My 13 days: Thirteen Days – Rotten Tomatoes

Опубликовано: December 22, 2022 в 2:09 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Thirteen Days Movie Review | Common Sense Media

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Movie review by Nell Minow, Common Sense Media

Common Sense says

age 14+

Superb film about Cuban missile crisis, best for older kids.

145 minutes

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What Parents Need to Know

Parents need to know that Thirteen Days, a docudrama about the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, is exciting and suspenseful, even though the actual outcome is well known. The film is a recreation of a crucial incident in American history that’s suitable for teens and mature tweens, as well as adults. There’s frequent swearing used to heighten the emotional impact (i.e., “bastard,” “asshole,” “s–t,” “Jesus Christ,” one use of “f–k”). Because the film is set in the 1960s, smoking is a casual part of many of the meetings in the White House. Alcoholic beverages are consumed in several scenes, never to excess. President John F. Kennedy is seen taking a prescription drug on one occasion.

Community Reviews



October 25, 2021

age 11+

Educational movie perfectly fine for young people

While there is strong language sprinkled through various parts of the movie, 13 Days is a FANTASTIC telling of the Cuban Missile Crisis. There are no objectionable scenes aside from the language and is a great way to show tweens, teens, and young adults what exactly happened during the cuban missile crisis.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much swearing

What’s the Story?

THIRTEEN DAYS chronicles the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, when American planes took photos that confirmed the existence of a secret Soviet missile base under construction in Cuba for nuclear missiles capable of striking the United States, provoking a 13-day confrontation between the Soviet Union and Cuba on one side and the U.S. on the other. President John F. Kennedy (Bruce Greenwood) had endured the botched attempt at the Bay of Pigs to overthrow Castro the previous year. This drama doesn’t waste time on introductions or exposition, giving the story a sense of immediacy and urgency. Advisors like Dean Acheson and the military urge JFK to bomb the sites. But Adlai Stevenson says, “One of us in the room should be a coward,” and he asks the president to come up with a diplomatic solution. Kennedy knows better than to fight the last war, but he is not sure how to fight the next one. The president and his advisors argue about what to do (“Bombing them sure would feel good!”), interrupted by “just as usual” events to avoid letting the press or the Soviets suspect that anything was going on. When President Kennedy tells Chicago Mayor Daley that he “wouldn’t miss this event for the world,” we appreciate the literal meaning of his words.

Is It Any Good?

This gripping film will leave audiences reminding themselves that we are still here, and for once, the tag line has it just right: “You’ll never know how close we came.” Thirteen Days may seem like a movie script, but it really happened.

Producer Kevin Costner plays a real person, Kennedy staffer Kenny O’Donnell, but the character combines the roles and actions of several people and essentially exists to help tell the story as efficiently as possible. Most of the time, he blends in with a large, capable cast of character actors (though he seems to make himself too important in a pep-talk scene and at the end there is a sort of “Three Musketeers” shot that seems inappropriate).

Talk to Your Kids About …

  • Families can talk about the portrayal of the Cuban missile crisis in Thirteen Days. Why is this incident considered such an important historical event? What other movies have you seen that deal with the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union?

  • Families can also talk about what we do when we have hard choices to make. President Kennedy and his brother, his closest advisor, listen to advice from experts, but realize they must make their own judgment. Who would help you make a big decision?

  • How do the people portrayed in Thirteen Days demonstrate courage, communication, and teamwork? Why are these important character strengths?

Movie Details

  • In theaters:

    December 25, 2000

  • On DVD or streaming:

    July 10, 2001

  • Cast:
    Drake Cook,

    Jon Foster,

    Kevin Costner

  • Director:
    Roger Donaldson

  • Studio:
    New Line

  • Genre:

  • Topics:
    Great Boy Role Models,


  • Character Strengths:



  • Run time:

    145 minutes

  • MPAA rating:


  • MPAA explanation:

    brief strong language

  • Last updated:

    March 30, 2022

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Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Menorrhagia): Causes & Treatment


What is heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)?

Heavy menstrual bleeding (formerly called menorrhagia) is when your periods are extremely heavy or prolonged. “Heavy” means that your period lasts longer than seven days or that you lose more blood than is typical during menstruation. You may bleed so much that you have to change your tampon or pad every hour for several hours back-to-back. You may pass blood clots the size of a quarter or even larger.

Menstrual bleeding that’s so heavy that it interferes with your daily life is never normal. Your provider can recommend treatments to manage heavy blood flow.

How common are heavy periods?

Heavy period bleeding is common, affecting anywhere from 27% to 54% of people who menstruate.

Is heavy menstrual bleeding serious?

Heavy menstrual bleeding can be serious if you lose so much blood that you show signs of anemia. Anemia is a condition arising from having too little iron in your body. Anemia can be life-threatening without treatment.

Also, some of the conditions that can cause heavy period bleeding, like cancer, require early medical intervention. Speak with your healthcare provider to discuss any risks related to your period bleeding.

Symptoms and Causes

What are the signs and symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding?

Signs of heavy menstrual bleeding include:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Periods lasting longer than seven days.
  • Passing blood clots that are the size of a quarter or bigger. The blood may appear red, pink, brown, or even rust-like.
  • Bleeding through 1 or more tampons or pads each hour for more than two consecutive hours.
  • Losing more than 80 milliliters of blood during your period instead of what is typical, 35-40 milliliters.
  • Anemia symptoms, like feeling exhausted, tired or short of breath.

With anemia, you may also notice signs of a condition called pica. Pica symptoms include hair loss, pale skin, and the urge to eat non-food items (paper, hair, dirt, etc.). See your provider if have these symptoms.

How do you know if you have heavy menstrual bleeding?

Heavy menstrual bleeding interferes with your quality of life. Many people with heavy periods assume that periods are supposed to be inconvenient and uncomfortable. They may have watched people in their families live with heavy periods without seeking care and followed their example. But periods should never cause you to restrict activities or accept inconvenience.

During your period, you should be able to:

  • Wear a standard pad or tampon every three to four hours without changing it.
  • Wear a single menstrual product without having to double-up (wearing two pads or two tampons at the same time) at any point.
  • Leave your home without having to pack extra bags of pads or clothing changes.
  • Live your life as usual, without missing work, avoiding going out in public, or skipping activities you enjoy.

If your periods are disrupting your life, it’s time to see your provider.

How long does heavy menstrual bleeding last?

Heavy menstrual bleeding is a period that lasts longer than seven days. How long you bleed depends on what’s causing your bleeding.

What causes heavy menstrual bleeding?

Heavy menstrual bleeding can have many causes, ranging from hormone-related issues to various medical conditions and even stress.

Hormone imbalances

The hormones that your body produces, like estrogen and progesterone, help regulate your menstrual cycle, including how heavy your periods are. Having a condition that causes your hormones to become imbalanced can lead to heavy period bleeding. Causes include:

  • Anovulation.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Weighing more than your ideal body weight can interfere with your body’s hormone production and lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, too.

Non-cancerous growths in your uterus

Benign growths in your uterus and conditions that cause cells in your uterus to grow improperly can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, too. Causes include:

  • Polyps.
  • Fibroids.
  • Adenomyosis.
Cancerous growths in your uterus

Conditions that increase your risk of getting cancer, including endometrial hyperplasia, as well as cancers that affect your reproductive system, can cause heavy menstrual bleeding. These include:

  • Uterine cancer.
  • Cervical cancer.

Infections, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause heavy bleeding. These include:

  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Chronic endometritis.
Pregnancy complications

Heavy bleeding can be a warning sign of pregnancy complications, such as:

  • Miscarriage.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • C-Section niche. High numbers of cesarean sections can lead to a scar that creates a pocket in your uterus. That pocket can collect blood, which you can later bleed.
Other medical conditions

Heavy menstrual bleeding is a symptom associated with various conditions, including bleeding disorders and non-bleeding disorders. Some common medical conditions that can lead to heavy bleeding are:

  • Von Willebrand disease.
  • Liver disease.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
  • Leukemia or platelet disorders.

Certain medicines can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, too. These include:

  • Blood thinners and aspirin.
  • Hormone replacement therapy.
  • Tamoxifen (breast cancer drug).
  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs).
  • Birth control pills and injectables (NuvaRing®, Depo-Provera®, Implanon®).

Failing to remove contraceptive devices when needed can also cause abnormal uterine bleeding.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is heavy menstrual bleeding diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider will ask a series of questions about your medical history and menstrual cycle to diagnose heavy menstrual bleeding.

Your provider may ask about:

  • Your age when you got your first period.
  • The number of days your period lasts.
  • The number of days your period is heavy.
  • Family members with a history of heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Your pregnancy history and current birth control methods.
  • Current medications you’re taking, including over-the-counter ones.

Come prepared to talk about your quality of life, too. Your provider needs to know if you’ve been doubling up on menstrual products, avoiding activities or placing restrictions on your life in any way because of heavy periods.

What tests will be done to diagnose heavy menstrual bleeding?

Your provider will do a physical exam and a pelvic exam. Many non-invasive procedures are available that can help your provider diagnose what’s causing your bleeding, such as:

  • A sonohysterogram (saline-infusion sonography) to check for problems in the lining of your uterus. A sonohysterogram allows your provider to see the inside of your uterus while it’s filled with saline. It offers higher accuracy and sensitivity when detecting abnormalities in your uterine cavity than an ultrasound without saline.
  • A hysteroscopy to check for polyps, fibroids or other irregular tissue in your uterus. Hysteroscopy allows your provider to inspect your vagina, cervix and uterus. Your provider can remove growths that may be causing your bleeding, like fibroids or polyps, during a hysteroscopy.

You may have other tests, depending on your age and how severe your symptoms are. Other tests may include:

  • A blood test to check for signs of anemia, clotting issues, or thyroid disease.
  • A Pap smear to study cells from your cervix for changes that may indicate cancer.
  • An endometrial biopsy to check uterine tissue for cancer cells or other irregularities.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound to check the appearance of the organs and tissues in your pelvis.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to check for abnormal structures inside your uterus when an ultrasound doesn’t provide enough information.
  • A cervical culture to test for infection, as indicated by your medical history and the results of your physical exam.

Management and Treatment

How is heavy menstrual bleeding treated?

Treatment depends on what’s causing your bleeding, how severe your bleeding is, your health, age and medical history. Also, treatment depends on your response to certain medicines and your preferences. For instance, you may not want to have a period at all, or you may want to reduce your bleeding. In addition, your plans to get pregnant will affect your treatment options.

Talk with your provider about your health concerns and your goals for treatment.

Medications used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Iron supplements improve your iron stores.
  • Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen® or Aspirin® can ease your cramps and reduce your bleeding.
  • Birth control (pills, vaginal ring, patch, IUDs) may help make your periods more regular and lighten your blood flow.
  • Hormone therapy (HT) can help balance the amount of estrogen and progesterone in your body so that your menstrual flow isn’t as heavy. HT is often recommended for heavy menstrual bleeding associated with perimenopause but comes with risks that you should discuss with your provider.
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists can temporarily stop or reduce bleeding by preventing ovulation.
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists (elagolix®) can manage heavy period bleeding related to fibroids.
  • Desmopressin nasal spray can stop bleeding associated with von Willebrand disease by helping your blood clot.
  • Antifibrinolytic medicines, like tranexamic acid, prevent clots from breaking down and causing excessive bleeding.
Procedures used to treat heavy period bleeding

Hysteroscopy is often used to diagnose and treat heavy period bleeding. With an operative hysteroscopy, your provider inserts a thin, lighted tube into your vagina that allows them to inspect your uterine cavity. The hysteroscope acts as a precise surgical instrument, too, and can help your provider remove any growths that may be causing your bleeding.

Other procedures include:

  • Myomectomy. A procedure that removes fibroids from your uterus.
  • Uterine artery embolization (UAE). A procedure that restricts the blood flow from fibroids and tumors.
  • Endometrial ablation. A procedure that destroys all or part of the lining of your uterus. Often, your provider will recommend sterilization afterward. Endometrial ablation puts a fetus at risk of serious complications if you become pregnant.
  • Hysterectomy. Surgery that removes your uterus and prevents you from having periods or getting pregnant.

How is heavy period bleeding managed?

Treatment may begin with medication and then progress to minor procedures and surgical options. Speak with your provider to decide which options work best for your health and your goals for treatment.


How is heavy period bleeding prevented?

You can’t prevent all causes of heavy period bleeding. But talking with your healthcare provider to get diagnosed and treated can help you manage your bleeding so that it doesn’t interfere with your quality of life.

Outlook / Prognosis

What is the prognosis for living with heavy menstrual bleeding?

Left untreated, heavy periods can interfere with your life. In addition, heavy menstrual bleeding can cause anemia and leave you feeling tired and weak. Other health problems can also arise if you don’t get help. With proper treatment and assistance from your provider, you can manage heavy periods without compromising your well-being.

Living With

When do you call your healthcare provider if you suspect heavy period bleeding?

You should call your provider if you’re experiencing the symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding or anemia, or if your period bleeding has become abnormal. Tracking your periods using a calendar or app can help you identify if your periods are heavier and longer-lasting than usual. Share these notes with your provider.

You should also schedule an appointment if you notice that you’re having to double-up on menstrual products or if you’re skipping activities you enjoy because of heavy bleeding.

Can heavy menstrual bleeding be life-threatening?

Heavy periods aren’t usually life-threatening, but they can be if you lose too much blood. Bleeding through two or more tampons or pads each hour for two hours in a row is a sign that you should see your provider or seek emergency care immediately.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Just because heavy periods are common doesn’t mean that you have to learn to live with the discomfort they cause. If managing your blood flow is getting in the way of your emotional and physical well-being, speak with your provider. They can provide a care path that will provide relief.

MIUI 13 review: main innovations

Recently, Xiaomi introduced a new version of its proprietary shell MIUI 13. In my opinion, MIUI has been competing on equal terms with OneUI shells from Samsung and EMUI shells from Honor/Huawei for a couple of years, not yielding to them in simplicity and convenience.

In passing, I will note an important fact that not everyone understands. There are no built-in ads in the Xiaomi shell. Ads can be found in pre-installed applications for viewing video or audio. In principle, no one bothers not to use them or simply delete them. The main thing that the user encounters at the first stage is numerous notifications with offers of new games from the GetApps branded application store. Turns off with one tap.

To describe the changes in MIUI 13, Xiaomi decided to use an iceberg image. As you know, icebergs always have a surface part smaller than the underwater one. The company hints that major changes are under the hood.

Thus, MIUI 13 is still visually and functionally practically the same as MIUI 12. Accordingly, in this article, we will first analyze the main list of innovations and changes in MIUI 13, as well as MIUI 12.5 (which we skipped a review, since the number There were minimal changes.

This will be more material for those who are familiar with the shell. If you are getting acquainted with MIUI for the first time, want to look at its capabilities, how the address book is organized, how to wirelessly connect to a smartphone remotely as an FTP server, how to hide geolocation and metadata in photos, then you should look at the review of MIUI 12.

Table of Contents

  • New Super Wallpaper
  • Other new wallpapers
  • Notes app
  • Sidebar
  • Watermarks
  • Under the hood
  • Which devices will receive MIUI 13
  • Conclusion

New Super Wallpapers

Super Wallpapers were introduced back in MIUI 12. And this feature is only available on smartphones with an AMOLED screen in the middle and higher price segments, since, in fact, this is not even a wallpaper, but a kind of theme that starts with Always-on screen and accompanies the user between desktop screens.

In MIUI 12, only Mars and Earth were available to us. At the time of the release of the shell, this approach was explained by the fact that in July 2020, China launched a rover to Mars. The rover, by the way, successfully reached the goal and is now sharing photos.

Now there are several more options for super wallpapers available to users.

At the same time, an additional highlight was the ability to select proximity zones.

For example, for the Earth it could be Cape Kamenjak in Croatia, Gaunsi rice terraces in China, the Greek Navajo beach looks very beautiful, there are a couple more options. I believe Xiaomi will increase the range, so I see no reason to list everything.

Also available for Mars.

A super wallpaper with a view of the Siguyang Mountains changes throughout the day in accordance with the movement of the sun and the weather outside your window (if the sun is shining, then the mountainside will be flooded with sun, etc.).

Super wallpapers are a fairly simple but effective trick that immediately puts the user at ease.

Other new wallpapers

These wallpapers are also only available on AMOLED screens. The main reason is that the action takes place on a black background, and OLED screens are known to be 100% black with no glare and excellent color reproduction. On an IPS screen, such wallpapers would look dull.

I’m including screenshots as this option is not available at the moment. But it will work on both smartphones and watches. I suppose that we are waiting for the official release of the Xiaomi super-flagship 12 ULTRA or something similar in order to pompously roll out a feature on the best screen.

Xiaomi collaborated with the Beauty of Science project to film how vitamin C and other permitted substances crystallize under a microscope. The company says different concentrations form fascinating crystal patterns, and time-lapse photography through a polarized light microscope reveals their breathtaking variety.

Notes app

Xiaomi has improved the default Notes app. It turned out to be a fairly powerful combine that can easily replace paid options. Firstly, notes can now be sorted, grouped into folders.

The second point is the addition of voice notes, which can also be grouped.

Thirdly, now you can create not only written notes or notes with pictures, but also mental maps (mind map). Maps can be exported as pictures.

Fourth, the application is designed to work with a stylus, although you can draw with your fingers, and now supports shape recognition and makes lines straight. Rectangles, squares, circles and even complex shapes like a heart. There are several drawing tools that will be enough for most people.

In this case, the figures can not only be drawn, but also rotated.

The fifth innovation is that at the top there is an icon that allows you to switch to the “Tasks” mode, and here we have a to-do list.

One note can contain both printed and handwritten text, pictures and voice notes. Probably, Xiaomi will be offended, but we can say that the company has created its own version of Evernote or OneNote. Of course, not so advanced, but free, without ads and already downloaded to your smartphone.


The sidebar is enabled in the settings. The basic thing that many manufacturers have. The Xiaomi trick is that the sidebar can be used for multitasking, since by default all applications from the sidebar open as mini-windows. Accordingly, this is convenient if you need to quickly take a note, or you can open the messenger or browser in a mini-window to copy something. 9Watermark

Another mini-feature that is quite useful. Now the smartphone allows you to pave any picture with watermarks. For example, when I went to Abkhazia in the fall and rented a car, they first asked me for a photo of my passport and driving license. And I had to open Photoshop to watermark the image. In this case, everything can be done on the phone.

Xiaomi says it watermarks from the heart, and has received many security certificates to prove it. Although personally I would like to be able to change the size and transparency of the font, as well as the fill density.

Under the hood

Starting with version 12.5, Xiaomi began to actively work on making the shell smoother, more efficient, more energy efficient and more responsive.

For example, version 12.5 was said to have reduced CPU usage by 22% and was 15% more energy efficient.

Along the way, control gestures received priority. Xiaomi says that when the CPU is actively working, the user may experience lag. Now the controls are displayed in the priority zone, so that the smartphone will always react to the user’s action.

Version MIUI 13 continues to develop in the same vein (power consumption has been reduced by another 10%). Now the smartphone monitors the actions of the user and accompanies, directing resources there. That is, now there will be no situations when the smartphone calculates something in the background, because of which the entire smartphone freezes.

Xiaomi says the system has become 40% more efficient as the smartphone is more active in terminating unused processes, freeing up memory and CPU for current tasks.

Plus, a new system for defragmenting and organizing data has been applied. So, Xiaomi says that after 36 months, the memory of an Android smartphone starts to work 50% less efficiently, because it is clogged with garbage. For comparison, after 36 months, Xiaomi smartphones show a performance decrease of only 5%. In principle, they could simply write in the instructions that once every 3 years you can do a complete reset of the device, deleting everything.

Here, of course, it is difficult to measure and check all this during a short test. It would be nice to use the device directly tightly for at least six months. Well, or it will be necessary for our Roma Belykh to send a smartphone with MIUI 13 for a test. He used to constantly complain that the interface is not as smooth as on the iPhone, and there were some micro-lags. Here, it will be necessary to conduct an experiment!

Which devices will receive MIUI 13

Below is a list of devices that have already started or will receive the update to MIUI 13 in the very near future. If your smartphone runs on MIUI 12.5, then there is a good chance that it will receive the new MIUI 13.

  • Mi 11
  • Mi 11 Ultra
  • Mi 11i
  • Mi 11X Pro
  • Mi 11X
  • Xiaomi Pad 5
  • Redmi 10
  • Redmi 10 Prime
  • Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE
  • Xiaomi 11 Lite NE
  • Redmi Note 8 (2021)
  • Xiaomi 11T Pro
  • Xiaomi 11T
  • Redmi Note 10 Pro
  • Redmi Note 10 Pro Max
  • Redmi Note 10
  • Mi 11 Lite 5G
  • Mi 11 Lite
  • Redmi Note 10JE
  • Redmi Note 11S
  • Redmi Note 11
  • Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G
  • Redmi Note 11 Pro


I like how the shell from Xiaomi is developing. And I like that now they have moved from the desire to add as many whistles as possible to optimizing and honing the design.

If there are those among the readers who have already updated their smartphones to MIUI 13, then tell us your impressions!

If a photo or video is lost in Photos

Check places like recently deleted or hidden albums, shared library, and iCloud Photos.

Check the Recently Deleted album

If you accidentally delete a photo or video, it will be moved to the Recently Deleted album. Go to Photos > Albums and click Recently Deleted under Utilities.

On an iPhone or iPad

  1. On iOS 16, iPadOS 16.1 and later, use Face ID or Touch ID to unlock the Recently Deleted album.
  2. Select a photo or video, and then click Restore. To recover multiple photos, click “Select” and then select photos or videos and click “Recover”.
  3. Confirm the restoration of photos or videos.

On a Mac

  1. On macOS Ventura and later, use Touch ID or your login password to unlock the Recently Deleted album.
  2. Click a photo or video.
  3. Click Restore.

All items in the Recently Deleted album remain there for 30 days. After 30 days, they are permanently deleted and cannot be restored.

Showing hidden photos

If you hide photos and videos, you’ll only see them in the Hidden album, so they may appear to be missing. But they can always be displayed again. On iOS 14 or later, you can hide the Hidden album so it doesn’t show up in the Photos app. So if any photos or videos are missing, make sure the Hidden album is turned on so you can see it.

If you use iCloud Photos, photos hidden on one device will be hidden on all your devices.

On an iPhone or iPad

  1. In the Photos app, go to the Albums tab.
  2. Click Hidden under Utilities.
  3. On iOS 16, iPadOS 16.1 and later, use Face ID or Touch ID to unlock the Hidden album.
  4. Select the photo or video you want to display.
  5. Click the More button and then Show.

On a Mac

  1. Open the Photos app and click View, then choose Show Hidden Photo Album.
  2. In the sidebar, select Hidden.
  3. On macOS Ventura and later, use Touch ID or your password to unlock the Hidden album.
  4. Select the photo or video you want to display.
  5. Control-click a photo and choose Show Photo. You can also choose Image > Show Photo from the menu bar, or press Command-L.

Verify that iCloud Photos is active

iCloud Photos securely saves all photos and videos you send to iCloud so you can access your library from any device. If you took a photo on your iPhone with iCloud Photos turned on but later turned it off, you can find the photo in iCloud Photos.

On an iPhone or iPad

  1. Go to Settings > [your name], then tap iCloud.
  2. Click Photo.
  3. Turn on iCloud Photos.

On a Mac

  1. Go to Photos > Preferences.
  2. Click the iCloud tab.
  3. Select iCloud Photos.

After turning on iCloud Photos, connect to a Wi-Fi network and wait a few minutes. Then search for photos again.

Checking a shared iCloud library

In iOS 16.1, iPadOS 16.1, and later, you can create or join a shared iCloud library with five contacts. After you join a shared library, your photos may appear there even if they don’t appear in your personal library.

To view your shared iCloud library, do the following.

  1. Open the Photos app.
  2. Click on the [person] icon.
  3. Select the library you want to see: personal, shared, or both.

Sign in with the same Apple ID

To sync photos and videos across all your devices, sign in to iCloud with the same Apple ID on each device.

You can check the Apple ID your device is using in Settings. You will see your name and email address. The email address is your Apple ID.

More information

  • If you put a photo or video in an album and then delete it from Photos, it will be deleted from everywhere, including the album.