Fun and silly: 35 Super Fun Ways to Be More Silly With Your Kids

Опубликовано: April 8, 2023 в 4:40 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

35 Super Fun Ways to Be More Silly With Your Kids

Inside: Have you ever wanted to be sillier with your kids? Have more fun with them as a mom? Moms get bogged down with chores and discipline that we sometimes forget that the to-do lists can wait, but our kids can’t. If we focus on being more sillier and more fun as a mom, their happiness and the happiness of our home will increase.

I have a confession to make.

I’m way too serious. I always have been.

Even as a little kid, I much preferred talking with grown-ups to playing with the other kids. I spent a BBQ debating global warming with my dad’s best friend instead of playing hide and seek with the kids. And I had fun doing it.

But, I needed to lighten up back then. And I still do.

Between my husband and I, I’m the one who enforces bedtime, discourages ice cream consumption at 5pm, and demands fart noises be made outside. For the record, I also question the validity of replacing a bath with swimming in the neighbor’s pool.

It’s especially hard to control my seriousness levels on those days that feel never-ending and I don’t feel like I’m doing enough. Those days spent doing the 12 loads of laundry, cleaning the stacks of dirty dishes, and running around to shop for science project materials due tomorrow.

Who has time to be silly?

Parenting, managing a house, and having a job is serious business.

But I have made a conscious effort to be more fun. To be more silly. To be a parent my kids laugh with.

Because silly equals fun. And fun equals giggles. And giggles equal happy memories.

Our kids won’t remember all the things we did with them or for them, but they will remember how we made them feel.

They will remember if they grew up in a happy home filled with giggles and dessert and spontaneous dance parties in the kitchen.

They will remember if they had a fun, happy childhood.

And they will remember which parent is the “treat giver” (hint: it’s not me).

So, whether you’re an ultra-serious parent (me, me, me!!!), the goofball of the family, or somewhere in between, here’s a list of 35 foolproof ideas you can do to lighten things up in your home and have more fun.

1. Celebrate Random Holidays. Like Pickle Day. Pi Day. Lost Sock Memorial Day. These are actual national “holidays.” Really. And you can start celebrating them today because chances are, there’s a holiday you never knew existed that is happening right now. 

2. If your kids are complaining about having to walk somewhere, race them to the corner. Without warning them. Take off running and laughing. They won’t be able to not follow you.  Or if the thought of running wants to make you throw up a little, skip or gallop with them.

Or bring a scavenger hunt with you! Get them here!

3. Throw some glow sticks in your child’s bath and turn the lights off. Best baths ever.

4. Go puddle jumping (it only counts if you do it too and everyone gets thoroughly soaked. ) This one really steps me outside of my comfort zone.

5. Decorate your car with window markers, then surprise your kids in the carpool line. I love doing it on the last day of summer and for birthdays.

6. Break your own rules once in a while and surprise everyone with ice cream for breakfast. It’s in the dairy food group, right? And this way, you can be the “treat giver” once in a while.

7. Have a dance party in your car if you arrive somewhere a little early. This is really only fun when it’s music YOU like. Turn off the Raffi. If you can’t let the hardcore rap fill your kids’ ears yet, try Kidz Bop music. It’s at least better than the Wheels on the Bus.

8. Put neon food coloring into your pancake batter to make rainbow pancakes. Hot pink pancakes taste fun.

9. Draw on your mirrors and sliding glass doors with dry erase markers. Leave messages for each other. Or riddles.

10. Build a fort and climb in there with them. Create a secret password to get inside.

11. If your kids break a family rule, respond with an obnoxious 1980’s game show buzzer sound. ehhhhhhhhhhhh.

12. Buy and read ridiculous books your serious self would never read. Like Chicken Butt by Erica Perl (It’s as obnoxious and hilarious as it sounds) And The Book With No Pictures by BJ Novak or Brian Sendelbach’s The Underpants Zoo.

13. Play ridiculous family games. Like Twister or Pie in the Face or the new toilet game, Toilet Trouble.

Our new favorite game now that the kids are older is Beat That. 

14. Make up a song with their names in it, even if the lyrics make no sense and you can’t carry a tune.  Sing it loudly.

15. Design an obstacle course in your backyard or in your house if the weather’s crummy. Extra points if you do it in a hotel room to keep them busy.

16. Have a water balloon fight. Or a snowball fight.

17. Pack a picnic dinner for your living room and eat on the floor.

18. Have a squirt gun fight with them. Show no mercy.

19. Host Backwards Day. Eat dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner.

20. Slow dance with your son or daughter to a song from your junior high years.

21. Teach them how to spider swing with them on your lap, facing you.  I can’t stand going to the park, but this I’ll do with pleasure. Or you can try Park Bingo which my kids LOVE. 

22. Create a family secret handshake. I would tell you what ours is, but then you’ll have to join the family.

Related: More Ways to Build a Strong Family Identity 

23. Use painter’s tape to mark off a hopscotch game on your floor and show them why you were the 2nd-grade champ.

24. Let them hitch a ride on the side of the shopping cart.

25. Teach them how to blow the paper wrapper off a straw in a restaurant. 

26. Enjoy a hot cocoa party in front of the fireplace before bedtime.

27. Squirt a whipped cream mustache on their face for dessert.

28. On April Fool’s Day prank your kids with harmless jokes. My hands down favorite April 1st prank is to switch them into different beds once they fall asleep.

29. Surprise them and celebrate their half birthday with half a cake.

30. Let them finger paint with chocolate pudding on a cookie sheet or on their high chair tray.

31. Encourage them to put on their bathing suits in the bathtub and have a tea party with teacups and bubbles.

32. Give them a stack of toothpicks and marshmallows and see who can make the biggest creation. My kids love doing this with red and green gumdrops in December. 

33. Race to see who can get dressed first in the morning. Bonus points because they get dressed without me nagging them!

34. Invest in kinetic sand. Even I love playing with.

35. Host a kitchen dance party with songs you love and an inexpensive disco ball.

BONUS 36: When you chat with your kids about their day and about life, bring some candy into it. Use our Skittles Conversation Starters to talk about trickier subjects like friendship and kindness…but do it while you ‘taste the rainbow’.  

Since not all of these ideas will be home run with each of your kids, this has to be an ever growing, ever changing list based on what they find funny. And what you find funny.

Did you notice fart jokes didn’t make my list? They’re not silly. They’re disgusting.

Oh, wait. I’m being too serious again.

Whatever you choose to try, go at it with the same passion your kids have about recess and trick-or-treating and planning their next birthday party.

Because your to-do list will still be there tomorrow. That pile of dirty laundry, dirty dishes and global warming discussions can wait.

Go ahead and throw a bathtub tea party for Barbie and Spiderman. Turn your kitchen into a dance floor. And enjoy every last minute of your child’s giggles.

Life’s too short not to.

Download the Skittles Game here. 


105 Funny Words That Sound Silly To Say

They sure are silly to say.

When you think about it, some words in the English language can sound pretty interesting. And when we say “interesting” we really mean weird and wacky. But hey, that’s what makes them fun, right? So if you’re someone who loves incorporating silly words into your everyday conversations, you’re in luck because we rounded up 105 funny words you can start using today that you’ve probably never even heard of.

Your friends and family may seem completely flummoxed when they hear you use some of these words, but they’ll really just be impressed you know them at all. And while lots of the words we compiled may sound like we made them and they’re fake, we guarantee they are 100% real. We even added in their definitions so you’ll know exactly what they mean and how you can use them when you’re talking or texting someone.

Take a peek below and get ready to add 105 funny words to your vocabulary. Just try not to titter when you’re actually using them IRL.

1. Bumfuzzle

You might hear your grandparents use this funny word that refers to being confused or perplexed.

2. Fartlek

This is an activity runners do when they change between sprinting and jogging.

3. Everywhen

This isn’t a typo, it means “always” or “all the time.”

4. Erf

You may think this is some sort of sound, but it’s actually a word that means “plot of land.”

5. Hullaballoo

You can use this word when you’re talking about a commotion.

6. Meldrop

Unfortunately, this isn’t a food. Instead, it’s a drop of mucus hanging from someone’s nose.

7. Obelus

Have you ever wondered what the symbol used for division in a math problem is called? Well, now you know!

8. Sozzled

When someone is drunk, you can describe them using this silly word.

9. Bumbershoot

This fun word is another word for “umbrella.

10. Titter

Replace the word “giggle” or “laugh” with this word when you want to impress someone.

11. Smicker

Not to be confused with the word “snicker,” a “smicker” means to look amorously after someone.

12. Cleek

This is a word that means “big hook.”

13. Whippersnapper

You might hear an older person call a young, overly confident person this long, wacky word.

14. Salopettes

“Salopettes” is a word used to describe a pair of high-waisted skiing pants that has shoulder straps.

15. Biblioklept

This refers to a person who steals books.

16. Accubation

This describes a person who eats/drinks while they’re laying down — so basically anyone who snacks while watching Netflix is an “accubation.”

17. Lollygag

This word describes a person that is messing around and doing something that isn’t useful.

18. Abecedarian

Anyone who is currently learning the alphabet can be referred to as this — so basically all kindergarteners.

19. Bamboozled

Someone who uses this word in a sentence is likely saying they were tricked into doing something.

20. Cutesy-poo

While this might sound like a pet’s name, it really is a word that means “sickeningly cute.”

21. Flabbergast

When you want to get across that you were shocked about something, you can use this.

22. Foppish

If someone is always super-concerned about how their outfit looks, you can refer to them as “foppish.”

22. Cattywampus

No, this isn’t a type of animal, it’s actually a direction and means the same thing as saying something is catty-corner from something else.

23. Noob

This word is used when somebody is inexperienced in something, usually referring to the use of the internet or a video game.

24. Octothorpe

While people may call this symbol a hashtag (#), its real name is an “octothorpe.”

25. Schmooze

This is when you talk in a way to someone where you try to impress them in a friendly and lively way.

Related: 25 Palindrome Words

26. Finifugal

This is what you’d call someone who is afraid of finishing anything.

27. Smaze

Don’t mistake this for Tyra Banks’ coined word “smize.” A “smaze” is what you get when there is a combination of smoke and haze.

28. Skirl

This is the loud, wailing sound that bagpipes make. Who knew?

29. Adorbs

This is a cute and shortened form of the word “adorable.”

30. Waesucks

Instead of saying “alas!” you can say this goofy word.

31. Widdershins

This is a funny word that means something is moving in the wrong direction/counter-clockwise.

32. Blubber

This word refers to a thick layer of fat.

33. Dollop

This describes a quantity of something, usually food.

34. Festooned

This has nothing to do with cartoons and everything to do with decor and how a place is decorated.

35. Fuddy-duddy

A person who is super old-fashioned and doesn’t want anything to do with modern trends would be called this.

36. Gobbledygook

While this might sound like gross food, it actually means the same thing as the word “gibberish.”

37. Popple

This is a term that means “choppy seas.”

38. Hodgepodge

You can use this word when you’re talking about having a mix of random and various items.

39. Ramshackle

This describes something that looks like it’s about to fall apart.

40. Wishy-washy

A person who has trouble making a decision- big or small- is called this word.

41. Flummoxed

This means you’re completely confused.

42. Gardyloo

Otherwise known as a warning cry.

43. Collywobbles

The next time you have a stomachache, you can use this word.

44. Billingsgate

This word is used to describe coarse language.

45. Lickety-split

This means “ASAP.”

46. Slumgullion

This is a cheap meat stew.

47. Ill-willie

A look of unfriendly disposition.

48. Conjubilant

This word is used when you’re describing a group that is shouting out in joy together.

49. Futz

This basically refers to wasting your time.

50. Bunghole

This is what a hole that is in a barrel or cask that you pour the liquid through is called.

51. Flibbertigibbet

A person who is silly and irresponsible can be referred to as this.

52. Hoecake

Believe it or not, this is the name of a southern-style cornbread.

53. Frippery

If you want to describe something that is snobby-elegant, use this.

Related: 200+ Funny Jokes

54. Namby-pamby

One might say that calling a foul on a basketball player during a game when they flop is a pretty “namby-pamby” rule.

55. Gibbons

Instead of saying you have “rubbish” or “knickknacks” in your house, you can use this word to tell others you have small objects that have no real value.

56. Diphthong

This isn’t a piece of clothing. Believe it or not, it’s used to describe the sound of two vowels when they are joined together, like the sound of the “oy” in joy.

57. Wamble

This is another word to describe feeling nauseous.

58. Geebung

You’ll see a lot of these small trees in Australia and New Zealand.

59. Jackanapes

A mischievous child would be described with this word.

60. Teazel

This is a herb with a flower head that is very prickly.

61. Kibitzer

This is a Yiddish word that basically means “backseat driver.”

62. Phablet

This is what you’d call a gadget that is both a smartphone and a tablet.

63. Mollycoddle

Sorry guys, but this word is used when you’re talking about a guy who is used to being coddled or pampered.

64. Ragamuffin

Someone who’s dressed in ragged clothes.

65. Snickersnee.

While this word sounds like it’d have something to do with laughing, it’s actually a word for a long and dangerous knife.

66. Piffle

You can use this when someone is speaking nonsense.

67. Puggle

This is what you call a dog that is the mix of a beagle and a pug.

68. Rubaboo

Nope, this isn’t made up. It’s a soup that’s made with flour, veggies and meat paste.

69. Scalawag

You can probably imagine Jack Sparrow using this word to describe a member of his crew that was a rascal.

70. Gibberish

When someone is speaking in nonsense and with words that make no sense, you use this word.

71. Teetotaler

If you’re someone who doesn’t drink alcohol, then you’re known as a “teetotaler.”

72. Skedaddle

This is another word that means “to run away.”

73. Wampum

You’d probably never guess it, but this is a small cylindrical bead made from polished shells.

74. Spleenwort

This has nothing to do with your spleen and actually everything to do with a small fern that grows on rocks and walls.

75. Hullabaloo

You can use this word the next time you hear a really loud noise.

76. Taradiddle

This word is used when you want to explain that something someone is talking about is a lie or over-exaggerated.

77. Whirligig

You use this word when you want to refer to something that whirls or revolves.

78. Yitten

If you want to say that someone is frightened, use this word instead.

79. Ratoon

This is a tiny shoot growing from the root of a plant.

80. Dingus

When you forget what something is called, you can use this word.

81. Flibbertigibbet

This word is so odd that it may sound fake, but it refers to a silly and talkative person.

82. Pronk

This word describes a leap you do in the air when you have an arched back and stiff legs.

83. Hogwash

This has nothing to do with giving pigs a bath. It’s a word you use when someone believes something, like a superstition, is fake.

84. Bupkis

When you want to use a word that means “nothing,” use this one.

85. Fipple

A mouthpiece of a recorder or another type of similar wind instrument is called this.

86. Aloof

This word may sound silly, but you use it to describe someone who is not friendly.

87. Williwaw

Can you believe this word means “violent winds that blow in polar latitudes?”

88. Yooper

Residents of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula are called this nickname.

89. Squeegee

This is a T-shaped tool that is used to remove water from floors and windows.

90. Doohickey

This is what you’d call a small object or gadget if you forgot its real name.

91. Cabotage

You’d never guess it, but this means transporting passengers or goods between two places in the same country.

92. Deckled

If something is “deckled,” it means it has paper edges that were cut by hand.

93. Frou-frou

This word was used a lot in the 1870s and was meant to describe the rustling sound that a long dress made.

94. Ballyhoo

The next time you see a company trying too hard to win over a customer with an advertisement, you can call them this.

95. Abear

This has nothing to do with animals, but instead means you endured something.

96. Whiffler

This is what you call a person who walks in front of you when you’re in a crowd.

97. Hoodwink

This means the same as the word “deceive.”

98. Stumblebum

This is another word used to describe a clumsy person.

99. Unperson

This doesn’t mean a person isn’t a person anymore. It’s a word you use to describe a person that has been erased because of their misbehavior.

100. Doozy

This is something that is not normal.

101.  Nudiustertian

Meaning “very recently” or relating to the day before yesterday.

102. Floccinaucinihilipilification

“The estimation of something as worthless,” it’s also one of the longest words in English.

103. Canoodle

Kissing and cuddling.

104. Ragout

It’s a dish of meat and vegetables that’s very satisfying to say.

105. Brouhaha

An overexcited response to something.

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6 signs of a stupid person | PSYCHOLOGIES

2 513 806

Know thyself

I am a humanistic person, so I am sure that stupidity is a temporary state of mind, something like infantile immaturity. However, I can hardly be mistaken if I assume that due to my own stupidity, many people do not have as much fun as they would like. And even their loved ones – and even more so.

But let’s see what exactly stupidity manifests itself in and how it can prevent not only those who deal with such a person, but also himself, from enjoying life. nine0003

1. A fool only talks about himself

Any communication implies a dialogue, and a mature person usually understands that this is a way of exchanging information. Exchange, not planting. It happens, of course, that a person needs to speak out when something has happened – it happens to everyone. But if we are talking about a pathological solo, when the interlocutor does not have the opportunity to insert at least a word, let alone tell something, we are dealing with a fool.

And don’t talk to me about the narcissistic personality. All that matters in this case is that the person has not realized that the ability to listen is an important resource in the process of gaining life experience. In addition, this quality is very valuable in friendly communication. And if I’m the only one listening, then why not someone more interesting? There are a lot of sensible lecturers now. nine0003

2. There are a lot of people, they are loud

I’ll make a reservation right away, there are cases of special, loud charisma – but in such cases there are no questions like “Maybe he’s just a fool?”. I’m not talking about them, but about those stupid people who often replace the lack of depth and meaning with intensity.

Imagine: a restaurant, subdued lights, people talking, someone working on a laptop, someone having a quiet romantic meeting. Here and there the sound increases slightly: they laughed, they greeted those who came … And suddenly, among this cozy noise, the annoying voice of a lady who tells the interlocutor the details of her personal life. And no one from those present can be left out. nine0003

The rules of etiquette, like the instruction manual for the kettle, are in many ways foolproof. Demonstrations of the fool in ourselves

We don’t want to listen, especially since it’s not interesting, stupid, flat… But this is how our brain works: we are forced to pay attention to sharp sounds, because life may depend on it. And now the whole restaurant is devoted to the details of the divorce…

Lonely lucky people with a laptop are lucky – they have headphones and, looking askance at the violator of the sound regime, are in a hurry to unravel the wiring. The couple quickly pays off and runs away: everything is just beginning for them, and other people’s divorces are an extremely inappropriate topic. The lady orders more wine, her voice getting even louder. And even those who sit on the street terrace have already heard about her stupidity …

I involuntarily recall the rules of etiquette. They, like the instruction manual for the kettle, are in many ways foolproof. Demonstrations of the fool in myself.

3. The fool ignores the needs of the interlocutor

Is he interested? Isn’t he tired? Maybe he needs to move away, but he just can’t find a suitable pause? In one breath, such a person fills the entire space. It is especially difficult for delicate people who are afraid to offend, to be inappropriate.

Lack of need for feedback speaks of infantile confidence in one’s own right. Such interlocutors are like a child not yet endowed with empathy, who cannot understand that his mother is tired of dragging him on a sled for the eighteenth kilometer. So they, on the one hand, seem to make it clear: “If you don’t like something, just say it.” And on the other – yeah, try it, tell me. Payment on the account of your grievances – thank you, not today. nine0003

4. A foolish person is afraid of everything

I won’t go there – that’s where. I don’t want to go here, it’s there. However, the constant search for a zone of safety and comfort hinders evolution. Any living mind of this evolution is hungry and finds ways to either deal with their own fears on their own or ask for help. It is foolish to allow fears to orchestrate life.

There is also the other side of the coin – when a person rushes into battle without weighing the risks and not comparing them with his own strengths. How many stupid things have been done on this courage! But this second type of “headless horsemen” is still closer to me than the waiting ones, who are afraid of everything. nine0003

Performing some action, a person gains experience, even if it is negative, some kind of wisdom. And what is the experience and wisdom of a person who stays within four walls and only experiments out of boredom with the search for the best TV channel? Look at any field of science, how ideas have changed over time. Something was considered true, indisputable, and then one discovery turned the entire system of knowledge upside down and past beliefs turned into dense delusions in one day. nine0003

In addition, rigid thinking, when a person cannot be flexible and take into account new knowledge, is a direct path to Alzheimer’s. That’s what modern research says. But who knows, maybe they’ll change their mind…

6. A stupid person divides things into black and white

Categorical attitudes, especially multiplied by stubbornness, is another sign of stupidity. Missed the turn – you have topographical cretinism. And that’s it, you will remain so for the rest of your life. Non-recognition of halftones, features of the context and situation – this is certainly not characteristic of smart people. nine0003

…This text is an example of such a division. Dividing people into fools and smart is very stupid. After all, each person has his own story and his own experience, which led to the fact that at this stage of life a person speaks only about himself, does not check with his interlocutor, or is captured by fears.

Each of us can sometimes behave stupidly, so the best thing we can do is to pay attention to our inner life and give maximum goodwill to the outside world.

Photo source: Getty Images

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07 February 2011, 05:26 Remove






I answer

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