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Опубликовано: March 21, 2023 в 7:41 pm


Категории: Kid

Kids Play Daycare Home Preschool – Temecula, CA 92592

Daycare in Temecula, CA

CA license #336300512, background
checked, curriculum-based, real-time parent updates

  • Health & safety certified

  • CA license #336300512

  • Background checked

  • Offers curriculum

  • Photo & video updates

Kids Play Daycare is a caring and loving environment where your child can learn and grow. At our home daycare, we focus on teaching children social, emotional, and behavioral skills to ensure your child’s development. We focus on a variety of Project-based and Developmental Play-based activities to offer a diverse education which fosters a love of learning. Our daycare operating hours are from 7:00am to 6:00 pm, and are open M – F. At our daycare, we provide a culturally diverse learning environment by offering programs in Spanish. Availability is limited, so contact us today to learn more and schedule a tour!

Project-based, Developmental Play-based


Snacks Provided:

Meals Provided:
Breakfast, Lunch

Potty Training:

Government Subsidy Accepted:

Certified in First Aid and CPR

I have been guiding children for more than 10 years, and I create a space where children are happy, confident, and independent.

With my certifications in First Aid and CPR, I balance safety, education, and fun, to equip children with the tools they need to thrive and achieve a bright and happy future.

3 months to 2 years

5 days/week


2 years to 5 years

5 days/week


Deposit Amount:


Registration Amount:


Kids Play Daycare is a home daycare created to spark creativity and learning in a clean space. For your convenience and safety, our home includes a driveway for parking. We also have dedicated areas for learning and activities that include a backyard, a nap room, an art area, and a reading area.

Our Temecula daycare is located in a family-oriented neighborhood with a park and an elementary school. We’re also only a few blocks from street parking and accessible freeways.

CA license #336300512, background
checked, curriculum-based, real-time parent updates

  • Health & safety certified

  • CA license #336300512

  • Background checked

  • Offers curriculum

  • Photo & video updates

Temecula, CA

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$336 – $361 / wk

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Nanny Thin Line Icons – Bearbeitbarer Strich

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Lehrer und Schüler lesen im Klassenzimmer

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Lächelnder Lehrer und kleines Kind, die sich in der Vorschule. ..

Lächelnder Lehrer und kleines Kind beim Reden und Spielen in der Vorschule

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Glücklicher afroamerikanischer Lehrer und kleiner Junge, der während des Kunstunterrichts im Kindergarten High-Five gibt.

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Kindergarten Lehrer spielen mit Kindern.

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Aufnahme einer Gruppe von Kindern, die in der Klasse sitzen

Ich bin immer aufgeregt, zum Unterricht zu kommen

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Kind spielt mit Klötzchen. Spielzeug für Kinder.

Kinder, die mit bunten Spielzeugblöcken spielen. Kleiner Junge, der zu Hause oder in der Kindertagesstätte einen Turm baut. Lernspielzeug für kleine Kinder. Baustein für Baby oder Kleinkind. Unordnung im Kindergarten Spielzimmer.

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Vater, Baby, Fürsorge, Hausarbeit, Wäscheleine

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Tutor cares Konzept

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Kinderpflege Thin Line Icons – Bearbeitbarer Strich

Eine Reihe von Kinderbetreuungssymbolen, die bearbeitbare Striche oder Umrisse mithilfe der EPS-Vektordatei enthalten. Zu den Symbolen gehören Kinder in der Kindertagesstätte oder Kinderbetreuung. Dazu gehören ein Kinderspringseil, Kinderstapelblöcke, die Kinder mit den Armen um die Schultern, die winken, eine Tagespflegerin, die ein Kleinkind auf der Hüfte hält, eine Tagespflegerin mit dem Arm um die Schulter des Kindes, ein Kind, das im Schneidersitz sitzt und ein Buch liest, eine Kinderbetreuerin am Tisch mit anderen Kindern, eine Tagespflegerin, die fegt, während das Kleinkind nach oben greift, um abgeholt zu werden, Kind schreibt Briefe, zwei Kinder rennen, ein Sandwich zum Mittagessen, Kinder spielen mit einem großen Ball, Kind wird Huckepack fahren, Kind auf Schaukel, Kind malt auf Staffelei, zwei Kinder tanzen zu Musik, Kinder sitzen an einem Lerntisch, Pinsel, Buntstift, Kind fährt Fahrrad, Tagespfleger hebt ein krabbelndes Kleinkind auf und ein Kind lässt einen Drachen steigen.

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Lächelnde afroamerikanische Lehrerin im Kindergarten mit Blick…

Lächelnde afroamerikanische Vorschullehrerin, die auf dem Boden sitzt und in die Kamera schaut. Im Hintergrund spielen Kinder.

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Entzückende Babymädchen Essen vom Löffel Gemüse Nudelsuppe. Essen,

Entzückendes kleines Mädchen, das aus Löffel-Gemüsenudelsuppe isst. Lebensmittel-, Kinder-, Fütterungs- und Entwicklungskonzept. Süßes Kleinkind, Tochter mit Löffel, die im Hochstuhl sitzt und lernt, alleine zu essen

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Aufnahme eines Lehrers, der Zeit draußen mit Vorschulkindern. ..

Wir lernen, spielen und lieben

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Aufmerksame Kindergärtnerin sitzt mit Studenten

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Kinder spielen auf Reifenschaukeln

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Kinder spielen auf Reifenschaukeln

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Kinder, die in einem Kindergarten mit buntem Spielzeug spielen

Vorschullehrerin mit Kindern im Kindergarten

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Babys spielen

Vielfältige Gruppe von spielenden Babys.

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Aufnahme einer jungen Frau, die eine Klasse von Vorschulkindern. ..

Wenn Sie Ihr Kind zur Schule schicken, haben Sie die Chance, sich zu entfalten

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Aufnahme eines entzückenden kleinen Mädchens, das draußen spielt

Ich liebe es, draußen zu spielen

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Baby Junge, der im kontinuierlichen Linienkunst-Zeichenstil sitzt. Niedliche Kleinkind Kind schwarze lineare Skizze isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund. Vektor-Illustration

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Lehrer mit einer Gruppe von Grundschülern, die mit Spielzeugblöcke

Glücklicher lateinamerikanischer Lehrer mit einer Gruppe von Grundschülern, die mit Spielzeugblöcken spielen

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Kinder zeichnen und basteln. Hintergrund für Vorschul- und…

Kinder zeichnen und basteln. Kinder mit Lernspielzeug und Schulmaterial für Kreativität. Hintergrund für Vorschule und Kindergarten oder Kunstunterricht. Junge und Mädchen spielen zu Hause oder in der Kindertagesstätte

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Junge Mädchen spielen mit Spielzeug

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Lächelnder Lehrer bringt Kindern etwas über das Sonnensystem bei

Eine fröhliche Vorschul- oder Kindergärtnerin im mittleren Erwachsenenalter lächelt, als sie einer Gruppe von Kindern das Sonnensystem beibringt. Ein kleines Mädchen spielt mit einem Sonnensystemmodell.

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Kinder spielerisch im Kindergarten erziehen und unterrichten….

Kinder spielerisch im Kindergarten erziehen und unterrichten. Lehrer oder Eltern sind mit den Kindern beschäftigt.

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Baby Kleinkind frühe Entwicklung. Holzstapel und zählen…

Frühe Entwicklung von Kleinkindern. Holzstapel und regenbogenfarbenes Lernspiel zählen. Kind lernt Farben und Zahlen

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Eine glückliche Lehrerin, die mit einer Gruppe kleiner…

Eine glückliche Lehrerin sitzt und spielt Handspiele mit einer Gruppe kleiner Schulkinder.

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Erschöpfte junge Frau mit Baby sitzt mit Kaffee in der Küche….

Erschöpfte Frau mit Baby sitzt mit Kaffee in der Küche. Moderne junge müde Mutter und kleines Kind nach schlafloser Nacht. Leben der berufstätigen Mutter mit Baby. Postpartale Depression im Mutterschaftsurlaub.

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Glücklicher Grundschullehrer lächelt im Klassenzimmer

Porträt einer glücklichen lateinamerikanischen Grundschullehrerin, die im Klassenzimmer lächelt und in die Kamera schaut

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Kleiner Junge spielt in einem Klassenzimmer

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Mit Blumen geschmückte Gummistiefel am Zaun eines Kindergartens

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Kind mit Spielzeugblöcken. Spielzeug für Kinder.

Kinder spielen mit bunten Blöcken. Kleiner Junge baut Turm zu Hause oder in der Kindertagesstätte. Lernspielzeug für kleine Kinder. Konstruktion kreatives Spiel für Baby oder Kleinkind Kind. Unordnung im Kindergartenspielzimmer.

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Diverse Kinder im Kindergartenalter spielen Zählspiele mit…

An einem Tisch in ihrem Klassenzimmer sitzend, spielt eine multiethnische Gruppe von Kindern im Vorschulalter Zählspiele mit ihrer unkenntlichen Lehrerin.

glückliche schwarze lehrerin und kleine jungen genießen in der mittagspause im kindergarten. – child care stock-fotos und bilder

Glückliche schwarze Lehrerin und kleine Jungen genießen in der…

Glücklicher afroamerikanischer Lehrer, der mit Kindern spricht, die in der Vorschule Äpfel für ihren Snack essen.

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Porträt eines kleinen asiatischen Mädchens, das ein Papier bei…

Porträt eines kleinen asiatischen Mädchens, das bei Aktivitäten im DIY-Unterricht in der Schule ein Papier schneidet.Schere schneidet Papier.

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Vorschulalter Lehrer und Kinder mit Erde.

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Lehrer und Schüler malen im Klassenzimmer

von 100

What is needed for children to play in kindergarten

How to be an adult and not lose this childish enthusiasm, this immediacy, emotionality, some, if you like, playfulness? This allows you to see the world in color rather than black and white and is such an important task for adults, especially those who work with children.

I began to draw with my granddaughter, to play, to see a lot of things that I hadn’t noticed before. She taught me to live in two worlds at the same time, in the world of make-believe and in the real world. In the world of make-believe, we build a raft and swim across the ocean, enter the kingdom of whales, become pirates, sing pirate songs. We play doctor, house, shop.

We don’t need special toys to reincarnate, there are always some items that become necessary attributes during the game.

I realized that it is important to play to the end, if you are distracted during the game by a call or someone’s request and leave the role, then the game collapses.

It is important to feel this, so when we talk to someone who wants to distract us, we speak from the role of a hero and in the context of the game’s design.

Also, I noticed that my granddaughter loves to solve complex puzzles, we can take any barrier in the game, if necessary. She says: “…Listen, you just need to do it … we will succeed.” And you believe her words, we really succeed.

Another condition that is essential for development in general is freedom.

When you create something and there are no restrictions on the use of materials, solutions, a lot of things are possible.

We sometimes allow ourselves to arrange a pillow fight, a swamp game, experiments, culinary affairs, sometimes the room looks very unsympathetic after such games. We agree that if we litter, then we clean it up. But what a sense of freedom and creativity, what a flight of fancy … bold ideas, decisions. The state in which artists, inventors, poets, writers create…

What you need to make the game real in kindergarten:

⭐️1. The teacher should be playful, feel the situation, he himself should be interested. It is difficult to say exactly at what point it will need to be included in the game. The game can develop without a teacher, so it will not work to give an exact algorithm of actions.

2. ⭐️ Spontaneity. The game can unfold here and now, I saw an interesting cartoon, visited a doctor, read an interesting book, all this can become the content of the game. The child builds the game on his content. The more the child sees, listens, feels, the richer the content of the games. The more emotionally the text is read, the dialogue is constructed, the more likely that the child will appropriate the material and will play it.

3. ⭐️Materials for the game. Miscellaneous: pieces of fabric, cardboard, soft builder, any designer, waste material. There must be a chest with such richness that allows children to create different images. (Our favorite item is sticks, boxes, pieces of cloth. We keep them at home or in the yard). Necessarily sets of different small toys for the director’s game and not only.

We have them classified by size, there is a chest with “sticks”, this is what is on sale in the store, the more you collect, then something will be cheaper there. We do not give them away, but collect and play. There is a chest with toys of slightly larger sizes, sometimes we combine them. Giants visiting stuck or vice versa, the conflict and the way out of the conflict … different stories.

4. Secluded places, corners of solitude contribute to the development of the game. Children are very fond of multi-level buildings, minks where you can hide. Various houses, suitable from cardboard. (We have a bed in two tiers, the second is a house. All the granddaughter’s friends hang out on the second floor of the bed, they can play there for hours.)

5. ⭐️ The teacher can become a participant in the game, but be in a secondary role. Can enrich the content of the game if played for real.

I managed to see how Zhanna Sugak unfolded the game in a group of children unfamiliar to her in five minutes. The children were playing in different corners, Zhanna enters and asks what is for sale, who is the seller, where the card can be bought. A bank, a house, sellers, a theater immediately appeared. All this is real, children are very sensitive to falsehood. The game unfolded in five minutes.

6. ⭐️ The theater should be a must in a child’s life, you need to go to the theater, you need to put on performances, you need to play in the theater. This makes it possible to see the world in a completely different dimension, everything is important here: costumes, role, plot, spectators, actors, cashiers, buffet, etc. It is important that words are not memorized to meaningless voicing, simply following the sequence, but the situation itself is lived and understood . Maybe improvisation, the main thing is to support. The child should have a desire to play in the theater, and if this is not the case, then it is better not to do so. Desire appears where he is interested, where he goes with pleasure, where he emotionally responds.

7. ⭐️Time. It is important that the game is not limited in time and preferably not interrupted. Sometimes, when we play with our granddaughter, or she plays alone, for a snack time we invite her either to a restaurant or to a wardroom … we come up with different moves to keep the game going. Sometimes this move is very productive, and new storylines appear in the game.

8. Play with pleasure.

How can children play at home?

Watching the kids, it is easy to see that a child who knows how to play is not capricious, can, although not for long, do something interesting and useful for himself. He trusts an adult, likes to communicate with them, talk. Such a child is curious, he is interested in the affairs and conversations of an adult, he is unusually active: in everyday life, the baby is ready to wash, iron, wash dishes with mom, start a car with dad, and when adults do not allow him to do this, he goes on to play without whims ( make-believe washes, irons, drives a car). Children who know how to play are emotionally responsive and cheerful. They live a full-blooded, happy life and, conversely, children who do not know how to play require constant attention and adult participation in all activities. Such children are often irritated, capricious, lethargic, indifferent. Their few games are monotonous, uninteresting. Their contact with elders is broken: they find it difficult to ask, they do not know how to talk with adults, they do not trust them, they become withdrawn.

Even Anton Semenovich Makarenko pointed out that what a child is in the game, so he will be in work in many respects when he grows up. Indeed, in a good game, a child gets a lot: the ability to concentrate, independently comprehend the situation, set a goal, find everything necessary for its implementation, bring the matter to the end, imagine and feel what others think and experience, together with them solve common problems. A kind, attentive attitude towards others, creative activity are fixed in the child for life. Children who have learned to play at home get used to the children’s team more easily. From the age of one and a half, they know how to play, without interfering with their peers, next to them, and later they willingly enter into joint games.

Some parents, while agreeing that play is an accessible and fun activity, are of the opinion that it is less serious and beneficial for the child than watching books, children’s TV shows, or participating in work activities. But the development of children in the preschool years depends on how and what they play. The game reproduces the reality surrounding the baby, reflects their understanding of nature, the world of adults.

A game that is useful for a child is not organized by itself. The elders should help the kid master this difficult and serious business for him: not only adults, but also brothers, sisters, and other children. Preschoolers are introduced to the game from the first years of their lives. The game has its own laws of development, and in each age period, children have their own understanding of the world, their own possibilities for reflecting it in the game. Adults should take this into account when interfering with a child’s play. First of all, we must expect that the game from an early age is formed by adults as a children’s independent activity: the master of the situation in the game should be a child, not an adult. The management of the game by adults should be especially thoughtful, tactful, unobtrusive. Adhering to the rule in everyday life: Do not do for the child what he can do himself, you must follow it in the game. Failure to comply with this rule adversely affects the well-being and behavior of the child.

Educators and parents had to make a lot of efforts to teach Seryozha to calmly relate to the fact that the elders paid attention not only to him, but also to other children, to do something on their own in the presence of adults.

From the first months of life, the child is taught not only to observe the environment, to call him for a “conversation”, but also give the baby the opportunity to actively play with toys, explore objects that are not dangerous for him on his own. This is useful for shaping the personality of the child and creates a healthy, calm atmosphere in the family, where usually one adult takes care of the baby. A child brought up in this way can play independently, and the mother, performing urgent household chores, will not worry about him.

Children of the second year of life are surprisingly restless. Having learned to walk independently, they get the opportunity to approach objects that were previously inaccessible to them, they try to climb everywhere. This causes a lot of anxiety for parents, but it is necessary to give the child more opportunities in the presence of adults to move freely both outdoors and indoors. In the second year of life, children not only improve walking, but also begin to master a number of new movements: jumping, climbing. Throwing. Practicing in the performance of various movements, the child becomes more dexterous, enduring. Movement contributes to its overall physical development.

The room where the baby plays should not be cluttered with furniture, otherwise he will not be able to walk without bumping into things. In full view of the child, there should be a children’s chair or bench on which one could rest.

For the development of movement, children can be offered wheelchair toys, strollers, large cars, reins, balls, hoops. An adult, offering a toy to a child, shows how to play with it, or plays with the baby himself. For example, an adult organizes a horse game using reins with bells, invites a child to climb into a vertically placed hoop (as if inviting a child to a house) or step over it when the hoop is on the ground. He advises to walk along the board like a track, roll the ball and catch it. The first joint games contribute to the development of common movements, raise the emotional tone of children.

Walking with the baby down the street, you should teach him to overcome small natural obstacles. For example, you can offer him to walk not only on asphalt, but also on the ground, show how to step over a stick, go down a barrier, climb a low hill. The child willingly performs these actions at first together with adults, and then independently, rejoicing at each newly acquired skill. Parents should constantly keep the child in sight, but not take care of him at every turn, but cheer him up in case of failures. Do not be upset when you see your baby’s dirty hands or clothes. Those parents who, as a punishment for soiled things, forbid the child to move, act incorrectly. From this, the child becomes even more restless and stubborn. You should not forbid the child to move, but patiently teach him to perform movements correctly and accurately, distracting him from unwanted movements not by prohibition, but by switching to another, more meaningful game. Walking, movement occupied most of the wakefulness of the child of the second year of life. Sometimes the baby, not noticing fatigue, continues to move, tiring even more. Parents need to ensure that the movements of the child are not monotonous. His attention should be switched in a timely manner to calmer games and activities necessary for mental development.

At the end of the second year of life, children begin to draw with a pencil on paper, chalk on a blackboard, a stick on the sand, asphalt. It is good if the elders, together with the child, draw simple objects that are understandable to the child, advise and help the child draw ribbons or rain (apply colored stripes or spots on paper). Of course, drawing lessons are still short-lived (5-7 minutes), but they are useful for developing a sense of beauty in a child. Drawing calms the child after outdoor games, teaches observation.

Helps the child to relax and have fun with children’s jokes and jokes, games with funny surprises and clockwork toys. Kids love to ride funny wheelchairs, spin the spinning top, lay Roly-up.

When playing with objects, young children imitate the corresponding actions of an adult. For example, Julia (age 17) is constantly watching her dad read the newspaper. Then she takes it herself and also “reads”, that is, displays in the game what she observed. The first display games, in which a child, imitating an adult, learn independently and handle various objects as intended, must be supported and developed.

Thus, children of the second year of life are engaged in many things: walking, games of a mobile and educational nature, looking at a book and observing the environment, drawing, displaying play, playing with sand, water – in summer, snow – in winter.

Such diverse activities in early childhood are organized by an adult. He creates the conditions for the game, tactfully teaches to play, alternates calm games with active ones during the day, promptly switches the child’s attention from one game to another if he notices that the child is tired of the monotonous activity, but he cannot find another occupation.

The subject of special concern of parents should be children’s independent play, which reflects all the knowledge and impressions of children. At first glance, such a game seems to arise and develop regardless of the intervention of parents. But only in a family that takes care of the formation of cognitive interests and activity of the child, a set of conditions for the development of the game can be created.

The child’s play becomes more diverse and independent as he learns about the surrounding objects, nature, and people’s relationships. The kid learns the world, actively acting. Therefore, it is important to involve him in an accessible form in equal participation in the daily activities that adults are engaged in. Those adults who remove children from business are mistaken. For example, my mother washes the floor. One and a half year old daughter also takes a cloth with concentration and begins to help her. Mom is indignant: the daughter interferes, and most importantly, she gets dirty. So the child is taught to be an outside observer. Gradually, he loses interest in everything that happens at home, in the life of adults; business contact between a child and an adult is not established. Ignorance of life, lack of interest in it does not create the ground for the emergence of the game. Children feel differently in a family where children’s activity is protected, where they consider the feasible participation of children in family life. For example, in the dacha, a grandmother washes a dress for her granddaughter, and nearby, in a small basin, the granddaughter washes her doll’s dress. Both are enthusiastic, happy, smiling, talking about business, is the water cold, is there enough soap, etc.

A grandfather asks his two-year-old grandson to help him find glasses. They search together. The boy finds them first. Grandpa casually remarks: “How can you drive a car if the river has overflowed?” The boy picks up the idea: he builds a bridge, a road, carefully carries passengers.

The girl stopped with the doll, thought: “Why is your daughter not cheerful, is she sick?” Mom asks. So a new game began, in which it is easy to recognize both an affectionate, caring mother caring for a sick daughter, and a strict doctor.

At an early age, the game begins to take shape in the form of individual activities of children. With the acquisition of play experience, two-year-olds enjoy playing together. Especially valuable is the game of children of different ages. Older children better understand the play of kids, willingly include them in their game, quickly assess children’s opportunities. The kids, in turn, are grateful to them for their trust and equality, try not to lose their dignity, sometimes even surprise their parents with their endurance, resourcefulness and quick wit shown in joint games with older children.