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Ballantyne KinderCare | Daycare, Preschool & Early Education in Charlotte, NC

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Ballantyne KinderCare

Welcome to Ballantyne KinderCare

Welcome to Ballantyne KinderCare in Charlotte, North Carolina! Conveniently located near Rea Road, our center offers integrative learning at a very affordable price. Our fun approach to education makes students excited to come to school by offering activities such as dramatic play and child-initiated discovery. Every day, our staff works hard to help children develop confidence for life. We love our community of staff and families, where everyone is welcome!

Our classrooms are places to thrive! 
In our safe and healthy classrooms, your child will be engaged in learning experiences that meet them where they are, both socially and academically. With fun daily activities, passionate teachers, and great friends, a lifetime of confidence starts here. Contact the center director to learn more about our child care options and schedule a tour! 

Meet Megan Fiege, Our Center Director

Meet Megan Fiege! She is the Center Director at Ballantyne KinderCare in Charlotte, North Carolina. Megan attended San Diego State University, where she earned a degree in Social Science. She has been with KinderCare since 2006, and before that she was a teacher. Outside of work, Megan enjoys reading, being outdoors, traveling, working out, going to sporting events, and spending time with her family and dog. Her favorite quote is, “Promise me you’ll always remember; You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Winnie-the-Pooh

  • Ballantyne KinderCare Programs
  • Our Teachers
  • Family Stories
  • FAQs


We’re so proud!

Nationally only 10% of daycares are accredited – nearly 100% of our learning centers are. That’s a big difference,
and that means KinderCare kids are getting the very best. Here’s why.


What Learning Looks Like

Our talented early-childhood teachers set kids down the path toward becoming lifelong learners in a positive, safe, and nurturing environment.

Ballantyne KinderCare Programs

Infant Programs (6 weeks–1 year)

Leaving your baby in someone else’s care is a big step. Everyone at our
centers—most importantly, our naturally gifted infant teachers—will work with
you to make sure the transition goes smoothly. When you step into our infant
classroom, you’ll see how much we want your infant to feel safe, loved, and
ready to explore their world.

Toddler Programs (1–2 Years)

Everything in our toddler classroom is designed for little explorers. That’s
because a lot is going on at this age. When your child is wandering all over the
place, that means they’re learning and discovering new things every day. We’ll
help them explore their interests (and find new ones!) as they play and learn.

Discovery Preschool Programs (2–3 Years)

This age is filled with so much wonder and curiosity. That’s why we offer a ton
of books and toys and bring artwork down to kids eye level. Children in
discovery preschool also begin to learn how we all work together in a
classroom. Simple math and science, pretend play, and group play help them
get used to a more structured school setting.

Preschool Programs (3–4 Years)

This age is all about expression, when kids really start to form their own ideas
about what they want to play and how they want to create. Every day in our
preschool classroom, your child will explore science experiments, create
artwork, and play pretend—all the skills needed for their big next step:

Prekindergarten Programs (4–5 Years)

When you walk into one of our pre-K classrooms, you’ll see artwork and
writing displayed around the room. Labels are everywhere to help kids connect
letters with words. You’ll also see pictures on the walls that reflect the families
in our community. Your child will also deepen their knowledge in language,
math, science, Spanish, and social skills.

Before- and After-School Programs (5–12 Years)

You can count on us to provide reliable care for your school-ager while you’re
at work, with safe transportation from our center to your child’s school and
back! Whether your child wants to start a drama club, build a volcano, or
create a comic book, they will have a place to follow their dreams. Your child
will start and end the day with a whole lot of fun!

School Break Programs (preschool, prekindergarten, and school-age)

Winter break, spring break, summer break—when school’s out (but you still need to work), you
can count on KinderCare to provide a safe and supportive learning environment that’s focused
on fun. We welcome children ages 5–12 during school break times and make sure they have a
sensational, screen-free experience they won’t forget.

Our Teachers

We’re the only company in early childhood education to select teachers based on natural talent. Being a great educator isn’t enough though.
KinderCare teachers are also amazing listeners, nurturers, boo-boo fixers, and smile-makers. Put more simply,
we love our teachers and your child will, too.

Meet just a few of our amazing KinderCare teachers!


An Artist’s Heart

“My classroom is full of art!” says Mary Annthipie-Bane, an award-winning early childhood educator at KinderCare. Art and creative expression, she says, help children discover who they really are.

We put our best-in-class teachers in a best-in-class workplace. We’re so proud to have been named one of Gallup’s 37 winners of the Great Workplace Award.
When you put great teachers in an engaging center, your children will experience
an amazing place to learn and grow.

Family Stories

Share Your Story

If you have a story about your experience at KinderCare,

please share your story with us

Who Are KinderCare Families?

They hail from hundreds of cities across the country from countless backgrounds, and proudly represent every walk in life. What our families have in common,
though, is the want to give their children the best start in life. We are so proud to be their partner in parenting.

Hear from just a few of our amazing KinderCare families.

A Globe-Trotting Family Finds A

Home in Houston

Four young children, four different passports, two languages, two full-time jobs…oh, and a few triathlons thrown in for good measure.
Meet the globe-trotting Colettas—a family on the go.

Frequently Asked Questions

What accreditations does KinderCare have?

We are your trusted caregiver. Our centers are state-licensed and regularly inspected to make sure everything meets or exceeds standards, including child-to-teacher ratios and safe facilities. Our centers aren’t just licensed—most are accredited, too! Find out more.

Do you offer part-time schedules at Ballantyne KinderCare?

Everybody’s schedule is different. We’re happy to offer quality, affordable part-time and full-time childcare. Drop-in care may also be available. Reach out to your Center Director to learn more.

How does naptime work at Ballantyne KinderCare?

Our teachers meet every child’s needs during naptime. Our teachers know how to get babies to nap. In fact, they are pros at getting children of any age to nap. Visit our article on “10 Ways We Help Kids Get a Great Daycare Nap” to learn more.

Do you support alternative diets?

We strive to be as inclusive as possible. To that point, we provide a vegetarian option at mealtime, take care to not serve common allergens and can adapt menus based on your child’s food sensitivities. If your child has additional needs, we’ll work with you to figure out a plan.

Are meals included in tuition? Can I choose to send my child with lunch?

We provide nutritious meals and snacks developed by a registered dietician to meet the needs of rapidly growing bodies and minds. If your child has special dietary requirements and you would prefer to bring in their lunch, please make arrangements with the center director.

Does my child need to be potty-trained?

Every child begins toilet learning at a different age. Until your child shows an interest in toilet learning, we’ll provide diaper changes on an as-needed basis. When your child shows an interest, we’ll discuss how to work together to encourage toilet learning.

Covenant Presbyterian Church – Charlotte, NC

Children are a welcome and vital part of our community

Enrollment for 2023-2024

To register your child, return the Registration forms plus the registration fee online, by mail, or in person.  

Preference is given in the following order:
• Children currently enrolled
• Siblings of currently enrolled AND Covenant Presbyterian Church members not currently enrolled
• Children from families in the community at large

Tuition Schedule for 2023-2024
• 2 days per week $285 per month
• 3 days per week $335 per month
• 4 days per week $390 per month
• 5 days per week $465 per month
Scholarship and financial Assistance is available, please contact the preschool to discuss further.

One month’s tuition is due to hold your child’s place. 
This payment is applied to May, 2024. Monthly tuition is due the first day of each month. Automatic draft payments are encouraged. Late notices (with a $10 late charge) will be mailed on the 15th of each month.
*Please note that class offerings are subject to change based on enrollment at registration.

enroll your child here

Early Childhood development

Enrollment forms for 2023/2024

Prepayment of May 2024 tuition

Enrollment Brochure for 2023-2024

Parents Handbook 2023-2024

Tuition Express Autopay Form

2022-2023 School Calendar

Weekday Preschool Overview

Guided by rigorous standards, Covenant Preschool’s early childhood program assures you that your child is thriving in an attentive learning environment that encourages them to develop physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally.

We also encourage the development of a child’s faith. Children participate in monthly chapel services, blessings at snack time and age-appropriate Bible stories. They are taught to appreciate God’s creation and themselves as God’s children. Many opportunities exist at Covenant to share God’s love through community outreach. We participate in mission projects that include lunches for Covenant’s Room in the Inn guests, donations to Loaves & Fishes and our Christmas Giving Tree.  We do this all with a family-oriented philosophy that encourages parents and caregivers to observe and participate in their child’s development. Join us!

Schedule and Hours

Our program operates on a September to May calendar.  We generally observe the same holiday schedule as public schools and utilize some of the Teacher Work Days.

Children are dropped off in their classrooms at 9 a.m. Pick-up is at 12:30 p.m.  
Preschoolers bring their lunch to school every day. 

The office is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Class offerings 

Class Offerings

Classes will be formed on the basis of registrations received and enrollment will be limited to the following class sizes:

Ones (Walking independently, no morning nap or bottle, and 1 year by 8/31/23)  
2-Day Toddlers: Tues/Thurs @ 2 Teachers, 9 Children
2-Day Toddlers: Wed/Fri @ 2 Teachers, 9 Children

Two-Year Olds (as of 8/31/23)
2-day Two’s: Tues/Thurs @ 2 Teachers, 10-11 Children
3-day Two’s: Mon/Wed/Fri @ 2 Teachers, 10-12 Children
3-day Two’s: Mon/Tues/Thurs @ 2 Teachers, 10-12 Children

Three-Year Olds (as of 8/31/23)
3-day Three’s: Mon/Wed/Fri @ 2 Teachers, 15-16 Children
4-day Three’s: Tues – Fri @ 2 Teachers, 15-16 Children
5-day Three’s: Mon – Fri @ 2 Teachers, 15-16 Children

Four and Five-Year Olds (as of 8/31/23)
5-day Four’s & Five’s: Mon-Fri @ 2 Teachers, 16-17 Children

creative Curriculum

Covenant Preschool offers a high- quality developmentally appropriate approach to preschool education. Covenant’s preschool teachers use

The Creative Curriculum to guide their planning, observations and assessments. The Creative Curriculum is a content rich program that supports active learning, creativity and promotes children’s progress in all developmental areas.

The Creative Curriculum:

  • Is comprehensive and rigorously researched
  • Is based on 38 Goals and Objectives that are aligned with state and national standards and guidelines
  • Enables every child to develop creativity, confidence and critical thinking skills.
  • Promotes children’s progress in all areas of development and learning; Social-Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and the Arts

Enrichment activities

Covenant Preschool offers a variety of enrichment activities, including music, art,  and occasional field trips.

Toddlers through threes participate in weekly music and movement class while the fours and fives participate in music with Bold Music with Mr. Eric and Ms Tameka on alternating weeks. All Children are visited by Kevin Harper our Recreation Ministry Director on a regular basis for gym time.  Threes, fours and fives visit our beautiful, light filled Art Studio weekly to experiment with light, color and texture as well as woodworking fun. 

Field Trips

During this day and time, field trips will be planned when it is safe and appropriate to do so.  In a normal year, the Older preschoolers (4’s and 5’s) enjoy year round field trips.  They may visit local businesses, Imaginon, WIng Haven, The Nature Museum or other areas of interest.  Children in the threes classes and younger do no leave school, but we often welcome special visitors who share hobbies and jobs with them.  The Preschool is always open to suggestions from parents regarding possible classroom excursions or visitors.  Parents may be asked to transport children for field trips.  


Covenant has three state-of-the-art outdoor playgrounds. Our youngest classes have direct access to their own playground from their classrooms. During inclement weather, indoor playground equipment is set up on the gym floor in the church Recreation Wing.

Music and Movement

Each week, all students have music and movement class to sing, dance and play musical instruments while developing their self-esteem, expressing their feelings and learning to follow directions. Our program is tailored to meet the needs of the children rather than expecting children to adjust to the demands of a specific program.

Art Studio

The Art Studio at Covenant Presbyterian Preschool offers multi-dimensional art opportunities for our children that go a step further than the artwork that is done in the classroom.  The light-filled space allows children to experiment with paint mixing, light and reflection, patterns and woodworking.

Gym TIme

Kevin Harper, our Recreation Ministry Director, provides stretching, exercise, manipulative skills and cooperative games for all students on a regular basis throughout the year.

Summer Fun Weeks

June 5-9
June 19-23
July 10-14
July 24-28
Registration now open.  See link at top of the page.

Meet Janice Price

Meet Sarah Askins

Director of Schools

Assistant Director of Preschool

Janice comes to Covenant Preschool after serving as the Director of the Child Development Center at First United Methodist Church for the past 24 years. Before her role in the CDC at First United Methodist Church, Janice served as the Director of Children’s Ministry at a church in Midland, North Carolina. Along with Janice’s wealth of experience in early childhood education, she brings with her a passion for continuing to grow in her knowledge. Janice is pursuing a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education at University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

 Sarah Askins is the Assistant Director of the Preschool. After serving as Interim Children’s Ministry Director during the summer of 2021, Sarah joined the preschool staff in the fall. Originally from Columbia, SC, Sarah is a graduate of Appalachian State University with degrees in Marketing and Management. She and her family have been members of Covenant since 2013 and she has served various volunteer roles in the Children’s Ministry.

connect with Our Preschool ministry

We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line below and we’ll get back with you.

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food prices, real estate, apartment rentals, average salaries, crime, population – I want to leave!




Travel time

18h 11min


Population: 1.51 million

Time: 11:02

Currency: US dollar

Charlotte is the largest city in the state of North Carolina, located in the vast foothill plateau of the southeastern United States. In the City of the Queen (that’s what the locals call it) there are many enterprises from the rating of the largest American companies, for example, specializing in financial activities. The city is also known for its developed cultural life, as museums, galleries and a theme park are concentrated here, as well as the University of North Carolina. Charlotte is a very green city, for which it has received awards more than once.

The climate is humid subtropical with four distinct seasons. In summer, the weather here is hot, the air temperature reaches +32°С, and there is a large amount of precipitation. The winter is mild, sometimes there are frosts, the air temperature in January usually ranges from -1°С to +11°С.

Now there are several ways to get to Seattle. Among them, the most convenient option is a plane with transfers in Istanbul and American cities. Charlotte is crossed by two major highways, I-85 and I-77, as well as an Amtrak train station.

The city’s subway system is being replaced by two light rail lines.

You can rent a small one-room apartment in Charlotte with a good repair from $950 per month.


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9 0032 City for comparison

MoscowSaint PetersburgNovosibirskYekaterinburgNizhny NovgorodSamaraOmskRostov-on-DonKazanChelyabinskUfaVolgogradPermKrasnoyarskSaratovVoronezhTolyattiKrasnodarUlyanovskIzhevskYaroslavlBarnaulVladivostokIrkutskKhabarovskOrenburgNovokuznetsk RyazanTyumenLipetskPenzaAstrakhanMakhachkalaTomskKemerovoTulaKirovBalashikhaCheboksaryUlan-UdeKaliningradStavropolBryanskIvanovoMagnitogorskKurskTverNizhny TagilArkhangelskBelgorodKurganSevastopolKalugaSimferopolSochiVolzhskySmolenskMurmanskVladikavkazChere PovetsVologdaVladimirChitaYakutskSaranskOrelSurgutPodolskGroznyTambovSterlitamakTaganrogPetrozavodskKostromaNizhnevartovskNovorossiyskNalchikSyktyvkarKhimkiNizhnekamskMineDzerzhinskBratskNoginskAngarskBlagoveshchenskNovgorod (Veliky)PskovMytishchiBiyskLyubertsyYuzhno -SakhalinskBalakovoSeverodvinskAbakanKrasnogorskNovocherkasskZlatoustPetropavlovsk-KamchatskyNakhodkaPyatigorskKolomnaMaikopOdintsovoKislovodskDomodedovoNefteyuganskSerpukhovNovomoskovskPervouralskKyzylObninskZhukovskyMuromNovy UrengoyAchinskSergiev PosadArzamasSarapulU KhtaMezhdurechenskLeninsk-KuznetskySolikamskGatchinaGlazovMagadanVeliky LukiLobnyaKineshmaAnapaKlinGelendzhikYaltaDubnaTuapseFryazinoLytkarinoSolnechnogorskKirishiNadymGoryachy KlyuchKandalakshaBakhchisarayKholmskMaloyaroslavetsSegezhaBakalyAlupkaInnopolis

Standard of living

cost of living

30% more

more expensive


18% more

more dangerous

crime 9000 3

34% better


quality of life

37% better



by 33%

more comfortable


by 69%


traffic congestion

by 22% 9 0003






little data

apartment rent


more expensive

real estate

90 002 28%




more profitable





Inexpensive restaurant, lunch

1. 25 thousand rubles

800 rubles

900 02 Mid-range restaurant, for two, 3 courses each

4.85 thousand rubles

4 thousand rubles

Lunch at McDonalds or similar fast food

693 rubles

410 rubles

90 002 Local draft beer, 0.5 l.



Imported beer, 0.33 l., bottle glass



Cola/Pepsi, 0.33 l. , bottle



Water, 0.33 l, bottle



Shops and supermarkets

Milk, 1 l.



Loaf of bread, 0.5 kg.



White rice, 1 kg.



Eggs, 12 pcs.



Cheese, local, 1 kg.



Chicken fillet, 1 kg.

1.07 thousand rubles

355 rubles

Beef thigh, 1 kg.

1.25 thousand ₽


Apples, 1 kg.



Bananas, 1 kg.



Oranges, 1 kg.



Tomatoes, 1 kg.



Potato, 1 kg.



Onion, 1 kg.



Lettuce leaves, 1 bunch0003



Bottle of wine (medium price level)

182 RUB

72 RUB

Cigarettes, 1 pack, Malbro




One way ticket (local transport)



900 02 Transport card (regular


Charlotte is a city of money and motorsport

In the US state of North Carolina there is a city Charlotte (with the accent on the first syllable), with which two errors are associated with Russian speakers. Firstly, it is often called in the Russian manner – Charlotte, and secondly, it is considered the main city, the capital of the state. Although in fact, Charlotte is not the capital (the capital is Raleigh), but the largest city in North Carolina.

State: North Carolina

Founded: 1768

Population: 827 097 people

Nickname: The Queen City, The Hornet’s Nest

90 021 A bit of history and geography of the city of Charlotte

City Charlotte (Charlotte ) is located in the southeastern part of the United States, almost on the border of North and South Carolina. It’s funny, but its remote, southern suburbs are already in a neighboring state. The settlement arose in the 18th century, at the intersection of historical routes connecting the North of the country with the South, and the Center with the Atlantic coast. These trade routes were used by the Indians even before the arrival of European settlers.

The city and its environs have a pronounced subtropical climate: mild, but with rare frosts, winters, hot and rainy summers. The least precipitation falls in the first half of spring and autumn.

Charlotte founded predominantly by Protestants, and remained so for a long time. And although now the confessional composition of its population has become much more colorful, Protestant, especially Baptist, churches have significant influence here. Suffice it to say that the city is the birthplace of prominent religious figure Billy Graham.

The city “borrowed” its name from the German princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg. But at the time when the new city was named after her, Charlotte was already the wife of the English king.

Now about 827 thousand people live in the city, and almost twice as many in the suburbs.

You won’t get bored in Charlotte

As in its youth, Charlotte plays the role of an important transport hub. Suffice it to say that until now its center is considered the intersection of Trade and Tryon streets, where trade routes crossed in the old days, and the city’s international airport is one of the ten largest American “air gates”.

However, the basis of stability and prosperity in Charlotte was not transportation, but finance. The city, since the middle of the last century, has gained fame as the country’s second financial center after New York. For this, it is sometimes jokingly called the “little apple”.

The financial world makes itself felt in Charlotte at every turn. Next to the mentioned historical crossroads stands a huge modern glass building, the tallest in the city (265 meters). This is is the headquarters of Bank of America, the largest in the country. The city streets are full of “white collars”, especially in the business part, the so-called uptown. There are many offices and financial institutions here.

It should be noted that the central quarters, sparkling with glass and metal, are separated from the rest of the city by a kind of belt of parks and squares. Charlotte is a very green and well-kept city, even by American standards. Apparently, in this craving for nature, for order and cleanliness, his Protestant character is manifested.

In addition to the financial sector, the citizens are very proud of their love of motor racing. 20 kilometers from the city center, in the Concord area, is the world famous motorsport stadium Charlotte Motor Speedway. It hosts world-class auto racing and is run by NASCAR, the national association of stock car manufacturers. In the city center, NASCAR opened a grandiose exhibition center, the Hall of Fame. It is worth a visit, if only for the amazing ultra-modern design of the building.

In general, there are many museums and exhibition halls in Charlotte, and it is not for nothing that about 25 million tourists visit the city every year. Among the museums, perhaps, Discovery Place stands out, an amazing realm of scientific and technological achievements. Here the eyes are rounded in children and adults! The huge halls of the museum are completely different from the museum rooms we are used to. Many of his exhibitions are interactive, full of active exhibits.

Other museums worth noting are Museum of Contemporary Art and the most interesting Aviation Museum , close to the city airport.

In the central part of the city, the traveler will find an entire entertainment district under the name “Epicenter”. By the way, you can get here by the so-called “light metro”, in fact – a modern high-speed tram, the lines of which are being built up in the city at a rapid pace. The quarter is filled with various entertainment clubs, restaurants and cafes. Active life in the quarter does not stop day or night.

Visiting a modern IMAX cinema with a spherical screen leaves an unforgettable experience. In the field of view of the visitor there will not be a single centimeter of the area where there would be no image!

Some 50 years ago in the city, and in the state as a whole, there was an acute problem of racial segregation.