Drooling at 3 months: Drooling and Your Baby – HealthyChildren.org

Опубликовано: February 28, 2023 в 11:35 pm


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Is My Baby Teething Or Is It Acid Reflux? | Parenting Blog | Babocush

The first few months of a baby’s life are filled with smiles and excitement, but there are also many occasions filled with tears. Two of the most common causes of those tears are teething and acid reflux.

Reflux in newborn babies is an ever-present occurrence after you feed them. At such an early age their oesophagus is not fully developed yet so it is common for some milk to come back up after they have swallowed it, also known as possetting. Acid reflux is a more uncomfortable and more serious form of this, which can lead to vomiting and weight loss. Symptoms include:

  • Vomiting regularly especially after feeding
  • A persistent cough or wheezing
  • Refusal to eat or difficulty eating (your baby may gag when you feed them)
  • Heartburn, gas, abdominal pain, or colicky behaviour

Acid reflux symptoms normally start to appear anywhere from 3 months but are often gone by the time your baby turns 1 year old.

Teething is the process whereby teeth push their way up through a baby’s gums. Most babies begin teething around 4 months old, although it can take longer than that for teeth to break through the gums. Teething symptoms include:

  •   Extreme discomfort, fussiness, and irritability.
  •   Drooling and putting things in their mouth.
  •   Nappy rash
  •   Hot temperature
  •   A nagging cough.

By the time your baby is 7 months old, they are likely to have at least one bottom tooth, with the top two teeth appearing shortly afterwards. Teething can last until a baby is 3 years old, by which time they should have all 20 of their primary teeth.

Unfortunately, teething can often occur while babies have symptoms of acid reflux. When reflux is combined with teething, there may be poor sleep, gagging, congestion, and an excessive amount of drooling. Some of the drool may be swallowed and cause an upset stomach, sour stomach, or more possetting.

The extra possetting and drooling can cause a rash to appear around the mouth, on the chin, and on the neck. Keeping a bib on, changing it often, washing and carefully drying the skin will help reduce the rash, which can appear to look very red and sore.

If your baby has acid reflux and is teething, it may be difficult to decide if they are uncomfortable because of just the reflux, the teething, or both. It is common for the doctor to recommend an over-the-counter pain relief medication, especially if your baby is suffering from a lack of sleep.

Keep in mind that pain relief medication may cause some stomach discomfort, so it is best to try some non-medical teething treatments first.

  •         Offer them something cold to chew on like a damp flannel.
  •         Rub their gums with a clean, cool finger.
  •         Try cold foods like yogurt if they are 6 months and older.
  •         Try a teething toy to chew on.

At Babocush we know all about how struggles with reflux in babies can seem very stressful and that is why our babocush cushion is designed to help.

The babocush helps prevent reflux and colic by holding your baby securely just like you do, on their tummy, and has the extra comfort of gentle vibrations and a heartbeat sound for added relaxation. This gives you both the chance to catch your breath because reflux is exhausting for both parent and baby.

Related blogs:

What is reflux in babies?

What to expect when your baby is teething

Common questions about teething at 3 months, answered

Can your baby be teething at 3 months old? While most infants get their first teeth between 4 and 6 months old, it’s still perfectly normal for teeth to erupt sooner. In fact, although rare, babies can actually be born with teeth!

It’s not unusual for teething symptoms to begin at 3 months old. And when it starts, you’ll likely observe the same side effects: excessive drooling, chewing or gnawing on fists or toys, crankiness and lack of sleep (as if that’s not already an issue!). You might even see a little tooth bud weeks or even months before anything erupts. But, what if teeth actually come in at this age?

“If an infant is getting teeth at three months, it is likely due to heredity and what the child may be doing with the mouth,” says Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP, CIMI and author of “Nobody Ever Told Me (or My Mother) That!” For example, “if the child is doing a lot of biting and chewing on fingers and toys, teeth may emerge early,” she adds.

Parents and caregivers dealing with their baby’s new pearly whites often have questions about how that cute new grin can affect things like breastfeeding or starting solid foods. Here are a few answers to ease your concerns:

Is my baby in pain? What can I do to help?

How your little one deals with teething really depends on them. According to Danelle Fisher, MD, pediatrician and vice chair of pediatrics at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif., “[Teething] can take weeks to months and can cause some babies a great deal of pain where others take it in stride. ” Topical anesthetics are tempting to caregivers who want to help ease the baby’s discomfort, but Dr. Fisher and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warn this isn’t a good idea.

“Parents should avoid any product such as gel with the ingredient bupivacaine or lidocaine in it, as these can be dangerous for children less than one year of age, causing a blood disorder,” says Dr. Fisher. “[Your] baby can use a teething ring with liquid or gel inside that has been refrigerated (the freezer is too cold). Also, some natural remedies or homeopathic remedies can help.”

Nevertheless, consult your pediatrician if these remedies don’t seem to do the trick.

How will teething affect my breastfeeding?

Some moms’ first inkling that their baby is teething comes with a firm and unexpected clamp down on their breast. Whether it happens when he’s teething at 3 months or later down the road, it will happen eventually. Congrats, you’re officially a teething toy!

A rude awakening, for sure, but your natural reaction is actually the best solution for your little chomper: Take him off the breast with a firm, “Ouch!” or, as Dr. Fisher suggests, “No bite!” before letting him resume feeding. It may happen several times, even before his teeth fully emerge, but it will work. Be sure to use the same words and tone each time so he knows you’re serious. If you continue to experience breastfeeding problems you believe are connected to teething, Bahr suggests seeing a lactation consultant.

If you were planning to breastfeed only until your baby’s teeth erupt, however, speak to your pediatrician about how to wean successfully and what type of formula is best for him.

Does early teething mean early solids?

Although there’s some conflicting research of late, the AAP still suggests starting your baby on solids at no younger than 6 months old. Those early teeth do cause her to chew more, but her little belly isn’t quite ready for solid food. Provide lots of safe toys to nibble on and keep an eye out for signs she’s ready for solids.

Will early teething affect mouth development?

Bahr says, “Parents should take the child to a pediatric dentist to evaluate the health and development of early emerging teeth. ” She cautions that some activities and issues can affect development, too. “Excessive pacifier use and thumb-sucking [that goes beyond 10 months] can inhibit the developmental mouthing and teething process.” Bahr has an extensive interview on her website that delves into mouth development during the baby’s first year and how to avoid common problems.

A special note for parents and caregivers who bottle-feed or use pacifiers: While your baby is teething, keep an eye out for nipple wear. Babies often gnaw on the nipples of their bottle/pacifier, and the tip can become separated and pose a choking hazard. If there is any noticeable wear on either, replace it right away.

This article is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be providing medical advice and is not a substitute for such advice. The reader should always consult a health care provider concerning any medical condition or treatment plan. Neither Care.com nor the author assumes any responsibility or liability with respect to use of any information contained herein.

Oral halitosis – causes and prevention

Halitosis, or halitosis, is bad breath. This is not an independent disease, but only a symptom indicating other pathologies. The main ailment is not necessarily associated with an unhealthy oral cavity – the cause may be various painful conditions that cause the reproduction of anaerobic microflora. The product of their vital activity is sulphurous volatile compounds, which have a characteristic unpleasant odor.

It should be remembered that masking the smell with mints or chewing gum is not the best way out. It is necessary to identify the exact causes in order to cope with the manifestation and not only eliminate discomfort, but also prevent other complications of the disease.


Halitosis is general and local. In the first case, it is associated with dysfunction of the internal organs, in the second – with the state of the oral cavity. The main causes of local halitosis include:

  • violation of the rules of oral hygiene, accumulation of bacterial plaque and the formation of hard dental deposits;
  • single and multiple caries – superficial, medium, deep;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease;
  • pulpitis, glossitis, cheilitis, gingivitis;
  • alveolitis, peri-implantitis, pericoronitis, etc.

These are the so-called intraoral causes. For example, braces or orthopedic structures should be carefully maintained to prevent the accumulation of pathogenic microflora.

General halitosis can be associated with extraoral causes: diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive tract, intestinal dysbacteriosis, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys. In addition, it occurs with endocrine pathologies – diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis.

Many ailments cause a change in the composition and viscosity of saliva, the volume of its production. Insufficient hydration of the mucous membranes contributes to a decrease in protective functions. If there are no obvious symptoms of dental disease, it is important to see a general practitioner or specialist to find out the cause of bad breath.

A separate category of reasons is the use of medications that cause changes in the composition of saliva or are accompanied by side effects such as dry mouth.

Common drugs with this effect are antibiotics, antiviral drugs, drugs for the treatment of chemical addictions, drugs to normalize heart rhythm and blood pressure. In this regard, dry mouth and halitosis associated with a change in the composition of saliva are often found in older age groups – older people who constantly take many drugs.

Types of halitosis

There are the following types of halitosis:

1. True. Such halitosis is felt both by the person himself and by others. There are two subspecies of true halitosis:

  • physiological – an unpleasant odor that is observed in the morning, after waking up;
  • pathological – occurs regardless of conditions, usually associated with diseases of the oral cavity or internal organs. In accordance with the causes of occurrence, it is divided into oral and extraoral. nine0012

2. Pseudogalitosis. In this case, the person himself feels the smell, which does not cause inconvenience to others, since it is not intense.

3. Halitophobia – an alarming condition of a person about an imaginary smell from the mouth.

Morning bad breath is due to the fact that saliva production decreases at night, microorganisms multiply on the root of the tongue. If after hygiene procedures the smell disappears, this is considered a variant of the norm and does not require treatment.

Symptoms and manifestations

If halitosis occurs exclusively in the morning and disappears after brushing your teeth, we are talking about the physiological nature of the symptom. At night, saliva production decreases and anaerobic microflora actively reproduces. After waking up and hygiene procedures, the unpleasant odor disappears, and this condition is the norm.

Pathological bad breath is observed, including after brushing your teeth. It can be different, the nature of halitosis is determined by the causes. So, a purulent smell can be observed with periodontal disease and pharyngitis, the smell of acetone – with diabetes mellitus, dehydration, the smell of ammonia – with liver dysfunction and diffuse toxic goiter, a sour smell – with fungal lesions of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx. In addition, it is possible to suggest the cause of the appearance of this symptom by the symptoms that accompany halitosis:

  • bleeding gums – with periodontitis, periodontal disease, aphthous stomatitis, etc.;
  • tooth mobility, the appearance of periodontal pockets – with periodontal disease;
  • white or yellowish plaque on the oral mucosa – with candidiasis, stomatitis;
  • darkening of enamel areas in the area of ​​the gum line – with hard dental deposits;
  • an increase in the volume of the gingival papillae between the teeth, looseness of the gums – with gingivitis;
  • nine0011 pain and swelling of the mucous membrane of the tongue – glossitis, etc.

If there are no other symptoms besides halitosis itself, or non-specific manifestations are present, there is a possibility of systemic pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases or endocrine disorders. Therefore, it is important to visit not only the dentist, but also the general practitioner.

Treatment principles for halitosis

Diagnosis of halitosis necessarily includes an examination by a dentist. This is necessary to confirm or exclude dental pathologies. The dentist-therapist will interview the patient, examine the oral cavity, recommend sanitation, if necessary.

Today, a halitometer is used to assess the severity of bad breath. This device allows you to measure sulfur compounds, assign an unpleasant odor from 0 to 4 points. The halitometer works on the principle of gas chromatography. For diagnosis, it is enough for the patient to blow into the tube.

Basic principles of treatment:

  • Professional cleaning: removal of tartar and soft plaque. The professional hygiene course should also include the removal of subgingival tartar. nine0012
  • Treatment of diseases of the oral cavity: treatment of caries, inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes and gums, extraction of teeth that cannot be restored, etc.
  • Elimination of foci of infection, including wisdom teeth in case of difficult, insufficient eruption, even when they still do not cause discomfort.
  • Dieting: refusal of specific products, nutrition correction.
  • Compliance with hygiene recommendations: selection of a toothbrush of the right stiffness, suitable toothpaste and rinse, training in flossing. It is necessary to learn the methods of carrying out hygiene procedures, including the proper cleaning of the tongue. nine0012

If halitosis does not go away after the measures taken, it is likely that a consultation with a general practitioner and / or other narrow specialists will be required. In good physical health, the patient may be referred to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Medicines and folk remedies against halitosis

Drug treatment of local halitosis is based on the causes. If foci of infection or carious cavities were the source of an unpleasant odor, then halitosis disappears on its own after sanitation of the oral cavity. You can also cope with the problem with the help of antiseptics, they contribute to the suppression of pathogenic microflora, participate in the prevention of recurrence of inflammatory diseases. Antiseptic rinse solutions are best chosen on the recommendation of a specialist.

If the cause of the unpleasant odor was infectious diseases of the gums and mucous membranes, the doctor will prescribe local preparations: ointments, gels for application or applications. The dentist will determine the nature of the infection and prescribe a drug with an antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal effect.

Combined products also contain other components – to relieve itching, burning, pain and eliminate halitosis. With severe inflammation, systemic antibiotic therapy may be required: antibiotics, fungicidal drugs, powerful antiviral and immunomodulatory agents.

In cases where orthodontic and orthopedic constructions contribute to halitosis, the dentist-therapist will refer to a narrow specialist. With the orthodontist, you can discuss the prospects for choosing an alternative method of correcting the bite. A visit to an orthopedic dentist is necessary for the correction of dentures or structures, as well as their replacement.

With periodontal disease, the course of treatment can be complex and rather complicated, including the removal of subgingival dental deposits, splinting and other measures. A periodontist can help you manage the root cause of bad breath and prevent complications.

Many patients are interested in how to cure halitosis at home. It is important to remember that the use of traditional medicine methods must be agreed with a specialist; dentists do not recommend self-medication.

One of the relatively safe methods include rinsing with infusions of herbs. Decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, sage have an antiseptic effect. Remember: the solution should be warm, in no case should you rinse your mouth with a hot solution, this is fraught with burns.

As folk remedies, you can resort to the use of certain products that contribute to fresh breath. These include the following:

  • apples, carrots, pears;
  • watermelon, rosemary;
  • fresh herbs – parsley, mint, basil.

Finely grated ginger root is also able to cope with unpleasant odors. Consider allergic reactions when choosing foods – choose your own diet based on preferences and individual characteristics.

Preventive measures

Prevention can help prevent the development of halitosis: it is important to visit the dentist regularly, treat oral diseases in a timely manner, and undergo professional teeth cleaning twice a year.

Prevention of halitosis also includes following the recommendations of individual oral hygiene. These include the following:

  • Selection of a toothbrush with a suitable degree of bristle hardness. People with periodontal disease – with soft, those who are prone to the formation of a large amount of soft plaque – with hard, but only if the enamel is strong, there is no increased sensitivity of the teeth. The middle one suits everyone else. You need to change your toothbrush every 1-3 months. nine0012
  • Use of a non-abrasive toothpaste to prevent micro-damage to the enamel and increase the risk of developing dental disease.
  • Use of dental floss and mouthwash after each meal.
  • Refusal of bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol, a lot of tea and coffee.
  • Drinking enough water – to prevent dry mouth and adequate moisture of the mucous membranes. nine0012

In case of chronic diseases of the internal organs, it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of complications, to take therapy according to the doctor’s recommendations.

If you have bad breath, you can contact the dentists of the STOMA clinics. The high qualification of our specialists, as well as modern equipment, will help to quickly identify the cause of the symptom and prescribe an effective treatment.


  • Temkin E. S., Churikova A. S. Halitosis — modern diagnostic methods and their prospects // Volgograd Journal of Medical Scientific Research. – 2018. – No. 3. – S. 15−18.
  • Khitrov V. Yu., Zabolotny AI Halitosis is a medical and social problem // Practical Medicine. – 2009. – No. 1 (33). — S. 13−17.
  • Suyunova M.Kh. Everything about halitosis: diagnosis, treatment and prevention // Bulletin of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Chelyabinsk Region. – 2016. – No. 4 (15). — pp. 68–77.
  • nine0021

    drooling in almost 4 years



    11.12.2010 14:47

    My son is 3 years old 10 months old, almost constantly drooling – we go to the garden, he speaks beautifully, developed by age, but drooling!!! – it’s just a disaster – constantly wet T-shirts and jackets from them, the child is uncomfortable, and it looks like a 4-year-old is already somehow not very … – what could it be – suddenly someone came across something like this, clarify to whom go with it – were at the pediatrician and the dentist – they say it will pass with time . ..

    loving mother

    12/11/2010 15:39

    We have this… The child is already 4.5 years old 🙁 The speech therapist said something more or less interesting for the first time. inactive tongue and drooling may be related to the problem of the first cervical vertebra Neurologist’s consultation is needed Planned soon

    Bruni ***

    12/11/2010 15:44

    If this is not neurology, then there may be problems with the muscles of the tongue and the small palate. Corrected by exercise. nine0003


    12.12.2010 00:58

    can you tell me the exercises? By the way, you came to us and we liked it very much 🙂 now we have been studying with a speech therapist for 1.5 years, the child started talking, but the drooling has already overcome .. and no one and nothing .. and we are leaving for a long time to another country ..

    k_snezhana V. I.P.

    12.12.2010 09:21

    Exercises are selected depending on the condition of the muscles of the tongue. Ask your current speech therapist about exercises to strengthen the small palate, she should show. Good luck with the move! nine0003


    12/16/2010 14:54

    Thank you! the speech therapist showed a place under the chin and said to massage counterclockwise or under the tongue (which is unlikely for me to succeed 🙂 but, however, she said that for the first time she hears that this can get rid of saliva 🙂

    k_snezhana V.I.P.

    12/11/2010 18:00

    3 years and 3 months – the same problems. The speech therapist sent me to a neurologist, the neurologist to the ENT (she didn’t see any problems, she suggested that there might be adenoids). I will look for another neurologist, because. I believe that the dog is buried there. On the other hand, drugs will most likely be prescribed, but we would not want this … In general, we are in the process. nine0003

    Musyachos V.I.P.

    16.12.2010 16:35

    is entitled to this “problem” on average, passes by 5 years.

    Sorcerer-Baba C.S.

    12/17/2010 09:17

    wondering why he has the right to be up to five years??? And where does she come from? Are you from your own experience Ali so7 ??? I also heard enough here, and then I took my head, because. they don’t get through. Because because of saliva and muscle weakness, the first is problems with speech therapy, full porridge in the mouth. I immediately found a speech therapist and a neurologist. nine0003

    Nicole V.I.P.

    12/17/2010 14:56

    Peculiarities of differences between children and adults. Children begin to chew qualitatively from the age of 4. And it is easier for them to inhale a foreign object. Therefore, most of the recommendations regarding certain products that require high-quality chewing and are easily inhaled, small details, and the course of the disease are based on the age of 4-5 years. Have you been to the ENT, did you have an endoscopy? What about the dentist? Here is first of all.

    Sorcerer-Baba C.S. nine0003

    17.12.2010 18:15

    we visited ENTs and dentists. And also everyone thought, then teeth, then snot. And lived to dysarthria. Did you have a child under 5 years of drooling, and then suddenly disappeared??? Or where did you read such a vague theory?

    Nicole V.I.P.

    12/16/2010 20:29



    12/17/2010 14:39

    Homeopaths treat such a problem as an individual feature of a person. I know a man who, when he relaxes and forgets, at 36 almost also drools. He controls himself in public. Relaxes only in the circle of close people. nine0003

    Annie *

    12.12.2010 15:01

    Girls, thank you all – now it became clear who we still need to visit – a speech therapist and a neurologist. We live in Moscow Region (Dmitrov) – we have a very bad situation with children’s specialists – please advise, please, good, trusted doctors in Moscow. Thanks in advance.


    12.12.2010 15:23

    Eliseev is a good neurologist in Semashko.


    12/17/2010 09:14

    In neuromed – Zaitsev. Itself here searched half a year ago for the good neurologist. Let’s go for the second time, I don’t want to go anywhere else. And saliva is the weak muscles of the tongue, strengthened by exercises. Our speech therapist quickly removed them. And this is neurology, because. weak muscles are the same.