How to grocery shop with infant: How to go Grocery Shopping with Baby! [Tips & Tricks]

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How to go Grocery Shopping with Baby! [Tips & Tricks]

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There are a lot of things you think of while you are pregnant. You plan the nursery, the strollers, the diaper bags, how to nurse and bathe the baby. However, suddenly some of the most simple tasks seem so daunting. How do I do laundry with a baby, how do I clean the house, for me, it was how do I go grocery shopping with the baby. I remember someone saying that people put babies in grocery carts all wrong, but I did not know how and freaked out. Well, today we have brought you this simple guide to help prevent a sudden panic attack. 

Here are three ways to approach shopping with a baby:

  1. Put the infant carseat in a cart designated to hold car seats.
  2. Wear your baby in a front carrier and push the cart
  3. Use a baby shopping cart hammock

*Bonus Tip: Skip the whole shopping thing, hit up Instacart, order groceries from your phone and enjoy a great show.  

How To Put A Car Seat In A Shopping Cart Safely

If you want to put your baby that is in a carseat in a grocery basket then you should know about the perils in doing this erroneously: almost 24,000 babies are in mishaps happen every year. 

Shopping carts aren’t meant to hold car seats, they are meant for groceries. However, some carts now have a safe dock feature to safely place your car seat on top of your shopping basket. You can check here to see if your grocery store has a safe dock here.


Wear your Baby while shopping

Another simple way to help you shop with your little one is to strap on your baby with your favorite baby carrier. This was my go-to move when my little one was awake. 

Baby carriers nowadays are so convenient you can easily (well not easily) get your shopping done. 

Another handy grocery shopping tip is to ask them to bag all your cold stuff together in plastic and the rest in paper bags so if you need to prioritize what comes in the house and what stays in the car, you can do so easily.

Use a baby shopping cart hammock

Now this one is new to me, but I all of a sudden started seeing them pop all over my local Whole Foods market. The baby shopping hammock is an adorable way to shop with your little one and save your back too.

We want you to feel confident bringing your baby on shopping errands, no questions asked. This hammock has passed numerous safety tests and certifications, and is fully compliant with the US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). A secure seat harness and infant carrier strap ensures your baby and carrier stays put throughout.

One of my favorite features of the grocery cart hammock is that it is lightweight, you can simply pop it in your purse or diaper bag. You can check out the baby grocery cart hammocks here!

Other Tips

Now that you have a way to shop safely with your baby. Here are a few more tips. 

  • Don’t Take Too Long – My cousin had a statement always, we stayed 15 minutes too long. Don’t let that be you. Get in and Get out. Save yourself a shopping trip filled with crying
  • Use s Grocery Shopping App & Make Your Lise Beforehand – I personally love Buy Me a Pie, it is a great app to organize your grocery shopping
  • One Store Only – I used to hit up two or three stores to get everything I need. One is plenty when you have a baby. 

Not such a rookie anymore? Tell us about your first supermarket challenge or make a no-sew shopping cart cover. Which approach did you take?

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RookieMom Heather Filed Under: Eating, How to, Month 2

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How to Grocery Shop with a Baby or Toddler in Tow

It’s possible to shop with an infant

and buy everything on your list. Here’s how to grocery shop with a baby.

Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. We may earn a commission from your purchases.

So you’ve decided to go grocery shopping with your baby. Wait! Before you change your mind, know that you’ve got this.

A quick trip through the produce department can feel like a marathon with a little one in tow, so we’ve gathered our favorite tips for keeping your child safe and comfortable while you get the job done. This is how to grocery shop with your baby!

Don’t Rest Your Car Seat on Top of the Cart

Once you and your helper have made it to the store, it’s time to decide where to store their car seat. You’ve probably seen other carts with infant carriers perched on top (that’s not what those loops on the grocery cart are for). It may feel secure at first, but a grocery cart cannot safely support a car seat. Having the car seat resting on top throws off the cart’s center of gravity, making it likely that both could tip over.

To keep your child safe, place the car seat directly into the back of the cart. This takes up most of the cart space, but we’ve got ideas to solve that problem below.

To stay safe right now, don’t forget to put on a mask before walking into the store.

Invest in a Shopping Cart Hammock

To save space and keep your baby relaxed and happy, try a shopping cart hammock like this. This handy piece of fabric attaches to the grocery cart and allows your baby to hang out while saving space in the cart. While this option is safer than placing the car seat on top of the cart, it’s still important to keep a close eye on your child and never walk away from the cart when they’re in it.

Use a Shopping Cart Cover

If your baby is entering toddlerhood, they may be ready to sit up front in the cart’s seat. Of course, you may not love the idea of them touching a cart that has different hands on it all day. And we’ve all experienced the horror of turning around to see our sweet angel sucking on the cart’s handle. The solution? Invest in a shopping cart cover.

Not only is this more comfortable for your baby, but you’ll cut down on the surfaces they’re exposed to. Once you’re home from the store, simply drop it in the laundry (oh, and then do the laundry).

Hack Your Shopping Cart With a Basket

So what do you do when you have a toddler in the cart’s seat, an infant carrier in the cart and a week’s worth of grocery shopping to do? Well, first, congratulate yourself for taking on this impossible mission. Second, invest in a pair of super-duty bungee cords.

Author and parenting hack expert Asha Dornfest discovered a simple hack to save space when your child’s carrier is taking up the entire cart. Attach a grocery store basket to the front of your cart with bungee cords to hold your groceries. Because the kids and basket will put a lot of weight on the cart, always stay right next to them to be safe.

And if all else fails, there’s always grocery delivery.

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1 , well, if you want … it’s called I wanted to grow up, but my brain – no

I once saw an informal couple with a baby of 7 months at Alisa’s concert, but you can understand there – there are peculiar people there.



I see scenes like that too! abnormal mothers – just yesterday from the hospital, and today they are already in stores with a baby. Can’t they understand that a child is not a baby doll?????



9 0045 March 19, 2011 10:14 pm



On the contrary, I am touched by such pictures as mom, dad and baby go shopping. And in general, paradoxically, children in greenhouse home conditions, over every sneeze of which mothers are shaking, are often much weaker in immunity than children who are dragged everywhere with their parents from the cradle. They say: “The healthiest children are gypsies” :)))

When mom, dad and baby GO, it touches. And when the baby is a month old, it’s not clear


L. Byons

leguram shopping kid. And in general, paradoxically, children in greenhouse home conditions, over every sneeze of which mothers are shaking, are often much weaker in immunity than children who are dragged everywhere with their parents from the cradle. They say: “The healthiest children are gypsies” :)))

Gypsies have a natural obtrore, unlike us. When mom, dad and baby GO, it touches. And when the baby is a month old, it’s not clear

Why bother with trifles, let’s immediately from the maternity hospital go shopping and stand in queues with carts on Auchan))))))))


06 this is natural selection. They definitely don’t lie on preservation and don’t drink folic acid.



this really annoys me. They also, as a rule, with strollers, because of them you can’t go through the same shopping center. Of course, everything is clear, there is no one to leave the child with. But all the same, sheer inconvenience for them and for children and for other people.

Or do you get irritated with yourself before dinner and with everyone else after dinner?

Seeers interfere with her, but have you ever thought about how many people you interfere with and how many people tolerate you so irritated?



Do disabled people in wheelchairs annoy you too?

Or do you get irritated with yourself before dinner and with everyone else after dinner?

Seeers interfere with her, but have you ever thought about how many people you interfere with and how many people tolerate you so irritated?


L. Beyonce


On the contrary, I am touched by such pictures when mom, dad and baby go shopping. And in general, paradoxically, children in greenhouse home conditions, over every sneeze of which mothers are shaking, are often much weaker in immunity than children who are dragged everywhere with their parents from the cradle. They say: “The healthiest children are gypsies” :)))

Gypsies have a natural obtrore, unlike us. When mom, dad and baby GO, it touches. And when the baby is a month old, it’s not clear



And on a weekday, when no one is in the store, why not?



Do disabled people in wheelchairs annoy you too?

Or do you get irritated with yourself before dinner and with everyone else after dinner?

Seeers interfere with her, but have you ever thought about how many people you interfere with and how many people tolerate you so irritated?



Do disabled people in wheelchairs annoy you too?


I’m good


Guest&a​mp;lt;p>This really annoys me. They also, as a rule, with strollers, because of them you can’t go through the same shopping center. Of course, everything is clear, there is no one to leave the child with. But all the same, sheer inconvenience for them and for children and for other people.

Or do you get irritated with yourself before dinner and with everyone else after dinner?

Visitors interfere with her, but have you ever thought about how many people you are disturbing and how many people tolerate you so irritated? and we are in line at the checkout for it!!!! The virgin hangs, my man boils, he can’t stand such things !!!! I distracted, hung, wished her from the bottom of my heart not to sleep for half a year, so as not to walk around the shopping center …


You don’t compare. These are different things. But when a husband, wife, child, stroller and do not turn around, it is inconvenient.

For example, in our shopping center the aisles are narrow.

Even in Okhotka it is not always possible to pass freely, and I don’t understand why I create inconvenience for myself, my child, and others. March 19, 2011 Their screaming children interfere with them, and they should be a joy to a stranger. The fact that they rush around the boutique, yelling, distracting buyers, clubs were not taken into account, prohibitions and requests not to leave children did not help.

Only here in Russia mothers are saints who believe that everyone cares about their children, everyone cherishes their hearts and simply dreams of being with them.

Mother cleaned the aquarium. experts

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  • Zolotykh Vera Vladimirovna


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I don’t understand them either. No one to leave with – hire a nanny, don’t risk it. You never know what can happen to a child on the street.



If there is absolutely a baby in her arms, and there is a father or grandmother next to her mother, then mother has nothing to shuffle into the crowd, she can take a walk on the street, relatives will buy everything on the list. And on a weekday, when no one is in the store, why not? March 19, 2011 No one to leave with – hire a nanny, don’t risk it. You never know what can happen to a child on the street.

I agree, you should walk in the parks, not in the shopping center, where you can’t push through. We also raised our children, lived in a family hostel, grandparents were far away, husbands were in the service. We agreed with the mothers-neighbors: one sat for 2-3 hours with the children, while the other went shopping or to the hairdresser.

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    My mother had an aquarium with fish. A design move, so to speak. So stupid mothers brought their children to the boutique, 3-5 years old and LEFT (the argument is an aquarium and fish), and wandered around the shopping center. This is generally the height of stupidity. Their screaming children interfere with them, and they should be a joy to a stranger. The fact that they rush around the boutique, yelling, distracting buyers, clubs were not taken into account, prohibitions and requests not to leave children did not help. Only here in Russia mothers are saints who believe that everyone cares about their children, everyone does not have a soul in them and just dream of having fun with them. Mom cleaned the aquarium.




    Guest I don’t understand them either. No one to leave with – hire a nanny, don’t risk it. You never know what can happen to a child on the street. I agree, you need to walk in the parks, and not in the shopping center, where you can’t push through. We also raised our children, lived in a family hostel, grandparents were far away, husbands were in the service. We agreed with the mothers-neighbors: one sat for 2-3 hours with the children, while the other went shopping or to the hairdresser.

    already got the old-fashioned kluckers with their advice


    9 0005




    Guest Guest Me I don’t understand these either. No one to leave with – hire a nanny, don’t risk it. You never know what can happen to a child on the street. I agree, you need to walk in the parks, and not in the shopping center, where you can’t push through. We also raised our children, lived in a family hostel, grandparents were far away, husbands were in the service. We agreed with the mothers-neighbors: one sat for 2-3 hours with the children, while the other went shopping or to the hairdresser. already got the old-fashioned hacks with their advice

    You are mistaken, dear. GOT MODERN OVULYASHKI, poking everyone in the nose of their children, gave birth to ONE and the whole world should rejoice, enduring inconvenience from HER child. You are ONE of those mothers, obviously. March 19, 2011 In the city, no one would leave a child. Ugh, they sell all sorts of ***, but there, butiiiiiiiik



    #34 900 05


    people the topic is that such trips to Auchan are DANGEROUS for baby!!! and it won’t do him any good, it seems to me that such mothers don’t play enough with dolls, it’s very similar to how little girls usually drag their baby dolls everywhere


    people the topic is that such trips to Auchan are a DANGER for a baby! !! and it won’t do him any good, it seems to me that such mothers haven’t played enough with dolls, it’s very similar to how little girls usually drag their baby dolls everywhere




    I would never take a newborn baby to the mall! probably soon it will be fashionable to give birth right in Auchan, put the baby in the basket and then make purchases

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    L. Byons

    yeah, they used to give birth in the field, but now they give birth in Auchan. They cut the umbilical cord with a knife and went on.


    2. And if there is no one to leave the child with, don’t go to the store at all, stay hungry at home? March 19, 2011 No one to leave with – hire a nanny, don’t risk it. You never know what can happen to a child on the street. I agree, you need to walk in the parks, and not in the shopping center, where you can’t push through. We also raised our children, lived in a family hostel, grandparents were far away, husbands were in the service. We agreed with the mothers-neighbors: one sat for 2-3 hours with the children, while the other went shopping or to the hairdresser. already got the old-fashioned klushas with their advice. You are mistaken, dear. GOT MODERN OVULYASHKI, poking everyone in the nose of their children, gave birth to ONE and the whole world should rejoice, enduring inconvenience from HER child. You are ONE of those mothers, obviously.

    Yeah, I’m such a klush, unlike you. And also all of Western Europe, the USA, Canada, in general, the entire civilized world, which believes that a normal life does not end with the birth of a child.



    L. Beyonce

    yeah, they used to give birth in the field, but now in Auchan. They cut the umbilical cord with a knife and went on.

    What? Easy. Pampers right there, baby food too. basically no problem.



    1. In your opinion, having given birth to a child, is life over? Stay at home and don’t go out? 2. And if there is no one to leave the child with, do not go to the store at all, sit hungry at home?

    Why they don’t go to squares, parks, it’s not clear.



    GuestL. Byons

    yeah, they used to give birth in the field, but now they give birth in Auchan. They cut the umbilical cord with a knife and went on.

    What? Easy. Pampers right there, baby food too. basically no problem.

    ))))) Then you can stay in Auchan, it’s warm and everything you need is at hand.



    1. In your opinion, the child was born – life is over? Stay at home and don’t go out?

    2. And if there is no one to leave the child with, do not go to the store at all, stay hungry at home?



    L. Byons

    yeah, they used to give birth in the field, but now they give birth in Auchan. They cut the umbilical cord with a knife and went on.

    What? Easy. Pampers right there, baby food too. basically no problem.




    1. In your opinion, the child was born – life is over? Stay at home and don’t go out?

    2. And if there is no one to leave the child with, do not go to the store at all, stay hungry at home?

    We are talking about the fact that it is wrong to drag a newborn to shopping centers! Well, this is not a place for a baby. He wants peace and quiet, and not to listen to the noise of din and sniff bacteria, and often closeness in the shopping center, loud music and suddenly someone will push. As if it is impossible for the first year to ask at least a girlfriend to sit with the baby or order groceries at home. Somehow, in the depths of your soul, you understand that when a child, who is the size of a kitten, is dragged through boutiques and Auchan, it’s not very .. it shouldn’t be So …



    techie girl

    wow… In Europe, this will not cause irritation to anyone. I wonder why?





    1. In your opinion, the child was born – life is over? Stay at home and don’t go out? 2. And if there is no one to leave the child with, do not go to the store at all, sit hungry at home?

    What stupid women! They can’t even read the topic and understand what is at stake. We are talking about the fact that it is wrong to drag a newborn to shopping centers! Well, this is not a place for a baby. He wants peace and quiet, and not to listen to the noise of din and sniff bacteria, and often closeness in the shopping center, loud music and suddenly someone will push. As if it is impossible for the first year to ask at least a girlfriend to sit with the baby or order groceries at home. Somehow, in the depths of your soul, you understand that when a child, who is the size of a kitten, is dragged through boutiques and Auchan, it’s not very .. it shouldn’t be So …

    Mothers with a baby and without the support of a husband and parents, how are you coping?



    9 0695 July 23, 2013 06:09 PM




    In principle, it is possible to cook something in front of a child, but it is difficult. While he weighed up to 8 kg, I cooked and washed dishes with him in a sling. Then he went pretty soon, and it became almost impossible to cook, because he walks around, takes everything, you have to constantly monitor and select. My main problem is the shoe lockers. They are without doors, and the child constantly grabs shoes from there, maybe even lick them, scatter them along the corridor, put them in the washer. It will be necessary at the first opportunity to change them to lockers with doors and put protection, but so far this is unrealistic. The second is a water cooler. It spills just constantly, at every opportunity. And wires and sockets. And dog bowls. If all this is excluded, then, perhaps, it would be possible to deal with everyday life in the presence of a child, without spending a hundred times more time and a bunch of nerves on it.

    It was possible to clean the floor in front of the child only when he could not get out of the crib yet. Now – only in the evening. While sleeping, it’s also no way, because he will wake up from the noise.

    How old is your child? If small, then a sling and a deck chair are the first thing.



    and there are such husbands who fully provide for the family and still plow with the housework and children?



    90 006 #9


    but there are husbands who fully provide for the family and more housework and children plowed?





    Damn, girls, I’m reading you – after one you have time to do a manicure. Do you still have time for this?

    I also fundamentally put on make-up every day, because it pleases me, and I want to feel that I still exist and am still a woman.)) True, I put on make-up faster than combing my hair.




    Pashka’s mother (and Dimkina)

    In fact, as someone wrote in some topic, a five-minute case stretches for half a day 005




    Me too nobody helps. It is very difficult, mine is now a year and four, the whole day with her. In the morning we play and let her watch TV when she needs to do something around the house, then she sleeps for 2 hours – this is my free time, then we go outside. And so every day. I have not been to the hairdresser for 3 months, I cut my bangs myself





    Does she sit up straight and watch TV?

    Sadovnikov Ernest


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How do you go for groceries? I will raise the baby alone. Ready for sleepless nights, cooking, laundry. How about shopping for groceries? Leave the child alone while sleeping and run to the store? I don’t have a car. Weakling. I can’t take on a lot of weight. That’s just what I’m afraid of0005



How do you go for groceries? I will raise the baby alone. Ready for sleepless nights, cooking, laundry. How about shopping for groceries? Leave the child alone while sleeping and run to the store? I don’t have a car. Weakling. I can’t take on a lot of weight. I’m just afraid of this


Girls, where do you put your children when, for example, you need to clean the apartment or stroke it? Getting smarter all the time with a guilt complex in front of the baby that I seat her in front of the TV set when I clean it

Now, when I’m not sitting anywhere anymore, I’m overgrown with dirt until my husband has the opportunity to hold him in his arms for 20 minutes while I wash the floor.

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Are they women?

They do not understand that they are destroying their families with their own hands.



I have never been to a gynecologist after giving birth.

Alternatively, take a friend with you so that she can walk with a stroller down the street while you are at the doctor. But it is necessary to have a non-working girlfriend. I don’t have them.


While I was little, I used to put him in the crib. Of course, he cried terribly there, I also cried, but I learned to wash the floors as quickly as possible.)) You can also put him in a high chair while he sits. I iron calmly with him, I just watch carefully so that I don’t get too close to the iron and don’t pull the wires too hard.

Right now, when I’m not sitting anywhere anymore, I’m overgrown with mud until my husband has the opportunity to hold him in my arms for 20 minutes while I wash the floor.

the desire to ride around the husband’s neck has only one end – and you will not like it very much….



I will raise the baby alone. Ready for sleepless nights, cooking, laundry. How about shopping for groceries? Leave the child alone while sleeping and run to the store? I don’t have a car. Weakling. I can’t take on a lot of weight. That’s just what I’m afraid of




But everyone has time to sit on the woman.

the desire to ride on the husband’s neck has only one end – and you will not like it very much….

If you are a man, then sit alone with your child for at least 8 hours, and you will have fewer questions.)) I checked on my husband. If he needs to spend 2 hours alone with a child, he says that it would be easier to spend 10 hours at work.



Husband, mother, mother-in-law, nanny… 3, 19:02





I will raise the baby alone. , washing is ready. But how to go grocery shopping? Leave the child alone while he sleeps and run to the store? I don’t have a car. I’m a weakling. I can’t pick up a lot of heavy things. That’s just what I’m afraid of

we make an agreement and walk together, one with prams on the street, the other rustling on business. She is also not helped much, although her mother and mother-in-law are nearby. She also complains, 0 help, if her mother-in-law asks to come sit, so it is necessary that the order be perfect, first or second and compote, otherwise then she starts to express: but here I am, with two, and there were no diapers, and there were no washing machines … And the mother has a new husband, but at least she throws money at her without asking, whether she needs it or not. And now we are sitting on a wuman, this is how I relax)))))))))))) he sits on his knee and watches TV, I hold him with my left hand and type with my right, so I’m not surprised why mothers with small children spend so much time on wuman))))))))))))

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I also want a second one, but not I know if I’ll pull it, sometimes it just blocks it, my mother doesn’t help at all, after the cesarean I’m alone with her from the first day, my mother-in-law saw the baby a couple of times



# 42


My son is 4.5 months old. My husband is at work from 7 am to 10 pm. Mom is a disabled person, she can hardly move (I still need to serve her, bring it, bring it), she can sit next to the child at most, she can’t take it in her arms. I’m doing fine. The child is not scandalous, he entertains himself in the crib while I am shopping, in the kitchen or washing the floors, etc. I only go for walks with a child, I don’t go to shops with him – it’s problematic with a stroller, but carrying him in my arms in the store is nafig, but you never know … I wait with horror when my son crawls and then goes … Then the time will obviously be much less 🙂



My son is 4.5 months old. My husband is at work from 7 am to 10 pm. Mom is a disabled person, she can hardly move (I still need to serve her, bring it, bring it), she can sit next to the child at most, she can’t take it in her arms. I’m doing fine. The child is not scandalous, he entertains himself in the crib while I am shopping, in the kitchen or washing the floors, etc. I only go for walks with a child, I don’t go to shops with him – it’s problematic with a stroller, but carrying him in my arms in the store is nafig, but you never know .