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Опубликовано: December 31, 2022 в 9:51 pm


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Anthony Pellegrino, Co-founder of Goldstone Financial Group, Offers Advice on Inflation ⚡️ Disrupt

Having helped more than 2,500 clients manage and achieve their financial goals, the majority of his career Anthony Pellegrino has ranked in the Top 1% of Safe Money Specialists in the nation and was awarded as one of the Top 10 Advisors in America in 2013. Most recently, Anthony was privileged to share the stage with former President George W. Bush in Washington DC at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center.

Anthony Pellegrino co-hosted one of the most listened to financial and economic radio talk shows in Chicago, Securing Your Financial FutureTM on WLS890 AM, now available for viewing on iTunes and Soundcloud. Anthony is honored to be recognized as a financial authority in the Chicagoland area. In 2010 and 2011 he was named Five Star Wealth Manager in Chicago Magazine, as voted by his clients and peers. This designation is a consumer-based award in the financial services industry given to wealth managers in the Chicago area who scored highest in overall client satisfaction.

Anthony Pellegrino dedicates his practice to not only helping individuals plan for their financial future but also remaining by their side as a partner in achieving their desired results. Anthony provides financial plans and actively managed portfolios targeted at achieving consistent, reliable returns regardless of market fluctuations and uncertainties. He currently specializes in diversifying assets, both investment and insurance oriented, to offer his clients the best chance of meeting their retirement income goals. Anthony currently holds a Series 65 securities license and an Illinois Department of Insurance license.

In his spare time, Anthony Pellegrino enjoys spending time in the Elmhurst community with his wife and three children. Anthony has a passion for supporting the US Military. He is an active advocate and sponsor of the USO and Operation Support Our Troops.

Regarding the current state of inflation, Anthony Pellegrino made 3 key points:

1. Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.

2. The main cause of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods and services. This situation results in higher prices for goods and services.

3. The most effective way to combat inflation is by increasing productivity, which will lead to more goods and services being produced and available for purchase, thereby keeping prices stable.

Regarding the current state of the economy, Mr. Pellegrino stated: “CNBC recently reported that 77% of retirees stated that their biggest concern about retirement right now is inflation. And it’s for good reason because inflation rates have soared to their highest rate in forty years, but here’s something that’s even more interesting, well-known economist and inflation expert Peter Schiff recently said that ‘if we measured consumer prices the same way that we did back in 1982, the inflation rate in 2021 would be roughly 15%,’ which would be the highest in our country’s history.”

Mr. Pellegrino went on to comment: “Everyone knows that what we are paying right now is more than we have ever paid for things like gasoline, groceries, and household staples. Although the “Fed” has said that these issues are transitory it has become apparent that is not the case. And so for anyone who is looking to retire, the idea of ongoing persistent inflation is worrisome.”

When discussing what that would mean for retirees, Anthony Pellegrino replied, “Let me ask you a question, ‘What was your house worth 20 or 30 years ago versus what it’s worth today?’ So it’s not a night and day difference, but if you think about what it’s going to be worth 20 to 30 years from now, the biggest mistake people are making is basing their retirement goals based on what the price of things are today, not what they’re going to be 10-20 years from now.”

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Interview with Anthony Pellegrino, Goldstone Financial

Anthony Pellegrino has spent the most of his career in the Top 1% of Safe Money Specialists in the country and was named one of the Top 10 Advisors in America in 2013. He has helped over 2,500 clients manage and achieve their financial goals.

Anthony recently had the honor of sharing the stage with former President George W. Bush at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center in Washington, DC. Anthony Pellegrino co-hosted Securing Your Financial FutureTM on WLS890 AM, one of Chicago’s most popular financial and economic radio discussion shows, which is now accessible on iTunes and Soundcloud. Anthony considers himself fortunate to be regarded as a financial expert in the Chicagoland area. He was rated a Five Star Wealth Manager in Chicago Magazine in 2010 and 2011, as selected by his clients and peers.

An award in the financial services industry given to wealth managers.

What is Goldstone Financial Group all about?

Goldstone Financial Group is a wealth management firm that provides financial planning and investment management services to individuals, families, and businesses. We work with our clients to develop customized financial plans that aim to help them achieve their specific goals, whether that’s retirement planning, estate planning, or anything else. We also offer professional asset management services through a diverse portfolio of actively managed accounts and securities.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company?

I started my company many years ago with the goal of helping people plan for their financial future and achieve their desired results. I’m a fiduciary, which means that I have a legal responsibility to put my clients’ needs ahead of my own, and I’m held to a higher ethical standard than non-fiduciary advisors. I’ve helped more than 2,500 clients bridge the paycheck gap during retirement by utilizing accounts with lifetime income features to guarantee earnings and create a paycheck for life.

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?

  • First and foremost, I believe that you need to be passionate about what you’re doing. If you’re not passionate about your business, it’s going to be very difficult to succeed.
  • Secondly, you need to be disciplined and have a strong work ethic. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart – it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it happen.
  • Lastly, you need to be able to take risks. You can’t be afraid to fail – sometimes you just have to go for it and see what happens.

What are your plans for the future, how do you plan to grow this company?

We are always looking for ways to better serve our clients and grow our business. In the future, we plan to continue offering comprehensive financial planning and investment management services to help our clients reach their financial goals. We will also continue to diversify our portfolio of investments to help mitigate risk and provide potential upside for our clients.

How do you separate yourself from your competitors?

I think there are a few key things that set us apart from other wealth management firms. First, we are a fiduciary, which means that we are legally bound to put our clients’ interests first. Second, we have more than 25 years of experience helping clients achieve their financial goals. And third, we offer a comprehensive approach to financial planning that takes into account all aspects of our clients’ lives, not just their investments.

What were the top three mistakes you made starting your business, and what did you learn from them?

  • Not having a clear vision or mission statement from the outset. It’s important to know what your goals are as a business and to communicate those goals to your team and clients.
  • Not being organized or efficient with your time. When you’re starting a business, there are a million things that need to be done, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. It’s important to prioritize your tasks and create a system that works for you.
  • Hiring too quickly. It’s tempting to want to grow your team as quickly as possible, but it’s important to take your time and make sure you’re hiring the right people.

Tell us a little bit about your marketing process, what has been the most successful form of marketing for you?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the most successful marketing strategies vary depending on the business and its goals. However, some general tips that have worked well for us include building a strong online presence, developing relationships with key influencers in our industry, and creating targeted content that speaks to our ideal clients.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge we face is attracting new clients. In a competitive industry like wealth management, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd and get noticed. We’ve overcome this challenge by focusing on creating quality content that highlights our unique strengths, and by building strong relationships with referral sources.

What are you learning now? Why is that important?

I’m always learning new things, but one of the most important things I’ve learned lately is the importance of delegation. As a business owner, there are only so many hours in the day, and you can’t do everything yourself. It’s important to learn to delegate tasks to your team members and trust that they will get the job done.

If you started your business again, what things would you do differently?

If I could go back and do things differently, I would probably spend more time on marketing and business development. When we first started out, we were so focused on providing great service to our clients that we didn’t really focus on growing the business. As a result, I think we could have grown much faster if we had been more proactive in marketing and business development.

What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

One of the best productivity tips I can offer is to set aside time each day for uninterrupted work. Whether it’s an hour in the morning or a couple of hours in the evening, it’s important to have a block of time where you can focus on getting things done without distractions. For me, this is usually early in the morning before my kids wake up.

  • The book that I would recommend for entrepreneurs is The Lean Startup by Eric Ries. This book is all about how to start and grow a successful business, and it’s full of great advice for entrepreneurs of all levels.
  • The podcast that I would recommend is How I Built This with Guy Raz. In this podcast, Guy Raz interviews some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and talks to them about how they built their businesses. It’s really inspiring and informative, and I always learn something new when I listen to it.
  • Finally, the online course that I would recommend is Start-Up Nation: The Course by Jerry Colonna. This course is designed specifically for entrepreneurs, and it covers everything from starting your business to raising capital and scaling your company. It’s a great resource for anyone who is looking to start or grow a business.

If you only had $1000 dollars to start a new business, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it?

If I only had $1000 to start a new business, I would probably spend it on marketing and advertising. I would start by creating a website and then investing in some online advertising to drive traffic to the site. I would also create some printed materials (e.g. business cards, flyers, etc.) to hand out to potential customers. And finally, I would use some of the money to attend industry events and meet potential clients face-to-face.

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

There are a couple of things that help me stay motivated in my business. First, I love what I do and I’m passionate about helping my clients achieve their financial goals. Second, I’m constantly setting new goals for myself and the business, so there’s always something to strive for. And third, I have an amazing team of people who work with me and support me in everything I do.

What is your favorite quote?

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

– Abraham Lincoln

This quote is a great reminder that we have the power to shape our own destiny. We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond to it. And by taking proactive steps toward our goals, we can increase the chances of achieving them.

What valuable advice would you give new entrepreneurs starting out?

If you’re thinking about starting a business, my best advice would be to just go for it. Starting a business is a lot of hard work, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. It’s an opportunity to create something that is yours and that can have a real impact on the world. So if you have an idea for a business, don’t wait – just go for it.

Who should we interview next and why?

I would recommend interviewing Tim Ferriss. He’s an incredibly successful entrepreneur and author who has a lot of great advice for entrepreneurs. He’s also a really interesting person with a lot of fascinating stories to share.

What is your definition of success?

To me, success is about more than just financial achievement. It’s about living a life that is fulfilling and meaningful and making a positive impact on the world. It’s about doing what you love and being rewarded for it – both financially and emotionally. So to me, success is about more than just making money – it’s about living a life that you’re proud of.

How do you personally overcome fear?

I think the key to overcoming fear is to remember that fear is just an emotion. It’s not reality. And once you realize that, it’s much easier to face your fears and overcome them. For me, the best way to overcome fear is to take action. When I’m faced with something that scares me, I force myself to do it anyway. And usually, once I’ve taken that first step, the rest is much easier.

How can readers get in touch with you?

The best way to get in touch with me would be through our website and the contact us section.

Five key roles for young finance professionals

Betting on a career in finance is a good choice for Generation Z aged 18 to 25, who are now active in the labor market. It can make a real contribution to reforms in companies. Young people from a young age are accustomed to using modern technologies and are able to bring a fresh look at conservative financial processes. How can they find their place in these companies?

Recently, ACCA, together with the international federation of accountants IFAC, conducted a study called Innovators: Generation Z and the Future of Finance. We have identified five key roles for young professionals to help them advance their careers in finance and add value to their businesses.

1. Data integrity assurance. There is a growing need for organizations to have tools to ensure data integrity. This area is attractive for young professionals who can work as auditors, financial managers, risk specialists, etc.

2. Analytics. Companies are creating more jobs related to data management and analytics. Representatives of generation Z can be involved as specialists in positions of any specialization of the financial sector that are related to data management and analytics. These can be such roles as compliance manager, risk manager, financial analyst.

3. Business process transformation. Small financial firms are reimagining customer service and are now giving young professionals much more opportunity to understand the business and learn how to work with clients than ever before. And the financial departments of large companies are changing processes following the change in business models. Young people are also in demand there.

4. Digital transformation, agile. Reforms require qualified financial personnel who understand new technologies. Gen Zers have a good opportunity to apply their digital skills to help companies solve real-world problems in a variety of digital finance roles and work in agile project teams.

5. Sustainable development. Sustainable development involves the preparation of large volumes of financial and non-financial reporting both for the company itself and for third parties. Many young people are close to the ideas of social and environmental responsibility, they want to benefit society. Improving business planning taking into account the ESG agenda is a promising field of activity for young people in various positions: auditors, financial controllers, internal controllers.

These five key roles, from business transformers to sustainability innovators, are a good foundation for a successful career for young finance professionals, no matter what technology comes next and no matter how processes, formats and activities change.

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How to become a cross-functional financial specialist

In this article, together with career consultant and HRD Margarita Krutova, we figure out how and where to expand the scope of competencies of financial specialists for career development.

There is increasing talk about the benefits of cross-functional teams. They are fully responsible for a single project and complete it faster, better and more creatively than if the project was transferred from one department to another in the course of work.

What if one specialist is cross-functional? Will it increase his value and salary level? No, we do not offer to become the chief accountant, marketer and recruiter all rolled into one. Although, someone may like this idea – then you should think about a personal business. But management will definitely notice an accountant who, in addition to posting and communicating with the tax office, can prepare a management report for owners, communicate in the same language with auditors during an external audit, or find funding for new projects.

Career options for financial professionals

A financial specialist who understands not only a particular section of accounting, but sees the financial picture of the company as a whole, can apply for management positions in the company. Or go to work in a consulting firm. And it’s not far from your own business.

Yulia Dankova, financial director of Metinvest group , spoke about cross-functionality in an interview with Delovaya Stolitsa:

Work at a manufacturing plant allowed me to thoroughly understand the production processes. Project work is important for cross-functional interaction: at enterprises you come across different people who manage differently than you… You expand your competencies as a leader, you can inspire your team to exploits in different ways, develop and support people.”

Prior to her appointment as CFO, Yulia Dankova worked for 10 years in various positions within the Metinvest holding, including the financial controller of the mining division. And in 2020, she entered the TOP-100 most influential women in Ukraine according to Focus magazine. And also in the top ten financial directors according to the TOP-100. Ratings of the largest.

Margarita Krutova, HRD Invest Future, recruiter, career consultant, member of the AKKS association, business school teacher; Facebook page.

The labor market is always directly dependent on the economic situation, and it is specialists in the field of finance who are now in great demand in all areas. Plus, new relevant professions have appeared, where we, employers, are experiencing an acute shortage of staff.

The most common career scenarios for financial professionals are as follows.

1. Accounting staff can build a classic vertical career: go to the finance department and subsequently head the company’s finances, becoming a financial director.

Now employers involve staff in internal tasks that go beyond the core functionality, motivating and supporting the creation of cross-functional teams. In such situations, the financial director can develop beyond his responsibility, participate in interesting projects of the company.

As a rule, these are transformational projects for automating business processes, launching new products and businesses, where the CFO becomes a leader, Team Lead, Product Owner or one of the members of a cross-functional team.

2. If there is a desire to work outside the corporate world, a financier can move into an expert, project career:

  • provide services, solve complex cases in professional financial consulting;
  • to teach at higher education institutions or in advanced training courses;
  • obtain the status of an independent director and become an invited independent expert, a member of the board of directors.

This is an entrepreneurial career where there is more freedom to choose interesting projects and clients themselves, with minimal participation in the corporate culture. There is no politics here and there is an opportunity to solve complex issues using accumulated knowledge and wisdom.

But for such a career it is necessary to develop and pump entrepreneurial skills, a personal brand of an expert.

3. You can also move to other related or new professions. For example, a labor and wages economist might become:

  • an economist for the cost of production, for optimizing and improving the efficiency of internal processes;
  • business analyst;
  • financial analyst or portfolio manager;
  • auditor or risk manager;
  • an employee of the department of strategic or sustainable development;
  • journalist, editor, chief editor of economic digital media.

Skills that will help in career development

The data on positions and salaries given in this section are taken from the website.

  1. 1. Knowledge of international financial reporting standards. If you want to get into a large company, then remember that they submit reports in accordance with IFRS.

Learn more: article “What is IFRS, how did it appear and what is it for?”

Position: IFRS specialist

Salary: 900-4000 Training


You can learn how to work with international standards in IFRS courses. The DipIFR diploma from ACCA is considered the gold standard in this area.

  1. 2. Internal audit and control. Carrying out a financial audit is the highest aerobatics in the work of an accountant. Here you need to know how to properly organize and conduct an audit, draw correct conclusions based on its results. Such skills open the way to the Internal Audit or Control Service. They also help to understand the requirements of external auditors and properly prepare for their audits.

Auditing experience can become a stepping stone to top management positions. For example, Oleg Tymkiv, director of strategy and finance at the energy company DTEK, worked at EY Ukraine and PwC after graduation. Worked his way up from junior manager to managing partner of PwC in Ukraine. In April 2020, he became the director of strategy at DTEK and in the same year headed the TOP-100. Ratings of the largest.

Learn more: article “Who is a professional auditor and how to become one”

Position: internal auditor, internal controller

Salary: 650-2000 $

. Training Internal audit courses from the British IPFM Institute will help you master your skills.

  1. 3. Fundamentals of financial management and management accounting. The accounting department, as well as the financial department, work with financial statements. But if the accountant is concerned about optimization and timely payment of taxes, then the financier is concerned with increasing profits and finding reserves that the owner can invest in the development of the company.

Learn more: articles “Financial manager qualification: who do employers dream of getting?”, “How can a chief accountant become a financial director?”

Position: Financial manager, financial director

Salary: 600-7000 $

Education. Comprehensive programs “Professional Financial Manager” and “Professional Financial Director” from the British Institute IPFM.

  1. 4. Knowledge of modern programs for data analysis and visualization, understanding of the rules of digital business transformation.

Those accountants who want to change their specialty radically can focus on the strengths inherent in the representatives of their profession. And this is primarily attention to detail and analytical skills. They will come in handy in the IT-sphere, which is now at the peak of popularity. For example, CFOs make good leaders in the digital transformation of companies.

Learn more: Who is a CDTO and how to become one

Position: Digital Transformation Leader

Salary: 1000-3500 $ Training

. Courses in business analysis and digital transformation from the British institute ACPM.

Margarita Krutova, HRD Invest Future, recruiter, career consultant, member of the AKKS Association, business school teacher; Facebook page.

I am now witnessing an active transition of specialists from accounting and economists to digital professions, where wider prospects are opening up:

  • wages are growing faster than in other areas;
  • as a rule, there is a comfortable and developing corporate culture, without stress and tight deadlines;
  • is basically a remote or hybrid form of employment, where you will have plenty of time for your interests.

My clients have moved into the profession of developer, test engineer, business analyst and other professions where love of numbers and an analytical mind are considered key qualities.

Now I work for a start up in the field of digital media for financial investors, online education and financial literacy support for children and adults. We form all our cool teams by 80% from bankers, employees of investment and insurance companies, analysts who create a unique product for our clients: with a social mission and deep meanings.

With a reasonable approach, positions can be combined, affecting a comfortable standard of living and income, managing it at different stages of your wonderful life.

Employers have talent needs, and candidates have opportunities to get professional support from a mentor and consultant, get online training for a new profession, gain practical skills, and sometimes get a job while studying.

Career stories of Aktiv Academy students

Let’s move on from the description of skills to real cases of career development. All the stories described below were told by graduates of our Academy.

  1. 1. Accountant —> chief accountant —> financial director, head of department

Olga Treschalova after the course “Professional financial director” left the accounting department for the position of findir. Olga warns when you study specifically for yourself, in order to get not a crust, but knowledge – you need to understand that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on training.

  1. 2. Accountant —> chief accountant —> financial director —> business consulting services

Olga Rezoglazova had extensive experience as a chief accountant, she began her studies at the Academy as a financial director, and after receiving an international diploma, she left to work for herself. Now he advises companies: develops business strategies, tax and management structure.

She is sure that professional skills should be constantly improved and confirmed, the brain should be trained and not allowed to relax.

  1. 3. Financial manager —> international financial consultant for digital transformation

Viktor Zhilkin has worked in finance for over 15 years, including in leadership positions. And now he works as a financial consultant in an American company and conducts a digital transformation in it. And for this, he needed not classical courses for financiers, but advanced training in the field of business data analysis.

Victor believes that a manager of any level should have both technical and financial skills. The CEO, for example, should have a general understanding of the responsibilities of a technical, commercial, and financial director.

How to choose the area of ​​competence development: a checklist from Margarita Krutova

  1. 1. Analyze the labor market for professions and vacancies that you like in terms of the content of the work. Working aggregators like will help here.
  2. 2. Evaluate the competition and the very prospect of new professions, the timing of entry into the profession, the payback of changing the profession: training, requirements, financial prospects.
  3. 3. Analyze the chosen specialty regarding the requirements: what you already know how and want to continue doing (your strengths), and what you need to learn.
  4. 4. Find where you can study paid and open materials on the topic: books, online resources, courses.
  5. 5. Determine how you will combine your studies with your present activity. You can start practicing at your place of work by becoming a member of a cross-functional team, or take on a side project. Money at this stage is not as important as other points: adaptability and quick learning are above all.
  6. 6. If there is no opportunity inside, look for almost free internships, attract experts to your support team who will support you at this difficult stage and tell you how to shorten the path.