Travelers rest elementary school: Travelers Rest, SC Elementary Schools

Опубликовано: January 19, 2023 в 7:54 pm


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Travelers Rest, SC Elementary Schools

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  3. Travelers Rest, SC Elementary Schools

Map of Travelers Rest, SC with School District Boundaries

School Type Students Student to Teacher Ratio Free or Reduced Lunch School District

Gateway Elementary

Public 742 19.0 49%

Heritage Elementary

Public 670 17.1 61%

Northwest Middle School

Public 796 17. 7 58%

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Listed below are all public and private grade schools located in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. Click on the public or private elementary school to view that specific school’s details

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national moving companies, cross country moving companies, interstate moving companies,
or long distance movers. Also be sure to check Travelers Rest, SC job listings if you still need a job in the area.

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Number of Schools

Number of Schools in Nearby Cities
Number of Schools
Greenville 68
Easley 12
Taylors 10
Greer 10
Travelers Rest 3
Marietta 1
Number of Schools in Travelers Rest Compared Statewide

Travelers Rest has 3 school(s)

Number of Schools
46. 285714285714
Travelers Rest 3
2. 1428571428571

Student Enrollment

Student Enrollment in Nearby Cities
Student Enrollment in Nearby Cities
Greenville 32695
Greer 7492
Easley 6558
Taylors 5180
Travelers Rest 2208
Marietta 482
Number of Students in Travelers Rest Compared Statewide

Travelers Rest has 2208 students(s)

Number of Schools
22626. 571428571
Travelers Rest 2104.5714285714
1251. 1428571429
366. 57142857143

Student Teacher Ratio

Student Teacher Ratio in Nearby Cities
Student Teacher Ratio in Nearby Cities
Marietta 14.8
Greenville 15.6
Taylors 17.2
Easley 17. 2
Greer 17.4
Travelers Rest 17.9
Student Teacher Ratio in Travelers Rest Compared Statewide

Travelers Rest has a 17.9 student teacher ratio

Student Teacher Ratio in Travelers Rest Compared Statewide
13. 714285714286
15. 757142857143
Travelers Rest 18.028571428571

Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage

Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage in Nearby Cities
Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage in Nearby Cities
Taylors 0. 3992
Greer 0.4128
Easley 0.4991
Greenville 0.5072
Travelers Rest 0.5557
Marietta 0.7075
Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage in Travelers Rest Compared Statewide

Travelers Rest has a 55.6% Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage

Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage in Travelers Rest Compared Statewide
0. 42097142857143
Travelers Rest 0.55577142857143
0. 68294285714286
1. 0066428571429

Other Nearby Cities

City Students Distance
Travelers Rest, SC 2,208 0 miles
Marietta, SC 482 5 miles
Greenville, SC 32,695 10 miles
Taylors, SC 5,180 10 miles
Greer, SC 7,492 10 miles
Easley, SC 6,558 15 miles

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South Carolina Public School Statistics

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  • Free Lunch Assistance Rankings in South Carolina

South Carolina Private School Statistics

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  • Private School Student/Teacher Ratio Rankings in South Carolina
  • Private School Full Time Teacher Rankings in South Carolina

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200 Hawkins Rd ♦ Travelers Rest, S. C. 29690 ♦ 864-355-5200 ♦ Fax: 864-355-5259

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Change in Assignment Lottery Process

Step 1: Returning Students – By Thursday, November 10, 2022, parents with a student(s) currently attending a school on Change in Assignment Choice will receive an email from Planning and Demographics and must respond to email if student is not returning.

Step 2: Choice Lottery Window – From November 14, 2022 through December 2, 2022, parents/guardians go to their first choice school to complete a choice form for up to three schools (this form is not available online). Parents receive a copy of the choice form with the number to later check the lottery results.  Order of receipt of form during lottery window does not affect selection. (Note: Parents of 5K students for 2023-24 should submit choice requests during the Choice Lottery Window, and not wait until kindergarten registration. This includes parents who already have a sibling at the school. Space is the determining factor whether a child is granted a slot.)

Step 3: Lottery Results Posted – No later than Wednesday, February 8, 2023, lottery results reflecting the numerical order of applicants will be posted on the GCS website. Results provide the order of applicants by grade for each school only and do not reflect assignment or approval. This list is static and does not reflect waitlist number(s) after initial choice allocations. Parents can access lottery numerical order results by using their choice form number. Later, available space by grade level will determine the choice assignments for each school. Requests submitted January 3, 3023 or later are not posted.

Order of Lottery Assignments (Based on space availability)

  • Students with siblings who will return to the requested school on Change in Assignment Choice for the upcoming school year have first priority of assignment to their #1 choice school if space is available.
  • Students from overcrowded schools may be given the next priority. Decisions made yearly.
  • All other students residing within the school system and children of full-time District employees have the next priority.
  • Students residing outside the school system

Step 4: Change in Assignment Choice Notification – By Friday, March 31, 2023 notification letters will be mailed to parents/guardians advising if the student received a slot at a requested school or if placed on the wait list. Wait list number will be provided.

Step 5: Waiting Lists Established – Students who are not assigned to a requested choice school will be placed on a waiting list for each requested school. If space becomes available at the requested school(s), students on the waiting list are assigned based on their established ranking from the waiting list. This process will continue through the first eight days of the 2023-24 school year.

Additional Information

  • Parents must provide transportation to/from school attending through Change in Assignment Choice.
  • Attendance at a school other than home-based may render a student ineligible for athletic participation for one calendar year as determined by the SC High School League.
  • Change in Assignment Choice requests for students qualifying for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or for accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act will be considered on an equal basis if the requested school provides an appropriate education in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program or Accommodation Plan, is appropriately accessible, and has space in the program the student requires.
  • All Change in Assignment Choice requests are filled from lottery results and post lottery results if space is available; otherwise students are placed on waiting list.

Questions should be directed to Student Assignment Office at 355-7266 or 355-7263 or email [email protected].

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Dunaeva N.B. Nizhny Novgorod,


We need rest to recover
mental and physical performance. Distinguish between passive and active
relaxation. Passive rest involves the cessation of activity and complete
physical rest of the body, active rest – switching the body’s activity
for another type of activity. As they say: the best rest is a change of view

Rest is one of the essential conditions for the conservation and
promoting health, maintaining a high working capacity and achieving
active longevity. Good rest is part of a healthy lifestyle and
it is provided through the organization of free time, as well as various
activities that are different from everyday work activities.

Recovery of working capacity is helped by rest on
resorts, holiday homes, etc. One of the popular types of recreation is
travels. In this paper, travel as a form of recreation will be considered.

Purpose of research:

Determine the role of travel in life
of people. Show students that traveling is one of the best forms of recreation.


Study travel history.

Tell about the types and methods of modern

Prove that traveling is one of the best views

CHAPTER 1. History of travel.

Travel as the meaning of life of our ancestors.

in movements and travels arose among our ancestors in a deep
antiquities. Moreover, the term “journey” can be interpreted literally, since
“familiarization” with new territories was vital.

primitive people was a common phenomenon. Resettlements were
necessary. Climatic changes were, as a rule, very long
character: the onset of glaciers or interglacial periods numbered in tens
and hundreds of thousands of years. They brought a gradual change in flora and fauna. But could
there may also be fleeting cataclysms, such as earthquakes, which forced people
leave this area.

often set fire to the grass to make it possible to appear as quickly as possible
new, juicier plants. There has been no recovery in some areas
of the former vegetation cover, animals also disappeared accordingly. people
I had to look for new territories.

with new territories, it was also important for hunters who had to track down
animals. Obviously, the hunters had to move significantly away from their
parking lots. So that other members of the tribe can help them carry or
to cut the prey, the first maps began to be created.

civilization is closely connected with the development and strengthening of contacts between
separate states, nationalities, territories. Numerous – from the very
the beginning of the development of human society – travel initially played purely
practical role: revealing the nature of neighbors – their friendly or hostile
mood – exchange of experience, search for sales markets and the acquisition of goods, etc.

like this
way, for the survival and preservation of a kind in a changing and not always
hospitable and comfortable world, a person was forced to quite a significant
time to be on the road, to migrate. And the resettlement of people all over the planet –
brilliant confirmation of this.

Great travelers in the history of our planet.

Now almost every corner of the Earth has been explored.
There is no longer a place where a human foot would not set foot. Even the arctic ice
succumbed to his pressure.

But it wasn’t always like that. For our ancestors, our
the planet was an unknown and mysterious world, and behind the horizon were hiding
new countries, outlandish customs and tribes.

A great contribution to the study of the Earth was made by the most
famous travelers whose names will forever remain in our memory, because.
it was they who made world discoveries that turned people’s idea of
our planet.

The most famous
traveler is Christopher Columbus.

This man was the first
who discovered the mainland America. All his life he tried to find treasures, but found
something better. Columbus spent half of his life at sea. He lived in a foreign land, all
memorized and sketched geographical maps. Columbus traveled through
The Atlantic Ocean, sailed to the Bahamas, and opened the coast of Cuba.
In addition, the navigator reached the island of Dominica, discovered Puerto Rico and
Antilles. This man made a huge contribution to the development of history and
travel. Thanks to Columbus, a new world opened up, with new adventures.

Not a little important
role in the development of navigation and the study of new lands was played by the Portuguese
traveler Ferdinand Magellan. His ships found a strait in the Pacific Ocean, later
called Magellanic, and reached the shores of South America.

Having visited
Philippine Islands, the team, after a skirmish with the local population, was able to
be saved, but Magellan is not. He died without reaching his native lands. AT
memory of him, his ships brought only new knowledge and discoveries of marine

Studied the seas and
oceans is another famous navigator and traveler James Cook. Each
his expedition was accompanied by observations and research. He is exactly
made maps of the lands he visited. Thanks to his expedition, people learned
that New Zealand is two separate islands. The expeditions continued
after another, more and more islands were put on the map.

Dreamed of discoveries
and the travels of Vasco da Gama. He was from a noble family, was educated,
well-read, studied mathematics and astronomy. Vasco da Gama wanted to find
sea ​​route to India. Having received approval from the emperor, the traveler
set sail. His expedition was still able to discover the shores of India.
Many Russian travelers also added many new facts and discoveries
into history. Many of them continue to delight mankind with their discoveries and
records. Fedor Konyukhov was no exception, who made about 40 expeditions,
traveled the seas and oceans. Konyukhov, wherever he was. All his knowledge
very useful for many calculations and novice curious travelers.

Probably the most famous traveler in
world can be called Jacques-Yves Cousteau. This is the first oceanographer and traveler,
who gave people the beauty of the underwater world. He was the first to “plunge headlong” into
this amazing and fascinating underwater world. Together with his team
Cousteau conducted many expeditions and research. His family is completely him in this
helped. This outstanding man deservedly received his title of the best
specialist who explored the depths of the sea.

1.3History of travel in Russia
is rooted in ancient times and the Middle Ages.

Geographical position of Russia, located in the center
crossroads of trade routes between West and East, since ancient times
ensured stable international relations, which were the basis of various kinds
contacts. With the adoption of Christianity, these contacts were further strengthened by
representatives of the church who came from Byzantium, translators, copyists of books
etc. , trade relations expanded. Russian merchants had their trading rows in
most different countries. Numerous pilgrims traveled to the saints

In 1422-1472 famous travels of Athanasius Nikitin took place
“Journey beyond three seas”, to find new markets. Passed through Persia
India, and on the way back Somalia, the African coast. Nikitin wrote everything down, everything

Peter I played a great role in the development of Russian travels.
Peter I sent people not only on business trips, but also on educational trips.
purpose. Peter punished: “look, see and write down.” Peter went to Italy
England, Holland, traveled not only by myself with educational and wellness
purpose, but also forced others to travel and be treated.

Peter became the founder of balneological tourism. The first
the resort that Peter created was named after the god of war and iron Mars,
“Martial Waters”. In the 18th century, travel became an important part of life.
secular society. The nobles traveled all over the world. In those days it was
prestigious to visit Europe and the East. Travel was a means to
in order to pull a person out of his daily life, to broaden his horizons,
master the language.

Until the middle of XIX travel
pursued trade, educational, medical, cognitive, missionary
and religious purposes. At the beginning of the XIX century, the beginning of the excursion




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9000 9000 9000 2.1. Travel types.

Scientific and technological progress of the 20th century
allowed people to overcome time and distance, in the blink of an eye to cover
vast expanses of our planet. Now the whole world is open. Restrictions
the past ceased to exist.

Modern life is impossible without
travel. First of all, in big cities most of us every day
make trips to school, to the office, to the factory. For some reach from home
to work is a real journey. They take the subway, change to the bus
or take a taxi. From time to time we have to travel to another city or
country on business. After working for a year, people get a vacation and they don’t like it.
spend it at home.
Millions of people around the world spend their holidays traveling. They are
travel to see other countries and continents, modern
cities and ruins of ancient cities to enjoy the picturesque scenery or
just for a change of scenery. It is always interesting to discover something new, to see how
diverse life, meet new people, try unusual dishes, hear
unusual musical rhythms.
Those who live outside the city like to go to the big city and spend
time visiting museums and art galleries, window shopping and
dining at exotic restaurants. City dwellers usually like the quiet
vacation by the sea or in the mountains, when there is nothing to do but walk,
swim and laze around on the beach.

Depending on the purpose of the trip
subdivided into:

Cultural (excursion)
– visits to attractive places, sightseeing of cultural, historical,
natural attractions;

Sports – Active
recreation for the purpose of playing sports, participation in

sporting events;

Amateur – hunting,
fishing and others;

Entertainment – visit
various entertainment centers, water parks, zoos and so on


Beach holiday – passive
recreation for the purpose of sunbathing, swimming

sanatoriums and hospitals.

The traveler usually pursues
multiple goals (for example, a trip to a resort and sightseeing),
in which the dominant goal determines the tourist route, season,
duration of travel, mode of transportation, type of temporary accommodation
(hotel, tourist base, tent), with a group or individually, with a family, with
own tourist equipment, on the principles of self-service. Goals and
travel conditions, in turn, are determined by material possibilities
tourist, the state of his health, age, profession, cultural level and

It is customary to distinguish organized recreation
– travel according to the program outlined by the tourist agency, with
providing a range of services, and unorganized, the so-called
independent, travel according to a plan developed by the vacationer, with more
or less significant self-service.

2.1 Ways to travel in
modern life.

and technological progress of the 20th century allowed people to overcome time and distance, in
the blink of an eye to cover vast expanses of our planet. Now the whole world

Limitations of the past
have ceased to exist.
That is, those who are going on a trip for business or pleasure, have
different means of transport at your disposal. If you want to go somewhere
as soon as possible, it is best to travel by plane. Best to order
tickets in advance. On the appointed day, you go to the airport by car.
Soon you will board a large airliner and it will take you to new lands.
Ahead, in the cockpit, are the pilot and crew. Passengers can recline in
comfortable armchairs. At the back of the plane is a small kitchen where flight attendants cook
food. Finally we take off, and a few minutes later the voice of the pilot informs us that
how high is the flight. Sometimes you can see the ground. She looks like a map.
Our plane is due to arrive in eight hours. Time passes quickly. Airplane
arrives at the airport on time.
Traveling by train is slower than traveling by plane, but
trains have their advantages. On the train, you see the surrounding landscapes all the time, so
that you are not just getting to your holiday destination, your holiday has already begun. To
the train journey was a success, you should book tickets in advance. When
the day of your departure comes, you go to the station, which is usually located
closer to home than the airport. The porter helps you with your luggage. you go to the wagon
and find out whether the upper or lower bunk (bed) is in your compartment. Every compartment has
a window, a table, special boxes for suitcases and four beds.
Those who go on vacation and want to make
pleasant journey. Aboard a large cruise ship, people cross the oceans
and visit other countries. The ship calls for a day or two in different ports, and
passengers go ashore to take a tour. Swimming across the ocean
this is a magnificent and long journey, when around you there are giant
waves, and below you is a four-deck liner. The only drawback is the sea
illness, so before you travel, you need to find out if you suffer from it.
Many people prefer to travel by car. Traveling like this
Thus, you can see the cities through which your route passes. Most
the big advantage of such a trip is that you can stop
whenever you want and do not depend on any schedule. You are leaving from the door
your home and choose the path that you like best.
Bus tours are inexpensive and very popular. Them
plan as a vacation, because there is an opportunity to see a lot
attractions and at the same time have a good rest.
The cheapest and one of the most popular types of travel is hiking. For
nature lover is always a great opportunity to communicate directly with
her. Walking through the forest or along the river, relaxing on the shore of a forest lake or climbing
on the mountain, you feel like a part of nature.
All types of transportation have their advantages and disadvantages. People
choose what suits their plans and capabilities. As we travel we see
and learn many things that we would never have seen or learned at home.

technology gives us amazing opportunities to make virtual
travel to any place in the world without even leaving home.

virtual travel cannot and should not replace real travel with
their whole range of vivid sensations and impressions. But they help us for free
see any corner of the earth, even if you yourself will never be able to visit it.
In addition, it is a very convenient way to get a lot of useful information in advance.
and plan your future travels.

you can fly in the stratosphere over the entire planet or over the roofs of Paris and
Petersburg, look into the halls of the British Museum or the treasury of the Kremlin,
to be among the mountains and waterfalls of Iceland or in the amazing underwater world on
Galapagos Islands…


necessary for all of us, it develops our imagination, gives us movement, and
movement, as we all know, is life.

does not always mean long trips on tour packages or visiting
other cities and countries. You can travel within your city,
visiting new places, various museums, cultural parks, etc. and it’s much
more interesting than lying at home on the couch in front of the TV, computer or
glancing at the phone.

I think
everyone will agree that travel broadens one’s horizons. This is true. When switching to
unfamiliar place you will get unforgettable impressions about your journey.

Tourism. Types of tourism and forms of tourist travel


Educational :

  • introduce the history of tourism, types of tourism, the formation of modern forms of tourism, professions in the field of tourism.

students should know:

  • types of tourism depending on the purpose of travel;
  • modern forms of tourism activities;
  • professions in the field of tourism.

Educational: promote labor education and vocational guidance, promote aesthetic education (aesthetics of notes, aesthetics of work performed).

Developing: to develop the ability to logically express one’s thoughts, to develop the ability to highlight the main thing in the studied material, to develop cognitive interest.

Interdisciplinary connections: geography, history, local history.

Lesson type: a lesson in mastering new knowledge.

Class type: combined lesson.

Teaching methods: verbal (explanation, conversation), practical (independent work), work in “small groups”.

Equipment: PC, presentation for the lesson on the topic, videos: “What is tourism?”, “Types of tourism”, “Park im. D.K. Motherland in the village Chobruchi”, professiograms.


For the teacher:

  1. Gansky V.A., Andreichuk E.V. History of travel and tourism: educational and methodological complex for students / V. A. Gansky, Andreychuk E.V. – Novopolotsk: PGU, 2014.
  2. Babkin A.V. Special types of tourism.

For students:

  1. Batalova L.V. From the history of tourism development / / Sat. scientific articles. Issue. 2. Izhevsk, 1999, – 148 p.
  2. Birzhakov M.B., Kazakov N.P. Safety in tourism. – St. Petersburg: 2006.
  3. Zorin I.V., Kvartalnov V.A. Tourist terminological dictionary. M., Soviet sport, 1999, – 384 p.
  4. Makarevich E.A. Tourist weekend trips. S-Pb. 1990.


Slide 1. Ecology and tourism

I. Organizational stage


    1. Setting educational and educational goals.
    2. Motivation and justification for the need to study the topic.

    II. Preparatory stage

    Updating the initial level of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic (survey questions).

    1. At the last lesson, we talked about the study of the native land, the study of its nature, its history from ancient times to the present day, as well as the population of the native land, its culture, religion, way of life … and this is all called …. (local history)

    2. Homework was to complete a guide to interesting places in my native land.

    1. What is a guide?
    2. What are the main requirements for the implementation of the guide.

    III. Main stage

    3.1. Presentation of a new topic

    We will turn to your guides a little later, but now, to move on to a new topic, I suggest you solve a crossword puzzle.

    Slide 2


    1. A river is crossed over it. (bridge)
    2. Sea travel. (cruise)
    3. The more wood, the brighter it is . (bonfire)
    4. The place where the river originates. (source)
    5. The angle between the north direction and the direction to some distant object. (azimuth)
    6. An instrument that helps to determine cardinal directions. (compass)

    Keyword Tourism.

    I would like to start today’s lesson with the words of the video blogger G. Alexandrov: “Traveling helps to understand the beauty of space and the pricelessness of time.”

    Slide 3

    Write down the topic of the lesson: Tourism. Types of tourism and forms of tourist travel.

    What is tourism? (student answers)

    I invite you to watch the video “What is tourism?” (Appendix 1)

    History of tourism:

    etc. Almost all major ancient Greek thinkers traveled frequently. In the VI century. BC e. The ancient Greeks and Romans traveled to Egypt, where they were interested in history, culture, nature, and peculiar Egyptian structures.

    The philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who was the first to describe his numerous travels, visited the Nile Valley to gain knowledge. The Roman philosopher and writer Seneca in his Letters to Lucilius expressed the most important principle of travel, which has not lost its relevance today. He wrote that for travel it is necessary “to choose healthy places not only for the body, but also for nature.”

    Traveling in Ancient Greece was educational and entertaining: the country hosted the Olympic Games, festivals, etc.

    Crusades can be considered a kind of “tourism”.

    A special role in the development of tourism and local history activities belongs to the geographical discoveries of the XV – early. 16th century Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Fernand Magellan, made it possible to learn new lands, the peoples that inhabited, their life, way of life, culture, religion. (Appendix 2)

    Slide 4

    Purposes of travel in the ancient world:

    • Search for favorable living conditions.
    • Knowledge of intercultural communications.
    • Search for ways and contacts with other nations.

    Name any travelers you know. (student answers)

    Slide 5

    Famous travelers:

    Christopher Columbus discoverer of America.

    Vasco da Gama pioneer of the sea route to India.

    Miklouho-Maclay – p Having lived for more than a year in New Guinea, he not only discovered new lands, but also taught the natives to grow corn, pumpkin, beans and fruit trees.

    Slide 6

    Afanasy Nikitin – the first Russian traveler who visited India and Persia. Returning back, he visited Samoli, Turkey and Muscat. His notes “Journey Beyond Three Seas” have become valuable historical and literary aids.

    Fedor Konyukhov is by far the most famous Russian traveler. He is 60, but his soul is still full of thirst for new adventures.

    Jacques-Yves Cousteau famous French oceanographer, traveler and “pioneer” of underwater filming and research, inventor of aqualung and author of many books.

    Slide 7

    The term “ tourism” was coined by writer Mark Twain

    Slide 8

    invented by one person – the English entrepreneur Thomas Cook – he and is the founder of tourism.

    The first travel company was called: “Thomas Cook & Son”.

    July 5, 1841 to the sounds of an orchestra and the cheers of the crowd, 570 people departed in an organized manner for Loughborough (a city in Leicestershire, England).

    This date can be safely considered as the birthday of tourism.

    Slide 9

    The word “tourism ” comes from the French “Toig”, which means a walk, trip, journey. Tour – a trip somewhere with a mandatory return back.

    Tourism – this is a trip organized during leisure time, work for the purpose of active recreation and cultural leisure in the bosom of nature, health promotion, etc.

    Depending on the purpose of travel tourism is divided into:

    • Educational;
    • Wellness;
    • Sport;
    • Pilgrimage;
    • Business;
    • Guest, nostalgic.

    Let’s take a closer look at each type of tourism.

    Slide 10

    Educational tourism is visiting interesting places and objects and getting information about them. These are trips to other cities, other countries, visiting unique natural areas, bird watching in nature. Tourists get new impressions, broaden their horizons.

    Health tourism – is tourist trips, trips and hikes in any area with favorable natural and climatic conditions and staying there for the purpose of recreation. This type of tourism is associated with the stay at the resorts of practically healthy persons who do not need medical care, medical supervision and treatment.

    Slide 11

    Sports tourism – a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming obstacles in the natural environment (roads and trails with various surfaces and off-road, crossings, passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

    Pilgrimage tourism is the activity of organizing tourist visits to objects related to historical, cultural and natural heritage. Acquaintance of representatives of various religions and strata of the population not only with religious, but also with the historical, cultural and artistic values ​​of the visited places, gives them the opportunity to gain new knowledge, to assess the surrounding reality in a new way.

    Slide 12

    Business travel – trips within the country or abroad related to business, including participation in exhibitions, conferences, forums, etc.

    Guest, nostalgic tourism – type of tourism associated with visiting relatives, parents or places of historical residence.

    Couchsurfing – exchange vacation. Couchsurfers are people who travel the world, staying not in hotels, but with acquaintances whom they previously met through the Internet.

    And now, to consolidate this material, let’s do the exercise “Guess who it is?”

    3.2. Independent work of students

    Work in “small groups”: cards “Categories of travelers”. ( Appendix 3 )

    At the next stage of our lesson, we will consider the forms of tourist travel.

    Slide 13

    Forms of tourist trips

    Tourist trips are carried out by forming tourist groups in various organizational forms: walks, excursions, expeditions, trips.

    Walking – the simplest form of tourist and local history work. Walks are organized in the forest, on the river, in the mountains, etc. They do not need special expenses and special tourist equipment.

    Excursion is a collective visit to outstanding places for educational, educational, scientific or entertainment purposes. They are clearly divided into three types: nature, the sphere of economic activity, and the sphere of cultural activity.

    Educational (program) excursions – this is a short-term exit of students into the outside world planned by the program to get acquainted with specific objects, typical phenomena and processes that confirm the theoretical positions considered in the classroom.

    Extracurricular local history excursions – an organized outing or trip for a group of students to explore their region.

    General educational excursions – this is a trip or a trip to cultural, natural or economic objects of an amateur group of students under the guidance of a guide in order to broaden their horizons and raise the general cultural level of the tourists.

    Hiking is a trip of an organized group using active forms of movement along a certain route, during which it is possible to overcome natural obstacles: passes, rapids, caves, etc. different categories and degrees of difficulty. A tourist trip, as a rule, pursues several goals, in which the dominant goal determines the tourist route, the duration of the trip, the mode of transportation, the type of temporary housing and other conditions. In the campaign, the ability to overcome difficulties is manifested, people learn collectivism and mutual assistance, discipline and assertiveness increase in them. Hiking is especially valuable, because very often people reveal themselves in a completely different way during a hike than at school or at work. The main difference between a tourist trip and an excursion is that in a tourist trip, observations are made of various objects, phenomena and processes that occur on the route, according to a pre-planned plan, while an excursion involves the study of precisely selected objects according to a special program

    Expedition is a trip that is carried out to study the history of the native land, the environment, the phenomena of social life, civilization, the study of geographical, ethnographic, historical objects with the use of technical vehicles or without them. Expeditions, depending on the purpose and direction of work, can be local history, scientific, etc. Expeditions differ from campaigns in more complex educational tasks, as well as in duration. In the system of local history work, expeditions appear as a more complex type of travel compared to excursions and hikes. The expedition gives students the opportunity to master the elementary methods of research work in the field, to develop initiative and amateur performance. The subjects of school local history expeditions are diverse and depend mainly on the needs of local scientific and economic institutions in local history materials, the level of scientific training of teachers and high school students. Skillfully organized local history and expedition work brings young researchers pleasure from the social significance and usefulness of the work performed.

    Awareness of this increases the sense of responsibility for the assigned task, develops activity, initiative and independence, and strengthens discipline.

    And now let’s get acquainted with the types of tourism. The next stage of our work: write down the types of tourism in the abstract.

    Slide 14

    Video “Types of tourism”. ( Appendix 4 )

    Today, tourism is so well developed that there are quite a lot of professions related to it. This is a profitable business, because for some countries tourists are the main source of income.

    Here, in Transnistria, tourism services are also in great demand. Let’s look at what professions are very popular.

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    September 27 – World Tourism Day

    professions in the field of tourism:

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    Tour operator – engaged in both group and individual travels, and is also intermediaries in provision of trips organized by other tourism organizations. Tour operators sell tickets, make travel offers, make hotel reservations, arrange visas, arrange travel insurance, inform customers about changes to bookings or cancellations of flights, as well as their rights, duties and responsibilities.

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    Travel agent – advises clients on the travel services offered by the company. His responsibilities include the execution of contracts and the sale of vouchers.

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    Tour guide is a tour guide. They conduct excursions to places of interest, exhibitions, expositions, museums, nature reserves, architectural structures or garden and park ensembles.

    Guide – one who accompanies tourists and shows them the sights of the country, city, etc.; tour guide, professional guide. The guide introduces tourists and sightseers to the sights of the area. He can work with visiting tourists or accompany a tourist group on trips to other cities and countries.

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    The Travel Manager is a specialist in the travel industry who manages travel arrangements for clients.

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    Travel Service Specialist – works in travel agencies, hotels, museums. Provides services in the field of tourism: planning tours, preparing documents, informing clients about tourist offers, travel support, excursions. A specialist in tourist services must be sociable, know a foreign language, be able to work with office equipment and have Internet skills.

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    Practical work

    1. Individual work and work in “small groups”: implementation of the cluster “Professiogram for a profession in the field of tourism”.

    Cluster – this is the name of the graphical method of organizing information, which makes it possible to visualize thought processes. It serves as a visual aid for the student.

    While the guys are doing practical work, you can watch the video “Park im. D.K. Motherland in the village Chobruchi.

    slide 22

    IV. Final stage

    1. Control of assimilation of a new topic and consolidation of new knowledge.

    1.1. Name the founder and date of birth of tourism.

    1.2. What is travel tourism?

    1.3. Name the types of sports tourism.

    1.4. Professions in the field of tourism?

    2. Summing up the lesson.

    2.1. Generalization of the material.

    2.2. Answers on questions.

    2.3. Grading.

    3. Homework: Professions of the future in tourism (make a collage).

    We would like to end our lesson with the words of Aurelius Augustine “The world is a book. And whoever did not travel through it read only one page in it.

    I wish you all a pleasant journey.

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    In conclusion, I would like to know your impression of today’s lesson. To do this, we use the method of reflection “Islands”.

    Position your boat near the island that you think reflects your attitude to the lesson.