Preschool for 2 years: Discovery Preschool Programs for 2-3 Year Olds

Опубликовано: December 24, 2019 в 10:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Discovery Preschool Programs for 2-3 Year Olds

(2-3 years old)

Their world is opening up, so we bring a world of
learning to them!

This age is filled with so much wonder and curiosity. That’s why we offer a ton of books and toys and bring their artwork down to kids eye level. Children in discovery preschool also begin to learn the basic building blocks of how we all work together in a classroom. 

At KinderCare, we put safety first to protect our families and staff. Visit our health and safety page to learn more. 

Everyone belongs in our circle

We build warm, welcoming, and supportive classrooms for
children of all abilities, backgrounds, and experiences.

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Explore the discovery preschool classroom

Take a look at how we set up our classroom for preschoolers. It’s organized for their age and stage of learning and development.

Daily classroom schedule

Kids this age thrive on routine. We use a schedule with
simple pictures to show them what’s coming up next! This
keeps them feeling confident about what to expect for the
day and be part of the plan. We’ll talk about our day in
morning circle and have lots of visual reminders everywhere.

Doing things independently

Discovery preschool is also where your child becomes more
independent with things like hand-washing and
potty-training. That’s why sinks, toilets, and furniture in our
classrooms are all kid-size—so they can build confidence
knowing they can do it all by themselves.

Inside a preschooler’s day

Our caring teachers set a daily rhythm for preschoolers
that consists of group time, story time, outdoor play,
meals and snacks, and naps, and most especially, lots of
unstructured playtime.

Group time

Group time happens every day in each
of our classrooms. In discovery
preschool, children come together to
learn about working as a community.
Teachers will read books, sing songs,
and more.

Meals and snacks

Every day, preschoolers sit down to a meal, where they eat healthy
fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and
whole grains—never juice or fried foods.

Outdoor playtime

Most of our classes spend 20–30
minutes outside at least twice a day,
weather permitting. At this age, kids are
off running and exploring, using their
imaginations while they do!

Preschool curriculum

Our teachers will help your child build skills that get them
ready for “big kid school. ” Simple math and science, pretend
play, and group play help them get used to a more structured
school setting.

Building brainpower and strong bodies

For our littlest preschoolers, we mix early math skills—like
patterning and counting—into fun daily activities involving
singing, clapping, and moving around. We also build memory
and focus skills by learning each other’s names and putting
toys away.

Learning to share and make friends

These are the learning-to-share years! We help them with
those skills and also show them how to take turns. As they
learn more about diversity, preschoolers widen their circle of
friends, interact with new people, and appreciate differences.

Writing and understanding stories

At this age, children really begin to understand drawing and
writing as a form of expression, so we do lots of both every
day. They can also ask and answer questions about stories
we read.

Expressing themselves

Creatively, preschoolers are able to explore more art
mediums than before. They can paint and work with clay, play
dress-up and pretend, and use music to express feelings.

Preschool classroom activities

Every day, our creative teachers guide preschoolers through fun activities that are just right for their age. Here are just a few examples!

What’s This?

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes! Kids learn to identify,
name, and count different body parts.

Clap Your Hands

Teachers start a simple clapping pattern and ask kids to use
their ears to listen and then repeat a pattern.

One Block at a Time

Kids learn about sequence and doing things one step at a
time by stacking a few blocks to build a tower.

How to enroll

We’ve gathered all the resources you need to help you make a confident decision to join the KinderCare family.

  • Know what to look for in a child care center and tour ours!
  • Learn about our classrooms, curriculum, and tuition.
  • Find a KinderCare nearby and contact the center director.

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Early Preschool | Kiddie Academy

Early Preschool | Kiddie Academy

Early Preschool

Exploring My World

At Kiddie Academy®, we reinforce your 2-year-old’s natural desire to explore—turning every moment into an opportunity for learning and encouragement. 

We’ve designed our Exploring My World program to nurture your child’s growing individuality through days filled with interactive learning and group activities.

Strict health and safety procedures will be followed

While your 2-year-old is at our Academy, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that they’re in a healthy and safe environment thanks to Health Essentials, our enhanced health and cleaning initiative based on CDC guidelines to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.

Your local Kiddie Academy has information about everything from early preschool programs and early preschool curriculum to tuition, drop-off and pick-up times.

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Life Essentials


Preparing your 2-year-old for preschool and life

Our Exploring My World program is developed through our Life Essentials® preschool curriculum to provide your 2-year-old with well-rounded learning experiences while receiving positive, nurturing care.

Language Arts & Literacy

Focus: Growing your child’s vocabulary and comprehension skills.

We create ample opportunities for your 2-year-old to practice language and communication through music, play and stories.

2-Year-Old Activities
  • Learning the letter “C” by learning its shape and practicing the sound it makes.
  • Mimicking actions and learning the names of fingers through finger plays.
  • Learning about different types of vehicles, like dump trucks, tractors and buses.
  • Learning the Spanish words for eyes (los ojos) and mouth (la boca) while identifying and drawing pictures of their eyes and mouth.
Learn On


Learning continues beyond the classroom. Here are some easy projects you can do to extend learning into your home.

  • Write the letters that start your child’s first and last names so that they become familiar with the shapes and can practice the sounds those letters make.
  • Do the finger play “Where is Thumbkin?” and have your child mimic the actions to learn the names of the fingers.
  • Have your child draw a picture of a face, then practice the Spanish words for eyes (los ojos) and mouth (la boca).

Mathematics & Science

Focus: Helping your child count, recognize patterns and discover how our world works.

We teach your 2-year-old basic math and science through hands-on activities that build on their natural curiosity about the world.

2-Year-Old Activities
  • Investigating whether objects sink or float at the water table.
  • Following a recipe to make cornbread using simple math skills, like counting and measuring.
  • Understanding how plants grow by planting grass seeds and caring for them until they sprout.
  • Learning basic shapes, like circles and squares, by going on a scavenger hunt in the classroom for objects that look like these shapes.
Learn On


Learning continues beyond the classroom. Here are some easy projects you can do to extend learning into your home.

  • During bath time, investigate which toys float or sink in the water.
  • Let your child help make a simple recipe, like cornbread, to practice simple math skills like counting and measuring.
  • Plant and care for grass seeds to help your child understand how plants grow.
  • Do a scavenger hunt at home and have your child find objects with basic shapes like triangles, squares and circles.

Social & Emotional Development

Focus: Helping your child control their feelings and behaviors.

Our teachers create a patient, supportive environment for your 2-year-old to learn about themselves and forming relationships with others. Your child will participate in activities designed to help them understand trust, empathy, compassion and a sense of right and wrong.

2-Year-Old Activities
  • Playing cooperatively with other children by painting murals as a class and sharing blocks to build a house.
  • Pretending to have a picnic with classmates in the Dramatic Play center.
  • Discussing ways they can help their family at home through songs.
  • Discussing and celebrating accomplishments and learning about independence from books.
Learn On


Learning continues beyond the classroom. Here are some easy projects you can do to extend learning into your home.

  • Sing “Help Around the House” and discuss ways your child can help with chores at home.
  • Read “I Can Do It Too!” and talk about ways your child can practice being independent.
  • Use blocks to build a house with your child so that they learn how cooperation helps make things happen.

Fine & Gross Motor Skills

Focus: Developing your child’s coordination and balance.

Our teachers guide your 2-year-old through activities designed to help refine physical skills that utilize their small and large muscle groups.

2-Year-Old Activities
  • Feeding themselves with forks and spoons and learning to pour child-size pitchers during family-style meals.
  • Working on coordination by throwing and kicking balls and conquering obstacle courses on the playground.
  • Learning rhythm through dancing and musical activities.
  • Learning to do basic daily skills.
Learn On


Learning continues beyond the classroom. Here are some easy projects you can do to extend learning into your home.

  • Throw and kick balls outside to help work on coordination.
  • Put on some music and dance with your child to help them learn about rhythmic motion.
  • Have your child pick out and put on their clothes to learn to do basic daily skills like getting dressed.

Character Essentials


Focus: Helping your child grow into a caring individual.

We believe exposing your 2-year-old to common values helps them better understand the society we live in. Throughout the year, we focus on a different value, like honesty, generosity and patience.

2-Year-Old Activities
  • Introducing the concept of sharing by role playing and reading.
  • Encouraging cooperation by working in pairs.
  • Discussing independence.
Learn On


Learning continues beyond the classroom. Here are some easy projects you can do to extend learning into your home.

  • Read “Should I Share My Ice Cream?” and then do role playing to learn about the concept of sharing.
  • Encourage cooperation by working with your child to clean up around the house.
  • Discuss independence through singing songs like “This is the Way I Comb My Hair.”

Health Essentials

Focus: Keeping your 2-year-old healthy and safe.

Health Essentials is a set of CDC-based standard operating procedures that can help mitigate the spread of potential infection throughout our Academy. Health Essentials is a key part of our overall COVID-19 response, expanding upon existing disinfection and health protocols that offer parents and staff peace of mind and demonstrates our commitment to creating a healthy and safe environment for learning and working.

Health Essentials guidelines are focused on four principles designed to cover various preventative, protective and corrective measures that address COVID-19:

1. Wellness Education

The solution starts with an understanding.

  • Children learn how following proper hygienic practices can keep them healthy
  • Academy staff receives training and must abide by enhanced health and safety practices outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

2. Enhanced Hygiene

Soap and water is the best solution.

  • Soap and water offer the simplest solution to combat infection
  • Staff increase handwashing frequency
  • All children must wash their hands upon entering their room at the start of each day and all recommended times thereafter in addition to following standard Academy handwashing procedures

3. Healthy Environment

A clean facility keeps families safe.

Academies adhere to advanced cleaning procedures:

  • Nightly cleaning
  • Daily laundering of soft items and bedding
  • Limiting items brought into the Academy

4. Symptom Monitoring

Keeping a watchful eye

  • Temperature monitoring at the Academy entrance.
  • Track symptoms using AcademyLink®
  • Isolate symptomatic children from others immediately upon observation
  • Contact parents for pickup from the Academy
  • Daily health check is completed upon arrival

Want to explore more?

Learn how we help your child develop into a thoughtful, caring, and adaptable individuals using our learning approach that exceeds state standards

How Life Essentials is different

Questions? Answers.

Explore some of the most frequently asked questions from parents of 2-year-olds.

What if my child gets sick?

We’ll call you or a designated adult from your Emergency Information Form so that your child can be picked up as soon as possible from the Academy. While waiting to be picked up, your child will rest quietly, away from other children.

What policies are Academies required to have in place to address safety?

Our facilities and outdoor play areas are required to have secure entries and exits that are maintained by an electronic entry system. Only individuals authorized by you are allowed to pick up your child from the Academy. All employees are required to have undergone background checks prior to employment.

Do I need to pack a lunch?

No. We provide an assortment of healthy, age-appropriate meals and snacks for the children to eat each day.

What if my child has allergies?

Due to the high number of children with peanut allergies, we do not serve peanut products. If your child has a specific allergy, please list them on our dietary restriction letter so that we can make appropriate food substitutions.

What are teacher qualifications?

All Kiddie Academy teachers must meet or exceed the state requirements for child care providers and are required to receive ongoing professional training annually. We also require background checks through local, county, state and/or federal agencies prior to employment.

What is your discipline policy?

We do not use physical or verbal punishment under any circumstances. We use positive guidance and re-direction to acknowledge children’s feelings and emotions and provide them with social scripts, problem-solving techniques, self-calming activities and choices and activities geared toward their interests.

What will my child be doing?

At this age, children are naturally inquisitive and take pride in doing things on their own. Our teachers encourage your preschooler to take advantage of our center-based learning environment to explore and progress at their own pace. Your child will work on social/emotional development, motor skills and will be introduced to language arts, mathematics and science.

Can I drop in to observe?

Due to the concerns around COVID-19, we are unable to allow drop-in observation by parents or family members. We hope to reverse this rule as soon as it becomes safe.

Do you have parent-teacher conferences?

Yes. We schedule family/teacher conferences each year to discuss your child’s progress, but you can request a conference with the Director at any time.

Do you take the children outdoors?

Yes, weather permitting, we take children outside daily. Children should be dressed appropriately for playing on our playground or taking group walks.

How do you use technology in learning?

Kiddie Academy teachers use technology as learning tools and a means of communication. We feel it’s important to teach children how to use devices they will encounter in school, so they are given opportunities to use them for educational play and research. The use of televisions or computers for passive viewing is not part of Kiddie Academy’s curriculum.

Do you have cameras in the classroom?

Many, but not all, Kiddie Academy locations have classroom cameras that parents can access via mobile or desktop apps. For the most accurate information on classroom cameras, contact your Academy directly to learn about camera availability and policies.

What is your health and safety policy?

Kiddie Academy® Educational Child Care follows our Health Essentials guidelines, a set of standard operating procedures that can help mitigate the spread of potential infection throughout our Academies. This includes precautions and recommendations for COVID-19 which are specifically focused on social distancing, disinfection, wellness education and symptom monitoring. These protocols may vary based on region and level of outbreak in the area. The goal of Health Essentials is to uphold the highest level of health precautions and cleanliness for proper child care delivery.

Ready to learn more?

Your local Kiddie Academy has information about everything from programs and curriculum to tuition, drop-off and pick-up times.

Find an Academy near you

Welcome tips and insights to the family:

Parenting Essentials


The learning doesn’t stop for parents, either. That’s why we created an information resource with helpful tips on everything from enriching our STEM program at home to introducing lifelong healthy eating and fitness habits.

When Do Kids Start Preschool?

Is your little one physically, emotionally, and socially ready for the classroom? Most preschools start accepting children around two-and-a-half to three years old, but this isn’t a magic number.

Preschool readiness depends more on developmental factors than chronological age. 

So before you enroll your two-year-old in preschool, consider these factors:

  • Separation anxiety
  • Social development
  • Potty training
  • Physical development
  • Nap necessity
  • Persistence
  • Curiosity and imagination
  • Communication skills

Separation anxiety

Your child may know all their letters, shapes, and colors, but unless they’re emotionally ready for the day-to-day challenges at preschool, it may not be time to enroll them yet.  

If your little one is still not comfortable being away from you, they’re not ready for preschool at age two or three. Transitioning to preschool will be a stressful event—you don’t want to add extra anxiety to the mix.

You can help relieve your little one’s stress by slowly introducing them to their new preschool routine. The National Association for the Education of Young Children recommends visiting the preschool with your child before their first day to show them where their cubby is and where they will eat, play, and nap so they learn that the classroom is a safe space.

Social development

How much experience have they had playing with other children? Do they like it? Do they do it well? 

If your three-year-old is still in parallel play, they may not be ready to join a classroom. Typically, three-year-olds start to play with each other and engage in imaginative play at this age—both key components of preschool programs. Your three-year-old needs to be socially aware of how to treat other children.

Potty training

Sometimes preschools will help with potty training, but many require that this skill is mastered before enrolling. Nevertheless, potty training is such a developmental milestone that it can strongly indicate preschool readiness.

Physical development

Do they have the fine motor skills for handling classroom materials or the motor skills to handle playground equipment? 

Your child will fine-tune these skills in preschool, but your two or three-year-old should have the motor control to keep up with their classmates to be successful at preschool.

Nap necessity

If your two or three-year-old still needs a two-hour nap each afternoon, they may not be developmentally ready for the activity level at preschool. 

Usually, preschools have naps built into the day, but your toddler may not sleep as well at school as at home, which can lead to crankiness or an adjusted sleeping schedule.


Does your two or three-year-old get easily frustrated when learning new skills? Do they struggle with motivation? They may not have the persistence necessary to succeed in preschool.  

Your child needs to be willing to work through their frustration and try challenging tasks to do well academically and socially in preschool. If your child struggles to stay motivated when facing challenges, it may be best to wait to enroll them in preschool.

Curiosity and imagination

Are they curious about the world around them? Do they ask open-ended questions and come up with imaginative solutions to problems? Curiosity is a necessary skill that preschoolers need as they learn new skills and learn to interact with other children. 

However, if your child hasn’t begun to ask open-ended questions about other people or the world around them, they may not be ready for the academic and social environment of preschool.

Communication skills

Are they easy to understand? Can they ask for help when they need it? They’ll need to ask for help when they need it and communicate with their classmates. 

If you can’t understand their speech, they may not be ready for preschool.

What if my child isn’t ready for preschool?

You want preschool to be a positive experience for everyone. If your two or three-year-old isn’t ready, there’s no harm in waiting until they’re older to enroll them in preschool. Preschool programs usually accept students up to four years old. 

If you think they’re just on the cusp of being ready, consider enrolling them in a part-time program. Make sure the program is at least three days a week so that they develop a sense of the routine and schedule that school adds to their life. 

Bottom line

There are many other factors to consider before enrolling your toddler in preschool. You might need to ask yourself:  Do they take stimulus well? Do they like being around other kids? The list goes on.

But if you start by looking for these early indicators, you’ll be able to assess if your child is ready to join a preschool program. If your child isn’t ready yet—don’t fret! You still have options, like enrolling in an alternative program.  

With some consideration and time, you’ll know whether to register your child for a preschool program. 


Preschool age: When kids start preschool and pre-k

If your child is nearing preschool age (typically ages 3 to 5), you may have questions about starting preschool or pre-kindergarten. Find out why preschool are pre-k are so beneficial, how they differ (and what makes them different from daycare), and when kids are ready for this important milestone.

Preschool marks the first step in your child’s official school experience. Aimed at kids ages 3 to 5, preschool is different from daycare because teachers generally have training in early childhood education and focus on developing social, emotional, academic, and life skills.

Also, the hours might be shorter than typical daycares, and preschools are often closed for summer, holidays, and school breaks.

There are many different types of preschool programs. Some larger daycare centers have preschool programs, and there are a range of public and private preschool options, including parent co-ops. Preschools may be play-based, focused on academic skills, or a mix of both.

Preschool and pre-k are intended to help kids get ready for more formal schooling, and they can provide wonderful opportunities for social, emotional, and academic growth. Think about your particular child when evaluating the variety of different preschool and pre-k options available in your area. In addition to age, consider your child’s development and needs when determining the best time to send your little one to preschool or pre-k.

Child Height Predictor

Find out how tall your child is likely to be at age 18.

When do kids start preschool?

Most preschools start accepting children around age 2.5, while some wait until children have turned 3. Preschools may require kids to be potty trained before starting school. If your child isn’t fully potty trained, talk with the school to see if they accept (and are prepared to help) children who are still mastering these skills. If not, it may be best to look for a different preschool rather than rushing potty training.

What age is pre-k?

Depending on your child’s age and when their birthday falls, they may have the option to go to preschool and/or pre-kindergarten. Pre-k classes are generally offered to 4-year-olds or 5-year-olds in the year before they start kindergarten.

Some of these children have fall birthdays and turn 5 soon after the kindergarten cut-off, leaving them to wait until they’re nearly 6 to start elementary school. Pre-k classes provide a nice bridge to kindergarten, and generally focus more on school readiness skills than preschools do.

Your child may go to preschool for two years, attend preschool and pre-k for one year each, do two years of preschool and one year of pre-k, or do another variation. It depends on the school, your child’s age, and your preferences.

Is preschool necessary?

Preschool can be very good at helping your child develop social and academic skills. Recent research shows that the type of preschool your child attends may play an important role in their future academic success – and that play-based programs may be most beneficial. So while you certainly can choose to have your child skip preschool, it’s smart to find other ways to involve them in play-based experiences with other kids.

Is your child ready for preschool or pre-k?

As you think about your child’s readiness for preschool or pre-k, remember that there are many different options to choose from. Consider your child’s personality, strengths, and needs as you make this decision. For example, if your child isn’t ready for a more traditional preschool where kids need to be able to sit and work quietly for short periods of time, you may want to find a play-based preschool that gives your child more freedom.

Here are some signs your child is ready for preschool or pre-k:

Your child is potty-trained and fairly independent

Preschool requires children to have certain basic skills. Most preschools will want your child to be potty-trained. Your child should also be able to take care of some other basic needs, like washing their hands, eating lunch without a lot of assistance, and sleeping alone for naps.

Your child is comfortable spending time away from you

If your child has been in daycare, or cared for by a babysitter or a relative, they’ll be better prepared to separate from you when they’re at preschool. Kids who are used to being apart from their parents often bounce right into preschool with hardly a backward glance.

But even if your child hasn’t spent much time away from you or your partner, don’t worry. Many children leave their parents for the first time to go to preschool, and they do just fine. Also, adjusting to day-to-day separations from parents is an appropriate developmental challenge for 3- to 5-year-olds.

Your child can work on projects on their own

Preschool usually involves lots of arts and crafts projects that require concentration and the ability to focus on an individual task. If your child likes to draw at home or gets engrossed in puzzles and other activities on their own, they’re a good candidate for preschool.

Your child can participate in group activities

Many preschool activities, like “circle time,” require that all the children in a class participate at the same time. These interactions give children a chance to play and learn together, but also require them to sit still, listen to stories, and sing songs.

Preschool is a great opportunity for kids to practice these skills! But this can be difficult for children under 3 who are naturally active explorers and aren’t always developmentally ready to play with other children.

Your child is used to a regular schedule

Preschools usually follow a predictable routine such as circle time, activity time, snack, playing outside, then lunch. There’s a good reason for this. Children tend to feel most comfortable and in control when the same things happen at the same time each day.

Your child has the physical stamina for preschool

Whether it’s a half-day or full-day program, preschool keeps kids busy. There are art projects to do, friends to make, and games to play. Does your child thrive on having plenty to do, or do they have trouble moving from one thing to the next and participating in activities?

If they have trouble, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not ready for preschool – but you may need a more flexible preschool program that can help them adjust.

How to prepare your child for preschool

Here are some ways to help your little one get ready for preschool:

  • Start potty training well in advance. That way they can learn at their own pace rather than rushing to meet a school deadline.
  • If your child hasn’t spent much time away from you, try to schedule some time apart – a night with grandma, for instance, or an afternoon with a sitter.
  • If your child isn’t used to group activities, start introducing them. Take them to story time at your local library, for instance, or sign them up for a class such as tumbling to help them get used to playing with other children.
  • If your child doesn’t keep to a schedule, it can help to standardize their days before preschool. Offer meals on a regular timetable and stick to a bedtime ritual (such as bath, then books, then bed).
  • Set up playtimes where your child can entertain themself for 5 to 15 minutes. While you wash the dishes, encourage your child to make creatures out of clay, for example. Gradually build up to longer stretches of solo play.
  • Try to sync your child’s nap with the preschool’s schedule. If they still need a mid-morning snooze, but naptime at preschool is after lunch, help your child adjust by gradually moving nap time a little later each day.


New York City offers free or low-cost child care and educational options for children from eligible families. EarlyLearn programs are available for infants and toddlers (ages six weeks to 2 years old). 

Watch these videos and keep reading this page to learn about early childhood programs, eligibility, and more.

EarlyLearn – Programs for Children 6 Weeks – 2 Years Old

New York City provides a number of free or low-cost programs for families that qualify. These programs provide early care and education for children from birth to two years old, all year round for up to ten hours a day. Eligibility is based on your family’s income and needs. If you qualify and there is a seat available, your child can begin a program anytime during the year.

Infant/Toddler Programs

Infant/Toddler programs provide child care services for infants and toddlers for up to 10 hours a day. These programs are available in two settings:

  • Center-based care for children aged six weeks to four years old.
  • Home-based care for children aged six weeks to three years old through family child care networks.

To learn about eligibility for Infant/Toddler programs and enroll, contact us at [email protected].

Early Head Start

Early Head Start programs provide early care and education that supports the whole family. Early Head Start programs serve pregnant mothers, infants, and toddlers and provide services for at least eight hours a day, all year round.

To learn about eligibility for Early Headstart programs, contact these programs directly.

Who is Eligible?

Our infant and toddler programs are available for families that qualify for free or low-cost care. Eligibility is based on your family’s income and needs.

For Early Head Start Programs

The best way to find out if your family is eligible for Early Head Start is to contact a program directly. Your family may qualify for Early Head Start if at least one of these categories applies to you:

  • You live in temporary housing
  • You receive HRA Cash Assistance
  • You receive SSI (Supplemental Security Insurance)
  • You are enrolling a child who is in foster care
  • Your family income falls below a certain amount

For Other Extended Day/Year Infant/Toddler Programs

Your family may qualify for these programs if your family’s income falls below a certain amount and have an approved “reason for care. ” This reason must be at least one of the following:

  • You work 10+ hours per week
  • You are in an educational or vocational training program
  • You have been looking for work
  • You live in temporary housing
  • You are attending services for domestic violence

How to Apply

Admissions for EarlyLearn programs are year-round. Your child can enroll in a program any time, if you are eligible and there is a seat available.

  • Visit MySchools to find an infant and toddler program near you.
  • For Early Head Start, apply directly through the program.
  • For other Extended Day/Year Infant/Toddler options, you must apply directly through the program. All new applications and recertifications should be emailed to [email protected]. If your program is unable to email your application, your program can send it to this address:


333 7th Ave 12th Floor

Special Referrals

There are a few instances where a different process is needed to apply:

  • Families applying for or receiving cash assistance must apply for care through their Human Resources Administration (HRA) Job Center.
  • Families with an active Child Welfare case, preventive and/or protective, must contact their case worker to make a Child Care subsidy referral.
  • Employed foster parents must contact their case worker to make a Child Care subsidy referral.

All families, including families that may need one of these referrals, can call 311 to get help with finding a program and completing the Child Care subsidy application.

For Centers Submitting or Following Up on Cases

The following guidelines allow our staff to provide you and families with the best possible support:

  • Please submit cases one at a time, with all documents attached for that specific case.
  • In the subject line of your email, please include the following
    • Parent name
    • Case number, if known
    • Program name/number
  • When requesting a status updates, please reference the date of the original submission, as well as the information included in the subject line (see bullets above)

Questions About EarlyLearn ?

Call 311 or email us at ccapplication@schools. We can answer your questions about early childhood care and education and help you explore your options.

Options for Three- and Four-Year-Olds

Interested in other free, full-day, high-quality programs for children who are three and four years old? If your child was born in 2018, you can apply for 3-K. If your child was born in 2017, you can apply for pre-K. Visit MySchools to learn more about different programs.

In addition, families needing extended day/year care beyond the school day can apply for Extended Day/Year programs, including Head Start. These programs provide care all year round for up to 10 hours a day. Eligibility for these programs depends on income and other factors.

  • To apply for Head Start programs, contact those programs directly.
  • To learn more about other Extended Day/Year options, eligibility, or how to apply, email us at [email protected].

2022 NYC Public Schools Admissions Guide

View or download the new 2022 NYC Public Schools Admissions Guide! This book provides an overview of admissions processes and resources for EarlyLearn (childcare for eligible families), 3-K, pre-K, kindergarten, middle school, and high school, including a section on how to use MySchools.

  • Print copies are available in 10 languages at schools, early childhood programs, libraries, and other sites now. 

  • 2022 NYC Public Schools Admissions Guide

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What a 2-year-old should know

If you have scoured the internet asking, “What a 2-year-old should know” or “What should my 2-year old be doing,” we are so glad you have found us!

Let’s chat about the fantastic mind of a 2-year-old and learn about how you can support your toddler in the absolute best ways.

Are you following my toddler Pinterest board?

SPOILER ALERT – we are going to talk a lot about the value of reading books with your 2-year-old. We have a great guide on books for children that you can have sent straight to your inbox!

What a 2-Year-Old Should Know

When my son was born, I remember reading everything I could to make sure I was infusing enough language into our daily routines, ensuring that he was engaged and challenged, and always on top of the “checklists.”

Meanwhile, I read soooo many books to him, and later looked back and realized that my love of books has now become his love of books. At age three, he sits for hours in my lap and reads book after book, never tiring of our storytime together. It has made me realize that perhaps, those developmental checklists aren’t as vital as I once deemed them.

While you want to make sure your toddler is on track, even checklists are going to be missing some of the most important aspects in your child’s life.

So give yourself permission to put down the checklist, remind yourself that they are little for such a short time, and focus on these important skills of love with your sweet and precious toddler.

The Most Important Things to Treasure with your 2-Year-Old

If I could give my child 3 things, it would be the confidence to always know their self-worth, the strength to chase their dreams, and the ability to know how deeply loved they are.


This beautiful stage of life is all about celebrating the little moments, the first full sentence, or that first solo climb up the playground ladder. The academics will certainly take precedence later in life but in these sweet and fleeting years, it’s time to focus on love, family, and safety.

So here is the most important list (in my book) of what a 2-year-old should know:

A two-year-old should know that they have a family that loves them to the ends of the earth, no matter the silly mistakes they make or angry tantrums they might have (even in the middle of the grocery store, I might add).

They should know that to be messy is to enjoy life fully.

A two-year-old should know that when they fall and land hard, that there will always be someone to snuggle them up and whisper words of love and care.

A two-year-old should be free to be creative and eccentric. “You want to give that elephant six trunks? Great idea!” There is no limit to the imagination.

A two-year-old should know that they are unique and strange and wild and free and silly and brilliant all at the same time, in every way, every day. And they should be told regularly how wonderful all of those things are.

A two-year-old should explore their interests freely. Love tools? Let’s build! Love flowers? Let’s garden. No interest in learning the alphabet song? No problem, little one… there is plenty of time for that one day. For now, let’s dress up and have that tea party with all your stuffed animal friends.

What Parents of a 2-Year-Old Should Remember

Parenting in this day and age is not for the faint of heart — the competition, the fast-paced lifestyle, and the MANY hats that parents have to wear each day make this job of parenting… well, heavy.

It’s time that you take this moment to celebrate everything that you do for your little one and what is most important to your silly and loving little two-year-old.

Remind yourself that your two-year-old wants YOU. They don’t need fancy, light-up talking toys, or academic games. The best thing you can offer your little one is undivided attention.

Remind yourself that stepping into a child’s ego is such a delight for your two-year-old. Letting go of your adulting worries, for just a little while, and playing with your child, like a child, is simply magical.

Remind yourself that reading to your two-year-old is the BEST predictor of academic success. Your little sponge soaks up all those magical stories and adventures and learns a multitude of things during each and every storytime. So crack open a book and dive in!

Remind yourself that less is more. Help your two-year-old enjoy simplicity. Nature walks, moments of mindfulness, and messy art projects designed to be fun and exciting.

Of course, don’t forget singing and dancing. Song and dance always chase away the blues and help our kiddos feel secure and loved. Check out our amazing list of the best toddler songs!

“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lastly, remind yourself that play is THE work of childhood. Free play, dramatic play, focused play, nature play, you name it. Let your 2-year-old make choices, change their mind, and do it all over again. Because they are learning SO much from it.

One of the best ways to help your child meet the milestones for a 2-year-old is through play, art, stories, and hands-on activities. These are so beneficial to build curious little learners.

Need somewhere to start with engaging activities that will teach the skills they need at the same time? We have planned out a fantastic set of lesson plans for toddlers.

From colors to farm, space to transportation, we have made it easy and exciting to play and learn! You will be amazed at how the simple materials in these activities offer endless fun and excitement. Grab these toddler lesson plans in our store!

2-Year-Old Milestones

We talked about how those developmental checklists often get too much attention, but they can also be valuable as an overview of what your 2-year-old should know. So let’s look into some things you can do to help your 2-year-old blossom and grow in all areas!

Language Skills for a 2-Year-Old

  • Help your toddler build language by encouraging them to carry on a conversation with you or answer simple questions. Encourage them to answer questions too!
  • Build vocabulary by talking about parts of the body, naming animals, foods, vehicles, colors, and encourage them to ask questions if they don’t know something. Warning – this may lead to the never-ending “why” phase, but know that your child is just soaking everything in and it’s temporary, ha!
  • Practice giving two-step directions to your toddler, such as, “Put your plate in the sink and get a book from your bookshelf for storytime”. Praise your toddler for a job well done or give a gentle reminder to complete that second step.

Social-Emotional Skills for a 2-Year-Old

  • Help your child name their feelings. Share that we all have big feelings and that’s perfectly ok. Give them some ways to settle their big feelings and practice this routine together.
  • Go on playdates and invite your two-year-old to play with others. It’s totally normal if your toddler is still engaging in parallel play (the children are playing around each other but not playing together).
  • Begins taking turns with guidance and showing more independence with things like brushing teeth, dressing/undressing, or being a helper around the house.

Motor Skills for a 2-Year-Old

  • Catches or begins to kick a ball a large ball. This is an easy way to get outside together and build those gross motor skills!
  • Jumps up with both feet off the floor and can walk up and down stairs slowly with help.
  • Can build towers with blocks or toys of about 4-7 blocks tall.
  • Is able to squeeze a spray bottle.
  • Can place stickers on a piece of paper.

Potty Training

Potty training is a very common milestone for two-year-olds. We have developed a potty training course, Peaceful Potty Training, to guide you along the way. Keep in mind that there is no rule that all children should be potty trained while two. Every child is ready for underwear at different ages! Don’t miss our tips on how to know when to start potty training.

There are many skills you can work on that are life skills too:

Encourage your child to learn to dress and undress (even if it takes longer).

Help them become familiar and comfortable with the bathroom.

And learn about potty training in a fun way with potty training books and potty training songs.

These 2-year-old milestone checklists will come in due time as your child is ready.

Young toddlers are the sweetest, albeit most indecisive little humans that absolutely steal our hearts with their tiny voices and big demands. Learning alongside them is a wild ride – exhausting but also so very special.

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Lauren Vaughan

I am an educator, book enthusiast, and a stay at home momma to a precious and long-awaited little boy and girl. My degree is in Early Childhood Education and Curriculum and Instruction and I have spent the last 15 years working with littles. I feel very fortunate to have this time to watch my babies grow and I can’t wait to share my passion for learning and reading with you!

Latest posts by Lauren Vaughan (see all)

At what age children are sent to kindergartens – when is it better to let a child go and at what age can one go to school

When is it better to send a child to kindergarten

development, nurseries and other institutions where you have to leave the baby for a few hours or a full day. On the other hand, not everyone is spoiled by grandmothers who are burning with the desire to devote themselves to their grandchildren, but the need to earn money and provide for the family remains. The dilemma is solved in different ways.

The peculiarity of joining a team is a too abrupt change in schedule and social circle. It’s good if mom or dad can not work or take a vacation for 1-2 months to spend more time with the baby and follow the principle of gradualness, when the child is first left in the group for 1 hour. Then for 2 and so bring to a full day. At this point, colds may become more frequent and not all of them will be caused by an infection or a virus. Psychosomatic reasons are also possible.

At what age do children enter kindergarten

The optimal interval is from 1.5 to 3 years. Previously, many have not yet formed a set of simple self-service skills. Later, the habit of being in the center of attention of the family already appears, which makes it difficult to adapt.

It is also important to look at psychological readiness. It occurs in babies at different times. There are those who are already at 1.3 closely at home and in some cases even this option is considered. If a three-year crisis has begun, then it is wiser to wait six months until the ability to negotiate and concede returns, and then plan the date when to go to kindergarten for the first time.

If circumstances permit, it is better to start visiting from the last month of summer and smoothly enter the autumn off-season. So there will be fewer diseases, and more positive emotions from the new place and the company of peers.

Age characteristics of children

Most preschool institutions have the right to accept a pupil from the age of 1. But most often, beginners come to the second younger group, from 3-4 years old, and there is a logical explanation for this.

Babies do not strive for communication, they need only knowledge of the world around them and reliable hugs from their parents. They do not yet have a desire to expand this safe circle, kids do not feel the need to share and generally perceive their peers as fun toys.

By the age of 3, self-awareness as a person comes, conscious desires appear, the concept of compromise, curiosity gradually arises in relation to peers, attempts to establish a dialogue. Speech is developing, there is a good vocabulary, a craving for story games is visible.

The older the child, the wider his interests and these natural impulses cannot be restrained. It is necessary to provide him with a field of activity, a developing environment, and usually this happens by 3-4 years. This interval is considered the most successful for adaptation to new conditions.

How to understand that a child is ready for kindergarten

There are a number of signs indicating that the time has come:

  • basic self-care skills have been formed;
  • there is a clear concept of “one’s own – someone else’s” in relation to things;
  • there is a need to engage in independent activities;
  • calmly tolerates the absence of parents nearby;
  • have an interest in classes.

The moral aspect must be taken into account. With all the difficulty with places in groups, you need to listen to the opinion of the baby. If he categorically does not want to stay, does not allow the teacher to come to him, then he will have to postpone the first visit or find another institution. Children feel a lot on an intuitive level, and in order to avoid future problems, it is better to listen to your child.

How to prepare for kindergarten, if it’s still too early

The work is to be systematic and at once on 2 levels: domestic and psychological. In the first case, everything is quite simple – you need to learn how to dress, ask for a potty, recognize your things, and eat carefully. In the second, if a small homebody grows up, then visit the playground more often, go to visit, gradually forming the skill of communicating with unfamiliar people. When hyperactivity and incontinence is observed, it is necessary to show that others experience the same emotions as he does, have their own desires and needs, and this will have to be taken into account.

It is useful to establish a clear daily routine at home, introduce them to story games, periodically do simple crafts together, and collect constructors. And also create a positive impression by talking about interesting holidays, friends who will certainly appear, joint and fun walks.

Which kindergarden to choose: private or public

Against the backdrop of a total shortage of places around, a large selection of non-state educational institutions, including pre-school ones, has appeared. They offer a lot of interesting programs, individual development and other bonuses, but require the financial solvency of the parents. The municipal option is much more economical, but it has its advantages and disadvantages. This aspect must be thought out in advance, weighing your desires and possibilities. It is also important to look at possible options and find out how the groups are equipped, what qualifications the educators have, whether there is a psychologist and physical education instructor on staff, whether the quality of food meets accepted standards.

State kindergarten

Its main advantage is accessibility. You can stand in line literally in the first days after the birth of a child. The system of work of the institution has been worked out for decades. Benefits:

  • Full compliance of conditions with the requirements of the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and other regulatory authorities;
  • low pay;
  • developmental programs are developed taking into account the subsequent transition to school, guarantee training at a general level;
  • balanced nutrition;
  • the regime of the day is observed strictly;
  • the staff must have a nurse and a psychologist;
  • offers additional classes for the disclosure of creative data.

Having found out at what age children go to kindergarten and specifying how pupils are admitted in accordance with the charter, you can slowly prepare the child, walk several times to the walking area, watch how others play, accustom him to the idea that there good and he will be happy.

Disadvantages are a large number of groups, sometimes up to 30 people, an average system of development with a focus on mass character, problems with staffing.

Private kindergarten

Children are accepted here from a very early age, their number is small, so an individual approach to each is implemented. The undoubted advantage is modern equipment, bright design of the playing area, developing programs using author’s methods. You can choose several types of activities, forming a personal vector with an emphasis on the area of ​​interest to the child at the moment. The food is more varied, but within the limits recommended by nutritionists by age.

When visiting, you can choose the hourly option or the full day with daytime naps. In short-stay groups, they are guided by a busy work schedule, with obligatory game minutes and free creativity time.

Many consider the high cost of services and the lack of regular control by inspection bodies to be the main disadvantage.

The positive aspects of the kindergarten

A person cannot exist outside of society, therefore, it is necessary to form the skills of a good neighborhood with peers from an early age, so that a boy or girl can easily find a compromise, learn to act in a team, be responsible for their actions without discounting age and privileged position in the family. It is these tasks, along with systematic development, that are considered the main ones in a preschool institution, regardless of its form of ownership.

Rules and boundaries

When discussing with relatives at what age to send a child to kindergarten, it is necessary to take into account that there are rules of behavior for pupils. For those who have formed the habit of getting their way with screaming and tantrums, adaptation will be difficult. It is worth acquainting the baby in advance with the fact that not everything will be according to his desire, you need to focus on others. It is also important to tell that in the garden there is a daily routine and an algorithm for conducting classes in which it is required to fulfill the requests of the teacher.

A sense of collectivism

A very useful skill that allows you to calmly enter any circle in the future without experiencing much stress from changing conditions. Toddlers gradually master the art of negotiating, playing together, giving in to another. Parents should pay attention to the fact that the desire to “be with everyone” does not develop into dependence on someone else’s opinion. And this is already the task of the family – to teach, without violating the general order and not to the detriment of others, to defend their point of view, giving arguments.

Motor activity

A modern child begins to understand gadgets much earlier, ignoring the need for walks and communication. There is a clear daily routine and a considerable place is given to sports games, musical and rhythmic entertainment, and recreational activities. Hypodynamia does not threaten. For those who have energy in full swing, you can choose a sports or dance circle. They work in most kindergartens of any type.

Daily routine

It can be argued that it is not needed and considered as a restriction of freedom. But a clear routine is necessary for babies and older children to maintain health, as periods of activity alternate with rest and quiet games. Food is taken on time, walks and activities are distributed taking into account age characteristics. Daily adherence to the schedule keeps the child’s physiological, psychological and emotional state normal, especially if he is hyperactive and constantly aroused. Gradually, his tension is removed, and his behavior stabilizes.

Preparing for school

Continuity in learning is necessary for a smooth transition to the next stage of development. Ensuring family adherence to this principle is difficult. In kindergarten, it is the foundation. That is why kids, moving from one group to another, master more and more complex skills, based on the experience gained earlier.

They broaden their horizons, learn to communicate on various topics, master new skills. The work is carried out on the basis of the approved educational program.

Order and manners

A well-mannered person greets guests, thanks for their help, uses the whole arsenal of polite words, knows how to behave at the table and put his things away. Educators teach this from the first days, and the child will feel confident in any society.

Negative aspects

Some parents are categorically against the pre-school institution, arguing that:

  • children get sick more often;
  • have a hard time being separated from loved ones;
  • do not eat the dishes offered for breakfast;
  • unreasonable whims begin and behavior worsens;
  • not quite decent words slip through the speech.

At the same time, providing a baby with greenhouse conditions at home means dooming him to severe stress when faced with the realities of life. Knowing what disadvantages can be when visiting a kindergarten, you can try to minimize the consequences.

Separation from family

The absence of a mother or father nearby is hard for some children. The educator, with a group size of 25-30 pupils, is not able to give everyone as much attention as he had previously received at home. If this state of affairs is too hard to bear, it is worth postponing visits to the preschool.

Also, the baby will inevitably demand independence. So that he does not receive negative emotions again, it is advisable not to limit his communication only to his inner circle. You need to accustom to the kindergarten gradually, adding the time spent by 1-2 hours as you adapt in the team.

Lack of development of the child’s individuality

With a large number of children, it is really difficult to ensure the full disclosure of talents and abilities. Programs are compiled with a focus on average age data. The main task is to create a stock of basic knowledge and skills.

On the other hand, nothing prevents parents from simultaneously enrolling a child in an art, sports or music school, attending theaters and exhibitions with him, Sunday creative studios for preschoolers.

A bad example of other pupils

It is unlikely that parents will be pleased with the replenishment of the heir’s vocabulary with obscene words or an attempt to clean his nose with his finger. Bad habits are formed instantly, but there is reason to talk about it, to discuss whether it is worth imitating a playmate in everything or having your own opinion, adhering to it.

Frequent morbidity

Questions about when you can go and at what age to send your child to kindergarten, it is better for parents to decide, based on the condition of the baby. But at any age, when conditions change, his immunity inevitably decreases, and the reason here is not only in the cool air in the bedroom or not wearing a scarf for a walk. The diet, daily regimen is changing, there is also an emotional component. You can help by hardening, increasing the share of vegetables and fruits in the menu, and, of course, parental love.

Food problems

Every family has its own taste preferences and favorite dishes. But the diet in kindergarten is compiled taking into account the recommendations of nutritionists, and the pupil does not always like it. There are also personal whims. They gradually cease when the spirit of collectivism kicks in. Seeing that the others dine with appetite, the child also decides to try what was offered.

If you have an allergy to certain foods, you must inform the nurse in advance. Other side dishes or drinks are prepared for such children.

Personnel problems

Unfortunately, the prestige and salary of an educator are not as great as we would like. Most of the graduates of the departments of preschool education prefer to change their direction of activity immediately after the final exams. And often this is the most talented category. When choosing a kindergarten and a group, pay attention to the personality of the teacher, or rather, introduce the child to him and look at his reaction. If he stretched, then everything is in order. In case of a sharp refusal to communicate, it is better to look for another option.

Recommendations about when and at what age children most want to go to kindergarten can vary. The main thing is that the baby is mentally prepared for the event, has the necessary household skills and strives for new experiences.

How to choose a kindergarten: what parents need to know

How to choose a kindergarten: what parents need to know

How to choose a kindergarten: what parents need to know – RIA Novosti, 07/25/2018

How to choose a kindergarten: what parents need to know

Choosing a kindergarten is a complex, important and lengthy process. If you plan that your child should start going to kindergarten from September 1 of the current year, RIA Novosti, 02/14/2018 :33



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SN_education, social navigator

SN_Education, Social navigator

Choosing a kindergarten is a complex, important and time-consuming process . If you plan that your child should start going to kindergarten from September 1 of the current year, you must select a suitable preschool institution in advance and submit documents between February 1 and May 31.

“Social Navigator” has prepared a number of general tips that can make it easier for parents to choose an organization for preschool education.

At the moment, in large cities, the situation has developed in such a way that the choice of preschool education directly affects the school where the child will be and continue his education. This is primarily due to the fact that many kindergartens are assigned to schools. It’s worth thinking about it now, because the closer to the age when a child should go to first grade, the more difficult it is to find a suitable option.

Geographic factor

February 6, 2018, 12:45

Kindergartens of Russia – 2017

Of course, all parents start looking for a place for their child from what is within walking distance. This aspect is one of the most relevant when choosing a kindergarten, which is confirmed by the results of the ONF survey. A large distance between the house and the garden will create additional difficulties. This may affect the attendance of children. At the same time, the territorial accessibility of our kindergartens is assessed as high, more than half of the parents get to preschool institutions on foot. Some families who pay special attention to this issue even change their place of residence in connection with the birth of children.

Kindergarten staff

A well-located kindergarten is an important but not a key issue. The most important thing is the staffing. Here you need to pay attention to teachers: do they have a higher pedagogical education, an appropriate (preschool) education. Of course, the human factor cannot be ruled out, you need to try to get to know each other personally, to get to know the future teacher better.

December 15, 2016, 10:00 am

Kindergartens: strengths and weaknesses of early childhood education

It is worth choosing a kindergarten where there is a full-time psychologist. The importance of the constant work of a specialized teacher with your child cannot be underestimated.

You also need to pay attention to the presence of a nurse: in general, the situation here is positive. In approximately 75% of cases, there are people who are ready to provide first aid to children.

There is a staffing problem in the regions: local authorities are fighting queues for kindergartens not at the expense of new buildings, but by increasing the density of groups. Therefore, the number of children in one group can sometimes reach up to 45 people, with an average of 25. Therefore, it is worth choosing the kindergarten where the ratio of teaching staff and support staff (cooks, cleaners) is better in relation to children.


Next, you should pay attention to the program used by the preschool educational organization. Among the comprehensive programs (covering all five educational areas and aimed at the versatile development of the child’s personality) are:

  • “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.
  • “Childhood” edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Sunny
  • “Origin” edited by L.A. Paramonova

Of the partial programs (covering one of the educational areas and aimed at the local development of any ability or skill), the most common are: Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin

  • “Young ecologist” S.N. Nikolaev
  • “Colored hands” I. A. Lykova
  • “Musical Masterpieces” by O.P. Radynova
  • The above programs are the most popular and most often used in kindergartens, however, each parent should choose the appropriate education plan for their child individually, based on the child’s preferences, strengths and weaknesses.


    May 29, 2017, 12:41

    Kindergarten through the eyes of parents: fees, meals, additional services Almost every Russian child attends a kindergarten. This is an important stage in the life of the baby and his parents. What expenses the family bears, how they get to the kindergarten, whether they are satisfied with the nutrition of the preschool child – on the eve of the Child Protection Day, see the infographic of the “Social Navigator” of the MIA “Russia Today”.

    Also study the kindergarten itself and the organization of child safety. For example, the presence of a fenced area for walking, as well as specially equipped playgrounds. Is there a day guard? Are computers and electronic means used for classes? Such additional services for children as a swimming pool, of course, will be a huge plus.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that 71% of parents highly appreciate the condition of the kindergarten where their child studies. The results of the study “Kindergartens of Russia – 2017”, made with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education with the support of the “Social Navigator” MIA “Russia Today”, can also help you with the search.

    List of documents required when registering a child for kindergarten

    List of documents required for registration of a child in kindergarten No. 24 of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

    1. Direction
    2. Medical record of the child form 026 / y, as well as:
    3. Vaccination Certificate
    4. Original and copies (2 copies) of the child’s birth certificate, as well as (if available) for all children under 18 years old
    5. Document confirming the registration of the child at the place of residence or at the place of stay on the territory of St. Petersburg (form 3, form 8, form 9) original and copy.
    6. For foreign citizens, the original and a copy of the temporary registration of the child and both parents.
    7. Original and copies (2 copies) SNILS (Insurance number of an individual personal account) of the child for whom the referral was issued.
    8. A document confirming the right to extraordinary or priority enrollment of a child in an educational organization (if any) original and copy
    9. In case of a difference in the names of the parent (applicant) and the child, provide the original and a copy (2 copies) of the supporting document (marriage certificate, divorce certificate, certificate of paternity).
    10. Certificate from the preschool educational institution about the child’s visit to the preschool educational institution (only when transferring from one preschool institution to another).
    11. Be sure to have a passport with you. + copies of 1 page, registration.

    Without a complete set of documents, the Head of the GBDOU is not entitled to accept an application for admission from the parent and conclude an agreement with the parent (applicant).

    Reception hours: Tuesday 14.00-18.00, Thursday 10.00-13.00

    tel. d/s: 377-36-27, tel.0005

    To speed up the execution of documents, you can print and fill out the following documents:

    • Agreement with parents (2 copies)
    • Application for admission
    • Application for reimbursement of part of the parental fee for partial reimbursement of the parental fee
    • Consent of parents (legal representatives) to the processing of personal data

    List of documents for newly admitted children to GBDOU kindergarten No. 24
    (for submission to the medical office)

    1. F – 63 (about vaccinations, take in the clinic)
    2. Vaccination Certificate
    3. Photocopy of medical insurance policy
    4. Mantoux reaction of the current year
    5. Certificate from a pediatrician about attending a kindergarten 1-2 days before entering the kindergarten No. 24
    6. Fecal analysis for i/g, cystolamblia, enterobiasis (term 1 month)

    To enroll a child in kindergarten, the following documents are required:

    1. Direction for enrollment
    2. Application from a parent (legal representative) to admit a child to a kindergarten.
    3. Bilateral agreement between GBDOU kindergarten and the child’s parent (legal representative).
    4. Copy of the child’s birth certificate.
    5. Medical record (form No. 026) and preventive vaccination card (form No. 063).
    6. Package of approved documents for registration of compensation for payment for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten
    7. A package of approved documents for applying for a benefit for paying for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten.
    8. Copy of health insurance policy.
    9. Questionnaire (information).
    10. Questionnaire (about family).
    11. Extract from the children’s clinic.

    Parents must have their passport and birth certificate with them.

    Procedure for charging fees for child support

    Payment is due by receipt by the 20th day of the month in advance.
    Recalculation of the paid receipt in case of illness of the child is made in the next month.
    Parents present the paid receipt to the teacher.
    Preferential payment for d / s is provided after the submission of supporting documents for the benefit to the head of the kindergarten.
    In the absence of a child in kindergarten, parents must come for a receipt and pay for it, informing the teacher about this.

    General recommendations

    Children are admitted from 7.00 to 8.00 daily, except weekends and public holidays. Timely arrival in kindergarten is a necessary condition for the proper organization of the educational process.
    Teachers are ready to talk to you in the morning before 8. 15 and in the evening after 17.00. At other times, the teacher works with a group of children, and it is not recommended to distract him.
    The teachers of the group, regardless of their age, must be addressed to you, by name and patronymic. Conflict disputes must be resolved in the absence of children. If you could not resolve any issue with the teachers of the group, contact the senior educator or head.
    Please do not give your child chewing gum, sucking sweets, chips and crackers with you to kindergarten.
    We strongly do not recommend that the child wear gold and silver jewelry, give expensive toys with him.

    Appearance requirements for children

    • Neat appearance, fully buttoned clothes and shoes;
    • Washed face;
    • Clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;
    • Hair cut and carefully combed;
    • Clean underwear;
    • Availability of sufficient handkerchiefs.

    Before you take your child to kindergarten, check that the suit is appropriate for the season and the air temperature. Make sure that the clothes are not too big and do not hinder his movements. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself. Shoes should be light, warm, exactly fit the child’s foot, easy to put on and take off. A handkerchief is necessary for a child both indoors and on a walk.
    To avoid injury, parents should check the contents of the pockets in the child’s clothing for the presence of dangerous items. It is strictly forbidden to bring sharp, cutting glass objects (scissors, knives, pins, nails, wire, mirrors, glass bottles), as well as small objects (beads, buttons, etc.), tablets to the preschool.

    The most important thing about us

    Childhood. Traditions. Innovations.

    Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution No. 2 of the city of Lipetsk called “Cloud Whale” is located in the new, modern neighborhood “Victory”. The opening of the kindergarten took place on December 29, 2020. Along with the traditional tasks of upbringing, education and development of preschool children, we are also focused on time-mediated innovations, namely:

    • I. Education of information culture in preschool children.
    • II. Formation of natural-scientific ideas in preschool children.
    • III. Sensory education of preschool children.

    Read more

    About the main

    We combine pedagogical heritage and excellence with child care.


    The most important period in human development.


    Cultural and pedagogical heritage in the process of education.


    Advanced experience and modern technologies in education.

    Events, promotions, contests

    A strong family is a strong state

    Municipal project

    The city festival of family creativity has started
    “Strong family – strong state” -2021
    Our kindergarten is represented by a talented and friendly family
    Solomakhin in the nomination “Musical and artistic creativity”
    We wish you good luck and victory!!!

    “Young Artist”

    City educational action

    We take part in the city competition of children’s drawings among pupils of kindergartens “Young Artist” on the theme “Because kindness is the most precious thing in this world”

    “Cultural code of a young Lipchan”

    City educational action

    Students, their parents (legal representatives) and teachers take part in the Action. As part of the implementation of the Campaign, the partners of the Department of Education are the Youth Department of the Administration of the City of Lipetsk, the Assembly of the Parents’ Community, public organizations of the city of Lipetsk and Leningrad…

    All Events, promotions, competitions

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    Protection of the rights and interests of minors



    Information from the PFR

    Information about the All-Russian Day of Legal Aid.


    All-Russian Day of Legal Aid to Children

    Information about the All-Russian Day of Legal Aid.


    Duty group

    All important and necessary information about the activities of the duty group during non-working days


    “Another thing”

    Learn, develop, help – get bonuses!
    A platform where you get bonuses for being…


    About the working hours

    Information about the working hours of the educational institution in the new 2021-2022 academic year in the conditions of the epidemic…


    Traffic police informs

    On the eve of the beginning of the new school year, I would like to remind you of a very important thing – the safety of children on. ..

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    Come to the kindergarten “Cloud Whale”, We are waiting for you!!!

    Detailed information about enrollment and queuing is detailed in the relevant section of the site and the official community in “VKontakte”

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    News from 07/15/2022

    As part of the implementation of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”, the Law of the Lipetsk Region of 2903.03.2005 No. 179-OZ “On State Social Assistance”, we inform you about changes in the provision of state social assistance on the basis of a social contract that entered into force in 2022.

    News from 06/22/2022

    👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 “On holding a parent meeting for parents of newly arrived children who are just starting to go to kindergarten” 👆

    Dear parents (legal representatives), we are pleased to invite you to your first general parent meeting, which will take place on 06/28/2022 in the music hall (3rd floor) 👉 Starting at 17:00.
    The agenda will highlight such important questions that you probably ask yourself when preparing:
    – “What is the adaptation of a child in kindergarten?”;
    – “How and what do they do with children in kindergarten?”;
    – “What do our children eat?”;
    – “Our educators and We”;
    – “Daily routine, for what?” and much more.
    Of course, this is not a complete list of all your questions, and we are ready to answer any of them. The meeting is traditionally held by the head of the preschool educational institution, the deputy head, and, as necessary, narrowly focused specialists are involved.
    Why will it be IMPORTANT and interesting for you to come to the parent meeting (and of course, this is the evening after a hard day, a sufficient number of personal matters) ??? Just because only on it you will receive all the information that interests you, concerns you first-hand, you will be able to ask your questions and get competent answers to them.
    It should be noted that attending parent-teacher meetings is an integral part of the interaction between the family and the kindergarten, allowing you not by hearsay, but to personally learn information about the life of the kindergarten and take an active part in it.
    We invite not only parents who have already started attending kindergarten (adaptation period), but also parents who are planning to start attending kindergarten in the very near future (preparing documents).
    See you soon, we look forward to seeing you!

    News from 06/10/2022

    On June 12 we celebrate the Day of Russia, this
    The holiday is meant to unite and unite
    all who are sincerely devoted to their Fatherland and
    cherishes the history of his country, his
    people! We wish peace, happiness and prosperity!
    #WeRussia #WeTogether

    All News

    Kindergarten 86 – Education

    The level of education in GBDOU kindergarten No. 86 of the general developing type of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg – Preschool education.

    Form of study – full-time.

    Study period – 6 years.

    Validity of accreditation – accreditation is not provided

    Language of education – Russian

    Educational programs, including implemented adapted educational programs: -2024

    The main educational program of the Kindergarten No. 86 of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

    Abstract to the educational program

    Presentation of the educational program of preschool education

    Work program for the education of the state budgetary educational institution kindergarten No. 86 of the general developmental date of the Kalinin district of St. Petersburg

    Calendar work plan for 2022-2023 Academic year

    Work programs for teachers 1 site (Timurovskaya st., 30/2)

    Work program for the early age group 1.6-2 years old “Kenguryonok”

    Annotation to the work program for the early age group 1.6-2 years old

    Presentation for the work program for the early age group

    Work program for the early age group 2-3 year “Aistenok”

    Annotation to the work program young age group 2-3 years old

    Presentation to the work program early age group 2-3 years old

    Work program junior group 3-4 years “Semitsvetik”

    Annotation to the work program junior group 3-4 years

    Presentation of the work program junior group 3-4 years

    Work program middle group 4-5 years “Droplet” ”

    Annotation to the work program middle group 4-5 years old

    Presentation to the work program middle group 4-5 years old

    Work program senior group 5-6 years old “Firefly”

    Annotation to the work program senior group 5-6 years

    Presentation to the work program senior group 5-6 years

    Work program preparatory group 6-7 years “Rainbow”

    Annotation to the work program preparatory group 6-7 years

    Presentation for the work program preparatory group 6-7 years

    Work programs for teachers 2 sites (39/2 Ushinsky str. )

    Work program for the early age group 2-3 years “Suns”0352

    Annotation to the work program, early age group 2-3 years

    Presentation to the work program, early age group 2-3 years

    Work program, junior group, 3-4 years “Teremok”

    Annotation to the work program, junior group 3-4 years

    Presentation to the work program junior group 3-4 years

    Work program middle group 4-5 years “Sunflowers”

    Annotation to the work program middle group 4-5 years

    Presentation to the work program middle group 4-5 years

    Work program senior group 5-6 years “Bells”

    Annotation to the work program senior group 5-6 years

    Presentation to the work program senior group 5-6 years

    Work program senior group 6-7 years “Berries”

    Annotation to the work program senior group 6-7 years

    Presentation to the work program senior group 6-7 years

    Work program preparatory group 6-7 years “Gnomes”

    Annotation to the work program preparatory group 6-7 years

    Presentation for the work program preparatory group 6-7 years

    Work programs52

    Work program of the music director Charkina S. Yu.

    Work program of the music director 1.6-2 years “Kangarenok”

    Work program of the music director 2-3 years “Stork”

    Work program of the music director 3-4 years “Seven-flower”

    Work program of the music director 4-5 years “Droplet”

    Work program of the music director 5-6 years “Firefly”

    Work program of the music director 6-7 years ” Rainbow”

    Annotation to the work program of the music director

    Work program of the music director Lukyanova E.G.

    Work program of the music director group 2-3 years “Sunshine”

    Work program of the music director group 3-4 years “Teremok”

    Work program of the music director group 4-5 years “Sunflowers”

    Work program of the music director group 5-6 years “Bells”

    Work program of the music director group 6 -7 years “Berries”

    Work program of the musical director group of 6-7 years “Gnomes”

    Work programs of physical development:

    Physical Education Instructor Work Program Junior Group 3-4 years

    Physical Education Instructor Work Program Middle Group 4-5 years

    Physical Education Instructor Work Program Senior Group 5-6 years

    Physical Education Instructor Work Program preparatory group 6-7 years old

    Annotation to the work program of a physical education instructor

    Curriculum for the 2022-2023 academic year

    An annual calendar educational schedule for 2022-2023 COMPLY COMMUNICATION

    The schedule of educational activity for 2022-2023 academic year

    system of health work for 2022-2023 academic year, the day of the day

    The number of students (pupils) for ages / years) education

    Academic year
    Pre-school education :
    Early age group 1. 6-2 years 19
    First junior group 2-3 years 46
    Second junior group 3-4 years old 48
    Middle group 4-5 years old 48
    Senior group 5-6 years old 51
    Preschool 6-7 years old 58

    Total: 270

    Number of students (pupils) at the expense of the budget appropriations of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including with the allocation of the number of pupils who are foreign citizens)

    Pupils who are foreign citizens
    270 0

    Number of students (pupils) under contracts for the provision of paid educational services / (including the number of pupils who are foreign citizens) year Additional Education Program Number of pupils Pupils who are foreign citizens 2022-2023 I will speak, read, write correctly 0 2022-2023 Nature and artist 0 2022-2023 Rhythmoplasty 0 2022-2023 Play Stretching 0

    License to carry out educational activities


    License (Additional Education)

    Extract from the License Register for Educational Activities

    Other Documents:

    9000 kindergarten No. 86

    Regulations on the work program of teaching staff and specialists

    Regulation on the internal quality control system

    Regulation on the monitoring of the quality of education

    in kindergarten with pleasure! — School. Moscow

    To kindergarten with joy!

    Preschool education in Moscow

    How to prepare a child for kindergarten?

    What skills and abilities will be useful to him in the first months of adaptation? How do moms and dads deal with anxiety? What to do if the baby is crying or does not want to eat? In our longread, we have collected answers to all the questions that concern parents of babies. Psychologists, pediatricians, educators gave simple and effective advice so that the baby and his parents enter a new life stage of growing up with joy and without unnecessary worries.

    Winner of the Moscow Educator of the Year 2022 contest

    Anna Gaidukova

    Read the interview

    “What is a modern Moscow kindergarten? The most important thing is a place where the child feels calm, comfortable and safe, and also receives the first communication skills with adults and peers. Here the kid is interested, having fun and usefully spends time, learns the world. Moscow preschool institutions make the most of the educational opportunities of the city to develop the talents and natural inclinations of kids, create a friendly atmosphere and take into account the individual needs, abilities and capabilities of children.”

    • How to enroll your child in kindergarten: step-by-step instructions
    • Checklists:

      How do you know if your child is ready for kindergarten?

      Day mode

      List of necessary clothes

    • Kindergarten – no worries and worries. Interview with “Educator of the Year of Moscow – 2022” Anna Gaidukova
    • Kindergarten in a new way – educational standards
    • How to protect your baby from infections
    • Short stay group: when you need help
    • Tasty and healthy food in kindergarten
    • Questions and answers
    • Useful contacts
    • in the new academic year0005

      more than 90 thousand


      under 3 years old are covered by preschool education

      1. 2 thousand

      family kindergartens

      operate in Moscow. They are attended by about

      4 thousand


      How to enroll your child in kindergarten: step-by-step instructions

      You can apply to enroll your child in a preschool group on the website of the Mayor of Moscow In the application, you can:

      • choose from one to three educational organizations with preschool groups,
      • indicate the desire to attend a short stay group from 1.5 years old,
      • select the desired year of entry.

      Preschool groups in the capital’s educational institutions accept children aged 2.2 to seven years old, registered at the place of residence or place of stay in Moscow. In groups of short stay – from 1.5 years.

      Priority enrollment is for children from preferential categories. The list is here.

      Instructions on

      How to apply?

      Step 1.

      Go to the “Services” section on the portal
      mos. ru

      Step 2.

      Find the “Education” section and select the “Enrollment (transfer) in kindergarten” service.

      Step 3.

      Click on the “Get a service” button

      Step 4.

      Fill in the required fields:

      • passport of the legal representative (parent, guardian)
      • birth certificate of a child
      • address of registration of the child at the place of residence or stay in Moscow
      • information about the benefit (if any)

      How do you know if your child is ready for kindergarten?

      Specialists of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical Center have compiled 10 questions for parents that will help you understand whether your child is ready for kindergarten.

      Checklist of questions

      • Does the child understand the speech addressed to him?
      • Can the child express his thoughts and feelings using available means (gestures, facial expressions)?
      • Does the child comply with elementary requests?
      • Does the child know how to use the potty/toilet bowl, does he ask to go to the toilet?
      • Can the baby eat with a spoon and drink from a cup by himself?
      • Can the child dress and undress independently?
      • Is the child interested in playing with children and adults?
      • Does the child enjoy playing alone?
      • Does the child show interest in creativity, music, dancing?
      • Are you ready to be separated from your baby for a few hours a day or a whole day?

      If you answered “yes” to the absolute majority (7-10) of these questions, then the child is ready to go to kindergarten.

      Find out more

      Daily routine

      To make your child comfortable in kindergarten, at the stage of preparation, the home daily routine should be made as similar as possible to the routine in a preschool institution: switch to one daytime sleep, get used to early rises and much more.

      Kindergarten day routine for 3-4 year olds

      Psychologist’s advice:

      five rules to help your child adapt
      to the daily routine in kindergarten

      navigate in time and space, plan a day. Adequate sleep and proper nutrition are essential components of success.

      Psychologists of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of Moscow gave five tips to help the baby.


      Tell your child about what kindergarten is and how many new and interesting things await him there.


      Walk along the route from home to kindergarten, take a walk nearby, show the territory of the kindergarten, playgrounds.


      Gradually switch to a “kindergarten” daily routine at home.


      Teach your baby basic skills: dressing, taking off clothes, eating with a spoon, drinking from a mug.


      Pay special attention to rest and good sleep.

      Learn more

      Nothing superfluous:

      what clothes and shoes to prepare for kindergarten

      Clothes and shoes for the baby should be comfortable, easy to put on and take off. Let there not be many buttons and fasteners on it.

      The caregivers made a list of necessary things.

      Learn more

      Kindergarten without tears or worries

      Your child is going to kindergarten. How to make acquaintance with preschool as pleasant and comfortable as possible? What skills do babies need? How should parents behave? Chatting with the kindergarten teacher of school No. 1347, the winner of the contest “Educator of the Year in Moscow – 2022” Anna Gaidukova .

      Find out more

      New “preschool” standard

      From 2022, new educational standards come into force in Moscow preschool institutions — a set of rules for preschool institutions, according to which the educational process is built, methods are applied, and results are also evaluated.

      Preschool education in the capital is the first step in lifelong general education: preschool teachers and primary school teachers cooperate, share experiences, and jointly develop programs for children. This approach helps the children to prepare more easily for the transition to the first grade. What does the standard govern? What classes are held with children, how many times a week, in what areas do children gain knowledge and skills? The answers are in our material.

      Find out more

      Taking care of your baby’s health

      In kindergarten, the baby finds himself in a new environment, surrounded by children and adults. Chief freelance specialist in primary health care for the children’s population, chief physician of the Children’s City Polyclinic No. 110, Ph.D. Elmira Kashirina told how to protect a child from infectious diseases and answered the most common questions parents have about their children’s health.

      Learn more

      Short stay group

      Short stay group ensures the all-round development of the child and creates the basis for further successful adaptation to enrolling in a full-time preschool group.

      By attending such a group, a child will be able to learn how to play, find new friends, have an interesting and useful time, get used to a new environment, acquire communication skills with peers and new adults. At the same time, the child does not experience a sharp change in living conditions, as happens when the baby moves immediately to attending a full-day group. When visiting a short-stay group, the process of adaptation to a full-day group is the most calm and comfortable for the child and family.

      Tasty and healthy:

      what is fed in kindergarten

      One of the most common questions of parents is what they will feed their baby in kindergarten, who prepares food, controls the quality and safety of dishes. The quality of dishes from the menu for kids is under the strictest multi-stage control of a number of organizations: state supervisory authorities, control authorities of the subject of Moscow, food quality control by representatives of the parent community, internal audit of specialists from the Association of Social Catering Enterprises and others. 9Olga Antonova why he does not want to eat porridge, how to calm him down if he cries in the morning and does not want to go to the garden, what to tell the teacher about the family and the child

      A child’s readiness for kindergarten is determined by several parameters. The first thing a child should be able to do is to be socialized, not to be afraid to make contact with unfamiliar adults – of course, with the permission of the parents. It is important. It is very difficult for children who have a painful attachment to their mother. It is the mother who should calmly let him go for 5-6 hours, and the child should endure this separation without unnecessary worries.

      The second point: it’s good if the child already has basic household skills. Be able to go to the toilet on a potty (according to age, if we are talking about 2.2 years old), hold cutlery in your hands, be able to undress yourself (remove simple clothes without unnecessary fasteners and details), and for about three years – and dress.

      The third point: it is important that the baby knows how to express his requests (not afraid and not embarrassed to ask) if he wants something. For example, if he does not know how to go to the toilet on his own, he could ask an adult for help. Or make it clear that he wants to drink, show that he is hot. Even if the baby still does not speak well, he can show it in other, non-verbal ways.

      The fourth is food. The child must be able to eat food that needs to be chewed.

      And the last thing: the baby should be ready for the daily routine of the preschool institution: walks, one-time naps, meals according to the schedule.

      If you can put a “plus” next to all these items, your child is ready to attend kindergarten. If some points caused difficulties, it is necessary to work in this direction. If the child is not ready for all of the above points, then it may be worthwhile to postpone visiting the kindergarten, give yourself and the baby time to prepare.

      One of the indicators of readiness for kindergarten is the ability to express one’s desires in an acceptable way. Often, children get used to behaving like this, because at home, through these actions, they manage to achieve what they want. It is necessary to wean from this child in a timely manner, because biting and scratching is unacceptable in kindergarten. Show your child other forms of interaction. Suppose a child wants something, but does not get what he wants and begins to bite and fight. The most competent strategy – the parent pretends that he does not understand what the child wants. Only when the baby expresses his request in a different way, the adult will do what he wants. Biting, scratching are quite common phenomena, such “primitive” ways of a child communicating with others. But in order to avoid problems in kindergarten, we recommend that parents bring their child to children’s groups in advance. Walk together, spend holidays, go on excursions with children of the same age. There he will gain the first experience and learn the right interaction, so that he knows that you can’t take someone else’s: you can share, you can go for an exchange.

      There is such a pattern: an anxious mother is an anxious baby. When a family decides to send a child to a kindergarten, it is necessary to prepare him psychologically. First of all, it is necessary for the parents themselves. Get to know the teacher. As a rule, this is a professional who has all the communication skills, loves children and takes care of the child. Educators in baby groups are affectionate, kind, sometimes they even guess what the children want by their gestures and looks. They do everything to make them feel good there. If mom sees that this is a caring and professional person, she will calm down and trust. The willingness of a mother to send her child to kindergarten is a matter of trust. You need to let go of this situation, and the baby will independently master the new space. Some mothers make the mistake of coming to the kindergarten and picking up the child, asking questions: “Did you feel bad here?”, “Did someone offend you?”. On the contrary, it is better to ask positive questions: “Who did you play with?”, “What did you find interesting?”, “What did you eat tasty?”, so that in response the child reports positive information and focuses on it. Remember that parents can always be in touch with caregivers to clarify how the baby feels.

      Develop your child’s adaptive abilities as early as possible, right from birth. Let him do what he can do on his own. The kid went, and the mother all the time says: “Don’t go there”, “Don’t do that”, constantly builds boundaries in front of him. Is the situation familiar? With this behavior of the mother, the child does not receive the necessary experience of mistakes, it will be difficult for him to learn anything. Train your child to be without a mother: take a nanny to help, ask a grandmother or a friend to sit with him. Take your child to different places outside the home. Mom herself gets used to doing without a child and not thinking about him every minute. This is an important workout for mom and baby.

      It is important to teach the child to communicate with adults and find a common language with other children, as well as to express their needs in forms that are acceptable to the child. For example, if he does not speak, then teach him to use gestures. Will your baby be able to come up, take a familiar adult by the hand and lead him where he needs to go? Develop this skill.

      It also happens that a child cries and whims achieves what he wants. This is unacceptable in a group of children. In such a situation, stop him and try to agree: “I don’t understand you. Calm down, please, show me what you want.” The contract element is important and should always be present.

      In children, the inhibition of emotions is delayed, and the excitation mechanism prevails. Therefore, if the baby cannot calm down and cries, then it is best for an adult to hug him, pronouncing his emotions: “it’s difficult for you now,” “you’re offended.” This will help him calm down. When the child is already calm, you can say: “If you want something, don’t cry, but ask, please.” Give the child what he requires after he calms down.

      Short stay groups were created mainly for working parents. Until the age of 2.5–3 years, a child can safely do without attending a kindergarten, especially if the family can afford it. If parents see that their child is already socialized at the age of 1.5–2 years, very contact, everything is interesting to him and he is ready to go beyond his home environment, then you can send him to a short stay group. Difficulties in adaptation can be – this is normal. Easy adaptation lasts 2-3 weeks, average – up to 4 months. If it becomes severe, it can last up to a year. Well socialized children may well go to a short stay group of one and a half years.

      If a correct system of upbringing is developed in the family, then he receives everything he needs from birth. And gradually, as a rule, by the age of three, the baby himself matures to daily communication, surrounded by small children. Psychologists advise starting preparations for kindergarten about six months in advance.

      You can walk with your child to the kindergarten. And tell them that the kindergarten is a big house where children, together with kind adults, play and have fun while moms and dads work. Parents must come for all children. The kindergarten is good, fun, a lot of toys.

      Don’t constantly tell your child that he will be going to kindergarten soon. Just tell and show.

      In the first days, when a mother brings a child to a kindergarten, it is important not to run away, leaving him there, but to calmly explain that the mother will definitely return very soon and everything will be fine. Wave your hand to the baby, kiss before leaving. The element of forgiveness should not hurt.

      Too fast tempo introduces the child into an anxious state. Better be patient! You need to plan the morning so that the fees go smoothly. Give the child time to wake up, stretch, hug, calmly gather in the garden, do not rush him, do not pull. Most often, the cause of tears is in a banal haste.

      I need to say if there are any medical contraindications, allergies. Tell what the child can do on his own, what he likes or dislikes. It is important to talk about some individual reactions of the child to something. Perhaps your family has some rituals or safe words. Tell us what helps the child calm down and fall asleep: maybe strokes or kind words? Tell what actions can help to establish contact with the child.

      This largely depends on the anxiety of the parents, the strong attachment of the mother to the child. It happens that a mother, over the years of being with a child nearby, gets so used to him that it seems to her that he cannot cope without her. In fact, everything is possible, all children adapt.

      If the mother does not have anxiety, but the child still cannot calmly go to the garden, psychosomatics cannot be ruled out. For example, before the kindergarten, the child spoke a little, and during the period of adaptation he stopped talking. Or he asked for a potty, and in the first weeks of going to the garden he stopped. A small regression for two or three weeks is the norm. Everything will be restored when the baby gets used to kindergarten. If the process is delayed, if the child withdraws into himself, is apathetic, sleeps poorly, eats poorly, is not interested in toys, it is imperative to understand the reasons. It is worth talking with a teacher, consult a pediatrician, a psychologist.

      A common mistake is too drastic changes for a child when he is immediately left for the whole day in kindergarten. The child is more comfortable with gradual adaptation over 2-3 weeks. It is better to start from 2-4 hours. Sometimes it’s a good idea to just come and walk around the playground with the guys.

      When we bring a child to a kindergarten, this does not mean that he has become an adult and he does not need motherly affection. It can be said that he grew up and learned a lot. The child in the same way needs attention, tenderness, hugs, praise – this is very important.

      A common mistake is that parents are too critical of the kindergarten. It happens that they don’t like something and discuss the negative with the child. If something worries you about the teacher, regimen, nutrition, it is better to discuss this with the teacher or the leadership of the preschool institution without the presence of the baby.

      It is really hard for a child to get used to unfamiliar food. Check out the Kindergarten menu. Try to change your home diet, bring it closer to the menu of a preschool institution. Limit salt, sugar, spices, make the menu healthier for the whole family. Include cereals, soups, casseroles, fruits (apples, oranges, bananas) in your diet. It is advisable to do this at least six months before the first acquaintance with kindergarten. But if you start when the baby is already in a group, gradually he will get used to such food. A healthier diet will benefit the whole family.

      • Kindergarten School in Nekrasovka

      In 2022, a new building of the kindergarten “Schools in Nekrasovka” was opened. It is designed for 315 children and meets all modern requirements.

      • School planetarium (school №806)

      Preschoolers and pupils can learn the secrets of the development of our Universe right within the walls of the school, because school No. 806 has its own planetarium. The creative space helps the children to find out by what laws of physics and astronomy the solar system lives.

      • Making cartoons is not difficult, but very interesting (Maryina Roshcha school)

      Video about the Steam-Lab studio will tell how preschoolers learn about digital technologies. For example, in the multi-studio “I create the world” they shoot cartoons: they learn frame-by-frame shooting and record sound. In the form of a game, the kids are preparing for the tasks that the mid-level technopark sets for them.

      • Little architects (school №534)

      What would children do with the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy? Correctly! Put it straight! Preschoolers study architectural styles, materials used in construction. Children develop abilities, become inquisitive. One of them will become a great architect!

      • Fire safety classes with preschoolers at school No. 1554

      What could be more important than the safety of children? At school No.