20 month old cries all the time: Your 2 Year Old Constantly Crying and Whining? It Might Be These Things!

Опубликовано: January 9, 2023 в 9:47 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Your 2 Year Old Constantly Crying and Whining? It Might Be These Things!

What’s in this post…

Being a two year old is no walk in the park. There are many factors that can affect why your two year old is constantly crying and whining. Here are some main constitutors as well as solutions:

I remember way back before having kids I told some of my friends… 2 year olds are totally the best.

They are squishy, cute, still small but not babyish, and they say really funny stuff.

I stand by this assessment.

What I didn’t know at the time in my innocent pre-motherhood state was that 2-year-olds are also tough. They fight bedtimes, they go through sleep regressions, they throw hissy fits, and they have their own minds.

Parenting toddlers isn’t for the faint of heart.

Let’s jump into some possible reasons why your 2 year old is whiny, fussy, and throwing fits all the time.

Over-tiredness and/or over-stimulation

Nothing makes a two year old whiny like being over-tired. That’s because one of the most important/fundamental needs of a growing two year old is proper sleep.

At this age children need between anywhere from 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day. This includes a daytime nap.

Sleep is necessary because…

  • Your child’s brain is growing, replacing chemicals, solving problems, and storing information while they sleep.
  • Proper sleep improves attention, behavior, learning, and memory.
  • Overall physical and mental health is related to receiving a proper amount of sleep.
  • Proper sleep can help prevent exhaustion related crying and whining in toddlers

Prevent over-tiredness by…

  • Establishing a sleep schedule.
  • Limit screen time. I suggest 0 screen time, but if you have to, less than an hour. And NOT before bed
  • Keeping a bedtime routine.
  • Avoiding night terrors and nightmares by getting them to bed on time

At two, you’re probably still learning the personality and personality needs of your child. It wasn’t until quite a bit later than two that I discovered that my oldest boy was a True Introvert.

That being said, it shed some light on some of his crying and whining situations from a toddler. I now know that he doesn’t do well with over-stimulation. He takes it for a while, but after some time he requires alone time to “unpack.”

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Not Enough Structure So Fighting Transitions

For a two year old, every day is full of brand new experiences. It’s a lot to take in..

If you find that your child is constantly crying and whining, it may be due to the fact that they don’t have enough structure in their day.

Even on days where we’re traveling or people are over… I always stick to some basic daily structures. It can be challenging, but children thrive with consistency.

Humans are creatures of habit. And, change takes lots of energy.

Try looking at the situation from your child’s perspective…

They just settled into playing at the park (because they have no concept of time and you’ve really been there 3 hours), but it’s time to go. When you say “it’s time to go” it’s meltdown city and the town is burning down.

This transition may be hard for them because they are having so much fun and don’t really see what’s coming next.

Try this to avoid crying and whining…

  • Give your child a time warning. Five or two minutes before leaving, have them pick one more activity before they leave. Explain that they will be leaving soon.
  • Once you say “it’s time to go” stick with it. If they get used to you going back on your word, they may cry and whine to get their way.
  • Offer a genuine reason for leaving. For example: “I’m making yummy spaghetti for dinner and I need to get it started now. Bright kids particularly resist when they don’t think what you’re doing makes sense.
  • Positively enforce using words of affirmation. Be clear about what you are proud about. Say: “I loved the way you came right when I called and smiled when I put you in your car seat.”
  • Instruct your child by telling them what you expect then to do, not what they are doing wrong. For example, say: “Let’s put a smile on your face and get excited about helping mommy make spaghetti.” vs “Stop crying and whining- that’s all you ever do.”

Helpful Phrases Pack

Parenting little ones can be crazy at times, but these proven phrases will teach your kids to listen. And the best part? You can stop repeating yourself!

Learn More

Teething and Molars

Your child will probably get their two year old molars between 23 and 33 months old. These are large, flat teeth at the very back of their mouth. The lower seat usually appears first, and the upper set a bit later.

These teeth are great for grinding all the different foods they start to experience at this age. But, cutting those molars in isn’t that fun

Although some toddlers don’t experience must discomfort, others can have quite a bit of pain. Every child is different.

Your 2 year old may be teething if…

  • they start chewing on toys, fingers, or clothing
  • night wakings start happening that had stopped a long while ago
  • they become super irritable which is abnormal for them
  • they have a low-grade temperature
  • or they are constantly crying and whining

I learned with my first child that teething symptoms usually worsen at night. Unfortunately this is when a child is more tired and doesn’t have the daytime distractions from the pain.

So, if they are constantly crying and whining… it may be good to look into some teething remedies.

Read These While You’re At It

Not Getting Enough Physical Activity

In a world full of device and screens… more and more young children are inactive in their lifestyle. Being overly inactive can be damaging to a child’s development, physical health, and mental health.

Kids learn by doing. They learn by having experiences. They grow through active play. Active play is essential and a lack of it can cause a two year old to be constantly crying and whining.

To be bored, listless, and zombie like.

Take the kids to the park. Create safe outdoor areas where they can run wild and free if you have the space. Make walking, running, or playing a priority. This helps with mood regulation and tires them out.

Read These While You’re At It

It Gets Them What They Want- So They Cry

I recently had a mom confess to me that she let’s her two year old get whatever she wantsbecause she doesn’t want to hear her cry.

This is exactly how to teach that two year old- that crying is the ticket to everything she wants.

I am by no means suggesting that children should be left along to cry their heart out. However, I am suggesting that teaching children to cry as a means of communicating what they want can be avoided.

What if I already do this?

If you’re already in the trap of “they cry to get what they want”- try these things:

  • When your child starts to cry for something, model the correct way to ask for it.
  • Take it slow, but require them to attempt the “please” or “can I have” before giving them what they want.
  • Reward them with smiles, hugs, and positive words affirmation when they use their words to communicate.

Character Affirmations For Kids

Want to help develop your child’s strengths Use these cards to dive into the character qualities and how your child does – and can in the future = exhibit them in their own life.

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Feeling Emotionally Disconnected and Needs More Connection Time with Mom

I’m gong to go back to technology here… It’s easy to fall in into the Present But Absent mom status.

It your two year old is constantly crying and whining, take a step back and notice when they seem their worst. Is it while you’re on your device? If it is, they are probably craving more connection time with mom.

Feeling emotionally disconnected can also come from:

  • Lack of time spent together (some 1:1 tips for kids here)
  • social stresses such as change of environment or new people,
  • a sudden change in routine,
  • or too much screen time themselves.

Major Changes Going On at Home

Major changed going on at home can certainly cause a two year old to be constantly crying and whining.

Often times, children take longer to process change than adults do. What is simple to us, may make them feel like their whole world is upside down.

Also, children who are on the spectrum or have specific learning exceptionalities are more often than not… more sensitive to change.

  • Be constant and unwavering in your reaction to change (around your two year old). In other words, don’t freak out about chance- this can upset them.
  • Understand that they may show symptoms of change hours… days later. The constantly crying and whining may even seem like it’s about something else altogether.

Read: Books To Talk About Hard Topics With Kids

Erratic Sleep Routines like Super Late Bedtime or Sleeping Half the Morning Away

As any mom would tell you, it’s super tempting to let them stay up late- in order to sleep in. That way, you can get some things done in the morning.

Unfortunately, this type of routine can cause a two year old to be off kilter with the normal daily rhythms. Our bodies do align with the rising and setting of the sun.

Little ones who go to bedtime by 7pm or so can enjoy 5 hours of restorative sleep because the hours until midnight are the deepest of the entire night.

A sleep routine for your 2 year old is super important and children will behave better when they have one under wraps.

  • Wake up and start the day time should be fairly consistent
  • Nap times (or rest times) should be consistent
  • Bedtimes should be consistent

Normal Developmental Changes (More Emotions Coming Up/Developmental Leaps)

At times, being a two year old is hard work.

They are growing so fast. And have many emotions and developmental leaps coming up.

During this age, kids start to develop a strong sense of self and therefore can come across as being being bossy or selfish. Furthermore, they are not developmentally ready to share and have a wide range of curiosities (which probably get them into trouble).

Additionally, two year olds experience extreme feelings of frustration, anger, sadness, and shame. And yet, they don’t quite know how to express themselves.

This burst of independence- coupled with the inability to effectively communicate can lead to crying and whining.

Rest assured, with patience and time… this too shall pass.

Separation Anxiety which Can Take Hold Around This Age

Separation anxiety can take hold around 9 moths of age, and last for years. It can lead to crying and whining during the most inopportune times. Remember these truths:

  • It’s a normal developmental stage.
  • Helps develop object permanence.

Stay calm and confident in your approach to their separation anxiety.

The more you can exude confidence and calm to your child during the emotional moments, the more they will model your behavior and trust that everything really is “OK”.

Read: Separation Anxiety At Bedtime

Ways to Support Your Emotional Toddler

  • Teach about emotions
  • show acceptance & understanding by responding to their reactions in a calm but firm way
  • give them lots of affection
  • work on forming a secure attachment (not based on if your child can see you at the moment)
  • applaud effort (not success)
  • encourage learning whenever possible
  • practice patience

Emotion Cards

Emotions are a H U G E part of a young child’s life. These “I Am Feeling” cards will reduce tantrums, meltdowns, and help your little one learn emotional awareness.

Learn More


  • Children with optimal bedtime routines showed improved executive functioning
  • Adequate sleep in the first year is critical for optimal infant neurodevelopment
  • Research shows sleep training does not have long term stress effects

Your 20-month-old’s social and emotional development: Terrible twos preview

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By Dana Sullivan Kilroy

Photo credit: Thinkstock

New this month: Terrible twos preview

You’ve been warned about the “terrible twos,” but you may be unprepared for this rite of passage if your child has been cooperative up until now. The stage doesn’t always begin exactly on your child’s second birthday. Development experts say it can strike as early as 18 months and as late as 30 months (though some angelic children never go through this phase). How do you know if you’re in the midst of the TTs? Look for new signs of assertiveness from your toddler. Hallmark behaviors to watch for: He may insist on doing exactly what you’ve told him not to do or throw himself down on the floor in a fit of temper if he doesn’t get his way. His demands may alternately frustrate and amuse you. At times, for example, he’ll likely ask for something that he doesn’t even want, just to see if he has enough power to get it.

What you can do

Though you may be tempted to cry and throw yourself on the floor, too, the best thing to do during a temper episode is keep your cool, stay close to your child, and let him release his feelings. A hug and a shoulder to cry on may be all that some toddlers need to feel better, while others may benefit from the distraction technique — offer him another activity or toy.

If you’re in a public place or at someone’s house, pick up your child and take him someplace where the two of you can sit calmly until the feelings subside. Save the time-outs until he’s old enough to understand and follow rules, sometime between ages 2 and 3.

Other developments: Pretend play, cuddle time

Does your toddler love to try on your shoes? Does he attempt to put on your coat, hat, or eyeglasses? By stepping, literally, into your shoes, he’s showing you — and himself — that he’s aware he’s growing bigger and that he wants to be like you. You may also notice him pretend playing with stuffed animals and dolls. He’ll take over the “parenting” role by feeding his stuffed monkey a “banana” (which is actually a yellow wooden block) or by tucking the animal under a blanket and singing it a lullaby. He may kiss the monkey’s boo-boo and want to put a bandage on it. Pretend play like this is a great example of imitation, and a sign that your child is learning to empathize with others.

Many 20-month-olds are very affectionate. Yours probably likes to sit on your lap and cuddle because he knows it’s a time when he has your undivided attention — something he loves. He continues to want to help you with household chores, everything from folding laundry and unpacking groceries to sweeping the kitchen floor. Of course he really wants to do these “grown-up” things without your help, even though odds are he can’t yet. It may slow you down a little, but it’s worth the time to find safe ways to let him assist you.

See all our articles on toddler development.

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Dana Sullivan Kilroy

Dana Sullivan Kilroy has been writing about health, fitness, travel, and business for more than 20 years. She lives in Reno, Nevada, and enjoys skiing, golf, and hiking with her family.

Baby Cries at Night 1 year


Most often, children cry because of emotional overload. The cry is hysterical, the child may not open his eyes, it is impossible to reach him. When you try to hug, caress the baby arches, fights back, screams even louder.

Inevitable overloads

The simplest example:

The child has begun to walk. Mom and dad are happy, but their emotions cannot be compared with the euphoria of a baby who has opened up new horizons, who has overcome gravity and his own body. nine0003

Such strong impressions do not have time to be “assimilated” during the day and fade away by night. Hence abrupt awakenings, frightening dreams, etc.

In a word, a child, even under ideal conditions, can cry bitterly at night or during bedtime during the next leap in development: he began to sit, crawl, walk, etc.

Pay attention

The dream of a child is different than that of an adult. Most of it falls on the fast phase. Accordingly, sleep is superficial, muscles can contract – the arms and legs tremble, and this sometimes wakes up the child. nine0003

Mistakes of parents

Year 1 is one of the most powerful jumps in physical development, and the baby’s emotions are not ready for such a load. There is even a special word for this age – toddler.

Unfortunately, adults overestimate the “maturity” of the child and in 90% of cases make at least one mistake in raising a toddler.

Do’s and Don’ts:

1. Play active games before bed: tickling, chasing, pillow fighting, etc.

2. Watch “daytime” cartoons, expressively, like in a theater, read a tale or choose an emotional story for the night. nine0029

3. Scold, punish the child or quarrel among themselves.

4. Load your child’s entire day with activities and/or entertainment.

5. Allow to watch a lot of bright cartoons during the day and play on the phone for a long time.

Why? All these activities lead to the fact that emotions accumulate and do not have time to assimilate – hence the disturbing sleep, nightmares or sudden awakening and crying.

What to do

It is clear that children aged 1-3 are restless in and of themselves and find so many adventures that they do not sleep well at night. But you can help them a little to calm down by 21.00:

1. Alternate bright events and studies so that there are breaks of 1-2 hours. Usually this is enough to digest emotions. How to understand that the child is rested? He was excited after the event, then passive or capricious, then calm, then he calmly discusses the event with an adult (the answers, however, come down to “yes”, “no”, because the baby does not have enough words).

2. For the day, choose informative, understandable, interesting, but calm cartoons: “Kids”, “Trees”, “Mimimishki”, etc. And limit screen time to 15–20 minutes a day. nine0029

3. Emotional or impressionable children shouldn’t have cartoons at all. Maximum – 1 episode per day. You will have to replace time with joint creativity in the kitchen, a walk or a home sports complex.

4. Be attentive, like Stirlitz, and start packing at the first sign of fatigue. Sometimes it’s 10 minutes that you need to have time to use.

5. Refuse executions for the night. Express your dissatisfaction and immediately make peace with the child. Otherwise, you won’t have time to sleep: at night you will be raised by frightened crying, which will be difficult to stop. nine0029

6. Before going to bed, take a calm step around the house – fresh air, a monotonous step and the same landscape lull even an adult.

7. Pick up and observe a “good night” ritual.

Emotional, excitable and especially hyperactive natures require special patience. The best thing for them is an unshakable ritual extended over time.

There is no such problem for sanguine and phlegmatic people. Emotionally strong children need 30 minutes to switch to the night mode and lie quietly under the covers. nine0003

Examples of rituals

Stretched rhythm:

1. Play, for example, Twister.

2. View part of the cartoon.

3. Brush your teeth.

4. Watch the second part of the cartoon and drink warm milk.

5. Wash.

6. Watch the cartoon and go to bed.

7. Recall all the events of the day and discuss their meaning.

8. Listen to a song and fall asleep.

Clear rhythm:

1. Collect the toys.

2. Brush your teeth and wash.

3. Kiss dad / mom / grandma / cat at night.

4. Lie down in bed and listen to a story.

5. Fall asleep.


What is it? This is when a child wakes up and cannot immediately understand where he is, who is nearby, what is happening. Most often this happens if the child is abruptly awakened during the transition to deep sleep.

Who wakes him up? He himself. Children at the age of 1 often toss and turn, even sit down, less often they walk. Then the REM phase is replaced by deep sleep, and the child does not fit neatly, but falls or begins to fall – wakes up abruptly – gets lost – cries. nine0003

The second version of disorientation is when the child had a terrible dream, he woke up, but not completely yet. It seems to him that the terrible situation continues. This causes the most desperate and hysterical crying.

Health problems

In addition to dreams and emotions, the child is often awakened by diseases:

1. Difficulty breathing:

▪ due to a runny nose or allergies;

▪ enlarged adenoids;

▪ swelling of the throat due to allergies or laryngitis; nine0029

▪ inflammation and swelling of the throat due to the accumulated runny nose with SARS / acute respiratory infections / pharyngitis.

2. Pain when swallowing.

3. Colic or strong gas formation in the intestines.

4. Gastritis-like condition, or irritation of the stomach.

5. Itching from insect bites or allergies.

6. High temperature, fever.

7. Pain in the gums due to erupting teeth.

Not a pathology, but the germination of nerve endings can be very painful. This reason is rarely written in reference books, but it happens. You can recognize it by a jump in tactile sensitivity: he used to wear any things, now he cries from wool or even just from rough flannel, he used to sleep under any blanket, now only under satin. Such a child does not like ribbed tights, adjusts or takes off his socks all the time, complains about the seam on his fingers. nine0003

Sometimes the muscles do not have time to grow behind the bones, or vice versa – this can also be painful or painful. During the day, the child does not notice the problem, because he is carried away by other things, but at night the sensations are aggravated.


Do not forget about this factor. The child is cold, his bed is wet or the pillow is damp, the child is hot or tangled in a blanket, there is not enough air in the room.

The child may become hysterical, tossing and turning and jerking his arms and legs. Can cry long or intermittently, not waking up, tossing and turning, arching. nine0003

What to do in case of hysteria

Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid night crying with a guarantee. What to do when a child cries at night, flounders in bed, screams?

Eliminate emotional causes first:

1. Stroke the child on the head, with your fingertips over the bridge of the nose, on the cheek or on the ear. Here are the “pacifying” zones.

2. Be there, insuring the child so that he does not hit, you can transfer him to your bed, if it is clean there, and the child is in pajamas. nine0029

3. For 10-15 minutes, monotonously and affectionately repeat his name, read a verse, a prayer, or sing a song to which the child usually falls asleep. Something that will calm both you and him.

4. Check if the bed is dry and even, if the room is not stuffy and cold, if the baby is tangled in a blanket, if he has buried his nose in a pillow or blanket so that he cannot breathe. Check if the nose is breathing calmly, if swelling or a runny nose is interfering (determined by snoring, sniffing, sometimes children desperately rub their nose without waking up – they are trying to ease their breathing). nine0029

5. If everything is in order in the crib and the room, but calming did not help, check the forehead with your lips, feel the stomach and legs. Perhaps the child has a temperature, colic, something hurts.

Some examples

1. Cold feet – wear socks.

2. Cold feet and hot forehead – put on socks and measure the temperature. Listen to the breath.

3. Stuffy nose – put a cushion on the sofa so that the head is higher than the legs. If the child knows how, persuade him to blow his nose. Put a remedy with eucalyptus next to it (an adult smells it as weak, it does not sting his eyes – this is enough). nine0029

4. From colic, it helps well if you put the child on his stomach with his stomach. For safety, the mother lies with her back on the pillow – so, half-sitting, she will have a good rest, but she will not fall asleep deeply and will feel if the child is sliding to her side.

5. A warm heating pad also helps with colic, but who will keep it on a sore tummy for half the night?

6. Unfortunately, night tantrums do not always pass quickly. Doctors are allowed to seriously worry only after an hour of continuous hysterical crying … But this hour still needs to be experienced. nine0003

Summary advice for parents of a one-year-old child – follow a measured day regimen and a nightly ritual, be internally calm yourself so that your confidence is transferred to the child. The main thing for the baby is your love and support. The rest will come with experience.

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0–3 months 3–6 months 6–9 months 9–18 months 1.5–3 years

Author of the article

Tatyana Chkhikvishvili

Tatyana Chkhikvishvili

Head of online programs, psychologist, sleep and breastfeeding consultant 9002 9002 two children

You can’t figure out why your baby is crying in his sleep? Get confused when the child wakes you up at night crying, while he himself continues to sleep. Parents of older children are no less worried in such cases. What causes a baby to cry in a dream? What to do, how to help the baby?


Calendar of child crises

Causes of crying in sleep in children under one year old

A newborn sleeps differently than an adult, not only quantitatively, but also structurally. Approximately half of the time that newborns sleep, they spend in the REM phase. It is also often referred to as “rapid eye movement sleep” or “REM phase” – this is the time when the baby sees dreams. Such a large amount of REM phase is necessary for the intensive process of development and growth of the brain of a small child. nine0003

During this phase, children:

  • actively move their pupils;
  • move arms and legs;
  • grimacing, reproducing sucking movements with their mouths;
  • make various sounds, whine.

In this phase, a newborn baby may cry – but very soon this just as suddenly stops, and the baby continues to sleep peacefully.

REM sleep is not sound and the child can wake up easily if something disturbs him. If the mother, at the beginning of such physiological crying, immediately takes the baby in her arms and actively tries to comfort him, this can lead to awakening. It is worth waiting a few seconds – this may be enough for the baby to continue his dream. nine0003

Moro reflex

All healthy babies have this natural reflex. The baby has a reflex throwing up of the handles, including when he sleeps. This often results in the child waking himself up. But it can also be the cause of crying without waking up.

Swaddling your baby before bed helps a lot – both for three-month-old babies and even for older children.

Developmental leaps

In the first year of life, a child is constantly changing and often experiences crises caused by developmental leaps. During periods of crisis, the load on the nervous system of the baby increases sharply. nine0003

These changes are common causes of sleep crying. It is important to monitor the emotional load, to prevent overexcitation and excessive fatigue. Keep a close eye on signs of fatigue and waking hours.

Change in sleep pattern

At about 3 months, baby’s sleep changes. Its structure becomes the same as in adults. During the transition to a new structure, there is often a sharp deterioration in the child’s sleep. This period is called the “regression of four months.” The baby screams in a dream or wakes up crying, it can be difficult to calm him down. nine0003

During this period, it is important not to introduce new strong associations for falling asleep – it is better to use the actions by which you help the baby calm down and fall asleep just for calming down, and not until he falls asleep completely.


The calmer the baby is before bedtime, the less he will need help. Make sure that the child does not “overwalk”.

Superficial sleep

After a change in the structure of sleep, the stage of superficial sleep appears in it. It begins immediately after falling asleep and lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. Only then comes deep sleep. nine0003

Partial awakening may occur during the transition between light and deep sleep. If the child is not yet able to make this transition on his own, or he is overexcited, or he has accumulated fatigue, at this point he may cry.

Put your baby to bed on time to prevent fatigue and tears, if necessary, help him prolong sleep during the transition between stages of sleep. If it was not possible to calm him down and lay him down again, he will not rest enough. Therefore, make the next waking time shorter than usual. This is important for both a five-month-old and a one-year-old child. nine0003

Awakenings between sleep cycles

Babies have a sleep cycle of about 40 minutes. By the age of 2, it gradually lengthens to about 1.5 hours.

There are usually awakenings between sleep cycles to control the environment and well-being. At this point, the child may begin to cry if something bothers him: discomfort, overexcitation, psychological factors. And if everything is in order and the child is ready to continue sleeping, but does not know how to fall asleep without help, he will begin to cry due to the lack of familiar conditions for falling asleep. nine0029

Physical discomfort

The child may cry in his sleep if he is hungry or thirsty. In this case, he soon wakes up and calms down after eating or drinking. Usually a child under one year old needs feeding at night.

The crying baby may just want to pee. Why does a child react so sharply to such an everyday occurrence? He still does not fully understand what is happening, but he feels discomfort that prevents him from sleeping peacefully at night.

The baby may also cry from a wet diaper or an overfilled diaper. nine0003

A common reason why an infant cries in its sleep is the uncomfortable conditions in the room. In infancy, temperature (18–22°C) and air humidity (40–60%) are especially relevant.

Clothes are also important. Barbed tags or rough seams can cause a baby to cry, especially a highly sensitive one.

If a child cries often, strongly, for a long time at night, this may be a sign of an illness. The baby most likely wakes up and calls for help, although it may cry during sleep. Most often, an infant suffers from a runny nose, otitis media, and allergies. But gastroesophageal reflux is also possible, as well as neurological problems. If the nature of crying bothers you, be sure to contact your pediatrician. nine0003

Well, if diseases are excluded, then why does the child cry so much, as if something hurts him? There are pains that are not associated with pathology. For example, colic in the first months of life, pain from teething in older babies, abdominal pain at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, when the gastrointestinal tract is only being rebuilt on solid food. It happens that this is reflected only in sleep, and during the day it remains invisible, because the baby is distracted by learning about the world and playing. But at night, all distractions recede, and the baby suddenly starts crying. nine0003

Babies need frequent and close contact with their mother. And if they don’t get enough closeness with mom during the day, they try to make up for it at night.

Even those children whose mothers enjoyed a peaceful sleep in a separate bed may start crying for nightly attention during a period of separation crisis.

Associations for falling asleep

Intensive parental assistance in falling asleep usually affects sleep after 3–4 months of age. Most often, it looks like the “four-month regression” has begun, but for some reason does not end. According to the calendar, the crisis period should have ended long ago, but week after week passes, and the child continues to demand attention every hour or two at night. The fact is that during the regression, he had fixed associations for falling asleep.