Birthday party for 2 year olds: Two Year Old Birthday Ideas & Party Themes (& Tips!) – Paisley & Sparrow

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Birthday Parties for 2 Year Olds


  • 2yr old Birthday Party Venues
  • Trolley for son’s 2nd birthday
  • Activities for 2-year-old birthday party
  • What works best for 2nd birthday parties?
  • Rainy day birthday party for 2YO
  • Low-key entertainment for 2nd birthday?

2yr old Birthday Party Venues

Sept 2009

We’re looking for an affordable venue for a 2nd Birthday party. We will have 8 little ones and about 20 or so adults. The B-day is in November, so something with an indoor option is needed, other than that we are open to ideas. Hoping to find something in Berkeley or Albany, but anything in the East Bay is cool. Many thanks BPN members! lori

If you want a great place for a party for a 2 year old, Habitot in downtown Berkeley is very popular with that age group. Kendra

A really inexpensive facility is the parent center in Pt. Richmond. There are tons of toys, an indoor and outdoor space and it is only about $75. for a few hours. A secret bargain! go to

Hi! We have birthday parties at the Berkeley YMCA. We have kindergym parties (perfect for 2 year olds) and splash parties as well. Parties serve up to 20 children and include one hour in the kindergym or pool followed by time in a party room. We supply the table settings and ice water, and a party host. All you need to worry about is the food. Please feel free to contact me directly for details at 665-3238 or email below. Or look on our website to see about specific openings through our online registration. Eden

Trolley for son’s 2nd birthday

March 2006

I’m planning my son’s 2nd birthday party and would like to charter a trolley. due to the number of people invited, i plan to have it at a local park in alameda. ideally i would have liked to rent a ride-on train that the kids could ride on, but i haven’t found one company that does this in the bay area. if you know of one, please let me know! so as an alternative, i thought i’d rent a trolley and take the kids for a ride. the problem i’ve encountered with renting a trolley is that all of the places i have called charter for a minimum of 3 hours (at a pretty hefty price). since my son, and all his buddies, are only 2, i really only need a trolley for about an hour. i figure it could pick the kids up and take them into town and back, about a half hour ride. i don’t think they could handle any longer. does anyone know of a trolley company that charters by the hour or does anyone have any other recommendations to make his train/trolley party really fun? OR if anyone has a homemade train or something like it, can i rent it from you?! nicole

Don’t know if you would consider changing the location of your party, but I think I saw a trolley one day at the park area at Lake Merritt outside Fairlyland. May be owned by Fairyland. Might give them a call for more info. Good luck. anon

The Golden Gate Railroad Museum in SF used to provide rides on their steam engine for children’s birthdays, but unfortunately, they are not currently open to visitors. There is the Tilden Steam Train, and AMTRAC or BART of course (any ride great for kids of course), but there aren’t any opportunities for riding trains in the Bay Area that I’ve found either. With my train- obsessed son, I’ve noted that he’s never been much impressed with riding or seeing real steam trains (Skunk Train, the one at the California State Railroad Museum, even the Thomas Steam Engine at Roaring Camp). But he loves the steam engine at Tilden, trips in real trains with the family, his play trains and track, and all books about trains. IOW, you may find that your son may not be much interested in, even a little scared, of a big sized moving machine, like a trolley. Your liability concerns are extreme also, with other small children. Your son should be really happy if all the kids just got to wear engineeer hats and eat birthday cake with a train on it – even if he was much older, 4 or 5.

Activities for 2-year-old birthday party

Aug 2005

We are getting ready to have a birthday party for our two year old son. We are having it at our house. Hopefully we’ll have good weather and we can all hang out in the back yard with the play houses, slide, little pool, etc… We have invited about 6 kids from 20 months to three years, all kids he knows and has played with. We’re having the festivities from 11-2 so as to somewhat preserve nap time. We are planning little, kid friendly foods like raisin boxes, goldfish crackers, cheese pizza squares, fruit, etc.. I don’t think we should do formal present opening since I think they’re all too young to sit and attend to that but we do have goodie bags for the birthday boy and guests. I’d love for those who have been there to comment on the above. In addition, what kind of activities, if any can I plan. Should I just let them free play for 3 hours or plan simple elective activities like dance time, follow directions (everybody touch your nose, moo like a cow, etc…), playdough time, musical instruments with music, etc… I’d love any feedback regarding any ideas. S.W.

I would say no organized activities, and give goody bags as the guest arrive. Have the goody bags, play-doh, stickers, pens, paper, chalk, water squirt bottles available, and then allow free play and have enough supplies to let the guests take some home. My daughter is four and her parties have been fun unstructured time with her best friends. We just went to a super-structured birthday party (dance time, story time, treasure hunt time) and the kids were polite but they seemed bored, and you can’t even expect two year olds to be polite. LC

We just had a 2 year old birthday party in a park. The two hits were:
– spraybottles with water in it (adjust them so they make mist)
– a popup firetruck (to walk in), a tent or a tunnel would h! ave done the same job
If you want to have a moment where they all do something together, just play ”Ring around the rosie” or ”Hokey pokey” or such. My daughter enjoyed the long afternoon of party well into the evening. One expection was the moment where everyone’s attention suddenly centered on her: the cake and candles. Have fun, Julia

What works best for 2nd birthday parties?

March 2004

As my daughter’s 2nd birthday approaches, I’m wondering what kinds of parties people have found most fun for kids and adults at this age. Most of the 1st birthdays we went to were large, fun, chaotic parties with lots of kids, lot of adults, lots to eat and drink,and little by way of structure. Does this work with a group of 2 year olds too, or do they have more fun when the party is organized around some simple activities? If so, what kinds of things have people found most successful with a gaggle of toddlers? How about ideal size? thanks. Katie

2nd Birthday parties can be so much fun. I found that at this age, the children are mostly happy to just be able to play.

We went to Ruby’s Tumbling in Alameda for my daughter’s 2nd Birthday. It was wonderful: the kids could run and play (in a safe and confined space), and it was a bit different from their normal activies.

For slightly older children, however, more structurec activities can also be wonderful. As part of my What’s Cooking business, I teach cooking classes for children. This is popular for birthday parties, too.

Visit my website for more information:

Happy Birthday! Michelle

When our older daughter turned two, I made a ton of homemade playdough in different colors, some with sparkles. Then I had a huge low coffee table covered in butcher paper and laid out the play-dough with a lot of kitchen utensils (garlic press, pastry trimmers, etc) and many plastic cookie cutters. The kids had a great time. The adults sat around and shmoozed. There was cake and presents. Done! When our 2nd daughter turned two, we had a big inflatable wading pool (it was a hot day) and lots of bubble-making implements. The kids got wet and splashed, the parents sat around and shmoozed. Cake and presents. Done! Keep it Simple

For our daughter’s 2nd I made cupcakes, and then gave each of the kids (we kept is small-ish, about 7 kids total) a plain cupcake and an individual bowl of whipped cream (seemed healthier than the usual frosting), and placed several bowls of sprinkles on the table. Frosting their own cupcakes kept the kids occupied for a long time, and they were very excited about it! Paper table cloth and plates made the clean-up easy. Parents ate simple brunch food, coffee and mimosas, stood around chatting, ready to help little hands when needed – but really, the kids were very motivated to be self-sufficient with this activity! I highly recommend it. believer in low-stress b-day parties

We just celebrated my son’s second birthday. I really wanted to keep things simple in order to avoid inflating birthday party expectations too early and it make things easier on myself (I’m 8 months pregnant).

We had 6 kids over plus the family members that are in the area. We didn’t have any structured games, just free play time inside and outside. We had very kid-friendly food (peanut butter sandwiches, cheese, crackers, juice boxes) and the obligatory birthday cake. We actually asked for no presents (we really don’t need any more trucks around here), so opening presents wasn’t a part of the party.

My son and his guests had a terrific time! In fact, my son keeps asking to have his friends over again for another birthday party. And the format kept the stress level, expense, and clean- up to a minimum. You’ll have plenty of time for fancy birthday parties later, when your kid starts asking for one! Keep it simple!

My son turned 2 in feb and we just wanted something very small (not because big is bad just because it would be easier.) We still ended up having 6 kids (mostly around 2 yrs.) Plus a mom and dad for each child. So in the end this small party was fairly big, but I enjoyed it and so did my son and the other kids I think mainly because it was casual. A piniata (pull string, not bash style -filled with little rubber balls, little cars, other trinket toys but somewaht durable- and gave the kids little gift bags to collect the toys in) and the cake cutting were the only formal activities, and I also got a ton of play dough (cheap and very fun), and some extra bouncy balls (like 1$ each at longs). We opened the presents without fanfare one here and there, and even had some of the other kids open the presents as my son really didn’t care much. I actually wanted no gifts, but decided to request something used or a toy/book they had laying around the house they no longer use, because everyone seemed to brush off the no gift rule and I didn’t want someone to be embarressed that they were the one that actually listened to my request. We scheduled our party for 11am, to avoid nap issues, but if I could do it again I think I would have scheduled it for late afternoon say 3 or 4. Anyway that was our experience I think you need to think about what kind of party you are up for giving: small and intimate or large, and if you want small invite no more than 6 families because mine seemed big with that many. (Don’t count on some not coming, I invited 6 and everyone came).Good luck, you’ll have a blast.

The large, chaotic parties you describe for 1-year-olds will also work fine for 2-year-olds, but a 2-year-old may have some ideas of her own for a party theme or activities, which you should incorporate if you can. Don’t try the classic party games that involve lots of rules, turn-taking, or winners and losers (e.g., pin-the-something-on-the-something), but 1- to 6- year-olds will enjoy arts/crafts activities (younger kids can scribble while older ones create more elaborate works of art) and semi-structured games like hunting for ”prizes” you scatter around your yard (just make sure you let the smaller kids start before any older ones, and that there are more than enough prizes to go around). One or two such activites, plus plenty of ”free play” time, plus cake and presents, will make for a very satisfying party.

The size of the party is really up to you, though of course you have to take into account the size of your home (or other party location). If the idea of a horde of 2-year-olds running around your house scares you, limit the party to 3 or 4 kids and their parents. But if you’re a ”the more the merrier” type, invite everyone you know with a child between the ages of 6 months and 6 years. Only you know which type you and your daughter would enjoy more. Have fun! Holly

Rainy day birthday party for 2yo

Nov. 2002

Hello, My son is turning 2 the 23rd of this month and I wanted to make him a little party. My husband and I had thought about doing it in a park. Something simple: wine, cheese and bread for the adults; healthy cake, juice and fruit for the kids. But the rain is almost here and I don’t think the park is a good idea anymore. I would love to have it in the house but we ran out of money with the remodeling and we don’t have dinning room or living room furniture yet! Could you give me some guidance please? Anonymous

Our son turned 2 in May, and we decided to have a small party at our very small house, planning to set up an inflatable pool outside (one of his bday presents). Believe it or not, it POURED down torrential rain all day!! This possibility had never even crossed our minds at the end of May! Thankfully, we had only invited one other kid (also 2), and several adult friends, so we could all fit comfortably inside. We decided on only one kid guest for several reasons: A) our house is tiny, B) we are on a tight budget, C) the options were to either invite every single kid in his daycare (which most of the other parents do who have outdoor parties) or only 1 non-daycare friend, and D) we realized that, at 2, he really didn’t understand the whole birthday party thing yet (even tho he’d been to several big ones and enjoyed them), but at 3 he would understand it much better and therefore this would be the last year we’d be able to ”get away with” having a 1-kid party. Well, in spite of the rain and the small guest list, he had the time of his life! What really made it special for him, I think, was that we decorated the house and made a really big deal of the whole thing. My husband took him out in the morning while I put up streamers and ballons and set the table (Blue’s Clues theme), and when my husband brought him back we all made a big fuss over all the exciting decorations, and how it was his Blue’s Clues birthday party, and told him all the people who were coming over, and I think the fact that it was in our house also made it special because he obviously sees our house every day, but on that day the house was transformed! We actually took about a week to remove (gradually) all the decorations, and every morning he’d wake up and get excited all over again when he’d see a remnant of a streamer from the party! He talked about it for months, and he could not have had a better time if we’d had 15 kids and rented out an amusement park. Another nice thing was that the emphasis was not on presents, because there weren’t all that many. And because he had only one little friend over, they really got to play together and just have fun being with each other. I have no regrets–I know I’ll have to get more creative (and spend more money) next year, so I am really glad that we did what we did this year. Honestly, at 2, what’s important to them is that the day seems special and exciting, and that doesn’t have to mean a lot of people or a big budget. Plus, you will enjoy yourself more if you are not stressed out planning a big to-do. Save your stress and money for next year, and savor the pure fun of the day this year! anonymous

We had my daughter’s 1 year birthday at Wee Play on lower Solano … Ave in Albany, which was excellent! We set up the front area for adults…with food and drinks….and 9 children played happily in the play area. The adults took turns playing with the children while others ate and chatted. In fact, the party must have looked fun because folks just passing by stopped to ask what was going on and wanted to join in! Amy

Actually, your house with its empty dining room and living room sound absolutely great for a rainy day party. The best parties I’ve been to have been in vast, empty rooms. Borrow or rent folding tables & chairs if you need to for a little seating, but most people stand during parties anyway, and all that elbow room would be really great, especially for active, pent-up kids.

Low-key entertainment for 2nd birthday?

Feb. 2000

Does anyone have suggestions for a clown or other low key entertainment for several kids for a two year old’s birthday party?

It was my impression that kids this young get pretty overwhelmed when you try to entertain them at a party. The thing my daughter and her day-care cronies loved at her 3-year-party was simply the songs we sang. Why not just whip out a guitar, pass out the cupcakes, and sing lots of favorite songs? Do the hokey-pokey, that sort of thing. Save the clowns for five year olds. Good luck!

Tips & Ideas for Your Baby’s First Birthday Party

Your little one is nearing the end of their first year, which is an exciting time for you! One way to celebrate your baby’s first birthday is by throwing a party. We’ve collected our best tips and ideas to help you plan a fun and successful first birthday party, whether big or small, and we’ve even included a checklist to make it easier for you to organize the event.

Preparing Your Baby’s First Birthday Party

You may want to think about the planning process for your baby’s first birthday party in two stages: preparing and hosting. With so many ideas to choose from for a first birthday party, it’s easy to lose focus, so preparation is key. A few things to think about as you start preparing include

  • what theme you want

  • when to throw the party

  • where to host the event

  • who to invite to your little one’s celebration.

Solidifying these important decisions will help you plan all the little details that follow. And answering the questions above in the order they’re listed will also keep things running smoothly.

Baby’s First Birthday Party Theme Ideas

Many parents like to start planning their 1-year-old’s birthday party by sifting through ideas for a theme. Choosing the theme early on might make some of the other decisions a little easier. So, how to plan a first birthday party theme when there are so many ideas out there? The trick is to choose something that’s manageable yet memorable for you and your family.

Before you start brainstorming, don’t forget that budget is an important consideration. Some first birthday party theme ideas are more extravagant than others, which could increase the overall cost. However, you can still host a memorable party with even a modest budget.

Check out the strategies below for a little inspiration for deciding on your baby’s first birthday party theme.

  • Nursery décor. Look around your little one’s nursery. Does it have a theme? Some parents want their baby’s first birthday party theme to match or complement their birth announcement and nursery design. So, if you’ve had an animal-themed year, why not keep it going?

  • Baby’s favorite things. Does your little one have a favorite children’s book or plush toy? Are there any games and activities they seem to enjoy more than others? What your child loves can provide plenty of ideas for a first birthday party!

  • Pop culture. Think back on your baby’s first year. Did a big movie or TV series sweep the country? Maybe your favorite singer released a new album and you listened to it constantly while bonding with your little one. Some of these current event and pop culture memories could inspire first birthday party ideas that also evoke some additional nostalgia.

  • The classics. If you’re still struggling to pick a theme, let the classics do the work! When in doubt, you can always rely on popular first birthday party ideas like

    • animals, safari, or the zoo

    • whimsical stories like Alice in Wonderland, The Cat in the Hat, or Winnie-the-Pooh

    • pajama party

    • under the sea or sea creatures

    • princes and princesses or fairy tales

    • superheroes

    • outer space

    • flowers

    • tea party

    • holiday (if your baby’s birthday falls on or near a holiday)

    • seasons or nature themes, like a garden party or the rustic woods

    • sports, like football or soccer.

Although picking a theme can be part of the fun, we’re going to let you in on a little secret: You don’t have to choose a theme! Plan your 1-year-old’s birthday around a theme only if you want to. There’s nothing wrong with simply throwing a fun party with classic decorations, like balloons or a banner or cake topper reading “Baby’s 1st Birthday Party.”

Keep in mind that one of the goals of the party is to make memories. Babies are still developing, and your little one won’t remember their first birthday party when they’re older. However, they’ll love to see photos and learn what they looked like as a baby!

Get excited for upcoming milestones in your little one’s life as they near toddlerhood with our baby growth chart tool below.

related baby tool

Keep an eye on your baby’s average growth by tracking height, weight, and head circumference with our simple tool.

Fill out your baby’s details*:

What is your child*

Boy Girl

This is a mandatory field.

Age (between 0 and 24 months)

This is a mandatory field.

Weight (lbs.)

This is a mandatory field.

Height (in.)

This is a mandatory field.

Head circumference (in.)

This is a mandatory field.

*Input details of your baby’s last measurements.
**Source: World Health Organization

When and Where to Throw a 1-Year-Old’s Birthday Party

Determining a theme (or deciding to go without) can help you solidify where to have a first birthday party. For example, if you have a smaller budget, you can just host from your home or backyard. Or, if you’re going for a specific theme, some locations could enhance the ambiance (like a park for an outdoor theme or a villa rental for a royal theme).

Other ideas regarding where to host your baby’s first birthday party include

  • restaurants

  • playgrounds

  • campgrounds

  • kids’ gyms or activity centers.

Additionally, there are a few things to keep in mind when deciding on a place to host.

  • Age. Turning 1 year old is a big milestone, but your baby is still a baby. It may be tempting to plan a full-out bash at a fun kids’ center but remember that 1-year-olds may not be walking yet and aren’t able to participate in organized party activities. Keeping it low-key and baby-friendly might be best.

  • Naps. Most likely, your baby and their young friends are still napping during the day, so it helps to plan the party around naptime or host it at a place where you and other parents can put your little ones down if needed.

  • Guests. Your adult friends will need some form of entertainment too, but that can simply be letting their kids have fun while you all watch, eat, and chat. Parents know how precious free time to just connect with others can be! Still, it helps to be mindful of everyone at the party, regardless of age. Therefore, you might want to choose a venue that caters to all guests, including older siblings of your baby and your baby’s peers.

In terms of when to host your baby’s first birthday party, it’s completely up to you, but weekends tend to be best for many families. You, your friends, and your family may have more free time over a weekend, so if you want to ensure that as many people can attend as possible, you may want to host a party on a Saturday or Sunday.

Of course, you can still have a smaller or more intimate celebration on the day of your baby’s actual birthday.

Who to Invite to Your Baby’s First Birthday

Now that you have a theme and know when and where you’ll be hosting this very exciting one-year birthday party, it’s time to decide who to invite. Some parents opt to have a smaller party with just close family and friends, whereas others prefer to include extended family, coworkers, or other friends with kids.

Your budget and venue might dictate the invite list more than your personal desires, so take any restrictions into account. Some people to consider inviting are

  • parents

  • grandparents

  • siblings

  • aunts

  • uncles

  • cousins

  • close friends or family friends

  • friends from baby or parent groups

  • coworkers

  • other acquaintances with kids.

Hosting Your Baby’s First Birthday Party

With the initial prep out of the way, it’s time to think about the actual hosting part of your baby’s first birthday party. In the end, the most important elements of any party, including a one-year birthday celebration, typically come down to good company, tasty food, some entertainment, and lots of pictures for memories.

Creating a Schedule for Your Baby’s First Birthday Party

Remember that 1-year-olds are still little, so they’re probably functioning on a designated sleep and nap schedule. Consider when your baby usually naps and either plan the party around this time or provide a place for naptime for any tiny humans while the adults continue to mingle.

When a 1-year-old is the guest of honor, a short party is best. This goes for older children and even some adults, too!

Here are some additional tips to help you create a timeline for the party:

  • Arrival. What time should guests arrive and what should they do when they first get there? Usually, it helps to have a play area set up so guests can entertain themselves while you continue to welcome others. For example, if you’re hosting at your home, put out some play mats and an assortment of toys in the living room or backyard.

  • Food. When people attend a party, they expect to eat something, so there’s no need to delay! Once you give everyone enough time to arrive (about 30 minutes of wiggle room), start serving food. You could even have some snacks ready when people arrive. Plan for at least an hour so guests can get seconds and not feel pressure to eat quickly.

  • Activities. To start, you don’t have to plan any activities! One-year-old birthday parties can be as simple as letting the kiddos play while adults mingle. But if you want to keep everyone entertained, you can prepare a few simple group games or activities ahead of time.

  • Photos. Don’t forget pictures! Some parents like to designate a friend or two to snap pics throughout the party. You can also rent or create a photo booth or hire a professional photographer. Another idea is to ask your photographer to come a little early to get those more intimate family portraits done first.

  • Departure. Always set a specific end time. You can keep the party going, of course, but this allows your guests to plan ahead and depart without feeling like they’re leaving too early. Consider giving a small memento or party favor to your friends and family as they leave.

Food Ideas for First Birthday Parties

When brainstorming 1-year-old birthday party ideas, food is an important topic. You’ll need to provide baby- and child-friendly foods, plus those foods that are appetizing to older guests. If you know who’s coming to the party, this will help you plan, but consider the following:

  • Babies and toddlers

  • Older children

  • Adults

  • Anyone with food sensitivities or allergies

  • Anyone with other dietary preferences or restrictions.

Some parents like the idea of having the food tied to the theme or location of their baby’s first birthday party. For example, if you’re having a camping or sports theme or hosting in your backyard or park, consider grilling hamburgers and veggie burgers for adults and older children. Depending on the age of the kids in attendance, a s’mores bar could be a hit!

Regardless of what you serve adults, it’s a good idea to have some baby- and kid-appropriate snacks for the little ones. Some ideas include bite-sized and small versions of

  • fruits and veggies

  • cheese and crackers

  • grilled cheese sandwiches

  • chicken fingers

  • gelatin

  • frozen fruit pops.

And don’t forget the cake! Because little ones won’t eat much cake and will probably get messy in the process, it’s become popular to prepare or purchase a “smash cake.” This mini cake is made specifically for your little one to smash while eating, and this adorable action results in some of the cutest photos at a baby’s first birthday party!

Games, Activities, and Party Favors

The final decisions when planning your 1-year-old’s birthday include what to do and which games and activities to arrange for a baby’s party. Since 1-year-olds aren’t able to play traditional birthday games just yet, you may be wondering how to entertain these little ones, along with older kids and adults, at a first birthday party! We’ve assembled some tips for suitable games, activities, and party favors to help you out.

Games and Activities

One-year-old birthday parties tend to be short, and you and your guests may simply enjoy eating and mingling. But if you’re interested in having a few games or activities, here are some ideas for your 1-year-old baby’s first birthday party.

  • Free play. Set up an area of your venue for free play. This can include soft balls, building blocks, plush toys, rattles, stacking toys, wooden instruments, etc. Older kids and adults can help watch over the small children and facilitate the play.

  • Bubbles. Kids love bubbles, and they always have fun trying to catch them! This is great fun for older kids, too.

  • Wagon rides. Enlist the help of older siblings and adults to pull wagons in the park or backyard. Babies always seem to get a kick out of riding in a wagon!

  • Birthday parade. Hand out some instruments and have everyone walk around to create your very own parade celebrating your little one.

  • Baby photo guessing game. Ask your guests to bring a photo of themselves when they were a baby and try to match who is who!

  • Water table. If hosting outside, you could set up a water table with toys for babies and children to enjoy, as adults stay close by to supervise.

  • Art. Though 1-year-olds won’t be ready for crayons or paint just yet, toddlers and older siblings may enjoy drawing and coloring, finger painting, or painting with a brush. Toddlers can also enjoy crafts and activities that include cutting with safety scissors and gluing.

  • Dancing. Everyone enjoys music, and babies are just so cute when they’re clapping, swaying, and bopping to tunes. In fact, party guests of all ages can get into dancing, singing, and listening to music. You can even ask one of the guests to be the DJ.

Watch the video below to learn more about how music can enrich your baby’s life!

Party Favors

Party favors are optional, but one popular tradition at first birthday parties is providing a keepsake for your guests. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive. You could opt for a party bag that keeps the celebration going (this is great for older kids), filled with small treats. Or, choose a sentimental gift as your party favor, which your guests can use to remember your little one’s first birthday. Some ideas are

  • swag bags filled with treats related to your theme

  • a framed photo of your baby

  • an ornament or trinket like a mug or magnet with your baby’s photo on it

  • something with a happy birthday message on it, like rubber bracelets or temporary tattoos

  • homemade cookies or soaps

  • something practical for other kids, like teething rings or blocks

  • candy or cake pops.

If you’d like to provide your guests with personal mementos, be sure to order these ahead of time. There are many websites that offer personalized mugs, magnets, calendars, ornaments, and more. Just remember to order in plenty of time!

Baby’s First Birthday Party Checklist

Planning and preparing for your baby’s first birthday requires some effort, especially since there are so many ideas and details to consider. Below, we’ve created a first birthday party checklist, so you won’t forget anything! You can also download it for safekeeping.

The Bottom Line

As your little boy or girl is turning 1 year old, you probably have lots of birthday ideas to consider. Planning and preparing your baby’s first birthday party is a memorable task for you as a parent, and the event is a moment in your little one’s life that you’ll want to treasure forever. Make the celebration a success by planning a party that’s near and dear to you and your family!

You have many decisions to make for a stress-free birthday party, including the following:

  • Choose a theme that’s special or entertaining

  • Decide on a venue that fits your budget

  • Create a party timeline that works well with your child’s (and other young guests’) nap schedule.

Whatever you decide on, have fun with good company, tasty food, and games or activities. Don’t forget to take lots of photos, especially when your baby gets ready to smash the cake!

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Animators Santa and Elves

Organizing a child’s second birthday is a complex process that parents pay special attention to. A kid at this age does not yet understand the essence of the holiday, he has not yet formed tastes, he does not have certain friends, so parents should be guided by their preferences when choosing an entertainment program. Professional animators will help arrange a spectacular holiday that will be remembered for a lifetime. nine0003

Is an animator needed for children aged 2?

The second birthday of a baby should be held in a joyful atmosphere, this is a significant event that needs to be celebrated brightly and cheerfully. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of character and musical accompaniment. If you want your child to take part in the celebration, then classes with a mass of game props are best suited for this. For full-fledged animation, it is also important that other adults take part in the holiday along with the animators. Close people will help the little birthday boy get used to the conditions of the celebration faster. nine0003

Not a single children’s holiday can do without a good animator. When choosing a two-year-old child leading a birthday party, one should give preference to simple and clear characters familiar to guests of childhood. You can invite animators in the costume of Pig Pe or Minion. Such heroes will not leave indifferent any child.

Animator for a children’s birthday for 2 years

Our agency pays special attention to the development of a festive script for kids. Usually the program of a grand show includes:

  • Famous children’s characters from cartoons and comics;
  • Soap bubble show;
  • Cheerful musical accompaniment and dancing;
  • Takeaway cake;
  • Photography.

Our animators professionally give emotions. They have extensive experience in dealing with children of different ages and know how to find an approach even to the most shy kids. Cooperation with our agency will allow you to organize a truly bright and unforgettable celebration, where you can hear children’s laughter and see the smiles of adults. nine0003

Show programs and magic tricks for children

Exciting performances will add magic to your holiday!

Soap Bubble Show

Shiny rainbow balloons will fly into the air and bring a real miracle to a children’s party! Fountains of iridescent and shiny bubbles will captivate children to dance. Unforgettable emotions and sincere delight will make the celebration the best in the world!

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Paper Show

Tired of boring holidays? Then it’s time to arrange a fun and bright paper presentation at the celebration, which will give everyone a charge of positive energy and positive emotions! It is ideal for children’s holidays and will give each child a lot of unforgettable emotions. nine0003

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Any holiday can be wrapped in a magical haze in an instant, from which fabulous flowers will bloom, a bright fire will break out and a snow-white fluffy rabbit will jump out! Our illusionist is able to enchant every child with good magic spells that will penetrate into the very heart and leave warm impressions of the celebration for a long time.

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Football Show

We have prepared an unusual and colorful show for all little athletes and dedicated football fans! Cheerful chants, bright boots and leggings and, of course, soccer balls – all this awaits children and teenagers at our show. The holiday will turn into a large-scale sporting event in an instant! nine0003

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Photos of our animators

Child’s birthday 2 – 3 – 4 years / 5 years

+7 (495) 768-55-31+7 (495) 724-48-20

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No children’s holiday is complete without favorite fairy tale characters. You can order the organization of any festive event for your children, including birthdays. For children of the age category from two to six years, a thematic line of cultural and entertainment events is provided, each of which is based on the use of favorite children’s fairy-tale characters. nine0003

Program costs 2 masters 1 hour 8 000 rub.
2 hours 15 000 rub.

Each period of childhood is a real treasure trove for a loving parent. Watching how children grow up, what happens in their lives is a great joy. Until your kids go to school, you just need to make their life easy and carefree, they still have time to solve puzzles and read books. As part of the celebration, specialists – developers of holiday programs will recommend to the customer topics that will correspond to the intellectual and physical development of a child of a certain age. nine0003

When organizing holidays, we take into account any interests of your children:

birthday of a child 2 years old — programs

  • “Magic adventures of the Smurfs. Heroes: Dwarfs Smurf and Smurfette”;
  • Masha and Medvedik. Heroes to choose from: Mashenka, Bear, Wolf and Bear”;
  • “Pinocchio Magic Theater” Heroes: Malvina and Pinocchio;

birthday of a child 5 years old – programs

  • “School of Winx Wizards. Heroines: Bloom, Muse, Stela, Flora”; nine0074
  • Toy Story. Heroes: Buzz Lightyear and Jesse”;
  • Disney Mouse Party with Mickey Mouse and Minnie. Heroes: Mickey Mouse and his girlfriend Minnie, etc.

What do we offer for a holiday program for a child’s birthday at 4 years old.

  • The list of thematic programs based on favorite fairy tales includes more than 50 scenarios.
  • At the request of the customer, scripts for festive events can be written individually and adapted to the specific theme of the solemn event, the venue for the celebration, the character and personality of the hero of the occasion, etc.
  • Each performance is performed by professional animators.
  • Be sure that exclusive props will be used at your event.
  • Our costume shop has over 150 themed costumes.
  • In festive programs we use hypoallergenic face painting.
  • Our employees, thanks to the sound arrangement, create a musical illusion of the reality of fairy-tale events.

Our main task when organizing a child’s birthday at the age of 3 is to create an atmosphere of universal fun, magic, and joy. At the same time, no child is left behind. All events are organized in such a way that each participant – a child – is involved in a magical story with fairy-tale characters.

A child’s childhood should be filled with bright moments and events. Children’s holiday for a child is a special day, they are looking forward to it. And you can celebrate the birthday of a child of 5 years, 4, 3, 2 years or any other holiday in a very colorful and unusual way, leaving a pleasant mark on your memory forever.