Kids drawing on the wall: Writable Walls!? YES! 3 Ways to Turn Your Walls into a Creative Canvas

Опубликовано: December 3, 2022 в 11:21 am


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5 Tips to Prevent Your Children from Drawing on the Walls

5 minutes

Last update: 06 July, 2018

The habit of drawing on the walls is caused by your child’s underdeveloped motor coordination. This makes the child uncomfortable when it comes to drawing on a piece of paper while sitting on a table.

There are no standard rules to prevent children from drawing on the walls. It’s all about being creative and using common sense.

As parents we should focus on finding solutions rather than scolding our children for their spontaneity. If we focus on solutions, they will understand us better. We’ll also avoid becoming the “villains” that restrict their interests.

Normal phase of growth

Children begin to embark on an artistic phase around the age of two which is characterized by drawing on the walls.

During this phase, the walls become the ideal canvas because children can easily support their hands and the tip of the crayon or marker, in order to create an image.

Of course, as parents we are touched by these actions, especially when our children seem to be striving like struggling artists.

However, it isn’t pleasant to have to regularly repaint the walls of the house due to our children’s artistic hyperactivity.

5 tips to prevent your children from drawing on the walls

1. Blackboard-like wall sheets

These wall sheets can be found in different sizes in school supply stores. They can also be found online.

They consist of a smooth surface that creates a completely functional blackboard effect. Colored markers work very well on these sheets.

These wall sheets can be applied to any flat surface. They are ideal when it comes to preventing children from drawing on the wall.

As for its location, it’s ideal to paste them up in the child’s room, since that is where they tend to focus their artistic inspiration.

2. Blackboard

Blackboards are used quite commonly in these situations. However, if your child is allergic or suffers from asthma, it’s best to avoid them. The dust created by chalk can be harmful to their health.

If your child doesn’t suffer from the aforementioned conditions, blackboards are ideal. They can be reused constantly without too much maintenance.

If your child is between the age of 3 and 4, the blackboard can be provided for them as an area to express themselves. At this age, they’re able to understand that they can use the blackboard as a tool to create whatever they want.

3. Easy-to-clean paint or crayons

There are anti-adherent paints that are available which can be cleaned easily without creating stains. These markers or paints can be cleaned as easily as specks of dust on the walls.

You can also find special crayons which can easily be cleaned with a dry or semi-wet cloth. This tip doesn’t prevent children from drawing on the walls, however it does solve the problem of having to repaint the walls constantly.

4. Creativity and responsibility

Although your child may already have a designated drawing area or a blackboard, some children have the impulse to make any plain color wall their personal canvas.

A good way to prevent children from drawing outside of their designated spaces is to incorporate them in the cleaning of their creations afterwards. They should be given this responsibility naturally, not as a punishment for their behavior.

The idea of having the child participate in the cleanup of their creations is an educational and didactic activity. It’s not punishment. It’s important to make the child aware of the consequences of their actions. This will also teach the child about the importance of responsibility.

Children should learn the basic rules that allow them to coexist harmoniously in the house. This includes cleaning their messes.

5. Large papers

Sure, there are wall papers that have a blackboard effect that can be left on for long periods of time. However, if you don’t like this option or if you simply cannot buy the material which is described in tip 1, you can use large sheets of paper.

These large sheets of paper can be stuck to the wall using transparent tape. This will give your child a designated space to draw on, preventing them for drawing on other walls in the house.

Therefore, your child will be able to express their artistic inspiration without creating a mess.

The only disadvantage of these large sheets of paper is that they have to be changed regularly and they can’t be reused. However, some mothers have come up with a special technique to reuse these papers.

Once their children have used both sides of the sheets, they mark their art with their hand prints using said paint. This way the child can use the same sheet of paper 3 times. This also gives the child a different way to express their artistic spirit.

Additional advice

  • As we previously mentioned, children don’t draw on the wall simply because it is entertaining, they also do it because they find it more comfortable to make strokes while standing up to a smooth vertical surface. With time, your child will develop their motor skills. It’s important for you to create a designated space where they will be able to express their artistic spirit.
  • Colored chalk and crayons are the best options for your child’s drawings. Avoid bringing markers or paint. Remember that they don’t only draw on the walls, they also draw on furniture. In this sense, chalk and crayon are a bit easier to remove from different surfaces.

6 Fascinating Reasons Why Toddlers Draw on Walls (And How You Can Stop Them)

Toddlers draw on walls. Find out why this happens and what you can do about it.

I was busy washing dishes when I heard my 6 year old gasp loudly in the bedroom.

“Mom come here, quick”

Without washing off my soapy hands, I rushed to the room. I stared in horror at the sight before me.

Dark blue doodles, distorted hearts and incoherent writing all over the white walls greeted me. My toddler gave me a cheeky grin and pointed in excitement at her art work.

Now that the third wall in our house has been massacred at the hands of my artistic little one, I’d like to share with you everything I’ve researched on WHY toddlers draw on walls and as a frustrated parent what can you do about it. 

6 Reasons Toddlers Draw on Walls

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1. Expression of creativity

All humans, no matter how tiny, have an innate desire to express themselves. Your toddler is no exception.

She wants to show you her creativity and there’s nothing that comes more naturally than wanting to draw.

In your child’s eyes, she’s created a masterpiece and is expecting you to praise her for it. The doodles on the wall are not her idea of winding you up. They’re her idea of showing off her creative genius.

If it makes you feel any better, she’s actually following the footsteps of her ancestors who used to  make inscriptions on the cave walls.

2. Development of skills

Being able to hold a crayon in the fist, put it against a surface and leave a mark requires multiple skills.

So if your toddler has made his first mark on the wall, then congratulations! He is developing and growing in terms of his cognitive development, gross motor skills and creative thinking.

Next time you’re staring in horror at a wall filled with hideous scribbles, try to focus on his ‘creation’ rather than the ‘destruction’.

3. An exploration of his environment

Toddlers are naturally curious and want to know how things work. They are eager to learn everything they can about their environment.

If you think of it from your toddler’s perspective, walls are everywhere. Each room he wanders into has the same huge walls staring back at him.

It’s almost natural that your child wonders to himself “Hmmm…. I wonder what would happen if I drag this red crayon across the wall…”

4. The vastness of the walls

The truth is, even if you give your child a paper to draw on, he still prefers coloring on the walls. Why?

To a toddler, there’s something irresistibly delicious about a vast, blank wall. It’s almost like the wall is calling out to him, begging to be drawn on.

The wall is stable and it doesn’t need to be held in place, unlike paper. In your toddler’s eyes, it’s a perfect canvas just waiting to be filled.

And so your child’s scribbles are not about him trying to provoke you. Rather, its about him simply not being able to resist the temptation.


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5. A method to get your attention

Having said that, if you’ve previously blown up at your toddler for drawing on the walls, then his persist coloring may have something to do with your reaction.

Your child has figured out that drawing on walls gets a big reaction from you. He doesn’t care that it’s not a pleasant reaction, he’s just interested in the attention (positive or negative).

So getting him to stop drawing on walls will require you to change the way you react.

6. Inability to understand consequences

A toddler’s half formed brain has a difficult time fathoming the consequences of his actions. He’s too busy caught up in the fascination of creating his masterpiece.

The thought has not entered his mind that his scribbling will result in the walls getting wrecked, his parents having to scrub the walls or having to spend money in getting them fixed.

How do I stop my toddler from drawing on the wall?

Sure, drawing on walls is fun for your child and he’s learning a lot. But it can be extremely frustrating and stressful for you.

So how do you stop him from vandalizing your walls without smoldering the artist within him?

Here are some tips I’ve tried that actually work.

Set up a chalkboard wall

Rather than banning your child from expressing his creativity through wall art, a great idea is to give him an alternative.

Set up a chalkboard wall in the house where he’s free to let out his artist skills.

You can do this by getting chalkboard paint, painting a portion or all of a wall in your child’s room, letting it dry and then handing him chalk to let out his creativity.

Another idea is to get a chalkboard sheet. These are a kind of wall decal which recreates your wall into a blackboard. You can cut it to your desired size or shape, peel off the sticker and apply to the walls.

This one is great for kids – its a self adhesive, erasable chalkboard sheet which you can cut into the size you want and stick. Don’t worry, it won’t damage the wall and can be easily removed from the wall without leaving behind any marks.

Now hand your toddler the colored chalks and let him draw to his heart’s content.

Make sure to let your child know that this is a special wall you have set up for him and its the ONLY wall in the world where he’s allowed to draw. You don’t want him thinking it’s okay to draw on the walls at his friend’s house.

Use your fridge as an easel

If you’re not comfortable with dedicating an entire wall for your child to draw on, this could be a great substitute.

Get some craft paper, cut it up to fit the fridge door and using strong magnets or some glue tack, stick it to the fridge. Your child can scribble away as you work in the kitchen.

Once the paper is filled with his masterpieces, replace the paper with a new one.

To make it more interesting for your little one, you could even get a magnetic chart for kids that sticks to the refrigerator. This one is simply brilliant and can be used in so many ways. It comes with 4 chalk markers that you can hand to your child and have him doodle away on the fridge as you work in the kitchen. As they get older (of if you already have older kids in the house) you can use it as a chore chart. It can even be used to jot down grocery lists, meal plans, meetings, deadlines, doctor appointments or write out cute notes for your family members.

Easy to Clean Magnetic Chore Chart for Kids

Get washable art supplies

Every time your toddler draws on the walls, make it a point to explain to him why it’s not acceptable. Then redirect him to the places in the house where he is allowed to draw, scribble and paint.

It will take time for your child to learn to restrain his desire to wreak your walls. And so in the meantime it’s best to keep washable crayons and paints in the house. That way even if there is a little misstep, you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars trying to fix it up. For washable art supply, I ALWAYS get Crayola. Their quality is unmatched. Their washable crayons and washable paints have the most vibrant of colors that easily wipe away from surfaces.

Participate in clean up

It’s important to make sure that when toddlers draw on walls you include them in the cleaning up process. Even if you’re doing most of the cleaning, give them simple tasks to do such as holding a wet wipe and cleaning the wall with it.

When you do this, your child soon learns that his actions have consequences. Whenever he messes up the wall he will have to clean it up too.

The clean up should be seen by your child as a natural consequence of his actions and not as a punishment.

Modify your reaction

If you keep telling your child that drawing on walls is unacceptable and he keeps doing it, chances are you will snap.

You will resort to threats and punishments in the hope that it will deter him from doing it again. But that will cause your feisty little toddler to become even more adamant to keep persisting in the act. Rather than expressing your anger, a more helpful solution would be to show your disappointment.

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NEXT READ: Handling a toddler who hates getting nails cut

How to Stop Your Child From Drawing on Walls & Furniture – Creative Parenting

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Did your toddler find a pen and draw on your walls, furniture, curtains, or maybe even your pet? Are you afraid they will destroy everything in sight? Here is my advice on how to turn your child’s new “destructive” behavior into art


(***Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, and if you decide to purchase anything from suggested links or companies, I may receive a commission. Recommended products are either things I love using or think would be helpful for you. Making your purchase using these affiliate links helps keep this site running, so thank you kindly!)

  1. If your baby or toddler drew on something – CONGRATULATIONS! Your child is curious and has discovered a new tool to play with. This is the PERFECT time to introduce organic art supplies and show them how and where to use them. Congratulate your child, too. Tell them you are proud of them for trying to make marks on a new surface.
  2. If your older child draws on things it’s usually to get attention or express a big emotion, so the best thing to do is to provide a safe environment where they can express creativity. Breath. Your child is not trying to destroy anything. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. They are learning how to create.
  3. Explain to your child (big or small) why it is not OK to draw where they did and show them how to take it off. If they drew with a pencil, give them an eraser and show them how to erase. If they drew with a marker, pen or paint, use things like a Magic Eraser, Goo Gone, lemon essential oil or bicarb and white vinegar mix (depending on the surface and materials used). For safety reasons, I wouldn’t let the child use those themselves; But make sure they are watching you. Also, clean up the unwanted marks right away otherwise it will attract more and more mark-making. Here is my proof:
  4. As tempting as it might be, do not hide your pens, markers, pencils, etc. Children will find them. And if you don’t teach them how and where to use them, they will use them anywhere and everywhere.
  5. So, first thing to do now is to set up a dedicated space in your house – a safe place just for making art. If you don’t know how to do that or what to get, read my Setting up and Art Studio for Kids post.
  6. Once they are all set, make art supplies like Washable Markers or Washable Paintand quality paper easily accessible. No Kraft paper! Your goal is to offer more interesting surfaces than your leather couch, beautifully varnished bed heads or bathroom tiles.
  7. Once you set up the art studio, let your child experiment as much as they want in this space. If they try to draw anywhere else, always redirect them to their art studio. Until they learn, avoid letting them use supplies outside of their art space. However, in their art studio, allow them to experiment with art materials any way they like.
  8. If they want to draw on furniture, let them draw on their art table/chairs/storage. This way, once again, they have their own furniture to draw/paint on so they will be less likely to ruin yours. Here is Adèle’s table top:
  9. If they like drawing on walls, let them use an easel.  Do not attach paper, chalkboard nor whiteboards to the wall. The idea is to discourage the child to use the wall – you wouldn’t want them to mistake your friend’s wallpaper for a paper to draw on or a dark coloured wall at a store for a chalkboard.
  10. If they want to try drawing on the floor, get a mat to protect the surface in their studio and put a big piece of paper for them to draw/paint on. But, avoid reading Olivia by Ian Falconer for some time or they might just want to try copying a Jackson Pollock. 😉
  11. Don’t have the time or patience to deal with cleaning-up? No problem. AquaDoodlemat is an amazing mess-free drawing toy. Just lay it out, fill the “marker” with water and let creativity flow (no pun intended :)). Hours of mess-free fun which is so light and compact that you can take on a picnic, camping, airplane or to the beach.
  12. For drawing on windows – Washable Window Crayons.
  13. And if your child’s favourite color is blue and they tell you every day that they will paint everything inside/outside the house blue (including your neighbour’s cat) – don’t be afraid of these “threats. ” Let them. 😉

Have you tried any of these suggestions? If they worked, let me know which ones. Tag me on Instagram as @Rainy.Day.Sunny.Play and use the #Rainy.Day.Sunny.Play hashtag.

We love seeing your creations!




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What To Do When Children Loves Writing on Walls, How to Get a Toddler to Stop Drawing on Walls

Are you weary of rubbing down walls where your child has scribbled? Here are some ways to reduce the mess without curbing their creativity!

Children are naturally creative. It is our job to give them the freedom, materials and their creativity blossom to its full potential
– Jean Van’t Hul

Is your child using the walls of your house as his artistic canvas and giving you sleepless nights? One of the biggest problems you could be facing as a parent of a young child is trying to teach them to stop scribbling on walls. Not only do the scribbles make the walls look shabby but are extremely difficult to clean as well. So, what can you do to prevent your child from indulging in this natural urge to express themselves? Here are a few ways for you to encourage your child to not scribble on walls, without curbing his enthusiasm.

Early struggle

Despite being aware that your child scribbles on walls, it can be challenging when it happens and all your efforts to limit the habit fail. Darshi Modi, mother of two-year-old Vihaan is trying to get her toddler to stop colouring on things around the house, including furniture.

She says, “It is a constant struggle to get him to avoid colouring on the furniture, beds, sofas and walls. We have spoken to his Montessori teacher and her advice was to reinforce and repeat the phrase, “only on paper”. Despite adopting her advice, Darshi is having little success with this strategy.

She says, “My son repeats ‘only on paper’ after me, and still colour the kitchen cabinets. I think even the constant reminder is showing very slow results.” As a strategy to reduce his scribbles, Darshi has stopped giving him pens and switched to pencils and water-soluble pens. Another medium that Vihaan enjoys using is a whiteboard on an easel, on which he draws to his heart’s content. He then wipes his scribbles away with a cloth when he’s done.

Expressing themselves

You might be wondering if this behaviour a cause for concern or not. Consultant Psychologist and Counsellor, Dr Shweta Sharma, Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurgaon reassures parents, “Scribbling is a sign of good development. Thoughtless and impulsive behaviour is natural for a young child. Scribbling on walls is absolutely normal behaviour. When children get random thoughts or imagination, they like to put it down on large empty surfaces. This is a healthy activity for child development and we psychologists include this in ART therapy.”

Darshi also found some success by following the advice of not removing the colours but instead allotting her son a time slot of 15 minutes to colour. Once the time was up, she tells Vihaan that his 15 minutes are up and that since the pens are tired, they want to sleep. A relieved Darshi says, “This is working for us as he happily bids goodbye to the pens and put them away.”

Language is important

So, what do you do when you spot your child scribbling on the wall? Your first instinct is probably to scold them. Dr Shweta advises parents not to get angry or scold their child for this behaviour, as the child could perceive it in a negative way and show their disappointment by rebelling.

She recommends, “To curb this behaviour try giving the child large sheets of paper, or maybe hang it on the walls where the child can reach. As they grow up, help them understand that it is hard to wipe the ink off the walls. Telling them this continuously and sitting with them can help curb the habit.”

She also notes, “Keep an eye on what your child is drawing. If they are using black colours way too much or scribbling in a rigorous way or digging holes in sheets or walls, it might be a sign of anxiety.

Stay calm and be firm and clear in your choice of words. Keep the sentences short. For instance, use simple sentences like “Crayons are for paper,” or “Walls are not for drawing.” Also praising them when they use the designated space for drawing instead of the wall will encourage them to repeat the activity.

Parents’ experiences

What experiences have parents had with their young children and what strategies have they used to minimise scribbling on walls? Let’s hear from a few parents!

Give them enough material

Niveditha Kuttaiah says, “I think the opinion of children scribbling on walls varies with each parent. I would give my daughter a designated wall just to express herself. However, scribbling all over the house is being disrespectful of the space. In my case my daughter Hilah rarely scribbled on walls as we had given her enough drawing papers, boards and chalks to draw on the floor. We would lay out a large 5×6 size paper and let her doodle all over it. We still do it for fun.”

Involve them in painting their room

Ramya says, “We would teach our three-year-old daughter to paint by putting up sheets of plastic on the floors. We also encouraged her to use chalk and draw on the floor in the car park.” She found a way to mesh both activities together and turn it into a teaching lesson, “We got our daughter to choose the colour she would like for the walls of her room. This got her very excited in the whole process of painting her room and now she takes great pride in her new wall.”

Have exclusive books and pens to doodle

Batul Netterwala says, “My son is 19 months old and hasn’t really started scribbling on walls yet. However, he has newly discovered pens and he’s at the curious stage where he is trying to mimic everything we do. So, once he gets his hands on a pen he wants to write on paper. It can be any paper from a newspaper to envelopes, letters or documents.” To dissuade her son from trying to write on any sheet of paper, Batul has got him a dedicated book and pen for himself. We only allow him to use these two and not anything else.”

Plan ahead

So, what can you do to try and save your walls from squiggles? Plan ahead with alternate mediums for your child to use and pick items that are easy to clean or erase. Make sure that all these items are firmly fastened and safe before you let your child use them. Some of the options you can try are listed below.

1. Chalkboard paint walls

One of the most classy and easy options is to have a chalkboard wallpaper on one wall, which your child can frequently use. This way they have a designated space to let their creativity flow and can erase it to start on something new the next day. Make sure that you place it at a convenient height for your child to reach. You can give your child chalk pieces or chalk pens to use along with a duster. Get them into the habit of using the assigned space and cleaning it before they want to try something new.

2. Whiteboard walls

Another fantastic and easily available option for toddlers are whiteboard walls or boards. You can place two or three in a room so that your child has three canvases on which he can let his imagination go wild. Being able to erase and reuse the same space repeatedly is a huge advantage with this.

3. Glass boards

This is yet another surface you can utilise with your child. If you wish you can also keep it as a memory of their first work of art. Install it at a convenient height for your toddler, give them a few markers and see where their imagination takes them.

4. Washable paints

Washable paints are a fabulous innovation for parents with messy toddlers. You can also paint your child’s room with washable paint so that in case the need arises, all you got to do is wipe off the scribbles or stains on the wall before your guests arrive.

So, do not stress over your child expressing their artistic talent but instead this weekend join them and do a fun drawing activity together on a nice huge sheet of paper or a board. Happy coloring!

4 Tricks That Prevent Your Toddler From Scribbling On The Walls

Home Toddler Behavior & Discipline Your Baby Won’t be Spoiling Your Walls With Her Scribbling With These. ..

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When your little one is growing, their curiosity and creativity develop as well. And before you know it, these little geniuses are on their way to becoming budding Picassos! And well, the walls of your house are their canvas. But it’s definitely a nightmare for mommies!

‘No, you aren’t supposed to draw on the wall, that’s what papers are for’

‘Did you just use a permanent marker all over the living room’s wall? Again?’

Sounds familiar? Well that’s probably because you use these sentences quite often while talking to your growing artists.These creative geniuses have so many ideas that they find scribbling all over your living room wall the best way to express them.While for them it is creativity, for you it definitely is a constant struggle which no amount of warnings, sweet talking or scolding can help with.

It is observed that toddlers absolutely love the sounds of pounding crayons and gazing at their magical creations on a wall.They feel happy from the motion and surprising appearance of lines when they put the crayon and the wall in contact.Although these may be seen as creative responses, we mothers certainly worry about the damage it does to the walls.Who doesn’t want a pretty and neat home but without restricting the child’s creativity? Well, here are some tricks that you can adopt to deal with the situation!

Here are the tricks you can try!

1. Create a Designated Wall

Well, it’s always better to define boundaries but it’s even better to create alternatives. One cannot possibly expect kids to change their habits overnight,but these habits can certainly be channelized better. So, a simple solution for this would be to have one designated wall in the house, preferably in or near their room,on which they have the freedom to draw, scribble and create anything.

But if you are still sceptical about this one, here’s a trick. Cover the wall with a large sheet of chart paper. Alternatively, you could also get this wall painted with chalkboard paint. So, whenever they scribble on the wall, it will be easier to clean it.

2. Keep Washable Crayons Handy

Replace all crayons with washable ones. So whenever your little one draws their masterpiece you can be assured that it isn’t permanent and can be removed.Alternatively, make sure you have the talk where you tell them that walls aren’t the place they’re supposed to draw on, but a paper is. It’s important to keep instilling that message in their minds.

3. Provide Other Outlets for Them to Express Their Creativity

Do not curb your child’s creativity, instead give him other outlets to express their talent! For example, if the weather is good, allow them to draw on the pavement in your veranda.Use bath paints and crayons to play with and scribble on bath tiles during bath time. Also, if it snows where you stay, a snowman is always the best idea!

4. Express Disappointment, Not Anger

Finally, patience is the key when it comes to kids. If you have repeatedly told your little one to not draw or scribble on the walls and they continue doing so,chances are that you will get irritated and sooner or later lose your patience. Most parents resort to punishment and expressing anger, but that is not going to help at all.Children comprehend emotions quite well, and therefore expressing disappointment will be more nurturing than expressing anger.They also imitate behaviours, and anger will simply instil a sense of rebellious response. Also, chances are that when you are empathetic,your child will understand what is wrong and what is right. Understanding and not fear is what will help them not repeat a wrong act.

Scribbling is a very important identifier of your child’s development. It enhances hand-eye coordination, brings out creativity and also improves their motor skills. Toddlers and growing babies have an instinctive eagerness towards this and this indicates how they are moving towards the learning stage.Their brain and body develops and builds a readiness for more difficult tasks later in life. Therefore, it’s always the best idea to keep both your concerns and their development in mind. It’s a win-win!

Have more such tips that can prevent toddlers from scribbling on the wall? Share them with other moms by leaving a comment below.

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How to save wallpaper if children draw on the wall

Mother of four children, bestselling author on parenting and well-known child psychologist Larisa Surkova shares her recommendations

Let’s imagine a picture. A young family lives in a beautiful (or even new) apartment. They have beautiful furniture and, probably, clean light walls. And now, a baby appears, he grows and wants to develop. Something with which to draw falls into his hands. At this point, I want to make a long tragic pause.

Alas, doors, wallpaper and furniture are the first to be hit. What to do? Is there any chance to save them or everything is useless – should you put up with it and save up for a new repair?

Igor Yakovlev

MoMA Store

Yama Architecture

Why do children draw on walls?
Well, firstly, they develop their natural potential. All children are right-brained, that is, creativity is in their blood. And only as they grow older and how we load them with tasks for the development of intelligence, they become (like 85% of people on Earth) people with the leading left hemisphere.

Children have no limits and limits of what is permitted. And they will begin to form only after two to five years, again, under the pressure of society. Finally, children love contrasting colors, which means that most of the designs will be done in black and blue – paint or felt-tip pen – on your light-colored wallpaper or furniture.

Teaselwood Design

Together, these terms lead to the following formula: drawing is in the child’s blood. It is simply impossible to do this on a standard sheet of standard paper until a certain age (due to the immaturity of the psyche).

Lewis / Schoeplein architects

What to do if your child ruins walls and furnishings?
Of course, this can be corrected. Start by creating a full-fledged “workspace” where you can draw comfortably.
If you want your child to draw at an adult table, use a highchair for feeding (as pictured), or buy a special children’s chair and table commensurate with the child’s height.

Sitting at a large table on a pile of books or in the arms of a mother, it is impossible to fully draw.

Danielle Sykes

If paper, then roll is better
Initially, when working with paper and felt-tip pens (and we are talking about them or paints, since pencils are not contrasting, require more effort, and, as a result, only irritate child) give one and a half year old children large sheets of paper. Not A4, but at least Whatman paper. For example, rolls of paper are now very common (in particular, they are sold in IKEA stores).

There is no room for an easel and you decide to hang paper on the wall for your child? Remember: a clear boundary is very important. It is almost impossible to explain to a two-year-old kid: “Here you can on whatman paper, but you can’t a centimeter to the left on the wallpaper.” Therefore, either whatman paper should be in a bright frame on the wall. Or just don’t do it at all: there are a huge number of easels with a paper roll holder.

Holly Marder

TS Design | Taras Bezrukov and Stas Samkovich

All rules apply equally to all rooms
It never happens that you can only paint on wallpaper in a nursery and not in a living room. The rule should be as follows: either you can draw on the walls everywhere or not anywhere. The popular decision to have separate “drawing” wallpapers in the nursery will not help: this solution is not for a baby, but for a child of conscious age.

By the way! The idea of ​​drawing on the walls is often suggested to the child by “developmental activities”. If you go with a small child to those lessons where you can draw while sitting on the floor, or you are allowed to paint on the walls, expect that the child will do the same at home. After all, he is still not able to draw the line – home and classes.

Valerie McCaskill Dickman

Accept or change your attitude
Look at the walls and the children’s drawings on them. Evaluate objectively: maybe they are not so bad? And, perhaps, in fact, you have long dreamed of creative wall painting and did not know how to realize your plan.


Protect the wallpaper preventively
If all other solutions do not work in your interior and there is a need to protect the wallpaper from a child, use a water-based acrylic varnish. Traditionally, this composition is used for flock liquid wallpaper and other delicate surfaces from abrasion and moisture. In fact, with such a “refinement” you turn ordinary wallpaper into washable. If you choose a matte varnish, no one will even guess about the existence of the coating.

Barker Associates Architecture Office

If walls are painted, make them paintable. This is absolutely correct (from the point of view of a psychologist) decision. In addition, it is long-term, because it is quite suitable for preparing homework for drafts. And, importantly, you don’t have to sit at the table, but you can draw in motion.

Well forgotten old: Slate paint not only for children

Tip: An alternative to the blackboard and crayons is paint for drawing with markers. Any furniture can be turned into a canvas for creativity. It is only important to buy a set of permanent markers for your child, which are easily washed off from such a surface.

Masha Mamonova | Secret Feng Shui

Get your child interested
It is known that a child can draw on the walls out of boredom. I just didn’t know what to do! Suggest new options for working in albums, especially for children over three years old. For example, let him draw not with a brush, but with a stick. Or you can dip autumn leaves into the paint and see what happens.

DIY: Painting with flower buds

Susanna Cots

Make your life easier
Instead of buying traditional felt-tip pens, buy washable ones. These are the ones that are easy to wash off almost any surface, except for old-style paper wallpapers. Usually the packaging says that paints and felt-tip pens are easily washed from children’s clothes using traditional powders (without the need to use bleach).

Tip: Disappearing markers also work well. In addition to the traditional bright ones, the kit comes with one white felt-tip pen – paint over unwanted art with it, and it disappears, as if by magic.

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  • 60 000 photos of children’s in the interiors of the best designers from around the world
  • Beautiful wallpaper for the children’s room – photo from the gallery Houzz


Do you let your child draw on the walls? If not, how can you explain why? If so, how do you limit the freedom of creativity on the walls?


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Düsseldorf I Einrichtungsberatung aus Leidenschaft

Does a child draw on the walls or a talent? | Family

Children love to draw on walls and other non-drawable surfaces. But not every parent is ready for a sudden creative impulse of his child. One has only to imagine: a new renovation, light-colored walls in the Scandinavian style, minimalism and tranquility … And then in the middle of the wall there is some kind of frightening dinosaur or a giraffe with a bulging color! What to do?

Scolding a child is, of course, useless. But the question is: what if your son is the future Repin or Picasso? How to keep your property and at the same time not ruin children’s talent? Let’s figure it out.

Why do children draw on the walls

And really, why did the child decide to use the surrounding space as his canvas? Sometimes the answer lies on the surface: he does not have blank sketchbooks or his own corner where he could calmly engage in creativity.

However, there are several other reasons why children love to draw on the walls so much. Babies do not have any limits of what is permitted, since they are formed only in society by about 3-5 years. In other words, the child simply does not understand that it is not necessary to draw on new designer wallpapers.

An album sheet or even a drawing paper is too small for it (these are all the same boundaries), and this is logical. If a child wants to draw a huge spider, then a tiny leaf is not at all what is needed. Whether it’s a wall in a room, on which each life-size spider paw will be clearly visible!

Some mothers and fathers tell their child that painting on the walls is simply “bad”. But this word is not entirely appropriate here. What’s wrong with showing your creativity, wanting to express emotions or capturing interesting objects? Nothing. This is wonderful! Therefore, it is better not to use such a wording with a child – it will not impress the future artist.

What to do with a child’s talent

So to wean a child to draw on wallpaper or not to wean him? There is no single answer to this question. Many mothers and fathers prefer to give up, so that in a few years, when the child grows up, they can update the repair. Others take the matter seriously, coming up with different ways to switch the young painter to another activity.

So, what can you think of if you decide to develop a creative gift in your child and at the same time want to secure your property:

1. Change your attitude to the situation . Nerve cells do not regenerate. Shouting, suggestion and distribution of punishments will not return you a clean wallpaper. Try to change your attitude to the situation: everyone is alive and well – this is the main thing. And now you have an interesting design decision in the most prominent place. You can proudly show children’s masterpiece to guests and receive laudatory reviews.

2. Suggest other options for drawing . If it is important for you to switch the baby to other types of “canvases”, provide them to him. Show how diverse the art world is. Give him a large chalkboard or magnetic board, a drawing tablet, or a sand painting kit. Diverse and exciting!

3. Diversify children’s leisure . If a child draws on the walls out of boredom, he just needs more options for spending time. Try to invite your child to do appliqués from improvised materials, assemble a designer, or even just look at colorful pictures in books. The more variety in a child’s life, the better.

4. Buy laundry accessories . Washable felt-tip pens, washable pencils, water-soluble paint – you can find something else on the shelves of modern stationery stores. Many drawing tools can be easily cleaned with a simple damp cloth, even from masonry. If the baby is at the age stage “I draw where I want and how I want”, then such inventory will be a salvation.

5. Designate a workplace for the child . Or maybe the kid draws on the walls, because he simply has nowhere else to go? Then fate itself tells the parents to determine the working space for the young artist. It can be a small creative corner with a table, a chair, a chalkboard, a lamp, a personal shelf with a large selection of paints, pencils, drawing papers of various sizes. So the child will not only be able to immerse himself in a developing creative atmosphere, but also understand: you can only draw in this place, this is a family rule.

Speaking of rules! Parents can agree with the child on a certain set of house laws. For example, you can draw on the walls in the nursery, but you can’t in the hall and in the kitchen.

Cardinal solutions for young artists

Yes, not all moms and dads will have the strength and means to make repairs just so that the child can paint on the walls without a twinge of conscience. But, as practice shows, many future and already real mothers and fathers decide to take care of this issue seriously. Especially for them, a lot of interesting materials have been developed for decoration, for example, children’s rooms:

Marker walls . They are made from synthetic materials, which are not afraid of any art. You can draw on them with markers and felt-tip pens, after which everything is calmly removed with dry napkins and sponges. And you can also apply special magnetic paint to the marker wall, then you can place various children’s manuals, letters and other inventory in the form of magnets on it. Very comfortably!

Slate cover . Slate paint helps to create it; after drying, the wall becomes like a school chalkboard. The child will be able to draw on it with chalk even around the entire perimeter – you can finish the whole room from floor to ceiling or only part of the room. Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of shades: green, blue, cream, gray.

Coloring pages . This is a great way to keep your child entertained and develop their creativity. Roll coloring is an ordinary wallpaper with applied black and white images that a child can paint with any inventory – felt-tip pens, crayons, watercolors, pencils. In addition, most of these wallpapers are perfectly washable. There are simply very large coloring pages that do not have to be wallpaper. Another alternative is to buy your baby a roll or several rolls of cheap wallpaper so he can draw on the back.

Chalk wallpaper . These self-adhesive wallpapers are similar to a slate coating, they are distinguished mainly by their thickness: the wallpapers are thinner, and their range of colors is much wider. They are covered with a vinyl coating, allowing children to freely “wield” the crayons on the coating. Such a miracle of repair art is calculated for about 10,000 operations, so they will be an excellent design option for a children’s creative corner.

Drawing is one of the most important ways children learn about the world. Therefore, the task of parents is not to figure out how to shield the child from this activity, but to help the child direct his creative potential along the right path … Even if this path lies through the “wall” painting!

Children draw on the walls: solutions to the problem

Quite often, kids do a “pen test” not on paper, but on objects around them. Wallpaper is often the first to get hit: this is where children try to create their “masterpieces” using pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. Psychologists advise to act with cunning, using special techniques to wean a child from damaging the interior. But in the absence of results, you can go the other way – take into account the baby’s craving for drawing when decorating the house. It is also worth paying attention to the developmental activities that the child attends. Often they offer to draw on sheets attached to the wall, and the roots of the problem can grow from there.

There are several techniques that experts recommend for weaning your baby from wallpaper damage:

  1. Fighting boredom. Often a child draws on finishing materials, because he does not know what to do, he is constantly left to himself. Perhaps he will like the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpainting albums, new coloring pages. You can use unusual techniques, for example, drawing with finger paints, a stick, combining with appliqué.
  2. Joint wallpaper selection. Damaged canvases have to be replaced. It is worth choosing a new finish (wallpaper, paint) together so that the child appreciates it more. Perhaps he does not want to spoil what he picked up himself.
  3. Alternative. In order not to worry about the beauty of the interior, you can offer your child more interesting options for drawing. Surely the kid will like the easel, magnetic board, light tablet. A modern way of expressing creativity is drawing on a computer, laptop, tablet using special applications.
  4. Self cleaning. It is necessary to clarify that you will have to clean up your “arts” yourself. After a couple of minutes of rubbing the walls, the child, as a rule, loses the desire to repeat such actions.

There is another way to deal with painting on the finish, however, it affects parents more. You can reconsider your attitude to the problem and wait until the child grows up. Then it will be possible to make cosmetic repairs by updating the paintings and choosing the appropriate design, taking into account the opinions of each family member.

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Special wall coverings

It happens that decent funds were spent on a new finish, but there is no time and energy to redo the repairs. In the presence of a growing baby, it is worth protecting the walls proactively, working proactively. For example, you can use a water-based acrylic lacquer, which is usually coated with liquid wallpaper and some other materials.

After varnishing, the wallpaper becomes washable. The resistance of the coating to pollution is greatly enhanced. If you do not want to give the surface shine, you can choose a matte varnish. In addition, there are other coatings on sale that will help keep the new wallpaper safe and sound.

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Marker wall

Marker varnishes and paints are made on the basis of synthetic polymers (usually polyurethane). After drying, the material leaves a real marker coating on the wall – a board, which can be of any shape and size. On the “board” you can draw with erasable markers, after which traces can be easily removed with a dry rag or sponge. There are marker paints in different colors in stores, so you can choose them for every interior.

Marker coatings are suitable for all substrates – metal, stone, wood, plastic, plasterboard, etc. It is only important to pretreat the substrate with a special latex primer and then paint. Already 24 hours after application, the baby will be able to draw on the walls without any consequences for the attractiveness of the coating. The marker board can be washed with mild, non-abrasive products.

An even more interesting option for decorating the walls is the additional application of magnetic paint. In this case, the coating will become marker-magnetic, and it will be possible to play with it. Also on sale there is a marker film on an adhesive basis. You can stick it on any dense, smooth surface and immediately start drawing with special markers.

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This type of surface is created by applying a special slate paint. This is the finishing coat that gives the walls a resemblance to a school chalkboard. You can draw on it with simple chalk, colored crayons. In addition, furniture and even the floor are covered with slate paint (usually in the form of small areas).

Slate paint has a number of advantages over conventional slate boards. It is not limited to small sizes, but occupies the entire wall, or even several walls. No need to think about where to put the product, and the price per square meter of coverage will be low. The child will be happy to draw, fantasize, develop his creative abilities, and all this without harm to the repair. The interior with slate finish is eye-catching, original and very stylish.

Some chalkboards are only available in black. Coatings of other brands include green, brown, gray, blue shades. The stores also sell transparent (tinted) coatings for walls and floors. All materials can be used for interior work, they are completely safe for children. Only with allergies and asthma, one must remember that chalk dust can provoke an attack in a baby!

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Drawing board

It is far from always possible for parents to completely change the interior by introducing marker or slate coatings into it. If there is no way to make repairs, you can adopt an easier method. You need to buy a large drawing board and fix it on the wall where the child draws most often. Here the kid will be able to exercise in creativity, making a painting with special felt-tip pens. Soon he will cease to be interested in wallpaper, because no one will scold him for drawings on the board. You can buy such a board in a large children’s goods store or order it online along with felt-tip pens.

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Drawing wallpapers

Some roll materials enable the full development of the child without compromising the parents’ wallet. For example, wallpaper for drawing can be pasted in the children’s room when the baby begins to show interest in this art form. The most popular painting canvases are:

  1. Chalk wallpaper. Reminiscent of slate coatings, but thinner, covered with vinyl coating on top. They have a width of 107 cm, a length of 10-50 m. They draw on chalk canvases with crayons. Usually they have an adhesive base and are fixed on the walls like a self-adhesive film. The erasing cycle for such wallpapers is designed for 10,000 operations.
  2. Wallpaper for markers. You can draw on this material with special dry felt-tip pens. It is also made on the basis of vinyl, sticks like a film and wipes with a dry or wet cloth. Such wallpapers are considered more convenient to use, because chalk dust does not pour from them.
  3. Roll coloring. Usually, part of the nursery is pasted over with such material, although you can even decorate the whole room with it. On its front side there is a black and white drawing, which is painted over with paints, felt-tip pens, pencils. With some wallpapers, the pattern is easily washed off with a damp cloth.

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Whatman paper

The cheapest and fastest way to arrange a place for drawing is to fix a sheet of whatman paper on the wall. Large format paper or cardboard is fixed with adhesive tape or buttons. After the baby paints the sheet, it can be easily replaced with a new one.

The free space of the drawing paper can be used in many ways – to paint over the contours according to the sketch of adults, to make handprints, to draw with finger paints, to show fantasy in a different form.

Drawing for children is the favorite and most attractive form of creativity. Do not forbid the baby to develop their thoughts and skills. It is better to compromise by protecting the wallpaper and giving the child freedom of action.

If a child draws on the walls

Drawing on the wall gives the child new sensations and impressions, leads to the manifestation of curiosity – a sign of a lively mind.

What to do if you find the works of a young artist on the walls, furniture and even on household appliances? Many parents get angry and annoyed with their children, punishing them for it. Are they right? Let’s figure it out.

First of all, you need to understand why a child draws not in a sketchbook, but in his mother’s book, his father’s papers, in his older brother’s notebook and on the walls in his room.

It turns out that leaving a mark is very important for a small child. Your mark! And he discovers that he can do it with a pencil, pen or felt-tip pen. The trace left behind means: “I am. And I’m glad about it.”

If a child draws on the walls

A 2-3 year old child does not yet know how to draw, he does not even immediately understand that the sheet has edges. His movements are still poorly coordinated – he draws with a pencil on paper and inadvertently goes beyond the boundaries of the sheet. Then he discovers that the trace of the pencil remained on the table. This is of interest. He immediately begins to draw on the table.

At this age, the child does not strive to accurately depict a house, the sun, a flower or a car. He draws a “doodle-doodle” and calls her mom or dad, car or house. The accuracy of his own drawing is not important to him, he is fascinated by the creative process, a flight of fancy, the study of the properties of objects (in this case, a pencil, pen, felt-tip pens, paints). For a child, it is important that he did something, produced himself. For example, I drew a line in my father’s papers or my mother’s book with a pencil.

In the mind of a kid, it is very interesting to draw on the walls, because the wall differs in its properties from the album sheet, where adults usually ask him to draw. Drawing on the wall gives the child new sensations and impressions, leads to the manifestation of curiosity – a sign of a lively mind. Satisfied curiosity develops into curiosity – the love of knowledge, the desire for knowledge, that is, it passes to a more complex step in the development of cognitive activity.

Should a child be punished for drawing on walls?

1. So why punish a young artist? For the signs of the mind, the creative process, the study of the world around him, or for the fact that he is eager to leave his mark on his beloved mother or father? It turns out that there is nothing to punish! It’s just that the child needs to be shown that this creative process has another side. This is when mom and dad get upset when they see the painted walls in their baby’s room, and they have to clean them with soap and water. Here’s what you need to pay attention to the child. Tell him that it is not customary to paint houses on the walls, that it is unpleasant for you to see the painted walls, and you don’t want to waste time later cleaning them. Better instead, you play with your baby or read a book to him.

And since you had to scrub the walls, give the young artist the tools to work with, let him work with you. Only in this way will he be able to understand why you do not want to do this regularly. At the same time, he explores the properties of the wall and when it is laundered.

2. In some cases, children draw on walls and furniture in defiance of their parents when they do not allow them to draw or restrict their access to pencils and a sketchbook.

3. A child can draw on the wall if inspiration suddenly floods over him, and he simply cannot resist the desire to immediately begin the creative process. Therefore, dear parents, if you want your baby to draw in a sketchbook while sitting at your desk, give him the opportunity to draw when he wants. Give him a permanent place for drawing, in which there are always pencils and blank sheets of paper in the public domain. Then, at any moment, as soon as inspiration floods over the baby, he will be able to realize it in a suitable place for this.

4. Teach your child to follow the rules, in this case, to draw only in a specially designated place. Tell them that you can draw on paper, but not on the table and walls. Engage your child with interesting creative activities in his drawing corner, then it would never occur to him to draw on the wall.

5. Don’t get annoyed with your little one if you find pencil marks on the table where he drew. The kid might have done it by accident. Teach him to be clean and tidy. If he draws with paints, put on him a special apron. Explain that this will keep the clothes clean. After drawing, tell them that they need to wash their hands and put the place for drawing in order: put the drawings in a drawer, paints in place, pencils in a box, and wipe the table clean. Let the baby not only see how you put things in order, but also take part in this.

6. Gradually he will learn all the necessary rules and learn to follow them. But this won’t happen overnight, so be patient and know that your little one will still paint on walls and furniture from time to time, despite your warnings. Continue to explain and clean up the room with your baby. And to satisfy his desire in the diversity of the creative process and the study of the world – buy him an easel. at Let him draw standing up, if he likes it, and on large sheets of paper.

7. Give the young artist a special corner for drawing, in which a large sheet of drawing paper will hang on the wall. Say that you can draw here, because you protected the wall with a large sheet and you won’t have to wash it after.

8. As a prevention of drawing on the walls, read the story “Serezha draws” to the child from book 1 “Once upon a time Seryozha”. Author: Stazi Oksana.

To those parents who get annoyed with their child because of his art on the walls and furniture, I want to say the following: rejoice that your child is healthy, energetic and curious! Rejoice that he has become interested in drawing and help him master this process – provide all the opportunities for this both at home and outside. Try to keep your child’s interest in drawing even at an older age.

Prepared by Oksana Stazi

A child draws on the walls: talent or a bully?

Children love to draw on walls and other indescribable surfaces. But not every parent is ready for the sudden creative impulse of their child. Just imagine: a new euro renovation, bright Scandinavian-style walls, minimalism and peace … And in the middle of the wall is some kind of frightening dinosaur or ugly giraffe! What to do?

Scolding a child, of course, is useless. But I have a question: what if your son is the future Repin or Picasso? How to keep your property and at the same time not destroy children’s talent? Let’s figure it out.


  1. Why children paint on walls
  2. What to do with children’s talent
  3. Fundamental solutions for young artists

Why children paint on walls

In fact, why did the child decide to use the environment as a canvas? Sometimes the answer is simple: there are no blank sketchbooks and no corner of his own where he could devote himself to creativity in peace.

However, there are several other reasons why kids love to paint on walls so much. Babies have no boundaries, as they only develop into society at the age of 3-5. In other words, the child simply does not understand that it is not necessary to draw on new designer wallpapers.

The side of the album or even the wattman is too small for it (after all, they are all the same boundaries), and this is logical. If a child wants to draw a huge spider, then a tiny piece of paper is not the best solution. It’s nice to have a wall in the room where you can clearly see every life-sized spider leg!

Some moms and dads tell their kids that painting on walls is just “wrong.” But this word is not quite right. What’s wrong with being creative, being willing to express emotions, or capturing interesting subjects? A thread. Great thing! Therefore, it is better not to use such a phrase in front of a child – it will not impress the future artist.

What to do with children’s talent

So, should the child be kept away from painting on the wallpaper, or not put aside? There is no definite answer to this question. Many moms and dads choose to quit smoking only to make repairs a few years later when the child grows up. Others take it seriously, inventing different ways to get the young artist into another occupation.

So, what can happen if we decide to develop a creative gift in a child and want to secure our property:

1. change of attitude to the situation. Nerve cells do not regenerate. Shouting, suggestion and punishment will not return your wallpaper to cleanliness. Try to change your attitude to the situation: everyone is alive and well – that’s all. And now you, too, have an interesting design solution in plain sight. You can proudly show your guests your child’s work and get positive feedback.

2. Suggest other painting options. If it is important for you to interest your child in other types of “canvas”, provide them. Show him how diverse the world of art is. Give him or her a large chalkboard, magnetic board, drawing board, or sand painting kit. Variety and fun!

3. Offer your child plenty of activities. If your child draws on the walls out of boredom, he just needs more ways to pass the time. Try to invite your child to make an application from improvised materials, assemble a designer, or even just look at colorful pictures in books. The more variety in a child’s life, the better.

4. Buy washable materials. Washable felt-tip pens, washable pencils, water-soluble paints – you can find much more on the shelves of modern stationery stores. Many art supplies can be easily cleaned with a normal damp cloth, even off the wall. If your child is in the “I write where and how I want” stage, these tools will help him.

5. Set aside a place for your child to work. Or maybe your child draws on the walls, because there is simply nowhere to do it? Then fate itself suggests that the parents will provide the young artist with a place to work. It can be a small creative corner with a table, a chair, a blackboard, a lamp, a personal shelf with a large selection of paints, pencils and posters of different sizes. In this way, your child will not only be able to immerse himself in a stimulating and creative atmosphere, but will also understand that in this place you can only draw – this is a family rule.

Speaking of rules! Parents can agree with their child on a set of house rules. For example, in kindergarten you can draw on the walls, but you can’t in the hall and in the kitchen.

Cardinal solutions for young artists

Yes, not all moms and dads have the strength and money to make repairs, only a child can paint walls without a twinge of conscience. However, as practice shows, many future and current mothers and fathers decide to take this issue seriously. Especially for them, many interesting materials were created to decorate, for example, children’s rooms:

Walls with markers. They are made of synthetic materials and are not afraid of any works of art. You can draw on them with felt-tip pens and felt-tip pens, and then everything is easily removed with dry napkins and sponges. You can also apply special magnetic paint to the marker wall, and then put on it various children’s devices, letters and other equipment in the form of magnets. Very useful!

Slate cover. It is created with slate paint, and after drying, the wall becomes like a school blackboard. The child can paint with chalk around the perimeter – you can paint the entire room from floor to ceiling or just part of it. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of colors: green, blue, cream, gray.

Smooth colors. This is a great way to keep your child busy and develop their creativity. Roll-up painting is an ordinary wallpaper with black and white drawings that a child can paint on any technique – felt-tip pens, crayons, watercolors, pencils. Most of these wallpapers can also be washed. There are also very large coloring pages that do not require pasting. Another option is to buy your child a roll or several rolls of cheap wallpaper so they can paint on their backs.

Chalk board wallpaper. These self-adhesive wallpapers are similar to slate wallpapers mainly in their thickness: they are thinner and have a wider range of colors. They are covered with a vinyl overlay, which allows children to freely “wield” crayons. Such a miracle of repair art is designed for about 10,000 operations, so it will be an excellent option for arranging a children’s creative corner.

Drawing is one of the most important ways children learn about the world. So the task of parents is not to figure out how to isolate their child from this activity, but to help him direct his creative abilities in the right direction … Even if it’s painting “on the wall”!

Children against wallpaper: how to save the interior and even turn pictures into decor

June 5 Tips

Do not rush to grab cleaning products.



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Kids often draw on the wallpaper. And there is nothing wrong with this: such experiments speak of their craving for creativity. But if you’re worried about a new renovation, there are several ways to prevent artistic impulses or deal with their consequences as quickly and simply as possible.

How to prevent drawing on the walls

There are several ways – we will talk about each in order.

Keep crayons, pens, markers away from children

Art supplies should be kept out of reach of children. For example, on the top shelves or in closed cabinets to which he does not have access. When the kid wants to draw, he can do it only under the strict supervision of an adult.

And remember, this rule applies not only to him, but also to your office: do not leave ballpoint pens or pencils in visible places, with which you mark something in a book. Always return them to the organizer.

Buy Water Based Markers

Markers are available in water and alcohol based. And if the traces of the first can be washed off with soapy water, then with the second everything is much more difficult. Therefore, when buying them, pay attention to the composition.

Create your own workspace for your child

Example of a drawing board. Photo: Nenad Stojkovic / Flickr

Perhaps the drawings on the walls are the result of the fact that the kid simply has nowhere to be creative. Allocate a separate corner for him, where there will be all the necessary things: a table, a chair, paper, cardboard, crayons, felt-tip pens, pencils, plasticine, and more.

Gently explain to the child that you can draw only here and only on paper. Compare this art zone with your own office: “Look, now you have your own office, just like an adult! Do you know that adults only draw at the table and do not write anything on the walls?

Buy a drawing board

If your child wants to be creative on the walls, you can offer him another option – to draw on a marker or chalk board. In addition, it will not be superfluous in the future: when the child grows up, he will be able to write down important reminders on it or solve some problems.

By the way, some mothers use ordinary drawing paper instead of a board – they attach them to the wall with adhesive tape and offer the kids to draw without going beyond the borders of the canvas. You can also buy a roll of white wallpaper, fix it to the ceiling and gradually unwind it when there is no empty space left on the bottom.

Set aside a separate wall for your child to draw on

If your child’s creative ego is so strong that he can’t be content with a small piece of paper, go ahead and set aside an entire wall for drawing.

An example of an accent wall. Photo: Pxhere.

Many people wallpaper in a different color or hire an artist to paint a floor-to-ceiling landscape. So why not highlight a white accent wall for a young artist?

Buy wall coloring

While some kids want to express themselves violently with a brush, others just need coloring books. For the latter, you can purchase special self-adhesive coloring posters that are easily attached to the walls.

As soon as the child completes one of these pictures, remove it and replace it with a new one. It will be interesting for small children to paint castles and spaceships, and for those who are older, you can offer, for example, an image of a world map.

Choose a wallpaper that is easy to clean

If you are afraid that your child will still disobey and use the wallpaper as a canvas, make sure that it is easy to wash (or replace) in advance. Consider the following options:

  • Liquid wallpaper. They are easy to restore: you need to remove part of the surface with children’s scribbles, and then apply a new mixture to this place, which, when dried, will not leave seams.
  • Paintable wallpaper is a generic name for a variety of wallpapers that can withstand multiple stains. It is better to look at non-woven, vinyl or fiberglass options. The first and second can be dyed 5-7 times, and the third – up to 20!
  • Marker and chalk wallpaper is the most moisture resistant. You can remove drawings from them with a regular rag. Some manufacturers claim that such coatings can withstand up to 10,000 abrasion cycles. At the same time, they can be glued to any surface – wood, tile, concrete.

How to deal with the consequences

If you didn’t manage to secure the walls in advance, don’t despair – there are several ways to fix it.

Cover stain with stickers or posters

The easiest option is to purchase paintings or posters that can be used to cover your child’s drawings.

Wall decal example. Photo: Elisa Sassi / Flickr.

If he only got to the bottom of the wallpaper, you can choose special wall stickers – for example, in the form of trees or animals, which will look organic, “standing” on the floor.

Try erasing drawings

Methods may vary depending on the wall covering and drawing tools. But here are some universal tips that can help:

  1. Small stains can be removed with the hard side of the eraser. It will cope with traces of a pencil, pen, some felt-tip pens.
  2. Ammonia is also great for removing streaks from a ballpoint pen or spirit pen. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp. l. substances in a glass of water and wipe the wall.
  3. If the wallpaper is light, chlorine bleach will help. It is necessary to carefully apply the substance to the drawing and wait for it to discolor. With paper wallpaper, you should be careful: a caustic composition can be fatal for them.
  4. If you have citric acid at your disposal, take 10 g of this substance, mix it with a glass of water, and then blot the ink strips with this liquid. An ordinary lemon is also suitable – just squeeze the juice out of it, and then proceed by analogy with the first option. In both cases, gently spread the solution over the stain until it is discolored.
  5. For vinyl wallpapers, temperature can be effective. Try putting a clean sheet of paper on the drawing and ironing it with a hot iron (without steam). Also, in this case, ordinary soap solution can also cope with traces.
  6. A hard-boiled chicken egg will help get rid of ballpoint pen marks. Cut it in half, remove the yolk and attach the cut to the pattern for 1-2 minutes. But remember that this method can only harm paper wallpaper!
  7. Apply 3 g of potassium permanganate mixed with 1 tablespoon of vinegar to a clean tissue and apply to the crime scene. After such contact, the drawing will leave the wall, leaving behind a dirty mark. You can get rid of it with peroxide. If the child used a water-based felt-tip pen, then potassium permanganate and vinegar can be postponed. Peroxide alone will be enough: apply it for half an hour, and then wipe the surface with a clean cloth.

Tape or paint over the drawing

If the art cannot be reduced, a quick cosmetic repair can be done. Perhaps you have extra rolls of wallpaper or cans of leftover paint that you used for finishing – this is the perfect time to put them to work. If all this is not there, then you can re-glue one wall – let it be accent!

Finish the painting

Artist Ruth Osterman maintains a YouTube channel where she shares “remakes” of her daughter’s drawings. Of course, she does not work with images on the walls, but after watching a few of her videos, you can be inspired for such a “collaboration”!

“Insert” the picture into the frame

Why not an interesting solution? For example, if your child has depicted a house on the wall, you can not rub it off, but, on the contrary, save it as a valuable object of art: install a glass frame around the picture and make a signature indicating the year and name of the artist.

Do nothing

So, for example, blogger and journalist Sarah Cottrell did. In an article for Scary Mommy, she shared I Let My Kids Draw On The Wall.