “How are you this morning?”

“I’m wearing pink!”

“Oh, I can see that. And your yellow tights are very cute.”

“I know.”

“Can you find the other kids and help them find their crayons?”

Here comes Tyler. Tyler is new. His mom adopted him from Ecuador and he’s very shy this morning. In Spanish, you ask him how he is and if he’d like to color with the other children. He says he’d rather stay by you and so you introduce him to some other boys as they come into the room. Soon they pair off and start looking at a book about bugs.

Once everyone is sitting in a circle on the brightly colored carpet, you put a big bucket of blocks in the center.

“How many colors do you know?” You ask the group. “Can you show me with your fingers?”

As the children put blocks into color groups, you watch. Are they able to pick up the blocks? Can they identify yellow, green, and blue? Can they stack them?

Twyla and Skyler are giggling and starting to get a little rowdy. Before blocks start flying, you seize the opportunity. These two are good friends, but you’ve noticed that they exclude other children when they play together.

One little girl, Thalia, was paying close attention to your instructions, but started to look sad when the two friends started pairing off. Last week, Thalia quietly told you that she didn’t like playing with Twyla and Skyler, because they always made her the puppy when they played house with all the other girls.

You quickly organize a game that calls for taking turns. Instead of stacking the blocks by themselves, each kid in the circle adds one block at a time until each one has had a turn. After the child adds the block, the next person had to say something nice to the one who stacked the last block. This way, all the girls learn to share and also to say something nice about Thalia (something that didn’t involve barking or licking their faces).

After putting all the blocks away, the children are ready for snacks. You check your USDA-approved menu and set out some granola bars, fruit snacks, and milk. Skyler is allergic to milk, Tank has a peanut allergy, Tod is on a sugar restriction diet, and Tully thinks he’s a penguin.

Preschool is the safe place where kids become part of a community. Kids who don’t have siblings learn from you. Talking to parents is key. Parents are trusting you to help them raise healthy children who know how to navigate their differences.

After snack time, everyone puts away the tables and chairs. Aides help them wash their hands, brush their teeth, and pee. Tully needs a little prompting to use the boys’ room, but you don’t push him when he wants to switch boots with Twinkle for playing outside.

The kids run around in the snow, jumping and balancing on playground equipment. You make a mental note that everyone is climbing up and down without problems, but Trooper is getting a little pushy. His dad mentioned that Trooper was getting aggressive, so you keep an eye on him and encourage him to help Trainor with balancing on a beam.

After half an hour of playing, you clap your hands and ask the children to gather around you. All the girls (and Tully) run up and hug you in a tight circle. The boys are still roughhousing. You call out louder, “Thunder! Tank! Troy! Please come over here.”

The girls turn to watch the unruly boys.

Everyone is watching the boys and they are loving it. They are this close to taking charge of the entire playground.

You quietly walk over to them, who are oblivious to outsiders like you.

“Guys, we are all going inside to play. We will wait for you to join us, but only for a minute.”

Everyone races over to where the girls are waiting. Everyone but Trenk, who kicks both his shoes off at once, which is quite an accomplishment.

“Trenk, I know you want to keep playing. Everyone loves playing with you because you’re so good at it. Right now, though, we need you with us. Maybe you could show us how well you can untie your shoes inside.”

After an hour of counting and coloring, guess what time it is. That’s right, feeding time. When they aren’t playing or learning, preschool critters are chowing down. After lunch, which is very exhausting, it’s time for a nap. That gives you a couple of hours to fill out paperwork and set up meetings with parents and special ed teachers.

Now, children are required to have ditched the diaper before they come to preschool. Most children go through potty training (or, in high-class circles, “toilet teaching”) between two and four years old. Parents are understandably anxious to wean their kids from diapers to underpants before they start socializing in a new environment.

Some schools are strict; one plop out and he’s a drop out. Others are a little more forgiving. In fact, some kids naturally regress once they hit preschool, just because the whole thing is so intense.

Trips to the bathroom might involve some spare pull-ups at the start, but most kids don’t want to be left behind, and when they see their classmates wearing big boy or big girl pants, they’ll quickly pull up the rear.

Preschoolers should know how to do the dirty deeds all by themselves, but a big part of the preschool experience (just like the college experience) is making sure someone is standing guard at the door, at least until your ship sails, so to speak. Your job as preschool teacher (or the “done dirt cheap” part of the song) is to wipe, button and snap pants, pull up tights, and supervise hand washing.

After the final snack of the day is your favorite time. Everyone is full of energy and new ideas. Kids who were crying or nervous in the morning are rollicking around with new friends. They’re sharing and cooperating a little more. Tyler is still holding back a little, but you’ll remember to teach everyone how to count in Spanish tomorrow. That should bring him out some more. His parents say he’s very sweet when he feels at home.

Some volunteers from the local college show up and put on a puppet show, and then it’s time to read about the Narwal, the Unicorn, and the Velociraptor before bundling up once again. As the parents arrive, you hear the kids telling them all about their days. Each of them is full of new ideas and experiences, and are one day closer to being strong, happy, healthy adults like you.

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Home Preschool Schedule – Teaching Mama

Are you thinking about homeschooling this year? Does the thought of homeschooling completely overwhelm you? You are not alone! One of the most asked questions is about creating a homeschool schedule. I’ve done home preschool with my three boys, so I hope my tips on setting up a home preschool schedule will give you some ideas!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “kids thrive on routine?” Well, it’s true! Kids don’t have a lot of control in their lives, but routines can give them a sense of organization, stability, and comfort. Just like having a routine for bedtime or mealtime, having a routine for teaching preschool will help you in the long run.

Why Routines are Helpful

• Gives organization to the day

• Helps the child feel secure and know what is going on

• Makes the day run more efficiently

• Leads to better behaviors

When you homeschool, it’s important to start the day the same way so they know that school time has started and it’s different from other parts of the day.

This can be with something simple:

• Sing a song to signal the preschool time has started

• Sit close together and read a book

• Circle time (such as calendar and weather)

• Do a dance or movement activity

At the start of the school year, you will really have to teach this routine to your child. Don’t be discouraged if it takes some time. Preschoolers are young and they may need a few days or a few weeks to really start understanding the routine. I always recommend starting small. For example, at the beginning of the year when your child isn’t used to school time, just to it for 10 minutes. Work your way up to longer periods of time. But start small so you can have success with it and also so it doesn’t overwhelm your child!

How can you make sure you stick to your routine?

Here are some suggestions that I’ve found worked well for me:

• Get up early and start your day first – get some self-care in before having to take care of your children

• Make a visual routine chart

• Prepare more elaborate activities the night before

• Make weekends (or days off of preschool) different so they know that it’s not a school day.

I know that not every day will go perfectly, and that’s ok. But just know that you’re not alone in this and we all have times where we’re just not on a good routine.

The big takeaway is this…your job is to create a routine for your child so that they feel good about school. This may take time to set up and learn for your child, but in the long run, it will be so helpful. In the next lesson, I’ll be sharing some sample schedules with you to get your mind thinking of how you want to set up YOUR day!  

Components of Preschool

  • Circle time (calendar, weather, counting the school days, read aloud books)
  • Outdoor time – SUPER important for kids to go outside and get fresh air!
  • Free play time – this may seem obvious, but kids need lots of time to play and explore. You should have a lot of this added into your day
  • Literacy – reading stories, alphabet activities, prewriting activities, oral vocabulary activities, and anything else related to literacy
  • •Math – math activities, such as counting, sorting, patterns, and number recognition
  • STEM – I love implementing simple STEM activities, such as a science experiment
  • Snack time – you never want to forget snack time!
  • Rest time – depending on your child, you may need to add a nap or rest time to your day
  • Sensory play – I like to create invitations to play, which means I set up a sensory bin or a similar type of activity and then I invite them to explore and play with it.
  • Crafts or processed art
  • Dramatic play
  • Sports or dancing

Did you know when you do home preschool, it doesn’t take very long? Check out this graphic below to see how long direct instruction is needed for each grade.

I have three sample schedule to share with you for home preschool. The first two schedules go along with my preschool curriculum, Home Preschool Made Easy.

In the curriculum, there is a read-aloud and letter activity for each day. Then I have several hands-on activities for the day, which include components of literacy, math, science, sensory play, process art, fine motor skills, etc. There’s a whole variety of activities over 18 different themes.

This third schedule is if you want a literacy and math block of time each day.

Of course, there is no perfect schedule. Like I said earlier, you may have to work up to your schedule and start small. You may even find the schedule doesn’t work for you and you need to tweak it. We did that several times when we started homeschooling! Here’s another sample schedule we’ve done.

I recommend sketching out a rough draft for your schedule and trying it for a week or two.

I’d love to hear in the comments if you have any tips for creating a schedule for home preschool!

A Typical Day in a Montessori Preschool Classroom: Daily Schedule and Routine Planning

Our Typical Daily Schedule

I have had several questions from readers wondering how the day is structured at my school so I felt it would be a good idea to give you some insight into a typical day in my Montessori classroom.
Prior to teaching at the school where I am currently working, I was accustomed to having a morning and an afternoon group with each class being two-and-a-half hours in duration. The afternoon class came four days per week and the morning class came five days per week, which worked beautifully.

In the class where I am currently teaching, the routine is very different. The need for the local community was to have classes in session longer than 2 ½ hours and also provide greater flexibility as to how many times the students attend each week. Being sensitive to the needs of the community, the owner opted to create a four-hour program (9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) and to give parents the choice of enrolling their child 2, 3, 4 or 5 days a week. It definitely makes things a little more challenging as there is often a different group coming each day and obviously it takes a lot longer for a child coming two days a week to learn the routine than it does for a child coming four or five days a week.

The new Montessori daily schedule was an adjustment for me initially, but like most situations I have learned to adjust, embrace and enjoy the new program routine. Now, I love having the same group of students for four hours each day, as I really get to know them, the day doesn’t feel nearly as rushed and the additional time enables me to create a special bond with each child. I also like the fact that so many grace and courtesy skills can be reinforced during lunch time when everyone is sitting and eating together. I have included below an outline of a typical day in my Montessori preschool classroom and I hope you find it helpful.

A Typical Day in a Montessori Preschool Classroom: Daily Schedule and Routine Planning

8:50 a.m.

We open the door to greet the students as they arrive. One Montessori teacher stands at the door to greet the student and parent, shake hands and help the student find their cubby so that they can take off and put away their shoes and coat. The other Montessori teacher sits at circle with classical music playing and greets the students one by one with a smile and a handshake and encourages them to find a place in circle and be seated cross-legged.

9:05 a.m.

Once the majority of Montessori students have arrived, we begin with a Good Morning song, a few finger plays, review the calendar and news time, and the special helper is chosen for the day. The special helper feeds Monty, our classroom fish and counts each classmate in the group (in both French and English). If any group presentations are required that day, they are presented at this circle time, such as when there are new Practical Life or art activities on the shelves.

9:20 a.m.

I usually ask my students to close their eyes and think about what work they would like to begin with today and when they have thought of something to raise their hand. I walk around the circle and gently tap each child on the hand (one by one). It is a really calm way to begin the day and helps each student begin the day focused and ready to find an activity to work on. While the children work independently, I provide individual and group lessons while my amazing Montessori teaching assistant reinforces the important rules and routines of the class and helps diffuse any issues as they arise throughout the morning.

10:15 a.m.

False Fatigue Occurs……around this time in the morning, the noise level tends to escalate and there are usually several “wanderers”. This restlessness was noted by Maria Montessori when she observed classrooms and she referred to it as “False Fatigue”. At one time, I used to feel very anxious and uneasy when this occurred as I felt like I was doing something wrong, but I now know it is a phenomenon very typical of a Montessori environment and it is important to remain calm and continue with the Montessori classroom work cycle. As long as I remain calm, cool and collected, the restlessness subsides and the children settle back into their work until 11:30 a.m., when the music is turned on to signal clean up time.

11:30 a.m.

The special helper pushes ‘play’ on our CD player to signal that it is time to clean up. The music is a soft, instrumental CD which is a great reminder to clean up in a calm, peaceful manner. Once the students tidy their work, we all sit down for circle time. We then have a quick circle, reflect on the morning, play some sort of a transition game and they are sent one by one to the washroom to wash their hands for lunch. Eating lunch is the perfect opportunity to reinforce the importance of grace, courtesy and good manners in the Montessori preschool classroom……it is such a special time of day!

12:00 p.m.

Usually by noon, the students have finished eating, tidied the floor and tables, placed their lunch bags back in their cubbies and have put on their shoes and coat to go outside. Each child is encouraged to sit quietly at circle, reading until everyone is ready.

12:10 p.m.

Once every student is dressed and ready to go outside, the special helper is responsible for calling the classmates one by one to line up at the door and only those who are sitting politely and respectfully are called first. It is a joy to watch and the special helper always feels so proud!

12:15 to 12:45 p.m.

We usually have a good 30 minutes to play outside and the Montessori outdoor environment is incredible. ..the perfect space for running, jumping, playing in the sand, watering the garden, blowing bubbles, pulling one another in a wagon, drawing with chalk and having fun on the slide and monkey bars. The 30 minutes always zips by so quickly!

12:45 p.m.

To end the day, we go back inside and everyone sits on the story time mat. One Montessori teacher reads stories while the other teacher stands at the door watching for the parents. As soon as a parent arrives, the teacher calls the child’s name to come to the cubby area to get ready to go home. Once the student is dressed and ready to go, the teacher shakes his/her hand with a happy and encouraging goodbye greeting, then opens the door to ensure the child goes directly to their parent. Story time is such a nice way to end the day and makes dismissal time calm and relaxing.

Bree — NAMC Tutor & Graduate

As much as possible, NAMC’s web blog reflects the Montessori curriculum as provided in its teacher training programs. We realize and respect that Montessori schools are unique and may vary their schedules and offerings in accordance with the needs of their individual communities. We hope that our readers will find our articles useful and inspiring as a contribution to the global Montessori community.
© North American Montessori Center – originally posted in its entirety at Montessori Teacher Training on Tuesday, October 5, 2010.

My school day – in English. with translation

Today’s material is dedicated to the school. I prepared two short and simple stories in English “My day at school”. Texts are given with translation. They can be used as a basis to write your essay in English on the topic of how your day at school goes.

You will learn how to say and ask in English:

  • What time do your lessons start?
  • Did you do your homework?
  • What subject do you dislike the most?
  • Are you good at math?
  • What time do you come to school?
  • What time do the lessons end?
  • I hate chemistry.
  • School uniform as everyday wear for pupils.

My school day

Almost everybody has to go to school. I usually get up at 7:10 am. I brush my teeth, wash my face, hair, get dressed and have breakfast. After I pack my bag with my homework I go outside.

I meet my friends every morning. We walk to school together. My house is very close to school, it’s only a five-minute walk. Some students come with their parents.

Lesson one starts at 8:00 am. We are excited to learn something new. My favorite lesson is Math. Our maths teacher is pretty strict and smart. I love his lessons. In Russian schools lessons are timed for 45 minutes. We have one break between each lesson. During time break between lessons I play games with my friends. I like spending time with them.

At 12:00 we have lunch time. Lunch is my favorite part of the school day. I get to eat and talk to my friends. We eat lunch in the canteen. After lunch it’s a Geography class. It’s normally a really boring class.

The school day gets out at 2:45 p.m. Then finally I get to go home and watch some YouTube videos. I get home at different times, depending on what I have after school. Teachers give us the homework assignment. So I do my homework that needs to be done at home. That’s my daily school routine.


Every child must go to school. I usually get up at 7:10. I brush my teeth, wash my face, comb my hair, get dressed and have breakfast. After I pack my bag of lessons, I go out.

Every morning I meet my friends. We go to school together. My house is very close to the school, just a five minute walk. Some students are brought to school by their parents.

The first lesson starts at 8:00. We are all happy to learn something new. My favorite subject is math. Our math teacher is very strict and smart. I love his lessons. In Russian schools, lessons last forty-five minutes. There is a break after every lesson. During my break between classes, I play games with my friends. I like spending time with them.

At 12:00 we have lunch. Lunch is my favorite part of the school day. We eat and chat with friends. We have lunch in the dining room. After lunch we have a geography lesson. Usually this lesson is very boring.

Lessons end at 2:45. After that, I finally go home and watch YouTube videos. I come home differently. Depends on what I have after school. The teachers give us homework. So I’m doing homework that should be done at home. Here is my school routine.

How does your school day go? How is your school day going?

My typical school day starts at 8:00 in the morning. Alarm goes off. I wake up between 6:30–6:45 ish, shower, eat breakfast playing on my phone or checking email and VK. I put on my school uniform and get ready for school. I hitch a ride with my dad to my school. I arrive at school by 7:45–7:50. I chat with my friends before school starts.

My most hated subject in school is Chemistry. A chemistry teacher is nice but I absolutely hate the subject. I love Art. Art class is wonderful for me. Then lunch comes around. It’s a time when I can cool off relax and just enjoy being with my friends. We talk a lot. Usually lunch lasts about 30 minutes.

The end of the school day at 14:30. It’s time to go home. My grandmother is taking me home. After school I enjoy playing basketball. I go to bed at 10 o’clock. Well, that’s my school day!


My usual school day starts at 8:00 am. The alarm clock rings. I wake up at about 6:30 – 6:45, wash my face, have breakfast, play on my phone or check email or VKontakte. I put on my school uniform and get ready for school. My dad drives me to school. I arrive at school around 7:45-7:50. Before the start of the lessons, we communicate with friends.

My most hated subject at school is chemistry. The chemistry teacher is normal, but I hate the subject itself. I love drawing. The drawing class is just amazing.

Then comes lunch. This is the time when I can relax and just be with my friends. We communicate a lot. Lunch usually lasts about 30 minutes.

End of the school day at 2:30 pm. Time to go home. Grandma takes me home. After school I like to play basketball. I go to bed at 10. This is how my day at school goes.

Short glossary on topic

Classmate is a classmate.

Homework assignment.

I hate chemistry.
I cannot stand chemistry.

A typical day at school.
A typical school day.

A day at school in Russia.
A school day in Russia.

We wear school clothes.
We wear a school uniform.

Related questions

How is your day at school?
How does your school day go?

How does your typical day at school look like?
What is your typical school day like?

What time do you wake up?
What time do you wake up?

What time do you get on the bus/car?
What time do you get on the bus/get in car?

What time do you come to school?
What time do you get to school?

What time do your lessons start?
What time did school actually start?

What time do the lessons end?
What time does the school day actually end?

What time do you go home?
What time do you actually get home?

When are your holidays?
When are you out for summer?

Did you do your homework?
Did you do your homework?

How are you in mathematics?
Are you good at math?

How good are you in math?
Are you good in Math?

What subject do you hate the most in school?
What subject do you hate most at school?

How can I answer questions about the school day briefly

Oh, my day at school is very lousy.
My school day is pretty crappy.

At 6:50 the first alarm clock rings.
At 7-00 – the second.

6:50 am first bell rings.
7:00 am second bell rings.

Daddy wakes me up in the morning.
Daddy is waking me up in the morning.

I wake up at about half past six.
I wake up at about half 6.

I leave for school at 7-50.
It’s 5 minutes walk.
7:50 – leave for school.
Takes 5 minutes to walk there.

My school is an hour and a half away.
My school is half an hour away.

I get in the car at 7:15.
I get in the car at 7:15.

Classes start at 8-00.
School starts at 8:00.

Classes are over.
School ends at 15:00.

10 minute break.
Break for 10 min.

We usually fight at recess.
Usually get into fights during school.

Dad picks me up and takes me home.
My dad picks me up and takes me home.

Pretending to study a subject.
To look like you are working.

I go home and just relax.
I walk home and just relax.

Wake up: 7:00 am
Get on bus: 7:40
Get to school: 7:55
School starts: 8:00
Get home: 3:30 pm
Last day of school: May 23th.


School subjects are capitalized:

  • Geography, Science, English, Gym,
  • Math, Music, Art, Algebra, History,
  • Physics, Chemistry, Computer graphics.

See how to say in English: “Physics teacher” and other names of subject teachers in English >>

America has a different class scale than ours.
Use the following terms to explain to an American what grade your child is in.

Elementary school – primary classes – from 5 to 11 years old.
Middle school – middle classes – 11 – 14 years old.
High school – high school students – 14 – 18 years old.

See examples

My son is in the middle school.
My son is in elementary school.

My son is in the second grade.
My son is in the second grade.

My School Day – My day at school. English text with translation and audio

“My day at school” or “My School Day” is one of the typical topics for essays in English. Writing it is easy. Here you will find an essay, text “My School Day” in English with translation and audio.

How do you describe your day at school in English?

This topic is similar to talking about your day, with the difference that in this case we are not talking about the whole day, but only about studying.

  1. You can start talking about a day at school right away, or you can start with a catchphrase like “Let me tell you about my day at school” (as in my case). You can also first briefly, in one sentence, say how many lessons you have per day, when they start and end (again, as in my case). I didn’t write about the class in question, but you can add it.
  2. A story about a day at school can start with what time you wake up and go to school. It is not necessary to paint morning affairs in detail – this is not the main topic.
  3. In the main part of the essay, tell us how many lessons you usually have per day, which subject you like (and why), and which you don’t like. You can tell a couple of interesting details about teachers.
  4. Tell us about the changes, how long they last, what you do about them.
  5. It is not necessary to finish the essay in a very original way. You can just say: “This is what my day at school looks like.”

My School Day – My day at school. English text + audio

This essay is about “My Day at School” plus audio. You will find the “text + translation” option below.

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My School Day

Let me tell you about my typical day at school. Usually, we have six lessons a day. They begin at eight a.m. and they end at two forty five p.m.

I wake up at six thirty, take a shower, have breakfast and go to school. Normally, I am at school fifteen minutes before the lessons. I chat with my classmates and prepare for the first lesson.

My favorite day at school is Tuesday because the first two lessons on Tuesday are English. I like English very much, it is a useful and interesting subject. My least favorite subject is Math. I am not very good with numbers. Most of the lessons take place in the same classroom, but some lessons, such as chemistry, take place in special classrooms.

Each lesson is forty-five minutes long. The breaks between them are ten minutes long, except for the break after the second lesson that lasts for twenty minutes and the thirty-minute-long lunch break after the fifth lesson.

During the breaks I watch videos on my phone or play with my friends. By the way, our teachers do not allow us to use phones in class. They do not like it, especially our Math teacher. He says that back in the day people did not have cell phones but they knew Math better.

As I said before, we have a lunch break after the fifth lesson. I always look forward to it because I get tired by that time. My friend and I go to the school cafeteria for lunch. To be honest, most of the food is not very good there, but they make delicious buns!

My school day ends at two forty five p.m., I say goodbye to my friends and teachers and go home. This is what my normal day at school looks like.

Text in English with translation. My Day at School – My Day at School

This is the same text, but with translation. The translation is made for each sentence on a separate line.

My Day At School (My School Day) My day at school
Let me tell you about my typical day at school. Let me tell you about my typical days at school.
Usually, we have six lessons a day. We usually have six lessons a day.
They begin at eight a.m. and they end at two forty five p.m. They start at 8 am and end at 2.45 pm.
I wake up at six thirty, take a shower, have breakfast and go to school. I wake up at 6:30, take a shower, have breakfast and go to school.
Normally, I am at school fifteen minutes before the lessons. I’m usually at school fifteen minutes before class.
I chat with my classmates and prepare for the first lesson. I am chatting with my classmates and getting ready for the first lesson.
My favorite day at school is Tuesday because the first two lessons on Tuesday are English. My favorite day at school is Tuesday because on Tuesday the first two lessons are English.
I like English very much, it is a useful and interesting subject. I really like English, it’s a useful and interesting subject.
My least favorite subject is Math. The least I like is mathematics.
I am not very good with numbers. I’m not good with numbers.
Most of the lessons take place in the same classroom, but some lessons, such as chemistry, take place in special classrooms. Most lessons are in the same classroom, but some lessons, such as chemistry, are in special classes.
Each lesson is forty-five minutes long. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.
The breaks between them are ten minutes long, except for the break after the second lesson that lasts for twenty minutes and the thirty-minute-long lunch break after the fifth lesson. Breaks between them last 10 minutes, except for a break after the second lesson, which is 20 minutes, and a 30-minute lunch break after the fifth lesson.
During the breaks I watch videos on my phone or play with my friends. During recess, I watch videos on my phone or play with friends.
By the way, our teachers do not allow us to use phones in class. By the way, our teachers don’t allow the use of phones in class there.
They do not like it, especially our Math teacher. They don’t like it, especially the math teacher.
He says that back in the day people did not have cell phones but they knew Math better. He says that in his time people didn’t have cell phones, but they knew math better.
As I said before, we have a lunch break after the fifth lesson. As I said, we have lunch after the fifth lesson.
I always look forward to it because I get tired by that time. I always look forward to it because I get tired by this time.
My friend and I go to the school cafeteria for lunch. My friend and I go to the school cafeteria for lunch.
To be honest, most of the food is not very good there, but they make delicious buns! To be honest, mostly the food there is not very good, but they make amazing buns!
My school day ends at two forty five p.m. My day at school ends at 2.45 pm.
I say goodbye to my friends and teachers and go home. I say goodbye to my friends and teachers and go home.
This is what my normal day at school looks like. This is what my typical day at school looks like.

Useful words from the text:

  • let me tell 9025 me2 about you
  • at school – at school, studying
  • a day – per day (about the amount of something during the day)
  • to wake up – wake up
  • to take a shower
  • to have breakfast
  • to chat – chat, talk
  • to prepare for smt – prepare for something
  • favorite (US), favorite (UK) – favorite
  • subject – school subject
  • Math (Mathematics) – mathematics
  • to be good with numbers – be friends with numbers
  • to take place – to pass (about the event and the place where it takes place)
  • chemistry
  • to be ___ minutes long
  • break – break, change
  • except for – except for, except for
  • to last ( for) twenty minutes last twenty minutes (preposition “for” is optional)
  • lunch break – lunch break
  • to allow – allow
  • in class
  • especially especially
  • back in the day
  • cell phone – cell phone
  • to look forward to smt (to doing smt) – to look forward to something
  • to get tired – get tired
  • cafeteria – canteen
  • delicious buns
  • to say goodbye – say goodbye, say goodbye
  • This is what ___ looks like

Pay attention to these two phrases:

The break is twenty minutes long.

A thirty-minute long break.

In one case minutes, in the other minutes. If the noun whose duration is in question (break) comes before the duration itself, then we say minutes, hours, weeks , etc. In this case, these words are nouns.

The lesson is 40 minutes long.

The boys is 10 years old.

If the noun, the duration of which we are talking about, comes at the end, then the units of time are used in the singular and are written, as a rule, with a hyphen. In fact, the whole phrase combined with hyphens is an adjective.

We had a 40-minute-long lesson.

He is a 10-year-old boy.

In the last two examples, the words minute and year are not nouns, but part of the adjectives “forty-minute-long”, “ten-year-old”, something like words like “forty-minute” and “ten years old” in Russian.

My cards with words and phrases

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telling about your day in English

Essay in English is a useful but difficult task. You will need all the language skills, a rich vocabulary and a strong command of English grammar. How to cope with this difficult task? Let’s talk about the rules for writing a story about your daily routine, the structure of the essay, give examples and share useful vocabulary.

Article content:

  • How to describe your day in English
  • 5 rules for good writing
  • My Day Essay Examples
  • Topic My Daily Routine (My daily routine)
  • My Day Off Top
  • Topic My Working Day (My working day)

How to tell about your day in English

How to write a good essay? Pay attention to the structure: your story should consist of an introduction, body and conclusion.


Introduction is the first two or three lines of your essay, the task of which is to interest the reader and smoothly lead to the main content. It should not be long, it is best if you reduce its essence to one or two sentences. For example:

  • I would like to tell you about … – I would like to tell you about …
  • Let me tell you about … – Let me tell you about ….

Main part

In the main part, the stated topic should be fully disclosed. You describe all the activities or activities that your day includes. The volume of this part and its complexity depend on the age of the student and the level of his preparation.

Students in grades 3-4 usually talk about the most important events of their day: waking up, having breakfast, going to school, coming home, and doing homework.

Teenagers in grades 5-7 describe their day in detail. For example, you can write about visiting additional sections, circles, doing household chores (cleaning, helping mom or dad). If your day is monotonous, and the essay comes out small and boring, then it might be worth adding a few sentences about what you like to do and what you don’t.


The last one or two sentences where you come to a logical conclusion about your day. For example:

  • Every day is full of events and I like it. — My every day is full of events, and I like it.
  • That’s all I wanted to tell you about my daily routine. — That’s all I wanted to tell you about my daily routine.
  • Finally, I have a shower, chat with my parents and go to sleep. “Finally, I take a shower, talk to my parents and go to bed.

More topics in English:

  • Topic “Traveling”: Essay about travel in English
  • Story “My room” in English
  • How to write a letter to a friend in English: examples of texts with translation
  • Topic “About myself”: a short monologue about myself in English
  • Writing an essay on the topic “My future profession” in English
  • Description of family members in English
  • How to talk about your pet in English
  • My hobby: short story about hobbies in English
  • Topic “My friend”: description of a friend in English
  • Essay on “My Summer Holidays”

5 Rules for Good Writing

  1. Be prepared to write a few drafts. Submitting an essay that was written in one go for review is not a good idea. It is important to give yourself time to collect your thoughts, re-read the essay with a fresh mind and supplement it with important details.
  2. Check your essay for conciseness and argumentation. Have you expressed your thoughts accurately? Did you provide supporting examples? Were you able to uncover the idea and convey it to the reader?
  3. Check the text separately for errors and typos. It is very important to take a fresh look at the essay, to find all the inaccuracies and grammatical errors. If you skip this step, then most likely there will be typos in the text that will ruin the impression of even an interestingly written essay.
  4. To write a good essay, it is important to use a variety of vocabulary. It will also help you express your thoughts and avoid monosyllabic sentences.
  5. Use introductory words – these are linking words that will help you smoothly move from one thought to another. So the letter will sound more interesting, and thoughts more logical. Explore the most popular linking words in English in the list below.
  • in order to do smth, so as to do smth
  • despite the fact that – despite the fact that
  • first of all – firstly
  • finally – finally
  • moreover – moreover
  • however
  • still – still
  • likewise – exactly like
  • unlike – unlike
  • although – although

Describing your day involves a story about actions and events that are repeated from day to day. For this, the present simple tense is used in English.

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Examples of essays on the topic “My Day” with translation

Below you will find examples of essays on behalf of a student of grades 3-4 and 5-6 with translation into Russian. We analyzed the three most popular essay topics – “My working (school) day”, “My daily routine” and “My day off”. A thematic dictionary will help you write your own essay.

Topic “My daily routine”

Hello! My name is Petr. I am 13 years old. I’d like to tell you about my daily routine.

I wake up at about 7 a.m. every working day. First of all, I change my clothes, wash my face, clean my teeth and comb my hair.

Honestly, I feel sleepy every morning, but this is the only way to be on time for the lessons. I do not want to be late for school. That is why I have to get up so early. The morning exercises help me to feel the energy and positive spirits. I try doing it every day.

Then I have my breakfast. Usually my mother cooks me scrambled eggs. I also have a cup of sweet tea with a slice of lemon. After a tasty breakfast, I put on my outdoor clothes. Then I go to school. It takes me ten minutes to get to my school on foot.

As a rule, I have six classes every day from 8 a. m. to 2 p.m. My favorite school subject is mathematics. I always look forward to this lesson. I am also interested in physics, especially laboratory lessons. I don’t mind doing some workout, that’s why I go on PE with pleasure.

I also have lunch at midday in the school canteen. When my classes finish, I like walking with my schoolmates. Then, I go home. When lessons are over, I have time to have a rest. For example, I listen to music, read fantasy or play video games. Sometimes I help my parents with chores. For example, do the dishes or do the vacuuming.

At about 7 p.m., I do my homework. It takes me not much time. I like to study and do it well. Finally, I have a shower, watch TV and go to bed at about 10:30 p.m.

Topic “My daily routine”

Hello! My name is Petr. I am 13 years old. I would like to tell you about my daily routine. I wake up around 7 am. First of all, I change clothes, wash my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair.

Honestly, every morning I want to sleep more. But I don’t want to be late for school. That’s why I have to get up so early. Morning exercises help me feel energy and good mood. Then I have breakfast. My mother usually cooks eggs for me. I also drink a cup of sweet tea with lemon.

After a delicious breakfast, I put on my street clothes. Then I go to school. I walk to school in ten minutes. As a rule, every day I have six lessons from 8 am to 2 pm. My favorite school subject is mathematics. I always look forward to it. I also like physics, especially laboratory classes. I also do not mind working out, so I go to physical education with pleasure.

At noon I have lunch in the school cafeteria. When the lessons are over, I like to walk with my classmates. Then I go home. When the lessons are over, I have time to rest. For example, I listen to music, read fantasy or play video games. Sometimes I help my parents around the house. For example, vacuuming or washing dishes.

Around seven o’clock in the evening I do my homework. It doesn’t take me much time. I like to study and I’m good at it. Finally, I take a shower, watch TV and go to bed around 10:30 pm.

Useful vocabulary for the composition “My daily routine” (“My daily routine”)

  • get up / wake up – wake up
  • take a shower – take a shower
  • do the vacuuming – vacuuming
  • do the cooking – cook
  • do the ironing – iron clothes
  • walk the dog – walk the dog
  • do the dishes – wash dishes
  • put on – put on
  • do morning exercises – do morning exercises
  • brush / clean teeth – brush your teeth
  • brush / comb hair – comb hair
  • have lunch – have lunch
  • look forward to – look forward to
  • go to bed – go to sleep
  • do chores – to do housework
  • listen to music – listen to music
  • in my free time – in my free time
  • have lunch – have lunch
  • do homework – do homework
  • do something well – to succeed in something

An essay on the topic “My day off” (“My day off”) requires knowledge of a variety of vocabulary that describes events, activities and emotions. Below you will find an example of an essay and a selection of useful thematic vocabulary.

Topic “My day off”

Hello, I am Aleks. I am 14. Let me tell you some words about my day off. I am lucky because I usually have two days off. On Saturday and Sunday, I am free from school classes. That’s why I can afford to relax and spend time with relatives and friends.

As I am very busy on other days, I try to rest on weekends. Truly speaking, I am not an early riser. This is the reason I wake up at nine o’clock in the morning or even later. My parents and I have late breakfast, watch TV and enjoy spending time together.

Usually, my mother cooks something tasty. For example, fried chicken, potatoes, salad, or sandwiches. I adore weekend food. Especially cottage cheese, donuts, and ice cream. But the most favorite dish for me is pizza with cheese, ham and tomatoes. I ask my mom to cook it every weekend.

If the weather is sunny, I never stay indoors. My friends and I go for a walk. We play volleyball, football, and basketball. I enjoy spending time with my friends. Because I have a lot of free time and there is no need to rush. Most of all I like roller-blading and cycling. All these activities make me happy.

Finally, when I came back home, I like idling a little. I just surf the Internet, play video games and read adventure books. During the holidays my parents and I usually visit our relatives. I am always glad to meet my cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. We exchange gifts and eat delicious homemade food. I love spending time with my big family.

By the way, we do something special on weekends. For example, we go to an art exhibition, to the theater or a concert.

The weekends full of activities help me gain some energy for the working week. It’s a little sad when they come to the end. Nevertheless, I am full of energy and ready to study.

My Day Off Topic

Hello, my name is Alex. I am 14 years old. Let me tell you a few words about my day off. I’m lucky because I usually have two days off. On Saturday and Sunday I am free from school. Therefore, I can afford to relax and spend time with relatives and friends.

Since I am very busy on other days, I try to take a break on weekends. To be honest, I don’t like getting up early. For this reason, I wake up at nine in the morning or even later. My parents and I have a late breakfast, watch TV and enjoy spending time together.

Usually my mother cooks something tasty. For example, fried chicken, potatoes, salad or sandwiches. I love weekend food. Especially cheesecakes, donuts and ice cream. But my favorite dish is pizza with cheese, ham and tomatoes. I ask my mom to cook it every weekend.

If the weather is sunny, I never stay at home. We go for walks with friends. We play volleyball, football and basketball. I like spending time with my friends. Because I have a lot of free time and there is no need to hurry. Most of all I love rollerblading and cycling. All these activities make me happy.

Finally, when I get home, I like to hang out a little. I just surf the internet playing video games and reading adventure books. During the holiday weekend, my parents and I usually visit our relatives. I am always glad to meet my cousins ​​and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles. We exchange gifts and eat delicious homemade food. I love spending time with my big family. By the way, sometimes on weekends we do something special. For example, we go to an art exhibition, to the theater or to a concert.

An eventful weekend helps me recharge for the work week. It’s a little sad when they come to an end. However, I am full of energy and ready to study.

Useful vocabulary for the composition “My day off”

  • I don’t have to hurry
  • go skating – skateboard
  • speak over the phone – speak on the phone
  • play a game of chess – play chess
  • exhibition – exhibition
  • spend time outdoors – spend time outdoors
  • go to the Zoo – go to the zoo
  • get up late – get up late
  • play computer games – play computer games
  • ride a bike – ride a bike
  • go to the amusement park – visit the amusement park
  • go to the circus – visit the circus
  • go to the swimming pool – go to the pool
  • go roller-blading – rollerblading
  • go to the theater – go to the theater
  • idle – idle
  • delicious homemade food – delicious homemade food
  • stay indoors – stay at home
  • late breakfast – late breakfast
  • adventure – adventure

Topic “My working (school) day”

Hello! My name is Katya. I’d like to tell you about my day at school. First of all, I want to say that I like my schedule. I go to the 6th grade. The school program is so diverse! It includes various school subjects, like maths, natural science, the English language, PE and music. I love all of them, especially foreign languages. I would like to become a teacher or interpreter in the future.

The school classes begin at 8 a.m. and last till 3 p.m. There are breaks between lessons. At this time we can have a snack, walk with friends or prepare for another class. Every lesson demands concentration. I try to do my best and often get “five” of “four”.

I am never bored at school because I mix school subjects with sport and art. My school day is full of different activities: learning, going to sports, taking part in clubs, and so on. After obligatory subjects, my friend and I go to the elective clubs: drawing, dancing, and debate class. These lessons are so different from obligatory ones! I enjoy dancing, I think that I do it rather well. After my elective lessons, I go home. It takes me about 15 minutes to get home by bus. When I come back home, the first thing that I want to do is have dinner. Luckily, my mother always lays the table by the time of my returning home.

We eat, share the news and experience from the day. I like taking a nap before doing my homework. The home task is not very difficult. So I finish it by 7 p.m. and have some free time before going to bed.

My day is full of activities. All of them make my school day thrilling.

Topic “My working (school) day”

Hello! My name is Katya. I would like to talk about my day at school. First of all, I want to say that I like my schedule. I’m in the 6th grade. The curriculum is so varied! It includes various school subjects such as mathematics, science, English, physical education and music. I love all these subjects, especially foreign languages. In the future, I would like to become a teacher or a translator.

School starts at 8 am and lasts until 3 pm. There are short breaks between lessons. At this time, we can have a snack, go out with friends or prepare for the next lesson. Each lesson requires concentration. I try very hard and often get “five” or “four”.

I never get bored at school because I mix school subjects with sports and art. My school day is full of different activities: study, sports, participation in circles and so on. After the compulsory subjects, my friend and I go to electives: drawing, dancing and debate. These classes are so different from the required ones! I like to dance, I think I’m good at it. After extracurricular activities, I go home. The journey home by bus takes about 15 minutes. When I get home, the first thing I want to do is have dinner. Luckily, my mom always sets the table for me when I get home.

We eat, share news and impressions of the day. I like to take a nap before doing homework. Homework is usually not very difficult. Therefore, I finish it by seven o’clock in the evening and have some free time before bed.