Random questions kids: 101 Fun Trivia Questions for Kids (with Answers)

Опубликовано: December 2, 2022 в 9:47 am


Категории: Kid

25 Funniest Questions from Kids

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Most people are kind of curious… and then there are kids, who are the most naturally curious people, which means they have awesome questions.  Like, where have I seen that actor before? (chances are it’s Gary Oldman and the answer is everywhere).

The funniest questions from kids tend to be truly funny.  So, below is a compilation of some of funniest questions from kids, compiled from the funny kids on the internet.

About the World:

  1. “Mom…my belly hurts…am I pregnant?” asked by 5 year old boy (/u/I_Climb_Most_Things)
  2. To a person with medical tape over their eye, “Are you a pirate?”
  3. “In the olden days, was everything black and white?”
  4. While cookies are baking, “Are the cookies loading?
  5. “Why do I have two eyes if I only see one thing?” (/u/ArcticZen)

What Is Up With That?

  1. “If plants need rain and sun to grow, and rainbows are made of light and water, are rainbows plant food?” (/u/some_body_else)
  2. “Why do spiders run away when I fart?” (/u/-Teekey-)
  3. “Why did swear words get invented if we’re not allowed to say them?”
  4. “Why are you buying beer, Dad? Do you know how much candy we could get with that money?”
  5. “Did you know god can’t even kill ghosts? What’s up with that?” (/u/andmorepro)

Really Good Questions (That I Don’t Know the Answer To):

  1. “What’s faster? Fire or dust?” (/u/Pseudoku)
  2. “Did ants invent the world’s first social network?” (@kateonthinice)
  3. “How did people make the first tools, if they didn’t have any tools?” (/u/word_nerd7623)
  4. “Why is the moon called the moon?” (/u/Mr_A)
  5. “What is the name of the space between the bits that stick out on a comb?” (/u/siriusgrey)

These Are Pretty Deep for Kids:

  1. “How do I know that I’m real and not just a dream of someone else?” (/u/thinwhiteduke99)
  2. When looking at a baby: “Do they know they’re alive yet?” (username deleted)
  3. “I wonder what my arm tastes like?” He then licks his arm, looks off in the distance, and says “Tastes…neutral. ” (/u/agrammalech)
  4. “Dad, are there infinite words?”
    “No, son, but there are infinite numbers.”
    “Well if there is a word for every number, then there must be infinite words.” (/u/Waja_Wabit)
  5. “What did it feel like on your last day of being a child?”

Far Too Deep for Any of Us:

  1. “Why do we have to be born young and grow old, why can’t we be born old and get young?” (@KellyRocks)
  2. “Why can’t I see my eyes?” (@seasiderclare)
  3. “Why don’t crabs have eyebrows?” (/u/Gao_tie)
  4. As we’re sitting at a restaurant, “Why are we here, Daddy?”
    “Well, we’re here to have lunch!”
    “No, no. Why are we here ON THIS EARTH?” (/u/kateysomething)
  5. “Where do thoughts come from?” (/u/shrevid)

Some of these are questions I didn’t even know I had. For answers to questions you (or kids) may have with answers you can actually understand, check out reddit’s Explain Like I’m 5. For more questions, check out 50 questions to get to know someone.

Funniest questions from kids sources:
  • What’s the funniest question a kid has ever asked you?
  • What surprisingly deep questions have you been asked by kids?
  • The 47 funniest things kids are curious about
  • 14 questions kids ask
  • What is the best question you’ve ever heard a child ask?


what is your humor persona?

Humor is a skill that can be learned. And when used correctly, it is a superpower that can be your greatest asset for building a happier, healthier and more productive life.  See for yourself…


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200 Would you rather questions for kids

Here is our huge list of would you rather questions for kids. One thing before we start, the term “kid” can refer to a lot of different ages.

That’s why on this page there are would you rather questions for kids that are perfect for younger kids and questions that are more suited for older kids. But all our would you rather questions are clean and kid friendly. So, read through and pick the perfect would you rather question for your kid!

200 Would you rather questions for kids

  1. Would you rather be a detective or a pilot?
  2. Would you rather go skiing or go to a water park?
  3. Would you rather fly a kite or swing on a swing?
  4. Would you rather dance or sing?
  5. Would you rather play hide and seek or dodgeball?
  6. Would you rather be incredibly funny or incredibly smart?
  7. Would you rather become five years older or two years younger?
  8. Would you rather have a full suit of armor or a horse?
  9. Would you rather be a master at drawing or be an amazing singer?
  10. Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero?
  11. Would you rather sail a boat or ride in a hang glider?
  12. Would you rather brush your teeth with soap or drink sour milk?
  13. Would you rather be a famous inventor or a famous writer?
  14. Would you rather do school work as a group or by yourself?
  15. Would you rather be able to do flips and backflips or break dance?
  16. Would you rather see a firework display or a circus performance?
  17. Would you rather it be warm and raining or cold and snowing today?
  18. Would you rather be able to create a new holiday or create a new sport?
  19. Would you rather only be able to walk on all fours or only be able to walk sideways like a crab?
  20. Would you rather start a colony on another planet or be the leader of a small country on Earth?
  21. Would you rather be able to see things that are very far away, like binoculars or be able to see things very close up, like a microscope?
  22. Would you rather be an incredibly fast swimmer or an incredibly fast runner?
  23. Would you rather own an old-timey pirate ship and crew or a private jet with a pilot and infinite fuel?
  24. Would you rather be able to jump as far as a kangaroo or hold your breath as long as a whale?
  25. Would you rather be able to type/text very fast or be able to read really quickly?
  26. Would you rather randomly turn into a frog for a day once a month or randomly turn into a bird for a day once every week?
  27. Would you rather have the chance to design a new toy or create a new TV show?
  28. Would you rather be really good at math or really good at sports?
  29. Would you rather be the author of a popular book or a musician in a band who released a popular album?
  30. Would you rather live in a house shaped like a circle or a house shaped like a triangle?
  31. Would you rather live in a place with a lot of trees or live in a place near the ocean?
  32. Would you rather have your room redecorated however you want or ten toys of your choice (can be any price)?
  33. Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or a see-through submarine?
  34. Would you rather everything in your house be one color or every single wall and door be a different color?
  35. Would you rather visit the international space station for a week or stay in an underwater hotel for a week?
  36. Would you rather have ninja-like skills or have amazing coding skills in any language?
  37. Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
  38. Would you rather be able to remember everything you’ve ever seen or heard or be able to perfectly imitate any voice you heard?
  39. Would you rather drink every meal as a smoothie or never be able to eat food that has been cooked?
  40. Would you rather meet your favorite celebrity or be on a TV show?
  41. Would you rather be a master at origami or a master of sleight of hand magic?
  42. Would you rather have a tail that can’t grab things or wings that can’t fly?
  43. Would you rather have a special room you could fill with as many bubbles as you want, anytime you want or have a slide that goes from your roof to the ground?
  44. Would you rather dance in front of 1000 people or sing in front of 1000 people?
  45. Would you rather ride a very big horse or a very small pony?
  46. Would you rather be able to shrink down to the size of an ant any time you wanted to or be able to grow to the size of a two-story building anytime you wanted to?
  47. Would you rather be able to move silently or have an incredibly loud and scary voice?
  48. Would you rather be bulletproof or be able to survive falls from any height?
  49. Would you rather be incredibly luck with average intelligence or incredibly smart with average luck?
  50. Would you rather be able to change color to camouflage yourself or grow fifteen feet taller and shrink back down whenever you wanted?
  51. Would you rather have a personal life-sized robot or a jetpack?
  52. Would you rather never have any homework or be paid 10$ per hour for doing your homework?
  53. Would you rather eat a bowl of spaghetti noodles without sauce or a bowl of spaghetti sauce without noodles?
  54. Would you rather have eyes that change color depending on your mood or hair that changes color depending on the temperature?
  55. Would you rather eat an apple or an orange?
  56. Would you rather taste the best pizza that has ever existed once but never again or have the 4th best pizza restaurant in the world within delivery distance?
  57. Would you rather go snorkeling on a reef or camping by a lake?
  58. Would you rather have an elephant-sized cat or a cat-sized elephant?
  59. Would you rather be able to jump into any picture and instantly be in that place and time but able to return or would you rather be able to take pictures of the future, just stand in a place think of a time in the future and take a picture?
  60. Would you rather play outdoors or indoors?
  61. Would you rather eat broccoli flavored ice cream or meat flavored cookies?
  62. Would you rather live on a sailboat or in a cabin deep in the woods?
  63. Would you rather have an amazing tree house with slides and three rooms or an amazing entertainment system with a huge TV and every game console?
  64. Would you rather eat a popsicle or a cupcake?
  65. Would you rather own a hot air balloon or an airboat?
  66. Would you rather have a bubble gun that shoots giant 5-foot bubbles or a bathtub-sized pile of Legos?
  67. Would you rather eat a worm or a grasshopper?
  68. Would you rather never eat cheese again or never drink anything sweet again?
  69. Would you rather have your very own house next to your parent’s house or live with your parents in a house that’s twice the size of the one you live in now?
  70. Would you rather have a cupcake or a piece of cake?
  71. Would you rather be able to move wires around with your mind or be able to turn any carpeted floor into a six-foot deep pool of water?
  72. Would you rather be able to speak any language but not be able to read in any of them or read any language but not be able to speak any of them?
  73. Would you rather stay a kid until you turn 80 or instantly turn 40?
  74. Would you rather be able to watch any movies you want a week before they are released or always know what will be trendy before it becomes a trend?
  75. Would you rather be an athlete in the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics?
  76. Would you rather be fluent in 10 languages or be able to code in 10 different programming languages?
  77. Would you rather drive a police car or an ambulance?
  78. Would you rather have a piggy bank that doubles any money you put in it or find ten dollars under your pillow every time you wake up?
  79. Would you rather own a mouse or a rat?
  80. Would you rather live in a cave or a tree house?
  81. Would you rather do a book report or a science project for a school assignment?
  82. Would you rather be a talented engineer or a talented coder?
  83. Would you rather spend the whole day in a huge garden or spend the whole day in a large museum?
  84. Would you rather be able to find anything that was lost or every time you touched someone they would be unable to lie?
  85. Would you rather ride a bike or ride a kick scooter?
  86. Would you rather live in a place that is always dusty or always humid?
  87. Would you rather have any book you wanted for free or be able to watch any movie you wanted for free?
  88. Would you rather be able to play the piano or the guitar?
  89. Would you rather be able to read lips or know sign language?
  90. Would you rather eat a hamburger or a hot dog?
  91. Would you rather have super strong arms or super strong legs?
  92. Would you rather move to a different city or move to a different country?
  93. Would you rather eat s’mores or cupcakes?
  94. Would you rather ride in a hang glider or ride in a helicopter?
  95. Would you rather never have to sleep or never have to eat?
  96. Would you rather be an amazing photographer or an amazing writer?
  97. Would you rather sneeze uncontrollably for 15 minutes once every day or sneeze once every 3 minutes of the day while you are awake?
  98. Would you rather be able to remember everything in every book you read or remember every conversation you have?
  99. Would you rather have 10 mosquito bites or 1 bee sting?
  100. Would you rather be an actor/actress in a movie or write a movie script that would be made into a movie?
  101. Would you rather be able to talk to dogs or cats?
  102. Would you rather have a jetpack or a jet?
  103. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or go down a giant water slide?
  104. Would you rather get every Lego set that comes out for free or every new video game system that comes out for free?
  105. Would you rather go on vacation to a new country every summer vacation or get an extra three weeks of summer break?
  106. Would you rather ride a skateboard or a bike?
  107. Would you rather visit every country in the World or be able to play any musical instrument?
  108. Would you rather control the outcome of any coin flip or be unbeatable at rock, paper, scissors?
  109. Would you rather be able to type faster than anyone or speak faster than anyone?
  110. Would you rather have a private movie theater or your own private arcade?
  111. Would you rather be a cyborg or a robot?
  112. Would you rather ride in a hang glider or skydive?
  113. Would you rather be really good at skateboarding or really good at any video game you tried?
  114. Would you rather have a room with whiteboard walls that you can draw on or a room where the whole ceiling is one big skylight?
  115. Would you rather have a house with trampoline floors or a house with aquarium floors?
  116. Would you rather live in a castle or a spaceship traveling far from earth?
  117. Would you rather ride a camel or ride a horse?
  118. Would you rather be amazing at drawing and painting or be able to remember everything you ever read?
  119. Would you rather have a jetpack or a hoverboard that actually hovers (no wheels)?
  120. Would you rather have a ten dollar bill or ten dollars in coins?
  121. Would you rather get up early or stay up late?
  122. Would you rather be able to eat any spicy food without a problem or never be bitten by another mosquito?
  123. Would you rather never have to take a bath/shower but still always smell nice or never have to get another shot but still be healthy?
  124. Would you rather be able to learn everything in a book by putting it under your pillow while you slept or be able to control your dreams every night?
  125. Would you rather be able to see new colors that no other people could see or be able to hear things that no other humans can hear?
  126. Would you rather have pancakes every day for breakfast or pizza every day for dinner?
  127. Would you rather drive a race car or fly a helicopter?
  128. Would you rather be unable to control how fast you talk or unable to control how loud you talk?
  129. Would you rather live in a house in the forest where there aren’t many people around or live in a city with lots of people around?
  130. Would you rather dance or draw?
  131. Would you rather have a 3d printer or the best phone on the market?
  132. Would you rather go snow skiing or water skiing?
  133. Would you rather be able to control the length of your hair with your mind or be able to control the length of your fingernails with your mind? (Hair and nails grow/shrink about 1 inch in 10 seconds. )
  134. Would you rather get to name a newly discovered tree or a newly discovered spider?
  135. Would you rather swim in Jell-O or swim in Nutella?
  136. Would you rather play on swings or play on a slide?
  137. Would you rather live in a base under the ocean or a floating base in the sky?
  138. Would you rather be the fastest kid at your school or the smartest kid at your school?
  139. Would you rather be a scientist or be the boss of a company?
  140. Would you rather have a magic freezer that always has all your favorite ice cream flavors or one that has a different ice cream flavor every time you open the door?
  141. Would you rather have a very powerful telescope or a very powerful microscope?
  142. Would you rather hang out for an hour with 10 puppies or 10 kittens?
  143. Would you rather be able to change colors like a chameleon or hold your breath underwater for an hour?
  144. Would you rather learn to surf or learn to ride a skateboard?
  145. Would you rather eat your favorite food every day or find 5 dollars under your pillow every morning?
  146. Would you rather have a pet penguin or a pet Komodo dragon?
  147. Would you rather be able to eat pancakes as much as you want without it hurting your health or be able to eat as much bacon as you want without it hurting your health?
  148. Would you rather own a restaurant or be a chef?
  149. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur of your choosing or a dragon the size of a dog?
  150. Would you rather have an amazing tree house or your whole yard be a trampoline?
  151. Would you rather be a famous musician or a famous business owner?
  152. Would you rather play in a giant mud puddle or a pool?
  153. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
  154. Would you rather have 100$ now or 1000$ in a year?
  155. Would you rather have a real triceratops or a robot triceratops? (Both are the same size. )
  156. Would you rather have everything you draw become real or become a superhero of your choice?
  157. Would you rather go to the beach or go to the zoo?
  158. Would you rather get a new pair of shoes or a jacket?
  159. Would you rather read a book or read a magazine?
  160. Would you rather be the fastest swimmer on earth or the third fastest runner on earth?
  161. Would you rather drink orange juice or milk?
  162. Would you rather go to the doctor for a shot or the dentist to get a cavity filled?
  163. Would you rather be a falcon or a dolphin?
  164. Would you rather be able to read minds or see one day into the future?
  165. Would you rather eat a bowl of spaghetti that was just one long noodle or eat ice cream launched from a catapult?
  166. Would you rather watch a two-hour movie or watch two hours of shows?

Need some more kid friendly questions? Try our this or that questions for kids.

Would you rather questions for kids PDF and image

Here are the questions as list in a PDF file.

And here is the image for the would you rather questions for kids.

More would you rather questions

  • Some more clean would you rather questions
  • Our main list of would you rather questions
  • Would you rather questions that are great for asking a significant other

An app you might like

If you are looking for questions to foster a dialogue with your children, you might try KidCoachApp. It has a monthly fee but at the time of writing there is a two week trial to see if it’s something that will be of use to you.

random questions with my kids



For You




The last question…. he loves his little sister really!😆 #toddlersoftiktok #toddlerquestiontime #momsoftiktok #momlife #momtok #cheekyboy #fyp #foryourpage #GradeUpWithGrammarly

54. 2K Likes, 356 Comments. TikTok video from Charmaine🌸 (@charmaineandtheweddz): “The last question…. he loves his little sister really!😆 #toddlersoftiktok #toddlerquestiontime #momsoftiktok #momlife #momtok #cheekyboy #fyp #foryourpage #GradeUpWithGrammarly”. Random questions I asked my 3.5 year old son . Monkeys Spinning Monkeys.


Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey



Random questions to my kids before we sleep.. 😂 #fypシ #stevensluv #siblings

66.7K Likes, 332 Comments. TikTok video from StevensFam (@stevensluv): “Random questions to my kids before we sleep.. 😂 #fypシ #stevensluv #siblings”. original sound – StevensFam.


original sound – StevensFam


Reading Corner

Asking 6yr old random questions #randomquestions #question #kid #kidsoftiktok #askmyson #askingmyson

195 Likes, 9 Comments. TikTok video from Reading Corner (@bloodyuk): “Asking 6yr old random questions #randomquestions #question #kid #kidsoftiktok #askmyson #askingmyson”. Asking a 6 yr old random questions. Face Dance.


Face Dance – Funny Tok



Gonna make this a series. #randomquestions #thingskidssay #momsoftiktok

1.7K Likes, 50 Comments. TikTok video from Amber (@amberemilysmith): “Gonna make this a series. #randomquestions #thingskidssay #momsoftiktok”. Random questions my kids ask me… part 1 . A Thousand Miles.


A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton


Uploads of Fun

One hundred and one reason to love them! 🤣🤣🤣 #uploadsoffun #fypシ #comedy #funnyvideo

148. 4K Likes, 718 Comments. TikTok video from Uploads of Fun (@uploads_of_fun): “One hundred and one reason to love them! 🤣🤣🤣 #uploadsoffun #fypシ #comedy #funnyvideo”. original sound.


original sound – Uploads of Fun


Debbie Lindsey

#kids #randomquestions #mygirl #foryourpage #fypシ #fyp #foryou #myfirstchild

TikTok video from Debbie Lindsey (@debbie_ginger_momma): “#kids #randomquestions #mygirl #foryourpage #fypシ #fyp #foryou #myfirstchild”. Random questions. original sound.


original sound – Debbie Lindsey




1K Likes, 41 Comments. TikTok video from nik (@spikki): “YALL JUST WAIT FOR KAYLA 😭😭😭”. ASKING KIDS IN MY SCHOOL RANDOM QUESTIONS 😭😭. original sound.


original sound – nik


Detty 💚

Quick quiz with Brio. Anytime, anywhere. 😅 #momsoftiktok #kidsoftiktok #fyp #smartkidsbelike #easymaths #mathforkids

2.4K Likes, 32 Comments. TikTok video from Detty 💚 (@happymamahood): “Quick quiz with Brio. Anytime, anywhere. 😅 #momsoftiktok #kidsoftiktok #fyp #smartkidsbelike #easymaths #mathforkids”. Randomly asking my 3-year-old: Simple addition. | Q: 15+15? | Brio: 30! | …. original sound – Detty’s squad.


original sound – Detty’s squad – Detty 💚


Uploads of Fun

This video really sucks! 🤣🤣🤣 #uploadsoffun #fypシ #comedy #funnyvideo

143. 8K Likes, 914 Comments. TikTok video from Uploads of Fun (@uploads_of_fun): “This video really sucks! 🤣🤣🤣 #uploadsoffun #fypシ #comedy #funnyvideo”. original sound.


original sound – Uploads of Fun



i’m like socially awkward if you can’t tell😻😻 #fyp #GetTheWChallenge #foryou #school

10.8K Likes, 152 Comments. TikTok video from hajira (@yourlocalhijabi): “i’m like socially awkward if you can’t tell😻😻 #fyp #GetTheWChallenge #foryou #school”. asking kids at my school random questions. original sound.


original sound – hajira

The most unexpected questions and answers of the game “What? Where? When?”

The first questions for connoisseurs were invented by Vladimir Voroshilov himself and a team of editors, but a few years later the program began to receive letters from viewers with questions, the answers to which were sometimes the most unexpected.

“RG” chose a few interesting questions that sounded on the air of the game “What? Where? When?”.

Question No. 1

In 1924 and 1948 Germany was punished for starting wars in the same way that Sparta had once been punished. What is this punishment?

Answer: German athletes were banned from the Olympics

Question #2

Weekly World News conducted a survey in five major American cities to find out who would agree to go naked to work for $1 million. 84% of men agreed. Women, as it turned out, are somewhat more bashful: only 20% would demonstrate their charms. True, the explanation may be contained in the words of one of the participants in the survey, who would expose herself on the condition that she was warned several weeks in advance. Why does she need these few weeks?

Answer: To lose weight

Question No. 3

The Mexican resort of Acapulco is world famous. It owes its popularity largely to the local climate, which is the best suited for recreation. Having guessed that the word “acapulco” means in the Aztec language, name the famous traveler who visited, among other interesting places, the city with the same name.

Answer: Dunno

Question №4

This device was invented in the USA in the early 1920s. It was first produced by a company that had previously been involved in the production of cocktail mixers, and quickly gained popularity among a significant part of the population. In the 1930s and 1940s, models with adjustable heating and speed appeared. And why did sales of these devices soar in the 1960s?

Answer: Because men began to wear long hair and they also needed hair dryers.

Question №5

The radical avant-garde association of artists of the beginning of the last century, which broke away from the “Jack of Diamonds”, had an unusual two-word name, denoting an item that was once presented to its rightful owner. What was the name of this association?

Answer: “Donkey’s tail”

Question №6

English psychologist David Lewis claims that it is safe only for women, while for men it can become a source of dangerous diseases. Studies have shown that only a quarter of women had any minor abnormalities, such as heartbeat. Men, on the contrary, reacted extremely negatively to this: their pulse quickened, arrhythmia began to appear, and blood pressure jumped sharply. Call it an English word that has recently penetrated into the Russian language.

Answer: Shopping

Question №7

Many do not believe in its existence. However, Kant believed that any human knowledge begins with it. And they say that it brings only those who have it. Name her.

Answer: Intuition

Question #8

Oddly enough, these two have a lot in common. Both have Italian roots. Their patronymics would be the same, if, of course, there were any. But their relations with Russia have developed in different ways. As a result, the first visit to Russia brought only troubles, although at first everything turned out very successfully for him. The second is not only known in Russia to everyone from young to old, in fact, here he was born. Name them both.

Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte and Pinocchio

Question №9

Each of them has something inhuman, mechanistic. At the same time, the first one is friendly to others, although a certain woman suffered a lot from him. The second, on the contrary, is very unfriendly, but a certain woman managed to avoid the threat from him in the end. Interestingly, both made the same promises. Who are they?

Answer: Carlson and the Terminator

Comment: “He flew away, but promised to return” and “I’ll be back”

Question No. 10

One literary character, walking around the zoo and imbued with sympathy for animals locked in cages, decided that the prefix “not” would really help a certain word. What’s this word?

Answer: Aviary

Question No. 11

In an article published some time ago in the Pravda newspaper, it was stated that he was a cosmopolitan, a parasite and a homeless person. In another article, not without irony, it was said that . .. “in the Soviet Union, he found an accomplice – and also of foreign origin.” Name both.

Answer: Cheburashka and Gena

Question №12

This substance is the main component of acid rain. In gaseous form, it can cause severe burns. The consequence of this substance entering the stomach may be increased sweating, and in the case of a large dose, vomiting. In case of accidental inhalation, it can also lead to death. Name this substance.

Answer: Water

Question No. 13

George Orwell, explaining the choice of subject for one of his essays, wrote: method is the subject of fierce controversy. The essay provides 11 ways. What?

Answer: Making tea

Question #14

Bobby Fischer claimed that if the two met at the chessboard, the game would end in a draw. Name both.

Answer: God and Fisher

Question No. 15

The Swahili people of Africa have a legend that the first man descended to earth from the sky. And who helped him do it?

Answer: Giraffe

Question No. 16

In Sparta, after the death of the king, two institutions were closed for 10 days. When the Persian king Xerxes learned about this custom, he declared that such a custom would be impossible in Persia, since it would deprive his subjects of two favorite activities. What were these institutions?

Answer: Court and market

Variation of questions for school tournament WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?

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Show answers

Question 1: The cocked hat originated in the 16th century from a military hat with
turned down the fields. What military necessity was the reason for this?

Answer: the fields interfered with the firing of firearms. (1


Question 2: Cow and chair, chicken and compasses, tripod and piano. What common
each couple?

. ..

Answer: the number of legs. (1)


Question 3: Man is more than 75% water. The blood is made up of
water by 90%. And what is the driest thing in the human body?

Answer: tooth enamel. (1)


Question 4: It is said that before a long journey with a certain company
Aesop took over the largest basket. And I didn’t guess. What in
was she?

Answer: food for the road. (1)


Question 5: What proposal of the Roman Senate did Emperor Tiberius
answered: “And what will you do if you have 13 Caesars?”

Answer: to the proposal to name a month after him. (1


Question 6: In 1893, the mechanic Henry Arons invented something without which
modern jeans. What?

Answer: zipper. (2)


Question 7: Swiss Jean-Jacques Babel calculated that from 3500 B.C.
mankind has spent only 292 years without… What?

Answer: without wars.

Author: Evgeny Kopeyka


Question 8: Suto, South East Africa: “Unexplored distance worries
heart, and familiar surroundings – only … “What?

Answer: legs.

Author: Evgeny Kopeyka


Question 9: The early epitaphs of the ancient Greeks were intended for cenotaphs.
The inscription on one of them read: “Dvenia is a tomb.
He was destroyed by the shameless sea. “And how did the cenotaph differ from
ordinary tomb?

. ..

Answer: it is empty – the remains are not available for burial or
the person was buried outside the homeland.

Author: Evgeny Kopeyka


Question 10: There is an episode in the ancient Icelandic saga: the evil stepmother
forced two of her stepdaughters to wash clothes in the sea in winter
shore. A piercing wind blew and girls in only linen
shirts were shivering from the cold. Glorious knights passed by
Harwig and Ortwich, who handed their cloaks to the girls. But
the noble sisters flatly refused to wear cloaks. Why?

Answer: raincoats were for men.

Author: Evgeny Kopeyka


Question 11: Many buffoons in ancient times had a rattle made of bovine
bubble. And the fruits of what plant were inside this bubble?

. ..

Answer: peas – “pea jester”.

Author: Evgeny Kopeyka


Question 12: Reebok sneakers are sold in the USA in the original assembly:
the right shoe is made in Taiwan and the left shoe is made in Thailand. Tem
the company has significantly reduced its losses. Why the firm
incurred losses?

Answer: due to the theft of shoes from factories of finished products. (2)


Question 13: Which country after World War I increased its
territory and population more than doubled?

Answer: Romania – at the expense of Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Russia. (2)


Question 14: In an American city, local librarians held a
extraordinary exhibition. Among the various pieces of paper, visitors
could see slices of lard, kitchen knives, surgical
shaving gloves and blades. What did they serve at the time?

Answer: bookmarks. (2)


Question 15: They say about a friend: mine to the grave, mine to the tips
fingers. They said about the Lame Commander – mine is up to … up to what?

Answer: … to the holes. Moidodyr. (2)


Question 16: Recently, in the West, some tourist
maps, for the convenience of walking, isolines of walking
equidistance from the hotel and distances are not in meters
or km., but in what?

Answer: within an hour’s walk. (2)


Question 17: The thrifty Japanese government called on all employees
go to work in the summer without ties and jackets. On what
going to save the government?

Answer: for electricity used for air conditioning. (2)


Question 18: How famous was the warrior Pheidippides from the army of Miltiades?

Answer: brought the news of victory in the Marathon. (2)


Question 19: Pictures can be found on the walls of the Sahurn pyramid
working people dressed in what looks like swimming trunks with
a square piece of leather on the back. What is the profession of these
of people?

Answer: they are rowers. (2)


Question 20: As an adjective, this word describes the state of the pawn. How
a noun is an indispensable attribute of the Soviet
institutions. Name this word.

A child should be able to ask (“mand” — the child’s demand for something from others) for many different things. Some prefer to wait until the child can also name (“tact” – naming an object or person, commenting on what is happening), use adjectives and prepositions, and use whole sentences for requests (“mands”). Others have successfully used learning mechanisms in which children ask questions (mands for information) to teach adjectives and prepositions to the child, as this can increase the child’s motivation to use adjectives and prepositions in practice. The author considers it most important to assess the child’s ability to recognize the conditions under which questions can be asked (mands for obtaining information), and to use those “sequences” for learning that are best suited for this child. If you decide to teach your child to ask questions, and errors occur in recognizing such conditions, try to teach the child to recognize the appropriate situation for questions. If that doesn’t work, put off teaching your child to ask questions (mands for information) while you teach them other necessary skills.

Why do people ask questions?

The main task of the question is to obtain the desired information. Of course, as adults, we also know that certain questions can be asked out of politeness (eg, “How are you?”, “How did you go on vacation?”). If we are interested and pleased to keep in touch with the person with whom we are talking, or we like the topic of the conversation, then questions help to maintain and continue it.

When NT children first learn to ask questions, “Is this?” becomes their first “question”. One explanation for this behavior is that they require information. The child wants to learn and is interested in the world around him. In behaviorist terms, this means that “words” become reinforcement for the child. Another behavioral explanation for this behavior is that the person to whom the child asks “Is this?” becomes a secondary, additional reinforcement, and the child asks (“mands”) for the attention of this person. This happens after the person has been associated with another reinforcer for a long time, and for the child now the reinforcer is every time he asks “Is this?” in the presence of this person.

Is my child/student asking for information?

Remember that when determining the reinforcement for each behavior, we must observe what the child likes. The author has encountered children who demanded information by pointing at or touching an object/picture without looking at the adult present. This behavior was reinforced by an adult who called the object and touched it at the same time.

For example, one child’s behavior is heavily reinforced by letters and numbers, and he often points to them. Each time the child points, the adult calls a letter or number. The child could successfully distinguish (touch, point/grab) letters and numbers when asked, but did not communicate with speech. If he needed to ask for something, he pulled his parents to the desired object or place in which he wanted to perform some action. Instead of asking the parents, the child turned them into a kind of high-tech toy with buttons (one of his favorite stimulating toys). While this helped bind the parents to the reinforcer, which is a desirable end in itself, it was necessary to eliminate this model when the child learned to demand other objects using other modes of communication and, at the same time, learned (through combination with certain reinforcers) to receive enjoyment of other toys and performing activities with people.

With this particular child, we were able to teach him some skills using the behavior he already exhibited (touching objects) and his desire to hear someone say letters and numbers. First we started teaching in the style the child had learned before (child shows – adult speaks), then we waited for a few seconds while the child turned and looked at the adult before calling the numbers. Soon the child was making eye contact when he was pointing. In the next step, we wrote numbers on small cards and taught the child to give us a card with a number that he wanted to hear (PECS system). We taught the child the skill of giving a picture of what he wanted. Later, outside of class, the child carried the card to the parent. When he did this, the parent would take out the letters and numbers and play with them with the child. This skill was more practical, as the child could ask for a certain game or action using a card, whereas previously he could only demand certain behaviors from his parents when there were letters and numbers nearby. The child also expanded this skill by asking for other toys, food, and performing the activities he wanted. We also used the reinforcing power of letters and numbers along with bricks, puzzles and songs to combine these activities with reinforcement (create new extra reinforcers, expand the child’s interests).

Even if the child “says words that sound like a question,” we must determine the modeling reinforcer before we know whether the child is asking for information or asking for a particular object or action. For example, a child with a high degree of echolalia may ask, “Do you want to watch TV?” even when he is not interested in whether you want to or not. The function of this question is to communicate the request – “I want to watch TV.” It’s easy to see how this happens. This behavior may have become fixed because when the child wanted to watch TV, he would pull his mother towards him and put her hand on the button. Before turning on the TV, she asked: “Do you want to watch TV?” The child echoed and the TV turned on. His repetition of “Do you want to watch TV?” backed up many times. The problem was that the child used the wrong form to achieve the goal. Instead, the parents were taught to prompt him with the phrase “I want to see …”. The child added “TV” and the TV turned on. The child could not yet repeat individual words “under instructional control” or on a regular basis, but he kept adding words to his favorite songs, and so we realized that in this way, by adding words to a phrase, we can achieve the desired behavior, when you need to say “TV” to then reinforce it. In this case, we didn’t need to prompt the child for the whole phrase “I want to watch TV” until he learned to use individual words in different cases, without echolalia. We prompted him to use many different sentences (e.g. “I want to watch TV”, “Turn on the TV”, “Let’s watch TV”, etc.) to get him to turn on the TV, but not before he could call a huge number of items in response to the question “What is this?” and did it himself to get our attention. The use of the phrase “I want to watch TV” became important because the “listener” could not always tell whether he was saying a word because he wanted to or was simply naming an object to get our attention.

Other children often ask questions that do not serve to obtain information at all. For example, they might ask, “Where’s my ball?” when the ball is right in front of them. This is because the child was rewarded for saying “words that sound like a question” with the desired object, even when it was visible. Or the child could be taught to ask questions through imitation that did not include appropriate reinforcement (in the form of receiving unknown information). For example, a child’s behavior was reinforced after he said “Who is this?” when viewing an album with photos of familiar family members. If he can name (“tact”) the people in the album, then he does not need the information that can be obtained using the question “Who is this?”. Whenever such a learning mechanism became apparent, the author considered it best to prompt the “correct words” in the right context and then reinforce this by using many opportunities to practice and remove prompts, while at the same time teaching the appropriate conditions so that the child could distinguish between them. For example, for the child described above, you can prompt (by placing the child’s finger on the picture): “Look, this is dad!”, “This is grandmother!” and then taking away the tips. At the same time, you can train him to ask “Who?” provided that he needs information, as will be described below.

How can I teach my child to ask questions in an appropriate situation?

First evaluate information that will support a specific question:

1. “Can it?” helps to obtain information about whether a person or object is capable of performing some kind of action. The answer will usually be yes or no. For example, “Can donkeys fly?”.

2. “Can I?/Can I?” allows you to get permission to perform the desired action or obtain the desired object. For example, “Can I go outside?”, “Can I have a cookie?”.

3. “Will it?/Will it?/Will it?” tells us about the ability, desire of a person or the likelihood of him performing some action. (If the question is asked to the person who is involved in this action, “you” is used, and if the person is present, but you are not talking to him, the question will sound “he” or “she”. If the person is not present at the question, it is used name). For example, “Grandma will pick me up?”, “Will you help me complete this puzzle?”, “Can you get my shoes?”, “Will you take out the trash?”, “Is he picking up my truck?”, “Dad will go to work today? “,” Will Mrs. Smith take me to the park with her?

4. “What?/What is this?” helps to find out the name of the object (“tact”). For example, “What’s in the bag?”, “What is it?” (when a child points to an unknown object or picture).

5. “Which one?” gives specific information about an object or indicates that more specificity is needed.

For example,
Instructor: “I have a new dog!”
Child: “What?”
Instructor: “Boxer”.
or “Which chips do you want?”.

6. “Who?” helps to find out the name of a person, how to call him (“tact”). For example, “Who is this?” (about a new kid in the class) or

Mom: Someone is coming to visit today!
Child: Who?
or “Who took my truck?”.

7. “Where?” gives information about the location of an object, person, or action. For example, “Where’s Mom?” (mom is not around), “Where are my shoes?” (no shoes in sight), “Where are we going?”

8. “When?” defines a period of time. For example, “When will I have dinner?”, “When are you going on vacation?”, “When can we be together?”.

9. “Why?” allows you to find out the reason for what is happening or what happened. For example, “Why are you wearing a bag on your head?”, “Why did you hit me?”, “Why is he talking so loudly?”.

10. “Which one?/Which one?” helps to distinguish between two or more objects. For example,

Dad: “Can I have a cookie?” (there are three cookies on the table)
Child: “What?”

11. “How?” lets you know how to do or do something. For example, “How did you discover this?”, “How does it work?”

12. General questions, together with pronouns or names of people, provide information about preferences, actions, and events that have occurred. For example, “Have you eaten crackers?”, “Do you like puzzles?”, “Does Grandma like the videos that Thomas makes?”

Next, we need to determine how to make the process of obtaining information valuable (rewarding) for the child. This is an important element of the learning process, because as long as we teach the child to ask questions, if the information that the child receives is not reinforcement for him, he is unlikely to do so spontaneously. In other words, we are teaching him to ask, but we must also teach him to “take care” of getting information. This effect can be achieved by using information acquisition and certain reinforcement together. When the process of obtaining information has been in place for a long time or is paired with reinforcement, the likelihood that the child will ask questions in the future increases. The author usually teaches children at first only interrogative words, turning them into “important words” (characteristic stimulus) for obtaining a certain answer or a certain type of information. The child can then be taught a variety of questions that contain specific question words. The following are examples of the learning process:


1. (Books about Thomas are a special encouragement for the child and are out of sight).

Instructor: I have something important for you! Tell what?”.
Child: What?
Instructor: New book about Thomas!

Important: The child should already be taught to repeat everything that follows the instruction “Say”. If the child has difficulty distinguishing between the need to repeat the question and the need to answer the question, you can first let him repeat other words to create an “inertia effect”, and then the question word itself. For example,

Trainer: Say home.
Child: Dom.
Instructor: Say baby.
Child: Toddler.
Instructor: Say “What?”
Child: What?

2. (The reward is in a transparent bag)

Instructor: (pointing to the bag) Say “what is this?”
Child: What is this?
Trainer: This is your top! Let’s go play!

3. A child reaches for a bag containing a reward.

Trainer: Say “What’s in the bag?”
Child: What’s in the bag?
Instructor: New cartoon! Let’s go watch!

4. When the question is sufficiently reinforced, teach the child to receive information regarding the names of objects (“bars”) that he does not know.

Instructor: (looking at a book about marine animals, which has many measures that the child already knows, but some of them have not yet been taught).
Instructor: What is this?
Child: Kit.
The instructor points to another animal known to the child without asking “what is it?”, thus removing the prompt for the child to name the animal.
Child: Shark. Octopus.
The instructor points to an unknown animal and immediately prompts: “Say ‘What is this?’
Child: What is this?
Instructor: It’s a sea lion.

(Depending on the individual child, the reinforcer for this behavior (asking questions) in this case could be information if the child is very fond of marine animals, or social reinforcement such as “Wow! You learned a lot of marine animals!” (social praise in this case is an additional, secondary reinforcer), or stopping further instruction (just reading a book together), or any other reinforcer (for example, getting a toy sea lion after asking a child a question if he enjoys playing with sea animals). 0003


1. (The planned arrival of several people with whom the child is “encouraged”)

Instructor: Someone is at the door! Say “Who?”
Child: Who?
Instructor: (opens the door) Grandma! (this is repeated with several “loved” people).

2. (Different people take turns hiding under the blanket so that the child does not see them)

Instructor: Look! Someone under the covers. Say “Who?”
Child: Who?
The instructor calls out the names of people as they emerge from under the covers.

3. Instructor: Someone wants to kiss you. Say “Who?”
Child: Who?
Instructor: Me! (kisses the baby)

4. (arrange for the “favorite” people to call)

Instructor: Someone wants to talk to you on the phone. Say “Who is it?”
Child: Who is this?
Instructor: It’s dad! Dad wants to talk to you!

5. (looking at the photo album)

Instructor: Who is this?
Child: Mom.
Instructor: (continues to point to photo and then to someone the child doesn’t know) Say “Who is this?”
Child: Who is this?
Instructor: Bill (should also encourage the child verbally or financially for asking a question).


1. (Woody’s toy is a special reward for the child)

Instructor: I know where Woody is. Say “Where?”
Child: Where?
Instructor: It’s under the couch! (helps the child find it if needed).

2. (When the question “What?” is already studied, combine it with “Where?”)

Instructor: I have something for you!
Child: What is this?
Instructor: New ball! Say “Where is he?”
Child: Where is he?
Instructor: It’s in this bag.
The child takes out the ball.

3. When the child already asks “Where?” in artificial conditions in accordance with certain stimuli, teach him to ask the question “Where?” along with the name of the item to ask for the missing item.

(ball game – the instructor hides the ball in different places in the room)
Instructor: (draws attention to the empty basket where the ball usually lies) Say “Where is the ball?”
Child: Where is the ball?
Instructor: It’s under the box.

4. Give your child a bowl of cereal without a spoon.

Trainer: Say “Where’s my spoon?”
Child: Where is my spoon?
Instructor: It’s in the box. Let’s go get her.

(Child should constantly ask for missing items. Periodically reward the child’s request for an item (i.e. “I need a spoon”. It may also be worth hiding a stronger reward with the spoon to compensate for the child’s expectation of a reward in the form of a spoon) .


1. (Instructor and child do things together that the child does not like very much). Instructor: We should stop working.

Say “why?”
Child: Why?
Trainer: Because we’re going to the park now! (what the child loves very much).

2. (Child is watching a cartoon he doesn’t like too much. Instructor comes in and turns it off)

Instructor: Say “Why did you turn off the cartoon?”
Child: Why did you turn off the cartoon?
Instructor: So we can watch a cartoon about Dora! (which the child likes more).

3. (Instructor puts on a clown nose during class)

Instructor: Say “Why did you wear that nose?”
Child: Why are you wearing that nose?
Instructor: Because we’re going to play circus today! (one of my favorite games).

Which one? Which one?

1. Instructor: One of these candies is for you. Say “What?”
Child: What?
Trainer: Candy Orange (this is the child’s favorite color)

2. Instructor: (holds both hands into a fist) I have a candy in my hand. Say “Which one?”
Child: Which one?
Instructor: This one! (opens hand and gives candy).
You can also teach your child to ask the question: “In which hand?”.

3. Instructor: (two boxes in front of him, one of which contains Woody’s toy) Woody is in the box. Say “Which box?”
Child: Which box?
Trainer: In a shiny box.

4. When the child uses this question confidently, teach him to ask this question to clarify the request.

Instructor: (two balloons in front of him) Give me the balloon. Say “What?”
Child: What?
Instructor: Long.

The child gives the balloon to the instructor, who inflates it and plays with the child.

5. When the child has already learned the questions “What?” and “Where?”, combine it with “Which?”

Instructor: I have something for you.
Child: What?
Instructor: Soft ball.
Child: Where is he?
Instructor: In a bag (two bags in front of him). Say “Which one?”
Child: Which one?
Instructor: In a large bag.


1. Instructor: I have someone’s candy. Say “Whose?”
Child: Whose?
Instructor: Yours! (gives candy)

2. Instructor: (puts candy in front of the child) Say “Whose candy?”
Child: Whose candy?
Instructor: Yours!

When a child begins to constantly ask “Whose?” without prompts, periodically add blocks in which the candy will belong to another.

The candy lies in front of the child. Child: Whose candy?
Instructor: Mom (Mom takes the candy).


1. Child: Can I have a cookie?
Instructor: Not now. Tell me when?”
Child: When?
Instructor: As soon as we wash our hands. (need to keep the waiting period short)

2. Instructor: We’re going to the park! Tell me when?”
Child: When?
Instructor: As soon as we finish the book.

3. After the question “When?” mastered, combine it with “Where?”
Instructor: Today we are going to a special place.
Child: Where are we going?
Instructor: To the zoo! Say “When are we going to the zoo?”
Child: When are we going to the zoo? (This is the child’s favorite place)
Instructor: Right after dinner!
(Do it during lunch, not after breakfast!)


1. Instructor: (brought a new toy that is difficult to turn on) I know how to turn it on. Say “How?”
Child: How?
Instructor: That’s it! (Turns on the toy, but tries not to show exactly how, in order to repeat this block a few more times).

When the prompt is no longer needed, simply prompt the child to say “How do you turn it on?” and demonstrate.

2. Instructor: (brings a container with a new latch and a promotion inside) Say “How do I open it?”
Child: How to open it?
Instructor: You need to turn like this (opens and gives the child encouragement).

Can you?

1. The child enjoys watching the instructor goofing around and constantly makes random comments without prompting.

Instructor: Let’s play a game. Can you do that? (does something funny for the child to repeat).
Child: Yes, I can! (repeats)
Instructor: This is very funny! It’s your turn.
Child: Can you do that? (does something funny for the instructor to repeat).
Instructor: Yes, I can! (Or “No, I can’t!” if needed.)


1. Instructor: We can go outside if everyone wants to. Say “Do you want to go outside?” (directs the child to ask another child of the three).
Child: Do you want to go outside? (continue with the rest of the children, hoping everyone says yes.