Temecula school ratings: Best Public Schools in Temecula, California & Rankings

Опубликовано: December 9, 2022 в 8:49 pm


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Education Rating and Stats in Temecula, California



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City Scores and Ratings


Education Score and Rating for Temecula

Education and the schools in Temecula has a “C-” rating, this score is considered pretty good on a state and national level and is still above the average. This area has a decent graduation rates in most schooling levels, enrollment rates, teacher to student ratio, and extra programs.

The ratings are meant to help school districts and parents understand how well their district is performing academically.

School districts that received a “C-” rating are doing average or below when it comes to student achievement, school progress, and closing the gaps. However, these school districts are making improvements and are on their way to becoming better.

If you are a parent whose child attends school in the Temecula district, don’t worry. The school district is still doing better than the state average and your child is likely to receive a good education. However, it is always important to be involved in your child’s education and ask questions of the school district.

A “C-” rating still puts the city over the average based on others in the state and throughout the United States.

Quick Stats

  • High School graduation and attainment rates in the area are higher than state averages.
  • College enrollment is for the city is less than state averages.
  • The student to teacher ratio is around 24 to 1 in the city.

There are some things we can calculate but there are a number of factors that contribute to a good education system. Some key factors outside of what we use for our rankings are:

  • A high level of investment in education, both from the government and the community
  • Well-paid and highly qualified teachers
  • Good facilities, including libraries, laboratories, and computer rooms
  • A focus on inquiry-based learning rather than rote memorization
  • An emphasis on critical thinking skills
  • A diverse curriculum that includes arts and music as well as sciences and math
  • Support for extracurricular activities such as sports, drama, and music
  • A safe and welcoming environment for students

In summary, high quality teachers are essential, as they are the ones who will be teaching the students. Adequate funding is also important, as it allows schools to provide students with the necessary resources (e.g., textbooks, computers, science labs, etc.) to learn. Lastly, engaged parents are important because they can help to encourage their children to do well in school and can also be a support system for the teacher.

Education Statistics for Temecula

High School Graduate or Equivalency

A city’s education ranking is often based on the number of high school graduates or equivalencies that are earned each year. This is because a high school diploma or equivalency is seen as a key milestone in one’s education. Earning a high school diploma or equivalency shows that a student has completed a basic level of education and is ready to move on to further their studies or enter the workforce.

A city’s education ranking can be affected by the number of high school graduates or equivalencies that are earned each year. This is because a high school diploma or equivalency is seen as a key milestone in one’s education. Earning a high school diploma or equivalency shows that a student has completed a basic level of education and is ready to move on to further their studies or enter the workforce.

This is why it is important for a city to have above-average high school graduation or equivalency rate that is above the national average. High school graduation or equivalency rate that is below the national average can impact a city’s education ranking.






College Bachelor’s Degree

There are a few reasons why a College Bachelor is important in a city’s education ranking. First, having a College Bachelor indicates that the city has a strong and vibrant post-secondary educational institution. This is important because research shows that college-educated workers are more likely to start businesses and create jobs, which benefits the city as a whole.

Second, having a College Bachelor indicates that the city has high-quality educational opportunities available for its residents. This is important because it means that people who live in the city have access to world-class education and training, which can help them further their careers and improve their lives.

Finally, having a College Bachelor indicates that the city is committed to educating its residents and helping them achieve their potential. This is important because it means that the city is investing in its future and its residents, which is sure to pay off in the long run. Overall, then, it is clear that a College Bachelor is important in a city’s education ranking, and cities that want to improve their education rankings would do well to invest in their post-secondary institutions.






Edcuation Level



Less Than 9th Grade

9th to 12th Grade with No Diploma

High School Graduate or Equivalency

Some College but No Degree

Associate’s Degree

Bachelor’s Degree

Students to Teacher Ratio for Temecula

When it comes to school ratings and education rankings, the Student to Teacher Ratio is an important consideration. This is because a low ratio means that students have more individual attention from teachers, and this is often seen as a positive thing. In addition, a low Students to Teacher Ratio can indicate that a school is well-funded, which can be another positive sign.

Additionally, smaller class sizes also tend to foster a more positive and supportive learning environment. Students are less likely to feel intimidated or marginalized in a class of 20 students as compared to a class of 30 or more. Ultimately, the students to teacher ratio is just one indicator of the quality of education offered by a city or school district. But it is an important one and should be taken into account when making comparisons between different schools or cities.

When schools are compared based on their education ratings, the Student to Teacher Ratio is often one of the most important factors taken into account. This is because it is seen as a key measure of how well a school is performing. A low ratio means that the school is doing a good job of delivering education to its students, while a high ratio may suggest that the school is struggling.

As a city, it is important to have a good Student to Teacher Ratio to attract families and businesses. Both groups often consider school ratings and education rankings when making decisions about where to live or work. By having a low ratio, your city can show that it is committed to providing a high-quality education to its residents.

24 to 1

Student Teacher Ratio


Number of Teachers


Number of Students

Education Enrollment in Temecula

High School Enrollment






When it comes to a city’s education and school ratings, there are a lot of different factors to consider. One of the most important is enrollment. A school’s enrollment is determined by how many students are attending the school on a given day. This can be determined by taking a school’s average daily attendance and dividing it by the school’s total number of enrolled students.

There are a few different ways to look at school enrollment. One way is by the school’s grade level. For example, a school might have kindergartners, first graders, second graders, etc. Another way to look at school enrollment is by the grade level of the school’s current students. This would give you the school’s current grade level enrollment.

The United States Census Bureau takes both of these factors into account when it releases education enrollment data. The bureau releases data on both school grade level enrollment and current grade level enrollment. This data can be used to determine a city’s education ranking and school ratings.

For example, the most recent data shows that the city of Los Angeles has a school grade level enrollment of kindergarten through eighth grade. The city’s current grade level enrollment is a kindergarten through twelfth grade. This means that the city’s high school students are not included in the school grade level enrollment data.

When looking at school ratings, it’s important to keep this in mind. A school with a lower school grade level enrollment might have a higher rating than a school with a higher school grade level enrollment. This is because the school with the lower school grade level enrollment is including more students in its rating.

Enrollment by Education Level



Nursery School and Preschool


Elementary School (Grades 1-8)

High School (Grades 9-12)

College or Grad School

School Lunch Programs and Number of Students Eligible for Temecula

School lunch programs are important in school ratings and education rankings. They can help to improve attendance, behavior, and academic achievement. A recent study by the National School Lunch Program found that students who participate in school lunch programs have better grades and standardized test scores than those who don’t. Additionally, school lunches provide children with the nutrients they need to stay healthy and learn in school. That’s why school lunch programs must be available to as many students as possible.

The average price for a school lunch is $2.68, but many students can’t afford to pay that price. Fortunately, the school lunch program is available to students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. To be eligible for a free or reduced-price meal, a student’s family must meet certain income requirements. Below are the eligibility of the school lunch programs.


Free Lunch


Reduced Price Lunch


Free & Reduced Price

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River Springs Charter in Temecula , CA

2016 CAASPP Test Score Details:

Grade Test Type Mean Score Exceeded
Nearly Met
Not Met
3 English 2426.1 27% 23% 22% 28%
3 Math 2426.8 18% 31% 23% 27%
4 English 2447.3 18% 22% 21% 38%
4 Math 2447.4 11% 23% 34% 33%
5 English 2485. 2 17% 27% 21% 35%
5 Math 2472.9 13% 15% 27% 44%
6 English 2509.0 13% 26% 33% 27%
6 Math 2486.4 10% 16% 32% 41%
7 English 2546.5 13% 36% 27% 23%
7 Math 2511.4 9% 20% 37% 34%
8 English 2557.3 10% 38% 31% 21%
8 Math 2508. 2 9% 11% 30% 51%
11 English 2611.0 25% 37% 25% 12%
11 Math 2528.7 3% 11% 29% 57%

– Asterisk “*”, if present, indicates scores are not available (too few)

Calculated Percentiles from California School Ratings:

English Language Arts/Literacy Mathematics
Grade Percentile Students Tested Percentile Students Tested
3 63.76% 524 57.04% 522
4 49.15% 521 43.33% 522
5 47. 76% 488 46.98% 488
6 46.75% 500 40.19% 500
7 59.36% 455 45.5% 455
8 52.77% 400 34.01% 400
11 69.17% 208 42.98% 207

Weighted average for this school’s Math and English test scores: 49.57%1-c

This school is in the 68.86th percentile1-d
when compared to other schools of the same type: Elementary-High Combination

SAT Test Results:

Average Reading Score 553
Average Math Score 533
Percent Tested 41.3% (86 out of 208 seniors)


Grade Dropouts Enrolment
7 2 (0. 41%) 484
8 2 (0.45%) 448
9 8 (3.13%) 256
10 4 (1.72%) 232
11 8 (3.51%) 228
12 6 (2.88%) 208

Student Ethnicity:

White  47.7%
Hispanic or Latino  38.23%
Two or More Races  6.43%
African American  4.04%
Asian  1.37%
Filipino  1.23%
American Indian or Alaska Native  0.69%
Pacific Islander  0.3%

Kindergarten Immunization Information:
(2014-15 School Year)

  • Up-to-date Immunizations: 75% (415)
  • Conditional admission: 1% (7)  6
  • Medical exemptions: 1% (4)
  • Personal Belief exemptions: 23% (130)
  • Religious Belief exemptions: 8% (42)

7th Grade Immunization Information:
(2014-15 School Year)

  • Up-to-date Immunizations: 83% (373)
  • Medical exemptions: 0% (2)
  • Personal Belief exemptions: 16% (72)
  • Religious Belief exemptions: 3% (13)


  1. California School Ratings (CSR) computes percentiles in this way:
    1. For a given grade level, all Math scores are put into an ordered list and a percentile is calculated for each score, based its position in the list.
    2. For a given grade level, all English scores are put into an ordered list and a percentile is calculated for each score, based its position in the list.
    3. Math and English percentiles from (a & b above) are weighted, based on the number of students who completed each type of test, to create a combined Math+English weighted percentile for each school.
    4. The combined Math+English weighted percentiles are put into an ordered list for the particular type of school
      (elementary/middle/high school/K-12) and a percentile-within-the-school-type is calculated.
    5. How percentiles work: the school percentile is a number between 0 and 100 that reflects the percentage of
      schools of the same type (elementary/middle/high school/K-12) in California that have an equal or lower combined Math+English weighted percentile (from 1-c above).
      For example, a school in the 70th percentile would have a combined weighted percentile that was equal to or better than 70% of the other schools of the same type.
  2. The CSR Rank is determined by a school’s percentile in
    comparison to other schools of the same type in California (from 1-d above).
    (1 is the worst, 10 is the best). Schools in the 90th percentile and above have rank 10, 80%-89.999% rank 9 and so on.
    A similar number of schools occupy each rank.
    * This rank is derived from data in the 2016 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).
  3. Alternative Schools receive percentiles, but are not ranked
  4. More information: 2016 CAASPP Paper-based Test Results

US Top 35 Schools Ranking 2022

Foreign graduates of US schools have a big advantage in getting into American universities because they are prepared in high school for exams, the results of which are considered by US admissions boards. In addition, the language is acquired gradually, along with knowledge in the necessary areas: mathematics, biology, chemistry, which will help later in mastering the university program. It will not be difficult for a student who has learned not only to speak, but also to think in English in the classroom and in everyday situations to pass language testing.

American schools have a system for collecting credit hours and credits. After gaining a certain amount based on the results of studies, the graduate gets the opportunity to get a higher education. The main preparation for exams and studying at universities is carried out in grades 11-12, but it starts already from 9. Upon graduation, graduates take one of two exams (SAT or ACT) depending on the requirements of the university.

Schools and universities in the United States pay great attention to sports. By participating in school competitions, defending the honor of the school in sports, you can get an offer of a sports scholarship from one of the leading universities. College sports managers attend school competitions, looking for future players on college teams.

Another opportunity to enter an American university by graduating from prestigious US boarding schools with a high rating is an additional 13 year spent at school. After studying in the 13th grade and successfully passing a special exam – Advanced Placement (AP), school graduates immediately go to the 2nd year of American universities. High AP scores, close to the maximum, will allow you to enter the most prestigious US universities: Harvard, Princeton and Yale.

The rating of the best US schools for 2022 will help those who are going to educate their child abroad and start preparing for studying at a US university from an American high school.

1 North Broward Preparatory School
2 Phillips Academy Andover
3 The Storm King School New York
4 Red Bank Catholic High School
5 Windermere Preparatory School
6 Shattuck St Mary’s School
7 Cheshire Academy
8 Cate School
9 Ross School
10 Deerfield Academy
11 The Village School
12 Amerigo Los Angeles–Bishop Montgomery High School
13 Webb Schools
14 Kent School USA
15 The Winchendon School
16 Darlington School
17 Marian Catholic High School Amerigo Education
18 Grier School
19 The MacDuffie School
20 CATS Academy Boston
21 The Cambridge School of Weston
22 Milton Academy
23 Amerigo Education Napa Valley
24 American Hebrew Academy
25 Northfield Mount Hermon School
26 Mater Dei Catholic High School San Diego Amerigo Education
27 American University Preparatory School Los Angeles
28 Webb Schools
29 Kent School USA
30 Groton School
31 Maine Central Institute
32 The Lawrenceville School
33 Grand River Academy Ohio
34 Saint John Paul II Academy
35 Chicago North Shore

US marina rating – 67 properties found

Lyzina Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kolomenskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Karpunina Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Tatiana Kinkovich
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Salaryevo, 1001 tour

call me back

Martynov Roman
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Elektrozavodskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Anna Polivanovskaya
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Ramenki, 1001 tour

call me back

Larionova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kantemirovskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Kalinina Margarita
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novoslobodskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Bodaeva Ludmila
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Zhulebino, 1001 tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

call me back

Tsoljak Natella
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Petrova Galina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Falcon, 1001 tour

call me back

Petukhova Margarita
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Mishina Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Prague, 1001 tour

call me back

Kupreeva Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Vykhino, 1001 tour

call me back

Luzhkova Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv, 1001 tour

call me back

Galakhova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Maryino, 1001 tour

call me back

Bazarov Nikolay
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Falcon, 1001 tour

call me back

Babicheva Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

call me back

Yulia Vasneva
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Alexandra Grebneva
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Taganskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Maya Skoropisova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Medvedkovo, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Ekaterina Daricheva
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

call me back

Maslov Alexander
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novogireevo, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Kareva Olesya
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station, 1001 tour

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Julia Saprykina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krasnogvardeiskaya Vegas, 1001 tour

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Moskvina Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

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Saykina Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Elektrozavodskaya, 1001 tour

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Ivanova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

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Garshina Alena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

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Starinskaya Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

call me back

Shepeleva Tatiana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kantemirovskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Naumova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Taganskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Gaboeva Bella
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Sarvarova Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001


Water stadium, 1001tour/Pegas

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Anna Karpova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Zhulebino, 1001 tours/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

call me back

Tikhonova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Youth, 1001 tour

call me back

Malysheva Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Kostenko Christina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Otradnoe, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Poghosyan Ani
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Altufyevo Spring, 1001 tour

call me back

Alekseeva Oksana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

call me back

Laskov Maxim
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Prague, 1001 tour

call me back

Potapova Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Petrova Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Voykovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Severina Inna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Ovsyannikova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Belousova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour

call me back

Kovalev Vadim
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kolomenskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Samarina Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novye Cheryomushki, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Karpukhina Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

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Gareva Oksana
+7 (495) 725 1001


Academic, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Tabagua Diana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuznetsky most, 1001 tour

call me back

Rogova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour

call me back

Mikhail Tkach
+7 (495) 725 1001



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Margaryan Shushan
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

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Shcherbinina Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

call me back

Alisa Shipova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Taganskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Tavrina Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Salaryevo, 1001 tour

call me back

Gakova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv, 1001 tour

call me back

Anna Kulinich
+7 (495) 725 1001


Tula, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Osipova Inessa
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Skobelevskaya street, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Makarova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Fetisova Regina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Kosareva Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001


Belyaevo, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Evdokimova Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tours

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Parus, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Porokhina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Parus, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Antonova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Khlynova Polina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

VDNH, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Evgeny Pismenov
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Prague, 1001 tour

call me back

Stakhova Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

call me back

Kalinin Nikita
+7 (495) 725 1001



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Volkova Victoria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

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Azarevich Maria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tula, 1001 tour

call me back

Strelnikova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kantemirovskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Kazakova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Brilenkova Ksenia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Taktashova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001


Tyoply Stan, 1001 tours

call me back

Atmakhova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Skobelevskaya street, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Shagerbayeva Juliet
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

call me back

Anatoly Sorokin
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

call me back

Bekisheva Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

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Pitsun Zhanna
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

call me back

Tuzova Tatiana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Sokolniki, 1001 tour

call me back

Gorelikova Victoria
+7 (495) 725 1001


Novye Cheryomushki, 1001tour/Pegas

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Pozner Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station, 1001 tour

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Akinyaeva Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

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Vorik Ilona
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station U River, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Afanasyeva Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv, 1001 tour

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Korolyov Artyom
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tula, 1001 tour

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Maria Byvalova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station U River, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Vakhramova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Reshnikova Evgeniya
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

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Kovalev Maxim
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

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Elena Goluzina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Altufyevo Spring, 1001 tour

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Samodarovskaya Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

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Zmerzlyuk Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Naumova Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Maryino, 1001 tour

call me back

Keshishyan Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Vykhino, 1001 tour

call me back

Vaimer Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001



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Lukmanova Renata
+7 (495) 725 1001


Southwest, 1001tour/Pegas

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Coal Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuznetsky most, 1001 tour

call me back

Mikhailova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001


Tula, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Dolzhenkova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novoslobodskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Kulagina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuzminki, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Dmitrova Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour

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Malkovich Regina
+7 (495) 725 1001


Water stadium, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Sosedov Vasily
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Fili, 1001 tour

call me back

Buglak Ivan
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novogireevo, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Zakharchenko Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Babushkinskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Petrikova Valeria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Bessonova Galina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

call me back

Olkhovsky Dmitry
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Ramenki, 1001 tour

call me back

Menyailova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novye Cheryomushki, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Pavlenko Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Vlasova Anzhelika
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station U River, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Maksimov Pavel
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Kuvykina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Julia Pavlikova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuzminki, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Sergeeva Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour

call me back

Satosova Daria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Voykovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Derbina Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

VDNH, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Mukhambetova Rauza
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novogireevo, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Eskina Alla
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Ermakova Daria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kaluga, 1001 tour

call me back

Naldina Kira
+7 (495) 725 1001


Novogireevo, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Antokhina Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tours

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Parus, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Lavrenyuk Anzhelika
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Babushkinskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Chekalova Larisa
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuzminki, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Shelyagina Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Voykovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Ivanova Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

call me back

Lisina Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

call me back

Sorokina Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Kutepova Diana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krasnogvardeiskaya Vegas, 1001 tour

call me back

Queen Tatiana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Sokolniki, 1001 tour

call me back

Yurieva Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuznetsky most, 1001 tour

call me back

Podkosova Kristina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Sokolniki, 1001 tour

call me back

Slobozhaninova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

call me back

Sergeev Evgeny
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Metelskaya Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Gundyreva Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Timofeeva Inna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Savateeva Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Pleshko Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Zhulebino, 1001 tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

call me back

Guseva Evgeniya
+7 (495) 725 1001


Belyaevo, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Khlopkova Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Babushkinskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Rodzik Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Popescu Daniela
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Street 1905, 1001 tour

call me back

Danilina Valentina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Goncharova Lilia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

VDNH, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Pogoniy Kristina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krylatskoe, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Taran Alena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Fortova Margarita
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuzminki, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Shevtsova Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Medvedkovo, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Chetvergova Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001


Southwest, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Saprykina Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

call me back

Utalova Nadezhda
+7 (495) 725 1001


Water stadium, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Nakonechny Anton
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Bazyleva Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Skobelevskaya street, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Ilinykh Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Medvedkovo, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Kichigina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Elektrozavodskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Shugaeva Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Fun&Sun (ex.