Kid drawing wall: Writable Walls!? YES! 3 Ways to Turn Your Walls into a Creative Canvas

Опубликовано: January 10, 2023 в 9:47 am


Категории: Kid

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10 Prozent handgeschrieben mit Kreide auf Blackboard

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Vater misst die Kinderhöhe im Raum

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Antike Farbdarstellung aus deutschen Kinderfabeln

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Vintage Fotorahmen

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Modernes kreatives Arbeitsplatzpokal-Event

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Freunde Gemeinsam malen Blumen

4 Kinder kommen zusammen, um eine Wand zu streichen

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Kind misst Höhe

Ein Mädchen misst ihre Körpergröße gegen ein dunkles Brett mit einem Bild einer Giraffe

von 8

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Commentary: Why parents should allow kids to draw on the walls

SINGAPORE: When my children were toddlers, drawing was one of their favourite activities. We provided them with plenty of drawing paper and crayons. 

One day, my eldest child asked me if they could draw on the wall. My first thought was why not?

After all, I did the same when I was young. It seemed a shame that my kids’ artwork had so far been stacked in a corner to collect dust. And frankly, I was tired of constantly replenishing the drawing paper supply. So I caved in to her request.

At first, the drawings were just random scribbles, but it was a joy to observe the kids explore all kinds of shapes and colours. As they gained more control over their fingers and hands, their drawings improved. They started noting their immediate world and drawing objects they saw regularly: Family, school, playground and pets.

Five years on, my kids (aged 11, nine and six) still draw as one of their favourite pastimes. We did have to teach them to confine their drawings to their grandparents’ room initially.

The doodles were a talking point for my parents, who reminisced about the days my siblings and I would draw cartoon characters in the three-room flat we grew up in. Soon after, the drawing canvas expanded to other walls in the house and most of our walls are filled with drawings.


It might seem daunting to give your kids free artistic rein of the home – but such free rein is valuable for children when they have few avenues to exercise it.

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Most nurseries and primary schools conduct drawing classes to build fine motor skills and concentration. They provide children with various art materials, instructions on what to draw and a time limit. Topics include “My Friends” or “My Favourite Animals”. 

For the lower primary levels, the subject is usually about the self and its relationship with others, which goes well with the school’s Character and Citizen Education curriculum.

But some children don’t want to follow rigid instructions, while others are slow in understanding them. As Lee Teck Hiang, founder of The Art Bones Studio and former art educator shared with me, free self-expression is usually discouraged due to practical reasons such as grading criteria.

Graffiti is thus a medium that truly allows kids to draw freely. Outside the confines of a school assignment, there are no expectations or standards.

Think: A drawing of a dog should look like a real-life dog. If not, it would not be praised as much as other pieces that look more realistic. It is not surprising to see children believe that they’re not talented because they couldn’t produce a good representational drawing and stop trying for good.  

As parents who place less emphasis on academic achievements, my wife and I are more inclined to provide the space and resources for our kids’ creative juices to flow. To us, a dog can look like a blob with sticks and that is fine.

A drawing of the Singapore flag with the moon crescent and stars centralised. (Photo: Tan Chin Hock)


Other cities have used graffiti as a tool to teach children important lessons.

Salt Lake City, Utah, runs a graffiti-making programme in which kids aged between eight and 13 are asked to paint the walls of various public places. In this programme, children are not only given an outlet for their creativity but also learn to work together, make decisions and share responsibilities. It also engages them as citizens as they feel proud to have left their mark on the city.

In Singapore, we have similar spaces such as Somerset Skatepark, Scape Youth Park, Bukit Batok Skatepark and others where street artists and members of the public are allowed to bring their imaginations alive via spray cans and paints.  While these avenues promote creative expressions, it should be noted that the usage of these high and massive walls is still largely confined to teens and adults.

While our children are not able to leave their marks in public areas, allowing them to draw on the walls at home likewise gives them a sense of ownership over their space. 

A child’s imagination is very rich. Every day is a new experience and he needs a channel to articulate his views. Moreover, children are spontaneous – whenever a new idea crosses their minds, they want to share it.

The walls of his room become a canvas where he can draw objects that fascinate him and to his heart’s content. We may consider it messy, but from a child’s point of view, these are valuable to him.

A heart shape with eyes, drawn by this author’s child. (Photo: Tan Chin Hock)


For these reasons, consultant psychologist and counsellor Dr Shweta Sharma, Columbia Asia Hospital, advises parents and teachers to encourage children to paint on walls and floors. Here are practical ways to go about doing it.

First, set boundaries. No drawing in the kitchen for safety reasons, and of course, no drawings on walls outside the house. You could also designate certain walls for drawing – the children’s room is a good place to start because they spend the most time in it and are attached to the surroundings.

If you can’t stand the idea of messy walls, you could tape mahjong paper to them. If you’re committed, you could apply a coat of enamel paint on the wall, so that marks and ink can be erased with solvent. Chalkboard paint is another do-it-yourself option for converting your walls into blank slates for chalk drawings.

Second, refrain from instructing children on what and how to draw, and from making negative comments about their drawings. We have to appreciate their imagination: The way a child sees a moon or a watermelon could be different from reality.

Instead, ask your children about their art. Keep your conversation open-ended so they have an opportunity to explain what they have drawn and why they have drawn it that way.

We could ask probing questions such as, “Tell me about what you drew. Who are these people and what are they doing now?” He will give you cues to his thoughts and the way he interprets the world around him.

Paintings made by your child can also hold clues about his mental well-being. If you find your child drawing unhappy faces or any disturbing figures, inspect them closely. In many cases, children cannot tell us about abuse or any unpleasant incident that troubles them. 

Once, I had to take back the privilege of devices from my children and my second child left a message for me on the wall.

Sensing something was not right, I initiated a conversation and got to know that my handling of the situation could be managed better than just snatching the device from her. Today, we have a very close and loving relationship between myself and my three children.

A message for this author after his children’s rights to devices were taken away. (Photo: Tan Chin Hock)

Graffiti is a tool all parents can use to understand our kids better. For my children, it’s cultivated a passion for, and hopefully a lifelong hobby of, drawing.

Whenever I host visitors, a vast array of scary monsters and weird cartoon characters watch over them. Each one sparks a conversation.

Tan Chin Hock is the Founder of Holdinghands Studio.

Commentary: How we nurture children hasn’t changed, even if tools have become digital

The Big Read: Frustrations, tender moments, creativity aplenty as Singaporeans stay home to rein in COVID-19

Child draws on wallpaper. 5 super-ideas – how to wean a child to draw on the wall #useful


  1. The child draws on the wallpaper. 5 super-ideas – how to wean a child to draw on the wall #useful
    • Psychologist’s advice
  2. A child draws a car on the wallpaper. Does your child draw on wallpaper? How to stop a young artist?
  3. The child draws on the wallpaper, how to wean. 5 Super Ideas to Stop Drawing on Walls
    • Normal Growth Phase
    • 5 ideas to stop your child from painting on the walls
    • Additional tips
  4. A child draws a car on the wallpaper. How to respond
    • Calm conversation
    • Space for creativity
    • Little helper
  5. Video Allow children to draw on the wallpaper

A child draws on the wallpaper. 5 super ideas – how to wean a child to draw on the wall #useful

First, pull yourself together. If children realize that they have caused a strong reaction, then the temptation to repeat their creativity will still be great!

A very unpleasant story…

Psychologist’s advice

If you have small children or remember when this time was, it is likely that you went through when they painted the walls of the house and even furniture, chairs and much more.

According to psychologists, children are at a stage in which they are driven by the instinct of exploration, skill development and manual dexterity, showing off their first touches or “works of art”. For the same reason, “in your child’s world,” the fact that walls are painted is the way they show their language, the way they communicate their thoughts and feelings to what surrounds them.

It happens that even the bath suffers.

In the West, psychologists suggest parents, in case of painted walls, make a frame around the picture, if, of course, it is small. They believe that the interior should be for the child and around him, and not the child himself should obey the interior. Well, quite a controversial opinion, isn’t it?

5 simple solutions

But what to do when you see a painted wall: get angry or not pay much attention, quietly wiping off the traces of felt-tip pens? Several experts recommend these tips to counter such occurrences, or prevent them from happening again:

1. Talk to your child and explain that he ruins the things you tried so hard to do, such as repairs.

Clean up together, let him feel how hard it is to rub pencils off wallpaper with an eraser, wash doors and window sills. Do not give indulgence, let him clean up with you.

Many of you are familiar, right?

2. Provide materials such as notebooks and coloring books where he can use his pencils.

If he wants to draw and is willing to wait a bit, you can buy him an easel, a drawing board, or a special tablet for such purposes, on which you can draw and erase drawings.

3. If the nursery is going to be renovated soon, invite the child to choose the design of wallpaper, furniture, etc. on one’s own.

Today there are many solutions with drawings on wardrobes, bedside tables and beds, it is not difficult to find something ideal for your child.

Children’s room design.

Just explain that the animals might get offended and leave if he continues to draw on the walls.

4. Select part of the wall or the entire wall for the special coating. This method in Japan helps to avoid problems with painting on the walls!

This is how Japanese kids draw on the walls, and parents are calm!

Children throw out all their creative impulses where it can be done.

The cover can also be shaped.

Special crayons or markers are erased, the wall remains clean – which means you can draw on it again!

5. Buy your child a magnetic board or similar reusable drawing board that can be hung on the refrigerator, magnetic board, or simply on the nursery wall.

If they have such a canvas for creativity, they will not even want to draw on the wallpaper!

By the way, there are similar solutions for adults. You can write a to-do list, keep track of expenses and income, or compliment your loved one every morning in an unusual way!

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A child draws a car on the wallpaper. Does your child draw on wallpaper? How to stop a young artist?

Hello dear readers! I think that the age-old problem of almost all families is drawing a child on the wallpaper. Let’s figure this out together.

Moreover, I will tell you that a child cannot but draw on the wallpaper if his psyche develops normally. You need to figure out why he draws on the wallpaper and how to react to it?
For a child, this occupation is not only a manifestation of his creativity, but also an opportunity to leave his mark on the world where he lives. For the same reason, the child hides cookies under the pillow or plays right on the aisle. It is the natural desire of children to be in the center of the action and mark their territory. He thinks like this: this is part of me, I live here. And if a child draws on the wallpaper, then he has no other way to leave his mark on your house, or this is not enough for him.

Scattered toys, hidden food, play under your feet – this is a natural process of growing up your child. And it’s not worth scolding a child for it. You can scold him: “Why did you paint the wallpaper, did I tell you not to paint there?” . Understand that a child at this age does not have a developed memory and scolding him for this is stupidity.

If you want to punish the guilty, you must punish yourself first. Why? Because the culprit is the one who left drawing objects in the public domain. And remember, this is not done to spite you. To avoid painting on wallpaper:

1 Keep an eye on your child when he has something in his hands or within reach that can stain the wallpaper – this is the first thing.

2 Set up dedicated drawing areas. Now even special rolls are sold that can be pasted over the wallpaper. And you need to explain to the child in a strict voice (not scary) where you can’t draw.

The child draws on the wallpaper, how to wean. 5 great ideas on how to stop your child from painting on walls


There are no set rules for children not to draw on walls, so it is important for parents to focus on finding solutions rather than punishing children for their creativity.

Normal growth phase

All children around the age of 2 go through an artistic stage characterized by drawings on the walls. The walls become the perfect canvas as children feel comfortable holding their hand and guiding the pencil.

Of course, the work of little artists cannot but evoke emotion, but it is not always pleasant to repaint the walls or re-paste the wallpaper because of the child’s hyperactivity.

5 ideas to stop your child from drawing on walls

1. Drawing boards

Wall drawing boards are available in a variety of sizes at school supply stores and online. Felt pens are perfect for the smooth surface of these boards.

Boards can be hung on any flat surface and preferably in a child’s room, but it is best to place them in a place that most often attracts a child’s artistic attention.

2. Chalkboard

This is the most common option. However, if the child is allergic or asthmatic, it is best to avoid this type of tool as chalk dust can aggravate.

3. Paints or pencils that are easy to clean

A wide range of paints are available for sale that are easy to clean from any surface. A more convenient option are special pencils, traces of which can be easily removed with a dry or damp cloth.

4. Creativity and Responsibility

Some children have a strong impulse to create art on any available surface, even with sketchbooks, boards, etc. So the only way to wean this habit is to involve them in scrubbing their creations.

It is very important to clearly allocate duties, of course, without punishment or direct orders. By helping to launder their drawings, the child engages in educational activities that will make them aware of the consequences of their actions. It also allows the child to learn more about the nature and importance of responsibility.

5. Large paper or cardboard sheets

Chalkboard effect sheets are very practical because they last a long time. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy a board or hang it yet because of the decorative wall decoration, you can use large sheets of paper or large format cardboard.

The sheets are attached to the wall with a small adhesive tape. The only disadvantage of cardboard or paper is that they often have to be changed because they cannot be reused. After the child has drawn (with a pencil or marker) on both sides, you can make prints of his hands in different colors.

In this way, free space on the paper is reused and at the same time children are offered an option through which they can release their artistic impulse.

Additional Tips

As already mentioned, children draw on the walls not only because it is fun, but also because it is easier for them to move their hand in an upright position and on a smooth surface. Over time, the child’s motor skills will develop. It is important to provide him with a drawing pad so that he can explore this format and adapt to a different space that is not a wall.

Colored crayons and pencils are the best for your child’s drawings. Do not buy charcoal or paint because walls are not the only surface that can be painted. There is also furniture and a TV, so crayons or pencils are less dangerous and easier to erase when needed.

A child draws a car on the wallpaper. How to respond

There are several options for the correct response to such a situation. Given the individual characteristics of your child, you can choose the best. First of all, remember that doodles that you think are meaningless are an expression of the inner world of a child. He rejoices when he creates another “masterpiece” and is proud of every stroke, so it is worth treating the incident with all gentleness and patience.

If a child draws on the wallpaper

Calm conversation

Paintings on the walls should not be taken as an expression of the child’s disobedience. He does not do this on purpose, but simply perceives the light space as a blank slate. What should be done with a blank sheet? Of course – draw something fun on it. Perhaps you have not yet encountered a similar situation, and the baby simply does not know that you cannot draw on the walls. Or he forgot about it if the conversation about damage to property took place a long time ago.

Calmly explain to your child that his “creativity” on the walls upsets you, but if the kid draws the same thing in the album, you will be proud of his drawings. Do not lecture, just show your grief – this will definitely work, because every child is upset when he upsets his mother.

Space for creativity

If the baby does not yet understand the prohibitions, you can come up with interesting alternatives.

  1. Take a roll of old wallpaper, fix it on the wall, taking into account the child’s height – now the kid can draw as much as he wants. When there is no more clean space left, you can remove the roll and hang a new one.
  2. Replace regular markers with washable markers. Or give the baby crayons – they can also be easily wiped off any wallpaper.

You can think of many options, and you will no longer have a reason to be angry with your child because of the scribbles on the walls.

Little helper

An older child can simply be involved in cleaning. At a certain age, any prohibitions only provoke the baby, and he tries to do the opposite to test your reaction. But if you make him help you wipe the drawings off the walls, he will understand that this is hard work and will no longer want to repeat such pranks.

Let children draw on wallpaper video

What children draw and when a child psychologist is needed

Almost all children draw with pleasure. Drawing is both a child’s fantasy and a reflection of what the baby has seen or learned. This is both play and learning. How often we are proud if the drawings are getting better and better, but almost do not pay attention to what exactly and how is depicted on a sheet of paper.

But a child’s drawing reflects the child’s inner world, which is why psychologists pay special attention to the drawing. Because it is easier for a child to draw than to express something in words. A drawing is such a sincere story about oneself, about how a child perceives both himself and his environment.

For a specialist, it is also an indicator of the child’s mental development, his perception, motor skills, the development of thinking and speech, his emotional state, which is why so often during consultations a psychologist asks a child to draw a specific drawing and evaluates it according to certain criteria. As a rule, drawing tests are an adjunct to other diagnostic techniques, and by themselves are never the basis for any diagnosis. They help to understand how and what the child thinks, how he imagines something, what he feels, and where there may be problematic situations.

What should I pay attention to?

Look at a child’s drawing more closely and you will get to know your child much better. What does he think and dream about? What is he afraid of? How does he see the world around him?

Up to 3-4 years old, kids only master pencils and felt-tip pens. The very first drawings, as a rule, are the well-known “cephalopods” – circles with sticks (arms and legs) and eyes. But the drawing of a child of 5-7 years old already quite fully reflects both his inner world and his perception of the surrounding space.

Pay attention to the child’s drawings in general. What emotions do they convey? What is the general impression? What do you think, what feelings did the child experience while drawing – was he happy, sad, angry, regretted something?

It’s best if you look at different pictures, because a single picture can be random, and just talk about some fleeting state.

What can the drawings tell about?

Psychologists have noticed that some drawings can tell about important things for a child – about his family and relationships within the family, about himself and how he sees himself in the world. And you and I can open the door to the world that your child sees.

Family drawing

Children often draw their father and mother, grandparents, their brothers and sisters. Let’s look at the family through the eyes of a child:

  • Who is in the family, who is the child drawing? Well, if all family members are in the collection. But sometimes it also happens, for example, that in response to a request to draw his family, a child draws himself, a cat and a TV.
  • How are the family members feeling? Are they friendly or swearing with each other, arguing and quarreling?
  • The height and size of the people in the drawings is a very interesting indicator. It can also reflect real growth (for example, dad is taller than mom), or it can also talk about who is in charge in the family.
  • How are the shapes arranged on the sheet? If the whole family is drawn together, and someone is alone and far away, then this can be both a drawing of a real situation (“dad is on a business trip”), and a reflection of the child’s perception – “dad rarely communicates with us, I miss him.”

Draw a girl (boy) that looks like yourself

  • The drawing of a person who looks like himself is also interesting to analyze. How does the child perceive himself? What does he dream about, what does he want to be?
  • Pay attention to how the child portrays himself, to what extent parts of the body and clothes are drawn.
  • How a child places himself in a group of people – if he is smaller than other people or is on the sidelines, then this may indicate difficulties with communication.
  • Pay attention to the mood of the little man in the picture.

Draw Kindergarten / Draw Your Class

Situation drawing is a great indirect way to find out how your child feels in kindergarten, at school, at the doctor’s, at a party, and what’s going on there. Children can not always tell about it directly, but through the drawing you will learn a lot of interesting details.

  • Ask the child where he is in the picture, how he feels, whether he is happy or sad, and why.
  • What other people in the picture do and say – friends, educators, teachers.

And that can already be dangerous!

Sometimes a drawing can be a signal that the child is not all right, and it is worth contacting a psychologist or a doctor. In no case do we urge to make a diagnosis and draw any conclusions only on the basis of drawings. But we would like to pay special attention to some points.

Here are some red flags to watch out for:

Pay attention to how the child draws

Very weak pressure on the pencil, blurred lines , and in children older than 5-6 years, inability to shade (“paint over”) the area inside the closed line (hatching goes far beyond the contour area, or does not reach the contour significantly).

What could this be talking about? These manifestations may indicate neurological disorders, visual or musculoskeletal disorders, or impaired fine motor skills. It is worth paying attention to the pediatrician and neurologist.

In the figure of a person there are images of internal organs . Of course, a drawn heart of a princess or a prince does not count, or a drawing of a doctor’s appointment. But if the child often depicts the internal organs in detail, then it is worth consulting a psychiatrist.

Separation of body parts in figure : arms and legs are not attached to the body, body parts seem to be not connected to each other and the child cannot draw a whole picture of a person.

What does this mean? This may indicate personal disorganization or mental disorders. It is advisable to consult a child psychologist or psychiatrist.

Stereotypical drawings : the same drawing is repeated many times, with the same elements, colors, arrangement on the sheet.

What does this mean? This may be a sign of psychological disorders – for example, something is very important for the child, he cannot live through some situation, and he constantly draws the same thing. We recommend consulting a psychologist.

There are no people or animals in the drawings : The child draws only inanimate objects or abstract drawings.

What could this be talking about? This can be both a sign of difficulties in communication and building relationships, and a sign of neurological disorders, for example, on the autism spectrum. It is worth consulting with a neurologist and a child psychologist.

Strong emphasis on aggression – big teeth in animals, shooting weapons in people, images of explosions, suffering people and animals, destroyed buildings. A large number of objects in black and red in the drawings.

What does this mean? This is a sign that can mean both strong fear, and hidden (or open) aggression in a child, and the violence he experienced, and a trace of a situation or news that impressed him greatly. Talk to the child – what he draws and why, what it means. How does he feel after drawing. What scares or angers him. And, of course, consult a child psychologist.

Injuries in humans : sometimes the child’s physical pain is reflected in the drawings, which he is afraid to talk about. Look at the injuries in people or animals in the pictures, pay attention to the place where the patch is drawn. Maybe the baby was hurt or something worries him? Ask him about it or inspect this place with a child.

Complete failure to draw . Usually children easily do what is given to them without much difficulty. If for some reason it is difficult to draw, then this may be an indicator of hidden problems.

What does this mean? Perhaps the child has underdeveloped fine motor skills, and it is really difficult for him to draw (this is a question for consultation with a pediatric neurologist). A complete refusal to draw can also be an indicator of psychological problems – the child is afraid to make a mistake, afraid to express himself, or even he has experienced a traumatic situation and is afraid to show his feelings. In this case, you should contact a child psychologist.

Pay attention to the drawings in general . If you notice that the colors are changing, there are some changes in the theme of the drawings that are incomprehensible to you – do not be shy, ask a child psychologist. Your child’s drawing may reflect his emotional state in general.

Drawing is a great occasion for communication!

Talk to your child about his drawings often. This is a great opportunity for a conversation – you will find out what the child thinks about, what worries him or inspires him, what he dreams about.

You can ask a variety of questions – “What and who did you draw? Why exactly this color? Why is the item or hero located here? What are the characters in the picture doing, how do they feel? Who or what is missing in the picture?

Sometimes it is difficult for a child to say something directly, but he can express it through a drawing and his story about him. This is a very good way to learn more about your own child – about his inner world, about his perception of other people. And it is also useful for the child himself – because he learns to tell, build sentences and express his thoughts and feelings.

In a word, if you treat children’s drawings more carefully, and you will see the world through the eyes of your baby and will be able to understand it better.


The child draws on the walls. What to glue?

We are going to make cosmetic repairs. Only because of this. What to paint, glue to wash off? Help! The apartment is destroyed!

Once give the child a rag, erasers, water and make him wash off what he has drawn. Not just to play around, but to achieve what would be washed away. And after that, explain that they don’t draw on the walls, there is paper for this.

She is constantly scrubbing something with a rag. And he knows perfectly well that it is necessary to draw on a piece of paper.

means, repeat the point above!
and until he understands!

paint the wall with chalkboard paint, I think Dulux had some and let him draw

How do you clean the traces of a felt-tip pen or a ballpoint pen from the wallpaper with a rag? I can’t do it myself, especially a child. She understands that it’s impossible. She cries, asks for forgiveness, kisses her hands, but she cannot do anything with herself, she does a lot of destructive things every minute … Such a character. And she’s only 2 years old.

But I need to put the whole apartment in order, not just one wall. She won’t draw on just one wall, that’s not interesting. I need to glue or paint all the walls in such a way that it looks aesthetically pleasing and washes well.

maybe you are punishing her? why is she crying? did not try to explain calmly and that means nothing can be done? put away all the felt-tip pens and pens and draw on a piece of paper with her…
Mine also drew on the wallpaper several times, but mine is washable, I probably washed it until I was blue in the face for about 2 hours, but once and for all I realized that I shouldn’t do that

I’m going to bed. This is the worst punishment ever. My son also understood something and the apartment survived his infancy in good condition. The daughter is a different case. She cries out of shame and remorse, but then does it her way again.

in my opinion there is a problem of education, IMHO, and how can a 2 year old child cry from shame and remorse if you do not punish her? do not allow me to draw without you, only with my mother and only on paper, cite an older child as an example and everything will be ok!

And our godfather decided not to re-paste the wallpaper for some time, so that the work would not go in vain. He says let him draw. When we get bored, then re-glue. At the same time, they sent the child to the art studio to satisfy their creative hunger. The girl is currently 5 years old, no longer draws on the walls

I don’t ask about education, don’t be offended. Especially in this section. I am interested in washable wallpaper or paint. Someone might know?

Yes, but I don’t want to live like homeless people for another three years. The wallpaper is also torn off on one wall in the room and in the corridor. But it looks like she’s stopped slacking off.

I would go to the store and ask about the paint. You will probably need something stronger than emulsion. And after painting the walls somewhere in the corner, I would try what is erased / washed off from them. There are water-based felt-tip pens that say washable directly on them, crayola crayons, even ordinary pencils, I think, will be washed off. Throw away everything else so that it doesn’t exist in the house at all.

+1 for water-based markers. Buy an easel with a roll of paper.

There’s a somewhat scholarly approach. Kuma is a psychologist by education and her husband and her are a doctor. So everything is justified there with an emphasis on child psychology, etc. They’ve been living like this for about 4 years now. Alternatively, you can initially buy wallpaper with some margin. Anyway, the pieces should remain.

Buy a special board for drawing (on one side they draw with chalk and on the other with felt-tip pens).

Oh, there is everything! And magnetic board and paper and albums. It’s not options. And when you explain that you can’t draw on the walls, she asks: Why? I have no convincing arguments. I can’t tell a child that her drawings on the walls are ugly.

Arguments: for drawing there is paper, a table, an easel “like an artist’s”. The walls separate the rooms, they are covered with wallpaper, and it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to draw.

this is your child…
read something about parenting!
and then what will happen next ???
imagine: she is 20 years old, and she will paint everything in the apartment with a can))))) or something even cooler))

Or maybe she will become a great artist. I don’t read parenting books.

These are not arguments. Walls can separate rooms and being painted, and wallpaper is also paper. At the age of two, people think in other categories. What is NOT possible, we understand, so we do it secretly.

My daughter is also an artist. Now she is seven. Drawings on the wallpaper also passed, believe me. And there were arguments. It is difficult for a 2-year-old to understand some, she does not know how to control herself at all. But they cannot understand the real danger of cars on the road, but do you forbid them to run out onto the road? No, that’s it! It just doesn’t make sense to re-paste the wallpaper, for new art?

Maybe! Children should not be punished for drawing, because you can completely discourage interest. This, by the way, is written in normal books on education. My identity painted all the wallpaper. In turn. It passes. When the younger one’s interest fades, I WILL COLOR THE WALLPAPER AGAIN.

About 20 years, etc. – complete nonsense))) Although I would allow in my room to do what they want … at any age. I do not grow complexed vegetables. For what is unreasonably forbidden by parents, the child will try to do elsewhere.

P.S. While you are punishing her by “putting her to sleep”, she will not fall asleep herself and with pleasure.

We have paint that can be washed and tinted. With wallpaper, I don’t think it will work.

yes what 3 years. half a year – a year maximum

You can make repairs, and glue the bottom, to the height of the little one, with drawing paper, then change it when it draws.
up to five years, this is strong, from three it will decline and it will be possible to transfer all art to a children’s and art institution)) , yes, excellent, the child expresses himself, I was forbidden in childhood, I painted where no one saw, behind cabinets, beds, carpets, curtains, all persuasions and punishments were an empty phrase.

Maybe just glue the wallpaper for painting, but how will the painting be repainted? And so on until you stop drawing. Or there are washable wallpapers: non-woven, vinyl. My 3.5 is also an artist, she painted all the wallpapers, now she has begun to draw much less, I think by the age of 5 it will pass completely. I did not forbid, I knew that she would do this, so we just left the old wallpaper in our room. And in other rooms they glued washable non-woven wallpaper, my daughter draws with wax pencils, they are washed off from this wallpaper, but it’s difficult, so I asked not to draw it on them, in the end they were painted quite a bit, the main art in the room =)) By the way, felt-tip pens Washable with water is a topic, it is quite easy to wash them from non-woven wallpaper, especially if the wallpaper is patterned, and not plain, then even if traces remain, they will not be so noticeable.
To those who say to ban harshly, you yourself mock your children, you don’t need to give people such advice, especially since the person asked about wallpaper, and not how to wean a child to draw on them.

there are black and white children’s wallpapers with pictures that you can color in

Normal baby! Shocked by these comments! My eldest son has never drawn on anything other than paper. She herself was surprised, she didn’t wipe her hands, didn’t grab the walls with dirty hands. But the daughter is still an artist, she draws everywhere! Moreover, if you do not give pencils, then he will scratch his hieroglyphs with something. Would you say that I bring them up differently? Or did you read books with the older one, was smart and studied, but forgot all this with the younger one? I advise you to read something more positive and modern, otherwise your statement “otherwise what will happen next ???” I immediately associate with grouchy grannies on the bench!

My walls are painted everywhere, so we periodically paint over all the art with the remnants of paint. I’m only shaking over photo wallpapers, I really love them and you can’t wash them off with anything (((((Don’t forbid her to draw and don’t scold, patience with you!

Listening attentively to your suggestions

It’s not the child’s character, but you have complete spinelessness. 0003

She cries not from shame and repentance, but from the fact that YOU react to this crying, she knows perfectly well that this is your pain point. And the worst thing is that today it is still wallpaper, and tomorrow there will be more serious things.

Thanks everyone for the wallpaper and paint tips. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me. The interior is such that it is difficult to find something.

Well, you see, you still have to take care of raising a child

Thank you for the advice on education. Can you tell me anything about building materials?

Classic interior with an old-fashioned twist.

What I advise you is not particularly used in your country.

Thank you. But not an option. She will take everything.

Still don’t want to start raising a child?

my sore subject)) finished the repair and then my child (1g10mes) walked all over the apartment with a felt-tip pen, I had a micro heart attack (((, pencils and felt-tip pens are now issued under strict supervision. Where the wallpaper for painting is well everything was painted, the silk-screen printing was wiped off with soda, but in the nursery it remained on paper, I had to move the furniture and force everything)) The best option turned out on the wallpaper for painting.0003

It’s easy to paste over everything with white wallpaper, paper. Let the child himself draw what he likes, you will have such abstract art in the apartment

us 1.5. I can’t imagine how you can explain something at that age. It was the same with the older one. Remove all handles up to 2.5-3 years.
We bought a board and a pen that writes only on it. Have seen such. + She also has a couple of pencils tied to her desk and there’s paper in the same place. Rope cm 40. Not enough to the wall. If something paints, then with me. They got it, painted (pokalyakali) removed it, there were crayons on the street.
And yes, I took a pen and made the corridor red-hot in one place. Everything has since been removed.
Sometimes he steals someone’s thread pen but immediately gives it back.
I can’t imagine what will happen if she is left to float freely in a jar of pencils and felt-tip pens.
The eldest at 3 already understood everything, but out of curiosity they can take and paint the wall. You can’t always watch what she’s doing there.

we glued wallpaper for painting. They were chosen specifically so that they could cover up if the child leaves his “trace”

plus. That’s right, until R does not understand, it is necessary to remove writing and drawing objects from free access.

you can explain, we 1.5, at the request of the elders, put the shoes back in place (in the closet), we don’t go into the drawers (he understands it’s locked ah-ah-ah) and stuff like that. But we keep such things as pens/passports/irons/shoe brushes on the mezzanine. More from experience with the eldest. Can’t you explain that you can’t draw on the walls.
Please have 10 minutes, sat down and chatted together. ..
Put the toothbrush in its place too.

We have the same daughter and the same age, why did I start painting in a new apartment as soon as we moved in))))
the repair is also new!
in the nursery, wallpaper for painting, everything is washed off, only the handle did not move well, in the corridor, living room, kitchen, plaster, washed well, she has not yet reached our bedroom, thank God, I won’t survive this ((((
and we also hid all the pencils, she draws now only at the table and under supervision, but for the time being she is still trying to run away with a pencil)))) the felt-tip pens were thrown away, the eldest is tinkering, but so far I don’t give new ones, I’m afraid …
all pencils and pens were washed by Amway

Ikea has special wallpapers – white and beige. I would attach them at the level of the child wherever he draws. Most likely I will do this: there is a repair to be done, and the youngest child, 2 years and three months old, started to draw everywhere, and not only on the walls. And it is impossible to forbid such a child, it is easier to remove all pencils and markers.
Nonsense here above wrote that if not prohibited, then a child of 20 years old will draw with a bologna. My oldest was drawing from 2 to 5: she explained, scolded, punished, took away pencils and markers. I asked, you know that you can’t draw here, but only on paper, why I drew it – I answered in tears – I don’t know. But now he paints only where possible. I also read a lot of books on psychology: there is an age at which children cannot control their actions, if they really want something, they do it, despite the prohibitions. In such cases, you can beat the child and you will not achieve anything.
I personally remember myself as a child, I also always wanted to draw on wallpaper, but I was forbidden. But I had a cousin who was allowed to: I considered him the happiest child on earth, and his mother the kindest.

we have wallpapers with bears that draw )) the small one tries to paint some places with a pen – it’s not noticeable at all . .. as if it should be so.

+++ we bought a paint with which children’s arts are perfectly washed. while paint. pen and pencils always left. soap sponge with pemolux, for example.

Whatman is better, you look, the young Pride of Russia will grow up – Korolev or Kalashnikov for example.

I would make a special place on the wall for my child to draw. I would play it as part of the interior. Only in this place and then you need to change the paper. But it is necessary to work with the child so that he does not draw in other places))

Thank you all very much for your opinions and advice!

But I can’t imagine how this can be allowed, not prohibited… There are a lot of things that a child cannot do (play with appliances, mother’s jewelry, cosmetics), they explain this to the child and it completely reaches him or which to do mandatory (clean up toys, clothes, do not scatter food). It seems to me that there is no difference with drawing on wallpaper. And if she wants to draw on her mother’s dress or shoes, cut them up? Children are quite reasonable beings, and even if they do not yet understand why it is impossible, they should listen to the opinion of an adult.

What can you not imagine allowed?
He wants to cut, but for this he needs scissors to go somewhere to get? In 3-4 years it will be smarter, it will be easier to explain.
On the second tier of the bed, I will not explain / prohibit / allow yet either, they just closed the stairs.

I replaced all the felt-tip pens with water-soluble ones, it washes easily from all surfaces. Removed pens, wax crayons, pencils. became easier.
vinyl wallpaper will save the day.
also has beckers anti-vandal paint. we painted the kitchen for her, even the handle was washed, but the paint was in place, it didn’t peel off.

We decided to decorate the children’s part of the accessible wall with a material like a drawing board. Ster and there’s nothing. On all other parts-wallpaper.