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Опубликовано: January 21, 2023 в 11:04 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous



Am I eligible to apply for the 3 year old Kindergarten program?

To be eligible for Funded 3YO Kindergarten, children must turn 3 years of age or older by the 30th of April in the year they start kindergarten.

Enrolment applications for 3 year old Kindergarten will be accepted by the City of Kingston from the 1st of May in the year prior to the child attending the centre.

Is my child ready for 3 year old Kinder?

You can discuss your child’s readiness for the 3 year old program with our Pre-school teachers. Please contact the Kinder on 9584-2328 to arrange an appointment.

In particular, if your child is turning 3 before April in the year they are to commence 3 year old Kinder, you should discuss their readiness to participate in the 3 year old program, as there will no longer be the option to attend a second year of 3 year old Kinder.

Please also be aware that your child will not be permitted to attend the program unattended until they turn 3 years of age.

How do I apply for a position in the 3 year old program at the Pre-School?

All applications for the 3 year old Kindergarten program are made through the City of Kingston from the 1st of May in the year prior to your child commencing Pre-school.
You can apply online or obtain an application form from the link below:

Please note:-

All enrolment applications are to be submitted to the City of Kingston not to Farm Road Pre-school.

The City of Kingston administers the Kindergarten Central Enrolment Scheme for participating community operated Kindergartens, and is responsible for receiving the enrolment applications, acknowledging receipt of the application, and the allocation of places.

What is the enrolment process?

City of Kingston Central Enrolment Process

Want more information on the Farm Road Enrolment Policy?

Please contact the City of Kingston on 9581 4851.

Kindergarten Tours:

Open Days are held in April and October each year (please see our “News & Events” page for dates).

If you are unable to attend an Open Day, you may make an appointment to tour the Pre-school by calling 03 9584 2328.  We are unable to accommodate walk ins.

3 and 4YO Kindergarten Application Form – City of Kingston



Farm Road Pre-School offers the option to make a one-off family payment of $100 towards fundraising for the Pre-school. If you choose to pay the levy, you will not receive any of the fundraising literature over the course of the year, unless by your request. This is due in March 2021.


Our Pre-school has elected to participate in the Victorian Government Free Kinder program in 2023.



Am I eligible to apply for the 4 year old Kindergarten program?

To be eligible for Funded Kindergarten, children must turn 4 years of age or older by the 30th of April in the year they start kindergarten.

Enrolment applications for 4 year old Kindergarten will be accepted by the City of Kingston from the 1st of May in the year prior to the child attending the centre.

Is my child ready for 4 year old Kinder?

You can discuss your child’s readiness for the 4 year old program with our Pre-school teachers. Please contact the Kinder on 9584-2328 to arrange an appointment. In particular, if your child is turning 4 before April in the year they are to commence 4 year old Kinder, you should discuss their readiness to participate in the 4 year old program.

How do I apply for a position in the 4 year old program at the Pre-School?

All applications for the 4 year old Kindergarten program are made through the City of Kingston.
You can apply online or obtain an application form from the link below:




Please note:-

All enrolment applications are to be submitted to the City of Kingston not to Farm Road Pre-school.

The City of Kingston administers the Kindergarten Central Enrolment Scheme for participating community operated Kindergartens, and is responsible for receiving the enrolment applications, acknowledging receipt of the application, and the allocation of places.

What if my child already attends a 3 year old program at Farm Rd Pre-School?

If you are currently enrolled at Farm Rd Pre-School for the 3 year old program, this does NOT guarantee you a place for the 4 year old program, you still need to apply through the City of Kingston for a placement into the 4 year old program.

What is the enrolment process?

City of Kingston Central Enrolment Process

Want more information on the Farm Road Enrolment Policy?

Please contact the City of Kingston on 9581 4851.

Kindergarten Tours:

Open Days are held in April and October each year (please see our “News & Events” page for dates).

If you are unable to attend an Open Day, you may make an appointment to tour the Pre-school by calling 03 9584 2328.  We are unable to accommodate walk ins.

3 and 4YO Kindergarten Application Form – City of Kingston


Farm Road Pre-School offers the option to make a one-off family payment of $100 towards fundraising for the Pre-School. If you choose to pay the levy, you will not receive any of the fundraising literature over the course of the year, unless by your request. This is due in March 2021.


Families with a current Health Card Card, Pensioner Concession Card or Temporary Visa Concession card are eligible for the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy provided by the Victorian Government. In order to receive the fee subsidy, a copy of a valid concession card must be given to the Business Manager prior to the commencement of Term 1, and each time a new card is issued.


Our Pre-school has elected to participate in the Victorian Government Free Kinder program in 2023.




Term 1: 28 January – 8 April
Term 2: 26 April – 24 June
Term 3: 11 July – 16 September
Term 4: 3 October – 20 December


Term 1: 27 January – 6 April
Term 2: 24 April – 23 June
Term 3: 10 July – 15 September
Term 4: 2 October – 20 December

4 Year Old


8:30am – 3:00pm 

(After Kinder Care 3:00pm – 5:00pm)**


8:30am – 1:00pm

(After Kinder Care 1:00pm – 5:00pm)**


8:30am – 12:30pm

(Bush kinder from mid Term 1)*

3 Year Old


9:15am – 12:15pm


9:15am – 12:15pm

4 Year Old


8:30am – 3:00pm 

(After Kinder Care 3:00pm – 5:00pm)**


8:30am – 1:30pm

(After Kinder Care 1:30pm – 5:00pm)**


8:30am – 12:00pm

(Bush kinder from mid Term 1)*

3 Year Old


8:30am – 4:00pm


8:30am – 4:00pm

* Bush kinder will commence from mid term 1 (parents will be advised of the specific date in term 1).

** After Kinder Care is at an additional cost to our normal program, and is subject to interest/availability.

Our Programs

All of our programs are based on the Early Years Learning and Development Framework  and the National Quality Standards to ensure we can provide the best quality educational experience for every child and family. 


We have been assessed as exceeding the National Quality Standards and will continue to strive for excellence in our programs.


In 2022, Farm Road Pre-School will have one three year old group. The group will attend kinder twice a week, each session running for 3 hours. There will be up to twenty-two children in the group, with two educators.

The Three year old Curriculum is based on the model of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF):

  • Children have a strong sense of identity

  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world

  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

  • Children are confident and involved learners

  • Children are effective communicators​


We will provide welcoming, caring and nurturing environment where all children can feel safe,  secure and valued so they are confident to learn, explore and grow.   Through our play based program children build self confidence, a love of learning, build friendships and develop a physical (fine and gross motor), cognitive, social, emotional and language development through both interest based experiences as well as intentional learning in both indoor and outdoor environments.


Indoor activities include: drawing, pasting, puzzles, play-dough and clay, block building, construction work, imaginary/dramatic play, music/movement and story reading. Outdoor activities include: running, jumping, swinging, climbing, ball games, sand and water play and construction work.

Group experiences both large and small are also an important component of the program enabling opportunities for sharing stories, music, dramatic play and discussions. This gives the children the opportunity to develop listening skills, share ideas, participate as active members of the group and develop a sense of belonging. Parental involvement and input in the Pre-School Program is highly encouraged and valued by staff members.

​Our staff are dedicated, and love working with young children and their families to ensure a positive kinder experience.


The 4-5 year olds attend kindergarten for 15 hours per week. The 4 year old program is funded by the State Government. In 2022 there is 1 four year old group, with up to 28 children in the group. The 4 year old curriculum is based on the model of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, (VEYLDF.) which was introduced in 2010.


The framework uses five outcomes to describe the key elements of children’s learning and development. These are;

  1. Children have a strong sense of identity.

  2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world.

  3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.

  4. Children are confident and involved learners.

  5. Children are effective communicators.


The program is play based and the program content is centred around the children’s interests as well as intentional teaching. The program is rich and varied and provides the children with lots of opportunities to develop their skills, interests and knowledge in a stimulating environment. Activities and learning experiences include art, music, dance, language experiences, cooking, incursions and excursions, a Perceptual Motor Program, sensory play, gardening and active outdoor play.


In term 1 we are commencing a bush kinder program for our 4-year-old kindergarten group, the Wallabies. For the Friday sessions, children will be dropped off and picked up from Kingston Heath Reserve, Farm Road. Bush kinder is based on the Forest school movement in Europe. Children attend their regular kinder session from the same “bush” location each week, where children are able to play freely and engage with nature.


There has been a wide variety of research into bush kinder showing it has huge benefits to children including increased confidence, resilience, wellbeing, mental health, critical thinking skills, creativity, physical health, social skills, independence and stress reduction. These skills help prepare children for school. Children also develop language, literacy, maths and science learning through the bush kinder program. Very importantly, children are happy and have fun.


Transition from kindergarten to primary school is a big step for children and their families.  Our educators are there to support you and your child.

Our 4-year-old kindergarten teachers will write a school transition statement for each child.  You will be provided with an opportunity to read the statement and add comments.  This statement will be sent to the prep coordinator at the school your child will be attending.  The statement will provide them with some basic information about your child, their interests, development and their learning needs, aimed at supporting the prep teachers in their role.


There are some ways you can support your child to be ready to attend school:

  • Attend some transition sessions at the school

  • Support their developing independence, using toilets on their own, dressing, packing their bag, caring for their belongings. Getting confident with using a public toilet

  • Be positive about the change

  • Be aware of how you are feeling, you may feel sad, happy or a multitude of other feelings, make sure you manage how these impact you child

  • Support your child to communicate with you about how they are feeling, listen and be empathetic, their feelings are real to them

  • Help your child to build confidence by allowing them to take risks, challenge themselves, play, explore socialise with other children, speak to adults, try new things

Some practical tips before day 1:

  • Make sure their school uniform fits, that they can do up their school shoes and independently open their lunch containers

  • Make sure you are familiar with the drop off and pick up spots at school and you child knows who will be picking them up and where

  • Make sure they know who their teacher is and where their classroom and the toilets are.

  • Try and meet another parent who is familiar with the school (someone with older children at the school) they will be a good resource to you

For more information about school readiness visit this website and please ask discuss and concerns or questions with your child’s teacher, they are here to help.

Kindergartens in Germany: important information for parents

What types of kindergartens are there in Germany? How much do their services cost? What are the most pressing problems associated with kindergartens? Find out all the most truthful and up-to-date information.

Kindergartens in Germany exist everywhere. But this does not mean that parents will not have difficulties with placing a child in such a preschool institution. Despite the serious demographic crisis, in order to get into the kindergarten in Germany, which was chosen, it is necessary to enroll in the queue six months before the birth of the child. See also: Pre-school education in Germany And German parents start choosing a kindergarten even a year and a half before pregnancy. The Germans are very pragmatic. The child in most cases is expected and planned. It is at the moment when the decision is made to replenish the family that they begin to look for a kindergarten. The main selection criterion is the closest location to the house. If there is a certain priority by the type of preschool institution or by the method of preschool education used, then it is quite possible that you will have to think about moving to another area. And moving is not an event of one day or a week, and not even one month. Therefore, the issue of kindergarten is dealt with in advance.

Kindergartens in Germany: types and differences

Classification of kindergartens in Germany is carried out according to several parameters:

1. According to the format of financing:

  • Private – all costs are paid by the parents.
  • Land – funded by the land government.
  • Mixed – co-funded by parents and authorities on a parity basis.

2. By type of organizational structure:

  • Nursery for children from 3 months to 1 year (it is possible to send a child to such an institution even under the age of 3 months).
  • Playgroups for children (Spielgruppe), where the child is only in the morning.
  • A full-fledged kindergarten where children from 3 to 6 years old spend the whole day.
  • Full-service kindergartens with both nurseries and groups for children from 1 to 6 years old.

There are also such concepts as day mothers, who perform the duties of screening children while parents are at work, and privately hired nannies.

3. According to the method of preschool education:

  • Regio Emilio education scheme. Kindergarten is perceived as a “city”, where everyone has their own functions. Every morning everyone receives certain tasks, and in the evening their completion is checked.
  • Integral education. In groups together there are ordinary children and children with special needs or some developmental disabilities.
  • Kindergarten on the farm. The format involves the development of the child in conditions close to natural. Children help grow vegetables, plant ornamental plants, and take care of pets.
  • Kindergarten in the forest or in nature. Another version of the eco-methodology aimed at familiarizing the child with nature. Children learn to take good care of the forest, spend a lot of time outdoors, master the basic skills of working with wood and other natural materials.
  • Montessori system. The child is taught the skills of independence and self-service.
  • “According to the rules of children”. Under the supervision of the educator, the children themselves can set certain rules in the group and follow them. The technique promotes the development of creative abilities and teaches children to be independent.

Each pre-school institution independently chooses the method of education according to which it will work. Parents can only choose a kindergarten that matches their ideas about education.

Meals in preschools in Germany

Children’s meals are not provided in German kindergartens. This should be taken care of by the parents themselves. As a rule, parents pass breakfast and snacks for the whole day along with the child. In a kindergarten, there is generally no such structural unit as a kitchen with cooks and attendants. Alternatively, you can order for your own money the delivery of food for a child from a nursing home. But no matter which option you choose, the child will, in fact, eat dry food in any case. There is no talk of any first and hot.

Daily routine in German kindergartens

Toddlers are accepted from 8 o’clock in the morning. Approximate schedule:

  • breakfast brought by parents;
  • diaper change every 5 hours or as needed;
  • educational games;
  • walk at 10:00;
  • lunch at 12. 30;
  • dinner nap;
  • parents must pick up the child before 14.00.

Children in the older groups are accepted from 7 o’clock in the morning. After breakfast (brought by parents), communication with the teacher begins, then there may be developmental activities and games. There are several game zones in the group:

  • area with toys – dolls, cars, soft toys, etc.;
  • reading area with shelves for children’s books;
  • “construction” corner – for games with blocks and constructors;
  • recreation area.

Children are taken out for a walk in the afternoon, and they walk until 4 p.m. until their parents pick them up. In bad weather conditions, children spend this time in the recreation area.

How much does kindergarten cost in Germany?

As you already understood, there is no single tariff or payment system in German kindergartens. The cost will differ even in the same city. Of course, each land has its own specific rules for calculating the value. Much depends on the type of kindergarten. Also, the following factors will have an impact on the cost for a particular family:

  • what type of preschool is it: private, public or mixed;
  • total family income;
  • number of children in the family;
  • length of stay of the child in the institution.

Now you know what to look for when choosing a kindergarten for your child in Germany.

See also:

  • Kindergartens in Germany
  • Early development: benefit or harm? Opinion of teachers and pediatricians
  • How children are raised in Germany: an ABC for parents around the world

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MBDOU No. 6 – Basic information

Basic information

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 6 – Child Development Center”

Abbreviated name:

Date of establishment of the educational institution: 1961


Powers of the founder are performed by: Department of Education of the Administration of the Sergiev Posad City District of the Moscow Region

Legal address of the founder: 141300, Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad, Red Army Avenue, 203v 9003

Working hours: Monday-Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00, Friday: 9.00 to 17.00, break: from 13.00 to 14.00.

Weekends: Saturday, Sunday.

Days and hours of visitors: Monday from 14. 00 to 18.00

Founder phone: reception 8(496)547-38-00

E-mail address of the founder: [email protected]

Official website:

Deputy Head of the City District Administration – Head of the Education Department:

Dudareva Olga Konstantinovna

Head of the preschool department of the department: Leikova Tatyana Alexandrovna

Phone: 8(496)547-42-84

Reception days and hours: Monday – 9.00 – 18.00

Municipal institution of the Sergiev Posad urban district

“Centralized accounting of municipal educational institutions”

Address: 141302, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, st. Karl Liebknecht, 9

Director: Soldatenkova Elena Ivanovna

Phone: 8 (496) 540 – 47-29

Kindergarten Payment Calculation Department

Phone: 8 (496) -541-35-39

Compensation Department

Phone: 8 (496) – 541-35-29


Legal and actual address of the educational institution:

141307 Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Pobedy street, 10. (1 branch)

1413007 Moscow region, Sergiev Posad city district, NIIRP, 2 (2nd branch)

Kindergarten website:

mosreg mail: sepo_mbdou_6@mosreg.