Swaddles for 5 month old: When Should I Stop Swaddling My Baby? – Happiest Baby

Опубликовано: January 12, 2023 в 6:10 pm


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When Should I Stop Swaddling My Baby? – Happiest Baby

Dr. Harvey Karp, MD, FAAP

On This Page

  • Why I Recommend Swaddling Your Baby
  • How to Swaddle Safely
  • When to Stop Swaddling
  • Why do I need to stop swaddling my baby?
  • Do I stop swaddling if my baby breaks out of the swaddle?
  • How can I safely swaddle my baby for longer?
  • How do I wean my baby from swaddling?
  • How do I wean an infant from swaddling?
  • How do I wean Baby from swaddling in SNOO?

Knowing when—and how—to stop swaddling your baby is tricky! After all, you know swaddling is super effective for calming infants and helping them sleep better. ..so, who wants to change that?! But you also don’t want to do anything that may put your baby in harm’s way…which is what can happen if you continue to swaddle your baby for too long. Here, my expert guidance.

Infant crying and parent exhaustion can trigger relationship stress, postpartum depression, breastfeeding struggles, infant sleep deaths from overtired parents opting for unsafe sleeping practices, and more. Swaddling is an integral part of my 5 S’s for soothing babies, which means swaddling is fantastic at helping to reduce fussing and boost sleep. In fact, swaddling your infant is a critical tool for improving the health of the whole family!

Infants are happiest—and sleep the best—when we “recreate” the womb with the 5 S’s during the first three to four months after delivery. Think of it like this: By swaddling your baby, you’re helping to create your baby’s missing fourth trimester.

How to Swaddle Safely

Whether swaddling or not, always place your baby on their back to sleep—alone—on a firm, flat surface that’s free of any loose bedding, pillows, stuffed toys, and bumper pads. In addition:

  • Because too-small or too-big swaddle blankets can easily pop open and unravel, always use a lightweight blanket that’s a 44- to 47-inch square—or use a secure zipper swaddle, like my award-winning Sleepea 5-Second Swaddle.

  • Swaddles should be snug along the torso and arms and looser at the hips and legs to keep babies safely wrapped and to prevent hip dysplasia. (You should be able to fit two fingers at the top of the swaddle, between the blanket and your baby’s chest.)

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warns parents not to use weighted swaddles or weighted blankets, which can put excess and unsafe pressure on your baby’s chest and lungs.

  •  Since swaddling can potentially increase the chance your baby will overheat, always use a lightweight, breathable swaddle blanket.

When to Stop Swaddling

Swaddling is a game-changer for quality sleep in young babies, but there comes a time when swaddling needs to be stopped. But answering the question “When should I stop swaddling my baby?” does not have one simple answer. The short answer is that swaddling must stop when your baby can roll. While every baby is different, some little ones start rolling as early as 2 months.

The longer answer: In general, babies do best when swaddling lasts until they’re 4 to 5 months old…but that won’t work for early rollers. Fortunately, there is a completely safe way to continue swaddling your baby—and continue reaping the good-sleep benefits—for up to 6 months. It’s with my award-winning SNOO Smart Sleeper, which thanks to its built-in swaddle, helps prevent rolling to the stomach (a SIDS risk factor).

Why do I need to stop swaddling my baby?

As swaddling has surged in popularity over the past 15 years, so have concerns and controversies around this ancient practice. Some doctors warn parents to stop swaddling at 2 months for fear your baby might start rolling to their stomach soon. Even the prestigious AAP recommends parents should wean from swaddling when infants start to roll, which can happen as early as 2 to 3 months. The reason: When swaddled babies roll to their tummies, they do not have free hands to push up and liberate their face to breathe. 

Do I stop swaddling if my baby breaks out of the swaddle?

Unless your little one is rolling, keep trying with the swaddle! Most of the time, babies fight swaddling simply because their swaddle needs a slight adjustment. For example, if your baby’s swaddle isn’t secure enough, their startle reflex can cause arm flails and stretches that look like your baby is trying to escape! Learn how to tweak your swaddling technique to help your little one love the swaddle with my tips. And for a little how-to-swaddle refresher, check out my classic DUDU swaddle method.

How can I safely swaddle my baby for longer?

Put your baby to sleep in SNOO! To solve for the “when to stop swaddling” uncertainties, my team and I invented SNOO, the world’s only bassinet that gives babies the many benefits of swaddling. ..without the risks. SNOO keeps infants sleeping safely on their backs for all naps and nights, thanks to the unique SNOO Sack swaddle, which clips into the bassinet to prevent risky rolling. In fact, SNOO is the only baby bassinet that keeps your baby safely on the back, just as recommended by the AAP Safe Sleep guidelines. SNOO is so safe, in fact, that over 150 hospitals all over the world place their smallest patients in SNOO. As a bonus, SNOO also delivers the soothing fourth-trimester sensations—white noise and rocking—babies love so much—in just the right doses. (SNOO is a responsive bassinet that “listens” to your baby and then selects the exact level of white noise and calming motion that will work best to soothe your child’s crying and boost sleep.)

How do I wean my baby from swaddling?

Unless your baby is rolling, there’s no need to stop swaddling. If your baby is snoozing in SNOO, it’s perfectly safe to keep your baby swaddled until they graduate to the crib. With that, here’s how you can begin to wean your little one from the swaddle:

  • Step 1: Start the swaddle weaning process by wrapping your baby with one arm out of the swaddle. If you’re using Sleepea, this is easy. Simply undo the shoulder snaps on one side, and gently pull your baby’s arm through. (It’s best to start with the hand that your baby tends to favor the most.) Bonus: Sleepea makes breaking out of the one-armed swaddle hard!

  • Step 2: If your baby continues to sleep well for a few nights—congrats—you can move to both arms out (if using Sleepea) or stop swaddling completely! If your baby starts middle-of-the-night waking with one arm out, restart swaddling and try the one-armed wrap again in a few weeks. But, if your baby starts trying to roll over, you’ll need to stop swaddling right away, just as the AAP recommends.

  • Step 3: Don’t trade your baby’s swaddle for a cozy blanket! Babies under a year old should have no loose bedding in their sleep space. Instead, dress your bub in a wearable blanket or turn Sleepea into a full arms-out sleep sack. (Babies under 26 pounds can continue sleeping their familiar Sleepea as long as BOTH of Baby’s arms are out.)

How do I wean an infant from swaddling?

If you’ve got a baby who’s already rolling at 2 to 3 months—and not sleeping in SNOO—it’ll be harder to wean them from swaddling than older babies. At this age, babies often still very much need womb-like sensations to help them stay asleep and to keep them from waking frequently. That’s why—if you must stop swaddling at 2 to 3 months—it’s extra important to use white noise as a sleep cue for all naps and nights. White noise, aka shushing, is another important element of the 5 S’s, that work to activate Baby’s inborn calming reflex—or their “off switch” for fussing and “on switch” for sleep. Gentle rocking motion (the swinging S) is another fantastic sleep cue, but beware, only swings that recline all the way flat are safe for your precious baby to snooze in. (Find out why inclined sleepers are so risky.)

How do I wean Baby from swaddling in SNOO?

SNOO was designed for babies up to 6 months old—or until your little one can get on their hands and knees. If you are bumping against either of those milestones, it’s time to start weaning from the SNOO swaddle. Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Free one of Baby’s arms. Like Sleepea, there are snaps on the shoulders of your SNOO Sack. Undo the snaps on one side of the swaddle and let one of your baby’s arms out. (Choose the arm that your baby tends to favor the most.) If your little one startling themselves awake, go back to both arms swaddled and try one-arm-out again in a week.

  • Step 2: Free the other arm. After a few nights of quality sleep with one arm out, set Baby’s other arm free. (When you release your baby’s arms, continue to fasten the inner bands snugly around your little one’s midsection.)

  • Step 3: Turn Weaning Mode on. Once your baby is sleeping well with both arms out, allow your little one about a week or two with SNOO on Weaning Mode before you move your baby into a crib. (For step-by-step instructions on transitioning Baby from SNOO to crib, check out my easy how-tos.)


For more on baby transitions, check out…

  • How to Go From Two Naps to One
  • Your Guide to Ditching the Pacifier
  • Wean Your Toddler from Bed Sharing
  • From Bottle to Cup: Your How-Tos

About Dr. Harvey Karp

Dr. Harvey Karp, one of America’s most trusted pediatricians, is the founder of Happiest Baby and the inventor of the groundbreaking SNOO Smart Sleeper. After years of treating patients in Los Angeles, Dr. Karp vaulted to global prominence with the release of the bestselling Happiest Baby on the Block and Happiest Toddler on the Block. His celebrated books and videos have since become standard pediatric practice, translated into more than 20 languages and have helped millions of parents. Dr. Karp’s landmark methods, including the 5 S’s for soothing babies, guide parents to understand and nurture their children and relieve stressful issues, like new-parent exhaustion, infant crying, and toddler tantrums.

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When To Stop Swaddling and 3 Ways to Transition

Swaddling helps keep babies asleep when they still have their Moro reflex. And, swaddling your newborn is almost always a great idea! But, unfortunately, all good things come to an end and it’s eventually time to stop swaddling. This post will help you decide when it’s time to stop swaddling and share 3 easier ways to transition based on 10+ years of experience as a sleep consultant working with thousands of parents just like you.

What You’ll Learn In This Article:

  • Age and Reasons to Stop Swaddling Your Baby
  • How to Stop Swaddling – 3 Ways to Transition
  • Will Your Baby Sleep Worse Without the Swaddle?
  • What about unswaddling at nap time first?
  • 3 Products to Help Stop Swaddling
  • Sleep Sacks or Wearable Blankets To Use
  • How Long Will It Take To Stop Swaddling?

When To Stop Swaddling Your Baby

While swaddling is a great way to soothe and comfort your baby, it can become a habitual sleep association that prevents your baby from sleeping through the night. By keeping your baby swaddled, they may struggle to learn a way to self-soothe. And, if they have a pacifier, they won’t be able to put the pacifier back in themselves. This means you could be up all night with the baby!

While most people use swaddling as a soothing technique for newborns, and then phase it out around 3 or 4 months old, some babies still enjoy being swaddled when they are 6 to 9 months old. Unfortunately, it’s not always safe to do so unless you are swaddling with arms out. Most older babies will eventually start to reject swaddling, but that’s not true for all babies.

Here are a few general guidelines to help determine when to stop swaddling your baby:

Age and Reasons To Stop Swaddling Your Baby

  • The average age to stop swaddling baby is around 3 or 4 months old after the 4 month sleep regression begins. Most are being unswaddled by 5-6 months old at the latest. If your baby still enjoys the swaddle, and it’s still safe to swaddle, you can consider one of the products below.
  • Newborns are born with a startle reflex, called the Moro Reflex. Most babies don’t outgrow it until 4 or 5 months of age. So be careful about stopping the swaddle too early. If your baby’s Moro Reflex is still strong, she may startle herself awake at night and during naps.
  • If your baby is able to break free of the swaddle, this isn’t necessarily a sign that it’s time to stop swaddling. However, if your baby is consistently breaking free of the swaddle every night, and if that means you have loose blankets in the crib, then it’s time to either STOP swaddling or to switch to a safer swaddling blanket. We recommend The Miracle Blanket if you’re trying to keep the swaddle a bit longer. Alternatively, you might consider the Nested Bean or Love To Dream Swaddles.
  • Swaddled babies should NEVER sleep face-down. So if your baby is trying to roll or starting to roll over onto their tummy while they sleep, it’s time to stop swaddling your baby immediately. Remember, when it comes to swaddling, safety first! Some babies are rolling from back to tummy as early as 2 months old so keep that in mind.
  • Make sure that your baby is not swaddled all day long. While swaddling for sleep is fine, especially during the newborn stage, babies need time to move freely as well so that they can grow stronger and develop their gross motor skills. If your baby spends all of their time asleep AND awake being swaddled, it might be time to gradually stop swaddling during awake time.
  • If you are getting ready to start sleep training, or sleep coaching, you will likely want to stop swaddling. Part of the sleep training process involves helping your child learn to self-soothe, and babies usually need to be unswaddled in order to learn to self-soothe.

We personally stopped swaddling sometime around 4 months old with both of our boys. This was mainly because we started sleep training and the Moro reflex was virtually gone.

You May Also Be Interested In:

  • 3 Easy Ways to Swaddle Your Baby
  • Zipadee Zip vs Love To Dream SwaddleUp
  • Top 10 Best Sleep Sacks for Baby’s Sleep

How to Stop Swaddling – 3 Ways to Transition

1. Start With the Legs

The majority of babies struggle the most with having their arms free, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to have your legs out. Kicking the mattress can be fun (and too distracting to sleep!)

So, sometimes you can test the waters by swaddling with your baby’s legs out, arms in, for a couple of nights. If that goes well, you can then swaddle with one arm out for a few nights. And, then you can try to stop swaddling all together.

2. Start With the Arms

This is probably the most common method to stop swaddling a baby. First, swaddle your baby with one arm out but one arm swaddled. You can do this for a few nights and then unswaddle both arms. At this point, most people would simply stop swaddling all together. See below for recommendations for what baby should sleep in after you stop swaddling.

3. Cold Turkey

If safety is an issue, you should NOT take a slower, gradual path to stop swaddling. If your baby is rolling onto his or her tummy or breaking out and has loose blankets in their sleep space, you need to unswaddle immediately.

Even if safety isn’t an issue, some baby’s personalities do better simply making changes quickly. It might make for a couple of rougher nights, but better sleep faster is always a good thing.

To stop swaddling cold-turkey, simply transition right away to a wearable blanket or sleep sack. See below for our recommendations. It might be a few rougher nights, but your baby will adjust. And, many times, babies adjust faster than we expect!

Will My Baby Sleep Worse Without the Swaddle?

For babies who are not highly dependent on swaddling for comfort and are great self-soothers, it could be easy to stop swaddling. Your baby may sleep just as well, or maybe even better, without being swaddled! For babies who are becoming increasingly resistant to the swaddle, maybe they will welcome it!

If your baby is very dependent on being swaddled to sleep, it may be tough to stop swaddling.

There’s no way to predict it, but just give it a try and you can always go back to the swaddle if things take a bad turn.

In general, the best way to stop swaddling a baby is to do it gradually. Eventually, you will build-up to the point where you are not swaddling at all. The idea is that this slow, gradual transition makes it easier for a baby to get used to sleeping unswaddled without losing a lot of sleep. This helps you avoid a lot of sleep loss, too!

But, seriously? What if Sleep Is a LOT Worse Without the Swaddle?

If safety isn’t a concern, yet, consider keeping the swaddle a bit longer. No need to rush.

Or, you can stop swaddling in an even more gradual fashion!

Just because you unswaddle your baby at bedtime does not mean he has to stay that way all night!

Consider swaddling both arms and/or legs after the first night-waking. Although he might start the night sleeping just an hour, for example, that can quickly increase over a few nights as your baby adjusts to having his arms and/or legs free.

What about unswaddling at nap time first?

Another option is to start unswaddling at nap time. Although you might feel it’s “inconsistent,” keep in mind that day and night sleep are handled by two different parts of the brain. Let your baby get used to “freedom” one step at a time.

Of course, you should note that a baby who was once sleeping through the night may not do that while adjusting to sleeping without the swaddle. Keep in mind that it might take a week or two for her to get used to not being swaddled and getting used to having her limbs out.

And, what about the Moro reflex?

If your baby’s Moro or startle reflex hasn’t stopped, it might be especially difficult and you might swaddle her again and try again a few weeks to a month later.

Babies change very fast in the first year that something that didn’t work at one time might work great just two weeks later. You must be patient and give your baby time to adjust.

However, I find that even some babies who still have the Moro reflex adapt very quickly over a period of a few days to a week. You might just give it a try!

3 Products To Help Stop Swaddling

Anna & Eve Swaddle Strap

There are also some products on the market that can make the transition from swaddling easier.

The Swaddle Strap, by Anna & Eve is honestly the coolest swaddling product (those Amazon reviews don’t lie!). The Swaddle Strap works well in its own right as a swaddling tool; it’s great for warmer months when a full swaddling blanket is just too heavy, and it also makes diaper changes so much easier. You can use it as a tool to wean from the swaddle as well. By using the Swaddle Strap, you can swaddle your baby’s arms snugly while leaving her legs free. This is a great first step to transitioning away from the swaddle altogether!

Love To Dream Swaddle Up SwaddleUp Blanket

The Love To Dream SwaddleUp Blanket is one of my favorite products to recommend. I never got to use it because either I didn’t know about it or it didn’t exist when my boys were babies. But, we’ve had many families recommend this product to us in the past 10+ years we’ve been around. My favorite part about this blanket is it helps you transition away from swaddling in a more gradual fashion so you can do it when your baby is truly ready. When your baby is ready to stop being swaddled, simply zip off one or both of the “wings.” It’s that simple!


Very similar to the Love To Dream SwaddleUp Swaddle blanket, the Woombie offers you to keep your baby’s arms in or keep them out for a nice transition away from swaddling when your baby is ready. It’s comfortable and breathable for your baby and we hear from families who use this one all the time, too!

Of course, I wouldn’t purchase a product that you didn’t already have JUST to transition away from swaddling! If your baby is older, don’t bother. Buy a wearable blanket instead.

What Should Baby Sleep In After You Stop Swaddling?

For safe sleep, your baby should sleep in a wearable blanket or sleep sack. And, we have recommendations for the best products to consider!


Another product we love? The Zipadee-Zip. This awesome blanket is specifically designed to help you stop swaddling your baby, and make the transition away from the swaddle an easy one. The Zipadee-Zip offers babies a bigger range of motion than a traditional swaddle (which means that babies can practice self-soothing and can be a little ‘squirmier’), but it also provides enough constraint that it helps babies feel secure. This is a great product for older babies who may be attached to being swaddled but who are just getting too big, and to mobile, to be swaddled at night.

Bitta Kidda Baby Soother Sleeping Bag

The Bitta Kidda Baby Soother Sleeping Bag is a simple sleep sack with two unique twists. It has a flap that can function as a piece of a baby blanket for your baby to self-soothe through the night. If you’ve heard of the blankets and toys with the “tags” that’s what this is. My son LOVED playing with his tags and this is a safe way to have that ability when nothing is supposed to be in the crib with your baby. Even better is that your baby can’t lose their lovey! And, as you know, a lovey can help your baby sleep better. The second unique thing about this sleep sack is the diagonal zipper that makes diaper changes easy peasy. Use Coupon Code BABYSLEEPSITE319 for 15% OFF!

Halo Sleepsack

Of course, if you don’t want anything fancy, we find the Halo Sleepsack works great! They aren’t too expensive and have a nice variety of styles and sizes.

You May Also Be Interested In:

  • Zipadee Zip vs Love To Dream SwaddleUp
  • Top 10 Best Sleep Sacks for Baby’s Sleep

How Long Does It Take To Stop Swaddling?

In general, in my 10+ years of experience as a sleep consultant, I have found that most babies adjust to sleeping without a swaddle blanket within 1-2 weeks, on average. If they are younger babies who learned to roll early but still have the Moro reflex, these babies sometimes take 3-4 weeks or more, depending on age and development. All babies develop at their own rate, in my experience. Some things just can’t be rushed.

A final word, remember that any time you are weaning from a sleep association, the process can disrupt sleep. This means that if you decide to stop swaddling your baby for sleep, your baby may stop sleeping through the night initially. The process of transitioning away from swaddling can take a week or so, and during that time, your baby’s sleep may be affected. This is normal; once your baby is used to sleeping unswaddled, sleep should return to normal.

How and when did you stop swaddling your baby? Scroll down to share your story, to ask questions, and to hear from other parents just like you!


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Need Baby and Toddler Sleep Help? We Have the Resources You Need!

If you are tired of wading through stacks of baby sleep books that just aren’t working, if you are beyond exhausted and just can’t solve your child’s sleep problems on your own…then personalized sleep consulting is for you. We have been around since 2008 and invite you to tap into 10+ years of experience. Our team of expert consultants will create a Personalized Sleep Plan® just for your family and then support you through every step of implementing your plan. We encourage you to consider our personalized, one-on-one baby and toddler sleep consultation packages if you want to see real, meaningful results now. Your consultation package also includes ample follow-up help, designed to help you troubleshoot problems and tweak your plan as needed.

For those persistent nighttime struggles, check out The 3 Step System to Help Your Baby Sleep. Using the same unique approach and practical tools for success, this e-book helps you and your baby sleep through the night.

If you’re looking for ways to get your baby or toddler into a healthy sleeping routine during the day, I encourage you to explore Mastering Naps and Schedules, a comprehensive guide to napping routines, nap transitions, and all the other important “how-tos” of good baby sleep. With over 45 sample sleep schedules and planning worksheets, Mastering Naps and Schedules is a hands-on tool ideal for any parenting style.

For those persistent toddler sleep struggles, check out The 5 Step System to Help Your Toddler Sleep. Using the same unique approach and practical tools for success, this e-book helps you and your toddler sleep through the night and enjoy a better daytime schedule.

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11 of the most convenient diapers and cocoons




Calm sleep conditions

A diaper is the oldest form of comforting a newborn before bed, a lifesaver for many parents and a topic of endless debate.

To swaddle or not to swaddle? What is the best way to swaddle newborns? What do you prefer – a diaper or an envelope? What should be a baby diaper?

If an excitable baby starts in his sleep, wakes himself up with his arms, can only sleep in his arms or in a sling, you can and should try loose swaddling. Swaddling promotes a smoother transition of the newborn from the cramped, safe, comfortable space in the mother’s belly to the vast world.

To make it easier for you to sort out the many diapers on the market, we will look at the most convenient diapers and swaddling bags that allow you to swaddle your baby quickly and easily.

0–4 months. Sleep well in 3 weeks

Swaddle bags – the modern alternative to diapers

Swaddle bags with zip or Velcro fasteners are a convenient and quick way to swaddle your baby. The envelopes stretch well, allowing the newborn to move, but not so actively as to wake himself up. The breathable material does not allow the child to sweat. The material can be very different: there are insulated envelopes for the winter or very light ones with mesh inserts for the heat. Here are the most popular models for newborns:


The envelope fastens with one zipper with two sliders. To change a diaper, you do not need to unzip the envelope completely. The envelope is all-weather, made of comfortable material – cotton with elastane. Cotton will not let the baby sweat, and due to elastane, the fabric stretches well, without preventing the baby from moving in the envelope. Overlock seams and a lightning are located outside. The soft fastener on a mouth protects skin of the kid from pinching by a lightning.

Sizes: 3-6 kg (Length at the back 57 cm), 6-9kg (back length 68 cm).


Envelope with a zipper with two sliders and soft protection at the neck. Made from bebeflex™ organic cotton. There are also warm merino wool envelopes and light models for the heat with a mesh in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe handles or along the entire front from the arms to the legs. There is an option that “grows” with the baby – an envelope with the ability to release the handles.

Sizes: 2.5-6 kg, 6.5-9 kg, 9-11 kg.


Envelope for very young and premature babies. Made from cotton and elastane. Well “breathes” and stretches. Two-way zipper allows you to change the diaper without disturbing the baby.

Size: 2-4.5 kg, envelope length 50 cm.


Fabric – cotton with elastane. Wings for closing the envelope with Velcro, adjustable as the baby grows. Baby’s legs can be opened for diaper changes without opening the handle.

Sizes: 3-6 kg, 6-10 kg.

Swaddle WrapSack

This is a 2 in 1 envelope and sleeping bag. You can swaddle the handles or leave them free. The envelope allows the kid to move legs freely. If you need to change the diaper, just unzip the leg area.

Size range: 3-6 kg, 6-10 kg.

Miracle Blanket

The peculiarity of this envelope is that it has neither zippers nor Velcro. Handles with the help of special lapels of the fabric fit snugly to the body. A long fabric belt wraps around the baby’s body. There is a special pocket for the legs. In the heat or at home, you can not hide the legs.

Size: for babies up to 12 weeks.

Little Me

Little Me has seams on the outside. Two-way zipper on the strap (does not come into contact with the skin of the baby). The envelope is made of soft supima cotton.

Size: for newborns.

Love to Dream

The Australian brand presents a whole line of convertible sleeping bags from birth to 4-5 years. For example, the sling for ages 4 to 12 has detachable handles for easy swaddling.

Size range: 0 to first rollover, first rollover to 12 months, 6 months to 5 years.

It is not necessary to buy an envelope for the baby. If you are used to swaddling a newborn in the traditional way, you can use diapers of different densities made of well-stretched and breathable fabric. The size of such a diaper can be different.

Baby nappies

The famous Aden+Anais nappies are made from soft muslin, which does not disturb the natural heat transfer and does not allow the baby’s body temperature to rise. Large size makes swaddling more comfortable.

Swaddle Designs diapers are made from durable flannel and fine cotton voile. These diapers are also large in size, allowing you to swaddle even a large baby. The fabrics can withstand repeated washes. Many mothers note that Swaddle Designs diapers have neater hemming than Aden + Anais diapers.

Russian Little Me diapers are made of dense and thin jersey (these diapers are the best stretch and absorb moisture), as well as cambric and flannel. Flannel diapers are very warm. They absorb moisture well and retain heat. They can be used in the cold season. Knitted diapers are gentle, stretch very well. A diaper made of thin knitwear can be used in the heat.

What should a newborn diaper be?

  • The diaper should have well-finished edges without protruding threads, finished with an overlock so that there are no hard seams.
  • The diaper should be made of natural material: breathable, retaining the warmth of the baby’s body, soft, absorbing moisture well.
  • It is better to take a large size diaper, for example, square 120 cm x 120 cm, so that it is convenient for you to swaddle and so that the baby cannot open up.
  • The diaper must be durable to withstand repeated washings.

How many diapers do you need?

Flannel, cambric, jersey, muslin, supima diapers dry very quickly. So even if your baby vomits frequently and you have to wash frequently, there is no need to buy dozens of diapers.

Most likely, you will need 5 thin and 5 warm diapers (if the baby is born in summer, 2-3 warm diapers will suffice) or a few swaddling envelopes.

How to choose the correct diaper size?

The diaper size you need depends on how you swaddle and how big your baby is. For a newborn, a diaper measuring 1 m x 1 m or 90 cm x 120 cm will be enough. It is not worth winding the diaper around the baby in 3-4 layers, this can lead to overheating. For a grown up or large baby, it is better to buy a diaper measuring 120 cm x 120 cm. Diapers less than a meter long and wide are needed, rather, to spread them under the baby during a massage or games. Swaddling a baby in a fabric of this size is inconvenient.

When swaddling your baby, follow the safety rules:

  • Put your baby to sleep on his back only;
  • The legs of the child should not be tightly brought together with a diaper and straightened;
  • The diaper should not “squeeze” the baby;
  • Observe the temperature regime in the room: + 18–22;
  • Do not cover the child from above with an extra blanket;
  • The crib should not have pillows, toys, soft sides.

Sleep Consultant Opinion

Alena Rubanovich

BabySleep Senior Sleep Consultant

Usually the need for swaddling fades by 5-6 months, but in practice we often leave (or return) swaddling for highly sensitive and excitable children up to the age of 7-8 months or even longer.

When an older baby begins to get out of the diaper on his own, this will be a signal to avoid swaddling.

Learn more about swaddling and baby sleep patterns from birth to six months at the BabySleep webinar 0-6 Months: Sleep Without Tears.


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Disposable diapers for newborns

What are disposable waterproof diapers

The main purpose of disposable diapers is the same as for baby diapers – to absorb waste. In the first couple of months after discharge from the hospital, disposable diapers for newborns repeatedly help out parents. They do not need to be washed and dried like fabric ones, and after use, it is enough just to throw them in a bucket.

As standard, diapers consist of several layers. The lower one, which is in contact with the crib, stroller, changing table and other surfaces, is made of film. It will not allow any liquids to wet and stain the surface. The peculiarity of the film is that it does not slip even on a smooth surface. The top layer that comes into contact with the baby’s skin is sterile. It is made from soft cellulose, which does not provoke allergies and quickly passes liquid inside. The middle layer consists of an absorbent filler. It keeps the liquid inside, not releasing back. So the baby’s skin is kept dry and clean during hygiene procedures, air baths, changing clothes and other care activities.

Diapers are sold in pharmacy chains, specialized and ordinary stores. Packages contain 5-120 pieces. The sizes of the most popular diapers vary from 40×60 to 60×90 cm. Products are manufactured by domestic and foreign manufacturers of medical products.

Why we need absorbent disposable diapers for children

It is up to parents to buy disposable diapers or not. Disposables lose to reusable products in one – they cannot be reused and you will have to regularly buy additional hygiene products. However, for this reason, you should not give up the promised comfort, since the cost of buying disposable diapers will help free up time by saving on washing and ironing. If you compare the time and effort costs, adding the cost of powder and electricity, then disposable products will definitely win.

Even the best disposable diapers for newborns will not replace cloth alternatives when you need to wrap your baby. Absorbent disposable products are not suitable for swaddling, but in all other cases they will show their best side.

Waterproof diapers are placed under the child to protect him from contact with contaminated surfaces and surfaces from bodily fluids and other fluids. Instead of constantly washing bedding, drying blankets and mattresses, you can simply put a diaper on during air baths, diaper changes, massages, and washing. In the summer, such diapers are used instead of diapers so that the child’s crotch does not rot, but the bed remains dry.

In addition, disposable diapers will help out in the following situations:

  • going to the clinic;
  • a trip to the country when there is no way to wash cloth diapers;
  • visiting guests if necessary to change a diaper.

In every case, a clean disposable diaper will provide comfort and protection for the baby and comfort and peace of mind for the parents.

How to choose disposable diapers in the store

To understand which disposable diapers are best for newborns, you should read the reviews, read the instructions and ingredients on the packages, compare prices and product consumption.

Material in contact with the skin of the child must be made from natural raw materials – cellulose or cotton. Moisture-wicking fill can be synthetic, but fluff pulp options are available.

If the packaging indicates the presence of aromatic components, you should refuse such products, since there is a risk of an allergy in the baby.

It remains to decide on the manufacturer, the size of diapers and the number of pieces in the package. To begin with, you can buy a small pack to evaluate the quality of the products and the reaction of the child to them.

Pros and cons of all disposable diapers

Good disposable diapers for newborns have the following advantages:

  1. Reliably retains moisture inside, so both the baby’s skin and the surface under the diaper remain dry.
  2. No need to wash, dry and iron diapers. Parents have time.
  3. Even on a hot day, the diaper does not cause diaper rash and redness, unlike diapers.
  4. Indispensable in the massage room and for any procedures.

The only drawback is that the baby cannot be wrapped in such a diaper. If you use them often and not on business, the costs will increase. There are no other disadvantages of modern absorbent and waterproof hygiene products. Therefore, with rational use, parents receive only the benefits of using such diapers.

How to use disposable diapers correctly

Even inexperienced mothers and grandmothers who first decide to use this replacement for cloth diapers will quickly figure out where and how to use disposable diapers. The most common situations when you can and should use them:

  1. Pediatric check-up, when the baby is placed on the scale, changing table and couch. Surfaces may not be perfectly clean, and the doctor will not be happy if the child describes everything around during the examination.