Daily schedule for preschool: Preschool Daily Schedule and Visual Schedules

Опубликовано: January 6, 2023 в 12:26 pm


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Preschool Schedule – Etsy.de

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Daily schedule – Cairn Hill Nature Preschool

The school day runs from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please consult the School Calendar for holidays and our vacation schedule.

Daily schedule 

8:30 – 9:00 am — Welcome and Free Play Outdoors
Social/ Gross Motor Skills

9:00 am — Attendance

​9:00 – 9:30 am 
​Snack time 

9:30 am– 10:15 am
​Group Activities

​Movement/Teacher Lead Circle: Songs and Rhymes
Literacy, Science or Math Activity, Multicultural Lesson / Social and Emotional Skills
WALDORF Story Telling, Puppetry, Dramatic Story Reenactment 
​(2 times a week)

10:30 am — 11:00 am
Free Play / outdoors Exploration

11:00 am – 12:00 pm — Nature Walk
Tuesday through Thursday:
Curricular content is reinforced during the nature walk 
Draw the letter T outside with sticks along the walk
Continue Science lesson- e. g. looking for insects
Continue Math by looking for triangle shape in nature

​12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 
​ Lunch  

1:00-1:30 pm
Children listen to a story or  choose their own Book

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm 
Rest time 

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Indoors games / table activities/ free play

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm 
Room organization and getting ready for pick up.

4:00 pm 
​Dismissal time.

Good Morning!
We begin the morning outside in our playground and garden where we have time to connect with one another and the world around us. We join together for our first circle of the day where we say good morning and work on our gross and fine motor skills through singing, moving and following the teacher’s movements.

Focused Learning
We are now ready to get to work, we go inside for focused instruction in literacy, science and math.
Children learn the rhythms and sounds of English through a large repertoire of beautiful songs and seasonal rhymes. These are embodied in accompanying movements/gestures and therefore easily learned. Stories and puppet shows rich in imagery and content are also a core part of the language arts curriculum. Exposure to such rich language builds children’s speaking and listening skills–so important in later reading development. It enhances their vocabulary knowledge too.  Learning the letters of the alphabet is easy and fun!
Children are natural scientists and so curious about our world.  At Cairn Hill Nature Preschool science topics include soil, hibernation, solids and liquids, birds, crystals, and the water cycle, to name a just a few. Math concepts, such as counting, sorting and measuring are easily integrated into scientific study– and our nature setting provides the perfect context for both.

Activities/ Play
Our daily activities include painting, making soup, drawing, baking bread and cleaning the classroom.
After our work, we have time for free play in the various activity centers of the classroom where the children learn social skills through play.
Then it’s time for a nourishing, healthy snack. Our tummies full, we are ready again to build and play in nature. 
In the afternoon, we share lunch together and half day students prepare to go home while full day students get ready for rest time.

The strong and steady rhythm of the day helps the children feel secure in themselves and in the world. It builds up healthy habits and a sense of belonging and purpose. 

Daily routine – private kindergarten “Planet of Children” in New Riga

Daily routine – private kindergarten “Planet of Children” in New Riga

Private kindergarten “Planet of Children”, near Istra

Daily routine of a private kindergarten on the “Planet of Children” is designed so that children feel comfortable and develop harmoniously. All classes in the Planet of Children kindergarten can be divided into two large groups: basic and specialized .

Main activities is carried out by educators in a mixed age group. These classes for one or two weeks are united by one topic and are held in a playful way. On Mondays, a new topic starts and educators create a playful environment for the disclosure of the topic.

Specialized classes are held in accordance with the schedule by specially invited teachers. In this case, the group is divided into age subgroups – younger and older. Conditionally the younger group is from 3 to 4 years old, the older one is from 4 to 6 years old. At the same time, teachers also take into account the level of physical development and psychological characteristics of each child when determining a subgroup in order to conduct classes in the most comfortable and conducive to the harmonious growth of the child. Second breakfast 11. 15-12.30 Walk 12.30-13.30-13.00 13.00-15.10 Quiet hour (sleep in the younger group) 900


16.30-17.00 Outdoor games 17.00-18.00 plot-role/commanding games (as part of the main topic) .00-18.20 DISTUM Free play/walk

We are located near the city of Istra, Novorizhskoye Highway 38 km. Detailed map here.

To sign up and learn more, call +7 (915) 304 50 85

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Yana Smirnova — Senior kindergarten teacher. She graduated from the Istra Pedagogical School – educator, Moscow Social Humanitarian Institute – psychology. Yana has extensive experience working with preschoolers, she worked as a physical education instructor and psychologist for 13 years, Montessori is a teacher. The most important thing in the profession of an educator is to see in a child a person equal to himself, to become for him an assistant, mentor, friend. Yana is fond of fishing, hiking, cycling, literature, paints with watercolors and loves to cook! He considers his professional goal to create a favorable environment for the development of children, for the manifestation of talents and individual qualities of each!


Ksenia Mordasova is a kindergarten teacher. Ksenia has been on the Planet of Children since May 2016, since September of this year she has been one of the teachers in the senior group – “Preparing for School”. Cheerful, full of ideas and energy, Ksenia realized that she wanted to work with children after the appearance of her boys. Graduates of higher education in the specialty “Preschool education”. She likes to spend time in nature, go fishing with her husband. Ksenia’s personal record was 7 kg perch!


Philip is a professional football player, coach, Candidate Master of Sports, in sports since the age of 6. For five years he has been a constant football coach on the “Planet of Children”. It successfully develops in our children, in addition to football and hockey skills, physical endurance, achievement of goals, while taking into account the age, physical, psychological characteristics of young pupils. Despite his age, and Philip is only 25 years old, discipline reigns in his classes. He always greets children with a smile, his love for them is impossible not to notice and of course the guys feel it! And we see that it is mutual!


Khadizhat is a kindergarten teacher. Khadi is adored by all children, and the reason for this, of course, is her boundless kindness and attention that she is ready to give to each child. Khadizhat has a pedagogical education – she graduated from the Pedagogical Institute with a degree in fine arts, as well as rich experience – Khadi is the mother of two small children.
In the group, Hadi is engaged in modeling and drawing with toddlers and older children, participates in our thematic productions and loves to play outdoor games with children.
Khadi has been working in Planet Children kindergarten for more than a year, she knows very well the peculiarities of raising children under the Golden Key program, she knows how to take into account the peculiarities of the psychology of preschool children in her work.


Vasily is an aikido coach, engaged in martial arts since childhood, 1st dan holder, teaching experience since 2010. He is the Vice President of the Shumeijuku Aikido Academy, a member of the Russian Union of Martial Arts. For him, aikido is not just a martial art, but a philosophy in which, in addition to physical training, special attention is paid to controlled relaxation techniques and development of the spirit. Vasily knows how to set up both toddlers and older children for training. He knows how to be moderately strict, but is not averse to joking and playing.


Eilly is an English teacher (native speaker). Love for children, a playful approach to learning and an excellent level of language give an excellent result. Children are happy to sing songs in English, put on funny numbers and learn to communicate.


Ovchinnikova Tatyana — kindergarten teacher. Graduated from MPI FSB of Russia. Before appearing on Planet of Children, Tatyana worked in the legal field, but she liked our kids much more. She finds an approach to the smallest children. Next to Tanya, all burning troubles go away and the mood becomes sunny.


Olga Alexandrovna is the head of the theater studio at Planet of Children. She also teaches at school and in kindergarten. Olga is a wonderful actress and theater director with extensive experience. She always finds an approach even to the most shy and shy guys and helps them to open up on stage, express themselves, learn how to speak in front of an audience. Olga Aleksandrovna deals with stage speech, plasticity with children, shows how you can express a variety of emotions and convey mood with the help of various postures, facial expressions, body language.

Olga Alexandrovna often performs her own productions herself, and also organizes a theater festival on the “Planet of Children”.


Alla Trofimenko is a kindergarten teacher. Alla graduated from the Istra Pedagogical College as a primary school teacher. At the moment, he continues his studies at the State Humanitarian and Technological University. He is fond of sports and loves to read books.


Alina Vladimirovna — first grade teacher. She has extensive experience working in groups with preschoolers, teenagers and younger students. She successfully worked as a curator of an elementary school in the large “Lyceum” Ark – XXI “and in our school. Sports, active, creative personality, loving and feeling children. Higher education in the specialty “Primary education”.


Yana Shashkina is the curator of the third grade. Since childhood, Yana liked to work with the younger ones – to play with them, teach them to write and read. That is why Yana Borisovna feels at ease at school. All children know that Yana can be consulted on how to write a story, solve a math problem, or resolve a conflict with a friend. In the course of extracurricular work, she is excellent at dismantling with the guys what they went through in the classroom, helping to “collect” the project or learning the role in the play.


Natalya Mokicheva is a second grade teacher. Graduated with honors from the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. Experienced elementary school teacher. Natalia’s students consistently show high results. She actively participates in seminars, webinars, constantly improves her professional level. He is a member of the Russian Intellectual Resources program.


Olga Vladimirovna is the main ideologist of the educational process in our school. Third grade teacher.

A teacher with extensive experience in both primary and secondary schools. He knows firsthand what humane pedagogy, self-determination and orientation towards the personal success of the child are. Olga Vladimirovna worked for a long time in the brilliant team of founders of the Tubelsky School of Self-Determination and in the large Lyceum Ark-XXI.


Tatyana Fedulova is a curator of the second class. Tatyana has been on the Planet of Children for more than a year, previously she was busy in kindergarten and in a summer camp. She perfectly finds a common language with children of different ages, and they stick to Tatyana with all their heart. Kind, cheerful, energetic, with a spark in her eyes and moderately strict – ideal combinations for a school curator.


Leader and ideological inspirer of the Planet of Children. Having received a higher education in the field of international relations, Elena has built a successful career in foreign economic companies. However, the appearance of three of their own children in many ways changed their outlook on life. No commercial success can be compared with the happiness of seeing the interested eyes of children and hearing their cheerful laughter!


Kirill Sergeevich — mastery teacher. He has extensive experience in restoration work in the New Jerusalem Museum Complex, in the Museum of the Decembrists in Moscow. He discovered in himself (and we in him) a real pedagogical talent! Works closely with the main teachers, class curators and the theater studio. With him, the guys make crafts for projects, costumes and scenery for performances, go hiking, and also bombard Kirill Sergeevich with questions about how to make papier-mâché or how an electric jigsaw works. In a word, jack of all trades!


Nadezhda Ivochkina is the administrator of Planet of Children. A person who is always collected, demanding order, personally worried about the matter. Higher education: MAVIAT them. Godovikov – “Installation and testing of aircraft radio-electric equipment”, MIP – “instrument making”. For a long time she worked in her specialty, which could not pass without a trace. Everything related to the activities of Nadezhda, and the range of her duties is very wide, from the menu in a cafe to the workflow, it works clearly, like airplane instruments!


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Olga is the main ideologist of the educational process at our Planet of Children school, teacher of the fourth and fifth grades

Olga graduated from the Moscow State Open Pedagogical Institute. She has more than 25 years of teaching experience: she worked in the scientific and pedagogical association “School of Self-Determination” (under the leadership of A. N. Tubelsky) for 11 years (from 1993 to 2004), where she was a member of the scientific department, developer and leader of experimental educational projects, and also an elementary school teacher and a biology teacher. Has the highest qualification category. From 2013 to 2017, she worked as a primary school teacher at the Lyceum Ark-XXI.

Olga repeatedly spoke at conferences, held master classes, and was the author of publications on the implementation of the democratic school.

Olga has a systematic approach to teaching, is brilliant at project activities, knows how to motivate children and is sincerely interested in the personality of each child.

Tatyana Fedulova — curator of the fourth and fifth grades.

Tatyana perfectly finds a common language with children of different ages. Kind, cheerful, energetic and moderately strict – ideal combinations for a school curator. During school holidays, Tatyana is the curator of the summer camp at the Planet of Children, conducts various quests, organizes hiking, sports games, contests and competitions for children.

“During school, children learn to interact with the world around them. At this stage, I want to give them maximum support, creating a psychologically comfortable atmosphere for revealing their multifaceted personality.” Tatyana Fedulova.

Yana Shashkina — curator. Since childhood, Yana liked to work with the younger ones – to play with them, teach them to write and read. That is why Yana Borisovna feels at ease at school. All children know that Yana can be consulted on how to write a story, solve a math problem, or resolve a conflict with a friend. In the course of extracurricular work, she is excellent at dismantling with the guys what they went through in the classroom, helping to “collect” the project or learning the role in the play.

Senior kindergarten teacher

Graduated from the Istra Pedagogical College (teacher) and the Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute (psychology).

More than 15 years of experience working with preschoolers.

Yana believes that the most important thing in the profession of an educator is to see in a child a person equal to oneself, to become an assistant, mentor and friend for him. When working with children, Yana adheres to the methods of such outstanding teachers and psychologists as L. Vygotsky, M. Montessori, J. Gippenreiter, and J. Korchak.

Yana’s motto in her work is: “When dealing with a child, always adhere to the best manners – offer him the best that is in yourself.” M. Montessori.

Mordasova Ksenia — senior teacher of the kindergarten group, mother of two boys.

Ksenia is currently in her final year at the Istra Vocational College with a degree in Preschool Education.

Xenia’s sociability and intuition make it easy to find a common language with children. And thanks to her boundless fantasy and imagination, children draw, design, sculpt and make many unusual crafts. Ksenia can transform into a variety of characters: from Kikimora to the Snow Queen, which makes kindergarten classes even more vivid, interesting and memorable.

“I work with preschool children because it is interesting and I just love children…” Mordasova Ksenia

years. He successfully develops physical qualities and skills in our children, trains the strength, endurance, patience and sociability of children. At the same time, Philip takes into account the age, physical, psychological characteristics of young pupils.

Philip has been playing football since the 1st grade. Graduated from the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (RGUFKSMiT) with a degree in football, physical culture and sports as a coach. From 2010 to 2015, Philip had the status of a professional football player. The Istra football club, which included Philip, played in the second division of the Russian championship and was the winner of international tournaments in Belarus, Bulgaria and France.

Khadizhat is the curator of the fourth grade.

More than 3 years of experience working with children.

Khadi is adored by all children, and the reason for this, of course, is her boundless kindness and attention that she is ready to give to each child. Khadijat has a pedagogical education – she graduated from the Pedagogical Institute with a degree in fine arts, as well as a wealth of experience working with children – Khadi is the mother of two small children.

“Children are very interesting – they are sincere, trusting, inquisitive. With them, you yourself become a child. It is very nice to see the results of the work done with them” Zakaryaeva Khadijat

Elena, better known to the kids on Planet Kids as Eilly, is an English teacher. In 2011 she graduated from Vyatka State University with a degree in Translation and Translation Studies. She is a linguist and translator. In 2015, Elena received a master’s degree from MGIMO.

Love for children, a playful approach to learning and an excellent level of English proficiency allow you to captivate your child with learning foreign languages. excellent result. At Eilly classes, children enjoy singing songs, putting on funny numbers, dancing, doing exercises, and of course, learning to communicate in English.

Eilly teaches at school, in kindergarten (junior and senior groups), and also conducts individual lessons.

Both for the school and for me, the main task is to help the student to know himself and the world around him. Starting to learn English, the student learns about a completely different world for him. A world where they speak a language he does not understand; a world where other holidays are celebrated, a world that seems to be similar to ours, but it turns out to be completely different. My task, as a teacher, is to maintain the interest of a younger student, to be a guide to this amazing multifaceted world of the English language.

Tatyana Ovchinnikova — kindergarten teacher.

Graduated from the “Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia” with a degree in law. After graduation, she worked in the legal field, but she liked working with children much more.

Work experience with preschoolers for more than 3 years.

Tatiana can find an approach even to the smallest children. The work focuses on the basic principles set forth by M. Bezrukikh and L. Vygotsky.

Olga is a wonderful actress and theater director with extensive experience. She always finds an approach even to the most shy and shy guys and helps them to open up on stage, express themselves, learn how to speak in front of an audience. Olga Aleksandrovna is engaged in stage speech with children, showing how it is possible to express a variety of emotions and convey mood with the help of various postures, facial expressions and body language.

Olga Alexandrovna often performs her own productions herself, and also organizes a theater festival on the “Planet of Children”.

Alina Vladimirovna — second grade teacher.

Alina has a higher pedagogical education (specialty “Primary education”), periodically attends refresher courses and participates in various trainings in pedagogy and child psychology. So, Alina was a participant in the training “Technology for achieving extraordinary results” and “Child-Parent Relationships” by Alexander Kolmanovsky.

Alina has been working with children since 2011. She has extensive experience working in groups of preschoolers, primary school children and teenagers.

In addition to teaching, Alina enjoys various sports, fiction and travel.

Trofimenko Alla — curator of the second class. Alla graduated from the Istra Pedagogical College with a degree in Primary School Teacher. At the moment, he continues his studies at the State Humanitarian and Technological University. He is fond of sports and loves to read books.

Working with children is challenging and interesting at the same time. She makes you stand still. One working day is not like another. We rejoice seeing the successes and achievements of our students; Together with them we overcome their difficulties. Trofimenko Alla.

Kirill Krasnikov is a teacher at the creative workshop at Planet of Children. He has extensive experience in restoration work in the New Jerusalem Museum Complex, in the Museum of the Decembrists in Moscow.

At the lessons of the workshop, under the guidance of Kirill Sergeevich, children make crafts for projects, costumes, props and scenery for performances. From clay and improvised materials, the guys, together with Kirill Sergeevich, create castles, islands, mountains and much more. Kirill Sergeevich can teach how to tie knots in different ways, and how to embroider name tags on suits.

And as an experienced tourist, Kirill Sergeevich organizes real trips for our schoolchildren and camp participants: he teaches them the rules of conduct, lighting a fire, cooking in camp conditions and even singing songs with a guitar!

At the moment, Natalia is on maternity leave, raising her daughter.

Natalia Mokicheva — second grade teacher. Graduated with honors from the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. Experienced elementary school teacher. Natalia’s students consistently show high results. She actively participates in seminars, webinars, constantly improves her professional level. He is a member of the Russian Intellectual Resources program.

Leader and ideological inspirer of the Planet of Children. Having received a higher education in the field of international relations, Elena has built a successful career in foreign economic companies. However, the appearance of three of their own children in many ways changed their outlook on life. No commercial success can be compared with the happiness of seeing the interested eyes of children and hearing their cheerful laughter!

Nadezhda Ivochkina — administrator of Planet of Children. A person who is always collected, demanding order, personally worried about the matter. Higher education: MAVIAT them. Godovikov – “Installation and testing of aircraft radio-electric equipment”, MIP – “instrument making”. For a long time she worked in her specialty, which could not pass without a trace. Everything related to the activities of Nadezhda, and the range of her duties is very wide, from the menu in a cafe to the workflow, it works clearly, like airplane instruments!

Vasily is an aikido coach, engaged in martial arts since childhood, 1st Dan holder, teaching experience since 2010. He is the Vice President of the Shumeijuku Aikido Academy, a member of the Russian Union of Martial Arts. For him, aikido is not just a martial art, but a philosophy in which, in addition to physical training, special attention is paid to controlled relaxation techniques and development of the spirit. Vasily knows how to set up both toddlers and older children for training. He knows how to be moderately strict, but is not averse to joking and playing.

Daily routine and menu of kindergarten nursery

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Growing up, kids gradually merge into adult life, the laws of which are sometimes very different from home carefree pastime. Of course, having plunged into the world of kindergarten, it will be difficult for a child to instantly accept and understand the rhythm of his life. Therefore, if you know for sure that in a few months your baby will have to go out, try to gradually and very gently introduce her to the nursery day regimen and, perhaps, even make some adjustments to her usual home schedule.

8:00 am morning exercises (running, jumping, games).

8:10-8:40 Breakfast for which the children are offered cottage cheese soufflés and casseroles (1-2 times a week), milk kaj, steam omelet or egg porridge with fresh vegetable salad, a warm drink.

9:10-9:20 and 9:20-9:30 activities aimed at the all-round development of the child: music, physical education, dancing, sensory with elements of mathematics, drawing, modeling, knowledge of the world around, speech development. At the same time, two classes should not overlap or repeat each other, so as not to tire the child. It is optimal when classes for the development of thinking, fantasy, speech are replaced by fast and active games, dances, and physical exercises.

9:30-11:30 walk. Outdoor games.

11:30-12:00 lunch At this time, for children, mashed vegetarian soups, steamed meat dishes (meatballs, cutlets) or boiled fish, side dishes in the form of cereal dishes or mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salads (daily). For the third course every day, children receive fortified drinks (compote, jelly).

12:15-15:00 daytime sleep.

15:00-15:30 gradual rise, hygiene and recreational activities (light warm-up).

15:30-15:45 afternoon snack, which may consist of a drink (milk, kefir, barley coffee drink0 and a flour product (loaf with butter or jam, waffles, biscuits).

15:45-16: 45 time of active wakefulness. During this period, classes are held for the diversified development of the child, but they in no way repeat the morning ones. Let’s say if there was drawing and dancing in the morning, then in the evening you can sing songs or do modeling.

16:45 -17:15 supper. For which children are offered milk porridge, mashed vegetable dishes, egg omelet with fresh vegetable salad, etc.

17:15 walk, active games, reading fairy tales and just talking in a pleasant and friendly company.

At the same time, dinner in the kindergarten should by no means be the last meal in the baby’s daily diet, and in the evening (19:00-20:00) at home, the child must be fed home-made dinner. It is best if vegetable dishes act as an evening meal: stew from a mixture of vegetables, stewed cabbage, carrot or beetroot caviar, vegetable casserole, cottage cheese soufflés and puddings or milk porridge. Fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk), fresh fruits and juices, which, unfortunately, the menu of kindergartens cannot boast of, will perfectly complement this healthy meal.