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Опубликовано: January 7, 2023 в 6:32 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous



Ridwan Kamil Jenguk Jemaah Haji Jabar yang Terkena Stroke di Arab Saudi

Penulis Kontributor Bandung, Dendi Ramdhani


Editor Gloria Setyvani Putri

BANDUNG, KOMPAS. com – Gubernur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil mengunjungi penginapan jemaah haji asal Jabar di Hotel Suad Palace dan Dar Hasan Hotel, Arab Saudi, Rabu (6/7/2022) malam waktu setempat.

Selain menyapa para jemaah, Emil, sapaan akrabnya menjenguk sekaligus menyemangati salah satu jemaah asal Subang, Winingsih, yang sedang terbaring karena terkena stroke.

“Salah satu jemaah Haji asal Subang Jawa Barat yang sedang mendapatkan ujian. Saya jenguk dan semangati semalam. Beliau sakit terkena stroke saat di tanah suci, yang membuatnya tidak mampu bergerak sehingga tidak bisa melaksanakan lanjutan ritual ibadah haji,” tulis Emil dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Kamis (7/7/2022).

Baca juga: Ridwan Kamil Berangkat Haji Badal untuk Eril, Sempat Berziarah dan Mohon Doa

Emil yang juga bertugas sebagai amirul haji Jabar mengatakan, tim haji Jabar sudah mengantisipasi hal tersebut dengan menyiapkan personel pengganti untuk melaksanakan badal haji.

“Untungnya, Islam memberikan kemudahan atau rukhsah kepada mereka yang berhalangan. Tim Haji Jawa Barat sudah mengantisipasi hal-hal ini, dengan menyiapkan personel pengganti Ibu Winingsih dengan syariat yang disebut Badal Haji atau dihajikan. Insya Allah, pulang ke tanah air tetap dengan predikat Hajjah yang menyempurnakan rukun islam ke-5 nya,” imbuhnya.

Selain itu, Emil juga berbincang-bincang dengan para jemaah haji asal Jabar sekaligus menyantap bakso dan bala-bala.

Kemudian, Emil juga bertemu dengan pemilik empat hotel yang menjadi penginapan jemaah haji asal Jabar. Pertemuan itu untuk membahas permasalahan air yang sempat terjadi di hotel.

“Ini adalah Mr. Walid. Beliau memiliki empat hotel yang semua disewa oleh rombongan Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Ada komplain sedikit urusan air kemarin. Hari ini, beliau menyampaikan urusan air sudah tertangani. Jadi, itu contoh ada masalah kita respons, pemilik datang langsung,” kata Emil.

Sebelumnya, Emil sudah memastikan sistem pelayanan untuk jemaah haji asal Jabar, seperti logistik dan kesehatan, aman dan terkendali.

Selain klinik-klinik kesehatan di setiap hotel per sektor, hadir juga EMC (Emergency Medical Team) yang siap menangani masalah kesehatan para jemaah.

Baca juga: Wagub Jabar Minta ACT Inisiatif Segera Tutup Kantor

“Saya bersama EMT Emergency Medical Team yang memastikan jemaah kalau ada masalah kesehatan ditangani dengan baik. Yang kedua, mau menunggu atau di lapangan, ini ada tasnya. Isinya obat-obatan untuk nanti wukuf di Arafah yang memang paling masif. Tapi, kita doakan yang penting semua sehat,” ucapnya.

“Pergi selamat, pulang selamat, menjadi haji mabrur dan mabrurah,” jelasnya.

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Pilihan Untukmu

Alya Al-Aswani – Yakobyan’s House » knigi-for.

me: Electronic library of business and educational literature. We read online. Page 10

Haji Azzam began to buy real estate and commercial premises in the very center, as if to prove his new status in the area, which knew him as a beggar…

About two years have passed since then…

One day Haji Azzam woke up, as usual, to pray and found that his underwear was soaked. He was afraid that he was sick, went to the bathroom to wash and realized that it was all about his lust. He remembered the distant, indistinct image of the naked woman he had seen in his dream. And he was surprised that this happened to him, already a middle-aged man who was in his sixties. All day, doing business, he tried to forget her, but she always returned. He began to take a bath every day before the morning prayer to cleanse himself. But this was not the end of the matter, and more than once he caught himself stealthily looking at the figures of the women working in his shop. Some of them, instinctively sensing his lust, deliberately flirted with him, seducing him in conversation, so that he had to shout at them . ..

This sudden, uncontrollable lust worried Haji Azzam greatly, firstly, because it did not correspond to his age, and secondly, because he walked a straight path through life and believed that his piety and fear of angering Allah were the main reason for his success: he did not drink alcohol (as for smoking hashish, many Muslim theologians assured him that although it is not welcome, it is not sinful and not forbidden, hashish does not push a person to debauchery and crimes, like alcohol, rather, on the contrary calms the nerves, balances, clears the mind). Azzam did not commit adultery and restrained himself, and therefore, as was customary in Upper Egypt, he married early. During his long life, he saw rich people who, succumbing to lust, lost their untold riches … Hadji shared his problem in secret with several elderly friends, and they confirmed that what happened to him was out of the ordinary and should soon pass. nine0003

“It’s just an excess of health…” Hadji’s friend Kamil, who sells cement, told him jokingly… I did not expect that youth would return to my husband. This annoyed her, because she could not satisfy him and told him more than once in reproach that they already had adult children and, as respectable spouses, they should be proud of their abstinence. Hadji had no choice but to tell everything to Sheikh al-Samman, a well-known expert on Muslim law, who heads the Islamic Charitable Foundation; Azzam considered him his imam and mentor in all worldly and heavenly affairs and did not start a single major business without consulting him. Hadji gave him tens of thousands of pounds and brought valuable gifts. At the discretion of the sheikh, they went to charity, but returned with his prayers and blessings in the form of lucrative deals … After Friday prayers and a weekly sermon that Sheikh as-Samman read at the as-Salam mosque in Nasr, Haji Azzam asked for an audience and spoke about his problem . The sheikh listened to him, was silent for a while and spoke sharply and irritably:

– Praise be to Allah, Haji! Why be shy when Allah is so generous, brother?! Why open the door to Satan and commit a crime?! Take care of yourself and do as Allah pleases. Allah allows you to marry again, you will remain righteous. Rely on Allah and hasten to do a godly deed before you fall into sin …

– I am no longer young. If I get married, I’m afraid gossip will spread…

— If I didn’t know your honesty and firmness, I would think badly of you… What are you afraid of? Conversations of people or the wrath of the Almighty? Will you break God’s laws?.. You are still strong, you are in good health, and you are attracted to women… Get married and be fair to your wives… It is legal. nine0003

Haji Azzam hesitated, or maybe pretended to doubt. Sheikh al-Samman persuaded him for so long that he finally convinced him and even undertook to talk with the three sons of the Haji – Fawzi, Qadri and Hamdi (assistant prosecutor), for which Haji Azzam was grateful to him. The sons were surprised at the desire of their father to marry, but did not mind. The eldest, Fawzi, the right hand of his father, expressed, if not a protest, then a condemnation, but in the end he said with a heavy heart: “If the haji needs to get married, we will approve his choice, it’s worse if he contacts a prostitute who will turn his life into a nightmare …” nine0003

The decision was made and the search for a worthy wife began. Haji Azzam instructed his faithful people to find an unspoiled girl and in a few months he looked at many candidates. But, having great experience, he rejected everyone, finding their behavior vicious. Yes, this one is amazingly beautiful, but her face is too shameless, he cannot trust her with his honest name. And this capricious girl will bother him with her requests. And she needs money… So the haji rejected all the candidates until he met Suad Gaber, a saleswoman from the Hannoux chain store only in Alexandria. Divorced, with a child. Hadji was fascinated as soon as he saw her: a beautiful, plump white-skinned woman in a hijab, soft black hair in strands lie freely under a scarf, big black eyes fascinate, her lips are plump, appetizing, she herself is well-groomed, like all Alexandrian women, fingernails and legs trimmed and carefully polished, but not made up (with painted nails you can not perform ablution), soft hands are moistened with cream. Even her heels were clean and smooth, without any cracks, pale pink, polished with pumice . .. Suad was interested in Hadji. He especially admired her meekness, a consequence of a hard life in poverty. He considered her biography impeccable: she married an engraver, bore him a child, then he left her and went to Iraq, communication with him was interrupted, and the judge, fearing that the woman would enter into an illegal relationship, decided to dissolve the marriage. Hadji secretly sent a man to ask about her at work and at the place of residence. Her morality was praised everywhere. He prayed that Allah would reward him as he deserved and he saw in a dream the beautiful body of Suad Gaber (but he saw her modestly dressed, and not shamelessly naked, like others) … From that time on, Haji Azzam entrusted his fate to Allah. He visited the Suad family in Said Bashar, spoke with her older brother, “boss” Hamid (he worked in a coffee shop in al-Manshiya). They agreed on everything. As always when concluding a contract, Haji Azzam was direct and brief. In a word, he married Suad Gaber on the following terms:

– Suad moves to Cairo to live with him and leaves his little son Tamer with his mother in Alexandria, she can visit him “whenever possible”;

– he buys her jewelry for ten thousand pounds, pays a ransom of twenty thousand, and in case of divorce, another five thousand pounds;

– marriage is kept secret, if Salih’s first wife finds out everything, he will immediately divorce Suad;

– he marries according to the laws of the Sunnah, but does not want to have children. nine0003

Haji Azzam insisted on this last point and made it clear to Hamid that neither age nor circumstances allow him now to become the father of a baby, and if Suad becomes pregnant, the contract concluded between them will be immediately terminated …

* * *

– What’s wrong with you?

They were in bed. Souad, in a blue nightgown that showed off her full breasts, hips, and dazzling white shoulders, and Hajji Azzam, sprawled on his back beside her in a white robe. It was “their time”. Every day, when the afternoon prayer ended, the haji went up from his office to a luxurious apartment on the seventh floor, bought especially for her, dined, slept with her until dinner and left her until the next day … This was the only possible option that allowed, as she thought not to destroy his family life. Today, however, the haji was unusually tired and nervous… He was thinking over a matter that had been haunting him during the day. Thoughts tired him, he felt a headache, and a few hand-rolled cigarettes that he smoked after dinner made him sick. In his heart he wished that Suad would give him some sleep. But she stretched out her arms to him, clasped his head in her moist fragrant palms, looked at him with wide eyes and whispered:0003

– What’s the matter with you, my love?

Haji smiled and muttered:

— Many problems at work.

– Thank God you’re healthy. It is most important.

– Thank God.

— I swear, the whole world is not worth your worries even for a split second.

— You are right.

– Tell me what’s bothering you.

— Don’t you have problems yourself?!

– I only have you.

Haji smiled and looked gratefully at Souad. He reached out to her cheek and kissed her, then put his head back and, becoming serious, said:0003

I was told to come alone to read online by Souad Mekhennet (Page 11)

I met with the editor, but things didn’t go as I had hoped. The editor explained that he would not send a person who was practically born in this country to cover what was happening there. I said that I could not understand his logic, but in any case it does not matter, because I was born in Frankfurt.

The editor obviously felt uncomfortable. He explained that I was from Morocco and therefore he could not approve my candidacy for this position. My stomach churned with resentment, and tears welled up in my eyes. “Don’t you dare cry here!” I ordered myself. nine0003

I repeated that I was born in Germany and explained that my parents were actually from two different countries, Morocco and Turkey. According to his logic, I added, he should immediately fire all “German Germans” who cover events in Germany and hire foreigners instead. He turned pale and said that we had nothing more to talk about. I jumped up and ran out of his office just as tears were streaming down my cheeks. You will never be considered a real German, I thought. “You don’t have any chance in journalism. ” nine0003

Three months later, on a Tuesday in September, I was listening to my favorite international relations teacher, Lothar Brock. The lecture was about… something. I don’t remember exactly because I didn’t really listen. At the beginning of the class, I turned off the ringer of my mobile phone, but over the past hour I felt it vibrate in my bag several times. Something terrible has happened. The only reason that someone called me again and again could only be the misfortune in my family.

When Professor Brock let us go for a break, I hurried out of the classroom. The messages on my phone confirmed my fears: “Suad, where are you?”, “Suad, you must go home!”, “Suad, come back immediately!”

Yes, something definitely happened at home. I ran back to the classroom and asked Professor Brock for time off. “Go home,” he said. “I hope everything is all right. Let me know how you’re doing, okay?”

I ran to the bus and after a twenty-minute ride ran through the door of my apartment. Everyone, except for dad, who was at work, sat around the TV. nine0003

Speechless, I sat up and stared at the scenes of the massacre in New York. I immediately remembered my trip there six months ago. I went to lower Manhattan specifically to see the World Trade Center, and the twin towers stood proudly over the city as symbols of American prosperity and strength.

Now they were gone. And all those dead…

“Perhaps they were Russians,” my mother said hopefully.

But that was unlikely.

I looked at Hannan, who was looking at me. nine0003

“I hope the Arabs are not involved,” she said. “Because if it is them, then the retaliation will be terrible.

But we already knew everything. Here in Germany the Muslims will suffer. We looked with horror and incomprehension at the television reports that now came not only from New York, but also from Washington and a small town in the state of Pennsylvania. How could this happen? What can make people act with such cruelty, with such hatred, with such extremism? nine0003

Germany’s role in the tragedy soon became clear. We learned that Mohammed Atta, the organizer of the attack, two other hijackers and several other key people lived in Hamburg and were part of a secret organization that later became known as the Hamburg cell.

I told my teachers that I should go there and find out what happened. I called my former landlady and it turned out that my room was still available. I left on the next train to Hamburg. nine0003

I didn’t work for any particular newspaper, so I started writing as a freelancer. German newspapers were filled with notes about the connection of Muhammad Atta’s group with the Al-Quds Mosque in Hamburg. A Moroccan student who knew Atta told me that Mohammed was very intelligent but took Islam extremely seriously. “If you want to know more, go to Steindamm,” this student told me, referring to the always crowded street in Hamburg’s red-light district. He told me that Atta and his friends used to dine at a cafe where they fried chicken, and he gave me the address. nine0003

So I put on the standard student uniform of jeans and a sweater, added lipstick and heavy black eyeliner that Moroccan women liked to wear, and set out for Steindamm. In this area, which I had never visited during my studies in Hamburg, sex shops, pornographic cinemas and prostitutes coexisted with small Turkish, Arab and Persian grocery stores and unofficial mosques. I did not expect this and felt a little out of my element, noticing that people on the street were looking at me. nine0003

I went to the little restaurant the student was talking about and sat at a table by the window to watch what was going on outside. I ordered bread with honey, sat and listened to the people at the neighboring tables speak Arabic. They feared that their business would be affected by recent events and warned each other against talking to reporters.

I heard one man ask another, “How are you, brother?” – and decided that he and his friend must be relatives. Later, I learned that a kind of brotherhood unites all Muslims, no matter where they live. nine0003

Another man replied that he knew some of the people on those planes:

— Oh my God, those journalists! They ask a lot of questions! And they seem to think that we are all terrorists here!

I sat for a while with a cup of tea. The restaurant had a separate room for families and children, but I sat in the common room with the men. The people at the tables next to me must have thought I was strange, since I was sitting in this place all by myself.

A group of men were sitting at the next table. One of them was clearly a respected person. Others listened intently as he spoke and nodded in agreement. He spoke Moroccan Arabic. nine0003

— How were we to know? – he asked. “They were such nice guys.

I realized that if I sat quietly and listened, I might learn something. I learned that these men were worshipers of the al-Quds mosque. The man everyone else listened to was al-Haji, and he was the head of the mosque’s council. Sometimes reporters are just lucky and choose the right restaurant for a cup of tea.

I went back to my apartment and started looking for the mosque phone number. It wasn’t in the phone book, and there was no Internet access in the apartment, so I had to go to an Internet cafe to get a number and call it. nine0003

“Assalam alaikum,” a male voice answered me.

This meant a wish for peace.

Excited, I didn’t answer wa’alaikum assalam, the traditional response to a greeting. After listening to complaints about reporters, I did not begin to talk about the purpose of my call and simply asked to call al Hadji.

“Just tell him it’s Suad,” I said.

– Some girl named Suad is calling you! ‘ shouted the man who answered me.

When al Hadji answered the phone, I said:

My name is Suad. I am Moroccan. I’m just trying to find out the truth about what happened.

He was a smart man.

“I don’t want to talk to reporters,” he said. They don’t respect our rules at the mosque. Who are you working for?

– I am a Muslim. I respect the rules. Could we just have a cup of tea?

He agreed to meet me and have tea in a shop near the mosque the next day. I promised that I would not record the conversation. I took the first tentative steps into a world where I had never been before. nine0003

I had so many questions, not the least of which was how I should even talk to him. I again dressed in the usual clothes of a German student: jeans, sneakers, shirt, jacket. Al Hadji came in Arab trousers and a tunic. He had a long beard and looked very formal.

— Are you Suad? he asked before sitting down. “We didn’t do anything. We couldn’t do anything about it. We cannot stop people from entering the mosque. They sometimes came, prayed, ate. nine0003

I showed al Hadji pictures of the people who took part in the attacks. He studied them carefully.

“This is el-Emir,” he said, pointing to a photograph of Atta, whose full name was Mohammed el-Emir Atta. Al Hadji said he knew it: people would say that our faith made us attack.

We talked very kindly for a while, and apparently he began to like me. He told me about a place nearby, a bookstore where Atta sometimes met with his friends. nine0003

I realized that I had some success, and I breathed a sigh of relief: it was possible to obtain information.