Good kid questions: 9 Cool Questions to Ask Your Kid | Scholastic

Опубликовано: November 12, 2020 в 10:12 am


Категории: Kid

40 Questions That Get Kids Talking

Posted on by Ariadne Brill • 29 Comments

The best questions to get kids to talk and open up about their life

One great way to encourage children to open up is to make a habit of cherishing daily conversations with your child.

Conversations build connection. When children feel connected to their parent, they are more likely to feel well and be cooperative.

Why should you ask your child questions?

When we pause and listen, we can really get to know so much about our children. Sometimes our children don’t readily open up and share about their day.

It can be frustrating when all you want is to talk to your child and you are met with a frown and heavy sighs…Ever felt like you don’t know what to ask to get a child to open up?

Most parents really do want to know about their child’s thoughts, dreams and concerns. To raise resilient, happy children, It’s important to listen to our children often. Being invited into the child’s world allows us to be helpful and supportive parents.

So how to get kids talking?

The more our children feel they can talk to us about the little things, the more likely they will be to open up about the bigger issues later on.

We give our children an amazing gift by being simply present when they talk to us. When we hold judgement and listen to our children with the intent to discover, support and connect, magic happens!

Here is a list of 30 questions for kids.

Some questions are silly and some are serious.

All the questions found here can encourage conversations between parents and children. 

  1. If you wrote a book, what would you name the main character and where would he go?
  2. What is your favorite thing to do?
  3. If you could design a t-shirt, what would you draw or write on it?
  4. What was your favorite part of your day/school/activity…?
  5. What is your favorite memory about being ___ years old?
  6. If the story of YOU became a movie, how would the movie end?
  7. Do you have any jokes to tell me?
  8. What’s the funniest thing you saw today/this week?
  9. How would you describe a perfect day for you?
  10. If we had an airplane to take us on vacation right now, where would you want to go?
  11. If we could go to (insert name of favorite place) but couldn’t use a car to get there, how do you think we could get there?
  12. If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, where would you go to get it and what would it be?
  13. If you could do something just like your friend (use name of friend) what would you do?
  14. If you could do something like your Dad/Mom do, what would you want to be able to do?
  15. If you could change anything about school what would it be?
  16. If you could change anything about our family what would it be?
  17. If you could change anything in the world, what would you change and how?
  18. Who is your favorite tv/book/story character and what do you like about him/her?
  19. If you could eat lunch with (insert favorite character’s name) where would you go and what would you eat together?
  20. If you could wake up tomorrow with a superpower, what superpower would you want to have?
  21. If you could have any 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
  22. If all your clothes could only be one color, what color would you choose?
  23. If you could change the lunch menu at (school/home) what would you change?
  24. What is your biggest dream?
  25. What is your biggest worry?
  26. If you could change your name, would you want to and what name would you choose instead?
  27. What are you proudest of in your life?
  28. Where is your favorite place to be?
  29. What is something you never thought you could tell me but maybe want to tell me now?
  30. Is there anything you have always wanted to ask me but didn’t? Do you want to ask me now?

Does your conversation sometimes get stalled? Here are 10 more questions for kids that help keep conversations going.

  1. What else can you tell me about that?
  2. No way! Can you tell me more?
  3. Seriously? Then what happened?
  4. Interesting. Is there more I can hear about?
  5. How do feel about what happened?
  6. And this is making you think….?
  7. So, now what are you planning to do?
  8. I see. So what’s your next step?
  9. So, then how did you feel about that?
  10. I like listening to you. Can we talk more another time?

Peace & Be well,


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Ariadne is a happy and busy mama to three children. She practices peaceful, playful, responsive parenting and is passionate about all things parenting and chocolate. Ariadne has a Masters in Psychology and is a certified Positive Discipline Parenting Educator. She lives on top of a beautiful mountain with her family, and one cuddly dog.

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50 Fun Questions To Get Kids To Open Up and Start Talking

More Parenting Articles

As parents, we all know how many questions children ask. A recent study has shown that young children ask over 300 questions a day. While it’s easy to get frustrated with the constant “why,” answering these questions ensures that your child knows that they can talk to you. The important thing is to always be honest with your children and if they ask you a question you don’t know the answer to, then tell them you aren’t sure and that maybe they can help you find the answer.

But what if you could turn the tables on your children and ask them the questions. After all, this will make sure that your children have inquiring minds, have a better vocabulary, and will mimic the behaviour of their parents. So you will be showing them how to ask a good question!

How To Get Kids Talking

Think about it like this,  if our children are comfortable talking to us about all the little things that go on in their lives or that are on their minds, they are far more likely to feel they can talk to us when there are bigger issues.

As parents, caregivers, or an adult in a child’s life we can provide them with the most precious gift of all by just being present. Putting down our mobile phones and really listening when they talk, showing a want to discover and learn who they are allows true magic to happen! Here is our list of 50 funny questions to ask kids.

Questions For Toddlers and Pre-schoolers

  1. If your toys could talk what would they say?
  2. What does it feel like when I give you a hug?
  3. If you were outside for the whole day, what would you do?
  4. What animal would be the best race car driver?
  5. What makes you happy?
  6. If you had a pet dinosaur, what would you call it?
  7. What is your favourite book?
  8. Describe your favourite character from a book?
  9. What makes the best fort?
  10. If you could do anything today, what would you do?

Questions For Reception Children

  1. Do you think about renaming the colours of your crayons?
  2. If you opened a store, what would you sell?
  3. What’s your superhero name and what powers do you have?
  4. What characters make you laugh?
  5. If you could grow anything in the garden, what would you grow?
  6. Did you smile or laugh at anything today?
  7. What bugs you?
  8. Do you have any great inventions in your brain right now?
  9. What is the craziest thing you have ever eaten?
  10. Do you think it’d be fun to learn another language?
  11. What makes someone smart?
  12. If you were a photographer for a day, what would you take pictures of?
  13. What would you do if you made the rules at home for a day?
  14. If you could make up a new holiday destination what would it be?
  15. What do aliens look like?
  16. What do you enjoy giving to people?
  17. Where would you like to visit? How would you get there?
  18. How can we look after our planet?
  19. If you owned a restaurant tell me what food you would serve?
  20. If you could talk to the animals what would you say?

Fun Questions For Older Kids

  1. Tell me something about you I may not know.
  2. What have your friends been up to?
  3. What do you dream about?
  4. What makes you feel strong?
  5. What makes you feel proud?
  6. How do you show people you care?
  7. If you were going to design a treehouse, what would it look like?
  8. How do you like to help others?
  9. If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?
  10. What three things do you want to do this summer?
  11. What is something new you would like to learn?
  12. What cheers you up when you feel sad?
  13. If you joined the circus, what would your act be?
  14. If you had friends all over the world, how would you keep in touch?
  15. If you had three wishes what would they be?
  16. If you could eat lunch with (insert famous person, hero, a fictional character) Where would you go and what would you eat?
  17. Do you have a joke to tell me?
  18. If your life became a movie, who would play you?
  19. If you designed a t-shirt what would be on it?
  20. What is your favourite subject at school?

The Final Thought

Do not panic if your child is less than thrilled with your sudden interest in their life or about answering your questions. It may seem a little awkward to begin with especially if this is something you haven’t done before. But the point of the questions is to ensure that your children feel comfortable talking to you about anything in their lives and that they know you are always actively listening to them!

The BEST Questions for Kids Instead of “How Was Your Day?”

ByKelly Holmes, author and Certified Parent Educator

Inside: Stop asking your kid “How was your day?” because it doesn’t work anyway. Here are the best questions for kids that will actually foster a fun conversation.

Every evening at the dinner table, my husband and I used to fall into this age-old parenting trap.

“How was your day?”

“What did you learn today?”

“Who did you play with at recess?”
“No one.”

But one-word answers don’t foster a good discussion, and they certainly don’t help us reconnect with our kids after a long day apart from each other.

And yet, it’s absolutely essential that we do reconnect because if we don’t, we pay the price later.

When we’re all feeling connected, the kids jump in to help clean up after dinner – without being asked. They pay attention the first time we ask them to brush their teeth and get jammies on. When we tuck them into bed, they’re all giggles and smiles.

But when we’re all feeling disconnected? We get less cooperation, more power struggles, and grumbles and grimaces at bedtime instead.

Ready for a solution now? Get these fun printable family conversation starters and use them at the end of every day to reconnect with your child.

What If We Asked Our Kids Better Questions?

I realized I needed to solve the problem of one-word responses so we could have a family conversation that leaves everyone’s connection tank overflowing.

But as busy parents, we’re too exhausted to be creative and come up with questions to ask kids that will get a real, meaningful conversation going. So my first step was to find the best questions for kids that actually work at getting your kids to open up.

You can find lots of questions for children online, but you have to wade through quite a few duds, like:

  • “What’s your favorite number?” or
  • “Why do you think some kids disobey their parents?” or
  • “Frozen or The Incredibles?”

In other words: Boring, loaded, or queued up for another one-word answer that takes the conversation nowhere.

Same goes with the ready-made conversation starters you can find on Amazon. After reading tons of reviews, I found out the store-bought versions of “questions of the day for kids” had the same problem – questions that were duds, plus the questions didn’t work well for a wide range of child ages.

Related: 7 Best Family Bonding Games That Will Help You Reconnect Quickly {Printable}

Here’s How These 150 Questions for Kids Are Different

I devoured every list of questions for kids I could find, and I compiled the ultimate list of all the best questions for kids. These were my criteria:

  • Open-ended questions for kids work best, like “How” and “Why” questions. These types of questions get kids talking because they open the door to more than just one-word answers.
  • Any questions to ask your kids should be something adults can answer, too. Most kids don’t appreciate feeling like they’re put on the spot to perform like circus animals for the benefit of the surrounding adults. Plus, a conversation where everyone’s contributing is more fun anyway.
  • No boring questions. Research shows people love talking about themselves – but not if you ask boring questions.
  • And this one’s important: Any questions to ask your child shouldn’t feel like a test or a lecture. For example, “Why do you think some kids disobey their parents?” may give you some interesting answers, but your kid could feel like you’re setting a trap.

I waded through pages and pages of questions for kids to find the absolute best questions that kids and adults will enjoy. The final list includes 150 awesome questions for kids, which gives you enough for nearly six months of questions of the day for kids.

Related: How to Connect With Your Child: The Magic of the 5:1 Ratio {Printable}

50 Best Questions for Kids…That They’ll Actually Answer

With these questions for kids, not only will you be teaching your child the art of conversation, but you’ll get to peek straight into their heart. What’s important to them, what has them worried, what they’re excited about.

And most important of all, you’ll close any distance that’s come between you and your child during the day so you both end the day feeling connected, loved, and happy.

To get a printable version of the full set of 150 questions for kids, get my family conversation starter cards here. Included in this post below, you’ll find 50 of the best questions for kids from those conversation starters.

Questions for Kids About Themselves

  1. What are you excited about right now?
  2. What was your first thought when you woke up today?
  3. What do you want to accomplish by your next birthday?
  4. If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?
  5. What’s the best thing about your life?
  6. What’s a small thing that makes you feel happy?
  7. What’s something you want to do, but you can’t yet?
  8. What makes you feel loved?
  9. What will you be doing in 10 years?
  10. If you could only eat one food for an entire year, what would you choose?
  11. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
  12. What’s the best thing that has ever happened to you?
  13. What’s the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
  14. What are you most proud of?
  15. Which rule do you have to follow that doesn’t make sense?
  16. If you could pack anything in your lunch tomorrow, what would it be?
  17. What makes you feel special?
  18. If you had to choose only three words to describe yourself, what would you say?
  19. If you were invisible, where would you go and what would you do?
  20. What do you worry about the most?
  21. What’s something you’re looking forward to?
  22. When do you feel happiest?
  23. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned so far?
  24. What’s your favorite joke?
  25. What is one thing you want to learn how to do?
  26. If you could stay up all night, what would you do?

Questions for Kids About Family And Friends

  1. What’s your favorite thing to do as a family?
  2. What’s something nice someone said to you lately?
  3. Who understands you the best?
  4. If you could change one family rule, what would you change?
  5. What’s your favorite thing to do with your friends?
  6. If you could switch places with one person for a day, who would it be?
  7. What’s something you did to help someone today?
  8. What do you get to do at someone else’s house that you wish you could do at ours?
  9. What advice would you give to a younger sister or brother?
  10. What’s the smartest thing you heard somebody say today?
  11. Who made you smile today?
  12. What’s your favorite family tradition? Why?
  13. What’s the funniest thing somebody did or said today?
  14. What was the last time someone was mad at you?
  15. If we didn’t have to go to school or work on Monday, what would you want to do all day?
  16. Has someone ever asked you to do something you didn’t want to do?
  17. What’s the most important thing for a parent to do?

Questions for Kids About the World

  1. Twenty years from now, where do you think you’ll live?
  2. What’s the biggest problem in our world?
  3. If you could give everybody in the world one piece of advice, what would you say?
  4. If you could create one law that everybody on Earth had to follow, what would it be?
  5. If you could learn any language, what would you learn?
  6. What will the world be like in 10 years? What will be the same? What will be different?
  7. If you could live in another country for one year, where would you live?

How to Use These Printable Questions for Kids

To save you some time, these printable conversation starters are designed so you can print them on pre-perforated business card templates and just pop each one out (see below). But regular paper and scissors work great too.

  1. Get your cards here. After you order, you’ll get a special link to get your cards.
  2. Print. I designed these questions of the day for kids to print on Avery business cards for inkjet or laser printers. Or you can just print them on regular paper or card stock, then cut the cards out or fold and tear to get a charmingly casual look.
  3. Drop the cards into an empty bowl or spare mason jar, put it on your dining room table, and you’re DONE. Or to take it one step further, you can hole-punch them in one corner and put the whole set on a book ring like this. That makes the cards extra portable so you can throw them in your purse, car, or carry-on for a plane ride.

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Pick a question or two to ask your child after school or at dinner every night, then take turns answering the question – and get ready to feel closer to your kids than ever before. As another option, you can keep your cards in the car and ask a question on the way to or from school for an extra dose of connection!

Before You Go: 4 Quick Tips for the Best Conversations

To keep the conversation moving with your kids, here are a few tips that have worked well for us while using these family conversation starters:

  • Try to just listen. For some of these questions for kids, you may be tempted to jump in and give the “right” answer. But your child learns way more from a healthy discussion than from a one-sided lecture.
  • For toddlers and preschoolers, you may have the best luck with having your youngest child go first because otherwise, they may just repeat what the person before them said. And that’s still adorable, but it’s also fun to hear what your youngest child really thinks.
  • If your kid says “I don’t know,” explain that there’s no right or wrong answer. You just want to hear their ideas. If they still don’t have an answer to give, you can say, “I can give you a minute and come back to you” then move to the next person in the car, at the dinner table, and so on.
  • If your child’s answer happens to shock you, try saying “Hmm” or “Interesting” – something noncommittal that will give you time to think of a calm response. Because if you freak out on your kid, they’ll clam up. These conversations should be fun, not stressful!
Get yours now: 150 Best Questions to Ask Instead of “How Was Your Day?”

Your Turn

What are your favorite questions of the day for kids? Let’s help our fellow parents discover another way to say “How was your day?” that will actually get a conversation going. Share your best questions to ask children in a comment below!


Kelly Holmes, author and Certified Parent Educator

I’m a mom of four, a Certified Parent Educator, and the author of Happy You, Happy Family. I believe if you want a loving parent-child relationship that will last into the teenage years and beyond, the time for nurturing that kind of relationship is now. The good news? All you need is 10 minutes a day. Start here »

50 Trivia Questions for Kids

Resources / Home & Family

Posted by Courtney McLaughlin

Whether it’s game night at home or a road trip to a vacation destination, a round of trivia is something every member of the crew can enjoy, and you might learn a thing or two! Play in teams or ask each player to choose a category to test their skills. The questions range from easy to more difficult so that everyone can join in. Do you think you’re the authority on animals, planets, sports, food, entertainment, holidays, weather and more? Find out below.

Trivia Questions About Bugs and Animals 

Question: How many noses does a slug have?
Answer: Four

Question: Name a mammal that can’t jump.
Answer: Elephant, sloth, hippo, rhino

Question: What is the fastest land animal?
Answer: The cheetah. They have set record speeds near 70 MPH.

Question: What is the fastest aquatic animal?
Answer: The sailfish. It can reach speeds of up to 68 MPH.

Question: What was the lifespan of a Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Answer: Between 20-30 years

Question: What is the sweet food made by bees?
Answer: Honey

Question: Which mammal lives the longest?
Answer: Bowhead whale. They can live up to 200 years!

Question: On a common ladybug, what color are its spots?
Answer: Black

Question: How many legs does a lobster have?
Answer: 10 (8 walking legs and 2 larger claw legs)

Question: What do you call a group of giraffes?
Answer: A tower

Question: Which dinosaur had 15 horns?
Answer: Kosmoceratops

Question: Are worker bees male or female?
Answer: Female

Recruit PTA committee volunteers with a sign up.  View an Example

Space Trivia Questions

Question: About how many stars are in the Milky Way?
Answer: 150-250 billion

Question: Which planet is closest to Earth?
Answer: Mercury

Question: What is the largest planet in our solar system?
Answer: Jupiter

Question: Which planet has a day that lasts almost eight months on Earth?
Answer: Venus

Question: What was the first animal to go into orbit?
Answer: A dog. Bonus! What was the name of the dog? Laika

Question: How many Earths can fit inside the sun?
Answer: 1.3 million

Question: What is the name of a group of stars that form an imaginary picture?
Answer: Constellation


Sports Trivia

Question: Where did the Olympic games originate?
Answer: Greece

Question: How many rings make up the Olympic rings?
Answer: Five.  (Bonus! Name the five colors? Answer: Blue, yellow, black, green, red.)

Question: In what sport can you get a hole in one?
Answer: Golf

Question: In what sport do you use a wooden ball and mallet?
Answer: Croquet

Question: How big is the diameter of a basketball hoop?
Answer: 18 inches

Food Trivia

Question: What food serves as the base for guacamole?
Answer: Avocado

Question: What food is the most ordered in America?
Answer: Fried chicken

Question: What is the world record for number of hotdogs eaten in one sitting?
Answer: 74

Question: What contains more sugar, strawberries or lemons?
Answer: Lemons

Question: Can you name the largest chocolate manufacturer in the United States?
Answer: Hershey’s. Bonus! In which state can you find the city of Hershey? Pennsylvania.

Plan a school game night and collect RSVPs with a sign up. View an Example

Entertainment Trivia

Question: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Answer: SpongeBob SquarePants

Question: On which hand did Captain Hook have his hook?
Answer: Left

Question: What school did Harry Potter attend?
Answer: Hogwarts

Question: What’s the name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story?
Answer: Woody

Question: What type of animal is Baloo in The Jungle Book?
Answer: A bear

Question: What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
Answer: Tinkerbell

Question: Who lives in a trashcan on Sesame Street?
Answer: Oscar the Grouch

Holiday Trivia

Question: What sweet snack is typically left out for Santa?
Answer: Cookies

Question: What is the highest grossing holiday movie of all time?
Answer: Home Alone

Question: How many nights is Hanukkah celebrated?
Answer: Eight

Question: What is the name of the little girl in The Nutcracker?
Answer: Clara

Question: What is the name of the marshmallow Easter treats that come in the shape of birds and bunnies?
Answer: Peeps

Geography Trivia

Question: What is the largest ocean on Earth?
Answer: The Pacific

Question: Which two countries share the longest border?
Answer: The United States and Canada

Question: What U. S. state houses the city that is the ice cream capital of the world?
Answer: Iowa. Bonus! What’s the name of the city? Le Mars.

Question: What is the longest river in the world?
Answer: The Nile

Question: What are the only two U.S. states that can grow coffee commercially?
Answer: Hawaii and California

Question: What letter is not included in any of the 50 U.S. state names?
Answer: The letter Q

Weather Trivia

Question: Stratus, cirrus, cumulus and nimbus are types of what?
Answer: Clouds

Question: What does a thermometer measure?
Answer: Temperature

Question: During a thunderstorm, which comes first: lightning or thunder?
Answer: Both. They occur at approximately the same time. However, if we’re at a distance from a storm, we see lightning before we hear thunder because light travels much faster than sound.

Question: What is a haboob?
Answer:  A type of sandstorm

Coordinate your homeschool group activities with a sign up. View an Example

Trivia Questions About Colors

Question: What color is at the top of the rainbow?
Answer: Red. Bonus points! Name all seven colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Question: What color are the stars in the American flag?
Answer: White

Question: What color are zebras’ strips when they are first born?
Answer: Brown

Question: What is the most popular color of car?
Answer: White. Bonus! What is the second most popular color? Silver.

Now that your brain is all revved up, keep the fun going and create some additional trivia questions for friends and family. This is a creative way to start conversations, make memories and get to know each other even better.

Courtney McLaughlin is a freelance writer and editor in Charlotte, NC who loves a good game of trivia. She excels in the Arts & Entertainment category and is dismal in Sports.

Additional Resources

Sports Trivia Questions for Kids
50 Bible Trivia Questions for Kids
Top 50 Minute to Win It Games
25 Best Board Games for Parties

75 Yes or No Questions Kids Love

Table of Contents

  • 1 Types of Questions for Kids
  • 2 Funny Yes or No Questions for Kids
  • 3 Are Questions
  • 4 Is/If Questions
  • 5 Have You Questions
  • 6 Do You Questions
  • 7 Can You Questions
  • 8 Would You Ever Questions
  • 9 Free Question of the Day
  • 10 Question of the Day 5-star reviews.

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.

Are you looking for yes and no questions kids love answering? You’ve come to the right spot. Here at Little Learning Corner, my goal is to keep learning fun for young children. These closed questions are a starting point for fun language skills.



Types of Questions for Kids

These yes or no questions kids love to answer are perfect for getting to know you, starting classroom conversations, starting family conversations, and as a Question of the Day.  

The simple questions also make great journal prompts for kids who need to build their written expression skills.

The next time your kids walk into the room, or sit down at the dinner table, ask them a one of these close-ended questions, and see what’s the first thing they respond with; yes or no. You’ll find some of these good questions are funny, some are factual, and some are thought provoking.

To help you find the questions quickly, I have broken them down into the following types of questions:

  • Funny Questions
  • Are Questions
  • Is and If Questions
  • Have You Questions
  • Do You Questions
  • Can You Questions
  • Would You Ever Questions


Funny Yes or No Questions for Kids

One of the reasons kids love giving one-word responses is because they are afraid of giving wrong answers. With these funny yes or no questions kids think a one word answer is the best thing ever.

As a parent or teacher, you know these type questions are also a great way to start conversations with a family member or peers in the classroom.

  • Would you invite a clown to dinner?
  • Have you ever gone to the bathroom outside?
  • Would you make slime with chips?
  • Have you slept under your bed?
  • Can you stay awake all night?
  • Would you wear a hot dog costume?
  • Have you ever cheated playing a game?
  • Would you spend the night at Disney World by yourself?
  • Can you build a house out of legos?


Are Questions

  • Are you afraid of spiders?
  • Are airplanes slow?
  • Are strawberries and oranges fruit?
  • Are you smarter than your teacher?
  • Are brown and black bright colors?
  • Are pencils better than markers?


Is/If Questions

  • Is your favorite color blue?
  • Is there a TV in your room?
  • If you found a pot of gold, would you share it?
  • If you broke an egg, can you put it back together?
  • If a troll lived under a bridge, would you cross it?
  • Is a week longer than a month?


Have You Questions

Whether you’re looking for a fun game for family game nights, or a fun time-filler in the classroom, these “Have you” questions will get everyone talking.

  • Have you been fishing?
  • Have you flown a kite?
  • Have you been on a water slide?
  • Have you been to the dentist?
  • Have you been on a boat?
  • Have you had a caramel apple?
  • Have you ever made a s’mores?
  • Have you been on an airplane?
  • Have you played in the snow?
  • Have you been ice skating?
  • Have you ever picked apples off a tree?


Do You Questions

Ask a good friend or family member these “Do you” questions, and don’t expect a detailed answer. Instead, have a good time with these simple conversation starters .

  • Do you like lemonade?
  • Do you have pockets on your clothes today?
  • Do you recycle?
  • Do you play in the rain?
  • Do you brush your teeth before bed?
  • Do you do yoga?
  • Do you like school?
  • Do you have a piggy bank?
  • Do you have a fireplace at home?
  • Do you help fold laundry?
  • Do you read before bed?
  • Do you like to rake leaves?
  • Do you dress up for Halloween?
  • Do you like green apples?
  • Do you like to swim?
  • Do you ride scooters?
  • Do you play baseball?
  • Do you have a brother?
  • Do you have a sister?
  • Do you have a pet?
  • Do you have scissors at home?
  • Do you like to paint?
  • Do you live in a house?
  • Do you make your bed in the morning?
  • Do you ride the bus to school?
  • Do you walk to school?
  • Do you like pancakes?




Can You Questions

You will quickly discover “can you” questions are yes or no questions kid love answering, because they love sharing what they can do. Once the young children give you an answer, you can then proceed with open-ended questions. For example, after they answer “can you ride a bike?”, you can build upon their language skills by asking “where did you learn how to ride a bike?”.

  • Can you tie your shoes?
  • Can you ride a bike?
  • Can you eat soup with a fork?
  • Can you see in the dark?
  • Can you touch your tongue to your nose?
  • Can you stretch a brick?
  • Can you stand on one foot?


Would You Ever Questions

  • Would you want to be a giraffe?
  • Would you ever have a pet pig?
  • Would you ever want to be a giant?
  • Would you ever live in a treehouse?
  • Would you ever put juice in your cereal?
  • Would you ever go into a castle by yourself?
  • Would you ever eat green eggs and ham?
  • Would you ever wear your clothes backwards?
  • Would you ever go into space?
  • Would you ever eat a bug?


Free Question of the Day

If you would like to try a free Question of the Day resource, you can get your sample just by joining the Little Learning Corner email crew.  You will get a week’s worth of printable cards to try out with your kiddos.

Get your freebie, HERE.


Question of the Day 5-star reviews.

Elizabeth D. said: “I have been wanting to have a Question of the Day activity with my Pre-K students for awhile. I love the looks and content of this purchase. It sure saved me a lot of work.”

Renee P. said: “I’ve been using these questions as a fun, quick way to have students sign in each day during distance learning. I was getting so tired of trying to come up with my own! This is exactly what I was looking for.”

Candace P. said: “These are great! I have already used them and the kids LOVE it! It’s great to see them having conversations about the question while waiting their turn.”



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130 Kindergarten Journal Prompts

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50 Questions to Ask Your Kids at the Dinner Table – Focus on the Family

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