Pre k for 3 year olds: Preschool Programs for Ages 3

Опубликовано: January 12, 2023 в 8:00 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Part-Day Preschool Program – San Diego Unified School District

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San Diego
Unified School District offers a State-subsidized Early Learning program
(Part-Day and Extended-Day) for 3 and 4-year old children who qualify. Family
income must fall within the State income ceiling guidelines according to family
size in order to qualify.






Eligibility is determined by the following State factors:


Age Requirements


CPS/At Risk (Must provide letter/document from caseworker)

Homeless (Must provide letter or referral from agency or self-declaration of situation)




Part-Day Early Learning Program. This program is available at 17 different school sites in San Diego Unified School District to 3 and 4-year old children for 3 hours a day, Monday to Friday. You may select either an AM or PM session.


Extended-Day Early Learning Program. This program is available to 3 and 4-year old children for 6 hours a day, Monday to Friday, and this is offered at Central Elementary only.







All documents that are required must be uploaded to the Online Scribbles Application in order to complete the enrollment process.


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The list of Early Learning school sites including hours of operation, program offerings and map are available at the following links:


List of Part-Day and Extended-Day Early Learning Sites 2022-2023


Map of Early Learning School Sites 2022-2023



ECSE – Early Childhood Special Education




For Special Education inquiries including a request for assessment, please visit the San Diego Unified School District – Early Childhood Special Education Department’s website at this link: Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Services.





Early Learning classrooms provide age and developmentally appropriate conditions for our youngest learners.


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SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023




We accept Early Learning Applications until May 15, 2023 for school year 2022-2023.


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Acceptance into the Early Learning Program is confirmed through Notice of Action sent to parents/guardian via email within 30 days.


If you received a Notice of Action but are no longer interested (e.g., relocation, private school, etc.), please notify our office via email at [email protected].






Phone: (619)

[email protected]

Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.



Palmetto Pre-K – ECAC


What is Palmetto Pre-K?

Palmetto Pre-K is a statewide initiative to serve families of 3- and 4-year-old children and system navigators with a parent portal to check eligibility, locate and access the free public Pre-K programs in the state, support families through the transition to kindergarten and provide high-quality trainings to early childhood professionals serving 4-year-olds.

What are the three pillars of Palmetto Pre-K?

Palmetto Pre-K Online Portal
Families are able to go to determine their eligibility for free (publicly funded) preschool and locate high-quality educational programs in their neighborhoods and near their workplaces. The web tool matches eligible preschoolers with an appropriate program slot.

Palmetto Pre-K Transitions
Family-friendly, accessible guidance and navigational tools to help parents and caregivers successfully support their children’s transition from Pre-K to kindergarten. Efforts will include additions and new features on the Palmetto Pre-K and First Five SC websites. The  SC PreK to Kindergarten Transition Plan: Family Engagement,  was developed by the Palmetto Pre-K Transitions Workgroup, which is comprised of state early childhood system leaders, state agency personnel, educators, administrators, community and family advocates, and other stakeholders. The Plan demonstrates the state’s collective capacity and commitment to ensure that every child and family has the resources needed to learn, flourish and thrive. 


Palmetto Pre-K Jamboree
The top-flight professional development conference offered annually to preschool teachers and administrators throughout South Carolina. A planning committee with representatives from the four agencies that provide publicly funded preschool in South Carolina (Department of Education, First Steps 4K, Department of Social Services, and Head Start Collaboration Office) collaborate to plan the day. Past conferences have offered top-notched sessions such as, Conscious Discipline, ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Awareness, Powerful Play, Meaningful Early Learning Literacy Experiences and SC Early Learning Standards in 4K. 

How did it come about?

In a historic collaboration, the SC Department of Education, Head Start, SC First Steps and the SC Department of Social Services envisioned, created, developed and launched the portal. The funding for the development process was provided through the Preschool Development Birth-5 Grant. The portal was officially launched in February 2020 and work continues to fully develop the site to include all locally funded Pre-K opportunities.

The public’s understanding of funding for the state’s preschool programs has often been misunderstood. The graphic above shows how South Carolina’s public preschool programs are funded. 

Palmetto Pre-K Partner Agencies:

“The project described was supported by the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Initiative (PDG B-5), Grant Number 90TP0080-02-01, from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”

Pre-K & After School | Early Childhood Enrichment Education Experts FasTracKids

FasTracKids ® – Is your child ready to succeed in our ever-changing world? FasTracKids teaches preschoolers and elementary schoolers ages 3 to 8 to apply their creativity, critical thinking, trust, communication and teamwork skills in fun, interactive activities. Using the FasTracKids 9 Training Station0012 ® children study 12 subjects ranging from traditional subjects such as biology, astronomy and arts and crafts to those not normally included in the preschool curriculum (economics, technology). It also teaches to set life goals and draw positive experience from the lessons of life. The program lasts 96 weeks, classes lasting 2 hours are held once a week. This gives your child the skills that are essential for success in school and in everyday life. The program is divided into modules, so any beginner can connect to it at any time. nine0016

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FasTrack ® Music (music for children aged 4 to 6) – Beethoven and Bach never attended classes like this when they were kids! The modern program for children aged 4-6 is based on the same concept as the program for children aged 2-4. However, this course of study focuses on preparing children for school music lessons, while maintaining the recreational nature of the lessons. Children get acquainted with composers, their works, jazz and classical musical styles. In addition, they study musical notation, instruments and musical terminology. In addition, students get acquainted with the piano keyboard and learn how to perform simple exercises on the keyboard. The program can serve as a good base for school music lessons if the child is interested in it. Such lessons provide a solid foundation for music education and, in addition, instill a love of music and movement for years to come. nine0016

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FasTrack ® Discoverers – Children are naturally curious, so why not let them discover something new? The Pathfinder Program, like the FasTrack ® Explorers Program, is a program that uses the other FasTracKids programs identified in the curriculum. The FasTracKids ® program allows children to develop their language and communication skills as they complete various tasks. Children perform tasks of an entertaining nature aimed at developing literacy, phonetic skills, knowledge in the field of mathematics and music. Classes under this program are held 3 hours a day, up to 5 times a week for 44 weeks. nine0016

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FasTrack ® Camps (Children’s Camps) – Is it difficult for you to find a children’s camp that will make your child’s vacation attractive, constructive, interesting? FasTracKids ® has a day camp that will meet all expectations. The stay of the child in the camp can last from one day to one week for 3 hours a day, depending on the curriculum. This is an interesting, affordable way of spending leisure time for children during the holidays or for children who, for whatever reason, do not go to kindergarten or school for a long period of time. Class schedules and age groups may vary at each Center. nine0016

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FasTrack ® English Can we talk? New FasTracKids is an educational program for learning English as a second or foreign language (ESL or EFL) for children from 3 years old. By combining a communicative approach to language learning (vocabulary and communication) and interactive technology (the ability to both speak and listen), toddlers can begin to build a foundation for understanding English. A revolutionary and unique teaching method called PIER℠ (Positive Innovative English Reinforcement) allows children to learn in a comfortable environment. FasTrack English helps prepare children for standardized English exams through games, songs and exercises. nine0016

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Times… of life

Do you have enough English for everyday communication?

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Basic vocabulary and 10 aphorisms about a person’s age. Find out what your age is called!

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The theme of childhood, youth and old age will never lose its relevance: it inspires poets and prose writers, artists and filmmakers. The change of the “seasons” of a person, the transition from one pore of life to another is an exciting and mysterious process, unique for each of us.

Today we will learn basic vocabulary that describes different periods of a person’s life from birth to old age.

How old are you?

As we all know from school, when we first started learning English, the standard question about age is:

– How old are you?

How old are you?

And the answer looks like this:

– I am __ (years old).

I am __ (years, years old).

(The words years old and its equivalent years of age can be omitted).

If you don’t want to give your exact age, you can use general terms:

– I am in my teens.

I am not yet 20.

– I am in my early / mid / late 20s (twenties)*.

I’m in my 20s / in my 20s / almost 30.

– I am in my twenties.

I am about 20.

* thirties, forties, fifties etc. (thirty, forty, fifty, etc.)

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Human age

Newborn – newborn
Newly born baby (under four weeks of age).

Infant / baby (first year of life)
A child of the first year of life who cannot walk or talk.

Toddler – child (2-3 years old)
Child, from the age when he begins to walk (about 12 months) up to 3 years.

Child (4-12 years of age)
Childhood is defined differently in different cultures: in English-speaking countries, childhood is defined as up to 13 years of age, after which adolescence begins. nine0007

Pre-teen / tween
Nearly ‘tween’: tween is short for in between .

Teenager – teenager, teenager (13-19 years old)
Easy to remember: teen is present only in English numerals from 13 to 19. nine0007

Young adult – young minor (18-24 years old), youth
It is difficult to define this age: earlier at 17-18 years old, “children” were already considered adults, but today growing up is a little slower. “Youth” refers to people aged 18 and up to “middle age”, but it is generally used to refer to young people between the ages of 18 and 24.

Middle-aged / over the hill
Human life expectancy is increasing, the definition of middle age is changing. Nowadays, the “middle age” is considered to be the age of 40-50 years. Expression over the hill , letters “beyond the hill” is a playful (and for some, rather offensive) definition of an elderly person.

Senior citizen – an elderly person (from 55-65 years old)
Depending on the cultural traditions of different countries, the age of old age can start from 55, or maybe from 65 years.

Collective definition of the elderly.

And finally, we offer you 10 popular expressions about age, serious and not so, once heard from the lips of great people:

Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children.

George Bernard Shaw

Youth is wonderful. It’s just a crime to waste it on children.

George Bernard Shaw

Middle age is youth without its levity, and age without decay.

Daniel Defoe

nine0126 Maturity is youth without its lightness and old age without fading.

Daniel Defoe

Every philosophy is the philosophy of some stage of life.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Each philosophy is the philosophy of a certain period of life.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Never too old to learn.

nine0126 Latin proverb

Live and learn.

Latin proverb

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.

Andrew Carnegie

The older I get, the less attention I pay to what people say. I look at what they are doing.

Andrew Carnegie

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.

Emily Dickinson

We are not older than over the years, but newer than every day.

Emily Dickinson

Regrets are the natural property of gray hairs.

Charles Dickens

nine0126 Regrets are part and parcel of gray hair.

Charles Dickens

Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative.

Maurice Chevalier

Old age is not so bad, if you keep in mind the alternative.

Maurice Chevalier

Old age, believe me, is a good and pleasant thing.