Potty humor: 9 Things Parents Need to Know About Poo, Pee, and Peals of Laughter

Опубликовано: December 5, 2022 в 4:34 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

9 Things Parents Need to Know About Poo, Pee, and Peals of Laughter

Photo by onebluelight / iStock

“POOPIE! Poopie, pooopie, poooooooop!”

Ah, yes, the potty talk. For some children, the glory of screaming words like poop, pee, or butt over and over and over seems to give them great joy.

What should parents do about it? Ignore it? Set rules? Laugh right along with them?

At KinderCare, we’ve heard it all. And we’ve got the straight poop on this whole toilet humor business.

1. The Truth Is: You Probably Started It (and that’s a Good Thing)

While a baby is on the changing table, Mom or Dad might say, “Did you pee? Are you wet? I’m going to change your poopie diaper.” This kind of interaction with a baby is absolutely a good thing! When an adult explains what they are doing, they’re helping their infant learn about themselves and the world around them.

2. Between Ages 2 and 3, Poop Jokes Help with Toilet Learning

That early introduction to bathroom language can pay off later. “This kind of language helps children prep for toilet learning,” says Leia Muniz, a Quality & Accreditation Advisor at KinderCare Education. During this stage, bathroom language is a transition tool, aiding children in being independent as they move from diapers to the potty.

Around age two and until children have mastered toileting, Muniz does not recommend correcting potty talk, because intervening may discourage children from using the bathroom or expressing their need to do so.

In fact, while children are learning to use the toilet, you want to encourage them to use language to tell caregivers when they have to use the bathroom. And you want to celebrate your children’s potty successes, saying “You went pee-pee in the potty! Let’s tell Grandma!”

3. Remember: Potty Talk Is a Phase

By the age of three or four, most children have learned to use the toilet, and it’s not coincidental that some children begin to use bathroom talk with great exuberance (followed by peals of laughter).

While some parents may not share their child’s sense of humor, it’s important to remember that bathroom talk is a phase. Remember that it will pass. In the meantime, use your child’s new, slightly salty vocabulary as an opportunity to teach important concepts about respecting others, privacy, body attitudes, and how to enjoy a great joke.

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4. Don’t Overreact to Poop Jokes

If your child is blurting out toilet humor words and the situation makes you uncomfortable, remember to respond calmly. Reacting in a way that is anxious, ashamed, or angry may give them the impression that there is something shameful about their body and how it works. “This is what we do all the time; we go potty,” reminds Muniz. “We don’t want to discourage it.

5. Toilet Humor Has Its Time and Place

If a round of butt jokes is causing uncontrollable giggles at the dinner table, remind your child that potty words are for the bathroom, not for the dinner table. This introduces the simple concept of manners, that certain behavior is expected in certain places. You might bolster this boundary by allowing your little guy to say a lot of potty words and laugh—really loudly—the next time he’s in the bathroom.

6. Teach the Difference Between Public and Private

Toilet talk is a chance to start teaching your child the difference between public and private places and parts of our bodies. “That’s your own body,” you might say to a child who is sharing a view of their bottom and laughing wildly. “We’re not going to show it to your friends.”

7. Teach Respect for Others

Whether Grandma is shocked by colorful language or a family down the street has different house rules on toilet humor, help your child be empathetic to other people’s feelings. “It’s really silly when you talk with Mom or your brothers about pee-pee, but at school we are respectful of others, and they might not find that funny.”

8. Mind the Difference Between Toilet Humor and Name-Calling

If your child calls someone a poo-head, bathroom talk has evolved into name-calling. It’s important to intervene by responding to the name-calling and not the language.

Caregivers need to help children use alternative language to help them express their emotions differently: “I heard you calling Johnny a poo-head. It seems like you’re upset.” Use an open-ended question to encourage your child to think more kindly. “How do you think you would feel if someone called you that?”

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9. And Finally: It’s Okay to Laugh

If your child is in a safe place—at home or in the car, with a close friend, parent, or sibling—there is no harm in letting them laugh about these words. It may not be your sense of humor, but they’re probably learning from it, according to this article about laughter and learning published by the National Association of the Education of Young Children.

Young children are busy discovering their physical bodies: how they can move and what they can do. Preschoolers who have recently mastered using the potty get lots of joy from crowing over their new ability. Potty talk lets children word-play with their increasing vocabulary and share budding senses of humor as they learn to make and keep friends.

Toilet Humour – TV Tropes



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“To whoever took the ‘L’ from the ‘MOTOR POOL’ sign, haha, we are very amused.”

Ms. Packard, Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Simply put, toilet humour comprises jokes about urine, feces (human or otherwise), bums, fannies, willies, other naughty bits, fluids, farts and the immolation of them, boogers, bodily functions, and various other yucky stuff. It is very popular with young children, but as they grow up, they tend to find greater amusement in more witty jokes (at least, most of them do), and toilet humour is generally regarded with great dislike from the eyes of the mature audience. On the other hand, when toilet humour is mixed with Slapstick, the result is generally viewed as humourous. People falling into manure is good for a laugh across all age groups.

Toilet humour is related to Vulgar Humor. You could say it is the “cleaner counterpart”. e.g What did the Pirate find in the ship toilet? The Captain’s Log. note Taken from https://www.keeplaughingforever.com

Toilet humour is common on grossout shows and shows with large amounts of Black Comedy, but is not restricted to them. In a show which rarely relies on toilet humour, such instances tend to be lampshaded (“Oh, just what this episode needs – a fart joke“). Often toilet humour is used as filler, which results in a Bottom of the Barrel Joke.

Almost guaranteed in anything with babies in it.

Before anyone tells you humor was cleaner back in the old days, this trope is Older Than Dirt. A Sumerian proverb, dating to 1900 BCE goes “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.”

I Ate WHAT?! is the trope when eating is involved. Characters that are Gassholes and most instances of Fartillery are also usually meant for comedic purposes. Compare Tinkle in the Eye, Nose Nuggets, Road Apples, Urine Trouble, Revolting Rescue, and Joke of the Butt. Can be played very lightly via Calling Your Bathroom Breaks. Humor that involves an actual toilet is often involved in a Potty Emergency (but this Trope often applies there too). You can have some toilet humour without having anything gross actually happen by employing a Grossout Fakeout.

Not to be confused with Toilet Horror, though the two can overlap in Horror Comedy or in a moment of Mood Whiplash in other works.


  • I Ate WHAT?!: Someone eats an unpleasant substance and is grossed out after realizing what it was.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Nudity is depicted for humorous purposes.
  • Nose Nuggets: Jokes about boogers and mucus.
  • Revolting Rescue: A character saves someone in a disgusting way.
  • Road Apples: Jokes about animal feces.
  • Uranus Is Showing: Innuendos on how the planet Uranus can be pronounced to sound like “your anus”.
  • Urine Trouble: A joke involving an animal peeing on something or someone.
  • Bird-Poop Gag: Ugh! That bird pooped on my shoulder!
  • Bizarre Taste in Food: but specifically if it’s things like feces, urine, vomit and the like
  • Calling Your Nausea: That was so gross, I think I’m going to throw up!
  • Covered in Gunge: Being covered in slimy stuff is ew!
  • The Diaper Change: Poopy diapers, EEW!
  • Dirty Foreigner: Foreigners have very poor personal hygiene!
  • The Dreaded Toilet Duty: I have to clean bathrooms?! Blech!
  • Dung Fu: Using poop as a weapon! Yuck!
  • Ear Cleaning: Earwax removal—ick!
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: Ewww, those guys are eating mud!
  • Eat That: I can’t believe I have to eat this in part of a reality show! It’s freaking nasty!
  • Egging: Eww, run! Someone’s throwing rotten eggs at us!
  • Even The Rats Won’t Touch It: This food item is so unappetizing that not even vermin will chow down on it!
  • Fan Disservice: That’s not sexy at all! It’s just flat-out gross! Why would they show that gross-looking person in a skimpy outfit on camera?!
  • Gasshole: Burping and farting is gross!
  • Gassy Scare: Eww, their “illness” was only gas!
  • Nausea Fuel: Good Lord! It’s what this page is all about! I can’t believe I’m actually going to stomach this disgusting mess of a page!
  • Mess on a Plate: I haven’t tasted the food, but by the look of it, it seems disgusting!
  • Lost My Appetite: Oh, God! I just lost interest in eating because of that disgusting thing I just saw/heard!
  • Messy Maggots: Ew, I’m not touching anything that’s covered in maggots!
  • Nausea Dissonance: Okay, this is gross, but for some reason, it doesn’t gross me out. Weird.
  • Pesky Pigeons: Pigeons are gross!
  • The Pig-Pen: Gross! A person with poor hygiene is impossible to be by!
  • Plaguemaster: Eww! You’re spreading diseases to us? Gross!
  • Pooping Food: I don’t care how good the food probably tastes! I will NEVER eat any food that came right out of a creature’s rectum! Disgusting!
  • Pooping Where You Shouldn’t: Disgusting! Someone pooped outside of the toilet!
  • Prone to Vomiting: Vomit is disgusting! It makes me want to vomit!
  • Put Off Their Food: Did you have to describe that gross thing with a superficial resemblance to what I’m about to eat? Now I can’t eat it!
  • Putting the Pee in Pool: Gross! Somebody peed in the pool!
  • Reduced to Ratburgers: Yuck! I can’t believe I have to eat something gross like rats to keep from starving myself! I hate being homeless!
  • Revenge Is a Dish Best Served: Bleh! That person put something gross in my food! I guess he/she was trying to get back at me for something I did!
  • Revolting Rescue: Thank you for saving my life, but also ew!
  • Road Apples: Eew! I stepped in poop!
  • Selective Squeamishness Suppression: I’m a neat freak and for some reason, I can handle blood and gore, but not dirt and grime! That’s filthy!
  • Shock Site: Close it out! This website’s too disgusting to look at!
  • Slipping into Stink: Gross! I’ve fallen into something extremely disgusting and smelly!
  • Smelly Feet Gag: Put your shoes back on! Your foot odor is making me gag!
  • Smelly Skunk: Skunks are gross!
  • Spit Shake: Spitting on your hands to seal the deal—yuck! What is wrong with a clean handshake?
  • Spit Shine: Gross! Why would you want to clean my shoes with your saliva?!
  • Spit Take: *spits out drink* Oh, God! That was so gross!
  • Squick: Yuck! That really grossed me out!
  • Sticky Situation: Disgusting! I’m covered in something sticky!
  • Stress Vomit: Ewww, calm down! You’re so anxious, you just threw up!
  • Swallowed a Fly: Eew! A bug went into my mouth!
  • Swarm of Rats: Yuck! How many rats are coming out from sewers? Those are making me puke!
  • Talking Poo: Poop is already gross enough, but poop that talks is crossing the line!
  • Tastes Better Than It Looks: Ewww, what a Mess on a Plate! Wait. .. it’s actually delicious!
  • This Is Wrong on So Many Levels!: Oh, my God! That is disgusting and gross on so many levels!
  • Tinkle in the Eye: What’s worse than changing dirty diapers is the baby peeing in my face! Urine is just as disgusting as poop!
  • Trash of the Titans: This place is an absolute pig sty! How could anyone stand living in this disgusting place?!
  • Uncleanliness Is Next to Ungodliness: Yuck! You’re such an unclean and disgusting douchebag!
  • Underwater Fart Gag: Gross! Somebody farted in the pool!
  • Urine Trouble: Eww! My pet just peed on the furniture!
  • Vomit Chain Reaction: Oh, God! Just watching that person vomit makes me want to vomit!
  • Way Past the Expiration Date: Gross! Just how long has this been sitting in the fridge?
  • Yellow Snow: Blech! Who peed in the snow?
  • You Dirty Rat!!: Those rats are filthy and disgusting!
  • You Make Me Sick: My response to you, who said or did something repugnant! That’s how disgusting you are!
  • You Need a Breath Mint: . ..because your breath stinks!

Example subpages:

  • Anime & Manga
  • Comic Books
  • Fan Works
  • Film — Animated
  • Film — Live-Action
  • Literature
  • Live-Action TV
  • Music
  • Video Games
  • Web Animation
  • Webcomics
  • Web Original
  • Western Animation

Other examples:

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  • Rembrandt van Rijn: This artistic genius also made some drawings of an obese woman urinating and him and his wife having sex in bed.
  • Marcel Duchamp: His dadaist sculpture Fountain is literally a urinal turned on its side.


  • Bill Cosby’s famous standup act, Bill Cosby: Himself featured a rant about how fathers are the most fun family members because they’re the only ones allowed to have gas. He also discussed how his father used to blame his farts on invisible animals.
  • Billy Connolly’s early material featured an abundance of toilet and body function jokes. The most famous example is one where he speaks at length about being trapped in an airplane toilet with the previous visitor’s “jobby” still floating in it, not flushing away and being unable to leave because he’d never be able to convince anyone that he didn’t do it himself! He’s no stranger to jokes about willies and bums either (a joke about the latter pretty much kickstarted his career outside Scotland).
  • Oh, Bob Saget. The comedy special That Ain’t Right features lighting farts, an examination of the potential literal meaning of the phrase “fuck that shit”, a man from Spain getting his head stuck up an elephant’s ass, and that time where Bob got garlic diarrhea after eating at The Stinking Rose and then used it to kill a vampire.
  • Eddie Murphy has a bit in Delirious that starts off with farting in the bath tub and ends with a turd, a cracked skull and his brother with a G. I. Joe up his butt.
  • George Carlin defines a fart in its simplest context: “Shit without the mess.”
  • Larry the Cable Guy is notorious for overusing this.

    Comic Strips 

  • Gary Larson liked putting outhouse jokes into The Far Side, though he did have a problem getting them past his editors in the early years.
    • One of his favorites was one featuring a boy in the foreground practicing his sousaphone behind an outhouse; in the background, beyond the outhouse, stand a cluster of awed onlookers.
  • Garfield has had a few examples here and there over the years.
  • Marvin…just the entire run of Marvin, a strip that seems obsessed with a diaper-wearing toddler’s fecal production and his apparent willingness to sit smugly stewing in it indefinitely. (This behavior and the strip’s unswerving focus on it is one of the bêtes noir of The Comics Curmudgeon.)
  • BabyBlues: Frequently used as a running gag and is commonly used on Wren. Another running gag has Wren constantly eat prunes and the after-math always has her pooping herself. In one comic, Wren gets diarrhea after eating a whole bag of prunes and stinks up the van, leaving Darryl with a empty diaper bag and a trip the store to get pull-ups.
  • In a Pearls Before Swine strip in which Pig tries to impress a woman with his travel, he tries to prove he does know whether or not he’s in North America by proclaiming I’M IN CONTINENT!!

    Eastern Animation 

  • Aachi and Ssipak has an entire plot that revolves around a future where feces is the main source of power and the main characters are protecting a hooker who has very… *ahem* generous bowels.
  • Happy Heroes: Season 8 episode 11 is about Big M. being stuck floating in the air. He gets tired of not being able to control where he floats and finds a solution – propel himself in the direction he wants by farting. He then runs into an aerial traffic cop who fines him for polluting the air with his gas.
  • Lavatory-Lovestory: This is a cartoon in which a lovelorn men’s room attendant falls in love. In one scene all the men in the stalls are unnerved when the woman starts peeking underneath them in an effort to find her admirer. Later, she accidentally whacks a man in the face with her bouquet, causing him to fall into the toilet.


  • Fully embraced by America’s Most Haunted at every opportunity.
  • Heavily used in Stern Pinball’s Family Guy, just like its namesake. Operators can tone it down, however.
  • The “Joe’s Diner” mode from The Flintstones ends with a large pterodactyl flying overhead and releasing a giant dropping on the diner.
  • Capcom Pinball’s Flipper Football includes belches, farts, and burps in its repertoire of sound effects. Which are still mild compared to the game’s nonstop barrage of profanity…
  • Inappropriately enough, the South Park pinball from Sega is loaded with this.
  • WhizBang Pinball’s Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons has a horse that’s seen shooting a melon out of its posterior. Another part of the play field shows it farting onto a lit match, which launches a fireball (that doubles as a score light).
  • The “13-UTT” dimension in Rick and Morty causes fart sounds to play whenever the ball hits anything.

    Pro Wrestling 

  • The 1987 Slammy Awards: In a literal case, one of the nominees for the “Best Personal Hygiene” award was King Kong Bundy, who is seen using the toilet to defecate himself … and it is implied he held it all in (and we mean ALL in) until his bowels finally gave way.
  • John Cena occasionally pulls this out for the kids.
  • Who can forget the time Eddie Guerrero gave The Big Show a tainted burrito, giving him diarrhea in the middle of a match, and then stealing all the toilet paper from the toilet stalls before he got in? And the next week, Eddie Guerrero sprayed The Big Show down with a hose connected to a septic truck.

    Puppet Shows 

  • The Bear in the Big Blue House installment “Potty Time with Bear” pretty much operated on this when it wasn’t offering practical information on children’s potty training.
  • On Dinosaurs, Baby often makes mention of having dirty diapers with comical reactions from Earl. Some prominent examples include the lyrics, “I take every chance to make a poop in my pants” in the “I’m the Baby (Gotta Love Me)” music video, and the entire plot of “Nature Calls” dealt with Earl’s unsuccessful attempts to potty-train Baby.
  • The Muppet Show:
    • In “Episode 106: Jim Nabors”, Kermit introduces Fozzie as “the man who thinks that Elton John is a singing bathroom”.
    • In “Episode 310: Marisa Berenson”, a wig trainer tells Louis Kazagger that he doesn’t use “sham”-poo for his wigs, only real poo.
    • In “Episode 504: Shirley Bassey”, Statler and Waldorf share the following exchange after the guest star’s first number:

    Waldorf: “Fire Down Below”, great number.
    Statler: Thanks.
    Waldorf: Thanks? You didn’t write “Fire Down Below”.
    Statler: No, but the guy who did had just had a bowl of my chili.

  • Muppets Tonight: The Seinfeld Babies sketch from “Episode 107: Sandra Bullock” parodies the Seinfeld epsiode, “The Contest” by having Baby Jerry say that whoever can go the longest without soiling their diaper wins the contest. Baby Kramer proceeds to do his business and declares, “I’m out”.
  • Sesame Street: “Elmo’s Potty Time” is mainly educational, but there are a few joke moments, like a giant primate needing to pee and chasing a giant toilet, jokes during a song about toilet paper being made (such as when a large toilet roll is being seen in the manufacturing process, asking, “If the roll ran out, would we hire a truck?!”) and kids shouting synonyms for pee and poop, the peeing part ending in a shout of “I REALLY NEED TO URINATE!”.


  • Howard Stern and his superhero, Fartman.
  • Opie & Anthony: “Fart Equals Funny” is one of their basic tenets.
  • Listeners are spared listening Giles Wemmbley-Hogg’s bout of amoebic dysentery during his trip to Thailand, except to be told afterward about it…

    …spending the night, squatting over a hole, spraying pint after pint of red-hot magma down the back of [his] legs.

  • The Stephanie Miller Show describes itself as “a Mensa meeting with fart jokes!”
  • Martin/Molloy featured lots of this, which the hosts acknowledged and frequently mocked themselves for. The “Blimpy, the Lactose Intolerant Cat” sketches were built entirely around it.


  • In 1776, at one point, RI delegate Stephen Hopkins is out using the latrine when his time to vote is called; the Congressional secretary marks this as “Rhode Island passes,” sending the rest of Congress into a fit of laughter. Later, Benjamin Franklin is discussing his thoughts about not truly being an Englishman since he doesn’t have the rights of one.

    Franklin: But to call me one without those rights is like calling an ox a bull; he’s thankful for the honor but would much rather have restored what’s rightfully his.
    Dickinson: When did you first notice they were missing, sir?

  • The Clouds: At one point, Strepsiades is speaking to one of the students at the Thinkery, surrounded by kneeling students. When he’s told that they are studying the reaches of Hell, he’s quick to point out that their “third eyes” are facing the sky.
  • The Comedy of Errors: The Ephesian Antipholus starts slinging insults with the Dromio keeping him out of his house and descends into threatening to fart in his face.
  • Matilda: Mr Wormwood’s hair is green due to a mistake and claims it’s to celebrate the green things like “lettuce and snot”.
  • Urinetown is a Black Comedy musical about a dystopian future where, due to a drought, people have to pay to pee.

    Real Life 


Swedish Hyundai Ad

A Swedish Hyundai commercial from the 90s. A biker stops a man with a black Hyundai after his motorcycle breaks down. He asks what car heâs driving, to which he responds a Sonata, tax free for 5 years. The man asks the biker if heâs an Environmental Class One, to which the latter says he does not care about clean air; leading the former, to his relief, to rip one out, claiming heâs a ânaturalâ, much to the latterâs disgust. The last we see is the biker clearly grasping for air, but canât since the windows are rolled up.


Old Man

Follow Your Fart



Zan’s Poor Choi…

“Meet Shrek” Di…

Demon poop


Mater in the ba…

The Drinking Bowl


Mario Fables

Chicken soup in. ..

Bombs away, Bug…

The Party Poopers

Everything Come…


Sweet mother of…

Replacement Egg

“He had poop on…

The Porcelons

I’ve Done a Poo

Alternative Title(s):
Toilet Humor, Nob Gag, Bathroom Humor, Potty Humor, Potty Humour

funny, new, fresh and better for the mood

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1. The first snow on the roads is like the first sex: everyone wants something, they poke somewhere, some get something, and half don’t even have rubber. 2. — teeex, started walking at 11 months, tormented a hamster, in the certificate 4 fives were bought … — uncle, who are you? I am your interviewer. I prepared well for the interview- […]

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1. — Dear, autumn is coming, we need to get rid of the rubbish. – I will not leave! 2. – Well, neighbor, are we drinking today? – And what, exactly, is the reason for this? – 10.10.2022. This day happens once in a lifetime! 3. Holes in cheese are optional. 4. Happiness is when everyone understands you, but they can’t do anything! […]

17:04 09 10 2022

1. Witness questioning: — Have you noticed any particular examples of a criminal? — He had a torn stocking on his head. – It’s a hook. 2. “I don’t want to!” – a beautiful phrase in its brevity. I don’t understand why they stopped taking it as a weighty argument and you need to clarify the reasons, motives, attach an essay for five pages with an explanation. 3. An employee of the enterprise […]

17:04 08 10 2022

1. The rake is a tool for self-development. 2. Have you read “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals”? Just two. Oh yes, it was a golden time! 3. It is difficult to fight the green serpent. He has a powerful support group: fluffy squirrels and green devils. 4. “Well hello, Gerasim! And then I still swam!” said the Hound of the Baskervilles. 5. One day […]

Black humor: 50+ jokes and jokes

Black humor: 50+ jokes and jokes: Pexels

Black humor is sarcastic jokes about what it is customary to cry, not laugh. But laughter prolongs life, and a good joke can defuse the situation, add optimism. A selection of sharp jokes on popular topics will allow you to be the center of attention in any company.

Black humor in verses

Poets more than once became the darlings of society, and poems with peppercorns raised their rating to the sky. Daniil Kharms, Sasha Cherny, Lewis Carroll, Alle Alphonse and Charles Baudelaire joked quite sarcastically in poetry and prose. Noteworthy are also poems by unknown authors. What black humor in poetry is popular?


Lots of ideas for Valentine’s Day


Am I good?! So tell me for mercy?

And then the doctor will let me go and understand:

I will bring goodness and justice to the world,

Just give me a good machine gun!

Black humor in verses: Pexels


Leaves will not help


Ninth. Paint the window.

Eighth. They brought wine.

Seventh. They fix the shower.

Sixth. Husband changes.

Fifth. Mother Choir.

Fourth. The thief is scurrying.

Third. Rock rumbles.

Second. Burnt pie.

First. Alto sobs.

All. Arrived. Asphalt.


Everyone is lying down, but Igor

For some reason he sat down,


Water drips from the sky,

Foams beautifully.

So gentlemen from above

They also drank beer.


I was in the hospital yesterday

The doctor said: “That’s it

Aist 9002 will carry you back, the patient.”


– Where are you? – Hearing a voice on the phone,

The executioner sighed, cursing the call.

– Where, where, but at work again felling,

Sorry, I’m busy, I have people.


Let’s face it, it’s bad,


Black humor in poetry is always met with enthusiasm. Among the authors of such poems is Grigory Oster, the author of the book “Bad Advice”. Here is one of his works:


If you are on the corridor

rush by bicycle,

And the papa has come to take a walk,

, do not turn up to the cuisine,



The kitchen has a solid refrigerator.

Brake better in dad.

Soft dad. He will forgive.

Medical humor and health jokes

The disease not only takes strength, but also drives into a depressed state of mind. To cheer up the sick a little, doctors often joke about health. In the constant struggle for the lives of patients, doctors also have a hard time. Therefore, doctors have a specific sense of humor. What is black medical humor?


The doctor asks the nurse:

— Did you give the patient anesthesia?


— Why? He’s deaf!


— Why are there so many diseases in Africa?

— Because medicines should be taken with water.


My wife is a pathologist. Every time someone pisses me off, throws me at work or lets me down at work and I get nervous, she hugs me and quietly says:

— Don’t be sad, my love. Sooner or later, they will all die. I’ll cut them into pieces, I’ll be well paid for it, and I’ll buy us wine and cake!


– For some reason, when you smile, one of your eyes is cheerful, and the other is sad, sad like that.

Cheerful is artificial.

Doctors black joke: NUR.KZ


— Doctor, I ate the pizza with the packaging. I will die?

– Well, everyone will die someday …

– Everyone will die! Horrible what I’ve done!


Inattentive passenger Ivanov, slamming the compartment door, did not notice the hand of the deaf-mute magazine seller and healed him.


A cunning guide dog drove the owner around the apartment because of the rain for two hours, imitating the sounds of the street!


Yesterday I learned that 20 piranha fish can gnaw a person to the bone in 15 minutes. Unfortunately, I lost my job at the pool because of this.


The doctor told me that by donating a kidney to a sick person, I would earn great respect.

Yesterday I brought five kidneys to the hospital at once, but I still didn’t understand why the doctor went into hysterics…

Doctors’ black humor: NUR.KZ :

– Keep your fingers out of the way. There are not as many of them as it seems…


— Mom, what is black humor?

— Son, do you see a man with no arms over there? Tell him to clap his hands.

– Mom! I’m blind!

— Exactly.


Up to 100 exhibitionists freeze annually in Siberia and the Far North.


What are some black humor jokes about coronavirus?


– Never before has the phrase “be quiet” been so literal.


– I swore eternal love to you, but I did not agree to a monthly quarantine with you!

Black humor about the pandemic: NUR.KZ


Sarcastic jokes about relationships

Partner relationships are an important part of life. Not surprisingly, sarcasm has made its way to this area, giving us a lot of funny jokes on the topics of romance, love, marriage and family relationships. What are black humor relationship jokes?


One guy wrote a post: “No girls are interested in me.” Under his post immediately appeared a message from the girl: “I’m interested.”

The guy looked at her profile and edited the post saying “No CUTE girl is interested in me.”


One friend calls another from the club:

— Maaash, do you hear?! I do not advise you to go. There is a terrible slush on the street … And most importantly, there are absolutely no men here: many girls leave without having rested!

Black humor about relationships: NUR.KZ


At the funeral, the deceased was praised so much that the widow went up to the coffin three times to see who was lying there.


An elderly couple is having breakfast. The wife asks thoughtfully:

— Vasya, do you love me?

Husband throwing the fork in his heart:

— Well, why is it necessary to start every morning with a scandal?!


— Honey, I always think about you, even when I drink tea with cookies. I dip it in tea and hold it until the bubbles stop rising.


— Nikolai, do you agree to love Anna, protect her, admire her, worship her wisdom and talent?

– Traitors, untie me!!!


— What, neighbor, did you come to complain about your husband again?

— No, I’m behind the axe.


— Do you have books on BDSM?


Throw one in my face.


Love is an inexhaustible source for filling prison cells and psychiatric hospitals.

Black humor about relationships: NUR.KZ

Black humor about children and teenagers

Black humor is understandable even to children. An example of this is “Stepka-tattered” – the first children’s picture book by the writer Heinrich Hoffmann, which tells about obedient and naughty children. What kind of black humor is relevant for today’s children and adolescents?


The boy takes out a smartphone from his pocket, addressing an adult sitting next to him:

— Excuse me, what is the Wi-Fi password here?

– It’s a funeral!

– “Funeral” with a small or capital letter?


When you have children, you start asking your parents again to go somewhere.


– Honey, can you imagine, today during a morning run I was attacked by a huge Doberman!

– Nightmare! What if it was a small child?

— For the love of God, Masha, I could calmly fight off a small child!


The gun is like a box of chocolates. When you bring it to school, everyone suddenly starts pretending to be your friends.

Black humor in children and adolescents: Pexels


A boy is playing in the sandbox. Suddenly, a man flies out of the window of the 12-storey building opposite and, raising a column of dust, falls flat into the sandbox. The boy is shocked.

The man, shaking himself, gets up and says:

— So, boy! Now men will fly out of the same window, and you will count them. Understood?

— Got it…

Five minutes later, a man flies out of the same window.


– One!

The fallen one quickly gets up and, brushing himself off, says:

— Wait, boy, don’t count — it’s me again. ..


*** speed of 200 km/h?

– To my grandmother, granddaughters.

– Grandpa, she died …

***0094 » ?

– Odnoklassniki ran out.


– Don’t give your child paperclips or they will swallow them.

– It’s okay, I have plenty of them.

Anecdotes and jokes about everyday situations

Everyday situations are another reason to make a biting joke. Most often they joke about life and death, relationships between people and relatives, and over typical everyday situations. Similar jokes are included in André Breton’s Anthology of Black Humor. What are some jokes about everyday situations in the genre of black humor?


I was surrounded by nice, nice people, slowly squeezing the ring.


A man opens the door and sees little Death on the threshold. He falls to his knees and begins to beg long and tedious to spare him.


– Relax, I’m going to the hamster.


In the second act of the play, the protagonist unexpectedly won a saber duel with a pistol.


I owe my health and longevity to the fact that I never touched a cigarette, a glass, or a woman until I was ten years old.


Do you have a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?

Black humor in everyday life: Pixabay


I drink no more than a hundred grams, but after drinking a hundred grams, I become a different person, and this other person drinks a lot.


If you get threatening calls all the time, don’t despair. The main thing is that you are remembered and someone needs you.


Conversation of the buyer with the seller of the store:

— I, please, the biggest black package.

– One?

– One. Shovel, please, the longest ties and lime.

— Are you going to hide the corpse?

Two packets…


Good advice: always keep your enemies’ business cards. Here you scratch, for example, someone’s car, write on such a business card “Sorry!” and leave it under the wiper.


In the cold, metal structures acquire such an exquisite taste that it is impossible to tear oneself away.


— Please! Take what you want, just don’t kill me! I have four children, my wife was recently fired, my daughter is pregnant, the loan for the apartment has not been paid … But okay, kill.


Anniversary is when there are many flowers, but you are still alive.


Conversation on the plane:

– I’m afraid to jump – what if the parachute doesn’t open?

– No one has ever complained that his parachute did not open.