Family heritage definition: Family Heritage Definition | Our Everyday Life

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What Is Family Heritage? | Healthfully

One might wonder why the term family heritage does not carry a dictionary definition 23. Therefore, to understand family heritage it may be helpful to examine both words of the phrase. Both words have varying meanings, which could influence how family heritage may be defined.

Defining Family

The dictionary definition of the word family may carry several different meanings 23. The first meaning that is given refers to small groups of people, which usually consist of one or two parents and their children. The next definition of family refers to two people who live together and have long-term commitments to one another. The third dictionary definition of family defines it as anyone who lives under the same roof 23. Relating to heritage, family is defined as a group that is alike in that they are a part of the same lineage or class.

Defining Heritage

What Constitutes a Family?

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In relation to family, heritage refers to the term birthright. A birthright refers to the rights or privileges that one has because of being born in a certain family or nation. Family heritage may refer to property or monetary inheritance. Heritage generally refers to something handed down from the past.

  • In relation to family, heritage refers to the term birthright.
  • A birthright refers to the rights or privileges that one has because of being born in a certain family or nation.


Family heritage may also refer to a specific tradition or culture passed down throughout the ages. Unfortunately, this can also refer to “poverty and suffering” that belongs to one by reason of birth.

Aspects such as an individual’s material status in society may be largely influenced by clearly defined inherited rights and traits, which some cultures may use as a way to implement rank in their governmental systems. Nevertheless, family heritage may also refer to the qualities of “honor, pride and courage” passed down through generations.

  • Family heritage may also refer to a specific tradition or culture passed down throughout the ages.
  • Nevertheless, family heritage may also refer to the qualities of “honor, pride and courage” passed down through generations.

The Family Tree

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Those who are interested in their own family heritage may want to trace their genealogy by creating a family tree. A family tree is a chart that traces the ancestors and descendants of a family throughout history and identifies the relationship of one family member to another.

Cultural Differences

Different cultures often have varying opinions of their perception of family heritage. In England, for example, the idea of family heritage continues to remain intact as the royal family still sits upon the highest pinnacle of the governmental structure.

In the caste society of India, the group or place in society that a person belongs to has already been chosen for them at birth. In this culture a person’s station in life, the type of job they will have and who they will marry is decided by their socioeconomic status which is determined by their caste level.

  • Different cultures often have varying opinions of their perception of family heritage.
  • In the caste society of India, the group or place in society that a person belongs to has already been chosen for them at birth.

7 Ways to Teach Your Kids Their Family Heritage

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Growing up in my family meant Christmas dinners of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with flaming figgy pudding for dessert, all enjoyed while wearing paper crowns ripped from Christmas crackers. These were not just fun Christmas traditions, they were lessons in my family’s cultural heritage—my mother was born and raised in London, England.

In an effort to assimilate into the American way of life, many families have discarded their cultural customs in favor of new traditions. But learning about other countries and cultures is an important part of a child’s education and where better to start than with one’s own family.

In fact, researchers at Emory University discovered that kids are emotionally healthier and have a better sense of self if they’ve been taught about their relatives and their family history. “Family stories provide a sense of identity through time, and help children understand who they are in the world,” the researchers reported in their paper titled “Do You Know? The power of family history in adolescent identity and well-being.”

The population of first- and second-generation immigrant children continues to grow in the United States, and it’s important they be taught their families’ heritage in addition to their new country’s traditions. But even if you have to research your own lineage to discover your family’s country of origin, which may go back to many prior generations, it should be part your child’s education.

Here are some ways to teach your children about their own heritage.

1. Start with the Earlier Generations

Grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, and uncles who are originally from other parts of the world can offer a wealth of information about their native country. Suggest that your children interview these relatives, asking questions about where they grew up, the types of foods they ate, traditions they practiced, games they played, and the holidays they celebrated. Discuss which of these traditions your family might be able to carry on such as celebrating a national holiday.

2. Learn with Food

There are often specific types of foods associated with individual countries. An enjoyable way to learn about another country is to indulge in its most popular dishes. Teach your kids a favorite family recipe and you’ll make memories that could last a lifetime. Plus, cooking with your kids can be an unexpected learning opportunity. Or visit a restaurant that serves the types of food indigenous in the country that is part of your family’s history. As your kids enjoy the food, provide instruction on how it is prepared and eaten and, perhaps, some history on the origin of the meal.

3. Visit Cultural Festivals and Museum Exhibits

Many cities and towns in the U.S. hold cultural events celebrating a particular country or region, often around specific holidays such as Cinco de Mayo, Chinese New Year, and St. Patrick’s Day. These events offer an ideal way for kids to learn about a particular culture as they dance to the music, sample the food, and see native costumes on display. Many amusement parks and museums will feature cultural exhibits throughout the year, offering fun educational opportunities to learn about another country’s culture.

4. Incorporate Traditions

Whether you have first-hand information about your family’s cultural heritage or must go back to former generations, you can still incorporate some popular traditions for your family today. Research your family’s cultural roots and discover what practices might fit with your family’s lifestyle. It could be celebrating the country’s most popular holiday or incorporating customs into holidays that you already celebrate. Or choose one day to immerse your family into your chosen culture, serving the appropriate meals, speaking in that language (if appropriate and possible), and watching movies from that country.

5. Educate with Books and Movies

Many books are available to teach kids about other countries. Read to your younger kids from books with characters from the country of your family’s heritage and encourage your teenagers to choose books that describe the country’s culture and history. Have a family movie night featuring a movie that takes place in that country, and then discuss the differences and similarities when compared to your hometown.

6. Learn the Language

Parents who have emigrated from other countries are likely already teaching their kids their native language. But kids in later generations may not learn the language of their relatives. And that would be a loss as there are many benefits of learning other languages. If you have nearby relatives in your family who speak another language, take advantage of their linguistic skills, perhaps to complement a language class your child is taking in school.

7. Explore Your Family Tree

Not sure what your family’s origins are? Visit or a similar site to discover your own family tree. Even if you must go back many generations to learn what countries your family came from before arriving in the United States, it will be fun and educational to learn the cultures and histories of those nations.

If you are looking for more inspiration to dig into your family’s heritage, you might tune into PBS’s episodes of Finding Your Roots, in which Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. helps celebrities and others discover their hidden family histories.

Learning about their family’s heritage can provide kids with an important connection to their own identities and open up a new world into other cultures and traditions. Don’t let your family’s heritage slip away without teaching it to your children.

This post originally published in October 2014 and has been updated and republished.

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Published Nov 13, 2017

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Elizabeth Street

Elizabeth Street is a writer for Learning Liftoff. For the past 20 years, she has written newsletter and website content for nonprofit and corporate organizations on such topics as the plight of children of prisoners worldwide, the lack of prenatal care for mothers in developing countries, and child mentoring programs. She has a particular interest in the importance of providing all children with a quality education regardless of their family’s financial status or background. A native of Virginia, Elizabeth is a graduate of James Madison University and loves animals, with particular fondness for her two cats, Oscar and Emmy.

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    Inheritance of family values ​​in the process of preserving intangible cultural heritage | Archive


    DOI 10.34685/HI.2020.71.95.001

    Romanova D.Ya.

    Inheritance of family values ​​in the process of preserving intangible cultural heritage

    Annotation. The article emphasizes the importance of applying the axiological approach in the study of family and clan heritage as an integral part of the intangible cultural heritage. Special attention is paid to family values ​​in the context of state and public service.

    Key words: family values, intangible cultural heritage, traditions, religion.

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    In recent years, the study of intangible cultural heritage has gained great importance, the appeal to which is necessary for the preservation, inheritance and updating of socially significant values ​​in the socio-cultural space, the educational and educational process, in particular, in the preparation of future specialists – culturologists, historians and educators. The significance of the heritage was noted by experts at a meeting of the Council for Interethnic Relations, and Russian President Vladimir Putin declared 2022 the Year of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. In the context of the modern transformation of the institution of the family, interpersonal relations and the hierarchy of values ​​in the family, postmodern discourse, an axiological approach to the topic of family and ancestral heritage is extremely important as the basis for preserving the cultural memory of a person.

    This topic is also relevant in the context of the implementation of the “Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period up to 2030”. The text of the Strategy notes the following: “The weakening of the role of the family and family relations in the system of value orientations of citizens of the Russian Federation contributes to the fact that there is a gap recorded by sociologists of previously stable social ties (friendly, family, neighborly), as well as an increase in individualism and the number of divorces … All this does not contribute to the transfer from generation to generation of values ​​and norms, traditions and customs traditional for the Russian Federation, violates previously stable intergenerational ties in the transfer of cultural, ethnic traditions and knowledge…” [1].

    In this regard, the study of the mechanisms of inheritance of cultural memory in the context of intergenerational ties is of particular relevance. It is in the family as a conservative and ever-renewing public institution that the versatile development of the individual, the assimilation of values ​​and cultural norms, as well as the formation of a number of moral principles take place, including: reverence for ancestors, loyalty to one’s work, patriotism, responsibility, diligence and creativity, a sense of moral duty and the desire to benefit society and the country.

    Family values ​​are largely based on religious heritage, so it is especially important to unite the efforts of representatives of Russia’s traditional religions in this direction. In particular, this concerns the study by young people of ideas about the family in traditional religions, as well as their huge contribution to national culture. Modern studies note the spiritual and moral potential of traditional religions as a significant element in the development of socio-cultural life and human security in our country [2].

    It seems necessary to implement an interdisciplinary approach in studying the role of the family in the moral development of the younger generation, as well as the interaction of representatives of traditional religions in Russia in the process of popularizing family values. The family is currently the custodian of outgoing values ​​and the creator of new traditions. Modern scientific studies of the role of the family in the moral formation of the younger generation should become known to teachers working in schools, as well as representatives of public and religious organizations working in this direction.

    Appeal to family and ancestral heritage is important, in particular, for identifying and preserving specific forms of intangible cultural heritage, as well as for scientific support and the prospects for including events and research related to the promotion of images of representatives of all classes as a significant area of ​​cultural, family and youth policy. The continuity in the intangible cultural heritage is most clearly manifested in the activities of representatives of professional dynasties, which are “a historically established, relatively stable phenomenon that ensures the inheritance from generation to generation of the content of labor and traditions” [3]. Family values, reflected in literature, art, folk crafts, are one of the significant examples of the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.

    In his dissertation research “Problems of inheritance of cultural values ​​of the family in the era of depopulation”, M.G. Kuchmaev notes: “At present, value orientations are of particular importance for the numerous motives of the cultural activity of the family and its members, as well as for the nature and content of the activity itself . It should include:

    – social adaptation or, otherwise, the entry of the family and its members into the macro- and microsociety as independent subjects of social processes. At the same time, the family not only passively adapts to negative or other social phenomena, but also develops active forms of overcoming them, improving them and thus acting as a sociocultural community;

    – the solution of socio-cultural problems that allow the family to both survive in difficult social conditions and deepen the processes of self-organization, mutual assistance and mutual support, development of personal growth relationships … “[4].

    The development of the traditions of the socio-cultural community is necessary for the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage. The axiological approach allows one to critically comprehend its various aspects, selectively treat the issue of actualization (based on positive experience and search for moral dominants). Appeal to the traditions of state and public service is a separate aspect of the study of this type of heritage.

    As an example of the continuity of state and public service, we studied the Lopukhin family, which originated in 1022, whose moral and ethical principles were most clearly manifested in the conditions of global civilizational conflicts and turning points in their lives. The deep characteristics of the family and the desire for creation have always been preserved. Adherence to certain traditions was equally manifested both in internal conflicts and in external threats.

    Lopukhins’ name is associated with many places in Russia. In the future, it is planned to hold a number of memorial events dedicated to the iconic representative of the Lopukhin family – His Serene Highness Prince Peter Vasilyevich, an outstanding statesman, real Privy Councilor of the 1st class, Chairman of the State and Committee of Ministers of the Russian Empire, which he headed for the longest time in Russian history. He is known for his service in senior positions to four emperors of Russia from Catherine II to Nicholas I. Peter Vasilyevich participated both in lawmaking and in social service.

    The cultural and historical heritage of the clan was reflected, in particular, in architectural monuments (temples and estates). Such eminent architects as M.F. Kazakov, V.I. Bazhenov, J. Quarenghi, N.A. Lvov and other masters took part in their creation.

    Lopukhins were also known for their good deeds: they built schools, hospitals, shelters, patronized their activities. In the main inventory of the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery, kept in the funds of the Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art. Andrei Rublev, one can find multiple references to the donations of the Lopukhins [5].

    Currently, work is underway to systematize information about tangible and intangible objects of cultural heritage associated with representatives of this genus. This work will make it possible to update the theme of family values ​​in excursion routes and lectures, as well as other forms of educational work aimed at returning cultural and historical memory.

    Family values ​​as an integral part of intangible cultural heritage can become part of a national project. The historical and cultural experience of childbirth can be in demand at the present time in modern forms of social consciousness and education of the younger generation. The analysis of the axiological foundations of the intangible cultural heritage is inseparable from the study of the historical and modern culture of the family, which is experiencing a change in worldview paradigms in the face of civilizational challenges.


    [1] Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period up to 2030. Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2016 No. 326-r. pp. 13-14. – URL:
    P7f2xm.pdf (date of access: 02.10.2020).

    [2] Jump V.E. Spiritual and moral potential of traditional religions as an important element of human security / Skachok V. Yu., Petrovskaya L.Yu., Semenkova N.V., Menshugin R.V.0059 // Young scientist. – 2016. – No. 3 (107). – P.1117-1119. – URL: (date of access: 02.10.2020).

    [3] Cit. by: Levochkina A.V. Family traditions and career orientation in the formation of professional dynasties. – URL: (date of access: 02.10.2020).

    [4] Kuchmaev M.G. Problems of the inheritance of cultural values ​​in the era of depopulation: author. dis. … cand. kulturol. Sciences. 24.00.04 – Applied cultural studies. – M., 2000. – URL: (date of access: 02.10.2020).

    [5] Main inventory of the Spaso-Androniev monastery. 1910 (TsMiAR, KP 5998/3).

    © Romanova D.Ya., 2020.

    The article was received on September 29, 2020.

    Romanova Daria Yakovlevna,
    Candidate of Cultural Studies,
    Senior Researcher, Russian Research Institute D.S. Likhacheva (Moscow),
    e-mail: [email protected]

    Published: Journal of the Heritage Institute, 2020/3(22)

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    Cultural and historical heritage of the clan and family as one of the priorities of the modern state cultural policy of Russia



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    Romanova D. Ya.

    Cultural and historical heritage of the clan and family as one of the priorities of the modern state cultural policy of Russia The article focuses on the importance of studying the heritage of the clan as a component of the intangible cultural heritage. The cultural and historical heritage of the clan is proposed to be considered as an object of tourist activity, as well as scientific and local history research.

    Key words: clan, family, genealogy, intangible cultural heritage, values, traditions, family leisure, tourism activities, civilization.

    Open PDF file

    At the present time, when it is important to unite society in understanding the values ​​and traditions of Russian civilization, including the history of each family, each clan, it seems relevant to address the topic of the cultural and historical heritage of a particular person as an important component of intangible cultural heritage of the whole country.

    Genus and family represent a very special environment, a set and, in a certain sense, a hierarchy and sphere of existence of socio-cultural values ​​(when the life of generations is embodied in modern times and the contribution of the most prominent representatives of the family name to the formation of a specific cultural and historical environment is revealed). This aspect is important for the development of cultural aspects of genealogy and familiarizing the modern generation with the historical traditions of the culture of everyday life.

    Family tourism as a form of mastering the original cultural and historical heritage has a unifying value for representatives of different age categories. The heritage of the family, which is in the center of the formation of a special circle of sights and memorable places, has a significant educational, creative and patriotic potential.

    The living heritage of the family, preserved in the spiritual and intellectual space of the Russian city, is diverse. As an example, carriers of family values ​​living in the homes of their ancestors. In particular, in Moscow it is the estate of the Polezhaev-Zubovs (merchants, philanthropists), the house of the writer D.N. Teleshov. In general, this applies to temples, estates and residential buildings created with the participation of representatives of a particular family. In the process of addressing the fate of the ancestral heritage, it is also important to identify historical and family ties between the person and the place. These can be places associated with charitable, creative, educational activities or military service. It also includes contributions to monasteries and gifts of art and culture to museums. Family heritage should be the object of scientific and local history research, in which scientists, local historians and enthusiastic people who love their small homeland can participate.

    When considering issues of family heritage, an all-class approach to the traditions of service is important: noble, priestly, merchant, peasant families. Their heritage is a potential object of tourist activity, which involves inclusion in such a popular route as the Golden Ring, as well as in other tourist places in Russia. Of course, this direction is especially important for small towns. The creation and development of tourist and excursion routes on topics related to the history of specific people, families and clans will contribute to the actualization of intangible heritage and the popularization of unknown and little-known surnames. Such a direction is an educational form of family leisure, since it involves not only the objects related to the family business of people who lived in the past, but also the moral principles that permeated their way of life. Thus, the perception of a city or a rural settlement is formed through the prism of the history of a person, family and clan.

    In this regard, an excursion into the family memorial space may also be of interest – contact with legends, documents, epistolary heritage, relics stored in national treasuries and archives: the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, the Central State Archive of Moscow, the Russian State Library, the State historical museum and others. This is participation in meetings with representatives of families and clans that once belonged to various estates of imperial Russia, including with hereditary figures of culture and art. In the process of our educational project “A Living Legacy of Memory”, participants talk about the values ​​and traditions in the life of their family.

    It seems significant to divide the theme of the cultural and historical heritage of the clan and family into thematic blocks. That is, representatives of different clans and estates can be united by charity, sacrificial feat in the name of the Fatherland, values ​​and qualities that have been formed and transmitted over generations (everything that is higher than blood relationship – devotion to an idea, honor, loyalty to a given word, duty, patriotism and etc.) So, for example, the well-known noble family of the Lopukhins we are studying is an example of the diversity of types of service (among the representatives of this family there were statesmen, military leaders, educators, writers, builders of temples). The directions of their ministry were inextricably linked with the needs of a particular era.

    Another direction on the way of preserving and mastering the ancestral heritage in generations is thematic trips, lectures and master classes, within which special attention is paid to the topic of continuity, hereditary mastery and familiarization with the traditions of artistic heritage: technologies, crafts, handicrafts, transmitted from generation to generation. At the same time, continuity is revealed as a creative developing phenomenon.

    In his work “The Way to the All-Man. The world as a whole in the concept of culture of M.M. Prishvin” I.K. Kuchmaeva, referring to the cultural heritage of the writer, quotes M.M. in cuffs and cufflinks, but in kinship between all people” [1]. The topic of continuity and inheritance of the value world of culture is devoted to another book by I.K. Kuchmaeva – “Social patterns and mechanisms of inheritance of culture” [2].

    The study and popularization of the heritage of the family and clan is important for preserving the national memory of the people, which reflects the fate and participation of ancestors in national events, for maintaining the connection between the clan and civilization, family and collective historical memory. The expansion of research and educational work to study and disseminate knowledge about the cultural and historical heritage of the clan and family, as well as the inclusion of identified objects of the heritage of families and clans in tourist routes and local history activities, will undoubtedly become an important component in the system of updating the intangible cultural heritage of Russia.


    [1] Kuchmaeva I.K. The path to the all-man: The world as a whole in the concept of culture M.M. Prishvin. – M., 1997. – C.11.

    [2] Kuchmaeva I.K. Social patterns and mechanisms of culture inheritance. – M .: State. acad. Slavic culture, 2006. – 257 p.

    © Romanova D.Ya., 2018.

    The article was received on August 20, 2018.

    Romanova Daria Yakovlevna,
    PhD in Cultural Studies,
    Russian Research Institute
    cultural and natural heritage. D.S. Likhachev (Moscow),
    e-mail: [email protected]


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