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Опубликовано: February 10, 2023 в 2:28 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Washington elementary school excludes White students from ‘safe space’ club, mentor program, email shows



Centennial Elementary in Olympia established fifth-grade ‘Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Mentor Group’

A Washington elementary school is hosting a safe space that excludes White students, according to an email from the school’s principal. 

Centennial Elementary School in Olympia, Washington, established a fifth-grade “Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Mentor Group” that the principal says excludes White students, according to a screenshot of an email shared with the “Jason Rantz Show” on KTTH. The school district confirmed its authenticity.

The club meets weekly during lunch period, and Centennial Elementary is reportedly in the early stages of developing a fourth-grade “BIPOC-only” student group and adding a student ally club.


According to a spokesperson from the Olympia School District (OSD), the BIPOC Mentor Group is an “outgrowth” of a district-wide effort to provide leadership and mentoring opportunities for students with an “emphasis on historically underrepresented populations, including students of color and those impacted by poverty.


OSD sent Fox News Digital a statement saying that the group allows for “more honest and open conversations” surrounding identity but added that they will remove any exclusions to participation.

“It serves students by providing opportunities for peer interaction and a space for social, emotional and academic support. This space allows for more honest and open conversations about differences and identity and how it impacts one’s experiences in school. It is designed to be a student-led group facilitated by an adviser to plan for leadership opportunities,” said Susan Gifford, OSD executive director of communications and community relations.

“Groups like this are important for elevating voices and are instrumental in helping our district design a responsive educational experience that meets the needs of all students,” she added. “At the same time, we recognize that they cannot be exclusionary. Moving forward, we will ensure that school leadership and staff are specific about the purpose of these groups, while simultaneously removing any exclusions to participation.”


Affinity groups are a common practice among K-12 and collegiate institutions across the country in a push for diversity, equity and inclusion.

The most recent example is Fox News Digital reporting last month on a Rhode Island school district planning an “Educators of Color” event, which prompted accusations of violating state and federal anti-discrimination laws.

Joshua Q. Nelson is a reporter for Fox News Digital.

Joshua focuses on politics, education policy ranging from the local to the federal level, and the parental uprising in education.

Joining Fox News Digital in 2019, he previously graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in Political Science and is an alum of the National Journalism Center and the Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program.  

Story tips can be sent to [email protected] and Joshua can be followed on Twitter and LinkedIn. 

“A school like no other”

Carly Flandro

NAMPA — “You are respected, valued, and loved.”

That’s the message kids at Endeavor Elementary hear each morning, and a mantra that’s oft-repeated by staff and students alike. 

That caring environment is no accident — Endeavor, and Nampa School District as a whole, have thoughtfully created a system of innovative approaches aimed at helping students, staff, and community members.

If families or students need clothing, food, housing, medical care, or counseling, the district will help. 

The same goes for teachers. At Endeavor, on-site therapy sessions (provided during work hours) and on-site daycare are provided to make sure teachers can give students their best each day. 

“We are always looking to not just support the kids, but support the parents, guardians and adults that are trying to help those kids,” Scott Knopp, the district’s director of curriculum and instruction, said. “It really takes a village when you have some of these poor kiddos who have had some real tough circumstances thrown at them.”

Community resource centers, a co-teaching model, and pioneering student support are helping the district’s at-risk students to succeed above and beyond their peers in other parts of the state. 

EdNews mined 2022 Idaho Standards Achievement Test data to see where the most at-risk students were performing well, and Nampa School District was among the standouts. Its at-risk students outperformed state averages for proficiency in six different areas. In four different areas, its at-risk students performed in the top 10 of all districts statewide. 

Student group/subject area Statewide % of students who scored proficient or better Nampa School District % of students who scored proficient or better
In foster care/ELA 28.9 <48
African-American/math 19. 1 <37
In foster care/math 17.6 <48
African-American/science 16.1 <48
Migrant/science 13.2 <21
With limited English proficiency/science <5 <6

*Top ten scores are bolded

At Endeavor, one of the ways the leadership supports those students is by supporting teachers. 

Free, on-site therapy for teachers: a place to share “frustrations, worries, happy moments, struggles, and challenges”

After the pandemic, teachers were experiencing high levels of stress. Trista Jackson, a social worker at Endeavor Elementary, took notice and decided to help them. 

Jackson realized that the school had counseling and therapy services in place for students, but none for teachers. So, Jackson worked with her administrator and nonprofit organizations to bring a therapist to the school — specifically for teachers — every week.  

Now, at least 20 teachers at the school regularly see the therapist every week or every other — and they do it during the school day. 

Especially for parents, “the last thing that you have time for is going to an hour session after work to deal with the things that you’ve had to deal with at work,” Jackson said. 

Shel works hard to protect teachers’ much-needed prep time, so the sessions are held during class time, when an AmeriCorps volunteer, student teacher, or staff member steps in to cover for the teacher while they are in their therapy session. 

And the sessions are free. What’s not covered by insurance is paid for with a grant from Project LAUNCH, a program guided by a number of federal partnerships that aims to promote the wellness of young children so they “enter school ready to learn and able to succeed.”

“How do you make teachers feel valued and loved so that they’re ready to come to work and give their all to students, especially our students that are high needs and need somebody that’s willing to ride it out with them?” — Trista Jackson, social worker, Nampa School District

Jackson recently collected feedback from teachers participating in the therapy, and here’s what they had to say about its benefits:

  • “I’ve been healthier and lighter on the inside, and in turn am doing so much better on the outside, including work. I can be my best self.”
  • “Being a teacher requires resilience. In order to continue in my profession, I need support and tools from my counselor.”
  • “As educators we deal with so many factors during the day, yet when we go home, we often find it hard to turn off these thoughts, ideas, and even fears: ‘Did I do enough for my students today? Was I too harsh in my reprimands? Does student x have dinner at home tonight?’ These are some of the thoughts outside of the academic day that we ponder on late in the evenings as we feed and put our own families to bed. Counseling has allowed me to share my frustrations, worries, happy moments, struggles, and challenges.”
  • “It’s improved my willingness to work through hard situations.” 
  • “It’s increased my happiness and enjoyment at work.”

Jackson said she is focused on teacher retention this school year: “I have been working hard on trying to implement ways to keep qualified and effective teachers, because if you want to help kids that are struggling, that is what you need in a building.

One key question has been guiding her efforts: “How do you make teachers feel valued and loved so that they’re ready to come to work and give their all to students, especially our students that are high needs and need somebody that’s willing to ride it out with them?”

Therapy sessions have been part of the answer; another is on-site childcare. 

On-site childcare is a “dream” for moms who teach

Jackson remembers coming back to work after becoming a first-time mom. 

“I almost quit because it wasn’t worth it to leave my kiddos,” she said.

But now she doesn’t have to choose. She takes her now 2-year-old son to Endeavor’s on-site daycare. The daycare is a nonprofit that was started by two part-time staff members at the school who saw a need for it. 

“(At Endeavor) we have a lot of new moms and a lot of young teachers getting ready to go into motherhood,” Jackson said. 

For her and other moms, the daycare has been a “blessing” and a “dream. ” 

The daycare is more affordable than other options, and moms can go visit their children or breastfeed their infants several times throughout the day. 

“It’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed at a hard school,” Jackson said. 

And when teachers stick around, that creates much-needed consistency and predictability for kids. 

“The biggest thing that I’m proud of at Endeavor is our focus on teacher wellness, because it has a trickle-down effect on to students,” Jackson said. 

There are plenty of supports in place to help students, too — including a unique co-teaching model. 

Co-teaching is “the greatest thing,” provides students with more chances to have their needs met

Deserae Gibb, a fifth grade teacher at Endeavor, describes her workplace as “a school like no other.”

Some of her students have parents who are incarcerated, others are homeless. Some are English language learners, have disabilities, or learn at a different pace than their peers.

“But man, they are the easiest kids to love … no matter what they come in with, we love and value them for who they are,” Gibb said. 

One thing that’s helped them all — the co-teaching model that’s been adopted at Endeavor. 

“Every student deserves to be seen and to be met where they’re at in terms of their education, and the best way of doing that is through co-teaching,” Gibb said.

Gibb teaches reading to three sections of fifth graders each day, and during those sessions, co-teacher Sarah Ziemer joins her. Ziemer is a language specialist, and when working together, the two are better able to meet all learners’ needs. 

“We teach them strategies and tools for how to access a text that might seem really daunting, whether it’s lengthy or full of juicy vocabulary,” Gibb said. “The co-teaching model really just helps foster students’ love for accessing a text at any level.”

Deserae Gibb, left, and Sarah Ziemer, right, co-teach a reading lesson to students. Photo courtesy of Deserae Gibb.

They work side by side, splitting up as needed to provide individual attention to a student or facilitate small groups. 

Without co-teaching, one group suffers more than the other, Gibb said. Students are held back while teachers help or review concepts with other students, or students who need more time to master content are rushed. 

“You’re kind of forced to choose, like ‘Which group do I want to help flourish?’” she said. “With co-teaching, we have the ability to have two lessons running at once if we need to.” 

Gibb and Ziemer benefit too — they can bounce ideas off each other and learn from each other. And if one is having an off day, the other can pick up the ball. 

“It’s been the best way to learn to be a better educator … and to continue to develop as a professional” Gibb said. 

Other districts have come to observe Endeavor’s co-teaching model and are interested or have started implementing it. 

“We’re hoping that the leaders in our community and in education really see the value in it because it’s the greatest thing,” Gibb said.  

But co-teaching isn’t the only student support at Endeavor. Teachers also use trauma-informed approaches, or keeping in mind the whole child and their background/lived experiences when teaching. 

At Endeavor, that entails:

  • A morning check-in where students can share their struggles and successes
  • Daily reaffirmation that students are valued, respected, and loved
  • Consistent, predictable routines
  • A corner of every classroom dedicated to cooling down when a child self-assesses and feels they need to step away when agitated, upset, or frustrated 

“My teachers are just putting in the work building their relationships with each and every student, from our kids that don’t have a ton of need to the kids that have experienced horrific things and they put their heart and soul in it,” Jackson said.

When families hit bumpy roads, community resource centers offer food, clothing, medical care, and more

The Nampa School District provides for families and community members, too.  

Four of its schools are home to family community resource centers, which provide food, hygiene products, school supplies, clothing, diapers, and household goods to those in need. And each center has a full-time coordinator to oversee it.

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Elia Lopez, the coordinator of one such center at Snake River Elementary School, said she also helps community members apply for low-income housing, rental assistance, birth certificates, and employment. 

And that’s not even a full list of goods and services provided. 

“You could be here all day if we told you how many different things that we (provide),” Lopez said. 

Elia Lopez is the coordinator for Snake River Elementary’s Family Community Resource Center. Lopez said she and the other coordinators and passionate about their jobs and love helping out kids and families with whatever they might need. Photo courtesy of Elia Lopez.

Community partners help make these centers possible. One of them is Grocery Outlet, which provides food on a weekly basis — more if needed — to the centers. Daniel Panasiuk, owner of the Nampa store, said it feels good to help those in the neighborhood. 

“It’s important for businesses to take care of families in our area,” he said. “It’s kind of our job.”

Shari and Danny Panasiuk, owners of the Grocery Outlet in Nampa, stand near some fruits and vegetables they are donating to the school district’s community resource centers. They make weekly donations, and sometimes even more frequently if needed. Photo courtesy of Elia Lopez.

Lopez described one woman who only comes in for help when it’s an “absolute need,” and on those occasions, she always gets teary-eyed. Without places like the centers, she tells Lopez she couldn’t always make it to her next paycheck. 

“A lot of our families hit some bumpy roads … people are just super, super thankful that we’re available and that we’re willing to help,” Lopez said. “If we can support our families to be successful, then those families can support their kids … (who can then) strive to have a better education.

The centers’ goals are to reduce barriers to education and keep kids in school, and Lopez said absenteeism does go down when kids’ basic needs are met. 

“It’s a huge team effort,” Lopez said. 

More reading: In a district with unique Mondays, at-risk students outperform state averages

Reporter Carly Flandro works in EdNews’ East Idaho bureau. A former high school English teacher, she writes about teaching, learning, diversity, and equity. You can follow Flandro on Twitter @idahoedcarly and send her news tips at [email protected]

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Fractal School – Fractal Primary School

Welcome to our world of thinking people!

School enrollment


Learn to solve non-standard problems,
develop logic and imagination,
don’t be afraid of mistakes and think boldly!

School enrollment

Primary school with in-depth study of mathematics “Fractal”

School enrollment

Elementary school “Fractal”, where the main thing is not a pattern, but a meaning!

School enrollment

School “Fractal”

We believe that we are making the world a better place and life more interesting!

School enrollment

Since 2002 we have been engaged in additional education and dream of school. During this time, we have learned to find strong teachers who are passionate about their work and have contributed to the development of tens of thousands of schoolchildren. And now we are sure that we are ready to take responsibility for the general education of the child within the framework of elementary school. We are able to create a comfortable working environment and a joint creative process for learning the material.


As part of our school, we took all the best from various educational systems, but the main focus was on the comprehensive development of ambitious and creative children.

We will do everything in our power to teach children how to work, namely, to receive comprehensive information, to be able to use it, to analyze, to think critically, to form their own free opinion, to be able to create a product of their own creativity, to freely present the result of their work orally and correctly , properly format it in writing.

We are on our way if


You are looking for a strong primary school for your child;


You want your child to be taught to work and at the same time pay attention to his interests;


You want your child to be taught by passionate teachers;


Values ​​such as openness, honesty, respect and kindness are close to you;


Enrollment for 2022-2023 academic year is open



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We form a generation of free, responsible, honest, self-confident people who are able to creatively solve any global and personal problems and take responsibility for the consequences of their decisions.

We transmit our style of thinking and our values ​​through a joint systematic study of the material, taking into account the zone of proximal development of each individual child.

We share our skills:

Not to be afraid of new tasks for ourselves and those around us
Focus on finding solutions
Form our own opinion, thanks to or contrary to the opinion of authoritative sources
Form and argue our position
Listen and respect the position of the interlocutor


Fractal foundation year


Kruzhkovtsev study annually in our mathematical circles


Problems solved in circles by one student per year



  • to our students.


  • We welcome hard work and ability to concentrate in our students, so we often have time in the classroom for independent work.


  • We prefer intrinsic motivation (doing what I love because it’s interesting!) over extrinsic motivation (I want to be the best, I want to be compensated), so we rarely and carefully resort to methods such as ratings and gaming methods of motivation (gamification). We believe that learning in the company of enthusiastic teachers and like-minded people is the most valuable game, and insight in the process of learning is the only honest reward.


  • We welcome absolute honesty in the process of classes and competitions, because for us the competition is a struggle to push the boundaries of the thinking abilities of everyone, compare the effectiveness of educational technologies and feel belonging to a community of thinking people.


  • We prefer to find the truth and build our beliefs through open reasoned discussion, avoiding the deliberate misleading of the interlocutor by cunning or emotional pressure.


  • We believe in ourselves and our students, so we highlight successes and don’t focus on failures.


from 9 am to 2 pm
five days a week

Package Included:

  • Basic teaching unit
  • Tutor support
  • Meals: breakfast

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9 am to 7 pm
five days a week

Package Included:

  • Basic teaching unit
  • Additional block:
    5 classes to choose from per week
  • Tutor support
  • Meals: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea

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