10 year old workout: Fun indoor exercises for school-aged kids (5-12 years old)

Опубликовано: October 19, 2022 в 6:05 am


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Fun indoor exercises for school-aged kids (5-12 years old)

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No sun? Too much sun? No problem. Our list of indoor exercises for kids works, rain or shine.

Just because you’re stuck indoors doesn’t mean the kids can’t get out their wiggles and bump their heartbeats up a notch. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical activity for kids reduces risk of depression, improves aerobic fitness, muscular fitness and bone health and improves attention and some measures of academic performance (with school physical activity programs). That’s a lot of awesome stuff!

Whether the weather is sunny, rainy or something in between, there are a zillion ways to keep kids healthy and entertained. Check out our list of exercises for kids that work in any type of weather.

Know the physical activity guidelines for school-aged kids

SHAPE America, the Society of Health and Physical Educators, shares the following physical activity guidelines for 5- to 12-year-olds:

  • Guideline 1: “Children should accumulate at least 60 minutes, and up to several hours, of age-appropriate physical activity on all, or most days of the week. This daily accumulation should include moderate and vigorous physical activity with the majority of the time being spent in activity that is intermittent in nature.”
  • Guideline 2: “Children should participate in several bouts of physical activity lasting 15 minutes or more each day.”
  • Guideline 3: “Children should participate each day in a variety of age-appropriate physical activities designed to achieve optimal health, wellness, fitness, and performance benefits.”
  • Guideline 4: “Extended periods (periods of two hours or more) of inactivity are discouraged for children, especially during the daytime hours.

Get in a mix of exercise types

The CDC recommends that children and adolescents include three types of physical activity each week, including:

  1. Aerobic activities. Try jump rope, dancing, martial arts or running in place. 
  2. Muscle-strengthening activities. Try pushups, squats, resistance exercises using body weight or resistance bands or some forms of yoga.
  3. Bone-strengthening activities. Try hopping, skipping or jumping games or exercises.

Try these fun indoor exercises for 5- to 12-year-olds

In addition to outdoor sports like soccer and basketball, experts recommend a variety of indoor exercises for kids in this age group. “They can also do basic calisthenics, such as pushups, curlups, running in place, mountain climbers and burpees,” says Len Saunders, best-selling author, motivational speaker and exercise physiologist.

You can also play a structured game like “Olympic Hot Spot Challenge. ” Clear out some space and create “hot spot” stations with different activities for fun and variety. The idea is to get the children moving from one station to the next every 30-45 seconds. Here are some station ideas:

  • Pushups (against the wall, on their knees or full pushups).
  • Situps.
  • Jump rope.
  • Step-ups (either with a “step” or up and down the stairs).
  • Circle jumps (small rings or hula hoops or tape marks).
  • Jumping jacks.
  • Squats.
  • Balance on one leg.
  • Ball toss (with a partner).

To make it more challenging, you can:

  • Increase time at each hot spot, so 30, 45, 60 seconds.
  • Increase number of times you do the complete hot spot circuit, so 2, 3, 4 or 5 times.
  • Mixup the hot spots or doing them in a different order.
  • Create new hot spot activities of your own.
  • Add new hot spot props like soup can weights.

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Fitness and Your 6- to 12-Year-Old (for Parents)

Kids this age need physical activity to build strength, coordination, and confidence — and to lay the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle. They’re also gaining more control over how active they are.

School-age kids should have many chances to do a variety of activities, sports, and games that fit their personality, ability, age, and interests. Brainstorm with your kids on activities that feel right. Most kids won’t mind a daily dose of fitness as long as it’s fun.

Physical activity guidelines for school-age kids recommend that they get 1 hour or more of moderate to strong physical activity daily.

In addition:

  • Most of the physical activity should be aerobic, where kids use large muscles and continue for a period of time. Examples of
    aerobicactivity are running, swimming, and dancing.
  • School-age kids usually have brief bouts of moderate to strong physical activity alternating with light activity or rest throughout the day. Any moderate to strong activity counts toward the 60-minute goal.
  • Muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening physical activity should be included at least 3 days a week.
  • Children naturally build strong muscles and bones when they run, jump, and play. Formal weight programs aren’t needed, but are safe when properly designed and supervised.

Fitness at Home

Many parents and kids think of organized sports when they think of fitness. Though there are many advantages to signing a child up for a sports team, practice and games once or twice a week will not be enough to reach activity goals. Also, parents can no longer rely on physical education in schools to provide enough physical activity for kids.

Here are some ways to keep your kids moving at home:

  • Make physical activity part of the daily routine. From household chores to an after-dinner walk, keep your family active every day.
  • Allow enough time for free play. Kids can burn more calories and have more fun when left to their own devices. Playing tag, riding bikes around the neighborhood, and building snowmen are fun and healthy.
  • Keep a variety of games and sports equipment on hand. It doesn’t have to be expensive — an assortment of balls, hula-hoops, and jump ropes can keep kids busy for hours.
  • Be active together. It’ll get you moving, and kids love to play with their parents.
  • Limit time spent in sedentary activities, such as watching TV, using electronic devices, being online, and playing video games.

If you run out of possibilities at home, take advantage of local playgrounds and athletic fields. Make family fitness outings part of your regular routine. Let family members choose an activity — go hiking, ice skating, or try out the rock-climbing gym. Anything goes, as long as everyone can participate.

And remember: You’ll help show your kids that exercise is important by regularly exercising yourself.

Fitness for Kids

Through physical activities, kids learn about sportsmanship, setting goals, meeting challenges, teamwork, and the value of practice.

Keep in mind your child’s age and developmental level, natural abilities, and interests. Kids 6 to 8 years old are sharpening basic physical skills like jumping, throwing, kicking, and catching. Some enjoy doing this in organized sports teams, but non-competitive leagues are best for younger kids. Show your support by coaching your child’s team or cheering from the stands on game days.

Kids 9 to 12 years old are refining, improving, and coordinating skills. Some become even more committed to a sport while others drop out as competition heats up and level of play improves.

It’s OK if a child isn’t interested in traditional sports, but it’s important to find alternative ways to be active. Encourage a child who doesn’t like soccer, basketball, or other team sports to explore other active options, like karate, fencing, golf, bicycling, skateboarding, and tennis.

Preventing Problems

Kids who participate in sports are at risk for injuries, so be sure yours wear the proper protective equipment, such as a helmet and protective pads when roller-blading. Kids who specialize in one sport are also at risk of overuse injuries, including stress fractures and joint injuries.

A child with a chronic health condition or disability should not be excluded from fitness activities. Some activities may need to be changed or adapted, and some may be too risky depending on the condition. Talk to your doctor about which activities are safe for your child.

Kids who enjoy sports and exercise tend to stay active throughout their lives. And staying fit can improve how kids do at school, build self-esteem, prevent obesity, and decrease the risk of serious illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease later in life.

If your child complains of pain during or after physical activity, talk with your doctor.

Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

Date reviewed: June 2019

Fun At-Home Workouts for Kids (5-12 Years Old)

As “shelter in place” orders have been instituted around the world due to COVID-19, parents and children alike have struggled to adjust to the confinement and disruption of a “new normal.” Young athletes accustomed to attending practices, games, and other physical-activity outlets have been forced to take their training into their own hands despite having few resources to guide them.

This unplanned break from competition has coaches, parents and young athletes worried that kids will lose the skills they have developed and will have to regress significantly when things return to normal. While there is no substitute for competition within a sport, taking time away from competition to develop foundational skills involved with coordination, strength, agility and other components of athleticism can actually create long-term advantages.

Before parents and coaches search the Internet for “professional athlete training strategies,” it’s important to note that kids have unique needs when it comes to developing their physical skills, especially prior to puberty. Their brains and bodies are developing, so they are just learning how to use their internal and external senses to put movements together. Training programs should take this into account and focus on introducing movements by letting kids “play” with them. Kids also have to enjoy what they are doing! Making things overly challenging will only frustrate young athletes and may increase the likelihood that they will get injured.

This article features three “at home” workouts ideal for young athletes 5-12 years old. These can be done indoors or outdoors and require little-to-no equipment. While each training session develops a variety of physical skills, each targets the development of either coordination, strength or agility, all of which are critical elements of athleticism. Each workout can be done in about 25 minutes, so young athletes will be able to remain engaged. Videos of the involved activities are included as well.

Fun and unique activities are used in warm-ups, drills, and games. These unorthodox activities are designed to provide childrens’ neuromuscular systems with novel challenges, increasing their rate of learning.

Performing each of these once per week can offer a huge advantage when young athletes return to their sports.

Workout 1: Coordination

In simple terms, coordination is the ability for the brain and body to communicate to accomplish a task in the most effective, efficient way possible. This is an important aspect of becoming a competent, confident athlete in any sport or physical activity.

Developing coordination requires a lot of experience with a wide variety of physical activities, starting at a young age. First, children must learn to use and rely on their sensory system to take in information quickly and then respond with the right movement strategy. As children get older, they practice and refine these movement strategies so they can happen faster and more smoothly.

1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

Movement Sentences

Efficiently transitioning from one movement to another requires a great deal of coordination. In this warm-up, pair three-movement words together. Instruct athletes to transition from one movement to another, repeating for 10 seconds.

Feel free to use more “abstract” movement concepts like some of those in the examples below. This provides movement “problems” for the kids to solve and helps build the adaptability needed for agility.

  • Skip, Roll, Jump (repeat for 10 seconds)
  • Push-up, Lateral shuffle, Cut (repeat for 10 seconds)
  • Gallop, Squat, Spin (repeat for 10 seconds)
  • Run, Stop, Accelerate (repeat for 10 seconds)

Movement Variables

Start by having children perform a movement skill for five seconds. After that, add an extra “movement variable” to that movement.

Provide just enough instruction for children to understand how to perform the movement, and what the added variable looks like.

  • Skip (5 seconds), Loud feet (5 seconds), Quiet feet (5 seconds), Big arm swings (5 seconds), Small arm swings (5 seconds), Skip (5 seconds)
  • Jump (5 seconds), Legs narrow (5 seconds), Legs wide (5 seconds), Side to side (5 seconds), Forward and backward (5 seconds), Jump (5 seconds)
  • Push-up (5 seconds), Hips high (5 seconds), Hips low (5 seconds), Moving (5 seconds), Push-up (5 seconds)
  • Lateral shuffle (5 seconds), Hips high (5 seconds), Hips low (5 seconds), Feet touch in the middle (5 seconds), Feet don’t touch in the middle (5 seconds), Lateral shuffle (5 seconds)

2. Sensory Prep

As young athletes begin to understand their basic body parts and what these body parts do, it becomes important to start incorporating the vocabulary that will be used to teach specific skills. When this is practiced frequently during warm-ups, kids will be familiar with the coaching cues associated with those skills when it comes time to learn and practice skills.

Here, they will be learning the specific coordination for doing a high-level skip, so they will need to understand the following coaching cues while performing a march or skip.

  • Bounce on the toes
  • Bounce on the heels
  • Bounce on the ball of the foot
  • Skip with thigh below parallel to the ground
  • Skip with thigh above parallel to the ground
  • Skip with the thigh parallel to the ground
  • Bend arms to 90 degrees at the elbow
  • Bend arms less than 90 degrees at the elbow
  • Bend arms more than 90 degrees at the elbow
  • Swing hands from back pocket to nose
  • Swing hands from behind body to the top of the head

3. Skill Development for Coordination: Skipping

Skipping is an important predecessor to proper running technique. Developing the rhythm and body position involved with skipping is an important aspect of coordination for kids to develop. 

Key elements of high-level skipping include:

  • Arms bent to 90 degrees
  • Hit the ground with the ball of the foot
  • Bring the thigh parallel to the ground

Do the following activities to reinforce the coordination necessary for high-level skipping:

  • Robot arms (4 sets of 10 seconds)
  • Popcorn jumps (4 sets of 10 seconds)
  • Moon meter (4 sets of 15-20 yards)
  • Skip (4 sets of 15-20 yards)

Equipment: Ball or balloon

This game requires kids to quickly react and coordinate a movement.

This activity requires kids to immediately respond to a coach’s prompts.

After the athlete has performed the previous activity for four sets of 15-20 seconds, introduce the coordination challenge of “opposites. ” In this case, the athlete is instructed to move in the opposite direction of what the coach designates.

7. Movement Circuit

These circuits highlight developing the strength and coordination to transition from one movement to the next. Do the following circuit three times.

  1. Push Up and Roll (30 seconds)
  2. Alternating Cone Reaches (30 seconds)
  3. Split Squat (30 seconds each leg)
  4. Crab Hip Holds (30 seconds)

Today’s Challenge

Can you do 20 jumping jacks, touching your hands together over your head, in 10 seconds?

Workout 2: Strength

Strength sets the foundation for a young athlete’s ability to perform at his or her best while decreasing their likelihood for getting injured. Strong legs, core and upper-body muscles help athletes run faster, jump higher and better control their bodies at every age.

While nearly every physical activity works to help kids get “stronger,” certain activities involved with both sensory and fundamental movement skills can highlight safe, effective strength development that is involved with the most important athletic movements.

1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

Movement Sentences

Transitioning from one movement to another efficiently requires a great deal of coordination.  In this warm-up, pair three-movement words together. Instruct the athletes to transition from one movement to another, repeating for 10 seconds.

Feel free to use more “abstract” movement concepts, such as those shown in the examples below. This provides movement “problems” for the kids to solve. This helps build the adaptability needed for agility.

  • Jumping jack, Roll, Leap (repeat for 10 seconds)
  • Squat, Run, Shuffle (repeat for 10 seconds)
  • Back pedal, Cut, Spin (repeat for 10 seconds)
  • Jump, Duck, Crawl (repeat for 10 seconds)

Movement Variables

Start by having children perform a fundamental movement skill for five seconds. Then, add an extra “movement variable” to that movement.

Provide just enough instruction for children to understand how to perform the movement and what the added variable looks like.

  • March (5 seconds), Fast (5 seconds), Slow (5 seconds), Knees high (5 seconds), Knees low (5 seconds), March (5 seconds)
  • Hop (each foot) (5 seconds), Loud feet (5 seconds), Soft feet (5 seconds), Over something (5 seconds), Backward (5 seconds), Hop (5 seconds)
  • Squat (5 seconds), Stop and Go (5 seconds), Body wide (5 seconds), Body narrow (5 seconds), Moving (5 seconds), Squat (5 seconds)
  • Crawl (5 seconds), Hips high (5 seconds), Hips low (5 seconds), Body long (5 seconds), Body short (5 seconds).

Here we use Simon Says as a game to help kids recognize the parts of their bodies and what they do. It can also be used to introduce kids to the more specific movements and body positions needed for certain movement skills. Make sure to incorporate movements Simon doesn’t say. Below are some suggestions.

Simon Says:

  • Feet as wide as hips
  • Feet wider than hips
  • Feet narrower than hips
  • Weight on your heels
  • Weight on your toes
  • Bend your knees to 90 degrees
  • Bend your knees to less than 90 degrees
  • Bend your knees to more than 90 degrees
  • Touch the ground
  • Reach above your head
  • Touch elbows to thighs

3. Skill Practice for Strength: Squat

Squatting is a natural movement important for sports and everyday activities. It also helps develop strength of the lower body. Children seven years and older should learn the more technical aspects of being able to do this movement safely and effectively. Once they can do it well, it’s important to find ways to make it more challenging.

As the athletes attempt these movements, make sure they:

  1. Keep heels on the ground.
  2. Shift the hips back so the knees are behind or in line with the toes.
  3. Keep their chest up and out.
  4. Step-up Squat 3 sets of 30 seconds
  5. Elbow/knee Squats 3 sets of 30 seconds
  6. Static wall Squats 3 sets of 30 seconds

This is a great game for all ages to reinforce squat mechanics, particularly lowering the hips and keeping the heels on the ground.

This activity is an opportunity to integrate strength movements into a game. Try the following sequence and feel free to add your own:

  1. Squat
  2. Push-up
  3. Hands to shoulders
  4. Jump
  5. CONE
  6. Jumping jacks
  7. Push-up
  8. Spin
  9. CONE
  10. Squat
  11. Jump
  12. Hands to head
  13. Hands to feet
  14. Jumping jacks
  15. CONE

6. Movement Circuit

These circuits highlight developing the strength and coordination to transition from one movement to the next. Do the following circuit three times.

  1. Surfer (30 seconds)
  2. Wall Squat (30 seconds)
  3. Alternating Superman (30 seconds)
  4. Bear, Crab, Butterfly (30 seconds)

7. Today’s Challenge

The Get-up Challenge

  1. Sit cross-legged on the floor with your arms folded across your chest.
  2. Try to stand up and sit down five times in a row without using your hands.

Workout 3: Agility

A young athlete with “agility” can move quickly and efficiently while adjusting to space, timing constraints and other components of a physical activity. Building the skill of agility requires developing sensory skills such as vision, balance, spatial ability, body awareness and rhythm in addition to fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping and shuffling.

1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

Movement sentences

Transitioning from one movement to another efficiently requires a great deal of coordination.  In this warm-up, pair three-movement words together. Instruct the athletes to transition from one movement to another, repeating for 10 seconds.

Feel free to use more “abstract” movement concepts, such as those in the examples below. This provides movement “problems” for the kids to solve and helps build the adaptability needed for agility.

  • Run, Roll, Jump (repeat for 10 seconds)
  • Shuffle, Switch, Push-up (repeat for 10 seconds)
  • Squat, Reach, Spin (repeat for 10 seconds)
  • Skip, Duck, Turn (repeat for 10 seconds)

Movement Variables

Start by having children perform a fundamental movement skill for five seconds. After that, add an extra “movement variable” to that movement.

Provide just enough instruction for children to understand how to perform the movement and what the added variable looks like.

  • March (5 seconds), Legs and arms wide (5 seconds), Legs and arms narrow (5 seconds), Hard feet (5 seconds), Soft feet (5 seconds), March (5 seconds)
  • Jump (5 seconds), Fast (5 seconds), Slow (5 seconds), In a zigzag (5 seconds), Backward (5 seconds), Jump (5 seconds)
  • Squat (5 seconds), Hands above head (5 seconds), Hands below waist (5 seconds), While moving (5 seconds), Stop and Go (5 seconds), Squat (5 seconds)
  • Gallop (5 seconds), In a circle (5 seconds), In a square (5 seconds), Body wide (5 seconds), Body narrow (5 seconds).

Here we use Simon Says as a game to help kids recognize the parts of their bodies and what they do. Make sure to incorporate movements Simon doesn’t say. Below are some suggestions.

Simon Says:

  • Touch elbow to knee
  • Touch elbow to opposite knee
  • Hands to floor
  • Hands above head
  • Touch hands to thighs
  • Bring your heel to your glute muscle
  • Bring heel to opposite glute muscle
  • Bend your knees
  • Straighten your knees
  • Push your hips forward
  • Push your hips backward
  • Reach to your right
  • Reach to your left

3. Skill Practice for Agility: “Elastic” Foot Contact With Popcorn Jumps

Elastic foot contact with the ground is an important aspect of agility. It is also a precursor for improving speed. It’s important that kids ages seven years and older are introduced to the technical aspects of how to rebound off the ground effectively and efficiently.

Perform four sets of 10 seconds.

Agility requires young athletes to have the ability to quickly change direction at a variety of speeds and movement angles. Moving in nonlinear directions is a great way to develop agility in young athletes.

Call out the following shapes and have your athletes quickly move their feet in a small area to create an outline of the shape on the ground. Have them continue to make the shape for the duration of time.

Following is an example of a letter/number/shape sequence (resting every 15 seconds to maintain movement quality):

  • The letter A (5 seconds)
  • The letter Z (5 seconds)
  • The number 2 (5 seconds)
  • Rest 20 seconds
  • The number 10 (5 seconds)
  • The number 237 (5 seconds)
  • A square (5 seconds)
  • Rest 20 seconds
  • A triangle (5 seconds)
  • The outline of a person (5 seconds)
  • The word C-A-T (10 seconds)
  • Rest 20 seconds
  • The athletes first name (10 seconds)
  • Spell their sport (10 seconds)


My Gears (Using running in place or across an area)

Agility requires athletes to quickly change speeds to adapt to the needs of the sport.

Call out the following gears at random time intervals:

  • 1st gear
  • 2nd gear
  • 3rd gear
  • 4th gear
  • 3rd gear
  • 2nd gear
  • 1st gear
  • 3rd gear
  • 4th gear
  • 1st gear
  • 2nd gear
  • 4th gear

Repeat the progression three times.

As young athletes’ vision develops, it’s important they learn how to use their entire field of vision to track and react to their environments. Each bout should last roughly 10-15 seconds; perform three bouts.

Below are other modifications for this activity:

  • Stand on one foot
  • Tag across the body (for example, reach the right hand across to tag over the left shoulder)
  • Move hands to the periphery without letting the head move (must use peripheral vision)


Today’s Challenge 

Try to do the following circuit in less than two minutes:

  • 20 push-ups
  • 20 squats
  • 20 jumping jacks

Try doing each of these workouts with young athletes one to two times per week for a total of three to five days. Watch how these skills help improve their sport skills when they return to their teams!

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7-10 year old child – Tarkvanem ‹ Movement – Tarkvanem

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For school-aged children, it is important that they are physically active for at least 60 minutes a day, this time can be divided into small segments. At least 3 times a week, you need to perform high-intensity exercises that strengthen bones and muscles. It is important to remember that you need to actively move for at least 10 minutes at a time. Sitting sessions should not take longer than 120 minutes.

Children’s physical activity can also be measured in steps. Primary and elementary school students must walk 12,000 to 15,000 steps a day. When assessing 24-hour physical activity using step counting, it is imperative to remember that 24-hour physical activity guidelines require that some of the physical activity be moderate to vigorous.

For elementary school students, games are suitable, simple and easy, which combine music and imitation, which children can direct themselves. Guide and encourage children to adapt and invent games on their own.

In order for children to move, they need enough free time and suitable means to promote their physical activity. Various climbers, balls, rings, hopscotch, jump ropes, etc. are well suited.
It is useful to use various actions to form the basic movements, since the attention of children is scattered and they quickly become bored. Also during this period, during outdoor games, it is important to instill in children the ability to win and lose. Encourage free play that is controlled by children or unstructured physical activity that, in addition to physical activity, will also support creativity and imagination.

The most effective way to teach a child an exercise is to show it yourself, while briefly explaining what the child should pay attention to when doing the exercise. If necessary, you need to repeat the same action until the child fully understands the task and can not correctly perform the exercise. It is very important to motivate the child and provide enough positive feedback, as well as in a friendly and supportive way to guide him towards the skills that still need to be polished. Each child is individual. Find opportunities to support your child’s individual abilities and skills. Ask the child what he likes, let him make his own choice.

Advice for parents

  • Make physical activity fun and enjoy with the whole family! Walking the dog, riding a bike, playing in the yard, hiking – all joint activities provide a good opportunity to spend a great time together, talk, discuss various topics.
  • Set aside time every day for joint outdoor activities with the whole family, whether it be joint walks or active games in the yard.
  • Set up a safe place at home where active play is encouraged and allowed.
  • If possible, walk or bike to school. Work out a safe route to school with your child so they can walk or bike to school.
  • Invite your children in your neighborhood to travel safely to school together. Involve their parents as well, agreeing who will accompany the children on what day.
  • If school is far away and you need to use public transport, encourage your child to get off one stop early and continue on foot or by steering wheel, for example. If you still have to take your child to school by car, park a little further away from the school – this will give you the opportunity to move more.
  • Find opportunities for your child to participate in supervised outdoor activities. When choosing a suitable training group, be sure to take into account the wishes and individual characteristics of the child. Find together an activity that the child likes and in which he is happy to participate.
  • Make sure your child has comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for movement and sports.
  • Be active in any weather. There is no bad weather, you just need the right clothes. Walking in the rain and snow can be a lot of fun!
  • Involve children in daily household chores, such as setting the table, sorting laundry, washing dishes, cleaning, packing for a trip, tending the garden, washing the car, etc.
  • Make active use of nearby opportunities for movement and recreation: parks, health trails, swimming pools. Going out to play with your child in the yard, call your child’s friends, it’s more fun to play with peers!
  • Use various gadgets and fun apps to keep your kids physically active. For example, play a game of geo-hide or use permanent mobile orientation trails.
  • Use a pedometer or smart watch to assess your child’s physical activity. This will give an objective picture of daily movement and can be a great motivator – a means to inspire movement.
  • Be an example yourself. Use simple opportunities to move more every day. If possible, walk, use public transport or bike. When traveling in a shopping car, park further away so that you can walk more. Use stairs instead of an elevator. You can read newspapers, drink coffee and watch TV while standing up.

Children 7-10 years of age should not spend more than 2 hours per day in front of a screen.

  • Talk to your child about rules about screen time. Decide together when and what to watch.
  • Turn off the TV while eating, enjoy each other’s company. Eat dinner at a common table, communicate, exchange impressions of the day.
  • Encourage activities that do not use the screen. From the point of view of the development and learning of the child, it is important that they are active, communicate with other people and the world around them.
  • Be your own example. Watch adult shows and use your computer and gadgets only after the kids have gone to bed.
  • Offer children interesting and exciting books and magazines to read.

Perm | In Perm, a 10-year-old girl almost drowned in the pool

Photo: vetta.tv

A criminal case has been initiated on the fact of causing harm to health through negligence.

In the Industrial District of Perm, a 10-year-old girl almost drowned while training in the swimming pool of the Olympia sports complex. Rescuers pulled the unconscious child out of the water. After resuscitation, the girl was taken to the children’s regional clinical hospital. Now she is in serious condition on artificial lung ventilation, told TC “VETTA” in the regional Ministry of Health.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Perm Territory on the grounds of a crime under paragraph “c” of Part 2 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “ Provision of services that do not meet the requirements of the safety of life and health of consumers, which negligently entailed the infliction of grievous harm to human health “. An investigation is underway.

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!

State of emergency in the swimming pool: criminal case initiated

watch video

Investigators opened a criminal case on the fact of an emergency in the Permian Olympia pool, the day before a 10-year-old girl came here for training.
14:14 04/03/2018 T7-Inform – Perm

In Perm, a 10-year-old girl almost drowned in a swimming pool

A criminal case has been opened on the fact of negligently causing harm to health.
10:45 04/03/2018 Vetta – Perm

Training in the pool almost cost the life of a Perm schoolgirl

A criminal case has been initiated.

A young resident of Perm almost drowned in the pool.
10:32 04/03/2018 UralInformBureau – Perm

In the city of Perm, a criminal case has been initiated on the fact of negligently causing harm to the health of a 10-year-old girl during training in a swimming pool

On April 2, 2018, an unconscious 10-year-old girl was taken to the hospital from a swimming pool located in the Industrial District of the city of Perm.
05:14 04/03/2018 Investigative Committee – Perm

A 10-year-old girl almost drowned in the Permian basin, a criminal case was initiated

On April 2, 2018, an unconscious 10-year-old girl was taken to the hospital from a swimming pool located in the Industrial District of Perm.
03:55 04/03/2018 PermNew. Ru – Perm

In the investigative department for the Kirovsky district of Perm, the investigation department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory continues to investigate a criminal case initiated on the grounds of a crime,

In the Investigation Department for the Kirovsky District of Perm, the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory, the investigation of a criminal case initiated on the grounds of a crime continues,
Investigative Committee



investigative committee


A truck with a trailer and a passenger bus collided on the Perm-Solikamsk highway.

Employees of the drug control department of police department No. 4 (deployment Motovilikha district) of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of
Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Perm Territory

Information about the fires that have occurred and the preventive work carried out per day (October 06, 2022)

Over the past day on October 06, 2022, 12 fires occurred in the Perm Territory: 4 fires in the city of Perm,
Kungur Municipal District

The vehicles went to 20 territories of the Kama region, where they will be used to provide assistance to patients.
Newspaper Ogni Kama

An additional department has been opened in Doctor Aibolit LLC, which will expand the range of services and improve medical care for residents of the Kungur district and several nearby territories.
Newspaper Iskra

Five people have died

Konstantin Dolganovsky

According to Rospotrebnadzor, 744 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the Perm Territory over the past day.
New Companion

On September 28, the premiere of the play “Cinderella” took place at the Theater of the Young Spectator of our city.
Newspaper Iskra

Evening issue of “Vesti Perm ONLINE” – the main informational results of the day

Photo: Theater “At the Bridge”

The 5th Anniversary International Martin McDonagh Festival, which started in 2014 on the initiative of Sergey Fedotov, Artistic Director of the Perm Theater “At the Bridge”, includes 14 performances,

A girl drowned in a pool in Podolsk during training, the coach was detained September 19, 2022 | msk1.


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A 14-year-old girl drowned in a swimming pool in Podolsk, the Investigative Committee of the RF Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region reported.

The tragedy happened during training on September 18th. The alleged culprit of the incident, the detectives call the coach.

– The suspect, being a synchronized swimming coach in one of the sports and recreation centers in Podolsk, did not provide proper security measures, as a result of which a 14-year-old girl drowned in the pool during training, the UK reported.

The coach was detained. The investigation confiscated the necessary documentation and interviewed witnesses. Additionally, a forensic medical examination was appointed.

Previously, a 12-year-old girl died during swimming training at the Fili Water Sports Palace. Before that, in Chernogolovka, a sixth-grader fell into the water from a mattress and drowned.

The most up-to-date information about the life of the capital can be found from the telegram channel MSK1.RU and our group in “ VKontakte “.


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