Daycares in bowling green kentucky: daycare schools for Kids in the Bowling Green, KY area

Опубликовано: January 29, 2023 в 7:15 pm


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Day Care Centers Site

More and more in today’s world both parents have employment and need suitable day care centers for their children. These early stages in a child’s life are very important to their growth and development. Choosing a good child day care center is vital, one where the adult won’t just plunk your children down in front of a soap opera all day and feed them Top Ramen. You should look for day care centers that provide learning programs and playtime for your child, along with a safe and healthy environment. 

There are many different types of day care centers, ranging from basic nurseries to preschools that will provide more of a learning environment for your children. Some day care centers specialize in a specific age range, while others are more open. When you’re contemplating placing your child in a specific day care center, you should visit each one with your child. In this way, you can see how your child reacts to the other children who are there and to the caregiver. You want your child to be happy and comfortable.

While some day care centers provide a greater variety of activities than others, any good day care center is going to encourage positive interaction among all of the children. They will also have rules that promote good behavior, learning, manners, and child development. You certainly don’t want to have to worry that your child is going to develop bad habits from day care.

Our Most Recent Additions to the Child Care Provider Directory

Wee Care Three

809 Coldwater Rd
Murray, KY 42071
Phone Number: (270) 759-5425
Providing the child care and day care services:Day Care Center / Nursery, Child Care Provider


While you don’t need to go overboard in choosing suitable day care centers, you should approach the subject seriously and with thought. Your child is going to be spending a good-sized portion of his or her life in day cares and you want to make sure it is going to be a positive experience. Family is the most important thing in the world and you should make sure that your children are your first priority.
When you are considering a day care center, you should look at where it is located and how much it costs. There’s not much sense in putting your son or daughter in daycare so that you can work full time and spending most of what you earn on the day care center’s tuitions and your travel expenses. If that’s the case, you might as well stay home with your child. However, if you do truly need the money, there are usually plenty of day care services available and it shouldn’t be too difficult to find one close by that is reasonably priced. 

Different Kinds of Child day Care Centers

While child day care centers are common, there is such a huge demand for this service that there are now quite a variety of options available other than basic day care. These include the following:

  • Home child care or family childcare
  • Child care services
  • Preschool
  • Nursery

Home child care tends to be the most popular option because it is generally more affordable and a smaller environment. While some day care centers are quite large and can provide better early childhood education, it is also more difficult for each child to receive personal attention. Day care centers that are based out of someone’s home are usually more personal and your child can receive more care and nurturing. Most parents want their children to be receiving love and affection, the care that they themselves would give them. They don’t want a day care business that is merely going to make sure that their child is still alive and adequately healthy.

Home child care providers are also more adaptable, generally speaking. This means that if your child likes a certain song sung to them before they take their nap each day, the home care provider is more likely to be willing to do that than someone in a larger day care facility. Most adult home child care providers are parents themselves, making them better able to understand and love your child.

Other Things to Think About

One of the first steps you should take after picking out a family day care center that you think will be suitable for your child is do a little investigating. This can involve talking to the parents of the other children that use the child day care center to see what they think about it. You should also always check to make sure the child care service you are considering is legally licensed to operate in your state. Licensing officials check criminal records and ensure that the child care provider has emergency response training and a safe and healthy environment for the children.
As mentioned earlier, it is a good idea to visit the child day care center that you are considering. You should do this at least a couple of times, and try to go at different times of the day so that you can get a better idea of what kind of schedule they have. This will help you to see how your own child would fit in.
If you are having difficulties finding the appropriate child care environment for your son or daughter, there are some other options. Some people get family and friends to help out, while others hire a nanny. Adult nannies are a good option because they ensure that your child receives personal attention and quality child care. However, this also means that your child will not receive as much social interaction since he or she won’t have other children to play with like in a family day care center.

No matter what option you decide to go with, make sure that you know who you are leaving your child with.  Meet them, get to know them, and let your child do the same. Do some research on the internet to make sure that no one has had negative experiences with the day care center you are considering. Check to make sure that they are legally licensed. Once you have done all of this, you can feel more confident and secure in knowing that you have chosen the right day care center for your child.

Switching Day Care Centers

Choosing Another Child Care Provider

So you want to switch day care providers for your kids but you don’t know where to start or what to choose among the plethora of options out there in this world. It is fittingly one of the most important decisions of a young parent’s journey due to the fact that a child’s first formative years up until the age of six is critical. It is important for parents to not just consider the monetary impact of these choices but also the emotional, intellectual, and social future impacts the choice of a day care provider will have on their kids in the long term future. So let’s discuss some general tips to consider for the parent and the child to consider when one is looking to switch day care providers within a short time frame.

First, you must consider the cost of attending some of the more prestigious and rigorous day care provider centers in your area. In some areas, let’s face the reality that the more money per month per child spent; the better the facilities and the educational value experience offered for your child. Things such as using smart boards and I Pad’s to enhance the learning experience is a very real possibility in these places. However, if a parent is budget conscious they can still afford this experience but it would mean cutting back on all or most non-necessity spending. This would include curbing your eating out habits as well as any leisure entertainment or travel activity and place that money instead into your child’s future day care home. If an expensive day care sees that you are making an effort to keep up with the payments; then they will be more willing to work with you and not let your child leave that place. For a child going to this environment, they need to consider whether or not they will fit into this environment, things like playtime, feeding time, and individual care of the staff- is it received well by the child? These will make the difference between choosing these ones or a cheaper alternative. Cheaper is not all bad if the quality and availability of care is there for your child in the first place.

Secondly, you need to consider your travel times and distance of day care relative to your work and other important places like the hospital, grocery store, bank, and places that you frequent on a daily basis. Is it near enough that you can get to your child should he/she become ill or need special attention so that the day care center can contact you and arrange a meeting with you the same day if needed.

Furthermore, you need to consider the overall cleanliness and friendliness of the day care center provider. Do not underestimate a clean environment for your kid to play and learn in with other kids. Your kid will enjoy making new friends in a clean and safe environment. Plus you as a parent will enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your child will not be being home any unwanted germs and diseases into your house. Parents must also consider if there is a dispute over payment and care; how does the management and staff deal with such requests? If there is a lackadaisical approach to your core issues; then that is a bad prelude of things to come concerning your child’s care. Your child will probably feel like he/she is being neglected or not fed on time and will start to complain to you ever so slightly that something is not right. When they do, do not hesitate to take them out of that day care center and find another one immediately.

In a recessionary economy, it is okay and permissible for both parents and kids to demand the best care for their dollar. Make your day care dollar stretch by reading all of the material and brochures and visiting every day center on your list until you find that perfect fit for your child. It’s out there; it is just waiting on you to find it!

Child Care Options for Low Income Families

One of the most frustrating aspects of being a working citizen is not having the ability to afford childcare. The majority of day care facilities charge as much as $300 per week for each child. That amount is difficult for middle-class citizens to pay. Low-income families cannot fathom paying such an expense. Luckily, the government and the various states have developed programs that help low-income families get the childcare they deserve. The following is some information on those programs:

Extended Day Program

The extended day program can assist low-income working parents during the regular school year. Many school districts offer this program. The school keeps children before and after school hours for a small monthly fee. A parent can drop a child off as early as 7:00 a.m. and pick the child up as late as 6:00 p.m. This program is excellent for low-income workers with daytime weekday jobs. The cost is approximately $150 per month for before and after school. The weekly rate is approximately $37.50, which is extremely competitive.

The attendants participate in various activities with the children before and after school. They help the children with their homework so that the parents have less stress when they come home from work. They give the children a full breakfast in the morning program and a snack in the evening program. Parents can opt to pay for the morning program only, the evening program only, or both programs. The evening program is the more expensive of the two because it lasts so many hours after the school releases the children. The evening program is $100 while the morning program is $52.

The Child Care Assistance Program

CCAP is a special program that provides childcare assistance to certain low-income families. People who are collecting TANF are automatically eligible to receive this assistance. Teenage parents who are working on obtaining their educations are also eligible for CCAP. Those who are not collecting TANF can still qualify if they are pursuing education that will improve their work skills and job opportunities. Parents can apply for CCAP assistance with the Department of Children & Family Services. The financial guidelines for qualification are along the lines of a $3,000 per month income threshold for a four-person family. The applicant must have proof of income, social security cards, birth certificates, and immunization records for all children. Application processing can take up to 30 days.

Head Start

Head start is a program for children between the ages of three and five. The program provides childcare services and medical services to the children who qualify. It is funded by the Administration of Children’s Services. The Head Start program covers childcare from 7 a. m. to 5 p.m. Teachers work with the children to fine-tune their social and developmental skills. Those who are interested in the program may apply online. Applicants go on a waitlist until there is an available slot in the program. It is best for an interested person to complete an application as quickly as possible since the wait may be extended.

Child Care Voucher Program

The Child Care Voucher Program is in effect in many states throughout the United States. It provides a subsidy of up to 95 percent of childcare cost to low-income families. Subsidy recipients will choose an eligible provider from the list of licensed providers. They may also select a relative or an in-home provider. The Child Care Voucher Program covers the childcare from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday. This is known as the traditional childcare period. However, the program also covers non-traditional times for parents who work odd shifts. It covers nights, weekends, and evenings.

A wide variety of options is available for low-income childcare. Many stay-at-home moms also run small day care businesses in which they discount their services. There is a way to make working and taking care of your children affordable.

Kentucky parents looking for child care run into waitlists

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — As more Kentuckians return to the office, child care services across the Bluegrass state are filling up quickly and it’s leaving parents scrambling.

What You Need To Know

  • Kentucky parents experiencing long waitlists at day care centers 
  • Klondike Kindercare in Louisville waitlist 3 months to 18 months at some locations
  • The location on Klondike Lane has around 40 names on waitlist
  • Daycare leaders predict this problem will not be going away anytime soon

Kira Meador is a parent and the owner of Toza in Louisville, and she said child care is hard to come by in her area.

“We’ve joked many times that like were just like a desert for child care,” she said.

Working Kentucky parents like Kira and Johnathan Meador are scrambling to find affordable child care for their kiddos, which is making their day to day lives even more unpredictable.

“The main reason that we need child care is that I otherwise I have to take my child to work for me,” Meador said.

Kira and her husband are owners of Toza in the Germantown neighborhood of Louisville. She said the task of being a mom, a small-business owner and round-the-clock day care care provider isn’t easy.

“I can’t do it with a toddler in tow, and so I’m hoping to find something just to give a hand,” Meador said.

While waitlists are common with child care centers, Paige Wilkerson, Assistant Director for Klondkie Kindercare, said the length of wait is longer now.

“In between our five centers, our waitlists go anywhere from three months to 12-18 months just depending on the age and location of the center,” Wilkerson explained.

Waitlists and affordable options are what new parents and working families are juggling in an effort to keep their jobs.

“I’ve got like a solid range between $750 and $1200 a month and that is for day care centers, not private child care,” Meador said.

“It truly takes a village to raise a child and we know that, and our parents know that. And I think this pandemic really helped magnified that,” Wilkerson said.

The location on Klondike Lane has 103 children enrolled this summer with a waitlist 40 names long.

“Some people are only getting a week or two weeks notice before they have to go back to the office and that only gives them a week or two to find child care,” Wilkerson said.

Daycare leaders predict this problem will not be going away any time soon, leaving Kentuckians with a significant challenge.

“It is difficult and you don’t want to turn anyone away, you don’t want to tell anyone no or we don’t have room here so we’re doing the best that we can,” Wilkerson said.

Overall, Meador is hoping in the future the state will provide more support to families that are struggling to find adequate child care.

“I really think there needs to be considerations made for universal child care because that would completely eliminate stressors like mine,” Meador said.

Spectrum News 1 reached out to several day cares in the state who all say they’re at capacity or close to it now.

90,000 The police arrested the famous goalkeeper – the winner of the Stanley Cup and the 2002 Olympic champion. He drunk ransacked a hotel in Kentucky

A photo

January 29, 2020

This is not the first incident involving a star goalkeeper.

The owner of the Stanley Cup and a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, a student of Vladislav Tretiak, the famous former goalkeeper Eddie Belfort on January 28 was arrested by police in Kentucky. According to the police report, Belfort was in a state of alcoholic intoxication, the degree of which was so high that he posed a danger to others, reports “Championship”
citing NBC Sports.

The police were called by one of the hotel guests, who saw that Belfort tried to fight with one of the hotel employees and hit the glass. When the police arrived at the scene, they saw that the former goalkeeper tore a curtain rod out of the wall, brandished it and kicked the spa door with his feet. Police officers detained Belfour and sent him to the Warren County Jail.

Belfour is now 54 years old. He won the Stanley Cup in 1999 with Dallas and won gold at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics with Team Canada. Inducted into the NHL Hall of Fame in 2011. He is currently ranked fourth on the list of most winning goaltenders in NHL history.

Belfort has had a history of alcohol and delinquency incidents before. In March 2000, he was arrested on charges of resisting the police. Law enforcement officers tried to detain the goalkeeper after he molested a woman working at the hotel while intoxicated. After the woman left, Belfort got angry and attacked the guard. When the police arrived, Belfort refused to let them in and they were forced to use pepper spray. According to police testimony, the former hockey player begged officers not to take him to jail, first offering $100,000 and then raising the price to a billion. He also pushed and spit on policemen. Belfort later pleaded guilty to resisting arrest and received a two-year suspended sentence, during which he had to visit local high schools twice and educate students about the dangers of alcohol abuse.

In 2007, at a bar in Miami Beach while he was playing for Florida, Ed Belfour got in trouble again. After the establishment’s security guards asked the police to force the drunken Belfort to leave, he pushed the officer and tried to avoid being caught. As a result, he was arrested on charges of resisting an officer and hooliganism. He was awarded 20 hours of community service.

Last year, Ed Belfour and his son Dane launched the Belfour Spirits whiskey line. One limited edition of the drink is bottled, the cork of which is made in the form of a replica of the Stanley Cup and is made of pure silver. This series was made in honor of winning the tournament in 1999 with Dallas.

Photo: DELUCA, Louis / Digital Image, Bowling Green Police Department, Brian Elledge,

prices, reviews, addresses of bowling centers, rating 2023

Gaboeva Bella
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

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Pitsun Zhanna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuzminki, 1001 tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

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Metelskaya Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Satosova Daria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Voykovskaya, 1001 tour

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Bazyleva Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Skobelevskaya street, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Babicheva Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

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Kostenko Christina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Otradnoe, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Kosareva Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belyaevo, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Gurzhapova Leila
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

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Khlynova Polina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

VDNH, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Dmitrova Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour

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Weimer Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001



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Zmerzlyuk Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

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Vlasova Anzhelika
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station U River, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Moskvina Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

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Derbina Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

VDNH, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Eskina Alla
+7 (495) 725 1001



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Tabagua Diana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuznetsky most, 1001 tour

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Timofeeva Inna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

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Brilenkova Ksenia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

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Yulia Naumova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Taganskaya, 1001 tour

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Kutepova Diana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krasnogvardeiskaya Vegas, 1001 tour

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Anna Polivanovskaya
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Ramenki, 1001 tour

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Severina Inna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

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Antonova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

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Bodaeva Ludmila
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Zhulebino, 1001 tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

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Afanasyeva Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv, 1001 tour

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Mikhail Tkach
+7 (495) 725 1001



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Julia Pavlikova
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Pegas

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Lukmanova Renata
+7 (495) 725 1001


Southwest, 1001tour/Pegas

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Yaremenko Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001



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Maksimov Pavel
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

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Alena Garshina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

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Volkova Victoria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

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Samarina Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001


New Cheryomushki, 1001tour/Pegas

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Osipova Inessa
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Skobelevskaya street, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Naldina Kira
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novogireevo, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Sorokina Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

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Keshishyan Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Vykhino, 1001 tour

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Potapova Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

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Barkova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novoslobodskaya, 1001 tour

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Utalova Nadezhda
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

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Saykina Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Elektrozavodskaya, 1001 tour

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Belyaeva Xenia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Elektrozavodskaya, 1001 tour

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Arkhipova Elizaveta
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

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Anna Kulinich
+7 (495) 725 1001


Tula, 1001tour/Pegas

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Kalinina Margarita
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novoslobodskaya, 1001 tour

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Popescu Daniela
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

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Lisina Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

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Margaryan Shushan
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

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Sergeeva Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour

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Elena Goluzina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Altufyevo Spring, 1001 tour

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Taran Alena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Ivanova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

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Tatiana Kinkovich
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Salaryevo, 1001 tour

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Kalinin Nikita
+7 (495) 725 1001



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Poghosyan Ani
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Altufyevo Spring, 1001 tour

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Kovalev Maxim
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

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Fortova Margarita
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Pegas

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Azarevich Maria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tula, 1001 tour

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Mikhailova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001


Tula, 1001tour/Pegas

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Naumova Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Maryino, 1001 tour

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Regina Fetisova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

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Dolzhenkova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novoslobodskaya, 1001 tour

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Anna Karpova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Zhulebino, 1001 tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

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Shevtsova Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Medvedkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Kovalev Vadim
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kolomenskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Lavrenyuk Anzhelika
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Babushkinskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Evgenia Guseva
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belyaevo, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Evgenia Reshnikova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

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Strelnikova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kantemirovskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Pleshko Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Zhulebino, 1001 tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

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Zakharchenko Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Babushkinskaya, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Maria Byvalova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station U River, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Antokhina Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Sail, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Nikulina Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novoslobodskaya, 1001 tour

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Laskov Maxim
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Prague, 1001 tour

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Pavlenko Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Stefanovskaya Daria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

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Malkovich Regina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

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Kichigina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Elektrozavodskaya, 1001 tour

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Ivanova Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

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Malysheva Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

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Julia Saprykina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krasnogvardeyskaya Vegas, 1001 tour

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Olkhovsky Dmitry
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Ramenki, 1001 tour

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Karpukhina Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

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Khlopkova Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Babushkinskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Shagerbayeva Juliet
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

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Mishina Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Prague, 1001 tour

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Evdokimova Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Sail, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Ermakova Daria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kaluga, 1001 tour

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Galakhova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Maryino, 1001 tour

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Olesya Kareva
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station, 1001 tour

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Coal Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuznetsky most, 1001 tour

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Petukhova Margarita
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Yulia Tikhonova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Youth, 1001 tour

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Tuzova Tatiana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Sokolniki, 1001 tour

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Alekseeva Oksana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

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Yurieva Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuznetsky most, 1001 tour

call me back

Tsoljak Natella
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Ekaterina Daricheva
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

call me back

Vakhramova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Karpunina Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Lyzina Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kolomenskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Queen Tatiana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Sokolniki, 1001 tour

call me back

Rodzik Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Sergeev Evgeny
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Rogova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour

call me back

Savateeva Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Pogony Christina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krylatskoe, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Dmitry Kirillov
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kolomenskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Makhneva Maria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Voykovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Kuvykina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Yulia Vasneva
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Gundyreva Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Tavrina Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Salaryevo, 1001 tour

call me back

Petrikova Valeria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Menyailova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001


New Cheryomushki, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Queen Anne
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krasnogvardeiskaya Vegas, 1001 tour

call me back

Nakonechny Anton
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Atmakhova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Skobelevskaya street, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Belousova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour

call me back

Julia Slobozhaninova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

call me back

Luzhkova Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv, 1001 tour

call me back

Rogova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour

call me back

Kulagina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Korolyov Artyom
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tula, 1001 tour

call me back

Sosedov Vasily
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Fili, 1001 tour

call me back

Tatiana Shepeleva
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kantemirovskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Guryeva Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

call me back

Mukhambetova Rauza
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novogireevo, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Bekisheva Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tours

call me back

Ilinykh Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Medvedkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Ovsyannikova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Gareva Oksana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Academic, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Danilina Valentina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Chetvergova Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001


Southwest, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Starinskaya Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

call me back

Chekalova Larisa
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Samodarovskaya Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

call me back

Anatoly Sorokin
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

call me back

Porokhina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Sail, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Taktashova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tours

call me back

Bazarov Nikolai
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Falcon, 1001 tour

call me back

Grebneva Alexandra
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Taganskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Goncharova Lilia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

VDNH, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Shugaeva Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Fun&Sun (ex.